unforgivenn · 5 months
Hai a request for writing how about a whumpee that gets washed ashore by the river in a forest and someone finds them ( that someone can be either a whumper or stranger your choice :D )
CW: Isolation, betrayal, minor injuries, panic, desperation, false sense of security, abduction, drugging
Whumpee's figure lay motionless across the riverbank. The currents had carried them, like a fragile leaf in a storm, until finally depositing them gently onto the soft bed of moss and ferns.
The fresh breeze blew gently on their face as their eyes blinked open slightly, trying to figure out just what the fuck happened. They sat up coughing violently. With trembling hands, they clawed at their parched throat, desperate to expel the water that still lingered within.
But it wasn't just the water that sent shivers down their spine. It was the eerie silence that enveloped the forest, broken only by the distant whisper of the river. The usual cacophony of bird songs and rustling leaves was conspicuously absent, as if nature itself held its breath in anticipation.
Whumpee looked down to see the small cuts and bruises on them that had formed during their little swim. They hissed slightly forcing themselves to stand up their survival instinct kicking in.
"H-Help! Someone! Plea-!" They were cut off from their shouting by the spluttering from their dry and hoarse throat that hadn't gotten water for god knows how long.
Whumpee's heart raced as panic surged through their veins like wildfire. The realization of their isolation sank in like a heavy stone, pressing down upon them with suffocating weight. Each labored breath felt like a desperate plea echoing into the void of the silent forest.
Disoriented and vulnerable, they stumbled forward, limbs trembling with exhaustion and fear. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig beneath their feet, sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through their battered body. The forest seemed to close in around them, its towering trees casting sinister shadows that danced mockingly upon the forest floor.
Tears blurred Whumpee's vision as they frantically scanned the treeline, searching for any sign of salvation amidst the oppressive silence. But there was no one—no comforting voice to answer their cries, no friendly face to offer solace in the face of their terror.
And then, just when Whumpee's resolve began to falter, they heard it—the unmistakable sound of footsteps crunching through the undergrowth. Their head snapped behind him to see a person, an actual man.
Whumpee squinted their eyes, blinking them for a while to make sure they weren't hallucinating before they broke down in wracking sobs stumbling over to the figure.
"P-Please" Their voice sounded high-pitched as they gasped for breath between cries.
The man walked towards Whumpee looking down at the younger person. His gaze was calculating, boring into whumpee's tear-filled eyes. Whumpee could feel that they were almost judging them.
Whumpee knew they looked absolutely pathetic on the layer with torn clothes and cuts in a state of broken sobs. But as the man neared, Whumpee's hope turned to horror. The calculating gaze bore into their soul, stripping away the façade of safety. In that moment, they knew—they were not the savior they had prayed for. The injection pierced their skin like a dagger, the venom of betrayal coursing through their veins.
As consciousness slipped away, Whumpee's last sight was the mocking smirk of their assailant, their fate sealed in the darkness that closed in around them.
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whumpupthejam · 2 years
Wanted to say that second part is hella amazing and the writing and the tension and the fear and terror and the relief AHHHHHHH all of it so well done !!!! And at first I saw the tag I couldn't recognise Like ''hmmm who's this Marcus boiii I don't remember " so I read the first part first and REMEMBERED THE BOIIII !!! oh and the first part is so so amazing again made my DAy jfjfjfjdjjfjdjfjdjdnjfjfjf THABK YOYY
AHHH hahahaha I know, it had been SO LONG, I really do apologize for that🙈
THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your kind words, you always make me feel so hyped up!!!❤️ You don’t know how much it means to me!!
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the Marcus content so far. He is such a fun boy to write.
I also want to take this opportunity to throw it out there in case it ever becomes confusing for anyone, but I will most likely be jumping around a LOT as far as the timeline goes for Marcus, so for example: the first two fics I posted take place several months before Running For It takes place, but I eventually want to go back and write some more stuff about his earlier days in captivity (and mayyyybe even some things from before he was taken👀). So not to worry, there will most likely be a lot more things to come about what Marcus went through in the first few months of his time with the Man.😌
I just had inspiration for this little escape series arc and wanted to write it asap!
Thank you again for being so kind, I really hope you continue to enjoy the boy :’)
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whumblr · 6 months
Jaybird screaming in the dead of night
Home is where the hurt is: Part 1
“Hey Jay,” Zayne sang, slowly, menacingly, butchering ‘Hey Jude’, while swirling himself around the corner into the kitchen startling Jay. “Don’t be afraid.”
Jay, at the first notes of his name in rhyme, turned away from the counter and his dinner prep, his eyebrows raising in surprise and the hairs on his arms in alarm. Just hearing his name in song gave him many reasons to be afraid. He raised his chopping knife in an automatic response, just holding it out in front of him.
“Drop the knife,” Zayne said, now stepping forward and emphasizing his words with the click of his own knife, flicking it up, “Unless you want to compare which one is sharper.”
His kitchen knife might not be as sharp, but it was coated in onion juices. Not an experiment Jay wanted to engage in. With a loud clank, he dropped it in the sink, falling another step back.
Zayne kept advancing on him, slowly, backing him into the dark corner of the kitchen, talking and waving his knife about with every step. “So, I just bumped into your neighbour, downstairs. Or well, he almost fully crashed into me, really. So I shouted after him, holding the door open for him, ‘Hey, what’s the hurry?!’ And you know what he shouted back?”
Probably, yeah, Jay had an inkling of where this was going. And how it was now going to bite – stab – him in the arse. But he kept his mouth shut, dread stealing his voice and knowing Zayne would continue his terrorizing monologue anyway.
Which he did. “He said, ‘Sorry, I’m late!’. So I asked, ‘Late for what?!’” The conversational tone fell away as he leaned forward against Jay, one hand brushing against his, pinning him to the kitchen counter. “Work,” he breathed in Jay’s face. “He was late for work.”
Jay leaned back as far as he could, hands on the edge of the counter, arms bending. He tried to make a soft hum in feigned surprise, but it turned to a soft but sharp inhale as the knife was brought up in his face.
“You never told me he works night shifts,” Zayne crooned, brushing the flat of the knife over Jay’s jawline.
“I mean, it never really came u—”
“But then it all started making sense, you know. How you always tried to hold back on your screaming in the afternoon. And here I was, making an effort to keep the noise down at night…”
The knife fell away from Jay’s clenched jaw, dropped against his clavicle and disappeared under his collar. The cold sensation turned sharper, gradually pressing into his skin.
“Well, no need to worry about that now, you don’t have to hold back. He just left. You can scream as much as you want.”
Zayne leaned back and pulled the kitchen knife from the sink.
“What were you chopping?” he asked, turning the knife back and forth as if he could analyse what was on it (instead of, you know, looking back).
“Hm.” He swiped his own blade over the knife as if sharpening it, making them sing a threatening tune together. “Do you think it stings in more than just your eyes?”
“You don't need onions to make me cry,” Jay tried to goad him into dropping the knife. He didn’t need a dual-wielding Zayne.
Zayne merely stared at him, eyes softening to a fond expression as he was mulling it over and the stupidity of Jay’s words hit him.
“You’re right,” he said, to Jay’s short-lived relieve. Then his tone shifted and he merely whispered: “I don't.”
Tag list:
Tag list: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @hurtmebeautifully @rougenoirofthepurpleterror @susiequaz12 @whump-me-all-night-long @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @im-just-here-for-the-whump @restrainthenmaime @freefallingup13 @whatwasmyprevioususername @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @firewheeesky @redstainedsocks @hold-back-on-the-comfort @whumpawink @break-so-beautifully @approach-me-and-ill-cry @painsandconfusion @afabulousmrtake @wormwriting @soopytime @whumpedydump @pickleking8 @itsmyworld98 @whumpifi @painless-and-colourful @withdrawingramen
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galaxywhump · 4 months
i would love to see daniel making what he feels like is a mistake with wren (similar to how he fucked up with wren getting attacked by the local wildlife in the beginning of the story). like he pushes wren too far without realizing it, or hurts him in a way he didn't intend to (like rope failure during suspension bondage). love to see wren suffering and i also love to see daniel feeling guilty so like. best of both worlds lol
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[SV-240 masterlist]
contents: slavery whump, forced relationship, creepy/intimate whumper, defiant whumpee, suspension, dislocation.
“Uh, could you… check the ropes again? Something’s weird about the balance.”
“I know what I’m doing, sweetheart.”
“Just trust me. Besides, just a few more pictures and we’ll be done, okay?”
Daniel snaps a picture. One of the knots in the elaborate ropework keeping Wren suspended snaps too.
It happens in a blink of an eye. Wren becomes certain that something is wrong with Daniel’s handiwork, that it wasn’t just his imagination, and in the next moment his body jolts downwards. If that was the end of it, it wouldn’t be bad - he’d just be a bit startled, he’d get to savor Daniel being proven wrong, but, unfortunately, he mostly did know what he was doing.
Wren’s right arm was still secured with rope, and when he shifted, it stayed in exactly the same position.
He sees stars. His scream of agony comes out as a strained gasp. His shoulder is on fire.
Daniel curses, sets his camera aside and rushes to start painstakingly undoing the knots while Wren hyperventilates, eyes wide, forehead lined with cold sweat.
"I told you!" he chokes out, close to sobbing. "I fucking told you and you didn't- Why the fuck didn't you believe me?!"
Daniel doesn't answer, focused on untying the ropes; Wren's shaky breathing is the only sound. When he's finally freed, the pain only gets worse when his shoulder shifts, and he can't stop tears from falling from his eyes. It hurts so much, a completely new pain. Daniel cradles him in his arms, petting his hair, and the look of remorse on his face is nowhere near as satisfying as it would be if Wren could think more clearly.
"I'm sorry," Daniel says, carefully laying his hand on Wren's injured shoulder, making him tense up and gasp. "Next time I'll make sure the ropes are secure."
"Next time?!" Wren cries. “My shoulder is-”
"I know, I know. And… I need to set it, so be still. Just trust me."
"Again?! You just fucking showed me why-"
Once again, he doesn't get to finish his sentence - with practiced confidence Daniel grabs his arm, lifts it up, and pulls, and Wren howls in agony feeling it pop back into place.
“Okay, okay, it’s okay now,” Daniel whispers, holding Wren close as he struggles to breathe. “You can rest.” He sighs, then the corners of his mouth rise in a playful smirk. “First that animal, now this. I guess I’ll just ask Berkeley to bring me some new rope next time so there’s no more accidents, hm? I really am sorry, though. I’ve learned my lesson.”
“You didn’t learn shit,” Wren rasps, somehow mustering enough strength and clarity to glare at Daniel, who, much to his fury, laughs.
“See how quickly you bounce back? You’re stronger than you realize, sweetheart.”
Wren presses his lips tightly together and shakes his head. He’s not strong enough to fight back in a way that matters, not strong enough to escape. At the moment his strength seems completely meaningless to him, and he’s so tired of staying strong this way when Daniel only seems to find delight in it.
taglist: @faewhump @inky-whump @whole-and-apart-and-between @whatwasmyprevioususername @procrastinatingsab
@funky-little-glitter-bomb @goneuntil @redstainedsocks @luminouswhump @lonesome--hunter
@as-a-matter-of-whump @renkocchi @whump-only @muddy-swamp-bitch @girlwithacoolcat
@watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @sophierose002 @whump-headspace @to-whump-or-not-to-whump-blog @kixngiggles
@ohwhumpydays @whumpsical @wibbly-wobbly-whump @stab-the-son-of-a @his-unspoken-words
@pumpkin-spice-whump @onlyhappywhenitpains @suspicious-whumping-egg @morning-star-whump @burtlederp
@there-will-always-be-blood @springwhump
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scratchandplaster · 1 month
Bunny Call
CW: ace boy seduces his girl with some facts about rodents
Elliot had begged her to come over again, so naturally, Amber waxed every inch of her body raw. All her hopes, all the lace poking into her sore skin, all the hints she threw into the void over and over still went unnoticed.
Now, she kneeled on the carpet of his spare bedroom, carefully handling a yogurt drop to catch Ginkgo's interest. The whole room seemed dedicated to these critters: hay, chopped straw and buckets of fodder stacked neatly next to each other. A shame, Amber thought, a few tweaks and the space would make an unbelievable lounge. 
Daisy, the tiny rabbit with scarlet eyes, started nibbling on her shorts.
"It wants to bite me," Amber whined and turned towards her boyfriend. Fortuitously, her hand slipped over his thigh and further up inwards. Yet Elliot, who hadn't spared a single glance at her, just picked the mangy thing up and pressed a kiss on its tousled head.
Quite tactless, for a trained professional.
"Look," he explained gently and pushed Daisy into her arms, "she just wants to say hi!"
The feeling of rough nails against her arms made Amber squeal: "As long as it doesn't pee on me..."
"They are housebroken, actually."
"Liar." She cocked her head to the side, something like amazement laced her voice. 
"I trained them," Elliot insisted, "Daisy even cleans up her toys every evening."
Before his boasting could charm his girlfriend further, Ginkgo cued in with an angry stomp. Another one let the thin floor groan.
"Oh, somebody's getting jealous," Elliot laughed and put her fuzzy wife back on the ground, "Sorry. That happens more often than you'd think."
One or two yogurt drops for the rabbit later, and one for him too, as Amber witnessed in horror, the atmosphere shifted. She finally knew what she was here for; certainly not the kind of fun she had expected since the last few visits. Why did he still play hard-to-get?
"So, did you think about my offer?" Elliot sounded very earnest out of the blue.
"What about it?" she asked while picking hay off her top.
"They are busy as always, but my parents can't wait to finally meet you. I'm sure we'll find a date that fits, if you like."
Her boyfriend didn't know her as well as he thought, either. For the moment, Amber would rather stick to the rabbits.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Masterlist]
Prompt: animal attack/bear trap/land mine
@augusnippets Taglist: @whatwasmyprevioususername, @canislycaon24
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avvail-whumps · 2 years
Guns For Hire: Complete Masterlist
Synopsis: Leo’s life is turned upside down when he sees his boss getting murdered. What’s worse, was that he witnessed the mercenary behind the hit taking off his mask, and saw his face. Leo promises not to go to the police with his identity, but the mercenary decides it’s not worth letting him go.
General content and warnings: multiple whumpers, whumper is also caretaker, intimate whumper, kidnapping, captivity, torture, depictions of violence, minor character deaths, stockholm syndrome, manipulation, nsfw themes but nothing explicit
@avvail-tales for new content!
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Main Story (Completed)
Behind the Mask
Brass Family
Clean Break
Carving a Claim
The Detective
Glass Shards
Shocked to the Core
House Rules
Sit, Stay, Roll Over
Escape Plan
Pretty Lips
Target Practice
Open Arms
Parting Ways
Pinned Like a Bug
Hell House
End of the Line
The Little Duckling
Wants and Desires
Great Escape
Square One
Uncharted Territory
Twenty Minutes
Step Closer
No Escape
Unwanted Rescue
Last Chance
Forty-Eight Hours
The Finale
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Alternative Endings/Universes:
💸 Money Solves Everything
🩸 Fangs (Vampire AU)
🧚‍♂️ Trickery (Fae AU)
💌 Horns & Tails (Incubus AU)
🌲 Capture Recapture (Reverse AU)
⭐ Bathtubs (Gender Swap AU)
Roy’s POV
Shopping & Shock Collars
Picked Up By a New Whumper
Leo Has a Nightmare
BTHB: On a Leash
BTHB: Homesickness
Roy Using Leo As a Lure
BTHB: Can Only Move the Eyes
⭐ Fem!Leo Starts Her Period (Male Roy)
Roy Gets Sick and Leo Takes Care Of Him
The Aftermath of Leo Leaving From His Father’s POV
Leo and Roy Talk About Rafi
💸 Hair Dye
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Asks and Answers
Ask Game Tag
NSFW Discussion Tag
Tags That Make Me Laugh
Pet Names
Update Schedule
Roy’s Childhood
What Does This Terrible Chef Even Eat?
Chapter 28
Roy’s Reaction to Potential Suicide
Post Story:
Future Life
Leo’s Mental Health
Do They Really Love Each Other?
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Main Tag List – @unorganisedalienrubbish @d-cs @rabidrabidme @sordayciega @burningkittypoet @whumpawink @mannerofwhump @suspicious-whumping-egg @welcome-to-the-whumpfest @whatwasmyprevioususername @crilex29 @firefly017 @dutifullykrispyland @wibbly-wobbly-whump @there-will-always-be-blood @anonintrovert @justawhumpjunkie @whumptastic-world @ha-ha-one @whatwhumpcomments @whumpterful-beeeeee @anonymous1235 @sonder35 @unforgiven235 @whumpasaurus101 @mj-or-say10 @professional-idiocy @seaweed-is-cool @theelvishcowgirl @atomicsandwichprince @sunshiline-writes @peasandpotatos @pirefyrelight @enigmawritesstuff @reverie1234 @obsessedsplicer505 @mithras-energy @morning-star-whump (the main story is now complete)
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whumpasaurus101 · 1 year
this is in no way in order its just a big number for my smoll brain <3
@scribbelle @whump-queen @unorganisedalienrubbish @kaleidoscope-of-thoughts @cowboy-anon @livingforthewhump @thelazywitchphotographer @deckofaces @justalittlecorrupted @hold-back-on-the-comfort @hidden-dreamland @a-whumped-tea @painsandconfusion @mascwhump @whatwasmyprevioususername
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whump-queen · 2 years
Seven Series Masterlist
Character Guide + Faceclaims || Picrews || Fanart
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Seven is a domestic servant owned by the wealthy McQueen family. Chapters will be released non-chronologically, but listed in order here. The numbers on the side show the order they were posted. 
Arc 1: The Estate 
Seven’s time at the McQueen estate.
Merlot  (servant whump, humiliation, physical abuse, objectification) [1] {Seven, Kiarra}
Corset  (corset whump, asphyxiation) [2] {Seven, Kiarra}
Show him off (humiliation, objectification, making Seven cry cuz I can ✨💅🏻) [3] {Seven, Kiarra}
Arc 2: University
Weston McQueen goes to grad school, Seven is made to accompany him.
Silver: part 1 | part 2 (forced intox, manhandling)
Move In Day (wip preview here)
Arc 3: Free
In which rescue has its own consequences.
Number Twenty-six (wip, preview here) 
Sad anime boy hours ft Seven
AUs & Bonus content
Kane & Seven (collab with @whumpsday)
Incompetence (collab with @whumpshaped) Masochist!Seven AU ft. Seth (NSFW)
Read on ao3!
Seven taglist:
@ghostsinthecloset @oddsconvert @blood-is-compulsory @lonesome--hunter @silversanimewhump @whatwasmyprevioususername @suspicious-whumping-egg @theonewithallthefixations @saltyemrys @writing-and-trying @whumpdreamz @kitstorm @veyroswin @amazingmagda @honeycollectswhump @ijustwannareadsomestuff @fleshand-blood @cryptobiolliegy @whump-in-the-closet @whumper-whimsy
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whumpinggrounds · 2 years
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For day 2 of @whumptober, August is confronting Don! It doesn’t go, uh, super well. More angst than physical whump but definitely an...exciting development? Sorry to everyone that is going to be sad about this :(
tagging @whatwasmyprevioususername, @princess-poopsicle, @snowshower, @whumpywritings, @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump, and @junoswhumpdrawer please let me know if you want to be added or removed!
CW: male whumpee, male whumper, aftermath of torture, references to hand whump, major character death (not explicit/depicted), hero whumper, sidekick whumpee
It’s hard to approach Don, after their argument in the alley. August’s heart rate picks up just thinking about it, and his hands twinge, as though the marks are still there, healing. Now that Valerie’s seen to them, there aren’t even scars, and something about that feels wrong. There should be some sort of mark of what August has been through. Some kind of evidence of what’s been done to him. Instead, he’s unblemished all over, his skin smooth and perfect. August almost wishes that wasn’t the case, that there was some sign that he’d fought for the villain. That he’d tried to the right thing. With Valerie healing his wounds before they can so much as scab, he doesn’t just feel like a coward. He looks like one, too.
Or at least, Don tells him so, when he finds August waiting outside his door, first thing in the morning.
Okay, probably he calls August a coward because his sidekick is standing paralyzed before the door, unable to knock. August knows he needs to talk to Don. He needs to ask about the supervillain. He needs to make some kind of bargain, figure out some kind of solution, but when he reaches Donovan’s door, he just stands there, as if rooted to the spot.
He doesn’t want to talk to Don.
He doesn’t want Donovan’s attention.
He doesn’t want his stupid hero mentor swinging that door open, all six foot nine of him, all three hundred pounds of pure muscle, with that horrible vicious smirk on his brutal face. The very thought of it makes August flinch. With Don actually standing before him, he’s backed all the way into the wall, avoiding his mentor’s critical eyes.
Trying to force words out, August rubs at the healed spots on his hands, a brand-new nervous habit that Don can’t miss. “What, Val didn’t do a good enough job healing you?”
“Oh, someone’s defensive of the medic, huh?” August darts a glare at Don and watches his mentor roll his eyes. He lounges against his doorframe, and August resents the way Don can be so completely at ease while he’s almost crawling out of his skin with nerves. “I know you’re not here to argue with me about Val. What do you want?”
August takes a deep breath, ignoring the way that makes Don smirk. “I want to know where…where they are. And what you’re doing to them.”
“Don’t play dumb,” August snaps, and then hates himself for saying something that sounds so, so…Donovan. “The villain. The one you’re keeping prisoner.”
“I’m not keeping anyone prisoner,” Don tells him, a sneer playing around his lips.
“I know that you are.” August folds his arms across his chest, then wonders if it makes him look childish. He unfolds them again.
Don shrugs. “I’m not keeping anyone prisoner. That’s the truth.”
A wave of exhaustion rolls over August. Maybe it’s the sleepless night he spent worrying about his villain ally, and maybe it’s just a grinding down that comes with his day-to-day helplessness. Either way, his energy deserts him all at once, and he drops his head, and mutters his request almost to the floor. “Just – can we skip this part where you deny everything? Just tell me no or argue with me or, or fucking hit me or something but-”
“Oh, so you want me to hit you now?”
Skittering backwards, August whips his head from side to side. “No! But I want you to stop lying to me. You lie to…to everyone else. But I know the truth already, so just…stop.”
For a moment, Don just stares at him through narrowed eyes. Then he shrugs, seemingly ready to relent. “Fine. But I am telling you the truth. I don’t need to lie to you, August, as you’ve so cleverly pointed out.”
He doesn’t finish the sentence, but the implication is clear. He doesn’t need to lie because August can’t, or won’t, or just doesn’t do anything with the truth. His sidekick opens his mouth to argue, and then a horrible dread sets into the pit of his stomach. “You’re…you’re not holding anyone prisoner?”
“Not right now.”
Not right now. The words ring hideously in August’s ears. “Did you…did you call the police?”
Don is grinning. “No.”
“Did you…you didn’t let them go?”
Don scoffs. “No, I absolutely fucking did not.”
August squeezes his eyes shut, and his hands into fists. “Please tell me,” he says slowly, voice tight, “that you gave…you sent them to someone else?”
“No, idiot. Even you should know that no one cares if you kill a supervillain.”
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unforgivenn · 5 months
Hai hai how are you and will Noah get a caretaker in the future
SHUSH that's for the future!!
I mean Noah does get cleanups after his punishments since Andrey doesn't like his pet to be messy. He wants him to be presentable at all times.
But as for the mental torture, its hard to uncarve what's been carved deep inside the brain and heart. And Andrey doesn't care if Noah cries himself to sleep or is depressed. Nevertheless, he just wants Noah to be a good obedient slave. And if he does breaks, then that's even better for Andrey! since that was his goal all along.
But as for whether Noah gets a caretaker in the future or not, that's a secret for now!
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Hiya @whatwasmyprevioususername this one goes out for you
Again and again Mikey was hit down, just to be dragged back up again.
His skin was scratched raw as his face was pulled along the cold concrete.
With one last painful tug to his hair, he was pulled up to his knees.
Jakob smiled coldly at him, “Having fun?”
Mikey returned the smile with his own bloody one “No way, I give you one star, terrible experience don’t recommend.”
There was a harsh crack as Mikey was struck across his already bruised face “I didn’t bring you here to be cocky, boy.”
Mikey gasped in pain as blood poured from his lips.
“You know it’s not too late…” Jakob said tilting up Mikey’s chin “… to take me up on my offer. Just say the word and all your debt will be forgiven.”
The young man trembled under Jakob’s touch.
“Come on~”
Mikey spat blood at Jakob “Piss off”
Jakob sighed as he stood, wiping the blood off his face. “I had high hopes for you, Mikey.”
“But not as high as your fall, Toss him.”
“What??” Mikey sputtered as he was dragged backwards, legs slipping on the frozen concrete.
“Wait- Jakob! Hey! Fuck!” Mikey swore as Jakob quietly followed him to the ledge
Strong hands pulled him up, Mikey shivered against the wind gritting his teeth as his feet found the ledge.
The hands went to shove “Wait! Jakob! I-I’ll do it!”
Everything froze around him, and for a split second Mikey thought he saw Jakob’s face change. But even if Jakob had changed his mind it was too late, his feet left the ground and Mikey went tumbling into he dark.
Snow was falling when Mikey finally opened his eyes. It drifted it little white tufts, highlighted against the black sky.
Groaning he pulled himself up, shaking off the fine dusting of snow that had collected on his skin.
Mikey stumbled as he tried to walk, catching himself on a tree. Hissing in pain he pulled his burning hand away. Squinting in the fading light he saw that the skin on his palm was rubbed raw, bits of wood and ice clinging to it.
Shifting to lean on his shoulder, Mikey held his hand close to his chest.
He took a step, swaying a little, and pressed up against the next tree to balance. Wobbling between trees, he began to walk.
Mikey’s breath came in short gasps, little bursts of fog clouding his vision.
The coldness crept through his body as he walked, numbing the pain, replacing it with an icy burn.
Pushing himself off of another tree, Mikey stumbled and fell, finding himself on an incline. Dizziness overtook his body, forcing him to crawl upwards.
At the top, he found himself in a clearing, next to a road. A Road! Forcing through the pain and exhaustion, Mikey stood.
With nothing to lean on, gravity took over.
Mikey was unconscious before he even hit the ground.
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whumblr · 3 months
Heyoooooo, been rereading home is where the hurt is, cause like it is so absolutely amazing, always a delight to find again and rerealise how fantastic it is.
Anyway I was reading lessons learned (yay for jay he earned his little triumph) and I was wondering how Zayne would retaliate? I feel like Zayne was also tired in it and normally he still could overpower Jay easily, but Id really love to read more of him getting his revenge at a later day, if you want to write that.
I hope you have a nice day,
~ @whumpedydump
Ehe :3 Yes, he can easily overpower Jay, that's the fun of it. Thank youu <3 Follow up to Lessons Learned.
Home is where the hurt is: Part 1
"Jay... I think we need to revisit what happened last night."
Yep, there it was. The consequences of his own actions. A hand snagged the neck of his t-shirt and pulled him back in a swift tackle to the ground.
Zayne immediately took his chance and sat right on top of him while Jay was still getting some air back into his lungs from that smash to the floor.
While Zayne's face showed no swelling or bruising from yesterday, Jay could still see a darker line crossing his nose. A tinge of pride pricked through his fear.
"Because you'll want to be careful with such tricks," Zayne whispered, taking utmost care himself not to repeat last night's mistake. He didn't lean over Jay yet, just sat up straight on his hips and pinned Jay down. "Because some people... might not take to it as kindly as I did. Might not be as... merciful to let you get away with it."
"I wouldn't describe you as someone who's full of mercy..."
Zayne merely curled a lip in a wicked smile and continued. "Some people, would be pissed!" And he slammed a fist right next to Jay's head.
Jay flinched hard.
"Would start retaliating." Another blow barely missing the other side of his face. "Punch your lights out." A fist flew towards Jay's nose and Jay twisted away as best as he could, brought up his hands. But when he opened his eyes, Zayne had stopped, knuckles now an inch from his face. A trembling exhale released, followed with a betraying, pathetic little whimper.
"Or worse..." Zayne pulled his fist back and unfolded two fingers into a fingergun. "What if it had been someone with a gun, like Emery?"
Jay pulled a face and couldn't expel the sudden vision of Emery sitting on top of him instead of Zayne. He shook his head and looked straight into Zayne's eyes, the familiar evil that he suddenly way preferred, trying to ground himself in reality.
Zayne slowly leaned forward and let the tips of his index and middle finger rest against Jay's forehead. He clicked his tongue, flicked his thumb. "He'd probably empty a gun into your brain if you tried some stunt."
"I'm not stupid enough to pick a fight with someone with a gun."
Zayne laughed. "You do realise that is literally what you are doing by researching his crimes, right?" He caught both Jay's wrists and slammed them roughly into the floor. "Not to mention that you are stupid enough to pick a fight with someone who hands you your own ass multiple times a week."
"You literally asked for it yesterday."
"Well, you know how I always like to encourage you to fight back," Zayne crooned right in his face, knowing he had Jay pinned to rights. "Just, you know, be careful with it. It could do you more harm than good."
"So you're saying to only try this on kindhearted souls like my trainer or you."
"That's right."
"I see." And Jay suddenly bucked his hips up, caught Zayne both off-guard and off-balance, tipped him forward, and tossed him right over.
@just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @hurtmebeautifully @rougenoirofthepurpleterror
@susiequaz12 @whump-me-all-night-long @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @im-just-here-for-the-whump @restrainthenmaime
@freefallingup13 @whatwasmyprevioususername @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @firewheeesky @redstainedsocks
@hold-back-on-the-comfort @whumpawink @break-so-beautifully @approach-me-and-ill-cry @painsandconfusion
@afabulousmrtake @wormwriting @soopytime @whumpedydump @pickleking8
@itsmyworld98 @whumpifi @painless-and-colourful @withdrawingramen @lolrpop
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oddsconvert · 2 years
"Hurry up, Whumpee! There's something I want you to see", Whumper tugs them forward by the leash hooked to their collar, hastily dragging them through the doorway as they stumble and trip over their own aching feet.
Whumpee groans as they're shoved to their knees, they keep their eyes trained on the floor, anxiously fiddling with the short length of chain between their cuffs.
"Look who it is", Whumper jabs their pointer finger against the TV screen, a giant toothy grin spreading on their face, "Who's that, Whumpee?"
They slowly look up at the screen, narrowing their eyes and trying to focus as they shuffle closer forward.
They haven't a clue who they're looking at.
Its a picture of someone, a stranger - they look youthful, happy and healthy. Whumpee feels green-eyed jealousy take over. But they're certain they've never seen this person in their entire life. Their eyebrows knit together in confusion, flittering their eyes from the screen up to Whumper, then back again.
"I ...I don't know, Sir", Whumpee mumbles, and Whumper scoffs a mocking laugh, shaking their head.
"No, come on now. You're having me on," Whumper presses and Whumpee really tries their best to rack their brain but they come up short. They're certain - they do not know who that person is.
"You're lying to me! You know who that is!" Whumper insists, half jovial, half impatient. Their pitch heightening in disbelief.
Whumpee slumps back, resting on to the heels of their feet, "I'm s-sorry, sir. I haven't- ...I don't recognise them. Should I?"
For a few seconds, Whumper scours Whumpee's face for a sign of deception, or rebelliance. They find nothing - Whumpee shivers on the spot where they kneel.
"Oh, my god...you're being serious, aren't you?" Whumper gasps, crouching down to Whumpee's height and tilting their head to meet Whumpee's eyes as they bow their head in shame.
Whumpee nods miserably.
"That's you. Whumpee," Whumper points up at the screen, at the missing person picture, "That's you in the picture."
In mind and now body, they couldn't even recognise themself anymore.
Drabble taglist <3: @whatwasmyprevioususername  @whumpsday  @sparrowsage  @whumperfully  @wolves-and-winters @canislycaon24
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galaxywhump · 1 year
I still want to put Wren in a box
As you wish! Of course I ended up with more than 100 words, so it's an almost-quadruple drabble.
Set in the Berkeley's Revenge AU.
contents: recapture, muzzle, restraints, trapped in a small space, referenced carved mark and amputation.
“I could use a break from having to see you, Rackham. Your face pisses me off.”
Wren glares up at Berkeley from inside the huge cardboard box he had been pushed into. As much as he hates to admit it, there’s nothing he can do, muzzled, forced into a curled up position with his wrists cuffed behind his back and his ankles restrained. Berkeley snorts and closes the box, and Wren grimaces as the sound of pulling duct tape fills his ears. He’s never been claustrophobic, but his stomach still sinks when Berkeley seals his new temporary prison with layers upon layers of tape. He’s trapped, and he has no idea how long he’s going to be left here, and he can barely move and the muzzle makes it harder to breathe and-
Calm down. He exhales and closes his eyes. Just stay calm until he opens the box.
He can’t give Berkeley the satisfaction of hearing him protest and struggle, and that thought helps him tune out all the other ones.
He hears Berkeley sit down on a chair with a satisfied sigh, and a moment later he flinches when the top of the box sinks with a creak, as if-
Ah. So he’s being a footstool again. At least this time it’s indirect, and he doesn’t have to feel Berkeley’s boots on his back. It’s the small things.
“At least you make a decent footstool,” Berkeley laughs, and Wren frowns. “Maybe I’ll just make the box into your new home? It’s cozy and I won’t have to look at you too often. Sounds like a plan.”
Wren’s heart skips a beat, but he forces himself to relax. It’s bearable. No matter what Berkeley does to him, he can survive it. He has survived so much already; being stuck in a stupid box is nothing.
It’s just that the box is yet another thing on top of the word carved into his chest, the loss of a finger, the forced haircut, the threats, the constant reminders that he’s going to be killed. He’s going to be okay, he’s going to be saved, he is - but as he’s lying there, in darkness, sick and tired of having to stay strong and only rely on himself, he bitterly wishes that his rescuers would hurry up and find him already.
taglist: @faewhump @inky-whump @whole-and-apart-and-between @whatwasmyprevioususername @procrastinatingsab @funky-little-glitter-bomb @goneuntil @redstainedsocks @luminouswhump @lonesome--hunter @as-a-matter-of-whump @renkocchi @whump-only @muddy-swamp-bitch @girlwithacoolcat @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @sophierose002 @whump-headspace @to-whump-or-not-to-whump @kixngiggles @ohwhumpydays @whumpsical @wibbly-wobbly-whump @stab-the-son-of-a @his-unspoken-words @pumpkin-spice-whump @onlyhappywhenitpains @suspicious-whumping-egg @morning-star-whump @burtlederp @there-will-always-be-blood @springwhump
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scratchandplaster · 4 months
How does Belanger feel about the office pet? Has he hurt him? Did they work together? Were there other office pets?
Once upon a time, there lived a man who made a horrible mistake:
Gravel scrunched under his thick boots as Belanger took a deep puff of his cigarette. He never wanted to have this conversation. No, hell no.
"Think about it. A job, a real one!" the boy, not fully a man yet, announced excitedly, "Cass is already planning to move in with me. Am I supposed to sit on benches until I'm fifty or what?"
Spit on the ground, a lump in his throat.
"Hey," with a bright laugh, the tip of a shoe connected to his, "are you going to miss me that much?"
"Jamie, don't."
"I love you too," he mocked without a spark of malice. 
Lowering his voice, in case any open window of the office might carry his words to curious ears - surely the last mistake he would ever make - the older man only grunted. 
"One tip for you, free of charge. Break a leg or two; literally."
Blunt and casual in his threat, Belanger managed to strike a nerve with the other man. He only sized him up with an inquiring eye.
"Make yourself unusable in any way that can't be questioned, and if you're lucky enough, he lets you wander off without a second thought."
"Or what?" 
All Belanger gave him was a knowing snort, so he didn't intend to figure out any more cryptic riddles. They stewed in silence, then, until soft treads caught their attention. A silhouette of sinew and bones began to bewitch them with her usual rusty meows, begging and calling out for the attention she was so comfortably used to. By the time she was picked up, rainwater had already stolen the warmth of the office out of her paws.
Jamie would miss her the most.
His boss would understand, surely, that he wasn't meant to last in this position forever. It was time for a new chapter, he had no courtesies left to waste. Dutch would understand.
"Come on, Sanne," Jamie sighed and gave the cat a good scratch above her crusty eyes, "Let's get you back inside, little lady."
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Masterlist]
Taglist: @whatwasmyprevioususername, @canislycaon24
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throwawaywhumper · 2 years
Henlo ! How are you ! May I be added to the Sebastian Hawkins whumper story you've posted if there will be more parts ?
Howdy friend, Absolutley! I'll add you to the tag list, the next part should be posted either today or tomorrow :)
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