#when there's food to make and dishes to wash!!
fuji-sen · 1 day
the 'evil imposter' just wants to be a baker!
Prologue: The Food turned Imposter?!
Part 1: Sunsettias.
[ masterlist ] || [ part 2 ]
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⌞Forest of Color: ⌝
⌞A salad made from fresh fruit and vegetables. Blanch the Grainfruit, chop the other ingredients, drizzle over the sauce, then stir until evenly mixed. Extremely simple to make, but even more importantly, it's so healthy that no matter how much you eat, you won't feel stressed!⌝
You stared at the in-game meal right in front of you, it was a late friday night and you were wasting the hours away curiously reading and looking through the official page that contained all of the food and drinks that could be found in your comfort game, Genshin Impact.
As a student in the culinary course and a rather enthusiastic foodie, one of the factors you always looked for when playing or finding a certain game or watching a particular show was their cuisine!
Just staring at the delicious looking, not-real, food always got your appetite running. Part of your little hobby was trying to even recreate certain dishes like those foodtubers did in youtube! Right now while mentally eating the pixelated dish in your mind, you were also picking the next food you'd try to recreate.
'Perhaps I should pick from star rail, none of the food here has picked my fancy. .' you thought to yourself while leaning back on your chair and making a point to stroke your chin with a thoughtful expression. 'Ah! how about the Mondstadt hash browns, I could even try to make Razor's variant dish!'
Snapping your fingers you immediately went to the kitchens, mentally patting yourself on the back for going grocery shopping the day before. So like usual, in the comfort of your own apartment, you began to cook, then eat and clean up, before retiring to your bedroom, dozing off with a full stomach and a lazy smile.
Z z z. . .
"Huh?" You swat at your face before sneezing, immediately standing up as you felt something tickling your face, what fell from your face and onto your lap was a pristine white feather.
Immediately standing up, finding yourself out of bed, no, out of your own room and seemingly not even in your fucking city as you started at the environment before you. Lush, verdant grass that swayed with the winds. Birds chirping as they flew high and above your form, some scattering the same feathers that made you sneeze.
A wave of fear and confusion washed over you, you were afraid as you began to realize this wasn't a dream when you ran, and ran, and tripped. Part of your pajama pants had been ruined and vaguely you can feel the blood dripped down on your leg from your fresh injury.
Wincing you stand up, not bothering to look as it as you cried out, wondering, where the hell were you?
. . .
It probably took you a few hours to get your bearings, sitting by a tree as you hugged your knees and contemplated your existence, did you screw with some God or Rich Asshole and they decided to kidnap you and dump you in the middle of nowhere as revenge?
Nah, you were antisocial, so screwing with some rich guy was highly unlike with your lack of a social life. You bit your nails, was it God? "At least give me a sign of where I am!" you shout frustrated as you pulled at your locks.
"Ouch!" Wincing, you rubbed the top part of your head as something fell on it, the perpetrator was round, yellow and orange in color. Your eyes widened, silently grabbing it as you ignored the now dulling pain in your head. .
It was plump, fragrant. .
you bit it.
It tasted sweet.
you ignored the juice that dribbled down you chin as you nodded, yes, this was how you imagined Sunsettia's would taste like base on it's description.
you blinked, jaw dropping.
Sunsettias. .
fuck you were in Teyvat, basically Genshin Impact.
A part of you felt like you were screwed, considering how all of your worldly possessions were gone, and you were here in nothing but your pockets. One hand went to pat the pockets of your pajamas. .
Eyes lighting up as you felt something, pulling that item out, you were speechless as your hand simply held an old expired coupon for some ramen. . .
screwed it is then.
I need to find a banner to use for the series, also also although I put in Baker, the reader will also make dishes, both from in-game and in real lifeee so if you want a particular dish featured in a future chapter, add the recommended dish in my ASKS so it can be a surprise for other readers! Please also add information about that dish since I may most likely not be familiar with themm
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alsojnpie · 8 months
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dishes are forever
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daincrediblegg · 6 months
Ok real quick bc I wanna prove my mother wrong
Because my mom literally brews one pot of coffee at the top of the week (in a normal coffee maker), drinks from the same brewed pot throughout the week (from the pot. No bottling it. No refrigeration. Does not reheat it. Just room temperature coffee that has sat in the pot for up to a week). Makes a new one when she runs out.
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Shout-out to everyone who survived a "fun" easter with the family
#fucking hell#it started with finding out my dad smoked in my car when I picked up my sister#who was equally dreading the day#my mum turns into the world's tensest and judgemental presence. worsened by my aunt#then hell for autistic people (of which there are multiple present)#multiple deaf people means one uninspired conversation that isn't interesting in any way.#combinations of passive aggressiveness and people not saying a thing because they can't participate. voice volumes too damn high#weirdass food situations. Very full table. so many smells.#this goes on for over an hour. wishing for literally anything but being there. soul crushing.#then you still have to sit in that room for 2.5 hours. it just goes on and on.#my autistic deaf dad physically looks like how I feel. my mum and aunt keep piling on top of him to demand his mental presence#i leave the room once (to get my phone to show pictures to my uncle) and am immediately followed upstairs by my mum#who demands I don't leave the room (What's next. following me when I need the toilet?)#me and my sister are so bored we start throwing paper planes and fake fighting.#Which amuses the bored and the deaf#but of course my mum and aunt have opinions and this is not allowed. only soul crushing boredom allowed#they complain to each other over it while aggressively doing dishes#finally it ends because my mum and aunt start insisting my dad should go to bed if he's 'that tired'. *sprinkle on some additional ableism*#still sitting through a conversation about allergies one of my sister's friends has. my mum preaching that people should take that seriously#(meanwhile i had to cook for myself for 9 years because when my allergies were really bad no one bothered to check if i could eat something)#me and my sister go sit upstairs to discover our mum has made things we care about vanish in her room#and made things appear that should not be there#I've washed the interior of my car and hope the smell will go#you think it's over after that. but woke up with the realisation that even more things have disappeared from my sister's room.#i can't remember a time when things left outside of my room didn't disappear#I don't know why we do these family gatherings at all. no one has fun on days like that.#the housing crisis isn't making these things easy. my sister is losing her place to live again as well#she'll go hiking for a month and then work on a campsite over the summer#maybe I'll go house sitting again. idk.#can't make commitments a few months in advance like that because I'll cancel everything the second Sparks announces anything important
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blackwaxidol · 2 months
I've been having a background-radiation sort of episode for the past month or two and I am not terribly sure what to do with it. The recognition is, again, like waking up in the ice-filled tub of an unlit bathroom with sutures where your kidney might be.
It is disorienting... but my fear-driven compulsion to remain solitary about it, it is starting to make my lungs burn and I am becoming hostile towards myself.
In my head I feel somewhat blind, the utter nonrecognition of parts has not happened for a while. I don't understand even a little who is with me, really. I feel just enough to be embarrassed at saying this. Really my only question is, "by what mechanism has this occurred?"
A lot of interactions I end up feeling like a computer with a plastic face attempting to emulate humanity. At the same time the most authentic emotion that drives me is absolute terror, the one rule that I must never become a problem or selfish. I restrict a lot of feeling and recede entirely without my own notice because I collapse in a manner where I am acutely aware of my own inability to reciprocate anything, and that is something I cannot ever abide. This utter awareness followed by fading out for weeks. It's not as dramatic as it sounds, or rather this is my hope to not come off as dramatic.
To be honest I am not keeping track of what I am even saying, I feel tunnel-visioned and unable to connect with the words on the screen. I have moments of clarity but I don't always manage to take action before it leaves me again. I think the appropriate emotion is frustration, or rather to say "it is frustrating"... but I don't know what I feel right now. Feels like grasping fog, trying to make it something you can capture in your closed palms.
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extinct-fish · 3 months
As I'm rewriting Chapter 2 of Confidante, I can't help but just give y'all a bit of dialogue.
Junpei picked up the cards and hastily put them into the box. The four of them made their way up the stairs, mostly in silence aside from Minato chatting with Orpheus. “What did you mean by you forgetting how much being a persona fucks with your perception?” “Well, I was mortal, like you. In life, I was gifted this lyre by Apollo, and I could even get animals to dance to my melodies.” “Huh.” That's funny, I can do the same thing, except with my voice. “When I lost my wife, I was so heartbroken that even the gods cried. I still regret looking back before leaving the underworld, but…” Orpheus sighed, “regrets come and go, but what matters is moving on.” “What was your wife’s name?” “Eurydice. I remained loyal to my death to her, but by Apollo’s name, did being ripped apart by those damned Dionysian Maenads hurt like a bitch! I still feel phantom pains of my limbs being torn every now and then.” “Was that how you died?” “Yes, and all because I refused to join their bloody orgies. Drunken bastards.” “You sound like you hold a grudge against Dionysus.” “I don’t like most gods because of their faults. The only exceptions were Hades and Persephone because they bring the seasons, and they usually like to keep to themselves, and Apollo because he gave me my lyre.” “I mean, valid, considering that one god gave you something that you love, and the other two let you take your wife back.” “I didn’t mention that part, how did you know?” “Greek Mythology.” “I see. My life became a story with a lesson.” “Not really a lesson, more like a story about how people are flawed.” “I mean- what myth is not?” “True.” “Nerd,” Ryoji teased. “Shut up, son of Nyx and Erebus,” Orpheus spat. “You’re an ass.” “And you aren't?” “Can you two stop bickering?!” Junpei scolded, “If you two wake up Mitsuru, I’ll kick both your asses!” “Wow, Junpei Iori being responsible? Who would’ve thought!” Minato sarcastically teased. “I hope you step on a lego.”
How to tell if it's written by me: look for threats of great annoyances!
I also had to do a bit of research for both Thanatos and Orpheus
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windwardstar · 7 months
urg, I hate that my brain does not easily switch between tasks when like the tasks aren't even really all that different.
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sp1keification · 4 months
need to get out of this chair and do the dishes but. i don’t wannaaaaaa <- whining
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what-even-is-sleep · 4 months
Trying to get ahead of an unsustainability cycle that might be starting up this week,,, (I start work).
#this turned into a bit of a rant whoops#mypost#have been chilling recovering from breast reduction the last month#steadily helping my mom out around the house more and more#but neow imma be working a ~35hr week (not including commute times during rush hour rip)#starting tmr#and I’m remembering that 1) it takes me more time to shower bc I have to be careful with boobz. also I have to wash my bra every night bc da#scars can’t get infected. so the whole process of showering is connected to also washing and drying my bra and putting on lotions n such so#it takes an hour minimum#2) doing stuff for my mom… is always spontaneous and urgent and takes up more time/energy than I think#3) my mom is bad at food stuff on a personal level and that’s transferring to the household bc a lot of stuff including a) she’s hella busy#and stressed. b) the price of food 💀keeps goin up ayoo. c) she is restricting herself to only eating twice a day??? idk why????#d) she also considers a meal to be anything she throws together no matter how unbalanced/nontasty it is#e) I’m also so bad at cooking/meal prep/etc but lowkey have a Thing abt food rn and cannot eat random junk even if I’m v hungry#. all this to say: idk how to do my household duties (communicating with mom. nightly dishes. small stuff that builds) when I have a feeling#imma be hella hungry this whole week.#WAIT I FORGOT THO IMMA BE MAKING MONEYYYY 💰 💴 💵 so I can pay for lunch at work ayooo#((not thinking abt budgeting atm lol 😬. I’m fortunate enough to have a 529 plan for college so semester times are all g)#4) I’m also doing two coursera courses atm (personal finance for young adults and Good With Words) …. I will prob not be able to get much#done in these courses when I have a full week rip#5) I gotta prepare for abroad (applying for visa. dealing with large government structures 😭😭😭) and in general attend to my emails#all dis. hmm#oh and also personal upkeep: gotta order eczema lotion. gotta get in contact with doctors abt leg and jaw PT. gotta follow thru with PT.#falling behind on a productive schedule while balancing my moms needs and my needs and my long-term health/personal project stuff is gonna#be difficult…#hm#writing this out is. hm.#all g all g I am a young adult I gotta handle this stuff now 🧑#great freedom = great responsibility and all that shiz#FUCK I FORGOT I HAVE TO EXERCISE TOO FUCK!!!! DANG NABBIT
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headphonemouse · 1 year
I've ordered!! Some nightgowns!!!!
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livvyofthelake · 7 months
sisters are insane they’re like hey wash these dishes for this food that our mom made this morning that i told her not to offer to you so you never knew it was there until three hours later when it was no longer edible in the way you would have wanted it. like actually i think you should fuck off <3
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camgoloud · 9 months
the unaffordability of one bedroom apartments in my area is something that can be so oppressive to me personally
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flippedorbit · 10 months
do you want me to fucking go off on you? do you truly fucking want that mother?
#“oh you and your sister never listen to me and blah blah blah” we fucking do (or at the very least i do)#“you guys never help out” does me doing the litter and taking out the trash and on occasion hand washing the dishes mean#fucking nothing to you? does me sweeping the floor every once in a while because you chose to keep us in an area that is ALL SAND/DIRT ROAD#for whatever stupid ass reason also meaningless? does me doing my damn best to help out mean fucking nothing?#do you want me to kill my self. do you want to lose your eldest child to something YOU could have fucking prevented all because you can’t#stop being a bitch to him all the time? do you really fucking want that mom? because at this rate i am once again on the road to fucking#attempting it. i’m so god damn sick of how you treat me. the only time i can do anything i want is at night. i stay up super late playing#games with my friends because its the only time in the day when you aren’t bitching and whining for me to do something you don’t want to do#for the past several days i’ve been up until five in the damn morning just to do something that makes me happy.#you misgender me. you deadname me. you refuse to accept any aspect of my identity. you don’t treat me like a god damn person.#i have so many different ways i can consider attempting if i truly wanted to. the only thing keeping me alive is my friends. because they a#least show that they fucking care and actively want to do things with me. like group drawing or playing video games.#YOU on the other hand; mother; yell and get mad at me over the stupidest shit and never fucking apologize.#i cannot recall a singular time you’ve apologized for being a complete bitch to me over something so fucking unimportant.#and yet i’m expected to be completely fucking fine and happy all because you provide me with the bare fucking minimum.#”i clothe and feed and provide a place for you to live” THAT IS THE BARE FUCKING MINIMUM. sure you could argue over the fact i’m 18 and#should be out working somewhere. but you give me so few opportunities for going places and even considering getting a job or finally gettin#my driver’s license. plus i would rather fucking die than work any food service or customer service job. because i’d be going somewhere#where i’d mostly get talked down to or yelled and then come home and have the same shit done after working for hours and getting minimal#pay. i’d rather work on my own fucking terms with commissions than go into any job where i have to interact with others in public for any#reason. where i’d be treated just the same as at home. like someone who isn’t a person and doesn’t deserve anyone to be nice to them.#i constantly so desperately wish that maybe one day soon i’d find someone to be with romantically and that i could maybe live with them and#get out of this hell hole that i’m supposed to call home. to go somewhere and have my efforts appreciated. to go somewhere where i’d#actually fucking be loved. i shouldn’t have to wish so god damn hard for a better life all because my mother can’t fucking treat me like a#person with hopes and dreams and thoughts and feelings.#i’m ending this rant here before i get too angry and upset. see you all in maybe an hour.#suicide mention#ask to tag
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apathygender · 11 months
By Jove I think he's got it
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rowanhoney · 10 months
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cetoddle-archive · 1 year
like not to be a downer but if anything ever happens to my cat i’m seriously going to kill myself this is not a joke
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