#when he said he wouldn't stop me from leavin?
kindacreepy-kindaugly · 6 months
i don't know what to do
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munsster · 2 months
road trip (trope bingo)
A/N: thought i might try this format out. also introducing a new face to my tumblr repertoire. i’ve written marvel before, just never on this site. enjoy!! (gif creds: @bubbarnes)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: You think Bucky is shallow for rejecting a pretty stranger in North Dakota. Little do you know. 1.6k words
Warnings: fluff, dummies not talking about their feelings, pet names (doll), slight angst but resolved, perhaps mutual pinging, a really good hug, playful bullying, cursing
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"Ooh, she's cute."
You've been doing this for over an hour. He's downed at least four coffees by now. And the worst part is you call it finding a suitable mate. But he's just not interested in the women you're scouting for him at a rest stop a few miles out from Fargo, North Dakota. He would've just left, gone and sat in the truck, but he'd feel bad leaving you rambling to yourself when you're the one paying for this meal.
"Come on, Buck, you're no fun," you huff, dropping your spoon into the thick mug now emptied of hot cocoa.
"You're right. Can we go now?" He starts to slide out of his seat when you scoff. He goes still like a deer in headlights. This should be fun.
"James Buchanan, you're telling me none of the lovely ladies in this diner tickle your fancy? Not even third barstool? She's tall, Buck, like... model tall," you suggest with your brows raised.
"I'm not... we're in North Dakota, you think that's what I'm lookin' for?"
"Just one date! You wouldn't take her on one, single date? The little bar across the street seems sensible, why not?"
"Tell meee," you whine, leaning over the sticky, vinyl tablecloth with a pout.
He shrugs. "Not my type."
"Bullshit. She's everybody's type. She's my type, Bucky. Are you blind or just plain stupid?"
"I'm not interested."
You pull a face like you're offended on her behalf. Bucky rolls his eyes and wishes you'd drop it.
"Oh, I get it," you say. Leaned back, arms stretched across the length of the seat, you huff and glare at him. "You think you're too good for her, huh? Just 'cause she's a North Dakota ten, and you're a Brooklyn eight, you think that makes you better, don't you?"
"What? An eight?" he mumbles, shaking his head.
"Ugh, you men gross me out sometimes. Massive egos, teensy little brains," you say, slapping a twenty on the table and standing with a vicious squint. "Well, let me learn you something, James"—you loom over him and poke your pointer finger at his chest—"you're shallow, and you're no better than her. You prob'ly couldn't take her out if you wanted to. Goodnight."
You huff and walk away, but he chuckles and calls after you: "It's noon, doll." Flipping him off, you march out into the parking lot. He considers the woman for a moment. You called him a Brooklyn eight. She's pretty, he'll admit, but he wasn't lying when he said he wasn't interested. Bucky's seen the far stretches of the Earth, which means he's seen women of all forms. Accountants and soldiers from all over, all professions, all languages. All beautiful. But nothing intrigues him quite as much as you do.
"Did you ask her out, or are you choosing to remain a coward?" You've got your boots propped on the dashboard, the truck bumbling eighty down the highway. An emery board swipes back and forth at your middle fingernail as you snap your bubblegum.
"Come on, doll, play nice. We're leavin' anyway, didn't want to hurt her feelings," he grumbles.
"Tough. Doesn't make you any less of a pussy, Barnes."
You flick the nail file at his cheek and drop your feet heavily on the hot car mat. You called him a Brooklyn eight. You cringe at the remembrance while Bucky revels in it. He even grinned stupid all the way back to the parking lot. To himself, but still. He hates how deep under his skin you are. He hates how he likes the itch.
His tongue twists with all the things he could have said. He should have said. But he grips the steering wheel tight and drives till you cross the border into Minnesota.
"Wanna go anywhere before Wisconsin? They've got... lakes here," he shyly suggests, voice soft, hoping you'll just ignore him and turn up the radio. He doesn't think you'll ever ignore him, even if he did prefer it.
"Only if I could push you into one of them."
"Listen, kid—"
"Kid? That's great, Bucky. It's getting dark, why don't we just find a motel." You cross your arms. The cold is getting to you. Even in a down jacket and two pairs of pants. It gets like that up north.
He does what you tell him because the last thing he needs is for you to hold another grudge against him. This one's quaint, so he gets the last double available, chuckling nervously when the older woman at the front desk mistakes you for a married couple.
"Sure you don't want a single, honey? Not gettin' any kids outta separate beds—"
"Nope—thanks, miss—that's—double is fine, double's perfect, thanks," he huffs. You chuckle.
She gives a rolling, belly laugh, head tossed back as she croaks, "Won't file any noise complaints against youse! Have a fun night."
"Geez, she was great," you sigh, still smiling from the ridiculous interaction. You flop face down onto the bed closest to the window, rattling the ice from the crevices in your boots. It crunches to the floor and you wriggle out of your coat as Bucky locks himself into the pale yellow bathroom.
He starts mumbling from the other side of the door, so you sit up and toe your boots onto the floor with a thud. Digging your fingertips into the edge of the hastily tucked sheets, you stare at a wine stain in the middle of the beige carpet. At least it smells nice in here. Even if half the lights are out, and cable doesn't come through clear enough to watch.
You find yourself, cheek pressed to the door, eyes wide as you listen through the flimsy wood.
"I don't think so, Steve. No, listen, it's like... beyond repair. She wouldn't take an apology even if I knew what i was sorry for—no—she's way too good for me, I can't do that to her."
Still moping over women found in North Dakota's lowest rated diners? That's highly unlike him. But even Bucky's a wildcard six-thousand miles into a roadtrip. You press closer, chewing your lip and closing your eyes.
"No, no, everything—this stuff's easier for you, pal, you don't get it, 'kay? I'm just saying... I mean, even a stranger thought we were married"—What—"has to mean something, right? Even strangers are realizing... there's something... there. I just don't want to accidentally—no, I know, not like that, I mean...well, I like her a lot and I don't want it to scare her—"
You back up slightly, hands held in front of you like surrender. Not out of fear, but realization. That's why he didn't ask her out. Or even fish for her number. Because—
You hit the floor with a thump.
"Steve. I gotta go."
The door whips open and floods the room with warm light. You scramble to your feet.
"Were you... I was just talking to... Did you hear any of that?"
You shake your head. He shoves his hands into the shallow pockets of his jeans.
"Okay," he says with a nod, "good." He blows hot air out of his mouth and runs a swift hand through his hair. But he doesn't meet your eyes. Like a little kid so terrified of fibbing that he'd rather swim deeper into the abyss than float to the surface. Can't catch his damn breath around here.
"Goodnight, Bucky!" you chirp, turning on your heel with a whoosh of air. And he stops you in your tracks, hand on your bicep. You don't turn back around, stuck staring at the foot of your bed.
"Doll," he whispers, roped up by fear and a pinch of self-pity. Attending his own funeral with a sick smile on his face. "Just how much did you hear."
You spin on the balls of your feet, going hot in the face, fueled by the electricity at his fingertips. "A lot."
You nod and try your best non-psychotic smile. "Sorry."
"No, no... don't be," he says, trying his own. So you're just a couple of smirking idiots at a stalemate in a stale motel room. A couple of idiots with feelings for each other. Unresolved feelings. Unspoken, too.
"I actually—could I?" You point behind him into the cramped bathroom, and he lets go of you like it's his last move before you put him in check. Before he has to hand you the game. Though, he'd do that in a heartbeat. Every game of his is yours. "Thanks."
"No problem." He shuts his eyes when you close the door with a calculated tenderness. Like you don't want to frazzle his poor heart.
But then why would you open the door again? Why would you wrap your arms around his waist and nuzzle into his back? Why would you make it all so much worse and spread your fingers over his abdomen, taking a deep breath when he runs his hand down your forearm and turns to face you. Then you melt with his strong arms holding you thisclose.
"Like you a lot, too, Barnes. You're just a big dunce a lot of the time. But that's like... half the draw or whatever," you mumble into his shoulder. And you've never been this close, and he thinks he could pass out. Become a chalk outline in a dusty motel in Minnesota. But if it happened like this, he'd be okay with that statistic.
marvel masterlist
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coolprettyleo · 3 months
i need to forget - gabe perreault au ☆
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wc: 1.1k
tw: depression, mommy issues, daddy issues, mean summer.
gabe perreault x oc
summer walked through campus looking like like a train wreck.
the always put-together girl was now seen only pale and with under-eye bags.
she had been going through a lot and the feeling of helplessness was the number one feeling in her mind.
her parent's marriage was falling apart, and every day, she woke up to calls from her father ranting about her mother.
she wouldn't wish this feeling on her worst enemy.
her mother had always been lonely. with her father traveling for work she always found herself a 'companion' as she would call it, in other words, she was committing the act of adultery.
she had been doing it since summer's eighth-grade year, or that's when she finally got caught.
her father always forgave her, but it looked like her mother had finally burnt out her father to the stem.
summer felt completely helpless, and the stress of trying to keep her family together was on her shoulders, even if it was across the country.
she shook off the thought as she entered the library and spotted the boy she was least looking forward to see right now; gabe perreault.
the boy knew how to get on her nerves like a leech, and it always resulted in the two bickering for no end. usually, she liked to be back, but with everything going on, she was not looking forward to it; at all.
"your late," he said as a matter of factly
"sorry, I woke up late," she mumbled as she sat next to him.
gabe observed the girl, noticing the bag under her eyes and the burnt-out look she carried, far from the usual persona summer held.
"are you okay," he mumbled, as if he didn't want anyone to hear that he cared.
"don't act like you care, perreault. let's just get this done so we can both go on with our days," she said moodily.
"there she is" he said grinning as she rolled her eyes and began her part of the assignment.
the two teens had been working for about half an hour before they were pulled out of concentration from the buzzing coming from summer's phone.
she declined it before it kept buzzing,
"are you gonna answer that" he asked not being able to concentrate with the buzzing.
"nope" she said as it finally stopped buzzing, before it began to buzz again.
"i can't concentrate"
"it's not my fault you have the attention span of a bee," she sassed as he bit his tongue. gabe could see she wasn't well, and he wasn't an asshole. he wasn't going to annoy her today, but she seemed to be making that challenge quite hard for him.
"what, you're afraid your boyfriend will be mad you're studying with me" he smirked with a bit of a spark in his eyes.
he had seen her with a guy last weekend and they seemed awfully close.
"just shut up. please" she huffed as she shut off her phone.
gabe decided to drop it once again as they got to work.
"i'm going to head out. you just need to fill out the last slide of the portfolio and turn it in" she told him as she stood up.
"we still have another hour,"
"correction, you have another hour, I'm done," she said, crossing her arms and walking out.
leaving gabe to shake his head and watch her walk out.
"she was overly mean today" he mumbed to himself as he began to pack his own things. he'd be damn if he was going to stay in that library alone.
he turned the corner to hear a voice arguing on the phone; as he neared, he heard it was summer's voice, and although he didn't mean to eavesdrop, he still did.
"i don't see why you can't just stop seeing him," she said to whoever was on the phone
"It's lust, Mom," he heard her say with a voice that was raw with emotion.
she was arguing with her mom?
"please don't do this, please," he heard her beg before he watched her lower her phone from her ear. her mom must have hung up.
she let out a choked sob as she leaned back onto the wall. Summer could care less that she was in public; her mom was leaving her dad, claiming she finally learned was 'love' is.
gabe watched her for a moment, fighting with his thoughts on whether or not he should announce his presence.
"summer?" he said acting like he had just arrived.
the girl's head whipped up to see the last person she wanted to see her like this standing in front of her. She wiped her tears and rolled her eyes before trying to rush past him.
"you didn't see anything, perreault"
"are you alright," he said blocking her
"move" she told him
"please, gabe," she said beggingly.
"you don't have to tell me what's wrong, just let me take you to get some food or something, I doubt you've eaten today," he said seriously.
summer did not expect him to say that. she was honestly expecting him to start mocking her and call her a spoilt princess.
"if I go, you won't tell anyone you saw me having a mental breakdown outside the library?" she said sniffingly.
"I wasn't going to tell anyone anyways" he told her.
she observed him, looking for any hint of jokingness, but he looked wholeheartedly genuine. she could use some food, but with gabe?
she decided against the alarms that were going through her head and agreed to join him.
"sorry i've been mean to you, i've just been going through a lot and it's not your fault at all, i'm sorry" she mumbled as they started walking towards the closest ihop.
"it's fine, i kind of got you weren't up to play today" he chuckled
"you call what we do playing," she said with a raised eyebrow
"well, I'm playing most of the time, but then you go deep, and I actually get mad," he said, smiling, seeing as he was finally pulling a smile out of the girl.
"im sorry it's just really funny when i piss you off" she laughed
"why," he said throwing his arms up
"same reason you do" she smirked as he playfully rolled his eyes
the two walked into the closest IHOP, not knowing the relationship that was beginning to blossom.
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wizzdot · 1 month
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: Fluff Fluff Fluff
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*Laika's POV*
Johnny announces that he has ordered a takeaway. He and Kyle leave the kitchen shouting something to John about car keys and collecting it - they said they'd be twenty or so minutes. I settle onto the sofa, trying to relax myself from today's events. I close my eyes and take some deep breaths.
My phone, long forgotten in my pocket, dings. It's a message from an unknown number.
Hello Amorcito,
Alejo and I shipped your things a couple of days ago. They should arrive tomorrow.
Please, if you ever need somewhere, know that you are always welcome in Las Almas.
I hope your Alphas come to their senses soon. You belong with them even if you do not see it yet.
-Rudy x
I read the message, smiling with teary eyes. I'd never felt so.. cared for.
"What're you crying about?" Simon asks in that gruff voice of his.
"Oh" I sniff "it's nothing.. just a text from Rodolfo.. they shipped our stuff. He says it'll be here tomorrow.."
He nods with narrowed eyes "and that made you cry because..." he tilts his head, confused.
I can't help but giggle at his lack of social skills.. I just turn my phone around to him so he can read the text himself.
"You're not fuckin' going back to Las Almas, love.." he grumbles.
"No, I - I" I gulp, nervous about what I'm about to say "I think I want to stay here.. until you guys get sick of me, that is.. I know I'm a lot to deal with"
He rolls his eyes, throwing himself heavily on the sofa beside me. He grabs me around the waist, easily dragging me over his lap, so that I'm sat sideways over his huge thighs.
I squeal at the sudden shift and the blast of Alpha scent I get due to being so close to him.
"Stop doubting yourself so much. I did the same when I first joined. Wasted months pushing them away, love.. don't make the same mistake.."
"But it's hard.. I don't mean it.." - "I know you don't, just let us prove to you that we want you here, yeah?"
I gulp again and nod, sending a soft smile his way.
"Uhm.. Simon..?" I ask, thinking that now is as good a time as any to ask the question that had been burning in the back of my mind all day.
"What is it, little bird..?" - "How.. How much do you know about Omegas.. and heats..?" - "Enough.. why, what's botherin' you?"
"I - I thought my heat would last longer.. what if I'm damaged..?"
"Wish ya' wouldn't think like that.. Your heat technically started when you went feral because of that fuckin' Graves wanker.. musta' lasted a coupla' days, at least.."
"But.. why could you smell me, when the others couldn't.. and do I still smell..?"
"You still smell, don't have to worry about that, sweet girl" he purrs, making a point to sniff into my neck, making me giggle and push against him.
"And.. the others could still smell you, love.. but it wasn't as strong. I must have some resistance to the blockers or whatever fuckin' drugs the Russians put you on. Could always smell you just fine. It was bitter to begin with, because you were so stressed and scared.. but it's changed... I can tell it's leavin' your system.. not long now and you'll be clean as a whistle.." he jokes, nudging me gently.
"Do- do I smell nice..?" I ask, self consciously ..
He looks at me as if I'd grown two heads. "Are you havin' a fuckin' laugh? Can't you see how we all react to you? And that's us holdin' back.. Johnny was droolin' and humpin' you for fuck sake, love"
I hide in his neck, giggling. "You're not as scary as you try to pretend to be, Lieutenant.." I whisper into his ear.
He growls softly and pinches me in my waist softly, causing me to jolt and yelp in surprise, giggling against him louder now.
"Behave, girl.." he grumbles at me. I relax against him and wait for the food to arrive. I must doze off momentarily, because when I wake to the sound of Johnny and Kyle arriving back, I can feel Simon tracing shapes on my back, softly while scratching my scalp. He had taken his gloves off. I relax into him, so that he doesn't know that I'm awake. I feel him move slightly and whisper shout to Johnny and Kyle to shut the fuck up. I can't help the little giggle that I let out.
"Awkt, the little lass was havin' you on, Si.. she wisnae even sleepin'! Just wanted you to keep scratchin' her.. You like bein' petted like a little kitten then, do ya lass?"
I blush and hide from them, whining into Simon's neck tiredly.
"Johnny, piss off and go find Cap.. he'll be in his office. Kyle, get the food ready would ya?"
"On it, LT" Kyle replies, quickly leaning over the arm of the sofa to place a kiss on my forehead then looking to Simon, holding me so softly, before giving him a quick kiss on the top of his masked head as well.
A couple of minutes later, Johnny and John return.
I shuffle off of Simon's lap, much to his disapproval. I settle in between his and John's thick thighs.
"You okay, gorgeous..?" John asks me. I blush and nod. He curls a large arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer.
"Was on the phone to Alejandro.. he says your stuff should be arriving tomorrow" - "I know.. Rudy told me.." I giggle.
He furrows his brow. "How did Rudy tell you, Love.. I've just found out myself..?" - "He text me" I hold up my phone and show him the message.
He takes the phone and reads the message grumbling the words aloud as he reads.
"Nice that he messaged you and all, Love. But you ain't going back to Las Almas.." he says lowly.
"Already told her that, Cap" Ghost huffs from my other side.
"Good thing we came to our senses then, eh, Simon?"
"What does the text say? I'm confused.." Kyle shouts over from the other side of the kitchen.
"Aye, let's see it Lass.."
I stand up and walk towards the two sergeants, holding my phone out for them to read.
Johnny reads the message quickly, plucking the phone from my hands and placing it on the counter, before grabbing me and lifting me into his arms.
"No fuckin' way.. staying with us now, Lass.. Cap, you need to get a move on and bite a claim into her pretty wee neck.. don't want her wanderin' off to a new pack.." he jokes, licking and nipping at my scent glands, cheekily.
"Johnny!" I whine, giggling. "What, Lass? We'll mark you up real good. All four of us.. I think I'll put my mark rigghhtttt..." - he nips dangerously hard into the valley between my collarbone and shoulder - "HERE!"
I yelp and moan in pleasure. He just laughs at my reaction, smug in the knowledge that he was turning me on.
"Johnny, stop teasing the poor girl" John warns him, standing from the sofa and making his way over towards us.
Johnny slowly lowers me back to the ground, planting another quick kiss to my cheek.
I feel John's big, burly arms wrap around me from behind.
"Seems like I'm the last one to get my hands on you, Love.." he growls into my ear - "Y-you've been busy.." I whisper, overwhelmed by all of the attention.
"Aye, been busy but I've managed to get us a few days off.. we're shippin' out again next week, but until then, we're on leave" he grumbles to the other Alphas who all sound pleased.
He massages my shoulders, still pressed up against my back. I lean into him, loving how warm and safe he felt.
"I thought we could take our girl out, tomorrow. Shopping and a meal.. what do we think?" he asks.
The others all agree, I turn in his arms and whisper "I'd like that, Alpha.."
"Means I'll finally get to spend some time with you. Been jealous watchin' these prats get to play with you while I've been working. Drives me fucking mad"
I lean into him, standing as tall as I can, and press a sweet kiss to the corner of his mouth. He purrs, before suddenly showing his Alpha side.
"And as for marking you up, Love.." he pulls my hair away from my neck, and studies where Johnny had left small marks, and the slightly darker one where he had bitten, not enough to break skin..
"I reckon mine will sit right here.." he circles the spot on my neck, where he has chosen to mark me, with the soft pads of his thumb, leaning down to kiss softly on it.
"But needs to be done properly.. not just gonna bite into you like a mutt.." he grumbles.
"Alpha.." I whine.
"Shh, all in good time, sweet heart.. all in good time"
"C'mon now, time to eat".
He steps away from me and I glance at the others in the room.
They were all staring at the scene before them, at how their pack Alpha had teased me.
I stumble back to the sofa and curl up to Simon, whining and whimpering. Simon whispers to me "Won't be long, love. Don't worry".
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amspams · 5 months
TW: Swearing
Tiffany looked down at her plate. Then she looked at Chucky's. She knew he didn't eat much, but seeing the amount of food in front of her compared to what he had on his own plate made her unhappy.
"Are you not hungry?" She asked.
Chucky tilted his head.
"What'dya mean?"
"Forget it."
She sat in silence and watched him eat. She didn't dare touch her food now. After all, a proper lady shouldn't eat more than a man. Or atleast that's what her mother used to say.
Chucky noticed her eyes on him. "You good?"
"Sure," she replied.
Tiffany looked down at her belly. She felt that she'd gained weight. But Tiffany knew better than to listen to some numbers on a scale. They were only numbers after all... So why did she feel so bad? She didn't want to be considered a glutton, or worse; fat.
Tiffany pushed her plate aside and stood up, fighting back the tears welling up in her dark brown eyes.
Chucky looked up at her. "What's goin' on, babe?"
"Huh? You sure?"
"I'm fine."
But she was not. She was crying, and Chucky could see that. But he did not know how to comfort her. Especially when she wouldn't tell him what was wrong.
"No you aren't, Tiff. You're crying."
"Shut up!" She yelled. "Since when do you care about how I feel? I bet you think I'm fat, too."
Chucky frowned. "What the hell are you talkin' about?"
Chucky genuinely did not know why she was acting up, or why she woud think he thought that way. In his eyes she was the sexiest woman alive. He wouldn't be there with her if he didn't think highly of her. He wasn't like that.
"Stop pretending like you don't know."
"Know what? And why are you leavin'? Sit down and eat. We'll talk about it," Chucky said.
"No, I'm not eating," cried Tiffany. "You don't get it, you never do!"
Chucky tensed up. "Why you-"
He stopped himself from saying something that would hurt her even more.
Instead, Chucky tried to take a different approach. "Listen uh- is it something I said?"
"No!" She said, then paused. "No. I'm sorry. This isn't your fault, I didn't mean to-"
"Then tell me what's wrong."
Tiffany sobbed.
"Fine. I've gained in weight."
There was a moment of silence.
"And what? There's no 'and'. I've gotten fat," said Tiffany.
"No you haven't."
"I literally weigh more than you."
"So? Is that all you have to say!?"
"Well yeah, I dunno what you want me to tell ya."
Tiffany glared at him.
"What, you insecure or somethin'?" He asked.
"A woman isn't supposed to weigh more than a man!" Complained Tiffany.
"Said who?"
"Doesn't work like that."
"Yes it does."
"No, it doesn't. Besides, you ain't got nothin' to worry about," he said, his eyes settling on her chest. "That weight's goin' to all the right places."
"... So it doesn't bother you?" She asked.
"But I eat more than you."
"But my mother said that it isn't feminine for a woman to-"
Chucky interrupted her. "Do I give a rat's ass about what your mother has to say?"
"Is the bitch payin' your bills?"
"Is she cookin' you food or takin' care of you when you're sick?"
"No, she's-"
"She's doin' your laundry then?"
"No, she's dead. But-"
"Alright then. Why does it matter?"
Tiffany was speechless for a good moment.
"It doesn't, I just-" Tiffany paused, then started to cry again. "God I love you so much. You're so smart, and I'm so lucky to have you!"
Tiffany embraced him. "You're the best."
"I know."
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sillypiratelife · 8 months
To me, this song is sooooo Sanji and Zoro during and after Thriller Bark:
Don't you know I'm not good for you?
I've learnt to lose, you can't afford to
Sanji asked Zoro to find another cook like he was replaceable, like he wasn't the best. He wanted to sacrifice himself instead of Zoro 'cause he valued Zoro's dream above his own. Sanji could lose any day, he had given up his dream once to stay at the Baratie. Zoro couldn't. Sanji wouldn't let him.
Tore my shirt to stop your bleedin'
But nothin' ever stops your leavin'
After "nothing happened", Sanji was the first to be there to tend to Zoro. Sanji did all he could, really, but it's not like he could ever stop Zoro. Not even Luffy could prevent him from fighting Mihawk...
Quiet when I'm comin' home and I'm my own
Well, I could lie; say:
"I like it like that, like it like that"
All the noise of arguing and bantering with Zoro was gone. It should have made Sanji happy to not have the annoying marimo around, right? He was alone for a while and he hated it.
Don't you know enough already?
I'll only hurt you if you let me
When they fight, it's always controlled. When they argue, they don't really say the words that would wound the most. It was the same thing in Thriller Bark: Zoro knocked Sanji because he lowered his guard— and because Zoro would never allow Sanji to get that hurt instead of him.
With all the time they've been sailing together and facing danger together, Sanji must know Zoro, or at least well enough to know Zoro could not hurt him. Unless Sanji asked for it, of course.
Call me friend, but keep me closer
And I'll call you when the party's over
They don't voice what they truly mean, besides all the nakamas talk. With them it's all action and no words. Yet, Zoro knows that he can count on Sanji to keep his secrets and Sanji knows that if he ever has a heavy request (like asking to be killed before the corruption he feared could take hold of him), there's only one person he'd dare to call.
When everything is said and done, they wouldn't want their burdens to go on Luffy's shoulders or anyone else, for that matter.
Well, nothin' is better sometimes
Once we both said our goodbyes
Let's just let it go
Let me let you go
All the unsaid things, the moments that slipped away, all they could be if they dared breach the distance, be sincere, if they dared talk... Maybe it's better that it all stayed like that.
If they had to follow separate paths, wouldn't it avoid creating a mess? If Sanji needed to sacrifice himself this time, it's better if Zoro didn't know, better to not have him there. And if Zoro had to let it happen, it's better that he doesn't have even more reasons to doubt Sanji's strength.
Although at the end of the day, both end up lonely and pretending it doesn't bother them at all.
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luckyshotwrites · 9 months
Part 5 - What did you do?!
Contents (Warnings/Mild spoilers): Cassie sends an outlaw flying? (g/t, vore mentions, slight angst, goofiness, and lore dips)
Wordcount: 4,600+
Tune for this Chapter: None to report
Side note: I'm going to try to get back on schedule with this again at least once every two weeks if not more! Sorry it took a while and I hope you all enjoy~
She couldn’t see that well without her glasses, but she could hear his weakened and worn out tone. Not that she felt any better. 
She had fought hard to get out of him and was as exhausted as he was.  She tried to hide that fact and calm her accelerated breaths. “Where’s your room?” 
Her eyes bounced around. She had never seen a bathing house like this one. Ofuda talismans lined one of the walls along with runes to trap any Yokai that possessed people in them, and bright floating lanterns twirled carelessly in the air to bring a comforting gleam to the room. 
“Upstairs,” Cliff said. 
I should retrieve my stuff then. Cassie thought. She turned toward the door, her soggy clothes squelching heavily with each step.
She stopped once Cliff stumbled to get in front of her. “Little miss, you can’t go walkin’ around and leavin’ puddles behind ya.” 
That is a little disrespectful, isn’t it? She shrugged, “I don’t have a way to dry off.” Or a clean pair of clothes. Those were also in her bag. 
Cliff’s gaze darted to the towel, then back to the door and Cassie. He took a second to adjust his robe and make sure it was tied right. “How ‘bout this, you wring out your clothes and use that towel to dry off,” he gestured to the door with his head, “and I’ll be right out there.” 
“Okay,” Cassie said with a nod. When he opened the door, she made sure to let out a thank you, before he closed it behind him.
He kept his back against the trim of the door and his arms crossed over his chest. I ain’t never gonna live that down, am I? He had acted calm in front of Cassie, but the embarrassment he still felt rode in circles around his head, pointing and laughing at him. 
That’s fine. No one ain’t gotta know. He played with the trim of his robe, following it down to his abdomen. Except Cassie. While he wouldn't openly admit it besides the sore feeling in his stomach, he was bummed he wouldn’t eat another. He hadn't thought about eating a stunted before today, nor had he ever been close enough to one to feel so eager to eat it.
I wish I had something to fidget with. 
She waited a few minutes after he left to turn and focus on the big and empty space. There were things within it, but it wasn’t like her town. Rooms were never big enough to fit someone like Cliff, let alone twenty of him comfortably. 
She spanned out her arms and legs when she walked as if that’d take up more space.
I probably feel like this because I’m no longer inside of him. 
It wasn’t suffocatingly tight in Cliff as she feared it would be. It simply held her. 
Cassie undressed near the water and re-examined her body. I don’t see any burns or marks. The only ‘blemish’ she had on her skin was her oddly duck-shaped birthmark on her right hip.
I guess he didn’t lie about it being safe. Cassie wrung out her clothes, but her head was bursting with questions. Why would his body do that? He digests things, doesn’t he? And what function does it have to glow inside him? How could he talk to me? How could I talk to him? 
She wished she knew more about Kuna anatomy—not that she knew much about her own.
She dried herself off with the towel and put on her damp clothes. 
Don’t worry about it, Cassie, she assured herself. It’s over. I’m not in debt anymore. She walked to the sliding paper door and fought to open the panel. “Done!”
Cliff’s hand curled around the top and slid it open the rest of the way. She was face to knees with him again. You all are so much smaller from far away. She craned her head up to look at him properly. 
Cliff tilted his head and smirked. “Much better.” He walked past her. “Now, if you don’t mind facing the wall while I take my bath.”
Cassie turned around to follow his steps. “Aren’t we going to your room for my glasses and sandals?” 
He flipped around. “I ain’t clean, Cassie.” He walked backward to the edge of the pool, “I ran out of cleansing pods, so taking a nice dip sounds good to me.” Cliff stopped perfectly before he reached the edge of the pool. 
Her voice left with urgency. “I have to find the people that took my bag.” I can’t wait any longer. 
Cliff flicked near his head, as if he had his hat on. He sighed when he realized he didn’t, “I guarantee ya, they’ll be in town, miss Cassie.” He pointed north. “There’s a shrine celebration goin’ on in town and ain’t no one’s missin’ that.”
Shrine celebration? Is that a Kuna holiday? “What’s that?”
He squinted at her in bewilderment. “You don’t know? It’s when people give money to shrine owners, asking for good harvests, relationships, and so on.” He fiddled with the rope of his robe, tightening it, “and at the end of the festival, the most rewarded and praised shrine owner grants those of their territories some kind of gift for the year.” He exhaled and muttered under his breath, “at least that’s what people think.”
He motioned for her to look away, “I’m gonna take a dip, okay?”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Cassie shook her head in exclamation. “If that’s the case then it’s imperative that I do this, this instant!”
“Just give me-”
“If you give me the room number I can get it myself.”
Cliff dropped down, watching his stance with the red robe. “Is the stuff in that bag more important than waiting five minutes?”
Cliff puffed out his cheeks, then smirked. “Really? So important that you wanna roam out there with other Kuna?”
Right. She hadn’t thought about that. Cassie met his cocky gaze. He’s trying to get me to back down. Well, I’m not falling for it again. “It very much is.”
Cliff’s smugness still held some doubt, but he relented. “The room’s unlocked then, 13 on the second floor. Good luck.” He stood up straight.
“Thank you, Cliff. Nic-” I wouldn’t say it was entirely nice. She corrected herself, “thank you for your, uh, help.”
He faced the water, “very grateful, aren’t ya miss Cassie?”
“YOU ate,” she swallowed her conflict. I shouldn’t make him reconsider letting me walk away. “I am grateful…and good luck to you too.”
Cassie turned herself around and faced the exit. She walked toward it, every step building her fear. Cassie hated to admit it, but he was right. She was somewhere she didn’t know in a place filled with Kuna. Beings that she was normally supposed to avoid. 
I’ve never been in a place like this. Not like her comfort zone was present anymore, anyway. Just be careful, Cassie. Avoid them like usual. She didn’t know if that was realistic or not in this setting. 
Compared to the stories I’ve been told…She thought of Cliff's behavior. She wouldn’t categorize him as bad. If they’re all like Cliff, I need to simply be careful with how I ask for help. 
Cassie stood in front of the door, her hands hesitantly rested on it. 
“Miss Cassie, if you’re a little too shaken up, I’ll meet you up there soon.” Cliff teased.
 She grumbled, opened the door enough for herself to squeeze through, “thanks.”
She shut the door behind her without looking, though she wasn't at risk of seeing him without his robe because of her lack of lenses.
In the hallway, her sight went left and right. Right was a dead end with a few more bathing rooms, and the left led back to the gambling floor and up the stairs she needed to climb.
Cassie ran barefoot across the wooden floor and wouldn’t stop until she got to the stair railing. Everything is so big. She huffed. Lucky for her, her stamina recovered quickly. 
Though these were huge stairs, so she had to partially jump or crawl up them. I feel like a baby. Her confidence faded with each step. Almost there. I’ll get my glasses, sandals, and then find the people who took my stuff. This was the more optimistic outcome, as she didn’t want to go back to Cliff and hear his teasing. 
It took some time to make it all the way up. She had gotten to the top without being spotted. Fortunately room thirteen was near the first set of  stairs.
 As he said, he didn’t leave the door sealed. She slid open a wide enough space to slip inside. I feel smaller and smaller the more I move around here. She looked around the room, seeing his clothes neatly folded alongside a bag. 
She dove for it and fiddled with the latches on it before she flipped it up. She ran her hand through the bag. It was relatively empty, besides what she assumed was a rather hefty coin purse, a book or two, her lovely sandals and her…broken glasses. 
Cassie’s smile dropped. She lifted them up and parts of the cracked frame fell to the floor and in the bag. He said he’d take care of them.
She bounced onto her feet. You owe me new glasses. Cassie rolled her tongue in her mouth, slightly frustrated that she continued to lose item after item today. 
Her gaze shifted to the bag once more. She put her head in to see the heavy coin pouch, which she assumed broke her glasses in the first place. 
I could take the coins I need to get them fixed. She yanked her head from the bag in disbelief. Wait a minute, Cliff trusted me to go up here alone didn’t he? I could rob him blind! Her small digits hesitantly grabbed the string to undo the simple knot around the coin pouch. Her fist held it firmly. 
It’s only fair, Cassie. 
She shut her eyes and turned her head away. Come on, do it. I need the money. She imagined the action and soon let the string go. She wasn’t a thief. 
She walked next to the crack she left open at the door and crossed her arms, “I’ll just wait for Cliff.”
Her ears, however, said otherwise. There were voices coming from the hall that she recognized. 
“We gotta get upstairs to the floats, Stephanie!” the male said, running a little ahead of his partner. “Don’t you want to know who’s gonna be dominant this year?”
He was one of the people there with my bag. Cassie thought as the woman came into view, she supposed it was Stephanie. A tall blonde with two back braids twirled up into two buns on either sides of her head. She had a kabuki mask strapped on her hip, and wore a costume similar to Cliff’s, signifying that she was an exterminator too.
Her singular working red eye darted to Cassie, who quickly hid back behind the door.
Cassie held a hand over her mouth to keep her breathing under control. It was like being up in the rafters all over again. The woman finally broke the silence. 
“It’ll most likely be Kaudio.” She didn’t sound close to the door. 
The male whined from further down the hall. "No way, you saw the mess that shrine owner made last year!" 
Cassie listened. The voices got quieter, and she peeked through the slit. No one was there, so she pushed her head through and watched them head up the next flight of stairs. 
Both of them were there. Cassie slipped out and cautiously observed the two. The one with twin buns seemed rather reserved while the boy with the tall hat was very giddy. They got to the top of the stairs leading to the next floor. Should I confront them? she questioned. What would I say if I did, and what would they do in response? 
Cassie put her glasses frames into her pocket and followed them. Worst case scenario, they’ll tell me to bug off. She couldn’t let her worry keep her from getting her bag back. Or more importantly, her scrolls. She had spent far too much effort collecting them. 
She floundered up the stairs in an effort to catch up to them, not bothering to put on her sandals and instead carrying them over her shoulder. Once she made it to the top floor, she pushed herself near the closest wall.
They were walking together, and her nerves stiffened. Should I be doing this? They were nearing the end of the hall and stopped. Cassie quickly pressed into the softwood and hid behind one of the beams. 
She heard Stephanie, "Wait, did you even get the chips exchanged for tokai?" 
The male laughed nervously. "You wanted me to do that now-"
"Jackie doesn't like to be bothered without a purpose, you idiot." 
“Ow, ow!” 
Stephanie passed the beam holding the male's ear. Cassie was lucky the girl was facing him more and she had an embroidered eyepatch on the eye that would have seen her. She tugged him along while he protested. 
"Come on, Stephanie, I’m not some snot-nosed brat-" He pleaded for her to let go, almost like he was too scared to fight her. “You’re embarrassing me!”
"Good, we were aboutta be knockin’ on his door and you didn’t have a thing for ‘em."
Cassie watched them thump back down the steps. She peeked over the beam and saw the few doors beyond it, three in particular. They were standing in front of the one on the left. She cautiously walked around the beam and to the door. She couldn’t tell if anyone was inside or not. 
Are there a lot of people in there? Maybe he’s by himself? Maybe he’s not even in here. The thoughts swirled in her head like a fine stew. She couldn’t hear anything. What if they already sold my stuff? Could I get enough money to collect it all again? Her head dropped. I can’t fight against much without those scrolls. 
Cassie put a balled up hand next to her lips. I just need the one my dad gave me. She bent closer to the door. She wanted to see if any figures laid beyond it. She couldn’t—she only noticed a small tear in the paper above her head.
She lifted her hands up. I’ll knock, that’s the proper thing to do. Her curled fist fought with her. Knock, please. She threw her hand back and groaned audibly. I know this goes against everything I’ve learned, but I’m too far past the point of no return. The other two can be back any moment.
Cassie didn’t hear the footsteps, so when the door slid open, she jumped. He looked taller than Cliff as she was further below his knees with him standing upright. 
The man didn’t notice her at first, not until she made a sound. 
His head angled downward, showing off his wild and fiery crimson red irises. He had a few scars that littered his features, like he decided to wrestle a few feathery fiends with only his face. A lot of them were in X’s that were slightly carved out in the middle. 
That’s him. Cassie noted, especially when he smiled. She recognized those reflective silver fangs where the canines should be. “What do we have ere’?” He dropped down quickly, his male kimono fluttering up—a deep shade of red like his eyes. 
Cassie took a step back, smelling the heavy, clove-like liquor smell of sake on his breath. “H-hi, my name's Cassie and you picked up my bag earlier today from a shrine, I came back to get it.” She kept her hands and arms close to herself. 
His amused smile had yet to drop, “I took a bag?” His gloved fingers stroked at his dark brown scruff. He was thinking and then after another minute, nodded. “Ah, you mean that tiny bag I found, eh?” He leaned on the balls of his feet, near her. 
“Yes. I dropped it. If you want to check, the name embroidered inside the bags trim is Cassie Valentine.” Cassie insisted. 
His eyes trailed up and down her body, curiously. Does he not believe me? She opened her mouth to say more and he beat her on the draw.
“Should keep better track of your things, Miss Valentine.” He said as he stood up, “I tell ya what, I wasn’t able to sell everything, you can have what’s left.” He turned around and left the door open to his room. 
What did he sell? Did he sell all my scrolls? 
“Come in,” he ushered her inside, while he stayed back by the door.
“I can wait,” she said.
He waved and started to shut the door. “If you don’t want what’s left-” 
“I do!” Cassie begrudgingly stepped inside, still carrying her sandals.
It was in a much richer shape than Cliff’s, paintings around the room, all hand made of figures or landscapes she wished to visit, and other decorative, warm decor. Even the floor mats looked nicer. What caught her the most was outside the balcony a short distance away. The sun setting sky, coupled with the bright lights, thumping drums, and illuminated cheers brought a sway to her hips. She enjoyed a good tune. 
The sound of the door shutting called her attention back to him. He pointed near one of the mats. “Right over there.” 
She traced his line of sight and walked to her bag. She huddled over it and put her sandals down beside it. Her spare glasses were gone, her cleansing pods, a majority of her scrolls, even the empty ones, and her extra clothes. Nearly everything, except a few loose items.
Her eyes softened upon the rough touch of one of the only scrolls she had left. It was old, barely held together by sewn thread she did herself. “Is this all of it?” She didn’t see him by the door. 
He was crouched down behind her. How did I not hear or feel him move?!  
He clenched his hand around her and his mouth opened above her head, dripping pelts of saliva onto her. 
Her legs thrashed and grazed the scroll with her toes—it was just enough to absorb the scroll’s power and make her body sizzle with electricity. He didn’t feel the shock, yet let her go.
Her hair raised and split as two horns curled up from her head. Her eyes slipped up to him, the pupils changing to slits and when she swiped her hand to grab the scroll from inside, clawed fingers tapped its metal edges. 
She backed off when he did too. She steered her way toward the balcony. 
The man wore a look of pleasant surprise. “I’m glad you aren’t a dud.”
It only took him a second or two after to sling a pistol up from his kimono. Her eyes locked onto him and narrowed. That’s a salt shooter. They were designed to really hurt Yokai, and normally might leave a welt or two on a normal Kuna. As she was, using the magic she did, Cassie was stronger than normal, but left vulnerable to salt shooters or other runes. 
The magic continued to flow between her and the contact with the scroll, and her voice left in an echoing, gravelly hum. “I don’t want any trouble.”
“No trouble at all,” the scars curled in around his dimples when he smirked, “just drop and kick the scroll toward me, miss Valentine. And we’ll…talk.” The word came out so thickly honeyed it left her feeling trapped in its sticky texture. 
“I can hear you fine from here,” Cassie replied.
He took a step towards her, “Three,” he counted down. 
His voice drowned out the cheering from outside. I can’t jump. She didn’t want to risk such rampant exposure. 
“Two.” The barrel of his gun was trained on her with his finger itching to pull the trigger. She wasn’t going to be able to move fast enough to avoid it. 
It got to the point where she heard the rubber of his glove start to curl. “One-”
That’s what she expected. Instead, it was more of a CRACK and SNAP as if someone slapped air at his back like a whip. He was thrown past her and right off the balcony. 
Her magic broke and she ran over to it, peeking between the bars to see his body crashed below onto one of the boats holding a fake shrine. She flipped her head back to see a giant hole in the door—it was torn open by someone, and who it seemed to be was from the room across from this one. 
She couldn’t see any figure—she only heard the shouting from below.
“A STUNTED PUSHED HIM OFF!” Oh no. She pulled back from the railing and went to run. 
“Who the hell is that?!” Cassie recognized the voice as Stephanie from earlier. She couldn’t tell exactly what she was doing, but she did see the red splotch, indicating that Stephanie was putting on her kabuki mask. 
I don’t have a choice! The scroll she currently had wasn’t her strongest by any means. She activated the scroll in her hands and her body changed again, enhancing as it did. She quickly squeezed through the railing bars before she felt the burning gaze of the Exterminator on her back. 
She jumped down and the crowd split seeing her. It seemed they didn’t know what to make of her. 
“YOU LITTLE SH-!” The man tried to climb off the shrine float and reach the sides of the railing, only to fall into the river. 
Cassie disregarded it for now—she had to run before anyone else tried to catch her. Lucky for her, the shrine owner of the float started to make the water bubble as it grew angry seeing its money and gifts were sinking into the water. 
She twisted to move through them, quickly, catching the eye of a particular vipkey that she recognized. Upon seeing her, it howled out, spurring the other mounts. It thrashed in the post, snarling and pulling the post free. 
It couldn’t release itself from the reins, so Cliff’s vipkey decided to take the whole post and the other mounts with it. 
He didn’t take long in the bath, mostly because Cassie didn’t come back. He expected her to. She’ll be fine, right? He questioned when he got into his room. What’s the worst that could happen? Plenty of exterminators are here, there ain’t gonna be no Yokai attacks. He didn’t even consider anyone being interested in eating her like himself—there was plenty of delicious food to be had at the festival. 
She seemed like a fine, young woman. She’s alright. 
He got dressed and took his coin pouch down with him. Time to go down and gamble. 
Cliff made his way down to the hall and started to hear the shouting and commotion from outdoors. Everyone started to crowd around and peek out.
“A yokai!” 
“It’s so small and gross!” 
Cliff raised a brow, heading to the sounds too, and his ears heard a sharp woman whine. “My mount!” 
His shoulders tensed up. KACKLES, you better not have done anything! He shoved through, throwing out apologies as he caught the tail of his vipkey whipping around a corner and heard the howling of a shrine owner.
He went after Kackles, hearing a few people say they saw a stunted and then a yokai, so things didn’t add up. He dashed around the corner, a few mounts that had escaped their ropes running past Cliff and into the streets with everyone else. 
He saw Kackles scraping up the red tiled roofs, going after something. His eyes focused on it. Is that a yokai? He quickly recognized the clothes and form. No, it’s Cassie.
"Kackles, heel!" he ordered, but his mount was far too fixated on the hunt. Kackles was closing in on her as she was so small. 
He sprinted down the alleyway and felt his hands stir with magic. His rune engraved boots hummed and when he went to jump, it shot him up—high enough to cling to the roof and throw his body up. He did it a few more times before he made it to the curve Kackles nearly cornered her on. 
“CASSIE!” He yelled her name.
Her form dropped as soon as she saw Cliff, and Kackles skidded to a stop. He looked back at Cliff too. 
He exhaled and approached her. "What did you do? Why are you running? Why are they looking for you? What and how do you change like that? You gave off the same energy as a yokai.” 
There were too many questions. He saw she didn’t know how to answer. She looks terrified. 
He cautiously stepped closer. “Answer what’s going on down there first.”
“I don’t know. I found the outlaw that took my stuff, he threatened me, then I think someone hit him and he fell off the balcony and onto one of the floats.” She huffed, out of breath. “His friends came back, I had to run, the shrine owner started to go crazy, your mount chased me, and-and…” Cassie held her face. “This is bad.” 
“You’re tellin’ me.” He pointed behind him. “You said someone else hit him, so we’ll go down and explain it.” Or did she do it? She could have been mad he took her stuff. “Unless you did it.”
"No! Even like this I don’t have enough strength to push down a Kuna! Maybe my other scrolls, but not this one!" She showed the ratty scroll to Cliff. 
It looks gross. His eyes gently passed to Cassie. If she was still tiny, of course she couldn’t push him. He thought more about it. No one is going to believe her, are they? She’s a stunted. He rolled his tongue around in his mouth as he thought. Should I even get involved? This is her mess, not mine. 
He saw the tides of the river calming. They were getting a hold of the shrine owner. Their time was dwindling. He took one last look at her face. She was small and though she stood proudly, he noticed the trembling at her feet. He lifted his head up and muttered under his breath. 
“Momma had to raise me well, didn’t she?” He got lost in thought for a second before coming back to earth. She’s gotta get outta here and let it all blow over. 
“They’re gonna be looking for ya at the borders of the city,” Cliff said, moving to Kackles that now sat still and well like a pooch. He undid the reins. 
“I don’t want to fight anyone if I don’t have to,” Cassie replied. 
“You ain’t gonna fight anyone.” Cliff got the ropes off, examining Kackles's saddle bags. They might check em’, so she can’t hide in there, and the whole city’s gonna be looking high and low for her. 
The commotion below moved closer to their current one. Think, Cliff, how am I gonna get her out of here without being-
He took a deep breath and walked to her. “Okay.” He ignored her flinch and he crouched in front of her. “You’re not gonna like this and I swear to you, it ain’t for my personal gain.” He saw the worry spring into her eyes.
“N-no way!”
“Look, I gotta get you outta the city or they’re gonna put you in an unfair trial.” Cliff hunched closer to her and shook his head, “I can’t think of another way to do this without you gettin’ caught.” He nervously swallowed and sympathetically met her gaze. “Unless you got something better, hold still and please try not to move so much this time, alright, Cassie.” 
Thank you for reading! And have a swell rest of your day, folks! :D
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Wild Escape Master Post
15 notes · View notes
headstrongblake · 6 months
“ let’s go for a walk. sitting here all cooped up will only make it worse. ” / rev & nick (before he leaves when he's recovering) / @thewholecrew
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nick's withdrawn lately. sullen and often found in the garage or his office, staring out the window as he berates himself in his head. it's been nearly a week of this where his mood is fickle and those who file in and out of his home are typically met with hostility. he hates it, causing that self-loathing guilt to mount higher because kassy, alec, and octavia... don't deserve it. none of them have done anything wrong, yet he can't stop himself. can't hold his tongue or look at them with anything but his permanent scowl. everything makes him angry, and if he can't lash out without damaging the little progress he's making in his healing, what else is he supposed to do? he can't smoke. hunter's scolded him for drinking. he takes his morphine as directed, but it all clouds his mind in a sickly way where he feels a loss of control. nothing is within his control anymore. nothing.
"what're you doin' here?" nick scoffed from his office chair, glaring as rev entered the space. at least with rev, nick's less worried about hurting their feelings. perhaps a good argument with rev could actually release some of this pent-up rage nick felt unsteadily beneath the surface. "doesn't matter," nick muttered beneath his breath, sipping slowly on the flask he'd hidden in the false bottom of his desk drawer. to hell with hunter and his rules. nick has healed from many fights with whiskey flowing through his veins. the hell did hunter know? "you sittin' or leavin'? kass and alec ain't here right now, so..." nick raised a brow, finally leaving space for rev to speak.
“ let’s go for a walk. sitting here all cooped up will only make it worse. ”
crystal hues rolled with a sharp laugh. as if some walk around the block like a dog kept on a leash was going to make anything fucking better. "you gonna leave me alone if i say no?" he asked, lifting the flask to his lips once more before twisting the cap and tossing it into his drawer. he knows the answer before rev even has to say a word. fuck no rev wouldn't. nick himself had said kassy and alec weren't here, it only made sense that rev was. at least they could withstand nick's sour moods. "fuck it, why not...you can tell the good doc i'm doin' swell without all his goddamn rules." nick muttered. what else did he have to lose?
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saintsir4n · 1 year
thank you for 10k views 
THE Shelby brothers had enlisted and Eden Dawkins wanted to kill them all.
"Why?" She finally asked after being silent for five unnerving minutes.
"We wanted to do it on our terms," Tommy exclaimed, watching her nervously as she played with her fingers.
He and his brothers brought her to the nearby park where they all used to play. It was vacant but her boiling anger was suffocating them all. John sat next to her on a swing, but Arthur stood next to a cautious Tommy.
"Your terms?" Eden repeated, folding her arms.
He stiffly nodded, "Our terms."
"What's Pol said?"
"Very little."
"Ada?" Eden asked, and that's when John took a good look at her, seeing how she glowed, despite her frustration.
"Wouldn't stop cryin'" John grimaced at the memory.
"John," Arthur hissed, Tommy just sighed.
"What? She did."
"Little Finn? I know Isaiah was bawlin' his eyes at last night when he woke up they were swollen," Eden stated.
"We're tellin' 'im later tonight," Arthur informed, averting his eyes.
She turned to John, "And Martha?"
"She smacked me, then cried," the force of the slap caused his head to whip to the side full force whilst his aunt consoled his crying wife.
"She's your wife, popped out a baby for you and now you're off to war, I don't blame her," Eden muttered, and John sighed.
"Alright Eden," he didn't want to feel guiltier than he already did. He was leaving his girls for however long. But it was his decision and there was no way he or his brothers back out of it now.
Eden stared up at Tommy, with a look he couldn't read, "My dad and uncle told me the same this mornin', that they enlisted as well, my dad vows, promises to my mum, well they don't mean shit anyways."
"Thanks, Eden," John grumbled, then stormed off, leaving Arthur to follow him presumably back to the house.
Tommy appeared in front of her, "Edie, love."
She stood up and softly shook her head, "Don't, give me time to think."
She didn't sound angry anymore, just hurt, there was so much on her mind, the baby was a big factor and how was she gonna raise a child when he was shooting the enemy at war? Is there any point in telling him now? Her mother asked her if she wanted to keep the baby, as did Polly the following Monday and she instantly said yes, but it was all before this madness.
Before all the men in her life were gonna up and leave for... a few months? What a load of shite, it wouldn't be that easy, it never was. Her father would be gone, a part of her world. She wouldn't cope if she ever lost him.
"Fuck, don't shut me out," Tommy ran a hand throw his raven locks, which continued to grow.
He would have to cut it again, fuck Eden stop thinking about it all. But she couldn't. It was real, it was gonna happen whether she wanted it or not. It's men's business. Fuck.
She sent him a sad smile, "I'm not, just thinking about more life-changing decisions."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He cupped her face, trying to read her, her comments hadn't been making much sense to him recently.
"Nothin' Tom, just give me some time alright?" She placed her hands over his, then caught the panic in his eyes, "And before you ask, I'm not leavin' you, I'm just thinkin'."
"Alright," that answer he could deal with.
But the fact he wouldn't be here to protect her made him realise how much he needed her to put on the pendant, to put his mind at ease, fuck her stubbornness.
His eyes couldn't look away from her, fuck she's beautiful, he did notice a glow on her face, the summer added to her beauty, he realised.
"Alright," she nodded.
"I'm sorry," he dropped his hands and tugged her closer, bringing her head to his chest, breathing in her scent, her everything.
"Don't be, I know it's been on your mind for a while, I could tell, I'm just... upset," she mumbled against his jumper.
She was surprised tears were not pouring from her eyes, her emotions have been all over the place recently, it's the baby, her mum kept saying and wasn't wrong. She remembered Martha being the same.
"I know, I don't want you to be," Tommy tugged her away, raising her chin so she could look at him, "I love you."
His tender words made her smile reach her eyes, "I love you too, just give me a minute, okay? I have work tomorrow, come by after that, we can talk."
It's good to talk, Tommy nodded and just pulled her back to his chest as they stood alone in the vacant park, listening to nothing but the cool breeze whistling in the air.
Sitting across from the Dawkins was Tommy Shelby. He decided he needed to talk and explain himself to them, properly and in person, and alone while Eden was at work. Luckily he got them as they returned from their shifts and after he got John and Arthur into the betting shop to run the business in his haste absence.
Cecil Dawkins wasn't forthcoming in the slightest, he never really took to the Shelby man and didn't think he was good for his daughter, and despite trying to convince both Celestine and Eden the same, it was like talking to a brick wall. Celestine claimed it was because she could see Mara in Tommy, the friend they lost not long ago, but Cecil only noticed the same trickster act Arthur Sr wore throughout Small Heath.
He didn't buy it then, he wasn't gonna by it with Tommy sitting in their kitchen.
Or at least that's what he told himself.
"You claim to love my daughter, yet you enlisted," he started, rolling his broad shoulders back and not taking an eye off the younger man.
Tommy immediately couldn't ignore the hypocrisy, "Aren't you doin' the same to Mrs Dawkins?"
Celestine made a face, "He's got you there love."
"Celestine," Cecil cast her an annoyed look.
Tommy leaned closer, "Your daughter sees me. I used to hate it. Now love it. Well, I hate that I love it."
Celestine couldn't help but be touched by his words, "Awww—"
Cecil cut her off, "Celestine, he beat up that poor boy, made our little girl cry more than she smiled and we're supposed to give her off to 'im."
Tommy narrowed his eyes on the carpenter, "She's not property."
Cecil craned his neck to look at him in disgust, "Are you gonna lecture me 'bout property?"
"Boys," Celestine was quick to interrupt, "Cecil, I know what he's done and now I'm seein' what he's tryna do for our girl."
Cecil already recognised the influences Tommy had over his daughter, one day she was adamant that religion wasn't for her and all of a sudden she came back with a black Madonna on her neck, well not so much anymore. He knew Eden had her own mind, but love was clouding it and her dreams, big dreams, he didn't want Tommy dimming them in any way.
"Eden came home cryin' yesterday, those Changretta boys have signed up and all, she found out 'bout through Dorris." Cecil informed, turning back to him with a frustrated look, "You ruined that friendship for her as well."
After suppressing another glare, Tommy averted his gaze as the guilt and the nerves took over him. He was trying, very very hard to make things right with Eden but he knew it was something she would always hate him for, even if she was in love with him. The looks he received from Cecil were only adding to that, piling onto the remorse.
So he nodded, and finally snapped his head up again, "I know, it's somethin' I regret, can't change the past now, need to focus on the future, my future with your daughter."
"Sound so confidant," Cecil muttered bitterly.
"I am."
Celestine blurted, "Thomas, you think you've made the right decision, what if Eden comes to you with some news of her own?"
"Like what?" both men turned to her in curiosity.
"Who knows," Cesltine quickly waved them off, but Tommy didn't glance away from her, "y'know our Edie, she's a mystery half the time."
"I know she is, but she's easier to read than I thought," Tommy said, still trying to decipher her previous question.
Cecil rolled his eyes at his response.
Tommy continued, "I get that I've done wrong by her, but I'll live up to the promises I've made her. I'm not perfect –"
"–got that right –" Cecil murmured, wincing at the pinch he received from his wife.
"– But I'll be my best for her, I'll give you my word, that I will," Tommy stated.
"A man's only as good as his word," Celestine added, half smiling at the younger man.
Now I see where Eden gets her forgiving trait from. Tommy thought.
Cecil bitterly snorted, "Thank you my sweet but I'm not worried about his word, it's his actions that I'm cautious of."
"I understand," Tommy insisted.
"Dont think you do," Cecil argued, waves of conflicting feelings washed over him.
"I understand that in all the years I've spent on this lane, you two are the only ones that had a functioning relationship. No domestics, no lyin' or cheatin' from what I've seen," Tommy remarked, "Just love, understanding and forgiveness. That's what I want with Eden."
Tommy pulled out the ring he wanted to propose to Eden with, making Celestine's face light up, Cecil remained unimpressed. He's been carrying the ring around him for days since he brought it, (more than the horseshoe) looking for the right time and day to ask. It was a simple ring, one he brought before Greta passed away along with one for himself.
Two wedding bands.
Tommy rubbed the back of his neck, "It's not much, I know, Eden deserves a lot better than me. She's your daughter and you'll do anything for her, what parent wouldn't? But give me a chance, another one, I already lost her once, and I can't do it again. She makes me a better man, a smarter man, and with her brains it easy to do that," Cecil couldn't deny what he was saying. "I'll make her happy, happier than she's been, I fucked — I mean messed up already, I'd be a fool to do that again. If I didn't respect you, I wouldn't be here, I would've just asked her to be my wife and she'd say yes because I know her, but I'm here, askin' for ya blessing Mr. and Mrs. Dawkins."
"Celestine," she corrected.
"Celestine," Tommy smiled at her, and she returned the gesture, it's just like my Edie's. Turning back to Cecil, hespoke clearly, "And if it goes to hell, then I'll put the revolver in your hands, with a bullet that has my name scratched across it, Mr Dawkins."
Cecil hummed, "Sounds good to me."
"Cecil," his wife scolded.
"Don't fuck up," he jabbed a finger at Tommy.
"I won't," Tommy nodded along.
Celestine hissed at her husband, "Watch your language."
Tommy did his best to conceal his amusement as he watched the two bicker, is this what me and Eden look like? Christ.
"Sorry my sweet," he cupped her hands, pressing a kiss to them, then turned to the younger man, about to say something he hoped he wouldn't regret. "You've got my blessin'."
Tommy let out a breath he didn't know that he was holding and shook his hand with Cecil's.
"And you, Mrs — Celestine, do I have ya blessin'?" He corrected, much to her excitement.
Celestine chuckled, "You had it before you walked in, Thomas."
Tommy finally smiled.
"Anythin' you wanna tell me?"
"Like what?"
Tommy knew Eden inside and out, he'd been observing her since they came to lay on her bed after she got home. How she wiped off her subtle make-up and got undressed, revealing parts of her that he believed to have grown or thickened, had him aroused but overall he knew something was different.
So after she wrapped her hair in a scarf, he sat down at the edge of her bed, ready to ask her some questions.
"Your mum said somethin' weird today, somethin' 'bout you might havin' some news of your own," he pressed, still confused by her cryptic words.
"I don't," Eden rushed out, internally cursing at her mother, despite knowing she meant well.  "Besides you're off to war," she added, knowing the gears were turning in his mind, but she couldn't have him asking any more questions, "you all are, how are we supposed to cope?"
Tommy took her hands in his, "It won't be for long, papers sayin' it'll be a couple of months and we'll be back for Christmas."
"As if you believe that," she muttered,  softly scoffing at the thought. It's a fucking lie, the papers are lying to them all.
"'Ave to believe somethin'."
She pulled her hands out of his grasp, "It'll be hell. We joke 'bout Small Heath bein' hell but this is hell, all the things we learnt in school and church– "
" – You barely went to church," he remarked, smirking slightly.
She rolled her eyes, "Tommy it'll be hell, I just know."
"Aye, then we'll need to return to our havens soon," Tommy spoke with a glint of glee swimming in his eyes. 
"Please don't go," he could hear the pain in her voice, it almost crippled him.
It was too late now...their papers had been turned in, and they would be shipping out to France soon.
Taking off his blazer, he slipped into bed next to her, turning on his side, so he could take all of her in.
"Love listen, I'll come back to you, sooner than you think," he vowed, "you can write to me, and by the time I come back, you'll finish that book you've writing."
She bit down on her bottom lip, "What book?"
He softly chuckled, "The book that's runnin' through your mind right now, you fuel it with whatever you set your sights on so you can put pen to paper."
"It's hard to do that when war is on my mind and has been on yours for quite some time," she whispered.
"I know," he nodded, "what'll make you feel better eh? Visit a medium and they'll tell you what's what."
Tommy was never a believer in fortunes, well sometimes he was but his dad was a trickster for a living, stealing horses and telling fortunes, Tommy didn't want to be tricked but he needed Eden to settle and she hadn't been for a while.
"Don't need to see a fraud like Mrs. Price or whoever to know what's what Tommy, you'll be gone for a while..." and who knows if you'll come back the same.
Eden sniffled at the visions flashing through her mind, she was pregnant and he would be gone. How big was she gonna get, how much would she change? All the dreams and wishes she had about having a big family, she always thought Enzo and Dorris would be there for her, all three of them together, but the former wasn't an option and the latter, wouldn't be much of a help, instead turn it into a big joke and that wasn't what she needed right now. She needed guidance.
Hearing the Changrettas were all aboard with this suicide mission, her old best friend was gonna get himself killed and she couldn't even get within five feet of him for her to tell him to stay at home.
Soldiers at bloody war.
"Does Finn know?" She broke the silence with a quiet question.
Tommy frowned at the memory, "He does. Wants to come along with us."
"Course he does, you're his heroes."
"I'll be yours when we come back," he countered, not wanting to think of his little brother crying and begging to come along.
"How confident," she muttered the same thing his father had done hours before.
He smirked, "Y'know me."
She nodded, "I do know you."
"Can I ask you somethin'?"
"To put the pendant back on," he rushed out, narrowing his eyes when she sighed, "We're together now Edie, no point of you carrying on this act. You love me, I love you. What happened ain't in the past, I know that, I messed up, it fucked up your head and all, but listen I'm changin' and I can't leave 'ere with the thought of your beck bare."
Eden deeply sighed.
"I don't wanna rush ya —"
"Give it to me."
His eyes widened.
"Give it to me, I'll put it on," it's for the baby, she wanted to be safe and careful with the pregnancy, especially if he wasn't gonna be there.
Tommy quickly pulled it out of his pocket, shocking her that he'd been carrying it around this entire time. He put it around her neck, just like how he did when he first confessed his love for her.
It looked beautiful and he couldn't stop smiling, she thought his face would have to hurt.
In all honesty, she did prefer it on and missed it so dearly, but she was a stubborn woman and wanted to be petty.
"Back where it belongs," he said aloud, trailing a finger over her cheek, "You look so fuckin' beautiful, y'know that?"  he loved her more than life itself, "Can't get enough of you."
She blushed at the look he was giving her, "Tom..."
"You're glowin' I don't get it. But I love it. Come here," he tugged her closer.
"No, I'm mad at ya," she didn't bother fighting.
"Good, the sex is better when you are," he stole a kiss from her.
"My parents are here," she gasped when he tugged at her nightie.
"Like that's stopped us," he started to undress, rushing to get his clothes off.
She gasped when he got into bed again, still in his undergarments, but she could see all of him fuck no wonder I'm pregnant.
"Tom..." she whimpered when he got on top of her.
His lips trailed up and down her neck, "If you're worried 'bout puttin' a baby in you, I won't, I'll wait for some here."
She fought a frown and asked, "So you don't want a baby now?" She asked and he pulled back.
"Not yet, when I come back, maybe when the business improves y'know?" He rushed out, standing up and going to the door.
"Right," she whispered, knowing now wasn't the right time to tell him. Fuck when was it?
"Come here," he grinned after shoving the door stopper under the door, so they wouldn't be interrupted, "I love you alright, now, I need to make it up to you, your parents know I'm stayin' over, so lay back and be quiet."
Her small breathy moans haunted him at night in his room alone. Touching himself, imagining how it would be when he had her all over again. He craved Eden like the very air in his lungs.
"You're not tired?" She asked, putting aside her confession and focusing on his hardened state, palming it, earning a soft groan from him.
"Of you? Never," his head moved all over her body, travelling from the hem of her nightie to the inside of her thighs, "surprised your knife ain't here, can't 'ave you stabbin' me."
He didn't need another incident with the flick knife.
She let out a breathy laugh, "I wouldn't... yet."
Eden dragged his face back to hers, enveloping him in searing kisses as his hands began shifting off her nightie, pulling it over her head, freeing her breasts, whilst her nimble fingers pulled down his undergarments, he groaned against her feverish lips.
"Fuck, you're everythin', ya know that?" He grunted at the feeling of her hands.
Tommy pulled back, trying to suppress his grunts and groans but he couldn't. He moved away her hand, wanting, no, needing to focus on her and only her.
His tongue teased her breasts, "'Ave these got bigger? They fuckin' 'ave."
It was something he couldn't deny.
"Oi, that hurts," she hissed, then panicked at the worried look in his eyes, "Avoid 'em for the night. Just feel a little sensitive, that's all."
"Y'sure?" she never reacted like that before "They look so..." Tommy trailed off, biting down on his lip at how big they were, "alright sorry," he quickly apologised, then was taken back by her roughly pushing him, managing to flip him over, "Fuck."
"Wanted to be to top," she murmured as his hands settled on her waist.
He needed all of her, she squealed when he sat up, still keeping his firm grip on her.
"By all means, darlin'," he groaned, watching her rise on her knees, "be on top."
Sinking down on him, they both groaned and gripped each other.
Eden knew she would have to find a better time to tell him about the baby on the way.
it upsets me that those who went to war only thought they would be away for a few months. i was gonna watch 'all quiet on the western front' but i don't wanna upset myself. never been a fan of war films but been hearing a lot praise from that one.
and yes i finally made eden put the pendant back on, just for the sake of the baby. she's a superstitious person, so it would just bring her comfort to know that she's safe and so is the baby.
also i didn't realise how quickly this book would take for me to write, honestly thought it would be longer but I'm glad it wasn't too heavy, or violent, but I've been enjoying it so much, i love eden and tommy.
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galaxyedging · 2 years
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I saw some photos of Pedro on set and wrote a thing. Back on my writing about Perdo characters we are yet to see bullshit. I said I wouldn't write anything then wrote, edited and posted this in an hour.🤣
F!reader x whoever Pedro is playing.
WC 1.2k
Warning: swearing, a little angst, mentions of drugs, alcohol, injury.
A song fic based on Robert Johnson.
Ramblin' on My Mind
It was hard to say what woke her at first. The steady drip of the faucet that the landlord swore he would send someone to fix ASAP. That had been three months ago, six weeks ago, two weeks ago. No, that had faded into the low din of her apartment. Along with the too loud hum of her fridge. The tick of her clock that she didn't need to remind her of the passing of time. The mirror and her thoughts at 3am on sleepness nights reminded her just fine.
No something else pulled her from sleep. Ah, there it was, that song again. The same melody night after night. Enough of it carried on the wind for it to be familiar but not for her to pin it down. Laying there she willed her mind to give up on it, to let her slip back into blissful unconsciousness. To where she wasn't a disappointment. To where her dreams came true. Fuck it. She kicked the blankets off and slipped on some jeans over her panties under her oversized t-shirt. Slipping on some shoes she headed out into the mild night. Only the occasional car in the distance interrupted her chasing the sound. At some point the song became clearer. Robert Johnson. As she neared though it suddenly stopped. She stood in the alley running behind the low rent house in her neighbourhood and waited. Nothing. The song didn't come again that night.
The next time she heard it was 4am. She was already awake, roused by choking regret. The disapproving words of her parents ringing in her ears. The feeling of finally giving in, finally admitting they were right after two decades clawed at her chest, threatening to tear right through her heart. Again she followed, only for the song to end before she found the source. This time she was able to her some of the lyrics. And I'm leavin' this mornin' with my arm' fold' up and cryin'. I hate to leave my baby but she treats me so unkind.
Defeated she'd fell back into bed for a few more hours. The sun was blinding, high in the sky, by the time she awoke. It did nothing for the tension headache behind her eyes. The darkness of the dimly lit record store provided relief. The perpetually stoned owner sort the same relief. His eyes had widened from their usual half lidded look when she had sung the lyrics to him. He was taken aback by her talent, before pointed her in the direction of what she wanted.
The vinyl recored slid from it's sleeve easily. She set it on the turn table as the sun began to fade from the day.
I got ramblin', I got ramblin' all on my mind. Hate to leave my baby but you treat me so unkind.
The song filled her apartment a few times, while she finished half a bottle of whiskey. Switching the record off she stumbled to the window. Drawing the curtains swiftly she didn't see the man stood in the alleyway.
The reassuring weight of the guitar on her back pushed her forward. Another audition. Another potential disappointment. Following the direction of the bar manager she headed on back around to the stage. Stepping out on to it the lights burned her wary eyes. A steadying breath filled her lungs before she introduced herself to the whoever was waiting obscured by the lights. She only made it through the first verse of 'Rambling on My Mind' before a rich, deep voice called for her to stop. Disappointment didn't get any easier even with the well worn trail of it in her heart. Dejected she made her way off the stage only to be cut off by a man. Fuck, he was handsome. It made her toes curl and her body pulse just to look at him. Plush lips wrapped around a cigarette. A mustache that she longed to feel the burn of against her skin. Thick hair that prompted her fingers to twitch at the thought of threading into it. The instant attraction to him was overwhelming. It should have been surprising to her that a few drinks and brief conversation later she was held to his to his chest, legs spread either side of his lap as he whispered against her "Let me take you home.", it wasn't it felt as a natural to her as making music did.
The well tuned engine of his muscle car roared as they head toward his home. Peering out through the rain that had begun to fall in sheets, she noticed that they were heading towards her home too. Down the hill, over the cross roads, follow the road as it curved to the left.
They came down the hill but never made it over the cross roads. The metallic tang of blood filled her mouth, splinters of glass dug into her skin. Her temple throbbed like a two day hangover. Looking over she saw him, his hair standing on end. No, it was dangling. They were dangling. Suspended from the ceiling. Blood dripped from his head, landing on his arms folded on the roof.
Footsteps approached. The word help croaked from her throat. A face appeared at the window. All dark eyes and sharply angled features. "This debt has already been paid. You forgot to collect your prize."
Dark eyes were replaced by soft, urget ones. "Ma'am stay still. We'll get you out of here." Red and blue lights flashed as time blurred and passed.
The car crash was the best thing that happened to her. They recovered together. From the car cash. The drink. The drugs. The disappointment. The heartache.
Their records sold. Their love grew. A love that seemed deep rooted, inherently there before they knew it. She never mentioned the dark eyed man she saw and he never told her of the recurring dream that woke him to play the same song night after night.
I got ramblin', I got ramblin' on my mind. I got ramblin', I got ramblin' all on my mind. Hate to leave my baby but you treat me so unkind.
He hated to leave her but he couldn't take being kept at arms length. The bile she spat at him to keep him away. To keep him safe. He didn't care what her family would do if they found them together. He'd hang for a moment with her.
I got mean things, I got mean things all on my mind. Little girl, little girl, I got mean things all on my mind. Hate to leave you here, babe, but you treat me so unkind.
He was so angry. He could happily kill her father when he saw the bruises that his grip had left on her wrist. The old man had held her so tight to keep her home. So consumed in his anger he didn't notice the well dressed man until he sat at his table. The man offered him a deal. His life for her happiness. Drunk on cheap alcohol and tales of a devil who grants your desires. He listened to the man speak low despite the music.
Runnin' down to the station, catch the first mail train I see. I think I hear her comin' now.
Just one small step and it would be sealed she would get her happiness.
And I'm leavin' this mornin' with my arm' fold' up and cryin'.
He didn't know she had followed him that night. She found him broken on the side of the tracks. Sobbing words of regret into his chest she held him as the sun rose and he took his last breath.
Tags @kirsteng42 @babydarkstar @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @quica-quica-quica @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @graciexmarvel @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass
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heygutlcssa · 8 months
@cannotfly ( JOHANNA)
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" I ain't supposed to talk with you about that." Riff said , a lot more quietly than usual from his chair. Laura had been put down for a nap and Riff was a man of his habits. He still liked Johanna to read out loud before he went up to the lighthouse even if Anthony was no longer there to be spotted from the window.
" That's the rules. Cause Anthony said how we talked to each other made you cry." Riff shrugged his shoulders. "Tony don't like to make you cry."
He crossed his arms across his chest, as if the whole conversation was now meant to be over and looked between her and the book in her lap, hoping maybe she'd finish the chapter.
"It was after the green dress. The one I bought you cause Tony's clothes didn't fit you anyway." He said, and remembered that he had told his friend to take the credit. He could still recall the wide smile that had graced Anthony's face when he brought it back to the inn. " Anthony got you. For your wedding."
But he remembered how timid and how scared she was after the asylum. She deserved to be. He thought it must have been like the workhouse. "Traded your uniform and a few coins for it down with one a the girls. " Down with the prostitutes. How else was he to get a ready made dress if not off the back of someone else who was wearing it? " But I was sleeping down at the bar back then while you two were up in the room. It was easy and Anthony thought I was next door. " He shrugged. "Didn't mean to lie to him, just didn't have the funds for another room. An' Tony kept his promises. "
Anthony didn't leave him. Anthony made sure Riff wouldn't get left behind.
Now, Riff was breaking a promise; the rules as he had called it. If it wasn't obvious in his tone then it was clear on his face. " It'd been me an' Tony for ages. Min-- well that was family stuff. Him an' me. Said it wasn't like that where you was from. Must a been a London thing I figure... But Anthony's real good at explainin', but he said it only made you cry and you didn't want included in that."
He looked back at the book in her hands. His explanation was not as clear as he could have made it, but he was only trying to do what Anthony had told him to.
" I did try to ask him about it. About why you didn't want to be part of the family and why we couldn't use our words like we done for years. I ain't got other words. He never told me why. You came out in that green dress and then he just stopped talking about it entirely. And he said not to talk about it around you and you was always there." His voice was even quieter than before, " With Anthony. He said things wouldn't change but they did. And I couldn't even use the words he taught me to let him know I wasn't changin' nor leavin'. He was mine an' I was his. Together. Didn't know what else to do. So I just didn't talk to you or... When I did... It was your family I was in then." He concluded. " Not mine."
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slightlysuspect · 1 year
Die in Vayne
Ahsoka's perspective of events.
Ahsoka Tano
Ugh, why do we even do jobs anymore? Going through all this trouble to steal this truck, just to make money that can't even buy a beer. Although I must say the sunlight is nice up here. I can't remember the last time I was up on the surface of this rock.
"Can you handle that Ahsoka?" Crap. Dirt was talking to me on the com link again and I wasn't listening.
"You really think I can't do anything huh?"
"Can you please just crash your speeder on the signal?" So that's what I need to do. That's easy. "Repeat after me. I will crash my speeder when-"
"Excuse me ma'am?" I look and see a couple police officers approaching. "You can't loiter in this traffic lane. I'm gonna have to ask you to move."
"Uh, well officer I'm a little lost. Do you think you could give me some directions?" I ask.
"Sure thing little lady." The other cop says. "Where ya trying to go?" That's a good question.
"Uh lets see, I need to get tooooo, CoCo town I think. I'm interviewing with the commerce guild." That didn't sound convincing.
"Oh yea I can help you with that." Cop 2 says. "And if you're hungry you should check out a diner over there called Dexter's. That's good eatin' right there."
"Ahsoka stop traffic." Dirt says through the comm. I'm up already?
"Thank you for your help officers-"
"What d'you mean? we haven't even told you how to get there yet."
"Right, but-"
"Ahsoka! What's the deal?" Always so demanding and impatient! He wants traffic to stop? Fine! I draw a lightsaber and look around for something that looks explosive. One of these buildings has a box with a bunch of electrical cables running from it. Bingo.
"Hey! Put-" I slice down the cops before they can ask anymore intrusive questions, and throw my blade at the electrical box. Results are immediate and effective. The explosion puts traffic at a standstill. My work here is done. I dive off the speeder to the ground.
"Whoa! What was that? Ahsoka-" I toss the com link on the ground and smash it. Finally, I don't have Dirt in my ear anymore. I wonder if I can find a drink.
I'm not sure how Dawson found me, yet here he is. I assume he's leading me back to a safe house somewhere.
"Come on babe, please we gotta move."
"Why are you in such a big rush today?" I ask. He gives me his trademark grin.
"'Cause we leavin' today." He says. " It's gonna be better for us after this, but we can't get caught slackin'."
"Sure, whatever." Ugh, I'm so tired, and I expel a huge yawn. "Can you carry me?"
"Haha yea of course." He says, and he cradles me in his arms. As much as Dawson annoys me, I have to admit sometimes he's really sweet. He's a tall strong man, and leaning my head against his chest makes me feel so safe, even though I know it's all just an illusion. Dawson isn't capable of loving a woman or keeping me safe, but I wanna pretend for just a little longer.
The second we walk through the door, wouldn't you know Dirt starts yelling immediately.
"Dawson! You know we're about to leave this hellhole, and you just vanish? C'mon get ready to go!"
Dawson looks at Dirt defensively. "What I had to get Ahsoka didn't I? Ain't just gonna leave her here are we?" Dirt heaves a sigh.
"Wait where are we going?" I ask. Dawson said we were going somewhere, but I didn't realize it was a whole thing.
"We're leaving Coruscant." Dirt says to me. "Are you ready to go?"
"Oh ummm, let me go get something from Dawson's room." I say, then I run upstairs. Let's see if I can find it. Dawson gave me this beautiful ring made of nyix back when we had money, and while I rolled my eyes and told him to never buy me anything ever again, I kind of liked it. It's probably the only thing I own, and if we're leaving this planet for good, I would really like to take it with me. I know I put it in here somewhere the other day, right? But when even was the other day? Did Dawson maybe put it somewhere else? There's a small box on a table that could fit a ring. I pop it open and find my ring, looking just a beautiful as I remember it. I put it on my left index finger, and it's a perfect fit, now time to go. As I walk down the stairs I think I feel the hint of a smile on my face, which fades quickly when I feel the energy in the room.
"Hey Ahsoka, have you been doing okay?" Dirt asks me.
Now I'm just outright confused. "Since when do you care?" I ask. Then I see some security monitors showing footage from outside. There's a bunch of clones outside. And that blue... "The 501st." I say. So the 501st is here. Which means he's come for me. Is this it then? Am I going to die in this hellhole? I stand frozen in fear for a long moment.
SLAP! "Dirk snap out of it!" Fuentes yells with tears on her face. "You need to get us out of here!" There is no escaping. He'll kill us all.
"Ok. Yea, you're right." Dirt says and he rubs his hands to his face. "It's OK people, here's what we're gonna do." He points to a manhole cover built into the floor. "Reason we moved here? The sewer runs right under here. We're gonna slip right underneath 'em." Wow. All the flack I've given this man for the entirety that I've known him, yet he's so reliable in a pinch. I might have a chance under there.
"Ew, gross." Diego says.
"Well then stay here and have a long conversation with General Skywalker." Dirt retorts.
"It wouldn't be a long conversation." I say. Diego suddenly gets really motivated to hop in the sewer, and I jump in quickly after him. I just really need a second. I run off in a random direction, and once I'm far enough away I collapse against a wall and my eyes start watering bad. Everything's fine... were gonna be ok. I just need to start believing it. Pull it together Ahsoka, you're not gonna be able to fight him if your hand is shaking.
"Hey you hear that?" Someone down the corridor says. Great, I guess someone heard me. Footsteps start approaching.
"P-p-please just leave me alone." I say. "I just...I need some space. Please."
"Ma'am I'm sorry but you can't be here right now." I look up and see a few 501st clones. Do they not recognize me? We just did a mission on Mandalore a couple weeks ago. Wait... that's not right.
"I'm gonna call this up." A clone says, and he pushes his com link. "Commander, we found a girl in the sewer. Do you think she's affiliated with the bounty hunters? Should we bring her in?" That's right. They're looking for me. This can only end one way. "Commander said take her out of here and ask her a few-" I draw my blades slice the clone down.
"I don't have time for questions." I say, and drop the other couple of clones. Focus. I won't win if I don't come at him with everything I've got, and he won't show me any mercy this time. I need to find some hiding places I can ambush from. I move down the sewer quickly, and I get slowed up on occasion because I keep running into clones, but clones will never get the better of me. My master made sure of that. I find a more open cavern that's perfect. The ceiling is high and you can't see anything above you, which is where I'll be when he gets here. Plus there's tunnels branching off into every different direction, so lots of ways to run if things end up going south. The clones seem to think they have some claim to this cavern though.
"Freeze!" It's gotta be 100 clones pointing their blasters in my direction. "You are under arrest! Don't make us fire!"
I let out a little giggle, because I can sense their fear. They know what happened to their friends, and they know they won't beat me, but still they act tough. "Where's Skywalker." I ask. No reply, and the fear escalates. Maybe this battle will go better than I thought. "Not here? Disappointing." I utter a guttural scream, and launch myself into the heart of the clones' offensive. In a dance of blades more beautiful than the sunset, I slice through any flesh that would stand in my way, deflect any laser fire that would attempt to kill me, and unleash lightning that would draw envy from the gods. I can't help but laugh as clone after clone falls before my overwhelming power. As the last of them fall, I know definitively that I can beat him. I will kill him. I'm the only one who can. I stand in the room alone with the corpses, and feel a twinge of disappointment that it's over. Maybe I should've drawn out the fight a little more. What a rush. I need more.
Do I hear footsteps approaching? Good. I can test my theory about the ceiling. I scale the wall and hang from above in the pitch darkness. A squad of clones walk into the large atrium. Good soldiers. They're staying calm in the face of certain demise. I reach with the force, and grab the one in the rear by his neck. He makes a satisfying choking noise as he floats away before his friends can see.
"360 security. Keep the circle tight." Perfect. People looking out don't think to look up. Once they walk where I want them I strike. Again I work too quickly. With a couple strikes, they're all dead except for the point man.
"Commander Tano?" Finally some recognition. I turn and see Rex. Haven't seen a familiar face in awhile. And I guess since he's got a helmet on I still haven't. I thrust my blade into his gut. If Rex is down then the clones must be beaten. Since Skywalker didn't show I guess there's no reason to hang around here anymore. I begin walking towards a tunnel, when I sense a presence approaching. Master Plo in fact.
"Ahsoka?" Suddenly everyone knows who I am. "Have you done this? But... Why? How... How did this happen?"
"What's it matter to you? Since when do you care what happens to me?"
"I... I brought you to the temple myself. You were the most adorable little girl. I thought there was an eternal bond that held us together."
"Oh really? I don't remember us having an eternal bond when the Jedi were accusing me of treason! The only reason I'm not in prison is because of Anakin. He was the only one who really cared about me! Everyone else is too attached to a code."
He casts a sigh. "I'm sorry we made you feel that way. His face moves to my right arm, and I feel so exposed. Why does my scar have to be so big? "But what happened to your arm? That wouldn't be Anakin's work would it? When's the last time you saw him?"
"And still you only care about Anakin!"
"Ahsoka he is dangerous and unstable, and I'm worried that maybe he's wreaked more havoc than I realized."
"Oh is he? That's probably your fault too! You foolish Jedi sit in your fancy tower and think you know something!? I've never seen a more delusional collection of ignorant elitists!"
"You are probably right about that too."
"I could've been safe from all this! I could've lived in my village, and known my mother, and learned to hunt and farm. But no! YOU had to go and kidnap me, and then hand me over to some maniac!"
"Ahsoka please don't blame-"
"I'll blame whoever I want! Because it certainly isn't my fault! Maybe it's time we start cutting old bonds." I try to read Plo Koon, but somehow he is truly emotionless in this moment, as I walk up on him with a menacing glare. The Jedi truly exist as a void of a being. Really it's a mercy separating them from their living flesh. They would be happier as spirits.
"Yes, I guess that is the unavoidable part of all this." Plo says and draws his blade. "You are too dangerous to be kept alive. I will do what I must, but I am so well and truly sorry, my little 'Soka."
Good. So he wants a fight to the death. This will be fun. I draw my blades and whirl right into action. I'm so energized today, and Plo is an incredible duelist. I come at him as fast as I can pretty haphazardly just to see if he can keep up, and he's not breaking a sweat. He's got my offensive handled so far, but he's yet to mix in a strike. I slow down a bit to see if he'll open himself up, but for some reason he remains hesitant to attack.
"You won't win if you won't attack me."
"No matter the outcome of this fight, I have certainly lost."
Why does he insist on staying so sentimental? He can't enjoy the thrill of the battle, and if he's not gonna be any fun, then maybe I should just put him out of his misery. I start ramping up, dancing all around him as I unleash a flurry of strikes, but much to my frustration I can't crack his defense. Right when I least expect it, he goes on the offensive. It takes all of my flexibility to avoid the first blow, and I find myself giving up a lot of ground as he opens up on me aggressively. A very unexpected shift, but nothing I can't handle. I use the force to push him back, then I throw my left blade at his knees while I jump at his head. He defends low to deflect the the saber I tossed, and his head is exposed. I've got him. But then he takes me truly by surprise, when golden lightning erupts from his hand, which I jump into at full force.
"AHHHHH!" The pain is agonizing as I get knocked back, and go crashing into the bodies of clones on the ground. Since when can Jedi cast lightning? Hypocrites! How many secrets are they keeping in their temple, and how many techniques are forbidden, until the Jedi find it convenient to use them? "Not bad," I say as I regain my feet. "but I'm not sure if you've got the technique mastered." I draw out my hands, and unleash a barrage of lighting on Master Plo, who deflects it with his lightsaber. It's proving to be difficult to get the upper hand on this guy.
"I can assure you child, you are far from a Master." Is he right? Am I going to lose? He possesses power the likes of which I've never seen before, and there's nothing I can do that could really take him by surprise. No, focus. It's time to get serious. I reach out with the force and grab my second blade, and I pounce. He takes his defensive posture, so I come harder, and faster. He holds firm, so I come faster, and faster, and faster still. My speed is finally starting to tax him. He's defending too slowly, and at long last I get an opportunity to disarm his lightsaber. I get a rush of satisfaction as I look upon him, completely defenseless, then I channel everything I have into conducting lightning.
"AaAahgckgchk." The apparatus that he speaks through begins malfunctioning, but he continues writhing in pain as I blast him, and I don't let up until the writhing stops, and his corpse is black and crispy. Ah, victory is sweet, especially when it's this significant. The first Jedi I ever met, is the first Jedi I ever killed. I grab his lightsaber and continue through the sewer.
Author's Note
I firmly believe this is the best piece I've ever written. I feel like everything from the 2nd episode was building to this moment. The sensation that came with writing this was just different. This piece took me somewhere, and I hope anyone who reads it will feel the same sensation. But the problem with reaching a crescendo is that it can feel so hard to top. I don't feel like I'm close to hitting this peak in anything I'm currently writing. Yea if you don't like this then my writing probably isn't for you. But if you did like it, I strongly recommend you check out the full fic on AO3, where I can also be found under SlightlySuspect.
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colourfulgreyscales · 3 months
The Forest From The Trees One-Shot 3: All Lives Are Strange
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Happy Pride folks! I am back with another post for my pride challenge, and so far I am happy I have succeeded with at least writing it. This is the third one-shot for my fanfiction The Forest from the Trees, which is a crossover of Strange Way of Life and Slow West, but happens years after the two. It has Silva (from SWOL) and Silas Selleck (from Slow West) returning to their lives as gunslingers after making heartbreaking decisions, and getting together as hired guns for a mission. It will soon be linked to the main one-shot post as well as the main post. Reminders: Crossover: Slow West/Strange Way of Life Pairing: Silva /Silas Selleck From Part 1 Background: At the second time they stop to make a fire, Selleck opens up more to Silva. Silva opened up to Silas Selleck about his story with Jake the prior day, to which Selleck would respond about not blaming Jake because of "the hell the good people condemns men of our nature to.")
A/N and Content Warnings: Mentions of smoking. Mention of the Lyric of the Fado "A Strange Way of Life," that give's name to the original film Silva starred. (and a risk of being anachronistic here) Mentions of Characters from Slow West. It's also heavy in dialogue, but I will be editing this weekend as I go.
-So, you tellin' me that you've never really bedded a woman?- Silva asked Selleck quite intrigued. -It was something that never interested me. - Selleck responded as he lit his cigarette -Feel bad for them. A man with your looks must have broken a lot of hearts. - Silva let escape a chuckle, Selleck chuckled back and shrugged. He never thought of himself as particularly handsome, but he had memories of constantly rejecting women and sex workers who approached him. However, while he didn't want to show it, he felt flattered by Silva's praise of his looks. -What about the woman you told me you married?- Silva continued turning a cigarette on -I never said I married her, Silva. I said I lived with Rose. We let the rest of the town think we were married to avoid gossip that would damage her reputation, or that of our adopted children. -Hopefully, she never fell in love with you. -She never did.- Selleck looked at the fire, then back at Silva. - She mourned her Indian lover, Kotori. To the world, we were husband and wife, whereas to us... We saw each other a brother and a sister taking care of one another, like brothers and sisters do. But there was some comfort about that life, for which I was willing to give up on my own desires. Having a family even in name only, gave me some sort of... normality. -It must have taken a lot of bravery- Silva flickered the cigarette between his fingers. -For what? - Selleck turned his glance in the Mexican's direction. -Leavin' your family behind to live as yourself. -Didn't do it for me. -Selleck sighed, while directing his glance towards the flickering fire. -Did it for Rose. -How so? -She met this doctor operating in the town. She was telling me about him and how much she enjoyed his company and working for him. When she brought him, everything became obvious to me. I spoke with her then, agreeing that she should go marry him. I could not keep her from her happiness. -What about the children? You could've stayed close for them.- Silva picked up some branches nearby to throw to the fire. -That wouldn't 've been fair for them- Selleck's eyes darkened. - What life could I offer to them? If I wasn't gonna live with a family, however fake that was, and while adoptin' ways that towns full of people would condemn me for. How could I express my desires, live them, havin' them around? How could I splain this to them? There was a pause. Silva observed in Selleck's a melancholy she had never seen until that point. He suspected that behind a demeanor that was sarcastic and sometimes stoic, there was someone with a lot of pain in him. He also suspected that there was more to that pain to the Irishman than leaving his family behind, but he wouldn't press Selleck to tell him more. -Those were your children. That was your family. -I just raised them. I didn't engender them. Besides, I killed his parents. -Regardless, those are your children. I'm a father and know that longin'. -You only raised yer son?- Selleck looked at Silva furrowing his slim eyebrows. -My son is flesh of my flesh, but that doesn't matter. I lived a strange way of life for most of my life. Unlike you.
Selleck, who was seating cross-legged until then, changed his position to raising his knees to his chest, placing his arms on them. -How was yer life strange?- He raised his voice. - You had a ranch, a wife and a son. An acceptable life in the eyes of the good people. -I once heard, not sure if it was a song or poem... But it basically said that a strange way of life is one where you live without pleasing the desires of your heart... Because s' God's will. As I told you about me and Jake yesterday. -Not sure if I agree with that song or poem. - Selleck looked at Silva once again. -Why? -Because no matter what way of life we choose, Silva, life will always be strange for men like us. As long as the good people will impose their feckin' rules, this hell will be so. -Maybe our hearts also desires normality, too.- Silva extended his arm to light another cigarette. - And that's something we give up to follow our nature. Selleck was about deny Silva he didn't care, but he knew he would not be able after the confession he just made. Especially with Silva's brown eyes expressing to Selleck he wouldn't be able to lie about that anymore. He shook his head and responded to Silva with a wry smile. -I hate it when ye'r right.
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gegewrites · 2 years
Jesse Pinkman- Mr.Whites daughter
Just smut, just smut. I’m in love with Jesse, I’d risk it all for Aaron Paul ngl.
This peice is part of a larger series called mr.whites daughter that I’m working on, gonna post when it’s close to completed
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Your pov-
I decided to take the afternoon shift at work because I was going to jesses tonight to watch a movie and eat takeout and mutually forget everything that's happened in the last two days, such as the bathtub incident, the man in the basement, the fact that he was no longer selling his house, oh and how he’s cooking meth with my dad. Jesse and I use to date in highschool, from sophomore to senior year, we split up when I went to college for pharmaceutical chemistry and so yess I stoped out my sophomore year and started working at a bar. Never told my parents.
I parked my car in the driveway, turned the engine off and I saw the door open. Jesse was standing there in his red long sleeve and his black jeans. he had a smile on his face as I closed the door, holding a 6 pack in one hand.
"Yo I think I have a boner." He laughed as I locked my car and walked over.
"For me or this?" I held the 6 pack up.
"Both I think." I laughed as I walked past him into the house. He closed the door behind us and i put the 6 pack on the coffee table. I felt his hands on my waist as I took my phone and wallet out of my pockets.
"Hi Jesse." I spin around and in grip and tossed the items in my hand onto the couch.
"Hi (y/n)." He mimicked me with a  smile. I stood on my toes a bit and caught his lips on mine. He leaned down as he returned it, his hands holding me closer to him. I snaked my arms over and around  his neck, and smiled into the kiss. We broke it off a few seconds later and he looked at me with blue eyes glazed over in a  look I've been craving since I last saw him. I couldn't help but steal another.
"I'm in love with you." I whispered.
"Same." He whispered back,"but!" He picked me up and I gasped as I wrapped my legs around his waist and laughed, I held onto his shoulders tightly,"you're here now yo, you ain't leavin for college or some shit so you can't leave me now."
"Last time I checked, you said it was better if I just left you so you didn't distract me." I raised my brow and he rolled his eyes.
"We work together now bitch." He laughed and gave me a kiss,"work place PDA now."
"Not for awhile."
"Ya okay, whatever you say yo." He started waking away from the couch.
"Let's get baked and roll one out first." He winked, as he walked down the shirt hall to the stairs.
"Fine." I sighed jokingly and hugged onto his as he walked up the stairs, I knew he wouldn't drop me, he was strong then he looked but it didn't stop the nervousness of it,"please don't me please don't drop me."
"I ain't dropping you till I get you to my bed."  His hand moved from my back to the back of my neck and his other sat under my ass holding me up. He placed a kiss on my shoulder as he turned down the hall to his room.
I kissed his neck as he walked into his room and instead of dropping me in the bed. He sat down and held me close as I straddled him thighs, my lips kissing his neck and his jaw, not nipping him just kissing, until His hand tangled into my hair, holding me closer to his neck. So I took it as the signal to just bite him and I did, right on his pulse point.
"About Fuckin time." He groaned, my teeth nibbled on his skin sucking it, creating that famous hickey he always had when we were dating. I licked it and blew on it and he sighed rolling his head back a bit more as I kissed it.
"Mine now bitch." I whispered into his ear as he placed a firm grasp on my ass. He pulled me away from him by my hair and made me look at him. His tongue swiped over his bottom lip slowly and he bit as he looked in my eyes. My clit  throbbed immediately and he smirked and came to kiss my neck, titling my head a bit to get the area he wanted. His kissed his trail to the area, from my collar bone, to my pulse, and down to where my shoulder Met my neck. I moaned as sucked and nibbled on the area, he used the hand on my ass to start making me grind on him slowly yet hard, I took over at action as his tongue licked my skin and his hands moved from their positions and sat on my waist.
"I've been dreaming of this for awhile." He kissed my jaw,"every night," he kissed the other side of my neck," Wakin up thinking you're right there next to me again."  He kissed right where my v line ended,"makin me feel like a Fuckin teenager."
"Let's be honest, you're still one." I giggled and she scoffed, giving me his famous side smile.
"I don't fuck like one." He shook his head.
"Mmm tell me more." I put on s porn star accent and he laughed as he pulled my shirt up and off. I didn't have a bra on, this shirt was a bit tight so it held them pretty well, and..
"You got them pierced."  He said in aww and I felt him grow harder under me.
"I got them done when I dropped out." His hands moved up my waste, over my ribs and he took them into his hands, admiring them.
"They're Fuckin gorgeous." He practically drooled and his didn't seem to notice the piercings I had in. I got them custom made, it was a J and a P decorated in red garnets.
"Glad you like them."I pushed my chest into his hands, his thumbs massages them and then  he let out a slight gasp.
"Oh my god, yo are those my initials?" He asked, his eyes darting from my boobs and to my eyes.
"Yes." I nodded.
"When the hell did you get those?"
"I got them a few months ago." I admitted.
"How often do you wear them?" His thumb brushed over them in a circle and i sharply exhaled from mh nose.
"A lot." He smirked, boring his rings in between his teeth.
"I'm gonna fuck you so good now."  He quickly rolled us over so I was on my back.  I let my arms drop over my head as his right hand massaged my boob and his to he licked the other one. His tongue flicking over it.
"Jesse." I moaned as he switched the other nipple, showing it equal attention.
"You're so fucking hot."  He growled as he kissed down my ribs, his fingers hooking into my belt loops as he looked up at me. I looked down at him, biting my lips and propping myself up on my elbows.
"What?" He unbuttoned and in zipped my jeans and shrugged,"Jesse?"
"I'm just thinkin." He grinned as he pulled my jeans down my legs leaving me in my black lace thong,"ah shit!"
He fell onto his ass and laughed.
"What the fuck Jess." I laughed.
"This just keeps on getting better and Fuckin better yo!" He got back onto his knees and pulled my legs over his shoulders from the back of my knees. I laughed and threaded my fingers through his hair as he kissed the inside of my thigh.
"I love you." I awed and felt him smile on my skin, planting kisses and he placed his final one right over my lace covered clit. I moaned as his index and middle finger hooked onto my thing and moved it out of way, wasting no time to dip his tongue to my clit and gave it a ohard lick,"fuuuck."
I pushed my hips into his face, and let out a whine.
"Fuckin A." His face left your thighs and his fingers hooked into hem of my thong and pulled it down my legs letting my legs fall but not for long as he quickly put them back and resumed his position,"you taste so good."
I couldn't help but moan as he sucked and licked my clit, altering between the two.
"Oh god Jesse." I grabbed onto his hair and he groaned,"oh shit."
One of Jesses hands that sat on my hip, slid on of my legs off of him, pushing my knee to my chest a bit, his index and middle finger circled around my drooling heat and then he slid the right in. My back arched off the bed and I moaned as i he started to work his fingers fast, already curled and hitting my gspot.
"Oh my goood!" I gasped in the Moan as he gave my clit a hard suck.
"So Fuckin good Baby." He praised, leaving my clit but he kept his fingers moving inside of me, he held onto my thigh as he pushed it closer into me as he came down to my lips and kissed me. His lips and tongue tasted like me and I loved it. I cupped just face his face with my hand and moaned as I felt a familiar hear start building.
"Ahh god Jess." I moaned as he kissed my jaw.
"You gonna cum for me?" He whispered into my ear and I nodded,"you are huh?"
"Yes Jesse fuck." I ground my hips into his hand and he picked up the pace s little, and added a deeper curl, hitting exactly where he needed to,"oh my god!"
He went back down to clit, sucking on it harshly. My hee dug into his back snd my hands balled up the comforter. Loud and erotic moans fell from my lips.
My orgasm hit me like a tsunami, literally. My back arched off the bed as moans and his name and swears spewed from my mouth as he continued fingering and eating me out. I could feel how wet the Inside of my thighs were, and could only imagine how wet his jaw and chin was.
He stopped slowly after, letting my leg drop from his shoulder as I heard him laugh.
"I've missed that." I opened my eyes a bit and saw him smilies at me with that cheeky grin, his red long sleeve was wet around the collar. He wiped his chin and jaw with his sleeve and he took of the peice of clothing off, exposing his nice ass body underneath it. I sat up and undid his belt as he pet my hair, I looked up at him meeting his blue eyes and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He pushed me down as he took his jeans and his boxers off, exposing his hard cock.
"I wanna ride you." I sat up,"please."
"Say less." He chuckled sitting down and I straddled him. His cock restung against my stomach as his Hands sat on my waist. I lifted myself up a bit using my grasp on his shoulder, with my free hand I lined him up. He moaned as I lowered down onto his tip and I rested my forehead on his shoulder.
"Fuckin hell." I moaned as he lowered me down another inch, giving me a few seconds to adjust. White boy was packing.
"Take me so well babe." He hissed as he lowered me down a lot more this time,"so good."
"Forgot how good you felt." I whispered and kissed below his ear as he dropped me all the way down, sheathing him completely. I let out a moaned gasp as he stretched me to fit him.
"Good girl." He rubbed my back,"such a good girl."
He started moving em slowly, I sat up, pushing myself into him as my head rolled back. His cock was hitting everything, I could feel his veins against my velvet walls.
"Damnit." I groaned as he held onto my hips tighter and moved me a bit faster, adding in a hard thrust down,"Jess!"
"Come on, take it, you know you can." He placed a broad lick up the center of my neck and he bounced me harder, pulling me up so only his tip was in me and then all the way down to his balls,"just like that baby."
"Holy fuck." I whimpered out as I took a hit more control, adding a fast speed and a light grind which case him to let out a eye rolling moan.
"Goddamn bitch." He thrusted up into me, causing me to almost see stars,"like that bitch?" He obviously saw how my body reacted to that and loved it cause he did it again,"you do huh?"
"Ye-es!" I moaned he dropped me down in his cock harder a few more times before flipping us over so he was on top.
"Then I'm gonna Fuckin give it to ya." He set the pace, a nice even thrust that ended hard and made my boobs bounce and made me grab onto the comforter and his arm that was propped over my head. My legs were wrapped out his waist. The angle that was was thrusting into me was pure bliss. He was hitting every good spot imaginable.
With the orgasm he gifted me with previously I wasn't gonna last very long, he could tell, my hands we gripping onto him for dear life, I moaning loudly, my back was arched off the bed. He was also getting closer, his hand on my thigh was gripping me tighter, he was moaning and groaning louder and more eroticly.
"Gonna make this-this  pussy mine again." He groaned,  my nails raked up his back in response.
"Please." I whispered,"Aah fuck! Fu-uck!"
"Cum for me, show me who's you are bitch." He growled into my ear and I did just that.
I held onto him and he dropped to his elbow to hold me closer to him, his hand moved from my thigh and under my back, holding my stomach to him. My eyes were clamped shut, as wave after wage of pure ecstasy shot through me.
He fucked me through my orgasm before cumming deep inside of me, thrusting slow as he did.
"God fuuuck." He groaned, his forehead was resting my chest in between my boobs. My fingers traced up his back and neck and into his hair, carding through it.
"That was amazing." I sighed with a giggle and he chuckled and looked up at me.
"Hell ya it was." He stood up and held onto my thighs as he slowly pulled out of me and collapsed onto the bed next to me.
I looked up at the ceiling and felt his eyes on me so I looked over and saw him smiling at me once again.
"You smile a lot when you're around me." I pointed out.
"Can't help it." He sat up and ran his hand through his hair,"imma go get somethin to clean you up."
"Mm, don’t be long.” I hummed and he walked back to me and placed a kiss on my lips and walked away without saying anything.
The night ended by us sitting in the living room and watching MTV while eating takeout pizza and a 6 pack of old style as he also told me everything my father and him have done so far, like getting the RV, killing two men, my dad smoking pot in his dinning room, the meth lab in his basement, he told me all of it….and I wanted in.
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moodymisty · 2 years
I would go absolutely feral if you did something with either 17 or 59 for Wrecker/fem!reader I love your writing so much!!!
Well funnily enough, I was actually working on a full Wrecker fic with this exact premise. So here you go, a bit of the big boy to whet your appetite. <3
Bear with me everyone I'm working through everybody's requests and also writing code for my portfolio so I'm staring at a monitor most of the day my eyes are BURNING
Relationships: Wrecker/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Thigh riding/grinding, Dry humping, Semi-public sex? It's in the Marauder's refresher
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The instant you come back up the Marauder's gangplank Wrecker is up and alert, stomping through the ship to greet you. He stops however once he sees your crossed arms, rolling your eyes at whatever Hunter had said before you were in earshot.
“You didn’t have to do that. We could've found a better option that just pawni-” You cut him off before he has the chance to finish speaking.
“Hunter. You know we are aren’t exactly swimming in credits already. It was the only option that didn't involve selling something more useful than just some jewelry.” Hunter seems like he's going to continue as you cross your arms, but Wrecker's far too excited to see you after even such a short time, and wraps an arm around your shoulders.
"What're you two arguin' about this time?" Watching the way you roll you eyes, Wrecker notices the way you unconsciously lean into his body and tightens his arm around you in response.
"Hunter's being a nag, is what's happening." Wrecker instantly comes to your defense and picks you up off the floor, his arms around your waist.
"Oh is he?" Laughing and giving you a giant kiss on the cheek your arms tighten around his neck to keep from slipping, even if you knew it wouldn't happen with strength like his.
"Come on then pretty girl; Lets get away from this spoilsport then." You give him an overly affectionate kiss on the cheek as he starts to carry you towards the back of the ship, as Wrecker attempts to weave through the ship to avoid knocking you into anything. Hunter rolls his eyes at the scene, but ultimately drops his grievance for the time being and moves towards Echo; Who's standing close by also watching the chaos.
It's when you're both in the back by the bunks that Wrecker finally puts you down, Hunter fully out of view. He leans down to place his hands on your hips, while you attempt to wrap your arms around his neck again and kiss him. Sometimes it's a bit of a hassle given how he resides in a different part of the atmosphere as you do, but it's well worth it. It's well worth it even if you haven't even been apart for more than a few hours but, the way he so readily smothers you in affection has made you spoiled and always greedy for more. Not as if Wrecker isn't the exact same way.
He eagerly presses his lips against yours just as hard, almost enough to make you take a stumbling step backward as he groans. Teeth gently dragging against his bottom lip you pull back just enough to speak; Your lips still brushing against his own.
"You know..."
Wrecker hangs on your words, watching your eyes look away for a moment in the direction of the cockpit. He has a feeling what you have in mind, if your wandering hands touching the back of his neck giving any hints.
"If we get all them to leave, we don't have to worry about anyone hearing us..."
Rubbing your lips together you can feel the way his hands trail along your waist, stopping around your ribcage as he steals another kiss. Once he pulls back however he gives a quiet chuckle; Even if it's only quiet by his standards.
"As much as I'd love to gorgeous; I don't think they're leavin’ anytime soon." And it wasn't like you could just run off for a bit, either.
Quickies weren't exactly a thing, for you and Wrecker; For a multitude of reasons. At least for not what you had in mind. He laughs at the way you pout, pursing your lips knowing that in the end he was right.
But… Maybe there’s another option.
With an almost incredible amount of speed Wrecker grasps your wrist and suddenly hauls you around the ship, and into the tiny room that serves as it’s refresher. There's barely enough room to fit the both of you, as even without him with you, you wouldn't have much room to maneuver. The Marauder was a smaller ship after all, and space was tight on board. Back hitting the wall, you look over to the door he'd hastily locked and attempted to speak.
“Wrecker, they’re going to hear us. The engines aren't even on...” It’s not as if you exactly stop him however as his lips cover yours, and you moan into his mouth. He pulls back to glance at the door, making sure it's locked.
“We just have to be quiet then, don’t we?” Given how loud Wrecker always is and his current 'attempts' to be quiet, that doesn’t fill you with the most confidence. Either way however his large hands are sliding down from your waist to your hips, pulling you closer. It's intoxicating, the way he touches you, and just the simple gestures alone can sometimes make your thighs press together.
You’d said quickies weren’t exactly a thing with Wrecker, but that didn’t mean you hadn’t found ways to be creative.
Your arms wrap around his neck, chest and stomach pressing against his own. He has to arch his back to lean down and kiss you, feeling your hands against the back of his neck.
Gently nudging your thighs apart with his knee he slips between your legs, forcing you to rise up almost onto your tiptoes. With most of your weight now pressing your cunt against him almost every movement makes you want to gasp, feeling his armor rub against your covered clit. It makes your legs shake, hips almost of their own accord moving to hump against his thigh.
“Fuck, Wrecker,” His lips press against the corner of your mouth, hands adjusting and tightening around your hips. You can feel your underwear are already soaked, the way they stick against your cunt while you grind against him. He moves his leg with you and feels the way your nails scratch against his neck, digging into the fabric of his body glove.
“You gotta be quiet, gorgeous,” His lips are hot against your skin, as your heart pounds against your chest and your cunt throbs. There's heat blossoming all over your body, facing feeling hot as you desperately grind against him.
“Bold of you to say that,” His hands grasp tight on your hips and move with you, forcing you to grind against him harder and longer than what you can do on your own. A shaky whine of yours echoes in the room as your cunt tightens around nothing, stomach twisting in knots. The heat of your face is suffocating, flush across your skin and even traveling down your neck as you bite your lip.
Half blindly you attempt to reach for his codpiece, in an attempt to either take it off or at least slip your hand into it to palm at his cock, but he pulls it out before you have the chance to go any further. He chuckles at the way you whine about it.
“That can wait, sweetheart. I want to see you cum on my thigh first.” His hands slide back enough that they can grasp your ass, squeezing and feeling it mold in his grip before you pull away.
It's a struggle to think of a time you managed to peel your pants off this fast, tearing them down far enough that you can tug your underwear down with them. Though you almost stumble while stepping one leg out and pressing your now bare cunt against his thigh armor.
After you do so your hands move to grab for any sort of purchase to stay steady, when a stray elbow of yours knocks a bottle over. Both of you almost almost completely freeze in time as it clangs onto the ground, Wrecker's gloved hands back against your ass. Lips pursed underneath your hand you stay quiet, trying to see if anyone noticed.
“You, alright?”
Hunter’s clearly far away in the cockpit, but his ears had quite easily pricked up to the sound of something toppling over. Peeling your palm away from your mouth, you yell and hope that your voice doesn’t noticeably crack.
“Yeah! A-All good, um, just tripped!”
You quickly clamp your hand back over your face, trying to prevent even the slightest noise from getting out. But they still echo in the tiny room, your quiet moans and Wrecker’s poor attempts at also being silent. You just can't seem to stop your hips from rolling, grinding yourself against his thigh while his grip prevents you from moving even the tiniest bit away.
In an effort to balance himself better Wrecker takes a hand away from your ass and presses it against the wall, wincing at the way the metal audibly creaks underneath the sudden pressure.
Biting your lip you can’t help but rub against him harder and harder, chasing that tightening feeling in your gut. He can hear your short, soft pants of effort, looking down and seeing your body against his chest armor.
“Kriff; You’re soakin’ my armor,”
Wrecker saying it almost with a laugh, watching the way your leaking cunt leaves a trail of juices all over the armor of his thigh. It’s noticeable and he’ll surely have to clean it, hearing the wet, sloppy noises over muffled breathing. Your one foot skids across the ground not having the proper footing with Wrecker lifting you onto your toes, pressing your body closer against the wall. You wince when it creaks, even more so when Wrecker’s body leans over you. He loves watching the way your brow furrows and hot breath leaves your lips, chasing your high and leaving the mess on him like this.
“You look so damn pretty like this…”
Leaning forward Wrecker’s grip on your ass pulls you up higher on his thigh and now you're completely on your toes, him having now almost complete control over your movement as your clit rubs against his armor. It makes you gasp, the intense feeling that jolts up your spine as your cunt clenches around nothing.
“A-Ah, Wrecker-” You’re gritting your teeth, desperately trying to make sure not a single little sound gets out beyond the whisper you couldn’t catch in time.
Thighs tensing you can feel the way you’ve almost completely soaked his piece of leg armor, now almost entirely slick as you cum against him. It wouldn't be surprising if you'd left dents in your lip from the way you're biting it, forehead leaning to rest against Wrecker's chestplate. Your hot breath bounces off of it to hit your face, while your hips twitch; Body overwhelmed all at once with a feeling that travels your entire body.
After coming down from your high enough you move to pull your hips away from him he quickly sees the mess you’ve made all over his thigh, and attempts to comment. While you've done this before, Wrecker doesn't think he'll ever get over the way your cunt leaves a mess over him when he's done with you. Be it thigh, face, cock, or hands.
“Wow, you really-”
Quickly you reach and clap a hand over his mouth, hearing his loud voice echo through the tiny room. He smiles behind your palm and attempts to hold back a laugh; You can’t help but smile a bit as well, almost of a mischievous kind.
But the two of you hadn't gotten found out yet, and so once you get your footing back underneath you, your hands quickly start to go for what he'd stopped you from earlier. He can feel your fingers on him, watching as you squat down to put his groin directly in front of your face. Wrecker leans back, watching the way you do so and knowing that he's about to get his own, unable to stop the way his eyes widen and his face distinctly heats up even more. You're just starting to find your way around it, almost getting the offending piece of armor off-
A sudden hard batch of knocks startle both of you, forcing you to abruptly look away from his half removed codpiece and stare at the door.
“You two, get out.”
You at first attempted to purse your lips and be silent, but doing so wouldn't work against hearing like Hunter's. Wrecker looks more than a little sheepish, his body ramrod straight as looks in the same direction you are. It almost seems as if he hopes that Hunter will go away if he’s silent for long enough, but it’s a bit too late for that now. You quickly reach down to grab your pants and fix yourself up to look somewhat presentable, watching as Wrecker moves to open the door and sees a disapproving Hunter, crossing his arms.
“The refresher isn’t for fooling around. Out.”
You don’t know whats more embarrassing: That Hunter’s scolding you, or that this isn’t the first time you’ve gotten caught.
Quickly shuffling past him and ignoring the way he mutters that this ship is ‘far too small for his sanity’, you both retreat to Wrecker’s bunk and plop down onto it. It’s really the only other place you could go for some semblance of privacy, even if it wasn't exactly the kind you'd wanted.
Glancing downward you can still see the wet mark you’d left on his thigh, and it seems he has no desire to get rid of it.
But while Wrecker obviously got immense enjoyment out of pleasing you, watching whenever you grind against his thigh for what feels like hours, it’s still a little disappointing you didn’t get your hands on his cock before you had to stop.
You’d get that time alone soon, you just need to be patient. And a bit sneaky.
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Another thought for Thorne/Peter:
After their little office tryst, Peter may not have “feelings” yet but he is confused…. and curious, so he goes to one of Thorne’s shows. Gotta check it out for real and without his previous biases. What happens during or after the show is up to you.
Oooh, sounds like a fun, confusing time for Peter then.
Warning: Peter has dirty thoughts and some actions are implied
On with the fic!
It was still on his mind, days later.
Peter couldn't stop thinking about what has happened in that office, fuck, he hoped there wasn't a camera in there. Shit, he hoped there was, maybe he could get a copy of the tape.
There were still bruises and bites on him, from talented fingers and a mouth that wouldn't shut the fuck up. He unconsciously rubbed at a particularly large bite, one right behind his ear. Luckily for him, his wig covered it well, didn't want the girls asking questions.
He sat in the audience of Thorne's latest show, finally deciding to watch the competition perform. After all, Thorne had seen his show, why not do the same?
The man had a feral, wild energy to him as he performed, thrashing at his instrument, shouting into the mic. He was a mess, but damn, Peter couldn't deny that he was a fucking hot mess in all the best ways.
And Peter hated that.
He loathed that he was enjoying himself. Maybe it was the beer he had been drinking throughout the evening, maybe it was the fact it's been ages since he had a good lay, maybe it's because it's been a fucking lifetime since he was so thoroughly debauched as he had been that night in the office.
Peter was a switch, he loved it, loved taking and being taken, but there was something about what Thorne had done. His words, his hands, his fucking tongue, everything, that left Peter wanting another go, wanting so much more.
He sat in uncomfortable enjoyment as the show went on.
When it was over, Peter left without looking at the stage, but he felt eyes on him.
He went backstage, to the dressing rooms. No one stopped him, the staff there all knew who he was, his own room was back there, after all. He came to a stop at a dressing room with Thorne's name on it, then waited inside.
When the older man walked in, sweaty, disheveled, and looking rather pleased with himself, Peter pounced.
Thorne had barely gotten the door closed before Peter was on him, ravishing his mouth, hands trying to get at those damn jeans. He heard a moan from the smaller man, then a pleased chuckle and he was pushed back just enough to look at hazel eyes, masked in smeared eyeliner.
"Well, this is a surprise." He said, his tone cocky, knowing. Peter hated him.
"Fuck you." He said in response, how creative.
"Ah, you wanna go at me this time, mate?" Thorne asked, a purr in his words. His fingers hooked into the belt loops of Peter's jeans, then he was flushed against the man. "Or did ya mean to say 'fuck me', Vincent?"
Peter growled and was kissing him again, biting his lip, tasting blood, but fuck the sound that Thorne made caused a twitch in his suddenly-tighter-than-normal jeans.
"I'll take that as a yes for the latter." Thorne replied and Peter knew he was in trouble.
That stupid, pretty mouth was on his neck like before, and Peter felt like a victim in a vampire movie. He wanted Thorne to bite him though, he wanted another mark, what the fuck was wrong with him?
"Saw you in the audience tonight." Thorne said, his voice heavy with lust. "God, you looked so pretty, dressed up in all this lovely black, I wanna rip open your shirt, pop all those buttons, have you leavin' this room with a limp in your walk and your shirt wide open, exposin' all my bites and stuff."
"Then what's stoppin' you?" Peter replied, fingers busy with trying to get Thorne's pants undone.
"Nothin', honestly." And Thorne pressed him up to the vanity. "Just giving you a warnin', pretty boy.
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