#which makes the twins the pilots. i think that's fun!
one other thing ive been playing around with. and this is me just tossing it out into the ether. and i may have done so before now and forgot but. taz au where ingo is taako and emmet is lup. and elesa is barry maybe.
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transmasc-rose · 5 months
Skipped ahead to watch the Doctor's Wife <3
I love her and he strange relationship with time and space and having a body at all. And immediately wanting to test out things like "making out with the Doctor" and "biting".
Also "why not? Spacey wacey?" "No ots because Time Lords found out if you fold and 11th dimensional matrix into a mechanical--" explosion "--OK FINE YES. SPACEY WACEY." I think the Tardis should get another go at it. I know the episode was another one of those "better to have loved and lost" ones but every Doctor Who story is about that, and the Master's old Tardis turned into a whole woman once anyways.
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pairing: jake “hangman” seresin x floyd!reader
summary: two times your boyfriend and twin brother had to stand up for you, and the one time you shocked them by doing it yourself
warnings: anxiety, shy reader, protective Hangman, protective Bob, insecure reader, self doubt.
a/n: this idea came about when @cherieann-2001 and I were discussing the dagger squad with twin siblings, and we came up with Bob’s twin sis. @cherieann-2001 i’m sorry this took me so long! I hope you like 😊.
word count: 4K
the time where your brother introduces you to his friends…
The noise coming from the beachfront bar makes you pause as you follow behind your twin brother. Your hand reaches up unconsciously to grab at the back of Robert's uniform, tugging just hard enough to make your brother pause and turn around to see your eyes shooting from side to side, one of your clear tells when you're nervous.
"You're ok, y/n/n," Robert says gently, bringing his hands up to rest on your shoulder's, knowing from experience that the weight of it brings you comfort when you start to get anxious.
"I...I d....don't think I w...want to g...go in there, Robbie," you say, tripping over your words as your breathing starts to get heavy.
"It's gonna be okay, y/n/n, you're gonna be just fine," Robert says again, pulling you into a tight hug in which you manage to get your breathing under control, "it's just gonna be Nat and some of my squad, we'll have our own table and you don't have to talk to anyone else for the entire night if you want."
Robert can see the exact moment when you make the decision to come into the bar, the spark of curiosity lighting in your eyes at the mention of your brother's co-pilot. You had met Natasha "Phoenix" Trace shortly after your brother's squadron had been permanently assigned to the San Diego base, where you had been working as a kindergarten teacher for the on-base school for the past two years. Being so close to your brother again has been so fun, with the two of you hanging out in every spare moment you had.
The two of you had grown up very close, with Robert being the protective older brother (by three minutes, you had always been quick to whisper sarcastically under your breath whenever he had tried to pull rank) to your quiet, unconfrontational manner.
"Are you ready to go in, or do you need a minute?" Robert asks, hand coming up to rest on the top of your head.
"I...I'm ready," you say, reaching out to tug on your brother's arm and follow after him as he puts his arm around your shoulders and steers you toward the entrance to the bar, under the shining sign reading THE HARD DECK.
Immediately, the noise of the bar makes you flinch and Robert's arm around your shoulders squeezes slightly, and you turn to look at him, finding him already looking at you, asking you if you're okay with his eyes.
You nod at him and tap on his hand, which he lets fall off of your shoulder as he nods towards a booth near the back of the bar, situated right by a pool table. You drop slightly behind him as you follow, preferring to take in your new surroundings from your slightly hidden vantage point behind your brother.
"Bob!" A voice calls from the direction of the table, and you peek slightly around your brother's shoulder to watch as a tall blonde man with the most beautiful smile you've ever seen saunters up to Robert and swings an arm around his shoulders, pulling him forward into a light headlock. You watch, slightly frozen as your brother laughs and fake punches the new man in the stomach, causing him to release Robert, and take a step back, hands going to his hips, stance relaxed as he smiles.
You're so entranced with watching your brother and his pretty friend that you don't notice Natasha coming up on your right, holding a glass of sparkling water in one hand.
"Hey, Y/n," she says softly, just loud enough for you to hear, but not so loud as to startle you.
You turn to look at her, and the first real smile of the night graces your lips.
"Hi Nat," you say, voice quiet as she smiles. She gently holds out the glass of sparkling water to you.
"For you!"
You look down and take the drink from her, thanking her shyly as she smiles at you and tips her head towards the booth, inviting you to go sit with her.
You glance at your brother, finding him already watching you, the tiniest gleam of pride in his eyes as he nods encouragingly. You smile and as you’re turning back to Nat, your eyes meet those of the man who had greeted your brother. He’s looking at you, not staring so much as just observing, and you shiver a little under the the intensity of his green eyed gaze.
Taking a tiny leap of faith, that has your stomach whooshing from the unfamiliarity of it all, you shoot the stranger a shy smile, before quickly ducking your head and sitting down next to your friend.
Much later, you’ve loosened up enough to laugh a little with Nat, who has been sitting with you at the table since you’d arrived. You have even met some of your brothers other pilot friends, including the first guy who had approached the two of you. You’ve learned that his name was Jake, but everyone calls him Hangman. You haven’t had the courage to ask why they call him that, but you noticed your eyes straying to the tall blonde more times than you care to admit. He just has this aura around him that makes you gravitate towards him, although your anxiety won’t let you do more than watch from afar.
“Hey, I’m gonna run to the ladies room, are you good here for a bit?” Nat asks you, scooting out of the booth and standing, waiting near the head of the table. You smile, nodding as you wave her away, scooting out of the booth as well.
“Yeah, I’m gonna g…go get another drink, I think,” you say and Nat nods, before heading towards the back of the bar.
You watch her go for a second, then glance around to spot your brother in the middle of a game of pool with one of his friends, Coyote, you remember.
You steal yourself and then make your way through the crowded space, ducking between people until you stand at an open space at the bar.
You watch as the pretty bartender, smiles at the brown haired man she was talking to, who you remember is called Maverick, before making her way over to you.
“Hey, can I grab you a refill?” The woman asks, nodding to the empty glass in your hand.
“Um y…yes pl….please,” you say, stuttering through your words.
The woman’s smile puts you a little bit more at ease, as she asks what you’re drinking.
“Just sp…sparkling w….water.”
The woman nods at you and takes the cup from you. As she uses the soda spout to refill your glass, she introduces herself as Penny, the owner of the Hard Deck.
“We don’t usually get a lot of new customers this time of year,” she says, pushing the newly full glass back towards you, “are you new to town, or just passing through?”
Something about the way she seems so at ease puts you immediately at ease, and you only trip over your words once as you answer, voice getting a little stronger with each word.
“I live about t…ten minutes away, and my brother is in the Navy, he was just recently assigned here. I don’t usually go out by myself, but he asked me to meet some of his friends here tonight.”
“If you don’t mind my asking, who’s your brother?” Penny inquires.
“Um Robert Floyd? You’d probably know him as Bob.”
You wave a hand in the direction of your brother. Penny nods, turning back to you with a smile.
“Well you are always welcome at the Hard Deck! I didn’t catch your name, dear.”
You give your name, and Penny smiles at you once more, before heading off to help another customer.
You look down at your glass to hide the small smile that plays across your lips at the idea that you just met someone without the buffer of your brother.
You’re so caught up in your own head as you make your way back through the tables, you don’t notice the man until it’s too late.
A body slams into yours from the front, causing your water to splash over your hands and down your front as you stumble backwards. Just as you feel yourself falling, a warm presence appears at your back, steadying you with an arm around your shoulders as another pushes out in front of you. The tan hand shoves the man who had hit you, sending him away from you with such a force that he staggers before righting himself.
You look up at the person who saved you, only slightly surprised to see Jake already staring down at you, concern apparent in his gorgeous green eyes.
“What the fuck man?!” The man who had shoved you says loudly, causing you to jump slightly and subconsciously move in closer to Jake’s side.
“Watch where you’re going!” Jake’s voice holds the slightest hint of anger and you instinctively deflate a bit as you open your mouth to apologize.
“Not you, sweets,” Jake says, unknowingly making your heart flutter wildly in your chest at the name, “you did nothing wrong.”
Jake’s hand smooths over your shoulder, as he glares at the other man. The guy scoffs and looks around, as if making sure he doesn’t have an audience, before swinging his glare back to you and Jake.
“Um, I didn’t do anything wrong here! She was the one not looking where she was going!” He accuses, gesturing at you and making you shrink even further into Jake’s side, shame rising when you feel your eyes start to burn with tears.
“You’re gonna want to watch how you speak to her, jackass.”
Jake’s voice is so hard that the guy visibly blanches, and not so subtly takes a step back and away from the angry pilot at your side.
“Apologize to her for spilling her drink, and then fuck right off.” Jake commands, and the guy mutters the quietist apology you’ve ever heard and then disappears into the crowd.
Jake’s hand strokes over your shoulder one more time and then it’s gone. You turn to look up at the man who had come to your rescue, and Jake gently smiles down at you.
“You alright, y/n?” He asks, gaze sweeping quickly over the front of your dress, clearly soaked through from your spilled water, before flicking back up to your face.
“I….I’m o…okay,” you stutter, shame rising at the idea of this handsome man seeing you so humiliated, “th…thank y…you for rescuing m…me.”
“It’s no trouble, sweets,” Jake says easily, swinging his big green jacket off of his shoulders and draping it over your form.
“What do you need?” He asks, once you’ve settled into the material, hiding your soaked dress, noticing your eyes darting around quickly.
Jake’s niece is a shy little thing who has many of the same tendencies that Jake has recognized in you throughout the evening as he watched you sitting with Phoenix. He saw the way your natural tendency is to roll your shoulders forward slightly and curl in on yourself, your hair falling forward to hide that beautiful face from the world.
You stand staring at him in shock for a few seconds, before mentally shaking yourself.
“I’m o…okay, just maybe to sit back down,” you say, and Jake nods, guiding you back over to the booth.
“Wait right here, I’m gonna go grab you another soda water, and then we’ll just sit here until everyone’s ready to go, okay?” Jake asks as you sit down. You nod at him, playing with your fingers as you wait. Once you hear him walk away, you glance up and survey the bar, spotting Nat and your brother engaged in a pool game with Coyote and Rooster watching on.
You shuffle yourself a little deeper into Jake’s jacket, and close your eyes for a few moments, breathing deeply to let the shocking encounter roll off your shoulders.
“You doing okay, y/n/n?” Robert asks as he slides into the booth next to you. You smile up at him, letting your head fall on his shoulder as his arm comes up to rest over your shoulders.
“Yeah, I’m good.” You feel your lips pull up into a smile as you watch Jake lean against the bar and chat with Penny and Maverick, while Penny pours another sparkling water.
“Good.” Your brother is smiling at you when you turn your head to look at him. You grin back, and then let your head drop back onto his shoulder, waiting for Jake to come back with your drink and letting yourself relax into the evening. You might have been anxious going into this evening, but you feel perfectly at ease right now, with your brothers arm around your shoulders and your new (and ridiculously handsome) friend sinking down into the other side of the booth and sliding a fresh glass across the table to you, eyes bright as he settles into a comfortable conversation with your brother.
the time where someone makes the mistake of cutting in front of jake’s girlfriend in line…
The sun is glistening brightly over the ocean as you sit back against your boyfriend’s chest, a soft beach towel beneath you and a book in hand.
The waves lapping against the sand, and the familiar feel of Jake’s fingers combing through your hair lull you comfortably towards sleep, and you close your book, setting it beside you on the towel as you lay your head back against Jake’s shoulder. You eyes are closed as you feel your boyfriend’s arm come up to drape across your chest, caging you into his embrace.
“What are you doing, sweets?” Jake’s voice brings you back from the edge of sleep, his lips brushing across your forehead as his arm across your chest squeezes gently, his fingers drawing small nonsensical patterns on you collar bone.
“Just taking in the moment,” you sigh, shifting to meet his eyes, head still resting on his shoulder. His green eyes gleam with mischief as he meets your gaze.
“But I want to know who she picks,” he says, gesturing to the novel you had put down.
Embarrassment flushes through you as you think about the romance book you had been reading, with its drama filled love triangle.
“Y…you were r…reading it?” You ask, tripping over a few of your words, face burning as you turned your head back to the ocean, away from Jake.
“Hey,” Jake drops his face to your neck, nuzzling you and pressing kisses to the sensitive skin there, “don’t be embarrassed. It was quite an interesting story.”
“Y…you really think so?”
“Of course, y/n/n! I like everything you read.”
“O…okay,” you smile, getting distracted by the attention your boyfriend is lavishing on your neck. You squirm in his grasp as he blows into your neck, causing the two of you to start laughing, as you shake him off and then immediately curl back into his chest, yawning as you snuggle into him.
“What do you wanna do for the afternoon then, Sweets?” Jake asks, fingers going back to trace across your collarbone.
“I don’t know, but I know I’m going to need a coffee for it if it involves being awake,” you say, the heat of the day and the general sense of comfort you feel around your boyfriend contributing to your sleepiness.
“Alright then, baby, let’s get you caffeinated!” Jake says, putting your book into the tote bag lying next to him, before helping you up and shaking out your towel, “Call me selfish, but I’m definitely gonna be wanting your sweet company for a lot longer today.”
You giggle as you hold the bag open for him to deposit the now folded towel in, grinning as Jake uses the opportunity to brush a kiss over your nose. He grins back at you, taking the tote from your hands and slinging it over his shoulder, crooking his elbow so that you can hold his arm.
You snuggle in as close to his side as possible while walking, letting him lead you toward the beaches parking lot and his truck.
You climb into the passenger side after Jake opens the door for you, settling into the well worn leather seat, as your boyfriend starts the engine, pulling out of the beachside parking lot, through a neighborhood, and onto the little high street of your seaside town.
A few minutes later, you’re standing in line outside your favorite coffee truck. Jake has run to the restroom in the shop across the street, leaving you to keep your place in the line, which due to the popularity of the truck, wraps quite far down the sidewalk. You are standing quietly, content to just observe the going’s on of the little high street, when you feel more than see a body push in front of you in line, knocking you back and off balance. You stumble, bumping into the woman behind you, who kindly steadies you, smiling as you stutter out an apology, face flushing in embarrassment.
“No worries, my dear, it wasn’t your fault,” she says, shooting a dirty look over your shoulder at the line cutter, before smiling at you once more and going back to reading the magazine she’s holding.
You turn back to face the man now standing in front of you, as if he’d been waiting in line like the rest of you. You start to think about just letting him stay in the line in front of you, before thinking fuck it and clearing your throat loudly.
The stranger turns around, and the look in his eyes makes you wish you had just let him cut the line. But you’ve come this far and you can hear your brother’s voice in your head telling you to stand up for yourself and not let anyone push you around, so you lift your chin, and ball your hands to stop them from shaking.
“Yes?” The stranger grunts, glowering at you as if you were the one in the wrong.
“Y..you just c..cut in the line. It actually starts b..back there,” you say, pointing down the sidewalk to where the last person in line is standing. You’re trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, wanting to believe that he had just accidentally just into the line.
The guy just stares at you for a long moment, and you grow more and more uncomfortable by the second. You eventually drop your arm, and wait for him to step back out of the line.
“I…i…i…is it r…r…really,” he scoffs, exaggerating the stutter he puts on as he takes a step closer to you, staring down at you with a mena glint in his eye. “What are you going to do about it, huh?”
Your stomach drops as he crowds you, eyes welling with unwanted tears, which you try furiously to not let escape. You take a deep breath, something which he notices and smirks at, eyes portraying that he’s fully confident in his victory.
Just as you open your mouth to say something, you feel a familiar presence at you back, as your boyfriend slings an arm around your chest, pulling you back into his.
“Here’s what you’re gonna do, buddy,” Jake’s voice is all authority, as he stares down the other man, while simultaneously providing you comfort by letting his fingers stroke over your shoulder as his arm across your chest acts as a protective, comforting barrier, “you’re gonna back the fuck off from my girl, you’re gonna apologize, and then you’re gonna march yourself right to the back of the line and wait, just like everyone else is.
The two men seem locked in a stare down for a few tense moments, as your hands come up to grip Jake’s forearm. The line cutter holds strong for a solid five seconds longer before blinking and taking a step back.
“Fine, whatever.” You and Jake watch him as he walks away, not even in the direction of the end of the line.
You feel Jake’s arm tighten briefly across your front, before it fell away, one hand gripping your hand, spinning you around and into his arms. You hands land on his chest, and you stare up at him, struck breathless from the clear adoration in your boyfriends eyes.
“You okay, Sweets?” He asks, on hand coming up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Yeah,” you sigh, and he searches your eyes for a few moments, no doubt making ure you were being truthful, before dropping his head to brush his lips against yours.
“Well aren’t you two just the sweetest.”
You pull away from Jake and look towards the voice, seeing the woman who you’d stumbled into. She was smiling, the skin around her eyes crinkling as she does. You smile back, slightly apologetically.
“I’m sorry again for knocking into you,” you say, still feeling guilty despite knowing that it hadn’t really been your fault. The woman waves you off.
“It’s no problem at all, dear,” she says, before glancing between you and Jake. Jake nods at her, silently thanking her for helping you out. She smiles back, eyes glazing over for a second.
“You two have a beautiful day, alright,” she says, before gesturing to the coffee truck’s open window, which you hadn’t even realized had gotten closer, till you were the next people in line.
“You too, Ma’am,” Jake says, hooking an arm around your waist, “now, let’s get you caffeinated, baby.”
the time where someone makes the mistake of hitting on Jake in front of his girl…
🎶Slow Ride. Take it Easy🎶
You laugh, bright and open as you and Jake walk in to THE HARD DECK to the first strains of “Slow Ride” coming from the jukebox in the corner. When you look over towards the music corner, you laugh even harder as you spot your brother and Rooster grinning back at you, and the man next to you.
“Of course, it was them,” Jake laughs, and guides you towards the group of pilots who had quickly become your friends after Bob introduced you that first night at the Hard Deck.
When you reach the table, you sit next to Phoenix and Jake scoots in after you.
“How has everyone been?” You asks, shifting into Jake’s side as his arm takes up its usual spot around your shoulders. Your brother scoots into the booth across from you, and pushes your favorite drink towards you.
“Thanks Robbie,” you smile, raising the drink to your lips and taking a sip.
Much later, you and Natasha are coming back from the bathroom together, where you both had been freshening up after an intense match of darts between Jake and Bradley had left you both crying with laughter, which subsequently caused your mascara to run.
“Omg, look y/n/n,” Nat says, pointing towards the bar, where a fake busty blonde is currently trying to shove her boobs into your boyfriends face.
“Not again,” you complain, which causes Nat to laugh and loop her arm through yours, as you make your way through the throngs of bar patrons to your table. You keep you eyes on the blonde currently chatting up your Jake, although he remains completely un-responsive to her advances.
It’s only when she starts to brush her hand along Jake’s arm, and leans in the closest she’s ever attempted that you and Nat both stand up, and Natasha looks to you for a moment.
“You want me to deal with her?” She asks, rolling her shoulders as if preparing to physically remove the woman from the bar. You love your friend for being so ready to come to your aid, but based on the fact that regardless of Jake’s repeated dismissal of the blonde, this is the third week in a row that she has tried, even you and your non confrontational nature are getting frustrated. Natasha and Bob have dealt with distracting the woman away from Jake every other time she has attempted to put the moves on, but this time, you shake your head at your friend and motion for her to sit down again.
“No, thank you Nat, but I think I’m going to go over there tonight,” you say, the two drinks you had had earlier giving you a courage you normally didn’t possess as you push your hair away from your face and turn to walk over to the blonde to hopefully, finally get this woman to back off from your man, leaving Nat cackling gleefully in your wake.
Meanwhile, Jake drums his fingers in a nonsensical pattern on the bar as he keeps his gaze firmly off of the woman on his right, currently crossing her arms under her breasts, so that her tiny top strains to keep her breasts in.
Penny smiles at him as she slides his beer over to him.
“There you are, soldier.” She says, and Jake laughs at her, shooting her his signature grin as he lifts the pint to his lips ad takes a swig.
“Thanks a million, Penny Pie,” Jake says, jokingly using the nickname that the squad had given Penny when she and Maverick had announced to them that they were getting married.
As Penny walks away, the blonde, Jake thinks her name was Jessica?, moves closer to Jake, brushing his arm with her chest and blinking her heavily lined eyes up at him.
“Oh, the bartenders taken, stud,” she says, in a tone which suggests she thinks that she is saving Jake from a horrible heartbreak. He shifts away from her again and is about to ask her to please leave him alone, when someone beats him to it.
“So is he.”
A grin immediately finds its way onto Jake’s face at the sound of your voice and he turns around, immediately spotting you a few feet away, arms crossed over your chest, eyes glaring at Jessica and an adorable pout on your lips.
“Hi, baby,” he says, opening his free arm for you. You move towards him and wrap your arms around his middle, leaning against him. You kept your glare on Jessica, as the blonde looked between you and Jake, mouth slightly agape.
“Really?” She asks, tone biting and frankly mean, “this is who a stud like you is with?”
Jake frowns, arm tightening around you, as he opens his mouth to defend you. But again, for the second time that night, you beat him to it.
“Yeah, I am,” you say, smiling at the blonde who glares back at you, “and I’m also the person who he’s going to continue to be with, so you might wanna step aside and take your desperate attempts elsewhere.”
You flick your hand at her, still riding the high of your drinks from earlier and then once she leaves, you turn your head you look up at your boyfriend. Jake is gazing down at you, the look in his eyes heated.
“Baby…” he trails off, hand coming up to brush across your cheek, “that was…”
You smile a little sheepishly up at him.
“A little out of character I know,” you say, feeling a little dramatic and self-conscious for what you just did.
“…extremely hot.” Jake finishes his sentence, grinning as he brings you in for a kiss.
“I love you, Jake,” you whisper against his lips.
“I love you too, baby.”
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a/n: thank you so much for reading! My requests are open, so if there is anything you’d like to see me write, please check my rules and feel free to ask! I should be able to get to a lot more because I’m free from college for the summer! I always love to chat and appreciate every reblog, comment and like. Happy Reading!
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mattscoquette · 2 months
my experience meeting the triplets/ going to their tour ౨ৎ ⋆.˚ ✧
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first i just wanna say, i am so so so insanely grateful to have attended both tours and to have met them twice. i’m not trying to brag or anything but a lot of people ask me and i figured it be easier for me to make one post rather than answer inbox questions a million times that get lost.
2/5/23 - let’s trip tour
i met the triplets for the first time during the let’s trip tour. i vividly remember being at work when the tickets went on sale and i was gonna go w my coworker but things fell thru and i went alone, and that alr was nerve wrecking enough. but i met a lot of cool people on line and everyone was super friendly. i got the pre-show small talk package, so i got to meet them before i saw them on stage. i also wrote them letters (idk if they ever opened them) but it was honestly fate when i stopped to drop them off in the present bin because there was a group of three girls in front of me so i wasn’t super rushed when i was meeting each triplet.
i met chris first! i was soooooo nervous but the second i started talking it all went away. the first thing i noticed was how small they are irl and immediately after was how fucking good chris smelled 😭 he was soo sweet. i told him how i loved watching their videos w my mom and that she was his favorite. i can’t rlly remember what else i talked about him with, and i tried to screen record my camera but i didn’t turn the mic on so i lost all the audio 😭😭
next was matttttt the loml. i was immediately soo comfortable around him, i was literally just talking like a normal conversation without even thinking. i asked him how the tour was going and he told me he was sad it was ending soon. and then i told him how one of my best friends is a triplet and we talked about that, he told me his dad is a twin and that everyone thinks he nick and chris are identical but they aren’t. he was so sweet and really listen to what you have to say, i had such a nice time talking with him.
when i met nick my auto pilot like shut off and i froze 😭😭 i literally out loud was like “i am so nervous” and he was so sweet about it, he hugged me a second time and was like “no don’t be it’s okay!” lmfaoo. i didn’t get to talk to him as long but i remember him telling me it was super nice to meet me after.
on line for the red carpet, i met madi! she was just walking around the venue, and she was over by me and i asked for a photo. she was soo sweet (and so pretty irl omfg). i didn’t wait in line for the red carpet for very long, i got merch, and then i did my photo w them :,) tbh i honestly don’t lovee it because i rlly don’t look the best in it lolol. bur ill pull thru and show u all. but this was back when u got to pick ur own poses and we all did hearts with one another (idk if that makes sense) and i stood next to my mannn😛😛
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i look so diff now like i actually hate how i look when i met them but that’s beside the point 😭😭 but they all looked sooooo good. also for reference im about 5’3-5’4ish.
show-wise, it was sm more fun than the versus tour tbh. i got to see yung pleit perform and he opened w miss me and everyone was going insaneeeee. i was literally like one person behind the baracade, i was so close it was so so so cool. the triplets went on for maybe twenty minutes but they read the question i asked them which was so cool. and mary lou, jimmy, justin, and nate were all at my show!! they were on the balcony above the stage and were waving to us it was so cute. i had such a fun time at this show i wish i could go back
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10/9/23 - the versus tour
this show was soooooo so so so special to me. i was going through a really really hard time. and this show made me so happy and gave me such a nice break from everything. this show wasn’t as close as the first show so i went to with my mom (she was team orange lol). i also got to meet some old online friends i made which was so nice :,) like the last tour, i got pre-show small talk. my only complaint though is that when i bought tickets backstage wasn’t available, some friends and i called the venue and they told us there was no backstage , but there actually was :( but im still sooooo grateful i got to meet them!
the order was the same as last time- chris, matt, then nick. i was so nervous about meeting them again, i literally almost forgot to take a pic w chris LMFAO. he was so sweet, he asked me how i was doing, if i was excited, all that good stuff. this time was a lot more rushed than the first, but i still got a decent amount of time with each triplet. i also got them each to draw me my fav angel numbers to get tattooed, i still haven’t gotten it yet but when i do i’ll post it :)
i was sooo nervous to meet matt again lmfao but as soon as i went up to him i felt fine. i complemented his outfit (he had on his white eeyore jacket 😭😭 so cute) and we took our picture and when i was leaving he told me it was rlly nice to meet me :,)) he is sooooooo pretty irl like his eyes r so blue and his earrings r so sparkly i was literally like in a trance. omfg.
nick was soo sweet he gave me such a big hug and was so smiley and asked how i was doing, same as chris. he also rested his head on mine when we took our pic togetherrr. he was so so kind.
my show was a monday so they had uploaded a podcast while i was on line for the red carpet, so i listened to that a bit while waiting. this tour we had pre-picked poses, but i did the hearts again. i stood in between matt and chris, and i said i wanted hearts and matt immediately did half the heart and put his arm around me so we did the heart tgth 😭😭
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lowk not a fan of this pic either but :( so sweet. i love them so much. i also wore platform shoes this time lol so that gave me some height.
the show was so good! so much more entertaining than what the triplets did the first time. it was very engaging, and so fun to watch. lowk bitter i didn’t get picked to be matt’s teammate but we move. anyway. each challenge was so fun, me and my friend knew almost all the trivia questions they did 😭😭 and jenga was sooo stressful to watch lmfao it was so close the whole time, i think we had one of the longest jenga shows of the tour lmfao. chris ended up winning bc matt dropped the jenga tower and they were both tied. it was such a fun experience im so grateful to have gone !
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© mattscoquette
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snapghoul · 10 days
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I know there’s better brothers, but you’re the only one that’s mine.
Ethan crashes at Mav’s place.
⤷ continuation/prelude of this mini fic
Note: now I’m obsessed with Ethan & Mav twins, I’m having so much fun.
Warnings: mention of blood and minor injury
Song: Brother - Murder By Death
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Ethan was far from enjoying himself; the IMF's relentless barrage of operations was wearing him thin. To him, a vacation meant vanishing for a mere three days before they inevitably tracked him down.
His back ached and a fresh gash throbbed on his forehead from yet another pistol whipping. Perhaps it was time to reconsider his career; his old bones were growing too weary for this.
The light flicked on, and Ethan squinted against the blinding brightness. It was probably around seven in the morning, and he was nestled uncomfortably on the carpet. Soft footsteps approached, and a shadow fell over him.
"Pete, the light," he mumbled, his eyes still squeezed shut, sensing Pete's familiar presence.
"Well, hello to you too, little brother," Pete chuckled, dimming the lights to a gentler glow.
"Four minutes, by four minutes," Ethan sighed, slowly pushing himself up from the floor.
"Four minutes is a long time," Pete said with a grin as he headed to the kitchen, where the coffee pot was already brewed from the night before. "You know, a heads-up would be nice. One day I’m going to step on you and break my leg or something."
“I heard you coming.” Ethan grumbled and shuffled to the counter. Normally, he was always alert, but he let his guard down when invading his twin’s home.
“Sure.” Pete had already set out a mug for him, and Ethan appreciated his brother’s thoughtfulness. Pete never asked questions or gave lectures. Neither of them had room to judge; they both had their fair share of reckless moments—must be in their blood.
"You and your fancy suits," Pete said after a sip of coffee, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he surveyed Ethan. "I can’t believe you find those comfortable.”
"At least I have style," Ethan shot back with a grin. "I bet if I looked in your closet, I'd find eight of the same shirt."
"Nothing wrong with having multiples of a favorite," Pete defended, nodding to his wardrobe of four shirts and jeans. "Also, I think Bradley is planning to stop by. It might be best to fix your face before he gets here."
Ethan shook his head with a tired chuckle as Pete gestured to his dirt-smeared, bloodied face. Pete moved away from the counter to find the first aid kit, which irked him slightly since he had just restocked it after pinching his hand in an engine.
“How’s the kid?” Ethan asked, nursing his coffee. He didn’t question Pete and their pseudo-nephew’s renewed bond; he knew it was a positive development.
“Taller,” Pete called back.
Ethan chuckled and started pacing the room to entertain his mind, his gaze drifting over the pictures and awards on the walls. He smiled softly at a black-and-white photo of him and Pete sitting on the wing of an old P-51 Mustang, their grins wide. Next to it was a more recent picture of Pete surrounded by twelve pilots in front of an F-18. The group wore a vibrant mix of colorful helmets and were clearly enjoying the moment.
“That’s the Daggers—or, as some of them say, my children,” Pete said, returning with the first aid kit and a wide grin. Ethan laughed, recognizing the respect and affection the Daggers had for Pete.
“At least one of us has kids,” Ethan said with a smirk, earning a playful smack on the arm from Pete with the first aid kit.
Jake was accustomed to making himself at home in Mav’s house. After spending so much time here with Bradley, he walked in and immediately started fixing a cup of coffee. He had been pulled out of the house before he could have his usual morning drink, so he was eager to make up for it.
Just as he was lost in his coffee-making routine, Mav’s voice cut through his focus. “Oh, Hangman, when did you get here?” Mav’s sudden appearance startled Jake, causing him to jerk and drop the mug he was holding. It shattered on the counter with a loud crash, and Jake let out an exclamation of surprise.
Mav, equally surprised by Jake’s reaction, looked at the broken mug. Fortunately, it was a plain white one and not one of his treasured collectibles. Jake, still puzzled, turned to Mav.
“How did you get in here? You were just—” He pointed behind him toward the screen door. “There’s no way you could’ve sneaked in. Did you come through the front?”
“No, I’ve been here the whole time,” Mav said, trying to stifle a laugh as his green eyes twinkled with amusement. Jake’s brows furrowed in confusion, and he quickly leaped over the shards of the mug and dashed outside.
“Wait— Lieutenant, clean this up first!” Mav called after him. Jake didn’t respond and continued stumbling out through the screen door.
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general-klumpp · 1 year
DuckTales THEORY: Team Who?
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Hello Duckblr! We know that in DuckTales 2017, Huey, Dewey and Webby have their own definite cliques, but what if this idea were to extend to each of the six Duck children in hypothetical future seasons?
TLDR: If DuckTales kept going on, we would have seen more Louie/Doofus/Goldie episodes. May's interrogative side can blend her in with the Rescue Rangers.
Team Science (Huey)
Huey's group of allies usually revolves around working on scientific breakthroughs and his hero, Gizmoduck. Huey stories would usually involve these specific characters:
Gyro Gearloose
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Gizmoduck)
Gandra Dee
Huey's enemy is usually Mark Beaks, a businessman who makes his living off dumb and/or stolen ideas, which is totally against his moral code. If executed better, Dr. Akita could make a better contender.
Team Action (Dewey)
Dewey's group of allies usually revolves around getting into dangerous situations, definitely not due to the influence of Launchpad or his very own mother, Della. Dewey stories would usually involve these specific protagonists:
Launchpad McQuack
Della Duck
Drake Mallard (DW)
Gosalyn Waddlemeyer (an extension of DW)
Kit and Molly
Dewey's enemy is usually Don Karnage, a deranged air pilot who will go to any lengths to gain vengeance on him. Falcon Graves has also appeared in Dewey stories, a serious contender for his showboating.
Team Scheme (Louie)
Despite being shown to be a charmer in the show, Louie falls flat when it comes to making secure friends, especially when it's in his nature that he is the 'evil triplet' of the Duck boys. However, the cunning antihero, Goldie O'Gilt is quite fond of him. Louie stories would definitely involve these specific characters:
Goldie O'Gilt
Doofus Drake
Ottoman Brothers (placeholder because they're always in the background of Louie stories)
Although Louie completely destroyed Glomgold in S2, I'd love to see Rockerduck as his enemy, as the Wild West Swindler has a more interesting way to battle - with his words, instead of his fists.
Team Magic (Webby/April)
Webby's group of allies usually revolves around trying to fix the curses laid out from Scrooge's adventures, or his most powerful enemy, Magica De Spell. Webby stories would usually involve these specific characters:
Lena Sabrewing
Violet Sabrewing
Blackarts Beagle (redemption arc??)
Phantom Blot and Pepper (maybe they're forced to team-up??)
Morgana (placeholder because they don't have a grown-up hero)
Webby and Lena's enemy is usually Magica De Spell, a witch who wants to use her powers to abuse and take advantage of others, completely opposite to how Webby wants to play.
Team Mystery (May)
Despite the wishes of her current guardian, Donald Duck, I could see May get into contact with her ilk, also experimented on by FOWL - no other than the Rescue Rangers themselves!
Chip and Dale
Gadget Hackwrench
Monterey Jack
...and maybe Detective Gokart from the comics (a loser that May could help to become a better person)
Perhaps the Rescue Rangers have found a larger FOWL experiment gone rogue and they need a heroine around their size to help bring the experiment to justice.
Team ??? (June)
Team Sports? Team Wellbeing? Team Theatre? Team Adorable? It seems that poor June is the only one I can't think of for a team.
By process of elimination, the only frequent group of protagonists without a child character to support them are the gods/goddesses of Ithaquack.
Bum Bum Ghigno, an everyday person from the comics might help her appreciate the normal and might draw parallels between the clone twins and his relationship with his brother.
I'd love to put the Idle Hour Club from Donald's first ever cartoon somewhere, but those stories wouldn't be fun.
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wallbeatjournal · 2 months
Have you ever noticed there are loads of surface level plot similarities between the pilots of riverdale and dawsons creek. Also mr honey is the actor who played jack and greg berlanti worked on both projects. Just a topic i used to like to think about a lot….
yes yes yes omg yes!! sibling shows!! and this is intentional for sure, i was looking at articles about riverdale from pre-series (circa 2015-16) yesterday to cite the perks of being a wallflower movie as a core inspiration for s1 and roberto mentioned dawson's creek regularly, too. actually way before the twin peaks pastiche started getting promoted, dawson's and perks were coming up.
it's really really wonderfully apparent if you're into the gay-auteur genre of teen dramas or the intersection between teen dramas and gay horror media. dawson's creek ran so riverdale could soar (lean in even harder on genre-archetype-and-trope-as-social-construct, not be hung up by don't-ask-don't-tell era tv writing restrictions...except by choice for queerbaiting fun and spite). and even failing to soar, dawson's creek season 2 might remain a perfect season of television for me.
(note for the readers who aren't operating in the 5th dimension like me and anon, yet: kevin williamson made our favorite genre-aware homoerotic slasher movie, scream, and dawson's creek both, and the only functional difference between them is what genre conventions he was allowed to play with to make it. in scream he got to have his repressed closet cases do murder. in dawson's creek, dawson must pick up the camera and make his friends into Characters, instead.)
dawson's creek and riverdale are suuuuch spiritually similar shows, at least the parts of DC that williamson was involved with - so for sure seasons 1-2, and then his comeback many seasons later for the finale (which i think the riverdale finale also riffed on heavily. mwah). you've got:
the original controversial "teenagers don't fucking talk like this omg cringe" ft. heightened theatrical hyperstylized dialogue full of movie references
comphet camp. no character is truly coherent unless you pepper in the fact that they're lgbt and repressing it as hard as they can. barchie, meet dawson/joey. it sucks here sooo bad but it's certainly in the social script and legacy expectations. might try to make it last a lifetime!
meta plot about the whole show possibly being the creation of the most repressed and judgmental (and asexual) control freak main character. plus many in-universe metaplots where said character makes autobiographical work romanticizing/projecting all over his friends
titular location (riverdale, the creek) is both a story setting AND a narrative mousetrap that the characters are trapped in.
there are tons of direct DC<>rvd plot and character riffs and web-weaves. like anon mentioned, principal honey really does play like a later-in-life continuation of kerr smith's role as jack in dawson's creek, with dawson creek jack's values and beliefs. most of the s1 rvd characters make more sense in the context of dawson's creek archetypes, too (especially jughead, veronica, kevin imo). many plots seem yanked off a teen drama tropes bingo card that dawson's creek filled out for them (complimentary!!!!).
they also both just have a really similar character writing approach to their campy genre pulp. the shows are very arch and into their coding games and doublespeak, the text is a fluid thing never taken too seriously or held too dearly. but the characters are nearly always treated earnestly and with love, we're allowed to grow so fond of them as an audience bc the narrative is one of love (sometimes an oppressive love full of meta-projections from its unreliable narrator-creator, but LOVE!!). it's a priority that while the weird tropey shit is happening, we still really are allowed to care about how it feels to be archie or pacey or jen or betty, and the emotional repercussions of any weird tropey happenings are carried through fairly consistently*. dawson is THE WORST. but he's beloved. he's vivid. he's coherent. his feelings are wrong but they're real and we do care. we do!! we must!!
anyway. you made me go back and look at posts from when i went back and rewatched dawson's creek in 2022. here's an assortment of random hot takes and fawning fond adorationisms, if you even care. look at my closeted friends from the creek. they're stuck like this!
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PS: i made a list one time of the 6 essential dawson's creek episodes (i would add the 2-part whole series finale to this list in retrospect, so 8 episodes total) that one could watch out-of-context to open their <understanding gay-auteur camp teen drama comphet-lamenting queer-coding tropes and conventions> third eye. it's here on my personal blog! most recommend the daddy/mommy issues fishing trip ep (parent<>child dynamics and gender...riveressentials) and the gay two-parter (principal honey!!).
PPS: @kevin-keller-artistic-director used to post about rvd and dawson's creek semi regularly and probably would have great thoughts about this topic beyond what i just dredged up <3 also interested if anyone else wants to riff on the topic of riverdale as a successor/sibling to dawson's creek 👀
*pacey's CSA plot (DEROGATORY) a notable exception to this. but that's because dawson's creek isn't trying to depict abuse, it's trying to do a queer closet metaphor, where "being in high school but dating an adult woman" is the same as "having a same-sex relationship with a peer" in terms of secrecy and shame and social impact...just NO thought to power dynamics or trauma AT ALL. it's basically the kevin/moose plot from riverdale and pacey is impacted by it like kevin is. gross!!!!
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blossoms-phan · 1 month
hi friends! since it’s been 3 months I thought I’d do a little updated about me :p
you can call me blossoms! 🌸 comes from the url obviously which I decided on in seconds when sitting in the middle of my bed making this blog at 3am bc I love dan and phil and cherry blossoms/japan/japhan etc etc
(as a side note I don’t share a lot of personally identifying info on here for a lot of reasons, don’t wanna be found out + professional reasons and tumblr is a great platform for having being a phannie as my main identity but I will occasionally overshare in the tags or random posts. for the most vague details I’m canadian and a poc ig? if you want to be friends or discuss anything in more detail im happy to share in dms just not in the general void lol)
some past fandoms I’ve been a part of tumblr or otherwise: avengers/marvel (this was in the peak in like 2016 and I followed it probably up until 2020 but dgaf anymore soz), marvel’s daredevil (their best show still love it), one direction/harry styles (harry was prob my biggest interest/fandom I was heavily involved in until like 2022 ish, i followed a bunch of accounts on my other blog and fan pages, went to his first solo tour in 2018, basically followed his every move- ik he’s not some underground artist but I lost interest when he kinda boomed and became SUPER popular I miss the early days of his solo era lol but still like his music), criminal minds, I think those are the main ones obv I lurk anytime I have a special interest lol
artists I like: twenty one pilots, arctic monkeys, the 1975, hozier, frank ocean, bad suns, muse, sufjan stevens, lana del rey, wallows, ed sheeran, lorde, zayn/hs/niall horan, paramore, the smiths, 5sos, kendrick lamar, fka twigs, fleetwood mac (this is off the top of my head just main ones ig there’s lots of other artists with specific songs I like and I also listen to my playlists from middle school often with p!atd and fob just the older stuff tho)
fave tv: derry girls, criminal minds, the office, gilmore girls, brooklyn 99, community, freaks and geeks, gossip girl, new girl, the end of the fucking world (short but a personal fave), fleabag, mindhunter- I like basic nbc sitcoms ok what can I say but currently watching Buffy and there’s lots of things on my watchlist like twin peaks I just never have time (aka always watching YouTube/dnp)
i like to think of myself as a cinephile when I really don’t watch as many movies as I’d like to bc of the same reasons listed above but I keep up with what’s happening in the film world and yeah some of my faves include: little women, sing street, before sunrise, aftersun, clueless, call me by your name, the perks of being a wallflower, big hero 6, la la land, zodiac, the social network, scream, the batman, bones and all, knives out, hp/twilight series
random interests: the scream franchise/saw/horror, until dawn (the game), youtube video essays, true crime content/criminology (in the most respectful way I promise I studied it and mean like actual data and researched podcasts not the weirdos that idolize certain people cough cough), perfumes/cosmetics, art, fashion, baking/food in gen, journaling, pinterest, reading (literary fiction/mystery/some ya)
idk what you were expecting this is literally all media but we’re all media consumers here lmao and I thought this might be a fun way to connect with other phannies if we share similar interests outside of dnp :3
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spikeface · 3 months
Hey friend! A little random question just to pop into your ask box with
Thoughts on the following random ships? Lydia/Malia
Thank you for the ask, kind anon!
Erica/Allison - One of my fave fave femslash ships! It's got what I think is the perfect enemies-to-lovers dynamic where the characters are good foils for each other. Both were seduced into becoming a pawn for a leader who is exploiting them--harassing Allison is part of Erica's initial power trip, and I love that we can start to see Allison's darker elements when she gloats after stopping Erica from killing Lydia. I really, really wish Erica had survived into s3, because I think her dynamic with Allison would have been so amazing now that both of them have come back, and each of them reckoning with what they did to each other, now that they want to be different. A raging Erica would have been a really interesting pair with 3a Allison, who takes a lot more effort to be provoked into a fight.
Lydia/Malia - I think I prefer these two as friends more, but I do really like their dynamic. They're different enough that their s6 dynamic feels like buddy cops, which I really enjoy.
Lydia/Kira - Very underrated ship! I definitely think Lydia develops possessive weirdgirl feelings about Kira, starting with her faint wariness when Kira arrives. If she's instantly possessive of Allison in the pilot, she seems to take a bit more time to warm up to Kira, but then becomes almost casually flirtatious with things like "you're a vixen," and I like that the two of them get to talk about 4x01 together. I wish they spent more time together, though, and I definitely wish we knew more about what Kira thinks of Lydia. I get the impression that Lydia awes her a little bit, given how shocked she is to find out that Lydia used to pretend to be dumb, but I would have killed for more.
Lydia/Cora - A femslash fandom classic for a reason, though I support it passively more than actively. I'm a sucker for their initial snarking at each other, and do like when Cora, for all her bark, is instantly protective of Lydia, who seems interested, almost despite herself, in Cora's aggressiveness.
Erica/Theo/Isaac - Erica/Isaac for sure, but I can't see either of them with Theo. I can see Erica initially being interested in Theo--his flirting might seem fun and harmless, and I think she'd be a bit charmed by his sleaziness in the way she clearly is by Isaac's--but that would only make her rage post-betrayal bigger. Theo exploits his pack even worse than Derek exploited his, so I can't see her forgiving that anytime soon.
As for Isaac? We saw how he felt about the twins: he never stops trying to punch them and fight them and root for their death, and even in 3b he's still trying to murder them for what they did to him, Erica, and Boyd. The guy who'd killed Scott? He'd never forgive that. He wouldn't piss on Theo if the guy was on fire.
Peter/Deucalion - This one shows up not infrequently in fic and honestly I don't know why. Deucalion canonically thinks the stuff Peter does is "boring," and I can't see Peter "Revenge" Hale ever understanding or respecting the fact that Deucalion became obsessive about creating the perfect pack rather than, say, ripping Gerard's eyes out with his claws. Their contempt is dismissive, which is hard to ship.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Finn Cole- Red Carpet Interview
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Finn and I exist our car together ready for our season 5 premiere and interviews. I smooth out my dress before taking Finns arm and we make our way down the carpet taking photos and doing interview
"Hi, how are you both this evening?" One of our interviewers asks
"We're good thank you, excited for tonight" I smile replying
"Watching the show it's about the Shelby family, but I get the impression you guys are actually a family off screen. You both seem to be with Harry a lot when your not filming"
"Yeah we're definitely a family, and I think we're lucky that we can say that" Finn says with a hand now around my waist
"Harry and I are the closest in age he's only like a year older than me so we have really grown up together from season 1. I always say that Harry is my annoying twin, Cillian is the dad, Paul the cool uncle, Sophie is my big sister and Jos like a brother to me"
"A real family then. I guess that makes filming so fun and easy for you guys?"
"Definitely. I can't imagine working on a set we're you haven't got these friendships" Finn replies
"I have to say in the last season we saw YCN toughen up a bit, will that continue throughout the next season?"
"For sure. We are going to see a lot of different things that YCN will struggle with which makes her really angry I guess and at times she will loose her cool"
We're then moved on to our next interview
"Hi how are you doing?" we're asked again
"We're well thank you"
"It's so lovely to see everyone coming out and dressing up. I've seen some people in period clothing"
"Oh wow I love that"
"That's brilliant. That's what we've, we've created a show we're people can get involved and can dress up and can enjoy it for the same reasons we can enjoy it and it's a really special thing in tv..." I see Natasha walk over to us smiling
"Oh hello" I smile interrupting Finn
"Hello" she smiles back
"Sorry babe carry on, I get distracted so easily" I tell the interviewer who laughs
"We we're just saying how nice it is to see everyone dressed up"
"Oh I love it, and the vibe, I wash just told that this is where they would stand to sign up for the war. And since the show focuses so heavily on PTSD it's really quite emotional" Nat says
"As actors what is it about Stevens writing that jumps out of that script when you first see it"
"Oh I only read my parts" I joke but don't last long because I start laughing "No I'm kidding. Erm for me it's how I'm kept at the edge of my seat. Like I can't ever predict what's going to happen"
"You can hear the music coming of the pages"
"It's one of those experiences reading something where it's so visual but every sentence is so exciting" I nods agreeing with Finn
"YN in season 4 we finally got to see YCN fall in love. Will that transpire into this season?"
"Yes. Unfortunately Jordan had brier engagements so wasn't able to film with us anymore so Daryl was casted and he's just slotted right in with all of us"
"What about Micheal. Will we get to see him fall in love this season?"
"Ah that you'll have to wait and see" Finn says making me chuckle because his answer basically was yes.
Move move on to another interview this time just Finn and I. This time it's an interviewer who has interviewed me since season 1
"It's good to see you both again"
"It's good to see you as well. How have you been?" I ask
"I really good thank you. You know I look back at my old interviews with you all and everyone looks practically the same, but then there's you and Harry who now look like actually adults" I laugh at her making the comment
"I know it's crazy. We filmed the pilot when I was 12 and now I'm 20 so it's crazy that nearly 10 years I've been with these guys"
"Well what is the dynamic like on set of a program of a drama like peaky blinders because it's very intense"
"Oh it's horrible" Finn jokes earning a nudge off me
"You know what's weird we would be doing a really intense scene but the moment we hear cut, we all burst out laughing" I say smiling "in season 4 I had to throw a drink at Lizzie but I only really had one chance so we did it over and over again with an empty cup. Then when we were ready we did it for real and I felt to bad. So as soon as we stopped filming I hugged her and kept apologising while Nat was just laughing the whole time"
Finn and I finish up with more interviews and some photos, watching the first episode of season 5 and then finally going to a little after party with all of the cast.
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wizardships · 1 month
All of my OC selfships are with my partner @ask-the-vargonians' OCs! Vargon is a planet they made, inhabited by vampiric aliens called vargonians. To read more on Vargon, check this link for its history and this one for species info, or just ask me! I'll tell you what I know gladly. This post will go over a few of my OC selfships and they're mainly with vargonians, which is why I link that (also just because I think it's fun).
Several characters on this list are related to each other. Please assume that for any related characters, I ship with them separately. In particular, several are part of the ruling family of Vargon - The Voodry'ant/Woods family. Also the F/Os are all organized alphabetically because I don't want to rank them by favorites it makes me sad
THE INSERT: FIONN, a changeling from another planet. They get to Vargon by different means depending on the AU. I'll make another post about them in more detail.
ADRIK WOODS: The main character of his story, literally. He's his father's chosen successor, he's a pawn of the gods that he will one day join, he's trying to heal from insane trauma, he's a linguistics nerd, he's an addict, he's beautiful, he's silly, he's just a little kitty. Well, not really that last one, but he's about as close as you get without actually being it. Adrik doesn't know this, but he was created by the gods to eventually replace them when they die. His life until now has been trial after trial after trial, in order to prepare his soul for that transition. Technically he has a twin sibling, but they were separated when they were young and are now estranged. As you can imagine, Adrik is a huge celebrity on Vargon, not only because of his political power but also because of his incredible skill at appealing to the public. He's a social chameleon and he's suffering. One of Vargon's biggest "It" Girls <3 He is soulmates with and eventually married to my OC Delilah, but they're polyam so it's cool. In fact, most Vargonians are polyamorous. SHIP TAG: .bite marks
FITZ MY'TYALA: Ex military pilot forced to retire due to an incredibly tragic accident that left him physically disabled and severely traumatized. He became friends with Adrik and was eventually hired as an employee of the brothel Adrik owns called The Velvet Fang. (Sex is viewed very differently on Vargon, and brothels are common. The VF in particular welcomes a lot of non-vargonian tourists that may not be able to handle the harshness of the rest of the planet. The brothel is ethically run, and everyone working there are incredibly close knit as a "pack," essentially a vargonian chosen family.) Fitz is snarky and laid back, but also incredibly polite and modest by vargonian standards. To a human, though, that still comes off as pretty raunchy. Compared to some other members of the VF, he may seem very normal, but don't let that fool you; he has chosen them to hang out with, after all. SHIP TAG: .mousetrap
JOY WOODS: One of the eldest Woods siblings. Princess of the planet, political powerhouse, faithless head of church secretly leading a revolution against the Shadow Council that has tortured her family and people since she was young. She's a severe workaholic and alcoholic, who dreams of someday living a domestic life with loving partners and many children of her own. In the meantime, though, she's emotionally distant and represses everything. You can't blame her, though - She's raised most of her seventy-something siblings and watched far too many of them meet gruesome ends anyway. Secretly a huge party girl raver, but she never gets the time these days. Lily Woods' twin sister. The two had a bad falling out years ago and have a strained but unbreakable relationship which is mostly antagonistic on the surface, but they couldn't survive without each other. SHIP TAG: .business casual
LILY WOODS: Another of the eldest Woods siblings. While she also handles a lot of political and familial labor, most people know her as a pro skateboarder. She's like if Tony Hawk was an eight-foot-tall, blood-drinking, ripped, stoner bisexual. Lily may present herself as "the irresponsible twin," but she's actually the more emotionally mature one. That doesn't mean she isn't hiding her own traumas behind a mask of humor, of course - Just that she's the one more likely to eventually have a serious conversation about it. She comes off as cool and confident, but actually has terrible self esteem due to always comparing herself to Joy. On Vargon, twins are actually the same soul split in half and put in two bodies by the gods, and Lily feels as though she's the worse half. Obviously, I disagree. SHIP TAG: .the bit
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shummashum · 8 months
Zeus Brundle Happy Ending [17~21]
She decided to leave the final stop of this tour entirely up to him. So the place they went was…
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oh… the library? it looks so gloomy and dreary and dismal put some proper lighting on it, it's okay if the place doesn't live up to its name so please…
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well… it's kinda impressive though
Accidentally stumbling upon a book she had wanted to read for a long time, she grabbed it up and sat down at a nearby desk.
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what do you think is the reason for the existence of library…… you know what a library is, right? you're just joking, right?
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I bet he's going to use his textbook as a trivet
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how can she get it back if he steals the book like that completely behind in reach guess he's about 186~188cm tall? he'd have long arms then she has no choice but to lose the book :/
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woah stop what are you doing now in this sacred space of learning do that somewhere outside!! don't in the library behave fucking behave
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okay what can I do, anyway what can I do but groan in pain through the screen just don't get caught please……
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okay! I think a kiss is okay it would be okay if they don't go beyond that please I beg you I don't like public stuff,,,,,,,,
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this guy is a glass canon… right? his attack stats is indeed high, but his defense stats is noticablely low we should take advantage of that he tends to be weak in unexpected situations… so the answer is a kiss in return break his guard down!!
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ha you can handle it? you just say that but I doubt you actually have any experience, my instincts tell me so
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well, whatever! if you once start, show me the end hang on a second, I'll get some movie glasses and some popcorn…
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huh wait what wait!! what's that hairstyle what!! why did my twin-tail bishoujo become two-side-up this is not good
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what what are you doing now in this sacred space of learning just do that kind of stuff in the dorm… do you guys really have to do the deed here? in a place where there is no bed, no sofa, and only a hard wooden chair and desk? in a public place?? is this how all Gen Z live these days……
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that's right!! that mindset go counter attack go
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oh… she really did it
I got the feeling they'll compete with each other to take the lead when the time comes a competition to see who can send the other person to climax first huh lewd
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zako ww so bad at defense www he is definitely a glass canon creak!!
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they say that if you think someone is cute, it's game over if you think someone is cool, that impression can be broken at any time; but if you think someone is cute, they look cute no matter what they do
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trailer bgm on I really like it when they play this song in the ending scene, it sure makes emotion heightened…
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wa!! happy ending!!
So the Zeus route, which started on Dec 11th, was finished on Jan 25th. I'll just overlook that the upload date is the 26th
It was fairly fun! Solmare must have prepared a lot during the cataclysm. The amount of content has increased significantly compared to the previous season… It's a good thing that there are many delicious things to eat.
The biggest difference from the previous season is: regular characters with unique personalities showed themselves. In previous seasons, only the characters from each season received screen time, and the rest took a backseat. But now S6 comrades (Z H A C L) continue to appear in the story and build a bond with Liz. Then there will be no such thing as a kinda unrealistic story like "I revealed my dark backstory to someone I met less than two weeks ago and I was saved by them." Moreover from the player's perspective, there is a much higher chance of feeling attached to the characters. It kills two birds with one stone!
This Zeus guy doesn't have any special backstory, but therefore, his route was able to provide a solid foundation for outlining a preliminary explanation of how the story will flow in future seasons, introducing the personalities and settings of S6 comrades. As I said before, it felt like a pilot episode… but in a good way. Given the cataclysmic event, it was essential to provide an explanation of the unfolding events, and I believe Solmare did a good job of using his route. There were a few scenes that made me wonder why they existed, but overall it was a very enjoyable story! Quite delicious.
About the character Zeus… self-centered, childish, overconfident, impatient, hot-tempered, and reckless dumbass, but unhateable! like that. I like this kind of goofy and idiotic guy. I already had a high affinity for this character just by glancing at him a few times on Tumblr before reading the story. Honestly I didn't give him a good evaluation in the first two chapters because… it's obvious. I even slightly lost hope in some of his "behavior used for a certain purpose" and that kind of behavior in Ch5. But! A lot of extra points were added in his creaking scene at the end of Ch8. I like a glass canon. Still, I think he would be better as a goofygoofy vibe side character rather than as a love interest… I'm looking forward to the stupid things he does in the later routes!
It takes longer to read one character's story than I thought… considering there was a gap of about a week in between, roughly 6 weeks. not short. I can write one post a day because it's vacation now, but once the semester starts, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to maintain that frequency…? Well I'll think about it later, anyway my goal is to play all Season 7 routes within this year.
Aaaannd, I'll start Klaus' route in February. His birthday is Jan 26th, so I was originally going to start on that day, but writing this took up more of my mental energy than I thought, so I decided to take a little break this month.
btw when can I see his normal ending and unhappy ending, there are too many routes to observe and I don't have time to look at the one I've already seen erm.......... time to use youtube power again I guess
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chubbletea · 1 year
before I get started, charles' name used to be william galeforce, so keep that in mind (it's not rlly a deadname Ig? but yeah.)
hubert is charles' uncle- charles' parents were melissa galeforce and giovanni galeforce (giovanni and galeforce are brothers)
hubert's been in the military for a long time. melissa was a toppat when giovanni met her, and hubert didn't approve of their relationship bc she was a toppat, but giovanni didn't listen and married her anyways, joining the toppats. hubert and giovanni's relationship got a little tense.
melissa and giovanni eventually had william/charles despite not knowing how to care for children (smh smh), esp bc their lives of crime got in the way
since melissa and giovanni were constantly absent, william was mostly raised by hubert. william was in the airship division with his parents, which is technically what introduced him to aircraft, but he became invested in becoming a pilot someday when hubert got him a toy helicopter for his 3rd bday (W hubert).
since he was very isolated from the toppats (the toppats who weren't his parents wanted to take better care of him but they rlly couldn't; his parents thought he was fine SMH SMH), hubert took him out to do all the fun stuff (yk. stuff you'd do when you were a kid. another hubert W)
william was uh. lied to a lot in the clan, whether they were white lies or genuinely harmful. he had interest in the military bc of hubert and wanted to join someday, having no idea that the toppats were criminals and not good ppl- he genuinely thought they meant well, despite having never been rlly told what they did
eventually william's parents had two more kids. (WHY.) they were twin brothers, named victor and vincent galeforce. melissa and giovanni didn't rlly care for them either, but william LOVED them. they were his whole world.
he basically raised his brothers from the start (and is very good with children as a result), and they loved him too. they were always there for each other when no one else was. victor and vincent were the sun in his life he loved them SO much
william's parents got arrested (common melissa/giovanni L) and this upset all three siblings despite them not being good parents. william took his job as an older brother more seriously from then on out. not long after, he found out what the toppat clan was doing (uh oh), got angry, and left with his brothers in a fit of rage
he took some of the stolen valuables the toppats had with him so he could return them and perhaps get them arrested. the first person they ran to was hubert, and he let them stay for as long as they needed to. this is when william got his name changed (for safety reasons; he was fucking terrified).
they dealt with a lot of conflict relating to the toppats (obv) so. shit went down. there was a big fight.
rhm (which, I forgot to mention, was basically william's/charles' best friend, perhaps in a teenage romance) was super pissed abt this. in the big fight with the toppats, rhm killed victor and vincent while everyone was away, despite him being encouraged not to. (rip the galeforce twins they were only 12 <//3 aug 18 2000 - sept 12 2012)
now you can obv guess charles was fucking DEVASTATED. esp bc he was taunted by rhm for not being able to protect them
charles was already working on becoming a pilot at this point, and victor and vincent were rlly invested in the military bc of hubert. charles was already thinking abt joining the military when they died, but their deaths were the final push to convince him. so he basically joined in honor of them.
edit: bonus I imagine charles is good friends with the bukowski twins (fav bg chars moment) and they view him as an older brother + he views them like younger siblings (I'M NORMAL ABT. FOUND FAMILY. I SWEAR). they make him think of what victor n vincent would've been like had they survived :]
so YEAH charles hates the toppats a whole fucking lot.
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wordsandrobots · 1 year
IBO reference notes on … the Gundams (part 1)
[Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Addendum 1]
Or: a spotter’s guide to the Calamity War.
[Note: I tried to post this twice today before figuring out that one of the images was causing it to be consigned to Tumblr oblivion. Apparently a shot of Lt. Crank's gloved hand was too racy for this site. Yeah.]
I said at the time that the fanfic Of Obsessions and Erotemes was written as an alternative to writing an essay expanding on my thoughts regarding the Gundams in Iron-Blooded Orphans. This is probably not strictly accurate, however, and I've been struck by the urge to take a figurative walk through the canonical examples out of the 72 Gundam frame type mobile suits.
I want to focus on the Gundams as they started out during the Calamity War, as far as that is possible, and what this says about the nature of the conflict. I will probably follow up at some point with notes on the mobile armours too, since they are the flip-side of this narrative. As I’ve had cause to mention before, I’m generally content with not knowing too much about the historical event that serves as the basis for IBO’s world-building. I think that adds rather than subtracts from the story. Still, it is fun to play with what we get and piece together an impression of what happened three hundred years prior to the series’ beginning.
For the purposes of not writing a post ten thousand words long, I’ve split the Gundams into three groups based on numerical position in the master list, which is of course taken from the Ars Goetia. Here, I will be drawing on Crowley’s edition.
All images shown here are either borrowed from the Gundam Wiki or are my own screenshots.
As with all my posts like this, spoilers are present for everything.
The Gundam frame
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Let’s start with what is under the hood, to whit: the Gundam mobile suit frame.
I covered some of this in my post on the aesthetics of the mobile frame concept, but the most important detail about the Gundam type is how human-like its proportions are, in both limb structure and eye placement. Unlike other frames, this is intended from the start to be used with an Alaya-Vijana system, so designing it to more closely approximate the human form makes a great deal of sense.
At the same time, there is something fittingly demonic about the skeleton, down to the claw-like fingers. However it must be noted that this is specifically Barbatos’ frame; the talons on on the feet are not reflected on the others. Indeed, based on the design work for Kimaris and Flauros, the feet are the part that varies the most from machine to machine.
A Gundam’s power – both in the sense of motive force and superior strength – comes from the twin Ahab reactors making up its torso. It’s the only mobile weapon in Iron-Blooded Orphans confirmed to have multiple reactors, with the implication that this boosts the output beyond simply adding the two together. Indeed, when operating at full capacity against a mobile armour, Barbatos seems barely able to contain its own energies.
Ancillary material states Ahab reactors are made ‘on a plant near a fixed star’, implying a difficult process to begin with (or at least a factory in orbit of the sun). Synchronising the reactors so they run in parallel is adding extra complexity on top of that, which is one of the reasons Gundam construction is a lost art. These things are the peak of mobile suit design and have never been equalled since they quite literally saved the world.
A Gundam, then, is not merely another weapon. It is the maximisation of human capacity, allowing a pilot to exceed their bodily limitations to destroy an inhuman enemy. We don’t know for sure the Calamity War pilots ended up in the same sorry state as Mikazuki (though the taleof Agnika Kaieru’s spirit residing inside Bael carries some interesting implications). But we do know the Alaya-Vijnana places extraordinary pressure on human physiology by its very nature, and the Gundams themselves come with competing limiters as a result. One that disengages in proximity to a mobile armour, allowing the full force of the reactors to be unleashed; another that switches on at that point, to stop this burst of power immediately overwhelming the operator. Only by accepting the danger can the pilot proceed with their attack.
It’s a duality of ultimate strength and ultimate risk that makes the Gundam frames seem like suitably desperate creations. They are the demons that prevented total apocalypse, while consuming their pilots body and soul.
ASW-G-01 Bael
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The first king of the Hell, and therefore presumably the first Gundam to have been constructed. From latter machines, there is the suggestion that deployment order did not match the numerical codes, so it isn’t entirely clear if we can solidly say they are numbered in the order they were built. But it seems reasonable to assume that this represents the start of Gundam operational history.
If we can take Bael to exist in the present exactly as it did in the War, it is a relatively simple affair, sporting nothing more flashy than a pair of wing-like boosters (I say wing-like purely because they are not functionally wings; they’re more an elaborate jet-pack). From a design point of view, Bael otherwise matches exactly to the template set by the series’ hero machine, Barbatos: the armour and thruster placement is identical and we may take this to be the default.
The combat philosophy behind this machine appears to be the same too: strike fast and strike sharp. It follows that Agnika Kaieru was the kind to lead from the front. Indeed, kit manual text makes it clear he was self-sufficient in battle, taking down mobile armours solely with his twin swords. Given McGillis holds his own against an entire fleet for a while, this doesn’t feel like a stretch and it certainly explains why the man became such a legend.
The symbol on Bael’s left shoulder is the original Gjallarhorn logo, which more directly presents the source of the organisation’s name: the horn that sounds Ragnarök. This would later be elaborated into the flag used in the present while remaining as a some sort of badge/pin or medal on officers’ uniforms. I find that fitting, that something simple would be built up over time into a grander image, disguising the root truth. In many ways, that sums up Bael’s place in history.
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From the Ars Goetia:
The first Principal Spirit is a King ruling in the East, called Bael. He maketh thee to go Invisible. He ruleth over 66 Legions of Infernal Spirits. He appeareth in divers shapes, sometimes like a Cat, sometimes like a Toad, and sometimes like a Man, and sometimes all these forms at once. He speaketh hoarsely. This is his character which is used to be worn as a Lamen before him who calleth him forth, or else he will not do thee homage.
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Notably, the sigil used for Gundam Bael’s interface does not simply replicate the 'canonical’ seal from the Ars Goetia but rather reinterprets it.
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Clearly OG Gjallarhorn had graphic designers on staff. Also, Bael’s main console screen is of a uniquely narrow design, in a rather elaborate housing. It would seem the cockpits were refined for later models, simplifying things towards a standard pattern seen in Kimaris and Gusion that would itself go on to become the standard for Gjallarhorn 'suits.
ASW-G-04 Gamigin
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Pretty much all we know about Gamigin is that it exists, it was originally piloted by Kalf Falk and it made it out of the Calamity War in one piece. Oh and someone in the armoury department was having a laugh the day they issued this Gundam its weapons.
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Seriously though, if Bael is the default, this is a heavy-duty model. Gamigin looks a hell of a lot less manoeuvrable, even accounting for the extra thrusters built into its skirt, and its standard-sized arms appear positively weedy compared to the heft of the body and legs. Clearly though, that was a trade-off deemed acceptable for the sake of destructive capacity.
The giant Gatling gun speaks for itself, but the revolver axe is the more interesting item here. As silly as it looks, it’s represents the (presumed) earliest incorporation of Dàinsleif weaponry into a Gundam frame mobile suit.
'Dàinsleif’ is a term used to refer to anything that launches javelin-like projectiles at high speed with the intent of puncturing nano-laminate armour. It’s unclear if the present ban on their use extends to smaller-scale versions like this, which is a point-blank deployment of the technology.
The blunt side of that axe is designed to strike an enemy and fire a spike straight through it. Crude but effective. Or so we can assume given this machine was piloted by one of the first Seven Stars and therefore must have destroyed a great many mobile armours.
From the Ars Goetia (Samigina/Gamigin):
The Fourth Spirit is Samigina, a Great Marquis. He appeareth in the form of a little Horse or Ass, and then into Human shape doth he change himself at the Request of the Master. He speaketh with a hoarse voice. He ruleth over 30 Legions of Inferiors. He teaches all Liberal Sciences, and giveth account of Dead Souls that died in sin. And his Seal is this, which is to be worn before the Magician when he is Invocator, etc.
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This is one of several demons with multiple names listed in the Ars Goetia. There doesn’t appear to be any pattern to which was picked as the ID for the corresponding Gundam.
ASW-G-08 Barbatos
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Teiwaz are stated to have restored Barbatos to its original state so we can assume the 4th form represents the version that fought in the Calamity War. Given this, it likely used a katana in battle, as the sword Teiwaz provides bears the same logo as the 'suit and we know from their work on Flauros that Gundams store information about their own weaponry (see also Mikazuki’s sudden competence with it when he connects deeper to Barbatos).
Intriguingly, with the retroactive introduction of predecessor designs, it appears Barbatos takes cues from both Bael and Gamigin, which ties these three low-numbered models together nicely. It is also relatively unspecialised in comparison, lacking the features that mark out the previous two. When found, it had a small buckler shield built into a gauntlet on its left forearm, similar to those the 5th form in the series would use. However, there’s no indication if this was used as a mount for mortars like the later version, leaving us with a machine that appears to have been a simple melee combatant.
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The absence of gimmicks showcases just how powerful Gundams are in comparison to other mobile suits, at a baseline. In any given fight during Season 1, Barbatos is faster, stronger, and more adaptable than its opposition, and while we see it built up with add-ons over the course of the series, those often seem to get in the way or provide only passing advantages.
Since my focus is on the Calamity War, I’m not going to go into any detail regarding the Lupus and Lupus Rex forms. But I will posit the idea Barbatos’ original pilot was of a different temperament to Mikazuki. If it is indeed their 'ghost’ who comes to his aid in Edmonton – some trace left behind in the system that allows him to understand the katana in the nick of time – they seem to have been a master of that weapon, favouring lethal precision, in stark contrast to Mikazuki’s gradual transformation into an animalistic, living weapon.
(The mace that Mikazuki leads with seems to have been something Maruba bought for possible use if he could ever get Barbatos running, rather than a relic of it previous operations.)
From the Ars Goetia:
The Eighth Spirit is Barbatos. He is a Great Duke, and appeareth when the Sun is in Sagittary, with four noble Kings and their companies of great troops. He giveth understanding of the singing of Birds, and of the Voices of other creatures, such as the barking of Dogs. He breaketh the Hidden Treasures open that have been laid by the Enchantments of Magicians. He is of the Order of Virtues, of which some part he retaineth still; and he knoweth all things Past, and to Come, and conciliateth Friends and those that be in Power. He ruleth over 30 Legions of Spirits. His Seal of Obedience is this, the which wear before thee as aforesaid.
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Again, we see a redesign of the seal for Gundam Barbatos’ start-up sigil.
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I like the choice to make the lines more dynamic.
ASW-G-11 Gusion
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We don’t know if this is what Gusion started out looking like. Gusion was found in a debris zone and passed through various hands before it reached the Brewers, and we know the Brewers’ Man Rodis are custom jobs, more heavily armoured than standard Rodi frame models. On balance, this is probably something they cooked up to fit their requirements.
But gives us an idea of the limits of a Gundam frame’s flexibility. The arms and legs have been stretched outwards from the main body to accommodate the armour load-out. You can see a glimpse of the piston that operates the hip joint under the skirt in the image above, providing a sense of where the legs have been moved. Quite how this works is unclear since we only see the head exposed when the Turbines start deconstructing this form. The fact it does work emphasises just how far the Gundams can be reconfigured. The Turbines even go so far as installing extra arms into the Rebake version given to Akihiro, seemingly with no issues at all.
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Gusion also provides an example of the fate suffered by quite a number of the Gundam frames: that of being lost and forgotten after battles during the Calamity War. The figure provided for how many frames are known to have survived is 26, but it’s unclear where that sits in the timeline of IBO canon, throughout which several Gundams are uncovered from previously hidden resting places. Certainly it appears only a minority of such 'suits remain in Gjallarhorn’s custody. While some have most likely been destroyed outright, many may still be drifting among debris fields or buried at the sites of battles from three hundred years ago.
It’s a neat conceit, leaving fertile ground for fanfiction or spin-offs to play on, and underscores that these machines belong to a bygone era most have forgotten about.
From the Ars Goetia:
The Eleventh Spirit in order is a great and strong Duke, called Gusion. He appeareth like a Xenopilus. He telleth all things, Past, Present and to Come, and showeth the meaning and resolution of all questions thou mayest ask. He conciliateth and reconcileth friendships, and giveth Honour and Dignity unto any. He ruleth over 40 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, the which wear as aforesaid.
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The connection between the machine or pilot and the Ars Goetia descriptions is somewhat variable throughout this list. In some instances there’s nothing obvious at all. However, I love that Gusion bestows honour and dignity because of how beautifully it ties into Akihiro’s arc. This said … I don’t actually know what a 'Xenopilus’ is. My first thought was 'Xenopus’ and a frog motif certainly would explain Gundam Gusion’s appearance. But I don’t think that’s right? Answers on a postcard, please.
That’s where we’ll leave things for today. I will probably post the next instalment sometime tomorrow.
Other reference posts include:
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (Part 1)
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (Part 2)
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (corrigendum) [mainly covering my inability to recognise mythical wolves]
IBO reference notes on … three key Yamagi scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Shino scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Eugene scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Ride scenes
IBO reference notes on … the tone of the setting
IBO reference notes on … character parallels and counterpoints
IBO reference notes on … a perfect villain
IBO reference notes on … Iron-Blooded Orphans: Gekko
IBO reference notes on … an act of unspeakable cruelty
IBO reference notes on … original(ish) characters [this one is mainly fanfic]
IBO reference notes on … Kudelia’s decisions
IBO reference notes on … assorted head-canons
IBO reference notes on … actual, proper original characters [explicit fanfic – as in, actually fanfic. None of them have turned up in the smut yet]
IBO reference notes on … the aesthetics of the mobile frame
IBO reference notes on … mobile suit designations
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demonsfate · 4 months
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munday topics ! // accepting // anonymous asked . . . 23. another RPC you’re no longer part of (Luna) 🐰
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geeeee... is it embarrassing to admit that i've been in SO MANY RPCs? (i've been rping on tumblr for 10 years now!!) i wouldn't even know where to begin. i guess i'll talk about one that i've been thinking about! but... i don't know if it can even be CONSIDERED an RPC, because like... my muse was from something so "niche" - that there were NO other RPers for it. and like, i'm not even talking about "oh it's a dead fandom" - like i legit believed there was no other RPers for it EVER. at least, i couldn't find any evidence of it existing. and hell, it only got a few RPers 'cos i managed to get people into it. MOST ppl legit believed this muse was an OC before following LOL.
but i wanna say before revealing what i'm talking about is that i wrote him back in 2018-2019, and liiike oddly enough now it's gained traction. i dunno if it's 'cos smiling friends is so popular and ppl are checking out other [adult swim] content but yeah!! i now notice on twitter, exceptional fanart or posts tend to get 1k likes. and then i notice MORE fanart popping up on tumblr! i even see fanart of mah favorite ship with my former muse! and even my old posts are getting regular notes now! and it's like whaaa?! where were y'all back when i was in the fandom?! like i swear - there were SOME fans, but barely any. i couldn't find ANY fanart to reblog at all. it's frickin wild!
anyway, i wrote bill dickey (and later, who i headcanoned as his twin brother, aaron winkleman) from the eltingville club! which was a comic book making fun of toxic nerd culture in the 90s. many also know it as welcome to eltingville, as sadly, it has a pilot from the early 2000s for [adult swim] that never picked up!
USUALLY when i write muses from unpopular fandoms, i STRUGGLE to get interactions like y'all won't believe. usually it ends with me giving up because i just can't get any mutuals at all. but bill was a special case! ppl ended up LOVING bill despite not knowing about his source material, and i ended up getting a lotta great interactions! i guess because bill is such an entertaining character, it's easy to like him despite how horrible he is! lol! plus as i said, many ppl thought he was my oc at first. XD i did get like 10 people reading it!
because the fandom was gaining traction again... i had CONSIDERED going back to the blog (since i actually still have it up!) buuuut... i also know i am VERY bad at managing more than one (or two) rp blogs at most. so...
like jin & devil, i'd also often write bill & aaron shenanigan posts, they went about the same, too... except probs even louder.
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and in this case, there is no "good" one. both bill & aaron were horrible, horrible ppl lmao. (and yes, this is referring to the "area 51" raid if y'all remember that LMAO)
aah just talking about it makes me nostalgic. :') funny enough, this series also screwed over bill because i can't escape bad media that screws over my favorites DUNNO WHY SDFDSNJ. except in this case, it was the ending. hooo boy. i went on long rants about the ending like i would on this blog. like that may make me sound like a hater - but the ending was so BAD, they legit forget a character's name. they legit call one of the MAIN CHARACTERS by a different name. that's how bad & inconsistent it was. (tho it's also worth noting the ending happened after a 10+ hiatus, the creator was clearly done with it and didn't want to bring it back, but only did due to wanting to make a commentary on something that was happening at the time)
now i'm starting to get a lil nostalgic for these guys talkin' about 'em again. :')
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revisited this fic idea more than a year later. I'm still not committing to it, buuuut I kinda want to play around with choicescript and, well, I already have a sample CYOA text written from last year
I tweaked the code a bit so that the game looks a little more genshin-like. the pictures are just the banner versions of the namecards, which are available in the genshin fanwiki.
anyway. I don't think I explained the concept of the story in this blog yet! there are two main ideas:
you play as an unnamed wind wisp observer whose responsibility is to witness and preserve venti's story, just as venti preserves teyvat's history. from time to time, venti asks advice from the winds. but he loses "divinity" the more he gains "agency" so there's a greater chance he won't listen to the wind's advice if his divinity stat is low. the endings are tied to the divinity stat, since it determines if venti ends up as a bard, archon, or god
the other main idea is that venti summons the twins to teyvat when he makes a wish upon the stars. this is one of the first route selections. choosing "hero" means lumine is the traveler; choosing "savior" means she's the abyss princess. (I found out that choicescript has darkmode, so I enabled it if the player chooses the savior route)
going deeper into it, the divinity stat is somewhat misleading. I remember this talk about how games can be about the things you don't explicitly mechanize. this is somewhat similar. technically, what I wanted to really measure for the different routes and endings is a memory stat, since venti is really an archivist if you think about it. that's his main role so far in the game. he has perfect memory when his divinity stat is high, but his memory becomes "faulty" the more he loses divinity. so this is where the "god" and "bard" endings come in.
well, that's the initial idea. in truth, I simplified everything to one stat because I thought I would try this with AO3's limited way of making CYOA fics. I had a workskin set up and everything! you can see how the CYOA works in my sandbox fic. but obviously, I abandoned the idea since it's very high effort.
I'm trying out choicescript because someone mentioned the pilot script I wrote in the past for fun. I actually forgot that I shared it with them lol. anyway, we talked about writing and I mentioned to them that in the past, I was interested in learning how to write a CYOA game. and I guess from there, I remembered how much I played text games. I'm just exploring and trying it out.
I could have tried twine instead. but I feel that twine has too many bells and whistles that would distract me from actually writing. I have zero art skills too, so something minimalistic fits my skillset more, I think.
ANYWAYYY idk if I'll write this fic, but this definitely opened up some possibilities. but I'll have to rethink the mechanics because now I don't need to be tied down to just one stat. I have the power of javascript! I can do whatever I want now!!
also maybe it's just my meds are finally working because I cobbled this together in two nights. it's really not that hard to get into! but I also code for a living so that definitely helps.
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