#when i tell you i read test questions in abed’s voice today to be able to focus
taters-for-tots · 7 months
Me: i’m normal about the media i consume
Also me: *flapping my hands and rocking back and forth* i can’t simulate abed’s voice well enough in my head yet. I have his normal speaking voice but not enough volumes or inflections. I also need to work on Troy’s. I need more samples.
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rora-s · 3 years
The Derivative Chapter 12: Tests
Chapter 1 <- Chapter 11
I let off a breath closing one text book I’d finished and moving to the next. “You know there’s a difference between learning and memorizing right?” Amita pointed out with a scoff glancing at me over top her laptop screen. 
“I am aware. One is knowing the other is understanding but for me they can understandably get intermingled” I explained as I began to go through the next book. 
Amita nodded “you’re really stressing about this test you have to do for school huh?” 
“Well it is kinda a big deal. The whole prospect of my graduating early is riding on it. That and me getting accepted into college” I explained. 
“Oh really what are you looking to study?” Amita inquired. 
“Mathematics like my uncle probably, maybe something a bit more hands on to” I explained. 
“You know combinatorics is a great field” she offered. 
I scoffed “if you don’t say so yourself” 
We both giggled “seriously though you should look at applying for CalSci. You could stay local. They have a history of accepting young brilliant minds and programs especially made for those who have spotty school records.” 
“You know Larry was saying something similar before” I voiced “maybe I will think about it.” 
“Plus I’ve been considering staying at CalSci longer to get my second PhD in physics so you’d have another friendly face on campus other than Charlie and Larry” 
“Seriously?” I thought about hanging around CalSci with the brainiac trio. “That sounds really cool”
“I think it’d be cool too and we could take you on a tour of the campus sometime even, you know, show you around” Amita offered. 
I smiled “yeah that’d be great” 
Just then my friend's phone went off and she answered it “hello? … yeah sure I’ll be right there.” she hung up and started packing her things. “Charlie needs my help for a case with Don.” she informed. 
“I can come-” 
“He said specifically not to bring you even if you asked. Sorry” Amita told me sympathetically. 
“Ugh eighteen can not come soon enough” I groaned. 
“There, there” Amita murmured teasingly, patting me on the shoulder as she headed out of the house. 
“You know when you offered to take me on a campus tour I thought I’d see more than the computer lab” I voiced as the trio finished retesting their flight route math for a third time in the CalSci computer lab. 
“I’m sorry but this is very important for the case Don’s working on” Charlie breathed out then thought for a minute “by the way I would appreciate you not telling him I allowed you to help with this math” 
“Don’t worry Uncle C, unlike some people I can keep a secret” I muttered. The man shot me a look but let the subject go as we all mulled over what we might have missed. 
“I don’t get it,” Uncle Charlie declared finally from his seat on the table behind where Amita was working. “The aircraft should have originated from an airfield that the FBI checked out” 
“Maybe they didn’t use an airfield” I suggested from where I sat next to the computer. “Like a highway or something” 
“Well then there would have been witnesses” Amita pointed out to the contrary. 
“You know, here’s where I get reductive on your ass,” Larry spoke up standing “cause you keep saying aircraft but so far no one’s been able to identify whatever it was that people saw.” 
“What are you saying, Larry?” Amita questioned. 
“I’m saying instead of building a flight path, let’s try focusing on the object itself,” Larry suggested. 
“You know what?” Charlie spoke up, hopping off his table “he’s right.” 
“Wait, you're agree that it could be a UFO?” I inquired of my uncle. 
“No, but focusing on the craft might yield better results.” The man explained coming over “We could get a visual of the object by building in all the radar sources at the same time, yes, civilian and military.” 
“So overlap the radar sources?” Amita clarified as she began to type into the computer. 
“That’s right” Charlie confirmed “by layering the images we could build a three dimensional cross section of it” 
Amita typed on the computer for a moment and we all leaned in to see “there” she finally declared “now it’s working off of all seven radar sources.” 
“And it’s building an image of the object,” Larry added. 
We watched as slowly an image began to appear. What we saw looked surprisingly Sci-fi. “Charlie? Is that what I think it is?” Amita inquired. 
“Larry I’m sorry I doubted you” I muttered. 
“Now, le-let’s be very, very careful” Charlie stammered “we shouldn’t jump to any conclusions or make any assumptions. There could be any number of reasons why that looks like-” 
“A vehicle from another part of the universe” Larry finished Charlie’s statement. 
3rd POV.
“Hey Charlie” Don greeted his brother knocking on the door to the office space the professor was using in the library. 
“Hey” the young brother replied, writing on a piece of paper. 
“What’s up?”  
“Just grading tests for my Nonlinear Dynamics class.” Charlie informed. 
“Glad to see you’re taking my advice and having some fun” Don commented. 
“Well, you don’t look like you’ve been having too much fun” the younger brother pointed out, eyeing his brother as Don sat down. 
Don sighed “aw man this Gosnell case. Not to mention Abby has to take that test today in school to see if she can get out early.” 
“I’m sure she’ll pass” Charlie reassured “and you know Amita’s already talked her into applying for CalSci” 
“Yeah I’m just stressed on her behalf I guess” the older brother explained “and anyway with this case I just had to tell a guy that his dad died” Don let off another breath slouching in his seat. 
Charlie put down his pencil and turned to give his brother more of his attention “I spent all that time trying to figure out where the plane went. Turns out the pilot didn’t even know, because the rudder was busted.” 
“See, that’s the thing” Don explained “I got to find out where he was headed, ‘cause I think that’s why he was killed. You got any ideas? Anything at all?” 
Charlie sighed packing up his papers and standing “maybe. Could I, uh could I get some data off the flight recorder?” 
“Yeah, I mean, I can see if, uh, Erica can drop some by.” Don offered. “Maybe Amita can help you out” A small smile came to Charlie’s face at the suggestion and Don couldn’t help the knowing grin that came to his face. “Dad said she’s sticking around.” 
“Did he?” Charlie asked, turning to his brother. 
“Well, you happy about that?” Don inquired. 
“Um, are you asking me as her thesis advisor or..?” Charlie ended with a slight chuckle. 
Don scoffed at the blush forming on his younger brother’s features “you tell me” 
“Yeah, I’m happy,” Charlie admitted. 
They were quiet for a moment then another thought occured to Don “hey, what’s the deal I thought you were playing golf today.” 
“Oh no.” Charlie quickly replied “you know, I’m really no use on the golf course.” 
Don sat up as his brother took the seat across from him again “Charlie you know why he likes playing with you, don’t you?” 
“I have no idea” Charlie voiced “because I-I’ve got to be the worst golfer in the history of the game” 
Don shook his head surprised that his genius of a little brother could be so clueless sometimes “No. it’s the one time he gets to teach you something. You understand?” he explained “I mean I’m learning for myself that it’s not easy raising a genius. That’s his one time” Don wasn’t sure Charlie got what he was saying but just then his phone went off “oh excuse me” he stood up to take the call. “Eppes” 
“Don” David’s voice answered “the forensic report from Gosnell’s workshop just came in. We found David Croft’s fingerprints all over the shop.” 
“But I thought you said he hadn’t seen him in years” Don questioned confused. 
“And so he said” David replied 
“All right, look, uh, take a team, pick him up” Don instructed, rubbing his forehead and the bridge of his nose with his hand “I’ll meet you at the office, okay?” 
“You got it,” David agreed before hanging up. 
Don pocketed his phone again “alright kid I got to go. See you later” he called to Charlie who nodded his farewell before Don was out the door. 
“I pass the dang test and as a reward I get to come out here and watch you all golf in this heat” Abby complained “that’s so not fair” 
“Ah come on kid a little exercise never hurt anybody” Don objected “maybe you could try it out for yourself” 
“No thank you” the teenager replied edgily heading toward the bench with her backpack full of reading material. 
“Where’s Chuck?” Don asked, realizing his younger brother was not in sight. 
“I don’t know last I looked, he was right behind us.” Alan replied looking around. “Oh there he is” he voiced when they spotted the younger man coming up to the bench at another angle. 
“Hey dad,” Charlie called, dragging his clubs up the incline. “Your clubs weigh a ton” 
“Are you kidding, I've used those clubs for ten years” Alan replied looking in his own golf bag as Abby made herself comfortable on the bench. “There’s nothing wrong with them” 
“Dad, they’re older than he is,” Don pointed out, going over to look in Charlie’s bag. “I don’t even think they make wood clubs anymore.”
“Yeah I know” Alan said “but each one of ‘em’s got a great sweet spot.” 
“Put ‘em in a museum,” Don commented. 
“Eh, when Charlie gets better, I’ll buy him a set of his own” Alan offered. 
“Well isn’t that encouraging” Abby muttered already part way through the novel on her lap. 
“Come on, Charlie, maybe this is the day you’ll par a hole.” Alan suggested. 
“I’d just like to get the ball in the hole. That’s all” Charlie stated as Don came over to sit next to his daughter on the bench. 
“So you passed the test” Don spoke to his kid as Alan talked to his. “What’s next?” 
“I wait and hope CalSci accepts me,” Abby declared looking up from her book. “But who knows if that’s going to happen.” 
“Well aren’t you pessimistic” Don muttered. 
“Well Donald I had to get it from somewhere” Abby replied with a smirk. 
“Yeah your mother” Don stated with a slight grin. 
“Funny she said the same thing about you” Abby advised and the pair shared a laugh as Charlie came over to join them. 
“Alright Alan show us how it’s done” Don called to his father and the three watched as the eldest among them swung the golf club. 
Chapter 13 ->
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desperationandgin · 5 years
Strawberry Wine (Chapter 11, Part 1)
Rating: Mature
Author: desperationandgin
Previous Chapter
Also Read On: AO3
Summary: Claire’s existence, as celebrated by Jamie.
Author’s Note: This is the last chapter before the finale of part 1!
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Chapter 11: The Biggest Fear Was September
I didn’t recall my legs moving, but I found myself suddenly in Jamie’s arms, my own tightly around his neck as I hugged him fiercely.
“Are ye surprised?” he asked with a broad smile, pulling back to see my face.
“Yes, you foolish Scot, I am! How – you must have left yesterday, what about your classes?” I inquired, not wanting him to miss anything and risk his grades on my behalf.
“Aye, I left as soon as I finished. Today I only had a test, so I asked to take it early. Tomorrow is a class Ian and I have together, and I return Sunday evening. He’ll mind the notetaking for me this once.”
I listened, but had gone long enough without kissing him. Bridging the infinitesimal gap between us, I pressed my lips to his, cradling his face in my hands. It was chaste, considering where we were, and I pulled back to let my nose graze the side of his. “I’ve missed you so much,” I murmured, eyes closed as I pressed my face against his neck and breathed deeply.
“Aye, I’ve missed ye fiercely, mo nighean donn. There’s a restaurant in my hotel. Would ye care to join me for supper?”
“Just let me change clothes, and I’ll be right back down,” I promised, kissing him one more time before leaving to go upstairs. I was midway through zipping up a navy colored dress when Gillian came through the door.
“That is yer man downstairs sitting there like a Roman sculpture, is it no’?”
I laughed, turning and pointing to my zipper so she could end my struggle. “He does cut a striking figure, doesn’t he?” Without missing a beat, she zipped me up, then began unpinning my hair. “What are you doing?” I asked, reaching back to try and salvage my hairstyle.
“Let the curls down, Claire, ye look more like yerself. Ye’re about to leave here and dinna tell me there’s no’ a plan in sight to have yer way wi’ him. If you come back to this room tonight, so help me God, I’ll knock yer heid straight in.”
I barked out another laugh and looked at her in the mirror with my nose scrunched. “Ever the supportive friend. Won’t I be in trouble if I’m not back by ten?”
“I’m a professional, ye ken. I can cover for ye here and Mistress Helldegarde will no’ ever be the wiser. So, ye spend the night wi’ yer lad,” she said with a casual shrug. “Take a change of clothes wi’ ye, and in the morning, I’ll take your books with me to class, meet ye there.”
I turned and pulled my friend in, kissing her cheek in gratitude. “Have I ever told you what an incredible roommate you are?”
“Och, save it for yer boyfriend, Claire,” she chided, but I caught the hint of a smile before turning back to my hair.
By the time I made it back downstairs, Jamie was surrounded by women, and I had to hide a smirk at how desperate he looked to be anywhere else. As soon as he saw me, his relieved smile caused the other girls to turn and look at who’d walked in. It made me blush – prettily, I hoped – as I made my way to him, holding out a hand. “Ready?”
It didn’t matter that one of the other girls (Geneva Dunsany, who walked around with a stick of superiority shoved right up her arse) was quite literally hanging on to Jamie’s arm.
Reaching out, Jamie took my hand, eyes on me as his thumb grazed the bottom of my wrist.
“Aye, my own. Je suis prest.”
I spared a glance at Geneva, who wasn’t bothering to hide the fact that she was offended by my mere existence. As I slid my hand into Jamie’s and our fingers laced together, I smiled sweetly at her before turning to lead Jamie out to the street.
We walked together, hands swinging as I excitedly filled him in on all the things I hadn’t quite been able to get across in a letter. For once, I didn’t mind being the one to go on, happy to answer his questions as they arose all the way to the hotel. I only stopped when he pulled out a chair for me at the dinner table. Sitting, I laid my napkin out over my lap and finally took a breath, taking a moment to simply look at him.
“I missed you,” I breathed out, not for the first time, feeling my eyes begin to shine against my will.
Reaching across the table, Jamie took my hand in his, thumb again grazing the delicate skin of my wrist – a new favorite spot, it seemed. “I missed ye, a nighean. I could listen to ye speak for miles more; I’ve never been sae disappointed to reach a destination.”
I smiled, squeezing his hand, and we took our time over dinner, savoring the food as much as one another. In the back of my mind, I wondered how much money he had to spare on such a lavish meal (complete with a bottle of wine and a rich creme brulee for dessert), but it was my birthday, and this gift of simply being with him and sharing a good meal more than made sense.
As I reached for my glass of water, Jamie’s hand snagged mine, and as soon as our eyes locked, the ambient noise in the room faded until all I could hear was the sound of my own blood rushing in my ears and Jamie’s voice.
“Will ye... come up to bed wi’ me, Sassenach?”
Keeping my gaze steady on his, a slow smile spread across my lips as my fingers curled around his hand.
“To bed? Or to sleep?”
Our shared (but silent) exchange rendered the question unnecessary to answer aloud.
After settling the bill, Jamie helped me stand, the two of us walking leisurely toward the elevator and then slowly down the long hallway toward his room. It was as if neither one of us were aching and eager to be behind that closed door; this walk was our foreplay, and each step was accompanied by a spark in my belly. His hand wasn’t quite holding mine; instead, his pinky grazed the side of my palm, my own small finger hooking in his. When I glanced up at Jamie, he happened to look down at me, his eyes already a midnight blue, dark and wanting.
Once we reached room 501, I found myself pressed to the back of a closed door almost as soon as it was locked. I was standing in a dark room with Jamie’s mouth desperately on mine, tongue eagerly seeking permission to kiss me harder. Granting it, I lifted one foot, then the other as he hoisted me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as we kissed. We were navigating blindly in the dark, Jamie walking backward as my tongue became reacquainted with his. As he stumbled into a table and sent a box of tissue tumbling to the ground, I dropped my hips against the obvious bulge in his trousers, causing him to groan.
“Christ, I cannae even see straight, let alone walk,” he decided when we’d gone far enough.
We happened to be directly in front of the dresser with its attached mirror. When he sat me on top of it, our eyes met and I could have ignited on the spot at how predatory he looked. It made my fingers curl around the edge of the wooden surface, leaning my body forward as his fingers dipped beneath my hair to find the zipper of my dress. The hitching sound of the material parting matched my breathing, the anticipation causing even the smallest hairs on my arms to rise.
“I need to watch ye, Claire. I need to see ye.” His words were part request, part demand, but either way, my legs acquiesced as they parted, cradling the hardness of him between my thighs.
“Get this dress off of me, please,” I whined, my hands pushing at his jacket before trying to shove his shirt up and over his head.
“Patience,” he whispered directly into my ear before biting at my earlobe.
What I intended to be a soft whimper turned into a louder moan as his hand cupped my sex, making a home between my thighs.
“Are ye already wet, I wonder?” he asked, questing fingers finding their answer as they slid, slick and easy to dip into me before he withdrew and glided higher, making my hips jerk and my body lurch forward.
“I want to feel you.” My voice sounded ragged and desperate and I didn’t care – I needed him, unashamed for him to know how much.
“Oh, I plan to make ye feel as much as ye can stand,” Jamie promised in a way that made my heart thud with anticipation. When he withdrew his hand I whimpered, but it became clear very quickly that he was making an attempt to get my dress off. Instead of letting it slip down my legs, he bunched the material up, shimmying it over my torso and chest as I raised my arms obediently. Once my head was free, I was left with riotous curls deciding to go rogue, springing forth every which way they pleased.
Stepping back to simply gaze at me, he sighed the sound of the most contented man in all of London.
“Christ, ye’re sae bonny, Claire. Everything about ye is perfect.” As he spoke, one hand dragged heavily up my belly until he could cup a breast in his hand. He squeezed firmly, making me press into his touch before reaching around to unhook my brassiere, letting it fall down my arms. “Will ye let me have my way wi’ ye?”
One hand pushed through his curls as I decided not to fight the urge to guide him toward a breast. “Anything,” I gasped, as soon as he latched onto a nipple and began to suck. He let my response hang, having his fill of both breasts before finally raising his head. “Anything you want,” I repeated, looking right at him.
Without responding, he pushed cotton material down my legs until I could kick it off. Then, his hand found me again and all I could do was sink into the bliss and pleasure Jamie was coaxing out of me, stroke by stroke. By the time I shattered and cried out his name, I was positive my heart now resided somewhere low in my belly, my need nowhere near satiated.
Bringing me down slowly, Jamie kissed my neck and down along the curve of my shoulder before stepping back.
“Turn around, a nighean,” he commanded quietly.
When I opened my eyes, he was standing in front of me, trousers and underwear discarded, hand around his cock and slowly stroking. I was captivated and couldn’t stop watching, feeling my breath hitch as I watched his palm graze the tip, able to see his body shudder.
“Turn around?” I’d lost the ability to understand, rationally, what he wanted.
So, he showed me.
Gently, he slid me down to the ground, then turned my body so that I was facing the mirror. That’s when it clicked, and my gaze met his reflection’s.
“Is this alright?” Jamie asked as his lips pressed to my shoulder, and I could feel him, hard and pressing against my hip.
“Yes.” My voice sounded froggy this time, hoarse with the anticipation of watching Jamie watch me.
My one-syllable permission was all he needed to tantalize us both, his cock teasing the main event as he kept his dark, lust-filled expression on mine.
“Do it now,” I whispered, licking my lips. “Do it now, and don’t be gentle.” My own words surprised me, but the weeks of missing him combined with the thrill of watching his body meet mine over and over again made me feel wanton.
The sound he made was enough to catapult me right back to the precipice of no return, and when he thrust into me I cried out, loudly and unrestrained, head bowed in concentration. I focused on every muscle, sinking forward against the dresser so that he could slide deeper.
“Look at us,” Jamie rasped, one of his hands gliding up my back and into my hair. He tugged – only enough to get my attention – and I raised my head, opening bleary eyes.
The dresser was short enough that I could see his hand at my hip, could see the way his thighs rippled each time he thrust into me. When I looked higher, the sight of us (me, bent over the wooden furniture, Jamie standing tall behind me and biting his bottom lip in an effort not to spill too quickly) was enough to make my body feel as if it’d gone into a free-fall. I felt my belly tighten and then, as quickly as my next breath, the pleasure was too much. I cried out again, head bowing as my hands grasped feebly at the wood beneath me. I felt Jamie thrust desperately out of rhythm three, four more times before withdrawing, warmth spilling onto my hip.
I couldn’t remember how long I laid splayed across the furniture, unable to move, but as Jamie reached down for the tissue box on the floor, I inhaled deeply and finally raised my head. Curls masked my view of Jamie delicately wiping my skin clean, and by the time I’d situated myself, he’d finished, tossing the tissue away and pulling me back against his chest.
“That was worth the wait, aye?” he asked, voice full of mischief as our eyes met once more in the mirror.
“You did promise to never make me wait long,” I practically purred, pulling away in order to make my way to the bed. I stretched out on my side, a hand reaching out to him. “And I would wait for you. Always.”
Taking my offered hand, Jamie moved closer and kissed my wrist before laying down beside me, propped on his side and facing me.
“When we’re together again, we want to travel, see the world, still?” he pondered as his fingers teased stubborn ringlets.
“That’s the plan, as far as I know. Why, have you changed your mind?” I was idly tracing random figure-eight patterns along his side as we spoke.
“No. No, Sassenach, I havena changed my mind. Well, no’ about that, exactly.” He paused, in a way I knew meant he was serious about what he wanted to say.
“It’s alright,” I prompted gently. “What did you change your mind about?”
Jamie sat up now, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Going home over the holidays, to Lallybroch.”
His words lingered as I tried to process what he was saying. “... At all, you mean?”
He nodded, looking at me. “Aye. Perhaps coming to see ye here, but–” he paused, and I tried not to panic.
“My cousin Jared is traveling to Singapore and wants me to mind his business while he’s away. Me! He said I have a good way wi’ numbers and he trusts me. It would mean I couldna be gone an entire month, but I could still come for a weekend.”
I tried to mask my disappointment at the idea of not spending Christmas at Lallybroch, and at the larger fact that instead of three and a half glorious weeks together before the second semester, our time had been reduced to a handful of days. As usual, my face betrayed me.
“I ken ye’re disappointed, Claire.” One large palm cradled my face, his thumb slowly gliding across the apple of my cheek. “But to make more money for us – ‘tis too good of an opportunity to turn down.”
Jamie sounded excited, proud, and I knew it meant a great deal to him, to be trusted this way by Jared. Something clicked then, and I thought back to our expensive dinner. “You started working for him early, didn’t you?”
Of course, he had; he never made it a secret that he wanted to work hard to build a life for us. Reaching out for his hand, I twined our fingers together. “Does that mean between now and Christmas, we won’t see one another for extended visits?” I hated the idea of only seeing him snatches at a time, but stopped short of saying so.
“Would ye be angry wi’ me?” he questioned tentatively, thumb grazing the mound of my palm.
I gave the question considerable thought. How could I hate him for already investing in our future together?
“Will you write more often then? And call?”
He relaxed beside me, slipping back down on the bed to pull me into his arms. “I’ll mind the rules and call ye before curfew begins every Sunday evenin’,” he promised. “And write twice a week.”
“I suppose that’s enough,” I teased, reaching out to drag my fingers along his jaw. “You told me we have hundreds of thousands of days left. And I will still see you.” Just not for as long as I’d have liked. “Perhaps I’ll visit Lamb the rest of the time, wherever he happens to be in the world for the break.” Currently, it was Morocco, though I decided to ask Gillian what she was doing for the break as well.
“Are ye sure ye’re no’ upset at the change of plans?” he asked, almost sounding nervous.
Carefully, I pushed him onto his back, straddling him before taking both his hands in mine. I threaded our fingers together so that we were palm to palm and begin a slow, unhurried rock against him. The intent was there, and it would take time, I knew, but not long for him.
“I can’t wait to spend every day with you just like this,” I breathed, guiding one of his hands to a breast. “But I can handle postponing it. You’re doing something for us, Jamie. How could I ever be upset over that?”
Reaching out, he tugged me down into a kiss, and this time our lovemaking was slow when we tangled together. Jamie had hopes and dreams for us, and he whispered them against my ear as our bodies moved effortlessly into one another. Endless days of holding one another, a home filled with our laughter – the pretty picture he painted made possible because he refused to turn down the chance to prove himself a hard worker.
This time, after we fell apart together, we dozed until I awoke desperately thirsty. Quietly and carefully, I moved out of bed, walking naked to the other side of the room and helping myself to a glass of water. From his window, the view to the street below showed people walking in a light drizzle, hurrying home as the hour grew later and the weather less pleasant. I was so lost in my thoughts (wondering if it would be too hectic to try and visit Jamie next month) that I didn’t hear him until he was right behind me.
Before I could turn to look at him, his arms moved and he was draping a pearl necklace over my head. They fell just below my breasts, and I raised the end of the strand to examine them, suddenly unable to catch my breath.
“Jamie, these–”
“Are Scotch pearls,” he gently interrupted, and I turned to look at him quickly, bewildered to be given such a sentimental item. I was too stunned to speak, prompting Jamie to continue. “They belonged to my mother. Now, they belong to the woman I intend to marry.” He paused, tilting my chin up with one finger.
I finally found my voice, though it was hushed, as if we were speaking of a holy object. “Why would you give something so valuable to me?” My voice broke just a little at the end, and he kissed my forehead, lips lingering for a few heartbeats.
“They’re one of the few things I have left of her, and verra precious to me. As are you, Claire.”
The way he said my name, as if the word itself were the answer to a prayer, was enough to draw me out of any lingering stupor. Stepping closer, I pressed my lips to his shoulder before nuzzling his skin. “They’re beautiful, Jamie.”
His head ducked so that his nose could glide along my temple. “Have I done well for your first birthday wi’ me?”
I laughed, the sound more watery than I anticipated, so I nodded. “Better than well.” I raised up on my tiptoes so that my mouth could graze his, fingers resting at the side of his neck.
“Let me thank you properly.���
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givemebtscenarios · 6 years
Colors And Moons-Soulmate!Mark(M)
Request: Teacher mark attracted to one of his college students. Meets her in office after class. 😏 Request: Mark smut where he's trying to find his soulmate and he finds her at his college please and thank you speedy!
Words: 3,989
There were only a few people bound to Earth for the soul reason of finding their reason for living, their reason for everything. Their soulmate. They weren't cursed, no matter how much they liked to think they were. They were simply....put here on a mission. An adventure. And you had been everywhere. Multiple countries, states, and cities. You had nearly given up, the spot on your wrist had never lit up, and it probably never would. But, as much as you'd hate to admit it, you couldn't stop searching.
Just the thought that there was someone out there MADE for you, got your heart pounding and your head full of curiosity. It also saved you a lot of pain and heartbreak. If your spot didn't light up when you met someone, you kept it moving, and you liked it that way. It was a blessing. You didn't get your heart broke, but it was also very lonely. But, you weren't going to put someone through the pain of getting broken up with while knowing for a fact that it wasn't going to work out. You just had to keep searching. No matter how long it took.
The colors around Mark were their usual black, gray, and white. He was getting tired of it. He searched for the colors he's been longing for, for what seemed like a lifetime. He adjusted his tie, waiting for the first bell to ring and the new students of the year to start pouring in. He made sure all of his papers were in order and the powerpoint he was going to present was at the very first slide, already projected up onto the wall. New year meant new students. Which means he could start over to a brand new classroom and make sure he set a good example.
His ears rang as the first bell sounded out and the door to the classroom opened, students pouring in to take random seats. He wanted to know what color clothes they were wearing, what color their hair was, and what color eyes they had. Things people should know about other people. He stood up, looking out at his students as they sat their laptops in the corner of their desk. And then she walked in. He took one look at her, and all of a sudden, everything was in color. Reds, blues, greens, purples, and yellows filled his eyes. Even though he didn't know the names for the colors just yet.
You walked through the front door of the building your class was held in, going down the hallways to where students were already lining up outside. There had been rumors going around all summer as to how attractive your teacher was going to be. Past students of his had taken the time to show pictures and tell stories about him. How if he stood just right, you could see the outline and dip of his abs beneath his shirt, how his pants would always have a slight tent in them during class.
You didn't listen to them-or tried not to. You didn't want to start off your first year with a crush on the first teacher you see. You hugged your books tighter to your chest, walking into the classroom and going to a seat on the top row. You looked down at the front to see him standing there, his eyes wide and looking at you. You looked back down at your books, a slight blush on your cheeks. The rest of the students walked in, sitting down and placing their stuff on the floor beside their seat, leaving their laptops on the desk.
You started up your computer, bringing up a new document to take notes on. You heard the teacher clear his throat and he turned around, nearly walking into his podium as he looked up towards the power point. He turned towards the students, looking out amongst them.
"Hello, everyone. I'm Mr. Tuan. I teach Microbiology. Welcome to my class; I hope we have nothing but good days this year." he said, walking over to pick up the remote that worked the projector hung up on the ceiling.
You started typing what was on the first slide, making sure you kept your eyes on Mr. Tuan when you weren't typing. There was something about him. Your eyes trailed down his body, laying on his stomach just a tad bit longer than needed.
You shook your head and emptied the thoughts about the rumors that had went around campus to begin with. Even though, from what you saw, they weren't rumors. He was ripped. Abs for days. Muscled up arms. He was just.....sex. Sex in human form. The class had passed by slower than you wanted it to. After you had noticed that the rumors were true, that was all you were able to focus on and you were going to have to study your notes extra hard for the test that was coming up.
When the bell finally rang out, you were nearly the first one out the door, glancing back one last time to see Mr. Tuan's eyes on you once again. You made it home and placed your books down on your kitchen counter. Other than what you were able to find out about your teacher today, there was also the feeling you had that you were just unable to get rid of. The feeling of wanting him right beside you at all times, of wanting him to keep his eyes on you the whole entire class instead of sweeping over everyone. And then you noticed something you never expected to happen.
As soon as the last student left the room, Mark practically fell down in the seat-one that he could now see was a dark red color. What the fuck just happened? Everything went from bland and dark to colorful and bright as soon as she walked into the room. Is this what happens when you find your soulmate? Is this how you knew? He shook his head, opening his computer to make sure he had the powerpoint for tomorrow lined up and ready, going through key points to work into his speech.
He closed down his laptop, stuffing it into his bag before leaving his classroom and locking the door behind him. Maybe a couple drinks and a full nights sleep is what he needed. He also wanted to call a couple of his friends who had already found their soulmate to see what happened when they found them.
When he entered his apartment, he threw his keys down onto the table and took his shoes off, immediately pulling his phone out of his pocket and calling up his friend, Youngjae. It rang three times before he answered.
"Hey, what's up?" he asked when he picked up.
"Hey. I have a question. About the soulmate thing."
"Okay, what's going on? Do you see them?"
"Do I see what?"
"The colors, dude."
Mark looked around his apartment, closing his eyes slowly as realization dawned on him. His soulmate was one of his students. Given, she wasn't that much younger than him, but still.
"Yeah. Yeah, man. I see them. When one of my students walked into the room, it was like a blast of color. Everything went from dull to, like, a kaleidoscope within seconds."
Mark heard his friend chuckle over the phone.
"Yeah. Yeah, that's it. You've found her. It sucks it's your student, though. What are you going to do?"
"I don't know what I can do. I can't have a relationship with her; it goes against the school's policy."
"Yeah, I know. Unless you're able to keep it a secret. It's better to have just a sexual relationship with a student than a full on relationship. What's her name?"
"Y/f/n. Y/f/m y/l/n."
Mark heard the breath hitch in Youngjae's throat.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just remembered I was supposed to go do an errand before I went to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow, yeah?"
He hung up before Mark could reply, leaving him stunned and confused. But there was one question that stuck with him throughout that whole conversation: Was Youngjae really suggesting he fuck one of his students?
Thoughts ran through your brain as you cooked yourself some ramyeon. Why couldn't Mr. Tuan keep his eyes off of you? Most importantly, why couldn't you keep your eyes off of him? It wasn't because of all the stuff people had said, no matter how true it turned out to be. It was his voice, the way he talked. It was the way he walked around the room as he read from the powerpoint, it was the way his body moved as he turned to sit on the edge of his desk and the way he talked with his hands.
You closed your eyes, getting your thoughts put together and you realized that your thighs were gliding effortlessly against each other. No fucking way. Had you just gotten turned on thinking about your teacher? You took the pot off the stove, walking back into your bedroom, pulling your shorts and panties down. Your eyes widened when you saw the wet spot in the center of your underwear, a tall tell sign of your arousal.
You closed your eyes and sighed, pulling on a fresh pair of panties and shorts. This year was going to be hell. You already knew it. You walked back into the kitchen, pouring your ramyeon into a bowl and sitting down on your couch, turning your TV on and going to Netflix. You pulled up your favorite movie and sat back, the bowl in your lap as you took your first bite. You were just about to take your second when your phone rang. You picked it up to see your friend, Youngjae's, name on it. You answered it with a smile on your face.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Someone's got a crush." he said.
Your smile faded and you looked at your phone, making sure it was really Youngjae.
"What are you talking about?"
"Someone has a crush on their teacher." he said, and you could hear the grin on his face.
You chuckled and shook your head, taking another bite of your food.
"No, I don't."
"I didn't say it was you, but obviously, now I know you do. Which one is it?"
You sighed and sat your bowl on the table.
"Microbiology. Mr. Tuan."
You heard Youngjae choke and then pull away from the phone.
"Youngjae? Are you okay?" you asked, sitting up straighter.
" 'm fine!" you heard him yell from a distance.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you listened for signs of him coming back to the phone.
"You have a crush on Mr. Tuan?"
"I mean, I don't know if it's a crush, but I'm definitely attracted in another way."
"Oh my God. Did you have a fantasy about him?"
You looked down at your lap, a small smile on your face.
"I guess....kind of, yeah." you admitted.
"Hmm...ok. Well, I was just calling to give you shit. Goodnight!"
Before you could say anything else, Youngjae had hung up. You sat your phone down on the couch beside you and retrieved your bowl from the table. That was weird. You had to tell someone, but you couldn't bring yourself to. You wanted to keep it to yourself. Just to see if it was real. You finished up your noodles and your movie before taking a shower and heading to bed. Maybe tomorrow will be at least a little bit better. You hoped.
Mark walked into his classroom the next day, his mind still reeling from his conversation with Youngjae the night before. It was definitely weird being able to see everything in color, whereas it was once just three main colors. He, once again, got his stuff ready to present to class, awaiting the bell to ring.
When students started filing in, he caught sight of her again, taking the same seat she took the day before. He tried to act as casual as he could, but he couldn't keep his eyes from gravitating back to her. Every time he stole a look, she was always looking right back at him, a look of something he couldn't pinpoint in her eyes. 
He went through his powerpoint, making sure to answer questions or go over something that someone had asked him to go back for. When the bell rang for dismissal, he knew he had to take his chance. And it had to be now.
"Miss y/n, can you stay back, please?"
You looked up at the mention of your name, your eyebrows furrowing as you sat back in your seat. Had you done something? You didn't talk during class, you didn't chew gum, you were taking your notes, there wasn't anything that had to be turned in. Was there something you had missed? You looked around at the students filing out of the room and you walked down towards his desk when he motioned for you to come forward.
You took a seat at one of the desks in the front, right in front of Mr. Tuan's. He took a deep breath and let out a sigh. Your eyes started running over his frame; his biceps straining underneath his shirt, bulging out from the fabric. His pants were snug over the front of his lap causing a slight bump in the middle. You ran your tongue over your bottom lip, imagining what it would be like to have him in your mouth.
Him clearing his throat is what pulled you out of your imagination, your cheeks blushing at the fact that you got caught checking him out. He smiled a little, a short chuckle falling from him. Before you knew what you were doing, you were standing up, walking around the desk and towards your teacher, who was now looking at you incredulously. You stood in front of him, looking down at his body as he trailed his legs out in front of him.
You lowered yourself down to your knees, looking into his eyes, waiting for him to tell you to stop. When he didn’t, you unbuckled his belt before unzipping his jeans and popping open the button. You pulled back and he lifted his hips so you could pull them down to the floor. Immediately, your mouth watered. His cock stood straight up, casting a shadow over his stomach, the head coming just above his belly button.
You bit the corner of your lip, looking up at one him more time, an unspoken question of whether he was ok with it. He trailed his fingers through your hair, pulling you towards his cock and you opened your mouth. Your tongue glided over the head of his cock, the warm feeling on your tongue mixed with the salty taste of skin. A low groan sounded from above you and you looked up to see his head thrown back, eyebrows furrowed.
You hollowed your cheeks, causing the suction to become stronger and he gripped the arms of his chair, his hips jerking up slightly when you took him deeper, your throat opening up for him at a whim.
"Fuck, y/n, just like that." he moaned as you swallowed around him.
You moaned, the vibration traveling up his cock and through his body, causing him to jerk his hips up again. You reached up to fondle his balls, rolling them between your fingers as you sucked his cock, causing moan after moan to fall from the dark haired teacher above you. Watching him while giving him a blowjob was the majority of the fun. He was so responsive, thighs shaking when you took him to the edge, only to pull his cock out.
"Do you like it when I suck your cock, Mr. Tuan?" you asked, batting your eyelashes innocently.
"Fuck yes, don't stop, please." he said, pulling you back to him.
You gladly opened your mouth again, taking his cock down your throat and swallowing around him until his moans got high pitched and his thighs shook harder than ever. His hips started jerking upwards every time you went down, gagging sounds filling the room as spit gathered at the corners of your mouth.
"I'm gonna cum. You're gonna make me cum." he rushed out, breathing in and out from between his teeth as he watched you, his eyebrows drawn together as his jaw dropped. 
He came in your mouth in spurts, oozing down your throat as you swallowed it, sucking on his head one more time to make sure you emptied him, gasps falling from his lips as you sucked him again. You wiped the corners of your mouth before standing up.
He stood up alongside you, pulling your shirt over your head and tossing it to the floor. His hands went to your breasts, squeezing and pinching your nipples slightly. A gasp fell from you as you felt his tongue trail across one of your nipples, feeling it harden underneath the cold air when it hit his saliva. He switched to the other, his hands going down to your pants to take them off. He slid them down to the floor, taking your shoes off before sliding your pants off your feet and throwing them to the side.
He turned you around and bent you over, getting down on his knees behind you and spreading you apart. He groaned when he saw your wetness rub around on your thighs, and he couldn't help but dig his face into your heat. You gripped the table as you felt his tongue on your pussy, licking you until you were gasping.
"M-Mr. Tuan!" you gasped, reaching behind you to spread yourself apart even further.
"Mark." he said simply as he smacked your ass.
The sound reverberated through the room and you moaned out at the sting.
"Mark, please fuck me." you said, looking behind at him.
He stopped what he was doing, your clit sucked harshly into his mouth. He let go, standing back up and flipping you over, laying your back straight down onto his desk. The cold shocked you and your back arched, your feet hooking around him. He brought his hand down to your pussy, teasing your entrance with the tip of his index finger.
"Look at you, so fucking wet for me." he moaned, bringing his finger up to his mouth and licking your juices off of it.
He brought it back down to you, easily sliding it inside you, building up a pace before he brought in his second finger. You jerked your hips, fucking yourself down onto his hand and he held your hips down, going at his own pace. The sound of his fingers squelching inside of you made your stomach tighten. Your body bounced up and down as he fucked you with his fingers, his stare practically daring you to try to move.
The coil in your stomach kept tightening and tightening, not being able to hold it in anymore, you let your orgasm wash through you, your back arching off the desk as your legs shook. Mark didn't give you any time, going to stand between your legs as soon as you rode out of your orgasm, taking ahold of his cock and running it up and down your slit, your body jumping when it bumped into your clit.
He slowly slid inside of you, grabbing your hip and holding you in place. He groaned when he bottomed out, his eyes squeezing shut as he pulled back. When he pushed back into you, he set up a brutal pace, his hips slamming into yours.
"Fuck, you're so fucking tight. So fucking wet and responsive." he moaned as he slapped the inside of your thigh. 
You moaned out his name, echoing through the room. His fingertips dug into your thigh, pulling your leg over his shoulder as he stepped closer to the desk and hitting deeper inside you.
Your hands gripped at the edge of the desk, your breasts bouncing up and down, causing him to growl as one hand squeezed your breast, groans leaving his mouth as he looked down and saw his cock disappearing inside of you. You involuntarily squeezed around him, a choked out gasp coming from him.
"Fuck, do that again and I'm gonna cum." he rasped.
A smirk appeared on your face as your eyes narrowed. You squeezed your muscles around him once more and he growled before getting back to fucking you harder, your orgasm coming up on you once again. You continuously clenched around him, his growls echoing through the room to drown out the sounds of your moans. Your orgasm got closer and closer until you couldn't take it anymore and gushed around him, your juices dripping down onto the floor.
Seeing you come apart and leak down onto the carpet below the two of you sent him over the edge and he braced himself on the desk, his body lurching forward as he came, his eyes squeezed shut and your name leaving his mouth like a chant. He fell forward, his head on your chest. Your fingers trailed through his hair, your chest heaving up and down as you caught your breath. He stood back up, pulling his boxers and pants back on, handing you your shirt and pants.
"I don't think you want to put your underwear back on. Trust me, I'll get them back to you. Clean." he said, stuffing them in his pocket. You didn't want to argue. You really didn't want to put them back on like that.
"Listen, there's something I have to tell you." he started, but you cut him off.
"You found your soulmate. Me." you said, looking at him with a smile.
He looked at you with wide eyes. How the hell...? He slowly nodded, watching as you walked over to him, pulling your pants back up.
"I know. I had the same thing." you said, pulling the sleeve of your shirt up, revealing the half crescent moon on the inside of your wrist. 
Mark's hand reached out, wrapping around your wrist and pulling your hand towards him.
"You see colors now, right?" you asked, and he nodded, pulling you to him in a bone crushing hug.
"I told my friend that I could see the colors, but once I told him it was one of my students, he just told me to fuck and see if I could keep it under wraps. Fuck Youngjae." he said.
Your head snapped up at the name.
"Choi Youngjae?" you asked, your jaw dropping when he nodded.
"Oh, that fucking asshole. I'm glad I didn't tell him." you said, a smile growing on your face.
"You know Youngjae?"
"Yeah, he's a friend of mine. Been a friend for years." you said.
"Mine, too." he said with a grin.
"Want to surprise him?" you asked.
"Of course."
Mark took your hand, locking the door behind him and exiting the building, telling you he'd meet you at Youngjae's house. When you arrived, you knocked on the door, already hearing Mark inside. Youngjae opened the door, smiling when he saw you.
"Y/n!" he yelled, pulling you to him in a hug. You grinned as you walked in, shooting a wink at Mark.
"There's someone I want you to meet. Y/n, this is Mark. I was just telling him about you." he said.
You stifled a giggle and Mark stood up, coming to stand beside you.
"I think that's our job." you said, as you held your arm out, the bright, lit up moon on your wrist showing like a flashlight.
Youngjae looked up at you with wide eyes, then looking at Mark.
"No fucking way!!"
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An Act of Political Sacrifice
Part: (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Fandom: Hamilton (Modern AU)
Pairing: Alex x Eliza
Rating: PG for swearing
Word count: 2.2k words
Warning: Historical inaccuracies for the sake of convenience, Philip is a baby, adultery, angst, inappropriate language, intense arguments
Summary: Elizabeth Hamilton, with a wonderful career, loving husband, and a child, is satisfied in life. How does she handle it when her husband who could never be satisfied pulls the rug out from under her, destroying everything she held close to her heart?
There were plenty of reasons why the world thought Elizabeth Schuyler shouldn't marry Alexander Hamilton. People suspected that Alex was marrying her for her family's money, for his political gain, but she knew them to be untrue. She was told it was foolish to settle down at such a young age, when she was yet to know what the world had to offer, yet to know other men. Eliza didn't need need to know what the world had to offer when she had Alexander, offering her his entire world. 
He didn't have much to give, Alexander had warned, when their relationship started getting serious and she was fine with it. He was a broke law school kid studying on a scholarship, and she wanted to treat poor kids for cheap when she began to practice. She knew they wouldn't have much money. 
On the morning of their wedding, they wrote each other letters and he had mentioned it again. I can't promise you any wealth or an honorable last name. We'll never get to live in a house so big I get abs from walking around in it. But I promise you, my love, that'll you'll own me- body, mind, and soul, until my death and beyond. 
A picture of her reading that letter with Alex reading her's was framed over their couch. She sat curled up and alone on the couch after asking him, 'Did you fuck her on this?' After looking like he was puched, he denied. She didn't believe him, but she took a seat anyway. 'What about our bed?' She knew somehow that he had defiled their marital bed, but for some masochistic reason, she wanted to hear it from him. He admitted to it, and hadn't looked her in the eye after that. 
She gave him no answer when he asked her if she wanted a divorce because she had no idea, herself. When she drove to their home at 2:00 AM, she didn't want to ask him for a divorce. She was used to being with him for nearly ba decade and a half, and the thought of throwing all that away was scary. Neither of them spoke about the divorce after that. She refused to speak, and he was now cooking breakfast. 
Her phone chimed with anew text message from Angelica. 
Today, 08:27 
Angie: I hope everything went well Me: No
She didn't know what to tell her sister. The three sisters had been out for a girls' night, shopping and getting manicures. Eliza thoroughly enjoyed the break after the bad week, but every bit of relief in her system was replaced with panic once she went through her calendar. Angelica bought her more than necessary numbers of pregnancy tests. After evading the entire family, she locked herself in the bathroom to use the tests. She was embarrassed and shaking with fear, as though she were still a teenage girl with a pregnancy scare. 
Angie: Everything okay? Me: No
In seconds, her phone was ringing with a call from her. She declined immediately, not willing to talk while she was crying. If she did, he'd hear her. 
Angie: Please tell me you're okay Me: He had sex with her on our bed, Angie. 
Putting it in words triggered something in her and before she could muffle it with a pillow, a sob escaped her. She sat up and put her palms over her mouth, but nothing could contain her sobs. In seconds, Alex was next to her. He tried to hug her, but she pushed him off for the second time that day. 
"Eliza, what happened?" 
She fumed at his audacity to ask what had happened like he didn't fucking know. He ruins her life and has the gall to ask her what happened. She hated him and his stupid face and the way he could pretend like everything was normal.
"Baby, please talk to me," he pleaded. He took her hand, but she slapped it away aggressively. 
"Don't you dare touch me with your filthy, filthy hands, Hamilton!" she managed to say through her sobs. 
"You brought her into our home. How could you?" The image of him having another woman the same way he had her made her want to cry in agony, as though sporting a physical injury. She had a stereotypical picture of how the other woman looked- with a body she could never aspire to have, clad in a red dress, her lips leaving stains on her bright red lipstick all over her husband's body. She involuntarily shivered at the thought. 
"You let me sleep in that bed for this long?" She ran her fingers over her arms, as though it would wipe away how disgusted she felt.
Alexander Hamilton stood with his head lowered in humiliation. She hated seeing him that way, but it didn't stop her from talking. She needed to release all her anger towards him but locked up inside herself for an entire week. 
"We were trying to get pregnant!" The realization only raised her temper, and her loudness proportionately. 
"Did you fuck me right after you fucked her?" Alex had no answer, just like he didn’t for every other question she asked him. 
"Baby, please talk to me," she mocked his previous statement in a high pitched tone. 
"Open your mouth and answer me, Hamilton! You can talk hours on end about stupid shit, write ninety-eight fucking pages on how you dicked down some girl, but you can't answer a yes or no question?" she mocked. 
"I don't want to hurt you, Eliza," he said calmly. His composure only angered her more. How could he manage to emotionally detach when she stood there in front of him in flames of anger that threatened to swallow her whole at any second.
"If that was true, you would've kept your dick in your pants. If that was true, you wouldn't have told the entire world-" 
"You don't understand! I had to do it, Eliza," he exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair. She was satisfied with finally getting a rise out of him.
"You had to put your dick in her?" she laughed dryly, getting up. She might've appreciated the joke more if her life wasn't at stake. She couldn't believe what he was saying. "I don't see any situation that necessitates-" 
"I would've lost my entire career if I didn't make it clear that I wasn't betraying my country. All that I worked for, I would've lost in a day. And- and I wouldn't be able to run for President if they thought I was stealing. I had to do it!" He sounded possessed, maniacal for power. 
She stood stunned in disbelief. His career? Is that what he thought all of this was about? Angelica’s warnings from the initial stages of her relationship echoed in her mind. Be careful with that boy, he looks like he’d do anything. She wished she had taken that advice more seriously.
"See, I knew you would understand," he said, mistaking her silence to be caused by acceptance rather than shock. 
"They all thought I was embezzling funds! And Jefferson!," he paused to let out a chuckle, "He and those stupid minions of his- Madison, and Burr! They thought they had me." If he was as paranoid about how she would perceive as he was about Jefferson's, they wouldn't be in this situation. 
"Shut up!" She screamed, holding her hands to her ears, trying to block out his words. 
"It was an act of political sacrifice!" 
"Sacrifice? Giving up something of your own is political sacrifice. You sacrificed my life, my happiness, my peace of mind! I can't even work peacefully without people looking at me like a kicked puppy!" 
"My career was-"
"You, you, you! You only care about your career, your reputation, your run for office. You wouldn't have cheated if you weren't a selfish prick!" she spat. She immediately regretted the words as they left her.
"I wouldn't have cheated if you were decent in bed!" He said just as she apologized for her words. He squeezed his eyes shut, and took a step back.
There were a few seconds of silence until it was broken by the sound of glass shattering against the floor. Eliza had ripped the frame above the couch and thrown it to the ground. 
If he was ready to sacrifice his marriage for his political career, she would help him do it properly. 
"Betsey, calm down!" he said in a not so calm voice, aggravating her more. 
"Calm down? You ruined my entire life, and you want me to calm down? Some nerve you've got, Alexander Hamilton!" 
"Please, baby girl." 
"I hate you!"
"Eliza!" He exclaimed loudly, bringing her attention not just to himself, but also herself. “Please,” his voice cracked, “don’t say that.” 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that," she whispered, realizing what she had done.  
"I'm sorry, too. I did things I shouldn't have. I said things I don't mean. I want you to talk to me, vent everything. But this is not the way to do it." She tried to interrupt him to explain herself, but he gestured her to wait. She listened, not necessarily because she wanted to, but because she was so tired. She had never argued with him before. Sure, they had their big fights in the years of being together, but none of them involved lies, screaming matches, or betrayals. 
"I made a huge mistake and I can't undo it. I wish I could, but... I have never regretted anything as much as this, and I'm sorry. I know you hate me right now and that you don't even want to look at my face. I understand why you would want to get a divorce and never see me again. Trust me, I'd do the same to me if I could," he chuckled dryly. She gasped as he suddenly went down on his knees and held her hands. She didn't have the heart to push him away.
"I am a selfish man who fucked up big time, but I'm going to be selfish again and ask you for a second chance that I am most definitely not entitled to receiving. I know I don't deserve you, Eliza. Give me a chance to earn your forgiveness, to earn back your trust. It might take my lifetime, but I'll do anything." He peppered kisses on her arms as far as he could reach from his position.
"This week, without you, it was hell and I can't do that for my entire life. I can't get a divorce, Betsey. I need you. Without you and Phil, without our family, I'll be nothing. Please give me a chance," he begged, looking at her desperately for an answer. She sat next to him, placing her head on his shoulder, and felt him wrap his arms around her. 
"I want to, Alex. But, I'm scared of being hurt again. This past week has destroyed my life as I knew it. I'm questioning everything about this marriage. Everything's unclear and I don't think this is the right time for me to do anything whether it's to get a divorce or give this relationship another thought. 
“If it weren't for Phil, I would make a decision right now because only the two of us have to face the consequences. But we have a kid and every single move of ours will affect him, and I can't be impulsive with big decisions. And," she paused to look up at him from his shoulder. She sighed, nervous to tell him, but continued because she didn’t know when she would tell him if not now.
"I'm pregnant." 
"Oh my god," he exclaimed, his voice softer than ever. He caressed her exposed cheek and kissed her on the forehead, and tightened his hold on her. 
"Yeah. I found out last night- well, it was past midnight so it was today. I panicked and I didn't know what to do, so I drove here at two in the morning. I figured I'd wake you up, tell you the news and leave, but I couldn't do that to you after I saw you like that." All her resolve was thrown out of the window when she heard him speak incoherently in his sleep. She knew he was afraid, and couldn't keep to herself when he woke up crying. Watching him hurt was something she couldn't bear, so she held him like she would and the way he melted into her arms comforted her as well.
"What I'm trying to say is- you change everything. I make a decision about something, and I see you and it all falls apart. And looking at you just reminds me of everything and makes me really angry. It’s not healthy. So, I need to be away from you for a while to come to a conclusion about all of this. I don't know how long."
Right now, right here, in his arms, she wanted to forget that anything happened and slip back into her comfortable life with him, but she knew that avoidance would only cause harbored emotions and more conflicts.
"I'll wait for you, however long it takes."
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peachingboy · 7 years
bnha l/n II translation.
Chapter 4, AB Union: A Girls Only Gathering, Final Part.
[Part 1] [Part 2]
t/n finish! this was cute, minor kacchako, more kamijirou! in regards to next translation I was planning on doing the boys arm wrestling thing, but apparently i’ve seen ppl say its being translated? if so, I’d leave that and do the last chapter of the l/n! once again thank you for reading! ^_^
Ashido hung her head in disappointment, like a traveller lost in the desert, she just wanted to wither away. Hagakure sighs in dismal, when suddenly she regains her cheerfulness.
“How about we try reversing our thinking for a bit? Like if we were guys, and the guys were girls who would we have as a girlfriend?”
“The look in your eyes just changed!”
“Umm” It was kind of weird for the girls to try imagining the guys as girls, their muscular structure and then long hair draped on their head, that was just something too hard to think of.
“Isn’t this kinda..”
“Firstly, isn’t it exciting? looking for a girlfriend...”
“That’s right!” Hagakure shyly laughs, however Yanagi who was sat next to Kendou breaks breaks away a little as she looked at her.
“But, if Itsuka was a guy, she’ll be the most popular amongst girls.”
“Huh? me?” Kendou’s eyes rounded in surprise, as Koudai who was sat next to Yanagi agreed to it also. 
“In B, the coolest person is Itsuka.”
“Certainly, Kendou san can snap the class back into shape with one word, she’s fair to everyone, strict but still very kind hearted... there isn’t anything she can’t do.”
Agreeing to what Shiozaki had just said, Yaoyorozu adds.
“During our time at our work placement, I followed your lead, if we weren’t together, I would have probably fallen.”
During the time of their work placement, Yaoyorozu and Kendou were placed together at Snake Hero Uwabami’s place for work experience, but during that time they just modelled for a commercial, Yaoyorozu felt like it wasn’t a great thing to do.
“I felt the same way during that time, or should I say stop this isn’t this tv (t/n probably some inside joke from their work placement, I’m so ??? lol I could be completely wrong though)
Kendou was embarrassed at everyone intently watching her.
“You’re very reliable, for example earlier when you launched Mineta away.”
“That’s right.” Tsuyu and Ochako nodded in agreement.
“If I was a guy and a pervert said something weird “what you doing to my woman!” ... I’d probably say something like that.” chimed Ashido.
The boy version of Kendou would have exterminated the pervert during that situation they thought, because they knew what it felt like to be a girl, during the times when need be they share the same ideals as guys who’d want to protect their girls.
“...say, only when us girls are together we become exciting, actually no.. everyone is fun in their own way.” Ashido replied to herself as Kendou smiles.
“What we see of romance is different from eachother, if we were to look at this from a side kicks pov, it’d be unexpected for us to want to feel all soft and mushy inside.”
“side kick huh..”
“Other wise, one day we’d be replaced or something right?”
Everyone had agreed to what Kendou had said, when the images of the boys face suddenly appeared in Ochako’s head.
“If this is what we’re talking about, I’d want to be Bakugou.”
“Eh? Really?!” Kyouka was shocked at the unexpected name to have come from Ochako, as she chuffed up a small embarrassed laugh.
“Yeah, during our fight at the sports festival, I was left completely defeated, but at that time I thought he was really strong, just once I’d like to experience what it’s like to have that strength!”
“Certainly Bakugou san is strong, he also has good sense during fights.”
“That’s why, if I could become Bakugou, just once, I’d like to be able to fight in a battle using all my power.” Ochako pumps her fists in the air.
“I get it” Ashido nods and continues...
“So if we’re going down this route, I’d want to be Sero! I want to try shooting out tape like shururu- I’m bored of always shooting acid, how about Yaomomo?”
“Since the topic has been brought up, for me I’d say Kouda san, he can control animals, I have a strong interest in that!”
“Mhm..” Koudai agreed, she would have wanted to switch places with Kouda if she could too.
Kyouka timidly opens her mouth as everyone watches her.
“For me, it’ll be Kaminari, after letting off a bunch of electrical discharge, I’d want to experience that wee phase he goes through, but once only, once would be enough.”
“For me it’ll probably be Tokoyami chan, having Dark Shadow chan cooperate with you during fights, I’d want to try that... also, having another living thing inside of you, I wonder what that would feel like.”
“For me I’d say Satou kun! I can eat loads of sweets and then have that convert into energy! You’d be able to eat alot, guilt free without getting fat!”
“Wait, but being invisible... we wouldn’t be able to tell you’d put on weight.”
“You will be able to tell! The clothes would have expanded!”
Kendou watched everyone get heated up about the discussion, she lets out a small breath and smiled.
“Without the mention of romance, it’s amazing how easy it is for us to start choosing boys.”
Rather than wanting to experience romance, they’d rather experience another person’s quirk.
“no good, we can’t even do love stories properly.” fussing, Ashido breaks away, the girls all looked eachother with a wry smile.
“For now, just do well on your supplementary lessons.”
“This is surely god’s message.”
“Stoppppp it!”
Kyouka and Shiozaki were teasing Ashido as she was kicking and fussing about on her futon.
“...But” Tsuyu continued. 
“We’re dropping the topic of romance? doesn’t that mean our mood would drop too? Surely if we wanted to talk about love isn’t it best to do it now? Wouldn’t we have alot of things to say?”
Everyone experiences love, during that moment, it would have happened but now they’d just wanted to be heroes, anyone would have been proud of that. Some day, in the future, they’d consider falling in love with love but until then they can only smile at the thought. 
“... But I still want to experience butterflies, even if it’s just a little that’s fine!”
Ashido dyed (?) the warm atmosphere with her thoughts on the soon to come supplementary lesson hell, right now she’d take any form of love, she’ll have to dampen her heart later on to endure the hell that is to come.
“Okay let’s do this quick! Let’s talk about our types?”
“Mina cha, what kind of person is your type?”
“Mhmm.. Firstly, they have to be strong, but once in a while they’d have to be quite childish too, that kind of person seems nice right? kind of a rascal I guess, and also they’d have to be nearby all the time.”
Everyone just nodded and agreed to what Ashido was saying, suddenly the A girls paused as they came up with an idea.
A strong person, be quite childlike... and is always with you.
“Doesn’t that sound like Dark Shadow chan?”
Tsuyu pointed it out as all the A girls agreed, they didn’t give Ashido the chance to refute.
“Dark Shadow, didn’t we talk about Tokoyami’s quirk earlier?” Kendou said as she looked at Ashido who had a hard time trying to get a word in.
“We did, but wait!... it’s not even a person!” Ashido pouts.
“But Dark Shadow chan is strong, today during lunch when we called for Tokoyami chan, he came out of the cave with Dark Shadow who only likes Darkness, that was really brave of it, Tokoyami must have a lot of hardship.”
“But in the light, it’s quite cute right? Aiyooo! it answers to you like that right?”
At that moment, Ochako remembers saying.
“That’s right, during the end of term practical test, even though he was paired up with Tsuyu chan, didn’t Tokoyami chan ask Dark Shadow chan what kind of quirk is this about Ectoplasm sensei’s quirk? It sulked when he said they were the same.”
Yanagi and Koudai tried to imagine the scenario in their head but to their demise it was to difficult to do so.
“Child like persona!” Hagakure continued.
“Isn’t that nice? Dark Shadow!” Kendou said honestly, as the other girls agreed, now they remember they don’t have to worry about thinking of a new guy.
“That’s impossible..” Ashido muttered, as the same time Kyouka opens her mouth.
“Because of the quirk you’ll always be together...”
“Nooo, if we were to always be together, it’ll only be in the darkness!” Ashido exclaimed back at Kyouka.
“Then wouldn’t that mean Tokoyami who has the Dark Shadow quirk, wouldn’t he be your type then?”
“This isn’t how this works!”
Hagakure was having a fun time teasing Ashido who was huffing and fussing about.
“You guys are really persistent with this! Okay next question! Out of all the pro heroes on active duty who would you marry?!”
It was obvious from their voices that they were beginning to enjoy their girls only get together, theres always this thing about juicy stories, that being blunt is always a working charm. And the things about love, before they even knew it their hearts were already content, and as it seemed like their conversations were about to come to an end, it was obvious that these girls were far from done.
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221bshrlocked · 8 years
Chapter 17 (Behind the Walls)
Behind the Walls Masterlist
Pairing: Professor!Bucky X Reader
Words: 1,752
Warnings: Intense kissing…and some mentions of bad relationships!
Summary: You are currently getting your PhD in Art History, your dissertation being about The Power of Nudity in Art. Your advisor recommends you switch from being her TA to another professor because she feels her health is declining and wants you to get the best help/advice from someone new. She recommends Dr. James Barnes and believes he will be of great help to you. Things don’t turn out as you plan.
A/N: Let me know if you want to be tagged.
Tagging: @clairefxkingtemple​ @confidentrose​ @vashanatasha​ @your-puddin​ @shamvictoria11​ @gatorgal94​ @dreeams-unwind​ @sandycoelho​ @bellejeunefillesansmerci​ @thetruthin​ @mizzzpink​ @kashicanhaz​ @potteryimagines​ @fantasticimpaladoctor​ @gashps​ @nbbuck​ @maece-rette​ @harleyscheekheart @pentaholicemmi417 @sorryidontspeakgrounder-world @ifoundlove-x0vanessa0x @buckyshattergirl @lostinspace33
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9:37 A.M.
You walked to class with Bucky, talking about what to work on next with your paper. Because you helped Steve, you barely had anytime to think about the midterms for Bucky’s classes, both of which were on Wednesday.
“How about we just work on those tomorrow and we can work on your paper today?” Bucky asked while opening the door for you.
“Honestly, I think we can just work on that after the midterms.”
“Ya but we’ll be correcting them. I don’t want to be put a hold on your paper for that long.”
You smiled at him and tried to remain unaffected by how caring he was. “We can correct those on Wednesday and Thursday and then just work on my paper on Friday.”
“You seem more excited about this than I am.” He laughed and motioned you to take a seat.
“Good morning. So as you may have read on the syllabus, your first exam is on Wednesday. Now, please don’t panic. If you took good notes and listened to my rambling, you’ll do absolutely fine. Yes in the back?”
“What’s the format of the test?”
“Good question. I will go easy on you guys for the first one. I hated them when I went to school so I won’t put you through the pain of having to memorize for them; there’ll be non IDs-” Before he could finish, everyone started clapping and you heard a few “thank god” and “wow he isn’t an asshole after all” which made you smile.
“Let me finish…the exam while consist of 2 essays. Obviously I don’t expect them to be like the reports I am asking of you guys, but please do come up with a good thesis. Onen essay will just be about one work of art and the other will be a compare and contrast. Before you ask me, I will pick the works we discussed most and ones that you could write a lot of information about.”
“Will the final be the same?” Someone asked from the back of the class.
“Not decided yet. Any more questions?”
“One last thing, the works we will discuss today will not be on the midterm. I think that would be unfair.” He started lecturing after.
11:32 A.M.
“That’s all I had for today. We’re finishing lecture early today, Dismissed.” He started collecting his papers and you walked back with him. “Hey how come you ended early?” You sat next to him on the couch.
“Honestly, I didn’t prepare for the next lecture and I needed to put some notes together.” He turned on his laptop and dug through some files.
“Why? Is everything okay?” You asked with worry apparent in your tone.
“Ya I just..I don’t want to tell you just yet. Might freak you out.” He chuckled nervously and avoided your gaze.
“Babe what’s wrong? Did something happen?” You looked to see if the door is shut and it was.
“Ya ya I just…after our talk on Saturday, I realized something and I thought about it all of Sunday.” He placed his laptop on the floor and looked at you. “I just…you were so open with me and I wasn’t and I think I should tell you what happened to me the last time I fell in lo-” He stopped himself before saying anything.
“I love you Y/N. I know it’s way too soon. You don’t have to say anything now but I just needed to get this out of the way and I want to be as open with you as you were with me. Jeez I’m rambling and you’re probably thinking I’m cra-”
“I love you too.” You couldn’t tell who was more surprised, you for blurting it out without thinking or him realizing what you just said.
The next few minutes happened without either of you remembering where you were. You almost attacked Bucky with the way you straddled him, and he was holding your hips so hard you were sure his hands were going to leave marks on your body. You kissed him like your life depended on it and the more you pulled on his hair, the more intense the kiss got and your moans grew louder by the second. His hands started to roam up and down your body and you couldn’t tell which one you enjoyed more. You felt his metal one through your shirt and it send shivers down your neck but when his other hand grabbed your neck, you arched your back without noticing.
He took this chance to attack you with kisses on your neck and pulled your shirt down a bit, licking your clavicle down to your shoulder, making you aggressively pull his hair. This snapped him out of the haze he was in and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Shit…that was….we need to.” He wasn’t able to form a sentence and the only sound you heard was your heartbeat and his rapid breathing.
“No please…don’t…please don’t say my name like that. I can’t control-” He stopped talking and rested his head on the back of the couch.
“Bucky…we gotta go! Class is in 15 minutes and you didn’t prepare yet.” You started fixing your hair and your shirt. You realized you were still sitting on his lap and decided it was best to get up before this went any further. But when you stood up, you saw the tent in his pants and you blushed so hard, you were sure you looked like a tomato.
“Bucky?” You saw him clenching his hands and grabbed the water from your bag.
“Here I think you need this more than me at the moment.” You laughed and sat on the farthest chair from him. He looked down and tried to cover himself with his laptop. Chugging the whole water bottle down, he looked up at you and saw how red you were. “I think I should be the one embarrassed right now, not you. Sorry doll..I can’t really control-”
“Are you kidding me? The sexiest man I ever met just got a boner from me. Bucky…that’s the confidence boost I needed.” You both laughed really loudly and you decided to go to your office and leave him to focus.
2:09 P.M.
If he wouldn’t have told you, you would have thought that he prepared this lecture ages ago. The man was a genius and for some reason, that turned you on even more than before your little make out session in his office. You couldn’t look at him the entire time he was talking because you knew for sure both of you would blush like cornered nuns.
On your way to get lunch, you met Steve, and he decided to join you.
“Y/N are you free Friday?” Steve asked in the middle of chewing a pizza slice.
“No why?” Bucky replied before you could even open your mouth.
“Wow Y/N your voice got offly deeper lately. You coming down with a cold?” You laughed at his sarcasm and saw Bucky paying more attention to the food now.
“So I’m correcting the tests for him on Thursday because we haven’t worked on my dissertation in a while and we were going to try and get some stuff done on Friday. Why?”
“That’s okay I’ll just ask one of the other graduate students to help me correct the midterms.”
“I mean I can correct the IDs. That’s shouldn’t take too long so I’ll just do it Saturday morning.”
“Why Saturday morning in particular?” Steve asked and then realized he was being too nosy. “Sorry that just came out..no need to answer.”
“No it’s fine. I’m going out with friends Saturday night and I’m pretty sure I’m waking up at noon on Sunday.” You heard Bucky stop eating and not moving next to you. “Are you ok?” Steve asked and you just stared at him.
“Ya ya fine. Good. I’m just…GReat.” He collected his food and walked stood up, leaving a smirking Steve and a confused you.
“The hell just happened?” You looked at Steve.
“That is the most dangerous trait in the world my friend. It’s called jealousy.” He continued eating as if nothing happened. You finished eating and excused yourself from Steve.
3:13 P.M.
You walked in the office and saw that Bucky had students with him so you just went straight to your office. You looked through your notes and recordings to see what he discussed most and brainstormed some ideas for the midterm questions. Some time passed and when you heard the door shut, you looked at your watch.
5:07 P.M.
You walked out with your laptop, content with the questions you came up with and ready to talk to Bucky about them. You saw him sitting at his desk.
“Hey so I have some ideas ab-”
“Were you going to tell me about Saturday night?” He looked at you sternly and you were shocked by how serious he got all of a sudden.
“I mean it would have probably come up during our conversation. Why?” You realized why he got angry during lunch. “Let me guess: you thought I was going with some guy didn’t you?” You sounded more harsh that you meant and he got out of his seat.
“No I didn’t. I thought ‘shit some guy might try to do something to her and I won’t even be there to protect you.’ That’s what I thought Y/N.”
It was quiet for a while until you grabbed his hand and started playing with his fingers. “That’s why we take Pietro with us. He usually punches anyone who gets close to me or my other friends.”
“Fucking…that Pietro. You’re making me hate him when I never even met the guy.” He relaxed a bit but you sensed how tense he still was.
“He’s just a friend…nothing more.”
“Are you sure?”
“Bucky…I’m not his type! Believe me.” You laughed.
“How do you know doll?”
“Because I am sure that if you ever do meet him, he’ll try to steal you away from me.” Bucky realized what you were saying and that made him relax even more. “So you had ideas for the exams?”
You spent the rest of the day preparing the exams and decided to call it a day when you saw how dark it was outside.
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