#which like. gas and water are included in my rent so it's not like I'm spending the money
Tumblr Coming in Clutch
With the "Based on your likes" again. And by coming in clutch, I mean sending me commie garbage.
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I could rant on this for hrs but I'll stick to the shorter version.
Most people that are homeless want to be homeless.
Those that don't want to be homeless fall under 2 categories (People who fell on bad times, and people who are mentally unwell.)
Where does the labor come from to build all these houses?
Assuming we use existing homes (or build new ones), who's to stop the homeless from destroying the home and turning it into a trap house? Who's to stop them from stripping the house for all it's parts and selling it for drug money?
What are you planning to tell people on hard times who are still working to make ends meet? "Just be homeless because then the gov will be forced to provide a home for you"?
Where then does the incentive come in for people to go back to work if they are just HANDED the fruits of someone else's labor.
Do you have ANY IDEA how much money it takes to buy a house in order to rent it out?
And then not just number 7, but also do you not realize how sheltered you are from changes in the market sometimes by being under a landlord? I had a one bedroom apartment with kitchen, bathroom, large Livingroom. For my rent, water, electricity, and trash services, I paid 600$ a month. Gas station around the corner, and 5 min or less from a Walmart. And so long as I was not using WAY MORE than average of the water or electricity, I would not be expected to pay more than that set amount.
Fact is, not just that, but if you own a place, YOU have to pay for the repairs when something isn't working. When you are renting a place, one of the perks is that so long as it's part of the property, and you were not the DIRECT cause of the damage, the landlord has a responsibility to replace it. Hell, if you are renting a home in an area with an HOA, often times the Landlord will deal with the HOA on your behalf. Also, there are often legal things that go into property ownership that people are protected from to some degree by renting.
And it's not a some rich person scheme to keep people out of homes either. THEY worked to get the money they needed to get their properties. And they often lose more than they make depending on the condition of the place they are renting out. And they have to make sure that they bring in tenants that will not destroy their property.
Are some landlords assholes? Yes. Are some landlords just soulless corporations that appoint someone to oversee a property? Yes. Is that MOST of rentals in the US? Absolutely not. And yes. Being a landlord is a job. Because there is legal paperwork, repair bills, you have to still manage the property, IE: lawn care, electrician work, pest control, etc, etc. It's a job where if you are in it alone, and you own very few properties, and you DON'T have an LLC to help you run things, then you are on call 24/7 more or less. Especially if you own an apartment complex. Then you are responsible for the management of every single part of your property. Up to and including any injuries, or other forms of legal liability.
AGAIN. I'm not saying there are NOT shitty landlords out there. But most really are not. And often they do/will want to work with you to help you out when you are having a rough go of it. But they have to pay property taxes and bills the same as everyone else. And they do it on your behalf because you don't own the property. Because if you did? GOOD F*CKING LUCK getting the city you live in to actually cut you a break.
*Addition to this post* Adding to number 4. Where's the money going to come from to buy these houses as well? Because people OWN them. Unless you are just advocating for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to confiscate houses. Which is NOT a slippery slope. It's a cliff. Also a great way to make inflation go up while your at it.
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piratefishmama · 5 months
asking from pure curiosity - why do you still live with your dad? why not take the dogs and go? you don’t seem to like the family members that would give you shit for leaving, so fuck their opinions, right?
again - purely curious, because there seems to be zero upside to living with him and i want you to be okay <3
I WOULD, god i would, in a heartbeat. however where i live house prices are astronomical, for a 1 bed box of a flat that doesnt allow pets, it's over £1200 for rent per month not including food, gas, electric, water, or anything else. i make £1248 BEFORE tax, as a wage per month, my bills are without rent, around £670, thats phone bills, car payment, insurance payments, internet payments etc.
I wouldn't be able to cope financially.
And council housing, which WOULD be doable, even WITH all the 'housing points' i've been given, i'm still up in the 100's on the list of people waiting for a place thanks to the housing crisis caused by the government selling council properties years ago, deeply misjudging what people would do with those houses once they bought them.
they rented the ex council houses out to renters with inflated prices so nobody could afford them anymore, causing homelessness spikes!
There's always the house share option, but i have two dogs that i couldnt take with me and there's no way to know if i'd be comfortable there either given my dislike of in person human interaction, plus i tried house mates in university and i wanted to kill them all by week two.
If i could afford it, i would be gone within a day, and they'd never see or hear from me again.
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dollsonmain · 3 months
After me saying "Been crunching numbers, looking at rent, looking at mortgages, looking at our current monthly expenses and I'd need to earn about $24/hr full time just to be able to afford to pay rent/mortgage, bills, owning a car, and food with nothing left. NO BODY'S PAYING THAT MUCH." on facebook, one of my old high school friends tried to encourage me by saying that I'd qualify for programs like SNAP and might qualify for Section8 housing and if I'm earning $15/hr and work 40 hrs a week no, I wouldn't.
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In my state:
LIHTC cutoff is $14k/year
SNAP is $19,578
Section 8 housing cutoff is $29,150 for one person and $33,300 for two, and we'd have 2 adults being myself and my son. I don't know if Son will be able to work since he does have some trouble with being interrupted or being told to do something he doesn't want to do, but a the same time I don't know if he'll qualify for disability due to autism because he's low support needs. The single apartment complex that accepts Section 8 is for elders and full, anyway.
Despite being too much to qualify for assistance, it's still not enough to survive on because our current expenses wouldn't change much considering That Guy doesn't eat at home mostly (he barely eats at all, really) so the grocery bill is mostly Son and me, and has no creative hobbies that cost money outside of the occasional pricey LEGO set and a $60 video game lasts him a few months so I picked an average for the credit card bill:
Mortgage: $2000/mo (1 bedroom apartment rent averages $1500/mo while the least expensive house on the market right now says to expect to pay $2k)
Water: $60
Power: $130
Internet: $90
Phone: $170
Propane: $280
He pays for everything like car-gas, groceries, toiletries, all my pony salon supplies, etc. on his credit card and that averages $1700/mo.
Our car is paid off so we don't have car payments but I would have car payments. No idea how much that would be.
That doesn't include the auto insurance because he pays that direct-pay with the bank, which is $78/mo for 3 drivers on a single sedan.
$54,096/year. He does NOT pay for my dolls other than the occasional cheap playline doll.
What of that could we do without?
We don't go on day trips, go on vacation, buy new clothes when our clothes wear out and if we do it's thrifted or from the discount store (like Goodwill, TJMaxx, Marshall's, or Gabe's), don't go to the salon or barber, eat Taco Bell once a week for $25 and rarely go anywhere else, I don't get my nails done, do them myself, or wear makeup which is a huge expense, don't buy expensive electronics or home theater equipment, don't buy home decor, don't pay for repairs, have low-end cheap computers, wait for our phones to no longer be supported before upgrading, wait for ANYTHING to break before replacing it...
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Jesus I'm having a bad day. I truly may need to resort to permanent use of mobility devices soon. First I woke up and was like the whacky arm waving inflatable tube man trying to get my coffee then the longer I stood for like five whole minutes everything from my knees to stand or my arms to hold out my coffee started violently shaking just for the effort of being upright.
I actually got myself a scooter well in advance, but my house isn't really set up for that in the side rooms, maybe if I moved my wicker i could add the kitchen to a circle with dining and living then just hobble to bed with the canes and walkers and wheelythings I've got stashed.
Guess I really am getting to that point. I guess this is about when my mom started really sliding too. Between the weird bouts of unconsciousness and now this, I've opted into the disability path recently, just waiting for that to process. Got roommates set up. Pulling my 401K so once that lands I'm good for a few months with or without roommates. So like. I'm fine just. Tired. And transitioning.
The house I live in like. I have it at a steal of a rate, with pet rent 775/mo (doesn't include water, gas, electric. Gas/electric swap which run high seasonally Currently runs me about 150 average). The market value for *rooms* in my area is 550-600 utilities included. It's an older house so I popped the two extra rooms here up for 500/mo and I'm already drowning in applicants. So there's 1K right there, rent and utilities, then the rest is just my Whatever I Need money. And maybe time to do my furniture refurbs and video edits for other change in between.
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I know you're just venting but I cannot leave an energy question alone. Do you know if your utility offers a time-of-use rate? These split a day into different blocks, and each block has a different $ rate. It's higher during peak usage times (usually afternoon when people get home from work - after dinner) and lower during non peak times (everywhen else). By shifting your big electric usage (dishwasher, clothes washer, etc) to non-peak, you can save a lot of money. Like, a LOT.
(there's also demand response or community solar, but those are more summer-oriented)
*Caveat that I only know about electricity, not gas, so if you have gas heating then ignore me.
So in terms of utilities, I only pay for my electricity and internet; water, gas, and heat are included in my rent (I think because it's an old building and the infrastructure for divvying those utilities up would cost a lot more than just leaving it). My building uses ancient radiators for heat, which I think are technically heated by gas since something needs to heat up the water that goes through them?
Practically speaking, this means that my electric bill only gets high in the summer when I'm running AC, and since I'm only running it when the temperature outside is over about 87ºF, my most expensive month this year I still only paid $50 on that bill. In the winter, I can expect to pay about $10-$20 a month
It looks like my electric company does have a time-of-use rate, but you have to opt-in and I don't have a dishwasher or in-unit laundry (and my stove is gas) so the only large appliance I'm regularly using is my fridge, which I can't really turn off during peak times. I think I might end up paying more if I switched to that, since I have a fixed rate that's lower than the rates they offer for 6AM to 10PM, and that's most of the day.
All that to say, my electric blanket and SAD lamp don't actually cost that much to run, but I still wish I didn't need to buy all these things in the first place to get me through winter, and I can and will complain a little bit
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yourmoonmomma · 1 year
https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLpE624Q/ i didn't watch til the end but is it true? It's heartbreaking
Absolutely that is the case right now. The majority of us cannot afford to live right now. Jayson & I got this apartment via a lease takeover, so they couldn't raise the rent as much as I imagine they would have liked to. Currently, our rent (which includes heat & water & a parking spot), is $1350. For a very, very small one bedroom. They rent out these same apartments now for $1600-$1800+. We still pay for hydro (which hydro took a leap too, despite saving on electricity as much as we can, we pay $200/month for it). Plus renters insurance, which is mandatory, which is $30/month. Plus internet, which admittedly we do pay a bit more for good internet, so I can upload videos and stream, but our internet & Jayson's phone bill combined I think are like $200 or $250? Plus my phone, $80/month. Plus car payments, about $500/month. Plus, for a while, car insurance, which was another like $250/month. However, Jayson paid a few times late, as he doesn't have a job, so our car insurance got cancelled and we now have to somehow find $2600 to pay upfront for a year of insurance, or have the car repossessed or whatever they do when you can't get it insured lol. Like, in bills alone, we pay probably easily over $2000/month, just for housing with electricity and internet, and a car because we don't live in a world with easily accessible public transport.
That estimate does NOT include the cost of groceries. We used to be able to feed the two of us on at MOST $350 or $400 a month. Now, those same groceries, we pay easily $800+ on groceries every month. Plus the cost for the cats, plus the cost of gas (which is probably another $150+ every week), plus an sort of emergency savings.
Truth be told, I have no idea how Jayson & I are staying afloat. I have good credit, for now, so I'm getting as many credit cards as I can, because I know we don't have any active income flowing to us currently. Is that a smart decision? Probably not. But there's nothing else we can do. Jobs here do not pay enough for you to live alone, and if you live with someone, and you both work, then you likely make enough to have your bare essentials covered. Meaning most people are a couple bad pays away from being homeless. It's really, really scary right now.
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altheterrible · 2 years
Ugh how do you recover from burnout when gas is $5/gallon and corporations are destroying the economy? When you're chronically ill, disabled, and always in pain your doctor won't do anything to fix? When you're chronically fatigued from your disabilities but still forced to spend 40 hours a week working a physically demanding, emotionally unfulfilling, low paying job with no ability to get anything better? When you're fighting with complex trauma you don't have the bandwidth to fix because so many other things are eating it up? How can I recover from burnout when I'm putting everything I have into keeping my head above water in this terrible world?
I'm miserable. I experience no joy in my life. I feel nothing. And it's not because of some magical chemical imbalance in my brain. It's because my life is objectively terrible. I have no money, I'm stressed about bills, I'm stressed about inflation, I'm stressed about rent. I'm in the process of declaring bankruptcy so it'll be 7 years before I can even rent my own apartment, let alone think about home ownership. I have multiple chronic illnesses including one that will almost certainly kill me. I have poorly controlled chronic pain that makes it hard to focus on anything except how much it hurts. I work in retail, where both customers and management treat me like expendable garbage, for which privilege I am paid $14/hr and taxed at 25%--and I have no energy left at the end of the day for anything I might find enjoyable. I never see my sister, I don't have the time or energy to hang out with friends, and most of the people I do interact with on a daily basis make it abundantly clear that my feelings aren't a priority for them.
So at the end of every day, I feel like I can't do it again, can't wake up and face another day like today. The idea of having to keep living every day while I feel so totally hollow and dead inside terrifies me. Looking ahead and seeing another day like this, over and over again forever, makes me want to die. I want to kill myself. I think about ways to do it. The only thing stopping me is funeral costs. I'm saving money so my sister can afford to have me cremated. Only $650 to go. With my wages, I'll have enough in roughly 80 years.
I can't deal with the misery. I've been self harming again, it's the only thing that takes the edge off how bad I feel. I thought I was past this, but really, why should I even bother trying not to cut when it's the only thing that helps? It's not like anything else is helping. And like, it doesn't matter at all that I've started again. To anyone. No one else cares, so why should I? That's the funny thing. Self harm is allegedly this serious mental health emergency, because it's such a dangerous coping mechanism--especially the way I do it, I routinely cut deeply enough to warrant stitches, though I haven't been getting them bc I can't afford to take the time off work to go to the psych ward for a week. Lol.
So yeah, self harm is supposed to be this serious sign that someone is suffering and needs help and people who are hurting themselves are usually offered support so they don't feel so overwhelmed that they resort to self harm.
Except when it's me cutting myself. Then no one gives a shit. Sam and John pretend they don't see it. My friends brush me off. Fuck, I told my therapist I was cutting again and she was like "you say you feel like it doesn't matter that you're cutting yourself, but it matters to me" but then she didn't like, do anything about it. She didn't ask why I was doing it, didn't talk about it further, and didn't provide me any kind of support so I didn't feel like I needed to keep cutting myself. So I'm going to keep doing what's helping. At least then I can get through the day.
Meds aren't the answer. I've tried meds. So many meds, and combinations of meds. Right now I'm on Adderall, Cymbalta, Latuda, and Seroquel. I still want to die. I still feel hollow and dead inside. I'm still dragging myself through every day and counting down the time until I can be asleep again. What's the answer? More antipsychotics? I'm already so exhausted I can barely function. More antidepressants? Tricyclics or MAOIs maybe, it's not like those have horrific side effects lol. Lithium? Anti seizure meds? Benzodiazepines?
The problem is that medication can't fix the fact the world is a garbage fire and I'm being burned alive in it. There is no medication that will fix capitalism. Psych medication won't make the customers at work treat me better, it won't increase my pay, it won't make my doctor listen to me about my pain. Psych medication won't help me find joy in the world because the world is a shit place.
I think the answer to the questions in my first paragraph is pretty clear: you don't recover from burnout under those circumstances. The circumstances have to change.
Something has to give, though, and I think it's going to be me.
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mynarcissticex · 4 years
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by Lundy Bancroft
I hasten to mention that my abuser was my NarcX boyfriend, so this applies to female abusers as well. My favorite take away from this book: abusive men want very much for you, and other people, to think that their abusive actions have their origin in some complicated and deeply buried traumas from their pasts. But the reality is actually quite simple and clear – the real cause is the abuser's belief that they have a RIGHT AND ARE ENTITLED to control their partner, and to abuse them.
This detailed book is the mother lode of practical information on domestic violence and verbal/emotional abuse.
This book has sections on:
1. How an abuser THINKS, including a chapter on the many tactics of abusive partners from "Mr. Sensitive" to "the Water Torturer" to "Rambo")...you'll be able to find your abuser in one of these types. Bancroft explores 17 myths about abusers, and you'll realize that your thinking about the abuser has been highly dependent on these myths.
2. How abusers function in relationships, and how abusers fool others, given that it's rare for an abuser to seem like "the type," and how therapists are fooled by abusers.
3. The process of change for an abuser, and the fact that they very, very rarely change, even after years of therapy.
4. Bancroft addresses useful questions such as whether the abuser's apologies and claims to have changed are sincere, or just a part of the hoovering cycle.
If you are thinking of reading this book, it sadly means you likely know you've been, or are being, abused, but after reading it, you'll be glad that you did. It may also mean you want to know if the abusive narcissist is going to change...and you'll find that the answer is “when pigs fly”.
Here's what you'll learn from this book that will change the way you look at the N abuser:
* Behind abuse is a sense of having a right to abuse (entitlement) and degrading opinion of the abused.
* If you think drugs, alcohol, past trauma, or past relationships are causing the abuser to abuse, you're wrong about that. There is no relationship, though the N abuser will go out of their way to make you believe there is, as an excuse.
* The abuser gets a whole lot out of abusing, what, exactly is explained, and thus has little incentive to change. For one thing, for example, the abuser usually has the freedom to do what they want whenever they want, so they generally contribute little to the household, but expect you to and pay for everything their sense of entitlement to have you in their lives is sickening. I spent the best part of £51k on him in the end he kept taking as much as he could until I couldn’t take it anymore, plus most bills, food shopping, rent, coffees, he contributed 2 months out of 5 whilst living together which was for only 3 of the household bills he would prioritise hair supplements and cannabis over paying the gas and electric bill, and throughout our relationship I also paid for everything in forms of his clothing, shoes, food, costas,
* The N abuser constantly uses tactics like manipulation and diversion, in order to confuse you and to continue their habit of abuse.
* The abuser going to substance abuse treatment doesn't stop the abuse because the abuse is caused by the enjoyment of abuse and the sense that the abuser is entitled to abuse you, though the abuser may learn how to use treatment programs to get leverage over you and keep you in the abusive relationship.
*The desire to abuse, the sense of entitlement and ownership of you, the manipulation and other habitual tactics are deeply ingrained and very unlikely to undergo change.
So, knowledge is power, as they say. This book will arm you with loads of knowledge that will completely change your way of looking at the Narc abuser.
Bancroft writes: “Part of how the abuser escapes confronting himself is by convincing you that you are the cause of his behavior, or that you at least share the blame. But abuse is not the product of bad relationship dynamics, and you cannot make things better by changing your own behavior or by attempting to manage your partner better. Abuse is a problem that lies entirely within the abuser.” And, he will tell you why THERAPY OFTEN MAKES ABUSE WORSE.
And, since most abusers are also cheaters, this is also discussed in detail, and also the constant use of triangulation by the abuser. It's harder to leave an abusive relationship than a good one, ironically, and you'll learn the dynamics of trauma bonding as well.
There is much more. This book is not a long one, but it's packed with an amazing amount of information. This book changed my way of looking at N abusers totally. Are they responsible? Are they the victim of biology or bad parenting? You won't have any doubt...they know what they are doing, and they are making conscious decisions to abuse...which they love to do, and they gain a whole lot out of. I highly recommend this book.
And, my take on when they accuse YOU of being controlling....
The NARC SAYS: You're controlling me. I have to walk on eggshells. You're being abusive....because you ask them to stop lying, cheating, and being abusive.
The NARC really MEANS: I'm controlling and YOU walk on egg shells and this is to cover up my abusiveness. (A prime example of “projection”) gaslighting and crazy making tactics.
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wrathoscribbles · 6 years
In which drivers in my workplace just Don't Get It
I hate the advice of "just get a car" whenever I mention the downsides to public transport.
It isn't a solution! At all!
I have a limited paycheque that needs to split between rent (haha), taxes (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA), bills (electricity, gas, broadband, TV license, insurance), travel costs (monthly card covers all transport around the city) and by the end of it I'm lucky if I have £250 to last the entire month.
Factor in grocery shopping where I bulk buy what I can and forgo things I don't really need and food that's overly fanciful or items that I probably won't use in any dishes the entire month? I'm down to £150, if I'm lucky. Cool, okay, I can manage with th - my jacket rips, or my shoes start letting in water, and suddenly I'm down £70. Pushing it now right? What if I need to put EXTRA on my gas or electricity because I burned through it faster one week? What if I need to schedule a trip to the vet for Molly? What about getting her flea treatment (comes in packs of 3 so I only need to buy one lot every 3 months)?
Tell me, oh wise Sue, where I'm supposed to find the excess money to, first, undertake driving lessons. Tell me where I'm supposed to find the time for them when I work 08.00-17.00 Monday-Friday (except it's more like 05.00-19.30 when accounting for travel times and tossing something on for a quick dinner) and try to catch up on my rest at the weekends and take care of my apartment and batch cook for the rest of the week - assuming I have enough spoons to spare on top of barely functioning and walking Molly. Tell me how I can get over the fear of being in a car after two crashes. Tell me how I can trust myself behind a wheel when I am permanently tired and randomly drop off to sleep minutes at a time on public transport.
Tell me, oh wise Sue, where I'm supposed to find the savings to buy a used car at a decent price that won't fail its MOT in the first year I own it. Where do I find the money to pay for car insurance? Road tax? Fuel? Repairs when something falls apart?
Tell me how I can possibly stretch my paycheque to include a car.
Tell me that without saying "get a partner and split the bills between you", "move back in with your parents", "get a better job", or "ask for a raise".
Go on. Think about that and when you come up with a solution, I'll listen.
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miserableyoplait · 3 years
cw // rant, forest fires
so there are over 300 wild fires and forest fires burning in bc right now.
earlier this summer, lytton, a small low-income community in interior bc, was completely wiped out by a forest fire, save a few buildings and two gas stations. now, the mckay creek fire, which has been burning since the end of june, has the nearby (also small, low-income) community of lillooet on evacuation alert, as is the surrounding area.
recently, monty lake, another small community, was also wiped out by a forest fire that was raging towards vernon a week ago (i haven't followed up further yet).
so, with the monty lake fire booking it towards vernon, a whole load of firefighting resources have been stationed there to stop it. like literally the majority of the resources.
which leaves lillooet with 8 firefighters, 2 helicopters, and 9 heavy equipment/machinery or something. and so like okay, i get trying to stop vernon from being burnt down. but also it PISSES ME OFF that they're giving lillooet barely anything. places like lillooet and lytton can't afford to rebuild from the devastation of a forest fire, and most people living in those communities can't afford to rebuild from LOSING EVERYTHING.
A WEEK AGO, the mckay creek fire, which had been raging and blazing out west pavilion, doing its best to spoil the livelihoods of all the ranchers living out there, was considerably smaller and smoldering in pockets a few ridges from where my mum grew up, out past the xwisten reserve. A WEEK AGO, the fire was relatively small. A WEEK AGO, the fire could have been put out and dealt with, if lillooet had the resources. NOW, lillooet is on evacuation alert when this could have been avoided.
what also PISSES ME OF is that, years ago, bc SOLD all of their water bomber planes to california!! they could have rented them, or leased them, or, hell, even just loaned them. but NOOOO they had to SELL ALL OF THEM. water bombers are a massive resource to have in preventing forest fires. the mckay creek fire could be OUT if we had water bombers. helicopters are nowhere near as effective as water bombers.
helicopters carrying water look like this:
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[ID: a somewhat vague digital sketch in purple of a helicopter flying and carrying a small bucket of water on a long rope. End ID.]
that amount of water is nothing. yes, it's probably somewhat effective ish. but these little helicopters have to fly alllll the way into town to actually access the river to get water and then they have to fly alllll the way back out to drop their dinky little bucket of water on something. and the cycle repeats.
to be clear, i'm not saying any of this to criticize the firefighters themselves, who are working hard to combat the fire raging all over bc and protect communities from being burnt down. and i'm not trying to say bc shouldn't have come to california's aid when they were on fire. i'm saying this to let it all out and maybe kind of criticize whoever the fuck decides resource allocation.
i care a lot about lillooet; i have friends and family there, and i've spent a lot of time there in my life. and tbh, i can't help but feel like lillooet is getting less resources partially because whoever is in charge would rather save a city than a tiny community in interior bc. and okay, there's WAY more people in vernon than lillooet with its population of like 3000, including surrounding area. but seriously, just because there are less people in lillooet doesn't mean that it's any less worth protecting!! if lillooet burns down, thousands of lives will still be ruined, and they won't have the finances to come back from it.
it will be fucking devastating.
fuck the government for selling all our water bombers. they were not looking out for us or thinking of the future when they did that. thank you for condemning us to burn. i'll see you in hell.
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It appears, Seattle local government that the golf course has a better space
So if you could close/rent/have donated time at the golf course then have the band, and food trucks and selling ware area on the concrete park...
They're not planning all that... Just the bare necessities of combat training for Knights only.
But if you wanted to assist to rearrange you could include all that.
I'm sure the Knighthood has an idea of local bands. I know Cooper. From way back. And hes that kinda guy.
Then LLPD will tell you how to get the community involved with police interaction with the community, social workers and things of that nature.
Then if you could allow a fire department ambulance for incidents.
They're changing it now so it will be movement classes so no actual combat except with trained individuals.
So it will be like a martial arts class. Free in the park.
With one trainer to 20 or so.
Then of course they will have the interaction to be performed by the more experienced so they can see what the interaction looks like.
Because of the now lack of armor to share and all. So looking at pulled muscles, over exhaustion, things of that nature. So water and ice packs. Ibuprofen. Heat packs -- hot hands work great and are cheap. And Hot Hands can be often donated from the company upon request. :)
So for the golf course you'd want to have them close down the buildings and add porta potties.
Then as a reimbursement, local advertising of their good nature could increase their membership or day sales as by nature golf courses are considered snobby by us noobs whom don't go.
Then also use of their carts by their employees and local law enforcement/security to use the golf carts to transport like a bus/taxi service as golf courses are absolutely huge.
Then Dan will reimburse them for the use of the gas from my "purse"
LLPD knows how to get in touch with Dan and Dan knows who pays what from which accounts. We call him Popeye. They will likely conference call.
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genuinely need a dishwasher and washing machine in the next place I move, these are chores that I don’t hate when they’re actually easy to accomplish 
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