#which is cause my brain is fried atm
crossthread · 11 months
Hot take? Unpopular take?? Imma try to get somewhere with this point but like. I really think reading fanfiction inherently increased my standards for literature.
Cause for a while now I've only solely read fics in the past few years, like probably finished like two published books a year maybe (even though if I count my fic reads I'd easily be in the 100s from word count alone) and like. Recently got into the YA side of booktok, tried reading several of the most popular ones cause i kinda miss published books, and I just. side eye that shit?? Best example is ACOTAR. Read like 4 books in that series. Kinda get why it's popular cause the overall the main plot points (hot romance and kinda Mary sue protag) are good enough to get you into it but like. I genuinely had to force myself to finish it?? I have no idea why this is so popular.
Cause literally when I hold the ACOTAR up to my top 20 fics. Nothing. Not even my top 50 fics. Cause first off the plot is good enough but it's not something I've never seen before either. Same with characters. The writing style?? Straight up nope. Like. Is this really the standards for a good story?? There's so many good authors that write excellent smut and plot and characterization and just FANTASTIC writing style and overall quality of work and just. I don't get it.
I'm assuming this is a me thing, because I tried going through several YA novels and just. The quality of writing reeeally leaves a lot to be desired. The best thing I can come up with for the reason behind me feeling like this about YA is that the last time I was reading insanely, I was a teen, and now I'm in my early 20s so there's a good possibility that the same things don't intrest me anymore. But I keep circling back to the level of writing cause like. Idk. Just. I feel like while the plot and characters for a lot of these novels are good, what falls short is how it's written??? Like wtf.
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uygfiug · 4 months
Awww Im happy you liked the term of endearment <33
Anna my darling
Im okay!! Some incredible University related things are happening atm, which is exciting (potentially going to have a studio flat to myself basically for free which will mean uni is completely stress free money-wise, which is truly incredible and will make uni life survivable), and I have finished a maths AS Level (idk how to put this into generic terms but its between a level and gcse - A level being the qualification you get before uni)
So yeah, Im good!!
(Telling you anyway XD)
Sooooo I always wondered how eggs get fertalised, cause how does the sperm penetrate the shell, and I went to an online lecture that explained exactly that!!!
Sooo the sperm from the male chickens inseminates the yolk of the egg before the shell is made. Unlike in humans, where if multiple sperm meet the egg the egg will not progress to the next stage, multiple sperm are actually nescassary for the survival of the egg!! Only one sperm cell provides its genetic information, but others that enter are theorised to be important in stimulating the next stages of development. Other sperm that don't enter the yolk then form the outer lining of the wall of the yolk (literally the thing you pierce when you let the yolk run in a fried egg). As the egg then travels further down the hen, the albumen (the egg white) forms around the yolk, and the shell forms around that!! ITS SO INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!
Also snake eggs are soft and chicken eggs are hard because chicken eggs need to be harder to protect the embryo as it forms. also the lining of the shell regulates gas exchange and water intake in chicken eggs, which allows them to survive in both humid and dry environments! Whereas snakes tend to live in regions withh more constant climates, and so dont need this mechanism to cope with chnaging climates. Also chickens have been selectively bred to produce eggs even when they arent fertalised - they wouldnt do this naturally because it is an extreme waste of energy.
How are you? XDD
!!!!! thats all so exciting!!!!!! a flat!!! sounds like a dream :)
yayy!!! egggssss (had an omelet for dinner so that fits very well)
ooooh thats all so interesting! i've been reading about insect reproduction lately, but i havent looked much into how eggs are formed, so i have to fix that soon :) (not rn though bc i am extremely tired)
i'm not doing great, exams start officially in 3 weeks and if i want to pass this year i need to do really well & im not looking forward to summer break simply because the small amount of friends i have will all be travelling while i stay behind :(
because of all this stress, my brain is also breaking a little bit & i cant remember anything anymore and also we have a maths teacher again :( which is not fun bc im too good at math & they always go way too slow for me, which means im stuck counting how many squares are on my graph paper or something to not go insane with boredom
BUT good news!!! just found out yesterday that i can go walk around the nearby swamp!!!! (i thought people werent allowed to go in)
and im hopefully almost done with school? just one more year after this :)
those are all the good thinsg i can think of rn, apologies, i am tired as previously mentined and at this poitn im typing with very blurry eyes which is NOT smart
anwaysss good night eli :)
0 notes
yikesharringrove · 3 years
Show Pony
Chapter one - Big Sky
Also on Ao3
Billy doesn’t give a fuck about the rodeo. 
He doesn’t care about country music, or fancy horse riding, or the beauty queens, even the bull riders. 
What he does give a fuck about it not being in his house today. 
Not when his dad was obviously itching to pick a fight. Not when Max gave him such an easy out over breakfast. 
“I saw a flyer for a rodeo. I think it’d be kinda neat.”
It was in town for four more weeks. 
And Billy could tell the second he and Max bought tickets, he was about to be spending more time than he ever fuckin’ thought he would spend at a rodeo. 
He based that on the way Max’s eyes lit up the second she stepped inside the big fairgrounds. 
Not knowing that he was right. He was about to spend a lot of time at the rodeo. 
But not for Max. 
For himself. 
And a pretty horse rider named Steve.
He didn’t see Steve that first day. 
Was too busy shelling out his own hard-earned cash to buy Max sugary funnel cakes. Sitting next to her watching the poor suckers get bucked off their pissed-off bull. 
But when Max was in the car she turned to him, the sun setting outside, eyes as wide as dinner plates.
“Can we come back tomorrow?”
And the tickets were dirt cheap. And Billy hates being at home. 
So they did. 
And they watched the rodeo queens. 
And the team-roping. 
But it wasn’t until the calf roping that Billy felt his heart sink. 
Because he thinks Steve Harrington might be the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. 
Tall and broad, smiling like sunshine at his gorgeous black quarter horse, patting her strong neck and leading her to the entry point of the arena. 
His name was loudly announced after the event name. 
Calf roping, with our very own Steve Harrington! Steve will navigate his beautiful June into the arena, trying to rope and tie down a calf as quickly as possible!
Billy had tuned out everything but his name. 
Leaning forward on his bench seat to watch him lead June up to the starting line, give her a few more pats before swinging one leg up, heaving himself up and over her back, settling into the saddle with a grace Billy doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to describe. 
Steve appeared to shake himself out, leaning forward over June’s neck to speak quietly to the sleek horse, wiggling his hips a bit in the saddle. 
And then he sat back up, readying himself and waiting for the countdown. 
He was off like a fucking shot. 
Billy’s never seen anything fucking like it. 
June kicked up dirt as she thundered through the arena behind a small herd of a few calves, Steve ducked low against her neck as he led her forward, his lips moving as he spoke quietly to her, egging her on and forward. He was clinging to her for dear life, his legs straining as he was tossed up and down in the saddle. 
And then he let go of her reins, one hand reaching for the rope on his belt. 
And it was the most hick shit he’s ever seen. 
This flannel-wearing cowboy on his perfect fucking horse, roping a baby fucking cow. 
He slipped the knot around it from his perch on the moving horse, lassoing it easily like that was a common skill, and with a fluid practiced movement, he tossed himself off the slowing horse, getting on one knee to tip over the calf and tie it up like it was second nature. 
And maybe it was. Performing in a show like this. 
That’s all it was, a performance. Practiced and rehearsed over and over for Steve and June. 
It was over in a blink, Steve tossing his hands up to show he was finished, and the calf didn’t break its bonds. 
The whistle blew and Steve’s time was read to the arena. Nine seconds. And apparently, nine seconds was a good time, judging by the way Steve’s raised his fists in the air, and patted June’s neck so gently. 
He mounted back on his gorgeous horse as the calf he had roped was released by a few of the rodeo workers and the next guy took his position at the starting line. 
Steve did a lap around the arena of June’s back, smiling and waving to the crowd. 
And maybe Billy just has an overactive imagination. 
Maybe his stupid gay brain was looking for something not there. 
But he could’ve sworn he saw Steve grin just a little bit brighter in his direction. 
There were a few riders after him. Competing to earn a faster score on the same track. 
But Billy didn’t give a fuck about calf roping if he wasn’t watching Steve and June. 
The sun was setting as Billy finally led Max out of the fairgrounds, one hand on the top of her head, steering her towards the Camaro. 
“So, you think we can come back next weekend” Max was giving him a big shit-eating grin, powdered sugar all done her front from the final funnel cake Billy had shelled out to buy her. 
“Don’t see why not. Get’s us outta the fuckin’ house, don’t it.”
“Plus, there are lots of good-looking cowboys, just everywhere. Did you see the guy doing the cattle roping, or whatever? He was cute .” Billy rolled his eyes. Max was just touching the age when she stopped thinking of boys as gross, saw them as cute, and whatever else she said. It also made her realize that having a gay brother apparently meant talking about nothing but boys. It made Billy wanna slam his head into the steering wheel. He grunted in response as she kept going on and on about Steve. 
Like Billy didn’t see the way his thighs gripped the sides of his horse, like he didn’t watch as he hurled himself off June to tie up the fucking calf. Like he didn’t watch him take that fucking victory lap, shit-eating grin looking like home on his pretty fucking face. 
“You gotta carry your own weight, you know that, right Shitbird? I’m talking, pay for your own damn fried shit.” He bets Susan would give him money for tickets if he acts real nice this week. 
He can’t blow all his savings at the fucking rodeo of all things this summer. He’s got plans for the wad of cash burning a hole in the shoebox in the back of his closet. 
Max huffed at him. 
“What am I supposed to do? Get a job? I’m thirteen .”
“So? Babysit or some shit. Rob an ATM. Fuck if I care. Just quit stealing all ‘a my goddamn cash for your fuckin’ funnel cakes .”
“You’re just pissed off because you didn’t try one. They’re the best. You gotta have one next week.”
“I, unlike you, care about what I put in my body.”
“Yeah, because cigarettes and beer are so much better than fried dough .”
“Whatever.” The truth is, Billy’s gotta watch what he eats. Max didn’t know him when he was prepubescent and chubby. He can’t be sitting there shoving funnel cakes in his mouth and not expect it to all go to his gut. Not like her. There’s not an ounce of fucking baby fat on her. She’s positively scrawny. If anything, the funnel cake might help her out a bit. 
“Yeah, whatever .” She huffed, slumping back in her passenger seat. “But can we come back?”
“Fuck, if you keep askin’ me, the answer’s no .”
She huffed again. She does that a whole lot when they talk. 
“Don’t act like you didn’t like it. I saw the way you were watching Steve race. You were practically drooling .” 
Billy clenched his jaw. 
“Was not .”
“Was too .” 
And Max had a knack of leading Billy into moments like this, childish little arguments that made him feel kinda weird inside. Made him feel kinda warm at how sibling it was. Like they hadn’t been forced together just a few years ago. 
For all his bitching, he really did like the little spit. If he didn’t, he’d be a bigger asshole than she’s always accusing him of being. 
“You don’t even know what I look like when I’m really eyeing a boy, if you think that was it. Just, you know. Respected his riding.”
“ Respected his riding. Yeah ‘cause you wish he was riding-”
“Finish that sentence and I’m pushing you out of the fucking car.”
“I’m right, though.”
Billy just reached forward to turn up the radio, letting Dee Snider drown out any other awful shit Max wanted to say to him. 
Which was probably showing his hand too much. No direct answer pretty much means affirmative when it comes to Billy. And yeah, Max knows that. Judging by the way she’s cackling like a goddamn gremlin over the sound of the music. 
He just pressed his foot down further on the gas pedal, letting them fly down the highway. 
And he thought about Steve and June, thought about how fast Steve could press that girl to go. Thought about him leaning forward, flattening himself to the horse’s neck, gripping onto the reins and urging her forward, urging her faster. 
And if he thought about those strong legs wrapped around him, if he thought about what Max was about to say, Steve riding Billy like he would that fucking horse, his hips flexing as he bounces up and down, well, that’s his business. 
And the next Saturday, Susan slid him a crisp twenty-dollar bill to buy Max some lunch at the rodeo. 
They took it more seriously this time, bringing water bottles, and Max slathering thick white sunscreen on her freckled skin. 
Billy even wore shorts, some old jeans he sacrificed to the summer gods when he wore holes in the thighs and chopped pretty much in half. 
And it was kinda fun. 
He knew what to expect now. Knew the barrel racing was all women, all beautiful horses winding their way along clover-shaped tracks. He knew that the bull riding was a little more fun to watch with a shot in him, and that his fake i.d. could get him an alcohol wristband from the tent at the front.
Max sneered at him when he bought himself a beer later in the day. 
“Uh, you know you have to drive me home, right? Like, and not crash your stupid car on the way home.” 
“Fuck off. It’s one beer.”
“And also that shot earlier, and I know you have a flask.”
“Okay, what are you, the cops? I’m just tryna enjoy myself in this blistering fucking heat. I don’t exactly get my rocks off to any of this shit.” Which is a lie. He’s totally sold on every stupid fucking event at the motherfucking rodeo. 
“Fine. You wanna get stupid and drunk? Then you have to take me to the pageant. I wanna watch it.”
“Since fucking when do you give a shit about the pageant .” Max glared at him. Her nose was beginning to get red. 
Maybe if Billy were less of a shithead he would tell her to put some sunscreen on. But she was really testing his patience today. 
And then her eyes went huge, and her jaw went slack, and Billy was just about to tell her to close it and quit lookin’ like a dead fuckin’ fish when he heard someone cough slightly behind him. 
And when he turned, he almost made the exact same stupid dead fish face as Max. 
Because gorgeous cowboy Steve was standing right in front of him. In another cracker of a flannel shirt, stupid blue jeans, and fucking cowboy boots, because yeah. He’s a goddamn hick that rides a horse and ties up calves in a traveling rodeo for a fucking living. 
And God save Billy, because hot damn. 
Steve had an easy smile on his face, a little bit lopsided, and perfect white teeth showing between perfect pink lips. 
“Hey there.”
“Howdy,” Billy responded before he could stop himself, his face burning up. 
He was hoping he was already sweaty enough Steve wouldn’t notice the flush. 
But thankfully, Steve’s smile went wider, and he laughed, this gorgeous bright laugh, his head tossing back, and that thick hair flowing easily. 
He had gold streaks in his hair, lighter browns tussled within the darker colors. Billy wondered if they were natural, days spent out in the sun on his horse. Part of him hoped they weren’t. Part of him hoped that Steve was that intentional with himself and his goddamn hair. 
He smiled at Billy. 
“I’m Steve.”
“We saw you. Last weekend,” Max blurted out before Billy could kick her. She looked shocked that she had even spoken when Billy turned to give her a death glare. But Steve just laughed his gorgeous laugh again. 
“And what’d you think?”
“She wouldn’t shut up about you on the way home.” And Steve was back to looking at Billy, and his eyes are so fucking big, like, who’s eyes are just. Like that. Just fuckin’. Big. 
“And what about you, uh-”
“Billy. And this is Max. My sister.”
“Well, Billy,” and fuck Billy nearly creamed himself at the sound of Steve saying his name. “Did you like my display of talents ?”
“Could say so. I don’t give too many shits about all this hick farm stuff. But I can respect it.”
“Well, that’s alright then.” And Steve reached out to pat Billy once on the shoulder. “I hope I see y’all around. I gotta head off, June needs some TLC before our time.” He smiled at Max, and her already red face flushed deeper, almost blending into the roots of her flaming hair. 
And then he doubled back. 
“You know what, I forgot why I came over here in the first place.” He was digging through his jeans, rummaging around in his back pockets. 
Billy wanted to slide his hands in there, cop a feel while he helped Steve look for whatever he was going to offer Billy. 
And then Steve brought out two white wristbands. 
“They’re for, uh, VIP seating and stuff. If you’re interested. Gets you closer to the arena. That way I can just see what you look like after I’m comin’ off a ride.”
Hoo boy. 
This little cowboy has some fucking charm. 
And he knows it too, judging by his smug little half-smile he gave Billy while he fastened the wristband around his wrist. 
He helped Max with hers, doing it faster than he had Billy’s, and with a lot less eye contact, which was a good sign. He’s not perving on his twelve-year-old sister. Which is cool. 
And then he was looking back at Billy, and brushing his long fingers over the tops of Billy’s shoulders, his arms out in his shirt, the arms torn off an old Aerosmith t-shirt he found at the Goodwill last year. 
“You should reapply sunblock. Don’t want you burning now.” And Billy’s sure if Steve was wearing a Stetson, he woulda tipped it at them. “Enjoy the pageant.”
And he was off, and Christ, those jeans. How did Steve even successfully ride his horse in those things? They were so tight, showed off his nice peachy ass as he walked through the fairgrounds. 
“Wow,” Max said. And yeah, Billy felt the same. 
“In case it wasn’t clear, based on the way he was flirting with me, and also that he’s way too old for you, but, uh, dibs .”
“Billy, you can’t just call dibs on a person.” Billy just laughed. 
He knows that his twelve-year-old fucking sister doesn’t have a shot in Hell with Steve. Really, he doubts he even has a shot in Hell with Steve, but he also likes to spend his time making her life as difficult as possible without actually being a shitty person. So, he just riles her up. Says shit that’ll get her going. He wouldn’t be doing his brotherly duties if he didn’t say that shit. 
Max calls it even by kicking him in the shin twice and making him watch the stupid beauty pageant. 
Which, like, why the fuck are there beauty pageants at the rodeo anyway? 
Turns out it wasn’t pageant at all, but the four previous Miss Rodeo’s all lined up and looking far too glammed out for this fucking heat. 
Max faked being disgruntled by the disappointment, but Billy knows, somewhere inside that tough bitch little soul of hers, she’s glad she didn’t have to sit through a goddamn pageant just to make Billy miserable. 
Besides, Billy had whipped out his flask a few times, and he was feeling alright. Just buzzed enough that the heat had stopped making him feel quite so disgusting. 
But not too drunk to miss calf roping. 
And yeah, maybe it was a little bit lame to make their way over to the VIP seating earlier enough that they scored the front row. But when Steve came trotting out, leading June behind him, Billy was close enough he could pick out the cluster of moles on Steve’s left cheek. 
So, lame was not in Billy’s vocabulary today. 
It was pretty much the same thing as last week. Steve made everyone in the arena ooh and aah with his riding, tied up the calf in less than ten seconds once again. 
But this time, when he took that jaunty little lap around the small arena, Billy knows for a fact Steve grinned at him. Knows his stupid gay brain wasn’t making up the wink he tossed effortlessly in Billy’s direction. 
And they left, just like last weekend, as the sun was beginning to sink below the horizon. 
“Just, c’mon. Mom gave you money .” Max was whining for a corn dog, of all things. When they have perfectly good, not fried food, at home. 
“Maxine, I swear to Christ, I’m fucking tired. Let’s go home so I can crash, and you can fucking drive Susan up the goddamn wall with your whining.”
“You’re such an asshole.”
“I don’t know. He doesn’t seem too bad.” And Billy felt his insides curdling at that voice, felt himself wilting and shriveling because he would not be getting out of this day without one final, no doubt embarrassing, encounter with his gorgeous cowboy. 
Steve was leaning against a booth selling chili fries, looking like a perfect picture of a Clint Eastwood movie. 
Billy had never liked westerns. 
But he was gonna go home and spend all night watching every one he could get his grubby little hands on. 
Steve pushed off the side of the booth as Max found her words again. 
“You don’t have to live with him.”
“And you don’t have to live with my folks. I’d trade you any day.” 
And Billy nearly died. Right there. On the spot. Because. Holy shit. I’d trade you any day. 
Billy was more than happy to follow this fucking hick around America, watch him ride his pretty horse before fucking him against the stable wall. 
Or whatever. Do they have stables? Billy doesn’t know how a traveling rodeo works. 
But like, they’ve gotta have stables, right?
“Nah, you’d get sick of him. He stinks.”
“Have you ever smelled horse shit? Because that’s the fragrance I wake up to every morning.”
And Max was laughing, and Steve was laughing, and Billy was trying to keep his hands as casually as possible in front of his slight chub. 
“Will I get the privilege of seeing you two again?” And what a way to word it? The privilege. And then Steve was looking Billy up and down, and he was biting that perfect bottom lip and opening his mouth and “I could always give you my phone number. So we can. Meet up. Next time you’re here.”
“‘Course. You can give us the grand tour.”
And Steve was digging in those tight back pockets again, and shoving his phone into Billy’s hand, and he doesn’t have a passcode, but his home screen was a picture of him and his fucking horse which is, just about the sweetest thing Billy’s ever seen. 
And Billy put himself in as Billy Hargrove , and then panicked because Steve doesn’t know his fucking last name. So he settled for Billy and then for good measure shoved San Diego after it because. Billy’s a common name, okay?
And Steve took his non-password protected fuckin’ horse girl phone, and Billy was giving him as charming a smile as he could muster with sweat on his upper lip and saying-
“You better text me, Pretty Boy. So I can save your number.” Billy shrugged, looking off to his left to try and seem. Nonchalant. “In case I wanna see you again.” 
And Max was rolling her eyes, but she wasn’t stopping away. Wasn’t even whining at Billy, no doubt on her best behavior in front of hot cowboy Steve. 
But Steve had a glint in his eye, and if Max wasn’t here Billy would be playing this all different, laying on the charm a lot thicker than he was. 
But he can’t be a horny bastard in front of her. That’s just, like, gross. 
So he settles for making a real show of licking his bottom lip, and maybe flexing his bare arms just a tiny bit. 
“We should probably get goin’. Got a curfew for this one,” Billy jerked his head in Max’s direction. She huffed before she could stop herself. “See you around, Cowboy Steve.”
And Steve gave another one of his pretty ringing laughs. 
“Come again soon, Billy and Max.” And again, Billy’s sure that if Steve were wearing a hat, he would’ve flicked the brim at them as he set off back into the rodeo, dodgin off the main thoroughfare. 
“Wow. That was embarrassing for you.” 
Billy whipped his head around to stare at Max, giving her the most disgusted look he could muster. 
“The fuck you mean?”
“You were so obvious.”
“That’s the fucking point . We were flirting. It’s supposed to be obvious, you demon.” Billy shoved her once before stomping in the direction of the parking lot. 
“Yeah but you were like, making these faces at him.”
“Shut the fuck up. I know what I was doing, okay? It was all very calculated . Let him know I’m down for it, and if he texts, then I’m good to go. If not, then I move on.”
And the thought of Steve not texting was kinda, disappointing. Because Billy really wanted him to text. He wanted to stay up late giggling at his phone and the dumb things Steve texts him and pretend they don’t make him flush like a fucking school girl. 
He pointedly didn’t look at his notification when he reached the car, just shoved an old tape in and turned up Black Sabbath when Max wrinkled her nose at it. 
They were both quiet on the drive back home. Something heavy unsaid between them. 
And only as Billy was pulling into his spot in the driveway did Max suck in a big breath to actually put it out there. 
“I won’t tell. About him. Not even Mom. Not even that I think he’s cool.”
“Thanks. Easier just to. Avoid at all costs.” 
And if Billy were a better person, maybe he would hug her or something. 
But they don’t do that. Instead he sighed and didn’t hip check her violently off the porch like his instincts were telling him. So really, he’s a fucking saint. 
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solaeter · 3 years
hate that I love you - Naoya Zenin [18+]
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I haven’t actually written smut in like two years..well finished smutty content. I can barely start it and finish it, shame on me but I am pathetic °(ಗдಗ。)°. I am so nervous and shy, so pls no pitchforks and tomatoes _(:3」∠)_ this is a repost cause doubt hit me for a hot minute, but we gon be brave (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ 
Word Count: 2311
Request Status: OPEN
Warning[s]: Adult content, minors dni!! idk proper warnings cause my brain is fried atm, but there’s oral [f receiving], penetration which is given, slight manipulation? Naoya cause he’s a warning all on its own, noob attempt at dirty talk [I died k]. reader chan tries to hate naoya but can’t. It’s just porn without plot unless you squint.
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Just when you thought you were safe, reality had another thing in mind. Strong hands pulled your hips up with a force that had your face hugging the pillow before you could register how you even allowed yourself to end up like this.
Why did it have to be now? You really thought you managed to get away. "Why are you doing this?" You turn your head, teeth latching to your bottom lip when two fingers glide along your clothed slit. 
"You don't seem to mind." Naoya remarked, his voice laced with disinterest and boredom while his eyes roamed your body. Three months..that's how long he's been without you. His favorite toy. "You're already so wet for me, miss my cock that much?" He questioned with a sneer, sliding your pretty little panties to the side. The sudden chill made you squirm and his words bit at your budding arousal.
"Couldn't you have found someone else to toy with?" You avoided his question, voice hitching when he slid a finger up your dripping slit, stopping at your clit and circling the bud ever so slowly. It wasn't fair how he could work your body so effortlessly. Your mouth parts as your eyes squeeze shut. 
Naoya smirks, his eyes never leaving your cute little cunt while you try to look as displeased as possible. You should have known getting away from him was quite literally impossible. He owned you. 
"Why should I find someone else when I only need you?" The sentence itself sounded sweet, but you knew it was far from what it suggested. Ever since you met Naoya, he's had you by the palm of his hand. He used you for his own needs, taking and taking before tossing you to the side. Yet, you lingered and remained loyal until you tried to end things. Naoya let you live in a false sense of newfound freedom, giving you just enough space before making your world tumble back down, right where he wanted you. 
Now, there was no denying that you looked absolutely stunning before him. Your body was meant for him, made for him to fuck over and over. You were his missing puzzle piece. When you don't answer Naoya, he clicks his tongue and brings his fingers down to your entrance, the tips teasing your hole before plunging knuckle deep, your walls clamping around him beautifully while you cry out.
The sudden intrusion made your thoughts muddle together and everything seemed to spin. Naoya could make you so stupid so easily and he laughs, so humorously. "Why would I find someone else when you're so..fucking worthless without me. I haven't even done anything and you're already stupid."
You glance back over your shoulder, cheeks burning when your eyes meet his cold ones. He never showed you an ounce of love, only half an inch of interest and a load of selfish, one sided desires. "I hate you." You spat while gripping the sheets when another finger eased its way inside you, stretching you further. Naoya curled his fingers roughly, swiping over the one spot that had stars in your eyes. He knew your body better than you knew it. Or so he claimed with a sense of pride. 
No matter how long you've been apart, Naoya would be sure to remind you that no one else will make you feel the way he does. Even if you're spouting words of hate, he just knows you won't stay away for too long. "Heh, sure you do." 
You wanted to be angry, call him out for being a vile piece of shit but nothing came out of your mouth besides helpless moans. 
"Look at you, so pretty and fucking useless. Baby can't even argue with me." Naoya talked down at you, thrusting his fingers in and out of your pretty cunt until you're clenching around him with a strangled, frustrated cry as pleasure washed over your body. "Damn, you couldn't even hold it in. I'm disappointed." Naoya removes his fingers and your hole clenches around nothing, searching for more.
Oh his little whore. To ruin you is his greatest desire. To have you so wrapped around him, that nothing else in this world can compare to what he does. It makes his blood boil in such a way he can't describe and it shoots straight down to his cock. But he can't have you just yet. 
Naoya has to break you more, see you crumble. So he flips you over and the gasp that leaves your pouty lips is nothing short of stupidly adorable. Even more so is how you look at him with wide, teary eyes. As if that would make his heart soften.
"Finally have something to say or are you just gonna stare at me like a fucked out fool?" Naoya spread your legs, bending to hike your skirt around your waist before fully removing your soaked panties. You were compliant, unmoving while he did as he pleased. To be honest, words failed you more when you needed them most. 
"I– please forgive me for leaving.." 
Naoya perked up when the words left your mouth, his own lips twisting into that of a sinister smile. "So you decided on being a good little bitch." He murmurs, placing a hot kiss on the side of your thigh. You always looked so good sprawled out before him, at his mercy. It had his mind spinning in circles, all the possibilities running rampant. "Where's your fight?" He asked casually, inching closer to your puffy cunt and you look down at him only to snap your head back onto the pillow. 
"I have none, I should have listened the first time." 
That sentence you knew by heart considering you've had to confess your wrong doings on multiple occasions. Naoya hums, content as his nose brushes against your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your body reacts on its own, knees bending and toes curling into the satin sheets. You tried to resist him, tried your damndest but it never worked. It frustrates you, so much that you groan and nearly close your legs around Naoya's stupidly pretty head. 
Firm hands catch your legs and dark eyes land on you. "Oh [Name], tell me what you're feeling. I'm dying to know." He didn't care. You let out a half laugh and sit up on your elbows. 
"I hate you. With my entire being but I can't get away. It's not fair. You're– ahh not f-fair." Your words falter when Naoya's tongue slides up your cunt, lapping up your essence before going back down to your entrance.
"Mhmm.." He listens half heartedly, instead enjoying the sweet taste of you that graces his lips. You became putty in his hands, just like that. So simple, one movement. One hand threaded through his short locks, fingers grasping onto what it could once his tongue dipped inside your awaiting hole. 
"Fuu–" You toss your head back, involuntarily pushing Naoya closer which causes him to chuckle and the rumbling of his body only has you sinking further into his palm. He watched you, how your chest would rise and fall as you panted, moaned and clung to him helplessly. Your reactions had his cock throbbing in his pants and he wasn't going to be able hold out much longer. 
Adjusting one of his arms, Naoya's fingers soon met your clit and circled it quickly, building you higher and higher. Your body jerks and he keeps a hold of you, halting your hips to keep you still. 
You tasted divine, like a special wine made just for Naoya. Your pretty moans were like music to his ears and when he pulls back, the whine that leaves your lips sounded almost sinful. "N-Naoya.." You look at him, eyes blown wide and vulnerable, so close to paradise. He smirks and continues his assault on your clit.
"What? You seem to be getting off just fine with my fingers. Now be a good little slut and cum for me." Naoya coos and just like that, your body listens to his every command. The coil snaps and your body trembles, legs spasming and threatening to close around his head but his unoccupied hand keeps them open while you cry out, incoherent words leaving your lips. 
Naoya can't deny the sight and he groans, the desire to fuck you clouding his thoughts. ""Ah– fuck – what a good girl." He praised, an odd thing coming from him but it has you smiling so stupidly. You watch Naoya through half lidded eyes as he eases you from your high, rubbing small, slow circles around your sensitive clit. Your hips still move with him, your body wanting more.
"Naoya..I need you inside me." You barely manage and if it wasn't for the fact Naoya was so turned on, he would have bitched at you. Instead he uses his free hand to undo his pants and free his aching cock from its hellish confines. 
Your eyes lock onto the throbbing member that now rests in his hand as he pumps it languidly. "Do you really deserve my cock? Last I checked," Naoya hovers above you, situating the tip right at your entrance. "You've been a bad girl." He teases you, pushing the tip just barely inside you before pulling back out. You whine, loudly with a pathetic pout forming on your lips. 
"Please, I need you. So bad, I'll never leave again!" You cry, beg and lift your hips in search of what you wanted so bad. All fight, resistance and negative feelings vanished when all your mind and body wanted was him to consume you..
“Is that so?” Naoya hummed, bottoming out inside of you before you could continue your pleas. Your eyes roll back and he has to suppress the groan that dares escape his own mouth. He never grew tired of how you felt; how your walls fluttered around his cock, how you took him so willingly. So easily. You were truly meant for him. 
The pace is set with languid thrusts, Naoya driving himself deep into your velvety walls. He watches your face contort and twist with pleasure and pain due to his size, it had him surging with a sense of animalistic pride. “Remember who you belong to.” He says lowly in your ear and all you can muster is a quick nod of your head as whimpers and cries leave your delicate lips. Your arms snake around his shoulders, keeping Naoya close while your legs lock around his waist.
“Look at you,” Naoya groans, shifting so that you now sat on his lap, his cock hitting places that made your head spin, “Taking me so well- goddamn - be a little louder. Let everyone hear what a slut you are.” He demands, his voice low and strained. You helplessly comply, bouncing up and down on his lap like a good girl. Your head was warped, just like he wanted. Every moan, cry and wail sounded like a symphony that was only meant for him. Naoya held your hips tightly, guiding your frantic movements, hitting every spot inside you that made you grasp onto him like some type of savior.
Ah yes, Naoya definitely is your savior in his sick twisted head. Though he hisses when your nails scratch his neck, leaving noticeable marks that surely would be questioned later. He didn’t mind, not in the slightest. If anything, it made him fuck you harder, his cock ramming your drenched hole as if it were his last day on this earth. The lewd sounds of your juices squelching every time he fills you had him going crazy and he ignored how you drenched his lap, uncaring of the mess since he so graciously caused it. 
“So close, Naoya please,” Your voice is weak and broken, body trembling as it reaches the peak of nirvana. Naoya wasn’t far off from his own release and instead of being a total asshole like he wanted to be, he held you close.
“Let it go, baby.” He urged before biting down on your neck, sucking the tender spot to leave a claim on your body. You whine and unravel, pleasure overwhelming your body, legs trembling and shaking, you were thankful to be on his lap or you would have gone down. Naoya continues to fuck you, chasing his own release and groaning loudly when hot ropes of cum paint your delicate walls. He fills you completely, uncaring if you ended up bearing one of his kids. Hell the thought only made him feel more possessive. It would give him a greater claim over you, keep you with him.
Before Naoya allowed himself to get aroused once more, he removed you off his lap and got off the dirtied bed to fix his clothing. You watch in your fucked out daze, the grips of confusion and longing playing tug of war in your heart. 
“W-Where are you going?” Your voice sounded so soft, so submissive. Naoya glances back and he admires his handiwork. You were an absolute mess. “You can’t..just leave me like this.” 
How desperate. Naoya bit back a laugh, bending to pick up your discarded panties and toss them onto your stomach. 
“If you want me so bad, you know where to find me.”
With that, Naoya bids his farewells and leaves you like you did to him three months ago. But he knew that you’d come crawling to him before the night ended.
On the other hand, you stared at the ceiling until your heart calmed down and were able to get off the bed. Would you run back to him? Even though you wanted to say no, your body said otherwise with the longing for his touch.
The only thing you knew for certain was that you hated that you loved him. 
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
Who Will You Room With?
scenario : it’s a long day and you’re exhausted. You come across a rather fancy hotel and the rent is somewhat cheap and affordable. However, you learned you have to share a room with other guests- who are you rooming with? :)
click below to see the rooms and the current residents! v
Room One : Itadori, Hinata + Luffy
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“Hey, Yuji, what do you wanna do?”
The pink haired ponders before grinning. “Blasting music in the middle of the night while ordering pizza doesn’t sound too bad, does it? Right, Luffy?”
“Sounds good, just make sure to order some meat too!” The straw hat boy laughs and Hinata chuckles along, before turning to you.
“And you, [Name]? What do you wanna eat? Come on, order anything! We can watch movies all night right after!”
“Hey, Shoyo, what’s that thing on your head?” Luffy questions, pointing his arm at the Orange-haired. The tiny sunshine looks up and finds a large spider on his head and jumps, shouting.
“AGH! GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF, YUJI!” He panics before loud snorts and snickers are heard from his two friends, causing him to blush in embarrassment when he sees the mini controller in Yuji’s hands.
“You jerks! I thought it was real!” Out of anger, he grabs the nearest pillow and tosses in their direction, only to miss and hit you instead.
“Pillow fight!”
Room Two: Makoto, Armin + Miyamura
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“They sure are loud..” Miyamura sweatdrops with an uneasy smile and Makoto shares an awkward laugh. “Yeah.. I hope the other residents aren’t being too disturbed from them.” Armin nods, offering a small smile of his own.
“However, it’s a nice change from our own chaotic ones.” Makoto hums and Armin chuckles. “Yeah, it’s unsettling but there’s still that sense of familiarity.”
Miyamura smiles softly at the mention of his own friends and hums. “Well, luckily these walls are still pretty soundproof, so maybe we can watch some movies to block out the noise.”
“Oh, that sounds great!” Makoto and Armin’s eyes light up and they turn to you, each sitting on their respective beds and sides.
“What do you think, [Name]? You can choose the movie too, and we can have popcorn!”
Room Three: Zoro, Hak + Draken
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“You sure you’re a middle-schooler?” Hak raises a brow as he stares at the dragon-tatted tall blonde, sitting on the bed relaxingly.
“Yep, part of the Tokyo Manji gang. Vice President.” Draken nods and Zoro grins. “Sounds cool.” He hums and Hak just smirks.
“A gang? Must be pretty strong then to be Vice President, but you are just a middle-schooler.” He teased and Draken visibly twitches his eyebrow as he cracked his knuckles.
“Oh? And what were you again? A bodyguard for some helpless princess? Must be unfortunate to never have any freedom.” Draken remarks, smirking at the raven-haired who clicks his tongue.
“Oi, watch it. Relax, will ya?” Zoro says, sake in hand as he relaxes in the couch.
“Shut it, you moss-head.” Both retorted in unison, which causes Zoro to snap. “What was that?!”
the three proceeds to trash the room as they throw shit at each other with you, staring lost in the center.
Room Four: Daisuke, Kyoya + Akashi
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“Surely we could have afforded a much more expensive hotel room?” Daisuke inquires, leaning back in his seat with a leg crossed over the other.
“Surely, but we wouldn’t be able to experience this commoner’s hotel room and it’s expense.” Kyoya smiles in slight amusement, signature notebook in hand as he continued to scribble in it.
Akashi merely nods at he plasters his own smile. “And we wouldn’t be given the honor of sharing a room with a certain someone.”
Suddenly all eyes turn to you and something dangerous flashes through their eyes as they all share a smirk. “Yes, it certainly is fortunate to come across someone so rare.”
Exchanging secret glances, Daisuke just chuckles and takes a puff of his cigar.
“Well, this night will be an interesting one.”
which room did you choose? did you like this? :3
I know the roommates didn’t really match but like, my brain is fried trying to think of characters atm.
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Blue Book- (6)
Warnings: suggestiveness, future smut
Word Count: 2.4k
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Chan knows what happiness is. He's felt it before in mild amounts- like the time when he was 7 and his dad bought him that toy truck he'd been wanting, or when he ate his favorite food.
As the years went by though, he found it harder and harder to feel even an ounce of that elusive emotion. It wasn't like he was a particularly sad person, either. He was just...existing.
Which is why he found you so intriguing. He watched as you rambled away between sips of your boba, accentuating your words with wild gestures. It was cute, how passionate you were about art and how happy you got when you talked about it. Chan loved making his music too-it was a welcome distraction from his hectic life. He never found himself feeling this level of enthusiasm, though.
"And yeah. That's why I think Bernini is objectively better than Michelangelo."
He smiled, nodding, though he hadn’t really paid attention to what you had been rambling about. God, he couldn't help but be fascinated by you.
This was bad. He couldn't lie to himself anymore- he was definitely starting to feel things for you that went beyond mere intrigue. It was easy to pretend he didn't like you when you weren't around...But when you were right in front of him, Chan found himself hating the way he wanted to spend more and more time with you. 
Suddenly, the door to the cafe opened. You looked up when you heard the tinkling bells, a frown growing on your face as you watched Minho walk in with Miyoung right behind him. 
You sat up immediately, glancing at your watch and shooting a quick, apologetic smile to Chan. “Uh, I just remembered I have somewhere to be, so-”
Too late. Minho smirked as he walked over to your table.
“Chan, thought you’d be here. Can we talk?”
Chan’s eyebrows knitted as he slowly looked away from you. “Okay, I guess.” He stood up, following Minho as the two boys walked out. You looked up at Miyoung, who offered you a shy, genuine smile before sitting in Chan’s spot.
“Hey, Y/n. How are you?”
“Hey. I’m good. You?” You said slowly, slightly cautious. Miyoung was one of those girls who hadn’t been particularly mean, but it wasn’t like she’d gone out of her way to befriend you either. 
“I’m alright...” She smiled again, trailing off a little awkwardly.
Her smile seemed genuine enough, but would she have smiled at you the same if you weren’t with Chan? Probably not, You noted with slight bitterness, sighing under your breath.
“Do you want some?” You spoke up, gesturing to the untouched cheesecake in front of you, tilting your head.
She shook her head, the same smile fixed on her face. “Nah, I’m on a diet. Thanks, though.” She opened her mouth, looking like she wanted to say something else, closing it and fiddling with her fork.
Awkward silence.
“I...” Miyoung looked at the fork in front of her, avoiding eye contact. “Are you happy?”
“Hap...py?” You questioned, a little confused.
“With Chan. Are you happy?”
“Oh..well yeah, I guess.” You frowned. “Um...we’re not actually dating yet, you know that, right?”
“You’re not?” Her eyes widened a little. “Oh...the way he acts around you, I thought...” She shook her head, sitting up straighter. “Anyway, I’m sure he’ll make it official soon.”
“Hmm.” You stared at the girl, her expression a little sad as she looked up, staring out the window. You tilted your head, following her gaze to Minho and Chan, who seemed to be having a conversation.
You looked back at her. “Why’d you ask that question? Are you not happy with Minho?”
“Wha- no, I am! I just... ” She paused. “Forget it. Hey...you want to come with me to the mall later?”
You raised an eyebrow. A week ago you had no friends, and now some of the most popular people at school were lining up to spend time with you. Huh.
“Why do you want to talk? What’s up?”
Minho rolled his eyes. “Nothing much, really.”
Chan frowned. “Why’d you take me out here, then? I’ve got to get back to Y/n-”
Minho narrowed his eyes, leaning against the wall. “Chill, dude. She’s with Miyoung. She’s not going to die if you leave her alone for a few seconds. Why do you care, anyway?”
“What are you talking about?”
Minho pressed his lips together, observing the uneasy expression on Chan’s face. 
“...Whatever. Just know prom’s in a few weeks, and Miyoung’s whipped for me.” He smirked. “You better get that book fast~” He turned around, walking back towards the cafe door.
Chan watched him leave, fists clenching as he watched Minho go up to the table, greeting Miyoung and steadily ignoring you. He watched the slightly hurt expression on your face uncomfortably. He felt so much anger, all of it directed at Minho...and some of it at himself.
Miyoung quickly put a smile on her face as Minho entered, standing up as he slunk a hand around her waist. 
“Hey, baby.” He smiled down at her. “Let’s go, my parents aren’t home~”
“Oh...actually, Minho, I kind of made plans with Y/n.” The boy frowned at that, glancing at you. He opened his mouth to protest, interrupted by her.
“Um, we were planning to go to the mall, but you can come too! And so can Chan.” She said, smiling sweetly up at him and running a finger up his chest. “Please? I’ll make it up to you later...” She winked.
“Fine.” He gritted his teeth, looking up as Chan entered, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
“But we’re going in my car.”
Miyoung was a sweetheart, really. She just wasn’t the kind of girl you’d usually befriend- but someone was better than no one, right?
She ran her eyes over the jewelry on the shelves, humming under her breath. “Hm, I’m not sure which necklace would match my belt...what color is your prom dress?”
“Oh...I haven’t exactly bought one yet.”
She looked at you, her eyes widening in shock. “What? Prom is two weeks away!”
“Yeah, I know. I might just wear one of my mom’s old dresses.” You shrugged, looking at the brooch Miyoung was holding. “Ooh, that one’s nice.”
Miyoung shook her head incredulously, putting the brooch down and grabbing your wrist. “Come on. I’ll help you find a dress, just follow me.”
You groaned but let her pull you along, deciding to entertain her for the time being. After all, she was your only female friend in years, and you didn't want to lose this yet.
People passing by the two boys sitting at the table and sharing their fries would probably think they were friends. Two dudes, hanging out and enjoying a fun guy's night. If only they knew.
Minho slipped another fry into his mouth as he tilted his head. "So you're sure you're going to get the book within the next few days?"
"Um, yeah. I know she trusts me. We've gotten really close."
"Yeah...I can tell." Minho raised an eyebrow, swirling his next victim in the small tub of ketchup.
Chan frowned as he took in Minho's expression. "What's up with that tone?"
"Don't you think you're getting a little too close to Y/n? You could easily steal that book if you wanted to, you spend every day with her now and I'm sure she's left her bag unguarded around you." He smirked. "Part of me wonders if you actually want her around. If you're dragging this out on purpose."
Chan turned red, the implications of what Minho was saying making him swear internally. "Wh- what are you talking about? I only hang out with her cause you made that bet. Or I wouldn't have looked twice at her." He said firmly, almost like he was trying to convince himself.
Minho shrugged, devouring yet another fry as Chan's mind started racing, the familiar feeling of confusion rising up again.
"We shouldn't keep Chan and Minho waiting." You groaned, Miyoung choosing to ignore your pleas as she tossed yet another dress at you.
"Shh, they'll be fine. They're at the food court, and you know boys and their relationship with food of any kind. I assure you, they're not missing us. Now come on, I just know you'll look good in green." She smiled.
You sighed, tiredly clutching the dress as you went back into the changing room for the nth time. For the last half hour, you'd repeatedly tried on dresses to the point where you were ready to collapse from exhaustion. However, the excitement Miyoung was radiating made you want to please her...and it was kind of nice, the way she oohed and aahed each time you changed into a different dress. Was this what it's like to have a friend?
You stared at your reflection in the mirror once you managed to get the dress on, your eyes widening. Wow.
The silk was dark green, hugging your waist perfectly. The cut of the dress flattered your body like it was made for you. It was the perfect dress. You fell in love with it the more you turned around, assessing your reflection from every angle.
Slowly, biting your lip, you checked the price tag hanging off it. You sighed. Just as you thought.
You knew your mom would never be able to afford a dress this expensive. A sudden rush of guilt ran through you as you dropped the tag, running a hand through your hair as you moved to take the dress off.
For a minute, your hand paused on the zipper, your eyes travelling back to your reflection. For a moment, you let yourself imagine attending prom wearing this beautiful dress.
An image of you and Chan, slow dancing under the dimmed gym lights settled itself in your brain. You let a small, dreamy smile take over your face as you removed the dress. Even if you'd be wearing your mom's old floral dress, at least the Chan part of your fantasy would remain true.
You hadn't had this much fun in ages. So this was what it was like to hang out with friends. You wished you'd met Chan and Miyoung earlier.
The only problem? Minho. Your worst nightmare, in the form of a handsome high school boy with a devilish smirk and a weird, unprovoked hatred towards you. The fact that you were now left alone with him was probably the only downside to an otherwise wonderful day.
Miyoung had dashed into a shop, saying she'd be out in a second, and soon after Chan had dipped saying he had to go withdraw some money at the ATM. By pure, rotten luck, you somehow winded up sitting next to Minho on the mall bench as the two of you waited for your partners to come back.
You stared ahead of you, determined not to look at the boy sitting next to you. He'd always ignored you, treated you like you were the dirt on his shoe. You weren't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing you hated him as much as he hated you.
After a few minutes, Minho smirked, glancing over at you. "Why do you look so worried? Afraid your boyfriend's gone to cheat on you?" He asked, his tone dripping with fake sweetness.
You turned to look at him, glaring. God, this dude was so annoying.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Minho's eyebrow raised slightly, as he hadn't really expected you to reply. His expression faltered for a moment before his usual sneer took over his face once more.
"There isn't anything wrong with me, darling." He said, looking up and eyeing a lady in a crop top. You followed his gaze and let out a snort.
"What an asshole."
"Excuse me?"
You turned to him, anger taking over your entire being again.
"Miyoung's a sweet girl. She deserves a lot better than a lying dickhead who can't even keep his eyes to himself." You scoffed. "You should stop using her like this."
Minho's mouth opened slightly, the slight shock giving way to amusement as he grinned.
"I'm using her?" He pouted. "Hm. I guess that is wrong...I should probably take lessons from your boyfriend, yeah? Since he's so perfect."
"What do you mean?" You narrowed your eyes, slight discomfort settling in you as the man shifted closer to you on the bench.
"Just saying." He shrugged. "Channie isn't who you think he is." Leaning in, you shuddered as you felt his lips graze your ear. "I'd watch my back if I were you, sweetheart~"
He quickly drew back as he noticed Miyoung emerge from the shop, expression neutral as he stood up to go over to his girlfriend.
What was he talking about?
"Hey, you okay? You seem...out of it." Chan said gently, glancing at you from the corner of his eyes as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.
"Oh? What- no, I'm fine." You nodded, carefully staring at your lap. Chan turned to look at you, frowning.
"You sure?"
"Uh huh." You said slowly, staring out the window as Chan drove you home. There was silence in the car, and Chan hated it. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken tension. He wanted to do something about it, but you looked so closed off and guarded ever since he got back from the ATM.
"You can...you can always talk to me, you know." He said gently, as he stopped the car in front of your house.
"I know." You mumbled, looking up at him. "I'm sorry. Thank you for today, it was fun. See you tomorrow?"
"I wake up at 5 am every day for you, now." He whined, glad your smile was back on your face. "You know, going to school that early should be a crime."
You giggled as you got out of his car, closing the door and going over to his side.
"Well then, arrest me, officer~"
Chan blushed slightly, gripping the wheel. "Bye, Y/n." He laughed, as you blew a kiss and turned to enter your house.
Chan let out a sigh under his breath. He realized slowly that for the entirety of the day, he hadn't felt all that much jealousy. He'd been too focused on you to even notice Minho's desperate attempts to induce envy in him. And after Minho's sly accusation, Chan didn't know what to believe. Could it be...
This was bad. This was really bad.
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kendalroys · 4 years
no hate at all just wondering if you ship booker x nile and if so what appeals to you about it?? I don't have strong opinions either way, just asking as someone who didn't get shippy vibes from them
hi anon!
when I first watched the movie i was really focused on Joe and Nicky. I love them tons but there’s just a lot of things about Booker and Nile as a pairing to appeal to me.
in all honesty I suck at explaining things sometimes and my brain is fried atm shdhhshs so I’m gonna link you to a few posts that explain better. here here and here
I think Matthias and Kiki in general just brought something that was virtually nothing in the comics, to something I was like oh!! shit!! in the movies
I really don’t expect it to actually be a thing in the movies, which like I’m cool with cause fanfic and AU’s are life! but I do hope they expand on the relationship in any future sequels cause it was just so good
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mc-pretzel-stick · 3 years
I’m so fucking fried.
Like my brain is just being racked and racked. I’ve been finally getting actual brainy, important, involved jobs at work so I’m on overdrive trying to find my rhythm and learning new stuff both from research and my errors 10.5 hours a day, three days a week.  Then I work from home 3.5 hours at 4am the other two days then out the door to school for a fout hour and a two hour class.  I get an hour free period between classes where I eat lunch but actually end up doing homework for the second class as soon as I’m done eating a lot of the time.
My first class we’re in the midst of doing research and calculations to design a powered conveyor belt, then fucking with the 3D model to apply the calculations.  And my second class, strengths of materials, is a physics class where we move super fast.  We have to use and rearrange a million different formulas, every problem’s different and I DO NOT LEARN THAT SHIT IN CLASS.  I basically spend the two hours of class time droning down the problems and notes we do in class, while everything said and explained goes out the other ear 10 seconds after we cover it cause I have some fucking adhdadddhdahdhdahda whatever the fuck that was never diagnosed as a kid like it’s IMPOSSIBLE for me to actually LEARN anything in a classroom lecture.  That means I have to spend MORE time going through resources, making sense of my notes when it comes time to do the homework, and actually REMEMBER it for the test, which the last test I got a low C on so I can’t even get a high mark for the confidence boost.
So all in all I’m spending 52 hours a week working and in class racking my brain figuring out a whole spectrum of elements of engineering, PLUS however many hours it takes me to actually do and understand the homework for my physics in materials class.
Like I’m burnt.  I’m completely burnt.  Video games are hardly doing anything for me anymore, I have virtually no time, energy or drive to work out.  The only two things that actually help stress atm is laying in bed and riding my motorcycle.  Both of which come second to everything above.
0 notes
survivor-iceland · 5 years
Ep. 3 - “hopefully failure does not turn into fracture” - John
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Dylan C
oh nvm, it was Jack lol
I was half a second from muting Ellie on my own during the tribal. Also JACK LEFT 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
first vote, check. first blindside, check. feels good knowing i helped spearhead the vote flip from stephen onto jack, but if jack comes back he might be out for blood. luckily enough for us worms, the vote morphed into a 7/1 landslide, so he might come after maynor or stephen or keith before me and my peeps. but only time will tell.
Keith John
Last night was a tough vote. Jack made people paranoid. Even though i wanted him to stay. No one in my alliance felt easy with him. Even though i wanted jack around as he was good in chllenge and wanted to work with me. But it is what it is. 
I finally managed to get into an alliance with Ellie and Timmy. Though it is not the biggest, I feel confident that these two will serve me well, at least in the premerge. It's called the Just Go For It Alliance, courtesy of Timmy. And we almost got caught forming it because of Cormac which is iconic. Speaking of him, I don't really know what to make of him. He's very... weird. Like it's hard talking to him, but I feel the same way about Keith so whatever. Plus, I don't really trust Cormac considering he basically made a day 1 alliance with two people on my tribe and Sierra. I need to keep an attentive eye on him.
I am so immensely thankful for the tribe call last night. It was filled with things I needed to hear, of course we joked around with the fact that I can’t turn on a stove but I was also so thankful for the amazing people in the call making sure that I take care of myself which I haven’t been doing lately. Life has been really hard on me and it feels like a never get a break, sometimes I neglect taking care of myself because I feel that I physically and mentally can’t. I function on caffeine and I get 2-5 hours of sleep on a good night. Last night was kind of a wake up call because I learned that I am putting myself in danger by neglecting myself and my needs. It was really hard for me to accept that but I feel like I have bonded with these people BEYOND the game, they feel like my family now. Life sucks and I get really unmotivated sometimes and can’t bring myself to get out of bed or even eat, but I’ve gotten a lot better and I hope to continue getting better and the people in that call have already played a huge part in that by motivating me to care about my wellbeing and take care of myself, I will always be thankful for that. 
I feel like I am bonding well with people? It's hard to get a read on some of them, but I think it's fine for now. Other than that, John came up to me asking for a game bond that I thought we already have. Either way, that seems to be my way into an alliance with him. Hopefully we can grow our numbers and build a trustworthy yet powerful group. We're suspecting a swap pretty soon so I hope that I've bonded with the right people in order to be successful.
Dylan C
I haven’t been socializing enough lately with anyone, and wasn’t going to today but then today was Yikes so. I did miss the tribe call for the challenge because I was on the phone with my friend. Maybe I could’ve made it but eh. Hopefully that one point isn’t going to make or break us. And if it did, well I’ve also done a lot for this challenge already soooo
I’m going to be picking flour out of my eyebrows for days
I hope we win the challenge. I'm kind of scared that so many things were left blank, but this has got to be enough
Dylan C
several of us on this tribe were just on a call saying we didn't wanna vote anyone out smh
I keep agreeing when people say they can't come up with a name for tribal but I do actually have one in mind. I'd say Justin since he seems to be around somewhat less, but it's still not great. I mean, I'd rather not vote anyone
So I've talked with Raffy and Joseph and they agree w/Justin. Haven't specifically mentioned names with anyone else. Ellie says she's just going to listen, and not throw out any names. Also didn't ask my thoughts lol. I'll expand on this more when I record my next video confessional
Ughhh we lost, I say we but like I did nothing for the challenge so I was a big contributor to the loss. But now people want justin out and like Justin wants to work with me so I’m not here for that. Honestly I have an alliance that will half the tribe after tomorrow so i would like to have a majority group with him, but I’m still in a good spot without him here. I would rather get Joseph or Dylan R out this round though.
okay so apparently cormac wants sierra out after stephen now which is news to me. i just agreed and nodded and was like “okay cool” bc i don’t want to draw negative attention towards myself by acting like i’m trying to protect them, but like i don’t think blindsiding them would be the best move? this game is going to get crazy quick. plus if he’s thinking of taking them out, what if all of a sudden they wanna flip on me? in engineering terms, cracks are propagating on the surface of the material, and it’s not long until failure occurs. hopefully failure does not turn into fracture.
Joseph and I haven’t spoken in a few days yet he messages just saying “so, tribal” in bold and I’m like wtf like I’m not gonna talk to you about tribal yet, I need to see if I can trust you first.
Dylan C
What is the big risk I'm taking for the idol and risking my vote at tribal? A fucking puzzle with a shit ton of blue sky and snow, and the piece are weird and r o t a t e. I'm not getting this shit done by 11pm tomorrow! Not when I'm in classes all day, and then have DnD not long after. And I made an account to save my progress, putting my name in it so if I do finish and end up on the leaderboard for someone else to see. You know what I've got tonight? BDE. That's right: big dummy energy. At least the vote seems almost unanimous at this point, so that could easily change, but if it goes like it seems like it will then my vote won't matter too much.
Dylan C
41 minutes and 40 second in, 32%, brain is fried JustinAlright so I am a bit nervous for this tribal considering I have not been too active for this round, but I am still confident I can move the target onto someone else. I was thinking I can possibly get people to vote out Dylan R considering he has been more inactive than I have. Although, the other tribe blindsiding Jack makes me weary because it might have caused people on my tribe to make a move against a more active player. So, I need to be on my toes to make sure that is not me. Also, remember how I said I want to work with Timmy? Well I messaged that bitch asking if he wants to work with me officially, but he hasn't answered even though he has been online since I have sent the message. So, honestly I might try to target him considering he has not been super active either.
Keith John
I have been a bit busy these past few days, havnt spoken to everyone much. Good thing we won immunity. So scrambling is at its minimum. i got a feeling a swap is coming up. Makes me nervous. I dont have many connections on the other side.
Except Justin, spoke to him a few times. Raffy and Ellie I spoke to but they feel like people who talk to everyone. so I dont know if they have my back. Whilst Timmy even didnt reply to my hi. As guess he is clear about not working with me
Hi. My name is Mr Immune, which I almost misspelt as Mt Immune, wouldn’t that be entertaining? Anyway the tribes feeling good, John and Sierra are cool, Zoes nice, Maynors nice but oddly distant. Everythings middle of the road atm, nothing great but nothing sucky. I’ll probably try and cruise for a bit on social connections until swap or something equally spicy pops up.
I have continued doing the puzzles and I have 3 of them left. Hopefully the idol isnt found yet. We’ll see. Im so happy we were able to win immunity cuz i was slowly freaking out that Jack said my name. Atleast i just screamed inside my head and didnt become as paranois as Jack. He literally made himself the target. Everyone agreed on Stephen then his paranoia happened and it switched onto him.
P.S. ❤️ Jay
After Jack got voted out, I was worried that we were going to lose the next challenge. I was so relieved when we actually pulled through and won! We all really worked so hard to win that one... and even though I’m in an alliance, I’d rather not have to test things again just yet.
God I hate tribal. It’s ugly. Though I instantly have a name in mind: Justin. He’s the person I trust the least and have talked to the least. I talked to Ellie and Dylan C about it. They seemed to be on board with the whole thing. We just need one more vote which should be easy to get. After all, I am in an alliance with Timmy, so it should be easy for me to get four votes. I’m just hoping that he doesn’t have an idol.
Last night, I was talking to Dylan a little bit. Apparently, they are are scared that they haven’t been added to any alliances and they feel like alliances are being made. So I suggested making an alliance with them and I. They’re in a vulnerable position which is great for me since it means they’ll be more willing to work with me. After tribal, I’m hoping that we can create an alliance together with some other people. I’m excited!!!
So it’s between Justin and Dylan R and I have the deciding vote?? More drama coming soon
Ok these bitches are making me mad. I approached Ellie and Dylan C for alliances. Luckily, they both said yes to individual alliances, but as soon as I brought up the idea for all of us to join together plus Raffy they go mute. That is definitely concerning, but I brought up Dylan R’s name to all three as a target this vote and I can only hope they stick to their word to vote them out. I also made an official alliance with Keith, and he spilled the beans that he has been talking to Raffy a bit which makes me nervous. However, I have changed my stance on Raffy because he actually talks to me quite a lot. But, I am aware he is definitely playing this game hard and is talking to almost everyone. That is why I want to keep him close for the time being and then perhaps blindside him in a swap or early merge. Back to Keith tho, he is ITCHING to make a move. He told me it is his first time playing an ORG and he definitely wants to blindside people which as long as it ain’t me I’m good.
Joseph Collins
Me and Elle have been working so good together. I hope she doesn’t stab me in the back lol. The tribe consensus was Justin but I flipped them all to Dylan r. Blindsideeeeee coming. Hahahahaha. *evil laugh* *winky face
Joseph Collins
Lemme break down how I flipped the vote. I just told Dylan c that “look. I respect you. And I’d want someone to do this for me. The tide’s changing and I think the vote is gonna be Dylan R tonight. I don’t want you to be left out of a vote because I wanted to work with you so I feel like you should know” that establishes trust and kinda gets Dylan to switch her vote
i’m ready to make a legitimate move in this game. but it’s all about timing. our best move, if we lose again, is sending stephen outta here. WITH THAT BEING SAID, it’s on after that. bring on the bloodbath. not everything will be happy go lucky for long.
Joseph Collins
I orchestrated this blindside and took no credit in my voting message. Like a true mastermind. *maniacal laugh*
Biiiiiiiitch. I just found out bitches have been conspiring against me cuz of the time zone difference. So, I was right for being paranoid omg. The person who initially told me was Joseph of all people which was shocking since I probably talk to him the least besides Dylan R. But, I’m glad he did and then Timmy further confirmed it which I’m like hello again Timmy it’s been a bit bud. From what they have told me is that the majority is still on Dylan R. and I talked to Dylan C. about the vote and I straight up talked about the time zone difference not being an issue. They said they have a friend in Scotland so it doesn’t bother them so if at least those three and myself vote Dylan R. then I should be good.
The tribe has switched their mentality and have decided to go with Dylan R. with this vote which I am fine with considering he does not talk to me at all either. Plus, Justin came up to me asking if we could align together in this game which is always a good sign. So, I was more inclined to keep him throughout the day. Either way, I think I should be safe at this tribal council.
I’m a wild bitch.
For the scavenger hunt challenge, I definitely got a tattoo (of the water tribe symbol from avatar, don’t @ me) for a whopping 20 points, and we definitely won the challenge. While riding on that high I accidentally talked about the idol hunt and got a strike from the god-host, which made me feel like the ultimate failure. Other than that, I have several strong alliances which I am confident in going into the swap.
Dylan C
Not feeling like typing this up in detail but the vote has now changed to Dylan R and I’m down with/that. I talked to some people about it and they agree. Joseph messaged me and was like “I feel I have to tell you since you said you wanted to vote Justin.” I was like “that’s sweet but I already knew.” And kinda tried to play it off after that like I’m a little worse at socializing than I actually am but idk how well that worked. I really should’ve made this confession 5 hours ago but oh well. (Those videos were filmed almost 12 hours ago). 
Dylan C
I actually finished the fucking puzzle and I can’t believe it. Also if I hadn’t, it would’ve counted against me next tribal, not tonight’s. Either way, I’m not losing that vote via that puzzle babey. 
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soap-brain · 7 years
oooo so i got tagged by both @elroymarvelous (something like a week ago i’m so sorry) and @greetings-from-the-suffer-puppet (yesterday :p) to do this alphabet questions thing! let’s go!!
a - age: 19
b - birthplace: düsseldorf, nrw (it’s in germany) (it’s the best city in germany) (95 olé)
c - current time: 11:38 am
d - drink you had last: some neat sparkling water, also i pretended to drink chips rings but they’re solid so idk whether that counts
e - easiest person to talk to: @greetings-from-the-suffer-puppet , cause we have somehow absolutely /no/ need for filters and we’ve talked about some things we would never, ever talk about with other people :D (hey ryn, remember the scintillating convo we had recently involving chrispy? good times) and also @loststarlight bc she’s a very bad person who got me into a ship and enables me to write fic for it and sends me unacceptable photo posts and totally made me watch doom!! which i didn’t want to do.. at.. all *sweats nervously and holds hand over pocket that’s def not bulging with karl pics... and bruce... and chrispy...*
f - favorite song: atm it’s a tie between sabotage by the beastie boys and ..... every time we touch by cascada (look, i’m technically a rock person, but sometimes it’s midnight, you’ve had about 5hrs of sleep every night, you know you have at least one more hour of super complicated chemistry to do, you’ve had a long ass day, you’re really hungry, just had a bowl of cereal and are fast approaching an ultra sugar high. what better to party with than that song??)
g - grossest memory: story time! during grades 9-12, i sometimes liked walking home instead of doing the hour long tram and bus ride. idk, it was a self reflection / relaxing thing, which i still kinda do. there was a short tunnel i had to go through. nothing scary, it was literally just the street and a pavement on each side, it was short, well lit, in an okay neighborhood, there were frequently people around etc. so really, really, not scary / gross. one day i’m walking and i see a guy of maybe my age coming towards me ahead of me, so i go to one side of the pavement, while he goes to the other, i’m doing the staring ahead thing which will morph into a lightning quick checking the other person over thing once we pass each other. it’s a thing i do. so  we’re just about to pass each other, and he pushes up his tee shirt (it was summer/spring) and ... there’s just... his erection. which he consciously shows to me. and he says something which i didn’t hear cause i’m listening to music, but i do physically recoil a little, my shoulder brushes the tunnel wall but i keep walking, pretending nothing happened, and i remember thinking to myself “the fact that you know now that you won’t believe yourself later that you didn’t make this up is the only thing that’ll make you believe it really happened.”, and just because i know i thought that then already, i believe myself that i didn’t make it up cause man, i kinda wanted to pretend it didn’t happen. and that’s the story of the first ever real life erection i saw! yay! now you know things about me you didn’t want to know!
h - horror yes or no: noooooo pls i get scared easily. even bad horror movies (ie doom) can scare me a bit. esp jumpscares??? the worst imo
i - in love?: nah. never been, either *shrug emoji*
j - jealous of people?: klasjdlfjasdlf i get really jealous of how people manage to socially interact with such ease?? and just... talk to other people and aren’t awkward and make friends?? a wild concept
k - killed someone?: ok so i know we should all either answer something cool and quirky or no!! of course not!! but i have a story. (fuck ok now y’all think i actually killed a person. disclaimer: i didn’t. but i was close) ok so i was doing my three months mandatory nurse work for studying medicine, and around the second month there was this old lady (93yo i think), who’d just gotten i think a new hip? and before her op she was surprisingly mobile with her walking frame and just really cute and chipper and also scared of her op. afterwards, she went to the icu, as was scheduled bc she was so old, and and then she got back to her regular station, and she was slowly but surely learning how to sit up and stand up again and then also walk. she had major pain problems  and her leg had gotten stiff, but she really was a champ, and i really liked her. also, to make some infusions (ie pain meds) easier, she’d gotten a central venous catheter, ie a catheter into the vein right at the bottom of her neck. and then it was time to take it out bc she’d gotten so much better, and there was a doctor there and i was just doing some work or something in the same room (i think we just got done helping the patient dress), and the doctor knew i wanted to study medicine, so she asked me whether i wanted to take it out with her help. i said yes, and then the doctor got a call and took it and told me to go ahead and detach the iv drip line from the catheter. which i did. then i waited for the doctor to finish her call to tell me the next step. she was done just as the patient started feeling faint and started to lose feeling in the arm on the side the central venous catheter was in. long story short, she was rushed to the icu again, because what i didn’t know was that you had to close the catheter, and i’d essentially pulled off the stopper as well, and she ended up having no blood in certain parts of her brain, which i think ended up as a terminal condition for her. she lived, but she had a very, very hard time getting better again and i think she never fully recovered. so. yeah. that’s my story on how i almost killed a person.
l - love at first sight or should I walk past again?: definitely walk past again :D looks and mannerism can be very deceiving
m - middle name: inge brigitte
n - number of siblings: 2
o - one wish: to get my shit together lmao
p - person i called last: i think my dad?? about photoshop?
q - question you’re always asked: probably about my one weird tooth maybe? or what i did between school and uni 
r - reason to smile: getting messages / people willingly interacting with me, horses, when life is going good, when i can be proud of myself for a reason, when there’s music making me feel good things, star trek
s - song you last sang: i don’t sing. i’d sometimes like to, but i feel too awkward cause i’ve been told that i can’t sing at all, so like...
t - time you woke up: 6:47 am the first time, then sometime around 8
u - underwear color: white
v - vacation: this probably ties in with all the “places you wanna visit” ask games, so the answer has to be most of europe, northern america, iceland, australia, parts of asia, parts of africa, space, berlin
w - worst habit: picking at my skin.... and procrastinating!
y - your favorite food: well my fave meal would be garlic bread, a medium steak with fries and beans and either lava cake or crème brûlée for dessert, along with an apple martini; but my fav normal food would be spaghetti bolognese and ... chocolate-y sweets (and truffles. oh boy i want some truffles now)
z - zodiac: libra
i’m tagging @loststarlight, @chameleon-kirk, @bottomkirk, @mccoysbi, @lieutenant-sapphic, @trappist-1p and everyone else who wants to do this!! esp all my new followers - if you wanna do this, tag me so i can get to know y’all!!
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rosvrios-blog · 8 years
heyo! i’m may and i’m super excited to be here! this is my first time rp-ing so please bear with me as i figure all this stuff out and don’t be afraid to hit me up to plot! anyways, let me get onto my precious cinnamon roll, rosario.
rosario was born into the “picture perfect” family in casares, spain. her father was the local priest of the catholic church in that town and her mother was a homemaker.
despite being the youngest and only girl in her family ( she has two older bros: adán & isaías ) rosario remained very feminine. this was mainly due to the fact that her father and mother were both very traditional/conservative and would not let her do anything that didn’t fit the stereotype of what a wholesome, catholic girl should be.
that being said, rosario spent most of her days inside of the house learning “wifely duties” or inside of the church, helping out. 
in fact, her whole family was somewhat forced to keep up a facade of perfection due to the fact that her father was a priest and it caused a lot of strain within the family.
while rosario was much too timid to actually act out, her older brothers often rebelled, leaving rosario to cover for them.
when rosario was 15, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, which added even more stress within the family. she eventually passed when rosario was 20, which was hard considering that she was much closer to her mother than her father.
when her mother fell ill, her father became a lot more controlling over the entire family’s house, and sometimes even resorted to threats and very rarely actual violence to get them to do what he wanted.
rosario would often escape the stress at home by going out into rural areas to practice art and relax.
at 21, rosario and her brothers decided that enough was enough, so they all packed their belongings while their father was gone, piled up into a car, and hit the road. they eventually ended up in crete and she’s planning on staying there. ( she’s also only been in crete for 2 weeks )
personality-wise, rosario is quite shy and timid, but she’s trying to work on it. but she’s taken her runaway as a chance to start over and experience life a bit more. she’s a very kind person and would give absolutely anything to make someone smile, but she tends to put other’s needs before herself and is quite susceptible to being taken advantage of since she’s either too kind or too afraid to call a person out.
even though she works as a florist, she is an artist but is often too afraid to show people her art. 
as for wanted connections, i can’t really think of many bc my brain is fried. but the few that i could think of are her muse (can be romantic or platonic idc), a roommate (bc i know that rosario is too damn broke to live by herself and wants to be a bit more independent from her brothers), maybe a bad influence (bc she’s a good-two-shoes who had never seen anywhere other than spain until she ran away) or we can flip it and make it a friend who is just trying to show rosario how the real world actually is by allowing her to experience new things idk, maybe a customer, and of course a best friend that she can count on! i may create a page, but i don’t have a lot of ideas atm so this is all i can come up with akjsfajksdfj
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