#when my baby smiles at me 1948
mamasturn · 10 months
dirty dancing pt. 9
pairing austin!elvis x black!fem!oc (cynthia). warning: 18+ steam, suggestive themes. content: cynthia and elvis get married. tags: @neeville @dulcewrites @crash-and-cure @cvpidspearl @blackwriter48 @wonderprince @venus2eros @adoreyouusugar @sunshinetoday1 @cosmic-parker @kaitaesupremacy @librarydame @louderfortheback @thetaoofzoe
note: well…long time, no see
“Marry me, baby.”
Cynthia’s hands released the utensils they held. A loud clatter ricocheted off the decorated walls of the dining room. The curls upon her head curtained her eyes, but they were blown wide in shock. Slowly, she tuned to the left. Her eyes found his baby blues, which were filled with hope as he descended onto one knee.
In his hand was a black velvet box. He pulled the cap back to reveal the most piece of jewelry she’d ever seen. And, it was authentically her. She’d expressed to him that as she’d gotten older, she found an indescribable beauty in the color green. Cynthia was well-aware that he was attentive; she just never knew he was so attentive that he’d propose to her with an emerald ring.
It was beautiful, goodness, was it beautiful. The emerald diamond was at least three karats, and it was the star of the show. Its setting was gold with vines entagling the band. He pulled it out of the box and brought it closer to her.
“I don’t want to spend my life with anyone else but you, Cyn. You came in my life and changed my desires. I’d be a fool to let you slip through my fingertips. I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine, as long as you’ll have me.”
A tearful laugh fell from Cythia’s lips. “Where will we go?” The four words held so much weight, and he knew why. No one in the south would approve of the union of a white man and a Black woman--it was unheard of. But, Elvis knew that already, and he was determined to get what he wanted. There was one state that would grant their wishes--California. California had legalized interracial marriage in 1948, and if she said yes, he already had the first flight there arranged. He just needed a yes.
He stood to his feet and placed the box on the table. Cynthia looked up at him, her brown eyes teary and filled with a million unreadable emotions. “California. They’ll accept us out there. They don’t believe in the silliness them people in the south believe. We can get married, baby. All you gotta do is say yes, and we’ll go. It’ll be me an’ you forever. Baby…”
Cynthia stared at the ring and it stared back at her. What would she tell her parents? They were already suspicious of her relationship with Elvis and feared for her safety daily. Their Black daughter was in a committed relationship with the most famous singer in the world. That was dangerous enough. How much further was she willing to go?
She wanted to be his wife, she truly did. But she was scared. What would happen when people found out? Would they try to hurt them? A part of her challenged her concerns because her relationship was nobody else’s concern, and who was society to tell them who to love? Yes, they were of different races, but it was no reason to repel a love that was so strong and profound. They weren’t hurting anyone.
Her lips twisted as she nodded. “Let’s get married.”
“You look beautiful, darlin’.” Cynthia’s eyes dropped toward her dress. It was a simple, white slip dress that’d been hiding in her closet. It was form fitting and stopped just below her knees. Accompanied by silver pointed heels, she was the most stunning bride. She rushed her makeup in the courtroom bathroom and took the rollers out of her hair, which produced the most voluminous curls. The new layered haircut fit her wonderfully.
“Thank you. You look handsome as always.” He wore a simple black suit, nothing too crazy. He was flamboyant any other day, but chose to have the more simplistically beautiful wedding of his dreams.
“We are gathered here today…”
Their eyes met and giddy smiles spread across their faces. A dream had become a reality. All the worries and fears were washed away when she heard, “you may now kiss the bride.” Cynthia welcomed the passionate kiss and scattered applause from the judge an the officiant. It wasn’t the most ideal wedding, but it was perfect for them, and that’s what mattered. “Mr. and Mrs. Presley, congratulations.”
“Mrs. Presley…I love the sound of that.” They’d found a hotel to stay in for the evening before flying back to Graceland the following morning. The hotel service was luxurious, as they wanted the best for Elvis Presley and his wife. They stayed in the presidential suite on the top floor, which was decked out to the nine.
Large windows that oversaw the city, flowers and plants that reminded her of Graceland, chandeliers above them, and a King sized bed with an angel-white comforter, which she laid on comfortably.
Cynthia turned her head to meet his eyes and smiled gently. She loved it too. Cynthia Irene Presley. Music to her ears. Elvis stood at the end of the bed admiring her beauty. She was freshly showered and dressed in her white nightgown with lace trimming. Her makeup had been removed and her hair was tied with a satin scarf. God, she looked so beautiful to him.
Her brown eyes were blown wide with love and adoration as they followed his movements toward her. She sat up on her elbows and spread her legs just slightly to make room for his body.
Elvis crawled over her, his breath fanning her lips gently. Cynthia shuddered. His pink lips captured hers and she welcomed the feeling.
She loved intimate moments with Elvis, and she could only imagine how much better their interactions would get since they were married. It would mean they’d finally go all the way.
Cynthia and Elvis had dabbled in other forms of sexual intimacy, but had never crossed the line of penetration, as Cynthia requested. She was grateful for her husband’s patience with her, and was more than ready to give herself to him fully.
“Elvis,” she moaned softly as his lips traveled down her body. What a sight to see, it was. Him working his way down her quivering body with darkening eyes and swollen lips. Her, jerking at every touch he gave her and calling him name so gently.
“Yeah, baby…” His large hands cupped her hips as his thumbs traced the waistband of her panties. Slowly, he slid them down her legs. Cynthia kicked them to the side.
“Come here.” She pulled him upwards and kissed him again. Her lips moved toward his ear, which she nibbled on softly. Elvis moaned softly. “Make love to me, Mr. Presley.”
He burned with desire. Elvis hummed softly and instructed her to lay back. His hand slid up her abdomen, leaving goosebumps in the wake. He reached behind her back, looking to unclip her bra. She lifted up to help remove the article of clothing.
Soft pants and breaths of anticipation passed through her lips as Elvis’ warm lips traveled down the valley or her chest, around her clothed hips, and between her thighs, where he teasingly and strategically kissed around the place she wanted him the most.
He lifted his eyes, finding Cynthia with closed eyes and a heaving chest. Her lip was caught between her teeth. She looked down at him when she felt him stop.
She tensed suddenly. Elvis rubbed her thighs gently as a way of reassurance. He wouldn’t push her, though. If she needed time to prepare, he’d give her all the time in the world.
“Relax, baby, relax…”
Cynthia nodded slowly. She didn’t want it to be weird, but she was indeed nervous. But, it was Elvis, she reminded herself. She had no reason to be. All of her worries went away when she felt his lips on her. A gasp fell from her lips, “Elvis…”
“You okay?”
Cynthia nodded tiredly against his chest. “I’m okay.” She’d fantasized what her first time would be like, and Elvis exceeded her expectations. She felt so loved, adored, and honored. He paid close attention to her body and made sure her pleasure was the priority, and for that, she couldn’t have been more thankful.
“Mrs. Presley…” Elvis said for what seemed to be the millionth time. It didn’t bother her, though; she enjoyed hearing it. “I love you, darlin’.”
“I love you more, Mr. Presley.”
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palmofafreezinghand · 7 months
Aww, I miss you, lovely! I've been gone for a minute myself. Give me something sweet with Edward and Esme, or maybe Esme's pov of the Ephraim confrontation 💕
Thank you for the prompt! I miss you too, I hope you're doing well 💖
After months of chaos, dozens of strangers in her house, and the ever constant threat of death looming over her family’s head Esme was savoring the first quiet moments back in her studio. No sooner had she laid a rough underpainting when a familiar footfall made its way down the hall and eventually stopped in front of her door. 
He did not knock, he never did, but instead walked into the room as if it was his own. He slumped into the loveseat — too big for the room but a requirement of him and his father —  slinging his legs over the armrest. 
“I’ve missed you,” Edward sighed. 
She raised her brow, eyes focused on her canvas.  ‘I do not believe I went anywhere.’ 
“I can not hear you,” he said, tapping his temple. “Bella,” he smiled like a fool whenever he said her name, “is practicing her restraint, she wanted to test blocking the voice I know the best.” 
“Is that not Carlisle?” She asked, noting how the shuffling of papers downstairs halted when she mentioned his name. Nosy or besotted, she was unsure which. 
“It appears I know what he is going to think before he does.” 
Her eyes rolled before she could think better of it. The two were too similar for their own good. 
“So I am second fiddle,” she said, attempting to feign annoyance. She knew better than to tease him, but he made it far too easy. 
“Think of it as you’re the person I know better than almost anyone else in the world.” 
They fell into comfortable silence. Edward began leafing through a decade old copy of Architect Digest. Esme began mixing her color palette, something light and peaceful, a slow introduction back to painting. She would not let her art get tainted by the turbulence, the fear, the anger… 
“You truly can’t hear my thoughts?” 
‘You can not hear this?’ 
“If you are asking me if I can hear you the answer is no.” 
‘How did you know what I was asking?’ 
“I know you, Esme,” he grinned, that knowing smile he had worn since the day they met eighty years prior. 
She set down her palette and turned on her stool to look at him fully. ‘I enjoy jazz.’ His face did not change. She narrowed her eyes. ‘I think that sleeveless shirt you wear is ridiculous.’ Nothing. ‘Carlisle and I were the ones who broke your baby grand in 1948, we let Emmett take the blame.’ That clinched it. This revelation would have caused a civil war in their house, and yet nothing. Besides a slightly amused smile. 
“You can’t hear me,” she breathed. 
“You are too stubborn for your own good.” 
She scoffed, he beamed. “I am the stubborn one!” 
“Your husband is close behind.” 
“This is rich,” she laughed to herself. 
It was an odd feeling, being completely alone in her own brain while he was sitting across from her. The only time her brain had ever belonged to her alone were years she wished to never relive. She could think of anything at all. 
The latest bodice ripper she was reading. 
Their fight of 1927. 
The whispered sweet nothings Carlisle said in the privacy of their bedroom. Or his office. Or most recently the garden shed. 
“Please, stop thinking of Carlisle in the nude,” Edward groaned lightheartedly. 
“You said you couldn’t hear me!” 
“I can see your face,” he grimaced. 
“You are such a prude for a man who’s had a child,” she laughed, unable to deny his accusation. 
She returned her attention back to her paints, letting her thoughts roam, now with a few restrictions. 
“That’s the first time you’ve called me a man,” Edward said quietly after a minute or two. 
“No it isn’t.” The palette knife cut a dollop of prussian blue, then crimson, mixing the two in a pool of titanium white, mix. 
“Yes,” he nodded, “it is.” 
The three colors were now a well blended lavender. “I… it is not the… I feel as if… I must have thought it before…if not…” 
As she tried to formulate her thoughts, it dawned on her that in eighty six years she had never had to tell him how she felt, about anything. He had always known, was constantly piecing together her thoughts before she did. How was the first time she was expected to verbalize her feelings now? Was she supposed to tell him how much fatherhood had changed him, had fundamentally changed their relationship, how she could never view him as she once did?
Crimson, cadmium yellow slapped onto the palette with a smidgen too much force, six parts titanium white. 
“I know, Esme. We don’t have to do this, I know.” 
‘Thank you,’ she thought. She knew he couldn’t hear her. Yet something by the way he smiled and nodded, turning his attention back to the article he had read dozens of times before, told her maybe he just knew.
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The New Solar Opposites Episode #8: “Inner Beauty” (by @avaveevo)
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It starts with Terry, Korvo, and their friends at the bar
Terry: Hey guys! What up?!
Kevin: Shut up! It's starting!
Terry: Oh sweet!
TV Announcer: Narrator (on tv): November, 1948. Americans picked their president. Victory seemed certain for Governor Thomas E. Dewey. Dewey, Dewey, Dewey.
Terry: Dewey! Dewey! Dewey!
Korvo laughs
Darcy: Terry I'm telling you, Truman wins.
Narrator: Headlines proclaim: "Dewey Defeats Truman."
Terry: Woo-hoo! I win the bet. Who's your daddy?
Darcy: Ha. Well, I'll be!
Narrator: But the headlines are dead wrong.
Terry: *gasp* Aaw…
Narrator: Harry Truman triumphs by 2 million votes.
Korvo puts a hand on Terry's shoulder
Korvo: Cheer up honey. You did your best on that bet.
Terry: Not if I can stop that inauguration.
Darcy: I win, Terry. That means I get to choose today's activity.
Terry groans and leaves
Korvo: *sighs as he rolls his eyes but smiles* Oh Terry..
Back at home, the kids, Janiz, and Kimber are watching the football draft
Jesse: Whoa! Look at this football match!
Sonya: Yumyulack, remember when I was crying at recess?
Yumyulack: Yeah?
Sonya: Do you want to hear why or just continue watching football?
Yumyulack: Hey, it's okay. I wanna hear why...
Sonya decided to tell them why.
Sonya: Oh the Stacies insulted me about my looks today:
Janiz: Aw, we’re sorry honey.
Sonya: Aaw that’s okay. I’m just worried they might do the same to you too Jesse.
Jesse: What?! What would make a popular girl lose interest like that?
Sonya: What I do now I do as your dearest little sister. *points at Jesse’s breast* Look at this flab. Look at it.
Jesse: Oh my God. Is that me?!
Sonya: Most assuredly, yes.
Jesse: Faced with a problem like this, I wonder, what would Oprah do?
Yumyulack looks at Jesse in silence
Yumyulack: Uh, what do you meant by that?
Later, at an implant surgery office, Human Jesse checks in with a doctor.
Human Jesse: Uh, I need some liposuction. Just enough to make me attractive.
Human Yumyulack: WHAT?!
Doctor: Hmm? Well how about one 10 minute suck and tuck
Human Jesse: Nah. I something stronger.
Doctor: Okay. Come with me.
Back with Korvo and Terry
Korvo: I wonder where the kids are.
Terry: Huh. I don't know.
Korvo: Uh Janiz, Kimber, where are the kids?
Janiz: They went to get surgery for some reason.
Korvo: Wait. What?
The kids arrive home and Korvo exclaims in horror when he sees Jesse's face
Korvo: Oh my… goodness.
Terry: *gasp* Oh my God! My baby!
Jesse: *offscreen* So, what do you guys think?
Korvo: What. Happened. To. Your. Face?
Jesse: Oh plastic surgery. Why?
Korvo faints. Later at night, Terry puts Lili in her crib
Korvo: It looks more… wow…
Terry: Nighty night Lili.
Lili coos. Korvo is sitting in bed, still shocked
Korvo: Holy cow. I had no idea our daughter would go this far.
Terry: Calm down, babe. I'm sure there's a good reason.
Korvo: Mmm yeah… but still. I don’t think this plastic surgery might be a great idea.
Terry: Yeah, I see what you mean. Hopefully this doesn’t go too far.
The next day
Korvo: Alright, everyone. Who wants- *looks at Jesse's face* OH MY DEAR LORD!
Jesse: What? Is everything okay?
Korvo: Yes! Your-
Terry covers Korvo's mouth
Jesse: Oh right. My face. I know, it looks so gorgeous.
Terry: Face looks amazing.
Jesse: Aw, thank you.
Jesse leaves as Korvo and Terry began to grow nervous about this. At school, the students are shocked at Jesse's new face
Ally: Whoa.
The popular gasp at the lunch table and grows amazed by Human Jesse’s face.
Jackie: What is up with her face?
Stacy K: Ha, ha. We want sit with you at our lunch table. Right this way.
Human Jesse: *gasps* Okay!
Back at home, Korvo and Terry are having sex but Terry notices that Korvo is paying attention
Terry: Still worried about Jesse?
Korvo: Yeah. But I still wanna continue...
Terry: *smiles seductively* Of course my beautiful blue shimmering stud!
The two alien husbands then resume having sex as Korvo dominates Terry. Back at school, Yumyulack and Sonya are spying on Jesse
Sonya: Okay Yummybear. Let’s make sure Jesse doesn’t go too far.
Yumyulack: Got it.
Later at home, Jesse comes home with her face looking more different
Jesse: Hey guys! Get a load of me!
Terry looks up and gasps
Terry: Oh my goodness my poor baby.
Jesse: What?
Terry: Uh I mean…. You look great.
Korvo: Yeah… definitely…. nothing to worry about…
Terry and Korvo starts gooblering.
Jesse: Are you okay?
Terry and Korvo: Yep. Definitely. Nothing to worry about. You look very pretty sweetie. Later at night, Terry tries to seduce Korvo.
Terry: Oh Korvy… you want a slap on that lovely thicc ass of yours?
Korvo: *snapping at Terry* Ugh! Not tonight!
Terry: Sorry.
Korvo sighs
Korvo: I’m sorry. I’m just worried about Jesse. I’m worried she’s taking this whole new look too far.
Terry: I know you are. Look, why don't we just get some rest?
Korvo: Okay.
The two husbands fall asleep as they snuggle with each other. Then, Terry sighs lovingly in his sleep as he feels Korvo’s warmth. So does Korvo. Jesse, who was listening to them, looks down sadly as “Say Something” by A Great Big World plays
Jesse: Oh no… I think I may have taken this whole thing too far…
Jesse goes to see the doctor
Jesse: Doctor, I would like for my face to be back to normal. I’ve took things too far and I ended up hurting the people I love.
Doctor: Okay, if that is your choice, then we shall turn your face back to normal.
The next day, Korvo is asleep but then hears Terry sobbing
Korvo: Terry, are you okay?
Terry turns to Korvo while sniffling.
Terry: *tearfully* Korvy… I’m really worried about my baby… I’m worried that she took things too far. I’m really scared.
Korvo: *gasp* Oh Terry.. come here.
Terry sobs into Korvo's arms
Jesse: *offscreen* Korvo? Terry?
Korvo: *gasp* Jesse?
Korvo: *gasp* Jesse?
Jesse's face is back to normal
Jesse: *sing-songy* I’m back!
Terry runs up to Jesse and hugs her
Terry: Oh babygirl! It’s you! There’s my sweet and wonderful daughter!
Korvo: How?
Jesse: I went to the doctors and told him to turn my face back to normal. *looks sad* I’m really sorry I took things too far. I finally feel like me again.
Terry: Oh Jesse-bear!
Terry hugs his daughter as Jesse smiles. Korvo then joins in on the hug along with Yumyulack, Pupa, Sonya, Kimber, Janiz and Lili.
Lili: *babbles as she reaches out to Jesse*
Jesse giggles
Jesse: Hey Lili. I am so happy to be back too.
Later that night, Korvo and Terry were having sex.
Terry: Oh! Fuck yes! *slaps Korvo's ass*
Korvo: Oh yes! Terry! Oh *moans lovingly* You bad dirty alien!
Terry: Oh! Do it as we cut away you beautiful blue shimmering stud!
The two husbands cum in ecstasy as they collapse on their bed lovingly and kiss while moaning lovingly.
The End
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citizenscreen · 2 years
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Betty Grable and Dan Dailey on set of WHEN MY BABY SMILES AT ME (1948)
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gatutor · 2 years
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Dan Dailey-Betty Grable "When my baby smiles at me" 1948, de Walter Lang.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
A Name Dripping With Blood: A Salvatore Character Study - 1: SCOTT ("Gaelic speaker")
It's finally here! Chapter one of the Salvatore character study!!! Yahoo!!!
So uhh if you're new here. Salvatore is my vampire blorbo from a very relatively obscure horror series I'm fixated on (not TFTGS, a different one). He's a former mobster and local dramatic old man. I wanted to write a study exploring him as a character a bit more, and it got out of hand <3
So here's the first part of that! I'm planning for there to be 10 chapters total, and if I exceed that, please hunt me for sport.
Content Warnings: I'll include warnings for each chapter, but the biggest warning for this chapter is a mention of suicide. Also, I'm starting this study from before Salvatore realizes his transness and he is referred to with she/her pronouns and his deadname. If that is something that would make you uncomfortable pls tread lightly!!
Tagging (like I said I forgor who wanted to be tagged for this </3 But if you want to be added or removed pls let me know!! I will not forget again): @wherearetheplants @albatris @approximately20eggs @skitzo-kero @nicola-writes @jezifster
Salvatore wasn't always a monster. He was once a man--a deeply flawed man, but a man nonetheless. The story of that man didn't begin in an abandoned warehouse in 1986--it began in 1948, in a small tenement building in Manhattan, New York, with the birth of a too-tiny baby girl.
The year was 1948.
It was an unusually warm February day, the last signs of winter grasping desperately to hold onto the world as they melted away. Three years before this day, the Second World War had come to an end, and three days later, Gerard Kuiper would discover another of Uranus’ moons, which he would name Miranda (“admirable, wonderful”).
On that day, Leslie Burke was born.
Leslie (“garden of holly”) was born in a small tenement building on the Lower East Side. It took eight long, agonizing hours for her mother Anna (“favor, grace”) to finally give birth to her, holed up in a small room with her neighbor, who happened to be a nurse, and her husband Westley (“west meadow”).
Leslie’s father had insisted that his youngest daughter be born at home, as he had a long-running distrust of doctors. Besides, he was a proud man, and he had helped his wife bear their previous three children. Leslie would be no different.
Thankfully, everything went as expected, and soon Leslie came screaming into the world, a tiny bundle of flailing limbs with a scowl on her face and a dark tuft of hair on her head. She wailed from the moment her small lungs took their first breath, as though crying out to all the stars and heavens themselves, demanding that they hear her and take her seriously.
Afterwards, Anna, though she was exhausted, cradled her tiny baby in her arms, a smile on her face as she remarked to her husband, “My, this one sure is lively!” Leslie, though she was far too young to understand the words, pouted nonetheless as she squirmed in the soft blanket she’d been swaddled in.
Westley chuckled breathlessly, his relief and pride plain on his face as he agreed, “We’ve got a real spitfire on our hands here.”
Soon after, Leslie quieted down, seemingly too tired to yell any longer, and she was introduced to the rest of her family.
The first to hold her was her cousin, Scott Clifton. Scott (“Gaelic speaker”) was a fine young man, having only recently come home from his time overseas. He was his family’s pride and joy, as he’d fought on the front lines in the terrible war. Combat had left him with a prominent limp and a sad, desperate sort of exhaustion in his eyes, but he still wore a smile on his face most days.
He was a good man, the sort of man many boys aspired to be. Though he was young, he had much to be proud of. At least, that’s what he’d always been told.
Scott held Leslie like she was something fragile, something to protect. He ran gentle, world-weary fingers over the soft brown hair on her tiny head. Even when she batted his hand away with little fists and whined, he only smiled warmly.
“She’s beautiful,” he said, his voice a soft whisper.
“She’ll be a fine young woman someday!” Westley agreed readily. He grinned good-naturedly at his nephew and pointedly added, “Now, you just need to find yourself a nice gal of your own, and maybe soon you’ll have your own baby girl just like her!”
Scott had only smiled thinly at his uncle in response.
After Scott was Leslie’s oldest brother, Jesse. Where Scott was the perfect soldier, a paragon of masculinity for his family to be proud of, Jesse (“gift”) was an academic. He was still only thirteen at the time, but he had a bright mind that shone like the sun behind his pale eyes.
Jesse was the sort of young man who would make his mark on the world, the sort who would be remembered. He would tell anyone who would listen about his dreams and his accomplishments, the heights he would climb in the coming years.
When Jesse held Leslie, he held her like she was a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any moment. Though she was quiet by now, he watched her with wide eyes, as though waiting for her to start screaming again. For her part, Leslie stared up at him, her tiny face screwed up in a frown.
“Can someone else take it?” Jesse said after a moment, lifting his head to look desperately at his mother.
“That’s not an it,” Anna chastised her son. “That’s your sister.” Still, she held out her arms for Leslie.
“Of course, of course,” Jesse said placatingly, quickly handing her the baby. “I just don’t want to hold her. All she does right now is wail, anyhow--maybe when she’s older and can hold a conversation.”
Next to hold Leslie was her only sister, Bethany. Bethany (“house of affliction”) was the perfect picture of a girl her age, with flowing brown hair and wide, blue eyes that sparkled in the light. Though the Burke’s were never a particularly wealthy family, Bethany dressed herself in the finest clothes she could. She had always been resourceful, and she made do with what she had.
This resourcefulness translated into a deathly sharp wit that Bethany had carried with her since she was young. She was outspoken and had a fiery temper, two qualities that made her stand out from the other girls her age. Though she was only thirteen, she was full of the same ambition and drive as her brother Jesse.
When Bethany held Leslie, she did so with a frown on her face and a furrow in her brow as she looked down at her young sister. Leslie seemed content to return the expression with a scowl of her own. Both girls seemed entirely unimpressed with the other.
“... Is this what all the fuss is about?” Bethany asked after a long moment.
“What do you mean?” Westley asked, his own expression somewhere between confused and perturbed.
“The baby,” Bethany said. “I thought she’d be a bit more impressive, ‘s all.” She looked up at her parents. “Everyone made such a big fuss about everything, you’d think she was one of them fancy ladies on Broadway.”
Westley chuckled, shaking his head. “All babies are impressive,” he told her. “You’ll understand when you have your own someday.”
Bethany looked unconvinced, but she didn’t object.
Finally, the last to hold Leslie was her youngest brother, older than her by only a scant few years. His name was Martin (“male”), and he was amazed to see his sister. His deep blue eyes were wide and shining as he balanced her in his thin arms. Though Leslie frowned up at him, he had nothing but smiles for her.
Martin was young, far too young for his future to be clear to anyone, but he already had a bright soul full of love for the world around him. As he grew, he would come to lose some of the naive spark he carried with him, but for the time being, his hope and optimism were his greatest qualities.
“Oh, gosh,” Martin said, “she’s so little!” He looked up at his mother, clearly blown away. “Was I ever this little?”
Anna chuckled and smiled indulgently at her youngest son. “You were,” she confirmed. “And someday she’ll grow up to be just as big as you!”
If it were possible, Martin’s eyes grew even wider, and he stared down at his sister some more. She continued glaring up at him, but he was unbothered by her apparent hostility.
“Wow,” he said quietly. “Just as big as me…” It was clear the idea was unimaginable to him, something incredible and worth celebration.
In the following years, Leslie would, indeed, grow to be just as big as Martin, but she wouldn’t stop there. She would tumble her way through her first steps and babble her way through her first words, her face set in a determined scowl the whole time. It was as though she felt she had something to prove from the moment she was born. And she would prove it, no matter what. The world loomed large and frightening, but she stared it down with a stiff upper lip and her tiny hands balled into fists.
The year of Leslie’s birth was a tumultuous one for the family. While the arrival of the new baby was a joyous occasion, only months later it would be followed by a terrible tragedy.
For reasons that the family didn’t understand at the time, Scott Cliffton threw himself from the Brooklyn Bridge. According to his friends, he’d suffered from combat fatigue. The war was done, but it never truly left Scott, eating him up inside even as he smiled and laughed and cradled his baby cousin.
In the years that followed, Leslie rarely heard Scott’s name. If he was spoken about at all, it was in hushed whispers and euphemisms. Sometimes, it seemed as though her parents were afraid to even say his name. He was no longer Scott Cliffton, the golden boy; he was now just him, the boy who never truly came home after the war ended.
As a child, Leslie never questioned any of this, never tried to fight for Scott’s memory. After all, she had no memories of Scott, only the faintest impression of strong yet gentle hands holding her protectively. She never knew the man he was, and now she never would.
But she never forgot his name. Though she never knew him, she would always remember his name.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Tim Holt, Humphrey Bogart, and Walter Huston in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (John Huston, 1948)
Cast: Humphrey Bogart, Walter Huston, Tim Holt, Bruce Bennett, Barton MacLane, Alfonso Bedoya, Arturo Soto Rangel, Manuel Dondé, Jose Torvé, Margarito Luna. Screenplay: John Huston, based on a novel by B. Traven. Cinematography: Ted D. McCord. Art direction: John Hughes. Film editing: Owen Marks. Music: Max Steiner. 
It's always shocking to realize that Humphrey Bogart failed to be nominated for an Oscar for his performance as the bitter, paranoid Fred C. Dobbs, the anti-hero of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. I mean, who today remembers some of the performances that were nominated instead: Lew Ayres in Johnny Belinda (Jean Negulesco)? Dan Dailey in When My Baby Smiles at Me (Walter Lang)? Clifton Webb in Sitting Pretty (Lang)? To the Academy's credit, John Huston won as both director and screenwriter, and his father, Walter, won the supporting actor Oscar -- the first instance of someone directing his own father to an Academy Award for acting -- which his smartly delineated old coot certainly deserved. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre has a generosity of characterization in both the screenplay by John Huston from B. Traven's novel and the performances of Bogart, Walter Huston, and Tim Holt. Let's also put in a word for Holt, who had one of the odder careers of a potential Hollywood star: He gave good performances in some of the best movies to come out of the studios in the 1940s, including The Magnificent Ambersons (Orson Welles, 1942) and My Darling Clementine (John Ford, 1946), and was a handsome and capable presence in them. But even after working for Welles, Ford, and Huston, after The Treasure of the Sierra Madre he went back to performing in B-movie Westerns, which had been the stock in trade of his father, Jack Holt (who has a small part as a flophouse bum in this film). Tim Holt's heart seemed not to be in the movie business, and he retired to his ranch, making only a few appearances after 1952. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre was mostly filmed on location -- a rarity for the time -- in the state of Durango and the town of Tampico, Mexico. (Some scenes had to be shot in the studio, of course, and it's easy to spot the artificial lighting and hear the sound stage echoes in these, which don't match up to the ones Ted McCord filmed on location.) 
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maudeboggins · 10 months
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betty grable in when my baby smiles at me (1948), which is set in the 1920s! technically, she does have a bob, and those dresses do have drop waists...
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writer-updates · 1 year
Sebastian Knight
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Chapter 31 - Sebestian
My eyes were clued to the parasol bluest sky of the Mediterranean. My beautiful wife, was laying next to me on the sun lounger, her beautiful pregnat body on semi display for me.
She wore a nice white dress that had a slit on the side, with a pink binki top and bottom, her dark brown hair was down and was bouncier than ever before. Her dulgent hazelnut eyes were glued to the pregnancy book she has been reading, non stop.
I was so excited for our honeymoon even if it was only short. I didn't want to be out for too long, even though Liliana was 4 months pregnant. Her doctor warned us that they may come early. Plus with Tamara on the lose, I was worried, liliana would be hurt. Or worse, her and our unborn children killed.
The thought of that sent shivers down my spine, I never thought I would get these but since meeting Liliana and everything that has happened. My heart cannot be without her, I knew I wouldn't be okay if she was to die. I nearly lost myself when Liliana was in hospital that time.
My eyes gazed on one of out boats that was docked at the harbour need by, Liberty has been in my family for generations. We have it docked here at Monte Carlo in Monaco. As it was used for buisness mainly. But I knew I wanted to use it as Liliana as never been on a boat of this size before.
Liberty was built in 1948, my great-great grandfather had built it from scratch. She floats beautiful along the water, has never once had any sort of damage. She was bigger than all the yachts that were docked next to her.
Sitting back, I listen to the sound of the crashing of the waves, people chatting, the birds squawking at each other. Not to mention the waiters coming by and asking questions.
I heard Liliana hum, turning towards her. A faint smile on my fact as she sat up from the chair. Leaning forward, I pressed my lips against hers, playfully biting her bottom lip.
A small moan left her mouth, "I was hoping." She pulled her lip away from my teeth. "If you could put more sunscreen on me?"
I smirked as I looked at her, up and down admiring her figure once again. Her beautiful bump which was carrying two of my children, sat perfectly on her body. You could hardly tell she was having twins, but we have seen the twins multiple times.
"Now, Mrs Knight. That is an offer I cannot refuse."
With a smile, Liliana stood up. Walking over to my sun lounger where she sat in front of me. Carefully I undid her white sundries, the tips of my fingers gently caressing her back as I did.
Reaching to the table beside me, I grabbed the sunscreen that was sitting on there. Squinting a little onto my fingers, before stroking her back once again with sunscreen. Making sure to apply it everywhere.
"You are so beautiful, my love. Everything about you. Makes me want to crave you." I murmured against her skin.
"Maybe later?" She asked.
"Baby, I couldn't refuse that. It would be wrong of me to not tend to my pregnant wife, fulfilling your needs is now my job for ever."
I pulled her into my lap as I laid back down, her back against my torso. My fingers were spread against her beautiful bump. Feeling a few kicks from the twins causing me to smile.
"I think they like my touches," I spoke.
"Mhmm. They definitely do. Especially at night time." Liliana spoke with a wince.
"You okay?" I asked as concern flooded through my body.
"Yes darling, baby 2 just kicked my ribs."
Kissing the top of her shoulder, I placed my head on her shoulder. I wish we could have time freeze and stay like this for a while.
With my free hand I slid Liliana's meduim length hair from her shoulder, exposing her neck. She felt his warm breath on her skin, it made her tingle, she closed her eyes as his lips gently touched her flesh. She could feel a wetness between her legs.
Liliana's hand had stopped moving, she was too caught up in the in the sensations that were rushing through her as I mouth moved up and down the side her neck, as high as her ear lobe which he gently tugged with my lips, back down her neck and a little way along her shoulder blade.
My lips were in constant contact with her skin, she showed her appreciation with gentle moans of pleasure. Liliana pushed her hips back, forcing her bottom into my crotch which was welcomed by me steadily stiffening cock. With my hand, I gently turned Liliana's head towards me, bringinh my lips to hers, a lingering kiss before Liliana's tongue slipped between my lips, which was a first.
Taking me by surprise. Liliana's pussy felt heavy, her lips felt swollen, she ached for cock, she knew that she was wet, her juice felt more abundant than in a long, long time. I broke our lips apart, Liliana still had her back to me and my attention returned to her neck. Liliana tilted her head to one side and I began to once again nibble up and down her neck with my lips.
My hands made their way towards the front of Liliana's new dress she had put on and began to undo the buttons on the front of her dress. One at a time, starting from the top and taking my time. With each one, my fingers would burst against her naked skin, as my hand slid down towards the next button.
Unfastening her dress, I looked down over her shoulder, a white bra was supporting those beautiful large breasts. Her pregnancy was giving her. I wanted to suck them so bad.
Liliana was quietly moaning with the intense pleasure she was receiving, she was now blatantly gyrating her hips so that her bottom was rubbing against the stiffness of my cock.
Once the final button had been undone I slipped the dress from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. My attention then turned towards her bra, swiftly unclipped it and slid it down her arms. Her protruding nipples were deep, deep pink as were the surrounding aureoles.
I brought my hands around and cupped a breast in each hand, lifting each one slightly, taking its weight in my grasp before gentle squeezing each nipple between a thumb and finger. Liliana bit her bottom lip taking a short, sharp intake of breath.
I continued caressing Liliana's neck and shoulders with my mouth and tongue as my hands began to explore her body. Leaving her breasts they made their way down to her sides, over her hips and part way down her thighs, my cock gave another twinge when I realised that she wasn't wearing any panties.
'Naughty girl' I thought to myself.
I brought my hands to the front of her thighs and with his fingertips I gently traced the contour of her body, to the top of her thighs then under and over her bump finally returning to her breasts. She felt so good to my touch; my touch was making every nerve in her body scream for more. Delicious as all of this caressing was, Liliana needed more now; she was ready for the next level.
"Undress for me."
Which I promptly did, not wanting my pregnant wife to wait. Her eyes were fixed on my stiff cock, pointing out from the top of my legs. Liliana always admired my length and girth, my neat sac hanging from the base of my dick. The foreskin was already pulled back down the shaft, the bulbous end of my cock was a deep purple and glistened from the wetness of my juices.
We moved towards one another to kiss again, my cock was squashed between my abdomen and her enlarged belly. I moved my hips slightly, enjoying the feeling of my cock sliding against her skin as our tongues explored each other. Liliana turned her attention to my nipples, circling it with the tip of her tongue before taking it between her teeth and gently squeezed.
A growl leaving my throat as she did that. Her mouth moved away from my nipple and she knelt down. Her face was inches away from my cock. Taking a few moments, Liliana placed a hand on each sides of my thights and ran the tip of her tongue from the base of my cock to the top.
Liliana could feel and taste my juices on her tongue as she circled around it and over my tip. Drawing a deep breath as I felt her lips poise at the tip of my cock and then slide smoothly over my end and down the shaft, taking me into her mouth where her wet tongue ran over the underside of my dick.
I looked down and watched Sonia wrap her fingers around the base of my swollen member and then watched her mouth fuck his cock. She bobbed her head back and forth each time taking as much of my erection into her mouth as she could manage.
Liliana's cunt was begging for attention, she could feel the moisture oozing from her swollen lips. She slid her mouth off my cock and it made a small pop as it reappeared, it was wet with the mixture of her saliva and mu own pre-cum, small traces of her lipstick stained my shaft.
"I need to be fucked." said Liliana in a low voice, "I'm going to come so easy."
She laid back on the floor, her knees bent and legs apart. Licking my lips as I knelt down towards her. I could see the wetness between her legs and the redness of her vuvla. Manoeuvring myself between her legs. Surrpirt my weight, on my arms over her pregnant belly.
Liliana reached down, I felt her fingers grab my cock and she pulled it towards her gaping pussy, positioning it at the entrance. Sliding the first inch in and Liliana's eyes closed.
"Ohhhhh!" she murmured.
"You are so impatient baby," I spoke before withdrawing. Slowly pushing myself back in but deeper this time.
Another moan of satisfaction from Liliana. Again I withdrew and slid back in, she was so wet, one more withdrawal, swiftly followed by another push and this time my whole length was buried within the softness of Liliana's pussy. I began slowly fucking liliana, my hard cock rubbing the inner walls of her cunt. Each rhythmic movement brought an "O" from Liliana's mouth as my cock had reached its deepest point.
"O!" she muttered with each thrust, "O, O, O, O!".
I could feel my own orgasm starting to build, my movements were quickening. Liliana's breasts were rocking back and forth in time with my fucking, she reached up and took hold of one in each hand offering her large, erect nipples up for me to suck on. Stretchong my neck and managed to take one in my mouth.
"Fuck your cock feels good." Liliana whispered, "Oh fuck yeah it's good!" her body tensed, her cunt grabbed my cock.
Feeling her nails dig into my buttocks to keep my cock deep inside as her orgasm ravaged her body. I kept still allowing her take control, to let her ride through her orgasm so she could reap maximum pleasure. Liliana's head was reeling.
I needed my release, I had tried my hardest not to come until Liliana had used my cock for her own gratification but I couldn't hold back now. My come was forced from my cock, I could feel it pumping into Liliana.
Moments later our bodies relaxed and I withdrew my softening cock from Liliana.
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thebrochtuarachs · 3 years
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All That Was Good 
A/N: One of my many versions of "What if Jamie and Claire both passed through the stones before Culloden?" stories. This came about just this weekend and my brain would not stop until I wrote it down and shared it with you all. I know the 20-year separation of Jamie and Claire is one of the most used plots in the Outlander-verse (I, for one, am all for it) so here's my wee contribution to it! I'm bad at summaries but hope you like this wee one! As always, your comments and suggestions are very much welcome.
This cannot be it.
As their hands moved closer together to touch the stone, Claire’s heart was feeling a million emotions but her mind was clear with just one thing - Jamie.
This cannot be it.
In the three years they’ve been together, neither of them could’ve known just how much they’d mean to each other, depend on each other, care for each other, let alone, love each other - so deeply and passionately that they were willing to change history if it came to that.
This cannot be it.
“Goodbye, Claire” she felt his breath and lips in her temple as he pulled her closer to him by the waist, desperately trying to keep themselves together for as long as they could and engrain the memory of their bodies molded as one. And in the middle, was the miracle they prayed and hoped for who will never know his father and grow up with a family he deserved.
This cannot be it.
Her fingers can almost feel the roughness of the stone surface and the journey that will follow after. She wanted to turn her head and see his face one last time, beg him to release her from her promise and let her stay in this time. But time was running out. In the last seconds, Claire made her wish known again and again.
Me. Jamie. Our Baby. Our Family. Anywhere. Anytime. Together.
Me. Jamie. Our Baby. Our Family. Anywhere. Anytime. Together.
Me. Jamie. Our Baby. Our Family. Anywhere. Anytime. Together.
Claire expected the deafening buzz that usually came with the stones - but what was new was the blinding light that suddenly seemed to emit from it. She wondered if Jamie could see it since he couldn’t hear the buzz and she  got her confirmation when she heard Jamie exclaim a “What in the devil..?!” just before everything went black.
The journey to the stones is never easy. It feels like you're being taken apart and then weaved back together. It really takes a toll to the body.
Claire stirred to someone stroking her hair. Once her mind was a little bit more awake, she took a mental stock of herself. She felt whole, alive, and for some reason, she was sitting in some armchair with her head laid down on the table.
She slowly opened her eyes, cautious just in case she got affected somehow by the last light she saw and to prepare herself to know the aftermath of this trip.
“Thank Christ!” was the first sound she heard. “Are ye alright?"
Her mind raced, she needed to respond. In another effort to finally face her reality, she lifted her, fully opened her eyes and saw the two most worried ocean eyes boring straight into hers.
Her eyes widened at the sight before her. Impossible.
“Ja - Jamie?” she softly called out, a hand unsure to touch his face.
“Aye, tis me, Claire. Do ye remember me? I was afraid you wouldn’t recognize me” he replied.
“Jamie, oh my god!” her dizziness forgotten, she quickly stood up as Jamie did too and they held each other so tightly she was sure she couldn’t breath.
She pulled away and started inspecting every part of him she could. “Are you alright? What happened?!”
“I don’t know. All I remember was I brought ye to the stones, we we’re about to touch it when a light beamed through. Next thing I knew, I woke up leaning by that shelf, wearing this clothes, and saw you passed out here.”  Jamie shared.
“So you did see the light too! I haven’t experienced or seen that before so I thought it could’ve been just for me but...here you are.”
“Here I am” he said simply.
As their dizziness wore off and their mind became more rational, they needed to investigate fast on where and when they were.
Claire was wearing a white sleeveless shirtwaist dress, almost similar to the one she was wearing the first time she went through the stones, while Jamie was wearing a navy blue knitted shirt tucked in light brown fitted trousers.
They were definitely not in the 1740s anymore.
They were in an old scottish cottage, though obviously renovated and restored, with most of the items inside looking museum grade. A sign hanged up wrote “Old Leanach Cottage” and below it in smaller letters were the words “Culloden Moor” .
They were at Culloden.
Lastly, together they gravitated towards a notebook, a visitor log, and found that the year was 1948.
They were in Claire’s time.
Stunned and a little bit confused, Jamie and Claire looked at each other as the shock passed through them.
Impossible, indeed.
Claire and Jamie had more questions than answers and the place they currently were seemed different that what Claire was used to so both of them are pretty much out of place until they knew more about their present lives.
“Whatever this is, whatever has happened” Jamie’s firm voice broke the ice. “We’ll figure it out together.”
“Okay.” Claire replied. The unknowns were endless but with the strength of having Jamie by her side, there was nothing much to fear. “Of course” Claire nodded surely and then leaned her face to Jamie’s for a single deep kiss.
There’s always something that stirs between them whenever they kiss and they both smile at the fact that that feeling hasn’t gone away. Whatever they need it to be, it will be that. And right now, this kiss was a kiss of love, gratitude, comfort, and security.
Just as they were to pull away, they heard voices outside the cottage call for them.
“Jamie, Clare, are you guys finished?” a man’s voice asked.
Surprised by the interaction, Jamie’s first action was to protect Claire. His hands automatically reached out to his side where his sgian dubh always reside but he grasped for nothing in the air. Another reminder that they were in a different time.
“Jamie, those voices…”
“D’ye know them, Sassenach?”
Claire shook her head. Her mind was swirling - the voices we’re so familiar, she was sure she knew them - but she couldn’t put a name or a face.
“Come on, you two! Chop, chop! We still have a 3-hour ride ahead of us.” a woman’s voice followed.
“Should we just head out and see?” she asked. Jamie shrugged in agreement, took Claire’s hand, and led them out of the cottage.
Nothing could’ve prepared either of them for what was to happen next. They were both frozen in place as a couple turned around and in front of them is Henry and Julia Beauchamp.
“There you are!” Julie exclaimed. “What took you so long? We thought you’re only signing the visitor’s log book”. She noticed their confused looks, and slowly reached out a hand. “Are you guys...okay?”
Without another thought, Claire gravitated towards her parents and pulled her mother to a tight embrace and cried.
“Mama” Claire said softly.
“You haven’t called me that in a long time” Julie replied, hugging her daughter back. She pulled her daughter back when she felt a wetness in her shoulder. “Why are you crying?”
Claire didn’t reply but went to her dad and hugged him just as tight.  “While I do love this,” Henry began, “I’m not sure what’s going on.” He patted her back, “Claire?”
“I’m sorry, I…” Claire started to think of an explanation while wiping her eyes and fixing herself up. “I just missed you so much”
There was so much more she wanted to say, just in case this was all a dream, but her last words summarized what was at the core of it all.
“I know, we missed you guys too. It’s been almost a month since we got together and this is a little overdue. Do you think you can make it back the car, though? I really don’t want to miss lunch.” Henry teased.
“Let’s go! I don’t want to be late. You know how strict Brian and Ellen are with the lunch schedule. Last time we missed it, there were hardly any food left.” Julia followed.
It was Jamie’s turn to feel more disbelief. “I’m sorry, what?” He didn’t know how we found his voice but, at the moment, his mind had  life of its on and the words came flying out.
“What do you mean ‘what’? We’re on our way to see your parents at Lallybroch, James.”
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lilxberry · 4 years
Five Minutes - Daniel LaRusso(1984)*
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Warnings:  SMUT. Teeny bit of language. Fluff. The ruining of some leather car seats *WINK WONK* (You should at least be at legal consenting age to read)
Words: 1716
Pairing: (1984) Daniel LaRusso x Reader
(A/N: Honestly, I kinda over estimated when I would get the two long fics in my drafts posted. I’m struggling to create good endings that I actually like for and I don’t wanna post something that’s half-arsed. So, I hope some good ol’ Karate Kid smut will make up for the lack of fics.)
You crouched low as you entered the backyard of Miyagis’ home where he trained Daniel, ready to stealthily attack said boy as he continued with the chores the sensei had given his young student. As you got closer, you noted the lack of Mister Miyagis’ presence, perfect for complete silence. You swiftly ran the last few steps and pounced on to his back, eliciting a loud yelp from Danny.
You dropped back down on to your own two feet and clutched your stomach as you threw your upper body backwards in laughter. “Really, Y/N?! You scared the crap out of me!”
“Oh, I’m sowwy. Baby wanna hug?” You cooed in a child-like voice, sticking your bottom lip out as you raised your arms and made grabby hands towards your boyfriend.
He slapped your arm away gently and began to pout. “Shut up.”
You grinned as you walked closer and closer until you could raise up on to your tip toes and kiss his cheek. He tried to fight off the smile that surely began to break out on to his face but he had quickly lost that battle as he wrapped his arms tightly around your shoulders, bringing you close to his chest and placing a gentle kiss upon your hairline.
“We need to put a bell on you.”
You released an airy giggle as you buried your face into the crook of his neck and began to litter his neck with soft, feather-like kisses. His hold around you had tighten the slightest bit as he pulled you back to look at your undeniably adorable, his words, and now confused face. “Not here, princess.”
You groaned as you pulled away and perched yourself on the edge of the decking. “Then hurry up, man!”
Daniel laughed at your needy behaviour and shook his head adoringly at your antics. “Alright, alright, give me five minutes.”
You huffed as you flopped back onto the decking, facing the sky and watching the clouds drift by in the barely ever-present L.A. breeze. ‘This is gonna be the longest five minutes EVER.’
It had been roughly 15 minutes since Daniel had finished up, left Mr. Miyagi a quick note and dragged you to his 1948 Ford Super DeLuxe Club convertible. You soon found yourselves parked atop a cliff that overlooked a beautiful section of the beach that seemed to be relatively quiet on this calm and serene night.
You sat there, back leant up against Daniels body with his arm draped around you as you played with his fingers. You lazily smiled as the music emitting from the stunning pale-yellow car.
“Hey.” Daniel whispered, disturbing the peacefulness that had surround you both. You leant your head backwards on to his shoulder to peer up at him.
“I was uh-I was wondering, as much as I love doing this, if we were going to continue what you wanted to kick off earlier?” His face broke out in a devious smile but fell in the slightest at your response.
“Hmm, I dunno, kinda not in the mood now.”
“Oh, yeah, yeah, that’s fine. We can do it another time…” He trailed off as he slouched back into his seat once again. You giggled as you sat up and turned your body to face him. You rolled your eyes and poked at his chest.
“I’m kidding, you donut.” His face soon broke out into a huge grin as he sat up straight with extreme eagerness. You released a short burst of laughter before leaning in, Daniel following suit. Your lips soon met in a soft kiss, moving together slowly in harmonious synchronisation. You moulded together perfectly, two puzzle pieces slotting together in a natural motion.
The kiss had soon turned heated, Daniel brining your right leg over his to straddle him in the seat, your arms wrapped around his neck whilst his gripped as your waist roughly, fingers slightly digging into your now exposed flesh as your shirt had rode up your torso ever so slightly. You began to fervently ground your hips into his, your now dampened core rubbing against his prominent bulge.
You two had broken the kiss, panting heavily as your breaths mixed together. Daniel rested his forehead against yours and looked deeply into your eyes. “Are you sure you wan-“
You swiftly cut him off with a passionate and lust filled kiss. “I’m sure.”
With that, Daniel gave a curt nod before lifting you up and placing you gently beside him. He proceeded to unbutton his jeans and lower his zipper, exposing the crotch of his underwear. Following his example, you leant back across the seats and began to take off your denim shorts. Once your own button and zipper had been undone, you raised your lower body off the cool leather seat and slipped the material off of your legs, shimmying out of your shorts, leaving you in your silky fabric panties.
You climbed over to straddle Daniel once more, placing one hand between the both of you and began to palm him through his underwear as you crashed your lips together. A guttural moan suppressed by your mouth left Daniel.
He lightly tapped the back of your thighs, signifying to raise yourself up slightly. You did as instructed and your hand left it’s place on his clothed dick. Daniel slowly lowered his pants and soon his erection was exposed, slapping against his covered abdomen. He hissed slightly at the sudden exposure to the cool air. He looked up at you with a loving gaze and he took hold of his cock and began to direct it against your soaked panties.
Soft whimpers left you at the gentle yet sinful action, spurring Daniel on. He hooked a finger in and around the overly wet material and pulled them to one side, exposing you. He looked down briefly to admire the view and brought his bottom lip between his teeth, all the while you flushed a deep red.
He began to rub his tip slicked with precum through your slippery folds, occasionally teasing your entrance. You desperately tried to rock your hips to gain more friction but Daniels left hand that gripped your hip had stopped any movement on your part. “I love you.” He whispered as he gazed up at your flush face with adoration.
You bit your lip gently and sent a small, flustered induced smile. “I love you.” You replied just as quietly. You shared one final, soft peck before he placed the head of his cock at your entrance. You squeezed your eyes shut as you slowly lowered yourself down on to Daniel, whimpering as he stretched you out. Daniels head fell back as he groaned breathlessly.
“Oh shit, shit.” Daniel muttered out gentle curses as you encased his erection with your wet and ridged walls. You stilled as he bottomed out, adjusting to his size. “Hey, you okay?” Daniel sweetly asked as he raised his hand to gently cup your cheek, enticing you to open your eyes. You slowly part your eyelids to see your boyfriend gaze at you in concern and you smile at his caring actions. You curtly nod and he returns it with once of his own.
After a few more moments, you breathed out. “I’m gonna start moving.” All Daniel could do was nod in acknowledgement. You slowly raised your hips before sinking back down his length. You leant your head against his as quiet moans escaped your parted lips.
“So good, baby. You’re going great. God, I love you.” Daniel cooed sweet words of encouragement as you continued to ride him at a slow, gentle, leisurely pace. He peppered your neck up and down with open mouthed kisses as you switched to direction of your hips. During some point, you and Daniel had discarded your shirts, leaving you both bare considering you chose to go braless that day.
You gradually picked up speed, your tits bouncing harshly between your two bodies. Daniel swiftly laid you down against the leather of the seat and began to relentlessly pound into you, gripping your hips tightly. The sound of skin slapping against each other and your moans combined the only noise to fill the convertible.
Your arms lock around his neck and legs between wrap tightly around his waist, bringing his body closer to yours. He leans forward and kisses you deeply, conveying his love for you through the intimate connection. “Oh shi-I’m close.” The only eligible reply you could muster was a simple “Me too.” Your moans became louder and louder as you came closer to your climax.
Daniel brought his hand down between your two bodies and began to circle your clit harshly, making you moan out in a high, breathy pitch. “Oh God, Daniel, keep-keep going.”
It had only taken a few more thrusts and you were sent over the edge, moaning his name like a manta as he continued to pound into you, helping you ride out your orgasm as he chased his own. A moment or so later, he followed through with his own climax, grunting and breathing heavily as he tensed at the immense pleasure.
Daniel soon fell limp against you, his now softening dick still inside of you as you both come down from your highs, desperately trying to catch your breath. “I love you, so much.” He spoke as he raised his head ever so slightly to place a gentle kiss atop your forehead, covered in a thin layer of sweat.
“I love you, too. So much.” You smiled as he kissed you once again, this time upon your plump, kiss bruised lips. After a moment longer, he slowly pulled out causing the both of you to wince ever so slightly.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you.” All you could do is smile and shake your head towards him as you both sat up, ready to get redressed. “I should probably get you home, huh?” Daniel spoke almost sadly, not wanting to have to leave you tonight.
“Only if you’re staying over.” You sent him a mischievous smirk, one he returned with a grin.
“Definitely.” And soon enough, you were both dressed and heading towards your home with your boyfriend in his gorgeous vehicle.
That five minute wait earlier had definitely been worth it.
So, tis my first smut and honestly, I’m kinda proud
I sometimes feel awkward when I go to even write the most tamed of fics so doing something what I normally wouldn’t do is kinda big for me
I really hope you enjoy it, I certainly enjoyed writing it (not like that ya nasty)
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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limerenze · 3 years
the pucey family - adrian pucey
not an ‘adrian pucey x reader’ fic
Summary; the pucey family, as told by me
Word Count; 1.7k
A/N; i doubt anyoneeee cares but it’s 2am(when i started, it’s now 4am and i just finished)
and i’m bored so this is adrian’s family that i headcannon in my brain that i use for his background in all my fics (if his family tree comes up) explained!!
these details are the ones i use in my own fics and u will find them mentioned and sprinkled throughout my adrian stories
i am sharing it because this is how my brain works and i put so much thought into it and there’s absolutely no way any fic i write will need this much detail about adrian’s family life- so it would be such a shame for me to be the only one to every see it.
i think ive said this before but i have no idea if adrian has like a fanon backstory thats widely accepted among adrian stans, but these are just my headcannons (some of which are developed by other headcannons ive read) and it’s all for fun- plus it helps me when i’m writing my adrian fics! so!
this is heavily based on/inspired/developed by this post by @lilyswh0re,
i started this when i was writing invisible string and i developed most of it in the writing process of that but it’s been adjusted and developed since
Date Written: January 12, 2022
also this is unedited
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Adger Pucey was born October 18th, 1948 to a wealthy pureblood couple.
Marce Gray was born February 6th, 1951, again- to a wealthy pureblood couple.
And in June of 1970, Adger (age 22) and Marce (age 19) were married as per an arranged marriage.
It wasn’t that the Pucey and Gray families forced the two into marriage. However, it was not uncommon in the pureblood wizarding world.
They two were both in Slytherin house at Hogwarts and although Adger found the younger girl to be sweet and sometimes annoying, he grew to love her.
As a first year, Marce had a terrible crush on the older boy- and as she grew up she grew out of it. And she was dumbfounded when her mother brought the subject of him up during her seventh year.
“He’s still unwed, you know?” her mother told her one day in the summer of ‘68. “He’ll need to marry someone like them. And soon, i expect”
“You mean someone like us, mother?” Marce replied while sipping on her tea. “You’ve never been too gifted in subtlety”
After a snarky comment about being respectful to your mother, the two women seemingly dropped the subject.
However the Pucey and Gray family played Adger and Marce like puppets on a string.
And it worked.
The two met just a few weeks later and began to fall in love, and the families acted as if the two youngsters had done it all on their own.
So yeah. It was an arranged marriage. But Adger and Marce didn’t have an inkling of knowledge about it, of course.
And they were far too busy dancing and laughing and kissing during their wedding to notice their parents sly smirks at eachother from across the luxurious banquet hall.
They had a spring wedding. Spring of 1970. It was June, so it wasn’t a true spring wedding. Truthfully, the couple couldn’t settle on a season.
Adger wanted a summer wedding, but Marce had her heart set on a spring wedding since she knew what a wedding was.
And so they compromised.
Just as they always did, and how they always continued to do.
Adger and Marce Pucey were happy together.
And on October 2, 1992- Marce gave birth to twin baby girls.
Hazel Fia and Maeve Nola Pucey.
The two were wild. Absolute menaces. And to make it worst, utterly identical.
Both strapped with long, wavy jet black hair. Eyes of fiery coal and wicked smiles.
The couple didn’t know what to do with them, and couldn’t even think about having more children until the twins of terror would learn to tone it all down.
And that was a terrible mistake.
Because 5 years later, on January 16, 1978. Their baby brother was born.
Adrian Vance Pucey.
Adrian was- appearance wise, unmistakably a Pucey. Through and through.
His hair just as jet black, his eyes just as dark and intimidating.
However, unlike the twins- Adrian was calm. He was calm and contained, even as a baby.
The Pucey couple saw it as a blessing.
Some good karma for having to manage the twins for all those years.
Adrian was a blessing.
But alas, all good things must come to an end. Because as soon as the terror twins noticed that their baby brother was no longer fragile and made of glass- their chaos began again- at the expense of little Adrian’s peace.
And all the time and energy Adger and Marce had spent- keeping their daughters safe and at bay, was now being put into insuring that their daughters didn’t torment or harm their angel of a son.
And after all the crying and the arguing and the mess that the 3 Pucey children started.
Adger and Marce swore they wouldn’t have another child.
And it wasn’t until after their youngest daughter was born- would that become true.
Because on June 30, 1984- the Pucey family was completed with the addition of Lilith Dale Pucey.
Lilith was as if someone had taken, Hazel, Maeve and Adrian and mixed them together in a magic pot.
She had the same wild and wavy black locks. The same exact dark pits for eyes.
And all the Pucey children had one more feature in common that the couple hadn’t noticed until Lilith was born.
They all had the same pink hue that was permanently flushed over their high cheekbones- clashing with their translucent skin.
A trait that was undoubtedly inherited from Marce.
Growing up, Adrian tried to channel his older sisters energy to give Lilith even a fraction of the childhood he got. But he couldn’t.
You see, in the fall of ‘84, the Pucey twins were off to Hogwarts. Adrian was only six years old, Lilith only a few months.
They weren’t around to torment the baby as often as they did Adrian. And no matter how much Adrian tried, no matter how badly he wanted to want it. Adrian loved Lilith. And all he wanted to do was protect her.
Adrian missed his older sisters when they were away. He went from dealing with them everyday of his life to cherishing the few and far between time he got to spend with them.
June would roll around and they would step off the train, clad in green and silver- trunks trailing behind them. And Adrian would be there waiting for them. Lilith safe on Adger’s hip in the chaos of Platform 9 3/4.
And the second he caught a glimpse of them, he was gone. He was bolting towards them and not stopping until he collided with their legs.
And the twins would smile with glee, tears threatening to leak from their eyes as they hugged their baby brother they missed so dearly.
It was summer of 1989 when Adrian got his Hogwarts letter. He knew it was coming, of course he did- but that didn’t make it any less exciting.
The pressure Adrian felt that summer loomed over his head like a grey, stormy cloud.
The pressure to be sorted into Slytherin. To don the green and silver tie that his entire family did before him.
And that grey cloud didn’t go away until he was sitting on the stool with the Sorting Hat on his head.
Adrian was far down on the list of first years to be sorted. And he watched as each of his classmate’s faces broke into a smile when the hat called out their house.
Adrian did not break into a smile, not at first.
No, when the Sorting Hat called for the boy to be a Slytherin- his shoulders dropped in relief and a breath he didn’t know he had been holding was let out.
He thought about how cool it would be to be in one of the other three houses. But Adrian knew it simply wasn’t logical.
So, he didn’t smile until he looked over at the Slytherin table and saw his older sisters clapping and screaming and whistling.
He couldn’t miss them. Not when it was the loudest roar of cheering that any of the first years got.
Even a few students from other tables were cheering, Adrian recognized them as his sister’s friends.
Adrian cheeks were bright red- rather than their normal soft pink, as he walked over to Slytherin table.
His sisters gave him a bone crushing hug before he took his seat and a few of the other Slytherin students shook his hand.
And for the five years after that until Lilith would be sorted- all the thought about was ensuring she had as warm of a welcome as he did.
The twins would be long graduated by the time Lilith would start at Hogwarts so Adrian knew it was up to him.
Adrian got everything sorted with his Slytherin house mates on the Hogwarts Express in the fall of 1994. Adrian’s fifth year.
“Listen, twats” Adrian started with his dormmates. “My sister is going to be sorted during the feast. And you lot need to make as much noise as possible”
Miles Bletchley and Terence Higgs shared a glance.
“Why?” Cassius quirked. They all knew Lilith, they loved Lilith. And of course they would all cheer her on.
“Because she’s nervous as bullocks and I had to convince her to sit anywhere else but here so I can plan this” Adrian sighed. “Will you help me?”
Adrian didn’t know what he would do if they said no. His entire plan was based on them saying yes. And they did.
“Of course we bloody will, isn’t that right?” Graham answered for the group, to which they all nodded.
So that was that, and it didn’t take much convincing for the remainder of the Slytherin Quidditch team to be on board.
And Adrian knew with that small fraction of Slytherin house cheering as loud as they could- the rest would follow suit.
Just hours later, Professor Mcgonagall stood before an army of first years with a scroll as the entire school watched.
“Pucey comma Lilith!” she called out and Adrian watched intently as his little sister emerged from the crowd and walked up the stairs. He could almost see her hands trembling.
She didn’t hide her nerves well as the hat was placed on her head. And she definitely couldn’t hide the shocked expression when it shouted out “Hufflepuff!”
Adrian was stunned. He could’ve sworn the hall was silent, but from across the room he could see members of Hufflepuff house standing to cheer her on.
It wasn’t until Cassius nudged his shoulder did he notice that Lilith was looking in his direction. And from the corner of his eye he could see Graham and Miles standing to cheer and clap as well.
They were getting strange looks from the other Slytherin’s, but they couldn’t care.
And Adrian didn’t either. So as he watched Lilith walk over to the Hufflepuff table- he too rose to his feet.
He brought two fingers up to his mouth to blow a sharp whistle between them and the five Slytherin boys cheered louder than they ever had for little Pucey.
They cheered louder than all of Hufflepuff house combined. And they didn’t stop cheering until Dumbledore had to intervene and put a stop to it so the sorting ceremony could continue.
The Pucey family was as tight knit as they came, and the love they had for each other was immense.
Sometimes they were bad at showing it, but they all knew.
They all always knew.
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to sum it all up LMAO (that should say Lilith not Lillian bye it’s 4:34am)
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bebepac · 3 years
The Wait Is Over!
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Original Post Date: 06/16/21 at 7:50PM EST. 
I am participating in @wackydrabbles​ prompt #99 “How about once more -- for good luck!” will appear in bold. 
This is also chapter 13 of Just The Way You Are.  To catch up on this series please click:  Just The Way You Are
I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated this story line, I’m sorry that I keep letting myself get sidetracked by new ideas and birthday fic series.   Lol, I don’t have ADD but I think I know what it feels like, with the random ideas that keep popping in my head, between the ask ideas I have gotten to flip things other directions.  I hope you are enjoying the ride.  
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So just to remind you where we are with this series, my last true episode of this series is I Am the Earthquake which featured Riley finding out that Liam had Nico’s heart, and Nico came to Riley to tell her goodbye, which I posted in April. 
Honestly I don’t think there is much more to tell for this series as I’m pretty much close to accomplishing everything I intended on with this series. I feel an ending to this series is coming soon, just unclear exactly of how I’m going to end it.  
The Book:  TRR x Perfect Match
Pairing:  Hayden x Kai (M!Hayden x F!Kai) / Liam x Riley
Warnings:  Profanity
Rating:  PG
Word Count: 1948
Summary: Riley gets an unexpected guest to her apartment.  Hayden and Kai find out their test results. 
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Kai woke up the next morning feeling Hayden’s warmth totally encompassing her.  
"Good morning."  
Hayden kissed her forehead, continuing to hold her tight in his embrace.
"Good morning Kai, how did you sleep?"
"Like a baby," she whispered.
"You know they don't sleep through the night from what I can tell from my reading."
"I'm okay with being kept up.”
"Would you like some breakfast? I was thinking about making french toast.”
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“With extra cinnamon?”
“Just the way you like it.” Hayden kissed the tip of her nose.  
"That sounds great."
They cooked breakfast together, and sat on the patio to eat.
Dipper went from Kai to Hayden looking for treats from the table.
Hayden eyed Dipper.  “Dipper, now you know you don’t get table food from me.  That’s all your Mom’s doing.”
Kai laughed.  “Guess we know who the cool parent is going to be when we have a child.”  
“Me!” they both exclaimed in unison.
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Both laughed.  Dipper barked at their screaming happily.
As Hayden glanced away for a second, Kai gave Dipper a small piece of sausage, which she quickly gobbled up.  
“Who’s the cool parent Dipper?”  
Dipper nuzzled against Kai's leg.  
“Told ya.” Kai stuck her tongue out at Hayden to which he laughed.
“You indeed are the junk food, party parent. Kai. Hands down.”  
Hayden’s face softened.  
“You’ll be the one who makes the menus when our children have sleepovers with their friends. Because every kid has to have junk food when their friends come over and spend the night.  You’ll be the one that lets them stay up extra late, and sleep in, in the morning.  I’ll make the cookies you ask for, but you’ll be the one to give them extra.”
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Kai smiled, her eyes glistening with tears.
“Hayden, you’ll be the one to gently tell them to keep it down.  You’ll be the one they call when they think they have monsters under the bed and in the closet for you to scare them away, and when they want Daddy’s strong arms to protect them.”
“Will we tell them about me? That I’m different?”  He softened the words as he knew how upset it made Kai when he referred to himself as anything android based.
“When they’re old enough to understand what it means I think. Don’t you agree?”
“Yes, I want them to know, and truly understand what I am, and how wonderful a woman their mother is, that she still loves me in spite of everything.”  
“We’ll be good parents Hayden because we love each other, and we’ll love them.”
“I want this with you so much.”  Hayden whispered as he took her hand kissing her palm.  
“And we’ll have it.”  
A week later Riley met Kai for coffee.
“What’s the story, morning glory?”  
Instead of the usual response  Kai was expecting Riley opened with, “I still can’t believe it happened, and I have all the proof.”  
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Riley started the story back at Nico’s birthday at the cemetery and told her of all the details including him coming to her two nights ago.  
“I don’t feel stuck anymore Kai. For the first time since Nico died, it doesn’t hurt to breathe.  My heart hurt so much without him here.  And the reason I hadn’t let go, is because he hadn’t either.  And somehow, still in all of that…. I fell in love with Liam.”  
Kai gasped.
“You were right.  I love him, Kai.  And I told him.”  
“What did he say?”  
“He loves me too.  I’ve been a mess, and horrible to him, and he still loves me.  I can’t believe all the people who could have gotten Nico’s heart, it was him. He was right here, the whole time.  It’s amazing, and sad at the same time.  If I hadn’t talked to Mama KH to go forward with the donation, Liam wouldn’t be here right now either. Liam understands that I will always love Nico, but he’s okay with that.”    
“It’s quite an amazing story Riley.”      
Across town Liam was having a similar conversation with Hayden at work.
“Wow........You… saw him?”
“Yes.  I wasn’t dreaming.”  
Liam told him  about his first few months after surgery and what Nico had said he had done.  
“I never completely believed in the supernatural.   I mean I felt things.  When I didn’t believe I was going to get a heart, I swore I could feel my parents  lingering around me.   And I was right.  They were there for me, so I wouldn't be afraid of death. Hayden, I wasn't afraid to die, and because of that, I'm still not. Heart transplants don't last forever. I will be lucky to live ten more years. It will be worth it to spend it with Riley.  Then I will be gone too. Which means there is a whole other world that we can’t even see right now and interact with that exists.  Do you believe me Hayden?”
“I do.  Even though I didn’t see it myself.  I believe that you believe, that’s enough for me to know it’s real.”
Liam hugged Hayden.  “Thank you.”  
“So you and Riley are official now?”  
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Liam smiled.  “Yes we are!!! She loves me, and I know it happened fast, but damn I love her too.”  
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“That’s really great.  You know what that means the next step is right?
“Your official coming out together dinner with the group.”
“Is that necessary?”
“Yes.  Before you were just Riley’s ‘friend’, now you’re a lot more.”
Riley picked some things out for her guest room.  Well it wouldn’t be a guest room for much longer Mama KH had started the paperwork to make Riley, Nic’s legal guardian.  Mama KH had been dealing with some health concerns, that she hadn't let the family know of and they were getting worse.  Had Riley had married Nico, she would have Nic anyway. Riley had talked to her parents, then Nic alone to see how he felt. He just asked one thing. He wanted to keep his father's name to which Riley agreed.  He was going to start spending some nights with her to see how they could bond in this role together.
“This is my room right Mom?”  he asked.  
“Yes. It will be, I want to decorate it better for you.”  
“Can I help?”  Nic smiled. He was his father's son.
“Yes! We can do it together.  I wanted to give you a couple of his things to keep here.  Things I kept of your father when he died.”  
Nic bit his lip.  “Dad’s pajamas. You kept them?"
Riley nodded.
Nic held them close to him.  
“They’ll still be a little too big for you right now. They'll fit you one day.”  
He laid them on the bed.  
Nic closed his eyes when he smelled the cologne.  
"It smells like him. I never forgot. Can I put some on?"
"Just a little Nic. A little goes a long way with it. That was his favorite scent."
He gingerly sprayed a little on his shirt.
"Dad was supposed to teach me that kind of stuff. Now… it's going to be Liam?"
"Um….. Liam and I care about each other. Liam wants to get to know you too."
"Do you love Liam?"
"Yes. But it's different from the way I loved your Dad."
“I had a dream about him two weeks ago.  It felt so real.  Like he was here with me.  He told me he was coming to say goodbye. Like he'd never left. Why did it have to be my Dad that had to die?”
“I don’t know Squirt.”  
“I miss him Mom.”  
Nic hugged her middle.  Riley ran her fingers through his hair.  
“I know baby, I miss him too.”  
They hugged each other in silence for a few moments.
“Is that your phone?”  
Riley ran into her room to find she had missed calls from Mama KH.  
When she called  Mama KH back,  the first words she said to her was “She’s coming to your house. She used an investigator to find you. To find us.”  
Nic walked to the door when he heard the knock.
“Hello?” He said to the woman standing at the door.  
“Hi Nicolai.  You look just like your father.”  
"You knew my Dad?"
"Yes, I knew him very well."
“Mom there’s someone at the door!”  
Riley came running into the room still holding her phone to her ear.
“She’s not your mother Nicolai, I am.”  Riley dropped her phone.
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Riley pulled Nic back away from the door, behind her protectively.
"Nico told me you gave up your rights. You have no right to come and try to claim him now."
"He is still my son. Do you really think I would let him be raised by a xénos?"
"I am not an outsider! Where were you?!? Where were you when he needed you all those years? Where were you when Nico died, and he cried for him so much? I was there through it all, the worst most painful time of our lives.  You don't get to do this to us. Not now. Not ever."
Nic took Riley’s hand.  He stood firm and tall; in that moment he had all of his fathers mannerisms as he stared Daphne down in anger.
“Mom please don’t cry. I lost my Dad, and I won’t lose her too!!!!!”  
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“She is not your mother.”  
“YES SHE IS!!!!!!”
Nic screamed at her.
"You're upsetting him. You stay the hell away from us!!! You have no rights here!!!"
Riley slammed her door shut, locking it.
Riley wiped her tears. Nic gave her a hug.
"Are you okay Mom?"
"I'm fine."
Nic went to the kitchen. He came back with two spoons and Riley's container of mint chocolate chip ice cream.
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She smiled at him.
"You're just like your dad.”
Sadness was in Nic’s eyes.
“You’re not going to let her take me away from you right?”
Riley didn’t know what she could promise yet.  
“I will do everything I can to keep you with me Nic.  I promise.”  
“I don’t want to stay with her.  She left me.  She left Papa. What if she left me again?”
“You’ll never be alone, I’ll be here. I’ll always be here for you.  I promised your Dad I would be, and I don’t break promises.”  
They curled up on the couch with the tub of ice cream between them and clinked spoons.
“Cheers.”  They both said in unison.  
Hayden woke up finding Kai not in the bed with him.  
He walked through the apartment, finding her in the guest room sitting on the guest bed, with the contents of the baby box laid out around her.  She was crying.
“I want this to happen for us Hayden.”
“And it will.”  
“I keep hugging this teddy bear, hoping that one day, we will have a child that will hug it like I do.”  
“How about once more -- for good luck?”
Kai gave the little plush white teddy bear a hug.  
“My turn!”  Hayden did the same.  
“Are you ready to take the test now?”  
“Yes… I really have to pee too.”  
“Well that’s perfect timing then.”  
Kai went into their bathroom and took the pregnancy test.  Hayden set the timer on his phone.  
“Whatever happens Kai, I love you, and I will make our dreams come true.  I promise.”  
She rested her forehead on his.
“I love you too.”
Kai went back into the bathroom and emerged after a few minutes wearing a smile.
“It worked?”
Kai smiled.  “Look.”  
Hayden glanced down seeing the two little blue lines indicating a positive result.  askd
“We’re going to have a baby!”  
You were right, our dreams are coming true.”
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adsosfraser · 3 years
The Stone’s Toll - Chapter One
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Read on AO3
“Miss?” The young man lightly nudged the unconscious woman’s shoulder before him.
Claire felt the tickle of his breath on her cheek, checking for signs of life. Cool slender fingers pressed into her neck and a sigh of relief escaped his chest when the blood pounded through her veins. Her body jostled in the arms of the stranger. He adjusted himself under her shoulders to give more support to her neck before placing a firm backpack under her in his stead.
Darkness wrapped itself around Claire’s body like a vise. The echoes of forlorn and tormented screams lingered in her mind. Her body reeled from the recent trip, seeking peace amongst the waves of unconsciousness. She groaned as the burning pain in her back increased in its appetite for more flesh.
“Dinnae fash miss, I’m going to fetch ye some help. My name is Graham, Graham Munro. I’ll be right back.”
The slick grass grabbed at the man's heels, and his face burned red as he caught himself stumbling down the hillside, almost diving straight first into the dewy grass. Graham slowed his pace to allow his shoes a proper grip on the uneven hill, but broke out into a sprint as the smooth road below met him. He had hiked from Inverness that morning, so had no reliable means of transportation nearby. Graham hoped he could gather the attention of a car driving down the road, one specifically with an occupant strong enough to help him carry the woman at the foot of the stones.
Claire’s body was racked with a wave of nausea and she turned her head to the side to relieve herself of the bile within her throat. Her head split in two from the pressure within. She leaned back against the backpack under her neck and let her eyes close. She pushed back the pain, both in her heart and her body, and focused on flashes of red and blue and a lingering sensation on her lips. Claire reached up to touch her lips, but her arm didn’t allow the movement. She grimaced as the pain that started in her back inched its way towards the front of her body. Her hand rested on top where her child was but it elicited a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, not one of reassurance. She slowly and carefully brushed her fingertips along the outline of her womb, tears springing forth and she tightened her eyes in response.
She wanted to scream, to rage and curse the stones in front of her, but she barely had energy to open her eyes as it was. She wanted to grab Jamie’s head between her hands and vent her frustrations at the Scottish brute, more importantly she wanted him to wrap his arms around her and make her feel safe, but his presence and scent had since faded away in the wind. It felt like eternity between the moments she reluctantly touched the stones and had woken to a stranger’s touch.
After flailing his arms for what seemed like a quarter of an hour and feeling like an idiot during the entirety of the process, Graham finally spotted a streak of shiny black as a car rounded the corner. He started waving his arms vigorously as the car grew larger and larger in view. It slowed to a stop and shuddered as the engine turned off. A man with spectacles pressed tightly against his nose and woman with smile lines sat in the front seats, puzzled expressions at Graham’s appearance at the side of the road.
“Do you need help sir?” An American accent bled through the older man’s voice.
“Aye, there’s a lass at the foot of the stones up on that hill.” Graham squinted his eyes in the sun’s light and pointed, as the words raced out of his mouth with urgency. “I dinnae think she’s hurt terribly but I found her unconscious, thinking she was dead. I couldnae carry her myself and didn’t think it would amount to much wi’ out a car. Will ye help get her to the city?”
“Of course.” The man offered a tight lipped smile. “My wife and I were just going back to our hotel in Inverness.”
The door swung open and he gripped the sides of the car to steady his descent from the car. He limped slightly, a gift from a war king past, but kept pace with the young sprightly man before him.
“Be careful darling.” She offered her husband a small smile and crinkled her eyes.
His wife’s own condition was no better than his, with her hands twisted from the effects of arthritis, and she did not want to hinder their haste towards their destination.
The two men took their journey to the stones in stride, being careful not to slip up on the grass below them. The older man was steady in his ascent, while Graham rushed up in short bursts towards the hilltop, debating between waiting in pace with the older man and getting to the top as soon as he could. The older man made a gesture for him to go on and the confirmation made Graham rush the final stretch up towards the top.
“Miss?” Graham tried to rouse her again by shaking her shoulders.
Claire grumbled out an incoherent murmur in response. He pressed the back of his hand to her forehead and cheeks feeling a warm flush in her skin, but not enough yet to worry him.
Claire forced her mouth to move but it was hard to place the word. She reached weak arms up to grab the collar of his shirt and trembled to pull on it.
“What- what’s the year?” Her voice croaked.
“Dinnae owerwork yerself miss. My name is Graham Munro and yer gonna be just fine. We’ll take you to the hospital ”
“What’s the goddamn year.” The words were weak on her mouth, almost a whisper, and didn’t create the forceful emphasis Claire desired.
“Why it’s the 17th of April, 1948, what else could it be?” It was a day after the fateful battle, the one that took- no she wouldn’t think about that just yet. It had taken her that long to stir awake.
“Who won?” Claire could clearly see the man in front of her now that her eyes and mind adjusted to the reality before her.
He could be no older than sixteen, with a lanky build and a pockmarked face. His eyes somehow sparkled with the naivety of youth, not yet showing the horrors of the world reflected in their depths. Blond strands obscured his forehead and slivers of his eyes.
“Pardon me?”
Claire set her voice with all the conviction and authority she could muster and shook the collar that was painfully gripped between her hands. “Who won the Battle of Culloden?”
Silence entered the space between the two and Graham tried to hide his baffled expression.
“Did my history teacher send ye all the way out here to chastise me?” He chuckled but the humour faded from his voice as he looked at her grim face.”Well, the English of course.”
Her body fell limp at the words and she crumpled harder into herself. She clutched her arms right around stomach and let the sobs ricochet off of the stones for the world to hear her grief. Hot tears sprang forth and her head hurt even more from the strain of her lamentation. She barely felt the four hands lifting her up as she let sleep win, not able to deal with any of it. The swaying rhythm of their walking gaits lulled her into peace.
“Mrs. Randall.” Her body shuddered at the name.
She looked away from the doctor with unshed tears. Her eyes wandered down to the street below. So many sights of joyous families as they strolled along the pavement. She quickly whipped her head away from the sight of a man reaching into a pram before him to pick up the newborn inside of it. He threw her up in the air in his arms and beamed, pecking his wife and daughter with a quick kiss on the kiss each.
The stones had ripped away her husband, her heart, her family, her life. What more could they have taken from her to make their existence only a harbinger of pain and death? She knew. Somehow she knew. It didn’t feel right after she went through, not that anything could anymore. She subconsciously clutched the flat area of her stomach.
“Mrs. Randall it appears that ye’ve suffered a miscarriage. It’s likely the stress of recent events, the dehydration, malnourishment, and burns considered, that…” His voice nulled out as background noise in her mind.
Of course the bloody stones wouldn’t allow safe passage to the both of them. It was a foolish notion. They didn’t even know if the baby could go through the stones when they crested the hill and canons sounded far away on the battlefield. She barely even knew how the stones actually worked. Perhaps they required payment, and they saw fit to take whatever they could from her, the only thing she still had. Her baby’s voice would join the agonising chorus within the stones. She should never have been so foolish. The baby was the last piece of Jamie she had and she lost it, just like Faith. She failed. She failed Jamie. She failed both her children. She failed. She wasn’t strong enough to fight it off.
Her mind seemed to go on autopilot as the hours passed until Frank’s arrival. She originally refused his visit but the doctor insisted, multiple times. She didn’t let herself think of anything besides the rush of cars from the window, their honks, incomprehensible speech, the blurring melodies of the radio, and the squeak of the nurse’s shoes. She hated the bloody noise but it was what kept everything away and her completely falling apart again.
She caught sight of a reflection in the window that made her heart race violently. She gripped the sheets at her sides and tried to calm herself. She tried to look for any difference in Frank’s face from his ancestor’s that could calm her. He slowly approached her side and stopped a good distance from her bed.
“Frank.” Claire pushed back the venom in her voice, leaving it with a neutral taste.
“I’m back.”
“And I am so grateful.”
“Are you?”
“Of course. With all my heart.”
He reached out his hand towards her arm for comfort, connection perhaps. She flinched and flashes of the deep evil crossed the forefront of her mind.
“Sorry.” Though Frank didn’t know why he was apologising for trying to comfort his wife.
She couldn’t bring herself to smile at him. Or to look into his eyes. His words mushed together into a watercolour of grey, one that Claire didn’t much care for. The only words Claire could seem to retain was something about the reverend.
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gatutor · 1 year
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Dan Dailey-Betty Grable "When my baby smiles at me" 1948, de Walter Lang.
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kickingitwithkirk · 4 years
I’m Not Clean
Paring: Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader
Word Count: 1948
Warnings: A/B/O, angst, verbal fighting, cursing, cheating, oral sex, p/v sex
A/N: for @jawritter​​​​ #jensmakemecrychallange
A/N II: Set between mid season six-starts after Death puts Sam’s soul back-ending before the last Trial in season eight. Told from Sam’s POV alternating between present and past memories/ events. Some altering of events to fit story line. Prompt in Bold.
*no beta, all mistakes are mine.
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~~I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean~~ 
I chant this mantra over and over to myself. 
I was drunk before leaving, roaring out of the garage in Baby, leaving the stench of burning rubber and exhaust in my wake.
We’ve had some hell raising fights over the years. This one tonight the vilest we have ever had, saying the most unforgiving things to each other because you broke our agreement.
What we said...our knowledge of each other’s weakest points to abuse, verbally cutting into each other in the deepest manner, inflicting as much carnage as possible. 
The only other person in the universe who knows how to hit me that hard is my brother. Man, how we’ve done that dance too, over and over yet somehow always finding our way back to each other.
My brother tried to intervene, to stop us from saying the things we can never take back or forgive. It felt as if he was taking your side, I went after him as well. 
I feel the need to punish myself for all the pain I have caused. I am always creating pain, torching those I love. 
I found her at the dive bar, a few days out from her heat.
She is my punishment.
We go to a nearby dump. I close the door and she's already on her knees, my jeans zippers down, pulling me out and starts licking up the underside of my cock, making gagging noises trying to deepthroat me. My head thunks against the door and all I can think is that she’s not you.
~~I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean~~
I remember like it was yesterday. We ended up at Bobby’s after cleaning out a vamp nest two states over. 
Grabbing our duffels we didn’t rock, paper, scissors over who got the spare bed, my brother just face plants on the couch, unconscious before I’m even at the foot of the staircase.
I wearily make my way upstairs not bothering to shower in spite of how bad I smell, too exhausted to care. I toed off my boots and socks, throwing my blood encrusted shirt and jeans in the corner, collapsing face down on the bed, landing on top of something under the covers.
Why am I staring at the ceiling?
My brother barrel's in, woken by the sound of my body hitting the floor, stopping in the doorway with his gun drawn looking for what attacked me...this confused look crossed his face as the scent of fear flooded the room.
I sit up gazing over the bed as you huddle in the corner looking scared to death. My brother puts his gun back in his waistband, hands up with his on display to show he’s no threat. 
I slowly got to my feet and came around the bed towards you. You shrink even further in the corner, pulling into yourself as tight as you can, hiding behind your arms and drawn up knees.
I stop and sit down trying to not appear threatening and speak softly to you.
“I’m sorry I scared you, we’re friends of Bobby’s. He didn’t tell us you were here. We’re not going to hurt you.”
You're so still, all I can see is your beautiful eyes moving between us, the only movement you are able to do. 
My brother gives a small smile before going back downstairs to the couch, giving you space to calm down. I stay on the floor, my back propped against the bed talking. 
It’s a one sided conversation but that’s ok. 
Bobby’s back just after daybreak found us still in the same positions on the floor asleep. 
You spring from the corner and bury yourself in his arms. Seeing that Bobby has you I grab my stuff and head for a shower. My brothers just came out from taking his. I strip and climb in turning on the water. 
Fucker used all the hot water.
~~I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean~~
I don’t want to be touching her now, or her touching me, my self loathing rising like the bile in my throat but my body has a mind of its own tonight as my brain turns off given into my Alpha.
I grab her hair, yanking her off my dick with an audible pop, saliva and precome running down her chin, adding another stain to the discolored rug. I pull her up, tossing her onto the bed before dragging her back to the edge, the barely there skirt rides up out of the way as I lave my tongue up her uncovered thighs, swirling it through her dripping folds. Roughly inserting several fingers into her tight cunt I start sucking on her clit as she grabs my hair soaking my face with her slick as she cums.
~~I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean~~
The smell of coffee calls to my still fuzzy brain as I staggered downstairs to the kitchen. My brother and Bobby are at the table talking. As I pour a cup you walk in from the porch. 
I turn towards you, finally able to scent you without the terror that clouded the room last night. 
Are you a classic beauty? No, but you beguile me. 
I’m enamored with your beautiful eyes, recalling the way they never left mine last night. You’re taller than I expected, curvaceous, not delicate like others I have been with.
As you hold my gaze I remember the verbal platitudes, reading the drivel, even watched some of the bathetic romance movies but they could never fully articulate this feeling. It de-queues through me, permeates my soul.
My brother relentlessly teases that I am having a chick-flick moment.
~~I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean~~
She wobbly moves onto her hands and knees, I climb on the bed behind her and ram my engorged cock into her sodden cunt as far as she can take me mindlessly pounding. I wrap my hand around her throat, squeezing enough to stop the incoherent noises escaping from her mouth that grate against me. 
~~I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean~~
We ended up staying at Bobby’s for a couple of weeks, it was quiet and I wasn’t in any hurry to leave you.
Bobby explained to us how you ended up here over a bottle of whiskey late one night.
Jo found you bruised and bleeding, huddled in the door jam out back of Harvelle's Roadhouse. You had been injured by your pack for defying them. Ellen of course took you in. 
The pack came looking for you, trailing your scent to the bar. Ellen’s shotgun and don’t fuck with me attitude convinced them you had left but she knew it wasn’t safe for you to stay, your pack would be watching. 
Smuggling you out of the bar proved harder than anyone thought. There were multiple hand offs among hunters traveling along the way, finally delivering you to Bobby Singer's home days later.
For the first time in your life, you were safe.
We took our time getting to know each other, I had to work harder than I ever have with anyone before to gain your trust.
After my brother and I caught a case, I would call you every day and matter the time, you answered. We would talk for hours, share what we had been doing that day, finding our mutual interests in a variety of subjects coming to light. 
My brother would yell for me to get off the damn phone, I was keeping him awake, even though I’m sitting outside the motel room.
Then things got out of control.
Castiel broke the wall and died. Leviathans were anyone and everywhere, finally imitating us.
We became America’s Most Wanted. Bobby sent us to a man named Frank who owned him a big favor and made us disappear. 
We found Bobby’s burned down house and almost got killed ourselves.
Then Bobby showed up at the hospital to break us out, informing me you were safe, hidden at a long forgotten hunters cabin.
We managed to stay in contact, I needed that, to know you were staying safe before being able to sleep at night.
The first fight happened in the hospital, blaming us for losing Bobby. 
Then Dick and Purgatory.
And a lost year.
~~I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean~~
I pulled out of her relieved my knot had finally deflated enough to release me. Collapsing onto my back I fling my arm over my eyes disgusted with myself as she’s curling into my side literally purring.
I’ve repeatedly used her...in this bed of sin I created...I’ve lost control...not the first time.
~~I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean~~
It’s never quiet for long in our lives. Castiel mysteriously returns and Kevin Tran sort of deciphers the demon tablet, how through three trials we can close the Gates of Hell and seal away so much evil if we survive the First Trial- kill a Hell hound. 
While on another case we met our grandfather Henry Winchester of The Men of Letters and inherit the key to the Bunker. We have a home of sorts and I finally have a safe place for you, for us to be together. A few months after moving in, before the Second Trial-rescuing a innocent from Hell, and your heat, I made a decision that saddened both of us but with our lives was necessary and allowed me finally to make you mine forever.
Right before finding out about the Third Trial I found the test hidden in a drawer and my diminishing mind bounces between being petrified and elated. I sat there downing a bottle of whiskey from my brother's copious stash waiting for your return and upon seeing you all the alcohol in my degenerating body gave me permission to release my pent up fury and paranoia, ending in that cheap room with her.
~~I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean I’m Not Clean~~
I made my way back to the Bunker to find my brother sitting in the War Room waiting on me. He wrinkled his nose at the stench of her all over me but said nothing as I handed over the car keys pocketing them. His eyes shifted to a chair and I apprehensively sat down awaiting the bombardment he would unleash. He remains quiet as he turns the open laptop towards me. I blink a few times to focus on the screen, reading the online article from a national news agency about the contraceptive failure. I’m in disbelief when he slides your phone in front of me and plays the voicemail from your doctor.
I get up swaying from a nonexistent breeze slowly walking the halls till I’m standing outside our bedroom door. I can scent your sadness from outside the closed door causing me to freeze holding the knob, unable to summon up the courage to turn it when it disappears from my hand finding you instead. You move allowing me to enter, shutting the door as I sit on the edge of the bed before crossing over, moving to stand directly in front of me. I don’t know how you can do that with the smell of every wrong I’ve done clinging to my skin polluting us. 
I feel your hands cradling my face softly telling me Grown men don't cry as your fingers track the tears coursing uninhibitedly down my cheeks.
I completely collapse wrapping my arms around your waist resting my forehead against the special place where our pup is, undeserving of your love that’s purifying me in ways the trials never will.
tagging: SPN @donnaintx​​​​
Sam/Jared @idreamofplaid​​​​
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