#which made it hard to talk about him since they usually just called him yugi
imbadatwrighting · 2 years
I'm back with another request if they are still open, may you do headcanons for the Yu-Gi-Oh boys with an s/o who has major trust issues?
Will do 🫡 warning it’s kinda crappy and rushed because I didn’t start it until Wednesday this week. Also to the other person who requested smth a week ago give me a couple more days, I was being lazy af but I will post it eventually. Also I don’t really have trust issues so I apologize if this doesn’t seem accurate
Yu-gi-oh boys with a S/o that has trust issues
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Yugi Muto
Literally the most understanding person alive
I mean he had to get Yami to trust him and Yami is top tier trust issues
When you two met it was short and prompt
You guys were partners for a project and when he tried to talk to you were very quiet and never voiced your opinions about the project
It annoyed him a little but knew that you just needed time
Which he of course does
But even since that project he would also come up to you and talk to you even if you try to shoo him off
Eventually he somehow got you to start dating him but it still isn’t easy
He tries his hardest to help you but sometimes you just shut him out
Eventually he sat down with you and made you talk about everything
And I mean everything
He got you to spill eventually which was hard to say the least
After that you were still in the fence about telling him things but you usually would tell him everything
He loves you even if you don’t tell him anything though
Whenever you do he’s so proud of you
Even if it’s the littlest thing about your life
“What happened today?”
“Well… Tea told me that I looked pretty today. I don’t think she meant it though.”
“I’m sure she did. After all you always look amazing.”
“Yugi cut it out.”
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Yami Yugi
Two peas in a pot over here
You can only imagine how hard it was for you two to start dating
Honestly I’m not even going to get into it-
When you two started dating it was really hard
You both wouldn’t tell each other anything
It ruined your relationship a little bit
Eventually one of you had to break
It was a very slow break though
It started with just one of you starting to talk more and more about you like even if it’s small things
Soon the other one started to catch on subconsciously and do the same thing without them actually knowing it
Eventually one of you hinted to each other that it might be a good idea to afford therapy
You both hopped on the idea thinking you were only doing it for the other one
Couples therapy was hard
Especially when neither one of you were speaking you mind
It worked though
I mean only a little bit but still
You two try to have a little talking session which works surprisingly
Yami did get into a couples fights with you now and then about not being truthful and never telling him anything but it usually ends after an hour or so
Even through all of this you still love each other immensely
You both know that this won’t work for ever but for now you’re happy how you are
“Where were you last night?”
“I’d rather not talk about it.”
“You weren’t anywhere dangerous were you?”
“No Yami.”
“Good. I love you.”
“I love you too…”
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Joey Wheeler
He got you out of your shell
I honestly don’t know how and I don’t think he does either
When he met you at first you were very short a blunt but he just kept annoying you and eventually you guys got closer
By a landslide
Anywhere you were at he was at
He followed you like a kicked little puppy
But somehow by doing this it worked
Even if it was really small you were slowly starting to trust him more and more because you knew he wasn’t going anywhere
Honestly it got to the point where you called the cops on him because he was outside of your window with a black hoodie on
And you had no idea it was him
You thought it was some drug dealer or kidnapper
Safe to say you felt really bad about the whole cop situation
That was his chance to break your walls
He went inside with you and honestly kind of guilt tripped you until you broke and spilled all your feelings
But just because you broke didn’t mean you lost all of your walls
When you realized what he did you kicked him out and would ignore him whenever he came up to you
It went on like that until he apologized to you and you forgave him barely
You were still a little mad at him but we’re starting to let it go
Soon after it went back to how it was with him following you like a little puppy
When you guys started dating your relationship was already changed
You guys have been friends for way over a year and you weren’t as closed off about stuff
Not to say exactly that you trusted him fully
Even though you try
But more like some things you just feel like it’s right to keep to yourself
Which Joey understands and is really proud of your change
He also understands if you don’t want to elaborate further than needed in your views
“How was dinner, Sweets?”
“It was ok.”
“We had fun, Joey.”
“You sure?”
“Ok then, I’m glad.”
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Seto Kaiba
Rudest one out of all the boys
He met you and somehow you two just were always with each other
You were probably the babysitter for Mokuba and since where every Seto went Mokuba went so you did too
You two ended up getting together and it was a mess at the beginning
Seto was really busy so you acted like you were really busy as well but in reality you weren’t
Just because he isn’t with you all the time doesn’t mean he doesn’t pick up on things
He always noticed how closed off you were and unwilling to trust him even after dating for more that 4 months
He knows that some of it is his fault because he’s never with you
But instead of being with you more he hired you a therapist
The only thing is you didn’t know they were a therapist
They slowly became your friend and you would share more and more and they would give you feedback
That was until you found out they were your therapist
You lost it on Seto
Yelling at him while he talked back in a stern voice telling you it was for your own good
You two fought for at least a week but you two also got closer during it
He’s starting to understand your boundaries more and is more nicer about things
And your trying to share more and not be closed off to him
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t think to tell you, Seto.”
“I don’t know.”
“Please next time tell me this.”
“I will. I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok.”
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rakkiankh · 2 years
The extent of my Yugiouh knowledge is watching a couple abridged episodes, watching Little Kuriboh's Lady Gaga song parodies, and making a pair of OCs (it was a chick who finds Yugi absolutely obnoxious plus her millennium item friend who was in love with... uh... Yami? Atem?... With Yugi but tall). So sitting here scrolling through your posts is just like "I am fascinated and I know so little." Is fun
Yugioh is a goddamn train wreck.
The first seven volumes of the manga got censored and rewritten into an anime by Toei, that hasn't been acknowledged in over 20 years outside of copyright takedowns.
By the 8th volume, Kazuki Takahashi had struck gold with a one off game called Duel Monsters that he then pivoted the entire series from a villain of the week formula to one where people fight to the death with pieces of paper in fights that can last for half a volume. This got made into a completely separate anime by Studio Gallop that retconned literally everything that happened in the previous anime/first 7 volumes.
Then came 4kids. Not only did they change so many things from the original studio Gallop version that they've been the butt of internet jokes for years but they actually paid studio Gallop to make more filler of the show. At least 2 seasons of content not seen anywhere else in canon was funded by 4kids into this series, and most of it contradicts things that happen in the same show.
Did you know Alexander the Great was a yugioh character? He wielded ancient egyptian magic, and split into a good side and bad side after he died in an egyptian pyramid that was in the middle of India for no reason? Because thanks to 4kids, thousands of dollars were spent to animate that very thing and even though it's technically a spin off series several streaming services have just stuck it in the middle of the actual show.
The final arc of the manga was tragically rushed because the Takahashi was hospitalized during the previous arc and was terrified with the idea that he could die before finishing the series.
This resulted in many unfortunate decisions like making the plot make no sense, almost completely forgetting to do the one thing that was foreshadowed early in the series to the point it got tacked on after the big bad was killed despite it making no sense, and probably most tragically, giving the main antagonist a massive dragon dick for no fucking reason. Makes it really hard to take him seriously.
Studio Gallop tried to fix this broken mess, and while they improved a couple things they also managed to make it worse. They also kept the dragon dick which makes literally every attempt 4kids made to censor it really fucking funny so maybe it isn't that bad.
Now why did I feel the need to respond to your ask with such a long, detailed explanation of this series, anon? Because unfortunately, even with my knowledge of the series I barely know what's going on either. There are at least 3 different canons going on at once and they don't usually line up with each other.
Yugioh is very much a train wreck. It's both amazing to witness, batshit insane and really fucking bad at points, and once you look at it you can't look away.
With that said I do recommend it if you're willing to go through all that, the characters are great and you don't even need to understand the card game to enjoy it cuz I sure as he'll don't.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Hey there Savi.. could i request a kou,mitsuba and tsukasa x reader where their s/o gets bullied alot?? I've been struggling with it recently and now that school is going to start again im dreading it .. thank you in advance <3
kou minamoto x gn!reader, mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader, tsukasa yugi x gn!reader
a/n: of course!! I’m really sorry that you’ve had experiences like that, but I also genuinely hope that this year will be better! You’ve got this-!! And don’t be afraid to ask for help <3 you’re so so welcome, tho I’m sure schools probably started by now, therefore I’m super sorry for the time this took- and thank you so much for requesting <3
Waaaaaah i’m also sorry if it’s OOC, cos I know Tsukasa’s at least is;;; writer’s block is aaaaaaah-;; I’ve genuinely been writing this since September 19th,,,,
warnings: bullying
word count: 2,044
kou minamoto <3
You glanced at your phone screen, the date flashing up at you. It was depressing. Thoughts of previous years danced in your head, as you shut your phone back off. You currently stood outside of your school, “open house” finally over. School was starting back in just a few days. Your days of freedom could be counted on one hand… this was, by far, one of your least favorite times of the year.
“(Y/N)! Do you still want to walk to the park?” Kou questioned, running up beside you. You nodded, hoping that spending time with your boyfriend would get your mind off of school, and memories related to such. As the two of you began to walk, you could practically feel the question on the tip of Kou’s tongue. He always made himself rather obvious- his hands fidgeted a bit, his gaze lowering to the ground.
“Say, (Y/N)... you seem sad. Is it because school’s starting back?”
You thought for a moment, unsure of how to put it. He certainly wasn’t wrong…
“Yeah, that’s basically it… last year was just… not a good year, haha.”
“Oh? Well, I’m sure this one will be better!! If you want, we can make a list or something? All the bad things about last year can be something we change this year-!”
Despite bitterly knowing that it wasn’t exactly something within your realm of control, you laughed a bit. “That’s… insanely corny, Kou. I didn’t say a terrible idea- just… corny.”
When you glanced up at him, you noticed his red face, as he blurted out an excuse. A moment of fumbling over his words passed, before he gave up, glancing off to the side once more.
“Wh-whatever- I mean, just… like, tell me what’s wrong, if you want to. And I’ll try to help. Alright?”
“It’s really not something either of us can help, Kou.”
“So? I’m your boyfriend,” He seemed a bit embarrassed to say, most likely not used to pulling that sort of card, “If you don’t want to tell me, I can’t make you. But, if you’re alright with telling me, I want to know. Either way, I’m here for you...”
“Ah… I know it, Kou. Honestly, I just… dealt with some bullying last year, so I’m really not looking forward to this year. No matter how much I hear ‘oh, the bully does it to feel better about themself’, it’s just emotionally… hm, awful, you know?”
“Oh… I understand, (Y/N). I do remember some people picking on me, since I have a big brother like Teru- it’s not fun at all. Here!! I’ll stay with you, 24/7! Sit with me during classes, and I’ll hang out with you during free time!” “Thanks, Kou- but we probably won’t have every class together.”
“Then- just tell me if something happens during the class,” He spoke, crossing his arms rather seriously. “I’ll talk with the teacher! Easy peasy!!”
A moment passed, before Kou took your hand, looking at the ground, then back up with you. His eyebrows were furrowed just slightly, his eyes not as wide as they usually were. Kou was being serious- as serious as his sweet mind could let him be. He almost seemed to resemble his big brother even more- when the two were serious.
“If something happens, tell me, okay? I mean it. I don’t want this year to be bad for you- as your friend and boyfriend! Let me do what I can to help, alright?”
You blinked a bit. Kou’s words were so sincere, you felt your heart beat a bit quicker. “A-alright. Thank you, Kou. I really mean it.” You spoke, bringing the boy into a hug to hide whatever sort of expression you were making.
“Of course! You don’t need to thank me, (Y/N). I’m happy to try and help-!”
mitsuba sousuke <3
“(Y/N), if you don’t tell me what’s wrong, I’ll give you something to complain about.”
Ah, Mitsuba… he spoke, his arms crossed as he sat next to you, silently noticing your slightly disheveled clothes. Judging by the slightly down look you wore, too many things were now adding up. Something was bothering you, and he was bound and determined to find out what it was.
“Mitsuba, it’s okay, really. Here! Let’s eat, I’m starving!” You opened up your bento box, sliding one his way, and sticking the chopsticks into your mouth. Though you hummed happily, Mitsuba was… in Detective Mode, to put it lightheartedly. Your every move was being analyzed, as he tried his best to figure out what was wrong. Your eyebrows furrowed, as you swallowed a bit harder than usual.
“What’s the point of lying to me, dummy? If you aren’t hungry, it’s probably because whatever is bothering you is ruining your appetite. Talk to me. I’m serious.”
You sighed, feeling as if the food was stuck in your throat. Or maybe your throat simply felt as though it had a lump in it…? Either way, you were painfully aware of the unpleasant feeling. Along with the creeping suspicion that Mitsuba wasn’t going to leave this alone. Was he good at reading people?? Were you just easy to read…? Or maybe, he was just far too accustomed to the way you reacted to things. Able to focus in on the little things, especially when he wanted to. Perhaps it was the talent of a photographer? Being able to read the entire picture??
Perhaps you were thinking too much into it, desperate for a way to get your mind off of the things going on around you.
“I’m just… dealing with some stuff.”
“Well, duh. What kind of stuff?”
You kept your gaze glued to the floor, fiddling absentmindedly with the chopsticks. You knew you could confide in Mitsuba… yet, something about it felt practically impossible. What would happen if you told him? Could he do anything? He was merely a ghost…
“Oi, I asked a question. Listen, and listen well, you idiot- I know I can’t solve all your problems, but I can at least listen- which is what you’d better be doing right now. You listen to me, though who wouldn’t want to is beyond me, so I can at least do the same. I’m not your therapist, but I am your boyfriend.”
Those words danced around in your mind for a bit, as you considered how to put it. For a moment, you simply nodded, letting Mitsuba know you heard- and were acknowledging- what he said. A few more moments passed before you began to speak.
“Lately, there have been some students… picking on me, I guess. It’s… discouraging, and makes school feel like a living nightmare. You’re the only good thing in my day at this hellhole.”
You tightened your grip on the chopsticks, trying to read Mitsuba’s tone. Suddenly, it clicked- remembering Mitsuba mentioning being bullied for being “feminine” and “foul-mouthed”. He truly, genuinely, understood where you were coming from.
“I see, then… I’ll tell you what to do, (Y/N). Tell an adult, lame-o. I don’t give a flying flip about ‘oh, they won’t believe me’ or ‘what if the bullies blah blah.’ At least try it- it’s hard, but I don’t care about that either. Also, freaking ignore them. Obviously, you don’t want to pay them attention, so don’t.”
“Mitsuba, it’s not that easy-”
“I know. (Y/N), I’ve been in your shoes. Maybe it’s different- I dunno what kind of bullying they’re doing. Still, if you’re good enough for my standards, you know you’re at least worth something. So don’t let those low-lives get you down. I promise you, if I could, I’d give them a piece of my mind. But, since I can’t, just… do it yourself, or something. Don’t endure it, you rat.”
(“Mitsuba, all your insults lowkey feel like bullying-”
“Shut up, stupid-face, you can’t tell a teacher on a ghost. What’re you gonna say?? Waaaah, sensei, school mystery number 3 is calling me names!! Hah.”
“Tsuchigomori-sensei can see you, you know. And he teaches both Minamoto boys!”
“Lalalaaaa, I can’t hear you-”)
tsukasa yugi <3
Tsukasa… knows.
There was no other way to put it. You knew he knew, and you knew he was just waiting. A part of him wanted you to ask him for help- to confide in him, even if it took some pushing. He was… a bit different in that sense- I mean, how was he to know you didn’t enjoy being bullied? Was it the same way he felt when Amane looked at him with such hatred?
“(Y/N)!! What’s with such a sad look?? Did you get a bad test grade?” Tsukasa questioned, floating alongside you as you entered the broadcasting room. You simply shook your head, placing your bookbag on the floor, then standing back up.
“It’s just been a day, Tsu,” You added, taking a seat near Sakura. As you did, she pushed a cup of tea your way, her gaze as it usually was. She looked right through you, as if you were nothing but a ghost. Still, it was a much better look than the ones given by the bullies. Muttering a ‘thank you’, you lifted the cup, fiddling with it slightly.
“If there’s something bothering you, feel free to share it,” Sakura spoke, her gaze staying on you, then finally closing as she sipped from her cup.
“If there’s something bothering you, share it.” Tsukasa added, placing his head on your shoulder and staring at your eyes. His gaze drifted to your hands when you brought the cup to your lips, then over to your throat as you struggled to swallow.
“Runt, if you don’t back away from them, you’ll the the one bothering them,” Natsuhiko spoke, raising his eyebrows at Tsukasa, then offering you a slightly concerned look. His expression was enough for you to know he wanted to know if you were alright- to which you shrugged, reaching up and patting the side of Tsukasa’s face.
“Don’t worry, guys. I’ll be fine, really.”
Sakura pondered for a moment, before standing. “Mitsuba, would you like to walk with me? I should go grab something.”
Mitsuba, who had been sitting off to the side- glanced up, his usual puppy-like expression on his face. “Sure,” He replied, standing up, practically in sync with Natsuhiko.
“I’ll go as well, my lady!”
Oh. She’s doing that on purpose.
Your eyes followed the trio as they left the room, and you could feel Tsukasa’s eyes still stuck on you. The moment the door shut, he spoke. “(Y/N), tell me what’s wrong. You don’t seem to enjoy being miserable!”
“Am I supposed to?” “You’re miserable then? What’s wrong, c’mon!!”
“I didn’t say I was- just that I don’t think many people like it,” You spoke, taking another sip from the tea. The warmth of it made your throat feel hot, but it didn’t help the lump stuck in it.
“(Y/N). Just admit to me what’s wrong, and I’ll do what I can!”
You sighed, not wanting to grow frustrated. Tsukasa was… trying. He just didn’t understand everything- the boy who enjoyed seeing people wear normally unpleasant expressions, of course he wouldn’t personally understand. He wanted to help you, but how could a ghost help? Much less, the ghost of a boy such as him?
“(Y/N)-” “I’m just dealing with some bullies. It’s fine, Tsukasa- I’ll figure something out.”
“I’ll kill them <3”
Tsukasa stepped away from you, crossing his arms. “So, (Y/N), you don’t like it when people bully you? I’ll take care of it! Promise!” “Stop it right there, Mr. Only-grants-wishes-for-the-dead. Don’t ‘take care of them.’ I just need to get enough confidence to tell a teacher or something…”
Tsukasa paused, pouting his lips slightly, before nodding. Quickly, he floated back over to you, and trapped you in a hug. His arms wrapped around you securely, making you feel rather safe for being in the arms of such a destructive boy. “Fine. I’ll go with you, then, (Y/N)! I’ll even hold your hand!! And I definitely won’t let those bullies bother you any more~.”
“Tsukasa, please, don’t do anything drastic-” “Whatever you say, (Y/N). You know I can’t go against the wishes of my cute partner~!”
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bellarosethefangirl · 3 years
“Couples Secret Sexy Session” (Yugi Muto x Reader) 🔞NSFW
Summary: This takes place in an alternate universe in which Yami is Yugi’s brother. You and Yugi become intimate in the car.
Warning: Explicit sexual content not suited for younger readers.
Word Count: 2k
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Yugi and his girlfriend have been dating since their second year of high school. The present day resides in the middle of their third year. They're a cute couple and are always close. Their friends shipped the both of them really hard. Always talking about them together as a group of supportive friends. One day in a particular conversation Joey brought up a naughty question that he thought would be funny. Asking if they ever "have fun" in the bedroom. His female friends Anzu and Serenity roll their eyes. 
“You're such a pervert Joey." Anzu grumbles. 
"Yeah big brother! Yugi is too shy and innocent! So is Y/n!" 
"I agree, I doubt it Joey. My brother would never." Yami Muto said. 
Joey and Tristan look at each other.
"You sure about that?" They say in unison. 
"They're so shy and cute around each other" Serenity argues. 
"I don't know guys Yugi has this look in his eye. I know these things." Duke says smirking.
"You're all perverts." Anzu gets annoyed. 
Serenity and Yami laugh knowing the truth. Yugi and Y/n would never. They’re a bashful sweet couple. It’s true too. You and your boyfriend are a loving couple. You’re without a doubt what your friends call, “couple goals”. However some of your friends fail to realize you’re both not as innocent as they thought. Even your friends Joey, Tristan, and Duke fail to realize how intimate your relationship is. They had a feeling you’re both intimate but they never knew how deeply intimate you two can be.
"Yugi, thank you so much for taking me to that movie. I loved it!" 
"Anything for you angel. It was fun." He smiles while driving. 
You grab his free hand giving him a lustful gaze. He's dressed up nicely today. You don't mind that he usually wears his school uniform but when he doesn't his regular clothes suit him very nicely. To you he looks so handsome. He notices your lustful gaze at him, smirking to himself. You see he's driving somewhere else. To an abandoned building. The parking lot is old and you notice he parked all the way in the back. 
"What are you doing Yugi?" 
"I want you, Angel." He looks at you with a dreamy lustful gaze. 
He looked so damn good you couldn't resist. Not with the look in his eyes when he wants to be intimate.
"It's been a couple weeks since we've made love." You comment while stroking his cheek.
"I know... I miss you. Can we do it here?"  
Your smile widens. As always he is thoughtful and caring. He wouldn’t want you to do it with him in the car unless you wanted to. He knew you prefer somewhere private. 
"Yes Yugi! I need you!!" You say as your overwhelming desire for him runs your mouth for you. 
You two go to the back seat where Yugi has you on his lap grinding against you. You’re both still clothed but his hands wander to your waist and butt while you two make out hungrily. 
"I- its our first time doing it in a car." You say, making him grin. 
"I can't wait to do it. I'm excited for the experience." He responds.
He pulls you on top of him as he lays back thrusting upwards. You remove your top revealing a lacy bra for his eyes. It wasn’t the first time he has seen your undergarments. He lightly blushed as he enjoyed the sight.
"Oh Y/n you know me so well. I love your strapless lacy bras. It's been a while since you've worn one.”
He watched as your chest bounced while you grind on his lower half. You felt him harden underneath your lap. Fuck you love his skinny jeans.
"Y-Yugi. You're really needy today.” You say between moans.
He grins mischievously. 
"Do you blame me?" He eyes your body just like he did the first night you guys did it. Very romantic and heated. 
You’re wearing a black mini skirt with a black leather choker and combat boots which you already removed before getting on top of him. His shoes beside yours on the floor. You sigh happily at the thought of the first night you two share. You want honest love making with your boyfriend so you give him a look of love he understands returning the look. 
"I love you too dream-girl."
He calls you that sometimes when you two become intimate since he finds you to be the girl of his dreams. You share a sweet loving kiss with him. You begin unbuttoning his vest and button up top. Revealing his semi buff chest you eye him happily. He looks dreamy to you. You remove it sliding it down his shoulders while you kiss his neck with sweet feathery kisses. He moans at your kisses. You know his sweet spots on his neck memorizing his sensitive areas to which you begin licking and biting at. He wraps his arms around your hourglass waist holding you closer. Your chests press against another making you two moan. It added to the steamy moment. You give his neck one last enticing bite. He removes your bra looking at your breasts. 
"I miss your body so much." He licks around the areolas making you mew. Your lust for him became stronger. He wouldn't stop grinding either.
"Oh Yugi!" 
He sucks your breast enveloping it in his mouth. You look down at him to see his eyes are on you. Yugi loves how red your face is. Your breathless enjoying the feeling of your bud hardening on his tongue. Yugi’s face slightly reddens at the feeling. You kiss his forehead finding his blush adorable. 
"Are you ready?" He asks. 
"Yes Yugi I'm ready.” You say with eagerness.
He laid you on the seat gently positioning himself. He holds your hips looking your body up and down. His facial expressions show his feelings for you. Purple eyes full of love and happiness. You couldn't believe how dreamy his smile is. You two have red lines across your faces as he leans his body over yours hovering above. Your hands still intertwined as he pushes himself in. His warmth gave you goosebumps but his body felt soft to the touch. He didn't have any imperfections. 
"I-I love you Yugi.." You moan against his loving kiss. 
"And I love you dream-girl."
He began to thrust inside you making you grip his hands tighter. Your eyes never left each other causing you to blush deeper. A sexy grin ran across his face peppering your neck and face in kisses. 
"You’re such a beautiful little daisy. You’re mine for the taking and I won't let go. Not ever..." He whispers the last part softly beginning to thrust faster. 
You moan and blush deeper at his words. He kissed your forehead sweetly. You hear him moaning his pet names for you. Your heart beat rises from his words. He's such a flirt when you two are alone. You begin moaning his name. 
"Y/n..... Ah..! I won't be able to hold back much longer! I need you!" 
You get a bit embarrassed. 
"Yugi..... I-I ... yes... aah! Make love to me! Show me I'm your girlfriend." 
He says your name playfully. His thrusts are now so hard he's making the car bounce. Your bodies rock against each other as does your head. 
"Mmm... yes!!!!" You shout with excitement. "More Yugi! Give me more!" You praise.
He really made you his. The car shook back and forth violently. It's faster than before! Your walls tighten around Yugi he closes his eyes in pleasure. When he opens his eyes he's looking down at you as if you’re the only girl in the world. You lustfully smile giving him a look of love. He moans your name. 
"I'm about to release.” He said with his eyes clutched.
His face is sweaty with a red line across his features. You scream from all the sensations. He's so rough with you making you go crazy! 
"If I feel this good, I'll fall in love with you even more!" You moan under your stupor. He leans down kissing you after you said that. 
"Together my love!!" He said.
You moan agreeing with him. You two release together moaning in unison. Your hands never left each other through out the entire time. You two cuddle in each other's arms relaxing. You sigh breaking the silence. 
"We should get going to your house Yugi." 
He smiles kissing you. You two spent the next ten minutes cuddling and relaxing. He gets dressed then helps you get into your clothes. The drive to his house felt so nice. You can't describe the feeling but your heart shakes with love for Yugi. He makes you feel so loved and he continues holding your hand even while he is driving. When you got out of the car your legs wobbled making you fall into his arms. He smirks at that. He picks you up in his arms carrying you up to his room to continue showing you that you’re his girlfriend. 
The house is empty allowing you and your boyfriend to be as romantic as you two desire. Your nude bodies tangle themselves together into a new position on top of the blue blanket on his bed. His twin sized bed felt so comfortable with the foam padding underneath you. He has your legs up high stretching down beside your face. You're so wet it leaks out your vaginal area acting as a lubricant for your lover. His sexy face made you shutter. Your heart flutters when you two kiss. He holds your legs down just above the ankles as he gave it to you. It felt so good having his warmth against you. He some how felt deeper in this position and he knew it. Your insides are screaming as you yell in satisfaction. He filled you up entirely and he felt rock hard at that. The feeling is almost as good as before. You get wetter thinking how hard he made the car shake earlier. How he pounds into you is what made your lewd thoughts take over. His star shaped hair swishes around as he rotates his hips making you scream. How he enjoyed your cries of pleasure. You feel so overwhelmingly tight he releases inside without warning.
"R-Ra...! Y/n!!" He said your name as loud as his voice would allow him.
You scream his name in a way you didn't know you could. He pants blushing at how you call for him. Perhaps it was your lewd thoughts but you had no shame in the bedroom with your Yugi. He didn't let his warmth leave you as he continues thrusting in you ignoring the mess he made inside you. It mixed so well. He's pushing more inside while some squished around the sides of his cock. You drool enjoying the feeling. The wet mess made your insides tremble in a horribly wonderful manner. It felt so bad yet so good at the same time. The heat down in your sacred regions became twice as hot from this. His pumps echo in his quiet room as the slaps from your soaked pussy made an irresistible noise that made you two very horny for each other. 
"Wow.. I want you more. These sounds are making me crazy hot for you." He says thrusting in the same position. Your legs tremble as you finally speak. 
You mewed at his next actions. He grins slamming into you. He always enjoys your bedroom talk. He winks. Your heart races from your lust for him when he says that. You scream from sensitivity. 
"Yugi I'm...!!!" You gasp.
His half lid eyes watch you as you orgasm. You tremble and shake in ways he's imagined during your two week hiatus from the bedroom. He watches in pleasure slamming himself more until he finally has an orgasm of his own. Drool slowly runs down the corner of his mouth as he threw his head up calling for you. His middle deep voice hollered in the way you adore so much. Gods you love this guy. He let's go of your legs allowing you to slowly place them on the bed tiredly. They're so sore. 
"Looks like you'll be limping for a week" He watches your legs tremble. You sigh. 
"You'll have to help me Yugi." 
He smiles kissing you. You kiss back wrapping your arms around him. He grabs your breasts massaging them. 
"Mmm babe" You moan, making him smile at the cute way you said his pet name. 
You two begin to french kiss panting in between trying to breath. You two didn't want to waste time on something so little because all that mattered is giving your partner attention. You slip your hands in your vaginal area covering your hand in your sticky mess. You lick a finger seductively in front of him then hold it out for him to lick. His pink tongue pokes out, licking it off your fingers. He then spreads your legs open, licking up your wetness. You're so drenched you suck in his face. 
"Damn you’re wet... there's no way..." 
He goes for round two but his tongue only made you wetter and wetter. It's dripping all over his bed and his mouth. 
"Screw it." He says, getting into position.
Your eyes widen with excitement. Your face burnt from intense blushing. He then slams back right inside you. You scream excitedly. You’re so sensitive from the past sessions you're not thinking about anything. All that matters is your lover pounding into you. 
He moans and groans. You sucked him in and then he slipped out so quickly that he's sure he's pumped into you more than he's ever had before. He feels so good slick and fast as if he's covered in lube. This is so much better. He's covered in your wetness yet he still feels so hard. He moans, continuing to pound. 
He's holding your thighs spreading them wide apart the entire time. Your bent knees shake and bounce to the rhythm of his pounding. His bed even began to shake. This is the last one and you've both reached your limits. Your both panting so hard it's crazy how you two are needy enough for this that you ignore your bodies screaming for rest. Your muscles burn but it made you two grind against each other faster. He watches your breasts bounce in so many directions he's wondering how fast you two are going at it. Tears of pleasure fills both your eyes as you two moan. Once you two orgasm one final time you two drool with satisfied looks of pleasure. You scream joyously calling for you boyfriend desperately as he does so with your name in return. You two tremble against each other's bodies reveling in the mess you two made as he fills you up. The blanket is soaked wet. Your pussy is soaked gushing his aftermath. His member is drained empty twitching against your leg. You two sigh regaining your breath. 
"I love you Yugi." You say tiredly.
"I love you too dream-girl." He smiles at you lovingly. 
You both fell asleep shortly waking up to a huge but very pleasing mess.
70 notes · View notes
Heya! Thank you for answering my request! Now, can I get yandere big bro. Not an incest obviously l. teru, kou and tsukasa and hanako with little sis/bro gn s/o?
Now the thing is s/o usually got a mistreat at school due to people jealous of them (kou,teru) on tsukasa & hanako case (a yokai seems to wanting tsukasa & hanako beloved dead)
However s/o seems to not mind it at all. Btw, s/o is student at the school. And seems to be reincarnated after they die, and seems to believed hanako & tsukasa after they said they were s/o ghost brother and s/o reincarnated.
Now what would be the scenario when they find s/o is sitting on the floor. Wet around their hair and their clothes seems to be been damaged. When they Ask what happen s/o said.
"oh, big brother, I'm sorry...i'm really is...today is your birthday...but..." S/o keep cry and then said this while sobbing so hard "today, there's a girl who want me to introduce her to you. But I want to give you the gift and reject her, the girl obviously didn't take it well and...she make her group do this" "i-i...keep...trying to saving money to buy you this caused i want it to be secret...but-i..guess..there's nothing to give to you" while showing a blue (blue sky) (blue light) kou.
Tsukasa & Hanako Case
"big brother...since this is your both birthday I thought it would be better to get you both a gift. But there's a girl who hate me. I didn't even knew why?" And then s/o just said while sobbing "I..know big brother hanako love donut, and and I'm sure big brother tsukasa loves it too...so I baked a homemade donut, but that girl destroy it...she...she said my cook is the worst and people who eat it will puked and not even a ghost want it" "also she steal the necklace that I buy for you two since she say I did not deserved that"
Green (hanako) red (tsukasa)
Headcannon and oneshot again please!
The Minamoto brothers and the Yugi twins with a bullied younger sibling❣︎
Warings: Hinting to murder?, bullying, abuse, slight cursing
A/n: Hey! Of course of course, I try to answer requests to the best of my ability!
I did this with the siblings combined so hope you don’t mind shshjsh
Heehee hope you enjoy, my love~
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Teru was your older brother and he made that known to the school
You loved the fact that you were known as Teru’s younger sibling
You loved your brother
But you knew you would be used for it
People would fake being your friend just to get close to Teru
Then once they got rejected, they always blamed you
You didn’t mind, you still wanted to be Teru’s younger sibling
Teru slowly picked up on this
He knew something was up so he told Kou
Those two tried to keep a close eye on you
But while they were there, it look like you had lots of friends
But when they left the bullying begun again
But sooner or later, the other girls true colors will start to show
Teru and Kou are protective brothers
The girls in your class should have known to not get on your brothers bad side
“Teru-nii! Looks like you got a lot of presents!” Kou called out, running to his older brother who was standing at the entrance of the school. Teru chuckled and looked back at his backpack which was full with presents from fangirls.
“Well, I guess I do...” Teru patted his younger brother on the head, making him smile brightly. “Where’s Y/n? Aren’t they supposed to be with you after cleaning the bathroom?”
“They are…” Kou's expression turned into a slightly worried one “but they said they had to go early. They told me something about wanting to get something prepared to give to you for your birthday…”
Teru sighed, he was worried. He already had suspicions that you were getting mistreated in your class but he didn’t know for sure so he never confronted you about it. He has confronted Kou about this and he had the same suspictions as well.
“Well let's go get them!” Teru clapped his hands and made his way towards the building.
“Do you think it's…” Kou didn’t want to finish the sentence.
“Let's hope not.” Teru’s carefree expression lowered at the thought. “Do you know where they went?”
Kou thought for a moment.
“No, but I know they aren’t in the old school building…”
Teru and Kou walked around the school for a while, looking for you in no avail. Kou pointed out little droplets of water that slowly got bigger reaching to the school's lockers. The boys froze when they heard sounds of sobbing. They turned the corner to see you facing your lockers drenched in water. You leaned onto your locker, closing it.
“Y/n..!” Kou called out, making you turn to him. “What happened?!”
“Who the hell did this to you…?” Teru asked, examining your ripped close and abused appearance. You looked at him and only cried more.
“I’m sorry big brother Teru…”
“Y/n, you don't need to be sorry, this isn’t your fault..!” Teru hugged you “What happened..?”
“I-its your birthday today… but there was this girl who wanted me to introduce you to her... but I said no, she didn’t take it too well and did this…” You sobbed into his shoulder. Teru’s grip on you tightened thinking about how this only happened while he was outside with Kou.
“I-I saved my money… to buy you a nice sky blue necklace… and I even got big brother Kou light blue one as well… b-but she destroyed it and I don’t have anything to g-give you…”
“Y/n that’s so sweet! We are extremely thankful!” Kou tried to lighten the mood a bit, giving you a gracious smile. You could see tears pricking the corner of his eyes. Teru was still angry that his suspicions were true, he was praying they weren’t.
“Who did this?” Teru sternly asked.
“I-it’s fine Teru…” You kneeled to the ground picking up pieces from the necklace she destroyed “She already left… there is nothing I can do now…”
“Y/n… please…” Kou kneeled down next to you and put his hand on yours.
“Guys, what would make me feel better is if we got home… can we please go home?” Your voice was begging. You just wanted to be in a warm blanket watching T.V. with your siblings.
That's all you wanted right now.
“Okay… I’m sorry Y/n, let's go home okay!” Teru gave you his jacket which you happily accepted.
“Even though I couldn’t get the gift, it meant the world to me!”
You sighed walking to your classroom. It was early and you were tired. You were happy your brothers didn’t ask you about it for the rest of the night, you didn’t want them to worry. You thought you would get a load from the girls who did this to you yesterday but you were shocked when she bowed in front of you instead.
“Y/n! I am so sorry! Please forgive me for what I did to you yesterday! It was very rude of me and I am very sorry!” She was shaking.
“Oh, uh, it’s alright..! No need to bow, I forgive you…” You put your hands in front of your chest, genuinely confused. Once she stood straight up you saw a big red mark on her cheek. She had tears in her eyes but ran to her desk before you could get a better look at her. You looked to Tsuchigomori who only nodded with an apologetic look on his face.
‘What happened this morning…?’
“Teru? You still look down?” Kou faced his brother as they both walked to class.
“Sorry Kou… just a little upset by the person who did this to Y/n…” Teru apologetically smiled.
“Well you slapped her, that taught her a lesson!” Kou encouraged.
“Trust me Kou,” Teru’s smile turned into a frown
“If a teacher wasn’t there, I would have kicked her ass.”
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Amane found it unforunate you were caught in the crossfire of him and his brothers conflic causing you too kill yourself as well
Tsukasa thought it was great that his younger sibling was now dead too
Gosh Tsukasa-
But what they didn’t expect was for you to get resurrected
You were able to see supernaturals yourself and you couldn’t age from the day you died but you weren’t a ghost like your brothers
Tsuchigamori helped you establish a somewhat normal school life
It was all good for the most part, you were back in school, Hanako was the leader of the 7 mysteries, and Tsukasa was just crazy happy
The fact you are getting mistreated is mostly Tsukasa’s fault
Like he can make a lot of enemies so when the fish yokai (that he killed) saw how close you and Tsukasa were, of course they wanted to kill you
It was also a perk that you were Hanako’s sibling since they wanted to get back at him as well for stealing their princess Yashiro away from them
You were weak and had a human body, you were perfect
Amane had no idea about this, Tsukasa didn’t know you were being abused but he did know he pissed off those fish AND HE PISSED EM OFF GOOD-
You figured you would be a target for yokai since your older brothers are powerful
Of course, you didn’t mind this
You knew this would happen so it’s alright!
But the thing was, it wasn’t so alright with your older brothers
Hanako watched the cherry blossoms fall from the tree that he sat under. It was November 25, his birthday, and you said you wanted to have a talk with the two boys. Normally you would talk to them separately because you knew how Amane felt towards his twin brother, but today you wanted to talk to them together. Hanako cancelled his normal cleaning duty and waited where you said to meet up.
“Amane!!” He heard a scream from behind him but before he could turn around he felt someone hug him, wrapping their legs around his waist.
“Oh, Tsukasa…” Hanako said softly, personally finding this kind of awkward.
“Where’s Y/n?? It’s been so long since I’ve seen them!” Tsukasa removed his head from Amane’s neck looking around for you.
“Oh, they aren’t here yet, and I remember them saying they saw you two days ago…”
“So long ago!” Tsukasa whined and Amane sighed at his childish behavior. It went silent but thankfully Tsukasa quickly broke it.
“Didn’t Y/n say to meet them here 15 minutes ago??”
“Yeah they did…” Amane started to get worried.
“They're late!” Tsukasa pouted.
“You’re late as well Tsukasa… And we should go look for them.”
“I’ll lead the way! I know where their last class is!” He stood up and started marching, Hanako closely behind him.
They walked around the school for a while, watching students run across the halls to their clubs, laughing and gossiping with one another. Tsukasa continued to march, not losing the bounce in his step. They came closer to the sound of someone crying, sobs getting louder as they approached a classroom. The twins looked at each other before Tsukasa opened the door.
You jumped slightly, removing your head from between your legs to look at who came in. You only began to cry more realizing it was your two brothers.
“Y/n…?” Tsukasa slightly whispered to himself, staying at the door's entrance.
“Y/n! What happened?!” Amane ran to you, fearing you were hurt in any way. He put his arm on your wet shoulder, looking around to see if there were any visible bloody wounds. He looked at your uniform which was damaged and had a few cuts in it. Your hair was also wet like if someone poured water on you. Tsukasa slowly made his way over to you, examining you up and down. You couldn’t make out the expression on his face but you knew anger was there.
“I-I’m sorry…” You said a little above a whisper.
“You’re sorry for what..?” Amane asked, moving the wet hair out of your face to get a better look at your soaked, tear-stained face.
“Big brothers...since this is both your birthdays... I thought it would be better to get you both a gift. But there are these fish yokai who don’t like me..!” You picked up a couple red and green gems from the floor. Hanako’s eyes widened.
“I... know big brother Amane liked donuts and I assume big brother Tsukasa likes them as well… but they took the donuts I made you saying my cooking was t-the worst and you wouldn’t want it..!” You continued “And they took the necklace I bought for you guys saying I don’t deserve it…”
“Were they talking fish..?” Tsukasa's voice was cold, eyes wide with rage. You only nodded your head.
“Amane, will you stay with y/n? I have something I need to do.” Tsukasa turned to Amane. Hanako already knew what he was going to do.
He was going to go after the mermaid and her fish. There was nothing he could say to stop him.
“O-okay… do what you have to do…” Amane nodded and Tsukasa left the room.
“W-wait… where is he going..?” You started to get up but Amane sat you back down.
“Hey, don’t worry Y/n… older brother Tsukasa is going to take care of this okay?” Amane hugged you.
“But I don’t mind the fish… it’s fine-”
“No. It’s not.” Amane’s aura grew darker before his loving brotherly smile appeared again.
“And hopefully by tomorrow, you won’t have to deal with those disgusting fish!”
“Y/n! Amane!” Tsukasa called out as he walked down the halls. When he approached the door he opened it revealing you and Amane laughing. You were somewhat dry and you stopped crying.
“Tsukasa!” You got up and gave him a hug.
“What happened to those fish…?” Worryness in your voice.
“Don’t worry about it Y/n! You don’t need to worry about them anymore!” He childishly smiled, bringing ease to you.
“Amane approached you two, smiling. He looked to see Tsukasa’s hand that was behind his back covered in blood. Hanako's smile dropped and he went silent. He quickly regained his composure and turned to you.
“Yeah, Y/n you don’t need to worry about those fish. Your big brothers will kill any other supernatural that dares hurt you!”
204 notes · View notes
shokobuns · 3 years
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something sweet
maybe having someone to help you out in the stockroom wasn't so bad after all.
PAIRING: itadori yuuji x reader
GENRE: fluff, strangers to lovers
WARNINGS: almost stabbed, mentions of sharp things (boxcutters and broken glass), making out
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it’s not like you had a problem with the same menial tasks everyday.
in fact, you would even say that it was a fun way to spend your free period. it was better than doing some complicated assignment or even having to talk to people with your lack of sleep and patience. coffee never allowed for a proper nap no matter how exhausted you were and your teacher wouldn’t allow that anyways.
it was an easy job that you could do with minimal help. all you had to do was put the beakers away, clean up the floor once in awhile, maybe pop some bubble wrap when new packages arrived. being alone in the stockroom was nice because you were able to turn on some music on your headphones, do whatever dances you felt like doing as long as you were still doing your job. no help was needed or wanted.
“where should i put this?”
you jump, nearly stabbing the blonde haired boy behind you with a boxcutter. luckily, he was quick, jumping backwards with a yelp as you took a deep breath in to process the situation. you didn’t accidentally hurt the boy in front of you, did you? your face falls and the initial rush of fear turns into guilt. “i’m sorry! i didn’t know you were there!”
“it’s okay,’ he responds with a smile, unphased by the fact his shirt had almost been slashed, ‘i understand. you’re probably here alone most of the time, right?”
“yeah, i wasn’t expecting for anyone else to be here,” you sigh before realizing what he had probably walked in on before the whole ordeal, “wait.. did you see me doing anything?”
“you’re a pretty good dancer if that’s what you’re asking.”
embarrassment. your cheeks feel unbelievably hot and your stomach turns while embarrassment settles in your body. this period was your alone time, your chance to flail about and having someone else witness it? definitely not preferable. although, he does seem nice and he hasn’t made fun of you. not yet, at least.
his voice brings you out of your train of thought. “so, where should i put that thing?”
he carries on as if nothing happened. thank god. “the flask goes in that cabinet, bottom shelf. you’ll see more just like it.” you reply, pointing to the space.
he mumbles a quick thank you before doing unloading more of the new flasks onto the cabinet. you work on your own, choosing to count the new magnets on the other side of the room, doing your best to avoid him considering you just embarrassed yourself in front of the stranger by nearly injuring him for asking a simple question. though, he looks slightly familiar, he’ll probably be gone tomorrow and that’s all that matters.
behind you, yuji takes small glances while he puts away the flasks, waiting for you to turn around and ask for his name. hell, he’s waiting for any type of question. after all, who sees a random boy in their work space and doesn’t question it at all?
when the next day comes, you’re proven wrong because he sits in the chair, awaiting another order from you. you curse under your breath before putting on a faux smile. “do you need help with anything?”
“do you need help with anything?”
“no, thanks. i’m good on my own. you can go back to whatever you do in this period.”
he scratches his head, eyebrows furrowing together. “i thought you needed help. that’s what my math teacher told me when he sent me here.”
“not really? i can usually get a lot done on my own. who told you i needed help?”
“gojo. i’m his teacher assistant, but i don’t know how to do the math he’s teaching, so i can’t really help anyone.” he explains
“oh, yeah! i had him for calculus last semester,” your eyes light up at the mention of your favorite white haired mentor, “weird guy. good teacher.”
wait. gojo’s teacher assistant?
you’ve heard your friends talk about him, given that they were in that exact class the blonde haired boy was supposed to be in right now. the one guy that pe teachers fawn over and coaches try to recruit? why did they put him in the math department instead of pe? what’s his name again? yuki? yugi?
“you’re yuji itadori?”
“yuji itadori.” he confirms and you’re relieved. good thing you didn’t mess up his name.
no wonder he looked familiar. miwa was fascinated by his physical ability, you distinctly remember her pointing him out during lunch and telling you about how he was ‘scarily fast’ and could probably ‘lift ten of her at a time.’ although, it was from far away and he was partially blocked by a girl with short brown hair and megumi, the intimidating spikey haired quiet boy in some of your classes.
but yuji didn’t look like someone who could lift ten miwas up close. maybe he was hiding behind the oversized hoodie he wore, but he was a kind looking boy with wide eyes and messy tufts of strawberry blonde hair. throughout the short time you’ve seen him up close, he always had a slight smile on his resting face. in short, he looked approachable and was seemingly friendly.
“so, do you need help with anything?” he asks again and you decide that maybe he can be of use to you. especially if he has the strength that miwa had described.
“actually, yeah. can you lift those boxes over there and bring them to the other side of the room? they’re kind of heavy-”
she was correct because he lifts the box, which is supposedly about thirty kilograms according to your teacher, with ease. now, you don’t have to constantly go back and forth around the room just to put the packaged metal away in a farther cabinet and he can probably just put them away himself, too. it goes that way for the next hour and a half, both of you staying in your respective sides of the room, putting away your own respective items.
“thanks, itadori.”
“call me yuji.”
“will do.”
over the next two weeks, you two don’t talk as much as yuji had hoped.
he still remembers gojo’s words of encouragement, his push to get his favorite student to talk to the person who drops off notes to the teacher across the hallway from time to time. he’s never talked to you and he doubts you would even know that he existed in the first place. in fact, he was perfectly content with just stapling the papers that gojo would give him, maybe getting his own homework done in the period, but he was insistent.
“i’ve seen you staring outside the window whenever they pass by, yuji. just talk to them.”
“it’s okay.’
“no it’s not. get to know her. what if they’re nice? hmmmmm?”
“i’ll talk to her myself at some point.”
that was all it took for gojo to leave him alone, not that he didn’t like gojo or anything, especially with gojo being his second favorite teacher in the first place, but he’s content with his little crush. and again, he doubted that you would remember him in your history class and from the looks of it, he was right.
he just didn’t expect to be sent at the very stockroom that you would be in. for the rest of the semester. gojo had definitely set him up for something.
yuji was in that conflicting position in which he didn’t know whether to start a conversation or not because he didn’t want to bother you. but he also wanted to get to know you up close. of course he can sense your exhaustion himself through droopy eyelids that threaten to close and your dependence on caffeine, something he had learned about you so far in these few weeks. the only thing, it seems like.
as for you, a short talk with your science teacher confirmed that he wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon and though you will miss dancing around the stockroom by yourself, he wasn’t bad company. he mostly kept to himself, often being more rigid when you barely spared him a glance. at the times you would speak to him, he seemed more excitable and easygoing, listening to every word you say.
“come help me by unboxing these beakers, alright?” you patted the spot next to you before sliding the blade down the tape, “don’t worry. i’m not gonna stab you.”
“i guess i’ll help,” he snorts, “don’t you usually do these by yourself?”
“yeah, but since you’re spending the semester with me in here, we might as well get to know each other right?”
the whirring of the fan, the sound of your voice — it all seemed to fade into the background as his heart thumped hard in his chest. a million thoughts, both good and bad, race through his head as he formulated different questions, answers, and scenarios in his mind, all of them being a jumble of fantasy and panic.
you wave a hand in front of his face in an attempt to catch his attention. he seemed completely frozen, staring at you with dead eyes and it’s now that you realize you haven’t seen him up this close. honey brown eyes, the soft curve of his nose, and were those crinkles under his eyes, too? up until now, you only knew him as the ‘athletic man who was bad at math’, but he was also undeniably beautiful with his carved face and strawberry blonde hair.
“oh! i’m sorry! did you say you wanted to get to know me?”
“yeah, we’re kind of stuck in this room everyday for an hour and a half together. i might as well find out what your favorite color is or something.”
“red! my turn! what were you listening to when you almost stabbed me?”
“hey! it was an accident!” he giggles, slicing the tape seal down the middle and opening up the package and pointing right at it. “you see that? that could have been me. i should at least know what i’m being stabbed to.”
“meg thee stallion..”
“nevermind. she’s beautiful and i wouldn’t mind dying to her music.”
you snort, thinking up another question. maybe you should ask him about why that megumi guy was so gloomy? nope, might get too personal. what about the reason he’s here? nope, you already know.
“why don’t you do any sports even though you’re literally physically gifted?” you ask curiously. there’s still a smile on his face, but his expression becomes more wistful. you didn’t accidentally hit a spot, did you?
“my grandpa is in the hospital,” oh shit, you think, “i visit him everyday and if i was on a team, i would have to go to practice at the same time.”
“i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to hit a sensitive topic, but that’s sweet of you.’
“i don’t mind. and i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable.”
“no, it’s alright. let’s just keep asking questions then, okay?”
he nods.
in one hour, you learn that yuji itadori also likes karaoke, rice bowls, and that he’s just as bad at science than math. ironic. and yuji enjoys getting to know more about you, falling into easy conversation, becoming less of a nervous wreck. the more you speak, the deeper he falls into the trance and he silently thanks gojo for letting him get a closer look because you’re even better than what he could have imagined.
but the period is coming to an end and it’s time for him to carry off the last box of beakers to his side of the room. at least there’s time for another question and it’s his turn to ask.
“what’s your type?”
you place your fingers on your chin as you think for a moment, finding a common trait in every crush for a proper answer.
“i guess my type would be sweet boys. with pretty faces, like you, i guess.”
the response is nonchalant and you don’t think twice about it. maybe you were a little too tired to process how he’d interpret it or maybe a little too tired to filter yourself, but it slips out of your mouth like butter and you’re completely unphased. shameless, even.
meanwhile, the box drops to the ground and like before, every other noise besides his own heartbeat fades into the background, even the sound of shattering glass. heat creeps of his neck into his cheeks until his face is burning, his feet stuck in their place and his palms becoming uncomfortably sweaty. his mouth is wide open, but no words come out.
“yuji! we need to clean this, hurry up!”
your voice brings him out of his thoughts as he realizes what’s been done and immediately snaps back to carefully, but quickly, picking up the shards of glass and placing them in this box. “i-i’m sorry!”
“don’t worry. just leave the box on the counter and we’ll deal with it tomorrow.”
maybe you didn’t quite realize what you had said or what effect you had on him during that time in the stockroom because you continue everyday as if nothing happened.
it’s been, what? a little over a three weeks? and sitting next to you still causes his mind to go to odd places, ones with you. he starts to notice little things about you, too. how your tongue peaks out of your mouth when you’re peeling another sheet of bubble wrap off of some glassware, how you only count in even numbers when you take inventory of the containers.
god, you were adorable.
“did gojo ever tell you that there’s no cameras in here?”
“no? i thought they had security cameras everywhere.”
“that’s only hallways and classrooms. there’s none of them here. do you know what that means?”
his head is already turned in your direction, the perfect opportunity to lean in and catch his lips. it’s small and he’s hesitant at first, but before you know it, your hands tangle in his hair, bringing him closer to you. he tastes like something sweet, like cherries, and his lips are warm. one hand rests on your cheek, his thumb brushing against it endearingly. when he pulls away, both of you are panting for air, the packages long forgotten.
“this sounds bad, but i’m glad that you’re terrible at math.”
“thanks.” he laughs and admires the look of your heated cheeks and swollen lips before pulling you back in for another searing kiss.
sure. being in that room by yourself could be fun, a perfect break with menial tasks lacking human interaction. you were far too tired to be patient with other people. but there was an exception.
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© this is a work of @crybabygumi, all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, copy, or repost.
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x-heartofthecards-x · 2 years
Seto’s day has been long. Upon waking earlier than he’d like - again - he’d gotten started on some work for the acquisition of a smaller business. This isn’t the first one KaibaCorp has eaten, and it won’t be the last, but he usually prefers to leave this kind of stuff in his office to do during the regular work day.
Today, though, he’s got something else planned. It was a good move to get it out of the way ahead of time, despite the ache it’s left his eyes with. Since then, he’s been through several other projects start to finish, and then started the talks with other executives. Where they would normally wear through his patience, he finds them merely boring. Time-wasters. He’s constantly looking at the clock. As it ticks away, his mood lightens. He even agrees to a couple of proposals he’d given a hard time in the past.
It’s finally almost time for his first actual meeting with Yugi Mutou, previous King of Games, new business partner, and future giant in game development. That last one isn’t entirely set in stone, but if he’s backed by the Kaiba brand, it’s more than likely.
They’ve discussed their heretofore unnamed game in passing and gone through some of the necessary paperwork ahead of time. The only unfortunate thing about dealing as a large business is the mountain of legality that has to be summited in order to get anything done. Luckily, with an LLC partnership, there is a lot less. They still need to draw up an operating agreement and figure out some of the financial stuff, but he can have a lawyer work on it later.
“Sir, Mister Mutou is here. He’s waiting outside.”
He cuts his last conference call short with a few noncommittal apologies, and says that they’ll be able to pick this back up later. And then he has to take a minute to breathe, gather himself - meticulously make sure he looks okay. He hasn’t seen the man since his birthday. 
Not since a very particular thought came to him and he immediately tried to shove it as far out of his head as possible. It cannot be. And yet, it is. It explains why his nerves, which are normally made of steel, go wild when the man is around. Even now, he finds himself with his stomach in knots. Still, he must remain professional.
He tells Hana to let him in despite the fact that he’s not entirely prepared.
It takes a moment for anything to happen, but when the door finally opens, he gets to his feet. His mouth goes dry.
“Yugi. I trust the staff treated you well…” Seto manages to keep his cool. He gestures to the loveseat across from his desk. “Have a seat.”
When Seto's assistant had come back out and instructed him to go into the office Yugi quickly stood from the plush chair and counted the seconds of his breaths going inside to help ground himself.
It was going to be rough working with Seto if he couldn't keep himself from going absolutely dopey when they met up. Still, he was determined to do his best and was sure that he would get a handle on it soon enough. For today's meeting, however, he was sure that any nerves he couldn't reign in could be chalked up to being new at the whole business thing.
When he stepped in the door, pausing for just a moment to thank the assistant who let him in, he had his folder pressed firmly against his chest, which in turn dug the Millennium Puzzle into his sternum a bit— which was both slightly uncomfortable while being soothjng in its own right.
At the greeting he flashed a smile and quickly made his way over to the indicated seat and straightened up to say as he tried to ignore the man's sharp jaw and striking eyes which he had been thinking about far too much lately, "Hey Seto. Ah, yeah, the staff was great. They were perfect. No worries at all."
He could feel the nervous rambling coming, but was powerless to stop it. He drummed his fingers on the binder as he set it in his lap and said, "Okay. So I got all the paperwork stuff you sent over to me all signed and there are copies in here, but other than that I went through and compiled all the things. All my notes and stuff. It was all sort of scattered and non-cohesive but I think that I got it into a pretty passable rough draft. Of course, ah, feel free to tear into this. You can be brutal about it. I think that blunt is best, if there are issues, I want to know, you know?"
His foot bounced nervously on the ground as he gave a breathy chuckle and said, "I mean, some of the stuff is like… I think it would be cool. But I'm not a tech guy and I don't know how feasible it actually is. So, you're my sanity check on some of it. This is exciting, yeah? I mean, I guess you probably see a ton of people with cool game ideas all the time. That's probably your normal. But it's exciting for me."
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amane-by-together · 4 years
I love you more than words can say || yugi amane
genre: fluff
summary: where [name] and amane have been shipped but they didn't mind because they like each other.
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In one classroom, a certain choppy haired boy named Amane Yugi was looking by the window pane watching the blue sky as the clouds slowly moves in each second. He didn't talk much and is a little awkward with words when it comes to interaction, but he made an exception to someone. Her.
[name] is a new student to their class. She recently moved to Kamome during the summer. [name] doesn't really stand out that much, she's rather shy and awkward when you meet her, but when she started to talk to Amane, the two became closer and comfortable with each other.
"Yo~!" [name] pulled her chair next to Amane's desk. Her [hair color] colored hair was down and there are few hairs sticking out from different places meaning that she haven't brushed it first thing in the morning. She grinned softly. "How is my best friend doing~?"
Amane felt his heart skip a beat, he notices that her hair was a mess, he pointed a finger at her. "[name], your hair is such a mess." he smiled while pulling out a hairbrush. "Let me fix that for you."
Amane stands up and beckoned [name] to sit on his chair. "Oh, Amane-kun, it's fine." she insisted while swatting her hands.
"No, I insist." Amane grins charmingly at her. [name]'s lips formed into a thin line before sitting down on his chair. He held the hair brush and carefully brushed her hair.
"Yiee~ Yugi is brushing [surname]'s hair~!" One of their classmates mentions then soon the whole room was erupted with 'Yieee' and 'Aww'
Amane scowled at them still continuing to brush [name]'s hair. "Tch. Can you not?" he asked with a hint of annoyance on his voice. "I'm brushing her hair. It will be appreciated if you guys mind your own business and let the two of us have our quality time, yeah?"
[name] suddenly felt shy making her look down to her lap and twiddled her fingers. Due to their closure, their classmates started to ship the two, hoping that the two will end up with each other. The two didn't mind since they already have feelings for each other.
"Done~!" Amane announced as he feels proud of his work. [name] blushed, her face turning the color of a cherry tomato, taking some thick strands of hair and draped over to her face. "[name]?"
Amane smiled fondly, grabbing the chair and sat in front of [name] who was covering her face with her hair. "Hm?" she hummed. "What is it, Amane-kun?"
"Hold still."
Amane inched closer to [name], reaching his fingers towards her delicate face. He removed the strand of hair that was covering her face and tucked it behind her ear instead.
"Don't do that..." His cheeks seeped into a shade of vermillion, placing his hand on her cheek and slightly pouting his lips. "You're pretty cute, I don't want you to hide that..." he softly tells her while caressing her cheek using his thumb.
'Too close! Too close!' [name] warned herself. "Ne, Amane-kun...?" she questioned as she pointed at their classmates who were watching the whole scene unfold. Amane sighed frustratingly raising an eyebrow at them.
This time Amane was so done of them watching on how they were being sweet to each other. He usually didn't mind being shipped with [name] but sometimes it gets really annoying. "[name], let's go somewhere else where we can be alone."
[name]'s eyes widened a bit, it was bold of Amane to take her out just for them to be alone in each other's comfort. The raven haired boy tenderly gripped on to her warm hand and walked her out to the classroom making their classmates squeal loudly like fans.
"Amane-kun, do you want to go there?" [name] asks tilting her head towards the teenage boy.
"Sure~" Amane slyly smirked at her swinging both of their hands while walking. He leaned over to her side and whispered, his hot breath fanning against her ear. "After all, we're alone over there~"
Y/n's face turned into a bright red color, she slightly pushes him away from her and scoots away. "W-What are you doing?!" she whispered loudly.
"Just stop complaining..." Amane sighed grabbing her hand and interlaced their fingers together. "Let's go to the rooftop."
"Aw~ They look so cute together!"
"I wish all!"
"I ship them so much!"
"If they weren't dating, I bet they like each other!"
[name] kept looking forward ignoring their comments about the two of them. Amane turned his head to her direction. "You okay, Y/n?"
[name] nodded while smiling. "Mhmm, I'm fine."
Although, [name] fell head over heels in love with Amane at the moment he started talking to her. The two have great chemistry together, he noticed. Not long after, Amane begun to have feelings for the girl.
The two arrived at the rooftop, feeling relieved that no one was there. "Let's go sit at the bench." [name] pointed at the empty chair by the distance. "Okay?"
Amane sat on the bench and signalled [name] to come closer. The latter nodded as she sat down next to him. "Feel frustrated about them?"
But Amane didn't reply, he simply took her hand and started to play with her fingers. His excuse is that it's his habit to play with someone's fingers and the truth is that he admired her pretty hands.
"Amane-kun, tell me..." [name] sighed, averting her gaze away from the male. "Were you annoyed when they ship us?"
"Sure, the shipping could be annoying." Amane smiled caressing her finger joints using his thumb. "But I don't really mind if it was with you..."
"I mean, we just met recently and we get along pretty well." he grins causing his cheeks to turn red. "Although, they should tone down the shipping."
"What was our ship name again?" [name] puts her finger under her chin to think. "It's [ship name] right?"
"[ship name]..." Amane slowly drops her hands to process the words. "Not gonna lie, it's a cute name, our classmates really thought hard about it, especially on the part that they want us to be together..."
"It feels pretty nice, being shipped with the person you love." [name] stated until her eyes widened as she realized what she just said. "W-Wait! I-I didn't mean it like that!"
"What was that again?" Amane's tone turned into a teasing one as he leaned over to [name]. "I didn't quite hear you~"
"I didn't say anything." [name] turned her head away from Amane, her voice trailing down into a whisper.
Amane took her chin between his thumb and index finger to make [name] look at him but the latter remained her gaze averted from him. "You don't have to be so shy around me babygirl~"
"I like you, Amane-kun..." [name] confesses, her cheeks turning even more red than an apple. "Ever since we got so close..."
This time it was Amane's turn to blush and stutter at her words. "Y-you l-like me?" he asked in disbelief whilst pointing at himself releasing her chin. "For real?"
[name] nodded slowly, the feeling of embarrassment kills her but in the same time she feels serendipitous. Amane blushed, lowering his head as his bangs were slightly covering his amber eyes. "Please forgive me what I'm about to do..."
"I'm getting rejected aren't I?" Amane slips his hands around her waist then he blushed the way he was holding her intimately. [name] placed her palms on to his chest gently, completely clueless on what was happening.
"If you were then I wouldn't be able to do this..."
Amane closes his eyes and tenderly tugs [name] closer to him. Tilting his head slightly just before his lips reaches her, and then he planted a soft kiss on her lips eliciting a soft 'tsup' from their lips. He pulled away to see a blushing [name] trying to utter a word, he smirked. "I think I broke the blushing [name], let me try that again~"
Amane kissed her again but this time it lasted more than a mere second. [name] stood there blushing like a cherry tomato. "W-Why d-did you do that?" she questioned while placing her hands on his shoulders.
Amane lifted her chin up and grinned softly at her. He moved his face closer to her as their noses were touching. "[name], I love you more than words can say. I started to have feelings for you ever since we got shipped and we got closer."
"Be mine?"
"Of course." [name] smiled with a blush on both of her cheeks. Just then, Tsukasa came through the door like a normal person would as he watched his older twin brother with a girl.
"[ship name]~!" Tsukasa announced. "The ship has sailed!"
Amane blushed, he wrapped his arms around [name] and buried his face on to her neck making her feel flustered. "A-Amane-kun!" she frantically says trying to pull away.
"Nooo...don't pull away babygirl~" Amane digs his face even deeper to her neck to hide his blush. [name] beckoned Tsukasa to leave which the latter winked and left.
Amane releases [name] as Tsukasa left the rooftop. [name] hugged herself making him pout. "Why hug yourself, when you have my arms to wrap around you~?"
He swiftly pecked her lips making her caught off guard. [name] stood up from the bench because she was flustered by Amane's cheesiness but then he tenderly held her hand making her stop.
"I'm not yet done with you, Y/n~"
And you know what happens next (oop).
a/n: guess who? lmao it is i tomorrow-by-tsundere from wattpad, mostly known from my fanfic called ghosted...yeah. hope u enjoy this oneshot that took three days to make lmao.
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Midsummer Texts
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
Characters: Yugi Muto & Yami Yugi
Prompt: Yugi has a crush but has no idea how to talk to her. Yami offers to chat with Yugi’s crush over text. Confusion and chaos ensues as feelings go wayward.
A/N: This is so long overdue, and I’m so sorry! OTL
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 
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Love was selfish, you realised. Not in the way that you wished for all of his attention to be trained upon you, but in the way that it refused to fade away as you tried to forget about one set of feelings and cultivate another. What was it that made it so impossible? What was it that made it so hard for you to prefer one twin over the other?
They had the same magenta coloured eyes, the same strangely shaped hair. Somewhere they also held similar aesthetics, kinda dark, rather broodish, on edge. Yet you found that with one the style fit better than with the other. Yet your eyes drifted over to their differences and your heart lamented that it wasn’t the other.
“[Name]?” Tea forced herself into your line of vision, concern clearly written on her face as her expression fell. You noticed that she did that a lot as of late, her clear blue eyes suddenly not as sparkling anymore, a dull pain hidden behind that caring smile she threw at you.
You realised that it had been a while since you had last asked her how she was doing. You realised that, as of late, it had all been about you, how you were doing, how you were coping. It left a wry taste in your mouth, knowing how concerned Tea whilst dealing with her own problems.
“I’m fine,” you respond, a smile gracing your features that you knew didn’t quite reach your eyes, “just a lot on my mind,” you continued, but didn’t want to fill in the thought with more. Tea just left it at that, a smile returning into your direction.
“What about you?” you reach out, genuinely concerned as you once more see her expression drop. Blinking back at you she smiles, the frown from earlier disappearing as she lets go of a smile.
“Oh, nothing, just worried about that chemistry test.” Rubbing her forehead the female faked a smile for you, though the fatigue in her expression was there, her eyes not as bright as they usually were, not as lively either. You knew better than to press on, however, and you let it go.
Love was selfish in another way. In the way that it demanded your attention and made you neglect your friends. It wasn’t only Tea who seemed forlorn and distracted, something was wrong with Yami as well.
Sigh after sigh, and then a pensive expression. It was clear to all that something was bothering the man, but none who could pull it out of him. None that he could look at without guilt washing over, at least.
“[Name]!” Yugi called out, his smile bright, his eyes even brighter, and his feet nearly floating him over to your side, “so, we’re still on for after school?” he inquires and Yami raises a brow as you throw the younger brother a lopsided grin.
“Yes! I will wait for you in the cafeteria, okay? That way we can head back together,” you beam back at the other.
Yami wasn’t sure what had changed in you, but he threw you a quiet smile when you grinned at him, almost as if you were seeking his approval. How could he not give it when you were obviously so excited? When it involved his brother?
It didn’t sit well with him, however. Your words from your shared class still sounded through his mind, that smile that you had flashed him afterwards. Nothing sat well with him, eyes flitting between you and his brother as he tried to make out the why and the how.
“We’re going to review in the library,” Yugi informs his brother, an apologetic smile crossing his lips as he rubs the back of his head. “I forgot to tell you, it was sorta sudden,” the male continues sheepishly, a bashful look throwin into the older twin’s direction.
Yami was once more unsure of how to feel about that, gulping as he forced a smile on his own face, a silent thumbs up raised towards his brother.
From the way you avoided his eyes Yami supposed that you truly were working hard in giving Yugi a chance, albeit a bit reluctantly.
Love was selfish and you hoped that it would swallow itself up.
The thought of being alone with Yugi brought a fair share of anxiety. A strange feeling and thought, for the male had never confessed to you, not directly at least. It made the knowledge that you held all the more strange. As if something had gone out of order, as if you had seen the future somehow.
It was clear that, whatever subtlety and discretion the two of them possessed, it was certainly not romantically inclined. Not in the way Yugi’s expression adorably brightened when he saw you, nor in the way he enthusiastically waved as he tried to cross the road without looking out for the traffic. He was lucky that the car managed to stop with a sounding screech of the brakes, though the curses that followed were startling enough as Yugi coloured red, embarrassed and shamed thoroughly when he finally reached you.
“Ah, that was so uncool,” he laments to himself as he lets himself fall into a seat, you just grimace back, feeling the second hand embarrassment along with the pain.
“Let’s leave quickly then, so that we can spare you any further shame,” you propose and Yugi eagerly accepts, picking up his bag as he is quick to exit the cafe in which you had waited for him. You supposed that would be one place to avoid in the future.
“You surprised me,” Yugi says once you are in the crowd, his hands clenching the handles of his bag, twitchy as he was at the prospect of being alone with you.
“How so? Wasn’t it the car that startled you more?” you retort in a tease, earning a pout from the male as he puffs out some air, clearly not liking to be reminded before he straightens himself up, suddenly a whole lot solemn than before.
“I know you like Yami, you know.”
The admission is curt, even a little hurt and you freeze as you eye your friend, an invisible hand clamouring around your heart as it clenched and quenched, leaving you breathless. “How?” you mutter out, realising that the question in itself is an admission of itself, panic coursing through you as you try to fix yourself.
“I mean, why would you say that?” you blurt out to correct yourself, though you feel that you are too dazed to really register the answer, your thoughts going a mile per hour as you try to piece together the when and what and…
From Yugi’s expression you can tell that there is no denying anymore. From his expression you can tell that the male had already figured it out.
“He was trying to hide it,” Yugi explains with a shrug, eyes turning towards you in an uncharacteristic bold declaration, “I suppose it is also my rival instinct,” he smiles, and around the corner of his lips you can read how it pains him, to have his older twin be his rival at every turn.
Subtlety and discretion might have been superficial traits that belonged to the Mutou brothers, but it definitely didn’t apply to romances, you found. The twins were too finely attuned to one another for that. Too aware of what the other thought without needing a glance. It was what made games between the two of them so interesting, as they read and read each other until it all came down to who pulled the right cards first.
“I’m sorry, Yugi,” you try, but are halted by the male, his smile back to shy again as he shakes his head, making clear that it isn’t pity that he wants, nor sympathy.
“Your feelings aren’t your fault, and I would be happy to stay as friends,” Yugi speaks, his fingers twiddling with each other as he returns to his own usual bashful state. “I just hope that you might see me as someone worth their own person?”
The request, so simple, gave you a whole new perspective, a new realisation dawning upon you as you eye the male, flabbergasted, out of words, but calm. The anxiety of earlier had left, the grip on your heart released and you felt yourself deflate, a smile forming on your lips as you can’t help but to release another sigh.
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dalamjisung · 5 years
in one year ❀ im jaebeom
word count: 2952
genre: fluff
pairing: reader x im jaebeom
description: a lot can happen in a year. this is what happened in yours.
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Common love isn't for you. You knew that even before Jaebeom, and you know that now, with Jaebeom. 
You two first met when you got hired as the new Marketing Assistant, taking on their upcoming tour as your first project. No once could deny the connection in between you two; the feelings were strong enough to be felt by everyone around you, be it good or bad. You smile as you remember meeting them for the first time. 
“Come and get it, GOT7!”
Everything was happening too fast; just two minutes ago you were walking through the entrance doors to meet your new boss, and now here you were, with the seven boys smiling at you. 
“We’re GOT7,” One of them continues with a small smile. “I’m GOT7’s leader, Im Jaebeom. I hope you’ll take care of us!”
They all bow in synchrony and you take a step back, suddenly intimidated. You were their new Marketing employee, meaning you were in charge from merchandise sales to album cover approvals. They had to captivate the fans hearts, and you had to captivate their wallets. It was suddenly too real– you had a job. A real job, in the real world. And those seven real boys’ future was in your hands. 
“H-Hi,” You bow back to them. “I’m Y/N… It’s an honor to work with you all. Let’s build something great, yeah?”
The cheer that follows makes you blush and recoil into yourself. With the corner of your eyes you see Jaebeom watching you closely, and you straighten your back. You wanted to make a good impression, but you couldn’t help but feel like you were in way above your head. 
“Hey,” Jaebeom comes closer. “We’ll help you the best we can. We’re a team now. Let’s build something great.”
Together, you created something much more than just great– you created something phenomenal. As you got your work done, you couldn’t help but grow closer to the boys– you were a true believer that since this is their tour and their career, they had the final word on every single project you took on. That made Jaebeom trust you like he trusted no one else; you respected his team, his family. In return, he respected you and your hard work. He’d often see you pulling all nighters as he left to the dorms and found you in the same spot, coffee cups next to you, when he got back in the morning. He knew GOT7 was in good hands, and after a while, you knew it too. 
You confidence grew as time passed. The tour sold out, and so did their limited merchandise line you pitched to the Creative Director. The fast pace in which your name started to grow within the company was like no other; you had it in you, true talent. It made Jaebeom proud when, during team dinners– a rule you created so that you could talk to them more freely,– you’d shyly mumble some praise someone told you or a promotion you had been nominated for. 
“That’s our girl!” Jackson screamed during dinner, raising his beer glass. “Climbing that corporate ladder one step at a time!”
You laugh in the endearing way you usually did– head throw and all,– and raised your glass, clinking it with theirs. Tonight marked six months since you’ve got assigned to GOT7, and as you were celebrating you guys’ anniversary, you told them about the meeting you had with JYP this afternoon.
“But noona,” Yugyeom whines, frowning. “Does that mean you’ll stop working with us?” “Don’t worry about that Yugy,” You chuckle, stretching your arm far enough to be able to hold his hand and give it a firm squeeze. “I’m not going anywhere. Being Marketing Director just means I’ll have the final say in all projects assigned to GOT7, which means you have the final say in all projects assigned to GOT7.”
The boys cheer once again, laughing and joking about overthrowing Park Jinyoung from the CEO throne and putting in their own Park Jinyoung. You laugh and, in a moment of weakness, you look at Jaebeom. He has a smile on his face– the kind of smile you give to a loved one, small and contained, but strong and concentrated,– and his eyes were looking down at his cup. He shook his head and when his eyes met yours, you offer him a smile, and a blush. It was no secret that your affection for the hardworking leader grew every day; it was the company’s joke that you two would end up together, just like in one of the fan’s fanfictions. You two always shook your head and denied all allegations, but you knew he felt it too– the pull. 
He raises his glass slightly; another toast, just for you. 
You nod in recognition, and, later that night, when you’ve drunk one beer too many, and he had to take you home, before he could leave, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to you.
Needless to say you were horrified once you woke up. You laugh, as memories of your past flood your brain. You could practically feel the weight of his arm around your waist as you jumped out of the bed with a shriek, making him tumble to the side and fall on his shoulder, groaning in pain. After that, you both awkwardly made breakfast and before you could say anything, Jaebeom was out of the door. The frustration that came with the next couple of weeks was something you were not ready for; Jaebeom ignored and avoided you with every chance he got. 
You shake your head, putting the lasts items in your bag as the memory of your first fight replayed in your mind.
“Im Jaebeom!” 
Your voice echoed in the empty dancing room, and the surprise was such that he even let out a scream, turning around with wide eyes and a hand over his heart. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” You seethed, marching in the room after slamming the door shut.
“…rehearsing?” He mumbles, sounding more like a question than an answer. 
“Don’t play dumb with me now, mister,” You whisper, grabbing the front of his sweaty t-shirt and pulling him closer to you– close enough to touch your nose to his. “You’ve been avoiding me for a week, now! Are you insane? I have two projects to give back to JYP that I need your approval for, but I can’t get it, now, can I? Cause you won’t fucking talk to me! Okay, I get it! You think that night was a mistake, and I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry if I made you stay and sleep over and take care of me but goddammit, you could’ve just said no! Or left! It would’ve hurt less than what you’re doing right now, you fucking asshole. The worst part of it all is that I miss you– I still fucking miss you laughing at Jackson’s stupid jokes during lunch, or screaming at Bam for getting the choreography wrong. So honestly, get your act together, because if I have to listen to Yugyeom cry one more time because he thinks I’m going to leave because of this stupid fight, I’ll bash your face in. We’re professionals. Deal with it.”
And this time, you are the one that leave.
You made him taste his own medicine. You ignored Jaebeom in any setting outside of work for three days– and that’s all he could take before showing up to your apartment.
You open the door with a sigh, ready to just grab your pizza and wallow in your misery. You’ve just been rejected by the man you had steadily been nurturing feeling for, and sure, it was al partially your fault– you let yourself go, first, admiring his love for his members, and then, his love for your. You shone under his proud gaze when you’d tell him about another successful meeting; you basked under his smile as his hand found your head and patted you affectionately; and you grew under his laugh as you told him a joke that Jackson had just taught you minutes earlier. You slowly fell in love with Im Jaebeom and you knew about it; you knew about it from when it started to when it ended. 
But it couldn’t just end like that, could it? Not with you two. So obviously, he had to show up at your door. 
“What are you doing here?” You sigh, and you sound defeated. Your shoulders are fallen and your voice is tired, and you know he knows it too.
“I fucked up.”
“Yes, you did,” You look at him and you feel anxious, noticing the panic in his eyes. Jaebeom hardly ever showed his emotions, so for you to be able to catch that, something must’ve been wrong. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Forgiven,” You hate yourself for how easily you gave in, but you just couldn’t– you couldn’t not have him in your life. “Go home Jaebeom, it’s late.”
“Can I stay?”
This question carried much more than it sounded like it did, and you knew it. If you said no, then that would’ve been it– the last of you and Jaebeom. You’d have to work with him and see him and talk to him and laugh with him, but you’d never really be with him. This couldn’t happen.
His mouth is on yours before you can say anything else, and for the rest of the night, Jaebeom showed you how sorry he was. 
That night you learned what it was like to feel truly wanted; truly loved. Jaebeom apologized over and over again and you let him, forgiving him time and time again. He made you feel like the most precious diamond on Earth, rare and delicate and strong, and nothing could ever compare to that. For the next month, you got to observe your relationship blossom, and your love grow. You got to learn more about Jaebeom, and you even learned some new things about yourself.
The taxi drops you at the airport, an hour before your flight, and you rush through security, barely making it for boarding, but nothing could stop you know. This had been planned a month ago, and it’s been too long. Way too long. Today marked exactly two years since you’ve met GOT7… and exactly one year since Jaebeom asked you to be his girlfriend. 
“Babe?” You call out, entering the dark apartment. Jaebeom had texted you a couple of hours ago asking you to come over and you said that as soon as you were done with work you’d swing by. You hear fait meows coming from the main bedroom and you quietly make your way over, careful to not wake him up in case he was actually asleep.
“No, Cake, come on,” You hear angry mumbling and you chuckle as he talked to his cats. “Nora, tell your siblings to stay put! Y/N should be here anytime now and–“ You open the door upon hearing your name and the scene in front of you is precious. Jaebeom is kneeling on his mattress, next to a sunflower bouquet, trying to make his cats stand still around him. The all freeze at your presence, though, and you have to ask what’s going on before any of them could move.
“Uh…” Jaebeom lets go of Cake, who now lays on its back, waiting for her daily tummy pets she got from you. “Surprise?” 
“Surprise, indeed,” You laugh. “What’s going on?”
“W-Well,” Jaebeom stutters, and you know. You know what’s coming and you shake in excitement. You’ve been waiting months for this. “I– no, we wanted to know if you’d like to join us? I know I’m very busy, and that you are very busy, too, and that we have to try really hard to see each other, but I think we’ve been doing great so far, and we’re a small family of one man and five cats, and we’d love to add you to this little thing of ours… and I wanted to know if I could finally call my mom and tell her that I got a girlfriend. Or not; not call her and not have a girlfriend, completely up to you… yeah…”
Only Im Jaebeom could talk about his mom when asking someone to be his girlfriend and still be charming. “I’d love to join your little family,” You whisper, smiling wide and jumping on the bed, trying to avoid man and cats, and failing miserably as you fall on top of Jaebeom. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” He whispers and kisses you passionately. Just as things escalated, he pulled back, too abruptly for you to not whine about it. “But I meant it; I need to call my mom.”
“No,” You complain. “More kisses.”
“She’s been trying to set me up with these weird girls and–“
“Call your mom right this instant.” 
The flight lasts only an hour and your body buzzes as you pass through security, following the boys agent back to where they were. 
“He's gonna be over the moon when he finally sees you,” He laughs from the driver’s seat. “We’ve done a pretty good job of not telling his anything, even though Bambam almost ruined everything a few times.”
You laugh. “Are they in the hotel?”
“No,” The man shakes his head. “They are in the arena going through sound check. I already give the drive to the video crew, though, so as soon as you hear the song, just walk in.”
“Got it,” You smile nervously. “I hope he’s surprised.”
“Oh, believe me, he will be. They have been very discouraged these days; they are tired and a lot happened and I think this is just what they all need to remember.”
“Remember what?”
“Remember?” You ask, sniffling as you caressed Jaebeom’s face on your computer.
“Remember what, love?” He asks, voice tired from all the concerts they’ve been playing.
“Everything,” And you let your tears falls. “Remember everything, will you? All the nights we spent talking, and all the fights we’ve had. Don’t forget a single detail, Im Jaebeom! Don’t forget me, okay?”
“Baby,” He chuckles, and even though he is smiling, you know how hard this is on him; having you so far away, crying because he’s just not there. “Just two more months, yeah? And then I’ll be home, in your arms.”
“I miss you so fucking much,” You sob, and this is so unfair. You wished you could go with him, but JYP assigned you to ITZY’s debut album while GOT7 was touring the world. He said the girls could use your magical brain for a successful launch to their career. “I just want you.”
“And I want you too,” He says forcefully. “Miss you. Love you.”
“Love you.”
That was two weeks ago. JYP had been made aware of the problems GOT7 was facing. How tired they were while dancing; how discouraged they sounded while singing; how irritated they got while resting. It was a mess, and so, pulling out of your assignment, he gave you a week off of work, allowing you enough time to go visit Jaebeom and the boys. You were there to remind them why they were doing all of this; why they were there. You even made a video, with pictures and compilations of moments you’ve had together. To fit two years of friendship in a video had been hard, but to also fit one year of dating had been almost impossible. But you did it. For them, you’d always do it. 
“Okay, we’re here.”
Security guided you to the back of the arena, since when the video started, the boys would have their backs to the main entrance, thought the audience. And just as discussed, as soon as you heard the familiar tune of ‘Lullaby’ started, you tiptoed to closer to the stage, hearing their surprised gasps and laughter throughout their mics as pictures of you all in restaurants and parks passed through. 
There it was; your story with them. Your family. Pictures of you and Jinyoung on a bookstore, and of you and Yugyeom at the zoo. There were videos of the boys dancing at the arcade and videos of birthday songs. There were videos of you and Jaebeom’s cats and pictures of you and Coco. You weren’t sure if it was you or them, but you could definitely hear someone crying. 
Just as the video ended, you laughed, quietly and to yourself, trying not to ruin the surprise. There was a minute of silence before you smile and say, as softly as you could, “Hi, loves!”
They all turn together, and their synchronization doesn’t fail to spook you. 
“Noona!” Yugyeom shouts, running to you and hugging you. You felt tears falling on your shoulders and you chuckle. 
“Hi, you big baby,” You say, patting his hair.
You make your rounds, hugging each and every one of the boys, until you got to him. He was sitting down, hands over his face, shoulders shaking from the strength of his sobs. You kneel in front of him, pulling him by the wrists and his arms go around you instead, pulling you into his lap. 
“I love you so fucking much,” He sobs on your neck. “I missed you.” “I missed you too, Jaebeom,” You whisper, caressing his hair. “I love you too. I’m here; it’s okay. Everything will be okay.”
“It will now,” He says and kisses you, ignoring the loud cheering from the boys. “Happy one year, Y/N.”
“Best year of my life,” You smile. “Happy one year.”
hello!!!! I am sorry for the absence, but college demands a lot from me hahah I hope you like this nonetheless! I’m a few minutes lates, but happy valentine’s! Love you all! Let me know what you think in the comments :) it means the world ❤️
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fanfiction-abyss · 4 years
Hey there! I absolutely love your works so I decided to request ✨ can you please make a fanfic of Amane and Nene going on that date to the movies in the PP arc? They never went on it and I was kind of disappointed because I was actually looking forward to it :( Anyway, sorry if this is a bother. Feel free to ignore this but either way thank you for bringing your outstanding writing to the public for people like me who thrive for ships to read 😤🌸
Bro, when I read this request I was so excited, thank you!!! 🥺👉👈
Amane Yugi (Hanako-kun) x Nene Yashiro
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The ticking of the clock on the wall was all Nene heard as she bubbled in her last final question. Sweat dripped down her cheek as she passed it to the teacher and she plopped herself on her desk.
"It's finally over...!"
She sighed as she rummaged through her bag, successfully locating her pencil case. She picked it up, showing two familiar movies tickets. With her other hand, she picked them up and examined them.
This was back then... when Hanako-kun asked me on a... d-date!
Instantly, her already pink cheeks darkened with red, as she lowered her head.
With everything that happened and with finals, it totally slipped my mind! ... but, now that I think about it... a movie date with Hanako-kun... I wonder how that could've gone...
Thanks to the many romance novels Nene tended to read, many scenarios were meticulously built in her head. That is until, Nene Yashiro asked herself a very hard hitting question.
Why am I thinking like this, it's not like I like Hanako-kun! ... Do I like Hanako-kun?
Memories of the harsh teasing Amane put her through popped into her head.
No, no way!
Butt Nene couldn’t help the flutter of her heart as she remembered the valuable moments where Amane was vulnerable and attractive in front of her.
Do I like him?!
She groaned as her head was greatly bowed in defeat. Aoi, noticing the sudden moodiness from her friend, decided to approach her.
"Nene-chan, is something bothering you?" Nene picked her head up with a comical tear stuck in the corner of her eyes.
"You know, you can trust me with anything, Nene-chan! I'm your best friend for a reason, right?" Aoi enveloped Nene's carried hands, and sweetly smiled at the girl.
"Ao-chan... I think that I like somebody..." Said friend immediately perked up at this new information, sparkles coming out of her.
"But before you get too excited... this person... isn't even my type!" The tears were finally let go and ran down Nene's cheeks. Aoi watched with mild amusement as Nene clenched the stuff in her hands tightly.
"Were you going to ask this person on a movie date?" Nene stopped crying and blinked at Aoi, who pointed at the movie tickets.
"O-Oh! No! It's... um... really hard to explain... but! I don't know what to do! This guy isn't my type, so what if I get to excited and something bad happens...?" Aoi hummed and tilted her head in thought.
"Well, I think you should give him a chance! This is the guy you keep talking about, right? Well, to me it seems like he really cares about you too! For now, why not ask him on a date-" Aoi took a quick glance at the tickets "- and then you'll see how it goes! Plus, why wait, when in the end, you'll get one result!" Nene clutched the tickets near her chest, a slight melancholy brushed her.
That's right... why wait, after all...
Shaking the thoughts out of her head, Nene looked at Aoi with furrowed eyes.
"I'll try that, Ao-chan-"
"Ao-chan! Let me walk you home!" Akane popped into the conversation, looking at Aoi with a hopeful smile.
"Well, Nene-chan, I wish the best of luck! Bye-bye!" Aoi walked out of the classroom, Akane trailing closely behind her. Nene packed her stuff, putting away the tickets as well, and marched out of the classroom. People moved out of her way, wary of the aura she was emitting. Nene stopped as soon as she reached the door to the girl's bathroom, a drop of sweat dripped down her neck.
Now that I'm here... I don't know how to ask...
She squatted down, stuffed her face in her hands and groaned.
I should've asked Kou-kun to come with me... but then, it wouldn't count as a date... argh! I don't know what to do! Should I just straight out ask him? Will that be alright...?
With a squeal, Nene covered her ear, backing away from the person behind her. She stumbled inside the restroom and glanced at the doorway, seeing a smirking Amane.
"W-what was that for, Hanako-kun?!" Nene cried out, pouting at the playful ghost, who floated near her.
"Well, I noticed you, but it seemed that you didn't notice me, so I waited for a bit, but then I got bored and here we are!"
"Man, you're mean, Hanako-kun! I can't believe I was going to ask you-" Nene quickly put her hands over her mouth, her eyes wide. Amane blinked.
"Ask the wholesome Hanako what?" Nene turned away from him, causing him to become more curious.
"Come on, tell me, Yashiro!" He began poking her cheek, until she sighed and held Amane's hands, stopping his antics.
"W-well... I was thinking, maybe you and I, could maybe have... some sort of movie night?" His eyes began to sparkle at her suggestion.
"Woah! Sounds like fun!"
"Yep! Have you asked the boy?"
"No, not yet- w-wait, Kou-kun?!"
"Yeah... it is a movie night, so we should ask him what types of movies so we can pitch in what we like." Nene fiddled with her fingers, looking down at the ground.
"T-that's true, but..." Amane smirked and flicked Nene's forehead, causing the girl to pout once more.
"Or were you thinking of asking me on a date, you perverted radish?" Nene's eyes widen, her cheeks becoming red again.
"Y-Yes!" Amane stood still for a few seconds before steam came out of his ears, his gaze avoiding Nene.
"Please don't... joke around like that..." Nene somehow felt relieved by the boys shy response, confidence growing. Her hands enveloped his, which made him look at her in the eyes, honey yellow clashing with rosy pink.
"It's not a joke, Hanako-kun! Let's have a date!"
"W-What?!" A new voice came from the entry, gaining the attention of the two in the room. Kou stood there, his face a mixture of shock and confusing.
"Ah." Both Nene and Amane didn't know a better way to react. Nene was the first one to form some sort of reply, she let go of Amane and began waving her hands around.
"K-Kou-kun! W-Well you see-"
"Senpai, you want to go on a date with this pervert?! He's done nothing, but tease you and cause problems! He's not even your type!" Nene face visibly gloomed, Kou didn't finish.
"Plus, he's a perverted ghost!"
“Oi, you already said that!”
"...when you put it like that..." Amane pouted and slung his arm around Nene, pushing her closer.
"Well, you're too late, boy! Yashiro and I are going to have a date and there's nothing you could do about it!" Amane stuck out his tongue, which caused a vein to pop out on Kou's temple. He looked at Nene with despair.
"Are you really going to go on a date with that guy?" Nene nodded.
"I know what you mean about all the stuff you've said about Hanako-kun being a pervert..." This made Amane choke on his spit. "...but, if I'm being honest, having a date with a guy I like would make me really happy..." Kou and Amane looked at Nene in surprise. The apparition leaned on the stall doors, shrugging his shoulders.
"Well, you heard her, boy. We got to respect her wishes." Kou sighed, running his hand through his hair.
"Alright, I'll respect your wishes, senpai." With glistening eyes, Nene tilted her head.
"You will?!" Kou nodded as he put his hands on his hips.
"I will stay nearby just in case anything suspicious happens!" He glared at Amane who began to protest.
"Although I won't like it, if that's what it takes then, okay!" Nene nodded firmly, her mind made up.
"Oh, when's it gonna happen?" Sharing a single glance, Amane and Nene came to a unspoken agreement.
“Tomorrow, since it’s Friday and we won’t have finals!” Kou hummed in thought, putting a finger on his chin.
“Alright, that sounds good!” Not being able to hide her bright smile, Nene gripped the straps of her bag and walked out of the restroom, looking over her shoulder to wave at the boys.
“I’ll ask Tsuchigomori-sensei if we could use a classroom and it’s projector to watch a movie! See ya!” With a skip to her step, her cream colored bouncing behind her. After she left, Kou and Amane shared glares, with Kou pointing towards the ghost.
“Just a warning, don’t try anything funny with senpai!” Kou stomped out, fuming and not sparing a glance to the pouting ghost.
“You guys were supposed clean the bathroom today...”
Tomorrow came for Nene Yashiro, who had a bag filled with blankets, snacks and several DVDs (most of them included hamster related movies or ones she thought Amane would like). She arrived at school earlier than usual, went to the classroom Tsuchigomori allowed her to use, dropped the stuff off, then waited in her homeroom classroom, watching her classmates slowly pour in. The day was a blur for Nene Yashiro, who’s smile never faltered throughout the day. This concerned Aoi, but she has happy seeing her friend happy. When the end of the day bell rang, the blue haired best friend made her way to Nene, who slung her backpack on, waved at her fervently and dashed out of the classroom. Nene stormed past many classrooms and startled students, before skidding to a halt in front of the girls bathroom. Slightly panting, Nene walked into the bathroom and began looking around rather meekly. 
“Hanako-kun...?” The said ghost wasn’t in sight. Nene’s eyebrows furrowed and she called out again, only to be met by silence. 
“Don’t tell me he forgot...”
“Did you really think I would forget?” Amane appeared in front, of her, causing the girl to step back in surprise. He was floating backwards, his hand on his hat to make sure it stayed in place. The ghost had a small frown.
“I’m hurt by that accusation, Yashiro... I don’t think I’m up for this now...” His looked away from Nene disheartening.
“E-Eh?! Sorry Hanako-kun!” His expression quickly turned into a mischievous one.
“Just kidding!” A cold wind blew past the couple, as Nene turned away from him.
“You know what, just forget it...” 
“Geh! I’m sorry, Yashiro! I’m sorry!” Puffing out her cheeks, Nene glared at the black haired ghost.
“Don’t play around like that, then!” Amane shrugged.
“Can’t make promises!” He looked away from Nene’s ferocious glare.
Well, I could make an exception today...
“Anyways, lets go!” He linked hands with Nene and began walking to the designated classroom. 
“Wait, do you even know where to go?”
“Yeah, Tsuchigomori-sensei told me!”
“Oh, I see! But what about Kou-kun?”
“Who knows, anyways, lets go enjoy ourselves! Give me a ‘Yeah!’” Nene cheered with Amane who totally didn’t ask a certain spider to give a certain exorcist some made up detention. 
“We’re here! Lets see what you’ve prepared Yashiro!” Entering the unoccupied class, Nene immediately went to her bag and bought out all the stuff. 
“Pick a movie and set it up, Hanako-kun! I’ll set up the fort!”
“Fort?” Nene showed him the many blankets she bought.
“Fort!” Humming pleasantly, Hanako nodded, looking through the many of the DVDs his companion had bought. One stuck out to him the most.
Hamster Galactic War? Wasn’t this the movie... 
The scene replayed in his mind, back then when it was him who asked her on a date.
Well, she does like hamsters, right?
He chose it and looked at the laptop and projector on the desk, blankly.
“Hey, Yashiro, what’s this?” Looking up, Nene stifled a laugh.
“You don’t know how to set that up?” Shaking his head in shame, Amane scratched his red cheek.
“D-Don’t laugh...” Nene’s eyes slightly widened at the scene.
There’s another vulnerable Hanako-kun...
“Well, no matter, lets switch places!” Amane agreed and Nene quickly set up the movie. After she was satisfied with the size of the projected screen, she let out a cheer.
“Done!” The duo looked at each other and smiled. Amane looked at the screen with amazement while Nene clapped her hands at the fort. 
“Alright, ready, Hanako-kun?” The boy nodded and as the movie began playing, Nene bought out the snacks and sat besides Amane, who was already reaching for a bag of chips. The movie didn’t really interest Amane and he diverged his attention to the girl next to him, who was reacting to the movie quite well. A small smile appeared on his face.
I’m glad that she’s enjoying herself even after everything she’s found out...
He felt a peaceful calm wash over his body, watching as Nene laughed at the hamsters tripping over their feet. He reach for her hand, which caught her attention.
“What’s wrong, Hanako-kun?”
“Nothing... is it okay if I hold your hand?” Nene eyed their intertwined hands, a flurry of warmth spread on her cheeks.
“Y-yeah!” Amane relaxed even more, caressing her soft hands with his thumb.
“Okay great! You enjoying yourself?’
“Yeah, lots! Thank you, Hanako-kun!” Nene bought out a toothy grin, which made her seem like an actual teenager enjoying a normal date. Amane had forgotten that feeling of enjoying his short youth. He’d forgotten how it felt being a normal teenager, hanging out with people after class had ended. Many years had past without these feelings, yet here Nene, someone who’s situation was beyond normal, bought them out. Amane couldn’t stop the words slipping out of his mouth.
“No, thank you, Yashiro...” As Nene gazed his expression, she couldn’t help but understand what his solemn expression meant. 
Maybe we can watch a movie about space after...
She wanted nothing, but to enjoy and share her happiness with the apparition next to her.
Kou sprinted down the halls with exasperation written on his face.
That damned spider-face made me stay really late...!
He reached the classroom, slamming the door aside. 
“Sorry senpai! Oi, Hanako, you better- Eh?!” The classroom was empty with no sign of either teen.
“I was too late!” 
Sorry for the wait :(!! I hope this was up to your expectations and thank you for the support! Also sorry if it seems a little rushed!
Tags : @classicalsylph @amandarin-orangesss @chuluuwu 
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ringcicatrix · 3 years
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Memory meme @spiderstaff​ said:
♬ - a friend/best friend memory
“Are you okay, Bakura?”
Ryou had been lingering in the classroom at the end of the day, unable to bring himself to go home. His apartment was quiet, empty- but he was used to that, and didn’t mind it. No, that wasn’t what’d been lingering on his mind. Something else was keeping him distracted.
“Hey, Bakura? Are you listening?”
He’d felt panic when he’d seen Mr. Karita back at school, terrified that the man would recognize him as the reason he’d slipped into a coma. But the gym teacher had been no different from how he usually acted, still cruel, but no horrid accusations or vicious words. Not that he didn’t deserve them, but....
“Hey! Earth to Ryou!”
“You were spacing out- is everything ok?”
“O-Oh, yeah. I’m alright.”
He hadn’t even realized that he’d been spacing out enough to draw the attention of the gang, Yugi and Jounouchi standing in front of him trying to get his attention. He smiled, though it felt a bit forced, and simply tried to not focus on his still-bandaged hand.
“You’ve been zonin’ out ever since gym class.” Ryou was surprised that Jounouchi had noticed- it wasn’t like he held a low opinion of the boy, or anything like that, but he simply hadn’t thought anyone would pay attention. “If that jerk Karita said anything, you let me know, okay? It’s like he doesn’t even know who helped him get back to normal!”
“H-Haha... no, it’s not that, I promise. I’m alright.” He gave his best polite smile, trying to ignore the guilt that picked at his heart while his friend attempted to reassure him. Mr. Karita would have every reason to pick on him- he felt lucky enough just that the man hadn’t started threatening to cut his hair again. “I guess I’ve just been tired. A lot’s happened, and with my hand, it can be a bit difficult to fall asleep...”
The others both nodded and offered sympathetic smiles, and Ryou couldn’t help but feel worse. It wasn’t like he was lying to them, but he also... wasn’t telling the complete truth. Because he was scared, and he didn’t want to burden them with anything more after all the trouble he’d already caused.
Together the group left the school, with Ryou hanging slightly to the back while the others spoke. He didn’t want them to worry about him, didn’t want them to notice any of the anxiety that slipped through his face- so if he stayed just slightly out of view, it’d be better. Simpler. He couldn’t possibly be a burden on his friends.
“Oh- I just realized, I forgot something inside.” 
Yugi’s sudden stop led to Ryou almost bumping into him, just barely managing to catch himself in time. The others all nodded, going on ahead at Yugi’s insistence, but Ryou went back with him. Not because he didn’t like the others, but just because... maybe if it was just Yugi, he could ask a couple questions. Try to get at least one thing off his mind. (Even if he failed, it wouldn’t be that big a deal- he’d never been that talkative anyways).
“If there’s something on your mind... I don’t mind talking. You’re our friend, Ryou. We trust you.”
That trust hurt, because it didn’t feel earned. He’d put them through a horrible experience, all because of the ring. They’d been so close to ending up another set of miniatures in his collection, of dolls with souls that could see and hear and feel but who couldn’t do anything but watch.
“I...” He bit at his lip, trying to ignore the pain in his chest and his hand. He hadn’t told any of them about what the ring had done, the way it’d dug itself into his skin like a parasite, as if it needed to suck at his blood to survive. The doctor at the hospital had been confused as to how he’d gotten the injuries, but he’d refused to respond- all that mattered was fixing them. “If Mr. Karita has woken up, then... I think... everyone else should’ve as well.”
Those weren’t the words that he’d planned on speaking, and by the looks of it, they weren’t what Yugi had expected him to say. Or maybe he had expected it, Ryou wouldn’t know.
“That’s good, right? All your old friends should be ok now.”
“I-It is, but... I...” He stopped walking, clutching his school bag a bit too tightly, trying to ignore the way his hand ached. “I... I can’t bring myself to try checking. Because... what if they’re still... unconscious? Or... what if they’re... if they’re...”
He couldn’t even bring himself to say the word, but it haunted his mind. He’d died, briefly- he couldn’t remember much other than a warmth and a light, and the faintest echoes of those achingly familiar voices gently telling him that this wasn’t his time, and that he had to go back. He couldn’t stay with them yet, no matter how much he missed them.
“Well... Mr. Karita was okay, right? So I’m sure they must be too!”
“But he was only really out for a day, Yugi. For some of them, it’s been... it’s been so much longer. And... and even if they’re alive, they’ve lost so much time...”
He was a thief. He’d stolen their time, the most precious thing a person could have while alive. Even if it hadn’t been him- he’d befriended them. He’d made a selfish wish.
“Ryou. You can’t blame yourself for what the spirit did, okay?”
His friend wasn’t someone that Ryou would’ve ever called intimidating, but his stare had an intense determination that he felt like he couldn’t escape from. It was a bit like the other Yugi, the spirit of the puzzle- but softer, still very much belonging only to Yugi.
“I... I know it was him, but... but still...”
“You have to have faith in yourself. You didn’t do any of those things. You did everything you could to help us- you would never do things like that.”
He wanted to treat the words like shallow platitudes, tell himself that Yugi couldn’t really know him, because they hardly knew each other, but the shorter boy was hard to ignore. It was the same reason they’d even become friends in the first place- he seemed like he just wasn’t the sort of person who could ignore when another person was hurting. It was admirable, even if Ryou found it... a bit foolish. When it came to him, anyways. He was just bad luck.
He told himself that, and he told himself that, and yet he felt like he wanted to believe Yugi- and all of his friends- regardless of that.
Ryou changed the topic after that, switching to talk about that card game that’d been getting popular in the states recently. Yugi said he’d actually played before, a couple times now- Duel Monsters, it was called now. He’d have to make a deck of his own someday, and maybe he could show it to Yugi and Jounouchi.
When he finally got back home to his apartment, he let out a heavy sigh. Talking to Yugi had helped, and he really did believe that his friends would be there for him if he asked, but... he couldn’t ask them for help with this. He couldn’t burden them with this, not this particular thing.
There was a landline phone in his apartment, at his father’s insistence. He tended to only use it when talking with his father, or when he had to do important things- at current, his hands rested over a small book of numbers and names, frowning.
You have to do this. You have to do this.
He scanned until he saw one of the names on his internal list- Hayato. One of the boys he’d been friends with at his previous school. The last person to go into a coma before transferring. He still didn’t remember how it’d happened- maybe for the better- but it had been the last straw then, he’d been about to break.
Cursed. Cursed. It hadn’t mattered how many times he’d changed schools. Didn’t matter how far he’d moved from his father. He’d never lasted more than a year at any school since he’d gotten the ring. Sometimes it was his father’s work that made them move, other times it was the ring. But the result was always the same.
His fingers hovered above the buttons on the phone, paralyzed by fear. What if he hadn’t woken up? What if they were all still unconscious? And... if he had woken up, what’d happened? Did all of them hate him? They should’ve, after what he’d- the spirit- had done.
Don’t think about it. Just call. Just call, Ryou.
He’d punched in the number and picked up the receiver before he could give himself time to doubt himself once more, listening to the mechanical tones as the line rang. Once, twice, three times. He’d been about to give up, expecting it to go to voicemail- but instead a woman’s voice came on the line.
“A-Ah, I....” 
He startled at her brief introduction, a response which only seemed to make the woman confused.
“Is this a prank call?”
“N-No, Ma’am. I just...” He forced himself to take a deep breath, steadying his nerves. “I-I’m... Ryou Bakura. I’m a... friend of Hayato’s. I... wanted to ask about him... if he’s doing alright....”
The line went quiet for a moment, and Ryou started to wonder if she was going to hang up on him. He wouldn’t blame her- he was the reason her kid had ended up in a coma.
“Actually, he... he just woke up yesterday.” There was a mix of emotions in her voice that Ryou couldn’t fully understand, but the relief and exhaustion were clear. “Would you like to speak with him? I can give you his cell’s number. I’m sure he’d be overjoyed to speak with his friends- he’s still in the hospital for now.”
“I-I... yes, that would be... that would be nice. Thank you.”
She listed it out, and he copied it down dutifully, then they exchanged some quick goodbyes and left Ryou once more alone in a silent apartment. But... he was awake. One friend, at least, was awake.
Then surely, the rest had to be...
He wasn’t able to think long enough to discourage himself from calling his friend’s cell, punching in the number and waiting, praying that he would pick up. He only had to wait for one ring this time, before a voice that felt too familiar came on the line. It’d been a while now, and yet it felt as if the’d only spoken yesterday.
“Yo, this’s Hayato! Who’s there?”
“H-Hi, um... it’s Ryou...”
“Ryou?!” He was loud enough that Ryou had to hold the phone away from his ear, but he wasn’t angry. He sounded surprised, and maybe even a bit excited- but not mad. “Where’d you go, man?! I was talking with our classmates- they said you just up and vanished!”
“I-I... I transferred schools...”
“At the end of the year? That’s a bummer, dude. Your dad really never lets you catch a break, huh?”
There was a noise from the other end, the sounds of voices and surprise, and suddenly there were two more people talking.
“Ryou! You’re alright! We were so worried about you- Ai looked like she was gonna cry when she heard you weren’t at school anymore!”
“K-Kaito, shut up!”
“Ha! You’re blushing! You’re totally embarrassed!”
“Anyways,” Hayato had taken the phone back, apparently, “nobody’s really sure what happened, but all of us just... woke up! The doctors aren’t letting us go yet, just in case- but I haven’t felt this good in ages.”
“Y-You... all of you... y-you’re really... okay?”
It was like a floodgate broke- Ryou was crying into the receiver, trying and failing to keep his composure as his friends joked around as if he was still right there, as if nothing bad had ever happened.
They spoke for a while after that, Ryou telling them about Domino high and Domino City and what it’d been like since his move, and all of them talking about the gossip that their classmates had shared with them already in the short time since they’d woken up.
Ryou didn’t know if things would ever really be normal- and he couldn’t bring himself to contact more people, to check on every person because he knew that not everyone could be so happy, and not everyone would want to talk to him. And that was fine- they didn’t owe him that.
But his friends had woken up. They were awake. Even if they drifted apart, they were awake, and that was so much better than having “friends forever” if they were stuck in lead figurines, unable to do anything. And all of it, all of this, was thanks to Yugi and his- Ryou’s too- friends.
For the next week, Ryou spent his time after school working on something, a project that kept his mind busy while he settled into a life without the ring, without the blackouts and fear. it was something he was proud of, and even if working on it made his hand ache after an hour or two, it was worth it.
“There’s something that I want to show all of you.”
He said it with a smile, a genuine smile, as he held a small covered box in front of him. The gang gathered around a desk, curiously trying to inspect it- when he took the cover off, revealing the diorama he’d been working on.
“I made it myself... it’s a diorama of our adventure- a symbol of our friendship.”
He had friends now, friends whom he would never betray, and who he hoped would never betray him. No matter what, he’d do whatever he could to protect all of them, so that he wouldn’t ever lose a friend again.
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thebladeblaster · 3 years
Pokémon: the Dark Circuit (aka Vanguard Descends season 2)
Chapter 8 Prelude To The Circuit Part 1 (cont.)
“I think we already did this.”, Kamui replied.
Aichi looked over to Olivier.
“Is that fine with you?”, Aichi asked and Olivier nodded.
“Yes, I came here to talk as well.”, Oliver replied.
“We must have been thinking something similar.”, Aichi replied.
“Do you mind following me. Your friends may come along if they wish.”, Olivier asked.
“You bet we will!”, Kamui replied.
“Yeah, that’s fine.”, Aichi replied.
Oliver, Aichi, Misaki and Kamui started walking.
“I…”, Aichi looked down as he trailed off.
“Why am I getting tongue tied now? I have been waiting for this moment.”, Aichi thought.
Olivier looked over to Aichi noticing his struggle.
“It must feel a bit awkward to be talking after all these years.”, Olivier said.
“Yeah...umm...so how has things been since I’ve been gone?”, Aichi asked awkwardly.
Before Olivier answered they stopped to see a burnt down manner. Aichi’s eyes widened in shock recognizing the building.
“...My father died and many others in our family in a fire.”, Olivier responded.
Kamui gasped in shock and Misaki looked to Aichi who became very quiet. Aichi looked down at a loss for words.
“Arthur’s dead?”, Aichi questioned, sounding as if he could hardly believe it.
He had wondered why Arthur hadn’t been by his father’s side. He usually always was like how him and Olivier had been.
“I-I...I am sorry to hear that…”, Aichi said quietly.
“It wasn’t a accident. It was a attack meant to kill your father.”, Olivier explained and Aichi was at a loss for words.
His bangs covered his eyes.
“I’m sorry...I haven’t been here for you like you were for me. But if you come back with me to Kakusa maybe we can make things right!”, Aichi said.
Olivier looked rather shocked at the invitation to Kakusa and knew the implication.
“I’m sorry 00...Aichi but I can’t betray Team Asteroid. While from your perspective what your father is doing may seem wrong but it truly is the best for the world.”, Olivier replied.
Aichi looked up heartbroken at his response.
“How do you know? Have you really seen the people of the outside world? How they’ve lived. When I was with Team Asteroid I didn’t know anything besides my father’s vision. It was drilled in my head since birth that it was my purpose to fulfill his vision. I never experienced other viewpoints or what a free life was like.”, Aichi replied, walking up to Olivier.
“That freedom leads to conflict and suffering. Only through the watchful guidance of Team Asteroid can the world reach peace. If there’s no differing ideas there’s no conflict and...no one else has to die in war.”, Olivier replied, looking over at the manner during the last part.
“Olivier...life without freedom is...hell. I know that more than anyone. I suffer the most whenever Team Asteroid tries to control me. Sure freedom can lead to bad things and horrible things. People can be very cruel with free reign to do what they want. But...people can also be very kind to and do things that help people. If people are controlled they can’t evolve or innovate. I may not be fighting Team Asteroid for Arceus, but I believe in the world it created. I believe in the people of this world. Even if they aren’t perfect I know everyone is capable of doing good.”, Aichi replied.
“The world Arceus created is broken. If life was truly created in its image. It is just as flawed as it’s creations. Living in a region like Kakusa has made you naive. The conflict in Kakusa was merely a childish scuffle compared to the conflict with the other regions.”, Olivier replied with a glare.
“Fuck you! You don’t know what we’ve been through! You weren’t there! How could you possibly know!”, Kamui loudly interjected and Misaki didn’t stop him glaring at Olivier herself.
“You’re not the only one who’s suffered.”, Misaki said angrily.
“Then let’s test how strong your will is Aichi! We’ll battle with one Pokémon of the same type.”, Olivier declared pointing at Aichi.
“Why would he impose a weird condition like that?”, Kamui wondered.
“It’s what we call an honor battle. The two trainers in one fight with a Pokémon of the same type, an even playing field. It’s usually to determine who’s way better at raising Pokémon.”, Kamui jumped as Neve walked in.
“Who’s way is better huh? It’s a battle of ideals.”, Misaki said.
“Exactly.”, Neve replied.
“Oh oh! A battle that should be entertaining!”, Rati said.
“What the?! Are you guys ninjas?!”, Kamui questioned.
“We’re trained soldiers or course we know basics like stealth.”, Raul said, causing Kamui to jump and growl at him.
“Which type?”, Aichi questioned.
“Dragon type.”, Olivier declared.
“Alright! I won’t back down! I’ll show you how serious I am! Go, Soul Saver!”, Aichi called out throwing out Soul Saver.
“Haxorus! Haxorus! Haxorus! Haxorus! Haxorus! Haxorus! (I won’t let you get away with making mama angry!)”, Soul Saver roared angrily after she came out feeling the same strong emotions as her trainer through the link.
“Go Prominence Core!”, Olivier called out.
“Garchomp! Garchomp! Garchomp! (I won’t lose to some pet dragon!)”, Prominence Core roared at Soul Saver challengingly.
“Get em bro!”, Kamui cheered.
“This is so childish.”, Misaki sighed.
“I can see they really care about each other but they're both too hard headed to concede to the other. They both think they’re right and know what’s best for each other.”, Misaki thought.
“Soul Saver, let’s go! Use scale shot!”, Aichi ordered.
Soul Saver shot scales at Prominence Core.
“Prominence Core use dragon rush!”, Olivier ordered.
Prominence Core charged at Soul Saver its fins cutting through the scales. Soul Saver narrowly dodged Prominence Core and glared.
“Soul Saver use iron tail!”, Aichi ordered.
Soul Saver dug it’s tusks deep into Prominence Core before it could evade. She slammed her tail hard onto Prominence Core’s rough scales. Prominence Core quickly collected itself slashing at Soul Saver’s tusks with its fin.
“Prominence Core use flamethrower!”, Olivier ordered.
“Soul Saver!”, Aichi called out as Soul Saver’s top half was engulfed with blue flames.
“Heh, is this fight already done. 003v really has become soft in the Kakusa region. After all a Haxorus isn’t even an optimal choice for a dragon type.”, Raul commented.
“Don’t…”, Aichi said as his voice became deeper.
“Haxorus!!! Haxorus!!! (Count me out yet!!!)”, Soul Saver roared.
Prominence Core staggered back as its flame started to be overwhelmed by another blue flame. Through the flame Soul Saver’s eyes glowed menacingly.
“Prominence Core don’t back down!”, Olivier ordered.
“What a miscalculation. His Garchomp really should evade.”, Raul said.
“It’s about his pride. He can’t run away.”, Neve replied.
Prominence Core stood its ground, its fire clashing with Soul Saver’s own. Soul Saver’s glowing eyes showed that she was now using outrage.
“Why can’t you see...”, Olivier thought.
“That you’re wrong!”, Aichi thought.
“I don’t want to be your enemy.”, they both thought.
The area around started to shake and parts of it started to melt from the heated clash. Good thing they were away from civilians here.
“Seems 003v’s Haxorus is very powerful Raul.”, Rati said.
“It’s due to its exposure to 003v’s power as an egg. It’s made his Haxorus unnaturally powerful compared to most of its species. It’s like the enhancement 002f and 004a use but permanent.”, Raul explained.
“That’s amazing can the other Psyqualia user’s do that as well?”, Neve asked.
“I won’t answer it here with enemies nearby.”, Raul replied and Neve nodded.
Rati casually held a box of donuts and munched on one.
“Want one?”, she asked Misaki who sweat dropped.
They weren’t sure how long they had sat there but considering the stubbornness of the two they knew it was long very long. The others had even come there worried something bad had happened. They also sweat dropped as Aichi continued to battle even with his stomach growling like an angry Salamence. The two Pokémon sweated as they were running out of energy. The two ended up collapsing making the battle a draw.
“Want a donut, 003v?”, Rati asked.
“Thank you!”, Aichi hastily thanked before devouring the donut in a few bites.
“You idiot you should have ate before. You should know how much your Psyqualia drains your energy.”, Olivier scolded Aichi, sounding like a worried parent.
Soul Saver smelled the donuts and buckets of drool leaked from her mouth. She jumped up ignoring her tiredness skipping over to Rati.
“Haxorus? (Can I have one too?)”, Soul Saver asked, with her tail wagging like a puppy.
“Aww! Your Haxorus is so cute! You can have one too.”, Rati said, holding out the donut like a dog treat and Soul Saver gulped down the donut in one go,
“Why are you guys taking food from them? It could be drugged or something?” , Honda questioned.
“Rati wouldn’t do that.”, Aichi replied almost instantly sounding strangely sure.
Olivier’s eyes widened looking over to Aichi.
“Does he?”, Olivier thought.
“Why are you so sure of that we met for the first time today?”, Rati asked.
“Really? That’s strange...I feel like we have.”, Aichi questioned, blinking a bit with a look of confusion.
“Now, that I think of it I only spent a few of my early years with Olivier yet I feel like I’ve known him for a lot longer.”, Aichi thought.
“Strange…”, Yugi trailed off as Anzu looked over to him.
“Why does the image of the five of them together feel so familiar?”, Yugi thought.
Suddenly he had a very strange flash. Aichi had the Quatre Knights by his side and a Haxorus. He wore a black general-like cloak. The attire seemed rather out of character for Aichi he knew especially the sinister smirk he had on his face.
“So you’re the other messiah of this era?”, 003v questioned.
To be continued…
Yeah I’m that evil to give you that cliffhanger. Sorry for the lack of updates I have had a hard time writing. Wow, this chapter felt a lot longer than it actually was to me.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 25: Oh Hai Mai
Heyyy we’re back. Thank for bearing with me, it’s been kind of chaos over here. Everything from a pandemic (we are very sloooowly reopening over here but I’ve been quarantined so long I can french braid my damn leg hair.) to important political protests, to getting an evacuation order because an arsonist burned down 90 acres in the heat of summer (luckily we’re all fine), to a vole that ate everything in my pandemic self-care garden so I lost my entire mind and waged war and dug so many holes and put out 17 mouse traps and set off so many critter bombs under the ground trying to kill the little bastard like it was Caddyshack (It’s still alive, ps, I lost that war). These last 3 months have been the longest decades of my life. The only month longer was the one where I’m pretty sure I had mono and it made me positive that my basement was haunted.
Man, bring back my haunted basement, Sorry if this comes through in my writing, I tried but, I can’t edit it out. You get FML-Rachel today.
Lets get back to a good, mindless distraction, lets turn on Yugioh.
BUT------->it just so happens that this episode of Yugioh has cop stuff in it, I’m just going to be blunt. We’re going into Valon’s backstory, he’s very much a victim of problems within the bizarre Yugioh legal system, and much like a Gotham supervillain, he is a symptom of the problem more than the cause.
I’m not going to ignore that, but in case you are overwhelmed about that right now, if you want to like...save this for later--I have another FMA recap coming out soon that I wrote in a simpler time before....the corona freakin ruined us all.
Last we left off, we were on the heels of Joey Wheeler, who decided to book it down the street because he wants to murder the hell out of Valon.
Youknow...Joey is one hell of a protagonist. He just does...so MANY antagonistic things.
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Joey has decided that although the world is ending, and everyone left alive will be absorbed into the Great Leviathon’s big yummy tummy, which can only be prevented by three people, of which he is one of--he’s going to go sprint in completely the other direction.
We even managed to get Kaiba on board. We were ready. We were done, but then Joey had to lose his freakin mind because that’s just what Joey Wheeler does sometimes.
Normally heroes avoid the call to duty because of a severe lack of self confidence, but this is Joey, and he’s going to avoid the call to duty because of too much self confidence.
And so Joey and his Chaperone turn a corner and walk into this random orc who’s just casually living his best life and touring SF.
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One of my worst fears walking through SF, tbh. Running into high school people. Not so much the orcs.
Yo, I wonder what the bushman was doing through all of this? So IRL, we have this guy who just...hides in a bush and jump-scares tourists. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be in a bush and then just...all these orcs show up and you’re all.
...oh no, now I’m the fool...
I just want to know if bushman made it, or if he’s in a paper card that’s just a picture of foliage.
(read more under the cut)
Anyway, Joey was already in the process of running, so they just turned around on this street of...so much parking.
Like y’all there is SO MUCH PARKING this episode. I was trying to pay attention to anything else, but like...do you see this!? It takes nearly half an hour usually to get a spot but this--this right here?
And the crazy thing is, recently my bro had to go pick up some old guy from a cruise that...got quarantined...and so bro had to go the Pier and like--this is what the city looked like. This is a pandemic, it’s just lots of parking, so I want to criticize Yugioh, and I normally would, but I can’t. I’ve seen the receipts. They called it. This is what the endtimes look like and it’s so much parking.
Also, they were too lazy to draw cars but damn, they called it.
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So, left with no other option, Joey decides to...be Joey, and punches a huge orc covered in armor.
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So Valon’s here, because apparently SF has just...no one left alive in it except for these few kids and that one Uber Eats driver. I imagine it’s a lot easier to find Joey if you just follow the only one screaming in Japanese in a Brooklyn accent at the top of his lungs.
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And Valon decides that this one way street isn’t good enough, and that they must duel somewhere else.
I assumed it would be a tall structure, but considering Kaiba just blew up the tallest structures in the Financial District...I was like...what else is tall? And bear in mind, I’m a mess, so I was like...OMG I wish it were Macy’s!!!
Now I hear you saying that’s weird, and we shouldn’t have a very fancy Macy’s in 2020, and you’re correct. but we still have one, and the top floor is just...a massive Cheesecake factory, and I can’t think of anything more 00′s than a Yugioh duel on top of that specific Cheesecake Factory.
And I’ve never really thought before about where the best Yugioh duel would be, and it’s there. It’s at the high rise Cheesecake. Listen Yugioh, if you need an insider to choose locations for your Netflix remake of S4--call me.
So anyways, instead of doing the right thing and going to the Cheesecake Factory on top of Macy’s like any other self respecting 00′s teenager, Valon and Joey are going to drive through the most boring parts of town.
They had an opportunity to go chase eachother through any tourist attraction, Lombard street, Ghirardelli Square, the Palace of Fine Arts, China town, reuse some assets and drive through Japan town, that fountain that looks like Yoda--but no...they decided to drive through literal trash.
Just...a missed opportunity, and it should have been a Cheesecake Factory.
Also, I totally and fully acknowledge that a strange nostalgic affection for the Cheesecake Factory is a weird Millennial thing (much like our weird encyclopedic knowledge of Sailor Moon) but listen. You have your thing, too. You go do you, I’m gonna soak my sorrows in a bowl of Chinese chicken salad so wide, it’ll last me 3 days.
Anyways, Joey’s gonna steal that guy’s bike.
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Yugioh just predicting the future in 2003. We actually have a HUGE problem right now with vehicle theft in the city to an almost comedic degree, which is partly why the parking situation has gotten so incredibly dire. It’s kind of incredible that this guy left his bike out because after about 1 day in the city you learn pretty fast that you need to be constantly checking on your street parked vehicle--I mean, that guy was just asking for it, honestly. If Joey hadn’t taken it, some other guy would have absolutely taken it, (even that orc would’ve taken it, the city has no consideration for cars.)
Sorry --one sec-- that was an earthquake just now. As I’m typing this. Just a little guy. Just a little treat for me...
...but still like...c’mon. I’m also getting this weird issue where Tumblr doesn’t save my drafts so like...this is like the 3rd time I’ve had to write this like...I just want to make a Yugioh post for my tiny funtime tv blog, Universe. Don’t @ me right now, Universe.
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...is it the space between two piers? What is this? We don’t have rivers in SF, it is a peninsula covered in very steep hills. Like very VERY steep hills. All water just rolls into the ocean and there’s a couple of lake thingies but...no rivers that I know of (And like maybe this is a thing, and I just haven’t seen it? Learn something new every day.)
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*loud, audible sigh* home. Where we belong. At the warehousssssssse.
Back at the RV base, Duke Devlin is still babysitting. Maybe this is to make up for the two seasons he spent trying to date a girl Rebecca’s age, that they felt like going out of their way to show that he has indeed no longer horny now. Got to hand it to them, that’s a lot of character development right there. Although at the same time, it has made Duke Devlin a very non-character.
But imagine how insanely complicated would it have been if Duke got involved in that bizarre love-square that is Yugi, Tea, and the Ghost that killed Yugi by accident.
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PS that’s either a freeway onramp (which is too far South from where they were, I think) or it sure does look like old Embarcadero behind them. Youknow, that lifted street from the 80′s that fell down in Loma Prieta and was never rebuilt? I just freakin love that it’s still here in 2003. This bizarre Yugioh alternate California.
Anyway, because this is alternate California, Seto set a massive fire and the entire city didn’t immediately go up in flames. Apparently they just kinda ran away from the explosion and damage before anyone noticed.
Probably because most people on Earth are dead anyway, so what more can these two actually do?
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And so Yami ends up getting lectured by the wife.
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And justifiably, the wife seems to have absolutely no confidence that Yami will be able to do a damn thing right.
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Wifes all around this episode.
Speaking of,
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At this point, Arthur Hawkins senses that Yami’s nearby, so he opens the door just to freakin dump some guilt on him.
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...Rebecca seems to be a character that’s mostly there to recap the lore and also to dump on Yami. I don’t mind that. Yami needs to get dunked more often, and I’m saying that in S4, where the entire season’s tagline is “how many times can we dunk on Yami?”
So lets check on Yugi, how’s that kid doing? It’s been quite a number of episodes since we last saw him.
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Yep, still hanging out in the Han Solo cosplay room.
And then, because I guess everyone is just hanging out in the same 4 blocks, Mai and Tristan have a heart-to-heart.
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In the show, this conversation was Mai (who is now a serial killer) saying “Oh hey, Tristan, where’s Joey?” and Tristan saying “It’s ALL YOUR FAULT he wants to kill Valon--thanks a lot, Mai! GODS!” all indignant like.
Not how you would ordinarily talk to a serial killer, just saying. No one from the Yugi crew fears this woman...at all...and she has killed over 20 people in front of them and is trying very hard to kill Joey Wheeler all the time.
Like what would it actually take for them to fear this woman? They can’t, right?
Meanwhile, Valon is trying to explain to Joey that his obsession with Mai is in fact damaging any relationship they could have had.
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So then when you’re like OK...this is actually very valid points on Valon’s part, and Joey really does need to step back and let people make their mistakes considering Joey was barely a part of her life to begin with. But then, Valon just turns a 180 and...it becomes a catty love triangle where only one person in the triangle even feels romantic emotions.
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I just...so Valon is doing this fight because he thinks Mai is in love with Joey.
This whole time I was like “well maybe it’s more that Valon is trying to defend Mai’s right to make her own choices” but no...he just straight up thinks Mai is in love with Joey. And, in fighting Joey, Valon himself is ignoring Mai’s life choices
Just a whole lot of misunderstanding that would have been fixed with better ways than dueling with cards. At least that one guy in S2 who tried to marry Mai actually dueled HER instead of some random guy.
It just really feels like these boys are having a pissing contest and Mai was never let in on the deets that this was even happening.
Mai needs to hang out with older men. Set her up with Roland, this is ridiculous.
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Back at the RV, which got very, very big in this shot, Seto has an odd convo with Mokuba about how they are probably not going to get Kaiba Corp back. And then no one really argued with him about that.
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He’s taking it really well. Maybe because this isn’t even the first time or the second time or even really the third time Seto’s lost everything. Kid’s really freakin great at failure. At least this time Mokuba isn’t currently abducted, which is really good improvement for these two.
Outside the RV, Tristan has decided to...give up as well, just right here, in the middle of traffic. Then he gets Orc’d...these orcs are kind of like Slenderman, in that they kinda...show up...but then that’s all they do because the designers didn’t actually want to animate anything.
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And then this happens.
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God bless this story boarder for this random series of events presented in just this way.
Also here’s yet another example where Tea just has...no fear. She’s actually only out here because she was like “that’s it, we’re getting another driver” and was going to chew out Duke Devlin. The Orc being in the middle of the road was not the reason she walked out here.
Anyways, Yami killed it because everyone here can just throw cards forever, these things are not threatening.
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The subplot of everyone refusing to drive with Duke Devlin after he busted his car in Death Valley is still ongoing, and it’s still low key hilarious that no one will outright say “Duke, your driving is just so bad” and instead, Duke just has to sit there and watch Joey STEAL A MOTORCYCLE just so he won’t have to drive shotgun with Duke Devlin.
Rebecca, our plot-dump device, then informs us that Valon has Special Rules.
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Because Valon, if you’ve forgotten, has a card that allows him to physically punch his opponent in the face.
They should have invented that card a long time ago TBH.
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SO, lets get into Valons tragic backstory. First off, go turn on your Les Mis Soundtrack, because this is some old school cop stuff.
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So apparently Valon, as a child just...stayed in the system forever. We don’t know why yet, but lets just assume that it’s tragic and heavy handed. If he steals a loaf of bread and ends up in 12 Juvies (which is a line from the show and not an exaggeration--12 Juvies) then I will expect him to be singing by the end of this and I will be very disappointed if he does not.
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Anyways, he was such an asshole, that he caught the attention of some very illegal rich bastard who was trying to turn prisoners into...card murders. (it was Dartz.) because apparently...Dartz also funds prisons and that is...that is some deep lore.
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And so probably about the same time that Yugi was Dueling to the death on Pegasus’ Island, and about the same time that Marik was hanging out in the ocean next to Pegasus’ Island with a pair of binoculars, and about the same time that Noah was underneath Pegasus’ Island just watching Pegasus steal KaibaCorp, Dartz decided to make his OWN murder island--because I guess he got jealous.
Anyway, Valon won, and didn’t even need to set anyone on fire.
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Those little green things there--those are all souls of prison inmates.
Millennials got DARK, OK? Freakin...we had a show for 9 year olds that went deep into the school-to-prison pipeline and didn’t even try to hide it under any layers of symbolism. Like Hunger Games at least had two people survive.
This was a show to sell PAPER CARDS.
Now, there’s a lot of good conversation going on right now about errors in the modern justice system on not just a local scale, but on a global scale, especially regarding racial profiling and criminalization of poor, sick, and young, and we better keep pushing it. But it’s surprising when people pretend like this hasn’t been talked about for a long time. Because...we’ve been talking about it in kids and YA shows for a long time. This is not something that just popped up in 2020.
Like millennials didn’t invent this obsession with dark and gritty stories with uncomfortable themes. It’s been around for thousands of years, but back in the 90′s and 00′s, a lot of shows for YA and younger enjoyed talking about the problems with prisons and abuse of power with our justice systems--a lot. Batman, X-men, Death Note, so so many, hell, even the OC.
And like, don’t get me wrong, we still have these shows running around, but I’ve been there’s been a trend of stories (not saying names) where just...nothing bad happens. And, that’s kind of sad because...they CAN have small elements that are more progressive in them, but only brought forth with a very risk-free cotton candy fluffy coating to make the majority of the population happy.
I could go long about this, and I’m getting very cryptic. If a kid escapes to more colorful worlds where nothing bad ever happens, that’s OK--sometimes you need that, but when nothing bad ever happens surrounding certain experiences where bad things normally happen--the meaning of the story changes because it isn’t a real experience anymore.
Like I don’t want to tangent too much, and I just had to delete a lot of examples, but I know a lot of people want to write stories about misrepresented minorities and about real deal serious situations and are just so afraid of misrepresentation that they go in completely the wrong direction by not putting in anything uncomfortable at all. I think it’s important to look at the work and ask yourself is this about the minority the work should be about--or is this work about patting the majority of the population on the back and saying neat, we’ve achieved utopia without having to even do anything?
...anyway, obvi I’m ranting, but I feel like we’re taking a step backwards when it comes to the importance of kids programming and that we do need to talk to kids about prison again. This is a show about paper cards, and they don’t do a great job at talking about...the reality of prison, this was exaggerated with genre stereotypes, but at least they didn’t cover it with rainbows and unicorns, because this isn’t about how great Joey and the “normal” people are at saving Valon, this is about how society screwed Valon beyond repair, and I am 99% certain we will see this guy’s soul stuffed in a brick above Dartz’ snake fireplace.
Like, yeah he duels to the death on an island, but that’s imagery that is very close to real life prison issues. We don’t talk to kids a lot about how a lot of inmates get enlisted into the military during war times (and quite literally...duel to their death...on islands). We don’t talk about how we use inmates to betray eachother for a chance at maybe getting amnesty. We don’t talk about how a lot of the victims of this system are essentially children, and have been caught in a system of endless prison for what will probably be the rest of their lives. We don’t talk about how we’re systematically turning kids into criminals so much in kid’s shows of late...and Freakin Yugioh just did in a filler season. 
....................I think our standard for modern kids programming to talk about serious issues is way too low if Yugioh just threw this out there in a filler season, is all I’m saying.
++++++++++++++++++END OF PRISON RANT++++++++++++++++++++++
 So, Valon is free but...is he?
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Not really, he’s just gone from one jailer to another, but at least this time he gets his own room. Don’t blame him for latching onto Dartz’ dream to end the world, because the world for him has been one behind bars. He doesn’t know it. Never been there.
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It’s just interesting juxtaposed to Joey because Joey had some sort of Season Zero history with a gang and I haven’t watched that episode yet.
So that’s it for now, again, I’m very slooow lately. I slept for 3 hours today...and I don’t know why. But hey--we all got through three (four???) months of this...we just gotta go...one month at a time.
That and I accidentally did my taxes early so there’s that. See? Good things still happen.
Also, because I only slightly referenced the most incredible movie ever made on San Fransisco soil, I’ll just leave this here. The true hallmark of our city.
Anyway you know the drill, here’s the link
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Yugi’s decks and some other odd stuff that just makes sense.
This is a weird double kind of post where I focus on many things because of a little project I’ve been working on. So as anyone who has ever grown up and has been into Yu-Gi-Oh knows you just can’t not like the anime. From the ridiculous duels and cards to the ridiculous hair on every single character and I’m not talking about the newer shows so much as just the original show because that’s probably the “best” one to most people (partial to GX myself even though I know it’s not the best and Konami kinda messed up on it at the end of the series in USA). See if you watch the show a simple easy thing that anyone who gets it would like would be to get the decks of a character. Heck even if it was Weevil people would be a little excited but not as excited as if they got one of the main characters. Which was great because even though it’s old news I was very excited to buy the legendary decks for Yugi. See that is an amazing product idea that can bring in everyone who likes Yu-Gi-Oh. You bring in the casuals by giving them his decks, you bring in the collectors for cards that don’t exist yet here in the west or even those who have missed out on older cards, and you bring in the more serious crowd for cards that are in archetypes that might be harder to find maybe (probably not because the game has evolved to such a degree that even mirror force isn’t good anymore.) but still 2/3 ain’t bad. Let’s be honest though. This is Konami so they’re gonna find a way to fuck it up and I’m a decent guy so I usually try to have some faith in things. Even things like Konami who ruin most of their IPs in general but hey, I keep that faith. This was a simple thing to do but in the end they messed it up with really easy to do things. Now let’s just be really honest about this. if this product interested you. You would buy it if it hit the sweet spot of cost = product. I know I would and I’m sure many others would as well. Let’s assume Konami does its best in that it not only releases every single card Yugi has ever used before but also makes each card that doesn’t exist, to exist. They would have to make a handful of cards yes, but people would probably go and buy that product cause every deck he’s run is in it in their entirety. We can assume they would use his actual deck lists and make his actual decks. Yeah, his decks are not good but let’s face it fan, cosplayers, kids, adults and everyone and their grandma would buy this product. Nostalgia is a huge thing nowadays and even if we can’t play it in a tournament and hope to win we could just roll up, throw down a fiver and just play that sweet sweet celtic guardian. Now let’s be a little more realistic. Let’s assume we take the middle road which is absolutely the best idea. Heck we’ll take both sides of that road and give two middle road ideas that are the best idea. Make his actual decks and only use cards printed while printing about 5 cards that haven’t been made. That electromagnetic turtle is pretty dope not gonna lie. Point is even then we would still get a 4 card deck from each main part of the journey. 120 cards, 5 promos, the art cards for duelist kingdom, the god cards (playable or not even) would not set anyone back hard in printing since they’re all stuff already made in real life and would even bring cards like torike and horn imp into the west which haven’t even come here. Heck don’t even make decks. Throw in every card from every single season he has ever used. We don’t need to have 2 giant soldier of stones. (yes he uses two at one point) It would however be nice if we just got the cards the way he has them in looks and what he has. Call it Yugis legendary collection and it is the same exact thing. The worst thing you could do is just make his deck and just add in random shit like 3 dark magician girls. Which is what they did. Like This is a simple thing to make man how could you mess up by adding cards he didn’t use in decks when they didn’t exist then? Even detonate which is a card Kaiba uses. Look man it’s not the biggest of deals but the fact that the next set was stuff “based on their main cards” and Yugi had exodia? HE USED IT IN ONE DUEL. Make a dark magician deck. Sure it would reprint some of the same stuff but lets face it. THAT’S WHAT PEOPLE WOULD WANT. We don’t want something LIKE it. We want that thing.  Why does this matter? Honestly besides how sad the product was it really made me want the thing I didn’t get and it is near impossible ( at least I assume) to get torike and horn imp in the west when I believe it has had one printing in the east only and the only way to buy the cards are to go buy Orica stuff. Which in their own way is nice too. Support artists. So I took it upon myself to make those exact decks and to in general just make it a small side project in my life. Duelist kingdom deck was mostly easy to do and I am missing just 3 cards so I can buy 2 of them no problem and the others are torike and horn imp. Cards we never got (fuck you Konami). That’s when I started to see the other seasons which are not cannon in comics but are technically cannon in the show. Filler is a very iffy thing to use but I’m super casual and actually like filler in things I like. Hell DBZ has some of the better filler in the side stuff it puts in because it never really changes much. However sometimes you can have too much filler or filler that changes the series totally (stares at bleach, Naruto, and one piece. You all know what you did).  Now why does this also matter? Because it raises a ton of questions about the series in general when you look at a characters decks. Did you know that as iconic as Gaia the fierce knight is he doesn’t show up past duelist kingdom? Even in the manga he only has it in duelist kingdom. This raises a ton of questions. Like Gaia the dragon champion is really good in the anime. Because let’s face it. If you are going to use chimera in your duels than why not have Gaia in there as well to make a stronger monster? It’s one of his boss monsters. I mean he still uses curse of dragon in every deck except waking the dragons which again I know it’s not fully cannon but that shouldn’t stop them from using him. Unless there was a decent enough reason. I think that reason is you don’t need the monster itself in duelist kingdom to make the fusion. Which I can actually make an argument for. Yugi has 2 monsters in his deck. First is Black skull dragon and Dragon master knight. I know one is filler but it would fit the same argument regardless because even if we take from the anime it might be a little different in the manga and comic for battle city but that is indeed cannon. So the point I’m making is it’s a little strange Yugi would have either of those mosnters in his deck. He never knew he was going to work with Joey or Kaiba ever so why would he just have them? Trade doesn’t really work that way in the show cause we never see it and I know that dude isn’t carrying around cards because let’s face it. He didn’t bring anything but his cards and a glove. He didn’t have replacement cards. Which makes you wonder where the time wizard was from when he gave it to joey. He isn’t carrying extra cards cause the world doesn’t have packs the same way and cards would be more diverse or shittier and packs are like 5 cards per pack. So having such a rare and powerful card like that and it just “being around” makes 0 sense. Which makes you believe that it came from his deck. So time wizard was an original card. We have to remember that the reason he never played it is he never drew it in his duels and then gave it to Joey. Which makes the most sense. So if we go by that logic it would be understandable that since time wizard doesn’t fuse into baby dragon that you don’t even need thousand dragon in the extra deck. That also means dark sage isn’t even in Yugis deck because if it was meant to pair with time wizard he’d have taken it out or he just simply never ran into it or was a jerk and threw it in to counter Joey. So by that logic the reason Gaia never made a return is he never had the fusion in the first place. This makes me assume many things about the decks written are kind of misleading. Firstly the fact that Yugi has the same deck kind of but changes it every season. It makes 0 sense that he would in a world where cards are not a common supply even though it is the most common thing in his world to have that he would just always remake his deck mostly alike and then in general change 10 cards out only to put them back in to only take them out again. So when mysical elf is in his deck in virtual world but he doesn’t put 2 giant soldiers of stone in makes me question if he actually even doesn’t have mystical elf in his deck normally but sure as heck has feral imp. I came to the conclusion that in every season Yugi is just running the same deck with no differences. If there are differences it would be he added them in later on because he got the card and the only reason we never see it is that the man has over 80 cards in his deck. No it’s not 40 no matter how many times he says it because anime rules. It makes even less sense to change the deck not just for every season but every duel that he would have life shaver in against Kaiba only and then never play it in a duel ever again or something along those lines. Why does this matter? If I am going to make his decks I want to be as “accurate” as possible and am going to make his decks but it’s not like anyone wants to just make 7 decks for the dude. Especially when you take the Pharaoh into account as well. And who even wants to actually just make a Yugi themed deck? It’s not the same as having his decks themselves. It is much cooler in the end to actually have his deck. Even if it is 4000 cards large.
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phoenixfeatherquill · 4 years
Endgame (2/10)
Chapter 1
It was like something out of a movie.  Mai Valentine stood in their doorway.  As usual, she was dressed to the nines—tall knee high boots, leather jacket, a corset.  It was drizzling outside but her long blonde hair remained voluminous.  Her cheeks were wet, but whether it was tears or rain, Serenity couldn’t say.
Joey seemed to be at a loss for words.  Serenity couldn’t blame him.  Since Joey and Mai had separated, he hadn’t heard from her at all—no letters, no phone calls, nothing.  And she knew Joey worried for her and quietly Googled for any kind of mention of her in the dueling world.  
But here Mai was, back in Domino City…staring at her brother with a kind of yearning and sadness that broke Serenity’s heart.
“Come out of the rain,” Serenity requested.  She pushed past her brother and took Mai’s arm, gently leading her inside the apartment.  She grabbed her brother’s arm too and led them both to the breakfast table.  
“Here,” She poured Mai a cup of coffee. “Oh, Mai, you’re soaked through. Give me your jacket. I’m going to bring you a blanket.”
Watching his younger sister fuss over Mai seemed to shake Joey out of his stupor, but only slightly.  He poured himself a cup of coffee as well and turned off the stove.  Mai watched him and cleared her throat a few times.  She couldn’t seem to say anything to him though and eventually she resorted to staring at her coffee.  
Serenity returned from her bedroom and wrapped a thick quilt around Mai’s bare shoulders.  She glanced up at her.
“Thank you, Serenity,” Her voice was low. “It’s good to see you again.”
“You as well,” Serenity smiled.  Joey realized with a jolt that his sister had her jacket.
“Um—where—where are you going?” His voice became strangely high-pitched.
“Just going to go out for a little bit,” Serenity said pleasantly. “I’ll be back soon. Mai, Joey made a fantastic breakfast. Have some pancakes. Drink more coffee, it will warm you up.”
Before Joey could protest, she quickly exited their apartment.
It wasn’t raining very hard.  Mai must have been standing outside their door for quite a while to be as drenched as she was.  Serenity shivered a little and belted her pink jacket tightly.  Now that she was out of the apartment, she wasn’t really sure where to head to next.  The grocery shopping was finished and she didn’t have classes on the weekends.  
She texted Tea to see if she wanted to go shopping or get brunch.  Tea replied quickly and told her regretfully that she was tied up helping Yugi all day.  His grandfather was expanding their little shop and they would be moving boxes for hours.  
Serenity thought about offering to help but ultimately decided against it. She considered her other options and ruefully wished Duke and Tristan didn’t have designs on her—it would’ve been nice just to hang out with some friends.  
It was with utter aimlessness that she ended up at Kaibaland.
She blamed happenstance and the article she read in the paper.  She did not particularly want to run into Seto Kaiba after she humiliated him over a game of chess.  Joey would’ve wanted to gloat, Serenity just wanted to forget the event.  Chess, as much as she loved it, brought back painful memories…
Still, it was unlikely Kaiba would be physically at Kaibaland.  From what she understood, he ran things remotely from the KaibaCorp Tower.  That was where his office was.  
She could at least get out of the rain.  
There was the demonstration that she’d read about, specifically catered to novice duelists and children.  According to the signs, it was a “League Day”—promoted to those that wanted to learn Duel Monsters.
Serenity considered.  She had always wanted to learn Duel Monsters…really learn.  On her own terms, not with the fate of the world or someone’s soul or whatever else. Just as a fun game.  
She went to the entry registration computer and put in her name.
“Seto? Are you okay?”
Kaiba didn’t answer his little brother.  He was examining one of the older hologram arena models, measuring the dimensions.  It was probably time to upgrade these bulky arenas—nowadays, everyone had a duel disk system which made these arenas obsolete.  
Mokuba, who’d followed his older brother to Kaibaland, sighed impatiently. “Seto, c’mon. You’ve barely talked to me since yesterday. Are you still upset about what happened?”
Kaiba glanced at him.  “What’s to be upset about?”
Mokuba fidgeted.  “The last time you lost a game to someone you disappeared off the face of the earth and I got kidnapped by Pegasus. So sue me if I’m a little anxious about how you’re taking this.”
Kaiba exhaled slowly.  “I’m not going anywhere, Mokuba. What do you think about getting rid of these arenas?”
Mokuba did not look convinced but he sighed in resignation.  “I like the old arenas, Seto. Not everyone can afford duel disk systems. Keeping these here as an affordable option allows more people to have access to our technology, even on a limited basis.”
Kaiba considered this point.  He typed something on a mobile tablet and stood up from the arena.  The two of them walked wordlessly out of the little arena down the halls of Kaibaland.  
“Seto, seriously. Can we talk about what happened?”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” Kaiba ignored the astonished younger duelists who stopped and pointed at him. “We should at least upgrade the arenas. They’re so outdated, they’re an eyesore.”
“Okay, whatever,” Mokuba rolled his eyes as they passed through the lobby. “Distract yourself with work. That always works out well for…”
Mokuba stopped short.  Seto realized his younger brother had paused in step and impatiently turned around to see what on earth he was looking at.  
There were always duels going on in the atrium—some with duel disks, others seated at tables with KaibaCorp tutors reviewing and offering tips and hints. Towards the far end of the atrium, there was a kid playing at one of those tables with an older girl.  He crowed in victory and Kaiba rolled his eyes at the kid…until he realized the losing opponent was Serenity Wheeler.  
What was she doing here?!”
Mokuba glanced nervously at Kaiba.  Kaiba stared at her for a long moment and his younger brother realized the expression on his face—Seto was offended.
Ignoring the gasps from the other duelists, he marched over across the room towards the small table.  
“You lost! Ha ha! I beat a grown-up!” The kid was shouting triumphantly. Kaiba expected Serenity to be upset but instead she looked amused.
“Great job! Guess I have a lot to learn…” The two of them paused and the kid squeaked.  Serenity blinked at Kaiba as he towered over them.
There was a moment of silence and Serenity opened her mouth to speak.  But before she could, Kaiba spat out:
“I thought you didn’t play Duel Monsters.”
Serenity’s mouth twitched and she cleared her throat.  “I don’t. That’s why I signed up for a novice demonstration…to learn.”
She smiled at her opponent, who was openly gaping at Kaiba, his mouth wide open. “And why Yuki here beat me soundly.”
Her pleasure at losing confused all parties around her.  Mokuba cleared his throat and picked up her deck curiously. “Is this yours?”
“No, I rented it from one of your stalls.”
Kaiba openly snorted as he looked over his brother’s shoulder.  The deck was the most basic of strategies, with no personality to any of her cards.  A true duelist selected cards that matched their personality and strategy.  In fact, Kaiba never really liked the stalls in Kaibaland that allowed duelists to rent or purchase pre-made decks, but Mokuba insisted this helped the younger demographic, who had no idea how to build a proper deck.  
“Not very good,” Mokuba admitted to her and Serenity laughed. “You should build your own—I’m sure Yugi or Joey would help you.”
Kaiba rolled his eyes and Serenity chuckled.
“Yugi and Tea are completely revamping and restoring his grandpa’s shop—they’ve been covered in sawdust for the past month. I hate to interrupt them for something like this, just because I’m curious about learning. I was actually planning on asking Joey to teach me, but…well, he’s a little busy this morning.”
“You wanted Wheeler to teach you?” Kaiba said in utter disgust.
Serenity frowned at him.  “Joey is an excellent duelist. And a very good teacher.”
Kaiba snorted audibly.  She stood up angrily and Mokuba cautiously stepped in between the two, in case the other Wheeler lost her temper.  
“Just because you refuse to acknowledge it, doesn’t make it any less true,” Serenity spat. “He’s ranked in the top ten of every competition in the last five years—but what gets me is you know this. You saw how good he was in your own tournament! You just refuse to admit it, because you’re as stubborn as he is!”
Kaiba glared at her.  The stare was devastating; a more nervous person would have quailed before it, but Serenity stood her ground.  Mokuba blinked anxiously between them.
Finally, Kaiba spoke.  And he said something that surprised Serenity.
“Come with me.”
Before waiting for her answer, he turned around rapidly and strode forward. Serenity crossed her arms defiantly—did he really expect her to follow him after he insulted her brother that way?
But Mokuba seemed as surprised as she was.  He looked at her and gestured for her to follow him.  She thought it might be satisfying to refuse and tramp out of Kaibaland, but…the truth was, she wanted to satisfy her curiosity more. With a sigh, she nodded at Mokuba and followed Kaiba.
“Um…Seto, where are we going?”
It was Mokuba who asked the tentative question.  Kaiba had not looked at either of them in the eye and Serenity was to the point of wondering if his directive had been a slip of the tongue and she was just stalking him around the building.  At least Mokuba was equally bewildered.  
After two or three elevator rides, they arrived in Kaiba’s office--the Kaibaland office. Did he want a chess rematch? Serenity would have to turn him down on that front; chess brought back painful memories and she only played herself or for very special occasions.  Irritating Kaiba was not one of them.  
But he did not demand she take out her chessboard.  Instead, he went to his desk, took a seat, and started rummaging through his drawers.  
Serenity looked at Mokuba for explanation, but he just shrugged at her.  
Kaiba’s head snapped up.  “Where’s your deck?”
She blinked and slowly offered him the rented deck.
“Not that one,” He fairly snarled. “The other one. You used one in the virtual world, didn’t you?”
Ugh, she’d almost effectively blocked that misadventure out.  Tristan had gotten turned into a robot monkey, she’d revealed to some of the best duelists in the world that she chose her personal deck based on which cards were cute, and they’d all nearly gotten stuck in the virtual world for good.
She knew her deck was poorly made, which was why she’d chosen to rent a deck for that day.  Why did Kaiba want it?
“Did you leave it at home?” Kaiba accused in a tone that suggested she might have committed murder while she was at it.
“No,” Serenity scowled.  She dug through her messenger bag and pulled out her deck.  She handed it to Kaiba.  
He flipped through it so rapidly she was shocked that he could even see what was in her deck, let alone assess it. He tossed a few of her cards on his desk—St. Joan the Forgiving Maiden, Goddess with the Third Eye—and continued to rummage through his deck, mixing more cards with hers.
“Seto?” Mokuba was staring at his brother in utter astonishment.  
Kaiba ignored him.  He was in deep concentration.  At one point, he even left his desk, crossed the room to a large safe, unlocked it, and pulled out a few more cards.  
Serenity’s mind swam.  Was he…he couldn’t be building her a deck, could he?
She looked at the desk.  Archlord Marie, Archlord Krystia…Archlord Lucifer?!  She hadn’t even heard of these monsters…but they were beautiful, that was for certain.  
After about twenty minutes of Mokuba and Serenity staring at Kaiba while he flicked through cards, discarded most of her deck and replaced it with other cards, he finally finished.  He shuffled them rapidly together and looked sharply at Serenity.
Serenity looked at Mokuba for confirmation.  He shrugged.  Slowly, she reached out and took the deck from Kaiba.  
“You’re not going to learn how to use this deck from Wheeler,” Kaiba informed her coldly.
She didn’t know the game well enough to ascertain whether that was true or not. She looked at the deck in her hand and tried to figure out something to say.  Kaiba was looking at his phone, at what appeared to be a calendar.  
“Next Friday,” He said finally.
“Excuse me?” Serenity blinked.
“Next Friday. 6:30PM. Bring the deck. You can go now.”
After a long moment, Serenity looked at Mokuba, who gave her another helpless shrug. It was clear that as close as the brothers were, the younger Kaiba had no idea what on earth was going on. Bewildered, she allowed Mokuba to lead her to the elevators to take her to the lobby.
When Mokuba safely escorted Serenity to the lobby, he immediately turned on his heel and returned to his brother’s office.  Seto was standing at the tall windows, staring out with a somewhat blank expression.
“What the hell was that?!” Mokuba demanded.  
Seto looked at him and didn’t answer.
“You’re giving her Duel Monsters lessons? Seriously? Why?!”
The elder Kaiba didn’t reply.  It was possible he didn’t know the answer.  
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