#therefore he has definitely kissed mc before
romance-rambles · 5 months
modern clarence | true love's kiss
The one where you kiss the merman awake, and in return, he wipes away your tears. Meanwhile, William is both oblivious and confused.
2.3k, alternate scene in clarence's azure island route, angst + humor, reader is mc, series: none
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You take Clarence's hand in yours, desperately trying to think of anything but the half-coherent fears buzzing around in your ear. They whisper the same thing over and over again, deliberately circumventing the semi-comforting words of the young medic who had teased you earlier.
He is fine now, but what if.
What if, what if, what if—
Amidst the constant chanting, you make a note to throttle your boyfriend. Honest and deliberate communication can come afterwards, once he's realized how much he worried you. It's a good thing you've developed a habit of listening to your instincts—what if you hadn't been waiting for him on the beach? What if something far worse had happened to him?
Gnawing at your bottom lip, you curse his usual tendencies—so very Clarence that they remind you that this is the man you fell in love with.
"Wake up, or I'll go date William instead," you threaten, in a hushed whisper.
Your voice cracks early on, though it's not as though its trembling quality could lend itself to a threat anyways. Leaning over, you brush his wet bangs out of his face lovingly. Then, your hand slides down with a gentle carress and cups his cheek, wiping away the water dripping from his hair.
With color slowly returning to his lips, you can allow yourself to appreciate his handsome face in an effort to pass the time. Now, you can almost imagine he's asleep, much like the princess in Sleeping Beauty—quietly awaiting the true love's kiss that'll wake him up.
CPR, that is, you correct yourself.
Due to your mistake, your cheeks take to burning, as though the shame flooding through your system will temper your own tendencies. You dare not accept the reminder of the medic's words that your brain helpfully offers you. Instead, you barrel onwards, as if it never existed.
"Ten seconds," you murmur. It sounds like a promise. "I'll kiss the merman—ahem, perform CPR in ten seconds."
A bit too faithfully, unfortunately.
With a grimace, you squeeze Clarence's hand gently. The humor behind your blunder had briefly calmed you down, but as your countdown begins, you find yourself back at square one. You really will throttle him.
In lieu of reaching for his neck, you pull at his cheek gently, just enough that it soothes your worry. Not once does he stir—and perhaps that's what emboldens you. Slowly, the distance between the two of you shrinks, and you are so preoccupied by the almost hypnotic hold your repetition has on you that you don't notice.
But when you do—
I can count his lashes, you realize, blinking away the familiar burning sensation in your eyes.
By now, you've lost track of where you were—both in terms of the countdown and your surroundings. There are people on the beach, but, perhaps, having sensed your volatile emotions, they do not dare cross over to the little spot on the beach you have to yourselves. You start counting again, expertly dodging the temptation of kissing your beloved.
10, 9, 8...
When you reach the final number—zero, not one—you reluctantly let go of his hand. And, mirroring your other hand, the newly-freed one comes to rest on his cheek. The mole underneath his eye disappears under your trembling thumb.
When you hit zero, you finally allow yourself to kiss the merman.
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This, Clarence surmises even without opening his eyes. They're touching his face too, as if even the rarest of treasures are incomparable to him, even as they tremble against him. He knows, instantly, that it is you.
Who else would touch him so lovingly? And who else has touched him so lovingly?
When he opens his eyes, Clarence is rewarded for his guess by the sight of you leaning over him.
Your eyes are closed; unshed tears cling to your delicate lashes, quietly asking him to do something about them. There's little time to be flustered. Yet, paradoxically, it is the best time to be flustered. Your lips are soft and they taste of your favorite chapstick—the one you obsessively put on when you're stressed.
Somehow, though he doubts the formula changes every other day, it tastes sweeter each time he rediscovers it.
For a moment, he closes his eyes, lifting his hand up in the air, just above your arm. His cheeks are still warm, and his ears even warmer, when he rethinks his move and finally fulfills the request.
You open his eyes, startled by his gesture.
"Clarence?" you sputter out weakly, once you've established some distance between them both.
He has half a mind to point out the irony of the moment, before you go ahead and wipe your tears away. His gaze fixes itself upon your hands, clad in the same protective gear as his own. The warmth he felt from your touch would've had him believing otherwise, if he did not have his sight to fall back upon.
Hoping to find something to occupy himself with, he reaches for his glasses. They are, of course, not there—he'd replaced them for contacts before he went diving.
Thankfully, you seem oblivious to his blunder as you wring your hands, desperately looking for an excuse.
"That's, um—"
The black diving suit you're wearing contrasts sharply against the gold and orange of the evening sky. It was early in the afternoon when he dove into the waters, and then—the gears begin to turn in his head, reminding him of how he'd collapsed into your arms. Some leniency, he thinks, is deserved.
"CPR," Clarence says slowly, feeling a sharp twinge of pain in his head as he sits up. "Is that not what you were doing?"
You look at him, clearly bewildered. Soon, as scarlet blooms across your cheeks, you're diving into the crook of his neck with a groan. There's some kind of inside joke he's missing, but he can't find it in himself to worry about it too much.
"Don't," you say fiercely, "ever do that again."
As you adjust yourself against him, your body now pressed up against his, your grip on his diving suit tightens. Coherency leaves him that same moment—all he knows to do is wrap his arms around your trembling form and softly call out your name.
At some point, he'll tell you all that he's learned. About your mother. About the strange python he'd encountered, the one that seemingly shared his voice. But for now, it is just you and him, bathed in the rosy hue cast out by the sun, and—
"Thank you for waking up."
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WHEN YOUR SNIFFLING SUBSIDES, CLARENCE begins to delve into the series of events that led him to stumble into your arms. You listen intently, only ever interrupting him to offer your own conclusions.
That is, until he admits he'd like to face anything and everything in his path with you.
Your sentiments are well-practiced; your only argument, compelling. It's true—you are his lover, and you do occupy an entirely different tier within his heart. There is no one else he'd trust more to watch his back. You cannot do that if you're not by his side.
You offer him your pinky and he links his own with it.
"Okay," he says softly. "I promise, my lover."
Your eyes narrow fondly at him. Slipping your pinky out of his grip, you throw your hands around him. It seems you're still shaken up by the experience, and Clarence—having already put himself in your shoes and concluded that he'd act no differently—can understand why.
"Okay," you repeat. You've both changed out of your diving suits, having exchanged them for your usual summerwear somewhere in between the two events. "I'm going to hold you to it."
His assumption that his agreement marks the end of their conversation soon turns out to be false. You hug him tighter, leaving your soft hair with more opportunities to tickle his cheek. After a momemt, you sheepishly admit:
"It, um, wasn't CPR."
Clarence can feel his cheeks warm up again. You're faring no better, though it'd be easy to miss with the way you're hiding your face. It's hardly the first time you've kissed each other—though the heightened emotions make for what is perhaps one of the most unforgettable ones yet.
"I know," he admits.
"Okay," you say, clearing your throat. The words come out rushed and awkward. He thinks back to when you rendered him speechless in the Student Council's clubroom and wonders how he could pull off the same thing. "Glad we had this talk."
When he can't think of anything witty to add to the conversation, Clarence simply admits the truth.
"I liked it," he says. You inhale sharply, and he thinks he might've pulled his objective off through sheer, disarming honesty. "Though, next time, I'd like to do it when we're both happy. I...know it's my fault, but—I dislike seeing you cry."
You call out his name, and next time comes faster than he was expecting.
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PERHAPS IT'S DUE TO THE recent revelation you bestowed upon him that William can't help but take note of the distance between the two of you. Your hands are still intertwined, though, proving the truth behind what you'd said to him earlier.
He has—
He has a lot of questions. Like, actually, a lot. As in, actually, he'd spent the entire time preparing a quiz worthy of the Student Council President.
Because if it's true, then he's calling dibs on being the best man at the wedding. And William sure hopes it is because he's already made plans to become Uncle William to any of your future children, whether they're of the human or cat variety. The ship has sailed for yours and Clarence's current, combined brood of cats, but he'll try hard regardless.
His progress with Beanie was looking quite promising when he'd visited you before the trip, after all. He's tentatively excited about the play date he's scheduled for himself after the trip.
The only problem is, he can't really wrap his head around it. How? And why? Is Clarence even capable of seduction?
As he plops down onto the sand, now much cooler than it had been in the morning, William makes a show of scolding Clarence. The scary dark mage of the Student Council doesn't need to know that he almost burned a misshapened circle through the rug in his room. Besides, how often does he get the upperhand?
He nods decisively. Right, never.
Thanks to the setting sun, your faces have taken on a reddish hue. And while the fear of potentially losing Clarence—one he can relate to—has rendered you unable to speak without introducing a shrilly note to your voice, the guilt of leading you to that point has left Clarence unable to go a sentence without coughing politely into his clenched hand.
It must've been bad.
You must've been downplaying it when you texted him. It'd been a short message, straight to the point. For a moment, William almost convinced himself it was Clarence before he remembered that the president does not text without proper punctuation.
(And for a small, small fee, William thinks he could be persuaded to remember that scene a bit more clearly—so long as news of it does not reach Clarence's ears.)
"Alright," he says, temporarily putting his plans for a pop quiz on hold, "I think it's time we went back to the hotel. I'm exhausted, Clarence. Do you know hard it was to stare at my phone for so long?"
To William's surprise, his fellow Student Council member smiles faintly. It's a bit strange looking at him without glasses on, as if something is just undeniably wrong with the very fabric of time and space itself.
"Thank you, William," Clarence says, and the pink-haired boy is left to blink confusedly. Something really is wrong. "I'm sorry to have worried you."
"Worried?" he sputters out, his own cheeks growing warm. "I—okay, maybe I was a little worried."
"A little," you echo. Your intentions are hardly as sincere as your boyfriend's—and gah, that's still weird. "Just enough to want to go looking out for him in my stead, right?"
As the couple begins to smile, now looking eerily similar to each other, William hurriedly stands up. The colors of the setting sun don't cling to their faces nearly as much as they once did. Whatever awkwardness was between them seems to have vanished, almost instantaneously.
He can't help but think that his upper hand is no longer his.
"Anyway, I'm starving!" he says, pointing in the direction of a nearby restaurant. The two of you have already changed out of your diving suits, so he figures it won't take too long to get served. "Since this is all Clarence's fault, I think he should pay!"
The man in question chuckles and easily agrees to William's request. Then, as another reminder of his new relationship status, Clarence looks over at you, and William swears he can see hearts in his eyes.
Squinting, he wonders, Should I have been worried about you instead?
Clearly, something spooky had happened when his fellow student council member went to look at the totems. That means—and the pink-haired student shudders at the thought—there's clearly some truth to the legends. And if magic is real, then—
Maybe the dark mage of the Student Council is not Clarence, but you.
"Are you coming?" you call out, cutting through his thoughts. You and your boyfriend are both standing, with an expectant look in your gazes. "I thought you were starving."
He squints at you for a moment. At your kind smile and much gentler countenance, compared to the guy you've decided to date. So what if you tease him sometimes? It just means you feel close to him.
Yup, that sounds right. Having made his decision, he nods to himself and says:
"There's no way!"
When he finally joins his waiting friends and they ask him what he was mumbling about, he only assures them they have nothing to worry about.
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hellsslibrary · 4 months
your twisted wonderland first time stories are so good! is it fine if i request you write about vil, rook, jade, leona, and cater next? i love top male reader stories but its hard to find ones about twisted wonderland :<
»—> Vil's, Rook's, Jade's, Leona's and Cater's first time + Azul from another request.
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#a.n. : my writer's block and problems in life are finally over and I'm writing again. An amazing sight, but still.
#cw/tw: top!male!reader, bottom!male!character, first time obviously, praise kink, fingering, teasing, and quite a vanilla sex in general, sex toy(Cater), riding(Leona), very little nipple play(Leona), dirty talk(Rook), Rook is a brat just a little.
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This is definitely a planned action, simply from the fact that Vil more than knows about sex (I think Eric explained this to him as a child as needed). Therefore, it is at least planned on the part of your yes/no, preferences and the like.
I don’t know why, but it seems to me that it’s important for Vil that your first sex with him be vanilla and romantic. That is, so that this sex is not so much a show of your lust, but of intimacy, your trust in each other.
If you are not a virgin, by the way, you will think that you are a virgin. This guy will guide you as if he knows everything, where, what and why (although he didn’t go beyond jerking off, because he didn’t see the need for it).
But he will still give you control, almost completely, simply because... It’s more convenient for a virgin than to do it all himself.
“Mmm... Yeah, it feels good,” Vil mutters as your fingers poke into that sweet spot and his fingers curl into the sheets. “Please continue... A little slower, yes, like that.”
A quiet moan of pleasure escapes his lips as your fingers slow down ever so slightly, pressing with each slow but rhythmic thrust into him. He sighs shakily, his arms wrapping around your neck as he presses a chaste kiss to your lips.
"Vil? This..." You whisper, watching as he spreads his legs beneath you invitingly, a smirk blooming on his lips that turns into a smile of pleasure in a matter of seconds. "Too tempting for a virgin."
"In your opinion, I'm always tempting, no? Or do you think I don't notice your glances at my ass?" Vil asks, chuckling and making you laugh too and kiss his lips, in a deeper way, and push your fingers even deeper.
It is clear that the sensations will be strange. But he’s still pleased, and the main thing is that it’s you. And Vil is not one of those who goes back on his word, after all. And if he allowed you to fuck him, then you will do it (if you want, ofc).
Vil simply found some kind of peace in this first act. Slow thrusts, your hands touching his body, which has become like a continuous erogenous zone, your quiet voice whispering praises and compliments to him... It's wonderful.
“Ah, [M-Mc]... It’s so good, don’t stop, I beg you, my love,” Vil whispers, closing his eyes in pleasure, feeling the relaxed, slow tremors inside him; a whine escapes his lips as you lift his hips off the pillow, going deeper.
“So good... You take cock too well, handsome. Although it’s you, what else could I expect,” Your whisper is heard in his ear, and he melts at the sound of your hoarse laugh.
His nails dig into your back, creating crescent-shaped marks. His hips rock in time with your thrusts, meeting them. Moans and whines escaped his slightly reddened lips from the kiss, mixed with the sound of your name... Just perfect.
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I'm honestly not sure if this was planned or not. Just from the fact that I can easily imagine something innocent with him developing into something obviously intimate and... I'll leave it up to you.
And you DO NOT need to discuss the main important things before getting into bed. He knows everything about you, which seems strange, especially if you have never even thought about it, but this is Rook... But he will tell you his boundaries and what he loves, yes.
He is absolutely calm before the penetration begins, absolutely. You even begin to think that he lied, that this was his first time. He's too... Stretched for a virgin. (Although let's be honest, I just think he was playing with himself. And I think he's one of the few people who did it with his hole, lol)
He doesn't moan at all before the penetration begins, like AT ALL. Rook just watches your fingers penetrate him with a satisfied smile and red cheeks and tells you all sorts of praise and some phrases that make you swear you want to simultaneously blush and hit him at the same time.
“Mmm... Your fingers are so good, Mon cher, it’s almost unbearably good. If you’re so good with your hands, then I can’t even imagine what it will be like when your dick is inside,” Rook whispers with a half grin, half smile on his face, his palms lie on your chest, drawing some invisible patterns there with his fingers.
A sigh escapes your lips and you lightly slap him on the back of his thigh, causing Rook to twitch slightly but only chuckle at your displeasure showing; his back arches when you make deliberate, harsh contact with his prostate.
“Rook, I ask you, keep quiet... Everything has its time. Have you heard of such a phrase?” You ask a rhetorical question, and a joyful glint appears in his eyes when he realizes that he has angered you just a little.
He's also calm when you finally insert your dick, it's like he's done this all before, seriously. Although moans are already beginning to escape his lips, he still does not stop these dirty conversations, they even intensify.
Although they soon turn into only convulsive declarations of love and praise when he approaches orgasm or this happens after the first orgasm.
"Ahh... You're so deep, it's incredible! Don't stop, please," Rook ululates as his face slams into the pillow again, squeezing it in his grip, causing it to tear pitifully.
“I didn’t plan on stopping, blondie, don’t worry,” He trembles when he hears and feels your whisper right next to his ear.
Your tender kiss behind his ear absolutely does not fit with the rough and rather sharp thrusts, creating a wonderful difference between roughness and tenderness... And damn, he can feel how his dick is getting hard again.
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... No, I don't think it was planned, no. But this was not something wild too. It’s just that at some point you smoothly flowed into intimacy when there was the most suitable time and moment for this.
Although you have probably discussed similar topics with him many times before. I just think he's terribly curious when it comes to his partner, plus he probably doesn't have much of an idea of ​​how sex works between someone who has legs.
An absolute mess. He gradually, but quickly enough breaks down under any of your actions, touch, word, even glance. He simply surrenders to these sensations headlong.
"Jade, are you okay? You haven't said a word since my fingers were inside..." A question leaves your lips as you watch Jade try his best to hold back any sounds that escape his lips, and he just nods, "Baby... Give me a verbal answer."
"Y-yes! This—... Th-this is so good, mmhmm... Plea-please don't, agh, st-stop!" Jade groans, barely able to utter the words, causing a chuckle to escape your lips, causing the moray eel’s already red cheeks to turn an even darker shade.
His body trembles, his hands grab at anything just to maintain a little sense of reality. His cheeks are completely red, his teeth are nipping at his bottom lip, his eyes are closed as tears stream down his face... What a charm, right?
You'll probably need to keep his mouth closed somehow when you finally enter him. He will no longer be able to control his moans, and he will moan so damn loudly.
He doesn't even feel discomfort, he just wants all of you. He wants you to go ahead and just fuck him like he deserves.
“Hush, precious, hush. You'll wake everyone up, these aren't soundproof walls after all,” You whisper as Jade's head is thrown back on your shoulder in pleasure, and your fingers are in his mouth, playing with his tongue to muffle him just a little.
Your other hand lowers and lifts his body on your dick, making him twitch and whimper every time. His thoughts are jumbled, if he can think at all right now. Now there is only you, him and your dick, which lies perfectly in him.
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No, this is not planned. I think it was completely unplanned. For some reason, I imagine him sending you a repost of some video where there is something sexual and like, “Maybe we can do it too?))”
And if you agree, he is the happiest in the world. He expected that you would not agree and then he would have reduced everything to a joke, but since you agree...
He also probably once tried to finger himself, but he didn’t really succeed, because his fingers didn’t reach what he needed, so he maybe used toys, or didn’t touch his hole for the time being.
"Mmm, are you sure this thing is comfortable, pumpkin? Is everything wonderful?" You ask to make sure he's absolutely fine as he lies on the bed, fascinated by the toy below.
"Y-yes... It feels good, really," Cater whispers, moaning as the toy touches his prostate. It's just a prostate vibrator with a circle of rubber that attaches to the base of the penis... But he swears it's never felt as good as it does now.
An absolute mess when you penetrate him. He's quiet though, I guess. You feel so much better than anything in his life has ever felt. And... A real cock is probably more pleasant to have than rubber, glass or other materials.
And yes, he won't let you go. He will cling to you with all his might, but he will still hold on to you.
“Cater... Calm down, calm down. I’m not going anywhere,” You whisper as his nails run down your back for the hundredth time in these moment, leaving red marks there that will clearly make your tomorrow less rosy.
“So-sorry,” He sobs, wrapping his legs around your waist, practically hanging on you as you continue to thrust in and out of him at a slow pace, “You're just... So h-hot and wet inside... And twitching, too! Weird..."
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I think this is more about presenting you with a fact rather than a planned action. He can just lie on your lap in the garden and then say something like “I want to have sex tonight” and start snoring a few seconds later, and you react however you want.
For the first time he is surprisingly active, I think. Really active. Of course, he doesn’t know how to do anything in practice, but if you want him to suck you off or something, he will do it. (And will still do it damn well)
Quiet asf. Just a few growls, maybe very quiet moans, but it’s hard to get him to other sounds. In general, I think that he is not particularly sensitive himself.
“Mmm, come on, herbivore... I'm not glass, damn it,” Leona mutters as you slip your fingers into him a little too slowly for his liking and he sighs contentedly when you speed up a little.
"Sorry, sorry. I just don't want to rush anywhere, okay?" You speak, specifically aiming for his prostate and he just makes some kind of guttural sound reminiscent of agreement.
He will ride you. Yes, you can fight me, I’m ready, but he will do it. Leona wants to control the pace of your first time, so he will do that.
Although, of course, when he gets tired, he’ll just lie on top of your chest and you’ll have to fuck him like that because it’s convenient for him, lmao.
"Ha... Leona, you look incredible when you're on top of me, you know?" You ask, looking at him riding your dick at a slow, but quite sharp pace, while his hands lie on your chest, sometimes squeezing it convulsively in his palms.
“Yeah, I always look incredible actually... But I'm glad you recognized my greatness in a position that no one else saw,” Leona whispers with a smirk, flicking your nipple lightly, chuckling as you twitch inside him, but then it’s his turn to moan as you lift your hips, meeting his bounce halfway.
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Yes, considering him, this is planned. He was very nervous, thinking that something would go wrong, so he discussed it with you in advance and of course asked when, after the start of the relationship, you would feel comfortable taking this step.
He is absolutely nervous before starting, even if he has read a lot of educational literature on this topic. He thinks something will go wrong or you won't like something.
He... Something between quiet and loud, yes. The most common moans, whines and sighs. Although, if you overstimulate him or just bring him into some kind of faint state of ecstasy, he will sound like the girls from hentai, I swear.
"Azul... Relax, okay? You're pretty tight even for a virgin," You whisper, squeezing his thigh reassuringly, letting him know that you're here and you're not going anywhere.
He nods, wiping his eyes from the accumulated tears, although it didn't really help, because they almost immediately appeared again. Azul sighs deeply, taking one of his pillows and covering his face halfway as he continues to stare at you.
“Okay, sorry... It's just unusual, I didn't think people walking on two legs felt this way,” Azul mumbles, muffled by the pillow but surprisingly able to keep his voice unwavering, throwing his head back when you touch his G-spot.
The absolute prince of pillows, at least the first few times. It's not that he wouldn't want to do something. He's just embarrassed and has no idea what to do.
Definitely a very kisser. Firstly, to muffle his moans, which make him ashamed. And secondly, it seems to me that he has a sensitive mouth and tongue... And his throat too, if you have a long tongue.
Azul meets your lips with his own again as he lies on his back, his legs twitching on your shoulders from the thrusts inside him. His tongue slides awkwardly against you as you run the wet muscle over his teeth for the hundredth time that evening and then pull away.
“You're so cute, Azul... I had no idea you'd be so clingy,” He blushes when he hears you whisper against his ear and squeezes his eyes shut when you lick the shell of his ear.
“It’s not true, love... Don’t tease me,” Azul mutters, covering his face with his hands, although he immediately leans forward when you kiss him again.
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mcytblr-archive · 7 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: Anonymous
our interviewee today is the anonymous author of the "SBI Crit Post". he's asked to both remain anonymous and not to be sought out; he's been incredibly helpful and polite through this entire interview process, and i would ask you all to leave any residual feelings you may have from that time at the door. If you think you remember who posted it, please keep it to yourself. that said, let's begin!
Q: Before we begin talking about the ‘Crit Post’, I’d love to hear what your experience of MCYTblr was like before it was posted. Do you have any standout memories from this time?
A: Not particularly. There's some things that I guess looking back on nowadays is kind of wild, like how in the groups I was running in, shipping of any kind that wasn't DNF was super frowned upon (as in, I trigger tagged for IRL shipping)…but truthing wasn't really? Or, how back then the lines between 'critblr' and main mcytblr were super fuzzy. I hung out with both groups before the Crit Post to no issue. Oh!!! And this is a wonderful piece of MCYTblr lore that you may not know, but when I posted the Crit Post, I was apart of a MCYT art exchange themed after MCC called MC Creatives. I think it only happened once, and I can't exactly remember who ran it. They were a really nice DNF (? or just DTeam) blogger. I think it's cool to see that even back then the community was pretty tight knit and had overarching community activities like we see today. It's interesting to me that our fandom has missed out on some of the more important parts to being a fandom… not many big bangs, only one or two that I know of. It's very sad, but we are a weird fandom in general, and definitely a Modern Fandom, if you understand what I mean by that LOL. There is one memory that does stick out, completely irrelevant to this interview though. The fake Dreambur meetup. I pulled an all nighter for it. I was shaking. I drew fanart (though never posted it). Everyone was hysterical. And then it was faked and everyone went WHAT.
Q: As you let me know in your dms, you were the user who made the original “SBI Crit Post”. Would you mind giving a quick rundown of what it was exactly, for anyone who may not know?
A: I would, but frankly I barely remember anything about it. It was like… I saw someone being like "weird that we aren't as critical of SBI as we are of DT" and I thought, "Well, I can probably try?" and made shit up. It was nonsense. I can't even remember what I said about Philza. The points against the others were "Tommy is too young to be in this business" "Wilbur queerbaits" and… "Technoblade needs to be less honest about his ADHD he's glorifying it" or something like that. Again, it was nonsense at its best.
Q: What was your reasoning at the time for making the post? Did the overall culture around you play a part in it?
A: Here's the part no one knows: At the time of posting, I was 13 by maybe… one, two, or three weeks. And I'd spent almost the entirety of my time as a 12 year old in a community that was like "we need to be Critical of our Favorite Creators because this is Righteous and the Only Good Way To Engage With MCYT" and I was like "Everyone here is older than me and therefore endlessly smarter than me," and therefore just accepted it. You can see it very clearly in the part that was "critical" of Wilbur Soot. He was queerbaiting for what? Acting like he wanted to kiss men? Dressing nice? Ridiculous! But if we called Dream a queerbaiter (and never GNF, because everyone was convinced he was gay), then I thought surely Wilbur Soot could also be a queerbaiter! This made total sense to baby 13 year old me. It's not fair to really call that indoctrination: it's not like I was falling down an alt-right pipeline or anything. I was just a stupid kid with too much internet access who liked minecraft and knew nothing about like Dan & Phil or Septiplier (kind of thing that would make me suspicious of this activity--especially truthing). I thought I was fufilling some honor by saying "and yes, my favorite minecraft boys aren't without fault either!" The people that stayed friends with me after that… some of them were my closest normal non-Critblr friends, who refused to abandon me (shout out to you guys you know who you are), and the rest were the people in Critblr who were… okay with my behavior.
Q: I understand that the backlash to the post was very intense– what was it like from your perspective? Did it have any affect on you?
A: Lots. Lots and lots and lots. I lost a bunch of my close friends who weren't okay with what I'd said or how I'd doubled down, and it really messed with me as a kid in the middle of quarantine. There were times where I genuinely considered hurting myself irreperably as either a way to "apologize for what I had done" or just a way to stop worrying that everyone I knew was going to block me one day. Those feelings lasted for a long time, I still struggle with them to this day, over three years later (? I think). And I was kind of lead to believe that was an okay response. I recieved asks the night that it all went down where I was told I should hurt myself. Of course my own behavior wasn't cool, but neither was that. I know there was a post out there by a popular (at the time?) Technoblade blogger that detailed the faults in that post, but I never read it. All I knew about it was that people saw it, and harassed me because they saw it, and that the OP of that post hated me. It got to the point that seeing that blogger's URL caused me to have panic attacks, a ridiculous thing because that blogger as far as I know never actually did anything wrong. I don't know. Every once in awhile, someone in the server I'm in (hi some of you are definitely reading this :3 i love you guys) will bring up the post in passing and I'll have to mute the channel for 24 hours because I'm scared. Or even when we're discussing normal drama, if something feels too close to the Crit Post, or like it might come up, I'll get shaky and nauseous and have to mute the channel for 24 hours. It's weird, the shit being told to kill yourself because you did something dumb as a 13 year old can do to you.
Q: As a follow-up: What, if anything, do you wish had happened instead?
A: I don't know really. I guess the obvious answer is "I didn't make the post" or "I didn't double down", but I think the real answer has to be that I wish the community I was in hadn't taught me that what I was doing was an okay move.
Q: Do you have anything else to add about the Crit Post, MCYTblr, or the community as a whole?
A: Not really. I "retired" from MCYTBlr in I think 2022, but kept a passing interest in it for a long time, and I'm still active in a discord (hi again) comprised entirely of fans and retired fans. I loved MCYT, and in some ways, I still do. When I'm sad, I put on old Technoblade videos. When I'm really sad, I put on old Purpled videos. These things are my comforts, things that I haven't ever been able to give up. And that's good! Even if I don't talk about MCYT anymore, I'm glad it's there for me.
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xaharadesert · 1 year
Greetings! I'm rereading your headcanons for the Arcana, and they're all very well-written and interesting. I wonder, do you have any ideas about how MC and Asra grew close and started a romantic relationship before the plague? No pressure if you don't feel like answering.
Hello!! I’m so glad you enjoy my headcanons :) even if I don’t write as much as I used to, I’m proud of my work. Based on your message, I wasn’t sure if you were asking for headcanons or just my thoughts, so I’m going with the latter, but feel free to submit another request if it was actually the first one!
So, as usual, I’m gonna add a little disclaimer stating that I haven’t played the game in a very long time, and can’t really remember what’s canon vs fanon, so forgive me if I say something that’s just blatantly wrong. Also, I’m referring to Asra using he/him just to differentiate them from the MC, who I’m referring to with they/them, and I am aware that Asra uses he/they.
Anyway, the game itself gives us very little to work with in terms of MC’s backstory with Asra (obviously so people can fill it in how they please), but I do believe that it’s canon that the shop used to belong to MC’s aunt?
In my mind, I always imagined that MC’s aunt was a semi-well-known magic user, and MC left their home to study with her and learn magic and such. They probably worked at the shop as well, since they lived there and it would be a bit rude not to help out.
Now, this is where I’m essentially just making things up: I believe that Asra and MC bumped into each other a lot without ever really having a proper introduction in the first few months. I’m not sure if there’s any indication about what Asra was doing after his parents disappeared, but I’m like 90% certain he was just homeless and making money by running errands or doing tricks/small spells/tarot readings for people. So, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to say that they casually saw each other around when MC was exploring or running errands for their aunt.
When it comes to a proper introduction, my mind is split between a cliché meet-cute where they literally run into each other, a curious MC seeking out Asra because they think he’s mysterious and therefore must find answers, or MC’s aunt hiring Asra as part-time help. Either way, it definitely starts as a casual friendship between two magic users who feel a little out of place, with Asra absolutely working at or spending a lot of time at the shop.
Over time, I think the two would naturally grow closer as they harness their magical abilities together. Asra has found a place that feels like home, and MC has found their first close friend in a new country. I think it would be a little co-dependent from the start, given Asra’s unfortunate circumstances, and MC becoming the owner of their aunt’s shop (it’s never confirmed, but personally I believe that the aunt died and left a young mc to take over).
At some point, after the aunt was gone, Asra would move into the shop (it’s practical, even if it’s only platonic, since he works there and MC is probably a little lonely), and while things might not be completely romantic, feelings are probably developing. I always imagined MC and Asra to be around the same age, so they’re probably young adults at this point, and still figuring things out, but they know that they want to be together in some way.
I don’t think there’s a clear line that can be drawn between “before” they loved each other romantically and “after”. Like, yeah, there’s a first kiss, but it doesn’t feel like a giant momentous moment, it’s just a casual action that feels completely natural. Neither of them probably even process it as the first time, and wouldn’t remember it later, because it just fits. And if you’re thinking about the first “I love you”, then I hate to disappoint, but I believe they always said it platonically, so neither really registers when it becomes romantic.
At least in my opinion, Asra and MC are the ultimate best friends to lovers, and it happens like a frog in a boiling pot of water. They don’t even realize that they’re in a committed relationship until MC dies and Asra finds them back at square one. Then he’s like “oh fuck how do I recreate 6 years when I don’t even know how it happened?” Falling in love and being with each other every day was as natural to them as breathing, and having that relationship stripped away suddenly must have felt like being dropped into ice water.
Anyway, those are my basic thoughts! Not very detailed, because, really, there is no canon backstory! This isn’t even what I use for my OC MC, it’s just the vibes I picked up when I first played through :) let me know what you think, and what you would change! Also please let me know if there are any mistakes, because I typed this all out on my phone at 1am and just kinda rambled without thinking
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tiredcatsblog · 2 years
Jack with a celebrity MC, trying to keep MC safe from obsessed fans (including Ian).
Okay, hmm, let's think about it now!
I think at first like this, Mc we have a bright personality with charisma and quite attractive appearance (although I think the main thing for an actor is memory, charisma and control of emotions, so let's omit the appearance, because it's actually you and me!)
First let's think about how Ian and MC met, maybe it happened in childhood, before MC became an actor. Thanks to their confidence, they were able to get into the heart of this insecure boy, because MC is not afraid to express his feelings and lead people. Therefore, their acquaintance is the same as in the canon.
And now the moment has come... the casting is announced in the city, which the MC has successfully passed! This is where the presenter's career begins. Ian is so happy for us because he probably wouldn't dare to do it himself. Years pass, MC's popularity only grows, and Ian falls in love more and more, especially when he sees us on stage / on TV or backstage, where we definitely invite him
"After all, my God, this is my girlfriend! Am I worthy of her???"
And yes, I almost forgot, imagine the moment when in an interview they tell the whole world "Ian is my boyfriend, I love him! "
This cute guy is fainting, fans either congratulate or write angry letters that he is not worthy of her! By the way, and this is what makes Ian think and start doubting himself. But the MC assures him that this is not so, because he is the person who has always been there, accepted all the shortcomings (let's admit, acting life is stressful, so there will still be breakdowns or some qualities, we are all people!)
But Ian still decides that he does not want to be in the shadows and will prove that he is worthy of us. He starts learning, talking about this MC, of course they help him in this, they say that he will be a great actor!
I imagine these days, training, move, how they both watch college!
And then they have to say goodbye, because It is leaving, although he doubted, because he was afraid to leave us alone, the fans are not asleep!
But MC assures him that everything will be fine, because we are strong! And on this touching note, they say goodbye, kissing each other goodbye.
"Don't worry, to see me, you just need to turn on the TV and I'll always be there for you, hahaha. Just don't give up..."
Everything seems to be fine, Ian is studying in college, MC continues to act in commercial or movies, and they also continue to communicate, sending each other hearts and wishing good luck .Isn't it beautiful??
This finishes them off, she cut herself off from the world, refused to shoot, even moved somewhere far away and did not communicate with anyone. MC just sits at home and eats all sorts of delicious stuff and watches TV, frowning every time he sees himself or the news about her disappearance. It just doesn't matter anymore..
Ian is bombarding us with messages, fearing for us... and eventually he realized that we were his meaning... And now why fight? That's right, for us! Now he is trying his best to bring us back and beg for forgiveness, but such humiliations cause only disgust and pain. That's where that obsession comes in..
" I'll... get you back.. I will prove that I am worthy"
One cloudy day, MC went outside and went to the store in a hood and mask. We have enough money for everything, but going to a regular store is not the best idea, in case they find out. Therefore, everything is usually done through delivery or a flea market. That's where MC finds the tape.
Jack... This is our sun, which of course we were afraid of. Like some guy at our house!?! Who are you??!
But over time, we get used to this clown, who, with his bright smile, makes us slowly come to our senses. MC tells him about his life, about that pain.. Jack tries his best to support her, because he can understand her stress!! (well, we do not consider the conclusion in the cassette).
Has everything really gotten better? Of course a ghost, but he is next to us, can hug, support, cook delicious pancakes and love.. It's finally become so calm..
But unfortunately not for long, fans, crazy fans who could recognize their idol by one hair color! But there were only two of them, but they did not allow MC to live normally. They were persecuted, sent notes with confessions, asked to return... and then the attempted attack.
Imagine their surprise when something invisible throws a chair at them or... even a knife. MC is all in tears, hiding in the room under the bed, there were several voices, then a crash and a scream... then silence.
After a while, MC decides to get out from under the bed and sees Jack, his savior, who hugs us with a warm smile.
"Don't worry, sunshine, I'll always be there for you and I won't let anyone touch you.."
It's even scary to imagine what he will do to these fans if they come for the MC. And if Ian? Who will probably arrive with a huge bouquet of flowers and will be on his knees, not going to leave. Jack will take care of it, because now he is our savior... although in fact there is still one crazy fan, the only one forever... .
Well, I hope my first attempt to write something like this was successful, hehe.
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blackchaisenpai · 3 months
Crave - Tracy Wolf Review
This review will contain spoilers but for people who want a spoiler free opinion I will add that here at the top!
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I can across this book on kindle unlimited the cover was so vague but when I noticed the small subheading that stated "take a bite" I got Twilight Vibes.
Which is not incorrect assumption this book does feel heavily inspired by Twilight so much so the male MC sends the female MC a copy of Twilight. Wolf has written this in a way that it is very self aware of the parallels between Crave and Twilight.
In my personal opinion I enjoyed Crave more than Twilight. The characters have a bit more depth to them. i thoroughly enjoyed how everyone has a personality. Our female main character enjoys classic art and reading in the library. She also likes bad jokes hanging out with her cousin.
Our male main character also enjoys bad jokes. So we do get a lot of text dialogue between them just sending dad jokes back and forth. It's quite enjoyable. He also has a lot of family issues but does make an attempt to be vulnerable with her.
They are kind of cringey with each other but its a type of realistic cringe I expect from teenagers in love.
Unfortunately, I do feel as though the book is a bit longer than it needs to be. The book is about 500 pages with the audiobook around 11 hours (3 1/2 hours if you're like me).
I do also have some issue with how descriptive the female mc feels during romancer scenes. This is a young adult book so nothing more than kissing occurs. it is just that the way this seventeen year's pleasure is described makes me uncomfortable.
I understand these are feelings teenagers have. however reading about them at my big ass age is a bit discomforting. If I were to read this while I was in that age bracket I would have ranked it higher.
It's a fun read definitely tailored to a younger audience therefore not my usual read. Though I do also like to expand the type of things I read by renting whatever seems somewhat interesting on KU.
You never know what you like or don't like to read until you read it. If you're looking for something to disassociate into for a while this is a good pick for you.
Overall I will give it a 7/10.
*Spoilers ahead*
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When the novel starts we are int he perspective of Grace newly orphaned seventeen year old that is on her way from San Diego to middle of nowhere Alaska. Her uncle is the headmaster of an elite private school that Grace will be attending along with her cousin, Macy.
Unbeknownst to Grace the school is essentially monster high with a light mix of Nevermore. A long series of unfortunate events occur before this information is shared with her.
As soon as she arrives in Alaska she experiences endless misfortune. Starting with altitude sickness to multiple attempts on her life. Her uncle Finn and Macy do plan on telling her but it is hard to find a moment to do this with all the craziness surrounding her.
With the realization that she is surrounded by supernatural creatures is amplified when her cousins informs her that she comes from a family of witches. Her uncle is a Warlock and her cousin a witch. Grace, unfortunate is not a witch. The reason for this is that her father was a warlock who gave up his power to marry her human mother.
We have two separate love interests introduced to us early on. Jaxon is a natural born vampire from one of the oldest vampire families. He enjoys being an absolute douche bag and texting bad jokes to Grace. He is the leader of "The Order" the clique of natural born vampires at the school.
The antithesis of Jaxon would be Flint. Flint is a dragon with he power of hot and cold. His favorite snack is marshmallows he toasts himself. He is more is a himbo in comparison to Jaxon.
On the surface it appears as tho both of them are pinning over Grace but that isn't the case. Which I will admit did surprise me. With how similar things appeared that slight deviation was unexpected.
Flint is getting close to Grace as he is the one attempting to kill her. He does not do so out of malice he does so out of necessity. he genuinely felt he was doing the right thing.
Sounds complicated, I know. But this is where the character known as Lia really comes into play. Much like Flint Lia pretended to be Graces friend. They bonded over their mutual grief. Grace lost her parents Lia lost her mate, Hudson. Hudson was Jackson's brother and jaxon had been the one who murdered him.
Jaxon murdered Hudson because he had the power to manipulate anyone into doing anything including murder. Hudson essentially wanted to commit genocide of every race that wasn't vampire; human, werewolf, dragon etc.
How do all these pieces fit together? I will try to simplify this the best I can.
Lia has been planning on completing a ritual using Grace to bring Hudson back to life.
To get Grace in Alaska she arranged to have her parents killed.
Flint knew about this and tried to kill Grace to stop Lia.
The one question that we do not get answered in this book is why Grace? what is so special about her that she is needed to bring a powerful deceased vampire back to life? We learn that Grace comes from a family of witches yet she is powerless. So why did Lia go out of her way to do all this? Hopefully that is answered in the later books.
One final note, the epilogue of this book is from Jaxon's POV. He is arguing with the headmaster (Grace's Uncle) something had happened to grace. She is a petrified state as a result of whatever Lia did to link her to Hudson. It ends with jaxon promising a stone Grace that she will stop Hudson and bring her home.
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randomperson46 · 3 years
Not in Kansas Anymore
A/N: sorry it took me so long to get this part out. Seeing family along with trying to get the part to a certain point in the story where I wanted to stop. Oof. An e way, I hope yall enjoy!
Mammon Angst
Mammon x GN MC
Warnings: Mammon is hurt at the beginning, but he heals fast. Brothers are mean, that's really it for this chapter.
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5
You sat scrunched up on your bed. Your room always felt colder without his presence. It's almost 12 am, therefore Mammon should be back from his punishment soon. After the two of you started dating Mammon always came to your room after punishment. Almost like clockwork you heard his soft knock.
"Cmon in Mams," You creep over to the door silently opening it. "Hey, how are you holding up?" You help guide him in as he makes his way to your bed. The moonlight glistening off of his back. A groan escapes him as he flops onto the bed. You walk over to your bathroom to grab your fist aid kit. You've always kept one in there just in case.
"Don't worry about me babe, just come lay with me." Mammon spoke softly while holding his arm out to you, showing you where you should lay. But you knew better. You gently push his arm away before looking at the mangled ruins of his shirt.
"Mams what happened tonight?" You gently try to remove the torn cloth off of his back to get a better look at his wounds.
"Well something pissed Lucifer off, he's always harsher when he's pissed. I know the difference," he laughs dryly, "You could call me and expert on the subject."
"Oh Mammon!" You hug him tightly from behind. "I'm sorry I didn't mean too."
"Huh?" He sat up to embrace you. "Treasure its not your fault."
"Yes it is Mammon, it's my fault." You squeeze him trying to express your apology through the hug. "I called him a coward." 
"Why'd ya call him a coward?" He asks as he runs his hands through your hair.
"Because he is a coward! And a liar! I said what I said. But I never ment for anything to happen to you. I never ment to make things worse." You look up to hold his face in your hands, carefully dodging his eyes.
"Hahah no fucking way!" Mammon starts to laugh, giggles spilling out of him aggressively as he tries to stay quiet. You make eye contact with him.
"You're not mad at me?"
"What? No babe, that's pretty badass of you! Honestly it's nice for Lucifer to get a taste of his own medicine sometimes," He presses a kiss to your forehead " as long as you're okay, I'll be okay."
You look at his wounds again and see them already healing. "I'm suprised you didn't head to your room first to get a new uniform or a new shirt at least."
"Funny story, I stayed in your room last night and used my emergency set of RAD clothes. And those were the only clothes not ruined by Satan when he had his tantrum yesterday."
"So you have no clothes?"
He shakes his head.
"That's going to cause a stir at breakfast, and you can't even wear the one you wore today because Lucifer ruined it." You put your hand to your forehead already preparing for the headache to come.
"Well my Treasure has my back, right?" He snuggles closer to you.
"Of course Mams, and I'm not above using pact marks to make your brothers behave, well most of them." You lay down and let Mammon pull your head onto his chest.
"I can probably ask Asmo for a spare uniform, so at least most of the drama will happen after school."
"Hopefully, goodnight Mams."
"Good night Treasure."
"Oh my Diavolo!" A light gasp was heard nearby.
"Lucifer would have a fit if he heard that,,, I think I'll start using it." That was definitely Satan. You started stirring trying to sit up, it must be early because your alarm hasn't gone off yet.
"Look they're waking up, maybe we can help them once they wake up." Murmurs of agreement pass through your room.
As you open your eyes you are met with a gorgeous sight. Mammon sleeping peacefully, face resting, hair sleep touched, and his hands gently resting on your back. You inhale deeply and exhale. You snuggle into his neck and you feel his arms shift to hold you close.
"Why are they not backing away? They can't really like him, right? Right?" The same light voice now slightly panicking, Asmo? Maybe.
"Maybe they don't know it's Mammon?" A new voice adds in.
"How did he get into their bed shirtless if they didn't know about it!" Asmo? Says whisper yelling.
You could easily explain to them that you are head over heels in love with their brother, but Mammon specifically asked you too keep it a secret. And you really did not want to break the promise. You felt Mammon stir awake, maybe you would not have to break any boundary.
"It's early what're you three doing." Mammon slurs, sleep heavy on his voice.
"We could ask you the same thing Mammon." Satan spoke.
"Yeah what scummy things were you trying to do to my MC?" Asmo, who still seems distraught, says next.
"Well if you three must know, my room and all my clothes are destroyed." Mammon looks to the time, deciding whether or not to wake you yet.
"Oh? And who's fault is that?" Satan asks smugly.
"Yours Satan." Mammon gently runs his hand up and down your back.
"No, you can't even take responsibility for your own actions Mammon. Honestly it's ridiculous. And if you didn't think you deserved it you could have stopped me" Satan shakes his head.
"Satan, I didn't piss you off. MC did. And if they weren't my focus you would have killed them. So I couldn't save my room or my clothes because I didn't want them dead. Now if you're here to finish your job from two days ago, kindly fuck off I'm still sore from yesterday." Mammon starts to gently shake you just as your alarm goes off.
When you open your eyes for the second time that day you notice his blue and yellow eyes looking off to the side. His eyebrows were knit loosely, hands gently gripping the blanket. Mammon didn't mention your relationship so you wouldn't either.
"Good morning Mammon, are you feeling better?" You gently squeeze his bicep. He turns to face you.
"I'm just sore, I'll be as good as new after breakfast." He promises. He then noticed his 3 brothers and your proximity. His face turned red and he pushes you away from him.
You weren't mad, you knew what being in a relationship with Mammon would entail. And that only amplified with it being a secret. You turned to Satan. "Could you leave, if remembering that makes you angry,, I just don't want you to trash my room too, me and Mammon will run out of places to sleep."
"Speaking of places to sleep I doubt Lucifer will let you stay here Mammon. I wonder who has to share." You turn to see Belphie sitting in your chair.
"Hey Asmo do you have a spare uniform I can borrow?" Mammon asks.
"Why would I let scum like you taint my closet?" Asmo's nose scrunches up.
Mammon turned to you and says "Guess I won't be making it to breakfast."
You giggles at his bad joke and slap his arm.
"You know something doesn't sit right with me. 2 days ago Satan trashed Mammon's room and clothes, but yesterday his uniform was fine, now he doesn't have one." Belphie spoke up.
Mammon just sighs "You wanna handle this while I try to find clothes?" He asks you, and when you nod he walks out.
"I always keep a spare uniform in my room because... well... I'm not going to sugar coat this, the things Lucifer does to Mammon ends up shredding his clothes, so when he comes here to get disinfected and patched up. He always has clothes to wear. So when Satan trashed his room he needed clothes yesterday and Lucifer ruined them again. So that's why he had clothes last time and I would share my uniforms but we found out last time they don't fit him" You explain sitting up fully.
Silence filled the room.
"What do you mean 'you found out last time' what time?" Satan asks an unreadable look on his face.
"I. I'm. Let's not get into that, I have to get ready and help Mammon find a uniform-"
"He can wear one of mine." Asmo interrupts.
"Then go help him, he doesn't know that." You finish. Asmo runs out the room. "Anyway now is not the time to get into all that."
"Is that why you called us horrible brothers, you know you really hurt Beel with that one." Belphie sighs.
"Good. Now maybe yall feel as bad as Mammon does all the time." You grab your uniform and walk behind the changing screen.
"Mammon feel bad? He's a happy go lucky scumbag." Belphie starts.
"Yeah he is! I don't think anything could ruin his mood." Satan starts to laugh.
"Yeah except Lucifer taking his card away." Back and forth they go. Once you are fully dressed, you step out from behind the screen and sigh.
"Mammon is just strong." You say.
"Mammon? Strong?" Belphie started laughing now.
You can feel the rage coursing through your body. With clenched fist and a tight smile, you say "Well let's go to breakfast."
You all went downstairs and sat around the table. Mammon sat down beside you in a RAD uniform. Surprisingly it was put on correctly and not how Mammon usually does it. Probably because Asmo helped him. Fit with Asmo's pink tie. Actually pink looks good on him.
"Good morning brothers and MC, today after RAD we're headed to the castle." Lucifer pulls out the head chair and smoothly sits down.
"And why are we going there?" Belphie sighs. Leviathan sets out breakfast.
"Do I have to go?" Levi asks.
"Yes you do,  everyone is going. Since Mammon didn't want to come forth and admit to his cheating last night, I've already contacted Barbatos and they will give us the truth. As a matter of fact they're letting us watch the truth, so no ones lies can trick some of us." With that last sentence Lucifer was staring right at you. Every brother was except for Mamsand Asmo. Even Satan and Belphie stare at you, but the looks in their eyes were almost questioning instead of pity.
I guess everyone will find out the truth after school...
Taglist: @gallantys , @jiminslajibolala , @dabiscrustyfeet , @ice-icebaby , @rakshamon
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keijiism · 3 years
i’m not the same anon but rime with a rut.... rime. with. a. rut. RIME WITH A RUT XJSCEJEXEHCEJEXEJEXE I’M DYING OKAY!!! now i need the aftermath because i know that as soon as rime comes to his senses he will behave like a tsundere but by now mc knows how much he desires them and therefore rime can no longer hide his feelings👀 i need more okay? xjscsjcsjs (i want to thank you and the first anon, what a bless xjscsj) note from nia: this has been in my drafts for so long i'm so sorry i restarted the entire thing bc i didn't want it to be as angsty as the first draft was heading :'/
giggles and laughs. he's so silly if he thinks he can try to pretend that he wasn't down horrendous when mc can just pull their shirt collar down so he has to look at all the hickies he left
rime isn't an asshole. ok he definitely can be but
i stand by the fact that if not anything else,, he'd wake up before them, process what happened, and leave water and a change of clothes by the bed before getting breakfast. yeah he might be embarrassed and scared but he isn't just going to pretend that was just some extreme one night stand—it meant both of them being trusting and vulnerable and he just. [ orz ]
he knows they have to talk about it eventually, but if he has to wait it isn't going to be in bed while Staring At Them (though usually he wouldn't complain having that opportunity). he needs a breather. needs to do Something
when mc manages to get up and find him in the kitchen he tenses up hearing their footsteps. he turns to look at them and they just stare at each other
" 🧍 🧍"
rime has the decency to ask if they're sore. mc snorts because they definitely didn't waddle their way down the stairs to find him /sarc
"do you...want to talk about what happened?" "the fact that you caught me in the middle of my rut or that we fucked for an insane amount of time" "...yes. i think those are connected"
there's a lot of awkward pauses because they aren't sure where to start or what to say and for Once,, rime is in the worse position. mc tries their best but it comes out as shit like
"so you Did have a crush on me" "what's wrong with you" "well,"
rime lets out this huge sigh and mc can hear him mutter something about "it not supposed to go this way"
he's frustrated with himself . he may have wanted mc's 'help' in the first place but the fact that they found him the way they did instead of him being able to Ask. did they regret it?
mc knows rime well enough to know that his mind is wandering and frowns at him, "stop that. i offered to help." "because i looked so pitifully needy?" "okay. i wanted to help because i care about you, rime. i wouldn't have done anything if i didn't want to—if i didn't trust you."
trust is a Big Word for Rime (said like the elmo audio) especially after everything they had gone through up to that point. and sure he could have figured that out himself but hearing mc say it is a totally different thing
"look, if you wanna just...move on, i understand. we don't have to talk about it or do anything if you don't want to." "i never said i didn't want to." "what"
of course this was a possibility that mc considered but still,, it wasn't exactly how they imagined a confession would go. "you..?" "do you need me to spell it out for you? want me to kiss you again?"
mc seeing how far they can take it and saying "yeah sure." rime, an asshole, taking the challenge and walking right in front of them. rime, an asshole x2, going "you sure, sweetheart?" mc, shaken but not defeated, only leaning closer. rime and mc, both idiots, finally kissing (real).
rime and mc, now ???, pulling away after god knows how long and staring at each other. "so are we like, a thing now then?" "i'd be a little concerned if we weren't."
achievement unlocked: being asked on a date after already fucking
no but like.
"how uh, how regular are your ruts, exactly?" "why? you want me that bad?" "for fuck's sake, rime" "yeah, for f—" "Rime"
mc has unlocked the ability to legitimately say "you wanna fuck me so bad it's embarrassing" and rime just gets flashbacks
it's a double-edged sword because he can just throw back the fact that mc also wants to fuck Him. "you'd love that, wouldn't you?"
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 2 Sakamaki Shuu [Track 5 + Epilogue]
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Original title: 愛しうる限り & エピローグ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 2 Sakamaki Shuu
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke
Translator’s note: This CD really did deliver near the very end and tugged onto my heartstrings BIG TIME. Shuu being honest with myself and realizing just how much he loves the MC is honestly one of my favorite things in the world. ;w; He definitely solidified himself as nr. 2 in my heart once more. (Sorry Shuu, Subaru will forever be number one. <3)
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 5: As Long as our Love Lasts
Shuu is playing the violin again.
( At some point, I grew tired of counting, or even thinking about how many times I had played the same song, or how many days - or perhaps even months - had passed since she fell into a deep slumber. )
“Oh...The string...I haven’t taken care of this thing for a while, so I guess this was bound to happen. ...In the end, my song never reached you, huh?”
He walks over to the bed.
“I’ve honestly seen enough...of this never-changing expression. I wish I could have seen a glimpse of your past self for one last time, but I guess it can’t be helped.”
He takes a seat.
“I’m sure you’re aware, but I always hated being waken up from my naps. Therefore, hearing your approaching footsteps was the most annoying sound in the world to me. However, having your face be the very first thing I saw when I opened my eyes after you interrupted my sleep, honestly wasn’t half bad. ...Just the fact I felt that way, means that you must have at least meant something to me. 
...If you were to ask me the same question you did before, then I would probably give you the following answer. ーー You are special to me. Not because your blood is delicious. You are the only woman on this planet who I wouldn’t want to lose, even if your blood were to disappear, If only I had said these words to you back then...”
Shuu suddenly collapses onto the sheets.
“...Ah...The effects are finally kicking in, huh? ...I haven’t been getting a wink of sleep as of late...So to ensure I can finally get a sound sleep...Cough, cough...”
“I drank a certain drug from this bottle earlier...You’re not going to wake up anyway...So you don’t mind if I sleep alongside you, right? Even if that is an eternal slumber...When you’re with me, I don’t mind. That’s just how much Iーー...”
He scoots closer.
“...love you. ...Ugh...Cough, cough...Haah, haah...I finally gave you the words you’ve been dying to hear...yet you’re missing out on them...You foolish woman...Hahaha...I guess I shouldn’t say that, huh...? Ugh...”
Shuu loses consciousness.
( I lost the feeling in my limbs, before my mind went blank as well and before I knew it, I was unable to think of anything. I couldn’t fight back against my heavy eyelids. Now I can finally get some rest again. ーー That’s what I thought, yet...Aah, there it is again. I can hear her voice again. Per usual, she’s calling my name as if her life depends on it. I’ve heard this voice a million times, but in the end, it’s nothing but my mind playing tricks on me. Even if I wake up, you won’t be there anyway. Therefore, I chose eternal sleep. )
( You’re persistent...Guess you’re stubborn even within my dreams, huh? )
You continue to call his name.
( Oh come on...Just let me sleep... )
You persist.
( Like I said, pipe down. Don’t shout my name over and over... )
*Rustle rustle*
“Nn...Hm? ...Ugh...”
“What do you want? I was having such a nice nap...”
“Ah...Oh? You...are awake? So that wasn’t just a hallucination right now? Or rather, why are you crying?”
You tell Shuu you thought he had died.
“Died? ...Oh, right. Why am I alive as well? Did you do something?”
You continue to sob.
“I can’t tell when you’re bawling like that...Hm? The taste of your blood...lingers inside my mouth.”
You explain.
“...You frantically tried to feed me your blood thinking that might be able to bring me back to life? I won’t deny that my wounds heal quicker when I have your blood...but I didn’t think it could serve as an antidote as well. Your blood really is something else. Well, you still won against it though. ...Oi, I don’t mind if you’re crying, but give me a good look at your face.”
“I’m asking you to move closer. My body still feels heavy, I can’t move. Come on, scoot over.”
You move closer.
“How long has it been...? I’m actually reflected in your eyes.”
Shuu embraces you.
“Keep still. I can’t put in much strength since my arms are still numb.”
You ask Shuu what happened.
“I’m the one who wants to know what happened. Honestly, what made you suddenly wake up? Is it because I finally genuinely admitted my own feelings...?”
You tilt your head to the side.
“You know, you’ve been asleep this whole time, remember?”
You look at him in surprisement.
“Don’t tell me, you didn’t have a clue?”
You nod.
“Well, it happened out of nowhere, so I guess it’s obvious considering you were unconscious as well. ...No, it’s fine if you don’t remember. That was a nightmare anyway.”
You ask him if it was rough.
“A lot happened...It was one hell of a ride. But right now, rather than letting you go...”
“Haah...Come on, don’t get all surprised over a little kiss still. However, I don’t dislike that side of you either. When you were asleep, you wouldn’t react no matter how many times I did this after all.”
“...What? Don’t panic.”
You note his behavior seems off.
“Weird? You’re the last person I want to hear that from though. I told you, remember? I went through a lot. That being said, it doesn’t matter. It’s just...I came to realize a few things.”
You tilt your head to the side. 
“How you felt, for example. Or how important it is to put things into words every now and then. ...And what you mean to me, I suppose. ...I believe you woke up because I finally understood those things. Well, you don’t seem to realize that yourself though. Oh, right...I should apologize while I can. I’m sorry for acting indifferent towards you up till now. I deeply regret it. Soーー”
*Rustle rustle*
“...Please don’t get upset and fall into a slumber again, it pains me”
You tell him you never meant to do that to him.
“Even if that wasn’t your intention, it still happened. And it was much more wicked than having you lash out at me or run away from home. Not to mention it was extremely bothersome. I had to look after you 24/7, right? In that regard...you really are a handful.”
You apologize.
“Haha...You don’t need to say sorry, really. I’ve already accepted it. I’m to blame for falling in love with such a woman.”
Your eyes widen in sheer surprise.
You ask him to repeat himself.
“I said I love you, what about it? I said it earlier as we...Ah, right. I guess you didn’t hear me back then since you were still asleep. ...Haha, look at those rounded eyes, your face looks hilarious. ...I really do prefer seeing you like this.”
“I understand you are having trouble believing me. I’ve only got myself to blame for that. However, I’m sure you’ll soon come to realize. I already had plenty regrets while you were asleep. From here on out, I’ll tell you these words until you’ll be tired of hearing them ーー How much I love you, that is.”
Track 6: Epilogue
You turn around.
“You’re ogling way too much. It looks shameless, so come here.”
You run over
“Is an instrument store really that special to you?”
You nod.
“Well, I can imagine you have little affiliation with these places. When I bring up the name of a composer, you usually look at me as if I’m speaking Chinese. Although despite that, you seemed happy to visit this place.”
You explain.
“Ahー So that’s why. Honestly, it would have been much easier to just come by myself, but I’d rather not make you upset again by ignoring you.”
You smile, thanking him.
“...I see. Whatever. ...Anyway, I requested a full maintenance along with replacing the broken string, so it might take a while. We’ll get in the way if we wait here, so let’s go over there.”
The two of you move to another room.
You look around.
“It’s a test room. Customers can use this place to test out the intruments before purchase. There’s nobody here right now, so the owner said we can make ourselves comfortable.”
You ask Shuu if he plans to buy a new violin.
“No, I’m not buying anything. I like my current violin.”
You seem confused, wondering why you’re here then.
“You really are a fool, aren’t you?”
Shuu pulls you closer.
“To kill some time, obviously.”
You get slightly flustered. 
“It’s a perfect way to combat the boredom, no? It’s muh more comfortable than having to wander around outside. On top of that...This place is soundproof. You can scream as loud as you want, nobody will hear. I’m sure you like the sound of that as well? ーー That being said, we have to think about your health. I doubt you’re already back in top shape, so I won’t do anything if you don’t want me to.”
You hesitate. 
“Hm~? In that case, you want it?”
You go quiet.
“Cat got your tongue? I seem to recall a certain someone was displeased because they were being ‘used’?  Clearly tell me what you want. Right now, I can actually live up to your wishes. ...What do you want from me?”
You ask for his fangs. 
“Hehe...I hate being ordered around, but hearing you beg for it isn’t bad at all. Especially when it’s the words ‘Suck my blood, please’.”
Shuu bites you.
“Mmh...Nn...I said you could make all the noise you want, remember? It’s not like anyone but me can hear.”
You get embarrassed. 
“Heh. First you beg for it and now you get all embarrassed. You’re kind of contradicting yourself there, no? Well, it doesn’t matter. In that case, I’ll go for one of your more sensitive spots so you won’t be able to suppress your voice. Mmh...”
“Hah...Exactly...Let me hear more...Why still hesitate at this point?”
You explain. 
“You’re worrying for nothing per usual. You no longer need to be scared that I’ll find you annoying or get tired of you. Well, I won’t deny that there’s times I get a little irritated by your behavior. I’m sure I might be a little grumpy when you disturb my sleep as well. 
However, I would never grow to dislike you over something like that. I already know what kind of woman you are. You’re the type to beg for my fangs in a place like this. On top of that, a loudmouth who loves to meddle with other people’s affairs and quite the handful at times. To be honest, too much of a bother to keep by one’s side. 
You puff out your cheeks. 
“Haha. It’s the truth, no? However, despite all of that, I don’t want to let you go. So don’t worry. Just let out your voice to your heart’s content, giving yourself over to me all you want. I’ve already decided I will love every side of you after all.”
ーー THE END ーー
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kaeyas-beloved · 3 years
Between Lovers and Lovers Only
Vincent x MC // Shakespeare x MC || Ikemen Vampire
Something between a mix of romantic and married life HCs for Vince and Will (individually)!
Warning(s): Will might be a little OOC
Requested from Wattpad! Sorry if these are a little short or not the best!
Vincent van Gogh
Every morning, without fail, Vincent always plants a kiss on your forehead, completely and utterly mesmerized at how the sun bathes you in its light
If you happen to get out of bed before Vincent to make breakfast or something he'll silently wrap his arms around you and just watch as you work
Actually, Vincent hugs you a lot throughout the day and cuddles when he can. He just loves being able to hold you <3 His hugs are always warm and tight (but not too tight!)
Cups your face when he kisses a lot too
Also kisses your nose every so often
Paint. The. Walls!
After moving into a house of your own one thing you two did was decorate the walls. Not every wall of every room, but there was a whole room designated to Vincent so he could paint whatever he wanted on it (Comte never let him when he lived in the mansion so he was very ecstatic); he also asked if you would paint on them with him.
You guys definitely did the cliché (?) handprint on the wall or something equivalent to it. It wasn't even intentionally either, rather a happy accident. Maybe one of you touched the wall, fingers stained with wet paint and the rest was history.
Asks you to come with him to flower fields/cliffsides/other landscapes when he goes out to sketch and paint. More often than not though his focus will change to you who lay/sit some distance away. He can't help it, you're a large source of inspiration for him, plus he loves you so much. Of course, he's going to draw/paint you.
Picnic dates in those same fields, the warm spring wind and sun the only other attendees beside yourselves
Vincent has definitely given you a hand made gift for your birthday/anniversary
To avoid getting paint on his wedding ring he'll loop a string through it and wear it as a necklace instead <3 He can't bear to take it off and put it to the side cause he doesn't want to risk losing it.
I feel like Vincent wants to see the world. He wants to show you the place he was born and see the beauty of other countries with you. So, if you’re up for it, maybe some time in your life the two of you will wander the ever-changing world together.
William Shakespeare
I'd like to think that the two of you stay living in the villa together- or something equivalent to it. Something in town, not too big but not too small either. Just perfect.
Two words: Hand. Kisses. Especially on your left hand and over your wedding ring. William also simply rubs his thumb over the metal band at times too.
Slow dancing in the living room?? Yes.
Definitely has dipped you into a kiss cause he can (if you allow him that is)
At one point you both had a mini poem competition to see who could win the other's heart with their words first (Shakespeare has to admit you did write a couple that made his heart dance in his chest)
Is constantly giving you single flowers and some kind of cheesy poetic comment to go with it (usually it’s how the flower could never compare to your beauty but is a close second. Therefore, he found it only fitting that he should present it to you)
Will adores your smile with how pure and full of happiness
Surprises you with gifts every once in a while - it's always something small and material though. Gloves, jewelry of some kind, perfume, books, things like that.
Shakespeare strikes me as the kind of guy that knows how to play some kind of instrument - I just don't know what. That being said, if you ever ask him then he'll play for you. Usually something slow and full of emotion
As dates the two of you go and see plays and musicals, just not one's that he's written himself; Will wants to experience a story that he doesn't know the ending to yet.
Sometimes you just walk around town too, window shopping, talking about whatever comes to mind
When you go to bed at night he'll sometimes whisper sweet poetic passages to you, all of them having reminded him of you.
You've turned his tragic-filled life into one of romance and William is enterally grateful for what you've done for him.
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starryasmo · 4 years
Cottagecore MC x Demon Brothers
this has a bonus chapter with the undateables in the making!! cross posted on my ao3, which can be found in my bio ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ☆☆
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Sometimes, Lucifer wondered truly how innocent you could be.
You were simply the purest. You were like a little woodland fairy, flitting about and bouncing upon mushrooms and through the foliage of the Devildom as you skittered about, doing your tasks diligently and with a warm smile all the while. Your delight at seeing a tree in your room was like that of the warm sun of the human world, the sun that Lucifer remembered as golden rays and a warm embrace. You would hum as you completed your tasks and when you finished, you would beam proudly at your handiwork, and Lucifer would swear on his life that he could see the pale white sparkles surrounding your face as you preened at your hard work, bringing an innocuous light to the usually dark and enigmatic Devildom.
You were as cute as a human could be, with doll lashes framing sweet gentle eyes and fluttering against cherubic cheeks that flushed with pink. Mammon had even tried to market you as a doll to sell at one point, and Leviathan liked to have you standing next to his Ruri-chan life-sized cardboard cutout or figurines to make it feel like his collection was complete. You smelled of tea leaves and spring petals and warm sugar cookies and soft cream puffs, and the scents brought a small dosage of serotonin to Lucifer’s heart whenever you passed by. When you weren’t in your RAD uniform, you liked to dress up in pale peasant blouses, flouncy pinafore dresses, and cozy knits that Satan would gift you. You were like a forest wanderer, skipping along the trails of the Devildom as if it were a leisure stroll through the woods, wicker basket hanging off your arm as you hummed, carefree and bright. Had you been anyone else, Lucifer would have scolded you for your naivety as to walking carelessly in a world of ravenous demons, but one look in your pure, sweet eyes, and the words died on his tongue like melted snow.
You had even managed to attain the favor of the other six brothers, albeit you had no clue that you had six of the seven overlords of Hell vying for your attention and your gentle smile as you invited the Little D’s to have tea with you in your room.
Mammon would accompany you to the human world market on Wednesdays when you went to go shop for groceries and to buy little trinkets. He’d trail after your happy figure, your linen apron fluttering in the early spring breezes as you filled your basket with vegetables and meat, as well as sweet bread, milk, and sugar. At first, he’d been reluctant, trudging after you boredly because it had been his obligation to accompany you to the human world and bring you back. However, after he’d noticed you always tucking the afternoon tea menus into the pockets of your dress and buying hand painted teacups from the shop with the elderly owner more often than not, he’d questioned your motives, and you introduced him to starting collections of things that you found pleasing. Now, whenever Wednesday struck, he was pulling you along excitedly to the human realm, eager to add on to his collections of cute rings, little trinkets such as lockets and charms, and other treasures that caught his eye. You had even bought him a comical-like treasure chest for him to store his newest finds in. Every time he finished a collection, something new would catch his eye, and he’d be rushing to buy it. It was one of the perfect ways to spend leisure time with the second born. He especially loved it when you invited him to bake with you, surprisingly. He passed it off with the excuse that he could sell some of the pastries and make good money, but he found himself eagerly looking forward to you waking him up gently in the wee hours of the morning on the weekends so you two could sneak into the kitchen and bake something. Those hours were usually spent baking batches upon batches of treats, enough to satiate Beelzebub’s ravenous urges and still have enough left over for everyone else. You two would dust powdered sugar on each other’s cheeks, sharing laughs and jokes as you cleaned each other up. The treat that Mammon liked to bake with you the most was your infamous honey tarts. They tasted delicious, and they reminded him of gold, therefore combining his two favorite things — gold, and you. He loved spending time with you that way, and when you’d offered to feed him a honey tart once, he was sure that something in him short circuited.
Leviathan wasn’t as easily convinced as Mammon had been. Being someone who preferred to stay in his room, he was a lot more hesitant to allow you to visit his room, especially considering your fondness with nature and his aversion to it, as cute as you were. However, you had noticed the plants that he’d gotten just to give his limited edition porcelain Ruri-chan flower pots a purpose, and your sweet and gentle smile had twisted into a slight frown, which had caused his heart to shrink and tighten up in slight fear upon seeing your calm and loving demeanor fade, although he would deny it to this day. When you lifted the pots from their shelves, he’d tutted anxiously, warning you with rushed words to be careful. You had sighed and carefully emptied out the pots, filling them with richer soil from the farms of the human world. You had brought some flower seeds with you, and you had pulled Leviathan over from his game to help you. He couldn’t deny that the way that your soft and gentle hands guided his to tend to the flowers was something that pleased him greatly, and when the first blooms had sprouted from the soil, you had smiled before giving each bloom a small kiss on the bud, and while the sight was totally moe, it sparked up that familiar twinge of envy in Leviathan’s heart, which he shoved down quickly in favor of seeing your beautiful smile as you kissed the blossoms. Your hands were gentle in handling both the flower pots and in squeezing his and untangling his fingers from his hair during anxiety attacks or episodes, and they were probably his favorite thing about you. They were incredibly soft, and your fingers were delicate and smelled like the light lemon pies you would bring in during gaming sessions to feed him while he played. You loved baking for him, and he loved it when you baked for him, especially when you would decorate the desserts to make them seem like they were straight out of a fantasy anime. He honestly liked sneaking peeks into the kitchen to see you baking more than he liked the desserts themselves, but he’d be damned if he ever told you that. After all, he needed the perfect dating sim route to go slow and steady, right?
Getting along with Satan was something that had come surprisingly easy to you once you got past his distrusting facade, because nobody, especially not a human, could possibly be this gentle and sweet . When you had earned his trust, however, you two would pass the wee hours after studying by curling up before the ornate fireplace and reading together, cups of enchanted cocoa steaming next to you. You enjoyed reading with him — his presence was comfortable and warm, and more often than not, he would read to you in a silky smooth voice that you absolutely adored. When Diavolo had sent you to the human world to retrieve some of your belongings in order to make you feel more at home, one of the things you had brought back was a thick book full of fairytales and worn pages. That was the thing that had caught his eye the most, and when you’d noticed him reading not-so-subtly over your shoulder, you had shot him a gentle smile and began to read the story of Hansel and Gretel aloud to him. Of course, he didn’t understand the merit of the story, but hearing your voice reading all these fantastical stories of grandiose warriors and heartwarming romances was enough to make his heart melt. Your voice was probably his favorite thing about you — it was soothing and sweet, like a sip of his favorite tea. Earl grey, which you somehow knew already because you were a clever little pixie of a human who could read him like an open book, no pun intended. You even made it the way he liked it. He especially loved hearing you talk to his cats about mindless little things, even if he thought that they couldn’t understand you and you couldn’t understand them. Truth be told, he liked hearing you chatter to any woodland creature; when you two went to the human realm together, he noticed that you would always stop to tell the birds about your day, or strike up a friendly conversation with the bunnies who lived in the rosebushes, or tell the deer that seemed to draw towards you about Satan himself and how kind he was. You always seemed so happy to talk to them, even if they couldn’t understand you. He was becoming unsure of that, however, but he ignored it. Why dwell on that when he could watch you chatter with the frogs and ducks by the pond instead?
Asmodeus was quick to smother you with affection. How could he not? You were as cute as a button and twice as precious, and you smelled like honey and wild berries! You were simply too cute for him to resist. Almost immediately after your transfer to the House of Lamentation, he’d whisked you into his room and sat you down for an impromptu makeup session. You’d been a bit overwhelmed at the fast pace, but eventually just let it happen as you let him do your makeup. He couldn’t stop crooning at how cute you looked, both naturally and with touches of subtle but elegant makeup here and there. He had definitely taken you out to find clothes that you liked at Majolish, and he’d entertained your hobbies of collecting little trinkets by taking you to shops that sold items that you liked. In return, you gifted him little homemade pieces of jewelry you made, such as the gold necklace with flower charms and little baby buds on it that you’d given him for his birthday, or the honey earrings and bee pendant you’d made him as a thank you gift for taking you to a farmer’s market when everyone else had been busy. Picnics in the human realm were also a common occurrence with you two, and they usually ended in you two weaving flowers into each other’s hair and telling each other stories as you snacked on blueberry cheesecake and passionfruit tarts. You would bring two portable cups for the two of you, and the drink would be different every time — some days, it would be raspberry cordial for him and a berry mix for you, and other days he would get a sweet latte while you sipped on honey tea. There was never a dull moment with you two, and you loved running through grassy lavender fields with him, especially when he would catch up with you and lift you by your waist, the breeze filtering through your hair and ruffling the skirt of your dress as you let out giddy giggles that brought a blossom of warmth to his chest, right under his heart. The sun would beam down upon you two and kiss your scalps gently, and you would lean on Asmodeus’ shoulder with a contented smile, never really noticing the faint twinges of pink on his cheeks or the way he subtly pulled you closer to him.
Beelzebub, truth be told, didn’t really like you at first, although he never expressed it. You reminded him too much of Lilith, too much of her breezy laugh and gentle smile and pure demeanor, and even though he knew that you weren’t trying to replace her and that you didn’t know what had happened, it still hurt to look at you and see Lilith’s face flicker behind his eyelids. However, when the events of freeing Belphegor and you dying had occurred, Beelzebub had felt a primal desire to protect you, defend you, save you , rip through his body like a papercut. He wanted to protect you. You , not Lilith. So he embraced that change and tried to be a bit more friendly with you, which he found surprisingly easy. No doubt had you noticed the shift in his demeanor around you, and while it miffed you slightly that it took you dying and freeing his twin brother for it to happen, you were still happy that he didn’t seem to hate you anymore. You weren’t Lilith, he knew. And he didn’t see her when he looked at you anymore. What sealed the deal for him, however, was when you were put on cooking duty. He’d tried Solomon’s cooking before and left his plate untouched for the rest of the night, but when he came downstairs on your first night to see what you had prepared for them, he was met with a pleasant smell that had his mouth filling with drool as he trailed after the scent, right into the kitchen, like a moth drawn to a flame. Luckily, you were plating the food by the time he made it into the kitchen, and his eyes roved over a main course of sweet chickpea potato curry with halloumi and roasted cherry tomatoes, accompanied with mushrooms and sauced lamb chops. Next to the bowl of curry was a plate of strawberry beignets dusted with powdered sugar and drizzled with maple syrup. You had ever so kindly offered him one — one , mind you — and he’d been stunned at how incredible your cooking was. Needless to say, with your constant gifts to Beelzebub in the form of steamy homemade soup with toasted croutons or treacle tarts with dollops of cream, it wasn’t a surprise that he found himself adoring you and showing you more affection than any of the other brothers.
Belphegor, of course, hadn’t met you until a bit later after your transfer. Despite your frankly adorable features and demeanor, he wasn’t below deceiving you and killing you. Although he acted like he adored you and was smitten with your gentle and sweet personality, his hands still gripped your throat until what was supposed to be your final breath. However, unlike all of his other victims, something in him had shriveled up in horror upon seeing your delicate eyes wide with fear and pain. Something in him had eaten at his stomach uncomfortably when he saw the blood from your neck dripping down his nails and staining the pure white of your linen apron. His mind had been flooded with a split second tidal wave of pure shock and horror at what he had done when your fragile body ceased to move. When you came back due to Barbatos’ power, he couldn’t help but throw his arms around you desperately after he got over the tiny spark of anger in his mind. You, being the sweet and forgiving angel that you were (not literally), dismissed it, and although you were weary around him, you soon learned to lighten up and trust him again. You did slip a few times around him due to reflex, like when you’d accidentally burned your hand against the tray of pastry croissants and golden twist rolls that you’d pulled out of the oven when you turned around and he was suddenly there, sitting on the counter, towering over you. However, you found yourself warming up to him in time, and when you’d invited him to come up to your own little leafy treehouse in the mossy forest, he’d felt a bit honored that you had invited him out of all the brothers. There, you two had shared snacks and pressed your hands against the lilypads in the pond. You two had sat at the edge of the lake, looking around at the variety of mushrooms surrounding you two while your feet dipped in the water, talking about everything and nothing at all. It was just the two of you enjoying a quiet moment together, and when you two had climbed the tall tree back to the treehouse, you fell asleep with your legs loosely tangled together, listening to the sound of rain pattering the windows.
With how quickly you charmed his brothers and were able to get them to be at your every beck and call, even without the pact, Lucifer would have thought that you were an angel in disguise, or perhaps a magical being. Perhaps a pixie, or a woodland fairy, or maybe a little doll come to life.
But he was soon to find out that your charm was all natural, no magic.
It had started when you’d knocked gently on the door to his study, carrying a tray in your slightly shaking hands. Perhaps you were intimidated by him — the thought of your sweet and cheerful nature being withered by fear of him was a thought that made his chest swell with pride. Either way, you had let yourself in upon his approval, setting the tray down on the part of his desk that wasn’t swamped in paperwork.
With a small voice, you explained to him that you’d learned a bit of magic due to your time in the woods, and you had charmed the treats that you brought him — soft tea cakes with sweet glaze and your signature ‘lucky tea’; a brew of dried gold clover, lotus petals, and enchanted honey. The tea cakes were supposed to relieve pains in your muscles and bones, and the glaze was steeped in mountain snow, so it was supposed to relieve Lucifer of the burn in his body due to stress. The tea had calming properties, as well as being charmed to grant the consumer good luck for a short amount of time. You said that you hoped it would help Lucifer breeze through the paperwork stacked on his desk. He hadn’t reacted much other than a slow eyebrow raise, a nod of thanks, and a dismissal. You bowed at the waist and scampered off, clutching the hem of your apron anxiously.
Most of your other interactions had been more lighthearted, like when he’d swiped a small dollop of ganache from where you were baking molten lava cakes. He’d used his finger to smudge the chocolate across your nose, and you blinked, snapping out of your baking trance, before giggling slightly and wiping it off with your thumb, sucking the sweet concoction off of your finger. Lucifer had followed the motion with his eyes and briefly wondered what else he could get away with, if only to elicit those soft little reactions from you.
He also noticed that you never reacted the way anyone else would have when Asmodeus made a dirty joke, or when Mammon nudged you into the more scandalous clothing sections of Majolish. When you heard those comments from Asmodeus, you simply blinked and voiced your confusion. When mammon tried to get you to dress in skimpy leather or latex, you frowned slightly and said that the clothing wasn’t really your type before opting to go over to the sections you usually shopped in.
Later, he learned that you had grown up alone, with only the woods and your otherworldly connection with nature keeping you alive. You had only started interacting with others at the ripe age of eight years old — before that, you lived amongst the small creatures of the forest, feeding off of the foods they brought you, as if they were your family. Perhaps they were. You spent most of your life building shelters for yourself, until you were old enough and experienced enough to begin building your own cottage. It was a quaint little stone cottage, nothing fancy, and it was humble and hidden away, and you absolutely loved it. You had spent most of your life in it, baking tarts and pastries with the ingredients you bought from the merchants in your village in exchange for rare mushrooms, seeds, and plants with healing properties that you seemed to have a sixth sense for finding. Most of your life had been spent frolicking in the woods, swimming in the lake and snacking on pastries of your own creation and chatting with the woodland creatures you encountered. You were a creature of the forest, a creature of flower scented skin and a honey voice.
What an innocent being you were, Lucifer mused over a cup of your lucky tea. The teacup, he noticed, was one of your favorites, the porcelain one with the gold rim and the hand painted floral design. Briefly, he wondered how you found the time to collect all of these things, all while pulling together so many gifts for him and his brothers and still miraculously completing each of your tasks with perfect marks.
His eyes flickered to the plate on the same tray — hand carved and painted by you yourself, and he was the only one who got this privilege; honestly, it was going to make his heart combust — that the tea had come on, the circular dish scattered in crumbs and smears of cream and jam from your latest impulse baking session; heart shaped waffles with cream and raspberry puree. Of course, Beelzebub had immediately poked his head into the kitchen at the smell of fresh fruit and waffles, but you had managed to hide some from his hungry eye — just enough to give to the rest of the brothers. Of course, you had taken the liberty of drawing a little panda bear on one of the two waffles you’d given him, using chocolate and cream, because he was special to you, he knew he was, and because he was special, you gave him special treatment. Just the thought of it brought a prideful smile to his face, lips twisted somewhat informally.
Perhaps he’d made the right choice in sneakily slipping your folder away for future reference during the selection process of the exchange students.
But nobody needed to know that but him.
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lsvdw-blog · 3 years
Hi there! This week’s newlywed’s round will be a short one (but hopefully a fun one). This week we’re playing:
What Would They Rather?
Note: The setting is back to Ethan x MC being married/together. They have to guess what their partner would choose from the options. Dialogue is entirely up to you!
MC, what would Ethan rather?
Beer or Wine
A Cruise or Camping
Horror Movie or Chick Flick
Stay at home or Go out in the rain
Get up early or Stay up late
Ethan, what would MC rather?
Cook dinner or Do the dishes
Diamonds or Pearls
Live in the city or Live in the country
Walk on the beach or Dance in the club
Travel overseas or Explore locally
Lovely Bree, thank you for these questions and for being patient with me in getting to them. Sending you so much love ❤❤
MC, what would Ethan rather?
Beer or Wine
Serena busts out laughing. "Is this a serious question? B/c this guy would just not drink and be even more grumpy!"
Ethan lowkey glares at her. "Answer the question, Rookie."
"Okay okay, if there were literally no other options, it'd depend on the crowd he's with. If he's at Donohue's with me and my friends, a beer. If it's with a stuffy crowd, a glass of your most pretentious wine, please." Ethan rolls his eyes.
A Cruise or Camping
"I'm torn here, b/c Ethan doesn't like crowds or mingling, but he's also too bougie to deal with bugs and starting your own fire."
"You're making me sound like I have a stick up my ass."
"Well... this is awkward..." Serena mumbles.
Ethan full-on glares at Serena, but she just laughs. She places a loving hand on his thigh and gives him a sweet kiss on the cheek, before murmuring against him, "I'm just kidding, sweetheart."
Ethan's features soften.
"If the cruise was a private one, that one. If not, glamping, all the way. Like one of those glass bubbles where you can see the stars that's everywhere on Picta."
Horror Movie or Chick Flick
"I refuse to watch horror movies, so Ethan also can't watch them when I'm in the same room. I know they're supposed to scare you, but they stick with me and then I can't do anything on my own or in the dark afterwards. Soooo chick flicks! He's a good sport about it though," Serena smiles.
Stay at home or Go out in the rain
"Stay at home. He's like a cat - doesn't like to get wet unless he's taking a shower."
Ethan huffs his disapproval at being compared to a cat.
Get up early or Stay up late
"He's getting up there in age, you know, so—"
"Did I do something to upset you? Is this why you're being 'such a savage,' as you put it?"
Serena and Bree look at each other for a beat before they both start cracking up.
"Why do I even bother?" Ethan grumbles.
"Oh, don't be mad, sweetheart," Serena grabs his hand and kisses the back of it. Ethan visibly relaxes.
"I'm a night owl, so he'll stay up with me for a bit, but he is definitely more of a morning person. I, however, do not get up early to hang out with him. No one ask me any questions until 9am or I will be quite unpleasant."
Ethan, what would MC rather?
Cook dinner or Do the dishes
"She doesn't particularly enjoy cooking dinner on her own, but if we're making it together, she enjoys it more. She never minds doing the dishes, so as an individual activity, most likely this one. Although she does tend to drag me into doing them with her," he chuckles.
"What can I say? I just can't get enough of him," Serena shrugs with a smile on her face.
"The feeling is very, very mutual."
Diamonds or Pearls
"She has a pearl necklace from her mom that she never takes off, so any pearls I get her will just sit in her vanity. Therefore, I get her diamonds and she's always loved them, which works out well for me."
"Yeah, have you seen my engagement ring? I told him to return it when I found out the price."
Ethan waves a hand in dismissal. "I can always make more money, but you're priceless to me, so as long as you're happy, I don't care about the price tag."
"How did you know I was happy with my engagement ring?"
Ethan snorts. "Please."
Serena rolls her eyes playfully. "Isn't he humble?"
Live in the city or Live in the country
"She loves her sleep and is a light sleeper, so as long as it gets quiet enough at night for a peaceful sleep, she doesn't particularly have a preference."
Walk on the beach or Dance in the club
"Dance in the club."
"You must really hate that," Bree comments.
Ethan smirks. "Not always."
Travel overseas or Explore locally
"Serena has insatiable wanderlust, so preferably, both. Though I'd say she's slightly more inclined to travel overseas. There's so much she wants to be immersed in and I can't wait to continue to experience it all with her."
He turns to Serena and smiles, interlacing their fingers, and kissing her hand.
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kageyuji · 4 years
Hi I love your blog! I was wondering if you could do Mammon, Simeon, and Beel reacting to a fem!s/o telling them they’re pregnant
Taglist: @transmantrash @rycbar-221b @tvwhoresblog
Can you tell I love Beel with my whole heart
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Mammon -
Mammon could tell something was wrong with you
He first started wondering whenever you dodged talking to him at breakfast
Satan followed you out of the room with a seemingly knowing look, Mammon knew there was something you weren’t telling him
When he walked up to your room, you were crying and Satan was leaning against your desk with a book in his hand
Mammon walked in unannounced, partially believing that you were cheating on him with his brother
Satan slyly set the book cover-down on your desk
“Hey, can we talk?” Mammon said, looking to you and then giving a confused expression to Satan. “Alone?”
Satan nodded and started walking out of the room. “Yeah, the two of you should probably have this conversation in private.”
“Uh...Mammon. Don’t be mad...”
“Why would I be mad? Did you do something that would make me angry? Babe, what happened?”
“Um. Mammon. I’m...pregnant??” You weren’t really sure why you said it like a question, maybe you were just trying to test your waters
It takes him a few seconds to process what you said but you can see the tears whelling up in his eyes
Then the next second, he’s wrapping you in a hug and peppering kisses all over your face
“Damn, I love you, MC.”
He is bragging about it all the time, everyone in the Devildom knows that his MC is carrying his baby
Lucifer gets annoyed any time he’s anywhere near the vicinity of Mammon because it’s all he will talk about
Tummy kisses
He becomes so much more protective of you, as if he wasn’t already before
And he is constantly at your side, always asking you if you need something or if you want to do some really random specific thing he thought of
He is cocky 70% of the time, nervous wreck the other 30%...actually no he is anxious all the time he is just acting like he has his shit together 70% of the time
He sometimes calls you randomly just to be like “hey do you think we should go ahead and buy those little swimming things for the baby?”
Like,, sir the baby is not born yet what do you....???? Are you ok???
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Simeon -
Simeon knows
Oh he k n o w s
He’s very attentive to you, he immediately knew when you had weird cravings and were a little late to your first class almost every morning
Still, he didn’t say anything to you about it
He didn’t want to scare you or make your think he was acting like a stalker
And he wanted you to tell him, he wanted you to feel comfortable enough with him to tell him that as soon as you were completely sure what was going on
You called him to your room in House Of Lamentation, the boys were a little confused as to why he was there but didn’t question it since they knew the two of you were in a relationship
You started off by saying you love him, and of course he replied with the same
Then you took a deep breath and told him the news
He gives you a smile and wraps you in a hug, even though he knew what you were going to say before you said it
“This is amazing, MC! I’m so excited, I’m so proud of you!”
He has a lot of encouraging words for you and won’t stop showering you with kisses, affection, and encouragement
The only thing is, though, is that he doesn’t want to have the baby in the Devildom
He’s an angel, he’s not even supposed to be there
While he doesn’t descriminate, he does know that the Devildom is a dangerous place and probably isn’t the best place for a baby to be
He is at your beck and call, anything you want you’ve got
But he isn’t on the verge of being annoying about it like Mammon is, he’s much more relaxed
Cuddles are a must, he often sleeps a little lower on the bed so he can sleep beside your bump
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Beelzebub -
Beel was always a pretty open person after you’ve got him to talk about his sister
And so therefore you tried to be pretty open with him as well
It started off when you were just snuggling with him on his bed
It had been a long day and both of you were tired, so cuddling seemed like a viable option for recharging
Beel was drifting in and out of sleep, but you couldn’t even think of sleeping at the moment
You were too worried about what you were about to say to him
Somehow, it just popped out of your mouth. “Beel, I’m pregnant”
He is wide awake now, trust me
He gives you a goofy smile, “Really?”
You nodded and smiled, glad that he took that well
He gives you a kiss and starts telling you how he’ll be with you all the way
Puppy is at your heels, ready to do any and everything for you
Especially if you’re hungry, he is definitely down to get you some food
Whenever you have weird cravings he probably wants to try whatever weird food combination you’ve come up with
There is no way anyone is coming near you once you get a baby bump
puppy becomes guard dog I stg
Lots and lots of cuddles
His twin is the avatar of sloth and therefore has educated Beel on the art of sleep
Which means Beel loves to cuddle with you, it kills him when you get to the point he can’t sleep in the same bed with you
But he sleeps on the floor right beside the bed and will not move
He’s just really excited, that baby is going to be spoiled af because his dad is really excited to have a Little One(tm) around
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writing-fool · 4 years
mlqc | sunday morning
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I recently (well~like three months ago) got into this game called Mr Love: Queen’s Choice, and after doing some ‘research’ aka gaming, I felt confident enough to write something. So, here’s a little headcanon about a blissful Sunday morning with the boys~
Warning(s): ever so slightly NSFW (insinuations of a dirty-minded author), profanity/swearwords
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Victor’s quite the workaholic, as we all know
like this man will be working 60-70 hours a week, often bringing work home with him 
you’ll be on the couch in pajamas and acting like a total bum while he’s literally next to you wearing glasses and breezing through 50 reports and documents
you steal his laptop and glasses when he starts criticising your report 
“Victor noooooooo~work mode OFF!” as you zoom past him with his prescription glasses (he got them fancy glasses with the blue light filter because he’s A WORKAHOLIC and he’s always staring at a computer)
needless to say, this man doesn’t usually have time to spare
sunday mornings are yours though
Victor doesn’t necessarily take the entire day off, but after a certain dummy’s whining, he has agreed to try and have a lie-in on sundays
he *usually* still wakes up before you, because he functions on like 5 hours of sleep (lemme tell y’all, it’s a curse and a blessing in one) 
Vic’s a total tsundere, but these moments definitely show off his #SoftCEO side
his little lovebug is sleeping peacefully, wearing one of his pyjama shirts (I bless you with the headcanon that Victor sleeps in silk pyjama pants sans shirt because he runs HOT)
actually, you’re drooling a little bit but even though Victor’s going to pretend he’s annoyed, he never is
oOOhh, also canon that this man is the big spoon in sleeping positions. he naturally gravitates towards you and holds you tight because he’s NEEDY
sometimes you’ll sleep facing each other. Victor holds you against his chest and just cradles your body in his like his life depends on it
100% will entangle his long ass legs with yours
strokes your hair and presses kisses on the crown of your head to wake you up in a gentle way (despite his demeanour, he’s actually remarkably gentle y’all see why i call him #SoftCEO?)
as you wake up, he’ll mock your bedhead with this incredibly fond look in his eyes baby boy these words don’t match your actions
you guys actually get up rather soon after, cos you are both busy people...
fun times in the bathroom not like tHAT well actually kinda~ but for legal reasons everything you do is PG, please spare author-nim who’s still ~barely~ underage
you take a shower and belt your favourite song that’s playing from the built-in speaker (did Victor get a built-in speaker because you thought it was cool? yep. did you ask? nope. did he do it anyways? yehep.) while he goes through his simple morning routine
you probably have more steps in your skincare routine, but he uses a serum, cleanser, moisturizer and some eye cream on the daily
has given you permission to do his skincare at night whenever you both have time
to reciprocate, he dries your hair after your shower you guys HAVE listened to the Right Beside You ASMR, right? ...it’s on YT for free because we’re poor, i know
also canon, blowing raspberries on Victor’s bare back while he’s brushing his teeth will make him choke on toothpaste. tested and approved by MC
“Dummy. What on earth are you doing?”
he hangs around and waits for you to get ready if he’s already done, you do the same. time is something Victor knows all too well, so the precious time he has, he wants to spend with you.
you guys DON’T shower together in the morning because really you’re not getting cleaner ahhh author-nim should really stop
afterwards, you get dressed in some relatively casual clothes (i’m talking a dress shirt without a tie or a polo shirt because no way that this man owns actual t-shirts) and have a simple breakfast
he cooks, obviously. 
always makes a balanced, Chinese breakfast (congee or wonton, noodles, tofu pudding, etc.) because he wants you two to start the day well, even on a slow sunday
also, he travels a lot, so he likes eating Chinese food whenever he’s home
ahh...waking up with Victor just sounds like a dream
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i’m a bit biased on this bitch because he was my first favourite in the game so this might get long. might not. just,,,we’ll see
Lucien is a bit like Victor, where he doesn’t sleep much and works a lot
On the other hand, his work is...ehem...shadier, so he usually works in his office when he’s at home
you’ll both have your own space to do whatever you need to do
days off for Lucien are rare. he usually powers through until he drops
for someone who constantly reminds you to take care of yourself, he’s mediocre at doing exactly that
after getting to know him better, which wasn’t an easy feat because damn this man has more layers than an onion he’ll also make you cry more bUUT we’re not ready to unpack that suitcase, you start noticing when he needs a day off. often even before he notices
you lock his office door and force him to take the FULL day off at least
he could technically open his office again, but he loves you and he’ll humour your attempts
Lucien wakes up before you. always. you’ve seen him asleep like 3 times in your entire relationship. 
Luci sleeps like 8 hours,,,a week.
he watches you sleep i feel like that makes too much sense for his character. we love a creepy boy. and wholeheartedly feels at rest with your sleeping figure by his side
in his sleep, Lucien lies on his back, holding you by the waist as you sleep on top of him. your leg is often slung around his middle, so you’re enveloping him. he likes the weight of you on top of him; it keeps him grounded and he likes feeling like he’s yours as much as you are his.
on another note, Lucifer—ah whoops—sleeps butt naked. i honestly can’t imagine him wearing clothes in bed. he’s not shy about his body and feels absolutely no need to cover up for his significant other. 
you, however, don’t usually sleep naked. well...nowadays you end up sleeping naked more often than not because alright author-nim’s horrible. can’t help it, he’s a fucking scorpio?
because you guys take a day off, Lucien’s content with waiting and watching until you wake up
he feels you stir on his chest and honestly your drowsy eyes make him swoon
“Already awake, my beautiful butterfly?”
his slightly husky morning voice *really* does things to a person tbh
you guys stay in bed for a good half hour after you wake up, just cuddling and talking, also sneaking in a kiss here and there
you have the same habit of tracing each other’s bodies with your fingertips
his fingers flutter over your waist, you trace his chest or hands with your index again, it’s a very grounding experience to Lucien
when you do get up and head to the bathroom, first thing you do is shower together
he likes washing your hair
bathroom bits might happen, but surprisingly, it’s not a thing that happens a lot so don’t come at me. we’re being wholesome
Lucien’s incredibly intimate and his love language is touch. Yes, he has a way with words but he’s also a really good manipulator
he’s used his words for evil too often and therefore can’t trust words anymore. so he uses physical intimacy as a way to show love.
Lucien has a skincare routine of dermatologically approved products. a double cleanse, serum, essence and moisturizer. he uses anti-age sometimes to prevent later wrinkles.
they’re also one of the reasons why he smells clean and fresh
will tickle you when you’re rinsing your mouth. you’ve sprayed water all over the bathroom mirror before. he loves the reaction. 
if you’re having a day off, you’ll probably just wear sweatpants and a t-shirt or a sweater. Lucien’s closet is relatively plain but clean. he has the best cable-knit sweaters/cardigans though.
your breakfast consists of western things like yogurt or oatmeal. Lucien likes having fruit at the start of the day
the rest of the day is spent relaxing and lounging, walking in the park, biking, reading, drawing, whatever you’d like
maaan...i wish i had more days off
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Gavin’s actually a decently laid-back person on weekends
like, sure he has to work a lot, but his job doesn’t necessarily force him to work from home, so you pretty much have his full attention at home but also he can’t bear to not give you his full attention so what are we expecting
the nasty thing about Gavin being a police officer is that sometimes, he gets called up and needs to work at unconventional hours
also, he gets injured. most of his injuries are minor, but that doesn’t stop you from worrying.
but anyways, he’s not a total busy bee when he’s at home, and relaxing isn’t exceptional
sunday mornings are...well...active. Birdcop goes on a run/hits the gym every morning, so he’s awake by 6am. what did y’all think i was going to write
afterwards, he takes a quick shower and joins you in bed again. 
Gavin sleeps in a pair of basketball shorts and a singlet. he’s somewhat shy about sleeping shirtless, and god forbid he sleep naked. but it’s all good and he respects your boundaries. besides, he’s comfortable in his sleep and that’s all that matters.
you spoon in your sleep. sometimes, he’s the big spoon because he likes being able to ‘protect’ you in his sleep. other times, he relishes in the comfort of being the little spoon and feeling you pressed up against his back. 
very important headcanon! you’ve learnt to sleep with the bedroom window open. on workdays, Gavin gets home late and jumps right into the bedroom. it’s become a typical habit for you two, although you used to be grumpy about not being able to sleep with the noises of traffic. 
you’re usually awoken by the sound of the shower and Gavin’s humming it’s canon that he hums now, bitches. also I bet his singing voice is amazing
so it’s less ‘sleeping in’ and more ‘lounging in bed like the lazy bastards you are’ i’m kiDDING
if he’s able to, Gavin might convince you to go on a run with him....but let’s be honest, you rarely agree
Gavin’s a total cuddlebug though, so be prepared to spend the next forty-five minutes in the tightest hug ever (to be fair, you’re not complaining)
he’s completely soft for you and you’ll have to wrestle out of his grip to get to the bathroom
you don’t shower in the morning, so everything’s pretty quick
Gavin doesn’t actually have a good skincare regiment tbh...he’ll slap on some cream and that’s it. probably washes his face in the shower with body wash...AND HIS SKIN STILL LOOKS AMAZING
you like making funny faces in the mirror while brushing your teeth and making Gavin laugh while he’s watching you in the doorway. he loves how you just make his day with the smallest things.
you guys both dress in really casual clothing, like hoodies and shorts/sweatpants/pj pants unless you’re going somewhere
Gavin has them grey sweatpants, if you know what I mean okay I’ll chill, sorry~
you wear his shirts a lot because they’re super big on you and Gavin secretly not-so-secretly thinks you’re adorable in them (a good thing about Gavin is that he’s easy to read; he blushes rather quickly)
“Ahh...it’s just—you look so tiny and cute.” guess he’s not the only one blushing now
i see Gavin as a ‘bun for breakfast’ kind of person. he picks them up at the stall a couple of miles away when he heads home. sometimes he does so running, other times...well he’s not called Birdcop for nothing
you guys have 2 buns each for breakfast because they’re delicious 
lounge time is often spent gaming or cleaning the house (you’re both busy people and Gavin tends to get messy because he just chucks clothes on the floor after a hard workday)
you make the most out of your sunday, hoping Gavin doesn’t get called in
who wouldn’t like being domestic with Gavin?
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Kiro, unsurprisingly, has an incredibly busy schedule
one that, similar to Gavin, isn’t really decided by himself
i suppose his situation is a tad bit worse than Birdcop’s, since his workdays don’t even actually end when he gets home. he constantly practices choreos, singing, etc. at home
so, full days off are few and very, very far between
this makes them extra precious
it helps to have a lazy morning once in a while though (in Kiro’s case, lazy sundays are most likely a bi-weekly thing)
you wake up first! Kiro needs his beauty sleep, and damn this boy can knock in 16 hours of sleep if need be
you’ll probably lay in bed for a while and then attempt to get up and ready for the day
until...you feel Kiro’s arm tugging you back
for a skinny, lithe boy, he’s remarkably strong. he pulls you back to bed with the groggiest, cutest sleep-laced voice EVER 
“Mmm, Miss Chips, it’s not time to wake up yet, is it?” 
he snuggles into you and refuses to wake up unless you give him kisses
during the night, Kiro sleeps in actual pyjamas with cute characters on them. when he feels lazy, he’ll probably just slip on a t-shirt and some boxer shorts, but he likes putting in the effort to wear matching couple pyjamas
Kiro cuddles with you 24/7, and sleep makes little difference here. he’s often the little spoon because he does like feeling your presence and your grip on him. he moves around when sleeping, so you might end up out of each other’s embrace, but Kiro subconsciously always touches you in some way or form, like holding hands or intertwining legs. he’s a man with many identities and needs your presence as a reassurance that he’s still the man that you love
he loves to pepper your face with kisses after getting home from rehearsals/concerts, claiming that it gives him energy
you do the same in the morning, anything to hear that sweet giggle of his
he’s deceptively cute though, and innocent morning kisses tend to spiral into...something more let’s just be honest, his stamina is something else entirely i’M SORRY 
morning exercise? check. Hotel? Trivago. non-sponsored~
you guys don’t shower in the morning. Kiro’s used to showering after practice, which is late at night, and you shower in the evenings to help you relax
however, on a rare occasion, you’ll draw a nice bath together and play around with bubbles and scented bath bombs so fun and relaxing
Kiro totally has a 14-step skincare regiment. you don’t get that beautiful baby-smooth skin without some effort.
he has the best ‘mid-range to high-end’ products on the market, and loves sweet and floral scents for his skincare and makeup. you guys try to line up each other’s routines to be able to do them together every morning.
Kiro also has a huge bedhead in the morning! it’s your job to get this sleepyhead styled for a fun day
even Kiro’s casual loungewear is top-notch hip and trendy. he has fun sweatpants with chains, belts, patches, you name it. he likes holding a little fashion show with you, no matter what you two are wearing
old jeans? strut it. thrifted shirt? vogue, honey.
Kiro’s on a strict diet, so usually he has a smoothie and some tofu pudding for breakfast. on occasion, you’ll indulge him in something decadent, like French toast or pancakes. on moments like these, you swear he loves you juuuuuust a little more but don’t tell Savin!
you guys are a relatively active couple, so unless you’re inside gaming or busy working, you’ll spend some time in thrift stores or karaoke bars, arcades, fun fairs,...
just thinking about Kiro brightens my day...
As always, I hope you enjoyed reading this! I’ll try to bring out more content for K-Pop idols, otome characters and anime characters during the holidays. Requests are still open, so don’t be afraid to send a little message in my ask-box!
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
NSFW alphabet for ethan x mc??
I’m assuming you’re referring to the nsfw alphabet otp asks? 
If so, Ethan x Odette are below the cut!
Aftercare: What they’re like after sex Odette likes to lay around and cuddle for no longer than five minutes. After which she’ll hop up, trying not to make a bigger mess, and pad to the bathroom to pee and shower.  Ethan definitely likes to relish in their closeness no matter who’s on top. As their relationship progresses and Odette relaxes a bit more, he actually likes to clean her up afterwards. He’ll kiss her forehead before he leaves her laying there to grab a wet cloth and wipe them both up gently, all the while looking down at her with glittering eyes and a private smile. 
Body part: Their favorite body part of theirs and of their partner’s   Odette loves her long, naturally straight hair and her tiny ears. She loves Ethan’s dimple and a beauty mark he has on his left ring finger.  He doesn’t have a favorite part of his body. It’s a body. It functions. But if he had to choose it may as well be his toned calves. Ethan really loves her boobs, but his absolute favorite part of her is the glow of her emerald eyes of her brightest smile.
Cum: Use your imagination for this one aha (what are they like when they finish, how do they feel about their partner’s cum/face, etc) Ethan’s face changes each time with the varying degree of his orgasm - if it’s a deep and good one his entire face scrunches together and he breathlessly curses. The one constant in every orgasm is the way his nose scrunches and jaw slacks into the sexiest “0″ face. His deep, ragged breaths so erotic.  Odette tries to hide her face - she hates how ugly it looks to the point that in the early stages she’d really try to keep herself from coming. But Ethan’s a giver and all it took was his loving gaze and a soft “i want to see you” as he tugged her arm off her face for her to not give a shit. The sex is fucking fantastic.  Ethan thinks she’s absolutely breathtaking, and Odette adores how young he looks. They both appreciate the others vulnerability.  
Dirty Secret: Do they have any secrets that would come to light during sex (not kinks) Ummm... Odette has a weird relationship with intimacy. She’s not about it, not really. She’s got to be in the right mood for sex or any sort of touching. She gets better as the relationship progresses, which is why she doesn’t sleep with someone until she’s sure they’re going to be around long-term. Usually, with her last few partners, her rule has been 6 months dating before sex. She made an exception for the rule with Ethan (just shy of 5 month mark).   For Ethan it would just be that he hasn’t been intimate with anyone in about two years by the time the two get together. 
Experience: How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing? Odette knows her way around a body. She’s only had two sexual partners besides Ethan, but the girl knows where everything goes and really can a girl really be bad at sex?  Ethan has ten years more experience than Ode and a total of 11 sexual partners. He’s a giver and has gotten very good at perfecting his tongue technique. He knows he’s relatively easy when it comes to finishing so it’s always about his partner.  
Favorite Position (Bonus horny points for including a visual) Too lazy to get a visual. Ode likes to be fucked against a wall, and Ethan prefers to have her on top. 
Goofy: Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc They take turns depending on who’s initiating and where they are lol but Ethan is usually the goof.  Ode likes to tease Ethan and throw little remarks his way for foreplay. Ethan is mostly more sultry and praising in the moment. He jokes back with her, matching her banter like always. 
Hair: How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc. Odette is completely hairless. She’s had all her hair lasered off, except for a patch of her bush where she likes to keep the option open. She bleaches her hair so her pubic hair is a dark blonde.  Ethan scapes pretty well. He’s never had any complaints. 
Intimacy: How are they during the moment, romantic aspect… Odette likes romance. She actually needs it to get anything out of the act. She’s not one to be able to separate sex and her feelings. She needs mental stimulation to help get her off whether it be dimmed lights and closed eyes or Ethan talking dirty. When she’s really trying to catch an orgasm that seems like it’ll never come her way she tends to be a bit removed from the moment than Ethan would like.   Ethan is very much present and very tuned into her needs. It is all and always about her. Sometimes he’s much to selfless in the bedroom for her liking. Like, when she knows she’s not gonna cum that session he doesn’t really accept that and keeps drawling it out. And then she’s gotta pull out a secret weapon to finish him off and not hurt his feelings. These two never lack intimacy - they both make sure it’s always present. Their favorite positions are the ones where they’re facing and can look and leave lingering kisses on the other’s face. Very disgustingly cute.
Jack Off: Masturbation headcanons perhaps Ode has a bullet Jackie got her ask a gag gift one Secret Snowflake. She’s only used it a handful of times while she was reading something erotic.  Ethan doesn’t see the need to masturbate. Nothing could ever compare to the real thing, so why bother. Though when he did it was usually in the shower.
Kink: Does the character have a kink or a few? Ode likes roleplay and edging, being dominated and even a little bit of bondage. Once she’s comfortable enough (a year into their relationship or so) their sex gets really really fun.  Ethan’s a boob man. And we know he’s an exhibitionist. He likes his balls fondled and maybe a finger up the butt if he’s drunk enough 😉
Location: Favorite places to get down and dirty She prefers to keep their business in the comfort of their own home.  Ethan would like to convince her to try it in the office or their car, the sun lounger of their forever home. But he’s okay with taking things however slow she needs. Ode did let him feel up her skirt on a long Amtrak once and it’s the highlight of his year. 
Motivation: What turns them on, gets them going etc Ode needs the romantic aspect of it all. She needs the validation and assertion of their relationship to be that vulnerable with someone.  Bickering turns them both on immensely. Both Ethan and Ode are wildly attracted to the other’s mind so any sort of stimulating conversation or argument would get them both hot and bothered.
NO: Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs Neither would do anything degrading. Ethan’s a lil freak and willing to try most things once.  Her biggest turn off is smell. There’s a difference between sultry musk and man stank. Lucky for her Ethan’s very good at cleaning himself.  
Oral: Preferences in giving or receiving, skill, etc She prefers to receive. Laying there and doing nothing but running her fingers through his hair is her bread and butter, sometimes even the dessert too. As for skill level she’s average. She’s very picky about circumstances and therefore lacks lots of practice. Though she does a very wonderful thing of rolling her wrist while she’s sucking him and swirling her tongue around his tip that throws him over the edge. She keeps that little skill in her pocket and only breaks it out absolutely necessary. Ethan’s a giver. Always has been. That’s it. That’s the explanation 😂
Pace: Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc. They’re slow 90% of the time. Always savoring the moment. These two don’t have sex frequently, possibly 3x a month so it’s always a special lengthy time.  The only time it’s fast and rough is if the moment calls for it and they have an understanding. 
Quickie: Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc. Ode finds quickies difficult. Deep in the relationship she’s more inclined because the relationship and feels are so strong and stable she’s able to get more out of it.  Ethan’s on the same wavelength. He’s not opposed to a quickie. Though he says he’s not a man of endless patience, he is for her. He’ll gladly spend hours making her feel good.
Risk: Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc. Yes, they’re okay with experimenting later in the relationship. Slow and steady they’ll make their way through all their fantasies. 
Stamina: How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last… Ethan goes for rounds. Two preferably at a minimum. A normal round lasts 40 minutes; foreplay galore!!!!!   Before they move in together deep relationship, Ode tends to feel gross after sex and needs to clean up and move on immediately. Ethan helps her work through this just by loving her. 
Toy: Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves? Ethan finds her bullet and they use it together sometimes. 
Unfair: How much they like to tease? They like to tease one another a lot. It’s a form of foreplay and declaration of love. 
Volume: How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc Ethan is a grunter. And a dirty talker when coaxed. He’s also perfected his voice - low, gruff baritone that oozes sex. He’s stupidly athletic so he doesn’t run out of breath easily which is an advantage for rough play and the inevitable rounds. His mouth is usually busy kissing, sucking, biting, licking to really make any other noise than grunts or moans. He is partial to a gasp and groan when she is driving the affair and he’s utterly powerless against them 😏 Ode whines. and gasps. and tries not to make a sound because she doesn’t want to ruin the little bubble they created. if she ruins it odds are she won’t be able to finish. 
Wild Card: How wild are they in the moment?  Kinda touched upon above, they’re really gentle and sensual with one another. These two are figuring things out and treat one another like the most precious thing on the planet. 
X-Ray: Describe what’s going on in their pants through pictures or words Ethan is well-endowed and scaped. Ode is generally bald. 
Yearning:  How high is their sex drive? For an old man, Ethan’s got stamina. If it was biologically possible he would always be inside her, right where he belongs. Sometimes round two is just him going down on them.  Ode needs some convincing. They both know when she’s ovulating because she’s much more forward than normal. 
ZZZ: How quickly they fall asleep afterwards Once she’s showered and fresh, Ode climbs into bed and reads whilst snuggled up to Ethan’s side.  Ethan is always on clean up duty. It’s very rare that he’ll be too tired to roll out of bed after a session. Normally, if they had late-night sex, he’ll fall asleep 15-20 minutes later.
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Writing An Otome Isekai Thingy
Anyway, as the title states, I'm writing an otome isekai thingy! I didn't know where else to post this (besides r/otomeisakai), so here I am. I'm writing one for 3 reasons.
A- I’m very bored. :(
B- My brother rec me one of these things a few months ago; I've descended into the rabbit hole ever since.
C- Writer's block! I wanna write for my fanfics, but my brain said no. Maybe if I write OG content it can get my creative juices going and I can finally go back to working on updates.
Had a couple of ideas for a story and had my brother pick one by random.
The 'guy gets reincarnated as the yandere capture target' idea got picked.
My general idea is that a guy who’s an Otaku and reads/watches romance series as a guilty pleasure gets reincarnated into an otome. He actually played the otome he’s in bc his younger sister basically nagged him to bc she wanted someone to talk to about it.
He realizes though that he woke up as the baby version of Shamus Hendell, the yandere capture target of Yellow Rose of Amarea.
Yanderes don’t typically become yanderes through a loving family and a good life, so of course this character had a tragic anime backstory and goes through maybe hardships in his life before ending up in the academy where the game starts.
The MC realizes this and is freaking out, bc he doesn’t want to deal with the series of horrible events that the OG character went through.
I like series where the Protag kisses up others to survive bc even if they’re appealing to others, typically they are the ones who have others wrapped around their fingers. (And for some reason that’s assuming to me.)
So he kinda ends up doing that. He seeks out the other capture targets, and the heroine and villainess. Mostly to get them on his side. His thought process is, ‘if I can’t really protect myself, why not get ppl in higher places to do it for me?’
And it does work as he gets very chummy with the 2nd prince who’s the one that gets him out of the bad situation first. And bc he has the attention of the second prince, he’s able to meet some of them other characters.
There’s a few characters he won't meet until the academy arc, but most of the important characters he’ll meet around here.
For instance, there’s the commoner character who got into the school through scholarships or bc he has high/rare magic skills or whatever. He’s also one of the capture targets. The MC doesn’t want to find him bc he wants his guy on his side, but bc he knows this guy is actually batshit crazy. He wants to find him earlier to stop him from blah blah that the guy does in all his endings. But he cannot find him until then bc this dude is a commoner and the MC is still technically a part of high society. So it was basically impossible to find him.
This is going to be a big anxiety of the MC once he’s in a more comfortable position. Knowing that this guy in the future will try to do smth very drastic and dangerous, is still out there.
The MC will try to appeal to important characters by acting weak and soft, like, a crybaby a guess? He wants to seem like a little rabbit to others. And to his utter surprise, it fucking works. (He’s taking advantage of his softboi looks, as the character was designed to look feminine and non-threatening so fans during the hype wouldn’t be able to tell the character was going to be a yandere. And therefore making the fact like, a plot twist in the game as Shamus comes off as a quite n’ shy guy at first.)
He forms a bromance with the 2nd prince. After some stuff happens he befriends the villainess who ends up crushing on him. The villainess big bro who’s a siscon is chill w/ him since his sister likes him. But is very much in the mindset that if the MC hurts his sis in any way, he’s never gonna see the light of day. The heroine falls for him very quickly which is actually off-putting for him. (The joke is that she’s airheaded & kinda dumb. She just has a very cheerful personality by default. The reasoning is that that’s how marketing portrayed her and since she’s supposed to be a blank slate that’s just what her personality turned into.) The heroine 100% has her bangs covering her eyes.
The MC leaves a powerful impression on the short cute boy (who’s actually a meanie) and later in the academy arc has this weird anime admiration for him. You know what I’m talking about. The commoner, while harboring a hatred for the aristocrats and nobles, respects the MC to an extent later turning into a crush. (That of which will absolutely give the MC whiplash.)
Two characters who are mobs in the game become the MC’s normal friends when he feels like the personality of the main characters are too much. Maybe he has more mob friends idk yet, but two of the ones he adored as characters the most both end up having crushes on him. One girl, one boy.
5 ppl will like-like him. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
He definitely takes advantage of this lmao. (In like, a protection squad way, not harem.)
Maybe I’ll even have two of the girls lose interest bc they realize they like each other,,,, Have a lilly aside romance,,,, You know bc,,,gurls pretty,,,,
My need for sapphic content aside, ultimately my goal is to have fun while writing this and confuse the heck hacky out of my readers on who the true love interest will be. >:)
I guess I’ll mostly be writing this with a wattpad audience in mind??? (But it’s mostly just for fun so who knows.)
Since AO3 is more oriented to fanfics, my Quotev is the physical manifestation of a dead goldfish in a bowl, and I don’t think this is smth the ppl on FictionPress would like to read about… So yeah, my Wattpad audience it is. I have no choice.
I’m still on the 1st ch as I keep revising my outline. I at least want a solid outline of the first arc before I post anything. Imma try and attempt constant updates but to do so I need to know wtf I’m doing. So all this jazz is subject to change.
And just to let you know how the tone of the story will be (for most of it, the 1st arc is definitely going to be more serious), the title for chapter 1 is ‘Sorry Truck-kun, You’ve Been Replaced’ since he died by choking on an apple instead of being hit by a truck.
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