#which is hard bc idk how horses work
stagbeetleboy · 1 year
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Mlp updated redesigns!!
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melrosing · 3 months
I also think part of Jaime's allure (at least for me) is that he's so shockingly tender? he's a very hard man and he's mean and he's working the most unethical job a person could have but. but. he was the one who loved Tyrion unconditionally even after Tyrion lied about Joff. he named his horses even though he doesn't do that because it made his 10ish yr old squire happy. he stood vigil for days over Tywin's body but he stopped when tommen ran away. he's happy that Pia has found one of his men and that they're young and in love together.
and there's the other stuff too where yes he's misogynistic but how many other men in the whole series cared about violence against women enough to try and stop it. and that's not even a medieval thing, how many women today have stories where there was a whole room of men who did nothing? and jaime at least always tried to do something even if it didn't work.
also he's hot and a complete failure and funny so idk yknow there's a lot to like I guess
I mean yeah he certainly lives in a society, and is far from immune to misogynistic thoughts and words - which I honestly think is necessary, bc I find it frustrating when protagonists act like they’ve been to a gender studies seminar yet everyone around them exhibits period typical prejudice. Jaime has his failings, and I think there are times he could’ve acted and didn’t - perhaps more out of a lack of understanding rather than a lack of care.
but still I think it’s obvious that his actions on behalf of Brienne and Pia mean a lot to many female readers, bc it comes in a world of pretty relentless assaults and men who don’t look twice at them. Jaime is flawed but I think that makes it more gratifying that his eyes are still open to such things + the times he steps up etc. it even makes the failings more poignant knowing he’s capable of such.
anyway it’s interesting to me, cos it’s like no I don’t want him to be a straight up Knight in Shining Armour, or else god knows I could’ve picked a character who doesn’t start the series by defenestrating a child. but it’s the redeeming qualities contrasted w the failings that makes him feel like a more honest character to me that the KISA (that’s the abbreviation I’m going with) archetype who I think means nothing to most female readers bc it just feels false, like the wool being pulled over ur eyes
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marimbles · 8 months
I know this is super random and like a year late, but as the consummate marichat fan, what were your thoughts on Elation?
first of all, apparently there are two definitions of the word “consummate” and until now i only knew the first one. HDNSND
second, i have many thoughts about elation but they are honestly kind of mixed and jumbled!!! On one hand, WHAT AN EPISODE!!!!! it still feels like a fever dream lmao. marichat fell in love and went on a cute little date and he took her up way in the sky with his baton carrying her princess style and then they tango’d over to andre’s and wanted to get Love ice cream and then they had the CUTEST KISS EVER!!!!! nose kiss cheek kiss lip kiss combo are you kidding. Are you KIDDING me. then he was trying to be respectful and not take advantage??? 😭 and she got AKUMATIZED bc she wanted to keep kissing him so bad??? HDJDJD and then the angsty second kiss to break her free omfggggggg people died (im people). the little moment at the end too when they agree to go their separate ways but hug like good friends who are in love. Waaaaa my heart. It was all really really good. I loved it. When I first watched it I kept having to pause and pace around like a madman fhsndn
On the other hand, it was so different from my personal vision of marichat that I wasn’t totally sure how to feel! The essence Marichat to me has always been a friends-to-lovers slowburn, so “sin ship” stuff or fics where they very quickly fall into a relationship against their better judgment have never been my cup of tea. And this episode felt like sort of a tamer, canon-appropriate version of that? It came on so fast and was over just as quickly. marichat ended up being just a one-night fling, basically. which is fine because I i always figured it wouldn’t play a big role in the plot—we got wayyyy more marichat than I ever expected to get! So I’m grateful! I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth haha. But at the same time I couldn’t help but feel sort of disappointed in how it all played out. because while I’ve always been rooting for reverse crush development, I never truly wanted a “love square flip” in the sense of them completely switching love interests from ladrien to marichat. That idea never felt super authentic to the characters to me. I feel like OG crush is so baked in to the love square, you know? This probably sounds rich coming from such a loud annoying marichat stan lmao but I always think of them as still being partly in love with OG crush underneath it all, even if marichat are together.
Anyway, i guess I just had a hard time processing it at all because I had a very specific vision/preference for how I wanted the love square to play out—which was basically, reverse crush develops simultaneously with OG crush and they have to figure out how to deal with being in love with two people at once, and then at the reveal they get the relief of knowing it was always the same person all along, and of course they fell for them twice. Idk to me that would be the most satisfying culmination of the love square—one of the most interesting romantic plot elements I’ve ever seen! And that’s not how the show writers decided to go. Which is OK. We got so much good love square and there will be more to come. I really have been trying to let go of what was always just my personal preference for the LS. But at the time I couldn’t help but feel it was sort of wasting a lot of potential by going in this direction. And that did kind of sour my experience watching elation. marichat was set up and discarded so quickly, as if to both satisfy the fans and also shut them up lol. like “here, you got your marichat, you animals. and now that door is permanently closed bc we just proved how it would never work.” Hahaha. And tbh maybe that was a necessity! Like the closure of that possibility.
All in all elation was an amazing episode. It just made me sort of sad at the end, watching marichat die within minutes of becoming canon. also at the time there were a bunch of marichat stans being kind of obnoxious and salting on ladrien which also dampened the mood a lot for me. So I felt weirdly sad for a while after watching it, even tho it was such an exciting ride that I’d been looking forward to. I guess I just keep thinking “yes this is what I wanted!! …except not like this tbh”
lol I’m so entitled Im sorry….we ate SO good. Elation will always be iconic. Weredad is still my all-time favorite episode though! :)
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feekins · 10 months
here are my thoughts and things and whatever translation weirdness I find as I re-read ch 3 of Trigun Maximum vol 6!
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
another example of how nuanced the Overhaul's translation is =u=
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so these translation discrepancies alter my perspective of this bit. Dark Horse's unspecified "you" (which I always interpreted as something more general, so similar in meaning to "all of you") VS the Overhaul's "you, Crimsonnail"...and the differences between the "All the obstacles" speech bubbles has me all 🤨...and again, the nuance in the Overhaul's translation gives emphasis in places and hsrhfjxh idk, words hard. OVERHAUL GOOD.
also, I love the little bit of visual/narrative trickery with Legato mentioning (in the next panel) how the Eye of Michael's sending these guys, "Double Fang" and "Trip of Death"...
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...and then showing us these two - and bc they aren't named yet, the impulse (at least for me) is to assume they are, in fact, these "Double Fang" and "Trip of Death" fellas!
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the Overhaul's specific usage of "disciples" clearly connects this old man's group to "the church of plant worshippers" Legato mentions a few pages later - so they're not, like...just a bunch of rando Knives stans? which is what I get from Dark Horse's translation.
...I just noticed the middle panel. see those spikey dealies some of these dudes have on them? they've got my anthropologist brain working. I wonder if spikes like that are...idk, visual call-backs to Knives' knife-y abilities...perhaps regarded as religious symbolism the same way Christians might regard a crown of thorns... 🤔
also, to me, Dark Horse's translation implies that Knives deliberately ignores this group of devotees - which definitely sounds in-character for him. the Overhaul's usage of "yet" could be taken to mean the same thing - OR perhaps Knives isn't aware of all the different groups (denominations?) of the church of plant worshippers and he doesn't care. that also tracks.
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
nuanced Overhaul translation yaaaaay 🎉
oh, and right after this panel, Legato says in Dark Horse's translation "Rumor has it...these two are the best in the bunch" and, in the Overhaul's translation "The two on their way here...are said to be the best in the world." at this point, those two fellas on the motorcycle are still unnamed, and so it's still reasonable to assume Legato's talking about them...UNTIL...
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...yeah, idk why Dark Horse leaves out their names here. even more baffling, though...
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...is how Dark Horse fking omits Ogre starting to say "Double Fang" and alters the shape of the speech bubble on the next page.
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I just rly like these panels of Elendira reapplying her lipstick 💕
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...yeah, Dark Horse's translation here has always confused tf out of me. Overhaul to the rescue!!!
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kekkuda · 9 months
stuck thinkin hard bc I wanna do some bloodborne tarot drawings for the major arcana but I don’t know what to do with Gehrman bc I think most people would assign him to Death bc of the grim reaper aesthetic going on but the classic Rider Waite illustration being a dead knight on a horse trampling over a corpse is just literally Ludwig, just an undying knight rotting away on a corpse pile in bloodborne’s equivalent of hell
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like the card also represents transition/change and inevitability which just works so much better with Ludwig’s role in Bloodborne as a cautionary tale of this is what happens to every hunter and even the greatest of us cannot escape it. It just seems so perfect for him I’m not sure what other card to give him because I can’t just assign him to the Moon bc its fucking bloodborne and every character has moon motifs and there’s literally a fucking Moon Presence
So that said I’m really thinking Gehrman is probably just going to be the Hanged Man because of the card’s meaning being linked to sacrifice/surrender, uncertainty, imprisonment, and apathy with a good old side of soft martyrdom. It has a lot of imagery dealing with being unable to escape from a situation or help oneself, often being associated with pause and contemplation which. Man it fits Gehrman so much better than just giving him Death bc of the grim reaper ass scythe and the fact that idk, he kills you. The hanged man also seems to have a common interpretation related to notions of letting go and I mean… come on now
how many times has there been an option to end a game with a character being like “congrats you did it, unfortunately the reward for it fucking sucks so you should just let me kill you (but not really kill you) so that you don’t have to suffer in eternal purgatory” hes the embodiment of severing ties and ‘letting go’ in so many aspects of his character, simultaneously physically attached from the ‘waking world’ yet unable to emotionally sever himself from it. He cannot make peace with his isolation, and he cannot ‘go mad’ from it either. He’s just forced to exist in a place of stasis as hunters constantly come and go and sometimes never come back should they turn or become trapped in the nightmare. Idk just some overthinkin
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Alright y'all today me and @cloudtastrophie were talking some Newsies opinions bc I love to pick ones brain. And she likes the Live version whearas I like the '92 version
So just a friendly reminder take these topics lightly
#1 ✨Sprace✨this was kinda similar to how I posted where we get Sprace and Ralbert (who she is more of a fan of BUT WE'RE BOTH DIE HEARTS FOR REDFINCH) but the movie gave us Sprace and the live gave us Ralbert
#2 Do you think Livesies Race is a gambler bc he don't give me the vibes as much as 92sies
Friend: "Livesies Race is more of a gambler to me because he is jittery like a gambler doing his tricks and being scared of getting caught"
Which I don't see that, I see that Race as a twink (I will die on that hill) but I can see where she is coming from although 92sies Race is so cool and collected he would seem more like one and also MAN'S talk about gambling not Livesies who is just like "yeah I gamble" (not really the line but you know what I mean)
#3 The different Santa Fe's
Friend:"I like the live version more because it's more heartbreaking and moves the story and gives character to Jack and how he like betrayed the Newsies"
I can totally see this and it's not bad bUT like fngnfnmrmdn, idk my brain is just so istched with 92sies and Christian rides a goddamn horse oK LIKE SIR- but I feel like I relate to it more for like no reason, I also pointed out the tumblr post (who I think was @i-didnt-do-1t ) about the lyric change and how much that means to the song (also I just really like the sounds)
#4 Outfit differences
This was like nothing, I just, idk wanted to pick her brain but she just said it was another way to identify the people on stage and in a movie you don't need that... Which fair idk, anyways lol
#5 ✨Gay ships✨
As mentioned we love Redfinch, but we also screamed about Ikeshot, Spromeo, Jomike Buttons and Elmer WE SCREAMED SO HARD I JUST CAN'T WITH THEM, there all so cute (also if anyone has one of crystals old art work about Hotshot mistaking Mike for being Ike and telling him something dirty PLZ GIVE)
Also shared how in 92sies some people ship Specs and Dutchy and friend said "fair, could see it" so true
#6 Jack and his bandana (along with David being very gay)
Told her about my bandana post and she found it kinda silly BUT IT'S SO TRUE, also talked how gay David is because look at that man
In the live version he is so gay but in the movie he has to be like worked on (if that makes sense) it just takes him awhile to accept
#7 ✨Grantaire and Enjolras✨
🤭 the gay boys from Les Mis bc we all know there so gay for each other
#8 Jack the artist vs. Jack the cowboy
Friend: "Kinda vibes with it but sees it more as Jack isn't into all that much of art"
I just like the thought of him being a cowboy or just having that, idk I don't mind that he's an artist BUT BRING BACK THE COWBOY
Shoutout to that one tumblr post that head canon Jack getting his cowboy hat stolen by the Delancys
Honorable mentions-
Davids character growth and him being use to the Newsies and getting comfortable with them towards the end of the movie
Jacks cowboy hat that we all miss and the line "go get them cowboy" along with just in general calling him cowboy
Blush and Newsbains were talked about
How much I love Blush
Told her about a Tumblr post saying Finch is a version of Skittery and makes sence
Talked about how Teddy calls Denton Denty
How queen Medea is
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alyjojo · 28 days
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Thinking of You - May 👩🏿‍🍳2024 - Taurus
Whole of their energy towards Taurus: The Hermit
Feelings: Knight of Cups rev
Intentions: 2 Cups
Actions: 8 Pentacles
Past love came out as I was shuffling, could be a past life connection…which is like an intense attraction you can’t explain, you don’t even know this person and it’s like someone lit a fire inside of you. Good or bad. They could be crazy! But they got you acting crazy…or actually, that’s switched, you got them acting crazy. Feeling crazy anyway. Or it’s an ex, maybe a missed connection or something. You’ve been alone for a long time, they have, or you two just haven’t interacted in a long time. They’re crazy in love with you though, this person misses you often, and you dream of them, there’s definitely a past life or soul tie kind of connection between you.
To describe them we have Indulcement & heavy Virgo energy. They could be a smooth talker, someone that could sell ice 🧊 in Alaska, very persuasive, or the connection between you may have been one of temptation 💋. It’s possible they’re with someone else - thus The Hermit, or this could’ve been a sexually charged connection that never really went anywhere. Maybe just attraction and nothing else. They fell in love though, or they think they did anyway. I do get that *normally* this person is pretty chill, boring even, a hard worker, reliable, they’re a “good kid” and maybe for you they did some things… or that’s switched. Someone turned the fire on, or that’s just the effect you have here 🔥🥵
Their feelings are delusional. They think about you constantly, but it’s not clearly, they’ve built you up into some romantic figure of their imagination that you/they are riding in on a white horse and whisking the other one off into the sunset or something. It’s not real, and it’s not you, but someone is definitely looking at you like the man/woman of their dreams and they long to make it official - 2 Cups. Which is sweet. Not the most realistic (especially with all of this earth energy), but sweet. Would they feel that way in reality though, eh 🤷‍♂️ It’s not really them either. Whatever happened before was short and fleeting, they never intended to have feelings for you, and here we are. Actions are working their ass off, I think literally - work. They either are a boss at their job, or that’s their goal, and somehow you’re part of this. It’s like if they rise up the ladder, you can’t deny them? Idk man, this person lives in a delusion of sorts, but are they wrong is the question…I don’t get unhealthy or toxic. Actually, I get a very strong connection no one expected, possible past life something, Eternal Love at the bottom, *and* a divine pair now out on the table. Queen & King of Wands. I see it’s Hermit, and has been for some time, but I don’t think it’s possible that’s going to last much longer. You’re on their mind 24/7.
Indulcement 😧
Persuasion - Bribe - Temptation
Alliance 🤝
Trust - Honest - Compatibility
Their side:
- This was only temporary for me.
- You are EVERYTHING to me 💯
Your side:
- Loyal
- ✨ I see you in my dreams ✨
Possible signs:
Heavy Virgo, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius & Cancer
If you’re dealing with:
The World, 5 Wands rev underneath is conflicts resolved in many different relationships or parts of your life, even the inner conflicts we don’t talk about - no matter who it is. This feels more like a larger shift than a particular experience, everything has changed from how it was, both in your own life and that of others. Closure. Very positive energy though 🌎
Aries - working on a literal home possibly, or at home, putting more effort into the relationship, or even working towards taking this to the next level - if romantic, you could be getting serious
Taurus - loves you from afar - thinks you’re mad at them, but they’re not mad anymore
Gemini - happily out of a toxic relationship or a committed thing - with you or otherwise
Cancer - playing it safe with you bc you’ve stabbed them in the back before /switch
Leo - either an excitable friend at work with good news, could be work bestie, or if a relationship - they’re aiming for long term ❤️
Virgo - King & Queen of Wands again, whew, you’ve done something spicy to a Virgo for sure 🥵
Libra - could be a single parent or someone that’s really been struggling - they’re doing much better now and things are looking up
Scorpio - pissed at you over secrets, or you’re giving them the silent treatment /switch
Sagittarius - leaving behind sneaky/unaccountable bs, making an attempt *now* which…after the hurt of course, or one of you has left for this reason - could be to avoid it
Capricorn - difficulties conceiving, could be having some kind of fertility treatments - if not, then there’s a contract or plan doesn’t go to plan
Aquarius - giving up some thing else in order to make this work, could be giving you something literally, a gift or loan 💵 because they don’t want you to end something/it - Death rev, there could be a bribe of some kind even, or selling something
Pisces - wants to come back around or see you again, but they’re taking they’re time & not rushing anything
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lovevamp · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @monstersinthecosmos
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
seven on the account that i use now! but i have another account i used in high school that has a few on it as well.
2. what’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
currently it’s just TVC!
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
june bride, red with need, save a horse, you come in so hard, and gold rush!
5. do you respond to comments?
yes! when my brain lets me open up emails i love responding!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
you come in so hard isn’t finished yet but when it is. oh boy. apologies in advance.
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
what if i said gold rush. it’s a happy ending to ME.
8. do you get hate on fics?
no! not yet anyways. i was really nervous when i posted my first marimand fic bc i know the climate isn’t.. great. when it comes to that ship. but no i can’t say i have! which is good bc i’d probably cry lol.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i mostly write smut hshshs. mainly stuff like breeding kink and/or omegaverse. imagine coming from the fandom that invented the omegaverse to here. i was scandalized to say the least. so i became the omegaverse i wanted to see in the fandom 😌
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you've written?
so full disclaimer i was deep in the superwholock trenches back in the day. so ofc i’ve written that. as for fics i’ve actually posted. well. the crucial thing to note is that back when hannibal was still airing it was very common to see crossovers between various characters played by mads and hugh. there was a popular ship referred to as “space dogs” which was a popular crossover ship. i wrote an omegaverse au of it (naturally) and i still, TO THIS DAY, get kudos on it.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
the aforementioned space dogs omegaverse fic was actually translated into spanish years after it was published! it made me so emotional that someone cared enough to want it translated 🥹
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no! but @waffles-for-brunch and i keep talking about how we’re gonna write a destiel fic together someday. we had an amnesia fic plotted out and more recently a genderswap fic. i so graciously offered to write the lesbian sex for it.
14. what’s your favorite all time ship?
no ship will ever be destiel i’m sorry.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
this one genuinely makes me so sad but i have a supernatural rewrite where mary never resurrects john thus sam and dean are never born and so ruby has to groom mary to be the lucifer vessel and it fucks SO hard. it’s so fucking cool. but i doubt it will ever be finished bc A) it needs to be So Long and B) literally nobody else would care for it except for me. but like. i put so much time and effort into plotting it out. and what’s written so far is So Good.
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i write good smut! lol but also i’ve been told i have good little descriptors that pack a lot of punch? idk.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i don’t think i’m very good at pacing. you come in so hard is the longest fic i’ve ever written and it feels like such a mess hshshshs. also i NEVER feel confident in my dialogue.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
/holds up google translate with tears in my eyes/ this is all i got
19. first fandom you wrote for?
i wrote twilight fic when i was just a wee lass, before i even knew what fanfic was. the first fandom i purposefully wrote fic for, after learning properly what it was, is supernatural femslash. to no one’s surprise.
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
i have an unpublished annamary fic that’s collecting dust in my drafts that is genuinely the best thing i’ve ever written. in my opinion. and i always think about posting the first chapter bc like, it deserves to be seen bc i think it’s really good. but i’m not planning on finishing it anytime soon so idk if i wanna drop it and dip. but like. you guys don’t understand how proud i am of it. ITS GOOD.
tagging: @waffles-for-brunch @fofoqueirah @cinnamonclove @aunteat @butchybats & whoever else hasn’t done it but wants to!
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strawberrycircuits · 11 months
tell us about this npc...
sam localvoidcat i owe you my LIFE!!! i have a lot of meta analysis thoughts about her but i said pretty much all of it like 4 days ago for a bingo card ask game so uh. heres all of that. tldr: malon has a lot of potential as a character and theres something v interesting with her in that her and links storys run parallel which is sooo compelling but nintendo and the loz/oot fandom tends to reduce her to Link's Wife and nothing else (as for why they do that uuuh. twilight princess link is canonically the link from ocarina of time's descendant, which implies time had kids after majoras mask. tp link is a rancher (like malon) and knows eponas song at the start of the game without it having to be taught to them (eponas song was written by malons mother + malon teaches it to time + malon sings it in oot). insert its always sunny conspiracy board meme here. i was already fixated on her when i was little and i thought the malink thing was a lame theory for a while but then i thought abt them both a little too hard and now im here ig)
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ok time for me to go crazy insane. im gnna use this post to talk abt canon stuff and then im gnna use libras ask to talk abt my own headcanons LO)L!!!!
-shes described as very headstrong and driven and she very strongly believes in doing whats necessary even when its not what you want (which. the parallels man. vaguely gestures to all of the links) which conflicts with her father who doesnt rlly care as much as he should. and so shes kinda left to pick up all of the slack which is RIDICULOUS becauses shes LIKE 9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a child should not have to run a fucking farm and she def shouldnt be left alone in CASTLE TOWN to worry to death abt her father (bc she had to DRAG HIM there to do smthn he shouldve taken care of anyway)!!!!!! what the hell !!!!! me when the game about adults failing children contains adults failing children
-^and like. she is acutely aware that this is not normal. she is so overworked that she does not get to have friends her age (iirc she refers to epona being her "best friend" and epona is. a horse). where oot link is kind of like "woohoo adventure !!" up until zelda gets kidnapped and she pulls the sword (but theres inklings there before that. like having to leave kokiri forest and watching her dad die), malon Knows this isnt normal and that she is missing out on her own childhood. and YET!! she holds no contempt for her father. she knows that he is failing her and she loves him anyway. WHAT THE HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-its also greatly suggested shes extremely isolated bc she works all the time and doesnt have time to play or be around people her age. + it doesnt help lon lon ranch is far from hyrule castle town + hyrule field is Fucking Dangerous so its not like she can easily cross it herself. Why did they mess up this girls life so bad!!!!!! (the answer is to parallel link. im insane)
-she had a trophy in one of the smash games that uses her 3DS model im so proud of her. sorry i love when nintendo acknowledges her even tangentially lol ⬇️ also she was referenced in smash ultimate i think idk
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-shes not just in ocarina of time!!! shes also present in the minish cap, oracles, and four swords adventures!!!!! why did she have multiple incarnations? who knows ! also i think she can die in fsa. sad
-shes in the manga and she gets kidnapped in like the 1st chapter and when link comes to save her shes like umm no youre ugly go away and meanwhile links like IM LITERALLY TRYING TO HELP YOU YOU ARE IN FUCKING DANGER!!!!!!!
-she also proceeds to fall in and out of love with link in the span of two pages. the manga is not very good sometimes i think. himekawa saw the dialogue line abt malon secretly waiting on a "knight in shining armor" to save her and ignored everything else abt her which sucks ass but is also very predictable for how himekawa writes. i will probably still redraw one of the panels from it anyway lol
-^btw the knight in shining armor thing is an interesting thing to note bc thats something she (malon) seems to be, like, ashamed of? maybe?? which imo feeds back into her whole thing of overworking herself while also understanding that its not okay or normal for her to be doing so. like. "no you cannot want for other things you have responsibilities (even though you undeniably do already)" but omg girl youre nine. except for seven years later when youre sixteen and even still. please take care of yourself please let urself relax and CONSIDER happiness i am begging yuo
-malon is so funny shes just a massive mario reference in game. when u go to the ranch u find Talon and Ingo respectively (talon is her dad ingo just works there) and they look like this. also she has a bowser pendant ?? literally whyd they do this lmao
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-one of oots minigames involves beating the horseriding record at lon lon ranch (set by malon at 50secs) and when u win she gives u a cow which she puts in ur house. the thing is that 1. links house is in kokiri forest and 2. links house is a treehouse with a ladder. which implies she SURVIVED THE LOST FUCKING WOODS (WHICH MOST EVERYONE CANNOT) and carried a goddamn COW up a LADDER. how fucking strong is she i love her
-shes gives u an item called the Weird Egg 🕺
-in BOTW you can find the ruins of lon lon ranch where she lived!!!!! :] its called "ranch ruins" on the map :P you can easily find more comparisons but believe me when i say they, like. put a weird amount of effort into getting this one as close to how it looked in oot as possible
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-shes also a reference to marin from links awakening but i did not play that so i cant speak on it </3
-its implied she never actually bothers to learn links name in the games. she only ever calls her fairy boy and thats it
-iirc during the child segments of the game she's taller than link but during the adult segments shes shorter. rip
-there is a single piece of dialogue that implies young link has a crush on her which is cute lmao
-so in oot she sings in the lon lon ranch theme (but its the n64 so it like. it sounds like a human voice but also not.) and twilight princess's hyrule field (night) theme uses the same singing effect which i am incredibly normal about forever and ever
-after the 7 year time skip, ingo gets the farm via ganondorf giving it to him (which he can do. apparently. this is a n64 game man leave me alone) and he kicks talon out. malon stays even though everything is considerably worse solely bc she wants to protect the animals, which is also why she was so insistent on keeping the farm running as a kid too.
-generally speaking malon is a very kindhearted and overwhelmingly understanding character and those traits are almost always at her own expense. she knows her dad is the reason shes as alone and stressed as she is, but she loves him anyway. she knows itd be best if she just left the farm once ingo takes over, but shes scared for what will happen to the animals so she stays somewhere that makes her sad and miserable instead. she wants to have friends her own age, but she understands how important keeping the ranch running is so she doesnt pursue it at either of the points in which we see her.
-i like to think things considerably change for her after ganondorf is neutralized prior/after majoras mask
-but thats for the headcanons post
so u may be thinking. Wow strawb this is kind of, like, nothing. why do you like this character. and you would be correct,
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thegeminisage · 6 months
okay i have TEN MINUTES to type out my thots about the last two tng eps i watched. day before yesterday was a surprise watch of "the icarus factor" together and last night i did "pen pals"
the icarus factor: i have nnnnever been more angry IN my entire life. riker's dad sucks so bad he sucks SO BAD
that being said the episode was horrifically sloppy. it could have been a must see but it was all over the place and committed so many crimes
firstly, i dont understand the point of offering riker a promotion in this episode when 1. he already canonically turned down a promotion to be here and 2. it didn't tie into his daddy issues in any way whatsoever
also, why did they have his dad DATE THIS DOCTOR LADY? not only is that extremely uncomfortable for everyone involved (can you imaaaagine your parent bringing home a coworker or vice versa seeing a coworker show up at work with your parent) but it ALSO served no function - pulaski didn't tell us anything about riker's dad that he didn't know and we didn't know
it also used up basically all of my goodwill that had been generated re: pulaski. she really is just a knock-off bones and she's actually so boring because of that and even her dating riker's dad and being a chronic divorcee didn't make her interesting. sigh. once again i'm sorry women.
i also don't understand worf's b-plot being about his ten year (although wesley trying to get them both into the dead dad club was HILAAARIOUS and maybe the most i've ever liked wesley so far, i'm allowed to say this since i'm also in the club). i feel like worf's >:( should have been something to do with riker's daddy issues either a disapproval of his parenting or a lack of understanding of why it's bad parenting or SOMETHING bc that needed to be the whole episode and the b plot was just so ??? like it's a b plot i would have enjoyed in a diff ep but not this one
and finally, after ALL of that, after outlining in detail what a shitty person riker's dad is, how he felt the need to compete with his own child who he was also emotionally and physically neglecting so much so that he CHEATED and felt proud for it, how he never put anything before his career, AND
the man didn't even apologize. the word "sorry" never left his mouth he just told his shitty sob story and that was it. they yelled some japanese at each other while doign this martial arts thing and will was like glad you came pops and they hugged and that was the end. and also he didn't take the promotion because we knew he wouldn't. girl come ON.
pen pals: the first half of this episode sucked real bad. picard and the horses was awful and i don't think he should be allowed to say the word "allah" on television
wesley getting his own command...eh. it was fine and he hasn't been nearly as annoying in s1 as he was in s2 but i don't care so i was tapping my watch and waiting to get to the ACTUAL episode. it was so tedious to watch everyone argue about his mental wellbeing and future or whatever. who cares. he shouldn't even be here there should not be children aboard starships
i liked the part with data's pen pal BUT i also think he knows better than to violate the prime directive like that. if he slipped and did it once and then confessed that'd be one thing but 8 weeks?? he wouldn't fucking say that
i was also ??? when he beamed her up and didn't leave her in the transport room...idk, i like that he has feelings, and she WAS cute if a little uncanny (the voice filter sounds like the one tumblr used in that one interview lol), but it seems like if you wanted an episode About Data he could have fugured out that third answer of how to both save her and obey the prime directive, instead of getting yelled at and/or ignored by picard and then picard doing it. (man when picard asked for tea first from the replicator while data was trying to get his attention...)
at least pulaski was nice to him i guess :/
tonight, "q who," which will sadly probably have q in it, but at least i get to meet the BORG. at long last...................................
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x-authorship-x · 10 months
dragon age is a series of games(and one show) that takes place in a medieval/renaissance age.
(this is missing A Lot but reading Nobody Expects The Shinobi Inquisition doesnt require most of this knowledge as it expects that some ppl dont know dragon age.)
they have magic, which works by having the real world and the spirit world(called the fade) which are separated by the Veil. Mages are individuals who can manipulate the fade to cast magic.
in the fade, there are spirits which typically embody an emotion or idea, such as compassion or wisdom. there are also demons, which are basically twisted spirits, wisdom becomes pride, compassion becomes despair, etc. demons can possess mages and they're called abominations and are a bad thing. the fades like. a whole place and stuff. sometimes when mages dream they actually go to the fade where spirits and demons can talk to them. this is how some get possessed
Due to the risk of possession (and other reasons to be expanded upon) mages used to be confined to "circles" which basically restrict them and teach them according to what is considered acceptable. templars(expanded below) are used to guard and makes sure mages dont do unacceptable things such as escaping. circle mages tend to be sheltered and sometimes were mistreated. the Champion of Kirkwall(from dragon age 2) kinda dissolves the circles so mages are kinda running free and its a whole situation.
templars are kinda like knights who can smite mages so they stop doing magic. this is harmful to mages. they get this power by drinking lyrium, which is magic rock juice(titans blood but shhh) that has a special connection to the fade. lyrium is also addictive to templars. mages can use lyrium to replenish their mana to cast more spells.
there are also Seekers who are basically templars but instead of getting magic through lyrium get it through Hard Work (very challenging initiation thing to get powers) theyre supposed to regulate the templars but kinda fail
there are mages outside of the circles. either apostates(learned by themselves or in a non regulated group) or a dalish elf mage, which is an elf who lives away from the main human kingdoms and they have their own culture.
there are also the tranquil who are mages who were deemed too unruly or whatever and got their connection to the fade severed. this also kills their emotions. they can work with lyrium bc of this. they also are kinda deemed as weird but like. they were kinda lobotomized so
theres also a thing called the Blight which was said to be started bc some mages from trevinter(evil mage country) tried to get to the fade city thing and something happened and they became darkspawn which are kinda evil zombie things. the blight is a sort of corrupting force which is a sickness and problem. there were 5(i think) big Blights where the blight was a big problem where darkspawn were attacking people and there was an Archdemon(blighted dragon things thought to be old gods or smth) and the fifth blight was the problem of dragon age 1
red lyrium(evil lyrium) is blighted lyrium and causes problems.
There are 4 main races, the humans, elves, dwarves, and qunari.
humans are humans. they are the dominant race and they oppress elves. idk what to say. i think you know what humans are. the only racism they have is towards non humans, and especially to elves.
elves. there are two main groups. the city elves who basically live in human society, often have jobs as cleaners or servants. they live in elf alienages which i dont quite remember what they are but they live in those and they kinda suck. city elves kinda idealize dalish elves the other kind of elf is a dalish elf. they are nomadic groups with caravans and they have cool fantasy deer instead of horses. they also have facial tattoos as part of their culture(coming of age, and also different tattoos represent different gods and their aspects) they kinda dont like humans and also dont like city elves because they think that they are weak and kinda dumb and also dalish elves are kinda prissy. dalish elves have very rich culture and history which ends up being kinda important. elves in general also are slightly closer to the fade then humans and thus are mages a bit more(there is a reason for this)
dwarves are never mages. they are also the only ones who can work with raw lyrium(which is in rock form. in mines and stuff) which normally causes ppl to go insane or smth. this also means they typically are the ppl who do enchantments. dwarves also loose their lyrium immunity if they are in the sun too much. dwarves in the dwarf city are prissy towards dwarves who aren't.
qunari are big and grey and have horns. most of them are part of an evil group thats evil idk the specifics but most are part of that, but a couple aren't.
there are two important ones. the chantry and the elf one idk whats it called.
the chantry is kinda Christianity and its the religion in human cities. thinks the world was made by The Maker. who is basically the christian god. they think he made the fade first and was like. this sucks. so he made the normal world. because of that and also because of demonic possession they dont like mages. there's a jesus-ish figure who is Andraste, who was said to be the wife of the Maker and was burned at the stake but then basically becomes a saint. (this is kinda relevant) they think the blight was caused by the tevinter mages messing with the throne of the maker in the golden city in the fade (more reasons to hate mages) the pope equivalent is the Divine, who is elected or whatever
the elf religion actually is kinda accurate. so the fade and normal world used to be one. and the elves were the main race and they were kinda crazy powerful. they had really cool cities and stuff. they were ruled by a family of gods which were kinda just elves but with magic god balls(called focuses or foci) which were suuuper powerful. there was another god but kinda not, (loki equivalent kinda) called fen'harel(he is important) who was in service of mythal but then rebelled against the gods (but mythal was secretly supporting him) the face tattoos that the dalish have come from the fact that ancient elves would tattoo themselves in devotion to their chosen god. it also acted as a shock collar for punishment and also there was slavery. something happened and one of the gods Mythal was killed and then fen harel freaked out and decided the best course of action was to seal away the other gods and also split the world into the magic and normal world. which became the fade and normal world. there may also be a third one called the void but idk. then the ancient elves kinda became the dalish but they were much weaker. (this is why elves are closer to the fade) and some got subsumed into human kingdoms. idk how much of this is actually dalish religion but its the actual worldbuilding lol. dalish religion is based on this
orleis or whatever: prissy rich place, political, has 'The Game" <- just politics
tevinter is a mage country and theyre kinda shady and evil and they have slavery
ferelden idk what this ones about its just kinda there
other places idk
AKA. events that happen during Dragon Age: Inquisition
after the kirkwall thing where mage circles got dissolved and there is tension between mages and templars Divine Justinia tries to organize a conclave to make peace. one of the original tevinter mages that cause the blight uses a old elf god orb to try and merge the fade and world and also kill the divine but [player character] interferes. passes out. stuff happens. you wake, and guess what!!!
everyone else who attended the conclave died. you are the only survivor and you have a glowing mark on your hand, neat! youre being interrogated but you have no fucking clue what the fucking hell happened. turns out theres a hole in the sky that is connected to your hand mark and smaller rifts are also appearing. theyre connected to the fade and demons come out(spirits got pulled in and couldnt adapt and their nature was torn and they became demons) so you fight that and realize you can close rifts. neat. so youre taken to try and seal the Big Sky Hole. you kinda get it to stop expanding but pass out
you wake and are deemed to be the Herald of Andraste by the people but the chantry kinda dont like you. you go on quests to stop rifts and accomplish tasks to help the Inquisition, which is a thing thats established when the world Goes To Shit and needs to be fixed so they make the organization. (its a kinda established thing) and eventally you fix the sky hole and then you find the evil guy who killed the divine so now you're trying to kill him. you become the Inquisitor! yay!
thats most of it i think. i know this through only fanfiction i have consumed none of the actual dragon age franchise. sorry for having it be so long. i missed a lot of stuff.
Ohhhhhhhhh the hand thing!!!! That Shisui gets in the fic!!! I was so confused 🤣
This is AMAZING you have put so much time and thought into this, I'm really touched! Also your cliffnotes were low-key hilarious, I chuckled throughout this - very informative - ask
P.S the seeker thing immediately hit me with "oh god...Rock Lee" 😂
Thank you so much! 🥺❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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sm0kebreaks · 2 years
i meant 6 8 15 idk if thats what i typed
it was just one number off the first attempt
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
ough man.... adult cartoons... v bros, south park, rick and morty... i find its influences slip into my art all the time especially when i do really wild cartoony expressions and idk how to feel about it sometimes....
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
i have soooo many ocs man.... i have done soooo much world building and made so many characters and at one point had even pitched a comic to uhhhh slipshine i think it was? slipshine or hiveworks.... but idr what happened. obviously i didnt end up doing it. ive had a few comics in the past i just love doing them but i struggle w the follow thru... its bc the projects always bigger than me and i cant do thing in order. i blame the adhd. and i think thats also why with all the wtse comics ive made here and there its so random and sporadic bc i told myslef i could make comics as they come to my brain instead of sticking chronologically................
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
in my bed...... i cant really draw anywhere else i cant draw in a room without privacy i especially cant draw if thers someone in the room (which is funny considering i stream but i thik its just something to do with the atmosphere of there being another person in the room) i ummmm am currently in the works of setting up a lil studio for myself so i can start working at a desk bc im positive that laying in bed drawing every day for the past likeeeee 7 years is NOT healthy for me physically or mentally but well see how that goes. its been a struggle so far lol whixh is why there hasnt been much content from me in the past like week or so.... drawing and sitting upright is hard...
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feekins · 10 months
here are my thoughts and things and whatever translation weirdness I find as I re-read ch 2 of Trigun Maximum vol 6!
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
I've already commented on how this chapter starts here.
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
the wording of the two translations are similar enough - it's the nuances here that I wanna focus on. "Keep it up" VS "Keep up the good work" - again, the Overhaul's more explicit/straightforward, and I appreciate that =u= and as you can see, Dark Horse's wording on that last speech bubble was a source of confusion for me, bc the way they word it, imo it rly does sound like Zazie's referring to Vash? which...now that I think about it, might not make sense? idk. Dark Horse vague. Overhaul not.
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and again! except here, Dark Horse had me thinking Wolfwood was referring to Zazie - but in the Overhaul, it's clear to me that he's actually referring to Knives. I wonder if that potential mix-up is why Dark Horse ended up keeping "pests" here? it otherwise tends to avoid terms like "pests" and "insects"...
then, the last bit. both translations make sense, but in different contexts. Dark Horse's makes sense narratively as it leads into Wolfwood's post-Fifth Moon flashback. the Overhaul's makes sense given what we've seen about how Wolfwood tends to think - frequent absolutes like "that's just the way it is."
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again, nuance. the wording of what Knives says to Wolfwood seems so much more sinister to me the way the Overhaul does it - not so much a command as this wicked assurance - "you WILL do this. you WILL obey me."
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and again with "you WILL" + more subtle differences in wording. also, I think it's interesting how Dark Horse goes with "life forms" while the Overhaul uses "species" - prolly for the same reason Dark Horse cuts out most of the "pests" and "insects" I'd imagine.
also gzjthfxfjx Wolfwood making the connection with both brothers being capable of super-strong emotional projection/telepathy! 🤩
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...it's just hitting me that Wolfwood's now been in a position to eliminate BOTH twins...
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...both times in moments of apparent weakness - but I think it's more like...the twins were aware, and trusted that either (a) Wolfwood wouldn't pull the trigger or, if he does, (b) they'd survive it. the key difference, I'd say, is that Vash looked at it in good faith while Knives looked at it in bad faith.
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Dark Horse's vagueness always confused me here, too. thank you once again, Overhaul, for being so much more straightforward =u=
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hold on, holy shit, lemme just...
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THIS GUY!!!!! my one Trigun figurine!!! and I will be forever kicking myself for not nabbing the Wolfwood that went with it back in the day 😫
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n u a n c e.
I suspect this is another case of literal VS figurative/more informed/contextualized translation. that said, the Overhaul's is hitting me SO. GOTDAMN. HARD. RIGHT HERE.
shhhhh it's good chemistry, Le Wuwu
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sanhaoche · 2 years
thank you @insideline for the tag! i love reading about you all and also talking about myself :)
Rules: tag 9 ppl you want to know better
Last song: unsure and can't check on spotify as i've since listened to an episode of you're wrong about but i'm currently obsessed with maggie rogers' new album so i'll say horses off that bc like. horses. running wild. i wish i could feel like that for just a minute! alt pop needs more women who wail and maggie gets it. thank you maggie for your service
Last show: last show i finished i think was abbott elementary? which was very good. last show i got at least mildly obsessed with was superstore before that. by that i mean i think i read almost all of the superstore fic on ao3 in like one night. my last concert however was carly rae jepsen at a lovely outdoor venue and it was an extremely beautiful experience :)
Currently watching: only murders in the building season 2! the finale is out on tuesday and i'm so excited and happy to be watching something that comes out an episode per week again instead of all at once lmao god. i haven't been into some of the choices this season (cara delevingne my parasocial enemy) but yeah. fun mystery and a bit of peril wrapped in an overall very comfy vibe. i also started watching the sandman bc i remember being into the comics like a decade ago (😩) but i'm less confident i will finish that. other than that unfortunately i think i've watched every good video essay on youtube at this point but i'm still making my way through some of the wait in the wings videos about musical theatre productions. and i am WAITING for michael's microphone to tell me about gossip girl!!!!!!!!
Currently reading: vagabonds by hao jingfang! she said NFTs suck and she was right (idk actually i'm only a third through lol). i've also been halfway through a place of greater safety by hilary mantel for hmm over a year but i WILL finish it. one day. anyway idk why i keep sabotaging my goal to start reading more again by choosing books that are a million pages long and slightly hard to get through.
Current obsession: um scotty james and the daniel ricciardo bottom agenda. let the man get fucked by his guypals for god's sake he needs it. rotating my WIP in my mind instead of writing it even though i am mostly making myself finish it to relearn how to write fiction after not doing it for like a decade. fantasising about buying a sewing machine instead of finishing my 2 ongoing crochet projects. going for dinner with friends as often as possible before it starts getting dark early and cold again. finding new recipes to try while i'm on leave from work before i start getting sick of having to cook in the evenings again. thinking about sinophobia, as always. fantasising about going back to china again.
i always come to these late so i feel like a lot of people have done this already lol. @nottiinrosso @20timesisay @maidenpole i don't think you have yet? but also no pressure. and anyone else who hasn't done it but wants to!!!!
@undetectorist YOUR TIME HAS COME ALSO. @dorothywilde as well x
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treesandwords · 2 months
WIP questionnaire
Thanks to @writingmoth for tagging me!
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created? The maps! The first thing I had an idea for in terms of the world was a map with some names (which was still the basis for my current maps but has changed. hm. A Lot since then.)
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be? Hate to admit I *have* thought of this. It would probably be "The Curse" by Agnes Obel.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why? Well I love my BOY Jerod. He doesn't seem like he's a Disaster but then he steadily becomes more and more of a disaster as the book goes on. He's also like...I'm discovering he's deceptively innocent. He doesn't seem like he'd be a Weirdo but . He's a weirdo. Also Gevin and Bronwyn, my favourite toxic twins. So angry. I'm also a big fan of Jamos though?? Like understand he is terrible. But I made him so I love him.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story? This is actually a really tricky one. I'm inclined to say fans of older fantasy books would be into it because it has more of that vibe, but idk specifically
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip? Keeping track of all the many details. I think honestly a lot of what *could* make it really good is the amount of detail in it, but there's also So Much and I get lost and confused. Help I'm stuck in Words.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them! Ghhhhh this feels like a callout because the main character has a dog that I consistently forget about!!!! Where is she!! A couple other dogs show up as well, and Laedir has his horse that he's best buds with (we stan a weird horse girlie always). Also there's a creepy deer at one point that *might* be an old god and also a terrifying bone dragon that shows up for one scene to traumatize the protagonist, absolutely wreck an upland meadow habitat, and then turn to dust.
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.) Horses, by foot, horse + cart, boat if they're by the coast.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn? In the first editing phase, which for now means me going through it with a fine toothed comb and making notes on anything that doesn't make sense, deleting stuff I Just Don't Like, and correcting small errors. Then I'm gonna go back and fix all of it again.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in? Hmmmmm spooky forests and Weird Deer. Curses as a metaphor for family based/generational trauma, responsibility, environmental destruction etc. Asexual main character (though I gotta stress it's not a book *about* The Ace Experience, he's aspec bc the author is aspec and doesn't know how to write anything else. but it does play strongly into who he is and how he views his place in the world. so.)
10. What are your hopes for your wip? I mean I want to tentatively say I'd love to one day publish it...I know that's a long hard road but I'm letting my toes sit right on the edge of it.
Thanks again for the tag! I'm tagging @kaatiba @somethingclevermahogony @on-noon
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kyaruun · 1 year
QIAN THE KISSER lmaooo my ultimae attack is just plopping a heart shape pillow onto everyone that does 99% of total HP damage... i am uncreative these days lilikags only exists because my first oc ever evolved into the sister of kageyama tobio from hq.. which i was obsessed with when i entered this site. nazu-yume turned into nazukisser one day and i do not regret my only ever URL change for a blog that didn't completely change its purpose. riddle-lovehearts was cute on my end. i just think it was cute. but sakunyas is so so so cute its so you very smart indeed
oh these are exams administered not by the school itself but uh. by a company. who charges like 90 dollars per exam. that you statistically will probably not pass. and everyone buys into it because at least taking the course shows you try hard. which helps you get into a good university. better if you scored a 4 or 5, which then again you need to pay to report to Each School You Apply To
when will the collegeboard (this company) get competition that knocks it off its fucking high horse
yeah im taking calc ab which is like. calc 1? and calc bc is calc 1 and 2 in the same amt of time? maybe its bcs all the smart kids go into calc bc is prob why the pass rate is good
oh yeah uh, the grading goes like ... this. they have very strict guidelines on how to grade. so for frq (free response question) if like any of x, x, or x are true, score whatever number it tells you to. if the response gets past those and if any of x x or x are true, score a 6 or smth. and whether the response reached that, depends on the ap graders, who are stuck into this huge place in like idk minnesota and they just grade all day. all day. like they have a quota of like 200 or 300 exams to go through and grade. for mcq its either right or wrong the computer can grade that they prob just scan it all in the scantron
for language yeah it depends on the teacher and how they prepare you for the test over the years you learn the language idk if you did the STAMP test or whatever but i got like one of the top scores in the class for speaking, a 5 5 6 7 (reading, writing, listening, speaking) so technically i have a good chance at ap japanese exam but am i going to sit through sensei's class for another year? hell the fuck no.
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i have no idea where they got that, because i was like "tf is happening" this entire year. so like i don't know. but i passed.
ANYWAYS waaaaa ive been taking a break so its really hard for me to accept that i am hardworking even though a lot of people say so? maybe its because like every time i slack i get scolded by someone at home LOL but ive been resting the last 6 days so yeah (spring break)
thankyouuuu if i gibe up all my hobbies i really wont have anything left for me so i have to just. idk find some way to enjoy at least one of them and stick with it till i find something that brings me a lot of joy again 👍🏻someday
anyways sorry this ended up being Extremely Long i can go off about the collegeboard forever. they sent me a text yesterday saying that ap exams are coming up.
jesus christ i'm not surprised you're stressed it sounds so insane. feels like the more you read about it the more braincells you lose ;; i won't complain about the spanish system every agai-- well no i will because it sucks ass but you get the point ;;;
having at least one hobby you can go to to disconnect from responsabilities it's pretty much a need tbh writing is fun. drawing. having an insane brainrot over a cute bunch of pixels <3 anything works as long as it makes your life a bit easier. sometimes even silly things like talking to someone, finding a new game etc
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