#whether we talk or not im just glad you're here
boyfhee · 1 year
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hellooo thank u so much for 2k?!?!?! honestly when i re-started this account, i didn't expect the experience to be better than the prev one ( i didn't even expect myself to stick around for a year, it was my blog's 1st anniv on 22nd ) anyway, i'd keep it short— thank u for reading my works and leaving your feedback, it really means a lot ♡
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spaceistheplaceart · 7 months
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Body Swap - How Do I Talk Like That? Part Three
Honestly, I'm not that happy with how this part went but after literally struggling with it for like. half a year. im just glad its done. let me know what you guys think!
Summarized ID: Reigen tries to help Mob in the consultation by gesturing to him what he should do. Mob doesn't get the hint, and the client almost leaves before Reigen is able to somehow sway him with his over energetic sales pitch. They wait for a taxi, but Mob seems down.
(This is a body swap, so I'll be referring to the characters as who they actually are but keep in mind that Reigen is in Mob's body and vice versa.)
"I see..." Hiroto says. "Hmm..."
Mob glances over at Reigen, who is frantically pointing to the 'course options' sheet on the desk. Mob looks down at it and says, "oh!" before picking it up and reading it. "Let's see, the fees for the various course packages are listed here..." He slides it over to Hiroto, smiling. "Please, read it over. There seems to be a deal on the 'all-out' package this month."
Reigen grips his hair in distress, thinking to himself: "No! You're supposed to talk him through the process!"
We see Hiroto reading the sheet. Reigen is still thinking, "You can't let him read the whole thing, reel him in before he's got time to think!!!" Reigen leans over his desk, staring intensely at Mob and Hiroto. "Now would be a great time for some latent telepathic abilities to awaken!"
Hiroto hands the sheet back to Mob. "Hm. Well. Thank you for taking the time to see me. I'll keep you in mind." He stands up.
"Crap!" Reigen thinks to himself, standing up from his seat. "Sir!" He calls out to Hiroto, who is near the door and ready to leave. Reigen points to a poster behind him that says '3 Ghosts, One Free!'. He says, "Did you know that right now we have a special deal going on!? For the whole month, if you have three ghosts or more, we'll exorcise a third of them free!"
Hiroto looks at Reigen, bemused. A question mark is beside him. "Aha. Thanks, kid, but... I'm alright."
Reigen looks at him tensely, a sweatdrop on his cheek. He glances back at Mob, who is frozen and still holding the price sheet.
Reigen puts his hands on his hips and speaks out again, "Listen! My master is absolutely the real deal! Just look at all these satisfied customers!" He points to a corkboard behind him. On top of the corkboard is a label that says 'Our Customers' and there are many photos of customers on the board, pinned up. Reigen says, "Every single one of them! Spirit free! Whether it was a barrage of spirits or just one-"
He continues, pointing to himself with his thumb. "MY MASTER! Was able to help them all! So-"
He trails off as Hiroto begins to chuckle. He holds his hands over his stomach, his chuckling slowly trailing off. He sighs and smiles at Mob.
"Aha... Seems you've got yourself quite the little businessman, huh?"
Reigen, Mob, and Dimple, simply look at him, confused.
Hiroto runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "Fine... Be over at 1 o'clock. Sharp."
He leans down to Reigen's height, smiling with sparkles around him. "That's thirty minutes from now, okay?"
Reigen forces a smile, sparkles around him too now. "Yep, sounds great! We'll see you then, sir!"
"Wonderful, see you then." Hiroto says. He leaves, disappearing behind the wall that seperates the entryway from the office. As he's leaving, he mutters to himself "Aha... kids..." Then the door closes with a chime.
Mob is sat at Reigen's desk, a shadow over his eyes and his hands clasped together. Reigen comes up and claps a hand on his shoulder, looking off to the side.
"Well! It's to be expected. You did the best you could, Mob.Though I do have a few pointers..." He waves his hand around dismissively. "We'll talk on the way."
"Sure." Mob says.
Two panels, both black with white text, say: PROGRESS TOWARDS EXPLOSION: 48%
We cut to outside the office, where Mob and Reigen are sitting on a curb. There's a text box above them that reads: "waiting for a taxi"
Dimple floats off to Mob's side. Mob looks a little sad. Dimple frowns and asks, "Why do you look so down? You got the job in the end. Don't tell me you're bummed just because it was little awkward."
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sugar-omi · 8 months
Imagine mc giving birth to their baby. You know, Cove is probably panicking, Baxter pretending he's okay but at some point faints and our brave Derek letting mc crush his hand with theirs lol
And also I've seen a clip of a dude who just witnessed his wife deliver their baby and, with a face full of horror, he told her, "I am SO sorry, I won't do that again. " 🤣😭
I'm just imagining one of the boys saying something like that, in my head it's so funny
omg i almost missed this!!! im so glad you brought this up bc i love thinking abt how the boys are during delivery, especially cove omg (im sorry this is such a ramble... but also not sorry bc my brain worms are dancing in happiness at these thoughts)
even though you've had months to prepare for this and cliff n kyra has given cove lots of advice, paired with a lot of "don't freak out!" (sometimes followed by something freaky that happens during pregnancy or labor...)
he's prepared for this though. as prepared as an anxious first time dad can be. i mightta said this before, but whether you have him in the room the whole time or just to come cut the cord and hold the baby, is up to you.
if you have him in the room he'll let you hold his hand and he'll be holding yours back (he doesn't notice the pain of your grip for the longest...)
he definitely does what you mentioned and apologizes for putting you thru this LOL
after you give birth, he will do everything... he'll change diapers, put them down for naps, burp, wash, everything... because after that he needs to even the balance (if it was up to him, you'd never lift a finger after that, especially if you have multiple kids via birth)
delivery bag? more like BAGS. mans has double of everything, he's PETRIFIED
also he runs to any place you want and buys you food while you're in labor if it's really long
and he stays with you up until its go time, then if you want him to wait outside he will
also he faints... or at least gets weak
if you have a c-section he's alrdy freaked out bc... omg they're taking a knife to you thats scary shit
but just natural birth? he's doubly freaked out because your body can do THAT??? you're literally pushing out a whole baby and he is awed but losing his shit honestly
would be babbling praises and encouragements (both for you and himself) n you can tell him to shut up its okay bc he's gonna laugh in the end anyway, but he'll probably end up going quiet bc he's trying not to be distracting and he probably saw something he wasn't prepared for 😬
probably starts crying the closer your baby gets to being out the womb, n after they're fully out and here he's bawling and just realized it but also he's trying to comfort n check on you first so you end up laughing bc he's fretting over you as if he isnt flooding the room
mans is NOT CALM
tries to look calm, but he just looks constipated and he looks tired honestly
he's been losing sleep this whole pregnancy bc he's afraid of being a bad father, but he's so excited and ends up staying up at night talking to your belly so he just can't win
surprisingly dropped the collared shirts and slacks
mans is stuck in t-shirts and sweatpants or jeans
his hair is a mess too
omg he's napping when you go into labor
he jumps up, mismatched socks (either he's wearing an ankle cat print sock and a knee high sock, or he's wearing one sock. its bad n i think him wearing one sock is better (worse for him but hes fineeee))
the nurses love him bc he's running in and out bringing you food and runs back to get anything he or you forgot or might need
another over packer
honestly they're all over packers who are we kidding
this is where is wedding planner job comes in handy
has backups and plan b's for everything
and even though everything is right he brings extra just to feel better
won't be in the room if you want that ofc, but he psychs himself up to be in there
he's really scared n nervous, more-so than cove actually. but he wants to support you and if you want him in there, he's there. even if you reassure him he doesn't have to be there, he wants to be
he has to sit down while he's there, his leg is shaking and he's torn between watching whatevers going on over there and watching your face for any signs which.. doesnt really make sense since labor isnt like going to the waterpark but he has a kind heart <33
spends so much time looking at the baby... cove does too but baxter spends double that time
watches the nurses and doctors like a hawk whenever they mess w the baby
will curl up next to your bed and thanks you so much for giving him such a beautiful life, this is all stuff he never thought he'd have and he's so happy
he's actually the calmest one
he has 2 siblings and even though he was young when they were born, he has lots of experience with babies and he prepared
isn't that bad of an over packer actually, just extra baby stuff and some of the best snacks
but he'll still surprise you with your favorite food or takeout
he will do anything for you during labor, remind him to just sit down and hold your hand n stfu, thats what nurses n doctors are for n he really can't help much atp, its all up to you and the nurses+doc
holds your hand even though you might be hurting him. will just wince thru it or convince you to switch hands
will keep giving encouragement and either times it perfectly so he doesn't get on your nerves or you have to kindly ask him to shut up bc you're not playing ball, it isnt helping!!!!
also pulls a cove and does a lot of the work around the house and with the baby bc that was tough work, labor and carrying the baby? you deserve it!!!
ends up talking n holding the baby a lot, is probably a little scared since theyre so little and just holds their hand or looks at them
you sometimes wake up to him mumbling stuff to the baby, abt how happy he is, how he's going to take care of you both, how much he loves them...
carries everything outta the hospital by himself (by everything he means your hand and the baby, his family is probably dragging your stuff to the car bc they're here to help n make your life a million times easier and its literally a sleepover with nico around)
anyway. i need more dad!derek hc's now, specifically uncle nico and jorge, bc that is such a big brain thought
now this applies to all the boys honestly, i didnt even think abt it until now
but he helps you walk to the bathroom and put on all the pads n underwear n stuff if you need it
i remember seeing a youtube short where the woman said her fiance or husband helped her walk to the bathroom, spray her coochie w the water spray bottle, and with the underwear stuff
so don't worry about how you look or if it's icky because you're all sore and/or stitched up or anything like that because he's not paying attention, he just wants to help you in any way possible
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ceasarslegion · 4 months
My roommate and I have been sitting here discussing coffee creamer guy for the last 10 minutes. Given the average limit for human stomach capacity is between 2-4L, coffee creamer has a high density, and planes famously tend to make people a bit nauseous, I said 'you just know that guy is throwing up later'. My roommate says that for the average person, this may be likely, but they think they could do it, and if this guy did it, maybe he had reason to believe he could, too. It has sparked a mild debate and they said they want to know if you think you could do it too.
Anyway thanks for sharing because our household is now plagued with thinking about that guy and it has caused irreparable damage to the collective psyche.
Hi! Im glad i caused a calamity sharing a work story that will plague me until the day i die
Allow me to recite how this moment went for me, just for all of your amusement.
Picture me. I'm tired. It's the end of my shift on the second last day of my work week, and I'm stationed on the position everybody hates whether they are officer or passenger: the guy who picks people at random. This sucks.
The next guy who walks in has one bag, nobody is with him, he looks nice. Yay! I won't get yelled at! Come with me sir, come come! I'll get you past that line, i just need to rifle through your bag real quick okay :))
He's not rude. He's friendly. We talk about our days and i go through the pockets of his backpack top down, and I find a 2L bottle of delight brand caramel machiatto flavored coffee creamer. Oh no! Sorry sir, that's way too big to go :(( the good news is that you can still give it to like a family member or friend outside of the checkpoint if you dont want to get rid of it
He goes "oh its fine, that's my bad" and i let him consider it as i get my hands back in there. I hear a popping noise. I look back up. He has popped the lid and is now throwing his head back and drinking it like a squeeze bottle of gatorade after a hard workout. This man is suckling caramel machiatto flavored creamer like a newborn calf that owns Beck's Odelay on vinyl. He is not stopping. I can't look away. I... I guess that's allowed. I am vaguely upset and making a face one can best describe as ":/"
I finish his bag. He finishes the creamer. He looks a little pale. He asks where the garbage is. I scan his boarding pass and point to the garbage and stutter out "uh... line number 3 when you're done."
He says thanks, grabs his stuff and goes. My supervisor jumpscares me and asks if I want to sit on x-ray for a bit. I'm off in half an hour. I watched that guy drink coffee creamer for 8 minutes. Sure, yeah. I'll do x-ray. Whatever.
To answer your question no, i have IBS. I would violently shit myself for hours at a time if i tried to attempt this. I'm sure he's having a great plane ride as we speak now that his arteries no longer exist
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afro-hispwriter · 10 months
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Evan Peters x black!reader
Summary- Evan wakes up with you in his bed… with him still inside you
Warnings-one-night stand, mentions of Emma, pregnancy scare, angst
Wc- 1.5k
He had just broken up with Emma and his friends eventually convinced him to go out. And coincidentally it was a party you were at with a few other famous people. 
It's not like you and Evan haven't met, you haven't worked with each other but award ceremonies or shared friends got you to the point of exchanging numbers. You didn't talk to each other a lot. 
It didn't stop you from actually having a conversation that night.
"Hey, I'm sorry about you and Emma." He took a swig of his drink.
"It's alright, I'm kind of glad and to be completely honest I feel free. Believe it or not, it wasn't the healthiest relationship." You didn't say anything, just pressed your lips together and rubbed his arm. 
After that, you're not sure what happened. Just vividly remembering you being pressed again the wall, your Evans's chests pressed tightly against each other making out.
"Come home with me." He mumbled against your lips. 
"I shouldn't." You pull away and he buries his face in your neck. 
"Please." His lips then attached to your neck.
The next morning he woke up first. His face was buried in your curls that had a mango smell to them. 
You were in his arms. In his bed. His cock is still deep inside of you. 
"Fuck." He whispers and your eyes fluttered open and the bright light made your head throb. 
"Fuck indeed, my head hurts."
"No Y/n, I-Im still in you." It took you a moment to register what he meant. 
"Oh shit." You picked yourself up and rested on your elbow. You could now feel his hips flush against your hips. 
"Im gonna pull out." He says and you nod. He squeezed your hips and slowly and gently pulled out. You squeezed the sheets softly and let out a low whimper as the feeling of being full was gone. 
Evan flopped back and reached down to pull the condom off but when he tried to grab it and didn't get anything. His eyes widened. He looked down to see no condom on his dick. He then looks down to where you were once joined and didn't see it either.
"Hmm." You respond and slowly rest on your back. 
"I didn't wear a condom." Now your eyes widened and you shot up. 
"What!" You smack his arm. "How could you not wear a condom?"
"I don't even remember getting here last night, we got pretty fucking wasted." You brought the sheets up and held them to your chest.
"Okay okay, it's okay I'm on birth control I-I just don't have my pills." Evan nodded and started to get out of bed. 
"I can go get that, right now." He says and starts digging through his drawers. He threw a pair of briefs and a shirt at you. "It's really all I got, you can take a shower it's right past that door, just please wait until I come back." You nodded and grabbed the clothes but didn't say anything, just watched him get dressed. You then slowly started to get up, covering yourself with the shirt and briefs. 
"I'll be back." He says but doesn't look at you with respect. 
"I'll be here." You say and walk into the bathroom and shut the door behind you.
Evan didn't have much in the shower. A loofa, a 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, and a bar of soap. You got cleaned up and dried off, since you didn't have a toothbrush you were glad Evan at least had mouthwash. 
You walked out of the bathroom and debated whether to leave or not. But you weren't just going to stay in his room so you opened the door and was instantly hit with the smell of eggs and bacon. You found the kitchen to see Evan cooking.
"Hey." You say and he turns around and smiles. 
"Hey, got the stuff." He says awkwardly and points his chin to the glass of water and already opened the package. "Opened it for you." 
"Thanks." You sit down on the stool and pick out a pill and tossed it in your mouth, followed by drinking the water. "Did anybody recognize you?" 
"Good." Evan put your plate of food on the table and went back to serve himself. "You make breakfast and buy plan B for all your hookups?"
"I haven't hooked up with anyone in years and Emma was always cautious about getting pregnant, and you're not just a hookup." He says and drinks his juice. "You're a friend."
"I see." You sat there in silence, finishing up the breakfast. Once you finished you started to stand up to put the plate away but he grabbed it. 
"I got it." 
"Thanks." You pressed your lips together and looked around the house. There wasn't much. "Did you just move in here?"
"Yeah, it was on short notice so I don't have everything or a lot." You nodded and swirled around in the stool when something caught your eye.
Your panties are on the head of the couch. 
"Shit." You hopped down and snatched them from the couch. And on the floor were the rest of your clothes, your purse, and your phone. Along with Evans stuff.
"Yeah I saw them when I left this morning, I was gonna pick them up but I made breakfast." 
"It's okay. Doesn't seem like your room was our first stop." You chuckled and balled up the clothes followed by grabbing your phone. Your phone had messages from some apps and from your friend who you were at the party with.
Ella🫶🏾- EVAN PETERS?? 10:27 p.m
Ella🫶🏾-YOU WERE GOING AT ITTTTT😭 10:27 p.m
Ella🫶🏾-HELLOOO? 12:35 a.m
Ella🫶🏾-BE SAFE 1:13 a.m
Ella🫶🏾-Morningggggg 10:16 a.m
You: I'm alive 11:00 a.m
Ella🫶🏾- good, how was the dick? 11:00 a.m
You: that's all you care about?😭 11:01 a.m
You: I don't remember it I was too drunk 11:01 a.m
You: don't tell anyone, it was just a hookup 11:01 a.m
You: I'm ordering an Uber 11:02 a.m
Ella🫶🏾- sureee just a hookup 11:03 a.m
Ella🫶🏾- I won't say anything 11:03 a.m
You looked up from your phone and turned to Evan.
"Im going to order an Uber, I've overstayed." He shook his head and grabbed his keys. 
"No, you haven't, ill drive you." 
"It's okay really, you've already left for me once." 
"I just want to make it up to you for the scare, due to my stupidity." You bent down and grabbed your purse. 
"It wasn't just you." He let out a huff and opened the front door for you. You stepped out and he followed you to his car. 
Evan hasn't told you that he got a flash of last night. It was specifically you sitting on the couch, naked and legs spread. He was on his knees absolutely devouring your pussy. And he swore he could still taste you... he wanted more.
You both got into the car and you instantly grabbed your phone and pulled in messages with Ella.
You frowned as he pulled out of the driveway. You liked Evan but as a friend (or do you?). He just got out of a seven-year relationship, it isn't a good idea for either of you to start something. But you really didn't want to be the rebound. 
You: I don't want to be the rebound that he'll get tired of and throw me to the side🥲
Ella🫶🏾: we all know he's a good guy but it's your choice
"Y/n I don't know where your house is." 
He pulled into your driveway and put the car in park.
“Thank you.” You say and start to open the door when he grabs your arm. 
“I had a good time, from what I could remember .”
Oh shit, you thought.
“If you ever need someone, I can be that person.” You swallowed harshly and looked around. 
“E-Evan-.” He suddenly leaned forward cutting you off, closed and lips starting to pucker. You drew back and almost hit your head against the windshield. “Stop.” He opened his eyes to see the eyes of shock and his face started to burn red. 
“Fuck, oh fuck I'm sorry.” He let you go and sat back. “I'm sorry.”
“No, it's okay I-I just don’t want to be a rebound.” He looked up from his hand a gave a face of confusion. “You just got out of a seven-year relationship and you obviously still love her. I just can’t, I don’t want to get hurt.” 
“I understand.” He nodded and let out a puff of air. The atmosphere now grew awkward and you started to slide out of the car. “Will you text or call me if anything happens?” He took a long pause. “Or you find out anything?” His eyes flicker down to your belly.
“Yeah I’ll tell you but I think we got it in time.” He just nodded. “Bye.” 
A/n- There will be another part and many more
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welcome back, im glad to see you again!! <3
i wanted to send in the idea of undertaker x bizarre doll reader! i do writings of my own take on this with an oc of mine, and wondered what your take would be like!
hope youre doing well~
Your idea is very interesting, I don't think I've written anything like that before. 🤔 Thank you!
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First and foremost, we need to consider whether Undertaker would fall for one of his Bizarre Dolls or would make his beloved one one of them. Regarding the latter, I believe it's very possible that he would reach for such methods if his lover would pass away—especially if it was due to some sudden accident or illness and not old age. While he would be able to prepare for you eventually dying if it was because of the sheer nature and your mortality, the possibility of abruptly having you taken away seems like it could cause quite a shock for him and make him do everything in his will to bring you back.
Either way, I don't think Undertaker is capable of handling the death of his closest ones in a healthy manner. Not anymore.
In some eerie, disturbing way, he certainly would be very attentive and caring for his lover's body during the whole process of changing. He would caress your hair, hold your hand and constantly reassure you that it's alright, that he won't let anything bad happen to you anymore and that soon you'll be able to talk again. As twisted as it sounds, he would still remain rather respectful—asking for permission before bathing you with a sponge and gently putting on new clothes, careful to not touch you in any way which could be considered inappropriate. He would be here to help you, after all, not to profane your body.
The amount of waiting would be the worst and somehow it would surprise him that his patience is growing thin in this case. He has always considered himself as a rather patient person, valuing time and effort instead of spontaneous decisions but when it comes to you, he would find it difficult to focus on anything else. Undertaker would keep an eye on you, constantly making sure that you're safe, your head rests against the soft pillow and your favourite scent fills the air. He would want to make you feel like home, as if it was nothing but a long nap.
Once he would have you back, however, he might be rather... disappointed. It was completely different when it came to strangers or people he didn't care about in the slightest but you—oh, he could clearly see how you changed. Not in a physical way, not necessarily, but your behaviour, your humour, your whole personality... He could pretend to not notice it but deep inside he would always know that you went to the place far away and no matter what he did he couldn't completely bring you back as a whole.
He would be devastated. Holding you close, smelling your hair and running his thumb up and down your shoulder, he would consider letting you go. Still, the mere thought would cause him even greater pain than the possibility of never meeting you in the first place. Undertaker would remain loving and caring, trying to humour you with his jokes and constantly keeping an eye on you just in case someone tried to take you away from him again. Unfortunately though, the guilt and loneliness would keep consuming him from the inside.
Things would be rather different when it comes to him falling for someone who was already one of the Bizzare Dolls. At first, he might not get any interest in you, your personality, your past or anything related to you, too focused on his own goals to pay attention to the nameless pawns... But as the time passed, Undertaker could notice that you were somehow peculiar. You weren't a mindless creature as his first Bizarre Dolls, on the contrary, you were amusing and fascinating. His interest, however, would be based purely on the fact that he didn't know you before. Perhaps he would grow fond of you even more while you were still alive but this kind of situation was out of subject so he wouldn't dwell on that. What mattered is that, how he actually enjoyed your company.
It was hard to tell whether death sharpened or dulled your personality but Undertaker knew one thing—this version, the current version, was something he liked. As ironic as it sounds, you made him feel almost alive, relieved after a day of hard work and content in your arms. You would be one of the few to prove to him that his experiment was, indeed, a success.
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yongislong · 2 years
intimate moments + 127
wc/genre: 2,010k... fluff, domestic, angsty?? suggestive? mayhaphs. established relationships with nonidol!127. not proofread oof
cw/note: no cws i dont think but lmk! ty for requesting anon! requests are always open btw hehe! but YUUPP yknow what time it is my first 127 headcannons muahaha so here we go :> mark and haechan are in the dreamies post. i used and and like a lot im SORRY LMFAO but tysm for the support :") i was surprised people liked my other stuff sm! im quite insecure about the way i wrote bc.. i write how i talk haha, its kind of a mess. i wish i could make my posts a lot cuter and stuff but school is tiring, i appreciate all of your love lately though, this was all for myself and first bc i was going through it but im glad people enjoy it! sorry this is so long i just wanted to let yall know a bit more abt me! :D
taeil… cooking: GOD im having taeil brainrot bc he was on that baby show, and him ripping that crab with his bare hands.... sickening. bc UGH he is such husband material. imagining you both in the kitchen cooking and he's genuinely such a menace and you cant hear the music you suggested to play, anymore bc his smooching noises are so LOUD and suddenly the homemade pho you were both attempting to make while wearing matching aprons is on the verge of being forgotten lol. you finally give in after much name calling from him and let him press your cheeks together to give you a wet, loud smooch on your forehead. theres something about cooking to taeil thats so personal and adult-y to him. like oh my god here you both are, sitting in your VERY cute shared apartment, sharing a very nice bowl of noodles as the roses he planted now lay in a small mint green vase on your tiny dining room table. its something about the domesticity of working on something together, enjoying yourselves while doing it AND getting to eat the end product of said hard work, that he finds incredibly fullfilling. sitting across the love of his life. another thing he likes to do is prop his feet next to your right thigh on your chair and you do the same. you guys have your legs resting on each others chairs under the table. sometimes he pulls on the skin of your calf and when you complain you haven't shaven he rolls his eyes and seems to swat your words out of the air in front of him. long story short he just watches you ramble on about your day at work, until he stares for too long and hasn't realized you're practically shaking the life out of him because he never answered your questions about whether or not he gave brina and brita their fish food
johnny... sharing a book: johnny pegs me as someone who's super patient! maybe he's not bc... parasocial relationships LOL but in his interactions with everyone else, like that one jcc where mark doesn't want frozen yogurt and he was so nice abt it! but similarly to renjun, its nice to share something in bed but also both be consuming the same content yknow? he also seems to me like the type of guy who, likes to finish something before moving on to the next big thing WHICH means.... you spending about 5 months going through the entire percy jackson series PFTT. but its SOO GOOD and you both get so into it and after you finish the first two books you immediately both skip lectures or work the next day just to watch the movies and you both lose your minds at how bad they are TT. but yes its such a nice time to unwind! he loves having you lay between his legs, head on his collarbone as his arms circle around your torso to lay the book on your hipbone. he always waits for you to finish before he turns the page ofc! he also bought a little reading light that can be clipped on the the binding of the outside of the book and illuminate the pages in case reading went on a lot longer than expected. the bookmark that holds your place in the story was a polaroid picture of you sleeping HOWEVER it got replaced to a picture of you looking thru a glass of wine and it makes your face look all warped and funny lol. johnny always smiles when he sees it so its a good way to begin reading time hehe. kinda obvious but his body heat + his room + the smell of his lingering cologne on his sheets is chefs kiss, extra points if the apartment still smells like coffee from this morning OR the bottle of red wine he opened that sits on the nightstand </3
taeyong... customizing clothes together: GODDDD ya'll would be the most well dressed couple ever dude. yong is so creative, and i sense that he would want his partner to share his same taste at least when it comes to clothes and art! this isn't something you both do often bc... life lol but it started when you were cleaning out your shared closet. both sprawled on the floor, as you begin complaining about how you've both found pieces of clothing that you felt guilty about throwing away. then! yong suggests going to the craft/vintage store to see if theres any way to up-cycle what you've found. so thats how you spend the summer weekend. sat on the plush fuchsia rug in your living room, surrounded by denim, fabric squares, 80s brooches, lace, ribbon, etc etc as you spend the humid and sticky afternoon binging nana while you both sit in creative/comfortable silence, gluing and pining and sewing things to various articles of clothing. its SO cozy, funk music plays from the mini speaker you guys co-own and at the end of the task, you give each other a private fashion show styling your new clothes! he adores watching you pretend to model and eggs you on sm "y/n you need to consider doing this for real, everything looks good on you its not fair," this day is something that you both remember for a while. there were shared childhood stories, insecurities, dreams and you both were so much more vulnerable because there was something to distract yourselves with. the night ends in an absolute destruction of your living room floor, but accompanied with a cuddle session in his bed, the sounds from the ceiling fan and his heart beat almost make you sleepy, almost missing his whispered compliments and soft neck kisses.
yuta... hair: ok i know this is super vague but as a fellow scorpio who loves doing things to their hair, theres nothing more i want in life than someone to be able to do those things with! like ugh late night hair salon time with yuta, yup. this goes along so well with trust as well. i mean he's letting you cut, dye and style his hair and vice versa. i feel like he'd be with someone who's more edgy and this would be such a raw moment for you as a couple LIKE you're changing each other's appearances and its a time of patience. listening is extremely important as well and whenever you go through a new hair phase, sitting down at the sink and soaking up what the other has to say and practically baring their souls out while the bleach is very much stinging the top of his scalp is really fascinating LMAO, needless to say you guys aren't the typical couple, but it works. the amount of understanding and empathy you've both adopted for one another is lovely! and not to mention is super cute when yuta crinkles his nose, his teeth peeking out just a bit from the opening of his lips, because he absolutely needed a blonde wolf cut and hair is very much getting all over his face. in moments like this he doesn't think he would trade your adorable and super hot according to him concentration face. ALSOOO angsy, hot, jrock inspired couple photos are a must and yes, everyone on campus is jealous.
doyoung... driving: CORNYY BOOO yes ik, but guys? him driving, in that domestic ass button up and black thick rimmed glasses. he needs to be in jail bc he absolutely would be that bf to throw rocks at your window even though, yes you live together and yes its an apartment complex but, he wants you to feel that super giddy like, puppy bunny love again and he almost brought a boombox to play to play head over heels by tears for fears but... too much according to jaehyun lol. so anyways he loves late night drives with you. or any drives really! his favorites are a combination of picking you up late night from work and getting to hear all the drama whilst you guys eay in-n-out in the parking lot. and listen, im not trying to push the doyoung medical student agenda but... i 100% am and his reasoning for these late nights is because he's soooo busy! he feels guilty he doesn't take you out to nicer places and you always have to reassure him that anywhere he goes with you, is automatically a win in your books. its moments like these where he really grasps how lucky he is. oh wow.... you really do love him and it FREAKS him out in the best way. every night always ends sappy bc he's so GROSS geez. he's such a romantic in a way you would never expect. he's not cheesy or arrogant about loving you, and he never considers it something he has to do either. he just fully, truly and honestly wants to worship the ground you walk on. DON'T even get me started on drive-in movies omg. basically his cherry red car is your safe space lol </3
jaehyun... record swapping: tha music man muahaha. my heart tells me you both met in a vintage record store AHH, he saw you and his heart physically ached like when you see a pretty person in public, yeah but x 100 like he got the wind knocked out of him and he fucking drops, the stack of chet baker records he had on hand and his ears look like red bell peppers and he wants to crawl away until you rush over not like run but brisk walking? lol as you help him pick up all the vinyls he dropped.you noticed in between the pile of 50s music he had a limited edition vinyl of on of your favorite bands and that had you whipping your head up and noticing how soft he looked all flushed and dimples peaking out from the thin line on his lips. definition of he fell first but you fell harder ESPECIALLY on ya'll's second/third date. he invited you over to his house and requested you to bring your best albums. AND GODDDD the date was... truly when you fell harder for him. you spent the night swapping albums aka baring your souls and sitting on his kitchen counter as he paces back and forth in front of you as he goes on a tangent about his favorite artist. its like the world slows down and you both leave that date with a new record from the other and a notion that you were definitely falling in love with each other
jungwoo... bubble baths: GAAHHH TT. tell me, that jungwoo wouldn't adore relaxing with a full on bubble bath with you. and i'm talking like bubblegum flavored soap, bath bombs, dried flowers, candles, mood lighting???? its too good. after the first couple of times you've done it, he learns your habits and favorite smells as well as the right way to position you in the tub bc he takes up sm of it LOL. and if you're both tall... you make it work! hehe. but DUDE once he learns how to juggle this intimate activity LMFAO he buys stuff specifically for your sunday reset bubble baths OMG, like that board that stands across the tub just so he can set his laptop on it. yes its just bc he wants to watch disney movies and real house wives while unwinding haha. he's so sweet though, being all pretty with his skin a little glowy because of the steam coming from the water, his eyebrows brush up from when he swiped water on his eyes and his eyes twinkling once he stacks a bunch of bubbles on your head in a makeshift crown. he likes to give u bubbly shoulder kisses BOOOOOOO yes im jealous bc he's perfect and OFC he picks out the perfect pjs and warms them up in the dryer and sits you on the bathroom counter just so he can do your skincare for you </3
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jellyclogs · 2 years
How op men react to an s/o with really bad periods
Triger warnings: period and Simi fainting
this is kinda a comfort fic for me, im suffering through my period and its ruff. sorry if y/n falling to the floor in pain seems over dramatic but its just how my period like to roll so here we are.
if you have any requests feel free to ask me or if you want a part 2 with more characters
quick edit forgot to list up here who festers in this fic: Shanks, marco, law, Mihawk, Kid, zoro, Sanji
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This man is very  patient with you. He sits there with a smile on his face,well you bitch and moan about how shity it is . He can't help but think it's adorable when you get so over dramatic about your period. He has seen you grin and bear it through pain, you usually act calm, cool and collected when you're suffering, so it takes him by surprise when you're a big cry baby about this. He's glad that you don't feel like you have to suffer through it alone and trust him enuff to go to him to just complain or if you need help.
The first time you had your period around him He didn't quite understand how much pain you were actually in. He thought you were just playing it up. It only hit him how much it hurt when you crumpled to the ground hissing curling up on yourself. He froze in that moment, watching you just breathe in and out slowly trying to breathe through the cramps. Then he rushed forward and picked you up holding you to his chest whispering sweet nothings to you as the wave of cramps listened up.
 He adores you so much and hates seeing you in pain. He will tease you a little bit about it but the moment he sees that you're not having any of it he drops it. He won't make a big deal about giving you special treatment when you're like this. more cuddling, getting you sweets, making you laugh whenever he can, and staying close to your side as much as he can. He wants to be right there if you topple over again. He won't say it out loud but you scared the shit out of him when you did that.
He kinda finds it funny when he finds you in weird places and or positions that help your cramps. Whether it's laying on the kitchen floor because the cold feels good on your back or sitting with your legs up against the wall and back on the floor because it's the only thing that's helping with your cramps in the moment. He usually just joins you and begins talking your ear off to distract you from the pain.
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You always try so hard to keep the fact you're on your period a secret. The men of the Moby dick find periods gross and don't get what's the big deal since it happens once a month you should be used to it. You do your duties and do your best to be your normal self. You would not just up and tell Marco or realy anyone what you were going through.
Marco would notice the little cracks in your facade, the wincing when you thought no one was around or the fact you took longer to do your chores. He'd start getting really concerned when you started spending most of the time in your room. His first thought is not that you're on your period, it's that you got hurt and weren't telling him. He'd be pissed that you hadn't come to him to get patched up.
He would try to wait for you to come to him but after a day of watching you suffer in silence He'd confront you. When he saw your face flush and start to fumble with your words he would think he caught you. Before you could realy explain He'd be dragging you to his clinic, calling you an idiot and a moron the whole way there. He would adamantly state, "I'm the doctor on this ship you can't go around hiding wounds from me, how am I supposed to patch you up if I don't know your hurt yoi"
Once their He'd grab his med kit and damned you show him your stomach. Watching you he was pretty sure that's where the Injury was.
You would lift up your shirt and say, "I'm not hiding a cut or something," you would sigh looking anywhere but his eyes, "just on my period." You'd mumbled.
Marco would face-palm, ofcores that was what was up. You weren't the type to definitely hide injuries out of embellishment. He'd reach out his hand and set it over your stomach letting his flames like over your skin. "Still you should have come to me." He'd huff.
After he knew what was going on He'd be just the sweetest. Getting thatch to make you chocolaty things and soothing your cramps with his phoenix fire. He would tell you that, "I'm a doctor, your period isn't gonna gross me out, please let me help you." He will make sure you're taking pain pills as often as you can and help you with your duties if you were in too much pain to do them.
As a doctor he would understand how bad your period could get and he would make no complaints if you demanded to stay near him since his phenix fire was the best way to treat the pain. This man would secretly be bragging to the other crew members that he is your favorite and that's why you were hanging out with him so much.
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He would know that you were on your period the day you started, he wouldnt mention it but keep an eye on you. He would not be the kind to pamper you, not at first at least. He would think she’s had thes for years she can handel it. He would definitely slip you chocolate’s and make sure you had enuff pain killers.
He would probably keep his distance from you. He cares about you but the fact he couldnt help you would piss him off. He hates seeing you in pain, and hates that he can't help. He would get snippy with the crew and work himself harder.
His work would be disrupted by bepo rushing in a bit of a panic, saying you had walked into the kitchen then just crumped to the ground, sitting their for a minet befor geting up and acting like nothing happened. Law would sigh and get up from his desk befor telling bepo hed hadel it and you were fine or atleast going to be.
He would find you in your room curled up on your bed with almost nothing on, just a shirt and some panties pants just felt like a hassle pulse it isn't like you were gunna be wondering around the ship like this. You were a though cookie and usaly just worked through pain so seeing you like this did worry law. He would bite his lip and curse himself for being so caught up in his own emotional pain to properly take care of your physical pain.
He would slip into bed with you and hold you in his arms. He’s not a very cuddly person so this would be a big display that he was worried about you. He would just hold you and apolagize for not being abel to take away the pain. He would love to take the pain on himself, he knew he could handel it, but that just wasn’t the way his powers worked. He thought about swapping harts with you for awhile, but hew knew how long it would take you to lern his devil fruit to revers it.
After that he would keep you close to him, sure it hurt that he couldnt help her as much as he wanted but being around you made you feel better so it was worth it. He would still be quite snippy with the other crewmembers but would treat you gently.
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He would have no clue how to act around you. He was wit you because you were strong and he respected you, so seeing you reduced to a shambeling mess kinda upset him. He would at first act like he didnt notce any thing was wrong. He tought it would save your pride. He would flinch any time you let out a pained noise. He cared so much about you that you being in pain was awful.
He would wait for you to ask for comfort, its not that he didnt want to comfort you, its that he didnt want to insult your pride or your strength. He knows you are a tough girl, he also knows you arnt afraid to ask for help when you need it. Prona would think hes being an ass, and would let him know.
When you finaly came to him you wouldnt exchange words, all you would do is climb into his lap. He would set his wine glass aside and hold you to his chest, gently rubing circles on your lower back. He would whisper praise to you in spanish calling you brave or strong, he knew you didnt speek a lick of spanish so you couldnt yell at him for being to soft.
You would know that he was being soft and gentle and were willing to be treated like glass at the moment. You need it and you wold just sit and take it in. 
After you came to him like this he would start to pamper you, running you a bath every night, rubbing your back, bringing your favorit foods. He would certainly be a little over protective to, hoovering around you when you were doing pretty much anything.
Porrona would have no clue why he had so drastically changed his attitude. She would cross her arms and puff out her cheeks calling him an unconsiderat jerk. Why was he like this?
If you ever dropped from the pain you better believe hed hold you for the rest of the day. He would never admit it was because he was scared of getting hurt, he would give you excuses like, “can i not just hold you, miamore?” or “ but if i put you down who wil worm my chest?” 
He secretly loves when your like this, when you are relying on him so much. He knows your stong and fully capsule of taking care of your self but he liked having the chance to pamper you and remind you that you can alway lean on him.
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He is completely grosed out by the whole thing. He can't handel the sight of bloody tampons or pads so you better wrap them up tight with toilet paper. He will kinda avoid you, your relation was not just sex but a hell of alot of it was, and he dosent like that he can't fuck your brains out.
He would order his crew to get you what ever you need or wanted. He will make them treat you like a princess. If he so much as herd them complaining about it they would be in a world of pain. This guy sees you as his so you can't disrespect what belongs to him.
Kid is a ruff guy but would not like seeing you in pain like that. He is the only one aloude to cause you pain. He would kill any one who put a hand on you it was bull shit that he couldnt just rip your uterus out and see your pain go away. He knew that you werent playing up your pain up. You never once would show the full force of how bad anything was, so seeing you show any display of pain ment you had to be in sirius pain.
He would honestly freek if you ever just dubbeled over infront of him, the look of pain on tour face the tears in your eyes, would feel like a stade wound to him. He would pick you up off the floor and not put you down. He would not sugar coat why, “Your falling over like your a fucking nobel who got dirt on their clothes, like hell i'm putting you down. If i did youd probably keel over and die.”
If you ever asked for him to cudel with you hed make a big fuss but would give in pretty eazy. He probably wouldnt fight you at all if the two of you were alone but infront of his crew he had to much pride.
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He has no clue whats going on with you. He dosnt like the fact that you seemingly pulled away from him and started talking to that damn cook more. He would defntly be cross wiht you and draw away from you. He was a stubborn man. If you were gunna pull away from him then hed do the same. He wouldnt notice the pain you were in at all.
He would make a bitchy comint about you around nami and robin. Nami would punch the shit out of him. She would be pissed that he thought you were two timing him with the cook. Shed say, “If this is how you act when shes on her period then maby she should leave you for snaji.” 
 zoro would look at her so confused, “What the hell is a period?”
Both Nami and Robin would be on their asses laughing. Once they calmed down enuff they would explain what a period was to him. They would also explain that you have some of the worst periods they’d seen.
He still dosnt realy get it but is no longer mad at you. He starts harassing the cook for chocolate since robin and nami said girls like that when their on their periods.
If you just dropped from the pain hed panic a littel. Hed pick you up and rush you to chopper. He would not listtel to you when you told him, “Its ok, i just got hit with some realy bad cramps.” he would set you on chopper’s exam tabel and damned he fix you. 
Chopper would ofcores know about your situation, hed ask if you hade taken your pain pills on time or if you need more. He would get you  a heating pad and tell zoro that you fine, with tears in his eyes. Chopper feels awful he can't do more.
Zoro would be so ok with more cuddles. You may not look at him and think hes a cuddly guy but he can't get enuff of sungeling up with his s/o. He loves being abel to hold you and feel like hes protecting you from the world.
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This wonderful cook instantly knows when your on your period. He honestly dosnt mind when your on your period, he sees it as a chance to pamper you like the princess he knows you are. He loves cooking your favorit food’s fore you. He will whip up what ever dessert you want. He also try’s to feed you foods that will reduce inflammation. 
He always want to hold you so you wanting to be held more is a win for him. He gives you back maseshes as often as he can. He loves being abel to bring you relife, though it may seem like some of his actions are sexula they arnt all he wants is to take your pain away. He will barrow books from chopper and read up on the best ways to treat periods. He would probably be willing to let you bathe in his blood if it ment you were no longer in pain.
Sanji would full on scream the first time the pain sent you to the floor. He would have a hratatck. He would rush to your side and pull you to his lap begging you to be ok. You ofcores had worned him this could happen but it didnt realy prapar him fore it. Once he was sure you werent going to die he would pick you up and bring you to the bath.
Hed run you a bath and sit with you in it. He would hold you and just be with you. He loved you and wouldnt dare leave your side when you needed him.
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velvainee · 2 months
✦ ⎯⎯ ㅤִㅤ ୭ 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 ( john constantine x reader )
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ᨳ ꒰ précis ꒱. You’re powerful witch who finds herself locked away in a secret facility, your powers restrained. John Constantine is tasked with watching over you, but your interactions quickly escalate into a dangerous game of desire and manipulation. 1.6k words
୨ৎ warnings. gagging, blowjob, dark themes, language, manipulation, beat taming, bratty reader, hate to love.
𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟, thanks for everyone likes/reblogs/comments on my last fic ! glad to know im doing okay for my first blog, hope you enjoy this oneee 🤍
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IN THE DARK CONFINES OF YOUR PRISON, the air hung heavy with tension as Constantine sauntered in, his gaze cold and calculating. You glared at him, your defiance simmering beneath the surface as he lit his cigarette with practiced ease.
“So, still causing trouble, are we?” he sneered, the smoke curling around his lips like a serpent ready to strike.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you leaned back against the cold metal of your cage.
You knew the figure, the both of you shared history. Was it something positive? No. Unforgettable? Yes, sadly.
“You’re not one to talk, Constantine. What brings you down to my little corner of hell?”
A dangerous glint flashed in his eyes as he took a step closer, the scent of smoke and whiskey mingling with the heady aroma of magic that permeated the air.
“I’m here to make sure you behave yourself, love. Can’t have you running amok and causing chaos now, can we?”
You bristled at his condescending tone, your hands curling into fists as you fought the urge to lash out.
“Who appointed you my bloody babysitter? Last time I checked, I don’t answer to anyone.”
Constantine chuckled darkly, the sound sending shivers down your spine.
“Oh, you’ll answer to me, sweetheart. Whether you like it or not.”
He stepped towards a chair and straddled it, his gaze never leaving yours as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.
“Now, let’s get one thing straight. I’m in charge here, and you will do as I say. Understand?”
You bristled at his arrogance, but something in his tone sent a thrill of excitement coursing through your veins.
“I swear to god when I’m out of this cage you won’t be smiling anymore,” You hissed. “So no, I won’t be doing as you say,”
A wicked grin spread across Constantine’s lips as he leaned in closer, his breath hot against your skin.
“Trust me, love, you won’t like the consequences.”
You swallowed hard, the air crackling with tension as you met his gaze head-on.
“Try me, Constantine. I dare you.”
In the tense silence that followed, the air hung heavy with anticipation, each breath a struggle against the suffocating weight of desire and defiance.
Constantine’s eyes bore into yours, a challenge laid bare in their steely depths as he savored the delicious tension that crackled between you.
But you refused to back down, your resolve like iron as you held his gaze, daring him to make the first move.
And oh, how he relished in the challenge, the thrill of the hunt coursing through his veins like a drug.
With a low growl, he closed the distance between you, his presence looming over you like a dark shadow.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, love,” he warned, his voice a low, seductive purr that sent shivers down your spine.
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“I can’t believe they had to put you in a secluded prison like this,” he mocked, a slight smile in the corner of his lips as he leaned away, lighting up a cigar.
“You’re still a little baby—sure you’re like, 380 years old or something, but ain’t that barely an adult for a witch?” He’d snark.
"Oh, spare me the sanctimonious crap, Constantine," you retorted, rolling your eyes with exaggerated disdain.
"You act like you're some kind of hero, but we both know you're just a washed-up has-been with a superiority complex. And for the record, I may be centuries old, but I've got more power in my pinky finger than you'll ever have in your entire miserable existence. So don't you dare patronize me with your petty insults and pathetic attempts at wit,”
Constantine chuckled softly, not amused by how bratty and defiant you were from a few simple jokes he had spoke. He sat there, shaking his head.
“Now, either help me bust out of this hellhole or get the hell out of my sight. Your choice, 'babysitter.'" You’d add.
Constantine's smirk widened, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he took a long drag from his cigar, the smoke swirling lazily around him like a cloak of shadows.
"Touchy, aren't we?" he chuckled, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he leaned back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other with casual arrogance.
"But hey, if you're so eager to prove yourself, by all means, sweetheart," he continued, his voice laced with mockery as he gestured towards the reinforced walls of your prison cell.
"Want me to help you break free from those chains and wreak havoc like the big bad witch you think you are?”
He sighed, pondering his decision.
"But just remember, love," he added, his tone turning serious for a moment as he fixed you with a piercing gaze.
"I’d need something in return."
And with that, he leaned back in his chair, the smirk never leaving his lips as he awaited your next move, knowing full well that this game was far from over.
He unlocked the bars of the cell, closing it behind him as he shuffled the keys to undo your handcuffs, the metal now clanking in the ground as your wrists feel free once more.
Constantine clicked his tongue, gently pressing his hand against your shoulder before you started to stand up.
“You owe me,” He reminded you, your eyes flickering up to meet his brown eyed gaze.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at Constantine’s demand, wondering if he was serious about this whole debt thing.
“Seriously? Whatever, do you want me to be your sex slave or something?” you quipped, a hint of sarcasm lacing your words as a small chuckle escaped your lips.
Constantine remained silent, his gaze locked onto yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. One corner of his lips lifted into a light smirk, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
Narrowing your eyebrows, you suddenly realized that your flippant remark might have hit closer to the mark than you intended.
“It’s nothing big,” Constantine purred, his voice low and seductive. “There’s this motel we can stop by—I just want to see if that bratty mouth can do more than just argue.”
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The car ride to the motel was shrouded in darkness, the only illumination coming from the dim glow of the dashboard lights and the occasional flicker of street lamps as they passed by.
The night air was heavy with anticipation, the tension between you and Constantine palpable as you made your way through the deserted streets.
The dingy motel loomed ahead, its neon sign flickering ominously in the darkness. As Constantine pulled into the parking lot, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease wash over you.
With a click of the door, Constantine stepped out of the car, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
“Come on, love,” he muttered, his voice low and commanding. “Lets put you to good use,”
Heart pounding in your chest, you followed him into the motel room, the air thick with the scent of stale cigarettes and cheap cologne.
The room was small and cramped, the bed unmade and the curtains drawn tightly shut against the outside world.
Without a word, Constantine closed the door behind you, his eyes burning with a hunger that sent a thrill of anticipation coursing through your veins.
“On your knees,” he commanded, his voice rough with desire as he gestured towards the bed.
Trembling with anticipation, you sank to your knees before him, your pulse racing as you met his gaze head-on.
“I fucking hate you,” you whispered, your voice barely a breath as you reached for the zipper of his pants.
With a low growl, Constantine pushed you back onto the bed, his hands gripping your hair as he guided your head towards his throbbing length.
Your tongue slid against the tip, tasting the salty precum that leaked out of the nub.
“That’s it, love,” he murmured, his voice thick with desire as you took him into your mouth, eager to please him in every way possible.
As you surrendered to the intoxicating rhythm of his movements, you couldn’t help but moan around him, the sound sending a jolt of pleasure coursing through his veins.
“That’s right,” he growled, his grip tightening on your hair as he drove himself deeper into your mouth.
As he moved back and forth, his cock continued to hit the back of your throat, each thrust pushing you to the brink of gagging.
With each response, you only whimpered, your eyes locking onto his with a mix of submission and desire. They glowed a bright red, a telltale sign of a flustered witch overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment.
“Oh, do you like this?” he mocked, his smirk widening as he increased the pace, his cock sliding between your small, plump lips.
“And here I thought you hated me,” he’d add. A strand of your dress slipped off your shoulder, exposing more of your skin to his hungry gaze.
“I bet this witch would like more than one hole filled,” he laughed, the sound mingling with your muffled moans as he drove himself deeper into your mouth.
His words sent a shiver of anticipation down your spine, your body trembling with desire for more.
“I’m close, baby—stay like that for me,” he huffed, his movements becoming more urgent as he neared the edge of ecstasy.
The sight of you, on your knees before him, your mouth stretched around his twitching cock, was enough to push him over the edge.
And as he reached the peak of pleasure, spilling himself into your eager mouth, you couldn’t help but revel in the intoxicating sensation of him filling you completely.
He leaned back, watching as his hot seed filled your entire mouth, an amused smirk now on his lips.
“You know, you’re really pretty like this.”
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♡ 𝑡𝚑𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑑
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niko-jpeg · 5 months
@vessel-posts-stuff I know you haven't been on that account in years, but I still wanted to include you. Thank you for introducing me to Tumblr and allowing me to make such wonderful friends. I think of you quite often <3
@v1vz-arttt We're moots on your old account, and while you didn't refollow me (?), I still love you!!!!!! Thank you for everything my good friend :)
@adorablemew Mew!!! Oh my god hi we haven't talked in forever. How did I get someone so cool to be my moot? Your art is incredible, your creations are wonderful, and thank you so much for putting up with me back in my previous Undertale fixation. You inspired me greatly.
@psycho-chair BITES YOU. You have been an inspiration for me forever at this point and I thank you for being just!!! YOU!!!! We need to chat more fr fr. You helped me through a rough time, no matter if you were aware of it or not. Also good to see another Crepic shipper here on the front lines. Sorta unrelated but I'm so glad my secret little otp has gotten a little more traction. You keep being you buddy grrrhshjfskjdhfdkjjksjkh <33333
@glitchysquidd Another instance of HOLY hell how did I get such a cool art moot???? You're really cool. I go feral over your art, whether youre aware of it or not. I love your vibe, your aesthetic, your everthing. Its so cool. You're so cool. A.
@thosegoodbois We don't interact much these days, but I still think of our conversations often. I like how unabashedly you you are. Its refreshing and fun and I still enjoy scrolling through your posts and seeing you on my dash. Tee hee.
@skyedancer2006 Hi hi!!!! We met because of a Secret Santa, and I'm happy we're moots. I love seeing you guys on my dash, and I love seeing the positivity yall bring to it all. Keep it up, and if I referred to you incorrectly, I am so sorry ack.
@bean-with-a-knife grabs your shoulders and shakes you. You are so. the most ever. We've been besties forever, and I'm so happy to have you as a friend. You keep me going, and encourage me when I'm not so sure, and you put up with my bullshit, and I absolutely love you big ol platonic kiss for you. Thank you for everything you've done for me.
@naaru304 HI!!!!!! You're so cool. I know we don't really talk but I really really like seeing you on my dash and you reblog all of the best stuff. YOUR ART IS SO EDIBLE ACK. Its so round and clean and just. Stuffs in my mouth and shakes it around and giggles cutely. I love it.
@p3-mochishira HI!!!!! Vamp you are such a moot. I love your edits and I love your ocs and I love your whole vibe. You light up my day and I'm so happy that we're moots. Big ol hug sent your way!!!
@queen-ofsunflowers oh my god you are such a cool author. And we're moot what. WHAT. AAAA!!!!! I really look up to you, and MnM is such a treasure I hold close to my heart. I look forward to whatever is in the future, and I wish you nothing but the absolute best in this coming year.
@mmmn-thirsty-for-vinegar Yet another cool incredible mutual I don't know how I landed with. Your art? incredible. The posing and lighting is immaculate. I love all of your art so much, and you're a big old inspiration foundtain haha. <3
@yoshikass HI!!!!!!!! I love your reblogs. I love the variety. I love everything. Your blog's vibe is also so much fun. You keep being you <33
@dollar-store-emo-413 Your brain is fascinating. Congrats on your freedom from our hell, and I wish you luck on your future /lh!! (for context we went to the same school)
@snowdoesthings Man. It's been forever and a half huh. I'm happy we're still moots, and I'm happy that we still kind of brush shoulders sometimes. I'm sorry you had to deal with 2020 me haha. Love you <3
@dexxeal Im in the walls of the Miku chruch btw can you come let me out I'm stuck.
@mhafanlol2000 Happy new year and I wish I'd see you around on HKRP more often ahah! See you in the new year :)
@cordycepsbian You're so cool. Like wow. I love everything about what you post. Your humor is so on point and your art is so skrunkly I'm obsessed.
@vivasharme Its so nice to see you again!!! I missed you a lot while you were away. I hope you're feeling better, and I can't wait to get back to talking soon. I'm gonna blow up your dms hee hee >:) /j
@someguyiguess23 Your art!!!!! Its so awesome I'm eating it and framing it and just. Nom. I hold the art you did of Nago dear to my heart. Your art is so shape!!!!
@christiankirbo Poyo
@mantis-on-a-table I adore your art so much. I have so many cool art moots but I especially love what you've got going on. Its so high quality and tickles my brain in such a wonderful way!!! Happy New Year!!
@extreme-exe water (you're a really great friend, never forget that!)
@wintar0 Hi!!!! We dont talk much but you're a wonderful moot. Best of wishes for the new year, and I can't wait to see more of you and your creations!!!
@drallion No, not for Drallion, for his creator! You've been such a delight in HKRP, I'm so happy I get to know you. <3333
@rentavoider Hi hi hi have fun on your trip to Italy and see you next year!!!
@crownne-prince !!!! HI!!!!Thank you for being such an incredible and encouraging moot. You really cheer me up and I love seeing your posts on my dash. Akechi is in your walls fun fact.
@lemmykirby Your art is so cool. I love the style and I love how its executed and bottom line I just. runs away with your art tee hee
@jayjar100 YOU!!! YOU ARE SO COOL NEVER FORGET THAT!!!!!!! I loved drawing your baby forever ago, and I think about them constantly. In fact I have some extra doodles laying around that I probably should post haha.
@kotoneshiomiofficial You are so right. About everything. All of the time. You are correct and are the coolest trans fox girl I have ever met and I think you're awesome. Big ol heart for you <33333333
@finleyforevermore Hi Finnley. Thank you so much for everything. You are such a light, and a huge encouragement, and thank you for enjoying my HPII content (theres more cooking up trust me). You're a precious moot of mine, and I don't think I can ever describe how much I like your posts. And the fandoms we have in common? Incredible. UMTV, RTC, HPII, Sonic, etc. Like wow. I love it !!!!!! <3333
and finally @box-o. My darling partner in crime and girlfriend. I love you so much, and cannot wait to spend another year with you. Your art is so cartoony and fun, and thank you for passing the Sonic (no, not the metal) virus on to me. Heres to another year <3
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catboybiologist · 2 months
hi, i have one like, question for you regarding transgender healthcare. beacause. like there are people to whom dysphoria brings immense distress/unhappiness, and any healthcare system should absolutely take care of that, for free.
but theres also people who dont feel that strongly about gender and or dont experience dyphoria, but still prefer getting/removing their tits/penis/vagina. and thats also okay, like, infromed consent and all. but im not sure where the line should be on what we (as in, taxpayer) actually pay for. like, idk, i dont have a strongly formed oppinion on this. so id like to hear yours
I know you're not from the US, but unfortunately my perspective on this will have to be amerocentric because that's my experience- so I'll talk about that perspective first, and then try to generalize it.
The American healthcare system is so wasteful in how it bars people from procedures its insane. More money is spent figuring out how to reject people from receiving monetary payments for healthcare than would be spent if you just approved the overwhelming majority of them. And this isn't even considering other ludicrously wasteful forms of spending the US government does, like the insane portion of our defense budget that just disappears into thin air every year.
So how much additional burden should the taxpayer pay? Ideally, none, because any significant reform of the healthcare system would make all of these questions moot.
But, not every country is in this situation. And there is still a question embedded in here- what is the line of providing medical care from the government/taxpayer? I don't have personal experience with it, but this is exactly what countries with socialized healthcare deal with all the time, well beyond just gender affirming care. I tried to make the parallel with abortion because its a similar category of thing. Let's call it like... "semi-elective" procedures- medical procedures with the potential to significantly improve someone's quality of life, but won't kill or severely incapacitate them if they don't get the procedure, leaving it up to them to decide whether the medical context for the procedure fits for them (I'm NOT trying to lessen how life changing these procedures are, I'm calling them 'semi-elective' as a way of denoting that two people faced with the same situation can make different decisions about it based on their personal considerations). This can apply to a lot of things, some of them almost entirely cosmetic- surgeries to mitigate a mild disability, breast implants for cancer patients after a masectomy, procedures for conditions like cleft lip, facial reconstruction after severe injury, and on and on. To me, gender affirming care falls in this category- its not cancer treatment, but it is life changing in an overwhelmingly positive way.
In my mind, it should be the priority of any government to prioritize and expand the healthcare they're able to provide, including for these semi-elective procedures. Many wealthy, developed nations have the ability to cover most or all of these kinds of procedures, even though they're entirely "elective". But yes, budget and resource concerns are very real in many places, so yes, priorities do have to be made on a national scale. This is a very delicate and interesting question, actually, and there is a lot of room for well-intentioned debate on it.
But I'm not going to answer it.
Because I think you should ask yourself something.
Why is this a question so frequently applied to gender affirming treatments, yet rarely, if ever, applied to any of the other procedures I listed above? I'm not jumping on you, because you asked a genuine question, and I'm glad you asked it. I'm speaking to anyone reading this, not just you, because this exact thing is so frequently brought up when discussing gender affirming care. And that's a double standard through and through- there's no way around that.
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elmo-keep · 5 months
hi friends!!! i just wanted to do a little thing where i thank my friends for being my friends and helping make my year brighter!! this is loosely inspired by @mirxzii!
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Firstly, thanks soo much to all my mutuals and followers and everyone else I've had positive interactions with this year on here :)
I'd also like to take a moment and thank all my friends who made my year:
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☆ OLIVE | @jewishruthfleming
↳ hiii ilysmmm you've been such a great friend to me and i'm soo grateful you're my friend. thanks for putting up with me and my hyperfixations which are completely different from yours, thanks for listening to my rambles abt alex wilder. you have literally been one of the best parts of my year, and i wanted to make sure you knew that so
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☆ NOOR | @kohinoors
↳ noor omg first off hi. i hope this is year is soo good to you. you are one of the coolest people i've ever met. even though neither of us like the same things anymore, i still love you soo much, and im so glad you think i'm cool enough to be your friend 🥺 you're like my cool big cousin, ilysmm
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☆ LUNA | @mexicancokewannabe
↳ LUNA BBG HII, literally ilsym. ty for always being there for me and always cheering me up when i'm sad and making me laugh, and making sure ik to sleep. you're such a sweet, fun person and my life is better bc of you 🦐🦐
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☆ MARTY | @vidnasty
↳ marty, i hope you know i think you're like the coolest person ever. even though we don't talk much anymore, i still love you so much, tysm for making me laugh and smile and cry (with your angst posts and fic ideas)! i hope you have a wonderful 2024!!!
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☆ ROXIE | @mirxzii
↳ roxiee i love you just as much now as i did during our encanto phases, even though we don't talk much or have the same interests, i still enjoy seeing your posts on my dash, and i hope you have a lovely year, hon ^_^
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☆ IZZY | @luckynature
↳ izzy!! ilysmmm you are so sweet and cool, and i'm so happy seeing you get the love you deserve this year, (and hitting almost? 1k followers), like congrats babes, you deserve it!!! your ideas and concepts for characters whether oc or existing are always so amazing, like you literally are soo creative omg. you're like the mirabel to my isabela, ilysm have a great year!!
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☆ JUNO | @madwickedawesome
↳ juno u r literally so poggers. omg ilyy ur soo cool and have such great taste. and THANK you for introducing me to lacrimosa. life changing frr alshskk anyway ily!!!
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☆ JAS | @isitovrnow
↳ jas, you're such an angel, thank you sooo much for being my friend!!! you're such a kind, beautiful soul omg, i hope this year is kinder to you, ily
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☆ VARI | @mapsareforbraindeads
↳ niaaa ilysm you are such an amazing writer, and you're so cool. like omg, ilysm i hope you have a great year and i hope life is kinder to you
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☆ ASH | @the-wank-shank
↳ you are like omg. you are so cool, you are also like a big cousin to me!!! your humour is so funny, and your art is so poggers. ily hug!!
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☆ AERON | @lanawinterscigarettes
↳ MY big bro!!! i love seeing you spam my notifs, its like my little way of knowing your online lol, your such a bright person you always make me smile whenever we talk ilysmmm
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☆ AMI | @foxboy-light-yagami
↳ ami you are so funny, your vibes are immaculate, and i love being correct abt light yagami with you. you are literally such a joy and ilysm
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☆ IZZIE | @hateful1979
↳ izzie!!! you are such a lovely person, and have such banger taste omggg i love you so much you're such a delight
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☆ ACHILLES | @nibblelinephym
↳ achilles you are so poggers!!! ilysmm ty for being my friend! you're so nice and always brighten the dash
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☆ CLOUD | @sillysnack
↳ CLOUDDD!!!! YOU ARE ONE OF my favourite ppl omg, you're such a lovely, sweet person ^_^ we've been friends since jan 2022 with our encanto phases (2 YEARS!!) AND i can't wait for another 2 years and beyond omg ilysm i can't put in words hi
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☆ SOPHIE | @larsgoingtomars
↳ sophie, you're amazing and i love you so much!! your such a lovely person and i love talking to you, you're such a great friend ilysm
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And a special mention to all my friends and mutuals who've deactivated- Asha, Envy, Oli, El, Deus, and everyone else, I still love you so much and I hope that you're okay <3
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sodaquail · 6 months
Dude I’m so hyped for your werewolf AU, you have no idea. I’m the biggest werewolf!Chip fan out there. Anyways, if you want asks (sorry if I misinterpreted your post):
What type of werewolf are we talking here? Classic bipedal or twilight style giant wolf? Somewhere in between?
Are any of the other characters werewolves, and/or does Chip know any others?
Is lycanthropy a known thing? How do people react?
One of my D&D books has a section on lycanthropy, and while you can play player characters affected by it, it goes hand and hand with the Evil alignment (it’s an older book, not sure about lycanthropy in 5E). Is this similar in your AU, or are werewolves misunderstood?
Don’t feel obligated to answer any of these haha, I understand that they could definitely lean into spoiler territory, I’m just so excited!! :D Werewolf world building is the best.
Im sooooo glad to see you're excited!!! I can totes add you to the tag list ^_^
for the TYPE of wolf... I totally leant more into mythology rather than werewolf movies. ive never actually watched a werewolf movie (although, a friend said wolfchip would be like the wolves from twilight so now im planning a marathon with IRLs.... oops) I'm doing a lot of worldbuilding into the nature and magic of werewolves and that stays hidden but.. - physically they are BIG. like twilight wolf sized... big big. - They have no tail (a mythology thing for werewolves!! common for creatures rumored to just be witches in disguse actually) I was VERYYYYYYYY much not going to pull the werewolf pop culture thing and have some 'weird human-wolf hybrid cross' because i did not like the idea tooooo much..... would rather be taken out back and killed with bricks than make chip bipedal wolf-man hybrid thing.... noooooooo...... also in human form werewolves are distinctly inhuman!! Won't go into TOO MUCH worldbuilding of mine but essentially, among other things their wolf form and traits fluctuate with the lunar cycle. on new moon they're indistinguishable from human, on full moon they're fully wolf, and all inbetween is a mix of traits. It all depends on when you catch em, whether it's day or night, whether it's new moon or close to full moon.... you might not know what you're signing up for if you find a normal person on the full moon only for them to change as the lunar cycle goes on, lol. but from mythology these are the traits which often identify a werewolf in human form - unibrow (not giving chip this one. no dice) - low, swinging stride (yes!) - lower set ears (also yes!) - when the skin is cut, there is fur under it! (yes, but i felt might be too obscure for people.... not included in common werewolf pop culture sadly...) as well as a few special things of my own!!! I ALSO HAVE A PHOTO OF WHAT WOLFCHIP LOOKS LIKE!! i found this on a dog grooming video on tiktok and went 'thats wolfchip."
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2) Yes! I have one confirmed werewolf NPC (of my own making for the purposes of the story) and am toying with the idea of making another character a werewolf. It won't be too big of a deal though... just a neat little reference!! 3) now THIS is staunchly spoiler territory!! sorry dude!!! 4) this is also spoiler territory but what i will say is that I did not go off of DND modules (although it wouldnt hurt to give them a read...)!! I play BECMI and 5e as my DND modules among other TTRPGS but i did not lean from any of them. Honestly, I didn't take much inspiration for my werewolf worldbuilding outside of some mythology shit (and not a lot, anyway). I think i just went off the general, well known werewolf myths and said 'ok what can i do with this' and i sewed and cut and now it is a new beast. it is MY beast. TYSM for your questions!!! Hope you enjoy the final project ahhhh...... seeing the answers for the spoilers in the fic will be SO much better than reading them here i swear :3
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pbaintthetb · 3 months
Invincible s2e5
It's here, it's here!! Some of my thoughts. Spoilers ahead
"He's never on the hook for the lives he destroys. Just leaves it for everyone else to clean up. Again and again." -> incredible
Brothers eh!! and also Debbie saying mark must get his nobility/reluctance to abandon people from her side ;-)))), especially since this is like one of if not the only time mark is compared to his mum and not his dad. (Whether it's a you're nothing like you're dad, you will be your dad, your dad doesn't influence my view on you)
debbie taking time off work ot look after mark's brother just after they all said they wer so glad she was back :-(( I get that she priortises mark's education though
oop the donald sub plot, forgot about that but now Im hella intrigued again, he a cyberman, though he's the six million dollar man to hear Cecil tell it (we can rebuild him...)
william boxed up mark's stuff.... oof that must have been rough (for william i mean, assuming he's dead)
cecil stfu and stop being a creeper- although if he wasn't like that he wouldn't be cecil, his job is to be a bastard in order to do what he deems necessary
"He's an alien. We're more qualified to take care of him."- very ominous very uncomfortable, glad to see mark isn't having any of it but still. actually ingernal loving mark's convo with cecil
Cecil's little side eye at the end, he's scared ohohoh. and that petty "im sureyour mum will love ooking after her ex's kid" like uh, no but she said she'll do it for mark and otherwise mark will do it so so?
Mark and Amber are cool, and yeah it's nice to see him listening to her problems even if maybe it's revealing that uh... yeah he can't be there for her and that's complicated (as mark said)
Rudy and monster girl is intersing, like i get why she's pissed and i get where he's coming from
DECEASED they all knew he was from mars.Almost disappointed because him desperately trying to be human was hilarious but also this reveal was the funniest fucking thing so, even his reveal felt so unhuman
also how noble and excited the abckstory is until the awkard... so I sort of tried to kill him but I didn't even do that right and now he's coming to earth to kill us all possessed by a hive creature
"No, before, I was lying. Now I'm telling the truth. It's very different." hilarious, might steal that.
Rex, gonna go OOC real quick, then pan to Atom Eve AMV... iconic, I wonder what this could mean /s
Ok I was like, stop commenting on everything but like Rex is a prick but the absolute funniest, saying that maybe Eve's parents WANT her to be abducted because they still haven't fixed her broken window lock killed me
also more seriously actually the familiarity with which they talk and rex moves around eve's room (the l atter would be weird if it weren't so obvious eve could make him stop if she wanted) is great? Because yeah they dated for a while, like they should know each other even if they don't get on anymore and it's great to see the evidence of that Similarly the fact taht Eve reveals at teh end she knew rex just wanted something but that she also does think he genuinely helped her see that she helps people
Man, mark :-( spread too thin, and he's realising it but what is the way out?? Butter spread over too much bread and you can't just put it back in the tin
Shapesmith's intonation and diction and also just his timing of what he says is, mwah, chefs kiss, incredibel
when is the shapesmith show coming, we've already had "Allan"???
was gonna say "nice fight scenes" then kate happened, and i mean they're still good but oh fuck holy shit oh god hog do
.um. well post the homeward guardians fight all I have to say is that it seems that Rex is ranking guardian after all.
Or um, them some cliff hangers amirite, sure do hope everybody is fine
but no did like Rex's last line of the episode and also King lizard's smarmy evil pragmatism ooh very nice.
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bonesandthebees · 21 days
im alive (questionable) and im finally back (real) and gods does it feel great to finally read the new rose chapter
I did NOT realise just how MUCH I missed it but DAMN
the crimeboys bonding is going great and theyre doing good in their surviving, im so proud of them
poor phil has to deal with the one thing he cannot control and so he ofc focuses on what he can control, control freak
im enjoying reading about him A LOT, hes so intriguing to me, like yeah so far hes a good character id say, but we get a peak at what he could be capable of and are slowly learning where his priorities and loyalties and limits lie and oh gosh is it fun to watch
and ofc THE BIG MOMENT OF THE CHAPTER: friendly nicknames privileges
and like its a really important and sweet moment in itself and ive been excited for it ever since learning there will be different official names like nikanna and willum and oh did it NOT DISAPPOINT like yesssssss letsgo they are FRIENDS and they let the other call them by their NICKNAMES and it shows how much CLOSER to got and the TRUST and just AHSHSHJSDHBSBSHS YESSSSSSS
and it gets even BETTER bc thats not all, this is a recurring theme with you, whether its a fae name that carries power, a mermaid name that signals family like in last years mermay, knowing a name that reveals the secret identity in superhero aus coming with trust but also responsibility, official and personal names of royals like rose and stars showing friendship or in the other way loss of it, and in glass the reclaiming of self identity thru the reclaiming of name and letting go of a title (which btw the coolest and most genius work with narration ive ever read) you just keep on giving names value in your stories and especially the act of sharing them, the one close to you, with others as a sign of love, even just a little bit and it gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME and the fact its a recurring theme gives it even more meaning, makes it get to me even more
and like its something that happens even in real life in some ways but we often overlook just how much love is hidden in it and I love that it gets to shine like this in your stories
I know we talked about your love for giving names more meaning like this before but I just needed to scream about it again bc IT STILL GETS TO ME
it feels so good to have you back in my inbox (and my ao3 comments) with walls of text like this jiksvokrat
they're doing shockingly well!! shoutout to tommy's survival knowledge wilbur would've been dead by morning without him
I'm so glad you're enjoying the phil pov. I love showing his control issues and how his mind works. he's such a calculating character and I have so much fun writing him
I'm so glad you like my recurring thing with names. I really don't know where it came from, I never had this whole thing with names before I started writing mcyt fic. I think I just really liked it both when I wrote that first fae au fic so many years ago and then when I was writing clinic and there was obviously the whole secret identity thing going on that I just realized I liked the theme and decided to use it where I could.
I just think the act of sharing your name, your identity with someone else can be so vulnerable and full of trust!! I guess this translates to every day stuff as well. like when one of my childhood friends came out as trans to me I felt so happy when she trusted me with her new name and identity (I was one of the first people she came out to). or as a less intense example, part of why I like having an online nickname is that it feels strangely nice to have a name that you guys here can use that's me but also a bit separate from me, but then I have my real name which is reserved for the people I'm closest to (though of course most of my internet friends who know my real name still use bee for me which I don't mind at all). I guess it's kind of like having a public persona vs a private persona. idk, I guess I just really feel the importance of names so I like including it as a theme in my writing.
I'm just very glad you guys aren't getting sick of the whole name giving thing yet lol
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knifvd · 5 months
quick , obligatory new year's eve post . thank you to everyone for always being so kind , accomodating , and amazing to me and welcoming me back from my third blog once again :pleading: . you guys make me so happy to write and i can't wait to continue to do so into the new year . i'm gonna b a little gay after this , but i want to give a special thanks 2 these people .
@killerhubby ori , my love . thank u for being one of the main reasons i continue to write and come back to tumblr . i've only known u for a couple months but it feels like years , and now we're married and i pocket sage you ? we're clearly 4lyfers and i ripped up the return reciept . you're mine ( and im urs ) forever n ever . icb i used to be afraid of u , but i'm so so blessed 2 have u in my life . here's to u moving in w me so i can finally pee on ur desk ( real ) i can't wait to continue to write and hang out with u more . thank u for helping me feel safe and loved nd welcome . love u lotsa .
@stamour god we need to get off this godforsaken app LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but somehow we always come back to each other . thank you for turning away whenever i bring aiko back from the dead for the 30th time and always always indulging with me and making fun of the rpc w me . i'm so glad to have made a friend like you and making this site bearable . okay lets go just send each other inboxes and never do threads threads are overrated <3
@solivcgant mochi . i love you . you've seen me through it all and i am so BLESSED to have met u and for you to always put up with my shit . i love writing and talking with you and you always follow me even though ive been through a billion blogs . you're always a pleasure to write with and talk to and i appreciate you not giving up on me when i take forever and a day to respond . xoxo ily
@daemonry god they've been friends for too long but hi we still need to sprint it on some LEAGUE together ( real ) but you're always super fun to talk to and write with , so thank you for putting up with me and all my stupid muses .
@valhiir em... my love ... my one connection to the league community ... you're an AMAZING writer i know i still owe you that soraka reply but ill give it to you soon . thank you for always checking up on me and messaging me even though you don't have to and ive been awol for thirteen years :sob: i cant wait to write more with you in this upcoming year and force u to adc for me ( mwahahahha ) ...
@galaxythixf NOVAAA aa i absolutely adore writing with you and talking with you ooc , thank you for letting me scream in your ear about any little thing whether it be something abt life , val , our muses , anything . heres to playing val and all the angst in the future for us !
and ofc , shouts out to @ferinehuntress , @florspinae , @puckish-rogue , @tealsteel , @dimensionalspades , @un1awful , @todestochter & @pinkminxed for putting up with me spamming u with silly questions , chatting with me ooc when i'm a scared little weenie and writing with me . here's to writing more in the future <3
and of course , last but not least , you , the person reading this . thank you for being here and supporting me while i attempt to be active and explore my muses . i cant wait to get to know all of you and write with you more . and with that being said .
pees on 2024's desk . thank you for coming to my ted talk .
♥ love , bunny
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