#where to go in cavite
gintrinsic-writing · 4 months
Based on this art.
CW: body horror, impending death.
Rough bark against his back. Cool moss beneath his trembling fingers. What little light managed to breach the canopy of boughs was carried on the swirling backs of leaf litter motes. Fog curtained the air between trunks, and Link found himself nestled as though within a blanket. A small comfort.
It hurt, even now—short of breath and blood alike; this ultimate transformation from living to dead. His flesh was sunken and pitted, his sagging skin like ribbons of meringue to be feasted upon by the lichen and the insects. Every inhale rattled, every swallow stuck. No moisture remained for his aching eyes. So yes, it hurt, but the pain felt like a promise, like respite, like coming home in a way he couldn’t define but could nevertheless taste and smell and sense and know, even as consciousness threatened to divorce soul.
It was fine. It was meant to be, Link suspected, in some twisting, circling way. He’d first been Kokiri, then Hylian, then Hero. Now, he was to be something other.
Stalfos, Fado had whispered a lifetime ago. He wondered if she’d known.
Time passed in increments and in multitudes. His body withered like the bark of a fallen tree—consumed bit by bit, patiently placid to this un-becoming. Perhaps it was seconds, wasting away, being gnashed upon by mouths both small and microscopic. Perhaps it was minutes. Regardless, as the Hero of Time drew one of his final breaths, there came a voice the memory of which had beckoned his rare, understated smiles for years.
“You’ve returned, friend.”
The Skull Kid approached slowly, respectfully. Their hands flittered as though they could not decide on touch. Finally, they brushed away a strand of Link’s hair. “I knew you would,” they chimed. “I knew you’d come back.”
Link tried to smile for them. His lip split like old parchment. “Did…n’t… know… where else… to… go.”
The Skull Kid tittered like that was funny. “Didn’t know? Didn’t know! Of course you knew. See?” They gestured to the woods around them, snapping their beak in amusement. “You’re here, silly Hylian.” They nodded, apparently pleased, then dragged a claw feather-light down the bridge of Link’s cavitated nose. “This will be a sacred place. A magical place. The forest is singing over you.”
Link closed his eyes to listen. A melody drifted by like a dandelion’s seed, soft and aimless, difficult to catch. It settled what remained of his nerves.
“Yes,” the Skull Kid agreed, “time to let go. No fear.” They grasped Link’s hand, gentler than he’d ever felt before. Their callouses scraped against his bones. “The Lost Woods will welcome you, and we will be friends forever.”
A breeze drifted by, stirring song once more. It took what remained of Link’s breath. He found he did not mind.
“I will stay here until it’s finished,” the Skull Kid continued contently. “You can rest. Rest, rest, rest. When your spirit is full again, I will find you. Rest, friend. Rest.”
And Link did.
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rossellini-tyrell · 1 year
Nothing’s Gonna Change My World
Ch. 3 - The World Was Waiting Just For You
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Word Count: 3,940
Warnings: Reader is still traumatized from the events of chapter 1, reader deals with some insecurities, including around her body/appearance.
Pairing: Pavitr x F!Reader also found on AO3 and Wattpad. ---------- Preface: This story takes place several years after the events of Across the Spiderverse, Pavitr and the reader are somewhere in their 20s at this point in time. This story involves a reader who survives an attempted SA, there will be brief description of the rescue from the event, and extensive discussion of the emotional impact of the event on the reader. There will be no graphic descriptions of the event itself. The contents of this story may be triggering for some to read, for that reason. ------------ You stretch, your joints cavitating in a series of satisfying pops and crackles as you reach to greet the day. The remains of your sleep are shrugged off, heavy and drape-like, like a lover's embrace. Morning spills through the window in saffron sheafs, watery and pale. Light, like your soul feels. Was that all a dream? Flashes of the night before flit behind your eyelids. The muddled dialogue from the TV melting into gibberish soup as you straddled the bounds of the waking world. A pair of arms easily spiriting you away, tucked against a solid chest. Gentle hands pulling blankets to just under your chin, gentle lips lingering against your brow. It makes you feel bubbly inside that your body got the sleep it desperately craved, finally able to feel safe with him there to guard your rest. You need not go far to find a clue to his intentions, a neon pink Post-it is stuck to your phone screen where it lays charging on the bedside table, which is not where you'd left it last night. You remind yourself to thank him for that later, except later is now because the note he left reads: "Good morning! I hope you rested well. Shoot me a message when you wake up :)" His cell number is scrawled at the bottom, in the same loopy script you remember from his previous note. You deftly add it as a new contact, and shoot off your first message, giddiness increasing because Spider-Man passed you his number. You: Hi! It's (You). Thanks for plugging my phone in last night by the way. Clearly, he's been waiting for your message, because the typing indicator appears on screen immediately. Pavitr: Good morning, sweet girl :) You are so welcome, I'm glad to hear from you. Did you sleep well? You just about died right then, because Pavitr is not fucking around with his intentions. You emit a squeal into the confines of your pillow before replying. You: Best sleep I've had in a while! No bad dreams to be had. Sorry for falling asleep on you last night, you didn't have to haul me all the way to bed, although my back certainly appreciates you for doing that ^_^ Pavitr: You seem to forget that I'm pretty strong ;) It's no trouble at all, after the last few nights you've had, I didn't feel right leaving you there when you'd be so much more comfortable in your own bed. You deserve better than that. Pavitr: Did you know that you sleep with your mouth open? It's super cute! Your face flares hot, feeling scandalized. You: We have been talking for literally 2 minutes and I'm already deceased. Pavitr: Oh no, now I'm sad. Look at my sad face --> :( Pavitr: I sincerely apologize for making you deceased on our first text. May I make up for it by inviting you out with me today? Pavitr: No worries if you can't or don't feel ready for that yet. All at your pace, sweet girl. You're not sure whether to feel nervous or giddy. The side of you that's been burned before is digging her 3-inch heels into the carpet. The side of you that yanked Pavitr's mask down to kiss him in the first place can't say yesyesyes! fast enough. After a few minutes of stomach-churning deliberation, you tap out your reply. You: I'd be happy to! Can I ask what it is I'm being invited to? The typing indicator oscillates on the screen for a few moments, starts, stops, and starts again. Pavitr: Classified ;) What I can tell you though is I want to give you some happier memories. The way we met was...not ideal. So I figured we should do something fun, without all the bullshit between us. I promise you'll like what I have in mind. Is 3pm ok? Meet at mine? You: 3 sounds great! Pavitr: !!! It's a date then. See you real soon, sweet girl :) This isn't happening. This can't be real. You are about to go on a date with Spider-Man. Your life feels unreal, like someone's fanfiction from that site the local extremists tried to shut down. You rush to the bathroom mirror to stare at your reflection, chanting holy shit holy shit holy everloving shit to cope with what your life has become. The you of 2 weeks ago would have died of an aneurysm laughing if she'd heard this. Since you'd slept in pretty hard this morning, you snarf down a quick brunch composed of whatever past you had remembered to stock up on before...all of this shit happened. It's off to the shower after that, followed by a stop at the bathroom sink to fix your hair and makeup. After spending an inordinate amount of time agonizing between two different outfit options, you settle on a a smart-looking sundress, not too heavy for the summer sun outside. Before you can blink, it's three in the afternoon, and you're tapping on the front door of apartment 406. You hear the clatter of a chain before the door swings open, revealing a rather...drippy Pavitr, clad head to toe in very expensive street-wear. You count a Supreme headband, a tight-fitting Pelota top, Stussy jeans and the latest Jordans, topped off with a pair of blue Wayfarers perched atop his head. The getup is hugging him in all the right places, and he knows it. Most of all, you notice the genuine smile plastered on his face, just as radiant as you imagined it would be when you met him with the mask still on. "Darling! Hi!" Pavitr exclaims. You don't have time to react before he's brushed a kiss against your lips, short and sweet. It leaves you stunned, frozen and burning at the same time, leaving Pavitr to giggle as one hand holds your chin. "Aww, you're so shy. That's adorable," he coos. His thumb traces along your jawline to gently pinch your cheek. "M'not shy!" you squawk. "Just...surprised, that's all," "Your mouth says you're not, but the eyes popping out of your head right now determined that was a lie," he jokes, locking the apartment door behind him. "Come with me?" he offers, extending his hand to you. His eyes glimmer on a soft face as he waits for you to respond. After a few moments, your hand finds his, and you know that if he had a tail, he'd be wagging it. Pavitr leads you into the elevator, all the way to the garage floor. Once there, he fishes a key ring out of one of his many pockets, presses a button that unlocks a nearby white car with a clunk and a chirp. You lay your own eyes on the car, and just about die right there, because it's a- "You drive a Porsche?" you exclaim, shocked that someone your age is able to afford a car that's solidly a year's salary for you, if not two. Pavitr gives a low chuckle. "A Porsche Taycan, to be specific," he explains, coming around to open the passenger door for you. "It's all-electric too. Check it out." You ease yourself into the seat, immediately noticing the red all-leather interior. "I have to admit, the red-on-black is pretty on-brand," you remark. The inside of the car is spotless, the leather well-maintained and the electronics keep a well-polished sheen. "Definitely got a funny look at the dealer when I went for this package without blinking," Pavitr says, starting the car up. The engine hums low as the car whirs to life. The dashboard comes alight in hundreds of intricate LEDs and neons, and you realize just how over the top this car is. Pavitr wheels the car out of the parking spot, every move guided by indicators and sonar because he's loaded and surely he could have whoever he- "Oh dear, you're shaking," he observes. You look down and notice your fingers are tremoring, clammy and cold in your lap. He takes one in his own, holds it atop the center console. The weight is steady and grounding. "You're okay, you don't have anything to be nervous about, it's just me," Pavitr soothes. It would have been more helpful if he wasn't literally Spider-Man. "S-sorry. I was just thinking," you apologize. Pavitr looks unimpressed, arches an eyebrow at you as he waits for the light to change. "This is all new to you, isn't it, sweet girl?" he contemplates. Your breath catches in your throat, because how did he know? "Yeah, I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed right now," you admit. The leather starts to feel tacky against your skin. Pavitr's expression softens, and he gives the back of your hand a reassuring rub. "Sorry for being an idiot. I should have known that someone who hasn't been in a relationship before might not appreciate coming on that strong." "But I have been in a relationship before. I've been in three," you clarify. You sense Pavitr stiffening in his seat as he completes a turn. "I just assumed- you seem so surprised that I'm showing you affection," he explains. "You react to it like...you're kidding," he makes wide-eyed eye contact through the rear view mirror. "About what?" "Three relationships and none of them has treated you like this? Not even holding the door for you?" Pavitr presses, his hold on your hand now still. "Not really, I sure do know how to pick them I guess," you sigh. "And now I've just met you and I'm already being given gifts, and you're so nice to me but I don't have the same kind of money-" "Ahh, I see now," he murmurs. The hand he's holding is lifted, fingers woven in between as he brings it to his lips to feather a kiss on your knuckles. "This is how you're supposed to be treated in a relationship, (You). Honestly, I'm not sure why these other idiots even bothered if they weren't going to take it seriously," states Pavitr, looking at you the best he can while still keeping eyes on the road. "And yes, I've been very fortunate with the success I've had, but I don't see the point of it outside of it being something to share with the people I care about. I'm happy to back off if you're not comfortable, but if you can, let me spoil you, darling. Just a little." He finishes with a wink, and plants another kiss to the back of your hand. Your heart flutters inside your ribcage, jitters transforming into sweet shivers from the contact. Never before have you met someone that's so damn full of affection and kindness that he can't carry it all, has to let some spill over the sides to function. "I think I can try that," you acquiesce. Pavitr beams, pecking your hands once more where they are joined. "That's all I can ask of you," he hums. He pulls the car onto a freeway entrance, and off you go in comfortable silence, the car accelerating smoothly as you speed towards your destination. You can tell Pavitr is really enjoying this car, the way he nimbly darts in and out of lanes with practiced ease, much like he does as Spider-Man. It's not long before you're pulling into what you recognize as a high-end shopping district. He parks in a quiet part of the parking structure before coming around the car to open your door. You accept the offered hand, and he leads you into what appears to be some kind of boutique. One he's been to before, judging by how the salesperson enthusiastically greets him as "Mr. Prabhakar" as he passes. You wind up next to a rack of exquisite dresses, a glance at one of the price tags makes you want to faint. "Was this the 'classified' activity you had in mind for today?" you inquire. Pavitr responds by pulling a dress from the rack, holding it out against your frame. "I was thinking that you might have some bad memories attached to us meeting. So I wanted to make some new ones together, and that starts with getting you a brand new dress- but not this one, we are leaving cottagecore in 2020 where it belongs," he explains. "Pavitr, that dress costs hundreds, I can't afford any of this," you whisper-shout, hoping the staff and other patrons don't figure out you don't belong in here. Pavitr rolls his eyes, and fishes something out from his wallet- holy shit is that a black Amex? "But I can. And as much as you like to deny it, you do deserve this. You do not exist as an object for men to play with and put back in the box when they're done, you are a good person who has been through some hard things, and you have more than earned the right to feel cared for," he challenges. "Let. Me. Spoil. You," he gently taps the corner of the shiny plastic against the tip of your nose to punctuate each word. "I- alright then, I really appreciate you doing that for me," you sigh, defeated. "But if I can ask, how are you able to afford all this?" "Started my own blockchain game company," replies Pavitr, as if it's nothing. He's shuffling through the racks, quickly rejecting different dresses for things like fabric, cut, and color. "Leaves me plenty of time to do...other things." "Other things...like making sure you don't miss the Supreme drops?" you joke. The implication doesn't go unnoticed, where "other things" is a pretty boring, nonspecific way to say "being Spider-Man". "Mmm, something like that," he replies, not missing a beat. You catch his face lighting up as he settles on a pair of dresses, runs the fabric between his fingers before retrieving them from the rack. "One of these is a winner, I can feel it," Pavitr declares. He's grabbing your hand again, leading you enthusiastically to the fitting rooms. "Wanna see how they fit on you?" You feel at this point like you can't win. Once again, insecurity comes raging down the path, nails digging into the flesh of your shoulders and sending a chill down your spine. "I'm uh-," you swallow your pride, figuring it's easier to just tell him. "I don't want to look stupid." Pavitr doesn't say anything at first, choosing instead to hang the dresses on a nearby hook, and takes hold of each of your shoulders. You feel gently contained, thoughts buzzing around inside your head clicking back into place. "You're beautiful, I hope you know that," he begins, quietly enough where anyone else shopping wouldn't be able to hear. "And if you don't, I'll keep telling you until you believe me. Also, if you've known me for at least three seconds, you'd see that I have a little bit of an issue with clothes." "Allegedly little," you snicker. "Okay, fine, I'm a hypebeast, I like clothes. Which means in no world would I let you look stupid," expresses Pavitr, his hands traveling up to cup your cheeks. "I think you'll like what I picked, but if you don't, we'll find something you do. You don't have to show me if you don't feel comfortable, the point is for you to feel confident, okay?" "Okay," you breathe. Pavitr's expression is fond, adoring even. He pecks your forehead just below your hairline, and then hands you the dresses. "Let me know if you need anything, darling, I'll be right outside," he instructs. He hands you the dresses and finds a seat on a nearby divan. You find yourself in the dressing room, alone with the dress and your thoughts. The first one he selected is navy blue. Sleek, form-fitting, with lovely detail on the shoulder. A weight hanging down the inside of the dress creates the appearance of heavy, drape-y fabric and a scoop neckline. It shows off a lot and you're not sure you're ready for that right now. Logically, you know Pavitr would hype you up instead of leering, chase out the insecurities when he runs his hands along- No. You're not going there. Your walk out of the dressing room is stiff, hesitant despite your best attempts to own the dress. Pavitr looks up, gives an obviously appreciative once-over, but you can tell he sees right through you. "Well?" you ask, patiently awaiting a verdict. Pavitr guides you by the shoulders to face the mirror. His palms on your exposed skin leave an invisible sear where they touch, even though there's only tenderness in the act. "I'm thinking that this dress isn't helping you see what I see," he answers, eyes meeting yours in the reflection. "I think it's lovely, I think you look classy in it, but the fit is just...not letting you feel like you. Maybe the other one is worth a try?" You nod, and feel yourself deflate a bit. Pavitr gives your forearms a brisk, encouraging rub as you head back to the dressing room. You peel off this dress and turn your attention to the second choice he's made. This one is a rich, emerald green, with sheer sleeves. There is an intricate bodice that shimmers in the mirror, when you slide it on, you notice the outer skirt is sheer like the sleeves are, with chevron patterning that suggests ivy leaves. The neckline is deep, but you don't feel overexposed. The dress feels like a natural extension of yourself, as if grown from a seed and wound around you, as a passionfruit vine finds purchase on a trellis. Is this what he was talking about when he said you should feel like you? You close up the zipper and exit the fitting room, this time with fluidity in your step. The mid-length skirt swishes when you walk, the beading on your bodice softly clattering as you move . You see Pavitr's head turn from across the room, and he would swear up and down to anyone who would listen that his heart stopped. He's positively beaming, contagiously so, the warmth in his countenance causing you to smile in return. He's quick to grab your hands and just about drags you over to the large mirror. "Give me a twirl, darling," he directs, eyes half-lidded and voice throaty. You comply, the skirt following along smoothly as he guides you through with one hand. "I think you're right, Pavitr, you have great taste," you acknowledge. You love the way you feel right now, radiant and tall, standing next to him like you belong there. Pavitr snorts, one arm gently rounding your waist. "I do have great taste. In fashion, and in women," he smugly retorts, pulling you to stand in front of him in the mirror. "And now, you can see yourself how I see you." "What do you see?" you ask. Pavitr drops a squishy kiss atop your head. "The only woman strong enough to kiss Spider-Man on the mouth and know he'd come back for more," he purrs. He wishes he could bottle this radiance up, store it in the fridge for you to savor on a rainy day. "I think you and I look good together," he remarks. "Yeah, we do," you agree. You know he's not referring to the clothes. "I also think that this dress looks so exquisite on you, you should wear it out of the store. How does that sound to you?" Pavitr proposes. You flush at the prospect of going out in public looking like this, but, strangely, you don't seem to mind getting extra attention right now. Not with the way he's looking at you like the damn heart-eye emoji. "I think I like the sound of that." Pavitr beckons a saleswoman over, who silently materializes behind you to accept his credit card. The hair on the nape of your neck stands on end as Pavitr places a flat hand on your back to deftly extract the price tag from its attachment on the dress's zipper. You crane your neck to get a glimpse of the number, but he's quick to dispose of the tag. "Don't worry about it, sweet girl. You getting to feel like this is more than worth that," he assures with a tap on the end of your nose. You feel like a celebrity when he leads you outside by the hand. The late afternoon sun catches the beading on your dress and reflects on the lenses of Pavitr's Wayfarers. Heads turn, and you're half-expecting to see paparazzi jump out from around corners, but you're finding you don't mind the looks. With him, you feel a hundred feet tall. "I don't think I ever said 'thank you'," you remind him when you're in the car later. "You're welcome, and you more than earned it," he replies. "Would you want to come up to mine after?" "Oh, um..." you falter, wondering what it is he's expecting. "Shit, not like that, I mean-" he stutters, pinching the bridge of his nose. "God, that sounded terrible. Tonight I was thinking of ordering in, talking, maybe watch a movie?" "Pavitr, I just had a fucking heart attack. You can't scare me like that," you wheeze, dying of laughter. "I should have clarified, I'm really not expecting anything like that from you, not unless that's what you want, and- you know what, I'm gonna stop talking," Pavitr rambles. "Oh my god, Spider-Man is so flustered right now, this is gold," you giggle. "Feel free to bask in my embarrassment. It's good for your skin," he snarks. You end up in his living room. It's surprisingly cozy inside, all rich, dark colors and plush furniture. Pavitr orders from his favorite spot around the block while you explore. You don't notice him fiddling with his phone when he's done, connecting to his bluetooth speakers and queuing up what sounds like a Beatles song, the first string notes tender and sweet. You turn to face him, and find him with his hand outstretched. "I was thinking, since you have a new dress now, might as well go dancing in it?" he invites. His expression is almost...nervous? "I think that's a wonderful idea," you accept, taking his hand. Pavitr holds you delicately at the waist as you slow dance around the living room. You're so close you're sharing breath, you smell the spicy scent of the aftershave he'd applied over the hollow of his throat. "This is what I want you to remember when you think about when we met," he rasps. "How beautiful you feel, how nice it is to be so close to someone so handsome." "How about 'so vain'?" you bite back, no venom in your words and a smirk on your face. "My point stands, darling," he hums. You feel his nose gently bump your cheek, not quite a nuzzle. "I don't know how I can thank you enough for today, for...everything, not just the dress," you tell him. Pavitr ghosts a kiss on your jaw, just below your ear that feels like he's just teased you with a feather. "I don't want you to thank me, but if you decided you wanted to kiss me again, I wouldn't say no to that, sweet girl," he whispers, his breath tickling your ear. You're not one to turn down a good thing, so you do. The kiss is languid, lips moving against each other comfortably and easily. Pavitr cups the back of your head and slips you a little tongue, and it's glorious, you feel like you're slowly melting into a puddle of hot molasses. It's crazy how in the span of just twenty four hours, this man has simultaneously lifted you up and brought you to your knees in the best possible way. You could forget all the other bullshit. You'd never forget the delightful way his lips engulf yours over and over again, his arm caressing your waist as if you'd shatter, the way he can't contain all the affection inside him, spilling out over the sides and bathing you both in its light.
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carmxi · 6 months
Moment By Moment
By: Maria Carmela Gatmaitan
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The picture was captured in Angelus Eternal Garden at Imus, Cavite and the subject was my siblings and niece.
I captured this photo after my father's funeral. This is really meant to me because it made me realize that even waves are coming to us we are still together, holding with each other, and moving forward. Actually, its hard to step the stone when tide is blocking but we are a soldier and indestructible; a warrior, yet healing.
Moving on is a difficult path to saying that you are healed and to finally forget. However, its opposite, scars are not meant to forget the past, and moving forward are not meant to leave the things behind. Its a choice to conquered, overcome, and get to be better.
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Prince and Princess — this is how I defined this photo. Coincidentally, the boy named is Prince, and the girl named is Princess. This picture was captured in Tahanang Mabuting Pastol at Tagaytay. The girl were my niece and the boy she met is just my brother's friend nephew. My niece is friendly to everyone, meanwhile, the boy is shy, so when I said 'pose', I get this shot; the results say itself.
'They are really cute together, let me capture it' — this is how I captured this moment, I don't wanna miss this kind of events. Because "photography is an art that captures the moments.”
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My cutie niece, this two girls are my niece from my sister and cousin side. They were playing together when I'm capturing this moment, so it comes out naturally. This event is when we are in Bacolod and we went to restaurant to celebrates my uncle's birthday. The restaurant ambiance are really good even its not showed in a picture but it is open view and you will really see the mountains and scenery from a far. Also, they have a swings that my nieces are obssessed with it, and that is where I take the floor and take them a picture. “Real life. Memories. Captured.”
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This is my man, Mhiko. It was taken in Villa Escudero Plantations and Resort during our tour.
During our stay in a swimming area at Villa Escudero, Mhiko and I decided to go kayaking. I am not strongly enough to do kayaking so he did the work for everything. Meanwhile I'm appreciating my view, I captured this kind of moment. Because there is saying "capturing the moments that captivate your heart.”
Theme: People
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roosterarts · 1 year
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On this day, in September 1, 1896:
The Battle of Imus Began - The First Major Battle of the Philippine Revolution in the Cavite Province
The Philippine revolution began when Katipunan leader Andres Bonifacio raised his forces on August 30, 1896 and attacked the powder magazine at San Juan del Monte. Although this attack would fail, further uprisings from different contigents of the Katipunan found success in other places. One example was the Kawit contingent in the province of Cavite, which successfully rose up and over powered the local Guardia Civil on August 31.
Following this success, Katipunan members at the nearby town of Imus decided to begin their plans to rise up and overower the local garrison at the town plaza.
Under the command of the Captain Municipal of Imus, Jose Tagle, and the revolutionary leader of the Kawit uprising, Emilio Aguinaldo, Filipino rebels attacked the plaza, with the aim of capturing the church and covent, where the Spanish friars and Guardia Civil held out. However, after storming the church, the firars and Guardia Civil managed to evade them and retreat to a nearby estate house - located next to the Imus powder magazine. With stone walls protecting the compound, the position the Spanish forces occupied was formidable.
Despite this Tagle and Aguinaldo ordered their forces to attack. After relentless and fierce assaults, the Filipino forces eventually found a weak spot in the Spanish defense and soon torched the building. This forced the defenders to get out and eventually surrender. With that Imus was secure.
However, the battle was far from over.
On September 3, a relief column from Manila was sent to supress the revolt and recapture Imus. In the famous battle at Imus bridge, Aguinaldo managed to beat back the Spanish relief column, scoring a major victory for the Katipunan forces, while also making a name for himself. The battle of Imus would be the first victory in Aguinaldo's career.
So I wanted to do this piece on the battle of Imus because, well, its my hometown. The powder magazine and bridge mentioned in the battle are still standing today and I pass by them everytime I go to work. It's one of my favorite moments in history, since it was one of the first major victory Filipino recolutionist had agaisnt the Spanish colonial government.
Disclaimer: The acronym on the flag stands for "Kataastaasang, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan", which translates as "Supreme and Honorable Association of the Children of the Nation". They are the main underground organization that sparked the Philippine Revolution in 1896.
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mothmothm0th · 11 months
Consider: You’re at a space port.
The bustling kind, of course. Folks buzzing about, people chattering interminably. You hear languages you’ll never be able to comprehend. You just lack the organs. In the distance, the rumble of short range engines coming online. Some cocksure pilot brings their craft real close to the terminal’s glass pane wall. You know the ship would lose in a fight against the station architecture but you’re not really eager to have that knowledge put to the test. Oh, but it’s a long ship. 
You glance down at your fob watch. It’s just under a thousand units till boarding, which means time to muck about. Grab hold of your suitcase. Walk down the corridors. On either wall, covering the faux-oxidised faux-copper adornments, advertisements in faux-neon buzz-hummed away. You can’t even read the text on any of them. The borgyloid seems happy, though. Might be a borgiakin, come to think of it. Are those teeth? Maybe they’re mouth claws. Oh, oh! That font’s actually kind of interesting! It’s made up of human arms! How quirky! And that must mean the red accents on the letters are... yes! You look closely and realise that really is blood! Oh, rather makes sense now, does it not? The borgyloids are humanity’s closest extrasolar trading partners. Figuratively closest, of course. But no one wants to linger on those centaurite nerds when there’s borgyloid culture to admire! How exquisite! You will admit, it’s a little unnerving at first how their primary expression of joyful communion translates to something like “let us eat your arms in a non-metaphorical way, may we have your arms to eat.” It’s just something you have to get used to, like the slight lag of a robot arm. Ah, but it’s time to move on. 
Your trilby expresses relief. You’re at your platform. When did your hat learn to express emotion? It’s been such a long day, such a long day indeed. You dream of laying down in bed planetside. Here on the station, there’s too many different kinds of humming. The life support systems, your room AI, the handheld generator for your robot arm charger... It’s too much! You want to go back home! Back home, where the only humming you hear are the AC, your PC, and your hand-holding robot arm charger. Besides, it’s much nicer to be kept up by roadworks or your neighbours than sub-audible pressure cavitations. It really is!
Oh. Your ship’s been delayed. Kessler cloud in low orbit over Europe. How silly of them, those pre-commercial space travel humans. People used to be so silly. They shot too many sharp bits and bobs in space. Entirely too much. How silly. Still, it’s generally considered the smarter option to avoid making contact with sharp bits and bobs, especially when they’re travelling at orbital speeds. So, you entirely understand. But your arm charger waits for you at home. It so beckons, waving at you. Oh, if only it could... oh, but that would be naughty. It might not be best practice to have thoughts like that. Not just because you’ll have to go buy a ticket for a capsule bed this evening, it seems, but because people generally do not have thoughts like that about their home appliances. Well, except for the ones that call you husband and or wife, hoh hoh!
There, the capsule kiosk. Its yellow extravagance is a poor match with its plastic construction. Still, what can you do? Well, the bored teenaged girl on the pixellated screen tells you you can pay up or shut up in between her two-frame chewing animation cycles. You do, but you promise to give the girl a bad review. She does not respond. You pick up your suitcase, which the lil kid with the Dickensian accent promises should weigh exactly the same as before you left it out of sight for thirty units of time. What a lovely lad. Lass. One of the two. Or maybe a third thing. Kids these days with their organs.
No one’s called the capsule corrals “hotels” in thirty cycles. The brochures might, but not even the big sign at the entrance does. Some clever clog had gotten to the “t” and the “l”, it seems. Or perhaps it was just the slow decay, the passage of time. Regardless, you clamber to your capsule. Into the compartment your suitcase goes and with a press of a button, your capsule enters bath mode. The pod fills to the brim with water before you can say “claustrophobia” (which is only a good thing since you wouldn’t want to be caught with your mouth open) and flushes itself before you can think the words “fear of drowning”. You swap your now sopping wet clothes with your suitcase. If you cannot have your hand-holder, you would at least be able to enjoy your handheld.
You open your suitcase. A large stone approximately the size of a small handheld robot arm charger falls in your lap. Attached is a note: “Fanks, guv’na!” At least they said fanks.
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Alternative to Liposuction
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Introduction: Understanding the Desire for Body Contouring
In an era where appearance often dictates first impressions, the pursuit of an ideal physique has never been more prevalent. The desire to sculpt one's body is not merely a modern-day vanity project but a reflection of a deeper yearning for confidence and self-assurance. While traditional liposuction has long been the go-to procedure for those seeking to eliminate stubborn fat, the rise of non-surgical alternatives speaks to a growing trend: the quest for less invasive, safer methods of body contouring. Concerns over the invasiveness, recovery time, and potential risks associated with liposuction have propelled the popularity of these alternatives, offering hope to those unwilling to go under the knife.
Cryolipolysis: Freezing Fat Away
Cryolipolysis, more commonly known as CoolSculpting, has rapidly gained traction as a formidable alternative to liposuction. This innovative procedure leverages the science of controlled cooling to target and eliminate fat cells. The principle behind cryolipolysis is simple yet effective: fat cells are more susceptible to cold than surrounding tissues. By cooling these cells to a temperature that triggers apoptosis (cell death), the body gradually metabolizes and eliminates the fat. Patients often praise the procedure for its non-invasive nature, minimal discomfort, and the absence of downtime. Over several weeks, the treated area shows a noticeable reduction in fat, making cryolipolysis a preferred choice for those wary of surgical interventions.
Alternatively, consider trying this highly-rated supplement LipoSlend
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Laser Lipolysis: Melting Fat with Precision
Laser lipolysis, also known as laser-assisted liposuction or SmartLipo, takes a different approach by using laser energy to liquefy fat before its removal. Unlike traditional liposuction, which requires a more aggressive extraction process, laser lipolysis offers a gentler alternative with added benefits. The laser not only melts fat but also stimulates collagen production, leading to skin tightening in the treated areas. This dual action of fat reduction and skin rejuvenation sets laser lipolysis apart, making it an attractive option for individuals looking to refine their body contours without the telltale signs of loose skin often associated with fat loss.
Ultrasound Cavitation: Sound Waves for Fat Reduction
Ultrasound cavitation harnesses the power of sound waves to disrupt and break down fat cells beneath the skin. This non-invasive procedure works by generating pressure changes within the fat cells, causing them to implode and subsequently be eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system. The science behind ultrasound cavitation is both intriguing and effective, offering a painless solution for those seeking gradual fat reduction. Patients typically experience a smoother body contour after several sessions, making ultrasound cavitation a favorable option for those with smaller areas of stubborn fat.
Radiofrequency Lipolysis: Using Heat to Sculpt the Body
Radiofrequency lipolysis, another non-surgical fat reduction method, uses controlled heat to target and break down fat cells. This technique involves the application of radiofrequency energy, which penetrates the skin to heat the underlying fat cells without damaging surrounding tissues. The heat causes the fat cells to shrink and stimulates collagen production, leading to both fat reduction and skin tightening. Radiofrequency lipolysis is particularly effective in treating areas with loose skin and mild to moderate fat deposits, offering a dual benefit of body contouring and skin firming.
Injection Lipolysis: Dissolving Fat with Injections
Injection lipolysis, popularized by the brand Kybella, is a minimally invasive treatment that involves the injection of a fat-dissolving substance into targeted areas. The active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, breaks down fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body. While Kybella is primarily used to treat submental fat (commonly known as a double chin), its application can extend to other small areas of fat accumulation. However, potential patients should be aware of the pros and cons, including the possibility of swelling, bruising, and the need for multiple sessions to achieve desired results.
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU): Non-Invasive Body Contouring
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound, or HIFU, is a cutting-edge technology that offers non-invasive body contouring by targeting and destroying fat cells with focused ultrasound energy. HIFU penetrates deep into the skin, creating thermal coagulation zones that lead to the destruction of fat cells and skin tightening. The procedure is known for its precision and safety, as the focused ultrasound energy selectively targets fat cells without harming surrounding tissues. HIFU is particularly effective for individuals looking to reduce fat in specific areas while simultaneously improving skin elasticity.
Diet and Exercise: The Timeless Alternative
Despite the allure of technological advancements in fat reduction, diet and exercise remain the cornerstone of body sculpting. A well-balanced diet combined with a regular exercise regimen can lead to significant fat loss and overall body improvement. The key lies in creating a calorie deficit and engaging in activities that promote muscle growth and fat burning. While these methods may require more time and dedication, they offer long-term benefits and contribute to overall health and wellness. For those looking to enhance their results, consider trying this highly-rated dietary supplement LipoSlend, which has been known to support fat loss and boost energy levels naturally.
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Liposuction vs. Non-Surgical Alternatives: A Comparative Analysis
When choosing between liposuction and non-surgical alternatives, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of each option. Liposuction, though effective, comes with the risks associated with surgery, including anesthesia, scarring, and a longer recovery period. Non-surgical alternatives, while generally safer and less invasive, may require multiple sessions and offer more gradual results. Factors such as the amount of fat to be removed, the desired outcome, and individual health considerations should guide the decision-making process. Consulting with a qualified professional is crucial to determine the most appropriate method based on one’s specific needs.
Cost Considerations: What You Should Know
The cost of liposuction versus non-surgical alternatives varies significantly, with traditional liposuction often being more expensive due to the surgical nature of the procedure. Non-surgical methods, while less costly upfront, may require multiple sessions to achieve comparable results, potentially adding up over time. It’s important to consider the long-term value and effectiveness of each option. Additionally, factors such as the experience of the provider, the area being treated, and geographic location can influence pricing. Prospective patients should thoroughly research and budget for the total cost before committing to a particular treatment.
You can also consider trying this highly-rated supplement LipoSlend
Conclusion: Making an Informed Decision
In the quest for body contouring, making an informed decision is paramount. The wide array of available alternatives to liposuction provides options for individuals with varying needs, preferences, and budgets. Consulting with a qualified medical professional is essential to explore all possibilities and select the method that aligns with one’s goals. Whether opting for a non-surgical procedure or embracing a natural approach through diet and exercise, the ultimate goal is to achieve a physique that enhances confidence and well-being. By understanding the benefits and limitations of each option, individuals can make empowered choices on their journey toward self-improvement.
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misxmi · 5 months
I had this silly scenario where Seleni was a dentist
Now imma show it to you
WARNING: Cringe, swearing, and platonic sexual tension (jokingly)
“You know what? Since you’ve been a BITCH and didn’t tell your pookie wookie alpha daddy that you left the decree, you’re name is going to be Testicle.”
Seleni starts to write on her paper.
“Really? All because I didn’t tell you that I left?
Ikki smiled annoyingly.
“Yes. Now open wide, pookie bear.”
Ikki opens his mouth. Seleni pulls out a dental mirror and examines the white bitch’s teeth.
“I can’t believe it, you don’t have a single cavit-“
Seleni glares at Ikki as she found the world’s smallest cavity in the back of one of his back teeth. She hits him with the dental mirror
“You fucking bitch. For a second, I thought you had cavities.”
Selene slaps Ikki’s cheek.
“Ow! Harder mommy~”
“Stfu bitch, you know I’m married to two emos D:<“
Seleni rolls her eyes and writes on her paper.
“You dumb white body have 1 cavity. Idgaf so imma just fill up everything because why not?”
Seleni pulls out a drill.
“I’m gonna use my rose toy to take out that nasty ass cavity.”
“A what?”
Seleni turn on the drill and aggressively drill every single centimeter of Ikki’s mouth. Ikki doesn’t move an inch. She throws away the drill.
“Now I’m gonna clean your teeth. But first, we need to freshen up your mouth cause it smells like shit.”
Seleni pulls out her perfume and sprays it on Ikki’s mouth.
“Mmm! Cherry.”
Seleni pulls out two teeth polish flavors. One pink, one brown.
“Do you want bubblegum or shit flavor? You know what? You’re taking shit.”
Seleni applies some teeth polish into the drill and rubs it all over Ikki’s mouth.
“Mmm, shit flavor…. How… unique….”
Seleni writes on her paper again.
“Okay, I’m gonna fill this out and really hope my boss doesn’t notice that I did not tell him….”
Seleni picks up Ikki and throws him off the building.
“Thank you, testicle :3”
“Thank you, pookie wookie daddy alpha dentist :3”
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patriciaarabis · 6 months
Pavements with Print
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This picture was captured by my brother, in Boston Heights Subdivision, Toclong Kawit, Tuesday, April 9, 2024
I wake early in the morning to witness the sunrise, but I forget to take a picture of it. So, instead I wake up my brother to take my pic and the landscape around our house, to be honest I am not a morning person so it’s rare for me to wake up early, and it’s not force, like if I go to school and I have morning schedule I force myself to get up and get ready. But at this moment, I wake up with a positive and lively feeling.
"Positive thinking is more than just a tagline. It changes the way we behave. And I firmly believe that when I am positive, it not only makes me better, but it also makes those around me better." - Harvey Mackay
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I captured this picture when we are going home, this pathway is full of coconut trees like in the province, this picture is taken in Imus Cavite, Tuesday, April 9, 2024
This picture is taken after we are done eating, here in imus Cavite there’s a place or a hidden eating place, that you really need to go inside of that alley to reach that place, and that place has a nature ambiance and fresh air. Their food is also affordable. These trees remind me of my childhood, because I grew up in our province which is Masbate and there’s a lot of coconut trees like this. In every afternoon, me and my cousins we go to the “taas” or “akyat” where there is a lot of coconut and mango trees, and my older cousins climb those trees so we can have our merienda. Because of them I have happy childhood memories.
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This picture is captured while we are doing our weekly grocery, in Imus Cavite, Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Since my siblings and I have no school today, my mother decided to do our groceries so we can go with her and eat after we purchase our needs and goods. This routine became our bonding time together. We go out or sometimes we just watch movies and cook snacks at home, if we are not busy.
“Think of your family today and every day thereafter, don’t let the busy world of today keep you from showing how much you love and appreciate your family.” –Josiah
Theme: Urban Environment
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alchiest · 7 months
I am Alcher John Kho. born in Pasay City on January 24, 2005. grew up in the city of Imus province of Cavite, I am 19 years of age. I'm currently grade 12 student that took academic track strand of HUMSS at General Pantaleon Garcia Senior High (GPGSHS). My parents are Alcher Kho and Emily Baydo, my father works at Air21 as an driver courier and my mother works at Kinghome supermarket as an Lady Guard to provide a financial support for us with my 5 siblings. We are all 7 siblings, I am the second, only 6 of us are studying because the eldest got married early.
There's a lot of things that I like and a few things that I don't like. I like having fun with and friends sometimes and going to somewhere with them but mostly I like to stroll alone nearby. Sometimes I also prefer to stay at home and watched some movies with my family while eating a bunch of salty foods. I also love watching anime such as Demon slayer, Jujutsu kaisen, and so on, YouTube. The thing that I don’t like the most is when someone bothers me and I’m doing an important paper works for school that’s the thing that really gets me mad. I can say that our family is in good condition and I’m lucky to have a complete family. We have experienced many difficulties in life but we never let them to break our family.
I first attend school at the age of 6 and my mother enrolled me as a nursery at the Day Care Center near at our barangay year 2010. When I was a kid, I was forcing my parents to enroll me in a school because when I saw my elder sister everyday before and after going to school I imagine that school is just like a playground that makes everybody happy where you can also gain more knowledge and friends. But as the time goes by I have experienced and encountered a lot of things in school, until now. I started making memories with my classmates, teachers and friends or should I say my second family and they never failed me to have the best memories and unforgettable moments with them every year, the best section I have before is when I was Grade 11 HUMSS HERA. I just found myself in school that is why I love going to schooleveryday even sometimes it makes me so tired. I do have a lot of dreams in life and Istart working of it because I really want to make my dreams comes true.
I remember when I experience the first greatest love though I have only one ex before. When I first saw her walking in the hallway, damn she looks so beautiful. I started to tell myself "even if we're not together, I want to love her unconditionally". I don't believe in love at first sight but why did I feel this way?. I thought she was in the other room but I was surprised that she was behind my chair, I felt mixed emotion that time. fast-forward, as days goes by, my feelings towards her has become deeper to the point I sacrifices all things for her but, one day, everything has change. I broke, I literally broke. I've been depressed for what happened and was cannot believe for it. I never thought I would experience it again but here it is.
When I thought about what happened, I realized a lot. I can't even put everything here but I know because of the realization I thought, it will help me be more careful about love. For now, I love being free, free doing such things like, playing, eat whatever I want, do what ever I want, go somewhere else and lastly focusing to my acads. I realized that my academic performance lately is at the bottom, after noticing my performance, me myself got dismayed and the I know in what way I increase my performance. So I started focusing putting more dedications and perseverance to it. I don't want others who believes in me to be dismayed and disappointed so I keep moving forward, focusing on my goals. I remember when my pastor said "don't be distracted by the voice of your surroundings, whenever you are focusing to your goals they can't distract you, they'll never be".
Before I end my autobiography, I would like to share my motto in life, "Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable." it reflects me of what steve job's said, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it".
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My Journey Through this Life
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itstravelersnoteb00k · 7 months
Chasing tranquility in Tagaytay
By: Marc John Lacambra
12 March 2024 0007H PHT
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Tagaytay is one of the most loved and popular travel destinations among locals because of its enticing sightseeing attractions, delicious delicacies, cold weather, and recreational activities that makes the tourists’ bonding with family and friends more memorable.
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Given that Tagaytay is located in ridges of Cavite, you can see both the Taal Volcano and Taal Lake at some vantage points of the city, and due to its high altitude expect a low-temperature ranging from 29°C to the lowest 18.8°C on summer months of March to May so you need to pack thick clothes or jackets to keep you warm. When you finally arrive at Tagaytay, you won't be discourage because of the stunning natural surroundings and the cool air that caresses your neck, beckoning you to explore and enjoy Tagaytay! You will be entice to take a ton of pictures and videos to remember your trip and post them on social media. You will undoubtedly enjoy yourself with the recreational activities available there, whether you're with family or friends.
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If you’re into thrilling or exciting rides you can visit Sky Ranch and try their rides there such as the Viking boat, Zip line, and their famous Ferris Wheel among others. If you get hungry there are lots of food stall inside Sky Ranch, but if you want to eat either in a fine dine restaurant, fast food chain, or local eatery you can find them around.
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Hence, If you ever bring your own food, you may go to Picnic Grove and enjoy it with your loved ones at a table and bench covered by a roof that resembles a cottage. You can also try horseback riding around the hills of Picnic Grove for a price of P350 per hour, or just take a picture with the horse for only P20.
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In Tagaytay, there is a unique recreational activity that will not require you to wear safety gears. It is called a "kawa bath", where you will sit in a large kawa. For the unfamiliar, kawa is a giant metal wok mostly used to cook a generous amount of food for a feast. It is filled with water and some organic leaves and herbals for aromatherapy, healing purposes, and relaxation. There is a burning fire underneath that heats the water to a specific temperature, so don't worry—they won't cook you HAHAHAHAA.
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The cold weather would be wasted if there are no strawberry farms in there. So, if you’re a strawberry lover, you should visit Queen's Strawberry Farm and enjoy strolling around and taking pictures of the fruits. If you are lucky and visit during the right season, you can also go strawberry picking and pay for it when you leave. You may try their strawberry-flavored salads, breakfast, desserts, and drinks, as the farm also functions as a restaurant and bed & breakfast.
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There are many more attraction that you may visit, recreational activities to try, delicious foods to taste, and even colorful and lively events there in Tagaytay. So, whatever type of tourist you are; you will surely enjoy traveling in there alone, or together with your loved one. Altogether we can have fun and chase the tranquility in Tagaytay!
Hope to see you there, fellow wanderers!
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
We’re getting French in this entry in my series where I cover the origins of every aquatic Pokémon not based on a fish because its gen VI time! For previous entries in this series see gen I part 1, gen I part 2, gen II, gen III, gen IV, and gen V. For the previous series where I cover all the fish Pokémon, see here. As before, starters and legendaries/mythicals will be saved for their own posts.
We only just started and I want to stop because it’s the Binacle line. By Arceus these things are hideous. That kind of fits though, because they’re based on goose barnacles, which aren’t exactly lookers themselves. I previously discussed barnacles here, but in short, they are filter-feeding crustaceans that incase themselves in hard shells that they will stay in for life. Goose barnacles differ from the more common acorn barnacles because they attach to rocks or other hard surfaces via a thick, muscular stalk.
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(image: goose barnacles)
Binacle’s shell is expanded to look like a hand with the face in it. Because two binnacle live together on the same rock they seem to be a case of intraspecific symbiosis, as opposed to the more common intraspecific symbiosis. Barbaracle is seven barnacles living together on two rocks, where they now take a humanoid shape. It retains the goose barnacle inspiration but now I think it also takes inspiration from mecha stories where multiple smaller mechs can combine into a larger one, such as in Voltron. In addition, the non-head barnacles are reduced to a single hand with an eye in the palm, which could reference the hamsa, a common symbol in North Africa and the Middle East.
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(image: a hamsa)
Clauncher and Clawitzer are based on pistol shrimp. These shrimp, members of the family Alpheidae, are known for their asymmetrical claws which they can use to create jets of water and a large snapping sound. The large claw has a chamber within it. When the claw is opened, water will rush into the chamber. The claw can then be snapped shut to pressurize the water enough to create a cavitation bubble and a light emission called sonoluminescence. The pressure forces the water out of the chamber with enough speed and pressure to kill small fish. The whole process takes less than a millisecond and produces a loud snapping sound. The shrimp use the snapping for communication and hunting. They will wait for fish to swim close, then shoot water at them to stun or kill them. Clauncher’s method of powering its water jets is different. It uses controlled release of internal gas. In addition, it uses the water jets to move around and hunt. It is said to shoot flying Pokémon out of the air with its water jets, probably a reference to how the archerfish will knock insects out of the air by spitting water at them. In both the real shrimp and the Pokémon, the claws will grow back if severed. There’s a lot more cool stuff about pistol shrimp I could go over but they aren’t really relevant to Clauncher and I think I’ll save hem for a future Wet Beast Wednesday post.
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(image: a pistol shrimp)
I debated whether or not I should count the Goomy line as aquatic or not but I decided I will because it lives in swamps and will die if it dries out, so I will. Also I just can’t say no to Goomy. The line are based on slugs and a French legendary creature called Lou Carcolh that was said to be a slimy serpent or dragon with hairy tentacles and a large shell.
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(image: a depiction of Lou Carcolh from the blog A Book of Creatures. Check it out, its cool)
Lou Carcolh was a malevolent creature that would grab people with its tentacles and drag them in to devour them. This line is much friendlier. They are likely a combination of land and sea slugs, likely nudibranchs due to their bright coloration. The horns they have are based on the eye stalks of the land slug and the tentacle-like rhinopores of the sea slug.
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(image: a blue sea slug)
Like slugs, they are covered with a layer of slime that keeps them wet. Slugs must stay wet to survive and therefore prefers wetlands or shady areas, much like Goomy. Sliggoo is based on a semi-slug, which are intermediate gastropods between snails and slugs. They still have a shell, but it is too small for them to retract into it and in many species it is covered by the mantle, effectively making it an internal shell.
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(image: a semi-slug)
In contrast to their modern counterparts, Hisuian Sliggoo and Goodra are snails. Their shells are metallic and come from living in mineral-rich waters. They are specifically based on the scaly-foot gastropod, which is a deep-sea snail which has a shell and part of its foot made of iron sulfides.
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(image: the scaly-foot gastropod)
They are also likely based on shussebora, a yokai that is a trumpet shell snail that turned into a dragon after living for 1000 years each in the mountains, plains, and sea.
If you asked me if the Bergmite line was aquatic I would have said no. There is nothing in their descriptions or locations in the game that would imply they live in water. That is until Scarlet and Violet let them swim. It makes some sense, as they are based on icebergs, but it’s still a curveball after 3 generations of them living on mountains or in icy caves. But yeah, they’re icebergs, large chunks of ice that float freely in the water. Bergmite is based more specifically on the top part of the iceberg, which is much smaller than the part that remains underwater. Avalugg is based more on the submerged part of the iceberg. It is also based on a tortoise. It being compared to an aircraft carrier might reference Project Habakkuk, a plan in World War II to make an aircraft carrier out of pykrete, a combination of wood pulp and ice that is resistant to melting. They never actually did it, though.
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(image: an iceberg. No I'm not using the famous iceberg picture)
With that, gen VI comes to a close. Join me next time when we head to the tropics for gen VII.
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purplesurveys · 3 months
1. Did you wake up cranky? No, if anything I felt relief that I woke up from my alarm because I've been terrible with that lately.
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?  That doesn't sound very appealing, no thanks.
3. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? Girls for me are more emotional and expressive, and I kind of need that energy. So it checks out – I definitely have more girl friends.
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger? If they do something or are in a situation that warrants me to give them a smile, then yes. Like if they have a dog with them or if I spot them sporting any kind of merch from a fandom I'm in.
5. Can you commit to one person? Yes.
6. How do you look right now? I liked how I look today, tbh. It's a relaxed look that still looks professional – my hair cooperated today too so that's a big win.
7. What exactly are you wearing right now? I have a royal blue oversized-ish polo, brown pants, sneakers.
8. How often do you listen to music? Mostly in the car, but I will sometimes turn on Spotify when I'm working. Has to be work I'm doing on the weekend where the atmosphere is more relaxed, though – I can't listen to music during a normal 9-6. Too distracting.
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Jeans.
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2014? Wow this is a whole decade ago, but no, it didn't really. I was only 15 going 16 at the time, and life wasn't throwing stuff at me yet. A good way to put it is that I was just on the cusp of major changes – by 2014 I got in my first relationship; the year after my grandfather died; the year after that I started college...everything pretty much snowballed from 2014, but not before it.
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person? Social. The professional field I'm in has definitely taught me how to enjoy social interactions more than I ever used to.
12. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? I don't bother with dating and relationships anymore, but I imagine that I would realistically be crushed.
13. Are you good at hiding your feelings? No...I'm transparent as glass.
14. Can you drive a stick shift? Nope.
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you? I'd care in a sense that I'd be annoyed LOL. I barely bother with other people any more as it is – what could I have done for you to talk crap? I've graduated from the phase where I let it actively bother me though. So it's just petty annoyance, and then I let it go.
16. Are you going out of town soon? Not anymore. That's all I did this month but all those plans are done now, so I'm just focusing on getting used to a normal routine again. June alone I've been to Bulacan, Caloocan, Saigon, Da Nang, and Cavite. I'm TIREDDDDD hah and to think I was supposed to even go to Hong Kong with Angela and Hans before I backed out!
17. When was the last time you cried? Earlier this afternoon, in my ride to the office. Hans is proposing to Angela tomorrow and I've been emotional about it ever since he told me haha. We're not gonna be the same after tomorrow :'D
18. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yes.
19. If you could change your eye color, would you? I like what I have now.
20. Name something you have to do tomorrow? I have a bunch of meetings but I will also be paying close attention to my phone because Hans and Angela will 100% call any time.
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having. I had a meeting with that one client that irritates me to the ends of the world, and today's call was no different.
22. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex? Nope.
23. Are you nice to everyone? Yeah. You never know what anyone's going through, so I always prefer to just show kindness and patience to everyone – unless of course they give me a reason to take that away.
24. What are you sitting on right now? I'm sitting in my car. I want to wait out the traffic.
25. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Yes.
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? At one point, yeah.
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? Reena and Angela, I think.
28. Do you get a lot of colds? No it doesn't happen often...but I do happen to have one now :( I have a sore throat as well and it's so uncomfortable and I hate that I don't know where and who I could have possibly caught it from, because no one else I know seems to have a cold.
29. Have your pants ever fallen down in public? I don't think they have!
30. Does anyone hate you? I can think of one person who might.
31. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? I'm sure I can, I just prefer not to.
32. Do you like watching scary movies? Sure.
33. Are you a jealous person? Not really. I'm super nonchalant these days lol.
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? I wish I can say 2020 because that year sucked ass, but my thought process about it is that year had to suck as much as it did to have led me to my happiness and peace today. So let's keep 2020.
My real answer to this would probably be 2017.
35. Did you have a dream last night? I probably did, but as always I forgot the dream as soon as I woke up.
36. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? Yeah.
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? Nope.
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you? No.
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? No.
40. Did you have a good day yesterday? Sure. It was an average day leaning on good.
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship? Nope.
42. Is your life anything like it was two years ago? It's the same and different in so many ways. 20s can get very complicated like that.
43. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? I'm having a blast being alone right now, haha.
44. What’s the best part about school? The friends part.
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? Sure, but I post very infrequently. Usually just for big big life events or special holidays – I posted pics from my Agust D concert, for example; and I also post greetings for my parents every Father's and Mother's Day.
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school? I never started it. I was always the one being passed notes to, which infuriated me because I often ended up being the one getting caught and getting a stinkeye from the teacher.
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head? Sure.
48. Were you single over the last summer? Yes.
49. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Nothing. I caught up with all my work backlogs so I'm feeling super satisfied right now haha.
50. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive? He is in a way but he wouldn't be my type.
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kirakiraaa42 · 8 months
Chapter VII - Consequential conception
FEBRUARY 29, 2000
Cavite, Philippines
The year 2000 is a leap year.
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9:00 AM
In De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, a BS Entrepreneurship student is currently selling some kakanin (rice desserts) in her school to simply earn some money for herself. There was an alloted free time for the students, and she takes this opportunity to sell a variety of her home-made products.
"Hey, classmate, do you want to buy some of my kakanin? I have some puto, kutsinta, maja, and many more!" Holding her bilao, she asks some girls on the corner of her room, who seem to be a bit unwelcoming.
"Hmm? What? Who eats those stupid rice cakes nowadays? I have my delicious chocolate cake right here. I don't need that." The girl answered sassily.
"Sorry. Don't have money for that." Another girl who just answered with a straight face.
"Can't... so sorry..." Another girl also looked down as if she seemed to be shy and distant.
The kakanin seller just pursed her lips. "Okay. Thank you." She then gets out of her room, hoping that people from other classes will buy her kakanin.
Stumbling upon another room where the students inside seemed pretty busy in making some homeworks, she knocks on the door six times. All of them notice the girl, who is still holding her bilao.
"Hello... I know you all seem pretty busy, but do you mind buying some kakanin from me? You can eat these while you're writing!"
A boy from the corner left of the room then stands up and struts to the kakanin seller, with his hands on his pockets. He then leans his elbow into the doorframe, looking at her with a smirk.
"Hey. How much for that puto you got there?"
"Umm... It's only 5 pesos..." She gulped, sensing this guy's suspicious aura.
"5 pesos? That's a pretty good price, for a pretty lady like yourself." He erects his whole body to show her a bit of dominance, which made the young lady even more cramped, even if there was literally no wall behind her.
"Ummm, are you buying, or are you trying to—"
The smug boy puts a finger on her lips. The lady is already trembling whilst holding her bilao. "Of course I am going to buy your puto. But I would like to make a proposition."
"Sir, I..."
The smug, hunky boy grinned, still exerting his dominance. "You see, I like all of these sweet kakanin that you got, but I also like you. How about you give me a taste of both, and in return..."
He then raises her chin up, locking eyes with her.
"I'll make sure you get some extra business, bring more customers your way? I know everyone here in school, so you don't have to worry about—"
The kakanin seller, clearly uncomfortable with the situation at hand, immediately rejects his advances and withdraws from him slowly. "I'm sorry, but not interested in any propositions. Please just let me know if you would like to buy."
"Come on. It wouldn't hurt, would it now? Maybe that kakanin of yours can be a vessel to heart, sweetie." He brushes his thumb on his lips, while maintaining his sultry gaze on the young woman.
"Sir, if you are just going to try and make your way with me, then don't chatter with me like I'm a—"
The young woman still had her grasp on her bilao, but the boy immediately grabbed it and tossed it to the side. All of the kakanin that she made fell into the floor.  
"Now you're really playing hard to get, huh..." He then struts slowly into her, still asserting his superiority, as she slowly walks backward, bumping her into a wall of another classroom.
The boy slams his hand on the wall threateningly, and he has now got her in a corner, leaving the young woman nowhere left to run... If she runs away, she'll get chased. But even if she doesn't, she'll put herself in an even riskier situation. Fearing for her life, the kakanin seller puts both of her hands on her chest, not even looking at the domineering boy right in front of her.
"I would suggest you reconsider your life choices, darling. Else I would do something to you that I wouldn't want myself to do, maybe even endanger your little kakanin business that you've got there."
The young woman shuddered. "Sir, please. I'm only trying to... to..."
"Now, pretty lady. You either join me, or get fucked. Up. Immediately." He reprimanded her.
In a turn of random events, another student that was from the same class as him picked up the bilao and put all of the fallen kakanin back from the floor.
He would even say what specific kakanin he was collecting.
"Hmmm... puto, sapin-sapin... kutsinta, sapin-sapin, puto, suman, puto again, kutsinta, maja, another maja..."
The smug boy and the kakanin seller look at him. He yelled out, "Hey, David! What are you doing here?"
This boy called David, who seems to be a foreign student, had already picked up all of the kakanin and tucked the bilao to his side. He then goes near them, acting nonchalantly.
"Hey, Matteo. You're just wasting all these kakanin! They look really good, you know?" He smacks his lips, as if he was sleepy.
"Why don't you step back a bit, David? I'm trying to negotiate with this pretty lady that I am swooning over here..." He slowly turns his head back to the kakanin seller, who is still cramped between Matteo and the wall behind her.
"Pretty sure that's called harassment, mate."
In a completely random act, David theatrically starts juggling some of the kakanin from the bilao. He expertly tosses the puto, sapin-sapin, and maja into the air, catching them with a flourish. This absurd display of juggling skill not only surprises Matteo but also irritates him, as he feels that David is not taking the situation seriously.
Matteo, now thoroughly annoyed, raises his voice, "Hey, David! Are you seriously juggling kakanin right now? This is not the time for your silly antics!"
David smirks and retorts, "Now, come on, big Matteo. Don't you like a bit of fun? You would rather want this than you "flirting" with women, don't you?"
He would then perform the final act, as he stops juggling and throws the puto, maja and sapin-sapin one by one on Matteo's face. by one, into Matteo's face. That made him visibly agitated, and he then struts towards David, throws the bilao he held, again, and grabs him by his uniform's collar, pinning him into the wall of their own classroom.
"You stupid little cunt! I'm going to make you pay for clowning me!" Matteo growled.
David was so unserious to the point that he sees this as a mere small ordeal. "Every day is a summer vacation for me, mate. Why don't you become like me and have fun for a bit?" He smiles.
The kakanin seller and the other students in both classrooms all watched the whole commotion happening. They leaned over windowsills and doorways, their expression a mix of bemusement and utter surprise. Chatters, whispers and curious stares filled around the area, while the young woman was looking at how genuine David's smile was, and then shifting into the more impulsive and infuriated Matteo. She couldn't help but be amused at him as well, but there is a hint of concern considering that he is being apprehended by the aggressor.
"If you're going to keep on clowning me, I'm gonna have to dip your head into the filthy toilet water at the men's lavatory!"
David is still wearing his mischievous smile. He plans to piss Matteo off even further.
"You really know how to make someone's day, mate. Did you know that orange juice is made out of oranges? Or did you know that a recent study has shown that most people use their eyes to see things?"
The bizarrely irrelevant statements caught everyone off-guard. Even the young kakanin seller covered her mouth trying to stifle her laugh. What was supposed to be a potentially tense moment has turned into an absurd comedy. David's ability to make light of the situation by muttering useless information sarcastically left Matteo even more enraged, more so than speechless.
"You... You..."
Matteo clenches his fist, whilst still lifting his collar up and has him pinned against the wall, pulls it back to launch it at David...
...only for David to dodge it by cocking his head sideways just in the nick of time. Matteo struck the wall so hard that it immediately broke his knuckles, which made him loosen his grip on the foreigner student.
"Whoopsies. It seems like your temper isn't the only thing that is broken." David spoke in a nonchalant and witty tone, still smiling. "That was a good throw though. You should be on the dodgeball team with Mr. Gonzalez!"
Matteo continues to cry in agony, holding his broken fist. "GAHHHH! MAMAAAAA!"
The foreigner then bends over and mockingly puts his palm on his ear. "Hah? Mama? Boy, you're a college student for crying out loud! Why don't you go home and say hi to your Mummy for me instead?"
Not long after, Matteo runs away from the scene in shame, still crying in pain due to his broken fist. The students, especially the kakanin seller, all laughed and hollered as the tense and absurd commotion came to a conclusion, to the point that even the hallway that separated the two classrooms were filled with noises from them. David just stood there with his hands on his waist, smiling smugly, feeling accomplished.
He would then turn his back as soon as the bully was out of view. The foreigner picked up the bilao and the fallen kakanin on the ground. Smiling generously, he presents it to the kakanin seller.
"Hey. I'll pay for every kakanin that he wasted."
She grabbed the bilao of kakanin from him. "Thank you. But are you sure you can pay off everything?"
David reaches for his pocket and pulls out a 1000-peso bill from his wallet. "Too tired to count the quantity of items you got. Just keep the change, miss."
"Huh? But sir, are you-"
"Just take it and keep the change before I CHANGE my mind." He then slaps his thigh and points at her. "Haha! Get it? Change?"
The kakanin seller chuckled, although the joke wasn't supposed to be funny. "Okay, sir. Thank you so much..."
She then claims the 1000-peso bill from David. To show his appreciation, he holds the bilao in his left hand and grabs a puto with the other, eating it. His eyes smiled as he tasted the really sticky and sweet white dessert. His expression was so contagious that even the young woman grinned as well.
The two didn't even notice that the students are turning their attention to them.
"Do you like it?" She asked.
David winked as he chewed the puto. "Why wouldn't I?"
When she smiled again, everyone was hollering and yelling again as a somewhat gleeful and romantic moment unfolded. Not even David and the kakanin seller could focus on the crowd, because they were literally locking eyes. She cannot help but grin at him from ear to ear as he picks up another one of the kakanin in the bilao.
"Hey." David chews his food first. "Come get some of this. You made this, so you deserve to eat them."
At first glance she knew that she couldn't refuse his offer, so she picked up the maja blanca and eats it, savoring its sticky texture and delicate flavour. still admiringly looking at him, whilst her other hand was pressed against her pounding heart. There were falling clumps of the maja blanca because she focus remains fixed on him, but she could care less about that.
The two then turn their heads as they hear their other classmates carrying on their uproar.
"Ayieee! Look at these two right there!"
"Waw! Potential power couple!"
"Look at David, he's such a cutie!"
(Ayiee = a Filipino expression used to tease someone)
"You know what? Why don't we go somewhere else? There's too much noise and I hate getting my eardrums wrecked." David beamed, taking her hand and pulled her out of the area, and downstairs outside the classroom.
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The kakanin seller and David settled in one of the cottages near the Lake Park. Seeing that this must be the former's first time being alone with someone, David attempts to be comfortable and friendly with her, and not be a creep like Matteo.
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"Why don't you get some more? I can't eat all of this kakanin, ya know?" He said as he ate a sapin-sapin.
The young woman waved her hand in dismissal. "No, thank you. I'm not hungry anymore."
"Fine. More for me then." He licks the clumps of sapin-sapin off his hand. "These are good, though. I'm glad I bought all of this."
"You really shouldn't eat that many kakanin desserts, you know? You're gonna get fat if you keep on munching them." She teases.
"Doesn't matter." He then rests his palm on his cheek, smirking at the young woman. "I'll keep on munching food if it makes that person happy."
She just looked down on the floor, pursing her lips. She couldn't say anything at all as she felt that sense of optimism from him.
David moved the bilao to the side and he rests him elbow on the table while also resting his palms on his cheeks, trying to look adorable in front of her with his hazel eyes and smuggish smirk.
The young lady then looks at him again, making him chuckle. She then covers her beet red face out of embarrassment.
"You don't have to be all bashful like that, missus. I'm just your average bloke from Britain, innit?"
"It's because of you, though. You're getting all smug and you're pretending to be cute, and you're... You're..." She then tries to think of an adjective.
"And what, hmm?" David drops his left hand and taps his cheek lightly with his right index finger, still smirking at her. He was expecting some sort of adjective that will trigger his flirting skills.
"You're just like all the other men." The kakanin seller folds her arms.
David raised his eyebrow pretending to question the young woman's answer. "What do you mean I'm like all the other men? I'm literally a white guy." He joked.
The kakanin seller shook her head and chuckled. "No, 'Mr. British Bloke'. I meant that you're cocky and so full of yourself, like everyone else. Isn't that the same case for you folks back in London?"
"Nah. I'm from Leeds." He replied.
"What does that even mean?"
He then begins to speak in a Yorkshire accent with a distinct Northern lilt to surprise the kakanin seller. "Leeds. Northern England. Ah'm nah Londoner, lassie. Y'see, me naw as posh and puffed up as thum, yer knaw? Moo-er daan to erth, we are, and not sooper high and mighty. Naw lark they spiyk lark they've 'ad a whiff o' thum Mary Janes."
The young lady was startled at his sudden change of accent, or "language." At least, that's what she thought it was. "I don't know what language you just spoke right now, but there's no way in hell that I would understand a single word you spit out of your mouth, mister!"
"See? That's 'ow charmin' I am." He winks, before he switches back to the RP accent. "But yes, that's how we are in Leeds, love. Not from London..." He forms an X with his arms. "...at all. That was an accent, by the way."
"I thought London was the only place in your country." She replied, to which David also expressed with a fake offended face, which was funny enough on its own. He didn't even need to say a word, only his expression was enough to make her giggle.
He then attempts to switch topics, along with a hand gesture. "What's your name, by the way?"
She giggled again. "Maricar Hernandez. And you?"
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"David.  David Hutchison. "
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The two would then shake hands, which signified the beginning of a love story between them. Since that day, they would meet each other even when one of them has their own classes, or at their own free time. Maricar enjoyed talking to David about his country and what was it like living there, and she would also bring him lots of kakanin. They would even become the most popular couple in school, and even a few teachers would know about it. But it didn't really matter to them. All they ever focused on was on each other, and their studies, of course.
In a turn of events, it got to the point where they focused on each other too much.
MARCH 2000
No one was at the Hutchison residence except for some moaning sounds that can be heard in the room on the second story of the house. The sounds were filled with so much uncontrolled lust and longing. Not even the sleeping dogs were fazed at the erotic noises as they were sleeping in the living area.
"D-David, David! Ah! Ah! Oh, you're so... you're so good..." Maricar moaned out as she was being thrusted by David from behind.
With each thrust, David tries to stifle a moan but to no avail. He just felt so pleasured inside Maricar, and couldn't control himself any longer, as if his body was on automatic mode, his mind drifting off somewhere else except for the thought of Maricar being fucked.
She looked at David whilst making an erotic face. "David, please keep fucking me. Your dick is so good. Fill me up with your cum, love."
Maricar wasn't even thinking that he did it raw, which meant there could be a possibility that she could get pregnant. Equally, David could think little to nothing of the potential risks that would consequently take place thereafter. Their rational thinking has blown off of their minds like a paper airplane, leaving only the lustful thoughts that they have shared.
"Maricar... I'm almost there. You're so sexy, I can't stop myself." He groaned out as he kept on moving his dick inside her walls.
Maricar was on the verge of cumming, too. She rolled her eyes back and then closed them, her moans and little noises unsilenced.
Not more than 3 minutes later, the two have reached climax, with Maricar moaning even louder in immense pleasure, and equally, David letting out a hiss. They now lay down on their bed together, their thinking and judgment being clouded by lust. The latter would also begin to scoot over to the young woman, kissing her passionately.
"Mari. I love you."
"I love you too."
This point in both the Brit and the kakanin seller's lives would then change soon after, where their unchecked physical intimacy would lead to the conception of their son.
The consequences of their undoing would lead them to the potential downfall of their individual lives.
Maricar has been rejected by her own parents after she found out that she was pregnant, and has been ordered to not return to their home anymore. She was also forced to drop out of DLSUD which obviously meant that she wouldn't be able to continue studying in college.
"Ma! I'm sorry! Please, I didn't know it was—"
"Get out! You don't deserve to be provided under me now! Never come back!" Her mother threw the bag of clothes and other things outside the door.
"Ma, please! I'm begging you!" Maricar kneeled onto the ground, crying, holding her mother's hand. "Pa, please talk some sense into Mama!"
"I have told you a million times already that at this age you shouldn't be engaging in relationships, and now look what happened, Maricar! You never listen to us! You will have to take care of that child on your own! Do not expect us to be feeding you anymore!" Her father added.
"Pa... Please. Ma. Don't leave me here..."
"You're a burden to us, you ungrateful child! Don't even think of showing your face again!!!" Her mom slammed the door shut.
"Ma!!! Pa!!! Please... Don't leave me, please..." Maricar banged on the door, begging for her mother to let her back inside. "Maaaa!!! Paaaaaa!!!"
She was beginning to crumble into pieces as she broke down in tears. Her parents have now neglected her, their very own daughter because of her negligence. Their strictness was for the purpose of protecting her from entangling into relationships, but in her youthful defiance, she crossed a line that she shouldn't have, which led to this devastating situation. Maricar then carries the bags and walks away from their home, gasping for air, as the feeling of abandonment cut deep into her heart.
Meanwhile, David was scolded greatly by his parents, and he was also forced to drop out of college as well. However, he was also given one-third of his parents' fortune, enough for him to provide for his now pregnant girlfriend.
"One-third of our fortune should be enough. As for your... pregnant partner, she will be permitted to stay with us until your child is born." His father declared.
David tries to talk to his dad. "But Dad, I-"
His mum rebuts. "Enough nonsense, David! We flew to the Philippines and lived here in Cavite just so we could get you the best school and now you are trying to talk us out of it? Jesus Christ..."
David looked at his parents with a pitiful frown. "Mum, Dad, I'm sorry. I knew it was going to happen at some point, and I wish I shouldn't have done it."
"And yet you did it anyway!" His dad groaned, putting his palm on his face, and then rubbing his forehead. He couldn't get enough of the stress. "Son, I have no choice but to impose this on you. You cannot continue your studies while you're being a parent to that child of yours!"
"But can't we just make a bargain?"
"No. As your dad said, you are not going to school anymore, and your partner will be staying here until that child inside her womb is born. No more excuses." His mum folded her arms, scowling at his son.
With that in mind, David had nothing to do anymore. No more jokes, no more laughs, and no more hanging out with friends. His youthful life is now taken away from him because of his own undoing, and now, he is now bound to Maricar's side, forcing him to shoulder the weight of caring for her in the following nine months. The future that he had envisioned slowly dissipated like smog, casting upon him a huge sense of responsibility.
The bell of their gate rang, and then David goes outside the door of their residence to check it out. He sees a sobbing Maricar holding her bags. Her hands were already bruised because of the weight that she is carrying. The Brit immediately rushes to the gate and opens it, hugging the young woman tightly.
"Mari, I'm so sorry..." 
Time has long passed by, and it would be the first day of the last month of the year. In the delivery room, Maricar is now cradling a baby that just came out of her womb. The baby was crying loudly, filling the room with its tiny, yet potent voice. Maricar's heart swelled with a mixture of joy and exhaustion, realizing that her life would never be the same from this moment forward. She couldn't help but think about the amazing journey that lay ahead for the two of them as she gently rocked her precious bundle in her arms.
"Oh. My baby. My precious baby boy."
On this day, Axelle Hutchison is born.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
You know I'm always going to ask about et ipsi sunt jacula 👀
of course you will! and you should. I actually still have 150 words meme things to write in this one. for those of you who are (a) new around here and (b) actually know anything about lymond chronicles, this is the one set during the disorderly knights where lymond's constant unwillingness to take a break leads to him collapsing. but isn't it a good thing :) that the honorable graham reid malett :) is there to take care of him in his time of need :) :) :)
would absolutely call this one hurt/comfort/hurt as far as genre goes. when the comfort is the hurt. this one is only taking me so goddamn long because, well, lymondfic is like that when you're me and insist on 45 minutes of research for throwaway one line references, and also I'm trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to end the damn thing, which probably I should've decided before I started writing, but you know.
a snippet, illustrating the aforementioned throwaway one line references, which are why I can really only work on this fic when I have an internet connection
“Your wound,” Gabriel said, removing his hands, “needs tending.” 
“And you, with your healer’s hands,” Lymond said. “Ille more suo victus pietate, nec sordes cavit, nec fetorum exhorruit.”
“I make no claims to the miraculous,” Gabriel said. “But such things come first and foremost to the faithful.”
“Accept Christ,” Lymond said, “and my deformities shall disappear. Deny him, and I am cast out of the body public. Is that it?” 
the latin here translates to "he, after his manner, overcome by piety, neither guarded against filth, nor shuddered at the stench" and comes from aelred of rievaulx’s “life of st. edward the confessor,” supposedly the first monarch to demonstrate the healing "royal touch."
the process for my getting there was: I knew I wanted a reference to the royal touch healing thing, which meant I needed to find a good candidate to reference; I decided to go for this one both for reasons of date and also the english/scottish tensions in lymond as a whole series (and thus referring gabriel to a foreign king), then I needed to find a book with a textual description of st. edward's healing powers, then i needed to find a quotation to use within that text, then I needed to track down the latin for that quotation. and by "need" obviously I mean "none of this was necessary but I guess I wanted to."
nine pages twelve footnotes. it's great, this is the fandom where I really get to let a very specific form of nerd freak flag fly
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akocomyk · 2 years
Had a creepy and sad dream this early morning
I couldn't let go of it.
I remember the first parts of it being in the new office of my previous company and we were all preparing for some big formal event in a nearby location. Some of my old officemates were ignoring me.
Moments later, we were all trying to change outfits for that particular event, and when I tried to change, I found out that I wasn't able to bring the pants for my suit. Then I started panicking and talking to different people. An old college classmate was there, all suited up, and I tried to ask him for help but he just brushed me aside.
BUT... there were a bunch of girls who volunteered on helping me. And... they really started doing their work—as in do my hair, makeup, undressing me and making me try on some clothes...
And then... somehow it changed into a different location... and a different story.
I was with a group of people in a place where the road bends—kinda similar to those in Kawit, Cavite—and there were some teenage kids who were jumping and causing a small earthquake.
But then our group was led inside a museum... explaining why the earth shakes at the slightest movement. It turns out, below the streets of Kawit were tunnels and secret passages used during Spanish era and until World War II.
Many towering shrines and statues in honor of the Virgin Mary stood before in that part of Cavite. If you looked on the horizon back then, rows of statues of great heights would fill your vision.
The museum then turned out to be an exhibit of Virgin Mary images. I felt scared just being in that place. Hundreds of sculptures were there—some in various ages of decay, some beautiful in their pristine condition.
Then our group ran outside. Because we've had enough of the place
Then I ran over my mother. She was wearing a red blouse, the one she wore when we went to Lucban, Quezon.
And I was shocked. And I started crying.
My mother walked away.
That moment, I knew everything wasn't real. I remembered that I can only see my mother in my dreams.
I grabbed the nearest person to me—a college classmate from a different course. And I hugged her and cried.
That's when I woke up.
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Fathers and Daughters
My parents separated when I was six years old. My mother finally moved out of our old house in Cavite after years of cheating and emotional abuse from my father who had a daughter with his mistress. When my Mom left my Dad and took us with her, it was hard on me because I was a Daddy’s girl. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and seeing my mother cry. I remember asking her why these things happened to us and she just told me people separate all the time, just like Sharon and Gabby. When we finally met our half sister, that’s when I knew I was no longer a Daddy's girl. I was born on September 25, 1994. My half-sister was born on September 5, 1994. She was born twenty days earlier. They moved to our home no less than 2 weeks after we left. I asked her where she sleeps, she told me my Dad just redecorated the pink room, my room, and painted it green- her favorite color.
Father’s day has always been hard for me. My brothers don’t seem to mind but for me, it stings a little. I never get envious of other people’s accomplishments and things. It may sound hypocritical but it’s true. I am happy for others. Except on Father’s day. As I see posts from daughters telling the world that their first love is their dad, or that they have the best father in the world, I can’t help but feel jealous. I know my grandfather and uncles made sure we felt we have someone but we were just basically mooching off of other people’s dads. If they had to choose, I’m pretty sure they’d choose their own kids over us.
I can’t say my father didn’t try. He was kinda there growing up. But the keyword is kinda. Because we were not his priority. When I think of him, all I remember is the empty chair during my 4th year recognition day. My professors and friends feeling sorry for me because no one attended. Smiling and telling them I didn’t really invite someone because another award isn’t a big deal for me. But crying deep inside because I have an empty chair. I asked him why he couldn’t come. He said he had to go to fetch my sister from school.
And I think that hurts me the most. Seeing he could be a father if he wanted to. He just couldn’t be there for us. He just didn’t choose us.
I don’t know how to finish this without breaking down. But I hate father’s day. It’s a constant reminder that ours is a shitty one. And the one person that actually was there for us, is dead.
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