#when he looks at HIS teammate
tinseltownie · 2 months
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George Heart Eyes Russell
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satsuha · 11 months
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doodles i made on octopath day (7.13)... 2nd pic is of the characters wearing their voice actors' outfits during their video message in the anniversary livestream!! i love when VAs do closet cosplay type of things it's so cute
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Lt. James Vega, EDI, and Urdnot Wrex With: Lt. Steve Cortez, Dr. Mordin Solus, Major Kirrahe, and Urdnot Bakara And a Special Guest Appearance by: Adm. Steven Hackett Alliance R&D has officially begun construction on the Prothean device. The team has dubbed it: "Project Crucible". We're throwing everybody who knows how to throw a hammer at it. This is gonna be the most ambitious undertaking in human history. I'm not saying it won't be a challenge- but we can do this, Shepard. You can do this. Never doubt that. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
+BONUS (the smirk™️)
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#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#james vega#EDI#urdnot wrex#steve cortez#mordin solus#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#i feel like i probably should have split the actually sur'kesh set in half like i did with mars#but i got lazy after i split out the normandy summit gifs and i wanted to keep the rest of the mission together lol#wrex having small conversation moments with james and EDI was everything to me#bc with both of them it felt like wrex passing on some of his old kid on the block knowledge to the new kids on the block and i just 🥺#like i didn't get it in the gif but the second part of that convo with james he says something like#'you're one of shep's new recruits? hang on kid- it's a hell of a ride!' and when i tell you i SOBBED#like the entire first half of this playthrough is soph taking her newer squadmates out to help her build the army for the reaper war#so running into all these old friends/teammates and hearing them share their wisdom with james and EDI as new recruits is everything to me!#also EDI and james look very cute in their armor (ESPECIALLY EDI IN HER HUNTER HOOD I LOVE HER YOUR HONOR)#i'm just gonna say wrex's little tongue out at the salarians in the background of padok's gif sent me so hard i had to include it LMAO#and i'd write something about the mordin cameo but the mordin cameo on tuchanka is better so i'll save my thoughts for that one#ig thanks for being wrex's inside man mordin you were real for that one#the real salarian homie of this mission was kirrahe and i love him (he's my favorite and i adore him thank you for coming to my TEDtalk) :)#and i will also say that i adore bakara and she's the highlight of this mission for me bc of the lines but also like???#her grabbing the shotgun from wrex to take out the cerberus troops is everything and his expression afterwards is *chef's kiss*#and SOPH'S LITTLE SMIRK LMAOOOOOOO i had to include it bc i saw it in the back and it sent me to the next dimension lol#and since i just use the tags to share all my annoying little thoughts on a final note:#i included the elevator bomb scene bc in soph's canon she gets injured during it for the shenko angst pre-coup bc i'm an angsty bitch :)
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i need to explore kuwabara and kurama's friendship more like. I'm pretty sure kurama was the only one kuwabara was seeing towards the end of the series cos hiei and yusuke were still in makai iirc? so they were hanging 😭
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
@lesharl-eclair here is the vettonso timeline I mentioned at some point!! I was gonna make a more refined version but ah, the original is fine so I'm posting it for you <3
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Its written so its as if their careers began at the same time. There's obviously some parts where they deviate from each other(I blame Fernando), but they're pretty similar, no??
Here's some notes I have:
They both started at technically the same team(if you ignore that Seb raced one race for Sauber): Minardi/STR. And they spent 3 seasons either racing for that team or testing(Fernando for Renault, Seb for BMW teams), before being promoted to the team where they won their respective WDCS.
They both spent six seasons with their WDC team. And both won their WDCs using Renault engines. Both were pretty much the golden boys of their teams, beloved by their team principal and team in general. Unfortunately both aren't consecutive because Fernando tried out McLaren lol.
They spent a similar amount of years at Ferrari(five and six respectively.) Neither could win a WDC with Ferrai(😔) And both joined Ferrari in a very similar way. When Fernando joined, he ousted Kimi and it was very uncertain where Kimi was going. I think the commentators in 2009 predicted McLaren? (But he ended up taking a sabbatical obv.) But pretty messy, right? The literal same exact thing happened with Fernando and Seb in 2014-2015. They finally announced at the end of the season, even though it was pretty obvious, that Seb would be replacing Fernando. And where did Fernando go? McLaren! The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself. I guess I find it funny that Fernando replaced his former rival under somewhat messy circumstances, only for his other rival to do the exact same thing to him years later.
Okay McHonda and Alpine blah blah blah. Anyways they're probably going to have both end up competing their careers after two years with Aston Martin. This honestly is my favorite parallel. Because it's very sweet to me that Seb replaced Fernando, in an aforementioned messy way, only for Fernando to take Seb's seat in a very peaceful, almost "passing the torch" type exchange 🥰
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mishapen-dear · 11 months
no but im thinking about how 4halo could be together while keeping their dynamic intact. forever asks bad on a date and bad is like yeah :D friendship date. several dates later bad's the one to propose and he says "will you merry me" as in like. be merry with me. feel joy forever for we're together and we have 11 children aka all of the eggs we have forcefully adopted from the other parents and i dont know what life would be like without you. you changed my life for the better. besties 4evar, forever
#and then richarlyson falls into pieces#and dapper gets to be smug#i don't super enjoy the ship when theyre lovey-lovey but oh my god its so fucking funny to be in a relationship and just Deny it#to each other to everyone else to themselves#is that a wedding ring no its a donut#made of metal#a decoration i wear that's inscribed with my bestie's name because i just like him so much :3#do you see the vision the vibe is queerbait themselves to Hell while being Actively Queer#more thoughtful examination of bad's character is that i think a relationship that actively rejects sincerity is what he'd be most#comfortable in#he's Full of compliments for the other players and eggs but he will Never say that to their faces. he uses sillytime and insincerity as a#shield. if he ever trusts someone to be like. close to them. to consider them a teammate like he considers dapper a teammate#then it doesn't matter what label it gets -qpp or genuine besties or romantic or another option i cant think of- i think that not#acknowledging that sincerity is the only way he could bear letting them into his heart#i don't know forever as well to give a thoughtful analysis but i think that giving him something low pressure that isn't a Romance might be#good for him too if only for the fact that his Romances have all failed p badly. better to just be silly about it yknow just joke around a#lil if it doesn't mean anything then it wont hurt#<- basic angst trope im not sure fits him but be rest assured i am Looking at him. studying that beast.#qsmp#4halo#qsmp shipping
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summerblueringo · 8 months
I found an article talking about the 2018 FIA gala and
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so he wasn't even supposed to be standing next to Seb? literally went out of his way and ignored protocol to be next to him? they make me feel so soft fr fr
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shima-draws · 4 months
Mhmm. Got new OC ideas on the brain. It’s basically the trope of “I thought I lost you when we were kids but you’ve actually been by my side now that we’re adults yet I was too fucking STUPID to realize it was you all along” which is like. MWAH chef’s kiss 😩👌
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starscelly · 4 months
miro playing one liiga season with roope, then one without, deciding that’s enough, and IMMEDIATELY afterwards following him to texas
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hejustcancelledit · 8 months
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I am completely normal about a French toplaner
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3416 · 1 year
I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what’s the deal with Mitch and his dad? Last night prompted a lot of Mitch Daddy Issues Marner comments and I was kinda lost. I know he started hockey like. Ridiculously young and there was one video I saw where he mentioned something about like a hockey deal with his dad where he was like yeah I won’t get into that and it had iffy vibes but?
i don't know like. full full details either tbh. but there is this vid from when mitch was little and he and his dad were in a local news story and that's one of the first things i ever saw about mitch. i think his dad's just been a pretty extreme helicoptor parent and made disparaging comments about how ppl dont take mitch seriously bc of his personality and involved himself in mitch's contract negotiations w the leafs to a degree that reflected badly on mitch. i think you can tell how there are definitely problems with their relationship in the way he talks about his dad to the media and how his "father" knows not to mention hockey around him bc he doesn't want to hear it... the evolution of that relationship where mitch now no longer wants him involved. to me......... he just kind of seems like a guy that was like way too heavily invested in his young kid getting into this sport and there's definitely something fractured there bc mitch has a lot of warmth for his mom and his brother when he talks about his family, but sometimes his dad is excluded from that. (AND as a purely speculative section to this, it's interesting that mitch finds himself very attached to dad figures on the team like patrick marleau, matt martin, jumbo, muzz, bogo, etc... like clearly there are some Feelings there and potentially a paternal void that he likes to fill by glomming on to men who aren't afraid to give him affection praise and love that he definitely craves.... there's an essay to be written abt this but i'll save it for someone funnier)
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Your last two posts have made me imagine Brainiac 5 and the Legion getting stranded in the past for the umpteenth time, so Brainy just calls up Bart who calls up his time traveling family because y'know.
Anyways Brainiac (or more likely one of the other legionaries stuck with him) overhears Bart cursing and goes "wow they let you say that sorta stuff?" and suddenly has 4 different speedsters (Bart in horror, Jay, Max, and Wally in glee) looking at them
So the funny thing is that Max is from the wild west originally. That man is a cowboy and he has some rather... old fashioned values at times. Nothing too crazy. But he would definitely clutch his pearls if Bart was swearing in front of women because Max 100% subscribes to chivalry and all that jazz. He would be upset if Bart was swearing in front of children as well.
But the weird thing is that I can totally see Max being cool with it if it's just the two of them? Idk. Max has weird hang ups about being polite. It's especially weird when you remember that he's an introvert.
But yeah, Max would probably make Bart sit through an opera as punishment or something.
Now Jay would be VERY upset. He would give Bart a stern lecture about being polite, the whole nine yards, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" and all.
I mean, Wally skipped a family dinner one time to prevent the apocalypse and Jay gave him a lecture about family values and being there for his kids. A single dinner. To save the world. Wally was an adult.
So, yeah, Jay would definitely have strong opinions on that.
Wally would think it's fucking hilarious.
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starlooove · 4 months
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The way this has literally applied to every member of the batfam at some point and still does for most of them el oh el
#only difference is patrol during the day#and ‘oracle wannabe friends’#which a lot of batfam members have always had contacts and info brokers outside the oracle#but also woooow Duke doesn’t trust the cop or his daughter 😨#which I don’t want Duke having cop contacts at all but maybe that’s too black of me#like all the batfam members were teammates/mentees to Batman#even Steph who’s not rlly part of it is still included when u say batfam and seen as a main member#when tims parents were alive he was absolutely still batfam#and no that abandonment shit was made up#and even tho he patrols at day he very much still shows up for a bunch of night shit bc dc doesn’t wanna explore day Gotham lmaoooo#anyways maybe I’m terrible but I always thought smth terrible Is supposed to happen to Jay to fuel his story#SORRDY when I look at Jay all I see is anime mom with the side ponytail#It didn’t occur to me that maybe they just wanna slowly phase Duke out till someone on here said it 😭#uhm the fic is good tho no hate#like this authors note bothers me bc it exemplifies the double standards between Duke and literally everyone else#and how the issue of everyone being well established and years into their journey with Batman#is never taken into consideration. like Duke has been working with Bruce for awhile but he’s not at the yelling fights fuck u dad I’m runnin#away point yet lmaooo it’s just been 2-3 years yall#bc nobody wants to fucking write for him but I digress#anyways I do appreciate the fic again no hate#just nobody said this when tim was first starting out el oh el
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every-sasuke-uchiha · 11 months
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ancient-day · 10 months
I understand that traits don't necessarily say something about the Persona-User, but I've always found it interesting that Robin Hood and Loki help with support skills rather than offensive skills. The only support skill they have is Debilitate, so it only aids Goro a little on his own. It reminds me of Arsène's Pinch Hitter trait because when in a party all on his own, that does nothing for Akira. They both benefit most from having allies to make those traits more useful.
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selamat-linting · 11 months
classpecting the iasip gang because i have nothing better to do with my life
-dennis : prince of heart (derse)
put up a facade of a calculating mastermind but is actually the dumbest man alive who cant express affection without two hundred layers of irony and violence.
-dee : page of light (prospit)
narrative's favorite butt monkey. oftentimes deemed as irrelevant and claws her way to relevance and luck no matter what and fails very very, often. actually the most reckless member of the gang.
-charlie : bard of time (derse)
the wildcard. musical genius. intelligence level correlate to what the episode needs. neglected and abused but refuse to accept it even happens to him by escaping into substance abuse and passivity. surrounded w/ filth, death and decay.
-mac : maid of hope (derse)
his faith in religion and hope that his parents care about him in some way allows him to survive to adulthood but it also sets him back as a person because he was blinded by his own convictions and internalized homophobia. he's also gullible.
-frank : thief of space (prospit)
the sleazy businessman who fund the gang's schemes. inadvertently stuns the twins capability for personal growth and chance to have a new beginning outside of their dysfunctional upbringing by being an absent parent but coming back to them when theyre adults. struggles with feelings of stagnation and unfulfillment. egg motifs.
#homestuck#iasip#whether they win or not depends on if canon ends with them growing or stuck in the same old patterns lol#i think its one of those session that lasts for years before actually culminating in something#like the dancestors session but worse#it would be funny to see though#they will all godtier but not because of plot reasons#mac does the classic mistake of fighting the denizens when the quest wasnt even done yet#dee tried to assasinate the white queen because she wants to have a kingdom of her own#dennis sees this and decides he's going to solo the black king and rule derse. the better kingdom in his opinion#mac also wants to fight the black king. at first they team up but they end up mauling each other in the final fight#meanwhile and charlie and frank in the background is inventing sopor#they both end up as convicts in both derse and prospit and frank's quest planet because he scams and shoots everyone#the duo eventually holed up in charlie's quest planet. a decaying mess caused by charlie smashing all of his consorts#since they look like rats#there will be a subplot where dee dies but nobody wants to revive her so her corpse gets passed around like a hot potato#dennis ends up reviving her ofc. but without a lot of misunderstandings and hilarity since reviving your teammates in sburb requires kissing#he didnt kiss her ofc thats gross. they just eventually found her quest bed and puts her there. when she awakes and undergone her#awesone godtier transformation everyone had left#and before the game even begun the gang refuses to let frank in their game session and let him die in a meteor#even if frank actually knows some sburb lore since he's also counts as the trash twins guardians#ofc this ends up as a doomed timeline. so charlie had to go back and include him in#and while he's at it he prototypes himself and becomes charliesprite#charliesprite is even more incoherent than denimchickensprite#this au is driving me insane
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