#which was really exciting for me as someone who's thought about bbs every single day for an entire year straight
airenyah · 2 years
so i showed my mom the 10 years ticket trailer and long story short we're gonna watch it together when it airs
#she actually had some really nice things to say about ohm#which was really exciting for me as someone who's thought about bbs every single day for an entire year straight#esp bc when she was watching bbs with me a year ago she didn't really comment on their acting#usually when my mom likes actors we end up taking twice as long for an episode than the duration of the ep#bc we start to (over-)analyze their acting in depth → what they're doing and why it's working#but my mom never really said anything about ohm's and nanon's acting so i wasn't sure if she liked them as actors#well ok actually when an actor is terrible we also take twice as long for an ep bc we go in depth into why the acting is NOT working#considering she didn't have anything negative to say on them either i already guessed that she didn't hate them#but i just wasn't sure if she was impressed enough to be interested in watching some of their other shows#but yeah i showed her the trailer and she was like ''ohhh [ohm]'s more serious here. he seems skilled in that area''#(lit. she said ''das scheint ihm zu liegen'')#and then we had a little chat about something that i've noticed that he does exceptionally well#(idk how to say it in english but in short: direktes authentisches anspielen/sendet extrem stark)#it's what makes everyone always say that he's got chemistry with everyone#it's bc he's extremely good at anspielen his co-stars. and he does it in such a direct and authentic way it's beautiful tbh#i'm happy my mom wants to watch it with me bc i feel like this will be a brainrot show when it comes to actor analysis#and that's always a lot more fun with my mom bc she's got an insane eye for things i'm learning so much from her#10yt#airenyah plappert#adrm#mama schaut adrm#mama schaut 10yt
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
hey! i stumbled across you on ao3 through genshin (i think? that was in september i have no idea at this point), went to check out your profile and saw my hero academia works there. i am currently very much into it, so i was like let's gooo sooo I found B♭ and that has been a wild journey.
firstly, i don't have any experience with american school system, so a lot of worldbuilding was new for me. moreover, marching band is something from another universe(aka music lover but never got educated on the matter), so fic constantly challenged me with new details-concepts-vocabulary. stepping outside of your comfort zone while reading? great idea! i think i never learned so much from a fic while enjoying it so much ^^
secondly, i am simply amazed by sheer amount of effort you put into it. i decided to read in publishing order, so non-chronological really impressed me. you're honestly a mastermind being able to pull that off. also, having a song for every chapter with specifically picked out lyrics relevant to the content is so, so cool! the diversity of your playlists should be astonishing, i'm jealous :)
thirdly, the characters are just so real. i love all the canon references, i love the reactions that don't feel exagerrated or too mild. they are acting...exactly as i would expect them to in that circumstances and setting. i just accepted leads' ways of thinking and reflecting so naturally
i also read the extra notes when they were available and just...how much thought is put in is mezmerising. for some reason i never thought pulling directly from your life experiences when writing? but it actually makes a lot of sense and it brought me some ideas to try out so hehe ;)
as i am very smart and hadn't scrolled down on the order post, i didn't see until quite late in the reading that the end of perfect harmony is published as notes, so that was a surprise. i understand your reasons and the fact that you're not even in the fandom anymore, but you mentioned in some extra notes that it's ok to ask for them even if years passed so...here i am three years after, complimenting B♭ :D
anyway, i finished it a couple of days ago, and even the notes are quite detailed. images of described shenanigans popped into my head just like that, and i really appreciate that you published them and i got to know what happened next!!
i actually wondered why were the comments disabled since i really wanted to comment on a few chapters bc your work deserves it so much...but yeah, that's what led me here so i guess congrats, you get my thoughts all nicely packed in one place ^_^
there's probably a lot of specific pieces, details, ideas i liked about B♭, so that is merely a summary of exciting things i remember!
i'll say goodbye using my favourite oneshot title:
thank you for the music ✩°。⋆⸜(ू。•ω•。)
not gonna lie i'm kind of obsessed w/the way you just glossed over the fact that you (probably) found me through my (anonymous) genshin fics, which means you jumped through the (minimum three) hoops required to get here, my (named) fandom blog, and then proceed to gush abt a bnha series i did. like i would assume that if someone put in the effort to find my other fandom fics from my genshin stuff, then there must've been smth really worth looking into w/the genshin stuff lmao
for the sake of my mutuals' dashboards, since this ask is so long i'm just gonna chuck the whole (long) answer under a cut lol
anyway yes Bb!! the amt of effort n planning i put into that series was legitimately insane. i made school schedules for EVERY SINGLE BNHA CHARACTER and PUT IT ON A SPREADSHEET so that i could PLAN WHO COULD WALK WITH WHOM TO THEIR NEXT CLASSES n have PLOT-RELEVANT CONVERSATIONS LIKE THAT. i made little profiles for each of the characters, where i chose their favorite musical key (and why), how many years/instruments they play, and gave them each a funny little quote/catchphrase!!!
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what possessed me to do this for ~20 different characters i honestly could not tell you
i definitely loved working on Bb a lot. i remember sitting down three years ago, practically to the day by this point, n hashing out the events of every single chapter to the epilogue, then reorganizing them into a proper timeline (i also kept a calendar in my notes with the chapters in order), all while occasionally looking out my bedroom window n thinking how wonderfully bright n warm n sunny the world was becoming again. bc really, 2019 was a very struggle year for me, n i didn't take the time to appreciate the sunlight then the way i have every year since. from there, i worked off that very strict outline, and most of the note-chapters that were eventually put up are primarily just copy-pasted straight from there.
i remember being on youtube a lot for music recs when working on perfect harmony too!! a bunch of them changed in the years btwn walking away from the series n actually publishing the notes (which were actually published mid-december last year, then backdated to 2020 a few days later ahaha), with a number of the tour arc alternate chapter title songs coming from songs that didn't even exist at the time of the fic's original planning. my mp3 collection grew a lot during the planning phases of Bb lmao.
i'm glad the characters felt so real!!! while no one character was based entirely off one single person i knew irl, one could say that writing Bb was a bit of a love letter to my time in high school band in some places, both the events i partook in n the people i knew there. it was a very "write what you know" type of fic.
anyway haha yeah the end of my bnha days were not fun, but i still loved Bb enough to hold onto the idea of returning to it Soon(tm) that i put off publishing the chapter notes for almost two years. even then, that was a difficult decision for me to make bc a part of me wasn't ready to close that chapter of my life. i think ultimately it was the best decision to make though, since the fics are p heavily tied up in a much sadder part of my life that i'd just rather not return to.
the main reason comments were turned off of Bb (and indeed, the majority of my bnha fics) is most simply described as "resentment". it's different from how i feel abt my old snk fics (where i turned comments off of them so that i could pretend no one's really reading them anymore), which is more impersonal "oh my god i was so young back then and i give fewer than negative shits abt any mistakes i might've made on them or what anyone thinks of them" bc in bnha it's kind of hard to avoid the fact that i had a Name in the circles i typically traversed for a while. it wasn't that big of a name, but it's certainly more than nothing.
it's not really a feeling i like to dwell on, so i just archive-locked the responsible works n turned off comments for the most heinous culprits (mostly sparklers, but even tho i love Bb as a story, i do not love Bb as a publishing experience, if that makes sense), and for the most part, that keeps the resentment contained.
still, i'm genuinely happy that you enjoyed the au so much!!! i honestly love love love how goddamn SPECIFIC the premises are for this fic. the world was truly built with love, and the music puns for every title were always such a joy to come up with c':
thank you for the ask!!!! :D
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Mind the huge cw. Is mostly just discussing it, but still.
CW: Insinuated no-con; past-abuse; relieving past trauma; abandonment; very low self esteem; humiliation; accidental triggering; bait dog; whipping; starvation; shoved in luggage bag; bitten by mice; gross food; claustrophobia; burns; no-con drugging; no-con touching; mentioned amputation; pet whump; multiple whumpers; human trafficking; muzzle; starvation; neglect; manhandling; cruel/intimate/neglectful whumpers;
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“H-hello and welcome to BB’s and Pastel’s show!” ...Pastel turned the octopus plush around as BB turned the camera on. It went from a pink, smiley octopus, to it’s frowning gray insides. Pastel pulled the blankets over his head, leaving only his eyes out “...I’ll be your host, BB, and this is my assistant, Mr.Tonsils!”
BB lifts Mr.Tonsils in front of the camera, waiving his little furry paws so he can say hello to their audience. They pick up the camera, and take it to the bed with Pastel, capturing his pretty pink-ish eyes. 
“C-come on Pastel! Say hi!”
Pastel shifts slightly under the blanket.
“I’m… Not a fan of cameras, BB'' his voice is just a whisper, as he twists the blanket. BB thinks he is kneeling “...I’ll just… be your audience today, okay?”
“O-oH! Sorry!” BB stepped away. That was right. Pastel didn’t have good memories about that. BB pointed it away, making sure only they and Mr.Tonsils were on frame. Pastel seemed to relax, even sitting back and lowering his blanket cocoon “...So, due to technical issues, Pastel won’t be joining us tonight. But that 's okay. BB and Mr.Tonsils are here to entertain you!”
BB smiled, making sure to show the missing little teeth. Just like Blue. Just like Blue… before, at least. 
“...Well, for tonight’s show me and Mr.Tonsils prepared a top 15 review!” BB wasn’t sure if it really classified as such. But it sure sounded nice “BB will be going over all of our old homes!”
They noticed as Pastel frowned, suddenly changing their expression, way more alert. BB only felt more excited. If Pastel was paying attention, it clearly meant the topic of the video was interesting! Audiences would love it! Even… Even if this was never going to be aired. BB could picture the audiences!
...With a deep breath, they braced themselves and started. They had prepared for this. They could do it.
“...BB’s begun it’s life like us all, in b-between white walls and tiled floors of the training grounds. They were worthless and ugly and dumb, BB’s smile never charmed anyone! It took a long time in the store before BB got home. It was and old lady that said BB was so ugly that it hurt, and dumb as a door, but worked well enough to, to scrub her floor” BB smiled, remembering the cozy attic, where they made their first friends, among piles of boxes that compiled their first owner’s life. Long nights they spent alone there, digging through piles of pictures, trying to piece together what a human life was like. Nonsense, it was, because it just filled BB’s head with a lot of silly thoughts.  They lifted Mr.Tonsils for the camera “...BB worked the day and spent the night locked away. In the house’s attic, BB made their first friends. They were Mr.Tonsils crowd, a family of mice, and BB befriended them all, even if they’d bite BB’s feet while it was trying to sleep! BB loved the house, their first owner, and e-every single mouse!”
BB hugged Mr.Tonsil, swinging him around. Pastel was biting his lip, pulling a thread out of the blanket. Good! He was enjoying the story! And BB felt like they were doing good, too. Better than they did at any of their homes.
“...First owner got tired of BB because the stupid Pet let her cat flee! All BB wanted to do was help and clean, but the cat saw their chance and ran away. First owner took BB to a store with a mean looking clerk. They agreed BB was ‘So ugly it fucking hurt’, hoping BB would only stay a few days and them someone would want them” BB rubbed their hand together. That didn’t count as an owner, did it? It was only temporary, in nature. Not that owners lasted very long “BB was at the store for almost a full month, during which they got to eat, sleep and there was no work. BB wanted to make friends with other pets in cages, but they never stayed for long, after all - good pets get good homes!”
...BB was still upset about the store. All of those Pets had looked so nice, so much better than they are… And they never tried to talk to BB. They were all scared they’d be beaten down if they tried, but never were. BB was the only worthless one, that got the punishments… for everyone!
“...BB was bought by creepy looking guy who stuffed BB inside a cage and on a plane and was flown away” BB gestured with their hand, copying the movements of a plane. They had to be on the chair, so it would look nice on video, but otherwise, they would have liked to run around with their arms opened “...Creepy man named BB Bait. They were a teaser for a larger, angrier Pet named Spike, who had on BB a nice punching bag who couldn’t put up a fight. They were nice to BB and even a friend, but scary and cruel when the Master decided they needed to beat them. So BB was Spike’s chew toy, but when they were nice… BB was always filled with joy!”
...They closed their eyes for a second. Those two lives were merged together. One of them had been so short, they could barely remember the second dog.
“...After Spike got tired, BB was sold again, to be another dog's punchbag. And he was the third friend BB had! He refused to hurt BB, would even cuddle them to sleep, and then I was severly punished… For making the Master's dog weak. It was the first time BB tasted a whip, and with dark bruises on its face, BB was sold again”
...They stood in that second store for a week. With no food, and no sleep. They were dirty, and cheap, not worthy of caring for.
“The next Master had BB as furniture for his house. All he did was snap his fingers and that was BB’s call. It would crawl and hold things very still and keep his glass fill, he would rest his feet over BB. If it got boring the cane was always on hand, he could crack in on BB’s back and get it all shades of purple and black. BB didn’t sleep there much at all, it had to stand still behind his bed, all night long holding a water jar upon a tray, in a perfect 90° degree, or there was always hell to pay” BB touched their arm, absentmindedly, a small scar on their elbow where bone had poke through “But BB was ugly furniture, bad and broke away, when Master tried to sit over its back one sad summer day. BB tumbled to the side, knocking Master to the floor. BB got a broken arm and was kicked out of the door!”
“...The next Master that took me in was cruel and harsh, with unusual punishments that left some scars: fingers pulled back until they snapped, weights to BB’s feet, heavy chains and painful strains and the worst - the oven’s flame” BB tilted their head. That Master, too, had scars. They didn’t know how she had gotten them, it was not it’s place to ask. They… They were happy to leave that one “...BB was then lost in a card game, and doesn’t remember much at all. Pills made BB sweet and kind and small. What BB doesn’t get is that they never needed pills - they would never disobey, even if put through awful, lingering pain, they’d love Master all the same.”
...Hazy. Foggy memories. Hands over them, and brushing their cheeks, and so much drool because they were never cohesive enough to form words or move. Blinking white lights, whispered little things that returned to them in dreams.
“...When BB was sober again, they found themselves in a shed, where they were always so alone. The Master was a mountain who only came at night to beat BB down. The days went by slowly, loneliness crushing down, it was dark and cold and hungry, and there were spiders all around“ BB stopped their speech for a moment. This next part was something… that still haunted them. They had done… awful, awful things. They covered Mr.Tonsils' ears. They were afraid of what he would think “...BB, on that shed, made things it would rather forget. Just like the Master forgot BB had to fed! BB might have eaten a few of Tonsil's friends, please don’t let him know, is just BB’s stomach hurt so much and it was the only thing that could stop the growl”
BB releases Mr.Tonsil’s ears, hearing a gasp from Pastel. They turn and smile, but his face is… Pale, horrified. BB shrugs. Pastel always worries faaaar too much. Next one… Made BB feel nostalgic.
“Next… Was the trucker! He liked BB a whole lot, and let BB on the bed and the passenger’s seat! He and BB traveled a lot, seeing magic and beautiful places. BB spoke on the radio, and… And… Had a name! Was called Oreos...” They messed up their rhymes. This… This wasn’t how it was supposed to go “...BB was… Was happy then. His spouse didn’t like me, and… And behind his back, gave me away”
BB’s nails sunk on their arms, as they hug themselves. They… missed those days. It was good, good nostalgia, but what followed made them sick. They had just learned how big and beautiful the world was…
“Next Master… Stuffed BB into a bag, small and stinky with heavy leather smell, with no room to move at all, so much BB’s limbs collapsed when it was finally left out. It travelled around so much, but BB never got to see outside. It was let out during the night to be with Master, and shoved back on the bag once he was satisfied” BB shook their head, as if that would send the memories away. They hated it, hated that bag so, so much. Terrible, suffocating and endlessly boring and aching. And worse… that’s when they lost their name Oreos. They had loved that life. They truly had. “It didn’t matter much, BB was soon thrown away again. Unlovable and worthless, no one could stand BB for much longer either way. BB was sold and sold, always on their way. Next Master was confusing – gave BB many orders and functions, then beat BB down for following the instructions! They likes to trick BB, make plenty of cruel jokes, BB was just a dumb dog, one they only named Mutt!”
...They smiled then. The next one was also nice. His name was Wolfgang, but he was not a wolf. Not that BB could remember.
“And BB’s following owner sold stuff door to door! Saw BB – or Mutt then – and thought they were good charms! BB helped with the sales, being all cute and sweet, and Master was happy at first, but eventually… Sold me!”
And the next Master was…
BB shivered. This one… Hurt a lot. A whole fucking lot. It had been one of the longest lasting homes they had. It had changed the way they saw and thought of themselves forever. It was where they became BB. Bootleg Blue. Fake, useless, worthless.
“…Next was Owner Alvin, who BB loved so, so, so much. He said he would always care for BB… if BB could be someone else. BB had never ever been loved, and the feeling was so gentle and sweet! BB finally understood why no one else had loved it, and what it needed to do so that it would. Blue, a pet who had videos and fame, who had scars BB didn’t have… But I wanted to gain! BB left their teeth rot, BB scarred their own face, Master got angry – Bad BB, bad…” No, no, no. They couldn’t start to lament now. Not when they had gone so far on the video, already, and trough some of the hardest part “Alvin gave BB a room with a  plain white dresser, four pairs of clothes and double of socks! BB knew them all by heart and cherished them, BB loved Alvin, loved him, loved him so, so, so much. 
But …Alvin wanted BB to be Blue, but wouldn’t tolerate it when BB got the knife and tried to make the change. BB watched the videos on repeat, hundreds, thousands of hours on end, BB could cite them by head!
But BB wasn’t Blue, and can never be. BB is unworthy, and no one could love me. BB was shoved in a car and Owner broke his promise – he decided not to keep me, he, he, h-he… He, he…”
BB closes their eyes, bites back a sob. They are almost done now, and even if they completely messed up the last part…. they can push through! They can still make a nice video… Maybe the audience will like that they can be a little emotive?
“...Shoved BB in a car, drove them to a dead end. Left them alone on the streets to fend for themselves. BB stayed there alone and scared and sad, hoping someone would come… Or that somehow, their pain would end. And then Paul and Reina appeared, finding the ugly pet on the streets. Reina said BB did look like Blue! So she wanted, she wanted BB too!” BB smiled a little. Reina was pretty. She gave me good headpats… But BB didn’t miss them a lot. Paul wasn’t so nice “Paul knew BB was worthless, but Reina still wanted BB. BB was taken to their house and for a short span of time, BB was pampered, happy and loved, an illusion that didn’t last. They figured BB was fun to hurt and start to get their way – not that BB cared, loved them all the same”
They turned around for a second, smiling at Pastel. This was something they’d truly love to talk about, for once.
“But the best part was that BB made a friend when living at their place. Pastel was his name! Pastel held BB and told me it would be okay. BB didn’t have to be Blue – they loved me either way. Pastel took punishment and tried to keep Master’s away. BB cuddled them to sleep and they loved each other! They did!” 
BB smiled at this, hugging the plush. One drop of joy, as small as it had been. One that wasn’t stripped away. But the show hadn’t ended.
“…Alas we got back to IF. IF my desired owner, the true maker of Blue, the one who could make BB worthy of love… If he had wanted to. He shoved BB in a cage and tortured Pastel instead, and it was so, so awfully cruel!” BB shook their head, lamenting “But last and not least, Master Fairyman appeared! He took BB and Pastel to live with him! And he has been so nice so far, giving BB colored books! Lovely, nice and nice! And Pastel Is with me too, BB don’t know how long it will last, but BB is so, so to be here with you!”
BB finished, looking back at Pastel and drawing a heart in the air with their fingers. Pastel… is tearing up. He jumps from the bed, not minding the camera anymore, and hugs BB. BB melts, leaning onto the hug. Soft. Kind. Loved. 
“BB…” He finally speaks, still not letting them go  “Did… Did you rehearse this?”
“Many times in BB’s head!” BB smiled. Many, many, many times, all those years… “Did it come out nice?”
“Yeah…” Pastel rested his head on BB’s shoulder, hugging them tight “I love you, you know?”
BB smiled.
“I know”
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tagging: @summer-of-whump@pinkraindropsfell
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nyxocity · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions!
Thanks to @redmyeyes for the tag!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
82, although that's not even close to my actual total. There's a bunch on LJ that have never been transferred (all shorter works)
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,780,805 (over 2mil on LJ)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Mostly three, plus a couple dips into a few other pools. X-Men Comic Book fandom, Buffy & Angel fandom (they kinda count as one since it's the same universe), and Supernatural & SPN RPF. Dips have included Dragon Age, Firefly, a tiny bit of TVD, a Sons of Anarchy crossover.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is tough if I go by numbering. Homework Verse has the most kudos scattered across all parts, but Stranger Than Fiction has the most as a single story. Anyway...
Homework Verse (J2 RPF, 200k+ words) - My very first RPF fic, Supernatural or otherwise. Two of my online fandom friends basically TOLD me I was going to write Teacher/Student J2, and I kept protesting that I drew the line at RPF. They didn't care. 200k later, here we are. This story was a game changer for me; it made me fandom famous. I still love those boys with my whole heart, and they still talk to me sometimes.
Stranger Than Fiction (Sam/Dean, 50644 words) - This story idea took root immediately following the episode The Monster at the End of This Book. I quit the Big Bang I'd already begun writing for that year (which was Who Watches Over Me, which I finished and posted for BB the following year) to write this story. It just took hold hold of me and took over. I wrote it in 6 weeks and it was easily the most fun I ever had writing anything--I cackled like a madwoman most of the time.
Who Watches Over Me (J2 RPF, 96591 words) - This story was, at the time, the toughest thing I'd ever written. Little did I know that would become the norm and not the exception, as I began to write more complex stories. It was by far the longest story I had ever posted all at once in its entirety (rather than chapter by chapter) and I had no idea if people would like it. Fortunately a lot of people did.
Like Staring Into the Sun (Sam/Dean, 23243 words) - Ah, my very first hardcore Wincest fic. I remember writing the first chapter of the story (meant to be a one shot honestly), and just sitting there, at 5am, being terrified to post it. It was twisted, dark and intense and SO porny I was scared people might think I was weird. There wasn't anything like it out there at the time. As it turns out, people loved it so much I ended up writing eight more parts.
Like a Fish Out of Water (Sam/Dean, 59498 words) - I have a lot of love for this story. It didn't come to me easily, but it was fun to write. I remember smiling a lot and just having a nice, warm cozy feeling the whole time. I had no idea if anyone was interested in reading this many words of what amounted to a dramedy curtain fic
Of course there are other stories that I feel deserve love, but I can't argue with these.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do. And by that, I mean I try. I don't always succeed in answering them all, but I answer as many as I have time and energy for. Life is busy and there is writing to do as well. I read every comment I get (multiple times) and I feel guilty for all the ones I don't answer, because they mean SO MUCH TO ME. Like you took time to leave this beautiful, well thought out comment, or even a keysmash, or a heart, in response to something I wrote. That means the world.
I WISH there was a reaction function for comments on Ao3, so I could heart things, or laugh in response. Replying with emojis without words feels weird. So yeah, a reaction function would be amazing. But in the meantime, I do my best.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmm. Probably A Touch of Evil. Interestingly, it's also a HAPPY ending, so there you go lol. It's a serial killer love story with a happy ending that comes at an exorbitant price.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm not sure why the OG post skips from 6 to 8 lol . So, yes, I have written a few minors crossovers. Mostly Faith in the SPN verse with the boys, nothing too crazy, because she fits right in. But for long stories, I have written all of ONE crossover. It's Dean Winchester/Jax Teller (SPN / Sons of Anarchy). My crossovers so far have tended to make sense to crossover, so I don't think any of them are crazy.
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. I got some hate on a Buffy/Xander fic back in the day. I got really excited and had fun with it. Like yeah, now I'm SOMEBODY! You're no one til someone hates you lol Most of that was people who were haters of the ship, or were like, gross, they're like brother and sister (they weren't, they were FRIENDS). I've gotten nasty comments here and there on some of my SPN fic. My favorite was the person who accused me of having a "Top Dean Agenda". I STILL laugh about that one. I don't respond to that crap.
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Have you MET ME? LOL If I ever post a story without smut just put me out to pasture, because I'm done. And all kinds. Het, Gay, PWP, Plotty porn, mostly super kinky but some vanilla (but intense). I used to challenge myself regularly to see if I could up my kink game--like hmm, but could I write THIS? I haven't written really kinky sex in a long time, though. Might be time to do that.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Several times. Who Watches Over me was stolen by someone and converted to One Direction Lourry fic. Literally just did a name change. Someone else stole a bunch of my one shots and passed them off as their own. I know there were a couple other instances but I only vaguely remember. I never got too deep into it, most of the time the people who discovered the theft already told everyone else too, and the plagiarist had been hammered by them so hard that I didn't have to step in before they took it down.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. I used to get requests so often that I just posted my usual response in my profile for people to read instead of replying. Definitely into Russian and Chinese for most of the stories listed with most kudos above.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A few times on one shot fics. SO MUCH FUN. I love co-writing with people.
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
Sam/Dean. Easily. Hands down. I just love their unique relationship, bond and love so much.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Well I finally finished A Touch of Evil after posting 3 chapters in 2009 and never touching it again until 2017. And I never thought I'd finish that. So never say never, I say. That said, there's the third and final part of my X-Men comic book epic that remains unfinished by about five (shorter) chapters, and it HAUNTS ME. But I don't think I'll ever finish it.
16) What are your writing strengths?
NOW we get to the hard questions. I'm really good at dialogue, bouncing banter back and forth between characters, and I have a sense for how long a scene should be. I just KNOW when it's going on too long, even if there's more that needs to be said, and I try to tighten it up in that case.
A friend of mine once told me "Porn is my gift". I don't write as much of it as I used to, but yeah, I shine in that area.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
So I always reach a point after writing so many words in an unpublished fic where I'm like, I have no idea if this is even any good/makes sense/hangs together etc. Beyond that, I've been writing for so long that I've had so much practice that I've strengthened a lot of my weaknesses. I'm sure I still have some, but I don't FEEL them like I used to anymore. That said, there are things I simply will not write. Like historical pieces. Because I would research the fuck out of every detail trying to get it perfect and then I would still doubt myself completely.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I mostly try to avoid it, because there's no way I would ever get the language correct. I usually write it in English and then explain that they're saying it in another language. Like, "What are you doing?" the man asks, speaking in Chinese. Then reiterate in the continuing dialogue in various ways that they're speaking in Chinese.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
X-Men Comic Book fandom. I was reading a lot of Remy/Rogue fic back in 1996-1997, and one day I was like, you know what? This person did a pretty good job on this story. It's not great, but it's pretty good, and if they can have the guts to put it out there, then I can do it, too.
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
This is a tough question. I don't love all my children equally, but I love them all a lot in different ways lol
Remembering favorite is different than which one I think is BEST... Homework Verse is probably my favorite. I was learning so much about writing then, I was really growing, and discovering, and pushing my limits. Those characters lived and breathed in me, I swear they spoke through me from some alternate universe. They feel so REAL to me. There's so much of what I've learned in life in that story, like really, big, life changing ideas and understandings that happened to me that I put into that story. There's so much of me in that story, and yet there's so much of THEM, too. It's their story, but it's also mine. It's raw and not entirely perfect and it feels like home to me.
So that's it, that's my piece. I feel like EVERYONE has been tagged since it took me 3 days to have time to do this, but I'm basically tagging any of you writers out there who haven't done this yet!
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nicka-nell · 3 years
Hiii love🖤 sorry for being so late in the game but I am ✨excited✨ for this. Thank you so much for holding this mini event;) I got Hirugami + fluff + jealousy + friends with benefit to lovers, with 2 & 13 aaand Sakusa + angst to fluff + enemies to lovers + kidnapped, with 43 & 7. If I misread the rules/anything please let my tired brain know ok;) lots of love bb!
Friends with benefits (Hirugami x reader)
Enemies to lovers (Sakusa x reader)
Hi Xave, I’m so so sorry it took me so long to answer this! It’s a bit short... but I hope you still like it.
I hope you are fine, safe and healthy! And thank you for sending in a request. ♥♥♥
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Valentine’s Day - Prompt Event | Masterlist (coming soon)
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Pairing: Hirugami x  reader (friends with benefits)
Warning: jealousy, friends with benefits to lovers, fluff
2. Kiss me again, like you mean it. 
13. You can’t say you haven’t thought about it? I have.
Hirugami is your best friend. Back then, you were always close. You had the perfect friendship. The balance between the interactions was just right. You didn’t see each other too often that you got on your nerves, but you weren’t separated too long to miss the other one.
But a few months ago, everything got weird. To fall off balance. Because after graduating from high school, he invited you to a house party at a friend’s house. There you were supposed to celebrate your graduation when you two drank too much.
Somehow you ended up on your way home with Hirugami, in his bed, together with him without clothes, without distance. Only your warm bodies lay on each other while you whispered indecent things. You have slept together, crossed the line of friendship and made a step that only couples actually make. But you were just friends.
After this incident, both of you try to behave as always, but without success. It feels weird, kind of bizarre…
Two weeks go by, and again you move silently next to each other while you walk a big round with his dog. As always, he takes him off the leash when you arrive at the dog park and sit on the bench, watching him play with other dogs. Just you don’t talk like you always do. You only sit next to each other in silence, looking forward as you cling your fingers to the fabric of your clothes. 
“Listen Y/n… I think we should talk about the incident a few weeks ago. Don’t you think?” With Hirugami’s words, your heart beats faster. It would be a lie to say that you didn’t like the night with him. Never would you have thought that Hirugami can be so passionate and loving, but also wild at the same time. You’d have expected him to be stiff because of his habit of making everything perfect. 
“Yes? What do you want to talk about?” You ask hesitantly, while you still dare not look him in the eye. 
“Okay, now that sounds weird, but… What happened after the party… that we… that we slept together… I know it’s wrong, but it felt great Y/n. I have caught myself in the two weeks now more often with the thought, how it would probably be if we would repeat this… So just as friends… without feelings.” 
His words are very calm, hesitant as they come out of him, almost as if he wants to find the right words for such a wrong topic. And for the first time after these two weeks, you’re really looking him in the eye. You scan his embarrassed expression as he plays with the leash in his hand.
You notice how his cheeks are becoming more and more colored every second you stay silent. But his gaze remains serious. “I mean… You can’t say you haven’t thought about it? I have. I really have… a lot…” His eyes stay on yours all the time, never looking away.
Your heart is racing inside you, and you’re sure he can hear it now. But even though you’ve often thought about it, your head tells you it’s not right. Yet your words deceive you. “Sounds good. Just sex… no feelings.” 
If you’d known how much you’d fall in love with him every time you slept together, every time you kissed, all those wonderful words he’d whispered to you with passion, you’d have said no to him loudly. Then the whole friends with benefits thing was one of your biggest mistakes. 
The addiction to Hirugami, his touch, his bare skin, and his irresistible look made you fall in love with him every time he told you how beautiful you are. To fall in love with your best friend. 
You quickly realized that you had to do something about it, distract yourself, and forget your love for him. Good, that at this time, an old school friend was single again and you two somehow ended up with a date. He would be perfect to distract your mind. At least that’s what you thought.
Because even though he’s really an incredibly nice man, and is handsome, all you have to think about is Hirugami. On his soft brown hair, these warm and beautiful eyes in the same color. Why do you have to think of him now, when you’re spending the evening with another person?
“Hey you know… I’m not feeling well today… can we postpone the evening to another time?” You’re lying because you know for a fact that you will not date him again. 
Your old school friend looks at you a little worried, but then just nods and insists on at least bringing you home.
Hirugami knows he should only use the key for your apartment in emergencies. But that was one, wasn’t it? Because all evening you don’t answer your phone, don’t answer his messages or calls. He just wants to see if you’re okay and then leave.
But your apartment is empty. “Y/n? Are you at home?” he calls into your empty living room, but no one answers him.
Quietly he walks towards your bedroom, opens the door carefully to prevent you from waking up, if you were lying in bed. Yet your room is empty, just a few clothes scattered on your blankets. Are you just getting ready and are in the bathroom?
Through the living room, past the kitchen, he goes into the hallway to the bathroom, knocks a few times, and asks if you’re in there. Again there is no answer, the room is as cold as the rest of your apartment.
Sighing, his body moves him to your living room window, to the windowsill with the picture of the three of you. He, you and his dog. All three of you have fallen into the mud, and while you and his dog happily look into the camera, he desperately looks down on his clothes.
He doesn’t notice how the corners of his mouth pull upwards as he holds the image in his hands. The day was really nice, and when he thinks about it, every day was nice as long as he had spent it with you.
He still smiles as he puts the photo back on the windowsill, but his smile fades as he looks out the window and sees you there.
You’re not alone, a man is in your company, has his arm a little too affectionate to your waist while you both look at each other laughing. Hirugami’s chest contracts as this man gives you a kiss on the cheek and watches you with a wide smile as you walk to the front door. One last time you wave to each other before he turns around and goes in another direction. 
Hirugami’s feelings play wild, he is angry and sad at the same time. His heart hurts and his thoughts are not clear. He knows why it bothers him so much. But he thought it wouldn’t annoy him that much if he saw you with someone else. 
He thought he could hide his feelings. But it was foolish of him to think that the sight of you with another man would leave him cold when he loves you. And he was so sure that you also see more than a friendship in you.
Hirugami can hear the key in your door as you enter with a sigh. His gaze wanders from the picture to you, realizing your surprised expression. 
“Sachirou, what are you doing here?” You ask confused before you close the door and approach him. “Why don’t you answer your phone? I’ve been trying to reach you the entire time.” He says with a somewhat too instructive voice.
“Why are you being so snappy? I was out wi-”
“Yeah, I saw it… With that guy down there. He’s not suitable for you, Y/n…” He interrupts you with a harsh tone, looking deep into your eyes as he reduces the distance between you. You stand one step away from each other, feel each other’s warmth.
“And you want to know... what or who’s best for me?” You laugh with a bittersweet undertone. After all, you know what your heart wants, which person would be best for you.
“I am.” His serious voice suddenly echoes in your ears, even though it is quiet, you hear his voice loud and clear. Only this two words make your pulse rise, your body tingle and your cheeks become warmer.
Unbelievably, you look at him, don’t dare ask him what he means when he keeps talking.
“I know we’re both more than friends. This friend with benefits thing wasn’t right. Either we’re friends or lovers. But if we keep this up, we’re both gonna get hurt. And I can see it in your eyes. I can see it in your eyes every time we kiss, every time we sleep together… You can’t tell me I’m the only one who has more than friendly feelings.” 
It surprises you how his words can remain as calm as he says all this to you, while everything rages inside you. You’re about to ask him so many questions. Tell him so much, but instead only a quiet and brief tone comes out between your lips. “Then… kiss me…” 
You see Hirugami’s eyes grow bigger; he gets nervous and all the calm leaves his body. How rooted he stands there, looking at you wordlessly as he brings all his courage together and bends forward, giving you an insecure, fleeting and incredibly short kiss.
Even though he kissed you a lot, this kiss feels different. He wants to do everything right, instead does everything wrong. Confused, your eyes met his. Have to avoid a small laugh at the clumsy sight that forms in front of you.
“Kiss me again. Kiss me like you mean it,” you whisper to him, take the last step towards him and never interrupt your eye contact. Your sentence suddenly gives Hirugami so much self-confidence, so much security, that you almost can’t finish it when his lips hit yours again. This time longer. Full with love and passion.
As if he were holding a treasure in his hands, he embraces your cheeks with his hands, buries his fingers in your hair, as his tongue strokes your lips to ask for permission. 
Your kiss is getting more and more intimate, more fiery. None of you want to let go. But your red puffed-up lips separate when Hirugami suddenly releases from your kiss.
“I love you Y/n. Let me show you this,” and even before you know it, you are in his muscular arms, your feet no longer touch the ground as he lets you down on the couch and shows you his love openly.
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Pairing: Sakusa x  reader (enemies to lovers)
Warning: angst to fluff, enemies to lovers, kidnapping
7. I never thought I’d see you again. 
43. How mad would you be if I kissed you?
It’s not always easy to work as a spy when your brother is the boss of the whole mob force. All they tell you is that you’re the little sister and you do not know what you’re actually doing. You’d only be there because Ushijima was worried about you.
Even more annoying that you are in the trunk of some people, gagged and tied up and don’t know where you are being taken. The confirmation for these idiots that you’re really not strong enough alone. Slowly the lid of the trunk opens, two men with guns standing in front of you. Dressed dark with disgusting faces. “Come on…” The blond-haired one hisses as he pulls you out of the car by your cuffed wrists.
You try to make a painful sound, but the tape that ties your mouth prevents it. With a jerk, the blonde man lifts you up, casually throws you over his shoulder as he walks along a bald gray hallway with his comrade. 
They bring you into a damp, cold room made only of musty concrete and a flickering lamp. Roughly the blonde man takes you off, brings the steel chains to you to tie you with it, and removes the sloppy and much too firmly attached rope on legs and arms.
With a grin, he looks at your face, checks your body before he lets his hands off you and puts them against his hip. “As long as the boss isn’t here, we can do other things with her. Don’t you think, Bokuto?” The blonde man laughs mockingly while licking his lip.
But the gray-haired only stare at him awkwardly. Scratches his head and looks back and forth between you and him. “Atsumu… I don’t think Sakusa would be so thrilled if we did anything to her without his permission.”
Sakusa… You’ve heard that name before. Now it comes back to you. A few years ago, your brother wanted to make an alliance with him. For your two groups have long been enemies. Only the alliance never came. Because on the day of the meeting point, where you agreed to make an arms deal, the police came. Your people have died, so have Sakusa’s men. Both troops accused the other squad, no one wanted to admit that he had betrayed the others. To this day, you don’t know if it was one of your own men or one of Sakusa’s men. And even though you’ve heard so much about him, you’ve never met him personally. To be honest, you’d wish it had stayed that way.
Just as Atsumu wants to say something, the door opens and a tall, dark-haired man with raven-black eyes enters the room. He is pretty, almost like a model who would be booked for a canvas painting in the museum. But when Bokuto speaks to the man by his name, your blood freezes to ice.
“Sakusa, we prepared everything. No one saw us. So… what are we gonna do with her?” He asks, clearly intimidated by his boss, move one step backwards to observe what the dark-haired one is doing.
An arrogant look adorns his skin, while he touches your face with his latex-covered fingers, turns it a few times before he lets go and examines you again. “Well done, that should be Ushijima’s sister.” He says, still looking at you and continuing with his next sentence.
“You have the choice, princess. Either you talk, and tell me which one of you was that sneaky rat who snitched on us, or you don’t talk, we’ll torture you until you sing and then kill you. Ushijima won’t be pleased if your body comes back home piece by piece, right?” He hisses and looks at you expectantly, as if he wanted to hear a direct answer from you right now.
But you laugh bitterly. “One of ours? We didn’t betray you. We wanted to work together with you. Wakato… Ushijima really thought a lot of you Sakusa.” 
To his astonishment, your voice is soft. You have no fear, despite all his words. Either you’re a really talented actress or you don’t care about your life. “Looks like you don’t want to talk. Fine…” 
His gaze sweeps over to Bokuto and Atsumu. Nodding at the men, he turns away from you completely. “You know what to do.” With these words, he leaves the room, closes the door that might have helped you to freedom, and leaves you alone with the two men who will ruin your life.
But no matter what the men threaten you, no matter what they do, you don’t talk. You would never betray your brother, your own flesh and blood. 
Sakusa never thought you were so stubborn. He is sure that after these two weeks, even the two men would have betrayed him to protect their life. For a few days he thinks about what he can do instead. What he can do to make you talk, because for some inexplicable reason, he can’t kill you.
In the end, it is Atsumu who gives him an idea he would not have thought of. He suggests that Sakusa pretend to love you. To have an eye on you. First Sakusa considers the idea itself absurd, but then thinks it is worth at least a try.
So he’s trying everything to make you love him and talk to him. He’s pretending to interrupt Atsumu when he’s trying to hurt you. Tell him he didn’t send him, just to free you from your shackles and bring you into the room next to his own. A huge room, beautifully decorated with a large and comfortable bed.
He gives you fresh towels, shows you the bathtub and shower so you can freshen up. Sakusa lovingly treats all your wounds. He always cooks you fresh food, makes sure that you regularly get enough to drink and enough vitamins.
Sakusa constantly brings you the biggest and most beautiful rose bouquets. Gorgeous dresses are more and more common in the room and fill your wardrobe. More often he stays with you for a while, telling you some stories from his past.
Shockingly, you also begin to like the closeness to Sakusa more and more. How you enjoy the conversations and ask him one or the other question. Often you catch yourself telling Sakusa about you, your childhood and the things you love.
You also tell him that you don’t really like all the roses he always gives you, because you prefer the little colorful field flowers, since they are available in all colors and shapes. They grow in all areas and no matter where they are, they just look beautiful.
He carefully notes your comment, promising that he will eventually take you behind the wood to the mountains, where there is a large meadow with wildflowers.
Too late you realize that you have fallen in love with him, that you also tell him about Ushijima, about his strengths and his fears. But you can’t undo your words.
You feel stupid when you stand next to the door, comb your hair and look in the mirror, and hear a conversation between Atsumu and Bokuto. “She’s so stupid, really thinks our boss loves her. Give her a few more days and she’ll chirp like a bird. She’ll tell Sakusa everything she knows.” Atsumu’s voice is like a knife in your heart.
The stabbing pain just doesn’t go away, gets even worse when the door to your bedroom opens and Sakusa steps in. Directly your eyes become glassy, and you want to hit him with your fists and throw nasty words against his head, but instead you just stand still, letting your tears touch the soft carpet on your feet.
He doesn’t need words to see what you want to say to him. He doesn’t need movements, because your tears are moving enough. Your lips only form a mute “why?” when Sakusa swallows the big lump in his throat and wants to reach for your wrists. But you’re just pulling away.
“Y/n...I really love you…” You hear the voice of the black-haired one, which only makes you look bitter. “Sure…” You answer crying and hate yourself for being so naïve. “I’m serious. It’s true, I wanted to play all this for you, but I really fell in love with you. In the person you are… Tell me how to prove it to you, and I’ll do it! I’ll do anything you want.”
“Then let me go home!” You interrupt him loudly and watch his face as his words fall silent and he stares at you with an empty expression. If he lets you go now, he’ll never see you again. If he lets you go now, Ushijima and his squad will find him and march in. More people will spill their blood. But if he lets you go now… Does he tell you in his own way that he loves you? Does he tell you in his own way that he’s serious and he’s sorry?
Then even Sakusa, too late, realized that he hadn’t come to you for a long time to get information from you, that he just wanted to come to you to spend time with you. “All right. Go.” He whispers quietly, his eyes on yours all the time as he steps away from the door and signals you that you can move.
“Down the stairs, first door on the right…There’s no one there, you’re free.” Are his last words before he sees your body running away from him and you are no longer with him. The space filled with so much life, so much love is now empty, just like his inner.
Time passes, nothing has happened. You are back with Ushijima, who in the meantime had turned a lot upside down to find you. You tell him everything you know and everything that happened. Yet you’re not attacked by Sakusa and his men.
On the contrary, Ushijima’s business is more peaceful than ever. No incidents, no attacks. Nothing. 
You should be happy because you are back home, safe, but no matter what you do, his face doesn’t go out of your head and your heart hurts every time.
You don’t realize how one day your body drives you into the deep woods, behind these, to many gigantic mountains and a huge pasture with field flowers. It is beautiful there. The flowers grow like wild on the meadow, in blue, yellow, red, pink and many other colors.
They are big and small, dancing in the light wind, which puts a smile on your face. In love with this beautiful view, you sit on the soft lawn. Brush the grass with your fingers and breathe in the beautiful flower air.
“I never thought I’d see you again.” A familiar but painful voice makes your shoulders twitch. With big eyes, you turn around, looking at the handsome dark-haired man, who approaches you with an anxious smile and a large bouquet of field flowers.
You would like to throw so many things at his head, say unfriendly things, but other words leave your mouth. “How did you know I’d be here today?” 
You see him thinking about whether he’s really telling you the truth or lying to you. He still stands several steps away from you, almost as if he didn’t dare to come near you. “You know, I was here every day with a bouquet of flowers… Hoping you’d be here, too.”
His words surprise you. After all, over two months have passed. Two months where he was here every day? Getting his hands dirty every day picking flowers, even though he’s so pure?
“I don’t know what to say, Sakusa…” Is the only thing you can say, because he overwhelms you with the whole situation. You find it incredibly romantic that he was here every day. You see in his gaze that he is really serious.
“You don’t have to say anything, just… Can you forgive me? I did nothing to harm you or Ushijima.” A small smile forms on your face as you knock on the grass next to you and signal that he should come to you. 
First he hesitates, but then goes towards you and hands you the bouquet before he takes his jacket, puts it on the ground and sits on it. Full of joy, you smell the beautiful flowers, inhale the soft scent, before you look at Sakusa, who watches you with a warm expression.
“I forgive you if you eat an earthworm.” You say laughing and wait for Sakusa’s reaction. You know he would never do such a thing. 
“Gross…” He just hisses, but you see him struggling with it, looking at the ground, yet always shove his gaze in your direction, hoping you tell him it was just a joke. Laughing, you put the flowers away, wipe your tears from your face as you put your hand on his back.
“Oh god Sakusa, that was just fun! Please don’t eat earthworms!” You see relief throughout his body as he puts his hand on his chest, where his heart is. “Oh god Y/n… I really thought I had to eat an earthworm. I almost had a heart attack.” He whines, listens to your laughing voice and the little “sorry” that comes out of your mouth and kisses his ears.
He is silent for a long time, just looks at you until you have calmed down and now look at him questioning. “What’s wrong?” You ask with a smile, but he just laughs back softly, takes off his glove, and covers your cheek with his naked skin. His warm look becomes serious, yet remains loving.
“How mad would you be if I kissed you?” His words jump on your lip, make your cheeks glow, but your gaze is teasingly. “I don’t know. Find out.” You whisper, as Sakusa’s voice quickly interrupts you.
“Oh, be sure, I will. And another thing… Call me Kiyoomi, pretty girl.” He breathes throaty as his lips meet yours. This time with proper feelings, real love.
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serenedash · 3 years
I started rambling about my experience with kh and then it turned into khux and then it just turned into me rambling about Ryou and my art journey????? enjoy I guess,
it’s very long but there’s art in there :)
It’s funny to think about my kh journey as a whole tbh, I grew up watching my mom play video games, which included kh1 and 2. I wasn’t allowed to play the playstation2 we owned BUT I did have a gameboy so the first game I played was CoM (after my mom finished it ofc,) so I guess you could say I’ve always been passionate about kh “””side games””” lmao but I did fall off of kh very quickly bc again, I wasn’t allowed to play our PS2 and also I Am A Terrible Gamer I’ve Never Finished CoM I’m sorry you all had to find out like this, but then 358/2 came out when I was in middle school and!!! I didn’t care and I didn’t play idk why lol
Anyway, fast forward to high school I’m like 15 and my older sister, who HAS been keeping up with kh, has a wallpaper on her phone of roxas and ventus. And bc I haven’t kept up I say “nice roxas wallpaper” and she says “thanks but it’s roxas and ventus” and I proceeded to get so mad that I was determined to prove to her that her wallpaper was just roxas twice and then I fell down the BBS rabbit hole and suddenly I was reading about vanitas and then I’m reading the fan translations of the BBS novel and I’m crying??? I am sobbing???? and that’s how I actually got into kh for real lol we are vanitas stans before we are people,
It’s so funny how I thought I was some kh super fan, knowing all this stuff that I spent so long reading and rewatching cutscene movies, but I never once, SOMEHOW NEVER ever came across khx. It’s so absurd and bizarre I seriously have no idea how I never once encountered khx prior to khux. I suppose that has to do with the fact I wasn’t involved in the fandom? In early high school I had stepped away from fandoms as a whole and I didn’t have any interest in really posting content or interacting with fans anymore bc of how burnt out I was from a previous fandom,
but khux released! and I was so hype and excited for it! on launch day I was a senior in high school, I had ran around to every “nerd” and weeb I could find in school to ask them to join my party and fun fact about me is I have crippling social anxiety I literally refuse to start conversations irl so holy shit I was OUT HERE doing the MOST
My player just originally had my name (Matt) but everyone in my party had fun names so Ryou was born! High school was one big yugioh phase for me and ryou bakura is one of my favorite characters ever so it was just the logical name choice lol I quickly started creating Ryou, the character, as well. I was also leaving my homestuck phase and that + vanitas obsession made This character design (art circa 2016)
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If y’all are familiar with my kh oc’s you might notice that keyblade now belongs to my kid Monty LOL
Anyway that got scrapped quickly for the chip and dale outfit (which is where Ryou’s trademark goggles are from <3) Goggles have been a staple of my character designs for a LONG TIME so like, it had to be done, (that’s a separate ramble about a separate oc tho)
OG Ryou was an interesting guy; he was a young party leader with this overwhelming responsibility on his shoulders bc of his status as a party leader. In his original story, he also struggled heavily with darkness, much like Terra but for Ryou it was more that the darkness was controlling him and not like a source of power like it was for Terra
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A big part of early Ryou I kept, however, was the crushing awareness of loss. One of my party members (the strongest one at the time,) had left without saying a word and I was very confused and hurt. This was around the time the ephemera plot was happening so I decided to incorporate it into Ryou’s story; having him experience losing a friend to darkness since it’s so normal for wielders in Daybreak Town to just disappear, and this would unintentionally become a theme for both me and Ryou as khux friends would just randomly disappear.
I was desperate for khux at this point and I decided to watch the fan translations for khx and GOD, god, was I obsessed. I couldn’t stop thinking about the foretellers. And I’m not going off about that here bc I already did that, but I actually started entering fandom again! I did it slowly, I started on tumblr before this blog was made altho it was me sending anons to the few khux related blogs I could have lol a friend convinced me to get twitter where I got involved with the ffxv fandom, which led me to the kh fandom and eventually the khux fandom there which is what REALLY got me going on khux.
I joined discord servers, most of the servers I’m in are khux related, and from there I joined the khux oc rp (shout out to anyone there who might be reading this lol here’s some art from the beginning of the rp,)
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It’s SO FUNNY how the RP influenced me so heavily. I hadn’t RP’d in YEARS, I used to have a strict no oc rp policy, but here I was? And the funny part is, I had barely developed Ryou. I had scrapped his original story and all I had was POST WAR Ryou so I literally had to reverse write him; I had only ever written him as a depressed, guilt ridden adult, but it was a fucking blast and I have such fond memories of this rp when it was active,
But anyway, this encouraged me to get more serious about art! I started drawing, writing, cosplaying, and roleplaying when I hadn’t done any of that stuff in a very long time. The first time I ever drew a background was for a deviant art khux competition actually LOL
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also! I always think extremely fondly of the drawing I did of Aced in the keyblade war. It was also one of the first backgrounds I ever drew and it felt like my real starting point in the khux fandom. It got a ton of notes on here and someone wrote a tiny fic in a reblog which just made me SO HAPPY like it really felt like people were noticing me :) I was going to draw a matching Ira but!! I just never did!! One day tho, it’s on my art bucket list to redraw this along with Ira,
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Aside from my personal growth, khux was great for my social life ngl, I made SO MANY friends online and got to meet a ton of people irl over the years! It’s crazy to think about all the people I now know and talk to? It honestly makes me really emotional. I’ll never forget taking the train into NYC and meeting up with discord friends. Going to conventions and talking with people about the latest khux update? Absolutely insane and those were some GOOD TIMES, if I thanked every khux friend or even just person who made an impact on me then we’d be here for a LONG TIME,
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Fun fact, for my Lauriam cosplay all I needed to buy was the wig I just owned his outfit LOL also? Probably retiring that cosplay ngl people treated me like absolute garbage when I wore him and it led to a lot of confidence issues for awhile ngl. That’s probably one of the only memorable negative experiences I have with khux; it was great when khux people recognized me but for kh fans that weren’t in khux? They were FUCKING MEAN??? fuck kh fandom at large, I only care about khux fandom,
This leads me to another huge part of my experience in khux fandom: THEORIES!! I used to write SO MANY and oh my god my brain was so full all the time. It was a huge appeal for me in the fandom; I had been previously writing theory posts in the RWBY fandom and it just migrated over to khux for me lol I had done a ton of theorizing around Lauriam tbh, it was really the only reason I liked his character at all bc initially I did not care about the dandelions, anyone who wasn’t Skuld I was like “please leave Now thanks”
A funny part of khux fandom I never intended to be apart of is the MEMES, I really only started doing memes as stress relief bc college had me so busy all I had time/energy for was these quick little shit post drawings.
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The first meme I made, file name “invi despair” LOL we need to get her a girlfriend smh anyway, I think in my senior year of college I did a bunch of rapid fire memes all in one month bc the stress of finals was getting so bad afdgfhdgf as far as I know my impact on this fandom will be my memes bc all I do now is enter a kh/khux server and introduce myself and I go “yeah I draw art. here’s a meme” and everyone goes OH YOU, honestly I am nothing if not a clown
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I’ve talked so much idk where I’m going with this. Khux is just a good game even if the gameplay actually kind of really sucks yknow lol but it was the first game I played where I like, REALLY got into the meta and the mechanics. I used to read so much on the mechanics and watch youtube videos on which medals were worth pulling for. I was never a whale or a top player exactly, but I could rank well if I tried lol I’ve made it to the top 100 for solo rankings, my party has made it to top 10, and in pvp I’ve made top 300. I’m not the highest level in my party but FUCK do I know how to manipulate this game LOL
And with all that hard work, the strategies, the theorizing, the content I’ve made-- it’s been my life for 5 years. I’ve logged into khux almost every single day. At the end, I have logged 1820 days in khux out of 1910 days. Kinda crazy. Crazier I’ve never spent money on khux either lol the only “money” gone into it was one time my mom gave me a google play store gift card and I used it on my birthday for a VIP xemnas medal which eventually made it to regular pulls anyway but it was nice and a little treat :)
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I’m not a gacha fan, I don’t care for it, so I don’t think I’ll be touching another gacha again. But for kh? This was pretty fucking awesome, even if it sucked a lot sometimes LOL It was worth it for the people I’ve met most of all I think. I would honestly be a completely different person without khux and that’s REALLY insane to think about.
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kyovtani · 3 years
hey babies! i’ve decided to answer the asks about back to life one and two like this because ive received so so so many and you guys blew me away so answering every single one of them is the least i can do to show you guys just how grateful i am. thank you so much for giving both parts SO much love, i love and appreciate you guys and the support you’re constantly sending my way with my whole entire heart <33
– THANK YOU SO SO MUCH BABY !! this was the very first ask about back to life and it’s honestly the cutest thing ever! I hc Kyoutani to be rally understanding of things like anxiety and depression, generally mental health so that’s why it was easy for him to understand the reader’s situation and mindset! 
BACK TO LIFE!!!!!!!! MY HEART!!!!!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO GOOD!!!!! i was really excited when you started posting about it!! i can't wait for part 2, i wanna know how they fix this!
AAAH !! thank you so much for the love and support baby!!!! I really hope you enjoyed part 2 just as much, sending you lots of smooches MWAH
AAAH YOU GUYS !!! this made me so happy !!! thank you so much and I hope part two met your expectations and you enjoyed the ending MWAH!! 
thank you for the food <33
YOUR KYOTANI FIC AHHHHHHH my heart can’t handle this
Was overwhelmed by the hurty that I forgot to say how much I ADORE your characterization of Kyoutani. fdjkhgjkgdr
THANK YOU SO MUCH !! honestly- that means the world to me, probably the best compliment you can give me :((
Back to life was so good OMG 😳😳 HELLO??? You're amazing
Thank you so much, my love! it honestly is everything to me when you guys tell me such sweet things I love you so much MWAH!!
the new fic did not help me with my insecurities now i’m just frustrated and insecure. great writing tho.
honestly- same. when I wrote this, I lit indulgent every bit of my mind working into this fic and thats why it means so much to me ?? so youre not alone, my love; but thank you so much <33
The way I panicked at the end of the fic thinking there wasn’t gonna be more to it, holy shi that fox was so good I almost cried thinking they were just gonna end things like that 🥺🥺🥺🥺
I’d NEVER end a fic like that- I hate bad endings and cannot stand cliffhangers but the formatting didn't give me another choice im sorry for the heart attack baby kfhflashsj but am glad you liked it!
UR THE BEST WRITER WTF?? WHEN DO U THINK PART TWO WOULD BE UP... and does kyoutani flirt with sora 😣💔
YOU GUYS- NOOO- pls my heart made a loop :(( I love you so much :(( thank you baby and I think now you know what he does with sora MWAH
@kawakuto said: hi hi zade!🤩 (ajdjs idk if you remember me but i moved main blogs and I was @/gukooky before LOL) THE KYOUTANI FIC ANDJWNS I DIDNT EXPECT THE END WAHHHH🥺🥺 it was so well written omg I loved it!! (wtf kyoutani, you said we were going slow what if I wasn’t ready to call u my boyfriend wtffff😔😔 pain.)
AAAAH OFC I DO REMMEBER !! hope youre doing well baby !!! and thank you SO much for your sweet words, I honestly appreciate them so much :((<33
pls I’m in love with your writing. You write kyoutani so well so now I’ll always be grabbing at any crumbs you send my way 🥵
thank you so so so much baby!!!! these kinda words always hit me right at the heart, I appreciate them so much and I love you sm much
bb i love ur kyoutani fic sm :(( ur rlly so talented <33 i look forward to pt 2 ^3^
thank you so much baby, sending a smooch your way mwah 
zade that kyoutani piece im in so much pain why would u do this to me 💔💔💔💔
believe me when I say It hurt me even more than you </3
I just finished reading part 2 and it waS SO GOODAJSFHJLFG you did amazing!! (n˘v˘•)¬
Hi! New nonnie coming through :) First time I'm writing something because I'm such a nervous wreck but I just had to
Mister kyotani pls rail me thanks 🐱
THANK YOU AAAH YOURE SO CUTE !!! I truly appreciate this with my whole entire heart so thank you so much baby, hope you have a good one mwah
Wait did he do anything with Sora?
nope!! they just went to the party together but in my mind he didn’t even hug her and she didn’t try anything else, too, simply bc she knew how in love he is with reader!!
YOUR MINDDDDD!! THE KYOU FIC WAS SOOOO GOOOD!! Omg i hope you do a part 3 😭😭
i have a Little sequel which is really really soft but I'd love to write some more for it! 
@soranihimawari said: Part 1 & 2 with kyoutani was amazing as always Zade! I really liked the ending. This was such a fun read. I was wondering who’s else would be sharing the apartment with Kyoutani. What made you choose tattoo artist Iwa & Oikawa? Those two made me chuckle with the way they came in like that. Hope you have a great day/evening/late night/etc.
aaah thank you so so much, baby!! I truly appreciate your sweet words, youre the cutest! regarding your question: You shares an apartment with Iwa, Oikawa and Yahaba (who also works at the tattoo studio!) and i don't know to be really honest- I just like the thought of these three being really good friends so after contemplating whether or not to go with iwaoi or matsuhana, I ended up going with those two dorks! hope you have a good one baby mwah!!
How long did it take you to write the entire two parts? Like wow that’s alot👁👄👁 i adore long fics though
oooh- hm ?? tbh i don't really know ?? I can’t remember ?? I think it took me about a month or like three weeks since I did write it all in one go yk? it was the only WIP I worked on during that time and it felt SO relieving to publish it! 
AAAHHH the kyou fic was a masterpiece bb!!! ❤️❤️
thank you so so so much baby!!<33
U LITERLALT WRIYE KYOU THE BEST ABSOLUTE BEST. he’s so aggressive and demanding but he still is willing to show someone special his vulnerability. I LOVE READING STUFF ABOUT HIM FROM U
AAAAH thank you so much- you guys have no idea how much these kinda comments mean to me- I love you so MUCH MWAH 
I just read the first part of "back to life" an it had me speechless so many times, almost cried at the end, it's honestly so well written. I'm off to read part two. Have a nice day 🐰
sdoalfsla thank you so much baby! I hope you enjoyed both parts equally as much and thank you for all the love mwah!!<3
Hana is a baddie
SHE IS!! she’s literally the baddest bitch to ever exist ft. saeko ofc but nobody acknowledges it </3
@tonhwa said: I’m in love with the way you write kyoutani pls. Even your previous fics on your old account ( if you don’t mind me mentioning it ) are so fucking amazing. GOSH YOU CHARACTERIZE HIM SO WELL AND THE PLOT IS ALWAYS SO JUICY AND INTERESTING I CANT HELP BUT GO BACK AND READ IT. and then you release this fucking wonderful piece and I feel like it’s my birthday even though it’s already passed LOL ty ily have a wonderful day I’m sobbing tears of happiness
YOU GUYS PLEASE- the fact this made me tear up when I first read it- thank you SO much honestly. knowing you guys enjoy my characterization of my favorite character is honestly everything to me so thank you sm I love you baby have a good one!!<3
I’ve been on this app from high school, and now I’m a college grad. I have to say I’ve never sent a message to anyone I’ve followed. But that tattoo artist! Kyou fic, part 1 and 2 are 😩💕 *chefs kiss* you are one of my favorite writers I’ve ever followed since joining this app. You NEVER disappoint!
-💕 a very satisfied reader
thank you so much baby!! aaah this is honestly so so sweet :(( thank you for taking the time out of your day to send me such a sweet thing, I appreciate it and you so much mwah!!
i love kyoutani and he obvs deserves his dick sucked 🤧🤧 but i catch him posting up with other girls I DONT CARE THE SITUATION he gonna catch these hands for a real one 👊🏼👆🏼🤜🏼🥊🥊 kidding 😐😐😐 he’d body me
pls the way this had me chuckling like crazy bc same sajlskjpw he can get mad all he want but he better stay his pretty ass where he is- by my side  😌
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iamrealbuilder · 4 years
Bill Buchalter interview
Bill Buchalter was a level designer for Sunstorm Interactive. He’s worked on 3 official add-on of Build Engine games: Cryptic Passage for Blood, Suckin’ Grits On Route 66 for Redneck Rampage, Caribbean Life for Duke Nukem 3D. Interview, November 2020: Corentin: Can you introduce yourself?
Bill Buchalter: My name is Bill Buchalter. I’m an avid gamer of all kinds – video games, board games, and especially tabletop RPGs. I’m currently a freelance writer for AAW Games (Adventure A Week Games) writing mini adventures for Dungeons & Dragons 5E. I live outside Indianapolis, IN with my wife Jane, our three kids, and our dog Roxi. When I’m not gaming, I also enjoy music, playing guitar, hiking, and camping.
C: With Sunstorm Interactive, you're credited for level design on Cryptic Passage, Caribbean Life and Route 66. How did you start working with Sunstorm and what do you remember from that time?
BB: In the mid 90’s, maybe around 1995 or 96, I was very into playing Duke Nukem 3D. Like most PC gamers at the time, I had played Castle Wolfenstein and Doom, and Duke Nukem just blew me away. Back in those days, when we played online, we would use a 3rd party program called KALI. You dialed up on your modem, logged onto the internet, and then used KALI as a portal to chat with other gamers and find someone to play with. The KALI software would then allow you to network together over the internet and play PVP matches. It was crude, and the lag could be horrible, but we didn’t know any better at the time and we loved it!
I remember I was in a B. Dalton bookstore in the mall one day (another relic of the 90’s that is long gone!) when I found a book called the “Duke Nukem 3D Level Design Handbook”. I was intrigued, and as I flipped through the pages it talked about a program on the Duke Nukem CD called Build, which allowed you to create your own levels. I had no idea Build existed, let alone how to use it. I bought the book and spent the next couple weeks diving into learning how to use Build. I was hooked!
Making my own maps quickly became an obsession. I would share them with my friends on KALI and I quickly earned a reputation for making user maps. I remember there was a map building competition, but I don’t recall who sponsored it. A guy named Robert Travis won the competition. When I saw his maps, I was blown away! His designs were so much more advanced than mine. He was using tricks I had never thought of to get lighting effects and set moods. I had to reach out to him to pick his brain.
Robert responded and we began talking and quickly figured out that we both lived in Indianapolis. He was working for Sunstorm at the time and invited me to come to their office to discuss level design. I met him there one evening, and he showed me some of the stuff he was working on. We ended up playing Duke all night on Sunstorm’s network with some of the other guys in the office. I was in heaven!
Robert introduced me to Anthony Campiti, the lead producer on Sunstorm’s next project – Cryptic Passage, an add-on for a Build engine game called Blood. They invited me to design some levels for the game and I jumped at the chance. Robert assigned me to design an opera house level and immediately I got pictures in my head of the theater scenes from Interview with a Vampire. I went home and worked furiously on designing the level. I was still rough, but with Robert’s help I tweaked things here and there and slowly learned his techniques. In the end I was really pleased with the level I’d designed. Robert and Anthony were happy too and asked me to design a second map specifically for deathmatch.
The next project Sunstorm was working on was Suckin’ Grits on Route 66, an add-on for another Build engine game called Redneck Rampage. Robert again asked if I’d like to be a part of that team and assigned me to build a truck stop level. Using a lot of the things I’d learned on Cryptic Passage, and the campy feel of the Redneck Rampage game, I had a lot of fun designing that level.
The last project I worked on for Sunstorm was Duke Nukem Caribbean Vacation. By this time Duke’s popularity was beginning to wane, and Quake was taking over. Robert was already starting to experiment and learn how to use the Quake engine. I was a new dad at the time (my first daughter had just been born) so unfortunately, I didn’t have the spare time to devote to learning a new engine. I barely had the time to design my level for Duke Caribbean, but I did manage to finish the casino level for that project. I do recall that Robert ended up going through in the end and changing a lot of the aspects of my level to fit the theme they had in mind. I remember being a bit disappointed and not really feeling like the level was “mine” because of so many of the changes. It was the last project I worked on for Sunstorm.
I kept in touch with Robert and Anthony for a while after that. They were branching out, working on other projects, and even trying to develop their own FPS game that I don’t think ever really got off the ground. Sunstorm was having the most success with their Deer Hunter line of games that at the time were selling well in Wal-Mart. Sadly, I eventually just lost touch with those guys.
I’m sure this is WAY more information than you were wanting (I’m a writer… I can’t help but go off the deep end!) but you dusted off some fond, old memories for me, so I apologize for walking so far down memory lane!
C: I see that you're still making maps, different kind of maps! This makes me wonder if maybe you were involved with W!Zone (a pack of maps for Warcraft 2 released by Sunstorm). Can you tell us a bit about that if possible?
BB: I didn’t have any hand in the W!Zone project for Sunstorm, but I loved the Warcraft series. As was common for many video gamers like me, who had roots in fantasy games like D&D, I played a lot of Warcraft and eventually got sucked into the world of MMOs with Ultima Online, Everquest, and World of Warcraft! If only I had back the time I sunk into those games!
These days I’m exclusively writing and designing for Dungeons and Dragons. I started about ten years ago writing for D&D Organized Play in a campaign called Living Forgotten Realms. I co-authored two adventures for that with my good friend, Michael Pearman, and authored a third adventure on my own. As you know from tracking me down via AAW Games, I’ve now authored six adventures for them, five of which are already published and one that is still in the works but should be released soon.
When I do manage to find time for video games, Diablo III is my game of choice these days. I’m looking forward to Season 22 starting here shortly, and like many others, I’m really hoping for something great with Diablo IV. I’ve been a huge fan of the series since the beginning, and even wrote an entire campaign for D&D 5E that translated the story of Diablo III into Dungeons and Dragons for the players in my home game! Thanks again for the opportunity to share some of this history. It was fun putting it all down and reliving those days!
C: There are two signatures in the Truck Stop level for Route 66. Do you remember anything about that ? There also several levels with no known credit : Fun Park, House of ill Repute, Mystery Dino Cave, Bigfoot Convention.
The signature on the truck stop is Route 66 was a joke! I was the only designer on that one. I just signed it "Billy Joe Jim Bob Buchalter" as a joke for bad redneck name. I wasn't the kind of guy that had to sign my maps the EXACT same way every time. :)
Other than the truck stop, I don't recall designing any other maps for Route 66. I pretty sure none of those you listed below were mine, but I don't recall whose they were.
Finally, here are some final comments Bill made after reading through some forum posts:
Wow, I am really quite humbled that you guys looked so deeply into my work! The fact that you could recognize my build style is pretty cool - I didn't even know I had a style! LOL. The truth be told, the reason you probably had so much trouble telling my levels from Robert's is because he was a big influence on me. I learned a lot from him and incorporated a lot of that into the stuff I built.
Its funny how reading through that thread you linked brought back memories... I remember now that my biggest disappointment from Duke Caribbean was that my only level in the game ended up being a secret level - that some people wouldn't even find it or ever play it. I was actually pretty excited about that level. I was the one that suggested a casino because my folks had retired to Vegas, so I'd been in a lot of the casinos there and had some great ideas for the map. I'd forgotten all about the restaurant I worked into it, and the big fish tanks.
There seems to be some debate about Robert. From what I remember, he was a really good guy. Maybe a bit tough to work for, but only because he really strived for our designs to be the best they could be, and he demanded that of both himself and the other designers. As I said before, I learned early on to accept criticism and critique and not take it personally. It was just Robert doing his job. I'll be the first to admit that I designed better levels thanks to the stuff I learned from Robert.
Someone on the message board made a very astute comment, basically to the effect that "Bill had to have other work out there. Sunstorm wouldn't hire an unproven guy off the street." But truth be told, that's exactly what they did! I hadn't done a single thing before working there. But I think a few things played in my favor. First, I lived in Indy, just 15 minutes from their office, so it was easy for me to go in and work directly with Robert. Second, while I didn't have anything officially published, I did have a disk full of the maps I'd designed on my own, and Robert thought I showed promise. I would design at home a lot, then go into the office a couple times a week and sit with Robert while he critiqued my work and offered advice on how to improve it.
I'll be honest - I'm blown away at the number of people STILL playing these old maps we made so many years ago. I watched a couple YouTube videos of a guy playing and reviewing Duke Caribbean and Blood Cryptic Passage. His high praise of both Full House and the Opera House really made my day. It's nice to know that people enjoyed my work.
Thanks a lot to Bill Buchalter for taking the time to answer these questions! Thanks also for sharing... “Big City” !
A Duke Nukem 3D map he created back in the day before joining with Sunstorm Interactive which was never released before! Screenshot:
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Map download:
External link: Duke4 forum blog megathread: https://forums.duke4.net/topic/11471-blog-interviews-of-build-engine-video-games-developers/page__pid__353013#entry353013 The forum posts Bill read, mentionned above, can be found here: https://forums.duke4.net/topic/9418-duke-caribbean-multiplayer-levels/
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nicknags · 4 years
About to Live Full-Time in a Van
I’m at a point in my life where I’m straight thirsting for adventure. I feel like I’ve only spent a fraction of my time on this planet actually tackling the world and seeing what it has to offer. Most of the time, I feel more or less in a slump, hiding away in my hobbit hole, daydreaming of the Tookish side of my family but never seeking out the adventure. Well, now I’m seeking and I’m seeking hard.
My girlfriend and I had both lost our jobs due to Corona Virus, so we had decided to live with my parents to ride out the crazy anxious filled storm this whole year has been. It was the first time we had ever lived together, and I am not going to lie, that was one of the nicest things about quarantine. See, we’ve spent most of our relationship in a long(ish) distance relationship living an annoying 50-minutes away from each other; Short enough to where you don’t mind making the drive but long enough to where one day visits are a little difficult. So, having her move in was kind of fucking great! We woke up everyday next to each other, we played frisbee all the time, went on scooter rides, kayaked, had beach days, took trips up to her family’s cottage… It was all wonderful. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
Seriously, it couldn’t of been better at my house. We had all found super healthy ways of coping with the pandemic… Except for my brother. He had decided to hole himself away, which I get, it was/is a fucking scary time, but after Sammy and I had spent weeks of including him, he decided to go full psycho. “Fuck you guys, I hope you die in a fucking fire, kill yourselves you over sensitive pieces of shit.” There’s more but I think you get the gist. All of this was said because we told him “you’re being kind of rude” after he aggressively belittled our spiritual beliefs. Whatever, we got over it. Couple days later, he calls my girlfriend a bitch and a c*** because she asked him not to feed her elderly sick cat human food after the vet told her that she shouldn’t. He wasn’t nice about it either, I mean, who’s really nice when they’re calling someone a bitch or a c*** but he got right in her face when she did it. Needless to say, I went off on him and the situation, Sammy moved out, and I haven’t talked to him since.
So, heartbroken that Sammy had to move back home, I started looking into options for us to live together. We thought about buying a house because we had some savings but not enough to where we could get the right house. We thought about an apartment but lets be honest, rent is WAY too expensive and we didn’t know when we would get jobs again due to Covid. It wasn’t until we took a trip to Sammy’s cabin that it hit me… We should live in a van.
Of course! Why had I never thought of it before? I had wanted to move back to LA for such a long time but had struggled to find a way that we could really make it work without living in a hostile or getting a bunch of roommates. Well… What if you just lived in a van? Not like a shitty, run down, rusty gas guzzler from the 90’s. Like, a super nice, renovated, camper van with tons of storage, running water, stove, and bed. It seemed crazy but everyone we talked too kind of had the same response: “Not a bad idea.”
So, we bought the van together back at the end of August and have spent about 2-months fixing it up. We had a bunch of little mechanical issues but it looks like we’ve finally got that sorted out! The sub-floor has been installed, solar panels are mounted, and electrical is being run. All we have left is to finish the wood frame, build the furniture, and we are good to go bb. I couldn’t be more excited! I have been yearning to fill my days with adventure, to explore the world, and experience life beyond my little bubble. Once we’ve travel around the country for a bit, we plan on parking in LA and pursuing our dream of being actors.
It’s been a hell of year. I feel like people say that every year but this year everyone REALLY means it. I’m trying to find the light in the dark tunnel of 2020, and I think my shining beacon is a 2005 Ford Econline with a high top. I never saw my life going in this direction but here I am and I couldn’t be happier. I think if I were to give any person a single piece of advice it would be to listen to the universe, allow yourself to be tugged in the direction it’s pulling. You might wind up in weird, distant lands, surrounded by people different from everything you know, but it’s where you’re suppose to be. At least, I really, really hope so in my case.
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authorbarbie · 4 years
Dancing With Our Hands Tied (1/?)
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Summary: When you first joined The Resistance, you came into contact with several things: brand new equipment to mess around with, your very own work station, and even General Organa herself. But somehow, a charismatic pilot turns out to be the best of them all.
“THERE he is!”
A round of raucous cheers and applause erupted around the cantina, the sound bouncing off the surrounding walls, as Poe Dameron, freshly promoted to the role of Commander, entered the room. He rolled his eyes good-naturedly, holding out his hands bashfully as a sign for his friends to stop, though the grin on his face remained.
“Have a busy night, Commander?” Temmin “Snap” Wexley joked as Poe joined the small group at their table.
“Yeah, we saw you leave with that cute technician last night,” Jessika Pava took a sip of her Batuu Brew with a quirk of her brow. “You guys have your own little celebration?”
Yolo Ziff snorted into his glass, Snap teasingly knocking his shoulder into Poe’s.
“You’re all hilarious, really,” said Poe, unaffected.
“C’mon, Poe,” Jessika continued. “We’re all on the edge of our seats here.”
“Nothing happened,” Poe shrugged, eyes rolling at how the group’s excitement visibly faded.
“Oh,” Karé Kun pouted. “Well, that was disappointing.”
“Why are you all so interested anyway?” Poe swiped Snap’s drink from his hand, ignoring the pilot’s disgruntled ‘hey!’ and took a sip himself. He grimaced as the liquid burned down his throat. “She wasn’t exactly sober so I helped her to her quarters and left. Plus, she wasn’t really my type.”
“What? Hot and single isn’t your type?”
“Hm, let’s see,” Ziff began. “You also said that about that guy back on Tiisheraan, that handsy Twi’lek on Bespin, the—”
“We’re rooting for you, that’s all,” Karé told him, effectively shutting down Ziff’s tangent. “Even a hotshot Commander deserves a little love every now and then.”
“I don’t have time for romance, guys,” argued Poe, jaw set. He was no stranger to flirting — enjoyed it more than the average person, actually — but with the growing threat of the First Order on the horizon, he found no point in going further and growing attached to someone. “I’ve gotta focus on my work, on helping the galaxy. We all do.”
“We’re not saying you have to marry someone, Poe,” said Jessika. “But going out on a date wouldn’t hurt, right? Plus, I don’t remember you ever being so adverse to one-night stands.”
Poe continued to down his drink instead of answering, resulting in a disapproving gaze from every member that sat around the small table.
“I’m telling you, Dameron,” Snap added, matter-of-factly. “One day, you’re gonna meet someone that sweeps you off those damn stubborn feet of yours and you won’t know what hit you.”
“Uh-huh,” Poe agreed, a feeble attempt to end the conversation rather than genuine agreement. “That’ll be the day.”
“Well,” Jessika began to stand from the table with her drink in hand, eyes set on the figure of Kaydel Ko Connix sitting at the bar. “Just because you’ve sworn off cute girls, doesn’t mean I have.”
Watching Jess walk away, Snap wolf-whistled loudly in support, earning a swift kick to the leg from Karé that made the table howl with laughter. More drinks were later shared and the conversation quickly shifted, much to Poe’s relief.
●  ●  ●
It’s safe to say that you were pretty damn nervous.
Your heart was racing, your palms were sweaty and you felt like you might lose the breakfast you had eaten that morning at any given second. Kriff, you prayed you wouldn't. Throwing up all over your first patient’s shoes probably wasn’t the best way to make an impression.
“Hey, calm down,” said the figure next to you, a comforting hand resting on your arm as if she could sense the anxiety rolling off of you in waves. “There’s nothing to be nervous about.”
“I know,” you nodded, adjusting your dark tunic for the fifth time since you’d put it on. The white medical services armband stood out against the brown material of your uniform. “Just first day jitters, I guess.”
“Because graduating top of our class wasn’t enough to fill you with confidence?” the same girl, Zella, asked jokingly. The two of you had been close since the Academy; you had lived in the same quarters and studied for every class together. You were more than thrilled when she agreed to join the Resistance with you. Having someone you were already close to nearby helped put you at ease.
“Yeah, pretty much,” you nodded, teeth chewing on the skin of your bottom lip; a nervous habit.
Zella’s retort didn’t get the chance to leave her lips, the words dying on her tongue as two figures entered the room— Hermit Farwell AKA the head of the medical station AKA your new boss.
And General Leia Organa… AKA your boss’s boss and overall galactic legend.
The General's hair was wrapped up in a neat crown braid and under the dim lights, the younger girl could see the shines of grey showing through her usual brown colour, a sign of how long she had been fighting for freedom in the galaxy. She wore a brown vest over her light green coveralls that were tucked into a pair of brown boots, and her face was attentive as she took in the new faces in the room. Despite being the leader of the entire organisation, you noticed that while others had their own badge indicating their commanding roles in the whole affair, her rank wasn't shown anywhere.
"Good morning," the woman smiled and though it was directed at everyone, you felt strangely as though she was speaking directly to you. "I thought I'd stop by to wish our new recruits good luck— not that you'll need it. You're in the perfectly capable hands of Colonel Farwell and you wouldn't be here if you didn't have the ability to handle yourselves. If anyone has any trouble or worries, feel free to find me later. But for now… Enjoy your first shift. The Resistance is very lucky to have you.”
She took her leave shortly after and Colonel Farwell clapped his hands together to gain the attention of the room which had started to buzz with excited chatter.
“You heard the General,” he said. “Grab yourself a datapad and let’s get to work.”
The station jumped into action immediately, pressing their keycards to the screens of their datapads and waiting for their patient files to load. You searched through your own itinerary for the day and steeled yourself with a slow breath.
Your first day as a nurse was about to begin.
●  ●  ●
Poe’s head was pounding.
A couple of days had passed since his little visit to the base’s cantina but he swore he was still feeling the effects of downing one more ice-twist than he likely should have; something that he was currently cursing Snap for coaxing him into. After complaining to BB-8 about the pain yet again, the droid had argued with him back and forth until he finally agreed to visit the med station for some form of relief. The smug astromech currently sat at his feet as he waited to be called in, as if to make sure the pilot followed through on his promise.
Others sat scattered around the waiting area (which was essentially just a few rows of chairs pushed together), each finding their own ways to pass the time. A technician was speaking on his holopad, supposedly unable to stop working even when awaiting medical attention, while a strategist sat with her hand on her stomach, clearly in an uncomfortable amount of pain. Poe himself found his fingers drumming against his knee, voice humming a tune under his breath that he couldn't remember the name of.
"Dameron, Poe?"
Poe continued his melody, about to go into the second verse when BB-8 knocked into his leg to catch his attention and an unfamiliar voice rang out.
"Dameron, Poe!" the voice called again, frustration beginning to seep through.
Poe lifted his head and searched for the source, a charming grin lighting up his face at the sight of you, your eyes squinting as you searched the room for the man who must have been deaf not to hear you. He had been right about you being unfamiliar, he noted as he all but swaggered over to you, lifting a hand into a wave. You said nothing in return, gesturing for him to follow you into your private work area. Poe's eyes scanned your form quickly from top to bottom.
“Take a seat, Commander,” you said, ensuring you used the proper title you had gotten from his patient files. ‘Commander Poe Dameron, top pilot of the Resistance, peak physical condition’ were just a few phrases you remembered.
“Nurse,” Poe grinned, confidence and charm practically exuding from his every pore.
You fought back the urge to roll your eyes, having spent the whole morning dealing with quite a few patients just like him. While some had been kind and quiet, even nervous, others had piled on the compliments until you were ready to push them back out the door. That, coupled with the growing ache in your back from standing so long, had you on the verge of collapsing from tiredness.
“That’s what they call me,” you agreed with a professional tone. “What brings you here today?”
“You mean I needed a reason other than meeting you?” Poe’s eyes lit up with mischief and your skin prickled with irritation. BB-8, who had stuck by his side the whole time, beeped loudly.
“Ah,” you nodded, typing the information into your notes. “So you’ve been doing a little drinking, huh?”
“In my defense, I was celebrating… But I will admit that yes, my head feels like it might explode,” Poe confessed, casting an offended look in his droid’s direction before turning back to you and scratching the back of his neck. His confidence clearly knocked down a peg (by his own best friend, no less), he let out a humble chuckle. “So you speak Binary, huh?”
“That I do. What’s your name, little guy?” you smiled kindly in BB-8’s direction (Poe was only slightly bitter that BB-8 had gotten a smile from you before he had), listening to his reply. “Well, Beebee-Ate, I think my own little Cipher would love you.”
“Cipher?” Poe repeated.
“My droid,” you explained, your hands moving to wrap the blood pressure cuff around his arm and jotting down his results afterwards. “He’s back in my quarters. Figured if he were here on my first day, I’d spend the whole time worrying about him instead of doing my actual job.”
Poe smiled, knowing the feeling of being attached to a droid all too well. “You’re new here, right?”
“I am.”
Poe studied your face as you put the tips of your stethoscope in your ears and pressed the bell against his chest. A small crease formed between your brows, entirely focused as you listened to the steady thump of his heart. Once you were satisfied, you turned back to your datapad. “Yeah, I’d definitely remember someone like you.”
You huffed out a breath, heat creeping up your neck and into your cheeks at his words. Luckily, your back was still facing towards him, face hidden, and you intentionally took longer in busying yourself with his typing up his results.
Even back at the Academy, you had made yourself a promise: no fraternising allowed. You weren’t against the idea of love by any means, but you were well aware of the ominous, growing threat that was gathering out there in the galaxy. You were well aware that war — and casualties because of said war — were inevitable. Hell, it was entirely possible that some of the people you had examined today wouldn’t survive what was coming, and you weren’t about to put your heart on the line just for it to be torn in two. Not when you had the chance to prevent that from happening.
The room fell silent then and Poe allowed it to, being a model patient as you shone a light in his eyes to check his pupils contraction and muttered your final decision to yourself under your breath. He watched as you turned to search through one of the cabinets behind you, eventually finding the bottle you were looking for and quickly reading the label.
“It’s my first day,” you finally said, Poe blinking in surprise at your return to the conversation. “Hold out your hand.”
Poe did so without question and watched as you set two pills in his palm. Filling a glass with water, you held it out for him to take in the other.
“Swallow those now and take two more later tonight if it still hurts. Like your chart says, you really are in peak physical condition,” you waited for him to follow your instructions before passing him the small bottle of remaining pills, pointedly ignoring the smirk on his lips at your comment. “Your hangover should pass soon.”
“Well, thank you for your thorough work…” Poe trailed off and you knew what he was indicating.
“Nurse is fine,” you told him simply.
“Come on, I make it a habit to learn everyone’s name here,” Poe told you, almost pleadingly and he wasn't lying. He really did know the name of every single person in the base, no matter their rank or job. For his own squadron, he had memorised their birthdays, too, and ensured they always received something special when the day came, be it something simple like a small cake or something a little grander, like an upgrade to their ship. “The cleaners, the line cooks, whoever.”
“That’s… very nice of you,” you said genuinely, meeting his eyes over your datapad. He really was quite handsome and clearly, he was aware of it. A square chin with a jawline you were pretty sure could chisel fiberplast, soft chocolate brown eyes that had a warmth to them that reminded you of a fire crackling, full lips with the bottom looking just a little bigger than the top and a tall build that you noticed made him appear confident even when seemingly at ease. It was a shame, really. If you had met him in some other way, at some other time, you probably would’ve fallen for his charm already.
But unfortunately, you hadn’t.
“If you need any more help, feel free to visit again.” Clearing your throat and reluctantly breaking the eye contact, you held out your free hand which he took firmly, giving it a shake. “And congratulations on your promotion.”
“Thank you. It was a pleasure to meet you… Nurse,” Poe told you, releasing your hand and turning to leave as BB-8 beeped his goodbyes. Before he had fully stepped out the door, he turned back, the right side of his mouth quirking into the beginnings of a smirk. “I hope we see each other again soon.”
Your gaze softened, brows furrowed together as you gestured around the room which held various medical supplies. “For your sake, I hope we don’t.”
A warm laugh escaped his throat but he said nothing more. And with a wink, he left.
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Earth Girl (Rey x Reader) Two
Request: "Reader traveling the galaxy with Rey? If that makes sense."
"Loved the Earth Girl imagine!!! Would you be able to do a part two please? Maybe when they get back to the resistance base and they debrief the reader and ask her questions about earth and what not? and a lot of fluff with Rey of course!!"
Words: 1, 732
A/N: This was really fun to make! I seriously can keep going and going, it's like I'm writing a escape from my boring life. Hope you guys like this!!! Part one. Let's just pretend the Star wars movies and comics doesn't exist in this world.
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“Movies?” Rey asked with a big smile on her face, she was so excited to learn about Earth, how was like to be there, what you eat, everything. “What is that?” was the usual question that came after you mentioned something new for her.
“Like… like a recording and there’s people that act as others” you explained. By that time you had learned that the space and earth wasn’t that different, both had things that were the same but they called in another way, so you tried your best to describe the things to Rey in a way she could understand what they were. “They usually tell stories”
“About what?” she said her eyes focused on your face as she impatiently waited for the answer.
“The past, the present, the future, every sort of stories. The relationship of a royal lady and a boy that fell in love in a big ship that sank in the ocean, for example” you giggled “Everything is possible in a movie.”
“Sounds amazing” Rey told you. “You said there are movies about people from other parts of the galaxy. How do they look like?”
You chuckled, it was still unbelievable for you that you were not longer in earth and instead you were sitting at the edge of a spaceship looking down at the strange scenario of this rebel base where humans, droids and a variety of species of “aliens” passed by. And the truth was the movies didn’t really made justice to this, you didn’t believe a single person back at home would even imagine a thing like that.
“Not like this” you started “Most of them are slim green beings with big black eyes” you couldn’t help but laugh at the memory of those tiny cartoon characters. “None of them looks like you, which is such a shame if you ask me” you told her giving her a wink and eliciting a laugh from the brunette.
“Hey, Rey!” someone yelled. It was the young charming pilot you met the day Rey rescued you, Poe if you remembered good. “Leia is back. Time has come, earth girl” he said referring to you. The General Organa had finally arrived to the base, she would decided if you stay or not with them or if she send you back to your past and boring life.
A few minutes after you were walking through the endless corridors of the Resistance base. The pilot was walking in front of you leading the way, Rey was by your side supporting you, she seemed to be a very protective person and you were glad to have her with you, rescuing you from being sold as a slave was a thing you never pay her. On the other side was the little sphere droid with orange patterns that beeped in a very high pitch something you couldn’t understand, not even with the universal translator on your neck.
“We talked about this, BB-8” you heard Poe said “Earth girl has to go back to her planet”
“Stop calling her that, Poe” said Rey in an almost angry way. “She has a name”
“Yeah, I know” he said annoying Rey. “We’re almost there” he informed you as he nodded towards a big room with a lot of people inside a woman talking to them in a firm tone.
General Leia Organa, Rey talked you about her and as far as you knew she used to be a princess from a planet not longer existed. She also told you about the history of her family and oh boy it was really confusing. Her father was a big bad man that tried to rule the galaxy, she had a twin brother and he was something called a Jedi. You were still processing all the information.
And there she was standing in front of a big crowd not doubting a single word. You waited ‘till her meeting was over and the she came directly to you and shook your hand.
“Y/N, it’s a pleasure to finally met you” she said “Rey and Finn had tell me what happened in that planet, I still cannot believe it” you were a bit confused not exactly knowing how to respond or how to even talk to this kind looking woman.
“Neither do I” you answered forcing a smile.
“General, the interrogation room is ready” informed a soldier behind her.
“Won’t be necessary, she really is from Earth” said Leia
“But, General, we don’t know yet. She could be a spy” continued the man.
“She’s not” said firmly the General, and thanked that she was on your side. “Give some clothes to this girl, she need to be unnoticed. Gods know what could happen if someone else finds out where is she from” she ordered with a soft smile on her face before turning around. The doubt invaded you.
“Wait” you called out and she faced you. “What’s going to happen now? why is it so important to be from earth? I don’t understand why people get so surprised about it.” since the very start you were wondering that, why people wanted so desperate to buy a human from your overpopulated planet?
Leia sighed before she raised her voice again.
“The Milky Way is a forbidden galaxy, your solar system is the only one with an inhabited planet, often taken for a myth.” She explained “My dear child, please don’t tell anybody where you’re from, for your own good. I’ll try to find a way to take you back to your home but for now my hands are tied” she said. How kind was this woman.
“Thanks” you told her, this was too much information. That was why the scientist never had found anything in the planets nearby, and you were the only one that knew that, you were sure they would take you as a crazy back in home if you’d tell them that.
“So what should we do with her for now?” asked Poe that had been quietly listening.
“I believe Rey can answer you that, Poe” she smiled “I like that plan, take her there, Rey” General Organa said before she was gone. You looked at Rey, what plan? she hadn’t even speak. It was like she had read her mind or something, you wasn’t sure but at this point it wouldn't be surprising if they told you that was a possible thing to do.
“So?” you asked Rey as she smiled back at you.
“Takodana” she said.
“What’s that?” now it was you who was making questions about how this world so far away from yours worked.
“A planet, you’re gonna like it, Y/N” she said and gestured over the exit door as she offered you her hand, without blinking you took her hand and she guided you outside to met the ship she had rescued you and now you knew it was called the Millenium Falcon and used to be Han Solo’s a rebel hero from the past war, who was also Leia’s husband and they had a son.... Well, this family was really chaotic, and you used to think that one movie with a girl that didn’t know who of the three men was her father was confusing.
Everything here was much more interesting that in your own planet, better than the same old routine everyday, the empty life you had and even though you were unfamiliar with mostly everything around you it felt more like living, as if all those years back on earth you hadn’t being alive until now, running holding hands with this beautiful and kind woman.
And then you were traveling through space with her, looking the hypnotic view of the lightspeed. You felt Rey’s gaze focused on you and seeing from the corner of your eyes you caught her smiling softly at you, as if she was watching a kid seeing snow from the first time, and you felt like that if you were honest.
“Takuduna” you said looking at her.
“Takodana” Rey corrected you giggling.
“Why this planet?” you told her still exploring the ship with your eyes, there were too many buttons and levers.
“I like it” she said “It has a lot of green and blue, a nice weather and we have a friend that lives there” she said, her words denoting true happiness by this planet.
“You born in this place?” you asked.
“No, I don’t know where I was born” she said with a sad tone “I used to live in Jakku” you were so curious about her, you wanted to know everything about this woman.
“And how is Jakku?”
“It’s a desert, sand everywhere, a powerful sun that really burn your skin and makes you sweat a lot. You wouldn’t like it, Y/N” she said
“That’s why you left?” you interrogated.
“No, I… I wasn’t gonna leave but I found BB-8” she started, her words having trouble to leave her lips. You knew this part of the story, Finn told you about how he met Rey and what happened next.
“Why you stayed in that planet then, Rey?” you tried to helped a bit.
“I was waiting for my family but” she paused “They just didn’t come” you cursed yourself in your mind as you saw how sad Rey looked now.
“Sorry” you said as you got closer to Rey.
“It’s okay” she said. Suddenly the ship got out of lightspeed and revealed a planet that looked very similar to yours, except that you couldn’t actually tell if there were continentes but it reminded you of earth.
“For a moment I thought you brought me back home” you told Rey and her eyes filled with desire to learn once again.
“Earth looks like this?” she asked as she glanced at the planet.
“Kind of” you said and Rey sat at the pilot seat to fly the ship to the green planet.
“I would like to see it” she murmured “Y/N, your home sounds so great” she said.
“You wouldn’t like it, Rey” you said repeating her words. “Believe me once you put a feet there you’ll hate it. This is much better” you said smiling at her. “Traveling with you, I really like it” you saw her smile growing bigger as she reached to taker your hand.
“And you haven’t seen anything, yet”
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shcnley · 4 years
╰ ✧ ZOEY DEUTCH. MUSE SEVEN. BISEXUAL. ❞ say hello to the s club’s very own SHANLEY EVANS! a TWENTY-THREE year old CISFEMALE that goes by SHE/HER pronouns. i heard they were voted MOST TALKATIVE in high school, which says a lot about them because they’re very VIVACIOUS and DEPENDABLE, but watch out for their IMPULSIVE and STUBBORN side as well. i hope they’re ready to take a break from being a TEACHER and finally get this summer started! 
hiiii friendssss, i’m gigi!!! and here’s my lil french fry lovin’ bb, shanley. sooo excited to plot w/ you allllll <333 
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full name: shanley nicole evans gender: cisfemale pronouns: she/her sexuality: bisexual age: 23 years old birthday: january 27th 1997 birthplace: NYC currently living: chicago, il relationship status: single zodiac: aquarius sun, virgo moon, leo rising occupation: teacher ( 1st grade )
characters: jessica day ( new girl ), lorelai gilmore ( gilmore girls ), harper ( set it up ), summer roberts ( the o.c. ), alexis rose ( schitt’s creek ), & amy march ( little women ). music: click this sentence for playlist !!  pinterest: click this sentence for pinterest !! 
kso, i’m going to be honest. shanley had an extremely normal and happy childhood. her parents met in high school, fell in love and were married after graduating college. her father ( theodore evans / think sandy cohen from the oc ) is an executive vice president of an insurance company while her mother ( clara evans / think kristina braverman from parenthood ) is a stay-at-home mom. born and raised in new york city. she has an older sister ( haddie evans / think prue halliwell from charmed ) who is three years older, she has an extremely close relationship with her. shanley is obsessed with family, tbh. she tells them just about everything. they had dinner together every night and talk about their days, have inside jokes, go on family vacations every summer ( before sclub summers ). overall, her parents are very loving and supportive, wanting only the best for their daughters. in high school, shanley was convinced she wasn’t like other girls *pUkeS*. she was very outgoing. like she literally made friends with anyone and everyone. a friendly face; probably the student who showed the new students around. it was rare to see shanley upset or rude to anyone unless she was defending someone. she had good grades (our shanny was v advanced), kind of a teacher’s pet but like still got her seat moved or sent to the hallway because she wouldn’t stop talking. i almost made her superlative most likely to say something stupid because like that’s her too. she was on the yearbook committee, played volleyball, and was a part of the student government. if she wasn’t at school or home, you would most likely find her with arlo, which whew. a story there. when it came to the sclub, she spent whatever free time she had left with them. encouraging all the trouble; shanley will do ANYTHING you tell her to and probably doesn’t think about it. don’t give her dumbass a dare because she will do it. sorry , i forgot what i was going to say; let’s change topics. NO i remembered, lets carry on. she’s always up for a good time. don’t hesitate to invite shan...even if you don invite her...she’ll invite herself SO. fast forward to college, shanley was accepted to loyola university and moved to chicago. how excite!!!!  kso she always knew she wanted to go away for school yanno be miss independent thats why they love her BUT college life wasn’t easy, not in the beginning at least. she was going through a breakup and lost herself for a while. became cold and detached; honestly after the break up her routine was to go to class then back to her dorm, study, cry and repeat. she was only friends with her roommates till finally they forced her to go out and deal with her heartbreak the “””normal””” college way aka getting stupid drunk. *tiktok vc* it izz what it izz. joined a sorority then dropped it because it was too culty for her. she got a part time job at insomnia cookies. slowly became high school shanley again. her spirits were especially lifted when she began student teaching. the kids made her so happy. they also proved to her that teaching was what she was meant to do. next thing ya know, four years are up and our girl has a degree in elementary education.  no one probably asked but her love life !!! like mentioned earlier shanley is single. she was convinced she was going to end up marrying arlo, maybe not right after high school like people assumed but eventually. they just connected on another level so when he ended things after their first year of college, shan was crushed. but if you’re curious, she's still got the hots for arlo. are we surprised tho? no? exactly. thanks for reading, pals. dsjkn okay i’ll add more. fine. so she hooks up with people and goes on dates but no one sticks. she doesn’t want them to stick either. she knows she had that like one great love and doubts she’ll ever feel it again so she just prefers to be on her own. she don’t need no man !!!!!!!! except for one...but mind ur business. so like what is shanley nicole evans up to now? well, her original plan was to move back home once she had graduated. but she was offered a teaching position in chicago and gladly accepted it. she figured since she loved living in chicago so much and it was at the school where she completed her student teaching; it all felt right for her to stay there. this was a fresh start for her. and she got it!! ya girl moved into a beautiful ( expensive ) apt near lake shore drive, started her own tiktok account where she randomly went viral and fell in love with all her students who she calls her kiddy beans!!
E X T R A !!
has 4 tattoos:       portrait of her dog, on her left calf // why? again obsessed w/ her dog       aquarius symbol,  on her right outer elbow side // zodiac hoe. Is v proud       coffee mug, on her right wrist side // her first tattoo. couldnt think of anything else.       honey bee, back of her arm above elbow // got really drunk, heard a song, thought of arlo, ended up at a shop with friends as a joke and woke up the next morning with it. 8 piercings: 3 each lobe. Industrial ( left ). tragus ( right ). sings when she talks sometimes most of the time speaks in really bad accents; new jersey being her fav is always in a dress...look at her pinterest...all she has is dresses. she likes to show off her legs ok. obsessed with animals ( if she’s not paying attention, its bc she’s thinking about her dog and/or bunnies ), coffee, and junk food. a jonas brothers stan, nick is her favorite brother. shelf is her favorite song. cries whenever she hears when you look me in the eyes ( she sang it to arlo when he took her to their concert ). has a big following on tiktok. on the teacher side. she posts her ootd and weird shit her students have said. sometimes even reenacts scenes from new girl. a reality tv show about birds she sees. its quite entertaining.  potatoes and pasta are her favorite foods. grew up making fairy gardens has a concentration face  dances for no and every reason.especially if she’s excited or beat someone in something. rambles way too much, forgets what she’s talking about mid sentence, attention span of a fruit fly. she has a hammock named bartholomew and she chills on it when she’s sad...so most of this trip. :-)))
welcome 2 the end; gimme all ur plots. i wanna plot with you all. i am down for everything and anything. 
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verycoolveryunique · 5 years
Youtube, seriously? - A Bucky/female reader fic
Youtube, Seriously PART 2
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Type: Reader- Insert
Relationship/pairing: Bucky / Female Reader
Plot: Reader is the Social Media and Community Relations Manager for The Avengers and after seeing how the population is easily swung on opinions of the Avengers, Y/N comes up with an idea to help put more personality and authenticity into the public perception of who the Avengers are with a little help from the Avengers themselves.
Word count: 1633
Warnings: none
A/N: let's go bb (also expect sporadic updates, I'm struggling at work lol)
If you wish to be tagged, shoot me an ask or reply to this post.
Hope you enjoy :)
It took some time for Y/N to convince the Social Media team on her idea, but after a few pitch meetings with the help of Tony and a video that Shuri filmed in Wakanda, she had them all on her side and excited for this new way to engage the community.
But now it was time to get the actual team on board. During one of the many pitch meetings with the Social Media team, everyone brought up how the team would react to the new social media process and it was a genuine worry. They weren’t exactly the most accommodating group of people out there. So, grabbing her laptop which was loaded with her presentation and the few reports and statistics Y/N initially showed Tony, she made her way to the team quarters for the monthly social media update and planning session.
30 minutes into your presentation, Y/N was met with utter silence.
“Thoughts?” Y/N said as she plays with the stack of reports in front of her. The silence continues to fill every inch of the room; each member of the team has a look of either scepticism or just plain doubt across their face. “Look, I was hired to shake up the social media and I can’t do that if you don’t trust me.”
“Why should we trust you, what proof do you have that this isn’t just some stupid way to embarrass us?” Sam said as he gave Y/N a sceptical look.
A few members of the team start voicing their opinions all at once as chaos erupts in the room/ So much for silence. As Y/N tries to steer the conversation back on track, the team starts to talk louder and louder.
Steve, Wanda and Nat are talking over Tony as he tries to help change people’s viewpoints and Sam is trying to get a response from Bucky, but he just sits there silently watching everyone’s reaction. He almost speaks up in defence of Y/N when someone beats him to it.
“Sam’s right, what makes you think this will do anything other than humiliate us” Clint replies, shooting an elastic band right in Nat’s face as she grabs her water bottle to throw it across the table.
“I’m glad you said that. On the table are a stack of reports on the top 20 social media influencers and their engagement statistics. On page 3, we have charts on how many views they are getting per upload on YouTube and Instagram, how many people are commenting or clicking links to find out more information. Page 17 shows our engagement statistics.”
Y/N watches as the team reads through her reports and sees the numbers. She also sees the realisation hit a few team members as their eyes widen and their jaws drop.
 “In the past 6 months, some of the most famous YouTubers in the world have been uploading Minecraft videos. Do you want to know how many views these videos are getting per post? “
Silence fills the room at Y/N’s question.
“10 – 30 Million per video. Now if we turn to page 13, you will see how many views some of them got per month.”
Tony shoots Y/N a smirk as the two watch the rest of the team look over the numbers and their reactions to the bolded 200 – 500 million views per month heading. As the team lower the reports back to the table, Tony stands and moves to support Y/N.
“Y/N has been hard at work with the Social Media team and already has some videos filmed.” Tony replies as Shuri’s video is projected in front of the team to watch.
“This video was made about a week ago and has been up for a few hours. It’s also currently trending on YouTube and Twitter and currently has 4 million views.” Y/N replies as she presses play.
As the video finishes, Y/N looks back to the team. “Thoughts?”
Everyone looks at each other as Bucky speaks up for the first time during the session.
“What do we need to do.”
Y/N smiles “It’s time to get Camera ready, we start filming content tomorrow.”
 Bright and early the next morning, Y/N is setting up some equipment in the back garden of the Avengers compound. A lot of thought went into what the first video filmed with the team would be. A new twitter account had been made for Fan interactions and the number of replies and tweets the account is getting is more than Y/N has ever seen since she started working for the Company. She has been making posts on all their platforms to announce the new addition to the official channels and so far the feedback has been good. Shuri’s video has helped gained thousands of new followers across the many different platforms and has also helped hype up more personal videos from the team with fans excited to actually be able to humanise their saviours.
As Y/N sets up, she gets a shock as she turns around and see’s Bucky standing there, hands in his pockets as he looks around. “Sorry, I scared you.  I’m early.”
“Sergeant Barnes, I’m happy you are here-“
“I’m sorry?” Y/n says, slightly breathless after her little scare.
“Call me Bucky.”
“Bucky…” Y/N replies, a smile crossing her face as a soft blush crosses Bucky’s face. “Thank you for coming, I know no one really wants to be here and do this but it's going to be great!”
“They’ll get over it.”  Bucky says, chuckling as a few other team members start to arrive.
The team starts to cluster around Y/N, a few showing signs of nervousness on not knowing what to expect around the day while Tony and shockingly Sam of all people look excited for their close-up.
“I want to thank everyone for coming. Over the next few days, you will all be invited up to the new digital production team office and you will all collect a camera that you will be using to film content.” A few faces drop as they realise they actually have to contribute to the content themselves and not just turn up to film a pre-determined idea. “You will all receive packs on ideas but don’t feel too stressed bout it. Film whatever you like. I’ll make it look good; I promise”
As Tony opens his mouth to most likely say something inappropriate, Y/N silences him with her hand” Nothing inappropriate or damaging to the organisation of course. And nothing that shows off locations of your homes or missions you may be on. We are opening up the organisation but we are also controlling how much people need to know. ”
Nat chuckles as she watched Tony scowl at Y/N, his plan obviously busted. “So, what’s today about then?” she says, running a hand through her straight red hair.
“An introduction to who you all are.” Y/N glances at Bucky as he watches on curious. “Over the years there have been misrepresentations of who you are as people and we are going to fix that.
Tony makes his way over to Y/N and put his arm around her shoulders as she grabs one of the many cameras set up on front of her.
“You’re doing a great job kid.”
Y/N smiles as she hits record and starts filming the team. At first, they are all just awkwardly standing, but as time goes on (with the help of a few funny comments from Tony and Sam), everyone is calm and just having a conversation. After filming for most of the morning, Y/N realises that a) the camera loves Nat and she is going to be a fan favourite but also the way Sam and Bucky bicker with Steve is going to be a very popular segment to capture in the videos moving forward.
Everyone but one person has done their introduction. Bucky stands next to Steve, arms crossed as he argues with Sam about something stupid. Moving through the team, Y/N stands in front of Bucky who freezes in his spot.
“So Sergeant Barnes, tell us a little about yourself.” Bucky shoots you a look at once again being called his old name but clears his throat.
“Uh, I’m Bucky…I use a ..gun…. (silence follows as a few team members snicker in the background causing Bucky to laugh and hide his face away from the camera, a huge smile across his face as Sam steps in front of him making a joke about how he’s the superstar of the group and yes, he is single and ready to mingle and to follow him on his new twitter account @Samwilson.
After the long day of filming, the footage is sent off to the editing department over the watchful eyes of Y/N and a few days later the video is finally ready to be viewed by the team before being posted.
One place Y/N never expected to be walking into was the teams Common Room. Only a few officers had clearance for this part of the compound and Y/N wasn’t one of them. Well, she wasn’t before. After some sweet talking by Clint and Wanda, Y/N had applied for clearance from the higher-ups and now had cleared access to the Teams quarters.
Everyone was sitting around on the lavish sofa in the centre of the room, it was the first official viewing party of the team introduction video. Y/N made her way to the sofa as the team looks at the screen nervously.
Y/N clears her throat as she looks at everyone. “Uh, I hope you guys like it. If you want anything changed, too late cause it's posting in like 10 seconds.”
Wanda shoots Y/N a smile as the new video on the Official Avengers Youtube channel premieres.
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multifandombitxh · 5 years
Title: In Truth
Pairing: Dabi x Quirkless!Reader
Genre: Floof with a tiny bit of angst
Warnings: None
A/N: I always see people writing Dabi as very passive/perverted/possessive as a boyfriend so I said FUCK THAT NOISE and wrote him as a soft sweetheart bb because not even god can stop me. It’s written from Dabi’s POV (kinda). For some background, the reader is quirkless and works as a Teacher’s Assistant at UA. He’s never told them about what he does, and keeps his quirk a secret. The reader told him about the attack on the Summer Camp, and about how a villain set the forest on fire, so he knows he can’t tell them about his quirk now. Might make it into a series? idk. Enjoy!
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Dabi rolled over and groaned, the harsh sound of his phone vibrating on his nightstand startling him from his sleep. He probed around in the dark for a bit before finally grabbing ahold of his phone. With one eye open, he pressed the green “answer” button, too tired to check who it was, and too tired to care.
“What?” He croaked out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with the back of his free hand.
“Wow, you sound like you swallowed sandpaper. Are you sick?”
All annoyance left his body at the sound of your voice, quickly being replaced by excitement. If there was anything that could get his heart going, it was definitely you.
“I just woke up, babe,” He replied, “You need something?”
“Dabi, it’s three in the afternoon. What are you still doing in bed?”
“Couldn’t sleep last night.”
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?”
Dabi chuckled, then sat up in bed. “Both, I guess.”
“Well, if you’re up to it, I was on my way home and figured I’d get some coffee. Wanna meet me there?”
“Usual place?”
“Obviously. We don’t get coffee anywhere else.”
“Damn, you’re sassy today.”
“Is it a yes or a no?”
“I’ll see you in fifteen, Y/N.”
“Okay, I love you!”
He’d heard you say it a million times by now, but it never got old. Every single time, without fail, hearing you say the words “I love you” gave him the worst case of butterflies known to man.
“I love you too, angel. See you soon.”
“Wow, the pros are really busy today,” You said, sipping your coffee and watching several suited-up heroes dart past the coffee shop. Dabi kept his head down, his shoulders slumped, and his voice low in hopes that none of them would notice him.
He’d never once included you in what he did in his free time. Sure, he’d mentioned a hundred and one times that he wasn’t a good person, that he’d hurt people, and that you were better off without him; but that did little to steer you away. You were stubborn, and determined to see the good in him, even if it wasn’t really there.
These days, though, it seemed like maybe there was a touch more goodness in his heart than there had been when he first met you.
“Yeah, read something about a lightning villain on my way here,” Dabi said softly, “Crazy stuff.”
You hummed in agreement, staring out the windows of the coffee shop in wonder.
“Still don’t understand what your obsession with pro heroes is about,” Dabi said with a soft chuckle.
“Well, some of us were born without Quirks, Dabi,” You replied, “It’s interesting to see what people do with them.”
Unknowingly, he’d sent you into a tangent about how amazing heroes were, and- to his shock- some villains, too. He watched you go on and on, your voice like music in his ears, your soft laughter and warm smile sending his heart soaring. He’d forgotten all about his coffee, and instead was focused on you; resting his head in his hands while he watched you talk excitedly.
“-plus, I don’t really think All Might’s as invincible as everyone thinks he is, you know? Everyone’s quirks have limits-“
“Right. Sure.”
“So there has to be someone out there who can take him on and win. I’m not saying they should or that it would be a good thing, but anything’s possible. There are so many different types of quirks-“
“Remind me which type is your favorite?”
“Mind control quirks, I thought I told you that already.”
“You did. Carry on.”
Dabi saw a thought flash in your eyes, only to be extinguished almost immediately. You opened your mouth to speak, hesitated, then pursed your lips and lowered your gaze. Worry instantly shot through his veins.
“Babe?” He asked, reaching across the table and taking your hand in his. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing, just-” You sighed, your voice timid. “You still haven’t told me what your quirk is.”
Oh. Right.
“We’ve been doing this for almost five months now,” You went on, “I dunno, I just thought you would’ve told me by now.”
Dabi sighed and ran a stressed hand through his hair. “Look, Y/N, it’s just- it’s not that I don’t want to tell you, I just don’t think I can.”
“Why not?”
When he met your gaze, his heart sunk into his stomach like a rock. The hurt look in your eyes was enough to break even the most cold-hearted villains.
There was a reason he hadn’t told you. A very specific, very important reason. If you knew what his quirk was, you would know everything. You’d know what he was, what he’d done, and who he’d hurt.
For a split second, his heart told him to do the right thing. It was screaming at him to tell you, to confess everything, to finally come clean and just rip the bandaid off. If you couldn’t love him for who he really was, then how could the relationship work at all?
He had to. He had to do it.
He couldn’t.
Not now. Not here.
“Why don’t we go talk about this somewhere else,” Dabi said, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. He stood from the table and took one last sip of his coffee before offering you his hand. You took it happily and he pulled you up, wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing the top of your head.
“Does this mean you’re gonna tell me what your quirk is?” You asked as he led you from the Cafe.
“Maybe,” He replied, glancing around the streets to look for pros. Once he knew the coast was clear, he began leading you toward the beach, where the sun had begun to set in the distance.It would be quiet, mostly secluded, and honestly? He just really liked sunsets.
When you arrived at the beach, you insisted on standing by the water to let the tide roll in over your bare feet. Your shoes and belongings were left off on the sand- as were Dabi’s, to your shock- while you enjoyed the cool, salty water.
Dabi has both arms around you, holding you close to his chest while you both watched the sun dip lower and lower into the horizon. Shades of red and orange and pink painted the sky and clouds, casting very warm tones over everything in sight. Breathing in the fresh air, Dabi reveled in the moment, trying to memorize every sensation in his mind.
Even though he loved the sunset, it paled in comparison to when he looked down to see your cheek pressed against his chest, your eyes closed and a peaceful look on your face.
“I’m so in love with you,” He said softly, unable to stop the words before they came out.
“Gross,” You replied, giving him a playful smile before craning your neck to press a long kiss to his lips. He welcomed the kiss by placing one of his hands under your jaw, keeping you in place until he’d had his fill.
“Does that mean you love me back?” He asked after several minutes, gently stroking your cheek with the pad of his thumb.
“It’s open to interpretation.”
“You’re impossible.”
“I am, and you love me.”
Scoffing, Dabi pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead before pulling you back into an embrace. You rested one of your hands over his ribs, toying with the material on his jacket absentmindedly. By now, the sun had all but disappeared aside from an intense, orange sliver on the edge of the rolling waves. It would have been perfect, if not for the sounds of shrill, teenage laughter at the other end of the beach. So much for secluded and quiet.
“So, about your quirk...”
Dabi sighed. “I was hoping you’d have forgotten by now.”
“Yeah, right, like I’d forget something like that.”
“Okay,” He started, licking his lips and glancing down at you. “I’ll make you a deal. If I tell you what kind of quirk I have, will you let it go for a while?”
Almost instantly, your eyes lit up and your smile had returned. “Yes!”
“You promise?”
“Pinky promise,” You replied, grabbing his hand and wrapping your pinky around his tightly, giving him your toothiest grin.
He thought his heart was going to burst.
“Okay,” He said, holding his breath. “I... have a fire quirk.”
“Oh, one of my students has one of those!” You exclaimed, “It’s so powerful. Why aren’t you a pro with a quirk like that? Doesn’t Endevour have-”
You sighed and lowered your head. “Okay, okay, I’ll let it go.”
Dabi grabbed your chin between his thumb and index finger, then tilted your head to look up at him again.
“You know how much I love you,” He began, “Don’t you, angel?”
“Of course,” You replied, leaning into his touch.
“You know that I’d do anything for you, right?”
“I know, Dabi.”
“And you know that I’ll always keep you safe?”
You chuckled and smoothed out the fabric of his jacket. “You say that like I have something to be scared of.”
“Because you do,” Dabi thought to himself, “And it’s all my fault. Someone could find out how much you mean to me and have you killed. The pros might get the wrong idea and think you’re like me. The police could bust down your door and arrest you for even being near me. You’re always in danger because of me. You don’t deserve that. You’re the last person who deserves any of that. God, why don’t you just leave me? You’d be so much safer...”
“You don’t,” He lied, swallowing hard. “I just need you to know I’ll never let anything happen to you, okay?”
“Okay,” You said softly. The calmness in your voice eased his anxieties, but only slightly. When you kissed his cheek and whispered that you loved him, though?
All of his worries melted and washed away with the tide.
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krreader · 5 years
BTS scenario → overhearing your friends telling you to break up with them for your own good.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts warnings: / genre: angst ; fluff
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kim seokjin
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Well, this was most certainly not how he had thought the first meeting between him and your friends would go.
You've been trying to set this up for months, but tonight was the first night that Jin was free enough to do this and it seems like your friends were taking that a little to personal.
Because after he had excused himself to go to the bathroom in his own restaurant that he had made sure nobody would be in for the night so you could have it for yourselves, he came back to overhearing your friend say: “If it took him this long to just meet us, how long is it going to take for him to meet your family? How long is it going to be until he won't have time for you anymore?”
“It's not like he wasn't trying. And it was difficult to have the entire restaurant to ourselves, it's a popular place, you know?”
“We're just looking out for you, (Y/N). He's an idol and he's always going to be busy. There may be a day where he won't have time for you anymore and then you'll be heartbroken. It's better if you just end it now..”
“I'm honestly not sure whether you really are looking out for me or whether you're just pissed that this took so long, but let me make one thing very clear. I know what I got myself into when I started dating him and I accepted the possibility that I might not always be the number one in his life. But Jin takes good care of me and he loves me. If there will ever be a day where he doesn't have a lot of time for me, I will accept that, because I love him too. Every part of him. The idol part as well.”
The corners of Jin's mouth raised into a small smile as he listened to your every word, happiness flowing through his body.
God, he had really found the right woman.
min yoongi
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Yoongi had wanted to surprise you, so as quietly as he could, he pushed open your front door and took off his shoes, before venturing into your apartment.
He hadn't seen you in a couple of days because of work, but had decided to take the rest of the day off and spend it with you.
The closer he got to the bedroom where he could hear your muffled voice, the more excited he got. That is until he heard your friend through the speaker of your phone: “You're fooling yourself if you think this is going to change, (Y/N). He's always going to work with other women.”
“I know that. And I already told you, I don't care.”
“But you do care! I know you too well, you're lying to me and to yourself.”
“Okay fine, what if I care? I still trust him enough not to do anything!”
“Do you, though? Do you really think it's better to be cheated on than to just break up with him? Do you really think that when he's surrounded with all these pretty girls that he won't act on it when they flirt with him?”
“Yes. Want to know why? Because I know that he loves me,” and with that, you hung up the phone and threw it onto the bed, just like yourself.
That's when Yoongi pushed open the door.
“I really do love you,” he smiled proudly at you and then joined you on bed to cuddle with you, “Thank you for trusting me.”
jung hoseok
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Hoseok and you had been shopping earlier and unfortunately a few.. intense fans had managed to find out where.
You had gotten away before any serious harm could have been done, but one of them still scratched your arm.
Hoseok was already blaming himself for it, but then a friend of yours had shown up and now he was standing in front of your bedroom door with an ice pack and listening in to the conversation you two were having with a heavy heart.
“You'll be killed eventually,” she said as she took care of the wound.
“You're being over dramatic again.”
“No. I'm the friend that's kicking your ass right now,” she looked you dead in the eye, “(Y/N) these fans won't stop unless you end things with him. You will always be a target for them.”
“I won't give them what they want. And I won't give you what you want either,” you got up from your bed, “I know you're worried about me, but stop trying to push me and break up with Hoseok, because it's not going to happen.”
And with a small smile, Hoseok slowly walked back into the kitchen and waited for your friend to leave, before he joined you in the bedroom and kissed your forehead.
“I'll take better care of you. I promise.”
“You already take wonderful care of me,” you smiled as he put the ice pack on your arm.
kim namjoon
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Namjoon had promised to give your friends a tour of the BigHit building today, something that they've wanted to do for ages.
But something had come up right when you had arrived and he had to leave, making you give them the tour now, without actually knowing a lot about it.
“This is going to happen again and again, (Y/N). He will have better things to do and then you'll be left hanging,” one of your friends said, “A guy shouldn't treat his girlfriend like that.”
Namjoon had just turned around the corner, happy that he finally had found you after the meeting had been over quicker than he had thought. But when he heard that sentence, that happiness disappeared.
“You can't compare people like that. A college student, like your boyfriend, obviously has more time than an idol, like my boyfriend.”
Maybe it was the jealousy, you couldn't really tell, but when she said: “I think you should just break up with him and find someone better. Someone that suits you more,” you lost it.
“Wow, you know what? That's it. I wanted you to come today because I knew how much you liked BTS. But this is enough. I won't let you talk like that about Namjoon, not when he's been nothing but kind to you. He's been the most wonderful boyfriend ever to me and while it's true that he doesn't always have time for me, when he does, it's amazing and I wouldn't want to spend my time with anyone but him.”
Needless to say, the tour stopped before it could even really start.
In the end, you and Namjoon were in his studio on your own, you sitting on his lap as he was holding you close.
“Thank you for saying all of that. For defending me.”
“I'm sorry I had to in the first place,” you whispered, but smiled when he kissed the tip of your nose.
park jimin
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You were currently waiting for Jimin in his bedroom, just chilling on his bed and watching TV, Hoseok lying in his bed and doing.. well, actually, you didn't know and didn't have to know. Jimin would be home any minute anyways.
That's when one of your friends called you on Skype and because you didn't have headphones and just assumed that Hoseok was listening to music or watching something on his phone, you accepted the call without any.
What you didn't know was that Hoseok was actually listening in and as soon as he realized what the conversation is about, he called Jimin and made sure that he heard every single word.
Because he needed to hear this.
“I'm going to say this for the last time now, alright? I will not break up with Jimin, just because you think it's going to end badly for me. So far, Jimin had been so extremely careful to keep this relationship private and I know he wants it to stay that way as much as I do. So no, nothing is going to happen to me. Which is why I won't break up with him.”
“He's an idol! Someone is always going to find out about it!”
“Ugh, you know what? Fuck this. I'm not in the mood to say it all over again. Bottom line is: I won't break up with him, because I trust him. It's not my problem that you don't,” and with that you ended the call.
About ten minutes later, Jimin came home with a bouquet of flowers and the biggest smile on his face, telling you just how much he loved and appreciated you, which confused you a bit, but you loved it either way.
kim taehyung
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Taehyung really wanted this night to be different, had wanted to take advantage of the fact that the boys were all out.
But now here he was, sitting in front of his bedroom door, listening in to the conversation you and your friend were having over the phone.
“I know that it won't be easy.. of course I know that.. but I think that it's worth a shot,” a moment of silence, before you continued, a bit louder now, “No, you don't understand! I really like him! A lot! And no, I don't care about the fact that he's an idol. He could be a broke college student for all I care, I'd still feel the same way about him. So no. I won't end things with him, not when they haven't even really started yet.”
And before Taehyung could get up, you had already opened the door and he fell straight on his back, revealing what he had done all along.
“Been listening in, haven't you?” you chuckled.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to,” he quickly got up.
“It's alright. I.. hope you heard what I said. Because I mean every word of it.”
A smile tugged on his mouth, before he leaned down to press his lips against yours as softly as he could.
jeon jeongguk
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“It doesn't take a mind reader to figure it out, (Y/N). No matter who is dating Jeongguk is in deep shit. The fact that you're neither famous nor popular only means that you'll be an easier target. You won't have a fanbase to protect you, you won't have anyone but us backing you up. And I'm sorry to tell you this, but you don't have enough friends to do that.”
Wow. So not only was he telling you to break up with your boyfriend, but he was also dissing you for not having a lot of friends? How lovely.
Jeongguk had heard everything from the hallway and had wanted to go straight in and tell them off, but you had been quicker.
“Honestly? I'd rather have nobody backing me up than someone like you,” you got up from your spot on the couch, grabbing your coat, “And you don’t give Jeongguk's fans enough credit. There's actually quite a lot of them out there that have basic human sense. Unlike you,” and with that you walked towards the door, grabbing Jeongguk on the way there and pulling him out of your friend's apartment with you.
It was only when you were in his car that he asked: “Are you.. alright?”
“Surprisingly? Yes,” you nodded, a smile on your face, “He's just jealous because you're having sex with me and not him.”
“I'm sure that's it,” he joined in with your laughter and started the motors to drive you home.
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lostinshawnsmemory · 5 years
SM Imagine: Hair Salon - Shawn x Black Reader
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A/N: This idea came from @thotmendes and I had to write it.
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Word Count: 1.7k
“Shawn, you don’t have to come with me.” you rolled your eyes at your boyfriend who was supposed to be dropping you off had started to get out of the car.
“I know, but I want to. I’ve never seen you get your hair done the whole time we’ve been together.”
“I didn’t know you wanted to come.” you shrugged, surprised that he’d taken so much interest in your hair, you always took getting your hair done for granted but seeing the excitement on his face was something you didn’t expect.
“Of course I do. Your hair always looks gorgeous and I want to see how it’s done.”
“Alright then.” you chuckled. You really couldn’t say to him. He could ask you to run around the parking lot screaming the lyrics to Stitches barefoot and you’d say yes.
You both walked into the salon, Shawn trailing a few steps behind you. Once inside you were greeted to a chorus of hellos by the lovely ladies who worked there, making you feel at home instantly, but there was one woman you were looking for.
“Y/N!” the owner who you affectionately titled ‘Auntie Doris’, called to you. She was a Nigerian woman who had moved to Canada and opened her own salon. She was the only one who you trusted to braid your hair. You’d gone to stylists all over, but no one did hair quite like Auntie Doris.
“Auntie Doris!” you exclaimed as she enveloped you in a big hug rocking you from side to side.
“How have you been? It’s been too long.”
“It’s only been 6 weeks.” you fired back.
“Six weeks too long,” she said squeezing your shoulder. “And who is this cutie?” she asked training her attention on Shawn who was standing by the door.
“This is my boyfriend Shawn.” you beamed waving him over. “Shawn this is Auntie Doris, the woman responsible for my kickass braids.”
“Oh! She’s your aunt?”
Laughter rang out as everyone in the salon, including you, started laughing leaving Shawn looking very confused.
“No babe, she’s not actually my aunt, but she is old enough to be my mother and it’s disrespectful to call her by her first name.”
“Got it.” he responded nodding his head. “How did you start doing Y/N’s hair?”
“Well.” she said, “Y/N needed somewhere to get her hair done and a friend of hers recommended me, and the rest, as they say, is history.”
“She is an angel to be who works literal magic on my hair.” you added.
“Anyway, let’s get down to work. Did you bring the hair”
“I did.” you gestured to bag you were holding that had your extensions in it.
“Wait you bring your own hair? I thought you got your hair braided.” You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped and soon enough the whole salon was laughing again. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Shawn turn a deep shade of red, clearly embarrassed. Feeling sorry that he was the butt of the joke you ran your hands through his hair, it always made him feel better. “Babe, my hair is woven in with the hair extensions.”
“I really know nothing about my girlfriend's hair.” he huffed.
“Well it’s good that you’re here then.” you giggled kissing him on the cheek.
You sat down in your usual chair and took out the hair extensions you’d brought. Shawn sat at the empty station next to you and you had to admit that it was pretty funny looking at him sitting in a salon surrounded by women who kept looking at him out of the corner of their eyes. It wasn’t everyday the white boy in their salon was a world-famous singer. He was out of his depth and it was written all over his face.
Auntie Doris took the hair from you and started separating and combing it, preparing for it to be braided. In a matter of minutes, she had sectioned your hair and had started braiding. You could see Shawn’s eyes widen in the mirror, his gaze fixed solely on Auntie Doris hands and the way her fingers moved back and forth braiding your hair.  
“I could watch this forever,” he muttered, completely entranced by Auntie Doris’ quick motions.
“You want to help me?” Auntie Doris asked not looking up from the hair she was braiding. “Y- you want me to help?” he stared at her in disbelief.
“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want you to help.” she winked at him.
You looked between the two of them and started giggling, taking in Shawn’s shocked expression. He looked between the two of you for a few seconds and slowly nodded his head.
“Great!” Auntie Doris placed the bundle of hair she was holding in Shawn’s hands then showed him how much hair to section for each braid explaining why she needed as much hair as she did. Shawn paid close attention to everything she said, staring at Auntie Doris’ hands. She let him section the hair himself and you almost burst out laughing. Of all the things you’d expected when you started dating Shawn Mendes, him sitting in a salon sectioning off hair was not one of them. Whenever Auntie Doris help out her hand, Shawn went slightly narrow-eyed concentrating on how much hair he was handing to her. You’d seen that look on his face before, it usually appeared when he was trying to perfect a guitar riff. You had to capture the moment, so you took out your phone and took a photo.
It took an hour and a half before Shawn got bored and you couldn’t blame him. You were used to sitting in the chair but Shawn was someone who moved around a lot and him having to sit in one place for a long period of time was not his idea of fun. Just as you were thinking of telling him to go home and pick you up later, you received a text
Shawn: How long does it usually take to get your hair done?
Y/N: 6-ish hours.
Shawn: 6 HOURS?!?!?
Y/N: I told you that you didn’t have to come.
Shawn: I didn’t know it took that long
Y/N: You learn something new every day.
You gave him a sympathetic look in the mirror that he returned your smile. A few minutes later, a little girl who couldn’t have been more than 7, came up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.
“Are you Shawn Mendes?” she asked nervously.
“I am” he smiled at her. It was the smile that made people flock to him and the smile that made you fall in love with him. “What’s your name?”
“My name is Rachel.”
“Hi, Rachel. Are you here to get your hair done?”
“No” she shook her head. “I’m here with my mum.” she pointed to a woman who was sitting under the dryer. “Well, I’m here with my girlfriend” he motioned to you and you waved to Rachel. “She’s really pretty.” Rachel said staring at you. “Yeah,” Shawn replied winking at you in the mirror. “I think so too”
“Can you sing me a song?” Rachel asked.
“Of course! What’s your favourite song?”
“If I Can’t Have You! I always ask my mommy to play it for me!”
Shawn beamed at the little girl then started singing ‘If I Can’t Have You’. Rachel couldn't stop smiling and it warmed your heart. Slowly the entire salon turned to watch Shawn sing, but he didn’t notice, his eyes were trained solely on Rachel who was singing along. You watched him sing in front of large crowds all the time, but there was something about this particular moment that struck a chord with you. When the song ended everyone in the store applauded and Shawn looked up to see everyone looking at him, his eyes found yours and you blew him a kiss mouthing “I love you” which he returned.
“Sing some more!” Rachel tugged on his arm “Sing some more!”
“Okay, okay!” he laughed “What do you want me to sing?”
“Oh!” she exclaimed listing what could be deduced as her favourite  songs  “Stitches and Mercy and Lost in Japan and There’s Nothing Holding Me Back and-.”
“Woah” Shawn chuckled, holding up a hand “One at a time. I promise I’ll sing all of them but you have to list them slowly. Okay?” Rachel nodded enthusiastically giving Shawn the signal to start singing.
One thing you didn’t expect when you came to do your hair was to attend an impromptu Shawn Mendes concert. Shawn loved performing and was happy to sing every single song Rachel asked. And she wasn’t the only one. Loads of the kids in the salon came up to him, asking him to sing their favourite songs and he entertained each and every one. At one point he even had Rachel on his lap and you couldn’t deny that the sight made your heart melt.
When you got out of Auntie Doris’ chair 4 hours later, you were surprised that Shawn had managed to keep himself occupied for that long. He looked utterly content playing with the kids who’d come into the salon. Be it singing to them or telling them tour stories. They all crowded around him absorbed in what he was doing.
“Sorry guys,” you said placing your hand on Shawn’s shoulder, alerting him of your presence. “Shawn and I have to go home now.” Your words were met with a collective “aww”.
Shawn turned around and smiled at you “You hair looks gorgeous.”
“Thanks, babe. You have Auntie Doris to thank for that” you replied “Are you gonna say goodbye to your friends?” you indicated to kids who were staring at him.
“I’ve got to go guys.” he said. His face relaying his slight disappointment. “I will come back though. Isn’t that right Auntie Doris?”
“You are welcome anytime Shawn.” She yelled from across the store.  
When you got into the car, you turned to Shawn.”Did you have a good time at the salon?” “I had a great time” he chuckled, “I think Auntie Doris is going to want you at all my hair appointments.”
“I’d love to.”
@justbeingoceana @rulerofnocountry @bugheadfanatic @thotmendes @shawnssnack @sean-mendezzzzz @momenraul @tisvanessa @zionsvalentine @mani-lifes @speakingofmari @anxious-bi-bb @sinplisticshawn
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