#anyway enjoy my unhinged comparisons
mozart-the-meerkitten · 11 months
Alright I just rewatched End of Time so it's the perfect time to inflict this on all of you
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LISTEN. Ever since I watched Night of the Living Pharmacists I have been thinking about how it's just like the time the Master made himself all the people on Earth. I have no idea what to do with this information.
Also apparently the difference between making everyone in the world clones of yourself intentionally vs. unintentionally is that if you do it intentionally they obey you. Oh and they're not zombies.
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ecoterrorist-katara · 4 months
spent a month reading Dra/mione fanfiction because so many people say it’s basically Zutara in a different font and I just??? Disagree??? Like I loved many Dra/mione fics I’ve read but it’s just…not like Zutara?
The enemies-to-lovers dynamics are super different because ATLA already handed us enemies-to-friends on a silver platter. The backstory and motivations of Zuko are extremely well-established whereas every fic has a somewhat different Draco. Katara and Hermione are quite different people too, though I think they’re more similar to each other than Zuko and Draco (and ofc the “under appreciated girl who bails out her friends” role is a big enough part of their arcs that it can override other dissimilarities). And no offence to my beloved ZK, but they’re not the most cerebral couple and they don’t have the “finally my intellectual equal” dynamic that I really like about fanon Dra/mione.
Dra/mione has way more of the romance novel dark fantasy dynamic that Zutara antis like to accuse Zutara of. And to be clear, good for Dramione shippers bc I support the female gaze. I’d actually say that Dra/mione is way more straight female gaze than ZK. With some Dra/mione fics, I get the feeling that I’d enjoy them more if I were more attracted to men. That’s a thought I’ve only rarely had about Zutara fics.
Anyway there are wonderfully talented authors who write for both ships, but I just think the comparison is a bit overblown. Enemies-to-lovers between morally incorrect boy x morally correct girl is a tried and true combination (notice I didn’t say bad boy x good girl, because ironically the biggest commonalities between Draco and Zuko is that they’re squares who want to maintain the status quo and please their dads, while Hermione and Katara are rabblerousers who would do unhinged things to get what they want) but there are many nuances beyond that. And if you’re a Zutara shipper getting into Dra/mione, it’s very possible that you’ll love half of the fics you read and be disproportionately squicked out by the other half (like me!).
I think Dra/mione fics can feature what a lot of antis accuse Zutara of being (oppressor x oppressed, dark and intriguing and toxic and passionate, self-insert wish fulfillment). What I appreciate about Dra/mione shippers, though, is how much they just don’t give a fuck. They like what they like, they don’t feel the need to apologize for liking a fantasy dynamic even if it’s sometimes toxic, and they will use Dra/mione fics to thirst after Draco Malfoy. I can’t really relate to these motivations, but I respect them, you know? Women should do what they want!
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I've dropped most of the panel shows that I got into in 2020, as in the last couple of years I migrated to being more into stand-up and audio stuff, and not that I didn't know before that panel shows were over-produced, but going back to watching panel shows after being into the other ones makes them look so overproduced by comparison that they're harder to enjoy. They're a bit like music that way, there are some albums that I like despite thinking they're a bit over-produced, but I can't enjoy them right after listening to more trad music because it sounds like plastic. If that makes sense.
Anyway, I'm still doing Catsdown and WILTY because those were my favourites from the beginning (besides Taskmaster, obviously, but that doesn't count because Taskmaster isn't a panel show, it's a sport), and I do still enjoy them, as much as Jimmy Carr has gone from "a bit annoying but he can be fun sometimes, it's all in good fun" to "I can't stand the sight of this guy but will try to ignore that to enjoy the rest of the show". Oh, and I did watch Big Fat Quiz this year, because it's become a tradition to watch it with my parents between Christmas and New Year, but it was pretty bad, I probably wouldn't have watched it on my own.
Having said that, I'm a few episodes into the new Catsdown episode and I have to admit this one is pretty good (I say "have to admit" because I think they should have ended it when Sean Lock died, it's been going too long and has lost all the heart and excitement it once had with the Sean/Jon dynamic), the format and a few good guests can carry any episode into being pretty good light entertainment.
Jamali Maddix pre-empting all of Jimmy Carr's terrible punchlines is funny. Sarah Millican's always so quick on shows like these. Rob Beckett had me saying "Yes, you're right, relatable comedy!" when he complained about how horrible and stressful moving is, until he complained about how annoying it is to work with professional movers, and I said "We are in different income brackets therefore have different experiences of the moving process". And Joe Wilkinson has an absolutely bottomless well of endlessly unhinged and funny stories. Though as usual, his presence as a panelist does bother me about the continuity of the show, because I can't tell whether within the Catsdown canon he's meant to be the same guy as the one who used to work there but got fired and kept turning up anyway to do weird stunts.
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toothybat · 1 year
I had a dream about Batman and the Joker was there. And he— my brain came up with this design for him which I’d never thought of before but now I love. And idk how to describe it. Because most of the change was in the personality, and god, it was weird but amazing?
Bruce Wayne was in Bruce Wayne form, and, Joker was threatening him. And he said something like “what’re you gonna do? Beat me up, Mr. Wayne?” And Bruce punched him in the face and head a truly obscene amount of times. Grabbed that dude by his collar and fed him way too many knuckle sandwiches. Bruce was unhinged.
And the way Joker reacted was... he looked, so human? He was giggling and laughing kind of shyly, like someone trying to save face while being humiliated. Like he was uncomfortable. But at the same time it was like he was owning his discomfort and turning it into something he had control over by enjoying the pain. So it was as if I was watching not a monster who is immune to pain, but a human, a person choosing to take that pain and transmute the violation to his body into something he wanted and intended.
Like, “if I’m gonna get punched, then I’m gonna laugh because at least that way I have some agency over what’s happening to me and I can show you that you may break me with your fists but you can’t break me.” And after Bruce finally stops, which was what felt like 10 minutes but was actually more like 15-20 seconds. Joker looks at Bruce all doe-eyed and in awe, and says, “I love you.” And Bruce hates it so much, but he can’t do anything, because he already punched the heck out of Joker and it didn’t work— and that’s the whole point. Joker was taller than Batman, and gangly, and kind of awkward in his own body because his limbs were just all over the place. He seemed to lack social ability in the sense that his giggles wouldn’t flow with the mood or rhythm of what was happening. They would be jarring because they would interrupt things. It would make everything around him awkward. It was like the world just wouldn’t accommodate a person like him, but he existed anyway. Like, Joker in the comics and in everything seems to have this power and confidence to him that is utterly innate to him. But this one in my dream was like— it was like he was fighting for every scrap of it. It was awesome.
His laugh, it wasn’t loud and commanding. It wasn’t even creepy. It was just awkward and... how do I even describe it? I remember thinking in my dream, “wow, no wonder his laugh is so iconic that it came to be feared. Not because it’s a scary laugh by itself, but because there’s no way you could hear it and miss that it’s Joker.” It was sort of like he was laughing without his own permission. Like a person trying not to laugh at a funeral. But not in the Arthur Fleck way at all. Just awkward.
He was like if you put SpongeBob in Hannibal Lecter’s universe. No wonder he didn’t feel like anyone else was real when he feels so unreal in comparison to everything else.
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goombasa · 22 days
I Played the Funny Pizza Game
Yes, I played Pizza Tower well after it had come out and am just talking about it now. No, I don't think that matters. Not everyone can play every new game as soon as it comes out and I rather enjoy the fact that I'm able to take my time with a game and really absorb all it has to offer. And of course, even though the game is only twenty dollars, I have very limited disposable income, so I had to wait until I could actually be sure I could afford to drop the money on what is essentially a luxury purchase.
Anyway, rant over, let's talk about the funny pizza game.
It's good. It's really, really good. Right from the get-go, the scratchy, intentionally wonky and imperfect character designs and animation gives it a look and feel very reminiscent of 90's era cartoons, particularly more surreal and outlandish cartoons. Most have compared it to Ren and Stimpy, which is a pretty good comparison, but I get more Cow and Chicken vibes myself. The animation itself is absolutely unhinged, not only for how ridiculous it is, but just how much of it there is. There are so many little details, so many subtle behaviors that change based on the situation, and an impressive number of variations on basic actions, like your basic attack after grabbing an enemy. While Peppino, as the main character, gets the lion's share of the attention, and the Noise got a similar amount once he was made playable, secondary characters are still animated beautifully, especially the boss characters. Even the minor enemies in each level have an impressive amount of expression to go with their more limited moveset.
The environments are also just amazing. They feel cluttered but readable, if that makes sense. Every level has its own unique feeling aesthetic that is cram packed with details all over, but not so much that it devolves into white noise It's still enough that my first time through each level, I didn't end up getting many of the secrets because discerning where in the walls some of them are hidden was actually pretty tough for me with all the other details around them, though there are particular markings that make it a bit more obvious. And the design of the levels themselves is brilliant because of just how easily all of them flow. Even levels that I didn't particularly enjoy (of which there were only a few), the flow state I was able to get into was just euphoric, but even then, the game makes it clear where you can improve, and it feels so, so good to improve in this game. Despite its more caustic sense of humor, the game is actually really good at teaching you how you can do something better and really helps to break bad habits fast.
Everything about this game is top tier, and love and care was put into every facet of it, especially into the soundtrack. It's just as varied as the levels that you visit, and I don't think there's a single dud in the entire soundtrack, especially the most well known tune, “It's Pizza Time”. First time I heard it, my whole body was vibing with it, and it is a totally different experience when you hear it in context as well. When you're playing the runback of a stage, the timer ticking down towards your inevitable demise, it's a beautiful balance between a masterful flow state and a nail-biting anxiety soup as you simultaneously slam through every enemy in your path and then panic because you forget how ladders work for a while.
Pizza Tower is a triumph of a game, great for all skill levels and with plenty of stuff to do. A casual playthrough can feel a bit on the short side, but that's only a small portion of what the game has to offer There are the secrets to find, the Jerome doors to unlock, and of course going for the elusive S and P ranks for every stage and boss. And there's still new stuff that's being made for it too. With an entire second campaign with the Noise as a playable character, and a couple of special, extra levels to unlock, I'm very eager to see what Tour de Pizza is up to next, and I highly recommend that anyone interested in a fast, frenetic platformer where you can learn and improve at your own pace, and have a few really good laughs at the same time.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Hey bestie!! So I was lurking in the Reddit (which tbh, has been improving massively…I actually saw one of the people who was nasty to me in the past terminated their account which was comforting lol but anyways)
I saw someone post about how they see similarities between Mr. Darcy and Azriel and I was like…..where? 😭
Darcy is socially awkward and aloof…Azriel is socially intelligent and calculated. Like am I tripping? What are the similarities? Besides, I suppose, the surface-level one that they’re both quiet—but their motives for being so are sooooo different. 🙈
And before you ask, yes, they do sail that way 😂
Hello my dear friend!!! ❤️
Isn't it nice to enjoy your online experience without being worried about being attacked by certain people in the fandom? Even though those interactions shouldn't matter, they can cause a very negative physical reaction (stress, anxiety, etc.). At least they have for me in the past.
I guess if you want get technical, Az and Mr. Darcy are both a bit arrogant at times.
But you know what? So is Rhys. So is Cassian. So is pretty much every single fae male in SJMs books. And the ways Az is arrogant versus Darcy are not remotely comparable.
Yes, Mr. Darcy is withdrawn and aloof because of struggling in certain social situations as Az can be but like you said, they are that way for very different reasons. And around his friends, it seems Mr. Darcy is forthcoming with his thoughts and emotions (given that he at first expressed his concerns to Mr. Bingley about Jane's affections towards him and later when he corrected his error). We're told by Rhys and Cassian than Azriel is closed off even with them. Az is also full of rage whereas Mr. Darcy is not.
And honestly? I think Az is calculating but I don't find him emotionally intelligent or logically intelligent at times (or even well read). He's a bit of a loose canon and I think when you're somewhat unhinged in your approach to things, it comes across as not thinking things through.
Az has prejudices against the Illyrians and Darcy had a certain opinion on those he considered "inferior" but I don't know that was so much a prejudice as being due to the fact that there were very defined classes and social statuses during that time and those of wealth normally traveled within certain circles. Which sounds a lot more like Lucien in book 1 when he had a similar mindset regarding the fae and humans (credit to SJM for addressing Lucien's past opinion of humans by having him develop a friendship with two humans (three if you count Feyre) and living in the human land for a spell. Which is sort of like Darcy correcting his mistake with Mr. Bingley and Jane, acknowledging that he misjudged the scenario and making amends).
Az may know how to behave in social settings because he's observed it and is playing the part but it doesn't read as completely sincere to me versus Mr. Darcy who is a consummate gentlemen by nature (exactly as Lucien comes across).
I get that E/riels want their pairing to be comparable to Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy but I don't see how anyone could reasonably make them more fitting of that comparison than Elucien would be. Yes, Lucien is better in social situations than Mr. Darcy but beyond that he embodies P & P. Looking over the books you see where he incorrectly judged the humans, where he acknowledged his mistakes, where he's living his life in a way that shows he's made amends. He's well spoken, well dressed, holds in his emotions even when angered as there's a proper way of handling things (and not hiding intense rage behind a façade the way Az does). He respects formality and not because he thinks it's important to others.
Anywho.....what you said 😂
I hope you're having a good week so far!!! It's nice getting a message from you ❤️
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eldritchamy · 2 years
The Old Guard vs Atomic Blonde, discuss
So first off, I enjoy the fact that you are clearly fishing for an unhinged Amy rant, and that's cool of you
Second, why would you say vs, they're obviously kissing on the mouth in the back of an abandoned building. WITH tongue.
I will also note that there's no convincing evidence that Lorraine Broughton CAN'T be an alias of Andy's. Just because Atomic Blonde didn't SHOW any supernatural elements doesn't mean they can't exist in the world.
Although I guess her injuries would have healed a lot faster if she was actually Andromache of Scythia in the Cold War. And Andy would never work for the same person for that long.
Anyway. Both excellent movies.
Now here's the rant you (didn't) asked for.
I actually saw Atomic Blonde in theaters (god remember GOING PLACES?) and I am not above admitting that I watched it ENTIRELY for the fact that Charlize Theron was going to kiss Sofia Boutella in it. And under normal circumstances, I'm not really a huge fan of extremely violent movies? They just don't do much for me. But Atomic Blonde is a PHENOMENAL work in cinematography and lighting and choreography. For as bleak and dreary as the setting of Cold War era Berlin is, they breathed INCREDIBLE life into the scenery with the lighting, especially the nightclub with Bisexual Lighting. And the fight choreography is probably the best I've ever seen. It was UNBELIEVABLY well made and despite not normally going for the genre, I ended up loving it because of how fucking GOOD it was. Disappointing but unsurprising what happens to one of the characters, but that's pretty much my only complaint. The characters actually got HURT during fights in ways that affected their fighting as the scenes went on (especially that huge sequence in the middle with the stairwell fight while Lorraine is protecting Spyglass).
Fantastic movie. The pinnacle of its genre.
And way better than John Wick. Yeah I said it.
(I actually saw the John Wick movies AFTER seeing Atomic Blonde and while I can see why the comparison is made, Atomic Blonde is simply much better in terms of writing, fight choreography, and general story. John Wick is Male Power Fantasy Mary Sue in a way that's a little uninspired. They're fine movies, but they don't have the same magic to them that makes Atomic Blonde so fucking good.)
Anyway, came for homoerotic asskicking Charlize Theron, stayed for the fantastically shot highly compelling and well written Cold War spy vs spy drama.
I double checked on wiki where it was (I couldn't remember if it was East Germany or West Germany) and am DELIGHTED to learn that a sequel is "in development."
Now. The Old Guard.
This movie is my shit.
I ALSO went into The Old Guard with the knowledge that Charlize Theron was playing an ass-kicking homoerotic milf in it and can I just say, on behalf of lesbianism, I'm so thankful she's living her best life with this current era of her career where basically all of her characters kick ass and are a little bit gay.
Thank you Charlize.
If for some reason you haven't seen this movie yet, let me give you the pitch: a small, tight-knit group of mercenaries do the jobs no one else can do because they're THAT good.
Then they break their cardinal rule: never work for the same employer twice.
On the job they're ambushed and killed. With a LOT of bullets. Then we watch the bullets slowly fall out of their bodies as their wounds close up, the life comes back into their eyes, and they stand up and kill the everloving shit out of the people who ambushed them. Andy (Charlize) realizes this was a setup, and their secret (that they're a group of immortals who complete the hard jobs because they literally can't be killed) was caught on video by the CIA agent who hired them. Andy is the oldest member of the group (by a LOT) and the de-facto leader, and she decides they're done trying to help people because nothing they've done has made the world better.
While stowing away in a shipping train, they all have the same dream of a soldier in the Middle East having her throat slit and waking up in a military hospital later. A new immortal just woke up from her first death. And now they have to find her.
Meanwhile, information about their inability to die is now in the hands of the pharmaceutical (specifically anti-aging) industry.
Andy is later revealed to have been the first immortal to "wake up," and was alone for a long time before she met the second, a woman she was in love with for centuries until she was trapped in an inescapable prison and tossed into the ocean to die over and over until her immortality runs out.
There's more good fight choreography in this one (I suspect because Charlize Theron is just really good at fight choreography and stage combat, which everyone who's worked with her in the last few years has noted, she loves it and works really hard at it and all of her fight directors are impressed).
Here's the thing about Andromache of Scythia.
She's a MONSTER in a fight. She can tear through rooms full of better armed and better armored special ops. She's a thousands of years old immortal warrior who doesn't tell the whole story, just enough to get you to do what she wants you to do. Her deadly efficiency in close quarter combat is terrifying. And all she wants is to make the world better.
This is like sticking probes into my brain to find the exact set of traits that make the dopamine happen.
My dnd character has a story NPC who is a LOT like Andy: a disguised fallen angel who used to serve a god of time and destiny, who can feel the ripples that big events leave on the fabric of time before they happen (Carl's explanation of "temporal displacement" creating a disturbance in time measurable before an event in Terminator Dark Fate is a pretty good reference point for how she works). She now she works as a spy to help get the right pieces in place for the best possible outcome wherever those ripples lead forward to.
And she was also just revealed to be my character's step mom.
She's 3,392 years old and in addition to being innately a CR 12 creature (a homebrewed cross between a Deva and an Erinyes), she has 18 class levels that make her a TERRIFYING close quarters fighter with enough levels in Horizon Walker Ranger to get an ability very similar to Lilith's combat teleport from Warrior Nun season 2. The ability is essentially you can teleport up to 10 feet to an unoccupied space before EACH ATTACK YOU MAKE, which is CRAZY for CQC on a build that also has levels in Monk and Rogue (i.e. Stunning Strike and Sneak Attack). Also being literally a divine creature, she has stats that a player character couldn't, including DEX and WIS of 25. With Monk's Unarmored Defense, her BASE armor class is 24. That's one point lower than a Tarrasque. And that's without ANY bonus from items like Bracers of Defense. She's the definition of deadly efficiency. She has a degree of second sight, a passive Insight of 29 (WIS bonus of +7 and Expertise for Proficiency 6+6), True Sight (can see invisibility and, in One DND rules, shapeshifters' true form), can teleport multiple times during her turn (innate 3 attacks per action as a modified Erinyes, not counting Flurry of Blows), and has a 90 foot fly speed, immunity to fire and poison, resistance to nonmagical BPS damage, immunity to Charm, Fear, Poisoned, advantage on magic saves, immunity to instant death effects (like Power Word Kill), and more. She's an INSANE super fighter with over three millennia of experience protecting the planes against powerful threats.
She's my favorite NPC and I love her so much she's SUCH an interesting character and Andy reminds me of her a little bit.
Anyway in addition to Andy being canonically in love with another woman, two of the other immortals are men who met on a battlefield and killed each other (repeatedly) before falling in love. So there's VERY canon gay in The Old Guard, as a movie about ancient immortal people should have.
Please watch The Old Guard I can't wait for the sequel.
That went a bit off topic.
Both movies are excellent. I think I liked The Old Guard better because it hits that sweet spot for me of "this has a compelling magic/supernatural element to it" which I really like in my media (and is so hard to find GOOD, quality examples of). Plus Andy reminds me of one of my OCs. It's got a character with similar vibes to one of my favorite characters I'VE made for ME to enjoy. I can't argue with that.
It checks more of my boxes than Atomic Blonde, but I ABSOLUTELY respect Atomic Blonde for what it is. AB has better cinematography and some STUNNING combat sequences, very likely the best I've ever seen (although Warrior Nun season 2 also had some REALLY good fight scenes with some editing that actually FELT like it was influenced by AB), but TOG also has really good action scenes and edges out AB in terms of the plot for me. The plot of AB is very good and well done, but the fantasy element of TOG is just right in my sweet spot. They found my media clitoris and I have to give it the win for that. It gives me a g spot mediagasm.
I hope this is the post you wanted because it's the post you got.
Bon appetit.
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coreytravelogue · 6 months
Georgia Strait, BC - March 28, 2024
I would love to or have preferred to be going somewhere other than Victoria this extra long weekend but Victoria was the choice. Not because I dislike Victoria, anyone who knows me knows I love Victoria with all my heart. It is just that it is not exciting or exotic enough for the 4 days off.
Last year I went to Toronto which was packed with adventure and exploration, the year before was Edmonton which is not exactly a new place but during the pandemic it seemed like a safe trip. Year before that if I remember was Victoria as well but that was deeper in the pandemic.
There are multiple reasons why I am choosing this safe trip versus other places.
First and most importantly it is because of cost. Whitehorse, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Fort McMurray were all too expensive or too pricey for not having much to do.
Edmonton would have been a close choice but I decided not to because sure I could flight “cheap” the hotel would not have been plus the only reason I would go would be to see my friend and cousin but cousin would be maybe one evening and I do not know if I could have a day with my friend much less a morning. A lot to hope to travel all the way over there just to go to the water park otherwise. Winnipeg was the next closest but few things to Jayne hat not counting not much I feel one could do in April outside of a Jets game. Every other option just didn’t seem worth it for the large price tag.
For the price of one night and a half’s hotel I can stay for 3 nights at Ocean Island Inn, ferry ride is 42 bucks round trip which is infinitely lower than the airfare.
Victoria has no water park and probably won’t have any hockey games being played this weekend but it will have John’s Place and The Drake which I always enjoy. It will have record shops I like to frequent, a chill atmosphere and an arcade. It also has a friend and her family around her birthday so I would at least have company if they chose to have me.
So it is an easy trip to have, I just need to hope on a ferry and head down.
Also I think I need a weekend where I am simply not in a hurry or need to explore though there are parts of Victoria I can easily explore if I wanted to. I need a weekend to mentally recharge from the last few months of work shit that will probably only escalate when I get back.
I am coming into this trip with only three objectives; write something, treat myself and relax. And if there is one place in the world I am assured to have that it would be Victoria.
I have to be cost effective anyway if I want to to budget properly for Japan.
There is just so much uncertainty in my life right now but then you can say that about the world right now but thinking about it when is there uncertainty. We never know if we were on solid ground till it is gone. I came to realize that lately when thinking of my last workplace. I felt so stressed and unhinged back then but in comparison to now I feel that those were the more stable days.
It is more with the future of work for me and future of what is next if certain things don’t happen. With my 40s looming and failing to travel during that last half of my 30s makes me want to do another drop everything trip more and more though it would be far more risky now. It can’t be blamed, COVID-19 killed fun for everyone for many years but with it it made everything more dangerous and unaffordable.
I am not happy with how things are going and I feel like I am back in the same rut I was in 10 years ago despite all my attempts to change the script. I did nearly everything right and I feel like I am still fucking up. I guess that reminds me of a scene in Star Trek TNG where Picard said you could do everything right and still get it wrong, that is life.
Can only hope to have more clarity and assurance in May, if not I will have to force it into my life in a drastic way.
This long weekend I will start each day with a damn good breakfast, theatres during the afternoon, arcades in the evening and The Drake during the night writing. Rinse repeat or interchange with being around my friend and her family or other cheap things. Anything but work or thinking about work at all costs. That is the mission.
Shazbot nanu nanu
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buffyannesummrs · 4 years
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer, “Lover’s Walk” // Supernatural 
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loversdelusions · 3 years
How would yandere Deku(different versions like pro hero, villain, villain waifu, vigilante and stuff) react to the reader saying that she’s never been to a dance or a prom before and she’s love to go for one? She just never had the chance like me *sigh* Unfortunately I can only day dream about proms and stuff like that since my school doesn’t organize things like that L
Me too dear anon. We both may daydream of beautiful green-haired freckled bastards twirling us in his arms.
Pro Hero Deku would watch your reaction. If you were upset about this, he'd definitely be more gentle, but it really depends on you. He doesn't really get it, but he'd try to be understanding, really. If you were upset, he'd ask you to go out, maybe go dancing, to substitute the aura of a prom. Especially if you were dying to wear a big prom dress, there is so much you could do to compensate because being a pro hero has its quirks.
He'd take you to parties in ballrooms and gowns and fuck you really needed to help him dress because he's not used to being formal, and his fashion sense is.... questionable (at best).
So really, don't worry about it. Parties with dresses and friends and music are all something you'll get to live through it all, but now with alcohol.
Villain Deku is the person I see doing the most, you hear the sentence, 'the villains would burn the world for you.' ? Yeah, that's the epitome of what he was. As long as he's truly fallen for you. Because Villain Izuku cares. A lot.
So he might not have hero friends that he feels okay inviting (I doubt Bakugou would rush to the scene), but he would definitely take you to a dilapidated, abandoned building and push the speakers to work, allowing the songs to echo from the walls. He'd stress you to wear a ballgown as extravagant as possible and would die to have your first dance.
He'd pull you in to dance, and he'd give you that goofy smile, and ask you softly if this is what you hoped for if a dance with your soulmate in a ballroom alone -so that no matter what, both of you will only see each other- was truly what you'd imagined.
"Izuku, you know I'll only see you anyways," Your smile was flirtatious, and he would lean in to kiss you. You couldn't tear the grin off his face if you'd wanted, because the more you proved to him he could trust you, the more he fell in love with you, the more maniacal his smile becomes, the more extravagant his actions for you become and the more he unhinged he became, because he knew you'd never leave, because you loved him! And he loved you!
So dance, laugh and enjoy your time because any words of love that comes from you are amplified in his brain. It's amplified beyond comparison. You won't even realise how deep into obsession he's become until someone burns for looking at you funny.
that moment isn't just for you, oh it means the world to him.
Yandere Deku knows you haven't had a prom, please he knows every little thing, you cannot hide anything from him. So be sure he noted your lack of socializing. Though I don't believe he'd do much about it. He's much too concerned about you adjusting well to your new life. If you'd insisted, mentioning it offhandedly or something, he'll cave and take you to one of the parties full of heroes, warning you though to be fucking careful with what you say.
Don't try anything in terms of escape, because while he will drag you across the room to accompany him while he socializes, and he'll definitely introduce you as his fianceé, he'll even joke about you wanting to run away as some sort of inside joke. So believe it that no one will believe you except one man, who will have almost zero chance of appearing anyway. It's almost like Deku orchestrated it to be this way.
Either way, Kacchan isn't here, and you aren't getting away.
Try something, and you'll never be able to see the sun again- He'll be sure of that. If you're good, you'll be able to go out more often, but you'll definitely be rewarded when you get home.
Villain Waifu Deku is different because he's more excited to have fun with you, and all of his friends rather than make you happy with him. He wants to have an explosive type of goddamn party fun. So unstable there is a chance three of you will be found outside blacked out to shit. It's not about ballrooms and dances but it's about speakers that burst the walls and getting high and drunk with your friends.
Ummm so he might say some weird shit, you won't understand, maybe you'll be confused because he's calling missing people dead, or some weird things you've never thought he'd even now. You didn't think he was so involved still with hero business. You knew he still enjoyed looking through hero news, but you'd never really thought he kept such a close eye on the news.
The next day it'll be tough to clean up, the house and the bullshit that spilt from his lips last night, though he's paranoid and grown sloppy from the lack of consequence, he's only in luck that no one fucking noticed. I guess people being drunk kinda saves you from your own drunk high truth serum phase.
It's always a relief when luck is on his side. Though he still had fun with you though. Taking you to dance with him, laughing and kissing and touching like you did when you were younger, really made him fall for you even harder. How could he forget how amazing you were? Perhaps you'd been too tired lately, now that you'd been resting, now that you were laughing, and having fun, he wanted to cry in happiness.
He wanted you to be happy because he was.
A party is a party, drinking is just drinking, But your fucking laugh? It made him crumble to his knees.
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boypussydilf · 2 years
Immediately throws akechi and sumi at your for the relationship game.give me them
oh my god its them! im completely normal about them!
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
there’s um. not. a whole lot. they sure are people who know each other <3 i would love to see a compilation of Top 10 Times Akechi And Sumire Briefly Greeted Each Other In Passing And Did Not Have A Conversation. that would be so boring. that’s also like, most of their relationship, just the part that happens offscreen. there’s not necessarily A Ton to them in third sem either but They Are There! there is the part where atlus tries to say akechi just straight up Doesn’t Care about her and it’s. that’s misleading phrasing at best. there isn’t serious evidence that akechi has any kind of special affection for sumi, and it’s exacerbated by akira being there for comparison and akechi, like, has a lot of feelings about akira and akira is on the very small list of people akechi is remotely comfortable displaying feelings about even if just the “i want to hitting you over the head with a hammer” and “*experiencing jealousy + admiration + gay* this also is wanting to hitting you over the head with a hammer” feelings but like,. anyway. Akechi cares about sumi even if in canon it’s just the amount of caring you do about someone you’ve Kind Of Spent A Little Time With But Not Much.
Anyway in all that rambling my brain put together what their actual canon relationship is. God, it’s beautiful and incredible isn’t it. Sumi is sort of acquainted with this polite guy who goes on TV sometimes and Akechi is kind of acquainted with this polite girl whose dad works at the TV station and then one day sumi suddenly finds out that akechi is winning international Most Unhinged Ways To Scream While Killing Things awards and akechi suddenly finds out that sumi has been impersonating her dead sister for most of a year because she couldn’t bear being herself. And then they go beat things up together
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
To me they are that one shadow & cream(?) comic. To me they are the “if anyone makes fun of you for saying golly you will kill them” “yes boss!”. And so much more… oh god ive done a lot of talking, im getting tired, but its ok. i can make it.
They’re great because like. Sumi does her best to be Relentlessly Cheerful and subsequently is kind of immune to Akechi Being Mean. I think she would be good for him. She’s like “wow this guy is insane!” but also kinda admires & looks up to him the way she does with all the thieves and like… he’s stuck with her. He has no real reason or basis to project Ulterior Motives onto her, she doesn’t feel the urge to like, try to Fix Him or something, they can just. Exist. With her following him around and being sweet and nice and Sumire and he has to deal with it now. It helps, in a way, that while that one post was kind of off the mark calling akira “just some guy” it was spot on calling akechi and sumi The Two Most Mentally Ill People In The World. Sumi is nice & tries to be positive but she’s also. You Know. “They can hang out and be depressed together” is not remotely the correct way to phrase it, but, like… It’s that they’re not necessarily uniquely suited as people to understand each other, kind of the whole point of akechi is all the thieves can relate to him and his situation in a way, and obviously no one is exactly in a position like sumire but there r other thieves who could understand well where she’s coming from…. but like… They’re in maybe the best jumping off point to GET to, We Can Understand Each Other. Like actively making that a part of… not exactly their conversations but…. you know. Being aware of that and being intentional about it.
Ummm what else. I guess if I think of anything else before I post this I can add it. Oh yeah and I also think abt that one fic where marukis palace has a section that’s clearly trying to set akira & sumi up but akechi does it with her instead and they both use their Powers Of Deliberate Politeness and its just, like. Sweet and special to me.
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
*leaning really close into the microphone* i think goro akechi should have friends.
I just think everything about them is neat. The funny silly potential. The serious dramatic potential. The both of them having friends,
akechi and sumi hanging out really IS something that can be so funny silly <3 like for one thing their official canon dynamic of kind of knowing someone who seems normal and u spend any real time with them and suddenly it’s Oh! What the fuck! its awesome. and also sumire the sweetie darling that she is intentionally being nice to him and being his friend and spending time with him and akechi begrudgingly going along with it sometimes because he wants to protect it wants to see it grow up healthy but just will not admit it because goro akechi is, and i do not say this lightly, i believe no one should say this lightly, i say it only after majoring for the past year in akechi studies, a tsundere. i also think about the specific Sibling Angle a lot. i adore the concept of cringefail brother akechi so much. akechi sits up straight at 3am while reading reddit threads about himself instead of sleeping and realizes with horror that he has become A Brother and then goes into a panic for the rest of the week. how is he supposed to BE a brother? what do brothers DO? is there an inconspicuous way to take notes while akira and futaba are interacting? It does not occur to him that if he has already become a brother he must be doing OK at it.
That may or may not have gotten off track depending on how you look at it. The point is i like them because their whole relationship can be SO fucking funny.
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
GOD… GOD… Sumi is technically not the ONLY person remotely in his age range akechi knows that he hasn’t also tried to kill, because, like, he goes to school, but. “Akechi makes friends with his classmates” yeah that’s not gonna happen. no way. there’s 500 different reasons that would never happen. So like. Sumi. This is the most important part. the Lack Of Baggage. they did not have very many interactions, in their lives, before third sem at all, and none of those interactions involve trying to kill each other. there’s sort of the sumi in january trying to kill him a little bit thing, but, that’s not much. that can be pushed aside. akechi has someone who has not interacted with Detective Prince akechi much, and also, again, has not been the recipient of attempted murder, so she can just, like, know him, if he’ll let her.
now SUMI on the other hand has had her traumatic backstory put on blast in front of all of the phantom thieves and especially akira and akechi but i dont remember if she, has anything to say about that at all in canon, and she probably would have Thoughts about that but my brain has not quite made a Full Sumire Dissertation as of yet so i dont have the specific thoughts on hand and besides thats a little off topic.
I think a lot about the Akechi side of AkeSumi Friendship. I kind of think about the sumi part a little less. off the top of my head i dont have much on her part of it and what she thinks of him besides mostly, like, she looks up to him a little bit the same way she kinda does with all the thieves. Although i think there’s a lot of Mystery to unravel for her. She doesn’t know much about Akechis Life, i think, and doesn’t necessarily want to learn about that, or try to DIY Therapy him, or anything else like that, but, like. She does know that there is some kind of Major History between akechi & the phantom thieves, and she only knows the vaguest, sweeping version of the details. she just wants to know what the fuck Happened and why he’s being like that and why everyone’s like that… i guess thats all i have to say on that!
favorite interaction they have in canon
one: the Ruthless Sort Of Person convo. two:
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that’s it that’s all they are. “don’t be fucking USELESS to us” “okie dokie :D! see you tomorrow!!! <3”
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
We have had so many conversations about them how am I supposed to pick through the World Heritage Posts Of My Brain.
I still think abt the dumb scenario I made up of sumi joining the thieves for shidos palace and they put together a plan to try to gaslight akechi into thinking she was always there and he’s so fucking thrown the akechi boss fight doesn’t even happen because he’s just going What the fuck is this. Also sumi + akechi in strikers. Both “actually in strikers” version and “strikers sequel where they yell at akira for going on a road trip without them and then drag him off” version.
I think with the inevitable influence of akira & futaba sumire can eventually join the “texting akechi stupid memes” club. She tries to rickroll him. I don’t know what he’d do about that honestly. There’s too many potential funny reactions. “Great prank, Yoshizawa-san.” “thank you!!! oh do you want to see the picture i took of a great dress i saw the other day” and she sends an attachment and its another rickroll but she also sends an actual picture of a cool dress too.
Ok. Guess thats all. For now. Took me like an hour. The royal DUO is something that can actually be so personal.
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ncitygirls · 3 years
dance - jeno x f reader
fluff, smut, 2.1k
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jeno knows it’s bad, but he can’t help but reminisce on how this all began. he likes to torture himself by reliving the first night over and over. it always starts with the drunken taunts from his teammates, sullied further by his dismissal. ‘no way,’ he’d said. ‘i can’t go there.’ he remembers seeing your roommates hyping you up, followed closely by your misguided steps. even after his earlier reluctance, he still regrets not beating you to the jump, his friends’ clearing their throats, trying to act natural as you approached their booth.
he hated the setting: a grotty sports bar a town over from his college campus. it sold stale, cheap beer, triple vodka sours and served well past three am. this may not sound like the typical start to a love story, but it was a start all the same.
‘do you wanna dance?’ you asked in a painfully small voice, your emboldened strut paling in complete contrast to your timid yet gleaming gaze. jeno still can’t say where he found the courage to agree, but agree he did, nodding behind his beer before following you up to the sticky floor. somewhere along the way you had taken his hand in yours, in fear of losing him in the sea of sweaty bodies. in the musty wave of noughties hits with tacky modern spins, jeno managed to lose himself anyway. he hadn’t a clue where to put his hands, his eyes searching yours as you giggled up at him, cooing at his bewilderment.
so you led. placing his hand on your exposed waist, your top riding up as it hugged the skin beneath your rib. he felt you shiver under his touch, his fingers clenching minutely at the feeling. ‘is this okay?’ he’d yelled, though it came through as more of a whisper under the music. you didn’t respond, instead reaching for his other hand, squeezing it over the denim on your hip. jeno was spinning. not from dancing, and not from the amount he’d drank. he knew it wasn’t down to that, nor the dizzying motion of the lights, the thickness of the air or the pounding of the music. jeno knew it was you. your chest pressed flush to his, your eyes boring into his. he didn’t know when you’d started swaying, his body leaning, moving in time with the music and the others on the floor. he could hear the songs changing, feel the bass beneath his feet. there wasn’t much he could do but enjoy it.
much like he still does. as he drags you close to him, the rosie organza pleated around your chest pressed right up to his satin lapel. his confidence then pales in comparison to now. it only took a few months to see the change, one you nurtured in all the ways a man like jeno needed. in soft assurances and gentle praise. in delicate touches and the softest embraces. in ardent exchanges and steamy quickies.
but the trouble began this past winter. well, technically well before. as a child, jeno had spent his summers visiting his cousin jaemin in his hometown from before he could remember. there the two had fortified a friendship, a real brotherhood that jeno never would have gotten to experience without being cast away to the country every solstice. it was there he met his cousin’s neighbour, mark lee. mark lee, a kind kid with wide eyes and a wider smile, was the kind of kid everyone looked up to. he embodied what jeno typically thought to be an older brother. and he was. to his step sister and cousins, to kids in his neighbourhood, to jeno’s cousin jaemin and eventually to jeno. it’s why, this christmas just gone, when mark had approached jeno, with giddy eyes and a giddier smile, to ask him to be one of his groomsmen - not just due to the refusal of a painfully introverted jaemin - but because of a genuine brotherhood formed between the two, jeno’s big hearted self could not refuse.. bringing us back to where the trouble began.
‘so, are you bringing her to the wedding?’ mark questioned suddenly, his arm pushing through the sleeve of his tux. ‘you definitely shou- it’s a bit tight at the elbow, can you see?’
jeno still curses jaemin for opting out of being a groomsman, leaving jeno to deal with the trivialities of wedding prep. not that he has a real problem with it all. it’s just a fitting, he thought as he walked in, his eyes landing on the black silk hanging off the changing room door. it wasn’t until he realised it was just he and mark - the rest of the groomsmen opting to come on a later date - that he was regretting the decision. because even though no one would admit it to his face, mark was a bit of a groomzilla. less for the usual reasons. he wasn’t rude, short or angered by little inconveniences. he was just a man of superstition, faith, and insurmountable dubiety. he wanted everything to be perfect. he wanted to do as much of his part as he could for his wedding day. jeno thinks his fiancée had been right to leave him the task of the guest list. mark easily knew more people, so was naturally inundated with acquaintances. it was a great idea, jeno thought.. until mark kept- on- pushing- ‘i’ll even relieve you of your duties early, let you go off with her-’
‘thanks man,’ the younger tried, watching the tailor pinch the jacket at his waist. ‘but really, i don’t think i will. i’ll just bring my mom or something.’
‘your mom’s already invited man, you know that.’ jeno huffed at that. of course she is. mark did take his duties seriously after all. ‘couldn’t have her going off on me like jaemin did-’
‘are you comparing my mom to jaemin?’
‘i’m just saying-’ mark paused to thank the attendant, slipping back out of his jacket as he walked up to jeno, squeezing his shoulder. ‘you’ve got nothing to be nervous about, jen. you’re like a brother to me. you should bring her, i’d love to meet her.’
jeno flinches just thinking about it, his spine straightening as mark turned to him fully. jeno manages a shrug, turning back to the mirror just for a second before deciding that, no. no, it wouldn’t be a good idea to introduce his girl to his best friend on his wedding day.
because the issue wasn’t that he wouldn’t invite you.
‘you met her at college, right?’
the issue was that he couldn’t.
‘maybe y/n knows her?’
the issue is that you’re already going.
‘you know what my sister’s like, she gets on with everyone.’
“jen?” you pant, his name falling off your tongue as he bounces you quickly in his lap. “come back to me.” he smiles at your sweet call, your teeth catching his lip between them before slipping your tongue into his mouth.
the ceremony starts in ten minutes, though guests are still pouring into the church. it’s what actually convinced him. that and you, your manicured hand stuffing your damp panties into the pocket of his fitted tux. it had been his undoing, your sweeping frame gliding into a small side door a few feet from the altar.
the clock is ticking but you pay it no mind, your hips halting their rise and fall as you dig your heels into the masoned floor, grinding your hips back and forth as you ride him. you feel his nails dig painfully into your skin, his tongue wrapping around yours, swallowing your gasps as his other hand gathers your dress, the layers of delicate organza billowing over his knee. when your nails find his nape, careful not to mess up his perfectly styled do, you suck on his ear lobe, forcing him to thrust up into you.
“shh!” you hiss, rushing to stuff the same panties you gifted him in his mouth. you hear his muffled groans, his cheeks hollowing as he sucks the essence of you onto his waiting tongue. he feels you clench harder around him, his eyes smiling in place of his occupied lips. he lifts a brow when your rocking falters, your eyes darting around his perfect face, incapable of taking in anything but him and how he makes you feel. there’s a question in his gaze, forcing your head to bob. “yeah- i’m close-”
he abandons your dress then, letting the material pool around you two as he presses his palm to your neck, bringing your mouth to his. it’s a quick and steep descent to your release, your thighs burning as he slams you up and down on his cock, your skin clapping against his as he abandons all reason. he’s kept it quiet for so long, at times he thinks it might consume him from the inside out, all this love he has for you. all jeno really wants is to scream it out from the highest mountain top, tattoo it to his forehead, paint it on the fucking moon. hell, he would pay anyone to listen. he didn’t care who. he’d tell anyone who’d listen that he, lee jeno, was in love with y/n y/l/n.
“i love you too,” you almost cry, jaw unhinged as you feel the effects of his thrusts and affection rip through you. it spreads through you like wildfire, setting every nerve in you alight before it finally consumes him. your heat pumps and pushes him past his release, his heavy load pouring out into you. you milk him through it, your temple pressed to the crown of his head.
it’s the church bells that rip you apart, your whole body cringing as realisation hits. you cringe further as his flushed face fills your vision, his hands gathering your dress again before further staining your panties as he wipes between your legs. “don’t look at me like that.”
“like what?”
“like it’s worse for you than it is for me.” you’re about to ask how when he moves away from you, closing his eyes as he wraps it up before shoving it back in his pocket. “i said don’t.”
“fine, i won’t-” your surrender is cut short when knuckles strike the door three times, jaemin’s sign to wrap it up. “shit, let’s go-” you try to leave but can’t. because suddenly he’s stopping you, his warm hand loosely wrapped around your wrist.
“let’s tell him.”
“tell who what-”
“mark.” jeno used to hate acknowledging the striking similarities between you and your step brother. much like the unwon battle of the chicken and the egg: which came first? which of you taught the other that when your eyes enlarge, rounding into porcelain saucers, two full moons nearly eclipsing him, that he’d give you anything?
“today?” when he nods, you want to laugh. but he looks so confident. so sure. “jen, are you sure?”
“i am,” his affirmation makes your heart swell, even before he continues. “i’m sure about you.”
he knows where your uncertainties lie. but you affirm it too. “i’m sure about you too.” you both seem to forget the wedding in that moment, both neglecting the importance of your bridal party roles in favour of basking in one another for even a second longer. “only if you save me a dance?”
“always.” so much so, you don’t register the sound of the confessional door swinging open when jeno leans in to kiss to your forehead, his bitten lips pressing to the skin as his eyes land on a pair not too dissimilar to the ones he’d just poured his heart out to.
mark seems to short circuit for a second that seems to last hours. “mom’s looking for you,” he announces, spluttering around the words as you immediately grab jeno by the hand and drag him out the confessional. you both duck your heads as you shuffle past jaemin, who looks beyond pissed you didn’t heed his earlier warning.
when you both disappear, your brother turns on jaemin, eyes wide as full moons. “you knew!” it only angers him more when jaemin nods, unflinching when mark starts slapping his arm. “he told you and you didn’t tell me?”
“nuh-uh,” the younger defends, straightening out the groom’s lapel as he reverently shuts the confessional door. “i figured it out.” mark looks bewildered at the notion it had been so obvious. jaemin has to remind himself it’s mark’s day and not to be too harsh. “come on, hyung. he wouldn’t tell us her name, wouldn’t let us meet her.” mark still looks stunned. “don’t get me started on how many times they pulled this shit last christmas-”
and to think. it all started with a dance.
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rosemarydisaster · 3 years
I actually love the CR3 party, and now that I have some time I'll try to articulate why. Also, At the end I might add a few encouraging words for those of you who are not yet feeling the party. Not my experience this campaign, but trust me I see you:
*spoilers up to cr3 ep3 below*
Imogen I was more on the fence about, but after this episode she's starting to grow on me. At first she seemed a bit bland by comparison but I'm finding her whole thing quite fascinating. It has quite a few interesting ramifications and I want to see how they explore them.
F.C.G. is super cute and I think the comedic duo they form with Ashton is gold. As the rest of the fandom, can't wait for Sam to rip my heart out of my chest with this little robot guy. I think they have a lot of potential for both party bonding and party conflict. Anyways, a treat.
Ashton is just wonderful. I like their dynamic of assertive and we'll adjusted menace to society. His attitude of "have any of you children ever crimed? Would you like some pointers?" They have a shit ton of mystery around them and I can't wait to find out. Also, barbarian Ashton means it's less likely that Taliesin will have his character snatched too soon.
Laudna is super funny to me and I'm having such a blast theorizing about her between Thursdays. I can't wait for Marisha to just destroy all of my headcanons (or maybe validate them, who knows). Her dynamic with Imogen is really sweet and I enjoy watching the cast interact with her (with the whispers and stuff)
Orym is my man. I just love his quite sense of humor, the way he balances his morals and naivete with the world he lives in...He might be one of my fav characters honestly. Orym just oozes comfort! The mini exu party also have a wonderful dynamic with one another and I want to see how he opens up to the others! All in all, very solid character, don't really get the whole "calling him boring" stuff.
Fearne is unhinged and I'm with her every step of the way. Ashley Johnson is just peak comedy gold for me. Just, the sweet little voice with the chaos god level shenanigans she gets into...man, it's my cup of tea. I think she's great as a party player because although she doesn't seem to care that much for the plot she just loves interacting with everyone in the group. Specially loved her interactions with Bertie.
Dorian is probably my favorite or my second favorite character. I pray to the CR gods that he's a permanent addition to the table. Sure, more players make things a bit more chaotic, but I just like him too much. The exu dynamic is one of the things I like most, and I just really love bards. They're my favorite class and I like how Robbie plays them. He's funny, but very well mannered and outright a deconstruction of the bard stereotype at times. Seeing a Charisma 20 player play a high charisma character is always great.
Bertrand was just perfect. He came and went, staying every second in his peak. He was funny, he was mysterious, he was tragic and he was oh so lovable despite (or maybe because) it all. I think he died at a perfect point, the right push for the party from "yeah, solving this would be cool and we get money" to "This is personal now". I knew he wasn't forever so I enjoyed him while I could. I'm excited for the actual character but, until then, well played Travis Willingham.
I might change my mind though the campaign and maybe the characters won't live to this new expectations, but I'm fine with that too. I'm just really surprised of how much I'm liking them this time around. As a og VM fan, it always took me a while to like all the characters. Like, maybe I'd had a few I immediately like and the others slowly grew on me. I found Beau a bit annoying at first but she was one of my favorites by the end, same with freaking Scanlan.
My recommendation for old CR fans, specially those that only watched MN, is to give them time. And I mean time. Not every character will show their true colors at the start. Maybe the ones you dislike now might actually turn into your favs for the same reasons you used to hate them. If it's truly not that enjoyable for you, then there's a lot of other podcasts about D&D. Trust me, you don't owe this show anything, you can just leave whenever. But if you're enjoying the show, just not so much the characters, don't worry too much about it. With 8 players, we've barely had any time with each individually.
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biisexualemma · 3 years
beating pt.3. bucky barnes
word count: 3.2k
warnings: blood, violence, injury
requested: not really, i just wrote this cuz all i can think about is bucky barnes in tfatws and this is my only way of dealing with all those thoughts
plot: you, sam and bucky take the shield
a/n: ok so this is part 3 to the winter soldier series i've been writing lol this is set in episode 5 with you involved in that insane fight scene with sam, bucky and walker! also! finally watched tfatws finale last night and i was so overwhelmed, i am so grateful to marvel for giving us the masterpiece that was wandavision, and then following it flawlessly with tfatws. i'm just in awe! anyway! hope you like this! i am enjoying writing this series!
pt.1 / pt.2 / pt.4 / masterlist
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"walker," sam's voice echoed through the warehouse you had followed walker into, approaching the man with the shield with caution. you were still trying to process everything that had happened in the last few hours, everything you'd seen. you couldn't look at walker the same way after watching him repeatedly plunge steve's shield into that soldiers chest. you could still hear the mans screams for mercy ringing in your ears. you had never taken to walker, but this had shifted your dislike of him into a deep, disgusted hatred. all three of you knew what needed to be done without having to communicate it. you had to take the shield.
"you guys should see a medic, you don't look so good," his eyes trailed over the three of you, meeting you from across the room. his eyes lingered on you, your eyes boring into his, eyebrows slightly furrowed, a crease forming between them. he pulled away, turning his back to you. you gulped, watching him pace around in circles. it was unsettling, he was visibly agitated. you wondered, very briefly, whether he regretted his actions, underneath all that rage. you had seen something when he locked eyes with you, you just weren't sure what it was.
"stop. walker," sam intervened, bringing walkers pacing to a halt.
"what?" suddenly he was defensive, like he had been waiting for the judgement to be thrown at him. his voice raised slightly. "you saw what happened. you know what i had to do."
you shook your head lightly, your eyes locked on the imposter, traipsing around with that shield, dipped in blood. it made you feel sick. he turned his attention to you again, noticing your silent disapproval. he took a step towards you, letting his emotions get the better of him for a split second. "i killed him because i had to! he killed lemar!"
you swallowed the lump in your throat, clenching your fists together at your sides. you didn't take kindly to him taking his anger out on you, you would rather have him just own up to what he did instead of trying to pass the blame.
bucky shifted, unsettled with walker even looking at you for too long after everything that had happened. he wasn't taking any chances with you. his jaw clenched, he took a subtle step closer to you and held out a hand to halt walker from coming any closer.
"he didn't kill lemar, john," bucky's voice was almost the tiniest bit understanding, despite his standoffish manner. walker scoffed, not even taking notice of how much closer bucky was standing to you now, he was too caught up in his own thoughts. he continued pacing back and forth. you proceeded to watch his every move, anticipating a reaction from him. you were waiting for him to explode again. "don't go down that road. believe me, it doesn't end well."
your eyes flickered towards bucky, the last thing you had expected was for him to show any kind of sincerity towards john walker. but, then, there was a lot to bucky that you didn't yet understand. you understood sam was trying to avoid another fight by talking walker down, bucky must've been following his lead by trying to relate to walkers situation.
walker, however, didn't seem the slightest bit comforted by bucky's words, in fact, he almost looked embarrassed by the comparison between bucky and himself.
"i'm not like you," your eyebrows twitched into a frown when he spat the words at bucky. instinctively you took a step forwards, tilting your head slightly, suddenly feeling the urge to hit walker. bucky's hand grazed yours, like he knew exactly what you were thinking, and silently willing you to not hit him. yet, at least. you settled for gritting your teeth and holding your tongue.
"listen, it was the heat of the battle. okay?" sam ignored the sharpness in walkers tone, continuing his attempt to talk him down. if anyone was going to get through to this man, it was sam. he had a knack for that kind of thing. "if you explain what happened, they may consider your record," this felt like bullshit. what happened had happened. you knew, first hand, that the government wasn't exactly forgiving, especially when you kill a man in broad daylight with captain america's shield. "we don't want anyone else to get hurt."
you glanced at the shield in his hand one more time, your stomach twisting as you did. everything about that shield being in that mans arm felt wrong, and the blood coating the lower half of the shield was disturbing, to put it lightly. you often wondered how this whole mission would have gone down if steve were here, instead of walker. walker had managed to make a mess of every aspect of this mission, he had gone out of his way to make your jobs harder, without even realising he was doing it. you couldn't let yourself think about it for too long without your heart aching from the loss of your friend, and the sight in front of you taking his place.
"john," sam spoke again after a brief moment of silence. "you gotta' give me the shield, man," you knew as soon as the words were spoken that this wasn't going to go down well.
walker lifted his head from the shield, his eyes locking with sam's, along to bucky's, and then yours. bucky grabbed your wrist to stop you from jumping walker preemptively. walkers eyes lingered on where bucky clutched onto you, choking out a breathy laugh, with not the slightest hint of amusement. you closed your eyes for a second, taking a deep breath, anticipating the fight that had been long overdue to break out.
"oh," he breathed. "so that's what this is," his stare hardened, his eyes not leaving sam's now. you wanted to snatch the shield out of his hand and run before this became something far too messy. if it wasn't for bucky's grip, you were sure you would have at least tried to. "you almost got me."
"you made a mistake," you wished you could be as forgiving as sam, but you had too much anger, and too much hatred for this man.
"you don't wanna' do this," walker warned, and in someways he was right. none of you wanted to do this. you didn't necessarily want to get into a battle with an unhinged, super soldier with no concern for whether you lived or died. but you couldn't leave without that shield. so it had to happen.
"yeah, we do," you spoke harshly, catching walkers attention, you yanked your wrist out of bucky's grip.
bucky was the first to move, and suddenly everything was moving very quickly. bucky's arm connecting with the vibranium shield, sam kicked back onto the floor with force. you had swung your leg at walker, only to have him duck, catch your ankle and throw you backwards, your back hitting into a metal beam. the impact made you hurl over on the floor with a groan.
with a grunt, bucky continued to fight walker, struggling to snatch the shield out of his arm. walker's elbow collided with bucky's nose, knocking him backwards before throwing another punch and bringing him down to his knees. you scrambled onto all fours, pushing yourself back onto your feet, sam following suit across from you. your eyebrows knitted, as walker heaved the shield over his head, about to strike bucky when you swung another kick to his head, catching him this time. the hit caught him off guard, allowing sam to use his wings to strike another blow.
all three of you were on him now, bucky back to his feet, as each of you threw one blow after the next at this man, and he caught every single one. after beating sam and winding him, and striking bucky in the face so sharply with the shield that he fell back, he caught your wrist and twisted it with an uncomfortable level of ease until something cracked. you let out a loud cry feeling your wrist fall limp, walkers foot immediately slamming into your ribs while you were distracted, knocking you to the ground with a thud.
bucky eyes moved up to where you lay on the floor, walker with his shield ready to take another crack at you while you were down. bucky intervened, his fist slamming into the shield repeatedly, pushing walker further and further back. fists were flung around, the sheer force behind the blows seemed to not make the slightest difference to either of them. walker flung himself at sam, his foot colliding with his face before swinging the shield back and letting to fly out of his hand, his full force behind it, hitting bucky square in the chest.
your breathing hitched in your throat, watching bucky's body fly across the room with the shield and land with a loud crash. your chest tightened, scrambling onto your feet, numb to any pain searing through your body at this point, as sam came up behind you and grabbed your arm to help you up.
"why are you making me do this?!" walkers voice boomed from across the room. your eyes widened with shear panic, your heart in your mouth when walker heaved bucky off the ground and flung his body across the room, slamming into one of the metal beams. you couldn't stop yourself from crying out his name as he collapsed against the hard floor, body limp and his left arm glitching next to him.
you hadn't noticed sam had left your side, soaring across the room to return to his attack on walker. you were solely focused on bucky and the way his body lay unmoving. sam preoccupied walker, allowing you to run over to your boyfriend, dropping to your knees and rolling him onto his back.
"buck," you gulped back the lump in your throat, your hands trembling slightly as they hovered over his face. he wasn't fully conscious, his eyes rolled, arm twitching every couple of seconds. you glanced over your shoulder, sam was manoeuvring around walker, managing to hold him on his own for now. you turned back, your unsteady hands touching his cheek, grazing the skin that was now bruised and bloody. your heart beating out of your chest, you didn't often see bucky like this, it was disturbing. "bucky-- please--"
your words caught in your throat when a hand clasped around your throat, tightening and yanking you away from bucky. you gasped for air as your supply became limited, your feet dragging against the floor. before walker could haul your across the room, sam blocked his path, holding out a cautious hand. your eyes watered the tighter he clenched his fist around your neck, both your hands desperately trying to release his strong grip.
"this isn't you, john," sam spoke with urgency, his eyes darting to where you were struggling desperately.
walker glanced down at you, your face turning pale the longer you tried to catch a breath. he gritted his teeth before letting you drop at his feet. you frantically gasped for air, feeling your lungs fill up again, your chest straining from your deep breaths.
"we could've been a team," he spat harshly.
bucky had regained his consciousness in this time, managing to force himself onto his feet again. he met you at your side, one hand resting against the small of your back, the other grabbing your forearm and helping you up. your vision blurred slightly at the sides, scrunching your eyes closed and reopening them, you saw walker ahead of you, on top of sam, physically restraining him. the deranged look in his eyes sent shivers down your spine.
"i am captain america!" he bellowed, echoing through the empty warehouse. bucky, whose attention had solely been on you up until this point, dragged his eyes over to sam and walker. both of you froze watching as walker ripped sam's wings clean off. your mouth hung open, hesitating for a second in shock. but when you saw him lift that damn shield again, you stumbled out of bucky's grip, as fast as your legs would carry you, snatching the knife out of your holder and flinging it at him. the knife sliced his fingers, he let out a yelp and faltered, giving bucky enough time to tackle walker off of sam.
the pair went flying across the room, both quickly gathering themselves up again. walker looked like hell, his face dirtied and bloodied, his eyes wide and crazed as he and bucky met again. fists flew back and forth as they beat each other with as much force as they had in them, walker was the one in the end to grab a fistful of bucky's hair, pulling the shield back and slamming it into bucky's face. you couldn't stand back and watch, the shield now pushed up against bucky's arms as he desperately tried to stop the shield from coming into contact with him again.
you caught walker off guard, swinging in from his blind side and connecting your fist with his jaw as hard as you could, giving bucky enough leeway to regain himself. he held walkers arm in place and you grabbed the shield. sam came up behind you, gripping the shield and pulling with you as hard as you could. bucky was face to face with walker, their hatred for one another in that moment was unparalleled.
sam switched his thrusters to high, walker let out a torturous cry, his arm breaking out of shape as the shield slipped off, both you and sam flying backwards. you groaned, the shield landing on top of your chest as you lay against the cold floor. your head was pulsating, blood soaking your hair and your shirt. you could feel every wound you'd pushed aside before, now worse than ever. you rolled onto your side, gasping as the pain surged through your chest, blood dripping from your mouth when it fell open.
you winced, using your last bit of strength to push yourself upright onto your hands, letting the shield fall with the clunk beside you. bucky was already back onto his feet, his first instinct was to reach you, but before he could get close enough, walker's voice echoed from over his shoulder.
"it's mine," you heard him spit, his eyes locked onto where you lay, the shield beside you. only bucky stood in between you and walker. this guy really didn't know when to quit.
your eyes shifted up to where sam stood over you now. "it's over, john."
"it's mine," he growled, swinging at bucky who caught his fist before he could get anywhere near you. bucky threw a forceful punch to his jaw and threw walker over his shoulder before he could regain himself. you grabbed the shield, lifting it so sam could take ahold of it. bucky had swung walkers entire body over him like he weighed nothing, letting sam and the shield collide with his body. you cringed watching walkers body fall heavily to the ground, sam and bucky collapsing around the shield.
you let out deep, laboured breaths, your hand now clutched to your ribs that were searing with pain. everything was surging through you all at once, your brows furrowed and your tongue between your teeth. the metallic taste was swimming in your mouth, you felt wounded and entirely exhausted.
bucky dropped the shield next to sam, his eyes boring into his for a split second before his attention was turned to your body hurled on its side. he kneeled beside you, his metal hand touching the side of your face, his fingers running through your hair and tilting your face up so you could meet his stare. his eyes were soft and tired, his eyebrows knitted together tightly as his eyes moved over your bloodied face. his thumb grazed over your bottom lip, dragging it down, blood transferring onto his skin from yours. his expression was hard and unnerving. he didn't have the energy in him to ask if you were okay, he just looked at you, his heart cracked wide open as he did.
you nodded faintly, answering the question he couldn't will himself to ask. you lifted your uninjured hand to where his palm touched your cheek, grazing your fingers over his skin. your eyes shifted to where his skin split open across the bridge of his nose, where walker had ploughed the shield into his face, and over to the bruise growing against his cheekbone. you gulped down on the lump sitting in your throat, and found your eyebrows knitting together. you knew he would heal quicker than most, but he was wounded in more ways than one after this fight, you could tell by the look in his eyes, he couldn't take much more.
this felt like a knock on the chin, everything that had happened felt heavier somehow. you had the shield but at what cost? what did it mean for you guys now? how did you move forward?
bucky gave you a stiff nod, his jaw clenching as he moved his hand away from your face, your own hand falling back to your side. you, unfortunately, did not have super soldier serum running through your veins, so you felt the impact of your injuries a lot more than bucky did. you lifted your right arm with caution, expecting bucky to take it and pull you onto your feet, but he didn't. he pushed himself back onto his feet, his hard stare moving away from yours.
you tilted your head, trying to understand what was going through his head, but that had never been an easy task with bucky. "buck," you mumbled, your voice hoarse. you watched his hand clench into a fist and unclench again.
he sniffed, taking a deep breath before glancing over to sam who was keeled over the shield. their eyes met for a second before bucky spoke. "look after her. i need to take care of something."
your eyebrows knitted tighter together, knowing you couldn't push yourself up and chase after him. he knew that too. "bucky," your tone was harsher this time. you hissed, hand flying to your ribcage where a searing pain worked its way through your abdomen after trying to shift yourself off the ground and over to him. you knew why he didn't want you to go with him, you knew where he was going and you couldn't let him do it. you had done everything on this mission together.
"would that be zemo you're taking care of?" sam voiced exactly what you were thinking, his tone cold.
he turned his back on sam, his eyes trailing over you. "go with sam," he spoke through gritted teeth. "i won't be gone long."
your frown deepened, you shook your head faintly. "buck-- don't," his eyes locked with yours for second, his eyelids fluttering like they did when he was tired. you wanted to be enough to stop him, but his mind was set.
"i have to," he muttered under his breath, forcing himself to walk away from you before you could talk him out of it.
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Absolutely and I respect yours as well! This fandom is def big enough for different interruptions.
Absolutely! Like I feel like Jurian just can’t stand Drakkon even before he joins the rebellion. I feel like they just rub each other the wrong way.
And technically Miryam and Jurian were only lovers. She even encouraged him to sleep with Clythia for info. To me that speaks of more of a friendship than a real romance. I feel like they were best friends who shared a lot of the horrors of war and slept together sometimes. It happens. Because Jurian, in my mind, once he’s in love with someone would not want to be with anyone else.
Anyway, I, personally, feel like you become more like the people you send time with. So, Jurian is spending all this time with this Fae who is horrible and he’s starting to resemble her in some fashion, even if it’s just the barest hint of her. And I feel like Jurian gives this war his all and loses himself and that’s when he and Miryam stop being friends/lovers. Then he tortures Clythia (which is completely justified btw), but Miryam considers the humans to be better than the Fae that they’re fighting and that’s when she really sees no hope for Jurian anymore and completely severs ties with him.
I also feel like that is why he said he needed to explain. Not because she was his lover but because she was his friend, and I think he valued her friendship deeply. Though, I do feel like their friendship is irreparable at this point.
ANON. I've never really considered Miryams position before because I'm so unhinged I'm like...I would have encouraged Jurian to do MORE. So. Don't put me in your fantasy stories ya'll (I'm getting a villain arc).
I never got the impression Jurian much cares for the Fae at all. Even in ACOWAR he seemed pretty bored with the whole thing and I'll bet he enjoys being around Vassa (unclear about Lucien but exceptions can be made, right? It's growth, lets say) after centuries of walking around with Amarantha.
The relationship between Jurian and Miryam is way more interesting the way you've fleshed it out. We don't know enough about him to know what he's like in love but I do think he DID love her, even if it wasn't soul mate love. I think he had to make choices Miryam was exempt from. This is Jurian's rebellion and the lives of everyone are now on his shoulders. It's easy for Miryam to hold up lofty ideals of "we don't stoop to their level" but I doubt that was anything Jurian ever had the luxury of. If he failed, everyone dies.
The torturing of Clythia comes from a place of deep-seated hatred and it's probably jarring to realize the man you cared for is capable of such brutality and like, Drakkon seems better by comparison (and obviously their mates which ugh). He got the glory but didn't have to get his hands dirty. Jurian is thought to be dead and Drakkon, along with other Fae heroes, get to write his story without needing to consider his voice at all.
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lokislittlesigyn · 3 years
// loki spoilers
This is basically a huge infodump on my thoughts about the first episode, because I doubt y’all want to sift through my trauma-ridden ramblings. I’ll make another post for the rest. This is just everything not related to the IW stuff/my reaction to that. It’s general thoughts, theories, musings.
1. When Loki gets first taken into the TVA. Is that Peggy Carter in the background? Others have suggested it might be. What would that mean??? Will we see the TVA fix the mess the Russos made with Steve/Peggy (not likely) or is it just a lookalike? Who knows..
2. A skrull at the main intake desk! Idk not super relevant just interesting!
3. I’m kind of glad they changed the... uncomfortable scene... with the robot burning his clothes off. He gets more time to react to seeing the machine itself, and he seems more shocked (”Now.. H-hang on just a minute.”) than angry (”Now hang on just a minute!”) i still feel.. horrible for him, i’m glad nobody Saw him and that the machine didn’t grab the clothes off, but still. Ehhh.. uncomfortable.
He is beautiful though, don’t get me wrong - I’d just prefer a shirtless Loki scene where he wants to be shirtless? let him do what he wants with his body?? he’s probably felt so out of control of his body, from being jotun to falling through space that any invasion of privacy like that hits extra deep...
That being said, I recognize the utility of the scene for the narrative - his lack of control, his literally being stripped of what he was before.
4. WHO IS THE MAN WITH THE CAT. What is his name. I love that he has a mug with his cat on it. But I want to know more. Who is he?
4.1 WHY DIDNT YOU LET LOKI PET THE CAT Please,,, I am begging you,,, let loki pet the cat and have something react kindly to him and purr all happily at his scratching behind their ears plea s e
5. The info sheet. Now this is just a little nitpicky tidbit, but in a previous promo they listed Loki’s height as 6′4 ft and weight as 525 lbs. This is taken directly from the comics if I’m not mistaken. However, in the actual show he’s listed as  6′2 (Tom’s height and Loki’s presumed height) but I don’t remember if his weight is the same. Is Loki 6′2? 6′4? please let me know i want to know how smol i am in comparison
6. His little aggressive shaking of the ticket at the guard makes me giggle each time.
7. The fact the turnstile hits so low on him reminds me,, I am short compared to him. Those things hit my stomach/waist. That one hit his legs. I am once again asking Loki to pick me up.
8. The cartoon with Miss Minutes introducing the TVA is wonderful, I love the art style especially. But it raises questions about Variants... I guess Variants can just, pop out of nowhere? Any action could be the wrong one? And then once you commit the wrong action you either get returned or pruned? Yikes??? And THIS ties into another thing later!
9. The trial scene. I have a hunch - a feeling, a suspicion. That one of three things may be true.
A. The Time-Keepers never actually existed. They’re fabricated, and now whoever runs the TVA is actually using the excuse of “The Time-Keepers decree it so!!!” to carry out whatever They think is right. The fact we haven’t seen the Time-Keepers makes me.. suspicious...
B. The Time-Keepers existed, but they have since passed on, however that may have happened. Now someone is doing the same as above, using the excuse of the Time-Keepers apparent dictations to run things.
C. The Time-Keepers do exist, and do run the timeline/TVA, but maybe they’re not infallible? Maybe the TVA info video is lying or incomplete in some way? Idk I just feel like, something about the TVA and how they run things has to be wrong. It has to? Something is off. Again, this will tie into another thought later...
I have no idea if any of these are actually true! But Loki’s questions of “Who’s in charge here? What do they do? What do you do?” punctuated by laughter leads me to believe he’s suspecting something too, or perhaps just trying to figure this mess out.
10. Seiðr/Magic. We see in this scene, Loki’s magic (”powers”) don’t work in the TVA. (and a quick side note, did he have to Flex like that? do you have to make me see Loki’s bare arms Flex like that? be still my heart. anyway please get that collar off of him and let him rest for five minutes) This makes me wonder.. Why isn’t Loki in his Jotun form? His pale skin and blue eyes are decided by magic, are they not? I suppose this is 2012, so perhaps Odin’s magic is keeping Loki looking like that. But if magic doesn’t work in the TVA, why would his spell reach so far? Clearly Loki’s magic isn’t what’s doing it. How is Loki not appearing as a Jotun? Is his Jotun form repressed - is pale skin his default now, rather than something hidden by magic? I need answers!
11. he sounds so scared about being “reset” please dont hurt him,,
12. cALLING LOKI A PUSSYCAT? (lokitty confirmed) I think Mobius was goading him (Mobius strikes me.. As extremely clever. He’s trying to push Loki’s buttons to see who he’s dealing with. At least, I hope so. Because if he really meant that “You were born to cause pain and suffering and death... All so that others can achieve the best versions of themselves.” and that line about killing Frigga??? No no no he is not guilty. He had no way of knowing what would happen. It wasn’t right to send Algrim up to Asgard (i think algrim wouldve found the way up anyway) but there was no intent to hurt Frigga. I really hope you’re trying to goad him, Mobius, because if you believe that I trust you much less. anyway i digress) but wow is he pushing Loki’s buttons a lot. I can’t... Blame him entirely, I understand he’s trying to make sure Loki’s on his side, maybe I’m just too soft for Loki idk. But some of that was very cruel to say. /:
12.1 AND ANOTHER THING ABOUT MOBIUS. That scene with the girl in the church?? Did that little girl kill the men? Is that young Sylvie? Or is she using an illusion to make herself look young and innocent? What’s going on!!!!
13. LOKI SNATCHING THE LITTLE TIME-TWISTER DEVICE AND STOWING IT IN HIS POCKET.... POCKET....... sorry sometimes i get so caught up about loki that i just say random words in between little noises and squeals,,, i am a silly thing
14. CASEY. CASEY??? That whole exchange is funny. Poor Loki, just trying to intimidate this guy so he can escape but - Casey doesn’t know what a fish is. to be fair.... thor doesn’t seem to know what a raccoon is... right?
15. That bit with the infinity stones is kind of funny until you realize
A. Natasha died for a paperweight
B. Tony died from paperweights
C. Loki was tortured for paperweights
D. Oh, and Gamora died for a paperweight too. And Vision. Need I go on?
Then it becomes less of exclusively “haha funny” and now it’s a mix of funny and pain and gosh, is that a good way to sum up being a Marvel/Loki fan sometimes...
16. Loki gazing at the timeline all “Is this the most powerful thing in the universe?” or something, i’m sorry i don’t remember exactly... made me think of a meme and i shall make it presently.
17. I love that Loki got to see examples of how his family loves him but the fact he’s all “I can’t go back.” really just breaks me. It’s like he can finally see they love him after all of this mess, and now he doesn’t have the chance. Please, please let him be happy. Give him some relief. This is the Loki that just came off finding out about being Jotun, falling from the Bifrost, encountering Thanos, attacking Earth, facing defeat, and now he’s being thrashed around in this wild place and has just found out he inadvertently caused Frigga’s death (he did not kill her: his actions, by mistake, lead to her murder, let me be very clear) AND Odin will die AND all the rest... And he wants to be with them.
18. Loki’s reaction to Thor suggesting the hug makes me soft. Please I want to hug this little mischief man so so so bad-
19. Skipping over the iw parts! That’s for another post because this one will be grossly long anyway.
20. “I don’t enjoy hurting people.” and “It's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear. A desperate play for control.” was all so, so validating. I’ve been trying to argue on Loki’s behalf for almost a solid decade. Seeing the show recognize that Loki’s not all just violence and hurting for “fun”, that he’s not unhinged and bloodthirsty.. Is so nice. It’s just so, so comforting. and it gives me hope for future episodes that they won’t go the route of “oh haha loki bullied and mistreated and stabbed thor for years!!! :)” loki cries during basically every fight with Thor and you want me to believe he stabs Thor for fun? absolutely not.
21. Theory.. Just another hunch.. So we know a fugitive variant, aka Loki, is running amok. Refer back to 8 and 9.C. What if the Time-Keepers never actually fixed the timeline into a single timeline? What if there are other timelines, and these different Loki variants have hopped over to the current one? Or, maybe the Time-Keepers did fix the timeline into a single one, and these Lokis are remnants from that huge time-war at the beginning? Time runs differently in relative spaces, they may have Just Left that war from their perspective!
I say Lokis and not Loki because we’re pretty sure there’s Female/Lady Loki, Old Man/King Loki, and possibly Young/Kid Loki. That’s at least three. From the peeks of Asgard and NYC we’ve seen from the trailers, I think we’re also getting an Asgardian King!Loki and Midgardian King/Vote!Loki. (unless our dearest variant is hopping into timelines and situating into them, but I doubt Mobius would let that happen..?) That’s five.
To further support this, keep in mind, I believe recently six (i think 6 regular and 6 rare...) different funko pops were announced for the series? I’m not sure if they’re in addition to the Loki and Mobius already released. If they are, there’s enough room for each Loki and maybe a TVA agent. One of the pops is supposed to have a buddy/companion I think? Maybe they’re making the cat guy into one, or maybe there’s something else (Throg, anyone?).
22. That is totally Lady Loki/Sylvie at the end by the way. Has to be. But why does she want the reset devices? Why did she snatch that TVA Hunter? Again, WHAT’S GOING ON
ANYWAY this was a very long post if you made it this far, I commend you.
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