#which isnt a small amount by the way lol
Everytime I face a new character limit on a website that didn't have them before/used to have really long ones... AUGHHhhh the modern social media world was not made for people like me (lovers of details, rambling, elaboration, thorough explanation, and nuance)
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#twitter and other short form shit and everything being a Phone App On Small Screen instead of a Proper#Computer Website i feel like has just ruined the format of literally everything for me. Thoughts just keep getting more and more condensed#with detail and nuance taken away. everything over simplified into only the basics. blah blah blah. I've already probably rambled about thi#all before but it's just SO frustrating. I literally just CAN NOT talk that way!!! even if I try!!! I took multiple advanced placement#english & language arts classes in school and I literally never made below an A on any assignment EVER except for ESSAYS#where I would legit get almost failing grades just because I cannt express myself concisely. I took an english placement test thats made to#like evaluate your competency in a subject and out of the 102 multiple choice questions I only missed TWO of them. almost a perfect#score. But for the 5 open response questions (about articulating thoughts succinctly) I did not get a single one of them lol#I only got partial credit on 3. It's like I OBVIOUSLY understand the material and I know how Words Work and how to analyze and interpret#meaning and etc. etc. But it's just when I have to express myself CLEANLY I can't. It's always ''well you have very good points and you#get around to the idea eventually and I think it's very insightful - but it just needs to be shorter/the side tangent needs to be removed/#etc.'' I've always wondered if it has something to do with being on the schizophrenia spectrum and how that can cause disorganized#speech sometimes hmm..ANYWAY.. But I just naturally express myself in a very particular way which is lengthy and I can't rea#ly seem to control it. So it's basically like just.. being gradually pushed out of every place that won't accomodate people with different#ways of like perceiving and expressing or etc. Everything cannot ALWAYS be 100% 'Short and Snappy and To The Point' or a quippy one#liner or the Bare Minimum of information being provided or etc. Some peoples brains just do not work like that!!!!! Sorry I operate#in detail and elaboration lol. ANYWAY.. I still sometimes use random ''dating sites'' like OKCupid to look for platonic friends since#I never leave the house so it's hard for me to just meet friends naturally. And I just realized today that they added a RIDICULOUSLY small#character limit to their messaging system (2000 words?? augh). And also took away answer explanations (when you answer a compatibility#question you used to have a space to give detail and explain why you answered the way you did) and removed a few other features and it's ju#t like.. how the fuck is any of this actually helpful in terms of judging compatibility? take away ALL nuance and anyting that actually#is meant to tell you anything about a person? Bumble's character limits for your profile description are even more fucking insane and so#is every other disgustingly minimalistic place I've seen like.. OKC used to be superior BECAUSE it allowed for a TON of detail. like back i#2016 or something there was SO much data you could look at. long form question answers. personality trait summaries. etc. Now you have#SOO little to judge off of when evaluating compatibiility it's like. You'd have better luck just throwing a dart in a crowded street and#talking to whoever it hits. Why are people so fucking allergic to reading anything longer than 3 words and providing DETAILS!! It just seem#harder and harder to find any place to meet platonic friends where you have any amount of actual data to go off of and it isnt basically#just random 'speed dating' set up shit. AARGH. &I know 'oh just join a club& meet ppl irl' 1. erm..covid. 2.I mostly want to meet ppl#in places I'd like to move so I already know ppl when I get there. You kind of HAVE to do that online. bc I am not there yet.. WISHING for#Complexity.Com where ppl can upload full 900 page psychological files of themselves. MINIMUM profile character limit 30k words lol
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transmutationisms · 4 months
have you seen the articles on ai supposedly eating up tons of water a day on continuous use? bc ive only seen those articles circulate in spaces where they also think ai doesnt have a soul and is stealing art so. i was wondering if you had any thoughts. i tried to go through and compare them w the water usage of other common things (ie normal office laptops, planes, etc) but stats of this kind isnt really my strong suit
to my knowledge, those articles are true, but a bit misleading in that they don't tend to discuss the context (resource use for computing in general). i think the implicit argument is that, when it's 'ai' using water, this is a particular travesty because 'ai' is particularly stupid / useless / unethical. which is not really a good way to frame this discussion because it evades a broader conversation about resource use and technology. i think the tech sector is like the meat industry in that the current consumption levels by a very small number of wealthy westerners are simply unsustainable and will not scale; that doesn't mean that in a communist future no computers or animal foods will exist, but the idea that it's normal to eat meat daily or replace a smartphone every 24 months or whatever is pretty blatantly predicated on imperial relations of exploitation and resource extraction.
so just to say that i don't know what is the place of 'ai' in a just and sustainable degrowth communism, but determining that requires a much broader conversation about technology and access to it. it's silly to act like 'ai' is uniquely a problem in terms of the tech sector's resource consumption (i think people are modelling this on the wave of similr articles about cryptocurrency, but many of those were also silly and the ones that weren't, were pointing out that crypto mining requires massive amounts of redundant work to be done, and in that sense actually is more wasteful than other comtech).
i'm also not sure that the comparisons to, like, pouring out a bottle of water are accurate because can't the cooling water be reused? i don't know enough about data facility practices to answer that though lol
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dailyhatsune · 6 months
hi! not exactly a request but i do wanna ask, whats your process when you're rendering more paint like art? (if that makes sense, English isnt my first language so apologies hdskhsjdbd) i really love how you use the colors and im curious how you do it :0
i’ve been meaning to answer this one for a while so here’s how i painted miku in today’s post (put under the read more because yeah prepare for a long post
i’d also like to preface this by saying that i never follow a set way of doing things, so in terms of what my personal process is like, these are only broad strokes of what i do! sometimes i’ll combine or skip parts entirely, depending on how i feel. also, this is not a tutorial, just how i do things, so please don’t treat it like one :’D this will read like the ‘how to draw an owl’ picture if you do
first, like every artist, i sketch. more specifically, i’m getting an idea of what i want to paint later on. this could be how a scene is set up or in this case, how a character is posed. here i’m not concerned about details or getting everything perfectly, i’m only planning how the thing will be composed. maybe a lot of canvas size changing, or adjusting what miku’s doing (note how busted miku’s right hand looks from all the transforming!) however, i still have to be concerned with how clear the sketch will be to future me, because the sketch won’t be any good if i can’t read what miku’s doing
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after that, i lay down a flat gray under the sketch, mainly focusing on giving miku a clear silhouette. this is also a good time to make adjustments to the composition on the fly if i suddenly feel like something can be improved upon, like shortening miku’s left arm from the sketch!
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after painting a flat silhouette, i start shading in grayscale, focusing only on lighting. i usually do it in two passes, one for the lightest and darkest tones i’ll use (not black and white) and then a second for midtones to blend them better with the base gray but i forgot to screenshot the result of the first pass 🗿 nevertheless, here is where i can start adding some amount of details. i’m not including any extra accessories yet, just focusing on the base design of the outfit and the character herself (for anyone wanting to draw characters from That Gacha Game, this is how i personally make the process more bearable for myself.) i still use the dark gray to separate where certain details (like the facial features and fingers) begin and end, mainly to make colouring more bearable later.
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now here’s where i get the Good Colours. it’s a cheat lol. i put a gradient map layer over the grayscale painting so that there’s a little bit of color to start. some gradient maps can be applied as is, some need the layer settings adjusted to make it look good. this one, for example, is a (free) gradient map set from the csp assets store that needs you to set the layer opacity to 20% and to set the blending mode to color to achieve this result. in general, i tend to pick which gradient map i want to use based on vibes, or basically whether i want the work to be warmer or cooler, colour-wise. but this does do quite a bit of lifting for the colors in my stuff.
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and then, finally, i add the colours. i add flat base colours in an overlay layer. at this stage, i’ve made the character silhouette clear enough that i don’t need to refer to the sketch anymore for what miku looks like. also, the gradient map layer does its magic by making the shading a bit more vibrant than it would’ve been without it. after that i paint over with a new layer to add details like the lace.
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and then i put some extra shading on top. basically this is where the ‘better lighting’ happens. again, this isn’t a tutorial, so i’m not here to say what each part of the lighting is, but i’ve labeled which layers do which job. in other works where the lighting within a scene is more defined (from a window, from a small crack in the walls, etc) the glow dodge layer may be more opaque and sharper, but since this isn’t a work with that, the lighting was applied using an airbrush. the linear burn layer is also there to make the whole thing darker so the glow dodge doesn’t end up oversaturating miku. i also usually match the lights to the vibe i want, and use a complementary color for the shadows. so here you can see i have warm colors on the glow dodge layer, but light purple on both the linear burn and multiply layer.
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and that’s it for the character—here’s a gif showing how each layer adds to miku! (sorry it’s so toasty)
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as for the background, depending on the complexity, it may go through a similar process, or if i can settle with flat image backgrounds, i just go for that. it’s ok to use external image materials. i didn’t have a background in mind for this miku in specific, so i got some default csp materials and threw together something
and that’s about a rough overview of what my process for more finished works looks like! again, art is a fluid process so i never specifically stick to certain steps all the time, and you shouldn’t either. i can probably answer why i’d pick this colour over another in one particular work, but it’s something that kinda has to be learned on a grander scale. i think everyone can already feel what colors work with what atmosphere or what setting, even if they can’t immediately explain why. colors and composition do take some level of experimentation to find what works best!
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blueskittlesart · 11 months
hi :] this isnt really a reqest cuz it'll prob be a longer answer but im rlly curious abt ur comic process
i love all ur comics and somehow they always manage to gutpunch me- and ur composition and the way they read is always so beautiful and adds so much to the message youre trying to get across
yeah lol let's get into it! Ive spent maybe 5 or so years refining this process to the point it's at now so it's pretty much my standard procedure now. I'm going to use Now that you're gone as my primary example here since i still have most of the planning stages associated with it (my laptop does not have a whole lot of storage left so i usually delete my planning once the comic is finished lol) but i'll try to throw in some other examples too!
I almost always start with a written script. (the exception for this is longform oc comics which i find easier to write in the moment, but for my shorter character studies I almost always write first.) I use discord to write because it's convenient, but before i had a dedicated discord server for my stuff i was using txt files on my laptop which i do NOT recommend. anyway, this is what the written script for ntyg looked like:
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note that some small elements changed in production, like the amount of time that had passed since link's death. the lines "I look at her and i am only afraid. i remember all the ways in which i hurt you. She's almost as old now as you were then. I cannot stand the thought of outliving her, too" were also added during the rough stage because i felt like there wasn't quite enough emphasis on aryll in the initial script, and since this was a major change that necessitated a whole extra page in the comic I went back and edited those lines into the script so I wouldn't forget them. (both these changes were made during the rough stage. i'll almost never make major script adjustments after the roughs are finished.)
more examples of my scripts; specifically the original script for totk: failure and two versions of oot: adulthood (one before some major refining and one after.) with comics like these, where i have a very clear idea in my head of the imagery i want to go along with the words, i'll sometimes include it interspersed in the script, either spolier-marked or denoted with brackets.
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with ntyg and some of my other more. canon divergent? i guess? comics, there's sort of a mini phase in between scripting and roughs where I do some minor character studies to get designs nailed down in the early stages. with ntyg I already had a clear image in my mind for aryll, but the central character was link's dad, whose design wasn't quite so solid in my head. I really wanted to make sure that his design was well thought-out and consistent throughout everything, so i did a few mini sketches and studies to ensure I had his design memorized and could execute it consistently:
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these are sans hair and accessories because nailing down consistent facial features was my main focus with them, and both these sketches ended up getting used as references for certain panels later on. This isn't a step I ALWAYS take with my comics, but if there's a central character that i'm not super used to drawing i find it helpful to get some practice in before jumping into the real thing!
after the scripting and design phases i move on to roughs, which I consider to be the most important stage in my process. roughs are very very quick approximations of what I want the final pages to look like. they usually don't take me more than a few minutes per page to create, and their sole purpose is to help me visualize the flow of the page and the placement of major elements like panels, characters, and dialog. this is what the 1st page rough for ntyg looked like compared to the final page:
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as you can see, all i have laid out is the major text and visual elements, but it really helps me to visualize how the finished comic is going to flow. i do the roughs for every page before i start on the finals so that i have an idea of what the entire comic is going to look like before I really start finalizing it. it's important that these roughs are FAST--i almost never draw fully-fledged characters unless the pose or expression is particularly important to the scene, and that's because the goal is to allow everything to flow quickly and easily from panel to panel and page to page, and getting too caught up on one panel or element often breaks that flow. Nowadays, i have a pretty good idea of how much room my writing takes up so i don't write out the entire script in my roughs, but back when i was a little less experienced i took the time to write everything out in this stage to ensure that my dialog would fit into the space it was given without getting cramped or cutting off other important elements. doing that really helped me build awareness of how much dialog and panel placement matters and how i could use it, so this rough stage is non-negotiable for me even now!
after the roughs i go straight into finalization. I never enjoyed lineart back when i was learning to draw digitally so i basically built my art style to be understandable and visually appealing after one sketch phase, meaning there's legitimately no in-between stage between that rough and that final page, i just sort of. go for it. this is what works for me, but i think most normal people would probably find a second sketch phase helpful LMAO i'm just crazy and i need everything done as fast as possible. the finalization stage usually doesn't contain any major adjustments of script, composition, etc; i make it a general rule to keep most of the major adjustments confined to the earlier stages, for my own sanity. One thing that DOES occasionally change in this stage is my plans for color--ntyg in particular was originally planned to be completely black-and-white with no grays added, but when looking at my completed pages i found them sort of empty and unengaging without the gray, so i added it. usually if my color plans DO change it's something small like that--I'll almost never switch between full-color and grayscale on a whim because the way that i sketch for those two versions differs significantly so it isn't an easy switch to make.
anyways i hope this is what you were looking for! I'm very passionate about making comics and this process is a result of years of experimentation & finding what works for me, but i hope it's of some use to you as well!
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jesskasb · 2 months
Ok but which drv3 fic are you reading. And is it good so far
it's "amalgamate" by doctorhaifisch !! and it is good so far yeah! really elaborate answer under the cut, i went on about this for longer than i shouldve. sorry. ill take any opportunity to ramble about v3. :']
based on the hits and the amount of fanart ive seen of it, it seems everyone and their mother has read it... however ive been purposely living under a 2 bedroom rock for like 4 years so ive only gotten around to it now after seeing an artist i follow say it made them reconsider a few things about ouma and it made them like kaito and realize how intelligent he is and how fascinating his role in chapter 5 was— and i was like wow, that must be a based fucking fic! it took me years to see kaito more than just a loud guy with a savior complex, and now that im a huge fan of him, i wanted to see what kind of fic could open someone's eyes to his awesomeness.
i check it out *really* skeptically, mainly cause i dont trust most people's depiction of ouma. they either make him genuinely not give a shit about things and just be a terrible person for no reason, or they make him too emo in a way he simply isnt. the main reason i even gave it a shot despite never having read a v3 fic in the 6 yrs ive been a fan, is that it said that the tags say the whole fic could be interpreted platonically (#AROWIN) (god knows im not against oumota but i prefer them as friends by a really substantial amount) and the amount of research the author seemed to have poured into strike 9 poison and its real world pesticide counterpart. the art they attached to chapter 1 was really good, too, so that made me curious.
now im in chapter 10/20 and i can say with confidence ive been having a great time. its plenty obvious the author has a lot of love for all of the characters, and even though i thought i could gain no new opinions since i already love ouma and kaito's potential dynamic and everything to do with chapter 5, i ended up being very pleasantly suprised by himiko's depiction here! i cant say im too big of a fan of her, not due to any actual fault in her character but rather kodaka's failings to do anything actually interesting with her. in chapter 9, this author used her untapped potential in a really heartwarming way that i loved. similarly, i have enjoyed seeing their portrayal of kaito and ouma, and it seems there's going to be an arc for ouma to begin seeing his classmates not only as people whose lives are worth saving as much as any other, but to see them as friends and letting them become close with him. ive always been a firm believer that in a non-kg setting ouma could become super close friends with a small handful of people, but this fic is making me reconsider that— maybe its more! another thing im really enjoying are all the fascinating possibilities that the author is exploring for a world in which ouma lives to see chapter 6 and the consequences of his actions. him being there while people investigate his room? most amusing. its all stuff that happens in chapter 5 and 6 until a certain point— just enough to get these two chumps to live, and then... well, i guess ill see how chapter 6 turns out, but as of right now ive been super intrigued and entretained.
i do also have a couple of complaints, but theyre mostly pet peeves and no deal breakers so far: there have been a loooot of pop culture referenced but they all feel in line with stuff kodaka would write so whatever, the author uses italics way more than id like... in the chapters up until 9 there were constant descriptions of kaito seeing ouma as a Kid, and while that in an of itself is true (he is a 17 yr old) the context began feeling a little infantalizing and like kaito himself wasnt 17 as well. theres noticeably less of this in chapter 9 and what ive read of 10, or when theres references to them being kids it includes everyone and theres even a moment where kaito tells ouma theyre the same damn age lol. theres also been a bunch of moments that are clearly very indulgent of ship dynamics and inclinations im not too fond of (particularly between ouma and shuichi) but like i said, nothings been too much of a dealbreaker since the positives far outweigh the negatives!
im currently on a trip where i dont have signal most of the time so i got the epub of the fic to read on the downtime. im def gonna keep reading it, and im excited to see where its going despite some of the cheesy lines such as
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(honestly i cant even complain. i dont care its a reference to the title of the game. he Would say that....)
i mean, really, it's such a good depiction of ouma. all his masks, his paranoia, his insecurities, his determination to stop the killing game, the way hes been helping the group while simultaneously remaining isolated, and the way his lies are an extension of his genius but also a constant tool to test his peers. i feel like i dont get to see all of these elements of him expanded upon so extensively like this fic does, and that alone makes me really respect what the author is doing! the word count may be scary but i think youd get something from the fic even if you only read like 5-6 chapters. so yeah in conclusion id recommend it if you give a shit about v3 and are interested in chapter 5 fix it fics LOL
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readingismyhobby24 · 2 months
im doing pretty good too ^_^!!!!
im SO excited to yap about rainworlds >:D i wanted the game a lot like last year and its like “oh wow i have it now lol” so ive been playing it a bunch and reading about the lore (because its super hard to tell the lore in the game)
to start off simple, you play as a slugcat (basically cat mixed with a slug) in an ecosystem with other creatures, id like to mention how i enjoy that the creatures dont just have set animations for their actions like most games, theyre placed on a rig and the ai has to go off of what to do which i find interesting! you, the slugcat arent meant to be a hero in the story, youre basically just another part in the ecosystem, youre also very low in the food chain (below you are basically just small creatures and plants, while lizards, scavengers, vultures, etc are above you.)
i also enjoy how it isnt JUST a survival game, each character has a story, such as how monk and the survivor are brothers that were seperated, how hunters cycles count down instead of up because she has a disease, etc!
oh yeah i should also probably do a gender chart so nothing gets too confusing (highlighted in yellow is canon, highlighted in purple is implied, white is just my own personal interpretation)
male- gourmand, monk, survivor
female- artificer, rivulet, hunter
neither- spearmaster, inv, saint, nightcat
oh yeah! i should probably explain the actual main thing you SHOULD be worried about!
basically, every cycle is around 13 minutes i believe (except rivulets, hers are shorter, but its back to normal when you meet five pebbles) and when the 13 minutes is up, you have to find shelter before everything rains. you have a certain amount of food pips depending on the campaign, if you have full food pips you can hibernate for the night and itll save, if you dont have enough filled it wont save and will give you one extra food pip, you can also eat extra so you have a few food pips already filled for the next cycle!
the main objective of the game is to follow the guide (iggy/overseer, i prefer to call em iggy) to Looks to the Moon and then Five Pebbles (theyre both iterators which ill explain later!!!!!) im not quite sure how the campaigns end, but ill find out trust :3
so basically, the iterators are what created the slugcats (i believe) and gave a few of them purposes, most were to send a message (like how spearmaster was made to be a messenger), also they have funky names like “Seven Red Suns” and “No Significant Harassment”
also some parts of the game are just really funny 😭 like i know its a game thats probably intended to make me mad but i cant help but laugh at the fact that spearmaster canonically got top surgery (in a way) and that theres a dating sim after you finish inv’s campaign
after each cycle you gain karma! (everytime you die you loose karma too btw) which can help you get through certain passages :)
remember how i mentioned that hunters cycles counted down instead of up? thats an important detail to her story :) because she basically has a disease, after the certain number of cycles, it starts to effect you, and death is permanent (fun fact! if you die in hunters campaign permanently you can go into gourmands and find her body (did i forget to mention that some parts of this game are actually really disturbing? i HATE the spiders.))
its such a confusing yet amazing game, its definitely worth it to get it with the DLC, the sound effects of the creatures, explosions, stabbing, literally every small detail is incredible and i LOVE the music !! oh yeah theres also an upcoming dlc with the nightcat… im very excited :3
sorry if i yapped a lil too much or jumped around too much or if this is hard to understand 😔
bonus pictures of the slugcats with the timeline :) i love them a lot
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Okay! Wow!! This sounds really cool and interesting!! And also stressful because this sounds like a game I'd be horrible at 😅 (but honestly I'm bad at all games except for LoZ games, but even then I still struggle with them). Thank you so much for explaining it to me! The little slugcats are adorable by the way!!!
Also, never worry about yapping too much to me!! It literally doesn't bother me at all. I love hearing what you have to say!!! And getting long asks of people yapping actually makes me super happy ^_^
I hope you have a great day/night 🩵
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corpsoir · 2 years
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pov youve been polluting the ocean for your own profit and now two 20 year olds are about to fuck you up
lore dump about this au under the cut lol some day i will write something properly!! also dont even mind the fact that solvei's hair gets bigger all the time. she's older here i'll blame it on that, she lets it grow out a bit
wow ok i gotta dump a bunch of lore from the story i've got going on in my mind with this au lol
also thank you izzy for that very awesome idea of the antagonist having a polluting stand thats literally SUCH good idea ok. im obsessed with it.
so, some of you who have read the lore about skagen know he nearly drowned as a kid but got caught on a fisherman's hook and thats how he got the fucked up eye and scar.
well in this au, the hook he was using is one that he found washed up on a beach. he doesnt really know or understand why he felt compelled to use that hook; it looked really old and kinda useless compared to his modern ones. it was made out of something that looked like bone, and when he touched it, to his surprise it was still extremely sharp; sharp enough to poke through his skin and make him bleed. without really thinking about it he set out to go fishing and thats when he caught skagen on his hook, saving him from almost drowning yadda yadda.
what the fisherman didnt realise until later is that the hook awakened stands in both him and skagen.
years later,  authorities are noting a quick decline in the local marine wildlife on the swedish west coast. after testing the water they also notice an absurd amount of pollutants in the water. local fishers are forced to go out further with their vessels in order to even be able to catch anything that isnt completely full to the brim with plastics or half dead from oil. the weird thing is, nobody has really seen any oil spills in the area. nobody has reported anything about it either.
but there is one fisherman who still manages to sell quite a bit, and he quickly becomes someone that everyone on the islands know about. after all hes pretty much the only one that keeps fishing in the same waters and seemingly has no problem despite the worsening conditions of the ocean.
fish, birds, seals keep washing up dead on the beaches and it eventually becomes a huge problem and people are concerned for not only the wildlife's health but also the humans.
skagen and his parents are not being able to catch or sell anything, and people are slowly beginning to turn their eyes towards the lone fisherman that doesnt seem to have any problem. most people accuse him of simply being a dickhead who sells sick poisoned fish to people without caring for anyone elses health, however skagen gets an odd feeling every time he passes him by the docks, like something is tugging at his very soul. he tells solvei about this, and while she doesnt get him she of course trusts him. the two of them decide to confront him one evening at the docks when the fisherman is returning back after a day at sea. the second solvei (in her kinda intense and eager way) starts questioning him, he gets his fishing rod out and immediately attacks her by throwing the hook at her face. it gets caught under her chin, slicing the skin from chin to lip. the fisherman flees on his boat, like a coward. skagen brings out his stand förutan vind on pure instinct and sits down to helps solvei stop the bleeding, but as he does, he turns to watch the fisherman leave. they both lock eyes, and skagen can see the fisherman also has a stand. he slowly starts to connect the dots of the entire archipelagos situation from the last couple of years.
and so solvei develops and stand as well, which is called sunnanvind! my idea with her stand is that it can heat the air and create mirages, but heating the air also means it can create deadly temperatures in a small given area. it also uses its "tail" to attack on a shorter range, kind of whipping its enemy like a thresher shark does to its prey.
OH AND ALSO. förutan vinds ability! in typical jojo fashion none of it makes sense irl but whatever. it can basically force the winds into meeting and cancel each other out, essentially "freezing" the air in place. when it does this it can basically hit pause on the air, that includes the air in peoples lungs, including skagens lungs. the area of effect on this ability is 5m from the stand, so whenever skagen uses this ability he has to move out of the way. this ability is also limited to roughly 2 minutes before it tires skagen out too much. other than this ability, it can redirect and force winds in whatever direction it needs to, enabling him to sail even when there is no natural wind. because han kan segla förutan vind >:)
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thueenz · 10 months
wait I thought the dodo posted animal welfare/rescue content? What is shady about that corporation/brand? :0
hi i just woke up hopefully i can word my thoughts! so sorry if none of this makes sense ahshshg im not like a professional in these spaces just someone very into animal welfare so bear with me here. this is all from memory as well because i refuse to watch a bunch of dodo videos but i doubt they have changed at all judging by my quick skimming of their account lol
basically it...is and it isnt. Not all the dodos content is bad on technicality. but the people behind it clearly dont actually care about accurate information or animal welfare at all, or at least not in a way that actually helps animals.
concerning point one: improper keeping of wild animals. theres many videos on the dodo of wild animals being kept as household pets, where they most certainly are not thriving lmao. Most of their content is dogs atp at least but theres still a hefty amount of wild animals. foxes, deer, raccoons, opossum, and monkeys i just saw from a quick scroll. not the monkeys good lord the poor things. the dodo promotes and shares this content, these wild animals playing with domestic ones (unsafe), the keeping of monkeys is especially bad they cannot mentally thrive in a home environment and should not be cuddling dogs 😭 all these animals are going to suffer. they are not domesticated, they are not fit to live by humans and get their needs met outside of a zoo where they have an entire enclosure and team of people looking after them. opossums are also if i remember incredibly tricky to keep healthy in captivity and almost always become dangerously overweight in the hands of pet owners, if not always.
ive seen the dodo post 'heartwarming' videos of baby animal rescue by the layperson and how 'cute' it is that the animal got attached and now has to live as a pet. its not cute. its not heartwarming. what you did was fail to rescue the animal. take it to a professional so it can be released properly. if the animal gets habituated to humans, then you failed. it is a failure of a rescue, not cute. organizations try their best to PREVENT that usually.
concerning point 2: promoting dangerous animal pairs. small prey animals and cats are the most common. cat saliva is dangerously toxic to small rodents, lizards, and birds. they should never be put together. every time i see a video of a cat 'playing' with a little hamster or something i die a bit its so stressful. these animals are often stressed by the cats as well. cats have prey drive, instinct. they are going to kill your hamster girl. they just are.
concerning point 3: rampant anthropomorphism. im not sure if people understand what i mean by that so let me try and explain. anthropomorphism is the name for the human tendency to apply human thoughts, emotions, and morals, to inhuman objects and creatures. its what we do. we view things from the only lens we know. however, to do this to animals so freely without a second thought is horrifically damaging. animals are not people. the dodo promotes false images of what animals are feeling and thinking, and applies human concepts of what 'freedom' and 'respect' is to them if that makes sense. its the basic thing all animal rights activists do- which, animal rights activists advocate for animals to have the same rights as humans. the term gets watered down and accepted but most of them genuinely want this, something incredibly damaging for these animals.
anthropomorphism leads to abuse. each animal is different and needs different needs for its own health, not what a human thinks it would want in the animals place. a common point is to say "what if that was you" to a farm animal. its not me. because i am not a cow. a cow has no concept of caring about freedom. it cares that its well fed and healthy. or insisting animals are feeling guilty for something, or insisting they dont have instinct or prey drive and 'would never' because they 'know hes family', or other human views of what animals are feeling instead of understanding what is really going on, which, surprise, damages the animal greatly. they need to be cared for as an animal, not a human.
concerning point 4: a common talking point among animal rights activists, as you can guess, is veganism and completely stopping animal agriculture. this is obviously not good. i wont get into veganism right now unless someone wants me to(but living in a house with a family of animal rights activists vegans, i know first hand unfortunately.) i dont remember what videos exactly but i know the dodo has spread these points in the past, maybe not outright, but with falsified information about farms and livestock. animal farming is not evil. if i have to see one more video of "omg the mother cow is crying for her baby 😭think before you buy meat.." and its a cow crying to be bred bc shes in heat i will explode LMFAO. and then they bring in a calf to reunite with her thats clearly an entirely different breed they just bought for the video to make people sad. not talking about a dodo video there just a general genre of video but i wouldnt be surprised if the dodo posted one of those too 💀.that space is rich with dangerous misinfo about animal welfare and animals themselves, prioritizing human feelings over what the animals actually need. anyway the dodo tends to post content from that point of view
im sure the dodo fakes a lot of the content. in general like. livestock arent just laying near dead on the road from farm trucks after falling out. and other stuff but i dont remember specifics but its a pretty common thing in the animal rights activist scene. believe it or not farmers want their animals alive and healthy for good product if nothing else. mass factory farming and neglect is a product of capitalism not a product of "inherently unethical farming"
if anyone thinks "well, the dodo might not know all this" then they should not be running a widely viral brand about animals. full stop. they dont care. if they did they wouldve long since changed. they care about what makes people feel good, not what is good for the animals. there is no excuse to not know at least this basic information if you are running an account like that. i see a lot of abuse online from people who dont know better because the average person knows next to nothing about animal welfare beyond how to keep a dog alive. and i wish desperately there was more education on this stuff but it is what it is. i will never blame someone for not knowing something as long as they are willing to learn. the disconnect from animals and understanding them in this world is a huge problem, especially the disconnect of where you get your food. but they do not get that excuse.
tl;dr dodo promotes neglectful and dangerous keeping of animals, and false information about them.
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marybatson · 1 year
Hello!! As one of THE best marvel family bloggers on this whole website I was wondering about your thoughts on if you'd want a story about the MF as adults (original group of N52 group). Current DC is soooo averse to anything that might have consequences or change the status quo so it's probably moot. I just think Billy in particular (with his loner tendencies and inherent, almost untouchable goodness) has the potential for some very interesting stories around identity after he's been Captain-ing for a decade-plus as he becomes less and less grounded? On the other hand, I could see the argument that the kid- to-adult-hero is so essential to the premise to be removed. Also, would your answer change based on which version of the character(s) we're talking about. Like is it more or less interesting in the versions where B and CM are seperate entities? Anyway love your takes on the MF and DC in general!!!💜
first of all that’s the sweetest thing thank u for even thinking of me ;; I swear I talk out of my ass all the time but im glad u can enjoy this nonsense!
second! that is a very good question and one that ive definitely asked myself before. before i answer i hope its ok if i go on a small tangent first lol. its the tism in me.. UNDER THE CUT BC I HAVE RAMBLING PROBLEMS
the inherent problem with hero comics is that there is no definite thing like a “post-series” or epilogue type of story because, typically, they just never end. that’s something that can be compelling but also pretty detrimental imo especially when a good story or arc has a fully satisfying ending, complete with characters and storylines developed in just the way you wanted. that can all obvs change in a matter of years depending on the next writer or event. next chapter-type stories are difficult to achieve unless you’re a legacy of some kind. if these were characters in a novel or something much more linear, i think we wouldn’t even have to ask these questions.
im just saying all this bc it kind of informs how I like to speculate about comic characters - what is the ideal plot to development to ending for x character? for billy and his family, if you want a legitimate answer it’s just that I wish anything plot-worthy they achieve would only be in their time as they are now, as kids. bc im insane ofc ive turned this particular sentiment around in my head, and I really do think that the story itself at its core, the general magic of it, is way more compelling when they’re children going through tasks an adult would usually undertake. it’s a story where a child who has a limited amount of power bc of their situation at the sound of a word receives more power he ever really needs. it isnt necessarily a jaime reyes or young justice type of story about realistic kid hero interpretations, it’s simply a child’s fairytale fantasy. at inception captain marvel’s appeal was because while he was a kid, he was also respected as an adult and as competent as one. that’s why dc’s own evolution from the golden age (for children) to where it is now as a predominantly adult hobby can never seem to place captain marvel and his family in the right place.
tbh i wouldn’t really be interested in a story where billy and the others were grown up at all, because then they would just be. adult heros. ive always thought the “ideal” end is the one where they willingly somehow choose to relieve themselves of the power and grow up happily and content without it because it’s not needed once they’re adults. the “wendy darling chooses to grow up and not stay in neverland bc she wants more than what magic can give her” kinda deal. but that’s definitely not a compelling hero story…maybe.
im trying not to let this be such a cop out answer, but if what I just said were written as a story, and if I wanted it to be a story that included the marvel fam as adults - it would be the classic coming of age story. im thinking any plot in the world with crazy world-ending villain(s) story complete with a misc hero team-up could happen, and the real story begins maybe halfway in that where the kids realize that this is the end all be all. and the point is that they’d be okay with it. so what happens happens and maybe there are developments in-between coming to terms with the end of it but the perfect end is them, together, and being okay. there are no consequences to having had the power or having lost them. everything they’d gone through while having the power could have been tumultuous and difficult, but the children are always protected. in the end, we don’t know what age they live up to, or if they decide to become nonpowered heroes or if they stay a family. I really believe in the power of an open ending once everything is resolved. and for the marvel family, I think their best ending is an uneventful adulthood after such a wild childhood. it’s the typical kind of ending i think every chosen one child deserves in fiction (rip to percy jackson)
again…this is just me and my own thoughts. and im sorry it is SO lame and predictable. other more interesting routes than this if they just continued having the power till adulthood is that they can be pretty public and free with their identities. the power is intertwined with them. but it’s not like they’re particularly important in-universe or special, more than others anyway. they just have more experience now.
(idk if it would necessarily make much of a difference depending on the versions of the characters we’re talking abt either!! I think in general I just talk about them like my preferred combination of all iterations so it becomes just a question in personality atp! lately I have really liked the separate entity thing with cap/billy but somehow I prefer it with him than with the others.. another long tangent I could go on abt LOL)
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that-girl-lyra · 11 months
My Side-Hustle Streams
If you're anything like me, you like to make a bit of coin on the side and I mean really, who doesn't? We've all seen those awful TikToks of "Make $10k a month with xyz!" and while that sounds absolutely amazing...its just a farce, or just a way for the creator to sell you their course.
These below are actual little side hustles that ACTUALLY pay and while its not big bucks or a livable wage, if you have some time on your hands and want some extra cash, then these are for you <3
This is my all time favourite. Prolific is the best survey and usertesting site out there. Im still new to the platform but in the time that I've spent just passively doing research studies and surveys, I have made over $70 (some submissions can take a while to pend) and it pays out (so long as you withdraw!) every Tuesday and Friday afternoon! The minimum cash out is $5 which doesnt take long adding up! Payments go directly into your paypal as well.
Sign up for Prolific!
My earnings
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There is also a subreddit for Prolific users known as r/prolific and you can chat with other people who love this platform as well!
Now while Prolific's site is fantastic and I have no complaints, the mobile site can be a bit...iffy. There aren't too many studies that require mobile, but they still exist and when you cant do them, it can get frustraiting to deal with. And that's where Attapoll comes in! Attapoll is a fantastic mobile survey app and always has tons of surveys available. While you may not qualify for all of them, there are always plenty to choose from and the cash doesnt take long building up.
If you're constantly on the go and would prefer a more mobile option, Attapoll is one of my favourites in that department! The minimun cash out depends on which method you choose (Paypal is $3, Revolute is $2.50) and it doesnt take long to build up. I personally like to do these surveys on the train, or right when I wake up.
Sign up for Attapoll here!
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Another fantastic mobile one would be Influence! I put this one below Attapoll because personally, I am a little shy and don't like being caught...well, talking lol, but this one pays extremely well for what little work you put into it.
Basically, the meat and potatoes lie in the video surveys. You get paid around .25 for each video response and its generally super simple questions like "What were your shopping habits like this week?" and I usually get multiple per day and it refreshes every single day!
It pays out via Paypal when you request a payout, however the minimum threshold is $10 so, it is a bit high. However if you dont mind putting a little time into it, you're likely to see a quick return.
Sign up for Influence here!
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This method by far pays the best. This isnt an app or site you make money off of directly, however its a great way to get your name out there and make money if you have a local/small business in your specific neighborhood or area.
I advertise dogwalking, pet sitting, house sitting, cleaning and other odd job services! You'd be surprised at the amount of people looking for someone to just help out with either moving furniture, or other simple tasks.
Of course you can make a business page, but you can also just browse NextDoor itself and send members in your area messages and offer your services to help them out.
If Im honest, one of my best friendships came from this app and I still clean her house and I look forward to it every week!
My only complaint about this app/site is its not the most functional. Sometimes it doesnt send you a notification when someone messages you or comments on your post so, you'll need to keep an eye on it yourself. I wish they would optimize it a bit better but I suppose its best to take the bad with the good.
Sign up for NextDoor here!
These are my top side hustle sites so far! Try them out for yourself and let me know how you get on! Im sure I'll find and write about more in the comming days, but for now, give these a shot!
Ive always said, a little goes a long way, and all the little bits n pieces from these sites certainly add up!
Have fun and best of luck to you all in your side hustle journey!
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lolothesilly · 1 year
OUGH so i just typed out a bunch of fun facts about leeches....
tw for discussion of blood, disease transmission, & animal defecation!
most species of leech dont feed on humans, they tend to be very specialized to feed on a specific animal (often fish and amphibians!)
some leeches dont drink blood at all & instead are carnivores eating things like earthworms or slugs!!
its not very likely to get a serious illness from a leech even in the wild because of the way their mouthparts work, the most likely way to get a bloodborne disease from a leech is actually to grab it and yank it off bc that may make it regurgitate the blood in its tummy out of stress!! it is however entirely possible for the bite itself to get infected bc wild leeches tend to live in pond or swamp water which isnt known for being sanitary lol, so if you are bitten by a wild leech definitely clean the wound as best you can, apply pressure, and seek medical assistance just in case!!
the best way to remove a leech is to run your fingernail (or a credit card or similar thin sturdy water-resistant material) under the edge of its face, bc it latches on using a suction cup (like an octopus! there's a suction cup on its face & one on the end of its tail! the face is on the narrower end btw, the fat end is its big ol butt <3) so if you gently break the suction seal it'll just fall off!
leech "bites" can bleed a lot bc their saliva has anticoagulant properties, so leeches are the most dangerous to ppl who have hemophilia or another bleeding disorder!!
leeches dont really have fangs, they have a tiny Y-shaped jaw with microscopic "teeth", almost like a weird little saw, and they use that to break the skin & use their suction cup to latch onto the tiny wound and just sort of free-feed as the blood flows out!!
they also dont drink a huge amount of blood tbh, especially if its just one of them (though they do tend to live in large groups), but the anticoagulant can cause you to bleed (not gushing, more like a steady leak?) for hours after the leech lets go, so its good to apply pressure with clean bandages after being bit!!
leeches are used in medicine to this day!!
you can also keep them as pets, theyre one of the few truly low-maintenance animals, they just need dechlorinated water, some gravel (for rubbing against to help shed their skin), a hidey hole or two, & for their water to be cleaned every so often!! they can live in surprisingly small enclosures, but it definitely doesnt hurt to give them space to explore :) they do also prefer darkness though, so its best to make sure they're shaded from any bright lights or windows!!
leeches like to live with other leeches!!! they will actually curl up together and at least one study has shown that they release oxytocin when "cuddling" with each other (the same brain chemical that's released when, for example, a mother cuddles her baby!!)
its generally ok to keep leeches of the same species together, they arent likely to attack each other unless one of them is full of warm blood & another is hungry!! this is why its best to feed your leeches around the same time & if one refuses to eat, keep it in a separate tank from the ones that have eaten until the full ones defecate and/or the empty one eats!!
adult Hirudo verbana (the modern "medicinal leech" bc the similar, historically used Hirudo medicinalis is endangered) can feed as infrequently as once or twice a year!! they'll digest their meal over a long period of time and (if i recall correctly?) tend to defecate it all at once!! it'll be pretty obvious when your leech does a poop (they'll release dark fluid into the water, this is just whats left of the blood once it nutrients have been absorbed) so clean their water as soon as you notice that xP
some leech owners feed them their own blood, but others will buy unsalted (important!! salt can kill them!!) pork blood from butchers or some deli markets, put that blood in a plastic bag or sausage casing, and warm it up in a bowl of warm water & let the leeches feed on that!!
Hirudo verbana are more colorful than you might think! they have patterns along their back in varying shades of orange, dark green, and brown, while their bellies are a lighter tan color!!
ok ill stop now hehe >w<
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videostak · 1 year
still seareching for a liver than youll ever be stones CD T-T the one i had got was a CDr which CDrs tend to not work well or like have trouble being read on my CD player and also just always have kinda blurry not v nice packaging and none of the magic of 90s CDs bootlegs so looking for one stilll tho it seems real hard T-T almost got one that was like a bootleg in the style of those mfsl original master CDs u kno w/ hte minimized album art and gold CD but then looked it up and saw it was a CDr and was like T-T tho rly just want one thatss the full 2nd concert tho will probably also get one thats the og LP track listing if it sshows up for cheap since i do just want one in general. tho the nicest looking CDs are ones w/ the og stamped on type cover that are CDs released in 94/96 but also the amount of ppl on discogs who own those discs is v small so im sure theyre p rare but the other CDs have p ugly covers tbh that arent even from the 1969 tour and are mostly still mick taylor era pics but like later 70s like exile tour n so forth n stuff. tho the best bet is the swingin pig CD thats from 1990 cause that has all 16 tracks but that showed up a week or so ago for like more than 100$ soo ya T-T theres another one called vintage but vigorous that only has the og LP track listing and a slightly better looking cover imo even tho it also isnt from the 69 tour but yaa just gonna have to wait and keep an eye out. also of mention is that the 100$ dissappeared later the same night it showed up and i think it was delisted so like i have to keep an eye out daily tbh if i really wanna find one. idk what the rules on bootlegs on ebay are cause like u can find tons but some do get removed so it is strange. i remember when i was getting beach boys smile CDs and a seller messaged me cause i viewed smthn they later delisted saying they would relist it if i bought it right away lol like i guess to avoid having it delisted by ebay. tho i guess it depends cause like therees some that are always up like idk. reallly wanna find one its a great greate album like def a equal to if not better than ya yas like ya ya has the upper hand of being official better quality and stuff but live'r has the benefit of being like unfiltered live audio and the roughness goes in its favor in the same way got live's roughness benefits its energy. even just the LP live'r like the fact it doesnt have vocal overdubs like ya yas does gives it an upper hand at being a more genuine live document and the CDs that have the full second concert benefit from having the full concert like stuff like under my thumb and gimme shelter sound real great so yeas.. anyways my musik von harmonia germanofon CD shipped today so im like yayyyyy wonder what its gonna sound like. germanofons aree usually great sounding given the context but i have this 1995 japanese CD of musik von harmonia that really sounds excellent and has great packaging n everything that i have zero complaints abt so like wonder how its gonna hold up to that.
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aroace-cat-lady · 2 years
UHUSDSFY SPAM INCOMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you can ignore this lol its way too long- even putting it in your ask box has made me feel like I've told someone about this so its totally fine to delete
Sooo apparently, I was going to be a 'benevolent' leader and therefore opted for a federal government in my 'state' (which I've forgotten the name of)????
so, I had this beautiful idea that people leaning toward different opinions should be encouraged to move to an area of like-minded people with a local government they mostly agree with (brooo, so essentially designated areas for different people depending on their opinions and political views and whatnot??)
okay it also says that I wanted to keep a difference in pay between a 'low-intelligence' job and a 'high-intelligence job' but I would lessen the gap so improving pay of say a 'street sweeper' and lowering that of a 'neurosurgeon' hmmmmmmm
My state or whatever would provide healthcare mostly paid by taxpayers (it would have a similar tax system) but still ask the person to pay a small amount??? okay..
education would be free (go mini me) paid by taxpayers ofc, but I wanted to continue the idea of grammar schools which meant students could pass an exam to get into these schools filled with higher ability kids who are pushed more- academically... (something we have here, do you??)
welfare and social care would also be fully paid by taxpayers (go me again I guess)
laws would be kept similar to that of today and trial and punishments would also be pretty much the same- NO capital punishment (well done child???)
for people who didn't agree with my idea? death. there would be designated protest zones and paths ?
they would be fined for extremely violent protest
I also had some big idea about petitions i think-
anyway, what do you think of my interesting plans that I came up with???
note that everything in the inverted commas are direct quotations 😭
again u can ignore this-sorry for the spam lol
Dividing ppl by its political pov sounds interesting, tbh. I dont think i couldve come with the concept in a billion years.
But idk. Dividing ppl has never turn out right for humanity (white/poc, men/woman, queer/cishetallo). Structurally, might work. But what keeps knowledge going is feedback. Mirrors and windows and all of that.
And like humans cant stay on their own business. Conservatives would want to declare war to progressives. If a person moves out of the conservative section they were born in, the born progressives would look down at them and call them fake progressives. Humanism sections would fight agains the high intelligence - low intelligence system cuz what if a high intelligent person is dysable and cant have a high intelligence work?? And what if a ND kid is selected as a low intelligent by the system?? Where do artist fit in this system??
GOD I SOUNDED LIKE A MEAN TEACHER REVISING A FINAL PROYECT IM SORRY i feel i analyzed it waaaaay more serious than i should. But your 14yo had a point and i can see were the idea came from?? You cant have a political fight if there isnt a political discussion and you cant have a political discussion if you think everyone thinks the same way you do?? Anyways it is an interesting concept to work with. (Again im sorry i think i was too mean i-)
Being fair, my someones and i tried to figure out an hypoterical utopia at fifteen (we called it Willherondopolis because of course) (this still is the name of our group chat) i cant remember how it was but thank god im going to medicine and not politics. I do recall one of them said Dude this looks like maze runner.
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i agree with you every time you speak about how its so incredibly important to acknowledge female oppression based on sex, but why is it so hard to not call trans men "women"? like i don't get why so many people refuse to do that. both trans men and women have uteruses and vaginas, so why do they insist that it erases female oppression or harms women? it doesnt? the same thing happens with trans women. i think it really isnt that hard to speak about certain types of oppression while at the same time acknowledging that they very often overlap each other. like trans women and cis women both suffer misogyny, theyre both targets of sexual harassment and assault, and they both are the main victims of prostitution. trans men and women both suffer from sex-based oppression, obstetric and medical violence. trans men who are cis-passing dont suffer sexual harassment though, and they can navigate society with a considerable amount of male privilege (and so many radical feminists forget this, there ARE trans men who pass completely, most trans men who have used testosterone for a long time do, and they dont have to suffer misogyny in their daily life. it feels almost a bit insulting to hear people speak about them like they suffer the exact same oppression cis women do) trans women usually can't do this. people are diverse, and i dont get why its so difficult to speak about these things without excluding certain groups of people or just being fucking rude or disrespectful to them, many times on purpose. (sorry if i didnt explain myself well btw, english is not my first language)
Hi anon, your English is fine! Its super good actually. And thank you for acknowledging that female oppression is based off sex. But you should have stopped at "I agree with you every time you speak" lol! Jokes aside...
Transwomen (I think thats who you meant when you said transmen) are able to get surgery to have a sort of vagina, but no, they do not have uteruses... Not sure where you got that misinformation. Even if they had a uterus surgically transplanted, it would be nonfunctional and ultimately pointless to everyone. As they do not have eggs, they would be unable to have periods or get pregnant. I suspect there would be serious health risks involved too. In the same way, a transman would never be able to produce sperm even if they had a dick or balls surgically transplanted.
Girls, women, and boys are the main victims of prostitution and sex trafficking, simply because most of the "clients" are straight males. A smaller percentage of them are also sexually attracted to males, but as many of them are pedophiles, they prefer boys over grown men. So passing/not passing/extent of transition also has a lot to do with it. Traffickers of course do not care if someone is trans or not. If someone looks like a young female, they are a potential target. If they are not "passing" and look like an adult male, traffickers are likely uninterested because they are not sexually attracted, the clients are not interested, and a male is harder to physically fight and control. Or if they are smaller and young, they will happily traffic boys too- whether or not they identify as a girl. I guess what Im saying is that they do not purposefully look for transwomen, they look for girls, young women, and boys (and sometimes young men that are small/look way younger than they are). Basically anyone who looks young and vulnerable. Aside from sex, age is the next largest indicator of risk. It may even be number 1. Its not gender presentation. A female could identify as and present as a male but it would not matter to them if they can tell that they're female.
Transwomen are definitely victimized as well, but it is on incomparable scales, partly due to the vast difference in population size (1% to 50%), and usually for different reasons- transphobia, (which may or may not be mixed with misogyny). To say they are "both the main victims" makes it seem like its an equal amount, which is very much is not, luckily for transwomen.
All populations- including boys and men- experience sexual harassment and assault, but obviously that does not mean we might as well put them all in the same sex category because sex is not defined by level of oppression. Its not like, "oh you've experienced x amount of oppression in your lifetime, you may as well sit with the ladies" lol.
Transwomen are not oppressed under laws that only apply to females. Women are denied equal legal and social rights for being female, and as transwomen are biologically male, they are given equal rights from birth. As long as their birth certificate says "male", they will always be given these rights by the government.
I definitely agree that transmen who are cis-passing dont suffer sexual harassment (as much) and that they can navigate society with male privilege. But they can still be denied legal rights for being biologically female though, or be discriminated against anytime it says "female" on academic, professional, or legal paperwork. (And then transphobia can mix in with the misogyny when they see a male passing person). I also agree that they dont suffer the exact same oppression as cis women and that transwomen are not given this same luxury, because unfortunately as transwomen come to learn, misogyny is real and its a monster.
Why do you find it insulting to hear people say that passing transmen suffer the same oppression cis women do (because you know its not completely true), but you dont think its insulting to say that passing transwomen do NOT suffer the same oppression cis women do?
I think your whole argument boils down to "transwomen are oppressed just as much as ciswomen so should be considered women". Not only is that clearly not true when you look at laws, but again, sex is not defined by levels of oppression or life experience.
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jjkrereadlb · 1 year
ok some random thoughts from the past few days that im not gonna tag with any specific chapter bc fuck knows i dont wanna go back and check the numbers lmao
When nanami dies in front of yuuji, as he is telling him his last words (“yuuji, youve got it from here”) he thinks to himself “no dont say that, it’ll just turn into a curse for him.” I think HE personally meant it metaphorically but its eerily similar to what his grandpa told him before he died (he said something along the lines of “live well help people blablabla… im giving you this curse”). So while non-sorcerers cant turn directly into curses (rather the small amounts of CE they leak out accumulates to become curses, over time and with many people), AND we didn’t see nanami turn into a curse (also bc hes not the type of guy to resent dying, we literallysaw him be bitter but ultimately at peace with the decisions that brought him to his death), its still potentially relevant how now more than one persons “dying wish” has “cursed” yuuji.
Do megumi’s shikigami count as parts of his soul? he didn’t feel the white dog die in the jail so obviously theyre not like a part of him or anything, but if for instance mahito touched idk the dog, would he be able to do idle transfiguration through it? the rship btw a shikigami and its user is still sort of opaque. For instance, geto tried to absorb the worm that toji used to store his weapons but he failed, and in the ch notes gege says its because toji had already established a “master-servant” relationship with it. I dont think that’s through a binding vow necessarily (can a curse without higher intelligence and language even enter a BV?) but still some sort of pact was done, which apparently doesn’t necessarily require CE as toji was able to do it. Then theres for instance yuuta & Rika1. In the fanbook gege says rika is able to see what yuuta sees even if they’re apart, though the opposite is not true (Y cant see what R sees). But still some sort of connection exists there. So would mahito be able to do IT by touching rika? Could he do it to Yaga through one of his cursed dolls? obv this isn’t especially relevant re: mahito bc hes dead lol, but im willing to bet that the minute details of this kind of thing will come up with the sukuna & megumi situation we have on our hands. I cant help but notice that almost every main character has either fought mahito outright or at least met him, with the GLARING exception of megumi, who through various circumstances is never around when mahito shows up. I wonder if thats bc gege is hiding something about the way 10s interacts with the soul. Hmmmm.
One thing thats been puzzling me is that we’re told that when gojo was born the balance of the world was altered bc he was so strong etcetc, so curses started getting much more powerful/higher In level. At the same time though, during the early manga, everytime one of our characters meets someone from the kenjaku squad, or even a finger bearer, they ALWAYS comment on how crazy powerful these curses are and isnt it weird how much stronger curses are these days, like you get the impression that they’re mostly used to dealing with grade 2s and below. So what is the truth???
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selfundiagnosed · 2 years
why is it mean for someone to tell you you should get help? you're obviously in a lot of distress and should see someone about it for your own mental health...these 'patterns' you're leaning into are only exarcerbating your mental condition. but if you want to embrace your psychosis and go completely off the rails i guess that's your prerogative
to insinuate that a.) i dont know about my own mental state & wellbeing and you need to “tell me” because the psychosis makes it so i cant notice how it affects how i function every single day of my life b.) i need to delete my socials because of what someone else did to me to put me in this state c.) you somehow have any idea whats going on in my life, if im being treated, what symptoms im experiencing, that I legitimately cant tell ~whats real~ d.) noticing patterns doesnt mean im going off the deep rail LMFAO is all the stupidest shit ever.
for future reference, how you and the other anon are approaching someone you perceive as experiencing active psychosis is going to put people in active psychosis in danger to themselves. its funny to see random anons tell me what im experiencing and what i need to do about it to fix it when its evident from how this was approached you don’t actually care about me you just want to make yourselves feel like youre above me for whatever reason. “but if you want to embrace your psychosis and go completely off the rails i guess that's your prerogative” and “Deactivate your TikTok, delete the app and go see a psychologist” are sooo condescending. yeah deleting an app is absolutely gonna fix this problem. a diagnosis ive had since i was 15. stupid shits idek what to say like are you both actual tiktok teenagers who think they know everything about everything because get off my blog you suck so bad lmaooo sooo condescending. Im completely capable of making my own decisions im 22 lol i dont need tumblr anons i cant see telling me to do shit im doing already. i have a psychiatrist. ive been seeing him for years. i have a therapist. i saw her after my psychosis got retriggered. i know i am sick! i literally cant leave my house! when i do… i freak the fuck out! for HOURS !!! my family and friends all know how deeply this affects me and i promise you none of them have said this shit to me the way you and the “other anon” did. i stopped socializing, i havent made any new friends, i cant trust the people i do know im not close to anymore. i promise you i know WAYYY more than you about how it impacts me way more than you. my socials are the one open window i didnt put curtains on. i completely control what you all are able to see theough leaving this tiny window unclothed for the internet to look into my life. i dont need random people to see my jokes on my blog about my delusions and tell me its a delusion like im being very tongue in cheek about all of my delusional posts. i absolutely believe them but im making fun of myself for how crazy i sound.
i really have not a clue why youd think this is an appropriate way to approach it but it leads me to believe youre a tiktok user who probably thought the dude that manipulated his way into a famous persons house while she was manic was a Good Idea because clearly she wouldnt get help. lmfao its bad in so many facets. imagine if i was fully and completely immersed in my paranoia and delusions of being a targeted individual (which is the root of everything im experiencing right now): ask yourself how would you feel YOU felt targeted by a higher entity and now random anonymous people are telling you what you’re experiencing and how youre treated everyday isnt real and youre crazy. like to us its so very real and no amount of rationalizing makes it better. i have only small interactions every once in a blue moon these days that makes me think i could be okay and that im not being targeted and then every single day multiple times a day its shown to me continuously. this included! you and the “other anon” should really reevaluate how you talk to people in severe mental crisis because this is like the exact opposite of how you should react to seeing someone delusion posting or whatever and it shows me you dont know a single loved one with who experiences this shit.
in the future, fucking look into how you approach someone struggling. if i wasnt as lucid in my psychosis or in touch with reality you genuinely could have put me in danger. im going to send you and anyone on my blog watching me like im a circus act off with this so you never put anyone in my position in a state of self harm. but if youre too lazy to click on the link im showing you anyways
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