#whichever's funnier at the moment
the-ninja-legacy-whip · 11 months
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Jaya Twins! *jazz hands*
(thank this ask cuz I haven't been able to get them out of my head since)
So, Quinn and Finn Smith-Walker, at your service!
Quinn (left, she/her) is the older twin by five minutes, and the Inheritor of Lightning. Finn (right, he/him, the name is a coincidence I swear—) is the next Inheritor of Water. Original, I know, I know, but I'd be breaking my own rules otherwise ;P
Quinn doesn't make as big a deal out of being the older twin, but Finn milks his "youth" for all its worth
Finn: But I'm too young to be doing my own dishes. Quinn should do mine instead like a good big sister 🥺 Quinn: Finn, so help me—
whatever was here before no it wasn't Might have to change up some things with Cam here, but they're born just a bit before The Merge (so they're about three years old when it happens), and upon the Great Separation of Everyone, Finn winds up with Nya and Quinn winds up with Amnesiac!Jay. Jay can figure out well enough that this must be his daughter (power of love GO) but raising her to be somebody without even knowing who he is? The drama.
Nya, meanwhile, has far less of a struggle raising Finn but hoo boy the torment of not knowing where her husband + other kid is. To be continued...
Their gis are very simple because I'm lazy they're training gis! No matter what they always wear complimenting colors because they like to represent both of their Elemental heritages, regardless of their inherited element. The twin thing is just a bonus.
(they also have mismatched eyebrows cuz I thought it'd be funny~)
Finn laments a little bit since Quinn was the one to inherit one of the ~Core Four~, buuut he's the one that gets his potential first
Jay: Wow, it took your mom AGES to get her True Potential!! Nya: e-e
And then Quinn gets hers and literally starts flying circles around him snksnk
Neither of them are remotely interested in mechanics or engineering or anything of the sort. Riding in a mech is cool (and Quinn aspires to be a pilot like her dad), but building one??? Bleh, too much effort. (Finn does like model building tho, so Jay at least has that going for him. But Quinn has an extremely "girly" phase at one point and Nya is bewildered)
Jay: ...are you sure they weren't swapped with some other twins at birth??? These can't be ours-! Nya: Jay, we were both there. Finn: Are you saying we were adopted?!?! Nya: No! The only one adopted around here was your father. Quinn & Finn: *gasp*
Finn is an insanely good swimmer. He wears googles on his head to be more like his dad, but his are strictly just for underwater-based purposes. Nya jokes that he's more fish than person (which at this rate, who knows!)
Quinn can't swim at all (like her Uncle Kai used to be) and will absolutely sink like a rock. Time at the beach is spent zapping sand and making glass sculptures while Finn's out there making friends with fish hgfdfds
But, as super-powered twins tend to be, they are stronger when they're fighting together. While they can't use each others powers, they can fuse their powers (like their parents did way back when) to form the Hydroelectric Dragon as needed, along with other deadly storm-worthy combinations.
Cam and Lucina attempt to babysit them once, but all four combined are just asking for off-the-walls disaster and chaos (and thus further emergency babysitting is left to Seven and/or Kai's oldest kid)
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princesable · 6 months
hi welcome to my post. my post of charlie game plot summary. because i realized no such post exists. so like. here we are. charlie game has a plot. you wouldnt know this because i keep forgetting to mention it as i have a horrible habit of just assuming people know. for some reason.
so the story starts as all memorable stories do. someone fucking dying. i could not think of any other way to open this. basically sherwin ends up causing a freak accident that ends with twitch's best friend getting killed badly. he then immediately goes into hiding as you do.
twitch kind of assumes he also died because he just vanished without a trace so like. what else would have happened. one day sherwin makes the brilliant decision to leave his house for the first time in like a year or so (i have not decided on how long ok. its long enough) and twitch almost immediately spots him and is like Oh i need to kill him right fucking now. they start chasing after him but due to his abilities (being relatively fast) he gets away. and twitch is like. ok. what the fuck. i need to go tell the 4 (four) people i know that sherwin isnt actually dead so i can get them to help me track his ass down and kill him. so he will actually be dead.
luckily for twitch they exclusively know people who are Fucking Weird and always open to violence because they have nothing better to do or theyre clyde who is convinced hes a super villain. fox is also there but shes mostly ambivalent on this due to not really. knowing any of them. henry and terrence are also there and theyre not really invested either but they think it sounds fun. so theyre down for whatever. important thing to note is that none of them are really taking this as seriously as twitch. everyone else kind of just views this as a "game". subtle reference to the fact this will be a video game.
so twitch is like ok i have. no idea where the fuck he could have gone. so we're all gonna split up and look for him. feel free to do whatever you want as long as you bring sherwin back to me so i can kill him badly. and everyone hears this as "have fun with it be yourself" so instead of setting up traps like normal people they essentially set up. attractions? meant to lure him in so they can mess with him a bit before grabbing him and taking him home. except for fox shes just watching everyone. plotting or something. she says shes plotting.
sherwin on the other hand runs into sam and ellie who are just completely unrelated. they dont know anyone involved. so the only side theyre getting is "weird dude shows up out of nowhere who is clearly running from something and looks absolutely terrified" so they decide to tag along with him so he doesnt immediately fall down a flight of stair or something. also because it means they get to go on a road trip weeeeeeee (they are actively on the run)
and thats the prologue. basically. every chapter/act/whatever you feel like calling them will focus on one of the "attractions" and which ever guy is assigned to them. and how they are really really bad at their jobs. tldr: sherwin fucked up reaaaaaaaaaaaally bad and now everyone wants him dead. it is up to viewer interpretation if this is fair. personally i think its funny.
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^ i think hes funny
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scribefindegil · 1 year
a great thing about Locked Tomb cosplay is that you *can* put a lot of time and effort into your props, but you can also just tie a bunch of plastic Halloween bones to your cane and roll up to the meetup like "Hi. I'm here to kill God."
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asurrogateblog · 9 months
i wish pink floyd had a bigger tumblr fandom but not for good reasons i just want to see how batshit the roger discourse would get
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steevejr · 1 month
advertises my stupid stories the same way queer writers advertise their one (1) trans or gay character but instead I flex about the amount of cisgender women and even a cisgender man I’ve included for the diversity of it all 😌 your welcome. #diversitywin #cisrights
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soullessduck13 · 10 months
Scam and jodie got together bc scam thought it would be funny... is it bad to say i understand that
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shellsy · 2 years
Alegander is both very tall and very short to me hope this helps
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funkbun · 1 year
the Mute Post Notifications thing exists and actually works buuuuuut i kiiiiiinda wanna delete that dragon post, 4 Fun
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cafecourage · 6 months
Can I have some shamless Wolfie being Reader's favorite? Reader may or may not know that he's Twi, whichever is the funnier result. 😆
Oh, they know. Pinky you know how I am. This is Isekai Reader. They KNOW.
You don’t like to think you have favorite’s, well in your current situation you would like to say you love each Link equally. One Link you loved because he was the one that you first got introduced to the series, another Link was admittedly was the person that got you into the fandom and helped you make the friends you have now. So on and so forth.
Were their moments in your life that you like one more than the other? Yes. But now that you finally gotten to know all of them in this weird adventure your on. You would like to say no one is a favorite as they are all very much good friends of yours. Which is a rare thing to say as you don’t typically meet fiction characters everyday.
Though you do find yourself spending more and more time around Twilight. Probably because he also suck to you like glue but you assume it’s also because you gave away early on about how much you know. You didn’t expect Twilight of all people to be that concerned with the other heroes being wolfie. Since most of them regard him as a honorable member of the group.
Which made you extremely happy, more or less because puppy. You just want to pet the cute doggo. So when Wind’s curiosity got him to finally ask “so who is your favorite? Like before you met us.”
You look up at the sailor a bit confused, “I didn’t have a favorite.” You said as you pet Wolfie.
Wind huffs and plops down next to you, “well there has to be someone’s adventure you always went back to, to reread right?”
There was but you wouldn’t say that it was your favorite. You mainly replayed to spite the villain to see if you can kill them faster. “Well no. Thats not what I would call my favorite. So I don’t have one. I liked all of them.”
“Come on.” Wind pushed “really is there no one?”
There is a sinking feeling that Wind is going to not let this go, but you didn’t want to just choose someone on random. Also it would probably cause tension, “Well,” you look down at Wolfie. Not to put Twilight in a corner, but it’s not like Wind knows. “Wolfie is my favorite.” The wolf in question looks up at you quizzically as if to ask why you’re bringing him into this conversation.
“He doesn’t count!” Wind was pouting as he thinks about it more “does he?” He asks just to make sure.
“I mean I think he does.” You smiled and ruffled the fur around the doggo’s face. “This cutie is the best companion for Wild.”
Wild, who you didn’t realize was listening in calls out “you bet he is!”
After a bit of silence Wind finally surrenders to that answer “Fineee.” He reaches over to give Wolfie some head pats. “He is a part of the group so I guess he counts.”
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lacrimosathedark · 2 months
For funsies, some of my fav Radioapple tropes
Both of them are kicking and screaming through feelings realization. They would prefer to remain in denial, thank you very much. Even funnier if they do this through ALL stages. Like enemies to friends, they have such a hard time admitting they want to be friends. The tension is unbearable.
Lucifer falls first, Alastor falls harder. Or rather, Lucifer has the feelings realization first so it's more of a gradual awareness for him, but Alastor's emotions grow without his notice until it hits him all at once out of nowhere like a freight train.
Lucifer easily recognizing he finds Alastor attractive, but totally blindsided when he starts to genuinely enjoy his presence. Like, yeah, he's tall, dark, and threatening, Lucifer liked that in Lilith. But Alastor's also a BITCH and Lucifer is NOT HAPPY that he finds this fucker funny. And that his stupid ears are adorable.
Lucifer is still hung up on Lilith, very apparently so, and Alastor's totally not jealous, no, he just wants everything Lilith's ever had, no big deal.
Alastor has Feelings about Lucifer still wearing his ring, and it makes him insecure or otherwise upset but he will not bring it up himself.
Alastor, at first, is entirely unaware of the fact that he finds Lucifer attractive (if not sexually then aesthetically). Like, he's Lucifer, known for being the most beautiful angel, AND the devil, the first temptation. Obviously he's pretty, that's not an opinion, it's a fact. What do you mean not everyone thinks that??? He likes Lucifer's stupid face and he'll double-die mad about it.
Alastor has never experienced sexual attraction in his life or death. And then he sees Lucifer in full demon mode and he's like "what the fuck am I feeling I'm feeling feelings I don't like this". Lucifer is the reason why Hell's so hot lmao
On the subject of finding Lucifer attractive, Lucifer with deer traits. Especially if he does it to mock/tease Alastor but instead of reacting as expected, Alastor basically blue screens.
Alastor insists on introducing Rosie and Lucifer, and instantly regrets it lmao. Rosie is utterly charmed by Lucifer and they (completely platonically) flirt constantly. Alastor hates it. Even before he starts to feel jealous about it, he sees it and is like "...Ew." Kinda like how kids are when their parents flirt. Rosie thinks it's hilarious because it is.
Vox being both a jealous dumbass and a genuine threat. At the same time, Alastor is adamant that Lucifer stay out of it, much to his annoyance. Vox can be underhanded and sneaky, capable of causing genuine problems, maybe even hurting one of them. But equally likely to blurt out something horrendously embarrassing and stupid.
In that vein, a direct contrast between Alastor's relationship with Lucifer and with Vox. Vox being the abusive ex can be interesting, but even just his usual invasive obsession compared to Lucifer generally respecting Alastor's boundaries for example. Lucifer not trying to push for anything at all (getting him to say what he wants is like pulling teeth) compared to Vox's desperation and retaliation. Hell, even just that Vox is Friends to Enemies and Lucifer is Enemies to Friends (to Lovers mayhaps?). It's really fun to play with.
DANCING!!! I love Alastor dancing with anyone and everyone, but him dancing with Lucifer and almost forcing Lucifer to have fun? UGH yes. They start off with challenging toothy grins, but eventually Lucifer is genuinely laughing and Alastor's smile is relaxed and easy. SO. CUTE.
Similarly, playing music together! I do enjoy the dancing more, but just, Alastor on piano and Lucifer accompanying him with his violin? Adorable.
Charlie is either ENTIRELY oblivious, or she knows EVERYTHING but everyone thinks she's oblivious. When whichever it is is revealed, there's a huge, "Wait, WHAT?!" moment.
The rest of the cast have bets going and when whatever their relationship is is revealed, someone grumbles and hands over cash to someone else.
Will I think of more?
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azulock · 1 month
Hii could you do B D F for kaiser?
Sure thing, here you go!
✉ B = Body part
✎ It isn't really a body part to be exact, but the piece of himself he loves the most is that damn rose tattoo. It symbolizes so much to him - and it also probably costed quite a lot of money - that he loves it tremendously. Now, for his partner, he is a thigh kind of guy, specifically loves leaving bite marks on your thighs, will leave some hand prints along the way too, he just can't get enough of them.
✉ D = Dirty secret
✎ Would let Ness watch you two fuck, but just watch, as that extra bit of psychological torture to keep the guy hooked. He takes one hell of a kick out of being cruel to Ness when he is such an easy prey, it would be pretty interesting to leave the guy horny but completely unsatisfied, would be even funnier if he ended up cumming in his pants. But again, he wouldn't let Ness have any fun - well, Kaiser might consider letting Ness eat you out after he came inside you.
✉ F = Favorite position
✎ Whichever one gets you squirming and crying and the most vulnerable is gonna be his favorite. For him it's less about the position itself and more about what that position can do to get you vulnerable and weak for him. So, he doesn't really have a favorite one, cause it depends a lot on the vibe at the moment.
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miscellaneoussmp · 10 months
The way Tubbo described Fit to Sunny is so funny. "He's bald and does stuff like flirt with Pac."
I hope the dynamic becomes Richas (#1 Fitpac warrior), Ramón (#1 Fitpac hater), and Sunny (#2 whichever one is funnier at the moment).
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ir0n-moon · 4 months
When Toki was caught hanging out with Rockzo late at night it's pretty obviously implied that Charles was woken up and called into the room to help handle it
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But later in the same episode the guys are hanging out in the hot tub (or playing videogames in Toki's case) while Charles is literally just standing there 🧍‍♂️
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The guys are chatting about freeballing and generally pretty relaxed before Rockzo comes barging in. But Charles is just there
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I know that the logical reason for this is that the scene needed him to be there in order to interact with Rockzo but I like to imagine that this was one of the first, if not the first time, that the guys invited him to "pal around" with them. They asked him to be there. "Well, what exactly do you want me to, uh, do here?". "Nothin', just come hang out with us". They probably suggested he get in the tub with them but he's obviously much too professional for that so he just remained outside... watching
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And the thing is the guys are too stupid to even attempt to make him feel included in their conversation and Charles is both too disinterested and too awkward to try and push it. They cannot even fathom that he might feel left out (he doesn't, but it's still impolite of them). They probably assume he's having as much fun as they are... or straight up forgot that he was even there in the first place 😭
Either that or he's practicing observation like a Montessori teacher. Whichever i find funnier at the moment
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dream--interrupted · 5 months
Warning: looooooong post with many old art ahead! A small break from Greek mythology, have some Hindu mythology instead! (Almost) all of my Mahabharata fanservants. It's time for Pand(ava)emonium!! .......... That sounded funnier in my head.
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Berserker, Bhima (I made him before Bhima became canon and I'm keeping him because my Bhima isn't a Lancer!
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Lancer Yudhi.
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Ruler Yudhi/Yudhi alter (Dharmaraja)
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Caster Yudhi/Indonesian Yudhi (Puntadewa)
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Caster Ghatotkacha (I will get around giving you a proper design one day!!!)
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Archer Abhimanyu
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Bonus: Ruler Krishna.
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The jewel on Dharmaraja's forehead is the very same jewel on Ashwatthama's forehead. It was ripped from Ashwatthama as punishment at the end of the Kurukshetra war and was given to Draupadi. Draupadi then gave it to Yudhi to wear.
Nakula's sword(s), Asi, was created by the Gods and has gone through many, many owners but it eventually ended up with Drona and then Ashwatthama after Drona's death. Buttttt then Ash was punished/banished and the sword was given to his maternal uncle, Kripacharya, for safekeeping. Kripa gave the sword to Nakula, who would eventually return it to Kripa when the Pandavas died. It's said Kripa still is caring for the sword (which is apparently sentient!!) until the day Ashwatthama comes back for it.
(Ash is very sick of the Pandavas taking his things...!)
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The name of this file is literally "yama why" (alternate name: Yudhi is very tired)
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There is probably some drawbacks being the son of the God of the dead and underworld... (Yudhi is my fav and that is why I like bullying him)
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Mafia AU.
Yudhi is the boss (and he still hates his life). Dharmaraja is having fun though!
Bhima still the MVP
Nakula utilizes his reputation of being vain - people think he's just admiring himself with his pocket mirror but the truth is he's secretly using it as a way to check on the surroundings behind him.
Sahadeva is always ready to throw hands. Or stab someone. Or shoot someone. Whichever he deems necessary at the moment.
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dajo42 · 6 months
you may ask "daisy, do you believe you were always secretly a girl? or do you believe you were a boy to a point and then something changed somewhere along the line?" and the answer is... whichevers funnier in the moment
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arsnof · 6 months
I'm on the app so I can't super or evil boop. Just assume I'm doing whichever is funnier at the moment.
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