#when you sweat they peal off when you shower they peal off they leave sticky stuff on your skin
oddly-casual · 2 years
I know collectively as a fandom we decided Rise Mikey has multiple stickers on him at every given moment but I’m convinced that this only works if he’s a turtle because imagine trying to keep several stickers on your body every day I would cry
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grasslandgirl · 3 years
Um, yes PLEASE write the Beverlin!
aaaaahhhhh lizz i wrote this AGES ago like the whole thing in the span of 24 hrs and kept meaning to post it and then forgetting to and blah blah blah and then here we are. anyway. she's long and sappy sorry not sorry
read golden as I open my eyes here on ao3!!
It was the kind of perfect summer evening that Beverly thought only happened in movies. They got ice cream from the local shop down the street after hanging out at the park all day, and an evening summer storm caught them mere minutes after Erlin had finally finished his cone on the walk home. The rain was cool against the hot concrete, a refreshing baptism following the heat of the summer day. The kind of day where everything was warm and joyous, and even sudden rushing rain couldn’t wash it away. They ran back to Erlin’s house, laughing and shouting, kicking the puddles forming in the street at one another- they were soaked already, what was the harm of a little more?
Beverly felt effortlessly young and happy, like he and Erlin were seven again and the world was simple. The pressure from his dad and school and the creeping uncertainty that’d started to follow Bev everywhere he went were washed away; and it was just him and Erlin.
He loved Erlin, of course. Loved him, maybe, as long as he’d known him. They’d been best friends for as long as Bev could remember, almost all of his early childhood memories included Erlin attached at his hip. It was the easy kind of childhood friendship where loving each other was never in question- until Bev turned fifteen and realized that he didn’t love Derlin or Cran the way he loved Erlin. That he didn’t imagine a life with his other friends, stretching forever into the future, like he did with Erlin. That he felt an awkward, twisting sensation in his stomach when he remembered the times they pretended to get married as children- huddled under a tree in Beverly’s back yard, holding hands, Bev with his mother’s apron draped over his shoulders, Erlin with flowers from their garden in his hair, promising to be best friends forever.
The feeling hung over Bev’s shoulders, the twin terrors of spending the rest of his life with his heart in a wrench everytime Erlin smiled at him, or telling Erlin the truth, only to lose him entirely.
But in the warm summer air, with cool rain droplets falling on his face and shoulders, Bev let the worry and the fear slough off- if only for the night. Nothing bad could happen; not when Erlin was laughing at him like he was, not when Bev could reach out and wipe a stray raindrop off the tip of Erlin’s nose, not when Erlin blushed bright red and watched Bev with wide eyes. They were electric and indestructible.
They were both soaked to the bone when they scrambled up the stairs to Erlin’s house, bursting through the door still laughing. Egwene shot them a glare from her perch at the kitchen island, but even that couldn’t break Bev’s giddy joy, not when Erlin was still giggling into his shoulder- both of them laughing at nothing. Egwene rolled her eyes, scowling back down at her book, but Bev caught the edge of a smile as he glanced back over his shoulder at her, before Erlin dragged him out of the kitchen and into the back of the house.
Erlin shoved an old t-shirt and a pair of sweats into Bev’s arms and pushed him towards the bathroom- “Take a shower, dude,” he demanded, the edge of his voice undermined by the fact that he still couldn’t stop laughing, his smile gone soft and slant. “You’re not getting sick again on my watch.” They fell into another peal of laughter, silently remembering when Bev caught a miserable head cold sleeping over at Erlin’s a few years past. Waking up to Erlin hovering over him, soup and tea in hand, before promptly spilling the long-since-lukewarm liquids all over Beverly as he sat up.
Bev had spent more nights at the Kindleaf house than he could count, the smell of Erlin’s shampoo was as familiar and comforting as his own. There was always a certain secret thrill whenever he ended up having to shower at Erlin’s. The idea of spending the next few days smelling like Erlin, his spiced mint shampoo and conditioner, wondering if Erlin noticed it as much as Beverly did.
When he finished, Bev threw his soaking clothes into the dryer- Erlin’s were already in there- and started it. He shot his mom a quick text that he was sleeping over at Erlin’s- an occurrence so common it barely warranted a warning text anymore- and shuffled through the suddenly silent house towards Erlin’s room.
Erlin was perched on his bed, hair soft and damp from his own shower, face lit from below as he peered down at his phone. The t-shirt he was wearing was a couple sizes too big- maybe one of Egwene’s old high school sports shirts, if Bev had to guess- and it draped over his shoulder and bunched up at his hip where his leg was propped up, knee to his chest. He hadn’t noticed Bev silently hovering at the door yet, and Beverly had the heartwrenching opportunity to watch Erlin at rest, in a quiet moment of solitude, unaware he was being watched.
Bev wrapped the image up in his mind, tying it with a bow and placing it on a shelf for safe keeping. He’d imagined a life, a future like this with Erlin more times than he could count- living together, sharing a room like this, seeing Erlin before bed every night and first thing in the morning every day. He could imagine a thousand moments like this, spread out over a lifetime; snapshots of intimacy and privacy taken from the inside of his and Erlin’s life together.
Beverly broke the moment, pushing the door to Erlin’s room wider as he walked in so it would squeak. Erlin looked up with a tired smile, reaching over to the lamp on his bedside table and clicking it on. The lamp cast a small bubble of golden light, Erlin and Bev on opposite edges of it.
Erlin had a trundle bed, a smaller mattress underneath his bed frame that rolled out on wheels, that he’d already pulled out and thrown a pillow atop of for Beverly. He’d loved the trundle when they were little, had thought it was so cool that Erlin had a built in place for him to sleep when he spent the night.
But the quiet, greedy part of Bev- the one that saved memories of Erlin blushing when he touched his face, the one that daydreamed about an impossible life together- wished they’d gotten rid of the second bed years ago. Wished that maybe, if there wasn’t a second mattress, Bev could come up with a reason for them to sleep together in Erlin’s bed. Innocent, back to back, with space enough for Egwene between them. But still, close enough that Bev could maybe feel Erlin’s warmth through his t-shirt, that maybe they’d wake up curled into each other.
More impossible dreams.
The shared giddy laughter had finally faded away, leaving them quiet and warm in the afterglow. Bev sat and settled cross legged on the little trundle bed, the old metal frame creaking slightly under his weight.
“Pancakes tomorrow?” Erlin asked.
Bev couldn’t help his grin. “Yes, obviously. The superior breakfast food.”
“Don’t let your mom’s sticky buns hear you say that sacrilege, dude.”
“Sticky buns are an all day food, not an explicitly breakfast food, Erlin. Duh.”
Erlin snickered quietly into his hand, and Bev felt the warm glow in his chest he felt every time he made Erlin laugh like that. “Okay, okay, fair enough.” Erlin reached over and put his phone down on his bedside table. Beverly tried not to look at the sliver of pale stomach that peeked out from beneath his overlarge t shirt as he leaned over. “You all set for the night?” Erlin asked, glancing at the blanket folded carefully atop the pillow beside Bev on the trundle bed.
Bev nodded, swallowing the gut desire to say something about sleeping in Erlin’s bed instead. “All good, dude. See you in the morning.” Erlin smiled at him again, a tired, happy thing, and clicked the bedside lamp off again, plunging them into perfect darkness.
Bev shuffled as quietly as he could under the blanket, burying his face in his pillow. He could still hear the rain outside falling on the roof, how the trees groaned and whipped in the wind. He tried to focus on that, as opposed to Erlin’s slow, heavy breathing. He was only marginally successful.
Bev fell asleep quickly, Erlin’s snuffling breaths and the hard patter of rain turning into a lullabye, and his body was still heavy and tired from running home through the rain.
He woke up, hours later, to the thin trundle mattress shifting but a sudden new weight.
At first, Bev thought it was just Erlin trying to climb out of bed- probably to use the bathroom- and stepping onto Bev’s mattress as he did. But as the mattress continued to shift, Bev realized Erlin wasn’t using the mattress as a stepping stone to get to his bedroom floor. He was lying down beside Beverly.
Bev’s eyes snapped open as a line of anxious ice trailed down his spine, reaching out with all his senses to try and figure out what was going on. He couldn’t see much beyond vague shadowy shapes in the darkness of the bedroom- the line of streetlight peeking out from beneath the window’s blinds, the outline of Erlin’s desk against the pale wall behind it, the curl of Erlin’s hair as he buried his face in his pillow. Beverly blinked away sleep, straining to make out the line of Erlin’s body. The curve of his head into his neck and shoulders, disappearing below the blanket Bev was using, the line of his spine into his legs, his bare feet peeking out the edge of the blanket. His face was buried in his pillow, scrunched up between the pillow Beverly was using and the edge of Erlin’s bed frame, his whole body curled into the small space like a small animal looking for safety. Beverly couldn’t tell if he was awake, or whether Erlin had crawled into bed with Beverly in a fit of sleepwalking- sleepcrawling? Either way, that’s probably what had woken Beverly up, the abrupt weight of Erlin crawling into bed beside him, settling onto the thin mattress. Erlin’s shoulder was no more than an inch from the center of Beverly’s chest, where he had been asleep, curled onto his side. If either of them shifted even a little, they would be touching.
Then, a quiet snuffle. Erlin shook his head and buried his nose further into his pillow- Beverly didn’t know how he could breathe like that, but if he strained, he could still hear it. Erlin’s breathing sounded different than it had when they were first falling asleep; faster, almost wet sounding, like he was- was Erlin crying?
Bev’s breath caught in his chest, and slowly he lifted his hand and placed it gently on the back of Erlin’s shoulder. He heard the snuffling sound again, and then felt Erlin sigh beneath his hand. And then, as though Erlin had never woken up, Beverly heard his breathing slow and deepen, his spine going loose beneath Bev’s palm. He was asleep. In bed with Beverly. Part of him wanted to shake Erlin awake again, ask why he was crying and why he crawled in bed with him and what did this mean?
But Bev was still exhausted, and half asleep, and the initial adrenaline of waking up had faded, leaving him in a room silent save for Erlin’s breathing. It felt dreamlike, as though Bev would blink and wake up to the early-morning sunrise, Erlin asleep in his own bed again. Bev didn’t want to question it, didn’t crave answers enough to shatter the dream- real or otherwise- he’d found himself in. So he closed his eyes, let himself listen to Erlin’s even breathing, and fell back asleep.
When Beverly blinked awake again, it was morning, and the moment in the middle of the night felt like nothing more than a sugar-sweet dream. The sunlight tore through the crack at the bottom of Erlin’s blinds, washing his room in burning golden light. It took Bev’s eyes a moment to adjust, a yawn hiking up in his chest as he started to stretch out.
All at once, his arm bumped into something warm and firm and Bev’s eyes adjusted enough to catch a pair of pale feet peeking out from beneath the edge of the blanket.
Beverly’s eyes snapped towards Erlin’s bed and caught on his best friend, lying on his side facing Beverly, still tucked between Bev and his bed frame. Still lying next to Bev. The fuzzy memory from the middle of the night slotted back into place, and Bev was suddenly aware of his feet tucked against Erlin’s shins; that he’d shifted, searching for warmth in the middle of the night.
Erlin was awake, his eyes soft and open, watching Bev with the kind of tentative warmth that Beverly recognized from inside his own chest, everytime he looked at Erlin.
“Oh,” Bev breathed, his arm settling back against the mattress from where he’d frozen, mid-stretch.
“Good morning?”
“You’re… really here. I thought I dreamed you.” Beverly mumbled, his brain still foggy with sleep, struggling to put the pieces together.
Erlin flushed, and Bev let himself watch how it started at his ears and spread inwards, along the line of his cheeks and up to his nose until his whole face was red. “I woke you up?”
“Only a little,” Bev tried for a joke, and Erlin smiled slightly, acknowledging.
“I… um-”
Erlin nodded. “My parents. And Egwene, this time, and Nana. And-” he hesitated, scanning Beverly’s face- “and you.” A confession that Bev could almost piece together.
“Oh,” Bev breathed, the word punched from his chest.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve asked, I just- I wanted to know I wasn’t alone, but it felt silly to wake you-”
“Erlin. It’s fine. I- I didn’t mind.” That wasn’t fully true. “I liked it. I like waking up to you.” A confession in response, and Bev watched with bated breath as realization broke out over Erlin’s face.
“Is that okay? I don’t- you’re my best friend, Erlin, and that means everything to me, and I don’t want to lose that. You. But- I just. I think about it. Sleeping beside you, and holding your hand when we go to the movies, and buying your ice cream for you, and all the little-”
“Boyfriend things?” Erlin whispered, his voice full of barely-veiled hope.
“Oh.” Erlin shifted forward on the mattress, just a little. “Kissing?”
Bev could barely find the breath to answer, terrified that one wrong move, one wrong word, and everything would come crumbling down around his ears. “Yeah.” Again, louder, more certain, “Yeah.” And then the important part, “What about-”
But before Beverly could finish his question, Erlin’s palm was on his cheek and he was leaning forward and then his lips were on Bev’s. They were warm and slightly dry and Bev could smell Erlin’s deodorant and shampoo and Erlin was kissing him. Bev combed his hand into Erlin’s curls- something he’d thought about doing more times than he wanted to admit- and pulled him closer, until their chests were touching and Bev felt electricity arc down his spine. Erlin’s hand was a warm, grounding presence on his face, and Erlin kept it there even when he eventually pulled away. His pupils were blown wide, all traces of sleepiness wiped from his face, and his cheeks were burned fire engine red.
“Yeah,” Erlin echoed, breathless for a different reason now. “Me too.”
Bev pulled his hand out of Erlin’s hair and wrapped it around the hand Erlin was still holding against his face, twisting their fingers together. Erlin’s flicked between their hands and Bev’s eyes. “Let me take you to dinner,” Bev said, more a plea than a question.
“Like a-”
“A date. Erlin Kindleaf, I’ve been thinking about this for years, please let me take you on a date.”
“Yeah, dude, yeah, yes-” And then Erlin kissed him again.
It was even better the second time. Erlin tilted his head a little so their mouths slotted together and his hand was still cradling Bev’s cheek. Bev dragged his hand up Erlin’s chest, wrapping his fingers around the place where his shoulder turned into his spine turned into the nape of his neck. Bev had always wondered what the softly curling hairs there felt like. Now he got to find out, twisting his fingers gently through them and pulling Erlin ever closer. Their noses bumped as Erlin sat up, sitting on his knees and shuffling forward until they pressed into Bev’s side on the mattress. Erlin’s hand finally moved from his face to grab onto his shoulder, and gently ran his other hand along Bev’s side- hip to stomach to ribs. Bev broke away as Erlin dragged his fingers along a ticklish spot on his ribs, tucking his face into the soft space at the top of Erlin’s shoulder with a helpless giggle.
It felt like they were back in the pouring rain from the night before, when everything was washed in blue light and cool water, the hot asphalt steaming as the rain evaporated. Where everything was light and joyous and exhilarating. Bev could feel Erlin laughing breathlessly, the way his shoulders jumped under Bev’s forehead, how his head shook with tiny rolling laughs. His hair brushed against Bev’s face, soft and smelling like the same herbal shampoo he’d used the night before.
It was that, more than Erlin agreeing to go on a date or kissing him, that finally made Bev realize that this was real. That he could have the kind of life he’d always wanted with Erlin; hundreds of nights curled into each other as they slept, arguing over who could pay for who’s dinner, making out at the movies during the credits (because neither of them would want to miss the rest of the film).
The morning was golden as Bev sat up and started to pepper Erlin’s face with tiny kisses until they were both laughing too hard to breathe.
Hours or minutes later, Egwene knocked briefly before ducking her head through the door to Erlin’s room- giving them barely enough time to leap apart, sprawled on opposite sides of the tiny trundle bed, red-faced and still shaking with laughter. She raised a silent eyebrow, but didn’t comment.
“Nana’s making breakfast, fuckers.” Her eyes jumped between Beverly and her brother, her forced scowl failing to hide the smile in her eyes. “Quit giggling to each other, let’s go.” She ducked back out of Erlin’s room leaving the door cracked as she stomped down the hall. Bev turned and grinned at Erlin, knowing it was as good as a blessing they were ever going to get.
“Yeah.” Erlin grabbed Bev’s hand, dragging them both finally to their feet. “But not too many, we have dinner plans tonight.”
Bev pressed another kiss, quick and full of promise, to Erlin’s mouth. “Okay.”
The morning was golden, Bev could already smell the pancakes cooking, and he finally saw the future he wanted spread out before him; hand in hand with Erlin.
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cuddlepilefics · 4 years
16.    A Christmas Alone
Fandom: GOT7
Sickie: Mark
Caregiver: -
This is about the first Christmas since the group has moved into a dorm together. Might be a bit sad….
 This is the first Christmas Mark would be spending away from home. He had moved into a dorm with his group members. Sadly, unlike them, he couldn’t travel home to his family because they just lived too far apart. Mark was dreading Christmas, he dreaded it every year. At some point growing up, he had established his own little Christmas tradition. Each year without fail, he would catch a stomach bug and be miserable when all he wanted to do was celebrate with his family. When it had happened the fifth year in a row, his siblings had decorated a bucket with holiday-themed stickers as a Christmas gift. Of course, none of his new friends knew about Mark’s tradition and he didn’t want them to. They were all going to visit their families and he didn’t want them to worry about him. He was the oldest after all.
While other people roamed the stores for treats and last-minute gifts, Mark’s Christmas shopping included electrolyte drinks, painkillers and antacids. He doubted that just because he was at a different place than usual, his fate would be different. Though he for sure hoped to be spared this time. At home he was ok with getting sick, he had his whole family around him. They’d take care of him and ensure he’d enjoy the celebrations despite being sick. Here he would be alone.
The members all said their goodbyes, hugging each other tight in the living room, wishing each other a Merry Christmas before heading out to make their separate journeys home. When the evening approached, Mark was alone, the members had one by one trickled out, leaving the dorm unusually quiet. Having dinner by himself, the food didn’t seem as appetizing as it usually would but the rapper decided that was simply because he was eating alone which he wasn’t used to at all. He scrolled through Netflix and got comfortable on the couch. Turning on his go to Christmas movie ‘Home Alone’ he started to get a little emotional and soon turned the TV off. Lacking any distraction that would take his mind off of having to spend Christmas by himself, the rapper went to bed early.
As luck would have it, he didn’t stay asleep for too long, waking up in the middle of the night to his stomach cramping. Unable to go back to sleep, Mark cursed his fate before untangling himself from the sheets. With one arm wrapped tightly around his upset middle, he limped to the kitchen, turning on the kettle to fix himself a hot-water bottle. As he waited for the water to boil, he put some rice into the rice cooker, setting a timer for the device to turn-off when the rice was done. He wanted to have some plain rice ready, if he felt up to eating anything by the morning, so he’d better prepare everything now as long as he still could. You could call it foresight or simply yearlong experience but Mark was almost certain he would not be able to make himself food tomorrow. When the water boiled, he quickly poured it into the hot-water bottle and went back to his bedroom, grabbing a bucket from their closet containing cleaning supplies and took it with him as well. With the bucket next to his bed, he curled up around his hot-water bottle and tried to ignore the cramps, hoping to just go back to sleep.
Having managed to get a few more hours of restless sleep, Mark woke up in cold sweat to the churning of his stomach. He took a few deep breaths through his nose to settle the worsening nausea. It only seemed to be getting worse, so he carefully got out of bed and shakily made his way to the bathroom. He would not use the bucket as long as he still managed to get his sorry ass to the bathroom in time because he’d have to clean the bucket out afterwards and he was certain he wouldn’t manage that without throwing up again. Kneeling in front of the toilet, the rapper stared into the undisturbed waters. He knew the drill by now, so he knew that hoping the nausea would just pass was useless, it wouldn’t. Shivering in his sweat-through sleepshirt, he wrapped his arms around his stomach, squeezing his eyes shut against the cramp that rippled across his abdomen. If he was still younger and if he was still at home, he would’ve woken his mother at that point but he wasn’t. He had a job, he had moved out from his parents and he could handle himself.
Mark had no idea how long he had sat there anticipating. He only knew that he was freezing and the shivering didn’t do enough to warm him. Carefully pushing himself up with one hand against the wall, he grabbed his shower towel off the hook and wrapped it around his shoulders tightly before sitting back down. Apparently, his stomach had disliked the movement and Mark was barely back in front of the toilet when his throat contracted with a gag. Despite not bringing anything up, the young idol could taste last night’s dinner at the back of his tongue. It only hit him now, that this was all really happening. He was sick with his yearly bug and he was alone. Nobody was there or even knew that he felt miserable. His members probably didn’t even think about leaving him behind, too excited to see their families again. Mark didn’t blame them, he’d be too, if he got a chance to visit them. Suddenly feeling lonelier than he had in his life, the tears started to spill from his eyes while he made no attempt to stop them. Who should see him cry anyways.
Mark’s silent crying soon turned into frustrated sobs, which sent his feeble stomach over the edge. A sob turned into a forceful retch that brought up a small trickle of stomach acid. With his throat on fire, the rapper braced himself against the toilet rim, mouth watering as his stomach contracted again and a gush of semi-digested food shot up his throat. His knuckles turned white as he choked for a few seconds. Barely able to catch his breath, Mark brought up two waves back to back as his knuckles turning white from the strain as he held onto the toilet rim for dear life. Gasping for air, he quickly spits into the bowl to get rid of the foul taste, hoping he’d get his stomach to calm down if the taste was gone. He hadn’t eaten for hours, how could he even bring anything up? After two more, much smaller waves, he was officially empty but his stomach just didn’t want to accept that. His body mercilessly tried to throw up more than I had in him to begin with, dry heaves tearing at the rapper’s throat. If anything ever came up, it was just a small dribble of bile, leaving a bitter taste on his tongue which inevitably triggered another heave. Mark just wished, he had forced himself to eat more yesterday because throwing up is one thing, he could handle that but dry heaving is so much painfuller.
The heaves died down eventually and Mark weakly leaned back against the bathroom wall, drying his tears and picking up the towel that had slipped off his shoulders. His sweaty shirt stuck to his back, yet he still felt cold. With his head spinning dizzily, the rapper forced himself to stand up on shaky legs. He knew if he wanted to feel warm again, he’d have to get changed. With the image of his favorite sweater in mind, he clutched the sink, fumbling with one hand to get toothpaste onto his toothbrush. His view of the bathroom kept tilting sideways, so he closed the toilet lid, plopping down to sit while he quickly brushed his teeth, just thorough enough to remove the bitter taste.
Mark was fighting a battle in his mind, he knew he had to stay hydrated and should go grab himself a bottle of water on the way back to his room but all he wanted was to put on a hoodie and crawl into bed. As much as it sucked, the rapper forced himself to take a detour to the kitchen before shuffling back to his room. He pealed off his sticky shirt and replaced it with his favorite hoodie. It was one of Jackson’s old hoodies, the Chinese had grown out of it and had passed it on to Mark because the older found it looked cool, that was only a few months after they moved into a room together. You couldn’t say the two were close, yet Jackson was probably Mark’s closest friend here in Korea and wearing his old sweater brought Mark a sense of comfort. Sitting down on his bed, Mark took a few careful sips from his water before recapping it and putting the bottle onto the nightstand. He made sure the bucket was still close-by as he laid down again, closing his eyes to sleep off as much of this bug as he could.
He slept fitfully on and off for a few hours, till he was awoken again by the loud ringing of his phone. Initially he wanted to ignore it and go back to sleep but when he found the caller’s ID to be his mother, he quickly picked up. Placing the phone on the pillow next to his ear, Mark closed his eyes again.
“Hey sweetie. Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas, mom!” Wow, he only noticed now how strained his voice sounded.
“Hey, did you get sick again?”
“Mhm, just last night after the others left.”
“How bad is it? Are you holding up alright by yourself?”
“I’m ok. After the first bathroom session I slept mostly.”
“Remember to stay hydrated, sweetie and I know you probably don’t want to but try to eat something once in a while. You’re already so skinny.”
“I promise, I’m taking care of myself, mom. I prepared some rice last night, when it all started, I’ll try to have some later. It just doesn’t feel safe right now.”
“Alright, I now you’re already my big boy. It just makes me sad that you’re hurting and not here with us. Should I let you sleep some more?”
“Please. Can we talk again later?”
“Whenever and how often you want, baby. We can also have a videocall tonight if you want to and feel up to it.”
“Yes please. I miss you. All of you.”
“We miss you too. Rest well and get better for us, yeah? I love you.”
“Mhm. Love you too, mom.”
And with that the call ended. Mark’s mom was obviously and understandably worried though she tried so hard to not let it show in her voice. Sure, at the back of her head she knew her son was well capable of taking care of himself but he was still her little baby.
After the call ended, Mark couldn’t go back to sleep. The nausea had returned with full vengeance and he curled into himself whimpering. He didn’t consider going to the bathroom because first of all, he was empty and second, moving seemed like an impossible task right now. Cradling his sore middle with one arm, he fished the bucket off of the ground, hugging it to his chest as he removed the arm around his stomach to prop himself up. As soon as he was upright, a breathy burp escaped his lips and he cringed at the thought of what was to come. The first gag immediately brought up the small amount of water he had consumed earlier, the sound of it splashing into the plastic bucket seemed way to loud for Mark’s liking. He was starting to get a bit dehydrated, resulting in a pounding headache which was aggravated as he retched dryly over the bucket in his lap. Once in a while a thin spurt of stomach acid would come up but other than that he was empty.
What seemed like an eternity to Mark later, the whole ordeal finally came to an end. By now, his head was pounding mercilessly while he slumped over the bucket, any strength he had had zapped. It took a few minutes and deep breaths for the rapper to settle his stomach enough to even consider moving. Despite just wanting to flop back down into his pillows, this wasn’t an option and the young idol had to go clean out his sick bucket. He made his way to the bathroom, swaying as he held himself up against the wall. He only had to heave into the bucket once on the way there and nothing came up, so he considered this a success. There was not much to clean out and he soon fought his way back to his room, the thought of laying down giving him the strength to continue.
Putting the bucket next to his bed again, he reached under his bed and pulled out an electrolyte drink he had bought in wise foresight. He forced himself to down at least half of it, either it would help him rehydrate and ease the headache or the next round of throwing up wouldn’t be as painful, because he had something he could bring up. Either way it would be a win. Curling back up under his blanket, Mark hugged himself both in an attempt to ease the feverish shivers and to feel less lonely. He felt awful and all he wanted was for someone to be with him. Of course, his family would be his first choice but at this point he’d take literally any of his new friends. As long as there was someone and he wouldn’t have to go through this alone. Tears stung his eyes and he let the flow freely. How he envied his friends for being able to be with their loved ones while he was here all by himself and to top it off: sick. He doubted his members even spared him a single thought as they enjoyed their Christmas celebrations with their tradition, as Mark struggled through his own tradition. Being feverish and exhausted, it didn’t take long for the young idol to cry himself to sleep, unaware that his phone was blowing up with loving Christmas wishes and missed calls from his friends, which as the hours passed turned into numerous concerned messages in their group chat as they realized that no one was able to get a hold of their oldest hyung.
Mark would have some explaining to do when he woke up again and maybe he’d realize that there were people, apart of his family, that sincerely cared about him and who were currently going crazy with worry and guilt for leaving him by himself.
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ticklygiggles · 6 years
One spot, all the fun | WangXian
A/N: heeeeey~ watch me writing for Mo Dao Zu Shi again even though I haven't finished my prompts ahahahahaha... ah. I hope you enjoy this! I feel like I didn't make justice to own my idea 😭 but I hope you all like it!
Summary: Lan Zhan is the subject of Wei Ying's fingers even on the most intimate moments, so he thinks it's time to show Wei Ying a lesson.
Mentions of sex, but nothing too nsfw
Words: 2+k
"How was that, Lan Zhan?"
Lan Zhan wanted to sweep that smirk off Wei Ying's mouth, but he could barely move with the leftover tingles spreading from his hips all the way up to his ribs. His bare body twitching slightly as he tried to regain his breath after that ruthless tickle attack from his lover.
Wei Ying, on the other hand, was smiling wildly, happy with the mess his husband had become after just a few post-coital tickling.
He really didn't mean to tickle him, but when both of them had reached their climax after a heated sexual intercourse morning, Wei Ying's fingers started to carelessly caress around Lan Zhan's body, feeling those tights muscles under the smooth skin, following those scars at his back and the burn at his chest.
Lan Zhan was breathing heavily into Wei Ying's neck as he came back to his senses from his orgasm, his body still highlighted by sensations, so, when he felt Wei Ying's fingers lightly touching his ribs as they came back from roaming around his back, he couldn't help but let out a wholeheartedly laugh, the sensation tickling him just as much as a harsh squeeze, (which he knew very well thanks to Wei Ying). It made him jump away, falling off Wei Ying and into the bed on his back.
Wei Ying beamed at such reaction and before Lan Zhan could stop him, he was straddling him, digging his fingers into the spaces between Lan Zhan's ribs and claiming that 'he didn't know one could be more ticklish after an orgasm!'
Lan Zhan had the feeling that he, somehow, did know about it.
"How was it, Lan Zhan? How was it?" He asked again, poking Lan Zhan on his ribs, making him jump and let out a strangled sound.
"Awful," he firmly says, sitting up in the bed, (pushing Wei Ying off) and putting his white robes back on.
Wei Ying giggled, "c'mon, it wasn't that bad, was it?"
"Awful," Lan Zhan repeats as he turns his head to look at Wei Ying sprawled onto the bed, the morning sun showering his bare body, making his milky skin look like honey. He was smiling at him, his cheeks flushed and his forehead slightly wet with sweat. His lips plump and red after Lan Zhan bit, sucked and kissed them. Obscene white and sticky liquid drying up on his lower belly.
Lan Zhan felt his chest flutter and he acted impulsively, throwing himself on top of Wei Ying, straddling his hips and kissing his lips passionately. Wei Ying shrieked at his lover's sudden movements, but then melted under the attention, wrapping his arms around Lan Zhan's neck as the white robes, open by the top, fell on his body, making him shiver slightly with each brush of the fabrics against his skin.
Lan Zhan felt the lips captured by his stretching a bit into a smile. Satisfied hums leaving Wei Ying's mouth as Lan Zhan pulled apart to leave kisses down his neck, on those red marks he had left just a few minutes ago.
"Am I forgiven, Lan Zhan?" He let out a soft gasp when Lan Zhan bit at his earlobe.
"No," he whispered against his skin and Wei Ying frowned as he threw his head back, exposing his neck more.
"No? Then why are you-
Wei Ying gasped again when he felt the so familiar numbness at his hips, he tried to move his legs, his torso, his arms, but they were all useless. Lan Zhan had used the incantantion on him!
"Lan Zhan!" Lan Zhan lifted his head from Wei Ying's neck and he shivered. He had never seen that gleam on Lan Zhan's eyes before.
He didn't like it at all.
"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan said, grabbing Wei Ying's useless arms from around his shoulders and placing them at each side of Wei Ying's head, pinning them down, even though that was not needed.
"Lan Zhan! Why are you using the incantation?! I hate when you do this!" He growled, shaking his head, he was glad he could move his head, at least.
"Punishment? For tickling you?" Lan Zhan nodded once. "C'mon, Lan Zhan, you have a beautiful laugh! And you laughed while we were doing that!"
"You made me laugh."
Wei Ying flashed him a big smile. "Well, I did, but it was not my intention to do it in the first place! Since you laughed I felt courageous!"
Lan Zhan let go of Wei Ying's arms and he looked almost satisfied to watch them stay right where he left them. He then proceeded to sit down on top of Wei Ying's thighs, barely past his manhood.
"I am going to do it."
"Do what?" Wei Ying arched an eyebrow.
"I am going to tickle you," Lan Zhan said as a matter of fact.
Fear flashed through Wei Ying's eyes momentarily, before he hid it behind that mischievous gleam of his that Lan Zhan totally loved. "I'm not even ticklish, Lan Zhan. That's why I always win the tickle fights!"
Lan Zhan raised an eyebrow almost imperceptibly, "are you not?"
Wei Ying shook his head with a smile. "You can try, Lan Zhan. You can tickle my ribs if you want, or my belly, but I will not la- fuck! Fuck, wahahahait!"
"That language is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses."
"Don't touch thehehere!" Wei Ying threw his head back, his mouth open wide, letting out helpless peals of laughter. "How did you knohohohow!"
"It is obvious," Lan Zhan said as his fingers latched onto Wei Ying's hipbones, his thumbs massaging circles against this soft path of skin, right where Wei Ying's hips meet his beautiful and toned thighs.
The muscles under Wei Ying's skin didn't flinch at the touch, nor his hips twisted or his legs kicked, all thanks to the incantation, but the lack of reaction from his very oen body made Wei Ying even more nervous, his laughter growing louder and sounding a bit more high-pitched. Still adorable to Lan Zhan.
Trying to gather enough air -and selfcontrol-, Wei Ying opened one of his tight closed eyes to look at his lover. "How- how ihihihis it obvious?" He shook his head desperately. "Oh, Lan Zhahahan, plehehease! Not thehehere!"
It wasn't obvious, Lan Zhan actually didn't have idea he would success at his first attempt. He was simply going to try all of his own spots on Wei Ying and he thought that the best way to start was from bottom to top.
He was a lucky man.
Lan Zhan didn't answer, of course, he simply ignored Wei Ying's pleads as he kept digging his thumbs into that sweet spot, mimicking the way Wei Ying likes to destroy Lan Zhan's own hips.
"Lan Zhan! Lan Zhahahahan!" Lan Zhan felt his heart doing some flips inside his chest; it was the first time he ever dared to tickle Wei Ying back, and even though there was a bit of fear for the consequences of his acts, he didn't regret any of his doings.
Especially when Wei Ying is looking as adorable as he looks now: his nose, flushing pink along with his cheeks, scrunched up at the sensation. Sweet and slightly, desperate laughter erupting out of his throat. His head shaking and tossing from side to side, trying to break free from Lan Zhan's dirty antics.
"How is it, Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan teased, his voice not sounding half as playful as Wei Ying's, but, apparently, it was enough to make him shriek as another cackle rippled through him.
"Oh my, Lan Zhahahan!" Wei Ying laughed, his face turning pinker. "Good Lan Zhahahan! Have mercy! Hahahave mercy!"
Lan Zhan decided to stop for a little to let Wei Ying catch his breath. "I am showing mercy."
"You are so mean!" Wei Ying tries to pout as he kept giggling softly. "Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan. I'm being serious right now, that's my only tickle spot," he says with a big goofy smile on his face. "Go easy on it, please! You're killing me here! Why are you even doing this?"
"I told you, this is punishment."
"And what should I do for you to stop punish me? You can't ask me to never tickle you again! I would die!" Wei Ying grinned when he noticed the shells of Lan Zhan's ears turning red.
Lan Zhan shook his head once. "Apologize."
"Apologize? For what?"
"For tickling me at every chance you have."
Wei Ying laughed, "but Lan Zhan! I only tickle you when I think it is necessary! It's your fault for not laughing!" Lan Zhan narrowed his eyes a bit before he clawed his fingers into Wei Ying's most ticklish spot. "Wait! Wahahahait! You didn't give me- ahahahaha! Lan Zhahahan!"
Lan Zhan tried to keep his lips from turning up into a smile as he watched Wei Ying laughing. Now that he was the one doing the tickling and not the one dying because of it, he noticed the appealing of it: making the person you love laugh like this with your own fingers was really something... special.
Especially because, even when he's desperately asking Lan Zhan to stop, Wei Ying looks like he is enjoying himself. Lan Zhan thought that he should've tried this before.
"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying said through his laughter one more time before a little snort burnt in the back of his nose. "Ah! So embahahaharrassing!"
Lan Zhan's hands stilled to let Wei Ying catch another breath, but after hearing that adorable sound coming from Wei Ying, he couldn't help but giggle on his own. "O-oh my, ahahahare you laughing at me, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying asked looking at his lover through teary eyes. "Are you having fun?"
Lan Zhan's giggle didn't last for more than two seconds, but his smile didn't fade away as he opened his mouth to talk again, "yes, I am, Wei Ying." He seemed to think about what to say next as his fingertips started to drum against Wei Ying's skin, making him giggle nervously. "I think now I understand why you like to do it so much."
"Uhuhunlike you, though, I don't have so many tickle spots to tahahake advantage of-ahahahaha!" Another wave of hysterical laughter cut his last sentence.
Lan WangJi frowned a little, "you keep teasing."
"Ahahahah, I'm sorry! I'm sohohorry for tehehehasing!" Wei Ying laughed helplessly, his head not shaking anymore, his neck a bit sore and his eyes tearing. "Plehehehease, er-gegehehehe!" Lan Zhan stopped again, his hands holding onto Wei Ying's hipbones.
"Second Master Lahahan, plehehease!" Wei Ying breathed in and out a few times until his belly was moving normally. "Lan Zhan, now that I think about it, did you know that Lan SiZhui is ticklish too?" Wei Ying giggled at the memory running inside his head. "He was so cute back then, except when he was chewing on ChenQing. He once tried to tickle me, but, really, anynone- fuck! thehehese damn hihihihihips!"
"Wei Ying, you haven't apologized," Lan Zhan said, his blunt nails scratching the soft skin, making Wei Ying howl with laughter.
Wei Ying nodded desperately, "I ahahahapologize! I'm sorry! I'm sohohorry, Er-gege!"
"Why are you apologizing, Wei Ying?"
Wei Ying was sure he could hear a smile on Lan Zhan's face, but he was too busy laughing his head off to even be able to look at him. "Fohohohor always tihihihihickling you!"
"Are you really sorry?"
"You know- ahahahaha! You know I'm no-ahahahaha-
He couldn't form coherent sentences anymore, his face beet red and his laugh becoming wheezy until no sound came from his mouth, his body shaking with silent laughter as Lan Zhan kept tickling him senseless.
After just a few more seconds, (Lan Zhan really didn't want to stop), he finally let go of Wei Ying's hips, lifting up the incantation as well for Wei Ying to curl into a little ball as he laughed tiredly.
"Y-Young Master Lahahan," Wei Ying panted. "That wahahas horrible! You are reheheally mean!"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fihihine," he sighed, laying on his back again. "I can't believe you, Lan Zhan. You literally just tickle me while I was naked! Are you that kind of person?"
Lan Zhan really wanted to roll his eyes, but he just shook his head and brushed Wei Ying's bangs off his flushed and sweaty forehead. "It was kind of fun," Wei Ying says with a smile. "Except for the fact that you used the incantation! That was so unfair! And just so you know that I will not, by any chance, stop tickling you whenever I want to! Actually, I think I should-
Wei Ying closed his eyes as soon as Lan Zhan's lips were pressed against his in a kiss.
"It's late," Lan Zhan said when they pulled apart, heaving off of Wei Ying's body and out the bed. "I think we should take a quick bath."
Wei Ying giggled, "you just want to run away from me, but that's okay." He put his clothes on quickly, before he playfully squeezed Lan Zhan's ribs, making him jump as he walked past him towards the doors of the JingShi. "I'll ask SiZhui for water, you wait here, Er-gege," he winks once before leaving through the door.
Lan Zhan watches him walk away and, as the tingly feeling lingers on his ribs, he can't help but smile and think that maybe, just maybe, tickling is not as bad as he thought.
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davidaustin-love · 3 years
Taping your breasts
Boob tape, also known as Fashion Tape, Lingerie Tape, and Body Tape is extremely popular to wear with awkward dresses and tops with low backs, plunging necklines, and wedding dresses. It's used throughout Hollywood with celebrities and models for secret support! Most boob tape can be applied to the skin, clothes, and underwear to hold everything in place. It can be tricky to get a good result the first time, so we recommend practicing a few times to get the hang of it, especially if it's for a special outfit. How to use the boob tape will depend on the outfit you are wearing and where you need an extra lift, support or stay in place.
It's basically like clear double-sided sticky tape...but hypoallergenic.
Secret Weapons Boob Tape
The Boob Tape from Secret Weapons contains a 5-meter roll of transparent medical-grade duct tape specifically designed for the skin. You can cut, trim and tape the breasts for any outfit to suit your style. You can use it to lift, flatten, separate, boost, and create cleavage.
Features & Benefits:
Hypoallergenic & skin safe.
Discreet clear color for under clothes.
Easy to apply and remove.
Used to lift, flatten, boost or create cleavage.
How to apply Boob Tape:
Pick the required amount of breast tape. (Remember you can trim the tape with scissors.)
Remove one side of the paper and apply the tape to the skin, underwear, or clothing.
Remove the remaining paper from the other side.
Apply to your other side of clothing and press down firmly.
WARNING - Be extremely careful when you are removing the tape from your skin. It can be quite painful, so we recommend pealing it away very slowly. If you are having trouble getting the tape off, have a hot shower or soak in the bath.
Magic Bodyfashion Fashion Tape
The Fashion Tape from Magic BodyFashion contains 50 pieces of adhesive tape in a compact travel case to keep with you at all times. You can use it on the skin, lingerie, and clothing to prevent your outfit from sagging, popping open, or riding up.
Features & Benefits:
Hypoallergenic & skin safe.
Attach outfit to skin, or fabric to fabric.
Easy to apply and remove.
Clever compact case for traveling.
How to tape up breasts for strapless dresses:
Depending on the type of boob tape you buy, can depend on the length and width of it. Some of the smaller boob tapes are only designed to keep your dress in place, stop it from slipping down or prevent gapping, whereas some of the bigger boob tapes are designed to offer support and uplift to your breasts. There is no perfect way to apply the tape, but we recommend cutting off a long strip that will sit under your breast and go up to your shoulder. Start by applying the tape to the bottom of the breast and lift up to the shoulder and stick it down. You can apply more tape to your breast to get the desired look and shape you want.
Watch this video below:
Other Bra Solutions
There is a variety of other adhesive bra solutions on the market including stick-on bras, foam cups, and backless bras that may provide better results, or can be used in conjunction with boob tape. Cup-sized stick bras will offer more support and shape for you
If you specifically want to hide your nipples, we recommend using nipple covers instead of boob tape. They are specifically designed to discreetly cover up the nipples with soft silicone or fabric padding and tape.
Tips on Taping
If you are concerned about getting a reaction from the boob tape, we advise doing a patch test first by applying a small piece on your skin and leaving it on for roughly half an hour.
Don't apply boob tape over broken, damaged or sun-burnt skin, as this can be very sensitive.
Before applying the boob tape, make sure the skin is clean and dry and not coated with moisturizer or powder. This can cause the boob tape not to stick.
Avoid sticking boob tape to sensitive parts of your skin and areas where you can sweat a lot.
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kasiopeiae · 8 years
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