#when a wasp lands on u
going outside when it's 91 degrees out and taking pictures of the dozens of wasps flying around is absolutely one of my favorite activities it is so fun i HIGHLY recommended it
#they were so cute. i have SO many pictures but my camera died so i gotta wait a bit to go through them but i will be sharing bc i got some#really good ones there were a few wasps that sat real nice for me and i also i saw so many other cool bugs it was magnificent again#i HIGHLY recommend going out and taking pictures of bugs u dont even have to do it when the sun is directly above u and it's hot out#u can do it in other temperatures i prommy. Also! i m fairly certain i saw a bee fly and it was so cute!!! i was like!!!!! that looks that#that one pokemon it HAS to be a beefly and i will id it soon when i can access my pics but it was soooo cute <3#also the wasps are paper wasps not 100% sure which ones off the top of my head but def paper wasps#they were v chill some even came over and landed on my head it was fun#and im not kidding there were SO many like my photos are all of them close up and one at a time but there were never less than#5 right near me like there were so many i had to watch my step bc they were everywhere and i didnt want to hurt them#and they're so cute i got some good pics of them grooming and looking at me w their cute little eyes#also i saw a few jumping spiders (there are A TON around our house) but i did not get many pics bc they like sitting on the fence and#anytime i would come near to take a pic they would scurry around to the other side of the fence posts and stare at my w their big eyes#and run to the other side when i tried to move to get their pic so yeah they were too wary for pics today but that's okay i already#have soooo many pics of them lol
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powderblueblood · 6 months
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ronnie and eddie volunteer at the hawkins high carnival to start their senior year off wrong right. wc: 2.4k warnings: eh, none. swearing. era-typical misogyny and shit. ronnie ecker gay as hell. was this inspired by the opening scene of bottoms (2023)? maybe! mind your business! requested by the lovely @joejoequinnquinn
“The thing is, man, when Ms. Kelley calls, you answer.” Ronnie shrugs through a mouthful of kettle corn and Eddie can almost hear the like Ghostbusters! She doesn’t even need to say it. 
“Kelley did not call you, first of all–”
“--well, no, we met at the market. Which is way more intimate, if you think about it. Romantic.”
“Second of all, this is a total fucking betrayal of your anti-school spirit ethos.” Eddie, with his wound cloud of cotton candy stuck in a cone, gesticulates wildly. Dude’s even scaring away the flies that might dare land on it. "What, you’re all pep squad now because you gotta nosebone some teachers into giving you scholarship recommendation letters? Volunteering for the fucking carnival?” His hands go up, a makeshift bandleader for the jaunty circus soundtrack that twinkles through the humid September air. “What’s next, the Young Republicans?” 
Ronnie’s whole face crushes in disgust. As per usual, she’s overestimated his perception in these matters. Dumbdumb is totally missing the point. 
“Edweiner,” she says, adjusting the strap of her overalls, “What I think you’re failing to essentially recognize here is the fact that–look around!--there are girls here.”
Damn fuckin’ skippy. Cheerleaders, nerd girls, regular girls, artsy girls, band girls, chess club girls, girls all wearing marginally hipper clothing than they usually would. Because the Hawkins High school carnival is prime hunting ground for hookups. 
Not that Ronnie's looking for any such thing, but it doesn't hurt to see how the other half live.
“Yyyyeah, girls that have spent the last four years ignoring u–” 
Okay, ixnay. Ronnie cuts Eddie off right at the knees, shoving a full palm into his face.
“Mmmm, glass half full me for a hot sec,” y’know, god knows what brought this optimism on for Ronnie. Maybe her job directing lowly freshmen toward the gaming booths, maybe it’s the kettle corn that kind of tastes like carpet, but she’s rolling with it, “These are girls that are still in fuck-it-it’s-summer mode. Girls that are entering their senior year of high school. Girls, okay, girls who may have finally realized that the social hierarchies of Hawkins are total bullshit and want to start off their year with a bang.”
She and Eddie stop in their tracks, identical brown eyes staring each other down. 
“A finger bang,” Ronnie encourages.
Eddie blinks, slow and spacey, like a cow.
“Fruuuhm you.”
Again, with Eddie’s shaking of the fucking cotton candy. There’s a wasp trapped in there right now. “Are you fucking high right now? Are you insane?”
“Technically, yes!” Ronnie can smoke and bike, it’s fine. “Hereditarily, jury’s still out!” Eddie sorta cringes at that one, and she smirks. “See, I can make those jokes, because of the loopy mom of it all. You can’t make those jokes.”
“It’s fine.” Cue disheartened shrug. ”But. Y’know. We can leave.” 
Her metalhead comrade grimaces, Reeboks kicking through the grass as a bunch of freshmen scatter in his path. 
Ronnie sighs real big. “We can leave… if you’re too chicken to stay.”
Pump the fuckin’ breaks. Ronnie keeps walking a few paces, intentionally leaving Eddie in her dust.
“Ronald James.”
And then she pivots. All that’s missing is Ennio Morricone playing from the heavens. Or the PA, whatever.
“Edward… ward.”
Eddie squints, his heavy brown knitting furiously. “You just call me a chicken?”
And Ronnie shrugs, cool as crushed ice. “If it walks and it buh-kawks.”
Scoff. Scoff. Scoff. Eddie’s whole torso is wracking with scoffs, he’s like a courtesan dying of consumption with scoffs, he’s about to keel over with scoffs, he quite simply can’t believe–
“Quit hawkin’ up hairballs and square up, pardner!” Ronnie yells. 
Enough with the theatrics! It’s like clicking in a seatbelt, the way their competitive nature with each other activates. Just add chicken and they are off, Eddie flinging his cotton candy to the wayside, the sticky mess hitting a nearby kid. The two of them jostle through the carnival, tracking on up to the sad-looking shooting gallery that’s being manned by one of their greasier classmates that neither of them recognise. Eddie, that big-handed buffoon, beats Ronnie to the punch of slamming down his fluorescent green tickets. 
“Hi! I’d like to shoot to kill, please,” he booms. 
The kid just stares at him, shifting to the left. “‘kay. Whatever. It’s three turns.”
Ronnie rolls her eyes as Eddie slams the pellet rifle into his shoulder– she’s seen his hand-eye coordination, alright? It sucks dick, the dude can barely walk in a straight line. It’s a miracle he can play guitar at all! 
Ptew! The first of the little tin duckies barely makes it away with its life, narrowly avoiding a blow to the head from Munson. Ptew! Second one, not so lucky. 
Eddie, roving around with the rifle for his final victim, yells to Ronnie. “Looks like havin’ a dad with a rap sheet pays off, Ron!”
Ptew! Third and final. Eddie’s face peels back into that terrifier of a grin that’s like, okay, calm down, Bozo the Clown.
“Pfff… beginner’s luck,” Ronnie tuts.  
“Like you’ve ever even held a gun before,” Eddie says and pivots back to the kid manning the booth, who’s passing him his prize. “Hold on, nonono, gimme that bear. The like, the zebra print one. With the fuck me eyes.”
The volunteer carnie doesn’t budge. “You only hit two. The bears are if you hit three. You win green Papa Smurf if you get two.” 
And gingerly, Eddie accepts the little off-brand Smurf. Where do they get this shit? Does it fall off the back of the same truck that carries Bev’s off-brand liquor at The Hideout or what?
Whatever, Ronnie grabs the rifle from him and settles it against her shoulder. She can already hear Eddie tutting like, there’s no way and don’t embarrass yourself, Ron, but the thing is–ptew!--you don’t get to be as good of a drummer as Ronnie Ecker–ptew!--without learning a little precision. 
“What?” she shrugs to an open-mouthed Munson as the pimply kid passes her a big ol’ overstuffed bear, with the fuck me eyes painted on and all (weird feature. Ronnie might regret having this in her bedroom later on), “Like it’s hard?”
Eddie huffs, because that’s a boy that hates to be shown up even if he spends so much of his loser ass time being shown up. But, it’s usually not by Ronnie, so! 
They keep movin’ through the fair, like that old folk song goes, two heat seeking missiles looking to outdo each other. Ring toss? Piss. Cornhole? Are you fucking kidding me? Balloon darts– okay, so they maybe blew their wad a little early by going straight to the gun range but there’s gotta be something… 
Then, Ronnie spots it, because it’s all flailing and water and choking and drama and shit. 
Dunk tank.
She yanks Eddie over by the collar. 
Whoever the poor sucker was that they’d been dunking made an extremely dramatic exit. Ronnie overhears something about, ‘What do you mean, you never asked him if he could swim!’ squawked from the irate mouth of one Nancy Wheeler. Because of course she’s involved in cruise directing this, somehow. Like, where does she get the time? How does she have even a minute gap in her schedule for this? How can someone look so pretty when she’s stressed? 
Then, next thing Ronnie knows, ol’ Blue Eyes Wheeler is walking towards them. Orbs of azure all ringed apologetic and Ronnie’s rooted to the ground, she can’t move, she can’t think– 
–and naturally, Nancy’s looking at Eddie.
“I would usually never, never ask this…”
“He’ll do it.” She says it without hesitation, without thinking, without considering Eddie, like, at all. 
Which naturally makes him bark, “I’ll do what?!”
“Be the dunkee. Be the dunked man,” Ronnie hisses, eyes flicking from a confused Nancy to an enraged Eddie. 
“Oh god, would you? Please?” Nancy asks, almost begging– and look, the girl knows how to turn on the charm. She might not be Eddie’s type, not in eight million bajillion lightyears, but it’s near impossible to say no to her. “You can swim, right?”
“And it’s just about time for his yearly bath! So! Heh!” Ronnie gasps a little too loud for her own good, earning a gravitational pull back from Nancy and Eddie. No? No giggles for that one? Fine.
Eddie just shakes his head, sour expression immovable because he knows there’s no saying no to this– it’s for charity. A dumb charity he doesn’t care about, sure, but it’s for charity and also a girl is asking him and also he is determined to not look chicken. Ronnie knows this. It’s why she keeps winning.
“Yeah, Wheeler, I’ve been known to doggy– hold this,” and Eddie pushes green Papa Smurf into Ronnie’s chest, peeling off his jacket on the ascent to the dunk tank. 
Nancy lingers by Ronnie a second, resting her forehead against her clipboard. 
“Oh, thank god. We might actually make our donation target–like, everybody’s gonna want to drown him.”
A beat. Nancy raises her permed head, glances toward Ronnie.
“Did I say that out loud?”
“You did.”
“Eh, I get it.”
Nancy flutters on by, muttering something like a thanks and a good luck and an I really hope he can swim. 
Now, to his credit, Eddie makes for a pretty great picture of defiance as he straddles the plank, still fully dressed in his Hellfire shirt (Ronnie’d call nerd, if she wasn’t also wearing hers) and his shredded up jeans. Then it occurs to her that he may not have completely disrobed because he’s not wearing underwear. And that’s disgusting. Moving on.
Ronnie lets him have it, for a while anyway. Nancy was onto something– an alarmingly hefty line of would-be dunkers start to gather, everyone from cheerleaders to underclassmen trying to prove something. Not to side with the idea of gender conformity or whatever, but the couple of cheerleaders that step up to the mark don’t quite throw hard enough to hit. The sophomore that follows them is thrown off his game immediately when Eddie pretend-lunges at him, devil horns at the ready. 
Gareth, their newest freshman recruit and Ronnie’s personal drum mentee, sidles up beside the tank to hype up his fearless (pffft) leader. 
“Doin’ pretty good up there, Eddie!”
Loud enough for Ronnie to hear, Eddie hollers, “Piece of fuckin’ cake, freshman…” 
“Gareth…” he mumbles.
“...I’m gonna be bone dry ‘til the end of this shift.”
Well, y’know, so like, he asked for it. 
Ronnie tosses their hard won stuffies to the side and elbows a couple of basketball players out of the way. Cue watch it, freak!, yadda yadda, who cares, give her the ball!
“That’s what the last girl who hooked up with you said, right?” Ronnie bats to Eddie, stretching her arms above her head like a pitcher. 
If she’s not mistaken, he’s relieved to see that she’s cut the basketball boys (who’ve got much more experience tossing balls than she does) out of the way. 
“Ecker, I’ve seen you in gym class! You throw like an amputee! Bring it!”
Again, he asked. So Ronnie goes ahead and winds up. 
Eddie, in all of his your ass should have learned by now have you not been watching do you not see the signs ego, turns to Gareth. 
“See, Ronnie doesn’t seem like much of a girl but she does throw like o–”
Boom! And the metalheads goes down into the murky depths, not unlike Gareth’s DnD character that Eddie so mercilessly merked at the last Hellfire session. Ronnie doesn’t hold back a cackle, seeing Eddie resurfacing like a drowned river rat and spluttering. 
“Ffflfpfpfl! Fluke! That was a flu–” he jabs a finger through the mesh to something behind Ronnie’s head, “Wheeler, that was a fluke throw!” 
“Is he floating? Oh, good.” Oh. Nancy’s back. Nancy’s back and she’s watching Ronnie. Oh. Oh that’s… Ronnie makes the grave error of glancing over her shoulder to see Nancy grinning, clipboard bound to her chest. “She’s got two more to prove it, Eddie.” 
“Just take the–” Eddie struggles to make it back to the plank, sodden clothes and all that shit, “Just take the ball because she’s not gonna get–”
Bullseye! See, that’s how you don’t choke in front of a pretty girl and all the rest of your classmates, dude, you just wind it up and get it done! Ronnie’s buzzing with a touch more adrenaline now, and it’s going straight to her mouth. 
“Come again, water boy?!”
“Water boy?” Eddie babbles once he floats upward again, struggling under the weight of, I don’t know, his waterlogged hair to straddle first position.
“‘Cuz you’re wet.”
“Not your best. Not your b–”
Not even a full sentence out and Ronnie’s put him back under again. Hello. Why has she never tried out for softball. Would that be too obvious. This is kind of making her wacky, a little.
“What was that, Munson? Whawassat?” Ronnie stomps as the poor bastard tending to this wretched machine helps a soggy Eddie back onto dry land. “Couldn’t hear you over the sound of women’s rights! Can I hear it for women’s rights?! … Ladies?” 
Zero response. Crickets. Nancy Wheeler’s even disappeared. 
Scooping up their stuffed creatures, Ronnie’s shoulders sag– and she narrowly gets out of the way of Eddie, who’s racing towards her, helicoptering his soaked hair. 
“Don’t be– don’t be shaking your Lassie locks at me like some damn dog! Jesus Christ… my sweater.”
“My apologies to the Gap by way of the Salvation Army,” Eddie sneers, draping a towel over his head as he struggles to put his shoes on. 
“One more?” Because Ronnie’s nothing if not sympathetic, alright? Dude’s drenched. She'll let him win this one.
Squelching, Eddie nods. And just like that, to their left, shining like a beacon with a trail of suckers lined up outside…
“One more… to prove we’re not…” …staffed by a multitude of cute-as-a-button beauties…
“We’re not chicken…” …glowing with the radiant halos of fuck it, it’s summer, fuck it, it’s my senior year…
The Kissing Booth. 
Ronnie and Eddie each wear a thousand yard stare. 
Eddie, for reasons pertaining to freakdom and Ronnie, also that, but jacked up to a degree of potential social pariah. God, could you imagine? Could you imagine if she had the nerve to go completely fuck it, completely hetero-nuclear and march on up there with her dollars in quarters dug out of the couch and be like, Yeah, Tina Burton. Lay one on me. Oh, you’re switching shifts? Oh, that’s okay, I can wait… And who is that? Nancy Wheeler? Well, hell! Isn’t it just my gay lucky day!
Because Ronnie can imagine. Is imagining. 
“But I'm… I’m kinda cold.” In truth, Eddie’s kinda turning blue. That September chill is starting to set in, finally… so it’s back to the parking lot they go. 
“And I’m kinda hungry. You shouldn’t kiss people when you’re hungry, right?”
“No, that’s how they discovered cannibalism.”
“Right. So let’s–”
“--Big Boy Burger?”
“For the big boys, yep.”
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persnicketypomelo · 2 years
Yoooooo, @persnicketykumquat, this is me again, lol!! I ask of ur amazingness if u may... If u want to, by any chance, may u please do a headcanon of James Norrington if he fell for a pirate, please! We appreciate u!!!!🩵💙🩵~~~~☁️
He is actually my favorite character of all the movies, so it's funny you asked!
I ended up describing a female reader more, just inherently because the structure of your life was different based on gender in this time, and it's very hard to stay gender neutral
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Yandere James Norrington Pursuing a Pirate
There are many reasons you may have chosen a life of piracy
Perhaps, born into poverty, you seek out a crew to plunder valuables with as an escape from a life of scarcity
Or perhaps, born to a relatively affluent shopkeeper, you save funds to purchase a hefty ship in hopes of exploration: to see a world beyond England
Maybe you are fortunate enough to be born wealthy, but wishing for the thrill of adventure, you steal your dowry, or other funds of money from your family, to buy a ship and sail away
I think all these different situations would alter the way Norrington develops an obsession with you
If you are already born into privilege, as the child to a title-bearing, land-owning father, you would likely have made James Norrington's acquaintance after debuting into society
Since he laid eyes on you, he fell besotted with your appearance
Being from a family with prestigious name would amplify his obsession with you from the start, as he can marry you both to satisfy own infatuation, and for your well-known family name
Even if you were from a well-to-do merchant or member of the gentry, it wouldn't be far out-of-place for someone of his social rank to marry you
However, being born into poverty or as a member of the yeomanry, I don't think he would have a reason to meet you before chasing you as a pirate
Once you commit to a life of piracy, he would begin to take notice of you
You and your crew become a real thorn in the side of the East India Trading Company, plundering cargo ships and stealing their goods
At first your skills in looting and making a quick escape are a nuisance only worthy of "wanted" posters that send scrappy bounty hunters after you
These bounty hunters have the tendency to end up at the bottom of the ocean, however
Soon it is clear that you're no longer a fly that needs swatting, but rather a wasp that needs to be exterminated
Your piracy has become a real detriment to the East India Company's profits
Norrington, either voluntarily or under orders, takes a ship and seeks out you and your crew
Even if he knew you before, he would have no way of knowing you were to become a dreaded pirate
All he knows is that you had disappeared, and were presumably kidnapped, or worse, dead
No matter how elusive you may be, Norrington has years of experience in catching pirates
Talent and luck can't equate to experience--he's been at this far longer than you've been a pirate
So when he eventually ambushes your ship, you're woefully unequipped to prevent the grappling hooks from chipping into the side of your ships, and hopelessly outnumbered by navy officers
If he recognizes you from before your days of piracy, his heart might as well stop in his chest once he sees you now
He would be far more merciful towards you if he knew you before, believing himself capable of reforming you from your ways
Otherwise, he feels that his attraction towards you is a betrayal to his values, but at the same time it would crush him to dispose of you as he does with other pirates
As he gets to know you, he might twist it into his head that you are a victim and that he can save you and show you the error in your ways, specifically if you grew up from a poor background
And if you manage to escape...
He's done foolish things to take down pirates he hates, but for someone he loves...you'd best believe he would chase you to the ends of the world to capture you again
Overall, I think he would be much more lenient towards you if he knew you before you turned into a pirate
He believes that you must have been led astray by some evil influence, or forced into your lifestyle
Whereas if he didn't know you before, he may be harsher towards you in combating his own inner turmoil of having feelings for you
He may feel he has to make an example of you, not just for others, but for himself
You're not someone he can marry...so how have you gotten him so wrapped around your finger?
Either way, you don't want to face the wrath of this navy officer
I'd suggest you make haste now in escaping, as he won't be giving you a head start
He'd travel through hell to get you back in his grasp
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waspcup · 4 months
One of my earliest memories is from when I was at day care when I was 3 and a wasp landed on my leg and wouldn't leave when I blew on it or shook my leg! It didn't sting me or anything, was straight chillin.
aww u made a friend!!^_^
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imposterogers · 2 years
Rewatching ant man and the wasp and losing it because Scott and Luis are literally BUSINESS HUSBANDS they anxious husbands together!! Their ex con husbands!! They literally bicker like an olde married couple but IMMEDIATELY make up and apologize because they have healthy communication!! For TWO YEATS Luis helped raise Cassie!! For TWO YEARS he was another coparent!! They absolutely had family nights with Kurt and Dave over!! Family dinners with Maggie and Jim!! Just nights and days with Luis and Scott with Cassie!! The three cooking dinner together!! Decorating for holidays together!! Cassie and Luis bringing in a tree for Christmas while Scott stays home and gets everything ready for movie night!! Just TWO WHOLE YEARS of them being a FAMILY!! And we didn’t see ANY of it!! But we Know it Exists!!
a moment that lives rent-free in my head is when scott & luis are fighting over whether the proper expression is "land the bird" or "land this fish" and scott, realizing that luis is just stressed out over their business, let's him win because their relationship is more important than a stupid argument
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(also screaming bc u see the vision!!!! a two year long domestic au that canonically exists where scott and luis lived together and had Soft family time!!!)
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daffodilhorizon · 1 year
It really pisses me off when carnists go full massacre on a species just because there is a MILD risk of SLIGHT harm I’m in the garden daily with wasps excitedly pollinating next to me and i’ve never been stung. If they sting me, That Will Be An Important Lesson for me (to quote discworld) but they don’t deserve to die because i get a mild itchy spot. I’ll just be more careful about giving them space if that happens, because i do not believe in capitalist land borders. no one actually own land they’re eating from (and pollinating the plants i eat, thank you wasps!!!! love u!!!!), so therefore they have just as much a right to be there as any other beloved creature of earth. Like carnists, do you want to tear down all rose-bushes and thorny fruit bushes like blackberries just because there’s the chance you’ll get a widdle boo-boo when out in the garden? That’s how much of a child you sound like, but worse, since wasps and other invertebrates can actually think and feel pain unlike rosebushes Other beings don’t deserve to be harmed just because they got scared or confused and gave you a little scratch. They don’t maliciously decide to sting people who are big enough to kill them, they’re smarter than that. Just like spiders, they aren’t trying to initiate a 1v1 combat, sometimes they just end up in the same space as humans and get defensive of their resources.  it’s our responsibility as the ones with greater power and strength to use that strength not to harm the little stingy ones but to protect them. Killing in fear is to be weak and to abuse your privileges of size and strength. Be brave and face the wasps, and forgive them if they sting you. Stand up to other humans to protect them. That’s true bravery and strength.
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thebibliomancer · 6 months
Essential Avengers: Avengers #313: THIEVES HONOR
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January, 1990
The ULTIMATE Super-Villain Team-Up! Plus -> Beginning -- the FATE of the SCARLET WITCH!
Plus, it's the 90s! Dark times ahead! Allegedly! Things still feel pretty 80s around here, to be honest but we've only just got here.
Also, hi, Black Widow! Guess you're here to capitalize on the more fluid roster of the Byrne run. Should we call you the Gray Widow now? Because of that costume?
(I've been a little rude to the Wizard during Acts of Vengeance but c'mon, the ultimate team-up is the Wizard and Silver Samurai oh that's the Mandarin. Still not very ultimate. Now if Thanos and Doom worked together, that'd be scary.)
Last times in Acts of Vengeance: Some Doom robots sank Avengers Island while the Avengers were busy elsewhere. The U-Foes tried to burn down the Avengers West Coast Mansion. Freedom Force attacked Avengers Park, for some reason unrelated to Acts of Vengeance. Mole Man attacked Los Angeles with giant monsters, convinced that the Avengers attacked him first.
Slowly, the Avengers have realized that someone is targeting them, using the general chaos of villains picking unusual fights as cover. But they don't know yet that the someone is a big conspiracy among top villains and the Wizard.
Also, not just in Acts of Vengeance but in general, Scarlet Witch's life has been horrible! Her husband was dismantled, rebuilt without emotions, and decided to professionally separate from her. Not just that but she was crammed full of racism goo and then her babies turned out to be Actually Satan. Then Agatha Harkness erased her memory of ever having children. So because of some or all of that, Wanda keeps lapsing into catatonia.
She's having a difficult time.
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Speaking of difficult times, on top of all the villain attacks and HQ destruction, the public has turned against superheroes and Congress is debating a superpower registration act.
Times are tough.
Jarvis, watching the unruly crowd on the security monitors, asks Captain America if there's nothing the Avengers can do to calm the crowd.
Captain America: "Unfortunately not, Jarvis. We're just great when it comes to dealing with super-villains and cosmic menaces... but public opinion is something we cant' possibly control."
That's pretty big talk from a dude wearing a flag. Who gives such great speeches that he has on multiple occasions turned a mob around!
Weirdly, Captain America is sometimes portrayed as just bad and disinterested in PR.
During Kurt Busiek's later run, Cap found himself unable to deal with a concerted PR campaign against the Avengers and turned leadership over to the Wasp.
Which. Okay. That makes sense. I can see her as the Avenger leader great at PR.
(Still though. Captain America talks down mobs so much. You don't even want to try, Cap??)
In this specific instance, the Avengers have other stuff to attend to.
Captain America, Vision, and Wonder Man are going to be diving to where Avengers Island sank to see if they can salvage anything.
I don't know why Wonder Man is here. He was just in California. I'm glad that the Avengers are being more fluid between the East and West but I can't fathom why people are coming and going.
In the meantime, Hawkeye and Mockingbird are holding down the fort in the Midwest with the Great Lakes Avengers.
Who we haven't seen in a bit? Did Byrne backburner whatever he was doing with them?
Meanwhile, the Mandarin lands in Avengers Park and is immediately met with racism.
He is a villain but geez, NYPD officer. Don't be a dick.
Also, I really did mistake the Mandarin for Silver Samurai on first glance. I guess he's upped his game with power armor to better match Iron Man.
A police officer, maybe even the same one that was racist, runs up to the Mandarin and tells him he doesn't know who he is but maybe he better take a hike before he gets arrested for something.
The Mandarin: "Amazing... Do I face a bold warrior, or a blustering buffoon? It matters not."
And then he burns the guy to death with one of his special rings.
The police open fire on the Mandarin but he blocks the bullets with a force field and then starts killing cops.
Although, really, he's here to fight the Avengers.
Back at "Prime Movers" HQ, Doctor Doom is outraged at how dumb the Mandarin is.
VICTOR VON DOOM: "Dolt! Moron! How has this fool survived so long as a foe of Iron Man... when his every word and action shows him to have the fighting sense of a novice in a nunnery!!"
Doom says that if Doom were in the Mandarin's place, Doom would have reduced the Avengers' backup HQ to a crater instead of wasting time terrorizing cops.
Red Skull comes in just in time to zing Doom by pointing out how often Doom gets ousted from his own kingdom.
Doom doesn't like being talked to like that but Red Skull persists, saying... uh... I'm pretty sure he's saying that in his time (World War II) he would have had someone like Doom (guess) tortured and killed just for funsies.
It's really cathartic when Doom backhands Red Skull and tells him off for "angering your betters!"
But Red Skull turns being slapped across the room into a flip and pulls a science gun on Doom.
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Apparently, Red Skull has been placed into a new peak-human body? I don't really know what's been going on with him but I suspect there's always something like that happening with the Skull so he can keep up with Captain America.
Red Skull's science gun must be really potent because he shoots Doctor Doom and the guy goes flying to smash into one of those big computer monitors.
Kingpin comes in at the noise and is not impressed with his fellow top villains.
Kingpin: "Well, well, well... The childre are at play again, I see."
Red Skull threatens to shoot him too but crime man has more dunking to do.
Kingpin: "Spare me your preachings, Nazi. If I have learned nothing else in my brief association with you and Doctor Doom... I have learned that neither of you understands the true meaning, the true source of the power you claim to possess. You are infants in the modern world... playing your little games of world conquest... feint and counter feint... While all the while the true power slips ever through your fingers." Red Skull: "You... dare... ?!!" Kingpin: "Yes, Skull. I dare. The Kingpin of crime dares all."
I think he talks a big game but he is consistently slapped down when he tries to reach past really powerful at normal crime. But then again, he usually isn't interested in anything beyond that. There's no profit in the end of the world, etc etc.
Meanwhile, Captain America and Wonder Man (who doesn't need a diving helmet but is wearing one anyway to be like the cool kids) dive down to the sunken Avengers Island.
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Alas, fair island headquarters. We barely knew ye.
The good news is that since Avengers Island was a floating artificial island, a lot of the equipment was water-proofed Just In Case.
Water-proofed enough to be salvageable after sitting at the bottom of the ocean for a day or so?
They won't know until they haul stuff out. Which isn't today. Today is just poking around and moving some smaller stuff.
They're interrupted by Jarvis calling on the emergency channel.
Jarvis who is wearing his eyepatch again.
The book really goes back and forth on whether he needs it or is just wearing it to look cool.
It looks very cool. You do you, Jarvis.
Anyway, he reports that some dude is trying to blast through the ground of Avengers Park to get to the sub-basement.
Captain America ID's the guy as the Mandarin and the three Avengers haul ass towards New York.
Captain America: "Jarvis is a good man, but we've left him holding the fort too many times in the past." Vision: "I concur, Captain America. And against a foe like the Mandarin I fear even one so resourceful as Jarvis may be at a loss."
I like that it sounds like Vision is saying, with his computer logic, that if it was someone less than the Mandarin, Jarvis would kick their ass.
If it was Stilt-Man, Jarvis would have him flat on his ass in no time.
In the most recent Avengers comic as of this typing, (Avengers vol 9 #11) Jarvis and Jarvis' assistant beat the shit out of the Mad Thinker. Jarvis can throw hands.
The Wizard is also flying towards the Mandarin.
He noticed the guy leave the very secret headquarters and went to go call him an idiot for messing up the Wizard's very well-planned Acts of Vengeance. Yup, this is Wizard's plan and the Mandarin is screwing it up by attacking the Avengers too soon!
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Then the Wizard gets tackled by Wonder Man because he wasn't watching his own ass.
The Wizard breaks free, blasting Wonder Man into the ground, while mocking that he wasted time with bluster like all heroes do.
Vision tries to tangle with Wizard next but he also made the mistake of loudly announcing his presence.
You'd think his computer brain would have told him not to do that.
Wizard easily dodges away from Vision's grasp and then Russian reversals by fisting Vision instead of vice versa.
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Alas, Vision. Turns out losing your emotions has not made you a more efficient fighter. You get punked basically the same as always.
Meanwhile, thousands of miles away in California, the Avengers West Coast Compound and specifically Wanda's house.
After getting back from the Quinjet crash, I guess Hank and Wasp just propped Wanda up in a chair and left her to Agatha Harkness to watch.
Because that's where she is.
Propped up catatonic in a chair and being watched by Agatha Harkness.
Agatha Harkness: "*Sigh* It is still no use, Ebony. My former pupil is utterly unresponsive. She has suffered too many traumas in the past few weeks even for her to bear. Her robot husband, kidnapped, dismantled, reprogrammed... Her beloved children revealed as nothing more than figments of her mutant imagination. And, most recently, having her mind stolen from her by the Deviant known as Ghaur, part of his plan to turn her into one of the Brides of..."
I notice you conveniently left out where you magically wiped her memories of ever having children.
And I feel that very well could be related to whatever is going on with her brain.
Anyway, Agatha gets distracted. She feels like someone is coming up to the house but none of the proximity alarms are alarming.
She goes outside and sees no one, not even with her Special Eyes.
(Special magic eyes)
Then the house launches into space, without her.
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Surprise, it's Magneto.
(Also surprisingly funny, it's implied that launching a house into orbit was his anti-magic contingency for getting one over on Agatha)
Magneto: "Now it is time for a long delayed reunion. Good afternoon, daughter. What a pity you cannot express your joy on seeing me again."
I don't know that she would if she could.
Although, I guess in the Vision and Scarlet Witch Vol 2, she did sorta reconcile with Magneto.
But in these circumstances, I don't think she'd be thrilled to see him.
Especially considering how he continues that thought.
Magneto: "But soon enough will come a time when you will know joy beyond your wildest dreams! The joy only absolute power can bring!"
Go home, old man.
Anyway, back over in the A-plot, Captain America arrives at Avengers Park in a Quinjet. Hellcat and Black Widow also arrive, but by leaping and swinging over rooftops.
Cap promptly gets shot down by the Mandarin.
Right when he was telling the two to hang back since they don't have superpowers.
Mandarin: "You worry so much about others, Captain... When it is you who are most at hazard!"
Ya burnt.
(Also, c'mon, Cap. Black Widow doesn't have powers, maybe, but Hellcat is wearing a suit that jacks her up to superhuman levels. C'mon with that. C'mon.)
Also, also, god damn, another Quinjet going down? Not to mention all the ones that fell into the ocean when Avengers Island sank? That's a lot of damaged and destroyed Quinjets lately.
This has to be hurting Tony in the bank account.
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Mandarin tries to chop Captain America. An honorable death for an honorable foe. I mean sure, he's passed out after a plane crash but definitely an honorable death.
Black Widow and Hellcat jump Mandarin to save Cap. They punk him a bit but he manages to toss them away and blast them.
But this gives Cap enough time to recover and he bonks the Mandarin in the head with his shield.
It makes a WHONG! sound against Mandarin's helmet.
Love a good sound effect.
Captain America: "You must be really tired of being corrected by now, Mandarin... So I won't bother telling you how wrong you are. You're quite bright enough to figure it out for yourself!"
The Mandarin uses his rings to freeze Cap's feet in a giant block of ice. And then Wizard swoops in to blast Cap.
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Captain America flips out of the way, even with the ice weighing him down.
And Wonder Man recovers enough from his earlier attack on the Wizard to fly in and pop the guy in the noggin.
Even looks like he dented his helmet. Nice.
Mandarin complains that the Wizard's interference ruined his plan, which was clearly going so well before.
Then he gets hit by Mjolnir and his day gets worse.
Vision melts the ice block off of Cap's legs so now the full team of Thor, Black Widow, Wonder Man, Vision, Captain America, and Hellcat confront the Mandarin and the Wizard.
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The Mandarin decides 'fuck this, actually', uses his black light ring to befuddle the heroes, and then ditches.
Ditches the Wizard to be caught by the Avengers.
They think he's just one small fish in the conspiracy but Wizard loudly insists that he's the mastermind.
Captain America: "And you're going to tell us everything you know. We've deduced this current madness is part of some overall scheme to destroy the Avengers. We also know, courtesy of Cloak and Dagger, that Doctor Doom is somehow behind it all..." Wizard: "Then you know nothing, Captain. Do you really think a blustering charlatan such as Doom could craft a plan so ingenious in its multifarious texturings? This plan is mine, and mine alone! The others who I have recruited to my needs may well believe each move they make is of their own devising... But it is the wondrous Wizard who conceived the scheme... and it is I who shall enjoy the final victory!"
Definitely Loki is scrying this interrogation and laughs at how Wizard thinks he's the mastermind when, actually, Definitely Loki is the one pulling the strings.
But Definitely Loki gets interrupted from his favorite hobby in this event, watching things and being smug about it, by the noise of his pawns (the Prime Movers) bickering again.
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Red Skull is yelling at the returned Mandarin for ditching the Wizard. Also, he throws in some racism. Because, Red Skull.
Mandarin shoots back that it was Wizard's own fault he got captured, for being stupid.
Definitely Loki points out that maybe they should spring Wizard before he spills too many beans, out of spite.
The Mandarin takes issue with Definitely Loki's presumption and Kingpin implies that he's the mastermind, confusing Red Skull who thinks he's the mastermind.
But then Doom explodes.
Revealing that the Doom that Red Skull easily punked was a Doombot.
(A very Byrne move)
Doom was never directly involved in this plot. He sent a Doombot because he didn't feel like the scheme was worth his attention.
So when this inevitably falls apart, it doesn't reflect on Doom at all!
Kind of a weak point to end an issue on but I love the drama of Doom blowing up from the earlier tussle, revealing it was just a robot.
Next time, Avengers West Coast #55, Acts of Vengeance concludes.
It has felt very bearable, covering only the Avengers parts.
Follow @essential-avengers. Like and reblog these posts, maybe.
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 2 years
anyway do u guys wanna hear about my trigun furry au i've thought too much about for no good reason. i can't finish the stuff i wanna draw until my shoulder heals so here's the lore
all plants are kestrels. normal plants are common kestrels (domina is a rock kestrel, which was originally thought to be a subspecies of common kestrels) knives & vash are mauritius kestrels & tessla was a reunion kestrel, which is a close relative that's currently extinct. because of this & the overall low population of bird people on noman's land, the eye of michael sees kestrels as holy & all other birds as sort of divine, which is great for livio and razlo, because theyre a vulture, which is one of the reasons chapel thinks so highly of razlo (he's still an amazing fighter tho i mean obviously, this is LR). this also gives them like. a very specific type of christian trauma. sorry <3 oh also rem was an owl
being a wasp, legato doesn't really have the same thing going on, but he insists that his wings make him more worthy of serving knives. he's managed to manipulate his natural venom to completely put people under his control. all of the other gung-ho guns are insects, except for dominque, who is a snake & chapel (him & nick are both canines). unless you count spiders as insects? leonoff is a spider (are scorpions insects? elendira is a scorpion)
milly meryl & roberto are all reptiles so sometimes milly & meryl will cuddle up to vash & wolfwood & use that as an excuse. since meryl's a gecko she's used her tail to capture vash a few times when they first met, since he kept running away. wolfwood is, obviously, a wolf, & tries to do that whole "you shouldn't expect me not to hurt people. wolves are predators" & vash responds pointing out wolves are also pack animals, so wolfwood traveling alone & being so suspicious of everyone must pain him, too. for maximum angst potential i've decided humans used to exist but don't anymore, so both vash & wolfwood are aware that wolves had been wiped out in certain countries bc they were seen essentially as mindless killing beasts & how hard people had to fight for the same thing not to happen in america. extremely great things to give a guy a chip on his shoulder, especially when he's been made into a killer against his will
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iatrophilosophos · 1 year
Started 2 believe that wasp stings r (at least from what I can observe) a random act of violence and entirely unrelated to my behavior around wasps.
I didn't even *see* the mfer currently causing my insomnia (stung me in the neck while I was just standing there and caused a bunch of weird muscle stiffness and tension pain); nor the wasp that stung me under my finger nail the other week. And then there was the particularly dumb yellow jacket who decided to land on the innermost corner of the fold between my ass and thigh right as I moved.
I interact with wasps all day every day (currently in bed like 20 feet from what I'm p sure are hornets in ones them classic huge paper lantern type nests hanging from a tree and like three feet from a yellow jacket hole in the ground) and it's fine, u just wave them away when they get too close and whatnot. I don't think I've ever like, been aware of an aggressive wasp and tried to get away from it here. Mfers just come out of nowhere sometimes
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61below · 2 years
I feel like the bugs in TX are different than the bugs in MN though.
I will wholeheartedly support folks who try to protect themselves from dangerous critters like black widows, scorpions, mf-ing kissing bugs, ~mosquitoes~ but there’s just got to be a degree of sense to it. Like, no gd joke, being hospitalized for Lyme this summer sucked (S U C K E D.) and I’m still dealing with fatigue and heart rate issues even three months later, but the solution for ticks isn’t to fog my yard. To me, it’s the price I pay to live in the woods, so I try to wear long clothes with tight hems, tick check, and scrub daily with a bristle brush.
But yeah, I just think the most important thing you can do when dealing with bugs is to unlearn ‘the flinch’ and instead learn to freeze. Last weekend I was at an apple orchard so there were bees and wasps pretty much everywhere. Some little kids sat at the same picnic table as us and they were Very Upset about it, but we just showed them how look, they’re trying to get into your food because the bees and wasps are hungry too, so let’s put an old apple from the ground on the center of the table so they could also have a snack. Like how I know some wineries will plant a border of roses so that Bastard(tm) Bugs go after the roses instead. And bless those kids: they watched and they listened and not a single one of that entire gaggle got stung.
Tldr: try redirection for pest management first.
(Also I’m sorry but I have to laugh bc as I was typing this up, a bug landed on my arm and then a few minutes later a snake just came by.)
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(Also also: I still love how this bee just spent pretty much my whole trip to the orchard chilling on my bonnet 🥰)
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ms-debonair · 1 year
I've never done an ask before...
well welcome to socializing for once (♡) this is a memory that reminds me of you and what it feels like to be around you love u when i was much younger, young enough that if the summer became too hot, i could jump into my grandparents pool on a whim and my underwear was a perfectly acceptable bathing suit. young enough that i lived in infinite childhood, untouched by truths of the world (that girls must always have swim tops and shame) and young enough that my hair was still soft and unmarred by dye and bleach and buzz cuts, and my ringlets would spill out and float about me in the pool. when i was that young, i would still spend a week with my grandparents in rural texas, somewhere much closer to the coast, where the humidity suffocated and swaddled and the cicadas sang me to sleep each night. my grandmother loved to be in the water and swim. "i could use an arthritis break," she laughed every time i begged her to get in the pool with me. one might expect someone as young as i was at the time to go cannonballing brashly into the water, wildly, without care. but i would accompany my grandmother slowly into the pool, our gentle steps creating ring-ripples across the smooth surface of the blue water. i wouldn't make an effort to swim, instead i would immediately turn my gaze skywards and float lazily on my back. i would stay that way for as long as i could, ignoring my skin as it puckered and pruned, ignoring the heat on my cheeks that would soon darken to a warm tan. my grandmother would walk slowly around me, tall enough to stand, and the waves she made gently carried me around around the pool. she sang hymns quietly to herself, telling the stories of the bible. although she knew i believed none of them, she still sang just to sing, because those were the only songs she knew. i would squint at the sky above me and as i was so silent and still, i would be blessed by nature. dragonflies, bees, wasps, moths, butterflies, beetles, they all buzzed about, drinking occasionally from the pool, sometimes landing on the little islands my limbs made in the water. the water was cool, the air warm, the clouds slow, and the day endless.
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sanchoyo · 2 years
tmm new liveblog part...2 !!! ep 7-12!!! got home sooner than expected so we are finishing TONIGHT!!!!! >:3c if u missed ep 1-6 liveblog its here!
obviously, spoilers...for this and the og series since I compare and contrast a bit at the end (I give my final thoughts at the end for the new anime overall, too!) ^^
EP 7
-OHHH the aliens new ship design looks Interesting. I see theyre just floating outside of Earth instead of some kinda inter-dimensional pocket area like they were in the original? Neat. the ship still looks super sparse, which, is weird imo. I get that on a meta level filling it w objects would take time and budget from the team doing this tho. but also I want to see their personal rooms or whatever. what do they eat. what do they do all day when they arent being menaces. -ik it happened in the original but its still very funny that deep blue basically grounded kish hahah. get grounded loser (affectionate) -ichigo's strawberry bento bag is so cute -ichigo BOOKING IT AND LEAPING A RAILING TO THANK AOYAMA FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF LMAO -and then her just awkwardly clutching his back for a full 30 seconds. I imagine he was like 'wtf' -masaya 'i cant figure out my feelings At All bc ive never Felt Them Before Now' aoyama and ichigo 'i feel SO Much So Intensely All The Time, loudly' momomiya are sO Fucking Cute I cant HANDLE anytime they speak to each other. glad aoyama initiated the next date!! -MINT LOSING HER MIND OVER ZAKURO IN UNIFORM. YES. THE GAYS. -cafe mew mews redesign is so cute -zakuro sucking ass at being a server but still being beloved by customers. gay icon -aoyama having an Ichigo Sense whenever shes nearby….I wonder if that has to do with the. U Know. her being a mew and him subconsciously reacting to her powers. am I thinking too hard abt this. maybe. -her goodluck charm is soo cute pls. -ichigo n aoyama smacking the shit out of wasps with sticks together. why was that so iconic -WHY DO the chimera anima ALWAYS fucking knock aoyama down. ik its prob bc theyre after ichigo who is Often Near Him but it makes me laugh every single time. get u a bf whos always a damsel (and also sometimes possessed by the big bad! he has the range) -aoyama lying to ichigo and saying he doesnt recognize her to make her feel ok…bc he sees shes distressed and not ready for him to know….king!!! i KNOW he knows. pls. be less cute u two
EP 8: -my god, showing ichigo's crush on aoyama then mints crush on zakuro directly after. really hammering it home. we GET IT they are IN LOVE. -lettuce scaring the shit out of some punks I am Losing My Mind. the fact dudes like that even walked in this ultragirly cafe…pls -supposedly environmentally minded cafe mew mew goes on a cruise, smth that is notoriously Bad for the Environment. lol -aoyama whipping out those environmental facts on the fly..once again I am saying autistic king. -PUDDINGS SIBLINGS!!! CUTIES. and they gave one of them a sort of personality. thats fun -and her lil sailor hat i am crying shes adorbs -not lettuce being infused with a porpoise and getting seasick awww…poor girl -wait are all the girls (sans ichigo) wearing each others colors in dresses…thats so CUTE I love their dresses -lettuce being SO good with puddings lil siblings further enforces my headcanon that shes a teacher as an adult. fuel for me personally -ichigo u got a MAN ON LAND. getting COZY with shirogane on a BOAT. the scandal. (really tho…dancing is fun! esp with nice music! its ok to have Fun queen. I feel like ryou rly didnt even Think abt what he was doing except trying to give his employee a nice lil time since shes not used to this kinda thing) -and also, he doesnt seem to have a sense of personal space with ANYONE, lol -the ocean turning BLOOD RED and the entire shipped being rocked from giant fish monsters. this is my literal nightmare. ur stuck on a boat, nowhere to GO. HELL NO. I will never be caught on a cruise ship. nightmare fuel -the amount of times mint/ichigo fall on each other or crash into each other. dare I say it again. ichimint can still win -PUDDING TART MEETING FINALLY. THEY ARE SUCH CHILDREN. -pudding holding that fish jaw open. her POWER -BRO THAT FISH SNATCHED A CHILD. -lettuce's dive then transformation sequence was def my fav so far. beautiful animation! -did …lettuce just see a glimpse of the alien's civilization going down?? Ohhh the lore..the plot thickens…when she got close to mew aqua too. hmmm!! thats a new mew aqua power! interesting! taking notes! -YESS MERMAID FORM GOOO -YESSS LETTUCE BEING THE FIRST TO FIND MEW AQUA. she looks SO good -PUDDING BROKE THAT FISHES JAW -of course it was regular orange juice…girl did u think he actually spiked it with like. magic. -ryou is such a nice boss sometimes. pls. im not even a huge ryou/lettuce shipper but theyre cute…
EP 9: -aoyama trying to deny ichigo was his gf when the friend gave him tickets but dude. ur friend never said who he thought ur gf was. u just immediately thought of ichigo. shes totally ur gf lol -did not expect to see seiji again. hm. nice surprise hes so involved with mints life ig, just. surprised -mint u absolutely cannot leave for america. what in the world. i feel bad tho bc the mew thing isnt gonna be forever and this would help but also. mint ur RICH rich. u can prob get any job or college u want bestie -ICHIGOS PJS NOOOO THEYRE SO CUTE. her heat shaped chair and strawberry pillow too!! -all the girls gawking at aoyama like hes a zoo animal. i do the SAME THING when my friends tell me they like someone LMAO theyre so real for this scene. nosy queens -then all of them GOSSPING PLSS LMAO -keiichiro side eyeing ryou while all the girls are looking at aoyama. he sus. rightfully so -THE GIRLS ARE SCHEMINGGGG. and it being zakuros plan. obsessed -THIS IS MY MOST FAVORITE THING EVER. THE BEST 4 WING WOMENS IN THE WORLD -MINTS MAN VOICE/CONSTRUCTION COSTUME PLS -nooo old ladies lettuce n pudding…. crying over this entire sequence -ZAKURO AND AOYAMAS ENGLISH. -god they are all such good friends to each other <3 -ive never been so pissed to see kishu. ever. AOYAMA WAS TRYING SO HARD TO WORK UP HIS NERVES AND BEIN SUCH A BRAVE BOY. i hope kishu drowns in the river theyre walking by -god damn aoyama damsel AGAIN its EVERY EPISODE WITH THIS BOY. and I eat it up every single time. pathetic wet boyfriend guy real -kish…u realize if ur trapping them together…theyre gonna bond?? -aoyama clearly not wanting ichigo to have to be a mew bc he doesnt want her to be hurt…oof :( but shes STRONG she can DO IT king just trust her -all the girls attacks look so clean and so nice -either the cafe is SUPER far away from wherever aoyama was going or hes the king of Slow Walking
EP 10: -god damn I love the aliens new ship design SO much. its a creature! -kish is officially ungrounded. good for him I GUESS. -ohh, the tokyo tower stuff! is the season finale going to be a 3 ep long thing?? Very Cool -god damn the tension between aoyama and ryou. lmao -does aoyama just always grab ichigo's wrist when hes nervous? I was joking shes his emotional support cat, but, like, she kinda is -ichigo did u just run off with his jacket LMAO -lord she didnt even kiss him and she turned into a cat -def prefer the old anime's version of cat ichigo. smth abt this new version looks…off?? uncanny?? -oh my god francis IS Back. im Shook. out of all the characters that u didnt need to bring back. u bring the fucked up pervert cat. im losing my mind -ichigo's regrets as shes sinking are so funny im sorry queen -wait her being at risk to stay a cat and becoming more catlike in that form wasnt a super big issue in the og, was it? it seems more dire and time sensitive in this version, in the original it felt a lot more jokey -ppl asking mew mews for help over the government is SOO real. me asf -zakuro on a motorcycle. amen to that brother -from aoyamas POV..ichigo ran off with his jacket, then…he finds it in he river….he must be thinking she just fucking chucked it away LMAO -like he for sure knows shes mew ichigo, though, and noticed the bell?? i mean being a superhero then turning into a cat is a big mental leap ig he'd have no reason to assume its her…the whole sequence is so funny -return of aoyamas dog! my god it acts like like my dog with my cat. being jealous. so real -aoyama sleeping ON THE COVERS and not under them. yeeeep, if anyone watching this didnt see the original this should be the point u realize hes a fucking alien for that one. what in the hell was that toe shot. -his littol jammies tho PLS. if ichigos cat form wasnt so…weirdly uncanny this would be a lot cuter. but also, ichigo, dont kiss him without consent? hello? u know how that feels. even if he does like u back! -the rest of the mews searching desperately, well aware that thousands could die. ichigo, having a crisis bc her crush is cuddling her lap in his sleep. the stakes have never been so high
EP 11: -the aliens posing for the helicopter camera HAHA -no way…mint and zakuro on a motorcycle together….the rituals...they are intricate….. -oh more alien lore -WHAT. did they change it from them being from earth originally??? they…said their HOME planet is no more than dust storms and heat (lava??) now….thats NOT EARTH??? ohhh. interesting. dont think I like that choice…bc them being originally from earth and humans being descended from db explained why the aliens look so humanoid!!!
-perhaps the concept of them being from another planet is a lie the trio was told? (I am def thinking too hard abt it. but also why would mew aqua let her see that? ? activity from a non-earth planet?? why does it suddenly have that power??? its MAGIC WATER.) -oh my god the underground/cave cities!!! fucking line up with my fanfic/headcanons!!! I am Living -PLSSS BABY ALIENS THEY ARE SO CUTE LITTOL PATAOTOES -I do wonder why their planet chose to send (3) children. like its assumed pie as the oldest is prob not older than 17-18? right? and kish is assumedly 15-16, tart is DEF puddings age….they took an entire ship! (that from the one room weve been seeing looks EMPTY, altho maybe thats their. um. special deep blue contacting room?? ?) I wonder how many ships they had to work with, is that the only one? were they entrusting 2 teens and a child with their only ship?? surely not right?? are a lot of the older ppl sick and cant make the trip/fight, or are they busy and too vital to go, so they send the younger ppl so like, child soldiers=less risk if they happen to fail and die?? its like…a Lot of responsibility, so im Wondering. i doubt we will ever get these Answers…but I want them. (and ik the meta answer is they need to be close to the mews age for pairing purposes lol) -so if im understanding correctly, the aliens plan is to kill all humans (who they consider to be ruining the planet, ofc) then…wait on DB? so they assume DB can fix whatever they fuck up with the planet? or the aliens just simply arent affected by the pollution, which they dont seem to be, but they need the planet clean..ish... to grow food, and have livestock, right? interesting. kind of do wonder in an au where the aliens Won, WOULD he have done that, like actually been able and willing to unfuck the pollution stuff? we never really got much insight to him except that he hates humans, so maybe he wouldve? -ohh the aliens going after civilians is SMART. divide n conquer yk. maybe theyve been reading the art of war -boy if u dont shut up with those percentages -kishu stop fueling mints crisis!! fuck off!! im also indecisive as a person so it felt PERSONAL -oh zakuro got CLOSE close to tell mint not to worry rn <3 -ryoukitty…..ryoukittykissy. pls. he just LAYS INTO HER after too. I love how they squabble. they are so funny. masago is my fav but ryouigo is also p good, honestly. I like it for the same reasons I like ichimint...(but ichimint is above ryouchigo bc better colors together, and gay. sorry ryou) -god ichigo dodging that lil birds nest while running was such a sweet little detail!!! and her saying she appreciates life more since becoming a mew and that she wouldnt have met her friends…I nEED A MOMENT IM EMO ABOUT THIS -and her running thru that office. so fun n cute -that one intense rock sounding song they have in the ost that plays as ichigo arrives?? Im obsessed -oh god i feel so bad even knowing whats going to happen. aoyama is gonna just be WAITING. pls no. the secondhand feelings I get from that are so bad. ive been there buddy, being stood up sucks </3
EP 12: -oh my god, in the og anime kish broke her phone, which is BAD, but this time, a chimera ATE IT??? THATS SO MUCH WORSE IMO. at least with the broken phone most companies have insurance, u could prob easily get a new one!! how do u explain a MONSTER ATE UR PHONE. -god damn kish still is a lil crazy huh. i love that and respect it. itd be boring if he was nice but up until now he rly hasnt been a Huge Menace. but some of the faces hes made so far this ep. Yeah! truly a ManYandere -YESSS THEY KEPT THE BIG OLE MOTHS DESIGN BASICALLY THE SAME. one of the most iconic chimeras for sure -im glad ichigos lesbian bffs told aoyama how bad things were, bc he is hyperfocused on Waiting And Thinking abt Ichigo he didnt check any social media or news outlets at all until now ig. most ppl do that while waiting around these days I think. -sorry ik its serious and im tense even knowing itll be fine but ryous voice coming out of masha made me laugh -'your modified bodies can withstand the pollution!' (that would kill everyone else) ok but would this premise not make for a fun fucked up apocalypse AU?? only the magical girls survive AU…. -ichIGO ATTACKING THE ALIENS DIRECTLY!!!! QUEEN YESS GOOO. GET THEIR ASSES -'GET CRAZY' -ICHIGO 2022 -HYPEST SEASON FINALE -mint making her choice to stay in japan bc of ichigo….ichimint win!!! -sorry, where did tart get BOMBS?? I miss the aliens old weapons, ngl -god the ost is SO good I keep saying it but the moment mint is rising up the tower and everyones covering her?? what kind of epic symphony… -LESBIAN ATTACK!!!!!!! SHE LAUNCHED HER INTO THE SKY!!!! i AM OBSESSED -mint being the first to use the mew aqua rod!!! im so happy for her!! and its BLUE!!!! oh it looks precious. theyre all gonna get to use it arent they!! at some point!! thats so great!!! -tho ichigos fun lil spin in the og series was my fav of course, this is still very pretty -the mew aqua rod being a …masha form… is not my fav new thing tho….I LIKED the implications of it being smth ancient from the og anime! oh well -w- I can still pull more from the og anime than this one for my fanfics hahah -aww, I like the strawberry rods new design! I still like the og more I think, but this one isnt bad or anything!! and the attack was amazing tbh -ryou almost had a heart attack. my headcanon of him greying before 20 is real. -ichilettuce pose near the end. cute -….I was fully expecting the blue knight to show up during that fight. season 2, I guess?? -zakumint momence near the end….sweet -OH M Y GOD THEYRE PLAYING THE SONG FOR THE FINALE. THE S O N G. A slowed version, too!! NOPE. i am weeping. I just got hit by 40000 tones of nostalgia -they didnt have to do this to me. AGH -PLEASEE MY GOD I CANT HANDLE THIS. THEYRE SO SWEET. SO TENDER. he 100% saw her ears and was being polite by covering them. -NOOO HES CRYING TOO. THEYRE SO CUTE. HE DOESNT EVEN PRESS FOR AN EXPLANATION EITHER. -and a deep blue tease! ok! kind of expected as much. OOF THOUGH that my sweetheart got me so good im still reeling. the girls mustve lost their minds when they heard that. im girls.
-overall thoughts:
-VERY good!!! there were times the animation got wonky, but that happened many times in the og anime too, so. eh. this one at least kept mostly stylistically similar, whereas in the og the faces style could change WILDLY ep from ep. this one was more like, quality changes from scene to scene but still roughly the same style. which is fine, I know how budget and time restraints are. its Understandable.
-there were other things I def liked better in the og, too, like the outfits n transformations, but the colors here were amazing, the costume colors esp worked super nice when all the girls were in the same shot, they looked awesome together!
-I love that each girl will assumedly get a turn w the mew aqua rod! and it changes color to suit each one!
-I loved the OST. So Much. def gonna have to listen to each song again
-and all of the masago moments were REALLY cute. idk, ppl who know me know I love them both a lot in the og anime and the ship. but this one, it rly felt like they let aoyama be more..shy?? I guess?? it was CUTE. also he was a damsel far more, which was also cute. really, I love Strong Catgirl GF and Awkward Normie Shy BF. (normie for NOW. season 2 when)
-the pacing was nice (I do like the og animes fillers, but I can do w/out them! it still felt fleshed out enough! things happened at a really nice pace when u watch back to back, not sure how it wouldve felt waiting a week between and digesting them more?)
-I didn't super love the changing of the aliens backstory from earth to some rando planet, or masha being the mew aqua rod?? or something?? but those are SUCH minor nitpicks honestly.
-I loved how scheme-y the girls got together. their friendship is so sweet and the best thing from the show for me. mint being the og and ichigo not being like, The Leader (yet?) but all of them feeling pretty equal standing is Nice. they rly seem like real friends and I love just. how supportive they all are of each other!! I rly do feel like they work so well together by the end of the season as a team.
-im glad they kept the animation pretty silly and let the girls make goofy funny faces!!! like, they were still cute/pretty in a lot of shots, but they kept the Silliness and Antics at a Max Level. they felt their age if that makes sense. I appreciate that
-like I KNEW what would happen, but the OST and lighting/color schemes on a lot of the scenes made me like. Genuinely Feel Panicked or Excited!!! (of course I was excited to watch)
-my god 'my sweetheart' got my blood PUMPING HEART RACING AT THE END I COULDNT BELIEVE IT. AAAAH!!!
-when is season 2 I need it NOW!!! Im still glad I waited to watch, bc now I have fanart to go thru :3 and I didnt have to wait to watch the next ep, waiting for s2 is gonna HURT. I want it SOON.
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lonespektr · 1 year
Eight or Silver (The Cursed) {2021}
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The war of who when??
Mustard gas
Tent surgery, limb bucket
Silver bullet in one dude 😮
35 years prior
Children fancy house
Not actually bathing whine wash room and you half nekkid splashing water hun if you don't puck up some SOAP atrocious hygiene number one most horrific element 🧼🧼🧼🧼🧼🧼🧼🧼
Melt down coins
How you WASTIN silver
Not a grill??!!
With elongated canines with sigils??
Did you even get a gum/teeth mold
White people stealing roma land after not bathing 🧼🧼🧼🧼
Hire mercenaries to remove them from the land
Okay lots of short scenes
I really dislike shirt cut exposition scenes it's like a montage that's a homework assignment
I would literally rather read it, pick it up from context, or have longer scenes that FLOW
But just exposition CUT diff info CUT Another info dump scene CUT
I'ont like it
They running the Roma off
Burnt the lil camp
The laughing scenes sound like women WHIST
A woman is being carried off to be r*ped so that's a choice!??
There's only men having fun from tourment sooooo
Silver grill maker and grill receiver are caught
Gruesome literally hacked up man trussed him like a scarecrow
Woman is being buried alive
I WOULD appreciate the implication of white woman in this with the cut to them fancy in the house as in -this is all on their behalf
If not for the voiceover of women in joyus laughter while the men are committing the heinous
Tbd on these elements???
Young woman night mare
Undead scarecrow man now
New pathologist rolls into town, third shot of white boy training to be a colonizers
He's digging now too
All the children having the same dream
In this instance sleep walking
He dreamed of both parties
Classic floating woman scene
Second eight for silver nursery reference
Apparently they have settlement banishment powers
The elders for id it?
Okay so all children have dreamed it
Why would they bury it??
Whisper teeth curse?? Like the one ring type shit
Now he biting kids
BRUH you ignoring your children
They screaming and banging.
Boy bit wheezing, from???
His airway doesn't seem compromised.swelling infection?
Another jump cut dream
Who moves a sheet? She should have looked down or something
Lots of body horror
They literally let their children run off
Why is the biter normal and walking around??? Hello
He doesn't remember
Thirty pieces of silver
Now how YOU KNOW
Bruh u rippin the bible bruh
Teeth in the church
Ok the children are cursed cause they parents colonizers
U sure that's ed bro?
Is that barley?
Literally came by and ripped the hand off but it still works??
One down??
They brought the pathologist
Detective pathologist inspects the house and boards the windows
They making that lil girl ding
White entertaining habits are wild
She crying and the dad is mad at her
He's the only adult to dream (younger but absolutely an adult)
Bonus dream after digging
He dreamed mr scarecrow had his wife n kid
Wait now who did she ask was gon die??
His mobile old timey microscope is seeing molecules??
I have just googled and yes them old ass microscopes could see a blood cell 🤔🤷🏿‍♀️
My scincerest apologies to old ass microscopes
Mystery remains unanswered why would a wild animal break into a house?
I knew they were going to reverse that
Bro looking like the midnight mass vampire
Look the woman is useless and got attacked and fell and is screeching
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Out the second floor
I appreciate the novelty
You get bit then you grow roots and get watered then cacooned
Now you are vampire
This mother fucker was listening outside the door waiting for somebody to say magic??
Peak WASP never talk about the problem proto WASP
Supress, deny, hide, disregard
He going hunting now
His fam got kit by the same curse back where??
He finally found the real body
A classic stick pit trap
Nice shot with the white trees
Already speared
Clearly humanoid bro
How do you get down there or back out after you pointy them sticks?
Not what's his face in a bit role
Bro what dod dragons rumor to look like back then
They not helping
He's a shit surgeon
There's the girl inside the body
Stil screaming
FIRST thing out his mouth is DON'T TELL
Hide it from your wife
It's body horror+ evo horror and jump cuts and the horror of colonialism
Bro just knock like a normal person why you gotta scare everybody
Them shiloh looking begals taking me out
Mam why are you out doing laundry we are on lock down
Raiding party this is your own fault
Another award winning screen that's what women do scream
And they of course cut to the laundry now dirty it's very women are useless
Like they can't even clean the laundry
What if when aren't like after thoughts in films
Maid made it, so now she van turn inside the home
Is this struggling class commentary will the poor kill the rich
Bro leave in the middle of the night???
Now you know the cost of greed
Bro you also can't stay in somebody house uninvited week maybe he meant in town
I'm bout to fall asleep I'm hella exhausted i hiked many miles today
Maid biting it
They usually bust out the winda though
Omg making coffee i thought he was making more silver bullets 🤣🤣
Maid bitin em
Maid shot
Lol i loved how genuinely awkward is was to light that torch on a run
Umm??.torch flir
Finally admitted he dreaming crazy
Torched himself in the lil barn without a word to family talking about tell Isabel, bro u could have said goodbye, it's not instant the shortest turn around time was like....six hours???
Wide Ave daughter are out of the house, the exact family ratio he used to have
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harrylights · 1 year
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers🎶✨️
eee ty anon <3
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alisaint · 6 years
sometimes i’ll be doing my schoolwork right and i’m an ed major so a lot of my books r on [u guessed it] kids and diversity and like ... time and time again latinos are referred to as non-white peoples and it’s like .. just interesting to see how [these] ppl in academia view whiteness and white people and how people on here see it
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Ik you’re busy but if u have time n if u feel like it could you pls write one where ben makes a comment to joe about his gf being very clingy/needy but she overhears ben so she tries to tone it down. when joe finds out he gets angry at her bc he never said that to her and he doesn’t think she needs to change. but ending in fluff. u don’t have to but thnks :*
Sure thing! Here you go!
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It was harmless, harmless you told yourself.
But it stung like the sting of a wasp.
"She's like a bloody koala to you! You got to make sure you have your own life, mate!"
Frozen in your place, you felt your bladder harden despite your recent bathroom trip. Your heart was racing, and you breathed in...and out...and in...and out...but it was not stopping. You felt the rage, thick in your body. Screaming. Ready. The distant 80s tunes blasting from the Bluetooth Speaker felt distant even though it was near you.
So, you charged from your corner in the party. The red cup, drained of drink, almost crumpled in your hand as you slowly, angrily crushing it. Words pouring out before you could control them.
“I heard that, Ben,” you said.
The blonde and red heads whipped towards you. Their faces pure white.
You looked right at Joe.
“So, I’m clingy, huh? Like every other girl, huh? Won’t let you even play one video game while sucking your dick because I’m just a girl, isn’t it?”
“Y/N, please…”
“How dare I like you, Joe, how dare I…I even show myself- that’s not what you wanted. You wanted a maid you didn’t have to pay, right?”
“I didn’t, please!”
You turned around and marched out. Though Lucy ran up to say hi, you ignored her and marched away. You opened the door and stepped out. The thick summer air was filled with heat contrasted to the icy Air Conditioning of the house. You heard crickets chirp and there was a firefly or two floating around. A big landed on your leg and you swatted at it with a “HRRGH” from your mouth. Secretly you wished it was Joe’s face.
“Y/N, listen, please, I’m begging…”
Speak of the devil.
You turned around to see him. Him. Him, him, him, him. Your chest burst with a bittersweet love. The angry kind. The kind that made you so furious because the attack came from someone you loved so much. A random stranger? Not as much. But coming from Joe? You might as well be shot, you emotional mind thought.
“Why should I? I heard Ben’s words…” you spat.
He walked forward, extending his gentle hand.
“Y/N, here’s the context…are you ready for that?”
His hazel eyes looked big and sad. His mouth in a slightly open frown and his face pale. Hesitantly, you accepted his hand.
“I was telling Ben about the time I didn’t want to go shopping and how you had this pout that you do…you know…”
He mimicked it and you had to admit, it was exact.
“And how you asked me why…and it was because, you know, how I’m trying to budget so I can have that trip. Okay?” he explained.
You nodded, recalling. A couple tears welled in your eyes, and you wiped them with your sleeve. Another one came up and he wiped it with his thumb.
“Sweetheart…I know we…we’re a PDA couple…like, you’re so damn hot I can’t keep my hands off of you anytime…” he quipped.
You couldn’t help but smile and look down for a bit. Even in arguing Joe was a giant flirt.
“You know Ben saw that and he…can jump to conclusions. You know…” he explained. “But I never, never called you too clingy or any of that…why would I?”
You sighed and looked up at him. The dance music changed to a more soulful ballad from inside.
“I just…I was scared that…that when I thought I could totally be myself around you I…” you explained, words fumbling.
“Well, how many times have you seen me scream at baseball while stuffing half a hot dog down my mouth at once?” Joe asked.
You couldn’t help but chuckle a little.
“Several times!”
“And how do you think of that? Gross? Stupid?”
“No, it’s endearing!”
He looked at you, holding your face and listing your qualities, your silly, goofy moments that were completely, uniquely you.
“Why would I love you less for that? Or that you like to hug on me all the time? It’s you!”
“And you’re you Joe…”
“But anyways, I am very sorry…. for all of this. That you even had to…had to doubt that I didn’t…didn’t like you as you are.” He explained.
“I…I just didn’t hear the whole conversation…I was being silly…”
“You were protecting yourself. That’s one reason I admire you, Y/N…”
You reached over and kissed his cheek kindly. You heard the door creak open. Ben stood there; cheeks flushed.
“Y/N, Jesus Christ, I’m a dickhead, please…please forgive me! I wasn’t thinking!” he begged.
Breathing easily, you put a hand before him.
“I…I forgive you, Ben. I’ve said things I regret too!” you reassured.
His shoulders relaxed. For the rest of the night, he chatted to you. Getting to know you better, sprinkling in the extra apology or two.
And with Joe holding your hand, you smiled, nodded, and laughed. At peace.
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