#which i'll hopefully get to drop soon <33
scargivr · 5 months
kora is very much of a choleric temperament . easy to anger , resistant to forgiveness , demanding . their anger is an all - consuming fire that will burn anyone who gets too close . it's been burning inside of them for so long , maybe this fire is kin to the flames balisarius used to scorch their planet when they were young . they can't remember a time before their heart was charred , every breath tasting like ash . kora is so full of rage & grief ; the uncontrollable wildfire & the inescapable tsunami .
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sunsetshifting · 1 year
OMG HIHI! AHHHH I really missed seeing u active on ur page since u grew to be my fav shifting acc 😭 DONT APOLOGIZE IM JUST GLAD UR OKAY, how’ve you been? 🫶🏼
KSDFJJLKDN I didn't think anyone would notice me dropping off omg (Also i'm bumping this one to the top ahead of the other asks real fast just so I can assuage any worries!! Promise the rest of the asks will still be answered <33)
I'm so happy you like my account so much!!! /gen 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Things could definitely be better;; got some really bad medical news for my grandpa :( so we're all spending as much time with him as we can. (Hence why I've been gone the last 2-3 weeks, real stressed abt it.) Gonna see him later today, actually, before I go and see my other grandparents^^
Plus all the struggle with finding a job (sooo many places want you to be 21+ or able to regularly lift 50+ pounds, neither of which I can fulfil. I've got money saved up, though, and a reliable and safe place to live, so dw about me!!)
Other than that, I've been scripting like crazy. I just scripted my 39th desired reality 😭😭which is a little nutty to think about, but super fun, regardless! I scripted all sorts of goofy DRs (including a cowboy au of Obey Me), and managed to get pretty close to shifting on a few different nights! I'm still relying on the lucid dream method, so I'm trying to boost my dream recall as well (bc I heard that helps^^.)
I'm glad there's still interest in my blog~ I've never had people notice my absence before haha!
I'll be answering all my other asks here soon, as well as posting some more stuff related to shifting (maybe some scenario ideas or another template? Both are pretty fun!) so hopefully everyone can enjoy those! <3
Blblblbl sorry for rambling a bit, but TLDR, I'm stressed but mostly happy! I've got a lot of good things to keep my mood up^^ (Not to mention the exciting changes being on testosterone is bringing!)
Thank you for asking how I am <33 I hope you're doing well, too!!
<3 Happy Shifting, you silly geese /pos <3
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nikadoesanart · 3 years
Ello. So uh I'll get straight to the point...
Did Dazai's plan include Akutagawa's death? Like did he send him off knowing that he'll sacrifice his life for Atsushi when worst comes to worst?
I have theorized that he has zero empathy for Akutagawa, and I also think that he knows that he's sickly and dying and so he's making use of him before his time's up.
So I'd also like to think of how he'll react when he sees vampire Akutagawa, and if he'll feel genuinehuman emotions when he sees his development...if he lives.
(This actually my first ask so thank you anon!) also please note that I wrote this a week before ch 95 released
I don’t think Dazai intended for Akutagawa to die. I do think there’s a very good chance that he accounted for the very real possibility of Aku, and possibly Atsushi as well, getting severely injured when fighting Fukuchi at a minimum, if not dying at worst. After all, look at all of his military accomplishments. I’m couldn’t really say with confidence if I think Dazai did or did not know of the possibility of a vampire outbreak before hand, or if he knows of it yet. After all, we haven’t seen him or Dostoyevsky in a hot minute (this was written a week before ch 95 lol) so who knows what they’re chatting about now. I do think he accounted for the overall result of SSKK vs Fukuchi, as Atsushi was able to meet up with Ango afterwards fairly quickly. In terms of if he knew Aku would sacrifice himself for Atsushi, I think it’s more likely that he placed his bets on Aku willing to go to such extremes to show his growth to Dazai. Aku provided a chance for Atsushi to escape, which gives the ADA another chance to stop Kamui and the DOA. In essence, the sacrifice was for the sake of protecting Yokohama and later, the world (ideally).
I definitely agree that Dazai is by no means the most empathetic character in bsd. I do like to believe though that meeting and befriending Oda caused him to at least gain some sympathy. After all, he did tell Aku in Dark Era that, had Odasaku been the one to find and take in Akutagawa, he would have been having a much better time. Even if he doesn’t seem to feel (or at least express) guilt, he is certainly aware of the cruelty he is enacting, especially when compared to the likes of Oda.
I also agree in believing that Dazai must’ve known of Aku’s illness. Even if he didn’t sneak a look at Mori’s files or if Mori didn’t tell him (I say Mori because he is a doctor, and a very good one at that so it makes sense imo for him to have the files and even to look after some of his subordinates to some extent, plus he is the leader so it just makes sense for him to know and have this info imo), I very much think that Dazai is capable of deducing such a thing. Especially since Aku is his direct subordinate and he is very attentive to details. I don’t think Dazai’s perspective now is to make use of Aku while he’s still alive. After all, in past joint missions he’d drop a hint or clue knowing that it had the right incentive for Aku to act. Dazai certainly knows how to make use of everyone in optimal ways, but I do think that he does care at least a bit about Aku’s growth now. After all, he did mention that he took in Atsushi because he realized the potential in the strength that would later become SSKK.
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Ch 37, p 33-34, translation by DazaiScans (tysm @chazukekani with the citation help)
I’m also really curious as to how Dazai will react to everything that has happened since Atsushi and Ranpo got on the ship with Fukuchi. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s trying to keep himself composed or focus on distracting Dostoyevsky when possible, since the first one of them to break can very much hinder their own side. Hopefully we see our two prisoners soonish (maybe by ch 100? Idk, I’m just throwing numbers into the void, don’t quote me on character comebacks lol). I also do both think and hope that there is some way to overcome the effects or at least the control aspect of the vampirism without dying. After all, why did Asagiri deem it necessary for Fukuchi to point out the importance of Tachihara’s ability to dealing with the vampirism?
Anyway, thank you again for the ask anon! Hopefully I didn’t miss anything in your ask and I’d love for this to turn into a discussion in the replies and reblogs >.<
Also again I wrote this a week before ch 95 so seeing Fyodor and Dazai so soon is almost a little funny to me lol
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emma! hey! can i say i'm in love with the new icon?? your drawings are always amazing! + i hope i'm not too late but these are for the fanfic writer asks: 7, 9 (hartford), 27, 28, and 32!
hey amber!!!!! thank you so much love, that's so nice omg <33 i still haven't finished that drawing yet but oh well, we'll get there one day...maybe. anyways, your fic writer answers-
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of?
already answered here! (but, i will also add Blue hair, blue eyes to that too <3 i love writing soft fics sm)
9. If you had to assign a theme song to Hartford, which would you assign?
oohh this is such a cool question!!!! the first song that comes to mind would be my fav piano/instrumental piece to listen to, Nocturne, which i actually mentioned in one of the chapters as one of cassie's favourite songs lol (no projection here at all jhvfhjbvf) - i think that was chapter 4?? anyways, i feel like that is a fitting song, but perhaps not theme-ish enough (???) so i'll also say willow, by taylor swift ofc. it has a perfect vibe, and some neat lyrics too!!
i'll also drop the link to my playlist that i sometimes listen to when writing hartford, which has Nocturne and a heap of other piano-based songs!! very dark academia vibes <3
27. What time of day do you prefer to write?
honestly, it depends on what exactly i'm writing, but early afternoon is always great for me (just the right balance of tiredness to productivity yk). but sadly that never seems to be the time of day that i have free to write, so it usually ends up being evening or night. for me, night time is for creative and new writing, and then day time is for editing and sorting ideas etc... (usually. or i just do it all at 2-3 am. whatever.)
28. Is there a part of Hartford you’re surprised no one has picked up on yet?
i don't think so... well, not yet anyway... hehe we'll see
32. What story do you think showcases your signature style the most?
funny you should ask this, cos i've been thinking about my "style" a lot lately, and i'm honestly still trying to figure out exactly what it is. anyways, before i go on a ramble about that, i'll just link some posted fics that i think somewhat encapsulate my style...
Chapter Five (of Hartford), Diamonds, Fingertips on me, Don't you love New York in the fall? (on ao3)
(i know these are mostly 5sos fics, but those are the latest ones i've written and hence the most fitting to show my style!! <3)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK AMBER!!!!! i absolutely love these fic asks, it helps me so much to think things through and really go over what i've written - which then helps my current writing too!!! (and hopefully will get me to post something soon argh!!!!)
✨fanfic writer ask✨
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
「 🐳 」 i think that painting landscapes are a lot more relaxing than drawing people and critters because there's so many more opportunities to create organic shapes and not mess up. you're living in the moment rather than trying to compose yourself enough to make a living being perfect than to focus on the environment around... and! i snuck around your bgs and i adore every single one of them <33 they're super up my alley and i attempt to capture the essence of old paintings, too. tempted to reblog them on my new personal blog 💕💕
while i adore drawing my ocs and other characters, landscapes are a lot more fun imo. i never thought i'd end up enjoying it as much as i do, considering that i was once incredibly afraid of creating backgrounds. hopefully this link will allow you to see? https://imgur.com/a/dJTwqsn
which is why i also think taking a break would be beneficial! taking the time off for yourself and to not focus on people in a specific environment, i mean. similar to painting backgrounds! everyone will still be here, whether you take a few days off up to a couple months off methinks ^^ I know that's the general statement we always hear when we tell people we wanna take a hiatus, but I genuinely believe that the people around you would rather you take some self-fulfilling time off to heal than to let yourself deteriorate in another place ;w;;
Oh, for sure there's so much more room of looseness and fun with landscapes! For me they are infinitely more freeing than humans to paint and while there's still plenty you can do with a person, there's just... way more appeal to me when it's beyond a person. My favorite works are usually when there's something much larger than the human going on in the scene—be it an entire Situation or just something that's literally bigger than the human—and often the human in the picture is actually massively dwarfed in size. For example, this has been my desktop wallpaper for the longest time.
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How it shows the sheer scale of the dragon! Emerging from the clouds, so much larger than anything you've seen! And yes of course it's from Guild Wars 2 sdgfdfg By Ruan Jia I think?
The worry of 'getting it right' with landscapes/backgrounds/environments is so much less infuriating than with humans. Sure there's still the matter of perspective and painting a material in a way that it looks correct; textures are still important and there's still rules to the natural world, but mistakes made with portraying humans stand out so, so much more to me in my own work and it drives me crazy. There was a time when I ended up veering much more heavily towards realism in my style and realized that I was genuinely slowly starting to grow loatheful of my output because there's so much to fucking adhere to. I am hypercritical of the work I make and will forever judge it with cold harshness that I'll never see anyone else's work with, and drawing literally anything other than humans is the most respite I can offer myself from it sdhkfdg
(Like if there's going to be anything I have in common with Dola, it's the dissatisfaction with my work as an artist; though thankfully with her she loosens up once she finds herself y'know, a few centuries old with the skills of a master >.>)
And sdhfjkdf nonnie what in the hell, thank you ;w; Especially with your quality of work like wtf??? NONNIE!!! NONNIEEE!!!!!!!!!! ;w; ;w; ;w; I'm reminded of Ghibli's backgrounds in some of those... Waaa @.@ I gotta get to working on my stuff soon... I need to remake a study plan I had 2 years ago but dropped off from when I developed carpal tunnel syndrome... So motivating seeing someone else's really good art like Nonnie what on earth... Are you a triple threat or something........ ;w; ;w; ;w;
Re: hiatus... I mean it's tempting but like at the same time I realistically don't think I can stay off this site for very long because have some friends here that I can only talk to while here? I think I'm too attached to not check at least once a day to see if they're okay, though I guess I can have a few days off, like a week or something... or a semi-hiatus where I come in for like a few minutes to go see how they're all doing >.<
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versadies · 3 years
Hello Dan!!💖 Aaaaaaa there's been a lot of manhwa hype in here xD i am not familiar with those, but they sure do seem like great recommendations :D thank you to penpal @/elychee too for chatting about manhwa stuff with dan <3 not only you get to promote manhwa reading, but you also manage to give possible recommendations to read for later :D
About my life right now, it's quite busy and i really wish i had enough energy to complete my assignments </3 There's this one homework I have to pass if I don't want my grades to fail;; Goodness I only managed to write 1/6 essays so far (by the time i sent this which is 1:00 AM). I would sleep now since I feel dizzy and unable to comprehend stuff;; Hopefully I could send in asks the same like before again and feed you more love after i managed to overcome this xD I am also aware that you have projects to do, and I'll be with you in doing those requirements <3333 Of course, don't forget to take care of yourself despite these challenges. 😤💞
A message I'd like to send 🦊 anon:
— Just dropping by to say that 🦊 anon gives me the mom friend vibes. Based on the asks that i have read from you, i get that you really care for others and I hope you care as much like that for yourself too!! My heart melts everytime i saw an ask you send in for Dan. You are such a sweet and warm person<33 I am so glad for you to be able to join the genshinblr community!! Getting 100+ notes for your first drabble is a great start for you :) I hope your works would flourish more and you would establish a successful writing blog :D
I'd also love to come across your works in the future and hopefully my eyes will lay their focus on them. I would like to sense or feel that *this* certain piece that I could be eyeing in the future is your own writing :D And who knows? I might be sign up as your anon too :> Soon, I'd also be joining you in the genshinblr community <3
And! Another one for 🍁 anon:
— Hello :D I'm so glad that you feel nice when you are addressed in Dan's blog!! Because yes, you deserve it, i'm telling you. Your brain rots are really great and very in-depth. I look forward to more of it in the future <3 i also appreciate your warm welcome for the manhwa lover recruitment xD I don't actually read now, but you, Dan and the other fellow penpals surely do encourages me again :)
And yes. I feel like interacting or connecting with fellow anons feels nice- it's just quite difficult and awkward at first especially that you will be too stunned to speak 😰
— sincerely, 🍰.
IKR im so happy i get to talk to a few ppl about manhwas 💞💞 and oh noo i hope you manage to submit all of your assignments, dizziness doesn’t sound good so i hope you’ll feel better and take care of urself :000 rest assured that you alr gave me enough love by just sending an ask alone <33 !! please take your time comrade hehe
its so nice to see fellow anons from the adventure’s team talking to one another !! i hope ur message will be able to reach them >:DDDD
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sweetteasummer13 · 6 years
Since I'm getting hang of tumblr feel like I should introduce myself.
I'm TeArra and the way to pronounce my name is just like the crown Tiara. I'm probably on the older end of Swfities and I'm 32 8 days shy from 33. I mean I'm sure there are others around my age but I feel on average it seems majority is younger haha.
I've grew up listening to all genres of music and one of my favorite things to do as my friends tease me is attend concerts and tapings. I got into enjoying Taylor Swift later in the game mostly by time Red came out. Even though I say I listen to lots of genres, at the time country music wasnt really one of them. But I had heard of Taylor even way back( like I saw her perform in award shows so I was familiar with songs from first album). As they would play some of her songs on other pop stations. One of the first songs I knew I loved a lot was Back to December. I just love the melody and everything. I would definitely turn it up and sing it when I heard it on the radio lol
By the time Red was out I was hearing a lot more about Taylor and soon came to love her stuff and finding myself a casual fan. During this era I got to see her perform at the 2012 VMAs she did WANGBT and after that I was like way impressed how fun and enjoyable the performance was.
Next by time 2013 came I found myself finally deciding to give country music a chance and I've became hooked. Its definitely one of my top genres I listen to now of course following year Taylor drops Shake it Off and says she's going to do a pop album. I'm like really? right as I'm loving country music haha. But I loved that song then 1989 came out and I found myself obsessed with that album played it daily and from there on was no turning back. Fact months before Shake it Off came out I got a email about a secret project and was contacted by phone to film myself dancing to a random song. I got home late from work that day so I didnt have time to film something good since I had maybe a hour or less to submit. Unfortunately I wasnt selected for the project which later would be the Shake it Off video. Womp womp lol
I knew once she toured again I had to finally check out a show. Luckily living in LA area I had 5 chances. I ended up getting tickets a few days before one of her LA shows I believe night 3? And scored 3rd row behind pit. I ended up going alone since I dont have many friends that like her enough to see her. Downside being in my 30s sometimes lol. But I was blown away from that tour and can't believe I had been missing all her tours before that.
Then reputation came out and I was like woah different but I loved it once again was in constant repeat mode still is today. I scrambled and racked up points to get tix then almost decided not to go once she announced was a stadium tour as I had just been through a tragic experience surviving the Route 91 festival in Vegas. I was scared to do outdoor venues again. But I decided that I had months to prepare and push my fears away and I'm glad I went. So far best show of the year for me. Wish I could go again. I ended up getting a extra ticket and gifting it to friend and she loved it so hopefully from here out I'll have at least 1 friend to go to Taylor shows with.
I doubt I'll ever meet her. I know there's thousand and thousands of fans who've been fans longer and have yet to have that moment and you all deserve it. For now I'll just keep cherishing all the moments she shares with us fans and dance and sing my heart out to her music.
Sorry this is long and if you read great. Hopefully I can meet new swiftie fans on here. Just reading all your posts you guys all seem like great people :)
My friend and I before reputation stadium show. I'm on the right in the Taylor shirt ❤
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@taylorswift @taylornation
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