#where everyone is a kid playing with eachother and when a character dies its cause their mum called them home?
the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 3 months
mha s4 ep 15-24 ( @maidofdarkness23
i feel like i should say, when i say i ship something, i dont always mean it is a serious way, sometimes its just cause its funny
Ep 15 whats with everyone in the intro and musical instruments? and aizawa being sad in a feild, before he was just sitting there now he's holding something
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this is it, also it says neko, who's neko? maybe i'm looking at this too hard, but it feels important
miriyo! he's really nice, and positive about the whole ari/losing quirk thing
whats with todoroki and his phone?
Ep 16 *endeavour and almighty are next to eachother" some guy: are you guys seeing.. me: each other? guy:this! anyway, new ship just dropped endevor/almight (300+ ao3 works)
their opportunity are literal children and they are losing. L (I would have done better)
mic no. dunno what's he's going to do but no okay, so he's just sitting there saying nonsense for now
this is so funny. the children are ruthless
i think one of the kids have an inteligence quirk, no way he's natrually that mature.
okay, y'know what, almight/endevour could work out, like, actually, as friends at least
"my name is not 5 weenies" i could never say that with a straight face
todoroki, that will not work, i'm calling it I WAS RIGHT
"present mic's bad at his job, so now i'm doing it to"
Episode 17
they have the chance to be very badass and I am here for it (it's against pre schooners but hey)
telling people to shut up in the nicest way possible
endeavour and todoroki sure have a Relationship
"the equation isnt that difficult to solve" the equation:
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i think, thats calculus or something
also ectoplasm is a maths teacher
frenchboy feeding midoriya is so funny
WAIT IS FRENCHBOY THE TRAITOR (his names Oyama or aiyama I think, ill check later)
i am concerned, he looks like hes planning to kill deku
oh no, not cheese
wonder what oyama knows, deku's only big secret is afo, but I don't think it's that
okay, so he didn't know anything weird, feel like it's more than that though
so all that was to make them friends? weird but OK
ep 18
the "normal school stuff!" though
loving all these suggestions, it's funny. my favourite is petting zoo, will re-watch this scene again maybe, currently one of my favourite scenes
todoroki doesn't know what a concert is
i love Eri, she's adorable.
new ship: eri/miriyo (cackling and dying while writing, i hate the fact i thought of it but eri litterally asked if they were going on a date, i do not codone shipping this, i think they have brother/sister type thing)
mha YouTube is called Yap!tube
gentle and his assistant are so goofy wth
ep 19
i know afo but who are the other 2? destro and purist thief. are they important?
ngl those general studies kids are based.
gentle has big "all bark no bite" vibes
holy shit jiro's good
"my fingers won't reach cause of my character design" loving the 4th wall break
i love thus arc, everyone is so silly
also tokoyami can play guitar, and mineta is so childish
eri! she has a dress now
Ep 20
i hope its the actual festival
miriyo no also Eri!
nezu has done exactly one good thing, which is letting eri come
just wanna laugh at this for a second
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nezu, why is your hand up, why is your mouth a triangle, why is you evil vibes
ERI TOUR, LETS GO, i love her
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shes ugly, i dont like her eyelashs, and hair, and the rest of her.
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Nezu why do you eat like that
deku, if i was you i'd have died like, 5 seconds ago from embarsment
gentle will break into the festival and vlog it
loving the family dynamic la'brava and gental have going on
Ep 21
i have concerns regarding hownd dog
midoriya going right next to the placr where gentle is going, love this forshadowing
"rope is a specialty item" i'm pretty sure i can go to the petrol station near my house and get rope.
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funny number, heh
betting hound-dog is gonna come
Ep 22
deku, did not, infact have time
the yayorozu chant might just be how i remember her name
ERI SMILE, AJFHDJWNSDNM (i would die for her)
that performance is so cool
"romeo, the ghost of azkaban" GANDALF TOO "i am your true father" (luke, i am your father) Ah, yes, so original
eri's little recap of the show, though, can we just think of that
okay, eri's my favourite, then tamaki
why is bakugo melting the ice? what happened to todoroki?
kirashima and steel-guy seem like they'd be besties
"people are animals" -tamaki amajiki
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nejire won
Ep 23
Aizawa, your mean who's the visitors?
i wanna know what happened with hawks and tokoyami
the pussy cats are here. why
the recent rankings are almight, endevour and hawks i need to know more about hawks, i have seen so many fanfics about him (havent read any yet) so now i'm curious
number 8's a fucking washing mashine. how
woods seems cool
edgeshot is a cool name
best jeanist has a cool quirk
i think i like hawks i like hawks, favourite hero. maybe one of the favourite characters. he's really cool (i am not surprised about the fanfics, i would be searching for them when i finish, but scared of spoilers. also why are him and dabi shipped? (dont tell me))
is endevour actually on fire? like, is his fire real. do people get burnt by touching him? why are there people so near him?
hawks just stabbing him with feathers.
okay, its official, tamkaki, eri and hawks are my favourites. tamaki, idk why, eri is so, so cute and hawks is fucking awesome
endevour is not allowed to be nice
i think this whole villan biography is big, cause la'brava had one too, and i have heard of the libaration before (not sure where)
villan attacked them, nomu i think
Ep 24
todoroki has an older sister, and an older brother. i think he's the only one with a fire quirk though, could be wrong
pretty sure hero's shouldnt destroy buildingd
hawks is so funny
intelligent nomu
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if the one on the left is todoroki, does that mean the white hair is something he got, and he wasn't born like that
:0 did endevour just... die? no, he'a alive
this scene reminds me of the ending of the game "we become what we behold"
endevour litterally just went "gotta go fast" like sonic
bit with the feathers and endevour reminds me of a pheonix
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a hunt domain that’s just a *very* intense playground game of tag
Add in some corruption so thay you're playing tag with the plague and this is just Pathologic lmao.
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dinolikes · 4 years
summery ❤︎ Nobody has any quirks and are stuck on a ship like among us
pairings ❤︎ Imposter!Dabi x Reader
content warnings ❤︎ major character deaths
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it was quiet for a long time, nothing except deku's quiet cries, until hawks turned around to look at the couple.
"where were you guys?"
hawks looked you up and down and noticed dabis messed up hair and your still swollen lips and squinted his eyes, "wonder girl, your with me,"
"the hell she is-"
"listen asshole! another kid is dead and I dont need you guys whor-"
"you better fucking watch your next words carefully bird brain!" dabi's called hawks names before, but this time it seemed more vicious.
"why? do you wanna stay with her so you can murder her next?"
dabi raised his fist but you grabbed his shoulder, instantly stopping him, "dabi, it's fine. ill see you soon, we'll do our rounds and then we'll be fine. the kids dont need this drama,"
touya looked at you for what seemed like an hour before finally lowering his fist, refusing to look you in the eyes as he stormed off.
you look at shoto and deku, pulling them close and giving each of them a kiss on the forehead, "stick together." you give them a warning look, them both murmuring in understanding. "good, now off you go," you struggled to see them walk away, alone, knowing there was another imposter on the loose and either one of them could be next.
hawks broke your worrying thoughts, "ive asked before and ill ask again, how're you dating dabi?"
you roll your eyes, " and ill always give the exact same answer, once he likes you, you'll get it."
he didnt respond but the look in his eyes gave his thoughts away.
"he didn't kill kaachan, i was with him the entire time."
"maybe, but were you with him when ingeniumu died? thirteen?" you opened your mouth to say that you were in the same bed when thirteen wouldve been killed, but hawks beat you to it, "correction, were you AWAKE and with dabi when thirteen was killed?"
you paused but you kept your head held up high, "why are you so dead set that its dabi? huh? why dont you think me?"
"because all the evidence points to him!"
"what fucking evidence hawks!?"
"its obvious your emotions are clouding you judgement wonder! you didnt fight this much with tomura!"
"that's because tomura was an asshole who hated all of us!"
"so is dabi!"
"sure but hes an asshole who SPECIFICALLY hated tomura! why would he work with him?"
"maybe that's part of their plan!"
"you SAW them! they hated eachother!"
"people can act!"
"yeah obviously cause your acting like a fucking dick right now when I know you arent!"
"why? because I'm pointing out that your boyfriend is a murderer?!"
you flinched when you heard a bang and you snapped towards the noise, seeing dabi at the doorway with his fist against the wall, which now had an indent exactly where his hand was.
"touya-" before you could stop him, your boyfriend turned around and stormed off, again.
you shot a quick glare at hawks before going after him, not even worrying about going off alone.
"touya! come back! you know i dont believe him right!"
you walked up and down the halls, peaking your head in a room every once and a while, always coming up with nothing.
"touya!" you felt like when you were 13, your dog had ran away and you were running up and down the streets calling his name, only to get no response.
you eventually found your dog. but he was on the road, dead, tire tracks ran through him.
you called touya's name louder and became distinctly more aware that you were alone.
the beeping on your watch made you jump half way out of your skin, you lightly laughed at yourself before the realization set in.
emergency meeting. that probably meant a body was found.
you ran towards the cafeteria where once again, everyone sat.
that is except hawks.
both deku and shoto looked frightened at the sight of you, even going as far as stepping back when you came in.
it broke your heart and you were confused, did they not trust you?
that is until you realised that you were supposed to be with hawks.
oh my god, you were supposed to be with hawks.
"WAIT! no no no! I-I can explain!" dabi nodded, thankfully looking like he knew you were innocent, "hawks was talking about dabi! l-like badly! an-and dabi walked in and he got upset by his words -which by the way," you directed your attention at dabi for a moment "i was defending you babe i swear- but-but dabi ran out and i tried looking for him but i couldnt find him and oh my god i should've been with hawks!"
dabi quickly nodded, almost embarrassingly, "yeah, i heard her yelling after me,"
shoto and deku relaxed after you explained and dabi confirmed, but deku quickly stiffened again.
"you mean dabi you were alone?"
dabi paled as he realised he fucked up.
"wait no! well yes but no! shut up!"
deku scrambled back, grabbing shotos hand to drag them over to your side of the table.
fuck wait- what?
"n-now hold on- we cant just accuse dabi!"
"me and shoto were together in medbay the entire time! if it isnt you then its dabi! twice said there was one more!"
"w-well how do we know we can trust twice? he WAS the imposter!" you desperately cried, dabi nodding quickly.
"exactly! hes a murder how do w-"
"i believe deku." shoto said, so quietly you could barely hear him. he didnt look up at anyone, avoiding the eyes of his brother.
"sho-" dabi took a step forward but shoto quickly stepped back, keeping the same long distance between them, pushing both you and deku back with you.
you frantically look at dabi, who had a look of genuine hurt, "n-no! dabi isnt the imposter!"
"hey," you snap your head towards shoto, who had finally looked up so you could clearly see the tears in his eyes, "this isnt easy, but your emotions are clouding your judgement."
you thought back to hawk's words, he told you the exact same thing.
you look back and forth between dabi and the boys, both looking desperately at you.
"cmon y/n, your my doll! i would never betray you like this!" your eyes soften as dabi almost pulls you forward with his voice.
"hes lying!" deku cried, pulling you back, "he was mad at hawks right? no one sees him and now hawks is gone!"
he had a point and you hated you, your eyes welled up as you thought about it.
"doll trust me! i swear!"
"dont trust him!"
you thought to hawks words, he didnt like anyone.
he only liked you and shoto, who just so happen to be alive. the one he could stand is dead, but he was more useful dead then alive to him.
you didnt sleep much but you DID sleep, and you could almost remember waking up to dabi walking back into the room, claiming he needed to use the washroom.
he was mad at hawks.
you look behind dabi and see the room used to push the imposters out, the door open. all you had to do was shove him in quickly and pull the lever.
"doll," you look dabi in the eyes, seeing him plead with you. "cmon y/n, please."
you step forward towards dabi, "did you do it? be honest with me, did you do it?"
something flashed in dabi's eyes, "no."
and grief filled you, because you realised that at this moment, you didnt believe him.
you looked away as you raised your arms, pushing him into the room and locking it.
dabi's eyes widen in shock but soon squint to hide the tears.
"I love you y/n." he choked out
you look him in the eyes, "I love you too." you yank down the lever, sending him flying into space and you into a fit of hysteria.
you sobbed so hard you fell down, shoto and deku attempting to comfort you but you push them off,
"sho, how about you and deku go watch a movie in your room." shoto slowly nods, taken deku away.
when the door closes you let out a sob.
how was shoto doing this? he acted so, so strong.
i mean i guess he was related to touya, hes gotta be strong.
you lightly laugh.
you couldnt believe it
touya, the love of your life, was dead.
and you killed him.
you were wracked with grief, questions rang through your head like what if you were wrong, what if twice was lying?
even worse though, what if twice wasnt? what if you werent wrong?
you didnt think it would be either deku or shoto, but the voice in the back of your head always pointed out how deku always was a bit too peppy, and shoto always seemed apathetic to everything. you always shook those thoughts out though.
the worse of the ideas though, was what if you were right? then what, was all of your moments with touya just...nothing? was he just using you as a good alibi? because he knew you were less likely to suspect him?
it wasnt until weeks later, when headquarters had called you in that you found out.
they had all of the survivors (which was just you, deku and shoto) and asked if they wanted to see the footage, which would prove if you were right or not.
you all agreed, though you more hesitant.
what if you were wrong?
you changed your mind, being wrong is a LOT worse then being right.
you couldnt confirm that though, because when they pressed play, there dabi was, all sweaty and standing above thirteens body.
they also showed tomura infront of ingeniumu, twice infront of kaachan, and dabi infront of hawks.
you all were crying, there were your friends, murdering your other friends. you could barely hold in your sobs.
as you all walked out, none of you said anything and just kept walking down and out the building.
it wasnt until you felt the soft breeze that you spoke up, "are you guys still up for that froyo?"
they slightly smile and nod.
tag list - @axerrri @underratedmage
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rwby-ask-central · 4 years
So this post will be a rather long one because of all the theories and the level of detail I want to go into. So buckle up kids!! It’s starting time!
Theory 1: TEAM JN_R is gonna die. So let me start with the most likely death: Nora! Why? Well we saw in a trailer that she used herself to conduct electricity through Amity, and she’s CLEARLY in pain. In the opening of the show, we see Penny’s fathers working on Amity (presumably) and it flashes Watts on the other side of the glass. So it’s likely they’ll try to recruit him and he’ll play along. He’s still a villain. It would be the perfect opportunity to take out someone. It would deal a moral and actual blow to the group. Now, Ren’s death relies on Nora. Call it cliche, but I think if Nora dies, he’ll take his own life. He still carries the dagger, it’s clear they have feeling for eachother and they’ve been together for a long time. So that’s where it comes from. Jaune will probably meet his end the same way Pyrrha did. Not necessarily by Cinder’s hand. But all the same. And if my theory of Pyrrha being sent to the same realm that Ozma was when he met the God of light, then the two lovers can rest eternally at last. You’ll learn that a bunch of my theories rely on this main theory.
Theory 2: Salem will obtain the maiden powers through more...malicious means. I’m not sure if it was confirmed or not, but if Salem is able to corrupt people as she was, she can offer to ressurect Nora (following theory 1) in return. Of course, if this wasn’t the case, perhaps she could offer to ressurect Pyrrha. Or even....Summer Rose.
Theory 3: Neo is going to die. See, we know that Salem controls the Grimm. Neo is seeking revenge against RWBY for Roman’s death. What if..AND HEAR ME OUT...she knows Ruby wasn’t at fault. She pretends to hate Ruby to get close to Cinder, by extent, Salem. She’ll try to take her revenge, but between Salem, cinder, and everyone else on board? She won’t even make it in touching distance. A futile attempt, but one she risked her life for.
Theory 4: Neo’s evolved semblance. It was hinted that Semblances can actually evolve to some degree, back in volume 7. This theory comes from my partner!! What if she has the ability to project illusions, similar to Emeralds, but it’s not a mental task. And I spun it off into a sad bit where I said she uses that semblance to project a clone of Roman and sleep next to him crying herself to sleep. ;-; ITS SO SAD AND IM SORRY.
Theory 5: RWBY Corruption. Similar to the theory of using dead people as bargaining chips, this one is more..just to torture them. Salem would corrupt the corpse of Adam and make it undying, sending it after Blake/Yang. They would be facing a foe that can’t stay down from thier past. Adam has caused so much damage (mental and physical) to the pair. It would probably continue to scar them seeing his corpse try to fight them mindlessly. Salem offers to put the man to rest for good by taking one of Team RWBY. After the trade is done, she corrupts the girl to replace Adam.
Theory 6: Sad Summer Times. Somehow, Team RWBY/JNR make thier way into the whale ship. Somehow, Salem is about to fall and perish. As Ruby swings her sythe to strike her down, the black goop from the Grimm pools slides off, revealing a still alive Summer Rose. By the time Ruby sees this, she can’t stop. A head goes rolling on the floor. The goop reassembles itself into Salem. She used a Vessel to sacrifice in the event she was in Danger. (You can think of this one as a substitution Jutsu from NARUTO, but with an actual sacrifice to use).
Theory 7: Salem is trying to start over. She’s suffered so much, she’s already cost thousands of people thier lives when she was human. What if she’s trying to gather the relics to create a new, better world where she and Ozma and live happily without fear of death or age?
Theory 8: Salem’s goal is bigger than any of us can imagine. She already has magic. She’s growing stronger, she’s taken down most of the Kingdoms. There’s nothing to stop her. What does killing the Gods possibly get her? She can already rule over the world as she is. There has to be an even bigger picture
Theory 9: Emerald will defect from Salem’s troops. She came with Cinder because she thought she cared. She’s being neglected SO. HEAVILY. She must hate it. If you look back to the opening, we see a hall of villains that lead up to Salem. If you noticed, Emerald wasn’t there. But MERCURY WAS. It seems odd to only show off one of the low-level henchmen?
Theory 10: Winter will kill James Ironwood. The man...he’s become Salem but for the good guys(? Is he even still?). It was clear NONE of the ace Ops openly approved of the murder James committed. Winter is recovering. The military has been Winter’s entire life, running away from her family problems instead. If James threatens her military career, she probably wouldn’t hesitate to strike. Even if Winter doesn’t murder James, we know she wouldn’t hesitate to Usurp his position. We know that Winter and Weiss will clash this season from the opening.
Theory 11: Ozma will die for good. Or at least by separated from Ozcar. This one doesn’t really have a reason behind it other than the fact that Ozma keeps getting weaker and we saw Salem looming over Ozcar in the opening. I think this would be a great opportunity to allow Ozcar to better expand his own legacy, not the shadow of Oz’s. He would take up Oz’s legacy, but forge his own path the right way. His way. One more theory to go!!
Theory 12: We are reaching the Natural end of RWBY. At least the first generation. As far as I recall, Monty was able to write up about 10 volumes worth of lore and plot. We are going into volume 8. No one said the entire thing is about the VICTORY of Team RWBY. rather, it’s a story about the world of Remnant in its most interesting days. What if the story (from our perspective) is actually about the victory of Salem, accomplishing her goals and seeing the world struggle to fight against her in their final days? Strange theory, but I have such a weird draw to this one. I genuinely feel like Team RWBY won’t succeed in thier goal to stop Salem. I don’t want to see them suffer, but I can’t see them winning. Not unless some magical miracle happens. Which I’m not saying CANT happen....just that I don’t believe it will.
Theory 13: Raven saves the day. I’ve been thinking about a character redemption for Raven since her run away in Volume 5. It would be perfect. She agreed to turn herself over to Salem in exchange for leaving Atlas. I don’t think Salem would agree to it, or even honor the agreement if she did, but it would be amazing if Raven showed up to try and make amends.
I know this was a VERY long one, but I really needed to just let out a giant theory blast. Even if none of these make sense, I like them. Or at the very least, I think they make interesting story bits to share or think about “what if X happened”. Thanks for reading!
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e12 Live Blog
“The Wiping of the Disciple’s Butt”
The season finale. I’m nauseous. Lets begin. 
As always, I’m watching from the perspective of someone who has read the manga and webcomic. 
Right where we left off. Again I love the music. I’m just like, really calm right now actually. hhhhhhhhhhhokay. OOF oh god all the crunching sound effects oh no, this is already so weird watching Garou get his ass handed to him since he’s pretty much curb stomped every other hero in battle thus far, or at the VERY LEAST avoided taking so many hits. This. is so uncomfortable to watch. WOAH ????? THESE SHOTS WERE ONLY THERE FOR A SPLIT SECOND BUT??? HOLY SHIT???
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Oh god oh god Bang is relentless this hurts please stop guys GUYS PLZ  HAS NO ONE REALISED THAT NOT ONE HERO HAS DIED CMON PLZ IT HURTS calm down stop trying to kill him plsplspls OH
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oh god damnit him legit running on all fours right there just looks goofy tho F “preposterous style” Bang you aint lying asdfghjkl really though OH MY GOD EVERYONE IS DRAWN SO BEAUTIFULLY THIS IS SO BLESSED 
NO OPENING THEME???????????????????? WHAT?????????????????????? WHY????????????????????????? ONE, I WANTED TO SEE THE CHIBI OF THE WEEK AND 2 
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I WASNT PREPARED FOR MY FAVORITE DOPEY BIRD MAN THE FUCK PHOENIXMAN PLS NO ILY I know people hate him a lot but I just really dig how he feels like a fleshed out character compared to most other monsters, like he’s legit lookit him being all smart and stuff plz I just,,,,,,,,,,,, want to hug dumb fluffy birb ;-;
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Woah again I’m being blown away by the animation??? Garou getting smacked around is really fluid and this just looks really cool in general?????
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LIKE???????? I got kinda a comedic vibe watching him comment on it in the manga but the slow music and shit is just FUKKIN ME UP RIGHT NOW I HATE IT THANKS IT HURTS
oh god his face he has the seething thousand mile stare of quiet rage and its burning a hole STRAIGHT THROUGH MY ENTIRE BEING “But me I was the loner kid. Always gloomy and without friends” STOP. YOU STOP THAT RIGHT THIS INSTANT. IM CRYING AT U RIGHT NOW STOP
NO DONT HOLD HIM LET HIM GO S T O P OR SO HELP ME i can’t watch this what the fuck “I was always the loser” SHIT this legitimately hurts me “I dont want to be the monster anymore” GArou hey did you hear that part?? hEY GAROU DID YOU HEAR YOURSELF THERE??? 
oh my god it keeps getting worse. I mean. I already knew garou was being disproportionately reprimanded for what he supposedly did, but watching this scene just fucking kicked me in the teeth. As if my stomach wasn’t already in knots. The fuck . why does this hurt so much more watching than reading the frustration in seeping into me ffffff.
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This looks really cool but, i can barely focus on that because im pretty much being exsanguinated on the floor over here by this whole sequence look at him crying. do it for me cause I sure as hell can’t 
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“I want to strike a blow for the little guy”
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Garou flailing in the air in Phoenixman’s grip is … really adorable oh my god. “It’s your fault for not finishing them” ooooooo that shut him up didn’t it oof. Also nice cameo by Tatsumaki there 
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Genos’s eye static, The brother’s fists swirling, THE FUKKIN CARAPACE SHATTERING 
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oh god ok the face coming out of the face was pure nightmare fuel alright then
oh no 
oh no
im crying oh no
this animation is beautiful first of all and the music like im just here this is where I’m at and I’m crying oh no 
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He’s an angel. A literal angel. Look at that and tell me he doesn’t look like a fucking angel in the sky with the rays of light casting shadows around him. 
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Genos you are too good and pure for this world but that DOESNT MEAN TRY TO GET YOURSELF KILLED 
Shit they really made it look like he was gonna self destruct there for a second which MADE HIS LAST STAND EVEN MORE INTENSE OH MY GOD SWEETHEART Y’all ever get into a show because you keep seeing one character that catches your interest, and you keep seeing them pop up on your dash or wherever until you finally decide ‘well fuckit, this is the asshole that’s gonna get me to finally watch the show’, cause you’re already invested in them anyway? Genos did that for me with OPM. If this fool didn’t exist Who knows how long it would’ve taken me to get to watching OPM, if ever. And shit like this is why I STILL love him. I usually move on to new faves 90% of the time but nope. Genos earned his spot and is keeping it. Look at this insane shit. My heart. Uhg
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Enough gushing asdfghjkl ok but Genos, you just went INTO THE DAMNED THING’s STOMACH,,,,, and you’re SURPRISED that there’s STOMACH ACID?? But real talk. What the EVERLONG FUCK is that thing’s insides made out of? How did it NOT DIE. the FuCK
asdfghjkl Phoenixman’s chuckle???? I love 
Oh Bang no, this is wrenching my heart like I know that he doesn’t actually use his power but its built up so intensely like,,, would he be ok if he did??? and actually more concerningly since it even WAS brought up that he has some hidden true strength, will we EVER get to see that??? Oh Shit well when they word it as “All the power left to me in this life” then yeah, that seems pretty life or death ish???? THE FUCK 
Oh thank god comedic relief is here I feel like i’m about to have a heart attack my chest is so tight hhhhhh ok breathe WAIT THIS ISNT COMEDIC THIS IS BADASS AS HELL JEEZUS witht he flashbacks to the Saitama encounter and THIS LOOK
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The Anime is really fucking with the audience huh??? Making it look like KIngs about to throw hands like???????????? OH SHIT AND THIS MUSIC IS DOPE AS HELL TOO IM JUST laughing I have so much excessive energy right now???
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The REPRISE oh no oh NO OH NO OH NO NO ITS NOT OVER im not ready its not I cant no no no i dont want to press play cause if I press play it will end soon no no no Oh my god and at the end there isnt gonna be a title card for the next episode because THERE IS NO NEXT EPISODE no non o nonononon on on on ono no no no 
HEY IVE BEEN RIPPED OFF. WHERES THE FACE WITH HIS HAIR BLOWN BACK??? ASDFJKL fine I cant even be mad everything else was tooo  ofdbghjfshkggfhsjgbfhjka
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fkin cliffhanger no please no 
I.. I’m kind of at a loss for words. I’m. That’s it, huh? It’s really over. It doesn’t FEEL over. There’s so much unfinished business. Well, the only way to really neatly wrap everything up as neatly as S1 did would have been to get ALL THE WAY through the Garou arc, which obviously wasn’t going to happen, but this is not a great spot to leave off if we’re going to endure another few years hiatus. My hope is that, with biweekley manga updates, we should wrap up the Monster Association/Garou stuff (assuming it doesn’t diverge from the web comic too much) some time next year, and I’m HOPING that s3 is already being planned accordingly along side manga publications. So MAYBE it will at least be announced around that time 2020. That’s my wishful thinking at least. I don’t think I can survive 3 years. anyway
You could really tell JC Staff poured their hearts and souls into these last 2 episodes. Absolutely gorgeous, paced well, so completely satisfying and making every second of s2 worth while. For me, at least. I’ve already seen people still complaining and I’m just sorry they didn’t have as much fun as I did. 
Seriously, thank each and every one of you guys. This has been a wild ride, I’ve barely had this blog a few weeks before season 2 started airing (and honestly just got into opm maybe a month before that?), so I owe a lot of the success on the blog to the anime I bet. This was the first series I’ve never tried live bogging, and I honestly can’t believe that they were as popular as they were? Especially since I never have any idea what I’m doing but yall listen to me ramble anyway?? Yall are crazy thank you so so so much. Now my tuesdays are gonna feel really empty… next week is gonna be weird as hell. Though I’m gonna get mad nostalgic good vibes rewatching this season in the future in no small part from sharing my experience with everyone who's stuck around. I can’t say see yall next week this time, but, see you next season whenever it may be for sure.
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 46 Review.
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In Battle Network universe, curry takes YOU out!
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Are you gonna explain how Regal gets Dr. Wily’s robot eye gene or something?
We begin the episode with one of my least favorite characters in this season demanding curry at the restaurant of my least favorite group of villaines. Count Elec is working while complaining about Rush and wondering if the WWW will ever come back. Suddenly, his PET starts to emit a sound with a bright red screen, and we see that the rest of the WWW members also have the same problem.
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They are all gathered at the Maha ichiban, with Rush still waiting for his dang curry, trying to figure out what is going on. The PETs then slowly reveal an image of Dr. Wily.
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Are we forgeting already that Madoi has sleeves?
After the title card we see that all PETs are connected to a tv where they find out that it is a video recording of Dr.Wily’s will. Wily tells them about a special chip where he engraved his intellect and where to find it.
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All of this as the monitor shows the mod code for HP+250 for some reason.
After hearing this the WWW members are amazed and glad that they will finally return, but a certain dog hears them and escapes to alert our heroes.
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Another way to make this character useful. I honestly don’t know why they don’t even question Rush, like they already know who he is and what he can do.
We cut to Netto who is happily skating while singing Aki’s cheezy song (very badly BTW) until he is surprised by Rush who suddenly appears in his way. Rush seems to be trying to tell him something, but Netto simple can’t understand him.
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Why? She speaks bitch? XD (It’s not a bad word if I’m not using it as an insult)
In the next scene we see the Ex-WWW stealing a helicopter from a local airport by drowning the employees in curry. I also want to point out that Madoi and Count Elec are wearing those weird looking hats from when they were hand gliding in episode 31.
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Custom hats for their hair styles?
Madoi reminds them that Gauss might also be interested in finding Wily’s brain chip, before we see him at his company with the family picture we saw in episode 30.
Meanwhile, in Yaito’s secret tree house base, Roll somehow translates what Rush said about the Wily chip, (ignore the weird spacing in the second panel) and for some reason they all think it’s THEIR job to stop them.
Rush demonstrates once again that he can cross between worlds to show them the map to the chip, and right after this, Yaito calls them from a entirely different art style and background just so we can get Yaito’s animation of getting into her private jet Batman style.
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It just looks so weird going back and forth between art styles like that. Even the shading is different!
They find the island with no signs of the Ex-WWW anywhere, until Rockman totally jinx it because it turns out they were waiting for them to fly and shoot at them!
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Rockman in forth panel: “I hate to be right all the time”
It’s been a while since the WWW tried to MURDER Netto! They literally shoot at them because they knew Netto and Rockman were there!
After blasting them out of the sky, the WWW land on the island were they find a waterfall that, of course, has a jack-in point next to it. This means the waterfall is fake because it dries up once they plug-in to reveal the chip.
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Just plug-in, play Wily’s video and no more waterfall. Before they can take the chip though, one of Yaito’s drill cars bursts out of the ground. Yaito, Dekao and Tohru attempt to runaway with the chip only for the drill to stop working leaving them stuck there. Meanwhile, Netto is driving underground in a second drill car.
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“Girl please, who’s the main character here? I can find the plot with my eyes closed.”
The loser squad try to defend the chip, in a very poorly way because Mahajarama ends up picking it up easily after Madoi drops it. Hinouken celebrates, but they are all interrupted by a blimp from Gauss that suddenly arrives before cutting to commercials.
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We return from commercials with Gauss blasting the WWW helicopter with a laser from his airship.
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Yeap, that happend.
Gauss reveals himself and immediately proceeds to insult Madoi.
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I like how the camera switches to Madoi dissapearing and then going back to Gauss getting slapped by her. This is officially the second time Madoi slaps him.
Gauss reveals that he is interested in collecting Wily’s chip for his fan girl collection before Netto and Meiru finally burst out of the ground behind the blimp. Gauss then reveals a vital piece of information to eveyone.
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Whaaaaa... I’m just kidding, we already knew that.
Turns out Gauss changed the family name to Magnets after their mother died and considers the Count a failure. He offers to take him back on his blimp in return for him handing over the Wily chip. The Count accepts shocking everyone, except for Mahajarama who has fate in him.
Then Meiru comes running at Yaito and the others telling them that Netto is on that ship too.
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“Main character!”
Inside the airship, the Count refuses to hand over the chip and challenges Gauss to a Net Battle, but not just any Netbattle, one with the same rules used in his battle against Rockman back in episode 30. 
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Were the subs done by the same guys from episode 38? WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT?!
Gauss accepts and we then see Netto hiding in a closet where Rockman tells him that he will disable the security so he can sneak around. The electric battle begins with Elecman and Magnetman rushing at eachother as we then cut to Rockman taking out the security Navis with his cutted buster shot.
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I’m liking the lighting effects used in this episode.
Elecman attacks Magnetman with his Elec Sword, but the magnetic Navi blows him away. Magnetman attacks with his Mag balls, Elecman tries to avoid them but one of them eventually touches him causing the Count to get shocked by the battle machine.
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So gay. 
Anyway, the Count shuts him up after he sends a lightning rod to Elecman to protect him from Magnetman’s attacks and returning the damage to him.
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That’s not a real chip, but I don’t care.
Gauss gets angry and Magnetman manhandles Elecman.
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This battle is intense! I am personally rooting for Elecman and the Count. I don’t have anything against gay people, I just happen to dislike Gauss, and his Navi Magnetman is very vicious. You can see how Elecman struggles in the battle just for the Count. That is Navi loyalty at its finest!
Meanwhile, we go back to the island where one of Yaito’s maids tells her that their rescue crew has arrived, they can now go get Netto from Gauss’s blimp. Speacking of Netto, we cut to Rockman now in the Heat Guts style burning more security Navis to disable what I guess is a motion sensor.
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I think this is the first time we see burn marks left by the Heat Guts attack, it is suppouse to be a flamethrower after all.
Back to the battle, Elecman and Magnetman launch their attacks at the same time. The collission of their attacks for some reason means that both Gauss and the Count get electricuted. During this, a spark runs wild and starts a tiny fire somewhere in the blimp.
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Netto finally arrives at the room where they are having their Net Battle and spots Wily’s chip in front of their family picture.
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Just wanted to brag my good timing with this shot where Netto sees the Count before hiding.
Magnetman and Elecman are both tired, the fire in the airship starts to expand, the Navis decide to take the other one down with their fists resulting in a double log-out and both operators getting electricuted and falling over.
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On the floor, they both talk about the past. Gauss even admits that their mother and him were worried about the Count before she passed away. 
This tender conversation is interrupted by an explotion caused by the growing fire, but there is another surprise for them, Netto attempting to sneak away with the Wily chip behind their backs.
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You know, Netto, you could’ve taken advantage of the explotion to run away without them realizing it. 
Netto runs away and plugs out Rockman who was still burning security Navis in the cyberworld with Gauss and Count Elec right behind him.
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Rockman deleting the security might have weakend the airships emergency protocals in case of a fire...Wooops. Either that or Gauss’s blimp was poorly designed.
Netto tries to escape from them by running to the roof only to be stopped by the fire.
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Only in the original version can you find an openly gay Gauss.
Netto threatens them by throwing the chip overboard, but another explotion causes him to lose balance.
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The villains saved the hero?
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Of course they did it because they thought he still had the chip. Luckily for Netto, he grabs on to a lose part of the blimp slowly tearing its side and leaving him hanging from it.
Gauss and Count Elec once again start to fight over the chip, and once again an explotion occures making them fall over with the chip sliding pass between them and finally falling off the ship.
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LOL, there goes Wily’s brain.
The blimp is slowly falling with Netto getting closer to the water until something saves him from drowning or freezing to death.
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Oh no, its the return of the Yaito Mako!
Netto is saved and the blimp ends up crashing into an iceberg while our heroes just watch the bad guys die.
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Oh the Elec-Manity! Or Magnet-Manity? o-o
After this we see the Ex-WWW on a boat in front of the iceberg believing that their dear friend died. Of course this isn’t the case because the camera quickly shifts to the Count and Gauss bickering on a block of ice, ending the episode with both of them sneezing.
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What do I think?
The beginning was pretty dumb. Netto and friends just trying to stop the Ex-WWW like it was their responsability. I mean, granted, Rockman is the hero that stops their evil plans, but they never got directly involve before. Fighting against the WWW Navis was because they were causing problems to them and the rest of the city, but their operators don’t stand a chance against a group of adults in real life. The cyberworld is where Rockman is superior and is able to stop them, that’s the Battle Network formula, giving kids an advantage over adults.
The best and most important part of the episode was the revelation of Gauss and Count Elec being brothers and the Net Battle between their Navis. If you saw the anime before playing the games like me, this was something we were waiting for after seeing the Count’s family picture in episode 30. The game was pretty vague about this, how were we suppoused to know that the Cout’s real name was Jack? They are never seen interacting with eachother in the games, Gauss’s introduction was the only time where this was mentioned. During the plane hijacking in BN2, Gauss reveals that he came from a very poor family and that his brother Jack was taken in by a wealthy family, making him bitter towards humanity and the reason why he joins Gospel. Here, they both come from a rich family but chose different paths, specially since the Count ran away from home a long time ago.
The reason why there was a mod code in Wily’s video was part of their publicity for BN3, by adding secret codes for the game in the anime. It is very plausible that we will see more secret codes hiding in some of the future episode.
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jiang-xinfei · 3 years
Ok! Great news! Cause I finally have a backstory of jiang-xinfei which is gonna turn into wei-xinfei!
At first I thought being the daughter of wangxian or being the soul inside Stygian seal/yin iron that instead of a normal immortal that doesn't include in politics a-fei was different she turned into an immortal at the age of 18-22 and made the yin iron to sleep in/live in and that because the Yin iron was a powerful spiritual tool that xue chonghai fed resentful energy and xinfei couldn't resist it cause after all she was sealed there and put into sleep and when Stygian seal was created and destroyed although she has still his memories and all her original body turned into 10 yr old child and once the Stygian seal was purified she was able to get out and welp adopted by wangxian in the process.
But I got a better and well angstier ver! And I'm making it! 😃
So me like irl me died by accidentally falling into a pit as to why I'm there? Well I was lost on camping and that wasn't supposed to happen and "god" (heavenly officials) gave me a choice to be reincarnated as wwx older sister! And ofc I said yes cause I'm Overly obsessed by wwx story especially him and I love him(non-romantic) sooo I said yes(yes it is tgcf x mdzs au maybe even svsss idk) and since it a mistake death they gave me a chance to choose one of my belongings to become my spiritual tool and well obviously I chose the phone(in another world with my smartphone ref:)
And this is where it starts
And the process of reincarnation happens the rebirth of "insert name" and the birth of the first born child of the Weis wei-yue courtesy name xinfei and since I'm planning to at least lessen wwx burdens or entirely changing the past the moment wwx was born I spoiled and coddled him like no tmr all I did was for him and well he needed it cause in this world wwx was vulnerable towards resentment because resentment gathers towards him more than spiritual and since were a sanren blood also known as the disciples of balance it literally means everything needs to be balanced we can filter resentment to spiritual, or if were in a place theres no resentment we can filter spiritual to resentment, once the energy is slightly tilted off your life is in danger but not to much to death but slowly and wwx was overflowing of resentment and attracted resentment rather than both so he was always in bed or whenever we travelled he has to stay back or always near cangse, not allowed to walk, play around, and etc. Or he'll pass out
And when wwx was 3 and bedridden and we needed to meet the jiangs(I was 6) wwx stayed behind with only weichangze greeting and leaving right after
Before he left He was about to say that he needed to take care of wwx but I intervene and told jfm that wei-xinfei my younger sister needed father to take care of her since she was very week and was sick,I sent weichangze a wink letting him know I was kidding around(which I was in fact not) and he wanted to reprimand me but I shooed him away and cangse saw the wink and went along
So I introduced myself playfully as wei-ying courtesy wuxian 3 yrs old and a boy and since me and wwx was a splitting image with eachother like twins although I'm 3 yrs older and the same height as wwx and no i am not short wwx is just incredibly tall for his age(I'm sure in the future although I'm shorter than him I'm taller than an average girl) and not to mention I act like him only a bit calm and reserve sometimes but nonetheless I'm a splitting image of him (not that I was acting ofc it's just the fact that I'm reincarnated in the world I love and the mere fact I can lift wwx my favorite character/person his burdens up excited me to the point my hidden personality of causing mischief, pranks,curiosity, cheerful, funny, kind, caring, and self-awareness hidden by that bored lazy doesn't give 2 shits about the world persona that I built up washed away) so yes I'm a splitting image of wwx and also I kinda dressed like a boy especially like wwx does in the future like wearing black and red or anything that is black
(So jfm didn't notice anything when he came to pick wwx up later)
Anyways after all of that it was well known in the world that the youngest child of the Wei family I, Wei-xinfei is a fragile, easily sick, weak at cultivation, in near death kid. Not the genius, powerful core that is even as strong as changze(who although is weak compared to everyone but was still not strong compared to normal cultivators)who accidentally made a spiritual tool like yu ziyuans famous first class spiritual tool zidian by accident 😀in the cultivation world
Wei changze thought it was a bad idea that xinfei was known as weak and etc. But I said I like working in the shadows rather than up front and besides they'll know eventually anyways. So they left it at that and by the age of 8 weichangze and cangse sanren died
But we never went into the streets my plan was to bring us to our grandmasters mountain to train there but me and wwx always ends up late everytime we went there since the entrance of baoshan sanren was at random times it was almost impossible to know where it will open up if not for my phone so since we were always late and since I made/saved upmoney before our parents died with the help of my beautifully crafted toys and accessories we were able to meet ends meet for a year but that it our savings was dried so I made accessories that gives a lot of money and toys to sell to the shops loads of them at the same time thought wwx about balance and selfishness derailed him with it including some selfesness but always reminded him to put himself first before everyone else.
At the 3rd yr (wwx 8 Wei xinfei 11)And the entrance to the spirit mountain was opened at burial Mounds since we we were technically not harmed by resentment we can and also pay respects to our family we can go in with this no problem.
Unfortunately we were too late...
So we came back at the foot of the mountain sold a bunch of the accessories , charms, and toys and stayed for 3 days we sent off our journey we were at the outskirts of yiling when wwx was hit with a concerning fever
And we stopped by a near river to rest and attend to wwx . I left him behind a tree because he can't play in the water when his sick when a dog came and wwx was scared with dogs so he ran away from there with a fever and stopped and he was lost in yilling his head panging he stopped at an alleyway with no dogs and laid down.
While in xinfeis pov she searched for him frantically using whatever she could find with the family navigator it was a fire that glows in ur sub conscious mind to navigate ur blooded family or ur adopted ones although it has its downside if ur balanced just right yin and yang energys u can pinpoint exactly where they are or are they alive while if ur not and ur not balanced and filled with resentment yes u can be assured that the other person is alive the problem is ur sense of direction is clouded because after all resentment is everywhere it can pinpoint a general direction but it was troublesome if ur in a place filled with nothing but resentment while having more spiritual in ur body and not balanced with resentment u can only know there alive nothing is else nothing more there personification is gone in the world to put it simply there spirits and cannot be found though you'll know there very very much alive but that it.
And well yilling is so full of resentment especially with burial Mounds the direction was clouded and the more time went bye I could feel the lost of direction slowly out of earth. Meaning wwx was unconsciously filtering resentment to spiritual energy and his presence was slowly fading in xinfeis mind only seeing the flame brighten more and more. And looked and looked for him but he was never found. Something was getting in between them so they could never meet someone who-no it doesn't want them to meet and it's working it was always there even before like a reminder of what will happen and I just ignored it thinking it was nothing until our parents died it slowly shifted into a warning saying he couldn't stop what will happen and that it was hopeless but he still ignored it now... Now that small warning turned into a threat a threat saying that everything that had happened before will happen again but 100+ worse to both of them. She couldn't ignore it anymore but she couldn't stop it from growing too because she was too weak she can't handle this, this is a new dangerous being that once it's ready it will hunt both of them down growing and waiting in the shadows wanting to use there life, and suffering for amusement. And she hates it. She hates feeling useless but she can't help it.
And since then 3 yrs had passed since xinfei was now 14 and he still couldn't find her little brother she gave up everything about going to their grandmaster learned cultivation herself both resentment and spiritual and kept looking for him she already went to yunmeng but he wasn't there gusu, nie, lan, Jin anywhere he wasn't there or more specifically the thing his wwx his yingying from her... The only thing that she's still grabbing the hope too is the flame that was stronger than ever but thats it.
At the fourth year she came back to yilling just one chance and goes to the alleyway wwx was going to be picked up by yunmeng but... He wasn't there... Nothing was there... No life that indicated someone was living there... She... She changed the past... Again... And she didn't have any control of it... And it scared her... That somehow her existence here made everything worse... That somehow she was at fault... And that broke her she cried and cried in that alleyway didn't acre what the people looks sent to her. She just cried and cried.. .
And then a hand reached out to her.
It was the one and only legendary baoshan sanren the mother of her mom, her other family that is alive and well aside a-ying, her grand master, there grandmother...
Lol I might make another one but I'm really sleepy and shit I'll just finish this later as a head canon style or prompt style idc anyways bye!
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