#which i'm too shy to actually interact with
zetsubobu · 2 months
Adding right to my previous post but little funfact about myself:
The reason I got into art was because there was a certain ninjago artist that I really loved and she had very interesting ocs. Those ocs became like a huge hyperfixation to me (that I still kind of have) and I remember screenshotting so much art of them, making folders, etc. In the end, those ocs inspired me so much that I wanted to create my own (as well as do fanart for them) so that's the reason why I wanted to learn how to draw.
I have always been a huge oc artist supporter which is why I just love learning about other people's ocs because I think that's one of the things where a persons creativity can shine the most.
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0ann3 · 3 months
( 〃..) First time doing a pure text post, but I'm considering drawing twst rarepairs for the whole month of April like a challenge AKSJHAKSJAHS
I was supposed to do it during February, but I forgot to do it until around 2nd week and I really didn't properly plan this out, so I'm posting this today so I wouldn't forget again and to motivate myself LMAO
If anyone reading this does know some interesting twst rarepair, do feel free to share, so I can consider and perhaps add them to the list heheheh, but either way, I'm going to read some more vignette or do a roulette to see which ones gonna stick in my mind as so far it's just:
Azul x Deuce Malleus x Jade Malleus x Trey Vil x Trey Riddle x Silver (?) Silver x Ruggie (?)
(◕ ◕) If I can't think of any more ships until the near end of March, I'll just stick with what I have listed
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astrxealis · 8 months
went out w friends today super duper fun i'm really happy but anyway just on here to say it's my break now so i'll be a bit more active i hope, it's my bday soon too, and i got asked my gender today which was p cool 😙🥺💗✨
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#i miss it here but real life has been so fun again that i'm just. really happy JEGQKDJS#LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS SM u guys here and those irl and elsewhere online and yes <333#it's crazy tbh i went to a mall today w my friends in class as a yk gala but also in advance for my bday ... they r all so nice i love them#they kept hyping me up and idk it's a small thing but i love how observant they r SNIFFS maybe i'm just not used to it all so it means a lot#but either way it means so much fr. AND THEN OK the weekend after this one i'm watching a movie w my other grp of friends from arti's class#hehe 2nd time hanging out w em but we'll be more complete this time around <3 !!! and thennn at school i hang out w a variety of friends at#diff times and then online i've been connecting in diff ways w my closest friends online too and even randomly here yk and then yeah it all#just makes me vv happy that for the first time in... what. 6 years. i've been truly myself w interacting w others#BCS YES i am shy introverted quiet BUT ALSO the complete opposite but in a nice way. best of both worlds fr.#idk IEHSJDJS JUST REALLY HAPPY I'M 'BACK' to who i kind of rlly am but either way i am Me#sniffs..... okay but i'm not gna get emotional rn LOL#it's not rlly break yet until sat tbh which is my bday :P we're just staying home for the rest of the week but there's still school#i was worried at 1st i rmbr i wouldn't like my class but i had my thoughts and ideas which were good#and BOOM they actually did come true. it's amazing. oh my god.#also bad moments have come n gone but i've been dealing w them healthily and generally always trying to be as best as i can be healthily#DAMN. i'm thriving. but even if things go sour i know it'll go through and yeah. amazing#so tldr touching grass is rlly good and loving urself lmfao#the thing is i admittedly have always loved myself so. good for me! genuinely i have always and knew for a very long know i always will love#myself :] rlly nice to have that stability but ig it stems too from a very ahaha childhood WHWHJD i've fastforwarded growing up mentally#it's p sad but ig i wouldn't have it any other way since who i am is who i am. so. yeah.#YEEHAW OKAY GN !!! i shut up now hehehe#i miss writing... ye gods
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vanessagillings · 2 months
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I’m posting the ever-so-rare photo of myself alongside one of my characters based on my childhood because today is World Autism Acceptance Day, and I wanted to show my little corner of the internet who this particular autistic person is:  
I was officially diagnosed in February, at age 38 (I’m now 39). A lot of people thought I couldn’t be autistic.  Some people who know me in real life still don’t.  And until around 10 years ago, I didn’t think I could be either, because I was nothing like the stereotype media portrays. I was told that autistics lacked empathy (untrue), and never played make-believe (also often untrue) and only enjoyed STEM.  I was — and am — an empathetic artist -- and make believe?  I can spend days sketching finely bedecked bears brewing tea or carefully choosing the right words to weave tapestries of fiction — though perhaps my hyper focus was a bit of a red flag.  Even so, how could autism describe me?  I was a good student.  I got straight A's. I didn’t act out in class.  I can make eye contact…if I must.  And lots of girls hate having their hair brushed with an unholy passion, right?  Clearly I swim in sarcasm like a fish, so autism couldn't be why I was so anxious all the time, could it?
If someone had told me when I was younger what autism ACTUALLY is — instead of the nonsense I’d seen on screens — I would have seen myself in it.  I didn’t hear that autistics have sensory issues until I was in my mid-twenties, which is when I first began to really research autism symptoms, and I had almost all of them:  sensitivity to light, smells, fabrics, temperatures, textures, and certain touches, all of which make me feel anxious, I fidget (stim), I never know what the hell to do with my hands or where to look, I talk too little or too much, I have special interests, I have entire animated movies memorized shot-by-shot and can remember the first time and place I saw every movie I've ever seen but I often forget what I'm trying to say mid-sentence, I echo movies and tv shows (my husband and I have a whole repertoire of shared echolalias, making up about 20% of our conversations), I was in speech therapy as a kid, I have issues with dysnomia and verbal fluency, I toe-walk, I can't multitask to save my life, I like things just-so, I’m deeply introverted but not shy, I need to recover from all social interaction — even social interaction I enjoy — and I find stupid, every day things like grocery shopping, driving and making appointments overwhelming and intensely stressful, sometimes to the point where I struggle to speak.  It turns out, I am definitely autistic. My results weren't borderline. Not even close. And while these aren’t all of my challenges, and not everyone with these symptoms is autistic, it’s definitely something to look into if you present with all of these things at once. 
So why did it take me so long to get diagnosed? The same bias that exists in media threads through the medical community as well, and because I'm a woman who can discuss the weather while smiling on cue, few people thought I was worth looking into. Even after I was fairly certain I was autistic, receiving an official diagnosis in the US is unnecessarily difficult and expensive, and in my case, completely uncovered by my insurance.  It cost me over $4000, and I could only afford it because my husband makes more money than I do as a freelance illustrator — a job I fell into largely because it didn’t require in-person work; like many autists, I have been chronically underemployed and underpaid, in part due to physical illness in my twenties, which is a topic for another day.  But it shouldn’t be like this.  It shouldn’t be so hard for adults to receive diagnoses and it shouldn’t be so hard for people to see themselves in this condition to begin with due to misinformation and stereotypes. Like many issues in America, these barriers are even higher for marginalized groups with multiple intersectionalities. 
It’s commonly said that if you’ve met one autistic person, you’ve met one autistic person.  This is why it’s called a spectrum, not because there’s a linear progression of severity (someone who appears to have low support needs like myself might need more than it seems, and vice versa), but because every autistic person has their own strengths and weaknesses, challenges and experiences, opinions and needs.  No two people on the spectrum present in the same way.  And that’s a good thing!  No way of being autistic is inherently any better than any other, and even if someone on the spectrum struggles with things I don’t — or can do things I can’t — doesn’t make them more or less deserving of respect and human dignity.
But speaking solely for myself, the more I learn about autism, the happier I am to be autistic.  I struggle to find words and exert fine motor control, but my deep passion and fixation has made me good at art and storytelling anyway.  I find more joy watching dogs and studying leaf shapes on my walks than most people do in an entire day.  More often than not, the barriers I’ve faced weren’t due to my autism directly, but due to society being overly rigid about what it considers a valid way of existing.  My hope in writing this today is that maybe one person will realize that autism isn’t what they thought — and that being different is not the same as being less than. My hope with my fiction is to give autistic children mirrors with which to see themselves, and everyone else windows through which to see us as we actually are.
If you’re interested in learning more about autism or think you might be autistic, too, I recommend the Autism Self Advocacy Network  autisticadvocacy.org and the following books:
What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic by Annie Kotowicz
We're Not Broken by Eric Garcia
Knowing Why edited by Elizabeth Bartmess
Unmasking Autism by Devon Price, PhD
Loud Hands edited by Julia Bascom
Neurotribes by Steve Silberman
(trigger warning: the last two contain quite a lot of upsetting material involving institutionalized child abuse, but I think it’s important for people to know how often autistic children were — and are — abused simply for being neurodivergent).
Thanks for reading 💛
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planetpiastri · 2 months
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pairing: oscar piastri x fem!reader [no faceclaim] summary: you're a meme rapper with a cult following on youtube, and oscar is always in your comments, but it isn't until you release your first single that everyone puts two and two together. notes: this is one of the very first requests i ever received, and finally FINALLY it is done!! we are so back
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liked by oscarpiastri, patriciooward, and others
ynusername guys if i wrote a song about dino nuggets would you unfollow me be honest
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username1 yeah
ynusername 😔
oscarpiastri no
ynusername 😁
username2 maybe
ynusername i'm getting mixed signals
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liked by ynusername, landonorris, and 502,876 others
oscarpiastri Oscar goes outside: Japan edition
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username3 you're not even outside in any of these pictures oscar what
landonorris who are we getting dinner with, young man? 🤨
oscarpiastri My mum 😊 landonorris yeah right
username4 omg any yn fans in the comments?? mother liked the post 👀
username5 yeah they follow each other lol i don't think they've ever met though username6 they've definitely interacted, but yeah i think they're just like online acquaintances haha
ynusername nice berries mate
oscarpiastri Thanks, I've heard that before
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liked by ynusername, oscarpiastri, and 251,876 others
mclaren Happy Birthday Oscar! 🥳
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username7 guys why's oscar kinda...
oscarpiastri 😁😁😁
ynusername happy birthday. oscarpiastri Ok that's a lot of negative energy please step back username9 help these interactions are always so random??
username10 oscar's waist looking SNATCHED omg
username11 guys is this a safe space for me to confess something?
landonorris no, keep it to yourself
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, and others
ynusername finally releasing a single woohoo!! 'bark bark' coming out april 19th on spotify and apple music ^-^
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username12 OMG YESSSS
oscarpiastri What's it about
ynusername you have to stream the song and find out silly oscarpiastri Is it about me ynusername oh my god
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, and others
ynusername the type of face you'd go to war for (look past the camera, he's shy)
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landonorris shucks, i'm blushing
ynusername i am so obviously not talking about you
username14 NEW MUSIC WHEN??
ynusername the single JUST came out CHILL!
username15 the last slide??
username16 new music hint? ynusername no that's just me talking about oscar and lando landonorris ....which one am i? ynusername i literally called you a slut nine times in suzuka username17 so oscar is lust???? oscarpiastri Thank you Barbie!!
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liked by mclaren, ynusername, and 516,392 others
oscarpiastri Busy busy week, but glad the secret's out. My girlfriend is cooler and funnier than yours, by the way.
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ynusername you're so hot i am gnawing at the bars of my enclosure
ynusername the hair?? the smile?? the grabbable waist?? WOW!!
ynusername gonna write another song about you
ynusername if i saw you in the street i'd catcall you
ynusername i want you.
oscarpiastri I love you too
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request: hiiii babe! i love ur account! i was wondering if u could do an oscar piastri x meme rapper gf with an @addy_kate fc. like shes actually really funny and her music is oddly good (like tmg).
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tagging: @thearchieves @sheridamn @nikfigueiredo @charlig123456789 @ilove-tswizzle @aandreea2005 @sideboobrry @vellicora @eire-the-egg @marymustdie @cocote1410 @taygrls @koalapastries @vroomvroommuppett @nichmeddar @d3kstar @333kiki @ririyulife @resident-swiftie @zimm04 @jupiter-je-taime @ever_bizzare @blue-isnt-avaliable @iifloweringnightsii @graciewrote @formulaal @m0cha-bunny @marvelsimps @mehrmonga @elliegrey2803 @theblueblub @gwginnyweasley @sltwins @f1kenzzz @alexmarie29 @donttouchthegnote @clemswrld @hollieeelol @leireggsworld @luvvtrent @maddie-naps @lilcowboy0 @tygecjjd @skepvids @bwddermilch @pnkwhskyprncss @notawc @landossainz @janegxi @chaotic_version @lookatitlaterlol @cometsrodrigo @lizzypiastri @nixisracing @lavviee @yaesflorist
if you want to be added to any of my taglists, fill out this form
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jhopezwrld · 5 months
i'm your little scarlet, starlet, singin' in the garden
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summary: your sweet boyfriend jay eats you out for the first time
warnings: smut!!! oral (f receiving), swearing, corruption kink, dirty talk, uhhh i think that’s it
wc: 2,042
a/n: i wrote this in like an hour & a half and i actually hate it so much. pls leave feedback lol im an attention whore
minors do not interact plz! xx
"just tell me."
"not happening. just drop it, jay. i don't wanna talk about this anymore." you pout, turning your body away from his. you lie flat on your back, staring up at his blank ceiling, but your view of plain white is suddenly obstructed by your boyfriend. he'd been bugging you to tell him just how experienced you were since you had let it slip that your first kiss was only last year. "please, baby? i just wanna know. promise i won't laugh or tell anyone." he says, holding his pinky finger out to you to exaggerate his point. 
you roll your eyes and slap his hand away. "m’not telling you, jay. it's embarrassing!" you tell him, moving your hands from your sides to cover your face, which was already heating up. you can feel him stifle a giggle at your side, which makes you whine. "see! you're already laughing at me." he straddles you, using his much larger hands to pull yours from your face. "i'm laughing 'cause you're cute, baby. everything you do is cute cause you're my girl, yeah?" he asks, bringing his thumb up to caress your bottom lip. 
you nod at that, pressing a small kiss to the pad of his thumb. he smiles and presses his thumb harder at the seam of your lips. "has anyone ever put anything in here, baby?" he inquires, parting your lips with his finger and brushing his thumb over your teeth. you shake your head, too shy to verbally answer his question, but that isn't enough for him. 
he removes his thumb from your mouth and instead uses his hand to squeeze your cheeks together. "didn't i just ask you a question? c'mon, angel, you know how to use your big girl words. answer me, has anyone ever put anything in this pretty little mouth of yours?" 
"n-no. no one ever put anything in here." you sputter, feeling your stomach turn at the way he's speaking to you. "hmm, that's what i thought. my sweet innocent girl. has anyone ever kissed you like i have?" you know how to answer properly this time, so you do. "no, no one has ever kissed me the way you do." you answer, keeping your eyes glued to his shoulder, too embarrassed to keep eye contact with him. "s'what i thought. gimmie a kiss, pretty girl." he tells you, and you obey, looking up at him and connecting your lips. 
his tongue immediately invades your mouth, brushing over your teeth and exploring the entirety of your mouth before tangling with your own. there was something so distinct about the way he tasted, like warm cinnamon and ginger. it made you shiver, which jay picked up on immediately. he pulled away from you slowly, admiring the string of saliva that connected the two of you, making you flush and squeeze your eyes shut. he moves his mouth to your neck, kissing and licking at your pulse point. 
he presses one last kiss to your neck and pulls away. "s'it good baby? you like it when i kiss you like that?" he asks, although the smirk on his face makes it clear that he knows the answer. "y-yeah, i like it. makes me feel like-" you pause, not knowing how to describe what you’re feeling. he nods his head as to tell you to go on, and you do. "makes me feel warm down there." you voice. he takes his hand that had been lying by your head and places it on your clavicle "here?" he asks condescendingly. 
you shake your head no, and he moves his hand down to cup your breast. "here?" his fingers find your nipple through the thin shirt and bralette that you were currently wearing. you gasp and push your chest into his hand. "has anyone ever seen you here, sweetheart?" his hands graze the bottom of your shirt, and you shake your head. "can i?" he asks, and you nod. "didn't we just go over this, baby? use your words."
you sigh, trying to articulate your point before speaking again "i want you to take my shirt off, jay. want you to be the first to see me like that." you admit. he lets out a groan and bites his lip while gripping the sides of your shirt. "arms up, baby." 
you lift your arms above your head and he slips your shirt off of your body. the coldness of his room (or the intensity of his stare) causes your nipples to harden, turning into pretty peaks hidden under soft pink lace. "so fucking pretty, jesus christ." he says, dragging one hand up the length of your stomach to your right breast, palming it.
“so soft and sweet. all for me, right?” his voice is so low it’s almost unrecognizable. you nod “yeah, s’all for you, jay.” your response is rewarded soft smile before he ducks his head down to suck your covered nipple into his mouth. 
you let out a squeak, tangling your left hand in his hair, while your right stays by your side, curled into a fist. his tongue laves over your stiff lace-covered bud until he’s satisfied, pulling away to look at the wet spot he left. the loss of his mouth makes you whine, silently begging for more. "can i take this off, baby? it'll feel so much better." he explains, grazing his fingers over the delicate fabric of your bralette. you know he's right. if the feeling of his mouth through your top makes warmth travel south, what would it feel like with no barrier? you nod faster than you can speak.
"please take it off, jay? wanna feel your mouth, pretty please?" you beg, batting your eyelashes at him. jay groans and adjusts the very prominent bulge in his sweatpants. his hands grasp at the cups covering your breasts and he pulls. the sound of fabric tearing hits your ears before you realize what's happening. before you can protest, his mouth connects with your nipple. teeth and tongue cover your sensitive bud, licking and biting. a moan leaves your mouth before you can stop it. 
he smiles up at you and uses his free hand to play with the fabric of your sleeping shorts, which makes you buck your hips into his hands. he releases your tit, giving it one last kiss before pushing his body up to kiss you again. his knee presses in between your thighs, rubbing deliciously against your clit. he detaches your lips to press hot open-mouthed kisses to your neck. his hand again reaches down to your shorts. "can i take these off too, baby doll? just wanna make my girl feel good. can i make you feel good?" 
"we don't have to do anything, baby. don't wanna make you uncomfortable, just wanna make you feel nice," he says, caressing your cheek. 
"please take them off, jay? want you to touch me and make me feel good. i want you to do it, please." you say, clenching your fists at your side. he smiles at you, presses a sweet kiss to your lips, and lowers himself down his bed. coming face to face with your most sensitive area, he pulls your shorts down quickly and comes in contact with your pretty lace boyshorts.
 his fingers trace the intricate patterns on your hips and slip down to rub over your covered slit. his fingers and eyes meet the sticky sweetness in between your thighs. He sucks in a quick breath and thanks whatever god blessed him with an angel like you. he hooks his fingers into your panties and slips them off. you watch his reaction closely, his bottom lip is trapped by his teeth. 
it seems he's in awe of your pussy. his eyes trace the length of your folds, glued to the strings of arousal that wet your lower lips and inner thighs. "such a sweet little pussy. pretty pussy for a pretty girl. can i taste it?" he asks, his warm breath coming out in puffs against your sensitive parts. you squirm under his gaze, unsure of how to answer. "b-but what about you? wan'you to feel good too, jay."
he coos at your reply, pressing a sweet kiss to your inner thigh. "s'gonna be good for me too, baby. been wanting to taste you for so long. i think about how good your pussy will taste when i touch myself at night. might just make me cum in my fuckin pants." he admits, adjusting his bulge again. 
his admission makes you whine and push your hips up, searching for pleasure. "but what if i don't taste good? or what if i-" he cuts you off by pressing his face into your cunt, laving his tongue against your honeyed cunt. you let out a loud whine, throwing your arms over your face. his hot tongue wriggles between your folds before he sucks your clit into his mouth. he splays one hand over your hips, preventing you from wiggling out of his grip, while his other hand reaches for your own.
his hand grips yours, and he squeezes, providing you with a bit of comfort. your heartbeat quickens as you feel his tongue exploring parts that only you have touched. his lips move in a way that reminds you of the way he kisses you. messy and passionate. you let yourself relax, giving in to the sensations flowing through your body. jay licks thick stripes from your hole to your hardened pearl, drinking from you as if you were leaking ambrosia. 
you moan sharply, thrusting your hips into his mouth the best you can with his arm holding you down. he removes it, taking his middle finger and rubbing it against your hole. he detaches his mouth from you, keeping his eyes on your pussy as he pushes his finger inside of you. he sucks in a harsh breath “holy shit, baby. you’re so fucking tight. don’t you touch yourself?” he asks
you take a deep breath before responding. “s-sometimes, but my fingers aren’t as big as yours. it’s never felt like this before” you moan out. he smiles at you and dips his head back down between your thighs. he speeds up the movement of his finger and speaks again “that’s right. i’m the only one who can make you feel like this.” he rasps, before connecting his mouth with your clit again, sucking hard. you cry out and tangle your hands in his soft locks. he pushes another finger into your slick pussy and laps at the wetness that leaks onto the base of his fingers. 
your brain feels fuzzy and the only thing you can think to say is his name. his movements speed up as you cry out, and the bed creaks as he thrusts his hips into the mattress. jay can practically feel himself spiraling at the way you’re lost in the pleasure he’s providing you. he can feel you clench around his two fingers, your orgasm impending. he doubles his efforts, suckling on your clit while his fingers press into your g-spot, and that’s what unravels you. your hips arch and you sob out a broken moan, squeezing your thighs around his head as your orgasm washes through you. 
jay kisses around your thighs and eases his fingers out of your slit. as your breathing regulates, he slithers up the length of your body and places the two fingers that were just inside of you on your closed lips and taps as if to say ‘open up’. your lips part and he presses his fingers onto your tongue. he smiles as you seal your lips around his drenched digits.
“see how sweet you taste, baby?” he asks. you hum around his fingers and nod your head. as he removes them from your mouth, you peer down at the wet patch over his obvious boner in his sweatpants. 
you frown at him and run your hand down his torso to the happy trail that disappears into his pants. “can i help you, too?” you question, looking up at him with curious eyes. he smirks at you and pushes his hips into your own. “i’m gonna ruin you, sweet girl.” 
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gotham-daydreams · 9 months
How would it have gone differently if Reader didn't try to be an "overachiever" and instead just stayed quiet and didn't interact with anyone besides Alfred until they left? Their room they left being mostly blank, with only the music journals? Giving up on trying to get their attention.
I think what's so funny about this ask, to me, is that I already have a concept like this written down (along with 3 others since the current reader I'm writing for the "Not [ ]" series is one of them but with a few missing details), so this'll be fun!
I guess it generally goes how you'd expect? Which is different for the most part, but the reader's perspective on what's happening is also different.
Granted, I would like to point out that, at least for this particular concept and the idea I have for it of how this would go, does have more stuff going on pre-Batfam that do affect how they perceive what's happening, and that's what makes things interesting in my opinion. Because someone can be naturally shy or just overall more reserved either out of nature or because they feel a certain way, but still feel bad about being neglected and, despite their lack of effort, feel that pain just as much as someone who's tried. Which is valid! Besides, someone's definition of 'trying' can vary as well.
Everyone should have a chance to have a family, and form some kind of connection with people. Just because you aren't going above and beyond for one person, doesn't mean you're undeserving of certain things. Especially not a chance to have a family, or feel like you have one. That's what I think anyway.
Nevertheless, back to the reader!
From the original concept, I will be tweaking a few things to fit the ask, but the same general outcome remains! Though again, the reader's perspective on things is a tad different. But how about this- I'll show two versions of the reader.
One that's quiet and more reserved because they gave up much earlier, or just generally hopeless really early on because maybe they felt as if anything they'd do just wouldn't be enough, who'll be accurately named Quiet!Reader. With the other being more closely related to the concept I wrote for such an idea, that we'll refer to as Waiting!Reader.
Quiet!Reader would change up things quite a bit! I won't lie!
They might already have bad self-esteem that's quick to develop at the start of things, which is something to note as that doesn't get better with time. They grow more cold and distant from the family at a quicker pace both from personal and external reasons.
Put simply, they don't feel good enough, and even if they did- anything they could do to get the Batfam's attention would never be enough in their eyes. To which, they see very early on when they try to engage and do some things with the family, only to be turned down. What doesn't help is when Quiet!Reader sees Damian get adopted and almost immediately showered with love, (compared to them) and that really cements some ideas that were already developing in their head about the family.
When Damian comes into the picture, they feel replaced. Seeing him as someone to fill in the 'youngest Wayne' role instead of them, so that Bruce and the others actually have someone to acknowledge for such a title. Just someone else to further take away the little they had.
So, they further step out of the way, glaring at the Batfam with tired eyes before that eventually stops too. Envy clawing at their heart, hatred being sent through waves of pain all throughout their body. Hurt unmatched. Yet they still remain invisible. Quiet as ever. Unnoticed. Everything they ever felt dies down, and forms a cold numbness that they begin to associate with the family.
Maybe through that, they feel closer to the family in some twisted way. Now just as cold as them. Just as talkative, and just as engaging. Almost mirroring them, but they're honest about how they feel. Honest about what they think, and therefore better. At least when compared to the Batfam- and to them, even if it wasn't a high bar to reach anyway, at least it counts for something.
It was never Damian's fault, or really about Damian at all. It could've been anyone else and Quiet!Reader would've still reacted the same way, they know that. Though just seeing the Batfam show love and care to him and not them just makes them feel... worse.
Clearly they're capable of love, and can notice new additions to the family (to which they may have mostly believed that the Batfam's neglect was just something the family did for whatever reason, and thought that them being the youngest had something to do with it for a while) and that breaks the reader. It doesn't hurt, not as much as it would've, maybe, but whatever hurt is there dies down quickly as Quiet!Reader, well, quietly accepts their fate.
The Batfam clearly wants nothing to do with them, so why should they try to do all of these things for them? It's simple, they shouldn't. So they don't. Quiet!Reader gives up, and continues to live their life without them.
The Manor just becomes a place they sleep in, and nothing else. It isn't anything close to a home, and not even Alfred can help with that.
It's because of that little fact, however, that Quiet!Reader leaves much sooner than the reader in the "Not [ ]" series. Maybe once they get a friend they can trust, they essentially end up living with said friend, hence why their room remains so empty. The notebooks they even keep in the room they have in the Manor is from when they were way younger, instead of just being from a few months ago or so. We're talking years since Quiet!Reader has touched those things now.
Maybe they do 'officially' leave a month or so before they usually would as an overachiever in the "Not [ ]" series, having only bothered to return so often before because of Alfred. Though even then, they'd forget to return most nights- only being reminded to even try and go back once Alfred would personally call them, and ask them where they were.
However now, after a while of just the time between them basically living with their friend and sleeping at the manor, they stop returning altogether. Though this time around they instead personally go to Alfred to say they're goodbyes. Not explaining much, but just saying that while they might still try to come and visit him sometimes, they don't live in the Manor anymore. Alfred already knows this, and the embrace they share fully hammers in that fact.
Yet when Quiet!Reader turns away, and leaves the Manor for good- even through the front door at that. Alfred can't help but just... miss them already.
You see, while Quiet!Reader is indeed quieter and more reserved, especially towards the Batfam, with Alfred really being the only exception, they still made music.
Maybe they didn't have as many concerts or physical, grand, live performances compared to the reader in the "Not [ ]" series, they not only started earlier, but may have actually started out on a social platform such a youtube. They really started out small, but were able to find and start their passion much earlier!
Most of what they played was when they were in the Manor, but slowly they started to get involved with things music related outside of the Manor and in Gotham- and from there were able to build themselves up even more. Hell, I'd even say that Quiet!Reader is a little more well-known and popular than the reader in the "Not [ ]" series because of the amount of extra time they dedicated to their passion.
So basically, Alfred this time around has more recordings and such of Quiet!Reader actually doing something they love than with the one in the series. However! Funnily enough, they're gone for a shorter amount of time despite having left earlier than normal.
Alfred is just, extra fed up with this nonsense, and so pulls his tricks more early on, but also make them hit harder.
He doesn't clean Quiet!Reader's room to show how long they've been gone, adding onto the emptiness and almost abandoned feeling the room itself gives off because of how bare and empty it is. They're music haunts the halls, subtle, sure, but still noticeable- especially to those who are hyper aware all the time. Pictures of Quiet!Reader and Alfred begin to be hung up, and if he can manage- some with Quiet!Reader and their friends during important parts of their life.
No one is safe from the guilt and anguish Alfred seeks to cause to not only have the Batfam look for you, but most importantly, to finally notice you.
Let's just say, things work out a little too well.
As for Waiting!Reader? Oh man, I've been wanting to rant about them for a while!
Unlike the reader in the "Not [ ]" series and Quiet!Reader, Waiting!Reader had some semblance of a life before getting adopted into the Batfam. Though the idea and character themself isn't musically inclined/involved in music, or even all that interested in music for that matter- for the sake of this ask, lets say they are!
I won't dabble too much into the life Waiting!Reader had before the Batfam, as if I do end up writing them I'd also like to keep some details vague (for the sake of leaving it up to interpretation and everything), but just know that during the time they were still with their original family, they were essentially taught that they should 'wait their turn', and eventually their parents would spend time with them and care for them. Hence the little name I've given them.
So! When they get to the Manor and are officially adopted, only to be neglected and ignored during their first few attempts- because of their young age, they immediately think "oh! they're just like mom and dad!" So they 'wait' for 'their turn', believing that eventually, should they wait long enough, they'll be rewarded with bonding and such from the Batfam just as they were with their previous parents.
This mindset changes what they do as well, as Waiting!Reader even goes out of their way to not bother anyone, or "get in the way" of whatever they could be doing. Waiting!Reader treats the situation so much like their previous home life, that sometimes they might even forget that the Batfam are completely different people from their parents. The only real difference that they can think of is that they're not acknowledged at all and it seems like their 'turn' never comes. Though for a while that doesn't get them down. The Batfam is busy like they're parents were! Waiting!Reader is sure that when things die down then they'll have their time.
... Hopefully.
I can imagine that part of the reason why Waiting!Reader holds on to hope for so long is because, again, their own parents constantly reassured them that they would have their time eventually. That if they behaved, and stayed out of the way, then they would go somewhere fun with their parents and essentially be rewarded for their efforts. They were conditioned to wait, to be patient, and just comply until those around them decided to actually take care of them, and spend time with them.
Of course, as they grow up the reality of the situation does hit them eventually, but during that time they do try.
Waiting!Reader helps Alfred around the house, and so they mostly bond over doing chores, among other things. They are also more mindful, and try to keep the amount of noise they back down— so they actually don't play at the Manor all that often, and instead play literally anywhere else. If and when they do play outside, around the area of the Manor like in the gardens or something, they make sure no one is around before even thinking of playing.
Alfred does help them break a few of their habits that they got while living with their parents, but the one thing he can't seem to 'fix' is how absolutely quiet Waiting!Reader is when they walk around. Which, as on can imagine, doesn't exactly help in a situation where the whole family, except for the butler, is neglecting you.
The amount of times Waiting!Reader has caught Alfred off guard is more then you'd think for someone that works with the Dark Knight, and his various sidekicks and such, over the years. Which does say something, sure, but it's also funny!
Regardless, similar to Quiet!Reader, Waiting!Reader is able to start their musical career earlier than normal, and thuse becomes a little more popular than they would originally. However, they're more known for their live performances and giving back to the community. Seemingly just like Bruce as they attend charity event after charity event, and try to do good by the people.
Waiting!Reader also does genuinely try to become a vigilante as well, but they do so in a way where they only take care of the smaller/medium guys, and leave the bigger ones to the rest of the Batfam. This is because they want to remove possible distractions for their family, and while they would try to take on "bigger guys", they don't think they're skilled enough or experienced enough to even think about it. So they don't even try. (They also don't have the same theme as the Batfam- since they don't want to 'ruin' their reputation with what they're doing or something. Which does hell them further detach themself from the family later on.)
I'd say that with Waiting!Reader, the difference between them and the Batfam is more clear to them? Like, to them, the Batfam are just so good at what they do that they have no hope of reaching them. So instead of trying to reach for them, they just do their own thing and try to help in their own way.
Because Waiting!Reader takes care of smaller guys, they are kind of closer to Waiting!Reader as a vigilante.
The best way I can put it is that while the community trusts Batman and the members of the Batfam to save their city, they trust Waiting!Reader to save their homes.
So basically- Batfam is the bigger picture while Waiting!Reader focuses on the smaller picture.
Nevertheless! Also like Quiet!Reader, Waiting!Reader actually leaves earlier. Except when they leave, they leave.
Waiting!Reader straight up leaves Gotham City to attend the college that they want to go to, in an area that has more opportunity for them, that isn't close to where the Batfam lives or patrols.
So they not only leave earlier, but it also takes the Batfam longer to find them. Especially because Waiting!Reader does still do some things in Gotham, they just don't live there anymore.
I feel like out of all three readers, Waiting!Reader definitely feels like the kind of person that someone would assume is some kind of "Phantom of the Wayne Manor," y'know?
So Alfred definitely tries to make the Batfam feel bad like he does with Quiet!Reader. Except how anyone in the Batfam is reminded that Waiting!Reader even exists, and that they've been gone for a while now is through a letter that is accidentally sent to the Wayne Manor from one of Waiting!Reader's fans. From there, some research does start and the more the Batfam learns, the more they want to go and find the reader- you know the deal.
I hope this answered your question even if I really did ramble on this time- if you'd like me to clarify anything or go into more detail on a specific part, feel free to send in an ask!
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french-goodbye · 9 months
in the low lamplight
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summary: your boyfriend is perfect, except for one tiny little detail.
warnings: conversations about sex; dry humping; consensual slapping and chocking; praise kink; fingering; p in v sex. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+.
notes: i'm tired of experienced steve and virgin reader all the time. i want steve and confident slutty reader who's more experienced than him and blows his mind. also a little praise kink bc i feel like my boy would be insanely into that. also my first time writing smut!!! i! am! nervous! title from work song by hozier.
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it's not that steve is bad in bed, it's quite the opposite actually. but he's just... extremely vanilla. and you totally get it. most of his sexual experiences were with young suburban girls in the back of his car or in his room when his parents weren't home. he was a couple of girls' first time and knowing steve, he probably put their own comfort above his wants. not probably, definitely.
you just wish he was... kinkier. nothing too intense, just something a little more exciting. and it's not that you don't get to cum, you totally do. he knows exactly how to move inside of you, the spots that make your body burn in need and he gives the best head ever, which is a nice bonus.
but after three months together and having sex everytime you have the opportunity to, because you're still in the honeymoon stage of the relationship, it's getting kinda repetitive. it's always missionary, maybe you on top if you're in a particularly bossy mood. but he nevers puts you on all fours or asks you to sit on his face or even sixty-nine. nothing.
you know steve's attracted to you (he isn't exactly shy to tell you how much) so you know that's not the issue, so you've tried so hard to subtly ask him to be rougher, you've tried placing his hand on your neck and squeezing, you've tried guiding his hands to your ass, but you've had no success so far. every single time he'll respectfully pull his hand away and press them to your shoulder or keep them there but not do anything.
but tonight. tonight is the night, you've decided. his parents are out of town (as usual) and it's just you two in the house, you've made sure he's free the whole day the tomorrow (no driving little shits around or shifts at the video store) so you'll have the whole friday night and the next day to yourselves.
you even splurged a bit and purchased a set of overpriced lingerie, way too expensive for just two little scraps of fabric and shaved, exfoliated and moisturized your entire body the night before. you still haven't approached the subject with him, but you've already planned a careful yet objective way to approach the subject and even practiced what you'd say in the mirror and bought a cosmo magazine. you're not exactly proud of yourself for that last one.
your plan is finally set in motion after you and steve get home from work and throw yourselves on his couch, half watching a movie and eat leftovers from the dinner you cooked the night before. when you're both done, you tell him you need a shower, where you use that lavender soap he likes and spray on the perfume he gave you on your birthday. after you're done, he's waiting in his room for you, halfheartedly flipping through the book you're currently reading.
"you can take your shower now" you tell him distractedly, holding the towel you've wrapped around yourself tightly to your body. he finally looks up and realizes your state of undress, his eyebrows shooting up.
"what are you doing?"
you stop going through your over night bag to throw him a confused look, "what are you talking about?"
"you used that soap i like, and that perfume i gave you that you only use on special occasions..." he stands up from the bed and stalks to you, watching you from narrowed eyes, like he's suspicious you're planning his murder. "what are you planning?"
you fake surprise, your hand coming up to clutch imaginary pearls. "me? why would i scheme something against my dear loving boyfriend?"
he looks at you unimpressed and you stand on your tip toes to rest your hands on his chest, his hands coming to support you on your waist and you whisper next to his ear, "okay, maybe i do have something planned... why don't you go take your shower and find out?"
he glances at you one last time before squeezing your waist and letting you go.
"fine..." he sighs dramatically, "i'll go"
once he's locked the door behind him, you put on your recently purchased underwear and bra on. you throw on one of his old highschool t-shirts since he once mentioned how much he likes seeing you wearing them.
by the time he gets out of the bathroom, a cloud of steam surrounding him, you're sitting on his bed, rubbing lotion on your legs and he's shirtless, wearing only gray sweatpants, that hang low on his hips, his hair half dry as he finishes towel drying it.
you tsk and shake your head disheartened. "oh- wow, okay, harrington"
he glances at you once and goes back to drying his hair. "huh?"
"the chest, the scandalous dick print..." you explain and gesticulate towards him. "are you trying to seduce me or something?"
"why are you looking at my dick? you interested?" your stomach burns with insinuation but you ignore him, simply tucking your lotion back into your bag.
"i mean... it's hard not to notice when you're whoring yourself around" you shrug with fake nonchalance.
he scoffs loudly at you, going back into the bathroom quickly to hang both of your towels and getting on your way when you're about to climb on the bed after having dropped your bag in the corner.
"i'm whoring myself?" he looms over you, hand resting on your shoulder to snap the strap of your bra that's peeking from his shirt "you're the one wearing a new bra babe."
you don't answer, simply slapping his hand away and climbing on the bed, intentionally giving him a peek of your ass as you finally sit near the foot of the bed, with your legs crossed.
"why don't you turn off the lights and come take a look?"
he earnestly complies, almost tripping on a sweater he left on the bedroom floor earlier that day as he does what you asked. he lights the lampshade on his bedside table and walk towards you, leaning down to reach you when you stop him.
"no" you say firmly. "go sit on the bed, near the headboard."
he complies, but not without giving you a look. "ooh, bossy"
you turn to watch him and can't help the spark that lights up in your tummy. he looks ridiculous attractive, hair fluffy from not being styled properly, his hairy chest all on display for you and his thick spread legs giving a privileged view of his dick in those sweatpants. it's almost criminal, but you swallow it down and keep going with your plan.
you crawl to him on all fours, purposefully, until you're between his legs.
"i don't know about bossing " you run a long manicured fingernail through his thick chest hair. "but i was thinking about something i'd like to try with you..." you only stop when your fingers are almost at his waistband and you swirl your fingers around his bellybutton. you glance at his face and he almost looks dazed, eyes following your finger avidly.
hook, line and sinker.
your boyfriend was almost too easy sometimes.
"yeah, babe... whatever you want" you hold back your laughter and finally climb on top of his legs, his eyes following the curve of your hips and your bare legs as you straddle him.
"how do you feel about chocking?" you ask, making his gaze shift to your face.
"chocking? are you serious?"
"yeah, i think it'd be really good to have your hands around my neck" his fingers dig tightly on your hips, but you can tell he's still unsure.
"what if i hurt you?"
"if it makes you feel better, we can have a safe word and we can immediately stop if one of us says it. no questions asked"
"what if you can't speak?"
"then i can just tap you three times, like this?" you demonstrate, tapping his shoulder. "is that okay?"
he nods quietly, so you ask: "what if i do it on you first so you know what it feels like?"
"yeah, sure"
you gently put your hands on his throat, not applying pressure yet, just resting there.
"you just have to make sure you squeeze the sides, not on top so you don't stop airflow" you explain, spreading your fingers so they're on each side of his throat and squeezing carefully. steve himself is more surprised than you when his breath stutters and he lets an almost groan out.
"did you like that?"
"fuck yeah, that's super hot" he tells you breathlessly, surprising you with a forceful kiss. he manages to distract you, his tongue slipping into your mouth and brushing against yours as his fingers squeeze your hips and start guiding you to grind on his lap. you let him call the shots for a moment, slowly moving your hips against his now half hard cock and sinking your fingers on his hair to scratch his scalp lovingly.
however, when his hands start to wander underneath your borrowed shirt you bite his lip softly, letting it slot back in place as you pull away.
he's about to complain, big brown eyes staring at you and almost pouting. you press your pointer finger to his lips, silencing him, hips still moving at a torturously slow pace against him.
"there's one more thing, actually" you move your finger away and trace his bottom lip carefully.
"more?" his eyebrows raise in question.
"what about you... i don't know, maybe you can be a rough with me? like slapping me a little bit"
"slapping?! babe, i don't wanna hurt you and i don't-"
"you slap my ass all the time!" you accuse him, reminding him of all the times you'd walk past him or bend down and he had slapped your butt teasingly.
"yeah, jokingly"
"babe, i trust you" you grip his face, forcing him to look at you. "i know you'd never hurt me if i didn't ask you to. i just think it'd be really hot, and who knows... maybe you'll like it too. and if you really don't like it we'll never speak of this again" you shrug, gently pushing his hair from his face.
"you sure?" you nod and press a quick kiss to his lips.
"if you wanna stop just say red, okay? anytime."
"yeah, i like that"
"you'll tell me if you wanna stop, right?" you press another quick kiss to his lips in thanks.
he nods eagerly "you too, okay? just say the word and we'll stop" you nod in agreement. "okay... but now what? do i just... jump right into it?"
"no... what about we start the way we always do before having sex?" you smirk, starting to move your hips in slow circular motions again and his hands slide down your back to slip under your t-shirt again.
he laughs huskily next to ear, making you shiver. "we're really good at that", his lips make contact with the skin of your neck, pressing open mouthed kisses there. you keep moving on top of him, hands sinking into his hair and keeping him there.
"fuck, steve" you whine when he sucks at a sensitive spot on your neck, his hands squeezing your thighs roughly, moulding fat like dough underneath his fingertips.
suddenly you feel a sharp sting on your backside as steve slaps your ass. you whine deep in your throat and your hips stutter in their rhythm against his lap.
"oh, you really like it when i do that"
"god, i do" you breathlessly tell him with a smile, tugging his hair harshly to guide him to your mouth. "you like this too, don't you? just wanna give me what i need, huh baby?"
"i do, i do. just want my girl to feel good" he whines against your mouth, while he spreads your ass and digs his fingers into your skin.
you kiss him some more, until you can feel his now hard cock against you, through the lace fabric of your underwear and his sweatpants. his hand lift up your t-shirt and carefully takes it off of you.
"god, you're gorgeous" you push on his chest gently until his back is against the headboard so you can show him the whole thing, from the intricate lace to the small straps keeping everything together. "you got this for me?" he teases you, his hands playing with your underwear, pulling it and letting it snap against the skin of your hip.
"yeah..." you answer distractedly, his cock rubbing in a very nice spot near your covered clit. his hand moves up to cup your breast, his thumb rubbing your pebbled nipple through your bra. "you like it?"
"fuck yeah, i love it" one of his hand cups your breast, while the other pushes the fabric of your bra down so he can pull and twist your nipple.
you're already a mess on top of him, feeling the wetness on your underwear sticking to your folds, when he lowers his head to suck your nipple into his mouth and his hand plays with your other breast. the nails of your left hand dig half crescent moons on his bare shoulders while the other tug on his hair to keep him there and your head drops back in pleasure.
his hand stops massaging your breasts and you're about to complain when you feel it start to slip down your stomach and hook under your underwear to rub his fingers through your wetness, his knuckles grazing your clit. you hold him tighter, a loud moan leaving your lips when he sinks two fingers inside of you.
"yes, yes, yes, baby" you whine, hiding your face in his hair as he realeases your nipple with a lewd pop.
"you're so fucking wet" he rasps against you and sucks a mark on the swell of your breast, pumping his fingers in and out of you as the palm of his hand rubbing on your clit everytime he moves. "god, you feel so good around my fingers. can't wait to have my dick inside you."
you're lost in the rhythm of it, his palm brushing your clit at every stroke, the feeling of his lips sucking on your chest and his hips bucking underneath yours occasionally. but you finally reach your peak when his free hand slips down your back and slaps your ass again, harder this time, palming it underneath his fingertips.
"that's it... come for me, baby" you pull him to your mouth again as you come down and he guides you through it, still feeling yourself clenching on his fingers as you twitch in his lap.
"god, you're so fucking hot" you whisper against his mouth, still breathless. "you're so good to me, baby. such a good boy"
suddenly, he's holding you tighter and manhandling you, roughly dropping you on your back and looming over you between your knees. before you can react, he's ripping off his sweatpants and throwing it on his bedroom floor.
he stands completely naked in front of you, helping you spread your legs. you eye him lustfully, from his mussed hair to his throbbing cock standing tall, the tip pink and dripping with a little pre cum.
"can i go down on you?" you ask him avidly, starting to lift yourself up but he stops you, holding your wrist above your body.
"nuh-uh, baby. i'm gonna blow my load if you do that" he denies and you giggle, about to complain when he licks the palm of his free hand and strokes himself one, two, three times, shutting you up real quick. he's starting to align himself with your entrance when you stop him.
"wait, wait" he stops immediately.
"what? what's wrong?"
"i want you from behind"
he groans, dropping his head on the curve of your neck and letting go of your wrists. "you really can't say shit like that to me if you want me to last"
you giggle and tap his shoulder sympathetically, "you'll live". you lightly scratch his back, sliding your hands from his shoulder to his lower back and wrap your legs around his hips, feeling the tip of his cock nudging your inner thigh. "now... why don't you put me on my knees, handsome?"
he quickly moves to reposition you, helping you lift yourself up and pushing your spine down gently when you get on your knees. you lower your torso all the way until your chest is pressed against his bedsheets, lifting your ass up.
"fuck, baby. you look so good like this" he says when he slots himself behind you.
"maybe you should listen to me more, harrington" you tease, looking at him from over your shoulder as he kneads your ass.
"maybe i should, pretty girl" he answers distractedly, and you feel his thumb spreading your entrance. "look at this pretty pussy"
you moan and try to wriggle in the hold he has on your hips, "steeeve-"
he laugh mockingly and starts rubbing the head of his cock against your folds. "you this desperate babe?"
before you can answer he starts sinking himself inside, both of you sighing at the feeling. when he's finally inside you can't help the moan that escapes you, his big cock filling you up beautifully and the stretch in this position making you feel so full. however, his strokes are slow and languid and while that's nice, it's not exactly what you need.
"come on, babe" you grumble, trying to rock your hips against his grip. "fuck me like you mean it"
he scoffs and speeds up, his hand wrapping around your hair to press your face against his mattress and to keep you still, changing the angle slightly and pressing right against your spot inside of you.
"is this how you want it?" he huffs, slapping you again.
"oh god, yes. right there!"
he pulls you up until you're both kneeling on the bed, his hips slapping against your ass. his free hand climbs up your chest until it's resting on your neck. "do you want-?"
"yes, i want it. please, please, choke me" you interrupt, begging him to keep going, begging him for more. his fingers carefully start squeezing you throat and you wrap your hand around his to guide him until the pressure is just right.
"squeezing my cock so tight, baby. should've told me you wanted this sooner."
you don't get to answer, his free hand suddenly slipping down to rub circles on your clit and you're gone, your orgasm hitting you like a fright train. he helps you ride it out, until you gently pull his hand away and bend down again, resting your weight on your elbows.
"your turn, baby" you tell him, tilting your head slightly so you can see him.
he starts babbling and pressing you harder against the bed, a clear sign that he's close himself. he bends down, his chest against your back until he can stretch his hand out to hold yours against the mattress and he can babble against your ear about how good you feel, how perfect you are for him, how much he loves being inside you.
"that's it, babe. you made me feel so good, it's your turn now" you tell him, still slightly breathless and sensitive around his cock. "please come, need you to come so bad"
"god, i'm gonna cum" and it's all it takes to feel him pull out and finish himself off on your back. you're both still for a second as you catch your breath and he squeezes your hand still intertwined in his gently. when you turn your face to the side to see him, he presses a kiss to your cheek.
he taps your hips gently as he gets up and goes to the bathroom, coming back quickly to wipe you and himself clean with a wet washcloth. when he's done he throws it on top of the rest of his dirty laundry, still thrown on his bedroom floor.
when he finally turns to you, you're finally laying on your back and getting comfortable on his pillow. steve throws himself next to you and his arms immediately wrap around your waist. you hug him back, guiding his head to rest on top of your bare chest, now littered with purpling marks.
"you had fun, pretty girl?"
"you couldn't tell?" you laughter, his head shaking slightly against your chest as you comb his hair away from his face and his breath against your skin.
"god, i'm obsessed with you" he complains, hiding his face on your boob. you laugh, gently coaxing his face away so you can see him.
"that's good," you smooth the messy hairs on his eyebrow. "i'm pretty obsessed with you too"
"we're pretty perfect for each other then"
"you should keep me forever" you tease, tracing his features gently. he presses a kiss to your sternum and gets comfortable against you.
"maybe i will"
it sounds like a pretty good deal.
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damazcuz · 2 years
One more question(for now) why do people on tumblr use tags to talk #like this #about whatever they think of the post, instead of just commenting on the reblog😭 Is there an etiquette I'm missing?
short answer: yes.
long answer, there is an etiquette to it, and I think it's a longstanding thing that just ended up ingrained in a lot of users, which comes off as cold/shy/outlandish or maybe even standoffish to people from other sites and apps. there's no be-all end-all of how to act online or on here but i think in terms of most* people (*speaking broadly, making this up) who've used tumblr for a while it feels like this:
tumblr is a theater, the dashboard is a stage, each post is a performance. (a joke, a dramatic act, a story, a movie, a picture, etc.) you have a variety of ways to interact with the performance, but some of them are going to be more frowned upon--based purely on how the long standing visitors of the theater are used to acting, honestly.
likes are a polite applause, but they don't show anyone outside of the theater that you enjoyed yourself, or what you enjoyed. the performer appreciates the applause but does not garner any new viewers when you only like a post, btw.
silent reblogs mean you exit the theater with merch or a leaflet and go show it to other people. look what i saw on the stage, don't you want to see it too. this shows the performance to a new variety of viewers, who might then also show it to others.
replies and reblogs with content are often seen as """"rude"""" because they're like standing up at the end of the performance and loudly saying "that was okay but I think MY take on things makes it just a BIT better." people are more forgiving of this when it's something universally true or acceptable, or when it's very funny. if it's not (and even if it is, sometimes,) there'll potentially be a reblog down the line making fun of it (and this is another person in the theater standing up and making a fart noise, regardless of how tasteless or rude.) it's never actually "wrong" to add comments on a reblog unless you're being intentionally hurtful, and it's normal to add commentary to a friend's post, but even then, people seeing this from the outside may see that as obnoxious and impolite and try to call you on it anyway. (people are very weird about enforcing what they see as a universal rule of etiquette, when this is admittedly the only site where you'll be punished for adding to the discussion.)
and again, this is an absolutely arbitrary rule because what one person finds universally true and hilarious, another will find trite and stupid and too niche. the polite thing to do in the case of the latter is just reblog from further up the chain than the commenter, but people aren't always nice when they're annoyed.
getting to your actual question now, comments in the tags are a way to leave remarks that you DON'T want to shout to the whole theater. these are you whispering to yourself or your friend, or writing in a guestbook on the way out. people can see/hear it if they go looking for it, but you're not shouting over the performance to get your piece out. it's polite because it's unobstructive and doesn't take up space, and if your tags don't make sense to someone else or seem too niche, they don't have to share the post with your commentary attached.
adjacent to this, "peer review" or screenshotting someone's tags to insert them in the post is like if you did whisper to your friend, then your friend wrote your comments on a whiteboard and held it up for others to see. as this is a form of commentary within the reblog, it's again subject to an arbitrary universal/niche rule. just because a tag gets peer reviewed doesn't mean it's beyond reproach by strangers.
also in line with this general line of thought experiment, blazing a post means that between acts, you run up on the stage and start shouting your piece. it is, once again, going to be more acceptable to strangers to see you do this if it's something universally funny, true, or cute. this is why niche fandom posts, vent posts, and self promotions get ignored or booed down, while pet birthday photos and silly jokes get blazed and get a lot of notes regardless.
lastly, a kungpowpenis is when twelve+ individuals from the audience get up and beat the shit out of the person performing on stage and leave their corpse on display in the town square.
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elitadream · 4 months
When we think of Mario and Peach's chemistry in the games, any rescue scene is usually what comes to mind. But there's one bit of Mareach interaction I just had to talk about because it's honestly one of my all-time favorite moments with these two.
The introduction sequence of Luigi's Mansion 3.
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We see our characters on a bus ride, and the two of them are sitting side by side. Peach appears to be laughing at something Mario said, and they're both having a great time. All goes smoothly until Toad swerves to the right, causing the passengers to lose their balance and bump into each other.
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It takes them a second to steady themselves, and the first thing Mario does as he opens his eyes again is glance at Peach with a smile. But it's not his trademark grin. His expression is quite softer than usual, and meeker too.
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Even rarer still: he then lets out a timid chuckle. Something I've personally never seen him do in any other game. He's being shy, bless him. Not openly flustered or delighted, but actually shy.
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And what does Peach do? She returns his smile with a bright and gleeful "Yahoo!". An all too characteristic exclamation that she has undoubtedly borrowed from him over time.
It's a very small and brief moment. But OMG does it say a lot about their dynamic.
It captures everything that I find so very charming and endearing about their unspoken affection, and it's a very good example of how I imagine those calm and blissful moments between them to be like. The moments we never see as players, but which are surely there as well.
I wish there was one instance where we got to fully see what a pleasant and peaceful day was like for them. But if this is the closest thing we're ever going to get, then I'm okay with that.
Because this scene alone is downright adorable and it makes me very happy. 😊💞
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your-nanas-house · 3 months
Soooo I was thinking Cillian X Fan! reader. He takes advantage of the fact that reader admires him sm and uses her for his pleasure…
I'm so so sorry, it took me so long but I was really really smitten with this idea! 🙇🏼‍♀️
Out with the dog
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◇ Pairing: Dark!Cillian Murphy X younger fan!Reader
◇ Warnings: SMUT, Cilly is a perv and bit dark, DUBCON, manipulation, bit mean Cilly (?), oblivious fem reader, fluff, frustration and stress.
◇ Summary: Cillian has company during his daily walk with his dog, Scout.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. I didn't proof read it... I mean I don't re-read my works normally but I just wanted to point it out this time in case I wrote some shit. Enjoy!!! Also thank you @kiss-me-cill-me for your advices and motivation! 🫶🏻
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It wasn't at all what he was expecting when he left the house just to take the family dog for a walk.
The twisted thoughts and stress that had been troubling him all day had become even more insistent with the cool Dublin air and the fall of evening. His mind was really elsewhere when a soft and shy voice interrupted his trail of thoughts, making him realize that he was standing in the same spot, staring at nothing, since a while now.
"Excuse me, sir. I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to bother you but... I'm a huge fan of your work and—" the voice cracked softly, the younger girl that was standing in front of him looked quite nervous and shy which made him smile slightly.
"I-I-I... sorry, I shouldn't have interrupted you" she quickly apologized, her body telling him that she was going to just walk quickly off... too ashamed of the interaction to actually look him in the eyes again.
"Don't worry..." Cillian started, waiting for her name as he removed his sunglasses, flattering his eyes softly when the dim light hit him. She was very pretty and at least 10 years younger than him for sure, he thought while taking her in.
"Y/n!... Y/n" the young woman revealed nervously, her hands shaking awkwardly, a thing that Cillian noticed immediately and that made him smile a little as soon as she tried to hide it by grabbing into her bag... both hands holding the strap making his breath get bit heavier.
He sure was stressed and frustrated, he thought as his eyes remained on her smaller hands as they moved slightly while she talked... up and down, up and down.
Gosh, he really would have loved to have them wrapped around his cock like that, he was certain that those tiny pretty hands weren't that innocent for sure.
"Beautiful name" he commented with a tiny smile in an attempt to distract himself by his pervy intrusive thoughts. He really didn't need to deal with an article of some random magazine commenting on him walking around Dublin with a noticeable hard-on after talking with a younger woman.
She sure was a pretty thing though, from her hair to her eyes down to her breasts and— he needed to keep hold on himself. What gotten into him? He never objectified a woman like that... it wasn't like him.
He needed to keep going with his walk, clear his mind, regain back the control he usually had and—
"I was actually hoping for a bit of company... would you like to walk with me?... and my dog" the proposal slipped out of the older man unconsciously, as his gaze darkened slowly, his body reacting almost animalisticly... like a hungry predator ready to eat his prey.
Fuck, he cursed in his head, looking away as he waited for a reply from her... a poor way to distract himself from her innocent presence. Poor because the wind was apparently against him as well that evening... blowing her sweet scent towards him so that his nostrils could take her even more in.
The Irishman really hoped silently for her rejection peppered with some tender excuse that could have been true or could have been false... he didn't care much.
But of course, things hadn't been going the way he'd hoped all day so why be surprised when he got a shy yes instead of an embarrassed no.
He couldn't complain though, after the stressful week he had... bit of female company could have been the cure, maybe he was able to do some kind of conversation and focus his mind elsewhere and not on her body... but rather on her brain.
The soft breeze started to hit them harder, the walk was going well and the small talk was pretty enjoyable, they talked about lots... changing from deep to light, from silly to serious, from sad to happy.
Cillian was really enjoying her presence, her mature thoughts and her friendly personality. His stress and tension could have flown away if it was for her.... moving lips.
Soft looking, pinkish due to the lipstick she had on and very kissable... the actor could clearly imagine them wrapped around his cock. Wetting it all with her warm mouth as her lips would have painted his bases of that pink— pink, he repeated in his head as his Adam's apple bobbed. He needed to change topic quickly and stop focusing on her goddamn lips.
"What do you think of Barbenheimer?" The Irishman asked, slapping himself mentally for the question.
Just keep walking, Cillian, focus on walking... don't look at her... and her pretty blouse that was getting opened by the wind, exposing bit more of her neckline as it moved the fabric of her shirt as well. Damn wind.
He had reached a point where he couldn't even focus on her speaking, the feeling of being on the edge was getting harder as time passed... he was sure that a little push would have made him completely loose his rational thoughts. And then that's when Scout, his dog, decided to just sprint to reach something... making him loose the lazy grip he had on the leash and make the young woman run after him.
Cillian went quickly after them, his mind trying to stay in focus as he saw her skirt rise up at every bounce she did to snatch the leash for him before anything bad could happen. He was quite sure now that she was hiding a pretty revealing underwear under that modest outfit she was wearing.
"There you go, good boy" her soft voice praised as she kneeled down to pet the dog and take the leash, too busy snuggling with him to notice Cillian's gaze on her bouncing breasts.
She wasn't wearing a bra, he cursed under his breath again, his body too warm because of the jogging, his heart drumming harder against his chest as he tried to calm down and focusing on his breathing... and not her heavy.. panting and sexy one.
When the young woman stood back up and brushed her smaller hand against his to give him the leash... Cillian's self-control reached the end
"Thank you" he murmured in a more low tone as his body started to react at his impulses.
By the way her eyes kept shining as she looked at him, he knew that with a bit of pressure he could have made her do whatever he wanted... but was it really what he wanted? He pondered as his feet made him change the route he normally took when out with Scout, leading the oblivious young woman in a dark alley.
"I agree, things are pretty different nowadays" the older actor commented as he mentioned the conversation they were having, his heart beating even faster as he thought quickly of a plan.
Was he really going to take advantage of that kind fan of him? Was he really that desperate and frustrated?
Questions kept filling his head as his eyes remained on the wet street, lost in thoughts
"Do you do this path every day?" Y/n's voice interrupted the silence, making his baby blue eyes look back at her.
Yes, he was.
"Mhhm.. but I take usually the parallel street" he informed her while looking around to be sure that they were alone. The oblivious and curious look on her pretty face was making him harder than ever, making the uncomfortable feeling become a painful one now.
As soon as the Irishman was sure that there was Noone around he let go casually of the leash, whistling to order something to Scout who... after giving a look at his master headed in a run towards the beginning of the alley, sitting there as a guard. Watching around to warn Cillian if someone would have approached.
A glance at his black dog and he acted, not letting Y/n even questioning him before pressed his plumpy lips against hers as the dark swallowed them more now that her body was pressed against the cold and humid wall.
His big hands moved eargerly to her face and neck to keep her tilted like he wanted so to facilitate the kiss he was stealing.
Her neck was soft and tempting, he could easily leave a mark if he wanted but he didn't had so much time.. so he had to take things faster than he hoped.
As the kiss broke he inhaled deeply, letting his nose brush against hers as his thumbs caressed her skin... he didn't dare to open his eyes and meet her probably wide eyes and swollen lips... his cock was already throbbing and if he did that small action he was sure that the seed he was hoping to shoot in her would have just soiled his trousers.
"Damn, darling" Cillian cursed softly, licking his lips before diving down to kiss her neck while pressing his body against hers in an attempt of finding some friction and swallow her in his lust.. caging her body against the bricks even more.
"Do you want to help me, dear?" he asked softly, stroking her neck slowly as his piercing eyes now watched her carefully, noticing the glimpse of insecurity that was in her wide beautiful eyes
"Bet you want to, hm? Or I could just go to another fan of mine. Bet they would die to have a chance like this, darling... acting less ungrateful than you" he softly threatened in his low voice. His irish accent echoing in her head as he manipulated her young mind.
Of course she wanted to help him, he was her idol and favourite actor of all times... she couldn't really risk it and watch his disappointment towards her. She didn't wanted to be faced by his oh-so famous judgy face.
But the embarrassment and hesitance were there as well... she had a dignity and couldn't just allow him to use her like that, right?
Of course, it was something she dreamed about but was she really ready for that? She didn't even try casual sex in her lige yet. But she sure didn't want him to go to another fangirl and his intense gaze was like a poker face to her... so she was stuck on not knowing whatever he was telling the truth or not.
"I don't have the whole day, darling" Cillian's low voice commented as his gaze shifted towards the spot where his dog was still sitting.
Y/n glances at him again, gulping while trying to silence the battles in her head. She really didn't know what to do, what if it wasn't like he expected or if it would turn out to be a mistake.
"Ok!... Y-Yes, I-I want to help you, Mr. Murphy" Y/n stammered out when the actor started to move away from her.
Her heart beated hard against her chest, making her breath get caught in her throat as her hands started to sweat when he hummed and undoed his pants, pulling out his hard cock without hesitation or patience.
"That's a good girl, get on your knees" his low voice ordered before he moved slowly his tip against her lips, painting them with his pre-cum as he thrusted slightly forward to let them wrap around his red tip.
"That's it... suck" Cillian's voice ordered, allowing to be teased a bit before snapping his hips forward, making her hit her head against the wall and gag around his lenght. "Fuck, love" he cursed with a growl, letting her adjust to him before starting to fuck her mouth till he nearly reached his edge.
The actor's first intention was to just burry his cock deep in her throat and cum there but as his icy eyes wandered down to her kneeled form... and stopped on her clinging thighs the need to feel her young cunt around him became a must.
With a slow motion he moved away from her, letting her breath properly as she dried her spit while catching her breath. Tears already adorning her cheeks... she really was beautiful, the man repeated to himself as a mocking coo left him.
His big hands strokes the soft flesh of her cheeks as he made her get up so that he could smash his lips back against hers, forcing a hungry, toothy kiss that luckily slowed down when she reciprocated it.
Her bare leg was hooked up at his narrow hip, allowing his cock to brush her clothed folds with his help.
He was right... she really was wearing some thing revealing panties, arousing and innocent enough to make him just want to fuck her with them on. His thick finger made its way towards her entrance, curling around the fabric to move it with ease so that it was now half-hugging his lenght... allowing her folds to wet his cock while the panties squeezed it as he thrusted.
His leaking tip kept smearing his pre-cum on her spot skin and onto the fabric of her skirt each time it touched it. The hardness of it managed to gift some attention to her clit as well while his thrusts sped up.
Cillian could feel her juices dripping from his cock down to his balls and the underwear squeeze harder around him now that he was moving them in a difference pace.
It didn't took him much to reach his own peak, his body was quickly shaking and limp against her as his warm cum decorated her clothes. He was too desperate to care or to stop himself so that he could have used her pussy to pleasure him a bit more... not that he complained. He was fully satisfied, sweat was running down his forehead as he breathed heavily against her shoulder as he slowly got down his peak, his thrusts slowing down till he was too overstimulated to receive any further touch.
"Darling... can I keep your panties?... So that I can wash them and give them back to you clean, of course" Cillian casually asked, fixing her hair in a tender manner while brushing slowly his thumb on her swollen lips, watching her panting.
Guess the destiny decided for us... we will meet soon again, darling. Just to give you back your undergarments, of course, he thoughts as he tucked himself back and fixed his clothes, ready to continue the little walk they were having previously.
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lovingperfectionsblog · 11 months
I'm Not A Spy?
Max Verstappen x Reader
Summary: There’s no way THE Max Verstappen got you flowers, absolutely no way. 
Warnings: Swearing, other than that, just silliness and fluff. 
Word Count: 1616
Authors note: This was literally a dream I had and I was encouraged to write it as a fic by my absolute dream of a friend @0-atmilk-latte so thank you sugar <3 I hope it’s okay. I really want to get back into writing my silly little stories so, let's try to do this. 
Enemy territory. 
This is where Max stood currently. Dead center in front of the Mercedes motorhome door, where everyone could see him. 
And every single person to walk through those doors sent him glares that would make sure he knew he was on enemy territory. 
He knew it was risky. Redbull merchandise adoring him. Sticking out like a sore thumb. It was a risk he was willing to take. 
“Horner send you?” Toto stepped through the doors after watching Max stand there for the past hour, “Although, I can't imagine who Horner would be giving those to?” eyes flicking between Max’s face and the bouquet of flowers he was currently white knuckling. 
“No sir, these are for your assistant.” Max tried to sound confident but even he could admit Toto was a terrifying man and this entire situation was feeling far too similar to the idea of trying to get your fathers permission to ask you on a date. 
“From?” Toto knew he was making Max squirm, but the only thing that would bring him more joy was if it were Horner himself standing in front of him instead of Max. 
“From me sir.” Max tried to stop his hands from shaking, the rustling of the leaves and flowers becoming oddly unbearable as he tried to stand his ground in front of your boss. 
“Why?” As much fun as Toto was having, he was also curious. He knew Max had been eyeing you up these past few weeks, paying more attention to you, attempting to talk to you every opportunity he could. He had even caught Max attempting to make small talk with Lewis and George, which he was now assuming was a bid at getting closer to you. At the very least attempt to make everyone around you like him in the meantime. 
“Because I was hoping to ask her to dinner sir.” Toto couldn't hide his surprise at Max’s honesty. Expecting at the very least some work around to that answer after some back and forth. 
God Max irritated him. He had no choice but to add this to the increasingly growing list of things he respected Max for and it infuriated Toto to no end. 
It didn’t mean he couldn't stress Max out in the meantime. 
“Well,” he let out a chuckle, “good luck then son.” 
“Boss, what’s the redbull scum doing on our turf?” George shouted towards Toto as he made his way towards the motorhome. 
Toto didn’t even give Max an opportunity to answer before he was shouting back, “Apparently he’s here to ask my assistant out to dinner.”
“Oh, makes sense why he’s been so nice to me and Lewis these last few weeks.” George made his way up to the entrance, joining his boss and rival, “Is this why you wanted to hang out in Monaco the other day?” 
Toto and George could only laugh at the uncontrollable blush that had made its way across Max’s face at being called out. 
And the situation was only made worse by, “Morning Boss, George,” you eyed the odd one out, cocking an eyebrow up in question, “and Max?” 
“Well then, go ahead,” was all that came from your boss in lieu of a greeting from any of them. 
And suddenly Max felt shy. All that previous bravado had clearly been used up with Toto, leaving none for the actual important interaction. 
He had to do something and soon, because you were standing there staring at him, waiting, for, well, something. 
Next second there was a bouquet thrust in your direction, gripped to near smithereens between Max’s hands. Your eyes darted between the flower and the three men in front of you, one completely avoiding eye contact, the other two doing a poor job to hide their smiles as they watched the interaction between you two. 
“What’s this for?” you refused to take the bundle from Max, unsure of what was happening. 
“You.” It was all Max could get out. 
Toto barked out a laugh at the near identical conversation he and Max had just had. 
The flowers rustled in front of you as you assumed Max shook them for you to take. 
He would never admit that it was his nerves. 
You hesitantly took the flowers, eyeline switching between max and the, admittedly beautiful, bunch of flowers you were now holding. 
There was a long silence as you just stared at the flowers, eyebrows furrowing. Neither Max, Toto nor George fully understood what was going on in your mind. The silence extended so long that even Toto began to feel nervous, so he could only imagine what Max was feeling as he just stared you down just as intensely as you were staring at those flowers.  
Just as Toto reached out to nudge Max in an attempt to get him to say something to you, you began violently shaking the flowers. Petals and leaves began flying everywhere. Whole flowers landed on the floor at your feet. At least one had hit Max in the face. Toto stepped back in fear. Max shielded himself from the onslaught. By the time you were done, all that was left in your hand was one measly flower consisting of maybe four petals and a few leaves. The rest lay at your feet after your massacre. 
All three boys stared on in horror as you stood there breathless. Eyes fixed on Max like he was your prey. 
Everyone could hear the gulp from Max’s throat as he took a single step backwards. 
“You think just because I’m some girl and you’re the Max Verstappen in your fast little redbull you can treat me like some pawn in your weird little game?” you spat the words at him. 
Max desperately looked over to Toto and George for some help, but even they looked too scared to intercede on his behalf. 
“This isn’t some game, I just,” 
“You just what? Thought you could spy on my team?” you didn't even let him finish before throwing out a secondary accusation at him. 
“Spy?” George hadn’t meant to have that come out as loud as it did, but suddenly all attention was on him as he hid slightly behind Toto. 
“Obviously George. He probably put a listening device in the flowers to spy on us.” All three looked at you like you were insane, “Why else would he be giving me flowers?” 
“To ask you on a date.” The silence that followed Toto’s comment was deafening. 
“No.” It was all you could get out. 
“No to the date or no to him giving you flowers for that reason?” Totot was desperately trying to be the voice of reason here. 
“To him giving me flowers?” You’d yet to look at Max since the original accusations. 
“Why would Max be spying on us? Redbull is the fastest team on the grid?” George was emphatically nodding along with what Toto was saying, trying to get you to see that this was completely innocent. 
“I’m not a spy?” Max had finally spoken up, far too alarmed at the accusations beforehand to offer much more than this, beyond thankful to Toto for helping him explain. 
“Then what’s with the flowers?” You were sharp and blunt and Max couldn’t help but fall just that little bit more for you as he watched you defend your team. 
“To ask you on a date.” Max hesitantly pointed at Toto, showing that the original reason that was offered was correct. 
“You want to take me on a date?” Max could only nod, “and these flowers were to ask me on a date?” Another nod, smile growing as he watched your cheeks flush, “in front of my boss?” you side eyed your boss, hoping he’d take the hint to get out of there. 
“In my defense, I didn’t expect him to come talk to me, not stick around” Max’s eyes refused to leave you, a little nervous to at this point. 
“I’m not going anywhere, is it a yes or not?” Totot refused to budge, his massive presence looming over both you and Max as George peaked over his shoulder to continue watching the interaction. 
“Yes,” you watched as Max’s smile grew even wider than before, him already grabbing his phone out of his pocket so you could put your number in it for him, “as long as you promise you aren’t a spy!” you emphasized by shoving his phone, now containing your number, into his chest as a warning. 
“Not a spy. I promise,” Max stuck his pinky out, waiting for you to reciprocate, giving you the most legal of all promises, the pinky promise, “so it’s a date.” 
You nodded as you wrapped your pinky around his own, “A date.” 
After a moment Toto coughed, catching your attention and forcing you to let go of Max and straighten out your attire, “We should go, yes, we have, there’s work, yes, job, okay, bye” and with that, you had disappeared through the Mercedes motorhome doors, soon followed by Toto who clapped a hand against Max’s shoulders, muttering a “well done boy” as he followed you in to begin the day, leaving Max to stare after you as George sidled up next to him. 
The two stood in silence, Max staring at you as Toto clearly teased you about the interaction, and George stared at Max, gearing up to do some teasing of his own. 
“Never thought The Max Verstappen would be into women who scared him” 
“Shit, she’s so scary.” Max nodded along with his own statement before making George choke on his coffee with the next one, “I think I’m going to marry her.” 
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moonastro · 7 months
PAC reading
first impression of you from your fs
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left to right(top)-> 1,2
left to right(bottom)-> 3,4
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes.
°don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post(as i would entirely appreciate it).
-Okay so, first impression from your fs will definitely be raw feeling, perhaps something that they have never felt before.
-Their feelings will literally hypnotise them and make them act up-think of cupid (first thing that came up).
-I see them sticking to you, they can be staring at you and not taking their eyes off of you or it could be that they'll approach you and kind of follow you everywhere. also they can have a desirable intention to be with you or near you.
-They will physically want to leave whatever their doing and want to get to know you- lust kind of thing.
-They'll definitely resist the urge to talk to you at at first because they are afraid to mess things up and for you to get the wrong idea of them. aww😊
-Okay, so, i see them noticing your body first, i feel like maybe your outfit will be very fitting to your body shape or something like that but it will definitely catch your fs attention.
-They'll also notice your hair also. Your hair may be significant, they like it. (May be the first think that they will compliment about you).
-I see this happening somewhere dark- at night possibly.
-Something about the lips also, they'll be fascinated.
-their first impression of you may be that they will find you hawttt.🔥🔥
-they'll think that you are an individual who knows what they want, when they want it and how they want it done.
-They will love how independent you are- you may meet when you are by yourself with no one.
-they have an opinion that you are a powerful human being. You may appear to have a lot of confidence in their eyes which they will admire very much.
-They will notice how intelligent and smart you are.
-your fs will want to figure you out as they may find you quite mysterious which will make them more attracted to you.
-There is going to be A LOT of passion coming from them.
-They may also feel very comfortable around you. you may remind them of a female figure in their life that they admire very much.
EXTRA- At the end of the reading i heard the lyrics "baby, I'm yourss". Take it as you may!!
-oh boy there was a lot of cards that came out for you pile 3!!!
-Their first impression of you may be that they find you as a very stressed out human being. they may think that you have a lot of weight on your back.
-they may not particularly have an interest in you straight away and may even find you irritating- this interaction may happen at a stressful time for you.
-they may also think that you have no sense of surrounding so they may think that you are not interested in them.
-yeah, something about mental health here. they may think that you are struggling with mental health.
-i see a language/religion/ethnicity difference.
-This will definitely be a work colleague- you may start out as work friends.
-They may also think you are too insecure and can be shy. (some).
-overtime i see them getting to know you more clearly and then they'll start to develop feeling towards you. they'll start to find you very attractive.
-if you felt drawn to pile 3, please check it out as you may find some information that resonates.
-I see them observing you from afar-they'll quietly look at you. kind of like a personal admirer.
-first thing that they will think of you is that you are too good for them so they will not have the courage to approach you. therefore, you may actually be the one to approach them.
-they will love your voice, you may be into singing/ are good at singing/like to sing. Even if you don't sing, they will love to hear you talk.
-they notice your eyes. this may resonate when you start talking. they may be good at eye contact so they'll hold eye contact every time they speak to you.
-deep down they may also think that you isolate yourself too much. this may be that you don't go out to nightclubs or don't go out much.
Thats itt!!🌻
i hope you enjoyed this reading.🪻
Don't be afraid to interact with this post and give feedback.🏵️
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sourpeachsayshi · 1 month
You had more thoughts about big bro Choso??
I'm listening 🎤
⊱ ─── [ marathon ] ─── ⊰
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ minors / ageless blogs / blank blogs - do not interact.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tags: public (is it pseudo incest if yuji is asleep? and choso is his brother?); heavy petting; kissing; nipple play; dry humping; reader is yuji's best friend; choso is yuji's brother; non curse au; hooking up in secret; size kink
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ notes: nyx, my beloved. I initially was going to write something short, but decided to expand on this and I'm wrapping it up as a little gift to you <3
midnight rolls around, the living room glowing in blue light. yuji is on the floor, curled into a ball with his eyes shut as he snores quietly. the movie is still playing, you know it's the last one, but you've got another hour and thirty minute left and it only just started. usually you wouldn't be so conscious of the time, eventually falling asleep, but halfway through choso decided to join you both and you've been on the edge of your seat ever since.
he's so big. his strong, muscular legs taking up quite a bit of space on the humble sized sofa. you find yourself fidgeting with your outfit. tugging at the hem of your short dress as you adjust the straps of the top.
your cheeks are already warm, even though choso is innocently just watching the movie.
"you cold?" he asks, keeping his eye on the screen but picking up on your restless movements.
"yes," you lie. it's actually quite nice - neither too hot or cold, but you figure you would feel less exposed under a blanket.
choso gets up and walks over to the other side of the room. he picks up two blankets, one which he spreads over yuji's body and the other which unfolds over your lap.
"thank you," you softly answer, snuggling underneath to conceal yourself.
"no problem," he nonchalantly replies, but your body shivers when you notice that he sits even closer to you.
you try to watch the movie, tell yourself not to think about what happened a couple of weeks ago in choso's room. you nip at your bottom lip, your belly fluttering with guilt. you swore it would be the last time. you can't keep lying to your best friend like this. hate that you've been showing up at his place more often under false pretenses.
"comfy?" a deep voice whispers against your ear, and you squeeze your thighs underneath the blanket as you swallow the lump in your throat.
a breathy response comes out of you. "yeah, I am"
"good," he answers back, his fingers moving to unravel the blanket even more. "make some room for me then, I'm starting to feel the cold too.."
another lie. but a lie that makes your heart quiver with anticipation.
silence lingers, the two of you keeping your eyes on the television screen. you glance in his direction, wetting your lips at his handsome features. his hair is out, flowing freely to his shoulders, with some of the layers pulled into a half up do. his exposed ears show off his silver jewelry, and you notice a new piercing on his helix. his dark brows frame his perpetually exhausted eyes, his jaw tight and his mouth in a firm line.
he turns towards you just as you quickly glare at the screen pretending like you weren't just gawking in his direction.
choso leans closer, intruding into your space. "this movie sucks"
"it's only slow in the beginning," you insist, "it gets better towards the middle..."
his touch is warm, it makes your thigh tingle when he places his palm over your exposed flesh.
he strokes his thumb back and forth across your skin, "does it?"
"you should pay attention," you murmur, your legs spreading on their own accord, your face finally turning to his. he's so close that your noses bump, and you look at him with sparkling eyes. "the details are really important..."
"are they?" he answers back with a slight grin, teasing you as always. his shy, introverted personality tucked away somewhere else.
your heart pounds in your chest, your attention quickly moving to yuji who is still asleep on the floor.
"I can't seem to pay attention when you've been walking around the place in this little thing all day," choso adds on, stealing your focus once more.
the heat blooms in every space that makes a pulse. you know it's been a distraction, that was the whole point of you wearing it. the top fits a little too snug, your breasts pushed up and on the cusp of spilling out. the hem was a dangerous length, and you are far too ashamed to admit it was for the purpose of easy access.
his hand trails upward, the pads of his fingers delicately tracing a path up along your inner thigh. you gasp lightly against his lips, an electric spark running up the base of your spine when you feel him press his index finger against your underwear.
"what's got you so wet?" he purrs into your mouth, his bottom lip grazing over your own.
your eyes shoot to yuji again, your anxiety out on full force.
you place one hand on his shoulder in an attempt to pull yourself out of this precarious position, but choso simply slips his free arm behind your waist and tucks you into his frame. he kisses the corner of your mouth, his affection traveling to the sweet spot against your neck.
you swallow a whimper, his mouth hot and wet against your flesh. "choso-" you whine as quietly as possible, "your brother is right there-"
his lips find yours, he silences your warning with a kiss. his thumb traces the slit of your clothed cunt, his other hand slithering upward to squeeze your left breast.
"he can sleep through a earthquake," he replies nonchalantly. "we're fine"
you know it's true, but it still feels so...inappropriate.
your hand moves to hold his jaw, your body melting into his weight while you both make out on the sofa. he arches forward, keeping your back resting against the arm chair, the blanket falling to your lap and exposing your upper body. he removes his hand from between your legs, and hooks his index finger around the straps of your dress.
he pulls them down, drags the fabric further to reveal the deep swells of your breasts. a moan leaves you when he finally releases you from his kiss, your spit slick lips panting to catch your breath. he pecks your neck, the indentations around your collar bones, and further down. his greedy hands pull at your dress, just low enough that your hardened nipples are exposed. he uses both thumbs to massage the tender buds, a satisfied expression highlighting his face.
"I knew you weren't wearing a fucking bra" he smugly states.
your head falls back against the arm rest, your body tingling with pleasure from him tweaking and rolling your nipples. you shift your head to check on yuji again, your stomach twisting into a knot out of guilt.
before you can let yourself spiral into the depravity of your sin, choso glides his tongue over one of your nipples to silence your thoughts. the blanket is barely covering you both, the hem of your dress hiked up as your body slowly becomes horizontal.
the movie plays, a scene of passionate dialogue ensuing among the characters while you and choso make out heavily on the sofa. the music carries, a sudden boom from the bass making you both freeze. you both turn to yuji, noticing him shift onto his back still heavy with sleep.
you tremble underneath choso, gazing at him with frightened eyes.
"I can't-" you insist with a shake of your head, while he sighs against your neck.
your both in this position for a seconds, until he murmurs an "okay".
before you know it he's picking you up like you’re featherlight, maneuvering your disheveled state until he has you situated on his lap. large hands find your hips, and he drags you back until you can feel his length press up against your ass.
"relax," he whispers again, his teeth nipping at your delicate lobe. "you keep watching the movie..."
you find yourself obliging as you mold into his chest, your breasts heaving when you breath heavily as he grabs one of your tits in his hand to knead at your pebbled nipple. his other hand finds your soaked underwear once more, and presses the cloth between your lips as he massages the folds.
your vision is blurry, the blue light morphing the colors and the shapes all around you. you brain is a fuzzy thing, lobes made of cotton that's slowly being plucked.
choso kisses your shoulder, his hip bucking slightly to add some friction against his cock.
"turn around"
"but-" you stutter, your back slightly arching when he pinches your nipple.
"it'll be quick, just turn around and face me..." he firmly dictates, and you're so horny at this point that you simply just oblige with frustration.
he keeps the blanket in place as you spin, straddling him properly with your arms locked around his neck.
"lay on me," he adds soft, holding you in a gentle embrace as he hides both of you underneath the blanket.
you sigh dreamily feeling the brush of his cock against your cunt, choso's hands grip onto the plush meat of your ass, and you both instantly start grinding against one another for some much needed relief. his soft tee adds friction to your chest, your nipples brushing over his hard torso. your fingers sink into the locks of his hair, your thighs spreading further as you move with a little more conviction.
"shit-" he groans, lightly tapping your ass to egg you on. "oh shit, that feels good..."
you raise yourself up slightly, forgetting for a moment that you both aren't alone. you look down at where your sexes meet, watching yourself slide back and forth over the imprint of his cock. choso stares at your pussy with concentration, one hand traveling to slip an index finger underneath the fabric. he tugs it to the side, giving you better access. you're trembling, your arousal coating the light material of his sweatpants.
choso is bucking his hips subtly, the sound of the sofa creaks mildly. his eyes fall to your chest, the dress resting just under your nipples, your body glistens as a mist of sweat glitters your skin.
your thighs quiver, a ghost of a whine muted by the television screen when your stomach flutters as you reach your orgasm. choso moans, his head falling back to the sofa when he cums, tainting his sweats with a large, noticeable stain.
the heat of the moment dwindles fast for you, and you quickly glance over your shoulder to make sure that yuji is still asleep.
choso's fingers find your chin, turning you back to face him as he lowers you to his lips. "told you nothing wakes him up," he reassures.
"we can't keep doing this," you add with a shake of your head.
"you say this every time," he notes, helping you as he readjusts the straps of your dress.
"we...we went a bit too far..."
"too far is me fucking you, sweetheart..."
you gaze at him with frustration as you slither off his lap, tugging the blanket over you as shame burns your skin. you try to readjust your position, licking your lips only to find that you can still taste him on your tongue. but then he shifts, his mouth against your ear once more.
"and we haven't done that...yet."
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seospicybin · 7 months
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Han x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle masterlist
Synopsis: You and Han become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (12,9k words)
Author's note: I hope you like this one too. Don't be shy to add your feedback :)
If you were in paradise with good company and had to resist sex, could you?
We found the hottest, horniest, commitment-phobic singles and gave them what they think is the most exotic and erotic summer of their lives.
Only to reveal that one thing is off the menu is sex.
At stake is a prize of $200,000 which will plummet if they get naughty. The question is, in a world without sex, will they form deeper and more meaningful connections?
Or will the temptation be too hot to handle?
"I'm here!" Han announces his arrival and shouts it toward the beach.
Instead of feeling nervous, he feels good to be the first one to enter the villa. At least this way, he wouldn't feel intimidated when he sees people who are more good-looking than him.
There's not much to do with no one to interact with, he grabs one of the cocktails served on the small round table and takes a sip.
He turns the other way, sipping his cocktail while looking at the beautiful view of the sea that goes as far as his eyes can see.
"Oh, it's so gorgeous here," he says with a delightful sigh.
Little did he know, that's not the only gorgeous thing he'll see today.
HAN: I'm charming 24/7, that's for sure [laughs] Girls often say they like my smile [brightly smiles] and I won't disagree with that [chuckles] I'm all about a good chat, I'm good listener. I gather pieces of information, I use them at the right time, and [makes shooting gesture] That's part of the secret.
Han has to squint his eyes against the blinding sunlight and see two girls coming his way. He sips his drink to fuel his confidence and prepares himself to make a good first impression.
"Wow. You girls look amazing!" Han says out of wonder, not hesitating to let his thoughts out.
He hates to see women objectively but it's hard not to. Not when they're dressed in something that leaves so little to the imagination.
"We can say the same about you," The taller one says, talking as if she's half moaning.
"I'm Mikaela," she introduces herself, not hesitating to pull him into a hug.
Mikaela has shiny dark hair, plump lips, and a height he doesn't have, yet it's not going to stop him from pursuing her.
But it's too early to settle down yet. He turns to the other girl who's more his height and gives her a quick hug.
"I'm Han," he introduces his name first.
"I'm Nya," she replies.
Nya's brown skin glows under the sun and when she smiles, she shows her perfect white teeth.
"Can we drink this?" She asks in a thick British accent.
Stunned by how attractive the girls are, Han forgets about making a good, first impression. He hurriedly hands the drinks over to the girls and proposes a toast.
They're clinking their glasses against each other and take a sip at the same time.
"So, Han, what is your type?" Mikaela asks.
It may seem like a harmless question but it's actually not, she wants him to choose between the two of them. He needs to be careful with what he says if he wants to please them.
"I don't really have a type... but uh... I like eyes, gorgeous eyes," he says.
They nod at you, not quite figuring out what he says by that. He comes up with something to amuse them both, "I like a gorgeous smile too and you both have that."
That works wonderfully as they're smiling and laughing at his answer.
"Cheers to that!" Mikaela says, clinking her glass with his.
"I think the three of us can do something while we wait for the others," Nya suggests an idea.
An idea that gives Han a glimpse of what her personality is. Don't get him wrong, he likes girls who know how to have fun, he just doesn't expect it coming from Nya.
"Yeah? What do you have in mind?" Han playfully dares her.
Nya sips her drink to avoid answering his question then breaks into a series of giggles.
Sadly, the threesome must end as the second male guest enters the villa.
Han would be lying if he said he was not the slightest bit intimidated. Not only he doesn't have his height, but he also doesn't have that Greek God-like body and facial hair that enhances his masculinity.
"How are you doing, man?" He asks Han who's gobsmacked by how tall he is as he stands next to him.
"Good, good," he answers, exchanging a quick hug with him.
He can see honey dripping from Nya's eyes as she looks at the new guy, "What is your name?"
"Rio," he answers.
"Where are you from, Rio?" Mikaela asks, holding her glass close to her lips.
"I'm from Brazil," he answers, taking a drink for himself.
Mikaela giggles even though there's nothing funny about what he says. She fixes her hair as she says, "Rio, you are so gorgeous."
It feels like Han has become invisible to everyone. He quietly sips his drink and tries not to despair. There are more to come and who knows? He'll find someone more suitable to him, more of his type.
Han has to be patient as two more male guests enter the villa, successfully making his confidence shrink.
He bursts into laughter as he's standing between Peyton and Finn like two gorgeous, white pillars of a Greek temple.
And as if that's not enough, the female guest who just entered is also tall.
"Fuck. I'm so small, it's a joke," he says, trying to lighten up his mood by making a fool out of himself.
The boys around him laugh at his joke and almost miss out on the new girl's introduction.
"I'm Sawyer," she says with a cute smile.
"So, Sawyer, what is your type?" Nya asks, going straight to the point.
Han stands up straight and funnily, the other guys are lining up so Sawyer can take a good look at them. He stands on his tiptoes to match the other's heights, earning good laughs from the girls.
"Well, let's say I'm looking more into their personality..." her answer gets cut off as the last male guest enters the scene.
He looks like a textbook bad boy with long, brown hair and tattoos on his body, he has that smoldering eyes that certainly does thing to the girls as he takes all of their attention away.
Confidently, he walks around introducing himself to the girls, kissing them on the cheeks, and keeps his introduction short by only telling his name, "Asher."
So far, no one has caught his eyes or struck his fancy, he doesn't find the sparks he usually gets when he sees someone he likes.
He can only hold onto the hope that he'll find what he's looking for on the last two female guests.
On the other hand, he can't help but expect disappointment and...
"Oh, they're too fit!" Sawyer cutely gasps.
Han glances up from his drink to see what she's fussing about and the boys are howling in reaction to girls walking into the villa.
HAN: Oh, we're so spoiled for choice [laughs]
It's kind of unfair that they make you enter the villa with someone as gorgeous as Avery.
Except for the dark brown, she looks like the Malibu Barbie. She has perfect skin, that hourglass body figure, and a nice smile. Meanwhile, you look like a long-forgotten, doodled-on Barbie with tattoos scattered across your body.
"Are you nervous?" She asks with an Australian accent.
She looks so cute as she nervously giggles, "Not really," you answer.
It's everyone there who should be nervous because they haven't seen her. You're not jealous, if anything, you want to date her for yourself.
"Should we hold hands?" She offers her hand to you.
You look around at the staff preparing your entrance to the villa, "I'm not sure..."
Your words are trailing off as the staff gives the cute for both of you to start walking into the villa.
To your surprise, you don't feel nervous at all. You feel excited to meet a lot more attractive people and can't wait to know them.
You turn your head and see Avery, looking not as nervous as she seemed to be earlier.
She looks gorgeous with the sun hits her eyes, showing off her beautiful green eyes with a tint of brown in the middle.
It's kind of expected that she's catching all the attention and the boys seem to be curious about Avery that they just can't take their eyes off of her.
"I'm Avery, hi," she introduces herself.
She makes eyes with everyone and Han returns the eye contact with a wide smile on his face.
"Do you fancy anyone, Avery?" Nya asks, being the one that leads the conversation again.
Avery looks at the boys with a smile dancing on her face, Sligh nodding when her eyes hover between Han and Asher.
"Yeah..." she answers then looks away to sip her drink.
"And how about you?" Nya asks.
Everyone turns their attention to you as you quietly grab a drink for yourself. You hold your drink in your hand as you answer, "Honestly, I fancy everyone here."
You look at Nya and continue talking, "I go both ways so bring 'em all in, I guess?" you say with a sly smirk.
Nya seems amused by your answer, "I like that, girl!" She says, clinking her glass with you after.
"Please, save some for us," Rio playfully says.
You nonchalantly shrug and say, "I don't mind sharing."
You secretly steal a few glances at the guy who's been eyeing Avery the second she came into the villa. He looks so cute and cute guys are your weaknesses.
YOU: Hi, nice to meet you. I'm— [holds up hand] that sounds so lame, let me do it again! [Laughs] Hey, what's up? It's your girl [blows kisses] I like to keep a low profile. When I see someone I like, I just give them the eyes and they'll get it [Winks] I have standards, of course. But at the end of the day, I have the worst criteria [laughs]
The girls are cheering in excitement as they're the first to enter the bedroom.
There are five beds and ten people in here which means everyone has to pair up. The options are still wide open even though he sees Avery sitting on the bed with Asher.
He's half-heartedly listening to the conversation happening in the room as everyone is asking each other about their profession.
He sits on the bed to engage in the conversation as Peyton just told everyone that he works as a model which explains his perfect figure.
"What about you?" Peyton turns to Avery.
She tips her head to the side and it's so adorable of her "Why don't you guess?" 
"I think you model too," Finn guesses.
She surprisingly shakes her head, "No, I'm a singer," she says.
Han finds the opportunity to inject himself into the conversation.
"Oh, me too!" He says with such enthusiasm.
"Yeah?" Avery asks.
Han eagerly nods, especially now he has her attention, "What's your sign?"
"I'm a Pisces," she answers.
It's obvious that he can't match his star sign with hers but he won't let it get in his way, "My moon is in Pisces!" He says with a gasp.
"We have a lot of commons," he says, holding both his hands up for a double high-five with her.
"I think we should kiss," Han shamelessly adds.
Avery bursts into laughter hearing Han's proposition but to his surprise, she says, "Just a peck then."
She gets up from the bed and meets Han in the middle, their lips meet for a mere second until Avery breaks the kiss. There are various reactions from everyone but Han notices a few jealous eyes in a few of them. His way of flirting may seem random and a bit silly but hey, it works!
HAN: I'm feeling two or three of them but Avery... [whistles] Great body, great smile.
It seems like Han is not the only one who has the hots for Avery.
As he chats with Rio with his legs dipped in the swimming pool, he sees that Asher pulls her aside, talking on the wooden chair that overlooks the sea.
He turns at Rio and playfully asks, "What do you think he's saying?"
Rio lets out a chuckle and shrugs, "He's probably saying 'you're the most beautiful girl' and stuff like that," he replies.
Han chuckles at that as he keeps watching the two of them talking. He must admit that Asher wins on visual but it's not a guarantee that he'll be able to win her over with just his look.
Also, he already bagged a peck from Avery.
"How about you? Mikaela, huh?" Han says, guessing that Rio has his eyes on the beautiful, dark-haired girl.
Rio leans with his hands propped behind him and softly laughs, "She's got a banging, banging body," he says the word twice to emphasize how hot she is.
"I think I'll give it a shot, you know, and see what she's saying," Rio concludes.
Well, if he were Rio, he wouldn't worry about not getting a girl. He could only wish to have his sculpted body and he is indeed envious of him for it.
"Finn is going for Avery too," Rio informs.
"Yeah?" He asks with a painful laugh.
Rio laughs while brushing his dark curls to the back, "All I can say to you is best of luck," he says with a sly smile.
Well, the fact that he has competitions only means that Avery is that girl.
HAN: There's a competition going on for Avery [laughs] Well, I say let the games begin [rubs hands together]
This show is called Party in Paradise for a reason.
Everyone is so revved up and ready for the first party in the villa. The boys are already gathered at the beach, taking a glass of cocktail and making a toast.
"I saw my boy Peyton made his move earlier with Nya," Asher says.
"What?" Han asks in disbelief, completely clueless about it.
Peyton sips his drink with a bragging smirk plastered on his face, "It was nice, it was nice," he coyly responds to that.
"Are you trying to one me up or what?" Han jokes.
He swallows his drink before replying, "Something is going to happen tonight," he cryptically says.
Everyone raises their glasses in the air for another toast and Han wants to keep his focus sharp so he's only taking little sips of it.
Not long after, the girls are coming and dressed stunningly, carefully walking down the steps that lead to the beach. All of them look beautiful in their own way but Avery is exceptionally gorgeous to him.
HAN: I need to make a move on Avery. I need to make a progress.
The first round of drinks has been drained and everyone moved on to the next round right away. Music is blasting, sending everyone to start moving their bodies to the upbeat music.
Everyone is having fun and getting to know each other with every sip of drink, dancing with each other, not caring that the cameras are filming everything.
You've been instructed to take the lead on the first quest since everyone will take their turn anyway, you've been briefed on everything about the first quest.
When the music abruptly stops, you take it as your cue to take control of the show.
"You guys, I've been tasked to lead the first quest and..." you look at them to build anticipation.
"Don't worry, it's a fun quest!" You assure them, allowing them to stay loosen up.
You grab an eye mask that has been prepared by the staff and show it to everyone, "Each one of you will take turns to stand here," you pointed to the marked spot with a foam mat.
"And you'll put this on," you show them the eye mask again.
You take a few seconds of pause before letting them know the most fun part of it, "And any of you can come to kiss, lick, taste, bite, anything..."
You look at them and emphasize the word again, "Anything!"
Everyone is cheering in reaction, given the chance to do whatever they want to the person they fancy. You can expect a lot of lips locking and fondling in a few minutes.
"Don't get excited yet!" You put a halt to the pheromones you're spreading through your words.
You slyly smile, enjoying the little piece of authority you have over the show.
"The quest is, you have to guess who does what to you and whoever with the most correct answers," you turn around to show them the mysterious box behind you.
You step aside so everyone can look, "You'll get to open the mystery box!"
That earns a wave of applause from them, gets them wondering what's inside the box, and is determined to win the quest.
"Sadly, I don't know what's inside the box," you hurriedly tell them before they get suspicious that you know more than them.
You look around to spot any exciting person to kickstart the game. You notice that Mikaela seems eager to get something out of Rio.
"Mikaela, will you do the honor to be the first?"
She smiles brightly and confidently steps forward, squealing in excitement. You help put the eye mask on without ruining her styled hair and take a step back.
"You ready?" You ask her.
She wriggles her body, "I'm ready!"
Don't want to waste the chance, you steal a quick peck on her lips and earn a surprise gasp from some people.
"That's you!" Mikaela easily guesses.
You walk back to your seat while laughing and see that Rio is also taking his turn after you.
YOU: I got my make-up on, I did my hair and I'm... going to get a kiss from everyone [laughs] 
Peyton stirs a little chaos as he kisses Sawyer and it's not hard to see a displease look on Nya's face after, probably for the rest of the night too.
The time finally comes to Avery's turn. She carefully covers her eyes with the eye mask and with a smile, she makes gestures with her hands.
"Come and get it," she says, swinging her hips side to side.
Han wastes not another second to sprint to her and lands the first kiss on her lips. He gives everything he has to offer, kissing her with the skill he honed from years of experience and putting all of himself into this one kiss.
A kiss that he hoped would be enough to enchant her and put her under his spell.
Han slowly pulls away as his lungs burn from the lack of oxygen, gasping as he looks at Avery's face.
"We share another common thing," he says.
"Huh? What?" Avery asks, still disoriented from the kiss.
"We're both great kissers," he answers.
Avery covers her mouth as she breaks into laughter and as soon as Han leaves his spot, Finn takes his turn to kiss her and he has to watch it.
"Oh, this is mad!" Rio comments while elbowing his sides next to him.
And right after that, Asher takes the next turn and kisses Avery, getting mixed reactions from everyone. That's probably because she gets the most kisses so far.
Avery takes off her eye mask and wipes her lips, trying to clean her smudged lipstick.
"Can you guess, Avery baby?" Nya asks.
She looks in his direction to get any clues on the person who kissed her.
"The first kiss is you," she easily guesses, using both hands to point at him.
Han is inexplicably proud of her for guessing right, he believes the peck helped her to identify his kiss.
"The second one is... uhm..." she bites her finger as she thinks.
She then scrunches her nose and doing it so adorably, "I think it's Finn?"
"And the last one?" You ask.
"That's Asher," she shortly answers, not having the slightest doubt in it.
Han looks at Asher who is nodding along, feeling cocky that Avery recognized his kiss. It seems like the competition has started for real.
HAN: The competition is... real mad! [laughs]
It's his turn now.
Han drains his drink that he's been sipping little by little and he needs every drop of courage to ready himself for it. When he looks at the other boys, they seem to have it easy because they're undeniably attractive and he feels slightly scared that the other will treat him differently because he's less attractive than the other.
Well, he should mainly focus on the keyword: attractive.
Han is attractive nonetheless.
The layer of anxiety is safely hidden behind his playful smirk as he takes his stand and covers his eyes with the eye mask. He licks his lips and slyly smiles as he says, "Come on! Daddy's home!"
Even though the possibility is close to zero percent, he badly wishes that he could get a kiss from Avery. He laughs as he remembers that he shouldn't take this too seriously, he's here to have fun, it's Party in Paradise.
He can hear the girls giggling and the boys cooing, he takes that as a sign that someone is approaching him. He swallows air as his heart is pitter-pattering and his chest filled with anticipation.
He's seen the other boys take their turn and everyone at least gets a smooch so he stands there expecting one as well.
Instead of that, he feels a kiss on his neck. He shouldn't feel disappointed but he can't help it. He focuses on trying to guess who it is.
Before getting his answer, he hears everyone cooing again and a few light claps.
He anticipates it and this time he believes that he'll get a kiss on the lips.
He indeed gets a kiss but not from one. He feels two pairs of lips kissing him at once and he doesn't mind it at all. It surprises him that he can only let them kiss him.
It's incredibly soft and warm, a little wet. He feels a few licks in here and there.
Too bad that he can't see it but it makes him visualize it in his head, him making out with these two girls, and fuck, it's so hot it gets him so horny.
He doesn't want to guess anymore, he keeps wanting to kiss them because they're both good at it, they know how to use their tongues, and makes him feel a bit lightheaded.
Someone pulls away first and he can hear her softly gasping while the other is still kissing him, taking a bit of his lower lip before letting it go.
Han hears another series of giggles but the sounds are fading, the girls are probably walking back to their seats. He takes a minute to compose himself, then takes off his eye mask.
The first thing he does to get his vision back is look at girls to scan any guilty faces. He can easily guess the one who kisses his neck.
"The one who kissed my neck is..." he points his finger at Sawyer and she reacts with blushed cheeks and a shy laugh, which proves that he's right.
This is where it gets tricky, he was enjoying every bit of that sexy makeout to try to guess who are they. He looks at the girls and they're giving him vague signs.
Sawyer is out of options and he knows Mikaela has no interest in him. That leaves you, Nya, and Avery.
As much as he wants to believe that it's Avery, he doesn't want to make it obvious to her. So he settles on you and Nya.
"Nah, you're wrong," Nya tells him.
His eyes widen in shock and he doesn't want to get over his head but is it possible that one of them is Avery?
He walks back to his seat with a dreading curiosity, "Who was it?"
Rio playfully punches his arm, "It's those girls!"
His eyes follow the direction of Rio's hand and he's even more surprised to know that he's right.
It's you and Avery.
HAN: I don't know what else to say [shrugs] I made out with the two hottest girls in the villa [smirks]
Not trying to compete with the other three boys but you're sure that the last person that kissed you is Avery.
"I know it's you," you point at her.
Avery may look like an angel, she walks and talks like an angel but she has the devil inside of her. You know that she's just like you, she's all about the vibe and having fun. You believe you would be good friends with her.
"I would be sad if you guessed it wrong," she says.
"I know," you coyly answer.
The game ends with you and it's time to announce the winner of the quest. It's an easy call because the one with the most correct guesses is none other than Avery.
"Come up here!" You order.
She gets up from her chair and walks up to you, leading her to the mystery box as she's the winner which earned her the chance to be the one opening it.
"I've been told that the content of this box will truly change this trip into an experience you won't forget," you inform everyone.
Avery gives you a nervous look as she grips the handle on the lid of the box.
"Are guys ready?" You ask everyone to keep the tension.
"Yeah!" They answer in unison.
You look at Avery and nod, "There's no turning back once you open it!"
You jokingly say that to scare her before walking back to your seat and joining everyone else as anticipation mounts in each passing second.
Avery looks at everyone and squints her eyes, "Count with me, please!"
Everyone agrees to start counting down together, "3..."
Avery decides to stand behind the box and holds the handle of the box again.
You wonder what's inside the box, it looks small from where you're sitting but you have seen it up close, it could fit anything and it could be anything inside.
Avery closes her eyes as she lifts the lid and the box unfolds on every side, exposing the content to everyone's watching.
You don't want to believe what you're seeing but then it chimes.
"Oh... fuck!" You curse out loud and you're not the only one doing so.
YOU: Are you joking?
"What is it?" Avery asks as she hasn't opened her eyes yet.
She then puts the lid away and sees what everyone is seeing, the cone that lights up in purple-hued colors.
"What is that?" She cluelessly asks.
"That's Lana!" Nya screams with a strained voice.
"That's fucking Lana!" She says again with a doomed expression.
Avery's eyes widen in horror and she drags herself back to sit, wedging herself between you and Mikaela.
You guess everyone is just in shock about the sudden turn of events and that everyone is trapped in her show. You hate that you know what's coming for you.
"This is Too Hot To Handle," Lana announces, telling everyone that she is running this show from the very beginning.
"You have been specially selected because you are all choosing meaningless sex over genuine relationships."
"Guilty!" Asher says with a hand raised like he's in a classroom.
"The purpose of this retreat is to help you gain deeper emotional connections in your personal relationships."
Avery drops her head on your shoulder and grumbles, "I don't want that, Lana."
You put your hand around her, feeling what she's feeling: betrayal and devastation.
"As always, there are conditions to your stay here. You must abstain from sexual practices for the entirety of your stay."
You close your eyes and try to take the first bitter pill, swallowing it dry, and pushing it as far down as you can.
"Are you jok—" Mikaela can't even finish her sentence.
"No kissing."
"What?" Avery gasps in disbelief.
"No heavy petting."
Mikaela sighs, running her hand to her hair and ruining her hairstyle altogether.
"And no sex of any kind."
That earns a lot of gasp from everyone and there goes down the biggest, most bitter pill you have to take.
"This also applies to self-gratification."
Mikaela sighs again while Nya squeals in both pain and amusement.
"What does it mean?" Sawyer innocently asks.
"You can't masturbate, babe," Avery answers her question with a pout.
"At all?" She asks again to confirm her fear.
So they threw a bunch of hot people into a villa and tricked them into thinking that they would be partying and having fun only to reveal that they're not allowed to have any physical contact? What in the 21st century way of torture is this?
YOU: There goes my plan to kiss everyone... I was planning to get a taste here and there and now it's like... No [sighs]
"As part of your social development, I have allocated a prize of $200,000."
Everyone's eyes turn green at the mention of money and the amount of it, also at the promise that they can win it.
"I'm a college student. I need that!" Finn comments from the end of the bench.
"Each time the rules are broken, money will be deducted from the prize fund."
Of course, it wouldn't be that easy to win that much money and now it looks like everyone would be leaving with nothing.
But with the rules are set and the prize is announced, the game gets serious now.
"Welcome to your long, hard, sexless summer," Lana finishes with the gloom casting on those words.
"Everyone gets ready now 'cause it's not Party in Paradise anymore," Nya reminds everyone with the harsh truth.
"It's hell now," Mikaela eggs in.
Han personally thinks this is worse than hell. Because at least in hell, he'd be allowed to get horny.
HAN: $200,000... That's a lot of money... to spend [smirks]
"Please, can we not?"
The last thing you want to hear is everyone complaining about the rules again and it's only dragging you down more than you allowed it to.
"I'm just upset..." Mikaela says as she takes off her earrings and puts them into a jewelry box.
"I know," you sigh, tossing your shoes into the bottom shelf of your closet.
It takes you a long time to get ready for bed but it's most likely because the girls are chatting and you can't help but join in. Trying to keep yourself away from sex is hard but being able to talk about it is what makes it bearable.
You and Avery walk to the bedroom with arms linked, you just know you'll be friends by how you identify a few traits of yours in her.
The boys are already taking their territory except for Finn, you know he's still in the dresser room. You're fine sharing a bed with anyone but you try not to make drama by getting on a bed with someone's person of interest.
Since Avery is the hot commodity, you make her choose where she'll sleep tonight.
"So, Avery, what's the bed situation?" You ask her.
A few pairs of ears perk up hearing the question and you notice that the three men competing are watching as Avery is making a decision.
She walks up to the bed in the middle, "I'll sleep here."
Asher triumphantly smiles as Avery climbs onto his bed and gets under the cover next to him.
Now that she has settled on a man, you can choose your bed partner at ease. Rio is off-limits unless you want to face Mikaela's wrath and Peyton is also out of the question, you don't want to mess with Nya.
You walk over to Han's bed and you kind of like the vibe he's giving you, you know he's into Avery but it's not like he has much of options, it's either you and Sawyer.
"Want to share a bed?" You ask.
Han glances at you and without answering, makes a space on the bed for you. He seems to take an interest in the tattoos inked your body and he notices that you're watching.
"How many tattoos do you have?" He asks.
You lean against the pillow stacked behind you, "Uhm... I never counted," you reply.
It's amusing to see the wonder in his eyes as he's looking at your tattoos, making you feel like teasing him.
"How about I get naked and you can count my tattoos for me?"
He blinks his eyes at you, "I can promise you I'll do well at that," he says.
You chuckle at his witty answer and outstretched your arms to showcase the small tattoos on both of your arms.
He turns on the bed to lay on his side facing you, "Which one is your favorite?"
You take a few seconds to think of an answer, "I think it's the one on my spine."
You take all of your hair to one shoulder before turning your back at him, to show him the tattoo you're talking about.
His finger pulls down the silk camisole you're wearing so he can take a better look at it.
"Yeah, that's nice," he agrees with you.
You lean back on your pillow again and look at him, "How about you? Do you have any favorite yet?" You playfully ask.
He slyly smiles even before he begins talking, "Well, I believe there are tattoos that I have not yet seen," he says with one eyebrow slightly raised higher than the other.
Han knows how to amuse you, he's attractive in a different way than the other guys. It makes you want to tease him more.
"You mean like this one?" You lift the front of your camisole to show him the tattoo you have under your left breast.
He almost chokes on air as he breaks into laughter, "That could be my favorite," he says.
You nod and laugh along with him, "I'll show you more but I'm afraid we have to wait for third base," you jokingly say.
That amuses him so much, he collapses on his side of the bed and covers his eyes as he laughs. He has that laugh that only enhances the hilarity and you can't help to laugh along.
YOU: Han is cute, yeah, I think we'll get on well.
The lights are on and Han would still be sleeping if you didn't shift on the bed to take your water tumbler from the bedside table.
As everyone is slowly getting up and dragging themselves out of slumber, Lana's chime startles everyone.
"Oh, it wasn't a dream," Nya groans from the next bed to his.
Yeah, right, Han forgot about the sex ban until that cone lights up on top of the small glass table in the middle of the room.
"Good morning, everyone!" Lana greets.
Han props a pillow behind his head and you take his arm out so you can rest your head on it.
"Morning, hon!" You sleepily reply.
"I'd like to remind you that you're in a retreat but I do hope you enjoy your summer of sun, sea, and no sex," Lana concludes her morning greeting, leaving everyone with the awakening truth that they're not allowed to touch each other.
Han looks over to Avery's bed and wonders how is he going to make a move on her with Lana cockblocking him?
"Right. I'm going back to sleep," you grumble, closing your eyes and nuzzling your head in his neck.
Han slips his hand in your hair, playing with it as he's listening to the talk happening in the room.
"Is anyone still pissed off?" Nya asks everyone how they feel.
Peyton is the first one to raise his hand and Mikaela adds her opinion on the matter, "I think it's impossible to connect with someone without touching them, don't you think?"
Han is too busy thinking of his game plan now that the competition is getting tough and Asher is a point ahead of him.
"I think we need to tell each other if someone is—" Sawyer's words got cut off by Asher.
"At the end of the day, just don't lie," Asher remarks.
Han turns his head to the side only to bury his nose in your hair, catching the scent of your shampoo.
"Your hair smells so good," he says to you.
You hum with your eyes still closed and splayed your hand on his chest, "And you have nice pecs."
You both softly laugh at the compliments you give each other.
Last night, you both fell asleep after having a chat about random things, getting to know each other with jokes slipped in between.
Han must say that he likes you, you're fun to be around and you don't take things seriously. But then again, his eyes are on Avery.
HAN: I woke up next to her and it was great, I like her but... I like Avery more.
After taking a quick dip in the beach, you're walking past the boys who are working out on the way back to the villa.
"Looking good wet," Asher teases you with a lopsided grin on his face.
Too bad you're immune to sweet nothings like that, you flash him a smile and keep climbing the stairs back to the villa.
The other girls are already done with their make-up and leaving the dressing room empty, allowing you to get ready in peace.
In the middle of doing your hair, Nya enters the room and takes a seat next to you.
"What's up, hottie?" You ask while looking in the mirror to make sure you don't burn your scalp with the straightening iron.
Nya grabs her make-up pouch from the other side of the vanity table and takes out a brush. She seems to have something to say to you but hesitates to tell you.
After a while, she finally confesses, "Peyton and I, we kissed last night."
You're more shocked by the fact that she shares this with you rather than the kiss itself. They're horny for each other, it's only about time that they rule break.
You softly chuckle and gently comb your hair with your fingers, "How many times?"
"Just once," she answers while applying makeup on her cheeks.
"I'm impressed!" You playfully respond.
Nya chuckles at that and swivels her chair to face you, "What do you think? Is it three grand? For a kiss?" She asks with a nervous smile.
You put down the straightening iron and lean back on your chair, "I think so, yeah."
Nya takes lipstick out of her pouch next, "I didn't give a fuck at that moment," she says.
From your observation, Nya indeed doesn't give a fuck about the rules. She broke them hours after Lana put on the sex ban and you believe she wouldn't stop there.
"You saw how he kissed me last night during the game and I was a bit horny that we're sharing the bed..." she stops talking as she breaks into breathless chuckles.
"So, Peyton, huh?"
"Well, yeah, once I set my eyes on someone, I will get them," Nya remarks, affirming her strong personality.
"Sorry not sorry, Sawyer," she adds and couldn't care less about anyone else.
Which reminds you to never get on her bad side. You continue styling your hair while keeping the conversation going.
"Yeah, I think you guys are so cute," you comment even though you're not sure that Peyton will make a loyal partner considering that he kissed another girl right in front of her.
"What about you? How are you feeling?" She asks.
This is a dating show and you're well aware that you should get a partner to make this work but no one really tugs at your heartstrings.
Well, there is Han but he's certainly not available to you.
"I came to meet people and have fun, that's what I'm here for," you settle on a simple answer because you have no idea what you can do without a partner in this show.
"Yeah, yeah," Nya half-heartedly responds, "but who are you feeling?"
You must take another pause on doing your hair, "I like Han, he's cute. I like cute guys," you honestly answer.
Nya smiles listening to you talking, "He is. He is cute."
"But I think he's into Avery," you add, not letting her encourage you to pursue him.
Nya nods, getting the gist of it since it's obvious that Avery is the most popular girl in the retreat. She swipes her full lips with nude-colored lipstick and smacks her lips together.
"Once they know about the kiss, we're going to get hated," Nya once again worries about what would happen when Lana announces the infraction they've done last night.
"I think you should just... own up to it," you suggest.
Honest is the best policy and also, you think people will be less upset if they admit their mistake right away.
YOU: Knowing that someone already broke the rules. It's only about time that someone else starts doing it too.
Han has just come out of the shower when Lana calls everyone to the cabana.
He combs his wet hair fast and walks with Finn to where everyone has gathered, sitting on the curved sofa facing the cone-shaped lady.
He squeezes himself between you and Sawyer, putting his arm on the headrest of the sofa as he waits for Lana to come online.
You look over your shoulder at him, "You smell nice."
"I showered," he simply answers with a sly grin on his face.
"That changes everything," you joke, then rest your head on his shoulder,
The cone lights up followed by the melodic chime that he should get used to hearing it. There must be a reason why everyone is called to the cabana, someone must have done something.
"Hello, everyone!" Lana begins.
"Hey, Lana," he replies, suddenly feeling nervous even though he hasn't done anything yet.
"The rules of my retreat have already been broken."
Everyone collectively gasps at that announcement and this is where they get suspicious of each other.
"Oh, no..." Sawyer sighs.
Finn sits on the edge of the sofa and clasps his hands together in front of him, "Anybody wants to come clean?" He asks.
Han gets the feeling that Finn would play the good cop here and he also senses that you know something, "Did we kiss in our sleep or what?"
"If that's the case, I wouldn't stop at kissing," you joke back at him with a gentle slap on his forearm.
Unexpectedly, what you said makes him flutter inside, he almost forgot that someone broke the rules and possibly, it involves Avery.
"I'm so confused," Sawyer says as if it's a math problem that she needs to solve.
No one wants to come forward and it creates animosity in the air. He doesn't like what this leads to, he hopes that someone comes forward so things won't get ugly.
"Who's guilty?" He throws the question in with his eyes uneasily glancing in Avery's direction.
"I thought we were going to be truthful with each other," Finn reminds everyone about the unwritten rules they made this morning.
The calm on Nya's face shatters as Rio says, "You're looking real guilty right now, Nya."
"Yeah, okay, it was me," she finally confesses.
Nya tips her head to the side then looks at Peyton, "Peyton and I kissed."
Han glares at Peyton, he expects that at least he would man up and own up to it. But Han feels a relief knowing that it wasn't Avery.
"This breach of rules has cost the group $3,000," Lana announces.
Oh? Three thousand dollars? For a kiss? That's a surprise but still, he would spend that much for a kiss with Avery.
"The prize fund now stands at $197,000," Lana updates.
"I'm so vexed, you know," Finn says, being the only one who is genuinely upset about losing money.
While the others... the others seem to have waited for someone to break the wave so they can start to rule break too.
And that includes him.
HAN: Best believe if anybody is going to rule break next, it's me [cackles]
"Hello, I'm Josh and I'm a professional tantric practitioner," the instructor for today's workshop introduces himself.
Your eyebrow raises in intrigue at the mention of the word 'tantric' and how it would help everyone to not think about sex.
"Tantric? What is that?" Sawyer naively asks next to you.
"Just listen to the instructor," you tell her with a pat on her shoulder.
"Usually, when we relate to other people, everything is fast, right?" Josh says.
You nod in agreement while shielding your eyes from the bright sun.
"Someone touches you, you touch them back. You kiss this person, they kiss you back but we don't feel it," he eloquently explains while walking around and making eye contact with everyone.
"That's what this workshop is for. For you to learn how to feel your body," he further explains.
He walks back to the middle and looks at everyone, "Pleasure is not in the other. Pleasure is in yourself."
Then Josh orders everyone to gather in the middle as he explains what we're going to do next. He holds a tray full of blindfolds for everyone.
"Usually, people relate tantra to sexuality. But that's just a really small part. Every aspect of you can benefit from increased awareness," Josh informs.
He then offers the tray to Asher who stands close to him, ordering him to get one.
"So we're going to broaden the awareness of our vision, of our breathing, our sounds, our movements..."
You put the blindfold on and tie it around your head, putting you in total blindness.
"We put the blindfolds on so the experience can just be your experience," he concludes before starting the session.
Josh instructs everyone to move their bodies, walk around, and eventually bump into each other's bodies. You get goosebumps when your body crashes with someone, you can feel their heat and feel them skin-to-skin.
Then Josh orders everyone to take a step back and blindly, get a partner to do the next session.
You catch the person that you inexplicably guess is standing in front of you and holding him.
"Oh, I found one!" You reflexively say.
Your partner chuckles at that and from the laugh, you can tell who it is.
"Got you," you tell him with a grin.
"Okay, now, breathe..." Josh instructed, "Breathe her in. Breathe him in."
You slip your hands under and around his waist while he places his hands on your back, also holding you back.
You lean your head forward and meet his head in the middle, ending up putting our heads together. This way you can feel his breath on you and every subtle sound he makes.
"It's time to reveal who your partner was," Josh finally allows everyone to take their blindfolds off.
You untie it on the back of your head and burst into laughs the moment your eyes meet.
YOU: I just can tell who it is the moment we touch [laughs]
"These emotional processes happen but they can only be experienced if you're present."
Now that everyone has partnered up, each pair takes a seat on the mat and sits facing each other. As Han puts his legs on each side of you, you decide to put your legs over his.
"You can get back to your connection through the eyes," Josh continues.
You both can't stop laughing at each other and the longer you maintain eye contact with him, the more you can't stop yourself from laughing.
"Don't lose her. Don't lose him."
"I think it would be better if we close our eyes," you suggest, holding his hands in substitute of that and pressing your heads together.
"Tantra is a way of connecting with your essence. With your feelings."
And you focus on doing what Josh told you to do, focusing on your breathing to be able to intensely feel things with your senses.
"Deep breathe, not deep penetration," Han reminds you.
Once again, you fail to keep your composure and break into a wave of laughter.
"Now, lie down. It's time for you to feel your whole body vibration."
You both lie down facing against each other with your legs still around him and he places his hand on your shin, softly rubbing the skin with his thumb.
"One must learn to connect deeply with oneself. That's tantra. A way through which you can truly connect with yourself."
Maybe because you let yourself open to it, you can feel that connection, it's as if your body is one with earth. You can feel the ground beneath, you can hear the waves crashing and the warmth of the afternoon sun on your skin.
"Now you can sit up," Josh orders.
You slowly open your eyes and sit up, meeting Han's eyes again but this time, you smile at him.
"That was good," you mutter to him.
"Right?" He agrees with you.
You rest your head on his shoulder and continue to sit close facing each other, feeling each other's bodies in a whole new way.
Josh finishes the workshop with one last instruction: a group hug.
YOU: I think I learned how to get to know myself better and to not hold in what I really feel [smiles]
"You all look so sexy!"
You compliment everyone who's getting ready in the dressing room while searching for someone. Avery gleefully smiles at your compliment.
"You look good in those sexy jeans!"
It sounds like she's making fun of it and you look down to check if you look okay in what you're wearing, "Am I underdressed?"
"No. Your butt looks cute in it," Avery assures you with a playful slap on your clothed ass.
To make room for everyone else who hasn't gotten ready yet, you move to the bedroom and find the one you're looking for. Han is sitting on the bed already dressed in blue jeans and a white shirt with the top three buttons left open.
After the workshop, you feel somehow closer to him and you get along really well, you wonder if it could be more.
"Hiya, sexy!" You greet him.
Han glances up and pats the space on the bed, gesturing for you to sit next to him.
"How are you?" He asks.
"Good. You?" You ask back while sitting down and propping a hand against the bed.
"I'm good, thanks," he answers with a smile.
There's no one else in the bedroom and you take it as an opportunity to ask him about something.
"So, where's your head at?" You ask.
Han puts his hand under his head and simply says, "It's right here."
You chuckle and tip your head to the side, "I mean... who do you like in here?"
He takes a moment to take a deep breath and you guess picking his words carefully before answering you, "I think I get on really well with you," he begins.
And it's good to know that he feels the same way about it.
"But I'm more attracted to Avery," he adds, not even hesitating to tell you about it.
Well, it's also good to know that he can openly and comfortably share things with you.
"Yeah," you say, expecting that answer already.
Yet you can't quite hide your disappointment, you look away and pretend to fix your hair. That's just him basically saying that you have a great personality but that's not enough to attract him.
"As you know the three of us are pursuing Avery and we don't know which one she likes..." he says while rubbing his chin.
Instead of being salty about it, you decide to be a friend to him and give him your opinion.
"I think if you like someone, you go for it. There's no time to waste, just go and get it," you encourage while mindlessly running your hand on the bedsheet.
"Yeah," Han's head bobbing in agreement.
"You should talk to Avery and see how she feels about you," you add.
It is obvious that Han likes Avery but he's playing the cool guy trick by thinking that he'll win her over by acting like he doesn't care.
YOU: Oh, well... [awkwardly chuckles] I kind of expected that answer.
After the workshop, Han realizes that you and he bounce off each other, you're tuned in to the same wave and he agrees that it has the potential to be something more than that.
However, Han feels like he should keep pursuing Avery. Mostly because he's attracted to her, almost magnetic, and the fact that he has competition makes him want her more.
He gets out of the bedroom after knowing that Avery is no longer in the dressing room.
Turns out, Finn is already making his move on her. He sees them talking in the firepit and having a laugh, but he can't hear what they're talking about. Finn shortly leaves after kissing her on the hand.
So he's playing the romantic guy, Han reckons.
Avery once said that he likes bad boys and so he'll be it. Bad boys don't make it obvious that he likes her, they wait until they come around.
So Han decides that should be his game plan, sitting on the sofa and you know, waiting for Avery to come around.
HAN: I'm not worried about Asher so my game plan is to play it cool and see where it goes. She'll come to the right man... eventually [laughs]
After hours of no significant result, Han walks back inside to get a new place to hang out.
He decides to go to the bedroom, pushing the door with both hands only to walk into Asher and Avery cuddling on the bed.
Now he sees the flaw in his game plan, he slowly walks back out of the room as everything backfired to him.
When it's time for bed, he couldn't be happier.
Han dives into his pillow and takes a deep breath, blowing some steam off.
A moment later, he feels the bed quaking as you get on and playfully, put your body on top of him.
"We're like the twin bar ice cream," He grumbles as your body presses onto him.
His body shakes along with yours as you're laughing on top of him, then rolling yourself to the side and onto the bed next to him.
"How was your night?" You ask, playing with his dark hair.
"Average," he shortly answers.
"I'm asking about your night, not your genital size," you joke.
He chuckles before answering, "Then it's below average."
If there's anyone that makes this retreat bearable to him then it's you. He can share everything with you and what he likes the most about it is that he can seek comfort from you too.
Han scoots closer and puts his hand across your chest which you nicely welcomed. You're caressing his forearm with only your fingertips and it's relaxing him.
When the lights are out, you pull his arm and put it around you as you lie on your side with your back against his chest.
"Goodnight," you murmur.
He hesitates but with his mouth pressed close to you, he decides to kiss you on the top of your head.
"Goodnight," he murmurs back, snuggling his head on the crook of your neck.
HAN: I guess nice guys do finish last [laughs]
The bathroom is pretty much occupied by the two tall lovebirds, Rio and Mikaela.
You almost walk in on them applying sunblock on each other's bodies and slowly, walking back out of there. Stepping into the dressing room, you find Nya there with Avery who's busy putting her hair into a ponytail.
"Hello, babes," you greet them as you take a seat in your usual spot and decide to put on your sunscreen there when you usually put it on in the bathroom because it can get messy.
Mikaela joins in not long after and sits next to you, fixing her hair with a brush.
"Has anything been going on late at night?" Nya asks her since Mikaela and Rio turned up to their bed late last night.
"We held off pretty well, I guess," Mikaela answers with her half-moaning voice.
"Yeah, but has he been getting hard?" Nya asks again, being nosy as she is.
"We're pretty close," Mikaela answers with a cryptic smile.
You look at her with a dollop of sunscreen on your cheek, "Pretty close? What's that even mean?" You tease.
Before Mikaela can answer that, Lana butts in with her familiar chime, and everyone's heads turn to the cone sitting on the shelf.
"Uh-oh!" You gasp in surprise and awkwardly continue dabbing your cheeks with sunscreen.
"Girls," Lana calls out to everyone in the dressing room.
"Yeah?" Nya replies with a shocked smile.
"Please gather everyone in the bedroom," Lana orders.
You sense that Mikaela did something last night from the horror drawn on her face with her round eyes widening in slight shock.
Nya gets up from her chair but you haven't finished with your sunscreen yet.
"I'll catch up," you tell her.
You put on a sheer top over your bikini before heading to the bedroom and see that everyone is already there including Han.
He holds his hand out for you to take, gesturing for you to sit close to him at the end of your shared bed.
YOU: This can't be good news [scrunches nose]
Other than Mikaela, you notice another pair of guilty faces. No surprise if Nya broke another rule but also, you kind of guessed that Avery did something too, she keeps shaking her leg uncomfortably.
Lana chimes and the tension is already rising in the room.
"There have been breaches of the rules," Lana goes straight to business.
"Breaches?" Finn focuses on the plural terms that could tell how much money he'll be losing today.
As someone without a partner, you can relax since no one will be suspicious of you. You put your legs over Han's and rest your hand on his shoulder.
Heads are turning against each other but no one is saying anything.
"Mmh..." Avery lets out a low sigh.
You bet she did something and if yes, who did she do it with? You look at Han and wonder if he did what you told him to just go and get her.
"I'll be honest with you guys..." Asher speaks up.
There goes your answer. Avery did kiss but it's with Asher and you don't know why you feel some sort of relief on knowing it.
"I definitely lost some money last night," he pauses to scratch his head, "I pulled Avery aside and kissed her."
Avery shyly smiles and sputters her apology, "I'm–I am sorry, you guys."
Your eyes silently shift at Han and notice that he's not pleased to hear his love interest got kissed by someone else.
"This is what I wanted and I felt a genuine connection there," Asher adds.
What a way to prove that he wants to delve further into this relationship but Avery doesn't seem to be happy to hear his man declare that she is what he wanted.
"So sorry, guys," Asher concludes.
It would be stupid of you to hope that that's the only kiss that happened last night.
"There was another breach of the rules," Lana says again and she won't stop until everyone comes clean.
You look at Nya and she's not looking at anyone. Peyton seems to have decided to keep denying it and staying quiet about it.
Mikaela sighs then closes her eyes, "Why don't you tell them, Rio," she says to the man next to her.
Rio licks his lips and opens his mouth, but words do not come out of it until a minute later.
"We kissed a couple of times last night," Rio confesses and pinches the bridge of his nose after.
"A couple?" Finn asks for confirmation.
You guess what he needs to know is how many kisses in numbers.
"Five times," Rio answers.
"Oh, my gosh!" Avery sighs while rubbing her temple.
That makes you sweat a little and you take your hand off of Han's shoulder to fiddle with the strap of your bikini, also because you sense that Han gets tensed beside you.
"I mean, I can tolerate one or two kisses but five?" You confront them and keep your tone calm to not trigger anyone.
It's not a genuine connection if you needed five kisses to convince you that you're emotionally connected so yeah, you doubt that Rio and Mikaela have it.
"If you had that genuine connection, what would you do?" Rio says in his defense.
"I don't know, maybe try a bit harder?" Han finally lets out an opinion with an insinuating tone, driven by the slight anger he gets from Avery and Asher's kiss.
"That's just a waste of money," Finn mutters from his bed and a deep sigh.
"Is that all, Lana?" You ask, wanting to get it over with.
"There was another breach of the rules," Lana shares.
You don't even hold yourself back from groaning and rolling your eyes. You didn't plan to get this mad but hearing these people kissing and spending money recklessly ticked you off.
"We'll have no money," Finn mutters again and collapses onto the bed.
"Why are you smiling, Peyton?" Asher asks.
Peyton is indeed smiling and looking calm for a guilty man, "I kissed Nya last night."
Sawyer raises her hand like she's in a classroom but that works to get everyone's attention, "Wait, I'm a little confused about it because you said you were going to pursue things with me," she drops a truth bomb out of nowhere.
Nya turns Peyton around to force him to look at her, "You said to me that you wanted me, not her," she spoils more rotten truth.
This whole thing turns into a she said, he said situation and you can only watch them, going back and forth, pointing fingers at each other.
"I hate being lied to," Sawyer mutters.
Peyton rubs his chin and concludes, "I never lied to you," he says to Sawyer.
Then he turns to Nya and tells her the same thing, "And I never lied to you."
Can't help it, you let out a stifled laugh because Peyton not only digging his own grave but also putting nails on his coffin.
The ones that benefited from this are Rio and Mikaela, the love triangle mess is taking the heat off of them.
"It's obviously not working," Nya ends things for good.
Thankfully, Lana takes control of the situation to deliver the bills.
"All of these rule breaks have made me decide to implement a stricter regime. The fines will now be doubled starting with these rule breaks."
Your jaw drops at the announcement and get dizzy thinking of how much those five kisses cost alone.
"These multiple rule breaks have cost the group $42,000," Lana updates.
You scoff at the amount of money spent on a few silly kisses and have to take a few deep breaths to calm yourself.
"The prize fund now stands at $155,000."
Everyone is just as gobsmacked by how much money has been lost from the prize and if everyone keeps doing it, all of you would likely go home with nothing.
YOU: We might as well pack our things now and go home [shrugs]
A week has passed and you start to feel that you're merely wasting time here.
Not much happened around here especially after Peyton and Nya's ship sank right after that messy fight. In the end, Peyton doesn't get either Nya or Sawyer and he deserves every bit of it.
The retreat is not only about couple growth but still... If only you had someone to try to make a connection with, you would enjoy this whole experience more.
You wake up in the morning, have a few cuddles with Han, and then everyone is moving on with their day. There's not much you can do here but you try to participate as much by not breaking the rules.
As if you have someone to do it with.
Avery joins you as you walk down to the beach to swim at the beach. With the low tide, you can sit on the beach with her to cool down after swimming.
"Avery baby, tell me, how are things with Asher?" You ask out of curiosity.
What Asher did that day, defending her and openly telling everyone how he feels about her, you expect her to be swooned if not smitten.
But from what you've been seeing, it seems like things have cooled down between them.
"To be honest, I don't know..." she is just as confused as you.
"But out of all the three boys, you like him right?" You try to make it simple for her.
"Yeah, I like Asher because he's great, he made the first move and got an edge to him..." she explains.
You nod and support your chin with the back of your hand, "What he did that day, I think that's very endearing of him," you give her your honest opinion just in case she needs an assurance from someone outside that relationship.
"Yeah, he was like... expressed his feelings and telling everyone how he feels about me," Her facial expression gradually turns sour as you sense a 'but' coming from her small mouth.
"But I just don't like when people are like that to me," she says with a repulsed expression.
"I get really..." she ends the sentence with a groan.
The problem with Avery is that she doesn't know what she wants. Other than that, now you know why Asher flirted with you this morning but knowing that he initially likes Avery makes you feel like you're his backup plan.
Here's the thing about you, you don't like being a second choice.
YOU: You know what, Lana? I think we need more dicks in the villa [laughs]
Han feels like his breakfast is about to come up as he hears the sound of that melodic chime. He hears it often enough yet he feels even more anxious the more he hears it.
"Please be good news," Han mutters next to you.
You put your hand on his thigh, playing with a lint of his swimming trunk.
"Hello, everyone!" Lana greets.
He turns his head at the same time you look at him, sending both of you burst into laughter.
"Here we go," Asher mutters with a nervous sigh.
"To further aid your personal growth, you must learn to resist your urges."
That catches his interest but also makes his heart start to beat faster. Lana is unpredictable and Han hates that.
"I have arranged two dates."
That makes some people relax, at least, it's not about losing more money from the prize fund. Han, personally, has not yet recovered from losing a quarter of the prize money.
"Both with new arrivals," Lana finishes her sentence.
Other than Rio and Mikaela, everyone else seems to be excited about this. New guests mean new chances to make a connection.
"I have allowed the new arrivals to select who they want to ask out on their date."
Han is having mixed feelings about this. He knows that Avery is no longer with Asher but he's slowly losing his interest in her. Maybe the new arrivals can help him move on.
"The first new arrival is... Gwen."
So it's a girl, well, Han can do something about this Gwen. He feels hopeful once again and maybe this time, triumph will be his.
"Gwen has chosen... Rio to be her date."
All eyes are on Mikaela as she tries so hard to remain calm about this but everyone knows that she's fuming inside.
"You seem happy, Rio," Asher teases him which Rio coyly responds with a shrug.
"And date number two will be with Fabian."
His head turns as he hears hears you cooing in wonder, "He sounds exotic," you mutter.
Nya is the most excited one and it's probably because she needs to show Peyton that he's got nothing on her anymore.
"Fabian has chosen... Nya to be his date."
Han doesn't know why he feels glad knowing that this new guy didn't choose you but does that make him the bad guy? He doesn't think so.
"Rio and Nya, you may leave to get ready for the date," Lana orders.
He hasn't seen the new arrivals yet but he can imagine the amount of drama he'll witness later with Rio going on a date with the new girl.
HAN: The new arrivals, uh... they can't be ugly, right Lana? [Snickers]
The first one to return from the date is Nya and she's bringing a man who's taller than Rio and talks in a French accent.
Han can see that Nya is already all over him and he glances at Peyton who ends up with no one but his own player ass. He just knew that Peyton had it coming for him since that game night when he boldly kissed two girls.
He grabs his first drink of the day with the staff only allowed every contest to take three drinks max and when he gets back to the terrace, he sees a gorgeous girl with blond hair.
Rio is introducing the girl around while Mikaela is intensely watching him from the cabana with furrowed brows and eyes filled with fiery glints like a hawk.
When it comes to his turn, he doesn't bother making a good first impression.
"Han," he simply tells her his name.
"I'm Gwen, hi," she introduces herself.
With the few inches he doesn't have, Gwen can easily put her arm around him for a quick hug, "Nice to meet you!"
Gwen is undeniably beautiful, anyone who looks at her would agree with him. Surprisingly, he's not as excited as he imagined he would be.
Well, the last thing he wants to do is compete to win a girl over and he doesn't want to entertain the idea that Gwen would take a liking to him.
Despite all that, Rio and Mikaela remain strong. Everyone is staying on the same bed and because Nya and Sawyer refuse to sleep with Peyton, he has to share the bed with Finn.
Han feels good knowing that he doesn't have to deal with such drama, he walks to his bed and does not hesitate to cuddle you.
"Hi, sexy bunny," he mutters close to your ear.
The two of you have this inside joke of calling each other silly, childish pet names and yesterday, you called him
'tater tot' and he laughs whenever he recalls it.
"Hi, bubble butt," you reply.
He laughs at that and playfully bites at your shoulder to get back at you. Somehow, the only one he can comfortably share his space with is you and he realizes how grateful he should be for your presence.
"Goodnight, everyone," Avery says while blowing kisses to everyone.
Han tickles your neck with his nose and purposely, breathes into your ear, "Goodnight!"
You giggle in reaction to his tickling breath, "Night!"
He presses a soft, lingering kiss on your head and that's how he ends his day on a sweet note.
HAN: I wasn't attracted to her but now I feel bad for not giving her any attention.
"It's like working out with Zeus, bro!" Han says, watching Rio working out non-stop while he's sitting on the mat, drenched in sweat for doing not even half of the workout Rio is doing.
Rio carefully lowers down the heavy dumbbells and reorganizes his breath as he takes a break.
"So, are you still chasing Avery?" Rio asks.
Han sucks water out of the bottle, then licks his lips before answering him, "Honestly speaking, I'm losing interest," he answers.
He knows that it'll be different to everyone but seeing what happened to her and Asher, there's a chance that things would likely end up the same.
He's tired of chasing and she keeps hanging up on him, "I think Avery enjoys the thrill, the chase..." he adds while running out of breath.
"Yeah, I think so too," Rio agrees with him.
He then lies down on his back and starts doing sit-ups as if his abs aren't as hard as rock already.
"What about that new girl then?"
"Yep, she's pretty," Rio says, being the one who went on a date with her.
"Are you going to make a move on her?"
Han caught Asher making the eyes with Gwen last night and he's not that interested to even try.
Looking at Rio tirelessly working out, he feels motivated to continue and picks up dumbbells.
"You know, I'm feeling it more with my bed partner," Han honestly says.
"I know you like her," Rio says with a glare at him.
He stops doing sit-ups and points at Han, "You just don't want to admit it."
Han has to pause on lifting his dumbbells to continue talking. He suddenly gets flustered because that's true, he keeps denying that there's something more between him and you.
"You two vibe really well," Rio says and he has never seen him being this earnest.
Han stops working out altogether and drops the dumbbells on the floor, "it's because Avery is so my type," he simply defends himself.
"But uh..." he pauses to catch a breath.
"But when I spend time with her, it's... natural," he explains and he doesn't care if that doesn't make sense to Rio, "It's so much fun."
Han breaks down on the floor and wipes the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, "I overlooked her because she doesn't look like my type."
Rio nods and intently listens to him speak.
"As soon as I saw Gwen last night, I was like... I still prefer her," he admits.
Han doesn't know why he can easily share his feelings with Rio, probably because he feels like a brother to him. Rio taps his shoulder hard enough that it launches him forward.
"You guys are cute together, and get along well, I don't see why you shouldn't try it, man!" He looks so annoyed and eager to see it happen.
Han laughs at that but he wishes he could easily share his feelings like this to you.
HAN: Maybe I should open up and accept how I'm feeling rather than keep seeking what's not there.
The mud is drying as you're walking back to the villa after having a girls-only workshop at the beach.
You share the shower with Sawyer to wash off the dried mud and waste no time getting ready for a party Lana throws to welcome the new arrivals.
The dressing room is crowded so you grab your make-up pouch to do it in the bathroom and you can do the hair later when it's less crowded in there.
For now, you're brushing your wet hair to the back while looking at your reflection in the mirror.
As you're about to apply moisturizer, you see Han walking into the bathroom and the first thing you see is that gummy smile of his.
"Hi, stud muffin," you playfully call him.
He would usually laugh at the pet names you called him but he only smiles in response, the kind that you've never seen on him.
"What's up?" You ask in wonder.
He doesn't say anything but leans against the sink facing you, looking at you with a cryptic smile dancing on his face.
He finally does something, walking up to you and placing his hands on each side of your waist. Slowly, he brings his mouth to your ear and whispers, "I missed you."
You reflexively burst into waves of laughter and think that he's just playing with you.
"I'm getting concerned," you tell him with a nervous laugh.
Han is also laughing and then he leans in to whisper again, "I miss you when you're not around."
You're giggling because the last thing you expect is to hear him saying that he missed you even though you've only been apart from each other for about three hours.
"Aww..." you coo at him, laughing the second your eyes meet in a gaze.
He cups your jaw then tilts your head, and you close your eyes in reflex. Instead of what you thought it would be, he softly whispers.
"I think I like you."
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fragileruns · 8 months
Hii, I saw your last post and I thought why not send a request? Here is my idea: single dad!Spencer/Reader. Spencer brings his daughter to the BAU during a paperwork day, his daughter meets Reader for the first time. Reader is not used to being around children, so they (you can keep it gender neutral if you want to) are a bit awkward aand shy. But of course Spencer's daughter wants to be their friend because Spencer always tells his daughter how amazing Reader is. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination, thank you for reading and writing this, I'm sure it will turn out better than I imagined <33
i’m so sorry this is actually awful because i’m also terrible with kids and have no idea how situations go about with them haha - hopefully it’s somewhat what you wanted, though!
spencer reid x bau!reader. featuring his daughter, derek, brief mention of emily, y/n & spencer being flustered over their situationships, reader is mentioned to have a bunny, i think that’s it? it’s just fluff
You thought you had to be imagining things when you heard a voice - one that could only belong to a little kid - ask “Which one’s Y/N?”
You weren’t, and one glance around the room confirmed that. You saw Spencer bent down, messing with a little girl’s hair, who you could only assume was his daughter. Once he looked up to point over at you and gave you an almost apologetic smile, your eyes widened and you realized too late what was happening.
“Be nice, okay? Don’t be too crazy.” You could hear him tell you, and your nerves were fighting with you as you tried to plan for what was going to happen. What are you supposed to say to a little kid? You hardly knew what to say to people your age.
“‘M always nice, Dad,” The little girl sighed with a slight huff as he still held onto her and he only chuckled, placing a kiss to the top of her head before he let her go. Immediately, she was rushing over to you with a grin.
“Y/N!” She sounded so excited that you almost questioned if you were some sort of child tv show star. Why would she even be looking for you? You’ve never met.
“Hi, Max. Right?” You smiled down at her, and she nodded eagerly. You could hear Spencer’s footsteps approaching, and you were thankful that at least if you were a total bore to her, he could save her.
“Daddy told me that you, um, that you got a new bunny. Can I see it?”
You nodded and went to grab your phone to show her the pictures you got, and you almost wanted to laugh at the innocence of the interaction. You didn’t expect a child to be so eager just to see pictures of your new pet.
You also didn’t expect for you to be a topic of conversation in the Reid household, and Spencer seemed to fluster at the idea of you knowing as much.
“She just - she really likes bunnies, so when you were showing pictures the other day, I wanted to - yeah. I just told her,” He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, and you smiled up at him before turning back to his daughter.
“You can come see him one day, maybe. If your dad’s okay with bringing you over.”
You and Spencer both seemed surprised at your invitation, and you weren’t entirely sure where it had come from. Spencer had never been to your house before. It seemed too intimate, almost, for the weird type of situationship you two found yourself in.
Max gasped with excitement and turned up to her father, “Please? Can we go today, Dad? Please please please?”
“I don’t think they meant today, sweetheart. Maybe some other day though, okay?” He tried to calm the little girl, before turning back to you. “If you’re really okay with that.”
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t.” You grinned, placing your phone back on your desk now that Max was done swiping through the pictures.
Derek walked by then, and as soon as he came up to your desk and noticed the little girl standing there, he made a dramatic gasp. “Max? Since when did you get to be a giant?”
She giggled and quickly ran for his legs, tackling into them with a tight hug, “Hi, Uncle Derek.”
You were thankful for the reprieve, worried that now you didn’t have the prospect of seeing a bunny in your conversation, you’d have nothing else to say to her.
“Daddy’s gonna take me to see Y/N’s bunny.” She said, the child in her shining through at the need to tell every little thing, but you didn’t mind. You sort of liked that you had something to make her so excited.
Derek looked up at the two of you with a grin, and you both knew what was coming. He had been too eager to tease the two of you about being ‘lovebirds’ even when you vehemently denied it. This was only more fuel.
“You sure you’re invited to go with him?” Derek had questioned, but Max didn’t understand the implication.
“‘Course I am, Uncle Derek. It’s a bunny.”
“Yeah, Derek. It’s a bunny.” You spoke up, eyes narrowed at him in a way that told him not to push it further, but the chuckle that left him told you he wasn’t done.
“Hey, kiddo, why don’t we go see Aunt Emily? Let your dad and Y/N keep planning their date.”
“It’s not-” Spencer had started but Derek looked at him with an innocent expression.
“Playdate, obviously. For Max and the bunny.” Spencer’s cheeks were flushed pink, and yours were too, as Derek broke into a grin.
“Yeah, Dad. Obviously.” Max mimicked before eagerly following after Derek to find Emily, leaving you and Spencer avoiding eye contact with equally red cheeks.
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