#which is funny bc whenever i go somewhere without her which is rarely
twistedappletree · 6 months
This is definitely her favorite spot so far. 🖤
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Little to No Space
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summary: tendou has a little crush on a certain someone, their straight faced manager that never reacts to his weird shenanigans. his best friend advises that they should get closer. 
-or, you get stuck in a locker with the guess monster.
a/n: this was based off an asmr i listened to a couple nights ago (you were hiding in a locker with a teacher of yours) it was kinda funny bc the one who  voiced it was oikawa’s official va. anyways, take whatever this is lol.
pairing/s: tendou satori x reader
wc: 2 147 (whoops)
tags: crack, comedy(?), humor, ur literally just in a funny situation lol, nsfw implication if u squint
-ꦼ———▸  crossposted on ao3
⋅. ♪ .⋅  Loving Tendou Playlist
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“You need to stop staring at our manager and actually talk to her Satori.”  Ushijima’s deep voice broke him out of his trance, catching his attention.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Wakatoshi-kun.” He deflected. Okay, maybe he did tend to stare at you. But he swears he didn’t do it that much.
Ushijima rolled his eyes at that, “I may not be the brightest when it comes people-”
“You got that right.” He snickered while putting his gym clothes away.
“As I was saying, I at least know she isn’t the least bothered by you,” he shut his locker door with a firm bang, interrupting his musing for a moment, “we can all see how she isn’t fazed by whatever antics you flung at her.”
“But that’s just because she’s just like you!” His best friend raised his brows at him. “Not completely, but she’s uhh, I don’t know-stoic. Straight faced and doesn’t say anything much unless necessary.”
“I’m not stoic.” 
“Sure you aren’t.” Has he really not noticed?
“So you’re implying that you can be close to her?” He knew his best friend can be quite obtuse sometimes, but where did that come from?
“That’s not what I’m saying at all, where did even get that idea?” He turned his attention to his duffel bag, already done with the conversation.
But it seems Ushijima wasn’t, “You said she was just like me, even if it was just a bit. And since we’re close, that means you could be with her as well.”
“You’re grasping at short straws here Ushiwaka,” he teased. “Why do you seem so persistent to get me to talk to her?”
“Because I think she might be one of the few people that would actually tolerate your weird personality, rather than shun you for it like most people would.” Oh, that was actually helpful. He knew Ushijima rarely spoke, but whenever he did, it was always something meaningful and helpful.
Ushijima scratched at his neck, looking around the locker room looking for something.
“Uhh, watcha looking for there buddy?”
“I’m missing my pair of socks.” Ushijima groaned. Suddenly, all his previous thoughts of him being meaningful was diminished within a second. 
“That’s the fourth time this week ‘Toshi.”
“I know, but for some reason they don’t end up where they’re supposed to be.” He was pouting, the redhead could tell. You wouldn’t actually see it until you looked closely.
He had to reassure their captain before he drones about ads he read in today’s newspaper. He was not interested in discounts held for sock stores. “We’ll ask the janitors tomorrow, okay? Don’t fret about it.”
Satisfied with his answer, Ushijima nodded. They both grabbed their bags then turned to leave, until they heard a knock at the door.
“Uhm, excuse me. Is Tendou-kun here by any chance?” Speak of the devil...
He stilled, clearly not expecting for you to look for him. He wondered how long you’ve been there, hoping you haven’t heard a single word from their conversation that just happened to be about you.
Ushijima looked at him, a faint smirk curved at the corners of his lips. He gave him a look as if to say, this is your chance.
Without consulting him if he even wanted to answer, he strode towards the door and opened it without warning, causing you to jump back in surprise. The basket of jerseys nearly fell from your hands in shock. 
He mentally slapped himself in the face. Way to go Wakatoshi, scare off our manager.
“Satori’s right here,” He waved to him, standing still like a deer in the headlights. “I must go.” He walked past you, leaving no space for you to even start a conversation with him.
“Oh, uhm alright. Thank you Ushijima-san.” You waved to Ushijima before to turning to him, looking at him with a blank expression.
“I’m sorry, it seems I interrupted you on your way home. But I promise this will be quick.” You said with a flat tone. You reached down on the freshly laundered basket of jerseys, fumbling with the different colored fabrics as you looked for something. 
With a victorious ‘ah’, you held up a familiar pair of socks. 
“I kept seeing these somewhere in your locker rooms whenever I clean after practice. I usually just place them on the benches but this time it was on basket with the rest of the jerseys so I took the liberty to wash them.” He took them from your hands, fingers lightly brushing when he grab ahold of the very socks his best friend was pouting about. He jolted, feeling a sensation from the minimal contact.
Either you ignored him or didn’t notice, which was probably the latter, you moved on to place the basket on a corner. 
‘You need to stop staring at our manager and actually talk to her Satori.’
“So, how are you managing so far manager-chan?” He hoped his voice didn’t reveal how nervous he was to be alone with you. 
In truth, he liked being with you at any chance he could get. It was fun flinging non-nonsensical shit at you, just to get a reaction. It was like a challenge for him really, wanting nothing more than to see you flustered or even better, laugh at his jokes just for once.
You never looked irked or disgusted by his whole demeanor, which was something he appreciated a lot. He hoped you never would, fearing that it might be the inevitable truth he wasn’t willing to accept.
That he was a monster no one could truly understand.
“I’m still afraid of getting hit by a ball every time Ushijima-san serves, but other than that I’m doing fine.” You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, exhaustion evident on your face. “You’re not going home, Tendou-san? It’s already late, I suggest you hurry now so you can rest easy for tomorrow’s practice.”
He smirks, suddenly feeling a mood for a good teasing. “Dawww, is our dear little manager concerned for the resident Guess Monster?” He quirked a brow as he leered at you with a teasing grin. 
Unperturbed, you tilted your head, looking a bit puzzled. “Of course I am. I am your manager after all, isn’t it my job to look after the team?”
“Don’t be shy, you can just say you like me, manager-chaaan~” He thought really shouldn’t tease you like that but he really can’t help himself.
What happened next surprised him the most.
He figured you’d wave off his teasing like always, roll your eyes then move on with your day. But instead, he spots the blushing of your cheeks. Something he didn’t expect from you at all.
He opens his mouth to say something but stops at the sounds of footsteps nearing the locker room.
Shit. If the team saw you alone with him in the locker rooms at this hour it’ll be the death of him. You wouldn’t have cared, but he knows they’ll hold it over his head and tease him relentlessly, insinuating that there’s something going on between the two of you.
With a hushed ‘Quick!’ he grabs your arm then pulls you into a vacant locker. He shuts the door in haste, making a loud bang that makes him wince. 
“Tendou what’re you-” he shuts you up with a hand covering your mouth. He looks at you pleadingly as he zips up his lips, urging you to stay quiet. You nod with his hand still covering your lips. 
“Hurry up Semi! We’re gonna be late!” Reon’s voice booms loudly as they enter the room, causing the both of you to jump in surprise.
“Wait a damn minute will you? I just forgot my wallet.” The sound of a locker opening fills in the sudden silence. He waits with a bated breath hoping they’ll leave soon.
But it seems that wasn’t the case. 
“Say... Isn’t that Tendou’s duffel bag?” You both hear Shirabu’s voice ask with uncertainty. Tendou freezes, unsure what to do.
There’s a muffled noise of shuffling. “Yeah, it’s his alright. It’s his jacket draped over it.”
“Then why is it still here? Shouldn’t he have left by now?”
“Didn’t we pass by Ushijima just earlier?” Shit. Shit. Shit.
The locker you were both hiding in was getting hotter by the minute. He feels a sweat trickle down his neck as he tries not to breathe loudly as to not grab attention. 
When Ushijima told him to get closer to you, he surely didn’t mean this!
Your soft hands reach to take his off your mouth. He mouths a soft ‘sorry’ but you shake your head softly, not minding his mistake in the slightest. With the ongoing conversation about his whereabouts outside he distracts himself with little details he begins to notice.
Like how you smelled of baby powder and faint deodorant, or how there are strands of your hair sticking to your exposed neck from your ponytail. He tries hard not to think about how close you were. Your shoulders pressed against his chest, head just below his chin, and your hips just right where his-
“Tendou-kun,” he hears you whisper. He cranes his just a bit, trying to get a look at your face. “Your phone is bumping my hip, I know there’s not much space but can you please move it a bit?” 
Phone? What phone? He was pretty sure he left it in his bag━
“Sorry.” He apologizes meekly, wiggling his hips away from you as he desperately wills his sudden hard on to calm down. This locker was gonna be the death of him soon if he stays here any longer. 
He thanks whatever deity is at work above for your obliviousness. A blessing in disguise he’s really thankful at the moment.
“Eh, why’re we wasting time here? He probably just went to the bathroom.” Semi cuts off as he grabs his wallet. Tendou thanks the ashen blond silently, promising not to tease him just for a day.
He hears the door shut. He waits until the footsteps are completely gone, then sighs in relief when no one comes back.
“Phew, that was a close call. Who knows what might’ve happened if they found us here.” He lets out a laugh, “we can leave now, [y/n]-chan.”
Then he’s looking at you, head ducked so he couldn’t see much of your face. But he peers between the strands of your hair and finally notices how flustered you look.
He smirks. “[y/n]-chan?” 
For once in your life, you try to avoid his eyes.“O-oh! Tendou-kun, are they gone yet?” 
“If I knew better manager-chan~ Judging by your flustered face, I would assume you actually wanted to stay here with me.”
Your eyes widen like saucers. “No! It’s just that it’s cramped in here, it got hot so I am blushing for different reasons!” Your composure was breaking by the minute, hands flailing in exaggeration as you try to explain in defense. 
He barks out a laugh. “Manager-chan, I was just kidding! Calm down for me, hm?” You don’t reply.
“Alright, I’m sorry for teasing you.” He says as he reaches for the knob, “let’s just get out of here-”
You shoot your hand on his wrist, surprising the both of you. “Uh... about what you just said.”
He waits for you to continue. With a deep breath you try to finish your sentence. “I don’t mind, being here with Tendou-kun.... that’s all.”
The message clicks in his brain. I like you Tendou-kun.
“Oh.” He replied numbly. He was sure he must’ve looked stupid with the face he was making, still awestruck at what you just admitted.
You giggle, a sound he finds himself emitting to his memory.
“You’re weird as ever Tendou-kun,” the look of adoration you gave him nearly made him choke. “But that’s fine, I like that about you.” 
Two confessions all at once? Was this a dream? Boy, he surely was gonna panic about this to Ushijima later, not that he’d be any of help.
Waving away the butterflies in his stomach, he ruffles your hair. “You’re too full of surprises today [y/n]-chan. Someday you’re gonna give me a heart attack if you just suddenly give me these cute faces without warning.”
He feels himself smile wide at another bashful look you give him.
“Now let’s get out of here.” He twists the knob inside but it doesn’t budge. Confused, he tries to twist it another way but it still doesn’t move. He struggles with it for a minute until he gives up. 
It wouldn’t open.
“Uhh... Tendou-kun, I think we might have to call the others.” He hears you say tentatively. 
“Sure, do you have your phone with you?”
You pat your pockets for a second. “Oh, I must’ve left it in my bag. How about we use your phone instead?” 
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May I request GHJPU for Sebastian? Sebby needs more love :D (eee sorry if any of this overlapped or its too much, have a cookie for your troubles 🍪)
Bless your heart!!! Sebastian has found a new and very dear place in my heart as of late, I would be delighted to offer my thoughts!!!!! :D (your cookie offering has been accepted with the utmost glee 🍪, I hope my humble writing efforts will bring you equal joy, lovely~💖💖💖) 
G = Gifts (How does he feel about gift giving? What are his habits when it comes to this?) 
Awwww haha, baby boy Sebby is honestly a very observant and reliable kind of S/O, I think. He will notice even the tiniest of changes in MC’s expression--the slightest shifts in her temperament. As a result of his attentive nature he has an easy time deducing the things she might like, always makes a mental note of where her eyes linger. Is there a classic she once loved in her time being published for the first time in their era, on display at a bookstore nearby? Noted. Does she hover near shops filled with self-care products--things like scented candles or lotions or bath salts, things she considers indulgent luxuries? Noted. Is there an outfit that caught his eye in a boutique, something he thinks would complement her complexion perfectly? Noted. 
The thing about Sebastian is that his gifts will be heartfelt, timely, and devastatingly thoughtful. Whether something small or something lavish it will always be precisely what she needs/wants, and she can sense the loving care he put into finding the perfect gift.
H = Holding Hands (When/how does he like to hold hands?)
Honestly? Sebastian has spent the better part of his life alone. His circumstances weren’t the worst; for all that he’s lost in his life he never went hungry, lived comfortably. But...that doesn’t change the fact that his life has been fairly devoid of meaningful human contact. Even in college, friends and close colleagues were hard to come by. The few people he did develop budding feelings for he always gave up on long before it could become any kind of substantial relationship. He was always the type to admire from afar, never really felt worthy of the people he liked.
It was MC that was the first to reach out to him, and for the first little while in their relationship she will be the one most naturally inclined to reach for him. He isn’t really used to having someone by his side like this, somebody who would be delighted to hold his hand--who wants to be close to him. It’s always a shock when they go grocery shopping and he just feels her fingers wrap gently around his. She blushes a little and says something about not wanting to get separated, but it’s clear what her real motivation was.
After those first few months, it becomes much more natural for him to reach for her hand when they’re traveling somewhere together or when they’re alone. He likes to intertwine their fingers, loves the way they fit against his perfectly. His shyness wears off after a while, and it’ll be rare to see them together without them holding hands--unless they’re cooking or at work.
J = Jokes (Does he like to joke around with or prank her? How?)
Do you know how cats have their eyes all narrow thin pupil but then they go REALLY REALLY round? That’s Sebastian. I tend to refer to it as “Silly Time Mode Engaged.”
Now then, his kind of joking is very dry and very deadpan. It’s subtle and immediate, so if you’re not attuned to it it can be easy to miss. That, or people just look at him weird because they don’t quite get the connection he’s making and/or the delivery feels off because his facial expression doesn’t change at all, completely flat. That being said, one of his all time favorite things to do is to say something absurd or nigh histrionic (which tends to be uncharacteristic of him) and wait for the confused head turn/startled laughter to hit. He will make puns and play on words all the time--he puts his academic knowledge to good use.
“I swear when I first met you I was convinced you were an AI.” “Alexa taught me everything I know.” He’ll bow. “Oh? Do I have competition, in that case?” “Your speakers are suboptimal (he pokes her freckles), but you possess what Alexa lacks.” “And that would be?” He’ll gather her close, smiling against her lips. “My heart.” :D cutest robot I ever saw uwu
Bonus bc I have a problem: “Is stealing hearts in Alexa’s programming? Just to be safe, of course.” “I think it’s safe to say it isn’t within the parameters of her design--but that doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods just yet.” cue sounds of tickling and laughter
The other way Sebastian messes with MC is that he is an ENORMOUS tease in the bedroom. He’s very much the kind of lover that prefers to tantalize and draw things out; a long, slow seduction that will render MC immobile from the pleasure by the end. The promise of a kiss is almost always only a whisper of the feeling he intends to drown her in. Remember that Sebastian’s stoicism belies a nigh inhuman ardor and self-control. He’s more than willing to leave her wanting in order to fully capitalize on that desire later at night.
P = Pet Names (What does he like to call her?)
Other than her name? HE DOESN’T AHAAHAHAHAHA Just kidding of course, but given where he comes from pet names between couples aren’t...really a thing…(take it up with Japan, I Was Today Years Old, my sappy romantic ass would never survive)
The funny inverse of this though is that he does NOT fuck around with people that try to call MC pet names. When Arthur Tries It™ he canonically goes all steely saccharine, openly telling the others they’re together. So none of that “luv” or “doll” business, he will not have it (he won’t fight the purebloods on it because 1. they’re more like doting grandfathers than anything and 2. Sebastian does not have a death wish). If MC has a nickname of some kind, then I could see him using that or adding his own spin on it with a great deal of affection c:
U = Upset (How does he act when she’s upset?)
Whether he was the cause or not, Sebastian has a single modus operandi when his beloved is upset (and to anyone who’s upset really) and that is to offer gentle reassurance/an apology. He is very, very sensitive to the feelings of others and really takes it to heart when someone isn’t feeling well. That being said, he won’t always be overt about his concern--he’s more the type to do little things that offer constant support/reminders that he’s there for them. 
If it’s something more serious, he will do everything in his power to minimize the harm done and sooth the MC. His attempts to comfort her will be tender, muted, and consistent; prolonged hugs, doubles his offering of sweets, makes her favorite foods, gives her a relaxing bath salt to use--anything that he knows for certain will coax her lips up into a smile. He’s the type to freely offer space for her to figure things out if she needs it, but he will also be watchful; he won’t let things escalate if she needs externalized support to heal (bc lbr some problems we can’t solve alone ;-;).
His other go-to method is to offer distractions in any capacity that he can. Will offer to teach her a new recipe, or find a new type of flower he wants to plant together, or make up some kind of project he needs help with. Sometimes he’ll genuinely need the help, but most of the time he does it for the express purpose of getting her mind away from negative things and focused on him/the present. It’s hard to dwell on upsetting things when you’re body is physically demanding something else from you, even more so if it’s a fairly complex task. She’s known to be very dutiful; she’ll be so focused on doing a good job she’ll forget the sadness/irritation for a bit and the intensity of the emotion might ebb slightly.
If the issue is lighter, he’ll probably just cuddle/tickle her back to fighting spirit, pressing kisses wherever he can reach until she starts giggling. In these instances he prefers to hug her from behind, a reminder that she doesn’t have to face anything unpleasant or unnerving all on her own; he’ll always be there to hold her steady whenever she needs him. 
And rest assured, this man is always gathering data to optimize his comfort capabilities. He is incredibly adaptable, and will always be watching her reactions closely to adjust his strategies.
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potterology · 4 years
fave dylb scenes bc I can't get over and I’m already rewatching and noticing little things heheee 
- first meeting outside the restaurant. ohh how I love how awkward yet endearing they both were when they finally introduced themselves to one another. rewatching it made me realize that JY was already smitten by SA since the start. (like literally since the start y'all!!! he didn't even know her yet and wanted to stop the car to get SA an umbrella and this was in the first ep!!)
- when JY switched coffee cups with SA bc she spilt her cup and he started drinking it so she can’t refuse even though he doesn’t like coffee. Like he just did it bc he was compelled to do so?? like dude what if she already drank from it??? This scene was so funny to me and I love it cuz I dont think SA is used to being the one taken care of like that so it was just v cute
- when the noona was trying to get them to talk banmal but SA was like oh noooo he’s a superstar. This was cute bc you can actually see that JY was disappointed. Also they keep sneaking peeks at each other lol cute fools 
- waiting for taxi scene- this was so freaking adorable. shows how considerate they both are for each other and it’s so freaking awkward when they both realized they were standing there waiting for each other to get a taxi- but like in the cutest way
- when they were both outside that restaurant and SA asked if JY enjoyed his performance at granny’s house and I think this was the first time someone asked our boy if he likes what he does for a living and you can just tell his heart went soft for her(same dude same)
- spontaneous non-date date. ohh I love the first time they ate together at that beer place. they really started to get to know each other there. the mood and how that scene was filmed was just chef’s kiss~~
- rehearsal room we should be friends scene. when homeboy transitioned from moonlight sonata to happy birthday, y'all knew it was over for SA- god damn I would have swoon over too
- by the river “I wanted to see you” scene- high key JY sucks at communicating but I love how he is just so taken by SA that he just flat out says he misses her and as soon as he says it he was almost shocked himself. so pure
- the midnight call. I MEAN. guys. guys. he wanted to just talk to her and ask her out but tried to be nonchalant about it. ahhh they literally portrayed the first stages of dating so well I'm goo for it !!!!!!
- first walk together in the walkway. this was just so adorable. the almost hand holding. the chemistry!! the shy smiles :’’’) 
- SA’s birthday when she thanked JY for just being there for her. I love how she quietly acknowledges him and it was such an intimate interaction between them. I replay that scene a lot in my head
- when he ran to SA to give her his signed CD. He was so worried about her he forgot about JK lmaooo. Also the fact the he validated her as a violinist when SA was at a very low point... I mean... boyfriend material ugh
- the scene when SA told JY every little thing he does concerns her and that she didn’t want to feel that way about him anymore. As soon as SA said that homeboy PANICKED!!! I don’t even think he knew how much he liked SA until she said that :’)
- the lunchroom scenes 1) when they were teasing each other and 2) when JY announced that they were dating lolol I love how stoic he normally is but for SA he becomes a softie hehe
-ice cream day date; lol when SA won’t let JY tie her shoelaces bc she didn’t want to fall for him lol ok girl
-night ice cream/ stairs date. y'all know already. shit was just adorable. SA going for the kiss. I melted with the ice cream
- when JY asked SA for her handkerchief!!! it’s such a small gesture but they both knew it had a special meaning and I love how it put SA over the moon. (Also let’s include all the other times we see JY actually use that handkerchief- especially after they broke up. like homeboy was holding on to it for his dear life bc it was the only thing he had of SA~~ my fragile heart!!) ps did we ever see SA get a handkerchief from him???? No??? Sbs give me that pls
- when MS was telling JY in the car that SA has only openly confessed liking two things in her life and one them was JY. He was so flustered and couldn’t hide his smile and dimples... bruhhhhh he was full on swoon. Also when JY heard SA say that she really likes JY like he was so proud of himself lmao he’s like “yeah my gf LIKES ME” lolol
- when the lovebirds fought who was gonna clean up the broken glass at JY apartment. I love loveee this one bc SA has been beaten down so much by everyone calling her talentless that she didn’t even consider how important her hands is to her as a musician. And JY being like honey ur a violist and a musician too- UR HANDS ARE PRECIOUS. This was just v touching. Again showing how JY has always considered SA as an equal despite all the shit people say about his gf. luv him :’)
-all the moments JY just stood by SA’s side and held her hand when she needed comfort. I love how he’s just there for her. His silent support was just enough. (One thing that would have been nice is if we saw SA do the same thing, I felt like the writers were almost there but just didn't go all the way which is a shame tbh)
- Their lil day trip to JY’s hometown. I like how JY was so open to SA here. When he proclaimed that he never felt “this way before”  I screamed!! It was at that moment you clearly knew as a viewer that JY never really loved JK. He might have he loved the idea of her, yes. But he never truly loved her the way he loves SA. And his realization of this in that particular episode just made me so so so happy
- Handholding in the bus scene. That shit was so freaking tender bc you can tell how content JY was. He was beyond smitten- homeboy was IN LOVE AT THIS POINT
- when JY dropped SA home. I mean everything about this scene really makes ur heart soft right?? How both of them were beaming? How SA feet probably hurt bc homegirl was wearing heels the whole day and walked another 30 min just so she can spend more time with JY? How she literally ran back to him and JY just had this impression watching her like “my gf is cute af”?? How SA said something along the lines of JY having somewhere to belong to now and you can tell this had a double meaning for him bc at this point he prob considered SA as his home..I was literally mush oh my god. 
-break up scene. I know, v painful- but this was a rare one in kdramaland where I actually thought it was necessary for them to split (still wish it was done earlier but alas I'll take it) It was a graceful and needed breakup. Also when JY pulled out that umbrella for her.... bish it was over for me
- SA’s recital. I MEAN HOW IN SYNC COULD THEY BE. I normally skip the musical performances whenever I watch dramas that are music related- but this show makes it so magical I simply could not. PEAAAKKK ROMANCE
- JY’s recital- when he played that last song I was a big mess cuz we all knew it was dedicated for SA :’’) (I listen to this piece all the time now and im so emo when I hear it bc like god WHEN)
- First I love you scene. JY just going for it and chasing his happiness without caring if SA might reject him. We love to see it
-Second I love you scene. YALL. YALLLLL the way JY just releases his breathe when SA said she can't be friends bc she loves him more than a friend will forever slay me. Kim min jae’s acting here was real good. I love how JY said I love you four times and just went for it. top kissing scene in a krdrama for me hehee 
- dubokki date. lmao at JY with the spicy level. just plain cute
-the quick side by side peek to JY new album in the last episode. the way it showed how their relationship evolved. how he signed it as “for my love song ah” BISH I WANNA DATE A MUSICIAN TOO NOW
- that lil scene where JY wrote SA’s name as the planner bc he knows she works just as hard as the musicians and deserves the recognition. get u a boy who will vandalize a program notice for u :)
- basically all the scenes at the end of ep 16. I wish all of them were longer. I wanted to see more of them dating and happy!!! But I just love how they are both so INTO each other and you can see how happy JY is bc he finally has that person back that understood him since the beginning and it makes you feel so warm knowing they’re each other’s support system ahhhh I love their love !!
- also just all the scenes that JY looks at SA lovingly ~~ which literally happened since ep 1 I mean they are literally heart eyes emoji for each other every time :’)) 
- oh oh OH special shout out to ep 11 when JY just can’t stop holding SA’s hands !! the way he does it is so freaking INTIMATE like if I can only describe how I feel whenever I see compilation gifs of that episode where JY just reaches out and holds SA’s hands so steadily and tightly...it’s literally the most heartwarming thing.. idek how to explain what I’m trying to convey but I just vibe with it so much?? it’s so intimate and romantic.. Kim min jae I will die 4 u my love
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jezkier · 3 years
Hansa Wolfpack Daemon AU
this au has lived rent-free in my head for months. The worldbuilding has been fun and I wanted to put it somewhere. It's just a pile of silly headcanons without an actual narrative
The concept is this:
the entire hansa has wolf daemons. all of them. they are the strangest, most ragtag little pack anyone has ever seen.
This is mostly the product of me imagining a pile of wolf daemons asleep on top of each other. a whole dang pack. and Geralt's daemon is at the bottom of the pile so she and Geralt can't slink off in the middle of the night bc Geralt got too broody and wanted to be Noble and Self-Sacrificing and Not Endanger His Pals
I also think it's really funny to imagine Cahir staring into a campfire, thinking about things, and then out of the blue he says something like "Does anyone else think it's a little strange we all have wolf-shaped daemons? That seems... weirdly serendipitous." and the rest of the hansa looks at each other for a moment. and then they're all simultaneously like "uh. no? not even a little, wtf are you on about" and he drops the subject forever
Geralt's daemon is this beautiful, gloriously fluffy white wolf, BUT she is very much the smallest of their patchwork pack. She is always brushed and clean and groomed and her ears are small and kind of rounded. She's dangerously close to adorably cute. which drives both her and Geralt nuts because they're supposed to be Big Fierce Scary Monster Hunters. But it also means that sometimes kids' daemons will approach her out of curiosity in villages where they don't get visitors very often and then skitter back, terrified, when they realize she's a witcher's daemon
the rest of the hansa's daemons joke among themselves on the reg that they have to Protect The Sweet Leetle Baby At All Costs, which makes Geralt want to commit arson
Dandelion's daemon is a gangly, rangy, feral-looking, patchy brown she-wolf that he absolutely adores. He loves her so fucking much and won't hear a word said against her. Just think she hangs the moon or whatever. It drives him batshit insane whenever people confuse his perfect beautiful goddess of a daemon for Geralt's. (Because lbr, it's very easy for the average person to assume that the scruffy, flea-bitten wolf daemon belongs to the scruffy, flea-bitten witcher) In this universe, Dandelion starts up the whole White Wolf schtick bc he's sick and tired of random townspeople confusing his beautiful sweet perfect darling with Geralt's daemon when they travel together
Milva's daemon has no problem going after Geralt's daemon when she and Geralt are in a Mood. He doesn't hesitate to nip at her, or lick at her, or straight up sit on her, mostly because his tolerance for sulky brooding is much lower than Milva's. And her tolerance for that type of nonsense is already pretty damn low. Her daemon would rather get the pity parties over with ASAP and doesn't mind speeding the process along however he sees fit
He kind of freaks Geralt & his daemon out at first, bc no one's daemons (with a precious few exceptions, like Dandelion/maybe the other wolf witchers/Yen) have any interest in getting close to a witcher's daemon.
Angoulême's daemon is the biggest of the bunch. He's a scary-looking boy. All big muscle and coarse fur and gravely growling. He radiates "no NOT fuck with me." But he's also a huge goof and extremely playful in a very wolfy way when he and Angoulême let their guard down. A literal giant puppy. He takes to the little pack immediately. The first night Angouleme was with the rest of the hansa, he dropped his fat ass on top of the daemon cuddle puddle without asking and made himself comfortable. He snores when he sleeps on his back. Angouleme's pack of boyfriends in Toussaint think he's hot shit. He and Angoulême bicker pretty frequently and have a whole array of rude names they call each other. But for as often and as publicly as they fight, they rarely don't make up within a day. (He settled at a much younger age than most people)
Higher vampires didn't have daemons until after the Conjunction, and even then not all higher vampires wound up with daemons at all. Regis and his daemon don't know what to do with each other at first. Regis misses being able to fly sometimes, but he's v fond of his daemon and wouldn't trade her for anything. But she's terrifying to regular humans, and has been mistaken for a shuck or a grim when they weren't careful. She can kinda sorta change her shape a little to make herself less scary, but if she does it for too long, it gets uncomfortable for both her and Regis in an itchy sort of way
Geralt learns first hand that the idea you can identify a higher vampire by all their canon traits AND their lack of a daemon is wrong in about 95% of cases
Other daemons don't think she looks scary for some reason. They get kind of confused when their humans get freaked out by her. it's a vampire thing
Cahir's daemon is officially recorded as being "high percentage wolfdog." wolf daemons are outright banned from miliatary service bc of "a high incidence of unpredictable, disloyal conduct." It cost Cahir's family a boatload of money for the seal on that document, but the worse part is that anyone who looks at his daemon for more than 3 seconds can tell beyond a shadow of a doubt that there's no dog anywhere in her. No one seriously questions it though (at first)
Yen's raven daemon tends to be a bit standoffish, but that has more to do with the fact he's a raven and ravens aren't usually interested in slobbery roughhousing. He will admit this to exactly no one, not even Yen herself, but he likes to privately imagine Geralt's daemon's long winter coat is feathers so he can pretend he's grooming her properly
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nochuwrites · 5 years
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pairing: jungkook/reader
genre: !bestfriends in high school au, fluffy, mayb angst, mayb, 
word count: 9538
a/n: haha so this might look familiar but it is bc i posted this sometime last year but as a chapter series! however i felt really uncomfortable about the chapter sizes so i decided to condense it into a oneshot! also this is still one of my first fics so feedback is greatly appreciated ! also would love to make mutuals with people !
—SYNOPSIS: Faking a relationship with Jungkook was not going to be a breeze as you thought it would be. Especially when some feelings still linger. 
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The first time you met Jungkook was in your freshman year. You never noticed the boy in your class but you did know a few things about him from your friends. You knew that Jungkook had a gathered quite a lot of attention around the school due to his ethereal looks and to the school, he was known as the golden boy since he was known for his many skills. Whether it was dancing or sports, Jungkook would completely go above and beyond to prove that he was the best. His competitiveness and talent gathered attention from many of the girls at your school. Despite Jungkook’s popularity, many of your friends claimed that he was generally a shy kid and did not approach many people. 
But this was before you talked to him.
When you met him, it was during a game of Kahoot in your computer science class. You had never noticed him being in your class since most of the time, you had your eyes trained on your laptop coding. That day had been a different day however. That day, there was a substitute teacher and most of the class time was free time. Using this time wisely, you set up a Kahoot game about Minecraft and waited for tablemates to join the game. The thing that made the game entertaining was that none of the people in your group played Minecraft so they all chose the Kahoot topic as a joke. You angled your laptop towards the edge of the desk so that the rest of them could see the screen. 
What you didn’t notice was that Jungkook could see the laptop screen from a table across and decided to crash the Kahoot game. After a couple of minutes, a bundle of immature usernames were displayed across the computer screen. There was an extra player logged on the screen but no one in your group noticed or cared enough to mention it. Not until after a couple of rounds. After the fourth round or so, you noticed that one player had completely dominated the rest and scored correctly on all the questions so far. Specifically, that player’s name was “thelegend27,” which earned a couple of laughs from the others at your table. “Ok, which one of you lied about not knowing anything about Minecraft?” You finally asked. Your friends denied of being the player and said that they did not know who it was. So you continued the game. By the end of the game, you make it your mission to catch whoever it was that joined your Kahoot game. And as expected, the player with the username “thelegend27,” wins the game. Immediately, you look up from your screen seeing if you could catch your culprit. The moment your eyes leave your screen, you are very surprised that they are met with Jungkook’s brown eyes. His eyes were crinkled from laughing but as soon as he noticed your eyes on his, his demeanor immediately switched. He stifled a cough and his eyes traveled back on his screen playing out his usual cold demeanor. 
Target spotted.
During lunchtime, you get your lunch at the cafeteria and look around for tables to sit at. Surprisingly, you find Jungkook sitting by himself at a table. You walk to his table and decide to greet him with the first thing that came to your mind. 
“Hey ‘thelegend27’,” you say as you approach Jungkook and he immediately looks up with his eyes wide. You plop down in the seat in front of him and gently place your lunch in front of him. 
“So you know quite a lot about Minecraft, huh?” You continue and this earns you a small chuckle from Jungkook. 
“Yeah, yeah I do. What? You got a problem with that?” He replies while trying to hold back a laugh. 
“No,” you shake your head, “I’m just surprised..is all. I mean who would’ve guessed Jeon Jungkook, the golden boy, star athlete of the school, is actually a complete Minecraft dweeb.”
Jungkook laughs in response your reply and the sound immediately lifts your mood. “The last time I played Minecraft was in middle school. I just happen to have a good memory of the game,``he clarifies. 
“Alright, sure…” You look at him skeptically and the two of you continue to have an argument about whether Minecraft is for nine year old boys or not. Lunchtime comes to an end and you excuse yourself to go dispose of what's left of your lunch. “Well, I will see you tomorrow.” You stand up from the table as you exit the cafeteria to head to your next period. Leaving the cafeteria, you glance back at Jungkook and he sends you a friendly wave. 
Afterwards, Jungkook is the first to approach you and show you a funny meme on his phone. The two of you talk for a long time and it leads to him inviting you to his home for a game of Overwatch, to prove that he’s a real gamer of course. Your friendship with the boy skyrocketed and you two became so close that it became a rare sight to see you or Jungkook walking around in halls without each other. Shortly after, rumors began to spread about you and Jungkook being a thing. Obviously, you both denied it. You had to admit that in the first few days, you had conjured up a tiny crush on him but soon these feelings became dismissed as you wanted to maintain your friendship with him. As expected, you both remained unchanged by these rumors and cleared up the misunderstanding to anyone who mentioned it. 
But that was before the proposition.
“I need your help with something,” he said one day during lunch, “There’s this girl I like...and I need your help to get her.” You had agreed to the proposition. It was the right thing to do. This was your best friend after all and it would not cause too much trouble...right?
It was on a typical Friday night when you were laying in Jungkook’s bed while he played games on his computer. While his eyes were completely trained on the screen, your eyes were focused on him. From his smooth brown hair (which you would love to put your hands through), to his broad shoulders that you could see through his white t-shirt, to his veiny hands, and his muscular thighs. Since when did Jungkook become so…attractive? 
When Jungkook had asked you to help him get together with his crush, you had imagined you would be helping his create a poster to ask her out or something simple like that. But instead, he had told you to fake a relationship with him to make her jealous. The whole idea seemed absurd at first. 
“Come on, Y/N,” he constantly pleaded, “We’re best friends so it would be believable. It would totally work out.”
After his countless requests and convincing, you gave in and skeptically agreed to the plan.
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So here you were laying in his bed thinking about how the past few days had changed you. You noticed how your heart rate immediately spike up the first time he locked hands with you but when you looked up, his eyes were somewhere else. Specifically, on the girl he talked to you about. You tried ignoring the jealousy rising up your throat every time he talked about her as if she was the sun. Or the urge to interrupt Jungkook and the girl whenever they had a conversation. You didn’t know when exactly these feelings began to occur because from the beginning of the fake relationship, you ignored the odd emotions in your chest whenever Jungkook initiated something that was a little more than friendly. As you laid there on the bed in your own deep thoughts, you mind wandered off to the girl and why Jungkook liked her so much. Her name was Rose. It was no surprise you felt insecure next to her. She was well liked at her school and her natural beauty was no joke. You had met her a few times and she was so friendly and nice. No wonder Jungkook liked her. There it is again, that nasty, green, jealousy feeling. You were so deep in your own thoughts that you didn’t notice Jungkook pausing his game to ask you a question.
“Y/N,” he said, “Hello. Earth to Y/N,” he waved his hand to get your attention. “Hmm?” You focused your attention back on him. He had his face close to yours. Curiosity written all over his features. The sunlight from his window outside had been angled perfectly at the side of his face and just when you thought you couldn’t fall deeper for Jungkook, you did. You thought about his lips and how badly you wanted them on yours.
“You look upset. What’s on your mind?” He questioned. I think I might have feelings for you. You wanted to say. But you never would. Why? Because it would ruin your friendship. Everything would become awkward and you cared too much about Jungkook to let him go. 
“Nothing at all,” you finally answered, “I’m just tired. That’s all.” 
“Oh,” He said blankly.
You stand up from the bed and grab your bag. “Umm..I think I’m going to go home to get some rest,” You said. Jungkook makes a pouty face in response. “No, you can’t leave. I’m going to die of boredom without you.” “Don’t worry Jungkook. Just call Taehyung over. I’m sure he has nothing to do either.” 
With that, you leave his house re-thinking about your friendship with him and whether you should tell him how you really feel or just let it be. 
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“I think it’s just physical attraction, to be honest,” Taehyung said as he passed the game controller over to you to grab a snack. 
“Really?” You questioned, “But Tae, I told you. I used to have a crush on him. I don’t know maybe it’s coming back or something.” 
Taehyung opened up the bag of chips and you reached over to grab a chip. “Look, I understand that at this age, these changes you may be going through your body are very confusing but—” 
“Tae!” You yelled as you threw a chip at him to indicate that he was getting off topic. 
“Okay, okay. I’m just kidding,” he admitted while resuming to the game on the TV screen, “But to be honest, you should talk to him about it and see how he feels.” 
You sighed in defeat knowing that he was right and that you lacked the courage to confront your problems. You grabbed the bag of chips sitting on Taehyung’s lap and continued eating the chips vigorously. 
But instead of letting you mope in peace, the world decided to be cruel and throw your problems in right in your face. Just as Taehyung’s screen flashed the words, ‘You were eliminated by EdgeLord69,’ there was a knock on your door. You stood up to go open the door while Taehyung remained busy with his game. 
Standing at your doorstep was Jungkook, dressed in a simple T-shirt and ripped jeans but he still managed to look so good. His face glowed with his signature bunny smile that you’ve always loved.
You froze for a moment, not expecting his present but you managed to stutter out a couple words, “H-hi Jungkook. What are you- what are you doing here?” 
“Oh, just stopping by. You haven’t really texted me much lately and I’m just worried, that’s all,” he responded. It’s true that these past few days you have been ignoring him and responding with only short answers. You felt a bit guilty for cutting him off like this but remembered that you needed your space for a bit.
His eyes wandered around for a bit until they landed on Taehyung, seated on your living room floor holding a console in his hands, his smile disappeared for a moment and was replaced with another expression that you couldn’t quite read. It was like a forced smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Oh. So Taehyung’s here already,” he said walking in and taking a seat on the beanbag chair, it became a habit of his to just come over and sit on that chair after countless hours spent at your house whenever your parents were out of town.
 “Hey Jungkook,” Taehyung said when he finally noticed Jungkook’s presence in the room. “Hey man,” Jungkook replied back, “So were you guys just playing Overwatch?” He questioned. “Yeah,” Taehyung replied nonchalantly. “Why didn’t you guys invite me?” Jungkook finally asked the question he’d been wondering since he got here. 
Your eyes widened as you glared at Taehyung, hoping that he won’t say or hint anything that could possibly reveal your secret. “We were just about to invite you over before you came,” he said while keeping his eyes trained on the screen. The room was packed with awkward silence except for the chaotic sounds coming from Taehyung’s game. You decided to end the silence by asking Jungkook if he wanted anything to drink. To which, he responded with a ‘no, thank you’ so you returned to your old spot on the floor next to Taehyung. 
As Taehyung finished the first round of the game, he handed the controller to you, expecting you to pick up from where he left. “I’m gonna use your restroom, Y/N. I think the gatorade and nachos I had for lunch are starting to act up,” Taehyung said, clutching his stomach. “Ew! Gross!” You laughed as you shooed him off towards the hallway. Behind you, you heard Jungkook chuckle at Taehyung’s straightforwardness. 
You fingers moved around the buttons on the controller as you tried to choose which character to play for the upcoming round. “Hey, did I do something wrong?” Jungkook finally spoke up. You turned around in shock as you were confused as to why he thought this was his fault. “It’s just..it feels like you’ve been ignoring me lately and I don’t know if it’s something I did or sai—” “Jungkook,” you stopped his rambling, “You didn’t do anything wrong, okay. I just..I needed some space and I accidentally ended up neglecting you in the process so I’m really sorry about that,” you apologized sincerely. Jungkook’s eyes filled with relief to know that you weren’t mad at him or anything. 
You stayed there for quite some time staring into Jungkook’s eyes while he did the same. ‘This is your chance,’ your mind said. You wanted to take a risk. To lean in a bit and finally kiss those soft lips of him but before you could even move an inch, Taehyung’s voice boomed from the corner of the room as he yelled, “Y/N, the game’s starting!” You snapped your neck back towards the screen to see that your team was already trying to defend the point without you. 
After that, the three of you continue talking about various things like Taylor Swift’s new look to the new hero added to Overwatch. 
“I’m just saying he reminds me of the guy from the Old Spice commercials,” Jungkook says.
“I think he is supposed to remind you of the guy from those commercials. Smart advertising,” Taehyung replies. 
The three of you laugh recalling some of the ridiculous old spice commercials that you have seen when Taehyung suddenly brings up the topic of prom. 
“So who do you plan on going with Jungkook?” Taehyung noticed how Jungkook’s eyes flickered over to you for a bit but then back to Taehyung as he answered, “Uhhh...I don’t know. I’m thinking of asking Rose out. What about you guys?” 
“Wait, how are you going to ask her out if you’re ‘dating’ Y/N?” 
“Oh,” Jungkook looked at you again for a moment, “I’ll just tell her we broke up over the weekend or something.” 
Your eyes wandered to the ground and you started to play with the drawstrings on your shorts. “You guys never answered my question though. Do you guys already have dates for prom?” Jungkook asked, curiously. 
“I’m not even sure if I’m even going. I have no one to go out with,” Taehyung answered. “Oh, come on. Dude, almost every girl in the school wants to go with you. You’re just being like this because Irene rejected you,” you replied. 
“What about you, Y/N?” Taehyung asked, “You thinking of asking anyone?” You sighed knowing that Jungkook was the only person you wanted to go with but there was no way Rose would reject him.
“Uhh..no..there’s no one in particular,” you answered back, “I think I’ll just go with Somi or something since she said she didn’t have a date either.” 
“Hey, you could just go with me since I have no one either,” Taehyung suggested. 
“Yeah, sounds good,” you said in response since there was nothing wrong with two friends going together. 
However, Jungkook didn’t seem to like the idea. Jungkook frowned at the suggestion and argued, “What if people think you guys are dating or something?” 
“Who cares what other people think? There’s nothing wrong with going with a guy friend,” you argued back. Jungkook nods as he realizes that he shouldn’t complain about who you want to go to prom with because that’s not his business. 
“Well, I think I’m gonna go. I should probably go study for tomorrow’s Psych quiz,” Jungkook said and stood up as if he was in a hurry. “Oh..” you said disappointed that he wasn’t going to stay longer, “Bye Jungkook, and good luck on the quiz!” He waves at both you and Taehyung as he opens the door to head out. 
Taehyung waited until Jungkook until was long gone before turning to you, “Ok, I was wrong, Y/N. He is really into you! You’re just too blind to see the way he looks at you.” You roll your eyes at Taehyung’s comment because he could be just getting your hopes up. “Whatever, doesn’t explain why he’s asking Rose to prom instead so..” you said as you focused your attention back on the game and ignored Taehyung’s rambling about Jungkook.
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To your surprise, Jungkook never ends up asking Rose out to prom. There’s no word going around about Rose and Jungkook going together to prom and Jungkook keeps his distance ever since that day with Taehyung. He still talks to you regularly but is nowhere to be seen when Taehyung comes in the picture. 
As prom gets closer and closer, your friend Somi ends up getting a date and you are left to go with Taehyung, your date in case you can’t find anyone else you want to go with. 
“Should we be matching?” Taehyung asked through the phone while the two of you are preparing for prom.
“Ew, no. I think that’s what couples do.”
“Oh, well then…I think we’re all prepared. I’m just going to wear a pair of jeans and a shirt then.”
“Tae,” you warned him, “We don’t wanna look like a couple of hobos either. C’mon be serious.”
“Fine. But I just think that we should be a little bit coordinated so I need to know what you’re going to be wearing,” he responded.
“Ugh… I don’t know yet. I wanna choose a black dress but I also don’t wanna look like I’m going to someone’s funeral.” Taehyung chuckled at your comment.
“What about red?” He suggested, “It also happens to be Jungkook’s favorite color.” Knowing the pervert Taehyung was, you could already imagine him doing his usual lenny face through the phone. 
“Oooh..red seems nice,” you said, “But I’m wearing it because I think it would look good. Not because it’s Jungkook’s favorite color. Just wanted to make that clear.” 
“Well then, it’s set. We’re going with red,” Taehyung agreed, “But don’t worry, I won’t overdo it. I’ll just wear a funky tie and a regular suit.”
“Okay, good,” you said, “I’ll talk to you tomorrow at school, okay?”
“Aight, bye,” Taehyung said and the phone beeps twice signaling that the call ended.
You return to your depressed state as you sigh and fall back onto the bed. Why was it so hard to read Jungkook? If he doesn’t like you in the way you want him to then why doesn’t he ask Rose to prom like you expected he would? 
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It was prom day and Taehyung arrived at your house in his mom’s small compact car like you expected. You were glad that he didn’t go overboard and listened to your advice about not getting limousine because that would have been too much. 
Taehyung opens the door to walk out in a black suit and a maroon red tie around neck. You noticed he had a plastic container in his hand and as walked towards you. He pulled up the container in his hand to reveal a small ring pop in it. 
“I thought since we were just going as friends, I didn’t need to buy you an actual corset so I put this together last minute,” he explained.
“Wow, what a gentleman,” you joked, “And by the way, it’s called a corsage not a corset, you uncultured swine.” 
The both of you posed a couple times for your parents before getting in the car and saying goodbye to the both of them. 
When you arrived at prom, every nervous thought about Jungkook and what you were going to do when you saw him was thrown out the window when you saw the snack bar. Almost every one of your favorite desserts were displayed out on the table in bite size servings and you quickly rushed to it to get dibs on fanciest looking one. 
While you and Taehyung were busy smuggling the snacks from the table, Jungkook walked over to make his presence known. Your eyes widened when you spot him staring while Taehyung was shoving as much chocolate strawberries into his hand pockets as he could and you were trying to fit as much candy as you could in your bra. 
“Oh..uhh..what’s up Kook?” You awkwardly greeted him as you adjusted your dress. “I’m not even gonna ask,” he said with a traumatized look on his face. 
“So uhh…how’s Rose?” Taehyung asked. 
“Oh, she didn’t want to go to the dance with me,” Jungkook replied awkwardly while scratching his neck, then glancing at you. 
The three of you shifted around awkwardly until Taehyung decided to cut the silence by declaring that he was going to try to talk to Irene. “Good luck!” Both you and Jungkook exclaimed. 
“So…do you want me to get you something to drink?” Jungkook pointed at the barrel filled with berry juice. 
“No, it’s okay. I think I’ve had enough and earlier Yoongi tried to offer me some booze that he managed to sneak in,” you said and Jungkook chuckles. 
The air is once again silent except for the sounds of other students yelling and mainstream songs playing over the speakers around the gym. After a couple of moments, Jungkook suggested to ditch. “You wanna just go get some ramen and hang out?” 
You were surprised at his suggestion since he wanted to ditch prom to get some ramen. But as you look around at the bland scene around you, you decided that getting some ramen with Jungkook sounded much more entertaining. You nodded your head at him and he gave you his signature bunny smile in return.
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“Should I get us the chicken cup noodle or the beef?” 
“Chicken,” you replied to Jungkook while contemplating between the Sour Patch Kids or the Haribo gummy bears. 
He grabs both of the chicken cup noodles and asks, “Don’t you think it’s a little too late for candy?” 
“Jungkook, my dear, there is no curfew for candy.” You take both of the packages and march towards the cash register, “And it’s barely 10:32, you nerd.”
Everything about Jungkook had always captivated you. As you are seated in the front of the window of a ramen store, you are left amazed at the way Jungkook basically inhales the ramen in his bowl. 
“Holy shit, were you that hungry?” You questioned him. He looks up at you mid-chew and nods furiously, his mouth stuffed with ramen. Cute, you thought. Jungkook then picked up some of the ramen in his bowl. He stuck it in front of your face, some of the soup from the noodle dripping onto the table. 
“What?” You raised your eyebrow at him.
“Try it. It’s good.”
Is he serious? You think as you start to lean closer to the noodles, opening your mouth. You take the noodles into your mouth. Hmm..he wasn’t lying..it is pretty good. You raise your eyebrows and give him an approving look. “See? I told you it was good,” he replied. 
“So how do you think Taehyung’s doing with Irene?” Jungkook asked. 
You laughed as you imagine the thought of Taehyung flirting with his crush, “Probably embarrassing himself but I’m sure he’ll be fine. Irene’s a nice girl and they share the same type of humour.”
“You know, I always thought you would end up with Taehyung,” Jungkook said while looking down at his ramen. 
You tilt your head in confusion, “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, you and Tae seem really close,” Jungkook said, still not looking up from his bowl.
“We’re close too, Jungkook,” You rebuked.
“Well, do you..do you like Taehyung?”  
“Of course I do! Why else would I be friends with him?” 
“No, you know what I mean,” He explained. 
Your eyes widened and you threw your head back in a fit of laughter. “O-Oh my god. Jungkook, dude. Look, Taehyung’s great and all but no. Not my type, I guess.” 
“So what is your type?”
You. “I don’t know, a guy who’s nice? Can cook?” You faked a laugh.
“Wow Y/N, that’s it? Those are some pretty low standards,” Jungkook jokes.
“Okay that’s not only it,” You retaliated. “I’d like a guy who’s tall.”
“Of course you would. That’s so cliche,” He mumbled with his mouth stuffed with noodles.
“Oh my god Jungkook I’m not done,” You say giggling, “I want him to have the same sense of humor as me which is pretty rare to find. Remember that guy that stopped talking to me after I kept mentioning that boneless pizza thing?”
Jungkook laughed remembering that unfortunate incident.
“Anyways that was a long time ago, expired meme now, but...I want a guy who’s willing to go to a place like this with me and consider it a date. Like if you can’t handle me at 1am convenience store date then you don’t deserve me at a 5 star restaurant in the fancy part of town.”
Jungkook chuckled at your statement and asked, “Then does this count as a date?” 
Your eyes grew wide once again and your cheeks turned into tomatoes, “I-I-I don’t know...I mean if you want it to be.” 
In return, Jungkook gives you the brightest smile and offers you his hand.
“Jungkoooook..where the hell are we even going?” 
“You’ll see, it’s a surprise,” Jungkook reassures you.
“I’m slightly terrified.”
Jungkook rests his hand on your thigh as if it’s the most normal thing ever, “Relax, okay? Just trust me, you’re going to love this. This will be a real date.”
“Okay,” You sink back into your seat, too flustered from the unexpected skinship and flirting to argue any further. You look at Jungkook while he has his eyes trained on the road. Your ramen date had escalated to a late night drive in Jungkook’s car after you told Jungkook that you wanted to do something random, spontaneous. 
You had no idea where he was taking you. But you felt happy, at peace, and that was the effect that Jungkook had over you. He was a light in your life and he had always been for a while. You hoped that by the end of this “date,” as he called it, things would change between the two of you, for the better. That he simply wasn’t just messing with you and that his intentions were genuine. 
“We’re here.” You’re stirred awake when you see Jungkook’s brown orbs staring into yours intensely. “Oh..umm..where are we?” 
“It was my favorite place when I was a child,” he said. 
You became aware that Jungkook’s favorite place as a child was a beach which became intensely beautiful at night as the moon shone onto the glimmering sea and the waves crashed onto the shore continuously. Nothing could be heard except for those sounds of nature and Jungkook turning the engine of the car off. He stepped out of the car door and soon appeared by yours, opening it and asking you to come out. As Jungkook ran towards the sea, he began stripping his clothing, loosening the tie and taking off his shoes. He turned back to you and raised one of his eyebrows, a teasing look on his face. “You gonna join or what?” By now, he was shirtless and you finally had a chance to see the result of all those hours this muscle pig put in at the gym.
“Alright, I’ll join but turn around first.” Quickly, you took off your uncomfortable heels and stripped down to your underwear, leaving your expensive dress by your shoes. “I’ll deal with the sand later,” you thought.
“Are you done?” Jungkook asked, reminding you of his presence and how odd and risky this whole situation was. “No, don’t look until we’re in the water,” you ordered. “Alright then,” Jungkook chuckled, walking towards where the water met the sand and soon emerging into it until only his shoulders could be seen above the water. 
When you finally reached him in the water as well, you hooked onto his shoulders, not knowing where the boldness came from, “You can turn around now.” 
He swiveled around in the ocean water to finally meet you face to face. In the moonlight, Jungkook looked as ethereal as ever. Knowing that this was one of Jungkook’s secluded and sacred spots during his childhood made this moment so much more intimate. 
He trusted you and shared a piece of him with you today. In that moment, it felt like Jungkook was closer to you than ever before. His eyes fervently staring into yours with a tender and soft quality in them. His arms which you now noticed were wrapped around your waist, pulling you tighter into his embrace and shielding you against the coldness. His erratic breathes, showing you that this was not only affecting y—
“Can I kiss you?” Ohmygod did Jeon Jungkook, my best friend who I’ve been in love with for almost all of high school really say that? Your lack of response prompted a look of shame and regret on Jungkook’s face until you came to your senses and nodded eagerly at his request. Instantly, his face lit up and he leaned in. 
The rest of the night became a blur. You felt like you were living on cloud nine as you kissed him back passionately in the water and after a couple of minutes, you took it to the car, where the session continued. With tongue. And you grinding on his lap. Your hands tangled in his ebony locks and his groping you all over. 
When Jungkook drove back you back to your home, you remember him humming to songs on the radio with his hand caressing your thigh. Except this time, you didn’t feel flustered at the contact. You thought that something had changed. That it might have. 
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Across from you in the small cozy cafe, Taehyung takes a sip of his carbonated drink, intently listening to your recalling of prom night. “Wait so he left? Without a note or anything?” He questioned.
“Yes, when I woke up he was gone and I-I’m starting to think that the reason, he did all of that, you know, kiss me and everything, was because I was a rebound for Rose after she rejected him.”
Last night, after Jungkook had dropped you off at home, he also came in with you since your parents were away on a business trip. It didn’t lead to anymore as the both of you were too drained from the day to initiate anything. You remember him tucking you into your bed and then you, asking him to stay by patting the other side of the bed. In the dark room you can see him avoiding your gaze, mulling over the idea of staying with you. Finally, he gave in and climbed over to the side of you. After he was settled into the bed, he tried to keep his distance from you. His attempts were futile as a couple moments after, you rolled over to his side to hug his torso like a teddy bear. He gave in again. He wrapped his arms around your waist and the two of you fell asleep like that. In the morning, he was gone. 
“I don’t think Jungkook is using you as a rebound,” Taehyung said, taking another sip of his drink, “Jungkook.. He’s not like that.”
You took a sip of your latte as well, taking the fact that Taehyung had known Jungkook for quite some time as well into consideration. Maybe he was. Maybe he wasn’t. He still left without a word or any kind of note. 
“You need to talk to him,Y/N,” Taehyung continued, “You need to confront him because I’m sure he has his reasons...Also I still can’t believe you guys didn’t do anything more PG-13.”
“Tae!” You yelled at him. “Anyways,” you looked down, “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Can we talk about something else? Anything else? Like I don’t know, how’s umm..your drink?” You asked.
“It’s alright,” he replied. You feel guilty for inviting Taehyung out to coffee since you now remembered that he has never liked coffee. 
“Hey, there’s this party at Jennie’s this weekend! I think you should come. Get your mind off of things. I know you’ve been working on homework for weeks now and I think you should allow yourself to indulge,” he interrupted your wallowing. You eyed him skeptically. To most, it seemed like an innocent offer, just a friend encouraging the other to get out there more. But you knew Taehyung too well. And there was a mischievous glint in his eye. “Come on, Y/N,” he nagged. You budged, deciding that you deserve a break and that whatever shenanigans Taehyung was storming in his busy brain, you would take it head on. 
“Alright I’ll go,” you said, “But I’ll head home right now to work on assignments to make up for that time.” You grabbed your canvas bag and threw on your coat. “You fuckin’ nerd,” Taehyung mocked you. 
As you finally stepped out of the door and left the site, Taehyung reached for his phone from his pocket and pulled up Jungkook’s contact.
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 You check your phone constantly. The illuminating light tormenting you as days have passed and you’ve received no word from the boy with the dark brown hair and doe eyes. It’s not like you haven’t thought of messaging him and initiating a discussion yourself. You’ve spent hours opening and closing your chat with him, playing out scenarios in your head and weighing the good and bad in facing him. 
But every time your finger hovered over the small “send” button, you couldn’t do it. You couldn’t risk it. Your heart would break if Jungkook told you to disregard that night. Or that it was a mistake. 
You concentrate your energy on preparing for Jennie’s party. You decided you would look your best. It isn’t easy to be invited to these events and you were lucky your friend Taehyung was such a social butterfly to give you an opportunity like this. You throw on a velvet black dress with straps that hugged onto your body tight and a pair of long earrings that accentuated that 90s look. After your face was dolled up, you checked your phone again for any messages. No messages. 
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As soon as you entered the house, you were met with the sight of a drunken teenager preparing to ride down the stairs on his front. “Dude, get down from there. What the hell are you doing?” His friends scolded him. You didn’t stay to see the end result as you made your way to Taehyung who was mingling with others in the living room that had been become a hub for horny teenagers. 
“Hey! Taehyung!” You forced yourself to walk through the space where teenagers were touching each other and shoving tongues down each others’ throats. You looked at them in disgust as if you and Jungkook hadn’t had the same moment a couple of days ago. 
“Y/N! You came!” He shouts through the loud party music. “Jennie, this is Y/N. I invited her.” You smile and shake hands with Jennie. You both know each other from school but have never talked, only having Taehyung as a mutual friend. “Nice to meet you. I really like your dress,” she complimented. “Oh thank you!” “Hold up, I’m gonna go reprimand that lunatic sliding down my staircase but I’ll talk to you guys later,” she said looking towards the drunken teenager that you spotted when you first walked through the door. “Oh yeah I was going to say something about that..” you murmured as she left. “So..” Taehyung said awkwardly once she was gone. There was that mischievous glint in his eye again. “Tae..” you squinted at him. “IalsoinvitedJungkooktotheparty.” You gasped at him. “Becauseya’llneedtotalk,” he rushed the words. But before you could cuss him out for meddling in your affairs, the man bolted. Fucking coward.
After sauntering around the house for a while exploring rooms and catching up with classmates, you decided to go upstairs to freshen up and fix your makeup in the bathroom. Thankfully, the staircase surfing guy has been dealt with and the space is occupied by bored teenagers glued to their phones instead. 
“Hi.. umm excuse me? I’m looking for the bathroom,” you asked one of the people passing by in the hallway. He pointed lazily at the right end of the hallway which narrowed it down to...four rooms. “Umm..alright,” you said, not believing that he deserves a “thank you” for his unhelpfulness. Your feet ached in your heels as you made your trek to the end of the hallway, stepping on party decor and trash thrown on the carpeting while wondering how Jennie was ever going to clean this mess. 
The first room was silent. You gripped the doorknob and twisted it, disappointed to find out that it was locked. If this is the bathroom, then what if someone is using it already?, you thought. You knock on the door and moments later, the door is opened by the most handsome guy you’ve ever seen in your life. He had the most perfect face ratio and the plumples lip—
“Do you need something?”
“Umm..this isn’t the bathroom..ha..ha..” you laugh embarrassingly but before you could ask him where it actually was, the beautiful man rolled his eyes and then you were met with the slam of the door. “Geez.”
The second door was slightly open. The creak in the door allowed you to see that it was not the bathroom and that it was dimly lit inside. You were about to move onto the next room when a certain strawberry blonde head of hair caught your eye. Rose? You knew it wasn’t right but you were curious. Was Rose with somebody else? Was that why Kook was rejected? 
You moved to the left of the door, peeking through that small creak to see the other side of the conversation. However, the sight shot a pain through your heart as you realized that in the tenebrous room, situated on the bed was no one other than Jeon Jungkook. You clasped a hand over your mouth as you held back the urge to gasp. He sat close to her on the king bed, listening intently to whatever she was saying you couldn’t make out. The sight confirmed your speculations. That night didn’t mean the same to Jungkook as it had meant to you. You moved onto the third room, not wanting to look at the pair any further to want to know what they were discussing.
After freshening up in the bathroom, you strode to Jennie’s kitchen where the majority of kids were opening her parents’ cupboard and taking the most expensive alcoholic drink they could find, not that Jennie would care. She could always get away with it. 
Shots after shots, you downed them hoping that it would wash away that ache that grew in your chest from seeing Jungkook and Rose together. You began feeling drowsy but a little bold. In the living room, you can hear an obnoxious and familiar tune. You looked to see a scrawny, young man holding the mic. Every few intervals, he monotonously spoke “Tequila” into the mic. What was this ass doing? That is literally the worst choice for karaoke—is he- is he just fucking with everyone? Driven on by the alcohol in your system and your irritance, you marched your way over, ready to call this motherfucker out for commiting a karaoke crime, not realizing how petty you were being. However, when you were footsteps away from the gentleman, who was still oblivious to your presence and still dully singing Tequila by The Champs, a hand halted you and pulled you back. “Woah, slow down there Y/N. Why do you look like your about to murder that guy?” 
You turned around to tell the voice off in irritance until you recognized him. 
“Hey, Y/N. You didn’t answer my question,” he grinned at you. 
“I ‘aven’t seeen ya in so long,” you hiccuped. 
“Jesus, Y/N, how much did you drink?” He asked as you latched onto his arm like a koala. He smelled real nice. 
“Ju-jus’ enough.”
“Y/N, what are you doing?” A third voice cut in.
“Wahh,” you turned towards the voice that you recognized so easily, “Googieee I missed you s’mush.” You run over and hugged Jungkook tightly. Drunken you had forgotten your recent interactions with the man, or rather lack of interaction.
Jungkook glared at Hoseok suspiciously as he took in your intoxicated and vulnerable state. 
Hoseok raised his eyebrows and put his hands up.
“You need to get home Y/N. You are so drunk right now,” Jungkook put his attention back on you when you began to play with the hem of his shirt. “Okayyyyyy,” you whined. 
You held onto Jungkook’s shoulders tightly as he carried you to the front of your house on his back. “Where are your keys?” 
“It’s somewhe-where” Hiccup “Unde the doorstepp,” you managed to say.
“That’s so unsafe, Y/N,” Jungkook said worriedly. He gently lets you down from his back as he raises the cliche “Laugh Love Live” doormat to find a key the size of his thumb.
“Well Jungkookie boi, myy middle namee is.. dangerr,” you retaliated smugly. 
“Drunk you is a mess ohmygod,” he said as he unlocked the door. 
You sat on your parents’ grey couch as Jungkook slipped off your heels one by one. “Can you keep still?” He asks after you legs kept dangling. “Sorryyyy Kook.”
“It’s okay,” he said as he lifted you up from the couch into his arms and he carried you into your room, “I’ll find you some clothes and we’ll get you in bed.” 
“Koo, you’re s’good to me.”
“Anything for my favorite girl.” Your heart skipped a beat.
After brushing your teeth, you plopped down on the soft bed while he searched for clothes in your drawer. “You still have my hoodie from the last time I stayed over,” Jungkook whispered, grabbing the black piece of clothing and strolling towards you. He placed it in your hands and turned around as you began unclothing. “Kooooook, you can turn aroun,” you said, unlike that night at the beach, “It’s not the firs’ timee you’ve seen this.”
Still, Jungkook stubbornly stayed facing his back to you. A couple moments. “Kookie ‘m done.” He turned around and you can see how he was blushing from your comments earlier. He takes in the sight of you tipsy and adorned in his favorite hoodie. Cute. 
“Goodnight, Y/N,” says flicking the light switch off and walking out. 
“Nooooooooo, Kook stay wit me pleaaase,” you whined, “Please don’t leave.”
“C’mon Googie,” you patted the other side of the bed, “It-It’ll help me sleep.”
Jungkook hesitated. “Alright,” he strode to the other side of the bed, mirroring the events of that night. 
He sighed when you quickly rolled over and threw yourself into his body, embracing him securely in your short arms. “I really really really really like you Kookie... Kook. Kookster... Ratkook…like you a lot.” Jungkook stiffened under your touch. ‘She’s drunk. It doesn’t mean anything,’ he reminded himself. 
“Don’t say stuff like that, Y/N.”
“Whyy not?”
“Shhhh...go to sleep. We’ll see if you still like me in the morning.”
You settle for this compromise and hope that this time, he does stay.
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Your eyes stung as they desperately tried to get used to the sunlight spilling in from the windows. You were burning up under the blanket and you felt heated up in the baggy hoodie that you were adorned in. Your head was throbbing and you couldn’t remember why you were wearing it .. until you did. It hit you all at once. Party. Jungkook. Bedroom. Drunk. Home. And suddenly, it felt cold. So cold on the other side of the bed when you realized that Jungkook wasn’t there. Not like he promised. 
Clang! You heard a loud drop from outside the bedroom. Is there someone else in your home? You decided to act quick. You grabbed the closest weapon you could find near your queen bed: a fan, and hoped for the best as you tip-toed towards the door. As you approached the living room and were slowly coming into view with the kitchen, you heard sizzling noises. Is someone cooking? You soon found out that that someone was no one other Jeon Jungkook. Wearing your Hello Kitty apron. Caught like a deer in the headlights making .. pancakes? 
“Oh hey..” he said while grasping the pan in his left hand, eyes wide. 
“Jeon.. are you making pancakes?”
“I wanted to surprise you in bed.” 
“That is .. very sweet,” you replied. And very domestic.
At the thought of that, it became too much. Jungkook’s messy hair in the morning was something that you’d never you’d find so cute on your best friend. Thinking about how domestic this situation was and how likely that it was just a short term thing made your headache worse and you needed to sit down. “I’m going to my room,” you stated abruptly, “And then we can talk over pancakes.”
“Ummm.. okay,” Jungkook obeyed. And you dragged your feet into your room. 
Outside in the kitchen, Jungkook gulped as he recalled your demeanor and words. What did you mean about that talk? He placed the pancake gently on your plate and poured more batter into the pan to make more. Is the talk about our relationship? He thought. He let his thoughts wander and he slowly became paranoid. 
Did she find out about the talk I had with Rose?
Does she know how I feel about her?
Shit. Jungkook was so afraid to have that talk with you. In an attempt to calm his nerves, he focused on making the perfect pancakes for you. He placed strawberry slices in a perfect circle around the pancake and a square of melted butter in the center, for the aesthetics. If he couldn’t win your heart over, he could at least impress you with his culinary skills. 
After quickly shutting the door, you finally exhaled when you were alone in the room. You also realized that maybe you were blowing it out of proportion. Your feelings about Jungkook should not have been bothering you this much. You let it affect your relationship and it was the last thing that you wanted to do. Jungkook’s friendship meant so much more to you than some recent crush you’ve been harboring on him.
You flicked on the bathroom lights and grabbed your toothbrush. You were going to freshen up before you were going out there to have that talk. You didn’t know exactly what you were going to say to him. Maybe you would tell him about your feelings and hope that it doesn’t drive him away. Maybe you dismiss what you said and nonchalantly go outside to devour some breakfast. No, you needed to get out whatever you needed to get out now. You were going to tell him how you feel and try to salvage the friendship as best as you can. 
After brushing your teeth and getting rid of your morning breath as quickly as you could, you walked out of that door and slowly creeped out onto the hallway for the second time that morning. You found Jungkook finishing up on the pancakes. Still adorned in that ridiculous Hello Kitty apron, he was sprinkling powdered sugar on the pancakes and humming to Bad Guy by Billie Eilish. Sheeesh, why does he have to be so cute. 
“Hey.. Jeon,” You called him sheepishly.
He looked up from what he was doing, “Oh Y/N, I finished the pancakes, do you wanna sit down?”
You nodded and he was quickly pulling out the chair at the dinner table to seat you. Not only is he cute but he’s sweet, you were so screwed. 
It’s not like Kook wasn’t sweet before. He’s always been sweet. From the day you met him until now. Even after making through the torture of high school, the man you met in the beginning still remains the same. You remembered that time you had lost the cap to your water bottle and he chugged his entire water bottle on the spot so that you could have his cap. It was a small gesture but it was still selfless and it showed you what type of friend Jungkook as. You remembered when Jungkook would stay a bit later after school events to help clean up the trash that his classmates left. He was always such a polite and sweet boy. You couldn’t believe that it took you this long and a fake relationship to really see and appreciate these qualities he possessed. 
“Y/N? Hello? Earth to Y/N?” Jungkook called and you snapped out of your daze, “You haven’t touched your pancakes yet? Is everything alright?”
“Huh? Oh no, everything’s fine,” You covered your tracks. You stabbed your fork at the edge of the pancake and began eating. The pancakes were fluffy and tasted perfectly sweet with the powdered sugar. It was a nice touch. 
“So.. are they good?” Jungkook asked while raising his eyebrows jokingly, trying to ease up the tension between you two. 
“Really good, Jeon. I didn’t know you could cook like this,” You said and resumed gobbling up your breakfast. 
There was a pregnant silence before you finally spoke.
“Can we talk about last night?”
“Uhh sure.. What do you remember from last night?” 
“Not that much. I was really drunk. I just remember getting drunk and calling out some idiot with a terrible choice for karaoke,” you lied. 
“Oh so you don’t remember me bringing you home?” 
“Nope, could you remind me again?” You lied again hoping you could take the cowardly route. If Jungkook doesn’t mention what you said to him last night then that meant it didn’t hold any significance to him. It would be a clean slate for you. 
“Oh.. umm.. You ran into Hoseok at the party while you were really drunk and then I came to get you. And uhh.. I took you back to your apartment. You were, shitfaced, by the way. Like super drunk. You were drooling on my shoulder, slurring your words. You couldn’t even find your own roo—”
“Okay, I get it, Jeon,” you stopped him. 
“Yeah.. so anyways, I just took you to your bed and tucked you in.” 
“That’s it?
“You also asked me to stay and sleep there beside you,” he continued.
You nodded while eyeing him, a tiny part of you wanting him to say the next part. 
“Youalsotoldmethatyoulikedme,” he rushed out the words. 
“Huh?” You acted oblivious. 
“Uhh.. You uhh t-told me that you like me .. a lot,” he blushed red as a tomato as he talked, “But I mean.. You were drunk right? So it couldn’t mean anything, right? I mean you probably didn’t even recognize m—”
“I meant it,” you managed to utter out those three words despite your nervous heartbeat telling you otherwise. After processing your words, you didn’t believe Jungkook could turn redder. 
You took a deep breath in. 
“Look, drunken words are just sober thoughts right? I .. didn’t mean to catch feelings. I know this isn’t what you wanted when I agreed to fake that relationship with you and I know you and Rose are probably a thing now. I guess it’s good that our plan worked like you wanted. Or not really.. Not for me really,” you rambled, “I saw you guys at the party so I’m really happy for you and Rose but I think I’m going to have to take a brea—” 
“Hold on, hold on, what? You said that me and Rose were a thing?” 
You nodded your head slowly at him as if this was obvious. 
“Where did you get that crazy idea?” He asked incredulously. 
“I.. uhh saw you at the party,” you answered hesitantly. 
Jungkook’s brows furrowed as he desperately tried to remember what moment you were referring to. 
“Did you mean when I was talking to her privately?” He emphasized privately and it hurt more than it should have. “Yes, I didn’t mean to see. I was just looking for the bathroom and I stumbled into that same room that you guys were talking.”
You and Jungkook sat in silence as Jungkook was trying to find the right words. 
“Rose confessed to me,” he said bluntly.
“Wow.. That’s good for you Kook. But seriously, I get it. I don’t really need to know what comes after that. I told you how I felt—”
“But I didn’t get to tell you how I feel.”
You narrowed your eyes in confusion, “What do you mean by that?”
“I rejected Rose,” he took a deep breath, “Y/N.. I like you a lot.”
This time you were even more shocked.
“You better not be playing around with me.. That would not be a cool best friend prank and I don’t care if this is revenge for those times I airdropped embarrassing videos of you to Taehyung.”
“No, Y/N I’m serious. I’m not fucking around I swear. I’ve liked you forever.”
“Well, why didn’t you say anything?”
“I’m a coward. C’mon you know me, Y/N.”
“And what was all that fake dating because you ‘liked’ Rose?”
“I felt.. it was time I initiated something. I just..was too afraid to tell you about my actual feelings so I thought maybe I could..uhh.. ease into it and maybe convince you to fall for me in the meantime?”
You snorted, “Well it worked, you clown.”
“Yeah no shit Sherlock, you got it bad for me.”
“Do not get cocky on me. I will walk out that door,” you threatened.
“Yes ma'am,” he tried to hold back his laughter, “So uhh .. what do we do now?”
“Guess we’re dating now..” you smiled as you tried to resume to your breakfast nonchalantly before, “Do you wanna make out after we finish our breakfast? Because I’ve got all these repressed feelings dying to get out.”
You’ve never seen Jeon gobble down his food faster. 
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All rights reserved © nxchubabe | 12/19 — Reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is not allowed. Translations are not allowed.
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tickle-bugs · 4 years
only bc i love u and ur headcanons sm,,, let's hear ur diego headcanons (especially lee!diego i'm such a hoe for lee!diego)
I got SO excited about these and then I fell asleep before posting them smh
Anyway,,, the favoritism and sleep deprivation really jumped out on this one. I too am a hoe for lee Diego he owns my heart. Enjoy!!!!!
- Diego, my boy, winner of both the Most Ticklish Hargreeves award and the Most Deserving of a Forehead Kiss award. I love him. 
- He is,,, just one giant tickle spot. He’s literally ticklish everywhere and he hates it. His worst spots are under his arms, his ribs, his stomach, and his thighs. 
- A giggler. So giggly. Giggly boy. His laughter just starts out as high pitched and then only gets higher, but rly bad spots make him belly laugh and it’s actually really nice. 
- I bet his face n nose are ticklish,,,, Like I can see Allison messing with him and dragging a paintbrush across his nose and he just giggles and flinches away and she’s like “really?” but she can’t even be mad because he’s so cute
- Stamina for the GODS bro. He just,,, you could tickle him for like an hour straight before he needs to take a break.
- He’s terrible at tickle fights but he loves them. He accidentally conditioned his siblings to wreck him when he’s overly sassy/throws things at them because he used to do it so much as a kid that the instinct stuck. 
- All of his quick reflexes and vigilante training just disappears when he’s tickled. He gets all floppy and wiggly and he squirms all over the place. He tries to scoot away from his ler and its so funny to watch because he never gets far.
- He gets wrecked by everyone but definitely Klaus, Luther, and Allison the most (though Allison tends to join in once he’s already taken down, unless she uses her powers)
- The funniest possible reaction to get out of Diego is when he (albiet rarely) has the upper hand in a tickle fight but then you get a hold of a bad spot. He shrieks and tries to fight but he always goes down. 
- If you try to tickle him without provocation he can kinda hold his own? He’s very stubborn and will try to tickle back, especially if it’s just one person. For this reason, dog piles are super effective. The Diego 3-Step Plan: Run, Tackle, Tickle. Works every time. 
- He is like a lil pillbug. When he gets tickled his wires get all crossed and he often curls around the hands that tickle him instead of away from them. He gets teased for this constantly.
- sPEAKING of teasing: he cannot. He simply can’t take it. He turns red and just giggles out “nOooooOOo” or “shut uPPPPP” and tries to hide his face which is so very unlike him?? but also soft???? 
- His siblings love to torment him but sometimes they have to lay off early because whenever he gets the hiccups or gets too out of breath, his stutter comes back. 
- You’d think he’d be above begging, and normally he would be, but he’s so fucking ticklish that his pride simply doesn’t factor in. He will beg. 
- This is more for him and Lila but tickle bites destroy him. He just kinda yelps and squeals a lot and he’ll shove at Lila’s face trying to get away but he can’t. 
A couple of ler headcanons, as a treat:
- Consider: expert use of his powers + feathers. He can throw anything, right? Imagine him going to the craft store and buying a pack of feathers, then camping somewhere upstairs and just,,, sniping his siblings with them. I imagine as long as nothing stops the feather’s path he can keep manipulating it, which means endless loops around necks and ears. No one is safe.
- Diego is so the type to set traps. He will hunt. He leaves little snares everywhere (usually only catches Klaus or Five, but once in a while he gets the others). His lee gets strung up by the leg, lets him know they’ve been caught by screaming and cursing, and then he goes to town.
- He is a rowdy boy so he is all for man-handling. None of this gentle business. He’ll tackle people, pick them up, throw them on couches, jump on top of them, all of it. He is here to win. 
- BEARD TICKLES!!!!!!!!! Season 2 thank you for giving my boy the upgrade he deserves. 
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
more tgcf chapters 143-173 lets goooooo
PEI MING BOO HISS except actually okay he’s mostly funny i think but still boo hiss
“hey who’s this guy who’s really pissed at you?” “oh thats my sword. i broke it.” alright then!
i think i need to go back and reread the banyue pass arc bc im still confused as to whats going on with banyue and pei su
“Banyue dropped from the sky with two pots raised. Without a word, she plummeted with the mouths of the pots facing down, trapping and detaining the shocked Ming’guang and the roaring Ke Mo within.” - THATS MY GIRL
“It must be known that, to heavenly officials, it certainly was more than natural for kingdoms of the mortal realm to fight and annihilate one another; the acts of these plays progressing on endlessly. But when it came their own turn, it was often hard to let things go. If one must stand in the same court as the one who annihilated their own kingdom, and that man cavorted in the heavens, exceedingly flashy, then it must be vexing.” - hmmmm!!
“I’ve spoken too many words in this lifetime. What are you referring to?” - okay to be fair thats a mood
okay its nice to get some pei ming backstory and its funny that he and xie lian are bonding but also still whenever pei ming interacts with a female character my hackles rise like a cat lol
“Xie Lian watched as Banyue thought really hard before cheerfully pulling out a few long, wine-red scorpion-snakes, and putting them into the bubbling pot.” - THATS MY GIRL
“Although “smell” was something colourless and formless, the instant Banyue removed the pot cover, it was as if some mysterious physical object had twisted all the air around the mouth of that pot. The group stared at the sight within the pot for a long time. Their pupils reflected an endless, bottomless darkness; like it could pull them into the abyss. No words could describe the sentiment expressed within their eyes. A moment later, Xie Lian patted Banyue’s shoulder and gave a thumbs-up.” - like father-figure like daughter-figure. amazing.
“However, what if one day mortals discovered something completely new that ran faster than horses? Then, when this new invention overtook horses, worshippers of this heavenly official who controlled horses would inevitably decrease. Such heavenly officials, flashing by like shooting stars, made up the majority of the heavens.” - obsessed with this, genuinely. life and change. worship and its purpose. my religious studies diploma on my wall is screaming at me rn. ALSO i am once again thinking about celebrities
“...” It was only then that Pei Ming seemed to notice, and started to contemplate this question. A moment later, he answered, “A habit. In a dark, creepy place like this, isn’t it normal to hold women in your arms, to comfort them and calm their fears?” “I’m sorry, but I wasn’t scared,” Banyue said.” - BANYUE I LOVE YOU. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH. god this takes me back to every college party i ever went to
LING WEN BACKSTORY????? shoeseller chosen for godhood bc she wrote a political essay and got arrested...... and now she’s face to face with the official who appointed her..... do go on.....
“Ling Wen laughed out loud, seeming to be enraged, and her voice dropped. “Very well! You said I couldn’t reach that high. Then, might I ask you: had the prominence of the Palace of Jing Wen at its peak ever reached even the knees of my Palace of Ling Wen??” - GET HIM!!!! BOO HISS JING WEN
“Compared to you, I’m not that bad,” Ling Wen said. “You’d personally order me to stay in the Palace of Jing Wen until midnight, then turn around and say I shamelessly hang around ‘til late to harass you. Words murder without form; I was much nicer responding with blatant violence.” - ling wen im love you..... also this bit... feels Real
BLOOD RAIN BLOOD RAIN BLOOD RAIN!! FLOWER PETALS TRANSFORMATION!!! see hua cheng? look as how cool it can be when you leave the story for a little while!! bc then you get to return and make an entrance!!
“Not only can you bring forth bloody rain, you can also make flowers shower. I didn’t know that. How fun!” - cute!! and in that moment we were all xie lian
“Everyone was stunned by his deed, and Ling Wen arduously gave him a thumbs-up. ”Ol’ Pei, what a man!” Pei Ming gritted his teeth. “WELCOME!” - aww three two tumors buddies!!
okay yin yu is here and xie lian did the equivalent of asking someone when the baby is due only to find out theyre not pregnant at all. then rong guang taunts yin yu and no one says anything. i do love the amount of awkward moments in this book tbh sometimes there are no words.
“All around was sand and mud crushing at him, exceedingly suffocating. The sand and mud was also moving endlessly; the feeling was like he was swallowed into the stomach of a giant monster, and that monster had also eaten a bunch of other things besides him, tumbling everything in its stomach, trying to digest” - ooooh creepy!!! the red string thing... is cute.... also xie lian being able to see hua cheng’s butterfly vision by looking directly into his eye is kinda cool. and obviously homoerotic.
“Are lower-ranked heavenly officials below other people?” Quan Yizhen asked. “No,” Yin Yu replied. Were they not? It was obvious that he himself didn’t believe in his own words, and Quan Yizhen also noticed. A good while later, he said bluntly, “I don’t like it here.” Yin Yu said nothing.” - im having emotions. and then yin yu also saying he doesnt like it there either.... also idk how this scene is going to play out but as much as im enjoying quan yizhen being an icon i can also possibly see how yin yu could eventually get to the point of “i am tired of being nice. i do just want to go apeshit” even if he really cares about qyz. it happens </3
“Indeed,” Hua Cheng said. “Half a year later when Quan Yizhen actually ascends, he won’t find it so funny anymore.” “Can we watch that part too?” Xie Lian asked. “We can. Hold on,” Hua Cheng replied.” - quan yizhen king of taking things literally. also why did this turn into hualian having a movie night
jian yu seems like the kind of asshole who would purposely give someone regular soda when they specifically asked for diet soda. god yin yu is really having a bad day i really feel for him in the whole situation with the brocade immortal
awww okay at least jian yu tried to take responsibility. im still mad at him tho that was objectively a terrible idea. god this whole situation sucked :(
“Rocks and earth crushed at them from all around, forcing their bodies to press tightly against one another, their faces brushing, their ears warm. Although it wasn’t the right time, a thought flashed through Xie Lian’s mind: “‘To die buried together’ doesn’t feel so bad.” - okay... im kind of emotional.... gay people....
okay obviously these murals and the prince of wuyong have some connection (im guessing pretty direct) to xie lian and are important but everytime they start analyzing one i feel like im back in art history class fhadskfhskjdhf not that thats a bad thing!! i liked art history a lot tbh
“Don’t worry, they’re not human,” Hua Cheng said. “It’s precisely because they’re not human that we have to worry, alright….” Xie Lian thought.” - goth ghost bf problems
xie lian: well, there is one person i trust more than anyone else, someone who’s first in my mind hua cheng, oblivious: oh :/ xie lian, also oblivious: what? hua cheng: you shouldnt trust so easily its dangerous xie lian: oh. haha. yeah. well. wanna,,, know who it is? hua cheng: its :) fine :) it :) doesnt :) matter :) but of course you can tell me if you want to gege xie lian, internally: well now ive made it weird hua cheng, 5 minutes later: actually i need you to tell me. right now. its totally for your security me: gay people smh
“As they suspected, he had been captured by Qi Rong. Although no one was bound by ropes, there were balls of greasily green ghost fires hovering over every one of their heads.” - completely off track but anybody else remember the great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts song
“Could there actually come a day when Qi Rong was embarrassed that someone might see the manner in which he ate? Before Xuan Ji entered, she put Guzi down. Guzi, ta-ta-ta, ran in, rushing straight to Qi Rong’s side. But when he saw him, he pointed his finger. He cried, “Dad is eating bad things in secret again!” “I’m not!” Qi Rong retaliated.” SCREAM IS QI RONG LEARNING THE POWER OF LOVE NOOOO also god that poor man whose body he has im starting to doubt if he’ll ever be free jimmy novak flashbacks
everytime we get another ghost king power somewhere someone should be writing hua cheng the cyborg bf in a high tech futuristic au i think thats the only other potential setting that could truly capture this wild ride
“In truth, throughout history, there was no man in the world who didn’t love bragging. A breeze could blow the handkerchief of a brothel girl into a man’s hand, and he would turn around and say the most beautiful of renowned escorts had fallen in love with him; holding shoes and wiping benches for the emperor’s mistress’s uncle’s grandson’s cousin’s mistress would for sure become him being an important administrator at the residence of royal relatives, raising his status. Thus, men who didn’t brag were a rare species.” - SCREAM this is going in my favorite tgcf quotes folder god... mxtx come here let me shake your hand
read the story of rain master yushi huang’s ascension. why am i crying. also this bit im crying again me with my stuffed animals “Thus, while Yushi Huang was cultivating at the Temple of Yulong, every time when she went to seek water and passed that door, she would rub the head of that ox. The door knocker soaked in her essence of life, and when the Rain Master ascended, the ox ascended with her.”
okay thats enough for now i have 7 more chapters to book 4!!! woo!!!
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sunriseskog · 5 years
comethru- Auston Matthews
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Request: n/a this was entirely self induglent bc im sad and ive had comethru by Jermey Zucker stuck in my head for weeks
Word Count: 2,267
Warnings: cursing, angst, dudes being assholes, mentions of tr*ding auston
A/N: ive been on hiatus for a long ass time so any feedback is more than welcome!!!! also i am fully aware that i used this gift for my last post but its hot and i dont care
It had been a little over a month since Auston left. No… that’s not quite right. It had been a little over a month since Auston left Toronto. It had been just barely under a month since you had left Auston.
You weren’t entirely sure who the trade surprised more, but you did know for a fact that it had had a far greater effect on you than it had on Auston.
He had remained optimistic in the beginning. After all, Buffalo is barely a 2-hour drive on a bad day. On a good day, he could probably make it in an hour and a half. But the two of you had quickly reached the conclusion that either of you driving 4+ hours a day wasn’t practical, and it wasn’t fair to whoever drew the short end of the stick, pun intended. You knew he would never ask you to move for him, hell even moving in together had been a stretch for you, but you also knew that there was an unspoken expectation that eventually the both of you would relocate closer to the arena.
Before he had even reached the border, you had managed to convince yourself that this short distance relationship would cripple your relationship before you could even begin filling out the US immigration forms to move with him, let alone actually convince yourself to do it. So you backed off. You knew that trying to exhaust what was left of the relationship would only end up destroying you the both of you more than was necessary, so you let go. You knew it wouldn’t take him long to pick up on the fact that you were becoming distant, taking longer to respond to texts, barely calling him back and conveniently timing your responses with the specific intention of him not being able to pick up. You may have been stupid, but you sure as hell weren’t subtle. You knew that as long you were the bad guy in the scenario, it wouldn’t take him nearly as long to get over you, and as long as you remained in control of the situation, you knew that you’d come out of the tail end of things perfectly fine.
And you were. You were absolutely, positively fine. But that was all you were. You weren’t good or great or doing well, you were just… fine. You were off-kilter, sure, but you were surviving, and that was honestly all you had come to ask of yourself. You were sure that the other shoe would drop soon enough, you had ridden the high and now you were at the plateau, but the comedown seemed to always be lurking around the corner.
One too many sleepless nights in a row had come to significantly impact your sleeping schedule. It had gotten to the point where your boss had come to expect your work day to end at 5 am instead of 5 pm. It was nice, though. To see the city when it felt like no one else could. To have your whole day to yourself, even though it was technically night. Everything was much quieter, and there were moments where it felt like you might be the only person in the entire city to be awake, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You rarely interacted with anyone, you didn’t even wake up until hours after the last of your coworkers had left the building, and every errand you had to run could be completed via the self-checkout of the 24 hr supermarket a few blocks away from your apartment building. You weren’t lonely by any means, you just so happened to be alone.
Except on game nights. You were never alone on game nights. Luckily, there weren’t very many Toronto residents that enjoyed watching one of their franchise players play in a different teams jersey, but you still couldn’t help but punish yourself by watching his games whenever they were on at the sports bar you frequented. You told yourself that as long as someone else put the game on, and as long as you left with someone new before the game was over, then it wasn’t nearly as pathetic as it seemed.
An issue arose the first time Toronto played the Sabres. You hadn’t checked the schedule, you just knew that there was a game. You also knew that if you were ever alone when a game was on you would curl up with far too much ice cream and a borderline dangerous amount of rum, neither of which were ideal. Immediately upon entering the bar, you knew that it was far too crowded for there to not be a Leafs game on, it was nowhere near baseball season, and the sea of blue jerseys couldn’t be for any other team. An involuntary wince consumed your face as Auston’s name reached your ears, it seemed like every congregation of fans in the entire establishment were talking about him, and a cursory glance at the nearest screen confirmed your fears.
The bad news was that if you stayed, you would have to watch Auston play, which was bound to be painful for any Leafs fan, but this one would hurt you just a little more than all the others— the knowledge that he was just across the city weighed heavily on your shoulders as you pushed through the crowd to find an empty stool somewhere. The worse news was that there was no way in hell a single guy in here would be willing to leave before the game was over, so you’d either have to watch all of it and then fuck the feelings away, or go home and watch all of it and probably end up crying for a majority of the third period. The former seemed like a more viable option at the time.
Now, though? You wished you had just gone home. Because it turns out you were wrong, there was a dude at the bar who was willing to leave before the end, as it would turn out, he was ready to leave before the second period was halfway through. That should have been your first red flag.
In your defense, you had a lot of other shit going on, and your brain was far too preoccupied coping with the stress that the game was bringing to consider the fact that the nice guy who had been paying for your drinks might not turn out to be that nice after all.
On the cab ride back to your apartment, you found out that his name was Sam and he was a lifelong Leafs fan. The two of you bonded over having grown up around hockey without actually playing it, and you even shared a cigarette at the entrance of your building’s lobby. It wasn’t until the two of you stepped into your living room that things took a turn for the worse.
The framed and signed Matthews jersey on the mantle had been more of a joke than anything else, all of your friends thought it was funny while the two of you were together, and you hadn’t had anyone over since the breakup, so you hadn’t found a reason to convince yourself to take it down. The look of disgust on Sam’s face as soon as he laid eyes on it would have been a fairly convincing reason if you actually gave a shit what he thought about you.
“That’s borderline sacrilege,” he commented, gesturing towards the display. You shot him an incredulous look, waiting for him to give any indication that he was making a joke.
“What?” You questioned, not really confused, just wanting to clarify if he was saying. What you thought he was saying.
“You can’t seriously call yourself a leafs fan and still support that guy! He’s a traitor,” He asserted. His over passionate gesturing indicated that he was genuinely this invested in the topic, which should have been your second red flag.
“I mean c’mon, (Y/N),” He continued. “You’re not stupid, are you?”
You couldn’t help but scoff at how pretentious and condescending he was being, without seeming to realize that he was acting like an absolute prick.
“I can assure you, Samuel,” You drawled sarcastically. “I am anything but stupid, but you have got to be absolutely moronic if you genuinely believe that I’m going to let you fuck me after speaking to me like I'm a goddamn child. Your kinks are your business but that's not really my style,” you sneered as you moved towards the doorway in order to invite him to throw himself out so you didn’t have to bother touching him any more than you already had.
“Now why don’t you get the fuck out of my house, dick head,” You spoke as your lip curled and your brow quirked, gesturing through the doorway to drive the point through his thick skull.
“Gladly,” He scoffed, slamming his shoulder into yours as he stepped past you. “Not like I’d want to fuck a whore like you anyways!” He shouted over his should as he started towards the stairs.
“Open your mouth that wide again and I’m gonna have to ask you to chortle my cock, Samuel” You responded, giving a middle finger to his back for your own satisfaction. You had never been one to censor your insults, and over the years they had become more and more lewd. This, of course, had never really presented itself as a problem until you caught the eye of your neighbor as you turned to storm back inside of your apartment. You couldn’t help but wince apologetically at the old woman, giving her a repentant head nod as you shuffled back inside.
You let your back hit the inside of the door, sliding roughly down until your tailbone hit the hardwood floor beneath your feet. Of course, the first substantial interaction you had in over a month would turn out to be a spectacular disaster. And of course, it was because of Auston. Realistically, you knew it wasn’t his fault, you just really really needed someone else to blame right now. You carded your fingers through your scalp roughly, and let out an elongated groan in the hopes that it would satisfy the overwhelming urge that you had had to scream at the top of your lungs for the past month or so.
As you stared at your own intertwined fingers in an attempt to calm yourself down, you couldn’t help but notice that your fingers were shaking. This wasn’t a recent development by any means, but this was the first time that you had noticed it being this aggressive. It usually only happened when you had coffee, which was why you had abstained from it for a majority of your life. As you looked back on what your routine had become, you realized that through all the late nights and later mornings, you had been popping caffeine pills and ordering espressos far more than the ‘one-time thing’ you told yourself it was. The realization that your life had done a complete 180 in the span of 5 weeks began to weigh on you, and it seemed like your mind was consumed entirely by flurries of memories of bad habits you had fallen back into and the lifeless moments you had spent floundering, convincing yourself that you were fine on your own, despite the fact that that was anything but the truth.
It didn’t take very long to find his contact picture in your recent messages. You hadn’t had much of a reason to talk to that many people lately. It took longer to open up the message thread, trying to prepare yourself to view the unbearably awkward finality of your most recent messages to each other. The preview underneath his name only served as a painful reminder that the last time he had texted you was to say that he loved you. And you hadn’t said it back.
You weren’t sure if he was going to respond, hell you went sure he was even going to read it. For all you knew it was entirely within the realm of possibility that he had blocked you a while ago. You knew exactly what to say, surprisingly, that wasn’t the hard part. Of the few letters that you typed, the closer you got to reaching out to him again seemed to calm you down more and more. By the time you tacked on the question mark at the end, your fingers had stopped trembling for there first time in what you could assume had been at least a couple of weeks. You let your phone drop to the floor as soon as you hit send, either he would be here within the hour or his response wouldn’t be worth reading. Those were the only options on the table. Either he was going to come and the two of you were going to get to be okay for a little while, or it truly was the end. If that was the case then you really didn’t want to see what he had to say. You heard your phone vibrate from where it laid just a couple feet away, and as much as the desire consumed you, you couldn’t bring yourself to move to see what it said. So you sat there, and waited to see if you would be able to hear those oh so familiar footsteps ascending your staircase again, responding to your oh so familiar request.
‘come thru?’
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You can pick which ocs or all or none! Just some general questions: what's their daily routine? Dream job? Favorite baby names? Favorite animal? And comfort movie/movie genre?
This is gonna be for all of them, sooo…. under the cut bc I’m Considerate X’D
Daily Routine:
JuneWake up at 5AM because they crashed out on the couch and forgot to shut the blinds the whole way so Bright, stumble into bed till 10AM when their dog Taco wakes them up again. They feed him, have breakfast (usually leftovers.) Occasionally at this point they will go back to Hell for a while, check up on things (they are the Master of the Kennels after all, Dante’s happy to cover for them most of the time but they still have some Responsibilities.) On a normal day, though, they’ll probably just stay inside watching the worst Netflix has to offer (they love picking things apart/making fun at how bad it is.) In the evening, they always take Taco out for a walk (sometimes they do so in the morning as well.) Once it gets dark, they go out to the night’s bad diner/restaurant/fast food place and have fun terrifying the humans. Then they come home, have a shower/bath, do a face-mask, read one of the numerous shitty romance novels they have, and end up falling asleep on the couch most nights.
AugustWake up at 6AM or 12PM depending on whether or not she drank herself into unconsciousness the night before. Eat some healthy breakfast involving a lot of fruit (especially peaches, she loves peaches), and then she usually goes for a nice flight to stretch her wings for the day + wake up properly. After that, it’s work at home time (if she’s employed, sometimes she’s not.) Due to her ADHD, she suffers a lot from lack of focus and executive dysfunction, in order to combat that, she takes several long breaks throughout the day: to work out, to eat lunch, and to practice dance. When the sun sets, she eats dinner, goes for another flight, has a shower/bath, pampers herself a bit, and then practices her sword-play until 10PM, when she goes to bed or starts drinking till she passes out, depends. She has a few days a week dedicated to dancing, and goes to visit her siblings frequently - not to mention that her routine changes whenever she has a partner.
MyriadHonestly, they don’t have a routine. They’re so chaotic and they act almost entirely on their whims; if they want to do something, they will do it. The only consistent things in their life are hanging out with their many friends and doing their job, AKA. punishing the wicked in the most painful ways they can think up. So they could spend a day go-karting, a day assassinating someone for a lot of money, a day watching Disney films, a day spent in a club, a day fighting a unicorn while Mothman and a Jersey Devil watch and take bets, honestly who knows, my dude.
GingerShe never stays in one place too long and is travelling most of the time (she prefers driving to flying, and will hellgate her way onto a different continent instead of take a plane.) She’ll wake up either in the back of her car or in a cheap roadside motel and get on the road, stopping at any place that looks interesting (she’s especially fond of retro diners…. and yes, if there’s a jukebox, she will absolutely select a few What’s New Pussycat-s.) Might drop by to visit some friends, might flirt with a few girls as she goes. A life of adventure, rinse and repeat.
DanteDepends on where he is (eg. in Hell vs with Jesse and Vrox in their apartment), but the foundations stay the same: wake up early, take a shower, eat breakfast, warm up, work out, and then get down to business. Even if he wasn’t in Hell, he’ll go back there because managing the Kennels is his job, after all. He’ll check in on all the hounds, make sure everybody is accounted for and that nothing disastrous has happened (looking at you, Alric, we don’t eat people, do we?) He’ll check in on any new souls/hounds that have joined during the night and give them an explanation and welcome them into the pack. Then it’s time for lessons: aka, fight training. He normally teaches in big classes since it’s more efficient, but he occasionally does it one-on-one or two-on-one, etc. He also has an on-off mortal job teaching self defense when he feels like it. By the time it’s done, the day’s over. He might crash out straight away, or he’ll go back to earth and spend the night with Jesse and Vrox, or he’ll go and check up on June and spend time with them. Of course, he has days off, but this is his usual routine.
JesseWakes up at about 5:30AM, takes a minute to regret staying up till 3AM the night before, says good morning to boyfriend(s) within hearing range, puts his earbuds in to listen to music (alternatively talks to Dante if he’s there, because he’d always get up at the same time as him), then makes himself an absurdly big bowl of cereal and chows down. He has a job as a cashier in a 7-Eleven on weekdays so he normally goes to that, he also has an art class in the evenings every Tuesday. After his shift, he’ll go and check in on Vrox, who volunteers at an animal shelter, and they’ll normally go and get a late lunch. Then it’s normally home, or, if it’s a Tuesday, home by 10PM. He normally selects an album of choice and cranks the volume on the speakers, orders takeout for dinner, has a shower (using most of the hot water, rip Vrox), and dances (badly) with his boyfriend(s) until it’s time for bed. But… to put it delicately… not a lot of sleep happens right away. ahem. Also, if there is some kind of protest that he agrees with, he is most likely in on it holding a sign. He and Vrox have fighting lessons with Dante just like all the other hounds.
VroxUsually wakes up when Jesse does, but goes back to sleep because his shift starts at 9:30. He gets up, eats the leftover takeout if there is any leftover from Jesse’s bottomless pit of a stomach, and heads off. He’ll send a bunch of cute/funny photos and texts to Jesse throughout the day about the animals. Most of the time he schedules his therapy appointments for Tuesdays so while Jesse’s at art class he’s also doing something productive. He goes home afterward, has a quick shower in fear of the hot water running out because his asshole boyfriend always uses all of it, has dinner, enjoys the skull-shaking music blasting through the apartment, and goes to bed. He often loses control of his anger and needs to be locked up in a cage in Hell for a few days until he can change back from his hound form, but mostly his life is pretty uneventful.
BenHe’s a consistent little mouse man who tries to keep his head down and whose life has no surprises or excitement whatsoever. He wakes up at 7AM, has a shower, makes an instant coffee while he gets dressed, and goes to work, most often without any breakfast. He’s a teacher, so he’ll work the whole day, grab a sandwich from the little shop on the corner not far from the school when he has a moment, and then when the day’s over he’ll go home, heat up some canned soup or something and eat dinner while reading. He’ll go to bed, read for a few hours and most likely fall asleep while reading in the most uncomfortable position possible. Rinse and repeat. His only source of excitement is when Ginger shows up without warning and drags his boring ass out to do something fun for once.
EmalaLike her older brother, Emala is very dedicated to her work, which is in her case being a nurse at a children’s hospital. It takes up most of her time and she feels guilty any days she takes off, thinking that she should be there for the kids, and that as an angel she could do a better job of taking care of them and keeping them safe (not that she ever thinks this as insult toward human nurses, they are saints in her eyes and extremely talented.) She has a routine that runs super smoothly, get up early, drink some citrus tea, make her bed, say hello to her pet bird Sweet, have some breakfast, and go to work. When she gets home she lets Sweet out again, makes dinner, has a bath, occasionally does a face mask if she has the energy left or otherwise just moisturizes her skin, then crawls into bed, and admittedly cries most nights. Her job is incredibly taxing on her, she feels like she fails with every patient lost, and crying helps. She’s a big campaigner for unashamed crying. On her rare days off she either spends time with her siblings, goes for a wander around the city, or takes an Uber out into the countryside and finds somewhere nice for a picnic… but honestly most of the time she just chills out in her apartment with Sweet, reading, drinking tea and watching art tutorials because they are deeply calming to her.
MarsMars tends to spend a lot more time in Heaven than his siblings: he is the leader of his particular ‘family’ of angels, so he has more responsibilities than they do (it’s a running joke that he just boils with fond exasperation that they get to run around doing whatever they want while he has the ~REAL~ work.) Much like Dante with the pack, Mars make sure nothing disastrous is happening, that nobody in the family is breaking God’s rules, that they’re guarding the humans correctly, etc. When he is on earth, he enjoys travelling and doing whatever he wants whenever he wants. While he has no patience for work, he does greatly enjoy learning, so he often takes classes on subjects he is interested in. He has a lot of friends so he spends a lot of time at parties, mostly holding them himself since his homes have a lot of space. And if he has a partner at the time, he will be spending a lot of time with them… unfortunately. And he visits his baby sisters a lot, because Father knows he needs to look after them.
Dream Jobs:
JuneThey landed their dream job already. Master of Hell’s Kennels. Very minimal work on their part since their second-in-command does most of it gladly. All they have to do is check on things every once in a while, other than that, they can kick back and relax. As you may be able to tell, June is a lazy little bugger - and proud of it, too!
AugustShe actually likes her current job quite a bit: graphic design. It’s calming for her, she gets to be creative, and since she can work from home, she can adjust it as needed for their mental health. She also tried being a ballet teacher… she liked it in theory, but she’s not the best teacher, unlike her eldest brother.
MyriadThey own several nightclubs, they also have a tendency of making certain people disappear while also mysteriously acquiring a large amount of cash around the same time. Generally if you pay them, they’ll do pretty much anything… just make sure you don’t try to sic them on a target who is a good person, that won’t end well for you since they always do their research. But they are the demon of punishment, and the work they were made for is by far their favourite job.
GingerShe’s had pretty much every job there is to have in her very long life, but none of them suit her. She prefers to be a free, unemployed bird with all her amassed money, only working when she absolutely has to. She’s no exactly picky though when it comes to it, so long as she’s not stuck behind a desk/generally unable to move around, she is an energetic gal.
DanteSoldier. But since June’s grounded him from fighting in any more wars since he almost got himself killed last time (and almost left THEM with the full responsibility of the pack, how dare he, it’s not at all like they actually care about him or anything it’s not at all like that) he’s fallen back to the next best thing: self defense training (and in the case of the pack, war training.) He likes the idea of helping people become stronger and more confidant, with the upside of maybe saving some lives. He also likes being the pack’s enforcer and June’s second-in-command. He enjoys looking after his new, big family, and he’s always been a natural leader.
JesseFamous artist. At least, that was his dream as a little kid. Now with the whole ‘living forever’ thing, he’s sort of given up. He doesn’t want to have to fake his own death or anything. He doesn’t really know what he wants anymore, and while that does make him feel sad and listless at times, he’s also pretty content with his life at the moment.
VroxHas never had any idea. He really like being around animals, though, maybe when he’s got his anger issues more under-control he’ll seek out actual work with them, like being a dog trainer.
BenBefore he fell, he was very reckless and irresponsible and never wanted to do anything work-related. After he fell, he realized what a jackass he’d been and also realized that A) he’d always loved kids, B) he has a fuck ton of knowledge due to how long he’d been alive, and C) wanted to become a teacher. He threw himself into the career and he loves it.
EmalaShe’s the angel of healing, it’s always been her thing. She flits from being a nurse to being a doctor every couple of centuries or so, and she prefers to work in children’s hospitals since she has a soft spot for kids, like her older brother.
MarsHas always been pretty happy with being the leader of his angelic family, even if he does complain about his little sisters getting off Scot-free while he got landed with it. He has absolutely no patience for mortal jobs, though, especially since his time on earth is his free time, he doesn’t want another job.
TacoIs very happy + content with his role as June’s therapy animal companion and protector (because a tiny black pug is absolutely terrifying and very fierce and absolutely nobody would mess with him.)
Favourite Baby Names:
Honestly part of the reason this took so long was because I was wracking my brains trying to think what they liked, but they wouldn’t talk to me about it. A lot of them have literally never thought about it, since demons are infertile (or rather, they think they are) and angels are forbidden from ever having children - and most of them don’t give a shit. But, that being said:
JuneThey were going to name their baby girl Lía.
AugustLikes the name River. She just think it’s pretty, not intended for any baby tho since the idea of piping-hot-mess-August with a baby is pretty laughable, even without God’s rule in place.
EmalaReally likes very common baby names, like Tom for a boy and Ava for a girl. Though she is proud of being an angel and her power and her ability to help others, sometimes she just wants a normal life with a normal family. She desperately wants children of her own, always has, though she tries not to dwell on it, because it makes her sad.
Favourite Animal:
JuneDogs. They hate dogs slightly less than they hate all other living creatures.
AugustShe likes cats. Like calls to like, I guess, since she practically is a cat in angel form.
MyriadSnakes. Hey, venomous buddies gotta stick together! (She actually has a very not venomous pet ball python named Albert.)
GingerHorses. Speed and power are kind of her thing.
DanteSharks 110%.
JesseActually loves cats and is devastated that cats no longer like him.
VroxLoves all animals but does have a soft spot for small ones like mice/hamsters/etc. They’re just… so small… if you want to see Vrox terrified, fascinated and borderline teary from love just dump a hamster in his hands.
BenThere’s a little spider that lives in the corner of his room next to his stack of philosophy books. He hasn’t named it, but they exist together in a companionable peace: if you asked him, he’d say it was his favourite animal.
EmalaLoves birds with her whole heart and is always salty that birds tend to like August more than they like her.
MarsLoves birds like Emala, particularly birds of prey. He has dabbled in falconry several times and greatly enjoys it.
Favourite Movie Genre(s):
JuneAnything trashy and terrible, no matter what the genre. June is a connoisseur of shitty things and loves ripping things to shreds like the little vulture they are. They love bad horror movies for the bad special effects, bad romcoms for the terrible plots and forced chemistry (though they do kinda gag a bit at the romance because they are~ ~allergic~ to love.) Generally if you give them a terrible movie, they will be the world’s happiest little demon. Their absolute favourite ones, though, are slasher horror films and black comedies.
AugustShe loves romantic comedies, NEVER LET HER TELL YOU ANY DIFFERENTLY. She also likes dramas though.
MyriadCan watch and enjoy anything, but prefers lighthearted things like comedies and particularly likes slapstick because they’re an actual 2 year old. They also enjoy thrillers and sci-fi.
GingerAbsolutely an action gal but will also go for a romance anytime.
DanteLikes Disney/Pixar movies and is kinda proud of it. Also finds westerns and action cool.
JesseHonestly loves art films and niche/indie films in general. He gets a bit annoyed that so many amazing movies are never shown to the wider public eye and is on a mission to find/watch them all. + Since he missed out on so much time between the time he died and now, he watches a wide range of movies from black-and-white to the present to try and catch up.
VroxLikes adventure/action/thriller movies, or generally movies where, quote “things actually happen.” no he doesn’t share Jesse’s more metaphorical and creative streak
BenHe, with a lot of shame, likes family movies. He’s so stressed and sad in day to day life, he doesn’t want to feel that while watching fictional media. Whenever he does actually get around to watching movies, he wants the feel-good stuff.
EmalaRomance, documentaries, drama, mystery, fantasy - Mala loves a wide range of movies. And while horror isn’t her favourite genre, she can watch any horror movie without flinching once; she’s rather unimpressed by them.
MarsDefinitely that guy who goes back to watch the old silent films a lot. He doesn’t like fast-paced stuff, prefers mysteries and dramas to anything else. He thinks comedy is a bit tasteless, and likes well-crafted movies that have deeper meanings.
TacoDog movies!! Movies with dogs!! Yes!!!!1!
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cacoxthes · 5 years
hello everyone ! my name’s colleen and i’m here to slide in and present a, hopefully, flawless intro for ya’ll. my pref pronouns are she/her and i am currently in CST, eagerly awaiting bastille’s new album release. honestly, intros have never been or never were really my thing, so rip to this bad boy. nevertheless, i wanted to prep something! so, without further ado, i present to you penni c. brooks, the newest recruit in the wheeler PD! please leave a like if you’d like to plot!!!
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Full Name: Penni Carr Brooks
Gender Identity: Cis-female
Pronouns: She / Her
Sexual Orientation: Panromantic asexual
Occupation: Police Officer
Character Study: ( alcohol tw )    Officer Brooks had always been a rare breed of Hoosier. Her childhood was filled to the brim with dreams, as expected of every child, but people always commented on the fact that a little girl wanting to be a police officer was an oddity. If that weren’t enough, her infatuation for flowers and fragile temperament directly contradicted the hazardous life of an officer. Her parents couldn’t help but remark on how she’d violently sob when a stuffed animal of hers ‘died’ in their conversations, or on how she’d shriek excitedly when they’d come home with a new bouquet of flowers. She wasn’t made for that kind of life, they’d reason and laugh gently at the antics of their daughter. Of course, they never deterred her directly, that would have been degrading, but she certainly wasn’t absent during those boring, often drunken conversations. As for the church sermons, they were just plain wrong, although she had a special place in her heart for religion. The scarce times her parents were not tipping back shots, they would point fervently at the window of the town’s flower shop when they passed, since gone out of business, and procure the word florist from their mouths almost mockingly. It was an honest living, people insisted, although their lips would straighten with a lingering ‘but’ never exiting. Brooks was no stranger to the phrase they refused to add: but, there was not a cent to make out of selling flowers. People didn’t care if a rose should best be gifted when offering a promise or setting out for a new beginning, and they especially weren’t willing to buy if it wilted in a week. They were happy with her struggling economically, just so that she might not break a stereotype.     From candies in the grocery store to the fabled badge of the police department, her grip had never loosened on what she wanted. To many who knew this trait, it was not shocking to think that when the eleven year old girl set her mind to it, the twenty-two year old would achieve it. That, she did. Personally, however, Brooks accredits attaining her dream job to luck; it was the right time and the right place phenomena. She’s certain for her hands shake when she holds her pistol in them and guilt tickles her gut any time an ounce of pressure is placed on her. No doubt she was hired because they needed somebody to fill a blue suit. Sure, she was excitable, extroverted, and well-liked, but she was a calculated risk and probably the only one who applied in a town like Wheeler. Nevertheless, she takes her job very seriously despite letting people off with a warning a little too often. Even going so far as to swear off alcohol and drugs, in case she might be called in at any moment; however, it’s more likely her parents are to blame for that. Nonetheless, she’s often found helping the community in anyway she can.    Her heart has always been worn on her sleeve and that hasn’t changed. Given the recent events though, she’s come to the realization that she had no idea what she was getting herself into when she drew the artwork her parents still showboat on the fridge. Protect and serve was something that she thought would be easy in the town of Wheeler, but her luck seems to have run out as of yet. She was lucky no one heard her heartbreaking sobs the hour or so after they answered the call to investigate the Klein’s. Whatever is happening, she is certain that no one should have to go through what Bobby and Paula Klein are. Stuck in a situation she can hardly muster the confidence for, she draws on dwindling supplies of optimism and innocence. Though perhaps it’s telling she never lets her lilacs die, even when her daffodils have slowly dwindled to a single survivor.
Headcannons: (bc I couldn’t fit them above) + She loves flowers so much that it’s not even funny that everything she wears outside of her uniform has floral patterns on them. Her favorites are the Hawaiian shirts that are far too baggy for the likes of her. + Has been to a singular botanical garden in the state of Indiana. + Brooks’s relationship with the church is something she treasures and something that she always strives to improve upon. It’s very rare that she misses a Sunday mass. + When she’s actually sad, she ugly cries, so ugly that she ends up drawing nosebleeds a lot more than she’d ever let on. + There is no legitimate reason Penni has for being asexual, not that she needs one; she just doesn’t find that she’s sexually attracted to anybody, especially since she was teased for being ‘boy crazy’ at a young age. As for panromantic, she hadn’t ever really had a relationship with anybody but a man ( or more so, boy in 5th grade ). In her own eyes, she’s heteroromantic. + She’s worked so hard since she sporadically chose her life goal at age 11. Her entire life has been dedicated to becoming a police officer, and being the youngest on the squad is exhilarating. However, she truly just barely made the cut; she hasn’t been a receptive daughter or friend throughout everything up until she achieved this. She’s hellishly ambitious and it tends to hinder a lot of the things she finds important in life, or at least what the church finds important.
 Wanted Connections: (of which there are a vast supply somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind and I could only offer a few interesting ones) + Self-Proclaimed Best Friends Forever: The school system isn’t so bad if you have a friend by your side and these two were nearly inseparable. Their friendship started early into elementary school and somehow made it out alive through puberty and high school. There’s no doubt they don’t have matching BFF jewelry. + The Mentor and Mentee: Among people saying to give up the chance of ever achieving your dreams, there was a voice speaking out amidst the crowd. Whether having abandoned their own goals with regret or fought the current that kept them from their future, they find persistence something important -- and likely annoying. + The Prettiest Eyes: Brooks can’t help being starstruck anytime she meets those eyes. She’s well aware that being gay is a sin, but it’s alright if she admires those eyes, right? Even if she stares into them for far too long. + Too Many Differences: It’s not really personal, but it totally is; these two do not like each other. However, they really can’t afford not liking each other, not in a town like Wheeler. It’s likely that they’re both suspicious of each other with the new headlines and whenever there’s a new lead, they’re always each other’s first suspect.
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rorykillmore · 7 years
okay i wanted to sneak in before dinner and post this next gift for @larkspear in case they needed something nice after getting back for the movies. they requested some post-denny au stuff for heather and veronica and i was tHRILLED bc post-denny aus are some of my favorite things to do (as evidenced by the fact that i tend to go on and on about them whenever i get the chance to write them). we’ve talked before about the cast going back to madeline’s world with her so that’s what i went with. DOUBLE the discourse.
so spear, i hope you’re having a great christmas because you more than deserve it. i know you’ve had a lot to work through this year and i’m glad you’ve had the space to get support and validation, and equally grateful that you’ve given those things to me whenever i’ve needed them. i feel like i can talk to you about p. much anything without worrying about being judged and like i was saying to jay... that’s pretty rare for me, and you really have become one of my best friends over this past year (thank GOD for homecoming!). anyway thank you so much for the memestreams and entertaining dctv liveblogs and wonderful rp dynamics -- and just being such a considerate and giving friend in general. nighttrap has done a lot to put me in a bit of a healthier place this year and i’ll always be grateful to you guys.
“If we’re tagging along with you guys while you fucking elope, we’d better be going somewhere nice.”
In all actuality, Heather is a bit less sure of this ‘let’s just say fuck everything and hop through a rift to another world’ idea than she pretends to be. It’s easy to act confident, angrily confident because what the fuck do they owe their world anyway, where Heather herself is dead and Veronica is dogged by maybe-not-so-metaphorical ghosts and all anyone’s ever done is screw them over, anyway.
Still. She’s not entirely sure how many times anyone has actually done anything like this before. It might be against some kind of weird, unspoken rifter code (but fuck that, too).
She tries not to be a little surprised when they mention their plan to the other Heathers, and Duke and McNamara decide they actually want to come along. Maybe Mac she can understand -- but somehow, even after all this time, she wasn’t expecting Duke to hate the idea of going back to Westerburg so vehemently.
They’ve all lost a lot, Heather supposes.
It’s just over a month ‘til graduation, so they all agree to wait until after then to try. Maybe it’s symbolic, or some shit. Mostly, it means that wherever they end up, they don’t have to do high school all over again.
“You think we should try Madeline’s world?”  Heather muses dubiously when Veronica makes her suggestion. 
Veronica shrugs, focusing on her locker -- they’re in the midst of end-of-the-year clean out.  “Seems like our best bet. I mean, we know people there, and at least it sounds... relatively normal.” 
She’s got a point, but Heather decides to be obnoxious just for the sake of it. She scrunches up her nose.  “But what if everyone there’s... like her?”
Veronica nudges her pointedly for her trouble, and she tries not to laugh.
“Isn’t she from California?” Behind them, Heather Duke is practically audibly rolling her eyes. “If we’re tagging along with you guys while you fucking elope, we’d better be going somewhere nice.”
Heather resists the urge to snipe back at her for the ‘eloping’ jab. She hates that it’s actually kind of funny.
“Is it okay if I ask Rachel to come with us?” Heather Mac asks, a bit apprehensively.  “She -- I don’t think she has anything very nice to go home to.”
Heather glances at Veronica, who nods carefully and says, “Okay, but don’t tell anyone else about this. Madeline says her friend can probably help us with all the... legal documentation and stuff, but the more people we bring through to literally show up out of thin air, the harder it’s gonna be.”
“I can’t believe we need someone to fake papers for us.” Heather turns to the others, smirking, as Veronica shuts her locker.  “This is so illegal.”
“Unless Madeline’s world is a lot weirder than we’re assuming, I kind of doubt there’s any specific law against hopping through a rift and pretending we’ve lived there all our lives...” Veronica points out, but it’s a lost cause -- McNamara looks vaguely worried, and Duke is already snickering. Heather rolls her eyes, but can’t help but smile as she takes Veronica by the hand and starts for the exit.
They’ll never have to see Clairbourne again. It’s a relief, and just a little bit sad.
Monterey is definitely a different scene than Sherwood and Beacon Heights both. If anything, it’s more Heather’s scene -- more chic, less cutesy, and there’s something about the air that she likes. She’s always loved the ocean, but she’s never lived near one her entire life (Ohio’s just about as far away from that as you can get).
On the surface, it’s not all that different from the last world they were in, in that it’s basically the same time period and geography. There’s just... less weird shit. Heather’s hardly going to miss the rifts or the fucking clowns in the slightest, but some of the other stuff? Seeing Finley and Casimir every day on their way to school, hearing about Ratchet’s latest superhero bullshit on the news, the underclassmen friends she made at Clairbourne? Maybe.
Still, the moment they arrive, that worry she knows has been weighing them all down - the ‘one of us could get pulled back to our world at any moment, and not all of us would survive that’ one - is gone. That alone, Heather thinks, makes all of this worthwhile.
“Celeste would probably think I’m completely nuts if she hadn’t been in that other world too, for a little while,” Madeline mutters to them when she returns to where she left them at a little cafe near the beach. Heather kind of thinks Madeline’s nuts anyway, but for once she bites her tongue. “But it’s all arranged. You’re college students studying abroad, or -- you will be in the fall. We just need to work out where you’re staying.”
It makes sense to have Veronica stay with Madeline, since they’re already close. Heather might’ve preferred to be nearby - she’s so used to rooming with Veronica at this point, after all - but Madeline’s house, while big, is hectic enough on its own with her own teenage daughter spending half her time there (and a younger daughter and husband to boot).
So Heather goes with one of Madeline’s best friends, Celeste. It’s a logical fit because Celeste is an attorney, and Heather is planning on going to school for pre-law.
Logical it might be, but the arrangement doesn’t make sense to her in so many other ways.
Celeste lives alone with two little boys who are energetic and mischievous enough to drive Heather up a wall if she spends too much time around them. Her husband, apparently, died pretty recently -- it’s got the whole community shaken up, and Heather doesn’t like to ask many questions about it. By now she knows a sensitive subject when she sees one.
Especially since there are certain things about Celeste that remind her of -- well.
They bond, eventually. It just takes a little while -- until Heather decides that Celeste is soft but... steely in a way not many people would probably recognize.
Just like Madeline and Celeste, Veronica and Heather see each other often -- which is good, because now Veronica is not only Heather’s best friend, but someone she’s supposed to be figuring out a dating life with (still feels like a minefield, at times, but a minefield that’s worth every tentative step). Veronica seems... like she’s happy where she is. Or -- like she could be, one day.  She helps out at Madeline’s community theater and bonds with Abigail and Chloe, and more and more these days, Heather thinks she’s starting to look less overshadowed.
Mac ends up with Madeline and Celeste’s third best friend, Jane, which is an arrangement Heather herself is dubious of at first (because Jane is what -- six or seven years older than them, at most, in spite of the fact that she has a little boy the same age as Chloe and the twins). But they seem to get along. Jane is chill enough to temper some of McNamara’s... McNamara-ness, and the relative simplicity of their day to day life seems to be something she takes to pretty well.
Duke’s staying with... well, actually, Heather’s not sure what anybody around here considers Renata Klein besides ‘an actual force of nature’. ‘Friend’ is probably accurate for all that she seems fiercely loyal to the others, in spite of how often her and Madeline seem to clash.  In some ways, Heather can kind of see the similarities between her and Duke -- and she begrudgingly means that as a compliment. Still, sometimes too many similarities aren’t a good thing. 
She’s wrong about that, too. If anything, they only make each other more unstoppable, and Amabella gets a kind of foster big sister who no bully of any age wants to mess with.
Rachel and Bonnie are basically the same artsy, serene person, as far as Heather can tell, so it makes sense that they end up together. Both effectively separated from The Discourse (as she and Veronica privately like to call it). Heather would envy her, except she herself has taken to this whole new life a little too well (and when has she ever gone out of her way to avoid conflict?).
It feels nice, on the days she allows it to. Instead of a clique, layered with power plays and subtle sabotage, they fall into sort of mirroring the circular structure of Madeline and her friends. Bound by -- well, what they’ve all been through, or whatever. Something stronger than Heather can put into words, even if she’d admit to it.
Maybe this, she thinks, is something she can trust to last.
“So, Renata’s organizing a fundraiser,” Madeline gripes one day while they’re out at the beach. They spend a lot of time there, these days -- all of them do, in varying combos, though today it’s just her, Celeste, Heather, Veronica, and Chloe and the twins.
Celeste lowers her sunglasses a fraction, so that her interest in Madeline’s gossip almost seems polite. It’s a skill that might be useful to learn, Heather thinks. “Another one?”
“Well, I don’t think anyone wants a repeat of -- last year.” Madeline finishes the statement kind of awkwardly, and Heather can’t help but exchange a brief glance with Veronica. The infamous Trivia Night. They both know Celeste’s husband died there, which is touchy enough by itself, but since it isn’t exactly the kind of thing either of them want to ask the women involved about, they have to rely on rumors instead.
And some of those rumors are wild.
“They’re talking about holding it on the beach, actually. Some kind of cookout thing?” Madeline continues. “And -- a talent show.”
“Oh dear.” Celeste sounds amused and doesn’t bother to match Madeline’s scandalized whisper. Until she sees the way Madeline’s looking at her.  “ -- You don’t mean -- we don’t have to participate, do we?”
Heather sits bolt upright from where she’s sunning herself. She watches Veronica’s half-smile drop.
“Well, I don’t see how we can get out of it. We’re her friends, how is it going to look if we don’t back her?”
“Hold on a hot second,” Heather can’t help cutting in.  “Do we have to participate?”
Madeline pauses, blinking at her.  “-- Oh, no. Of course not!” She smiles in a way Heather doesn’t entirely trust. “Well, I mean...”
“What?” Veronica asks suspiciously.
“It’s just, since Renata’s running the whole thing, I’m sure Heather’s going to be involved. Heather Duke, that is. I thought you girls might enjoy some... friendly competition.”
She’s definitely looking directly at Heather, now, and Heather feels her own eyes narrow. She and Duke are friends now - better friends than they ever were back at Westerburg - but hell if she doesn’t feel that familiar, unshakable urge to be the best rising up in her again. She hates that Madeline is right.
Veronica seems to have come to the same conclusion, because right at that moment she grabs Heather by the wrist. “We’ll think about it!” she says, rising and half-pulling Heather up with her.  “Wanna go for a walk, Heather?”
“What?” It’s so abrupt that Heather doesn’t quite register the meaningful look Veronica is giving her at first -- she’s too busy griping about being tugged around, and brushing the sand off her. Then she clears her throat. “Uh -- I guess. Whatever. We’ll be back.”
Madeline and Celeste nod understandingly, though they don’t seem particularly fooled -- but Heather’s happy to ignore that for the moment as she trudges past the kids (in the midst of building a very lopsided sandcastle) and after Veronica.
“Did you seriously just do that?” she demands once they’re far enough away from the others.
Veronica gives her an innocent look. “Do what?”
“Run an -- intervention before I could agree to the talent show thing!”
“Heather, that’s not what running an intervention is.”
“Whatever. You intervened.”
“Well... you were gonna sign up for a talent show just to one up Duke.” Veronica sideglances her with the very specific purpose of giving her a Look. Which is totally unfair, Heather reasons, because Veronica doesn’t know for a fact that --
“Holy shit.” Reason finally catches up to her thoughts. “You’re right. You saved my life.”
Veronica looks almost smug now. “Thaaat’s more like it.”
Heather could give her a nudge or kick some sand at her for that, but instead she takes the much more underhanded route of sidling up close and linking their arms. Veronica tries to roll her eyes, but she softens just a little.
The perfect time for Heather to push her luck.
“So that’s a ‘no’ to the Jingle Bell Rock number I was already choreographing in my head.”
Just as planned, Veronica fails to stifle a laugh.  “It’s fucking spring.”
“And?” Heather asks. “Are you telling me these people wouldn’t appreciate the Mean Girls reference regardless?”
They’ve both seen enough of modern high schools, by now, to get Heather’s point across. Veronica sucks the inside of her cheek briefly. “I guess I can’t argue with that.”
“No, you can’t.” Heather leans into her a little. “Especially since you’d look damn good in red.”
She doesn’t even try to hide the fact that she thinks her own joke (well, half-joke) is funny, which makes Veronica roll her eyes -- but she’s also blushing a little. She looks away, and at first Heather thinks she’s pretending to ignore her, but then she notices that Veronica’s gaze has drifted out to the ocean.
“I’m... glad we decided to come here,” she says suddenly, and just like that, the situation’s a whole lot less funny. Heather slows up a little.
“It was a good idea,” she admits, feeling as though she should say something more. Veronica, unfortunately, has a talent for making her uncharacteristically sappy, but that doesn’t mean she’s always good at saying sappy things.  “...I’m glad you don’t ever have to go back home.”
The same goes for Duke and McNamara, really. Heather knows - or at least thinks - that they’d all be okay in the end. But she also knows there are some things people are better off not going back to.
“Yeah. Well,” Veronica says after a moment of silence, turning back to her. Heather loses track of whatever she was going to say at the affectionate, suddenly vulnerable way she looks at her. She thinks she knows what Veronica’s going to say before she says it.  “This is home, now.”
And it is.
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zeiscomplex · 7 years
I need my pokemon au hcs somewhere so here we go, under the cut!
(note that while most of these are from myself, I do share a lot of the same ideas as this post by @i-demand-a-hug. it’s super good, read it too) (and thanks to deathdesu for all the brainstorming and ideas!)
Junpei -he would have a Rockruff, but he got it after the events of 999 -he probably has a Staravia because you know he’d evolve it when he becomes Emo so they match -if he had a starter, I feel like he’d have either a Cyndaquil or maybe Chespin? or maybe Mudkip
Akane -well we all know what happened with the school’s Buneary’s -she has an Espeon, which was an Eevee that was the “kitten” that she and Junpei saved from the middle school assholes -Alola Ninetails because 9 lmao (courtesy of deathdesu)
Aoi -he has a male Espurr (first nonary game)/Meowstic that was more of the family pet than solely his. It likes him the most though so -but he doesn’t use the Meowstic during 999 to avoid Snake catching onto him -he has an Absol too for sure, and maybe an Umbreon -his starter would be either Totodile or Treecko
Light -IM STILL MAD I DIDNT THINK TO GIVE HIM A MILOTIC WTF -so yeah he’d have a Milotic, and also a Growlithe. But don’t get him wrong, it’s not a seeing eye dog, it’s the family pet that’s equally loyal to him and Clover -his starter would be Snivy -when he’s put in the coffin, Aoi takes his pokemon for safekeeping so he can’t use them to escape and leaves Meowstic with him
Clover -her team is cute af but don’t underestimate her. she can wipe the floor with you -she has a Togepi she raised from an egg Light got her. It evolves between 999 and VLR -she also has a Meowth that’s 100% spoiled -her pokemon are also extremely loyal to Light ofc -Skitty counts as a starter right? because of PMD?
Lotus -hacker mom... with the hacker pokemon?? it almost seems too obvious that I want to give her different pokemon in spite -but if not then Porygon-Z definitely -I also think she would have a Togedemaru that’s obscure enough right -Oricorio (she has a bunch of the nectar at home for her flexible partner)
Seven -he’s your classic hiker jfc -Machamp and Golem are his mains; he likes to wrestle with them affectionately -he also has a Stoutland -I... would think he would be the odd one out during 999. Like, he wouldn’t have any pokemon on him maybe
Kubota -he’s like. the very definition of bug trainer. Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja... -Rattata too
Sigma -in vlr, he actually wakes up without any pokemon. this is of course because his pokemon are all old like him. Zero III gives him a pokemon to use -we all know he has a shit ton of cat pokemon though -his starter was Litten
Phi -Phi is the same as Sigma in vlr, for similar reasons (her pokemon experienced ztd and thus couldn’t be used). She also gets a pokemon from Zero III -she would have... hm... you know I’m not sure rn I’ll think on it -I really want to give her a female Meowstic because 1. it fits and 2. it goes along with the joke “Aoi and Phi look related” -maybe a Munchlax and Hitmonlee? -Tsareena? -her starter would be Fennekin, which would probably be fully evolved by ztd
Luna -she actually has one of Sigma’s older pokemon, the evolved form of his starter. “oh wow that’s a funny coincidence” sigma says, unknowingly, -also a Mareep/Flaffy (coughselectricsheep) -Luxray!
Tenmyouji -....... his pokemon died during the Radical-6 societal collapse -he did get some new ones but I haven’t decided yet -he finds a Chatot at some point. he teaches it bad jokes and to say Funyarinpa -he has a Stoutland he found as a Lillipup and kept it because it reminded him of Seven
Quark -since society collapsed, pokeballs and starter pokemon are a lot more rare, so he doesn’t have one yet! Zero III gives him one to use -he loves Grandpa’s pokemon, Chatot makes him laugh and Stoutland is fun to ride
Dio -MIGHTYENA. ZANGOOSE. -Ponyta bc ringleader disguise
Clover -see 999 -her pokemon have gained a loyalty to Alice too
Alice -Sigilyph because psychic Egyptian looking pokemon -maybe a Lucario? -Nidoqueen -ALSO SEVIPER BC SOIS VS FTS
Kyle -you expect the strange huge masked man to have an equally threatening pokemon. he probably expects that as well, since he doesn’t know what he has. he let’s out the mystery pokemon... -it’s a tiny Aron -K loves it immediately -then he discovers his Cubone and falls in love all over again
Zero III looks more like a Buneary
Misc about post-apocalyptic Earth: -there’s tons of Garbodors and Muk everywhere (especially Alola Muk) -pokeballs are a rarity so most pokemon that have owners are just constantly out -most people don’t have more than one or two at most though, since it’s hard to afford to feed them and yourself -alternatives to repels are a popular item because of the aforementioned Garbodor/Muk infestation, though Tenmyouji prefers to just book it whenever Stoutland smells some nearby
Carlos -BLASTOISE BLASTOISE BLASTOISE -he also takes care of Maria’s pokemon
Junpei -his Staravia evolved into a Staraptor -he gained the Rockruff and evolved it into dusk Lycanroc
Diana -Gardevoir probably -Chansey/Blissey
Gab would be a Lillipup probably
Delta -Gab ofc -Alakazam? -HYPNO DEFINITELY -... maybe Mewtwo? because cloning -and maybe Elgyem/Beheeyem? because Aliens
Sean -MIMIKYU !!! -ROWLETT !!!
Eric -he would definitely have the ice cream pokemon ok -and also a Bidoof/Bibarel -he’s haunted by a Phantump that won’t leave him alone, it’s not his it just follows him everywhere and he can’t get rid of it (thanks deathdesu for this wonderful addition) (also Sean and his Mimikyu love it) (IT MAY OR MAY NOT BE CHRIS’ SPIRIT) (”Phantump is a child's spirit possessing a rotten tree stump, and lives in abandoned forests”)
Mira -honestly a Shuppet probably -I was also considering Espurr at one point because of its dead eye stare though -Salazzle and Carvanha
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whore---ible · 6 years
hella bored once again. jk i just really like quizzes.
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? 50/50 2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? i hate the cold and i hate wind 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? tissue hahaha 4: how do you take your coffee/tea? i like mocchacino or a latte 5: are you self-conscious of your smile? yes? 6: do you keep plants? no i’m not good for their health but i would like to 7: do you name your plants? no i just told you i’m a murderer -_- 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? i write 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? yea 10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? whatever i feel like doing 11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? im so white im translucent 12: what’s your favorite planet? the little prince’s planet 13: what’s something that made you smile today? my mom was being funny earlier. i rarely see her like that. 14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? white, minimalistic but super artistic at the same time. 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! no 16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? alfredo/mushroom 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? i like my white hair rn but i miss my pink hair 18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. i did twerk on a car that was at a red light in the street juste beside a bar. everybody was looking at me….. i was so drunk i puked just after that lil dance. 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? i rarely write in it but i write who i had sex with and who i love and things like that so i’ll be able to stalk them when i’m older 20: what’s your favorite eye color? green 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. my little black leather backpack. 22: are you a morning person? not at all 23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? netflix and chill 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? nop 25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? an “haunted” hospital 26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? my high top white vans 27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? mint 28: sunrise or sunset? sunset, but watching the sunrise is always funnier bc i guess im drunk with my friends somewhere cool 29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? i dont know man. i think they are all super cute when they laugh. 30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes, in bali, its too long to explain but i thought i would die or get kidnapped or whatever 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. i dont really care. i mostly wear black socks. i would like to have some cooler socks but i cant find them anywhere. i dont know where to buy fuxking socks man. 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. im always with friends after 3AM come on 33: what’s your fave pastry? croissant 34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? dont remember 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? 36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? i’m into massive attack these days 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? i like it clean but im a mess 38: tell us about your pet peeves! my pets are boring af 39: what color do you wear the most? black and grey 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? im slways always always wearing 4 rings. two that i bought when i was leaving for bali, one i bought in cuba i think and one i received as a gift after i had a threesome bc the girl didnt want me to forget her 41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? charlotte before christ 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! cafellini, my friend owns it 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? i cant remember  44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? dont know. its rare. 45: do you trust your instincts a lot? yasssss 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. huh 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? why the fuck would i ban any food i love food 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? being kidnapped. and yes it is. 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? not really. the last one was from de band “scyzzors” 50: what’s an odd thing you collect? all my bracelet from differents event i go 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? les sentiments humains - pierre lapointe 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? …. 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? those are some cool classic movies 54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? cath 55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? i kissed someone to make sure i could still be attract by men 56: what are some things you find endearing in people? big smile, kindness, honesty 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? won’T do that 58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? i think we’re all wine moms lol
59: what’s your favorite myth? that people get wild when its full moon
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? yea i like contemporary poets 61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? i gave nothing for my mom'd last birthday bc i was in bali... that was stupid. i received an unmbrella last christmas. i never use fucking umbrellas. 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? nop. just water and coffee. 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? im fussy about my book, not my music. 64: what color is the sky where you are right now? grey 65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? sure 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? super simple. a crown in delicate wood with some pink and white orchids. 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? i'm a little bit scared but i find it beautiful. 68: what’s winter like where you live? fucking cold. too much snow. 69: what are your favorite board games? i would say destiny wheel. but i prefer cards. 70: have you ever used a ouija board? yes 71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? green tea 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? yesss 73: what are some of your worst habits? im a mess 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. ughhh 75: tell us about your pets! theyre fucking cute but soooo boring. im allergic to them tho so maybe thats why i found them so boring lol. 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? hmmmm nop 77: pink or yellow lemonade? yellow 78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? h8club 79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? i dont know man people do cute things all the time you just have to open ur eyes 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? yea three walls are white and one is black. it makes the room look bigger. 81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. uasjdbskfd 82: are/were you good in school? yea  83: what’s some of your favorite album art?  84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? nan i think i have enough for now 85: do you read comics? what are your faves? nop 86: do you like concept albums? which ones? 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? hmmmm café de flore 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? i dont know 89: are you close to your parents? i dont talk to my father and i have a difficult relationship w my mom 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. i loooooove montreal, especially in the summer 91: where do you plan on traveling this year? maybe ill return to bali 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? i’m drowning in cheese 93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? almost my natural hair, they have waves 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? me 95: what are your plans for this weekend? i’ll get drunk for sure bc it’s my weekends birthday 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? i procrastinate, there are tooooo many 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? zodiac 98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? this autumn, and yea it was cool 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. i have a lot of those 100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years in the past so i would do things differently
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rollychan · 8 years
Mwahaha...you asked for it. OK 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 oh man this is a lot 16, 31, 32, 33 uhhhh shoot 36, 39, 40, 44 you know what fuck it just do the whole damn list man (ps I can totes send you a shorter list this is ridiculous I just started reading the list of questions and this happened I'm so sorry)
Oh boy, I wasn’t expecting any asks on that meme anymore lol But I really wanted to do that one so thanks
Answers under the cut (bc I’m nice and won’t make everyone scroll down endlessly to finally get past this post just because I can’t keep it short for the life of me lol)
2. Favorite genre of fic?
I’m sorry that I’m so boring, but I have to say romance lol (because the right romance fics are so much better than most published romance novels). But I also love love love some other plot in it. Actually, I don’t think I really have a set favourite genre? Whatever speaks to me, basically? Many of my favourite fics aren’t really all that similar to each other. But I guess since I’m looking for romance stuff the most, it’s romance.
3. Favorite fandom? 
Another tough question because I am so very indecisive, I can’t have a favourite fandom. I love many fandoms. I mean, I guess I’d have to say Harry Potter because somehow, I’m always coming back to it because there are just so many quality fic in there if you know where to look. It’s kind of also kind of one of my very first fandoms and now I’ve been in it for so long, I can’t just abandon it lol
Just fandom-wise I really really love Haikyuu because that fandom is just so nice? I mean, I’m not all that involved in any fandom I guess, which is why I miss many things and conflicts (e.g. I only found out about all the drama in the MCU fandom re Iron Man vs Cap or the drama in the Teen Wolf fandom through people I follow lol), but the worst I have witnessed in Haikyuu is how some people gave thought-out arguments (without insults) why one character is or is not coded as a “villain” type character (there was/is a dispute about one character because some hate/dislike him and others defend him). And that’s it. Other than that it’s mostly “OMG I LOVE EVERY CHARACTER AND SHIP EVERYTHING” from almost everyone in that fandom lol (or “I don’t care what you ship as long as you let me ship my stuff, ship and let ship”). It’s just really chill. It’s also the fandom that really made me a poly-shipper. Idk, man, I love that fandom.
The Yuri!!! on ice fandom is also really nice. Those people sure like to discuss and explain things lol Also, almost everyone had, literally, the same reactions to the stuff happening in it. Plus, we got a healthy, loving, explicit same-sex relationship in an anime. That’s, like, a really rare thing. The only other genre-anime I know with an explicit same-sex kind-of-relationship is No. 6, and that relationship is so friggin far from healthy it’s not funny (sorry, NezuShi fans, I am a fan of them too, but their relationship throughout the entirety of the series is not healthy by any standard, which is totally explainable by the circumstances, but seriously, they’ll have a lot of growing up to do before it can be called healthy). Anyway, I digress.
6. Favorite fic (or one of them)? 
I shall give you MORE THAN ONE, because I can and I will.
Okay, so, first I just have to tell you about my first absolute favourite fic ever, which, I’m really sorry, but it’s in German and it’s a Yu-Gi-Oh! fic lol
It’s “Paw Prints - Pfotenabdrücke” by someone I’m actually following on here ( @goldandcold ) who is an amazing and talented writer and I really have to read stuff by her again asdfghjkl but atm I’m into very different fandoms and just *cries* I need more time so I can watch the stuff she’s watching and writing for lol can someone, like, gift me a hundred free hours? lol
Anyway, that fic has character death in it, which is something I usually avoid at all costs because I know myself and I know I’ll be depressed about it for at least a week if I read character death. I’m like that lol
But I did because I always make exceptions for writers I like. Well, it became my favourite fic, so I guess I can’t complain. I will always remember the last words in there
“Du bist quer über mein Herz gelaufenwie ein kleiner tollpatschiger Hund über nassen Sandund du hast überall deine Pfotenabdrücke hinterlassen”
which roughly translates to
“You walked across my heartlike a little clumsy dog across wet sandand you’ve left your paw prints everywhere”
asdfghjkl I just love those words, they resonated with me so much and asdfghjk *flails* yeah, first fave fic. (also, now I’m in nostalgia land)
Another favourite fic I love to come back to is “Eclipse” by mijan (Harry Potter this time, back then I read it on fictionalley, but the link doesn’t seem to work atm? Is fictionalley down?). I am still entranced every time I read it and whenever I start it I have to continue reading till the end because I just love it so much. The plot is so amazingly intricate and the character development is THE FRIGGING BEST I CAN’T and everything makes so much sense and asdfghjkl it is just very amazing ok. The amount of detail in that story *sigh* *must resist reading it now before all the exams*
Another two favourite Harry Potter fics are “All Our Secrets Laid Bare” and “Stop All the Clocks”, both by @firethesound. AOSLB is just amazing all around, okay, I even reblogged a rec for it here on tumblr (here). I just love it so very much omg *flails* The idea alone to make them investigate Death Eater safe houses and all the FRIGGING DETAILS IN IT!!!!!! THE DETAILS!!!! SO MUCH LOVE!!!! (yes the exclamation marks are necessary)
I wrote a rec myself for Stop All the Clocks here. Weirdly, it also has major character death in it. But, same as above, I do make exceptions for writers I really like. That fic destroyed me though. I absolutely love the parallels in that fic, too. And how it spans many years. Just. Very beautiful, very touching, very sad. Which is why it’s great that there is AOSLB. I also still have to read all the other fics because I just KNOW they’re ALL amazing
And I’m still not done with the fave fics, guys. I’m sorry I can’t keep it short *cough*
Moving away from Harry Potter... the next one is for Free! Anime again lol It’s, weirdly, another fic that doesn’t end all that happily for the romance, and the fic is “With Vega At Your Left” by threesmallcrows. It’s a different take on a soulmate AU. Like, when the person you’re in love with isn’t your soulmate. A side character also deals with an abusive soulmate. Basically, everything that can go wrong with soulmate marks. And it’s just so real. Trigger warning for attempted suicide though (and mentioned abuse - like, the abuser doesn’t appear in the fic and the abuse is only talked about and the repercussions dealt with, but nothing explicit). I love this fic a lot, but it gives me the sads.
Okay, I still have a few favourite fics but I think I need to stop here, I’ll just link to them:
The Fears are Paper Owls by yaboykeiji (Haikyuu!! Akaashi does time jumps to try to prevent Bokuto’s death - kinda like Butterfly Effect)
Savior by dgalerab (Haikyii!! / X-Men crossover - Haikyuu characters as mutants)
Safety in Silence by survivah (Teen Wolf canon divergent soulmate AU with the soulmate “condition” not necessarily being reciprocated, lots of Sterek pining and friendship and angst, really slow-burn and really sweet and cute, very fluffy too, awesome idea to make it different for different species! Also, werewolves and other species are known to humans etc)
Gravity’s Got Nothing on You by FairyLights101 (Teen Wolf Sterek pretend to be dating AU, also the-Hales-survived AU and Laura is an important character in that fic, and because the Hales survived, Allison also lives, double yay)
Seven Deaths by x-parrot (One Piece, no pairings (le gasp!), just Zorro+Sanji friendship, there’s violence (torture) in it, it’s not very explicit, but be warned)
Aaand I think I’ll stop here.
7. One-shots or longfic? 
I think, if you look at my favourite fics, you have the answer lol. Many of them are 100k+, so yeah, longfic lol I love the development that is possible in longfics. I do like shorter fic too, though in my mind, one-shot just means it’s all in one chapter... and there are 20k one-chapter fics out there, you know. But! I do also like short stuff, it just doesn’t really end up being among my favourites.
9. What is the longest fic you’ve read? 
Tbh, I don’t remember, but Eclipse is over 287k words long, and I’m not sure if I’ve read anything longer than that.
16. How do you feel about character death in fic? 
I think I’ve answered that somewhere in that novel above lol
Usually, I avoid it like the plague because I get the sads and am down for days afterwards. It’s not that I think those fics are bad or anything. It’s just that I want happy endings lol My heart can’t take too much sad. This doesn’t change even when I make exceptions, so that’s kind of the downside I have to live with when I do lol
In published novels and movies and series etc I don’t mind character death, but fic... well, fic are different lol
31. Do you read AUs? 
Yes! I used to avoid them, but then I guess some fic changed my mind lol I really love all them tropes, soulmate AUs, fake-dating AUs, police procedural AUs, you name it. For some weird reason I’m not all gung-ho about coffeeshop AUs. I don’t mind them, and I’ll read them if they’re good, but they seem kinda boring to me. (oh, and pls don’t come with a/b/o stuff at me, it squicks me immensely and I hate it)
32. Favorite AU tropes? 
Fake dating! Soulmates! Specifically for Teen Wolf: Allison lives! The-Hales-Survived! Idk, there are too many lol Well, my fave is still the platonic bed sharing one (not sure if that counts as an AU trope, since it could also be written in non-AU fics). I also seem to like time travel / time jumps / time manipulation.
33. Least favorite AU tropes?
A/B/O fics. I just hate them and I don’t even wanna see them, they squick me *shudder* I mean, to each their own, and I wish it at least wouldn’t squick me that much (it’s a physiological reaction, I get the creeps and it’s almost like I feel one step away from nausea - same feeling I get when I see reader x character fic, squicks me too and is the sole reason I never visit the teen wolf tag because it’s full of those), but it does.
36. Do you like crossovers? If so, favorite crossover? 
I do! But I’m kinda still new to them and they’re not my favourite thing, so I haven’t read many crossover fics yet. I really like that X-Men crossover fic I linked to, and I do like Harry Potter crossovers (like, the other characters as witches and wizards in a wizarding school). Other than that I’ve also read a really cool Criminal Minds/House MD crossover once, and a Criminal Minds/Supernatural one too, and they’re pretty cool. Guess I still have to figure out what I particularly like when it’s about crossovers.
39. Favorite AU fic? 
Savior by dgalerab, as I’ve already linked above :D
This is also the fic that really got me into poly ships. The relatioship between the four characters just feels so natural as it develops, it feels like that’s how it should be. It also deals with past abuse and there is 120% consent invovled. It’s just a really good fic ok
40. Do you like fluff?
So, yeah, I do lol I mean, I do need other stuff in it too, but I absolutely do like fics that aren’t too serious and where the conflicts aren’t life-or-death or heavy on the angst etc. Like, slice of life kind of stuff.
44. How fluffy is too fluffy? 
There is never a too fluffy +_+
Okay, jokes aside, I do want a plot. A story isn’t a story when there’s no conflict, so that’s that. Though that’s the only requirement for me, really lol Otherwise it can be as fluffy as it gets.
I hope I haven’t forgotten anything lol
Rolly out
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