#which is nbd on the weekends
doom-dreaming · 6 months
save me everything bagel egg sandwich....
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butchwherewolf · 2 years
Paying off credit card after the concert this weekend AND paying rent too... bruh I'm gonna need to just save a shit ton right now
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jenthebug · 3 months
Okay, now the Fire Department wants a pre-recorded video interview.
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I guess that’s the next step before the panel. And it’s due by Monday at 5:00.
So this will give me a chance to practice my answers and my setup for my Big City interview.
But I want to work at the Fire Department MORE. 24-hour shifts (including sleep time, they’re not monsters) on a modified Kelly schedule—10-12 days per month. Holy shit I could go to all my appointments! And I’d have so few commutes!
Plus I’d get to dispatch fire, which I’ve never done and want to do.
So. Sometime this weekend, I’ll be doing that. For now, I’ll be looking back at all my work stories, remembering what a badass I am, and trying to convince myself that this is indeed nbd and I’m meant to be there.
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It hasn't been a very productive weekend writing- or drawing-wise, my brain is still Very Tired apparently. So—Glorestor household update time!
Spring time now! 🌸 Here is Glorfindel's llama. He really likes dressing up his animal friends, I don't know what it is.
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Anyway, morning chores done, time for morning flirting with husband of 6,000 years.
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It's also a good season to invite friends over. Elrond and Celebrían are always nice to have around, they always give such a sweet vibe to the lot.
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Lol also istg Elrond is the most photogenic mofo in this neighborhood. I didn't mean for him to be that way, but I guess that also checks out. They did say he resembles Arwen, who resembles, oh, you know, just the most gorgeous Elf to have ever lived nbd—
End of spring in Sims 4 usually means Valentine's Day. Naturally, a date was a must, which really for these two, just means a day when they have license to do whatever it is they do everyday anyway. If they piss off some prudish locals doing it, then even better!
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The only correct way to end a good date.
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Seasons pass quickly, so we roll on to summer time! ☀️ Oh, the masculine urge to celebrate clear skies by gazing upon Elbereth's stars with your *checks notes* friend. 😂
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At this point, I have accepted that both Erestor and Glorfindel lowkey have a crush on Ecthelion. Which is very valid, so I roll with it. We leave them to it.
New character introduction time! This is Rhíweth. She has been my OC since my days playing LotRO, and she somehow kind of stuck, occasionally appearing in a few fics as a Sindarin NPC. I do play her on occasion when I feel like playing with a single-Sim household. On this day, she needed to fill up her socials bar, so I got her to visit her gay favorite neighbors. Here she is sharing neighborhood gossip with Erestor.
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Ugh when Erestor smiles I'm so. UGH! Gay people. 💘✨
Also in case you ever wondered what I looked like in university days chatting with my Gay Literature professor whose love life I Absolutely Do Not Care About I Swear™—
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Funny enough, Glorfindel walked by, dripping like it's nobody's business. I followed him to see what he was doing and this boy, bless him, even on autopilot, is still doing household chores. He just did the laundry. 😂
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For context, Sims usually can be found doing something fun while watching TV if you leave them to their own devices. Glorfindel is like nah, I'm too much of a green flag for that.
He does eventually join Rhíweth and Erestor, and it was nice and wholesome for a while.
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Eventually though Glorfindel's mood turned flirty and idk started eyefucking Erestor. That was my cue to leave. 😩
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tonguetyd · 7 months
Positives of today:
I went back to jersey!
I got dinner with dear friends!
We laughed a lot!
I got to vent about how much I missed them!
We ate very good food!
Negatives of today:
Backstory: I took the train to my friend’s place and he drove us down to meet my other friend at dinner. Usually this trip is a commuter rail train and the subway.
However, the subway service was suspended and rerouted to the city just north of him. Fine, extra 5 minute ride for him, nbd
Except said city does a bar crawl the first weekend of March every year for St Pattys Day (because that’s what we Americans do…) and of course…that was today and we had to deal with the drunkies running across the street in the torrential rain
Then coming home I had 5 minutes to do the 5 minute walk to get back to the commuter rail…only to find the usual exit I take was closed and I had to BACKTRACK to a different exit
Still convinced I can make this train, I hurry across the street. Which is still very wet from earlier torrential rain.
I slip on the crosswalk at the other side and fall DIRECTLY on my knee.
For those of you who know the backstory of my knees, yup, indeed, it’s THAT knee.
Other positive: I establish I am okay! I am jus very sore and bruising
Back to negatives: I hurry down to the train in my gingerly injured state…and see my train pulling out of the station RIP.
Other other positive I made it home alright and relatively on time and got some post-train nuggets
Anyway I am now very cold and my knee still hurts but bed is warm. The struggles persist, but I do too
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dykephan · 17 days
hi, totally agree with you about the december getting together thing and just wanted to add on to a few points. One about online perceptions and stuff is they mightve both wanted to have this appearance of a cool, sexy, mysterious, emo guy on the internet who is "mature" and has casual sex all the time nbd lol and not wanting to seem clingy. Its kind of embarrasing to want more sometimes (its cheesy, its meant to be). For Dan I also dont think he would want Phil to see him as an obsessed fan (also the age thing) so putting up a nonchalant front would help put them on more even footing. For Phil its just like you already said mainly and not wanting to scare Dan off, following Dan's lead. Also Dan just getting out of a longterm relationship and being 18 he might not have been inclined to tie himself down quick when he was single for the first time in a bit, especially to someone who lives far away, but then obv realized this thing with Phil wasnt just going to be some casual fling. Also lol this "reveal" was not weird/ suprising to me bcos of my own experience of being with this girl for like 3 ish months had been friends previously we were having sex and saying we loved eachother etc but whole time being like we're not dating though lol
oh 100% agree, especially when you're at that age it's sooo embarrassing to admit you do want to find someone who cares about you and enriches your life and shares a future with you... it's so much easier to flirt with strangers online and pretend you're too cool to feel any particular way about it. like you said, i think it comes down to both of them realizing that this was not going to be some casual fling. and 2 months is honestly no time at all considering how much they had to think about & plan for!!
also yeah i agree it wasn't surprising to me it was more just like. first of all like holy shit why are you sharing this information with me unprompted are you sure you meant to say that?? second of all, i guess i didn't KNOW until i KNEW. it's one thing to look at the things they posted around that time period and make guesses, but hearing it out loud made me feel sooooo dumbfounded. idk why but that one hit me way harder than the tour bus thing...
anyway let me share a personal anecdote here because it's only fair after i've invaded their privacy i should embarrass myself a little fksjfks many years ago i started talking to a tumblr mutual and we got super close as friends, we spent literally hours talking every night and we'd even fall asleep on skype just to be with each other. i told her things i have still never told anyone else in my life. and ofc there was heavyy flirting which was fun except i have horrible commitment issues.. doing all this online didn't feel as scary and real to me. but then we made plans to actually travel and meet up, and i started getting. idk. itchy 😭 but i did go across the country to meet her and it was such a perfect weekend, she was so funny and beautiful and even more magnetic in person. it clarified my feelings about her in a way that chatting online never could, but also it scared the shit out of me and so when that weekend was over i went back home and i told her i couldn't do it anymore and that was it. we tried to be friends after that but it just wasn't the same and neither of us had our hearts in it. i still think about her and hope she's doing well but we haven't talked in years
so basically i'm living in the dark dan and phil timeline where they filmed pinof and then said okay bye dude 👍🏻 fuck my stupid baka life
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nicistrying · 1 year
*Don't reblog please!*
Sunday 9th July
God we are so tired. We were both up at 5am yesterday, at work all day, then went out for food with my family to meet my mam's cousin who is visiting from Australia. We had a lovely time and the food was divine but we didn't get home til 11.30, it was a looong day. But I did get to wear a cute dress and some jewellery which made me feel nice.
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Matt walked Maggie yesterday so I let him sleep this morning and took her out at 7.30 and we actually had a lovely walk and I felt really good for having gotten up and outside. Drove over to my sister's for the village carnival and to see my niece for her birthday. We had so much fun and it was so nice to let my hair down a bit after being so stressed about meeting mam's cousin and being judged about my job (the only judgment came from my mother lol). AND I wore a crop top for the first time in years and it felt like nbd at all! I just felt cool and cute. And the weather was beautiful so I'm glad I did. My sister told Matt outright when we got down into the village to watch the parade that I was probs going to end up drunk and he would be driving home and bless him he was so good about it he just laughed, had a coffee, and had a great day even with us getting a bit hammered tipsy. We had so much fun and I'm really glad we went even if we were exhausted. I'm in bed now at 9pm ready for a long overdue good night's sleep bc I only have to walk Maggie and go get my nails done tomorrow and that's it. Rest day for me finally 😍 Hope everyone had a great weekend!
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drivestraight · 5 months
why do you nap so much lately, is everything okay? so much happening in your daily life? or just tired? 🥺
Tbh I actually haven’t napped at all in months I kinda just lie down in bed and try for 2hrs and give up and get back up. But if ur talking abt my going to sleep at 7pm… that was my night’s sleep like i woke up at 6am 😭 but nothing really’s going on… Graduation is coming up which is a bit of a stressor so maybe that is why i’m like maybe I should just go to bed instead of preparing… and yeah general tiredness… I’ve been trying to fix my sleep schedule (kind of moot atp like given china this weekend lmao) so I’ve been cutting out caffeine in the afternoons and. It’s rough
ty for asking tho 😭😭 its nbd tbf
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valaruakars · 1 year
Hi y'all!!
Specifically: Hi friends who've been following along with my year long adventure in gym hell. You know it (because I never shut up about it), you love it (I hope, if you haven't stopped reading yet??)--yeah, it's Let's Get Physical.
I've been slowly working on an update to the current chapters since the beginning of the year, and I'm planning to post it on Sunday. It's fairly minor, and won't change the story. I'll be overwriting the current version on Ao3, and on the original posts here on tumblr. Obviously I can't do anything about reblogs, so that is what it is.
Just giving anyone who wants to save them as they are an advanced warning! If you're like why? What's changing? And what the fuck are you doing? I'll tell you my secrets under the cut ;)))))
First and most importantly: It's fanfic, and I can do whatever I want 😘
I'm only saying that to reinforce it for myself, and for anyone else who has regrets or little things that bother them within their stories. We do this for fun and for free, and there's no hard and fast rules! Just common etiquette, ofc, which I don't feel this violates.
There are things I'm tired of being hung up on, so for me, the best way to move forward was to change them. Here's what I did:
Switched the whole thing into present tense.
Altered some whack sentence structures, grammar and punctuation.
Pulled details I felt were extraneous.
Filled something very small that I felt was a plot hole.
Refined a few areas I was unhappy with.
None of this would necessitate a reread when I post the next chapter!
That said, number one is the biggest, most noticeable change and 99.9% of what motivated me to do this. I've always regretted writing it in past tense. Maybe that's silly, but I was trying to challenge myself to do something different than what felt natural and it really backfired long term. Rather than letting it continue to hold me back and slow down the (already very slow) process, I just went fuck it and fixed the problem. I'm much happier with it now, which is all that matters.
The rest is all small potatoes. It just kind of happened in the process. I didn't use any kind of tool to change tenses, I went back and did it manually to retain the flow, integrity, and general vibe. Naturally, I found some stuff with fresh eyes that I wanted to change or fix. Nbd really!
This whole thing isn't that big of a deal, in my opinion, but I didn't want to blindside anyone. Yay transparency!
If you read this far: Thanks so much! If you have any questions: Feel free to ask! I'll have time this weekend to answer them with my assistant ↓
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thegeminisage · 2 months
star trek FIRST CONTACT!!! breakdown aka me attempting to transcribe the poorly typed notes in my phone to a tumblr post which will last longer. overall this movie was absolutely charming and a 10/10 experience, though i would have liked it even better if i liked picard and cared about his borg trauma, and i'm sad that i don't. luckily, i expect at least some of that type of thing will be given to me with more dykehood involved in the form of seven of nine, coming soon to a voyager near me. ANYWAY.
first thrill of this move was when data got to say a bad word, which to be fair he also did in the previous tng movies. so already i was thinking, some rights for tng movies
cheered aloud when worf showed up in the defiant. was absolutely thrilled to recognize the defiant mid-combat before they TOLD us "oh hey that's the defiant." ds9 ref! it is kinda funny that no one on ds9 goes "so hey where were you over the weekend?" and he responds "oh just time traveling to save earth from a borg attack nbd!" like i know it's because of the syndication or whatever, but ds9 is perfect for that type of humor, AND it's nuts that such a huge thing happened and nobody in ds9 likel. cares. sure they got problems but imagine the potential! did he ask for permission to take the ship or did he just steal it to go defend his former captain and riker e deanna situationship? was sisko mad that it got banged up? is he gonna ground worf next weekend? i need to Know.
another fun moment was when i noticed borged up florida first, because my eyes usually hit florida first when i view any sort of country or global map where florida is visible. don't worry about it. anyway, i didn't realize what had happened i thought perhaps future utopian florida was supposed to have all those lines coming out of it and paused to see it better. wrong. the borg did that.
dismayed to see zefram cochrane again after what he did to that poor woman in "metamorphosis." i kept trying to tell myself that maybe this was before he became such a creep and then he was all creepy with deanna. he had some charming moments outside of that though
EMH CAMEO MY BELOVED i was so fucking happy to see him. this iteration got eaten by the borg but STILL i loved that familiar face
i did not like picard's little vest it looks bad and it getting snuck into ds9 makes me mad. also, he needs to STOP interrupting data. him killing that guy begging for help was very fun though. that is his idea of help <3 one of those moments where i was absolutely lamenting the fact that i don't like him. praying seven gets to do anything even half that gnarly 🙏
i decided that this movie was the most fun i've ever had watching tng during the drunk deanna scene. firstly, riker was so ready to have a threesome with her and cochrane. secondly, she is so funny, they should let her do funny stuff more often
speaking of riker, he was very handsome in this movie. idk what he did to his hair but it was extra fluffy. i couldn't stop staring at it
data jacking off the borg
borg queen HOT! no body. just a head. extremely fun. she is the same lady as the oa's mom though which also fills me with rage AND she played that crazy bitch from silent hill who got fucked to death with barbed wire. luckily, she looked so different here most of the connotations were able to be muted in my mind palace
picard navigating the borg in the hallway with lily was also unfortunately very very good. "i know what i'm doing" wow yeah he sure does <3
i loved lily too although i wish she had more to do. her scene near the end comparing picard to captain ahab was so insanely fucking good but she spent most of this movie running away from stuff or screaming at people. she did get to swear though <3
holodeck bad especially the dixon hill mention but it was nice to see neelix's actor - another fun cameo. the machine gun reminded me of the pest control clip
deeply distraught to see barclay but at least it was brief. he was actually much better in voyager
LOVED the spacewalk. i keep forgetting how big the starships really are and the scale was amazing, the outer space scenes were tense. spacing the borg, who can't die, and won't die of atmospheric or oxygen or temperature needs, is a fate worse than death. they just have to float through space as a borg until they...starve? hit a planet and burn up in the atmosphere? anyway, mwah. it was so scary
i think data may have fucked the borg queen. good for him? or sorry that happened. also, human data was so horrifying. my poor little guy. PLEASE treat him really niceys
worf tying off the hole in his suit was badass tbh. ASSIMILATE THIS people need to stop calling him a pussy, especially picard. he is so cool
LOVED the entire launch of cochrane's rocket. the music, the seatbelts - i realize now that star trek beyond was a deliberate callback to this moment. one thing about the aos films is that the more trek you watch the more you will come to understand them
i do love that picard went back for data <3 like...i don't agree with picard/data shippers but at least now i get it
data's "resistance is futile" was said with all the cunt of quinto's "live long and prosper" good for HIMMM
"is that earth? it's so small" "it's about to get a whole lot bigger" prompted in me a genuine human emotion which did perhaps cause me to well up
AND THEN THE VULCANS. i know that's spock's ancestor and i love that he was immediately dtf in this handshake moment. mwah. it was also charming that cochrane at the end was trying unsuccessfully to teach him to dance. i fucking love vulcans
anyway, absolutely charming experience. from my understanding this is the best of the tng movies so i will assume tng has peaked for me here but wow, what a moment <3
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f0point5 · 11 months
okay first: this smau is AMAZING the level of detail and effort you put in is honestly beyond me but thank you so much🧎
now for the thoughts:
i feel like elliot is just super into this woman he doesn’t know super well (probably partially because he doesn’t know her super well and is just assuming the best, maybe partially bc he likes the idea of her??) and she’s not super into him back and he just wants to force it. like i feel that sometimes you have two people who from the get go are just completely vibing and super into each other and elliot seems like that’s what he wants but usually dating is just getting to know people!! and it seems like maybe he’s wanting something a bit less casual/more rushed than yn, which is fine on both ends (slightly sad for him but also like you’re an adult pls act like it) just makes the process of getting to know each other a little unbalanced. whether they will overcome the imbalance only time (and you) will tell
also, i lowkey feel like max actually does not have a master plan? like his strat is just race the best i can w the car i have and the car he has currently is yn as a friend/roommate so he just wants to have the best relationship w her in that way. i think in contrast to elliot, he knows yn inside and out and most likely is aware of her deep seated fear of commitment/(unhappy) marriage and doesn’t feel the need to push her into something she is not ready for. that’s also why i think he’s dating around/on raya bc realistically he prob “knows” (knows in quotes bc it’s his interpretation even though it might not be objectively true) that yn might never be ready for a relationship or to get married and he doesn’t want to put their friendship at risk or do anything to push yn away, even if he does have feelings (which also he might not be super aware of? idk what your thoughts are but i think perhaps max just really really cares for her and is focused on what he does have and not what he could have so he’s not thinking ab whether or not he has romantic feelings for her?)
some ppl also commenting on yn’s social media presence and how elliot has to be seeing that stuff and yeah sure but i mean if she thinks it’s like a casual dating thing then it’s nbd if she posts what she posts, it’s not like they’re married/bf gf or even hooking up they’re literally just getting to know each other. i also think prob max meeting elliot is a big deal but also kinda normal?? like obviously as the audience we know it will most likely be a shit show but it also from her perspective it seems like not a massive deal judging from what we’ve seen of her. like if she were to change her entire race weekend to babysit elliot and make the weekend about him then yeah maybe that’s a huge deal but she has already shown she’s unwilling to change hotels so she prob views it as her having a normal weekend w an added person and doesn’t plan on making any huge moves to cater to elliot. i also think it’s less of a big deal bc of how much money he has and just a completely different lifestyle so it’s not as huge of an undertaking. idk though!! you are of course the mastermind so i might be wayyy off (also sorry i just realized how long this was oml)
I think you described it so well about Y/N and Elliot. I know it looks one sided because we see so much of her life and how Elliot is on the fringes but we do only see half the story. And really, this is so normal when you’re seeing someone, being in different places or catching feelings at different rates. Sometimes you get on the same path and sometimes you don’t. No harm no foul. Y/N doesn’t really have the experience of instant click. She doesn’t really date long term, she hasn’t dated at all in nearly 2 years. And even then, she clearly hasn’t had that instant connection, nor is she necessarily looking for it. She’s not writing Elliot off but she definitely hasn’t been swept off her feet. And some people never are. Doesn’t mean the relationship isn’t valid.
I mean…Max isn’t really a master plan sort of guy. He can have a plan but I feel like he’s not a mastermind lol. I also feel like I’m this case Max knows what he wants, or he has this vague idea of what his blue sky scenario looks like, but for a variety of reasons he’s not necessarily moving towards it.
I can’t say too much about what Austin will bring…
Re the social media, I agree. They’re not a whole married couple, and even if they were, I feel like Y/N is just continuing to live her life the way she always has, Elliot or no Elliot, which is what she would do at any stage of their relationship. I don’t think whether Elliot sees the things she posts is of concern to her. Other people’s posts…different story
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diabeticgirl4 · 3 months
In case anyone wants to hear where I'm at in cr3 (I know nobody does but shhh I want to talk about my weird conundrum/headspace about this)
(Hiding under a readmore bc wow I'm obnoxious and overly wordy about stupid stuff lmao)
So I know 91 is The Episode, and while I typically listen to cr purely as a podcast, I try to catch major MCD eps as the vod (like I did for Molly's and percys first death)- however bc work and life and time and etc, I can p much only do that on a weekend (unless I split it up over several days- nahh). I'm currently about to start ep90, so I only have 1 episode (and a 4sd) until The Episode! And it's only Monday! On a normal work day I can usually listen to 1-1.5 episodes, so I might be ok until wed/thurs, then I'd have to distract myself w music or something else until the weekend.
Except!! I got switched to a new department today, and I can't listen to podcasts while trying to comprehend training stuff. So nbd? Maybe I can listen to e90+4sd on my commute to/from work until the weekend where I can watch e91 in its entirety like I'm hoping?
Exceptx2!!! I keep forgetting I have a midafternoon concert on Friday (took the full day off work \o/) and family thing on Saturday so shfhdkf I'm trying to strategize when/how I'm gonna listen to e90/4sd so I can watch e91 on either Saturday (preferable but doubtful?) Or Sunday (less preferable but who knows)?
!!All while!! Since I'm rly close to catching up, I would absolutely love to plan it so I can fully catch up when they hit ep100. I'd love to watch ep100 live omg. Probably won't pan out, but I can dream?
Ok so. Planning it out. No new CR this week, and candela/something else is there the last week of the month, so there's a chance e100 will air the 11th? Unless!! 4th of July happens to land on a Thursday so they'll probably take that day off, so unless they do 99 on a diff day and throw everything off (shrug), ep100 will more likely air on July 18th?? Maybe?? Who knows???
(OH WAIT there's a live show this week!!! Is it a new episode or a special?? Aaaa!!! Ok if it's a new ep (98?) And they take the 4th off, then e100 should(??) Land on the 11th. Otherwise the 18th. I think. I'm making myself crazy here lmao.)
I can totally listen to 10 eps in that time frame. I totally got this. I'm so hyped I'm actually so close to finally(!!) catching up cr omg.
(Then the real conundrum becomes do I sacrifice sleep every Thursday night to watch the ep live or just wait till next day/Monday to watch the VOD? It goes live at 7pm which isn't bad for me, but assuming an episode is roughly 4hrs it could go till 11ish, which tbh is ideal except for the fact that I have to wake up at 4:30am for work so that amount of sleep is less than ideal. But probably definitely worth it? Yeah probably.)
(.......the next conundrum then becomes once I catch up w cr, what podcast do I listen to at work? But that's a whole separate braindump post lmao)
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purplespacecats · 5 months
so yesterday i woke up with the worst migraine i've ever had, which was so bad that even after taking 500mg of naproxen and acetaminophen i had to be curled up on my bathroom floor with clothes blocking out the light that gets in under the door pressing my head into an ice pack to bear it :(
thankfully the attack only lasted for a few hours, but postdrome had me sleeping for most of the day yesterday up until 2pm today, so my weekend plans were shot
(and like, missing the march for palestine today is nbd because obv i can just go hang out at the mcgill encampment whenever, but there was a queer block party / trans rights protest that i really wanted to go to yesterday that i missed :c)
so anyway @ me GET A FUCKING DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT like i desperately need triptans or preventives or something!
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intothewideworld · 10 months
The Apollo Kids Foundation has been making picture books with music since 2003
Apollo Kids was created by collaborating with Lucienne Tomesen (illustrator and writer) and composer and musician Guy Renardeau.
We publish DVDs, TV films, video clips and musical theater.
Our work has been reviewed in: NRC Next, VPRO 3 voor 12, Groter Groeien, J/M, Boek en Jeugd Gids, PeuterPlace, IOS Olijfmagazine, NBD Biblion, Peuteren, Pluizer, Days Magazine, Kleuternetwerk, Entoenentoen, Shownu.nl, Kindermuziek .com, Ook!, Kind Haarlem, Haarlems Dagblad, Haarlems Weekblad, De Haarlemmer, Haarlem dit Weekend, Wakou, De Sterrenparade RTV Oost, Kinderopvang Totaal, Kinderliedjes.info, Kindermuziek.tv, Wij kinderinfo.nl, Nederlandse Kinderjury KB, Jantje , Viva Mama, What are you reading?, Parents online, Boekenpret/Fantasia, Boekenkaravaan/Leesweb, Leeskraam, Literatuurlinks.net, Literartuurplein.nl, (Voor)leesplein, Voorleesgids, Attent, Probiblio, HRLM, De Echo Amsterdam-zuid, Uitgast Newsletter 2011, Uitmarkt, News Lelystad, Kinderzwerfboek.nl, De Volkskrant, NRC, Het Parool.
The musical theater performances we have produced are Brrr-live!, Meh-live!, The 4 Seasons, Dutch Landscape, Into the Wide World, parts 1 and 2 (Netherlands, Belgium), In die weite Welt hinein (Germany), Parcourir le monde (France). Our performances could be seen at: War Child Open Air Theater Caprera Bloemendaal, Kinderparkpop The Hague, Bevrijdingspop Haarlem, Haarlemmerhout Festival, Children's Festival Utrecht, Children's Festival Amsterdam, SonsbeekTheaterAvenue Festival Arnhem, Bloemencorso Haarlem-Bollenstreek, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ Amsterdam, Toneelschuur Haarlem, Open Air Theater Caprera Bloemendaal, Vondelpark Open Air Theater Amsterdam, Zuiderpark Open Air Theater Amsterdam, OBA Theater Amsterdam, Uitgast Festival Lelystad, Uitmarkt Amsterdam Nemo Theater Amsterdam, Theater VanBeresteyn Veendam, Brestheater Zeeland, Kindvakbeurs Den Bosch Brabanthallen, Toddler Festival Amsterdam, Theater aan de Werf Utrecht, Ostade Theater Amsterdam, Vondelpark Open Air Theater Festival Amsterdam, Odeon Arnhem.
We have produced music albums, and a dance hit single, 'I Dream of Sinterklaas', which won the radio music prize. We have published books and TV films in the Netherlands, Australia, Germany, Belgium, Scandinavia.
We gave successful concert tours from 2004 – 2011, and in 2011 we collaborated with the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ in Amsterdam. We gave a classical concert there with music by Guy Renardeau and a music and singing workshop with a song from the performance for children.
Sverre Fredriksen. Studio 2.13 • www.svrr.tv https://www.linkedin.com/in/sverrefredriksen/ https://www.imdb.com/name/nm286
Sverre Fredriksen explores new territories in analog animation and has satisfied a wide range of international clients with his commissioned work. In the short Cloacinae, Sverre developed a new animation technique involving ice and puppets with artist Serge Onnen. Cloacinae premiered at the Rotterdam International Film Festival in 2017 and has been exhibited in art galleries in the Netherlands and China. Human Nature (2019) is Sverre's most recent short film. Filmmaker & animation artist Sverre Fredriksen runs Studio. 2.13 with graphic designer Quirin Jacques.
Guy Renardeau. Film Music, Songwriting, Electronic Music. Music for Children. Instruments: Piano, Guitar and Bas. Bio. Guy Renardeau is a multi-award-winning composer and producer for film and television based in The Netherlands and in Maryland (US). After obtaining his master's degree in composition, orchestral arrangement, sound design, piano and guitar from the Hochschule für Music in Kõln, Germany, and the Conservatory in Amsterdam, and film research at the University of Chichester, England, he traveled to several countries in Europe, touring with well-known musicians. He recorded for EMI, Sony and film producers. For a couple of years, he has developed a successful and unique approach to his scores and film music productions, songwriting, games and trailers.
Apollo Kids: From 2004 to 2011, he was the composer and musician in the productions: Brrr; About the Sea, Meh, The 4 Seasons, and Dutch Landscape. Guy was hired as the bandleader. They performed over more 500 concerts at children's festivals, concert halls and schools. Press: What makes his musical creations so unique? When composing for a movie, I think about the character and the story meticulously, doing research and analysis. Then, I work on the proper musical sound palette to perfectly support and underscore the story and marry the music to the picture. Joe Kraemer – Compose (Jack Reacher, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation) Guy Renardeau has proven himself as an outstanding musician and composer and as one of the most promising young artists to arise in the genre of film music. In his film music, Guy can use the music of a grand narrative, classical music and modern fusion, regardless of whether they are a magnificent present or his exquisite expression in music.
Articles with Guy Renardeau. Magazine Heart of Hollywood interview https://pdf.ac/1bKKTH. Clouzine Magazine interview https://pdf.ac/JSpVM. Hollywood IWAA interview https://pdf.ac/1odpj. Feature Film 202 See me once more, My Dear Kid. Grammy: Voting member. Hollywood Music In Media Awards: Juruy. European Film Academy: Jury. Bafta: Voting member.
Lucienne Tomesen. Already published by Lucienne Tomesen at Apollo Kids Publishers 'Brrr', picture book about the sea, with music CD, poetry, illustrations and lyrics Luciënne Tomesen, music, compositions and lyrics Guy Renardeau, series 'The four seasons', Pereboom publishers and Apollo Recording Studio, Bussum-Badhoevedorp, 2004. 'Mèh', picture book about spring, with music CD, poetry, illustrations and lyrics Luciënne Tomesen, music, compositions and lyrics Guy Renardeau, series 'The four seasons', publisher APOLLO kids and Apollo Recording Studio, Haarlem-Badhoevedorp, 2008. 'Tikketakkeregen', picture book about autumn and winter, with DVD film 'Into the wide world', poetry, illustrations and song lyrics Luciënne Tomesen, music, compositions, song lyrics and film Guy Renardeau, series 'The four seasons', publisher APOLLO kids and Apollo Recording/Film Studio, Haarlem-Badhoevedorp, 2012 'Dutch Landscape', DVD film, music, compositions and film Guy Renardeau, illustrations Luciënne Tomesen, publisher APOLLO kids, Apollo Recording/Film Studio, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, MuzyQ, Amsterdamse Waterleiding Duinen, 2010. 'I dream of Sinterklaas', dance - single with TV clip, lyrics and illustrations Luciënne Tomesen, music, composition, lyrics and film Guy Renardeau, publisher, APOLLO kids, Apollo Recording/Film Studio, Pink Records, 2010. Also available on the Olon CD. Tomesen's work is available in the Netherlands, Belgium, the Caribbean Netherlands, Australia, French museums, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, and Morocco.
Tomesen received financial support for her projects from the KNAW (Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences), NWO (Dutch Scientific Research), Maastricht University, Erasmus University, Municipality of Tilburg, Municipality of Maastricht, Municipality of Haarlem, Province of North Brabant, Province of South Holland, Ministry of WVC, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, European Commission, Shell International, European Cultural Foundation Amsterdam, Dutch Language Union.
Lucienne Tomesen twice won the 'Dutch Radio Public Award' with the composer, musician and music educator Guy Renardeau for the musical picture book series 'The Four Seasons'. "Contemporary quality music for children." - VPRO "Also nice to listen to for parents." – ChildrenVarious music companies have performed around 500 musical theatre performances of picture books with poems, music CDs and DVD films in concert halls, theatres, festivals and schools in the Netherlands. Tomesen wrote the lyrics and poems, made the illustrations and props, and built the sets for the performances. The picture books with music have also been made into six short TV films, 2 of which have been released on DVDMovies: https//vimeo.com/user13258945.
Tomesen and Renardeau put 'contemporary quality music for young children, written by living composers' and 'contemporary music performances for young children, performed by the composer/musician himself' in the spotlight at multimedia publisher
APOLLO Kids in 2004-2012. 'Children and music' are now on the map within Dutch education, with Queen Maximà as the figurehead.The composer, musician and music educator Guy Renardeau wrote the music for her picture book series 'The Four Seasons'. Renardeau lives and works in the US, the Netherlands and France. He has many film music awards to his name. IMDb Pro http://www.imdb.me/GuyRenardeau
Dr. Luciënne Tomesen (Haarlem) is a writer, scientist (law and philosophy), university lecturer, nature guide and pedagogue. She writes novels, poems, song lyrics, translations and scientific work. She also illustrates picture books. The scientific collection 'Thinking about Culture in Europe' received an excellent qualification within university education under its editorship.
New titles from Lucienne Tomesen in 2023-2024 from Apollo Kids publishers. Extra-curricular Lucky Ones. With pictures, photos and film. Lucienne is inspired in her work by nature in her living environment. She is one of the pioneers in greening childcare in the South Kennemerland region. Tomesen is a green bricklayer at the national Groen Cement Foundation, a nature guide at the children's working group of the Institute for Nature Education and Sustainability (South Kennemerland department) and a school counsellor in the oldest native garden in Europe: Jac. P. Thijsse's Hof in Bloemendaal. Tomesen completed a field biology course at the Royal Dutch Natural History Society. For over 12 years, Tomesen allowed children within childcare, education, cultural organizations and nature organizations to benefit from her artistic and green knowledge for a few half-days a week. She works according to the 'arti et naturae' principle. For her, art and nature are inextricably linked. Movies. The composer, musician and music educator Guy Renardeau wrote the music for the short films 'Butterfly' and 'Play with Me' for the book 'Out-of-school Bofkonten'. The drawings, photos and texts in the films are by Lucienne Tomesen. https://vimeo.com/user13258945 (APOLLO kids publisher) https://natuurluciennetomesen.tumblr.com.
Dr. Jac. P. Thijsse's Hofhouding. Nature education in Bloemendaal. With pictures, photos and film. Lucienne worked as a school counsellor at Thijsse's Hof in Bloemendaal from 2007-2010. She provided nature education to schoolchildren in the oldest native garden in Europe. In this collection, she describes Jac's court with great humour. P. Thijsse. Thijsse is the founder of numerous nature organizations in the Netherlands. He was a teacher, writer of nature books, pioneer, naturalist and conservationist, and was of great significance for nature in the Netherlands.
Window TV. You don't know what you see. With pictures, photos and film. Lucienne lived for a few years (2015-2016) in a farming village in 'the Bathtub of Europe'. The Zeevang polder is on the Markermeer, 30 km north of Amsterdam. A typical Dutch landscape with low skies, windmills and expansive views. The peat meadow area in Laag Holland has been declared a Natura 2000 area. With photos, drawings and stories about villagers, farmers, green city dwellers and 'the things no one knows'. Luciënne's grandfather and aunt had a farm in a village in the southernmost tip of South Limburg, in the Geuldal. She spent much of her childhood there. The landscape where Aunt lived was declared an Iconic Landscape a few years ago. Eli Heimans, Jac's friend. P. Thijsse conducted research there and wrote the book 'Uit our chalk land', 1901. Documentary Lucienne Tomesen in the peat meadow landscape in Low Holland by Guy Renardeau with music by Guy Renadeau. The drawings, photos and texts in the films and the documentary are by Lucienne Tomesen. https://vimeo.com/user13258945 (APOLLO kids publisher) https://natuurluciennetomesen.tumblr.com.
Documentary Do farming villages and farmers in the low peat meadow landscape (Natura 2000 area) in Low Holland still have a future? Guy Renardeau (LA) made a documentary about nature and farmers in the Zeevang Polder (2015-2016), with music by Guy Renardeau. The theme of the documentary is 'enlargement of scale'. How can facilities such as a school and a bus connection, an association for rural women and cultural activities in the reformed church be maintained? He asked this question to a farmer, his wife, and a young man who attended primary school in Ribbon Village, which consists of 500 inhabitants. The young man was in a class with his younger sister. His class consisted of 2 people. https://youtu.be/RCLtLrL3MdA?si=oCi0JyaCA1XDgqZi.
Movie Nostalghia. Andrey Tarkovsky's masterpiece 'Nostalghia' is a film about 'loss'. Guy Renardeau wrote music for this magical black-and-white film (his last) in 2020 during the 'pandemic'. Tarkovsky grew up in the Russian countryside. Stalin and communism destroyed that countryside with its farmers and its wooden houses. This film tells the story of Tarkovsky and his time and tells something about us and our time ('Great Reset'). 'Nostalgia' means longing for that which is definitively gone.
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abyssofsydney · 11 months
My BIL pulled out a gun after family dinner but I’m the one exiled from my sister and her unborn baby’s lives.
Forewarning - a bit of a long read
TW- gun violence
The day before my little sister’s (22) baby shower the family gathered for pizza and beer at my grandfathers homestead, where myself (28), husband (31), & my father temporary reside, as my grandfather just lost his wife of 60 years and is struggling with being alone and the upkeep of the homestead. My sister also begged me to leave my travel job where I was a few states away and to come back home to help with her being pregnant and the baby, as she didn’t have a relationship anymore with our mother. The second ex-wife of my father & her daughter (15) were also there from out of town as they had asked to stay with my grandfather for the baby shower weekend as they couldn’t afford a hotel.
My brother-in-law (21) arrived late to the “party” finishing off a 24 oz Twisted Tea as he walked thru the door. He was already clearly buzzed & continued to drink but none of us were concerned as his pregnant sober wife could just drive him home.
My husband went to get pizza for us, as well as my brother-in-law, & dad’s ex-wife’s daughter went along for the ride too. Once they got back my husband immediately pulled me aside and told me that BIL & the daughter were flirting intensely the whole ride, including words, touching, daughter taking his clothing items and refusing to give back, etc. to the point where my husband told them to knock it off multiple times (anyone who knows my husband, knows he’s a EXTREMELY tolerant man, but holds his morals high, especially when it comes to infidelity & family). & then BIL proceeded to give the daughter (15) a Twisted Tea to which my husband objected & the daughter proceeds to chug the whole thing before he can take it, as he’s the one who’s driving. After being informed by my husband of this I asked if I should tell my sister now and he said no just wait until the week when you can talk to her one on one and the ex-wife & daughter will be back in their home state hours away.
We proceed with dinner & BIL & the daughter kept leaving the shop where we all were, to go outside in the 30 degree weather in no coats for 5-10 mins at a time, each time coming back more clumsy, giggly, and just plain “up to no good” written all over their faces. I was suspicious of their behavior which made it awkward so I called it a night first and my husband followed suit shortly after.
& that’s when it all happened…
We were both laying in bed watching tv, just sparked a joint, and I hear a truck start up, nbd I figured it was my sister and BIL leaving. I could hear the vehicle getting closer and closer to our camper we stay in on the property, which with the U driveway there wouldn’t be a reason for anyone to drive close to us. Wondering what was up I opened the blinds and begin watching the truck out the window, just in time to watch it smash into the front brush guard on our new 3500 & then back up. I yell to my husband “omg they just hit our truck!!!” and run out the door in my pjs. My husband follows suit, him only in his boxers.
I get out there and I find the daughter and BIL standing in front of my truck staring at it, with the other truck still on, headlights pointing directly at the damage. I asked “what the f*** happened” and BIL said “idk”, to which I replied “I just watched you hit my truck!” BIL: “No I didn’t!!!” Me: “I watched someone hit my truck thru the window! Who was it!?!” At this point I’m yelling because they’re not giving me answers. I specially ask each of them if they hit it & both blankly stare. I continue to ask/yell what happened and BIL begins yelling at me to “calm down” and “stfu” and walks closer and gets right in my face continuing to scream. At this point my husband steps up and states “you don’t talk to my wife like that” and then grabs him by the hoodie. BIL continues to yell into my husbands face to which my husband continued to restrain him and put him on the ground. My husband continued to ask him what happened to the truck, BIL continued not to answer and only talked more s*** to which my husband slapped him across the face & told him to calm down. After this he seemed to have calmed and my husband let him up. After he was up, BIL started to run his mouth again as my dad was walking up to the situation. Husband and dad were telling him to go home and got about 20 feet away from the trucks when BIL suddenly reaches into his front left waistband, pulls out his grandfathers old pistol, points it directly at my husband with my father standing to the right of my husband and myself standing to his left. My dad told him “put that f****** thing away” followed by my husband “ya better know how to use it”. He then puts it behind him in his waistband and we’re all screaming at him to leave. My sister finally comes out from the sidelines watching it all happen (which I understand to a point because she is pregnant) and gets in her vehicle & leaves, then BIL peels out in the driveway & leaves in his own vehicle.
We didn’t call the cops because we don’t like to get police involved especially in family matters as one bad night can ruin a young kids life, especially the father of the future first grand baby to the family, but now I’m wondering if we should have.
Once it was said and done, the daughter finally admitted to her mom she was the one driving but didn’t admit to drinking although you could visibly see she was tipsy at the least. Her moms truck was much more damaged than mine. Dad, husband, and I weren’t upset about the truck being hit, more so that they lied, acted shady, got in my face aggressively, and then after everything was done proceeded to brandish his pistol.
Thankfully my grandfather was inside the house and didn’t have his hearing aids in so he didn’t hear a thing.
The baby shower was the most awkward and terrible one I feel I’ll ever attend. As my sister didn’t talk to me and barely talked to my father, like we were the ones who did something wrong. Literally no one apologized for anything that happened that night except for my husband & I the night of for our parts played in the scenario. The mother or daughter never apologized for her actions and the damage to our vehicle and the mother even refused to give me her insurance information so I could file a claim.
Monday I messaged my sister asking to get the items back that I leant her for the party and for her to leave them outside in her barn where most of them were anyways so I could grab them the next morning while everyone was at work (I’m a housewife now). I then receive a three page message, formatted to mimick a legal document with full names, addresses, and times; stating I will only be allowed on their property two nights this week between the hours of 6:30-8:30 pm, when they are both home. She also specifically states that no firearms are allowed to be brought on her property during these visits to which I have to comply. She also states that if my husband steps foot on her property they will call the cops for trespassing.
So that leaves me with the option of going without my protection weapon, to the house of someone who pulled a weapon on me days before while intoxicated, with a good chance of him being intoxicated again while I’m there. Awesome.
Reading the last part of her message completely broke my heart. She wrote that after I receive my stuff I will have 0 contact with my sister and her soon-to—be born baby indefinitely.
The BIL has since only allowed my sister to talk to my father when he his home, assuming so he can hear and control the conversation, which my father denied until he can talk to her while she’s alone. This behavior isn’t abnormal for him as he’s had other incidents that we have seen where he has been overcome by his anger and have heard stories where he has pulled his gun on others. At this point his anger and immaturity in regards to gun ownership have me concerned for my sister and her her baby’s safety. I reached out to their local sheriffs office to make them aware of his gun ownership and his irrational behavior as well as having a pregnant wife at home.
My sister and BIL act as though my husband beat the living pulp out of my BIL; which is far from what happened. My husband is a 6’3” 200 lbs lumberjack type man whereas my BIL is a 6’ 150 lbs string bean. If my husband wanted to truly hurt him he would have, that’s why he slapped him instead of punching him. My husband left a few scratches and they act like he broke his arm. They also claim that it was self defense as to why my BIL had to pull out the gun after the altercation was over & he was over 20 feet away from the initial altercation.
Prior to this my sister and I were close and both so excited for the baby. I’d been doing her shopping, bringing her lunch, going to her appointments, and I planned on babysitting her baby once she went back to work.
I’m trying to stay hopeful that it won’t last, especially once the baby’s here and reality sets in for her; but this is also the same sister who stopped talking to our own mother for almost a decade for reasons even less significant than this.
Yes, we all know that violence is not the answer, but unfortunately sometimes it does come down to it. In my family we all hold CPLs and none of us were armed at the time except my BIL, which none of us were aware of at the time except for possibly my sister, as we all know it’s a violation and simply not smart to have your weapon on you while drinking. As well as we’re home with family, why should we need a weapon on us?
So here I ask: Is this really what I deserve to never have a relationship with my future niece and sister again?
Do you think it’s the age/generation/maturity difference between my sister and I that makes us see this situation so differently?
Or do you think she’s just doing & believing whatever my BIL tells her? Somewhat of a domestic/Stockholm situation?
Or do you agree with her?
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bloodmoonlich · 1 year
My dog has been throwing up all morning. It's followed a "normal" pattern (threw up food middle of the night idk when, threw up a bit of food + bile this morning, then threw up bile a few times). Everyone I know with dogs assured me this is normal enough since she's still acting normally with no symptoms.
But my cat passed away last year from what we think was a neurological disorder. He had like 5 emergency vet trips dealing with that and two blockages (despite a speciality diet) - most of which happened on weekends or late at night so only emergency vets open, long waits, and stress.
I know logically it's normal for dogs to vomit and as long as it passes soon, it's probably nbd but I just keep thinking of my boy and how every emergency started with something little and ultimately they ended with him passing.
My partner is out of town too and I'm just like crying over this and feeling panicked even tho the sweet vet tech I just talked to at the vet hospital told me I'm okay to monitor at home for now.
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