#when yoongi told everyone jimin was there he realized he lost the crowd and told everyone to
black-swan-slaps · 1 year
Wanted to share Jimin dancing tonight.
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
bts at a drag show/gay bar
i was already babbling abt how much i wanted to do this with my bias line and then y'all made me realize i should just make it a whole damn headcanons post so. welcome! here we are! here is my brainrot on how the boys would turn up on drag night at the gay bar 🏳️‍🌈✨ if this content is not for you, it costs $0 to just keep scrolling ✌️
knj: everyone expected that joonie bby would be flooded with attention from the people who came out tonight specifically in search of a tall, built daddy, but there's a group nobody saw coming that ends up swarming him first: the lesbians. they fucking love him, and he finds himself getting sucked into an hour-long conversation on the back patio about roni horn and rha hyeseok. he'll probably end up agreeing to start a book club with his new sapphic friends before the night is over (and he'll run into them all again the following weekend when he goes to support soyoon at one of her gigs lmao) 👭
ksj: entirely oblivious to what it looks like when a person is flirting with him, despite that being exactly what happens to him for quite literally the entire night. each time someone new walks away from the table, he'll turn back to yoongi and jimin with the same question: "okay, now surely that wasn't flirting, was it?!" only to be immediately told that yes, yes it was and no, nobody would sit through a 20 minute ted talk on the lore of maplestory if they didn't also want to sit on his dick. he'll argue til til he's half-hoarse from screaming over the music that there's no way everyone in the club could possibly be flirting with him - but frankly, he's not mad at the ego boost 🍆
myg: putting the suga in suga daddy, he's breaking hundreds at the bar to make sure everyone has a stack of singles to tip the queens, and alllllll the drinks are going on his black card. other than that he's pretty lowkey, mostly just sipping steadily at his whiskey and looking at his phone. when somebody finally gets nosy enough to lean over his shoulder and snoop, they realize that he's actively scrolling through his rotation of hookup apps and trying to match up people in the room to their profiles. might slip away for a sneaky link in the bathroom oop, but he'll be back in time to close his tab out 💳
jhs: full-send GAGGING at the queens and their dancing. he can't even stay in his seat because song after song he's jumping to his feet just so he can dramatically collapse to the floor with a gay scream, getting his life entirely with every new kick, flip, spin, and death drop. the word slaaaaaaaay! has never been shouted with more enthusiasm than it is tonight by this man, and he does not give a fuck that he won't have a voice tomorrow. once the show is over, he is the absolute center of the dancefloor, popping and locking and showing off his footwork like he was born to do it-- and the boys will definitely catch him practicing his duck walk at some point in the next week 🕺
pjm: without a doubt, he is the LIFE of the mf party, lost in the lights and outta his mind u kno?? it's literally just the like crazy MV, actually. will make everyone do shots as soon as they get in the door and then at least once an hour the rest of the night, if only because he really likes flirting (and by flirting i mean making out) with the shot boys. lbr he probably gets several shots poured or spat into his mouth, and if anyone's hopping up on the bar to get tequila sucked out of their belly button, it is absolutely this demon. and ofc he's bringing at least one person home with him - "it's gon' be a good night" indeed~ 😈
kth: disappears into the crowd a few songs into the set, but he texts the group chat that he's fine and just made some friends, so the night carries on without him. it isn't until the next performer is called to the stage - miss tata mic! - that everyone realizes he's befriended the queens, and they've done him up right: cinched for the gods, face beat to make his eyes even more smoldering than usual (...wait, did he bring his colored contacts from home?!), and moving fearlessly in borrowed six-inch heels. and of course, his choreo is flawless. he easily earns enough tips to pay yoongi back in full and then some 👠
jjk: the definition of 'happy to be here'. loves the lights, the music, the ~vibes~, all of it. he somehow knows every word to every single song, and the more drinks he has, the louder he's singing along. and the queens love him for being easy to fluster, the way even his ears flush with color when he blushes, so he gets a whole lot of ass and tiddies in his lap and his face (rewarded with generous tips, naturally). when the lights finally come on and everyone stumbles outside, he's a drunchies king, and he thinks the food from the truck in the parking lot is quite literally the best thing he's ever tasted. he repeatedly shouts 'DAMN!' up to the night sky, one fist swinging as he eats, until someone pours him into the car so they can all head back home 🍗
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we-have-bangtan · 3 years
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Random One-shot.
Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Theme: Angst, fluff, pain.
Warning: mentions of alcohol and swear words.
A/n: pls imagine long hair Jungkook from winter package 2021.
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“I want an answer, goddammit!” Jungkook yelled in his drunk stupor. His eyes looking up to the sky from the large rock he was standing on, he wanted an answer, he was tired of this.
"WHY AM I NOT A PRINCESS???" He yelled again when someone yelled at him. "Jesus Christ, can you not shut up, dumbass' like you don't get to be princesses!" a female voice snapped
"GOD??" he asked, terrified, he wasn't sure if he was ready to meet God yet, he was still so young and dumb, a sinner who hadn't done a single act of redemption yet.
"No you idiot, look down here!" the voice said again, this time much closer, Jungkook looked down as instructed to see Yn looking up at him from the foot of the rock, "You!!!" he yelled, jumping off the rock in an attempt to look cool only to stumble and fall to the ground.
"Aish what a loser!" she playfully sneered as she reached out to help him up, "You didn't get hurt, did you?" she asked, taking his hand as pulling him along with her.
"Why did you come here?" he asked, stumbling after her to where ever she was taking him, he didn't care where she was taking him, he was just happy that she was with him. "Why? am I not supposed to be here?" she demanded watching in amusement as Jungkook tried to correct himself.
"Could you not be nicer to me? I'm going through a tough time here" he groaned, putting all his body weight on her as she dragged him to his car.
"You're facing the consequences of your actions Koo, you bought these tough times upon your self" she mumbles softly, resting him against the car door before patting his pants.
"Yah, Yn! you're hot and all but not my type, this is harassment!" he yelled, hiccuping between each word. "Shut up and stay still, I'm trying to find your keys" she huffed as she finally pulled his keys out of his back pocket.
She successfully shoved him into the passenger seat before heading to the other side, "Here have some water" she said, opening the bottle of water he always kept in his car. He obeyed quietly, his eyes growing wider as he put his lips to the mouth of the bottle, taking a few sips. Her cooing and praise motivating him to finish the whole bottle.
He rested his head on her shoulder as she rived up the engine, she didn't seem to mind the weight of his head, calmly changing gears as they went down Namsan mountain. "How did you get here?" he asked, already half asleep. "Yoongi gave me a ride" she answered as she pulled up on the main road which was quite crowded for 1:00 a.m.
"Why did you come to get me? I've been horrible to you" he asked feeling a pang in his chest remembering all that he had done to her, to sweet, sweet Ynnie who never saw wrong in anyone.
"You weren't horrible Gukkie, you were just hurt, you didn't hurt me or anything" she said, her eyes on the road, she refused to look at him as he spoke.
"Stop saying that, I put too much effort into hurting you for you to say that" he whined as un-shed tears pooled in his eyes, she laughed at his words, it was true.
He had gone out of his way to hurt her one too many times, and it had hurt like a gun shot right through her chest, but she was okay now, she was doing fine and had forgiven this brat a long time ago, but he didn't seem to be able to forgive himself for the pain he had caused her.
"Go to sleep Jungkook-ah, I'm here with you, just sleep, I'll wake you up once we get home." she mumbled softly, her words giving Jungkook the green light to fall asleep.
Jungkook felt like he was seeing God when he woke up, a blinding light in his eyes, but blinking a few times proved to him that that was not the case. It wasn't God, just his bedroom curtain being drawn away and the sun shining in.
He groaned as he realized where he was, 'was it all a dream?' he thought as he pulled himself off his bed, his head felt like it had been bombed with a M67 grenade, an unpleasant taste settling in his mouth from all the alcohol last night only to realize that he was in the same clothes he had been wearing yesterday.
He really wished last night hadn't been a dream, that Yn had actually come to get him from Namsan mountain. It had been their spot before they had stopped going there due to the amount of drunkards who went there to drink and left beer bottles everywhere.
He never would have thought he'd join that category but his actions last night made him ashamed of himself.
A shower was up next, the scalding water hitting his skin made him hiss, but he refused to wait till the water cooled down, his mind stopped thinking for a while as he showered.
The thoughts flooding back once he got back, pulling on a t-shirt as he went into the living room.
"So you're awake!" Namjoon yelled when he saw Jungkook emerge from his room. "My head is killing me!" Jungkook groaned as he headed to the fridge, "Yn left a note and something else for you, it's on the kitchen counter" Jin yelled from his place on the couch.
Yn's sticky note stuck to a lunchbox which laid on the counter, he wiped his hair with a towel as he grabbed a bottle of cold water, going to read the note,
Please drink moderately from now on, being an alcoholic is so not cool and don't drink in public, you'll get arrested.
I know you're going through a tough time so I made kookies for you, enjoy them to the fullest and please try to get the closure that you deserve. Don't coop yourself up in your room, you're starting to get too pale.
Please be careful, tell the boys I love them <3.
'tell the boys I love them', Jungkook read the same line over and over again, did this mean she didn't love him anymore? was he no longer existent to her?
He didn't know what that line meant, but it made him sad, sad that he wasn't part of the 'boys' that she was referring to, nope, he was no long one of her 'boys', she was someone who he'd never be able to face again.
A pang went through his chest as reality settled in once again. He had no redemption from this, no one should forgive him for the things he had done to her, not even him.
"Did you see her when she left?" he asked as he picked up the lunchbox, seeing the perfectly made kookies inside, tears welled up in his eyes as he looked down at them, kookies were Yn's version of dasik, a traditional Korean cookie that she made often.
Nostalgia hit him like a truck as he picked up the fragile dessert, the smell of sesame seeds bringing back memories of the two of them in her parents' kitchen, him teasing her while she toiled away at the counter, grinding, kneading and pressing.
He didn't help because she always yelled at him for making a mess but oh, the things he'd do to get her to yell at him again, even if it was for just one more time.
"Yn made dasik????" Jimin said, peering at the delicacy, Jungkook quickly wiped away his tears, trying to seem strong, he didn't want his hyungs seeing him cry over sweets.
Jimin's words had caught the attention of everyone else, making them all whine, "How come he gets sweets and I get nothing!!" Jin huffed as he pulled his phone out to dial Yn's number, a number Jungkook didn't have anymore.
"Yah, Jungkookie, sharing is caring you know" Namjoon said as he got up from his place when Yoongi stopped him, he knew how much the cookies meant to Jungkook now that he and Yn were no longer the same that they used to be.
Jungkook quietly walked back to his room with the box and water bottle, plopping down on the floor so he could lean his back against the bed, he opened the box again.
He picked one delicate kookie up, she had named it after him when things had still been fine, no, not fine, when things had been wonderful. He never thought these cookies would mean so much to him.
The tears that he had controlled so carefully in the kitchen flowed free as the memories flooded his mind, every memory of Yn fitting like the beautiful stained glass windows of churches, he rushed to pull out his phone, scrolling through the bin in search of pictures of the two of them.
He didn't know why Yn's presence had affected him so much, but it had affected him in a way no break up could. It had been an year since he and Yn had gone off the deep end, cutting off contact with each other. Jungkook had gone the extra mile to delete all the pictures he had of Yn and to make her life as horrible as he could.
He couldn't blame it on his, now, ex-girlfriend Minjoon who had encouraged him to cut her out, all he could do was blame himself for it, he had no reason for being like that, no excuse to make himself feel better, he never thought Yn leaving his life would be more painful than Minjoon leaving.
Fuck, he had never though Yn would leave his life, if someone had told that to 19 year old Jungkook, he would have laughed in their face. But now, here he was, crying over Yn's kookies and her photos.
He had been a terrible friend and he'd never forgive himself for it, he had done unmentionable things that had ripped Yn from him despite her trying to hold on for so long.
His tears turned into sobs as he remembered all the times she had just taken his abuse without a word while the rest of the boys had yelled at him.
He was a fool for choosing Minjoon over her, when he had broken up with Minjoon the day before yesterday, he hadn't been sad that they had broken up, he was sad that he had let go of Yn, that he had lost hold of the one constant in his life.
Namjoon pressed his ear to the door, hoping to hear something, anything, that would indicate Jungkook was still alive in there. It had been 3 days since he had locked himself in, only coming out at the dead of night to grab more booze before going back inside.
He felt Jungkook deserved ever inch of pain he was going through for everything he had done to Yn, Namjoon pitied him, the kid was still young, supposed to be carefree and making merry, but here he was, drinking his life away.
While Namjoon definitely wouldn't mind leave Jungkook alone to get over it himself, he couldn't let the kid just die in there.
Jungkook jerked awake when a bucket of water was splashed on his face, his head and neck aching at the sudden movement, "What??" he thought as he looked around, empty bottles of alcohol scattered around his room.
He didn't think as he laid back down in the puddle of water, ready to go back to sleep when a sharp pain shot through his body, starting from his leg, he immediately jerked up again, his gaze on the chunky pair of shoes that had just caused him pain.
"I TOLD YOU TO DRINK MODERATELY" a voice yelled as his eyes traveled above the shoes till his eyes met Yn's dark ones, he didn't know what to do or say now that he was face to face with him.
"You need to get over Minjoon, she was a hoe for breaking your heart, but that doesn't mean you become an alcoholic, now go take a shower, you smell of garbage" she said, pulling Jungkook onto his feet. He swayed a little letting the words sink in.
"You think I'm this upset because of Minjoon?" he asked when his brain finally started working again, "Ummm... are you not?" she asked, seeming surprised at the revelation.
"No, I'm not" he said, stepping closer to her, quickly stopping when he saw her move away, "Go shower Jungkook, we'll talk once you've eaten something" she said softly, her concern for him evident in her tone.
He quietly left, heading to the bathroom, praying that she'd still be there by the time he came back. He washed his hair and body as quickly as possible, clumsily dropping the bottle of shampoo and bar of soap in the process.
He stepped out to a somewhat clean room, the puddle of water was gone, but the bottles remained the way they were before, he quickly gathered them up, using his foot to swing the door open as he head into the living room.
He saw Yn and Jimin chilling on the couch, giggling over something on Jimin's phone, oblivious to his presence. He loudly dropped the cans and bottles into the trash making the two of them turn towards him.
"All clean?" Yn asked, craning her neck so she could see him clearly. He nodded, he had freshened up although his hair was still wet. She beckoned him over to the couch, shoving Jimin out of his place next to her (it made him whine but he left eventually) .
A bowl of steaming hot ramyeon sat on the coffee table, the serving was enough for two people and Jungkook assumed it was both for him and Yn. She turned onto her side, facing him as he sat on the couch, he did the same, pulling his feet up and crossing them as she stared at him with a smile.
She picked up the bowl of ramyeon, handing it to him, "Eat." she demanded, giving him a pair of chopsticks as well. "Are you not eating?" he asked, digging his chopsticks in, "You haven't eaten in three days, Jungkook, you need to eat" she answered as he slurped the noodles, "this is good!!" he exclaimed.
Yn almost drooled at the noises he made while eating, her mouth watering at the thought of exactly how good that ramyeon was, "you want some?" Jungkook asked as he pulled up a piece of chicken from inside, hovering it within the reach of her mouth.
Yn gulped as she stared at the piece, no, no no, she should not, "go on, one bite" Jungkook tempted, his hand still infront of her mouth, "no? are you sure?" he teased, seeing right through her poker face.
Yn gave in when Jungkook made a huge show of pulling his chopsticks away, leaning forward and grabbing the piece of chicken with her mouth. "I'll go get you another pair of chopsticks" Jungkook aid as he got up, he felt better, maybe he and Yn would go back to how things were before.
He hopped back onto the couch, handing her the chopsticks. They passed the bowl back and forth, each of them taking a bite and passing it back. "Why did you come here anyway?" he asked as she slurped on the noodles.
"Why? should I not come?" she demanded as she passed the bowl back, he paused, looking up at her, "I just never thought you'd come back here after everything" he answered, taking a big bite before giving it back.
"want to order some jajangmeyoen? I don't think this ramen will be enough" he said, scrolling through his phone for the restaurant's phone number, Yn hummed in agreement as she passed the bowl back, "here order" he said, handing her his phone as he continued to eat.
"I came because Namjoon called me saying you drank yourself to death" she admitted as she dialed the number, ordering a variety of side dishes before hanging up.
"You were worried" he said, reframing the answer she gave, "I never stopped" she mumbled as she finished the last of the ramen in the bowl, the sauce getting on her upper lip as she drank the rest of the soup.
"Why did you care so much?" he mumbled as he pulled his long sleeve to wipe away the sauce o her face, like a parent tending to their messy child. "Because I love you" she huffed as she saw tears well up in Jungkook's eyes at her words.
She pulled him into her arms, holding him tight as he cried, 'poor Jungkook, he's been through so much' she thought as she hugged him tight, "I though you didn't love me anymore" he sobbed as he held on to her waist, refusing to let go.
"Aigoo, why did you think that, did I ever give you a reason to think that I don't love you anymore?" she coo'd, it was funny, how Jungkook was much bigger than she was in size, yet he tended to make himself as small as possible when she held him.
"But I hurt you so much, why would you still?" he sobbed, she held him tighter, letting him cry, "you were in love, I don't blame you, you didn't know any better" she assured, "That doesn't excuse everything I did" he mumbled.
It was true, it didn't excuse what he did but he was too precious for Yn to push away, he meant too much for her and she knew it wasn't totally Jungkook's fault that they had fallen apart in pieces.
She had put all her baggage on him, regardless of if he could carry it for her or not, it had been a key factor in driving him away. She had been too dependent on him, she basically revolved around him till they broke apart.
But Jungkook going away had made her better, more independent and more social. She stopped connecting comfort with Jungkook, he was not her comfort during those times, she had learnt to comfort herself, make herself happy.
During the time her and Jungkook had been fighting, her ego had flared up, she stopped trying with him, preferring to return the snarky attitude that he was giving her, his actions had hurt her pride but she was over it now, she had made peace with the past and with Jungkook's behavior.
She knew he was suffering and she hated seeing him like this, "don't cry, don't cry kook, it's okay, I'm fine, I'm over it" she mumbled as his sobs turned into silent tears.
She looked up to see Namjoon standing at the doorway, seeing awkward and uncomfortable. Yn gave him a small smile, he considered that as permission to sneak into his room quietly.
Jungkook's sobs turned into silent tears as he came to terms with reality, Yn was here with him again, she was the same, she didn't hate him, she still loved him the same. "Who the hell even told you that I don't love you anymore?" Yn demanded as she saw his tears subside, he just held on to her now, no more crying.
"You wrote 'tell the boys i love them' what else do you want me to think" he whined as buried his face in her neck, not wanting to see her eyes narrow at him, "yah, I didn’t write that note so you'd overthink and cry about it" she scolded as she squished his cheeks in her hand.
He pulled away, getting up to go drink some water, he just had the most satisfying cry of his life and he felt lighter, maybe it was the dehydration, he didn't know but he certainly felt lighter. His head was more clear than it had been in ages.
He was washing his face when the doorbell rang, "jajangmyeon!!" Yn exclaimed as she went to answer the door, taking the various boxes before grabbing his wallet, "where is your card?" She yelled as she dug through it. "Its on the desk in my room" he yelled back as he scrubbed the soap off.
He felt happy, hearing her shuffling around in the apartment after such a long time, it made him think that they could go back to how they were before. But for now, he was satisfied, happy, he'd take whatever she'd give him now. He had a lot of making up to do and he swore he'dtreat her better than he had. He'd make himself a better friend for her.
Even if they didn't become best friends right away, he swore he'd put in the effort and consideration to make himself deserving of her love again.
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taegiconic · 4 years
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< 14. Healing >
Famous photographer and youtuber, Jeon Jungkook, couldn't imagine that one day he would find his muse doing what he loved, neither did she, but there will come problems in their company.
pairing📸 photographer and youtuber! jungkook x model and influencer! y/n
genre📸 famous!au, angst, fluff, problems
word count📸3495
A/N: Hello, I hope you enjoy this part as much as I did while writing it. And as I always say, I'm sorry for my grammar (dumb) errors. I wanted to write this inspired on bts's song, in Fake Love and The Truth Untold to be exactly, and I think I did good!
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Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung and Y/N entered in the fancy hall together. Everyone was in there, including the chairman of the company. When Y/N saw everyone, she hid behind Namjoon and approached Jin, that also was behind him, to hug his arm.
Are you fine? Jin asked looking at her worried.
Yes, I am. She said smiling at him to make him feel less worried, he smiled at her back and nodded with his eyes closed.
Taehyung, that stopped to great his manager, saw Jin looking worried because of Y/N and went where they were. Jin said something to him, but Y/N couldn't hear it. Taehyung lowed a little bit to Y/N's ear, when she felt his breath next to her ear, she got goosebumps, thing that Taehyung realized and laughed.
Hey, don't get too nervous. I just wanted to check you are okay. If you feel your anxiety go worse hug my arm, I will try to bring you to a better place, okay? He said before going again to greet someone.
Everything was going fine, after greeting almost everyone in the company. Y/N went with Taehyung to drink something at the bar, where wasn't very crowded. Someone put their hand in Y/N's naked shoulder, thing that make her jump of the scare and turn around.
Oh my good Yoona, you scared me! Y/N said putting her hand in her chest and sighing, making Yoona worried.
I haven't seen you, you look amazing Y/N. Yoona said hugging Y/N making her calm in her arms. Is just me, let's breath together.
Thank you, you look amazing too. She said after broke the hug when she felt better.
Yoona saw Taehyung and with her finger directed him near to them. Take care of her right. I know you Kim Taehyung, and you are the best person to care her. Taehyung nodded in answer to her and she left to greet the chairman.
Everyone in the bar were silent and looking at the door. When Y/N turn around he saw them, Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi, and specially him, Jeon Jungkook, the one she was only focusing with an angry gaze. With arms closed and glass of mulberry wine as her dress in hand, she raised up her chin in pride. He was looking directly at her, not only because how elegant beautiful she was, but because she was wearing the same suit color of her dress, like if their tailor made it on purpose. They started to greet everyone in that room one by one, like the Kim's did when they arrived. Y/N and Taehyung greeted Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi with a warm smile and answering their “how are you” questions. Suddenly, Namjoon and Jin where also next to them when Jungkook turns to greet them came. All the Kim's started to be cocky when they saw him coming on their way. Seeing all of them like that made Jungkook think about the real reason why the media call them a cult. They all had the same pose, the same gaze and the same pride.
Hello. Jungkook said, not taking his eyes off Y/N, she neither did. He blinked slowly and Y/N was the only one that could notice how his eyes suddenly started to be watering while looking at her.
Hello. All the Kim's said back with angry gaze and turn around in a circle starting to talk like if he wasn't there.
Jungkook sighed and went to where his friends were. He really thought that after a month since the discussion with Y/N everything will come back to what it was in that night. In that month, he only could think about her and how good everything was going to her, she had a glow up in a month and he was sad and tended to close in on himself. That is when his videos started to be in a very different mood, even his fans started to be worried about him because he looked forced to be happy when he really wasn't. His head was always thinking about what Y/N asked him “you rather have success in your career than have happiness in you private life?”, now he will answer that his happiness in his private life is the most important for him, but he couldn't be happy feeling empty, he only could be full of sadness.
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At the time of the dinner, everyone had their sits assigned, so there was Y/N being unlucky. Her sit was in front of Jungkook.
Oh, come on! Y/N said while looking at the board where the paper was.
What happened? Namjoon said trying to look what was wrong. Y/N pointed at the table the company assigned them.
At least is in front of him and no next to him like I have to... Jin rolled his eyes. Let's go now before they go and is awkward for you. He said.
Do you want to hold my arm? Taehyung said to Y/N.
It's okay, I'm fine, I promise. She said starting to follow Jin to their sit.
Jungkook and his friends reacted totally different, they were happy to sit with them? Yes, but weren't happy knowing how Jungkook was and how he had to sit looking to Y/N. They were having hopes that maybe Y/N isn't heartless, even though they understand how she must feel, and maybe she wanted to make up things with Jungkook. They also have been trying all to help Jungkook through this, but nothing would help, only a word from Y/N would be a thing that will make him feel happy.
When they arrived and sat, Y/N started to see how Jungkook was. Yoongi was always next to him and talking to him, but he looked lost. Her heart totally broke when she saw him like that, she could feel how broken he was. Everyone on the internet was correct, he was trying his best to look happy when he wasn't. She turned her head to Taehyung and murmured his name trying to get his attention.
Need to go out? Taehyung said when he saw her eyes full of tears that were doing the best not to come out in front of everyone. She nodded and stood up before her tears came out nonstop, she was trying their best to safe her makeup with a tissue while running until find a mirror in the halls of the place.
Taehyung tried to go behind her, but instead, he let Jungkook go. Jungkook was analyzing the situation from his sit, when Y/N left he asked Taehyung is she was fine. Taehyung froze when he heard Jungkook asking about her, “go with her”, was what Taehyung said letting him go, and not only having his, but also Jin and Namjoon's approval. This was his opportunity to make up everything, he wasn't going to miss this opportunity, he neither wasn't going to mess all up again, not after a month thinking and having the notes of his phone with more that 50 texts, he has wanted to send her. “You got this” was what his friends told him, and he went for it. He ran in front of everyone in there, letting everyone in the company look at him confused. The halls of the place were longer than he thought, but he found her in front of a mirror.
Y/N... Jungkook said when he found her, going to her.
Y/N closed her eyes and breathed when she heard her name coming out of Jungkook's lips. When she turned to him, he was already next to her.
Jungkook, I can't anymore. Tears came out of her eyes again when she looked at him. I tried my best to look at if I were good, but I'm not... And this hurts. And it hurts more when I see you sad. She wiped her tears again.
Jungkook put her in a hug, resting his chin on her shoulder. Y/N hugged him back without doubt, feeling his sweet scent that she loved. Jungkook didn't care anymore about the company or who could see them like that, he only wanted to be happy with her like he used to when they had their secrets dates.
Y/N I'm sorry, you don't know how many times in this month I have been blaming on myself. Or how many times I have repeated the question you asked me. And you know what? He paused and his tears started to also come out. Y/N could feel his hug become tight, his breath pausing because his sobs, and his tears reaching her naked shoulder. You are my happiness Y/N, you. I don't care about my success, that can't make me happy as you did. My success can be one day in the top and other day in the bottom, but my happiness will never be in the bottom if I'm with you. He lifted his head looking at her. I promise everything will be fine is you accept my apologies, okay?
Y/N nodded and separated off Jungkook a little. While looking at him, she tried to wipe his tears away with the tissue she already had in her hand. His arms stayed hugging Y/N by her waist while she rested her arms on his shoulders when she was done wiping the tears off his cheeks.
I could look like if I'm angry, but in reality, I'm broken inside... I didn't have the glow up everyone is talking about, I try to look like if nothing affected me... But it does. I literally put a mask on just to not show my real mood, the real me. Now I saw you lost in your thoughts, not smiling anymore and almost not eating anything, and I knew something was really wrong... Y/N started to caress his cheek with one hand, he closed his eyes and gasped. When he felt her touch, his tears stopped and felt the peace he has been looking for. I totally accept your apologies. I can't pretend anymore.
Jungkook whole face changed, he opened his eyes again and his cheeks went up, smiling softly to Y/N. That was all he wanted to hear, he felt all the sadness going off his chest. Y/N smiled back at Jungkook not cutting off the eye contact, putting the hand that was caressing his cheek back on his shoulder. He broke the hug, but one of his arms stayed around Y/N's waist, his hand went up to touch directly Y/N's chin, lifting it up, while his thumb was touching the edge of her lips. Y/N was feeling all type of goosebumps on her body, she knew she was falling for him more than she already was. She was in heaven, so was he. Jungkook went slowly to her lips not taking his eyes off her, hand back to her waist. Their lips connected, both of them were hugging tightly again, making the kiss intensive.
Hey! What are you doing? The heard someone screaming in the back. They stopped the kiss and separated immediately, they turned to where the voice was coming, and luckily it was Yoongi. Come back here, the chairman is going to do his speech. Y/N went to the mirror fixing her eyes makeup and her lips, like nothing happened.
A moment, we have to fix this. Jungkook said pointing his now rosy lips because of Y/N's lipstick. Yoongi made a gesture of okay with his hand from where he was and left. Jungkook went to where Y/N was, he stopped next to her in front of the mirror. I haven't finished, I know the garden of this place is enormous.
I don't want to hide anymore Jungkook. She turned to him and started to wipe off the lipstick trail he had on his lips. Let's see how this continues tonight. He nodded smiling softly at her. And let's fake laugh, our eyes look like if we were smoking weed. She said when she finished. Jungkook started to laugh, but this time he wasn't fake it, he really was laughing so laughter infected also Y/N. He extended his hand to her and she hold it, going back to the salon where everyone was having dinner. Before entering, they kissed softly again, and of course, they entered separated, as nothing happened. The atmosphere in their table changed completely, every of his friends already knew what was happening because Yoongi told them very excited.
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After the dinner, many of the attendees left home. Everyone left were in the bar now, however the personalities of the company where also sitting there around a mini table full of already empty glasses, less Jungkook. Y/N was trying to see if she could see him around the place, but there was no trace of him. Yoongi, that was seeing Y/N stretching her neck looking for him, approached her sitting in the free sit that was between Taehyung and her and that also they were reserving for Jungkook.
He is outside, in the garden. Yoongi started to tell her on her ear. I think he is waiting for you. Good luck! He said standing up again and leaving to the bar for a new drink.
Y/N decided to go with him, she said it to Taehyung, and he giggled while nodding, alcohol was hitting him already. When she was on her way and almost in the garden's door, someone grabbed her by the wrist.
Hey, princess. Y/N eyes opened wide and she froze when she saw her ex Manager, Minsoo. Where are you going so fast? Are you looking for that piece of shit Jeon Jungkook? She still frozen, she wanted to scream but felt like her voice was gone. You won't answer me? His grip was getting harder and Y/N was feeling the pain, she only could deny with his head.
What are you doing here? She said looking at her wrist, feeling how his nails were going in her skin.
What are you doing Minsoo? Jungkook appeared behind him. Haven't you learned to leave girls alone and to not put a hand on them without their permission or consent? Minsoo immediately released the grip, Y/N groaned in pain seeing what he did. I don't want to see you near her, go away. I will tell the chairman what you did to her.
Minsoo started to get cocky going on his way to Jungkook when he listened to him. For Jungkook it was funny, he grows taller than Minsoo and also, could beat him with no problems, he was also getting cocky. He gazed Y/N and she could see him mocking Minsoo. When Minsoo was already in front of Jungkook, Jungkook started to stare at him with a very dead gaze.
Don't you ever touch her like that again, did you hear me? Don't you ever, Minsoo! Jungkook glowered at Minsoo screaming to him, luckily no one in the other rooms knew about what was happening.
I will report this. Y/N said when she saw how Minsoo was getting smaller and smaller after Jungkook screamed to him. This is really serious Minsoo, you are not only stalking me, but you are also acting violent with me. I haven't done anything to you! You are the piece of shit! Y/N started to scream and Minsoo looked at her shocked, he never thought she would ever explode off anger like that. I swear you will go to prison.
Jungkook moved next to Y/N trying to calm her, and he did. He took Y/N's arm gently, checking what Minsoo did to her in her wrist. In that exact moment the chairman appeared at the end of the hall, going on his way to Minsoo with a very serious face.
What is going on? What are you doing here Minsoo? You are fired off the company and you can't be near Y/N. Minsoo was now feeling trapped, he couldn't scape. Jungkook, that was still holding and checking Y/N's wrist, pointed it to the chairman saying he did that to her. You did that to her? Oh, Dong Minsoo, you don't know who you messed up with. Minsoo kneeled in front of him in apology, but that wasn't going to work. Stand up, we are not taking that apology. He did what he was told. Y/N, take pictures of that, go to the garden to breath some fresh air. Y/N nodded with his head. And Jungkook, please, take her there and be with her. Jungkook also nodded.
Both of them left. Y/N was still froze, but Jungkook will be always there to make her feel calm and in peace.
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Jungkook took Y/N to a big fountain that was on the garden. Both of them sat on a bench that was in front of it. He saw that Y/N's skin was cold, so he didn't doubt of take off his jacket and put it on her shoulders.
Won't you be cold? She said wrapping herself with his jacket.
I'm okay Y/N, don't worry. He said looking at her with a soft smile and putting a tuft of hair behind her ear. Are you after what happened?
Yes, I am. She sighed. I have to say I was so scared, what would have happened to me if no one had been there to help me?
Y/N, don't think about that... You are safe now, and in safe hands if you are with me. She snuggled into his chest and he put one of his arms around hugging her.
My chest hurts... but don't be scared, hurts because how much I like you. She saw his free hand resting on his thigh, so she saw the opportunity of hold it with both of her hands.
Y/N-ah... You are making me flustered. He started to giggle nervously.
Keep giggle, I love to hear it. She said starting to giggle with him, going back to sit normal, but this time she stopped holding his hand to leant on his thigh while looking at him. I love your smile... She couldn't take off his eyes of him, her chest was so full watching his cheeks grow on a smile.
I like you so much too, you know that? He gazed her with a big smile.
Now I know it, really. She gave him a peck kiss on his cheeks.
Y/N do you want to date me? I mean... do you want us to be... a couple? He was really nervous saying it that he could feel his cheeks going red of shyness.
Yeah, I do want Jungkook. She started to laugh because she could feel how tense he was.
Jungkook stand up from the bench and went somewhere behind the fountain, there were a lot of flowers that Y/N couldn't identify because of the darkness. She kept analyzing every one of his moves. Jungkook came back with a rose, giving it to her.
I give you a rose because roses are one of the most lasting flowers, so is our relationship. We have been separated of each other for a month, knowing nothing of you, only seeing you on the news or in the magazines, I have felt very empty... But a thing I know, is that I haven't stopped liking you, so that is the rose. Whatever happens or whatever this goes, I just want to let you know you are so important for me and that I will do anything for this, for us. Okay? He smiled and gave it to Y/N that was mouth opened with what he just said to her. Be careful with the thorns, don't get scratched by them. If you get scratched, I will also do.
Jungkook... You are so adorable. I'm really speechless. Thank you and I will try my best to take care of us, because you are really important to me. She stood up and kept looking at the rose, touching it carefully having in mind what he said about the thorns. I'm glad you thought correctly about what was the best for you and I'm glad your choice was me.
With no doubt, Jungkook kissed her. This kiss was now more mindful to both of them. Not only because was their first official kiss as a couple, but also because things were about to change in the company if they decided to tell their managers one day. All they knew was that this time they won't be hiding from paparazzis, and like Jungkook said “if you get scratched, I will also do”.
After Jungkook gave plenty of kisses to Y/N's face, he invited her to pass the night with him on his apartment. They left the place without telling anyone, going on a night car trip to city singing along all the songs that were on their collaborative's playlist. All they did after arriving was looking at the night’s sky lying down on Jungkook's bed, silence and the sound of their hearts beating fast every time they kissed was now their peace, their healing.
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taglist: @preciouschimine @cosmoaphrodite @mizz-kraziii @ayasanuwu @moonlitmyg @safi4x @rjsmochii @milkteallday @springjade @mybiasforsure @bangtanday @black-rose-29 @takisaregood @deolly @acidicloveee @sprgdy @lunaarya @jungkook-its-my-time @allthesqueaks @prdshobi @thedhomn @secretlycrazyhummingbird @babyboytae1 @mina-bear @madaboutjeon @beeeb05 @calumsphile @hannahdinse8 @darkskin-buttercup @babieemochi @infernal-alpaca @fancykoos @youlook-likehell (if you want to be added to this taglist, tell me here or replying to this post)
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pervysagewisdom · 3 years
The Idol
BTS Fanfic
18+ Explicit
3 Chapters, Complete
Minjoon, Vmin, RM/Jimin/V AU
Summary: While at a club one night, struggling rapper Namjoon is chosen by the biggest pop star in the world for a night of pleasure that turns out to be more than he bargained for.
Or: Jimin is a polyamorous pop star who likes kinky sex. Ends with a threesome between Jimin, Namjoon, and Vante.
“Hey Namjoon. You want to get out of here?” Suddenly he had butterflies in his stomach, which he would never tell Yoongi about when he recounted these events later.
“I have a room. Not far.” He couldn’t say no. That wasn’t an option.
“Sure. But tell me your name first.” The man’s lovely lips quirked.
“Jimin,” he said. Namjoon has to have him repeat it, so he does. Namjoon chuckled. That was funny.
“Like the singer,” he said. Jimin smiled a smile that just floored him, and something started to click in his mind.
“Yeah, like the singer.” Namjoon turned his head and looked back towards the booth with the bodyguards, confused. Jimin turned his head back to him with a finger on his chin. “Decoy,” Jimin told him. “This isn’t my first time.” He gave him a knowing look. Namjoon thought his legs might give out on him. His throat was suddenly dry.
“Me?” he asked stupidly. The Jimin, the famous pop star, the Idol, wanted a night with him?
“Mm, yes, you.” He seemed amused. Namjoon was lost. This was unbelievable.
“So do we just...leave?” Jimin shook his head. His hand ran up under Namjoon’s mesh shirt over his sweat covered muscles. It was distracting as fuck.
Chapter 1: The Club
He never did this. Namjoon preferred the dirty little clubs and bars where everyone knew you. He hated places like this, huge multi-room dance clubs that smelled like sweat and sex, where no one could really see anyone. It was just anonymous bodies grinding together to sounds that were more beat than music, under lights that were both blinding and too dark to let you see anything. And he certainly never dressed like this, in skin-tight back pants and a black fishnet shirt. He had insisted on putting a jacket over it. Yoongi had insisted that was lame. When you sat with the DJ, you had to look the part, he said. Yoongi certainly did. He was a natural behind the turntables, controlling the heart of the place, the conductor of debauchery. As a rapper, Namjoon preferred an audience--You know, one that was actually listening to you. Pay him enough, and Yoongi didn’t care. He produced his art with the cash from the DJ gigs, and business was good. Namjoon was certain any day now Yoongi would skyrocket past him into the fame stratosphere, but he wasn’t so certain about his own future. He worked, he hustled, but things just didn’t seem to go his way. The issue, according to Yoongi, was that he thought too much. He needed to get out of his head and fucking relax. Looking at the sea of people below them, he didn’t feel relaxed, though Yoongi looked like he was having the time of his life.
“Drink the soju,” Yoongi insisted, pushing an expensive bottle towards him. “It’s free.”
“I don’t want to drink alone,” Namjoon told him. Yoongi didn’t drink much when working. He was more of a fine wine type.
“You’re not alone.” Yoongi motioned to the crowd. “They’re all fucked out of their minds. Why shouldn’t you be?” Namjoon looked around. It just did not appeal to him. Still, a drink might be good. He had a shot. It was surprisingly smooth. He was used to the cheaper drinks he got free at bars during his set. “Nice, right? Now have twenty more and go dance.”
“I don’t know about that.” Still, he did have a few more while Yoongi worked the club with his beats. The reserved area caught his eye. It seemed to be catching everyone’s eyes. The crowd was denser near one roped off area in particular. There were a couple of large bodyguards making certain they didn’t get any closer. Namjoon nudged Yoongi. “What’s that about?” Yoongi glanced over.
“Oh. Pop star. That one who sang ‘Filter’. Never seen him here before, but I heard he came tonight.”
“You gonna play his song?”
“Fuck no. I don’t do pop.” Namjoon didn’t think the song was so bad. The guy had a great voice and he was sexy as all hell. Namjoon appreciated all types of music.
The soju really was smooth.
The club was really getting hot, he thought, and removed his jacket. He didn’t realize how much of it he’d drunk until he knocked over half a shot on Yoongi’s equipment. He got a good yelling at and was pushed out of the booth to “dance it off”. Namjoon always had been clumsy, but drunk Namjoon was on another level.
He was drunk enough not to mind being pushed out as much as he normally would. He made his way into the flow. He wouldn’t have called himself a dancer, but he wasn’t without moves. Just because he hated big clubs didn’t mean he hadn’t spent time in any. Yoongi knew his jams too and like a mind-reader played just the right songs to get Namjoon to relax and blend into the crush. It wasn’t so bad, really, as long as you were on at least your twelfth shot of soju...maybe sixteenth. He’d lost count. He even thought he was starting to have a little fun.
Something seemed to change around him. He didn’t notice it at first and when he did he couldn’t put his finger on what had changed, exactly. He kept dancing, the thought that something was happening floating in the back of his mind largely unacknowledged. There were hands on his chest. Small hands compared to his broad chest, coming from behind him. He could feel the fingers on his own skin through the holes in his shirt. They were moving with the music and connected to someone dancing up against his back. He moved his hips in time with the person behind him. By the hands he honestly couldn’t tell if it was a woman or a small man, and it really didn’t matter to him. He turned around anyway and for a moment he still wasn’t sure, but then he figured it out. Small man. Trim figure. Black baseball cap on, black silk shirt open most of the way down, tight back pants similar to his own. He couldn’t see the man’s face well, but there were lips there that looked nice. What he did notice was that the man could move. They picked up on each other’s rhythm and soon were dancing like they were choreographed. Damn! He’d never seen anyone move like that before, so fluid and sexual and perfectly timed with his own movements. This guy was a pro.
Namjoon was not aggressive. Yoongi would say that was part of his problem. He was, however, a hard worker, and he thought that was more important. Even now while dancing with a stranger, he wanted to please his partner. He touched him back, a hand on his lower back, but he didn’t touch anywhere he felt would be a violation of the other man. The young man didn’t seem to have such boundaries. His hands went everywhere as they danced. Namjoon was certain he had purposefully felt him up down below to gage his size. Well, his size was growing as they danced, but was luckily contained by his tight pants. Turned out those were necessary in a club scene after all.
Those small hands were talented too. Everything about this man was talented, right down to the tongue on his ear. Much more of this and he was going to have a mess to clean up when he got home. He tried to say something along those lines to the other man, but he shook his head. Too loud, he couldn’t hear. Namjoon did get a dazzling smile for his efforts, though, at the same time as the man moved Namjoon’s hand from his waist to his pert ass. Namjoon might not be aggressive, but he could accept an invitation. This guy had a dazzling smile. It seemed really familiar to him somehow, but he couldn’t place it.
The music changed to something slower and a little quieter though still pounding, just as Namjoon was reaching the point of overstimulation. Yoongi always was able to read the room. His partner dragged him by his shirt (if you could call it a shirt) to somewhere slightly less crowded and loud. He thought they were finally going to be able to talk. He certainly was interested in talking to this sexy man, but instead he was kissed. It was a forceful, sweaty kiss. The small man’s tongue entered his mouth, connecting with his own and sending sparks through him. He was even a great kisser! And those hands never stopped moving, running through his hair, down his neck, over his broad shoulders, and back down his body again, not to mention the thigh that pressed between his legs. Yes, he was going to lose it. He pulled back but with a smile to show nothing was wrong. He had to yell near his ear to be heard.
“Hey, I’m Namjoon. What’s your name?” The young man seemed like he would laugh, but he stopped himself. The man’s tongue ran over his full lips as he made a decision.
“Hey Namjoon. You want to get out of here?” Suddenly he had butterflies in his stomach, which he would never tell Yoongi about when he recounted these events later.
“I have a room. Not far.” He couldn’t say no. That wasn’t an option.
“Sure. But tell me your name first.” The man’s lovely lips quirked.
“Jimin,” he said. Namjoon has to have him repeat it, so he does. Namjoon chuckled. That was funny.
“Like the singer,” he said. Jimin smiled a smile that just floored him, and something started to click in his mind.
“Yeah, like the singer.” Namjoon turned his head and looked back towards the booth with the bodyguards, confused. Jimin turned his head back to him with a finger on his chin. “Decoy,” Jimin told him. “This isn’t my first time.” He gave him a knowing look. Namjoon thought his legs might give out on him. His throat was suddenly dry.
“Me?” he asked stupidly. The Jimin, the famous pop star, the Idol, wanted a night with him?
“Mm, yes, you.” He seemed amused. Namjoon was lost. This was unbelievable.
“So do we just...leave?” Jimin shook his head. His hand ran up under Namjoon’s mesh shirt over his sweat covered muscles. It was distracting as fuck.
“I’ll leave. My assistant will get you a car. I’ll meet you there.”
“Where?” Jimin chuckled again.
“Don’t worry. Just listen to Hobi.” He reached up to give Namjoon’s ear lobe a little lick and nibble and then said, “I’ll be waiting for you.” He ducked out of his arms and seemed to melt into the crowd. Namjoon stood there stunned, unable to believe that had actually happened. He still hadn’t moved when someone new was suddenly beside him, tossing an arm across his shoulders.
“Hi there! I’m Hoseok. Come with me, pretty boy. I’ll take care of you.” Namjoon looked up to see a tall man in bright designer clothes and a big smile wink at him. Behind them the bodyguards were moving out of the club with whoever was supposed to be Jimin, though he doubted now it was actually him.
“Let me tell my friend I’m going,” he said, surprising himself. Was he actually doing this?! Apparently he was. He went back to Yoongi’s booth and didn’t exactly tell him what had happened, just that he was going to a hotel room with someone he’d met. It was too unbelievable of a story to share just yet. There was still a chance it was all some sick joke, after all. Yoongi gave him his full support. Namjoon grabbed his jacket and one more shot before heading back down. Namjoon let Hoseok lead him out of the club. It was too loud to ask questions until they were outside.
His ears were ringing. The street noise seemed muted after the loud beats of the club. His head was swimming. He was suddenly cold as the night air hit his sweaty skin. He put on his jacket. He saw a large black SUV drive off. He wondered if that was Jimin’s car. Hoseok opened the door of a black town car for him.
“Hop on in, Romeo, and we’ll talk.” Normally Namjoon would think twice about getting into a car with some random man, but this was no ordinary night. He got in. Hoseok got in beside him. There was a leather satchel in the car already. Hoseok sat back casually on the seat with one arm thrown over the back, his legs crossed. He was perfectly at ease. Namjoon thought he was losing his mind. “Have some water. You need your hydration,” Hoseok said, nodding his head towards some bottles of water in the door. Namjoon took one and gulped most of it down in one go.
“Was that really Park Jimin?” he asked after. Hoseok laughed. He had an easy smile.
“What’s your name?” Namjoon told him. “Well, Namjoon, yes it was. And he’s hoping you’ll join him in his hotel room. How’s that sound?” It sounded fucking unbelieveable.
“Yeah. Good.” It was hard to form words. Hoseok seemed amused. How often exactly did they do this? How many other random men had been pulled out of clubs like by the hand of God to please the Idol? Speaking of, shit...he would need condoms. Probably. Hopefully.
Hoseok seemed to be able to tell he was in over his head. Maybe he was used to it. “Great! We just have one thing to get out of the way first.” He reached into the satchel and pulled out some stapled papers. They looked like a legal document. Namjoon stared at the papers. This was getting too real. “Don’t look so frightened. It’s just a super basic, very standard, nothing to be afraid of, non-disclosure agreement. That’s all!”
“That’s all, huh?”
“And completely not optional, I’m afraid.” Hoseok clicked a pen. “Date and sign and we will be on our way!”
“What exactly am I signing?” He took the pen but not the paper.
“You can’t tell anyone about this little night of fun or we’ll sue those tight pants off you.” At Namjoon’s expression he laughed and slapped Namjoon’s knee. “Don’t look so scared! Just think of it as a little secret between the two of you. Don’t tell any Press about how my dear friend likes to have his fun, and we all win!” He leaned forward, squeezing his thigh. “Trust me. It’ll be worth it.” Wink.
What the hell. Namjoon signed. Yoongi would have been proud. When would something like this ever happen to him again? Hoseok gave him a bright smile and tucked the pen and paper away. “Off we go!” he called to the driver, who pulled away from the club. Hoseok sat back again, fully relaxed. “Have more water. You’ll need it.” Namjoon did drink more, though his eyes were warily on Hoseok the whole time.
“How often do you do this?” he asked.
“Mm...not very often. It’s not exactly...easy to pull off. And we’re pretty busy, as I’m sure you can imagine.” That was somewhat reassuring, Namjoon thought. Then he remembered.
“Oh--shit! I need...supplies.” Hoseok grinned at him.
“You’re cute. You’re really cute. I see why he picked you. Don’t worry. Everything you need will be there.”
Namjoon didn’t know what to say next. He felt like he should ask a lot more questions, but his mind was foggy and blank. He just kept thinking about those rosebud lips, that tongue on his ear, the greedy hands on his body...He takes a deep breath.
“What’s he like?” He asked. Hoseok tilted his head.
“What’s he like or what does he like?”
“I mean, as a person.”
“Hm.” Hoseok seemed to apprise him differently now. He considered how much to share. “He’s really funny. He’s really sweet.” He paused, leaving something out. “Be nice to him, alright? It’s a lonely world, you know?”
“Yeah…” He thought he did know. He finished a second bottle of water as he counted back the months since he had last gone on a date or slept with someone. Too many. “So you’re like, his assistant?”
“Sort of. More like a friend. I’m the dance captain for his crew.”
Namjoon thought that was interesting. “How did you meet?” he asked.
“We had the same dance instructor back in the day. When he needed someone, he brought me with him.”
“Must be nice.”
“It’s a hard life, but it’s got perks. Mostly that I get to dance.” Hoseok grinned again. Namjoon noticed he didn’t ask questions back. He thought he knew why. Best not to get too involved with the boss’s one night stands. God, he was getting nervous.
They pulled up to a hotel, but not just any hotel, one of the swankiest in town.
Namjoon gapped. “Here?”
Hoseok nodded. “Top floor.”
Namjoon started to have second thoughts. “I don’t know, man…”
Hoseok pursed his lips. “You don’t have to go.” He was annoyed, not because he cared what Namjoon did, but because he’d be the one to deal with the fallout after.
Namjoon looked at Hoseok for help, but didn’t receive any. He would have to make this decision on his own. He thought of what Yoongi would say right now, and then gathered himself and got out of the car. Hoseok rolled down his window and leaned out, holding a keycard up but out of reach.
“Just one more thing. I need your phone.”
“Can’t have any pictures or videos randomly popping up online. Don’t worry. It’ll be at the front desk for you when you leave.” He held out his hand. Hoseok really hated all of this. There’s a moment where Namjoon doesn’t move. “Look, I know it’s weird, but the world’s biggest pop star is up there right now waiting for you to fuck him. You going to walk away from that? Do you have something better to do tonight? I promise, you’ll get your phone back just as it is.”
“Fuck it.” He puts his phone in Hoseok’s hand and is given the keycard.
“Just go all the way up.”
Namjoon turned to the grand hotel entrance. He wished he had a little more of that soju right now.
As he stepped inside, doors held open for him by a doorman who’s eyes seemed to look right through him, he realized how he must look to everyone right now, and he was suddenly mortified. He walked in and searched for the bathroom right away and hurried to it as inconspicuously as he could. He went to the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. God, he looked awful. He looked like he’d gotten drunk at a club and was on his way for a hookup. Which was all true. With a sigh, he did his best to clean up, but there wasn’t much to be done now. What he needed was a shower and a change of clothes, but it was too late for that.
Trying to avoid all eye contact, he made his way to the elevator. Inside, blessedly alone, he hit the top button. The Penthouse. He had to use the keycard to even get it to go there. This was indeed the weirdest thing he’d ever done in his life. As he made his way up, all his self-doubt came crashing over him. Why him? Why would the world’s biggest pop star want an evening with him? It made no sense. He was average looking at best. He was an average dancer at best. Anything he excelled at, Jimin had no idea about. He just knew as soon as he arrived he would be laughed at and kicked out and it would all have been for nothing. Jimin would look at him in the light and change his mind. He’d have to ride the elevator of shame all the way back down and then go to the front desk to ask for his phone like an idiot. It would be a disaster. It would be the worst night of his life. God, he was so thirsty!
After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened to a small hallway. There was only one door and it was guarded by a huge man in black. Namjoon stepped out of the elevator, gripping the keycard like a lifeline. He cleared his throat.
“Hey. Uhm. I have a...I’m expected?” He had no idea what to say to this large man. What if he was in the wrong place? He started to sweat. The man didn’t say a word, but opened the door for him. “Oh. Uh. Thanks,” he said and stepped forward.
The view was stunning. The first thing he noticed was the wall of windows, showing the city below them. The ceiling was two stories high and the windows went all the way up. They were so high up, for a moment he had vertigo. Everything in the room was underrated opulence, but even in such a surprisingly large room, the furniture had a cozy feeling to it. He gaped for a moment and then noticed another guard standing on this side of the door, which nearly made him jump out of his skin.
“Namjoon!” His attention snapped back to the living room. There he was. Jimin stood and turned to him, having been sitting on the couch facing the windows. It was like something from a movie. He looked totally different, no longer wearing a baseball cap and all black. He was in a floral silk robe, tied at the waist that flowed around him like water. His hair was a dark blond color which seemed surprisingly natural on him. His eyes were a hazel color and his lips pink and glossy. “You came,” Jimin said. He sounded relieved. Maybe Namjoon wouldn’t be laughed out of the door after all. He smiled.
Chapter 2: The Hotel
With one more wary glance at the guard he entered the living room. Jimin motioned for him to join him. Namjoon left his shoes by the door and stepped around the couch. God, he looked so beautiful it made Namjoon’s chest hurt. Jimin offered him a glass of champagne. He took the glass, feeling hopelessly out of place. Jimin was still smiling at him, his hands playing with the belt of his robe. Was he nervous? That didn’t make any sense.
“Hey,” Namjoon said, trying to sound cool and certain he was failing miserably. “Nice place you got here.”
“Mm. Yeah. I like the view.” They both looked out the windows. It was stunning. Namjoon’s eyes went right back to Jimin though.
“Uhm. Sorry I couldn’t...clean up. I probably smell like--club. You look--amazing.”
“Thanks. You look amazing too, don’t worry. I didn’t really know what to...I’m glad you came.” There was that smile again. He definitely looked nervous, which somehow made Namjoon less so, even if just a little. “I know it’s a little...weird. I’m sorry. They won’t let me, otherwise...It’s a sort of compromise.” He looked so apologetic that Namjoon felt the need to reassure him. He put a hand on his arm.
“It’s alright. I get it. I mean, yeah, it’s weird, but...we’re here.” Jimin seemed pleased with that. He nodded and relaxed some.
“Sit down. Have some champagne. I’ll put on some music.” He went to a control panel Namjoon would never have even noticed. Soon Frank Ocean was playing in the background.
Namjoon sat and sipped the drink. He glanced back at the guard standing near the door. “Is he just going to…”
“Oh…” Jimin sat beside him, looking apologetic again. “Just ignore him. We can always go in the bedroom. He’ll stay here. He won’t bother us.” There was an unspoken unless in there somewhere, Namjoon was certain.
“That’s got to be weird, to never be alone.”
“I’m alone too much,” Jimin replied quickly, then seemed to regret it. He picked up the other glass and had a sip. “Do you like it? I can get you something else. There’s a bar. You can have whatever you want. There’s Soju.”
“It’s good.” He sipped the drink to show how he was enjoying it, though he wasn’t really much of a champagne person. He’d prefer something stronger. He felt far too sober for someone who had had so much to drink not that long ago.
“You don’t like it. What do you want?” He set down his glass and jumped up, running over to the bar.
“Are you going to bartend?” Namjoon turned to look at him as he started pulling out various bottles of drinks. It was quite amusing to see.
“Yes. I’ll make you a Jimin Special.” Namjoon went over and stood on the other side of the small bar.
“Well, this I have to try.” It turned out to be a crazy concoction of Makgeolli, blueberry Vinegar, Sikhye, and an energy drink. It was a hazy bluish color. When he was done, Jimin pushed one over to Namjoon with pride. Namjoon wasn’t too sure about the look of this drink.
“Your drink, sir. Be sure to tip your bartender.”
“I think I’ll try it first.” He took a sip and nodded. It was actually not as bad as it looked. “Not bad! I may tip him after all.”
“No rush! You can start a tab.” Jimin smiled and scooted around the bar to join him, hoping up on one of the barstools. He pulled over his own drink and had a sip. When he crossed his legs, the silk slipped down, baring his smooth legs up to his thighs. Did he even have anything on underneath that…? Namjoon took another longer drink. Thank god the Jimin Special was pretty strong.
“I’ma need another of these in a minute,” he said.
“You should make me one,” Jimin suggested.
“Deal.” Namjoon started to change the topic, to ask Jimin something about himself, but Jimin interrupted his thoughts.
“It’s really so nice you’re here. Tell me something about yourself.”
“Anything you want.” Jimin leaned his head on his hand, elbow on the bar as he looked at Namjoon expectantly.
“Mm...well…” What did someone say about themselves to someone so famous? Everything sounded so lame. “I’m a rapper. I don’t usually go to clubs. And I never dress like this.” Jimin smiled softly at him. It was so hard to think when he did that.
“You look good in it. I don’t go to clubs either. I want to hear you rap.” Namjoon laughed right away.
“No. No way. I can’t rap in front of you.” Jimin looked offended.
“Why not?”
“Because you’re Park Jimin! You did a song with Drake!” Those pink lips go into a pout. Oh no. He was going to give in, wasn’t he? Now the nightmare would begin. “You might not like it.”
“I will! If I don’t, I’ll pretend I do and you’ll never know.”
“That is not reassuring.”
“Please?” Jimin’s voice got a hint of a whine in it and reached out and squeezed Namjoon’s thigh for emphasis. Namjoon could see he was used to getting what he wanted, and with good reason.
“...I’ll play you something off my mixtape.” That seemed to appease him. He beamed at him happily. Namjoon reached for his phone...which he didn’t have. He cursed. “They took my phone.”
“I could…” text it to you? Email? Let you hear it next time? None of those things were going to happen.
“It’s okay! But I hope I can hear you rap sometime soon.” Namjoon sucked on his drink.
“Hey, uhm...can I ask you something?” he said. Why not make an awkward situation even more awkward? Jimin nodded, also drinking. “Why’d you pick...me?” Jimin made a face at the question. “Come on, there were way hotter guys there and better dancers too. Why me?”
“I picked you because I liked you.”
“How’d you know you’d like me?”
“I knew.” He hit the bar with his hand. “Make me a drink!” Namjoon could see he wasn’t going to get an answer just yet. Alright, fine. Drinks were probably a good idea. He drank down the last of his drink.
“As you wish!” Probably best not to push the Idol too far. The looming guard was a constant reminder of that. He got up and went around the bar. Damn, it really was fully stocked! He pulled out some Coke, Soju, and beer. “A Namjoon Special, coming up.” He mixed two drinks, heavy on the beer. It was not an original drink. Jimin smirked and took it.
“Is that the best you can do?” he asked.
“Hey, classics will outlive us all.” He clinked their glasses and drank half of his down. That was better. He could feel his buzz again. Jimin drank as well, his eyes on Namjoon.
“Do you get a lot of rap gigs?”
“I do alright. No stadium tours yet,” he jokes, “Mostly bars. But, you know, gotta keep chasing the dream, right?”
“Do you like being famous?” As soon as he asked it, Namjoon realized it was a tacky question. “Sorry, nevermind. Don’t answer that.” The question seemed to make Jimin self-conscious. His eyes drifted away. Namjoon beat himself up internally. Idiot.
Before Namjoon could think of what to say next to ruin things more, Jimin chugged his entire drink and then stood up.
“Let’s dance!” He went over to the music controls without waiting for an answer and changed the music to Blackpink, turning it up so loud that Namjoon was certain people could hear it three floors below them. Wow. Okay. He really shouldn’t have asked that question, he guessed. He down the rest of his drink and joined him. At least he hadn’t been kicked out, just silenced. He really didn’t think he wanted to know what an Idol temper tantrum was like.
Before he could awkwardly wonder what kind of dancing Jimin had in mind, Jimin let it be known. He grabbed Namjoon and pulled him close against him. One of Jimin’s hands went right to Namjoon’s ass as he grinded against him. He knew what was expected of him now, and honestly, he was perfectly willing to try to give that to him, if he could manage not to mess it all up completely first. He danced with him, a hand on his lower back again. Did Jimin roll his eyes at him? He wasn’t quite certain. But then Jimin was pushing Namjoon’s jacket off of his shoulders and onto the floor. He felt a little self-conscious again without it, but Jimin didn’t give him time to dwell on it. He sang along with the girl’s song, his voice blending perfectly with theirs as he pulled him towards the giant windows by his belt. He didn’t have long to wonder what he was up to, before Jimin was undoing his belt as he sang and gyrated to the music. He gave Namjoon a naughty smile as he unbuttoned and unzipped him. Namjoon tried to remember to move to the song, but was soon frozen as the small hand reached into his pants. The guard behind him! The windows in front! He gulped. Jimin let his robe fall off one shoulder coyly and he sunk to his knees. He certainly had nothing on under the top half of the robe, but Namjoon still was uncertain about the bottom half.
Before he knew it, his pants were being tugged to the ground and the Idol was rubbing him through his boxer briefs. His heart was racing and his breathing sped up. This was actually going to happen. He was going to—No, he had to stop thinking of Jimin as some Idol. He was just a guy, on his knees before him, looking up at him, probably wanting the exact same thing he did. He consciously softened his expression and gave him a grin. Jimin grinned back and Namjoon felt something click.
And then his cock was out and this tongue licked up his shaft and he thought his legs would give out. Jimin held the base steady with his hand as his tongue worked around it, teasing him. He avoided the head until Namjoon was as hard as a rock, which drove him crazy. Then a condom appeared out of the pocket of Jimin’s robe and he rolled it on him. Namjoon was almost grateful for it. He didn’t think he could last long without it. Jimin’s mouth taking in his cock was the most erotic thing he had ever seen. He would be seeing those lips in his dreams for the rest of his life, he thought. When he began sucking, it was almost too much to take. Namjoon reached out and steadied himself with a palm against the window. He could see the whole city before them on the other side of the glass but none of them knew what was happening right above them.
“Ah, Jimin, I’m going to...I’m gonna…” He looked back down at him and with a groan he couldn’t hold himself back any longer. It was embarrassing, but Jimin didn’t seem to mind. A few tissues later, the mess was cleaned up. Jimin stood and went to the music controls. He changed it to something softer and looked at Namjoon over his exposed shoulder. “That was...wow,” Namjoon said.
“I know.” Jimin motioned with his finger and walked to the bedroom, not waiting for Namjoon. Unsure what to do with his clothes, he left his pants and tucked himself back in his underwear and followed. The room was similar in style to the living room but much smaller. It also had a wall of windows and there was a lavish bathroom attached. Jimin was on the bed sitting up on his knees, which were spread apart.
Namjoon’s nerves started to show again. Now it was his turn to reciprocate. Normally he wouldn’t be phased by that, but he felt pressure to live up to this gorgeous person who was obviously skilled in this area as well.
Jimin offered the belt of his robe to Namjoon, who took it, uncertain. “Pull,” Jimin told him, so he did, untying the robe. Jimin let it fall off of his other shoulder and onto the bed. Underneath he had on pink lace underwear that hardly concealed or held his growing erection. Namjoon’s heart was pounding in his chest. Jimin turned and crawled away from him on the bed. His ass was small, round, and tight. Namjoon felt his throat go dry. Jimin looked back at him over his shoulder seductively, as if Namjoon needed any further seducing...Still, he was uncertain.
“Tell me what you want,” he said to Jimin. Jimin smiled.
“I just want to feel good,” he replied, turning and laying on his back, propped up on his elbows, waiting. Okay, thought Namjoon, he could do that.
He removed his ridiculous shirt (God, he was going to have to leave wearing that, wasn’t he? Horrifying.) and crawled over to Jimin, hovering over him. Jimin looked up at him expectantly. Namjoon lowered his head and kissed him on the neck. Jimin tilted his head back, accommodating. Namjoon kissed him, taking his time, going lower and lower. He moved down to his clavicle, his chest, took a moment to pay attention to both small, dark nipples, and worked his way down his toned stomach. When he reached his groin, he continued his kisses over Jimin’s underwear, mouthing over him, kissing and tounging him down his shaft to his balls and back up. Jimin began to squirm under him and made a pleasurable moan. Encouraged, Namjoon licked over the head that peaked out of the lace and Jimin’s hips pushed up, encouraging him. He pulled down the lace with a finger and licked him more. He could hear Jimin’s breathing quicken as his tongue moved over him. Then Jimin’s hand was in his hair.
“Come here,” He beckoned before he finished and pulled Namjoon back over him. He brought their mouths together and kissed him deeply, invading Namjoon’s mouth with his greedy tongue. Jimin’s hand went down between them and palmed Namjoon. He whispered, “Get hard for me again.” It was not a difficult request. Jimin hooked a leg around Namjoon’s hip, pulling their bodies flush against each other and they kissed until Namjoon was ready again. Jimin pointed to the nightstand, where more condoms and a bottle of lube was waiting. Namjoon licked his lips in anticipation and made eye contact with Jimin. This was really happening? Jimin smiled.
“Hurry.” He didn’t need more encouragement. Namjoon climbed off of him and discarded his own underwear and got the condom on. He brought over the lubricant to Jimin who made no move to remove his own lace. He spread his legs, knees raised. “Leave them on,” he told Namjoon. Namjoon put some lube on his fingers. When he looked closer, he saw the panties had a slit for just such an occasion. Nervous as all hell, he rubbed a slick finger over Jimin’s hole and slid it in easily. Jimin watched him, a little amused. He moved his hips with him in encouragement. Namjoon worked in a second finger and hoped he was doing everything alright. Jimin rocked his hips against the fingers, pushing them in deeper, moaning a little for fun, fucking Namjoon’s fingers. God, it was insanely sexy, Namjoon thought. Jimin pulled back, Namjoon’s fingers sliding out. He licked his lips.
“Let’s go,” he said. Namjoon rubbed lube over his hard shaft, so nervous he nearly dropped the bottle in the process, and then lined himself up. He had to take a deep breath and let it out first, but then he pushed himself in. There was resistance at first, but not much. He leaned over Jimin, hands on the bed on either side of him, in to the hilt. It felt so good, so tight. Jimin tossed his head back and also took a deep breath and let it out. Then he looked up at Namjoon and pulled him down for a kiss with a hand on his neck.
“Start moving before I die,” He told him and Namjoon complied, pulling out halfway and back in again slowly. He could feel the lace rubbing against his cock. Jimin made the most beautiful little noises against his lips. “Faster,” Jimin insisted. Namjoon moved a hand to Jimin’s hip to hold him in place and started pumping faster, going deeper with each thrust. Jimin arched his back and wrapped a leg around Namjoon’s back. His small hands raked across Namjoon’s shoulders. “Harder!” Namjoon adjusted his position and began to fuck him in earnest, slapping against him until Jimin melted under him, eyes shut, mouth open, clinging to Namjoon desperately.
Before Namjoon could finish a second time, though, he stopped him, his voice breathless. “Window!” He said. “Pick me up!” Namjoon thought he understood. He pulled out carefully then pulled Jimin to the edge of the bed. Jimin wrapped both legs around him and his arms around his neck and Namjoon picked him up. He took him to the window, pressing Jimin’s back to it. Namjoon didn’t usually engage in such unusual positions, but he would have done absolutely anything Jimin requested at that moment just to be able to keep fucking him. He got himself lined up again and used Jimin’s own weight to enter him again. Jimin clung to him tightly, bouncing on Namjoon’s cock as he pressed back against the glass. He dug his nails into Namjoon’s shoulders. Namjoon did his best to go as hard as he could though the position was a little strenuous for him. Jimin seemed to love it. He gasped and bounced until he’d had enough.
“Ah! Namjoon!” Jimin whined. “Let me down!” He set him down. Jimin went quickly to the plush chair and leaned over the arm. “Go, go!” he insisted. Namjoon thrust right back into him from behind and slapped against him, holding his hips, faster and harder, as Jimin gripped the chair for his life, coming on it while he was pounded into. Not long after that Namjoon climaxed as well. He slowed and stayed inside Jimin as he caught his breath, sweat beaded over his brow and chest. Jimin collapsed over the chair, catching his breath as well. Carefully Namjoon pulled himself out and discarded the condom. He brought over the tissues for Jimin, who didn’t seem much interested in moving, so he cleaned him himself. Jimin looked at him over his shoulder and grinned. He held out his hand for Namjoon to help him up, which he did. Jimin pressed up against him and gave him a long, softer kiss, then patted his cheek. He walked past him to the bathroom.
Namjoon sat on the edge of the bed, looking out the window. He wiped a hand over his forehead, head swimming. Goddamn, that had been something else. A few minutes later, the bed moved and then two hands slid down his chest from behind. He turned his head and smiled. Jimin kissed his cheek then pulled back again. He tugged the covers of the bed down and climbed under them. He reached out for Namjoon to join him. As soon as Namjoon was under them as well, Jimin was wrapped around him, his head on Namjoon’s chest. Namjoon was surprised to notice that Jimin was fully naked now. His skin felt so good against his own.
“That was...incredible,” Namjoon said. Jimin hummed. “Thank you for...inviting me.” He didn’t get a response to that. “Will you tell me now?” Jimin hummed again with a question mark this time. “Why’d you pick me?” There was a little pause before he answered.
“I could tell you were nice,” Jimin said, eyes closed.
“How could you tell?” Namjoon asked.
“Mm...I saw you in the DJ booth. Was that your boyfriend?”
“Just a friend. Don’t change the subject. How’d you know I wasn’t an asshole?” Jimin’s fingers played over Namjoon’s chest lightly.
“You looked nervous up there. It was cute. You were respectful when you danced. Not aggressive. I don’t like aggressive guys.” Namjoon could guess why. Jimin was the aggressive one, he thought. Jimin opened his eyes and looked up at him. “I have a good radar for these things. And you could move so I knew you’d be good in bed. And you were so sexy. It was easy to choose.”
“What if I’d have said no?” Namjoon teased. Jimin reached up and booped his nose.
“No one says no.”
“I might have.”
“Then I’d have been sad and lonely tonight. Is that what you’d have wanted? Why are you so cruel?” Namjoon grinned down at him.
“No way. I’m too nice for that.”
“Exactly.” Jimin closed his eyes and relaxed again. Namjoon wanted to say more, a lot more, but he held back. He’d just end up saying the wrong thing again.
“Just...let me know when you want me to go,” he said.
“Not yet...” Jimin said. Then he opened his eyes again. “Are you hungry? We can get some food.”
“Sure.” Jimin sat up and pulled his phone from the bedside table and sent a text.
“Hobi will order us something.” He set his phone aside and settled back against Namjoon.
“You always stay in rooms like this?” Namjoon asked. Jimin chuckled. “What?”
“This isn’t my room,” Jimin confessed.
“My room is on the third floor with the rest of my team. This was just for...tonight. For fun. I have a regular room like everyone else.” Namjoon looked at him in disbelief.
“You’re kidding.”
“These big rooms are too much for me. They always feel so empty. I don’t like them alone.”
“Hm. That makes sense.” They’re quiet for a moment and then Namjoon asks, “How long are you in town for…?” Jimin didn’t answer right away. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked that.
“A couple of days. For interviews.”
“Nice. Where to next?”
“Uhm...Tokyo, I think?”
“That’s cool. Do you like it? Traveling?”
“Sometimes.” Namjoon found it so difficult to know what to talk about, but he desperately wanted Jimin to trust him, let down his guard, and just let them get to know each other like regular people. He wanted to take him on a date, actually, though he could see that was impossible. Chances were once he left he would never see Jimin in person again. It was a really shitty thought.
“I want to travel more. When I can afford it. I think I’d like touring,” Namjoon said.
“Just make sure you take good people with you.”
“Seems like Hoseok is a good friend.”
“He is. I think I rely on him too much.” That was the first personal thing Jimin had said to him. Namjoon smiled to himself.
“He seemed alright with it.” Jimin didn’t have anything to say to that.
Not long later they could hear the guard letting someone in. The room service had arrived. Namjoon got up and put his boxer briefs back on and went and got the rolling cart and brought it back to the bedroom. He was surprised how quickly he got used to having someone else so nearby. The guy really did kind of disappear in the background. They sat up in bed and ate a variety of foods that Hoseok ordered for them and chatted. Namjoon noticed Jimin didn’t each much himself. He just nibbled mostly. It made him a little sad. They also had some tea and water. Hoseok had been right. He needed the hydration.
After, Jimin asked, “Do you want to shower with me?” How could Namjoon say no?
It was a large shower with a light up waterfall shower head above their heads. The water felt so relaxing on Namjoon’s body after their exertion. He thought he could fall asleep right there. They cleaned each other, laughing when it tickled. Namjoon thought this was his favorite part of the evening. He really wished he had a clean change of clothing once they were done, however, but he had no such luck.
As he toweled off, he watched Jimin remove his colored contacts and put lotion on his face and neck.
“You look really good like that,” Namjoon said.
“Like what?”
“Like...yourself. Natural.” Jimin looked at him and smiled, but it was clear he didn’t believe him.
“My skin looks so blotchy!” Namjoon went over to him and put his arms around him from behind, looking at him in the mirror.
“Naw, it looks perfect.”
“Hm.” Jimin put on some eye cream and lip gloss before he was finished. Then he looked back at Namjoon through the mirror. “You can stay a while, if you want. Take a nap…” Namjoon chuckled.
“Isn’t it like 4am by now?”
“Aren’t you tired?”
“Well, then.”
Namjoon joined him in bed again and slept for a couple of hours with Jimin’s head on his chest. He found he was indeed exhausted and fell asleep easily. Jimin woke him around 6am and he got dressed, still half asleep.
He didn’t ask if he would see him again as they kissed goodbye at the hotel room door. What would be the point? He didn’t thank him again for the evening either. He simply gave him a smile as the elevator doors closed and tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach as the beautiful boy disappeared from his sight.
He nearly forgot his phone once he was in the lobby. He zipped his jacket all the way up and awkwardly went to the front desk where indeed his phone was waiting for him. He had several messages from Yoongi wondering where he was. Would Yoongi even believe him when he told him?
And then he saw one other message from an unknown number. Namjoon smiled to himself.
It read: don’t forget to send me your mixtape :)
Chapter 3: The Photographer (or The Third Wheel)
“You signed a contract in order to have sex with some guy? Are you insane?!”
“Okay, but he was really hot.”
“I can’t believe you did that. I’m so ashamed.”
“He gave me his number.”
“Booty Call number.”
“We’ve been texting! I thought you’d be proud of me for going outside my comfort zone. Taking a risk.”
“This isn’t what I had in mind.”
“He listened to my mixtape. He said he liked it.”
“And, what, now he’s putting you on his next album? Come on!”
“Did I mention how hot he was?”
Yoongi shook his head in disbelief as he tried to work at his computer on a song. It was no use. He was hopelessly distracted now.
Namjoon sat on his couch nearby, flipping through a Rolling Stone Korea magazine. Jimin was on the cover. He held up a full page photo of the Idol lounging seductively in a white suit with the shirt open to his navel for Yoongi to see.
“You wouldn’t sign a little piece of paper for this?”
Yoongi glanced at it. “Nope.” Though… if he were being honest, it might not be as bad of a deal as he was making it out to be. The guy was pretty hot.
“Whatever. It’s not like you’re ever going to see him again.”
Namjoon grinned and flipped to the next page of the magazine without replying. Yoongi looked at him again.
“What?” he asked.
“What?” Namjoon asked back, innocently.
“When?” Yoongi corrected, catching his drift.
“Not sure. Soon. Tonight or tomorrow when he’s back in town.”
“I wouldn’t hold your breath.”
As if by fate, Namjoon’s phone buzzed just then. He grabbed it and checked who it was. His face lit up and he hopped onto his knees.
Yoongi’s attention snapped back to him.
Namjoon showed him the screen. It was Jimin calling.
“No way!” Yoongi said, then added, “Put it on speaker.”
“Hey, what’s up?” Namjoon answered the phone casually, putting it on speaker for Yoongi, but holding a finger up to his mouth, telling him to stay quiet. Yoongi leaned in to listen.
“Hey Joonie!” Jimin’s voice said. Yoongie mouthed “Joonie!” and his eyes nearly rolled out of his head. Namjoon shoved his shoulder.
“Hey Jimin, good to hear from you! How’er you doing?”
“Good! We just landed. Heading to the hotel. You wanna come over tonight? Are you busy?” Namjoon thought he could hear someone talking to Jimin in the background. Was someone listening in on his end as well?
“Yeah, I can do that. Where are you staying?”
“The Lotte. Around ten. I’ll leave a key for you at the desk.” Jimin’s voice was muffled for a moment as he spoke to someone else. “Okay, can’t wait to see you! Bye, Joon!” he said, in a rush and hung up.
“Okay, bye.” Namjoon hung up the call and looked up at Yoongi. “BAM! How about that?” Yoongi refused to be impressed.
“Congratulations. You’re a booty call. I told you.”
“Better than a one night stand. Jealous? You want to come along? Meet a real star?”
“I’m good. No one likes a third wheel.”
“Jiminie! What are you doing?”
“I want to see him again.”
“You’re already seeing someone tonight, remember?”
“I know. I think they’ll get along.” Hoseok gave Jimin his version of a stern look, his lips puckered. They sat in the backseat of an SUV on their way to the hotel. “I want to see him and I don’t have any other nights free. It’ll be fun!” Jimin leaned on his shoulder. “Do you want to come too? There’s always room for more!”
“Tempting, tempting, but no, I have my own plans. I have a life too, you know!”
“You do? How dare you!” Hoseok ran his hands through Jimin’s hair, which was currently a pink color. His voice changed to a more somber tone.
“That guy seemed really nice. Just be careful with him, alright?”
“I’ll make sure he has a good time. Don’t worry.”
This time when Namjoon approaches Jimin’s hotel room, he’s properly dressed. He bought some new clothes for the occasion, but he didn’t plan to mention that to anyone--especially Yoongi. He wore jeans with a black t-shirt and a black leather biker jacket. Casual and cool, he thought, though he felt nearly as nervous as he had the first time he met up with Jimin. At least he knew what to expect now and he’d been allowed to keep his phone.
Jimin’s room wasn’t on the top floor this time, though it was a suite. He supposed Jimin didn’t feel the need to impress him as much now. That seemed like a good sign. Though in all honesty, he hadn’t needed to be the first time either. Jimin was impressive enough on his own. The guard outside the door let him in and once inside the room, he didn’t see the second one, which was a relief.
As soon as he stepped inside, he heard Jimin yell his name. He immediately ran up and jumped into Namjoon’s arms, legs wrapping around him. Namjoon caught him and laughed. He hadn’t expected that.
“Well, hey,” he said, nerves fading quickly. Jimin smiled, kissed him, and then hoped back down. He was wearing an oversized hoodie and jeans and somehow still made it look sexy as hell. He took Namjoon by the hand and brought him into the living room. Namjoon kicked off his shoes as they went.
“I want you to meet someone,” Jimin said eagerly. That’s when Namjoon realized they weren’t alone after all. Sitting back in a plush chair was another man. He had wavy black hair that fell over his face right above his eyes. He had his elbow on the arm of the chair and one finger touching his lips. He had the most sultry expression Namjoon had ever seen. His nerves returned in force. “This is Vante. He’s a photographer. He did my Rolling Stone spread. Did you see it?”
“Yeah, I’ve seen it. Hi. I’m Namjoon,” he said, trying to be as civil as possible and hide any disappointment. It didn’t make him feel any better to see that Vante didn’t seem any happier to see Namjoon than he was to see him.
“Hey,” Vante said, not moving, eyes narrow and appraising. Jimin didn’t seem to notice the tension or if he did, he ignored it. He clung to Namjoon’s arm.
“The photos are great,” Namjoon added.
“Joon is a fantastic rapper,” Jimin said.
“So you said,” replied Vante. When neither of them said more, Jimin went to the bar and pulled out as many bottles of Soju as he could carry and brought them over.
“Anyone want a drink?” He passed a bottle to everyone and then set out little cups. Namjoon sat on the couch and opened his bottle. He used a cup for his drink but Vante drank straight from the bottle. Jimin started with a cup but it wasn’t long before he drank from the bottle as well. It was going to be that sort of night, was it?
“Vante’s visiting from L.A.” Jimin told Namjoon as he cuddled up beside him on the couch.
“Oh cool.”
“Yeah. So cool.” Vante agreed as he took a sip, though Namjoon didn’t think he meant it. Why was this guy here? He’d expected some alone time and instead he had to deal with this blank faced guy who seemed like he wanted nothing more than for Namjoon to crawl into a hole and die. Was Jimin trying to make him jealous? If he was, he really didn’t need to work so hard at it. Namjoon already felt completely inadequate, he didn’t need some hotshot L.A. photographer to top it off.
Still, it was nice to see Jimin and he liked how he was sitting beside him and how he kept touching and rubbing on his thigh. Vante’s eyes went to Jimin’s hand and then looked away pointedly as he drank. Namjoon turned his attention to Jimin.
“It’s really nice to see you again.” He bit his tongue to keep from adding, I wasn’t sure I ever would. “You look really good.” Jimim managed to both look like he rejected the compliment and loved it.
“I just got back in town. What have you been up to? Tell me everything.”
He caught Jimin up on his activities, but kept it brief. After all, what could he have to say that would really interest a pop idol and a famous photographer? He asked Jimin the same question and got a short recap of his touring. He looked tired, Namjoon thought. Tired and trying to hide it.
“How about you? Why are you in town?” Namjoon asked Vante, trying to be civil. He had nothing against this guy. Maybe he was feeling awkward too.
“Just visiting on my way to Beijing for work.”
“Oh. Nice. Staying long?”
“No,” Vante said as he took a drink, both eyebrows going up for emphasis. And suddenly Namjoon felt like the third wheel. Should he really be here? He turned back to Jimin for guidance but Jimin just smiled.
“I’ll put on some music!” he said. He turned on some music and sat back by Namjoon. But Namjoon couldn’t get past his awkward feeling.
He asked Jimin quietly, “Maybe I should go? See you another time?”
Jimin whined immediately. “No! I want you to stay! Please stay.” He clung to his arm again and threw a look at Vante, who pursed his lips. Namjoon wished he understood the silent communication going on between them. Whatever it was, it had an effect on Vante. His expression softened and he tilted his head, looking at Namjoon.
“Stay,” he said, and ever so briefly his tongue appeared between his lips. “It’ll be fun.” Would it?
He stayed.
They were getting low on Soju so Jimin ordered more and some beer. All inhibitions and awkwardness from before had flown from Namjoon’s mind as it was filled instead with alcohol. They talked, they laughed, and actually got along.
Vante, it turned out, had a hundred outrageous stories about Hollywood celebrities that he freely shared. Namjoon silently wondered how many of them the attractive photographer had slept with. He was certain by now Jimin was one of them. There was a charm about Vante that was hard to place. Behind the distant exterior, he was quite hilarious and behind that, he was incredibly sultry, like an old Hollywood starlet from the 40’s. Namjoon found he was enjoying the stories and enjoying himself and he was definitely enjoying Jimin lounging all over him as they talked. The drinks weren’t bad either. Namjoon even freestyle rapped for them about Jimin and had him practically rolling on the floor.
“I want to dance!” Jimin pushed the coffee table covered in empty bottles aside and started to dance to the music between the two of them. He was mesmerizing to watch. Namjoon literally found himself slack jawed watching. A particularly sexy song started and Jimin grabbed Namjoon’s hand, pulling him up. “Dance with me, Joonie,” he demanded. He didn’t hesitate, dancing up on him like they had at the club. He knew he was grinning like a fool, but it didn’t matter. Jimin’s hands were on him and he was bewitched.
And then there was another pair of hands on him, coming from behind. Before he could react, Jimin pulled him down for a kiss. As Jimin’s tongue connected with his own, he felt Vante’s hands move over his hips and up his chest. Suddenly his heart was thumping loudly in his chest. He was glad for the haze in his brain. He would certainly overthink this otherwise. He didn’t stop it. He kissed Jimin back and ran his hands over his pert ass. He wasn’t quite sure how the physics of three worked, but they seemed confident, so he guessed he’d find out.
Events began to blur. They were kissing and touching, someone’s erection was rubbing against his thigh, or maybe more than one. He felt a straining in his own pants. Someone was rubbing him there. Someone else was untucking his shirt. He locked eyes with Vante for a moment. Vante grinned at him lopsidedly and licked his lips. That tongue didn’t seem to like to stay in his mouth and Namjoon was starting to wonder what else it could do.
Jimin dragged Namjoon to the bedroom. Vante followed. Jimin climbed on the bed as Namjoon stood at the foot of it. Jimin unbuckled Namjoon’s belt, undid his pants, and pushed them down while grinning up at him. He had a naughty glint in his eyes. As he laid on his back on the bed, his head towards Namjoon, he heard Vante tisk.
“Take off the hoodie first,” he said as he lounged across the other end of the bed, now shirtless and watching. Namjoon’s eyes strayed over his figure. He was lightly toned and slim. Jimin obeyed, tossing aside the hoodie. Namjoon was a little surprised. He thought Jimin was the one in charge during sex. Now he wasn’t so sure.
Jimin laid back down on his back and let his head fall off the edge of the mattress. He reached over and guided Namjoon’s waiting cock to his mouth, licking over the head while upside down. Namjoon took in a breath and looked over at Vante who was watching. Vante twerked a brow at him, a little smile on his lips. Namjoon turned his attention back to Jimin who wet his cock with his tongue before taking it into his mouth. There was something so erotic about watching his member disappear into Jimin’s throat as his throat was exposed like this. He thrust gently into him with Jimin’s encouragement.
Preoccupied as he was, he didn’t notice at first when Vante moved. He slid Jimin’s pants off of him, leaving him naked, his dick hard and waiting. There was something else too, he had something around his...Oh. A cock ring. Vante had Namjoon’s attention now as he started licking over Jimin’s erection. Jimin moaned around Namjoon’s dick, which vibrates through him. He found his heart was starting to pound harder in his chest. Shit, this was hot.
Vante lifted his ass up off the bed to bring the cock into his mouth. Jimin helped, feet planted on the bed as he gripped the bed with arms outstretched, and sucked Namjoon harder, deeper into his throat. Vante pulled him out of his mouth and moved his head lower, licking over the trapped balls and then lower still.
“Oh, Jiminie, what’s this?” he said, sounding like he was anything but surprised. “Did you prepare yourself for us? That’s so thoughtful.” He paused and there was a small pop! noise and then he set aside a moderately sized anal plug. Jimin groaned. Namjoon’s legs started to get weak. “Mm. So moist for us already. What a good boy you are.” Vante bent back down and showed his appreciation with his tongue, parting Jimin’s cheeks with his hands. Jimin squirmed and choked but kept Namjoon’s cock deep in his throat. Namjoon thought he would come at any moment.
Vante wasn’t done, however. He sat up and pulled out his own cock. Holding Jimin’s hips up off the bed, he lined himself up and plunged his cock into him in one firm thrust, all the way to the hilt. Jimin cried out against Namjoon’s dick and Namjoon grunted. Yes, he wouldn’t last much longer at all like this. Vante pulled all the way out slowly, so slowly, and then popped back in hard.
“Good boy, good boy,” he said in his surprisingly deep voice. “Suck on that cock. Take it all. You’re doing so good.” He did it again, pulling out and thrusting back in. Jimin was squirming and moaning and sucking and Namjoon couldn’t stand it anymore. He jerked forward and came in Jimin’s mouth, immediately pulling out as he choked.
“Oh god, sorry! Sorry!” He stammered. Jimin started to laugh as he wiped his mouth with one hand but Vante cut him off by choosing then to start pounding into him in earnest. Jimin gripped the bed again, crying out in time with the thrusts. Vante stopped abruptly, though, before either of them came, and pulled out.
“Get him some water,” he said to Namjoon, who immediately scrambled for a glass in the bathroom and brought it to him. Jimin sat up and washed out his mouth. He grinned at Namjoon and thanked him. Then Vante was gently wiping Jimin’s face clean of any residual mess with a tissue. Namjoon was surprised by the tenderness there. Vante kissed Jimin’s temple. They were making eye contact, seeming to speak without words again, and they both seemed satisfied with the conclusion of the conversation, whatever it was. Vante turned to Namjoon.
“Come on, Joonie. Time to lie down,” he said. Was Namjoon taking orders from Vante as well now? It seemed so because he laid down with his head on the pillows, grateful for it as his legs were jelly. “Can he do it again?” Vante asked Jimin. Jimin nodded, looking pleased. “Good.” Vante addressed Namjoon. “Jimin isn’t satisfied yet. He’s going to need you to get that fat cock hard again. Okay?” He turned back to Jimin. “What can we do to help him with that, hm?”
Jimin put a finger to his lips, thinking. “Hm...he seemed to like watching.”
“Good idea. Okay. On your hands and knees.” Jimin did as asked, in front of Namjoon. Vante spread Jimin’s legs a little further apart and then pulled apart his ass cheeks. Making sure Namjoon had a clear view, he licked Jimin’s hole, running his tongue over the opening, and then pressing it inside and fucking him with it. Jimin made lovely noises and sunk down to his elbows, arching his back. Fuck, thought Namjoon. These two were really something… He started stroking his own cock as he watched them. Yeah, this would do the trick.
Jimin moaned and whined. “V, I want to come now!” Vante paused his work long enough to reply.
“Not yet, baby. Wait.” Jimin groaned and wiggled in protest. “You can go a little longer. I want to see you sit on Joonie’s cock first.” Jimin swung his head towards Namjoon and looked at him with focused intent.
“Okay. He’s almost ready. Help me out.” Jimin said. He crawled up Namjoon’s body and kissed his way back down it, starting with his neck. He took a moment to pay special attention to Namjoon’s chest and nipples on his way before making his way to his hardening cock. He brought his tongue out again, licking over his shaft. Vante joined him and they both licked him all over his cock and balls until he was fully hard again. It was hard to stay still under the onslaught. He was still sensitive from his first ejaculation. He couldn’t take his eyes off the two of them. It felt so fucking good he could hardly stand it.
“Fuck, you guys…” Namjoon said. Vante pulled back with a chuckle.
“He’s ready.” Jimin agreed and grabbed a bottle of lubricant. He rubbed some over Namjoon’s hard cock and then straddled him, holding it in place as he sank down onto it. Namjoon couldn’t help but to moan. It was such a sight! He slid in easily but Jimin still felt deliciously tight.
“Ah! You feel so good, Joonie!” Jimin said, as he started to move, fucking himself on Namjoon’s cock.
“Faster,” Vante said, and Jimin obliged, bouncing on him. Namjoon put his hands on Jimin’s hips to try to help keep him steady. He watched his dick disappear over and over into Jimin’s tight ass. Jimin’s face looked like he was in heaven as his own cock bounced up and down with him.
Before either of them could finish, Vante’s hands wrapped around Jimin from behind and pressed up against him, slowing his movements. He turned his head and they kissed deeply, Jimin’s chest heaving. Then Vante pushed Jimin down gently towards Namjoon and they kissed as well. Namjoon wanted to start thrusting, being still while inside Jimin was a kind of torture, but before he could, he felt something pressing up against his cock. Jimin gasped against his lips but didn’t seem altogether surprised. It took Namjoon a moment to realize it was a finger, and then two. Vante was stretching Jimin further. Namjoon’s heart was racing as he felt another cock rub against his own as it entered Jimin’s tight hole. Vanted held Jimin, arms around him again, and ever so slowly moved in him. Jimin’s hands clenched on Namjoon’s shoulder, his mouth agape.
Vante whispered in his ear. “I knew you could do it, baby. Look how good you are, taking both our cocks.” Jimin whimpered but didn’t move. Namjoon didn’t dare move now. Vante was in charge. “I’m so proud of you. Here’s your prize.” Vante sucked on Jimin’s earlobe while one of his hands removed Jimin’s cockring. Jimin let out a relieved breath and then Vante started thrusting into him, slowly at first, and then faster. For Namjoon, it was the strangest sensation to have Vante’s slick dick rub against his own in such a tight place. It was all he could do to hang on and be still. Jimin cried out, gripping Namjoon’s shoulder tighter. Vante stroked Jimin’s cock as he pumped into him until he came all over Namjoon’s stomach, clenching around them. Vante was next to finish. Namjoon could feel the extra slickness inside. Vante pulled out carefully but stayed holding Jimin. “A little more. Help him finish,” Vante told him. Jimin moved more slowly now, looking spent, as Namjoon thrust a few more times and came as well.
“Oh my god...oh my god…” was all Namjoon could say as Jimin climbed off of him and collapsed onto his back on the bed. Jimin immediately started giggling. He pointed at Vante.
“I didn’t know you were going to do that!” he said. Vante grinned at him.
“You liked it, though.”
“Hm,” was all Jimin said back, but he was smiling like it was true. Vante went and got damp warm towels for them each to clean themselves off with.
“Is this like, something you two do regularly?” Namjoon asked as he wiped himself off. He still couldn’t quite believe all that had happened.
“No,” Jimin said. “We don’t get the chance. But we can if you want.” He gave Namjoon a little wink. Vante grinned to himself.
“I don’t know if I can keep up,” said Namjoon.
“You did great.” Jimin rolled over to him and gave him a kiss. Then he stayed, laying his head on Namjoon’s shoulder. He whined. “I’m too tired to shower!”
“My head is swimming,” Namjoon said, an arm around Jimin. Vante pulled the blankets down and helped them all get under them.
“Later,” Vante said as he got in bed beside Jimin.
“I’m going to be sore tomorrow because of you,” Jimin said in a sleepy voice.
“I’ll take care of you,” Vante promised. That seemed to satisfy him as he hummed happily against Namjoon’s chest. Vante’s arms went around Jimin from behind and they all closed their eyes.
They did shower together in the morning and Jimin got an appreciatory blowjob from Vante while they did. After, they had breakfast with plenty of aspirin and water. Then the time came for Namjoon to leave. He paused at the door, dressed and ready, unsure about what he should say.
“...Can I see you again?” he asked Jimin, who was dressed in one of the hotel’s fluffy robes. Jimin smiled at him and nodded and reached up and gave him a kiss.
From off to the side Vante said, “Have you ever been to L.A.?” Namjoon had not, but he thought he might enjoy a visit.
17 notes · View notes
loverspersonas · 4 years
the most beautiful moment in life | part vii
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pairing: ot7? x reader
genre: hyyh au, high school au, angst, drama, fluff, smut?
length: 5k
summary: Eight strangers with different stories happen to meet one day, by fate or some kind of cruel, exquisite happenstance, and realize that they’re not as different as they thought.
↳series masterlist
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“So it was under this character?”
“Yes,” you answered.
“And it was in English?”
“Yes,” Seokjin said.
“Spelt exactly like this?”
“Yes, Taehyung, okay?” you exclaimed, exasperated. “We covered this already. We were under the bridge by the river and we saw it on the graffiti wall.”
The next day at school, the eight of you met in the library after you and Seokjin had called in a meeting. The way you spoke about it made it sound like you were some sort of breakfast club. You had met in detention, after all. Maybe you could even form a band like they did in the movies.
Taehyung gave a noncommittal shrug. “Just making sure we don’t miss anything.”
“In case you’ve forgotten,” the librarian appeared in front of your table, shooting a scalding look between all of you. “This is a library, and we don’t tolerate noise here.”
“Would you look at that,” Yoongi said dryly without looking at her. “Must’ve slipped our mind.”
He didn’t bother hiding any irritation in his voice, so the librarian opened her mouth to retort until Namjoon started with a polite smile, “We’re sorry. We’ll keep it down.”
That seemed to be reassuring enough for her, because she walked away. Leave it to Namjoon to pacify any of the teachers.
“Isn’t it kind of weird that we didn’t notice it before?” Jimin asked in a lower voice.
“We were a little distracted,” Namjoon said. “And it was dark.”
“What if it wasn’t there before?” Hoseok asked.
Jungkook frowned. “Meaning what? Someone wrote it afterwards?”
Yoongi rolled his eyes. “No, it magically appeared there overnight, Jungkook. Yes, someone put it there.”
There was something you didn’t like about his tone. Something about his mood had been off all morning. He could’ve been sarcastic to anyone else, but to you, Jungkook was a little different. You felt almost defensive about him. “You know, that attitude isn’t very helpful,” you spoke pointedly.
Yoongi’s expression was as dry as sand as he looked at you. ”Sorry, did I hurt your feelings, princess?”
It was clear since your first conversation that the two of you would have a kind of relationship where teasing and picking at each other would become a norm. But you hadn’t realized before that he would have these major mood swings. You glanced at him in slight disbelief.  “I told you not to call me that.”
“And I told you I don’t care—“
“Guys, really?” Namjoon said, looking between you. “Can we get through a conversation without you two biting each other’s heads off?”
“If one of us stops acting like an ass,” you muttered under your breath.
“Or if one of us stops being such an entitled princess,” Yoongi retorted, apparently having heard your comment.
“Yoongi,” Hoseok said, his eyes holding something like a warning.
The older boy let out a sigh and grumbled, “Fine.”
“Back to the main point,” Jimin spoke slowly, like he was making sure you and Yoongi were finished. “Smeraldo. We’re assuming it’s an artist. But none of us have ever heard of him?”
“Or her,” you corrected.
He nodded at you. “Right. Or her.”
“It could be a small artist,” Taehyung said. He was rolling a coin around the table, not so concerned about the noise it was making. “You know, like a local thing. They don’t have much of an online presence normally.”
“Explains why I couldn’t find anything on google,” Namjoon added.
“Then how do we find them?” Jungkook asked.
“The old fashioned way. Look through books, magazines, shops or galleries. Maybe even more graffiti locations.”
Taehyung gave a small sigh. “I forgot how difficult life was before the internet.”
You shot him an amused glance, to which he gave you a sarcastic boxy smile. “Ever the dramatic, Tae.”
“How did the painting end up here?” Seokjin asked. “At Sky Academy of all places.”
There was a small gap as most of you pondered over it. Then Hoseok asked, “As in, what if somehow the academy is connected to the artist?”
You gazed around the table for a bit, watching your own expression being mirrored. Seokjin had a good point. What if Smeraldo was associated with the academy? It could make sense since all kinds of people and places endorsed the brand that was Sky. Did that mean that it was just a coincidence you had come across that painting? Or had it been left there intentionally?
You broke out of your thoughts as Yoongi shifted in his chair, grabbing his things as he got up. “Well, you guys have fun with your little research project.”
“Where are you going?” Jimin asked.
“History.” His eyes flicked in your direction. “Which I currently have a 90 average on, to all those who doubted me.”
You held back a scoff, shooting him a fake smile. “Who did you have to pay to change your grade?”
He looked like he wanted to make a retort equally snarky, but settled with mimicking your fake smile, though his was much colder. 
Taehyung watched him leave before looking back at the rest of you. “I can really feel the love here.”
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It had been a while since you last found yourself on the rooftop of the academy’s main building. Students weren’t typically allowed access to it, except for the gardening club who had done a very nice job of decorating the place with green and shades of purples and pinks and yellows. You loved breathing in the air from up here, where the floral scent fused with the breeze. It was also quiet, and so ideal for when you wanted to think or be on your own. 
Which seemed to be often these days.
The voice startled you a little, but your shoulders sunk in relief when it was just Jungkook walking towards you. 
“How’d you know where to find me?” you asked.
“I saw you leave,” he said, sitting down next to the ledge you were occupying. “Not very stealthily, might I add.”
You were downstairs with him and a few of the others and were about to go to the cafeteria for lunch, when you found yourself abruptly wanting to come up here instead. You rolled your eyes slightly. “I’ll work on it. We seem to have thing for rooftops, huh.”
He looked around the vast space, at the plants and the glass ceiling cover with a newfound amazement. “I didn’t know we could come up here.”
You couldn’t help but find his innocent fascination a little amusing, but refreshing too. “Me either. Not until last year when Min-hyuk—“ Now, you remembered why you’d also been avoiding the roof. “We stumbled upon it trying to outrun the football team.”
Jungkook noticed the break in your sentence and your mood, but didn’t comment on it. “They’re that bad, huh?” he joked.
“You have no idea.” You glanced sideways at him. “Say… how come you’re not on any sports team? You look like you could be a jock.” 
And you meant it, especially in this lighting that was doing wonders for his side profile. If he wasn’t such an introvert and recluse, he could very well fit in with the sports crowds. You don’t think you noticed it before, but Jungkook was handsome. Soft, shiny hair, a sharp nose and jawline. Not to mention, he was well on his way to being built like an athlete. 
He snorted. “I thought jocks were obnoxious and dumb.”
Your mouth formed into somewhat teasing smile. “But you’d be a nice jock.”
“An oxymoron,” he said, returning it with a laugh. He cleared his throat a little as the laugh died down. “Min-hyuk was nice, wasn’t he?”
Your demeanour lost every trace of amusement. “Everyone’s nice at first. Not everyone stays nice.”
“You did.”
At first, you didn’t say anything, didn’t know what to say. Sometimes you realized it was harder to talk about yourself, especially personal things like insecurities. Was that what Min-hyuk had meant in that one argument when he’d called you unattached and indifferent? 
“Can I ask you something?” you started. “When you were on the roof that night, if I hadn’t been there... what would you have done?” 
He turned away from you, staring into space as he thought about it. “I don’t know. I feel like if it had been any other day, it would’ve been different. But that was the day we all met. When we found that first painting. It doesn’t make sense, but something kept telling me to hold on a little longer. And then you showed up and it was almost like a sign.”
“I have been called many things,” you mused. Somewhere underneath, maybe you were even amused or flattered. “A sign is not one of them.”
“It’s hard to explain,” he ended up saying. 
“Most things are.” 
You weren’t going to push him to talk about that night anymore. It was his lowest and darkest point. But you were glad he’d found something to cling to, whether it had been the words transpired between you two on the other roof, or the ambiguous hwa yang yeon hwa. That sliver of hope was like a raft in the middle of the worst kind of ocean. Staying afloat in the storm that was your mind was a struggle you knew all too well.
“Yeah.” His voice trailed off for a bit, like he was gathering courage to ask his next question. You could feel him watching you, as though expectantly. “Were you expecting someone else to come up here?”
“No.” As you turned your had to look his way, you bit back a smile, happy that nothing about it felt forced. “But I’m glad it was you.”
Slowly, his mouth curved into a similar smile, and you think you would’ve just stayed that way if you didn’t turn back to the skyline. 
Jungkook released a wistful sigh. “The sky’s really nice from up here. No wonder the garden club doesn’t want to share.”
You laughed. “Right?”
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“I hate this,” Jimin said for what you were almost certain was the 500th time.
“The hospital?” You left the elevator of the said memorial hospital first, stopping when you realized the boy wasn’t walking with you. “You’ve said that already.”
He only began walking down the hallway after he noticed the expectant look you were shooting him. “No, the paint on these walls. What is that, eggshell white? It’s atrocious.”
“Okay, first, I really liked your usage of atrocious. And second, relax a little, Jimin.” The tension set in his shoulders was obvious not just to you but the staff and visitors passing by. Granted, hospitals had that sort of effect, but he didn’t need to be this anxious before he even stepped foot in the doctor’s office. “This place doesn’t hate you as much as you hate it.”
He scoffed. The sleeves of his sweatshirt were long enough for him to keep pulling and tugging at. “That’s hard to believe. If the building was alive, I’m sure it would spit me out instantly. I’m like that piece of cardamom you accidentally bite on.”
“You don’t like cardamom?”
“It’s possibly the only thing more atrocious than this paint. How can you like it?”
After the sharpness in his voice and the brief silence that followed, you asked, “How’re you feeling now?”
He wouldn’t look your way, but the blush staining his cheeks was obvious. With his shoulder, he gave you a light push before speeding up. “Shut up.”
“Hey, it worked, didn’t it?” You let out a small laugh, picking up your pace to match his. If only you were blessed with legs as long as his. “I got you to loosen up a little.”
“I guess,” he mumbled. You let him speak to the receptionist on the floor as you lingered by the side, walking back and forth with your hands in your pockets. He returned to your side a few minutes later, and somehow the anxiety was now practically radiating off of him. 
“So, have you always come here alone?” you decided to speak to get his nerves down.
“My parents used to come with me,” Jimin answered. “Then they got busy and… well, I didn’t feel like their presence was helping anyway.”
You raised a brow. “And mine does?” 
He pursed his lips together, finally looking at you. You noticed then that he wasn’t much taller than you. Sure, you usually wore boots with platform heels, but out of all the boys, he might’ve been closest in height to you. “I’m not sure yet. I just know that when I ran into you last time… it didn’t feel so horrible to be here.”
“Park Jimin?” A nurse with a clipboard was looking around the waiting area.
Jimin released a breath before stepping forward. “That’s me.”
She nodded at him. “The doctor will see you now.”
As soon as she left, you noticed that Jimin was hesitating to follow her. You came forward to stand beside him, and touched his arm lightly. It seemed to bring him out of some kind of trance. When his gaze found yours, you tried for something like an encouraging smile. “I’ll wait out here.”
Finally, he managed to nod, slowly walking in the direction the nurse had gone in.
While you waited, you found yourself roaming the floor in your boredom. No one paid you any attention, so you didn’t think it was a problem. As you were walking, eyes moving with the patterns on the floors, there was something like an itch in the back of your mind. Like something in your memory being tugged forward. 
That was when the floor, the walls, the rooms and posters you passed, all became a familiar sight. Too familiar for someone who tried to avoid the hospital in general. You swore you could even hear someone saying your name. Until you realized that someone was actually saying your name now.
There was a woman in a white coat and a long black ponytail offering you a friendly smile. “Y/N. I thought I recognized you.”
You took a moment to gather your thoughts from inside your head to acknowledge her appearance. “Dr. Kim.”
“It’s been quite a while.” Her brow furrowed. “While it is good to see you, I hoped you didn’t need to come back here.”
“I’m not here for me,” you said quickly. “I’m here for a friend. As moral support.”
“Of course.” As she stepped closer, her voice lowered a little. "Can I ask though… how are you doing? The migraines haven’t come back? If your prescription’s out, I can get you—“
“No, it’s fine,” you interrupted, hoping she understood that you didn’t want to talk about that. “I’m—I’m fine for now.”
She looked at you before sighing sympathetically. “I know you refused to see the psychologist I recommended, but I do hope you’ve been talking to someone.”
With a careless shrug, you said, “My guidance counsellor is trying, for sure.”
The way she was looking at you made it seem like she was debating whether or not to continue. “After the night they brought you in, when I actually had the chance to speak with you…” Her mouth turned into a contemplative frown. “I could just tell there was something more. I’d hoped therapy would help.”
Now, it was your turn to frown. The discomfort was like an itch on your skin, but you tried to ignore it, forcing a confused smile instead. “Help with what? I’m fine, Dr. Kim. It was just a little scratch.”
“Some wounds run deeper than you think,” she said quietly, her eyes fixed on yours until she tore them away, and her face regained some lightheartedness. “Have you visited that boy recently?”
At first, the abrupt change in topic took you aback. Then you shot her a puzzled look. “Boy?”
“I know you didn’t want anyone to know it was you leaving flowers in his room, but his family really appreciated it—“
“Y/N.” Jimin reemerged by your side, his gaze then landing on the older woman he too recognized. “Dr. Kim. I didn’t realize you two knew each other.”
Dr Kim smiled at him. “I presume that you’re the friend who needed moral support.”
He laughed, only with a tinge of uneasiness as his hand moved to the back of his neck. “That would be correct.”
“Well, I’m glad.” She looked from him to you, eyes fixating on yours with something you didn’t fully understand, or didn’t fully want to understand. “I hope you can do the same for each other.”
Jimin waited until she was out of sight before turning to you. “What did she mean by that? How do you know her?”
“She was my old family doctor,” you lied. “How did it go?”
“Oh,” he said, as though remembering why he was even there. "Better than I thought it would. It was just a checkup.”
You started to nod and then your eyes caught a glimpse of the paper he was trying to tuck into his pocket. The kind of paper you were quite used to seeing yourself. “You got a prescription. Jimin… you’re not—“
“It’s nothing serious, Y/N,” he said, lips tugging into a little smile. “Just something for my throat.”
He did that a lot, you realized. Answering with a charming smile to distract the person from the actual answer. You wouldn’t press on, even though you wanted to. A part of your mind was still stuck on some of Dr Kim’s words.
“Come on,” Jimin said, tugging your arm forward. “They’re still serving bagels.”
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When you reached home, the lights were on and your mother was sitting on the sofa in the living room. And you would’ve been at least a little surprised, but you were a little distracted.
“Where have you been?” she demanded, getting to her feet. “You didn’t answer your phone.”
“My phone was dying,” you replied distantly as you removed your shoes and jacket. “I didn’t see.”
She released a sigh. “Look, you can be mad all you want, but at least text me where you are or that you’re okay.”
You finally stopped and glanced at her briefly. “I was at the hospital.”
Suddenly, your mother’s voice dropped. You couldn’t read her face, but she swallowed almost nervously. “Oh. Is everything okay?”
“A friend didn’t want to go alone.”
Her eyes widened. “Your prescription. I completely forgot.”
“It’s fine. I got it already.”
She stood there like she still wanted to say something else, but wasn’t sure how. “But is everything okay… with you?”
“I saw Dr. Kim,” you decided to say. Maybe because you wanted to make sense of what she’d said, and because there was a chance, your mother might know something. She’d been there that night in the ER with you. “She said something, and it was kind of strange…” You shook your head. “You know what, it’s probably nothing.”
You turned to leave when your mother spoke again. “I know that I haven’t talked about the night they brought you there.” You opened your mouth to tell her you didn’t want this conversation again, but she raised her hand to stop you. “It’s not that I don’t care, I just—I thought it was better that way for you. I wanted you to move on with your life.”
For the longest time, that was what you wanted too. And for a longer time, you’d really just wanted to hear from her. You tried for a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. “I’m starting to think that you can’t really move forward without looking back first. I’m tired. I think I’ll head to bed now.”
“Y/N.” You turned halfway, waiting for what else your mother had to say. She hesitated, unfolding her arms from her chest, and finally met your gaze. “I didn’t mean what I said the other day.”
You found that your voice wasn’t working in that moment. And maybe that was because you didn’t know what to say to her. So, you glanced at her another time before heading to your room.
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The last thing you wanted that night was to leave the apartment to find yourself at a park near the Academy. What you wanted was a nice bath, to watch an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, maybe even a bowl of ramen. But the universe didn’t want those things for you, because as soon as you were getting ready for bed, your phone lit up with a text. And normally, you would’ve just ignored it, but you knew it would stay in the back of your mind like an itch you couldn’t get rid of.
Thankfully, it wasn’t too late that buses had stopped running, and that your mother had already retired to her room. You found yourself at the park about a half hour later, and a familiar figure by the swings.
“If you were anyone else, I would think you brought me out here to murder me.”
Yoongi turned his head at your voice. Although, it wasn’t too chilly that night, he was wearing a wool beanie. “Why do you assume I didn’t?”
You gave a small hum. “You don’t give off murderer vibes. You’re more… gothic, underground rapper.”
His hands were in the pockets of his jacket, expression maybe just slightly amused though the streetlights weren’t bright enough to be sure. “How long did you take to come up with that?”
You might’ve retorted if it was another time, but it was late and a part of you didn’t want to agree to his message, asking you if you meet, but another part did want to despite any better judgement you might’ve had. “I don’t have a lot time before my mother notices I’m not in my room. And if you don’t kill me now, she most definitely will.”
“I doubt that.”
“Well,” you said with a shrug. “You can’t always be a princess.”
He paused for a second. “I was being an ass earlier.”
Good, you thought. He caught on to your jab at him. “When? I didn’t notice.”
There was a noise of disbelief as his hands fell at his side. “You know what? Forget it.”
“Wait,” you found yourself saying. Maybe it wasn’t so tactful to respond with sarcasm when someone was trying to be serious. At least, not all the time. “You wanted to apologize, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Who said anything about apologizing?”
You raised a brow. “So, you dragged me all the way out here this late at night because you didn’t want to apologize?”
He gave a half frustrated sigh. “I wasn’t trying to sound like a jerk. Sometimes I’m thinking about something else and it just… happens without me even realizing it.”
You started to nod in understanding. “You project.”
He frowned. “What?”
“You project your feelings on to other people. Even when they’re not who the feelings are directed at.” You shrugged at his surprised expression. “That’s what you were doing earlier, wasn’t it?”
“I wasn’t mad at any of you,” he said finally, sighing to himself. He brushed some of the hair out his eyes. “There’s just—other things I’m dealing with right now.”
You wanted to feel for him, and deep down, you probably did. But you didn’t want to let people off for being cruel just because they thought they were allowed to. You didn’t want to do that anymore. “That’s not an excuse to be mean.”
“I know.” At least, he had the decency to sound like he meant it. He didn’t meet your eyes as he went on, instead glancing at his feet. “Sorry about what I said to you.”
Suddenly, Yoongi wasn’t the only one who felt awkward with apologies. You forced something in between a scoff and a laugh. “Please, it’s not like you hurt my feelings or something.”
“I didn’t think so. But you probably wanted to hear it, didn’t you?” He narrowed his eyes, smirking a little as he saw your expression. “Don’t even deny it.”
You rolled your eyes, folding your arms over your chest. “Yes, Yoongi. Thank you for stroking my ego with a half decent apology.”
His expression actually became slightly incredulous and offended. “Half decent? I had to ask Namjoon how to do it.”
Raising your eyebrows partly from surprise and partly because that was the first time you’d heard of anyone asking for instructions on how to apologize, you said, “So, you’ve already practiced this before, possibly more than once, and yet you’re still this unrehearsed?” 
“Okay, fuck off,” he scoffed. When you started to laugh, you were sure he was actually going to punch you. “I’m not good at talking to people. Sue me.”
“Well, I can’t for that,” you said with a shrug, the laughs gone but a smile still lingering. You grabbed on to one of the swings, settling into it. “It would be too hypocritical.”
“What, you?” Yoongi said with skepticism. He followed your actions, taking the empty swing beside you. “Please, you're Sky’s favourite girl. You don’t even have to try, and people will fall at your feet.”
It was funny how easily moods could go from amused to sour. “Everyone keeps saying that,” you said under your breath.
“It’s not like that.” Shaking your head, you tucked some loose hairs from your ponytail behind your ears. “Not anymore, at least. Everyone keeps imagining this past version of me, but present me is someone else, and I—I’m so confused which one I am or I’m supposed to be.”
It had to be something in the air, you told yourself, that was making you open up this. It had to be, because you didn’t randomly just burst out with your thoughts. Or maybe it was the fact that you’d already talked to Yoongi about serious things once. Because he seemed like someone who wouldn’t make fun of you or be condescending. He seemed like someone who could try and relate.
“Well, which one do you like more?” he asked after a second.
At first, the question took you by surprise, because no one had ever asked you anything like it. But you knew the answer without having to think. “Neither.”
Because they’re either fake or distorted beyond recognition. “I don’t know.”
The swing continued to move without you controlling it, and could feel his hooded gaze on you, both calculating and curious. “Why were you in the middle of the highway?”
“The night we all met at the river. What were you doing?”
“I don’t have a death wish,” you said darkly as soon as you sensed the undertones in his voice. The same undertones everyone at Sky, including people who’d been your friends, had shown to you the previous year.
Yoongi didn’t argue with you. His swing wasn’t moving anymore, so he sat there patiently, hands still folded in his pockets. “Then what were you doing? And don’t say you don’t know.”
“I was thinking,” you answered finally.
His mouth quirked up slightly. “Only for you would something so normal actually become dangerous.”
The glance you cast at him was part affronted. “What does that mean?”
With a sigh, he shook his head. “It means don’t hate yourself because you think everyone around you does.”
You glanced at him a little surprised. “How straightforward.” 
But it wasn’t quite exactly that. It wasn’t that you hated yourself in a pitying way, or that made you want sympathy from other people. It just felt like there was something like poison rooted in the back of your mind, the tiniest drop that was touching every other part of you. At least then you could tell yourself that there was a reason for everything bad that had come your way, even if it meant it was your own fault.  
“But true. Not everyone hates you, Y/N.”
In the back of your mind, you realized it was one of the rare times he actually said your name. “You don’t?”
“I apologized to you, didn’t I?” he said as though it answered the question.
“But you never did? Not even before?”
He shrugged, as though the answer wasn’t as important to him as it was to you. “I didn’t know you enough to hate you. And neither does anyone else.”
You didn’t say anything at first, letting the creaking of the swings’ chains fill the empty space instead. “I thought you said you didn’t care. About any of this.”
He sighed, like you were a child who had too many questions that he didn’t want to deal with. “Back to this, are we?”
As you turned your head to look at him, you narrowed your eyes a little. “You know, you’re really good at diverting, too.”
While throwing a grin at you, he said, “Thanks, I’ve had a lot of practice.”
But you knew that him trying to divert from the topic wasn’t because it was a bore to him. You’d spent a lot of time pretending to care about things yourself. Somehow, you could tell the difference even now. “You do care,” you said again. “At least a little. Or you wouldn’t have been there at the river with the rest of us.” You wouldn’t have pushed me out of the way of that car.
“Believe what you want, princess,” Yoongi said with another eye roll. 
This time, you chose to ignore the nickname, and instead, you grinned at him cheekily, pushing your swing further. “You know what? I’m going to get you to admit it.”
He scoffed lightheartedly, in a way that told you this was amusing to him, and looked at you still swinging. “Don’t hurt yourself trying.”
“Some day,” you emphasized. “You’re going to admit that you care. That Min Yoongi has a heart after all, and it’s so big and capable of— wait, where are you going?"
“To find somewhere this conversation won’t follow me.”
As he got up from the swing and started walking out of the sand box, you were watching him only with the faintest incredulous expression. “You’re hilarious.”
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chapter vi // chapter viii (coming soon)
77 notes · View notes
softjeon · 4 years
Falling for you | Final
• Pairing: Jimin x Namjoon • Genre: fluff, nsfw-content | Rating: Mature | Christmas!AU / Curse!AU • Words: 7,4k | AO3 • Disclaimer: mentioning of blood, accidents, alcohol
written with @cassiavioletblue​
↳ Everyone told him that love was the highest aim, that it was what completes you and made you happy…but he was never lucky like that. It just took a piece of him and left scars on his heart every time. He was done with that. He had given up on love a long time ago so he should stick to it or else not only he would be affected.
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It was a crowded hustle, people buying hot cocoa and jewelry while the snow was falling. The streets were packed while Jimin squeezed himself through, the sweet aroma of cinnamon and chestnuts in the air. Pulling the scarf, a little tighter around his neck, he shivered from the crisp and cold air. There was something peaceful about walking in the evening with the Christmas light glowing off the mounds of snow around the building and so he had gotten out of the metro a few stations earlier, so he could walk the rest of his way. He was glad though that the sidewalks all were cleared, and he wouldn’t slip.
Jimin had gotten a call this morning from Hayoung, remembering how his cheeks glowed while she asked him how it’s been with Namjoon and if he was nice to him.
How could he tell her that Namjoon was more than that?
There were only two more days until Christmas and today was his last day cleaning for Namjoon. And tomorrow was the Christmas party that he had invited him to. Jimin was filled with excitement but at the same time felt anxious. What would happen after he was gone? Would Namjoon call? They had only exchanged phone numbers for business requirements when Jimin came in as a replacement and he wasn’t sure if Namjoon would. It had been easy with Jimin coming by every evening after work and he loved their little flirts, their exchange of shy smiles when they passed one another in the living room. And yet, there were times where he didn’t see Namjoon at all or where the feeling overwhelmed him that the other was hiding from him, locking the door to his office.
Jimin was wrecking his mind too much about it.
When he walked into the apartment, it was eerily quiet, and the lights were turned off. Namjoon must still be at work, Jimin thought, a pinch of sadness washing over him, but he quickly shook it off, focusing on his work.
Namjoon was indeed working. He had been working a lot since Yoongi’s visit, even more than usual and Jungkook was starting to get seriously worried. He was sure that something must have happened between Namjoon and his consultant even though he had no idea what it could be that pushed Namjoon to drown himself in work like that. It was as if he was doing it on purpose, not even going out for breaks and instead eating his lunch and dinner in the office (more or less, because when Jungkook signed off for the night there were often half-eaten sandwiches lying forgotten at the side of his desk). Not even Jimin could get him out of there despite them both still being interested in each other. He had seen the way they had flirted; he had been so sure that they would have ended up getting dinner by now or trading kisses in the hallway. If he hadn’t known for a fact that ‘Kim design’ was absolutely thriving he would have thought that Yoongi had told Namjoon that the company was in trouble. Yoongi’s cards had told the truth apparently, because Namjoon was losing his way - because with the pile of documents on his desk Jungkook was sure he could see nothing else but work.
Jungkook straightened, knocking against Namjoon’s door. This time he would make sure that Namjoon would get home before midnight. “Namjoon?” As expected his boss had buried his nose in files. “I’d sign off now. And I’d really, really like it if you’d join me.” He could see Namjoon opening his mouth, ready to tell him how much work he still had to do so Jungkook knew he had to play dirty. Using his cutest, most innocent look he smiled shyly at Namjoon. “Pretty please? I can’t relax at home when I know you’re still there. How am I supposed to wind down if I have to be worried about your health and sleeping schedule? You wouldn’t want me to think about work all the time when I’m at home, do you? And it’s so close to Christmas! No one expects you to finish anything three days before Christmas, right? So, will you please go home too?”
Namjoon knew he had lost when Jungkook looked at him with those big doe eyes. Sighing deeply, he put his folder aside. “Give me five minutes to wrap things up and then I’ll come with you, ok?” It was worth it just to see Jungkook smile like that. He must have really worried him. With a guilty feeling in the pit of his stomach Namjoon packed his things and got his coat, letting the driver get Jungkook home first before he arrived at his own place.
It felt so normal for Jimin to walk around Namjoon’s apartment by now, knowing every corner by heart. He was dusting off the shelves on the second floor, making sure that every vase and figurine was back at its original place. Not even an inch different from before, because it was important to Namjoon. He was almost finished, yawning tiredly as he walked towards the stairs with half-closed eyes, hiding his mouth behind the palm of his hands.
The sound of the elevator made his eyes shoot open in an instant though and his heart skipped a beat. “Namjoon!” Jimin called out happily. It was his last night working for him and he had wondered if he could say goodbye…or even ask if their date for the Christmas party still stands.
Namjoon froze. He hadn’t thought that Jimin was still here this late or else he wouldn’t have given into Jungkook pleas, doe eyes or not. He had kind of avoided him since Yoongi’s last visit because he wasn’t sure what to make of it as he was afraid that he might drag Jimin into something that wasn’t good for him.
The smile on the younger’s lips grew brighter when his eyes fell onto Namjoon, leaning over the banister to look at him. “I was about to finish and wondered if I’d still catch you tonight. You know it’s my last day, right? Hayoung called me last night and…” His heart was doing a jump, but then his smile faltered a little, when he noticed the pale expression on the others face. “Are you o-okay? Joon?” He took another step down the stairs, keeping his gaze worryingly on the other’s face.
“Yes, I’m okay.” He gave Jimin a smile even though his insides pinched painfully. Jimin’s last day. They would see each other at the Christmas party, then have a nice Christmas together - and then? He would have to take the initiative if he wanted them to keep in contact or to be more. There was no question what he wanted, he liked Jimin, too much. He could pretend to keep the younger out of his life for a few days and lie to himself when in reality Jimin lingered at the back of his head anyways. His thoughts drifted to him whenever he wasn’t paying attention, he dreamed of him when his control slipped, and his unconsciousness took over. He had passed the point where he could walk away from this. He liked Jimin... no, he had developed feelings for him! Namjoon’s eyes widened when he realized what this meant. If he loved Jimin then Yoongi had a reason to come here because in his contract it was clearly stated that the one he loved would hurt.
He couldn’t love Jimin! He mustn't!
Jimin didn’t really believe his words, because they sounded off, a little too forced to be right. His heart ached when another thought came into his mind and it gave reason why Namjoon had been avoiding him whenever he could. Jimin hesitated, looking down to his fingers that were holding on tightly to the banister. Maybe Namjoon had decided otherwise and he shouldn’t come to the office party. He sighed. “It’s okay. I received the message.” Jimin gave him a quick smile, walking down the stairs. It was a one-night stand. Nothing more than that and although Namjoon had said so before, he had changed his mind. Or at least Jimin thought so.
“I’ll just get my things and…and then I’m out. Hayoung will be back by Monday. She said she is very excited to come back, as she misses you.” Jimin was halfway down when his gaze flickered back up to Namjoon. And it struck him hard. Like a lightning bolt right through his heart. He really wanted to be with Namjoon and seeing him avoid him hurt him more than he wanted to admit. It was a moment of carelessness, where Jimin didn’t focus where he was going. He screamed out in pain, when his ankle twisted painfully, slipping as he fell forward, trying to reach for something to hold onto but there was nothing. He didn’t even feel it when he hit the floor, blacking out from the overwhelming pain.
“Jimin? Jimin!” Namjoon was shaking the younger, getting desperate the longer he didn’t get any reaction. He had run over to him, falling onto his knees beside Jimin, ready to see a pool of blood and have the younger’s lifeless body splayed out with the knowledge that his dabbling in magic had killed him. Luckily, it wasn’t that severe and so when he could see Jimin breathing relief flooded him even though he was still utterly scared of what state Jimin would be in when he woke up. He had quickly pushed the emergency button on his phone that would get them an ambulance and now he tried his hardest not to panic completely and stay calm to get Jimin back to consciousness.
It felt like hours, pain flooding his head as he blinked his eyes, but it was only a few minutes. He could barely decipher Namjoon’s voice, his touch, where he was holding him. Jimin blinked his eyes a couple of times, stars dancing in front of his view and if it wasn’t for the pain he was in, they had reminded him of the beautiful Christmas lights. “Ah,” Jimin cried out in pain, when his body connected with his brain again and he sucked in a breath.
“Sh…, stay down please!” Jimin’s body jerked before the younger sagged back down like a deflated balloon, “Try not to move please, help is on the way. Is your head all right? Do you know the date and …and who’s president?” His head was empty from the shock, everything that one was supposed to do and say if someone might have a head injury gone and replaced with only fear that Jimin might not never heal. “I’m sorry!” It burst out of him, because he felt so guilty and it hurt so bad to see Jimin in so much pain, “I should have.. done something, I didn’t mean to hurt you, please, please get well again!”
Tears cascaded down his cheeks as Jimin tried to bear the pain, the image in front of him getting blurry again and he wasn’t sure if he felt nauseous or if it was just the tears. He couldn’t really answer Namjoon’s questions, mumbling incoherent words, reaching out for the other to hold onto something. Jimin wasn’t sure what Namjoon was apologizing for, while right now, he could barely hold a thought. “M…my ankle it hurts…I…” He got interrupted by the sound of the doorbell and within seconds the paramedics were already by his side. Jimin felt whiplash, searching for Namjoon’s hand in the chaos.
Namjoon stayed for as long as he could by Jimin’s side before the medics told him he had to stay back if he wasn’t a relative. At first he wanted to revolt, use all his influence and wealth to his advantage to make them let him stay, acting like one of the rich, spoiled businessmen that he had sworn to himself he would never be like. Then, however he let them go. Being close to Jimin would mean more danger to the younger than help, at least until he had made this right. He had made Jimin hurt with his magic mess, he would fix him the same way!
Jimin begged for them to let Namjoon come with him, but they refused as they got him into the car, already caring for the wound at the back of his head, trying to get his foot still. The medicine was making him drowsy. Namjoon’s name on his lips as he felt his eyes shut again and again.
After the medics had left Namjoon went to work right away. He had tried to google Yoongi before, so he knew that it was of no use, but he was sure that there was some way to contact him. Until now he had rather preferred him being in a safe distance but not today. So, he googled ‘How to summon a witch’.
He got way too many results and most of them didn’t help or he didn’t own what was required so he tried to use what he could. Instead of crystals he used a salt lamp, instead of the herbs that were listed he used the ones he had from the kitchen (mostly basil and chives). If those didn’t work he could still go to the next garden center and hope that he would get the right things there. He also needed a wind chime which he luckily owned even though it didn’t sound that nice, some water and some incense. He remembered the incense sticks that he had gotten as a gift and buried somewhere deep in the storage room because they smelled like something an old lady would wear as perfume. Looking at his small pile of makeshift-witch-callers doubt crept in, but he would still try. How else was he supposed to call Yoongi, run through the city yelling his name? Waiting for the other to just show up wasn’t an option because now that he had acknowledged to himself that his feelings for Jimin weren’t just temporary he was sure that the downside of his magic contract would take full effect and make Jimin hurt. Actually.. Jimin had been getting hurt quite a bit already.
It had started small, so he hadn’t noticed it but all these little accidents he’s had until now - had they all been the cause of Namjoon taking a liking to him? With a nauseous feeling he hurried to light up the incense stick, waving it around frantically with one hand and using the other to shake the windchime. He wasn’t quite sure what the water or the herbs were for.
He felt absolutely stupid but kept waving, closing his eyes to try and think Yoongi’s name as hard as he could (because he had read that intention was everything if he wanted to make a spell work and he was very intent on calling Yoongi!). This was why he only noticed the other's presence when the witch cleared his throat.
“I’m not sure what you’re doing here but you might want to open a window if you’re keen on not choking us both. Also, for the record, I’m not a demon.” Yoongi’s voice came from the top of the stairs, just right where Jimin had tripped and fell. The witch walked down slowly, keeping his gaze on the human. “You must be desperate to attempt to summon me like…like this. You know just calling out for me would have been enough. But I like the effort.” He really tried to keep it light, but even Yoongi knew he wasn’t here for fun. There was too much tension, too much pain in the room that he could feel in the air. “What can I help you with, Namjoon. You didn’t ask me to come here just for a cup of tea, right?”
Namjoon quickly put out the incense stick, unceremoniously dumping it into the bowl of water and placing the wind chime next to it. He didn’t care what Yoongi thought of him, as long as it had gotten him here he was happy to do whatever it took. However, now that the other was in front of him, with his lazy smile and twinkling eyes he had to swallow hard. Everything came with a price; he knew that and therefore he wondered what saving Jimin would cost him. Still, he didn’t hesitate for more than a second. Jimin was worth it, whatever the price would be.
“I want you to fix Jimin. It’s.. it’s because of me, right? That he fell and... and everything else. The bruises he got, the little accidents, the clumsiness. It was me that did this to him because of…my contract with you.”
“Correct.” He nodded at the other, walking towards the living room on his own, taking a seat on Namjoon’s couch as he crossed his legs. “I actually thought you’d notice a lot earlier. I tried to warn you…” Yoongi folded his hands together, looking up at Namjoon. “How do you want me to fix him?”
“You tried to...” Namjoon huffed, “Don’t tell me those cryptic messages were supposed to tell me anything. Why didn’t you just outright tell me ‘Careful, don’t fall in love with that boy or you’ll both regret it’! That’s something I would have understood! Not…cards.” He sat down  next to Yoongi on the couch, biting his lip. “I don’t know, you are the magic person here! Just go to him and heal him! Make him stop hurting! Make sure he’s okay, please! I’m sure you can do that.”
Yoongi raised an eyebrow, “Would you have believed me?” His eyes followed Namjoon’s every moment until he sat right next to him. “I’ve been there from the start, haven’t I? The moment there was more between the two of you, I appeared. Again…and again…what do you want me to do? Wave a windchime?” He chuckled low, “And despite that, if I would have told you, you would have told me it’s not like that. That it was just a one night stand like the others. Nothing special.” Shaking his head softly, Yoongi turned towards the other a little more. “I can’t heal people like that, and we had a deal, remember?”
Namjoon grew silent. Yoongi was probably right, at least at the beginning he would have denied that there was something more going on between Jimin and him, just like he had lied to himself about it at first. And after that... it would have been too late anyways. He ignored the little stab at his spellcasting abilities and pushed further right away, “What do you mean you can’t heal him? You can build a company from the ground up, out of nothing! That’s surely more difficult than mending a few broken bones and a concussion?” At least that’s what he thought Jimin might have. Hopefully, it wasn’t worse. “Of course, I don’t expect you to do it for free, you can demand what you want, we can make a new contract, I can work for you if that’s what you want! I can give back to you what I earned, I can give you the keys to my apartment, I…“ He broke off.
How should he explain that to Jimin when the other woke up and he had lost his company and his home? What should he tell people when they lost their jobs because Kim design didn’t exist any longer? All of his loyal workers and Jungkook, sweet little worried Jungkookie! Surely Yoongi wouldn’t put them all on the street on Christmas, would he? Just to make sure he added ruefully, “I understand that I have to pay you in some way, I really do - but my workers... it’s not their fault that I messed up. You wouldn’t ruin their lives as well, would you? Could you find them good jobs or maybe let someone else take over the firm, so nothing changes for them? Can that be part of our new contract?”
“I didn’t build that company. You did,” Yoongi answered honestly, “I gave you luck, an easy way and opportunities and made sure you wouldn’t fail but you were the one with the ideas.” The witch could almost hear the thoughts from Namjoon aloud, his eyes telling him much more than he said. “I don’t want those kinds of superficial things from you, Namjoon. I don’t care about them.” Reaching out for his hand, Yoongi turned Namjoon’s palm up, his eyes fixated on his. “Do you care about him? More than you care about the contract we made. Namjoon, I’m asking you if you want me to reverse it. To take away from you what I gifted you. Do you love him enough? Is he worth it?” He leaned his head aside, furrowing his brows as he held on tightly to Namjoon’s wrist.
“Yes.” He breathed out the word without hesitation. “If the people in my company won’t be lost and without a job then you can take anything else away from me.” He was more than willing to pay that - and more. It was soothing in a way to hear that all his hard work had been worth something, that in the end Yoongi had given him luck and opportunity and everything else had been his. He would miss it, creating and transforming his ideas into real, usable pieces… His chest grew tight for a moment but then he took a deep breath and nodded courtly. “Take it. Now please. Every moment that Jimin is hurting is a moment too long.”
Yoongi gave him a court nod, pulling his hand a little more towards him, as he held his own over his, letting it hover there for a moment. “I want something in return.” He didn’t look up, eyes focused on their hands.
There he was. The hook. Of course, it wasn’t that easy. Namjoon tried not to let his voice give away how much he wanted this to work. “What is it?” He had no idea what he could possibly give the other except for his company. Unless… Yoongi wanted his soul? He swallowed hard.
“That boy that is working for you…” Yoongi’s cheeks began to glow a lot rosier than before. “I want you to properly introduce me. I kind of fucked up…I tried to be all cool and…you know…” He shrugged his shoulders, trying not to show how much it was affecting him. “I just…I’m not good with humans, okay? But he has that aura. He’s a good soul and I really…I’d like to take him out.” Yoongi clenched his jaw, not daring to meet Namjoon’s eyes. “That’s all I’m asking.”
“A.. a good soul?” Namjoon’s eyes widened. He wouldn’t sell Jungkook wellbeing for his own. “I’m not getting you his soul! You can’t have him! Take mine if you need one but leave him...” He broke off when Yoongi snorted.
“For samhain’s sake, Namjoon I’m not a demon. How many more times do I have to tell you.” Yoongi interrupted him harshly but with an amused expression. “I want you to introduce me to him properly. Be my wingman or whatever you humans like to call it.”
“You want to... you want to go out with him? Like... date him?” He blinked like an owl. Now the blush on Yoongi’s cheeks made a lot more sense. “Oh, uhm, sure! I can introduce you... but everything else is up to Jungkook. Deal?”
“Of course,” He agreed easily, with his heart beating a little faster at the thought of introducing himself properly. This time he would make it right!
Closing his eyes, Yoongi placed his palm on Namjoon’s. There was warmth spreading through his veins, a tingling feeling that made a smile pull at the corner of the witches lips. He tightened his hold a little more, taking in a deep breath and holding it for a couple of seconds before finally letting go.
The witch got up in an instant, rolling his shoulders back as he looked down at a dazed Namjoon, with a stern expression. “It’s lifted. He’s still hurt, but I can’t change the past.” He turned on his heel, but before Yoongi could vanish entirely, he stopped again. “That also means you have to work harder from now on. Don’t mess up the things we built.” Yoongi winked at him, waving goodbye nonchalantly as if he hadn’t just lifted an entire curse, skipping happily, humming a Christmas melody to himself. “See you tomorrow!”
Namjoon nodded, lips pressed tightly together. He didn’t feel different. Sadly, Jimin didn’t either but he could heal and Namjoon would do everything in his power... wait! See you tomorrow? What did Yoongi mean? Here at his home? At the company? He scrambled up to get to his feet and ran after Yoongi into the hallway but when he got there the other was already gone. Namjoon held his breath. Could this mean what he didn’t even dare to hope that it could mean? Did Yoongi leave the company? Quickly and with trembling fingers did he call the number of the company building. It rang five times before someone picked up. He recognized Hyunjin’s voice, a young man who worked for him in the department for international communication, which explained while he was still reachable through the company number at this hour. “Good evening, Hyunjin. May I ask what you are working on at the moment?” He asked quickly before his nervousness could get the better of him.
“The presentation for our sellers, for the summer collection just like you asked me to this morning.” He answered, making it sound more like a question. “Do you want me to change anything or add something?” His voice was light and soft and Namjoon could hear him searching for some paper and a pen, ready to scribble down anything he wanted to add. “I wanted it to be finished before the Christmas party, so it’s ready after the holidays.”
“No, no that’s...” A sudden and overwhelming thankfulness for his loyal and hardworking employees overcame him and his voice wavered a little. “That’s perfect. Thank you for working so hard.“ He awkwardly cleared his throat before adding, a little more carefully, “While I’ve got you on the phone.. you didn’t receive any messages about changes for the company? Like…” How could he ask him if he was still the company’s boss without sounding like an idiot?
“No, not that I know of,” Hyunjin put the pen down and Namjoon could hear the sounds of finger drumming against a keyboard while he typed in his email. “No, there’s no email. The last one was from Jungkook’s reminder about the office party tomorrow. Jungkook told me you’ll come this year.”
“Yeah… yes, I’ll be there! See you tomorrow then. Have a good night Hyunjin.” He ended the call because his voice would break again. He closed his eyes, feeling the tears pressing against the inside of his eyelids. He still had his company. He just couldn’t rely on magical opportunities and an extra portion of luck anymore, but he would be fine! His company, his passion, his employees, they would all be fine! And most importantly…
“Jimin.” The younger’s name slipped as he got up to get his coat. Not that everything was settled he could go to the hospital; ask how he was and definitely try to sneak past the watchful eyes of nurses and medics if they would tell him that he wasn’t allowed to visit Jimin because he wasn’t family.
“Your ankle point is partially torn.” The doctor’s voice echoed in his mind, where the pain was only a dull ache in the back, all of the painkillers making it bearable. Jimin watched carefully how they stabilized his foot with a plaster cast, working effectively and fast. The bruise on the back of his head wasn’t as bad, so when they helped him into a wheelchair he already got his release papers in hand and a note for his doctor that he should visit on Monday. Jimin blinked up at the nurse who smiled at him with the most cheerful smile, “C-can you get me a taxi?” He had absolutely no idea how to get home, nor how to get up his apartment. With the crutches they had given him he would take ages.
“Of course, dear, where do you need to go?” Before Jimin could tell her Namjoon came towards them, with a beaming smile and a little swing in his step. “Hey! I’m so glad you’re okay!” He shouted from afar, until he was close enough for them to talk normally. “What is it? How long will it take to heal? Are you still in pain?”
Jimin’s eyes lit up immediately when he saw the other approaching him and if he could, he would have jumped up from the wheelchair and towards him. “No, not really, just a little but…” He held up the bag a little to show it to him, “I got loads of pain killers to deal with it.” Jimin was exhausted and tired, wishing nothing else but to rest right now and it was evident in every fiber of his body.
“Are you his husband?” The nurse smiled, taking over for Jimin who looked too pale to keep talking. “He tore his ligaments, and it needs some time to heal. Mr. Park has gotten all information for his recovery and check-ups in his release papers. Please make sure he is careful while working the crutches and rests his ankle as much as he can.”
Namjoon didn’t correct her in the slightest. “Yes, thank you for taking care of him!” He placed his hand on Jimin’s shoulder, trying to be as husband-y as he could. “I’ll make sure he rests well and won’t push himself too far too quickly.” Namjoon took the handles of the wheelchair, starting to roll Jimin out of the hospital. “The car is outside, so you don’t have to call a cab. “Do you want me to get you home or is there somewhere else you’d rather be? A relative maybe?”
“No,” Jimin answered honestly. He didn’t know where else to go, but his apartment seemed like a hurdle he couldn’t face right now either. When the other came to a halt in front of Namjoon’s car, Jimin pushed himself up on his crutches and his healthy foot, trying to balance just for a moment, before dropping onto the passenger seat. He leaned his head back, eyes closed when he finally was settled in. Every movement seemed exhausting right now. “I don’t know how to get up my apartment.” There were tears dwelling in his eyes again because he felt so frustrated with everything.
Namjoon’s expression softened. “I can help you Jimin. I can get you up there and help you with groceries and everything else. Or, if I’m not overstepping your boundaries with it you could come back to my place. There’s enough space and it would be easier for you to move a little. You can get the guest room; the toilet is right next to it and the kitchen is on the same floor so you could be relatively independent. Not that I won’t do whatever you let me do to help you, but I think you wouldn’t feel so … helpless if you’d know that theoretically you could do all that by yourself if you have to.” He realized he was rambling and so he stopped, trying to give Jimin room to breathe - and to decide what he wanted.
“I don’t want to annoy you or bother you.” Jimin averted his gaze down to the cast and the crutches that he was holding. “Just because it happened in your apartment, doesn’t mean you’re responsible for me.” He tried a smile, but it seemed tired. “I know you said that you wanted to get to know me…a-after our…night, but…it didn’t seem much like it anymore and it’s okay. It’s really okay! But you really don’t have to care for me, just because you feel responsible. It...it would hurt me more than this stupid thing in the end.”
Namjoon crouched down. “Hey. Can you please look at me?” He waited until Jimin had overcome his hesitation and dared to meet his eyes. “I’m not doing this because of some boss-employee-obligation that I might feel. I like you Jimin. A lot, actually. It’s been quite a while since someone made me feel that way and I got scared about ..the consequences. About what it could mean for the both of us.” So far he didn’t even have to lie. Just that the magical consequences of some contract with Yoongi could have continued to hurt Jimin was something that he better kept to himself. “I’m sorry if I made you feel like you weren’t important any longer, like I had lost interest or changed my mind. You are important to me and I won’t change my mind about that. I want to get to know you.“
Jimin could feel his throat clogging up, making it harder to breathe while his heart was racing. He gazed deep into Namjoon’s eyes, searching for a hint that he was lying to him, that he was just telling him what he wanted to hear but he couldn’t find anything. So, his body reacted first with his hand that pulled Namjoon closer by his neck and his lips that covered his softly.
Their position was awkward with Jimin in the car and Namjoon half in, half out and yet they made it work. Jimin’s lips were as soft and pliable as the last time, nothing gave away what he had been through. Namjoon reached out to caress over Jimin’s neck, trying to comfort him as best as he could.
He couldn’t tell him, but he would prove to him that there was nothing to be afraid of: He was safe again now.
There was music and the sound of laughter coming from the inside, while he pulled at his sweater for the nth time, not daring to go in, yet. The witch looked down at himself, soothing over the green fabric of his sweater, feeling up the many embroideries of Christmas trees and red tinsel that were sewn on. He wanted to look as human as possible. And he heard that humans liked those stupid, itchy christmas sweaters. Biting his lip, he walked back and forth, mumbling reassuring words to himself, before taking a deep breath and reaching for the door only to turn back around again and start his routine anew.
“Oh, there you are!” Namjoon finally realized who that person in that bulky green Christmas sweater was when Yoongi turned again. He had overlooked him at first because from behind he would have never guessed that this was his witch because at the moment Yoongi looked like he had sprung out of one of these cheesy Christmas movies. He wore dark velvety pants, that hilariously fluffy embroidered sweater and even his hair had a different color to match his festive spirit. He was pretty sure that Yoongi normally didn’t celebrate Christmas but made an effort because he wanted to fit in (or impress Jungkook).
Honestly though Yoongi could have worn a used trash bag and Namjoon would still have greeted him with open arms. He would forever be thankful that Yoongi hadn’t destroyed his life when he had the chance. “Come on in, you must be cold!” When he reached out for Yoongi though the other was warm. Of course, he was. He probably had a magical built-in heater or something.
“Ah, yeah…“ Yoongi was only hesitantly walking with Namjoon, sheepishly looking down at his feet, brushing over the trees on his sweater once more. “I just wanted to say ‘hi’ really quick. I don’t think I’ll stay long…you know, just checking in on you.” He was nervous and it was evident in the way he was talking a little faster than usual. Suddenly he felt that his idea to let Namjoon be his wingman to be a complete idiotic idea.
“Well, you can decide after you’ve taken a look at the decoration and the food. Jungkook always puts his heart into it.” He placed Yoongi at the Christmas buffet next to a plate full of cookies in Christmas tree shapes and told him to wait here so that he could get Jungkook for him.
Yoongi took one of the cookies, happy to have something to do as he let his gaze wander over the crowd of people that were celebrating Christmas. There was even a karaoke machine and Yoongi watched the two women do a sing off. It made a smile pull at his lips as he bobbed his head to the music.
“Hey, Yoongi!” Jungkook watched as Yoongi almost choked on his cookie, carefully patting the other’s back until it looked like he could breathe again. “Are you okay? You got to be careful with these to not get the sprinkles somewhere they are not supposed to be.”
“Oh,” He coughed again, trying to be subtle while his heart was racing just at the thought of Jungkook remembering his name. “I…I…like the cookies.” Yoongi could have hit himself for that stupid answer, trying to save himself as he took one to hold it in front of his sweater, “It fits my outfit, don’t you think?”
Jungkook chuckled. “Yeah, they’re great! Your outfit too by the way! You should give Namjoon tips on how to dress in the spirit of Christmas - though I should be thankful that he’s here.” He looked over to where Namjoon was feeding a cookie to Jimin, the two looking like they were completely in their own world. He was happy for them... and a tiny little bit envious. “By the way I never got to thank you for the card.” He opened his blazer and showed Yoongi that he was carrying it in his inner pocket.
“You like it?” Yoongi’s eyes lit up when he saw the younger carrying it around. He had made sure that Jungkook would find it, even if Namjoon would have thrown it in the bin it would reappear again until the assigned owner would have found it. Which he had. “I…I…wanted to apologize,” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “I came off too strong that night and…I have that habit sometimes. I’m not used to…ehm, humans, I guess.” Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, trying to seem nonchalant but he cared too much for it to be true. “I didn’t want to scare you or anything, but I think one could say you made me nervous. You still do.”
“Humans, hm?” Jungkook winked at Yoongi without getting the hint, “I sometimes find them scary too. But you don’t have to worry about me, I don’t bite. Not when there are cookies around.”
Yoongi felt a lot more at ease now, smiling at the younger when he was so clueless to what he was. “Namjoon didn’t tell you, right?” He laughed softly, reaching out to where Jungkook had shown him the card. “You’re making me nervous because I want you to like me. Would you mind lending me it for one moment. I’d like to show you something..:”
“Told me what?” He only reluctantly gave over his card which was a little stupid because he knew Yoongi wouldn’t take away the gift that he had given him, but he had gotten so used to carrying the card with him that his pocket felt empty without it. It was like a pocket heater, a little thing he carried that made him feel warm inside whenever he touched it.
Yoongi flipped the card in his hands, his eyes fixated on Jungkooks. “Did you look up what the sun means?” He asked but didn’t give him much time to answer. “You have a really warm aura, Jungkook and I like that.” He blew onto the card, giving it back with a smile. “Would you mind if I ask you out some time?” He bit his lip nervously, folding his hands together because he didn’t know what else to do with them. “Maybe I can tell you what your boss should have told you.” Yoongi winked, side-eyeing Namjoon for a moment, who was still very much all eyes on his new love.
“Yeah, I did.” It meant optimism and positivity, warmth, and vitality. He had felt flattered that Yoongi had given him his sun because a tarot deck only worked with all the intended cards, so it wasn’t a small gift and the meaning just made it better. While Yoongi had held the card, the shiny golden details reflecting off of it made it look like a moon for a moment before Yoongi tilted the card and there was no reflection any more. “Oh, you’re a magician! Can you do card tricks?” Jungkook answered excitedly, and then, adding with blushing cheeks. “I’d really like that. You ...taking me out.”
Yoongi sighed deeply. It kind of hurt his pride to be called a magician, someone who did simple card tricks. He smirked in amusement about Jungkook’s sheer happiness, but when he actually agreed to their date, Yoongi couldn’t hold his magic in pure excitement. Leaning in, he lowered his voice as he whispered into the younger’s ear. “I’m more than that, Jungkook.” Softly he wrapped his hand around Jungkook’s wrist, his magic buzzing at his fingertips.
Jungkook gasped as the electricity ran down his arm up to his elbow. “How are you doing that?” He doubted that Yoongi was carrying around one of those trick toys that gave people small electroshocks. Also, it didn’t feel like a shock, rather.. warm and pleasant.
Yoongi easily let his fingers slide down to Jungkook’s, intertwining their hands. The younger followed him with a mixture of confusion and way too many questions burning on his mind, so Yoongi quickly shushed him. “I’ll show you,” He winked teasingly, “But there’s too many humans. Do you trust me?”
‘Humans.’ This time Jungkook caught up on the way Yoongi said it, like he wasn’t one of them. He shuddered, but it wasn’t fear, rather excitement that pushed him alone. He nodded and then followed Yoongi where he led them. Namjoon wouldn’t have let him meet Yoongi again if the other was dangerous.
“Who is that?” Jimin leaned aside to look over Namjoon’s shoulder, narrowing his eyes as he observed the man closely that leaned into Jungkook. “You brought him in earlier and…I don’t know I feel like I know him from somewhere. Have I seen him before?” Furrowing his brows in thought, Jimin turned to his boyfriend who had his leg up on his lap so he could rest it safely while the people around them were celebrating happily. Namjoon had taken care of him all night after their drive and had someone get some clothes from his apartment. He wasn’t staying in the visitors bedroom though, but right with Namjoon. And although he was still exhausted from the meds and the pain, he had insisted on coming to the party – otherwise Namjoon would have probably refused to be by his side anyways.
“That’s Yoongi. Jungkook's future boyfriend if it were up to him.” He took a sip of his mulled wine and smiled, “You might have seen him around the company. He’s been around since I started Kim designs and helped me a lot along the way. I think he retired from company business now, but I have a feeling he will stick around.” Namjoon reached for Jimin’s hand and placed a kiss onto his knuckles (because he wasn’t sure how Jimin felt about kisses in public), “Just like I hope you will now. Not necessarily in the company but in my life?”
“Does it count as my Christmas gift to you?” Jimin grinned cheekily before pouting his lips and batting his eyelashes. “I fear I can’t get you anything else this year.” Looking down at his foot in a cast, he sighed dramatically. “I hope you didn’t expect something expensive and I’ll count?”
“Only if you promise you won’t ever take it back. Cause there is no return option for Christmas gifts,” Namjoon answered with a teasing smile before he tilted Jimin’s chin up, looking right into his eyes. “You are more worth than any present I ever got.”
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A/N: Happy fourth Advent! We wish you a merry christmas and hope you enjoyed our little fluffy story :) Stay healthy and be safe everyone!
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jjungkookislife · 4 years
Puppy love ║ kth ║ part six: I-I can explain
dog dad!Taehyung x dog groomer!yn
wc: 2k
warnings: cursing, fboy!kook, strained sibling relationship mentions, implications of aroused!kook
a/n: writing in between screenshots
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Yoonji sighed, shaking her head as she closed her app.  She didn’t want to be too bummed out over a cute guy she didn’t know, but she wasn’t willing to put her heart on the line if it didn’t work out.  She’d rather feel this slight ache now than a major heartbreak later.  
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You were bubbling with excitement as the minutes ticked by and you finished wiping the counter.  You’d be off the clock and able to see Yoonji, Jimin and Yoongi at Kim’s.  
“Finally!” You exclaim as you flip the sign on the front door from ‘Open’ to ‘Closed’.  You lock the door before stepping out of the building and straight to your car, hoping nobody stops you to ask for an appointment.  
The second you’re behind the wheel and adjusting your seatbelt, your phone goes off with messages.  You pause, taking your phone out of your bag to check it before you drive off.
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You were apprehensive to meet more of Yoongi and Jimin’s friends, not knowing how their personality would mesh with yours.  If you had met them one at a time, like you had with Hoseok, it would be easier on you.  You felt overwhelmed but quickly remembered Yoonji would be there as well and she’d be meeting his friends for the first time. 
The Min twins hadn’t been this close until the past year.  They both had a hard time finding themselves, feeling like they were in each other’s shadow.  That all changed when Yoonji went to school in Busan.  There, nobody knew her as Yoongi’s twin but as just Yoonji.  She liked that, thrived in it and for the first time in her life, she felt like she could be herself and not her brother’s shadow.  
You admired her growth, glad that her self-discovery had made her more confident in herself, and yet she remained your best friend.  The twins were just now melding their friendship, wanting to get back that closeness that they had lost before.  It took effort on both their parts, but Yoonji meeting the rest of Yoongi and Jimin’s friends was a big deal.  The two often kept their worlds separate, but that couldn’t be helped when you were best friends with Yoonji and Jimin, thus bringing in Yoongi into the equation.  
You loved Yoongi though, how could you not?  He was sweet and gentle but wasn’t scared to be honest with you.  He was loyal, immensely talented, and cared about you deeply simply because you were a friend.  
You valued all of their friendships, and you wanted to be able to have fun tonight and put in your best effort in meeting his friends; no matter how nervous it made you.  You found peace knowing Yoongi wouldn’t keep bad company, and with that thought on your mind, you changed your outfit and waltzed out the door to meet your friends. 
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Taehyung walked Tannie to the park, holding his leash as Tannie sniffed the surrounding ground.  
Tae wanted to meet up with his friends, but he was in one of those moods where he just wasn’t up to socializing.  He knew if he’d told his friends the truth, they’d understand, but he wasn’t one to make them worry.  Instead, he decided to clear his head by going on a walk with his dog at the park.  He figured the fresh air and Tannie’s excitement would be enough for him to relax and hopefully get out of this mood that weighed heavily on his heart. 
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Yoonji was waiting for you outside the restaurant as you walked up. Her face lit up, and she wrapped her arms around you so tight you thought she’d squeeze you out of your dress. 
“I can’t breathe,” you manage to say as you try to hug her back while taking a breath when she eases up on her grip. 
“Sorry!” She’s quick to apologize.  “I’ve missed you!”
“I missed you too!  I hope you weren’t out here too long.” You state, hoping you hadn’t inconvenienced her. 
“Just a minute or two.  Jimin and Yoongi went to greet their friend. Apparently it’s his place.  Or one of them, I should say.”  Yoonji informed you as the two of you walk into the crowded restaurant. 
“Oh? Wow!”  You take in the atmosphere as Yoonji leads you to the back of the restaurant where there’s a large table set up and Yoongi and Jimin wait for the both of you.  You sit beside Jimin, and beside you sits Yoonji, leaving the seat to her left empty.  
“You made it,” Jimin says as he hugs you, kissing your cheek. 
“We’re all back together again,” you grin as you feel slightly at ease to be surrounded by your friends. 
A few minutes after catching up briefly, there’s a loud group entering the restaurant.  It catches your attention and Yoonji’s head whips around to face her brother; a scowl on her face.  
“You didn’t tell me he was coming!”  She hisses at her brother, who shrugs. 
“I didn’t know til last minute.  Taehyung isn’t coming though,” Yoongi says as he grabs his drink and the group of men come closer.  
Jungkook’s eyes widen as he spots Yoonji, looking away, only to realize his friends have filled the remaining seats and the only spot empty is beside her.
Yoonji puts her hand on your thigh, silently asking you what to do.  She had filled you in on her last conversation with him just a few hours ago and you knew the last thing she wanted was to be in the same place as him, much less sitting beside him.  
“Hey guys!” Jimin chirps with a grin and a wave.  Everyone says hi before they’re all staring at you and Yoonji.  Jungkook stares at his lap, his cheeks pink.  
“This is my sister Yoonji and our friend Y/n.”
You wave.  
Namjoon smiles, “so you’re the girl Tae-“
Hoseok elbows him.
You raise your brow, confused.
“The girl he takes his dog too.” Namjoon finishes lamely.  
You nod, “he’s Tannie’s dad?”
“He’ll be bummed he didn’t come tonight,” Seokjin appears with a smile, extending his hand out for you and Yoonji to shake.  
“It’s a pleasure to meet you and Yoonji.  We’ve heard so much about you two.”
“Wish we could say the same,” Yoonji states, glaring at her brother.  Yoongi sighs, “you’ll be fine.  Plus, you’ve got Y/n right there.”
“Y/n?” Jungkook speaks for the first time.  You nodded.  
Jungkook furrows his brows before looking at Hoseok, “isn’t that your girlfriend’s name too?”
Hoseok nods and Jungkook licks his lips, “weird.”
“Ignore him, he doesn’t get out much,” Namjoon says as he pats the seat beside him for Seokjin to sit down for a second.  
“That’s not what I heard,” Yoonji mumbles loud enough for you and Jungkook to hear.  Jungkook’s cheeks turn red along with his ears.  He coughs uncomfortably before he excuses himself. 
“Yoonji!” You hiss the moment he’s gone.  
“What? It’s true.”
You know you won’t get anywhere with her, so you turn to Jimin and talk to him instead.  You didn’t care for rude people, and if Yoonji was going to treat Jungkook like this all night; you wanted no part in it.  Yoonji knew that, so she too, excused herself.  
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“I wish Tae had come,” Jimin sighs as you finished the last of your dessert.  
“I’d like to meet him properly sometime.  I like all your friends, even Jungkook that’s been hiding most of the night.”
Jimin chuckles, “he’s not a bad guy, honest.  He just likes to fuck, which isn’t a bad thing, but he’s got a reputation that makes him seem like a fuckboy.  He’s always up front about his intentions.  He never lies to any of his partners about what he wants.”
You nod in understanding.  Jimin plays with the straw in his glass, “however, I’m not messing with Yoonji and Jungkook.  If they like each other or they just want to fuck, they can figure it out on their own.  They’re both adults, and frankly, it’s none of my business where Jungkook puts his dick.”
“Better not be in Yoonji,” Yoongi huffs, but Jimin rolls his eyes and silences him with a kiss. 
“Let her do what she wants.  She knows what’s best for her.”
“I know,” Yoongi sighs dejectedly, curling into his boyfriend's side.  “I just worry about her…”
“She can handle her own.  Come on, let’s go see where she ran off too so we can get you home.”  Jimin helps Yoongi up and you rise from your seat to follow them. 
You linger at the front door, noting the sun is long gone and the darkness of the night has overwhelmed the sky.  You look down the street, giggling when you see a couple kissing quite passionately.  Hands moving up and down the woman’s body while her hands grip the collar of his button-down shirt.  The rest of his shirt is half pulled out of his tight jeans and when his hand comes up to cup her face, you see the tattoos on his hands.  
“Is that Yoonji and Jungkook?!” You gasp, attracting your friends’ attention, now joined by Hoseok and Namjoon.  
“Son of a bitch,” Namjoon huffs, placing a $20 bill in Hoseok’s open palm. 
“I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist her,” Hoseok grins as he pockets the money.  Yoongi shoves them both.  
“When did that happen?” Jimin asks, blinking and rubbing his eyes to make sure he’s seeing correctly.  “She hated him at dinner.”
“And now his tongue is down her throat,” Seokjin chuckles as he joins the group.  
“So who’s gonna go get her?” You ask as you say ‘not it’ right after.  
Unfortunately, Jimin loses and ends up walking toward them, looking over his shoulder every few steps to pout.  He taps Jungkook on the shoulder to get his attention, knowing Yoonji would bite his finger off.  
You can’t hear what he’s saying to them, but when he turns and points at the sizable group, you wave.  Yoonji crosses her arms, shaking her hair out of her face and straightening her outfit.  
She looks at Jungkook, biting her lip.  Jungkook swallows thickly, adjusting his shirt but not tucking it back into his pants.  Jimin shrugs, walking away from them before rejoining the group. 
“What happened?” Hoseok asks when Jimin doesn’t immediately spill. 
“Jungkook is gonna walk her home.  Come on, Min Twin,” Jimin grabs his boyfriend’s hand and leads him away.  You hesitate, taking your phone out to call Yoonji, who is still talking to Jungkook.  
She answers immediately, looking at you. 
“Are you sure you want him to walk you home? I can take you,” you state.  
“Uh… yeah.   It’s not too far from here.  Don’t worry, I’ll text you when I get there.”  Yoonji hangs up, and you receive a text from her with Jungkook’s phone number just in case. 
You nod, waving at the rest of the boys before you get into your car.  They wait for you to drive off before they go their separate ways.  
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Taehyung lies on the couch when he gets home, and that’s where Jungkook finds him an hour later after leaving with Yoonji. 
“How was the park?” He asks tentatively. 
Taehyung shrugs, “fine.”
“You missed meeting Y/n.” 
“I’ve met Hoseok’s girlfriend ,” Taehyung answers as he calls for Tannie.  The pup comes running, jumping onto his chest. 
Jungkook rolls his eyes, “no.  Y/n, as in your dream girl Y/n.”
Taehyung’s eyes widen as he sits up with Tannie in his arms, “she was there?!  The love of my life was there?!”
Jungkook nods
“And YOU got to meet her before me?!”
Again, Jungkook nods. 
“That’s not fair!  I didn’t even get her name, and you got to spend time with her and get her name?”
“We told you to go with us,” Jungkook shrugs as he yawns.  Taehyung finally noticed his friend's disheveled appearance. 
“What happened to you?”
“I… met Yoonji.” Jungkook blushes as he unbuttons his shirt.  Pink marks litter his neck and chest. 
“Some meeting,” Tae whistles as Jungkook runs the nape of his neck. 
“Yeah… we’re going out tomorrow.  I’m excited,” Jungkook admits.  Taehyung is glad for his friend. He knew his interest in Yoonji was bigger than anyone else he had ever met, and after she had rejected him, he had been feeling down.  He hopes the date goes well, he likes seeing Jungkook happy.  
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puppy love ║ kth
part six: I-I can explain
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bibbykins · 5 years
Drown Me So I Can Breathe (M)
A/N: Tumblr rlly failed me when I was trying to post this three hours ago buuuuut whatever. I hope y’all enjoy just as much as I would/always enjoy hearing from you all! Hope you all are having a great day/night!
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Pairing: (Soft) Yandere! Jungkook x reader
Word Count: 8.6k
Warnings: anxiety, anxiety attack, toxic relationship tendencies, unhealthy relationship, vaginal sex, non-penetrative sex
Summary: You stumble in crashing waves, but you don’t lift your arms for help. You gave that up long ago. There is no breath of fresh air that you can attain. But what if there were a savior with the prettiest lock and key you’ve seen? Would you even be able to see it among the murky waters that drown you?
Don’t worry, you don’t have to see it. You just have to take his hand. You’ll fall into his arms soon enough. Well, not literally fall, of course.
The crowd was loud in the amphitheater where drunk college festivities took place. You didn't even want to be here in the first place, but alas, you were the ball being shoved back and forth between crowds. It was all the joys of getting seasick without the aid of the actual sea, being too meek to stand your ground in the hustle and bustle, you were pushed, shoved, and it wasn't until you had been shoved roughly on the concrete floor, you made it your mission to get through the crowd alive. You felt the sting on your legs as you remained tossed around like a rag doll until a pair of strong hands set you on your own two feet, unmoving, unwobbling, and under his control.
Jungkook would be a liar if he said he hadn't been watching you the entire time. He didn’t mean to be so transfixed by you. He only went to these things to satisfy his sexual needs. Beyond an orgasm, he wasn't planning on feeling anything tonight.
Plans change.
Tonight was some college prom frat and sorority members who peaked in high school thought would be fun. It had drinks, pounding music, and sweaty people despite a cold environment. It was basically a club with a king and queen. Jungkook, despite his broody and less than forthcoming nature, was a shoo-in for the king. He was young, hot, and despite how selfish he was, still a good lay. He had everything he could want. He had a blossoming job as a sound engineer for the upperclassmen Min Yoongi’s company. Jungkook also gained popularity in his potential singing career with songs he randomly dropped here and there, his place in the seven campus princes furthering his fan count.
He was the youngest of the princes, but he was also the coldest. Jungkook was stone-faced around everyone but his fellow adonis friends. Some admirers chalked it up to him being cute and shy, others made him out to be a grungy broken broody man. You on the other hand, just figured he was a guy with a personality who happened to be cute.
You seldom paid him mind. Yes, he was cute, yes, you would say yes in a heartbeat, but you had a little too much pride to pine after him as many people did.
He was intrigued by you though. You always ended up in one of his classes somehow. At first, he figured you were some fan who somehow figured out his schedule, but this idea was quickly dampened.
You were a good student. A fashion major, he discovered. You had high attention to detail, sometimes to a damaging degree. You sat in the front or back row, sometimes too shy to face the front, but you always had your eyes glued to the professor or book. Even when you and Jungkook had been in a group together, you arranged everything through text message, never going off-topic.
You were a good student. How boring it was for you. You smiled, did work, avoided socializing, and went home. This was your routine. You didn't favor making genuine friendships, it was too complicated. You wanted to date, love, and finally fuck, but the odds of finding a mate who would tolerate being the only person in your life, was slim to none. Of course, you had guys you thought were cute, Jungkook caught your eye the most for obvious reasons, plus he was pretty much a loner already, but he didn't seem like the type to dish out the all-consuming love you craved.
You had been right, Jungkook wasn't until he met you. After the first encounter, to say he had become a tad obsessed would be no lie. At first, it had been his pride, wondering what person wouldn't try to fuck him, but then he realized you were no plain person. You were his ideal girl. You were sweet, and it was genuine, but he could tell you craved something more than smiles and pleasantries. You wanted something more, he just knew it, and he wanted to give it to you. He wanted to give you everything as the time of him keeping tabs on you went on.
With this want, also came the want to keep you all to himself. Once or twice, he's been forced to threaten a few guys dumb enough to say anything about you or asking you out. His friends poked fun as Jungkook once had to Taehyung when he was pining after his current girlfriend, and now he understood his feelings.
Taehyung had told Jungkook he would know when the time to make his feelings known was right to which Jimin confirmed while holding his girlfriend at his side. Jungkook recalled this as he watched you play the role of the ball in a game of crowd ping pong. You were trying to politely squeeze toward what looked like the bathroom as you had your arms close to your chest. Watching how helpless you were, he decided now was the time to begin the love story of his lifetime.
Jungkook rushed into the crowd, people being smart enough to step aside at the sight of his camouflage jacket, and he grabbed you from behind by your shoulders and set your teetering feet back on the ground. You jumped, still wobbly, but thankful to be still for once.
However thankful, you felt sick, super sick. The pressure being in the crowd as well as being shoved for almost 30 minutes straight was rushing back to you, and you stumbled forward, only to be pulled back by the strong set of hands. There was too much going on, too many people, and you felt sick. You were riddled with the feeling of instability and ridicule. You had no sense of ground until the man stabled your stance.
“Can you walk?” The mysterious savior whispered in your ear, and you shivered at the proximity.
You nodded, words getting lost in your choke for air, wondering why people were stealing glances in your direction. You began to walk towards the exit, until your legs gave in, causing you to nearly crumble to the ground, the mystery man being quick to catch you.
The voice scoffed, “Just say no.” He spoke when he went next to you to scoop you up in his arms like a princess.
You wanted to squirm and yelp, but something felt so right about being in his arms. You wanted to be the only one in his arms, staking your claim on this spot you craved to keep. It was this flurry of sensations that made you realize you hadn't looked up to see who this mystery man was, and when you got the courage to, someone bumped into your legs and you nearly fell out of his arms. Out of Jeon Jungkook’s arms.
“Watch it, dick!” He snapped at the culprit, but only gripped you closer, “Fuck, hold onto me, okay?” He whispered in your ear as you nodded, interlocking your hands behind his neck as the lingering stares of the crowd turned into blatant gaping. He walked you towards the exit as you tucked your head into his chest and closed your eyes, trying to be unseen.
Jungkook smiled at your movement. This is what he wanted. He wanted you, enveloped by him, safe, his. The crowning of king and queen had begun while he held you firmly in his arms.
“And the king is… Jeon Jungkook…” The preppy girl paused, “Uh… who is busy, so in the meantime, the queen is…”
You heard the crowd fade as Jungkook waltzed you away from the humid area to civilization and crisp fall air. Suddenly, you could breathe again, “Congratulations.” Your voice was muffled in Jungkook’s shirt.
He snorted, “Congratulations?”
“You're king, yay.” You weakly offered, still muffled as you heard doors open.
He chuckled and you felt his chest vibrate on your cheek, “Gee, thanks, princess.” It seemed he began climbing up steps.
Suddenly, the anxiety that had been bubbling in the pit of your stomach, poured out tears that threatened to spill. You felt like shit. You couldn't handle a crowd, so you ruined Jungkook’s night. He didn't even have a chance to get crowned all because he was being polite.
“Sorry.” You broke the silence that held in the air for a few minutes as he walked, your voice cracking from embarrassment.
Jungkook frowned, “No, no, sweetheart, none of that.” He damn near cooed.
You heard another door open, and when the door closed again, it was silent. It was silent until you began sobbing, “I'm so sorry.” You cried eyes screwed shut while Jungkook sat down, you still in his arms, his collar tight in your fists.
You were ashamed. You were overwhelmed. You had been so scared, so helpless, and despite being thankful, you felt like such a burden.
Jungkook’s heart shattered. He went into panic mode. The love of his life was sobbing in his arms, apologizing. Initially, he wanted to go back to the amphitheater and beat the shit out of every person who so much as bumped into you, but he'd be damned if he would ever leave your side. Now, he just wanted to see you smile. He just wanted to tell you it was okay, and he loves you, and at the moment he lacked the ability to deem such thoughts irrational.
He had taken you to his apartment near the amphitheater. You had been in and out of sleep for most of the walk, so when Jungkook reached his room above the lobby, taking the stairs to avoid the elevator startling you, he wanted nothing more than to do what he was at that moment. Hold you.
Jungkook rocked you back and forth as you cried it out, shushing you each time you apologized. In the medical record of yours he happened to come across, completely by chance, of course, he saw you had certain symptoms of social anxiety. He figured the crowd must have sent you into a mild anxiety attack, and he just wanted you safe. The safest place was in his arms.
“Don't worry, princess, you're okay.” He spoke lowly, soothing you as he sat down on his bed with you in his lap.
“W-Why are you doing this?” You cried. You could very well ask yourself the same question. It wasn't like you to break down like this, not in front of people, let alone the hottest and meanest guy on campus. Yet this hot, mean, guy was talking you down. You loved it. You craved this for so long, and you wanted to keep it like this. You wanted Jungkook. You realized at that moment, Jungkook must be the one for you. He had to be. Nobody had ever taken any effort to so much as check up on your well being. It was all small talk and half-empty compliments, but Jungkook was full of emotion.
“Oh, y/n, sweet, sweet princess,” He mused and to his delight, your muscles relaxed as he stroked your hair, “It should've have been like this since I first laid eyes on you.”
“Shh, calm down fully first, questions later.” His soothing voice ordered and you nodded, submissive. You didn't want to think too hard about the logistics of this moment anyway, you would only confuse yourself, “Right now it’s just me and you, that’s all that matters.”
"Me and you…" You echoed.
You both stayed like this for a while until your breathing went even and you relaxed in his embrace and let your eyes drift closed.
The dreams you had were whispers from a lonely past that haunted more often than naught. They held you underwater and left you to face yourself with the nothing you had surrounded yourself with. The eerie symbolism your subconscious brought worried you as you spent your years in a mirroring emotional solitude.
But tonight was different.
Tonight you drifted above water, breathing in a much fuller atmosphere than you were accustomed to. Two muscular arms kept you afloat as puffs of air hit your neck ever so softly. Cologne held you in emotional comfort as you soaked up the air in a paradise you never properly acknowledged as yours to breathe in.
You felt a hand on your hip as you took it in your own, bringing it to your cheek. It was comfortable, a loving silence enveloped you in the wisps of consciousness. You wished to stay like this, not wanting to face the obligatory awkward morning full of confusion and hazy answers to rock-solid questions.
However, you still had some of your logic left as you turned your body to face Jungkook. He was sleeping still as you looked at him. It was funny how relaxed he looked yet how tightly he gripped you. Not that you minded, of course. He was a beautiful man, this much you knew to be true. He had the softest features when not so on guard.
You looked past him to see the time was half-past nine and you had a class in a half-hour, “Shit!” You cursed softly, causing Jungkook to wake up under the assumption you were hurt.
“You okay?” His voice was deeper and groggy and it made your entire body quake.
“I-no, I have a class soon, so I have to go.” You sighed forcing yourself up before pulling the covers off only to see your short dress, “Oh goodness, it's going to look like a walk of shame.” You huffed at your thigh highs that fell to under your knees.
“Not if you borrow something of mine.” Jungkook was stretching as he spoke and you could see the outline of his biceps. You gulped, nodding mindlessly, “I have some joggers and a shirt that-”
“I'm wearing thigh highs and black heels.” You whined, “I'll look insane.” Jungkook chuckled at this before thinking for a moment. Your outfits always had a very evident amount of effort in them, and it was endearing to see how much you cared.
“My shirts may be longer than your dress though.” He stood, going to his closet as you followed suit, “I have a flannel since it's cold.” He presented the black and red garment to you.
“Perfect!” You giggled as you pulled up your thigh highs, making the male in front of you gulp, “Oh...can you unzip me?” You felt your cheeks heat as you turned.
Jungkook gulped once again as he grabbed the delicate zipper and pulled it down. He wondered when he would be able to repeat this action with a more sultry mood. Your skin looked so soft. He wondered how it would feel on his lips.
Once you felt the dress slacken and Jungkook pull away you slipped the flannel over your arms, buttoning from top to bottom as you let the dress fall from under it. He almost wanted to scold you for being so blatant about showing your body, but he couldn't help but find your naivety endearing as well. You left the top two buttons apart as you slipped on the pumps you wore last night. He watched you maneuver the shirt to expose your collarbone that he wanted to run his lips across too,, “Okay, how do I look?” You turned to Jungkook and damn near took his breath away.
You were wearing his shirt like a beautiful dress and he fought the giddy smile from how proud you looked in doing so. The shirt had a very distinctive J.K. on the sleeve and he loved that you were branded by him, “Beautiful.”
You smiled softly, “Thanks,” You broke the trance once you saw the time creeping closer to your class, “Well I should go, I'll see you later!” You missed before grabbing your purse with the intent to buy a notebook and pen for the lecture and rushed out the door.
Jungkook smiled giddily as the door shut. Fuck, you were cute. Part of him was sad that you were in such a rush to leave, but so long as you wore his shirt, he found peace. He turned to gather his things for a shower. He first grabbed his phone to see that you were typing on the messenger. He texted Namjoon a bit for useless advice before his door opened. Before he could turn, two arms wrapped around his stomach.
Before he could instinctually think to pry the person off, he saw the familiar embroidered initials on your sleeve, “Thank you so much for last night.” You mumbled in the fabric of his shirt, “I could never repay you.”
Jungkook enclosed his arms around yours as he looked at the embroidered initials you held on the cuff of the flannel, and he smiled softly, “You doing this is repayment enough.”
“We have to meet up later, because I have a lot of questions, and I'm sure you do too." You nuzzled into his back before letting go, “I'll message you, okay?” You reached for the door.
“I'll look forward to it.” He called before you shut the door. He broke out into a goofy smile as soon as he heard your heels click on the carpeted halls of the apartment and to the front door before shutting it.
The cab you took back to campus cut the 15-minute walk to a 5-minute drive that gives your fast walk a chance to buy the notebook and pen you planned to get and get to class on time. You hated this class actually counted attendance towards a grade since it prevented you from a blissful morning with Jungkook.
Jungkook. You had to pause your thoughts for a moment to properly assess that the fact was Jungkook a factor in your mind that wasn't rooted in fantasy. He had talked you down and held you like it was his obligation, but the craziest part is that it was his choice. You hadn't spoken with him much beyond casual texts, so what inspired such compassion from him.
You propped your head on your palm as your anthropology professor’s words were put to your new notebook. It was the same formula in each class. He would lecture and then pose a question to discuss with someone for five to ten minutes and then lecture some more. Wash, rinse, repeat. The question was to discuss one's theory of evolution and you sighed before turning to your seat neighbor in the lecture hall.
“So, evolution happened, right?” Jisoo, a notably perky and preppy girl, looked at you as you nodded, “Cool, so we got the same theory right?” You shrugged, “Okay, anyway, why are you wearing Jungkook’s shirt?” She smirked at you.
You balked, “Wh-What?” Was all you could muster in the midst of the shock that clouded your brain.
“I know that signature monogram on the sleeve anywhere.” She pointed to your left sleeve and you gasped at the very blatant JK in white, “It cannot be replicated. Taehyung's girlfriend has a crazy precise hand and Jungkook’s family started buying from her.”
“What the hell?” You murmured as you studied the eloquent calligraphy that you somehow missed.
“No stress, I'm not some wannabe campus princess to the princes.” She went on, “But my annoying roommate is and I would just kill to tell her that another has been snatched up into monogamy.” She jeered lightly.
“Well, I-we-” You paused to try and find the words to explain the situation.
“Holy shit, you're the girl he was carrying last night, right?” Jisoo squealed among the hushed conversations of the students around you both, “You so are!” You felt your face heat, “The world is on my side today.” She beamed, “My roommate's sorrow fuels me.”
“Jungkook and I are not…” You didn't want to deny it because the possibility could be there if you played your cards right and prayed to each deity, so you settled with, “We aren't official or anything.” You said with a slight sorrow in your voice, “We didn't even… do anything last night.”
“He never gives his shirts to one night stands.” Jisoo stated matter-of-factly, “Plus he hasn't had anyone in like a month, it's only a matter of time before the other shoe drops.” She noticed your concerned look, “Yes, my roommate is this obsessed and never shuts the fuck up.”
“But we-” You were cut off by your professor bringing the lecture back into rhythm.
“Thank you, y/n, you've honestly made my day.” She held your hand briefly before returning to her notes.
As the day went on, you noticed something odd. You were being gawked at. If you were in a musical, all those whispers would be a very good intro into a song. However, you were not in a musical, because even this was just too outlandish. It was constant whispering and side-eyes. Maybe it would have been easier if you and Jungkook had a label so that you could say an answer to the occasional interrogation you faced instead of sputter a non-committal one.
Finally, you finished your classes for the day and confirmed with Jungkook you would meet at his place. The day was breezy, so you figured a walk wouldn't kill you. That is until you saw Jungkook in the courtyard walking away from the usual table he frequents with a smile plastered on his face.
Maybe it was the way the light hit him or the fact that he was so breathtaking you felt your throat dry. A wave of embarrassment that neglected to hit you this morning engulfed you. For goodness sake, you were parading around in his monogrammed shirt with nothing but your bra and underwear beneath it. Not to mention the fact you were stockings too. What the fuck was going on? You are not his girl, so why were you even entertaining the idea? The shame you felt for even feeling like you could be something was drowning your short-lived self-confidence quickly. You wanted to run back to your dorm and hide.
On second thought, that sounded like a great idea.
You opted to make a beeline for your dorm as inconspicuous as possible, seeing as it was in the direction Jungkook was heading in. You assumed he was going to his car in the student lot that was in front of your building. Go figure.
Your lack of knowledge when it came to Jungkook’s feelings for you did you in. He had tunnel vision. He swore it was some unspoken soulmate connection that always seemed to train his eyes right to your meek form not so subtly fast walking past him. A small smile formed on his face as he jogged up to you.
Your anxious tunnel vision prevented you from noticing the man walking next to you with a grin slapped onto his face, “Slow down, princess, I'm in some pretty heavy combat boots.” His deep voice made you jump and completely miss your footing, making your knee strive to make contact with the concrete. Strong hands held you up before that could happen, though. This lead you into a half-kneeling position before those hands pulled you upright.
“Sorry.” You huffed out, watching your breath dissipate in the air.
Jungkook looked down at your chest unsteadily rising and falling, “Hey, hey, it's okay.” He spoke softly into your ear as his hands reached for yours from behind and he pressed against you so you could feel his chest as he breathed deeply. He smiled at how you relaxed ever so slightly, “Good girl.” He mused as he watched your chest rise and fall a little more steadily.
“People are staring.” You mustered shyly, “They might think-”
“I want them to.” He stated firmly and it made you shiver, “Come on, let's go talk.” He stepped next to you, his left hand remaining intertwined with your right one as he pulled you lightly in his direction.
Your feet moved on their own accord as your mind tried to add up how the hell Jeon Jungkook knew how to: 1. Recognize when you were plagued by the bubbling of an anxiety attack and 2. Bring you back down from boiling over. There was too much going on and the shame that was squeezing at your throat began to loosen its grip as your tightened on Jungkook’s.
Jungkook smiled at you as you both walked through campus and to his evidently expensive car, “It's a bit much, but I bought it when I was 18, what do you expect?” He chuckled a bit as he opened the passenger door for you. You silently cursed to yourself at how weak in the knees he made you.
“My car predated me before it was totaled.” You chuckled a bit at the stark difference between every aspect of you and Jungkook.
Jungkook chose not to ask you what you meant by totaled. He didn't want to bring back harsh memories of what he could only assume was a death-defying car crash. All the signs were there from the way you tense when somebody yells or some idiot crushes a tin can obnoxiously. He's watched you long enough to know how to put two and two together. Almost everything you do has a reason.
The seats in his car were a deep black leather that reminded you of some cosmic wormhole you could get lost into. It was like a portal into another realm, but there was a slight sting in your nerves at the thought of how many women have sat in the same seat as you with a much heavier mood than this one.
It was now that the weight of your situation hit you harder than ever. Jungkook’s hand had made its way onto your own at some point. Odds are, the way his thumb was rubbing on your palm was the only thing keeping you from dry heaving the anxiety attack you've been swallowing down for the past 10 minutes. You wanted to hate yourself for being so susceptible to his touch. It felt so pathetic. Like you were some charity case or minor piece of some teen movie bet he made with his friends.
There was no way this shit could be real.
That's what you kept repeating to yourself the whole way to his apartment. Even when walking through the very nice building and waiting for the glass elevator. Up the 7 floors, you unintentionally counted and finally to the mahogany door that read 709 in gold numbers.
The living room was quite wonderful. A color palette of black and white reigned throughout. It was very indicative of the serious side of him. However, occasional knick-knacks and posters told you there was a side of him most people don't see, one that you have only seen a small semblance of.
All this, unfortunately, wasn't enough to quell the tightness in your chest as you tried not to obsess over how taboo this all feels.
“Jungkook.” Your mouth spoke before you could stop it. The man in question snapped his head up at the sound of his name, but more so the sound of your voice. Now with his undivided attention, you had no words.
This isn't right.
What is going on?
Is this some sort of sick joke?
Do you always do this?
Instead, all that came out was, “Wh-Where'd you get this candle?” You could beat the shit out of yourself and still not be satisfied as you pointed at the strawberry mint candle with the shakiest of hands. You made a complete 180 as you faced your back to Jungkook to admire the glass candle that obviously had a store name on the label.
Jungkook smiled knowingly. You were so cute. So nervous, scared, confused, and all you could ask was where he got a candle. You were on guard, and he was sane enough to understand why. It made sense. However, sanity only stretches so far between him and his group of friends.
There was an overwhelming presence in the air around you and you couldn't pinpoint why it was so apparent until you felt a rock hard torso press into you, “It was a gift.” Your breath hitched at the gruff voice behind you as you felt Jungkook's nose survey your neck, “But I don't think you care about it that much, hm?” You shuddered when you felt the vibration of his question against your neck.
“H-Hm…” Was all you could muster as your knees nearly locked.
“Fuck.” Jungkook growled as his hands locked in the front of your hips, pulling you flush against him, “I'm really trying to take it slow here, and you are making me so fucking hard.”
You gulped and only then did you realize you were salivating, “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.” You said before immediately regretting it. Why couldn't you ever go with any flow?
The tension snapped with a hearty laugh and a kiss on the top of your head, “Son of a bitch, you are so cute.” He mused, spinning you to face him, “I'm sorry if I scared you, I just…” A hint of red dusted his cheeks as his brown eyes darted across the room, “Feel so much for you.”
While you could infer as much considering the past 24 hours, you could not deduce, “Why?” You blurted out, “Not to sound annoying, but I genuinely don't get it.”
“You are so genuine.” Jungkook looked in your eyes, more confident now, “Everything about you is so honest and yet there is so much more I could only see now that I am this close to you.” It was then you realized his nose had been touching yours and there was an almost magnetic pull that caused you to tilt your head up and flutter your eyes closed.
This was it. This was his chance to burst out laughing and talk about how dumb you look. It was now or never, really. He still had time to pull back and kick you out. It would be so much easier for both of you.
However, your thoughts were quickly shut down by plush lips meeting your own. Jungkook's hands gripped your hips as he brought you closer and deepened the kiss. This spurred you to travel on hand up to his chest and the other to the back of his neck and you brushed through his hair, making him groan into your mouth. Before you could even think, your tongues were intertwined, no fight for dominance needed. It was a dance and you happily gave Jungkook the lead.
After a millennia of exploring each other's mouths, you both pulled back ever so slightly to breathe, “I don't want anyone else to see this much of you.” Jungkook's breathed as his hand went to stroke your warm cheek, “Too precious, so beautiful.” He mused, “I want you for myself.”
“You.” Jungkook confirmed, “Be mine.”
“This doesn't make sense-” You shook your head, trying to break from the trance he had you in but his hands that cupped your face kept you trained on him.
“Do you want to be mine?” He asked firmly, “Because I know I want to be yours more than anything.” This made your breath hitch, “I want to be the only one who can touch you, kiss you, hold you, fuck if I had it my way I would be the only one able to even look at you.”
“Jungkook where is this coming from-”
“Do you want to be mine?” He asked sternly, “Answer me honestly, princess.” He spoke firmly as you were forced to look into his eyes.
“I do, but I-” You were cut off with a heart-melting kiss. The only thing you could think of was that you were his.
The kiss was Jungkook telling you everything you needed to hear. He was pacifying you and it was liberating to be cared for. It had been you looking after yourself for so long. His hands went under your thighs and you wrapped your legs around him. He held you so tightly, you felt safe. You felt safe as he kissed down your neck
You were lost in the feeling of his lips against your skin until you heard your shoe drop, "Kook." Was all you could muster but it was enough for him to pull away for a moment, breath heavy and pupils blown. The sight of him being so fucked out after just kissing shook you to your very core, "D-Don't trip on my shoe-" You sputtered as your other shoe fell too, "Shoes, I mean." You smiled sheepishly as you watched the corner of his lips twitch before a cheesy smile sprung into his face. The mood in the room shifted dramatically and cursed yourself, "Oh I didn't mean to fuck up the mood, I want to do...it...with you-" You paused and huffed in frustration, still avoiding eye contact, "I sound so dumb, can you just… shut me up?" You finally gained the courage to look at him, pupils still blown, mouth agape in a short smirk, and his tongue made an appearance to swipe across his bottom lip.
Jungkook simply shifted you to where you could feel his bulge against you clothed core and you gasped at the sensation, "Oops." He shrugged before diving back into your neck.
"Shit." You moaned out, pressing yourself harder against his erection. With this movement, you felt the vibration of a growl against your neck as your back pressed harder against the wall.
In this frenzy of sensations, your eyes only shot open when one of Jungkook's hands slipped past your underwear to rub your sex, fingers instantly coated in your juices. Both of you groaned in tandem at the sensation.
Jungkook could barely work through his thoughts. Everything he had been doing was purely primal. The innate ecstasy of having your lips on his clouding his mind and when he felt how wet you were, he could no longer hold himself back. His filthy thoughts were coming to a head as one of his fingers slipped into you with such tantalizing ease. He leaned his head up to lick the shell of your ear and you let out another delicious gasp at your own sensitivity, "Fuck, you're so wet." He growled into your ear, finger pushing in and out, "I slipped in so easily, and yet, your pretty little pussy keeps sucking my finger back in." He pushed another finger in, "What a greedy little thing you are, hm?:
Your mouth popped open, tongue sticking out ever so slightly as Jungkook fucked your pussy with only two fingers. Your face was red from his explicit words in your ear, but you by no means wanted him to stop, "Please, Kook, I want you inside me."
At your pleading, he curled his fingers up, "What?" He mused tauntingly, "This isn't enough?"
You shook your head, "I want you so bad." You moaned out as he slipped a third finger in.
"How bad?" His voice was husky in your ear before turning to look at your face. His resolve to tease you was shaken drastically at your lewd expression.
"I need it!" You cried out, feeling your high creeping closer, but not wanting to achieve it before you became one with him, "I want your cock inside me so bad!" You moaned out and in an instant, Jungkook freed his hardened erection out only to rip your panties to rub around your exposed opening.
"Ask nicely." He teased, despite his voice very evidently being strained.
"Please fuck me, Jungkook!" Your eyes rolled back as you felt him push inside you with a satisfied grunt when you were filled to the hilt.
The feeling of being so full was intoxicating and when he began thrusting something awoke within you as your arms locked around your neck to allow you the leverage to bounce up and down as he held you up in the air, "Fuck, baby." He moaned out as your hips worked wildly on his dick, "So fucking good to me." He managed before moaning out again as your nails dug into his shoulder.
He felt the need to put you in your place as he turned to lay you both on the sofa, him above you, pounding mercilessly hands ripping the flannel on your body open, the clatter of the buttons falling on deaf ears as he pulled your bra down to suck on your nipple while he fucked you into oblivion, "I've waited so long to feel you around me, fuck." He was in bliss as his hips snapped against you.
His hand went to pinch your other nipple as you began to tighten around him. His hips were beginning to stutter as you both approached your orgasms.
"You gonna cum around me, princess?" He began to thrust harder as you could only let out a choked moan, trying to nod in response, "Do it, baby, cum for me." You didn't need to be told twice as the swirling in your stomach snapped and your well-deserved release came as your vision went white, a scream ripping from your throat.
Feeling you around him was intoxicating. He could hardly control his hips as he ground against you, needier than he had ever been in his life. He was chasing his release, but he also wanted to be inside you like this forever. You were panting as his mouth wrapped around your nipple and you clenched around him. This spurred Jungkook to reach his peak that much quicker with his hips barreling into you until he came with a low moan, hips thrusting spastically as you and he rode out the sensation together.
Your chest heaved as you tried to regain your senses. Jungkook pulled out slowly as you grimaced at the sensation.
He let out a breathy chuckle against your ear at this, "Trust me, baby, I'd kill to stay inside…" He trailed off jokingly as you scrunched your nose with a laugh.
He smiled at you before he made quick work of the condom you hadn't even known was there before redressing himself. You fell asleep, memories of him dressing you in a large T-shirt and slipping a pair of boxers up your legs hazy at best.
Finally, for the second time in 24 hours, you were carried to his bed.
Jungkook slept like a rock with you in his arms, knowing that you were safe and finally his. He wouldn't be surprised if a pleased smile was brushed across his mouth the entire night. The post-sex glow only adding to the grandiose pleasure of carrying you into his bed again. He had been so close to losing you so many times, but in the end, it only proves you both were meant to be. He loved you. He knew that much, and confidently. However, that confession would have to wait. He didn't want to even think of overwhelming you or scaring you away.
You woke up much more naturally than you were used to. You flicked your eyes upward only to see the sun void in the sky. You looked at Jungkook's clock to see it was 4:00AM. You sighed dreamily as you looked at Jungkook. He looked more boyish when he was asleep, his domineering aura not present at the moment. You propped yourself up on your elbow as you studied his face at the moment. You lightly poked his cheek with an amused glance.
Not wanting to seem creepy, you opted to get water and then go back to bed. You softly tossed the covers off your body, and all was well until you stood up. Your standing time clocked in at 5 seconds and your walking time at 2 as you crumbled to the hardwood, thighs slapping against it, "Shit!" You blurted, forgetting how long it's been since you had sex.
Jungkook woke up immediately. He sprang into a sitting position as he looked around the darkroom for your form once he realized you weren't next to him, "Baby?" His voice was so much deeper, sleep still present and you would've been a lot more turned on if you weren't on the floor, "Y/n?!" He was growing more panicked until he heard you.
"Here." You raised your hand and his eyes darted to the direction if your meek voice.
"Princess?" He was more confused this time as his legs swung over the bed to reach your crumbled form, "What are you doing here, huh?" He looked down as you, legs splayed on either side, "Not trying to run from me, are you?" He laughed nervously.
You didn't catch his tone and shook your head, "Can we just say I like the floor and not that I can't walk straight?" You lifted your hand, asking for help. You could see his smug smirk as he leaned down to pull your arms so he was holding you much like he was not long ago, "I just wanted water." You mumbled through pouting lips.
"We can go get some." He held the smirk on his face as you clung to him. He walked with you to the kitchen like that, setting you on the counter before handing you a glass. He stroked your thighs as you tipped the glass between your lips.
You gave him a smile, wet lips glistening as you offered him the glass, "Want some?" He shook his head with a blissful smile as he gave you a slow kiss.
You pulled apart, sipping on the water while Jungkook watched the skin of your thighs in his hands. He squeezed them, enjoying how you looked under his touch, how liberating it felt to touch you all he wanted, "You're so fucking beautiful." He breathed, leaning down to place a kiss on top of your right thigh, before moving to the other. It was softer than he envisioned.
"Kook?" You questioned as you set the glass down on the granite. He placed his hands on your knees, spreading them slowly, placing kisses up your knees. You breathed hitched as he reached your inner thigh, only to deflate when he moved to the other knee.
"Your skin is so soft." He nearly moaned against your thigh, and it wasn't until he was just a couple kisses from your core that he let out a hearty moan, "You smell so fucking good." He growled out as you felt his nose press against your clothed pussy. He stretched the material of the briefs and you felt the pressure of the taut fabric against you. You bit your lips at this, "Can I eat you out, baby?" His nose stayed at your center and you wondered how you weren't grossed out as his strongest hands spread you further, "I am a little… parched now that I think about it." He pulled away to give you a devilish smile as he put your legs over his shoulders.
"Can we at least go to the bedroom?" You whined, "This countertop looks really nice."  Jungkook breathed a small chuckle.
"I guess I can wait just a little bit." His eyes flicked back up to you from the definite wet spot on the white boxers he gave you, "Hold on tight."
Your eyebrows scrunched, "What do you- OH MY GOD!" Faster than you could blink, Jungkook grabbed you by the thighs and held your pussy against his face, legs locking behind his neck, and hands frantically going into his hair as you became much taller than you could ever imagine.
He groaned as you writhed against him, his mouth catching kisses upon your lips through the increasingly annoying item of clothing. You squeaked each time as he skillfully maneuvered his way back to the bedroom. His arms had locked against your thighs, keeping you on his shoulders as he shamelessly pressed you up against the wall to lick you through the fabric. The soreness was easier to ignore as you let bliss and pleasure overtake your senses.
"Not enough." You whined and felt Jungkook chuckle against you.
He laid you on the bed, "You're such a brat when you're horny." He teased before moving the boxers so quickly off of you he tore them.
"Rich coming from the Hulk here-FUCK!" You threw your head back when Jungkook licked a thick stripe on your clit.
"What was that, baby?" He placed a hand flat on your sex as you writhed against him.
"Please, Kook." You let out a strangled moan when the nickname sent him into a lovesick frenzy on your pussy. His mouth found home on your clit, and he groaned at the squeal that left your beautiful lips.
Jungkook could do this all day, all night. You were so undeniably gorgeous, and you tasted like heaven. You were his awakening. You were his savior. But most importantly, you were his. His main goal seemed to be memorizing the feel of you under his tongue. This was the most selfish head he has given to someone who was enjoying it so much. His dick was absolutely twitching at each time you squirmed, he tried to pull himself through his boxers and give himself relief, but he could only moan when his hands left his own appendage to hold your hips still. He almost lost it when you let out the cutest whine as he left your clit to kiss up your body.
"I was so close." You murmured, hands on your eyes. He wondered how you were still so shy despite screaming his name only moments ago.
He pushed the shirt up as his mouth set its course to your own, stopping to grab your breasts, tongue going to each nipple as you let out a soft gasp each time the muscle twirled around the sensitive buds. His mouth reached your neck as he sucked with a ferocity that would surely leave a mark. He licked the area of busted capillaries with a satisfied smile you could feel against your neck. Your arms lay on his shoulders, hands in his hair as his mouth lay on yours. You almost stopped him, not wanting to taste yourself, but you relented. His lips looked so kissable, and he actually wanted to kiss you.  You pulled him closer to you, feeling his bare dick on your equally bare core.
You gasped at the sensation. You both knew there was no way you could handle being penetrated again, but when his hips instinctively bucked, grinding his length along you, an alternative arrived. You nodded lightly, nibbling on his bottom lip. He grunted as his hips moved hesitantly again. He took your moan into his mouth and as a sign to keep going. He ground down hard and you almost threw your head back.
"Fuck." He growled as pressed himself against you, "You got me so fucking hard for you, princess." His lips moved against yours, "Can you feel how much I want you, baby?"
"Yes, yes!" You were being fucked into the bed and you loved the sensation of your body bouncing against him, his shaft against your clit making a delicious sensation for you, "I want you too, I-I-" You cut yourself off with a gasp of pleasure as your eyes rolled back. The very act of getting off by just grinding was so erotic, you could barely keep your tongue in your mouth, the heavy atmosphere too much for you not to taste.
"Oh, shit," He grunts as he rutted against you, "You what, baby, hm?" His hips moved expertly as you could feel yourself getting closer. You were losing your mind as he went to capture your lips again.
"I-fuck!" You moaned out as his thrusts became more desperate, "I love you so much, Kookie, fuck!" You lost your mind. You hadn't even thought of the words before they left your mouth with a moan.
Jungkook nearly saw white when he heard you say those words. Those wonderful little words. You were just like him, weren't you? So lonely, yet so sure of what you felt. You had to be, right? You were his, after all. You would continue to be.
He sped his movements up in the chase for his high and excitement at your confession, "Yeah? You love me?" You nodded weakly as the bed shook, "I love you so fucking much, baby." His lips moved against yours as he spoke, "Fuck, fuck-AH!" He cursed as he came, ropes of cum decorating your pelvis as you came, legs enclosing around his muscular body to keep him pressed against you. His hips moved ever so slightly as you both rode out your highs, chests heaving against one another.
When the morning came, Jungkook found empty sheets next to him, inciting another wave of panic as he sat up, checking the floor frantically. When you weren't there, he sprang up, ripping his bedroom door open, causing your form on the couch to jump, "Oh my!" You gasped, halting movements, needle and thread in hand along with a familiar flannel in your lap, "Never startle a seamstress." You placed your hand over your chest.
Jungkook was relieved, walking over to you wordlessly to plant a kiss on your lips and you smiled into it, "Never scare me into thinking you left." He mumbled against your mouth, stealing another kiss.
You nodded as he pulled away, "I'd never leave you, Kook." You smiled blissfully, "I may be a little crazy, but I'm not stupid."
Jungkook plopped on the sofa cushion next to you, "I know, baby." He was all too satisfied with your answer, "So what was so important I woke up alone?" He was still a bit pouty and you rolled your eyes.
"Well somebody, not gonna name any names," You glared at him, "Likes to rips things, such as buttons, off of a very lovely shirt." You gestured to the flannel in hand, "Ironically enough, you're a clothes ripper with a clothes fixer as a girlfriend who loves you enough to use said skills." You teased as he watched your hands expertly attach the buttons to the shirt.
"Well, I love you too, angel." He planted a kiss on your cheek as you reddened, "You don't have to fix the clothes, though." He pointed out and you shrugged, "Whatever I rip, I'll buy you an even better version of it." He breathed against your ear and you giggled. You almost forgot how unbelievably wealthy he was.
"Well, I like this shirt." You admired your work of the buttons, "It has sentimental value." You mused as you placed it and the sewing materials on the table.
Jungkook to the chance to pull you into his lap as you let out a squeak. He brushed his nose along your neck, admiring his markings before you laid your head against his chest, "You're so fucking cute." He sighed as you buried your head in his chest, "I hope you know I mean it." He breathed, "I love you."
You sighed dreamily, "I love you, Kook." You mused, "I never knew I did, but it feels like I always have."
He squeezed you a little tighter, "And always will." You nodded with a smile and your eyes closed, missing his serious expression.
Jungkook was not messing around anymore. You were his now. He had everything he needed, and he would go to the ends of the Earth to keep it that way. You would hardly leave his sight, and he would give you the world. All you had to do was love him, be with him, stay near him, and he could ensure your wildest dreams would come true. You were his wildest dream, after all, it's the least he could do to pay you back for spending the rest of your life with him, right?
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bts-ficrecs · 4 years
Any jungkook angst with no smut? Thank you!
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yes hello. ‘tis me. Finally responding to you after 31498237 months.
i rarely read full on ANGST because my weak heart cannot take it, ok. So i don’t have a lot to share and most of the fics i read are pretty short. i don’t think any of what i read are series bc omg can u imagine a full on series with NO HAPPINESS!! I WOULD D WORD!!!!!!!1 sjadflakwe but i’ve included some angsty series in the 2nd half of this compilation!
as requested, no smut. i’m sorry if i missed something and it does have smut 🙏 also this ask made me realize how many angsty fics DO have smut involved, lololol we’re all a bunch of emo hornies and tbh,,, i’m not even gonna deny that 😂 ok ok i’ll stop rambling now.
* m/n: mai notes can also be read as “my notes”. ha ha ha wow i’m so punny.
⊱ ┄ A Fallen Bookmark on A Thursday Afternoon by @cutaepatootie
 summary: He came to you like the air comes into the train station after the fast arriving of the machine. It comes fast and unexpected, making you hoist your head to look at the long vehicle and the people inside. It is so fast you can’t even distinguish the different wagons. As the train comes to a stop, the wind that it creates plays with your hair, leaving you breathless. That’s how Jeon Jungkook came into your life.
⊱ ┄ A Mark of Betrayal by @jimlingss
 summary: Forgotten as the eighth deadly sin; each time one betrays, a mark will be signed on their skin…
⊱ ┄ A Piece of the Moonlight by @jimlingss
 summary: For your loved ones, the people who are waiting at home, the people who have died - you will fight. And sometimes to fight means to sacrifice: who you really are and the person you really love.
⊱ ┄ Blue Orchids by @inktae​
 summary: You were eighteen years old when Jimin’s name showed up on your hand.
 m/n: this is like… one of THE og bts fics and i will always promote it bc IT DESERVES TO BE READ BY EVERYONE
⊱ ┄ Delirium by @sseudanym
 summary: What to feel, when it’s all gone.
⊱ ┄ Give Me Your Hands (I Will Pick the Stars for You) by mindheist (AO3)
 summary: I miss you like the moon misses the sun, destined to chase you until the end of time.
 m/n: this is the only mxm fic here. it’s jungkook x taehyung :) i hope it won’t deter you from reading it though! it’s an absolutely beautiful story.
⊱ ┄ In My Head by obiwrites (AO3)
 summary: The one where you and your long time boyfriend aren’t on the same page
⊱ ┄ It’s Enough by @dark-muse-iris
 summary: Preparing dinner reminds you of all the struggles you’ve experienced in your marriage. Your husband Jungkook, ever your anchor, tries to cheer you up with gentle words.
⊱ ┄ Mamihlapinatapai by @tayegi
 summary: Mamihlapinatapai (noun): a look shared by two people, each wishing that the other would initiate something that they both desire but which neither wants to begin.
⊱ ┄ My Beauty, My Blood by @7cypher
 summary: With Namjoon out of the picture, Jeongguk has to step up and be the sole successor to the organization laid out before him. However, guilt doesn’t escape him very easily, and neither does your persistence.
 ⊱ ┄ Resentment by obiwrites (AO3)
 summary: It was an ugly kind of sad. The kind that kept you up at night, that weighed heavy in your chest and made you feel like you couldn’t breathe, it made you feel like molasses—made your limbs drag and your body ache. You’d heard of the physical effects of depression—but you weren’t expecting this.
⊱ ┄ The Train of Lost Souls by @inktae
 summary: The moment you step inside the train, you are given two options. You can choose to live or you can choose to move on. You are dead, but it’s up to you to do something about it. The choice is solely yours.
 m/n: ok so this is technically a Hoseok fic since the reader is interacting with Hoseok, but Jungkook is a part of this fic and IT HURTS ME SO MUCH SO I HAD TO INCLUDE THIS OK
⊱ ┄ The Swirling Ways of Stars by @inktae
 summary: Jeon Jungkook doesn’t feel like home.
⊱ ┄ Untitled by @floralseokjin
 summary: He noticed you almost instantly. Like the wind blowing autumn leaves past his heels, he felt you near him. His body an instant constant buzzing as he stood inside the kitchen, back against the counter where he watched you outside. The separation of the living area and the balcony window feeling miles away regardless of how close he was to you…how close you were to him…
⊱ ┄ We Were by @gukyi
 summary: Not all once upon a time’s have happily ever after’s.
⊱ ┄ Water Ripples by @inktae
 summary: It may be a mistake caused by unreachable forces, but it is not a curse, like some may think. Meeting each other, being able to touch each other but being forbidden to stay close beyond the limits of the sea could be considered torture — where is the pleasure in getting a taste of something you cannot have, an ephemeral spark in the night? in getting wings that can’t make you soar, no matter how many times they flutter?
 m/n: i made the mistake of rereading this when i was compiling this list and yes i am crying again. hooo booyyy.
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⊱ ┄ Below Thunder Showers by @inktae
 summary: Min Yoongi leads Earth with a stern hand and a pair of cold eyes. You lead a withered space station that’s been losing hope for years, mind tired and heart torn. Jeon Jungkook is no more than a broken soldier who’s slowly losing his humanity, but his longing for the rain keeps him tied to the ground. Three paths converge again when the two worlds clash, and as precarious as they were, it does not stop you from falling in love for a second time.
⊱ ┄ Blossom by @dimpled-gukkie
 summary: “Blossom, blossom, blossom. As unexperienced as I may be in the field you really didn’t think I’d only bring one weapon did you? It’s no wonder your gang has gone to shit ever since your dad died, it’s clear that you’re incompetent as well as incapable of being a good leader.” He laughs, raising the gun to point at you. You raise your own and he just smiles again before setting his weapon down. “You know what, how about we do this the old fashion way? I heard guns weren’t your specialty anyways.” Shrugging off his coat you spot the long dagger tucked into his waistband. “Cmon sweetheart, show me just how dangerous you are.”
⊱ ┄ Contradict by @drowsymochi
 summary: Jungkook is a name you hear often around the crowded city of Seoul, South Korea. Jungkook is the leader of Bangtan, a gang that has acquired a worldwide audience. The gang is stationed in Seoul, creating a feeling of uneasiness on the streets. Everyone in the city has been acquainted with one of the members at some time, being that they’re always around. For the most part, they don’t harm innocent civilians unless they commit a crime that the members find worthy of punishment. That penalty can range from bankruptcy, to torture and eventually death, which makes the city wary of their words and surroundings. If only you had been as terrified as everyone else.
⊱ ┄ Downfall by @donewithjeon
 summary: Your hesitation cost you dearly, and you swore never to let it happen again.
⊱ ┄ Drown For You by @callistojjk
 summary: There was something in that enormous tank, hidden in the murky water. All you knew was that you weren’t allowed inside the room and that it used to hold something dangerous.
⊱ ┄ Drag Me Down to Hell by @kimvtae
 summary: There’s a darkness to your city, a murderous underbelly filled with crime and deceit that you’ve sworn to avoid at all costs. But the universe has funny ways of forcing your involvement in the form of a notorious mob boss and his young daughter.
⊱ ┄ Expensive Mistakes by @honeyedhoseok
 summary: Your night spent swindling at the pool table goes left when your lackluster skills are found to be false, so it’s a good thing Jungkook has some supernatural abilities to keep D and his friends from recollecting their money–but his help comes at a price.
⊱ ┄ Fierce And Delicate by @mintseesaw
 summary: Jungkook and y/n had been brought in two different worlds. Jungkook living an unfortunate life and y/n being controlled by her parents all her life. Despite the imperfect relationship, they completed each other like a puzzle there is. Jungkook has one promise he intends to keep: to always make you happy. In the process of fulfilling your wish he had once declined you of, he kept a secret from you. And unintentionally, he has done more damages than expected…Every action, and every decision… could be blamed by the flawed past.
⊱ ┄ Fallout Technical Report by @pantaemonium
 summary: You knew you should not go into the darkness of night, even if your hope had run thin. The monsters were free to walk the earth, and some of them were still as human as you.
⊱ ┄ Fear in Your Eyes by @gukyi
 summary: There’s a werewolf in that forest behind your house, they told you, and he’ll eat you before you can even beg for mercy. 
⊱ ┄ First Light by @inktae
 summary: “Have you ever felt like the world is too loud sometimes?” “No. For me it’s always quiet.”
⊱ ┄ Finding Beauty in Your Darkest Places by @jungtaeyoongles
 summary: Everyone has their issues, and everyone deals with them differently. Jungkook thinks that avoiding his problems is the best option out there. AKA Jeon Jungkook is the newest patient at the Omelas Specialized Psychiatric Clinic, and he just wants to get in and out as quickly as possible so that he can go back to university and be with his friends again. Of course, that doesn’t work out according to his plan.
⊱ ┄ Gravity by @donewithjeon
 summary: The universe works in mysterious ways. What you didn’t know was that the world would give you the best at such a young age.
⊱ ┄ I Got You On My Mind by @bangtanbombimagines
 summary: In a world where soulmates can share thoughts, you never imagined that the sweet voice in your head would belong to a guy like Jungkook.
⊱ ┄ Lost Boy by @hoshikimatata
 summary: You are the only girl Jungkook keeps coming back to, and you thought that made you the one to save him. But in the end, he’s the only one who can save himself.
⊱ ┄ Let Me Stay Close To You by @9uk
 summary: You were finally free from the worst nightmare of your life in high school. The doors of college welcomed you with open arms, you were set on living your best life in here, away from the toxicity back at home. That shimmer of hope in restoring your life, was somehow effortlessly crushed by a tap on your shoulder. “Hey Y/N, why don’t you say we catch up for a moment?”
⊱ ┄ Left Behind by @bbfairy
 summary: Every person is required to go through a series of tests to see if they’re smart enough to be a part of the upper, elite district. You and Jungkook are childhood friends. Jungkook’s dream is to live with you in the elite class, but deep down, you’ve always known that you’ll fail the exams. For ten years, you wrote letters to give him on the day of his expected departure.
⊱ ┄ Lie to Me by @hugseoks
 summary: It had seemed so easy for you to move on, did you even care at all?
⊱ ┄ Pull Me Down by @starryeyedgukk
 summary: “Do you regret it?” “What?” “Falling in love with me? It feels like I only weigh you down.” “I’ll let you pull me down to the depths of hell if that’s what it means to love you.”
⊱ ┄ Rooftop by @thelillzmonster
 summary: An unrequited love burdens your fragile heart. And when an unfamiliar, isolated boy is thrown into the mix, you’re not sure whether it all turns for the better or worse.
⊱ ┄ The Burning Flame by @bangtanfanfiction
 summary: You’re sent as a scout from the Academy into enemy territory, tasked with the mission to make sure their king doesn’t unleash another war on the four nations. During your quest, you get tangled up with a lone rider, as stubborn and hard as the scales of his dragon. 
⊱ ┄ The Black Veil by @jungcock
 summary: You never wanted to be a vampire, yet you had been 21 years old for the last 2 centuries. You never wanted a relationship either, yet you incidentally make a very human Jeon Jungkook fall in love with you, twice.
⊱ ┄ Waste It On Me by @byeoltoyuki
 summary: Being a journalist, you were familiar with the concept of taking risks and pushing your limits to get the best story. But when a gangster by the name of Jungkook tries to involve himself in your quiet, safe personal life, you are forced to reconsider the limits of your comfort zone, your boundaries, your morals and even your feelings.
⊱ ┄ Why I Hate You by @floofyeol
 summary: Jeon Jungkook’s only regret, is knowing her in the first place.
⊱ ┄ Watchdog by @kpopisthereasonihavenolife
 summary: Being kidnapped, then ‘accidentally’ eavesdropping on a lot of Intel that was specifically not for outside ears, was definitely not your way of being ‘recruited’ into the mafia world.  Much less end up with a companion who didn’t seem very fond of you, but stuck guarding and watching you.  A Watchdog sort of man he was, and almost entirely too suffocating.
⊱ ┄ Written on the Sky by @inktae
 summary: Time is, without a doubt, merciless.
⊱ ┄ What Happened by @bangtanfanfiction
 summary: You and Jungkook’s relationship was on the tip of the edge. Is there any possibility to get it back up?
281 notes · View notes
honeypwark · 4 years
[ Steamed Bun ]
  ↳ Gone Days era
     ↳ Xiang and Yeosu eat street food.  Yeosu talks about her relationship.  Xiang reveals something.
Note: To whom it may concern, I am confirming now that Yeosu and Johnny do eventually end up together since I felt it is an important part to include in Xiang’s storyline even if I’m not there in Yeosu’s storyline yet.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"Oh, this is really good.  I promise.  Come here."
Xiang lets Yeosu tug her in a direction, sipping from her carton of banana milk.  They come to a stop in front of one of the dozens of vendors selling their goods in Namdaemun Market.
"Hello, can I have one gamja hot dog, please?  Thank you."
Xiang moves to stand closer to Yeosu, "What's a potato hot dog?"
The woman working the booth hands Yeosu what she'd asked for.  Yeosu walks over to the condiment table, Xiang trailing behind her.
"You've had to have had Korean hot dogs before," Yeosu says, squirting ketchup and mustard on the hot dog.
"Only once when I was still a trainee," Xiang tells her.  "It was like a corndog covered in cinnamon sugar and honey.  It was awful.  Kind of set me off Korean hot dogs."
"Yeah, the sweet ones aren't for everyone," Yeosu nods her head.  "This one's different though.  It's basically a hot dog covered in cubed potatoes.  It's nothing like the cinnamon one you had.  Well, it is, but it won't taste the same."
"I'm trusting you on this."
Yeosu laughs, “Just try it.”
Xiang picks the hot dog out of the paper wrapper Yeosu holds it in and takes a bites.  Her apprehension turns to pleasant surprise.
Yeosu laughs, "See?  Good, right?"
"Yeah, that is really good."
Yeosu pulls Xiang's hand toward her and takes a bite of the hot dog as well.
"Okay, your pick," Yeosu says.  "I'm practically stuffed, so let's make this the last one before we head back."
Yeosu had approached Xiang backstage at an awards show once.  She's told her she was always free to talk and could empathize with being the only girl in a group of boys.  They'd exchanged numbers and after Xiang asked her for an unbiased opinion on a song she was making, they grew to become good friends.  Yeosu had picked Xiang up from her dorm earlier to take her out for street food.  They'd eventually fallen into a system of going back and forth to pick which foods to get.
They walk through the extremely busy market for a short while, finishing the hot dog before something catches Xiang's eye, "Oh!  Kimchi-ppang!  I love those."
"Come on, then."
Yeosu loops her arm through Xiang's and guides her over to the kimchi-ppang stall.
"Jae gave me one of these when I ran into him and his members eating lunch.  They're literally so good."
"Looks like a new batch just finished," Yeosu says and nudges Xiang playfully, "Lucky us."
Xiang approaches the vendor and orders two of the kimchi pork steamed buns.  She hands one to Yeosu and they weave their way through the crowd to get out of the market.  Once they reach the street, Yeosu takes a bite of her steamed bun.
She sighs contently, "Heaven."
Xiang laughs but her smile fades as she looks down at her own steamed bun.  She shouldn't have eaten so much tonight.  Eating her kimchi-ppang tastes bittersweet.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"Hey, unnie?"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course."
"... How did you know you liked Johnny?"
Xiang sits in the passenger seat of Yeosu's car, the older woman driving through the streets of Seoul en route to Stray Kids' dorm to drop Xiang off.
"Well... I don't really know.  I'd lost Jungkook and was looking for him.  I was going to ask Jaehyun to call him, since I didn't have my phone on me, and Jaehyun wasn't there but Johnny was.  We talked for a bit.  Flirted a lot.  Then I headed back to my dressing room.  He tried for weeks to get my number but the timing just never worked out.  He eventually got it from Jaehyun and... I don't know.  He asked me out and... everything just sort of fell into place."
"Fell into place?" Xiang repeats.
"Johnny and I, for the most part, avoided any pining stages since we both obviously showed romantic interest right off the bat," Yeosu explains, tapping her fingers to the tempo of the turn signal as she stops at a light.  "Of course, we didn't rush into anything, both of us being idols and all.  We got to know each other and made sure we could make it work before saying anything to our members or companies. From there it just," she clicks her tongue, "Fell into place."
"How do you make it work?  Since you're both really famous idols?"
"We keep it on the low.  We avoid interacting in front of fans and cameras and people who don't know.  With how big BTS has gotten, and how quickly NCT 127 is getting up there with us, I'm not sure when we'll tell the public.  Outside of BTS, NCT, and our companies’ management, I could count on my hands how many other people know about our relationship."
"Would you, theoretically, ever... date one of your members?"
"One of my boys?  God, no.  I could never see any of them like that; they're my family."
Xiang forces a laugh, "Sorry, I asked."
"That would be so many levels of wrong for me," Yeosu continues.  "I don't know exactly what your place in your group's dynamic is, but I'm literally my boys' mother.  They would crash and burn without me.  And they have.  During our break last year, I went to Iceland with John and within two hours of our flight landing, Jin was texting me saying Namjoon almost burned down the kitchen."
The rest of the drive to Xiang's dorm is spent making fun of their group mates, recounting tales of boyish idiocy that range from walking in on Xiang in the shower to dealing with the aftermath of glitter bombing Yoongi's studio.  When Yeosu parks out front of Stray Kids’ apartment building, Xiang unbuckles her seatbelt but remains in her seat.  Yeosu sits quietly beside her, sensing she has something to say.
"Have you ever struggled with how you look?" Xiang says eventually.
"Yes," Yeosu answers, "Everyone does at some point. Some people more than others.  Jimin... He had a rough time for a while dealing with his looks and his weight."
"Did your company ever say something to him about losing weight?" Xiang asks, "Then it's been over half a year and he just can't let go of it.  And whenever the company checks in on his weight, they just comment that he's lighter.  And no one realizes he's really struggling.  And he's hurting himself but he's afraid to ask for help because he's doing what the company asked and he can't tell if something's wrong with him or if he's overreacting because he was already mentally unstable to begin with.  But no one knows about that either because of the prejudice around mental illnesses in South Korea and by the time he realized something is really wrong it seemed like it was too late to bring it up and he doesn't want anyone to think that he's pretending or wants attention because he’s been accused of that before and-“
Xiang breaks out of her ramble as Yeosu says her name gently and reaches across the console to take her hand.  Xiang instantly regrets ever opening her mouth.
She forces a smile and pulls her hand out of Yeosu's, "Thanks for tonight, unnie, it was a lot of fun."
"Xiang- Xiang, wait!"
Xiang has closed the door to the car behind her before Yeosu could even unbuckle her seatbelt.  Yeosu clambers out of her car and calls for Xiang again.
By the time Yeosu makes it to the sidewalk, Xiang has disappeared inside the apartment building and she can't follow her. Hating that it’s the only option available to her, she walks back to her car slowly and heads back to her apartment.
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bngtanah · 4 years
I’m (not) With The Band. | o7
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summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: idol!Yoongi  x OC
word count: 4.5k genre: drama, romance, smut(eventually)
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual attraction, ambw, developing relationship, light angst, making out.
a/n: hey. sup. it’s been forever lmao.
"No, no, I want there to be a subtle kind of...sexiness even without the lyrics"
"But I thought we agreed to go for a different feeling?"
"We did...then I changed my mind"
"So, I guess what I want doesn't matter?"
"For this song- no. No, it does not."
Yoongi wanted to be annoyed by her dismissal and deep down he mostly was, Andy was being unnecessarily difficult with the direction of their latest music-related venture, and although she had shot down nearly all of his ideas today, Yoongi still found himself bowing to her will instead of arguing with her like he usually would whenever she batted those big green eyes at him. He was fairly certain that she wasn't doing this on purpose, enticing him so that he would continue to remain entranced by her attractive features and intoxicating smile, even if she wasn't aware of what she was doing, the results were still the same. She already had him wrapped around her finger without even realizing it and Yoongi hated being so damn malleable. 
Today was another day off for the group but with the limited time and amount of preparation they still had to go through t in order to be ready to release their album on time, no one in the group had the luxury of lounging around doing nothing  like they had been doing the past few days. Everyone was either practicing, giving interviews or helping out with lyrics for the few songs that were already completed and approved leaving Andy and Yoongi alone in an empty dorm to get some actual work done. They opted out of working at the studio since it was already crowded with Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok using the computer and mic, Yoongi knew that the dorm would be empty for most of the day, so it gave them a chance to work in peace.
"Look," Adrienne sighed and leaned back on her elbows, they were seated on Yoongi's bed and much closer than they needed to be "I'm sure whatever you're thinking is great but if you guys really want to go for a more mature image with this album you need a song like this. The kind of song that will give you the confidence to strip and give your boyfriend a lap dance even if you can't dance for shit." Adrienne exhaled sharply and glanced up at the ceiling, looking wistful. She wasn't looking at Yoongi, and she hadn't been since she started speaking, but if she was she probably would have noticed the way his eyes ping-ponged between the slight amount of cleavage peeking out of the top of her v-neck and her plump lips that curled into a seductive smile when she spoke that last sentence.
Something about the way she said the previous sentence, however, must’ve given too much of her desire away, because he froze when she exhaled, just to stare her down. When Adrienne finally did glance to the side she flinched slightly under his intense glare but didn't back away.
"Sorry, was that too much? I talk without thinking sometimes..."
"No... that's not-"
It seemed Yoongi hadn’t truly been paying attention to what she was saying before, but now he would have been hanging on her every word if she had the courage to say anything else, instead, they just stared at each other, neither one moving an inch until one of Adrienne's braids fell into her face and Yoongi raised his fingers and brushed the back of his knuckles across her cheek to put it back in place.
His movements were gentle, so gentle that Adrienne could barely breathe– the moment stretched out for so much longer than seemed appropriate, allowing Adrienne to become lost in her thoughts and the realization of just how much she wanted his lips on her to hit her with a heavy awareness. Andy broke under the thought and found herself leaning forward to just do it, to just kiss him like she had wanted to for so much longer than she cared to think about. Yoongi leaned forward as well, the hand that was caressing her cheek moving down to her neck to securely keep her head where he wanted it to be. Eyelids hooded and lips just a few inches apart, their breathing intermingled as they drew closer and closer to their intended goal. Weeks of flirting and mutually explosive tension bubbling just under the surface was just seconds from reaching its peak....until hearing the door handle jiggle broke apart their fantasy.
Suddenly the front door opened, and the sound of Jin's voice blending together with Jungkook's caused the enamored pair to spring apart, quite literally, with Yoongi rolling further into the center of his bed and Adrienne tumbling from the bed to the ground, landing flat on her ass.
"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked quickly, peering over the edge as Adrienne nodded and rubbed the sore spot on her hip where she landed.
"I'm fine, just a little bruise-" She responded with a groan then looked up, the moment between them was long from being forgotten and that was evident in the way Yoongi still peered down at her like he wanted to devour her right then. But, Jin and Jungkook making their presence known in the hallway outside Yoongi's bedroom made them break contact and swiftly pretend to be working, Andy grabbing her notebook off the edge of the bed and Yoongi mindlessly pressing keys on his laptop as the two young men hovered around the entrance and inquired about how their work was going.
"Yoongi's being stubborn, and I am making amazing music, so it's just like always," Adrienne commented from the floor, earning a chuckle from both Jin and Jungkook and an agitated smirk from the target of her jeer.
"Ah, well we won't distract you, keep working hard!" Jin stated as he began to usher Jungkook out the door, who was on the verge of complaining.
"Oh no! You can stay!" Adrienne replied, too quickly, and shot out her hand to stop them from leaving "It would be nice to hear some feedback." She wasn't too certain about being left alone with Yoongi after what had almost happened just a few seconds earlier, even with her sitting on the floor now there was no guaranteeing she wouldn't lose her senses again and do something stupid like try to kiss her coworker.
"Are you sure won't we be in the way?" Jin asked in part, allowing Jungkook to finish off the question even though he was already walking back towards Jin's bed and sitting down. Both of them glanced back and forth from Adrienne to Yoongi for an answer, before finally settling on Yoongi.
"It's fine," he grumbled from behind his laptop screen, "Just try not to make too much noise."
They, of course, did the opposite of what he asked.
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Yoongi slammed the door of the Bangtan room so hard Adrienne swore she could hear the frosted glass crack and shatter when he entered the room. She didn't even bother swiveling around in her chair when she heard him come in since she already knew what was bothering him. Yoongi had a meeting with the boss today about a few songs he'd submitted on his own for approval and, judging by his reaction, it probably hadn't gone well.
It was always interesting (terrifying) to see Yoongi so genuinely angry, he was usually so calm and unconcerned by small or big things, but when it came to his music he quite literally wore his emotions on his sleeves and it barely took much to ignite a blaze of fire within him.
"Yoongi-ssi?" Adrienne called as she heard his pacing back and forth behind her.
No answer.
"Are you alright?" Adrienne decided to ask once again when he took a seat on the couch and began running both of his hands down the length of his face. 
"Do I seem alright to you?" Yoongi snapped with his face still buried in his hands, his knee was bouncing up and down so quickly it warbled his voice and Adrienne couldn't even find herself becoming offended by his curt reply.
"You don't," Adrienne answered as she spun around to face Yoongi, "That's why I'm asking if you are. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but don't come in here disrupting my time with your bad vibes if just going to be an asshole."
Yoongi puffed up almost immediately, his chest inflating with arrogance and his lips twisting into an aggravated scowl. He looked up, ready to dispute his right to be an asshole whenever he wanted to be, but once his eyes met Adrienne's he deflated and glanced to the side with a heavy sigh. He shouldn't be putting his anger off on her, she wasn't the reason he was upset.
"He said no- again!" Yoongi finally replied with an answer that Adrienne already knew, but she nodded anyway, her gaze never leaving his as he began to rant about not being taken seriously. 
"They still look at me and talk to me like I'm still the same kid that auditioned here three years ago, it's fucking humiliating!"
"Did he at least give you some constructive criticism?" Andy asked, trying to remain positive.
"That's not even the point," Yoongi huffed, rising up from his seat, "If it was just about my song not being good enough, I could change that. I can always make better songs but I'm not growing as an artist if I'm constantly being told to write about the same thing in a slightly different way! There are only so many similes and metaphors you can write about someone not loving you the way you love them."
Adrienne frowned and nodded because she understood how he felt. Even when she felt like she didn't know Yoongi as well as she wanted to, it was always very obvious to Adrienne how much his music meant to him, that was something they had in common and it was probably the reason for most of their music-related disagreements. Neither of them would put their name on a project that they didn't know was their absolute best effort.
Yoongi was still pacing  back and forth the length of the small studio room in an attempt to work off all the anger that was building up inside him. He stopped abruptly once he felt Adrienne's arms embrace him from behind and her cheek rest against his shoulder, she was wearing platform sneakers that made her as tall as him.
"Do you really think your boss doesn't respect you?" She asked after a few seconds passed and his harsh breathing had calmed some.
"He's not acting like he does," Yoongi muttered over his shoulder.
"You know that's not what I asked, do you honestly think he doesn't respect you? Would he have given you the responsibility of producing an entire album for your group if he didn't appreciate your talent?" Adrienne inquired and picked her head up off of Yoongi's shoulder.
"...Technically he didn't, he hired you to produce it with me." He said quietly, followed by a pained hiss when Adrienne flicked his earlobe.
"Yah! We're getting along, don't ruin the moment!"
Yoongi smiled, it was small and short-lived but it was the first time he hadn't been scowling since he walked into the room and Andy counted that as a win.
"In all seriousness, I know for a fact that he doesn't think you're still the same kid you were when you were training. You should hear the way he talked about you before I met you guys, it was nauseating. I think he recognizes that you've grown which is why he allowed this opportunity, he also knows what's going to sell so try not to take the rejection too personally."
Yoongi exhaled and pressed his lips together, he knew she was right. He may have been taking this a little too personally, but his music was an extension of him, how could he not? After a second of contemplation, Yoongi turned so that he was facing Adrienne and looped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close to him in a tight hug.
"Thank you," He said gently as they pulled apart and Adrienne smiled widely in response, her grip on his forearms reluctantly growing slack. A moment of charged silence passed between them once again when they were no longer hugging, and Adrienne felt a fleeting sensation of recklessness pass through her once again. They still hadn't talked about what had happened a few days earlier in Yoongi's room, Adrienne was waiting for him to bring it up while being too cowardly to do it herself and Yoongi felt the same way. 
"You should do something," Adrienne spoke first.
"What?" Yoongi asked, clearly confused.
"Your song," Adrienne clarified and backed away to save her own sanity. "You should do something with it if you really like it that much. Maybe you can't put it on an album, but you can always release it for free? Your fans would like that"
"Ah, I don't know about that" Yoongi shook his head and returned to his seat on the couch, "The big reason it can't be included on the album is because of the subject matter....it's kind of suggestive."
Andy shrugged and leaned against the back of the office chair "But it would be nice! Think of your fans."
Adrienne pouted and Yoongi caved.
"Fine, but I need you to sing the chorus, and we can't release it anywhere."
"Me? Why? Can't you use Jimin?"
"He's busy, and I doubt he would be comfortable singing some of the lines."
Adrienne's curiosity was piqued but understood what he meant once they actually began recording the song. The word 'suggestive' would have been the last adjective on Adrienne's mind as she read the lyrics as well as she could and sang along with Yoongi's direction; explicit would have been her first choice. It was a catchy song, that was definitely true, but Adrienne understood immediately why it couldn't be included on the album. They finished the song in just a few takes and quickly got back to working on the album like they were supposed to be. It was well into the night before either of them left for home and Adrienne made a quick stop to one of the few cubicles that were still occupied with someone working. It was an assistant name Soo-Bin whom Adrienne wasn't overly friendly with, but she still knew her by name. She quickly asked to post the cover she'd mixed and arranged for Jungkook before she left for the night since she was going to be there a lot longer than Adrienne was. Soo-Bin agreed, reluctantly, and once it was time for her to go home quickly published the first song that seemed to match the specifications Adrienne described.
She wasn't in the mood to double check.
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The next morning Adrienne got ready for work with a heavy heart after waking up to a message from Bang Sihyuk requesting her presence in his office, the second she got to work. She hadn't had a one on one meeting with him since she was hired, and she honestly couldn't think of anything they needed to talk about. She wasn't finished with the latest batch of songs and there was still time for her to send them in, so she knew he couldn't have been moving up the deadline, and anything else pertaining to the album was usually just relayed to her through Yoongi or one of the other staff members. There was only one logical reason Andy could think of for him wanting to meet with her alone and that was to tell her that she was fired. The thought alone nearly made her hyperventilate.
Slowly, Adrienne trudged her way towards Bang Sihyuk's office when she was finally inside the Big Hit building. She paused once she was a few feet away from the office door and noticed a familiar face leaning against the door frame.
"Ah, I was wondering when you'd get here, you're late today."
"It took me a while to get ready..why are you here? Do you have a meeting today too?"
Yoongi nodded, "Yeah, right now. He wants to talk to both of us."
Adrienne sighed a small breath of relief once Yoongi turned and entered the room before her. If he wanted to talk to both of them at once, then the chances of her being fired seemed to be a lot smaller. Andy soon followed after Yoongi and immediately bowed at a complete 90 degree angle once she was inside, the rules of engagement when it came to her superiors were still foreign to Adrienne, and she wasn't sure if she had to bow once she entered his office, but she didn't want to run the risk of possibly offending her boss.
Bang Sihyuk was in the middle of a phone call when they walked in but motioned for them to side down anyway. Andy and Yoongi exchange a short confused glance but their attention was brought back to their boss once he hung up and cleared his throat.
"I'll be quick about this, I'm sure you're both wondering why I called you here," Andy and Yoongi both nodded simultaneously, "The reason is simple really, I need to have a conversation with you about the nature of your relationship and the easiest way to do that is if you're both here together."
Adrienne was confused, she was sure she heard him correctly but the way he said 'relationship' didn't make sense to her. 
"Now while I suppose I can't outright stop you, I can strongly discourage you from openly dating so early into Yoongi's career. The group is finally gaining some ground in the music business and a scandal like this could derail all the hard work that-"
"I'm sorry, did you say dating?" Adrienne interjected, trying to sound as respectful as possible but she just had to stop him before all his words began to blur together.
"PD-nim, we're not dating" Yoongi spoke up once Bang Sihyuk answered Adrienne's question with a firm nod.
"Are you sure about that? The song that you put up on the blog yesterday seems to very explicitly suggest otherwise. You don't have to lie to me,Yoongi. Honestly, it's better if we get it out in the open now that way I can protect you if I need to in the future." Bang Sihyuk countered with genuine concern in his tone.
"Song? What song?" Adrienne muttered underneath her breath before the wheels in her head finally started turning "Aish! Soo-Bin must have uploaded the wrong song last night, I asked her to upload Jungkook's cover. She must have gotten the files mixed up" She said to Yoongi who nodded and shook his head.
"That song was never meant to be released to the public, sir" Yoongi explained, "It was just something we recorded for fun but I can promise you that we are not dating or anything like that."
"Truthfully, we are not. I don't have a reason to lie to you" Adrienne tacked on.
Bang folded his arms across his stomach and leaned back into his comfy office chair "Good," he said after a few seconds of tense silence "We've already taken the song down but both of you need to be more careful in the future, you can't afford a mistake like this."
"Yes, Sir."
They both thanked him for understanding before he excused them and allowed them to leave. Adrienne dramatically sighed and slumped into the sofa once they reached the studio.
"I can't believe I thought I was going to be fired today."
"Why would you think that?" Yoongi asked from hovering over the computer console.
"I didn't know you were going to be there, I thought he wanted to talk to me alone and that could only mean one thing."
"You shouldn't take things so personally" He snickered, proud of himself for being able to use her own words against her.
Adrienne rolled her eyes, "This not the same thing, my reason is totally valid" She scoffed "Can you believe he thought we were dating, though? There's no way that would ever happen."
Yoongi stopped fidgeting with the keys on the keyboard just long enough to look back at Adrienne who seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, her statement had struck a chord in him "No way, huh?"
"Hm? Oh! It's nothing against you I just....I don't think I'm your type" Adrienne said with a humorless laugh as she got up to take a closer look at the books on the shelf against the far wall.
"What does that mean?"
"It...means what I said, I'm not your type," Adrienne answered over her shoulder, completely unaware of the utter disbelief written all over Yoongi's face.
His hand latching onto her wrist took her by surprise and Adrienne gasped softly as she was suddenly being pressed against the wall next to the bookshelf, her body sandwiched between Yoongi and the plaster. His knuckles softly grazed over Adrienne's cheeks just like they had days before but this time, there were no braids obstructing her view to excuse his actions. His move was deliberate, and he made that notion clear as his gaze never left Adrienne's face as his hand moved down to her jawline and the pad of his thumb lightly traced Adrienne's' sharp features.
Yoongi only wanted to make a point; that there was no possible way she wouldn't be his type. However, being so close to her. Feeling her chest rise and fall against his body each time she drew a shallow breath he found it hard to stop himself once he'd started. As if of its own accord his head dipped, and he pressed his lips to hers. His free hand cupped the back of her head, holding her there gently. His kiss was soft and almost chaste to start off with, not forcing Adrienne to give any more than she wanted to, but she soon found herself getting lost in their kiss, her lips returning his actions with as much vigor as she could muster. She couldn’t quite explain the feeling that she had right now, it was as if all the blood had rushed from her head and that she was flying, she felt light and grounded all at the same time. Whatever it was she definitely knew she had a word for it now; right.
As much as she tried to ignore it and push her feelings to the back burner for the sake of her sanity and now career, kissing Yoongi felt right and Adrienne could no longer deny that fact. Her arms gripped tightly around his back as she pulled her head back momentarily to catch her breath, she looked up into Yoongi’s eyes and it was as if she was seeing him for the first time. The slight redness in his cheeks made her grin playfully as she sent her lips plunging back to his, her head shifted to the side with precision as she snaked her tongue past his lips. Yoongi no longer felt the need to be gentle, he put his all into the kiss now, and he let her in, tongues massaging and bodies wrapping up in one another as his hand slid down Adrienne's torso to firmly grasp her hips and hold her steady.
The feeling of her fingernails dragging across the skin of his neck ignited a five-alarm fire within Yoongi and just as quickly and unexpectedly as their kiss started, he ended it. Detaching his hands from her waist and immediately backing away like Adrienne was radioactive.
"I'm sorry," He said breathlessly with his hand covering his slightly swollen lips. "I shouldn't have done that" Yoongi croaked, that one moment was validation of something he'd wanted for such a long time, but he couldn't allow himself to completely abandon his self-control.
"Please, don't apologize," Adrienne answered, still trying to catch her breath "You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to kiss me."
"No, I have to because I can't.....we can't...we can't do this Andy!" Yoongi frantically exclaimed, pushing the hair away from his face roughly.
The strength of his response made Adrienne flinch slightly, he wasn't yelling but there was a temper behind his words that she didn't fully recognize, "Okay." She nodded and adjusted her top so that it laid flat over her stomach again. 
"I don't want to sound desperate but why?"
"We just can't," Yoongi exhaled and hung his head low.
"I-is it because I'm black?"
He spun around quickly to face her with his expression contorted in confusion, "What? No!"
"Then what is it?"
Yoongi sighed heavily and took a seat on the sofa then patted the seat next to him and gestured toward Adrienne "Come here."
Adrienne followed his command and occupied the seat next to him, he took both of her hands in his once she was seated.
"You heard what PD-nim said today." He started softly, his thumb gentle caressing the back of her palm. "I have a very demanding job. It's not that I wouldn't want to be with you, but I also want to have a successful career and I don't know if I could handle doing both. I know that seems selfish but I've given up so many things in my life to make sure that I can do this to the best of my abilities and I can't become lenient now, no matter how tempting the thought of this is." He accompanied his words with another gentle stroke against Adrienne's cheek.
"If we got together I wouldn't feel right unless I was giving you every part of me and I can't do that and be good at my job, Andy" He frowned and cradled her face with both of his hands "I have so many goals to accomplish before I can give my heart away and I can't just ask you to wait for me...that wouldn't be fair."
Adrienne bit down harshly on her bottom, she understood where he was coming from. Honestly, she did but still didn't stop her from feeling like he was just admitting to being too afraid to take a risk. She didn't voice her opinion, however, he was bearing his heart to her and accusing him of being a coward would undoubtedly only ensure that he would never do that again.
"I understand," She responded with a tight, forced smile; her palms smoothing up Yoongi's forearms until the rested over his hands "I don't totally agree but I understand, your job is important to you and it wouldn't really be fair for me to ask you to put it on hold." Adrienne leaned forward and pressed her lips against Yoongi's cheek long enough so that her lipstick transferred to leave an outline of her lips against his pale skin.
"If you change your mind you know where to find me."
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kerikaaria · 4 years
If I Never Met You: Chapter 37
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(??? X Reader) Idol!AU, Manager!Reader
Warnings: Injuries, fighting
Genre: (PG13) Fluff, angst
WC: 2.2k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 36 | Chapter 37 | Chapter 38
A/N - I’m sorry this is a day late. I really overestimate how much time I have sometimes. And then when I did get the time today, my boyfriend just didn’t want to leave me alone to let me write this lol. But I got there eventually!
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“Noona!” Jimin yelled as he ran ahead of the others toward you, slowing down just enough to not knock you over when he hugged you.
You laughed. “Hello to you, too.”
“We missed you!” he whined, squeezing you tighter.
“I missed you too, Chim,” you said as you gently pushed him off you. It wasn’t that you didn’t want his affection—you really did want as much affection as any of them were willing to give you—but too much of it in a public place like the airport was really not safe at all.
Bang had strongly suggested it would be a good idea for you to meet the boys at the airport when they returned from Malaysia and had someone from the company drive you here. After how well the articles were received, you were told it would be a great idea for fans to see a bit of your friendship with them and welcoming the group home was a prime way to do that.
Not to mention, seeing that you were indeed in a wheelchair and casts added more sympathy points, since you didn’t have enough of those apparently.
While you were genuinely happy to see them, you were a bit more nervous. You knew so many eyes were on you specifically—could almost feel each click and flash of a camera on you—and the fact that you were doing this primarily for publicity to help BTS was making you hyper aware of everything.
Yoongi was quick to catch onto the fact that your hands and eyes were shaking underneath your happy expression. “Let’s get going to the car,” he casually suggested, looking at Taehyung with a purposeful expression.
Tae quickly caught on, walking behind you to grab the handles on the back of your chair. “Thanks for coming to pick us up, noona,” he said. “We really missed you while  we were gone.”
“So I’ve been told,” you chuckled, trying your best to hold in your nerves. You were actually thankful for the help being pushed, not trusting your wobbly hands to guide you well at the moment.
Unsurprisingly, Taehyung being the one to push your chair seemed to have a direct correlation with the crowd’s volume increasing. You could see people whispering and smiling out of the corner of your eye, fans clearly enjoying watching him help you.
You did your best to not pay attention to the crowd for the rest of the walk back to the van you arrived in, one of two vehicles that everyone would take to get home. But it certainly wasn’t lost on you that it was purposely in a visible area, where fans would see the members helping you get into the vehicle.
Jin was quick to open the door, and Yoongi almost immediately climbed in, both of them silently dedicating themselves to riding back with you and Taehyung.
“I’ll help noona into the seat if you take the chair to the back,” Tae suggested.
Seokjin nodded in agreement, moving behind you to hold the chair in place while you and Taehyung easily fell into the practiced rhythm of getting you out of it. While he was supporting your weight, arms around your waist to hold you up and quickly maneuver you into the van, it was impossible not to hear the cooing noises and shutter sounds from phones and cameras from the nearby audience.
You scooched further down the bench seat quickly to allow room for Taehyung to sit as well. Once both he and Jin were in the van he closed the door, finally blocking you from the prying eyes.
You breathed out heavily, a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding, while Tae grabbed your hand, entwining his fingers with yours. Feeling his stable grip made you only now realize that you were shaking.
“You did really great, noona,” Yoongi praised from behind you.
Tae nodded. “Yeah. That was a lot of pressure for you. I’m proud of you for keeping yourself together so well.”
As the vehicle started moving, hands rested on your shoulders, gently pushing them down to relax the tension still left in them. “It was really great of you to do this, noona,” Jin said, close enough to you that you knew it was him starting to now softly massage your shoulders. “But even if you’re asked to do something like this again, I hope you refuse. You know you’re not obligated to do this.”
“Yeah, this is a lot to ask of you,” Yoongi said. “You don’t need to do this. You didn’t ask for the original article or to be in the spotlight at all.”
You nodded. “Yeah, this was… kind of stressful, I’m not going to lie.” Taehyung squeezed your hand. “I’m super happy to see you guys, don’t get me wrong. But knowing that all those people were talking about me and watching my every move was really…”
“We know,” Tae said. “You never expected nor wanted to be in the spotlight, like hyung said. Even knowing that’s what we were getting into, it took a while to get used to all the attention we had after debuting. I can only imagine how stressful it is for you.”
“And it wasn’t like we wouldn’t have gone to see you once we got home,” Jin said, releasing your now relaxed shoulders from his grip.
“Yeah, you’re right,” you said. “Although, it was nice to get out of the house for once. I’ve been a bit nervous to go out by myself.”
“Maybe we can start scheduling times for one of us to go with you outside?” Yoongi offered.
“No,” you immediately said. “You guys are still really busy, and when you’re not you need to relax. I’m not going to ask you to do that for me.”
“If we have some free time to spend with you, it doesn’t make much of a difference to us,” Seokjin said. “Besides, sometimes it’s nice to spend that time getting some fresh air.”
The four of you continued to chat, catching up on what the other had missed during the ride back.
When the van parked by the office instead of heading to your apartments, you were a bit confused.
“Aren’t we going home?” you asked the driver, another BigHit employee.
“Bang PD wanted to talk to all of you before we took you home,” he said. “Did I forget to mention? I’m sorry.”
“Oh, okay,” you said. “That’s fine. It’s been a while since I’ve been to the office so this will be kind of nice.”
While the boys climbed out of the van and retrieved your chair, the rest of the group had arrived right behind you and started exiting their car as well.
It was Jin who helped you get back into your chair this time. When Yoongi started walking behind you to push your chair, you decided to let him help you out even though usually you would have insisted on doing it on your own.
It turns out that what Bang PD wanted to talk to you all about was the fact that you were going to move again—and BTS was getting an apartment with much more space, including three bedrooms.
And Bang PD still wanted you to stay nearby, of course now because having extra sets of hands nearby to help you out was really more of a necessity than a luxury. Your apartment wouldn’t be quite as big as theirs (What would you need three bedrooms for?) but it would still be an upgrade for you that you could afford just fine.
Leaving the office, everyone was so excited about being able to have more room at home, and you couldn’t have been happier for that either. They really needed it, and now the company was able to afford it with how well the group was doing. It was certainly a huge relief.
You headed out of the door first, a bit ahead of the others. When you turned around to see if they were following, they were all still standing in the lobby, chatting. But you figured you could just keep heading toward the van, since you were outside already anyway.
Halfway down the sidewalk, a few young girls approached you. You stopped your chair when they stood in front of you, blocking your path and staring at you.
“Can I help you with something?” you asked, confused. When they just stood there for a moment not answering, you continued. “Would you please move to the side so I can go?”
They split to walk by either side of your chair, and you began wheeling forward. As you were about to offer a thank you, you felt your chair being tugged backwards from someone pulling the handles.
“What are you-” you started before the chair jerked one more time, making you grip onto the armrests when your breathing and heartbeat sped up from the scare of the action.
“Please stop that,” you said, sounding breathless. You realized you were rather helpless at the moment. It wasn’t like you were walking down the street and someone grabbed your wrist, which you could work your way out of. And you most certainly couldn’t just get up and walk away.
“You’re so annoying,” one of the girls said.
“Who do you think you are to be so close to our oppas?” the other chimed in.
So that was why they were doing this. You were scared to say anything in response, lest you say something to make them angrier with you.
“You deserved to get hurt,” the first girl hissed.
Alright, that one stung.
“If you ask me, she should have gotten hurt even worse,” the second girl added before quickly jerking your chair to the side and pushing it, knocking the chair over and you with it.
You instinctively braced for the fall with your hands, feeling the sting of concrete scraping the skin of your palm. Your legs took some of the impact as well, and you bit your lip to keep from crying out at the sore pain shooting from them.
Now helplessly on the ground, the two girls began to kick you while telling you how much they hated you and throwing insults. You curled up, covering your head with your arms and trying to pull your legs toward your stomach as best as you could.
One of them was focusing her blows on your casts, causing you to hiss and whimper in pain. They were still in the process of healing and the force of the kicks was doing you no favors, on top of the pain you already felt from the fall.
A few moments later you heard a new voice nearby yell, “Run! Security’s coming!”
They instantly stopped their attack in favor of attempting to outrun the security officers, who you could feel run past you as you lay on the ground, unable to move even after no longer being hit.
“Noona!” a very familiar voice called out.
Just a moment later your upper body was gently lifted from the ground and your head rested against a strong chest.
“Noona,” Taehyung repeated, concern obvious in the shakiness of his voice. “Noona, are you okay?”
“I-I’m okay,” you said. “I think.” You winced when he shifted a bit, causing you to feel a sore spot on your side.
“I’m sorry,” he said, burying his face in your hair. “We should have been paying more attention. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not anyone’s fault,” you said. “How could any of us have known this would happen?”
Yoongi bent down in front of you, taking a look over your body to assess any injuries. “Why did they do this?” he asked.
You faltered for a moment before saying, “I-I don’t know.” The last thing you wanted was for them to feel at fault because of a couple of sasaengs.
“Well there had to be some reason,” Yoongi said. “People don’t just do something like this for no reason.”
“They didn’t say anything?” Taehyung mumbled.
You shook your head, gaze sticking to the ground.
“Tae, can you pick her up?” Jin asked. “The van’s here.”
You could feel him place a kiss on the crown of your head before pulling away, carefully maneuvering you so he could place an arm underneath your knees. You wrapped your arms around his neck to help him be able to lift you up easily.
You hissed from pain when you sat in the vehicle, feeling sore spots from where you were kicked. But you still maneuvered yourself further down the bench seat to let Taehyung sit next to you.
Yoongi climbed in as well, but Sejin told the others that they should go home so that they don’t accidentally cause a scene at the hospital. A few promises to keep them updated later, the rest of the group relented and let the four of you get on your way.
Taehyung pulled you close to him, holding you firmly but not too tight as to cause pain.
“I’m so sorry, noona,” he said. “I won’t let you out of my sight like that again. I promise.”
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 36 | Chapter 37 | Chapter 38
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope​ @misohime​ @netflix-batman-sleep​ @smallbaby-cat​ @leitholdwithlove​ @ramyagovindraj​ @rjsmochii​ @overtherainbow35​ @leesalts​ @whobuiltthemoon​
Send me a message or ask if you want tagged! And also feel free to leave comments or send asks to just talk to me!
Also, if you’d like to donate to my Ko-fi, feel free! Absolutely no pressure though :)
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out-of-jams · 5 years
“Is It You?” || myg
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The requested sequel to Cheers If You Agree!
Summary: “The statement that fell from his pressed lips only succeeded in reminding him of how eager he’d been to see you all night. Of how stupid he’d felt sitting up on stage, eyes trying to find you in the crowd like he even knew what you looked like. Maybe you’d been lying when you said you’d be there, or maybe you just didn’t want to reveal yourself. Or maybe, just maybe, Min Yoongi was an idiot.
For thinking that all of the time he wasted, thoughts he wasted, emotions he wasted, trying to connect with someone when he didn’t even know who they really were, could turn into something good.”
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings/Genre: Idol!Yoongi. Fan!Reader. Some cursing. Fluff. Light angst. Drabble. 
A/N: Do you guys want me to turn this into a series? 
All of my works are purely fiction. Everything I write is my intellectual property and therefore belongs to me. ©out-of-jams. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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“What’s up with you, hyung?”
Yoongi blinked back into awareness, the other cars zooming by on the expressway filling his vision and reminding him where he was. He turned his head to stare at Hoseok who was sitting beside him in the van, eyebrows pinched in concern and heart-shaped lips pursed.
“What?” The low, rumbling timbre of Yoongi’s voice was difficult to hear over the music playing from the van speakers.
Hoseok leaned closer, his side pushing into Yoongi’s and melding their body heat together. His voice was equally as low in Yoongi’s ear. “You’ve been acting weird ever since the fan meet ended.”
Panic grabbed hold of Yoongi’s throat, but he kept his expression bland, uninterested. “I’m just tired.”
“Bullshit.” Hoseok pushed the hood of his oversized hoodie off of his head to rest at the base of his neck. “She wasn’t there, huh?”
Now that had Yoongi’s eyebrows shooting so far into his hairline that he was surprised they didn’t launch into space. And he lost the fight he had with keeping a straight face. Instead, his mouth dropped in surprise and his normally feline-like eyes blew wide. Heartbeat echoing in his eardrums, his tongue flickered across his lips nervously.
“I don’t--”
“It’s pretty obvious, hyung.” Namjoon, who’d been sitting up in the front seat of the van turned to look back. He spoke around the rim of the plastic water bottle pressed to his lips, though there was already a dark stain on his shirt from where he’d spilt some on himself earlier.
“Very obvious.” The melodic, adolescent-esque deep voice that could only belong to Park Jimin piped up from the back row. With a quick flash of pink hair, Jimin leaned across the back of the row in front of him and popped his face in-between Yoongi and Hoseok’s.
“You really expected us not to notice?” Seokjin leaned around Hoseok with a dubious eyebrow raised. “I mean, you do realize that whenever you post on Weverse we all get the notifications, right?”
Taehyung’s own head of dark hair appeared into view above Jimin’s like a meerkat. “Yeah, did you not hear Jin-hyung yelling at me and Jungkookie for spamming the app the other night?”
All Yoongi could do was stare in shock. Damn, he really hadn’t thought of that.
“Thought you were a genius, hyung?” Yoongi didn’t even have to look back to see the expression on Jungkook’s face. Smart ass.
Jimin patted the top of Yoongi’s hair cutely and flashed him his crooked front tooth with a wide smile. “It’s okay, hyung. We were just wondering when you’d tell us.”
“So, was she there?” Hoseok reiterated his previous question loudly over the soft music playing from the speakers and all eyes turned to Yoongi.
He cleared his throat, seeing no use in trying to hide anything. Especially since they’d already figured it out. “No. She wasn’t.”
The statement that fell from his pressed lips only succeeded in reminding him of how eager he’d been to see you all night. Of how stupid he’d felt sitting up on stage, eyes trying to find you in the crowd like he even knew what you looked like. Maybe you’d been lying when you said you’d be there, or maybe you just didn’t want to reveal yourself. Or maybe, just maybe, Min Yoongi was an idiot.
For thinking that all of the time he wasted, thoughts he wasted, emotions he wasted, trying to connect with someone when he didn’t even know who they really were, could turn into something good.
“You sure?” Namjoon fiddled with the volume knob on the radio to turn it down in order to be heard better. “I mean, you don’t know what she looks like, right? Maybe you met her, but just didn’t know.”
Yoongi tongued his cheek. “Maybe.”
“Well, why don’t we find out?” Taehyung’s words came out muffled from where he rested his chin on top of Jimin’s head.
“How?” Yoongi really hoped that his members couldn’t hear the tinge of desperation that clouded his question.
Taehyung retreated to the back row for a moment before returning with his phone in hand. His fingers tapped on the screen, soft light illuminating his profile in the darkness of the van. 
Finally, he pulled up what he was searching for and leaned forward once again, phone stretched out in front of them all. And before anyone could even blink, Taehyung snapped a picture and fell back against his seat once again.
“How’s that supposed to help?” Seokjin turned to question Taehyung, who ignored him in favor of viciously thumbing across his phone screen. Upon not getting a response, Jin reached out in an attempt to swat the younger, only to miss when he threw himself behind Jimin. “Yah! I asked you a question.”
“There!” Instead of elaborating, Taehyung merely flashed his members his trademarked boxy smile.
And the second he spoke, every single phone in the van dinged at the same time, different notification tones mixing together in a broken harmony of confusion. With a roll of his eyes, Yoongi slipped his own phone out of his pocket to see exactly what Taehyung deemed to be a good idea.
A Weverse notification flashed in the dark, indicating that the younger had just shared a “moment.”  
“Smart,” came Jungkook’s mumble.
“Now we’ll just go to the post,” Taehyung waved his device in the air, “And see if she comments something.”
Just like always, without fail, comments and cheers and well wishes flooded underneath Tae’s photo of them in the van with the caption, “We miss army already!” 
Hoseok elbowed Yoongi in the ribs in order to rip his attention away from his phone. “What’s her username?”
Your name slipped from Yoongi’s lips and he felt a rush of love and adoration for his members, his brothers, for going out of their way for this. To help him when they could have just brushed him off or called him crazy, stupid, and idiot for wanting to search for you.
“Hah!” Jimin all-but yelled in Yoongi’s ear and leaned even closer to shove his phone under the rapper’s nose. “Found her!”
Yoongi had to blink to stop himself from going cross-eyed, but took the device from Jimin’s hand regardless. And there you were, two comments spammed back-to-back.
                    07/21/2019, 13:04
Wish I could have been there. 😞 But leave it to my boss to make me work late. 😤
You next comment however, had Yoongi’s eyes widening.          
                    07/21/2019, 13:04
“Is that..?” Hoseok pointed a slender finger at the text on the screen. “Her Twitter handle?”
“You think?” Blinking to clear his dry eyes, Yoongi looked up at the man beside him.
Hoseok flashed his tiny dimples in response with a wiggle of his eyebrows. “Only one way to find out, right?”
His words were all Yoongi needed to switch over to the Twitter app and type into the search bar. Anticipation rang high in the van as the rest of the boys leaned in as close as they possibly could to read his phone screen.
There was a moment in which Yoongi let himself wonder, what if?
Not that he should have wondered at all.
Because there you were, the only result to pop up under the username. Yoongi swallowed and clicked on it before he could second guess himself. And held his breath as the page loaded.
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“She’s really pretty, hyung!” Hoseok leaned further into Yoongi’s side to peer at his phone.
“At least she’s not underage.” Jimin’s breath puffed against the back of Yoongi’s neck and he turned to shoot the pink haired man a look. Who just shrugged in response. “What? It was a possibility.”
“Agreed!” Jungkook’s shout came from somewhere Yoongi couldn’t see.
Because he was too busy swiping down your page to bother giving a shit.
“You gonna message her?” The question from Namjoon caught Yoongi’s attention. He paused and glanced up, locking eyes with Bangtan’s leader.
A viable inquiry indeed. “With our BTS Twitter? Wouldn’t that potentially backfire if it isn’t her?”
Namjoon hummed, pressing his lips together in a way that showed his dimples as he thought. A beat of silence passed before he answered. “Possibly. But if you message her from a backup profile, she might not believe you. Besides, if it’s not her and it somehow gets out, we’ll just say we got hacked or something.”
“Hacked?” Yoongi raised his brows to conceal the way his heart hammered loudly in his chest. “Really?”
Shrugging, Namjoon waved a hand at Yoongi’s phone. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out if it comes to that. But I think you should go for it.”
Everyone else in the van voiced their agreement and Yoongi had no choice but to conceed.
At least, that’s what he told himself. It wasn’t like he was a borderline nervous wreck. On the inside of course.
Taehyung’s hands wildly shaking his shoulders to spur him on had Yoongi tapping on the DM option. His fingers hovered over the touchscreen keyboard as he tried to figure out what the hell he was supposed to say to you. And the heavy breathing of everyone else wasn’t helping. But finally, finally, he shot a message off into cyberspace and hoped for the best.
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Yoongi really hoped that you were you.
Hoped that he wasn’t being stupid.
Or rash.
The text popping up in the thread he’d been staring at ceased his doubts. His fears. His concerns. And had a gummy smile spreading across his face before he could think to stop it.
Not that he wanted to.
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Because you were you.
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tiny-taepot · 4 years
Perception (Taehyung) part two
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Genre: Angst
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: a little gossip goes a long way
Part one// Part two
A/n: Hi guys! Thank you so much for being so patient with me as I continued perception! I’ll try my best to update more and be more active!
You and Josh finally left the party and went back to your apartment, you were bawling your eyes out the entire ride not sure how to feel about what you witnessed. Josh wasn’t exactly expecting that this was the guy that you were so head over heels for. “You know y/n, you could do so much better,” Josh sighs as he pulls you into a comforting hug. Josh was always like an older brother to you, he always made sure you were happy and safe, which reminded you of Taehyung. “This is the first time I’ve seen him act like this, he’s never done that before.” You try to say but you feel the urge to cry every time you open your mouth. Josh kept hugging you before he got up to get some hot tea and snacks from your cabinet and wrapped a blanket on you. “It’s time to forget about him, let’s watch some movies, okay?” You smiled softly as you nodded.
The next morning, Taehyung woke up he felt the warmth of another person and also a painful headache. Taehyung couldn’t remember much of last night but all he knew was that there was someone beside him. He looked over to see a girls bare back but the back didn’t belong to you, he smirked to himself thinking he really did go through with getting even and was a little proud. Soon memories of last night came flooding in, Taehyung remembered that he saw you with that guy when he was making out with some random girl. The girl started to groan, snapping Taehyung out of his thoughts. She smiled at him as she faced towards him, “morning baby,” she purred as Taehyung smiled at her. “Morning, how was your sleep?” Taehyung asked as she smiled and answered, Taehyung then replied how he slept. He wanted to let her go home but a part of him wanted to see how far this would go so he continued to talk to her. She was cute and Taehyung knew that if he kept her around for a bit that it would truly show you that he could move on easily and that if you wanted to play that game that he could do it as well. Taehyung learnt that her name was Kayla, she had short black hair and sharp blue eyes. Taehyung let her get dressed, they exchanged numbers and she left. 
Taehyung got dressed and headed downstairs, he held a proud smile as he saw his roommates, usually when someone brings a girl home they all cheer him on when they see them after the night is over. However, once Taehyung got downstairs he saw the looks of disappointment and a lot of them looked sad. Jimin was looking down, he was being shunned by the rest of the boys. “What’s wrong with everyone? Shouldn’t you be cheering me on right now?” Taehyung asked as Namjoon let out a heavy sigh, no one talked. Everyone’s eyes were on Jimin, he didn’t want to say anything. “Anyways...I invited Kayla to our party next weekend, did you guys see y/n’s face? And she even brought that dude to the party.” Taehyung laughs as he walked away from the living room and went to get something to eat. The boys all waited for Taehyung to leave the room before glaring at Jimin. “You’re such an idiot how did you mess up their relationship like that?” Jin scolded. Jimin felt like a complete idiot, he just wanted to be a good friend and tell Taehyung that he suspected his girlfriend was cheating on him. Jimin too caught up in his own thinking didn’t realize that Yoongi was snapping his fingers at him. “You have to go apologize to y/n and tell Taehyung the truth, hopefully you can fix whatever is left of this relationship.” Yoongi snapped as Jimin nodded slowly. 
Jimin was heading to your shop, he was angry at himself but also angry at the guys for being upset at him for being a good friend. He didn’t realize that they would be that upset at him for such a little mistake, as Jimin got closer to your shop he realized that maybe it was a better idea for you to not date Taehyung anymore. If it was that easy for Taehyung to move on then maybe you two weren’t meant to be with each other. Jimin thought that maybe you two would be happier and that he wouldn’t have to deal with Taehyung being upset at him, he smiled as he headed to the store, he knew he had to make sure that y/n saw that Taehyung had already moved on. When Jimin opened the door, he saw your friend sitting by the window drinking some coffee as he was working on homework, Jimin looked over to see you sweeping the floor. “Y/N!” Jimin smiled as he walked over to you, you gave him a small smile, he could tell that you had spent last night crying since your eyes were still a little puffy. “Hey Jimin,” you replied softly, you didn’t want to see any of the boys right now, after you witnessed Taehyung with another girl you thought it was best to distance yourself from the group. Jimin didn’t want to ask what was wrong since he knew that it would only give him more guilt about his decision and his great plan. He knew that after this you would be thanking him for letting Taehyung move on. “Sorry about last night, there’s a super cool party we are throwing this weekend and you have to come!” Jimin smiled, you looked at him with a sad smile. “Thanks for the offer but I don’t think I can go,” you replied, Jimin pouted and looked over at your friend before smirking. “Come on y/n, you gotta show your friend how wild parties over here get!” Jimin said loudly, Josh’s eyes widened as he smiled and headed over towards you two. “Come on y/n, we should go! You have to show me how wild these parties get, you’re always bragging about them on our calls!” Josh laughs as you finally smile too, “alright I suppose we can go if you really want to go” You said to Josh as Jimin smiled. “Great! I’ll see you two at the party this weekend!” Jimin said as you and Josh nodded. 
Jimin went home and the boys were waiting to see the response that Jimin got from you, “So? How did it go?” Namjoon asked as Jimin tried to make up something, “I told her that it was all a misunderstanding and invited her to the party,” Jimin lied as the boys nodded and sighed in relief, “Okay good, now go tell that to Taehyung,” Hoseok sighed as they all relaxed. Jimin pouted as he headed to Taehyung’s room, thinking of some excuse, he opened the door to see Taehyung playing some games on his computer. “Hey Jimin,” Taehyung said not taking his eyes off the screen, “where did you go this morning?” Taehyung asked. Jimin wasn’t sure how to answer, “oh I went to see y/n,” his eyes widened since he didn’t mean to blurt that out. “Oh? Why?” Taehyung asked pausing his game and finally faced Jimin. “I just wanted to give her a piece of my mind,” Jimin lied as Taehyung laughed, “thanks bro, I appreciate you for always being on my side.” Jimin smiled as he left the room. 
It was finally time for the party, you were looking in your closet for something to wear. Taehyung and you had not talked once since the night you caught him with that girl. You decided to wear something simple and cute, a white crop top with a black skirt, you headed downstairs to put on your shoes, you saw Josh sitting on the couch waiting for you. He smiled when he saw you, “you look so cute!” he said as you smiled back to his compliment. “You look great too! Ready to go?” You asked as he nodded and you both headed for the party. 
Josh and you headed into the party when you saw the boys chilling by the kitchen, they waved at you as you awkwardly waved back, Josh saw that you felt uncomfortable and grabbed your hand and moved you through the crowds. “If you don’t want to talk to them tonight we can make new friends,” he smiled as you smiled back, you were so lucky to have him as a friend. The boys noticed that you walked away and looked at Jimin, “I thought you said that you told her that it was a misunderstanding, why is she avoiding us?” Jungkook asked Jimin as Jimin shrugged. He knew he had to get you to see Kayla so he tried to push through the crowds to find you. When Jimin finally found you he saw that you were talking to some of your classmates from your class. “Oh there you are, I was just gonna show you and Josh something!” Jimin smiled as you and Josh followed him, Jimin was explaining that it was some new thing he bought as he fake searched in his room, “Oh, I must have left it in Taehyung’s room.” You laughed, as you followed Jimin to Taehyung’s room. When Jimin opened the door, he saw that Taehyung was kissing Kayla, he smirked as he open the door fully. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Taehyung, I didn’t realize you were in here!” Jimin shouted as he turned back to see your reaction. You had enough of this, you were done with Taehyung playing around, you walked over there, glaring daggers at the girl. “Can you get off of my boyfriend?” You glared as Kayla scoffed. “Sorry Sweetie, but I think you’re mistaken, he’s my boyfriend now.” She said as you pushed her off his lap. “Taehyung what the fuck is going on?” You asked as Taehyung rolled his eyes, “what are you even doing here?” He asked not even looking at you as he picked the girl up. “I don’t know what’s wrong with you! I literally just caught you with another girl and you’re acting like nothing happened?!” You screamed, Taehyung sighed, “can you not scream? it’s hurting my ears.” He coldly replied, Kayla laughed as she got back on his lap. “Face it, you lost, he’s mine now.” She giggled, as you felt your heart break into a million pieces. 
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anotherkpopvictim · 3 years
Into a New World (Through the Gate) - BTS OT7 Fantasy Story Chapter 5
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(Gif source - btsville)
A/N: Dang...has it really been almost a month since I last updated? Sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoy this. I had to spend some time figuring out where this story was going.
I decided to come up with a timeline because the next few chapters might be a bit confusing if you don't have a visual timeline with their ages and the flashbacks. Each chapter I will add a link to an updated timeline that includes new information from the previous chapter. You don't need to read the timeline, but if find yourself a bit confused about things while reading, it should help. This first one is very short, but each chapter they will get longer as more information is added.
Timeline - https://docs.google.com/document/d/19VsexNuIkbWRu6IuXSjYoRNImk7DtAc2ckW0erLUHRU/edit?usp=sharing
Relationship: BTS X BTS
Rating: T
Words: 3159
Hurt/comfort, fluff, fantasy
NOTE: I've added the present-day date (3501) to this chapter and the next few chapters as they will contain quite a few flashbacks. Flashbacks will be in italics.
Chapter 5: The Ties
Worldbuilding Note on Packs: A pack is simply a group of any number and mix of supernatural creatures. Most commonly, say on Earth, you would find packs made mostly of vampires and werewolves with the occasional witch or another being, while packs in Aurora (the fairy kingdom) are pretty much one hundred percent comprised of fairies. Creatures tend to stick to their homeland, but Earth is a bit of an exception as it is considered the center of all the worlds - a hub of sorts. Packs are comprised of all members of a polyamorous relationship (or sometimes simply a pairing).
A pack bond is initiated by exchanging bites on the neck. Depending on the number of packmates, these bites can sometimes overlap. As packs are considered soulmates, some of the members have a tug at their heartstrings upon meeting a future packmate for the first time - only some of them, however. These people of a pack are known as the Ties and tend to take on a leadership role as a pack grows. There is usually only one Tie for small packs, but larger packs can have more than one. Once bonded, pack members have a much easier time understanding each other's feelings and simply feel closer on another level. Ties usually feel an amplified version of this from the second they meet a pack member.
Finding all members of a pack can take anywhere from years to centuries, and it isn't uncommon for some packs to never find all of their members and consequently, some creatures never have a pack. Fate works in mysterious ways. If you are lucky enough to find all of your pack members, you will know because the Ties with feel an overwhelming sense of peace and settlement once everyone is bonded.
On another note, a were-pack is different from a pack. A were-pack is simply a community of local shifters, usually separated by city or village. While some big-city were-packs live with humans, smaller towns or villages of were-packs don't have close connections with humans.
September 8 3501, Present Day
"You really..." Hoseok trailed off, unsure of how to put into words the many things running through his mind at that moment.
"Jungkook was the last one to join our pack," Namjoon began, eyes on the fairy as he picked at the skin around his fingernails nervously. "His pack bond with us became obvious when he was turned and all of us had known him for a while and felt things for him, so it wasn't an unexpected feeling to have." The alpha took a deep breath, "But you, Hoseok-ssi, you came into our lives loudly and all at once. I was so worried about a stranger in the house that I ignored the pull inside of me that told me you were meant to be with us."
Hoseok still felt a little bit dumbfounded, so he just let an eloquent, "Wow."
"Do you think that fate has made a mistake, Hoseok-ssi?" Namjoon asked, analyzing his reaction. "Do you feel nothing for us at all?"
"Of course I feel something," the orange fairy replied genuinely. "I just haven't really had much time to think about my attraction to the six of you and what to do about it. It makes sense, though, that we're packmates." Hoseok couldn't help but smile, "I've always wanted to find my pack, you know? I just didn't have my hopes up after a hundred years."
The shapeshifter's lips spread into a beautiful, relieved grin, accented by his deep dimples that Hoseok was now just seeing for the first time. He wished he had been warned about them. "I'm glad you feel the same way."
"How old are you all, by the way?" Hoseok questioned, realizing that besides Jungkook, their ages were still unknown to him. "If we're going to be a pack, I should know who I need to call hyung."
Namjoon chuckled, "Well, Seokjin-hyung is the oldest. He's four hundred fifty-six years old." The fairy couldn't help but widen his eyes at the shapeshifter's impressive age. "He and I were together first. About a decade after we got together, we met Yoongi-hyung and Jimin, who had also been together for a few years. Yoongi-hyung is the second oldest of us at three hundred forty-two years old. I'm one hundred twenty-five years old, the next oldest."
"Not anymore," Hoseok said cheekily, despite his still tired body. "I'm one hundred thirty-eight years old. So I'm older than you."
The alpha's lips twitched, "I suppose I should call you hyung, then. If you'll allow me."
"Of course you can," the fairy replied. "Who's the next oldest?"
"Jiminie is ninety-eight," he answered.
Hoseok smiled thinking about the pink fairy. He couldn't wait to get to know the other better. "What about Taehyung-ssi?"
Namjoon continued, "The four of us were together for about sixty years before we became acquainted with Taehyung about ten years ago. He's now sixty-seven years old. Then we met Jungkookie as a human about eight years ago." The smile fell from the shapeshifter's face a little. "I would gladly tell you everyone's life stories, but I feel like that's better coming from them personally."
Hoseok hummed and dipped his head in agreement.
"Might as well start with us two," Seokjin announced as he stepped back into the guest room. He'd changed his soaking wet shirt for a comfortable and dry baby pink sweater. He smiled again softly in Hoseok's direction as he fluffed his warm brown hair. "It was quite surprising when Joon and I came to the realization that you were our packmate. Not much takes us by surprise these days."
"Are you two the Ties?" the orange fairy asked.
Seokjin nodded before dropping himself unceremoniously into the alpha shapeshifter's lap. The other instinctively moved to hold the omega by the hips, stabilizing him. The fairy both admired and envied the natural movements.
"So, how did you two meet?" Hoseok inquired.
"Well, we were born in different villages. I was from the large were-pack here in Seoul," Namjoon began.
"I lived in the were-shifter village of Rosewood, a couple of hours east of here," Seokjin explained.
December 3420
Kim Seokjin had lived in Rosewood for three hundred seventy-four years before he decided he needed a change of scenery. The small village was rather secluded and they barely saw humans more than a few times a month. While the omega wasn't unhappy with his home in Rosewood, he had heard many exciting tales of the big city, where the were-shifters intermingled with the humans every day. He'd felt a pull towards Seoul for many years, but ignored it in favor of his comfortable life in Rosewood. Eventually, however, as years passed by, the pull became too strong to ignore any longer.
His family had been hesitant when he'd announced his plans, but their doubts didn't deter him in the slightest. He'd made up his mind. Rosewood wasn't far from Seoul anyway, so he promised to keep in touch with them and visit often. He gave them all one last kiss on the cheeks before he left with nothing more than a single suitcase carrying his most valuable belongings.
The hustle and bustle of the city were jarring, but the immediate sense of right he felt upon arriving in Seoul quelled any anxiety he had. Seokjin approached one of the counters at the train station, where he could see a shapeshifter sitting at a computer. The information counter, known as a Connecter, helped new shifters connect with the local were-pack.
Kim Minseok was matched with him as a guide to the new city as he'd been a village boy himself. He was about a hundred years older than Seokjin, and also an omega. He was kind and had a sweet smile. The man helped set him up with an apartment and a part-time job at a cafe.
Seokjin was pretty much completely used to the presence of humans all around him by the end of the first week. The crowds and the subways and the mingling of supernatural creatures and humans - all of it turned out to be exactly what Seokjin had needed in his life.
During the third week, while Seokjin was working a late shift at the cafe, his whole world changed. It was close to dark so the tables were empty and the omega was doing his cleaning duties while pausing every once in a while to assist a customer.
The tinkle of the bell above the front door alerted him to another one. He set down the cloth he had been using to dry off a few mugs and turned to greet the customer. "Hello, welcome to T's cafe, what can I get for-"
Seokjin cut himself off with a gasp as he locked eyes with the person walking up to the register. A young alpha shapeshifter - he could tell by the aura surrounding the man - was looking back at him with wide brown eyes. He had blond hair almost long enough to fall into his eyes and was dressed casually in fitted jeans and a graphic t-shirt.
"Oh!" the alpha exclaimed, a hand shooting up to rest over his heart. "Holy shit, my heart is gonna beat out of my chest! What the fuck?"
The laugh that tore from Seokjin's throat couldn't be stopped, giddy and amused. "I think - I think we're packmates," he managed out, a little lost in the awe he was feeling.
The man's already wide eyes somehow managed to open even further and his jaw dropped. "What - really? Is that what this feeling is?"
"I've never felt it before, but I've heard many stories about Ties meeting each other for the first time and this is exactly as it was described."
"I'm Namjoon!" the alpha announced excitedly. A big smile was taking over his face and showed off a set of adorable dimples. "You think that we're Ties?"
"Seokjin," the omega replied, "And yes, I do. Only Ties would feel such an obvious, strong connection to each other upon first meeting."
"Wow," Namjoon breathed in awe. "I honestly wasn't expecting to meet any of my packmates so soon. I mean, I'm only forty-three!"
The omega playfully winced, "You make me feel so old. I've got more than three hundred years on you."
"That's not that old, hyung."
"Yah, I was joking! Of course, I'm not old!"
Namjoon let out a wheezing laugh as Jin feigned anger, hands on his hips and all. "Well, it's nice to meet you, hyung," he greeted once he had gathered himself together.
"So," Seokjin began, "You're part of the Seoul were-pack, huh?"
"Mhm," the alpha nodded in confirmation. "You must be fairly new here, I haven't seen you around before."
"I'm from the Rosewood were-pack," the older man replied. "Felt like I needed a change of scenery. Although, I suppose it could have been fate nudging us closer together."
Namjoon couldn't be more obvious with the heart-eyes he was making towards the omega. "Perhaps it was. Fate is a mysterious thing."
"Fate is a mysterious thing," Seokjin repeated in agreement. The two of them jumped when the timer on one of the coffee pots went off, signaling that the brew was hot and ready (maybe Seokjin was too as he was so caught up in the man before him). "Oh, right! What can I get for you?"
The alpha blinked and looked around like he had just remembered that they were in a cafe as well. "Um, uh...a caramel macchiato please, hyung."
And who was Seokjin to say no to those wide, heart-melting eyes? (besides the fact that it was his job and he technically couldn't even if he wanted to).
"Of course," the omega replied, punching the order on the screen in front of him. "I can't give you a packmate discount, unfortunately."
"That's okay, I don't mind paying for it."
Seokjin almost let out a gasp when Namjoon pulled a black card out of his wallet. He'd never seen a black card in his life until he came to the city, and he knew the significance of them. Namjoon was rich, and Seokjin didn't almost gasp because he was a gold digger, but rather because of all the rich people the omega had encountered over the last few weeks, both human and not, Namjoon didn't present himself as such a person at all. The others had been so...proper, but the alpha was so casual and sweet.
The omega continued on like he hadn't seen the black card at all, taking his payment and going about the familiar motions of making a caramel macchiato. "So, do you work, Namjoon-ah? Or go to school?"
Namjoon nodded, "I'm in school right now for business. My parents want me to run a branch of their company in the future, but I kind of have an idea for my own business running through my head."
"Wow," Seokjin said in awe. "In my were-pack, we didn't really have "jobs" like the city folks here do. I have no idea what I want to do for a career, so that's awesome that you have such a bright future career ahead of you."
"The Rosewood were-pack is a traditional one, right?" Namjoon asked. "So everyone just contributes what they can and no one has to pay for anything, correct?"
The omega nodded, "Yeah, we're pretty primal. We prefer to hunt but we buy human food as well. So some of us are hunters, some of us are cooks, some of us are builders. Coming to Seoul, the number of possibilities of work is kind of overwhelming."
"What did you do in your were-pack?"
Seokjin popped the lid on the paper cup and slid it across the counter to the alpha who immediately went to take a sip of the drink and promptly burnt his tongue. The omega ran to fill another cup with cold water and came out from behind the counter to shove it into Namjoon's face. "You idiot, it's still scalding hot!" he reprimanded.
The alpha half-winced, half-smiled sheepishly as he accepted the cool water, "Sorry."
"To answer your question though, I cooked and baked mostly. Sometimes I'd babysit the pups or assist the healer in the rare occurrence they were needed."
"You did a bit of everything," Namjoon noted thoughtfully. "Did you feel passionate about any of those things?"
Seokjin nodded as he smiled shyly. "Baking. I love to experiment and create different sweets. And decorate them."
"I'd love to try your baking sometime!" the alpha exclaimed. "My mom always tells me that I should stay out of the kitchen for the safety of everyone, so homemade food isn't something I have a lot."
The older man chuckled, "Well, I would very much appreciate your feedback on all my food - baking and cooking."
The two of them were so giddy, feeling high on the emotions of meeting another packmate. Their grins were wide and cheesy and their cheeks were beginning to ache, but neither of them could care less at the moment.
Namjoon hesitated for only a moment before he reached over and took Seokjin's hand into his own, reveling in the warmth and softness. "I look forward to that."
September 8 3501, Present Day
Hoseok smiled as he listened to the story of Namjoon and Seokjin's first meeting. Ties undoubtedly had the most overwhelming meeting of anyone in a pack, and the two shapeshifters' were a perfect example of that.
"That's so sweet," the orange fairy said. He could feel his mind and body wearing out quickly, but he did his best to keep himself together. "What came of your business career, Namjoon-ah? And your baking passion, Seokjin-hyung?"
"Oh, Namjoon has become quite the businessman since then," Seokjin replied with a fond look in the alpha's direction.
Namjoon grinned, "I own the bakery Seokjin runs, as well as the magic shop Taehyung and Jimin run right beside it. The supernatural creatures like us enjoy the bakery, and the humans appreciate the magic shop."
"Wow," Hoseok said, a little breathless as he felt his body becoming more and more exhausted. "That's perfect for you guys."
"Hoseok-ah," Seokjin began hesitantly. "Once you're healed, we would love to have you stay with us, but we don't want to assume that you will just because you're our packmate."
While the fairy was touched by their thoughtfulness, he didn't exactly have anywhere else that he was eager to go. "If I'm healed, I would love to stay here. Aurora isn't exactly welcoming to me at the moment anyway."
The omega clapped his hands together and bounced excitedly in Namjoon's lap, who held his hips tighter to keep him from falling. "That would be awesome! I'm sure Taehyung and Jimin would love your help at the shop, or if you would prefer, you could work with me!"
Namjoon pulled the other back against him and kissed his cheek with a chuckle. "Calm down, hyung. Everything is still new, so let's focus on getting him healed before we talk more about the future."
Just as the alpha finished his sentence, Taehyung appeared in the doorway to the guest room. Hoseok was relieved to see another cup of that familiar blue-green concoction in his hands.
"Sorry to interrupt," Taehyung said, eyeing the three of them with a raised brow at what he'd heard but not saying anything more.
"That's okay, Tae," Seokjin assured. "We were just talking."
Taehyung nodded and moved closer to the bed to hand the orange fairy the cup of energy elixir. "You must be needing more of this, I'm sure."
Hoseok drank the minty-tasting potion eagerly, reveling in the small but immediate boost of strength it gave him. "Thank you," he said.
Taehyung smiled back at him and took a seat in the empty chair beside the one the two shapeshifters were still sharing. "Well, I came to let you know that I have a possible lead on someone who can help you, Hoseok-ssi. Though if I'm being honest, I'm not sure if it's anything promising."
"You found a witch up for the challenge?" Namjoon inquired.
"Not exactly..." Taehyung admitted. "I found someone who might have met a witch once that might be able to help. They agreed to meet me tomorrow in the city."
"Hmm," the alpha shapeshifter hummed thoughtfully. "Sounds kind of sketchy. You should take someone with you."
"Well, Jimin's in charge of the shop tomorrow, and Seokjin's got stuff at the bakery to deal with, so it's either you or Yoongi-hyung, Namjoon-hyung."
"I'll talk to Yoongi and see what he thinks," Namjoon replied.
Taehyung turned back to Hoseok and gave him a sheepish half-smile, half-grimace. "I really hope this lead works out, Hoseok-ssi. I'm really not sure how long that energy potion is going to help you."
Hoseok nodded in understanding. "We'll keep our fingers crossed."
A/N: Sorry again that this chapter took so long to be posted. I do hope that you enjoyed some backstory though!
And thank you to everyone who left comments on this story, it always keeps me motivated to hear your feedback <3 Let me know if there is anything you'd like to see in future chapters (like certain pairings or plot points) and I'll do my best to incorporate them in.
Seokjin - 455
Yoongi - 342
Hoseok - 138
Namjoon - 124
Jimin - 98
Taehyung - 66
Jungkook - 30
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