#where at first it's fun and the master gets him to help build some machine
mozart-the-meerkitten · 7 months
Alright I just rewatched End of Time so it's the perfect time to inflict this on all of you
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LISTEN. Ever since I watched Night of the Living Pharmacists I have been thinking about how it's just like the time the Master made himself all the people on Earth. I have no idea what to do with this information.
Also apparently the difference between making everyone in the world clones of yourself intentionally vs. unintentionally is that if you do it intentionally they obey you. Oh and they're not zombies.
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arezenithofyouthlove · 6 months
Congratulation manhwa. You managed to turn hell arc, one of the most emotional parts of the novel, into some half-half shitty ass comedy show. I'm so disappointed I swear. My quick review of current arc, beware of strong language
Chap 112: overuse of Lloyd's face as normal. Javier has better interaction with a demon than with his master???
Chap 113: using the information in the hell Internet with only 40% true to bet for your life is stupid Lloyd. Why don't they just stick to the original where Lloyd knew Helkaro's personality through the Knight of Blood and Iron novel??? Wouldn't that make so much more sense??? All Helkaro's inner thoughts were removed. Javier casually asked Lloyd about his real identity. Urgh Lloyd's faces again 🤢
Chap 114: I don't think in the novel Lloyd acting like that or it's just manhwa adaption. But the fact they draw Lloyd tried to kill a satan crossing the lava river is disgusting. Also Lloyd's face 😮‍💨
Chap 115: the reaper adaptation is fucking stupid if you are asking me. Why didn't the reaper get that dark wizard dude soul from before? So if you practice dark magic you won't be dragged to hell at all? And you can stay on the living realm killing more people??? And the reaper talk with ogLloyd. Please shut up. Pretending to be a meaningful life lesson but it just didn't work. If Suho has system power back in Korea would he still be hardworking? Or will he also get corrupted by it too? That hypothetical question is so stupid. They are trying to make original Lloyd to be less hate-able. Since when did him care about the estate at all? Why do you need to reduce his crime?
Chap 116: this is when I feel they massacre Lloyd's character trait the most. They already did it for a long time but I will focus on this chap. How he treat to ogLloyd is completely different to the novel. Novel Lloyd knew he stole OgLloyd body so he tried to find a way to compensate him back, but manhwa Lloyd just told him to get lost cuz he didn't gain anything from doing that? Suho would never say something like that. Deep inside he is a kind hearted so he always felt guilty and wanted to help ogLloyd if he could. But look at him now? He only helped OgLloyd cuz he think he is a nuisance. Next we have the rail building situation. Lloyd was clearly in the wrong side but he acting like a real scum. He didn't even say sorry and just told the lava monster to accept it? And told Javier to kill it? For real? I can understand in the novel it was self defence since the lava monster didn't accept Lloyd's apologies but I can't make any excuse for his wrong doing in the manhwa. Are they trying to make him look like a jerk as much as possible in front of the satan eyes? Even Javier knew what Lloyd doing was wrong. Lloyd even shoved the satan to the ground while he is running away. Where is his "safety first" rule now? I know they are in hell but he didn't care about life of other at all. Novel Lloyd even built a grave for the unlucky satans died in the lava monster attack in secret but I guess doing that is too ooc with the current manhwa version of him.
Chap 117: Really? They draw Javier having fun by putting Lloyd in danger? Is this really the same Javier who swear he will protect Lloyd with his own life? And let Javier question that? This is just absurd and not funny at all. They are too focusing on drawing "comedy panel" to the point of making a person who already read the novel like me get sick of it. What irritating me is the fact that the adaption team knew they are ruining the novel source just so they can make Lloyd a money-making machine for them. Manhwa good art can't save it completely from a badly written plot lack of character development and interaction.
Chap 118: The summon acting like Lloyd. Also it seems like they forgot Bibelhyung original size is a giant beaver so they just draw the chibi version of him. Lloyd and OgLloyd talk... I wanna to strangle LHM so bad. This is not my Lloyd at all! HE DID NOT TREATING OGLLOYD LIKE THAT IN THE NOVEL. Now helping ogLloyd is just he doing free charity, oh how noble of him is that? Here come Helkaro and thing about system. I can see the adaption team try to make thing more interesting by bullshiting all the stuff about higher-being and upper side but I think it won't come to anywhere. The system is helping Lloyd too much, acting just like a convenient plot armor. This bring me back to the Destiny Point system, another stupid adaption in my opinion. It's an attempt of them to spoiler about the Prince Making Drug sequel, which in turn end up a total plot destroyer. It is literally a free version of Ending Spoiler now since it could notice Lloyd something bad happen in the future. The way it works is also questionable. How long can the butterfly effect last? The way it calculate the number of people life like mere data? Isn't it behaving like a chain sackle Lloyd at a predestined future now? It appeared after Alicia got that eyes but it didn't take that into calculation?
Phew. I will wait for chap 119 to get translated first then continue to vent, unless Tumble shadowban me like last time lol
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luimagines · 1 year
I had a little idea, imagine if the hero of courage reader met the chains reincarnations (animal) or ghost as a kid and grew up through their advice as well as gained bits and pieces of the chain’s era. Like casually dropping an embarrassing thing that one of the links did and realizing how a machine/ object worked before the others do. (Ghost legend teaching hero!reader how to be on their toes and teaching some easy magic spells or maybe an older wolfie (could be centuries old, who knows) playing and protecting them from danger until hero!reader is old enough to protect themselves.
It depends on how old hero!reader is but I’m going with the idea of at least a 10yr old based on what I’ve put
Ghost time could be a menace with the cuccos and teach hero!reader how to fly with them for a bit, probably teaching them about the
Wars would help them practice with a wooden sword and guide the proper way to hold it but will also read to them if asked (I live for older brother wars headcannon sue me/j)
Sky would most likely take naps and tell the small hero about skyloft as well as the loftwings, explain the sword on his back and fondly talk about fi, maybe throw in a few stories about himself and his friends to calm them down a bit
I feel like Wind would play pirates with hero! reader and get them in all kinds of trouble that’s it, either that or actively get them to sail in a small pond nearby or get them to build a tiny boat (that’s absolutely not made of paper and lots of tape) to see if it’ll float
Wild and Hyrule would probably help them explore more and have fun that way while also keeping them safe (and even make friends with a few fairies); Hyrule being the most protective because “holy shi- how do I not let them die” or him delving into his insecurities and thinking the kid is bored and wants to leave only to be proven wrong when they ask what the fairies are saying/doing with a giant grin on their face
Legend would try to be protective and/or leave them alone, at least until hero!reader reaches out to him and drags him off on an adventure around the house/ village (it only lasts until hero!reader gets hungry and has to go home)
Four would most likely teach hero!reader about the Minish / Picori as well as explain what happened to them, probably showing them how to find kinstones (igf they’re around in hero!reader’s hyrule)
First would probably be awkward around hero!reader for a bit or at least watch over them while they play with their toys until hero!reader looks at him and offers to play/ draw with them
If hero!reader sees the master sword for the first time and reaches out, I feel like one of the chain members would try to stop them (leaning towards time/ wild) so they could live out their childhood and have fun a bit longer
This kinda stemmed from my thoughts from a few posts of work with a few of the ghost Zelda’s and links meeting and talking to Flora and Wild mixed with a fic where wild encounters the ghost version of the chain and meets with them when the events of linked universe take place, same with reading through the “little link” tag on your blog mainly based off the second and third reasons. Anyway have my little brainrot
(If it’s okay, can I be bird anon if there isn’t one already? If there is I could be mushroom anon if it helps)
Bird or Mushroom work! Very few anons actually have given a tag for themselves so it's all for the picking. (like- there's Avi anon but if you just wanna go by Bird, then that works)
And oh my goodness, Ghost! Chain looking over Reader. My heart...
I bet it freaks out the village though. They chalk it up imaginary friends until little Reader knows something in history tat others haven't been able to figure out despite the clues.
But just... I want soft moment of the Chain looking after the next generations... even if they know there's nothing they can do to stop the flow of time- even if the moment to take up the mantel comes before either of them know it.
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semi-imaginary-place · 7 months
How to use Ignatz in FE3H
Ignatz is pretty much the only unit that gets better on maddening, his innate hit+20 is a godsend and his versatility starts shinning through so you start being able to do a lot of interesting, fun, and advanced builds with him. There's a reason we call him chadnatz, he's got one of the highest crit rates in the game too. Playing Ignatz at all I feel like is pretty unconventional given how underutilized he is.
The first thing to realize is that Ignatz is designed as a support and tactical unit not as a nuke (although there's ways to do that, stay tuned). In normal play he's geared toward hard and maddening difficulties where most units can't take down enemies on their own so first you have units like Ignatz weaken them to spoon feed exp into your other units. You have to realize that Ignatz doesn't attack units for his benefit but for the benefit of other units on your team. Ignatz works as a great sapper and saboteur as he can gain access to abilities and combat arts like seal strength, break shot, or poisonstrike, (and ward arrow if you're having mage problems). In this capacity assassin or bow knight suit him well as they allow him to weave in and out of combat with little risk to himself while weakening enemies. Bow knight especially has the highest range in the game allowing him to always get the first hit in while also never getting hit if he can't finish off the enemy. Put him on bow knight with seal strength, poison strike, and breakshot (or ward arrow) for a mobile sapper, this will also help with crowd control. My personal favorite for Ignatz is Bow Knight sapper because it's fun, he helps a lot with crowd control and taking down tough enemies with lots of hp and half the time Ignatz crits and kills them anyways. As bow knight he can strike first and retreat thus baiting out enemies one at a time.
Because he's built as a support unit his offensive stats are low and if you want him as an offensive unit you will have to pay attention to those this is usually strength (or magic if you want a magic build). For example you'll want Ignatz to spend time leveling in fighter and brigand for the strength growth as well as death blow. Like many units with lower stats, SNIPER is probably the easiest and most efficient use of Ignatz, it plays to his strength and involves the least amount of grinding extraneous skills and classes. Hunter's volly is one of the best combat arts in the game and Ignatz can sometimes kill with hunter's volley and even when he can't he has 2 chances to crit and will usually crit at least once and kill the enemy anyways. He's a good sniper, keep him down the archer line for a dex build and he'll crit half the time.
You can and should go crit fishing with Ignatz. This is Ignatz's best shot at killing things on his own and its not mutually exclusive with the other builds, because Ignatz has good dex and luck growth rates, and often goes down the archer line he often ends up with some of the best crit rates in the game. Like even if you just intend to make him a sapper 50% of the time he'll crit and kill the enemy anyways. Can honestly go for a dex build on him.
Now if you feel like getting spicy here's some other options. Because of his high accuracy you can give Ignatz an axe as he will offset axe's low accuracy and the axes' higher might will compensate for his low strength. You can do the standing wyvern lord or you can do war master. For war master you have the additional option of going brawl. Brawling war master is another interesting option for Ignatz because brawl has the benefit of having Ignatz hit twice, war master has innate crit+10, Ignatz has high crit, so all this together builds a crit machine. It's not as efficient a use of your time, but it is fun. The true Chadnatz appreciator brawling war master. (can also pick up brawl avo for survivability).
You can also make Ignatz a mage or magic archer. I'd say he's about as good a mage as Ingrid. The main advantage is that he gets dark mage and dark bishop, neither of which are great classes but it does shake things up. What I tend to do it just make him a sniper/bow knight and equip a magic bow when needed instead of building him especially for magic but I'm not fond of magic builds so that's just my personal preference. His spell list is actually decent so it is a viable option. One of the best things is that he has physic. He's also a pretty viable dancer so he can heal on the turns he doesn't dance.
On that note you can also make him a swords class but I wouldn't recommend this on anything except normal difficulty because on higher difficulties and especially maddening, sword classes are so bad. A swordsmaster Ignatz on maddening is going to be doing 0 damage and die in 1 hit because swords are just too low might to keep up in maddening. I've also heard interesting things about trickster Ignatz which would allow a couple physic uses and free Linhardt up to do something else like dance or be an offensive mage. Of course then you are giving up on his offensive potential entirely and may spend the turn giving up an opportunity to attack and take down an enemy.
tldr: crit heavy hunter's volley sniper maybe bow knight with some support functions.
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captorcorp · 10 months
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
ough it's a lot of magolor light novel scenes tbh bc i love getting the extra storytelling through the text...
everything we've seen of the merry magoland light novel so far tbh (spoilers for light novel ch1-4) - him waving excitedly when the lor starcutter shows up like 'lor!! lor!!! look at me i made an amusement park!!!' or going undercover to find out what the dream team really thinks about him and getting hit emotionally by kirby agreeing to be his friend and meta knight calling him lonely...
also him getting annoyed that the lor won't talk to him in the rtdl novel bc his vibes are atrocious... poor guy is so interested in ancient technology and the technology he finds doesn't even like him
in the dreamy gear light novel, i think it was meta knight and daroach? but when they broke into that guy's place to steal the documents about the machine they needed the gears from, that was p fun
in terms of canon scenes:
anything from rtdl or magolor epilogue
the climax of planet robobot where star dream starts to gain control
meta knight's 'grab this!' scene from super star ultra
i love all of the parts in squeak squad so far where you grab the big chest and then have to run for your life/fight off all the mice trying to steal it from you it's v intense hjkdfs
🎶 if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it?
i really like the VS Star Dream - Kirby Planet Robobot!!! but honestly kirby songs are all so good (i loaded up my vgm playlist with like 15 of them) so here's a handful of my other faves:
Pumpkin Grand - Kirby Super Star Ultra
Dyna Blade Battle - Kirby Super Star Ultra (I remember this from wham bam rock more than dyna blade tbh hjkdfs)
Peanut Plains - Kirby Super Star Ultra
Sky-High and Smitten - Kirby Planet Robobot
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
you thought i was going to talk about magolor huh, WELL actually this is a kracko fanblog now. look at this funky little cloud guy he fights kirby in practically every game bc he will never let go of a grudge and also he summons waddle doos hkjdfs
jk i still want to talk about magolor >:3c (rtdl and magolor epilogue spoilers incoming)
ok so magolor is the antagonist in rtdl/rtdldx, you start off seeing him crash land his ship and kirby offers to help him collect the ship parts, then he lies to kirby about his crown getting stolen by this dragon so kirby steals it for him + he attempts to use it to gain power and take over the world. master crown corrupts him, kirby kicks his and the crown's ass, he falls through a portal to hell and loses his powers. magolor epilogue happens, he kinda redeems himself by defeating the crown, then jumps into the universe of a previously non-canon kirby game and does microtransactions for a while until he has enough funds to make an amusement park for kirby as an apology
he's my favorite for many reasons!!! first of all bc i was talking about character design and personality in the last ask i'll start with that, wizards and wizard-y designs are great, also he's got little kitty cat ears and his hood looks very comfy... then ofc he's a very silly little guy, he has a fun way of talking (in jp he uses mixes in a lot of katakana which the devs refer to as 'magolorese', this was localized to having him use some slang like calling kirby a 'cool dude' and being like 'high five, low five, all that' etc chill phrases), his animations are really fun (like giggling after blasting enemies with a giant energy beam or spinning in the magolor races), etc - and i like characters that are mischievous or twist villains too ^^
i have so many thoughts about him. first of all i love that his two main goals are like a) build an amusement park and b) world domination. i kinda interpret it as him just wanting to have some sort of power and control, whether it's in a positive or negative way, he's just got a big ego i think hjkdfs. and then even in his amusement park it's filled with bombs and shurikens and etc dangerous things ^^;; anyway more series should have their villains redeemed and start amusement parks i think
also love how his master plan is working perfectly and then. oh fuck it's controlling him now, local wizard fucks around and finds out immediately (and the pause screens even reflect this like throughout all the phases/variations of his final boss they go from 'stop magolor he's an evil liar' to 'the master crown is amplifying the darkness in his heart... save the world and save a new friend, too' - like look at these two from true arena 🥺), lots of angst potential too for true arena where 1) that's the one where the bgm has him crying for help and 2) when you defeat him the crown stays on his head when he gets sucked into a portal so it's implied he's stuck corrupted by the crown in another dimension forever ;-;
he's also very silly in the light novels, people don't really like them bc they paint him in a very negative light but sneaky con artist magolor is also very fun (i mean i'm a redd animal crossing stan this should come as no surprise hkjdfs)
also i haven't read any of the mangas yet but from what i've seen they also have some fun portrayals of him
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in conclusion: sneaky egg wizard good
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🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
tbh i don't really headcanon characters stuff very often!! unless i'm hardcore projecting on them hkjdfs but i mean. at least half of kirby characters are neurodivergent probably
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ilovetheideaofu · 1 year
Ossian Skarsgård is going to be in a new Swedish Christmas show on SVT
“Trolltider" back as this year's Christmas calendar in SVT
"Sune's Christmas meets The Lord of the Rings"
By: Elvira Knudsen/TT
44 years have passed since one of the most appreciated Christmas calendars in television history, "Trolltider" was shown for the first time. This year it is time to bring it back to life, in a new vintage. "Sune's Christmas" will meet "The Lord of the Rings", says director Lisa Farzaneh.
In Vårby gård outside Stockholm is a large studio where a fairytale world has been built. It is dark and cool in the building and in the middle of all the technology and props move trolls with black eyes and pointed ears.
This year's Christmas calendar is called "Trolltider - the legend of the Mountain troll". Kjell Bergqvist, Malte Gårdinger, Ossian Skarsgård, Nour El-Refai, Helmon Solomon and Matilda Gross are some of the actors.
This year's Christmas calendar "Trolltider - the legend of the Mountain Troll" is recorded here during the spring. There is a high tempo during the recording, as 24 episodes are to be recorded in ten weeks.
Famous names such as Kjell Bergqvist , Nour El-Refai and Malte Gårdinger can be seen among the actors .
We take the memory of old "Troll times" and translate it to today. It will be a new story but more exciting. "Sune's Christmas" should meet "The Lord of the Rings", although it should be suitable for the whole family, says Li said Farzaneh.
Even though it will be a new story, the audience will once again get to know several characters who were there back in 1979. The fairy Dorabella, the sullen witch Mara, the dutiful wether, the grumpy master of power Gorm and the kind, but slightly stupid troll Kotte, are all the characters who are now back.
In 1979, the Christmas calendar "Trolltider" was shown for the first time. In 1985, it was repeated.
Honoring the memory of "Trolltider"
"Trolltider - the legend of the Mountain Troll" is said to be based on an old legend. In it, the mighty Mountain Goblin ruled over the North, but together the four peoples – the goblins, fairies, witches and humans – managed to put him to sleep with the help of a magical amber.
But one day someone finds the stone and breaks the spell that keeps the troll asleep. Then the human Saga and the troll Love find each other and together they try to find the stone and use it to prevent the Mountain Troll from waking up and taking over the world again.
When a classic Christmas calendar is brought back to life there is some concern about disappointing people, but according to Lisa Farzaneh it's mostly a "peppery nervousness".
We want to honor the memory of "Trolltider". I belong to the generation that enjoyed that Christmas calendar the most. As long as you honor it and keep what was good, I think you can feel the same love, she says.
Kjell Bergqvist plays the troll Gorm.
"Like entering a fairy tale"
The main characters Saga and Love are played by Matilda Gross and Ossian Skarsgård , son of Stellan Skarsgård , respectively . They see it as a great opportunity to be included in the Christmas calendar.
For me it is unimaginable and I am very grateful. It's a nice story and a nice script. It is a dream to be included in the Christmas calendar because it is something extra special, it is something popular. It's really wow, says Matilda Gross.
I say the same. I've always seen the Christmas calendar and it's always cool. This Christmas it will be special when you see yourself. It's so much fun to be in this environment, says Ossian Skarsgård.
Today, a scene from the first episode is being recorded. It takes place in the troll village where all the trolls live in their little huts. There is snow on the ground and lanterns hang from the ceiling. Outside the image is a smoke machine that contributes to the foggy forest environment.
It really is like entering a fairy tale. It will be a cozy Christmas calendar, says Matilda Gross.
A nice friendship
Ossian Skarsgård, who plays the troll Love, describes his character as someone with two sides.
He is a bit of everything. Playful, curious and nonchalant. He is also a bit rough on his sister but she deserves it. All this is very new to me, but it's fun to play someone other than myself, to be this troll, he says.
Love becomes close friends with Saga, who is a character full of energy and who always stands up for others. Matilda Gross describes Saga as a brave girl who never gives up and who constantly wants things to happen.
The filming of the Christmas calendar hasn't been going on that long, but already a friendship between the two actors has started to emerge, just like in the story.
Saga and Love develop a very nice friendship. They have a common goal and they do it together, says Matilda Gross.
In December 2020, in connection with the Christmas calendar turning 60 years old, SVT conducted a poll in which the most memorable Christmas calendar of all time would be chosen. Then "Trolltider" ended up in third place. When it was shown in 1979, it became so popular that it was repeated a few years later. Now that it is to be recreated, according to Lisa Farzaneh, it will be important to hold on to the memorable.
I have clear memories of invisible tracks in the snow and that it is a bit whimsical. This is going to be great, she says.
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nanas04 · 9 months
Confidentiality Agreement
M-preg noted
In the morning, Build felt something stirring in his stomach. He immediately got up and ran to the bathroom sink, throwing up the volume of his stomach. Last night's food didn't seem to be digested well. Ugh, the annoying side of pregnancy. He continued by washing his face and brushing his teeth, then went out, prepared warm water to make the milk. While waiting for the water to boil from the electric kettle, Build made the bed, opened the curtains and windows, letting in the fresh morning air. 4 a.m, still too early to start activities.
There was a whistling sound from the kettle, Build took out the lemon biscuits he had saved and started making milk. A little extra energy before Build starts his job as son-in-law.
His duty as a wife is to prepare a morning meal for his husband and the former king and queen mother. It became a tradition to have breakfast together at the former king's residence, and Build was happy to help serve the breakfast. That's what he did before, but now it's changed a bit, since the incident in Paris, he desperately avoids being in the same room as his husband.
All the cutlery for breakfast is neatly prepared on the table. Build moved here and there arranging the dining room, drawing curtains, opening windows, turning on the air freshener, setting up the coffee machine. After finishing, he went out to the palace kitchen, he saw several new staff arriving and preparing cooking ingredients.
"Arun sawadi khrap" said Build to the staff.
"Sawadi khrap, Khun," said the staff, inviting Build to enter the kitchen.
"What's on the menu today, Chef?" Build asked the palace chef.
"Khao tom, gai yang and khanom krok. Does Khun want anything else?" Asked the palace chef, making dishes with the help of several staff to prepare the ingredients.
"Just Khao tom, can I get some first? I have to hurry to the temple." Ask Build gently. Morning porridge must be fun for him.
"Khrap phom, I'll prepare it quickly," answered the chef, continuing to cook.
Build left, getting some fresh air in the flower garden next to the dining room while waiting for his order to be served. His head felt full, today he had to plan carefully to avoid the palace members, where he would hide to spend his time. Build took out his cell phone, telling Jane to wait for him in the room.
"Phi, I've checked all the prayer needs today. The guards will leave first to secure the temple. The queen mother has scheduled her departure at 8, we can leave 30 minutes before her," said Jane by checking her tablet.
"We can leave now, I don't want to waste too much time."
"But Phi has to have breakfast together first, it's still 6," Jane stopped Build.
"Nope, I've had breakfast, Jane." Build said, walking out of his room.
Jane sighed in frustration, she felt strange about Build's changes in the past few months, her master never missed breakfast together. But he didn't dare ask, afraid of offending Build.
They walked out of the compound and towards the car that had been prepared. There were no bodyguards to accompany him today, their car drove and cut through the streets of Bangkok which were still not too busy with vehicles, only a few vehicles passing by.
"Can we stop by Sevel for a moment?" Build said to the driver.
"Khrap, khun" the driver answered politely.
"Khun want to look for something?" Jane asked, annoyed by Build's sudden behavior.
"Ehem" Build answered lazily, he rested his eyes for a moment. Jane was silent at Build's answer, she really wanted to ask Build with lots of questions.
They arrived at the temple with extra security in every corner of the temple building, and several media crew were sitting and chit-chat with each other. Jane handed Build a mask and sunglasses to avoid the media. The two of them walked towards the temple first, one of the bodyguard approached Build and led them into the temple.
There were several people in the temple who were hearing the morning dharma from the monks. Build and Jane sat and listened until it was finished, then received blessings from the monks.
"The offerings from the palace are placed over there, khun," Jane whispered when they left the temple.
Build walked over to the staff who were preparing the offerings, and helped them arrange them. As it got closer to noon, several new palace members arrived, including ministers, party leaders, legislative members, several generals and political members who were closely related to the palace.
Media crews began to prepare, and there was a loud roar as the parade of palace cars entered the temple grounds. All cameras focused on the King and his family, asking for a little attention from the King and Queen Mother to answer their short interview, then entered the temple together. When everyone had entered, Build entered, followed by Jane, the they sat in the back row.
The members present sat and listened to the monk who was leading the prayer, the ceremony went smoothly.
"Ai-Jane, let's go out first." Invite Build in a low voice.
"Kha" Jane answered, and they slipped away.
Build pulls Jane towards another temple building, he wants to visit the ashes of the late King Nititada.
"Wait here Jane, I want to pay my respects first." Build said, then took off his shoes and entered the temple.
Build walked straight, looking for the urn where King Nititada's ashes were placed. While standing in front of the urn of ashes, Build sat down and took out several oranges from his bag, and lit the incense prepared to pay respects to the late king. Build prayed for a moment.
"Phu, khrap. Biu came, sorry for not visiting Phu often." Biu was silent for a moment, "Biu... Biu... is pregnant, still very small, Phu remembers Mhor Thanom, he said Biu was healthy. Um... Biu even brought her ultrasound photo, Phu wants to see it?" Build took out the ultrasound photo he had kept, smiled slightly and showed it to the urn of the late King's ashes.
"Look, it's still not clear, Phu. Biu looks after him well, sometimes he's naughty, making Biu vomit his food. Hehehe, Phu would be happy if he could meet him." Build placed the image next to the offering tray. His eyes were watery, he was confused about how to start.
"Biu plans to go, Phu. Far away. Biu hopes to go very far, please don't be angry with Biu na. Biu only asks for Phu's blessing, Biu wants to give birth to Phu's great-grandson well, Biu will look after, care for and educate him like Phu did with to His Majesty, Biu will make Phu proud." Build sobbed softly, letting the tears fall slowly. He spent a while in the temple looking at the urn of ashes.
He heard soft steps coming in, Build hurriedly took the ultrasound picture and put it in his bag. Jane sat behind Build and gave a wai to the urn of the late King's ashes.
"The prayer is over, Phi. They are gathering, but..." Jane said quietly, Build turned to Jane.
"Phi Chan said to take Phi home, because... because...Khun Khrancana came." Jane said quietly the last sentence.
"Hem" mock Build "My husband met his love"
"If Phi wants to...."
"Next month, I will attend an auction in Chiang Rai. And Jane, please take on some work that the palace members can't attend, I will replace them. And if possible, stay overnight outside, please also compact and summarize my schedule for the next 2 months. " Build cut in, before Jane could finish her sentence.
"Phi will make his body tired, just take some..." Jane argued, disagreeing with her master's orders.
"I want to be able to sleep restfully, ai-Jane. I'll be more tired if I think about them, please, let me move away for now. I don't want to disturb my mind." Build said pitifully. His mind was in a mess, he didn't want to affect the condition of his fetus.
"Chai kha, I will do it." Jane answered briefly.
They left the temple, Build was ready with his mask and glasses again, walking towards their car park. Occasionally, he would turn his head to see a group of people chatting amiably with each other. His eyes swept around for her husband, and he found him. His husband looked happy, chatting with a woman standing next to him, not intimate, but even a fool could tell when he saw them, there was an aura of love being emitted.
/Jakapan Puttha-Sumettikul, I should be the one standing there/ Build's mind shouted, watched them for a moment, then got into the car.
Jane kept her promise, she got a lot of tasks for Build to do. Attend a charity events, national competitions, children's festivals, award giving, donation presentations, orphanage visit, etc. Touring the city and even staying in other provinces. Build really enjoyed it, and it saved him from various rumors that were circulating. He only heard rumors about the king and the prime minister's daughter, the TV media, online news and various social media networks had lots photos of them. The speculation circulating is compounded by the people who support them. Match, a widely used word.
Build's heart felt pinched, but he was able to brush it off. The fetus is fine, that's the only focus now. He hoped that the day would change quickly, he couldn't wait to complete his task, and he had found the right excuse to temporarily escape from the palace. Just waiting for the day. Build even prepared a place for Jane, if she decided to leave the palace too.
Tomorrow, Build will return to the palace, his duties in Chonburi are finished.
"Phi kha, dinner is ready, I'll put it in the room" Jane came, interrupting Build's thoughts.
"Oh, let's eat together, ai-Jane. tell the guards to eat too." Build said, entering the hotel room
"Krap, Phi." Jane answered, then she went out to give directions to the guards and came back in to accompany Build to eat. "Phi hasn't been vomiting lately," continued Jane, after taking a few bites and notice to Build's changes in the past week.
"Really? Maybe it's because the atmosphere is different," Biu said carelessly. He also realized that a good mood also had a good impact on his fetus.
"Ai-Jane, don't you want to continue school? You are talented and smart, I want to be your sponsor," said Build, between their bites. Jane made a surprised face hearing Build's offer.
"Auh Phi, don't bother, I'm satisfied for now," said Jane.
"It's oke, ai-Jane, I don't want you to stop here, at least more education can help your career path," persuaded Build, hoping that Jane would follow his offer.
Jane was silent, put down the spoon, then touched Build's hand on the table.
"What is Phi's planning? Phi has changed, the attitude, personality and the habits. Phi has changed since Phi returned from Paris. Phi became quiet at the beginning of your return, then Phi often smiled, then became gloomy again. Phi also often passed the time by sneaking out of the palace." Jane said, her brain was really frustrated with her master's changes.
Build stood up, locked the hotel room door and took Jane out onto the balcony. They sat and faced each other. Build took a deep breath.
"Listen to me, ai-Jane, I don't know where to start, but I-I'm sick, I have to get treatment, and I can't delay any longer..." explained Build calmly.
"What's wrong with Phi? Phi should have said, come check it out..." Jane stood up, almost dragging Build inside again.
"I have registered for treatment in Singapore, maybe in the next 2 months I will start doing it," said Build immediately, preventing Jane from thinking wilder thoughts.
"Phi is sick and didn't tell anyone, d-did Phi Bee know?" Jane asked, looking deeply at Build. And Build just nodded.
"Phi... Don't be like this, Phi is still a member of the palace, Phi can get treatment here. Why do you have to go to Singapore?" Jane continued.
"Because there no one knows me and the best part, no one is watching over me." Build said, he stood up, looking at the Baeng Saen sea from the hotel where he was staying.
"I want to be alone first, Jane. I'm tired of my fake life now, I want to find another purpose in life, I-I want to run far away," said Build again, turning his body to face Jane.
"Phi will leave me," Jane muttered softly, Jane really respected Build. Even though the palace staff said Build was cold to other people, that was not proven. During the selection for staff, Build was the first to accept her, she was very clumsy at that time, and Build patiently taught her. They have known each other for 6 years.
In 2 days, Build has to leave for Chiang Rai, messages from his sister shower him every day. Puttha's family holiday, it's been a long time since their grandfather died. Build got a little push for his departure this time.
In contrast to Jane, who was grumpy because Build forbade her from participating. This time the family's agenda was more easily approved by the queen mother as leader of the inner palace.
"Stop whining, ai-Jane. My head is spinning." Build scolded, looking annoyed at Jane.
"Who will guarantee Phi's safety there, at least bring one bodyguard." Jane protested, while arranging Build's clothes in hisvred suitcase.
"Auh, who will attack me? Je Bee won't let me go home with scratches..." Build chuckled softly, understanding his assistant's concern.
Ring... ring...
There was the sound of the door bell from outside the pavilion. Jane immediately got up and opened the door. Secretary Chan was standing in front of the door, Jane frowned, surprised.
"Phi Chan, sawadi kha." Jane said softly, giving a wai.
Chan greeted back, and gave a formal smile.
"Khun Jakapan was asked by His Majesty to meet." Chan said, without further ado.
"Kha, Phi. Wait a moment." Jane came in, run towards Build.
Build froze when he heard the news from Jane. His husband asked to meet, it seemed the moon was breaking. What a joke fate is. Build should have just washed Jane's feet, rather than meeting the monster trapped in the King's body.
Build would dress up nicely to meet him, but that's in the past . Now, he is too lazy to even straighten his clothes. He only wore a thick sweater with a collar to avoid the shape of his stomach, he even tucked an eyebrow razor into his sleeve. The incident in Paris made him more alert.
Chan walked in front of Build, leading him to the main compound. A regular place for the royal family to hold meetings with government officials.
The large door was at the end of the 2nd floor hallway, which Build believed was where His Majesty was.
"His Majesty is waiting inside." Chan explained briefly.
"Khop khun na khrap." Build said, walking towards the brown door.
It would be a lie if he wasn't afraid, his hands were even dripping with cold sweat. But he was prepared this time, his small knife safely tucked away.
As soon as he opened the door, he saw his husband sitting at his work desk. Several files were stacked in front of him, he didn't even lift his head to look at Build.
"Ratri sawadi khrap, Your Majesty." Build raised his hand, saluting Bible.
"Sit down!" Bible ordered, momentarily hearing Build's greeting.
Build closed the door behind him, and walked to the row of sofas in front of the King's desk. He sat up slowly, and rubbed his sleeve to make sure his small knife was still there.
Bible stood up, walking towards the couch. He looked at Build who was looking down then stepped over to sit across from Build. A small smile appeared on Bible's face, he felt that victory was truly on his side. His wife was not as brave as before, even to look at his face. And the first time they faced each other after the night of the rape.
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0 notes
floraltypes · 3 years
Owe Me a Coffee
who - gibbs x reader 
tw - mentions of sex, fires, blood, beatings, death
an - I took french for two years, but I’m not fluent and had to use a translating app so I hope it isn’t too bad ! Request something as well, I finally got them working :)
uneditied :/
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“Damn you DiNozzo,” You cursed, staring at the man and moving your hand to smack him up besides the head.
You couldn’t help but think back to this morning, getting stuck with the annoying, cocky, flirty, obnoxious, co-worker. Doing a undercover mission with him definitely wasn’t your first choice, you’d rather do paperwork at this point.
“Huh?” You looked at Gibbs like he had just said a alien had landed down at the NCIS building asking for you. “You want me with Tony?”
“Yeah, did I say it in some other language? You and DiNozzo are going undercover, found a marine’s wife dead, along with her killers. Abby was able to access their computers and found out they were doing hit man work, and the director wants us to locate their boss. But since the two are dead now, we need some people to go undercover, you two,” He reminded you, reading the case the five of you were all taking on now.
“Oh, ho, ho!” Tony laughed, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards him. “Looks like little Y/n finally gets a chance with the Tony master.”
“Tony master? Is that another cocky Tony name to make him feel better about himself?” Ziva wondered.
“It’s what my last babe called me, the master, so why not add Tony in front of it?” He smiled, getting smacked in the back of the head by Gibbs.
“You’ll be undercover, not as yourselves. So, refrain from the names DiNozzo.”
“Got it boss!” He exclaimed, shooting you a wink before you turned back to your computer.
“L/n, Elevator, now.” Gibbs commanded, and you quickly stood up to follow after him.
“Do you ever wonder who Gibbs is getting it with?” David asked, standing beside DiNozzo and McGee as they watched you and Gibbs enter the elevator.
“It’s ‘getting it on with’ and yes, I think we all do.” Tony corrected her. “But I doubt he is, because if he was, he might be happier.”
“Well, just because you go to school, it doesn’t make you smart. A perfect example is you, Tony,” David turned towards the man with a smile and pinched his cheek, Tony slapping the hand away.
“I actually get some, doubt Probie has ever had any.”
“Well, I actually-“
“If you have to say ‘actually’ while talking about sex it’s probably a lie. So, probie, just dream out your fantasies without getting them mixed up with real life,” DiNozzo smirked, smacking his back while moving to his own computer.
You were on the elevator, looking at your boss who clicked the ‘Emergency Stop’ button, causing the transportation to pause its route.
“Yeah, Gibbs?” You leaned onto the back of the elevator, a small smile playing out on your lips as you smiled at the man.
“I’m putting you on because I need someone convincing. So, put on your acting skills and make it work,” He mentioned, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yeah, yeah. I took drama for two years in high school just for this moment,” You joked. “You’re going to owe me a nice, creamed, coffee because of this.”
“And if I don’t? Right now, I’m your boss, I can’t be your boyfriend.”
“Good to know, boss.” You moved in front of him and unlocked the button. “I’ll keep that in mind for my acting, I just hope you don’t mind, boss,” The doors soon opened and you exited, walking into Abby’s area.
“Ah Gibbs! L/n! What do I owe this pleasure?” Abby greeted, taking a large sip of her drink.
“Are you running the prints on the gun found by the female hit man?” Gibbs asked as you took a seat on one of Abby’s chairs.
“Of course!” Abby hopped up and moved over to her machine, pointing to it, showcasing that it was running. “Working on it right now. But, I don’t think you’ll find much luck with it considering it was the same gun used to kill the commanders wife.”
“Well, we don’t know that for sure, so work on that. L/n,”
“But I want to chat with my dear friend before moving on,” You whined, while he shot you a stern look in return. “I’m going,” You quickly stood up, following the man out.
“I want you to go upstairs and get ready with DiNozzo,” He demanded and you just nodded.
“Right. On my way!” You yelled, running to the elevator. “I’m thrilled for this, but even more thrilled to finish this mission and go on a date,”
“Have fun with that.”
“I will! Hopefully Palmer will as well,” The elevator doors shut and Gibbs continued to make his way down to the Autopsy room to speak with Ducky. Now, not to thrilled at the mans assistant.
You arrived back upstairs, looking at the agent who had his feet on his desk and talking on the phone.
“Who is he chatting with? Gibbs wants us ready,” You commented, moving by Ziva and McGee who were watching him.
“Some girl, someone named Louis,” McGee answered.
“That sounds like a older woman’s name,” Ziva added.
“Yeah. Hey, McGee,” The man looked up from where he was watching DiNozzo and turned to face you. “Remember when you gave me food poisoning, and felt so bad you promised you give me a favor. Well, I want to turn that in now,” You smiled at him, writing down a note on a piece of paper and handing it to him.
“What are you up to?” Ziva asked as McGee left the two of you, heading to his own computer.
“Having some fun with a certain co worker who is going to ruin my night,” You got up from Ziva and moved over to DiNozzo. “Who are you chatting with?”
“A babe,” He mouthed, smiling as you could hear the little rambles on the phone.
“Gibbs wants you ready to go in twenty. And I know it takes you thirty to just do your hair, so, maybe you should cut the phone call.”
He put his hand to cover the speaker on the phone, taking his legs off the desk, and leaving in closer to you. “And you need forty to suck in that gut,”
You laughed, reaching over to grab the phone and putting it to you ear. “Tony! I got you your superhero costume, sweetie! We can now go and dress up together, but not in those tighty whities,” You voiced into the phone, slamming it down and looking at his stunned face. “Never comment on a woman’s weight, now, get ready for tonight because I’m not easy to please.”
The man mocked you for a moment and then left his desk, you turning to look back at Ziva.
“Impressive,” She complimented, walking by you and patting your shoulder.
“Thanks, I’m just starting,” You smiled at the girl, grabbing your gun and sticking your knife into the pocket inside your custom made boots.
You soon got yourself ready in a nice short, red dress that fit your body well enough that you were comfortable, and able to hide a knife around your thigh area.
“Ready yet Y/n?” DiNozzo knocked on the door, fixing his tie and suit.
“Wow Tony, you do know how to clean up,” Ziva commented, coming up behind him, in front of the restroom door, with McGee.
“Thank you, Ziva,”
“Well, besides the tag sticking out in the back. Are you really that cheap? I thought you took, uh, pride in your choice of clothing,”
“I don’t see the point on wearing something very expensive to a undercover date,” He told her back.
“You also missed a spot when shaving,” McGee pointed out, pointing to the far right side of Tony’s face.
“Shut it Probie. At least I didn’t need mommy to help me shave in highschool,”
“Abby told you about that?”
“Well, now she did,”
You opened the door and flattened your dress, then fixing a ring on your pointer finger and smiled at the three other special agents.
“Tony, didn’t you need your mom to help you do your laundry in highschool? Not one to speak,”
“You look well. Didn’t know you were even able to-” You whipped out your knife from underneath your dress and pointed it at the man. “You look stunning, great, nice.”
“Looks like you’re on a thin glacier, Tony,” Ziva laughed.
“I think it’s thin ice,” McGee corrected.
“Same thing!” Ziva threw her hands in the air. “Y/n, I didn’t know you had those moves,”
“Yeah, not a lot of people do. I like to hold some secrets with the team, and my past career is one of them,” You smiled.
“Let’s go,” Tony gripped your hand and intertwined it with his. “My love,” He gritted through his teeth.
“Not too convincing DiNozzo,” Gibbs walked over, smacking the back of his head. “You don’t treat a lady like that. Grip the hand like this,” He smoothly let his hand move its way to yours and he gently connected it with yours. “Even McGee knows this,” He smiled at you and let your hand go.
“I-I know how to do it, boss. Just- nevermind,” He grumbled, loosening his grip.
“I’m starving, care to escort me to the car, Armon?” You got yourself ready to take on your character, smiling at the man besides you with one as if you were really happy with the situation you were in.
“Anything for you, Belle,” The two of you made your way out of the building. Your fellow co-workers watched as the two of you walked away, yet, you were both still messing with each other and hitting while walking out.
“My last wife tend to do that,” Gibbs commented, soon making his way after you two to get into his own undercover van.
“Is that a normal thing for American couples?” Ziva asked McGee.
“Well, I’m not sure. But I have seen plenty of married couples do that, so they’ll fit right in,” He answered, the two then leaving as well.
Once arriving to the hotel, you waited for DiNozzo to open your door and grab your hand to lead you out of the car and into the new building. While clutching your purse and waiting behind a few other guests who were trying to get in, you turned to fix Tony’s glasses and clicked the ‘on’ button.
“Looking swell, honey,” You smiled at him as he placed a arm over your shoulder.
“Thank you. I’m thrilled we were able to get these reservations, dinner should be delicious tonight. You’ll be getting the salad, like normal, correct?” He looked down at you and you stepped on his foot as the line moved forward.
“Oh my! I’m so sorry! I always have the most trouble in heels like these, oh the line, hurry up now!” You voiced, walking into the hotel and following everyone else into the dining area.
“We should look for our names now,” He told you, sneaking up from behind as the two of you searched the tables for little cards with your last names on it. “Bingo! Right next to the Lezarres,”
“Oh and the Garndels are here as well. I’ve heard some things about them,” You added, letting Tony pull out a chair as you took a seat.
The both of you introduced yourself to the other couples and went through the night engaging in some small talk about politics and the food. You and DiNozzo had done a swell job at it and you retreated to the rest room at the end of dinner to hear any new news.
“So, what’s the update?” You asked into the little microphone hidden in your bracelet.
“There’s a hotel room in your name, bought out by your boss and, uh, boss wants you two to stay in there,” McGee told you into the ear piece which was located in your right ear.
“Great, more time with that stupid bastard. He couldn’t shut up about himself at dinner, like always, I’m really contemplating divorce,” You muttered, fixing your lipstick as another woman walked out, moving to wash her hands.
“I know just how you feel, best of luck,” She mentioned before walking out.
“Thanks,” You spoke back to her before turning your attention back to the mirror. “Do we think this boss of mine is going to go after the commander of that wife?”
“Yeah, Gibbs want you to stop him before he does. We have no clue who the boss is but he will be visiting the both of you tonight,”
“Got it,”
“Y/n!” Gibbs spoke now into the earpiece on the other end.
“If he got the hotel room, expect it to be bugged. So, you better act,”
“No worries. I’ve had to act in the bedroom before, and past boyfriends sure believed it,” You walked out of the bathroom and stood next to Tony. “Hun, my feet are killing me. I think it’s time we head to the hotel room and rest,” Tony nodded and stood up from his seat. The both of you said a goodbye to the couple and got your key from the front desk, soon getting into the elevator.
“So, a hotel room? Really want to sleep with me tonight, huh?” Tony laughed to himself as you positioned yourself in front of him and kissed his cheek, soon moving your lips closer to his ear.
“Room could be bugged, even the elevator, time to act,” You whispered, pulling back and placing a small kiss on his lips.
“Oh dear, if you really want me no need to ask,” He moved a arm around your waist, pulling you into his side a bit.
“The bags should already be in the room,” You smirked at him, and were soon at your level, the both of you getting off the elevator.
Once getting into your room you took off your heels and placed your bracelet on the table.
“I’m going to take a shower, care to join?” You commented, moving to the bathroom and starting the shower.
“It would be my pleasure,” He walked into the bathroom and started to unzip his pants.
“Babe, be patient,” You slapped his shoulder. “Turn around now, you know how self conscious I am,”
“That’s why I warned you not to eat that cake at dinner, my piece too,” He grumbled, turning around and lifting up his shirt as you took off your clothes and stepped into the shower.
“It was just so good! Being the loving, husband you are, I knew you wouldn’t mind,”
“Yeah, anything for you,” He stepped into the shower while your arms were trying to cover your breasts and vaginal area.
“Don’t look, just act,” You quietly scolded. “And try to cover your, uh,” You subtly moved a finger to point in the downwards direction and he quickly moved his hands there.
“Need another hand to help cover yours?” He joked, moving a little closer.
“I’ll kill you,” You mumbled. “Oh! Armon!” You moaned, Tony sending a sly smile and grunting. “You look like you’re enjoying this,”
“Might want to cover up that breast a little better,” He removed one hand to point at your left one.
“Damn it,” You did just that and reached for a towel which was on the toilet lid. “Ah, soap in the eye,” You voiced louder, just in case the man was listening and skeptical about it. You turned around from Tony and wrapped it around your chest area, then moving both hands to block your other.
“You really think they’re listening to us in here?”
“A good boss would. Especially if he is in this type of business.”
“I hate to know about some of your previous bosses,”
“Oh! Right there! Right there!” You yelled. “Yeah, you would. Most of them are dead though, so you won’t have to worry about that,”
“Old age, huh? What’s with old men being bosses anyways?”
“One was, but that’s not how he died. Man was a perve, had it coming,” You shrugged.
“You killed him?!”
“No, no. Not for that reason,” Tony’s mouth dropped. “Ah!” You yelled loudly, then making your breaths sound loud. “Gosh you are one messy man, good thing we did this in the water,” You smirked at DiNozzo who just mocked you.
“And you still are the easiest to ge-”
“I’m getting out now, you should too,” You removed the towel and let it drop to the floor of the shower, covering your breasts and looking for a robe, soon wrapping it around you.
While leaving the bathroom to grab your shirt and pants you heard the phone in the room start to ring and quickly rushed to it.
“Hello, Belle,” The man on the other line spoke into the phone. You could just imagine what he looked like, some rich guy with a cigar in his hand wanting some job done.
“Bonjour Monsieur,” You spoke, grateful that your mother had taught you french when you were young. “C’est qui je pense?”
(Hello, sir. Is this who I think it is?)
“Oui. Retrouvez-moi dans le salon. À neuf heures,”
(Yes. Meet me down in the lounge area. At nine o’clock.)
“D’accord. Au revoir,”
(Okay. Goodbye)
You placed the phone down, and grabbed your clothes, quickly changing into them as Tony emerged from the bathroom with his wet hair clinging to his forehead and a new, comfortable outfit on.
“Who was that, dear?” He asked, sneaking over by you.
“Un ami,” You smiled at him, tapping his nose.
“Uh, yeah,” He nodded, clearly not understanding and you just tried to stifle a laugh. “You know, grandpa, uh, Gibbs, he wants us to figure out when we should have dinner with him,”
“Ah. How about we go over for a breakfast at nine. He just got his living room refinished not too long ago, correct?”
“Sounds good. And never call me a grandpa again, DiNozzo,” Gibbs spoke into both of your earpieces.
“It’s almost nine already. I should go and ask for a extra pillow, sweetie. Get the bed ready for us, can you?” You grabbed your hotel key and put on your special boots. “No need to dress so fancy for getting something so simple,”
“DiNozzo, go with her,” Gibbs commanded. “David and McGee are heading to the lounge area now,”
“You sure you don’t want me to come with?” DiNozzo asked you.
“I’ll be fine. It’s a silly little pillow, nothing too much,” You kissed his cheek and quickly left the room. While walking down the hallway to the elevator, you took a quick look around to make sure you weren’t being followed.
Once waiting for the elevator, you fixed your boots a bit and entered when the doors opened. There was no one inside, so you pressed the ‘1st level’ button. When getting near the ‘2nd level’ the elevator stopped, indicating someone was going to get on.
It was a staff member in their normal uniform. He smiled at you with blankets in his hand and entered.
“Puis-je vous aider avec quoi que ce soit, mademoiselle?” He questioned, pulling out a gun from his side and opened the elevator door once again for two new men to appear.
(Can I help you with anything, miss?)
“Oui. En me alissa the vivre,” You told him, one of the man entering the elevator and pulling you out, the man in the staff uniform having his gun pointed at you.
(Yes. By letting me live.)
“Tsk. Ne peut faire. Vous souvenez-vous de moi?”
(No can do. Do you remember me?)
“Vous n’avez pas l’air familier,” You spoke, getting dragged down the hallway as someone reached into your ear and broke the earpiece.
(You don’t look familiar.)
“Enough of this french,” The man who was dragging you sneered. “I want to hear this bitch speak,”
“Fine,” The one in the staff uniform sighed. “I don’t think you’re the person we’re looking for. It’s a shame you think we were that stupid to not know what our employees look like,”
“You’re just so intelligent,” You commented, getting kicked in the back of the leg.
“I was speaking. You really played it off, the whole sex thing. But it’s a shame you won’t have anymore time with him, he won’t get his little pillow. At least I won’t have to worry about the real couple anymore, they knew too much and I couldn’t let that get out. All I have to do is deal with you,”
“That will be harder than you think,” You told him, the grip on your arm tightening.
“I’m always a fan of having some fun,”
“They’re going to find the bullet your men used to kill the couple. You knew we were here since the beginning,”
“Correct,” One of the men opened the door and you were led in. “With you posing as the couple, you were able to gain a connection with the couples you were seated with. That way, we could then swoop in and learn more about them, giving us the opportunity to hack into their phone and get the passwords needed,”
“You’re stupid to tell me this. I could’ve figured it out on my own, my team probably already has,” One man then put you in a chair and started to tie you up, the one in the staff uniform kicking you in the gut so you fell backwards.
“Lift her up again. I want to have my fun before she must go, I hope you don’t mind the heat,” The second man lifted your chair up and a few more punches were landed on your body.
“Tu es une racaille,” You mumbled, trying to move your arm in the tight ropes.
(You’re scum.)
“Let’s go,” The head man told the other two. One of them grabbed a gas can nearby and started to pour it on the bedsheets. The head man grabbed a match from his pocket and lit it, throwing it on the bed for the flames to begin. “Au revoir,”
They left the room and you struggled to try and move one arm.
Meanwhile DiNozzo was in the elevator with his gun in pocket, going down to the lounge area.
“Y/n can’t hear us anymore,” DiNozzo voiced into his microphone. “Did she make it to the lounge?”
“No. Damn it DiNozzo, I told you to stay with her,” Gibbs spoke, looking at DiNozzo once the elevator door opened. “David, Mcgee, take the back entrance me and DiNozzo will take the front and head up,” He demanded.
Everyone split up. Ziva and McGee ran to the back to catch two men rushing out. They quickly aimed their guns at them and announced their presence, only to receive some shots at them.
Ziva was able to shoot down on of the men and the other surrendered, McGee cuffing the one and letting a police who arrived take care of them.
“We didn’t call for backup,” McGee muttered to Ziva.
“Yeah, uh, someone called into 911 about a fire,” The police pointed to a window on the hotel building. “People should be evacuating the building now, firefighters are on their way,”
McGee’s mouth dropped as he stared at Ziva.
“How odd it happened tonight,” Ziva mumbled.
“It’s obviously intentional!” McGee exclaimed.
“I know that. I hope those guys don’t die,”
DiNozzo and Gibbs started to rush up the stairs, they could feel a bit of the heat from the room and were able to catch the man in the staff uniform in the stairway.
“Sir, are you alright?” DiNozzo stopped, grabbing onto his shoulders softly. “NCIS,”
“I’m fine, just startled, I need to get out of here,” He waved his hands and tried to slip away from DiNozzo’s grip.
“DiNozzo, that’s him,” Gibbs quickly told the agent who soon put the mans hands behind his back. “Where’s our agent?”
“She won’t make it, a fire like that, no one would,” He smiled and DiNozzo led him down the stairs.
Gibbs continued to rush up them, into the hallway that was catching more and more on fire.
“L/n! L/n!” He yelled, looking around to try and find your figure.
He saw you emerge into the hallway, bloodied and bruised, some of your shirt on fire, and a knife in your hand. He rushed to your side, letting you lean on him.
“Y/n, can you hear me?” He asked and you shook your head a little, letting him fully help you down the stairs and out of the building.
He guided you to the ambulance who tended to most of your wounds, but you refused to be transferred to a hospital.
“You need to go,” McGee tried to convince you, standing by your side.
“It would probably be for the best,” David chimed in.
“Hopefully, they can fix your hair too,” Tony laughed, looking you up and down.
“Damn you, DiNozzo,” You stood and smacked the back of his head, while he just laughed.
“Go home you three, I’ll make sure Y/n gets home alright,” Gibbs came over, waving the three agents off who spared a small goodbye or hand wave. “You ready to go, idiot.”
“I almost died, and you’re calling me a idiot,” You chuckled a little. “Help me to your car?” You asked and he let you lean on him once again.
Once the both of you were in the car it was a very quiet ride. You didn’t talk to each other, just letting silence from the long day overtake each other. He truly was nervous for your safety, thought the two of you hadn’t been dating long he felt a lot of compassion regarding you and wanted to continue your relationship smoothly. 
“I really was worried. I told you not to go alone, you should’ve let DiNozzo go with you,” He finally spoke, once you were both in his driveway, sitting in the car, in the dark.
“I’m alive. Just got kicked around a bit, I’m super grateful I always carry that knife in my boot,” You softly told him. “Don’t worry about me too much, I may be younger than you, but I have experience.”
“I know that, just don’t be so stupid last time and take the help.”
“Fine,” Gibbs got out of his seat and moved around to your door, grabbing your hand and helping you out of the car. He smiled at the factor of how easily you trusted him to care for you. “I didn’t doubt you would get me for a minute.”
“Good, you should know that.”
“Only because you still owe me a date, and I did say I would let you pick this one out,” You looked up at him with a goofy grin. It amazed him that even with being beaten up a bit, and almost dying in a fire, you could make jokes with him. 
“I say we have the little date here,” He leaned down a bit to place a gentle kiss upon your lips, smirking into it a little bit, and then moving the way you were leaning on him so he would be able to pick you up. 
“Someone’s excited.”
“Let’s watch a nice movie on the couch. I bought some creamer, so, I can make that creamed coffee you wanted because now I’m your boyfriend but still pissed you made a stupid and life threatening decision in there,”
“Good enough. Palmer will have to wait. Poor kid,” You commented as Gibbs lead you to the couch and helped you rest on it, soon moving to his kitchen to start brewing a pot of coffee. 
“That idiot will be fine.”
“Yeah, luckily for him, though I won’t be able to atend, I do have a friend that will,” You smiled to yourself, imagining how that would be going right now. 
While you lied on the couch with your boyfriend who was, secretly, doting on you, giving you his undivided attention. DiNozzo was at a bar, chatting with someone while looking around for them. 
“She said she would be at this booth,” DiNozzo whispered to himself, wallking to the booth in the corner for where they shall meet. “God, she looked so good in her profile picture, I’m so- Palmer?!”
“Tony?” He looked up from his seat. “You’re Y/n’s friend? I guess I didn’t specify the gender, and she didn’t say a specific name.”
“Y/n? She’s not that good at compute- Damn, probie.” 
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Unlikely Lovers Chapter Two
It was been so much fun writing this series with @beccabarba​ . Thank you for putting up with my bad grammar and horrible spelling mistakes just to be thirsty with me over this amazing man.
Master List
Warnings: Slightly cranky Nick, Smut: Male receiving.
WC:  2713
Enjoy x
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Neither of you were back at work until Monday morning, and you made the most of not working the weekend. Not much sleep was had on Saturday night, as you explored each other’s bodies, revelled in the sweet relief of finally acknowledging how you felt about each other. Nick eventually left your place on Sunday afternoon, with lingering kisses on the doorstep. Both of you were well aware that this wasn’t just a friends-with-benefits hook up, although neither of you were quite ready to admit to any deeper emotions yet. But you ended up messaging most of the evening too.
All of which made seeing him on Monday morning, in the bullpen of the 16th precinct, where you’d seen him so many times before, seem very surreal. He was already there when you arrived, getting his typical early start. He was standing at his desk, in a burgundy shirt and dark suit pants, his thumbs hooked in his belt as he teased Amanda about her taste in movies.
“I can’t help it if y’all are cowards,” Amanda was saying, as you approached. She leaned back in her chair and grinned at you. “Morning, Y/N, Nick was just telling me you couldn’t make it through the movie.” She shook her head good naturedly. “Cops who can deal with a crime scene but not a few zombies…”
You narrowed your eyes at her. “Next time, I’ll pick the movie,” you retorted, looking at her but refusing to meet Nick’s eyes. You didn’t trust yourself to look at him, especially while your movie night was the topic of conversation.
“What’s it gonna be, Dirty Dancing or something?” Amanda smirked.
“Maybe. I haven’t decided yet,” you retorted, going to sit at your desk. If Amanda had noticed that you’d not so much as greeted Nick, she didn’t say anything.
After you’d checked your emails, you watched Amanda get up from her desk to make a call on her personal phone, rolling her eyes as she walked towards the exit. You glanced across at Nick, but he was reading a paper file on his desk and didn’t look up. Probably just as well, since you had no idea how to talk to him in this setting, everything had changed. It was exciting, but it was unnerving too. A pang of nerves hit you in the gut: what if being around you at work made him change his mind? What if the reality of this was too much for him – or for you? What if he wasn’t sure, and just looking for comfort? He’d not dated much since his divorce, after all, and you were an unlikely pairing. Was that why he wasn’t acknowledging you now?
To calm your nerves, and take the edge off your tiredness, you got up to make a cup of coffee. There was a fresh pot ready and waiting. You were just pouring it into your cup when you felt – with your detective’s instincts – someone close behind you. Just before you turned, you felt his hands slide onto your hips, his fingers slipping just under the waistband of your pants. He was very close behind you, but not quite touching.
“Want a coffee, Detective Amaro?” you said, hearing the edge of nerves in your voice.
He leaned forwards, so his quiet words were close to your ear. “I had an amazing time on Saturday night,” he said, his voice warm. All the tension in you melted away at his words, his touch. “What’re you doing after work?”
You put your coffee down and turned on the spot, finding yourself face to face with him, his eyes meeting yours, his desire for you very apparent. “I don’t have any plans…” you told him.
“Would you like some?”
You smirked, your face growing hot. “What kind of plans?”
His mouth twitched into a cheeky smile. “I know what sort of plans you’re thinking about,” he teased. “But join me for a drink first? Maybe dinner?”
“Like a date?” you raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, exactly like a date,” he nodded. He looked so handsome you just wanted to kiss him.
“And after the date…?” you asked.
“We can do whatever it is that’s currently going through your mind,” he winked and turned away before you could reply, heading back to his desk. He stood behind his chair, one hand on his hip, looking back at you. You shook your head, grabbed your coffee and started in his direction.
“Ah good, Y/L/N, Amaro, you’re both here. I need you to go out to Riker’s…” Liv walked through the bullpen, stopping near Nick.
You took a gulp of your coffee and put it on your desk. “Sure thing, Sergeant,” you said, glancing at Nick. “What for?”
“Barba needs you to revisit the confession you got yesterday. Make sure the details still check out. He wants to take it to a Grand Jury, but he’s worried it sounds too good to be true, like he was coached by someone on the inside.”
Nick rolled his eyes. “So Barba doesn’t trust us?”
Liv looked at him, “he just wants to make sure, Nick. It’s not about trust.” Nick nodded, though he was still frowning.
“We’ll get going now,” you said. “Come on Nick, I’ll let you drive…” You saw his face change when he realised he got to spend some time with you this morning, away from prying eyes. He grabbed his suit jacket from the back of his chair and slipped it on, following you towards the doors. You passed Amanda on her way back into the building.
“Where’s the fire?” she demanded, looking at you.
“Liv wants us at Riker’s,” you told her. “Checking the confession.”
Amanda rolled her eyes. “Barba’s being thorough on this one? I suppose it’s fair enough.” She paused. “Hey, are you guys free tonight? My family have finally decided to leave me be – we could catch up since we missed Saturday. Get a beer or something?”
“Oh, er…” you managed.
“Afraid I can’t. I’ve said I’ll go see my mom,” Nick said. Amanda turned to you.
“I’m really sorry,” you added, thinking quickly, “can we make plans for later in the week? I said I’d helped my cousin with his biology homework tonight, I can’t let him down.”
Amanda looked from you to Nick and shook her head. “Sure, guys, just me and my horror movies, I guess. I forget you both have families you actually want to see… See ya when you get back from Riker’s.” She turned and disappeared into the bullpen, as you and Nick hurried to the elevator.
It was usually only a half hour’s drive to Riker’s, but Nick took the Williamsburg Bridge and you hit traffic near Greenpoint that added another thirty minutes to the journey. By the time you arrived, Nick’s jaw had set impatiently. What had been flirty conversation for the first part of the journey had become professional preparations for your visit to Riker’s and then a settled silence as you reached the island. Visits to Riker’s always felt bleak; even hardened detectives weren’t immune to disgust at the conditions of the inmates there, many of them for minor crimes, or remanded awaiting trial.
As luck would have it, you were kept waiting, for reasons the corrections officers didn’t really explain. Nick, already frustrated, only got even more wound up, pacing the floor of the small room you were given to wait in. You already knew well enough that it was better to just leave him be when he was like this, so you sipped a Coke from the vending machine and just watched him walk back and forth, unable to help running your eyes up and down his form, enjoying just how well his clothes fit around that body you now knew intimately.
When you finally got to interview your suspect, he was resentful and much less in the mood for talking than he had been the day before. You let Nick take the lead; interrogation being one of his specialist skills, and one you’d had much less experience in during your time working Cold Case. Even without your attraction to him, you had a lot of admiration for Nick as a detective, one of the most intuitive and hardworking you’d ever met. His gut was usually right; today was no different and he found the holes in the supposed confession that could’ve made Barba’s whole case come tumbling down.
You were just ready to leave when deafening alarms sounded and two corrections officers hurried into the secure interview room. One grabbed your suspect and hauled him off towards the depths of the jail, the other came to talk to you and Nick, a sense of urgency in his words. “We’re going into lockdown, can I ask you both to come with me? I’m afraid you can’t leave the island until we’ve resolved the issue.”
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Nick protested.
“Afraid not, Detective,” the officer said, showing you into the small waiting room you’d been in before. Nick signed and slumped into a plastic chair, taking out his phone to call Liv with an update. You could see how tense his shoulders were, his brow settled into a frown as his call ended. You were frustrated too, but more because you were worried this would lessen his enthusiasm for tonight’s date. You did manage to lure him into conversation, as the time ticked by, but he would keep pacing the room, not happy with the enforced captivity.
Several hours later, it was already dusk as you finally got back in the car, heading back towards Manhattan, Nick muttering something about taking the Robert F Kennedy Bridge and the FDR as you set off. Although he was glad to be leaving, Nick was clearly still on edge. You watched him, driving, looking at his hands on the wheel, remembering what those fingers felt like on your body. Eventually he glanced over at you.
“What’re you looking at?” he said, a tiny smile curling his lips.
“You,” you replied.
“Why?” he asked “See something you like?”
“I think you know the answer to that” you purred reaching over resting your hand on his thigh.
Nick looked over at you for a moment taking his eyes off the road. He reached down grabbing your hand bringing it to his lips kissing the back of it and then moving to thread his fingers into yours, bringing both your hands down to rest on his thigh.
“I do know” he smirked. The car fell silent, the music filling the inside and you both looking out the window at the darkening sky and bright moon. Nick broke the silence first “Sorry about tonight, I was hoping we would have been back in the city way before now. I was looking forward to taking you out,” Nick sighed giving your hand a squeeze.
“It’s ok,” you squeezed his hand back. “But the night isn’t completely lost” you grinned “Around the next bend pull over.”
You saw the big grin pull to Nick’s face and he licked his lips. Nick drove around the bend and signaled to pull over on a small dirt clearing. He let go of your hand throwing the car into park, turning off the engine, and you both unclipped your seatbelts. Nick adjusted himself in his seat spreading his legs wider. You moved in your seat onto your side to face him, your hand resting back on his thigh running it up to his crotch.
Nick’s breathing hitched and he hooked his arm around your neck pulling you into him is lips landing on yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth twisting with yours. You swallowed his groans as your hand came up to cup him through his slacks, his cock instantly hardening at your touch.
Nick pulled back from your kiss and started to kiss along your jaw, down your neck in big wet open mouth kisses, nipping and sucking ever so lightly as he made quick work of undoing a couple of your shirt buttons, your red lace bra on full display. You reached up with both hands undoing Nick’s belt buckle, pants buttons and zipper sliding your hand down into his boxers and your hand wrapped around his long thick cock, pulling it out, his pre-cum covered tip glistening in the moonlight.
You turned your head, your lips ghosting his, Nick’s hot breath fanning your face and his right hand ran around to run up and down your back,
“I told you the night wasn’t completely lost,” you ran your lips against his while your hand lazily jerked him off.
“You’re such a good girl for me. You know how to make things better,” Nick said through hooded eyes, proving he’d remembered how you enjoyed his praise. You felt a hot throb of pleasure.
“Tell me why you were frustrated today Nick,” you purred into his lips as you twisted your wrist, making your way back up from his base.
“I told you,” he moaned bucking his hips up into your hand “I wanted to take you out.”
“And-” Nick groaned loud, his head falling back into the seat, biting his bottom lip. “I have wanted you so bad all day”
“Is that so?” Nick nodded, his eyes closing and his mouth going slack. “I have wanted this amazing cock in my mouth all day.”
You pecked Nick’s lips, nipping his bottom lip before leaning down to take his tip into your mouth, your tongue flat, licking around him and taking him fully into your mouth relaxing your throat to take him as deep as you could and then making your way back up to his tip again. He reached over with one hand, pulling out your hair tie letting your hair flow down over your back and shoulders.
Nick rested his hand in the hair on the back of your head, threading his fingers into it, guiding your head up and down on him with no pressure, while his other hand worked its way down your shirt. His big warm hand running along your skin and slipping into your bra, massaging your flesh and toying with your nipple between his fingers,
“Y/N, you take my cock so well- that’s it, baby, just like that,” Nick moaned and groaned, his mouth open and eyes closed.
Nick started to roll his hips up into your mouth when he hit the back of your throat, his hand balling into a fist in your hair and he squeezed your tit, when you reached up cradling his balls, squeezing him lightly. You could feel your panties damping, your body on fire from Nick groping you and the feel of his cock on your tongue.
Nick pulled his hand out of your bra, both his hands going to the back of your head pushing you down on him, his thick curled hair tickling your nose while the car windows completely fogged up from his heavy breathing. Nick guided your head back up to his tip and then pushed you back down, your name, god and Spanish you didn’t understand spilling from his mouth, when his hot salty cum filled your mouth, running down your throat. You sucked him clean and pulled off him with a pop, using your pointer finger to wipe the corner of your mouth dry before sucking the tip of your finger.
You heard a growl rattle through Nick’s chest as he watched you and you gave him a wink. Nick’s hand went to the back of your neck pulling you down to him, pulling your lips onto his, the kiss deepening straight away and Nick groaned into your mouth when he tasted himself on your tongue. You broke the kiss and Nick tucked your hair behind your ear, his thumb brushing over your cheek,
“Let’s go back to mine so I can get a change of clothes and then I’ll take you home.”
“You’re inviting yourself for a sleep over?” you raised an eyebrow at him with a grin and he chuckled back at you.
“I don’t know how much sleeping we will be doing, but I can promise you baby, I will return the favour, hopefully more than once.”
  Tags:  @wanniiieeee​ @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @randofando-spoonie​  @alwaysachorusgirl​  @amorestevens​  @harryssxnflwr​​ @teamsladsandgents​ @thatesqcrush​ @storiesofsvu​ @skittle479 @bisexual-dreamer02​ @glimmerglittergirl​ @witches-unruly-heart​​ @berniesilvas​
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genshin-scenarios · 3 years
A/N: Tysm @ramannnn for commissioning me!! I had a fun time writing this >︿<
CW: Angst - this is set in the past when Xiao was still working under his cruel master, way before Zhongli freed him. The reader is a male servant working for the same boss.
The sky was gray that evening. Alatus might’ve described it as murky, even, if his body was in a state to observe the scenery around him.
It hurts; moving hurt, but the yaksha knew that if he didn’t, he’d be subjected to even worse later on. He needed something to soothe his body, he can’t remember the last time he’s eaten--
It was only when Alatus leaned against his polearm for support that his eyes focused on the ground. Something in his mind clicked.
Even if it was only like this, it was better than nothing. He wasn’t sure when he’d let his knees give way, but a moment later Alatus found himself closer to the snow. It was the closest thing he could get to sustenance right now, thus he dug into it and raised a handful to his mouth.
The cold bite of it stung his teeth at first, delivering a shock to his system as his mind gradually began to clear. Alatus kept shovelling at the snow, vaguely recognising his own state within the numbness of his body.
This was fine. It wasn't the first time.
When you were little, you used to think that snowflakes were pretty; you heard stories of how they were woven in unique patterns so that no two were alike. It was a charming notion, one that filled winters with a serene light, especially in mornings when daybreak would touch the snow.
But right now, with your current position… Appreciating the weather was the last thing on your mind. Rather, you were occupied with doing your job to a satisfactory level, where like any good servant, your presence would be barely noticed. You’d do well to stay away from the eyes of your master.
You were an oddity amongst the staff; a male servant without a trace of divine energy. Generally, the master liked recruiting those that used to thrive with promising power; a cruel habit where he enjoyed seeing warriors become his puppets, and scholars nothing more than servants doing mundane chores.
A few of your co-workers used to have visions, even. But their blessings are nowhere to be seen now. This knowledge sets an unpleasant feeling in your chest, but you pushed onward with what you could do; survive. And hope that one day, you may all be freed.
Over-optimistic as the thought may be, it’s the same idea that’s helped you through hard times throughout your service; that wouldn’t change anytime soon.
Exiting the back door of the building to gather firewood, you almost dropped your axe when you noticed a movement out of the corner of your eye - was it an animal? Surely one wouldn’t approach the base, which was kept lit with lamps all around?
You cautiously took a few steps in its general direction, ready to lunge back if whatever it was decided to leap at you. You weren’t vulnerable, sure, but who knew what might be lurking in the darkness?
The first sound you registered is shovelling. Was an animal digging into the snow? But its silhouette seemed too large to be…
You swore as a twig snapped under your feet. It’s the faintest noise, but the creature snapped its head toward you, and you froze at the sight of golden irises.
Those… Are not the eyes of a beast. Your gaze trailed to the rest of their body to identify that this was instead a man. Now that you were closer and your sight adjusted to the darkness, you were able to make out a spear laid next to him as he stared you down, gaze seeming to pierce through you.
Yet… You weren’t as afraid as you should’ve been. What was he doing here, right as the moon raised itself into the sky? It was dark out, and there wasn’t a fire around…
“Do you want to come with me?” You asked, lowering your axe. “You’re going to get sick if you stay out here in the cold.”
He didn’t answer, though the man did get up - swinging his spear in a casual, deadly motion. His eyes stared you down for a few moments before he began to turn and leave.
Not even a ‘no thanks’? You smiled wryly to yourself. You could let him escape now, but something tells you that he might not be that disagreeable if you tried a little harder.
“I need to collect some wood.” You partly called out, though you had a feeling he could hear you just fine without that. He didn’t feel mortal, exactly. “If you help me do it quickly, I can heat up the leftovers we have in exchange.”
Would he accept the deal? You smiled at him as he sighed, fixing you with an unreadable look. It was as close to an agreement you could muster out of the stranger, you guessed.
Walking a little ways to pick up stray branches and cut down smaller pieces of wood, you might’ve been tricked into thinking you were alone - yet one glance behind and you’d see the man a few feet away. The both of you proceed to collect the material until you deemed it was enough, rounding back with renewed energy as you trekked back to the base.
He still hasn't talked so far. When you open the back door to enter the building, the man stood in the doorway as if unsure what to do with himself.
“You can put the wood away with me,” you smiled as he followed, nudging the door close behind him. 
It shut with a rough thump. You winced a little, hoping that no one would come down to check on the noise; you weren’t normally this loud, but they’d likely assume it was you since there were only so many servants here.
The others… They were moved somewhere else. Some were with the master, but you did not know about the rest.
Shaking away the thought, you dusted off your hands as you stoked the kitchen fire. The rest of the wood was stored safely in storage, which means…
“Here,” you pushed a bowl of soup toward him. “Take this first. The rest will take a bit more to cook.”
“I thought you said they were leftovers.” Under the light, you noticed his dark hair had a hint of teal to it. 
Definitely not mortal.
You tried to ignore the surprise from finally hearing his voice, tilting your head in the guise of offhandedness. “I got a little hungry, so I’m adding some ingredients to make more. You don’t mind, right?” The question was answered by the purse of his lips, and it seemed that he would speak no more, until--
“You are a servant of the Master.” The man finally said after you’re done with your food. You’d gestured for him to take the rest, and so he helped himself to seconds reluctantly.
You finally recognised who he was, after a while. As someone that was limited to working indoors most of the time, you didn’t get much of a chance to meet the warriors under the master’s command. Though Alatus was infamous for being the ‘favourite’, you held more pity than envy for him. Even as a mortal, you were well-aware of just how cruel the god could be, and with his sadistic tendencies…
Alatus was said to be a ruthless battle-machine, one that even devoured dreams.
But the person before you… Mostly seemed like someone that needed an ally. It was clear that fate had not dealt him a fair hand. Though that could be applicable to all that was under the master’s authority, it was even more true for his case.
“That I am.” You returned, the curve of your mouth becoming a regretful one. “Though I am luckier than others, I think.”
You weren’t sure what Alatus thought of that; his expressions were quite mild and subtle, though you suppose you couldn’t blame him.
“You’ll get in trouble if they find out.” He was done with his food, putting the chopsticks down quietly, as if he wasn’t to leave a trace of himself here.
“It’ll be fine.”
“You could die.”
“I assure you, I won’t. Because this’ll be our little secret.”
Your brightened expression earns the raise of a brow from him. Alatus’ apprehension is only slightly quelled when you raise a finger to your lips.
“I won’t tell a soul about you being here. And I can start leaving leftovers on the roof if you’d like.” You reached to grab your drink, motioning to tap it against his. It was only water, but it’d have to do. “Please take care of me in return, Sir. It seems we’re partners in crime now.”
When he frowns at the title, you let out a laugh.
He was kind of funny, you considered as you observed him. Getting to know him wouldn’t be so bad.
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aerynwrites · 3 years
Boba Fett x F!Reader
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A/N: For @autumnleaves1991-blog Writer Wednesday! I had a lot of fun with this one as Sci-Fi is definitely my passion when it comes to writing, watching, reading stuff! So I guess a little backstory with this, is my inspirations for the reader came from the above image (left) as well as kind of mixing that with the idea of The Winter Soldier/Bucky from the MCU. Also I loved the idea of Boba facing an opponent that hes never faced before and getting his ass beat lol. So...here ya go! I hope you all enjoy! <3
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: fighting, guns, and knives.
Specter: Specter refers a ghost, or something that is widely feared or is a source of terror or dread.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
In all his years as a bounty hunter traveling the galaxy, It still surprises Boba sometimes that he doesn’t know all of the planets. Granted he is usually only called to the same ones over and over. So, seeing a new planet is something that causes surprise to tug at the edges of his mind. This is how he feels when the bounty he receives is said to be last spotted on a rather large yet secluded planet by the name of Zonuc. The memory of the exchange a few days ago replays in his mind as the ramp to Slave I lowers.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“I’ve never even heard of this planet before, and you expect me to fly triple the distance I usually do to capture a bounty that you can’t even give me any information on? No age. No species. No name-”
“I gave you a name,” the client interrupts, waving his withering hand dismissively. The client is a wrinkly old Zabrak bastard who has caused Boba more frustration in the last half hour than he’s experienced in years.
“No,” he barks, “You have me an alias, which isn’t that helpful when they can just dump it for a new one whenever they please.”
The Zabrak rolls his eyes, “I was told you were the best. If you feel this is too much of a challenge I can just find someone else to-”
“Save your ultimatums for someone else, Kar,” Boba snaps, “I’ll get them. But I expect heavy compensation for the trouble this causes me.”
Kar sneers at the bounty hunter, “If you manage to bring them back to me alive, I assure you,” he leans back in his chair, “you will never have to worry about credits again.”
Boba scoffs before turning on his heel and leaving to find his bounty.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
The sight that greets Boba as the ramp of Slave I opens before him, is definitely different than anything he’s seen. Immediately he is struck with a familiarity. The city he’s landed in is teeming with life, bustling streets, towering buildings, neon signs hanging everywhere. It reminds him of Coruscant but less…refined. This place is definitely a place where those who want to disappear go. This place also reeks of trouble and shady dealings. What strikes him as the most odd however, is the people that seem to inhabit the place.
They look like humanoid droids. But not the kind that can’t do anything but follow their master around and translate languages. No. These things look like humanoids that have been transformed into machines. 
Boba treads carefully - senses on high alert while also listening to the tracking fob that beeps steadily at his side. He spends his first few hours on the planet trying to simply get his bearings, finally having found a non-robotic person to ask about the place. He learns that the people that inhabit the planet in majority are called Exos, a species he’s never heard of. He also finds that this place is exactly what he thought it to be - 
A place for criminals and wanted people to come and live and thrive in a life of crime. A safe haven for those on the run from people like him. 
He huffed at that information. No place is ever truly safe, and as his tracking fob starts to beep faster, he knows he’s about to teach that lesson to yet another bounty. 
He follows where the tracking fob leads him, surprised that the bounty does not seem to be moving. Finally, he rounds a corner at the end of the street he is on and he immediately feels when the bounty clocks him. You are at a stall in a marketplace in the middle of the street. He sees you turn to look just as he rounds the corner and he immediately recognizes the mask from the pictures shown to him by Kar. It's black, with orange glowing detail around the visor, creating a haunting effect. The second that visor lands on Fett, you turn on your heel and sprint in the opposite direction. 
The hunter curses to himself and gives chase.
He has faced many different bounties in his lifetime, but this one is the first that he has ever had a sliver of a doubt about. The way you dart nimbly through the streets before literally leaping off of walls to reach the roof tops, giving you a height advantage. Fett follows as best he can with his jet pack, but between dodging speeders and hanging signs he loses sight of you. For a moment, as he lands in a side alley, he thinks he actually lost the bounty. 
Until the fob at his side starts going haywire. 
He glances up above him and raises an arm just as you come crashing down onto him, razor sharp blade glancing off his vambrace as you land. Fett pulls his blaster from it’s holster and aims faster than most could blink, but not fast enough for you. You reach out and grab the end of his blaster before it even reaches chest level, and you yank it from his grip with a force that strikes a tinge of concern into hunters mind. He watches in utter shock as you break the solid metal in half over your knee before rearing back and throwing a knife in his direction. He barely dodges it and immediately reaches for his own blade to defend the attack he knows is coming. This time he is at least able to draw his weapon completely before you are on him again. 
You go to throw a punch at his head, and on instinct he leans into it, used to his opponent crumpling in pain once their fist makes contact with the solid metal. However, this time, he is the one that stumbles when a deafening ringing fills his ears as metal connects with metal.
Wait - metal on metal?
He glances up from where his eyes fell to the floor to see you rearing back to hit him again, and he just manages to finally realize what is happening. The black color of your hand that he had assumed were gloves, is actually smooth metal.
He’s fighting a fucking robot. 
Before he can dwell on it too long however, he dodges another blow and thrusts his blade forward and up with the intent of burying the blade in your stomach. But before he can, you reach out and wrap your fingers around the blade - stopping it in its path. You wretch the weapon from his hands before landing a herculean blow to his chest, sending the man flying backwards into the wall behind him. He collapses to the ground in a heap and is forced to watch as you snap his blade in half too before approaching the downed hunter. He can see that you think you’ve beaten him, and perhaps you have to some extent. But Boba Fett is not going out of this galaxy sitting on his ass.
So, just as you approach him, he swings his feet out and takes your own from beneath you. And in a puzzling turn of events, he reaches for the mask on your face instead of a weapon at his side. His fingers just manage to slip the plastoid from your head before a boot is placed into his stomach and he is flung backwards with otherworldly strength once more. This time, he is again surprised to feel his helmet being ripped from his head, watching as you launch it down the alley way before hauling him to sit upright against the wall.  
You crouch down in front of him, and it's then that he finally gets a closer look at the first bounty that has bested him. The first thing he thinks is that you’re pretty. too pretty to be hiding behind some mask. The second thing he notices is the rhythmic whirring and clicking of the mechanics coming from the, what he can see now, is two mechanical arms. 
He huffs, cringing at the stabbing pain in his side as you glare at him. “So, what are you anyway?” he finally asks, eyes tracing over your arms once more before returning to your face, “I feel like I at least deserve an answer before you kill me.”
Your head tilts to the side slightly at his words, and unbeknownst to him, similar thoughts to his own are running through your head. You find the bounty hunter somewhat attractive and very intriguing
“All you need to know is one thing-” you finally breathe, and Boba finds himself entranced by your voice, “Come after me again...And I won’t go easy on you.” 
You stand then, but not before shoving the man back into the wall harshly. You scoop up your mask and slip it back over your face and turn to exit the alley way, leaving the defeated bounty hunter on the ground.
“That was taking it easy on me?” Boba huffs out a laugh and shakes his head.
You pause and turn to look over your shoulder, visor glowing ominously as you say, “I don’t think you want to find out.” and then, with a mighty leap, you disappear into the rooftops.
Boba lets out a defeated sigh as you leave his eyesight, yet, he can’t help the way his lips tug up at the corners slightly. 
“I don’t know princess,” he mumbles to himself, letting out a low groan as he finally stands, “I think I want a rematch.”
And in that moment, in a damp ally on an unknown planet, Boba decides that he isn’t done with you yet. Not by a long shot.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Permanent Taglist: @ajeff855 @kaermorons @imnotakilleranymore @hiscyarika @hail-doodles @mrpascals @bestintheparsec @forever-rogue​ @leaiorganas​ @wille-zarr​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @princessxkenobi​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @theocatkov​ @swimmingsloths​ @getinthepoolkeanu​ @engie115​ @somnibats​ @rosiefridayrogersunday​ @recklessworry​ @gooddaykate​ @niki-xie​ @amneris21​
Boba Fett: @words-way-of-life​  @itssmashedavo​ @gallowsjoker​ @princessbatears​ @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​
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pretchatta · 3 years
swoon june day 30: reunion/finding each other
the last one! swoon june is now over but I have had so much fun doing these prompts, a huge thank you to @chaos-company for hosting this event!
I've saved the best 'til last. from the moment I read the prompt list I knew I would be finishing on this one - the prompt was too perfect not to. this is my take on how rebels should have ended!
rating: general; kanan jarrus/hera syndulla; 2.4k words
“You don’t understand what you’re asking me to do.” Ezra’s eyes were fixed on Kanan through the doorway, his mind working furiously.
“Yes, I do,” Ahsoka said calmly. “You can’t save–”
“We just have to hold back the flames long enough to pull him through the door!” Ezra interrupted. “I’ve been thinking about this for days – replaying this moment in my head – there is time!”
“I can do this!”
He stopped listening to Ahsoka. Closing his eyes, Ezra reached forwards with the Force, through the doorway to where Kanan stood. Both of his master’s arms were outstretched, one holding back the flames that were licking their way up the cracked fuel pod and the other holding back a desperate, frantic Hera. Ezra could feel the fire’s energy, the intensity of it, and was struck with the same awe he had been when he’d lived this night for the first time. Kanan was holding this inferno back one-handed. He, Ezra, would only be able to do that for a few seconds.
He got ready to pull.
Kanan turned to face away from the blaze and used all his strength to push Hera and the patrol transport out of harm’s way. That was Ezra’s moment. He braced himself to hold the flames back and pulled on Kanan, stumbling as the sudden intensity of the explosion his master had been restraining hit him. He felt Kanan come flying towards the doorway with more speed and less effort than he expected – Ahsoka was helping him.
A split second later Kanan’s body struck him and Ezra crumpled under the impact. He lost his focus, feeling the fireball expand unrestrained. Flames filled the doorway’s line of sight, but none came through.
“Kanan!” Hera’s broken cry still came through over the roar of the inferno, as well as another sound – was that a howling wolf? Then it all faded; the door had closed.
“Kanan?” Ezra groaned, winded.
He shoved Kanan off with a grunt and rolled over. Ahsoka came to stand beside him.
He hadn’t moved. Ezra grabbed his shoulders and shook, but the scarred eyes remained closed.
“Kanan! Wake up!”
Ezra felt Ahsoka’s hand on his shoulder.
“I don’t think we were supposed to do that,” she said. Her voice was the same calm, even tone it had been before, but there was a slight shakiness to it now.
“What do you mean? We saved him!”
“Use your senses, Ezra. What do you feel?”
For the first time, doubt spiked Ezra’s heart. He sat back on his heels and closed his eyes, reaching out through the Force to his master. He ignored the way the Force seemed closer in this place, and how strangely devoid of life it felt; he focused only on Kanan, and on the bright beacon that was his presence.
Except… It wasn’t as bright as it had been before. It wasn’t darker, exactly, but it was somehow… Less. Like it was missing something.
“What – what happened?” Ezra asked, starting to feel afraid. “What’s wrong with him?”
Ahsoka looked uncertain. “I don’t know.”
They were interrupted from saying anything further by a distant rumbling sound.
Ahsoka was immediately alert. “We can’t stay here. You opened the door to this world. Do you know how to close it?”
“Sabine will know,” Ezra replied. “We can do it together. They’ll be so happy to see you and Kanan.” He started moving around Kanan, getting his arms under his shoulders to lift him.
Ahsoka made no move to help. “I can’t go with you, and I don’t think Kanan should either.”
“What?” Ezra froze in surprise. “No, I can’t leave him. I can’t leave either of you after I just–”
“You’ll see us both again. But I have a feeling we should all return to the real world through the doorway we came through.” She bent to help him with Kanan. “I’ll help you put Kanan back into the wreckage of that explosion, and then I must return to Malachor.”
“Alright. I trust your feelings.” They picked up Kanan’s unconscious form between them and moved back towards the doorway. It started to open as they approached, onto the rubble that gleamed in the light of the two moons. “When I’m back, I’ll go straight to the factory to get him back. It’s only been a few days, and we didn’t see any stormtroopers checking the ruins. How will I find you?”
“Perhaps I can…”
They both turned to see a strange blue light coming from a distant doorway. In unison, they turned to each other and reached an unspoken understanding. Quickly yet gently Kanan was lowered to the ground beyond the doorway and to relative safety.
Then, Ezra and Ahsoka ran.
Hera was working on maintenance. That’s what she was telling herself. It didn’t matter that there hadn’t been anything wrong with the caf machine before she’d started; it was always playing up, there was bound to be some part of it that needed fixing. That it was a useful distraction from the grief that clawed at her insides and threatened to drown her from within was only a bonus. She wouldn’t take apart a perfectly functioning piece of machinery just to avoid being left alone with her thoughts. That was ridiculous.
She heard the sound of the Phantom’s engines outside and put down her tools. That would be Ezra and Zeb returning, and she was curious what they had been doing. As soon as they’d all returned to the Ghost from the incident at the Jedi Temple (or the area where the Temple had formerly stood) Ezra had been acting strange. He’d insisted on going on some mission that was vitally important but he’d refused to give anyone any details, including the only person he would allow to come with him.
As Hera stood up to leave the galley she realised she could hear the shuttle landing outside. That was strange – why wouldn’t Ezra dock with the Ghost? She gladly let the mystery of Ezra’s behaviour consume her thoughts as she walked down the ramp.
Outside, Ezra was emerging from the back hatch of the Phantom. He had a slightly dazed expression on his face, like he couldn’t quite believe what was happening. Behind him Zeb was following, holding something in his arms. That would explain the landing – it was often awkward to get cargo down the ladder.
Actually, was that cargo? It looked like–
Ezra stood aside to give her full view of what – or who – Zeb was holding. Hera gasped.
“Is that – is he –”
“He’s alive,” Ezra said.
Hera let out a strangled sob and ran forward. His name caught at the back of her throat, unable to come out. She reached Zeb but her hands hovered over the body in his arms, unsure of where to go – there were no visible injuries, not even burns. Half of her wanted to touch all of him at once, and the other half was scared that if she did, her hands would pass right through and he wouldn’t be real. Eventually they settled on his face, and a soft cry escaped her lips as her fingers brushed warm skin. Kanan was alive.
“He won’t wake up,” Ezra continued, and Hera could hear traces of a scared little boy in his voice. “And I don’t know why.”
“He’ll wake up.” She swallowed. “He has to wake up.” If she said it confidently enough; if they all believed it hard enough...
“What do we do with him?” Zeb asked.
Hera could feel the maelstrom of emotions building inside of her, but there was no time for that now. Her crew needed her. Kanan needed her.
“Take him to his bunk. There’s not much we can do for him right now – we can’t even get off Lothal. But he’ll be safe there.”
Zeb started walking, but Hera was unwilling to let go of Kanan. She ended up walking backwards, the three of them awkwardly manoeuvering through the Ghost until they reached Kanan’s bunk. As they passed Sabine’s room she heard the faint sound of music and the hiss of spray paints. She couldn’t wait to tell Sabine.
Hera only needed a little nudging from Zeb to move out of the way so that he could put Kanan down. She desperately wanted to go back to him, to lay down next to him and physically feel his body next to hers, warm and alive and here. But she held herself back, and when Ezra called to her from the corridor she went out to speak to him.
“Hera – about Lothal…” he began. “I have a plan.”
He gave her a serious look.
“I know how we can get rid of the Empire for good.”
Kanan woke up.
It took a few moments for him to register that there was anything wrong with that. He was lying in his own bunk, with the Ghost’s engines a quiet background hum and the distant sounds of other people coming from elsewhere in the ship. Then he moved his head slightly and felt the short stubble on his head and the air moving against the bare skin of his chin.
He was awake.
The last thing he remembered was the heat. The intense, searing heat of the burning fuel, and the light… it had been so bright. And he had seen it. For a few moments, he had seen. He could remember Ezra and Hera’s faces, the sight of them blissful and yet heart-wrenching at the same time. Ezra’s eyes had been wide with horror, and Hera’s beautiful face had been twisted in agony.
When the wolves had told him that he was going to die, he’d known it would hit his family hard. But he also knew how strong they were, Hera most of all, and how they would help each other through it. At least they would be alive to get through it, he had told himself. That was all that mattered to him.
So how was he alive too?
He sat up. He was still blind, that much was obvious. Whatever had allowed him to have those few moments of vision just before he’d let go of the flames had apparently been temporary. He ran a hand over his face; no burns, just the old scar over his eyes. Physically he felt fine. He felt around the bunk, feeling how the blanket over him was rumpled and folded back beside him, as though someone else had at one point been sleeping next to him. He swung his legs out to stand on the floor, and that was then he realised what was missing.
The Force was gone.
The vast web that connected him to the universe, the energy that constantly flowed around and through him, the extra senses that helped him to see without his eyes – it was all gone. How could that happen? Was it somehow related to his miraculous survival? Had he somehow given up his Force abilities in order to return to his family?
He wouldn’t find the answers by staying here. Carefully, he made his way to the door. He didn’t need the Force for this; the interior of the Ghost was as familiar to him as his own body. Out in the corridor he could tell that the sounds of people were coming from the cockpit, so that was where he directed himself.
He reached the end of the corridor through the crew quarters and stood before the door to the cockpit. Through it he could hear Ezra’s voice, though it sounded strange – tinny, as though coming from a hologram. He hit the door controls.
“I couldn’t have wished for a better family. I can’t wait to come home.”
He recognised the sound of static cutting out, as though a recording had been switched off, and Kanan remembered the other things the wolves had shown him. What would happen to his family after he was gone. What his sacrifice would allow to happen. They must have done it – Lothal was free, and Ezra was gone.
No-one seemed to have noticed his entrance; he assumed they were still recovering from Ezra’s message.
“Did I go a bit too hard on the self-sacrifice stuff?”
He heard the rustle of five heads turning towards him.
“Kanan!” Sabine’s overjoyed shout came from the co-pilot’s side of the cockpit, but he didn’t hear her move. Instead, he heard the familiar creak of the pilot’s chair and braced himself a moment before someone was throwing herself bodily into his arms.
He held her as tightly as she gripped him, her face pressed against his, their tears mingling on their cheeks. After a few moments, Kanan drew back enough to stroke a hand reverently over her cheek.
“You’re alive,” Hera whispered, her voice breaking as more tears began to flow.
“I’m alive,” he murmured back, doing his best to wipe them away with his thumb.
“And you’re okay!”
He could feel her cheeks forming a smile under his palm. “Well, I can’t see you any more.”
“What have I told you, love,” she said, but didn’t give him a chance to answer. Her hand cupped his face as she pulled him down for a kiss.
Their moment on the fuel pod didn't seem that long ago, yet the kiss was the sweetest Kanan could remember. He could have spent forever in that moment with Hera.
“Okay, that’s enough of that!” Sabine called, and Kanan heard the others finally moving towards him.
He felt Hera let go reluctantly, though she kept one hand on the small of his back as the rest of his family moved in for their reunions. Sabine wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, Zeb almost cracked his ribs with his crushing embrace, Rex gave him several slaps on the back with his and even Mart Mattin came in for a hug. Everyone was talking excitedly over each other, exclamations and questions filling the air, none of which Kanan knew how to answer.
One voice that caught his ear, however.
“At the end of his message, what Ezra said…” he heard Sabine say. “‘I’m counting on you’. Do you think he means to go after him?”
Kanan didn’t know who she was talking to, but he answered anyway.
“I think he does. And I think I know where you should start looking.”
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otp-holic · 3 years
The one place (where something happened) (A03)
“In your life there are a few places, or maybe only the one place, where something happened, and then there are all the other places.” Alice Munro. (or the one where they receive a letter from a familiar name and we go into 4Ks of fluff around a lost afternoon in France)
4K. Lamely explicit at one point. Fanfic + Pictures Inside. Trigger for FLUFF as the main plot. Part of the Never let us lose what we have gained series (AO3)
This was supposed to be a manip with 200 words of bantering and it's now 4Ks of fluff with a few pictures. I've decided to leave them inside the cut because I feel they work better with its context there. I'm sorry for the hassle, but I really hope you give this a chance... unless you have cavities, only like fics with amazing plots or are allergic to shameless fluff.
Please do not repost the pictures, I know this is futile, but… I try :)
DAGUERROTYPE, France 1944 Private Collection.
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Steve is cooling down from his very early run, enjoying the feeling of the pink sunrise looming over the awakening Brooklyn streets as he walks the last couple of blocks on the way home, when his phone beeps.
“Check your actual mailbox, we dropped something for you there. I think you should appreciate us making it old-fashioned just for you, grandpas!”
Steve smiles at Sam’s text and as soon as he arrives at their building he snaps a picture of the very common and flat envelope with “Barnes&Rogers” scribbled on top of a Stark Logo, to send along his response.
“Nice try, but this is inaccurate. A letter would have never made its way to us without an address or stamp. We’ll send you a proper thank you card to show you how it’s done.”
He can’t help but chuckle at his own joke rereading the text while he opens the door, and when he looks up from his phone and into the kitchen, he is received by a sleepy Bucky looking at the coffee machine like he looks at Steve during their most soft and embarrassingly cheesy moments.
“You love that thing more than you love me, confess it.”
“In the mornings? Yes. I don’t even like you in the mornings most of the time,” he answers matter of factly. “Want some?”
Steve playfully wiggles an eyebrow.
“No way. Your sweaty self is tempting, but coffee smells better. I might join you in the shower later.” Bucky offers him one of the two cups he has poured and he notices the envelope Steve is holding. “What is that?”
“We’ve got mail!” He hands it to Bucky. “I have no idea what's on it, but Sam texted me to say they had something delivered to our mailbox and there it was. Open it.”
Bucky leaves the cup on the counter, face sparked with a curiosity that makes him look twenty-one (and Steve weak on the knees), and goes for it.
The content is a bit underwhelming at first glance: Another envelope, white, no Stark logo, but topped with a bright green post-it with a note on Pepper’s script.
“This got to me via PR. We analyzed it and checked with the source (no peeking, I swear) and it seems legit. With that return address, it’s likely to arouse your interest. Love, P.”
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Bucky tears off the post-it and the letter is revealed to be addressed to Steve Rogers at the Stark Tower, but it is when they turn it around when everything goes still for a second.
The return address is some street in Marseille, but what has Steve’s mouth dry and Bucky’s hand trembling just a bit is the combination of the place and the name written on top: Emmanuelle Jaques Dernier.
“Boom?”, Bucky says, trying to cut through their heavy hearts and taking Steve’s hand. It’s a terrible terrible joke, but Dernier would have loved it and he grins.
“That’s a terrible terrible joke,” Steve verbalizes, “but I think at least we’ve reached the same conclusion.”
“Elementary, my dear Steve,” Bucky answers as he opens the second envelope, only to reveal a folded letter and yet another envelope. “It’s a fucking vault of paper!”
Steve takes the letter from him, unfolds it, and quickly scans it (normal office paper, printed, hand-signed) before he starts reading it out loud to Bucky’s undivided attention.
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“Dear Mr. Rogers,
My name is Emmanuelle Dernier and I am the great-grandson of Jaques Dernier of the Howling Commandos.
First, let me tell you that we all in our family grew up with amazing stories and praise for you, Sergeant Barnes, and the rest of the team. I never got to meet my great-grandfather or any of them (you), but I’ve always felt like I did.
In fact, that’s the ultimate reason behind this letter: I ached to honor him and I’ve been putting in order all his remaining letters, pictures, and memories so they don’t get lost forever, and there are many things I’m discovering through this journey. So many pictures and tiny details… and amongst them, you and the rest of the Commandos appear at the most random and memorable moments. Nothing that’s going to make it into history books, more like the stories my grandpa used to share with us over and over again, those important tidbits that make him more human.
Anyway, I was going through the pictures he kept when I came across some war photos that didn’t seem to match the 40s timeframe. Typical daguerreotypes from the 20s in a very bad state, probably taken with a camera from the era in 1944 and developed on a later date by somebody who clearly didn’t master the technique.
They were in a very bad state and hidden inside an envelope that said “Terribly drunk soldiers in France making idiots of ourselves in unique and creative ways. Fun evening, horrible hangover. About 20 miles west of the Maginot Line. Autumn ‘44”. I’m attaching a photocopy of that, I hope you can understand my decision to keep the original.
After restoring the daguerreotypes with some experts, all I got were five very bad pictures with silhouettes of people apparently having fun…. but there was one that got a lot better in the cleaning process that feels important somehow. I’m sending the original, as well as the restored version I got.
I, of course, don’t have the whole context, but I hope it brings back a good memory. My great-grandpa might be in the picture, but I don’t think this one belongs to my family or to a museum.
Thank you for your service, I really hope this letter finds its way to you.
“I can’t believe… Steve, most days I’m convinced that day and that place are a figment of my imagination,” Bucky smiles, remembering. “When I think of a moment of pure joy during the war, I think about that afternoon in France, and it always feels unreal. A bubble of air and laughter while we were so surrounded by death.”
Steve nods, reminiscing about that warm and humid September morning when they arrived at yet another abandoned and destroyed little village, this one about twenty miles west of the Maginot Line. They had orders to lie low and wait for twenty-four hours before they started the maneuver to wipe another Hydra base off the map, and that little town was perfect for that.
Among bomb debris and fallen walls, they found one small building miraculously standing next to the remains of the church, so they decided to set camp under a roof for a change since the weather was being a little flickery with the rain, and they had the rare luxury of time.
The inside of the tiny house was as unusual as the outside: nothing was destroyed beyond being dusty and worn by time, and everything they found (furniture, kitchenware, and even fabrics) belonged more to Steve and Bucky’s early childhoods than to 1944, a living museum frozen in time.
Only it was not a museum, but the parish house left untouched and non-raided: old-fashioned clothes, outdated church books, yellowing clergy collars, and, of course, the wine cellar. Oh, that wine cellar… the havoc it unleashed.
“I remember the absolute excitement when Falsworth found all those bottles of old unscathed mass wine from the parish,” Steve brings his memory to words, looking at Bucky, “I’m still a little convinced that we are going to hell for drinking them.”
“Not for that, probably, but it was a wonder nobody died on the spot of wine poisoning, it tasted like sweet vinegar, ugh.”
“But it did his part, right? Took our minds off things; got us drunk, bold and silly.” Steve answers.
“Apparently not all of us,” Bucky says very seriously, looking at Steve.
“Technicalities… I got drunk by proxy. Seeing you all so happy made me giddy and tipsy, too.”
“I came and went… I remember being a little surprised at the clarity of my thoughts at some moments there when some of the guys were basically drooling on the floor. Now I understand, of course.”
Steve squeezes his hand, not much to be said there.
They were already way too drunk by the early afternoon, drinking to the sound of a sudden rainstorm pouring outside. All of them scattered across the small dusty living room and its adjoining kitchen while they went through all the bottles of wine they had been able to find. Cheering for the foregone priest every time somebody raised a glass, and laughing as if there were no ruins or war on the other side; just silly men (boys, really) laughing their hearts out.
“Earth to Steve… I don’t know about you, but I’m dying to see what the hell that envelope is hiding. Especially now that we know about its time stamp.”
“I’m sorry, me too! Gabe drunkenly handling that old camera and those glass plaques the way he did? I’m honestly impressed that he was able to take any pictures at all,” he muses. “Shit, is it weird that I’m nervous?”
“I’m gonna save us the bantering because I’m nervous, too,” Bucky answers in all sincerity. “Truth is, Steve, I remember everything about that day.”
It’s a new admission, a newly opened door for them because for some reason, they have never talked about that peaceful surreal afternoon, and Steve nods in recognition as he silently goes for the envelope one-handed, not wanting to let go of Bucky’s hand because his surface is way cooler than his wrenching insides. Maybe the picture is an overexposed french wall but maybe…
The photo he extracts from the envelope is clearly the original and damaged one Emmanuelle specified in his letter. Anybody else looking at it would see nothing beyond Dernier’s blurry profile, but since Steve and Bucky were there when this was taken, they know exactly what moment Steve is holding in his hand.
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“Buck,…” is all Steve can say, struck by the blurry keepsake.
Later in the afternoon when they had already consumed most of the wine and there was not a single coherent thought left in the room, one of the guys took the parish books and besottedly announced that there was a wedding set for today… thirty years ago. Alcohol fueled a goofy idea that escalated at the speed of light, with Morita saying they were going to a wedding because they deserved a celebration, Dernier confessing that he had once considered becoming a priest, and Dum-dum bringing out all the old fashioned clothes from the wardrobe and deciding they were getting nice and clean for the festivities.
“That’s clearly Dernier in the picture killing it in his priest role, right?” Bucky says, half smiling and interrupting Steve’s thoughts. “You know, I went all-in with that fake wedding party. I was laughing to tears when I saw you put on that ridiculously long and ill-fitting jacket from the 10s, feeling weightless and silly for the first time since sailing off, and God knows we all deserved that. And it was all safe and light-hearted until fucking Morita decided you had to be the groom, and...”
“Were you jealous because I won the dashing groom competition?”
Steve’s attempt at a joke is weak, but there’s truth behind it: Morita chose Steve as the groom (“Cap, you are the most dashing and the least drunk”) to a chorus of excited voices cheering for him. Somebody else, most likely Dum-Dum, chose the rest of the roles (Sarge, best man duty; Jones, camera; Morita, keep the wine flowing; the rest of you, misbehave!) and in the blink of an eye, they were all going outside laughing under a light rain, and about to celebrate Steve’s fictional wedding to nobody.
“How could I be jealous?” Bucky cuts in. “Do you remember all you said to me that afternoon? During World War II and in front of a battalion of men?”
“I was drunk.”
“Fuck you!” Bucky disentangles his hand from Steve’s to use both of them to hold Steve’s face and kiss him with violence. “Tell me. Do you remember what you said?”
As if he could ever forget. He can recall every step he took from the house to the makeshift wedding spot amidst the trees where his best man (looking dapper even in that ludicrous jacket) was laughing along Dernier. He can still smell the petrichor, can still sense the blush coloring his cheeks while hoping nobody noticed and can still hear the beating of his heart when Bucky handed him a battered umbrella (“You don’t deserve to get rained on your wedding day, punk”) and a fucking ring made out his shoelaces (“You’ll have to buy something a little more permanent.”). And then…
“Dernier started the ceremony and he wanted to know if I had somebody in mind and I said ‘of course’.” He replays, his voice barely a whisper. “I said I’d had my eyes on a brown-haired Brooklynite since before I could remember. I said that I was pretty sure those blue eyes were set on mine too and that hopefully those eyes would be set enough to want to marry me even if I had never dared to ask.”
He’s been holding Bucky’s gaze the whole time, and he’s far from over yet, but he needs to fucking breathe before he goes on. Neither of them has moved a muscle for the past minute.
“Then he asked me to repeat the wedding vows after him and…”
“And you said Buck, right?”, Bucky interrupts, voice winded. “You fucking whispered I take you, Buck, as my lawful wedded husband till the end of the line. I heard, Steve. Even if the rest of the world didn’t, I did. But you never said anything, so I always deemed it impossible, a product of the corniest nook of my mind trying to outweigh all those bad things, because not even you could be as bold, reckless, and mushy as to do that,…it’s my fucking fault, I should have known better!”
“Not completely reckless, pal. I was scared shitless as I said those words, but what else could I do? You were right by my side about to put a ring on my finger as my “best man”, everyone, including you, supposedly drunk past recollection, and everybody else too far away to hear my whispers. It was such an easy choice in the end because truth should always win over fear. And those vows were. The truth.”
“You have always been too honest for your own good, Rogers,” Bucky is breathless and exasperated and goes for his mouth again, bringing in all he (they) couldn’t in 1944. “You destroyed me, Steve. My knees were as weak as a teenager’s in front of his first crush. I wanted to kiss you so badly when I heard you say all that there in the open… and I couldn’t even acknowledge it.”
“I know. And for what it's worth, I really thought you didn’t remember.”
It is too much. Is it normal to feel this much? Steve would blame it on the serum enhancements, but he was already overwhelmed at 16, so that’s clearly not the answer.
He craves, no, he needs touching, grounding, closer. Bucky. There’s too much space between them even if they are back to kissing like they would have that day in 44, and at any other time if their own lives wouldn’t have stolen those moments from them.
“It happened.” Bucky whimpers, biting on Steve’s lip who abandons his own stool to straddle him, both of them gasping in sync at the feeling of their cocks, hard against each other’s through their soft pants.
Bucky soon ups the stakes by carding his metal hand through Steve’s hair pulling his head backwards to help himself into that spot on his neck.
“Same two moles as when you were tiny, as when we were at that war... Your cute vampire bite. Favorite spot.” He licks on them with the tip of his tongue. Steve growls on cue and Bucky giggles. “Favorite chain reaction.”
“Buck, you cheater, you know what that does to me!” Steve cries out followed by Bucky’s evil chuckle.”Bed, couch, countertop,…I don’t care, but naked. Now. Stained pants due to heavy petting are too much of a trip down memory lane for me. Let me keep a bit of my dignity.”
Steve stands up liberating Bucky from his grip but aching at the loss of contact.
They are naked and making out in the middle of the kitchen in no time; Bucky steadily pushing him against the refrigerator while fiercely grinding against his crotch.
“Hey, ‘teve,” Bucky pants. “The way this is going, it’s my dignity now that's at risk. I don’t think I can make it further than the floor before I come.”
Steve groans into his mouth just at the thought and they start sliding to the floor the best they can until he’s a human blanket moving over Bucky. With no lube at hand, and no time, that’s their best option.
They kiss and kiss and kiss, his hands not leaving Bucky’s sweaty hair. Bucky’s hands on his ass, forcing their groins closer with one while he (almost absently) plays around his hole with the other, driving Steve crazy in the process. Dicks left to do their own thing through pressure and friction. Everything is working. And fast.
“Oh, fuck!” Bucky exclaims “Can you promise me all this stuff with the letter was real and not a long-con plan to assure your fragile masculinity that I love you more than I love that espresso machine?”
That. That silly unfunny excuse of a joke that screams Bucky all over is what pushes Steve all the way over the edge. He fucking laughs as he comes making absolutely embarrassing sounds, pressing their foreheads and noses together until it hurts, and shaking from head to toe without stoping his pressure on the stupid and smug man under him. His lover. His partner. His unofficial husband. His best friend.
His Buck.
“There’s still too much blood in your brain if you can play that dirty,” Steve states, placing one hand between them grabbing Bucky’s hard cock. “Let’s see if I can do anything about it.”
“Your hand, usually so helpful, but I was already following you after that sound you make when you come and laugh at the same time, shit, it always goes straight to my dick, I’m,…” he keeps talking with difficulty between breaths and moans until he leaves his speech unfinished coming all over Steve’s fist.
They kiss on the lips breathing into each other before Steve rolls over. They are sticky and panting in silence, spread on their kitchen’s floor, Steve’s shoulders crushed between Bucky’s and the dishwasher. Domestic bliss at its most literal.
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One lavish fuck and two showers later they reemerge into the kitchen in search of something to eat: Bucky is in charge of the food today, while Steve cleans the mess they left a couple of hours ago.
He’s decluttering the counter when their damaged picture laying there puts a smile on his face but also reminds him of the restored version presumably still waiting inside the disregarded letter, so he grabs the envelope to retrieve its contents: one photocopy (from Dernier’s original writing), and the promised photo.
And it is restored. Everything is clear where it was blurry before: Dernier (so deep into his priest impersonation that he’s not even looking at them), the trees, the battered umbrella, the ridiculous jackets… and them.
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“You had the nerve to call me reckless and mushy, Buck?” Steve laughs as he stares at the picture where a very young Bucky is about to put a ring on his finger with the least subtle lovestruck expression he’s ever seen (“and it’s for you”, his brain proudly reminds him) “Wow, you might as well be kissing me there, anything would be more subtle than this!”
“Don’t shame me, you punk, especially not when you were the one responsible for breaking my brain back then!” Bucky answers coming from behind and stealing the picture from his hands to scrutinize it. Goofy grin and raging blush quickly taking over his face. “But you’re one to talk, Cap. You are gazing at that shoelace’s ring as if I were handing you a diamond tiara!”
Steve laughs softly at that and moves his right hand to his pocket, feeling the weight of the little compass he had retrieved earlier from one of his drawers. He used to carry it with him everywhere for comfort, but he has a better option now.
“Didn't you know that shoelaces are forever?” He asks, taking the compass out of his pocket and holding it in both hands as he opens it, nudging Bucky with his elbow to get his attention.
Bucky is confused for an instant while he looks at his young face staring at them from inside the little box. Of course he knew that (he made fun of Steve for days and days) but Steve detects the change in his expression when he notices the other thing.
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“Wow, you gigantic sap,” Bucky says, taking the compass out of his hands to double-check he is seeing what he thinks he’s seeing. “You saved my shoelace.”
He had. While they were all celebrating his wedding under the rain dancing to no music, he quietly slipped the little string off his finger and tied it to the most secure place he had back then.
“It’s not a shoelace, you jerk, it’s a symbol. A declaration.” He laughs, stealing the compass back to safely pocket it again.
“You are delusional,” Bucky snorts, kissing the top of his head. But he’s widely smiling and lost in thought as he goes back to their sandwiches.
Steve stays on the spot enjoying the peace in their silent companionship, his focus on the latest news showing up on his phone, the text he’s writing to Sam and the comforting sounds of Bucky moving around the kitchen.
“You might have married me, but I never actually married you.” Bucky blurts out of the blue a bit later, sitting by his side as he hands him a plate with a sandwich and some grilled greens on it. “Do you want mayo with that?”
“Uh?” Steve forgets all about the news and the text and looks at Bucky in confusion.
“Mayo, do you want some?” Bucky repeats nonchalantly.
“No mayo, thank you; but I was actually more interested in the other part, you know, that thing about marriage?”
Bucky looks him in the eye: earnest, blushing and with the same look of smug adoration he had on the picture.
“Oh, that part.” He jokes. “You apparently married me in 1944, but I never married you back. And I would like to.”
“Marry me?” Steve asks and Bucky visibly nods.
“I’m sorry for throwing the idea at you like this, books tell me I'm supposed to have candles, music, and a ring, but you showed me that restored picture and I couldn't stop thinking about it, about proof,” Bucky speaks uncharacteristically slow and very softly, voice trembling here and there while he claps his hand with Steve’s finger by finger for reassurance and as a distraction. “A single photo had the power to transform a moment that existed just as a made-up happy place inside my mind into something tangible and real. Something that would be tangible and real for anybody getting a hold on it and looking at our stupid faces.”
“So stealthy,” Steve says, and they both laugh together.
“Proof, Steve. I was slicing tomatoes and thinking how there’s so much evidence, thousands of files! out there proving that all the stuff that fuels my nightmares were real, but nothing solid about this. Us.” Bucky stops for a moment collecting his thoughts, still smiling even with the heavy subject he just dropped into the mix. “Sorry, I believe I put more time into these sandwiches than into thinking this all the way through so I’m…”
“Take your time, we’ve gone from mayo to marriage to nightmares in five minutes so don’t worry, you have me hooked here.”
Steve makes Bucky laugh again as he intended, and he feels their calloused laced fingers immediately squeezing closer.
“It’s stupid because it doesn’t change anything for us but,.. I don’t fucking know, Steve, I think that picture has messed up with my mind! I instantly found comfort in the idea of people finding facts beyond the nightmares now or in the future. An easy to understand, universal and oversimplified proof of how much I loved you and how much I was loved in return.” Bucky takes a breath and stares at him sporting a million-watt smile. “Marrying you,… I would really love that. And for real this time.”
“Ok, Buck.” Steve instantly replies, eagerness winning over thoughtful and heartfelt declarations. He tightens the grip on their joined hands to drive them to his lips and seals the easiest answer he’s ever had to give.
And it's done!Sorry for the cavities, for going on with the fic when it should have ended and for ending it where it might have had to keep going. It was painful and fun. I'm free!
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years
Sith Inquisitor Storyline: Drunk History Version
Y’all, and by y’all I mean one person (@sith-shenanigans thank you very much), asked for it, and I live to repeat this over and over for others’ amusement, so here it is. Have my summary of the pinball machine that is the Sith Inquisitor storyline, from memory, originally drafted a while back in DMs with a friend who’s never played SWTOR. Spoilers for the Sith Inquisitor storyline, obviously.
Without further ado: Let us begin.
- So your story begins as a recently sort-of-freed slave walking off a ship and onto Hell: The Planet. (The nonhuman Inquisitor immediately experiences 2483947 microaggressions.)
- You have to compete with a bunch of other people! Only one of you is not going to die and the overseer has already picked his favorite, seemingly purely because he happens to have red skin. They will both (the overseer and Teacher’s Pet) proceed to be as annoying as possible for the rest of the Korriban story.
- multiple people try to kill you, but you’re the protagonist, so fuck them
- “Teacher’s Pet, you go to the library and translate these texts. Protagonist, you go to this ancient tomb and figure out how to retrieve an artifact from a lock that no one has been able to open in ten thousand years.” “Libraries are boring anyway. Yawn.”
- You finally get to smackdown with Teacher’s Pet, which is satisfying as hell. Unfortunately the overseer gets pissy about it. Fortunately, the Sith you’ve been competing to be the apprentice of decided she liked you early on and has also been playing favorites, so you don’t die immediately.
- your master is great! much more into positive reinforcement than most Sith.
- at some point you semi-accidentally steal someone else's cult on Nar Shaddaa and now they worship you as a nigh-on god. whoops. you just kind of... leave and let them run their own business. you pay them visits later in the storyline.
- you also become part bug so you can go skinny dipping in radioactive waste. it’s fine, we promise.
- your master is trying to steal your body because turns out she's actually really old and kind of dying so she plans on kicking you out of your body, transplanting her own soul in your place, killing her old body, and assuming your identity after "you" "killed" "your master"! that's not great, better not let her do that.
-  you successfully didn't let her do that! wait, now she's sharing a body with one of your companions, an ancient monster who you kind of forced into submission and who serves you rather unwillingly now. there is apparently nothing that can be done about this so sometimes your eight-foot-tall monster not-friend talks in a high, unnervingly smooth feminine voice and tries to convince you she's on your side now that she's forced by this new body to not harm you. this is also not great but what are you gonna do. he is also Not Pleased about this by the way, and really who can blame him.
- some darth on the dark council named Thanaton decides to get pissy with you for reasons I don't remember and now he's trying to kill you. what the fuck.
-  he actually almost does kill you but your old master's other apprentices, who are now your apprentices, save you from the brink of death.
- (the apprentices, by the way, are very sweet and I love them. they’re murdered by thanaton almost immediately.)
-  your solution to "I need more power, fast", for some godforsaken reason, is "I'm going to learn to walk the line between life and death and EAT GHOSTS" and I wish I were exaggerating this
- you go out and eat a bunch of ghosts of old Sith on various planets
- subpoint to this: on one of these planets, you accomplish this by coercing the ghost's descendant, a Jedi padawan named Ashara, to get the ghost to appear so you can eat him. You end up murdering her masters in the process because one way or another they find out about your plan. She is understandably horrified by this turn of events and, feeling she has no chance of returning to the Jedi, reluctantly joins your crew and either (Light Side Quizzy) learns to balance light and dark sides of the Force and becomes ultimately stronger for it, or (Dark Side Quizzy) lives in abject terror of you for the rest of the storyline. I love her dearly as well. fortunately she is not murdered by thanaton.
- congrats! you ate enough ghosts to have enough power to beat thanaton up!
- unfortunately, you have Ate Too Many Ghosts Disease now and need immediate medical attention.
- your mind kind of just Shatters and you may or may not have hallucinations for a while iirc. either way you need help or you're just gonna disintegrate slowly until the ghosts overwhelm you and take over. you go to Voss and participate in some wild Force ritual they've got to take care of that. it's a fun time
- your body is also having a bad time and that also needs fixing; I don't remember where you go for this (Belsavis, I think?) but you end up checking out a machine made by a long-dead alien civilization and the machine turns out to a) be sentient and b) be responsible for CREATING A GOOD PORTION OF THE GALAXY'S NEAR-HUMAN SPECIES, IF NOT ALL OF THEM, AND DISSEMINATING THEM TO THE GALAXY AS PART OF THE RAKATA'S EXPERIMENTS ON CREATING FORCE-SENSITIVE LIFEFORMS IN HOPES OF KEEPING THEIR OWN SPECIES FROM DYING OUT BECAUSE THEY WERE SUPER RACIST AND EVENTUALLY THAT RACISM KICKED THEM IN THE ASS IN THE FORM OF A MASS REVOLUTION THAT WIPED THEM OUT COMPLETELY BUT THE MACHINE IS STILL HERE
- all right I’m calm sorry I derailed for a moment
- I have a lot of thoughts about things
-  anyway the machine bUILDS YOU A NEW FUCKING BODY and you're good to go now
-  (by the way, depending what species you're playing, it's entirely possible you learn at this point that your entire species only exists because of this machine!)
- (anyway.)
- okay, mind fixed, body fixed, ghosts consumed, we're good to go! time to murder a dark councilor!
- "we do that"
- except you don't because you're on corellia and this dipshit challenges you to a kaggath without really ever explaining in detail what a kaggath is or what the rules (if any) are, we just know it seems to be the ancient and very formal Sith way of saying "meet me in the denny's parking lot at 3am if you want an ass-kicking", and then hE RUNS OFF TO DROMUND KAAS WHICH DEPENDING ON WHAT GALAXY MAP YOU BELIEVE IS UP TO FIVE DAYS' TRAVEL AWAY
-  he then goes to the Dark Council to try to convince them to help him kill you and you literally have to just go to the Dark Council chambers too and kick in the door and go "HEARD YOU WERE TALKIN SHIT" in front of everyone
- (which to be fair is basically Sith philosophy in a nutshell)
-  Ravage and Marr spend this entire council meeting just exchanging tired glances and going "no, fuck you, why can't you kill them, they're your problem. fight for our entertainment now. fuck you"
- (Darth Baras did this exact same shit earlier the same day, by the way, with the Sith Warrior. and by “earlier the same day” I mean “like fifteen minutes prior to this.”)
- you fight Thanaton. to no one's surprise, because you're the protagonist and because he's being a little bitch about it, you kick his ass and slaughter him in front of everyone
- half the Council stands up and you just kind of go "oh shit I'm gonna die"
- but no
- you're being promoted
- congration you done it you're a dark councilor now
- someone complains because wait, they're not even a darth, you can't be a dark councilor if you're not even a darth
- first person responds with "well fuck you then, we'll make them a darth. hey you. your name is Darth Nox (dark side)/Imperius (light side)/Occulus (neutral) now. take a seat"
- "but - what?"
- "take a fuckin seat, babe"
- "o- okay" 
- "you run the entire Ancient Knowledge sector now, by the way, despite the fact that you may or may not be illiterate due to having been raised a slave, because that was what Thanaton ran and we only have the one job opening since the Warrior just killed Baras"
- (the Warrior, freshly coined the Emperor's Wrath officially, waves from their corner where they're cleaning Baras's blood off their boots)
- "I - okay, I guess"
and that’s the Sith Inquisitor storyline. That’s a wrap, folks, roll credits. if this gets enough notes and/or if literally anyone says they’d like to see it I may also post the Imperial Agent and/or do other class stories, I enjoy these way too much
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moonhoures · 2 years
Alright babe… here are some frat boy thoughts
Heeseung is obviously the oldest of the group. The dad who is constantly checking the group chat to make sure everyone is ok. You had seen him around and just about everyone can agree that he is one of the most attractive boys in the frat, with his perfect teeth and pretty eyes. You would definitely meet him by running into him and knocking your drink all over yourself. He’s feels really bad and takes you to his room where he gives one of his sweaters. You end up spending the night by his side, helping him keep track of the younger boys and making sure they stay out of trouble. You end up meeting in class a few days later, wearing his sweater. You had woken up late and it had been the first thing you could grab. He proceeds to tell you that it looks cuter on you and then takes you to get coffee after class
Jay is most definitely the rich boy of the group. Like I mean come on. We been knew. He funds the parties most of the time and he lives for it. You meet him randomly in the crowd every time you party with them. After one too many run ins you finally build up the courage to ask him to dance one night. He gladly accepts your offer and you proceed to have the most fun you’ve ever had at a frat party. Instead of things getting heated he actually ends up being super goofy. You spent the night with him making fun of random people you see in the crowd. Some of them even being y’all’s friends. You wake up the next morning, snuggled on top of him on the couch in the frats living room. He takes you to breakfast where he tells you he’s had his eye on you for weeks and was so beyond excited when you made the first move.
Jake is our resident puppy. Great at beer pong and is the honest definition of a himbo. You meet him one night after dominating the beer pong table to the point where his friends have to call in their “all star” player. He comes over all cocky, talking big game and acting like he’s got it in the bag. You proceed to absolutely destroy him at his own game. Afterwords you expect him to have his pride hurt, but are pleasantly surprised when he finds you a little while later and gushes to you about how ‘hot’ you were when you beat him. He asks for your number and a few days later you find yourself getting brunch with him and his adorable dog.
Sunghoon, we’ve already established is the quiet one who doesn’t really WANT to be there. But all of his friends are so he feels like he’ll miss out if he doesn’t go. You two end up hitting it off at one point during the night and he ends up asking if you want to get out here. You take him up on his offer, fully prepared to get dicked down. Only to end up at McDonald’s 20 minutes later. He then proceeds to tell you how he just wanted some nuggies and that he’ll also buy you some fries. (And a milkshake if the machine is working)You end up sitting in the McDonald’s playhouse, eating your food and talking about anything and everything. He drives you home that night and makes you promise you’ll be at the next party, so that he can take you both to McDonald’s again. You end up making it a traditional throughout the rest of the semester, and the ones to follow
Sunoo our resident sass master is the life of the party. Anytime there’s something going on he’s there. Everyone loves him and how he can make anything 10x more fun that what it should really be. You met him one night as you sat in a small frat bedroom, participating in a stupid game of truth or dare. You ended up getting dared to get locked in the small closet with the boy. You were a little nervous, but that didn’t last long. You quickly find out that he literally is just there to have a good time. His humor and sass really make you laugh and by the time the door opens, you’re both crying about the fact that he called Niki a string bean. He falls for your laugh and soon is seeking you out in class and at parties just to draw it from you. He eventually gets your number and soon enough your sending memes to each other at 3am
Jungwon is most definitely the mom of the group. While Heeseung is making sure that none the boys gets themselves killed, Jungwon is the one that’s actively making sure everyone in attendance is ok. He’s constantly got a water bottle in hand so that when he runs into one of the others he can make them take a few gulps and make sure they’re hydrated. He’s also constantly on the look out for anyone that seems uncomfortable and will actively involve himself in the situation when he thinks someone needs help. That’s actually how you met him. You had some creep getting waaaay to close. And you were trying to find your friends but they were no were to be seen. You were just about ready to punch the creep in the face but a pair of broad shoulders gets in your way. You watch as this baby faced Angel gets the creep to leave, shocked by how intimidating he was. When he turns to you and flashes you those dimples your heart just about stops. He stays by your side the rest of the night and even asks for you number, so that you can call him if you ever need help. That call happens only a few days later, and he gladly answers it. Even if it is just for help with your damn math class, he’s happy to help you, however he can
Niki is of course the baby of the group. And naturally that makes him the most protected boy of the group. Normally there is at least one of the others with him at every party, making sure he’s ok and safe. You end up meeting him one night after he gets separated from the rest of the boys. You find him in the kitchen, surrounded by several drunk girls trying to cop a feel. You interrupt them and eventually get them to leave him alone after one to many threats. He thanks you over and over again, attaching himself to your hip. You don’t mind though, you find that he’s actually pretty cute. Eventually you meet the other boys and they all thank you for protecting their baby. Now it’s pretty common for you to be seen together at parties. Your protecting him from the thirsty girls and him towering over you and scaring off any creep that might look your way. And you don’t mind, not when that means you get to snuggle into his arms as you sit on the couch, listening to whatever story Sunoo has decided to tell this time.
Oof that was a lot… but like the frat boy brain rot is real😪
Hope you like it bubs!!
kenah you have done it again 😩☝🏻
this is all just so accurate 🤕 the jungwon one has me crying and the jake one just…yes. yes to every single one of these. yes. yes. yes!
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thr-333 · 4 years
Just Another Class Trip :)
Part 7
Siblings fight thats just part of the deal, nothing out of the ordinary here.
First< Previous >Next
“You’re sure you’re alright Pollen?” Marinette asks, leaping across the city hoping to catch hide or hair of the miraculous.
“Yes my queen,” The bee Kwami answers, nursing an entire jar of honey Marinette had given her as an apology, “I’m only sorry I can’t tell you anything more,”
“It’s alright,” Marinette sighs, it really wasn't but that was hardly Pollen’s fault, “I know the miraculous are out there, I just need to find them… before we get another Hawkmoth,”
“It’s alright Marinette,” Tikki squeaks, she and Kaalki had yet to leave Pollen’s side, “Hawkmoth had years to rise to power,”
“Yes but Paris wasn't already full of supervillains,” speaking of, “Hide,”
The Kwami’s dart into the many pockets of her outfit. Marinette tries not to betray she knows she is being followed. She doesn't have time to avoid the Batman tonight. However, it doesn't seem it’s just him she needs to worry about, there more people on her trail. Apparently he had learned his mistake from trying to corner her last time, she wished he hadn’t.
She lets them believe she is stopping to stretch for a minute, getting them to lower their guard. Just as they should be content she’s staying put she jumps down to the wall below, sprinting along the narrow surface with speed a little above human. There are few ways to follow her now, Robin lands behind her on the wall, keeping pace with almost the same accuracy. He isn’t the only one, there's someone on the rooftops above her, she can hear the mechanics of a grappling hook.
She jumps from the brick wall to a mesh metal one surrounding a construction site. This one’s hard for even her to balance and the emptiness should force their other friend down. It works, but unfortunately, they were already ahead of her and Nightwing drops down in her path. As if she’s going to run straight to him. She makes a jump to the nearest digger, landing on its arm, slipping down the metal a bit, her boots really aren’t suited for this.
Her pursuers need to use grappling hooks to make up the gap she jumped, giving her enough time to slide down the arm of the digger, the roof giving her a good surface to jump to the next machine. Nightwing lands next to her as she races along the bucket of a dump truck. She jumps down into the empty basket, the metallic clang ringing out in the quiet night.
Predictably, they follow her down, blocking the exit. Lucky for her she is able to jump high enough to land back on the roof with a little flip. Without bothering to look back at their reaction she jumps to the next highest point which happens to be a cement tube being suspended by a crane.
She runs along the inside, the structure swinging a bit at the movement. Her curse echos through the tube as Robin jumps in, blocking her exit. Turning around Nightwing is on the other side, both closing in. Robin is closer, approaching with a sword so she does the only sane thing, ducking below it to punch him. He jumps back, landing the force of it has the tube swinging more, sending them all off balance for a second. Marinette uses the distraction to bring out her staff, meeting Nightwing’s weapon head-on. There's strength behind it but not more than she can bear, using the movement of the tube to force him back a step or two.
She doesn't’ have long to spend on Nightwing as Robin attacks her back. She moves the staff to meet the katana facing away from him. Nightwing doesn't immediately attack her so she pivots around to meet Robins's next swing. She paries with her staff, noticing there is less strength behind it as he expected that. Playing off his expectations the next swing she pretends to parry, using her wrists to change the direction of the staff at the last moment she lets the sword graze her shoulder, it cuts into her a little more as the tubes swing forces her to step into it. She lets the staff go the force of it hitting Robin's side, she uses the precious second to twist his hand holding the Katana. Using a pressure point Master fu had been taught by the guardians, she needs some Ladybug strength to make it work through the glove but he releases it with a hiss.
Catching the Katana she spins around to brandish it against Nightwing, having expected him to make his move already. Instead, he raises his hands, which are still holding his weapons.
“We didn’t come here to fight,” He explains when Starling doesn't lower the weapon.
“Oh, you did a fine job of that didn’t you?” She scoffs, half turning to face them both, having to shift to keep balance in the rocking tube, not at all happy with their brief fight. Robin is on her other side, now holding her staff in a mirror of her with his Katana, “So what do you want?"
“You’re looking for a jewelry box right?” Nightwing asks, how did they know about the miracle box? Did they know what it was? Had they figured it out from the pool?
“What’s it to you?”
“We were just going to offer our help,” He says kindly, but Marinette had met far too many people(or just one person) who used a kind tone falsely, it brings her guard up more. Then again she desperately needed their help, if they knew what she was actually looking for or not. If worse came to worse she supposed she could transform into Ladybug, or with another miraculous and pretend that was why she was in Gotham in the first place.
“What do you know about it?” She demands, had they seen other miraculous already?
“First you tell us why it’s so important,” Robin snaps, growling slightly as she threatens him with his own sword. Nightwing gives him a pointed look, silence hanging as the tube swung back and forth lightly.
He made it seem like he didn’t know, but it could be a trap to see how much she knew. Or they really didn’t have the information and were trying to get it out of her. She could say Marinette asked her to find it, but that would risk both identities and possibly even reveal her as Ladybug. Marinette had once received the miraculous, maybe she could pretend Ladybug had handed her the box for safekeeping while on a special mission. It wasn't something Ladybug would actually do but she had never talked with the Justice League so they wouldn’t know that. Could she pass herself off as being three different miraculous holders? Depends on how fast she can find the fox miraculous. In the meantime.
“A girl had it stolen, I bumped into her and she asked me to look for it, that's all,” Starling shrugs, relaxing her pose, lowering the sword some.
“Why?” Robin demands, even as Nightwing seemed to accept the answer.
“It’s a nice thing to do?” Starling posed it more as a question, forcing herself to drop out of the defensive pose, “Speaking of nice things to do, I give you back the Katana and you give me back my staff?”
Robin scowls but accepts the exchange. Starling holds her weapon loosely at her side.
“So what’s the plan, you got any leads?” She looks at Nightwing, eyes narrowing in annoyance, “Cause your boss kind of chased off my only one,”
“Sorry about that,” Nightwing rubs the back of his neck, “You know, just random person threatening a civilian and all that,”
“Yeah sure,” She gives him a flat look, “So do you have any leads or not?”
“Follow me,” He turns, leading the way out of the tube, Starling hesitates to face her back to Robin but ultimately follows him out. It’s easy enough to keep pace until they come to a much too high building.
“Yeah, there's no way I can make that,” She looks down at the gap for the street, then the good thirty feet of height the next building over had on them.
“Hold on then,” Nightwing grins at her, holding a hand out, “You alright with this?”
“As long as you don’t let me splat on the road we should get along just fine,” Nightwing gives her a dazzling smile, she still holds on tight as they are pulled up to the roof by the grappling hook.
On the roof, the first person she spots is Batman, which is quite the feat with the bright colors of Red Robin's suit right next to him. Batman just gives her a nod as they land, she raises a brow at that, um, no?
“I’m surprised that wasn't all a plot to get rid of me,” She lets the bitterness into her voice, who throws knives at people before asking what they’re doing?! “What's that on the pavement? Oh not to worry it’s just Starling! Oh, I’m sure Batman had nothing to do with it, look no tacky knives around! That serves more purpose as a collector's item than an actual weapon by the way,”
Batman looks at her with as much shock as the stoic can muster, while Red Robin next to him tries to turn his snort into a cough.
“So you go by Starling then?” he says gruffly and that cannot be his real voice.
“Well I had hoped I said it loud enough the other day for you to catch but I guess your hearing is as bad as your eyesight, how quickly did you lose me in that crowd again?”
“You’re upset,”
“You’re very astute for the, what was it?” She looks at Robin for dramatic effect, “World's greatest detective, was it? Yeah…. Rrrriiiight,”
There must be something going around since both Red Robin and Nightwing seem to be coughing an awful lot, the sound suspiciously close to a laugh.
“So, since you ruined my only lead I hope you have something to make up for it,” She switches back to business before Batman can regain his bearings enough to retaliate.
“We haven't seen any report filed so we were thinking you could give us a description-”
“That's the thing,” Starling cuts Red Robin off, she could tell where this was going and did not have time for it, “How did you even hear about this if no report has been filed? I’m starting to get the feeling you're just doing this just because of me,”
“... well-”
“Worry not then, rest assured I’ll be out of your hair as soon as I fulfill my promise,” She gives a quick bow, and yeah she can see why Chat finds this fun, "Trust me I have no desire to stick around longer than that after this welcome,"
“We can’t just let a meta-human run around my city-”
“First of all,” Was cutting off the Batman a good idea? No, but that wasn't going to stop her? No, “You really can’t do anything to stop me, legally and morally, despite you thinking it’s your city you’re still as much an illegal vigilante as I am, quite frankly you don’t have the authority to kick me out,”
“Second, a meta-human? Yeah not quite, and no I will not clarify,” She stares him down, “If your problem is with me being a meta-human there are a lot more vigilantes than me running around with powers that you let fly, not that is should really matter anyway,”
“Third, you don’t care about this,” well if they didn’t know about the miraculous the didn't, “I know your wheelhouse and petty theft isn’t on your radar, so why don’t you let me do my job in peace and I’ll leave you to yours,”
She looks them all over, sparing a second to take note of their shock, before turning on her heel. It’s then she realizes they are really high up and she has no way to get down. Well, might as well make his meta-human theory harder.
“Hey, they didn’t know anything,” She says, bringing her hand up to her ear, pretending to press a communicator, “Pick me up will you?”
She waits a second so they think she’ll be staying awhile, then jumps off the ledge. She calls on Kaalki quickly, hoping to transform quickly enough they don’t notice her costume change before she disappears into a portal, landing in her hotel room.
“You know I’m starting to think I should stop pissing them off,” Marinette says out loud, dropping the transformation.
“You think? Are you going to transform every time you meet them,” Kaalki scoffs, but is handed a sugar cube before they can complain too much.
“It wasn't the best approach,” Tikki says gently, flying out of her cape.
“I know,” Marinette pulls off her mask, “But the less time I spend around them the better, I just need to find the miraculous quickly before they realize,”
“If they haven't already,” Pollen says solemnly, settling in on the bed.
“Well the best I can hope if they don’t think I know anything and know just as much themselves,” Marinette flops down onto the bed with the Kwamis, “And that they stay out of my way from now on, hopefully, the rest of the trip runs smoothly enough I can keep slipping off to look for the miraculous,”
Her Kwamis accept this, curling close she starts to drift off, before a horrible realisation strikes;
"I'm getting blood on the bed!"
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