#when i first listened to it i was mesmerized and awed because it spoke to me of complete and utter love
cutieeva · 2 months
For Eternal
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𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 Female Reader
Warnings : Manipulation. Brainwashing. Toxin relationship. Dubious consent. Stalking. Attempt home invasion. Sexual Themes
❛ 最強 ❜ (Y/N)'s heart was broken by the least person she expected. The boy she devoted herself for four years to be returned with the fact he never loved her once thus moving to Makochi town she met the leader of Bofurin who oddly seem to mend her cracked heart. Or is he really ?
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Loving someone means compromising, building trust, open hearts to one another, have secrets spoken between the pair, accepting each other. Isn't it ? then why ? then why (Y/N) is the only one compromising ? trying to build one sided trust ? opening her heart bare to him by smiling the largest in his presence yet slowly her lips aren't ready to twitch. Slowly secrets were not in between them rather silently remained unspoken leading her no more to accept him. Loving him which was natural to her became a burden to bare. Calm words replaced with screams, smiles into frown and loving gaze into tears.
She couldn't be the only one making effort to meet, messages left in read, no longer good nights hushes spoken, his gaze solely on his paintings, their conversation for them to communicate became his to vent about his problems related to paintings and her to listen when words itching to spoke 'listen to me'. Her need of comfort from him after having awful days were spend all alone because of his 'I am busy painting'. She felt a tool for him to use yet he never became her tool of need instead he was never present in her need of time in the first place. So, she tried, tried, tried her best to be the ideal person he needs because he was her only paradise, the only one she could smile the brightest and only one who would appreciate her happiness, tell her how beautiful she is, gaze softly, spoil gently however that all vanished when his words in their each fights were "This is why women are troublesome". "So emotional you are". "Control yourself". "Stop crying !" So she ghosted her any emotions, numb to his angry outburst, ignore his spiteful words burning her because of how she stopped smiling yet never did he asked the reason behind.
She truly was numb, her heart exhausted, body given already and mind in daze. But her hopes of mending their love was altogether crushed, tramped, walked over when she discover his paintings. Oh so painting he dies for was filled with multiple women smiles yet their smiles were the only part drawn beautifully apart their entire face, body was either burled or dulled. Her eyes scan the dates was before their meeting so in desperation her fingers clawed for the rest ones, ignoring her doubtful question about his love, brushing off their first meeting flooding to her mind where they met at a museum and he said "Your smile is beautiful. So beautiful I am mesmerized". The way his lips curve were smiling and his eyes genuinely looked at her as if she was the brightest last star to be seen, so dazed and genuine his words were that she felt safe enough to trust him only later to fall for him.
THUD ! the rest paintings after their relationship were too pervade with her smiles with not any care to draw her even appearance only the colored honey coated smiles of her. The hard boards fell out of her hand with thud crashing into the floor along her heart, hopes and tears. After long time being numb to emotions she was cursed to feel was betrayed, pain and tears because she realize he didn't fell for her rather her smile. She wasn't his lover rather his one of the collections he preserved. She for him was a piece to hang in his collection that's why he care not to see her after he captive her. She was a source of his motivation, a muse to compliment not love to cherish. Breath halted to scream her anger out and eyes fire her hatred. Hatred for falling such illusion she dreamed, giving away her four years for such a man who doesn't deserved her. "Enough". She had enough. Endured enough lessons, gathered enough strength to be brave enough to finally utter her least imagined words. "I am breaking up with you". He first froze to process then protest angrily before paled down seeing her blank stare registering he lost her. For eternally. He fell on his knees, gaze in nihility and she took the chance to move out of his apartment they shared dragging her luggage.
Standing in the doorsteps of her parents she cried her heart out, nuzzling in their comforting pats and hugs she yearned before continue living shut in her room, feeling no need to move, walk, eat, sleep. Merely alive in the fleeing days that's when her parents suggested for her to go visit her beloved grandparents town. To change and restart her life again dusting her past to which she agreed not because she wanted instead went with the flow like an lost child told what to do. Still numbed she reached the new town—totally lost to find her grandparents house she last visited at the age of thirteen. "I should call them". Ringing she heard from her phone "The number you have dialed in unava—". Quickly she tab the red button knowing if her third call isn't picked then the next call won't be neither. Irritated by the beaming sun on her. She wiped her sweat over her (S/C) forehead looking any roof to rest meeting a café named Pothos. "Maybe I can eat something too". Stretching her stiff shoulders she walked over to the café entering. The moment she does so automatically relaxes her muscles, providing a cozy air and delicious aroma of meal. "I think I made the right choice". Unsure she walked near the counter a girl stood serving a old couple meal.
"Hello. Excuse me". Bravely she called out making the girl turn around who to her surprise was beautiful, smiled. "Welcome to Pothos café. Please take a seat". She pointed in front of wooden seats. "So, what would you like to order ?" Politely the beautiful girl asked.
"Any menu to choose from ?"
"Oh yes". (Y/N) looked at the menu written quite appetizing dishes. "So, I never seen you around. Perhaps a newcomer ? or a single visit ?" The girl titled her head in curiosity.
"Umm..neither. I am here to spend vacation with my grandparents". (Y/N) replied smiling a little finally deciding what to have. "I would like to order Omelette rice and Gateau au chocolate". The young girl smiled wider.
"Oh, the popular dishes of our cafe ?"
"Seem to be". (Y/N) agreed, leaning comfortably at the wooden counter, eyes darting around to find not much people like she expected when roaming the roads filled with mostly old people, some young men and tons of gangs she assume. If she recalls correctly the town, Makochi is mostly known for it's chaos, violence and gangs surrounded that's the reason why her parents visit to her mother's parents became little to no more but why did suddenly her mother suggested to come here ? at such an dangerous town all alone ?
"Here your food. Please enjoy". Hot smoke of the food touch her cheeks as the inviting aroma entered her nose and her eyes stare at the attractive looking food. She is certain it's going to be tasty and indeed the flavors melted in her tongue as the chewy texture was tender to eat, creamy cheese was cherry on top with the perfect amount of rice blending heavenly with the omelet. One word, this was incredible however unaware to (Y/N) her feelings openly displayed on her face that the beautiful girl couldn't contain her giggles. Her closed eyelids snap open. Feeling awkward of the unknown reason the worker laughed.
"I-I am sorry". Laugh bubbles in between her words. "It's adorable. How easily I can tell you liked it". She explained embarrassing the opposing girl. "By the way my name is Kotoha Tachibana, the waitress of this café". She introduce herself, forwarding a hand.
" I am (L/N) (Y/N). Pleasure to meet you". She shake her hands when a idea pop up. "Oh ! Kotoha-San, could you please tell me the directions of this address ? it's my grandparents house". Tachibana look at the address on her phone and gave a thumps up.
"Not worry. I know this place. Let me write you a easier directions to navigate". Quickly (Y/N) watch the girl write on a piece of paper she tore from somewhere before handing to her. "Here. Hope you understand but if you still have problems then I can a Bofurin to guide you after all they must be patrolling here soon". She suggested making the the (H/C) head girl confuse.
"Bofurin ? who are they ?" Never did she heard a name like this however she blinked watching how her eyes twinkled in delight.
"You must not know but three years ago this town was full of teams and gangs and whatnot fighting everywhere since then the town has changed and the people who changed it were the students of Furin high. The first doing they did was set up the sign in front of town". Her eyes wide now knowing the reason behind her mother suggestion because the place changed for better. Also she remembered seeing a sign written about anyone past this point who causes pain, who beings destruction, who holds evil in their heart will be purged by Bofurin without exception. "Originally they had Furin high's name written next to it eventually the town people gave them a new name as the protectors who fight to defend the town called Bofurin, the chime of the windbreaker and the protector of Makochi town". She finished leaning on the opposite side of wooden table.
"Also, a year ago a huge fight occurred between a bad gang called shadows and Bofurin and of course the Bofurin won". She summarize in calm tone. (Y/N) merely stare in awe feeling it only happens in anime, guess she was wrong.
"No, thank you. I can take care of myself". Tachibana frown nevertheless supported her decision.
"And thank you for the meal. It was truly delicious". She paid the bill.
"Your welcome". Tachibana said "Please come again". She really looks forward seeing this girl that she notice walks on eggshells a lot. Perhaps she is the quiter side.
"I will". (Y/N) turn her heel and look up when her heart dropped and eyes wide in surprise because in front stood outside the door is her ex-boyfriend, the reason of her running away, the cause of her pains.
"How did he found me ?"
"How is he here ?"
"How long was I stalked ?"
"Is he crazy ?"
Thoughts like magats crawl around her mind, overwhelming her not with fear strangely rather anger, bitterness and hatred. Anger for ruining her peace, bitter seeing the face that sacred her, hatred at herself for telling each things about her to where she lives, her grandparents lived and all yet she knew nothing about him. How unfair.
The tiny smile on her bloomed tarnished returning into indifference as she walked towards him, to be precise the only exist door and twist open the doorknob finally crumbling the wall seperating them.
His lips parted, gaze yearning mirroring hers few months ago, hand holding a white piece of paper she assume could be the address but she without wasting a time walk past him. Not sparing another glance when his once warm palm grasp her arm tightly turning to face him yet her head kept at another direction.
"Please, please, please (Y/N). My love, forgive me. Please do not leave me. I will die". He pleaded. "I was wrong. I was wrong to use you. Wrong to treat you like an tool I thought because yes at first I did had a motive but believe me breaking up with you made me realize your worth". His other arm grasp her another arm tries to hug the body he believes his.
Seeing her still not meeting his eyes, his palm grip her chin to forcibly look his eyes, look at his direction, look at him but she refuse to look at him even though she felt the pain of his tighten grip on her everywhere. The assault touches were disgusting to her. "No. No. No. No. No. Please, please, please, I am sorry. Please don't look so lifeless, please look like the (Y/N) I love, please smile again". His end words broke her heart a little when she felt it couldn't anymore. He was, is and will be selfish. How selfish is he asking her to smile when he was the one to stole it and paint it away without any care to know why she smiled.
"Why ? didn't you told me I am too emotional ? Why arent you liking me when I become a empty shell of myself ?". Finally fulfilling his wish of looking into his eyes with plain hatred she announced, tearing herself away from those harsh grip. "I am not your doll to do what you command". She glared down. About to walk again when he hugged her from back.
Cold water fell on her clothed shoulder she knew was tears. He shook his head. "No. You are my (Y/N) I know you still love me because I do". His hands held her tighter to the point all (Y/N) was feeling suffocation, frustration boiling her veins.
"I am not your object, Tokusa. I am a human being of my own". Her voices spat calmly than she wanted. Could feel strangers eyes burn her skin, words whispering to each other. "Leave me". She break through his web of touch. Hurry to leave in case he hold her again which he tried when his wrist caught by another.
Her (E/C) sight followed to find the earlier woman, Tachibana holding his wrist in deathly grip. "Don't you understand when she is telling you to fuck off ? Because if you don't I would love to smash my eggs on your dumb head". She warned surprising both (Y/N) and Tokusa.
"Who are you—".
"Tokusa. Leave". He turned to disagree when his heart quiver seeing how dead those eyes look. "Or else I will call your parents to say how much of an disappointment their son turn out to be". She sneered unable to hold her anger octave under her voice.
"And Kotoha-San, thank you. You can let go his hand". Tachibana in doubt looked at him before letting his hand go that fell limp. "And sorry for the unnecessary scene". She bowed down to which the girl shook her head immediately.
"Not at all ! It's not your fault". (Y/N) didn't correct it and merely said. "I will take my leave". She turn around to leave when the ex tried to grasp her hand again however she without looking move away walking past him defeating the desperate man.
As she walked she missed to notice a group of men wore green collar and sleeve embroidery blend with black uniform and button showcasing Furin along their badges.
"Go away ! You are never welcome to my cafe !" Soon their attention drawn back to Tachibana sending daggers in his way who's shoulder slumbed and defeated go away.
"Who was that weakling harassing a girl ?" Haruka Sakura asked, already scowling at the back of the man.
"I have no idea myself". The waitress replied easing the bubbling worry for the girl she met seconds ago.
"Isn't it clear he is her ex ? Judging by their conversation he must have made a mistake making her leave their relationship but after regretting wanting her". Hayato Suo elaborate. Once again amused by Sakura's flustered expression missing to notice Hajime Umemiya's narrowed eyes. However Toma Hiragi did.
"Hopefully she is okay because looks from their conversation the ex wants her no matter what". Akihiko Nirei sighed.
"Do you know about that woman much ?" Hajime asked his sister, who told her the little information she had from their earlier conversation.
"(L/N) (Y/N) ?" Her name roll out of his lips oddly ring pleasantly to his ears. He hummed thinking of her when she passed him.
Meanwhile a shiver ran through (Y/N)'s spine. Shaking her head to off the negative thoughts about Tokusa disturbing her holiday. She merely dug deeper into her grandma's fragile body and listen to grandpa's blarbling about how happy he is to have her.
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"Thank you for the dinner grandma. It was Amazing ! Just like mom's". Her aged grandma chuckle moving away the dishes in the sink (Y/N) fought to clean because she wants to help her grandma not pile more work.
"You are really the good girl I always seen ! I am proud how you turn out". Grandpa pleasantly complimented making a small smile spread across her face when the doorbell ring. She turn her head back to her grandparents to see if they also heard because it's so late at night to visit at their home.
"Maybe it's the Bofurin children". Grandma's assumption turned wrong quickly due to the increasing rate of ring again and again shifting to banging.
"(Y/N) ! (Y/N) ! This is me Tokusa ! Please open the door ! I want to talk to you properly". The banging grew desperate so her heart to get rid of him. More than fear the emotion she calmed down was anger, annoyance. She wishes to smash his head until pool of blood covered his body.
"What should we do dear ? Who is this man that wants to talk to our granddaughter ?" Grandma worriedly ask breaking (Y/N)'s shallow thoughts.
"It's alright grandma". She hugged her. "You too grandpa calm down. I am coming back within seconds". With that she march towards their door ignoring her grandparents mutters of stop and slammed open the door let light fall over his guilty face.
"(Y/N) please, please be with me". Straight away she was in his grip, his hug tighter than usual and less care to ask her for forgiveness more so want her without her consent.
She experienced those once again alike in their relationship. She purely dreaded to be the numb shell of herself, sacrificing little by little her heart until nothing left for her to feel as he greedily feast on her like an filthy parasite. No memories of them in the past could she anymore feel elated rather indifference. "I lost love for him". She realize Or perhaps it tuned to hatred.
Sighing she prepared to push him when a whisk of air slammed on the floor, his body shove to the dirty road. (Y/N) astonishedly stood, re-playing the scene on her head occurred at such an unfathomable speed. Looking around she found a odd white mix black slit hair with heterochromia fire eyes glaring at the man at his feet. Her eyes slide to his uniform catching the Bofurin symbol on his badge resembling the word from the sigh board she saw at the morning.
"Miss, is he pestering you ? Would you like me to get rid of him ?" His voice deeper than she expected asked burning his eyes onto her.
Her (E/C) eyes went to his fallen body. "Yes, please do". No emotions held on her voice she turn to leave noticing other men behind the back blending with the shadows stood. One with beautiful sliver locks inheriting tall statue another long blue hair messily spread with his bend spine yet still tall and a smiley boy having flowing brown curtained hair with his left eye patched stood beside a messy short blond hair holding a notebook.
"Were they patrolling ?" She thought when a grasp escape her lips of an familiar hand grip on her wrist this time intending a bruises to print.
"Do not leave please. Why can't you see my pain ? I gave you my everything ! Graced you like an goddess, pampered you like an princess yet this is what I get". Snap ! The thin thread barely holding her years bottled feelings flooded away.
SLAP ! Tokusa's eyes wide, his face turned to one side throbbing his cheek even printing her fingers. "How shameless you can be ! Asking my heart when all you did was tampered ! walked all over me. Treated me like an non-existed person, a non-living piece to own and now after you stole my smile you want to erase it too ! Please get the hell out of my life ! You fucking pest". She screamed. Openly, loudly and without hesitating those locked emotions she itched spat on his face. Wet water run down her face she care not to wipe because she didn't realize tears streaming down.
Tokusa heart broke. Wordlessly standing beaten by the guy who was surprised by her sudden outburst totally different from her morning indifference.
"Please go. I have lost myself giving you bits and pieces of me so you could be happy. I don't want you anymore". A throbbing sensation raise her throat, raspy voice it become and eyes hazed. Rest. Rest is all she needs, climbing on the bed hiding inside her blanket from the pain of words, huddling into a shell position. Not desiring to hear she went inside slam closed the door and ran inside her room passing her grandparents who heard from the beginning.
"You bastard ! How low of a pest you are to make her cry ?" Sakura ruthlessly kicked him on the stomach and raised his fist to be stopped by a hand. Hajime's hand "Don't".
Frustrated he obeyed disregard the glare from Sugishita and step back. The leader step forward towering over him, the previous dull atmosphere dropped, a thick tension covered above Tokusa, he felt could die just from suffocation.
"Leave. Any unwanted outsider are not welcome if they cause problems for our town people. You did so leave before the bones in your body would fell limp". Cold his voice was, turquoise eyes bore right into his soul, slicing inside his guts. Something told Tokusa if he didn't listen, the darkness will consume in form of this unknown boy in front of him.
Alike a coward he listened running away. "What a let down". Hajime mutter confusing the group as they rarely ever saw him so cold, devoid of any mercy unless a fight surrounds.
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The sun blessed the earthling with it's scoring rays liting the world up yet (Y/N) senslessly laid covered underneath her comforter. The door of her bedroom opened with a thud startled her.
"Grandma ?" She watched how the aged woman carrying a long bag with a thin paper on another.
"Here are the list of groceries I need or else no breakfast". (Y/N) sighed deeply.
"I want no breakfast".
"We do". She in beat replied. "This old woman and her husband do so bring the ingredients for me to make the breakfast". (Y/N) whined feeling the handmade bag fell on top of her face.
"Can't you order it in your phone ? It's much easier and faster !"
"It's a small town not city".
"No buts ! I am hungry. I already have gas problems if this old woman die then the murderer would be you". As if she is a lawyer point her finger rudely in accusation. Annoyed she grabbed the bag and went outside—.
"Change your night dress, wash your face". In command the girl comply clearly hating her grandma at this moment. Shutting the bathroom door she settle to clean herself.
"Plan successful ?" Slowly peeking behind the wooden door grandpa asked.
"Plan successful". She exclaimed, patting her own chest after all they actually do not lack any ingredients at all but they noticed how depressed and lonely she looked. They sewed a plan to get her some fresh air.
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"2 set of eggs. 1 kg of onions—" She read the list of ingredients out loud, walking reckless to reach the stores her grandma even sketch pictures and name for guidance. Unconsciously she rubbed the chibi drawnings in the corner of her papers 'You can do !' 'Go ahead !' 'We believe in you'. If one glance they will belived she was going to a tournament to win not stores to buy regular groceries.
"Hmm...this is the vegetable store ?" Her eyes stare at the board to not mistake at her part and look at the middle age man "Excuse me, could you give 1 kg onions and....". She tailed off telling all the written list to which he nod.
She sighed again feeling a little accomplished for succesfully conveying her needs. Suddenly a shiver ran her spine again, breeze flowed faster, multiple footsteps echoed even between the hustling market. She turn to find the group of men wore the same uniform last night, marching together as they greet all the town people warmly where they happily gift them few things.
"They are like heros". She found the familiar men at the very front and immediately hid her face recall how rudely she closed the door not carying of their well-being or showing gratitude.
"Here is your ingredients !" The working man hand over her bag and she took it exchanging money when in curiousity she glance behind to peek only to flinch by meeting those striking turquoise eyes already gazed at her.
She avert her eyes again, flustered to do anything. "Are you alright, Miss ?" She flinch meeting a different man, the messy short blond hair one. "After the night yesterday did he came to disturb you again ?" His thin press lips curve into a smile to relax her nerve a little yet the spotlight of other eyes felt like an needle poking her skin.
"No thankfully". Her heartbeat fast as she spoke to the blond haired boy. "Also, thank you for helping me. Hopefully you can forgive me for my rudeness the other day". (Y/N) bowed down to the split hair colored boy.
His face heat up in a second astonishing (Y/N) at the same time entertaining her.
"No problem ! I-I-I do what I do". His speech stuttter and his heterochromia eyes bore into anywhere apart her direction earning a small chuckle.
"He looks honest". Her eyes somber not paying attention to the leader of the group staring bluntly at her.
"He won't forgive you". She blinked facing up the tall man.
"Hmm ?"
"I said, he won't forgive you for your rudeness". A frown replaced her lingering curve of lips.
"What do you mean ? And who are you ?" With caution her eyes look up and down at him however he remained unfazed, not smiling his usual expression that his teammate notice.
"I am the leader of Bofurin, Hajime Umemiya and I decide if you are forgiven or not". She felt intimidate under those eyes. "But under one condition I can". Finally a smile bloom his thin lips shifting his entire aura softer and more welcoming she had to blink twice.
"And what is it ?" Tip of teeth bite inside her flesh scare of what he might want.
"If you treat us a meal you would be forgiven". He suggested overlooking his teammates and (Y/N) titling their head.
"Okay...?" She agreed having no excuse to deny and soon she found herself walking beside the leader towards the same cafe she went yesterday morning.
"This cafe ?" She mutter.
"My sister Tachibana-chan works here". In a sing song tone he told not falling to surprise her at the fact itself and his drastic change of attitude.
The door pushed open. "Welcome to Pothos café !" The same beautiful lady greeted. "Oh ! (L/N)-San, nice to meet you again". She held her hand clearly excited to met her again warming (Y/N)'s heart.
"So am I". From the tail of her eyes she saw them sitting towards one of the table ready to order. "They look used to it".
"Take a seat here". Her attention went to Hajime pointing at one of the open seat, unable to deny she obeyed sitting inside when realization wash her.
"Wait, I sit inside means—" Just like she expected Hajime sat next to her in process collide their hands that he moved but shoulders touch when Sakura pushed into the seat. Gulping she glance at him who looked at her too. She shifted in her seat maintaining a distance.
"How uncomfortable". She cowered more to not have her any part touch. Thankfully she had the luxury to not due to his entire covered sleeve however after their order. Once in a time their palm touch, hands brushes each other, glances one another, fingers accidentally intertwine to grab the same spoon and all of it unnerved her to the core she choose to overlook ate her order.
"Do you not like vegetables ?" The question was unexpected for (Y/N) and let her notice how in her meal she left almost all the vegetables excluding potatoes. Embarrassed she clench her corner of plate. He noticed.
"Not worry, I myself hated eating vegetables". The lie roll down smoothly than he expected making all of his teammate's jaw dropped. "But now I enjoy them do you know why ?" He titled his head smiling.
"Why ?" She asked curious.
"Because I know the right way to eat them. If you know the secret of eating vegetables you would come to love them too". Skepticism she felt nevertheless she nod. "That's why come with me to see a place !" Her eyes wide again.
"Right now ?" Uncertainly she questioned.
"Right now". He exclaimed standing up and notion her to come with him. Spin her head felt due to all the rush requests. In blink of an eye bill paid, walked out of the café with bunch of unfamiliar men regardless if they are labeled as protectors and stood in front of an awe-struck view from the rooftop, a huge tree beautiful planted and in sidelines are the sweet shimmering plants.
"Is this yours ?" She bend to view better for the first time her eyes looking at someone's garden as her friends lived in apartments while her parents house has an abandoned backside. Many times thoughts of gardening sweep through her mind however her dislike towards eating plants always held her back so she never ate plants neither grew ones. "So pretty". Truly did the roots of plants looked cleaned, vegetables hanging like an painting she was tempted to touch.
"Yes, You like it ?" His breath touch her cheeks.
"Very much". Absentminded she turn around only to be off guard by how inches away their faces were. Her heart halted and eyes racking over his face, so close to see his long lashes, chapped lips, beautiful shade of blue in those eyes. Swiftly she stood up almost falling over yet didn't still felt the warm hand behind her waist. Heart racing, eyes darting from one place to another to check if someone caught them and relief pass inside when confirmed no one.
"They are beans sprouts. Want to try ?" For some reasons (Y/N) hallucinate his corners of lips wider.
"I will pass". She avert her eyes to the eye-catching tree. A mistake she come to regret because he snare the chance to offer her a bag full of beans spout, tomatoes and few other green veggies wrapped in a visible plastic. "W-What.. what are you doing ?"
"Gifting". His turquoises eyes twinkle in pixie practically shoving the heavy bag of vegetables.
"But I-I-". She paused fearing for her life if she declined. "I am not good with vegetables so please keep this. I do not want". Overcoming her fear she clearly pushed back the bag that he crossed his hands.
"You must or you aren't forgiven". He use the almost forgotten scenario against her. ��
"What ? didn't you said treating you meal would make me earn your forgiveness ?" Her frown deepen.
"Well, you must eat some because tomorrow I will come to ask reviews". Heading no attention to her question he tied the plastic knot around her wrist for her to easily carry. "Whether this time my plants grew well". (Y/N) in disbelief looked at the boy in front of her before seeking help from his teammates who unusually acting busy like Sukura fixing his already straight collars, Suo checking Nirei notebook with him, Hiragi dazing at the empty blue cloudy sky and Sugishita at the crawling ants on floor.
"How sweet, they are helping their leader". Holding the urge to scoff she took a deep breath. "I am taking my leave". She bowed to each man present.
"Won't you like to view more plants ?" Staining a smile she shake her head and ran before he could stop her.
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In one word to describe the dinner it was a disaster. The moment she caught the sight of it with no appetizing aroma she had a hunch of not being good however that was a understatement when bitterness hit the taste buds almost piling the vomit out of her throat. Less than a bite she had ate along her grandparents. Her grandma apologized muttering she rarely cooks beans sprouts or any vegetables due to her husband picky tastes alike of (Y/N). That night she slept with empty stomach drafting into sleep.
Unaware the next day woken up she to open the door "I am coming !" Slide open the traditional Japanese wooden door she met the gaze of her least wished boy. Grinning ear to ear.
"Good morning". He greet racking her body carefully she shifted at his notion.
"Morning, what are you doing here ?" She bluntly asked not wanting sweet chit-chat after the disastrous dinner she had to ate all cause of him.
"To have the reviews of my plants". She waver a little forgetting the deal she thought of a passing strings of words not a serious promise.
"It was good". White lie came out not to say the bitter truth behind his plants he must have grew with hard work yet once again he surprised her by guffawing at her face.
"The lie wasn't good". He criticized making her lips part. "Because I am fully aware bean sprouts are going to taste bitter if not cooked well or someone who doesn't know the right method". Speechless and fool she was feeling. How could he ? if he knew the taste will to be bitter then why gave her ? rather if he clearly knows her dislike towards vegetable why gift her any vegetables in the first place ? was he making a joke out of her ? taunting her by abusing his power of protector ? Fed up by meaningless antics she decided to shut the door at his face but he was faster, better, stronger. Grip it in a second.
"Don't close it". In tranquil manner he looked as if he isn't holding a wooden door by his one hand. "Do not be scared. I am not making fun of you or any sort rather I want to help you love vegetables". Hearing it paused her actions.
"Why ?" Her eyes narrowed.
"Simply because why not". She held her eyes to roll anytime.
"I am sorry but I like the way I am". His eyes twitch a little.
"By the way, have you eaten breakfast ?" Hajime questioned. Still blocking the door by his hand.
"No". She stated shortly. Thud ! the door in rapid speed fling opened, blowing ample air over her face. Her breath hitched and (E/C) look up as fear creep within her by the astonishing power. A power she never came face to face with.
"Sorry about that. Let's now go". Placing his hand behind her back, he gave a little push yet enough to cross the line of her doorstep, the safety of her home, comfort of her trusted four walls before taking her away to the very same awe-struck rooftop. Sitting on one of the wooden seat, he served a dish she ate yesterday night : Moyashi bean sprouts.
"I ate it". In disdain she utter.
"Oh ? really ? well you didn't ate my Moyashi Bean Sprouts". His chest puff in confidence. Sighing she closed her eyes and hold the chopsticks preparing to vomit this time without any restriction however rather than overwhelming bitterness she tasted was sweetness, hint of fresh and soft to chewy hit her. Her eyes wide open delightfully shocked as to ease the doubt she ate more yet the more she ate the longer she begin to adore the taste each time more sweeter, more chewy and better than the previous bite that she forget about the boy sat in front of her who watching the unfolding scene a smile stretch his lips.
"Tasted delicious didn't it ?" Reality wash her from the heaven (Y/N) was indulging. Rightfully she nod. "Indeed it is delicious. I rarely ever enjoy vegetables this much". A tiny smile blossomed earning a breath hitch from Hajime. It was as if his breath stole by the serene person in oppose him.
"Come next day". He blurt out.
"Hmm ?" Her eyebrows frown and the softer look retuned to blank.
"I said come the next day. I want you to eat my cooking again". (Y/N)'s lips parted unable to voice out her question. Why ? why her ? he was the leader of Bofurin and the center of everyone's adoration, anyone would agree to eat to his cooking if he wish to test his cooking skill hell ! his teammates are enough to testify yet her ? why grace her with such kindness ? does he also want something from her alike to Tokusa who wanted her for his collection, Is he wanting her for his amusement ? or to win her fragile heart before ruining. Kindness never come free does it ? not from strangers at least she lessoned still she utter.
"Okay". Watching the brighter of his shining smile showing his canines along his eyes gleam in pleasant. Previous his unnerve statue transforming to comforting, a sign of warmth and more welcoming she desire to deny her heart not tickle. No No, she is not ready for another heartbreak, another commitment that's why she stood up in process raising his brows.
"What happen ?" His smiling gaze falter.
"I am going home. Bye". Hastily she walk to touch the doorknob when a hand block her way. Still keeping her eyes on the door, breathing slowed, time seem to pause. His body lean close, too close to her liking. He bent a little to his ear level and whisper.
"You must come or else I will come to take you". His words was a promise he will fulfill yet not answering she pushed him gently where he did step back and ran away missing the hand waves of upcoming Bofurin boys.
"What happen to her ? did you scare her away ?" Hiragi stare at his friend's smirk.
"Who knows ?" Oddly he sounded content.
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"(Y/N) come downstairs !" Confused (Y/N) glance at her phone checking the time 8:00 am then why is her grandma is calling her for breakfast. Nevertheless she drum her feet on the wooden floor, doing little dances and jumps landing in front of grandma.
"Yes". She dragged the s in mischief manner, for some reason in good mood that revolve into five stage of emotions. First shock, second denial, third embarrassment, fourth irritation and fifth anger. "What are you doing ?" She asked Hajime sitting on the sofa comfortably as if it's his house, facing her.
"The little dance and jump was good. Looks like you are in good mood". He bluntly jumped on his comment soaking on her body wrapped in her night outfit, the way her silk shirt hanging loosely that he shame to admit he could see the outline of her breast bouncing along her (F/C) silk peignoir following her thigh shorts baring her (S/C) longs.
"Grandma why didn't you told me he was here ?" Hajime cursed himself mentally snapping out of his submerged thoughts by her loud yell.
"Because he helped us a lot. He was the one who bring us needed ingredients and help to finish our chores" Grandma explained washing the dirty dishes.
"So you betray your granddaughter".
"Yes". Her mouth agape by how fast the aged woman nonchalantly confessed.
"And you ! Why did you come here ?" Hajime amused at her disgruntle attitude.
"I came to take you to eat. Don't you recall my words ?" She knitted her brows before the sentence flash across her eyes.
"You must come or else I will come to take you".
"You were serious".
"Most of the time I am". Irritated she avoid his intense gaze.
"Now go change". A silent second flew and (Y/N) bite her lips, closed her eyes wishing to melt under the ground itself realizing her inappropriate outfit in front of a boy and add to her abash no bra was underneath her night gown.
Swiftly she ran upstairs neglect to seen his crimson hue taint around his face warmly. Soon she find herself back to the rooftop alone next to the said leader serving her yet another meal called Carrot Gyoza. It is also great to taste making her forget it's created from the same vegetables she dislike.
Yet from that day on she for breakfast each day came to his place, trying new dishes involving vegetables one time Renkon, another time Okra Tempura and so on. Slowly she learn to enjoy dishes she never dreamed of even indulging, appreciating the plants, sometime gazing at the sky. Eventually her heart knock to open the lock door to meet him yet the questions stilled of why choose her ? A stranger not even a mutual friend, neighbors, same town people no— they are complete strangers to one another and her answer came to one day.
"Try it. Stuffed bell paper with cheese and vegetables. Try to guess the names". She bite immediately lost in mist of heaven. Flavors twinkling, cruchy pleasant noise to hear as well to chew.
"Cheese, shredded carrot, potato and chicken !" Her eyes snap open as a unknown gleeful smile graced pausing the time for Hajime this time. She looks divine. He thought as his hands reach to cares the softness of her skin, tender of her eyes yet halted in air when caught by (Y/N).
"Wha...." Her question tailed off darting between the hand and his expression. "May I ask you a question ?"
"Y-Yes". For the first time he stutter.
"Why are doing this to me ? Do you by chance—". She gulped the food, found her mouth suddenly dry and the sky dulled. "—pity me ?"
Rather quickly Hajime shake his head desperately. "Of course not. Never ! Since the moment I met you never did I even felt pity for you instead the reason behind I am doing this because you looked so broken, so ruined that I wanted to see how you look when you are happy. I am after your happiness because if you are happy in my presence that means I will be a part of your world, crossing inside your bulit world". Never did she expected this answer yet his eyes were sincere, full of honestly fill her reflection on those turquoise eyes with lips press thin in seriousness.
"Do you like me ?" The words remain unspoken. Frighten by the answer she will receive so she left and he let her.
Returned home, staring at her ceiling she not know what to feel, many emotions toying at the same time diffuclt for her to understand the language of feelings. She once again felt like a girl discovering what romantic love is for the first love.
Moon hanged at the darkness liting it's light amidst the countless stars and (Y/N) sighed admiring the nature's beauty by sitting on their garden backside alone. After stuffed by the dinner she ate, she star-gazed feeling unusually empty.
"Dearest, I have something !" Turning head at her name did her jaw almost fell finding grandpa holding a wine of bottle.
"Grandpa ! It's not good for your health !"
"Shush ! It's going to be alright if consumed little. Here want some ?" He shushed her pouring himself a glass and her. She reluctant sip a little enjoying the taste she rarely drinks for the sake of her good health.
"It's good". He chuckle.
"I knew it ! Because the year is (Y/B/Y)". The (H/C) head girl surprise to know the wine is as old as her birth year. No wonder grandpa kept it preciously because it reminds him of his granddaughter.
From little sipping to entire glass they both shared happily. Time flew like the cold assault of breeze and night remained young. "(Y/N) ! (Y/N) ! (Y/N) !" Rubbing her eyes she look at Hajime's face.
Huh ? What is he doing here ? Her mushed brain questions, unable to control her parts to speak or slurs of nonsense. He held her tightly.
"You are really drunk. Aren't you ?" His melody chuckle dance on the air putting (Y/N) back to sleep yet she stayed awake, a little sober as seconds pass.
"What are you doing ?" He silently jiggle the spare key (Y/N) recently learnt kept under a flower pot. Talk about being foolish.
"Your grandma advise me to use this when I want and I wanted to meet you so I came not knowing.." He point at her blushed face however to (Y/N) his words went over her head only concentraining at her own question she unable to ask.
"Hajime do you like me ?" Suddenly the crickets noises, birds chipering, breeze howls stifled, his usual smiling eyes serious, a heavy tension pungent within the atmosphere. Sliver light descend upon him.
With solemn he spoke. "Yes". Only to be his eyes wide because her fluttering kiss pressed over his. Pupil dilated into little hearts as he kissed back, moving their lips.
A test. A small test (Y/N) presented to trial whether he is after her body by taking advantage of her drunken state to use her or respect her as a human being. She is rather tipsy so fighting for her dignity would not be difficult she hoped if he failed the test.
Still a part of (Y/N) strongly want him to success, to be her dream come true and be her true love albeit they met for few days ago but she knew it was all more than wish because Hajime continue to move their tongues, sucking her little to every saliva like a starved man and filling the gaps between their body by pulling closer. Her chest gaze his, breaths eratic mingling to one another until he pulled away as she decided he failed then he pulled her by the back of her neck.
Panic plagued her mind for being so foolish to test a man's desire in such weak state. Now how ? How is she going to resist ? She can't fight let alone win ? Yet all the piling questions flee away when a rather tender kiss place on her forehead hitched her breath.
"I am sorry for kissing you in your drunken state. I know you might not even remember it tomorrow but it's my responsibility as both your protector and suitor to not commit an act you may come to regret". With that his fingers slide away along the warmth. He is leaving....? He respect her ?
Because if he didn't he wouldn't go such lengths to help (Y/N) even if it meant to finding series of lame excuses, pestering her, barging inside her house, always cook her meals that must have took time to make, thinks of her opinion, keep a hand on her back to hold her faster if she needs his help when they walk. In all way without knowing her struggles he helps her. Merely for her happiness.
How sweet, how good he is to. Her palm held his moving figure's hand. "(Y/N), please let me go. I might not able to control myself".
"Why ?" Her words slurred. "Because I am girl". She giggle.
"No ! Because you are the girl I like". Warmth flow inside her chest, unlatching butterflies inside her stomach yet she wants to feel the warmth outside too. Warmth of his touch on her body with those huge hands she once feared.
"Don't go".
"I must or—".
"Lose it. Lose all control. I like you too". She whispered following to pull him with her almost no strength and pressed their lips again. "Make me yours". She pressed her lips to his chin, cheeks, nose. Her toes upwards reaching for the man she come to like. Perhaps her haste choices are from the wine's chemical yet she fears to lose this boy.
"You know how to drive someone crazy ? Don't you ?" Gentle his moments are holding her hips and hungrily kissing her lips
Soon in a blur his hands clutch her body in perfect carry with his questions of her bedroom direction and her slur words to point like a child before her back bounce on the soft comforter of bed, the fabric of her home with him looming above her. His statue shadow covered her, shielding her even from the moon light peeking shy in between her shut curtains.
Little dots in darkness dancing her vision was so she blinked, blinked until his hard knot up and down his apple adam and his peaceful turquoise eyes transform into adultery lust. A lust shaping into little cupid hearts the Eros shoot his arrows at humans came to view. Perhaps written in star their encounter was that's why coming to love came as natural as he breaths to live. His will to live was (Y/N). A sweet little sugar drip in his violent life to sweeter the taste.
Perfect the play ended. Perfect the play of good was. Hajime coo at the beautiful girl in his hold, giving herself. He bite back the laugh threatening to pour out of his lips just the simple thought (Y/N) beliving she even has a choice to choose. Never, from the moment they met each other did the naive little love had a choice. At first it was a curiosity to see how Indifference she could be. A sudden urge to peek at her layers of emotion she can express on her face was controlling him until fate served him the chance as the form of that night where they were patrolling at night and caught the wind of her ranging ex begging to be taken back.
Hajime wanted to save her in damsel in distress yet Sakura did quite his job however the next thing happen was entirely blame on (Y/N). The second tears bled those jewel (E/C) eyes. So crystal clear that emotions were conveyed with silence and he listened giving him a reason to be close to her. To fulfill his curiosity to see more her expressions while leaning into her world little by little.
Swear to the heavens and goodness of his heart was falling for her a trick of fate. Falling for those fidgeting fingers, nervous glances, bleaming eyes after tasting the food she liked, unable to hide her heart, tiny smiles blossoming. He never thought a curious wish leads to a dangerous yet beautiful word love at the same time a discover creeped inside his mind. Perhaps it was the hidden demon within him imagining how short life is what if she avert his proposal ? Shy away from his confessions ? Refuse to see him as a lover ? Thus he set a play. The flawless play to catch the love of his life into believing she was giving her hand to him in contrast he was griping her hand all along. An act played in theater pouring emotions to tuck the viewers heart and make them believe the fantasy play real however in his case it's a trap distorting the entire line between a mere play and reality.
And the nail of coffin is the current time he snare the chance to craft her drunken thoughts into love. Twisting those yearning of validation, need of comfort into flutters of love and need of his hold. Ultimately he won. The play ended and curtains closed behind the secret scenes remain buried away. She was his and he—hers.
Rays of golden lit glowed on (Y/N)'s sleeping figure, eyelids flutter like wings of bitterflies to process the warmth of another person snuggling on her. Glancing at her tail of eyes found the boy of her love dreams, in flesh and naked— shameful memories sweep her mind heating those (S/C) cheeks.
"We are in relationship right ?" Insecurity rush in her veins.
"Of course we are". Tense her body became. "You said that out loud sweetheart". He shift closer to her body as he hugged the naked waist of her, tender flesh belongs to him. "You are mine and I am yours. Never in the world would I exchange you for anything". Raspy voice coated honesty.
"You are stuck with me". His turquoise eyes bore into hers, pulling into a slow kiss. "For eternal".
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dizscreams · 1 year
Hii hii can I request a Jack Champion × actress reader where they react on some edits Abt the two of them in an interview and then one ship edit Abt them came out thank you so much
++ I luv your writing so much some times I go overboard by liking all of them sorry Abt that Have a great day/night
ur so sweet anon ty :( <3 I hope I understood this right 😭
Mesmerized — Jack Champion ★
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PAIRING: Jack Champion x gn!reader
TAGS: @beary-rambles @ashlesys-blog @wekiamo @wenvierismycomfort @aesthetixhoe @mbankfav @aqellano @dizzyscreams @c8rdigan @teyamsgirll @evanpeterswifeyy868
A/N: he’s so bf like he’s literallyy my bf?! I love my bf!! bf!! he’s so this song!!
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The producers for the interview you were doing didn’t tell you what the interview would be about. Both you and Jack just assumed it was a normal interview until you had to do the intro for the video. ‘Action!’
You wave, “Hi I’m y/n l/n!” Jack follows you and waves as well, “And I’m Jack Champion.” You both share a smile before quickly looking back at the camera, “And today we are going to be reacting to edits of ourselves.” Jacks eyes widen a bit before nodding slightly, “Lets do it.” “Lets do it,” you repeat.
Someone gives you a phone and tells you all you need to do is scroll and give commentary. “Jack, do you ever look at edits of yourself?” You ask him before clicking on the first video, you pause it before it starts to hear Jacks answer. “Uhh sometimes,” he laughs, “When I’m bored, or they’ll randomly appear on my for you page. What about you?” You smile a bit, “Same here. I also get tagged in a lot of them.” “Oohh yeah me too.”
“Shall we start?” You ask shaking the phone a little.
“We shall,” Jack responds with finger guns. You chuckle and start the first video, it’s an edit of Jack. It was of his Scream 6 character, Ethan Landry. Jack was blushing slightly when you had looked over at him. You giggled when the video ended, “Soo what’d you think?” He giggled with you, “People are really talented. I will say though I wasn’t expecting so many people to love Ethan. Especially because of.. the movie,” he said slowly.
You hum, “The movies been out a while I think you can say it.” He looks at you and then back at the camera, “I didn’t expect many people to love my character in Scream 6 because he’s a psychopathic murderer who chases people in a Ghostface mask,” He says in an accent and claps his hands together. You cover your mouth with your hand as you laugh. “Alright let’s move on, next!” Jack says smiling.
“Okay, here you can take the phone this time,” you tell him handing the phone to him. He takes it and scrolls down to the next edit, “I think it’s of you,” he whisper yells. You recognize the clip used as one in an interview you did only about a week ago. Jack looked at the video and then looked back at you while grinning. He seemed to be enjoying this a little too much, but you didn’t mind.
“Aw I liked that one,” you spoke up first.
“Me too,” Jack says as he stared at you. He liked the outfit you chose to wear today, he always admired your sense of style. He also liked the way you did your hair, it framed your face nicely. “Jack?” He cleared his throat, “Yeah? What?” You let out a confused laugh, “Were you listening?” His face turned red at the question, “uhhh-” You shake your head with a smile, “It’s okay, next edit!” You stick out your hand, signaling for him to give you the phone and he just looks at it.
You shake your hand and nod towards the phone a bit trying to be more clear and he tilts his head. You look at him and he looks like a lost puppy with his big brown eyes boring into yours. You smile a bit and lower your voice, “The phone, Jack.” “OH! Right yeah here,” he stumbles over his words as he hands you the phone. The light pink blush dusting his cheeks once again making him look even cuter than before.
“Okay and here we go,” you mutter. The video plays and at first it’s clips of Jack, you can recognize where some of the clips are from. A lot of them are from Avatar interviews, which makes sense. But then there’s clips of you and that causes your eyebrows to knit together slightly. Just a friendly edit, you presumed, but at the end of the video there’s a clip of you and Jack together.
It’s a clip from a little behind the scenes of Scream 6. The small moment was of Jack putting his arm around you while you were both in the backseat of a bus going to set that day. You smiled at the memory and the video came to an end, “That was cute.” He nodded in agreement, he had the same stupid smile on his face, “Yeah.” You took a peak at the comments, all of them were ship comments.
“They’d be so cute together!”
“Are we sure they aren’t dating?”
“The way they look at each other 🥹”
“There’s no way they aren’t dating”
Your smile got bigger and you handed Jack the phone with a quiet, “Your turn.”
The interview went on for a couple more minutes until they were satisfied with the length that the video would be. Then, it was time for the outro. “I’m y/n l/n,” Jack said and you followed his lead, “And I’m Jack Champion.”
“And you’re watching Disney Channel!”
“That’s not it, Jack-“
“And you’re watching Buzzfeed Celeb!”
“There you go. Thank you so much for watching..”
“And make sure to leave a like for more content like this,” he said finishing your sentence in a British accent.
“Cut! That was great, guys.”
You looked at Jack only to find him already looking at you, “You wanna go get lunch?” He asked already standing. “Of course.” You guys made your way out of the filming room and he made sure nobody was looking before he grabbed your hand, giving it a kiss,
“You don’t know how hard it was for me to stay quiet about our relationship. You looked so good, I just wanted to brag about how you were mine the whole time,” he said while pulling you in for a hug. You giggling and wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss, “We’ll tell them soon, babe.”
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Drunken Confessions
Pairing- Tarsem x reader
Summary- You didn't your self pity away and the new Olo'eyktan who may or may not have been ine if the reasons you drank finds you in your drunken state.
A/N- i found another one I'm in the bunt down for Tarsem gifs/photos 😫
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You run over what happened today over and over again replaying every horrible part twice and then back again for good measure.
First a healer in training poured boiling water in the bowl you hand was in and not the one with the rocks for a hot rock foot treatment. So now you had a really ugly bandage on it, not to mention the pain.
And you stubbed your toes so many times you lost count, because of the coming flu that just had to show up in the most busiest time of the year, so you gad to be a cook, a healer, and a hunter.
Your body hurt just as much as your mind.
Tarsem, thats who hurt your mind. He took over the Olo'eyktan from JakeSully. He mesmerized you as if he was some kind of angel sent from Eywa just for you to look at. Now the insecurities of him shutting you out forever for the need to find a Tsahik and not needing, what you thought of yourself as a burden.
So you did what the best solutions to ignoring your emotions, you drank.
After cleaning the communal hall you grabbed six cups that were untouched. The cups held against your chest because they were so many, maybe it was to much but you needed it.
Going into the woods, you sat in front of the flowing water and started to drown in your own pity and alcohol.
You begun to pour the nectar from cup five to the empty cup four that was in your hand. "Just to top her off." You whisper to yourself before gulping down the drink. Three other emptied cups lay discarded on the ground next to you seeing as you just drank. Throwing the empty cups that were in your hand to the side, now holding the sixth one before the sound of the ground crunching got you on alert.
Your ear perk, usually you would get your dagger and in attack mide, but the drinks took effect you could care less. The stepping got close as you took another drink. You finally recognize the person when he sits next to you space made by the empty cup, it was Tarsem.
You laugh covering you mouth, the love of you life who doesn't know he is the love of you life sat in front of you as you drank it was like so cruel joke.
He took his garb that rested on his shoulders who showing his bare chest which you shamelessly goggled at until you took another sip of your drink, you were way iver you limit as you finished to sixth cup of the fermented nectar. Putting it with the others you look at Tarsem glazed eyes going over everyone of his features twice. "Did you drink all of these?" He asked and you had a lazy smiled and that answered his question.
You feel the effects of the drinks in your feet as you lie on the grass. "Are you okay?" He asked and you looked around at the plants in awe. "Ecstatic." You say wiggling your toes, you blink slowly as he chuckles. "I have been watching you-
"watching me." You repeat before giggling.
"Yes, watching you, and I see the stress you've been under. So I'm asking if my dear friend is okay." He said and that word, friend clawed at your brain. "I am fine, perfext even I want to go home, bed." You say as you struggle getting up he laughs gently before getting up and helping you up. You hands rested on his chest, his features in the nighttime of Pandora where shown more with the light bioluminescent freckles that were scattered across his face.
"Y'know wha- Tarsem," you say smiling hugely and her listened in closely as you spoke small. "I alway thought you are th' prettiest person around." Your slurred confession quickly made its way to his ears and you giggled at his reaction, as his ears perked, eyes widened, and cheeks deepened to a shade of indigo. "Y-you think I'm pretty?" He asked smiling back at you as he helps you walk. "The prettiest." You repeat looking around eyes slit ready for bed. He helps you up to your kelku.
He waits a minute till you turn around flashing him one more drunken smile before flopping down onto your cot curling your tail around yourself.
The next morning you awoke, your head was pounding, and your body begged for rest. But forcing yourself out of bed trying to remeber what happened last night and then it all flooded back. The six cups, the barely being able to walk back, Tarsem.
Your eyes widen Tarsem. And then you groaned as you remember your drunken Confession you made about him being pretty.
You sat in the woods, it was clear opening, safe not many people knew about it just you and Tarsem.
Speaking of him he stepped into veia making your face burn bright looking away playing with some leaf yiu found on the ground. He sat next to you and it was silent for a while before he spoke.
"So you think I'm pretty?" He asked an you look at the ground eyes clenched as you internally cringe.
"I think your pretty too." He says and you look at him shocked as he took your chin between his finger and place a kiss on your lips and you melt into.
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Tags- @avatarbyamara
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
I am having a FULL ON bloody awful day at work, homie 🥲 like legit on my break in the bathroom crying sort of day. And I was reading through your works cuz the platonic Yandere Erasermic to make me feel better 😂
And I was just wondering if you’d be ok with me requesting how they would react with their teenage darling who just, doesn’t take messing up very well? Like that they try to be flawless and never break any rules, but then they do mess up a small one, and they just get so overwhelmed, and start over apologizing and worrying that they’re not doing anything right anymore? Somthing like that 😂 my anxiety has me all out of whack (totally don’t have to do this hun, completely up to you!)
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Dude- I’ve been there. Anxiety is a bitch, 100%
Sorry you had to go through that alone, if I were there I would’ve given you a lollipop. Or a cupcake. And hugged you.
(Being anxious takes different forms sometimes and can feel different for everybody, I’m just using how I feel when it happens as a reference, I hope it’s alright)
You stared out the window of the living room, watching the dark sky’s glisten with the stars, the grassy ground seemed to stretch out forever, and you could sometimes make o it the sway of trees in the wind. You were utterly mesmerized with the scen in front of you, sitting in the pillowed ledge of the windowsill, you pressed your hand against the cool glass. Smiling when the sensation hit your fingers, you felt so at peace
I your mesmerized trance, you didn't recognize your father, Aizawa, opening the door behind you, the crack it always made sounding out through the room. The man stared at you for a moment, shocked to find you here of all places, the monitor in your room notified of your v=movement the second you stood up out of your bed, he expected you to try and make a b-line for the door, to try and escape. You haven't ever done it before, but he knew at some point you would try. So seeing you doing nothing but staring off into the window, dressed in your cute pjs he lived so much, was such a relief.
“ You aren't supposed to be up honey, what are you doing?” he spoke, startling you completely, you whipped around, eyes wide at the sudden realization of what you were doing. You followed all of their rules, you'd learn to accept their somewhat odd behavior, you had yet to majorly break one, but wandering after bedtime? That was a big one, apparently “they can't protect you if they don't know where you are '' so when you get up, you're supposed to find them. You didn't though. He raised a brow at you, cocking his head to the side as you pressed yourself as far as you could against the window, as if it would do anything to shield you from the punishment you expected to await.
“”Oh daddy - i- uh- i just wanted to see the stars. I shouldn't've even come out here- i just- i'm sorry” you sputtered out, apologizing, your eyes darted around the room as you panicked internally, you'd been perfect up until now, followed every single one of teh9r rules without any problem, and they loved you because of it. Maybe this would change their opinions, maybe this would make them hate you and kill you like you'd thought they would do on your first night here. Ideas ddi nothing but freak you out further as you imagined what they would do to you if they realized you werent so perfect after all. Your breathing got increasingly heavier, and your heart felt like it was just about to beat right out of your chest.
“If you wanted to see them you could've told papa, or me, we would've let you honey, just calm down you aren't in any trouble, you just had us worried” he calmly spoke, he was worried, he didnt know where you were and hed thought youd actually escaped, one of his worst fears.
“No no no i'm sorry, i should've listened and i broke the rules- i just- please- daddy im sorry” you spoke, clutching at your hands and scratching at your wrists, your eyes stayed glassy and wide as he tried to asses the situation. hushing you every now and then. He made his way across the room, avoiding the few cats stockpiled in the center of the couch, and tugged at your arm, he placed his other arm across your shoulders to comfort you, he could see the tears that pricked the corners of your eyes, and he didn't like it, not one bit.
“It's okay baby, i'm not gonna hurt you, i promise, you didn't do anything wrong, i'm not upset okay- uh- HIZASHI!” The man called for his husband, uncertain what to do with the current situation. Anything relating to human emotion and tears was too hard for him to handle, and he always ended up making things worse. His husband was good with feely things, he always was. In the meantime, he tried to calm you, holding you close to him and slowly moving you away from the window. You really were breathing hard, and he could tell this was about to be a whole crying fit, he didn't want that.
But it was inevitable. Once the first few tears had started to flow down your face, even though you knew it was silly to cry over such a small mistake as staying late past bedtime, you cried harder and harder, outright sobbing after a few minutes. Teh cats had made their way over to see what happened to their favorite human thing, and eventually had surrounded both you and aizawa. You always did follow all the rules, even when you were still a student in their classes, so it just felt so wrong to make a mistake, so humiliating. It made you feel like suffocating
“Yes? Oh, oh my god! Baby, what's wrong?” The yellow haired man peaked his eyes into the doorframe to see what Aizawa was calling about, just to see his perfect little angel muddled with tears, surrounded by cats, in their pjs, with his husband failing at comforting you. He was immediately at your side, as you were too tearful and sniffly to even make out a word. Aizawa explained briefly what had happened, and how you'd gotten scared, and had his heart almost shattered right then and right there, his poor baby!
“I just- I don’t know what to- and he” you spluttered, struggling out of aizawas arms and into hizashi, even you knew that he could be better comfort right now. You agree the fact the you needed him, but your heart felt so fragile, and your lungs just might collapse, you weren’t even sure if the stars were worth it.
“sweetheart, just give me some nice deep breaths okay? I know you're scared right now, but youre gonna make yourself sick, please, for papa, just breathe.” he spoke, pulling you away form the cats and into his lap, he pushed the hair stuck to your tear ridden face out of your eyes, and rubbed your back slowly as he embraced you. His big, strong arms practically covered you as they pulled you tight to him, it was oddly comforting, seeing how someone actually cared enough to spend the time to hold you like this.
“That's good… just like that.” the two simultaneously muttered as your hiccuping slowed the pressure in your chest had dimmed, not completely, but slowed down but, and your tears had almost run dry, all you could do was try to calm yourself and not panic further (even though it was as if your brain was wired to do that), and nuzzle your face closer to him in attempts to find comfort in his smell.
“I-im sorry, this is stupid, im just being stupid” you confronted yourself, the words came out muffled with your face in his shirrt, but bith of the men undertsiod what you were saying, and it hurt them, they hated that you felt that you shoudlnt get the love and comfort both of them knew you deserved. It took them a moment to lock eyes, and kindof converse with their facial expressions, but they eventually replied. Aizawa got up to go grab a fluffy blanket fo ryou, and some water, you just cried out half of your frickin bodyweight, you must be exhausted. He was right. You were.
“You arent stupid baby, we all make mistakes, and we all cry, thats for sure. You shouldnt be embarrassed of it either, i've seen your daddy get upset more times than i can count, don't say things like that. It just makes you sad.” he hushed, cupping your head and rocking slightly back and forth to provide some kind of comfort. You happily nuzzled in, enjoying the sense of warmth he gave with his words.
“But- i broke the rules, i'm not supposed to break the rules or things will go bad right/ i can't break the rules or else you wont- you wont- you wont live me anymore” you spluttered, waiting for the tears to surge back out, your voice was rough and shaky. Wait… what did you just say? Hizashi couldn't believe his ears when you spoke those words, his heart stopped the second they left your lips.
“now where would you get that silly idea? Me and your daddy will always love you, do you understand sweetheart? There isn't anything in this world that could ever change that, and nothing ever will. I love you, papa loves you” he comforted, brushing his hand down your hair, shocked at the mere idea you stated. He pressed a firm kiss to your forehead, glad that the worst of it was over, and now you were breathing perfectly fine. Aizawa came back with a thick yellow blanket, and draped it over the two of you.
“Now, I think we have a sleepy y/n on our hands right? It is past your bedtime hun, I think tonight you are gonna sleep with us, okay?” The man at oof up completely and started tracking towards the door, and your last glance of the room, wa did the big, dark window, filled with stars, that had gotton you into this in the first place.
“Okay, i love you too”
Anyway, I personally liek this one, but I also can’t tell if it’s intensely cringed or not, please give feedback if you like, or hate it!
Thank you for requesting, I hope your days have been much better than that recently
That being said, have a wonderful day today, and thank you!
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
“Territory,” Levi x Reader
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Summary: Levi overhears the cadets confessing their feelings for you so he decides to show them that you’re his.
Warnings: ⚠️ smut zoneeee ⚠️
Levi x Fem!Reader
This was requested btwwww
It was the weekend, meaning the scouts were off of work until another expedition comes along so you had decided to stay inside the kitchen, teaching yourself how to bake simple desserts like cookies or brownies to occupy your mind.
The hobby had suited you, made you forget about the overbearing stress you would deal with during the week of training or going outside the walls which was always a overwhelming time.
Most of the guys sat inside the mess hall, sitting down and playing random games while talking to each other about probably the most random stuff, anything that came to their mind.
You had walked out of the kitchen, being nice enough to set the cookies down on the table to have them do a taste test for you, considering Levi probably wouldn’t.
“I hope this recipe turned out a little better than the last.” You laughed at the memory of last week trying to bake and the boys cringed at how hard it was to chew.
Eren was the first one to quickly reach over and eat it before the rest of them followed, their eyes lighting up and all of them looking up at you in awe.
“These are so much better.” Eren hummed to himself, grabbing another one and you rolled your eyes, keeping the plate there.
“Thank you for being my taste testers. I’ll give you some brownies later.” You smiled, turning back and going inside the kitchen to somewhat clean up the mess you made.
After you left, the boys all looked at each other while eating the cookies. They stayed quiet until you were gone out of sight and Jean was the first one to speak up about his big crush on you.
“I doubt you’ll have a chance, Jean. She’ll probably be better off with someone like me.” Eren was being cocky, nudging Jean’s side with his elbow and he gave him a dirty look.
“I don’t think she would want a Titan shifter.” He scoffed under his breath and Eren had shoved his friend playfully.
“Do we all have a crush on her?” Armin spoke, his cheeks turning a light shade of red and everyone looked at each other.
All of them nodded their heads then quickly went into a discussion on who you would like better, who you would have a better chance being with but little did they know you had a secret little fling going on with your Captain behind closed doors. The secret being Levi’s idea because he didn’t want to cause any issues.
Levi had actually heard the argument from down the hall as he walked down to go do some work but once he heard your name get brought up, he froze in his spot, listening to the boys argue about their crush on you and continue talking about which guy had a better chance.
A sense of jealousy had washed over him, hearing them all talk about you without you being there also made him a bit angry. He finally got sick of listening to them bicker and walked into the room, all boys freezing and looking at Levi’s cold stare.
“All of you, outside. I don’t want to see you back in here until I say you’re done training.” He ordered them, watching them all scatter without a second thought and rush outside.
He moved his hand up, pinching the bridge of his nose and looked down at the plate of cookies that he knew you made. He decided to move his feet towards the kitchen, opening the door up and seeing you near the sink.
“When you’re done, can you come to my office.” He asked, making you turn to meet his gaze and you simply nodded.
“For what?” You turned off the sink, drying off your hands and walked to where he stood by the door.
“Just need some help with something.” He mumbled, tilting your chin up and stared down at you, a evil little plan popping right inside his head as he tried to hide the smirk.
Your stomach had twisted into knots at how serious he looked, you couldn’t help but overthink about what he needed help with as you followed close behind him down the hallway until you both entered his office.
He closed the door behind you, being swift with locking it and went over to the window to see the guys outside training like he wanted them too, hearing their whines and complaints about doing so.
“What is it? Should I be worried?” You spoke first as he stayed silent, your body standing right behind his and placed your hand on his bicep.
“I missed you is all.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, his eyes moving down to meet yours and he lifted his hand up to caress your cheek, the soft contact made you melt right under his finger tips instantly.
“That’s all?” You teased, watching a small smile come across his lips and he shook his head.
“I don’t think you understand, I really missed you.” He said in a much lower tone, his hand sliding back to tangle in your hair and pulled your face closer to his.
Levi’s lips just barely brushed over yours, the dots now connecting in your head and you knew what he wanted and it made your heart pound inside your chest, you were sure he could hear how loud it was.
You were the one to close the gap, pressing your lips on his and he instantly backed you up until you were sitting on the edge of his desk, settling between your legs while his lips molded with yours.
The guys making noises outside the window had completely slipped your mind, it’s not like they could see you through the curtains and the thought of having to be more quiet than usual made you even more excited.
Levi had tugged on your hair, slipping his tongue in your mouth all while thinking about the small plan that had popped inside his head. He didn’t want to really out the secret hook ups you two were having the last few months but the way they had talked about you like you were a piece of meat, he was positive he wanted to show them who really owns you.
He wanted them to hear you moan his name and show them who really makes you feel good at the end of the day. Fuck the secrets, fuck everything. He’s just being the overpossesive jealous boyfriend that will make sure people know you’re off the market.
He wasn’t going to take it easy on you, of course he was going to pleasure you but he was going to make sure to over pleasure you to the point where your sounds will echo throughout this whole base. He was sure of it.
His hands had slipped down to your shirt, unbuttoning the plain white top and pushing it off your shoulders, throwing it to the ground while latching his teeth onto your bottom lip, pulling it back and letting it go as his eyes met yours.
He started to plant kisses down to your chest, his eyes burning into yours while his large hands slipped around and unclipped the bra you were wearing, watching it slide down your arms and onto the floor beneath your feet.
The butterflies swarming your stomach made you almost want to pass out, the way his eyes stared into yours, the intense yet satisfying eye contact he kept while his lips peppered kisses on your bare skin.
Soon he grew impatient with the tint underneath his tight pants only getting bigger as the material got tighter. He groaned, the sight of you instantly turned him on more than you could know and that was his weakness- he couldn’t control himself when he was around you.
He was addicted, he couldn’t get enough as he quickly tore off the rest of your clothing including his and his lips were back on yours in a much more heated kiss, not hesitating to slip his hand up between your legs, brushing his fingertips along your thigh, practically dancing on your skin before he had dipped his fingers to collect the wetness that pooled between your legs.
He knew he had a strong effect on you, it was proven every time he touched you and your cheeks started to grow hot while his fingertips slipped and rubbed between your folds, a soft hum leaving your lips and being muffled against his mouth which only caused him to further his actions.
A finger slid inside of you painfully slow, feeling the warmth and brushing it against your walls that almost made your back arch as your hand reached down to grip onto his wrist, feeling his smirk against your lips as his tongue swirled inside your mouth, the patience he had today to make you unravel multiple times, he wanted you completely weak.
A second finger slid in, continuing his slow pace and hearing the whine linger off your tongue made him pull back to keep his eyes on you, his hair hanging over his face and the smirk never leaving as his tongue ran over his lips, almost mesmerized over you.
“Don’t hold back, I want to hear those pretty moans.” His free hand grabbed a hold of your chin, brushing his thumb along your jawline and started to move his fingers at a much better pace.
It had made your toes curl, your fingernails digging into his wrist and your lips parting open at the pleasure as you let a soft moan slip out of your mouth, your surroundings being thrown out of your brain as the only thing you saw was Levi over you.
He could hear the cadets outside, the evil smile on his face only getting wider as he kept finger fucking you into oblivion, his fingers working wonders between your legs to the point where your head had fell back and multiple profanities had left your lips, making him instantly pepper kisses on your throat.
All you saw was stars as your vision began to blur, the knot building up in the pit of your stomach had made your legs tremble and deep inside your head you had felt embarassed at how fast his fingers could make you cum all over them, he knew your body from head to toe and what could destroy you and make you unravel in minutes.
The entire encounter had lasted for almost an hour, the way Levi had made you cum around his fingers and then around his length while he was deep inside of you.
The boys stood outside, training until they had heard muffling noises near the window. Eren didn’t want to be nosey considering they knew that was Levi’s office window but soon your moans had became loud enough for all of the color to drain from their faces.
The way you continuously moaned Levi’s name, the way he had you almost screaming while on the brick of an orgasm, they grew quiet, their cheeks flushing deep red and that’s when they knew to stop speaking about you.
They knew better to get involved with you or even continue their desperate crush, they knew that they didn’t stand a chance now. You were Levi’s and it was as clear as day.
The embarrassment and the humiliation had spilled over their minds for a long time after that. Now when they look at your face or talk to you, all they can remember is the endless sounds of you saying Levi’s name.
It was traumatizing almost. Not even bothering to look their Captain in the eyes for the first few days, feeling as if they even looked your way that they would be outside doing exercises until their collapse.
Levi had chuckled at the reactions, it was exactly what he wanted. He wanted their eyes to stare at the love bites he left on your neck, he wanted to remember your voice saying his name, it made his ego that much more bigger.
Now he knew they learned their lesson when it comes to what’s his.
I didn’t really want to go into farrrrr detail with smut. I didn’t want to leave you guys hanging bc idk how much I’ll be able to post over the weekend🤧 quite a busy weekend for meeee.
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Fight For You (Ivar x Reader)
This is my contribution to @youbloodymadgenius​ 1k celebration! Congrats, love! 
My prompt was: You had my curiosity. But now you have my attention. (Django Unchained)
Warnings: a smidgeon of violence, talk of premeditative murder of a spouse, some possessive!Ivar? my poor attempts at humor and flirting.
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  The talking of the other earls, jarls and king grated on Ivar's nerves. Instead of threatening to cut out all of their tongues and make a necklace of them, like he strongly desired to do, he silently reclined in his seat fuming. It was both boring and infuriating to listen to these lesser men squabble amongst themselves like children. But like Hvitserk frequently reminded him, the others needed to be included in the planning. Even if Ivar despised it. 
 So he sat back, pretending to listen to the others as they attempted to make a battle plan. Even if it was a piss poor attempt and honestly, laughable. He kept silent for now. For he had his own plan and when he felt he had given them enough time to argue, he would share what they needed to know to fulfill it. He never shared the full plan; he would never give another that kind of power and knowledge. 
 King Harald Finehair was the least incompetent of the warriors and since at least half of their heathen army was there due to him, many listened intently when he spoke. 
 "If our scouts are correct, our army vastly outnumbers anything the town has." King Harald placed both of his hands on the table, drawing the attention of those under the meeting tent to himself. "I say tomorrow we attack with our full force. If they barricade themselves in, then we burn the gate down."
 "How great will our casualties be then?" Earl Liefson questioned, eyeing most of Norway's King with scrutiny. 
 "Did you not hear King Harald? We outnumber them! Those that die during the fight will certainly go to Valhalla to feast with Odin and Thor. Let us attack without fear or worry!" Jarl Haakon boasted, slapping a hand to his broad chest in emphasis. 
 This time Ivar did not try to suppress his annoyance. He rolled his eyes at the Jarl, practically biting his tongue to withhold a scathing comment. Looking to his left, he caught the gaze of his brother, Hvitserk, who at least was better at hiding his irritation. 
 There were many men that Ivar detested, many men he loathed. Jarl Haakon was most certainly in the top five. The man loved the sound of his own voice and any idea spewed from his mouth usually equaled in value to a pig's fart. At first, Ivar could not fathom how the Jarl managed to stay in his position of power. Sure, he fought like a berserker and thrived on bloodlust like many Vikings…. but he was a pompous, narrow-minded idiot. 
 Yet once the meetings started, plans being drawn for this great raid, Ivar figured it out. 
 It was you. 
 In the beginning, some of the other earls initially protested when Jarl Haakon brought you into the meetings; especially since you were no shieldmaiden, you were only his wife. But when he flatly stated either you came with him or him and his men left, their protests died down. Those very men were further silenced when King Harald greeted you warmly and welcomed your company. 
 At first, Ivar loathed your presence, thinking you were there just to satisfy your husband's ego, his continuous need to show off his beautiful wife. It was only after plans were finalized and Jarl Haakon looked down at you, his hand possessively on your lower back, that Ivar realized you were not there just to look pretty. 
 You surveyed over the "map" drawn into the dirt, eyes analyzing. Then you did the most unexpected thing. You critiqued the plan. Perfecting it in ways that even Ivar had not seen. 
 And the bloodthirsty prince could only sit back in shock and awe. 
 It was after that first encounter, whenever you were nearby, his gaze never strayed far from you. 
 Now, you stood silently next to your husband, focused on the plan being discussed. Instead of fully listening to the others, Ivar watched you. The way you bit your lower lip in concentration, the faint twitch of your right eye when someone said something you disagreed with, the quiet way you controlled your husband with a simple word or touch. It all mesmerized him. 
 What inflamed him the most was the few times your gaze would rise to meet his. The way you would peek at him through your lashes like a shy maiden, as if silently asking for his permission, then speak to the group of men. The power and intellect you kept hidden would be unveiled with your words. It was enough to make Ivar salivate every time. 
 Most women bothered Ivar with their whimpering or tedious nature, even most of the shieldmaidens made him want to plunge a dagger into them. But not you. You were not most women. Ivar swore on all the gods that you were a Valkyrie sent from Odin to bless him, to confirm his favor with the Aesir and his lineage tracing back to Odin himself. 
 Yet somehow you were married to that fool of a Jarl….and Ivar hated it. 
 "What say you, Ivar?" King Harald asked, drawing the prince back to the current conversation. The gazes of the other leaders weighed heavily once their eyes turned to Ivar, but instead of buckling underneath their inquiry, he thrived. 
 "I say why waste time and men? Let us lead a main force from the river like they expect us to do. A second force will attack from the north, hiding in the woods. My scout says there is a second smaller gate that their hunters use to leave the town. Because of its location, it is not well defended. Using that, there will be no need for a siege." He confidently explained his plan, looking around the meeting tent. A knot in his core tightened as he saw the corners of your lips turned upward in a brief smile and the bright gleam in your eyes. His plan was flawless, but seeing your approval bolstered his confidence, made him straighten further in his chair. 
 "Why did you not tell us about this second gate sooner?" An older earl demanded. His fingers tapped on the axe he wore on his hip, either purposefully threatening or mindlessly was yet to be determined. 
 The dark-haired prince rolled his head to the side, glaring at the man with malice in his icy blue eyes. "I waited until the information was necessary. If you sent your own scouts, they may have discovered it themselves instead of wasting their time drunk everyday we've been here."
 "A second gate is fortuitous for us." King Harald interrupted before the earl could respond. "We will lose less men. I will lead the main attack with my men. Ivar will lead the second attack since you were the one who brought this information."
 Ivar cocked his head for a moment then nodded. "Agreed." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jarl Haakon turn to you with a silent question in his look. Without hesitation, you give a single nod and your husband smiled. 
 "What are we standing around for then? We have Saxons to kill and glory and riches to earn. Let us prepare!" Jarl Haakon loudly proclaimed, making a couple of the earls chuckle. After that everyone began to disperse back to their own tents and warriors. Word would spread to prepare for battle the next day. 
 Catching Hvitserk's eye, Ivar motioned for his older brother to accompany him. Together, they walked out of the meeting tent and past groups of warriors, tents and cooking fires. The noon sun blared down on them, causing many to seek shelter under tents or tree canopies. 
 "What is it?" The flaxen-haired warrior asked, falling easily into step with his little brother. 
 Ivar hated how easily his brother could keep pace with him, while he stumbled along with his crippled legs and crutch. It was not Hvitserk's fault, but it was a resentment that Ivar still held nonetheless. Keeping his gaze forward, he grunted a vague reply. "I have questions."
 "Ah." Hvitserk ran a hand over his mustache as he surveyed the camp around them. After a moment, he spoke up again. "Anything to do with y/n?"
 Ivar snapped his head around to glare only to meet the amused look of his smirking brother. His upper lip curled up in a snarl but Hvitserk cut him off with a shrug.
 "What? You're not as subtle as you think you are. You're lucky her husband hasn't taken notice of your…. attention."
 "Shut up."
 "Alright…. we are going to see her though, right?"
 Ivar did not respond, instead he grit his teeth as he pressed on to his destination. Beside him, Hvitserk laughed but kept pace and any further comments to himself. 
 The two princes walked towards Jarl Haakon's tent. From observing, Ivar knew that the Jarl would be off with King Harald, talking to their warriors and finalizing their own plans. Without fail, he always postured himself to the forefront in speaking to their warriors, most likely to make sure his voice was heard just after King Harald and to boost his own ego. Even if his usefulness in making the battle plans was nonexistent. He was a warrior, through and through, but not a strategist. His value lied on his ability to wield his sword and axe on the battlefield.  
 To Ivar's surprise, you always retired to your tent right away after meetings. He witnessed on more than one occasion where your husband tried to convince you to accompany him, all to no avail. Oh, it was obvious your husband cared for you, but he also thrived on the jealous looks from others. His hand continuously rested on your lower back or around your shoulders, pulling you against him, dwarfing you with his larger frame. Frequently, he loudly proclaimed how he was gifted with a wife from Freya herself, making sure to steal a kiss as he laughed boisterously. 
 A coy smile danced on your lips but Ivar could see it hidden in the depths of your eyes, the annoyance and disgust by your husband's actions. You were a goddess on Midgard. That simpleton of a husband was not worthy of you. He should worship at your feet, begging for a moment of your divine attention. Yet, you were his lawful wife.
 And jealousy threatened to burn Ivar alive as he looked on.  
 The son of Ragnar was further enraged as he approached your tent to witness no guards posted in front of it. How dare your husband leave you undefended? He was even more of a fool than Ivar thought.
 With his usual arrogance, Ivar drew back the flap to your tent without calling out for your permission. As he stepped through, he could hear Hvitserk mutter something under his breath behind him, but still followed into the Jarl's tent.
 You stood next to a short table on the far side of the tent. Your hair was out of its typical braids, catching the prince's eye. An image of him running his hand through your hair flashed through his mind without warning. With the cloth in hand and the shallow bowl before you, Ivar knew he had interrupted your cleansing. 
 "Prince Ivar," you started, dragging the cloth down your neck sensually before setting it softly into the bowl. "My husband is not here at the moment. Would you like me to send for him?"
 "That's alright. It's you I'm interested in." He smirked as he watched you straighten further, a faint furrow between your brows. Your eyes continued to hold his, sending a thrill straight down his spine. He moved to the center of the tent, drawing closer as if magnetized by you. Leaning on his crutch, he tipped his head to peer at you. Lesser men would fear being alone with him, a Viking known for his bloodlust and cruelty but not you. There was no fear, no concern for safety in your eyes, only interest….and that amused and enthralled the crippled prince. 
 "I confess, I find your relationship with your husband…. peculiar. At first, I thought you were another pretty face, just another useless wife. But I see now, you are far more cunning and clever than you let on. Even now. Your husband is a fool, but he is intelligent enough to recognize he's need for you. So, I have been curious. Why are you still married to that oaf? I suspect there are far better suitors out there for you."
 You shrugged, taking a couple steps closer to the center of the tent. "It was the gods' will, and he is a good man." 
 "He's an idiot." Ivar deadpanned.  A muffled snort came from the direction of Hvitserk behind him but he kept his piercing eyes on you. 
 "Perhaps. He is still my husband."
 "Mmm….and do you care for your husband?"
 You glanced over at Hvitserk, who stood near the entrance, leaning against a pole casually, and then back to Ivar. For the first time, he saw uncertainty flash across your eyes but it was quickly subdued. "Why does it matter?"
 He moved closer until he stood before you, the sound of his crutch muffled by the furs covering the ground. "He is always touching you, but you never reciprocate. You are…. complacent. Tell me, honestly. Does his intellect bore you? Is that why you run back to your tent?"
 "Ivar…." Hvitserk said in warning, only to be ignored. 
 "Would you bore me?" You asked coquettishly, looking at him from under your lashes, making his heart race. "I find most men…. simple."
 "I think you know the answer to that." His mouth curved in an arrogant smile. "Is that why you steal looks at me during meetings?"
 "Or is it because I feel your eyes on me already?"
 Gods, he wanted to touch you. As you stared into one another's eyes, a silent conversation flowed between you two. It was now he finally saw what he hoped for, what he silently prayed for. A longing lay hidden in your gaze that matched his own. An understanding. A hunger that bespoke of adventure and passion. The torturous desire was enough to drive him mad with need but he refrained. He would make you come to him though, he would make you touch him first to prove your want for him. 
 "Is this…. are you two flirting?" Hvitserk suddenly asked, shattering the revealing moment. 
 "No, brother. I would never flirt with a married woman." Ivar took a step back from you, feeling the space like a chasm between you two. "I think my questions have been answered." He turned around and started towards the entrance. 
 In anger, most people revealed their true selves. He had learned that if he could say the right thing, push people the right way, their true selves, their true desires would manifest. So he decided to see if the meek wife you portrayed was accurate or just a mask, if he could draw that longing out from you. He turned his head just enough to the side to make sure you heard his next statement. "It seems you are just another pretty face after all."
 In the next step, the sharp edge of a dagger pressed to his throat froze his step. Shifting his head slightly, the edge dug further, almost piercing his skin. You stood just behind him, the dagger in your hand. 
 "I may not be a shieldmaiden but I am no helpless Saxon woman." You slowly, teasingly, dragged the dagger's tip further up his neck to his pulse point. The whole time he never removed his eyes from yours over his shoulder. The tension glided across his body, shooting a shiver down his spine. He wondered if the heated look in your eyes matched his own. If he licked his lips, could he taste the ardor saturating the air between you.  
 When you spoke again, it was with a low and titillating tone. Your breath brushed against his neck, the feeling of your body almost touching his- tormenting. His hand clutched his crutch with a white-knuckle grip, his self-control slipping away with each moment. "I always have at least three daggers on me…. would you like to try and find them?"
 "I do!" Hvitserk said, raising his hand, breaking the tension. "I volunteer!"
 You winked at Hvitserk before withdrawing the dagger from Ivar's throat and taking a step back. Ivar continued to watch you as your gaze met his again. "Do not assume just because you cannot see something, does not mean it is not there. I may look like the submissive wife but that is far from the truth."
 To say he was aroused was an understatement. Spinning on his heel, he faced you, not even trying to suppress the hunger bubbling up within him. "You had my curiosity. But now you have my attention."
 "And what does that mean, 'I have your attention'? Is there a prize?" You raised an eyebrow but the devious smirk betrayed your amusement. 
 "I always reward those who…. interest me." He shifted forward to gently reach forward and caress your cheek. A sharp inhale and the fluttering of your lashes at his touch proved his effect on you. Carefully, you tipped your head, leaning your cheek against his hand. Never before had he coveted you so strongly. His instincts screamed at him to take your hand and lead you back to his tent, to make you his forever. You were a free woman though; the choice was yours. He wanted you to choose him. 
 "You are too smart for that idiot. Leave him." He muttered, tracing a finger over the seam of your lips. 
 "It's not that simple."
 "It can be."
 You pressed a kiss to the tip of his finger. "And what will I do then?"
 "You can be my woman!" Hvitserk declared, placing a hand over his heart. 
 You giggled at the harsh glare Ivar threw his brother over his shoulder. 
 "What?" Hvitserk asked in mock innocence. “You know I would share, little brother!"
 "Hvitty, say another word and I will cut your tongue out."
 The flaxen-haired prince rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "Both of you need to work on your flirting. I did quite enjoy the little display you gave us, it's been far too long since someone threatened Ivar. We could make a shieldmaiden out of you yet, y/n."
 You stepped around Ivar to approach Hvitserk, much to Ivar's chagrin. He watched you give a quick peck on the cheek to his brother. Red began to color Ivar's sight, the tight grip on his crutch borderline painful.
 "I could make you very happy." Hvitserk said with a flirty wink, making you giggle. 
 The innuendo did not go over both Ivar and your heads. You smiled though, walking back towards the center of the tent. "I'm sure but I would hate to take that opportunity away from all the other women since I don't like to share."
 Ivar reached over and grabbed your arm, pulling you closer to him. The sweet smile lingered on your face but now directed at him softened some of his jealous anger. He cupped the side of your face, gazing down at you in something akin to reverence and longing. Silently, you placed your hands on his chest, staring up at him. He wondered if you caused his heart to beat or it beat for you. 
 "You fascinate me." He whispered, as if scared to utter the confession. 
 A sigh escaped you as you glanced downward at your hands on him. "If only we had met in another life."
 "Leave him. He doesn't deserve you. You deserve to be worshipped and recognized. Not treated as something to be shown off."
 "Perhaps one day." You lifted your eyes to meet his once more. "But I can't yet. An alliance relies on our marriage."
 He nodded, running his tongue along his bottom lip. It made sense. That would explain how you ended up married to the foolish warrior jarl. Lifting one of your hands from his chest, he pressed a lingering kiss to your knuckles, wishing it was your lips instead. Without another word, he started towards the entrance to your tent. His mind needed to process what it learned and how to best utilize that information for his plan. 
 Just before opening the flap, he turned back to you, surprised to see you still standing in the same spot but now rubbing your kissed knuckles across your bottom lip. Warmth and determination welled in his chest. 
 "Will you pray to the gods for our victory?"
 A smug smile curled the corners of your mouth. "I always do, but it is not necessary for who can defeat Ivar the Boneless?"
 He could not stop the grin from spreading across his face. "And do you pray for your husband's safety?"
 "That I leave to the gods."
 With one last heated look sent your way, he ducked out of the tent and back into the sunny camp.  
 "What now?" Hvitserk asked, walking beside him.
 "I need to talk with King Harald."
 "Ivar, you can't…. that’s…."
 He stopped to round on his brother, a scowl directed at him. "She deserves better than Jarl Haakon. Do you disagree?" He spat out, his wrath directed at your husband blazing once again. 
 Hvitserk sighed. "No, but…."
 "Then it's settled." Without waiting, he started in the direction of King Harald's tent. 
 Hvitserk rushed back to his side, falling into step. "So you'll pursue her after?"
 Ivar kept silent, mind already finalizing plans on how to best dispose of your husband. The battle coming up was the perfect opportunity, as if the timing was ordained and blessed by the gods. 
 "You won't be the only one. You're not the only man to watch her."
 Ivar sneered at the thought. "They will find themselves with my axe embedded in their guts if they even try."
 "So protective of her already and she is still another man's wife." 
 Ivar turned on his brother but Hvitserk just sidestepped the dagger aimed at his chest. 
 "If it's the gods' will for her to be your wife then I will help you." His older brother stated with his hands held up in surrender. "You know this. Besides I think you found your match with her."
 "She is…." The crippled prince started but his words trailed off. How could he adequately describe how you meant to him, how he longed for you, how he knew with you by his side he would be unstoppable and maybe for once in his life, actually happy. 
 "Is that Ivar the Boneless speechless? It must be love…. or the sun is getting to your head and you're going to be sick."
 "Shut up." Ivar snapped but without malice. 
 They walked for a few more minutes in silence before Hvitserk spoke up again. 
 "It will be pleasant to not hear his irritating voice anymore in meetings. We may be able to find an earl willing to just kill him for us."
 Ivar chuckled darkly. His thoughts returned to you and how he would willingly do anything to make you his wife. You were his Valkyrie, his goddess, you would complete him. Soon you would at his side, come death or Ragnarök, he would fight for you. 
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shinazugawaswife · 4 years
hi babes! can i please get something with Niall Horan the loml extra cute && fluffy
9. “Stop being so cute”
thanks sm! no rush! have a great day!🥰
A Sushi Disaster - Niall Horan
Thank you so much for the request!
I love this man so much and I was so excited to write for him, I hope you like it<3 There’s really no plot, it’s just Niall fluff
Summary: a night in with Niall
Warnings: a little smut, but not a lot, lots of fluff
Not my gif, creds to the owner
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Niall loved going out and partying from sunset to sunrise, doing a ton of shots and getting wasted. He loved hanging out with his friends and dancing all night long until his feet couldn't carry him anymore. But what he loved even more, was a calm night in with you, eating dinner and snuggling up on the couch watching a marathon of movies. The two scenarios were complete contrasts, but he never hesitated to choose you over any party or any group of people at any time.
He could never get tired of you and he wanted to spend every moment he possibly could with you. So when you'd asked if you could come over and spend the night, he'd immediately canceled the plans he'd had for dinner with a couple of friends and told you that you were always welcome, you didn't even have to ask.
Your relationship was still very new, and though you were both hopelessly in love, there were still boundaries you hadn't tested yet and things you weren't aware of about each other yet. Everything was so new to you, all the feelings you carried for Niall and all the simple things he managed to make so special. You were still nervous around him and the thrill of seeing him and being close to him still made your heart pound like crazy. He was everything you'd ever wanted and you already loved him so much. You knew that you were still in the honeymoon phase and there would undoubtedly come a time where you would disagree on something, but that didn't scare you, because you were certain that you and Niall could get through anything.
When you knocked on his door, not even two seconds passed before it opened and Niall appeared in the doorway, looking as handsome as ever. His light brown hair, which had gotten a bit darker during the winter, was a mess on the top of his head, but somehow it still looked perfect and matched with his attractive features. His eyes were a beautiful blue, matching the sea and always completely sweeping you off your feet whenever they met yours. His face was slightly bearded and you honestly preferred it that way.
He was wearing a white t-shirt with a black Nike logo in the middle of the chest and a pair of loose black shorts, reaching just above his knees. He was smiling as he looked down at you. "Hey baby" he greeted, his Irish accent always sending a chill down your back. There was just something about it.
"Hi" you answered sweetly, feeling a slight blush creep onto your cheeks, which tended to happen a lot when you were around Niall. You closed the space between you and kissed him gently, his hands snaking around your waist and pulling you into him, making you arch your bag slightly.
Your faces stayed close as you pulled apart, only a couple of inches between you. He brushed his nose against yours, "I've missed you" he closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of you in his arms. "You saw me two days ago" you giggled, but you had to admit you'd missed him terribly as well. "Way too long" he answered as he opened his eyes again, a smile still complementing his features, and his blue eyes boring into yours. You stayed wrapped in each other's arms, starring into each other's eyes for a minute, before you kissed him again shortly. "I've missed you too" you admitted as your lips disconnected and he winked at you before loosening his arms from around you and grabbing your hand instead, leading you inside and closing the door.
"I was thinking we'd make dinner together, hm?" He spoke as he lead you into the kitchen, keeping you close to him the whole time. "I'd love that" you agreed, "got anything planned?"
He shrugged before letting go of your hand and with a smug grin he turned around and opened the fridge, revealing all the ingredients needed to make sushi. You were taken aback for a second, did he want you to make sushi?
"Your favorite" he exclaimed excitedly and you couldn't help but laugh. "That's very sweet, but do you know how to make sushi?"
His eyebrows turned down in a frown and he looked confusedly at you, "no, but I thought you did?" he asked hesitant. You kept laughing, "I have no fucking idea" you admitted and walked over to him, placing a kiss on his lips, "but what can go wrong right?"
An hour later, everything that could go wrong had gone absolutely wrong. It hadn't seemed like such a hard task when you'd grabbed Niall's computer and searched how to make sushi, but you'd been very wrong, it was definitely a challenge. The kitchen was a mess, to say the least, and both you and Niall were absolutely exhausted. "I give up! This stupid thing won't roll" you sighed as you tried rolling the different ingredients into a sushi roll.
"This turned out better in my head" Niall mumbled as he tried getting the sticky rice off his fingers. "Aw baby, it was so sweet" you walked over and planted a kiss on his cheek. You looked back at your unfinished sushi before meeting Niall's eyes again, "how about we do takeout? Nando's?" You tilted your head with a smile. Niall's face lit up at the mention of his favorite fast food chain, "you know me so well" he answered with a smirk.
It didn't take you long to order, since you both had a standard order that you always got from Nando's. As you waited for the food you settled in the living room and started surfing through Netflix, looking for a movie to watch, leaving the mess in the kitchen to be dealt with tomorrow.
You were leaning against Niall's side, his arm slung around your shoulders, pulling you close to him. He looked away from the tv and down at you, "what do you wanna watch, baby?" He asked,  the hand in which he held the remote was resting on his thigh. You looked up at him, your faces so close that your noses brushed. "The Avengers" you announced with a giddy smile, already knowing that he would roll his eyes before he even did it. "Not that bloody superhero movie again" he complained with a groan. "Please?" You begged, looking into his ocean eyes. He tried to be persistent for a second, but quickly gave up. "Stop being so cute, I can never say no to you" he shook his head, but his focus was already back on the television, typing out The Avengers in the search felt on Netflix. Your smile was big as he hit play without further complaining, but you knew you were gonna have to listen to him ramble on about how stupid this movie was throughout the whole thing though.
"I love you" you told him, it just came out. His head turned back to you, his eyes slightly wide and a grin slowly appearing on his face. It wasn't because you hadn't exchanged the little phrase before, he just hadn't gotten used to hearing it yet, but god he loved it.
"Well, you better" he chuckled, "I'm watching this dumb movie for you."
You just smiled. You'd watched this movie a ton of times with Niall already, just because you loved it and though he made an effort to disagree with everything in the movie every time you watched it, you knew he didn't mind it. He just loved spending time with you, no matter what you were doing.
"I love you too" he finally said, his face slightly more serious, but the smile never fading. You didn't have to lean forward much before your lips met. The kiss was gentle and sweet at first, his lips so soft on yours, until he put down the remote and placed his now free hand on your cheek. He slid it back into your hair, pulling you closer as his tongue ran across your bottom lip. You parted your lips and Niall immediately deepened the kiss, moving his tongue with yours.
Your hands were on his neck, playing with the tiny hairs there which you knew drove him crazy. His hand moved from your cheek, down your body and grabbed your thigh, pulling you on top of him in a swift motion. You gasped at the sudden repositioning of your body, which made Niall smirk against your lips. He traced soft circles on our thighs with his thumbs, and you were kind of embarrassed that that simple touch alone could make you go absolutely crazy.
You moved your hands fully into his hair and tucked on the thick and silky strands that roamed between your fingers. He let out a hungry growl and moved his upper body forward so his chest met yours, sitting on the edge of the couch, you still on his lap. He moved his hands up and grabbed your ass and you both moaned at the same time as he pushed your crotch against his groin. The kiss quickly turned heated and more sloppy as you were enchanted by the pleasure from simply the movements of your hips on his, even though you were both still fully clothed.
He moved one hand from your ass and grabbed your neck gently, tilting your head and giving himself access to the soft skin. He left a trail of kisses down your jaw and stopped under your ear, where he knew you were extra sensitive, and you let out a moan as he sucked slightly, sending chills running down your back. He moved from the spot where there now was a little bruise and down your neck, his kisses open mouthed and absolutely fucking mesmerizing.
You'd never been with a guy who could make you feel as Niall did. He was experienced and he knew what he was doing, but that wasn't it, you'd been with other guys just as experienced and they'd never been able to pleasure you the way Niall did. There was just something special about Niall's hands on your body and the way he sucked, nippled and kissed your skin that could make you loose track of everything happening around you.
You kept grinding your hips against Niall's as he mumbled against your neck, "hmm feels so good pet." His lips met yours again in a hungry kiss and you were both so lost in each other that neither of you heard the doorbell as it rang the first time. The only thing on your mind was Niall's tongue moving with yours and the throbbing between your legs. You first noticed the sounds around you when someone started banging loudly on the front door.
You pulled away and looked around confused. You were out of breath, your chest heavily rising and falling. "What?" Niall asked, clearly having heard nothing, but you were sure... then the knocking sounded again and you both looked towards the sound.
"The food" you stated, finally realizing what was happening, the food had arrived. You looked down at Niall as he let out a whine, annoyed that the moment had been ruined. You giggled and kissed him once before getting off his lap and walked towards the door. Your legs were unsteady as you were still affected by the episode you and Niall had just had, but you made it to the door and opened it to see a young guy with an annoyed look on his face and a bag of Nando's in his hand.
"I'm so sorry," you apologized for the wait and quickly paid him, closing the door after you as you walked back into the living room with the food. As you unpacked your orders Niall couldn't help but smile, "I love that you eat as much as me" he said, making you blush slightly. Niall had once told you that he knew he was in love with you the first time he'd seen you eat, because you were the only one able to eat as much as him.
The movie had already been playing for thirty minutes, but you'd watched it so many times, neither of you had any problem keeping up. Niall watched you more than the movie, adoring your beautiful face as you concentrated on Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. arguing on the screen. Sometimes he would lean forward and place a sweet kiss on your cheek, loving how it always brought a rose color to your cheeks, and once you'd both finished eating, he wasted no time pulling you into him and you stayed like that for the rest of the night, in Niall's arms.
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narrators-journal · 3 years
warning: Light depictions of violence, Aku really admires Atsushi’s tiger (idk if it comes off as super sexual, so idk might be a bit monster-fucker-y) Nothing sexual or vulgar, just him being super into watching Atsushi kill.
edit: Had to fix some glaring formatting issues, also just editted some of the choppier bits of the text :D
Akutagawa had no clue why he was out looking for a pissy tiger gijinka at 10 pm, but he was. He wasn't super thrilled about it, to say the least. However, Dazai had called and explained that Atsushi had apparently had an awful day at work or something and then changed into a weretiger in the evening, and the bandaged ADA agent wasn't sure if that was intentional or because of the full moon, so it was now up to Aku to go find the weretiger and bring him back to his apartment before he could cause any trouble.
Any good mafia member would've told the traitorous sociopath to go fuck himself with a cactus, but some weird urge had led the goth to agree to return Atsushi home for his old mentor. Had him receiving the crybaby's address from his mentor and heading out into the darkness.
It wasn't that he still wanted acknowledgment, he'd gotten his praise and acknowledgment a few weeks before. So while he still highly respected Dazai, he wasn't out clicking his tongue into alleyways and lifting himself onto rooftops at such a late hour for his praise. It definitely wasn't out of concern for Jinko, he could care less if the brainless house cat got hit by a car or stuck up a telephone pole. No, what had Akutagawa out near the hellish docks was a lingering sense of curiosity. He couldn't exactly place what he was curious about that exact moment, but he was intrigued. So, he poked around until he finally spotted a familiar flick of white and black disappearing around the corner in the slums.
When he spotted the first signs of Atsushi, Akutagawa dropped to a crouch and crept forward until he could look around the wall to see a dimly glowing white tiger nosing through a trash bag he seemed interested in. With him distracted, Aku took the chance to move towards him, bringing Rashoumon to life once he was close enough. Either the energy or the light near-instantly drew the predator's eye, but either way, he was now staring into the golden eyes of Atsushi Nakajima, or, more so, his tiger.
In that dangerous, uneasy situation, it finally clicked. He'd wanted to see this. Atsushi's full tiger form. That's why he'd agreed to go hunting for him upon Dazai's request. Not only that but staring into those predatory eyes brought a new sensation through his body. Awe.
        "Jinko," He said, doing his best to sound calm while he internally battled a storm of fear, awe, and honest wonder. "Can you understand me?" He asked it nonchalantly, his grey eyes just staying glued to the tiger's golden gaze as he circled to face the vampire of a man properly. With no answer, obviously, Aku took a deep breath to steel his nerves before trying to reason with the creature again, "Listen, I know we don't get along, you annoy the shit out of me, I'm sure you dislike me just as much. But, Dazai sent me to try and return you home, so can you please cooperate?" He asked, but the answer he got was a pretty huffy tail lash and the creature walking past him and across the street to dig through more trash. And for a moment, Akutagawa was nearly mesmerized, forgetting what he was going to say. The hunter's movements revealed the powerful muscles just beneath its snowy, striped fur, it knocked home just how dangerous this car-sized cat could be. He hasn't attacked me though, the mafioso realized, normally Jinko would maul me on sight, but his tiger isn't. Not even a growl. The realization almost made a sense of honor well up in his chest as he followed the giant cat to the next bag of garbage he seemed intent on investigating.
For a bit, the goth trailed after the large predator, his original task abandoned, mesmerized by the sight of it moving so quietly despite its lethal claws and hulking, muscular form. However, his observations were interrupted when a realization hit him like a brick to the face, Of course! He's hungry! No wonder he's been digging through stray garbage bags and whatnot, he's probably looking for meat! He slapped his hand over his face at how obvious that had been, then, he whistled to the massive feline, coughing a few times before he spoke again,           "Would you like to actually hunt, Jinko?" The snowy ears of the creature perked at the mention of hunting, perhaps he can understand me to some extent, the thought was swiftly shelved for later though, he had mentioned hunting, he had no time to ponder how conscious his nemesis was as a likely impatient and hungry tiger. "If you follow me, I can take you to someone you can hunt," he offered, once again looking into the yellow eyes of the beast, almost able to see him contemplating his offer before he suddenly moved forward.
Akutagawa's first thought was that the car-sized feline was going to eat him instead, but no. In reality, Atsushi simply headbutted him in the chest, sending him sliding on his back across the pavement, coughing and wheezing from the air leaving his weak lungs so suddenly.             "J-Jinko!" he snapped between coughs, glowing red in his annoyance, but instead of being even slightly intimidated or on-edge from the show of hostility, Atsushi just continued to headbutt or nose him, pushing him along the pavement until the choking mafioso finally managed to put his hand on the cat's striped, moon-silver forehead, Holy shit, you're so soft, and shove him back enough to let him get back to his feet. "What are you doing Jinko? Don't nuzzle up to me just because I offered you food, dumbass!" he snarled, keeping his pale hand on the cat's head as he glared at him.
The two stood there for a moment, Akutagawa's glow intensifying when Atsushi pushed against his hand and made him step back to avoid tumbling over again, all the while the choppy-haired vampire was trying to decipher what the weretiger might be doing this for. It's not likely that he wishes to eat me. If he did, he would've pounced as soon as I was on the ground...That also means he's not looking for a fight. Could it be his way of thanking me for offering to take him to hunt? Is he just trying to NUZZLE me?? His cheeks heated like stovetop burners at the thought of the elegant predator showing him, his most hated rival, affection of all things. He could handle the tiger trying to maul him, half expected it honestly, but he didn't know how to feel about Atsushi nuzzling up to him as a thank you or otherwise.
It was only when he gave another attempt at a nudge that Akutagawa got the message at long last.           "Oh! You're wanting me to take you there!" He rolled his dark gray eyes at that and pushed himself away from the weretiger, turning around with a huff and starting to lead the way. This also gave his pale cheeks the time to return to normal in the cool night air, though his heart couldn't seem to stay at a steady, calm pace. It kept jumping and thumping unpredictably with the excitement of maybe seeing Atsushi on a proper hunt.
It was sure to be a fascinating sight, to see the massive feline crouched, creeping up on an unsuspecting victim, to see his muscles bunch with so much power just before lunging at the prey. He was excited at the thought of seeing the weretiger's lethal talons tear into a person, and his jaws crunch down mercilessly on his victim's bones. The sheer power of it. The fact that he had fought someone who could tap into that primal potential. He'd looked into such an animal's eyes, he'd seen the human intelligence mingling seamlessly with the animalistic cunning. Atsushi's razor-sharp fangs had been mere inches from such a vital part of his body, and yet he'd done no malicious harm. No, not a scratch. Aku couldn't place the feeling of awe and nebulous adrenaline-pumping thrill he got from it. From being so close to a beast who could end him without hesitation or issue, and yet he hadn't. All of that strength was so beautifully control-
The goth's thoughts were interrupted by another headbutt, this time to his spine, sending him sprawling onto the pavement with an indignant squawk.           "Jinko! Wha- Are you trying to get me to speed up, or fucking kill me?!" He snapped, scrambling to his feet with a small cough and a tidal wave of humiliation for the noise he'd made on his way down, but his only response was another nudge from the beast, one he swatted away. "Oh no! I am not jogging or running ahead of you! Quit acting like an impatient toddler," he scolded, dusting himself off while the tiger huffed like said impatient toddler.
With his own grumpy huff, he continued, leading Atsushi out of the slums and into the nicer parts of town. It wasn't the rich end of Yokohama, where the homes were capped with long driveways and wrought-iron fences or had names for addresses, but it wasn't the slums. The neighborhood they ended up in, while sparse of people on the sidewalk and road, thrummed with life within the safety of the nightclubs and bars that were scattered about. It was somewhere near the outskirts of town without being too far, around there Akutagawa would find the mafia's casino and the one rival casino whose owner was as equally a customer of the mafia as much as a rival.           "Alright, you stay here for a moment. I've got to go find your food. Don't worry, they aren't good, innocent people, so you shouldn't feel a lick of shame for eating them." He promised Atsushi, now standing a few buildings down in a wide alleyway from the rival casino. "You eat the men in suits to your heart's content, in return, I'll destroy the street security cameras." The creature made a noise he assumed was agreement, so he left him in the alleyway and began prowling the street, taking out cameras as he went until he'd not only left the whole street defenseless but also found the owner of the second gambling hall.
Once he'd located the man and his goons relaxing at an outside table, smoking and drinking their booze in front of the closed shop, he used a ribbon of his coat to slither over and knick the owner with the sharpened cloth, slipping away before he realized it was more than a simple bug bite or accidental scratch. With the fresh blood now on his coat, he slunk back to Atsushi, letting the striped hunter sniff the strip of cloth thoroughly before he hoisted himself onto the roof with Rashoumon.
From his vantage point on the rooftops, the wheezy goth could follow the weretiger as he prowled down the street, following the scent of blood until he too spotted the prey at the cafe table and fell into a hunter's crouch. The goth repressed his coughing and wheezing as much as possible, paused with the cat, his grey eyes fixated on the silent animal as he inched closer to the men.
It amazed Aku that neither the owner nor his goons noticed the rabbit-soft white-and-black fur of the weretiger, part of him wanted them to spot the beast before he pounced, just so he could watch them run and panic and really see Atsushi chase down his prey. Sadly, by the time the small group had finally realized they were being stalked, it was too late. Atsushi was already on them, tearing them apart, his powerful jaws turning their muscles to pulled pork in seconds, his talons tearing into them like a hot knife through butter. They tried to run, but they didn't get far before each one was picked off with one swipe of the dark claws, or powerful jaws of the predator.
Akutagawa watched the scene from the safety of the rooftop, his heart racing with excitement, his breath quickening as he grinned like a lunatic. Not even his subsequent coughing fit could ruin the absolute thrill that zipped through his blood at the sight of such a gorgeous, efficient predator crunching on bones like they were nothing, his white fur now stained a lovely shade of red. It took a moment for him to come back from that high and realize that his lightheadedness and shortness of breath had gone from pure elation to an issue, so he had to swiftly fish his inhaler out of his pocket and pull from it, hoping it was enough to open his airways so he would avoid the hospital. He was not keen on having to explain to a doctor what exactly had gotten him so hyper.
Thankfully for the pale mafioso, his inhaler worked. So, after a moment to catch his breath and regain his composure, he brought Rashoumon to life and used it to lower himself down to the pavement again, a safe distance from Atsushi, who was contently tearing the mafia's rivals apart and devouring their flesh. With one final calming breath, he slowly walked over to the beast, not getting a glance as he approached until he was beside the car-sized feline while he chomped at a bone until it splintered.
Once he was sure Atsushi wasn't interested in him, Akutagawa crouched down and gently, tentatively put a hand against his side, feeling the soft, silky, striped fur and perfectly honed muscles just beneath his pale fingertips.          "I can see why Dazai chose you...over me..." he muttered quietly, his eyes glued to the tiger's mouth, admiring his fangs as they worked at the bones and meat of the casino owner, "You are far beyond my power level. So much more controlled, so much stronger, so much more capable than I'll ever be." It hurt to voice these shameful realizations, but for some reason, Aku felt like he wouldn't be judged by the beast, even if it did understand his words, it wouldn't shame him for his admitting to his faults.
So, he just sat beside the tiger, running his hand over the beast's side, shoulder, even along its back, from snout to as far as he could reach behind him. Just taking everything about him in. The car-sized feline didn't seem to care at all, unbothered by the admiring pets, or when Aku grabbed his back paw to flex his toes and unsheath his talons. Some part of the mafioso still reminded him, He could still eat you next, but it did nothing to dissuade the child-like curiosity that fuelled his exploration of every deadly part of the animal, from tracing his muscles, to bringing out his bloodied talons, all while Atsushi ate his fill of his prey until nothing remained save for their shredded clothing.
The pale man simply gathered those up and ran a hand through his chopped up hair,             "I guess I should take you back to your apartment now before dawn comes." he mused, judging that they had about an hour or two before the sun rose and Atsushi likely changed back to his more pathetic, weak form. Aku looked at the weretiger, watching as the beast licked his chops and shook himself off, then turned with a sigh to head to the address Dazai had given him. Atsushi followed without complaint, padding alongside the goth, much more content, it seemed.
Once Atsushi was safely back in his own home, and the clothing was burnt and disposed of, Aku went home to his personal apartment, flopping onto the bed with a half groan, half sigh. Now that he wasn't running on thrills and curiosity, he was exhausted. His only thought before passing out was Never telling anyone of this.
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Sweet Voice ( Leo Valdez X Reader)
Summary: You have a passion for music and no one knows. But then Leo heard you sing, but he didn’t know who are you. Until he saw you at your own table for dinner. Then again, he heard your sweet voice.
G/P = Apollo
Warnings: A little swear words but all in all it’s all fluff.
Everyone knows Apollo kids love music, poetry and also have knowledge of medicine. And one certain child of Apollo is one of them - Y/N Y/LN. She is near the lake her guitar on her lap, music pad on her right side. She is humming a tone that has been stuck in her mind.
She strums her guitar beautifully with a nice tone into it. The Y/HC then starts playing on her guitar and started singing. No one knew that she has that kind of talent, yes she is a daughter of Apollo but people at camp only know her as a great archer. That’s all.
As she was singing and playing her guitar, Y/N didn’t notice someone listening to her sweet voice. And that is, Leo Valdez. The son of Hephaestus was mesmerized by your voice. He was about to go to Bunker 9 when he heard someone’s sweet voice.
“Wow,” Leo mumbled to himself still listening to your voice, he was enchanted by your voice, and him being Leo, accidentally step on a tree branch.
And so you stopped.
“Whose there?” You ask while standing up and look around to search for someone. But you didn’t saw anyone.
“Shit.” Leo cursed and without second thoughts he hides from a large tree. And so shrugged and fix your belongings. You then walked back to your cabin so that you could train for archery.
As you left Leo was still in awe because of the sweet voice that you have. But smack his head because he doesn’t know who you are. So he sighed and walked back to Bunker 9.
It was time for dinner so all of the campers are now eating and talking. Leo was still distracted because he was still thinking about you.
"Leo? Are you even listening?" One of his siblings asks him he turned around at his sibling and scratches his neck.
"No, um what is it again?" Leo answered and he started to listen to his sibling but then he saw you - at the Apollo table.
'She's a daughter of Apollo, of course.' He said to his mind.
After their dinner, Chiron then told them the annual camp sing-along would happen. But then Will spoke. “Um, Chiron one of my siblings suggested that we would show some of our talented singers at our cabin. If it’s OK with you, could we do it tonight?” Chiron smiled at Will and nodded.
“Of course you can Will!” All the campers cheered but of course, the loudest was the Apollo cabin. ”Alright heroes finished up your food and let’s all gather at the amphitheater.”
 All of the campers excitedly finished their food. Because they know how amazing it was to see the Apollo cabin perform.
But not you, you are a nervous wreck! No one in your cabin knows you could sing, hell! They don’t even know you have such talent in it. They just thought of you as a good archer. That’s it.
As all of you went back to your cabin, you are silent. “Hey Y/N are you OK?” Will asks you with such a worried tone. You gave him a smile and nodded.
“Yeah of course Will I am, don’t worry about me.” You answered him with a smile and went to your bed. As you went near, you sat down, and then you heard some of your siblings talk.
“Are you guys ready for your performance tonight at the amphitheater? Gods I can’t wait for tonight!” You heard your sister says while the others also gush because they are also excited.
But you of course. None of your siblings know that, because you’re a shy person. “Yeah, of course! I can’t wait to show you guys what I want to perform.”
One of your siblings then turns to you, while you were fixing your stuff. “ How about you Y/N? Are you going to perform?”
You turn around and shook your head no. "I'm just going to watch you guys. You answered him. Austin raises one of his eyebrows. 
Austin is one of the talented Apollo kids when it comes to singing, and he is also the one who keeps telling you to let out that hidden talent of yours.
Because he knows your hidden talent. 
The thing is though, you didn't know about that. He accidentally heard you sing inside the cabin when you think that you're alone. He looks over and when he notices that everyone was out. He then spoke."Really? You have a nice voice though, you should sing." You stopped what you're doing and looked at him.
"What the fuck? How did you -" but he then cut you off.
"First of all, language. And second, you're not smooth sister. Y/n I heard you sing. You have a great voice. You should sing, and let that talent of yours. You're a daughter of Apollo. I will put your name there, and no, you can't give me excuses." He then left and closed the door.
'Well, I'm going to exposed no matter what anyway.' You thought to yourself.
All of the campers are now gathered around the amphitheater for the performance. While Leo is still bothered about the girl that he heard.
"Seriously Valdez, what's inside your mind right now? I keep talking, but you're not listening! And before you say, nothing; I know there is something. So just say it!" Piper told him, Leo just rolled his eyes at his best friend.
"Oh just calm down beauty queen. It's just really nothing." He told her Piper just scoff and ignored him, which Leo is glad. After few minutes of chatting with their friends and siblings. 
They then heard Chiron cleared his throat.
"Good evening heroes, it is our annual camp sing-along. But before we start our sing-along, we will first hear the Apollo cabin's musical talented people." Everyone clapped their hands together.
The first one who performed was Austin, who everyone knows was one of the talented Apollo kids. Then Leo saw you - holding your guitar.
"Well, there's our answer to why Leo is not himself." Leo heard Percy sarcastically said and also heard his friends laughed.
"Really Valdez? My sister?" But he didn't hear Will's voice. Because you started strumming your guitar and then he heard you sang. Everyone was silent when they heard you sing.
"She's the one helping inside the infirmary right?" Piper asks, but Leo was still not listening.
"Yeah, her name is Y/N. I didn't even know that she sings. She's too shy to perform too. I guess Austin put her name to let her perform. " Will told her and smiled when he heard you sing.
When the song was over, your sister Kyla dragged you and all of your siblings were squealing because that was the first time they heard you sing.
"Just go over there Leo, we can literally see that you like her," Annabeth said. But Leo was too shy.
"Oh for the love of the Gods!" Piper said and dragged Leo to get to you."Hi, you're Y/N right?" I'm Piper, your brother Will's friend. This is Leo. He loves the way you sing. And he also wants to ask you out. Is it OK for you?"Piper smiled kindly at you, while you blushed.
"What - Piper! I - I me - mean wo -would you?"Leo stutters out and rubbed his neck, and you giggled.
I mean you already know Leo, because of how loud he is, and how he also helped out build things for the camp. Not saying any word, you nodded.
"Well that was good isn't it Leo? He will see you tomorrow, Y/N." Piper wink and dragged Leo away from you.
"I owe you big time Pipes," Leo said.
"Oh, you do. The daughter of Aphrodite said. And so, Leo was now excited about the date that he is about to prepare. And he can't wait.
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁
sᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: You’re a hydra experiment gone wrong. Not to mention Steve Rogers hates you; and you have no idea why.
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: angst, substance abuse, alcohol consumption, enemies to lovers kingda but not really, smut 18+  (slight praise?, a bit of pet names? protected sex ;), riding, cockwarming, choking)
𝒶/𝓃: might do a part 2 blurb, but i’mbeginning to run out of ideas so send some requests! also thanks for 100 followers!! :,)
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉: 3.3k
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You sat by the window of your  room with a cup of coffee as always wishing life would be different; but also not. You were grateful for your life you’re able to have now; being with the Avengers, learning how to control the powers you now possess. Grateful to have a home again.
Years ago you were out with your friends for the fifth time that week, getting drunk and high off of anything you could get your hands on. Your fiance broke off your engagement for his secretary; typical. You got fired from your job the week prior. You were days away from being evicted from your  apartment. You had no family; your life was falling apart. 
You were also the perfect target. Stumbling out of the club black out drunk and high as shit you were taken into the darkness never to be seen again. You woke up surrounded by darkness freezing, shivering from the cold. You had no idea where you were, what day it was, who was staring at you from the shadows.
“Welcome home,” the voice taunted you.
You spent years in that cell. They wanted you to possess dark magic. And you did, oh did possess alright. You remember that night like it was yesterday; that night haunted your dreams every night. 
You would sit in your cell, moving the toy blocks they left for you to use. You mostly practiced your magic with them considering no one taught you how to use them, they only wrote shit down whenever you saw them. No one ever spoke to you and whatever voices you did hear were whispers in languages you couldn’t understand.
Earlier that day so long ago, a ‘doctor’ injected you with this thick disgusting black liquid. They had been at  your door all day waiting for something to happen. But they got what they were looking for; experimenting on you for. 
Your back burned and ached as if  there were nails clawing at your skin. You screamed in agony, begging someone to help you, to take the pain away. You could see your once blue veins that ran through your body turn black.  Your skin ripped on your back, bruises forming, black feathers growing out your body.
Once they were entirely out of your body they applauded. They actually praised the ‘doctor’ who made you into this, this creature. They left you to deal with the pain. You shook in fear and agony. You had wings. Fucking black wings. 
They called you the Fallen Angel. You possessed the powers of Lucifer himself. You didn’t fully know it however.
Months later the avengers infiltrated the base. Natasha found you; you were severely dehydrated and malnourished. But you recovered quickly and here you were staying with the avengers fighting alongside them taking down bad guys and shit. 
There was a light knock on your door taking you out of your horrid memories. 
“Hey, babe,” Natasha opened your door and peeked her head around.
“Hey, Nat,” you replied.
“How are the wings?”
Since you’ve been with the avengers you’ve become happier with your life again and your wings started getting light in color, they’re still not white however and you don’t know why.
“Still gray,” you chuckled.
“That’s so weird. You haven’t done anything and that goop that was in your system is filtered out. What’s making them gray?”
“I have no idea. Anyway are we even sure they're supposed to turn white? I mean I’m no angel; I had a shit life before all of this happened. Maybe it’s just baggage.”
“But it makes sense, you know,” she defended.
“Not everything makes sense.”
“You hungry? Sam was thinking chinese takeout, Tony said shawarma and you’re the tie breaker.”
“Awe man, you guys suck. What do you want?”
“Shawarma,” she whispered.
“Ok. shawarma,” you agreed.
She grabbed your hand and led you to the living where everyone waited for the tie breaker. Your wings were so big and they dragged behind you every time you walked, ran, anything. It was hard sometimes, they were heavy too but you got used to it.
“She said shawarma!” Nat shouted.
Half the crowded cheer and the other half whined. Delivery came fast thankfully and everyone gathered on the couch, Tony putting a movie on while you guys ate. You sat with Bucky and Nat; usually Steve sits with Bucky but Sam was also on the couch next to Buck. 
Steve came up to you making your stomach drop; he was so handsome but here’s the thing, he hated you. Since you came to the tower, he always said they shouldn’t have brought you. That you were too dangerous and you could hurt someone; that hurt you. 
You spent so long hating yourself for what you became but with the avengers help, excluding Steve, you’ve been able to learn to start loving yourself and appreciate how you can use your powers for good and saving people. But every time your name came out of Steve’s mouth, it was degrading and you hated yourself a little more each time. 
And you don’t know why.
“I’m sorry?” you questioned, taken aback.
“I said move,” he said sternly.
“Steve, she was here first. Don’t be a baby. Go sit down somewhere else,” Nat said.
Steve stared at you making you look away in discomfort. He sat in the loveseat alone glaring at you like you had killed his mother or something. The movie continued however and people kept eating. Steve was still grumpy glaring at you whenever you laughed at a scene or said something out loud or literally did anything.
“Rogers, L/n. Briefing, now,” you snapped your head to the voice who was Nick Fury.
“You two doing anything?”he asked when you three were alone.
“We were-”
“Good,” he interrupted.
“I have a mission for you two. We’ve been getting hyperactivity on our radar at these coordinates for the past week now. We do have reason to believe it may be another hydra base trying to regroup maybe, get the band back together type of shit.”
“And you need us why? The rest of the team is in the living room,” Steve asked him.
“You two know hydra best and it’s too soon to put Bucky on a mission that involves Hydra. I’d like you two to complete this with no casualties. We have authorities ready to arrest them, they're just waiting for you,” Nick gave you both a file. 
“I want you both on the plane in 5. And please for fuck’s sake, try not to yell at each other. Y/n, Steve is your captain just do what he says,” He walked out of the room and you rolled your eyes. Whenever you guys go on a mission together he always has you stand back and even stay on the plane with Bruce sometimes. You more than once rejected his instructions; now thinking about it might be the reason he hates you… 
“Try not to kill yourself this time,” Steve said before leaving to suit up. 
The mission was going well and all fell into place. Until while the bastards were under arrest getting ready to be transported, one of the Hydra agents recognized you. He mocked you and laughed at you. Taunted you and brought memories of your time with them back to your mind. 
Tears formed in your eyes, you were so angry. You used your powers, developed from the darkness and began slowly killing him. He turned red and choked gasping for air. Steve watched you begin to get angry, feeling empathy for you. But when he saw you snap, he knew he couldn't trust that you’d cause trouble. 
“Y/n, stop,” he said. But you didn’t stop; you wanted the bastard dead.
“Y/n!” you ignored him.
Your brain drowning all sounds except your breathing and his lack of. Steve grabbed your arms and dragged you, you bursted into tears, memories and trauma flooding back. Steve was pissed that you couldn’t go a single mission without doing something you weren’t supposed to. But he also knew that what you had gone through was torture and he felt sorry for you.
He somewhat knows about the torture that Hydra has inflcited in the past. Bucky talked about it with him and sometimes still has nightmares about it. His behavior probably doesn’t make you feel better. He didn’t mean it to get this far.
When Nat brought you on the plane, he was hesitant. But he knew if they left you there you would die in no time. After you rested, ate, and cleaned up, he was mesmerized. You were very beautiful but Steve felt like because of Peggy he shouldn’t love another person. Like she would be mad if he moved on. 
So, he avoided you at first. Absence turned to frustration when you wouldn’t leave him alone like he had thought. Frustration led to insults and now you think he hates you with everything in his body. But he couldn’t feel further from hate for you. 
Sure, he got frustrated when you didn’t listen to him on missions; primarily because you thought he was being a dick on purpose to antagonize you. But when you came home, safely, and laughed with everyone about Bucky tripping and falling on his face, he fell in love a little bit more with you and your laugh. You looked so happy; without him.
But Steve can’t let it happen, so now he stomped away from you pretending to be upset over something so stupid. 
“Where are you going?” you yelled at him.
“I really don’t need your shit right now, Y/n,” he snapped.
“No, you’re gonna deal with it. It’s been more than a year, Steve! Grow up and talk to me like a real man! Why do you hate me so much?”
“Enough!” he boomed, scaring you.
“Leave me alone,” he said lowly, having more impact than if he were to yell.
“Please,” you cried, “Talk to me. What did I do?”
“You want to know the truth? You’re too powerful. You’re already reckless and if you knew the capacity of your abilities you'd become more reckless. If you’re more reckless you’ll die; and if  you die, that's on me. I can’t let that happen,” there was sincerity in his voice for once; the truth but not the one he wanted to really admit.
“That doesn’t explain why you hate me.”
“God I don’t fucking hate you!”
“Then tell me the truth!” you yelled back.
“I hate myself. I hate myself for feeling the way I do. It's not  fair to her.”
“Not fair to who?” 
“To Peggy.”
“I thought Peggy passed away.”
“She did,” he went into his room and sat on his bed head in his hands.
“I’m confused.”
“I can’t help what I feel for you; and that’s not fair to Peggy. I feel like I should still be in love with her but I’m not.”
You stood by the closed door listening to him. 
“You like me?”
“No, I think I fell in love with you. I thought I could stop by avoiding you but your so fuckin stubborn. You were determined to be my friend; and I don’t want to just be your friend. So I said a couple of mean things and it went too far. I never meant for you to hate me or for you to think I hated you. I was just stupid.”
“Yeah, it was little stupid,” he chuckled at what you said.
You walked towards him and stepped between his legs. He grabbed a hold of your hips and buried his face in your stomach. You held his head brushing your fingers through his hair softly. He looked up at you with soft eyes filled with regret and sorrow. You could tell he was frustrated.
“Is it wrong? To love you?” he whispered.
“No, Peggy wouldn’t want you to spend the rest of your life moping when  you could choose to be happy, like she did. She would want you to move on, live life. And that doesn't mean with me. I mean in general. Does that make sense?”
He nodded sincerely.
He slid his hands to the back of your thighs and sat on his lap. You gasped and your wings fluttered behind you, expanding with excitement. Steve chuckled at that and you buried your face in  his neck feeling embarrassed. He cupped his hand on your face and naturally  you leaned into his hand looking into his blue eyes. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
You simply nodded before leaning up to him to connect your lips with his. Your wings once again expanded; lightly ruffling against each other. You pulled away and attached your lips to his neck peppering light kisses all around. 
You connected your lips once again and it was Steve’s turn to attack your neck with pecks. You’ve alway worn shirts that were either very low in the back or cut to make room for your wings. Either way Steve slowly pulled your shirt over your shoulder trailing kisses along your chest and collarbone. 
“I really care about you, Y/n. Please let me show you.”
You hesitated only because it’s been so long since you had been intimate with someone.
“We don’t have to-” he started.
“No, I do. I really do; it’s just been a while, you know? Being held hostage and all,” you joked.
“I understand. We still don’t have to.”
“Steve,” you whispered in his ear.
“I want you. I want you to fuck me.”
You heard him growl lowly before he stood up with you and almost laid you on your back.
“Steve, I can’t lay on my back!” you laughed.
“Oh that’s right! I’m so sorry,” you both laughed for a second.
He set you down on your feet and stripped his shirt. Your eyes shot straight to his chest, your hands reaching out to touch his chest.  He smirked at you before taking his pants off leaving him in boxers; for now. He reached for your pants as well eyeing you to make sure he wasn’t moving to fast but after a smile and a nod he slowly pulled your own pants to join his discarded on the floor.  
He kissed your thighs that were slightly scarred from your time with hydra. He stood up and you pulled your shirt down off your shoulders letting it fall to the floor. Steve’s eyes watched your breasts. His hands reached for them as you did to his chest when he took his shirt off. 
You pulled in for another kiss until Steve had enough.
“I need to be inside you, baby girl,” he pulled his boxer down, taking your panties off after. He grabbed your hand sitting on the bed. His back leaned against the headboard and you crawled into his lap, your knees falling to either side of his hips. His hands rubbed up and down your thighs and hips.
He reached for a condom and handed it to you winking and smirking. You tore the foil with your teeth keeping direct eye contact with him, Steve getting harder and harder every second passing. Your took his cock in your hands, bigger than you thought it would be, and rolled the condom on squeezing a bit making his hips jerk up into your hand.
“Knock it off, pretty girl.”
You leaned forward and lined your entrance with his cock moving your hips around a bit teasing him before you actually sink down. Steve was so impatient though, he gripped your hips and thrusted quickly into you making you gasp loudly and moan not long after.
You moved quickly, breasts bouncing with each thrust. Steve groaned under you, fingers digging into your hips. 
“My angel. You feel so fucking good,” he grunted.
You simply whined and moaned, feeling euphoric being around Steve. Your wings moved along with you guys gracefully expanding further as you got closer to your oragsm. Steve’s hand moved up your body to wrap around your throat, his thrust getting more sporadic. He squeezed gently making your eyes roll back; your wings getting bigger.
“Your fucking perfect, angel. You gonna cum soon? You gonna cum around my cock?”
“Yes, Stevie. Oh god!” you moaned. 
Your moans got louder, echoing in the room. Skin slapping against each other mixing with the lude sounds of you both where you were connected. Steve released his hold on your neck and grabbed your waist moving wildly in and out of you. 
Your pussy pulsed around Steve’s cocked. When the pressure building in the pit your stomach finally bursted your wings fully expanded and your back arched. You felt Steve’s dick throbbing until it went soft inside you. You collapsed on his chest trying to catch your breath again. 
Steve moved you for a minute taking his cock out of you; discarding the condom in a trash bin. He grabbed a towel and iped you clean first then cleaning himself. He crawled into bed with you and you moved your knee over his hips as before making him laugh. 
“What’s wrong, angel?” you liked that name he gave you.
“Can you…?” you mumbled into his chest.
“What was that?”
“Can you put it back in?” you asked louder.
“My cock?” you nodded shyly.
“Anything for you, angel.”
You laid on his chest with his cock settled inside you and you dozed off. Steve lightly scratched your back after turning his bedside light off. Before he fell asleep he saw a soft glow of wings turning white. He questioned it but ultimately fell asleep. He’d ask you about it tomorrow morning.
You woke up with your head on Steve’s chest, naked limbs tangled with the sheets. Steve was on his phone, his hand scratching your head gently. 
“Good morning.”
“Morning, bug.”
“Sorry to keep you in bed,” you said sitting up; you pulled the sheet with you to cover your chest.
“Don’t be sorry, angel.”
“I’m really hungry.”
“Want to grab breakfast downstairs? We’ll come back up afterwards. We can cuddle some more,” Steve kissed you with a smile.
You stood up grabbing your shirt from last night and Steve handed you a pair of cledan boxers to wear. He dressed himself before walking with you downstairs to the kitchen. 
You walked into the kitchen first everyone’s eyes wide. You thought at first maybe it was because they might have heard you and Steve last night but Nat spoke up before you could ask.
“Your wings! Their white!”
“What?” you asked shocked. You opened your wings so you could see them in front of you to see that they were in fact white. 
“How did that happen?” Nat came up to you.
“They weren’t white last night.”
“They changed after you fell asleep, angel,” Steve spoke up; everyone’s heads snapping toward him, confused.
“They did?” you asked, he nodded and smiled coming up to you grabbing your hand.
“What the fuck?” Tony said.
“What the hell happened? I thought you guys hated each other?” Bucky asked.
“It’s a little complicated,” you said. 
“Ok but that doesn’t really explain why they’re white now,” Nat spoke up.
“I think it’s because I wasn’t truly happy and fully free of my past until yesterday. I was able to move on and now being with Steve now makes me happy.”
“Really?” Sam joked.
“Yes, really,” you laughed.
“This is gonna take some getting used to,” Tony said. 
“Did you guys…?” Nat asked suggestively.
Your eyes grew wide and you got hot. Steve only laughed which was enough of an answer for everyone. 
“As long as you’re both happy,” Bucky said.
“We are,” you looked up at Steve, wrapping your wings yourselves and shielding a heated kiss with Steve. 
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afalls14universe · 2 years
Eᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ Tᴡᴏ || Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Tᴡᴏ
━━━ everyone is a suspect.
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dedicated to my best friends
@mellowladyangel and @ifalls14 love you both!
❝ Lillian and Harvey reunite. Amelia keeps a secret. The students of Crestview meet Sheriff Greyson and Detective Nuñez and learn about the missing kids. Charlie and Lillian work on a murder board. Harvey is forced to spend time with Lorraine. A shocking secret is revealed.❞
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ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ || ʟɪʟʟɪᴀɴ
ᴛᴡᴏ ʏᴇᴀʀs ᴀɢᴏ
∘◦ 𖧷 ◦∘
    THE SOUNDS OF GIGGLES FILLED THE AIR. Lillian and Harvey laid on the floor in front of her bed in her old bedroom, the walls a white color with flowers and other floral designs added on to it. Listening to old records on Lillian’s record player, Harvey moved his arms to the music foolishly while Lillian laughed harder and covered her eyes with her hands. This would be the first time since Lillian and Harvey started going steady that Harvey had ever been in her room. 
    Looking at her right now, Harvey watched the crinkles on the edge of Lillian’s eyes as she laughed. He smiled to himself, she was mine, and I was hers, he thought. The music seemed to fade; they both looked into each other’s eyes, Harvey drowned in her ocean blues, and Lillian drowned in his dark browns. 
    “Lillian,” Harvey’s voice spoke as if it were a whisper, to Lillian it was. “I love you.” Those simple words meant everything in that moment. “Harvey.” Lillian spoke, her voice full of emotion. To Harvey, it felt like it was being echoed, louder, and louder… 
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ || ʜᴀʀᴠᴇʏ
1982- ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛ ᴅᴀʏ
∘◦ 𖧷 ◦∘
“HARVEY?” IT GOT LOUDER. “HARVEY?” At the mention of his name, Harvey was brought back to reality. Standing before him was Lillian, standing a foot away from him. Her ocean blue eyes sparkled in the early morning sunlight from the stained glass window above her. 
Harvey looked at Lillian in awe, she truly was a sight for sore eyes in front of him, her blonde hair rested on her shoulders in tight curls, her bangs covered most of her forehead.
“Hi,” Lillian spoke first, unsure of what to say. “It’s good to see you.” She smiled.  Lillian and Harvey stared at one another as if they were trying to make sense of it all. It had been so long that neither one of them almost didn’t recognize the other because of how much they both changed. 
“It’s good-” Harvey paused and cleared his throat, “It’s good to see you too, Lil.”  Lillian smiled at the mention of her old nickname. “Your hair is nice.” Harvey said, referring to Lillian’s new hairstyle.
“Thanks, I’m thinking about getting a blowout the next time.” Lillian and Harvey laughed. It had felt like a few moments had passed before Harvey spoke up again. “I heard about your grandmother, I’m sorry for your loss.” Harvey looked down at the ground in sadness, he knew exactly how it felt to lose someone you love. 
“Thanks,” Lillian said quietly. “I’m sorry about your mom. I know it must’ve been difficult, and I should’ve been there.” The last time Lillian had seen Yvette was before she died, Lillian had been living in California at the time so she missed the funeral. Even though they weren’t together anymore and Harvey had broken her heart, she still had a place in her heart for him.
“It’s alright, it wasn’t your fault.” Harvey simply said
“I heard your dad got remarried.” Lillian said. That topic stung Harvey’s ears. “Yeah, don’t really like her that much.” Harvey said sarcastically, Lillian thought he was joking but deep down Harvey was telling the truth. Despite how Harvey felt about Lorraine, he couldn’t help being mesmerized by the sound of Lillian’s laugh, how her eyes crinkled at the edges, her smile lines more enhanced and sharper. He missed seeing her laugh like that, especially when he was the one who made her laugh like that. It made Harvey angry when all he could think about was Lillian the night they broke up. The flashbacks of that night ran through his brain over and over again without stopping. The pain that she felt was hurting him. Every single day Harvey still found himself wishing he hadn’t left, reliving the moment of walking away, his legs being pulled by a magnet back to her. Oh how he wished he could go back in time. Relive all those glorious memories. 
Suddenly the sound of the school bell sounded in Harvey's ears and he knew it was time for them to part ways. “So I guess I’ll see you around then?” Lillian suggested. Harvey smiled, “Yeah you will.” 
And with that, they went their separate ways, but not before both of them stole glances at each other.
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ || ʟɪʟʟɪᴀɴ
∘◦ 𖧷 ◦∘
    “GOOD MORNING STUDENTS!” Headmaster Blake’s voice boomed over the gymnasium full of students. “I am very thankful that we are glad to gather here given the recent tragedy that happened over the summer break. As many of you have already known, two of our brightest students, Enid Stuart and Campbell Browning, went missing unexpectedly just before the start of the school year.” Headmaster Blake paused, looking at the crowd of students in front of him piled up in the bleachers. 
Lillian listened in as Headmaster Blake discussed the summer incident. Looking around, Lillian noticed several students whispering about the missing kids and that only ignited the fire that sparked Lillian’s curiosity. Lillian looked past Marigold’s shoulder, whom she was sitting next to, and saw Harvey sitting by Charlie, somewhat in his own world. 
    “And now,” Lillian heard Headmaster Blake speak, “I would like to introduce Sheriff Ian Greyson and Detective Lara Nuñez. They will be going around asking each student some questions regarding the investigation, soif anyone knows anything regarding the investigation, please let either myself or Sheriff Greyson or Detective Nuñez know immediately.  Have a great first day and great year.” The students applauded and then made their way back to their classes before the bell for third period rang. 
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    Lillian got up from her spot on the Bleachers and made her way out the double doors with Marigold following behind. “So.” Marigold spoke, making Lillian turn her head. “There’s this party next Friday night, will you go with me?” Marigold asked.
    “Why?” Lillian asked.
    “I don’t want to go by myself, plus Charlie said he was going to go with us so we won’t technically be alone.” Marigold explained, smiling mischievously.
    “I’ll think about it. It isn’t a no but it’s not a yes either.” Lillian said. Marigold squealed in excitement and took hold of Lillian’s right arm as they walked to third period. Lillian sighed, she knew whether she wanted to or not that she was going to this party. 
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BOTH SHERIFF GREYSON AND DETECTIVE NUÑEZ interviewed each student separately and together in one of the empty classrooms. First it was Lillian, who stated that she never really knew Enid and Campbell that well, and that she was in California when the kidnapping happened. 
Then, it was Marigold’s turn, who explained that she only knew Enid from the cheerleading and debate team and that she last saw her with Campbell in the hallway arguing, to which both Detective Nuñez and Sheriff Greyson found interesting and suspicious.  
Next they interviewed Grace, who seemed a little unedge, often looking around the room or playing with her fingernails- a bad habit that she was trying to get rid of- or placing a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.  Then they interviewed Harvey, who explained that he had fixed Campbell’s car once and that the last he saw them both was at the diner, the night they disappeared. When they got to Charlie, he explained that he had tutored Enid on Chemistry, but what he didn’t mention was that Campbell was his stepbrother.
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    THE LAST TO BE INTERVIEWED WAS AMELIA, who was sitting in the chair in the desk in front of Detective Nuñez while Sheriff Greyson went to get coffee. Amelia  fiddled nervously with the charm bracelet containing different charms that she had received for her sixteenth birthday, afraid of what to say.
    “So, Miss Brighton, I understand that you knew the victim?” asked Nuñez, her thick black hair resting on her shoulders. Amelia didn’t know what to say, she knew both of the victims very well.
    “Well,” Amelia began to say, beginning to pull on the charms. “Enid was on my cheerleading squad, one of the best flyers too. And Campbell,” Amelia paused, thinking about Campbell. And the time she spent with him during the summer. She could still remember the feeling of his lips on her neck, the smell of his scent in the air. “Um, I didn’t know Campbell that much.” She lied. Amelia felt the words come up as vomit, she didn’t mean to lie but she was afraid of what would happen if anyone found out about what she had done.
    “Okay well if there’s anything you remember here’s my card.” Nuñez said, handing Amelia her card with the number of the sheriff station on it. “I will, thank you.” Amelia quickly took the card and walked out of there as fast as she could, without Nuñez suspecting anything. Amelia had to get out of there, and fast. Running to her locker, Amelia leaned her head against the cool metal, breathing in deeply.
    “Rough morning?” A voice beside her asked. Amelia turned to the voice and saw a boy about her age, maybe a little older standing next to the water fountain next to Amelia’s locker. “I’m sorry. Do I know you?” Amelia asked, sarcastically. 
    “The name’s Easton. Easton Daring.” Easton shook out his hand for Amelia to shake. Easton had dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and a cocky smile. Easton was a stoner and sometimes a player, given his mood. “Well I’m not looking for a fix so you can just buzz off.” Amelia said, fixing her bangs and pink halter top before turning towards Easton, her gold and silver bracelets jingling as she moved. 
Amelia had to admit though, Easton was very attractive but she was with Elias, but she didn’t mind the desire of other guys fancying her.
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    CHARLIE KEPT LOOKING THROUGH THE STAINED GLASS in hopes of finding the person he was looking for. “Charlie, I’m sure she’s on her way.” Marigold reassured, eating a bag of gummy bears. “She said she’d be here 5 minutes age.” Charlie answered back, leaning against the door to The Violet Hour Room. 
Giving up, Charlie walked back over to Marigold who was sitting at one of the desks, watching him with attentive eyes. Suddenly, there was a quiet knock on the door, making Charlie jump up from his spot on Marigold’s desk. 
    “Hi, sorry I’m late, calculus took forever.” Spoke Lillian, smiling as she came through the door. “It’s fine, Charlie here was about to send out a search party for you though.” Marigold teasingly smiled. The trio laughed until realization of Enid and Campbell’s disappearance hit them  and their smiles dropped. 
    “Speaking of them,” Charlie paused, walking over to a board covered by a blanket. “This is what I needed to show you guys. No one else knows about this and if the police found out it would make me look suspicious.” Charlie said as he pulled the blanket off revealing a series of photos, notes held together by red string, all connected to the missing kids.
    “Um, Charlie, what is this?” Marigold asked, puzzled.
    “A murder board obviously.” Charlie replied. Lillian and Marigold looked at each other, trying to piece together what Charlie was saying. “Okay.” Lillian and Marigold said in unison, dragging out the last syllable. “But what is it for?” Lillian asked. 
    “Enid and Campbell disappearing changed Blue Haven. All people ever talked about is will they ever be found instead of pep rallies or the town’s 80th anniversary. Blue Haven has changed, we all feel it.” Charlie explained. “So what can we do to help?” Lillian asked, smiling.
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    HARVEY WATCHED AS STUDENTS made their way into that classroom that was English. “Hey man, I heard that we’re getting a new English teacher, and that she is hot.” Charlie said, causing him to receive a flick to the of his neck from Marigold as her and Lillian to their seats behind him and Harvey. “What I meant was that she’s hot if you’re into that cougar type thing.” Charlie said, defending himself. 
Harvey laughed, patting Charlie’s shoulder before stretching, “Nice save bro.” Just as he said that, the rest of the class made their way into the classroom followed by Grace, her friend Faye, Amelia, Elias, and stoner Easton. Suddenly, a feminine voice was heard as the new English teacher walked in the room, closing the door behind her. Everyone in the room, including Harvey and his friends, looked to see who their new teacher was.
“Alright everyone,” She called, getting the students attention as she wrote her name on the chalkboard. “My name is Mrs. Abbott-Caraway but you can call me either Ms. Abbott or Ms. Caraway.” She spoke. Harvey swore under his breath as he stared at the women in front of him. 
“Harv, isn’t that your mom?” Marigold asked, tapping Harvey on the shoulder.
“My step-mother.” Harvey corrected through gritted teeth, angered at the fact that he not only had to spend time with Lorraine at home, but now at school as well.
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MARIGOLD RODE HER BIKE ON THE STREET where her house belonged to. Marigold parked her  bike in the driveway of her house. Marigold’ s house was painted white with black painted shutters and a blue door.  It was surrounded by large cherry blossom trees that looked vibrant in the springtime. Walking up the front steps, Marigold held up the newspaper that read, “STILL NOT FOUND! LOCAL OFFICERS INVESTIGATE STUDENTS OF THE VICTIMS…” with a picture of Crestview Prep on the cover. Sighing, Marigold shoved the newspaper into her purple crossover body bag that she used as a backpack.
Purple and Yellow were Marigold's colors. In almost every one of her paintings the colors were in it. 
That was her thing too, painting.
Marigold walked around the back of the house to the back door and walked inside. As usual, several dishes were piled up in the sink, a thick layer of dust on the bookshelves in the hallway, there's a film of grease around the stove, and the sound of the tv playing could be heard. And Marigold’s mother was nowhere to be seen. 
“Mom?” Marigold called, placing her bag on the bench next to the door. Marigold checked the living room. No answer, an unsettling feeling washes over Marigold as she walks further into the house. “Mom!?” Marigold out again, this time getting a response. 
“Down here.” A voice replied, coming from at the end of the hallway. Entering her mother’s bedroom, Marigold found Claire, her mother, sitting in bed, the blankets covering her legs, wrapped up in her mint green robe, her shoulder length dark brown hair flowing on her shoulders. 
“What are you doing?” asked Marigold, noticing her mother’s somber facial expression as she flicked through the TV channels of their brand new TV while eating chocolate ice cream. 
“I can't decide whether to watch Family Ties or Three’s Company.” Claire replied.
“You’re eating my ice cream.” Marigold pointed out. “Dad bought me that on Saturday. 
“Yeah well you can ask your dad for more. Wherever the hell he is right now.” Claire replied. Claire and Marigold’s father, Wilson, are going through a divorce after Wilson was caught cheating six months ago. “He’s at a motel on Forest Street.” Marigold answered. The room was quiet for a moment until Marigold spoke up again.
“Mom, I need money.” Marigold said, getting straight to the point. “Why do you need money?” Claire asked, looking at her daughter. “For the cheerleading competition in San Diego in December.”  Marigold explained. “It’s 250 dollars all together.” 
“Mari, we don’t have that kind of money.” Sighing, Marigold took that answer as a no as she made her way down the stairs to the basement to her bedroom. The basement was fairly nice looking and warm down there so Mari had no trouble sleeping down there. 
Turning on her bedroom light, the color illuminating a soft yellow hue to it. Paintings littered everywhere as Marigold had yet to find space for them, her double sized bed is covered by a white and yellow striped comforter with a multi-colored striped blanket laid across the bottom. Her walls had nice tan wallpaper that contained pictures of her life.
Several pictures of her and her friends hung in her room, her and Lillian in third grade, her and Charlie at the Midnight diner- something about that picture made Marigold favor it more, maybe it was the first picture taken of the pair after Lillian had left, and a picture of Harvey on his 13th birthday, right before his mother had gotten sick. Looking at those pictures sometimes made Marigold sad, if only things were different she often said to herself. But things were definitely different. But for the worst…
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Dear diary…
So far my time back here has somewhat given me 
a strange feeling, like something has changed in Blue Haven. 
LILLIAN WROTE THESE WORDS DOWN IN HER DIARY. Being back home made her both happy but she also felt like something evil was lurking in the small town. Thinking about the conversation she had between her, Charlie and Marigold, she thought about the fact that two teenagers went missing and no one has neither  seen nor heard from them since the summer. Then she thought about all the possibilities of where they could be or worst case scenario, the possible suspects to their case. 
Suddenly her mind drifted away from the investigation to Harvey. Seeing him again made her feelsome kind of relief, maybe it was because she had finally moved and her heart was healed enough for her to talk to him without bursting into tears, or maybe it was something else about how she felt about seeing again after two years. But whatever it was she could put her finger on it. 
Lillian looked at the little clock on her bedside table that read 4:20 pm as she listened to her little walkmen that laid on her bed next to her unfinished homework, nodding her head to the song Nobody by Sylvia, Lillian continued to write in her diary before Cat entered the room.
“Lili, there’s someone on the phone downstairs, said it was important and that they need to speak to you right now.” She explained. “I’ll be right down.” Lillian answered, placing her pink pen in her diary, securing her place. Making her way downstairs, Lillian spotted James, trying to hook up the tv in their living room.
Then she made her way into the kitchen where Nancy stood drinking a glass of wine after just getting off her shift at Blue Haven General Hospital. Lillian smiled at her mother before going over to the phone hanging up on the wall and putting it against her ear.
“Hello?” Lillian replied.
“Lili, it’s me, Marigold.” Marigold’s voice spoke through the phone. Lillian smiled, she knew exactly what Mari was calling about. 
"So, about that party Friday night," Marigold went on to say.  “Are you going with us?” Lillian could hear her smiling through the phone. “But us, you mean-” Lillian trailed off. “Me and Charlie of course. Who else?” Mari said, matter-of-factly.  
Sighing, Lillian Lillian sighed, she knew whether she wanted to or not that she was going to this party. So she laughed and answered, “I guess so.”
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    CLOSING HIS LOCKER DOOR, HARVEY made his way to the empty and quiet hallway to the English classroom, the room he would dread going to every day. Stopping in his tracks, Harvey looked in the classroom window and saw Lorraine standing there, buttoning the last button on her blouse. Harvey watched in horror at what he saw. Lorraine kissing another teacher. Harvey always knew that there was something off about Lorraine, a young woman like her marrying Jack? A man half her age? 
    Harvey waited outside the classroom, acting as if he had seen nothing and waited for Lorraine to walk out. Leaning his head against the wall, Harvey began to think back to when his life was easier. Back when his mother was alive. He can still hear her voice now, her laughter as it filled an entire room. Harvey’s thoughts were pulled away when the sound of the door opening was heard and both Lorraine and Mr. Fisher, the biology teacher, walked out.
    “Oh Harvey, how long were you standing there for?” Lorraine asked, innocently hoping he didn’t see their scandalous affair, and he did.
    “Only a few minutes.” He spoke, his body growing tense the longer he stood there.
    “Well, we better get home then. Your dad’s planning on taking us out for dinner tonight.” Lorraine spoke. The drive home was silent and awkward between Harvey and Lorraine as she drove the both of them home. Harvey sat in the passenger seat, feeling on edge. He contemplated whether or not he should tell Jack about what he saw, his mind racing with different scenarios about what could happen. Pulling into the driveway of their house, Harvey immediately got out, closing the car door behind him. Harvey walked up the front steps of his house and pulled out his house key, opening the door only to be greeted by his golden retriever, Zeus. 
“Hey boy.” Harvey replied, scratching the dog behind his ears. Harvey made his way down the hallway towards the kitchen, Zeus following behind him, and searched for his father. He sighed in relief when he realized that Jack wasn’t home yet. It meant that he didn’t have to tell him about what he saw. 
Even though Harvey hated Lorraine, and she hated him, He knew that Lorraine made him happy and he didn’t want to take that away from his father, especially after losing his mother. But Harvey knew, deep down, that he had to at least confront Lorraine. 
Looking at her as she took a sip of the glass of wine she poured for herself, Harvey cleared his throat and leaned against the kitchen island. 
“I saw you.” He spoke, his voice laced and thick with anger. Lorraine stopped drinking, immediately frozen. “Saw what?” She spoke. Harvey rolled his, it didn’t surprise him that Lorraine played innocent.
“I saw you, in the classroom with Mr. Fisher.” Harvey watched as the color from Lorraine’s face drained. She was caught and Harvey knew that. “Now I won’t tell Dad, just yet, but I know that he doesn’t deserve this trash.” 
“Well, Harvey,” Lorraine paused, walking over to where Harvey stood. “You and I both know that what you saw was just me having a brief conversation with a teacher. And if you so just as breathe a word of this misunderstanding,” Lorraine spoke lowly in his ear, grabbing a hold of Harvey’s hair, pulling it backwards. “There will be consequences.” Lorraine finished.
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    LILLIAN WALKED TOWARDS the back of the library, Harvey following behind her. “Come on.” Lillian spoke to Harvey, looking back at him to make sure he kept up. The back tables were Lillian and Harvey’s favorite place in the whole library. It meant they could be as loud as they wanted while they played on their gameboys or studied for upcoming tests. Sliding in their seats, Harvey and Lillian laughed before they were told ‘shh’. Lillian let out a cackling laugh as she opened up her English binder that contained her homework. 
“How much laughing juice did you have this afternoon?”  Harvey laughed, leaning forward on his forearms. Laughing juice is the pair’s way of saying Pop, especially since it made Lillian extremely giggly whenever she drank it, it was a private joke of some sort. Both Lillian and Harvey were the age of fourteen. Lillian had braces and Harvey had glasses. 
    IT FELT AS IF TIME HAD STOOD STILL in Harvey’s eyes as he watched Lillian chew on her pink pencil. For as long as Harvey could remember, Harvey and Lillian had been best friends since they were in grade one. Harvey would watch as little Lillian would walk into the classroom, wearing pigtails in her hair. Harvey alway felt that his feelings for Lillian were just strictly platonic but as he kept looking at her, and listening to her laugh at the things he would say, it made him realize that maybe, just maybe, they weren’t just friends.
    “Harvey?” Lillian called, breaking him out of his thoughts. “Were you listening to me?” She asked. “Mhm hmm.” Harvey replied, nodding his head. “I was just thinking about something.” 
    “Thinking about what?” Lillian asked, eyes glued to her English notes. “I want you to make me a promise.” Harvey said, getting straight to the point. “Promise me that no matter what, we’ll never leave each other.” He finished, looking directly into Lillian’s eyes and held out his pinky towards her. 
“Promise.” Lillian smiled, linking her pinky with his. They leaned in and rested their chins on their hands, looking deeply into each other’s eyes. Neither one of them knew it yet, but one of them was about to break that promise…
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    PARKING HER RED CONVERTIBLE in the driveway of the Brighton Estate, Amelia slammed her car door shut, making her way into the huge mansion. Brighton Estate was a fairly huge land that the Brightons owned, hence the term “Brighton Estate”. The house was large and painted white and far too many windows to count. The driveway went around in a loop with a big fountain in the middle, a statue stood on top. Several cars were  in the driveway and Amelia noticed that they were her mother and father’s cars. 
    Opening the double doors to the house, Amelia sighed. 
    “You’ve been acting strange ever since those officers were at school this morning.” Amelia’s best friend, Kathleen asked. “Something bothering you?” 
    “I’ll explain it later.” Amelia answered and right on cue, Amelia’s mother, Adele walked down the large marble staircase. Adele was in her mid forties who had luscious red hair in thick curls, blue eyes and a dazzling smile. Adele was one of the richest women in town and her family practically owns half the town. 
    “Ah Mother!” Amelia called out to her as Adele made her way down the stairs. “Kathleen and I have some homework to do so we’ll be busy for a while.” Amelia lied. They weren’t going to study at all, instead Amelia had something to give to Kathleen, something very important and very incriminating. Leading the way up to her bedroom, Amelia opened the white double doors to her master bedroom. Amelia’s room consisted of her three favorite colors: pink, white, and red. Her queen sized bed sat in the middle of her room with her pink furry bench at the foot of her bed, a box of shoes laid open from that morning.  Several  floor lamps stood in the corners of Amelia and her vanity table sat on the opposite side of her room. Double doors lead the way to her balcony which overlooked the swimming pool area outside. Basically everything you could think of in a rich popular girl’s room.
“Okay.” Amelia said, placing her purse on her bed. “What I’m about to show you, you can not tell anyone, my parents included. Even the police or your parents.” Amelia said, looking at Kathleen. 
    “I promise.” Kathleen said. Amelia went over to her walk-in closet and pulled out a box. Opening the box, Amelia pulled out a single tape. “What is that?” Kathleen asked, pointing to the tape in Amelia’s hand. 
“It’s a tape. Of me and Campbell… this summer.” Amelia said. Kathleen looked confused for a second before it all clicked in her head. “Oh my god!” She gasped, covering her hand with her mouth. 
“Shh! Keep your voice down, my parents are downstairs.” Amelia whisper-yelled. 
“Why are you showing me this? Is this what you were stressing over all day today?” Kathleen asked. 
“Yes and I’m showing you this because I somewhat trust you to keep your mouth shut and not say anything to anyone. If the police find out about this then I could look guilty. And if my parents find out, well you know they’re crazy.” Amelia explained.  “You already look guilty by having that but I promise I won’t tell anyone.” Kathleen said.
If only Amelia hadn’t shown that tape to Kathleen, maybe she wouldn’t be in the mess she is in now…  
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    THE MUSIC ON THE JUKEBOX PLAYED in the background of The Midnight Diner. Harvey sat in the seat across from Jack and Lorraine and watched with a hidden disgust as the couple shared a quick kiss, it almost made him want to vomit. Especially after what happened that afternoon. Harvey desperately wanted to tell Jack right in front of Lorraine about what he saw but he took one look at Jack’s face and he saw how happy his dad looked and decided against it. When the time is right. He thought.
    Harvey played with the straw in his milkshake glass as he continued to listen to Jack and Lorraine talk. Maybe if she wasn’t after my dad’s money, she and I could actually be friends. Harvey thought. 
    Just then, the bell rang, signaling that someone had entered the diner. Harvey looked past Jack’s shoulder and saw who walked in. Her blonde curls rested on her shoulder, she didn’t have on the clothes she wore to school but she did wear a pair of old blue jeans and white t-shirt and long denim coat over it. Despite what she wore, Harvey always found her beautiful in his way, together or not, it didn’t matter to him. As soon as Lillian entered the diner, Lillian spotted Harvey right away, walking over to their booth.
    “Hey Harvey.” Lillian smiled. “Hey Lillian.” Harvey greeted her.  “Dad, do you remember Lillian, she and her family moved back from California.”  “Ah! Lillian! It’s so good to see you. Last time I saw you, you were just a little girl with braces and pigtails.” Jack laughed, getting up from his seat and hugging the young girl. “This is my wife, Lorraine. Lorraine, this is Lillian Beck, Harvey’s old friend.” Jack introduced Lillian to Lorraine.  
“It’s lovely to meet you.” Lillian said. Lillian felt a somewhat uneasy feeling as the two of them stared at one another. Lillian could feel that something was off and shady about Lorraine’s character. And soon she would come to realize that she was right. 
     “Lillian, perhaps you could join us for dinner?” Jack wondered. “No, I was just stopping by to pick up food for my family, but thank you for the offer. Some other time.” Lillian replied. She bid farewell to Harvey, Jack and Lorraine and with that, she got her food and left the diner. The bell rang on the door as it closed.
    Harvey back in his seat and thought it troubled him knowing that he was keeping a secret from his father. But that’s the thing about secrets really, they’re dangerous, sometimes even deadly. And that’s what Amelia’s world would become, dangerous and deadly come Wednesday morning.
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    BY WEDNESDAY MORNING, Amelia felt like all eyes were on her, and not in the good way that she adored. But in a bad way, like everyone's eyes were shooting daggers into her. Making her way down the hall, Amelia took notice that some students were laughing, pointing or staring in her direction as they walked by her. It stressed her out because she didn’t know what was going on. Suddenly she saw Kathleen making her way up to her with a worried look on her face.
    “Kathleen, what’s going on?” She asked. 
    “Something’s happened.” Kathleen simply replied, scared to tell her what was wrong. But she didn’t need to. Because Amelia heard everything. The sounds of her and Campbell’s voices in the computer room, her giggling, everything. And everyone was watching. Watching the sex tape of her and Campbell.  If she felt like she was going to throw after her interrogation, she was definitely going to now. Complete shock and fear covered Amelia’s face as she stood next to Kathleen as the students of Crestview Prep either watched from the computer room or looked at her in disgust. 
    “Amelia Brighton to Headmaster Blake’s office.” The school speaker called throughout the school. 
    Amelia knew she was in big trouble now. Especially after lying to the police about not knowing Enid and Campbell. Now she had a motive in an ongoing investigation in “The Missing Kids” case.
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Killer x reader (having a stressful day) English / French
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Disclaimer : This will be in French and English. It was written originally in French and translated to english. I added the french version at the end of the post if anyone is interested. 
A/N :  こんばんは !  ♡ リクエストしてくれてありがとう~  @holykillercake​ san. This is my first time writing something both in English and in French. Alsooo, writing something for Pasta-husbando ! I hope that you will like it >o< I never noticed that Kirarin & Killer both have “キラ”, this explain why Killer’s hair is so healthy and shiny...Anyways~  始めましょう !
«- Relax. »
The moment his fingers touched your skin, your shoulders unclenched as if a weight or a burden had dropped off them. Your muscles were stretched to the limit; An underlying tension, no doubt, you were carrying the stress of a whole week on your frail shoulders. «- Y/N. » Just your first name, nothing else.
It was his way of asking you what was bothering you and you understood it. You were there, you had just come to his room, sitting on the sofa and there he is – as it has now became a habit – behind you, offering you a massage. Fairy fingers put pressure on your shoulders, fingers that could as well kill as take you to heaven. Never once you have felt afraid. His touch was comforting, familiar.
« -Don't worry. I just had a stressful day...The usual.  You melted under his touch. You felt his fingers tighten at your remark and you could make out his thought pattern. -No Killer, nobody bothered me. You won't have to kill anyone.  -I wasn't planning on killing anyone. You couldn't suppress a small laugh as you guessed his confusion. He was extremely protective of you, even if he hid it pretty well. Dear lord, just his presence was enough to put you in a better mood. -Yes, yes, of course. And what about the guy from last time ? » You reminded him of your last party, or rather, the party where you both had to babysit Kid once again. A man a little too drunk had taken advantage of the crowd to put an indiscreet hand on your lower back. Needless to say, Killer broke his arm without blinking – a reflex. To be fair, Kid would have reacted even worse, the redhead and you were like brother and sister.
His fingers reluctantly left your shoulders, he got closer to the large bookshelf, as big as one of the room's walls.
Killer was an avid reader, he had books from different origins. You were always in awe in front of his wide knowledge. When did he have all the time to read these books ? Certainly during nights of insomny. He came back and sat down next to you, in his hands, you recognized the book "A Thousand and One Nights", the cover was thick and decorated with a golden frame. You smile excitedly, you and Killer had this habit; whenever you felt bad or couldn't sleep, he would read you fairy tales. He had read dozens of them to you ; The Little Prince, Alice in Wonderland, the Tales of Hoffman. But your favorite was always “A Thousand and One Nights”. (Arabian Nights)  This book cristalised your love. Whenever you couldn't sleep, you would join the man in his room and he would tell you, like Scheherazade, the astonishing tales. Before you even knew it, you had fallen under his spell. He patted his knees and you rested your head just there. His voice carried you to the sands of the east. A voice extremely gentle, mesmerizing. This intimate moment was enough to eradicate all your worries. One hand was carrying the book, while the other stroked your hair and cheeks in turn. His voice told you about the adventures of Sindbad, the famous sailor from Bagdad.  He had bought this book from an old bookstore in Alabasta and it introduced him to the oriental beauty. When he finishes reading the tale you get up slightly and snuggle up in his arms. He circled your waist with his as you stayed there for a moment. -I love it when you tell me about the adventures of Sindbad. I feel like I'm seeing a side of you that no one else can access. -And that's true. You are the only one who wants to hear these stories. He strokes your hair. -All credit goes to you. You are an excellent storyteller. -And you are an excellent listener. » He smiled behind his mask, maybe if he took it off, you could've seen the rose-color that tinted his cheeks.
He appreciated how you cared about everything he said and everything he loved. You were the only person in the world he shared this with, who he could stand sharing all of this with. The stress of the day was now nothing but a vague memory. Only one thing was missing. You wanted to get closer. You wanted to look at him and kiss him. The adventures of Sindbad were not enough. « -I want to look at you...  » You breathe out, your voice was no more than a sigh, a slight whisper that made him smile behind his mask. Smile that you don't see but that you could imagine. You didn't have to see him, you just had to pay attention to his chest rising with the rhythm of his breathing. You now knew how to decipher every gesture and the slightest variation in his voice. But it didn't stop you from wanting to look at him. You knew each other more than anyone, but you always wanted more. You wanted him  entirely to yourself. You wanted him to lay bare his feelings just as you did, because he was your comfort zone and you wanted to be his. You sit, your slender fingers brushing against the hard surface of the mask. You feel his breathing stop. « -For me... » you add, insisting.
It wasn't the first time you'll see him without a mask, but could you be satisfied? He even kept it on in his sleep. Your fingers start caressing the golden locks. « For you. » He repeats, his voice was firm but penetrating. Coming from behind the mask, it was somewhat veiled. Someone else would never have guessed his hesitation but you? Easy task. You couldn't suppress a smile, one of a child that was promised a sugar cube. You were now sitting next to him on the sofa, wrists on your hips, catching your breath, eyelashes barely batting.
The mask was now resting on the armrest. Your eyes layed on his perfectly sculpted face and the purplish lips that you were dying to kiss. Did he hide his face, like Medusa hers, out of fear of petrifying you? «- Killer ... You are so...beautiful. » No need for words, a finger rested on your parted lips. Your gaze was enough, words were sometimes too overwhelming. His azure eyes shone behind a curtain of golden hair. You hesitate, a second then two, before coming to sit on his knees. He was surprised by this proximity but it didn't bother him since he put your hand on his chest. His skin was warm, his heart was beating considerably faster. He didn't say it, that gesture meant "I love you" and you knew it.  - Thank you for being there for me.  » Your face was inches from his. His lips barely caressed yours before kissing you fully as his hand rested on the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. Once again, the gesture spoke better than the words. I love you. I want you. I want you to give me all your stress, all your pain, I want to carry it for you.
- (Y / N) ... A sigh ... I lo- Suddenly, the door thudded open. You didn't have to look back, you knew, both of  you knew who that was. -Killer! When are we gonna eat I'm sss---... Wait what, FUCK- - Can't you knock on the door for once? You grabbed a pillow and threw it at Kid, who was already turning around, embarrassed to have interrupted you. He disappeared as quickly as he had come, uttering a myriad of obscenities in his way. Killer buried his head in your neck, embarrassed to be found in this compromising situation, although it could have been way worse. You cursed Kid inside for interrupting you.
-Killer, what were you saying ? He puts his mask back on murmuring a « nothing »
-But I swear I heard you say it. You were going to say « I love you », right ? You teased
-If you heard it then why are you asking ? He was extremely thankful for wearing his mask at that moment.
-Because I want to hear it again ! -Too honest, you were too honest for his own good. -I love you. -W-wait I wasn't prepared ! You were now the one to blush. Killer wasn't the kind to express his feelings all the time and that openly, so it meant a lot to you.
« Cute » was all he thought of you in that moment. He got up holding you tight against his chest ;
-Well, I think that Kid is really going to throw a tantrum if he doesn't get to eat. You must be starving as well. Would you like to help me in the kitchen ?
-Of course I would. But first put me down. -I am scared that is out of the question. 
He simply answers as he proceeds to hold you over his shoulder, heading towards the kitchen. - French -
«- Détends-toi. »
A l'instant où ses doigts entrèrent en contact avec ta peau, tes épaules s'abaissèrent comme si un poids ou un fardeau en disparaissait. Tes muscles étaient tendus à l'extrême ; Une accumulation de tension sans doute, le stress de toute une semaine.
« - (T/P). »
Juste ton prénom et rien d'autre.
C'était sa manière de te demander ce qui te tracassait et tu le compris. Tu étais là, tu venais tout juste de rentrer dans sa chambre pour t'affaler sur le sofa et le voilà qui -comme à son habitude- t'offrait un massage. Il avait des doigts de fée, comment des doigts pouvaient-ils aussi bien tuer que t'emmener au paradis ? Tu n'avais jamais eu peur de lui. Son toucher était réconfortant et familier.
« -Ne t'en fais pas. C'était juste une journée stressante. »
Tu fondais sous son toucher, sa présence derrière toi était rassurante. Tu sentis ses doigts se crisper à ta remarque et tu pus deviner son schéma de pensée.
«- Non Killer, personne ne m'a embêtée. Tu ne devras tuer personne.
-Je ne comptais tuer personne.
Tu ne pus réprimer un petit rire en devinant son trouble. Il était extrêmement protecteur lorsqu'il s'agissait de toi, même s'il ne le montrait pas. Bon dieu, rien que sa présence était assez pour te mettre de bonne humeur.
-Mais oui, bien sûr. Et le type de l'autre fois, on en parle ? 
Tu ne manquas pas de lui rappeler votre dernière soirée ensemble, ou plutôt, une énième soirée où il fallait prendre soin de Kid. Un homme un peu trop alcoolisé avait profité de la foule pour poser une main indiscrète sur le bas de ton dos. Inutile de mentionner que Killer lui avait fracturé le bras sans ciller. Remarque, Kid aurait agit pire, le roux et toi étiez tout deux comme frère et sœur.
Ses doigts quittèrent tes épaules à contre cœur, tu le vis qui s'approchait de la grande bibliothèque qui occupait un des murs de la pièce. Killer aimait énormément lire, à vrai dire, il avait tellement de connaissances et il avait des livres de différentes origines. Tu étais toujours admirative devant son savoir.
Il revint et s'assit à côté de toi, entre ses mains, tu reconnus le livre « Mille et une nuit », la couverture était épaisse et ornementée d'un cadre doré. Tu souris avec excitation, Killer et toi aviez cette habitude ; à chaque fois que tu te sentais mal ou que tu n'arrivais pas à dormir, il te lisait des contes. Il t'en avait lu des dizaines maintenant ; Le petit Prince, Alice au pays des merveilles, les Contes d'Hoffman. Mais ton préféré restait toujours « Mille et une nuit ».
Ce livre représentait ton énamourement. A chaque fois que tu n'arrivais pas à dormir, tu rejoignais l'homme dans sa chambre et il te contait à la manière de Shéhérazade les contes étonnants. Avant même de t'en rendre compte, tu étais tombée sous son charme.
Il tapota ses genoux et tu posas ta tête là où il l'avait désigné. Sa voix te transportait vers les sables d'orient. Il y mettait tant de douceur. Ce moment intime était assez pour éradiquer tout tes ennuis. Sa main portait le livre, tandis que l'autre, caressait tour à tour tes cheveux et tes joues. Que tu étais chanceuse de l'avoir. Sa voix te racontait les aventures de Sindbad. Il avait acheté ce livre lors d'une escapade à Alabasta et était tombé sous le charme.
Lorsqu'il finit de lire le conte tu te relevas légèrement et tu te blottis dans ses bras. Il encercla ta taille des siens et vous restèrent un instant dans cette position.
-J'adore quand tu me racontes les aventures de Sindbad. J'ai l'impression d'accéder à un côté de toi que seul moi peut voir.
-Et c'est vrai. Tu es la seule qui veut entendre mes contes.
-C'est tout à ton honneur. Tu es un excellent conteur.
-Tu es une excellente audience. »
Il sourit derrière son masque et ne manqua pas d'en rougir. Il aimait comment tu t'intéressais à tout ce qu'il racontait et à tout ce qu'il aimait. Tu étais la seule personne au monde avec qui il partageait cela, avec qui il pouvait se permettre de partager cela. Le stress de la journée n'était plus qu'un vague souvenir. Une seule chose te manquait. Tu voulais plus de proximité. Tu voulais le voir et l'embrasser. Les aventures de Sindbad n'étaient pas assez.
«-Je veux te voir... »
Tu expires, ta voix n'était plus qu'un soupir, léger murmure qui le fit sourire derrière son masque. Sourire que tu ne vis pas mais que tu pus deviner. Tu n'avais plus à le voir, tu n'avais qu'à prêter attention à sa poitrine qui s'élevait au rythme de sa respiration. Tu savais maintenant déchiffrer chaque geste et la moindre variation de sa voix.
Tu le connaissais, vous vous connaissiez plus que personne mais tu en voulais toujours plus. Tu voulais qu'il s'offre entièrement à toi. Tu voulais qu'il mette à nu ses sentiments comme tu le faisais avec lui, parce qu'il était ta zone de confort et que tu voulais être la sienne.
Tu te redresses, tes doigts graciles viennent toucher du bout des doigts la surface dure du masque. Tu sens son souffle s'arrêter.
« Pour moi... » tu répètes, insistante. Ce n'était pas la première fois que tu le verras sans masque, mais pouvais-tu en être satisfaite ? Il le gardait même dans son sommeil. Tes doigts se perdent maintenant dans sa chevelure dorée.
« Pour toi. » Sa voix était ferme mais pénétrante. Venant de derrière le masque, elle était quelque peu voilée.
Une autre n'aurait pas pu deviner son trouble mais pour toi ? Tâche facile. Tu ne pus réprimer un sourire d'enfant auquel on promettait un morceau de sucre. Tu étais maintenant assise à côté de lui sur le sofa, les poignets sur tes hanches, le souffle coupé, les cils battant à peine.
Le masque reposait à présent sur l'accoudoir. Tu pus découvrir son visage parfaitement sculpté, ses lèvres violacées. Cachait-il son visage, comme Meduse ses yeux, de peur de te pétrifier ?
«- Killer...Tu es magnifique. »
Pas besoin de mots, un doigt vint se poser sur tes lèvres entrouvertes. Ton regard était assez, les mots parfois l'encombraient. Ses yeux azur brillaient derrière un rideau de cheveux dorés, ils étaient fuyants. Tu hésites, une seconde puis deux, avant de venir t'installer sur ses genoux. Il fut surpris par cette proximité mais elle ne le gêna pas puisqu'il vint poser ta main sur sa poitrine. Sa peau était brûlante, son cœur battait considérablement plus fort. Il ne le dit pas, ce geste signifiait « Je t'aime » et tu le savais.
«- Merci d'être là pour moi. »
Ton visage était à quelques centimètres du siens. Ses lèvres vinrent caresser les tiennes à peine, avant de t'embrasser pleinement tandis que sa main se posa sur sur ta nuque pour approfondir le baiser. Encore une fois, le geste parlait mieux que les mots. Je t'aime. Je te veux. Je veux que tu me donnes tout ton stress, toute ta peine, je veux la porter pour toi.
-(Y/N)...Un soupir...Je t'ai-
Soudain, la porte s'ouvrit en un fracas. Tu n'eus pas besoin de te retourner, tu savais, vous saviez de qui il s'agissait.
-Killer ! C'est quand qu'on mange je meu--...PUTAIN mais...
-Tu peux pas frapper à la porte pour une fois ?
Tu attrapas un coussin et tu le lanças en la direction de Kid qui se retournait déjà, gêné de vous avoir interrompu. Il disparut aussi rapidement qu'il n'était venu en prononçant une myriade d’obscénités.
Killer enfonça sa tête dans ton cou, gêné d'être découvert dans cette situation compromettante, quoique ça aurait pu être pire.
-Tu disais quoi, chéri ?
Il remit son masque tout en murmurant un « rien du tout ». 
-Mais je jure que je t'ai entendu le dire ! Tu allais dire « Je t'aime », n'est-ce pas ? Tu le taquinais un peu trop pour son bien être.
-Si tu m'avais entendu, alors pourquoi demandes-tu ?
Il était extrêmement heureux d'avoir son masque sur le visage à cet instant précis. 
-Parce que je veux l'entendre à nouveau. Si honnête, un peu trop pour son bien. 
-Je t'aime. 
 -Qu-quoi ? Je n'étais pas préparée à ça ! Tu étais maintenant celle qui rougissait. Killer n'était pas du genre à exprimer ses sentiments tout le temps et ouvertement alors ça signifiait énormément à tes yeux. 
« Trop mignonne. » C'était ce qu'il pensait de toi en ce moment. Il s'est levé tout en te gardant contre sa poitrine. 
-Bon, je pense que Kid va vraiment causer un désastre s'il n'a pas à manger. Tu dois mourir de faim également. Tu ne voudrais pas me donner un coup de main en cuisine ?
 -Bien sûr que oui. Mais tout d'abord...Est-ce que tu pourrais me poser à terre ? 
 -ça c'est hors de question. Il répondit simplement tout en te mettant sur son épaule et en se dirigeant vers la cuisine.
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secret-engima · 3 years
Tomorrow is looking up to be - absolutely terrible. Can I beg you for some RWBY or FFXV snippets, please?
Of course! I know it is the "tomorrow" you speak of but lemme see what I can dig up-
Team Gremlin:
There was silence for a long, long time. Nothing but Ruby’s sobbing and Yang’s pounding heart and the fear that pressed down on them from all around. Formless, but not nameless. Then she heard the stairs creak and for one moment Yang was sure that “Salem” was coming upstairs to get Ruby.
But then the door opened and Yang saw Dad’s boots, “Girls? It’s okay. Come on out.” Yang didn’t move, Ruby just sobbed a little louder and clung tighter to her. Dad sighed and bent down to peer at them, “You heard all that didn’t you.” He looked … not mad, but stressed. Maybe scared, and that made the fear worse for Yang. Yang clung to Ruby, her precious baby sister with silver eyes that no monster should be able to get to, and nodded. Dad’s face pinched, then he gave a smile that even she could tell was fake, “Come on out, girls. It’s okay. I promise. That was all just- that was adult talk okay? You don’t need to worry about that until you’re older-.”
“Ruby’s eyes,” Yang bit out, “R-ruby has Mom’s e-eyes.”
“It’s okay, Yang, Ruby, I promise. We’ll take care of it-.”
A creak of wood behind Dad and he frowned before straightening up and turning to face whoever was there, “I’ll be down in a minute, just let me-.”
“Taiyang,” Professor Ozpin sounded weirdly calm, more calm than Dad did, “may I speak to them?”
“…I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
A sigh, “I am well aware of your opinion on this matter, Taiyang, and I respect it. But they have already heard enough to be terrified. Telling them to forget it now is not only impossible but potentially worse than talking to them. You made your stance on this matter very clear, but that does not apply to your children if it will put them in danger.” Professor Ozpin’s voice softened, “Either I speak with them or Qrow does, but please. Let one of us help.”
Dad didn’t move for a long time, then his boots made for the door, “Fine. But don’t drag them into this more than you have to.” A deep breath, “Girls? I’m going downstairs to check on your mother, if you need anything, just shout, okay? Professor Ozpin is going to talk to you for a little bit. He’ll be very nice.” The last bit was said in the same voice he used when warning Zwei not to dig holes in the yard.
Dad’s boots disappeared and fancy black shoes came closer. There was a pause, then, “Would you prefer to stay under the bed?” Ruby whined and Yang glared without a word. She didn’t know what was going on, but Dad seemed mad at Professor Ozpin and everything was scary and so yes, she wanted to stay under the bed. The tip of his fancy cane tapped the floorboards a few times, then there was a hiss and a whirr of gears like from her parents’ gear and the tip disappeared. With a grunt, he knelt down and then lay down on his stomach like even Mom rarely did. He pillowed his chin on his crossed arms and it was so strange seeing a fancy, famous person lying on his belly on the floor of Ruby’s room that Yang snorted despite herself.
Professor Ozpin’s face crinkled into a faint smile and it looked real and warm, “Hello there. You must be Yang and Ruby. I am Professor Ozpin, I’m a friend of your uncle and your mother. Can I safely assume you heard the most important parts of that conversation? The Grimm and the silver eyes and,” the briefest hesitation, “Salem?”
Ruby finally pulled her face away from Yang’s shoulder to whimper, “I-is she gonna take Mom away and m-make her a Grimm? Is she gonna t-take me?”
“Ah. You have silver eyes,” Professor Ozpin murmured, then his face fell back into that faint, warm smile, “Your mother is alright now, and now that we know what is going on, we will be much more careful. I promise, I will do everything in my power to keep your mother and you safe. But to do that … I would like to tell you a story, and you must both promise me to never tell it to anyone. For the safety of you and your mother.” They nodded, hesitantly, even though Yang certainly didn’t want to hear anymore scary things today. But if it would help keep Ruby and Mom safe-.
Professor Ozpin’s smile faded, but his eyes were still warm, “Once upon a time,” he began, and they listened intently as the man with white hair slowly outlined a story that sounded right out of a fairy tail.
Always I Dreamed verse:
Summer had no idea what Professor Ozpin had been thinking, making her the leader of Team STRQ. Then again, the only other real option would have been Taiyang, and as much as she enjoyed his company and was coming to think of him as a good friend and teammate, he wouldn’t have been able to handle the Branwen twins.
Not that Summer was much better at handling the Branwen twins.
They hadn’t done anything to get the team in trouble, but she didn’t know how to deal with them. Taiyang made sense, even if he had a few oddly adorable hangups on things like “modesty” —they were two guys and two girls living in the same room, she didn’t really see what modesty had to do with anything when they weren’t out in public—. Taiyang understood her when she tried to … bond with the team, tried to get them to be more than just four strangers living under the same roof and tackling the same assignments in class. Raven and Qrow on the other hand…
Every time she suggested a group activity, they watched her like she was going to bite. Like they couldn’t fathom the point of learning more about or bonding with anyone outside themselves. Taiyang had suggested it was an out of kingdom thing, but Summer had lived outside the kingdoms until five years ago, and she had never acted like that. Her family hadn’t either. That feral behavior, wary distrust and eerie staring in the middle of the night like even the room wasn’t safe to sleep in without a watch wasn’t anything like what Summer and her family or neighbors had grown up with. The only ones who had acted even similar had been-.
Now that’s an idea.
Blood of My Blood verse:
The next one was a whole month after Grandma Crepera had first appeared and only a week after the scary man with the mace, but three times was enough for Dionysus to be able to immediately tell what was happening when he blinked his way to awareness in a dream. He looked around uneasily, afraid of being yelled at by someone again, but … there was no one scary nearby. He was in a small little building inside a big, unfamiliar garden. The building was just a roof and little pillars holding it up and a stone floor to stand on with a little table inside and-.
A woman.
She was sitting at the table, working on something, but instead of it being paperwork like Grandpa or taking care of a sword like Uncle Cor, she was … spinning mud? She was making mud spin and pulling at it with her hands, changing its shape with her fingers, and Dionysus hadn’t realized he’d drifted into the gazebo to watch her in awe until she glanced up from her work and smiled at him. She went back to watching her mud, and when she spoke, her voice wasn’t echoing and scary, “Hello. Would you like to join me? I have enough for both of us to use if you like.”
Dionysus watched the spinning-spinning-spinning in awe, but shook his head and tucked his hands behind his back, “Iggy says I can’t play in the mud cause I’ll get dirty an’ it’s unb- unbe- bad for a prince.” He blinked up at her, “How come you’re playing in the mud? Iggy says old people don’ like mud.”
The spinning slowed to a stop as she stared at him and he wondered if she was going to get mad. But then she started laughing, an old, deep sound that felt nice, all the way to his bones, “This is not mud, Cheeky Prince, this is clay. People use it to make things like mugs and teapots and vases. Come, come sit and I will show you how.” She waved her muddy hand and set down a chair next to hers in a flash of magical rosy-blue sparks. So she was family, just like the last ones had been. Dionysus hadn’t known he had so much family before. Then again, he was pretty sure they were all dead, and that’s why they were talking to him in dreams rather than when he was awake —and a part of him wondered if that should scare him, but it didn’t, so as long as they didn’t act scary, he didn’t bother trying—.
Dionysus climbed onto the chair and watched her in curiosity. It still looked a lot like mud to him, but it was a different color from mud, so he supposed it could be something else. The woman was spinning her clay again, fingers deftly shaping and pinching and rubbing, “My name is Nyssia, though some once called me the Just.”
Dionysus thought of the Hall of Arts and all the pictures and statues in it, including some of Grandma Crepera, and wondered if she was one of the pictures in the Hall, “Just like Grandma Crepera?”
An amused twitch of her lips, “Yes, I am like Crepera. We are both related to you, but we are older than King Regis.”
He tilted his head, partially mesmerized by what she was doing with the spinning clay, but curious despite himself about other things. She was like Grandma Crepera and the others, but she hadn’t used a scary voice at all, “How come?”
She hummed without looking away from her work, “How come what, Cheeky Prince? I cannot read your mind.”
Dionysus pouted at her, because wasn’t it obvious what he was asking? But then he said, “You don’ have a scary voice like they do.”
Now she did glance up at him with a look like Grandpa had when he said something silly, “Oh, don’t I?” Dionysus jolted in his seat, startled, but not … scared. Her voice had echoed just now, deep and layered like when Grandma Crepera or Leon had spoken, but it didn’t make him feel like he needed to go hide. It reminded him oddly of the big, booming bells that hung from old church in his favorite movie, loud but mellow. He kind of liked it, but he was still glad when her voice went back to normal as she shrugged, “I merely thought you would not like it if I used that voice. So I did not.”
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Illicit affairs- Chapter 8
summary: imagine the met gala but ten times better and in stark tower, that’s it. felicia doesn’t have very good manners and sneaks away with y/n but peter and his friends are on the lookout. 
Listen to: Do I wanna know -Arctic Monkeys & bad idea- girl in red
word count: 12k
(author’s notes at the end now)
warnings: s m u t. 
series masterlist
(today we change and use a photo of Felicia, although it’s not too accurate in my head)
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If there was someone who had an incredible hidden talent, it was MJ. You knew she liked to draw since you first met her, but as time passed you realized that a side effect of her hobby, even if she didn’t like it as much, was that she could do a mind-blowing make-up look without even trying. You had realized this one Halloween that you had spent with Peter and his friends, you had asked her where she had gone to do that makeup-look with glitter tears streaming down her cheeks but she simply shrugged, saying that she had used some of her art supplies and done it herself. After that it was more common than not that MJ would come to do your make-up to every important event that you had to attend, she had even done Pepper’s makeup and soon it became like a side job for her too.
She had such ability with the brushes, knew exactly which colors could match your skin and outfit that you almost became dependent on her, feeling a bit more insecure when you had to do your make-up or even hire someone different than MJ but tonight she was there.  
“Do you want me to do the wing?” you asked MJ, glancing at her and searching what was wrong but she simply huffed.
“Shut up, I’m an artist” she grumbled under her breath as she shook her hand a bit and dived right into your eye.
“You are so giddy today” you muttered, which earned you a glare from MJ.
“Well, I’ve never been to a Gala myself or done the make-up for the hostess of the Gala,” she said as she finished one eye and then adjusted her dress.
As always, you were in awe of how MJ looked. Her flawless black skin matched perfectly with the custom silk lame gown that she had decided to wear for the night, it was a halter top but with a nice cut on her middle part that showed a little bit of skin and a long skirt that almost touched the floor. With her tall slender body and perfect tone muscles, she looked like a supermodel.
“No, my dad and pepper are the hosts. I’m just here for the small talk with people they don’t want to talk to and to drink champagne” you answer back as she finished the wing on the other one and you finally managed to open your eyes and see yourself in the mirror.
She had done an exceptional job as always, only mascara missing to finish the look but she had done a great job with the nude eyeshadow with a dramatic wing, she had even added a bit of gold glitter surrounding your eyes so it could match the gold earrings that you decided to wear for the night. You walked towards the mirror and fixed the dress that you had decided to wear. It was a cream Jacquemus backless dress with a slit on the side of your leg, while this time you had decided to wear the charm that held your suit in a classic bracelet usually, you wouldn’t bother that much on dresses on how you looked for these types of events given that you disliked them but tonight was different.  
“That makes you the hostess, small talk with people that you don’t like” MJ answer back as she put a bit of blush on her skin and then walked over to you, leaning against your mirror.
“I’ll try to avoid it, especially when Felicia arrives” you answered with a shrug and started to apply your mascara, but not before you notice how MJ began to play with her hands uncomfortably.
You knew it was because you brought up Felicia but, in all honesty, you were more than elated that she had agreed to come.
The last weeks or so had been a rollercoaster. Although you somehow had assured your feelings for the other, you weren’t spending that much time together. Part of it was that you were ordered to stay in bed for a few days, knowing that your injuries were bad and needed time to recover, it wasn’t like Felicia wanted to simply burst on Stark Tower or ask you to move; she would sneak some nights sneak in to see how you were doing before you were officially discharged by Bruce. But then, when you were able to go to her apartment, she would cancel a bit too often for you, arguing that a girl needs to pay the bills (which you assumed was a way to say that she was going to do some work that you didn’t like). 
So, you let her be.
Though, the days you did spend together, she was as loving as she had ever been with you. She would cook for you all the healthy foods that she hated but she would eat them with you, even your annoying quinoa salad and green smoothies, which you appreciated. You would spend time watching movies and listening to music together, curating playlists depending on a situation, and talk until early morning hours. She would kiss you too, sweetly and carefully, Felicia even freaked out when you complain after a kiss got a little bit too heated a few days after you had been ‘discharged’; after that she had tried, really hard, to keep the kisses to a PG-rating (much to her dismay).
But then this week had come and she had become a kind of a nervous wreck thinking about the Gala, which for you seemed so out of character for her. She would ask for the program of the night again, and again and who would be there, trying to know how to dress and where everything was. You attributed her behavior to the fact that she was -probably- going to meet Tony and Pepper, and you were coming out to the circle of people you would be surrounded by. Part of her was relieved when she heard that the other Avengers weren’t going to make it to the Gala and you thought it was sweet, she was nervous about how serious you had become.
To ease her nerves, you had insisted to her to go shopping together for a dress or told her to go earlier that day so she could know where everything was, if she was too worried about it, even gave suggested if she would like to come to dinner first with Tony and Pepper so she wouldn’t be too freaked out the day of the Gala. But she had refused, especially regarding the dress; saying that since she was older than you (only two years), therefore the sugar mommy feeling was a little bit off.
You had blushed at her statement but decided to let her be, knowing it was the best thing you could do for Felicia.
Peter’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you turned around to watch him, and it felt like you had almost stopped breathing for a second.
You had seen Peter in a suit a couple of times before but never like this. He seemed taller and also leaner, the sharp suit he was wearing fitted him perfectly, his messy curls were settled down with a little bit of hair gel that pulled them back and to the side but you could tell that the curls would be let loose sooner rather than later. He had a small watch on his wrist, a gift from you and Tony, it had an engraved message “with great power, comes great responsibility” which honored his Uncle Ben. Peter didn’t use it often but when he did, it caused your heart to squeeze on your chest.
And Peter was mesmerized too. Your hair had been pulled down behind your ears, it was sleek and it looked perfectly styled. He could see the blush on your cheeks, the reflection of the glitter on your eyes, and he was, as always, so captivated by how your eyes seemed like constellations accompanied with your long lashes that he felt like he had zoned out. Plus, the dress fitted your body perfectly. It was showing more skin than you usually showed with a small side-boob showing thanks to the asymmetric form of it along with your exposed back. He felt his mouth drying as you turned around shyly towards him, but for him, you looked breathtaking.
“Are you ready?” Peter asked, stammering a bit as he looked away from you towards MJ who was giving him a look. “Tony and Pepper are waiting downstairs for you,” he said silently before looking at you for a second and then at the floor.
MJ snickered a bit before she took her purse and made her way to the door. “Don’t you look dapping” MJ said as she patted Peter on his shoulder and walked out of your room, you guessed she was already looking for Harley.
You both stayed silent for a moment, as you gazed at the other, you blinking owlishly while Peter drilled you with his eyes. Although you weren’t saying anything, you knew what he was thinking about: last time you were dressed this nicely, it had been the last night before you had run away. You would’ve like to avoid the memories, but it seemed inevitable to connect this moment to your last; even more knowing that although it seemed like everything had changed, your heart was still beating for Peter and his was beating for you.
“You look beautiful,” Peter whispered as you walked towards him, he couldn’t even stop himself, and the two of you flushed at his comment.
“Tha-thanks, MJ did the makeup because I have no idea,” you spoke coyly as you ordered HAPPY to turn off the lights and you and Peter walked outside the room, the door closing behind you.
You tried to shake it off, the obvious nervousness that you felt around Peter but it didn’t seem to work as he offered you his arm, so you could hold onto it as you always did.
“Well, she did a great job, you look amazing” Peter said honestly as he glanced at you while you walked towards the elevator. “She’s a lucky girl.”
It had taken all his willpower to actually say those words but he was being truthful, no matter how much it could pain him because, as he had realized the last few days, it only mattered to him that you were safe and happy. The bad thing was, that he didn’t believe you would be safe with Felicia.
For you, the comment hit a nerve. Not only because you knew how Peter felt about Felicia, and you dislike that it might have hurt him to see you with her but also because Felicia had been MIA since early in the morning. You had texted her a good morning text, asking her if she needed anything but she had declined the offer and simply stating that she would see you tonight.
Hours had passed and there was no sign that Felicia was actually coming but you deeply hope she would.
“Yeah…” you muttered with a long sigh, but you quickly changed the topic as the elevator’s doors opened. “I’m surprised you decided to bring Flash as your date.”
“See, MJ is with Harley and Betty with Ned,” you explained to him while you fixed your hair and watch Peter’s bug-eyed expression at your comment “Which leaves you with Flash.”
“That’s not funny.” Peter quickly answered with a glare.
“Oh, because he’s a guy?” you chuckled and placed your hands over your chest, raising an eyebrow and waiting for his answer.
“No!” Peter protested, a little bit offended at your question and then the doors to the elevator opened. “It’s because he’s Flash!”
You both laughed as you exited the elevator and walked towards where the Gala was through a small hallway that Pepper had arranged for only you two enter the building. 
The Gala had become an emblematic even for the city, Pepper had come up with it after you had moved from LA and Tony had made the respective and adequate changes to Stark Industries. It was an annual fundraising gala for the benefit of technological advances and charities and it always happened at Stark Tower.
The whole first and second floor of the building were remodeled to fit the event. On the first floor, you would find the red carpet and exhibitions of the work done by the different companies, known scientists, and young people who had the opportunity to present their ambitious ideas and work. It was also a social event, celebrities, journalists, CEO’s and more people would be invited as well. Then, the second floor was where the dinner and the after-party would usually take place. 
It wasn’t a wild evening, I mean although Tony would make it as wild as he wanted, it always went nicely and calmed. Even some  Avengers would make surprise appearances once in a while, mostly Nat, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Bruce; Thor had been technically banned after he had too much to drink once. This drew huge media attention for the projects which were extremely important for the fundraiser that took place at the event and so, it had become also somehow the Met Gala of the science community. 
It was also the only time that paparazzi would take your photos willingly, although you hated it.
Today was no different, you had to pose with Tony and Pepper on the red carpet that was prepared at the main entrance to the event. The commotion of flashing lights and excited reporters was almost something that you couldn’t get used to after so many years, and although you would normally be complaining to Pepper as Tony did sometimes when he would get bored; Peter would usually woosh in and take photos with you, so paparazzi wouldn’t use the photos with him because magazines didn’t think much of Peter back then, so it was a nice way to ruin some shots. But today was different, Peter was now known to be one of the Star Interns of Tony and he was called on by a reporter, and you were ushered off to take more photos and then by Tony who was excited to see Pepper’s speech.
And as a sea of people separated you and Peter, you decided to focus on Pepper’s speech and Felicia’s whereabouts.
But she was nowhere to be found, disappointed you quickly blended into the crowd and began to do your work. You started saying ‘hi’ and ‘welcoming’ the various people that were invited from celebrities to renowned scientists, you talk to a journalist giving them small interviews and also watch almost every one of the projects from the young students who were allowing presenting that year.
You even talked to people you didn’t like.  
You were already saying goodbye to an important human rights lawyer, that was a role model to you since you had started to think about studying law and had been asking her some questions when you heard his taut voice.
“Lovely to see you again Miss Stark, heard you got shot?”
You turned to see Norman Osborn, giving you a tight smile while Harry was behind him winking his eyes and quickly nudging to his dad and rolling his eyes. You knew you weren’t dear on Norman Osborn’s heart, especially when it came to your dad, and you ever wondered why Pepper insisted on inviting him and why he even insisted on coming to the event of someone he hated that much.
But you knew it all came back to business.
Although now, that you knew for a fact -thanks to Felicia and the events lately- that Norman had willingly given Kingpin the formula to his poisonous serum and that Harry had no idea about it; you were even more snarky and irritated to see his face than before.
“Yes, I’m fine now.” You stated curtly as you glanced at Harry for one second, you quickly took a swig of your drink. Mentally begging for this interaction to be over.
“Of course, you are dear,” He snapped with a glare. “With your father’s technology, you wouldn’t respect the hand of destiny. Such a waste of time and resources to play hero” he said as he rolled his eyes.
You gripped your drink a bit tighter and you felt like a vein on your neck had just popped off your neck. It was predictable from your past encounters with Norman Osborn that he would say something like that but as he had so seriously stated that he thought saving your life or being an Avenger was a waste? Was he being fucking serious?
“Careful Norman, your jealousy is showing,” you smirked as you glanced at him uninterested. “Now kindly fuck off”
Norman gapped at your answer, completely blown away that you had actually said that since you usually had been quiet about his usual remarks. His face was red with bulging eyes as the cords of his neck became rigid, completely astound and angry at your comment. You were thankful that you weren’t staying silent anymore as, in a blink of an eye, Norman spun on his heels and walked away from you, leaving you with Harry.
“Always a pleasure!” you yelled at him as he walked away, you couldn’t help the tugging on the sides of your lips and then your attention turned to Harry, who was chuckling. “Your father’s lovely”
Harry looked as good as always and sometimes you wondered how on earth someone could look like that. His sharp jaw and sleek black hair with his almond eyes made him look like a model, a smirk worth a thousand dollars and his chiseled cheekbones made girl’s and boy’s knees weak. Even when he looked as put together as he was at the moment, you could still see a mischievous gleam in his eyes, you guessed the bad boy look couldn’t fade away easily and you couldn’t help to think about the possible rumors on the tabloid if they saw you dancing with him at the party.
“Don’t tell me about it,” Harry stated as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to your cheek, slowly and seductively.  “It’s nice to see you again, y/n”
He was always extremely smooth and charming, and always managed to get your heart beating someway although you knew that you weren’t really interested, it was just this aura about him.
“It’s good to see you too, H.” you answered back as you took another sip of your drink while he offered to cheer, you did the same.
As he finished taking a sip of his drink, he walked closer to you. “I’ve missed you in these events, it’s …”
Harry chuckled, mostly for himself as he often did. “I was going to say annoying as fuck but yeah, that works too.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his comment because it was true if you would like to summarize the feelings for these kinds of events -especially for your role on them and how the media would portray it-, they were annoying as fuck. But honestly, the science part and the charity part were your favorite thing in the world.
You knew that Harry felt the same way as you, the pressure to be the golden child and do everything right, but there was where Harry’s charm laid. Although he could be all of those things because he had everything in his favor, he disliked his father and the pressure so much that he rebelled against it.
And now, it had become part of him to be the bad boy.
So, it didn’t surprise you what he said next.
He leaned over to you, whispering directly on your ear and you couldn’t avoid but to feel a shiver running on your back as he whispered on your ear. “You know, you in that dress is making me think of champagne, strawberries, a bed, and us playing strip poker”
You gave a step back at him, a bit surprised by how confident his statement was, your eyes widened slightly and your cheeks flushed before you shook your head, ready to play it off casually.
But then, you heard Felicia’s characteristic silvery voice behind you.
“Get in line pretty boy,” Felicia stated, her fingernails trailing your back as she defensively wrapped her arm around your waist, glaring a bit at Harry, who rapidly blinked as if he was trying to understand the nature of your relationship with Felicia but it didn’t take him long. “Stark,” Felicia said with a smoky voice.
If you were being truthful, you were always a bit nervous around Felicia, a bit too in awe with her beauty and essence. Sometimes you were worried about how she could suck you in so easily with just a pout but then moments like this reminded you why.
Felicia’s outfit left you breathless, although you recognized it was from Versace and wondered where she had gotten it, you couldn’t avoid feeling tingles through your body. Felicia stunned with the silky lace-trimmed camisole-like minidress she was wearing, she had a dramatic smokey eye with a mate-nude lipstick that suited her perfectly, and to your surprise, she had decided to let her silver hair down and she fixed it in an almost Barbarella-like style but less dramatic that made her look like she belonged to a runway.
You could feel the burning heat on your body.
“Thought you would never come”, you whispered with a smile and before she could even respond, you pressed your lips against hers.
It was a firm but soft kiss, as if you were showing her off finally and claiming Felicia yours, as she had done with you so many times before. But now, you both were as purposeful as you could’ve been, the kiss was so sweet and it seemed like just kissing her that way, you would get a toothache. When you finally pulled apart with a shy smile while Felicia simply smirked, your foreheads pressed together, you felt like you were the only people in the world.
And then Harry spoke.
“That’s so hot” he whispered, you figured it was mostly to himself as he looked at you two wide-eyed and surprised about it.
You could see Felicia rolling her eyes in irritation as you laced your hands together but as soon as she turned around to Harry, she was displaying the cat-like grin that characterized her.
“Would you like to join us?” Felicia purred as she got a little closer to Harry, who seemed like he was about to pass out with Felicia’s words.
Peter shook his head and walked away, not wanting to listen to the end of that conversation, knowing that it would just make him break the cup of champagne that he had been holding tightly as he listened to Harry and you even before Felicia arrived. His jaw was still twitching when he walked up to Ned and Betty, whose main spot was the exhibitions that were presented, while Flash would guard the entrance and MJ with Harley would be staying on the drinking station (per Harley’s request) and Peter would be on the dance floor where most of the action would be happening.
But even with a whole plan laid out, Felicia had still managed to fool them.
“Guys she’s here” he whispered through the com as he saw all of his friends snap their gazes as they tried to look for Felicia and you, in the middle of the main floor, talking with Harry.
“How!?” Flash cried through the com. “I’ve been patrolling this entrance all night, what the hell?”
“She’s sneaky, I already told you!” Peter grumbled under his breath, loud enough for a couple of rich old people to stare at him bug-eyed, which he simply answered with an awkward smile and made his way towards where Ned and Betty were.
“What are we going to do now?” Harley asked, Peter could already tell that Harley was tensing up.
For a genius, he wasn’t good at handling his emotions under pressure.
“Just keep an eye on her.” Peter glowered as he finally arrived at where Ned was, trying to find some consolation or ideas that came from Ned who always had some positive thing to say or a good idea to add.
But Ned’s eyes were focused on something behind Peter and the wince he did, as well as Betty, tipped Peter that he should turn around.
“That’s not hard, I think that she just stepped on Harry’s Osborn foot and made him cry” Ned mused as he took a sip from his drink.
Peter watched as you dragged Felicia away from Harry, giving him an apologetic look before you were walking towards the drinking area, where Harley and MJ were.
“Harley, MJ she’s coming your way” Peter whispered, hoping that they wouldn’t be too awkward that you would realize the plan.
Not that there was any serious plan, Peter still wasn’t sure what he was looking for. He wasn’t sure what Felicia would do or if she would even do something, but he knew that she wasn’t good news, he just could feel it in his bones and hoped that at the end of the day, you wouldn’t need to find out if something happened.
He just wanted to keep you safe.
Harley turned around with MJ just in time and he gave a small smile to Felicia and you, who were walking hand-in-hand together. You were bickering a bit because of her reaction to Harry’s comment and how she had stomped on his foot with her sharp heel and she hadn’t even said ‘sorry’ arguing why she would say that to someone that sexualized you. So, you were thankful when your eyes caught MJ and Harley on the drinking station, hoping it could distract Felicia from going back and scratching Harry’s eyes.
“I know you’ve met before but this is Felicia,” you said as Felicia put on a new smile and offered her hand to Harley and MJ. “I wanted you to meet her, officially”
Harley and MJ shook Felicia’s hand cheerily, but you could feel how Harley and MJ tensed up. You could feel their anxiousness dripping from Harley’s eyes and you knew that it wasn’t normal. Harley, for a scrawny boy like him, was a bit too smug, too smooth, too relaxed for him to be acting this way.
“It’s so nice to meet y/n friends,” Felicia said playfully as she wrapped an arm around your waist and smirked up to Harley and MJ, who barely gave her a genuine smile.
“Yeah, sa-same” Harley let out, words stumbling against one another as they left their mouths.
MJ simply nodded and added a small ‘for sure’ with a honeyed voice that you knew didn’t quite fit MJ and something felt off. You frowned at their interaction, surprised mostly by how stiff they were. Did they have a problem with Felicia? You knew that Harley was certain about Felicia’s identity, not that you had discussed it but he wasn’t dumb and it made you wonder if he was feeling the same thing that Peter had told you about.
But you brushed it off, knowing that it wouldn’t be a good thing to keep Felicia there.
“I’m going to take you dancing” you offered to Felicia who gave you a gleaming smile, her cheeks tainted by a cloud of small pink dust, and you quickly dragged her off from your friends.
Your mind started whirling, wondering what was wrong with Harley and MJ? Harley had always been nothing but supportive regarding your relationship with Felicia, hell he was supportive of everything you did. MJ too, she never judged but you’d seen her acting strange since the start of the day.
“What’s wrong?” Felicia said a little bit unsettled as you turn to look at her.
But you simply shook your head, muttering a small ‘nothing’ but you couldn’t help yourself and you looked back at your friends, noticing them whispering something to themselves and you wished that you could put your suit right there and then to listen to their thoughts but knowing it was unreasonable, you decided to turn around, just in time to bump into Tony and Pepper.
You stopped dead in your tracks, your heels barely squeaking in the hallway as the two heads snapped in your directions. The first being Tony’s and the second being Peppers, who seemed to be discussing something together but the conversation immediately ended when they saw you.
“Oh,” you muttered as Tony and Pepper’s gaze down to see you, hand in hand with Felicia.
“Oh?” Tony answered back as he curved his eyebrows while he watched Felicia for a second and then his gaze went to you.
It wasn’t like you brought Felicia by surprise, you had been told weeks ago that she could come. Either way, this was a newfound territory, Peter seemed to be the only possible person you would introduce to your parents in that manner and it didn’t even count because they had known him before. Charlie was a no-go from the start, knowing deep down that you wanted to keep that friendship or relationship for yourself since you both knew it wouldn’t go pass that. But then Felicia seemed to be someone where you could, maybe, go to the next step.
“Well, y/n aren’t you going to introduce us?” Pepper said, her startled look brushing off and giving entrance to the characteristic warm smile she always wore.
Before you could even answer, Felicia’s charm was on.
“It’s so lovely to meet you Mrs. And Mr. Stark”, she smiled brightly at Pepper as she shook her hand and give her two kisses on her cheek, slightly making her voice higher than what it usually was.
“Lovely to meet you too, it’s so nice to finally meet you.” Pepper said, completely charmed by Felicia’s attitude and she quickly nudged Tony with her elbow on his ribs so he could say ‘hi’ as well, for some reason he had to stare at Felicia as if he was trying to figure out something.
You hoped it was just a parental instinct.
“We are so glad you are here; we’ve been trying to meet you but missy here was keeping you under wraps.” Tony offered Felicia his hand and she shook it firmly, with a bright smile but with the same intense gaze that Tony had in his eyes.
You chuckled at Tony’s comment, hoping it would dissipate any kind of suspicion, not that it seemed to be very successful. Pepper followed your lead and so did Tony and Felicia.
“Can’t imagine why” Felicia muttered between laughs and you feel your cheeks flushing at her comment, giving her a warning look, which she just shrugged off by kissing you on the cheek.
It made you smile.
“Okay, we are going to dance so, I’ll let you be” you announced as you realized that Tony and Pepper were still staring, quickly dragging her to the dance floor.
It wasn’t a huge dance floor, tables were surrounding the small space that was farther from the reception where everyone was and there was a small stage set up in front of you, at the moment there was just a talented pianist taking the lead. A few people were dancing, much of them were way older than you and the ones that were old enough to care about what you were doing (especially journalist) as they saw you entering the dance floor, widened their eyes.
You quickly offered Felicia your hand and she reached out, accepting your hand before you were pulling her out onto the dance floor. You caught a few people watching you but you didn’t care, you quickly placed your hands-on Felicia’s shoulder and she placed her cold hands against the skin that showed from your torso and hips. You began to sway together to the soft music playing from the piano.
“You think they notice?” Felicia asked you softly, pulling you a bit closer.
“Not at all” you lied, knowing that there might’ve been something that Tony was suspicious of, but you didn’t want to scare Felicia.
“Your dad seemed a little bit weird out,” she continued. “But I couldn’t tell if it’s because I’m a girl or because he recognized me”
“He didn’t” you assured her looking at her firmly, but you melted as she smirked at you, her eyes gleaming as you played with a strand of her hair. “Okay, but the silver hair doesn’t help”
Felicia gasped jokingly, causing you to chuckle a bit.
“Hey” Felicia complained, as she pulled you a bit closer while biting her lip. “You love the silver hair and more when it’s down”
Which was true.
“My bad” you answered with a fond smile, pressing your forehead against hers.
You kept swaying to the music, bodies pressed together as Felicia held you and guided you to the music. It felt like you were the only two people in the room, you mostly tried to keep your eyes closed, not wanting to disturb your daydream, although it was hard with the whispers of some surprised observers as they arrived on the dance floor and saw you dancing with a girl. Nonetheless, you stayed focused on Felicia’s touch on your skin, on the music that was overflowing your senses, and to the smell of cotton candy.
The only thing that woke you up from the trance you were in was Felicia’s fidgeting, you finally opened her eyes on the third time she had removed her hands from your body for about ten seconds.
“What’s wrong?” you asked her with a frown, to see Felicia’s lips pinched into a fine line.
“Everyone’s watching”
You turned around and it was true, it seemed like the majority of the party were whispering from the tables and looking into the dance floor, even Tony and Pepper seemed a bit stunned by how close you were with Felicia. You could feel Felicia’s shoulders tensing up as she watched everyone, you knew this wasn’t part of the deal when Felicia had agreed to come with you.  
“Hey, it’s okay. Let’s go and eat something” you muttered as you carefully place your hand on her jaw and pulled her gaze back to yours.
Felicia shook her head and gave a step back, as she swallowed hard and then look down. It seemed as if the hairs on the nape of her neck had standup and although you could seem a gleam of regret, she was visibly done.
“Do you mind if I go to the bathroom really quick?” she asked, with a small voice and not looking at you.
You couldn’t hide your disappointment but you couldn’t blame Felicia and her discomfort. You sighed, mentally cursing everyone in the room who was making Felicia feel uncomfortable, and you felt your stomach twisting with guilt for putting her in the spotlight, something that she had never asked.
“Sure, I’ll wait for you” you answered with a slight smile, but looking at her with worried.  
Felicia didn’t stutter or doubted, she quickly let go of you and walked off, some people were still looking at her as she exited the dance floor and then the room, but the gazes were still on you who remained on the dance floor. It felt a bit awkward as you stood there, all alone, and you felt kind of ridiculous.
You looked down for a second and decided that getting a drink was your best bet for not feeling dumb or guilty but before you could give another step, you bumped into Peter.
“Want to dance?” Peter offered, looking at you expectantly and you faltered.
Your eyes linked with Peter’s, who had his eyes twinkling as he looked at you with a warm smile and you felt like melting right then and thereby all means. You didn’t even felt the need to say anything to Peter, you simply took his hand and he stepped towards you, reaching to the small of your back and you held your breath as his fingertips touched your exposed skin. Then, he firmly took one of your hands in his, which he placed on his chest while you started to sway to the music. You wrapped one of your arms around his neck and felt the heat coming from Peter’s body.
As always, you felt at home in his arms with the smell of honey and cinnamon wrapping you in.
“You look really good today” you finally said to Peter, as you looked up to him.
Peter had been looking behind you and your voice snapped you out of it, he was trying to figure out where Felicia was or if she was coming back, but there were no signs of her. So, he decided to simply enjoy having you in his arms and smiled.
“Just today?”
You smiled. “You know what I mean,” you muttered as you laid your head on his chest, so he couldn’t see the small sprinkling of red to dust across your cheeks.
“Well, you look especially beautiful today,” Peter added before he stepped away and let go of your back, spinning you around under his arm before he pulled you in.
You laughed as you looked at Peter dreamily, as you remember that a part of you had wanted this to happen for a long time when you were younger. It would be almost two years since you had skipped town but there you were, harboring feelings for Peter Parker and his caramel curls with chocolate eyes, trying to push them down but now it was because you had a relationship.
“Are you having a good time?” you asked him, trying to keep your thoughts in line.
Peter nodded as he looked around. “Yeah, food is nice and some people wanted to talk to me when they realized I’m Tony’s intern”
“Well, you are the best intern,” you answered honestly with a shrug, causing Peter to give you a smug smile to which you replied almost immediately with a roll of eyes.  “Don’t tell Harley I said that”
“I won’t,” Peter promised as he pulled you closer to him, he could feel he was getting overwhelmed by the characteristic vanilla smell that always surrounded you, he had you in his arms and he couldn’t help himself to ask. “Do you really think that?”
You looked at him while tilting your head as if he had asked something so obvious to you that you were surprised that Peter didn’t already know.
“You know how I feel about you,” you found yourself saying before you could stop yourself.
Peter stared at you for a minute as if you’d lost your mind by saying what you had said. He seemed so confused by the sudden second of honesty, that it made you wondered if you had screwed up again and you felt panic washing your body. But as Peter saw how alarm you’d gotten, he decided to change the topic.
“And you?” he asked before spinning you around again.
You thanked him mentally for that and give him a small smile, which he nodded to it.
“What about me?”
Peter sighed, not wanting to bring Felicia up to this moment after you had said that but he felt like he had no other choice. He groaned and then dipped his head down to your shoulder. You chuckled and placed your hand in the back of his neck, playing with his baby curls before he stood back up straight.
“Are you having a good time, with…” Peter said but his words tapered off, not wanting to say her name.
You could see how his jaw clenched but you simply rolled your eyes, thinking that Peter was somehow just being dramatic.
  “You can say her name, you know?” you joked but as you look at Peter and how to set his jaw was, you felt like he was being serious.
And he was. 
“I know, I just don’t want to,” Peter said bluntly and you frowned at him. “My Spidey sense just goes off.” He said with a shrug.
“Well, that’s uncalled for,” you shot at him with a haughty expression.
Peter cocked his head as he looked at you, and you felt the anger bubbling up on your chest. He seemed condescending and you hated it, you hated that he was watching you from this pretend high road.
“It’s not,” Peter grumbled.
You didn’t say anything right away as you glared at Peter, you knew Felicia was a sensitive topic but you hadn’t witness Peter this pressed or being so blunt about your relationship with Felicia. You wondered if it was because he had seen you dancing with her or just because he still didn’t like her but you didn’t need this at the moment.
“Are we going to do this again Peter?” you asked him while raising your eyebrow as if challenging him.
And Peter, who feel sheer annoyance at Felicia that stemmed from his bad feeling about her was ready to go.
“I think we need to,” Peter answered bluntly. “I just don’t trust her, y/n.”
You chuckled ironically and looked away before your eyes came back to his, the audacity. “Well, I do Peter and if I remember correctly, no one’s asking you.”
Peter shook his head at your response, feeling a bit more annoyed at how stubborn you were being. Not that he wasn’t aware that you were already stubborn.
“I know you make fun of my senses,” Peter started, as he gave you another spin, you followed his lead but you were glaring at him under your lashes. “But I’m telling you there’s something wrong and dangerous with her.”
“Peter you need to stop,” you growled under your breath as Peter rolled his eyes and tried to spin you again but you pushed him back a bit.
Peter winced at the gesture and you could feel your heart aching at Peter’s behavior, part of you felt guilty but another part of you was just hurt that he didn’t try to keep his comments to himself. Peter was the kindest person you knew, but the jealousy or whatever he was feeling about Felicia and how he tried to just throw rocks at your relationship with Felicia, simply felt just mean.
“y/n, you know I can’t let you be in danger” Peter answered honestly, and yes, you could sense the fright in his voice and see the gleam of uneasiness in his eyes, but it wasn’t fair to you.
“I’m not!” you snapped at him; a little bit louder than what you would’ve liked.
“But you are!” Peter answered with the same strength and you hoped that no one had heard you. Both of you were breathing heavily and by that point, the tension could be cut with a knife as you glared at the other but then Peter simply sighed, letting go from your body and watched you sheepishly. “and I can’t stay silent while I watch you get-what?”
You frowned at Peter’s behavior. “Peter?”
Peter swallowed hard and then his eyes traveled to the entrance, where Flash was shaking his head as he looked anxiously at Peter. He closed his eyes, knowing that after this you might even get angrier with him, probably more than what you’d ever been but at that moment he didn’t care.
Felicia had disappeared and it was a risk.
“Where’s the last time you saw her?” Peter asked as he placed his fingers on his ear, trying to listen better at the com and he watched as it dawned on you what he had been doing.
The disappointment in your eyes and then how they were washed with anger made Peter winced.
“Are you kidding me?” you snapped at him, trying to take the com out of his ear so you could talk but Peter grabbed your hands strongly, you cursed to yourself that you couldn’t overpower him at the moment or take out your suit.
People began to stare at the both of you, as you twisted your wrists to get off from Peter’s hold but it was getting harder and harder, Peter trying to listen through the com to whatever Harley was saying.
“What do you mean she isn’t here?” Peter growled under his breath and then looked back at the edge of the dance floor where Flash was, you followed his gaze and quickly groaned, annoyed that all of your friends were in this together.
“Let. Me. Go!” you said as you gritted your teeth while turning to him with eyes blazing with heat, and Peter, who was gazing at you regretfully, took his hold off of you.
You pushed Peter aside and then walked towards Flash, who had this haunted expression on his face as he saw you coming his way, clearly intimidated by you.
“Give me that Flash,” you growled at the boy who was looking at you sheepishly. “I don’t want to ask twice” you threaten while raising your eyebrow and wiggling your fingers so that Flash could give you the com.
He didn’t hesitate, and you quickly put the earpiece on your ear and pulled out the wire from his shirt so you could talk to them.
“All of you need to back off, now.” You growled at them, clearly angry at what your supposed friends were doing. It seemed so extreme for them to have this whole spy thing going on to keep you away from Felicia, and it hurt. It hurt that after everything, after how much you had grown, it seemed like no one really cares about or trusted you and your choices. And you wanted to only be angry -you really did- but the words that Peter told you and how sincere they were, you felt trepidation as you thought about Felicia being loose at Stark Tower; you couldn’t help to ask. “Where was the last time you saw her?”
Peter turned from his place on the dance floor, a frown on his face and he felt somehow relief that he could hear that you were concerned about Felicia’s whereabouts too.
“She was in the bathroom,” you heard Betty’s voice in the com. “But then she just disappeared”
“I followed her there but she wasn’t on the stalls, she just sneaked out,” MJ followed but then Harley interrupted them.
“Just saw her at the edge of the entrance to the elevators,” Harley added and before he could say anything else, you walked away.
You didn’t know what you were going to catch Felicia in as you tried to move through the crowd of people on the gala, as you walked outside and glared at Harley and MJ who were watching you sorrowfully, clearly feeling shitty about what they had done but you passed by them as you walked towards the entrance to the elevators. The thing about Felicia was that most of the time, you did trust her -most of the time- but no matter how much you tried to assure yourself the same thing, you knew there was always Peter’s voice in the back of your head, saying you that she was trouble.
And you knew that it would always somehow hunt your relationship with Felicia. It’s not like she had said anything or anything she did, it was the feeling that came along with it. Her world moved too fast and her love seemed to burn too bright, but for you, how on earth is someone that was basically the opposite of what you were pulled in like she did? Even if sometimes it felt off.
“What are you doing here?” you asked Felicia, louder than you expected as you caught her against the wall while she was fixed her shoe. She was at the edge of the private entrance that Pepper had made for you to go to your apartment, it was supposed to have a guard but the person was nowhere to be found.
Felicia seemed a bit stunned as she heard you and quickly straightened herself, placed her small bag on her shoulder, and fixed her skirt. “Didn’t know it would take you so long to realize I was gone, it’s even upsetting, you know?”
You cut her game off quickly as you placed your hands on your hips and glared at her. You knew she liked to play games; it was rather obvious by now that she wouldn’t give you a straight but either way you still gave it your best shot.
“Why aren’t you at the party?” you asked her again and Felicia, who didn’t answer immediately, though the expression in her eyes grew hard to read. Her hands quickly settled on your waist and tugged you forward.
“Isn’t it obvious?” she breathed out as she gazed at your lips, but you were still glaring at her. Felicia simply rolled her eyes and before you knew it, Felicia threw you back against the wall into a bruising kiss.
You felt a bit stunned for a second but then you just let go. There was something about the kiss that was so intoxicating. Her lips were softer than ever, she tasted like champagne and cotton candy. You could feel how her hands were wondering your body and before you knew it, she was raising your skirt and pulling one of your legs up so you could wrap it around her waist. Her hands trailed then under your dress, the cool of her fingers on your inner tight made goosebumps dance across your skin. It was right then when you felt the spark of heat between your legs, you knew you were getting turned on too.
And for some reason it made you snap.
You pulled away from her and Felicia let out a soft whine of protest. Both were breathing heavily, and you could see Felicia’s lipstick all over her mouth but she was watching you with a cat-like gaze. It was right then and there were you realized that things were about to go a lot farther than what was usually intended,
“Are you drunk?” you asked her with a frown.
But Felicia shook her head. “No,” she answered honestly and her eyes flickered to your lips, her gaze darkened. “I just want you”
Before you knew it, she had her lips against yours again, tongues dancing as you let out small whimpers. You tangled your hands in her hair, nearly moaning at the feeling of her breasts against yours, you were so incredibly pressed together as you’d ever been. Felicia started to play with the rest of your dress, almost wanting to take it off and you smiled into the kiss as you tried to stop her but it was getting too hot. How her hands were loosely trailing your exposed torso, electricity dance under her skin, and then Felicia placed her knee up between your legs, nearly making you moan extremely loud.
You didn’t know if it was the champagne or the fact that the anger that you’d felt minutes ago was somehow fueling the encounter, how somehow you wanted to show that Peter was wrong. Felicia was yours and you were Felicia, there was no reason to think otherwise, and so, why you needed to wait longer?
Therefore, you didn’t hesitate when Felicia said something else.  “Can we go up to your room?” she asked, it almost sounded like a whine as she touched your body.
And you simply nodded before you took her hand and pulled her into the elevator, continuing to kiss and moan and giggle as you pressed her against the elevator. It felt like something shifted as you entered the penthouse and walked her to your room.
The moment you were inside, Felicia pressed had you pressed against the wall, hands tangled in your hair as she kissed your back and began to undo your dress as quickly as she could, without ripping it. You moaned loudly as the dress finally pooled down on your feet and Felicia pressed hot open-mouth kisses to your back until she reached the small of your back and played with the thong that you had decided to wear.
“Such a pretty girl,” Felicia muttered, mostly to herself and you moaned at the thought of Felicia liking dirty talk. “And all mine”
You just whimpered at her comment, you wanted it so badly. So, you turned around and pulled Felicia by her neck up and began to undress her, leaving a trail of clothes on the floor while you drove her back to your bed. You both were just on your thongs by the time you fell onto your bed, and you quickly take the lead as you kissed her while you placed yourself on top, you then decided to press your tight between her legs this time, immediately pressing upwards and making her groan against your mouth but she quickly ground on your tight while you watched her in wonder.
Felicia’s body was perfect, you had seen her with little clothes on but this was a whole different thing. Having her on your bed, exposed as she whimpered and moan, because of your actions was a completely new feeling. Her skin was soft and dark, her hair was tousled and falling haphazardly across her face and spread on the bed, her plump breasts were bouncing by the way she was moving against you, the curve of her hips encased in the tiny black panties she was wearing, made you feel like you wanted to cry.
It would be your first time with a girl and somehow you froze, maybe just because you were just awe-struck by Felicia’s beauty or just because of the sheer fear that you could fuck this up. Felicia realized it soon and quickly raised from her place in the bed and stood from the place where she was, taking your hand and holding it tightly.
“y/n, don’t be afraid”
You simply shook your head, swallowing. “I just really want you,” you panted breathlessly and Felicia winced at your comment but before you could ask her what was wrong, her eyes shifted to your exposed breast and began to hungrily kiss them.
You massaged her scalp as she administered all the attention and devotion to your chest and you quickly fell backward, your head hit the pillows behind it as Felicia pressed herself against you. You couldn’t help to squirm and yelped as Felicia’s lips latched onto your right nipple, sucking it harshly before she changed over to the other. You were heaving and letting out small sighs as Felicia dig her fingers into the flesh of your hips and thigh, your core was dripping as you looked down to see Felicia’s eyes trained on your reaction.
She smirked as heard you whining about her stopping, she quickly pressed her lips firmly against you, her tongue playing with yours before she spoke.
“Tell me how bad you want it,” she whispered as her lips ghosted over yours but you only moaned as you felt her hardened nipples against yours.
“Hardy, don’t tease.” You complained as you cupped her face and pulled her down roughly for another kiss but she quickly pulled away with a mischievous smile.
“Come on Stark,” she panted as she looked at you. “I want to watch you beg”
You were pretty sure your mind snapped after that.
Before you knew it, Felicia pressed her digits to your clothed clit and you couldn’t help but to roll your eyes to the back of your head and opened your mouth at the sensation, but you wanted more. But you simply whined, not wanting to actually say anything but Felicia shook her head.
“Say it” she rasped.
“Please, touch me” you finally begged as you squirmed under her touch.
It was such an unbelievable turn on to hear Felicia’s dark laugh before she slipped her hand into your panties, stroking your entrance with her fingers as she nipped your earlobe. Your breath hitched, and you moaned, holding onto the sheets of your bed as she pumped a finger, and then two inside of you as she worked on your wetness. You gasped in bliss and soon you were arching your hips to get closer to her hand as waves of fire passed through your body, she was so good to you.
She was pressing against all your sensitive spots as she placed hot kisses on your mouth and wherever she could, it didn’t take too long for you to scream her name, your walls flittered around her fingers and your breath began to come in ragged pants. You didn’t know exactly how it happened since you were feeling so busy as she administered all the attention to your core, but soon your mouth found Felicia’s shoulder and before you knew it you bite into her skin, she whimpered and moaned at your reaction.
“Fuck…” she moaned as she dipped her head onto your shoulder, having to stop one second.
And you felt able to breathe again and before Felicia could protest, you switched positions and quickly took Felicia’s arms and placed them over her head.
She giggled.
“Didn’t take you for a top, y/N!” she screamed at the end as you placed two fingers on her core without much anticipation and began to administer the same care to her as she had done for you.
You pushed Felicia’s panties off her legs and spread her legs wider, you wanted to watch how she came undone under you. It was almost hypnotic how your fingers would get lost on her core and how you would be touching her in all the right spots, you then pressed on her clit with your thumb and it just made her moan louder, you went deeper and incomprehensible noises left Felicia’s lips. It was just too much and before you knew it, you simply dived down between her legs.
Felicia tasted like candy and you hummed into her core as you buried your mouth inside of it, tongue on her entrance and making her scream your name. You quickly placed your hands under her legs and grabbed her hips tightly as you continued administering attention to her core, with so much love and care that it seemed like you would die if you weren’t pleasuring her. Then you wrapped your lips around her clit and flicked it with your tongue before you continue to kiss her and in that second one of her hands flew to your head, tugging your hair.
You smiled as you watched her edging, you quickly decided to touch and grab her butt, pulling her in even closer. But before you knew it, Felicia was raised from her position ad pulling away from you, she grabbed you by your chin and captured your lips into a vulgar kiss, her tongue tangling sensually with yours.
But you pulled away. “I wanted to make you cum,” you panted as she licked her lips, tasting herself before she shook her head.
“I’ll make you cum first,” she whispered before she threw you against the bed, a little bit too harsh. “It’s an order,” she said and you felt a shiver ran down your spine because of the anticipation.
Felicia smiled, you could see her cheeks flushed pink and her cat-like grin as she placed a peck against your lips and began to kiss your body, from your chest to your middle to your core. The way Felicia was licking you, sucking you, seemed like too much. You might’ve screamed, moaned, gasped, or all three at once, maybe you whined but you couldn’t remember. It almost seemed like you had blacked out by how she was kissing you down there, how she was pressing on your clit and fucking you with her mouth.
It wasn’t like when Peter had already done it but for obvious reasons, this seemed more intense. The way Felicia was so purposefully working on you, had you gasping for air. It was wild, just like Felicia was, it was pure heat and fire, sweat dripping from your naked skin as Felicia held you down so hard that she probably left bruises. She knew what she was doing to you and it became more than obvious that she wanted to keep going as you felt the fire pooling on your stomach and your legs began to shake, it didn’t take long for you to feel yourself clenching and shuddering around Felicia’s tongue or fingers and you started to come apart at the seams.
Felicia smiled as she felt it and look at you screaming her name, everything exploding with fire as wave after wave of your orgasms seized your body. White light danced on your vision and ripples of blinding pleasure erupted through your body. Your breath was labored as Felicia came back up and pressed her lips against yours, while you tried to catch your breath and slowly drifted back to earth after your release.
“You were so good,” Felicia whispered as she placed small kisses over your body and then quickly stood from the bed into the bathroom of your room.
You were still trying to recover as you watched her naked body entering the bathroom and then heard how she used the sink before she came out with a towel and carefully cleaned you. You smiled at Felicia who quickly put her underwear on and began to look for her dress while you watched her from the bed.
It was such a completely new experience for you, that you were still a bit in awe about what had happened, you quickly put on your underwear and wrapped the towel around your torso while Felicia looked at herself in your large mirror while she fixed her make-up and her dress. Part of you was extremely happy that it had finally happened but then, another part of you wished that Felicia could just stay in bed and talk to you about it.
“That was…” you started, hoping that it would pull her in.
But both of your heads snapped at the loud noise coming from your door. There was knocking a loud, knocking on your door and as the seconds passed it became almost violent.
“y/n?” Felicia asked as she took her jacket and her pursed and walked back to one of the corners of your room, the one farther away from your door.
You frowned at the incessant knocking and quickly took the towel off, running to get your dress and putting it on as the pounding continued. You were still trying to zip your dress and jumped when you finally got close to the door and ordered HAPPY, your AI, to open the door.
As the door opened your eyes widened as you looked at Peter barging into the room. Peter glanced at you and he stayed still for a moment, he could tell almost immediately and it felt like someone had just punched all the air out of his lungs. He saw your disheveled hair and how your dress wasn’t fully zipped, he could also see the messy blankets behind you on your bed and he had to close his eyes for a second, otherwise, he was sure he would’ve broken something at the moment.
He hated it, Felicia had been successful at sucking you in and now Peter knew why.
He finally opened his eyes and decided to get back to what he was doing, he shot a glare at Felicia.
“Felicia,” Peter growled as he walked closer to her while Felicia took a defensive stance.
Before he could get somehow closer, you walked in front of Peter and stopped him. Firmly placing a hand on his chest and pushing him back, defending Felicia.
“What do you want, Parker?” you growled at him but Peter didn’t place the attention on you, instead he stared at Felicia disdainfully.
Peter didn’t want to talk to you about it, if his wishes came true, you wouldn’t even be in the room right now. It was taking all his willpower not to drag you out of the room and lock you out before he began to try to capture Felicia, he just didn’t want to hurt you in the process.
“Give it back, Felicia.” He growled once more and you could see his hands forming into fists, he was holding it so tightly that you were sure that Peter would get moon marks on his palms.
But you brushed the thought off as the words of Peter dawned on you. You frowned at Peter’s comment and you turned towards Felicia, who was giving another step back as she defensively looked at you.
“What are you talking about?” you asked Peter coldly, while your eyes were still linked to Felicia’s greyish-purple eyes.
“Your girlfriend stole the repulsor prototype!” Peter snapped at her and you felt your heart sinking on your chest. “I checked the security footage; she stole it and she’s going to give it to-”
“Shut up!” Felicia’s angry scream cut off Peter as you could feel your head shaking automatically at Peter’s accusation.
There was no way Felicia had done it, otherwise, it would mean that nothing that had happened with you was true, that the feelings that you were harboring with Felicia were based on a lie, that she had never cared or loved you, that Peter was right, that she was only using you.
And then your eyes fell onto her hands and how hard and tight she was holding her small bag.
The way Felicia’s eyes were almost tearing up, how she glanced away from you wanting to avoid your gaze and her chin began to tremble. It was almost palpable the regret on her, the guilt seemed to be eating her alive and you felt like you wanted to vomit.
“Felicia, tells me it’s not true,” you whispered once more as you looked at her, you felt your tears pooling in your eyes but Felicia didn’t move. “Answer me!” you screamed at her, it ripped through your chest and it was so loud that both, Felicia and Peter, jumped at your reaction.
Peter could feel the weight of your emotions on his shoulders, he knew that he had fucked up by bringing you into this but there was no other way, Felicia was on a mission and Peter couldn’t allow her to finish it.
“Felicia, you don’t have to go to Kingpin,” he offered while he stepped forward to where you were standing but Felicia simply chuckled ironically.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about Spidey” she spat at him while she quickly took a defensive stand and let her heels on the floor, she was ready to fight.
But Peter wanted nothing of the sort.
“We don’t want anyone getting hurt,” he insisted but before he could add something, both Felicia and you spoke.
“Too late for that,” Felicia’s silvery and wobbly voice said at the same time with your wavery and soft voice.
You looked at each other with so much hurt in your eyes that you wanted to explode into tears right there and then but the anger and the rage were too much. The feeling of betrayal ran through your body like fuel and before you knew it, you were tapping your breacelet and the nanobots began to spread on your arm and before you knew it, you were shooting your repulsors at Felicia.
Felicia, as talented as she was, quickly dodge your shots but soon Peter took out his webs and began to fire them as Felicia tried to avoid both of your attacks on her in your room. You tried not to care as you would blow up a part of your room, simply wanting to catch Felicia before she did something stupid but before you knew it, she was placing the sleeves of her suit. Her claws appearing from one moment to another as she secured the bag across her body and began to perform a serious act of gymnastics while she tried to avoid you.
Peter managed to get one of Felicia’s ankle’s as she finished performing a backflip to dodge one of your repulsors shots but when she fell onto the floor, she swiftly glanced down at the web and cut it with her nails before she was avoiding your hits too, in one second you fire your window, destroying part of your room and also allowing the cold wind of November to hit you, but Felicia smirked at your mistake.
“Don’t go Felicia”, you growled at her but she simply glanced at you with red eyes.
Before you knew it, she was taking the repulsor out of her bag, the gauntlet where Harley and Tony had decided to place the repulsor for more standard trials on her hand. She placed it on hers and before you knew it, she was pointing at you.
You weren’t wearing your full suit at the moment, simply your arms but Felicia just closed your eyes and looked away, then she fired at you. Peter realized it and quickly tried to grab you so he could avoid you getting blown up but he was too late, your fingers brushing before the explosion sent you off to different parts of the room. Your body hit the wall, hard, you felt your head bouncing against it and then you fell onto the floor that was filled with debris and broken glass.
Your vision turned blurry and the last thing you remembered was Felicia watching you from the window before she quickly jumped out, then everything turned black.
taglist: @spideylovin @fandomtrash100 @soullessbabee @liljennyx3
i’m so sorry for the delay and like for the typos you might find in this chapter bUT IT’S FINALLY UP AND WE HAVE ONLY TWO CHAPTERS LEFT. I had to cut this chapter so I could make the next one a bit longer and this one shorter, next one we are getting a reveal and also tears and post break up glow. 
Last chapter didn’t got any reblogs or notes but it was okay because it allowed me to take my time to write this one and part of the next one. Although Im really excited to see what are your thoughts about the smut with Felicia and Felicia in general. Only one of you saw it coming I think hehe. But i’m really happy about the fact that we only have to chapters left. I love to hear your theories. and i’m always really happy that you are enjoying this with me and i hope you are happy with this chapter, either if you are team felicia or team peter.
as always, the new sneek peak for the next chapter is going to be on. the masterlist if you want to see what’s coming next!
please please please let me know your thoughts and opinions on this chapter and if you have ANY theories or comments I would love to see them!!! I’m already so happy with the love you have given to the last chapters, I really hope you like it!  any feedback is well received and thank you so much!
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nyctophilin · 4 years
I Was a Fool | I
sweet anon: May I request a forced marriage with Mafia!Changbin, please? Where like he's cold at first, but then they fall in love in the edn? And can there be some smut as well,,, sorry if this is too much lol.
Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III
Description: She has been in love with her best friend for as long as she can remember. However, life doesn’t always like to play in your favour. Forced into a marriage she didn’t want to happen she lives her days lonely and unhappy the only thing bringing her joy being the occasional hangouts with her best friend. At some point, her husband starts to get bothered by the said hangouts.
All rights reserved © nyctophilin 2020. Re-posting, copying and translating any of my works is prohibited.
Pairing: Changbin x fem!Reader, Lee Know x fem!Reader
Word count: 3.2k
Genre: Mafia!AU, Forced Marriage!AU, Angst, Fluff, eventual Smut
Warnings: heartbreak, rude Changbin, spelling/grammar mistakes
A/N: Anon, I know Minho is not part of the request but it just felt right to put it in. I felt like I can create more drama if he was there and who doesn’t love drama? I hope you don’t mind.^^ I have so many ideas for this mini series. I’m so excited for it. I hope you all like it. Feedback is very much apreciated. 
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      She stretched slowly, the sun bathing her in its rays. Although it was pretty hot outside a breeze will start occasionally making the bottom of her dress fly up ever so slightly and cooling her heated body. They were close to the bank of a river, settled on a soft blanket, a few dished making it impossible for them to be as close as they wanted to be to each other.
      She stole a glance at her best friend who was propping himself on his palms while looking at the few ducks that were populating the river. She has known Minho since her sophomore year of high school. He was a transfer student from another city. At the time his dad had got a new job in her city and they had to move.
      He intimidated her at first. He was quiet when he wasn’t with people from his class that he befriended and he constantly had a resting bitch face on. They actually started talking because of a...let’s call it a cliché accident. She can still remember it so vividly.
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      She was walking towards the school’s cafeteria with her friends after their French class. Oh, how much she hated French. Not only was the grammar complicated but they also had an awful teacher. He didn't know how to explain things and he was very demanding.
      “Class, today we will talk about something sophisticated and I expect all of you to already know about it because how dare you not know everything about France?” She heard one of her friends mock the teacher and she giggled lightly. 
      “You did it wrong. You have to add a French accent and more spitting to it. This man went to France once for a week and suddenly he forgot where he is from.” Her other friend rolled her eyes when she remembered the teacher’s antics.
      “Oh come on. You guys are so mean!” She finally spoke just a tiny bit of sarcasm present in her voice.
      “Oh please! You are the one that hates him the most.” Her friend challenged her with a raised eyebrow.
      “Hate is a strong word. I just don’t have the same vision as him on most things.” She felt one of them nudge her in the back with her elbow and she adopted an offended frown. “Stop, I am serious!”  She nudged her back and they started pushing each other. A particularly hard push from one of her friends had her bolting forward and knocking down the person in front of her, falling over them.
      When she lifted her head and noticed who she hit she was up in a second. The second he spent getting up from the floor she was thinking of all sorts of excuses she could say. When he turned towards her she opened her mouth ready to let all her thoughts spill but she was cut off.
      “Are you ok? Did you get hurt?” He placed his hand on her arms crouching down just a bit to inspect her face. His hands were really warm.
      She felt a faint pink dust her cheeks. “I am fine. You don’t have to worry about me. I was the one who made you fall.” She looked into his mesmerizing eyes and gulped as discreetly as she could.
      “I am okay but we can’t allow such a fragile lady like you to get hurt.” A smirk tugged at his lips and made her rosy cheeks to go into a deep red.
      “Hey! I’m not fragile. I still put you down, didn’t I?” The most pleasant laugh she ever heard left his lips and he patted her head lightly.
      “Yeah, sure you did, sweetheart. Be more careful next time!” His hands left her body and he turned on his heels joining his friends again and continuing his way to wherever he had to be.
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      After that incident, they started greeting each other on the hallway and making small talk every time they would sit at neighboring tables in the cafeteria becoming good friends eventually. The time she has spent with him was never boring and she ended up having some of her best experiences because of him. However, somewhere in that period of time, she fell for him. And how could she not? He was caring and gentle and funny and always made sure that she was comfortable before dragging her into another one of his crazy adventures.
      She was also aware of his feelings for her. She didn’t know if it was love but she knew he cared for her more than a friend cares for another friend. But none of them ever confessed. Maybe they were waiting for the right moment and maybe they made a mistake by doing that because from now on there were no more right moments.
      “I will be getting married.” Her whisper got lost in the breeze but he still managed to hear her. His head shoot in her direction, watching her side profile with blown pupils. With quick moves, he pushed the food out of the way and stood in front of her. Even though he was on his knees his body was standing tall, her calves trapped between his legs.
      “What do you mean? Please tell me you are talking about that giant stuffed bear in your room.” Minho tried to bring some humour into the situation hoping that any second she will push him, make him fall on the fresh grass and start laughing. His voice was strained when he spoke, however, because these were the first words she said to him since they met twenty minutes ago.
      Y/N bit her lip while avoiding his eyes. That was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Finally looking at his face she felt something tugging at her heart when she remarked his pained expression. “No Minho, I’m not talking about Honey. He’s way too good for me. If he ever decides to marry me I’ll be the luckiest woman alive.” Minho didn't appreciate her joke. If it was true then it was no joking matter.
      “Y/N, please!” She bit the inside of her cheek at his slightly annoyed tone. She knows she shouldn’t joke about this but it’s easier than telling him the truth. She wished there was a better, less painful way than that.
      “I’m getting married, Minho. In a month.” Y/N felt tears stinging at her eyes but she refused to let them fall.
      “With who? Did you have a boyfriend all this time?” The thought of her with someone else left a bittersweet taste in his mouth.
      “I don’t know who.” She said under her breath focusing on the abandoned food on the blanket.
      “What do you mean you don’t know who?” She moved her face even further away from him wanting to avoid the conversation as well as she could. His unusually cold hand cupped her face making her watch him in the eyes and bringing her closer to him but still keeping a decent distance between their faces. “What do you mean you don’t know who, Y/N?”
      She felt so intimidated by his demeanour. She knew she owed him an explanation. Actually, no. She didn’t. They were just friends and she can do whatever she wants. But she needed to give it to him for her own sanity. “It’s an arranged marriage. My parents made this deal a long time ago with a rival in business. If I am not in any relationship when he prepares to step down from his position and hand the legacy to his son, I have to marry him. I don’t know why there is such rivalry between flower shops but if that helps my parents from losing the family business I have to do it.” 
      “Y/N, this is crazy. We have to do something. You can’t just marry a complete stranger.” His hands descended from her face to her shoulders, shaking her slowly hoping that maybe they both can wake up from this nightmare if he does.
      Tears pricked in her eyes as she took a deep breath. “If I was in a relationship I wouldn’t have to do it, but I am not. Everything is already decided on and I can’t do anything more about it.”
      Minho collapsed on her legs but didn’t fully let his weight on them. He brought her face close to his only a few centimetres apart. “Yes, we can. Listen Y/N, I…” She placed her hands over his, making him stop in the middle of his sentence.
      “Please, don’t do this to me. Not now. Please!” Tears started pouring down her cheeks as her vision of him became unclear.
      “Please!” She let her head fall into his chest and started crying uncontrollably. He felt his heart break at the sight of her crying and he never thought that his love could hurt her like that. He knew what he was about to do wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair for her. He understood that she can’t do anything anymore but he was selfish. He was too selfish when it came to her.
      “I love you!” 
      Her whimpers became even louder and she wrapped her hands around his torso burying her head more into his chest. He embraced her as well, a hand rubbing up and down her back in a calming way. He was silently crying trying not to disturb her, hoping that maybe, just maybe he is actually dreaming.
      From afar they may have looked like two insane people. Crying on a picnic on such a nice day. But it wasn’t a nice day for them. On that day their hearts have been broken by one another even though they still loved each other.
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      Y/N was fidgeting on the wooden chair looking around frantically. Her father placed his rough hand on her delicate one in an attempt to calm her down. She looked him in the eyes and he gave her a smile trying to hide his sorrow from her. She smiled back and finally stopped her moving, realising that nothing is going to change even if she wastes her energy like that.
      Tomorrow was her wedding day and a few days prior they received a phone call from the father of the groom saying that they should meet before the wedding. Originally they weren’t supposed to meet because her soon to be in-laws were busy with the whole stepping down thing. She didn’t know why but she felt relieved that she gets to meet her husband before the ceremony. Even though her father assured her that he is a “young handsome man just right for my baby girl” she needed to see it with her eyes. No one wanted any weird reactions from her in the middle of the ceremony.
      She will finally get married. Is something she has wanted to do since she was young. Being with the one you love forever and absolutely nothing being able to separate you. She always dreamed of completing this one desire of hers. Dressing up in the most beautiful dress she has ever seen and having her hair done beautifully. It was going to be a beach wedding sometime in spring. Everything was going to be perfect and in the end, her loved ones were going to witness the love of her life and her vowing eternal love for one another.
      But she wasn’t getting her beach wedding and she wasn’t marrying the love of her life. She realised some time ago that life can be cruel. You get everything you want and then, all of a sudden it stops. You are left broken and have to live an unfulfilling life just because you can’t die yet.
      She was woken from her slumber by the screeching of her father’s chair. When she looked forward she was met with two masculine forms looking down at her. She hurriedly got up and bowed deeply as an apology for not noticing them sooner.
      “There’s no need for something like that. I can imagine how nervous you must be.” His voice was deep, shaking her from inside out. It was the older male that spoke. His shoulders were really broad and he was fairly tall, his imposing presence giving her a claustrophobic feeling. He had a fake smile plastered on his face and he extended his hands which she shook hurriedly. “I’m Mr Seo but you can start calling me father.” He laughed and she forced a laugh as well, uneasiness settling inside her.
      She looked at the other man from the corner of her eye. He was very well built, his black T-shirt stretching over the muscle of his arms. “I’m Y/N.” She extended her arm and let a smile paint her lips in an attempt to be nice.
      The man rolled his eyes and slapped his hand over her’s, shaking it violently before letting go. “I’m Changbin.” Immediately after, he sat down disinterested in that whole meeting.
      A bored expression was adorning his face. All he could think about was the moment he could go home. His eyes travelled down her body trying to take her figure in. He had seen so much better. She wasn’t crazy beautiful and even though her body was presenting some appetizing curves her shy and reserved demeanour was a big turn off for him. He couldn’t understand why he had to marry her. Did they really have to form a pact with the District 9 Mafia? They were clearly stronger than them so why not just eliminate them.
      He took another look at her. The way she sat, that forced smile, the fear in her eyes. Everything about her annoyed him. Maybe he was influenced by the fact that he had to marry her against his will but she was sparking something inside him. Filling him with rage until he had to stop to breathe in order to calm down.
      “Do you go to college Y/N?” Mr Seo’s question surprised her.
      “I did. I majored in Chemistry. I wanted to become a perfumer.” Excitement overtook her at the mention of her dream job.
      Surprise settled on Mr Seo’s face. “Oh, is that so? How come?” 
      “Well, since we have a flower shop as a family business I grew up around nicely smelling flowers. I thought that maybe we could sell perfume as well. That way people would buy more things when they come by and maybe we would be able to beat you.” She giggled lightly and she had both men in front of her raising their brows.
      “Oh yeah. Your father’s and my rivalry when it comes to our flower shops.” Mr Seo smirked at the other man and he averted his head, too embarrassed to make eye contact.
      On the other end of the table, Changbin was both dumbfounded and angry. Not only was she not aware of her father’s real job but she was also naive enough to believe the flower shop story. He doubts that he and his father looked like they could work in a flower shop. He hated this marriage already.
      The rest of the afternoon went smoothly with her, her father and Mr Seo making conversation. Changbin didn’t say anything unless spoken to and for the entire afternoon, he looked like he would rather be thrown out of a moving train than be there. Y/N tried striking a conversation with him a few times but he would either answer drily or would straight up ignore her so she gave up. 
      When they finally parted ways a few hours later she felt like she could breathe again. She was going to have a long and lonely life if this is how their marriage was going to proceed.
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      Y/N looked at the lights coming from the city. Everything looked so small from up there. So small that she could pick them up and do whatever she wanted with them. Wrapping her jacket better around her body she leaned against the hood of the car making herself comfortable.
      “How is he?” Minho was looking at her expectantly.
      “He is okay, I guess.” She let out a sigh turning her head to look at his eyes.
      The older man made a clicking sound with his tongue before tilting his head to one side. “Okay? You guess? What am I supposed to understand from this?” He sounded annoyed.
      “He didn’t really talk. He ignored me for almost the entire period we were there. He did say ‘Good for you.’ when I said that I am a good cook, though. In conclusion, okay, I guess.” She was sick of him honestly. The few hours she spent with him today were enough for a lifetime. He wasn’t okay, he was a complete unmannered pig. But she couldn’t say that to Minho. She couldn't tell him about all the dirty looks he gave her or how many times he rolled his eyes whenever she excitedly spoke about her interests. She knew how he would react and that would only make her fall for him even harder. She needed to get over him.
      Minho felt his blood boil at her words. He gave her up, he respected her wish of not going to her father and fighting for her, only for her to end up with someone like him. Wasn’t life a bitch? He could make her so much happier. They could have a carefree life where the only thing they’ll be thinking about was how much they loved each other. But they won’t. Y/N is Changbin’s and as much as he hates it, if she is fine with it he will respect her decision.
      He wrapped a hand around her shoulders and dragged her closer to him. “Maybe you just got the wrong impression. I’m sure it will be ok.” He said that to her but it was more for him. A reassurance and a reason not to start a fight. He wanted to tell her to go against her father. Tell her to think again. Tell her that he was ready and if she spelt the words he would jump in the car and run away with her. Go to a place where no one could find them and they could live a happy life. But he almost lost her once and he can’t risk that again.
      After their picnic “date” Y/N avoided him for a few days and he thought that he ruined their friendship. But then, thanks to someone that probably loves him, she called him. Told him how scared she was of the whole situation and how she’s trying to stay strong for her family. That night she confessed to him many things that got him worried and he agreed to stay by her side because she needed him. He even agreed to walk her down the aisle. Walk with her on arguably the most important day of her life and then hand her over to someone else.
      “Maybe you are right. I hope you are right.” She closed her eyes and inhaled his scent. The last few moments she can spend with him like that before it becomes wrong. And she is going to enjoy them.
      They sat like that for a good period of time in comfortable silence. None of them wanted to go home afraid of tomorrow. But they did because this was not a teenage rom-com where the protagonists end up together. This was the real world and they had to confront it.
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muscatmusic18 · 3 years
what you gave me (1/1)
Fandom: Fate: The Winx Saga
Pairing: Farah and Aisha
Aisha feels as though she's falling behind her peers. Farah goes out of her way to show her the power she possesses. 
Read it here on AO3, or below.
A loving thank you to my girl @alexusonfire for always making me feel like the best writer in the world ❤️
On her way back to her office from lunch, Farah looked over her recently completed file of paperwork, triple checking that everything was in order. Budget forms were her least favorite, there were too many places to make mistakes, too many people to get upset with them, and she always found herself pouring over them for much longer than any other paperwork that crossed her desk.
She reached the entrance of her office, opening the door while making one last check to the numbers proposed for next year’s operational cost. “Aisha, will you file—”
There was a squeak and the sound of splashing water, and Farah looked up in surprise to see a stunned Aisha, hands still raised over a copper bowl as she stared at the now soaked desk in front of her, obviously having lost her concentration at Farah’s sudden appearance.
“Headmistress, I’m— I didn’t— I’m so sorry, I—” Aisha stuttered. She grabbed at the files on the desk, realizing they were all soaked, and bent her head, looking as though she was trying to curl up and disappear.
Farah waved her hand, the water disappearing and leaving the files as good as new. Aisha tried to look busy, straightening the stacks and avoiding Farah’s eye as she spoke. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have— there was ten minutes until you’d return, and I’d finished everything, so I thought I’d practice— I should have waited until later but—”
“Aisha,” Farah interrupted, though not unkindly. “It’s alright, nothing was damaged.” The girl was still looking anywhere but her, so Farah continued. “I respect those who work hard and make the most of their time.”
Aisha huffed. “It’s not really hard work if I’m not making any progress,” she muttered, mostly to herself, but Farah heard, and furrowed her brows in concern.
“Hard work isn’t measured by the amount of success. Besides, you’re doing well in class.”
Aisha finally looked up at her, looking surprised that Farah had heard and remarked on her comment. “I—” she sighed and looked back down, toying with the corner of a file. “I don’t feel like I am. I feel like I’m falling behind. It’s getting easier for everyone to control their magic, but I feel like I have to work just as hard as the first day.”
Farah let out a small sigh, biting the inside of her cheek. She’d had students like Aisha before, and her heart always ached for them, wishing she could show them the power they possessed that they couldn’t see.
Though perhaps…
Mind made up, Farah set the budget file on the bookcase next to her and grabbed her coat from the rack, swinging it over her shoulders. “Come with me.”
Aisha looked up, brow furrowed in confusion. “Ma’am?”
Farah gave her a small smile, and gestured towards the door with a nod of her head. “Come.”
She lagged a moment while Aisha grabbed her jacket, and then she strode out of the office and made her way towards the grounds of Alfea.
Farah could feel Aisha’s confusion and trepidation as they walked across the lawn, and her shocked realization as Farah led them towards the dirt path that curved towards the river.
“Ma’am, why…” Aisha trailed off.
“There’s no better water to practice on then a source of it, yes?” Farah answered, continuing on even as the girl lagged behind a moment before jogging to catch up again.
She led them deeper into the forest, the smell of the pine and the damp earth nearly overwhelming, and Farah relished in its smell and taste as she took a deep breath. They were walking along the river now, but still she went on, aiming for a spot she knew by heart.
Finally they came to a low part of the bank, a spot Farah came to often when she needed solitude. She stepped onto the worn shore, mindful of her heels, and then motioned for Aisha to join her.
She shoved her hands in her coat pockets as Aisha came to stand next to her, looking at her expectantly before following her lead and staring out over the water. They stood there a minute before Aisha glanced over at Farah again, her confusion evident. “What am I supposed to do?”
Farah shrugged, giving the girl a fond smile before looking back out to the water. “Any sort of magic you’d like. The point of this exercise isn’t about the result of the magic, it’s about feeling the magic itself, connecting to it. So do what you’re most comfortable with.”
Aisha took a deep breath and then raised her hands, and Farah watched as a large ball of water rose out of the river, hovering. It grew, and then shrunk, and then lowered back into the water as Aisha gave a small sigh and dropped her hands.
“Miss Dowling, I don’t mean any disrespect when I say this, but my problem isn’t with doing magic, it’s… it’s the control of it. Big magic, like this, is okay because it’s stable and easy to get my mind around. But when I have to do smaller, more detailed magic, or I have to maintain it for a long time, I just… can’t. Not like the others can.”
Farah looked at Aisha, her heart aching for the girl’s dismay. “I understand why you might feel that way. But right now, I want you to forget about that. Don’t think of this as an attempt to fix your troubles with magic, or push yourself to do magic you struggle with. I want you to do something you’re comfortable with, because I want to focus on the connection you feel with the magic all around you. Let your imagination run wild — do anything you’d like.”
Aisha nodded slowly, then raised her hands again. Again, Farah watched as a large ball of water rose out of the river, this time accompanied by several smaller ones. They rotated around each other a bit, not unlike planets, before one wobbled and dropped back into the river. Aisha sighed again, this time tinged with frustration, and lowered the other orbs back into the water.
“I’m sorry, Miss Dowling, I know you’re trying to help. If I had more time to practice, maybe—”
Farah shook her head. “This isn’t about practice, Aisha,” she said gently. “This is about feeling that connection.”
Farah studied the girl, and a sudden pang of sympathy pulled at her chest. She remembered what it was like, being tested on the spot by her Headmistress, and all the anxiety and doubts that came with it. Not to mention with the embarrassment of the accident in the office, she couldn’t blame Aisha for struggling in front of her.
However, Farah was more stubborn than any student’s struggle.
A few steps away was a large, flat rock that jutted out into the deeper part of the river, and Farah moved towards it, motioning for Aisha to follow. Carefully stepping out of her heels, Farah climbed onto the rock and sat on the edge. She slipped her feet into the water, grateful she’d worn a dress that day, and again motioned for Aisha to join her.
Farah rolled her ankles in slow circles as Aisha pulled off her shoes and socks, marvelling at the way the water slipped by her so smoothly, barely a ripple as it moved past. The hypnosis of the water was broken when Aisha sat down, feet dangling next to hers, and Farah looked over at the girl, smiling.
“You’re a water fairy, so undoubtedly you have a connection to water, especially when you’re surrounded by it, yes?”
Aisha nodded. “It’s why I swim. That connection feels… comforting.”
Farah nodded. “Good. Now, focus on that connection.” She watched as Aisha’s eyes closed, feet slowly swaying in the water. “Feel it. Allow it to grow and surround you.”
She paused a minute, allowing Aisha to relax and find comfort in the river. The girl nodded, and Farah continued softly.
“Now use that connection to channel your magic. Don’t think about what you want the magic to do. Just allow it to flow from the water, into you, and back out again.”
All was still for a moment. And then ripples began to form on the water’s surface, little swirls and eddies bubbling up. They grew in number and strength, beginning to rise out of the river, and then, all at once, the water was dancing. Ribbons of water twirled out of the water, spiraling around each other in intricate, mesmerizing patterns. Waves formed along the top of the river, making little figures that ran, skipped, and jumped around in a playful manner that made Farah grin as she watched.
She looked over at Aisha, pride warming her chest at such a beautiful display of magic. “Open your eyes.”
Aisha did, the shock evident on her face as she saw the magic, her magic. The waves and ribbons wavered a little, a couple dropping back into the river, but Aisha took a breath and they resolidified, resuming their playful dance across the surface.
They watched the water for a while, listening to the gentle sounds of the figures dipping in and out of the river, before Aisha slowly brought them to a stop, then gently lowered them back into the water.
They sat quiet for a moment, Farah looking to see Aisha staring out at the water in awe, and she smiled to herself, knowing the girl was just starting to realize the power and discipline she possessed.
“That spark you feel in your chest, that connection with magic that is amplified through positive emotions — that is where control comes from. It’s not something you can force, but rather a relationship that you must carefully foster and grow. No amount of practice will do you any good if you first don’t find that connection and use it to steady yourself and the magic inside you.”
Aisha was nodding, still staring out at the water, and Farah laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. The girl looked at it in surprise, but Farah continued on. “You have great potential, Aisha. Do not squander yourself in self doubt.”
Aisha slowly looked up to meet her eyes, and nodded slowly. “I won’t, Headmistress.”
Farah smiled at her. “Good,” she said, and lifted her feet from the water. “Solaria would lose a powerful fairy if you did.”
She stood then, Aisha following suit, and Farah had just smoothed the skirt of her dress when suddenly strong arms were wrapped around her in a fierce hug, Aisha’s cheek pressed to her shoulder. “Thank you, Miss Dowling,” she said, voice slightly muffled. “For showing me what I can do.”
Farah smiled to herself, heart swelling in her chest, and she wrapped her arms around Aisha, returning the warm hug. “We all need a little encouragement from time to time.”
Aisha slowly let go after a minute, taking a step back, and Farah looked her over, noting the subtle changes in her posture, her eyes, the line of her mouth — the assurance there that wasn’t present before, and pride warmed Farah’s body, tingling in the tips of her fingers.
Taking a breath, Farah smiled at Aisha, then stepped off of the rock and into her shoes before turning to the girl. “Good work today.”
Aisha beamed at her, sitting to put on her shoes, and Farah watched as her gaze drifted back towards the water, obviously remembering the magic she’d done.
“Come,” Farah said lightly, turning to step up onto the path. “You can come back later. I still have a few things for you to file.”
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