#which vulkan?
ghostinthegallery · 6 months
James Workshop, we need to talk.
Why THE HELL are the Primarch and Forgemaster of the Salamanders both named Vulkan? Why is Vulkan in charge of the search for Vulkan with the Spear of Vulkan to bring Vulkan back to be Vulkan’s commander this is SO CONFUSING! WHICH VULKAN ARE WE REFERRING TO AT ANY GIVEN TIME! WHY??
(Yes I know naming people after primarchs makes sense in universe but THIS is goddamn CONFUSING)
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powdermelonkeg · 3 months
BG3 peeps
Do your game a favor
Go into Steam, right click BG3, go to Properties
There's a little text box at the bottom for advanced controls
Put this in it:
You're welcome
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luwupercal · 1 year
who woulge.
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scatmaan · 11 months
i keep getting an error for bg3 that basically gives me the blue screen of death and ive done everything rec’d so far besides uninstall/reinstall my driver... so now im seeing if that works ://
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sharenadraculea · 5 months
If the primarchs had social media
Lion: There is nothing on his accounts. Not even a profile-picture. Someone is still logging into them every so often. Fulgrim: On all the plattforms. Primarely family-blogger: look at my perfect kids, my perfect spaceship, my perfect partner, my perfect healthy breakfest, my perfect make-up. OnlyFans-account on the side. Get‘s into controversies all the time. Perty: Angry rants. Has spent to much time on Twitter. Old man yells at cloud type of stuff. Jagh: And this is how we‘ll break the speed-limit today! Talks about bikes, how to mod them, drives them around very fast, ect. Occasional horse-pictures. Leman: Puppies! Just cute dog-pictures and -videos, of every canine he encounters in the galaxy Rogal: He isn‘t very good at social media. Sometimes posts bad selfies or pictures of his building projects. Completly ignores all of Pertys hate-comments Konrad: He writes fanfic. Edgy, dark, not very good fanfic. The protag is a clear self-insert and Mary Sue and brings justice to all the settings he puts them in. A ton of spelling errors. The plot barely holds together. He is very proud of it. Sang: He has official accounts with pretty pictures of him everywhere, but he has some private accounts that are just like his art and sometimes cute family pictures. Also why can I see Sang having a Vtuber-persona he livestreams with so people don‘t recognize him? Ferrus: Appears on Fulgrims accounts fairly often. Maybe does some gaming-content on the side Angron: Everything is very sporadic and when it‘s there it‘s pretty angry. Surprisingly talks a lot about issues with his disabilities and that he needs way more help than he get‘s and also all his trauma. Struggles a lot with typing and forming sentences, so it can be hard to understand at times. Roboute: A channel with tutorials for stuff like running a planet or putting on armour. If people ask him to explain something he can just send them a link. Morty: Not very active, sometimes pictures of some funky plants and little texts about them. Magnus: Video-essays. He dissappers for months and then returns with a four-hour-video (minimum) about the most random topic. Hugely popular. Horus: Look at my sexy abs! Look at my huge bicep! Soft-porn-pictures of him and his sons. Probally also had OnlyFans. Lorgar: Social media is great for preaching! So he does that! Deletes all his accounts after monarchia. Vulkan: Food! He loves trying out new recipes from diffrentc cultures! At the start of every recipe is a pagelong story, which people actually read Corvus: Also writes Fanfic. Very, very good fanfic if a bit edgy at times. Kind of has a rivalery with Konrad. Also runs a very active blog, about both writing and justice, with occasional bits about guerilla-warfare Alpharius Omegon: Just the worst trolls. Dozens if not hundreds of sockpuppet accounts. They are having a good time.
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jpbradley · 10 months
Which Primarchs committed tax fraud?
Lorgar claimed tax exempt status as a church. Cited a law from the Age of Strife, rejected after lengthy legal proceedings. Definitely did not instigate the Heresy to avoid paying his substantial fines.
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Sanguinius filled his form wrong. He managed to charm the investigating officer into allowing him to resubmit, but failed to file on the ground that he was murdered by Horus. A small percentage of Blood Angels are, to this day, afflicted with anxiety over an unfiled return.
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Roboute Guilliman 100% knows how to commit tax fraud, and how to get away with it. Of course he does. He's the tax man (Ultramar regional office). Hates Magnus for reasons we'll get to.
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Jaghatai Khan neither knows nor cares what taxes are. The Imperial Revenue took years to track down his address, and after several final demands an investigator visited only to find a lone postbox 300 miles from anywhere, half buried in unopened mail.
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Perturabo failed to declare assets 'inherited' from Ferrus Manus and is currently awaiting a trial date.
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Ferrus Manus has been given dispensation to defer his return for the tax year on the following grounds:
Being dead.
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Lion El'Johnson swears he knows how to commit tax fraud but simply never would. He's lying. He has no idea but would rather walk naked into the Warp than admit it.
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Vulkan keeps fastidious notes through the year which makes him very popular with his accountants. They try to convince him to expense his Drakeskin cloaks but he refuses as he wears them recreationally (despite the Salamander's 'business logo') and doesn't want to get into trouble.
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Fulgrim completed his return, he really did, but it wasn't right. Currently on his cogitator is 'Tax Return 3 FINAL (FINAL!!).tax' unsent.
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Leman Russ vaguely understands that tax is a thing. Thus far nobody can decide if the Space Wolves mix of raucous hospitality and space Viking intimidation towards investigators is a concerted effort to avoid paying or if they're just like that.
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Magnus has all the documentation to prove that he's paid. It's all right there. It makes absolutely no sense and somehow he's owed money? Guilliman is convinced he's full of it but hasn't been able to prove it and is quietly seething.
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Rogal Dorn pays in full and fully hates anyone who doesn't. He grumbles about it to anyone who will listen, usually within earshot of anyone he suspects isn't paying his way. Magnus & Conrad vocally agree with him. Guilliman leaves the room before he says something he'll regret.
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Alpharius definitely submitted a return. Nothing about it looks right, all the numbers are estimates, all the assets are in some kind of code but somehow it's already been stamped as accepted.
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Konrad Curze also vocally hates anyone who doesn't pay up. Secretly he hasn't paid in years. He is beyond the pretty laws of 'taxes' and with everyone focused on Lorgar, Perturabo and Magnus he's just slipped through the cracks, which he has taken as a silent endorsement.
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Corvus Corax wants to pay tax. He’s tried to pay tax. He’s sent several returns to the Imperial Revenue and still they haven’t taken the money. He’s beginning to get worried. He needn’t be. They have quite simply forgotten he exists and it's gone on too long for them to admit their mistake.
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Mortarion pays but hates everything about it. He thinks it's a personal slight and is convinced he is paying more than everyone else. He's right. This makes his whining no less annoying.
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Angron had taxes explained to him once and ol' Rusty's sacrifice is why Imperial Revenue officers can wear jeans on Fridays. Since then the IR has practiced a bold 'hands off' approach with the World Eaters, proving that violence is sometimes an answer.
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Horus absolutely pays his taxes. In Horusbux: A currency of his own devising. Lorgar attempted to trick Horus into a ponzi scheme, now all of his money is in Horusbux and he has no idea how it happened. Horus keeps on promising everyone massive returns, usually from the deck of his waryacht, the Live Forever II.
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pictureamoebae · 1 month
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I've made a couple of little updates to my Understanding ReShade guide over on Patreon.
I've included information about setting 3D Scene Resolution to High for TS4 players, clarified about using MSAA/Edge Smoothing, and more info about red errors when the the issue is shaders failing to compile under dx9.
I'm in the process of writing a little guide on how to use either DXVK or dgVooDoo2 to run TS4 (or any other dx9 game) as either Vulkan or dx11, which then allows you to use shaders that don't work under dx9. I have a couple of experiments to do before I finish it, but I'll get it linked in the Understanding ReShade guide, and of course here and everywhere else.
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moodymisty · 6 months
Chapter reactions to their Primarch's beloved [ part2 ]
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
[ Part 1, Part 3 ]
Author's Note: Another 4 of the 'Chapter reactions to their Primarch's lover' series I said I went too crazy with. I chose them at random, if you want any more feel free to say.
Relationships: Implied Lion'el Jonson/Gn!Reader, Implied Konrad Curze/Gn!Reader, Implied Vulkan/Gn!Reader, Implied Magnus the Red/Gn!Reader
Warnings: Some vague implications of the Night Lords being creepy little shits but tbh is that really surprising?
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➧ Dark Angels:
Paranoid. You were actually kept a secret from most of the Legion apart from Lion'el's closest Commanders for quite awhile, until he made his decision to reveal the that The Lion of Caliban had taken a lover.
You can only assume he did all of it as another layer of his ever expanding list of contingency plans and secret keeping. You're quite familiar with his thought process at this point; At least what isn't also another secret.
They are, more than a bit confused as to why their Primarch has dedicated his time to such pursuits, but you suppose it all could be far worse.
Their 'upbringing' and Lion'el's inability to show pretty much any emotion has heavily affected their ability to do or understand anything that could be considered 'affectionate'. It just seems pointless to them.
They have a pompous aura, and an overall 'nose turned upward' attitude regarding you. Despite being their Primarch's beloved, you are seen as beneath them by nature of your existence. This could quite possibly change overtime however, depending on how much of an active role you take in Lion'el's legion.
However Lion'el's paranoia extends to his sons in force, and his men are hyper vigilant of you if you're ever put under their watch. They may not have the best attitude, but you couldn't be safer. Expect to basically be chained to one spot for periods of time. Figuratively. Maybe.
All of this makes interacting with them, difficult, but manageable. At least they don't want to murder you.
...As far as you know
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➧ Night Lords:
Avoid every single one of them like your life depends on it, because it very much does. Becoming the object of Curze's obsession is probably the worst possible thing you could do for your overall life expectancy.
Because he pretty much brought a prey animal into den of slobbering wolves, being with you. As while Konrad may love you (at least as much as a man as troubled as him can) many of his sons see you as little more than a brand new thing to be toyed with.
While Heresy era Night Lords may be marginally less deranged than their 41st millennium counterparts, they still heavily enjoy instilling fear; Particularly to keep humans in line.
So they tend to circle around you like they're herding prey animals; Biting the air if you wander too far away from their Primarch's shadow.
There's really only a few that you 'trust' enough to be in their protection for more than few minutes. And while you might feel safe, there's always... Something off.
You can stand to be in the same room as Sevatar- given his more stalwart, repressed nature which makes him much easier to communicate with than the average Night Lord- but you don't like the way any of the Night Lords look at you. Even him.
There's always something deep within their dark eyes, or something behind their rare smiles. Being near them makes your neck tense, hair standing on end. Every single siren in your head screaming to run run run. It's like they're waiting for the moment Curze leaves you alone to take something they want.
You don't want to know what that something is.
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➧ Salamanders:
The most sane of them all besides the Ultramarines and the White Scars. They treat you with respect and kindness, in that stunted, overly formal Space Marine way. You can tell they're trying, so it's kind of sweet, honestly.
Even from the moment that Vulkan first formally introduced you as his beloved, they always seemed to welcome you into the chapter, so to speak.
They're also helpful; For example given the sheer scale of the Flamewrought, you've been helped by them before when you found yourself horribly lost. Something Vulkan finds very amusing.
Overall, they are one of the few, if not the only chapter that would probably be actually somewhat, happy, to see their Primarch happy.
They see the way Vulkan softens whenever he looks at you, and know that those things are what they're fighting for.
Vulkan has spent years emphasizing the importance of protecting the Imperium and it's people, and it's paid off with a chapter that is not only of a somewhat normal disposition, but isn't completely fucking insane.
They'll keep you safe no matter what, as even without orders, they genuinely seem to care for your wellbeing.
Just keep your new sons away from the lighter fluid, ok?
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➧ Thousand Sons:
Many of them disapprove of Magnus going down such a path, seeing it as unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but when they see how Magnus is absolutely stupid in love with you and will not hesitate to scold dissent on the matter, they end up having to stay largely quiet about it.
No matter how much they may object at the end of the day, Magnus won't budge; So they have to just learn to accept it. Afterall, Magnus had made it very clear you aren't going anywhere.
While they perhaps might not be as overtly as pompous as the Dark Angels, for awhile they won't be much more than amicable to you.
As their Primarch's beloved, they will be more than ready to protect you if need be, and while at first it might simply be because their Primarch has ordered them to, overtime they do warm up a bit. You can smile at them and watch them hone their skills, and they begin to see why Magnus likes you so.
Just don't finger up the tomes, and you both can coexist.
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lxvvie · 9 months
So as I was writing and getting requests done, I had a thought: how about we take that trend I did with Call of Duty and apply it to your favorite primarchs? This begs the question: How would your dearly beloved primarchs react if you called them by their full name... because of reasons?
Horus - Hits you with one of his most dazzling smiles. It's too dazzling, which lets you know that Horus got into some shit. You question him and he gives you a vague answer while still smiling.
Leman Russ - You and he both know he's been up to no good so he'll either proposition you or make sure he's not in the vicinity to hear you call his name lmao.
Ferrus Manus - Instantly stops whatever it is he's doing; contemplates a response and ultimately decides to make himself scarce somewhere else.
Fulgrim - Is affronted that you'd call his name with such... irreverence. Will actually ignore you. Bastard.
Vulkan - Will also stop what he's doing and answer your call just as fervently as you called him. Has a tendency to resort to hugs to placate you. Those hugs are amazing, though... You can never stay mad at him for too long.
Rogal Dorn - Responds by calling you by your full name. With no intonation. Smart ass.
Roboute Guilliman - Will give some bullshit explanation while multi-tasking that would make Horus proud as to why he got into shit and how said shit has been resolved. May or may not work depending.
Magnus - It becomes a staring contest because you want him to give you an answer and he's trying to figure out why you called him.
Sanguinius - His foresight never prepares him for the way you say his name. Would put on his best saccharine smile that Horus would also be proud of but it's ineffective because his wings usually give him away.
Lion El'Jonson - Gives no fucks. Save for a quick glance will refuse to acknowledge your call. Because of reasons that have nothing to do with the fact that he's in deep shit.
Perturabo - Will pretty much stomp his way to you and get eye-level with you with a sneer. "Why do you call me?" A battle of wills and glares ensues.
Mortarion - Will look down on you, literally and figuratively.
Lorgar - Is the one who puts Horus and Sanguinius to shame because he ALWAYS placates you. ALWAYS. It never fails. But this is after he's winced and bowed his head some, even though he towers over you.
Jaghatai Khan - Gotta catch him first to find out lmao.
Konrad Curze - Results may vary. Might even hear some gremlin screeching... er, do you really wanna know?
Angron - Smirks and chuckles because he most certainly did some shit and he's practically begging you to say something about it.
Corvus Corax - May or may not be repentant, depending on the severity. Also may or may not make himself known but an effort was made, I suppose.
Alpharius - You're better off wondering what it is he didn't do. Whenever he comes, you're left wondering if that's the real Alpharius or if he sent a proxy like the last couple of times.
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nevesmose · 1 month
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"Light, I've been wondering something. Who is your favourite Primarch?"
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This is dangerous. Since he thinks I'm Kira there's no way he would expect me to choose anyone but Horus but if I overcompensate by naming someone like Vulkan it'll only make him more suspicious. Dammit, Ryuzaki! I can't let you beat me so easily. Based on his disturbing appearance and warped obsession with justice there's a reasonable chance that he's a Konrad Curze fan, which means there's certainly no way I can say Corax. Misa mains Sisters of Battle so she's useless to me yet again.
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Heh heh heh. Gotta answer him soon Light, unless you want him to think you're some kind of socially inept turbo-autist. But there's no way people like that would ever be such big Battlemace fans that they'd spend time circlejerking about their space dudes during a murder investigation.
That's a good point, Ryuk. L's principles would never allow him to waste even a second of time pointlessly discussing Primarchs while Kira remains at large. Maybe he doesn't even like 40K at all and this is just a test. Kira would want to slow down the investigation any way he could, including by starting long-winded arguments about which Primarch is the best, so I should avoid the question and tell him we need to focus on the task at hand.
Wait a second! If he had cameras in my room then he must know about the 3000 points of Dark Angels I have in a box under my bed. And even a cursory online investigation would lead him to my posts on r/grimdank. So pretending I don't like 40K isn't an option.
Very clever, L. You almost had me from behind but now I am the one who's behind you. Since he knows I play Dark Angels I could say the Lion is my favourite, but... no, there's no way he would believe that. No one likes the Lion that much.
Dammit, who else is even left? I always forget some of them and I can't sneak away to look it up on Lexicanum. Mortarion? No, L knows I'm obsessively hygienic so he would instantly realise I was lying.
What if I suggest another homoerotic game of tennis or a foot massage? But there's no way he would let anything like that distract him, not from Primarch discourse. Come on, Light! You were looking at a tier list of Primarch GFs only last night!
I just have to go through my remaining options. Even if he is a Curze fan, it's too dangerous for me to say I like him too or he'll start lecturing me about morality and then accuse me of not understanding how he was really a scrungly ratboy who did nothing wrong.
If I choose any of the other Traitor Primarchs he'll take it as more evidence that I'm Kira. So that leaves the Loyalists. Sanguinius and the Khan are both too interesting and Dorn isn't interesting enough. I need to choose someone so average and middle-of-the-road that there's no possible way he could ever use it to show that I'm a despicable power-crazed mass murderer.
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"Roboute Guilliman."
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tragedybunny · 10 months
Family Dinner
In Which the Emperor of Mankind just wanted a nice family dinner...
The Emperor just really wanted a family dinner with all his sons. As they were arranged around the table, the Emperor was speaking to Dorn about a new advancement in a weapon. “It will be a whole new meaning for the Power Fist.” 
Down the table, Fulgrim laughed. Beside him, while trying not to laugh himself, Ferrus shushed him. That only caused Fulgrim to snip at him.
Not to be outdone about being crude, Leman laughed as well, louder. Magnus used this opportunity to call Leman an uncouth lout. They both stood up and started yelling across the table. 
Perturabo began insisting to Horus that if it had been him the Emperor was talking to no one would’ve dared laugh. But no, it’s always Dorn. Horus began to feel his eye twitch. 
Sensing a rising tide of discontent, Guilliman rose from his seat and tried to restore order among his brothers. 
Crawling under the table, Lorgar tried to convince Konrad to bite Guilliman’s ankles for the pompous show of being so diplomatic. Konrad started to look entertained by the idea, but Lorgar suddenly realized Alpharius was under the table with them and withdrew his request. 
Fulgrim and Ferrus’s argument had gotten exponentially louder. Sanguinius was now attempting to intervene and get them to talk it out
The Khan sighed wearily to Vulkan beside him, they both resolved to stay out of this one. 
The entire table was now forced to pretend they didn’t know Fulgrim and Ferrus were dating as the shouting was extremely personal and Fulgrim was looking like his pout was going to turn into sobbing. 
As soon as Angron stood up, looking like he was going to try his hand at silencing his brothers, he was tackled by the Lion who had assumed violence was imminent. 
Mortarion glanced around and slid under the table. Even Konrad had to be better company than this. 
Fulgrim and Ferrus were now to the “making up” stage of the argument, which, while still hugely uncomfortable for everyone else, was at least quieter. 
All at once they all realized no one had seen Corvus at all during any of this. 
The Emperor decided to just start drinking straight from the bottle.
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kit-williams · 5 months
In reverse Husbandry, Sanguinius and Vulkan are now the daycare centers whenever a Space Marine needs to leave their young, kid or teen, human with a trusted primarch. Both Primarchs learn why glitter is the herpes of the craft world when the human kids start doing art and crafts to pass time. Their Flagships never looked the same again.
"Malcador this is why I want to ban glitter." The Emperor says walking over to Sanguinius.
"I literally see nothing wrong." The smaller man says looking up at his friend hold up a finger.
"Sanguinius... shake."
They watch the winged primarch spread his wings and shake as a small cloud of glitter seems to rain down from his wings and hair. Malcador was so use to Sanguinius being in his glittering armor he didn't question why his hair and wings seemed to glitter.
"This still seems like a silly reason to ban it."
"Fuck Mal I don't know something about microplastics I guess?" The Emperor said exasperatedly which Malcador chuckled at.
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wxnheart · 11 months
Which Primarch has the best hair to pull while riding their face being intimate?
It'd be easy to say Sanguinius, Magnus, and Fulgrim but one is actually tender-headed, and the other two... it's a hit or miss. Depending. 👀
Surprisingly? Roboute and Dorn because they're closet freak heauxs and love it when you tug at their cropped tresses. Because the pain is a wonderful opportunity to vent their frustrations and their tongues are working, honey.
Horus when he had hair. Now he'd just tease the shit out of you and lift you up mid-lick because he's an ass like that.
Leman most definitely. He chuckles against your skin. Lion, I think, wouldn't even be fazed so he's feasting away like the fuckin' beast he is. By the Emperor...
Avoid at all costs: Angron, Konrad, Perturabo, and Corvus. Especially Angron. And Perturabo.
You won't even come close to the Khan's.
If Lorgar and Vulkan had hair, whew.
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wauzmons · 7 months
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After lots of debugging, I managed to create a version of EE, which uses Vulkan instead of DirectX for rendering, meaning that it is no longer dependent on Windows and can run natively on Linux!
The editor already works flawlessly on Linux, but the terrain generation is completely broken at the moment.
I'll be using Linux as my main OS going forward, since Microsoft's products become worse and more bloated with spyware every day, so it's very important to me that my games are available on an alternative platform, which isn't owned by a corporation.
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weirdlookindog · 10 days
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Bela Lugosi in Der Tanz auf dem Vulkan - 2. Der Tod des Grossfürsten (1920)
"Parts one and two of this two part film, each originally five reels in length, were combined and re-edited into a shorter six reel version and released in USA as Daughter of the Night (1920), which is all that now seems to survive" - iMDb
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sharenadraculea · 4 months
The primarchs having dinner together
Lion: He is a cat. He only eats the meat. Not even touching his veggies. He doesn‘t really get why they are having this dinner, but Luther thought him some decent table manners and he is happy to eat the meat of everyone who doesn‘t want theirs. He is eyeing the pidgeons sitting outside the window. They are gone by the end of teh evening. Fulgrim: He has some really bad allergies. Like one small bite can easely turn into a medical emergency. He really hoped to eat the same food as the others, but it‘s not safe. He takes his own food with him and feels pretty bad about it. Ferrus needs to comfort him. Perty: Grumbeling the whole time. Magnus dragged him here, saying it would be fun. Maybe it kind of is. But Calliphone still cooks better. Jagh: He is very excited to try some new food, very adventurous taste. He‘s having a great time, very supportive of his brothers who are a bit more picky than he is. Offers to buy everyone drinks. Leman: He has a lot of fun too, needs to be stopped from drinking too much. He is a bit sceptical of everything more complicated than bread and meat. A chocolate dessert needs to be ripped from his hands to avoid a medical emergency. Rogal: He has ARFID, so eating in general and especially going out to eat is difficult. Brought his own food with him and when told he eats like a toddler, goes on a extended rant/presentation about ARFID. Brought some extra dino-nuggets to share with his brothers. Ends up distracted and builds a fortress for the dino-nuggets to live in. Konrad: So much food! He has no idea where to look first. Eats very fast and has no table manners. Despite this, he won‘t touch his veggies, because cat. Heroically liberates Morty from both his meat and dessert. Somehow catches the rat which he nibbles on between courses.
Sang: He has perfect manners. Tries everything on the table, does a extensive food criticism. Definetly asks for the recipies of some things, the cook is crying in joy. At some point goes on a long tangent about food on Baal and how good snakes taste. Everyone is shocked that Sang would be a fan of raw snakemeat. He isn‘t very picky. Also eyeing Konrads rat and Lions pidgeons. Ferrus: Not enough stones for his taste. Attempts to also eat the plate. Very worried about Fulgrim and kind of hoovering around him. Lactoseintolerant and is carefull not to end up having a horrible stomach ache, Angron: The nails make tablemanners difficult, he has decided that everything is fingerfood. Surprisingly calm, ripping apart food probally helps. Rob: He got the menu weeks in advance to mentally prepare. Still, it is difficult to eat so much new food. He is kind of regretting that he didn‘t bring his own food like Rogal. Someone notices how stressed out he is and asks the cook if they can send him some spaghetti. This helps a lot. Morty: Meat just gives him the ick. Can‘t eat it, very glad to give his to Konrad. Very happy to eat Konrads and Lions veggies. Kind of intimidated by eating with so many people and very quiet. Looks like he thinks someone will take his food away any moment. Ends up hiding some food in his pockets to eat later, Magnus: He has brought his books with him, just in case. Not all that interested in the food, but keeps three conversations going at the same time. Later drinks two glasses of wine and is passed out, transforming into a blob of warp-goo. Horus: Loudly commenting on everyone else and what they are eating. Then Rogal lectures him and he is humbled for approximatly three minutes. Lactoseintolerant, which he fully ignores. Later loudly complains about his tummyache. Lorgar: His religion has pretty strict rules about what you can eat, so he is very angsty. But he also doesn‘t want to cause problems and it looks and smells so good and Angron keeps handing him squished things and that‘s weirdly cute… Vulkan: He is just so happy that they are all here. Buys everyone some icecream for dessert. He has brought his mothers extra spicy BBQ-sauce with him and puts it on everything. It is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by everyone not from Nocturne. Corvus: Has some food-related trauma (specifically the hadn‘t had emough as a kid) and so keeps eating pretty much everything handed to them. Evem tries Vulkans BBQ-Sauce, which does not end well. Vulkan buys them birdseed in exchange, which makes them very happy. Alpharius Omegon: Somehow got their hands on a McDonalds Happy Meal. Very happy to witness all the chaos
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