#when he was training under gyomei
mintartem · 1 year
Genuine question but were we ever been given an idea on what happened to Genya after he and Sanemi separated and before he was found by Gyomei? The in-between events would probably explain why the young Genya we saw in the flashback and the young Genya during the final selection are so different. I need headcanons for this!
Seriously, what was he doing during those times when he and Sanemi just separated? We all know he was backed into a corner when he discovered he can eat demons to gain their ability temporarily but what lead him in that situation?
(My headcanon would be that he hadn’t eaten anything for days and that he was so hungry and that demon mentioned something about eating him. Might as well eat the demon first right? He needs to continue living after all)
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lyrefromthesea · 3 months
Please can I request pre-relationship hashira x hashira!reader, where they are sparing together and it becomes a bit suggestive 💙💙
Male pillars x reader - Sparing with benefits
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pairing: Tengen x reader, Obanai x reader, Rengoku x reader, Sanemi x reader, Giyuu , reader, Gyomei x reader
content warning: suggestiveness
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"you could just give up, there's no chance you could win against my flamboyant self!" he taunted, running around the courtyard with you.
you had been fighting for ten minutes and there was still no end in sight. you weren't a bad fighter, you've been promoted as a hashira some time ago, but Tengen was at advantage right now.
he was faster than you. he had been saving himself from your attacks by avoiding them every time. the smirk on his face only spurred you on more, wanting to win this fight and show him that you were a good fighter.
however, when you raised your bamboo sword for an attack and he turned around to dodge it, you felt yourself trip on a root. it had been sticking out of the ground, making you fall over.
surprised by what has happened, Tengen lost his own halt and fell backwards, landing in a sitting position. you felt yourself fall onto him, at least partly.
when you checked your surroundings, you found your head on his lap. your cheek pressed against his groin. meeting his gaze, you could see his cocky smirk.
"it was an accident! i didn't mean to.." you said, wanting to stand up instantly. this would definitely look wrong from an outsider's perspective.
when you tried to stand up, you felt his hand tangle in your hair, pressing your cheek a bit more against his groin, only satisfied when you felt the bulge against your skin.
"just so you know, my wives had always found you cute enough for this.." he teased, his eyes staying on your widened eyes.
you pushed away, running away from his grip and off the training field.
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he was proud of you for becoming a hashira. when he took you in as his tsuguko, he wasn't sure if he made the right decision, but he was sure now.
you were able to follow his movements, dodge his attacks and even make some of your own. your elegance captivated him and he found himself admiring your fighting style.
perhaps he had been diving in his thoughts too much, because when his attention was finally back on you, he was already on the ground.
your legs were on either side of him, straddling his body. heterochromic eyes were staring deeply into yours, surprised by the sudden turn of events.
"i win, Obanai." you said, looking down at the man. your hands were resting on his chest, leaning forward slightly.
his heartbeat was increasing under your hands, cheeks flushing. it wasn't the first time he noticed how beautiful you were, but your allure only increased like this.
"you.. you do.." he muttered, not being able to turn his eyes away from you. yet again, neither were you. you leaned down further, remaining with your faces only a few inches apart.
it would've been so easy to kiss him right now. however, feeling your hips rub against his groin, he couldn't stop his body from reacting, his hands gripping your waist.
"[name], g- get down.."
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"flame breathing. third form: blazing universe!" he called out, his bamboo sword coming at you with immense speed. you barely managed to block his attack - meaning you didn't do it.
your body flew a few feet away, landing on the ground. with a quiet grunt, you turned onto your back. "i give up.." you sighed.
however, there was no audible reaction from Rengoku. turning your head towards him, you wanted to know what's wrong, only to see his wide eyes staring.
he shook his head, running towards you and kneeling down. "are.. are you okay?" he asked, seeing you nod. he didn't respond, as if he knew something you didn't.
"just tell me, Rengoku!" you pleaded, feeling yourself enter a state of panic. did you lose a leg? it wasn't like him to behave this way.
he moved his hand closer, placing his hand against the side of your stomach. your eyes widened, looking down at yourself, staring at your torn uniform.
not only the right side of your shirt, but also the entirety of your right pant leg was missing. you instantly sat up, trying to cover up.
"i didn't know, i will-" you tried excusing yourself, but fell silent when he squeezed your waist slightly, attention moving back to him.
"i'll bring you back." he answered, taking off his haori and pulling it over your form. it didn't help covering your leg, but at least your upper body looked a bit more presentable.
he scooped you into his arms, both your legs around his waist. you rested your chin on his shoulder, wishing to disappear. the whole situation was embarrassing, and even worse, you had felt warm when he touched your skin unhindered.
his hand held you up by your thighs, his grip on your right thigh a bit stronger. you could feel his fingers dig into the soft flesh of your leg, glancing up at him.
"you.. you're really soft." he quietly said, not able to hide his red face from you.
perhaps the whole situations had it's advantages.
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"stop running! just admit defeat!" he shouted after you, determined to get this fight over with. the only problem: you were extremely fast. you managed to dodge his attacks every time.
"never!" you answered, seeing him try to attack again. you were ready to dodge his bamboo sword, but were shocked to see him drop it mid-attack.
his hand shot towards you instead, quite literally knocking you down with his harsh hit. your back made contact with the ground, Sanemi tackling you down immediately.
"i win." he said, smirking at your defeated form. you tried freeing yourself, not able to push up with his hand on your neck.
"i didn't give up yet." you huffed out, feeling him squeezing your throat lightly - he was warning you. only that his warning didn't work as intended.
a quiet whimper escaped your lips, your cheeks flushing in embarrassment. he had heard the sound, you knew it.
"oh? didn't know you were into the rough treatment." he smirked - teased. your reaction was immediate, pressing your knee up and right against his crotch.
he groaned, letting go of you. he clearly hadn't expected you to do that, especially not after you pushed him away and freed yourself.
"didn't know you were into that, Shinazugawa."
naturally, another fight started right after.
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how did this happen? thirty minutes of fighting just for your bamboo sword to be kicked to the side by him. he had been too fast for you, leaving you unable to react.
your back was pressed against the wall, wide eyes staring into his. he had caged you between the wall and his body, his form towering over you.
ocean eyes were deeply staring into yours, his hand pressing against the wall behind you. he couldn't tear his gaze away from your body, not when you were presented right in front of him.
"you lost." he stated, as if it wasn't obvious to the both of you. his eyes narrowed, his other hand moving towards you.
"if this had been a fight with a demon, you would've died." he said, making you feel like prey under his eyes. he placed his hand on your chin, thumb nearly grazing your lips.
"don't lose focus." he uttered, but his eyes had long broken their contact with yours. he was watching your lips instead, as if he was debating on a kiss.
"i wont." you answered breathlessly, getting his attention back on you. he let go of your chin, stepping away and picking up your sword.
"let's try it out." he taunted, neither of you really focusing on winning or losing now.
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this fight was unfair to begin with. without a doubt, you were one of the strongest swordsman in the corps. you've served as a hashira for three years now, but no one could win against Gyomei.
naturally, you admitted defeat when he threw you over half the lake, immediately asking whether you're fine or not.
your head broke through the water, gasping for air. the water was freezing cold, but you told him you're fine.
he still made the effort to help you out of the water, drenching his own clothes in the freezing liquid.
"are you sure you're okay?" he asked, big tears already rolling down his face again. you avoided your eyes from his form, not trying to appear inappropriate.
"i'm fine." you answered, looking at your own body. both of your clothes were quite see-through, giving you a greedy sight of his muscles and abs.
looking down at yourself, your clothes weren't any better. you thought of yourself as lucky, not wanting to live with the shame of letting him see so much of your body.
"come, it's freezing in here." he told you, pulling you into his arms and out of the water as he made his way out of it.
what you didn't know, was how his fingers could feel everything that you were seeing. your clothes stuck to your skin, not leaving much room for imagination.
he stepped out of the water, but instead of letting you down, his head tilted towards yours, foreheads nearly touching.
his hands squeezed your body, millions of thoughts running through his head. "you're.." he said, but he stopped, not wanting to do something he might regret later.
"you're still wet, we should get some dry clothes.." he told you instead, putting you down again, his hand sliding against your curves for a moment.
you watched him walk forward, your lips parted. was it wrong that you had hoped for him to continue?
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bunbunlovestowrite · 2 months
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How the Hashira men react to your neighbor asking you to be quiet
Characters: Tengen, Sanemi, Rengoku, Obanai, Gyomei, Giyuu,
Additional shit: Swearing, Sanemi fighting said neighbor, Rengoku being blunt, mentions of sex, ooc mot likely :p
He couldn't care less
His whole thing is being flashy and loud so he wants you to be loud
Like it's not his fault that dick is magical
After he shoos your neighbor away he makes sure to be as loud as possible that night
He's pounding into your cunt and you swear your gonna break when he whispers "okay now scream exactly how big my dick is. Don't forget the tip color-"
He gets cut off by you hitting him with the pillow
Way to ruin the mood
But that doesn't stop him and instead he goes harder, making sure the bed creaks loud ASF for your neighbor
"Not my fault he doesn't know how to please a woman." Is his main reason for doing so
He really wants you to scream his name so it's imbedded in your neighbors head
"Morning N/N!" Him to your neighbor from the balcony while your trying to get out of bed and failing
"Actually die." Both you and your neighbor to Tengen
Cares alot
Why the fuck is that limp dick biscuit talking to you and him? Who does he think he is?
You were the one who broke the news to him thankfully cause if Sanemi was the one who opened the door then you'd have to see your husband through glass in a prison
Just kidding. The Slayer corp would get him out of trouble if he didn't do it himself.
Sanemi made it his goal to piss your neighbor off as much as possible
Your under him, practically creaming on his cock, and he's slamming the wall yelling "This loud enough yet?! Huh!?"
Not kidding I can see him doing that
He quite literally had you against a window where your neighbors could see him destroying you just to make them mad or uncomfortable, hopefully both.
But then he'd get pissed someone else would see you all naked and fucked out so he settled for the wall next to the window
One day your neighbor, finally having enough, bangs on your door yelling and guess who opens it...Sanemi!!
Good Lord was he waiting for this
It took one punch and the guy was out
Kinda what happens when you put a normal dude against a guy who kills demons for a living
He's a good neutral between caring and not caring
Like he doesn't wanna make your neighbors mad but he also loves hearing your screams
So he tries to keep you quiet during sex but fails since he gets to into it to give a fuck
The next days his loud ass voice wakes you up
"IM SORRY FOR MAKING INCREDIBLE LOVE TO MY WIFE!" He's not being sarcastic thats his genuine apology
Your facepalming and you want to die when you see your neighbor and she can't look at you
"PERHAPS SHES MAD BECAUSE HER HUSBAND CANNOT PLEASE HER!" Rengoku says casually and you know she can hear you from outside in her garden
"Inside voices!" You place your hands over his mouth to try and shut him up.
It works for a bit before he's yelling again
You love your husband but holy shit you wish he would speak normally sometimes
He's actually quiet in bed though
So your the problem (real)
I'm not an Obanai fan so forgive me for how bad his section will be
Obanai is a quiet mf, and you're not even that loud
It's your neighbor who was the problem
A little old man whose hearing aids apparently had the power of 67 suns
You and Obanai found this out when he was outside training and your neighbor came over
He was so sweet and polite and even chuckled at Obanai's redness
Obanai cared at first but got over it
You? You make sure to not make a PEEP in bed
Okay that pisses Obanai off but he understands your reasons
At least make a gasp or sum cause he's over here like "Wait does this feel good? Can she feel it? Did I forget where the clit is?"
Brother is STRESSING
Then you cum and he's like "ah"
Then he's like "Did you take it?"
You have to keep yourself from murdering him cause how tf would you fake squirting
Babe I'm not gonna lie, you're a screamer
Gyomei is built like a house and your telling me your just gonna whine and whimper?
Your over here crying and screaming into his chest, neck, the pillow, anything.
And Gyomei loves it!
He can't see your reactions so hearing and feeling them let's him know he's doing good
Gyomei isn't loud but he's not quiet
He'll grunt and moan and praise you, but he's not gonna cry out.
Well he'll cry but you can never tell from what
When the pussy so good you start crying 😭🙏
When your neighbor politely asked you to be a tad bit quieter Gyomei actually laughed
Not in a 'nah we'll keep being loud' way but more of a 'sorry we'll be quiet' way. He also found it hilarious how you actually died of embarrassment.
Don't worry he thinks its endearing
Yet it was kinda hard for him since he enjoyed hearing you
But your touches and now quieter moans made that better
And then there's also you literally drawing blood from his back you were scratching so hard
Holy shit you have never seen him so embarrassed
Like you could shade match his Haori to him and get the exact same color
He was the one your neighbor told and he stopped working when 'loud' and 'moaning' left their lips
If a demon doesn't kill him then his own actions will
Giyuu isn't loud, and he loves that he can make you feel so good that your loud for him.
But he didn't want your neighbor back over at your house so he tried to keep you quiet
You were super confused when he held his hand over your mouth in bed and he just pointed to your neighbors house. Then you got it.
So you nod and try to keep quiet.
You know in school when the teacher tells you and a friend to shut up but they look at you funny and you break?
Yeah that was you
You were riding Giyuu one night and you were loud so he was like "holy shit I love you but please- I can't look our neighbor in the eyes anymore."
And you couldn't help but laugh
Like howling
You calmed down obviously but sex was very giggle filled after that
You've never seen Giyuu so panicked
But give him a week and he'll stop caring
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vrystalius · 2 days
May I request Hashira's reacting too waking up in the middle of the night with their (pre relationship) crush pressed up against them. Like not fully cuddling just subconsciously seeking them out for warmth separate bedrolls be damned (I've personally resorted to sleep walking to steal another person's body heat so no where is safe lmao)
I love all your work btw ✨✨✨
Sleepwalking into the hashira’s futon for warmth
It’s cold and you crave warmth. Where is a better place to sleepwalk into than into the futon of your crush?
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Giyu x hashira!gn!reader
The winter in Japan is always extremely cold, especially when you’re sleeping in a room without a heater. Yours broke down a while ago and now your whole estate is frozen over, forcing you to temporarily move into another hashira’s estate. To your luck, you were assigned to stay with your crush until the kakushi manage to repair your heater. Yet, the room you were sleeping in was freezing and your body knew that. You fell into a deep sleep and felt how you were suddenly surrounded by comforting warmth. Opening your eyes and glancing aside, you spotted…
…Sanemi Shinazugawa, who is sleeping without a blanket.
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How the hell did you get here? Why do you have five different blankets stacked on top of you? And why is Sanemi sleeping next to you sp nonchalantly? You tried to crawl out beneath of the mountain of blankets, but your lack of energy stopped you from doing so. It was just so comfortable and warm and the smell of him all around you was kind of intoxicating. You’ve been depraved of warmth for too long to crawl away from it again.
You turned your head towards Sanemi again. He was facing away from you and looked to be deeply asleep. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and yet he sacrificed his blanket for you. You felt your face starting to flush, but not because of the blankets on top of you. He, Shinazugawa, the meanest and angriest of them all, tolerated you crawling into his bed like you own it and then hog his blanket, just to give you more blankets. Your heart felt like it was about to explode just from the sheer embarrassment and butterflies that are currently filling up your stomach. You fell back asleep with a bright grin on your face.
…Kyojuro Rengoku’s warm chest and arms being wrapped around you to keep you warm.
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Oh gods, he’s so incredibly warm and comfortable! You never want to leave his arms, although you two aren’t dating. At least not yet and you really hope to change that soon. You seemingly sleepwalker into his bed and Kyojuro just welcomed you into his arms. He probably felt how freezing your body was and decided to warm you up with his touch. That’s just how he is, he always helps the one in need. Even the freezing ones that crawl into his bed uninvited.
He still looks so peaceful and deeply asleep, you’re not sure if he even woke up when his arms wrapped around you. Just as you finished the thought, Kyojuro’s arms pulled you a little closer as a quiet snore escaped his lips.
Perhaps he subconsciously is using you as some sort of teddy bear or body pillow. There’ll surely be a very interesting conversation in the morning when you wake up, but for now, you’ll take advantage of this. It’s not everyday that the flame hashira is cuddling and warming you up in his arms!
…Gyomei Himejima sleeping on the floor so you have more space for yourself.
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His eyed were closed and he was seemingly asleep, but obviously uncomfortable. You had his large and warmed up bed all to yourself, with all the sheets and pillows. But Gyomei apparently didn’t mind to give all of that up for you and just take the space on the floor. You felt incredibly bad for sleepwalking into his bed and now hog all the warmth and space.
Gyomei trains under extreme conditions snd circumstances, so he deserves a good rest after all his hard work. You moved over to lay right beside him and draped the blanket over you two. You really hoped he didn’t mind to sleep side by side with you. Perhaps that’s the reason he wanted to give you his bed, so that you don’t feel uncomfortable in anyway. That sounds like something he would do.
You leaned your head against his bicep and closed your eyes again, starting to slip back into a deep sleep. Just before you travelled to the land of dreams, you felt the large weight beneath you shift and how you’re being tucked in with a large, warm blanket.
…How Giyu Tomioka was staring into your soul, mortified, sheets pulled over his chest.
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“What are you doing in my bed?”
You were just as horrified as he was. Where are you? Is Giyu in your bed or are you in his? How did you even get here? You never wanted to crawl into a hole and bury yourself in it so badly. He moved out of the futon and stood up, looming over you. He looked extremely messy and sleepy, and in your opinion, very adorable.
“You know what? Stay. Keep my bed. I’m sleeping somewhere else.”
He slowly walked around the futon and towards the bedroom door, but you stopped him from leaving by scrambling out of his bed yourself.
“N-No, you can have it, it’s your bed!”
Giyu shook his head and waved you off.
“I don’t care. I don’t want to sleep in it anymore.”
You noticed the faint blush on his face but didn’t dare to point it out. Or else that man just might evaporate. Is the idea of sleeping in the same bed you invited yourself into so bad? Perhaps Giyu just can’t handle the thought of you cuddling up to him again. He won’t mention that to you either or else you both will evaporate out of shame.
I luckily never sleepwalked, so I’m not sure how accurate this is XD This was very fun to write though, tysm for requesting, hope you enjoyed!! I always read your comments and reblogs so don’t be shy to leave some! I always thank you personally (in my mind, if that’s not weird :,) Maybe it’s my tiredness speaking XD)
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!!
Take care of yourselves <33
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xxlady-lunaxx · 2 months
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when he and sanemi were little, sanemi would tuck in gen+the little ones to bed and sometimes he'd wrap genya up in the blanket like a burrito when he was scared
so when genya was older and training with gyomei, gyomei would put him to bed whenever genya ended up overworking himself
gyomei noticed that when he tucked the blanket under genya a bit so it fit him snuggly, genya slept more soundly and it became a habit to put the blanket like that whenever he made genya sleep
(genya never realized gyomei was doing this though)
maybe gyomei spoke to sanemi about genya once, bringing up briefly the burrito thing and sanemi was just... he wasn't okay
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nerdyweebfreak · 1 month
Hellooo just wanna say your writing is so awesome im actually obsessed omg
Can i ask are you open for requests im 21 years old and id love it if you could write first time with the hashiras with an unexperienced reader when you get a chance ofc!
note: hye anon!! thank you so much for your lovely request, glad you like my writing!!!! so honoured ^u^ let's dive right into it!
SORRY FOR THE DELAY OMG i figured i'd do semi-detailed things so that this could still be a drabble, but i will do FULL fics for each of them if requested :3
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— HASHIRAS x unexperienced!reader —
tw: fluff, foreplay, a bit of dubcon, praising
starring: giyuu, obanai, sanemi, gyomei, kyojuro, tengen
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𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮𝐮 ➤ it was no secret that giyuu was just as unexperienced as you were. his cold, reserved attitude has lead him to bottle up his own emotions in forever and, yes, including his desires too.
giyuu craved that sweet passion only you could give him.
He was the type of person to never lash out or fully express what he was feeling. But he sure did have a sweet spot for someone. And that someone was you. I'm not saying that he completely changed his behavior in your presence, no. But the way you looked at him definitely awakened something in him, something he knew you had never experienced.
One day, while walking back from a nighttime training, he decided to shoot his shot.
"Y/n." He breathed, authoritarily.
"Yes, Giyuu?" You turned your head towards him, unaware.
"You must be tired. My house is closer than yours."
You didn't know if this was an invite or a simple sentence. You did know he struggled with communication, so you just took it as a statement.
"Oh, yeah.. don't worry, i'll walk my way home alone. If you want to take the turn for your house, go f-"
Giyuu's gaze travelled across your haori. your curves. your legs. His stance, stoic and unbothered, in front of you.
"w-what's wrong, Giyuu?"
He placed a hand behind your hear, and leaned in.
"Just spend some more time with me. Y/n."
The sudden request made you jolt. You couldn't say you weren't into him. and you couldn't say you werent waiting for this. You quickly nodded, blushing from your cheeks to the tip of your ears. Giyuu leaned into a kiss, pushing his body against yours.
"God, i needed this." escaped his lips, while his lips met yours. His body wouldn't stop pressing against yours, in a desperate attempt to be closer to you. You stepped back and your back met the door to his place. He quickly pushed the door open and held your waist to guiide you through the livingroom, just for your back to meet his couch.
Giyu suddenly stops. He looks at you with deep blue eyes.
"What's wrong?" you wondered, looking up at him, thinking you did something wrong, or he changed his mind.
"You've never done this, have you?" He wonders, quietly. You blush. Was it so obvious? what gave it away? you shook your head. "But i want it." you added.
Giyuu's hand cupped the back of your head and slowly crawled on top of you, undoing his haori. "I'm sorry. --" he paused. "Sorry for acting that way." His knee made its way between your legs, and gently pressed on your crotch. His hands roamed over your body.
"Don't be... i liked it.." You chuckle quietly. He smiles, for all response. He kisses your neck and undoes your haori. "Smells.. good." He comments, before kissing down your bare chest.
𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 ➤ obanai was aware that this was your first time, and he needed to make it as special as he could. he'd look into your eyes deeply. gently undressing you, quietly, without making a sound. his cold hands slithering under your clothes, swiftly, they'd give you chills.
"hey, baby i'm here. look at me.."
he blushed, although he loved eye contact. your gaze would make him flustered, despite being with you for a long time.
"don't worry. please. it'll be okay. just tell me if you ever want to stop, okay?"
he'd whisper, reassuring you.
obanai loved long, intense foreplay until you both cannot take it anymore. and that's exactly what happened your first night with him. after kissing for hours, gently teasing each other, his slender fingers slid into you so easily. one. two. three. "i'm gonna put it in. you ready? i want to hear you."
Obanai was the kind of man that desperately needs to hear your voice. He wanted all of it, he wanted to experience your pleasure on his skin, too. He needed to know you were enjoying it as much as he was.
𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 ➤ sanemi tried to be the perfect boyfriend. he really did. although, he couldn't take the idea that you could get tired of him. he wanted you, so bad, he wanted to own you, mark you. but no. you were still pure. untouched. the thought turned him on, a lot. he wanted to be the first. jealousy striked through his veins everytime he thought that you could get tired of him and date someone else.
so, one night he decided to show up at your house, knocking so hard. once inside, he grabbed your wrists in his fists.
"i want you. now. do you want to have sex?"
his voice, shaky and possessive, made you tremble.
"y-yeah but.."
"but what? fuck, we've been together for a while.. please."
"i g-guess. yes.."
"good little one. i fucking love you."
without letting go of your wrists, sanemi pushed your back against the wall. "let me show you what ive been craving. you need to learn.."
you didn't want him to stop. he was too good at this. and you knew you needed him too. you just hoped he'd take the lead, as you did not know where to start.
sanemi's hand wrapped around your waist and he pulled you into a deep kiss. your eyes rolled. he was so warm, as if his blood was boiling. his hands would wander under your clothes now. removing your haori. letting it fall carefreely on the floor. "god you're so fucking pretty, doll."
𝐆𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐢 ➤ Gyomei really knew he had to be careful with you because of his size. After preparing a hot romantic bath for you, he set you on his big futon, big enough to fit him, and probably twice your size. "Are you sure?" he hummed, his voice low and filled with doubts. He kneeled in front of you, towering over you.
"i'm sure, love."
He wanted to make sure your first time was the best thing he could ever give you. Gyomei lowered himself onto you, and wrapped his arm around your waist. one arm was enough to pull your body towards him, and you entangled your legs around his waist. Gyomei's lips met yours, and your fingers ran in his short, bristly hair. The pearls around his neck grazed against your skin. You aligned your hips to his.
"I love you... i love you.. you're so gorgeous.." he said, in adoration, kissing your skin. Beady tears rolling down his cheeks. his hands firmly keeping your hips still now.
𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 ➤ After a demon fight, Kyojuro offered you to see the dawn with him. You both sat on the grass, watching the moon slowly turn into the sun.
"Hey, y/n", he whispered.
"You look pretty tonight. I mean today. I mean."
You both burst into a laugh. Kyojuro was the sunniest person you've ever met, with a burning fire inside of him. But now, he looked softer. as if..
"hey.. have you ever kissed anyone?" the question unexpectedly fell from your lips. Kyojuro looked at you for a few moments, before shaking his head.
"You could be my first. If..." Kyojuro's head turned to you, and he stared at the way your eyes were glowing in the moonshine. His kiss felt like a summer night.
His skin was hot to the touch, and his hair messily rested on his shoulder. As the dawn slowly creeped up the hill, you and Kyojuro experienced a truly whole new world.
𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 ➤ Tengen had just made you his 4th wife. You had no idea how it was to be married, let alone to a man like this. He was charming. His wifes, always cheerful and comfortable with each other. You woke up in his bed. His wives were asleep still, and you two were the only ones awake at the time.
"Yes, love?" He replied, with a soft voice.
"Since i'm your wife now.... does it mean.. we need to have kids?" You wondered.
"Of course not, silly. " he chuckled. "Not if you don't want to."
"I think... I don't want kids but... you know we've been together for a while and.."
"I know where you're going. You want to make love?" His voice was so soft and loving. His tone was reassuring. You didn't expect him to get it so fast. Tengen turns towards you, and his messy white hair flow on the pillow.
"Come here. let me show you baby." He pulls you by your waist, his tall body shielding you from the sunlight coming in from the window. You instinctively kiss him. It was a deep, passionate kiss. You loved him, and wanted to show him how bad you did.
"my pretty angel..." He mumbled, as his big hand started to roam across your soft sunkissed skin, eventually revealing your body and lifting your shirt, which turned into clawing your back, holding your hair, and lustful eye contact. You were at a loss of words. you didn't know this man could be as soft as a feather yet have the same strenght of a storm. Yet, he wouldn't hurt you once. He was careful. Delicate. Hungry.
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note: i know this wasn't super long but i hope you enjoted :3
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yuzuki-ero · 2 months
Increased circulation
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Gyomei x y/n (AFAB)
MDNI – Minor do not interact
Word count: 1300+
" " is dialogue
' ' is thoughts
Warning: involuntary erection, nudity, vaginal intercourse, internal ejaculation, size kink, embarrassing moments ,hook up
Ahem ahem pls be kind to me this is my first smut Did you know onsen weren't separated by gender in old jp?
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"Ding dong ding dong"
The sound of the bell
The signal that the end of today has come
"Hhphew..." you nearly lay your tired body on the training grounds
After a long day of training, you decided to treat yourself to an onsen
You missed the group onsen yesterday because you were on your last day of periods
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You couldn't resist humming as you submerge yourself in the water, it's one of the most comfortable feelings in the world, along with the texture of freshly made mochi in your mouth
Your journey to dreamland were interrupted as you noticed the toned foot by the corner of your eye
a deep calm voice replied
"... ... ..!!!" it took you a while to recognize that voice
You sit up straight and bashfully make space for his size
"Ah... thank you"
You swear the pool level raised a little when he sits in it
"Ah, hm..."
- An uncomfortable moment of silence -
Your mind were racing a mile per minute
Nervous, due to your limited experience as a demon slayer
Frail, Weak, Ordinary and way too unskilled to find topics to talk about
Yet, you do want to become stronger
"Eh... Gyomei-sama?"
"Can you tell me how do I get stronger?"
His stoic face breaks into a warm smile
"Sure thing, but why do you ask me? Aren't you under some Cultivator for your breathing style?"
"Because.... I want to look like you, I want to have the muscles that you have"
he could vaguely feel the shape of you from the ripples that reflects on the surface of the water from even your most subtle movements
"Hm... do you really want that? You're cute as you are, I think- "
"I think your body is reflective of your strength Gyomei-sama! I wish I could get stronger, like you do!"
And poor him, it's getting more vivid as you crawl closer to inspect and admire his features. You nearly touched his skin.
'Is that supposed to be standing up?'
"Oh" you exhaled shakily softly when you noticed it and turned your face the other way
'It could be normal...' you thought as you draw circles in the water to calm your racing heart
You can tell without looking that Gyomei is bashfully crossing his legs to try to hide it somehow
'It's so big... maybe it's a sign of strength- BAHHH! what am I thinking! Stop right now!'
*splash splash*
You tried to hit any sort of sense back into yourself, with the onsen water, slapping your face, anything
'I bet I would choke on it- STOP! STOP IT'
"Uh- don't- don't drown yourself in the onsen, please..."
*gurgle bubbling noises*
He clap his hands together and chant "Name Amida Butsu..." as tears flows freely from his sightless eyes
You eventually calmed down and sit beside him quietly
At a comfortable distance
But his- um
His erection is not coming down
“So… Is this like… uhhhhh…..”
“Sorry, I don’t mean to offend you”
“Is this part of the result of your training”
“No? Oh… ok”
You can’t help the way your eyes linger
It’s throbbing, it’s veiny, it’s moving to the currents created by the waterfall in this onsen
Your head was turned to the side but your pupils are glue to that trunk
You hoped it wasn’t too obvious- Himejima-sama is quite a gentle person, after all, from the way he speak so softly to everyone
But he can feel it, he was ‘staring’ at you too
Can I help you with that?”
His entire face was heated up with a fever blush down to his neck
“You’re so forward…!”
“Is that a yes or no, Gyomei-sama…”
“Yes” He nods
You scooted to sit closer to him, touching his skin, and hold his face
“May I…?”
He doesn’t reply, only squeezely shut his eyes tight, and lean in to start kissing you
His tongue lightly dabs on your bottom lip, and grazing your teeth
Which is met by your own tongue, receiving his techniques and ministrations
As your kiss stays connected, he lifted you by the hips, under the thighs, to straddle him
“Are you ready?”
“Ready? Ready for- oh… ready for that”
He bit his lip slightly it as it touches the inner your two thighs
“yes” He whimpered out desperately
He gasped as you grabbed his cock and instinctively get a hold of your hips
“Ah…” His mouth wobbles as you start to take him in, slowy
He feels so much but it was so good, he’s gritting his teeth and popping veins on his forehead and neck trying to hold back from setting his own pace
He’s even tearing up a little waiting for you
“Tight…” He hissed out under his breath
He lets out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding when you finally managed to let him sink into you as deep as you can
Your gasps and warmth eatting away at his restraint
He gently moved strands of hair out of your forehead, and held you close as you ground yourself for his size, caressing your arms and your sides, thoughtfully
“Ah…!” winds knocked out of his lungs when you started.
He tried his best to withstand it, his fists clench and release on to the decoration stone he was leaning on for support
It felt so good he wanted to thrust back with his own fervor
But Gyomei don’t want to hurt you, so he just sighs and blow air out of his mouth frequently in his best attempt to let you set the pace, but he hyperventilates so much people might think he’s about to pass out.
He bit his lips, pinch his thighs, flex his abs, anything to make sure he doesn’t start making decisions subconciusly
“Oh…Ah…” He almost congratulates his prayers that you finally starts to move faster
The water starts to spill out of the onsen from the impact you both were making
He grabbed your hips and move it to the pace you’ve set
It felt almost unreal-
Your hips in both of his hands- and that his member disappears in and out of you
Just fast enough to make his dick feel the tingles and goosebumps
“Can we go faster? Please…y/n?” He sniffled out, tears almost fall from the corner of his eyes
He’s so cute! You just want to give everything to this man
You put your hand over his, and say:
“Yes, please guide me”
Feeling your arms draped over his shoulders, he sits up and starts to bounce you off his hips
The water splashed out of the pool so much it’s flooding the surrounding floor
But he has stopped caring about that
Your skins met and clapped together the walls and doors counldn’t hide what you two were doing anymore
Not to mention the both of your faint moans that follows, in sync with each slap
Gyomei was salivating and losing his composure, with his half-lidded eyes and arch in his torso
“Ngh…gah-ah…” That was a raspy grunt of effort, and groan of pleasure,
But his speed is not faltering
In fact, it feels like it’s sped up 3 times more
“Y/n are- are you close too? I don’t think I can hold on much longer” 
He’s biting his lower lips, eyes wide, blushing and sweating all over his face
that’s the sexiest face you’ve ever seen
He starts to jack-hammering as soon as you nod- bulging his arms and wheezing through his teeth
You start to pant and gasps as he nails that G-spot inside you over and over while grazing all the other spots just from his girth alone
It took a few more strokes, before you finally-
You feel your pelvic floor tensing and squeezing on him hard in waves of tensing and relaxing
Then it was not long before you feel a surge of fluids busted and filled you on the inside
He pulled you to kiss softly before letting you rest on his body
As you ponder how your relationship with the stone hashira have changed
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scrimblyscrorblo · 8 months
Thought Experiment: Hashira Hide n Seek
Tengen is seeking, he think he has the advantage because of his sensitive hearing but little does he know . . .
Mitsuri is found first - she’s hiding in a kitchen cupboard
Muichiro is next - he forgot they were playing and wondered onto the training grounds. Tengen double takes cuz he thought he was another lower slayer
Then Sanmei - he didn’t beat Giyuu and ges pissed, but he when he figures out where Giyuu is he finds it halarious that Tengen managed to pass him. Sanmei attempted to hide on the roof
Gyomei is 4th - whilst outside he finds Gyomei behind the thickest tree in the corner
Then it’s Rengoku - idk where he’s hiding he attempted to pose as another slayer on purpose but his hair is a big give away
Suprisingly Giyuu manages to be in third place, Shinobu encouraged him to disguise as some friend of Amane’s and Tengen actually passed him a good few times til he noticed
In second place - Shinobu, also in a kitchen cupboard, Mitsuri acted as her decoy <3
Obanai is hiding in a space in which only Obanai could hide. He’s crawled into an attic or under some floorboards, they have to tell him him he wins in order to get him to come out.
Doodles for this concept
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inosukijiro · 7 months
𝙨𝙮𝙣. ━ giyuu is depressed and you take care of him.
━ 𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨. i love love love giyuu so much and i just want to give him all the love in the world. based on how i finally got thinning shears and have never been happier so i combined the two. weird concept but i enjoyed writing it.
━ 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨. mentions of depression. may contain unhealthy hygiene habits and or unhealthy thoughts (brief s*icidal thought mention in the beginning). modern reader in kny. giyuu-centric. gender-neutral reader. 2.4k words.
Giyuu is depressed. It's not a weird phenomenon or something that people really need to think too hard about. He’s depressed and has been for a long, long time. Now in your eyes, you know that some of the other Hashira know that something is wrong. And as much as you love and appreciate the kind company of Mitsuri, Rengoku and Gyomei, sometimes you really dislike how they submit to the others when they begin to bad mouth him — behind his back and to his face.
He doesn’t take care of himself properly and it shows. It isn’t just that he has bags under his eyes that gives away that he's tired. Because he is. It’s the mix of tiredness and sadness that causes your heart to ache. His eyes express everything that he wants to say without having to say it at all. And if anyone had ever taken the time to really look at him, they would know. He looks tired of everyone and everything. He wants to go somewhere and never come back. It’s a shame a demon hadn’t killed him already, he feels. He wishes he could just die in a ditch, but that would be too good for him. But he can’t do that. Not to Sabito, not to his sister, and especially not to you.
You have been staying at his estate for months. He was surprised, like many of the other Hashira, that you have chosen him when given the choice. It had irked him at first and he wondered if this was some sick joke. But you moved in after being discharged from the Butterfly Mansion. You helped make breakfast, greeted him nicely in the morning, took the time to talk to him even if he didn't answer back. You often asked how his day was at the end of it. You thanked him too many times for him to count and Giyuu doesn’t remember being thanked this much. He doesn’t complain, but when you are more settled in as his estate being your new home he is much happier that the thanking has stopped. You didn’t invade his space disastrously, you were considerate of him and respectful. And even though he will never find himself good enough, he couldn’t say no to you when you wanted him to train you. Nothing crazy, just enough to defend yourself as you were indefinitely a long way away from home.
It really shouldn’t have come to a surprise to him that you figured out his tricks, his excuses. It wasn’t that he had ever tried to hide the fact that he wasn’t really caring for himself. No one would have noticed anyway and even if they did, they wouldn’t concern themselves too much with it. But you, on the other hand, were always keeping an eye on him closer than most. And sure there were many ways that he wasn’t taking care of himself that he could easily hide away from you if he was so adamant about it. But the one thing he couldn’t hide, from you at least, was his hair.
His hair is matted, and Giyuu will swear up and down that he does brush it. But that's a lie and you know it. He doesn’t have the motivation to sit there, whether it be in the morning or after a mission, to brush through all the knots and tangles. He's lucky he can manage enough energy to sit there in the bath till the water gets cold thinking about his life choices. But that's it. He’ll tell himself that he will wash his hair tomorrow, that he will deal with detangling it then too. He can’t even fathom doing anything else. The idea of taking the hair tie out almost makes him nauseous.
You notice this after a while. At first, you assume it's because of a mission. He lies too, and agrees. It's the easiest excuse he can come up with to keep you from worrying. Yeah, after a lengthy scuffle with a demon, it would have been safe to assume that his hair was going to get messed up. But then you notice it looks the same every time after that, even on days where he isn't being sent out. His hair looks half heartedly brushed on the top, to hide the knots probably pulling at his scalp. After staying with Giyuu for so long, you felt comfortable enough to try and help him, because you didn’t know how much longer you could watch this go on.
So here you are in Giyuu’s room. You didn’t have to plead with him too much, he had no energy to tell you that you didn’t need to. That you had no obligation to him just because you were living there. At this point, he couldn’t help but be a little selfish and grateful that an angel like you had come to save him.
On his futon, you’re taking your place behind him. He sits in between your legs. You comb and brush his hair after you had to cut the hair tie out. That's okay, you tell him. You can have one of mine, I have so many.
Your touch is so gentle and nice and Giyuu doesn’t know what to do. He almost wants to cry, honestly. Even as you take your time going through the jungle that is his hair, trying to preserve as many strands as you can. It’s taking hours, not that you mind. It’s bad and it was obvious that it was going to take a while anyway. But Giyuu can’t help feeling guilty. He knows that you offered, that it was your choice to help him, but it's late at night and you should be sleeping. Not sacrificing your time and energy on him.
However, every ounce of your touch is comforting. Even as you hit a knot. It should hurt. But it doesn’t. It can’t. Not when all he can feel is the lovely, tingly sensation that's flooding his body and mind. You even take the time to talk to him, filling the silence with your sultry voice. If it weren’t for that, he would have fallen asleep by now.
You talk to him about his hair, getting an idea of what to do. Because you can’t just leave his hair like this. As more time goes on and more clumps of hair start surrounding the sides of the futon, you realize you are going to have to cut his hair. The more the hairs start smoothing out, you see how uneven it is. One side is now longer than the other. He doesn’t want to cut all his hair off. He doesn’t want it short. He doesn’t think he can handle it being that short. Even if the change might do him some good, it’s still too much change. And you aren’t going to do anything that he doesn’t want you to.
So you suggest a clean up. You’re going to try and fix it up without cutting it too short. So afterwards, when you give one final brush through his hair, it's time to start. And Giyuu is sad? Maybe. He misses your hands in his hair a little too much. But the way you softly guide him to where his back is facing the edge of the futon. Oh boy. He knows that it really isn’t the best suited place to cut hair, but he trusts you. You are very meticulous in everything you do and very determined — happy, mind you — but determined nonetheless to finish this little project you started with him.
It really doesn’t take that long to cut it into shape. Giyuus hair is beautifully thick and after the trim, his curly waves are starting to shape up just a little bit. But something is missing. Sure, you could just tell him that you're done. Giyuu wouldn’t argue or complain. In fact, he probably would be on his knees thanking you for the tiniest bit of care. But that isn’t what you’re about to do.
Giyuu, for the first time that night, is calm. And the way you softly lean over the side of the futon to your bag and grab the thinning shears, Giyuu begins to feel something deep within himself. Perhaps it's a nice burst of anticipation. He feels tingly and happy. Giyuu heard you mention the shears before. He had never seen you use them, mainly because he had never been within his estate when you’ve decided to do so. But that doesn’t really matter.
You took the time to explain the scissors to him. Even if he already had an idea of what they were used for.
“These thinning scissors take off a lot of weight and make everything so much smoother. I don’t like my hair ending abruptly, especially if it's a bit below shoulder length. So, I’m going to smooth your hair out on the bottom so it matches this little bit over here. Okay? Okay.”
You continue to talk a little bit after that, but Giyuu doesn’t register any of it. You're doing so much for him now, almost too much. Undeservingly too much, but he doesn’t dare say a word. He just relishes in the light touch at the tips of his hair by your hand. He can feel the gentle touches at the end of his hair along his back. After taking the time to be so considerate for him he would’ve let you do whatever you wanted. And that’s what makes him feel even more. He can’t describe the feeling. But, he knows that even if he were to say that to you – that you could do whatever you wanted – you would have told him absolutely not because it was his body, his hair, his choice and it made him so humble: so comforted.
You are back behind him, standing on your knees hard at work. The gentle, soft touches had him melting and wondering what he did to deserve someone as sweet and considerate as you. Every so often you were touching the side of his face. He guessed you were fixing his bangs and the hair that framed his face, so it would match. Yes, that’s exactly what it was because you explained it to him in that beautiful, sultry voice that made it hard to focus on anything else.
And when you were done he was almost disappointed. Your touch was still buzzing along his nerves and he was desperate for attention again.
“Okay, all done.” You murmured softly to him. It was so painfully obvious that he is in some sort of bliss and you didn’t want to startle him out of it. “Go ahead and see how it looks and feels. Tell me how it is.”
You handed him a mirror and honestly, Giyuu was surprised that he was staring at himself. He looked clean? Sure, his hair was greasy. He hadn’t washed it in days and you had never once judged him for that. You had said that you’d help him with it after you cut it, so that it felt extra clean and all the little hairs from cutting would come out too.
He ran his fingers through his hair and it was so smooth.
Maybe it was smoother than you had explained or maybe it was because he combed his fingers through the entirety of his scalp, rather than just his bangs and a few pieces of caught out hair. His ends were light and feathery? The bottoms of his hair flowed nicely and now he understood what you were trying to do.
You're ushering him into the bathroom. You have to clean his futon now because you have to change the sheets. You were absent minded about it, but you were going to have to change it anyway. Giyuu hadn’t been taking care of himself obviously, that meant he hadn’t changed the sheets off of it in a while. Now you seriously had to given the fresh layer of hair covering his bed.
You did this quickly, changing the futon covers out with new ones, not stalling for time to help Giyuu wash his hair. Giyuu hadn’t even realized you would have to wash the futon tomorrow, that wasn’t a task for tonight. But by the time he’s in the water you’ve already done what you needed to do in his room and now your hands were back in his hair.
You scrub his hair and lather the shampoo, and for the thousandth time that night he wonders just how lucky he is. He wonders who allowed him to have this. Who allowed him to experience such love and care.
Now he’s tired, so incredibly tired that he really doesn’t know what to do. Well, no that isn't very true, he knows exactly what to do. Absolutely nothing. He’s out of the bath and in bed momentarily. No time was wasted. He can barely keep his eyes open by now. The futon is fresh and he’s in his sleeping clothes. He’s laying on top of you as if he were a warm blanket. He thinks, oh so briefly, about moving. You might get uncomfortable or sweat or get crushed by him during the night. But then that thought went away quickly. Faded away, never to return because you are running your fingers through his hair still.
It's like a reward at this point. He feels the need to be thanking you profusely, but he can barely utter a sound. If he were a dog, his tail would probably be wagging violently. No matter how long you’ve been together he is still touch starved. Sometimes he doesn’t allow himself the opportunity or luxury of you. You're too good for him – he doesn’t think he will ever stop thinking about it. But you’re patient with him and it makes his heart whole.
૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎ა thanks for reading babes ⊹
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princessamahle · 25 days
a tour of the hashira's estates part 6
Sanemi: Despite not showing much he has a pretty big estate based off of certain scenes shown in the anime
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Let's start with the exterior: It's huge…especially if he's going to be using wind breathing techniques for training outside. He ain't trying to destroy his home on a daily basis
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What i love about the main house it's a two story home. You would think for a lone wolf like him why the hell would he need all that room? But I have a theory on this. Sanemi grew up in a big family so despite them not being alive, or the fact that they all had to share a room when they were children and very poor, he wants to make the best of what he can acquire.
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Despite him not liking the slayers as much he does enjoy the company in some shape or form. A bunch of young boys training under him and even his little brother showing up…I'm sorry but I feel like he was secretly enjoying it.
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Inside his home we don't see much. but when we do we see that his hallway leads to many rooms with slide doors. indicating that this is where the slayers were mainly sleeping each night.
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Based on what we've seen in one of the rooms that was destroyed it seems each room is spacious for each slayer. They could possibly be sharing them in groups of 2 to 4.
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It is very possible that this is one of the rooms that tanjiro stayed in before being removed from the estate as he was being scolded for his actions. After he was scolded he moved right on ahead to gyomei sensei's training.
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Sanemi does train them all day long until they vomit or pass out so they never get breaks.
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I'm sure he feeds them during the day as tanjiro has mention the ohagi being made for them constantly. Making sure to give the boys plenty of protein in their systems.
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wash bowls and cloths are laid out for them to use as even though a well is not shown he may have one around the estate but will not allow them to use it as they must learn the importance of conserving and earning the right to use it. He will not just give it out all hunky dory, you have to earn that water.
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last but certainly not least is sanemi's private training area. We don't know exactly how big his estate is. So where this area is actually located is beyond your imagination. we have to remember within the last hashira's estates I've reviewed we see a number of building in their fenced homes.
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with all the fencing it's really unclear how big sanemi's estate actually is and how much land he actually owns
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Obanai visits sanemi here constantly to train and it seems like sanemi proposed obanai to train here with him specifically. He set this up in order to give out the proper training a hashira needs for the bigger battle. when muichiro comes he is no where near his district and trains with them every night.
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For all we know it could just be an abandon shrine that's no where near his estate. But, if he does have his own shrine that would be interesting to dive into as he probably uses it in saying his prayers to those lost. including his mother siblings and even fellow comrades.
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Also while not shown he does raise rhinoceros beetles so i'm sure he has it some where in his room
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All through all I give him a 4 out of 5 as the certain parts of the estate was shown with good detail. Would love to try his ohagi! Fight head on everyone! sanemi demands it!
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lyrefromthesea · 3 months
Male pillars x Reader - Comfort
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request: the male pillars reactions towards a s/o that feels insecure about their rank as a hashira
pairing: Tengen x reader, Obanai x reader, Rengoku x reader, Sanemi x reader, Giyuu x reader, Muichiro x reader, Gyomei x reader
content warning: suggestiveness (Obanai, Sanemi)
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the pillar meeting, it would start in an hour and you didn't feel ready. everyone in the corps knew the rules, pillars get ranked upon achieving one of two things: behead one of the demon moons or atleast fifty demons.
so why didn't you feel ready? you've fought, since you've joined the demon slayers about two years ago, you've slayed a total of 76 demons. what now? this didn't feel right.
you couldn't stand next to the bravest swordsman between all of you. they were different, they've looked into the eyes of death. you knew, your husband was one of them after all.
perhaps you should quit, tell master Kagaya that you weren't ready, weren't deserving of such a high rank. the insecurities took over your mind, not even noticing how your husband entered the room.
"what's up with that face? ya gotta be more flamboyant, baby!" he encouraged, walking up to you. he sat down next to you, the bed sinking under his weight. "..baby?"
"this doesn't feel right.." you eventually said, his eyes widening slightly. he already knew about your insecurities, you had told him about them, but he didn't want to acknowledge it.
"i know. it doesn't. maybe it never will, but that's something you have to accept." he answered, suddenly appearing more serious than usual. he didn't mantain his "flashy" demeanor during serious topics - he never did.
"did it ever feel right to go outside and possibly sign your death sentence?" he joked, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer to his side. head leaning against his shoulder, he looked down at you.
"i know that you deserve this place. you don't need to worry over it as long as I'm by your side.." he said, his voice having turned more gentle. you gave him a small smile, nodding lightly.
"let's go, i'll help you through it." he told you, standing up and holding a hand out. you took it. he was right, it didn't feel as bad when he was with you.
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"stop saying that." he scolded you, not accepting the way you were belittling yourself. you had looked stressed since this morning, now slowly starting to make him worry.
when he asked what's wrong, he was shocked to hear you talk upsetting about yourself. you sounded completely discouraged.
"your opinion doesn't make sense. i know you're the right person for this." he said, watching you sit down on the bed.
"Obanai, listen.." you tried voicing your insecurities, only to feel your breath hitch. he had taken his mask off, standing right in front of you. feeling him press a kiss against your lips, your eyes widened.
"i will show you how serious i am about this." he claimed, hands coming to your waist. truthfully, he typically wasn't the one taking control in these situations, your heartbeat picking up with how serious he sounded.
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small tears gathered at the corner of your eyes, trying to stop them didn't help at all. you felt selfish, thinking of the sacrifices of the other hashira. would you be able to do as they did when it came down to it?
you've seen the scars on Sanemi's body long before you stepped into your place as a pillar. you've watched Muichiro train himself sick - what did you do? your thoughts got interrupted by a warm hand on your shoulder.
"Kyojuro! I.. I didn't see you there." you looked at him, head immediately turning away again. you didn't want him to see your tears, it would only hurt more.
"little flame! didn't you hear me? why are you crying?" he asked, confused upon finding you sulk in your bedroom. he gently turned you to face him, wiping the tears away. they wouldn't fall under his watch.
"what's wrong?" he tilted his head to the side, wanting to understand you. truthfully, he didn't understand what was going on, but he wanted to.
"i don't think I can do this.. all of you did amazing, fighting for the people you love. i'm not like that.." you admitted, brushing his hand off your shoulder, stepping away. he let you. he knew how important personal space could be.
"that's nothing i haven't seen you do already, little flame." he answered, trying to encourage you. he was glad you weren't crying anymore, but he couldn't stand seeing you so insecure either.
"but i can see it! or did you see me rupturing my eardrums to save others?" you spat back. you would regret your attitude later - he didn't deserve being treated this way, but right now you couldn't concentrate on that.
"little flame, don't compare yourself to me!" he answered, promptly pulling you into a hug. you were surprised by his actions, he normally only was this straightforward with words.
"besides, thinking of it now, damaging my own hearing wasn't the smartest idea!" he confirmed, yet his tone was enthusiastic, you felt yourself smile at his words. sometimes his tone didn't match his words.
he didn't know what exactly cheered you up, but he was happy he made you laugh.
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"you do know how weird your worries are after looking at me, right?" he had a challenging glint in his eyes. it was already clear for him, it didn't matter what you said, he would prove you wrong.
"you don't count, you're a marechi." you answered, looking away. his scars were different, they gave him an advantage. you received them for acting dumb and endangering yourself.
"do you think i'm doing this myself? never. every scar symbolizes were a demon has hit me before." he told you, your eyes widening.
"are you seriously worried about some scars." he asked you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you closer. he nearly sounded offended at the mere thought. "i like them. i don't see a problem with a few lousy scars."
"did this one make you feel that way?" he asked, nodding towards the scar on your arm. he kissed the scarred skin softly, his eyes staying on yours. "or this one?"
you felt your cheeks flushing, the man slowly finding every scar that was seen, determined to show his own kind of affection. he kissed over the scar on your collarbone, fingers unbuttoning your uniform.
"i'll show you how much i appreciate every single one of them."
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"i don't deserve this. i shouldn't have the right to stand next to you or the others.." you said, clearly in distress. he didn't say anything, staring at you.
your words felt too familiar, too reasonable. he understood your dilemma, he knew that it felt like an endless hole. that's why he remained silent and only listened.
you don't remember when you started talking - insecurities revealing themselves. he hadn't moved since then, his eyes focused on you.
after what seemed like forever, he moved for the first time, standing right in front of you. he would've liked to approach this from a logical perspective, tell you why you were perfect as a pillar.
yet he knew that logic wouldn't come through, that he needed to comfort you differently.
you went quiet, looking at the raven-haired man. before you knew it, you were caught in his embrace.
no words were exchanged and no more actions were initiated. you just stood there, accepting his warmth.
it was enough.
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"i told you to stop doubting yourself." his voice always sounded monotone when he wasn't happy about your behavior. you could feel it even now. he didn't agree with your earlier statement.
"that's easy for you to say, you're a prodigy." you countered, but your argument didn't reach him. he was set on his words. "you're only saying that because i'm your tsuguko."
"that has nothing to do with your title as my tsuguko." was the answer you received from him. he sounded serious, your eyes slowly searching for his.
"you're an exceptional fighter. if it wasn't for you, i would've already died in past missions." he claimed, your words dying down. you had much to say, but the certitude he showed made it hard to argue.
"will i be able to rely on your talent again?" he asked, grabbing your hand. he was serious, he believed in you. insecurities were nagging at the back of your mind, but you wanted answer - to agree.
"..yes." you answered quietly, feeling him gently pull you along. as long as he was there, you couldn't think of your insecurities, you had something to protect.
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the master's estate was quiet, at least his backyard made you think so. the pillars should meet in about 20 minutes, why was no one here? you knew they respected the master - everyone did.
you should've been promoted to a hashira in front of them, it wasn't easy to kill one of the lower moons after all. did they forget? ..or maybe they're not coming on purpose.
you barely survived your interaction with the lower moon, they must've done much more expressive things than you. what if they didn't accept your title?
"[name], are you listening?" Himejima asked, he had noticed you after hearing your quiet mumbles. when you didn't react, he crouched down right next to your sitting for form.
"no.. i don't think i can do this.." you admitted, looking away. he had seldom heard your voice so quiet, your confidence had seemingly vanished. he quietly placed a large hand on your back. "i'm not as good as you, i don't fit into this place."
"i don't think you understand. even the pillars have differences in their strengths." he told you, finally sitting down properly. you glanced up at him, he was much taller than you.
"we learn from our fight. even now we learn with every demon we slay." he encouraged, trying to make you see that there's no need for insecurities.
"let's not worry about this now. tell me how your last mission was." he asked, wanting to make you think of different things. you smiled softly, trying to remember the demon you've fought.
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kakushino · 1 year
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Himejima Gyomei x AFAB! Reader
Denying your Master is a big no-no.
Tags: brat tamer! Gyomei, brat! Reader, slight dub-con (but everything is consensual with an established safeword), creampie Word count: 2,7k
@gingerspicelattemix here you go, friend
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His voice didn’t change cadence nor volume. You weren’t so sure you could handle him if he was truly irritated, which made you glad he understood why you couldn’t just stop in the middle of training to have a quickie. Never mind that with Gyomei it was never one, it took time to even take three of his fingers, and his cock was bigger than that.
“You’ve really driven me wild, you know that? You have no idea how much I want you right now… But I will respect your wishes.” For now, he finished the sentence in his mind.
“Thank you, Gyomei,” you smiled at him, wiping away the sweat from your forehead. 
It was too hot here, so you shrugged off your jacket before you continued, leaving you only in a damp white uniform shirt. 
Your grunts of effort and heavy breathing filled the courtyard again quickly, taunting him, making him stop on the engawa right before the shoji doors. Gyomei palmed his tightening crotch, the sounds just getting to him today though he didn’t know why.
He needed you, yet you denied him; him, your Master. That would not do.
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He sighed, “Kitten, this is how it’s gonna go. You will receive your punishment. If you continue being a brat, I will just have to up my game. Sound fair?”
The question was rhetorical. Before a thought could form, you were bent over his lap. One of his hands kept a tight grip on your obi, so you wouldn’t be able to wiggle away, and the other hand was pushing your yukata up up up. He briefly lifted you, with the one hand holding your obi belt, to flip the bottom of the yukata over, exposing your panties, already a little wet from your juices at his manhandling.
“Gyomei~” You tried to struggle, but it was in vain. He was much stronger than you. 
And he wasn’t afraid of using such strength against you. Your panties were shredded in one smooth move, the scraps laying on the ground. “Hope you weren’t attached to those.”
You pouted. “Those were my favorite…”
“Liar,” he said calmly. “I always know when you lie, [Name]. You should know better than to lie to me.”
His fingers trailed over your backside right to your core, feeling how wet you were. 
“I think you forgot one thing as well, kitten.” 
One of his thick finger tips slid inside your opening teasing you just as much as you teased him before.
“I’m not Gyomei to you now.”
He pumped just the tip of his finger into you slowly, the stimulation simply not enough.
“Call me Master.”
You whined loudly, trying to move, to fuck yourself back on his finger, anything, but the hold he had on you didn’t budge in the slightest. “Please-”
“Please, what?” he asked sternly, ceasing his movement. 
The dry sob you gave out echoed in the room. “Please, M-Master! Please more!”
Gyomei chuckled. “Only because you asked so politely…” He slipped not one, but two knuckles deep into you. You let out a wail in frustration. “Are you learning your lesson?”
“I’m so sorry! Please-!”
“You’re a mess, kitten. I’ve barely touched you. See,” he leaned a bit closer to you, his lips nearly at your ear, he spoke in a whisper, “This is what happens when you disobey your master, you brat.” He continued to tease you on his finger, curling it just under your g-spot. You tried to wiggle, to protest, to force more out of him but you remained right where you were, his grip on your obi too steady to allow you any movement.
A few tears gathered at your eyelashes from frustration. “Gyomei…”
He tutted. “What did I say before? …Maybe if you had been good, you wouldn’t be such a whimpering slut begging for more.” The finger left your needy pussy with a loud schlick following his words.
“Master!” you whined loudly. “Please please please, I need more. I swear I can handle it, just please- Master-!”
“So now I’m master, hm?” Gyomei taunted you, voice even yet seeming so cruel to you. “Pathetic. You’re all bratty until I put you in your place. How cute.”
His heavy giant hand descended through the air, giving your ass a harsh spank. You cried out at the stinging pain, even as his rough palm soothed the quickly reddening spot.
“You think you can handle it? Handle me?” Another sharp smack echoed in the room, and you received a matching spank on your other asscheek.
“Yes, please, M-master, please… I’m a good girl, I deserve more fingers,” you pleaded to him, trying to sound as pathetic as you could, hoping he’d take pity on you. Your sopping wet pussy needed something to fill it up.
Instead of answering Gyomei did something he never had before during your sex life. He shoved his fingers inside - not one, not two, but three at the same time. 
“Ah!” You yelped from the burning stretch. “Master, no!” You hadn’t felt this kind of pain since the first time you took him inside of you. You gritted your teeth and tears spilled down your cheeks in quick succession. 
“Hmm, your pussy is so obedient, taking all three at the same time. You could learn from her. I bet your cunt could take me before, you were just too stuck up to help your Master out, denying me.” He marveled at how tight you were, how slippery and smoothly you took his fingers despite the obviously painful intrusion. “I gave you what you asked for, kitten. Thank me for it.”
More tears came out as he moved his fingers, your pussy stretched to the absolute limit. “Than-thank you, M-Mast-er,” you stuttered between hiccups.
In, and out, he forced you to take what he gave. Your hands clenched into fists, covering your flaming hot face with them. It burned, it stung and, though you were ashamed of it, it made you even wetter than you were before. Pitiful whimpers broke free of your throat, slightly muffled by your fists, as you panted. You’d given up on moving against him, whether to fight back or to try to get more.
“Do you want me to stop? Be a good girl and answer that for me.” 
His gravelly voice broke through the haze of your mind. You noticed his fingers stayed buried in your cunt, giving you a moment of reprieve. You shook your head no.
“Use your words, kitten,” he said in a strained whisper, his hands steady but his hard bulge twitching against your side. He knew he could destroy you if he was just a little bit harsher, a little bit rougher, but he didn’t want to do that. He wanted you to shatter on his cock, not break apart in his hands.
You calmed your breathing a little more, Gyomei’s warmth against your side grounding you into the present. “I’m alright, Master. You don’t have to stop.” The rest you got from this brief exchange was more than enough for you and your walls spasmed around his fingers when he shifted a little. Pleasure shot through your body like lightning. “Ah!”
“You’ll be good then? Show me what a good kitten you are?” You could practically hear his smile as he asked you that, starting to move his fingers again, curling them against your g-spot. 
You jolted in his hold involuntarily. “Fuck!”
“Tsk. That’s some naughty language there. Didn’t I just say you need to show me you’re a good kitten?” His thumb swept down to your clit, pressing on it harshly. 
Your lips fell open in silent scream and your hands clenched on the futon. You couldn’t squirm an inch away, his other hand holding you down with no effort. It was too much and you couldn’t escape.
Gyomei set a steady pace with his fingers, rubbing your sweet spot with just the right amount of pressure, his thumb letting up on your nub, circling it gently instead. Your moan got cut off, overwhelmed with the way he controlled you. “This is much better, isn’t it?” 
All you could do was breathe heavily, clutching at Gyomei’s pant leg, completely incoherent despite him basically just starting. It was so much, but just right - taking you step by step closer to Heaven with each movement of his hand.
“Don’t tell me you’re already losing your mind, kitten? I’ve barely even done anything to you…” The tight knot of pleasure threatened to snap any second. Just as you were on the precipice of your release, Gyomei withdrew his fingers. You let out a high-pitched keen of disappointment. 
“Calm down, kitten. Even if you’re good, you still need to learn your lesson. You did deny me, after all,” he placated you with an even tone. His fingertips teased your cunt with a feather-light touch making you flinch from the sensitivity and try to chase his touch. “Times like these make me wish I had my sight - you’re a mess, a mess I’d love to see.”
You whined, “Please, please- I need more, I need to cum. Please, Master!”
Gyomei hummed, “You cum when I allow you to.” He finally let go of his tight grip on your obi. “Get up and strip.” 
You rushed to get up and obey despite the shakiness of your limbs, haphazardly shucking your yukata off. “Master, please, I’ve been good. Please, I need your cock, Master,” you said breathily, need practically dripping from your voice, eyes wordlessly pleading. You were ready to beg on your knees.
A drawn-out sigh interrupted more of your groveling. “To bed.”
No more instructions were needed. 
Gyomei had never been a truly cruel lover, nor did he intend to start. When you begged so sweetly, wanting to please him and be pleased, how could he do anything else than deliver?
His frame completely overshadowed yours on the bed as you laid there, legs spread and ready to cradle his hips. An ominous giant about to eat up his victim in one big gulp; except he was not eating you tonight, though the decadent thought did run through his mind - to tease you more, to edge you along until you were crying.
The desire to fill you up was stronger than whatever fleeting impulse flitted through his head. His clothes came off piece by piece, each carefully folded and set aside gently; Gyomei was fully in control - in contrast to your messiness before. 
You trembled when he finally slotted himself in his rightful place - between your legs.
That was it, there was no escaping now. 
The leaking tip of his cock teased your entrance gently, making you whimper with need. You were about to start begging again when he pressed inside in one slow and smooth thrust. His quiet grunt was nearly hidden by your high-pitched moan at the feeling.
His hands circled your waist, holding you down as he set a slow pace, letting you feel every inch of him. Every time he bottomed out, your breath got knocked out of you, his tip pressing harshly against your cervix. 
Gyomei noticed, of course he did. His thumbs were near your belly button, he could feel it. “You pretty little thing. Look at this. See how far I can reach?” 
You forced your head up and there it was - a very pronounced bulge in the shape of his monstrous cock. “Oh sweet Lord-” Your pussy walls clenched at the sight, making him groan and buck his hips.
"You like that? Like how deep I can go?" he panted out, desperately trying to keep the pace the same but it was futile - your pussy felt too divine to go slow. 
And he did promise to tame your brattiness.
You could feel him practically in your throat when he sped up, the wet sounds of skin slapping against skin a harmonic rhythm as old as time. Your legs trembled with each thrust, your cunt squeezing the life out of his cock.
“Close?” He asked, a few tears slipping down his face from the pleasure. “You can’t cum til I tell you to, kitten.”
Gyomei folded your legs more, leaning over and nearly laying on your body, each drag of his member stimulating your sweet spots. The pace tipped from so much, so good to too much very quickly.
“You’re not playing fair-!” you choked out, clutching at the sheets under you.
“Actions speak louder than words with you it seems. You were so obedient before, no back-talk…”
He was holding your hips with his hands, your legs hanging over his forearms; you were utterly caged and trapped underneath him, completely immobile and at his mercy. He needed  more though, needed to find another way to grasp you, to possess you. The only thing he could do was bite your neck like an animal, and with the way he was fucking you, he might as well be one.
So he did - he bit your shoulder, hard.
You became detached, deep inside your mind in a special space, able to perceive only him and the mixture of pleasure and pain he brought; your Master, your punisher and your God. “Feels so good-” you groaned loudly, breath hitching right after as you struggled to follow his command and not cum before he allowed you to. “Can I-? Can-?”
Gyomei let go of your flesh, blood beading up on your skin, which he licked away. “Not yet, kitten. A little more-” he said breathlessly, his own release approaching quickly.
His thrusts grew sloppy, absolutely lewd sounds echoing in the room, sweat making your hair stick to your body. If you had a thought in your head right now, you’d admire how he kept a tight - bruising - grip on you despite the slick skin.
“Take. it. all! Youcancome-!” he choked out with a loud moan, an earth-shattering orgasm washing over him, filling you up with near buckets of his cum. “Ngh, kitten-!”
You could not move, yet your body found ways to grow taunt - thighs shaking, eyes rolling back, hands clenching into the sheets and your pussy milking him for all he had. You could not formulate a thought nor a sound, your jaw slack, breathing heavily.
Gyomei rolled his hips, grinding against you, chasing the last few seconds of pleasure. “That’s it… That’s a good kitten, taking everything I give you.” Your walls were still fluttering around him when he started to pull away, ruining the tail end of your own release.
You whined, but didn’t protest otherwise, too fucked out to do so as he slid out, his semen spilling out.
“Clean me up, kitten,” he ordered you, sitting back on his haunches. 
You got to your hands and knees sluggishly, trembling, reaching for his cock head open-mouthed, one of his hands grabbing you by the hair gently. Gyomei took his length at the base and tapped it on your cheek, a soft smack echoing in the room. You turned your head to kiss it but he backed out a little with his hips. A whine left you as you stuck your tongue out, chasing after it. 
“Cute little princess, I just want to spoil you, you know? But you make it so hard when you act like a brat,” he said softly, his grip on your hair tightening, stopping you just an inch from his tip. 
You nearly wailed, eyes dewy with unshed tears from the desperation to obey his earlier command. “Please, Master, please, let me clean it, let me suck it! I need it!”
“So needy, and desperate… All this needless suffering could have been avoided, kitten. What a mess you are…” 
Gyomei allowed you to close the distance to his cum-stained cock excruciatingly slowly, your tongue reaching out; your tip on his tip, then licking at his whole mushroom head, diligently cleaning him up as ordered. 
“Good kitten, very good. Everything falls into place now, doesn’t it? Servicing your Master is your life’s purpose. You just need to accept it.”
You took his cock inside your mouth and started to suck on it greedily, addicted to the salty taste of him. He was still hard.
“I wonder… Can you handle one more?”
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Dividers made by the amazing @/benkeibear
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chiharuhashibira · 8 months
I just found your blog and im also getting back into kny! I just read the Tomika with the tsugoku whos the opposite of him!
I was wondering if I could request one like that but for Mitsuri with a young fem Tsugoku thats Aromantic and instead is like- driven by platonic love and has a tone of friend and sometimes even is able to befriend demons?
𝓞𝓯 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮 𝔀𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓷~
So, I'll make something for Mitsuri's fem Tsugoku and the reaction of Hashira's with knowing she can befriend demons.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐬 + 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Content Warnings: None-Completely SFW 🌸
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(Image is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner)
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🌸𝐆𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐢 𝐇𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚🌸
❥ Gyomei was surprised to know that Mitsuri finally got her own tsugoku. You are very young, friendly, and lively, and he can sense something unique in your aura. Like Mitsuri, you are a ray of sunshine that lights up the room each time you arrive. You always spend time talking to Gyomei whenever you see him, as you are really intrigued by how strong he is. With that, the man had a soft spot for you, as you reminded him of the children that he took under his sleeve a long time ago.
❥ When Gyomei knew that you were able to befriend demons, he was astounded. He couldn't even believe it at first. But then Mitsuri saw it with her own eyes. As much as he wanted to tell you that what you're doing is dangerous, he can't do that. He isn't the person who would make you feel bad just because of his beliefs. So then, he just always makes sure to remind Mitsuri to always look out for you in battles, as sometimes you really tend to be too soft.
"You're really a unique person, Y/N. I believe you'll be a great Love Hashira, someday because of that pure heart of yours."
🌸𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨🌸
❥ The boy is just your age, so he really caught your attention when you first met him. You wanted to be friends with him. But it seems like Muichiro doesn't want to, as he is very forgetful. He tends to be nonchalant towards you as well. But that doesn't stop you from making friends. You noticed that Muichiro loves training, so whenever you are free, you make sure to join him.
❥ You have mentioned to him that you can befriend demons, but it seems like he doesn't care at all. He just told you not to do that because it is stupid. Muichiro's straightforwardness meant he didn't care if his words hurt you or not. But still, him constantly reminding you not to befriend demons, even if he is forgetful, made you quite happy. Perhaps the boy just cares.
"I don't know if I have told you this, but what you're doing is stupid. You can't be friends with demons. Demons are meant to be killed. You might just end up dying if you continue this. So, what are we doing again?"
🌸𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐢🌸
❥ Mitsuri loves you so much, as her best friend and as her younger sister. She is incredibly enamoured with your performance as her tsugoku, and she cannot help but guzzle excessively regarding your excellence in Love Breathing. Mitsuri is very happy with how positive you are. She loves the fact that you are very friendly to everyone, as, like she said, you are really worthy of being Love Hashira someday. She never ceases to give you praise, as she really adores you so much.
❥ When she had the chance to witness the seemingly miraculous thing that you can do, she almost fainted. Yes, she was sure she wasn't just getting insane. You can really befriend demons. And those demons turn their backs on other demons and fight for you. She was so proud that she just embraced you in the middle of the fight. But then and there, when you see that your demon friend has died, you can't help but cry.
❥ Whenever this happens, Mitsuri will make sure to comfort you. She can be very clingy, but she just loves you so much.
"Y/N-chan. Everything will be okay. Let's just be thankful to your friends for helping us in the battles. Let's make their sacrifices memorable by perhaps making them a memorial. Don't worry, I understand how you feel! Just tell me what I can do to make you feel better. Okay?"
🌸𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮🌸
❥ Kyojuro was so proud of his former tsugoku when she introduced you to him. The Flame Hashira is definitely proud of you too, as he watched you train with Mitsuri. You're very friendly towards Kyojuro; thus, he acts as your big brother. He always takes you out to eat with him, and yes! You love food as much as he and Mitsuri love it. You're so close with the Flame Hashira that you seem to have a second family because of him and Mitsuri.
❥ Kyojuro knew that you could befriend demons from Mitsuri. He was very shocked, but then worried. But then, Kyojuro believes in you, so he just constantly reminds you to take care. Little did you know that, like Gyomei, the Flame Hashira always makes sure that you are being looked after by Mitsuri. He just cares about you so much.
"I'm so proud of you, Y/N-chan! You've really become a great demon slayer so fast! Just always take care, okay? I believe in you!"
🌸𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚🌸
❥ Like Muichiro, Giyu Tomioka acts so nonchalant around you. The Water Hashira is so distant that he tries his best to avoid you because of your friendliness. But, of course, no one can stop you. When you manage to get ahold of the man, you always try to make a conversation, telling him that he is very enigmatic. That will fluster the man, so yes, in just a blink of an eye, he will disappear again.
❥ Giyu knew that you could befriend demons, and so that piqued his interest. That's because of Nezuko. Since that time, you have noticed that Giyu will try his best to talk to you and ask you about how you can do that. He seems so amazed, but of course he won't show it to you. Like an older brother, though, he will remind you to use your sword if you really need it. Yes, Giyu had a soft spot for you as well because of your kindness.
"Glad to know that your friendliness can help you in battles. You should take care, though. Use your sword whenever you need to."
🌸𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐮 𝐊𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐨🌸
❥ You amazed Shinobu. She liked your company. It's just that your aura reminds her of her older sister, Kanae, even if you are years younger than her. Because of your niceness, the hidden anger in Shinobu's heart seems to slowly melt. She treats you like her sister, like Mitsuri. Sometimes, she even teaches you about medicines, which eventually becomes your bond.
❥ When Shinobu learned about your ability to befriend demons, she wanted to learn more. She's very curious about this, so she tends to ask a lot. The insect Hashira even accompanied you on your mission one time just to witness it. She couldn't hide the surprise on her face when you did it. But, of course, when she saw you sad, she acted as kind as Mitsuri and just embraced you. She is not just good with her words, so she tends to sound awkward when comforting you. But yes, she really cares.
"Shush, Y/N-chan. Everything will be okay. Those demons are surely thankful to see such a kind soul before they... Don't be sad, okay?"
🌸𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢🌸
❥ Tengen finds it flashy to know that you are Mitsuri's tsugoku. He's amazed at how you do the Love Breathing. Sometimes, he will be present at your trainings at the Rengoku estate. You are very nice to Tengen and his wives. Of course, Suma is obsessed with you. So then, the Sound Hashira finds your positivity so nice.
❥ When Tengen knew that you could befriend demons, he was astounded. As much as he wanted to disagree with what you're doing, Kyojuro would always tell him to stop and be nice to you. And so, Tengen didn't meddle with your business, but as your friend, he still teaches you some techniques you can use to fight. He's not the one who'll constantly remind you of things, but the man makes sure he shows he cares by being your pseudo-trainer if needed.
"Uhh, that's flashy, Y/N-chan. Um, you want to learn more about how you can improve your stance? You're already flamboyant with your ability and stuff, but we got to have plan B in case, kid!"
🌸𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚🌸
❥ Sanemi's not very nice to you, and you can sense that he doesn't like you around. But then, you try your best to talk to him. But he still sees you as a pesky kid. But in reality, your niceness reminds him of Genya; that's why he avoids you so much.
❥ The moment that the man really spoke to you was when he learned about your ability to befriend demons. He looked annoyed and unamazed, but he still approached you to tell you that.
"Dimwit, I don't know, but in case you don't know, demons are enemies. Stop befriending them and shit. Don't be an idiot like Kanroji." You start tearing up. "I mean... uh fuck. Just be safe out there. Bye."
🌸𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨🌸
❥ Obanai would never act mean to you, even if he isn't comfortable with your presence. Mitsuri means a lot to him, and so he tried his best to be quite nice and approachable to you. Sometimes, Sanemi would end up cursing him, but he'd just shoot him a glare to shoo him away. He's quite aware that Sanemi scares you after that encounter with him. But sometimes, he unconsciously acts like a big brother to you, caring like he cares for Mitsuri. He won't just admit it anyway.
❥ The Snake Hashira doesn't agree with the fact that you are befriending demons. But then he tries his best to understand it, as he doesn't want you and Mitsuri to feel bad. Obanai would sometimes remind you that you should not trust too much. He also reminds you not to make Mitsuri cry, so you shouldn't die.
"Don't trust too much. Not all friends are really friends. You should still be cautious about what you are doing, Y/N. Don't make Mitsuri cry, so don't die, kid."
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𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉!
I hope you enjoyed this @ame-delights!
I tried my best to make her aromantic and I hope it worked huhu! Just feel free to comment in case!
Feel free to request, reblog, or comment!
Ja ne~
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
AU where You and Gyomei start an orphanage for the kids who had parents serving in the Demon Slayer corps but didn't survive. They both balance hashira duties and caring for these kids, with the help of the kakushi on days when they can't always give the children their undivided attention. Most of the children are under the age of three, so they are often heard calling You and Gyomei "mama" and "papa".
You and Gyomei dragging Genya along for "training" and it's really just to have him play with the kids. By the end of the day they are calling him "brother" to the best of their abilities. Some of the real young kids just call him "buba" which has you laughing every time.
Most hashira, save for Obanai, make their way to the orphanage at least once or twice a week. Yes, that's right, even Sanemi and Giyu. Obanai on the other hand will only come when he's free and knows Mitsuri will be there (the kids love Kaburamaru).
Even Tanjiro and Nezuko come by often, sometimes Inosuke is with them, Zenitsu only goes for Nezuko because he can't stand kids. Kanao often visits with Aoi or Shinobu. But sometimes she'll be the one to accompany Kiyo, Sumi and Naho. The Ubuyashiki family is there all the time as well. The children adore Kagaya and Amane.
One thing is persistent though, no matter how often the children see the other hashira, see the kamaboko squad, even the kakushi that are usually with them 24/7... They still only refer to You and Gyomei as "mama and papa" ... Which starts to create some tension between the two of you. Gyomei doesn't mind being called "papa" but he finds it very endearing to hear how you giggle when they call you "mama"
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mamayan · 9 months
Purple nonnie here again
Darling I hope you are not tired with all these genya requests you just write him so good and oh so sweet… how about riding our sweet baby boi??? He deserves it💜
He does he does he does— Thank you for the patience ♡
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Genya Shinazugawa x Fem! Fellow Slayer Reader
cw: NSFW • Soft Dom! Reader • Sub! Genya • Established Lovers • PIV • Whining/Begging • Praise/Overstimulation • Riding • Porn without Plot LOL • Fem! Reader
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“Did you see that?!”
The unmistakable smile lighting up his features was breath taking. Genya’s dark amethyst gaze locked with yours, glittering under the setting sun and shade of the trees you’d both been training beneath. His scar is more noticeable when he grins like this, victory and accomplishment radiating off his sweaty skin.
“I did!” You nod, because his feat was no easy task, Gyomei’s training regiment nearly suicidal but it didn’t deter the ever passionate slayer Genya from going above and beyond. He’d stripped off his uniform top, only his pants tied around his thin tapered waist as he breathes deeply from his strenuous exercise. Your eyes track a trail of sweat running down his naval, catching in the dark trail of hair which leads even lower only to disappear beneath his pants.
Genya notices your attention isn’t focused on his face anymore, becoming annoyed at your lack of enthusiasm.
“Oi! If ya got time to space off, we can keep trainin’” he huffs, almost petulantly as he pouts. His sparse eyebrows pulling down as his usual frown returns.
You look back up slowly, and his face heats as you level him with a sneaky and seductive smirk. His mind racing with why you’d give him such an expression. Were you aware you were doing it?
“I was just thinking you deserve a reward, don’t you think?” The purr in your voice isn’t missed, as you step forward and he steps back. Genya begins sweating for an entirely new reason, throat bobbing as he swallows and nearly trips on a foot before his skin feels the rough bark of a tree behind him. You’d cornered him like a cat to a mouse, eyes narrowed and smile teasing as he nervously holds his hands up like a criminal caught in the act.
“H-hey—,” he tries, excitement and nervousness commingling till he isn’t sure which he feels as you press tight up against him. “I—,” he licks his lips, the pink muscle wetting the thin pink flesh as he tries to make his brain work. The scent of your perfume is messing with his mind, making him dizzy as he feels your soft body against him.
“You what? Don’t want the reward?” You’re clearly teasing him, but he feels panic and dread rise up in his gut as he quickly shakes his head in denial, his dark mohawk shaking loose and fluffing up. “No! I want it! W-whatever it is.” You nearly coo at his cute reaction, letting your cool hand lay flat against his lower abdomen and trail up until he’s trembling and red faced under your soft touch.
“You did so good Genya.” He’s melting, “You make me so proud, and I’m sure Gyomei feels the same way.” Did you want to make him cry? “I’m honored I get to call you mine.” You don’t tease him when you see his eyes begin to water, your sweet crybaby always becoming defensive when you point it out too early. “Let me show you how much you mean to me.” You’re whispering the last sentence in his ear, lips against the shell and sending tingles straight to his cock as he tenses against you.
He misses the sly smile on your lips.
As you guide him down to a soft patch of grass and strip him, slowly easing your own clothing off but at a much slower rate. Kissing down his damp neck, nipping at the tender skin where his pulse races beneath, and dragging your tongue over it after to taste him.
You look down at his flushed features, red all the way to his chest as he breathes even harder than when he’d been training. His lithe body trembling ever so slightly as he looks up at you with soft watery eyes that beg for more even a shred of attention.
“You’re a mess and I’ve hardly touched you sweet boy, are you excited for your reward?” You chuckle, running your hands freely over his chest and sinking your nails into the scared flesh as he hisses and whines at the light sting. You find the way he doesn’t flinch in battle from near fatal wounds and his terrible pain tolerance beneath you adorably juxtaposed. He doesn’t complain much more than that, lips opening and closing as if he’s not sure if begging will be in his favor or not.
When you play with his belt, acting as if it’s posing quite a problem to untie, is when he breaks.
“Please, I-I really want my reward, m-mistress!” Dew clings to his lashes as he wiggles below you, your thighs caging his hips in as he bucks for any sort of friction you’re willing to allow. His hands stay up by his head where you’d placed them early, an invisible shackle around them, tied by your command for him to “stay”.
He’s rewarded for his cute display as you seat your full weight onto his crotch, his neck becoming exposed as his head falls back and a loud moan escapes, his hips jerking as you roll your hips over his clothed lower body. He’s not even focused on how you’ve untied his belt and have begun pulling his pants down, lifting up only for a second to drag them off his thighs so you can sit again.
When he feels more heat over his cock is when his eyes open, hazy vision focused on you as he gives a shy wobbly smile.
“You’re so precious to me.” You murmur, leaning down to lay atop him as you scoot closer and lock your lips with his. He’s drowning below you, to overcome with emotion to handle so much adoration poured into him, the way your hips rock so gently against him, and how your weight seems to ground him. He wants to touch you, wants to feel you under his palms, but most of all he wants to say it back.
When you break the kiss is when the words spill like a broken dam.
“I love you I love you I love you I love you—ah!” You rock against his harder and break his chant, watching how he shakes and goes limp beautifully.
“I love you too.” And then you’re gripping his cock like you don’t love him. So tight he cries out, muscles tensing and flexing taunt as he struggles not to break your spell of obedience as you strangle his poor cock in your grip.
When you release the pressure he’s coming so hard he sees white, mouth open and tongue nearly hanging out as he struggles to pull air into his lungs as hot spurts of cum shoot from his poor swollen cock. His ruined expression precious as you kiss him softly and whisper how good he is for you directly into his ear.
You let him catch his breath before your stripping naked, his pupils dilating as he sees more and more of your skin revealed. He’s hard before you even finish, seating your self over him once again, even as he tries to sit up in confusion.
“W-what about you?” He looks adorably worried.
“Right now isn’t about me, it’s about you. Lie down.” You encourage, pressing a hand against his chest until he lays back down and stares up at you like he’s seeing a deity. “There’s my good boy, already hard again for me? Look, he’s leaking so much,” he chokes on a moan as you teasingly flick his tip, the clear fluid dribbling from the top a good indicator of how aroused he is.
“Always so good at weeping for me, aren’t you.” He’s embarrassed as you coo at his cock, biting his lip as you slide your finger over the tip and spread his earlier release and precum over the soft bulbous head. “Are you ready for your reward? Do you want me to fuck you sweet boy?” He’s nodding before you even finish, dazed expression so lax and vulnerable you can’t help but kiss him again.
He’s so pliant beneath you, but his twitching cock is hard and begging for your tight heat, as you slide him through your folds and wet him with your slick.
“Please please please please—ngh!” He’s close to another release from just feeling your folds and the heat radiating from you, so when you slide down his shaft, he’s cumming instantly. “Ah fuck, fuck—cumming!” His eyes roll back as his load spurts out into you, body growing tense before relaxing as he tearily looks up at you.
“I-I’m sorry, I came too soon, I didn’t mean—,” his warbled voice a clear indication of his ashamed actions, but you’re quick to cut him off.
“Genya.” He flinches at your tone, reddened eyes snapping up to you, “Sweet boy, this is a reward, you get to cum as much as you like. Never apologize for cumming too soon, I like you just as you are.”
He swallows thickly but relaxes, soon becoming hard again as you slowly roll your hips and continue kissing and praising him, his heart beating so quickly he fears he may die like this.
He wouldn’t mind too much.
“M-may I touch you, mistress?” He needs to feel you, wants to feel even closer, wants to climb beneath your skin and belong.
“Go ahead.” You nod, and he’s enthralled by how tight your heat grips him, feeling your textured walls swallow his cock whole and rub every inch as you sink yourself onto him over and over.
His hands are calloused and rough, sliding over your hips and up to your chest, then he’s running them over your arms and around your back where he hugs you tight. You huff a laugh as he drags you to his chest, his face nuzzling into your neck as he breathes you in, clutching you tight as he fears you might just disappear from his grasp.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you soothe, feeling his cock twitch and begin to swell inside you, “I’m right here,” your hands run through the length of his top hair, watching melt and come apart again inside you. The messy fucked out expression he wears only growing more profound as you keep riding him, his begging soon changing for more to please, I can’t take it—
His cock so drained he knows he can cum nothing else, the sloppy collection of fluid soaking his lower abdomen and thighs, his cock and balls, and your lower half. Yet still you ride him, his face twisted in pleasure and pain as he whines as a slow building pressure begins.
“Fuck, please, ah!” He’s delirious as you wipe the sweat from your face and smile, “thank you thank you thank you,” you laugh because he’s not even sure what he’s thanking you for anymore. “M’sorry, forgive me,” tumbling past his swollen parted lips, drool sliding down his chin as he feels another dry orgasm rip through him.
“Such a good boy, don’t you love when your Mistress rewards you~♡?”
He’s incoherently babbling nonsense, unable to formulate any more words as you steal his ability to think.
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Dividers by the wonderful @benkeibear
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swmmi-kti · 1 year
The blind and the mute
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Part: Two
Pairing: Gyomei x Kakushi fem Reader
Warnings: Death (look a kid dies).
You were not born mute. You weren’t you wish to speak at most moments. However You seemed to have lost the ability to freely talk when your family had been attacked by demons. 
You had Tried your hand at wielding a sword, But that was not your place. It was not what you were build for. For no amount of anger, sadness and resentment you held in your heart. You could never bring yourself to slay such pitiful beings. 
So you were a Kakushi. It was a rewarding job that you loved dearly. Helping wounded slayers and sometimes on the rare occasions if the circumstances were right, you saved a life. 
Truthfully that was all your skill could manage. You did survive final selection, you did slay demons. But you healed much better than you slayed. 
Your medical knowledge that your mother had passed down on you was a great thing to have. Especially when it came to the raw power of wild herbs. It helped make people’s pain and potential death be that much more avoidable. 
Maybe that’s why you got to be around Hashira so much more than normal. Sure its nothing to brag about. But you managed to catch the eye of the insect pillar. And on times where you could in fact spend time training under her. You did. 
She understood that you didn’t talk. She had seen that side before on her youngest adopted sister. She never asked what happened why you were here and not living a normal life. 
And even if she asked you could never recall exactly what happened. All you remember was screaming so loudly, that the moment you had awoken alive your throat hurt. 
Really there was no explaining. Unfortunately this happens a lot too. 
Nevertheless today was one of those days where you had learned a lot for today and Shinobu was letting you go. Deciding to take the usual route back you didn't expect to run into anyone. But that isnt how it works. 
You bumped into the stone hashira. Truly you didn't know how in god's green earth you managed to bump into such a unit of a man but well. Here you were. 
“Pardon me” he spoke waiting a bit for your response. 
You knew he was blind. Which now laid a bigger question. HOW in the world were you going to apologize to him? But without so much thought and maybe out of pure reaction you tried to speak. 
All that came out was a pathetic squeak. 
One that startled Gyomei!. 
“Oh! Are you running a cold? Perhaps you could go and see shinobu for that, It doesn’t sound good” 
You huffed in annoyance. You wished you had someone here to explain why you didn't respond. Or why you couldn’t. 
Really the only ones that knew of your condition was shinobu and Giyuu. Solely cause well he spend time around the insect pillar. You let out a frustrated huff of course coming out horse and unnatural. 
“Come lets get you there” 
Which you didn't know how to respond given the fact that well, he was guiding you back to where you just came from. You kept tapping his hand making the faintests of yelps but that didn’t stop him. If anything it seemed he kept pushing you. 
“Kocho. Sorry to bother you so much but it seems one of our Kakushi is sick” 
“Oh here let me- Oh! Y/n?” 
You looked at her. You smiled nervously as you shrugged at her. Signing to her that you tried to explain. But well how can you communicate when one you can't speak, and two he can't see what your saying. 
“Ah i see. Himejima it's alright. This is actually Y/n! You’ve never met but she actually can not communicate like us.” She looked at you asking you if it was okay before continuing.  “A demon ruptured her throat. We aren't completely sure if Y/n can talk yet or at all. But that rasp you hear is just gasps. Nothing a little medicine won't heal” 
Gyomei stood there. Perhaps a little dumbfounded? Yes he knew there are people that don't speak but he never thought about having to communicate with them. Not that it didn't cross his mind at all but he was also a man of few words. 
“Oh, Deepest apologies” he spoke, bringing his hands together clutching the beads he always had. 
“Y/n understands” 
You let out a huffed hmm nodding your head even though you knew he couldn’t see that. Signaling to Shinobu to apologize for the inconvenience that you may have caused. 
“Oh nonsense Y/n-san. Now remember to take your medicine companied by tea before you sleep” Shinobu spoke, patting your shoulders before you got the message. 
‘I’ll be going then. See you sometime next week And thank you for today's lesson’ you signed as you stepped around the Stone hashira and walked out for the second time that day. 
That's how it was for so long. Making the smallest of sounds whenever you did get to see Himejima. And he greets you as well. You were content with this, However you got closer after one mission he had gone on. You were one of the few Kakushi to help the injured. 
You had managed to help the wounded and that's when you noticed Himejima lowered on a very very young body. Without thinking, without even telling your friend you booked it to him. 
There on the floor was a young boy. No older than your youngest late brother. 
“I’m afraid his wounds are too great for us to do anything” 
You saw this scene before when your youngest brother died at the hands of demons and to hell you weren’t gonna let them have this one too. You didn’t care. Yes, the wounds are great. His leg is sliced open and his gut is bleeding out. 
He already looks like he’s dying but you were going to try. Give every single lesson Shinobu gave you and put it to the test. This poor boy is already heaving close to death and you knew it. But you would be damned if you didn’t at least try. 
You pushed the stone pillar out the way which wow okay rude but also wow what the hell how are you so strong. 
These thoughts ran through his mind but in the moment of silence as he felt you and felt what you were doing he couldn’t help but admire your dedication. 
But one can only do so much. So as you hastily stitched the wound down and stopped the bleeding you watched as he stopped breathing. 
You couldn’t believe it, You didn’t want to believe it. It was like losing your family all over again. You couldn’t help how you cradled the poor boy. How his little head rested on your chest as you tried so hard to feel a heartbeat. 
But there was nothing to do. So you wept. There was no sound to your sobs, there was only the breaking sound of you trying to form words that possibly could never come. 
You didn’t even feel Himejima bring you to him. Didn’t feel how he held you as you cried. You couldn’t believe it. 
After that you never really left the butterfly mansion unless it was to help the wounded. But you often found yourself beating yourself up over what happened. However with this new life you found that Himejima stayed with you. Talked with you and tried to make you feel better. 
All you could feel was rage. Hatred. You felt all the things you never thought you could feel. How dare Muzan Kibutzuji take any more lives. Lives of innocent children and how dare you be so weak. 
To anyone else it seemed there was a new flame to the passion of learning the medical field. To Gyomei it seemed all that uncontrollable rage could finally be put at ease. 
Yes it didn’t exactly suit you. Your aura before was too calm too mellowed out by the years of sorrows and now all that followed was your rage. 
So he made it a point to always (whenever time served) to speak with you. To teach you how to let go of that rage in a healthy manner. You knew and he knew as well that no matter how much hatred lay in your heart for demons you couldn’t slay them. 
Today you decided to join himejima. He had invited you to eat with him today and Genya. And while you knew he meant well in easing your mind it kind of irked you a little. 
You were fine before. You would be fine this time too. But you figured it would be nice to just have dinner this time. Other times it would be techniques or what not. 
Stepping into his estate wasn’t uncommon but it wasn’t all too terribly common. However the smell of food welcomed your hungry form. 
It wasn’t long before you joined the two. Safe for Gyomei to assume that you enjoyed Genya’s company. 
Genya was a charm and while at first he was avoidant and even so after an hour he kinda barely spoke to you. You couldn’t help it, couldn’t help how your hand rested atop his head like how you would pat your younger sister. 
It was nice to be around someone that reminded you of home. 
Gyomei may not be able to see how anyone else does. But he can see it, sense how you two seemed to get along so well. Two souls that lost something. Two souls that found peace together. 
To be honest you wanted to thank Himejima, really. But how could you. Your medicine had managed to heal you but somehow it seemed almost impossible to talk. 
Everytime you tried solely to say your own name out of muscle memory you couldn’t it felt like it burned you. 
You hoped that perhaps if your medicine kept working than maybe just maybe you could show your gratitude to Gyomei one day.
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