#where i start making theories not even 12 hours into hiatus
animerunner · 2 years
Also hey uh this line. Uh this is really important because this means whatever we got to do with the Collector next season is going to be massive:
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Remember what I said about how I thought this mural creature on the right was the Collector's real form:
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....looking more and more like I'm right and the kid form might be something else entirely.
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And if we need to fight that thing for one of the season specials.
Oh boy hold on to your hats and glasses folks. When these kids get back to the demon realm things are going to get chaotic.
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rankuros · 2 years
KINNGGGG i wanna hear ur SINGINgf also how do u do it on the internet ND SHIT
aw i'm so sorry i was asleep when you sent these. also i'm answering publicly because i worked really hard on this and i'm an attention whore <3
https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/JtKieEFCV7BtZAXS7 here is my favorite solo ever but it's like eight years old hhhahha (in jp)
https://twitter.com/r4nsetsu/status/1499543423942017027?s=21&t=TymQWkkhekI-WtIskXK4tQ here is one of my karaoke songs since you said i had good taste JFJKEFJ (in en)
https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/riJe3tAc3wCJwdbbA here is my comeback from last year (i failed at mixing this so i think i will re-mix it when i am better at doing that HFJKSJFJFK i do love shrieky vocals in my voice tho) (in jp)
https://twitter.com/r4nsetsu/status/1500281411185647619?s=21&t=giIbl15LU9WmTbn1hWY86g here's an emo mili song bc i am soo dramatic (in en)
https://youtu.be/onhI9oNXu7c here is my favorite collab ever!!! i am second from the right (in jp)
logistically how do i sing on the internet? i use:
1. blue snowball USB mic. many people will tell you to get an XLR mic, which is better quality, but also requires extra hardware to actually connect it to the computer so it's a higher price point. i wouldn't necessarily recommend that for just getting started! if i manage to record again when my current life situation is resolved i will probably upgrade tho because i am trying to learn to mix better so i want sexier mic quality. I HAVE ALSO USED THE MIC FROM ROCK BAND FOR THE NINTENDO WII which works SURPRISINGLY WELL. it was a USB mic i already had lying around and it gets the job done! in theory a mic is the only thing you might need to purchase to get started so it is a pretty low cost of entry hobby, i think my snowball was $50 ish but there might be better recommended USB mics these days
2. reaper to record and mix (technically paid software in the same way winrar is paid software, i have run it on an "evaluation license" for thousands of hours) it is unfortunately SUPER unintuitive and if you are open to p*rating adobe products i 100000% recommend adobe audition over reaper. however i am lazy and have never tried to get my hands on audition since i grew a pair and stopped paying for it :) reaper also has a built in manual TUNER which is soooooo nice because melodyne, while easier to use, is expensive (🏴‍☠️)
3. straight up just youtube and google for the instrumentals i need (i always make sure i can find them before i record bc most things have an instrumental available somewhere, but not all!). sometimes you can also find a reference for the harmony lines of a song and go really ham and record those too! or some people can just harmonize by ear but i am usually not very good at it so if i can't find a ref i just don't do it HAHA
4. soooooo many tutorials on youtube! i most recently learned how to time vocals without making them choppy, like how to stretch or shrink a syllable if multiple people are singing so they are more in unison. it's a lot of fun to learn things! (except EQ. learning EQ is part of why i'm on hiatus because it made me hate myself. all the homies hate EQ)
5. various video editing software which not everyone prioritizes anymore! the youtaite community specifically, which is where i have been on and off for almost 12 years holy shit, is youtube based so video is a big part of it. you can also usually charm ppl into making simple videos for you (i know this for a fact bc i am the ppl getting charmed into making simple videos for others)
and most importantly, i have
6. a ✨big fat ego✨ about my voice to allow me to sing on the internet because it can be really daunting!!! i used to perceive some really unpleasant tone in my voice and it took me a long time to come to terms with it, and i used to compare myself to everyone. karaoke and musical theater have done a lot for my relationship with my voice <3
[i was going to talk even fucking more about my Process here but i feel like i am writing a book. idk how much ramble you signed up for!! but if you think this is for you i would love to answer questions or help out]
ALSO IT IS SO MUCH FUN TO WORK WITH OTHER PEOPLE! oh my god! i did a chorus battle last year and most of my team was in GERMANY! that's so far away we would NEVER have met and we worked so hard and made something together!! talk about human connection!
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also you can sing literally whatever the fuck you want. i have not joined the choir in my community because i do not want to be stuck singing what the choir sings. i have not done any musical theater since RENT because i do not care about most musicals. i want to sing whatever i feel like singing and whatever is most fun and meaningful for me. it's my voice and i get to decide what to do with it etc
in conclusion: singing on the internet can be so rewarding and there is a pretty hoppin community of other people who sing on the internet who will be nice to you and offer advice/answer questions and sing songs with you. and it is really goddamn time consuming but i like it a lot. bye
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Cat’s Definitive Ranking of Every ML Episode as of 4/22/21
Are you guys ready for this? I did the thing. You’re all welcome. Don’t ever ask me for anything again. You can watch me get progressively more unhinged in real time. 
Now, just to preface this, I did not give this too much thought. Most of these are just my gut feelings. I went through every episode and just made some snap judgments based off the lasting impressions I’ve been left with. These are my opinions. If you don’t like them, tough. And also I don’t care. Go spend 4 hours making your own damn ranking. And shut the hell up. Anyway, this is probably the longest post I’ve ever made, so I’m gonna put it all under a read more. Click on it if you have an hour to read it. Okay, here we go!
1.     Origins II- Good starting point for our heroes. Good establishment of canon ships and character dynamics. Umbrella scene literally stole my wallet. Cannot emphasis enough that I am whipped for the umbrella scene. I wrote a whole ass AU just to say how whipped I am for the umbrella scene. In the Rain will play at my wedding. Jk. Weddings are for suckers. But dammit if I don’t want these kids to get married. 10/10
2.     Origins I- Good introduction to lore. Good introduction to characters. Good establishment of status quoyo. Just good. 10/10
3.     Simon Says- Listen, I am nothing if not a shipper at heart. This episode just sparks joy. And the whole series almost ended when Gabriel almost jumped off the roof. I was really rooting for this one. This was the episode where I saw Ladrien and went yes, ma’am, I’ll have one of those. 10/10
4.     Evillustrator- Are you all surprised? Cat, the MC-skeptic ranked the pivotal MC episode so highly? Well, let me tell you all a thing, I started this fandom out a MC shipper because of this episode. Their first interaction is gold. I don’t deny that. I enjoy it. This is the MC dynamic I fell in love with. Yall toxic shippers ruined MC for me when you opened your mouths and spat in the face of Ladrien and baselessly declared MC the sin-ship. We all know it’s Ladrien. Stop kidding yourselves. Boy in leather catsuit? Please. Basic ass vanilla bitches. I’m getting off-topic. Solid episode 10/10. We love to see it.
5.     Stormy Weather- Baby’s first Miraculous episode. It holds a special place in my heart. It’s a solid episode. Good establishment of what the show is. Fun villain. Good times. Fond memories. 10/10
6.     Riposte- Listen, I know I’m an Adrinette stan, but hear me out: Ladrien. It’s just so good. And Kagami was compelling in this episode. It was just really solid. It’s my favorite s2 episode. If you ask me if I want to rewatch Riposte, the answer is always yes. 10/10. We stan.
7.     Gorizilla- Okay, so this episode has some solid Adrinette in it, but the real reason it ranks so high is that fucking Ladrien trust fall. I stare at that scene for hours, you guys. HOURS. It is absolutely just *chefs kiss*. Sometimes when I need a pick-me-up, I just go watch gifs of that catch on loop. 10/10. Beautiful. Radiant. Carefree.
8.     Gang of Secrets- I have been keeping most of my opinions to myself about s4 (mostly because I’ve backed way the hell out of this fandom), but GoS was pretty solid. Gotta say, it’s the first episode in a long time with this show that made me actually excited to see what happens next. Most other episodes I was like, okay, that was cute. The show is still meh overall. But GoS really got me like oh shit, is ML good again? 10/10 for making me feel things again.
9.     Oblivio- Told you guys this one was probably rated higher than I thought. Oblivio is just really fun. There is good Adrinette. That “No wonder I fell in love with you” paired with the softest of Adrien smiles just sends me. And the kisses. The unquestionable trust. These two kids literally woke up together alone in an elevator with no memories and said welp, you’re my boyfriend/girlfriend obviously, I don’t make the rules. Honestly, how anyone could argue that these two dorks aren’t made for each other after that episode is beyond me. 9/10
10.  Backwarder- Okay, I know I am weird and alone for this one, but I really liked this episode. It got a lot of shit for the constipation capsule thing at the end, but like who cares? We finally got some more backstory on Fu. He got a love-interest who is dope as hell. This episode is my favorite lucky charm use ever. Like that queen DID that. I like Backwarder, guys! Fuck off. 9/10.
11.  Kwamibuster- We all know I am a Marinette-stan by this point, but our girl was SHINING this episode. This bitch said gimme all them and let me go whoop this bitch’s ass, and she DID. Hawkmoth could never. Multimouse is a gift, and Marinette is a boss ass queen.  9/10
12.  Chat Blanc- Listen, this episode was very good. I enjoy the idea of my children being happy in another timeline somewhere very much. We got all 4 sides of the square in an episode. It’s just really solid. I know this is the fandom’s favorite, and everyone is gonna shit their pants because it didn’t make my top 10, but this is my list. So, I put it at number 12. It’s good. I like it. It just didn’t steal my wallet like other episodes did. Put the pitchforks down. It’s gonna be okay, you can still love it more than me. 8/10
13.  New York Special- I know everyone felt some type of way about this special, but I wasn’t mad at it. My perception of it might be clouded because I watched it in Disney World where I was chilling and having a great time, but like this special really did somethings for me. The Adrinette was top tier. Tippy top tier. Even though they hurt us in the end, I am okay with it because it just means the children will grow and come out stronger. I don’t care if it’s not technically canon. Ask me if I give a fuck. I don’t. I had fun here. 8/10. Solid.
14.  The Collector- This one might shock a lot of you, but let me paint you a scene. It’s the first episode of s2. We have just come off a 2 year hiatus. The fandom is thriving. We’re hungry for canon content. We have hopes and dreams and expectations. Everyone is going wild with theories. This episode confirmed something that was long since obvious (in my opinion) and ended the stupid arguments people had been having. It made Gabriel actually seem semi-competent. We got our first taste of how Chat/Adrien will react to his dad being Hawkmoth. We got a peek at their life. Adrien’s isolation and sadness. They were so close to figuring it out. The battle was epic. Like Collector really had them on the ropes there for a second. It’s a solid episode, yall. I’m not wrong. Hate me all you want, but this episode brought it. 8/10
15.  Despair Bear- Is this episode up this high because of the Adrinette slow dance scene? YOU BET YOUR ASS IT IS. Okay, but fr though, shipping aside, this episode gave us hope that Chloe was actually gonna redeem herself. I mean, she didn’t but, we didn’t know that at the time. Seeing her run around trying to be nice was fun. And then she actually did something good, and we had a moment of okay, she’s capable. We’ll get there. We didn’t. But what a ride this episode was for making us think she would. 8/10
16.  Startrain- Cat, you’re just ranking all the Adrinette episodes highest. And? What of it? Are you surprised? You clicked a blog that has simping for Adrinette in the description, and you’re surprised all my favorite episodes have Adrinette? I’m not wrong, you’re just an idiot. The Adrinette nap cuddles aside though, this was a pretty good episode. If you don’t think too hard about the whole space thing, we got a look at Max’s life, his mom is a driven, smart lady doing her best. Adrien rebels against papa for once. Alya stops a Lila scheme. Chloe gets to play the hero. Alya and Nino actually investigate like the heroes they are. Gabriel gets to realize what a dumbass bitch he is. I mean. Guys. Startrain is solid. 7.5/10
17.  Sapotis- This one shot up in rank for me after GoS, but tbh it’s always been a solid episode. Alyanette sleepover? Check. Alya becoming a superhero? Check. It’s a fun episode. And looking back, it’s nicely called back to later in GoS. We love it. 7.5/10
18.  Sandboy- Idk why I enjoy this episode as much as I do, but I do. Sandboy is a cute bean. I love his aesthetic. We also get hilarious looks at everyone’s nightmares. “Plagg, who turned you into a sock?” cracks me up cause like Adrien, bby, no XD And Chat Noir’s nightmare. I think it would have been interesting though if since Sandboy dusted the Agreste mansion, if we got a peek at Hawkmoth’s nightmares. It would have been a nice hint of plot to go along with Master Fu’s nightmare. Also Plagg giving the akuma the slip like the clever boy we know he is deep down? 7.5/10
19.  Furious Fu- If you guys haven’t realized by now that I love Fu, idk what you’re doing. Pay attention. I know that some people don’t like him, but I’m just gonna say it, you’re wrong. Fu took care of the Miracle Box for over 100 years, and this episode kind of gives some insight to what the Order was like. Very strict. Lots of rules. And ya know what, Fu said fuck the police, I’m gonna befriend these little magical demigods, and fuck off! Like what an absolute legend. I was really happy to see him living his best life, and that he and Marianne got married because it’s what he deserves. We love to see it. 7.5/10
20.  Gamer- People like to shit on Marinette in this episode, but like honestly, if I were in her shoes, I’d have probably done the same thing if I had the skill. Ain’t nothing wrong with a girl trying to spend time with the boy she likes. And Tom and Sabine being absolute shipping trash. I love them. And the awkward Adrinette. The introduction of the lucky charm that Adrien STILL carries. Wholesome. This was a good episode for their friendship, and we love to see it. 7.5/10
21.  Christmaster- Okay, I know a lot of people hated this episode when it aired, but I thought it was really funny? Everyone skidding around in the ice rink was hilarious. If you don’t take this episode seriously, it’s really fun. Chris is pretty cute, and damn right Ladybug is the best kid in the world. Idk. This episode is fun. I’m not mad at it. Sue me. 7.5/10
22.  Weredad- What? Another MC-heavy episode in Cat’s top 30? Listen, I don’t hate canon MC. The fans just annoy me. This episode was funny. The secondhand embarrassment and cringe was real. Plagg taunting Adrien because he knows the secret was great. Marinette being a self-saving queen was great. It’s a good episode. I like MC, you guys. I do. I swear! 7.5/10
23.  Miraculer- This episode was interesting to me, and I think it’s still a good development episode. For one, Sabrina finally got her own akuma episode named after her. Secondly, because it’s a big step for Chloe, just not in the way we expected. It totally makes sense that Chloe can’t have her Miraculous back because literally everyone knows her identity. Can’t argue that logic. And she is the first person to ever refuse to become akumatized, so like mad respect. I know a lot of people had high hopes for redeemed Chloe (myself included), but I think watching a character fall from revering someone to hating them is also an interesting path. The friends to enemies arc as it were. Idk. I liked this episode. It was an opportunity for Chloe to grow, even if she didn’t in the end, but we’ll talk about that later. 7.5/10
24.  Lady Wifi- I like Alya. I feel like I don’t say that much, and people make some assumptions because of MDCSP, but MDCSP is just a concept I wanted to explore. It doesn’t really reflect how I feel about any one character. Except maybe Lila. And Gabe. But every other spite fic I’ve written branching from Chameleon, the class has been fine. Alya has been fine. So, let it be known that I like Alya. Lady Wifi was a fun episode. Putting aside the fact that she thought Chloe was Ladybug for no reason, I like her akuma. I like the interactions we get with LadyNoir in this episode. After GoS, this episode gets a bit funnier. It’s solid. 7/10
25.  Dark Cupid- I don’t have much to say about this one. LadyNoir. That’s it. That’s the tweet. Send it. 7/10
26.  Volpina- So many things about this episode. It introduced a new antagonist who we didn’t exactly 100% know was going to be an antagonist at the time. This episode sparked a lot of fun fan theories for a while. Who was Lila? How was she going to shake things up? Not to mention this episode gave us a taste of plot and lore, and set up Marinette meeting Master Fu officially. Lots of intrigue sparked from this episode. And that LadyNoir door scene? OOOOOO 7/10
27.  Hearthunter- One word: Adrigaminette. This episode was so cute for them! I loved seeing them all goofing and running around together. Adrien and Kagami being absolutely in love with Marinette when her hair is down. They both love her, I don’t make the rules. Not to mention, Marinette takes a big step by letting her friends be happy without her. Kagami not wanting to hurt Marinette. The drama!! Gabriel being a messy ass bitch to his friends. It loses points for the abomination of an akuma, but overall, I wasn’t too mad at it. Yet. 7/10
28.  Glaciator- More MC in Cat’s top 30? It’s more likely than you think. Listen. Listen… Listen. MC is fine. This episode was the closest thing to fanfiction that we got. The balcony scene was really sweet. I was drinking the irony. We got introduced to Andre the icecream fraud. Andre the please just give me the flavor I asked for man. I could have done without Chat pouting, but the LadyNoir in the end was pretty good. I wish they’d done more with Ladybug’s feelings for Chat. Had her question herself a bit more after this one, but overall, it’s cute. 7/10
29.  Zombizou- A lot of people started hating Mlle. Bustier after this episode, and like I can kind of see it, if I squint, but I did not draw that same conclusion from this episode. Mlle. Bustier just wants good things for all of her students. They’re 14 ffs, she just wants to be a good influence on all of her students and wants them all to be successful. But go off, I guess? Plus, this episode was basically just a spoof on zombie apocalypse movies. We got so many things. Julerose, Myvan, DJWifi. Chloe actually showing some depth and emotion. LadyNoir. We won this episode, babes. Sorry you didn’t get the memo. 7/10
30.  Timetagger- Okay. This is the last episode in the ones that I’d venture to call “good.” Number 30. I enjoyed Timetagger. I know people have feelings about timey-wimey bullshit, and like I’m not gonna lie and say I’m thrilled with it either (I mean, I changed the rabbit’s power in MDCSP) but that being said, Timetagger was so sassy. Bunnix was cool as hell. We get to see that LB and CN are still doing the thing in the future. So many questions sparked from this episode. It was fun. Idk. I liked it. That’s all I got. 7/10
31.  Malediktator- Okay, from this point on, less comments because this is the section that are more or less just meh to me. Like they’re fine. This episode was fine. Chloe was fine. Chat playing with the laser was cute. 6.5/10
32.  Mayura- Adrien’s speech at the end. Nuff said 6.5/10
33.  Ikari Gozen- Ryuko/Ryuuko. Gals being pals. 6.5/10
34.  Reflekdoll- I talked about this earlier, but I don’t hate this episode. It’s not as bad as people make it out to be. Sue me. 6.5/10
35.  Anansi- Nino is the goodest boy. Also I need more of the gang taking Adrien on adventures via Facetime. Stat. 6.5/10
36.  Shanghai- This one is new, and tbh I still haven’t watched it with subs, but I had a good time. Fei was cute. The boy squad was cute. Adrien bonding with Great Uncle Cheng was cute. Hawkmoth getting literally dunked on was *chefs kiss* 6.5/10
37.  Gigantitan- I love overly supportive, ride-or-die girl squad. 6.5/10
38.  Party Crasher- Idk why this episode was funny to me. Kim is the purest bean. We don’t deserve him. 6.5/10
39.  Desperada- This episode was an emotional roller coaster, and even though we all collectively hate Aspik’s stupid egghead, we love the Ladrien this episode provided us. 6/10
40.  Oni-chan- Listen, I loved seeing Lila get a tiny bit of karma even if she made it up in the end. I loved Chat going off on her. I loved seeing her get outsmarted in the end. 6/10
41.  Frightningale- My good lesbian Clara Nightingale. We stan. 6/10
42.  Style Queen- I like Audrey in a “she’s the worst person I’ve ever met, I want to travel the world with her” kind of way. She’s funny to me. Idk. I love her firing everyone. She’s the one I love to hate. She’s the worst, but we love her for it. Plus this episode gave us Plagg’s adorable little Cataclysm that destroyed half the city. 6/10
43.  Gamer 2.0- Chat confidently strutting in heels made this episode worth it. And we get to see the beginning of Marinette being overwhelmed. Plus it was the return of gamer!nette. 6/10
44.  Troublemaker- I don’t hate this episode as much as the next person either. It was fine. Jagged is a manchild, but we love him for it. He’s a Marinette stan which like mood. The Adrinette at the end was cute. I wasn’t mad at it. Idk. It’s fine. 6/10
45.  Reflekta- Where are all my Juleka stans at? I loved the LadyNoir banter in this ep. V. cute. 6/10
46.  Dark Owl- This episode was fun. And it really shows their level of trust. Plus Plagg and Tikki interacted. 6/10
47.  Timebreaker- Have I ever mentioned that I like Alix? I like Alix. 6/10
48.  Silencer- I don’t hate this episode as much as you’d expect me to, and that is 100% because of the LadyNoir. 5.5/10
49.  Prime Queen- Chat purrs. 5.5/10
50.  Syren- I think the fish power-up is adorable. Ondine is a gem. Kim is a pure bean, but we been knew. 5.5/10
51.  Befana- I like Gina, but this episode fell flat for me. Almost as flat as the animation. 5.5/10
52.  Reverser- Another episode that everyone hates that I am actually fine with. This episode made me like Nathaniel more. Probably because I was previously indifferent toward him. Marc is cute too. 5.5/10
53.  Mr. Pigeon- Marinette is one clever girl. And the Adrinette hand-touch. 5.5/10
54.  Felix- Felix is a gremlin of chaos. A true chaotic neutral. He gives his uncle the finger, and I think that’s beautiful. 5.5/10
55.  Truth- Bet you expected this episode to be higher. While I did enjoy watching toxic people’s world crumble, this episode still gets a meh from me dog. 5/10
56.  Lies- The Adrigami was cute, and I respect Kagami as a character. The akuma could have been better tho. 5/10
57.  Princess Fragrance- Not much to say here. 5/10
58.  Copycat- 5/10
59.  Bubbler- 5/10
60.  Mime- 5/10
61.  Animan- 5/10
62.  Robostus- 5/10
63.  Ladybug- This episode ranks this low purely because I don’t care about GabeNath, and I hate that Lila won something in the end. But Adrien saying I won’t hesitate, bitch! At the end was nice to see. 5/10
64.  Catalyst- I know I ranked Mayura way higher, but Catalyst fell flat for me. Like it was fine. Wasn’t as into it though. 4.5/10
65.  Puppeteer- One of my favorite lucky charm uses. 4.5/10
66.  Pixelator- My favorite Cataclysm. 4.5/10
67.  Horrificator- That almost-Adrinette kiss tho 4.5/10
68.  Pharaoh- 4.5/10
69.  Kung Food- 4.5/10
70.  Rogercop- 4/10
71.  Guitar Villain- 4/10
72.  Dark Blade- 4/10
73.  Bakerix- 4/10
74.  Antibug- And now onto the bottom 10. To start us off, I will just say: UGH, this episode annoyed me. First of all, Sabrina didn’t even get her own episode. Chloe was a piece of shit. Idk why they made Ladybug the one in the wrong when Chloe was being obnoxious. Ugh. 3/10
75.  Captain Hardrock- I’m gonna be honest. My apathy for this episode has grown into loathing. Toxic stans are 100% to blame. Birthday ruining, bitches. This is the reason I threw a breakup bash after Truth. Yall deserved it. 3/10
76.  Christmas Special- I didn’t hate this episode as much as everyone, but it still wasn’t great. 2.5/10
77.  Stormy Weather 2.0- This episode was really dumb. It didn’t need to exist. 2.0/10
78.  Queen Wasp- Why did we give Chloe a Miraculous after this episode? 2/10
79.  Animaestro- Did we really need a self-insert? Did we really? 2/10
80.  Puppeteer 2.0- Listen, this episode would have made more sense in s1 or at the very latest early s2. Adrien gave a whole ass speech on how great Marinette is, then he turns around and is like idk if she likes me… Clean it up. 2/10
81.  Miracle Queen- I could talk at length about how much I hate the ending of this episode and what they did with Chloe and Master Fu, but we’re just going to remain calm and give it a solid 1.5/10
82.  Frozer- This episode made no goddamn sense. I call bullshit on so many things. Just ugh. 1/10
83.  Chameleon- Surprisingly, even though this episode sparked many, many spite fics out of me, it’s not my least favorite because at least Ladybug semi-redeemed this episode. Still really dumb and ooc tho. 1/10
84.  Feast- Okay, okay, okay, here we are. Bottom of the barrel. Cat’s most hated episode, and you wanna know why? You want to know why this episode fills me with the rage? Because we spent two fucking seasons building up all this mystery and lore and intrigue surrounding Fu’s big mistake, and they dropped the fucking ball! They did my mans so dirty! They could have really deepened his character, deepened the Order, deepened anything other than whatever fucking affair Gabriel and Nathalie have going on, but NO. They made it some stupid, bland-ass thing that got resolved magically in the end, then just ignored it for the rest of the season. I will never not be salty about how they did my boy Fu in this show. I’m happy he found his peace, but fuck if I’m not livid about how they did it. Whatever. Chat being done with Ladybug’s shit when they’re about to get eaten was funny I guess. .5/10
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ratingtheframe · 4 years
Enola Holmes, The Devil All the Time and i’m thinking of ending things: Everything I watched in September.
Thank God we are almost at the end of the year. With October just around the corner and 2021 in full view, it seems like the film industry is slowly piecing themselves back together after months of being on a complete hiatus. Cinemas are slowly starting to return back to normal and streaming services are now full to capacity with content.
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Netflix in particular has some exciting things to come and the successful release of Harry Bradbeer’s Enola Holmes and Antonio Campos’ The Devil All the Time, has proven that their ability to produce outstanding content hasn’t been stunted at all by COVID-19. Here are the 31 titles I watched this month and for you to add to your watch list. 
Searching (2018) as seen on Netflix
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Searching recently came onto Netflix, however the film was actually first released in 2018, screening at Sundance Film Festival. It had a very impressive response and grossed $75 million worldwide and with a budget of only $880,000 it was certainly a success. I rate this film highly, due to the simplicity and execution of it, with a lot of twists and turns in appropriate places. Structurally, the film is flawless and it’s clear a lot of thought had gone into the payoff of the entirety of the film. Certainly an indie filmmaker's dream and a film to watch to learn about the “less is more” rule of screenwriting.
Score: 10/10
Zodiac (2007) as seen on Netflix
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I’ve been avoiding Zodiac on Netflix for a loooong time, and after watching it I wonder why I didn’t check it out sooner. David Fincher’s (Fight Club, Panic Room, the Social Network) thriller based on the case files of the “Zodiac Killer” stars the likes of Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Junior and Jake Gyllenhaal, all of which had amazing on screen chemistry. The dialogue and structure is Aaron Sorkin-esque as you figuratively become one the detectives, unravelling the case as the two and a half hour film delves deeper and deeper. You honestly feel as if you become one of the team whilst watching Zodiac and just for that, it goes down as a praise worthy film with a perfect structure and surprising twist to the end. Zodiac is the thriller of thrillers.
Score: 11/10
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I See You (2019) as seen on Netflix
Now a film like I see you has me questioning
choices a little. The film scores handsomely on
Rotten Tomatoes
, with a metric score of
which is quite high for a largely gimmicky film. I can’t quite fault the overall concept, however the story itself fell flat by the end. Things just seemed to mount too much to the point that it became overtly inauthentic and questionable. Instead of paying attention to the movie, I found myself picking up all the irregularities such as why a police man would suffocate someone, drive them to their own home and then shoot them in the head. Surely a policeman would just leave her in the woods? On a brighter note,
Judah Lewis’ (Babysitter: Killer Queen)
was quite praiseworthy in his performance, but it wasn’t enough to drag the film out of a hole of confusion.
Score: 2/10
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) as seen on Netflix
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If there is one film that you NEED to watch from this list, it would be Terry Gilliam’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. The crackhead energy in this film is OFF THE CHARTS as Johnny Depp and Benecio Del Toro play two drug addicts exploring Las Vegas. The production design in this is marvellous and really captures the psychedelic world the two men enter every time they’re high. I particularly enjoyed Depp’s narration throughout this; his voice is the most sensual yet hilarious thing to listen to for 2 hours straight. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is HILARIOUS and such a well rounded, off the wall film to watch.
Score: 12/10
I’m thinking of ending things (2020) as seen on Netflix 
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Even though I watched i’m thinking of ending things nearly a month ago, I’m still recovering from it. Charlie Kaufman (Adaptation, Being John Malkovich) directs this satisfying yet highly confusing tale based on the Iain Reid book with the same title. Despite it’s perplexing plot, I certainly can’t fault the film’s performances or set design. Jesse Plemons, Jess Buckley, Toni Colette and David Thwelis made a surprisingly good ensemble and the makeup in this film is probably the best I have ever seen. HOWEVER and this is a big however, the waywardness of the story can’t override the success of artistry behind the film. I feel like there’s becoming a trend where films are visually perfect but make zero sense. By sense I mean a clear, concise story, that has character journeys and some sort of resolution at the end, no matter how big or small. I’m thinking of ending things that had just about NONE of these elements, and that doesn’t make it a bad film at all. It’s certainly not a film I’ve seen before and perhaps it raises the questions whether films need to make complete sense in order for them to be good. We can take a look at experimental cinema to delve deeper into that theory, for within this type of cinema, films can still be appreciated even when they are confusing. Perhaps the meaning of i’m thinking of ending things, is more powerful and higher than the average movie goer can understand, but still appreciate.
score: 9/10
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016) as seen on Amazon Prime
Again, another film I’ve been avoiding for a loooong time and regret not watching sooner. The film stars Andrew Garfield as a devoted Christian who goes to war to serve his country, but refuses to carry a weapon yet lives to tell the tale. Preacher Desmond T. Doss saved the lives of between 50-100 men on Hacksaw Ridge during the Second World War. He was heavily commended for his service and the film itself earnt 6 Academy Award nominations. It’s a story that was born to be on screen and it’s hard to believe it was all true. Andrew Garfield’s performance was exemplary and he is definitely underrated as a truthful actor.
Score: 10/10
Fear (1996) as seen on Netflix 
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I am sucker for a thriller, good OR bad and this one from 1996 was surprisingly decent. Starring Mark Wahlberg and Reese Witherspoon in their early days, Fear follows a pair of young lovers whose strong relationship turns into a possessive one, when Witherspoon’s character, Nicole learns the true intentions of her boyfriend. It's a 90s teen flick that isn’t talked about enough and certainly an easy one to get sucked into as a guilty pleasure.
Score: 10/10
Make Up (2019) as seen at the BFI Southbank 
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Make Up first screened at the London Film Festival last year and was later released this year. I wanted to catch it at the festival and was glad it made it into cinemas. The eeriness of the british film directed by Claire Oakley, was a slow burnt, intriguing watch, however as artistically visual it was, a satisfying resolution to the film was missed. The payoff of the story was easy to define despite it’s ambiguity, however it wasn’t as hard hitting as it should’ve been, which is common in most indie features. The better ones expose ideas and truths in a punchy way, such as La Haine or Whiplash. The film’s genre was also undefinebale and although the story was interesting, I wouldn't be inclined to come back for more of it. 
Score: 7/10
Zoolander (2001) as seen on Netflix
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I’m not a huge comedy fan, however it’s about time I watched Zoolander, for it’s probably one of the most iconic films of the early 2000s. The film follows a model targeted by a fashion brand who wants him to kill the prime minister of Malaysia. Anyone who was anyone in the 00s is in this film, from Naomi Campbell to Lil’ Kim, Paris Hilton, Donald Trump, Lenny Kravitz, Natalie Porter and even David Bowie. How they managed to get these famous faces as well as the actual cast (Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller and Will Ferrell) onto this film is certainly a mastery at casting. As far as comedies go, Zoolander is iconic and a must watch for those who are thoroughly in love with these types of outlandish films. 
Score: 8/10
American Pie (2001) as seen on Netflix 
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This is the my first time seeing American Pie and for someone who hates comedies, it thoroughly made me laugh. I definitely had to look past at the amount of misogyny and questionable scenes in this film and just sit back and enjoy it all. I felt that all four leads (Jason Briggs, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Chris Klein and Eddie Kaye Thomas) were well casted as an ensemble and were really down to earth in their performances. They were authentic in being high school boys still figuring themselves out and in the end I found each one to be highly likeable. As a comedy, this is definitely a go to and an iconic film from the early 2000s. 
Score: 9/10
Clemency (2019) as seen on Amazon Prime 
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A Sundance Film Festival graduate, Clemency was a deeply moving and well shot film that exposed the shocking reality of prison inmates on death row in the US. The word clemency is essentially a term used to define an act of mercy by the justice system, who at the last minute of a prison’s life can grant “clemency” if they feel worthy of doing so, stopping them from being executed. Factors such as new evidence or a parole grant can influence this decision and this film shows the abrasiveness of such an idea. Imagine being a prisoner moments away from death and because of Clemency, you sit there thinking your life can still be saved. But as this film depicts, this isn’t always the case and the masterful acting of Alfre Woodard puts this grief into context beautifully. Her performance ignited this film and it was easy to see this story got to her on a deeper level, that went beyond serving a character. A seriously good film that is professional, dynamic and heart wrenching.
Score: 10/10
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Gladiator (2000) as seen on Netflix
I never saw myself as someone who would like Gladiator, however Ridley Scott’s Oscar winning film thoroughly surprised me in an unexpected way. Moving past the amazing visuals and outstanding production value of this film, the actual story itself was just so damn good. It had an excellent, Hollywood worthy structure that saw a hefty and clear journey of it’s lead, Maximus (Russell Crowe). I was VERY surprised to see Joaquin Phoenix play alongside Russell Crowe, who gave a great performance as a bratty roman emperor. Gladiator was nominated for 12 Academy Awards in 2001, which is unsurprising seeing as it's a pretty much flawless film, with the character’s fierce journey being the main contributor to this. 
Score: 11/10
American Pie 2 (2001) as seen on Netflix 
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Now sequels are known to be the downfall of some films, especially as the first films were okay on their own. However, I definitely enjoyed American Pie 2 as much as I enjoyed the first. The performances of all characters seemed to get better with time and it still remained outlandish and hilarious to watch. 
Score: 9/10
3096 days (2013) as seen on Netflix
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When you laugh more at a film than you should have, there’s something clearly wrong. This Netflix film based on the true story of the kidnapped Natascha Kampusch was directed by German-American director Sherry Hormann. This is gonna sound whack, but one of the most annoying things about this film was the lighting. It felt as if it was never truly dark in this film and because of that, it distracted from the fear of the situation young Natascha was in. Lighting plays an important role in thrillers and horror films, as the idea of these films is to keep people constantly on edge and the dark is something that does that perfectly. I felt safe when watching this film and although it’s meant to be a biopic, I don’t think it captured Natascha’s situation as best as it could have. Another thing that really let the film down was the dubbing from German to English. This is a pet peeve I have with films, but is understandable seeing as the majority of people are too lazy to follow foreign language subtitles and miss out on some of the best films ever made. Because of this, it forces foreign language films to cater towards an English speaking market so the film becomes more viable. I would’ve respected this film a lot more if it was completely in German and had English subtitles.
Score: 5/10
Cruel Intentions (1999) as seen on Netflix
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About a year ago, I saw the Glenn Close and John Malkovich film version of the french novel Dangerous Liaisons and I fell asleep. Maybe it was the film I had seen before it that had made me nod off or the fact I couldn’t understand what the hell was going on. However, Cruel Intentions follows the same story with younger leads; Sarah Michelle Geller, Ryan Phillipe and Reese Witherspoon and is set in the modern day. As you can probably tell by now, I am a sucker for a 90s teen movie and Cruel Intentions was all that and more, for the performances and story structure in this film were top notch. Ryan Phillipe is a much underrated actor and heartthrob, playing a jealous and callous Sebastian, the step brother of Sarah Michelle Geller’s character, Kathryn. Both of them were spiteful, abrasive and mean and I LOVED IT. Their non-fuckery was enviable as they cheat and turn the lives of others upside down. Reese Witherspoon was an angel in this film, and I thoroughly appreciated the strength of her character throughout. Cruel Intentions sits highly as a film from the 90s and boasts a hoard of young talent from that era.
Score: 10/10
Wildlife (2018) as seen on Netflix
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If you are in love with Paul Dano as much as I am, you’re gonna want to marry him after you find out that he’s also a director. His first feature Wildlife, stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Carey Mulligan as a couple battling the demons in their relationship whilst caring for their young son. I really really REALLY can’t wait to see what Paul Dano directs in the future based off this film. It’s everything I love about a good indie film; well shot, a perfect cast and a touching story. It truly is a beautiful film and one I would recommend to my indie lovers out there.
Score: 10/10
The Perks of Being A Wallflower (2012) as seen on Netflix
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My excuse for not having seen The Perks of Being A Wallflower is that I thought it would be yet another predictable high school blunder, with flat dialogue and basic character arcs. And I was half right in that. The first half of the film (mostly exposition) was filled with cringey dialogue and basic high school motifs that set up the film. Some moments were overtly far fetched and it took me a while to fall in love with the main character instead of feeling desperately sorry for him ALL THE TIME. Ezra Miller, Emma Watson and Logan Lerman all together as an ensemble was whack casting that just about worked. However, once we made it through the blizzard of exposition and got to the heart of the story, it truly was a touching and tear jerking movie to watch and for that, it scores highly. “We accept the love we think we deserve” was the ringing message of the film and certainly something I carry around with me daily as I reflect on the unfulling crushes I’ve had in the past.
Score: 9/10
The Devil All the Time (2020) as seen on Netflix
Probably my most favourite film on this list, The Devil All the Time is pure ART. I have a full review uploaded onto my tumblr account so please do check it out to see an in depth review of the Netflix film. All I will say is that it is a must watch film with an unreal cast and story.
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Score: 11/10
Way of the Gun (2000) as seen on Amazon Prime 
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Ryan Phillipe and Benicio del Toro star side by side in this action packed crime thriller about two guys who kidnap the wrong woman. Simple in it’s log line with the potentiality to be limitless in its telling; ie the basis of every good film. Juliette Lewis (the it girl of the 90s) also stars in the film and really compliments the performances of both leads. Any film that Juliette Lewis is in, is a good film and she is an actor with a very impressive portfolio of work under her belt.
Score: 9/10
Judy and Punch (2019) as seen on Netflix
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I’ve been waiting since the end of last year to see Judy and Punch and was thrilled to see it had been put onto Netflix. However, after watching it, that thrill deteriorated and what was left was a disheartened feeling towards this film. It’s a shame to say this, seeing as the story of Judy and Punch is so satiable and fulfilled in its possibilities of telling it. However, probably the biggest problem within this film was its pace; it was too quick of a film. The beginning was organic and smooth, but as it went on it started to become continuously rushed. There were characters I didn’t have time to get to know and actually didn’t even end up knowing their names. There’s a point in the film when Judy is welcomed into an isolated society outside of her home, most of which in that society were women. I would’ve liked to get to know them better and see how they influence Judy’s character and revenge on her husband. The film felt very rushed, which is a shame because everything else; acting, production and story were well aligned.
Score: 6/10
22nd July (2018) as seen on Netflix
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I remember the 22nd July 2011 as clear as day but for all the wrong reasons. On this day, 77 people in Norway were killed by a terror attack caused by a right wing, anti-immigrant supporter, Andres Brevik, who was a member of a radical organisation and spent nine years preparing his attack on Oslo and Utøya Island. The most shocking part of this massacre was what happened on Utøya Island, which was the main body of Netflix’s film 22nd July. Viljar Hanssen was a teenager attending a political youth camp on Utøya Island in the summer of 2011. Whilst on the island with his younger brother, a bomb went off in the centre of Oslo, outside a government building, killing 8 people. By the time news of the attack got to Utøya Island, its perpetrator had also arrived, and begun gunning down the kids on the island. 69 people were killed, most of which were under 18. Viljar Hanssen was shot five times, in the head, arm, legs and hand. The attack lost him an eye, several fingers and bullet fragments still remain in his brain. He also lost close friends and the ability to perform in many activities he used to do growing up. His ordeal and that of many on the island, is captured in 22nd July, that from beginning to end, approaches this story with sensitivity and facts. Out of the many events I have heard of that include a massacre of some kind, this attack always sticks out in my mind. The perpetrator was truly merciless in his rage against immigrants coming into Norway and he made sure to express that hatred in such a shocking and profound way. The entire story is one that is so hard to believe and is important in preventing future attacks of this kind.
Score: 11/10
Les Misérables (2019) as seen at Curzon Bloomsbury
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Les Misérables was nominated for Best Foreign Language film this year at the Oscars and despite it being thrilling and highly well made, I felt quite disappointed by it. The film was accurate in exposing the many communities now prevalent in France today and it was definitely one of those gritty, Cannes worthy films to sink your teeth into. It's not a bad film at all, it's just one I found hard to relate to and therefore I switched off whilst watching it. In fact, I think Portrait of a Lady on Fire was a better contender as Best Foreign Language film at the Oscars and I was left fuming when I found out it hadn’t been nominated in that category. Les Misérables is a film I’d recommend but found it hard to love it overall.
Score: 9/10
A Cure for Wellness (2016) as seen on Netflix
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The logline for Shutter Island (2010) is as follows: Teddy Daniels and Chuck Aule, two US marshals, are sent to an asylum on a remote island in order to investigate the disappearance of a patient, where Teddy uncovers a shocking truth about the place. 
And the logline for A Cure for Wellness is as follows: Lockhart, an executive, is sent to a wellness spa in the Swiss Alps to retrieve his company's CEO. At the centre, he encounters strange activities that make him investigate the illness of the people.
Notice anything? They are literally the same film and it's not just the loglines that share an alikeness. On watching A Cure for Wellness, I noticed how similar it was to Shutter Island, from the location, to the colour grading, costumes and even lighting. Both films are almost identical and I pretty much hate both films anyway. I’ll admit, A Cure for Wellness has a better story and tells it better as well, but if it's just a rip off from Shutter Island, is it all that good? I appreciated the production value of this film yet it was hard to tear it away from Shutter Island’s own production. Overall, I found it quiet gimmicky and too close to Shutter Island for it to have much originality.
Score: 6/10
U want me 2 kill him? (2013) as seen on Netflix 
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The only thing that let this film down was the acting. There’s something about solely British productions that rub me the wrong way. Admittedly, their structure is always good and the story is well put together, however the artistic side of these films lacks in parts, from acting to set design. U want me 2 kill him? Is based on a true story which really alleviated the film. I thoroughly enjoyed delving into this story and it was an interesting, engaging plot. However, its production value and acting is what let it down.
Score: 7/10
After (2019) as seen on Netflix
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So in short, this wasn’t a good film. The twist was satisfying, however the rest of it was just plain annoying. Any film that uses reality tv type music in its montages pisses me off. It's just such a cringey way of showing emotion on screen and I’d much rather they use music with no lyrics or music that actually conveys the emotion of the scene. The relationship between the leads, Hardin and Tessa (Hero Fiennes-Tiffin and Josephine Langford) was very predictable and the conflict between the two only made up like 5% of the film; 2.5% at the beginning and a further 2.5% at the end. For the rest of the 95% of the film, they were pretty much happy throughout, meaning the story had nowhere to go, besides the fact that Tessa’s mom disapproves of Hardin. But besides that and a shocking revelation..that was about it. No one died, no one was really hurt. Hardin was made out to be more troubled than he actually was (his dad is chancellor of a college for fuck’s sake) and I found myself laughing when I shouldn’t be. As for After We Collided, I can’t wait to tear it apart this month.
Score: 4/10
Miss Juneteenth (2020) as seen at BFI Southbank
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Miss Juneteenth is the underdog movie of the month for me. You can read a full, in depth review of it right here:
Score: 11/10
Monsoon (2020) as seen at BFI Southbank 
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Why this film was praised by critics is unknown to me. The number one thing that this film did wrong was not showing ANY conflict on screen whatsoever, the characters merily TALKED about conflict. Conflict and actions based on those conflicts is what moves a story forward, and this film was certainly static. The story follows a man (Henry Golding) and his return to Vietnam as he learns about the war and the life he left behind. But the film shows no war, no deprivation or heartache that many vietnamese people had to go through. It's just filled with empty shots of Vietnam and Henry Golding looking out at the city. Why not just make a documentary about The Vietnam War with Henry Golding presenting it, as that is what this film was virtually. You can’t get away with nice looking shots to produce a praise worthy feature. Maybe I’m getting the wrong jist of the film, but in terms of its telling, I didn’t feel anything at all whilst watching it and if I didn’t feel anything, I wasn’t thinking about anything because it was so mundane.
Score: 5/10
The Riot Club (2014) as seen on Amazon Prime 
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I’ve had a strong soft spot for Sam Claflin since he played Finnick in The Hunger Games. My crush on him was further confirmed with The Riot Club a British Production based on Laura Wade’s theatre play Posh that shows the ongoings of Oxford’s Riot Club. The group of ten men are all self entitled posh twats who think their education and parent’s money allows them to act in a horrendous way, with their initiation ceremonies and club rules. Sam Claflin plays Ryan, a 1st year student at Oxford and one of the Riot Club’s newest members. Max Irons plays Miles, another new member of the club, who becomes the focal point of Ryan’s jealousy, causing him to do some unspeakable things in one night out of envy for Miles. The ten men in the film work brilliantly as an ensemble, which is unquestionable seeing as five of them went to Guildhall School of Music and Drama, three went to LAMDA, one studied drama at University and the last went to Bristol Old Vic. All the leads in this film are well trained and it's clear to see that in their performances. A really enjoyable, yet eye opening film that exposes the privilege of some living right in the UK, including Boris Johnson and David Cameron, who were former members of this heinous club.
Score: 10/10
Enola Holmes (2020) as seen on Netflix 
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Hmmm...there is a great deal of hype going around for this film and with a 92% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Enola Holmes is well liked. This is understandable, seeing as Fleabag’s director Harry Bradbeer directed this film for Netflix and the cast includes the likes of Millie Bobbie Brown, Henry Cavill and Sam Claflin. I have never seen Millie Bobbie Brown in anything and yet I don’t think she’s doing anything special for me at this moment in time. As a viewer, I am 100% not into actors talking to the camera, a communication technique that I think should stay in theatre. I get this is a big part of Fleabag however I think Enola Holmes could have done without it. Another movie pet peeve is when the opening of a film explains what the film is about directly, something Enola Holmes did in an artistic, yet blatant way. Audiences aren’t dumb and will catch on with given clues, there’s no need to go through a character’s entire history in the opening of a film. For kids aged between 8 and 12, this film is great and Enola Holmes makes a great hero for many young girls. I don’t fall in this age bracket and therefore I enjoyed it a whole lot less.
Score: 6/10
American Murder: Family Next Door (2020) as seen on Netflix
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Netflix is known for producing some of the finest, most eye opening documentaries out there. Despite this one being quite simple using found footage, its impact is certainly something that grew organically throughout the documentary. You can read my full review of American Murder: Family Next Door here:
Score: 10/10
Peppermint (2018) as seen on Netflix
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I was thoroughly shocked to discover this film was made 2 years ago. You’d think we’re past a time of creating bad films that actually get released, but I guess we’re not. Peppermint was released in the same year as The Favourite, Blackkklansman and A Star is Born, three courageous films, all of which were showered with awards. Peppermint had two major problems; 1) it was boring and 2) the lead wasn’t orchestrated properly. The mexican drug cartel who murder the protagonist’s (Jennifer Garner) husband and child was almost insulting. Because it felt so inauthentic and gimmicky, I didn’t really understand why the drug cartel in the film was even mexican. Peppermint proves that a good story can turn bad in the wrong hands. The script was quite terrible and surrounding that was the nonsensical, half asked directing which saw Jennifer Garner get way too many injuries to still be alive in the end. The whole thing just had my eyes rolling, as nothing about it was original or provoking at all. In fact, the film didn’t even EXPLAIN how Garner’s character became a bloodthirsty vigilante. It merely showed us her training as a cage fighter. Das it. Nothing else in her character made her into this dominant and highly skilled fighter who takes down an ENTIRE DRUG CARTEL ONE HANDED. It, made, no, sense and sits a good example of how NOT to make a film. Also the only reason why it was called Peppermint was because of peppermint ice cream...yeah I don’t get it either.
Score: 2/10
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And that is September, which marks an entire year since I’ve been critiquing movies and in that time, I’ve watched well over 350 films. There’s a lot more to come though, for the London Film Festival commences in October and titles such as Dune and the No Time to Die await a winter release. Stay tuned!
24 notes · View notes
verobatto · 4 years
I told you... Purgatory is in the air...
Is Broken/fix it/go to Purgatory
Destiel meta. Supernatural 15x08 meta. Our Father Who are not in Heaven.
Hello my dears!!!! Did you enjoyed this mid season finale episode? It was epic to me because it was full of surprises and the cliffhanger... My friends... It surprised but then, recalling my whole metas from last season 14, is not so unexpected...
I will invite you to read my analysis about Purgatory before I can continue here...
Let's make a tour inside Dean's soul
In this meta I wrote in the pre season 14 hiatus, I talked about how Dean realizes he is in love with Castiel in Purgatory.
Purgatory is in the air
This is from episode 14x03, in which I saw parallels between AUMichael and Purgatory references.
Destiel Chronicles Volume XXX Purgatory of Love
From my series of meta Destiel Chronicles, about season 8 and Purgatory.
Okay... Let's start this...
Is broken
When the episode starts and ruing the whole hour, we saw Dean and Cas being separated, showing us in the frames, the bond is disconnected.
They are working together but they're not in Synchronization and they are still mad and hurted.
Castiel showed by Sam's side. Like their bond is stronger now than Dean and Castiel's.
Even in the frame when Donnie is trying to read the demon tablet, we have Dean in one side and Sam and Cas on the other side.
When they are about to do the spell, Dean cut his hand, to use his blood and then Cas heals him... But Castiel for the first time DIDN'T TOUCH DEAN TO HEAL HIM. HE DIDN'T TOUCH HIM!!! And Sam side eying them noticing something is odd there...
Dean keeps treating bad Castiel. Sam and Dean are taking war decisions here and Cas is thinking about Jody, Donna and Eileen. The heart decision. He's emotional, because he had passed for too much, lost a lot of people and Jack because of Chuck. Dean snapped at him some other hard words "If you wanna stay here, then stay." Like... We are not going to obligate you to come with us.
If you don't want to come with me, fine. Stay!
That also is part of their bond, till now Castiel always offered himself to go with Dean, no matter what.
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Gif by talented friend @agusvedder
Fix it
When Rowena, Queen of Hell (OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!), Sent Sam to fill her glass... The scene was very interesting...
Cas... Empty seat...Dean
Rowena knew something was wrong with them, the connection is broken. She cares about those two. They answered at the same time a not really very convincing"Fine" to her. And yes... Rowena has something bro tell them.
They better fix things now they can, she couldn't do that with his son, and that's something that will live like a spine in her heart. So she knows what she's talking about...
And the mention of the Flesh to Flesh sex, and the camera showing Dean's priceless face... It reminded me to the "What is by is by" scene with Dean swallowing uncomfortably. Rowena's quotes has that effect on him.
How could Dean fix it?
When he is talking with Sam about Eileen... It gave me talking to myself vibes. Why? He mentioned the happy pie life, but them, as hunter's, can't have it. But what about settled down with a hunter?
Eileen... Is the perfect girl for Sam, according to Dean, because...
She knows about this life... Just like Cas...
She's hot... Just like Cas.
And they deserve better... Yes... They all deserve better...
The episode continued, and Cas and Dean weren't looking at each other... When one of them watched, the other didn't... And they kept doing that the whole episode...
But we were talking about how Dean could fix things with Cas? One is talking, like Rowena said... And second...
ADAM: What about 'I'm sorry'?
This was so so screaming WHAT ABOUT SAYING I'M SORRY TO CAS!??? Adam looked at Dean in the eye, and the camera showed us a very affected Dean.
Go To Purgatory
And if you have readed the metas I put at the beginning of this one, you will understand how perfectly this was constructed...
For me, Purgatory was the place in which Dean realized what he really wanted. Because he didn't feel human's necessities as EAT, SLEEP, etc... So, the only thing that remained in his head and heart... After clearing of all these things, was the Purity of his heart: TO FIND CASTIEL. BECAUSE HE LOVED HIM.
He prayed to him, every night, till he found him. And when CAS explained why he had gone... Boom!
Realization face!
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That face right there, i wrote this a thousands of times and I can't believe they're coming back to this people, so maybe I was right. Dean realizes he loves Castiel right in this moment. It wasn't just friendship, it was more huge and pure. And he had to come to this place, this place that was pure, to get to the point of it.
It also was a prelude season 14: WHAT DO YOU WANT SEASON.
AUMichael asking to everyone, because he wanted to know what was wrong with his bond with Dean, because my theory says they didn't bond. They didn't. That's why Dean fought the possession. And that's why Michael wanted to know what Dean really wanted. And AUMichael wearing a lotus flower ring in episode 14x09 (the lotus flower means purity) and talking about purity, was the prelude to this. Because now is our Michael who put Dean and Cas together again in that pure place where Dean knew he loved Castiel.
So yes, you need to fix this, because this time IS BROKEN.
I just can't stop thinking about that scene in episode 6x20 when Dean desperately shouted to CAS WE CAN FIX THIS! AND Castiel answered DEAN IS NOT BROKEN!
Well... Now it is... Now is time...
"Leave. I want you dead. We didn't bond."
And Dean's regretful face...
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(All these gifs are from my friend @agusvedder )
Is Broken! Fix it! Go to Purgatory!
To Conclude:
Dean and Cas keep mad at each other, the tension is so big, they need something big to happen to fix it.
Te recall to Carver era form the beginning of the season, reached his climax now in the cliffhanger of mid season, sending Cas and Dean alone, together, again to Purgatory, where Dean realized he loved Castiel. A pure place where he cleared his head (just as he said he wanted in 15x07).
I hope you like this meta, see you in the next one!
Tagging @metafest @gneisscastiel @emblue-sparks @magnificent-winged-beast @agusvedder @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @mybonsai1976 @anarchiana @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @destielshipper221b @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @feathered-castiel @bre95611 @zoerayne2426 @justmeand-myinsight @that-one-fandom-chick @proccastinate @studio-hatter @pepevons @liwopanyaasss @poorreputation @mrsaquaman187 @staycejo1
Buenos Aires December 13rd 2019 12:20 AM
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agl03 · 4 years
As a on and off Deke fan how do you think his development will be in s7? I mean in s5 I loved Deke first being reluncant to help the people who got his parents killed and betraying them to sacrificing himself for a cause he could finally believe in bc he finally had hope. And then he went back with the team found the family he never had, lightened up, etc. s6 i feel like idk the team wasn’t very nice to him and he was a little annoying and treated like comedic relief to a static earth-
team. And until FitzSimmons came back he was ngl but kinda annoying? And I loved his speech in 6x12 one of my fave moments of the season for sure but I feel like they could’ve built up to it better? And I’m excited for him to come to his own in s7 but do you expect more development for him? Like s5 had? Or are we going to get him just having a “funny” crush on Daisy or the team just hating him for 13 hours straight?
Hi Anon,
Oh boy, I apologize in advance for this because boy to I have feelings about how Deke’s arcs has gone down and how he’s treated overall.   I’ve got a few metas that are in the abyss of my blog so this will be a good place to pile it all together.
To start out I love Deke...we named our dog after him, he’s one of my kiddos favorites, and I love the Fitzsimmons family overall and desperately am hoping that we get one good full family adventure before it ends.
For Season 5 Deke its pretty amazing to learn that he was supposed to be killed off pretty early on but the writers loved Jeff so much and what he brought to the cast and the character they kept him on.  Especially when you see that there were hints about his lineage from the moment we met him.  This also lead to a great deal of math as I tried to figure out the timing and we found that indeed there would have been enough of a window for Fitzsimmons (or someone else on the team to have an older child or grandchild at this point).
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In Season 5 the first time we saw each member of the Fitzsimmons Family they were masked.   Jemma wearing the gas mask, Deke in the Star Lord esque number, and Fitz as Bashtok.  
Therefore I feel the decision was made pretty early on to keep him around and to make him Fitzsimmons Grandson.  I personally enjoyed the hints as it followed what they did with Radcliffe in season 4, hinting that he could indeed be Fitz’s father whom was unknown to the fandom, again the writers talked about it but instead we got Alistair...RIP Dadcliffe theory I still love you   
Giving Deke that hero arc towards the end of the A arc, having him help the team even though they didn’t listen to him, were just more and more hints.  
Where I was disappointed with his development in Season 5 was as you said.  He finally had his family back, his grandparents that his mother had spoken so lovingly about.  And aside from a few really lovely consoling moments with Jemma and a small team up with Fitz in Option 2....he turned into a love sick puppy dog for Daisy.  Part of me get its, the writers needing to focus on Fitz’s break and the teams overall split and dysfunction as the end of the world neared  It was very disappointing to see their final scene cut as well.  I would have much rather seen him sticking with his Grandparents, running away with them and Yoyo, or Hale doing something with the knowledge she had of his linage than him just following Daisy around.
Moving onto Season 6 I’d had a bit of hope he’d be on Team Space Fitz rescue, but once I started getting that split story feel from the cast filming I knew he was on earth trying to find his own way.   Again I totally agree, the writers didn’t seem to know what to do with him between Code Yellow and when Fitzsimmons returned and he desperately tried to connect with them, especially Fitz.  He so wanted his approval and to get on better than he did with Loop Fitz.  So while we waited for Fitzsimmons to return he was used a bit as a punching bag.  Mack, May, Daisy, and most of the agents barely tolerating him.   Being forced on missions he was uncomfortable with and not trailed for.  Getting yelled at when he couldn’t pull off what his grandparents could.  
Once Fitzsimmons were back I enjoyed the balance of comedy and heartfelt moments.  I really did like the chaotic vibe he had with Snowflake and his heart  His blow up in 12 was totally warranted and allowed him to have some serious hero moments, earn some respect from Mack, and still brought some comedic light to what were some seriously stressful points in the finale.
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Now Season 7 is when I think Deke is really going to come into his own.   Those who have ready my theories and predictions throughout hiatus know I’ve been pretty firm on this all along.  I also had the recent revealation that Deke is a bit of a Dark Horse for the team.   As with all the scans the Chronicoms have, even Fitzsimons from Inescapable, they know next to nothing about him.  Jemma didn’t know his full talents before she left to get Fitz.  Meaning they won’t know what’s coming with them and if the team ever needs a Hunter level crazy Release the Ferrets kind of plan to throw them off.  Deke is their man!  It will also allow him to operate under the radar until he makes a few too many waves and lands in the Chronicoms sites.  
I think for Deke this little trip through history is going to be amazing for him and he’s going to want to get into the field as much as possible, see as much of the earth as he can like never before, and witness the history of Earth that he was never really able to learn.  And seriously writers if I don’t get at least one scene of Jemma fussing over him in one of his period looks i”m gonna be very sad.
Deke is going to have to be the one to fill Fitz’s shoes with Jemma in the lab with Bobo in hiding.  Here for the first time he’ll get to really work with one of them, see how they operate, and be able to learn from her just as she will from him.  Well see him have some pretty big breakthroughs during the Season. I also think that out of all the team Jemma is going to lean heavily on Deke for support as the separation for Fitz....and concern for his safely grows.  I still maintain if there is a Secret Child Deke will be the only one she tells and that child or no Deke will be the only one to back her up when she insists that Fitz is in serious danger and something needs to be done.  Add Nana and Deke running off to save Bobo to my wish list.  
I am still concerned about the whole Puppy Dog crush on Daisy thing.  I don’t really ship them at all and if the writers do take it there its going to take most if not all season for Daisy to start to come around to him.  So that will likely flare up from time to time.  
I also think he’ll still have to prove himself to others on the team like Mack, Elena, Daisy, Yoyo, and maybe Robo Coulson.  And at some point his lack of training in the field will bite him and I think he’ll get injured ore than a few times.
By the end of the Season Deke is going to be an integral part of the team and going into the final fight, especially if there is a tech element to it  I think he’ll play a part in saving Fitz and perhaps the world.  That does leave me on the fence if he makes it or not.  I fear if he is on as big of a hero arc as Mace was he’ll fall to the same fate and sacrifice himself, especially for his grandparents.  But I can also see him going on to take over for Fitzsimmons when they leave Shield.  Though my dream I know very well I’m not getting is he decides to stay with them wherever they land.  
Deke will also continue to add that comedic element that is very desperately needed as things get more serious.  Enoch and Robo Coulson will also help with this void and oh boy if we are lucky enough for Deke to meet Uncle Hunter at some point....yes another dream of mine.
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Overall I am super excited where they take Deke this season as I feel its going to be his time to shine.  Sure like everyone he’ll slip here and there but overall he’s going to Dazzle.  He’s going to be really get close and bond with Jemma and be there to support her as the separation from Fitz goes on and gets more dangerous.  And I think that we will see him find himself, who he wants to be, and what it means to be a Fitzsimmons.
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strayneoculturekids · 5 years
Denial - Minho x Reader
Pairing: Rich!Kid Minho x Rich Kid!Reader
Summary: You and Minho hated each other’s very cores, always having a go at each other and competing with one another. It wasn’t until guys’ mutual friends started getting a bit too close to you did Minho admit that he might’ve been challenging you 24/7 for a reason other than spite
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Enemies to Lovers AU, Childhood Friends(?) AU, Rich Kid AU
Genre: Fluff
Requested by Anon: Minho: frenemies to less frenemies with more feelings of love than hate.
A/N: to all of my followers, this doesn’t mean I’m off of hiatus, my apologies, it was just a request I hadn’t finished before I went on hiatus, so please enjoy it!
Warnings: None~
You nodded as you walked alongside your best friend, Bang Chan, to your guys’ next class, wordlessly agreeing with his speech about how he, Changbin and Jisung would ‘make like, the best rap group ever’, so as he liked to put it. You were just about to open your mouth to speak when Minho walked into the conversation.
“Hey, Chan” He smiled, completely ignoring your presence, knowing how much it pissed you off
“Hey, Minho” Chan spoke awkwardly, feeling the tension rise despite you and Minho not having had said a single word to one another
“Hello, Minho” You seethed, being obnoxiously loud, still, the annoying boy pretended like you didn’t exist
“We’ve got the next class together, right Chan?” He said, “Did you finish the homework?”
“We had homework?!” You paused in your tracks, breath seeming to stop, you’d never forgotten your homework before and you sure as hell weren’t planning on starting today
“No, we didn’t” Chan interrupted, trying to sound calm and indifferent “He’s just trying to rile you up, Y/N”
“So gullible” Minho sneered, mumbling just loud enough for you to hear
You almost jumped on him right there and then but decided maybe starting a fight in the middle of the extensive school grounds wasn’t the best idea, especially since you three were only a couple metres from your next class now. Gulping down your retorts to Minho’s spiteful behavior, you walked into the classroom, head held high, followed by Chan and then Minho. You went to the corner and sat in your usual seat, your best friend took his seat next to you and your enemy took his seat next to Chan.
After a couple minutes of hateful silence between you and Minho and Chan in the middle of it all, trying not to sweat, the teacher walked in and the chatter in the class died away.
The lesson began, as usual, with the roll, followed by the teacher introducing what was going to happen during the lesson and then followed by her actually starting it. It seemed today would be a boring lesson; a class test was coming up soon, so it was all bland theory work. You immediately took out your laptop and began making quick notes- just detailed enough for you to come back and actually understand what you were thinking while writing them. Usually you didn’t have to try all too hard in classes to get decent grades, but your and Minho’s undeclared competitions had recently moved along to academics and there was no way in hell you were going to let him surpass you.
The period ended quickly and, satisfied, with the amount of notes you’d written, you looked over to Minho before he managed to close the extravagant book he preferred to write in rather than his laptop; they were the neatest notes you’d ever seen. You were puzzled for a second, you’d never really taken Minho to be a neat person, but you quickly shook your head and began to pack up so you didn’t get left behind, not that Chan wouldn’t wait for you anyway, though.
“Do we have Chapel this afternoon?” You asked, looking to Chan as you got up from your seat; barely anyone at your school was Christian, but going to a Christian private school, chapel was compulsory
“Nah,” He said, quickly glancing to Minho as he walked out of the classroom, only saying bye to Chan on his way out, to which Chan replied with a ‘cya later’
“Oh, thank god,” You said, overdramatically placing a hand over your heart “what do we have, then?”
“I think year assembly” Chan shrugged “Let’s just go to the library, we’ll check there.”
You nodded and followed Chan out of the classroom and into the school grounds.
Your school was big- like, really big. It had five separate parts, one for k-2, one for 3-6, one for 7-8, one for 9-10 and one for 11-12, it was a bit ridiculous, and especially with the years k-6 and 7-12; they were separated across the school grounds so far that it took 15 minutes to walk between them. The grounds were full of luscious plants and large, rustic but comforting looking brick buildings; even more, there were a total of three libraries in the school. The library that years 7-12 used was so big that even you still hadn’t been everywhere in it.
After about three minutes of walking, you and Chan made it back to your guys’ lockers, put away your things (excluding your laptops) and started to walk towards the library. The library was one of the more modern-looking buildings, with windows everywhere, made of white concrete and the occasional house-plant decorating it. Inside, the library looked even bigger, decorated with ridiculous things like the giant snitch hanging on the wall behind the reception desk.
“Guys!” A deep voice came from behind you
You and Chan swung around to see Felix, waving to you from one of the biggest seminar rooms. You looked at the number it had on the front of it: ‘seminar room 3′ and went to the reception desk to sign you and Chan into it next to Felix’s, Seungmin’s, Hyunjin’s, Changbin’s, Jeongin’s, Woojin’s, Jisung’s and, unfortunately, Minho’s names.
Even though you already knew Minho would be inside the seminar room, you still groaned at the sight of him. Minho looked up and raised his eyebrows at you but quickly went back to showing Jisung something on his laptop.
“Hey, Y/N” Seungmin greeted, patting a seat next to him, “You said you wanted help with that history assignment we got, right?”
“You still haven’t finished that?” Minho interrupted, smirking evilly
“Relax, hot stuff,” Jeongin said jokingly “No one except you has finished, we got it two days ago. It’s due in three weeks”
“New watch, Woojin?” Chan said, taking a seat beside the oldest in the group
“Yeah” Woojin nodded and scooted his laptop so it was in between him and Chan instead of just in front of him. “It was a present from my aunt, I’d never wear it otherwise. Pure gold, supposedly; it’s quite heavy” Woojin frowned down at his watch; evidently, he’d been forced to wear it
You let the sound from the other eight boys in the room drown out and started your own conversation about the assignment with Seungmin, who happened to choose the same topic on it as you.
Around 40 minutes passed of you working on the assignment with Seungmin when Hyunjin stood up.
“Guys, we should get going now, don’t want to be late for the year assembly” He sighed dramatically
The rest of the members of the group stood up and followed Hyunjin out the door to the tall science building (where the lecture theatre was).
By the time you got there, a large crowd of everyone in your guys’ year had formed outside of the theatre. A short teacher came bustling through, the students automatically made a path for him to get to the door and unlock it. Once he had managed to push open the heavy entrance, people streamed through it, taking seats in the grand layered room. You and the nine other boys with you took seats at the back; seven of them streamed into the row, Chan was third last, then you, then, to your dismay, you looked back and saw Minho was walking into the row of cushioned seats to sit next to you, an unimpressed look resting on his admittedly handsome features.
Silence quickly fell over the theatre when your year co-ordinator walked into the middle of the lowered platform. She, as usual, greeted the hall and quickly went onto what was going to be happening during the following week, issues that have come up as well as congratulations on small things.
A couple minutes passed and you were half asleep when you felt Chan tap your shoulder. You looked over to your smiling best friend as he held up a discreet finger heart for you. You almost chuckled aloud, but stopped yourself and, quickly, you gave him two finger hearts in exchange. Chan scrunched up his nose in amusement and reached over to your face, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. You mouthed a bashful ‘thank you’. You hadn’t noticed (Chan most certainly had) but Minho was watching everything go down, steam almost coming out of his ears. Why in the world was he feeling like this? Like he just wanted to…grab your hand and make you look at him instead of Chan, Minho wanted to be the one sending you innocent finger hearts, even though he didn’t admit it to himself. No, he couldn’t be feeling jealous, why would he need to?
Finally, after half an hour of the teacher at the front droning on about whatever it is she had to say, and half an hour of Minho sitting with his eye twitching, watching you and Chan platonically flirt, the assembly ended. The chatter immediately started up again and people went to go gather their things for last period- or go straight to their class if they had brought their things with them.
“Y/N” Minho grabbed your hand as a bunch of others passed you two, purposely losing the other eight people in your friend group, trying not to let the red on his face show
“The fuck do you want?” You asked, turning and facing him, ripping your hand away from his grip
“I-” Miho pursed his lips “Whatever. Never fucking mind” He grunted brutally, deciding that talking to you about his feelings wasn’t worth the embarrassment
You huffed and walked away from him, catching up with Changbin and Felix, who you had your next class with.
“Where’d you go?” asked Changbin when you joined the pair
“Minho held me up,” You said, trying not to frown at the statement- you couldn’t help but wonder if you’d imagined the blush that was painted across his face or not
“Minho?” Felix said skeptically “Did he finally confess his undying love for you?”
You were about to elbow Felix, except that when you turned to your friend, he didn’t seem to be joking about it at all.
“Pfft, likely story” You pulled your elbow back, deciding that maybe you could pry a bit more information out of Felix, knowing that he knew a hell of a lot more about Minho than you
“Yeah” Changbin chuckled “Chan has been trying to make Minho jealous” He looked like he had more to say, but Felix elbowed him
“He has? But…he hasn’t really been doing anything different to what we normally do”
“Well, yeah, you and Chan are already pretty platonically intimate, but he’s started doing it especially in front of Minho, haven’t you noticed?” Felix stated smartly
“Felix?” You cocked your head “Are you feeling okay? I didn’t even know you knew what half the words you just said meant”
Changbin let out a snort as he shut his locker, his stuff piled in his arms, quickly joining you and Felix with going to the last period
“Stop dodging the subject” Felix whined, “Just admit that you like Minho too!”
“Hell no” You furrowed your brows “Minho and I have been enemies since- since we were kids. I don’t have feelings for him…” You trailed off towards the end, beginning to sound unsure of even yourself
With that, you became quiet, ignoring Changbin and Felix chatting away next to you. ‘I don’t like Minho…’ you thought to yourself ‘no…I just…admire how smart and talented he is…and how good he is at dancing and singing…and how handsome he can look sometimes…holy shit I like Minho’ the very thought of it made you pause mid-step. Changbin and Felix stopped as well, turning around to check what was wrong. A few year sevens walking behind you almost bumped into you, but quickly changed their path, chattering away nervously.
“what’s up?” Changbin questioned
“Nothing…” you shook your head and kept walking, Changbin and Felix almost had to jog to keep up with your fast pace
“Y/N” Felix ran up to you, panting slightly “We weren’t going to invite you because we knew you’d probably be offended that we even thought you would want to come, but the eight of us are going to Minho’s house tonight, and you could come if you wanted”
“There’s no way Minho would want me to come” You snorted, scrunching up your nose
“But do you want to?”
“I- …no…” You said unconvincingly
“We’ll see whether he’ll let you come once class is over,” Changbin smiled, running to catch up with the pair of you as well
“Whatever,” You grunted in what you hoped to be a stoic voice
You three finally made it to the classroom where your teacher was already waiting at the front of the classroom sat behind her desk.
“Did the assembly go over time?” She asked, seeing as most of the class hadn’t shown up yet
“Yeah” Felix nodded and took his usual seat, followed by Changbin and then you
Just a few seconds passed and students began to flow into the classroom, all taking their ‘unassigned assigned seats’.
It felt as if the class barely began when it had finished, your mind had been on Minho the entire hour and for once, you didn’t take notes on what the teacher was saying- you didn’t even participate in a single class discussion, only narrowly dodging being called on by the teacher a few times.
You exited the classroom, more slouched than usual, wondering whether Minho would let you come along.
You were frowning the whole way back to the locker rooms, completely lost in your own thoughts. Everything you were doing was done absent-mindedly, unlocking your locker, packing away your things, grabbing your bag; it wasn’t until Chan tapped your shoulder that you finally came back to reality.
“Lix told me you wanted to come to Minho’s this afternoon?” He questioned
“What?! I didn’t say that!”
“Good, because I wouldn’t have let you come anyways” a snide voice interrupted from behind Chan, one that so obviously came from Minho
“Well,” Chan said, stepping aside, letting you and Minho have direct eye contact before continuing “Y/N would probably feel really left out. I’ll just skip out on your place tonight and hang with Y/N”
“Wha-?” Minho looked very taken aback, but his surprised expression was quickly replaced with that of an annoyed one “Fine, they can come,” He crossed his arms “only because I don’t want Chan to not come” Minho quickly added when you gave him a perplexed look
“Whatever, I’m only coming because I have no other plans tonight”
“tsunderes” Chan muttered under his breath
“What?” you and Minho both squinted at him suspiciously at the same time
“Nothing! Nothing” Chan defended himself, smiling in what he hoped to be an innocent fashion
After less bicker between you and Minho than the eight other boys had expected, the ten of you made your way to the school gates, being met by a black stretch limo and a sophisticated looking driver.
“Dude” Seungmin frowned at Minho “weird flex”
“What?! I don’t have another car that fits ten people” Minho said, smiling, raising his hands in defense jokingly
You almost smiled while watching Minho interact with his friends, he looked so handsome, smiling and joking carelessly with them, but you caught yourself just as the corners of your lips turned upwards.
“This is Y/N” Minho motioned to you when he talked with the driver, being much more polite than he normally would with you otherwise
“Ah, Y/N. I remember you,” The driver smiled and looked kindly to you, you smiled and waved back, you enjoyed the company of literally everyone in Minho’s family except Minho himself “The last time I saw you was when you were about eight; are you and Minho finally friends?”
“Pft- they’re not- we’re not friends- I-” Minho seemed to notice he was doing more damage to his image than good, so he hastily followed his friends into the car
“Hm. Seems Minho has a crush” The driver muttered to you as you entered the door
Without waiting for a reply, the driver left you in a flustered state to go to the driver’s seat. With a vigorous shake of your head, you entered the limo and shut the door behind you. It was incredible, like the typical millionaire limo you’d see in movies- black everywhere, basically couches instead of seats- hell, there was even a mini-fridge.
“I second Seungmin” Hyunjin came just as you sat down, looking around the car “Weird flex, Minho”
“Don’t pretend like you guys aren’t just as rich as me” Minho smiled, rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks heating up
“Jeongin and I are here on academic scholarships, remember?” Seungmin spoke up “and Changbin is here on a music scholarship”
“Chan and I are here on music scholarships too!” Jisung yelled stubbornly, being far louder than necessary
“Yeah, but you and Chan could afford to be here without scholarships” Woojin raised a brow at Jisung
Soon enough, the car was full of chatter, you were so busy talking that you hadn’t even noticed the car had started moving and, before you could even process that the car had come to a stop, the driver opened the back door once again, telling you that you had arrived at Minho’s.
You blinked once and shook your head, soon stepping out of the limo into the surprisingly bright sunlight. In front of you stood possibly one of the biggest houses you’d ever seen- it was even bigger than yours; you had to strain your neck back just to see the top.
“Welcome to my oh-so-humble abode,” Minho said to you, ignoring the other eight boys for now since they’d already been there
“I third Seungmin,” You raised a brow, looking at Minho, unimpressed “Weird flex”
For the first time in your life, you thought you’d just caught a glimpse of Minho flashing a genuine smile directed at you, but he’d turned away before you could tell. To say it didn’t fluster you would be a complete and absolute lie; you stood there, cheeks red, refusing to believe that Minho could make you feel like this.
Finally, after a bit of a mess, the ten of your made it into Minho’s house, through the hallways that seemed almost endless, passing the far-too-big living rooms decorated with extravagant gold, silver, jewels and a couple charming house plants and up the wide marble staircase to be finally met with Minho’s room. The room was just as big as you’d expected it to be, but it was much more home-y than the rest of the house. A king-sized bed was placed in the corner, black sheets adorning it and a sweet looking wooden bedside table. There was what looked to be a gaming corner in a part of the room, a large, full-body mirror stretching across almost an entire wall and a modern but not overwhelming desk tucked away in the corner right of the entrance along with a couple bookshelves stacked with study books and keep-sakes next to it.
“That mirror is so distracting” You sighed, looking to the overly-large mirror
“It’s for dancing” Minho mumbled as he passed you, so low that you didn’t understand what he said
“Nothing,” He said quickly, turning away from you with a red face
“I’ve got the switch!” Jisung shouted, running up to the array of consoles in the far corner of the room and grabbing the red, blue and black coloured Nintendo switch along with six other black controllers “Who’s playing Smash Bros with me?!”
Chan, Felix, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Changbin, Minho and Jeongin all rushed forward to grab a console, sitting on the bean-bags surrounding the corner while Woojin and you stood back, chuckling at their childishness.
“You’re not joining them, Woojin?” You asked, taking a seat on one of the spare bean-bags
“Nah, the winner of the brawl rotates out” Woojin replied, relieving his wrist of the gold watch he had around it the whole day
You nodded and watched as the boys all hastily picked out their favourite characters on the gaming console and started a brawl.
“What character do you normally pick, Y/N?” Felix asked, keeping his eyes on the screen
“Usually it’s Link” you shrugged, searching the boys’ chosen characters “the Breath of the Wild one” You added, remembering how many Links there were
“What a coincidence” Seungmin smiled mischievously as the brawl started and they all started smashing the controllers
“Minho usually chooses Zelda” Hyunjin interrupted, smirking at the large TV screen just as you’d gotten to Minho’s character
“Pfft, Zelda’s a bad character,” You said haughtily
“Not if you know how to use her properly!” Minho defended himself “Hah! See!” He said just as he’d knocked Felix (who had chosen Pikachu) off the stage
“Lucky shot!” Felix yelled as he respawned and immediately went for Minho for revenge
You laughed, completely forgetting the fact that you absolutely despised Minho in all the chaos. Only another couple minutes passed and the shouting became louder than ever; Seungmin (who had chosen Dark Pit) and Chan (who had chosen Meta Knight) were locked in a battle between each other, everyone else aside from the pair had run out of lives. Finally, after a shout of frustration and triumphant cheer, Chan lost his last life.
“catch, Y/N” Seungmin called, throwing you his controller
You quickly caught it while blinking, unaware of what was happening. You then saw Chan hand over his controller to Woojin and realized it was your turn to play. You walked forward and plopped down on the same bean bag as Jisung, who was closest to you.
“Agh! Hey, there’s no room for both of us!” Jisung whined, scrunching his nose “Just sit on my lap” He grabbed you under the arms and lifted you slightly onto his lap
“Can you see?” You asked, trying not to block your friend’s view
“Yeah” He confirmed, leaning slightly to the side while you leaned slightly to the opposite side
After that, you paid no attention to Jisung, busy changing your character from Dark Pit to Link while Jisung (who stayed as Kirby) peered around you. Minho, on the other hand, was glaring at Jisung like he never had before. ‘They could’ve just as easily sat on my bean bag’ he thought poutily to himself, glancing at you before shaking his head and turning back towards the screen just as another brawl had started.
Just for the irony of it, you immediately went for Minho’s character, still Zelda, and started fighting. The shouting quickly started up again and Minho was thrown off the edge by you, something to which he took great offense from, immediately respawning and going to attack you again. You and Minho continued your guys’ separate brawl until Jeongin (who’s character was Yoshi) interfered and managed to land a K.O move on you, considering your health percentage had gotten so high. Minho cheered and high-fived Jeongin while you frowned and respawned.
A couple more minutes and you and Minho were the only ones left. All of the boys shouting behind you seemed to be cheering on only you.
“You guys are so biased!” Minho yelled angrily “Just cause’ Y/N’s so pretty and sweet you cheer for them instead” Although his hands weren’t free, you could almost see him crossing his arms
“No, it’s because they’re a better player than you” Hyunjin (who had been Ice-Climbers) commented matter-of-factly
“You think I’m pretty and sweet?!” your jaw went slack and you were so distracted that you didn’t even bother to try and jump back up after Minho knocked your character off-screen, resulting in him winning
“What?! No! That’s not- I didn’t say-” Minho stuttered, his cheeks flushing red
“Yeah, yeah, we all know you guys have major crushes on each other, hand over the controllers” Said Seungmin, grabbing Minho’s controller from out of his hands and happily pushing Minho off of his bean-bag and taking his spot
You didn’t even process that you were absent-mindedly handing Chan the controller and sinking back into Jisung’s chest, both of whom were chuckling almost uncontrollably from your bewildered state.
“Alright Y/N, up” Jisung pushed you off his lap, toward the spare bean-bag where Minho had taken a seat, still puffy “Now that I’m free of my handi-cap, you fuckers are going down!” He yelled
You and Minho made quick eye-contact. He puffed out his cheeks and moved to the side of the bean-bag, making free space for you. You raised your eyebrows but nonetheless, took the seat next to him, trying to get comfortable without making skin contact with your self-proclaimed enemy, but it proved to be quite difficult with how much the bean-bag was moving.
“Sorry” You muttered, aware that by now, Minho was probably beginning to get annoyed
When he didn’t reply, you looked up to him, yet again, you two made eye contact for a split second. Minho’s eyes widened and his face turned even more red. He quickly averted his gaze to the screen, most of your guys’ friends had died by now and were instead cheering on Changbin (who was playing with Samus), Seungmin and Jeongin.
An hour must have passed, but you and Minho didn’t move from the bean-bag unless it was to retrieve the controller from the two that had been the last in the brawl, which was followed by you guys immediately going back to the same bean-bag to sit next to the other. You had no idea which round it had happened, but one time when you got up and went back to the bean-bag, Minho pulled you into his lap before you got the chance to sit next to him, and the next time Minho had to get up, you sat back down and made Minho sit in your lap, and it changed like that depending on who had to get up. Neither of you seemed to notice that everyone else in the room stared at the pair of you in shock each time it happened.
“You two…” Chan shook his head, smiling to himself
“What?” You looked up from your place on top of Minho’s lap
“Huh?” Minho peered around you to look at Chan
“What happened to hating each other?” Jeongin teased
You and Minho paused, faces growing red. Neither of you answered, just looked down, not willing to take your gazes off of the ground, even though Felix had just taken your last life in the game.
Finally, after it grew dark, you guys turned off the TV and console, leaving it and the controllers for a charge.
“There are uh…” Minho looked to his fingers and began to count on them “six bathrooms upstairs, not including my parents’ en suite. So…which of us are going to shower first?”
“Fuck- I didn’t bring clothes” You face-palmed, only now remembering that you’d been invited to the ‘sleep-over’ unexpectedly, and hadn’t brought any supplies to school with you
“You can borrow my hoodie,” Chan said
“I brought spare sweat-pants, actually,” Seungmin said
“I’ve got another t-shirt” Hyunjin rummaged around in his bag
“Would offering you a pair of fox socks be weird? They’re fluffy” Jeongin questioned cutely
“I don’t think any of us have spare undies” Seungmin looked around with a raised eyebrow
“You can borrow Minho’s boxers” Changbin chuckled, joining in
“Wha-” you blushed
“I mean, it’s probably the best option if we’re being completely honest” Woojin added, fighting back an amused smile “You do clean your boxers, don’t you, Minho?”
“Of course I do!” Minho said, looking fairly offended “But lending them to someone else- isn’t that a bit unsanitary…?”
“I mean I’m sure it’s fine between…romantic partners” Jisung smirked, raising his eyebrows suggestively
“Shutup” Minho glared at his friend
Despite his initial protests, he walked over to his overly-large cupboard, opened it, and got out a pair of plain black boxers. The entire group ‘ooh-ed’, all except for you.
“This is actually happening? We’re actually doing this? …jesus christ…” You tried not to laugh as Minho reluctantly threw the boxers at you and pointed to his en-suite
Trying not to die of embarrassment, you walked into the bathroom while the other nine boys sorted out which five would be showering first, followed by Minho showing them where the other bathrooms were.
Not too long after, everyone had showered and the ten of you gathered in a circle.
“Let’s play truth or dare” Seungmin smiled- it would look sweet if you didn’t know any better
“I’m down” Hyunjin agreed, a chorus of agreements sounded throughout the group
“Me first,” Minho said quickly “Felix, truth or dare?”
“Dare, obviously,” He said in his deep voice
“In the next room over, there’s a balcony where you can jump safely into the pool from. I’ve done it before.” Minho paused dramatically “I dare you to jump from the balcony in your PJ’s into the pool”
“What?! I’ve already showered!” Felix complained
“Fine, you can take off your shirt” Minho reasoned, still smiling
Felix opened his mouth to protest, but nothing came out, so he stood up, the group following him, exited the room and proceeded to march to the room next to Minho’s.
“Other way, idiot” Minho said from the group
Felix bashfully changed directions and went into the other room, which was similar to the rest of the house, so unlike Minho’s comforting room. The balcony doors were glass and Felix quickly stripped himself of his shirt and socks and stepped out onto the balcony. The drop wasn’t far, it was like a diving board, the only catch, you supposed, was that Felix would have to shower again, and probably steal a pair of Minho’s pants.
Without another thought, Felix dived into the pool, creating a big splash.
“IT’S FUCKING FREEZING” Felix yelled once he resurfaced, quickly wading his way to the edge of the pool and pulling himself out
The group chuckled while Woojin shook his head. Minho threw a towel at Felix which he grabbed and wrapped around himself.
“The door inside is over there” Minho pointed to the left “you know your way around this house. Seeya in a bit”
“Seeya” Felix waved, ruffling his wet hair to hopefully dry it a bit so he didn’t completely soak the carpet inside
The rest of the group walked back to Minho’s room and rearranged themselves in a circle, leaving an empty space for Felix.
“Wait….we have to wait for Felix to get back so he can ask the next person,” Changbin said, scrunching his nose
“I’ll go!” Chan interrupted, looking rather amused “Minho, truth or dare?”
“uh- dare” Minho hesitated, knowing that if he said truth, he’d be asked whether he had feelings for you
“I dare you to kiss the cutest person in the room”
“Pft- easy” Minho smirked again, standing up
“Other than yourself!” Chan quickly added when he saw Minho making his way to the large mirror behind him
Minho groaned and turned to face the group just as Felix had walked in, looking rather cold and, without even asking, went into Minho’s closet, grabbed a pair of pants and made his way to the en-suite with his dry shirt and socks and- somehow- another pair of his own underwear.
“I smoke all you bitches” Minho stated “but if I must, Jisung come here”
Jisung raised his eyebrows, whispering a ‘what the fuck’ to himself, staying seated.
“Don’t lie to yourself, Minho” Woojin leaned forward “we all know you think it’s Y/N-”
“Yeah” Hyunjin intercepted before Woojin could finish his sentence “it’s obviously me. Have you seen this face?” He cupped his face in his own hands and gave a charming smile to the group
Minho looked over to Hyunjin, unimpressed.
“Okay, change of dare” Chan stated before a fight over who the cutest in the group is broke out…again “I dare you, Minho, to kiss Y/N”
“damn” Changbin snorted
“just straight up? How bold of you, Chan” Minho glared at his friend
Chan smirked, maintaining eye contact with Minho. None of the group seemed to notice that, in the corner, your entire face was shining red. You had tried to distract yourself from the situation by focusing on the running water of the shower that Felix was using, but your brain hated you and that started to lead to images of Felix you didn’t want, you quickly moved on from that. ‘I wonder how jealous Minho would get if he found out that I was unintentionally picturing Felix showering’ you thought to yourself, and the thought of Minho being jealous seemed enough to distract you.
“Y/N?” Minho turned to you
“huh?!” You snapped out of your thoughts
“come here” Minho motioned you towards him
“How about you come here?” You scrunched up your nose, ignoring your oh-so-obvious blush
Minho, ignoring his own ‘oh-so-obvious blush’ silently got up and walked towards you. The entire group watched with bated breath. The room was completely silent, Felix seemed to have stopped showering now and was drying off, so not even the sound of water running could distract anyone. Minho cupped the side of your cheek, his palm and fingers were surprisingly cold, but you could practically feel the heat radiating off of his face from all the blood rushing to his cheeks.
“so…” Minho started, breaking the silence, and the group finally seemed to be able to breathe again “can I kiss you?”
And with your confirmation, Minho leant forward and placed his lips onto yours, immediately pulling away afterward. The seven people around you erupted into a mixture of cheers, ooh’s and fake gags. Felix came barrelling out of the bathroom, beckoned by the sudden uproar, his shirt still wasn’t fully on and he looked extremely confused.
“What happened?!” He asked, finally putting his arms through the last hole
“Y/N and Minho finally fUCKING kissed!” Jisung yelled
“They did WHAT?! AND YOU GUYS DIDN’T BOTHER TO TELL ME TO HURRY UP SO I COULD WITNESS THE MOMENT?!” He looked utterly distraught at the news that he’d missed something so ‘important’
The group burst into chuckles, snorts and giggles. Minho and you hadn’t made eye contact since the kiss, although, it was so short that you weren’t even sure it could be considered a kiss; that fact didn’t seem to trouble the group though.
“Oi Felix!” Minho yelled, and once again, the group turned silent
Minho grinned before turning towards you again, his cocky smile faltered slightly when he made eye contact with you, but before he could turn back, he went in an kissed you again.
“truly a moment to behold” Chan shook his head comically, along with Woojin
Your mouth hung open slightly, just out of surprise that Minho had kissed you again.
“You should’ve asked first!” You pushed him away, angry that he had the ability to make you so flustered
“Sorry” Minho smiled sweetly and rubbed the back of his neck
Eventually, the ten of you moved on from the kiss and continued with the game, which ended in Hyunjin almost being brought to tears from eating an entire spoonful of hot sauce, Changbin confessing that he did, in fact, steal Jeongin’s socks, more than once, Seungmin coming very close to accidentally knocking Jisung over the head with a baseball bat, Chan admitting that he had slept in Seungmin’s bed before purely to annoy him and then blamed it on Felix, and Woojin baking cupcakes for everyone (one of the more tame dares) and far more, too much to explain.
Finally, when it came time to sleep, which was well past midnight, you and Minho slept on a spare mattress together, arms tangled and sharing warmth between the two of you. It was, you felt, the most content you’d ever been in your life.
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dfcfanfics · 4 years
Looking Back At 2019
Greetings!  Your sixth-favorite old man who churns out Miraculous fanfics is back again, casting his eyes on the year-about-to-end and what came of it.
Throwing my ramblings behind a cut, for the benefit of those who are less than fanatical about them.
Okay!  Still here?  Great.  
Stories that I wrote in 2019 included:
Let’s Take It From The Top:  The conclusion to this one arrived in January. This was a long-running alternate universe story, the longest I had written at that time, rebooting the Miracuverse with two alterations:
1) Gabriel brought the Cat and Moth, not the Peacock and Moth home from Tibet.
2) Gabriel was willing to listen to Nooroo’s pleas to not use his powers selfishly.
That simple starting point cascaded into a very long chain of surprises and reinventions of familiar Miraculous events.  Old faces with new Akuma identities, including a new one (Firefly) for Marinette before she ever becomes Ladybug!  A Wish gone awry that eventually threatens all of France -- and perhaps more.  Good Gabriel exploring the possibilities of Nooroo’s powers while attempting to save his son.  The eventual emptying of the Miracle Box in an all-out showdown.  Adrien in pink sweatpants.  The answer to what happened to Atlantis.  And my very first piece of fanart received ever, from the incomparable @yunyin.
It’s a lesser-loved piece of mine, but I think there’s some very solid writing in it, so if you skipped over it I’d encourage you to check it out.
Someone To Watch Over Me:  My labor of love.  This was inspired by absolutely perfect Ladrien concept art from @buggachat, which I will never hesitate to link.  I fell in love with it, considered how I would work it into a longer Ladrien idea that was bubbling in my brain, and reached out to @buggachat with a first-chapter draft.  She gave me the go-ahead to continue with it, and I hope she likes what I did to her poor characters along the way.  ;)
Adrien’s attempted Akumatization and Ladybug’s last-second rescue leads to far more than either of them bargained for.  Marinette reaches out to Adrien with comfort and affection in both of her identities -- and finds Adrien responding to both in kind, as much as he is capable of in his somewhat emotionally numb state.  Slowly, she cracks his shell and a Ladrienette triangle forms.  Though obviously Marinette would be fine with being Adrien’s girl in either identity... he doesn’t know that, and the slow burn to full-on romance is quite the ride.
All the while, Gabriel is watching his son closely, as his master plan requires someone with emotional ties to Emilie to be Akumatized and Adrien is his last-hope selection.  He watches the evolving relationships, ready to pick off whichever one ends up broken-hearted when Adrien makes a choice and the triangle collapses... and is curious when that doesn’t seem to happen.  A dinner party at Marinette’s proves memorable, followed by one at Adrien’s that proves... life-changing for all.
24 chapters, 230k words, my longest chapter ever, an Adrien moment that startled many readers in a very good way, and many other delights.  
It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time...:  This one wasn’t supposed to be a longfic.  It started out in my mind as a wacky farce, responding to how Heart Hunter / Miracle Queen ended and examining where the Adrigaminette triangle might go.  But the more I wrote at the beginning, the more I started digging into the emotional possibilities and felt like, well, this could actually go places.
This picks up with Marinette overwhelmed, hiding out in her room.  The blossoming relationship between Kagami and Adrien, the new responsibilities of Guardianhood, knowing what happened to Master Fu, and many other questions are screaming inside her skull and she is out of answers.  A ring of her doorbell shatters everything, though, as it reveals a sobbing Kagami; in this version, he tries being her boyfriend but abruptly cuts it off, admitting that he loves someone else.  And we all know who that someone else is... and now Ladybug knows that, too.
And our heroine... snaps.
12 chapters so far, a deliberate experiment in writing shorter chapters (each one is under 5k) that has been... well, challenging to both myself and my readers.  The response has been good and it is nearly complete; I’m thinking maybe four more chapters unless something changes.
Two Hearts That Wax And Wane:  The first of a small handful of response fics to Puppeteer 2, specifically the car scene near the end, which I found to be one of the definitive moments of the entire Season 3.  It certainly created veritable oceans of salt on Tumblr, so I decided to try to make something sweeter out of it.
Marinette has heard “the girl that I love” from Adrien’s lips... and it certainly wasn’t referring to her, at least as far as she knows.  So... now what?  Adrien isn’t sure what Marinette’s reaction meant, but he knows that he screwed up somehow, and that he needs to make things right with her or potentially lose a very precious friend.  And so four chapters follow, one from each Love Square side’s perspective (Adrienette, Marichat, Ladrien, Ladynoir in order).  
Angst segueing into fluff, as is my usual formula.  
Full Stamen Ahead:  A five-parter that makes an utter shambles of the French education system.  (If you’re sensitive to Americanizations, this is not the fic for you, unless acres of fluff serve as a sufficient antidote.)
The school is promoting a Carnation Day, in which white, pink or red carnations are delivered to students for a nominal fee.  Marinette decides that she’s finally going to confess her feelings, but an interruption by Chloe disrupts her red-carnation attempt.  Seeing an opportunity, Chloe responds with a nasty plan of her own... and chaos soon reigns.
Five short chapters of high school antics, detective work and flower petals.
Just One More Minute...: Another fic inspired by Tumblr art, this one by Ladybeug.  After five hours of fighting an Akuma, our heroes tumble together to a rooftop, unable to move another inch.  They’re about to detransform, and they know it.  But... surely... they could rest for just a moment before they act, couldn’t they?
Playing A Familiar Chord: Puppeteer 2 response fic number two, this one from a Lukanette perspective.  After hearing what she did in the car, Marinette returned home feeling completely disheartened.  Who might be out there that she could turn to, talk to, call on the phone and get a male perspective on about what just happened?  Who could be her Big Brother today, even though they both know that he’d like to be more than that?
One-shot.  Fluff, comfort, and a Luka who’s smitten but remains assertive as well.
After the Storm Breaks:  Heart Hunter/Miracle Queen response fic, examining what might come next.  A short time after the finales, Adrigami is fully enabled... as is Lukanette.  A party that Adrien, Kagami and Marinette all attend becomes awkward, so Adrien calls Marinette to make sure that they’re still on good terms... and a lot of unexpected truth comes out.
One-shot.  Fluff, comfort and friendship.  Exploring a far stronger Adrienette forming even while they’re each dating other people.
A Little Promise I’d Made Myself:  A super-fluffy one-shot.  It’s a New Year’s Eve party at Rose’s house, and while Adrien is having a good time, he notices that Marinette is sitting off by herself.  So he joins her, and as the countdown to midnight approaches, Marinette wonders if she has it in her to give him a real New Year’s kiss...
Crack and Silliness:
Assorted bits of insanity, response fics and stuff that popped into my head.
The Logical Conclusion:  Ladybug examines why all the Akumas center around one particular classroom... and presents Chat Noir with her theory as to whom Hawkmoth must be.
Reservoir Kwamis: Quentin Tarantino’s film Reservoir Dogs from a Miracuverse perspective.  Maybe three people will enjoy this.
Getting Things Backwards: Backwarder response crackfic.  Adrien opens Marinette’s “love letter”... which is actually Fu’s constipation medicine prescription... and interprets it in a very different way.
First Times Are Always Awkward: On Ladybug and Chat Noir’s first outing against Stoneheart, Tikki is not fully aware of modern technology... like cell phone cameras.  So that “Kwamis cannot be photographed or recorded” extends to their magic as well -- like certain costumes.  Alya ends up with quite an eyeful when she watches the footage she captured...
Communication Breakdown:  In an emergency, Plagg needs someone else to accept his power, don the ring and be a hero.  He’s in a room with someone who is able and willing.  But when it comes to saying “Claws out” aloud, there’s one little problem...
Busted, Said The Kwami: Kwami Buster response crackfic.  Adrien finds himself dreaming of a midnight visit by Ladybug, who becomes Multimouse, who acts... unusually.  This is not Plagg’s first rodeo with size-changing heroine fantasies, though.
Nooroo Uses A Swear Word: He sure does.
Options Include...:  A response to an Instagram post by Adrien.  Marinette sees Adrien admiring Nino and Alya’s relationship, and pining for one of his own, and reacts...
Leave Some Stones Unturned: Wayzz and Marinette investigate Master Fu’s studio, as Wayzz is aware of many secrets hidden away there in Fu’s absence.  They find a pair of Kwamis who are not from the Chinese set, and whose concepts and personalities startle Marinette greatly... (Little Feat fans will appreciate this one.)
If you’ve reached this note, I thank you regardless of whether you’ve actually read my stuff or not.  :)  
I thought Season 3 had a lot of interesting components and a lot of very flawed execution, both in where it chose to take the characters and the usual nightmares involving episode ordering and character consistency.  I sincerely hope that the hiatus before S4 will allow Team Astruc to present a more coherent and consistent approach in 2020. 
Tumblr salt of You’re Not Writing The Story How I Want You To! and My Ship Must Sail NOW! will continue, obviously.  That’s life.  But Tumblr salt picking apart writing choices and characterization in what they actually put out there... that I can get behind.  The Marinette Defense Squad remains vigilant.  My hat is tipped to the many Tumblr folk who approach these episodes with a critical but supportive eye; recognizing what’s good, pointing out what’s not and wanting what emerges to be great.
Best wishes to all in the new year, particularly @brittsarts, my tireless artist friend still plugging away at the comic-ization of Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bright and doing fantastic work at that as time and energy allow.  
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isa-ghost · 6 years
A Long Ass Theory (7/25/18)
This took me SIX FUCKING HOURS to write out, holy shit.
First of all, I don’t like that title.
Why? Because...
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A certain someone we know and love has experience with guns.
Second of all...
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Yeah... this.
Why is this concerning?
Last time Chase and Anti were in the same video in any way, shape, or form, Anti was charging at Chase while he was in a drunken stupor at the end of Dark Silence. We never saw what happened after Anti reached Chase, if he even did.
Also, it could just be me (please tell me if someone else has noticed this too back in May) but when “Jack” acts suspicious, especially when the video gives off Chase vibes, he gets this weird sarcastic? tone in his voice throughout the entire video. I’m even more unsure about what I’m about to say, but when he says something he knows we’ll point out as a possible hint, he looks directly into the camera. Maybe its just a few times, maybe every time, or maybe I’m just remembering something incorrectly and he doesn’t do it at all, but that tone in his voice for sure tends to show up a lot every time he acts suspiciously like Chase.
So with all this unsettling information in mind, here’s everything I found suspiciously Chase or Anti-like in today’s upload:
The title, and the intro, as previously stated.
2:14 “Everybody’s dead, I’m happy” Honestly there’s a lot of “death” references through the whole video which while they ARE concerning for paranoid, over-analytical Anti theorist reasons, its hard to say that they’re cryptic hints given the fact that its a game where youre supposed to kill people and therefore the death comments are relevant to the context, rather than being out of the blue “Jack being weird” comments. I’ll keep all the mentions of death I find alarming in the list anyway, just to be safe.
4:52 “What happened? I don’t know but I’m glad you’re dead!”
11:37 “You’re all gonna know the name by the end of this. You’re all gonna know the name of your victor.”
 12:25 That’s a really weird Chase-esque “dude-bro” type person laugh, if you ask me...
13:44 He refers to himself as Jack. I’m only mentioning this because it either confirms he isn’t intentionally being suspicious and we really are just paranoid OR its a reminder that Chase is posing as Jack while he’s in a coma. Or MAYBE this IS Jack after Stories Untold #4, awake from his coma and struggling to remember things. He “doesn’t remember” his intro because “he hasn’t recorded in so long” which could be a joke about how he took a week-long hiatus but could also be a nod at how he was in a coma.
16:52 “I could also die. I could die in real life. If you die in real life, you die in the game.”
17:14 “I’m just doing it for all the people out there to make them feel like I’m a regular bro.“
19:16 “I have to go three dreams deep and meet Leo Dicaprio and bring him back to reality.” (Sounds more like bringing Jack out of a coma to me) Needs to meet his kids. (And this sounds like Chase). I think I’m over-analyzing this one but *screams in paranoia*
19:32 “I just slaughtered a whole bunch of babies. ... It’s what I do. I’m ruthless.” There were a lot of theories that Anti might have hurt Chase’s kids after Dark Silence. Especially after he screamed “WHERE ARE THEY?!”
20:00 “Dope af, as the lit kids would like to say.” This one’s probably me just O/A again. It sounds like a dad trying to keep up with the lingo his kids use...
23:22 He uses the “Chase voice” and drops an iconic “sah dude” that we’ve started to associate with him for almost a minute straight.
24:38 “Because I can’t be trusted. We all know that by now.” *Glares at Sean* yeAH NO SHIT, MCLOUGHLIN.
26:03 “Hi, I’m Jack. I’m a pathological liar. And a piece of shit.” Could this be Anti pretending to be Jack and mocking him? Probably not lmao. Or maybe Chase knows Jack isn’t a very good friend? He said he’d kill/let Chase die first if he had to choose and that he finds him annoying, yet Chase considers him a friend. We DO know from TIE that sometimes if Chase gets too heated, he tends to “break character” and rant to us.
28:58 “My parents may have never told me they loved me, but that doesn’t matter” *Gestures wildly at the “Chase was abused” theories and how when Chase was the one recording the video in Mayhem, he’d make a lot of “my dad”/“my parents” references*
30:42 “I like the little sounds they make. It makes me feel like I’m killing a whole bunch of tiny babies” Ah, Anti harming Chase’s kids vibes again.
32:22 “What I need is love and support” Just like in GNOG, this just gives me Chase vibes... “And also your compliance and your own death.” Aaaaand Anti vibes. Anti talking to Chase? Chase talking to Anti? Anti talking to Jack? *Explodes in theorist*
34:38 “Its just cause... me and my dad” Another damn “my dad” reference like back in May.
36:29 Jack glances behind him for basically no reason. We all know what that meant in May...
37:38 “Don’t hit me, don’t hit me, nooo papa!” *Chase was abused theories intensifies*
44:14 “[My mom] never paid enough attention to me and I had a bunch of time to play video games”
44:50 “Did I have a stroke? Can I remember anything?” Mmmm coma vibes
48:26 (Singing) “Your parents don’t love you”
55:27 “Don’t I look like a guy that deserves good things in my life? I’m not a bad guy.”
58:54 “GET AWAY FROM HIM! Don’t get closer to him, he’s a stranger man! Stranger danger, remember what you parents said!” He highkey sounds like Chase scared/scolding his kids to stay away from Anti... Just sayin’-
59:02 “Actually my parents told me go play in traffic. Suddenly explains a lot.” *Vibrates with abused child Chase vibes*
1:00:55 “Don’t mind me, just going to the store to try and get my life back together.” That last part just... sounds like Chase recovering from the divorce (or maybe after his suicide in Bro Average/Henrik saving him like he mentioned in KJSE?) *coughs in over-analyzing, whoops*
With all this in mind, I also want to make note that I’ve seen some things floating around my dash about the following, which could also imply incoming doom for us ego enthusiasts and theorists:
The anniversary of Antisepticeye vs. Darkiplier is coming up in 3 days. Mark and Jack already confirmed several times that they would not be doing another collab like that one again, BUT--
--Jack mentioned that he and Mark have some cool plans that they can’t talk about.
Mark has the genius skills to make Markiplier TV and WKM happen (with help, of course). What if he’s helping Jack with a video featuring multiple/all egos? Jack DID say during tour that at some point later in the year he wanted/planned on a big video with all the egos. That was sometime in the early spring, and its now almost the end of summer. I think that counts as “later”...
Mark apparently mentioned revisiting some egos. I think he’s referring to the Wilford videos, personally, but I still find this noteworthy.
Robin is apparently going to L.A to hang out with Jack. While this is probably just him being a supportive friend and all that, after what I’ve just said... I trust nothing.
Jack confirmed he planned on doing more skits/sketches/etc while he was in L.A.
We are still waiting on Bro Average 2, which Jack confirmed would eventually become a thing.
With all this in mind, Jack, his god tier editor Robin, and ego video-making genius Mark might all be together at once at some point in the near future. We MIGHT be in for some serious community fires soon, guys. Get your extinguishers ready.
I feel like I might be waaay over-analyzing a lot of this, but the levels of unease in the theorist part of the community have been very high lately. Better to note down what we find questionable than to not take notes at all only to suddenly get slammed with fire, right?
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hurricane-red · 5 years
Is There Life After Game of Thrones?
A Reflection
As the final episode of Game of Thrones is now airing this weekend, I thought it would be a great time to reflect on how far we've come, where we are today, and where (I think) we're going to end up.
Filming for the first season of the show began right around the time I started a new relationship, and when the TV premiere finally aired, the two of us had just gotten married. We followed the development of the show through the internet, and my subscription to Entertainment Weekly, and I was SO excited about it. I hadn’t read any of the books at the time, but I managed to read all 4 of them (A Dance of Dragons hadn’t been published yet) before the show came off hiatus to begin airing Season 2.
I have to confess - I’ve been a Jon Snow fan from Day 1, and I immediately understood that he was going to be absolutely vital to the story - I just had no idea at the time what that would mean. 
When Game of Thrones began airing in 2011, I was 27 years old. My husband was 31. I had a 7 year old daughter, some betta fish, and a fiddler crab.
Today, she is now 15, and has just watched the previous seasons of the show to catch up within the past 2 months. We’re going to watch the finale together. I’m now 35 years old, and my husband is 40. We’ve been through several job changes, got some different pets, and I went back to school and finished my college degree in English. 8 years down the road, we are still passionate about this show...but there are a lot of loose ends that are leaving me with questions, and I want to talk about them in case they aren’t addressed in the final episode.
I have an odd sinking feeling that an hour and 20 minutes is not enough to tie up all of the loose ends that currently exist, and I’m worried about it.
1. Varys was writing a note in the beginning of Season 8, Episode 5. Who was he sending it to? He burned a note in the candle fire later - was it the same note? Were we supposed to believe he didn’t get to send the one he wrote initially? Varys has long been described as the Master of Whispers - I’m not sure he would’ve spent that time knowing he was about to be snuffed out of existence by his queen without spreading his message to someone else first. Varys’ work could continue to haunt Daenerys Targaryen long after he is gone. After all, who are his little birds going to report now that he has met his demise?
2. For a long time now, I have felt like Daenerys isn’t going to make it to the end. Recent developments have shown me that my assumptions are likely correct. I don’t believe the book series is called ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ because it’s about Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen ruling together. I think it’s called ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ because it’s about Jon Snow’s discovery about who he is and who he needs to become in order to protect his people. My biggest issue is wondering how the people who know and believe the story are going to be able to convince everyone else - there are people that are not going to believe it.
3. Jaime and Cersei Lannister may not be dead. We don’t yet have proof. 
We have major plot points still in play 
4. Why are Sam and Gilly leaving? Jon is going to need a Maester. Sam can’t just spend all that time in the Citadel and decide he’s going back home - that’s not how being a Maester works. Also, I’m pretty sure Maesters don’t have children--will they even allow him to be one knowing that he has a family now? Maesters have always kind of been presented as ‘supposed to be’ monk-like figures. 
5. What’s going to happen with the wall? Is the Night’s Watch even necessary at this point, now that the threat of the undead has been eliminated?
6. What is Bran’s role going to be in the realm now that the Night King has been defeated? I’m not sure what purpose remains for the Three-Eyed Raven.
7. Are there any Children of the Forest left? If so, what is their purpose in the larger picture, and what does it mean for Westeros?
8. Is Tyrion going to accept the seat of command at Casterly Rock, if he is the only member of Tywin Lannister’s immediate family left alive to do so? Or will he remain by the side of whoever comes out on top as the ruler of Westeros?
9. I’m fairly confident at this point that Sansa Stark will rule on as the Lady of Winterfell, but what is Arya’s place in the kingdom? Does she even have one?
10. Do we care about Robin Arryn at this point? I mean, I’m pretty sure he’s still up in The Eyrie, but what I’m not sure on is if he’s important to the rest of the story anymore.
11. Who gets the dragon in the great Targaryen divorce? Will the dragon’s loyalty shift to Jon?
12. Someone’s probably going to have to kill Daenerys Targaryen in the final episode. My question is NOT whether or not this is going to happen, but WHO is going to be the one to strike the final blow?
13. Will we get to know who is in line to rule after the Targaryen line finally ends? The current prospects have no living heirs to carry on their names, and I want to know what’s going to happen down the line.
14. How does the Lord of Light fit into all of this? Does the end of the show have a religious message?
My theory for the finale? 
Daenerys will be sentenced to execution for her destruction of King’s Landing and thousands of innocent people by Jon and Sansa, and the sentence will either be carried out by Arya or Drogon. Jon Snow becomes Aegon Targaryen, 11th of his name, 998th Commander of the Night’s Watch, The Last Targaryen, and he may very well rule until the end of time, because I’m not sure he can die anymore. Melisandre may well have rendered him immortal. About what happens to the rest of these characters, I have no idea at all...but I can’t wait to find out.
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tazchat: double whammy
okay so i’ve been havin computer troubles lately and i wanted to make sure the readmore works so i had to wait to upload these, right. but. anyway. if you know me irl and you see this you are legally allowed to kill me.
i’m almost done with the bank episode, but. y’all. there’s two whole episodes before that. we’re just now getting to the really good shit. but the shit that came before? also fucking good. here’s that.
and now, what about two of you have been waiting for: Welcome Back To Bee’s Journey To Self-Acceptance Re: Their Deep Attachment  And Sense Of Relation To Travis McElroy’s Self-Insert DND OC
—“i wish i had pictures but at least i have my memorieeeees” —LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH —i love weird all yankovic’s song paradoxes —magnus calling the boys “fellas” and “boys” all the time is a speech quirk i forgot about. he addresses them as a group more than the other two and. hm. —you know what else i forgot about magnus? he values honesty to a point he doesn’t always live up to? but when he does... boy HOWDY. this whole roswell exchange is SO in-character and i love it. —aaand (this is a magnus monologue!!! listen. listen) he is All About People even if he isn’t necessarily great with them? he knows that nobody’ll survive past 12 but he won’t let them die in the collapse/fire —wait. oh my god. that’s why! i guess! because that’s what happened in RR. fuck? it’s salt shaker level implication, if intentional, and i love it. —chekov’s bush —“oh, the labor—“ / [magnus starts digging with his hands] / “i cast healing word on taako” PEAK THB DYNAMIC —“i put the bomb in a DIFFERENT POCKET than steven” —ALPHABET PUZZLE —oh my god they just blow up the room GRIFFIN: how do you feel? you’ve died three times. it hasn’t been great. TRAVIS: this is how magnus would live his life anyways? he’s emboldened by being able to fuck up CLINT: merle’s not a fan JUSTIN: Just Another Day At The Office, Babey. but he’s fuckin disoriented. —just highlighting that bit which has been highlighted so many times before because it’s so good because we stack up: Oh That’s Why Magnus Made The Chalice, merle death irony, and Justin Predicts The Stolen Century —A L P H A B E T P U Z Z L E —fuckin love the implication that this mine intentionally hired one person for every letter of the alphabet —DISARM / OPEN —“you guys are adorable right now :D” —I’m Gonna Call It Good Ice —token arc elevator —The Bugs Appreciate His Folksy Charm —magnus is exactly that one andy samberg snl skit about that Actor Who I Won’t Name Because He Committed A Literal Hate Crime talking to animals. —Another Fine Miller™️ Product —Merle Fucks Up His Nature Check And Clint Fucks Up Justin’s Mic —[merle solves the whole issue] / TAAKO: another great adventure, magnus. —every time they say umbrella on this show i am reminded that i apparently say umbrella wrong, but, look, they say it the same way!!! —also the imagery of merle just whistlin as magnus and taako hide under their shield/umbrella is so cuts —♪ To Heaven We’re Going On A Trip Together ♪ —CHRIS ISAAK —“dad , i don’t give two shits” —three bubbles —Teef —Oh Worm? —all of you hold hands [...] and you are dead. —Oops-A-Doodle! —oh my god it’s the diamond episode —“i have 24 hours, i don’t know if i can learn to play jock jams on piano” —“oh, i remember you, little ren!” lyin ass but it’s cute —“so the cooking show is on ...Hiatus” —Help Yourself Cast Yourself Into Magic Legend —the ash character voice is really familiar and i can’t place from where? i think it’s the john voice —HELL YEAH IT’LL BE COVERED IN THE SEMINAR —“my lawyers have told me that if there is no tomorrow this payment is null and void” —“that’s a one perception” / “EVERYTHING’S COOL, DON’T EVEN WORRY BOUT IT.” —I DON’T KNOW YOU FROM JAKE! —oh fuck there IS a zone of truth in this arc. —Istus? Maybe Christmas? Biscuits? —clint thought bjork was pronounced bork —“listen skipping niceties is our spe-ci-ality.” —“did you use cold butter or just stick with room temp?” / “mostly just scone magic!” / “not the baking convo i was hoping for, but.” —TURN RIGHT. TURNRIGHT. Tuuuurn Riiiiight. —“it’s my prophecy. i earned it. through lying.” —black opal. fuck off griffin. —“an ocean of tar [...] a world covered in ash.” / THERE IS ALWAYS A THIRD OPTION which none of the dumbasses on this show could figure out beforehand because plot —i burp and small prophecy comes out. —wait no i wanna talk about like. lup and lucretia are both very smart women who are extremely myopic but like. what if we had both. you dumb ass motherfuckers. i love you. —“tell em it’s a bank holiday. hug day?” / “it IS hug day.” —magnus nerds out over the architecture in spite of disaster. hell yes —MERLE ABOUT TO MAKE HIS FIRST RELIGION CHECK — comin up on junebug! i just remembered —“can’t call up istus, like new phone who dis” —Fantasy Shorts —magnus chasing a rag like a kid chasing a butterfly is SO GOOD —clint wants to play doctor strange so bad. @mcu recast now —“is it alive?” / “it’s a skeleton.” / “yeah, but it’s dnd.” —caleb cleveland teen cop —“SKELETONS CAN MOVE IN THIS GAME, JUSTIN!” / “so can rugs, travis, watch aladdin.” —“...it’s seventh level necromancy.” —the ONE TIME griffin gives a shit about casting time is when clint tries to necromance asdhfjkll —“are you about to make a joke about the song luca?” / “...no.” —“it can be upsetting to see a Living Skeleton Man!” —“what loop? what are you talking about?” me when people first proposed the twin theory —Griffin Wants Magnus To Take The Chalice So Bad And I Love It
libra season
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plutoandpolaris · 6 years
An Open Letter to All of Us
Hello everyone.
While this letter was inspired by @no-strings-puppet's Open Letter to Mark’, mine is going to be a little different. I touched on some of these topics in the ‘My Hiatus Experience’ post, (linked here if anyone cares to read it: https://plutoandpolaris.tumblr.com/post/170124481611/plutoandpolaris-my-hiatus-experience-take-this) but not as thoroughly as I had meant to. Thus, here we are. This letter is mostly for my own benefit, to put all of these thoughts somewhere so they’re not cluttering up my brain.
To begin, lets touch on the cult. Again. Yeah I know that I talk about it constantly at this point but it’s important to the whole. Here’s the facts first: Mark created a cult for his own entertainment. The cult was mostly spreading “positivity” in a creepy and off putting tone. There were a lot of unintended consequences to this cult. Several people took it too far and roped Jack and Ethan into it. Mark has made no comment.
Now for the opinions, (mine, to be more specific.) Was this entirely Mark’s fault? No, of course it wasn’t, that’s absolutely ridiculous. No man can effectively monitor 19 million strangers, especially considering he was on the road at the time. However, he could have handled it much better. Mark’s community is notoriously excitable, if I had to choose a word for it. While that’s certainly not a bad thing, Mark fails to set enough clear boundaries. If you don’t put your sheep in a pen, they’re going to get out, wander around, cause trouble and probably get eaten by coyotes. This was a lesson of self control on our end and responsibility for your flock on Mark’s end.
Not only that, but it caused a clear rift between Jack’s community and Mark’s community after Jack liked a post stating that the cult was a purposeful jab at his “PMA” movement. Do I think this is true? No, no I don’t. I don’t know Mark, but from what I do know of him, (or the side of him he makes public), he’s not that mean spirited and downright nasty. He can come off that way, but I doubt that it was on purpose. This, like another event that I will bring up later, was most likely the product of boredom that got blown way out of proportion and caused a lot of unnecessary backlash. In the following days from the incident there was a lot of bad energy in the communities. No outright hate, but it felt like two hissing cats on opposite ends of the room staring each other down. However, much to my relief, the cats never actually pounced, and things settled down.
For awhile.
Now, to take a small detour into the cesspool that is my brain. Thus far I’ve been attempting to be rational and focus on what we know for sure, but now were going into a place where rationality doesn’t exist and there's nothing but constant anxiety covered up by a thin veil of nihilism. Ever since the Melanie Martinez incident, I’ve been paranoid that the people I love aren’t who they say they are. I’ve seen people get “cancelled” before. The hashtags and the instagram spam and the milelong tumblr text posts telling you in 70 languages why the person is trash. It casts a cloud of hatred over the entire internet for about a week, and after that you seldom hear of the ‘cancelled’ person ever again. It’s actually quite horrifying, but most of the time the people deserve it and most of the time it’s never someone I personally knew. Until the #melaniemartinezisoverparty happened. I loved her music, I bought the entire crybaby album, I had a pin, she was one of the first artists that I ever truly loved. Then it was ripped out from under me in the span of 12 hours. I spent that time deleting all of her music from my playlists, basically sponge washing her from my life, but I didn’t feel better afterwards. I didn’t feel like I was doing a good thing, “ giving a horrible rapist what she deserves” so to speak. I just felt awful, and, ever since then, I’ve been followed by an intense fear that it could happen again with someone like Mark or Jack.
Especially Mark. Every time there’s a new drama around him the paranoia comes back, the fear that everything he’s built is a well crafted lie. That he paid teamiplier to be his friends, that all of this was just a ploy to gain fame when he’s actually a horrible, irredeemable person. That someday 25 years from now, his “friends” will come forward and tell us that the real Mark was awful and that they only worked with him for money. Is this completely ridiculous? Yeah, it sure is, but I told you that we’ve left the realm of the rational.
The worst part is that the rational part if my brain isn’t coming up with any better options. Realistically, he’ll just start making mistake after mistake, slowly pissing off his fandom so much that they all leave and the Markiplier legacy fades into youtube obscurity like Fred or TobyGames. Then, when we’re all in our fifties we’ll look back on all of this and say
“Remember that Markiplier guy we used to watch as teenagers?”
“Yeah, what an asshole. Wonder what he’s doing now?’
“Eh, he’s probably dead.”
To some of you that may not be all that bad, but to me, having all of this slowly fade away and there’s nothing I can do about it? That’s horrifying. I can’t do anything. I’m a goddamn 15 year old from the middle of nowhere. I can’t hold a shotgun to Mark’s head and force him to address this, I can’t put back all of the pieces myself. Hell, this letter is most likely useless considering no one reads posts this long. I’m throwing this out there just to get rid of all of these thoughts, because these are the kinds of things that keep me awake at night, (among other things. My own inescapable death, the threat of nuclear war, the economy, my own deteriorating mental health, the fact that getting a job with a speech disorder is extremely difficult and that I’ll probably die under a bridge with no money, normal stuff.)
We have arrived back in the rational part of this letter. For those who weren’t scared off by our little trip through paranoia lane, congratulations. You have a stronger will than I do. Now, I’m going to discuss the newest drama nugget in the 5 piece meal that was the month of January. (That was officially the strangest analogy I have ever used.) The fact that the entire hullabaloo around Dark and Wilford’s ‘death’ was nothing but Mark setting us on fire for the fun of it. Many people see this as him mocking the community’s dedication. Do I see it this way? It’s complicated. To start off with, I’m used to feeling unappreciated and laughed at by youtubers, I’m a fanfiction writer. We are completely ignored by our inspirations and when aren’t it’s because they’re making fun of us. ‘Let’s pick a really weird and creepy fanfic and laugh at it while indirectly mocking the rest of the fanfiction writing community.’ I know they do it for laughs but I’m just imagining what the writer feels in that moment. Completely different topic, I digress.
I do agree that it was not cool. We put work into these theories, we pour so much love into these characters, and when it feels like a youtuber doesn’t appreciate it, that hurts. Plus, while it was fun for him, it hurt a lot of people. The aftermath isn’t worth whatever entertainment he got out of it. Sure, watching a house burn down may be fun, (in a morbid sort of way) but that doesn’t mean that the people trapped inside don’t get burned. When you’re the figurehead of 19 million people, you need to step up and be a leader. When you hurt someone, even on accident, you apologize at the very least. At the end of it all, I can’t force Mark to address this. I can’t do much at all, really. What I can do, however, is talk to all of you. Don’t make it worse. Treat each other and Mark with respect. Take responsibility when it is your fault, because maybe then Mark will do the same.
@hufflepufftrax @lum1natrix
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hollywoodx4 · 6 years
Sticking with the Schuylers (2:1)
Happy birthday, Alexander Hamilton!
Welcome back, and thanks for your patience with my little hiatus! As a birthday celebration we’re starting back with the currently untitled Book 2 of Sticking with the Schuylers, which I’ve decided to do because this series has so much more life in it. 
So I hope you enjoy, because I have a lot of fun plot coming this time around! (There will be a masterpost of Book 1, don’t worry. I’m not about to have a paragraph long list of links on every post)
1  2  3  4   5   6   7   8   9   10   1112   I  13  14   15   16   17   18A  18B   18C  I19   20   21   22   23   24   25  26   27  28   29   I  30  31  32 33 34  35  36  3738  39 40  41  42 I 43  44  B 45 46  47 48 49  50
Tagging: @linsnavi  @workworkbae​ @adothoe @oosnavi​
Warnings: This story is pretty heavy on mentions of both physical and emotional abuse
               “Angelica is the sister everyone wants, but I’m not sure if it’s because of her actual talents as a sister or the fact that she has the ability to scare off anybody that messes with us with a single glance.” There’s laughter; John Church halts his coffee cup before it can reach his lips, Peggy choking down pancakes through her own giggling. Eliza‘s eyes roam around the table, the blissful faces whose eyes are rimmed with sleepless energy, hysterical and bright. The plates are white and the mugs mismatched, the food overwhelmingly fresh although it seems that the diner itself is stuck in a time warp away from the rest of the world. They’re nearly the only inhabitants of the little shack-like building, tucked over in a woodsy stretch of land just on the Canadian border. The only other guests have been larger men, made of muscle and beer bellies and the stark contrast of shepherd’s pie plates and coffee, sugar-drenched French toast and beer and their big rigs parked over multiple white-lined spaces. It’s the Schuylers and their company who are the loudest guests, however, laughing and hollering and stretching their limbs over the table to reach each other’s’ food.
               It was near midnight when they’d stumbled in after the day’s drive and the late afternoon vows, the sunset cruise and dancing under the stars with the pleasant crashing of the falls surrounding them. It was near midnight when, just the night before, the sisters had been sitting on the floor of Angelica’s old bedroom packing her bags for Oxford. They hadn’t wanted to start the process, stalling with a livestream and late night snacks, watching home movies on the larger living room television and reminiscing. Angelica sat behind each of her sisters in turn and played with their hair, styling shower-wet locks with the gentle precision they’d known since childhood. She made them sprawl their feet over old towels while she painted their nails, brushing back piles of folded clothes that had been organized for suitcases and abandoned on her bed. While Eliza had begun the stalling with the insistence to make cookies together, and Peggy had continued it with the livestream, Angelica was the worst of the three. She found ways to fill their time in smaller things; conversations and silence, toying with her phone and listening to the chatter of their parents as they headed to bed. The house was quiet, then, with only the occasional soft-spoken words of the sisters or the settling of the house’s old bones to keep them company. The room glowed with a soft, golden warmth that illuminated gentle smiles, then wide eyes as Angelica’s shadow made its way to her closet.
               Eliza was the first to look up when their oldest sister came back into view. Her jaw dropped.
               Angelica had always seemed to Eliza to be someone with an unattainable air, someone who had drifted through her life on an endless cloud of effortless power. It came along with the title of older sister; the way Eliza had admired her through rose-colored glasses, envied her undeniable confidence, had been something instilled in her from the moment she’d joined the Schuyler family as an infant. It would be hard to see Angelica any other way. In her mind, her older sister is radiant and unapologetic, and always willing to take charge of her own life. As children she’d been Eliza’s defense system. As teenagers, she’d been the one to pick her up after she’d fallen. Throughout their lives Angelica had been the voice of reason, the advice and the knowledge and the power to make everybody believe that she was nothing short of dynamic.
               There was a proof to Eliza’s lifelong theory as Angelica flourished a brilliant white garment in front of her sisters. The fabric was thicker, a satin which rustled as it bounced along on its hanger with a balletic sort of rustling. The grin that played on Angelica’s lips only turned their corner, but reached her eyes with a glint of childlike mischief typically assigned to Peggy’s more playful nature. The younger sisters sat on the edge of the bed and of their curiosity, stared between each other and the dress with raised eyebrows and a lack of the excitement Angelica had been trying to propel toward them.
               “What would you say if I asked you to come to Niagara Falls with me?” The oldest Schuyler whispered, jostled her head so that her hair fell over one shoulder and away from her face. Before her company could answer she floated to the mirror, holding the white silk dress over her thin frame and adjusting its sleeves, the dressing of a paper doll come to life.
               “Why?” It was Eliza who asked. It was Eliza who’d been staring, taking note of the way her older sister had transcended their world, gone into her own thoughts and disappeared into shining eyes staring longingly in the mirror. It was a face she’s never seen, a dream-like trance that had captured her and kept her in the moment. It created a soundproof bubble, for Eliza had to repeat herself twice before Angelica whirled around, draping the dress over her arm and bounding back to the bed.
               “For my wedding.”
               Whatever noise had been in the room before Angelica had spoken was immediately sucked away, along with the oxygen. Peggy stared, the turn of her facial features the only way of knowing that she had heard what their older sister had said. Her straight-lined lips curved up into a wide smile, wild and toothy. The same glint of mischief sparked her eyes and opened them wider, spread through the organic energy of her gasp, capturing the moment in all of its concentrated excitement. And as that excitement spread though Peggy it traveled from her face. It ran through her hands, which flew to the bed as a crutch to hoist herself up, bound across the small distance to hug Angelica. Her shorter stature was not noticeable, as her voice was loud and her actions boisterous. Peggy held her sister’s hands, squeezed them as she drew out a vision that played though her mind in rapidly paced descriptions of their destination.
               Eliza sat on the edge of the bed. Her hands played with the soft netting of an old blanket, twisting it back and forth just as Angelica had done to her hair just an hour before. Her heart found a rapid pace, her eyes solely on the beautiful garment her sister still held. She was radiant; it’s a fact undisputed in her mind, and one that would surely be accepted by anybody given the chance to live in this moment. She watched as Angelica accepted Peggy’s excitement, let it spill through the silence and fill the room with a glittering yellow jubilation, a pure and unfiltered carbonation of emotion. The bed was comfortable where she sat. The scene was like a movie, playing out in front of her just as it had the entire night. She wasn’t ready to be without her sister for a semester. She wasn’t ready for her sister to take this leap. But then, was their fairness in any of her hesitation?
               “You’re going to elope? As in, mom and dad have no idea that this is going to happen…” She’d let the sentence trail off, an unbelievable notion drifting away, over the cliff of disbelief and into something she could not quite place. Angelica nodded, countered with a sparing glance at her dress before she draped it over the ornate armchair kept by her window. It had been even more stunning by the glow of the moon, illuminated and mystical. But the light could not transfer the mystical, impulsive nature of the night to her, and as Angelica took a place next to her on the bed Eliza shrugged away the hand on her shoulder.
               “Mom and dad are going to be heartbroken, Ange.”
               “Mom and dad will get over it.”
               “I thought you didn’t even want to get married,” She hadn’t meant it to come out as cold as it had. She hadn’t felt anger, or betrayal. The pit of her stomach had been curled into itself all night, the space behind her eyes filled with a soft sort of stinging she’d been blinking away. And with this admission, the filter she’d been hiding had gone away.
               “Mom and dad will be fine.” Angelica repeats the sentiment, eyes brimming with honesty and the talent of making each possibility feel like a guarantee. “When you think about it, isn’t it time we got married? We’ve been together for nine years, Betsey. Nine years tomorrow. We’re getting married here, we’ll be married when we go to London. Do you know how much easier that’s going to make things?”
               “Did you get your paperwork?”
               “He has dual citizenship and I’ll be on a student visa when we’re in London, we won’t have to deal with any separation.”
               “What about a passport? If your name changes are you going to be able to get it processed in time?”
               “Already looked into it-it’ll be okay, Bets. John and I talked about this for a long time before making our decision. Everything’s set in place. I just need you guys to be there, that’s all I want. I don’t want the big wedding they’re going to make me have. I don’t want the publicity, or the need to entertain dad’s friends and all of our old relatives who don’t care about my relationship. I don’t want that at all. I want to be John’s wife, and I want to do it my way.”
               They left just after two in the morning with bags of provisions in tow. Angelica had made them special, one for each of the sisters, and included a new dress for each of them to wear. They picked up John first, who’d been waiting at his and Angelica’s apartment with another small suitcase and a garment bag he hung in the trunk. The girls shuffled their seats to let him drive, and just before the overhead light dimmed Eliza caught the warmth of deep affection in his eyes. It was a moment that felt private, and she turned her gaze to the window as Angelica blushed.
               She hadn’t expected to see the familiar row of buildings; a florist’s shop, a deli, a little bench with just a touch of snow brushed off by an older woman’s habit to feed the birds. She could nearly see Alex’s building, the eighth floor apartment where he’d undoubtedly be the only one awake, sitting at his desk working on another busy caseload. Eliza found her phone in the pocket of her jacket, typed a message to his messy ponytail and restless feet.
               “Okay, now you have to go get Alex.” They’d stopped at the front of his building when Angelica issued her order, pulled Eliza from her own little dream. She gestured to the car door with a nod, as if they’d been notified of each step of this plan beforehand.
               “You’re inviting Alex?”
               “Let me remind you, dear sister, that he was my friend before he was your boyfriend.” She teased her, reaching a hand back to pat Eliza’s hat-clad head. “I wanted a witness who cares about this relationship, someone who likes us and cares about us past the material things we have to offer. John seemed to think he’d be a good choice.”
               “John did?”
               “Well, I did too. And it means something to me that you’ll get to have him there.”
               “This isn’t about me.”
               “Oh, I know that. Why else would we have dragged you from the warmth to travel somewhere  that’s probably at least five degrees colder than the city in the middle of winter?”
               “It’s my night, and if I want you to have a little something then I think I should be allowed. And it’s not like it’s weird-he’s going to be my brother anyway, I figure I might as well start treating him like one.”
               Eliza reddened at the prospect, one she’d thought over many times. The streetlights made a job of keeping her diminutive anticipation a secret, although she’d been sure Angelica could see through the shadow of her face turning back toward the window. They were nearing his building, slowing to a stop with the car just barely kissing the sidewalk. Each of the car’s passengers turned their head toward each other, stealing furtive glances at the time and the temperature and the lowered sounds of an acoustic slow song playing through the radio.
               “Treating Alex like a brother means waking him up at three in the morning for a road-trip?” Angelica laughed, a surprised sort of cackle friendly in nature as her dark hair shook along with her head. She pulled out her phone, putting the call on speaker with another wild grin.
               “Oh no, you’re going to wake him up. You know more than any of us that he’s probably still awake anyway-oh, and he is. Good morning, Hamilton.”
               “Are you okay? Why are you calling this late?” Eliza just barely made out the beginning of their conversation as she darted from the car, running to avoid the cold that bit at the exposed skin on her cheeks. By the time she made it to the entrance he’d buzzed her in, and she took her time climbing the stairs to the eighth floor. The sound of his voice on the other line ran through her head, spread its familiar warmth in its crackled morning tones. It was a key to just how late he’d been working again. She decides on the fifth floor to make him sleep in the car, get back some of the vivacity he’d lost through natural remedies instead of the coffee she knew he’d beg to stop for.
               She only had to knock once before the door was open, Alexander standing in the threshold with a toothbrush between his teeth and a garment bag slung over his shoulder. There was an unzipped backpack on the floor by the couch, and Eliza passed by Alex with a kiss on his cheek to shove its contents inside. Her boyfriend was a flurry of motions, running back and forth on tiptoeing feet and throwing miscellaneous items toward Eliza. She’d examined them in turn, wondering exactly where he thought he’d need a Swiss army knife and two Moleskin journals in the duration of this trip. She packed them anyway in a gesture of both knowing and accepting the strangely wired inner workings of his mind. He retreated to the bathroom and came back in a second, this time with his toothbrush in a case and a real kiss for her lips.
               “An elopement?” He was still whispering as he locked the apartment door behind him, taking her hand. He had the same sort of excitement as her sister had, a childlike abandon that wrapped her immediately in its static energy. Suddenly, it did not feel like she’d pulled an all-nighter. As they made their way back outside, the chilling winds woke her further.
               “They wanted to do it before they leave for Oxford. They didn’t want to wait any longer.”
               “I get that.” Alex shrugged, keeping his eyes trained on the door of John’s car as one side of his lips curled up in a smile.  He opened the door for her, flinging his belongings into the trunk and climbing into the window seat. He was greeted as the best man, ‘you know, as far as best men in elopements go’ and the music was blasted, changed to an upbeat pop song from their childhood that had them singing along for the sake of nostalgia.
               “Wait a minute, if you wanted to let Eliza have something for this moment then why couldn’t my something be taking this to the islands? I mean, Niagara Falls in January? Really?”
                 Niagara Falls had been an idea born of idyllic pictures and scenery, as well as a sort of secret fame as far as places of elopement Angelica and John had researched. They’d taken to the idea because of its location, still in New York but far enough away that it could be considered a different world than the city. They’d made sure the trip could be done over a weekend, the work and school schedules too hectic to have any other measure of spontaneity. It was also the staff of the chapel who had sealed the deal; Angelica had driven pieces of her more brash and demanding side into them and they’d complied without a single change in timbre. They’d called her when she asked to stop emailing back and forth, worked hard to ensure that they’d have their privacy, and made sure that she was happy with each bit of their service. Driving up to the falls, Angelica held these details at the front of her mind.
               Keeping the positivity was the least she could do to entertain herself during the six and a half hour drive.
               Their passengers had been noisy at first, singing raucously to the music and cheering when they left the city limits. After an hour Peggy had sat with crossed legs in her seat, asking how long it would take to get to the falls.  She wasn’t happy with the realization of a five hour span of time to pass, and insisted that they stop at a drive-through for coffee and donuts. Her smile had been cheeky and bright, and she tapped on the car window with an impatient rhythm born from sitting still far longer than she ever had. John and Angelica both laughed, but John looked into the rearview mirror with an earnest glance and promised they’d pull over as soon as something was open.
               “You know, as a celebration.” Her smile had been cheeky and bright. John pulled into the nearest café while Angelica shook her head, rambling about her future husband’s pushover tendencies as they slid into seats by the window. He wouldn’t let them eat inside the car, so the café had been the next best thing. And at four in the morning, warm donuts and coffee and bathrooms were not a decision any of them regretted.
               At hour three Eliza fell asleep, her head on Alexander’s shoulder and one foot propped over Peggy’s legs. The smooth rolling of tires along the sparse expanse of highway was melodic, as well as the acoustic sunrise playlist John had chosen. Somewhere between a John Mayer song and a guitar duet, there was a rumbling from the backseat that made Alex jump slightly, jostling Eliza’s head. His hand had flown up to keep it on his shoulder, not wanting her to wake up. Peggy began to laugh, a boisterous noise that only worsened as she tried to quiet it. It ended up as a sort of growling, an evidence to the actual laughter stuck in her throat. Alexander soon joined her, unable to fight the infectious nature of her laugh and the humor that came along with trying to keep himself still while in this fit. Angelica, completely turned around in her seat, shushed them both, “on bride’s orders, because lord knows Betsey needs her sleep.”
               But the rumbling happened again, and all four waking passengers couldn’t contain their immediate reaction to Eliza, snoring like a man twice her age and four times her size. Peggy pulled out her camera and grinned, her voice a gentle narration to the scene before her.
               “Happy wedding day to Angelica and John! It’s been three hours in the car and would you look at that, Betsey’s already the life of the party! Three and a half hours to go!”
               “Well, eight until the actual ceremony.”
               “Eight hours and we’ll be married.” John’s words came out in a sigh, content and laced with anticipation as he leaned over to brush a short, sweet kiss on Angelica’s lips. Peggy captured it all, the videography job her consolation prize for being dragged into the cold and on a long car ride on such short notice. She turned the camera to her own face, rolling her eyes and scrunching up her nose in feigned disgust.
               “Let’s hope we can get there without much more of this.”
               They had brunch at a buffet restaurant right off of the highway where they stacked plates full of indulgent foods Peggy once again claimed as ‘celebratory.’ She’d taken to the word as a beacon of the trip, tagging it onto anything the others didn’t seem like they’d wanted to do. This included two extra celebratory bathroom stops, one of which where Eliza had still been sleeping. They’d tried to wake her up but she’d mumbled and curled up on the seat, and so they’d taken turns staying with her in the car so their legs could be stretched.
               Niagara Falls was vastly different than any of them had expected; being dragged there once as younger children hadn’t left much of a memory for the sisters, and neither John nor Alex had been there at all. Getting out of the car at the falls was like being transported; the barrier of sound that came from the water was melodic, and could be heard before it could be seen. Their footsteps swept freshly fallen snow out of the way, crunching under boots as they left even tracks in their wake. They were one of the few groups of people who’d ventured out into the cold; mid-January on the Canadian border brought winds that painted their cheeks pink, brushed away the softness of their skin and the moisture from their eyes. At the ledge closest to the falls, water erupted and fell like drizzing rain upon the ground and made quick work turning into a sheet of thick black ice. The landscape was dressed with snow-dusted pines, and through the mist the silhouette of Ontario stood out dark against the winter whitened sky.
               They were quiet for a moment, even as Peggy had her camera out. The falls were a thundering mass of power and beauty, and their little spot against the railing became a respite from the long drive. Although their breath was steam against the bitter cold, and their belongings were still in the car, they stood stagnant in their peace.
               “I think I get it now.”
               “Get what?”
               “Why you chose Niagara Falls.” It was John who’d broken their moment. With Angelica leaning on his thinly built frame he can only tip his head down to catch a glimpse of her. She was a piece of a painting, bundled in a vibrant wool coat, the bursts of green and orange in its color blocking took away from the falls, he’d thought. It drew attention to her dark eyes, the way they were trained on the rushing water with silent contemplation. She turned her head to face him and gave him a quizzical stare, her lips already scrunched and turned up into half of a smile. “There’s almost as much power and raw, unfiltered beauty here as I’m about to get married to.”
               Angelica sighed and shook her head endearingly at John. And although she was not prone to public displays of affection, she had already kissed him several times that morning.
               The afternoon went by quickly, and their prolonged, exhausted contemplation by the falls had them scrambling to get ready for the ceremony. Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy shared a room of the hotel. There, they sat one last time on the edge of a bed to do each other’s hair as three Schuylers. It wasn’t something they’d thought much about; although the wedding had been on their minds for the duration of the road trip, the implication of losing the Schuyler name hadn’t hit any of the sisters until Angelica had gone to get her dress.
               As the three sisters stood in front of the mirror, Angelica in the middle, a rush of emotion came barreling through the room. Peggy held her oldest sister’s arm tighter. Eliza gasped, the tears that she’d  been holding in finally spilling over as she caught a full view of Angelica in her dress. She was both simple and extravagant; where her dress lacked in baubles and additives, she herself made up for it with her brilliance and her light. Her smile revealed pearl-white teeth, a happiness to match the occasion and the garment. She wore a statement necklace covered in diamonds, a gift from John for their final anniversary as an unmarried couple. The diamonds were arranged in teardrop shapes one would find on an Indonesian tapestry, lain in neatly arranged layers that filled a slight expanse of her neck with a snow-like shimmering. Her sisters were on either side of her, framing her white silk dress with deep black. Peggy’s was straight-lined and simple, hugging her shape and flowing down to her knees. Whether by her hair done up in a bun or her makeup a bit darker and more labor intensive than usual, Peggy looked much older on this night. She took out her camera to record as Eliza wiped another set of tears from her eyes, squeaking.
               “I’m almost done crying, I promise.” She laughs as she holds a hand over her eyes, turning to rest a head on Angelica’s shoulder. She’s careful not to get any of her makeup on the beautiful silk dress, using the squeeze of her arms to appease her rising emotions and the sore lump in her throat. It isn’t until Peggy starts talking, describing the day and the journey they’d taken to get to the falls, that Eliza is able to compile her crying into soft sniffs and only a thin layer of moisture brimming her eyelids. She runs her hands along the buttery fabric of her own dress, soft and black with pleats that jut out from her waistline. It’s a vintage cut that suits her well, and the black coloring allowed her to match with Peggy without seeming too alike to go anywhere else afterward. They’re gifts from Angelica, who’d been planning this much longer than she’d let on. Side by side, the three stand in front of the mirror of their small room at the inn, squished between a wall and the bathroom door and holding each other close.
               This is how they came into the chapel; side-by-side. Eliza and Peggy walked with Angelica down the aisle, each of their eyes roaming across the near-empty room. There was a charm to the building that seemed like a gift; it was a thin white building no bigger than a schoolhouse, with small curved windows and a bell tower more akin to a tiny bell house. There was only enough room for one person to fit through the door at a time, but the room itself felt spacious. There was a row of simple mahogany pews on either side of the chapel, each being able to seat only two people comfortably. It was something of a dollhouse, a replica of the pretty ceramic chapels their grandmother had collected and stored on a long bookcase in her living room. As they entered the tiny room Eliza ended with her eyes on Alexander, in a suit of grey tweed that had undoubtedly been a gift from John. He wore a matching suit, but his was accompanied with a burlap bowtie of a rich, reddened mahogany. Alexander met Eliza’s immediately; he’d been watching her from the moment they’d made their entrance. His own heart beat against his chest with restrained anticipation, a sensation he’d recognized as misplaced. He was not the groom, yet the music swept into his soul as his own Eliza, clearly dressed in black, made her way down the aisle. His eyes scarcely left her as Angelica and John said their vows, keeping it as quick and simple as their plan to marry had been. They left the chapel as briskly as they’d come in, it seemed, and Alexander kept Eliza on his arm on their way back up the aisle.
               They were led by Mr. and Mrs. Church to a looming boat which was to take them closer to the falls. Peggy took the poncho she was given with ease, throwing it on over her dress. Angelica and John were donned in blue as well, grinning and laughing as they followed Peggy. As Eliza was putting on her own protective covering, she noticed Alex’s shaking hand and twitching smile. His initial expression read joy and excitement, but behind the first lines of defense she noted the stiffening of his posture, the way his voice inflected slightly at the end of a sentence and he could not stand still to get his poncho on. Eliza shook her head then, taking her poncho off of her arm and clutching at her stomach.
               “I don’t think I can do it, I’m already a little nauseous and I really don’t want to throw up on your wedding day.”
               “Eliza,” It was Alexander who spoke then, his voice reserved and tight between his teeth. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
               “I don’t want you to get sick, Bets.” Angelica moves to grab at the plastic of her poncho, but Eliza holds her hand in place.
               “Don’t skip the tour because of me, I’ll be fine. Alex can stay and keep my company, and we’ll see you when the tour is over. It won’t be that long.”
               Angelica kissed Eliza’s cheek, blinked in a silent wish of good luck as she flattened her poncho against her white silk dress. Alexander and Eliza watched the boat depart, pointing at the passengers and attempting to decipher which might be Angie, John, and Peggy. When they’d gone out of sight Eliza led Alex to the car, unlocking it so they could get in the back seat. She blasted the heat in an attempt to thaw out the cold that lingered from the outdoor air. She leaned in one corner, her back against the door and the seat, and propped her tight-clad legs up on the driver’s seat armrest. She brushed Alex with the back of her hand, somewhere between a tap and a caress, so that he’d stop staring out the window. She gestured for him to come closer, and guided his head to her lap. As she took out his hair, ran her fingers through its soft brown locks, the tension he’d been holding in his shoulders sunk through her lap and away from his body. She felt the release too, sighing as they sat in contented silence. His eyes were closed, his lips drawn in a line of indecision until he parted them to speak.
               “I’m not a fan of boats. Just…with my mom, and everything that happened…all of that open water,”
               “I know.” She closed her eyes too, concentrated the rest of her thoughts on his well-being. She knew that he wasn’t outwardly frightened so much anymore, but the irregular pace of his breathing and the slight croaking in his voice were more than enough to keep her fingers running gentle combs of her nails through his hair. It was almost peaceful, the two of them lain out in the back seat of John’s rented car. It was an escape where he had clearly needed one, and he had provided that for her a countless amount of times. Being on the other side of things had felt right, as if a balance were being achieved by holding instead of being held. He still protested, though, and although he did not get up Eliza could still feel the immediate sense of guilt that washed over him.
               “You should’ve gone with them.”
               “It wasn’t an option.”
               “It’s Angelica’s wedding.”
               “It’s your well-being. She understands.” Alex let the rebuttal hang in the air, lingering in his mind as the events of the day replay in his mind. It had been a beautiful ceremony, short and heartfelt and private. And now he would be addressing things to Angelica Church, a thought which made his head spin. He was undeniably happy for his friend, who’d been at the helm of helping Eliza for a long while. This big happiness was something she deserved, something she needed in order to feel better about leaving. Seeing Angelica and John so happy left him in a state of blissful exhaustion, which translated to his closed eyes and his head on Eliza’s lap.
               “You know I think you’re perfect?” She hummed in contentment; although Alex often and earnestly dusted the air (or paper) with his sweet, adoring words, Eliza often found it difficult to take the compliments as fully as they were given.
               “I’m serious, I do. I don’t think there’s a day that goes by that I don’t think you’re perfect for me. You make me want to be a better version of myself.”
               “You already are, Alex.”
               “And I mean, you could do so much better,”
               “Hey,” It was almost stern, the way her word clipped at its end. Her hand stopped in its tracks, her fingers separating from his hair and moving to his face. “I couldn’t do better than you because you’re you; you’re kind, and passionate, and smart…I don’t want anybody else.”
               “God, I would marry you right now if I could.” He wasn’t sure if he’d meant the words to come out-he doesn’t realize what he’s said until she’d stared down at him, eyes widened and mouth slightly agape. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-I don’t want to rush you, I shouldn’t have said that,”
               “-You would marry me? Right now?” She was grinning, her reddened cheeks lifted and her eyes brimming with tears again.
               “If I weren’t so traditional, I would. Right here. But I know that family is as important to you as it is to me, and this wedding with the tiny chapel and the road trip? It’s not you, and it’s not an accurate representation of us. Don’t get me wrong, I do intend to marry the hell out of you. But it’s going to be done our way.”
               Eliza captured both sides of his face between her hands and kissed him until they heard Peggy’s voice and three sets of footsteps approaching the car. Sitting in the back seat on the way to dinner, she holds his hand. Then, she felt as though they had their own little secret within this surreptitious elopement.
               They spent dinner at a tavern down the road, one where live music and dancing were held more important than the food itself. They ate sporadically throughout the night, refilling plates of fries and burgers and drinks that kept their bodies warm. They danced until the tavern closed, still in their suits and dresses, and took to the car to find a place to continue their party.
It’s near midnight when they finally come across a tiny diner a bit away from the falls, still with a view of them from one large row of windows on the back wall. The skyline of Ontario is lit as a beacon across the river, an artful architectural installation adding brightness to the wintry sky.
               Eliza is warm and happy when she taps her fork against her kitschy green sheep adorned mug. She kneels on the booth, and with eyes that have expanded to saucer-size, she looks upon her company. The year before had begun as frigid and lonely as the winter in Niagara Falls had felt; Eliza had gone through hell and back, and the people at this table had been there to help her begin to find her way. Now that they’re all here, in another January and with the brink of a new start surrounding them, Eliza’s heart fills, spills into her grin and her hand squeezing Alex’s, and into the clinking of her mug as she gathers everyone’s attention.
“Angelica, you’re the kind of person everyone needs to have in their life. I know I’ve been a little selfish-don’t deny it because I know that you will. I’ve been taking a lot of your time lately, and it hasn’t been fair to you or to your relationship. It’s been hell for all of us so far this year, but you’ve made that hell a little easier to live in. And John,” She’s nearly crying now, looking down at the slightly bearded blonde and pulling the bottle of champagne from the middle of the table. “You’re the brother I never had but always wanted, and I’m so lucky to have you. I love you both so much, I want nothing but your happiness. Cheers to Mr. and Mrs. Church!”
The company clink together their mismatched mugs with a resounding cheer. Eliza passes the bottle of champagne, each person taking a long sip before passing the bottle on. Peggy’s rolling her eyes over her camera teasingly, her complaints of not having enough notice to write her own speech rolling from her tongue and paving a path for a slew of jokes centered on the elopement. It’s short notice, and it’s over before it seems it has even begun. Angelica stares down at her newly-ringed finger each time she goes to take a bite of her food, letting the light catch its grand, ovular diamond. The exuberant grin that stretches from cheek to cheek does not fade.
16 notes · View notes
agl03 · 6 years
Why do you think FS is getting married in the 100th when their last interaction was Jemma being uncomfortable with Fitz's change in personality after the framework? Wouldn't you prefer them to work through their issues first?
Hi Anon,
I started out this season very careful when it came to Fitzsimmons.  Last season was rough on me as a shipper and in this role I have in the fandom where I field a lot of asks.  And I didn’t want a repeat of last season.  In that I was and still am very cautious with my predictions and theories.  
Hints for the 100th started popping up towards the end of hiatus and I have been gathering information since then.  It wasn’t until the engagement came in 6 that I really felt the wedding was really possible in the 100th (it’s been on my list all along but it got legs in 6), and even now I’m not sure how that will look.  
Here are the facts that have me leaning towards a Fitzsimmons Wedding in the 100th. 
Marriage was originally set up in Self Control which was written with Mo and directed by Jed.   Robo Fitz could have gone any number of directions in that conversation with Jemma but Jed purposely had it be planting the marriage seed.  He knew where they wanted things to go, especially when I see Seasons 4 and 5 as one massive interconnected story arc.
Back in April of last year EW had a Spoiler Room Tid Bit:   Even though it was LMD Fitz who brought up marriage, will the couple still discuss that on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? — MatthewThat all depends on if and when they actually get out of the Framework, but basically yes. “He was expressing real emotion,” EP Jed Whedon says. “It could happen. If they ever get back together, that’s something that could happen in their future.
Jed/Mo/Jeff the EP’s, showrunners, know exactly where this is all going wrote the 100th as well.  
In November Jed and MO gave and interview to SPX Magazine and when asked about the 100th.  The goal will be the recognition of our own mythology we’ve developed over the past five seasons.  When we first started, people were hoping, or expecting us, it to be something that was directly tied to the movies.  I feel like over the course of the years, we’ve solidly created our own world, with our own characters that have merit.  If anything, the story for our 100th will definitely be a way of celebrating that.While Jeph said:   “Look, this is not going to come as a surprise to anyone that’s ever seen a 100th episode, that there will be a significant event. That’s all I can tell you. They gotta get home from space!”
Clark and Chloe’s TV Guide Interview.  
Clark’s Interview with Screenrant:  “Some big things. A very big thing,” in the 100th episode. Gregg went on to offer a hint at how fans will react to that “big thing” in the show’s milestone episode: “A very big thing that has been hinted at in my episode that will – if you’re like me, it will destroy any long term fans of the show.”
I’ve watched that episode a number of times and the really big things that happened in that Episode was Flint got his powers and Fitzsimmons got engaged.  Flint isn’t back on earth so for me that leaves the engagement turning into a wedding.  
Comicbook.com Article with quotes from Jeph and Clark:  
“Look, this is not going to come as a surprise to anyone that’s ever seen a 100th episode, that there will be a significant event,” Loeb said. That’s all I can tell you. They gotta get home from space!”
Agents of SHIELD star Clark Gregg teased that the episode will live up to fans’ expectations.“Fans who hope that a 100th episode will contain something that will be a cataclysmic event or a gigantically resonate event for their feels after 100 episodes will not be disappointed,“ Gregg said.
Both of them speak specifically to an event, and I take the event as an actual function kind of event.
Henry and Natalia’s interview with CBR:
“For me, it was still shocking. I have to say it was a little shocking,” Simmons recalled. “Little bit, little bit. Look, you’ve got to come strong on the 100th episode, and they did. They really delivered. I’ll put it that way. The writers, they delivered on the 100th episode in terms of anybody who has invested time in the show — even if for one season, whatever it may be — the 100th episode is a payoff for many people.”
“What happens in the 100th episode…? I’m just kidding! Something really special happens in that episode, so I think for me it was more than ‘aw, oh my god!’ It was more like ‘awww’ endearing and happy that the audience is going to get that moment,” Cordova-Buckley added.
One of the other big things that will come out of the 100th will be the terms of Coulson’s deal.  But I think that is the bad feels they are all warning us about.  Us and the team learning of Coulson’s situation and I believe that his time is running out, that this could be his last mission kind of thing is going to hurt like no tomorrow.  And that doesn’t match up with what Henry and Natalia said.  IE Coulson dying isn’t awww endearing or a big payoff for fans.
Clark to EW:  “Fans who hope that a 100th episode will contain something that will be a cataclysmic event or a gigantically resonate event for their feels after 100 episodes will not be disappointed,” Gregg said.
There is the word event again, but I also think that this speaks to both good and bad kinds of feels.  
Jed and Mo TV Line 2/27:  Tancharoen teased, “It’s definitely an emotional game changer.”“I think that nothing will be the same after [Episode 100],” Whedon echoed, “so that I guess is the definition of a game changer.”
What is happening with Coulson and the team learning his fate absolutely changes things and will shake the dynamic of the team a bit.  However this works for a married FItzsimmons too as it ups the stakes for them personally and changes their dynamic with the team as well.  
Iain’s 100th Red Carpet Interview
The way his eyes got wide when she asked about the wedding.  He was surprised when she seemed to talk about it as fact as its the thing they are hiding.  The cast and crew are given talking points of what they can and can’t say.  The orders on the Fitzsimmons Wedding are deflect or the standard “we’ll have to wait and see”
Out of everyone one the cast the two that are the most coy when it comes to a Fitzsimmons wedding are Lil and Iain themselves.  
EW Spoiler Room 3/1:  Okay, so the way everyone was describing the 100th episode has even me worried about our fearless leader. EP Jed Whedon said the landmark hour is an “emotional episode and it was emotional making it.” But Clark Gregg himself says there is also some hope during the 100th, though he wouldn’t reveal if it has to do with him. “There’s been a big scary dagger of fate hanging over Coulson’s head all season and we’re going to find out the nature of that and what it means going forward,” Gregg says, referencing the deal with Ghost Rider. “That in itself would be enough drama for a 100th episode, but on top of that, we have an incredible device the writers have come up with where some characters from the past will appear. There is also a moment that many of us have waited a long time for. I won’t say what ‘ship it has to do with, but somebody’s ‘ship is going to reach a shore.”
I know there has been some debate as to which ship Clark was referring I’ve touched on in a few metas why I think its Fitzsimmons.  
Natalia’s BTS IG Story:  In it Iain clearly has a ring on.  And by my best guess this was about when they would have been filming 16, so the wedding takes place between 12-16.  
Playing my own devils advocate, yes this could be for another flashback/forward scene.  
Story wise I feel this is a good place for it.  They aren’t wasting anymore time nor are they willing to risk being separated again if they can help it.  It offers a bit of hope in a bleak/stressful situation.   As I said above it raises the stakes for Fitzsimmons even more since they are now fighting for their future together, that dream of growing old together.  I also feel that if they are having them get married it plays a part in the story still to come, possibly as early as 14 based on the synopsis.  
I’ve did a couple of metas following 5.10 and “the reaction” HERE and HERE.   Two long metas short, Jemma didn’t see a change in Fitz’s personality, she was taken back by the how.  
I absolutely agree that they need to address both of their trauma that from the Framework, but I also know that the writers don’t always have the time to go into the detail the fans would like.  Married or no FItzsimmons still have the trauma and its not going to change them wanting to get married.  Jemma never wavered in her faith of him in the Framework and she’s not going to start now.  But in the end the story has to move along, there is limited time and the writers only address what they absolutely have too to move the story along.
 I FULLY ADMIT I could be wrong, I have missed before, I’ve gone down with the ship on big misses (AKA “Fitz isn’t an LMD” last season), so i will as always caution to manage expectations.  I’m making the choice to allow myself to get excited about it based on my interpretation of what is out there in interviews and teases, but if it doesn’t happen I won’t be upset either.  Whatever this big “event’ is will be great.   And no matter what I think something awesome will happen with Fitzsimmons in the 100th.  Aside from that I want to know the terms of Coulson’s Deal, how Davis is on two press releases, if my Hydra theory is right, more information on the other monoliths, more Deke hints, old faces returning, and overall more pieces of the puzzle.  
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mfmagazine · 5 years
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Debby Ryan
Article by Kelli Kickham
Photo by Everette Perry
The life of an 18-year-old girl usually centers around boys, graduating high school and wondering "what next?" For teen star Debby Ryan, things are a little different. You probably know her from her role as Bailey on The Suite Life on Deck, and now she's getting ready for the premiere of her new show Jessie this fall. Ryan's pretty face has graced the covers of many teen magazines. There's plenty more to come from the talented young actress. She's known for her impeccable comedic timing and adorable smile, both of which she carries with an extraordinary level of poise. Rumor also has it that she bakes some pretty amazing pastries and plans to own a jet-pack sometime in the future. So, you may be wondering, "How can I even start to get to know the ins and outs of one of teen America's favorite stars?" Aw, I'm so glad you asked! Trust me, you've come to the right place.
You decided to pursue acting as a full-time career when you were 10 years old. That's a young age to be making any life decisions. Can you remember the thoughts that were going through your head when you made the decision "Yes, this is what I want to do"?
I realized that every amount of work and sacrifice was worth that moment: sitting by a velvet curtain, pulsing with the adrenaline of preparing to get lost in another world, and take people with me. I wanted to use every minute of free time between school, chores, dance, and homework to immerse myself in that realm. I found myself captivated with spending hours studying characters and acting styles, running lines, go to bed early so I could rehearse before school. That, to me, was better than going to the mall, and worth not having free time.
The Suite Life on Deck is all but wrapped up. Are you going to miss your cast mates? Did you make any friends you think you'll keep in touch with?
Of course. I realized I talk to at least one person or another from Suite Life almost every day. When you work with a group of people for 9 to 12 hours for three of some of the most monumental years of your life, it would be pretty hard not to form bonds. You see so many sides of these people, more often than family sometimes. Honestly, the cast and crew of Suite Life was such a diverse collection of people with so many different skills and experiences; I'm very excited to see where everyone goes from here.
So, moving on to the present-day, congratulations! You are starring in the show Jessie where you play the lead role as-- you guessed it-- Jessie. How are you feeling about the new show?
I'm proud- watching this artful machine with my name on it. Disbelief- that I get to come to work everyday and do what I do. Restless- always looking for some way to make it better. Anxious- can't wait to show my fans what I've been pouring my heart into for the last seven months. Developing this project was some of the most fun work I've ever done. Now that we are in production, it's not only meeting, but actually exceeding my exceptions. It already feels like a family, of such talented people. I get to tell such funny stories, on gorgeous sets, in amazing clothes, alongside talented people. What else could I possibly ask for?
Do you relate to your character at all?
Yeah, I mean, one of my favorite things about this role is that I get to play someone who was raised sort of similarly to my own upbringing. Except Jessie is a much cooler version of myself. She's sweetly strong; confident in her strength that she doesn't feel the need to try and prove it all the time. Plus, she's a funny chick. You know, we both babysat growing up and it seems to have really helped prepare us for the roles we've just found ourselves in. Jessie, as the nanny of 4 crazy kids with the world at their fingertips. Myself, at the helm of a young cast who's brand new to the sitcom world. We both grew up around the military world, and family is very important to us. Both Jessie and I have been encouraged from a young age to find our strength, and fight for the things we believe in.
All the Debby Ryan fans out there already know that singing is a huge passion for you. Do you get to do any writing or singing for this new show?
I always loved to write, and express myself through art. As I watched my brother Chase channel his passions into music, my words started to come with rhythms, and melodies. I'm most interested in the writing/producing side of music, but I can't go five minutes without singing or humming something. Plus, sometimes I write a story that I just need to tell in my voice. That's how "Open Eyes" and "Made of Matches" both were, even though they're insanely different...and Yes, I do get to work on and sing the theme song. Plus, we may or may not work some of my hobbies into the show, as well as how the cast and I have been spending our time [jam sessions!] but Disney and I have established that Jessie is not a music show.
When you work on your music, where do you look for inspiration?
I don't look for it. I couldn't. I never want to sit down with the intention of writing a song. That's when it becomes forced and contrived, and not art and expression. A lot of my writing comes from my acting; feeling what others are feeling and telling someone's story. Come to think of it, last night I wrote lyrics from the perspective of someone whose heart I've watched get broken. I see the situation as it is, why he does what he does, where it leaves him, but sometimes you need to blind yourself of the full view. When I look at him, alone by his own hand, and start to feel his cold of loneliness, trying to chase it away with unfulfilling sparks, holding too tightly and smothering the embers, and letting go the second the orange starts to fade, because it's all or nothing in his fairytale mind, and he's so afraid of being left again.. when my heart starts to break for someone, that's where I get the best songs.
Alright, so we know you're a busy girl. Moving from one TV series to another, working on your music career... assuming that you have any time to do anything extra, what do you do with your spare time? Any hobbies or interests that we might not yet know about?
Well lately, I've been obsessed with taking my kids on cast excursions. Glow in the dark mini golf, breakfast, Disneyland, etc. I go to concerts with my friends, download records, make playlists for my friends, and write about these experiences in my music blog, whoisdebbyanyway.tumblr.com.
Do you have any actresses that you look up to? Have you had the chance to talk or work with her/them?
Emma Stone, Tina Fey, Sandra Bullock, Zooey Deschanel...Growing up, I watched a lot of Amanda Bynes. There's something about a girl who can lose themselves in a role, comedy in particular, in such a ridiculous but genuine and earnest way. Smart, professional, directably, and fearless. Also, I totally see Tina Fey's business sense as a road map to my ideal career. I met Emma Stone at a premiere very briefly, and was enamored by her approachability. Some people fake it on screen. She's genuinely relatable, but still inherently cool. Zoe Saldana's that way as well. That's such a cool balance.
What's the most valuable piece of advice you've ever been given (career oriented or otherwise)?
Learn. Always listen. Ask questions. Soak it all up and use everything as a lesson and an opportunity to become better in every area. Also, learn multiple sides of your trade. I never learned certain things as an actor until I sat in the editing room on Suite Life after work, or the writer's room on hiatus, or shadowed a director during other people's scenes.
You're doing great with family-oriented shows on the Disney Channel. Are you hoping to branch into other genres?
I initially wanted to be in independent drama films, but I fell in love with multi-camera sitcom style. The older progression of what I do would be something like The Big Bang Theory or Friends. But I would like to branch into another genre of television: I watch a lot of NCIS, so something like that, or Psych or the Warehouse. That feels like a mini-film, with plenty of drama and splashes of comedy. Also, I've discovered randomly enough how much fun I have with my hosting gigs. As far as films go, ultimately, I'll be kicking butt in a fast paced action adventure.
What would be your dream role?
A sort of rogue modern-day superhero. Lara Croft, James Bond, Hit Girl, Indiana Jones' -hybrid chick. If Emma Stone's character in Zombieland had a setup like Catwoman.
Do you ever have trouble balancing your career and your personal life?
I learned early on that one of the biggest tools you need to be a successful actor is the understanding that you will have to give things up on one side to keep your priorities on the other side. I'm a person first. A daughter, sister, granddaughter, and friend first, and I have to be willing to say no to exciting or important things and keep promises to loved ones at all cost. It's all about balance, and you can never find the perfect one, but you should never ever give up trying.
Ok, you're a talented actress and singer, but let's talk about some things outside of your career!
Okay. I bake some pretty mean gluten-free brownies. ..from a mix, but still.. they're mean.
Do you have any pets?
Yes. My nugget Presley was the best 17th birthday present ever. He's a toy poodle, and totally converted me to a little dog person. I've been wanting a Siberian Husky or a lab, but I saw him and we pretty much fell in love. He's strong and tough and doesn't quite know he's a little dog, and I'm determined to keep it that way. I bought him a spiked collar, and whenever he goes anywhere, he walks or runs on his own four feet. And our family has a sweet older Yorkie named Daisy.
If you were able to be any animal, what would it be? Would you be domesticated (cared for, pet, spoiled) or wild (freedom, fighting, killing-for-your-food)?
Wolf. I'm definitely a pack animal, and I'd rather go hungry than be sustained by something canned and set in front of me.
Do you like to read in your free time?
Yes. I used to read a lot more when I was younger; now, it's more like I collect books with hopes of absorbing them through osmosis. Just began Frannie and Zooey by J.D. Salinger. Salinger's tone is so cool. I'm usually into Shakespeare and C.S. Lewis, where you do a bit more translating of words and concepts, but this book vibes conversationally offbeat. Actually, the book was a gift. On the inside cover, it explains that, with the way I use words, I'm reminiscent of a modern day Salinger.
When it comes to things outside of the acting/music industry, who do you look to for advice or guidance?
My brother, Chase. He's got a great head on his shoulders and doesn't mind telling me the things I don't want hear, in a way where I can receive them.
Let's say you're taking an astronomy class, and as you're looking through the telescope you see a star not in the book. "Wow," your teacher explains-- you've discovered a brand-spanking-new star. What will you call it?
Wow, I'm honored. Go me, with my little telescope...I'd name it 'Galadriel', or 'a UFO'. "Hey look, up there! What's that star?" "Oh, that's 'a UFO'." "NO WAY!" "yes way. Debby discovered 'a UFO', last week. She saw it with her own two eyes." "gnarrllyyyyy!"
Another scenario: The world is being torn apart by a war. It's a war between ninjas and pirates. Which side do you choose?
Ninjas. They're agile and shifty, and I use words only when necessary.
Now you've chosen your side, a regular human name just won't do... what will your alias be?
There are a lot of young girls in the world who feel lost-- be it about family, relationships or what they want to do with their lives. Do you have any words of advice or encouragement?
I don't think you ever fully figure yourself out, because you are always growing and changing. Own that! Find the joy in surprising yourself. Explore the world around you and finding out how you feel about what you see. Try out new hobbies, styles, foods, cultures.. see what sticks. Its natural if you don't know just yet what you stand for, but you need to know what you stand against. Have an anchor so life doesn't toss you around. It's good to have a mentor who has achieved what you want to achieve. They can help you so much and you can learn from their mistakes.
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hardcheapknock-blog · 6 years
We did it! We passed the time for 50 days by providing memorable Star Wars related content for you the humble and gorgeous viewer(s). Holy craps what a ride. Well, we are on day zero and probably have seen or are seeing The Last Jedi as we speak. So for now here is some bonus goodness from some of our beloved authors before we go on a much needed holiday hiatus and Last Jedi binge. See you in 2018!
The Audacity of A New Hope
Our 50-Day Countdown was really tough. What really surprised me about my performance during the countdown is I never really ran into a creative block. My biggest challenge was finding the time to do what I wanted in the time allotted. If it became clear that I would not have enough time to create the post I wanted, I somehow found a way to post something faster to buy myself extra time.
Each of us had to publish every four days, and with each other as our own best critics, the posts had to be solid. JERMAINE SOLID.
Sometimes an idea hit me and I had it turned around in 24 hours: “Rey Mind Trick“, “Midichlorox“, and “Chalmun’s Cantina Sippy Cups” are good examples of this. One post, “‘Made To Suffer’ by Guest Artist Edvard Munch“, actually happened by accident and I just followed it to the new conclusion which was really fun!
The Red Arm Diaries
C-3PO’s red arm was a source of hilariousness for me. It’s absurd how it is introduced, made to be an object of mystery and speculated upon, and then by the end of The Force Awakens, replaced with the normal, gold arm.
I’d planned to focus almost entirely on the Red Arm in a series called “The Red Arm Diaries”. This would include equally-absurd theories of how the red arm came to be. Yes, I am aware that the real story behind the red arm is out there to be discovered, but the average movie-goer isn’t going to do that. I had planned to create one-page vignettes around what transpired between Episode 6 and 7 that could account for the red arm.
In the end, I only did one comic, “Reunite Us, Interruptus“. I’m not sure if I got tired of drawing old Goldenrod or just lost faith in the idea. The other ideas that I did make a priority are still things I’m very happy with. In general, I just wish I’d done more comics.
The Reject Pile
Here are some ideas I decided NOT to do…
“The Red Missile”
I had the idea for a short comic where “Holiday Special” Boba Fett’s backpack missile kept getting him in trouble whenever he wanted to rent a creature to ride – by accidentally firing and choking them. So he’d have a reputation for just being a lousy customer and not the bounty hunter everyone fears him as.
In starting the research, it made me really sad to hear about all of the incidents in the 70s that led to toys no longer being able to fire missiles on which children can choke. So I scrapped that idea. I really wanted to make that pop culture reference work, but not on the backs of dead children. Well, this time.
“The Shortest Fan Cut of ANH”
I thought it would be funny to show how simple things would be if R2-D2 had simply started flying as he did in Attack of the Clones but in A New Hope.
So, the droids land of Tatooine… C-3PO mounts up on R2, they bypass the jawas and the Lars farm and simply fly to Obi Wan’s hermit hut. They fly to Mos Eisley and hire Han and Chewie AND they are able to arrive on Alderaan before it blows up! Later, they simply mount a bomb on him and send him into the exhaust port, flying, kamikaze-style. The end.
“A Christmas Falcon”
I have a lot of great photos from my childhood, opening Star Wars toys on Christmas morning, wearing Star Wars pajamas. I just couldn’t think of a way to make that slice of nostalgia into a post.
Yeah! The Imperial Troop Transport!
Christmas Falcon! PJs!
Whoa, how did this get in there!
Thanks for reading!
It really doesn’t surprise me anymore about how much back story can be created pertaining to the most random stuff in A New Hope. Case in point, the large skeleton of some beast that roamed the Dune Sea of Tatooine, which 3PO just happened to walk by, in search of rescue. I don’t know when they first started calling it a Krayt Dragon. It must have be a while back ago, cause when I was looking up images of the skeleton, I knew to look up “Krayt Dragon.” Apparently they are the apex predators of Tatooine. Too bad we didn’t see a living one in the film take down a Bantha or some Jawas.
My problem isn’t so much with all the back story stuff, be it official or fan fiction. My problem is with all the art being created hypothesizing what the creature actually looked like in the flesh. All the renderings pretty much show a traditional, elongated dragon head complete with horns around the back of the head. Even Terryl Whitlatch, who designed a lot of the creatures for Episode I, drew her dragon with fairly long snout. I really love the illustration, but that skull just doesn’t match the source material. If you look at the skull in the film, it’s a stubby head with no horns. It almost looks like a Camarasaurus (sauropod dinosaur) head, but with pointy, needle teeth. The only illustration that comes close to the skeleton on film is a painting by Ralph McQuarrie depicting two sand people hunting a Krayt Dragon. I think it was part of the original pitch art he created for Uncle George, but I’m not entirely sure about that. It may have been done much later for some book, regardless the head on this dragon looks rather stubby. Either way, there sure is a crap load of stuff for a background skeleton that only appears for a few seconds on screen. But that’s the appeal of Star Wars. All these little details, bringing the world to life, that people will obsess over and latch onto… even 40 years later.
Counting down origin
Well a quick tale of truth is 2 years ago I decided to countdown the days till The Force Awakens by myself despite Phil Collin’s song Against All Odds. Well take a look at me now Phil! I started at 100. That’s one more bottle of beer on the wall per the song and I don’t even drink! And without any preparation or knowledge of Star Wars(lie). Yeah in retrospect it was a crazy venture seeing how there is life. But I went with it. Using facebook as my vehicle of display, each day I posted something new. In the beginning it was just me googling the hell out of SW related items and trying to find the funniest or most interesting ones. But then I started to actually create my own. It seemed more ownable and frankly the kids (7-12 friends) loved it.
Some of those “classic” ones were inserted into this countdown because dammit I could do what I want. Those were The Star Wars Halloween Special (day 45) and Thanksgiving message from the bounty hunters (Day 22). But the rest were new, fresh and stupid! Just don’t forget to tell Kanjiklub!
So short, long story brief, my colleagues at HardCheapKnock decided to do one together for The Last Jedi. This way it was not as daunting with multi folks on it. In truth it still was tough but we frickin’ did it!
Writers notes
Some of the inspiration behind my posts:
Yoda’s Suffering (day 35) – this was intended to be a message about the struggles of children in Uganda. You should read about it on the web if you have time.
Not again Threepio NSFE (day 35) – again about Uganda
Walrus Man Discount Replacement Limb or Other Club (day 2) – This one took about a month to do. Mainly the drawings of every body and part. Actually I had this mostly done before we even started the countdown. Just tweaking it along the way.
Utini Speeder Wreckers (day 15) – This was a homage to a local CHICAGO TV commercial from the early 90’s. Took about 2 weeks to do. And if you think the quality looks shitty that was the intention so wah! Here are some clean behind the scenes photos then jerks.
Anyways God bless you if you sneezed within the hour (otherwise this is void). And God bless Star Wars.
As a reminder although the countdown is over you have 11 more days to enter the: LAST JEDI COUNTDOWN CONTEST! We are giving away a $100 Dollar Fandango Gift Card!!! We know you are going to see The Last Jedi…so we want to buy your second, third or fourth viewings! So it’s quite easy to play. You can do one or all of the following for a chance to win:
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  The more options you do the more your chance of winning increases! Enter today through December 25, 2017. Must be 18 years old to play and be a resident of the USA. For full official rules click here. 
0 Days to The Last Jedi! We did it! We passed the time for 50 days by providing memorable Star Wars related content for you the humble and gorgeous viewer(s).
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