#which is. why she's crying. that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it
romance-rambles · 4 months
modern clarence | true love's kiss
The one where you kiss the merman awake, and in return, he wipes away your tears. Meanwhile, William is both oblivious and confused.
2.3k, alternate scene in clarence's azure island route, angst + humor, reader is mc, series: none
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You take Clarence's hand in yours, desperately trying to think of anything but the half-coherent fears buzzing around in your ear. They whisper the same thing over and over again, deliberately circumventing the semi-comforting words of the young medic who had teased you earlier.
He is fine now, but what if.
What if, what if, what if—
Amidst the constant chanting, you make a note to throttle your boyfriend. Honest and deliberate communication can come afterwards, once he's realized how much he worried you. It's a good thing you've developed a habit of listening to your instincts—what if you hadn't been waiting for him on the beach? What if something far worse had happened to him?
Gnawing at your bottom lip, you curse his usual tendencies—so very Clarence that they remind you that this is the man you fell in love with.
"Wake up, or I'll go date William instead," you threaten, in a hushed whisper.
Your voice cracks early on, though it's not as though its trembling quality could lend itself to a threat anyways. Leaning over, you brush his wet bangs out of his face lovingly. Then, your hand slides down with a gentle carress and cups his cheek, wiping away the water dripping from his hair.
With color slowly returning to his lips, you can allow yourself to appreciate his handsome face in an effort to pass the time. Now, you can almost imagine he's asleep, much like the princess in Sleeping Beauty—quietly awaiting the true love's kiss that'll wake him up.
CPR, that is, you correct yourself.
Due to your mistake, your cheeks take to burning, as though the shame flooding through your system will temper your own tendencies. You dare not accept the reminder of the medic's words that your brain helpfully offers you. Instead, you barrel onwards, as if it never existed.
"Ten seconds," you murmur. It sounds like a promise. "I'll kiss the merman—ahem, perform CPR in ten seconds."
A bit too faithfully, unfortunately.
With a grimace, you squeeze Clarence's hand gently. The humor behind your blunder had briefly calmed you down, but as your countdown begins, you find yourself back at square one. You really will throttle him.
In lieu of reaching for his neck, you pull at his cheek gently, just enough that it soothes your worry. Not once does he stir—and perhaps that's what emboldens you. Slowly, the distance between the two of you shrinks, and you are so preoccupied by the almost hypnotic hold your repetition has on you that you don't notice.
But when you do—
I can count his lashes, you realize, blinking away the familiar burning sensation in your eyes.
By now, you've lost track of where you were—both in terms of the countdown and your surroundings. There are people on the beach, but, perhaps, having sensed your volatile emotions, they do not dare cross over to the little spot on the beach you have to yourselves. You start counting again, expertly dodging the temptation of kissing your beloved.
10, 9, 8...
When you reach the final number—zero, not one—you reluctantly let go of his hand. And, mirroring your other hand, the newly-freed one comes to rest on his cheek. The mole underneath his eye disappears under your trembling thumb.
When you hit zero, you finally allow yourself to kiss the merman.
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This, Clarence surmises even without opening his eyes. They're touching his face too, as if even the rarest of treasures are incomparable to him, even as they tremble against him. He knows, instantly, that it is you.
Who else would touch him so lovingly? And who else has touched him so lovingly?
When he opens his eyes, Clarence is rewarded for his guess by the sight of you leaning over him.
Your eyes are closed; unshed tears cling to your delicate lashes, quietly asking him to do something about them. There's little time to be flustered. Yet, paradoxically, it is the best time to be flustered. Your lips are soft and they taste of your favorite chapstick—the one you obsessively put on when you're stressed.
Somehow, though he doubts the formula changes every other day, it tastes sweeter each time he rediscovers it.
For a moment, he closes his eyes, lifting his hand up in the air, just above your arm. His cheeks are still warm, and his ears even warmer, when he rethinks his move and finally fulfills the request.
You open his eyes, startled by his gesture.
"Clarence?" you sputter out weakly, once you've established some distance between them both.
He has half a mind to point out the irony of the moment, before you go ahead and wipe your tears away. His gaze fixes itself upon your hands, clad in the same protective gear as his own. The warmth he felt from your touch would've had him believing otherwise, if he did not have his sight to fall back upon.
Hoping to find something to occupy himself with, he reaches for his glasses. They are, of course, not there—he'd replaced them for contacts before he went diving.
Thankfully, you seem oblivious to his blunder as you wring your hands, desperately looking for an excuse.
"That's, um—"
The black diving suit you're wearing contrasts sharply against the gold and orange of the evening sky. It was early in the afternoon when he dove into the waters, and then—the gears begin to turn in his head, reminding him of how he'd collapsed into your arms. Some leniency, he thinks, is deserved.
"CPR," Clarence says slowly, feeling a sharp twinge of pain in his head as he sits up. "Is that not what you were doing?"
You look at him, clearly bewildered. Soon, as scarlet blooms across your cheeks, you're diving into the crook of his neck with a groan. There's some kind of inside joke he's missing, but he can't find it in himself to worry about it too much.
"Don't," you say fiercely, "ever do that again."
As you adjust yourself against him, your body now pressed up against his, your grip on his diving suit tightens. Coherency leaves him that same moment—all he knows to do is wrap his arms around your trembling form and softly call out your name.
At some point, he'll tell you all that he's learned. About your mother. About the strange python he'd encountered, the one that seemingly shared his voice. But for now, it is just you and him, bathed in the rosy hue cast out by the sun, and—
"Thank you for waking up."
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WHEN YOUR SNIFFLING SUBSIDES, CLARENCE begins to delve into the series of events that led him to stumble into your arms. You listen intently, only ever interrupting him to offer your own conclusions.
That is, until he admits he'd like to face anything and everything in his path with you.
Your sentiments are well-practiced; your only argument, compelling. It's true—you are his lover, and you do occupy an entirely different tier within his heart. There is no one else he'd trust more to watch his back. You cannot do that if you're not by his side.
You offer him your pinky and he links his own with it.
"Okay," he says softly. "I promise, my lover."
Your eyes narrow fondly at him. Slipping your pinky out of his grip, you throw your hands around him. It seems you're still shaken up by the experience, and Clarence—having already put himself in your shoes and concluded that he'd act no differently—can understand why.
"Okay," you repeat. You've both changed out of your diving suits, having exchanged them for your usual summerwear somewhere in between the two events. "I'm going to hold you to it."
His assumption that his agreement marks the end of their conversation soon turns out to be false. You hug him tighter, leaving your soft hair with more opportunities to tickle his cheek. After a momemt, you sheepishly admit:
"It, um, wasn't CPR."
Clarence can feel his cheeks warm up again. You're faring no better, though it'd be easy to miss with the way you're hiding your face. It's hardly the first time you've kissed each other—though the heightened emotions make for what is perhaps one of the most unforgettable ones yet.
"I know," he admits.
"Okay," you say, clearing your throat. The words come out rushed and awkward. He thinks back to when you rendered him speechless in the Student Council's clubroom and wonders how he could pull off the same thing. "Glad we had this talk."
When he can't think of anything witty to add to the conversation, Clarence simply admits the truth.
"I liked it," he says. You inhale sharply, and he thinks he might've pulled his objective off through sheer, disarming honesty. "Though, next time, I'd like to do it when we're both happy. I...know it's my fault, but—I dislike seeing you cry."
You call out his name, and next time comes faster than he was expecting.
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PERHAPS IT'S DUE TO THE recent revelation you bestowed upon him that William can't help but take note of the distance between the two of you. Your hands are still intertwined, though, proving the truth behind what you'd said to him earlier.
He has—
He has a lot of questions. Like, actually, a lot. As in, actually, he'd spent the entire time preparing a quiz worthy of the Student Council President.
Because if it's true, then he's calling dibs on being the best man at the wedding. And William sure hopes it is because he's already made plans to become Uncle William to any of your future children, whether they're of the human or cat variety. The ship has sailed for yours and Clarence's current, combined brood of cats, but he'll try hard regardless.
His progress with Beanie was looking quite promising when he'd visited you before the trip, after all. He's tentatively excited about the play date he's scheduled for himself after the trip.
The only problem is, he can't really wrap his head around it. How? And why? Is Clarence even capable of seduction?
As he plops down onto the sand, now much cooler than it had been in the morning, William makes a show of scolding Clarence. The scary dark mage of the Student Council doesn't need to know that he almost burned a misshapened circle through the rug in his room. Besides, how often does he get the upperhand?
He nods decisively. Right, never.
Thanks to the setting sun, your faces have taken on a reddish hue. And while the fear of potentially losing Clarence—one he can relate to—has rendered you unable to speak without introducing a shrilly note to your voice, the guilt of leading you to that point has left Clarence unable to go a sentence without coughing politely into his clenched hand.
It must've been bad.
You must've been downplaying it when you texted him. It'd been a short message, straight to the point. For a moment, William almost convinced himself it was Clarence before he remembered that the president does not text without proper punctuation.
(And for a small, small fee, William thinks he could be persuaded to remember that scene a bit more clearly—so long as news of it does not reach Clarence's ears.)
"Alright," he says, temporarily putting his plans for a pop quiz on hold, "I think it's time we went back to the hotel. I'm exhausted, Clarence. Do you know hard it was to stare at my phone for so long?"
To William's surprise, his fellow Student Council member smiles faintly. It's a bit strange looking at him without glasses on, as if something is just undeniably wrong with the very fabric of time and space itself.
"Thank you, William," Clarence says, and the pink-haired boy is left to blink confusedly. Something really is wrong. "I'm sorry to have worried you."
"Worried?" he sputters out, his own cheeks growing warm. "I—okay, maybe I was a little worried."
"A little," you echo. Your intentions are hardly as sincere as your boyfriend's—and gah, that's still weird. "Just enough to want to go looking out for him in my stead, right?"
As the couple begins to smile, now looking eerily similar to each other, William hurriedly stands up. The colors of the setting sun don't cling to their faces nearly as much as they once did. Whatever awkwardness was between them seems to have vanished, almost instantaneously.
He can't help but think that his upper hand is no longer his.
"Anyway, I'm starving!" he says, pointing in the direction of a nearby restaurant. The two of you have already changed out of your diving suits, so he figures it won't take too long to get served. "Since this is all Clarence's fault, I think he should pay!"
The man in question chuckles and easily agrees to William's request. Then, as another reminder of his new relationship status, Clarence looks over at you, and William swears he can see hearts in his eyes.
Squinting, he wonders, Should I have been worried about you instead?
Clearly, something spooky had happened when his fellow student council member went to look at the totems. That means—and the pink-haired student shudders at the thought—there's clearly some truth to the legends. And if magic is real, then—
Maybe the dark mage of the Student Council is not Clarence, but you.
"Are you coming?" you call out, cutting through his thoughts. You and your boyfriend are both standing, with an expectant look in your gazes. "I thought you were starving."
He squints at you for a moment. At your kind smile and much gentler countenance, compared to the guy you've decided to date. So what if you tease him sometimes? It just means you feel close to him.
Yup, that sounds right. Having made his decision, he nods to himself and says:
"There's no way!"
When he finally joins his waiting friends and they ask him what he was mumbling about, he only assures them they have nothing to worry about.
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al1fers-haven · 6 months
Hear me out, Alastor x Vox's wife
Basically, the reader was married to Vox when alive and hated him but couldn't get a divorce. When she died, she went to heaven, but then fell and was found by Vox, who promptly forced her back into the wife role
But, one night, the reader runs away and meets Alastor, and she instantly bonds with him over a mutual hatred of Vox, which turns into them falling in love
Sorry if the idea is too harsh on Vox, just a scenario I've been thinking about for a while
NO! Don't be sorry love. Its absolutely perfect.
"Oh Deer,"
Alastor x Vox's Wife!Reader
Nothing could have prepared you for the pain you felt when falling. The harsh searing pain that enveloped you as you hit the ground and heard that snap. Tears stained your cheeks as you glared up at the heavens. Too focused on your anger and pain to take in your surroundings and where exactly you were. Demons stared as you stood up, a loud groan leaving your figure as the bright gold blood dripped down your back, the sticky substance sticking to your palms as you tried to wipe it off of you. Vox stopped in his tracks, eyes a bit wide as he saw you drag yourself down the street. Valentino looked back at the TV man before following his gaze with a confused look. "Y/n...?" You stopped in your tracks, looking over towards the TV man and scowling. "Y/n? Is that you? What are you doing down here-" You yelped, trying to move away from him. One of the wings on your back flares up and makes you yell. Breathing harshly as you stared at him.
"Stay the HELL away from me you- you vile demon!" You held your palms against the dragging wing. Sobs wracking your whole form.
"Y/n...It's me. It's your husband...Don't you recognize me?" Your eyes widened, pure hatred filling your brain as you stared at him. "You- You nasty man! You horrible human! You are awful!" Vox stared in shock, your true feelings about him now out in the open. "Y/n...you're hurt." He reached his hand out and Valentino walked up to the two of them. All eyes turned to the pitiful display. "Come home, love."
"Do you even understand what I'm telling you, woman? Get my coffee. And make it the right way." You flinched, eyes looking toward the ground as your eyebrows furrowed. A small scowl on your face.
"I should've divorced you before you died. You cunt." You let out a yelp as he grabbed the neck of the shirt you were wearing, trying to keep you to 'today's time he shoved you inside of a tight outfit you hated. "Oh? Well, why didn't you." You shoved the TV man off of you. Fixing your shirt. "Because I thought maybe, just maybe. You'd leave me for another woman so I could raise our child ALONE." Vox's TC screen glitched, walking up to you. "Don't you DARE bring her into this!" You poked his chest, puffing your own out to seem bigger. "You don't understand how happy I was to hear you had died in that shitty bar lounge you always sat in! How happy I was for her to get to live without your influence!" You stepped forward, making the man step back. "I raised her all on my own and until she died and I did a wonderful job! Thanks to you dying she didn't have to witness that boring excuse of a thing you called love!" He grabbed your hand and threw you to the ground. Huffing as he stared at you with wide eyes. You obviously hit a soft spot. His eyes softened for a moment. "It's such a shame she died so young." Your eyes burned, Vox's eyes looking down on you. Pitying you for the death of your daughter. "." You stood up, storming out of the room and running out of the building. Vox's head turned to hs associates. "When did you have a kid?" Valentino broke the silence.
You sat on one of the benches in the more secluded part of the city, Your wings tucked into your back as you sat next to the little antique shop. Sobs left your figure as you sat there. Unaware of what to do in a situation like this. It was like you were alive all over again, crying over the loss of normalcy when Vox had died. "Hm?" A red-haired man zipped through the radio behind you. Leaning against the staff in his hand as you stood up and wiped your eyes, "Do my eyes deceive me?" The static startled you, jumping a bit before turning around to see the man. "Oh." You blinked a couple times at the odd figure. Huffing as you ran a hand through your hair. "Alastor, right? Vox's horrible horrible enemy?" You crossed your arms, trying to make it seem like you still had some control in your life. "Yes! And you are his....Assistant?" He waved his hand a little bit, trying not to hit a sensitive spot and deal with more of your weeping.
"Ex-wife." He blinked a couple times, laughing and grabbing your Backpack so he could sit down and leave you a seat. "Oh? Do tell more." His smile was eerily comforting, a sigh left your figure as you sat down. Obviously still upset. "I left, like i should've when we were living." The words spat out like venom. Eyes narrowing in on the ground. "He was an ass sure but at first he at least tried to pretend he cared. Just like he did here. I fell, he pretended to care for me enough to get me to call him my husband again and then boom. It was back to the same abuse i got out of in our 30's." You leaned back. The radio demon's frequencies stopped for a moment so he could listen. Anything he could use against Vox was a wonderful addition, no matter the baggage it brought with it. "He beat you?" Alastor tilted his head, mildly amused with this information. "Sometimes, not hard but enough to hurt. Slapping, name-calling, kicking. Things that wouldn't leave too much of a mark." You turned towards him. His smile was a bit tense. "When I had our child, my baby girl he changed a bit. Tried pretending a bit more while I was pregnant with her. He seemed to care for her. but just not for me." Your eyebrows furrowed as you continued. "She died when she was 2. About a year after Vox died from alcohol poisoning in that stupid bar."
Alastor put a hand on your shoulder. Now listening intently. "I'm glad she didn't have to deal with his constant fucking whining." Alastor laughed at that, his eyes closing a bit as he nodded. "Why yes, I have noticed quite a bit that he has a knack for whining and crying." You laughed a bit, finally calming down. "My name is Y/n, by the way." Alastor nodded, sitting up straight before sighing. "I'm aware...Alastor." He shook your hand, watching you laugh a bit more. "Y'know he wanted to name our kid Murphy?" Alastor blinked a couple times before laughing more, shaking his head no. It must have been hours, the two of you laughing in the street at all of the stupid things Vox had done before and after he died. Alastor filled you in on all of the stuff he knew while you told him about simple things.
The two of you calmed down a little bit, a smile on both of your faces as you stared off. The radio demon stood up suddenly and reached for your hand. "Well! Why don't you come to the hotel with me! I'm sure Charlie would love a new girl there!" You looked up at him, chuckling nervously. "Well...I don't know about that Alastor." "Cmon! Just for a night hm? Then we can see if we can make a deal." You grabbed his hand and yelped, suddenly being inside a random hotel with a blonde girl staring.
"Alastor! You're back....who is this?" She pointed towards you, a nervous smile on your face as Alastor twirled you a bit. Your laughter filled the room as you stopped spinning and suddenly appeared inside of better clothing fitting your time, an older 1920s-1950s dress fitting you perfectly. "This darling is Y/n! She was in quite the pickle and after...awhile-" You jumped in, hands clasped in front of you in a polite way. "2 hours." Alastor shook his head. "And after some time of talking I convinced her to take a shot at redemption, dear charlie." Charlie squealed, grabbing your hands and hugging you tightly. (Nearly till you died again.) "Welcome to the hazbin hotel!! I'm so glad Alastor brought you here!" Angel stared confused, looking as Alastor let you readjust his tie . A couple blinked of surprise leaving his figure as you walked away and towards the group. Immediately recognizing angel. "Angel!" He blinked. Staring at you. "Mrs? What are you doing here?" He waved his hand as you hugged him, a small frown appearing on your lips. "I left, me and vox got into another argument and I blew up on him." Angel laughed, hugging you again and sighing. "I wish I was there to see that asshole's face! Did'ya give him hell?!" You nodded excitedly. Looking around and taking a deep breath. "Oh, it feels good to be free again! Oh, how can I thank you Alastor!" Husker stiffened in his place, everyone expecting him to ask for her soul. "Perhaps you can tell me more about your dear ex-husband, hm? Seems like we didn't finish our little chat earlier dear." "Oh! Of course! You're such an angel puddin'! Oh, this is going to be so fun!"
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runningfrom2am · 3 months
cold nights // epilogue
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summary: a few years later...
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 3.7k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, depictions of mental illness, also she's is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
here it is :) the epilogue :)
(i'm crying, could you tell??) i figured it was time to post this now that we've officially entered the overlapping requiem/michigan cherry era. tbh i was just afraid to let these two go bc i love them so much.
thank you all again SO so much for all the love on this fic. it has truly meant everything to me that so many people came on this actual JOURNEY with me, i never intended this to be so long but here we are.
anyway, stick around for requiem!! and i hope you loved this if you made it this far!!
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist // pinterest board
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You were all dressed up in one of your finest gowns, attending the gala that preceded the presidential election.
Coriolanus was running, of course, and you were so incredibly proud. He's worked toward this for years, and you had been there every step of the way since the tenth annual Hunger Games, all those years ago. It felt like a distant memory- albeit one that still haunted you regularly.
You were a whole new person. A Capitol citizen most of the year, and you were happy most of the time. You and Coryo had always gone home in the summers, though, to spend your days surrounded by friends and family under the District Twelve sun. You always looked forward to it, but three months never felt like quite enough time. You missed your old life, but that's all it could be now.
While some Capitol elite was talking your ear off about the upcoming games, that's all you can think about. Well, how after the election that your boyfriend would most certainly win, those summers of peace would be a thing of the past. It was hard to think about, which is why you focussed on how you could work around it. Perhaps you would make smaller visits throughout the year- although Coryo was prepping you for the endless tasks that would even be put onto you as the First Lady of Panem. Once he wins the election, he would propose- and it would be followed by the wedding of the century. You didn't know if you dreaded it or if the pressure of it all just scared you beyond what excitement could repair.
"Miss Y/L/N?" Your train of thought is abruptly interrupted and you hum in response, bringing the champagne glass to your lips, acting like you were paying attention the whole time.
"Yes?" You respond as you lower your glass. "My apologies, I just spaced out for a moment there. It's a big day, after all..." You chuckle to recover, tilting your head slightly at them.
"I was just asking if you had any input in the arena for the next Games, if you could give us any hints." The man asks, seemingly impatient with you getting distracted.
"Oh," You reply, smile fading softly. "No, I- I really try to stay out of all of that." You laugh nervously, gripping tighter onto the glass as you take another sip, relieved when you feel someone's hand on your arm.
"Y/N, come sit. Coriolanus's speech is about to start, he got me to save you a seat at my table." Sejanus says, linking his arm with yours.
You politely excuse yourself from the conversation and allow him to pull you away. "Many thanks." You whisper to him, chuckling slightly as you glance back over your shoulder at the older man you were speaking to. "Some people are so tone-deaf, aren't they?"
"Most definitely." He sighs, shaking his head as he guides you toward his table at the front of the banquet hall, close to the stage. "Apparently that will never change."
Sejanus Plinth was your saving grace all these years, that, however, had never changed. You didn't see him as much anymore, with you being locked up in your office in the Snow penthouse focused on writing book after book until you were burnt out. His role as a doctor in and out of the Districts certainly didn't help either, but you knew he was partial to working back home in Twelve so he could spend more time with Lucy Gray. You were glad he was much more fulfilled in his adult life than you were; you always knew he would do well and you were proud. You had to take moments every so often to remind yourself that when you first met him and Coryo, you had been sad that you wouldn't get to see the men they would become but you had wondered. Now, you had your answers.
"Is that not the truth." You scoff under your breath, smiling and giving a quick wave to a few familiar faces as you pass. You had become somewhat of a people-pleasing expert, the same way Coriolanus had.
You sit down at the table at the front of the room just as the lights slightly dim, and the spotlight hits the stage. You gently cross one leg over the other, careful not to wrinkle your dress and clap in just the perfect polite way you had learned how to over the years, smiling as you see Coryo walk up onto the stage.
He waves, and people whistle and clap, and the smile on his face seems a little more genuine than it normally is during these speeches. Of course, though, this is his final address before he no doubt gets voted in as president, and you know that he is excited.
"Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for coming out tonight..." He says, in a subtle cue to get people to quiet down so he could speak, a drink still in his hand that he delicately hovers above the podium next to him. "This has been such an incredible opportunity for both of us running, and I must say, it's been fun." He tips the glass toward the other table at the front, and your eyes follow the movement to the other candidate, your friend and former classmate, Hilarius Heavensbee. They've never gotten along, and you know Hilarius wants nothing to do with this job. Not really. It makes you sad, a little bit, that his family would push him this far when he had confided in you in his freshman year that it wasn't what he wanted.
The man just gives Coryo a polite but nervous smile, taking another sip out of his own champagne glass. From where you were, you could see his hand trembling. You knew he would have to go next, and Coriolanus Snow was always a tough act to follow.
"Now, I am very happy about this turnout, because I have two important announcements to make." He continues, and whispers fill the room. You look over at Sejanus, a slight look of shock on your face. You didn't know he had anything special to announce, and he always kept you in the loop on everything. Sejanus just shrugs, looking back up at Coryo again. It must not actually be a big deal- it was probably just thanking some more people who have donated to his campaign.
"Firstly," He clears his throat, taking a step to the side as the screen behind him lights up. "For just a moment, see me as your head game maker and forget all about me running for president. Or don't, actually, maybe keep that in mind, but at the back of your mind." He chuckles, the little joke making the audience laugh. He was much more personable now than he once was, you smile a little as you remember helping him write his earlier speeches in a way that would make him more likable. "With the help of my fellow candidate and personal good friend, we are trying something new when it comes to The Hunger Games."
When he speaks, your heart drops and you sit up a little straighter- feeling all eyes on you as you just focus on him. For the first time, he looks down at you and gives you a small smile, the slightest nod in an effort to reassure you that it wasn't as scary as it sounded. You swallow and just keep your smile on as best as you can, ignoring all the stares.
"So, we all love The Games. They're exciting, the stakes are high, and I know every year we all pick our favourite tributes to root for and it's hard to watch them fall but, god, do I know better than anyone how good it feels when they win." Your cheeks burn intensely as Coryo sends a smile and a wink your way, and the screen behind him flashes to a picture of the two of you, taken after your shared university graduation just a couple of years ago. You were both smiling, but he was looking at you as he held you tight around your waist, and you looked into the camera and held up a three-finger salute. People are laughing and awe-ing at the photo of the two of you, and you laugh nervously, looking over at Sejanus with slightly panicked eyes.
You would be absolutely fine with this if he had just run it by you before, and you knew that whether you liked it or not, the Games were an integral part of who you were now, and always would be- but you certainly didn't want your name on anything to do with these new changes they're making. But, he wouldn't be talking about you at all if he knew you would hate it. You had to remind yourself of that.
"So, you all know my beautiful Y/N, of course, we're all big fans of hers here," Coryo says, gesturing to where you were sitting and you let out a nervous laugh, shaking your head at him in a way that would appear teasing to everyone else while he waits for everyone to finish clapping for you. "Don't get embarrassed already, darling, I've got a bit more to say about you so just sit tight, okay? Nothing bad, I promise." He says to you, looking into your eyes even as he stands up on the stage, everyone's laughter echoing in the background.
"So, I have known Y/N and her outstanding mind for years now. The Games are what brought us together when we were both just kids, but you all already know that story so I'll spare you the details. The bottom line is, I am so proud of the woman she has become. She's written two books that will soon become three, she graduated in the top three percent of our class with only a District education to build on, and she is the single most well-spoken, well-mannered, beautiful, and caring woman I have ever met. Truly, she has changed my entire outlook on life." He says, talking more so to the audience than to you, knowing that you're so embarrassed by this. And he would be correct. "It has truly been a privilege to know her, and to love her."
"But that was a long journey for us both, and a seemingly endless uphill battle for her recovery, despite her strength. The Games can be scary, let's be totally honest. It's life or death, and winning will change you, but Y/N came out the other side and wanted to make a difference for her family and that inspired me. And she continues to inspire me every day." Coryo says, pausing to take a sip of his champagne again. "So, all of this is to say, I'd like to thank her for all her support through my education, this campaign, and through the life we're building together. She inspired this idea in me and with the help of my fellow game makers as well as the Plinth family..." You look over at Sejanus as he continues, suddenly realizing he must have known about what was happening. He keeps a small smile on his lips as he watches, refusing to make eye contact with you.
"This," Coryo says, turning to look up at the screen while a picture comes up of a small cul-de-sac of beautiful homes. "Is just the beginning of the Victor's Rehabilitation Initiative."
You tilt your head, a shocked and confused smile on your face as you take in the photo and try to decipher what he's talking about.
"So, recently, Y/N has been more open with everyone about the struggles that came with being crowned a victor in our Games. Yes, they get to walk away with their lives, but what if winning meant something more? What if it meant security for them and their families, so they're not returning to their Districts with no sense of what to do next? That, everyone, is what this program is for. To help the strongest of them find a purpose again, and to encourage the bravest of Panem's children to get back on their feet after such an impressive feat as winning the Games."
You have to very consciously force your jaw to stay shut when you realize what he is saying, clapping along with everyone else while your smile relaxes into something more genuine. You knew that he wanted to abolish the Games altogether, and you knew that no matter who won the election, they wouldn't proceed for much longer. This was the first step in that direction, and you were flooded with emotions. Pride, excitement, relief.
"For ten years, until the beginning of the mentorship program, our victors were cast aside. Never to be heard from again after their win, I, for one, became curious as to what happened to them after the Games as soon as I met Y/N, and I have heard that question from many of you as well since we were all given the pleasure of getting to know her." Coryo's smile is one of pride and excitement, sparing a glance at you as he allows the audience to have their responses. So far, all seemingly positive despite the present undertones of him caring about the people in the Districts. He was a smooth talker, he knew exactly how to command a space and get people to believe what he wanted. And he was using it for good. "I mean, how many other victors have something extraordinary, just like her, that won't be utilized or nurtured? We never knew."
"From now on," He continues, the crowd quieting down. "Our victors will be given homes in what we've decided to call Victor's Villages in each of the Twelve Districts. They'll have ensured security for themselves and their families, and a generous sum of prize money to help them with whatever they need. Whether that's medical attention, both physical and emotional, or, if they so choose, when they reach the appropriate age, they could apply at our university to further their education. Though, between you and I, admittance is not guaranteed." He winks at the end and it's accompanied by laughter, which you try and go along with, but you're too close to tears to even process fully what was going on. This was a huge step in the right direction, even if like he said, acceptance was not guaranteed. "What I mean, is that it will be up to them. They can live their lives to the fullest, just like our gem, Y/N."
He looks at you again, and you can really only see his blurry form through your tears until someone is handing you a handkerchief to dry your eyes while people clap and cheer over the idea.
This was something you couldn't have imagined years ago. This was everything you've wanted since the Games- to make a difference, for people to care. And it was happening right before your eyes. Thanks to him. Thanks to you.
"And with that," Coryo says after a few moments, waiting for the crowd to quiet down after taking in your reaction. "We can move on to my second announcement, which is my formal withdrawal from the presidential campaign."
Gasps fill the room and your smile disappears, a hand coming up to your mouth as you look up at him, shocked and confused with the announcement that blindsided even you.
"Are you happy here?" You ask quietly, not wanting to disturb the peace of the evening as you walk from your parent's house back to your own in the Victor's Village.
"I couldn't be happier." Coryo replies through a soft sigh, swinging your hand gently as it's clasped between you.
"Are you sure?" You say again, feeling a little uncertain despite weeks of his endless reassurance that this was, in fact, what he wanted.
To him, this scenario was perfect. He could keep his job as head gamemaker, planning to only return to the Capitol for a few months or so every year for the Games. He knew that wouldn't last much longer, though, not with Hilarius Heavensbee in office. Coryo gives it a few years and a few major "accidental" mistakes on his part for the viewership of the annual event to die out and open the door for the president to call them off, just like he had always wanted to.
And every day Coryo would wake up to see you in your happy place, the only place you'd ever felt truly at home. He was more than happy to give it all up for the greatest sake of seeing you smile.
"Of course." He smiles, never growing tired of telling you the same thing over and over again if it meant he could ease your mind.
The moonlight bounces off his in a way that makes you think it could be glowing if you didn't know any better.
"I told you that I would be. Years ago. You remember?"
"Of course I remember."
He lets out a breathy laugh at your reply, shaking his head. "That was a foolish question. I don't think you've ever forgotten a single word anyone has ever spoken to you."
"Sure I have." You say, tilting your head as you look up at him, trying to catch the same moonlight reflect in the blue of his eyes as you walk down the path. "I just don't forget... the important bits."
"I will try my best to take care of you while you're here."
"My honest, best advice? Figure out a way to escape."
"I can't have killed them all for nothing."
"You are not a beast."
"Please, don't walk away again."
"I survived because I had to learn to love you."
"Like in your books?" His voice interrupts the swirling of speech from years past, and you shrug.
"Not exactly... it feels different. Because I can hear it, still." You explain, voice dropping into something more quiet as the remnants of your fear eats away at the back of your mind, the cold night breeze imprinting your skin.
"God, the way your mind works, love." He says, and as you look up at him to be met with an expression of pride that always changes everything. "You amaze me every day."
You stay quiet, cheeks getting hot as you look back down at the path.
"Are you happy?" Coryo asks after a moment, eyes never daring to leave your profile as you walk next to him, hardly more than a silhouette in the dark. But certainly more than a ghost, now.
"I am." You reply, the smile creeping back onto your lips. "Such hours are beautiful to live, but hard to describe..."
He hums softly in response. That was a yes, but also a no in the most you fashion possible. His heart remains heavy in his chest knowing that there is nothing more he can do for you to help you heal besides be present. "Is there anything more I can do?" He asks anyway, hoping that maybe you would come up with something.
You shake your head, giving him a tight-lipped smile laced with reassurance.
"Well, then..." He sighs, rather dramatically. "I did have an idea, you know, something that might make you happy. Even just for this one beautiful hour."
You let out a laugh, squeezing his hand a bit. "If that was you asking me if we could-"
"I would like to marry you." He says, for the first time ever, not feeling guilty about interrupting you.
You stop in your tracks, and he stops with you instantly as if he were waiting for it, his hold on your hand not faltering for a second.
"I... you-"
"Darling," He starts, stepping in front of you now, blocking out the moon but hardly putting a dent in the presence of the stars over his shoulders, their soft light reflecting off his blonde curls. "I do love nothing in the world so well as you."
Your shock and confusion begins to wear off as he speaks the familiar words, and you laugh softly. "In your own words, Coryo."
He tilts his head at you, clearly not having expected that kind of response. He expected a lot of things. He planned for everything that could go wrong, he prepared for rejection, for tears, panic, even, but he did not expect that. "I, uh..." He chuckles nervously, giving his head a quick shake to get himself back on track.
He had read that play just for you. Just for this- because he knew how much you loved it, and he remembered the joy it brought you. The smile on your face when you told him about it that day at the lake had never left his mind.
"If you ask me in your own words, I shall say yes." You assure him, hands gripping tighter onto his despite your surprisingly calm demeanor.
"I thought you would like that... You know, knowing you..."
He's quick to defend himself, and your eyes almost sparkle as you look up into his own. "We should have learned by now that our story is our own, yes?" You ask. "We are not Beatrice and Benedick, or Laurie and Amy, or even Romeo and Juliet, just like I used to think we were supposed to be when my days were numbered. I thought I wanted one of those stories to be mine at least once before I died, but I was wrong." You say, taking in the embarrassed flush of his cheeks even in the dim lighting. "You are you, and I am me. No matter what you say I will be happy to marry you, so long as you ask me yourself, and not as someone else."
"Alright then." He gives you a curt nod, a smile on his face as he lowers himself in front of you, careless of the dirt that would no doubt cake into the knee of his pants. "You're everything to me, Y/N/N. My world... my heart, my soul. I didn't know what love was until I met you. I've spent the entirety of my adult life learning to love you, and I never intend to stop. Not even for a moment, so please, let me marry you, love."
"A Coryo indeed." You say softly, recalling the first day you had met him- when you only knew him as Coriolanus, and how far you both had come since then. The growing smile on your lips twitches and you nod, holding his hand a little tighter and attempting to pull Coryo back to his feet. "Of course I will. Nothing would make me happier."
He stands again and very quickly his arms are around you, holding you just as tight as they always had.
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taglist: @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl ,  @dreamyysouls , @rockstarbfs , @maysileeewrites , @baybieruth , @kitscutie ,  @fratboyharrysgf0201 , @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @drewsandsebastianswife , @niicole-87 , @queenofshinigamis , @innercreationflower , @nallasstuff , @iovemoonyy , @thatmarvelchick19 , @wearemadeofstardust0 , @regulusblackcore , @puredreamagination , @fantasticchaosthing , @becauseseaotters , @secretsicanthideanymore , @cascadingbliss
if you want to join the taglist for future fics (requiem, michigan cherry, etc.) as well as the bonus content for this fic, follow me over on @runningfrom2am-library and turn on post notifs! all i do over there is reblog my own writing, so it's effectively a taglist :)
thanks again for being here.
xx, raye
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elysianholly · 8 months
This fucking guy
My villain origin story is people claiming that Riley's biggest crime in the series was being boring. He wasn't just boring. He was a passive-aggressive chauvinist who the show bent over backward to defend. A while back on Reddit, I made a list of reasons why Riley sucks. This is that list, and I'm adding to it.
The only reason he punches Parker is because Parker is mouthing off about a girl Riley likes. Everything about this interaction suggests that Riley has heard him say similar before, and hasn't cared until the woman in question was someone he had a vested interest in.
He calls Buffy stupid for not wanting to date him (if this guy slid into your DMs and called you stupid for turning him down, lbr, this would not lead into a healthy, lasting romance)
He immediately puts himself in competition with Buffy. Even at his most inoffensive, he says things like "I don't even know if I could take you."
He has an inherently chauvinistic view of the world (established in The Initiative)
He is upset that Buffy had a significant relationship before she knew him and assumes Buffy boinked Angel in The Yoko Factor
He uses abuser language to excuse his shitty behavior like, "I love you so much I can't think straight."
He decides that Buffy doesn't love him all by himself
When he decides that Buffy doesn't love him, he confides in Xander and doesn't communicate his relationship issues with Buffy
He wants to help Buffy but only in jobs that are "manly." In No Place Like Home, for instance, he nopes out when Buffy suggests he help with the spell to identify what might be wrong with Joyce. Even if there wasn't a lot for him to do, he could, idk, stick around to be moral support for his partner who is trying to figure out what might be attacking her mother. That seems like a pretty standard partner thing to do.
He gets upset that Buffy "doesn't get all worked up over him" the way she did with Angel when "getting all worked up" in CONTEXT means "isn't constantly miserable."
He is sad boi at Buffy in OoMM for also prioritizing her mother's health after she believes Riley is healed rather than sticking around to play nursemaid
He wants Buffy to show emotion over Joyce at a time when Buffy literally cannot (if you've never had a parent in the hospital with a life-threatening illness, maybe you don't know that there are times/places to break down and "in the hospital" where you're supposed to be strong isn't one of them)
He doesn't care that his girlfriend's mother is sick, possibly with something life-threatening; he cares that he got to be the hero of the piece, the shoulder for Buffy to cry on. His only reaction to any of that was to be hurt that Buffy didn't respond the way he thought she should; no concern for her well-being or Joyce's, just Riley getting his feelings hurt because he wasn't the center of Buffy's universe or the rock for her to lean on when all went to pieces
This is further confirmed by the way he just doesn't mention Joyce's absence at all in As You Were. When he leaves Sunnydale, it's after Joyce has had a successful operation. He returns and she's not there and no questions? No condolences? It's because he doesn't care.
He doesn't ask about Buffy's death when she lets him know she died.
He starts separating himself from the Scoobies and then gets mad for not being included
He literally cheats on Buffy with vampire sex workers (there are people who say they were not sex workers, but in a show where monsters are metaphors, you have to be especially dense or willfully obtuse to not realize this is what they are)
Riley intentionally puts himself in a position where he might be killed or turned specifically to SPITE BUFFY, which demonstrates his lack of consideration for what she might have to do later if things go bad
Riley blames Buffy for being roofied by Dracula (again, monsters as metaphor)
He never apologizes or owns that he was unfaithful
He blames his infidelity on Buffy, actually
The first time Buffy learns Riley isn't happy, she's told she should've seen it, which is classic victim blaming and happens from Xander AND Riley (and a good amount of fans who want to excuse that behavior)
He is fine with torturing sentient creatures, and in fact had a stake made specifically so he could torture vampires without killing them
He goes behind Buffy's back all the time
Riley was not boring. If he were boring, he would be inoffensive. Dull to watch but not rage-inducing. But he is rage-inducing because, despite all the passive-aggressive gaslighting bullshit he gets away with, people in this fandom still believe he was "Buffy's best boyfriend." That she was to blame for the deterioration of this relationship. That he was the healthiest of the Buffyverse men. The show does, too. That's why Xander (Wh*don's mouthpiece) gives that sanctimonious little speech to Buffy (the audience in this case) in Into the Woods to scold us for not treating Riley better. Then they double down in As You Were to make Buffy fawn all over herself to let this gaslighting asshole off the hook for everything he put her through.
Riley's sin is not being boring. It's that he was actually awful. Wh*don himself once called Riley a "healthy relationship" for Buffy, and if that doesn't tell you something, there's no talking to you.
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wukong-s-only-wife5000 · 10 months
could u pls do a first time meeting with Monkey King Reborn pls? I love ur work 💜💜
Monkey King Reborn: First Meeting.
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Content/Trigger Warnings: N/A.
Authors Notes: It's shit like this that'll make me cry. Thank you so much, and thanks for the request! Decided to make this a chubbyfemale!reader Reborn Wukong. Hope you don't mind.
Master List | Next--->
The council couldn't have chosen anyone else? Why'd you have to get dragged in with the monk to get whatever it was he was sent for? No, no, better question, COULDN'T THEY HAVE TOLD YOU THAT BEFORE HE LEFT?! Now you were on a journey alone to try to catch up with the monk that had four days ahead of you, so that was proving… tiresome. 
“How far can a monk get in just four days?” you grumbled to yourself as you tucked some of your (h/c) hair behind your ear to get it out of your face.
You'd spent two days trying to catch up to the monk, but it was proving to be a tedious task. Of course, you weren't going to give up, the higher-ups would tear you a new one if you gave up on the mission they ‘blessed’ you with. So, you marched on, asked around and tried to keep your head up.
You tried to think of the bright sides… Well, the only one you could really think of was finally getting out of that temple and away from those people. The fresh air was nice, but the endless walking wasn't what you were expecting when you were told you had a mission.
“Wait, is that them?” you thought to yourself aloud when you saw a group up ahead. You didn't know who the monk was supposed to be accompanied by, but you’d recognize him anywhere. 
Finally! You thought to yourself as you willed your body into a jog, holding your chest as you did so it didn't bounce too much.
“Wait!” you tried to get their attention, which worked faster than you thought it would. When you finally caught up to them, you were breathing heavily and barely able to catch your breath. You were met with a stick in your face.
“Who are you?” who you recognized as the Monkey King questioned in a growl.
“Lady (Y/n)?” the monk surprisingly recognized you, making the monkey stand down. Once they’d settled, you introduced yourself to the four demons the monk had travelling with him.
Why does he need me if he has the four of them? You thought to yourself in annoyance. 
“(Y/n) (L/n), I was sent to accompany you on your journey to the West to collect the Buddhist scriptures,”
“Forget it,” Wukong said almost immediately.
“Excuse me?” you looked at the demon who spoke as he eyed you as well with a raised brow. 
“I said no,” he said. 
“I wasn't asking your permission,” you stated.
“Wukong,” the monk chastised. “Forgive him, lady (Y/n),” the monk bowed in respect. 
“It’s just (Y/n),” you told him. “I was sent to join you in your journey to the West, and that is what I plan to do,”
“Forget it,” ‘Wukong’ repeated sternly.
“I wasn't asking your permission,” you repeated as well.
“You can go back to whatever temple you came from. We already have two weights, we don't need another,”
“Did you just call me fat to my face?” you raised a brow. His eyes widened slightly, and he snarled in your face, his breath smelling of fruit.  
“You know that's not what I meant!” he snapped.
“Hm,” you folded your arms and closed your eyes as you let out a heavy and defeated sigh. This could only be handled one way. “Since I'm such a heavy burden for you to bear, I’ll go,” you said simply and turned on your heel before starting to walk off.
“Wukong,” Tang said in a warning tone.
“Master, we don't need anyone else travelling with us,” he tried to persuade his master against letting you join.
“She has already come all this way on direct orders. She will be joining us, go apologize to her at once,” Tang ordered, making him groan, but follow behind you. 
“Hey, sh- girl,” he called as he walked beside you.
“Come to call me short as well?” you glanced at him. He glared at you, mostly because he was going to call you shorty instead of girl. “You wanted something?” you raised a brow as you eyed the… fairly attractive specimen before you.
“I'm…” he physically struggled to speak. 
“You're…?” you encouraged him to continue, wanting to hear him say it. 
“Sorry…” he said, very strained and soft.
“Pardon?” you tilted your head a bit. It's not that you didn't hear him, you heard him loud and clear… you just wanted to make him suffer for indirectly calling you short and fat. You didn't deserve to be called out like that by someone like him.
“I said I'm sorry, alright?!” he snapped, which surprised you.
“Kay,” you rubbed your chin and bottom lip to feel you were smirking. “I was taught that any man willing to put aside his pride to apologize deserves forgiveness, so your apology is accepted,”
“Now that we’re past that, let’s go,”
“Oh?” that smirk still playing on your lips that irked him.
“Your masters told you to join us, didn't they? Let's.go.” he seethed, much to your amusement.
I like this one… you thought to yourself in amusement.
“Right,” you nodded and simply followed behind him. “What was your name again?” you questioned from behind him, trying to remember what the monk had called him.
“Sun Wukong,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Right, right. The so-called Monkey and Demon King, the ‘Great Sage Equal to Heaven’. Your mess with the Jade Emperor was a cleaning job for lesser deities like me, so thanks for that.”
“Any time,” it was his turn to smirk at you, which of course irked you.
“What possessed you to do such a thing anyway?” you questioned as you walked beside him, but the only response you got was a huff.
“There they are,” you looked ahead to see the other three approaching. 
“Please forgive my-”
“It’s alright,” you cut him off as you traced your bottom lip slightly. “We have a long journey, let’s get moving.”
“Yes, of course,” the monk agreed with an amused smile.
The other three demons had introduced themselves to you. The pig, Zhu Bajie or ‘Pigsy’, was ‘trying his hand’ with you, much to your disgust. Luckily, Wukong pulled him away from you by his ear and said that you weren't interested, which you definitely weren't, but you thought speaking your mind might be a bit hurtful.
All in all… this trip was already shaping up to be a trip to remember. For better or worse? Well, that was still a work in progress.
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year
Heyyy can I request something? It's readers birthday and she wanted to wear a particular white dress that she saw while strallinga round velaris one day. She couldn't buy it that time because maybe she was running late to something? But when a week before her birthday she takes Azriel with her to buy that dress and finds out it's already sold out and can't get it again. She's very sad because she wanted to wear that dress but can't now and az sees this and gets sad too but on her birthday he surprises her with it🥲🥲
This literally happened to me yesterday but the thing is I had to wear my back up outfit because I literally couldn't find my dress anywhere 😭😭😭 I wanted my birthday to be perfect this year because I turned 18 and it was except the dress🥲
Happy Birthdays
Summary: Fate seems to be enjoying making Y/n's life miserable too much.
A/n: I'm soo sorry you had to go through that 😭 it really sucks when something you want gets sold out or you can't find it. I wanna come there and comfort you, but I can't do that, so here is the fic you asked for.
Her day was going like shit, and she wanted to smash something to pieces.
In the morning, she was woken up after having a nightmare where she was chased around by a hound with a stick. And the hound was running on two feet while the other two held the stick like a sword.
After that, when she went down to her kitchen to get breakfast, she realised her favourite breakfast cereal box was empty. She then had to eat some buttered up toast. Not that she disliked it, but she was really craving her favourite cereal.
When she decided to get ready for the day, she stubbed her toe on the dresser.
She had decided to go get her cereals and some items for dinner tonight as her mate would be coming back from a mission, and she was planning on making his favourite meal for dinner.
But of course, her day was apparently fated to be stressful.
The nearest store was closed, so she had to walk to another store to get her items. When she was returning home, she spied one of the most beautiful dresses she had seen in one of the displays of a shop.
But she had to go home and make preparations for dinner, so she decided to return in a few hours, just before Azriel came home, so she could wear the dress and surprise her mate.
Today being her birthday would also be a good excuse to treat herself to a beautiful dress.
So she walked home as fast as she could to finish the preparations for the elaborate meal she wanted to make for her mate.
The dress was all she could think about. Apart from her mate's return, of course.
She had finished making dinner an hour ago, and now as she stood in front of the store, she wished she'd worked faster. Or already bought the dress before.
Because the figurine in the glass display of the shop was now wearing another dress. Y/n nearly screamed in frustration.
Why was it always her? Why did she always have to have bad experiences on special days?
She didn't have any hope, but she still decided to check in with the store owner to make sure that the dress was truly gone.
"You mean the dress which was on that figurine?" The owner questioned, pointing. Y/n nodded. "Oh, I am so sorry my dear, we just sold it to a male a couple of moments before you arrived."
Y/n's heart sunk. She didn't even have to be hours earlier. If she'd only walked quicker or just winnowed, she could have had the dress. "It's– it's alright. Thank you."
Y/n quickly made an exit, trying not to cry as all her emotions became a jumbled mess. Her day had just not been good, and the one thing that might have made her happy other than her mate was gone. She just hoped the mother didn't play any more jokes on her and extend her mate's mission. That would truly be the cherry on top.
She pushed open the front door to her and Azriel's house, her head hung low as she tried not to cry. Her mate would be home any second, and she didn't want to worry him.
But the faelights were on, so it could only mean one thing.
Azriel was back.
She rushed in, wiping at her face in case any tears had escaped.
She found him in the kitchen, smiling at her.
"I was searching for you love." He mumbled as she came closer. He looked thoroughly exhausted, his hair windblown and his wings drooping just the slightest bit. But he looked happy, excited even.
He searched her face as he lifted his arms to pull her in for a hug, frowning and probably wondering why his mate was looking half dead, just before Y/n buried her face in between his neck and shoulder. "What happened, my love?"
And then all the frustration and pent up emotions of the day came tumbling out as she cried into his neck, telling him about how her day had just gotten worse and worse as it progressed.
"Oh, I'm so sorry my love. I wish I could make it better." He stroked her back, pressing gentle kisses into her hair. "What did the dress look like? Maybe I could help and get a similar one for you? There must be similar dresses."
Y/n shook her head. "It's gone now Azzie. Let's just forget about it. I know I sound so silly crying over a dress, but my day had just been so frustrating."
"I don't think it's silly Y/n. It's okay to want to be sad over something you wanted but couldn't get, especially on your birthday." After a moment, he went on. "While returning, I got you a dress as a gift. It might not be what you wanted, but it's beautiful nonetheless. Do you want to see it?"
"Sure Azzie." She gave him a small smile, wiping at her face as he pulled out the bag with the dress from his shadows.
He handed it to her, a faint look of anticipation in his eyes as she peered in. The color of the dress was the same as the one she had seen, and her heart seemed to slow down before speeding up again. Could it be...
She quickly grabbed the dress and pulled it out, shaking it open as her mouth fell agape. She was sure her jaw was on the ground as she stared at the dress she had wanted and been crying for.
She turned to Azriel, who furrowed his brows at her reaction. "Love?"
"Azzie, this is the same dress I was telling you about!"
He blinked. "What?"
"Yes! This really is the dress I wanted!" Her eyes started yo fill with tears again, but they were happy tears this time.
"If you're sure, then go get changed. Didn't you want to wear it today?"
She laughed. "Yes, I'll go get changed."
Y/n rolled onto her tiptoes and kissed Azriel's cheek, to which he smiled. And then she slapped the smile right off his face.
He gaped at her. "What was that for?!"
She lifted her chin, turning to go into her bedroom and change. "For making me cry."
"How did I make you cry?"
"You got the dress, and that made me think it was sold out, and it made me sad, so that is why."
"That's not fair!" He said angrily, but she could hear the smile in theose words.
"Never said it was."
She grinned as she heard him laugh. The type of laughs he only did when he was in her presence, the sound coming from somewhere deep in his body, his chest rumbling.
Some time later, after she had put on the dress, she flounced down the stairs, twirling and grinning as she showed it to her mate, who smiled as he leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed at his chest.
"Happy birthday my love." He pressed a kiss to the crown of her head when she finally stopped flitting around trying to show him her new dress.
She smiled up at him before she tugged him down so she could kiss him.
This birthday of hers would have been a disaster, but now that she had her mate, she knew he would stop at nothing to make her happy.
Knew that he would stop at nothing to make sure her birthdays were actually happy.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless
181 notes · View notes
fayes-fics · 2 years
Driven to Distraction
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader, Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader (sort of...), modern AU
Summary: Modern AU. An eventful ride home from a Christmas Eve party...
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Warnings: 18+smut, minors DNI, oral sex (m to f), fingering, voyeurism/exhibitionism, masturbation, one use of derogatory language, arguing as foreplay, sort of a threesome... sort of.
Word Count: 2.5k
1k followers build-a-blurb prompt: Anthony 👅 Smut 😡 enemies to lovers 🥳 party 🚗 car/carriage sex Smutmas Kink: Day 3 - Voyeurism/Exhibitionism Smutmas Dialogue Prompt: "There's no way I'm letting you spend Christmas alone"
Authors Note: Well... I have no excuse for this. This is sort of fulfilling a 1k follower celebration Build a Blurb request and Day 3 of @hallownightsblog 12 Days of Smutmas. Thanks to @makaylan for beta reading this. Err, enjoy <3
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Your sequin dress catches the light as your stride out of the opulent country house Christmas party. A fire of golden indignance.
“Don’t fucking follow me, Bridgerton,” you spit out over your shoulder.
“Don’t walk away from me; we are not done here,” Anthony shoots back, almost breaking into a jog to catch up with your pace as you charge out the main door.
You stalk onto the driveway, fold your arms and cock a hip, shooting daggers at him. You wish you had brought a coat with you tonight; it's freezing out now. But you don't want to admit to that chink in your proverbial armour, don’t want to give an inch in this stupid, petty argument. You know it's twisted, but nothing gives you more of an illicit thrill than sparring with this man.
An s-class Mercedes pulls up almost silently next to you as if summoned from thin air. It must be his, as he nods to the driver; that just seems to fuel your irritation.
“Get in the car,” he sighs.
“Get in the bloody car, y/n,” he grouses. “How else are you going to get back to London?”
“I’ll order an Uber or call a cab,” you sniff.
“Out here in the sticks? On Christmas Eve? To go forty miles? Yeah, good luck with that,” he snarks.
He's right, and you hate it. You were supposed to go home in your friend's car, but she was last seen headed upstairs with her tongue down the host's throat. You doubt you’ll see her again until well after Boxing Day.
You narrow your eyes at him, then wordlessly wrench open the rear door to his fancy car, sliding into the seat with a sour expression and throwing aside your clutch bag. He opens the driver's door, which momentarily confuses you, exchanges a couple of words with the driver then huffs a hollow laugh as he climbs in on the other side of the backseat.
The car glides away almost silently, the gravel driveway crunching under the tyres the only audible noise. You stare out the window, posture stiff, fuming, refusing to look over at him, watching the blur of trees reflected in the headlights as you zip down a narrow country lane. The heated leather seat is doing wonders to warm your legs, but you don't want to give away any sense of contentment.
“Not going to talk to me?” he needles after a few tense minutes.
You don’t dignify a response.
“Fine,” he sighs, “at least tell me where you want dropping off.”
“My flat is fine,” you sniff.
“Who is there?”
“No one,” you frown.
“Nope, not dropping you there,” he grouses.
“Why not?” you cry indignantly.
“There's no way I'm letting you spend Christmas alone. You will come to Bridgerton House,” he states plainly.
“No, I won't,” you scoff. “Drop me home.”
“No. We can stop there to pick up a few things if you wish, but then we drive on to mine.”
This is why you hate this man in almost equal measure to your attraction to him. The way he expects the world to bend to his will. It makes you so angry you want to try and fuck the arrogance right out of him.
“You are not the boss of me!” you volley back.
“No, you’re right; if I were your boss, you’d actually have to fucking listen to me and do what I say,” he spits.
“Hah!” you laugh bitterly, “I’d never do what you told me. In fact, I’d always go the polar opposite.”
“Fine,” he retorts, “keep your fucking knickers on, then.”
“Excuse me?!?” You finally look over at him, and his chest is heaving.
“You heard me,” his eyes flash at you.
He has you stuck; in order to do the exact opposite of what he’s saying and win this petty argument, you’ll need to remove your knickers.
You are never one to back down in a fight. And you need to fuck him so bad your skin itches.
Pushing up slightly, you pull up your sequined minidress just enough to grab your underwear and slide it down your legs.
You say nothing but look at him defiantly. You see his pupils dilate and his chest heave as you do exactly what both of you want.
“Keep your legs shut,” he orders gruffly.
You have no choice. You open them, your jaw squared.
He sinks into the footwell in front of you, and your breath hitches. These huge, luxury cars always have acres of room in the back, and this one is no exception. Your seat must be almost three feet from the passenger one in front.
“Close them harder,” he growls up at you.
Your dress rides up around your hips as you splay your knees wide. His eyes drop to between your legs, and you suddenly feel a throb there as he licks his lips.
“Don’t you fucking dare kiss me,” he snarls, his fiery gaze back on your face.
He’s well and truly got you there.
With a raised eyebrow, you lean forward, grab both ends of his undone bowtie, and roughly pull him to you, your mouth slanting over his.
“No tongues,” he mumbles against your lips, and your mouth opens hot on his, tongues meeting and almost biting each with the intensity.
“Don’t you dare touch my pussy,” you whisper against his cheek, joining in the game, and his whole body flexes.
You gasp as he expertly brushes your clit. So turned on and electric hot.
“I suppose you’d hate it if I ate you out,” he murmurs hotly, his thumb swirling a teasing pattern that makes you want to bite him.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you breathe unevenly, settling back into the chair as he dips down and roughly tugs your hips forward, pushing your legs even wider.
Suddenly you remember you are not alone. There’s a driver, likely listening to everything the two of you are saying. You glance in the rearview mirror, and your breath catches. He is looking right at you, his eyes so intense.
That isn’t a chauffeur at all.
That is Anthony’s brother. Benedict.
Anthony’s tongue ploughs into you, and you cry out as his swirls wet and questing around your clit. He definitely knows what he is doing.
But you don’t look away from the mirror. In fact, you lick your bottom lip lasciviously, then bite down. By god, you want him to watch you. Be the voyeur as his brother makes you come; give him something to remember. There's a hint of blush high on his cheeks as he quickly looks back at the road—his sudden rash of bashfulness just makes you want this even more.
You fist Anthony's hair, and he growls against your inner thigh as you direct his movements, taking your pleasure as much as he is giving it. He tilts your pelvis and moves lower into your heated flesh, his nose nudging your clit as his mouth covers your pussy, gently pressing his tongue into your body just a fraction, your walls clinging to him; his invasion feels like so much and yet also not enough. You glance down as you breathe heavily, feeling a ghost of stubble on his cheek, chafing the sensitive skin around your labia.
As Anthony tongue fucks you steadily, your eyes drift back to the mirror, knowing Benedict is cataloguing every look on your face. He shifts slightly in his seat, and you hear a change in the revs as his foot slips for a second. The idea he is hard and wanting is a depth charge of lust. You moan loudly as much for him as the man expertly taking you somewhere pleasurable.
Anthony moves back to your clit, running increasingly narrow circles right over your sensitive nub. For what feels like ages, he is swirling, teasing, changing pressure and bearing down harder with every noise you make, his hand almost bruisingly wrapped around your thigh.
You writhe and pant, your gaze pinging between the delicious sight of chestnut hair buried between your legs beneath you and the wanton eyes of the driver in front. You silently mouth his name in the reflection, staring him down. You watch as his pupils dilate even more.
You fight the potent, heady urge to push yourself into Anthony’s face, not to let him even breathe unless it's into your body. You want him to drown in you. He growls as your manicured nails scrape heavy on his scalp, his mouth open wide, sucking your flesh, his tongue lapping flat and broad.
You pant as you realise Benedict has taken one hand off the wheel, and you guess by the angle of his elbow he is palming his erection.
“Yes, don't stop,” you murmur, your voice throaty and rasping. It's a double meaning for both of them, and you stare Benedict down in the mirror, nodding, goading him to touch himself, almost wishing you could watch. From this angle, all you can see is the motion of his arm, and somehow that makes it all the more appealing. That you have to imagine him, hard cock in hand, relying on the car’s technology to take over as his concentration slips.
Anthony’s panting breaths buzz against your clit as he furrows on, and you take to shamelessly grinding yourself on his face. He sucks your clit hard between his lips, then uses a little edge of his teeth to nip at the tip, and you kick out a leg against the window, the tink of your stiletto against the glass making Benedict swerve until the car course-corrects for him.
“Be careful,” Anthony gruffs, pulling away a fraction and grasping the leather seat next to you as leverage.
You smirk at Benedict in the mirror, shaking your head slightly, and he raises his eyebrows challengingly as if blaming you.
“Touch yourself,” you call softly, knowing they will both interpret it as a command for themselves, which is precisely what you want. You hear a trouser zip, and the heady thought that you have no idea who’s, just excites you beyond belief.
Anthony redoubles his efforts, making filthy sodden noises as he pulls your swollen bud hard into his mouth. Suddenly two fingers plunge inside you, hooking deep, and you can't help but cry out.
“Fuck yesssss,” you stutter, eyes rolling back and your whole body flexing.
You can feel an almost magnetic pull inside, the start of a fluttering in your channel, as he finds that spongy spot that makes you lose all sense and drags harshly against it with a come hither motion. You pant open-mouthed as the sensation makes every muscle in your body clamp down hard, tensing, every fibre of your being taut and shaking. You don't break your heated gaze with Benedict the whole time, seeing out of the corner of your eye the play of taut muscle rippling in his white dress shirt, knowing that he must have his cock in a vice-like grip.
You are extra vocal, knowing it is making Anthony preens with pride at his skills and giving Benedict fuel for his masturbatory movements.
“Don't you dare come all over my hand and face,” Anthony snarls, knowing he has you close to the edge now, twisting his head slightly to kiss the sensitive skin where your thigh meets your pelvis.
“I’d never give you the damn satisfaction,” you yap back breathily, eyes glinting in the flashes of overhead lamps as you enter the motorway.
Luckily, you clamp your thighs hard against Anthony’s ears just as Benedict growls, presumably at the idea that you will orgasm soon. Come with me, you mouth urgently to his reflection as he presses hard on the accelerator, the car zipping along now on the fast road back into town, everything outside the window a blur and the engine a soft purr in the background.
Just to tease everyone, including yourself, you spider a hand down inside your dress and pinch your nipple, shuddering and moaning as you do. It's for Benedict as much as Anthony—he can see it in the reflection. Anthony glances up at you just as you look down at him, his eyes blazing lustfully as his face shines with your juices.
“You are such a wanton little slut,” his voice is low and dangerous, and you instantly know that he knows. Knows what you have been doing with his little brother. And the slur you usually find so utterly insulting just rockets you higher when it drips from his decadent tongue.
“Don't you dare fucking call me that,” you hiss, but it’s undermined by the way you bite your lip almost to the point of drawing blood and writhe so lewdly in your seat, so desperate for that last bit of suction and friction to get you off.
“I'll call you what you are,” he menaces, then his mouth is back on you with more than an edge of teeth this time, and it's what pushes you over the precipice he has been dangling you over. You fight to keep your eyes open and on Benedict's face, his neck corded, and pulse hammering as your world narrows down to the rushing in your ears, the throb of your heartbeat in your chest and the burning pulsing ache around your clit.
“Fuck Bridgerton!!” you scream, and then you are convulsing, your eyes screwing shut as you bare down on Anthony’s face, knowing you are leaking all over him but not caring; you can feel him lapping hard at you, rousing filthy noises spilling from his throat as he drinks from your body. The sensation seems to last forever, notching across your skin, tensing and releasing in waves that you ride, undulating against his jaw, grabbing his hair in tufts until he growls harshly. As you float away, breathing heavily, his body jerks against you as you realise he has just made himself come too.
The car smells of sinful sex as you slowly come back into your mind. The realisation of what you have done hits you as Anthony slides back into the seat next to you, refastening his fly. You steal a glance in the rear-view mirror, but Benedict's eyes are on the road, steadfastly refusing to meet yours, and you sense he has the same mutual feelings of guilt you do.
“If you want to fuck my brother too,” Anthony drawls, running a hand through his hair, “all you have to do is ask.”
You blush deeply and look down, ashamed, picking at the edges of your manicure.
“No answer is an answer, y/n,” he chuckles darkly.
You just bite your lip and pull down your dress as far as it will go.
“You shouldn't feel ashamed,” Anthony intuits, “part of the reason I like you so fucking much is your wild side. I have no problem with it,” he adds casually. He leans in; his voice is velvety as he utters the last devasting line. “Especially if you let me watch.”
Benedict almost crashes the car at that.
After a brief stop at your place, it’s on to Bridgerton House for quite the most spirited, adventurous Christmas break you have ever had.
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Anthony & Benedict taglists: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @queenofmean14 (if you want to be added to my taglist drop me a message)
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canirove · 7 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 25
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"You know, instead of just laying there looking pretty, you could help me with all these clothes."
"Being this pretty is a really hard job, Val. And if I helped you, you would definitely end up telling me that I'm doing everything wrong and doing it all by yourself" Pedri shrugs.
"Hey! I am injured, remember? There is no need to be violent. Poor Minnie" he says, cuddling the stuffed toy I've thrown at him.
"Yes, you are injured in the head."
"Love you too, Val" he says with a stupid smile. "Why do you still have these around your room, tho? Aren't they for kids?" he smirks.
"I work with kids and I'm dating one. I need them to understand you better" I reply, sticking out my tongue.
"This Minnie has seen better days. How old is she?"
"My aunt bought it for me when I was born."
"Really? She looks like… 50. And you know you aren't older than 25."
"You are such an idiot" I say, rolling my eyes. "If Minnie looks old that's because she never left my side. I slept with her, played with her…"
"Attacked people with her…"
"She was my favourite toy as a kid and has great sentimental value."
"Val, hey. Are you ok?" Pedri says, getting up from the bed. "What is it?"
"Nothing" I say, looking away.
"Then why are you crying? Val" he says, cupping my face and making me look at him. "What is it?"
"Nothing, I just… Talking about Minnie reminded me of my aunt, the one who got her for me as a baby. She… She passed away a few years ago."
"And here I was making stupid jokes. I'm so sorry, Val. You aren't wrong when you call me an idiot."
"You didn't know" I shrug. "And they aren't sad tears. At least not all of them. You've also reminded me of good times, like when she would play with me and mimic Minnie's voice. She was really good at it."
"Was she?"
"Yeah. Or that's the memory I have" I smile. "She was Marina's age when I was born, so she saw me as a little sister more than as a niece. She got me that Minnie because she always wanted to go to Disneyland Paris but never could because her siblings told her they were too old for it, and with me she had an excuse to do it."
"Did you go?" Pedri asks, wiping away one of my tears.
"No, we didn't manage to. When I was old enough to understand what was going on she was at uni and then she moved abroad. She would only come back for Christmas and the summer holidays, which aren't the best moments to go to a place like Disney. Then I got busy with my own life, she got sick, and… well" I shrug.
"Do you still want to go?"
"I would love to, but no one wants to go with me. Marc said it was just for kids" I scoff.
"Well, lucky you, you are dating a kid who has never been to Disneyland."
"We didn't have the money when I was younger. And now that I have it, no one cares anymore" Pedri shrugs.
"But a place like Disney… People may recognise you."
"I'll wear a wig if necessary. Anything to make you smile again" he says, caressing my cheek.
"You seriously are the cutest human being I've ever met."
"I know" he smirks. "And because I am the cutest, I'm gonna stop distracting you with my beauty and go make us a snack."
"Thank you, Pedri."
"What for? The snack? Being pretty?"
"Idiot" I say, hitting his arm. "Just thank you."
"You're welcome, Val" he says, kissing my forehead and leaving my room while I just stare at him smiling like... an idiot. Turns out that I also am one. One madly in love.
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When do the kids go on holidays?
Just answer me, Val 🙄
We have the next week off
Perfect then
Perfect for what?
Going somewhere just you and I ☺️
What? And the international break?
I'm not going. 
They called me today and said they don't want to risk it because of my injury. 
I'm sorry 
It's just some friendlies, don't worry
But now I am free to take my girlfriend on holidays ☺️
Are we going somewhere cold or I got it completely wrong?
You aren't helping, Pedro 🙄
The mouse isn't because of Ratatouille 😉
Wait… wait wait wait WAIT DISNEYLAND?
Are you in?
Did you scream? Are you jumping?
Yes and yes 😂
"I am finally here. Can you believe it?"
"What I can't believe is your face right now" Pedri chuckles, closing the door of our hotel room behind him.
"I think I have never seen you smile like that, Val. I love it."
"And I love you" I say, walking towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you very much. Thank you for this."
"Anything for you" he smiles.
"But you know… I think I should show you how much I love you and how thankful I am."
"Yeah…" I say as I slowly move my hands from his neck to his chest.
"What are you doing?" Pedri asks, his body tensing under my touch.
"Showing you how thankful I am" I reply with a teasing smile, my hands now moving under his clothes.
"Aren't you tired after all that traveling?"
"Nope. Are you?"
"A bit."
"Then let me do all the work. Arms up."
"What?" he laughs.
"I can't show you how thankful I am and how much I love you with all these clothes on. So arms up."
"Yes, ma'am" he chuckles.
"Good boy" I smile, getting rid of his sweatshirt and t-shirt all in one go. "Now shoes off, I'll take care of this" I say, untying his joggers.
"Lay down on the bed."
"Ok" Pedri smirks while doing as I've told him. "You should be this bossy more often, Val. I like it. Now what?"
"Now get yourself comfortable and enjoy" I say before starting to take off my clothes.
"I can't believe we just had sex on a Mickey Mouse bed" Pedri laughs.
"You chose the room, I didn't."
"I did" he laughs again. "It was really good sex, by the way. Some of the best we've had. You definitely showed me how much you love me."
"Glad to hear that."
"And you need to be in charge more often, Val. That was so hot."
"Yeah, umm… Should we order some room service or go out? I'm starving" I say, trying to change the topic of conversation and ignore the way my face is burning. I still don't know where everything I just did to him came from.
"Of course you are" he chuckles. "I could do with some fresh air, to be honest."
"Oh, great! We can wear the hats I got us."
"You what?"
"Yeah, look" I say, leaving the bed and opening my suitcase. "I got a cap with Mickey ears for you and one with Minnie ears for me. We can match, and this way you will be able to hide your face a bit better. Though you won't be able to put on your hood with the ears. I think."
"It's ok, don't worry. But are we a matching couple now? That's very cheesy, Val" Pedri says with a teasing smile.
"We are in Disneyland for the first time. We are gonna be cheesy and proper tourists."
"Ok" he laughs. "Should we try on the caps? Maybe take a picture? I want to remember this moment."
"Just be careful with the angle."
"I'm a pro, Val. There won't be any nipples involved."
"It better not" I warn him, getting in bed next to him. "Let me… there" I say, putting the cap on his head.
"How do I look?"
"Liar. I always look gorgeous" he smirks.
"I beg to differ" I say, putting on mine. "Now let's take that photo so we can go grab something to eat."
"I think I don't like bossy Val anymore."
"What?" I laugh.
"If she isn't going to ride me until I forget my name, I don't like her."
"Shut up and take that photo, Pedro.”
"Yeah… I don't like her. And I'm taking the photo, relax. Don't need to look at me as if you were going to rip off my head."
"I'm too hungry for that."
"Lucky me" he laughs. "Say Disney!" 
"Pedri, we are gonna be late for breakfast!"
"Just a minute!" he says from the bathroom.
"If when we go downstairs they've run out of everything I like, I'm murdering you. What are you doing?"
"These eyebrows don't look this perfect on their own, Valeria" he says while pointing at them and finally joining me in the room. "There is work behind them."
"All the work I don't put on mine" I chuckle. "Anyway, are you ready?"
"One last thing."
"Pedri!" I groan.
"We can't leave without her."
"Her? Who?"
"Her" he smiles, showing me what he was hiding in his suitcase.
"Is that… Is that my Minnie?"
"Her twin sister. If you had come with your aunt you would have brought her with you, right?"
"I would have, yes."
"Well, I thought that we should do the same. But then I worried you may lose her or get her dirty, and if anything happened to her you would be gutted and I could not bear seeing you like that. So I bought you another Minnie for you to carry around the same way you would have done as a kid, but without having to worry about what happens to her. Though if she survives, it would be a cute memory."
"What?" Pedri says with a confused look.
"It would not be a cute memory. It would be one of the best memories of my life. And you are the one who is cute. The cutest human being ever" I say before throwing myself at him and hugging him while crying like a baby.
"Aww, Val" he says while hugging me back, one of his hands moving up and down my back, trying to comfort me. But that gesture only makes me cry harder. Why is he so cute?
"I love you, Pedri" I manage to say.
"I love you too" he replies.
"That was the best thing ever! So so so good! I kind of want to do it again."
"What?" Pedri says, looking at me as if I've grown another head.
"I was joking, don't worry" I laugh. "But it was so good! Much better than what I had seen online and… Pedri. Pedri, hey. Are you ok?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."
"You are so pale… Let's sit down" I say, grabbing his arm and walking him towards a bench.
"Yes, let's sit down while my stomach goes back to its usual place."
"Pedri, you should have told me you were scared of the Tower of Terror before we went in. Look at you, you are so white you could pass for a Real Madrid shirt."
"I'm not in the mood for jokes, Valeria" he says, giving me a murderous look. "And if I didn't say anything it was because I didn't know I was scared of it. I thought it would be one of those houses where people show up out of nowhere and scare you, not one where you are dropped into the void."
"Sorry" I say, moving my hand up and down his arm, trying to comfort him like he had done for me a few hours ago. "There actually is a place like that, we can go later."
"I'll think about it."
"Ok" I chuckle. "But I guess this means we aren't checking the Star Wars ride."
"Do they drop you somewhere?"
"It is a rollercoaster."
"I'll think about that too" Pedri says, closing his eyes and leaning back on the bench.
"Is your stomach still on your throat?" 
"I don't know where it is anymore, Val. I don't know if I have a stomach anymore, to be honest."
"Aww, Pedri. Will a cuddle make you feel better?"
"We can try" he says, trying really hard not to smile.
"Look at you. Even while dying you still are a cheeky little thing" I giggle.
"Always, my dear" he replies. "Always."
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equallyshaw · 11 months
So I lay in your arms and pretend that it's love | trevor zegras.
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based off olivia rodrigo's song- scared of my guitar!
trevor x singer nameless oc!
not too sure if i wanna do gif's or pictures like that above..trying something new out (:
word count: 2.3k+
warnings: tbh, she's toxic...pls dont be like her.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Perfect, easy, so good to me So why's there a pit in my gut in the shape of you? Distract myself, say it's somethin' else Maybe I'm just overwhelmed, maybe I'm confused
for around 11 months it was pure bliss...the two of them everywhere and anywhere. onlookers looked on with smiles and hushed whispers about how 'in love' they were. the two of them moved quickly in their relationship, but nobody found anything weird with it based on how their friends watched them and how they spoke about one another in the media when asked. trevor loved bringing home flowers whenever he came back from a roadie, or just because he felt like it. he showered her with gifts from the get-go as her own life was beginning to fill with riches, as her music career took off.
but once the 1 year mark was coming closer and closer, she began to feel a sense of dread. a sense of anxiety and fear, she hadn't had before. whenever she heard his name in passing or whenever somebody asked her about him, she'd freeze and stutter; not sure what to exactly say. or what was weirder, was that she spent more and more time at her apartment in la and not at his newport house...claiming that the record label was hounding her for an album and she was working day and night, like a dog. she did whatever she could in order to not think about him may it be hanging with friends, driving up and down the coast to san diego to visit family and taking spur of the moment trips with her friends. and when people asked her what was wrong or what she was thinking about, she'd always say 'work' and every white lie that came with that topic.
but when she see's trevor sporadically, she understands why she fell in love with him in the first place. he's charming, relentlessly nerdy, incredibly kind and respectful; all of which she adores. and while basking in that feeling for a bit of time, she feels guilty about how her feelings change when she's not with him. she then chalks it up to work, and how much pressure the label is giving her. so maybe just maybe, she'll stick it out with trevor.
Barely sleep when you sleep next to me
But I keep thinkin' I'll find a cure
I say that I'm fine, I tell you all the time
I've never felt so happy and sure
shortly after their one year, as she stays with trevor about once or twice a week, she can't help but toss and turn all night. claiming she's just stressed and overly exhausted, and he buys it all. he buys all her, "I've never been happier" or "I've never felt so sure about something in my entire life". he buys the, "once im done with the album ill move in with you." too, yet she knows they wont last. that sickening and dreadful feeling that keeps her up at night.
she goes to all of these lengths just to keep her heart from collapsing and her conscious from crumbling above her, and yet she knows right from wrong. she know's that the one that would be hurt the most is him.
But I'm so scared of my guitar'
Cause it cuts right through to the heart
Yeah, it knows me too well so I got no excuse
I can't lie to it the same way that I lie to you
but then when she sits down to write and come up with the chords for a song, she cant help but cry. everything becoming too much for her, her closest friends and producer seeing right through her. her music speaking the words, she can't help but think but not say. she knows that if she lies in a song, she'd be betraying her heart and her soul. her music being her lifelong love and escape, would truly affect her relationship with it.
So I lay in your arms and pretend that it's love
around a year and five months, she stopped writing. she stopped playing her guitar until the early morning hours. she stopped recording, citing that she was dealing with some personal issue. once the acknowledgment of 'oh shit, i need to break things off- soon' hit her mind one day during a writing session, she knew she couldn't write or sing until she did just that. and so she made her way down the coast to newport to do just that, but when she walked inside she saw a doe-eyed and blissful trevor in her midst. she crumbled right then and there, allowing him to make their way to the bedroom. she laid in his arms, not being able to fall asleep once again; and reminding herself that she loved trevor .. or at least needed to remind herself more. was it though? at least on her part?
I was ravin', no boy like you I had the nerve to just stop stringin' you all along But I'm not half as decent as you I'd rather be tied to someone, even if they're wrong
trevor was the guy, she thought when they first met. she thought that they were end game and would go to the absolute ends of the galaxy to believe that, to show and make people believe it too. and after some point, she felt guilty about stringing him along and talking about their future plans together. another morning she stopped by abruptly on her way from san diego, she knew she had to break things off with him. yet when she arrived at his place, she found him making breakfast and the brightest smile she hadn't seen in awhile. he went along and continued with his breakfast but not before making a cup of coffee for her and a extra serving of his breakfast for her. before leading her over to the dining room table and held her hand as they ate. guilt crept up her spine as she looked at him, talking about something that had happened on a road trip and she felt a pang in her heart. she was a coward. rather than break the band aid and say what she'd wanted to say for months now...she let him continue to speak.
he was a better person than she was, she thought. he would have ended things a long time ago if he'd felt what she'd felt or thought. he wouldn't have continued to string her along. he was a good person like that. but her? she was half the person he was, he was a good person with good intentions. the culprit?
she didn't want to be alone.
I make excuses, my friends know the truth is I'm not as alright as I claim I say that I'm fine, I tell them all the time As they watch all the life fade away
the life was draining from her and her friends watched as it did. she was hiding herself away in her los angeles apartment, shortly after she stopped writing. they were all rightfully concerned with her mental health and wouldn't take the 'im fine's!" she hurled at them time and time again. they even reached out to trevor and even he could not get her to come out of her shell. though, he never got the full story of why she was like that. he dropped around unannounced before and after practice, sometimes staying the night but most times slipping out after she'd fallen asleep. but not without a soft kiss to her temple, and tiptoeing out. his family and friends grew concerned when he opted to stay in newport for the offseason. by the offseason, she'd gone back into the studio and pushed through. the studio eating up whatever she had written, and loved it all.
I pretend that it's love, love
'Cause what if I never find anything better? The doubt always creeps through my mind So we'll stay together 'cause how could I ever Trade somethin' that's good for what's right?
with no end in sight, she continued to push through with the relationship, trying to get back to how things were before when she was without a doubt, happy and in love. when trevor does finally leave the sunshine state to go visit family and friends, she stays up thinking about her and trevor's future. would she find anybody better than him? would she find the love that they shared early in their relationship? would she find somebody almost as arrogantly confident? somebody with an infinite passion for what they do? their (affectionately) dumb friends who adored her? and somebody with a zest for life? her journals filled to the brim that summer with what had been eating her up inside.
when trevor comes back right before the season begins, he take's her out to malibu one early morning before the sunrise. she was groggy and tired from the night before, and so when she was awoken abruptly she groaned; trying to desperately to go back to bed. trevor said that he wanted to go for a sunrise and she hummed, thinking he'd go by himself. but instead, he tickled her enough to wake her up and she dreaded getting out of bed. they drove up to malibu that September 2nd, and held one another as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. he bit the inside of his cheek, body filled with nerves and anxiety. he whispered her name to begin with, and in the most trevor and most un trevor way, he proposed. she turned around to see him with tears in his eyes and visible anxiety washed over his features. she smiled softly feeling the inside of her scream to say no and beg her to leave the life she grown used to the past mere months. her smile grew wider and faker, as she said yes. trevor had gotten her dream ring from new york, and she gushed as he pulled it out. tears swelled her eyes as she felt her heart tug at the effort he'd made for her. she was going to show him the same effort as well, even if it hurt her to no end.
her record label demanded an ep of some new songs they knew she undoubtedly had written after she got engaged. her album release was a massive success, going #1 and platinum in many countries. her career was reaching new heights and she was engaged? she was the it girl everybody wanted to be. yet she felt so very far from it, but kept that signature smile on at all times.
she felt herself buy into the idea of marrying trevor when she saw how excited her family was when they showed up to a private dinner the very evening of her album released. they gushed and gushed over the ring and endless possibilities her and trevor could have together. she saw how good both of their families bonded and got along with one another. she could feel the pride and gratitude that oozed off of trevor that night. he loved - no absolutely adored this life the universe had bespoked upon him. the singer was just another addition. he thought he had everything before they met, but when he saw her get absolutely hammered at a party they were both invited to; he was enamored. the grace she carried herself with when dancing, talking, singing and most importantly; the love she oozed for her friends was intoxicating. he could not and never wanted to get enough of it.
the look he gave her that night was one she'd never, ever forget in this lifetime. it was how all girls wished to be looked at. the one that would spare nothing to make their partner happy. the one where you know they'd go to the ends of the earth for you and with you. it was as if she hung the moon and the stars for him.
who would pass that up?
I let the thought in, it's already done
she brought into the idea of going through with the wedding after the release party and found herself immersed in wedding planning. she found herself non stop traveling with trevor that summer, after a serious playoff run. she found herself thinking of their future together because lets be honest, it was there. and she couldn't help but get excited just a bit when trevor had said, that she was going to be most beautiful bride and future mom to ever grace this planet. she looked at him through the mirror and again that look, captivated and brought her in.
◦ But I lay in your arms and pretend that it's love Yeah, I lay in your arms and pretend it's enough
their wedding was a dream. an absolute dream. hollywood and hockey royalty showed up and showed out. the wedding of all weddings. they danced the night away to taylor swift. then as a surprise, trevor and his groomesman shamelessly, did a group dance to one of her upbeat songs as she sat there blushing like a fool, covering her face in embarrassment. they spent the night basking in everybody's presence, the singer not having a second to spare a second thought about what was going to be coming in the next few months. she knew that the world and everybody in their lives would be asking about kids and what not. yet, she pushed that towards the back of her mind. she played the role of a loving and adoring newlywed. she smiled to the camera's as if there was no tomorrow. her friends actually believing that she was happy and that she had found her way back to trevor. and in a way, that was true. she felt stuck with no way out.
the couple retreated back to the ritz carlton new york hotel suite, with a bottle of very expensive champagne, thin slice pizza and new york cheesecake. after stuffing their faces in between making out, the two fell asleep. or at least trevor did. the singer looked up at the ceiling, wide awake and unable to sleep. she had played the part this long...what was another ten?
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
umm....sorry about that! part two is coming at some point because i wanna hurt myself even more lmao...
please like and reblog if you did and id love to hear your thoughts too!
tags: @cuttergauthier @zegrasbabyyy @hockeyboysarehot @slafgoalskybaby @sc0tters @sweetestdesire @jayda12 @starshine-hockey-girl @cellythefloshie
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mioyeo · 2 years
Watch your back : chapter 3
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Once you don’t value what you have someone else learns how to take care of what used to be yours
Synopsis : 8 men supposed to give her all the love they promised end up leaving her behind without a valid reason
Pairing : girlfriend Reader x PolyAteez !
Warnings : this chapter contains mentions of, mean Seonghwa, poor behavior, heavy outburst, a lot of crying , being stood up, yelling , arguing , Seonghwa manhandling the Reader , Reader yelling and destroying things , comfort hours with San , slut shaming , Rin putting on Reader’s clothes again etc Please reminding me if I forgot something
Tag list : @legbouk , @scarfac3 , @m4rsluv , @hcyaa , @jackinmyarea , @layzfeelit , @loverlele , @mulletjoonsupremacy , @veneziamadness , @belle643 , @gugggu6gvai , @atinytinaa , @voidcupidz ,
This series is going to be posted together with the Psychiatric series, which means one chapter after another
Word count : 2,4k
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She made herself a bowl of ice cream and sat down in the kitchen with her mini iPad
Everyone else was in the living room binge watching series , she also wanted to join them but there was no " place " on their large couch
Please move your covering the screen
You'll have to go sit somewhere else there is no place to sit for you at the moment, and nobody wants to move from their comfortable position
It was always San and Seonghwa making these excuses as the others just watched and said nothing against it
" We are going to the amusement park get ready quickly before we leave "
Jongho said looking at her as she ate ice cream
" I'll be finished in a minute "
He left the kitchen with her after she put her unfinished ice cream back in the freezer
" Hwa ! Have you seen my red floral dress? "
She went inside his room seeing him change into some ripped jeans
" No , is it not in your room ?  "
" I've searched there and in the other rooms but it wasn't there , besides most of my dresses are here in your room along with my purses "
He went into his closet and pulled out a baby blue dress that stopped right  on her knees
" Put this on , I like when you wear it "
He pressed a light kiss on her cheek and went out to the living room where the rest was
She changed quickly and grabbed her blue purse to match along with her flower earrings
" We can go now I'm finish- "
The girl looked in disbelief seeing where her dress actually was at , she was wearing it
" Why are you wearing my stuff ? "
Y/n sighed and looked at the boys
" Y/n it's just a dress I get it you don't want her to be wearing your stuff but just be nice this once please it doesn't cost much to share "
Hongjoong held her chin up
She gritted her teeth and quietly walked out with her mood completely dropped
And so was the whole ride to the amusement park , quiet as the others sang along to some songs Jongho played from his playlist
The girl sat down on her phone it's been a while that she's been sitting there after searching for them around the huge park
It was obvious they ditched her to go on rides with the other one , so she grew tired of searching for them and just settled down on watching people play the shooting games to win prices for their partners or friends
" Let me guess ditched again ? "
Someone sat down in front of her smiling
" Yeah , now I'm here watching people "
She smiled back recognizing who it was
It's raining come on I'll drive you home
" Yeah I just saw you eyeing the guy who won a teddy for his girlfriend "
He smiled softly handing her one of the cotton candy sticks he was holding
" Thank you , but why are you alone here ? "
" Oh no I'm actually with my friends here"
" Ah I see , but where are they ?  "
She looked around for any signs of his friends
" They are in the horror house "
" Why didn't you go ? are you perhaps scared "
" First of all I won't lie so I'm going to admit that I don't like these stuff and I'm kind of scared , that's why I can't watch scary movies "
" That's ok my boyfriend's can't either but prefer to play brave "
She giggled eating the candy
" Did you go on any rides here ? "
" No , I actually didn't get the chance since i was searching around like a lunatic for them "
" Well give me the honor to go on rides with you then , I didn't get to ride many of them "
He smiled at her standing up and extending his hands but she just smiled blushing
" Do you really want to hold my hand ? "
" Why not ? Come on let's have some fun "
Y/n took his hand smilingly, she never held hands with the boys outside after Rin came
Can't you walk on your own ?
I don't want my hands to get sweaty
Stop being so clingy, your not a child for me to hold your hands all the time
" What to you think about Fly ? "
" You mean the ones we ride upside down ? "
He nodded dragging her towards the waiting line where people stood excitedly
" I'm really scared , I actually just ride the ones for kids to be honest "
She looked at him scared hearing all types of screams  from people having fun and the ones regretting their life decisions
" Don't be scared we can hold our hands during the ride if that's ok with you "
He moved forward as they were the next ones
" I'm definitely going to scream like that girl that just came out looking done with life "
He laughed looking at the girl who's hair where messy and the other one who laughed at her
" Please put all your belongings into the locker and lock it with the given wristbands "
He grabbed her purse and her belongings putting it together inside with his locking it
She smiled at how he switched into gentleman mode
" Please move down to row 2 with your girlfriend and secure your belts "
The worker instructed for them to go forward
" So girlfriend are you ready ? "
She chuckled as he sat down with her securing her belt and later on his own
" If you hold my hand I'll be more than ready "
Both looked at each other smiling holding their hands together as they relaxed on their seats
As soon it started they screamed , Y/n closed her eyes but remembered he was holding her hands so she opened them again
" This is so fun ! "
His giggles were heard and soon after hers
" Yoohooooo ! "
She laughed looking at him stick out his tongue letting it dance with the strong wind
Let's just say both had fun for the whole day
She was laying down on the couch with her phone as she texted her new friend thanking him  for the giant teddy bear and bringing her home again after dinner
The girl giggled at how he sent her funny pictures of himself and his friends , she was also added to their chat
" He's so funny I can't "
She kept on laughing but than stopped when she received a privat message
She smiled to herself snuggling further into the bear not noticing the door opening with giggling and loud jokes being told by Jongho
The girl didn't pay mind to them as she kept on texting the guy who kept on talking about how he wanted to take her to the cinema and respectfully asking if her boyfriends would be ok with it
" Yeah it was so fun we should do this more often , I honestly enjoyed tonight "
They came to a stop at the living room
" Where have you been Y/n ? "
The girl was to busy texting that she didn't knowledge someone approaching her
" When I talk to you answer me "
Seonghwa hissed , he didn't like to be ignored at all specially when he was talking to the person and they didn't knowledge his presence
" Why are you so rough , hello to you too "
She rolled her eyes turning off her phone and stood up to go to the kitchen but was grabbed back and yanked harshly towards his chest
" Seonghwa ! Stop being so aggressive "
" But I was talking to you so answer me "
" I got tired , and you ditched me there on the food court so I had enough and went home "
" You could've called any of us to inform "
" Well check your phones for messages and missed calls then , I'm pretty sure you turned it off so nobody disturbs your little date "
She tried loosening her arm but he just wouldn't give up instead he held tighter
" Do not get smart with me Y/n "
" Seonghwa please let go of me , firstly I'm tired and secondly your hurting my arm "
She gave him a bored look since he was acting very childish towards her at the moment
" Baby let her go I'm tired let's go sleep "
Rin said whining , he went closer and smelled mens cologne out of his girlfriends body
" So your going around sleeping with other guys now huh ? As if we eight are not enough "
" Please Seonghwa don't start , I’m not sleeping with anyone else stop being ignorant ”
Mingi picked up the huge bear unamused
" So you have guys buying you gifts now ? "
" Please , he won it and gave it to me since I like bears and wanted to keep it "
She tried grabbing the bear back but Yeosang held her back into his embrace
" Are we not enough for you ? "
Yunho growled at her as he stomped on the bear getting it dirty with his shoes
" Why are you doing this ? it's just a simple gift given to me by a friend ! "
" So that's why you left earlier ? "
Seonghwa went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife, he was angry for some reason after seeing the mini pictures of his girl and some guy in the photobooth as she sat on his lap smiling brightly on the back of her phone
" Let's see if your Prince Charming will come and buy you another ugly  giant bear "
He stabbed the bear open completely ruining it  spilling the cotton everywhere as Y/n stood there with tears threatening to fall at any second , she grew to love the bear already and seeing her boyfriend destroy it over jealousy made her angry
" Seonghwa you know your problem is ? Your insecure about someone else making a move on me because your a shit of a boyfriend ! "
She yanked herself out of Yeosang's grip
" And you guys wouldn't be so mad about me meeting him if Yunho didn't ditch me in the rain when I waited for him at the hospital to come back which he never did ! "
Tears pored out off her eyes as she looked them in the eyes yelling at every single one of them
" Call me a shit of a boyfriend again "
He grabbed her harshly
" I'll do it because you are ! "
The next thing heard was a hard object come in contact with the wall , it was her phone being smashed by a angry Seonghwa that breathed hard as the words she said sunk in
" If it weren't for you being such a boring girlfriend I'd love you more ! "
The girl collected her phone before storming upstairs towards her room and coming back with a big frame with a picture inside , it was the gift he gave her  where she and Seonghwa smiled softly while kissing for their third anniversary and smashed it on the ground with rage ripping the picture apart as the pieces feel to his feet
" I hate you so much , you ain't the same Seonghwa I once knew ! "
The girl took her promise ring off throwing it onto his face as she wiped her tears
" Have fun with your entertaining girlfriend from now on since she's more interesting and everything you crave for "
" Baby  you can't- "
" No Mingi , let her leave since she thinks she's going to be better off without me "
Seonghwa looked her dead in the eyes
" I never depended on you Seonghwa , I have nothing more to say other than asking for your girlfriend to return my dress "
" Y/n he didn't mean what he said baby come on he is just jealous you know him "
Wooyoung tried calming both down but was shoved aside
" I'm not jealous of a hoe that isn't already satisfied by her boyfriends "
" O-Oh so I am a hoe now ? "
" Yes I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me they slept with you "
" Your the worst person I have ever met I despise you Seonghwa ! "
She ran upstairs into her room slamming it  shut and sliding down her door with tears
Seonghwa also stormed towards his room shutting the door as angry tears streamed down , he couldn't believe she told him that she hated him
" Do you guys think we went overboard ? "
Jongho asked feeling guilty for the scene that just occurred in front of them as he picked up the broken frame cleaning the glass
" This is all my fault "
Yunho sat down on the couch groaning as he brushed his hair back
" I think we all made them come to this point "
Hongjoong said as he put the cotton back into the bear so he could sew it back in later
" Let's just go to sleep "
Everyone had went into their own rooms nobody shared with anyone today , it just didn't feel right
The silence was getting bigger and bigger as everyone was asleep except two people who sat on their beds and waited for each other to open the door and make up
Seonghwa was already at his door building up the courage to open it
Y/n wiped her tears as she sat there in the darkness rethinking if it was really necessary fighting with someone she loved dearly
Seonghwa had enough and went towards her room , he couldn't bear the tension between them
As he was about to reach her door someone else had already went in , he bawled his fists with tears falling onto his shirt he messed up big this time
" S-Seonghwa ? "
She sniffed thinking he just had come in
" No love it's San "
He sighed and brushed his hair back before climbing onto bed with her
" What are you doing here ? "
He scooted closer and hugged her
" I'm so sorry for today , about Seonghwa- "
" It's ok , if that's how he feels I'll respect it "
She actually wanted to bawl her eyes out on Seonghwa's chest and tell him how much she loved the other elder
" Are you sure you mean what your saying? "
" Yes San I can't change anything about it he hurt me first "
He kissed her forehead softly as she relaxed in his arms , he wanted to make her feel better despite having been a jerk to her the past days
" Sanie make me forget about him please "
" Is that what you really want ? Do you-"
" I don't want to keep on thinking about him "
He embraced and kissed her softly as she buried her fingers into his shirt sobbing
She poured out her pain as he stood outside listening to everything with tears
" I'll make you forget the pain tonight "
San promised her as he continued to kiss her forehead softly rubbing her back
Seonghwa finally went back into his room and laid down , he was heartbroken but knew it was also his fault the one he loved was deeply hurt and upset with him and he couldn't reverse it
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sweetheart-satoru · 2 years
lego set
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he's glad he can live his childhood through your hobbies
author's note: i rewrote everything cuz this sucks 😋 also reader is around the same age as denji so we are in fact no hi*eno #2
denji wished he met you earlier.
he wasted his first kiss on himeno, who not only made his first kiss experience terrible but also vomited in his mouth to make it worse. whenever he thinks back to that moment, his mouth goes dry and he thinks he might cry.
he thinks he might die of humiliation when remembering her vomit's chunky, gross taste. "bleugh!" he groans to himself, and aki turns to look at him confused. "what's wrong?" aki was in the middle of discussing something with someone that denji didn't bother to learn their name.
"nothing, i'm gonna go get water!" he excuses himself and power jumps on his back, "ooh! ooh! let me come! ponytail boy is boring." she sticks her tongue out, which aki ignores. "no, you're both in trouble. power, you need to stay. denji, hurry up." he replies, which makes power frown. "see, boring." but she just walks away and sits in a chair.
denji leaves the room, quickly shutting the door and holding his stomach. he feels like he might throw up. as he walks up to a water fountain, he bumps into a girl holding a bunch of papers in her arms.
"oh, sorry. wasn't watching where i was going." you say, bending down to pick them up. denji can barely form a word, and he thinks you're one of the prettiest people he's ever seen.
"oh- uh," he's not good with words so he just shuts up, bends down and helps you pick it up. "sorry, i also wasn't watching where i was going." he blurts out, scratching his head.
you just chuckle and reassure him that it's fine.
that's how you two first met.
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over time, you and denji (and power), have gotten much closer. he comes over to hang out during the weekends or when you're back from school.
today, you're just chilling in your room watching an old show while you finished a new lego piece that you saved enough money to buy. (why the fuck is lego so expensive bro i just wanna build)
power got in trouble again so she is not here as denji knocks on your door. "coming!" you call, pausing your show and putting down whatever part from the lego you had in your hands down.
when you open the door you smile widely when you see a certain blond-haired boy in front of you. "oh, hey denji. wanna come in?" you ask, opening the door slightly more for him to enter. "yeah.. thank you.." he says, looking a bit flustered.
and over time he learned to be more neat and clean when coming over. he never listened to aki when he told him to put his shoes away nicely, so when he first stepped foot into your house and saw all the shoes neatly lined up, he couldn't help but want to please you and do the same.
you lead him to your room, which every time he steps into, he feels nervous. he fidgets with his fingers, not paying attention to where he is going and almost falls down.
"holy shit!" you cuss, trying to muffle your laughter. "are you okay, denji?" you help him back up on his feet, and you watch his face get red. "yeah.. i'm okay." he yells at himself to get his shit together in his head.
holy shit i just embarrassed myself like crazy!! he imagines power laughing in his face.
"here," you let him sit in the chair where your lego was near, "i'll get you ice." quickly, you rush downstairs and come back with and ice pack. when you hand it to him he mumbles a quiet, "thanks." and puts the ice on his little injury.
he turns the chair around to face the table in front of it, "hm? what's this?" he points to the lego. you tilt your head, "that's my new lego set! i jus' bought it!" you exclaim joyfully.
"woahh.." he looks at it closer, "what does that mean?" he asks, confused. "hm? have you never had lego before?" you ask him, "well i mean, i was basically homeless my entire life, and was on the verge of death like every other day trying to make money.. so, yeah.. never had one before." he shrugs, as if what he said literally wasn't crazy.
you cough awkwardly, "oh.." he just nods, still paying attention to the lego set, trying to understand what it is, "well, want me to show you?" you ask, trying to lighten the mood.
"yeah!" he exclaims, "okay, stand up," you shoo him out of your chair, "see this?" you show him the instruction book, "you need to follow what they're saying. so this page is where i'm on right now, you basically need to look for the pieces the page is telling you, and put them where the picture in the page has them. like this, see?" you show him.
he nods slowly, "can i try the next page?" he asks quietly, looking up at you. grinning down at him, you get up, "sure. here, try it."
author's note: bye i hated how i wrote the first one so here's this :,) but i still have the other version saved even though it's literal dog shit
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In Defense of Gillington "Gil" Webber Part 2
After the last Episode we take a break from Lagoona's boy troubles and it's time to focus on Frankie's boy troubles. it's refreshing to see Jackson & Holt just come out and say they likes Frankie instead of tip toeing around the topic, Then Deuce has girl troubles and Ghoulia has boy troubles and everyone is in some relationship drama except for Clawdeen... Smart Ghoul. BUT this isn't about them. but I do enjoy the last half of Volume 2! I forgot about how much of jerk Operetta was, I kinda miss it.
We don't hear any updates on Gil and Lagoona's status until Episode 57 "The Bermuda Love Triangle" where Frankie needs help deciding on who they like more Holt or Jackson, under advice from a Teen Scream magazine the oracle tells Frankie to ask their friends for advice! and the first friend they run into is Lagoona.
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In her fragile state Lagoona is probably the worst person Frankie could have possibly asked for relationship advice.
"Hey Lagoona! I think I like 2 boys!"
"wow! 2 boys huh? good for you! some of us are lucky if we can find one! much less get his parents to accept us or even keep him in the same school. But 2 boys!? Good on ya mate, I'm very happy for you"
Lagoona falls apart during the end of her comment then she turns away from Frankie and cries into the drinking fountain. I'd like to remind Lagoona that she is the one who did this! she pushed Gil to confront his parents about their bigotry and Gil warned her this would happen, we're supposed to feel bad for Lagoona but I just don't! She made her bed now she has to lie in it. We're supposed to be sad because she sheds a few tears? While Gil is currently rotting in an Underwater Boarding School! crying is the least of his problems! is he getting hazed? or caned? we don't know! I wouldn't put it past racist parents to tell the Dean to put the boots to him extra hard for being a dirty salt water monster lover. I would give anything if Mattel showed us what that school was like! cowards!
BUT being a bitch to Frankie isn't going to undo what you did sweetheart.
We don't hear from Lagoona during the Monster Mashionals arc Which was the end of Volume 2 but after that finishes we get our second Special and My personal favorite: Fright On!
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Fright on is where Gil makes his big return to Monster High! Lagoona mentions the feud between Salt Water and Fresh Water folks and Gil mentions that his Parents sent him away "But they couldn't change me so I'm back!"... What!? that's it? that's how you got them to send you back to Monster High? nononononononono! Racist Parent's don't just give into the demands of their kid because "they can't change you" they weren't trying to change Gil, they just wanted to keep him away from Lagoona! it's such a weak BS excuse! come on Monster High you are WAY more creative than this hand wave of why Gil has returned. I like my theory better that Gil went feral at the boarding school and got thrown out on purpose so his parents had no choice but to send him back to Monster High. (I did mistakenly call it a Military school, my bad) and That's the theory I'm sticking with. The most common reasons people get expelled from Boarding Schools are carrying weapons, fighting, stealing school property, disrupting the education of others, hacking the school computer systems to change test scores, damaging school equipment. So do with that information what you will.
Now regardless if you accept the canon explanation or my theory the outcome is the same either way... Gil basically strong armed his parents into getting his way. This is important but also worrying for Gil since it has been heavily implied that Gil fears his parents, I can't imagine they welcomed him back with open tentacles.
Now we officially enter Volume 3! The first few episodes of Volume 3 spend a lot of time taking characters who were introduced in Volume 2 and Fright On and blending them with the monsters we already know and love. We don't really see much of Gil and Lagoona until Episode 72 "Unlife to Live" and it's only for a second. they're still palling around together.
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For the beginning of Volume 3 Gil and Lagoona are hardly in it together. We don't really see or hear from them much as a team until we get to the first movie "Why do Ghouls fall in Love" where they are giving Ghoulia love advice because she is torn Between Slo-Mo and Don of the Dead. Can I just say I can't think of any couple least qualified to give someone else dating advice? Their relationship is being held on a thread of Gil's parents mercy at this point.
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Now it's been AWHILE since I've watched this movie, despite my love for Kieran Valentine and his sexy southern drawl It's not really part of my rotation unless it's Valentine's Day. But does anyone else remember Draculaura being a huge cow in this movie? Because for some reason I don't but during the re-watch she really is! in terms of Monster High characters who are bad partners Draculaura definitely fits the bill here, Not only is she ungrateful as hell to the gifts Clawd gets her, She low key cheats on him with Valentine during this entire movie.
I know I'm supposed to be focusing on Gil and Lagoona but this seems like a bigger problem at the moment.
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Valentine has just walked into the school, he has NOT yet put Draculaura under his spell or hypnotized her or anything yet. He just walked up to her and give her flowers and she calls him "My Valentine" all love struck... Clawd walked away from her not even 10 seconds ago. And this is how she acts when her ex shows up and her current boyfriend is out of ear shot??? This may not be "technically" cheating but it's suspicious as hell and not cool. Flirting is cheatings ugly cousin. But no one gives Draculaura shit for being a bad girlfriend now do they? I feel like it's because she's a fan favorite, cute and a girl, But because Gil isn't that he seems to have the worse reputation...and why? Gil has done nothing wrong. I'm gonna be mad about it the whole movie. Clawd doesn't deserve this. The ghouls & Frankie but mostly Clawdeen do get on her case about this, but it's already after Valentine has been touching her, romancing her, having lunch alone with her... This is cheating y'all. They tell her she needs to choose but completely ignore the fact that she has already been cheating on Clawd. Clawdeen tells her that Clawd isn't stupid & he's a great guy - for some reason they are tip toeing around saying the C word...but it's cheating y'all, this is cheating. Draculaura cheated on Clawd on got away with it. Frankie who is narrating this movie spins us a yarn about how poor Draculaura is torn between 2 boys!... But she isn't though... She is currently in a monogamous committed relationship with Clawd and cheating on him with her Ex... this is not "torn between 2 loves"- cheating! it's cheating. "But in the end Draculaura knew the answer" - to STOP cheating on the boyfriend that she already has is the answer. In the next scene, to Draculaura's credit she DOES choose Clawd and tell Valentine that it's been fun but she loves Clawd... Valentine then hypnotizes her to get her in his clutches, NOW from here on out y'all can feel bad for Draculaura but don't forget she cheated on Clawd before the hypnosis thing with little to no prompting. But tell me again how Gil is such a shitty boyfriend.
That movie ends with Draculaura having cheated on her boyfriend, but she still got a car, a party, gifts, Clawd. This is a horrible message to send to little kids, How did we let this fly in 2012? Don't cheat on your partner folks, there is no guarantee they will forgive you and IMHO they shouldn't.
The next 3-D Movie is "Escape from Skull Shores" and THIS is the the one we've all been waiting for! so go grab some milk or an orange, pack a lunch because this is going to be a long bumpy ride!
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So, right off the bat Lagoona planned Gil's spring break without telling him under the guise of a "surprise" and apparently Lagoona's parents sent them a luxury cruise to bring them to the Great Barrier Reef (Great Scarrier Reef was not canon yet) so that Gil can meet her parents. Gil... Understandably so freaks out a little.
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Maybe it's just because he's a boy and "meeting the parents" is such a big step in a relationship, maybe he fears they are racist like his parents are and won't like him... Lagoona reassures him no one cares about the whole salt water/fresh water thing anymore... Gil is...
Not convinced.
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Gil is kind of being a sandy butt hole about this but after what his parents put him through can you blame him?
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Lagoona is trying to be very optimistic and tell Gil about how Beautiful the Great Barrier Reef is to put him at ease but...
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"I just wish it wasn't so full of Sea Creatures"
Pump the Breaks! This might be the first unsavory thing Gil has said, I really hate to give that "Gil is a racist" mindset any legitimacy but... that was kinda bigoted Gil, it reeks of "you're one of the good ones!"... Which if your familiar with racism like myself you'll know that's not a compliment!
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Lagoona isn't hurt by this. She uses this as an opportunity to gently remind Gil he is starting to sound like his bigoted parents and then she does a very.... Canadian? Midwestern? unflattering impression of Gil's mother?... "Oooh yea! a thousand lakes! no salt in MY water!"
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Gil immediately apologizes for his bigoted statement and confesses to Lagoona that he's afraid of the sea. He thinks it's full of scary fish and monsters who just want to get their flippers on a fresh water guy like him... Gil's parents have instilled in him that sea creatures are out to get him, this is not Gil's fault this is an unfortunate side effect of being raised by a racist (trust me). He also adds on that the "Normies" have polluted it so much you can't even see 3 feet down... you know what? I'm gonna let Gil have that one, Humans DID fuck up the ocean.
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Gil: "what's that!?"
Lagoona: "it's an island chain, mate"
REALLY, LAGOONA!? is it an island chain!? or is it a fuckin' Kraken!?
This does not justify Gil's parents racism against all sea creatures but to treat any place on earth like it's completely safe would be a fool's errand. Danger is everywhere.
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"What was that you were saying about the sea being "perfectly safe!?"" I wanna bust Gil for being an asshole here but...given what's happened to them, he's kinda right to get sassy.
Lagoona doesn't say a damn thing.
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While they are shipwrecked they get picked up by this greasy human dude named Bartleby Farnum who's just a lazy parody of P. T. Barnum, If you know even a little bit about P. T. Barnum you already know this guys deal, scam artist, showman, trickster. the whole movie is already spoiled for you, Sorry.
Frankie looks exactly like this scientist lady from an Island Farnum knows about so he wants to use them as bait to catch Andy. it's a popular head canon that G1 Frankie was just straight up built using the dead scientists head and I completely agree, it would explain their "uncanny" resemblance to her.
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Frankie's head has to have belonged to the scientist... Heterochromia is pretty rare, what are they odds they would look like her AND have her Heterochromia!?
Edit from future me: SHE EVEN HAS A CUT ON HER FACE IN THE SAME PLACE AS FRANKIE! this is no longer a head canon, it's just canon, Frankie's head used to belong to the normie scientist from Skull Shores. She probably got that cut on her face from being in the jungle.
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While everyone was sleeping Farnum steered them to Skull Shores, when Lagoona asks about the Great Barrier Reef, Farum assures her this is just a one night stop to rest and get supplies. Notice how he did not tell any of them this, before they went to bed. Just assume everything Farnum says is a lie and you'll be good. Farnum makes up some BS reason why they should say on Skull Shores and everyone loves the idea except for Lagoona who thinks her parents will be worried sick about them if they don't hear from them soon, Farnum guilt trips Lagoona into letting everyone stay and she caves.
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Lagoona is rightfully suspicious of why Farnum wouldn't let her back onto his boat when they all just spent the night on it and enlists Gil to help her spy.
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Gil would prefer to stay on Skull Shores because 1.) it has a lake and 2.) it means he doesn't have to go meet Lagoona's parents. Lagoona knows he is stalling and Gil finally breaks.
Gil: "They won't like me Lagoona! I'm a fresh water freak to them!"
Lagoona: "it's all in your head Gil! they're modern monsters! that's not how they feel!"
Lagoona is being kind of a hypocrite. Gil warned her several times that his parents are racist and won't let him see her, Lagoona told him to stand up to them and when he did he got sent to an Underwater Boarding school for the entire Summer and half the next school year! Now Lagoona is trying to convince him her parents aren't bigoted and from Gil's POV why should he listen to her? the last time he took her advice he got exiled. They're trying really hard to paint Gil out to be the bad guy here for not wanting to listen to Lagoona but look at what happened to him the last time he did.
Is he right? No. But do I blame him? also No. By being so pushy with his parents Lagoona ruined her own credibility. it was real easy for her to go "Stand up to your parents!" when it wasn't her head on the chopping black. Gil was the victim in that situation and he's scarred now.
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Despite being hesitant Gil goes with Lagoona. He protested but he still goes with her, this is yet another case of Gil going against his better judgment to support Lagoona.
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Lagoona: "let's hurry!"
Gil: "Good, I don't want to be in the sea any longer than I have to"
Lagoona: *gives Gil a dirty look*
Gil: "Whales go to the bathroom in here Lagoona!"
Gil, Shut up. I've been defending you all this time but don't sit there and tell me that crocodiles and gators don't shit in lakes. Gil complains, a lot and he's been real sassy this whole movie... but he still goes with her.
Lagoona and Gil are missing from dinner and Farnum instantly sends Kipling to go find them... Farnum must have better instincts than me because if I was babysitting some teenagers on an island and the boy & girl who are real close ran off to be alone in the woods... I would just assume they're boning and go back to trying to rob the natives or whatever he's trying to do.
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I just gotta pause this analysis of Gil and Lagoona's relationship to focus on this hunk of Manster that we never got a doll of. Mattel robbed us blind! Can you imagine him on a Manny Body? Bow chicka wow wow! Me @ G3 please bring us Andy! I'll forgive you for removing Frankie's neck bolts if you give us Andy!
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Lagoona sees that Farnum is tracking Frankie and she wants to rush in and follow him, Gil asks her what she plans on doing once they get there and her answer is "I'm not sure but we'll think of something" Gil... respectfully tries to question her logic and he insists they think about this before just jumping in but Lagoona, ignoring Gil's sound advice steps forward on the cliff ledge they are are on and falls into Farums hands.
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Lagoona isn't stupid but this is probably the second dumbest thing she's ever done, the first one being telling the boy she likes to confront his racist parents like he's not going to get punished. Rushing into things without considering the consequences is no way to go through life Lagoona.
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Once we see Lagoona get caught we pan to Gil who looks like he's running away because... Movie has to engineer conflict SOMEHOW. Did people just stop watching Skull Shores after the commercial break? because that's the only reasoning I can think of for why Gil is so frequently labeled a coward and a bad boyfriend. Because if the movie ended HERE!? then yes, Gil is a coward and a bad boyfriend. But it doesn't.
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Farnum roasting a teenage girl that he has just kidnapped because her boyfriend ran away and Lagoona agreeing with Farnum. "I knew Gil wasn't the most courageous monster but I never thought he would just hang me out to dry" WOW Lagoona! way to have faith in your man! Everyone keeps saying that Gil is a bad boyfriend to Lagoona but I'm beginning to think maybe Lagoona has been a shit girlfriend. "but Jess!" I hear you cry... "what would YOU do if you saw your man run away!?" If it was me? I would assume he's thinking up a rescue mission because him running down that hill after I get caught to "save me" would be very stupid when it's 1 against 6 and one of those 6 is a pretty big dude. getting BOTH of us captured wouldn't have done anything to help our situation.
I started this deep dive to defend Gil but really all it's doing it making me dislike Lagoona. She's SO short sighted! I guess years of looking at her with rose tinted glasses made me see her as this perfect person but the problem with looking at someone with rose tinted glasses is... all the red flags just look like flags.
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Just as it looks like Farnum has won, Gil returns with an army! "The salt water army" in his own words! My boy came back with reinforcements and he tamed the Kraken!? He swam all the way to the Great Barrier Reef by himself and showed up on Lagoona's parents doorstep, exhausted and probably rambling about their daughter being in trouble and they trusted him enough to take care of business on his own... mind you this is the first time they met him!
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Between this and getting snotty with Mr. Hack it's very clear that Gil has no problem facing conflict on the condition that conflict is not his own parents why is that? Because Mr. Hack and Farnum don't have control over his life! His Parents do. Gil has been very brave when problems arise his one weakness is his parents and I don't think we should fault him for that. He busted ass for Lagoona and y'all have the nerve to call him a racist coward, the level of disrespect is unreal.
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This is yet another moment they should have kissed, Gil even has his water tank off. I can't even use the excuse that Mattel is run by prudes in this part because Draculaura and Clawd got to kiss in "Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love" Why no Lagoona and Gil kiss!?
Anyway, Gil says the whole time he realized what he is the most of afraid of is losing Lagoona... Which if you've read this far... Duh.
The rest of the movie wraps up with not much more from Lagoona and Gil they had their big moment. Great timing too because I have once again hit Tumblrs photo limit. I stand by everything I said in part 1, In fact I'd like to double down on it and say not only is Gil a great boyfriend, Lagoona might not be a good girlfriend. Gil has one boundary and Lagoona does not respect it. Re-watching the Webisodes and the first few movies has shown me that Gil is willing to do anything for love... but he won't do that and all Lagoona and her fans can focus on is the that.
I don't know how this Gil slander started, but whoever started it clearly has no critical thinking skills at all OR they like, saw the screenshot of Lagoona crying and got insta-mad "Gil made Lagoona cry! rage!"... yes... yes he did make Lagoona cry... And then she got him sent to an Underwater Boarding school! one of these things is vastly worse than the other! get perspective!
I don't know if I'll make a part 3... I really want to cover 13 wishes but by now? I feel like I've made my point. The Gil slander is unfounded and Gil never did anything wrong he's just a good boy in a bad family situation.
I would think a lot of you... if not most of you can relate.
Part 1 + Part 2 + Part 3 + Part 4
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When is the first time Tom and/or Maddie uses the dreaded "I'm not mad, just disappointed"?
Sonic was unfortunately on the receiving end of that line.
He’s a mischievous curious kid, it’s no secret. But sometimes it gets out of hand.
Once upon a time, pre Tails and Knuckles, Sonic was living it up as an only child. Unfortunately that meant that quite a few chores fell on him.
One day he was entrusted in mowing Toms beloved lawn. This was before there were holes, so it is growing green and healthy.
Sonic had some trouble due to his height, but he eventually got the hang of it. It’s a manual push lawnmower powered by gas and a motor, for context.
Anyway, our little blue devil decided that this was going too slow. He begins to run with the mower, having great success with speed and haste. He laughs to himself wondering why he didn’t think of this before.
Then, when it was all said and done.. the mower refused to stop. The momentum had been built, and fate has decided.
Sonic is now being dragged across the yard by the mower he is trying so desperately to stop. Normal method aren’t turning it off, and things went from bad to worse as the mower tears through the cut grass and into the dirt, leaving dirt paths in its wake.
The mower takes a sharp turn into the tree line, and Sonic now knows there’s nothing he can do. He lets go of the mower and takes cover behind a rock as it rolls into the woods, shredding sticks and leaves.
Eventually it becomes jammed, hits a tree, and falls over, finally turning off.
Sonic wipes his sweat away, thankful it’s over.
“S O N I C”
Uh oh.
Sonic grabs the broken mower and hauls it back into the yard, where Tom rips it from his hands “Sonic, what on earth did you do?? You had one job. One. And now look, my yard is destroyed. Do you have anything to say for yourself?! You better have a damn good excuse for this one, kid.”
Sonic shuffles his feet. He feels some tears coming, as he is not used to being shouted at, especially by Tom. “I-im sorry..” he then explains what had happened.
Tom calms down a bit, hearing that it was only an accident. Sonic asks “are you..mad?” To which Tom responds “I’m not mad, Sonic…” he sighs and gets up “just disappointed.”
That for some reason stung more than it would have if he were just mad. Sonic rushes up the wall, onto the roof, and through the sky window.
Maddie, now having heard and seen what happened, goes to find him.
Sonic thinks he screwed up big time and there’s no going back. He thinks he’s no longer wanted here because he just keeps bringing destruction. As he’s packing a bag to return to his cave, Maddie stops him.
She explains to him that just because of what he did, that did not make Tom and Maddie love him any less. Just because he destroyed the yard and mower, does not mean he is no longer wanted. It was an accident. Sonic did not do anything of malicious intent, and did his best to stop it, which is the main thing.
Maddie and Sonic agree to not tell Tom that Sonic was trying to pack a bag.
Tom later sits Sonic down and apologizes for raising his voice at him, but what he did really made him upset. It was only an accident, so he forgives him. Grass grows back!
Sonic is very relieved. He goes up to his toll room to let out the rest of his tears and stress through crying into a pillow.
He does have to pay for a new lawn mower tho. And he did! Only for Eggman to ride it.
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caterpillarinacave · 1 year
"Send me a character" Henry
Three people actually asked for this one (and the first got eaten) so I'm gonna answer them all here.
Just an fyi this post is very long, please excuse grammar, rambling, spelling ect
favorite thing about them
Man, where do I start? 
Not to be sappy, but as far as characters go he means a lot to me. Ive talked about this before, but I was diagnosed as autistic at ten, after really struggling for a long time. As an autistic, traumatized, kid in my specific childhood situation there wasnt anywhere for me to fit in. I really, genuinely meant well, but I meant so well it was just annoying. For all my trying I could not manage a meaningful connection. Naturally, this made me a very lonely child.
 As all lonley children know, when you have no friends you get to make friends with fictional characters, which I had no problem doing. However, I couldnt actually relate to any of the characters. 
 When it comes to character representation in media I really had never seen a character that I related to, autistic or otherwise. “Normal” characters didnt experience the struggles that were such a big part of my life, and characters portrayed as autistic had no personality outside the autism. They were all either robotic or just children. Personally, as someone who is emotional, bright, and very animated, I couldnt relate at all to the stoic, robotic, characters, and I certainly wasnt relating to an oversized toddler. 
(Frankly, one of the reasons I think Henry is such an excellent rep is because CC didnt go in with the intention of making an autistic character, and therefore didnt fall into the pitfalls non-autistic creators usually do. The issues I have with the characters she intended to be autistic arent applicable to Henry, which I do have some theories about, but thats off topic. )
 I could always find characters I could connect to those around me. There were characters like my mom, like my little sister or older brother. I collected books with characters who had the same name as me, I bought stories set in towns like mine, then abandoned them for the same types of towns but twenty years ago so I could pretend that in some point in time, I might have had friends. 
Yes, I spent a lot of time crying in the corner and reading books under my desk. 
   However, when I read TID it was the first time I had ever, in my life, witnessed a character who I found both extremely relatable and incredibly cool. 
An example that tends to stick with me is this scene:
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It might just be a random thing, but frankly it was a pretty big deal to me. The misunderstanding of an “obvious social cue”, the pride in thinking you had read the situation right, a person that you care about being mad at you when you were trying to help them, the “why didnt they just say so?” , the awful feeling when everyone else is looped in on a thing that makes no sense? These are things that I experienced daily, now, but more so when I was young. 
 I’d oftend respond in situations thinking I had it right. I could go over my answer with a fine tooth comb, find no issues with it, only to be met with a negative response because I had violated a rule that I didnt know existed.
 Its a terrible feeling. The people around you are so familiar with the “rules” they dont even realise they have them. They never can tell you what made your response inappropriate in this situation, but normal and fine in another. I spent so much time feeling so stupid, because I just cant figure these rules out. 
The characters I watched that suck at socializing sucked because they were rude, they didnt like people, they didnt want to socailze ect ect ect, as opposed to being genuinely, agonizingly confused. Everyone else I saw, everyone I wanted to be like had this talented, this knowledge, that is abosloutley unubtainble. 
 When I first read that scene I finally saw something that understood that feeling. Sure, it wasnt from Henry’s point of view, but it proved the situation that felt like a special torture just for me was something other people experienced. 
The general hostility from the rest of the shadowhunter world was also something I find somewhat… comforting? For me, even as talented, well adjusted, and promising as I may be, the majority of people still treat me with something from dismal to unease to downright cruelty. 
 Just like Henry could make amazing breakthroughs in science and still be snickered at by the rest of the world, I can make the honor roll, win competitions, excel at everything handed to me, and people still snort, poke, and call me stupid because of “basic” things I cant do. Its inevtible, and something I just cant change. 
 This a character that is interesting, talented, valued in society. He has an actual relationship, with someone he loves, who loves him just as much. He has layers outside of the ASD characterics, varied interests. He does get upset with people, he is passionate, good at multiple things, the lsit goes on and on. 
 And when I say this meant the world to little old me, it meant the world. 
For the first time I was seeing a character I related to, and they werent stupid, mean, or alone. 
 At the moment I’m really trying to learn to not hate myself, and to love my life. Some things wont ever change, and people will likely always treat me differently. However, I am trying to teach myself that ASD Its not a bad thing. I’m not flawed, I can be successful, I can have a social life, I can have a relationship, and theres nothing about me to “fix”. Autism isnt a bad word, my diagnoses are not the end of my life, and I am still a full complete person worthy of love and respect. 
Even when I was younger, and wasnt ready or able to find out how to love myself, or work on stop hating my ASD, I still reread TID again and again because of all the characters in the world I probably look up to Henry the most. 
 The thing is, even though its been years since I read those books, Henry is still the character I go back to to remind myself of those things. 
 This was a character that hated themselves just as much as hate myself, but had managed to move past that. He never “fixed” or “got rid of” the things that were difficult, the rest of the world didnt have a “oh we wont be mean” moment. He dealt with the issues ASD presents, moved past the self doubt, and was still the same character at the end of it all. 
 TID introduced the idea that maybe, just maybe, I could love myself, and I could be happy without destroying the things that made me me. And maybe, just maybe I wasnt as alone as I thought. 
 Over the years I’ve had more than my fair share of health issues, been to many specalists, and have spent my fair share of time holding back tears in a doctors office wondering if this is the end of my life. 
And every time I come home I go back to a character from a goofy, vaguely trashy romance novel that came out in the early 2000s and remind myself that my life is worth it. 
2. Least favorite thing about them
Clearly there's not much I dont like, but the things I do dislike stem back to how CC handles him as a character. He's one of those characters you can tell CC isn't super invested in. Theres massive potential in both him and Charlotte, and I wish that CC would just focus on them a little more. 
  There are so many little lines that allude to something much deeper, something that could be explored if Cassie would just do it. Talk about that romance, talk about the disabilities, talk about the way society treats them both, talk about the falling in love, talk about the disabilities, talk about the relationships with the rest of the TID cast, talk about the disabilites, talk about the grief, talk about the guilt, talk about the war, talk about what happend in the family lines, talk about it all. Oh, and talk about the disabilites Cassie. Do it. 
3. favorite line:
Yeah, this is the part that took my so long to write, I had to hunt around to pick just one. So, since I got three asks, you get three lines. 
“Really, how could we have been so stupid?
Well, I’m not surprised about me,” said Henry. “But honestly Charlotte, you ought to have known better.” - Clockwork Prince
“Youre marrying your fathers friend on the council? Which one?” - Clockwork Princess
“That ba-bad man," he finished, with a quick glance at Cecily who rolled her eyes... -Clockwork Princess
4. brOTP
Oh, Magnus Bane definitely. I feel like people gloss over how much they cared about eachother. Magnus was probably the first person to share any of his interests, and the first not Charlotte person who didnt instantly dismiss him. For Magnus that was the first time he had met a shadowhunter who genuinely thought outside the box. Try as he might it seems like shadowhunters just dont like Henry, whereas downworlds think hes the best. 
Charlotte and Henry. They invented romance. Relationship goals. Would die for them. 
Anyone who isnt Charlotte. 
random headcanon
Since this question has been asked three times you all get three headcanns:
My man is tall. And has upperbody strength. A lot of it. He might be about 0% body fat, but hes got muscle.
Several times Henry was sent to find teen Will and retrieve him from his dangerous stupidity. Will’s attempts at defiance where swiftly nixed when Henry just tossed him over his shoulder and left. 
Jessamine is throwing a tantrum because she doesnt want to be out on patrol, and Will throwing a tantrum because he can? Non-issue, hell carry them both to the carriage. Charlotte said be back at midnight, they will be back at midnight, teen angst be damned.
Literally only gets stronger as he gets older.
(All yall with fucked up bodies know the more your legs dont work the more upper body strength you get. Its only logical. If youve got enough upper body strength and someone to hold onto, you can hold yourself basically upright, which works great until whoeverse holding you gets distracted and stops holding you up. Then your going down the USSR in the 90s.
Yeah, Will and his short little attention span were not the best person to hold onto.)
The little kids love him. I mean, come on. He has so many glittery things in his pockets. So much to do. Knows fun stories, knows funny words. Funny hair. He lets them fuck around with his pocket watches. Fun chair. Easy to climb all over. Is not talking about the boring things with some of the adults. Gives great gifts. Happy to listen to you talk, actually remembers what you said. Unbothered by everything. Christophers was clinging to him from two years old on. 
He has two scars on his side where the automaton had grabbed him during the battle of Cadair Idris. 
 The Silent Brothers were really busy trying ot keep him from, you know, dying, and didnt really get to it. By the time they would have he was sick of them, took the rune and left the scar. To him its just one of many, many random scars. 
8. unpopular opinion
Cassie dropped the ball big time in TLH with him. 
   She did for most of the TID cast, tbh. She really has to mess with characters to make the TLH storyline make sense, and as much as I do love TLH its hard to enjoy when your going “they would not do that”. Its a pretty good example of how Cassie doesnt care about all her characters equally, and is willing to toss them away in favor of the main cast. For example, she keeps Will (and usually Tessa) very in character. With some work she could have done that with the rest of the TID cast, but she really. Doesnt. 
When you look at it from a TID standpoint its very clear how much she cares about each person, and which one she doesnt really give a shit about anymore. Alas, Henry is on the lower end  of that spectrum, along with a bunch of other characters. Hand them over CC ill give them the love they deserve.  
9. song i associate with them
Once again, got a playlist in the works, but one the one that comes to mind is Zoned Out In My Youth by Unlike Pluto. Also Ed Sheeran is a Henry x Charlotte artist. Just listen to Afterglow. 
10. favorite picture of them
How do I even pick. I spent hours picking. This has been the choice of my life. It has also reminded me we need more fanart of him. Someone with talent should get on that.
Anyway, take two, couldnt pick:
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(Excuse me??? They are so cute? Peak romance <3<3<3 pretty hair<3 Anyway the flower pin? The ring? The tie tack/clip? Beautiful stunning amazing I love him<3)
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majormeilani · 9 months
riding off the emotions of last night,
i did actually end up confronting my grandmother and my uncle about their shitty behavior and i got the absolutely most deranged response i've EVER heard from them and not a single thing they said to me felt like a genuine apology.
the first thing i said to my grandmother was expressing that i don't feel respected by her and how she always makes excuses for my uncle making shitty comments and being an asshole and i asked her 'why do you always stick up for him when he says shitty things about me or my siblings' and her first response to me was '... because he's my son.'
and i was like ......... WHAT?!!!??!!
and i exploded from anger at that statement and barked back at her 'but i am your granddaughter. do my feelings not matter???' and then she fussed at me for yelling like 'you don't have to yell..' and i was like NO bitch i do need to yell and this coaxed my coward ass whiny bitch of an uncle out of his room because i was 'yelling at his mommy' cry me a fucking river
and then my brother stepped in on my behalf and lit them both the fuck up and called my grandmother something insulting but true and said she's only cared about herself, which is true, and then shit escalated to the point where my uncle threatened to call the cops on my brother and then kept telling him to leave and apologize to our grandmother, because they're both kiss ass bitches to each other and enable their bullshit. and then things escalated further to the point where my uncle ended up trying to remove my brother physically from the house, essentially assaulting him. and after that my brother just ended up waiting out in the car.
and after all that my uncle starts preaching to me about how he's 'always cared about us and loved us with his whole heart' and starts talking about how he 'doesn't understand how things ended up like this with our relationship' and sheds some crocodile tears about how he's so heartbroken that we don't love him back and whatever, when he's the one who literally made my brother suicidal since he was 6 years old with how shitty things he'd always treated us. and he has the audacity to try and appeal to me by bringing up the fact that my parents had a divorce and it's what 'ruined everything we had as a family' when motherfucker it was you acting like a piece of shit that ruined things between us, constantly bullying us and putting us down and saying hurtful things that my grandmother just excused as 'teasing' motherfucker. dunking my brother's head underwater when he was like ten years old and you're a grown ass man isn't fucking teasing. i would strangle you with my bare hands if i could, motherfucker.
and then he repeatedly brings up how i we were his 'first little nieces and nephew' and gets all weepy and pathetic again expressing how it breaks his heart and blah blah blah as if WE are hurting HIM for being affected by his shitty behavior?????? and then he mentions his own hardships and how he's not the type to hold grudges he just lets things go and leaves the past behind him and blah blah blah like wowww so hard for you to say your shit behavior wasn't that bad and express how we're somehow bad people for 'holding grudges' like dude.
also him mentioning how we're his first nieces and nephews was something he tried to use as leverage to the fact that 'his relationship with his other nieces and nephews aren't as bad as ours with him' yet they didn't live with him constantly growing up? and be tormented by him day by day? they didn't live with them. they're also children too, who don't know better yet and i'm honestly hoping they realize the true colors of that side of the family when they do grow up because my heart breaks for them being caught up with this shit too. i still can't believe he blamed it all on the divorce tearing shit apart when he's the one who acted that way with us before it happened.
and my grandmother also tried appealing to me too, getting in my face, touching me, and trying to wipe my tears and nose, like i'm a fucking child. and she proceeds to infantilize me by constantly bringing up child me and how she was so excited i was her first granddaughter and how she cried and blah blah blah. she kept bringing up how i was when i was a child and trying to use that to show me that she's always loved me no matter what I thought of her and ect. and then she goes on to try and commend me for my accomplishments and when i step to kinda move away from her, she steps in my way, essentially making a barrier to keep me from leaving while she's speaking. and she asks me if there's a way we can fix things between us and it's like???? that's not for me to figure out. that's her and my uncle's responsibility. they're the one who ruined things, not me. they just kept trying to ask essentially for another chance but that was not going to happen and kept trying to guilt trip me essentially by claiming that it's my choice of what happens, but heavily implying that we should just let it go and give them another chance. but like, it's clear to me these people won't change and it's why they've meant nothing to me. they played no part into shaping the person i am today so what makes them think i'm going to forgive them? they're as good as dead to me.
and guess what? after all of this bullshit they both had the audacity to ask for a hug. like i want your disgusting bodies against mine. fuck. off.
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doueverwonder · 2 years
Let Me Love You Now.
Pairings: current Czechia x Slovakia; discussed past Czechia x HRE oc
Warnings: Death mentions, alcohol.
Notes: I got to feeling really sappy and suddenly had motivation to write something so you get this, hope y'all enjoy! tbh this entire fic can be summed up in Slovakia needs to not ask about Czechia's exes if he doesn't actually want answers :\
"You're drunk" 
"And?" Evžen rolled his eyes, watching as Adéla yet again tried to pull herself up; missing the edge of the table she was trying to grab. She mumbled something; he was pretty sure she was scolding the table, telling it to stay still. He was going to try and pick her up before she hurt herself, but she shied away immediately. 
"I'm going to stay here" Adéla crossed her arms, sticking her nose up in indignation. 
"You can't stay on the kitchen floor" 
"Yes I can," for emphasis that she wasn't planning on moving; She tucked her legs under herself, and leaned against one of the legs of the table. 
Evžen wanted to argue with her, but it was late and he was far too tired to start an argument this late. Especially when Adéla was drunk which meant she would probably end up crying, and then he would feel terrible and end up apologizing for nothing. Instead he just sat down across from her leaning against a chair, too tall to fit basically under the table with her. 
They spent a lot of nights in the kitchen, and most of them they weren't cooking. Many nights spent playing chess or card games just for an excuse to talk smack. If they pushed the table out of the way their kitchen became the premier dance floor in both Czechia and Slovakia. Feliks showing up unannounced was a common occurrence. Nights he showed up were usually made up of a dozen cups of tea, whatever snack Feliks had brought because 'you just like have to try this!'; and gossiping until four in the morning because once he starts you can't shut him up. And there were plenty of nights of this... sitting on the floor, one or both drunk, waiting for something to talk about. 
Adéla glanced up from her fixed spot staring at the floor, seemingly just to note Evžen staring at her. He smirked and jokingly asked; "Who was your first love?" 
Evžen asked that whenever there was an uncomfortable silence. He thought it funny as to his knowledge she hadn't dated anyone before him, at least not any personifications. Usually the response was to roll her eyes and tell him to shut up; but this time she was quiet. Her gaze returned to the floor. He assumed she was just tired. It was late anyway, and Adéla was one to crash pretty quickly after she drank a lot. 
He started to get up, ready to try yet again to convince her they should go to bed or at the very least go sit on the couch instead of the kitchen floor. 
"Adelheid" It was a half whisper from Adéla, her eyes not leaving the floor; she didn't want to look Evžen in the eyes. 
He just sat back down looking at her confused, "What did you say?" 
She pulled herself in even more as if she was wishing she could disappear, "You asked who my first love was, you do it all the time. It was Adelheid" 
Evžen tried not to roll his eyes, "Haha, very funny Adélka now–"
"It's not a joke." 
"You hated her" 
"I loved her; before you" 
Evžen had never seen Adéla as serious as she was now. He wanted to shrug it off, say she was being funny or getting details mixed up; he could clarify it all when she was sober. He had seen her serious plenty of times of course: but this was different. It made him sit back down all the way. 
"You're serious?" 
She either didn't hear him or chose not to answer, "She was twenty-three, I was barely older than that when we first met." Adéla sighed shakily, "one of the first things she said to me was 'my father just died' I didn't see why I should care. Adelheid told me that she inherited his land, Including what I was standing on" 
"I know all that, you hated her" 
"I thought she was beautiful.'' She slumped down a little more. "The stereotypical her hair was like gold, her eyes like the sea, the freckles on her face like constellations. I felt it all when I looked at Addie" 
"You're drunk Adélka" Evžen restated what he had said already, it was softer this time though. Less of an annoyed statement, more of a gentle reminder. 
"I only think of her when I'm drunk" 
Evžen didn't know what to say, what do you say when your partner is reminiscing about a past love. "Do you love her?" He wasn't sure if he regretted the words, he watched for her reaction first. 
Adéla took a moment staring at the ground, trying to think was hard. Adéla didn't want to think of those nights, laying together while Adelheid swore she was the only one she could ever love. She was foolish and young and said the same; though now it only took looking at Evžen to know it had been lies. "I love you now" 
"But do you still love her as well?" 
"She's dead"
"You can love dead people" He stated the obvious, every nation loved many dead people. Some would swear themselves to a human and spend a century or two alone, after their death, just because of how they loved them. 
"I love you. Don't doubt my love for you, lásko, it's one of the few things I'm sure of. Who I loved in the past doesn't affect my love for you now. Just let me love you now"
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