bbiealsketchedau · 3 months
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Hello. Hello. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Hello. I have a ask. Hello. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes.
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randomcommentary · 1 year
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Tubi's original Best Friend
-Who sleeps like that on a couch? He looks uncomfortable
-This music knows it’s trash
-I’m glad Hakeem's kids mother landed on her feet after she left Empire
-Not the uncle from The Stepmother popping up
*6 minutes in and I’m ready to call it quits
-This is so corny
-Marques really dressed like he about to knock on some doors
-Why would you wear an outfit that’s damn near the same thing you wore at work🙃
-Is he eating off a serving tray???
*googles pineapple sprite*🤢
-Not lightskin villain😓
-Ma’am why do you have so much cleavage showing at work??
-He asked her a question Jamie he didn’t accuse her but I’m sure he thinks she did it now…
-all this talking and nobody saying nothing of importance
-Kyle the cop cute
-Now marques please get a life and leave this woman alone
-Why y’all got pictures up like y’all married??
-This music is ungodly bad
-Why does she have to apologize???
-Not Jamie acting like he really Batman getting justice
-Girl why didn’t you go to that fine man house
-So we’re gonna skip over him confessing that he killed someone??
-He showed up to work refreshed like he wasn’t outside that man house sitting in the car crying
-this has to be the dumbest twist
-10 minutes have past and I have nothing to say
-Lightskin villain didn’t deserve this
-This nigga took his nickname too serious. That girl was not in danger the night you broke into that man house
-Stalking is bad!! I could see if he was just looking at her social media but no he burning gas following her and the people she talking to around
-This movie was made for the people that don’t think Marques Houston isn’t a predator for getting with that child he married
0 notes
julie-su · 11 months
why are you against polycules in the ship poll? julie-su has two hands
-LAUGHS- THEY DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE GREATER MOBIUS POLYCULE. Also, that's polyamory, but not necessarily a polycule.
It's not that it's polyamorous, it's that Rouge is in it. That's not baaaad, but I don't really like putting Rouge with Archie Knuckles and 'Su. Especially not after Rouge kissed Knuckles' dad. The way I read it, the cards have been explicitly played against Rouge and Knuckles, Rouge and Julie-Su, I can only get along with it in AU's. And I've seen some great AU's out there.
Funnily enough, poly relationships need the same synergy as monogamous relationships XD
No diss to people that ship it .. It just makes my teeth grind. If it wasn't so close to peoples' hearts, I would make a post deep diving my thoughts on the history and dynamics of Rouge and Julie-Su, but I have respect for people's interpretations, thoughts, and ideas, and find it would come across as rude. To assume that people who ship it just 'don't know enough' is very pretentious. We're all fans of the same thing, eh?!
I think that everybody should be free to write and draw what they please; if we were all the same, it would be a rather boring existence! If we all interpreted media the same, it would be a very drab fanbase indeed. Death of the author -shrug- if you read it as them all having a thing for eachother, go for it!
I'm very particular (read: autistic?) that I just get upset about this one, I'm 'rules heavy' if you will; it's ... Uh, it's a learning disability. Bear with me on this one. I can't see it in base Archie, so it upsets me. Now, put Sally and Sonic in there and I'm happy as anything XD Julie-Su and Sally have this sweet synergy, and Knuckles and Sonic do, too. That makes brain happy.
I think it's also that I got really upset whenever Rouge was being horrible to Julie-Su. Kicked her in the stomach and said knuckles is nothing more than another pawn to her ;w; LEAVE THEM ALONE. It's not fun flirty like SA2, it just feels upsetting, especially with the over a decade (our time) of Julie-Su and Knux being inseparable and Rouge coming left field trying to cause problems.
Now, we DO have one playing off of Rouge only being interested in causing problems and making echidnas blush... Where instead, she's teasing both of them; Julie-Su is all 'STOP TRYING TO TAKE KNUCKLES FROM ME!' And Rouge smirks, holds her by the chin, 'And why do you think I'm only after Knuckles?' And JS is just lost. SHE IS SO LOST XD sweet head fuming off. Blinking. Whatthehellisthis. Rouge is here to cause Problems and make both Knuckles and Julie-su start barking in annoyance XD
0 notes
What A Mess" A black butler X reader
includes; *Everyone under the sun*
and more.
I've transferred the chapters from my wattpad account to here, but I will not be able to update them to my satisfaction for quite some time. That being said, older chapters may be very, very STUPID.
Was the longest running BB fanfic on wattpad with 87 parts as of may 13th 2017.
Chapter 1: Future edit
Chapter Text
Now. Listen. STOP where you are.
Im not 13 anymore. Some of these chapters are cringe, stop commenting on chapters 1-57.
That SHOULD bring you to the Chapter "love me like you do" if it doesn't, that's where you can comment again until I rewrite them, and I will update this chapter if the name of that chapter changes.
Chapter 2: Humble meetings....ish
a cringe chapter from the early days.
Chapter Text
You were waking down an alley when you heard the sound of a chainsaw.
"WHAT THE?!?!-" You said aloud as you saw three different men.
One had long red hair and was holding a giant chainsaw in his hands, smiling largely. Upon closer inspection... They were the teeth of a shark.
The second has long Grey hair and was dressed like some kind of.... Well... wacko. ( me: a sexy one ......) He laughed and giggled as he had a large scythe in his hand wich seemed to be made of human bones.
The third was by far the scariest.... His gold eyes noticed you right away. He looks like the Butler at the phantomhive manor your cousin ( meyrin) worked at..... bit this one seemed more intimidating than the one with crimson eyes ever had to you.
You tried to back away slowly but when you turned around... Chainsaw ( the nickname you'd given the redhead) was behind you.
" Who are you?"he....or... she said in a feminine voice.
" I was just coming back from the store... I pickpocket a lot of money for myself you know. Trying to make ends meet for myself.
More if you'll excuse me..... I have to find a decent box to sleep in tonight." You brushed past him \ or \ her and continued on your way. You were homeless thanks to your mother. She kicked you out when you were eight years old
You were older now and taller than most boys your age.
You were leaving when something hit your foot and you fell in pain.
You looked at your ankle. .... Witch now had a golden butter knife sticking out of it. You reached down to grab it but within seconds you whole body was numb and you couldn't move at all.
Gold eyes approached you as you layed helplessly. Whatdidheputonthatknife? You thought as he bent down and lifted your chin up. WHATTHEHELLISTHIS?!?!?!
"Spider poison..... It paralyzes the spiders prey to make it easy to catch... it's super effective."
Chapter 3: A job for both races
I'm going to just put the letters OC for a lot of the old chapters.
Stand's for "OLD CRINGE"
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
"What the hell?" you growl "Put me down!" He smirks at you.
"Do come easily now it will make my job much easier." He goes to jump away but then you find yourself getting snatched away by someone elses arms.
"HeeHee! Sorry but we saw her firs!" the one with the grey hair was now on the rooftop with you as the one that paralysed you lookes up at him angrilly.
"Damn Shignami.." He runs off into the night. "I will be back.." AS soon as he left you give a sigh of relif and expect to be put down but instead he jumps down with you not letting you down.
"Come. Lets go give William the good news!" Shignami..doesn't that mean reaper?
I still hate these chapters with all my being, but I haven't got time to improve them.
Chapter 4: Fixed up
OC. Old. Cringe.
Ah here is more of that writer's subtlety I was so great at conveying when I was young.
Chapter Text
You ask for what seems like the millionth time.
"I alreaaadddy told you darling I cd can't do that!" The grey haired wacko smiled still carrying you to... wherever you were going.
The one with red hair was following behind you both looking rather upset.
" Undertaker!" He whined. " Why didn't you ever carry me like that?"
" Because Grell unlike you the lady cannot walk at the moment!"
Grell pouted behind you both as you laughed at the both of them.
" My my have a case of the giggles do we?" Undertaker asked.
" She acts just like you do..." Grell muttered under his breath.
" Hey! We can hear you you know!" Undertaker shouted at him.
This caused Grell to look around shyly.
" Do you have a Name miss?" Undertaker asked as he smiled brightly.
"Y/n." You grumbled. " If i wasn't paralyzed...."
" No worries y/n!" He smiled. " we'll have you fixed up in no time!"
Chapter 5: Shinigami's everywhere
I want to stop the old cringe. But it's inevitable. Also, Many cliche's.
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
" Were here miss y/n!" Grell screeched happily.
" You're going to break my eardrums Grell!!" You shouted at him. Undertaker covered your ears for you politely.
" Grell it's rude to scream at a lady." You heard him say muffled
" Whatever. Lets just get the antidote and whatever else she needs."
" whoa... for what exactly am i getting prepared for?" You questioned.
" Why miss y/n!" Grell smiled. " Have you ever wondered why you didn't die that time in the winter when you were kicked out? Or how about when the carrage lost a wheel and everyone but you was killed somehow?"
You recalled the winter you had spent on the streets after getting kicked out of a shelter. And the carriage ride that left you homeless.
" Maybe. What's it to you?"
Grell smiled even more showing of his t sharp tooth grin.
" You see all the men wandering about the building in front of us?"
You noticed men they were all in siuts with weapons in hand... some looked outrageously deadly. Like the long rifle one held. Some on the other hand outrageous. Like a lawnmower one was crashing around.
" What about them?"
" There all reapers..." he smiled and pointed at you. " So are you miss y/n! The only girl too!"
I think this may as well be the worst chapter here.
Chapter 6: Easy Antidote, Hard Dosage
No I was wrong, this is the worst chapter in the entire book.
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
"EH?!" You were shocked as he said the words.
The ONLY girl reaper?!?! How can this be?
" Now come y/n!" Undertaker led you into a huge building...even bigger than the phantomhive manor." This is the reaper library, where all humans who ever lived memories are stored in the form of books." He explained as many men in suits were on tall ladders reaching books on the highest shelvs you had ever seen.
He walked through a door at the far end of the gigantic room.
" Wow... that room was huge..." you exclaim.
" That was only the first room my dear y/n! There are fifty eight more and were expanding that after tomorrow!" He smiled walking down a white hallway until he came to a room with double doors. " This is the infirmary, you may end up here if you don't be careful you know!" You saw many beds with sick men in them.
You saw one who looked like he had been badly burned in some sort of fire... the bandages were dripping with his own blood onto the white sheets...
IF YOU ARE WEAK: you bury your face in Undertakers shoulder.
IF YOU ARE LIKE ME: you look at his expression and go into some thought while you giggle a little... your curious how he got his burn and it sounds really cool. ( XD I'M AWESOME)
He takes you into a back room where you see a man with ginger hair green eyes and black wide frame glasses staring back at you.
" Ronald darling!!!" Grell throws himself at the guy. He braces for impact as Grell hugs him tightly and Ronald has this "really Grell?" Look on his face. You laugh.
Undertaker POV:
Wow...I looked down at y/n laughing in my arms. She really does act like me...
" So Ronald, you got stuck here for the day? Again?" I teased.
" Ugh... William made me." He sighed. His ginger hair hung in his face.
" We need the antidote for spider demon paralysis Psion." Grell released him.
" Who's she anyway?" He asked rummaging through a cabinet.
" She is the first girl reaper ever." He looked a little surprised " Aren't you y/n?" I said smoothly.
Your POV:
" Yeah...I geuss i am..." you mumble.
Ronald turns toward you with a cup in his hand.
" Drink this." He hands it to undertaker.
" Open." He smiles.
" I'm not a child..." you mutter at the grey haired reaper.
" You are right now!" He smiles and waves it in front of you.
" No." His smirk drops for a moment but then he drinks or instead. He leans into you.
He kisses you add you feel something being trickled into your mouth. HE'S MAKING ME DRINK IT THROUGH KISSING ME?!?!
The cringe level is high
Chapter 7: Glasses of the past
Old. Cringe. Again. Also worst POV Transitions ever.
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
WHY ME?!?!??
He stopped and smiled as you may in shock.
" Feel any different?" You begun to feel some movement in your arm.... So you did what any girl would do. You smacked him. He smiled even more instead of getting upset. "I'll take that as a yes."
He started to walk out still carrying you. " Come on Grell we have work to do."
Grell whined a bit then followed. " See you later Ronald!!" Ronald mustered up what smile he could and shut the door behind you.
That y/n girl was really cute...
I hope she'll be my partner on my next mission.... I can tell she's a keeper from how she smacked him.
Ohh!!! How DARE he?!?!? I glared at undertaker in front of me who was still carrying a red faced y/n.
Right in front of me too!!!!! Y/n is so cute!!! I want her for me alone! I grumbled angrily.
" Grell did you growl just now?" Y/n asked.
"Me? No! " I lied. " I don't growl darling." I will get you....
I swear to god I heard him growl a second ago....
You thought as you begun to feel more in control of your body again.
" Let me walk on my own now …. I think I can do it..." The undertaker let's you down gently as you stumble at first but then walk finely behind him.
"Time to get you some glasses deary!" He takes your hand and drags you to a room that looks like olivanders from Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone. " I know just the pair." He walks up to the man at the desk and whispers something in his ear. The man looks slightly wide eyed.
" Mr. Crevan are you sure? " he asks getting up.
" Positive, now go fetch them for me!" He smiles and laughs like a madman. The Man disappears.
Mr. Crevan?..... Where'd that come from?...
The man returns with a small case in his hands that's covered in dust.
" Thank you desk- jockey!" Undertaker smiles as the man scoffs.
He takes the small case in his hands and blows the dust off. He hands it to you. " Try them on dearie! Don't just stare at it now!"
"Jesus Christ okay okay....." You roll your eyes at his enthusiasm. You pen the case to reveal some thin frame glasses. You slide them on as the world becomes much clearer and more 3\D than it ever had to you.
"Perfect Fit!" He yells happily.
" Ooohhhhh my word! Darling those glasses just love your eyes!" Grell shouts with him in his flamboyantly female sounding voice."Wait a moment here!" Grell puts his face close to yours so he can see them better.... You blush a bit. " Undertaker!!! These are YOUR old glasses!!!!" He yells astonished.
" Eh?! Why are you freaking about it?....." You stare blank faced.
" He is a legendary reaper y/n!!!" You look over at undertaker who was pulling random glasses out and throwing them over his shoulder, not listening to a word you were saying... As usual. " No one, NO ONE," he emphasizes more, " Has EVER worn this except him."
I have to say this is by far my only original idea from the early chapters.
Chapter 8: Uniform madness
Old cringe
Chapter Text
" O-oh...."
What makes me special enough to wear them then?
You thought as you saw Undertaker turn around.
My glasses look so well on her... her h/c hair matches her e/c eyes behind the lenses....
I'm glad my old glasses look so well on her....
Undertaker walked over to where you were standing with a pouting Grell.
" What now?...." you ask as Grell smiles.
" OH!!!! We have to get you a UNIFORM!!!" He squeaked and grabbed your arm. He pulled you down a hallway faster than ever.
" Grell!!! Your going to pull my arm out of socket!!!"
Chapter 9: Red and Black
Old Cringe
Chapter Text
Undertaker pov: Grell took y/n to his office and when I tried to go in he waved a finger at me.
"Ah ah ah," he smiled. " It's dress up time!" He then slammed the door in my face as I leaned against the wall outside.
I couldn't take it any more. I pressed my ear up against the door...
"AHHHG!!' NO GRELL NO NONONONO!!" Y/n yelled. There were scrapes and shoes pounding from Grells office.
" What are you doing to my y/n Grell?!" Only when the clamour had stopped, only then did I realize what I ACTUALLY just SAID.
Oh shit.... nice going me....
Grell unlocked the door moments later, and to my horror... y/n was wearing A pair of Grells clothes. To make that worse, they matched... my jealousy became higher than ever as for once in my life I struggled to smile.
Grell forced you into a pair of his entirely red colored clothing...
It was so wired... and to make things worse...The shoes were high heels that you weren't accustomed too and wobbled all over the place in.
You struggled to walk out of Grells office.
"Y/N YOU... LOOK... SOOOO GREAT!!!!" Grell jumped up and down.
"I look like a giant cherry..." you muttered... Undertaker laughed.
" Come with me dearie." He tugged your hand.
" Oh be the way what was that you called me from the other side of the do-"
" Nothing! Nothing!" He waved his free hand still dragging you with the other. " Come on now dear we haven't much time left." He stopped in front of a door that had a coffin etched into the wood of the door with some kind of chiseling tool.
He opened it as he disappeared inside. You went to follow but
instead you got blocked.
" uh uh uh" he poked your cheek with a long black nail. " You stay out there now while I get you some new shoes, you can't reap in those." He pointed as you stuck your tounge out at him. He did the same and shut the door.
Come on now....I know I had some boots somewhere.... and my old trenchcoat too...
I dug through random papers and old jars.
Why does Grell want y/n anyway? He's all over that demon Sebastian. I don't see why though....
If you're going to shoot for someone obviously out of your range shoot for someone good... like Claude. He would win in a fight if he tried.
( YES HE WOULD BECAUSE SPIDERS KILL RAVENS EVERY DAY... LOOK. IT. UP.) I found what I needed and walked out.
y/n... please tell me you don't and never will like Grell.. or anyone else.
Chapter 10: Mixed blood
Old cringe to the max.
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
God undertaker... do you always wear nothing but black and grey?
You thought as you slid the boots he gave you on and put the trenchcoat
In a knot around your waist.( like everyone would in second grade you know...?)
You walked out of the small bathroom to see both of your... um..." aqantences" standing there.
My word....
Y/n stood there looking like me and undertaker at the same time... she looked utterly sexy. Almost as sexy as i did usually ( X3 had to sorry...P.S. if you know any lezbians or bi sexes that are reading this tell me and I'll add some girl characters Mk? STAY AWESOME BROS)
"Y/N I. LOVE. IT!"
Y/n looks great... even though she still wears that, interesting red?
My boots went up to her things, riddled with buckles and such.
Grell's tight fit pants fit right under them smoothly.
" How do I look?" You interrupt the eerie silence.
" y/n, you look absolutely lovely." Undertaker grinned. You blushed a bit. He once again for,what seems like the thousandth time today, drug you by the hand." Almost done deary!" he smiled. " we need your scythe and your first assessment from William!"
CLAUDE POV: ( cuz he don't get enough attention as it is)
God damn reaper...
I wanted y/n, for ME... not alois that brat... Me.
I closed his highness door, as he was asleep.
" She's special.... there's a mix of her blood... she's part shignami... and-"
literally the worst attempt at a plot twist ever
Chapter 11: Your Scythe
Your first Choice of what Cringey weapon you choose from as a reaper.
Chapter Text
I dragged her off to William.
Her death sythe must be perfect... she will only have the best.
I thought.
She reluctantly gave into my yanking and dragging. When we got there there was a note on his desk.
Dear Pests,
" How nice of you William." I muttered.
Have her choose from the three on the table.-William
"Y/n dear! Cone choose!" I pointed as she walked in quietly.
You look ay the three options you have.
A scythe.
A long Rifle ( Mey Rin... book...seven or other)
And a large Chainsaw.( i am so sorry... the only original is the gun)
If you choose the scythe:
You swing it in the air happily. The blade glimmers in the florecent lights of Williams office.
If you choose the rifle:
You smile and pick up the rifle. You run your fingers over its smooth, black iorn shell.
If you choose the chainsaw:
You automatically pick up the chainsaw. It revvs loudly when you pick it up and you press the off button to avoid making a ruckus.
You hold ( wyp) (( whatever you picked)) smiling.
" This may actually turn out okay..." you mumbled walking out of the office as undertaker locked the door.
" For once."
Chapter 12: Meeting William
That story offer is no longer up by the way.
Chapter Text
Undertaker led you through the twisting winding halls of the reaper library.
God how AM I supposed to memorize where everything is?... Jesus cross...
(I also like vampire knight... if you find all my references I'll dedicate an entire story to you)
" Undertaker!" You heard a stern voice behind you as you all lashed around at the sudden noise.
GRELL POV: ( god I haven't done him in a long time XD)
" William!" I rushed over to him as I always did. As soon as I was in reach: he pushed me to fall face flat on the floor. As he always did.
"Vile creature." He pushed his glasses up.
" So cruel..." I sweat dropped and stood up.
" You must be William." Y/n smiled a bit.
"Indeed miss y/n. I am William T. Spears." He extended his hand as his eyes bit into hers.
" Pleasure." She smiled carefree.
How IS she SO confident?!?!
My mind screamed out.
" What do you think of her outfit? We both contributed to it!" I smiled at William. He looked at y/n a gleam of interest was in his eyes and gone again in a flash.
" It looks beautiful on you y/n, it suits you more than those two." He pushed his glasses up and I saw a tiny tint of... PINK in his cheeks?!?!?
William quickly lost the pink as if he couldn't let anyone see that he wasn't professional for ten meesly seconds.
"I-if you'll excuse me...I must be going now everything you need is in this folder." He turned on his heels and started away.
"I expect big things from you."
Chapter 13: The proud butler of Douchbaggery
I actually still like this chapter name.
Chapter Text
Turns out, that folder meant a maid job at the Phantomhive estate.
Earl Of Phantomhive was a... boy.
His first name was Ciel and his parents died when he was little.
He made a deal with a demon to find who killed his parents.
He didn't know you knew either. You didn't have your inhuman eyes yet so your e/c eyes were still intact and you could keep your hair out of your face.
You were walking down the hallway to his study when the demon butler Sebastian, blocked your way with an arm on the wall in front of you.
"Dear y/n... what are you doing?" He leaned close to your face and smirked. You blushed a bit but held your ground.
" Taking tea to the young master." You replied hands shaking a bit.
This made it grow bigger.
" Wrong answer." He then lifted your chin and brought his face millimeters away from yours.
" You will be punished my little kitten for every lie you tell." He let go and walked away as if nothing had happened less than ten seconds ago.
He turned the corner and left you standing there in shock.
Douchebag demon....
I loved teasing anyone and everyone. Especially women. Beautiful women. Y/n was a new one though.. she didn't blush ad easily as the others do.
I can tell she is different but I'm not sure in what way.
I wonder why I have this wired feeling when I see her.
I feel emotion I am supposed to lack as a demon like myself.
I wonder why....
Chapter 14: 1St birthday spin off
I know what his name is now. Don't comment to tell me.
Chapter Text
This is dedicated to my wonderful friend Brianna Mendez! Happy birthday!)
It was your birthday today and everyone you knew was going to be with you!
Oh my god... there is tons to do....shit.
You hoped you could get ready in time for the party the Phantomhives were throwing you.
Undertaker,Grell ( much to Sebastians dismay) William, Alois, Claude, The triplets, Prince Soma, Agni, Edward and Elizabeth, Ronald, Lau and his sister Ran-Mao would be attending your party along with Ciel Sebastian, Finny and Baldoroy.
-----Le time skip-----
You were a bit of a wall flower at partys as you watched Elizabeth Socialize.
I'm too shy....
"Ummmm... hey miss y/n? C-can I dance with you?" Finny was blushing like mad.
He's so cute!
" Sure Finny." You said taking his hand. "Don't blame me if I step on your feet though!" You laughed.
You danced with Finny looking into his big round eyes.
He is just too cute fir his own good.
Where is the fair lady y/n?
I wandered through the crowd and saw a glimpse of her h/c hair.
I smiled and snaked toward her with another random woman I grabbed to get close to her.
I saw she was dancing with the super strength boy... what was his name again?
Finnian or something?
Oh well. He's in my way.
I swiftly let the one I was dancing with go and took y/n's delicate hands away from finny before he crushed them. I pulled her to me and smiled as I danced with her.
" Sharing is caring Finnian!"
---- After the party----
You were so crashing as soon as the dress was off. You unbuttoned it in the bathroom.
You got snatched around all night.
Finny, Undertaker, Grell, William, Sebastian, Claude, Alois, Ciel, The triplets; Thomas Canturbury and ( WHAT THE HELLS THE OTHER ONES NAME?!?? I keep forgetting)
Baldoroy,Edward, Prince Soma, Agni and back again.Each kissed you a happy birthday and left with smirks or full blown smiles on their lips.
William left with a small blush.
Chapter 15: Retiring.
I hate this fanfiction so much right now
Chapter Text
Ugh... anyway... I want to get this done... I miss everyone else.
You thought, referring to the ever Flamboyant Grell, the stern but seemingly loving William, the one and only Undertaker and the one who always got chewed by William, Ronald.
You knocked on the large door.
" Young master?" You said.
" Come in y/n." His cold voice sounded through the door. You walked in next to his desk.
" It is time to retire for the night young master." You bowed.
"I suppose you're right." He stood. He motioned for you to follow him as you walked to his room.
He flopped down on his bed and helled his right foot out for you. He looked at you expectantly.
WHAT?!?!? I thought that was Sebastians job!!!!!!
"I want you to do it for me tonight." A smirk played on his lips but it soon disappeared.
You shakilly took bought of guys shoes off.... the shorts came too quickly.
You closed your eyes and did it quickly.
Oh god oh god oh god......
" Shy are we?" He laughed.
Of COURSE I am!!! We may be the same age but.... god!!!!
You opened your eyes to take the shirt off... you were nervous about that but... not as bad as the shorts. You did up the buttons on his night clothes and turned to leave.
"Y/n... stay with me until I fall asleep"
You stopped.
" Please."
You went behind him and awkwardly lay there.... you didn't realize it but soon he was asleep.... and you had started to stroke his hair.
Jesus Cross!!!!
He could have just pointed at me with his finger and said
" Bang!"
God what was I thinking?!?!
Chapter 16: Finny's fabulous Garden
one of the better chapters
Chapter Text
" Time to wake young master." Sebastian flung open the curtains and I yawned.
" Have y/n wake me from now on."
He widened his eyes a bit but he said nothing.
" You have made plans to go to Undertakers today Mi'lord."
"Y/n shall accompany us."
" There! All done!" You high fived Finny as you looked at the rose bushes that were now trimmed to perfection.
" It would have been horrible if not for you y/n!" He cheered and smiled brightly.
"Finny! Don't put yourself down like that!" You reached up to pat his head... witch wasn't too hard because you were only a few inches shorter than him.
" You're a wonderful gardener!"
You ran toward the fountain outside.
" Look at the flowers surrounding the fountain! They're beautiful!" You went to turn on the wet cobblestone to face him.
" Careful y/n you might fall!"
Too late.
You waited fit the impact of the ground but it never came.
You looked up too see Finny had caught you.
" Are you alright y/n?" He asked concerned.
" I'm fine Finny!" You smiled and blushed.
He helped you up and smiled.
" Glad you're okay!" He smiled brightly like he always did.
Sebastian appeared out from behind seemingly no where.
" Young master wants to see y/n. Please come with me."
You rolled your eyes at the demon ( yes you know) and waved to Finny.
"Bye Finny!" You smiled.
"Bye y/n!" I yelled as she disappeared into the manor.
When she tousled my hair.... it felt like I was wanted.
I trimmed a couple more leaves of a shrub.
Her h/c hair looks so well against the sunlight. Maybe I'll give her a flower to match her eyes...those beautiful e/c eyes...
Chapter 17: Snake
Why did I do this? I may never know
Chapter Text
You walked with Sebastian down to young masters office.
"You wanted to see me?" You bowed next to him as he look at you with that one cold blue eye.
"Yes, today we are going to a small shop and I want you to accompany us. But first, we must go and pick up one of our other servants who had just returned from an errand I sent him on a while ago." You nodded.
" His name is Snake... he should be at the door...y/n go wait for him."
" As you wish."
You bowed and exited the mansion as you fiddled with a stone.
" Who are you?" A man asked as you looked up." Says Emily."
A handsome man with silver hair and green eyes looked at you.
"Im y/n, you're snake I presume?"
" Yes I am." He said plainly. " Says Wordsworth."
" Are they the snakes?" He looked a bit suprised but it soon disappeared.
" Yes actually. Says Emily."
" May I?"
" We don't get along with others much. Says Emily."
" Please?" You said.
All of a sudden... one of them snaked around your neck gently
"Wordsworth? Says Emily."
Did Wordsworth really do that just now?
"Ummmmm is this normal?" She asks.
" No. Says Emily."
" Hey! I can hear him talk too!" She smiled.
Chapter 18: Undertaker's Little Shop of Horrors
Yes. That chapter name really exists!
Chapter Text
"I can hear him talk!" Y/n smiled.
" What?.... says Emily"
She smiled even more.
Hey... she's kind of cute now that I look at her. I used to be able to smile as freely... but...
" Shall we go to Ciels office?" She interrupted my thoughts.
"Erm.. yes...says Emily."
I replied as she walked ahead of me and was chatting with wordsworth the whole time.
Dear god... help me. The last time I met someone like that... she was a-
My thoughts were interrupted by Smile. (Aka Ciel)
" Ah, Snake. How was cleaning up?"
The bodies....
" It was fine young master." I bowed calling him what Black (Aka Sebastian) had instructed me to do in public.
" You and Y/n will be accompanying me and Sebastian to my ally, Undertakers shop."
Undertaker?!?!? It can't be....
" A-as you wish." You stuttered.
It CAN'T be....
( timeskip brought to you by you talking to Wordsworth about care-needs fit for him in the carriage)
If you're the scared easily type:
You gulped as you saw the old shop and you shriveled behind Snake and grabbed his shoulders as you hear Wordsworth mumble
"I hate this man's presence. It makes me feel insecure."
"Ditto Wordsworth." You mumbled back as you shrank into the shop.
"I bidd theee welcomeeeee loord eaarrrl."
If you're like me:
You looked at the creepy shop intrigued.
Is it really him?...
You almost trip on the way in and you grab snakes shoulders as you hear Wordsworth mumble
"I don't like this mans presence. It makes me feel insecure." Snake held your hands there, sensing you were scared.
" Oh Wordsworth... I thought you were braver than that... sorry... Snake." You apologized as he said nothing. He held your hands there as you progressed... you were a bit scared of it even though it was the coolest thing you had ever seen.
"I bidd theee weeelllcommee loorrd eaaarrl"
You saw a man with long grey hair and familiar creepy clothing peek out of a coffin.
Snake gripped your hands tighter.
"Ave' you come to stepp into one of me coffins today?"
"Afraid not Undertaker." Ciel cleaned his throat and sweatdropped. "I need information on recent murders by Jack the ripper."
( No... you didn't meet grell in human desquse (( no idea how to spell that 0_0)) or Madam Red and Lau yet. (( or Ran-Mao))
"Ahhhhh.... the murder...teehee... wouldn't you just..." he smiled at the young earl and poked his cheek with his long nail.
" Love to know?"
He swatted him away as he looked over at you and Snake.
Oh no...
" Who is this beautiful young lady?" He smiled creepilly at you.
"Y/n." Ciel stated blankly. " That isn't important right now. We know your price. Come Snake...y/n." Ciel led you both out.
" What's his price?..." you asked curiously.
" Sebastian has to make the old coot/(or if you prefer)/creep laugh."
" Where's Y/n?..." I asked politely.
"Oi Finny She's supposed to help me with dinner when they get back. Quite a cute one she is eh Finny?"
He tousled my hair and for some reason, my blood boiled.
Its like he was...
Teasing me with her.
Chapter 19: The butler, Rude as hell
I really hate Sebastian nowdays...
Chapter Text
The three of you waited outside.. moments later you heard insane laughing and rumbleing commuting from the building.
" Please do come in now. He has agreed to tell us anything we need." Sebastian smiled.
You all walked back in as you saw Undertaker a laughing mess on his desk, drool showing from his mouth.
What the hell...
" Hehee... well you see..." he started and giggled. " My customers have been arriving , incomplete." He giggled.
"Incomplete?.." you questioned.
" Yes fair lady y/n. The prostitutes are missing thier ovaries."
Why did I feel my blood boil furiously when he called her " fair lady?"....
Heh... I heard Emily laugh.
Someone's got a crush.
" Shut up Emily..." I mumbled.
I tuned out and fiddled with my silver buttons as I felt a hand slap the back of my head.
" Pay attention Snake." Black growled.
I nodded.
"I assumed you would come here my lord." He slurred eerily as y/n looked deep in thought.
" Snake... why don't you and y/n go to the circus while The young master and I finish up here?" Sebastian dropped two tickets in my hands and practically shoved us out.
" Well that was rude..." y/n mumbled as she got over the ground.
" Yes it was... says Emily."
Chapter 20: Noah's Arc Circus
C r i n g e's
i n
f r e n ch****
Chapter Text
You and Snake walked down the cobble road silently.
"Hey Snake?" You ask.
" What Y/n? Says Emily" He replies, his silver hair blowing in the autumn wind.
" What are the tickets for?" Wordsworth kept your neck warm against the cold gusts.
"Some kind of circus." Snake mubled back to you.
"Hey! You dint quote a snake that time!" He ignored you.
you walk in and take a seat in the back row as Snake slouches,
Why is he slouching?...
Damn.. now I know why Black sent us here... so I could see if the rumors about Joker and the others still being alive was true.
Damn him, Damn him....
I never wanted to come here in the first place...
I hope they don't recognize me..
Chapter 21: Bone hand's and the worst hider ever
Best way to rename a chapter. 10/10 nailed it.
Chapter Text
( Time skip to after the show, witch you enjoyed and Snake slouched at)
" Wow Snake that was great!" You said exited.
" Yeah I geuss." He slouched as you went to exit.
" Excuse me young lady." A voice came behind you. Snakes eyes widened with fear and he dove behind a barrel... everyone knows barrels are evil...
Why snake?! WHY A BARREL?
You turned to look behind you and saw one of the men from onstage.... Joker was his name was at the beginning?
" Oh, hello." You said casually. Wordsworth hissed.
" I saw you in the audience today my lady?..."
"Y/n." You said feeling a little nervous.
" Ah, Y/n." He smiled and kissed your hand. You blushed a bit, he was quite the handsome gentlemen. Even if one of his hands were made out of just bone with no skin.
"Y- your hand is made of bone?" You said getting a little scared.
" Oh y/n... I'm sorry.. Does it scare you? Its my small deformity." He said trying to comfort you.
" It's fine I just wasn't expecting it." Just then Snake fell out from behind his hiding spot.
IF YOU'RE NORMAL ( to me):
" Wow cool!" You said picking up his hand. He looked a bit surprised and a little red cheeked. " Your hand is made of bone!"
" You find it interesting?"
" Of course it's so-" just then you heard something fall with a small
Sound... snake had fallen from his hiding place.
Chapter 22: A doll shop *Full*
I remember how wattpad deleted half of this chapter once. I just copy pasted for now because as I said no matter how BAD these chapters are there isn't anything I can do right now.
Chapter Text
Long story short? You found a beautiful ring (aka the one where Droccell says when you put it on you must become a doll) while you were running, you hid in a doll shop until the yelling and footseps died down, you put the ring on. Then Drocell was like "I have guests?" And Snake was like " were leaving now" but then Drocell was basically like
And his box started to play " London Bridge" all messed up like and you fainted.
The end.
Chapter 23: silver and gold
Chapter Text
It's dark...
" S- snake?..." you said as your vision started to clear.
You were laying on a slab of stone or something equally cold and hard. A chandelier of candles hung above you but when you tried to turn your head you found out two things.
One: it was restrained along with the rest of your body.
Two: Wordsworth was gone.
" Snake! Snake you bastard answer me!"
You heard a groan and some footsteps.
"Y/n.... r- run if... you get.. the chance..." Snakes voice cut the air as you heard a thump on the floor.
"Snake! Snake!"
" He's not dead, do not worry." A voice came as you saw Drocell over you.
" What have you done to my friend?!" You shouted.
" I've just put him to sleep, he was so very noisy." His purple eyes stared at your e/c ones. " My fair lady you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen..." No way, is he hitting on me? "I will have to remember to keep those when you are a made into a still doll."
"A Doll?!" You said angrily.
" Whoever wears that blue ring miss... must be made into a still doll, however you will be a most exquisite doll made of silver and gold."
Blue ri?- damn... its the one I found earlier.
" I'm sorry fair lady..." he made a sad expression.
" Then why?... Why do you do it then?" You said wishing you could reach your concealed death sythe, but alas it was to far in your pocket. You were trying not to cry for some reason as well.
" Because my fair lady, it's my curse. I do not wish to go into the horrible details, I want my girl to be happy before she dies."
" My girl?..." you mumbled.
Chapter 24: Drocell the sad Marionette
By far the best old chapter as drocells story was made up on a whim of creation
Chapter Text
" Why... are you doing this if you don't want to?..." you asked again.
"I suppose I will tell you my fair lady..."
Where... is y/n...I hear her but... and who is that with her?
" When I was alive, we were poor most of the time and we made dolls for a living. That ring you picked up was my mother's. She was kidnapped by a noble... my family never knew who."
What the hell is this? Some kind of talk show?!?!?!
(Sorry I hate those pity talk shows)
" My father sold my soul without my permission to curse the ring... so it went into there. I was without a body so, he made me into this horrid wooden doll... it was my job to give the ring to individuals and lure them here with its power. When he died, I had to take over. Or else I would never be able to go into heaven or hell."
" How does the hole "being made into a doll" play into this?"
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thatnimrodmusician · 5 years
 i couldn’t sleep so i literally ran through every song from tgwdlm in my head untill i got avpm stuck in my head for another 2 hours and all i can think of right now is WOT WOT THE HELL IS THIS and im not ok please send help. 
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strivingivan-blog · 6 years
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What the hell is this?
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aixelsyd13 · 3 years
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So, mushroom people... is this a puffball in my front yard? The 4th photo is from @bcarroll_13 the other day. Today it looks like a baked potato. #mushroom #fungi #🍄 #nature #lawncare #whatthehellisthis? https://www.instagram.com/p/CT5XLJOLaos/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aozhouhuaren · 4 years
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Had my hair trimmed today and spotted this at the hairdressers. So morbid looking! Couldn't take my eyes off it the whole time I was there.😂 #morbid #whokilledthemuppet #muppet #puppet #plushtoy #whatthehellisthis (at Belmont Forum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLJy8uyjkAZ/?igshid=r0t8v39745yy
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10fingerscrossed · 7 years
All I want for Xmas is a chemical pregnancy?
I know, I don’t update much these days after having baby. Life has been status quo besides battling some ppd, body image issues and the normal sleep deprivation.
Then yesterday happened. Baby has slept through the night 3 nights in a row and I still felt so tired. My boobs were hurting. My period was a few days late maybe (it’s been irregular since having baby). I decide to take a pregnancy test and I get a blaring positive on a cheapie. See pic. I freak out, call my doctor and go in for a beta. I get the beta back this am, 39. Because of the holiday I can’t go in again until Tuesday. But I’m pretty sure this will be chemical pregnancy. With baby I was 182 pretty early on. This is all just so weird to me. I’ve never even had a chemical pregnancy on my own before. Despite all the medicated cycles and IUI, it was all totally negative. The only chemical I had was with a fresh transfer. I have mixed feelings. I’m ok with only having my one sweet baby boy. I’m old (40 now) and I don’t know how my body could even handle another pregnancy. I don’t know if I want to chase after 2 little ones. I haven’t told my husband yet. I sort of invisioned giving him a little Christmas present with the news of a pregnancy. But that scared me. And I don’t know how he would react. We haven’t been exactly the happiest of couples lately.
I really was looking forward to drinking a lot of good wine this weekend. 39 is most likely chemical right? I’m planing on monitoring the darkness of the lines.
With my history of abnormal embryos it really would be a miracle to have a natural normal embryo implanted in my uterus right now. This also scares the hell out of me.
Sorry for the jumbled mess of this post. I’m just still freaking out and scared. And the line today is just the same.😱
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sinmusearts · 4 years
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Found this odd little painting at goodwill. Not sure what it is. A child saint? The side pictures, especially the one with the guy about to murder someone, are pretty awesome. Anyone know who or what this is? #whatthehellisthis?! https://www.instagram.com/p/CCXAK-ahvaT/?igshid=1qatt0t7furh8
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djstumppinz · 4 years
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#ahwhadat #whatthehellisthis https://www.instagram.com/p/CCBwySFhboS/?igshid=1t2p7psczzkb4
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neverendering · 4 years
So I have a Chromebook, and I constantly have to use unicode whatnot to type special characters, such as accents and degree symbols.
I was scrolling through the possible symbols, and I came across one that is u002020, or 2020.
The symbol is †. It’s called dagger
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lisajaynemurray · 4 years
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Spot On @scottymadethis #alternateuniverse #whatthehellisthis #lynch #itsamadmadmadmadworld #lightbulbmoment (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-lZo9dAfXk/?igshid=1uxg9l6xg6fps
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chris-n-sf · 5 years
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I can’t be the only gay male that thinks this, can I?!? #whatingayhell #noteven #gaychristmas #gaychristmasdecorations #whatthehellisthis https://www.instagram.com/p/B5euoerJ3wa/?igshid=11skvpecpbqd2
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lionelmedia · 5 years
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The best #naturalfoods store in #nyc. #westerly #wfpb #veganfood #fruitfromheaven #whatthehellisthis #treasures #treasure #plantbased #plantbaseddiet @ripesselstyn @jane_esselstyn_rn @esselstyn_family_foundation @dresselstyn @engine2diet @forksoverknives @michaelgregermd @lynnshawprod #nooil #nooilvegan (at Westerly Natural Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5GIsN7ArHI/?igshid=mn8rkuo3c890
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danielleegnew · 5 years
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Well this is an absolutely awesome piece of paranormal phenomenon caught on camera. What a great example of thin ethers, and the things that walk through them on Halloween, and hide in plain site. — So, my wife and daughter and family went to a heavily Halloween decorated part of town. Tons of people in costume are wandering about. I was taking photos of the houses. We got to the end of the street, which is a particularly haunted area in everyday life. Right in the spot of the first photo, my wife mentioned she hit cold all of a sudden. And it’s true — the area we were standing dropped about 10 degrees. I felt a small breeze yet blew it off as part of the thin ethers. I did snap a pic, though. And this grey being showed up. Notice how you can see through it. And no one was standing in front of the camera. THIS is an awesome example of actual “things” that go bump in the night this type of year!! #ghost #psychic #paranormal #paranormalstories #paranormalinvestigation #halloween #notacostume #interdimensional #ghoul #vortex #halloween #angeltranslator #angelicchannel #whatthehell #whatthehellisthis (at Billings, Montana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4T8aBdpVZT/?igshid=1k3iz1xeemp6m
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