#while i invent ways for them not to go call the police or something and get themselves freed
rosquinn · 20 days
Thoughts on the dr stone petrification scars
Big disclaimer,
This is just my personal thoughts and stuff I put together n noticed, a subjective interpretation, don't take it seriously Im probably wrong
Some of these are very elaborate while others are just me pointing out details I liked. Sorry. I'll start with the longer rants
This post contains characters (currently) exclusive to the manga and main plot spoilers. Maybe I'm looking to much into it but I swear to motherfucking God there's scar symbolism. anyway
Senku and Taiju
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Something that always stood out to me is how similar their scars are both in shape and position, except that Taiju's is cut on the right eye and the points are on opposite sides. Now listen to me... Senku and him are opposites; one's big brained but physically a twig and the other one is the strongest most resistant man you'll ever meet but doesn't really understand anything about science. That's why opposite scars and why they need each other to go on... But their marks are in the same direction because they have the same goal and interests + deep down they're both extremely caring people who would do anything for those around them, despite how different and contrasting their personalities are at first glance.
Oh and Senku's marks are completely symmetrical and do NOT go away. Idk logic perseverance etc + Taijus are more coarse and asymmetrical. To contrast their way of thinking I think. They could be similar because they were the first ones to wake up from the petrification too but you know
Francois & the Nanami brothers
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Francois' scar looks like explosion or sound waves. (Manga) Ryusui snaps his fingers to call them creating a similar shape, which is really cool I'll admit. Their scar is on their hand, just like Ryusui's.
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So, both Ryusui and Sai also have scars on their hands, except Ryusui's may resemble a glove so pirate-like if we don't count the color + it's on the hand he snaps his fingers with. Mark resembling a rich man or a pirate's glove on the same hand he uses to call his butler and ask for service, and it only covers his fingers. Could be something like a symbol of power/status.
On the other hand, Sai's scars completely cover the lower part of his arms and hands, which are what he uses to code. Sai ran away in order to be able to schedule quietly and is completely locked in his work. Tell me you get it please
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I'm getting into crack theory with this but please do bear with me. His scar makes him look like Alex, the protagonist of A Clockwork Orange. A Clockwork Orange deals a lot with the theme of unscrupulous rebellion, hurting someone because you think you have complete freedom, and police brutality, which are big parts of Yoo's character. As far as I remember the eyelash marks are left on the MC after being forced to watch 484737 movies showing super beast crimes so he understands what he is doing is wrong and redeems himself. Yoo covers his face a lot to hide the mark and only removes the piece of stone that covers it at the end of the manga when he is 100% team Senku.
IN ADDITION, something important in A Clockwork Orange are the vulgar idioms and slang that teenagers invent and are completely unknown to the viewer and curiously the name and surname of Yoo are formed by informal interjections in Japanese. I've only read the book tho, never watched the movie so if I got anything about the eye marks wrong mb
Tsukasa and Stanley
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I really like how similar their scars are, considering both were absurdly overpowered antagonists that had to be defeated using much more advanced science + both kill Senku at one point + their eyes are similar to some extent. I love parallels
Dr Xeno
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Scar becomes? White? Splits into pieces? After he's revived a second time and decides to help Senku. Something about his ideals splitting/changing maybe. And being no longer evil thus willing to kill teenagers
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Gen's scar seems to resemble a mouth that changes shape depending on whatever emotion he's feeling (or pretending to feel). I don't have anything else to say genuinely peak character design, specially taking into account that facades are a huge part of his arc and relationships with other characters (let's remember that he's the one to suggest everyone paints their scar again in solidarity with Senku. Hm).
Yuzuriha and Mirai
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Yuzu's resemble the roots and vines that protected her body while she was petrified, while Mirai's make her look like a baby chicken breaking out of its shell. I think they're both cute details considering their characters:)
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Considering she's a gymnast who uses her legs a lot to move, I find cool that it's on her thigh. It makes her legs look like they're cracking
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Very circular and repetitive, something related to his weapon maybe. I find interesting that he covers them. Insert cursed speech jujutsu kaisen joke
Addition: Ukyo has no visible mark which is also cool on its own way, given that one of his abilities is easily perceiving sounds other people don't notice at all
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kerizaret · 4 months
Any news on the Cyberpunk dead world au that you're willing to share? :3
HI HI SORRY THIS TOOK A WHILE!! But yes I do in fact have something to share!! It's about time I do!
In fact im taking this ask as an excuse to give a whole CPDW AU introduction!
The story takes place in the dystopian city-state of Shibuya, a huge closed off city isolated from the rest of the world. It's controlled by one government with extremely strict rules and ideologies, which seems particularly adamant on limiting people's creativity and self-expression. Its also very controlling
Rui is a government-hired mechanic there. His family are mainly responsible for building, programming, fixing and maintaining robots / drones / other small devices controlled by a system called "SEKAI" which serves the purpose of "maintaining order" in the city – patrolling, restraining criminals, offering help to citizens etc. These "forces" are controlled by a group of high-ranking government officials led by miss Asahina who the Kamishoros direcly respond to
Rui has figured out long ago by closely observing and helping his parents' work (who he knows were showing this to him on purpose), that the SEKAI System doesn't serve as a way of protecting the citizens, but rather of controlling them, constantly surveilling, creating a "perfect" false narrative, spying and eavesdropping in order to quickly silence anyone who might oppose the vision the government has
Knowing he's partially partaking in this as someone who makes the SEKAI tech, he's decided to revolt by himself by sabotaging his own inventions to break in the long run, going to peoples home's to fix their broken devices while secretly deactivating their hidden cameras or hacking them to spy through them on more important government supporters or officials. He has also managed to create a copy of Len - one of the highly intelligent government AIs capable of freely hacking into any SEKAI device, scanning its code and even controlling it - and created Rin who helps him in his secret work
Rui is aware that there exists some kind of an organised resistance in the city, since he often has to fix devices they broke and hears about their stunts from time to time. From his investigations it seems their activity has started becoming apparent a few years prior, not too long after the introduction of a new governmental program called "TV-fication"... Still, despite all this information, Rui hasn't been able to ever track them down before to find out more
It would seem, though, that he caught the eye of someone from the secret organisation "Untitled" after his most recent job...
That's the main premise!! The beginning relies heavily on Rui's pov at first but we'll learn a lot about other characters later as well, don't worry :3
Other important characters include:
• Emu, a journalist for her family's popular TV chain and member of a very influential governmental family
• Nene, a low ranking common worker and Rui's neighbour, though they don't talk much - not since Nene's parents have undergone the TV-fication process...
• Tsukasa Tenma, the beloved shining star of the Aoyagi idol industry and also the main propaganda machine of the government, spreading their message and ideals through his songs, in interviews and any media appearance (Rui hates his guts)
• Ena & Akito, Tsukasa's advertiser and on-set stylist respectively (as well as his reluctant friends), working for the governmental Shinonome advertising company
• Mafuyu, currently training under her mother to take her role as a leader of this "police" force in the future, owner of the KAITO AI
And others.... there's quite a few characters appearing in fact! But that's all for later :3 for now you shall get this!
(Also reminder I'm working on this with the wonderful @xxwelxx !! This would NOT have become such a big au if not for their help!!)
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
WIBTA for getting revenge against the person that ruined my life?
I (36M) am (still am, losing your job doesn't get rid of a persons PHD) a scientist that specializes in theoretical physics and studies of the multiverse. Until around a year and a half ago I had a job at a prestigious science facility, where I designed a device that would transport anything from other dimensions to ours (we had to set it off a little bit ahead of schedule, but overall, I'd say I did a good job with the timeframe I was given!).
This is where a person I'll call SM comes in.
One of the tests I ran on the device involved bringing a radioactive spider from another dimension to ours, but unfortunately, it escaped and bit him, which resulted in him gaining amazing powers, and becoming a superhero (he killed the spider right after it bit him, BTW.) (just thought I should bring that up.) (really stellar guy, takes important moments in his life REAL seriously.) (I don't think text is doing a good job conveying how sarcastic I am being right now, so to clarify: I AM BEING REALLY SARCASTIC.).
My first face-to-face meeting with SM was brief, but impactful. It happened when he and another important-but-not-so-relevant-to-the-story-guy broke in to my (ex) workplace a day before we were going to set off the device for real, all so that they could steal top secret information from us....And a bagel?! Which SM actually used as a projectile to HIT ME WITH (what kind of person DOES THAT? And with so much unnecessary force, too!)
Then, a day later, he blew up my invention WHILE I WAS STILL IN THE ROOM. I wasn't even one of the people fighting him, all I was trying to do was grab a canister of the dark energy my device was generating, but he didn't care at all that I was there!
Because of him blowing up that machine, I was turned in to...Something else. I don't have a face anymore, and my entire body is covered with these holes. Things fall through them all the time, and it leads to all sorts of embarrassing accidents that always cause people to laugh at me.
Not only that, but by doing this, he also made me lose my job, which was practically my entire life. I look so grotesque, my own family won't even LOOK AT ME, and I can't even get a new job to support myself because of the way my condition makes me look!
So that means by the time SM and I finally met again, I was so dangerously low on funds, I had to resort to a life of crime! I decided to jumpstart it by robbing an ATM machine because that's pretty harmless and easy, isn't it? I mean, it's a machine, nobody loses anything from me taking from one of those, besides for the bank, but who cares about them? They steal from people all the time! I'd hardly say it's a villainous act to take from them, except for the fact that robbery is illegal. Anyway, the shopkeeper assaulted me for trying to steal from the ATM machine.
Maybe I should have seen that one coming.
...Eh, whatever.
It only gets worse from here, because then, out of nowhere, SM shows up, makes fun of me, and then cuts me off while I tried explaining to him who I am and why I should matter to him, just so he could read a text. Which is just unbelievably rude, and tbqh, pretty unheroic!
He spent the rest of what was SUPPOSED to be our epic battle on his phone, texting some person. This fight was meant to be a huge deal for both of us, and he didn't take it seriously at all, he barely even bothered to look at me for a majority of it. At one point, he even webbed me up and left in the middle!
Our fight did eventually resume, and midbattle he told some police officer that I was just a "villain of the week", while I was RIGHT THERE!
Eventually, the fight brought as all the way back to the site of the accident, right where our connection first formed. This was finally a point where I had the chance to tell him everything, what I did for him, what he did to me! And even after all that, he still treated me like a JOKE!
I got really mad at that point, which came back to bite me pretty quickly. As in, I accidentally kicked myself in to one of my own holes (like I said before, I have a lot of holes, they go places, one hole took my foot to my own butt, and I fell in to another hole).
But on the bright side, this resulted in me finding out that I'm a transdimensional superbeing. Which gave me an epiphany! I finally know what I want to do now, and how I'm going to do it. There's a lot of science involved, multiversal travel, stuff like that. But the basic idea is that I'm getting payback. The way I see it, he took everything from me, so why shouldn't I get to take everything from him? It makes sense, right? Because of him, I have nothing, so why should he have anything? It's only fair!
So, as long as everything goes according to plan, by the time I'm done, he shouldn't have anything left, and then he'll finally learn to respect me.
....Wow, this came out way longer than I thought it would.
Here's a tl;dr!:
SM ruined my life, WIBTA if I ruined his in return?
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yey56 · 28 days
Villainous x sarcastic and trouble maker dealer.
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Thinks your the rational version of Dementia, at least you can be reasoned with.
Sometimes you feel bored and just start to move things from its place, not very far away but defenetly not where they were and it drives him nuts, he's seriously considering that he might have early Alzheimer.
He still thinks its Dementias fault that his things are disappearing and reapearing in different places. You're just laughing in the corner watching they're discussions unravel. 😜
Tries to ally with you whenever he wants to deal with Dementia because your smartass actitude and sarcasm makes you the perfect match for her.
When he's explaining something in the commercial videos he's already expecting either you or Dementia commenting something. 👀
Even though he doesn't admit it much, he likes your funny nature and you're easygoing self.
When you're feeling kind you tell him jokes and make funny comments so he can have a more relaxed environment.
he always laughs at your jokes and sassy answers, but he will always try to hide it.
You're like a ticking bomb waiting to explode, only that you explode with words, every time you open your mouth he doesn't really know what to expect. 💥
You don't always get along but you are able to have fun together and cooperate 👍
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Three words: ✨Partners in crime✨
When you're bored you team up with her to annoy Flug, or anyone at your reach.
Once you guys stole a bank and run away with a bycicle so while you were scaping you looked back at the police for a second, that single thing made you both fall to a river (Spoiler: Dementia had to drag you out)
Whenever one of you has committed a crime you can bet that the other is either involved or fully aware of it.
Sometimes you're bored and instead of being productive like you boss has many times aggressively kindly suggest you, you think is a better idea to make an absolute mess. Of course Dementia appears and you both really get carried away. So when shit hits the fan, Black hat appears with all the intention to yell at you both, thats before Dementia literally grasps herself around him.
Of course you take advantage of this to make a quick scape before the boss can notice you presence.
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After 2 hours of Black hat trying to get Dementia off of him he called you to deal with her, so after another 30 minutes of bribing her with sugar and energy drinks (probably not your best idea but certainly the quickest one), you finally got her away from your boss.
All of Hat island knows you as the main troublemakers of the place, the almost abandoned police department in the island has a honorary photo of your mug shots in the main entry.
Dem/You: our friendship goes beyond your average kind of bond (🤨🏳️‍🌈)
You: but not because we're gay.
Dem: No, not because we're gay.
Dem/You: were close but not that way, the only one that I love is Blackhat/ Myself 😃.
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He can appreciate witty and mentally quick people, smartness is useful.
Has catch you once or twice slipping some sarcastic comments from time to time, if he's in a good mood he'll ignore them, if not he'll just look at you menacingly.
Sometimes when he doesn't want to go to an event he's been invented to you are send in his place (and if he doesn't like very much the host of said event he allows you to insult other guest, you used the "his words not mine" as an excuse 😈)
You have the bad habit of cursing a lot and you have already been warned that if you keep insulting so much he will tear your tongue away from you mouth.
He wasn't done it yet but instead has put soap in your mouth, and once physically banned you from saying curse words.
You: YOU...
Dem: stupid
Dem: useless fuck
Dem: bitch-smiling
Flug: what the hell are you doing?
You: boss has banned me from saying curse words but I'm unstoppable.
Black hat: I don't think so - turns you tongue into an alive fish. 💀
You basically have no filter, so whenever he wants the truth from an employee you're always the one he asks first because hes certain that you will be honest (sometimes some money is involved but that's another story).
Has catch you sometimes overhearing others conversations in a dark corner, only for you to scare them after .He also enjoys scaring people so thats a hobbie you have in common.
Once for Halloween you proposed the boss to scare the living shit of everyone in the manor for the whole day, he liked that idea so you spent the rest of the day hearing the screams of the others. (+ Points for your malevolence 👍).
One time you were way to honest with him in a day in which he had worst mood than usual (not a good idea) so ONCE AGAIN he punished you taking away you ability to speak (has happened more times that you can count). When you tried to apologise to him, you had to get creative so you got a notebook and wrote this:
You: *writing* ... --- .-. .-. -.-- / -... --- ... ... 😔☹️
Black hat: what the fuck is this?!
You: *writing* remorse code :)
Black hat: now I'm even angrier than before. >:(
505 🐻:
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Every time he sees you doing something shady you always give him a lollipop to bribe him (always works).
You're his favourite story teller, since you have a way with words every story you tell him is really fun.
You spent a whole morning doing sock puppets of yourself and other characters.
When you and Dementia make plans for you crimes outings, the both on you and 505 draw together maps and of course outcomes (with Dementia of course it ends up in really unrealistic outcomes but it's fun to imagine them)
You have tried to teach him how to make jokes and pranks, but his concept of a prank is stopping halfway and hugging the intended victim.
You ask him to make empty cakes so you can put a little bomb inside of it. Every time it explodes, everyone near that cake ends up dirty with sugar.
Your always take it easy with him so the pranks you pull on him all innocent and don't cause any kind of harm.
You're a little soft for that big guy, you will never admit it out loud though.
You: you're to good for this world
505: 😃
You: but that's ok, I'll be shitty enough for the both of us
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Mall Cop HM 2023 AU Characters List
(yes the 2 main stores, Hatbox Supplies and The Haunted Mansion Store, are in a mall. I'm keeping the name "mall cop au" because leota and harriet are security guards and I think it sounds silly.)
I might not actually write this thing, but I will talk about it and plan it and hyperfixate on it for a while. Anyways these characters are listed in the order of how much backstory I've invented for them in this AU. Also, I'm screwing around with the ages because I do what I want and canon can go die, this is my AU :D
Kent Owens (M54): The disgraced gay son of his hometown's priest, Kent has hit a rough patch in his life. Having just hit 54, he's decided to take a break from the constant scrutiny he was under as the "disappointment to the church and his family legacy" and drive down to New Orleans. Unfortunately, in the process he lost his job, his apartment, and the majority of his worldly possessions, which means he's now living in his car and constantly in and out of gas stations, making him a bit infamous in his part of the city. Despite this, he's managed to make quite a few friends, including Rea Soul, a German librarian who wakes him up whenever he spends the night parked by the library, in order to help him avoid getting towed, Jackson Lance, the local veteran-turned-scam-artist who's always willing to help Kent make a quick buck, and Eddie "E.W." Woodson, a new recruit to the New Orleans Police Department with a soft spot for middle aged guys down on their luck. Eventually, Jackson gets him roped in with Alistair Crump's plans to sabotage the Haunted Mansion Store, where he can make a quick buck--until he gets caught by Leota in the act, gets defended by and subsequently befriends Ben Matthias, and quickly gets roped into the drama of Hatbox Supply and Haunted Mansion's feud.
Ben Matthias (M45): Ben's entire life has been defined by tragedy. His parents died when he was 2 years old, leaving him in the foster care system for 3 years, until he was adopted by Professor Bruce Matthias, who became as good a father to him as any, despite his eccentricity. At age 12, Ben and his dad lost their home and had to move into a 2-bedroom apartment, where Ben stayed for the rest of his childhood, and all the way through college, as he went to the same college where Bruce taught. In his sophomore year, he met Alyssa Speir, whom he would eventually move in with and marry. However, after 13 years of happy marriage, Alyssa would get into a car crash and die, causing Ben to spiral into depression, quit his job, sell the house, and move back in with his dad at age 40. After 2 years of dealing with Ben, though, Bruce begins to encourage Ben to get back on his feet; and so, for the last 3 years, Ben has been bouncing between jobs, still unable to afford his own place. That is, until he meets Kent, and Leota, and slowly begins to make friends and pull himself out of the ditch he was in emotionally.
Bruce Matthias (M80): Eccentric, short, and surprisingly good with people, Bruce has spent most of his life feeling isolated. He's never given a straight answer as to why exactly he adopted Ben, although it may have had something to do with the fact that he had just broken up with another partner, or that he'd just gotten a raise, or that that he'd finally begun to acknowledge how quiet his house was. Either way, he'd become an adoptive father at age 40, and a darn good one at that. Even when he was getting evicted or when he was moving into an infinitely smaller apartment, he was cheering up Ben with wisecracks and jokes like no one else could. And when Ben told him he was planning on marrying Alyssa, he was ecstatic; Alyssa was just as much a daughter to him as Ben was a son. And when Ben called him in the middle of one of Bruce's lectures, sobbing, because Alyssa had gotten into a car crash and died, Bruce had dropped everything and driven the 3-odd hours to be a comforting shoulder to cry on. And when Alistair tries to force his history buddy William out of the shop business? Well. Bruce will make sure he doesn't come away unscathed.
Leota Curtis (F65): From a young age, Leota was obsessed with ghosts and the supernatural, and all of that junk. When she realized that that wouldn't make a viable career path in this day and age, she dropped all her crystal balls and mystical auras and trained from sunrise to sunset to be the greatest cop the New Orleans Police Department had ever seen. Local legend, hero, and arguably a godlike figure to many kids, some would be disappointed to know that she retired from the cop life at age 47 and has been working in security for the last 15 years. After losing her last job for being "too violent," she recently picked up work alongside Harriet Lee as a security worker in William Gracey's store, The Haunted Mansion Store, which has been harassed by local competitive grump Alistair "Hattie" Crump. She and Hattie have had a history in the force together, and after his seemingly harmless attempts at sabotage turn potentially violent, she teams up with what she can only describe as a group of idiots to finally put an end to Hattie's reign of terror.
Harriet Lee (F47): Harriet was always a fighter. Her older sisters often teased her for being "too rough" or "too boyish," but that was alright; someday, Harriet would show them all. Someday, Harriet would be a cop. Or so she thought. Because despite her skill in physical combat and the things she thought were important, she could barely pay attention during her law classes, and ended up flunking out of the police academy to work in security. Which is fine, completely, totally fine, at least in her book, because it ended up putting her in the same circle as Leota Curtis, as her hero's partner in crime solving, and surely that makes it worth it. Harriet sasses her way through every interaction, but secretly, she couldn't be more excited; just being near her idol is enough to make her run home every day and scream into her pillow out of pure joy.
Travis Hauss (M9): Travis has always had trouble making friends. Due to what himself and his mother recently discovered was undiagnosed autism, Travis isn't sure that the "help" he's getting is really helping. What does seem to be helping is hanging out in The Haunted Mansion Store, where Uncle Will and the sad man, Ben, will always stop by to say hello or play with his action figures. Travis spends almost all his time there, even more so since his father died; now that his dad doesn't live in his house, it doesn't feel like home anymore. However, being a kid has its perks, for instance, being in the right place at the right time, and being able to catch on to Alistair Crump's plans before anyone else. The only problem is getting the adults to listen...
Gabbie Hauss (F39): Despite being a widow, Gabbie is always strong. She's had to be her whole life; growing up relatively wealthy had made her constantly misjudged as someone who would buy their way through things. Nowadays, it's rare to see her spend on something more than the house she's bought and the groceries she buys from William Gracey. Now that her husband has passed, it simply doesn't seem right. And with Travis' recent diagnosis, the only thing she wants to do is work to improve the lives of herself and her son. But when Travis begins to insist that Hattie's originally harmless sabotage has become potentially deadly, she begins to reconsider her quiet lifestyle that she's built in New Orleans, and questions whether she should leave it behind entirely.
William Gracey (M48): Gracey is (slightly) more than a pompous rich freak. After losing his wife at a young age, and attempting several times to bring her back, he's given up and settled into the persona of the quiet, depressed store owner/surrogate uncle of Travis Hauss that everyone knows him by. Gracey loves his store almost as much as he loves his "sister," Gabbie, and "nephew," Travis, because that store is the one thing he has left that his wife bought specifically for him. To see it fall now would be a travesty--if he is to lose his store to Crump's meddling, he vows to go down fighting.
Alistair "Hattie" Crump (M67): Hattie is a miserable person. His mother died when he was young, his father abandoned him for being weak, and there's a few metaphorical and literal skeletons in his closet from his days as a party host, and his brief days as a cop alongside Leota. Now that he's older, he's begun to settle down...that is, until that meddling Gracey becomes involved. Stealing his customers, undercutting his prices, and deliberately sabotaging him--well, Gracey isn't the only one who knows how to play; Alistair has a few tricks up his sleeve. Of course, there's always the chance that once Gracey digs up a tiny bit of dirt on his past, the whole mountain of his wrongdoings comes into view...
Rea Soul (F24): Rea moved from Germany to New Orleans only for a study, but ended up falling in love with the library where she now works. Despite being a bit young for the job, she quickly begins climbing the ranks--and calling a few more shots, including about the sad man living in his car in the parking lot. Even if the library is a public space, and technically under the city's jurisdiction, not hers, she makes sure he's never towed, because surely if she's good to him, then her kindness will be repayed in some way.
Jackson Lance (M57): Jackson has never once seen active duty, but he sure talks like he did when he was in the military. Of course, since he was dishonorably discharged (something he neglects to mention very often), he's become a crime boss of sorts, the kind of guy you go to when you've been framed for murder. Jackson gives out information, illegal job offers...but everything you ask of him comes with a price.
Eddie "E.W." Woodson (NB??): E.W. is the newest trainee at the PD, and everyone makes sure they know it. Every time they do something slightly wrong, they're immediately chastised, ridiculed, and mocked, and they're sick of it. Maybe that's why they're so willing to pull strings for Kent, the one guy who's ever nice to them...at least he treats them like a cop (as he should. E.W. could TOTALLY arrest them if they felt like it.)
(yes, E.W. is based on me. No, I don't care that self insert characters are cringe or whatever. Also, not revealing my age, cuz uhh internet safety yadda yadda. Also E.W. is way more childish than I am, so they're not really me, they're just a cop that I gave my name to. And Travis gets diagnosed with autism because why not.)
- The main events of this take place during the summer, which is why Travis can spend so much time at the store. He kind of helps out, restocking stuff or showing people around if they need help. Also, he wears noise-cancelling headphones because I wear noise-cancelling headphones and I said so <3
- Leota was famous for being one of the youngest cops on the force and yet being the most fearless, rushing into scenes and risking her life to save other peoples'. Harriet was a massive fan when she was a teenager, so meeting Leota as an adult is literally a dream come true for her.
- Ben is a bisexual he/they in this because. Look at him. And Bruce is supportive and literally teases him about looking in the direction of any moderately attractive person, it's like a running joke between them. Dad Bruce is a goofy goober and I love him.
- Rea is based on @creative-soul-22 because she's really cool and helped inspire this AU, along with @youngstarfishphilosopher (who I might also make into a character since they made the original inspiration for this, if they're cool with that...)
Anyways I might write more for this AU later, but for now I'm tired so. No more...
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campgender · 1 year
Please say more about being anti psychiatry? Is it about the white hegemony of therapists or what
ngl i scrolled for a bit trying to figure out if something i posted here prompted this bc usually my antipsych posts go on my disability sideblog (& here’s a link to my tag for that!) & i have concluded it’s either in response to my carrd or a ted lasso post i made a few days ago lol. either way i’m glad you’re here! i’ll try to give a rundown that isn’t entirely repetitive of other posts & reblogs linked above.
i don’t think it’s particularly helpful or accurate to say what a certain movement or political position is/isn’t because there are, in fact, many anti-psychiatries, all with their own perspectives about various points of tension, but i think these are the closest to general tenets:
anti-psychiatry = working toward the full dismantling of the system of psychiatry & its consequence of psychiatrization. recognizing psychiatry as a normalizing force & an oppressive institution. that work can be internal – “killing the psychiatrist in your head” – or more explicit activism.
full radical bodily autonomy for all. (this is often interrelated with harm reduction, as pertaining to drugs – prescribed & not – as well as self-injury, etc.) as also follows: the immediate & permanent end of forced institutionalization & forced medication, & the provision of thorough informed consent for all interventions.
destigmatization of mental illness, psychiatrized disabilities, Madness, & whatever else you’d like to call it; the right to be Mad.
material resources dedicated to supporting Mad people to live the lives we want.
so i would articulate anti-psychiatry as being less about the whiteness of therapists & more about therapy’s role in upholding whiteness, in a manner that can be simplified as two threads of the same rope, entwined & re-entwining:
psychiatric diagnosis as racialized violence. particularly “oppositional defiant disorder” or ODD, but also pretty much any “disorder,” especially “personality disorders” & diagnoses related to paranoia (as the adage goes, it’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you) medicalizes & thereby stigmatizes the state of being Black. entire schools of therapeutic thought (looking at you, CBT) are dedicated to convincing people they are not being targeted for unfair treatment by the people around them. it’s a one-two punch: we’ve invented a system that makes you Black & oppresses you on that basis, and then we punish you for recognizing it. these tools are then leveraged against other marginalized groups as the system sees fit.
ableism against those who “really are crazy.” theorists have dedicated their lives to explaining this better than me, but while there are forms of ableism that predate capitalism & modern concepts of race, in the present day ableism is a punishment for a real or perceived failure to uphold & reproduce racial capitalism. you aren’t productive; you aren’t making the imperialist state more money; you aren’t creating & then raising white babies in a nuclear family who will then produce more profit & more white babies, & so on.
a particular concern in the past few years is the increasing shift from policing by cops to policing by social workers and/or “trained mental health professionals”; the relative harms of prisons versus psychiatric hospitals can be debated, but ultimately both are forms of institutionalization which deny people autonomy & access to community, as well as often have long-term negative effects on things like employment (& therefore housing), parental custody, voting, etc.
i hope this answered your question! feel free to send a follow-up if you would like. in addition to my disability blog i recommend checking out @librarycards @bioethicists @bananapeppers @psychiatricsurvivorpositivity
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thesimpsbasement · 2 years
Prompt 19. with Herlock Sholmes x gn or male reader (for the event)
•Prompt #19:“Of course i came for you it would take much more than that to stop me”
•Reader is gender neutral
This was meant to be a nice date with Herlock. He managed to save enough money to treat you to dinner to show his appreciation for you.He isn't the type to always be a romantic but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a romantic bone in his body.
You two were walking down the streets of London when you heard heavy and quick footsteps approaching you ,turning around you see 2 people running towards you,both holding a knife.One of the goons got ahead and aimed to attack.You being his target. Closing your eyes you waited for impact but the pain never came.Opening your eyes you notice Herlock in front of you,knife plunged into his arm and it's bleeding! "HERLOCK!" You yell,eyes widen in shock " _____ go! Run! I'll be fine!" He grunts looking dead serious.You've known Herlock for a while and if Herlock is serious then there's no way to change his mind.Turning around you ran as fast as your legs could take you.You tried to find the closest phone booth to call the police. But of course things aren't in your favor because you managed to trip over god knows what. What's worse is that the thug was right behind you ready to attack. Even if you tried to get up you still wouldn't have time to flee.As you saw the attacker lunging at you ,someone got in front of you and what you heard next was something only familiar,sorta like the sound that Iris' smoke gun makes,wait Iris' smoke gun? Like the one Herlock invented? Analyzing the figure in front of you it finally hit you,it was Herlock! Said detective was busy detaining your attacker who's now laying on the ground after Herlock gave him a good punch in the gut "Herlock…" you murmured getting up from the cold pavement " Everything is under control now no need to fret" he says getting up as well as he asked the guy to get up so he can take him to the station. You looked at his arm and you noticed it's bandaged up,rather poorly if you do say so yourself " You came after me while you're still injured!?" You ask ,a bit louder than you intended " But of course I came for you! It would take much more than that to stop me” he chuckles " After all you're my partner I can't just leave you for dead" he says giving you a wink " Say what happened to the other guy?" You ask ,remembering how there were 2 of them " Oh yeah I did the same thing I did to this fella and a policeman just so happened to be nearby so I asked him to keep and eye on him as I went looking for his friend" he explains, his grip on the guy tightening slightly remembering how he almost hurt his beloved,angry Herlock was a rare sight but definitely a scary one. " Speaking of which there he is" Herlock said pointing at the 2 figures In front of him. " Mr. Sholmes I see you have caught the other person you were chasing" said the police officers " Why of course,What would you expect from the great detective Herlock Sholmes" he says, handing over the attacker to the officer " I trust you'll take these 2 at the station? For you see I'm quite busy at the moment" he says, slugging his arm around you with a smile " Uhm right sir! I will" he said before leaving the 2 of you alone. As soon as he left Herlock sighed before his posture became sluggish. You recognise that stance of his, he's in his depressive mood. " Hey, you ok? Well I mean besides the hand injury" you ask,worried look on your face "are you ok? How can I possibly be ok! Our precious date has been ruined and we ended up having a terrible time instead of spending it carefreely eating something delicious " he exclaimed " I swear I'll have those two never see the light of day again even if it's the last thing I do" he says,his brows furrowed. " Hey don't worry about it too much, we can still go later! But right now I think we should take care of that injury of yours,don't wanna go around with you bleeding now do we?" You say trying g to lift up his mood " Alright you do have a point" he says quickly regaining confidence " I won't let those chums ruin our lovely date more than they already have" he says grabbing your hand with his other hand.
" Let's get going,the quicker we get home,the quicker we can deal with this stab wound and the quicker we can get our date started" he says,quickly scanning the area to make sure there's no threats before pecking your cheek " I'm quite hungry you know and I have anticipated this day for so long" you giggle at his antics " I know I've been you planning it after all" you say as you two started walking home," But of course I could've done it on my own but you insisted to help because you're my lover" he says " Are you trying to say we're not?" You ask jokingly "Never in a million years ever since that day you confessed you shall forever be my partner till death separates us" he declared " Is that a marriage proposal?" " Maybe ,Maybe not we'll just have to wait and see".
((Wedding prolly gonna have to be in secret cuz yk 1900's but yeah
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Here's what I've got of this... version of Midoriya Hisashi. Or at least the beginnings of him. @importantdestinydefendor thank you for enabling me!
This is very scattered and out of order and... yeah. Hope y'all enjoy nonetheless.
Freckles, fluffy dark hair (the exact colour I find it hard to describe, lemme see if I have a sample on hand) that's in a long ponytail, eye colour yet undetermined but they're kinda... they look tired. Glasses. Doesn't speak much normally so can come across as distant or standoffish but loved ones know better. Subtle and gentle physical affection, but by no means rare or sparse. Has a habit of mumbling under his breath while in Speculation Mode™ (Izuku gets it from him) though he tries to suppress it somewhat in front of people he's not very close to. Does something that requires creativity, haven't decided what though. Art? Inventing wack stuff? Very quiet and easy to miss, which he uses to his advantage. Neither hero nor villain, probably not a vigilante either, but for some yet unknown reason is regarded as “someone that can be trusted” by some kids who end up in the uh, more legally dubious side of things. Vigilantes and other denizens of society's underbelly go to him for help (because they don't trust heroes or the police to not arrest them) or exchange favors.
And I like the idea of the Midoriya couple eventually courting Toshinori. A throuple!
Oh and Hisashi took Inko's name. His original surname was probably Akatani, more on that later.
It'd be kinda funny if he kept butting heads with the Commission, though not out in the open. Like he accidentally keeps stumbling onto their shady shit and uh, Deals With It™ in one way or another. Hawks might just develop the Ducky Syndrome and imprint on Hisashi.
Yanno how in Yotsumegami “unwanted children” (children with disabilities, the younger of a twin pair or every sibling except the eldest in triplets or higher, etc) would be killed (it's a real historical practice in Japan, mabiki, they called it) or something like that?
Would be kinda fun if an offshoot of that variety existed in the BnHA world, even if it's not outright child murder kids would be abandoned, especially in the chaos of the Dawn of Quirks. People who were scared of quirked people would abandon their quirked child, quirkist folk abandoned their quirkless children, it's chaos.
It would be more prominent during the initial chaos, though I guess laws and stuff would've been passed later on to prevent it or at least cut down the numbers— and the practice fizzled out but there's still a few remote rural villages who accept “unwanted” children.
One such secret community could be like, giving the surname “Akatani” (red valley, for the red of spider lilies used in mabiki in times past) (note: I don't think we know for sure that killing infants w poisonous spider lily bulbs was a historical thing, other methods are used but probably not this, but this is taken from Yotsumegami where the children are killed in this manner) to the children that were discarded at their metaphorical door. Do they still practice mabiki? Debatable. But it's like a giant secret orphanage with questionable, cult-like mentalities.
Akatani Hisashi was one of those until he miraculously escaped and tried to survive in the outside world.
Based on Kara no Kyoukai's Hollow Shrine agency maybe he works for a really unknown hole-in-the-wall tiny detective agency? Perhaps?
Wears a lot of dark colours.
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serafiel-jacobs · 6 months
Riddle Me This (Fanfic)
New chapter from my main series 🩷
Pinocchio could tell something was wrong right away when his father came home earlier from work with Venigni by his side.
“It’s Arlecchino again” Venigni looked so frustrated.
The plan was to talk about this when work was over however a dead body was found outside the factory, crudely looking as if it was a puppet that was going to be assembled, but worse is a small detail everyone found odd, everyone but Venigni since the corpse had something sticking from its eye, a cruel reminder of his beloved childhood toy the puppet once stole, the toy his parents were making for him.
Everyone had to leave for the police to investigate.
“I hate to admit it but he is too good a what he does, if we don’t stop him now he will only cause more harm” Geppetto knows that the alchemists now have become their second priority.
After all the King of Riddles body count is now 27, not seeming to stop any time soon.
“I believe it’s because of the Ergo that was used on him” Gemini chirped and explained what Arlecchino had told Pinocchio all the way back in Arche Abbey while trapped.
“The Ergo of a serial killer? Well now everything makes sense” Geppetto wondered how he was so methodical, how after so many kills no one was even close to finding the true identity.
It’s not as if the police were the only ones looking, the media and private reporters are as well, that puppet covers his tracks, he makes sure not to leave a trace.
Before Venigni could even open his mouth to explain what he found, the sound of a phone ringing inside the home began to resonate.
“How the hell did he get this number?!” Geppetto shouted he was furious, this is bad, he has their phone number and therefore knows where they live, if Geppetto were alone that would be a nightmare to think of, not to mention he could send danger their way without even being near the house.
Pinocchio took a deep breath and answered the phone, already knowing the phone call was for him.
“What a fine day in the-”
“Give us the dumb riddle” Pinocchio is so done with him.
A laugh robotic laugh could be heard from the other side.
“When did you become such a brat? Whatever, I guess being a good boy can’t last forever, I mean the two of us share a common enemy, And thankfully for me, you are very clever”
Pinocchio stayed quiet, if he gets more angry like last time that will only make Arlecchino happy.
“The alchemists are building something special” Arlecchino smiled, “So they need me to distract the crowd”
Not everything has to rhyme. He is the King of Riddles, not a caricature.
“But they have me bound to their will, alchemists and their weird funny magic you know?” He has always despised them, “I can’t say the name of the man in charge, although maybe if you answer my riddle I’ll give you a hint”
Pinocchio had already demanded to hear it so there was no need to repeat himself, still there was a tense silence from the other line, Arlecchino staying quiet for some reason.
“Well you see the more noise, the more panic, This state making everyone manic; Hiding away their true intentions, It’s easy for them to hide their inventions, But how do you hide something so big? In fact, what is it that the more there is, the less you see?
“Darkness” Pinocchio answered quickly.
“Are you cheating?” Arlecchino sounded annoyed.
“Maybe your riddles are just too easy” Pinocchio had always answered correctly, also he had seen that one before in a book he owns.
Arlecchino huffed from the other line, “Okay fine, Venigni you sure are blind you know that?”
Venigni wanted to be mad but he felt scared, he felt truly powerless, this puppet only torments him, and for what? What does he have to gain from all of this?
Pinocchio looks at Venigni, should he tell him what Arlecchino told him? That he sees Venigni as his masterpiece? That he loves seeing him in pain? How would his uncle react?
“Your hospital has a little rat, who likes to have their fun on the side” Arlecchino was delighted, “Maybe you should check the morgue, a little surprise awaits you all”
The sound of the other line being cut was heard.
They all sat down to properly talk about this while waiting for Venigni to compose himself again.
“He said the alchemists are making something special and that’s true” Venigni took out some papers he had brought in.
“I had to recreate these supposed plans but obviously there are many missing parts, not knowing exactly what this machine is supposed to be also doesn’t help” Venigni showed them incomplete blueprints he had made by recreating his decipher research.
Venigni pointed at one of the drawings, “At the very least I can tell this is a high-powered flame amplifier, although way bigger than the ones we use”
“That’s it, they are making some machine to make anima!” It all made sense to Geppetto now.
Venigni looked confused and they explained it to him.
“Mmm maybe that’s true but there is also something here that doesn’t make much sense” Venigni pointed at another of the drawings, “This is strange, it almost looks like a blood transfusion bag”
Geppetto looked at it, it was definitely something that needed to be connected to pump some sort of liquid as if it constantly had to be run for it to continue to work.
As for the rest of the blueprints, if the two men worked together they might be able to figure out more, for now, there is the matter of the hospital.
“The morgue is in the basement of the emergency services unit” Venigni explained, “Geppetto I know that you don’t like going to them but you are going to have to come”
Venigni was worried now that the King of Riddles knew the address, it wasn’t a good idea for Geppetto to be alone.
Geppetto took a deep breath, it was already hard enough going for his appointments even if things were going better, he can’t be so close to an intensive care unit again.
“It’s okay friend” Venigni had gained back his confidence knowing Geppetto needed his support, “We can wait outside while Pinocchio investigates”
Geppetto knows he has to do this and truly he should be the one comforting Venigni, not the other way around knowing how The King of Riddles likes to torment his friend.
They can both support each other.
Pinocchio entered the morgue, if someone were to ask he can just say he was given special permission by Venigni, which is true. To make it a little more convincing there is also the excuse that he is curious about medicine and would like to learn more about it.
Pinocchio looked around the place, he first opened a big fridge thinking that maybe the clue was inside, but there were only preserved body parts and a cake for some reason.
There were two small offices, probably to take notes of autopsies and he began to look around, he started opening journals and anatomy books to see if there was something inside.
“Mmm Gemini this is weird” Pinocchio had opened a strange magazine that had naked people in it, “It doesn’t look like all the other anatomy-“
“PINOCCHIO CLOSE THAT RIGHT NOW!” Gemini was mortified who the hell keeps that sort of thing in their place of work?!
“Huh?” Pinocchio was now confused, “But what if there is something important hidden inside?”
“Trust me, there isn’t” Gemini’s lamp was now red, “I’m doing you a favor, you wouldn’t want your father to know you were looking at that”
Pinocchio didn’t understand but Gemini was probably right that there was nothing important inside.
The only thing he hasn’t checked yet is the morgue drawers, so there must be something inside one. Pinocchio doesn’t want to open random drawers to look at corpses, it feels disrespectful, so he analyzes them carefully and finds what he was looking for, very faintly but you could see a trinity symbol in one of them, he tried opening it but it was locked, none of the keys were working meaning it was stuck and he will need to open it with force.
“Wait” Gemini chipped and got out of his cage, “There is a small hole I can fit into”
The less attention they draw to themselves the better, so Gemini went inside with his tiny sword. It was a good thing, he shinned in the darkness and saw that there was a trap, rigged so that if Pinocchio tried opening it with force he would get electrocuted. Gemini used his sword as a lock pick and opened it, getting out and jumping onto Pinocchio’s shoulder.
Pinocchio couldn’t celebrate Gemini’s ingenuity as he opened the drawer and gasped in shock.
This corpse looked like him, well not like him exactly, more like it crudely was trying to resemble him, this wasn’t just one body it was many stitched together to achieve that look. He looked at it closer and started shaking, no… this wasn’t supposed to look like him, the eyes forced into this corpse were brown and the scalp sewed to the head had brown curly hair.
Pinocchio closed his eyes, didn’t want to look at it, then he felt thankful that his father wasn’t there to see this, it was hard yet he needed to do this. Opening his eyes he examined the corpse, there was a hole in the chest and Pinocchio could tell there was something inside. He reached to touch it, pulling out a necklace with a ruby in its center.
He left still shaking a little, his father asked what was wrong but he didn’t want to explain. Pinocchio showed them the necklace, it was normal jewelry, nothing engraved, nothing hidden, nothing out of the ordinary.
“Oh, that necklace!” One of the nurses had noticed them, “Where did you find it? Doctor Garret has been looking for it”
Venigni knows every doctor who works at this hospital so he knows who Frederick Garret is, truthfully with his famous reputation is hard to not know him. As he seems to know about everything, you can go with him for a heart condition, skin condition, eye problems, an infection, a virus, you name it, he knows how to treat them.
Now that Venigni thinks about it, he has seen this necklace, he sometimes talks with the staff, the man has this necklace displayed in his office, and if he remembers correctly it’s a family heirloom.
“I will give it back to him personally” Venigni was already suspicious.
That left Pinocchio and his father alone, who once again asked if everything was okay.
🔴………………………..𖦹……………………🔴 Tell him about the Body Make an Excuse 🔴………………………..𖦹……………………🔴
Venigni looked at the Stalker next to the door, the young girl giving him a friendly smile and explaining the doctor was with a patient.
“Have we met before?” Venigni could tell she looked familiar.
“We have,” Blue said casually, “I did attend many events held by you when I was younger, my parents tended to drag at least two of us”
Blue’s parents tended to mostly take her since she has always been very well behaved, when she was younger people would say she was mature for her age when really it was more that she knew what to do in social situations with adults. Having great manners and knowing what to say to others, or rather how to people please without looking too obvious.
“Oh yeah, you are uhh….” Dammit, why does Mr. Lucero have so many children? Why is his good memory failing him now? She is blonde so, “Genevieve?”
“No, I’m-“ Before she could fully correct him, the patient left and Venigni excused himself entering inside, well at least he didn’t recognize her, which means her mask does work well in hiding her identity.
At least that’s what she wants to think, even if realistically she already knows why he got confused.
“Lorenzini Venigni” Frederick spoke with polite flattery, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I heard you were looking for this” Venigni had his usual charismatic yet a little pretentious tone, “I found it and thought I should give it to you in person”
Frederick looked shocked, “I’ve been looking for it everywhere” He was almost convinced another staff member must have stolen it.
The man looked extremely relieved, almost forcefully taking it away from him to have it in his hands again.
“Do you happen to frequent the morgue?” Venigni asked, “It was found there during an inspection”
“Yes I do, although I don’t recall taking it out of this room” Frederick looked puzzled, something was off, although he had taken it home a few times for personal reasons, “Perhaps I simply forgot it there, with so much work there are a few times I’ve misplaced things”
He has been so busy lately, his job as a doctor and his true goal, it’s most likely the reason he didn’t notice. He should take it back home, he has it in his office to remember her, but if he ever were to lose it again…
Frederick looks tired, almost as if he didn’t sleep well last night. Still, he was trying to act normally, Venigni saw him taking notes with his right hand and noticed something, then he switched to the left and noticed something in the writing as well.
“You look tired” Venigni snapped his fingers, “I should treat you one of these days to a drink so that we can relax together”
“Oh, no thank you Mr. Venigni” Frederick wanted him to leave as soon as possible before he started parroting about whatever things were currently on his mind, “You don’t have to, both of us are very busy men, it is better to tend to our work schedule”
“Nonsense” Venigni began to walk around the room, making conversation about hanging out, when he found himself behind Frederick, he carefully looked at the notes, a quick glance before looking away without the man suspecting a thing.
As he suspected, he had written the word Anima two times.
“Well, I assume your next patient will arrive soon” Venigni gave him a playful smile, “Hopefully we can arrange plans, I would love to hear more of what you do, and even better I would you to hear of my creative genius”
“Yes” Frederick was trying his hardest not to look annoyed, “Hopefully we can spend time together”
Venigni left the room, happy about his findings, leaving behind the doctor and the stalker.
Blue looked at Venigni curiously as he walked away, that man talked loudly so she could hear the entire conversation. Realizing he was trying to distract the doctor for some reason, it’s a trick she has seen many times while attending high-class events.
“Not your business Blue” She had to remind herself, just look for another client, she also needed to have a serious talk with her father about what she was capable of.
“So does this mean that Frederick is the one behind all of this?” Geppetto asked.
They were in Venigni’s home now, thinking about what to do.
“It seems so” Venigni doubted he was working for someone else, Frederick is not the type of man to be a henchman, “Is Arlecchino really giving us this information just like that?”
“He hates the alchemists, yet even for him, this seems too obvious” Gemini moved his little antennas in confusion.
“I believe that’s what he wants” Pulcinella spoke up, “He is giving us the obvious answer because it’s making us doubt the truth”
Not only has Pulcinella researched him well, but he knows what he is capable of firsthand, he wants to make them second guess themselves.
“I do have clues on his possible location” Pulcinella showed a map of Krat that had red marks, “Most of his killings tend to be around the same area, aside from the ones made specifically to taunt us”
From Moonlighting Town to the Mallum District, it made sense. Places like Rosa Isabelle Street or Elysion Boulevard are more monitored and secured because of the status associated with them, being basically “rich people” areas.
“So what? Do we investigate there? Where would we even start?” Gemini is starting to feel like a detective, “Mmm Pinocchio are you okay? You seem distracted”
“I’m fine” Pinocchio lied, like how he lied to his father, “Also trying to think about what to do”
Pulcinella sighed, “I believe that for today this is all we can do”
Arlecchino won’t give them any more clues until he makes a new trap.
“In the meantime, Geppetto perhaps you and I should work on the plans for the Grand Exhibition”
“Are you guys making evil mining puppets again?” Pinocchio was reminded of those awful things with their saw-blades and drills.
“Son they aren’t evil, although I get that they can look a little intimidating” Geppetto admitted that to the average person, they probably look a little scary.
“That’s because you didn’t have to fight them” The Grand Exhibition was a nightmare for Pinocchio. He got tossed around like a rag-doll by those things, he wonders how many times Sophia had to save him.
“Come on son, they are actually great for their designated purposes, you see-“ Geppetto wanted to explain to his son so that he wouldn’t have a negative opinion but Pinocchio mumbled something under his breath.
“Technically you made them evil with Law 0 so I’m right”
“What did you say?!” Geppetto shouted, that brat was testing his patience.
“Nothing!” Pinocchio was backtracking hard, “Oh um yeah! That sounds really interesting!”
Before Geppetto could speak up again Pinocchio hugged him and gave him a smile, “I love you too Father”
Geppetto couldn’t get mad after that, so he patted his son’s head, telling him that he was giving him a chance this time.
Venigni laughed, he found it amusing. At any rate, talking about the Grand Exhibition can distract them from this mess while making progress at work.
At least it distracted him, Venigni didn't stop talking for 3 hours straight, aside from Pucinella the rest of them were wondering how he didn't get tired from all that speaking, Venigni's throat had to be something else if he could talk for hours like this on the daily.
“Why would Cat and Fox be with Lorenzini Venigni?” Rusty was moving her feet while sitting on a table, “I thought he hated them”
“He does hate them, so I’m as puzzled as all of you” Tiger was trying to make sense of it, “You said they seemed to be arguing while leaving did you manage to hear the conversation?”
“Unfortunately I couldn’t” Sabertooth hates to admit that she probably has hearing problems, she can’t be seen as weak, “I had to keep my distance”
“Could they have gone to apologize?” Lion was out of ideas, “After all having Venigni out of all people as an enemy is not a good idea”
“But I thought no one else knew about what happened at the factory” Rusty grabbed some desk decorations and started to play with them, “Only us because of our client and also maybe Geppetto’s doll”
“Rusty, obviously Venigni and his associates know about this” Lion said, “I do find it odd he has never made a complaint, although it's possible that he just wanted to leave that mess behind, I can't blame him, honestly I try to forget everything that happened during that time”
“Speaking of Geppetto’s doll” Sabertooth rolled her eyes, “Our client wants us to keep a close eye on the thing”
“Come on Saber” Tiger looked irritated, “I get you aren’t a fan of puppets but let’s not call him that”
“Ugh shut up Tiger” Sabertooth pointed a finger at him, “I get that you have a soft spot for puppets but the rest of us here don’t”
“Dude, they are only objects” Lion crossed her arms, “It’s not as if they have true feelings, it’s more like pretend feelings”
“Yeah it’s the doll Geppetto uses to play family” Rusty giggled. Her family taught them puppets are only tools to serve so that has to be true.
“Whatever” Tiger dropped the subject, “Spying on him will be a hard task”
“How come?” Lion didn’t see the reasoning.
“Because when he is in public he is always either in populated areas or with his father, Antonia or Venigni” Tiger was trying to remember more putting a finger in his face in deep thought, “Not to mention how he seems to have a good amount of knowledge on Krat’s streets”
“Wow Tiger, do you have a crush on the puppet or something?” Lion was teasing him.
“What? No!” Tiger exclaimed angrily, “My parents force me to go to those stupid galas and he is always there with one of them, also I go to Elysion Boulevard and Rosa Isabelle Street often to take pictures, he always wanders around those places”
Tiger loves photography, cameras are a recent invention, and recently now that polaroids were invented he got his hands on one and has started to take pictures, it’s a hobby he loves.
“I wouldn’t blame you, Geppetto’s doll is very pretty” Rusty was also teasing him.
“Huh, it seems you are right Tiger,” Sabertooth said, trying to come up with a plan, “Since you already frequent those places you can keep an eye on him from a distance”
Tiger nodded, that seemed like the best solution.
“As for the rest of us, I don’t doubt that Geppetto will take his doll to the Grand Exhibition” Sabertooth as always took the main direction as their leader, “Lion you and I will observe him there, you should too from time to time Tiger”
Lion was on board, still “Okay, what about Rusty?”
“I can’t spy on the cute doll because I have to be in class” Rusty pouted, it starts in the afternoon but her studies are different than most, not to mention that by the time it finishes, she should be in bed.
“You go to school?” Tiger had never seen her talk about homework or classmates.
“Private tutors,” Rusty said, that’s why she has way more free time than kids her age, as well as why she can be a stalker with no issues.
Despite that freedom, that’s not enough so the others will have to deal with the spying.
“What do you even do pipsqueak?” Tiger pinched Rusty’s cheek, “Starting to think you are only part of the team as decoration”
“Hey!” Rusty slapped his hand away, “You know how super strong I am”
“I guess that’s the plan” Lion grabbed nail polish, ready to make her nails, “Hey Carlo was trying to become a stalker why-
“I have a perfect idea” Sabertooth interrupted her, knowing what she would say, “Carlo was trying to become a stalker, I’m sure the offices still have some of his belongings, we could make an excuse to see Geppetto by delivering them”
“I was going to-“
“Shut up Lion”
“Sorry Saber” Lion knows she is the second in charge, she shouldn’t have tried to outrank Sabertooth.
“I’ll go and fetch them, we need to check where we can get the puppet and Geppetto alone to make this work” Sabertooth praised herself for her ingenuity.
Sabertooth isn't stupid, she knows Frederick is an alchemist and doesn't care because her family is working for him, her parents are alchemists as well, she knows many things others don't, specially her team, she cares about them but she can't let them know the truth.
“Father, can we talk?”
Blue found her father in one of the stables, brushing the mane of one of the older horses.
Her father gave her a warm smile “Sure my candy, what do you need?”
My candy, he gives her and all her sisters cute nicknames, he is a good father just too paranoid about her safety, or maybe that’s what any normal parent would do.
“I think I don’t want to work with Dr. Garret anymore”
“Why is that?” Her father looked confused, “Did something happen? Me and him went to school together you know?”
“Yes, father I remember” Blue’s father is 48, the same age as the doctor, apparently, Dr. Garret wasn’t a popular kid, although he has never told him why, at least until now.
“Don’t worry he was always a little weird” Her father was reassuring him, “Harmlessly weird”
“Weird how?” Blue was confused, okay he is already strange but she wants to know how the man was a child.
“Oh that’s old childhood memories, it’s nothing too important” Her father put the brush aside, “He was very shy and awkward that’s all, he never made eye contact with anyone, I did hear some rumors that he would kill animals, those were some ridiculous rumors, like for the rumors they made about me, have I told you the-“
“Yes father you told me about that weird rumor that people thought you ate a frog” Blue knows that her father tends to repeat the same stories from the past.
“He was always so smart, I was not surprised when he became such a great doctor although I did find it odd considering how many classes he skipped, mhmm, I believe he got in trouble at school for that, It was odd because he would attend school but not the classes, I wonder where he would run off to, probably to investigate things on his own, he was always reading books, maybe school was boring for him due to his intelligence”
Her father seems to have a lot of faith in the doctor, is it because they know each other?
“I had many friends, I was a friendly young man, Frederick not so much, so I wanted to be nice-”
Blue interrupted her father, “I know, I know you were a popular kid, father I want a real job”
“That is a real job, as long as someone has some sort of thing to do it counts as a job”
Blue gave out a sigh of frustration, she was ready to get into an argument with her father when tried walking closer to her and fell to the floor.
“Father are you alright?!” Blue helped him get back up, handing him his cane that had fallen as well.
“I am, candy don’t worry about me” Blue’s father looked exhausted. “I… haven’t been feeling my best, that must be my age”
Her father isn’t that old, Blue knows that this is because of his leg injury, she can tell that her father has been having more issues with walking lately, although he hides it pretty well by riding the horses where he needs to go. Not to mention the damage to his spine, her mother is also starting to get concerned about her father's attentiveness.
“You should rest” Blue was filled with anxiety, “Let’s go back to the house, we can talk about this later”
“I’m not as fragile as I look” Her father teased her, “Say, why don’t we race to the house?”
Blue faintly smiled, that was a good idea, anything that could cheer her father up, she is aware that lately, he has these feelings of feeling useless, of not feeling strong like a “true man”, he tries to hide those feelings. Some of her other sisters have started to notice as well, it doesn’t help that people sometimes talk behind his back.
She is starting to believe the people of Krat are extremely noisy and some have nothing better to do than to start dramas.
Each of them grabbed a horse and had a quick race to the front of the mansion. Blue knows not to insult her father by going easy on him, she gave it her all and still lost, it made her happy that her father had a good time.
She helped her father go to his study while she went to her room.
“Ugh this is ridiculous” She was taking off her boots and mask in frustration.
A few birds flew her way, the birds flocked to her room from the opened window each time she arrives. One of them had a letter in its beak, she picked it up, a message from one of her sisters, they have this secret way of communicating.
She wrote back what her sister needed to know, sometimes living in the lap of luxury can be exhausting when you have to follow all the social norms, not being able to say what you truly want to say, specially if you are a woman.
So they came up with this system to give themselves tips or say what cannot be said out loud.
Blue spent time in her room for hours, only going downstairs for dinner, the dark was setting and she turned on her special lights, her stupid fear of the dark taking over her.
It’s not like it is her fault, if those bullies hadn’t locked her in that dark horrible basement at boarding school she wouldn’t have this irrational phobia.
She remembers that it was Sophia Monad who found her sobbing inside, apparently all those moths fluttering around were her pets. Blue wonders what happened to Sophia, no one has ever seen her since her parents' death, and most likely she died as well, that’s so sad, Sophia was a nice girl.
Blue changed clothes, getting ready for bed, the birds flew away to rest too, and she closed her eyes.
Hopefully, she can come up with a way to quit her job without upsetting her father in her dreams.
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observeowl · 1 year
Right By Your Side | Chapter 3 - Allison Bright
Summary: In the world where wearing glasses makes you a different person. You were forced to swallow a pill that turned you into seven years old. Now, you're living with your crush in a small form, what would you do? Who were the ones who brought this to you? And, can you change back?
Chapter summary: Introducing your new identity
Series Masterlist
When I woke up again, I was lying on the same spot as before. Feeling the dull pain at the back of my head. I felt the back of my head, there wasn't any blood but there was sure a huge bump at the spot I was knocked.
I immediately got up and the man was still in the same spot as well. It looked like they weren't going to move the crime scene. I have to get out of here quickly before someone notices and calls the police.
As I ran, I remembered that the pill I was forced to take was supposed to kill me. So why am I still alive? I've got to find Bill to help me, he has a PhD, he should be able to figure out.
I was panting heavily as I ran. I have been running for minutes yet the progress has been so slow. I feel like I should have reached his house by now. I leaned against the glass to catch my breath and glanced at my reflection. I had to do a double take when I saw myself.
I shrunk!
I went back to the size I was in 1st grade/primary school. No wonder I'm taking so long to run, my legs are shorter now.
I continued running and making my way to Bill's house. He didn't answer when I pressed the doorbell. "Hey!! It's me! Open the door! Open the goddamn door!!" I spammed the doorbell and rattled his gate.
"Who are you and what are you doing in front of my house?" I turned around and saw Bill coming back from god knows where. He is in his usual sloppy mess no matter how many I told him to dress properly. He looks like Albert Einstein to be honest.
"I'm Y/N! I don't know what happened but I'm Y/N!" It was weird looking up at an adult since we were normally around the same height.
"How can I believe you?" He looked at me skeptically. He knows that I am an Avenger and people may be out to get him.
"Uhhh well..." I racked my brain to think of something that only I would know. "I know that your favourite drink is tomato juice, you are always coming up with new inventions, you have a mole on your back and-"
"Okay okay, I believe. Let's just head in, yeah?" He unlocked his door and invited me in. We continued talking about the situation for a while as he pulled out the clothes for me that I used to wear in 1st grade/primary school. My parents are no longer around so I would stay with him until I was old enough to live in my parent's house. It was just the next street, but it was nice to have some privacy alone when I was older.
"I am going to make them pay for doing this." Bill could hear the anger seeping through my voice.
"Where are you going to stay?" Bill asked. Before I got to reply, the doorbell rang again.
"Are you expecting someone?" Bill's circle of friends was small and the number of people who would be visiting this late would be even smaller.
"Bill! Are you in there?" We looked at each other as we heard Nat's voice at the front door. I scrambled to find a place to hide as Bill went to open the door. Sadly, we were in his study so everything was exposed except underneath the table.
"Y/N! Are you here?" Nat's voice sounded throughout the house. I rushed to find a disguise and the only thing helping was the spare glasses in his drawers. I put them on but the degree was so high that everything was a blur and I lost balance and knocked my head against the side of the table.
"What's that noise?"
I pushed the lens out of the glasses before putting them on just in time as Nat placed her hand on my arm and pulled me out of my hiding spot.
"Ahhh I see you've found my friend's niece." Bill hurried with an excuse. A friend's niece? Couldn't he think of something better?
"They are away for a business trip and left me to take care of her. But as you know, I can hardly take care of myself. Do you mind helping me with a favour and taking care of her for me?" I looked at Bill in shock. What was he doing?
"I- but it's dangerous." Nat replied.
"And you think it's safe here for her? You know my lab here explodes every now and then. Comparing here and the compound, I think the compound is much safer." Bill reasoned with her.
Nat looked at me before sighing. "I guess... What's your name, young lady?" Nat bent down and asked while I was backed against the bookshelf.
I flustered, glancing back at the bookshelf and took the first two names I saw. "Allison, Allison Bright."
"Nice to meet you Allison. I'm Natasha Romanoff but you can call me Nat." Nat gave me a kind smile and I felt guilty for lying to her. I had no idea how long my body was going to stay in this state, certainly not for a short period of time.
"Alright, do you want to follow me back now?"
"I'll just have a quick word with Bill here." Nat nodded her head and went to her car.
"What the hell were you thinking?" I whispered despite Natasha being away from earshot.
"What? You're able to find more clues with her than with me. I'm sure you will cross paths with them again some day."
"You better not tell anyone about this." I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. "They think I'm dead and I intend to make it stay that way."
"Have fun staying with your crush!" He shouted as I walked out of the study. 
Natasha drove us back to the compound and I tried to make some small talks to alleviate the tension. "You were really flustered when you entered the house earlier." I said, secretly happy that she was worried for me.
"I was looking for a friend." Nat said, glancing at me before looking back on the road. "She went missing all of a sudden. I swear when I see her again, I'm going to give her a good punch, she wouldn't be able to see straight." She clenched her fist into a ball.
I shuddered at the thought of getting hit in my seat, maybe not saying who I am would be a better choice.
Nat doesn't know who I am so I took the chance to ask the question. "Do you like her?" I giggled slightly, amused at the situation.
"Ummm... she can be annoying but enjoyable to be around with. She cares a lot for her teammates. She can brighten the room in an instance and I definitely like her a lot." Natasha lists as she drove.
"I'm sure she's doing fine and misses you." I said sadly. She likes you too. I'm right by her side but I am unable to say anything. I just want to comfort her and let her know everything is okay.
"Okay, let's introduce you and get settled in the compound." Nat parked her car in the garage and pressed the button in the elevator to bring us to the living room where only the Avengers have access to.
"Hey Nat, did you manage to find Y/N?" Steve asked as JARVIS notified them of her return with one unidentified individual. "Who's this?" He pointed at me.
Nat began introducing them one by one to me. Some of them weren't here, the compound is a big space after all.
"She's the niece of someone I know of. I'm taking care of her until her parents come back." Natasha explained to them.
"Are you sure this is a good idea? Is there someone else to take care of her?" Tony found this whole situation very compromising. A child shouldn't be near where all the dangers are. If someone caught wind of a 7 year old living in the compound, they are very likely to come for me.
"Nat..." I tugged at the end of her shirt and gave her the puppy eyes. The power of the puppy's eyes multiplied numerous times in a child form. No one else knows this, but Nat is very soft inside. More than she liked people to know about.
"Don't worry, let me show you to the spare room." Nat ignored them and brought you to level with all the living quarters.
"Level 20 onwards is for Avengers only. Earlier we were on level 20, the boys stay on level 25 except Tony, he lives on level 30. The ladies stay on level 26." Natasha explained. I of course knew all of this but I had to act as if I'm listening to it for the first time.
"I'll ask Tony to grant you access for level 20 and above." Nat said when we arrived at my new room. "Have a good rest, I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast. My room is just two doors down if you need anything."
So technically I have two rooms now. I need to sneak back to my old room to get a couple of things, like cash and my laptop. I can't find my phone anywhere so I need to get a new one, probably with Bill's help. Contact numbers are no problem, I remember them anyway. I never save them just in case some unwanted people hack into my phone.
I let myself sink into my new bed. Tiredness was catching up to me as I drifted off to sleep.
Second POV Natasha went back down to the living room after leaving you at your room. Wanda came back with Bucky from their mission and were resting on the couch when the rest told them about your new appearance. Wanda was nonchalant about it while Bucky was with the majority and disapproved.
"Others wouldn't think that we would bring a child on a mission! It's a perfect cover." Natasha reasoned. She knew that making an excuse for the mission would entice them to agree. A cover was always needed and an innocent child would be perfect.
"But we have to be careful, we know Hydra loves to capture children for their experiments." Steve reminded her. Of course everyone knew that, so did Nat. The Red Room also loves to abduct children against their will and take advantage of them.
"I'll remind her. She's different, I know it."
"You'll be taking care of her then, Nat." Steve needed her to understand that taking care of you was her responsibility and she couldn't just give up halfway.
The next morning, Natasha went round to your room to check on you as she needed to bring you to the living room. She knocked lightly on your door but received no answer. "Allison? I'm coming in."
Yesterday's hit to the back of your head was coming back to bite on you. Your head was splitting and the pain travelled down to the back of your neck.
You heard Nat knocking on your door but you felt that any sort of movement would hurt your head more, even the sound of knocking was making you tear up.
"Hey, are you alright?" Nat crouched down at the side of your bed, checking up on you. It hurts so much that you can't speak. Nat noticed this immediately and went to get Bruce as you were in no condition to be moving.
"Allison, you need to tell me where you're hurting or I can't help you." Bruce said. He was unable to rely on his machine to tell him what's wrong. All he had was a physical examination.
"The... back of my head..." You managed to say as you held onto the side of your bed, pressing your head deeper into your pillow thinking the softness would ease up the pain.
"We need to get her to sit up so I can check the back of her head properly." Bruce motioned for Natasha to get to the other side of the bed to prop you up properly without any unnecessary movement or discomfort.
He ran his hand at the back of your head before forming his diagnosis. "From what I feel, it's likely inflammatory or swelling at the back of Allison's head, causing it to press on her nerves." Bruce said as he set you back on the bed with Nat's help.
"I'll prescribe some anti-inflammatory and painkiller through IV drip until she's comfortable enough." He left you with Nat and went to grab his supplies.
Nat wondered when you received such a bad hit to your head, you looked fine when she met you at Bill's house. Since your parents weren't around, she wondered if you were mixed with the wrong groups of friends.
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jasminelyoko57 · 2 years
HypMic x Detective Conan AU [Masterlist]
Another ridiculous crossover, this time HypMic and DC. DC is the anime that will always hold a special place in my heart. 
As for HypMic, I got pulled in it recently. I know that there must be something I don’t know, because I haven’t research the characters deeper yet (I only watched the anime and read the Fandom lol).
Introduction: PART 1 (you’re here!) - PART 2
Countdown to Heaven: trapped in Tower A - among the evacuees - car crossing to tower
Yokohama Pier confrontation: the unwanted arrival and rescue
The setting took place (mostly) in Yokohama (Kanagawa) and a little bit in Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Ikebukuro (Tokyo).
Best read while listening to "Greed” by KNOCK OUT MONKEY or “DEATH RESPECT” by MAD TRIGGER CREW VS Matenrou
Ichiro Yamada (child identity: Hiroki Ohtomo)
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Nineteen-year old Ichiro was a well-known amateur detective throughout Ikebukuro and later Yokohama for being able to solve any crime that the police failed to. He is also a former member of The Dirty Dawg, a rap group.
One day, after solving a murder at an amusement park, Ichiro comes upon a mysterious man in black extorting money from another man. Assuming that he knows too much, the two men forced him into a rap battle. One of them used an illegal Hypnosis Microphone laced with poison that was supposed to not only kill him, but leave no trace behind.
Unfortunately for them, Ichiro has been shrunk into a ten-year old. One quick visit to his rival and neighbor Samatoki's house later, Ichiro realizes that he must keep his real identity secret, otherwise the two men in black will come back and kill him for good.
Nemu Aohitsugi (child identity: Chika Aoyama)
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Nemu Aohitsugi is a genius chemist who created the CASTOR-IX poison that turned Ichiro into a ten-year old boy.
After she is imprisoned by the yakuza for being related to the yakuza traitor, Samatoki Aohitsugi, Nemu attempted to end her own life with a dose of CASTOR-IX but was instead de-aged as well. Using her newly-shrunken body to escape and go into hiding as "Chika Aoyama", Nemu is luckily taken in by her older brother. She uses her condition to live out the innocent childhood she never had.
She befriends Ichiro, Jiro, and Saburo as a way to make amends for her past crimes, and works on an CASTOR-IX antidote for Ichiro.
Samatoki Aohitsugi
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An ex-yakuza (wakagashira) of the Katen Family and former member of The Dirty Dawg along with Ichiro. Samatoki is Ichiro's hot-tempered friend/rival who makes a living developing odd inventions (albeit failed miserably at times); some of which are put to use by Ichiro throughout his (mis)adventures.
Despite their bitter rivalry, Ichiro appears to have the utmost trust in him. Ichiro had no problem of revealing his identity to him only moments after being shrunk by an illegal Hypnosis Microphone laced with poison called "CASTOR-IX".
He is Nemu Aohitsugi's older brother and took her in when she showed up at Ichiro's doorstep unconscious and drenched in the rain. He often provides insight for Ichiro to help combat the yakuza.
Hifumi Izanami
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A no. 1 host who works at a club in Shinjuku. He has a severe fear of women, yet a very upbeat and friendly fellow. 
He was believed to be the yakuza's Jyuto Iruma, but is actually a Public Security Bureau (PSB) agent named Hifumi Izanami looking into his whereabouts. He is unaware that the real Jyuto Iruma has been using his appearance as a disguise to hunt for Nemu Aohitsugi.
As a PSB agent, he's often partnered with fellow agent (and best friend) who poses as a pessimistic salaryman, Doppo Kannonzaka.
Doppo Kannonzaka
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A sales representative at the E.L Medical Co, Ltd, a manufacturer of medical equipment in Shinjuku which has its branch in Yokohama. 
He’s a pessimist who thinks about everything in a negative light, and... oh, he apologizes constantly. He's often seen with black eyes due to perpetual gloom and exhaust.
Beneath his unassuming personality, he's secretly a competent Public Security Bureau (PSB) agent with his partner (and best friend), Hifumi Izanami, who poses as a club host.
- I tried my best not to make them stray off from their respective occupations (for Doppo and Hifumi), basically these two are undercover agents and uses club host and salaryman as a cover :)
- I made Samatoki as an ex-yakuza and Nemu as a chemist associated with them. However, both betrayed the underworld because they couldn’t see each other a long time and grew tired of the shady things they do everyday.  I JUST WANT TO SEE THEM SPEND THEIR FAMILY TIME TOGETHER (poor Nemu got brainwashed by the Chuoku) :”(((
- Samatoki as a mad inventor whose inventions malfunction constantly is my everything, hehehehe
- Oh yes, Jyuto become a yakuza member who poses as an active-duty police sergeant in the Organized Crime Unit of the Kanagawa Police. Put it simply, he infiltrated the police force which is part of his mission to hunt Nemu :)
- I tried to make a hybrid use of Hypnosis Microphone and real weapons here. In a relatively normal situation, they use Hypnosis Microphone to fight, but when everything gets tough, they use weapons. In Ichiro’s case, as he was shrunken into a child, he can’t rap in order not to expose his identity. However, he can rap when he returned to his original body temporarily.
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Prompt: This needs to be cleaned, the police will be here any minute
◦ Guillotine doing his thing and flipping his shit
I-Beam was almost done with the 59th sector. Just one room to go. He had heard faint whispers of the room before. Something about it being the evil lab to some crazy mech. Probably an exaggeration to scare the newbies. He’d be in and out in a jiff. The hallway the room resided on was empty and full of dust, unusual for a station full of bustling, enthusiastic mecha. He huffed. No wonder they hired him to clean it. 
While sweeping the dust and scraping off a small layer of rust from the floor, he noticed some faint stains. They looked old, like someone had spilt a beverage there long ago and waited for it to coagulate before trying to clean it up. Really, who ever cleaned this area before had done a poor job. 
When he finally reached his last room, he was very very tired. He had spent the earlier hours of his day sliding out of the way of mecha working with volatile equipment and trying not to get crushed by others moving equipment that should have been way too large for them to carry. He had only been there for two days, but he already knew Station 5 had enough crazy that it would be exhausting just existing there. Trying to clean up that chaos was just a nightmare. With that knowledge, he could be forgiven for missing the claw marks that lined the doorway and the sign that said “DO NOT ENTER” posted far above his head.
He input his janitor key and the only door in that lonely hallway slid open with a hydraulic hiss and he rolled into the room and gave a tired look around. There was a glow and a low growl that he barely had the time to register in his tired haze. The next thing he knew he was on the ground. Some strong force had struck him in the chassis and his head clanged on the cold metal of the floor. Vaguely, he registered dark oil stains and vicious scratches on the floor. From the edge of his vision, he saw the snarling teeth of some terrifying monster. He tried to push the weight off of him, but it fought back, flailing in his grasp. There was the ear piercing shriek of tearing metal and he felt a cool breeze blow through his neck before it was replaced with the warmth of bubbling energon. Suddenly, he was in pain, but by the time his systems registered the tear in his neck his body had become unresponsive. All he could do was let out a strangled groan as his head lolled to the side and he watched his own energon spray from his neck. He felt the weight lift off him as a panicked voice said something, but it was too late. He could feel himself dying. Belatedly, he sent out a distress call, but his vision was already fading to black.
‘Nonono, this wasn’t supposed to happen, this was a pet project! It wasn’t supposed to be this good!’ 
Guillotine gnawed at his finger tips in agitation, sparing quick glances at the broken lines and energon splayed across the floor in a beautiful, shimmering pink fan as he scrambled desperately to keep his creation away from what others might call a “horrifying mess,” fresh energon shining brightly on its muzzle and dripping down its overlapping chest plates. His creation was a canine thing of beauty. Sharp teeth and plate melting acid filled its mouth, its plating sparkled under the florescent light of his workshop, even without a coat of paint, and it’s optics, oh it’s optics, they shown with the hatred of a million suns. It was one of his finer works, as his conjux would most certainly agree, but Vaporwave would never even be able to see the beauty if he didn’t get this cleaned up now.
Some afthead had forgotten to tell the new janitor to keep their olfactory out of his workshop and now the poor schmuck would be the floor decoration that got him put in the slammer for sure.
Buuut that was only if he go caught.
When he finally got his creation backed into a crate shoved into the corner of his L-desk, -the large industrial kind which most often held his precious inventions as they were shipped off to far off places. He knew it would keep the beauty secure. It was meant to withstand things much stronger than the sharp, durable claws he attached to its plush paws which would allow it to prowl silently in the night- he carefully made his way over to the deactivated mech, making sure he didn’t step on any of the mech blood that pooled underneath it. He was well known for never washing down completely and knew that if any of the fluid got stuck in his peds, onboard security would be able to track the incident back to him for sure.
Quickly, he grabbed a cloth and vacuum. The janitor had sent a distress signal before he had expired so Guillotine knew he would be pressed. No time for fancy chemical breakdowns that would dazzle and burn slowly in fractal patterns, making the lovely show that Vaporwave loved.
Turning on the vacuum, he made sure to suck up all the liquid on the ground before moving the nozzle to the broken fuel lines. The body would need to be drained to be able to move on to the next step. 
While he waited, he took the cloth and applied an odorless chemical spray to it and wiped the floor where the puddle had been. This would ensure that any energon that had slipped into cracks in the metal or were still slicked over the floor would be chemically decomposed and unrecognizable in only a few minutes. By the time he was finished, the vacuums had pulled all the energon it could from the downed mech and Guillotine moved on to partie deux: deconstruction.
With practiced hands, Guillotine unscrewed the mech’s plating and took him apart from helm to strut, leaving no structure untouched. As he went through, he sorted the parts into opaque containers already neatly organized on the the left arm of his work bench, bins stacked high enough that most mecha couldn’t see into them. Optics went in the optics bin, gears and screws in the gears and screw bins, and so on an so forth. Some were completely new, but most were from dead mechs (like most spare parts on the Stations), so the parts would blend in completely. Some parts, like brain modules and spark casings, were harder to disguise than others, but he already had a reputation for collecting the frames of the deceased, so he just put them in one of the deactivated heads on his dedicated head display shelf and hoped the officers wouldn’t notice anything different. The parts were just barely visible through the mouth and optics, but it would hide the well enough for now. He could discard them properly after security came through.
Satisfied with his work, he took the fuel lines and internals that were damaged by his creation’s acid and serrated chewing, which would be more work to salvage than recycle, and tossed them to the back of the room where his small hive of scraplets lived, partially obscured by a shelf holding heavy equipment. They attacked the metal cords viciously as Guillotine hummed at the wash station, cleaning his hands of the blood, oil, and dust that had collected there from the deconstruction. Looking at his internal clock, he saw he still had half a minute left. Good.
Just to be safe, he lathered his servos with the same energon disposing solution he had used on the floor before quickly walking over to his work bench where he would pretend to be looking over schematics in case any one came busting in.
The officers would be there in 3... 2... 1...
Knock knock knock
‘Ah yes, right on time.’ The mech smiled, preparing to break into a worried expression at the sight of the officers at his door.
“What can I do for you, officers?”
This doesn't really stick to the lore that death is the biggest no no in the stations mostly because I wrote this before that came into existence XD
Soooooooo, just...*Sweeps the implications of this under that cannon under the rug*
Guillotine isn't feeding the brain module or the spark casing to the scraplets because brain modules can be reused pretty easily and both are made of fairly difficult to obtain materials
Also, I wasn't really sure how to fit this description in, but the creature that Guillotine made and stuffed into a crate is visually similar to a Turbofox. Mostly because none of the POV characters know what a Turbofox is, so I can't just make a direct comparison :(
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kudosmyhero · 11 months
Marvel Team-Up #50: The Mystery of the Wraith!
Read Date: February 26, 2023 Cover Date: October 1976 ● Writer: Bill Mantlo ● Penciler: Sal Buscema ● Inker: Mike Esposito ◦ Dave Hunt ● Colorist: Janice Cohen ● Letterer: Gaspar Saladino ◦ Karen Mantlo ● Editor: Archie Goodwin ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Spidey goes to Dr. Strange to see if he can figure out if Brian DeWolff actually died or not ● ooo, so Jean doesn't think her brother is the Wraith--she actually suspects that it is her father, Phillip DeWolff. ● Spider-Man also doesn't believe that Brian is the Wraith… but if Brian's body was never found… which begs the question, how was he declared dead after only 2 years? Usually something like 7 years has to pass before a missing person can be declared legally dead by the family ● except now Jean is going to check the family crypt… so was his body found or nah? ● Spider-Man and Dr. Strange go to where the ambush happened, and his amulet conjurs up specters to re-enact what happened ● someone shot Brian DeWolff, and Phillip DeWolff shot that shooter before carrying off his son ● Tony Stark's analysis of one of Wraith notes also seems to point toward Phillip DeWolff being the Wraith ● the entrance to the Wraith's lab is in the DeWolff family crypt ● grr Phillip DeWolff is such a misogynistic pig! Please tell me he dies. ● it seems that the Wraith is the brother… but we already know the Wraith can make the mind see things, so can we trust anything going on? Short answer, no. Long answer, noooooooooooo. ● Iron Man on his way with a helmet he hopes will protect against mind manipulation
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● still explaining what happened on that day 2 years ago, Phillip says that the link between Brian's nervous system and his mind had been permanently severed. He called on two men he thought he could trust--Karl Bonn, a banker, and Max Vorster, a wealthy landlord. though what he thought they could do just because they had money, I have no idea ● police-commissioner-turned-evil-scientist accidentally fused his mind with Brian's, but now he could control Brian's body with just a thought ● he sent Brian to seek revenge on Vorster and Bonn ● I see the family resemblance via facial expressions…
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● aaaaand Phillip blames Jean for her mother dying while giving birth to her. Seriously. Fuck this guy. ● "Never turn you're back on a pair of heroes…" - you're? sigh ● Iron Man puts the helmet on Phillip so that he cannot send his thoughts to Brian's body ● Dr. Strange vows to Jean that he will do what he can to restore Brian to his old self ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Spider-Man, Jean DeWolff, and Iron Man recruit Dr. Strange to help them solve the mystery of the identity of the Wraith, believing there to be a supernatural element when evidence suggests that the Wraith is possibly Jean's deceased brother Brian. As Spider-Man and Dr. Strange go back to the scene of Brian's death, Iron Man reviews the forensic evidence and Jean DeWolff goes to investigate her brother's tomb. As Spider-Man and Dr. Strange learn that Brian wasn't killed on the scene, Iron Man finds that the fingerprints on the Wraith's notes match that of Phillip DeWolff, and Jean is shocked to find her father and the Wraith hiding out in a secret laboratory where she is captured. When Dr. Strange and Spider-Man arrive they too are incapacitated and taken over. Phillip then explains how he pulled his son off the scene of the crime and invested money on inventions that might restore him to life, and save him from the bullet wound to his head. The last experiment instead linked their minds, so that Brian, in his trance-like state, was able to be controlled by Phillip. Phillip created the Wraith identity to take revenge on criminals using lethal force. When the heroes break free, Iron Man also arrives with a specially prepared helmet. Iron Man puts the helmet on Phillip, incapacitating both he and the Wraith. Although they defeated their foes, Brian's health is still affected by the bullet. (https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Marvel_Team-Up_Vol_1_50)
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Fan Art: Iron Man and Spider-Man by JoinSpider
Accompanying Podcast: ● Untold Talks of Spider-Man - episode 09
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1 Thanks for your addition, and for understanding that it's difficult to get all the nuances into tumblrs character limit, considering how nuanced and deep this topic goes, especially when adding personal experiences. I never really thought to deeply about it, even though you're right. I'm a half-slavic woman living as diaspora in a white country where they have a history of oppressing the white-indigenous culture, and I've been called a slur relating to that despite not being of said indigenous
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prev ask
character limits and casual conversations and the limitations of talking about such huge topics inevitably lead to not every little nuance being covered, I sometimes worry that the way my head goes "oh and also here's some other stuff that fills that gap!" will come across as saying "how dare you forget this", so thanks also because I worried I wasn't getting my tone right lately and I was worried you'd think I was attacking. yee, I think I've been called certain slurs beginning with g that jimmy carr would approve of more than my actual name at this point, I think it's fair for me to view that as racism, it's attacking a person for their race or their perceived race, but it's easy to forget that it's racism when main discussions of racism revolve around the more severe topics like slavery for obvious reasons. having been the victim of a beating from the police for being trans and disabled, I see how that was weaponising the same systems against me that are weaponised against others - it's not a battle against one big bad with just an ultimate singular goal, it's fighting a complex web of attitudes or behaviours or policies or so forth, that overlap at points and will contradict each other at other points. intersectionality is drawn sometimes as circles with lines between them, and each circle generally is described as a person who has traits the lines target with bigotry - this is a very poor way to envision it and leads to a whole lot of misunderstandings. intersectionality's seeing how a policy that was invented to arrest hippes and poc, the anti-drug crusades in america I mean, now attacks disabled people who're using said drug as pain relief also, and the *issue* intersects for seemingly disparate features people may have, the opiate issue similarly affects disabled people because when that drug group became demonised doctors started giving it out less, which has generally been heralded as a good thing preventing addiction in people, yet what it actually does is push people to either live life constantly in agony or seek out illegal meds via dealers. seeing different ways the system affects different groups, and how the webs sometimes cross strings in various ways, that's what it is, that's intersectionality, not "abel is a black trans woman and so mathematically speaking abel has it worse than joe", and I think sometimes it just takes one casual conversation where phrasing makes something click for people to realise the difference there, understand their experience in a new light, etc, and that's some reasons why working side by side and together is so important, while remembering that we can't all prioritise everything, we are going to have our own specialities. I think mine is just getting us talking to each other, I'm not great at designing policy but I like having conversations and helping people see different angles.
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hekate1308 · 2 years
Present Blessings, A Drowley Advent Calendar, December 9
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Read it on AO3
Crowley mostly had a guest bedroom because it was something that people had in their homes. Not even Gavin had so far spent the night there.
So now, he was going to allow Dean to stay there instead. There was simply no way to get him out of the house, apart from calling the police, and considering he had already displayed his powers and not only that but been introduced as his new PA in his firm, that would lead to rather a few embarrassing questions that probably not even Crowley would be able to answer.
So he would put up with the intrusion on his home for a night, and then deal with this when it had been prove that Dean was not actually able to heal lactose intolerance.
God, how insane it sounded.
For now, though, he watched the man who was strangely not even bad company (he had had his fair share of company dinner in his life, and Dean had certainly entertained him much better over their burgers) happily bounce up and down on the bed. “Man this is awesome! So comfortable!”
“Memory foam” he explained before he could stop himself. “I have it in all my bedrooms.”
“Whatever it is, it is amazing” he said happily, and he couldn’t help but think that his childish delight was way more attractive than it had any right to be.
“Do angels even sleep?” he challenge him. Dean looked uncomfortable for a moment, and he almost believed that he had gotten through to him, but then he replied, “We don’t need to. But we can. Figured that out on my own, and sometimes… it’s nice to just… turn off for a while. Not that the others understand that. John always says it’s a waste of time and therefore a sin against God.”
John sounded like a right prick, as a matter of fact, he reminded Crowley of his mother, whether or not he was just a fragment of his fetching visitor’s imagination. “Well, but if it is part of your assignment…”
Dean chuckled. “I am almost sorry I have to change you. You’re entertaining, certainly.”
“I don’t want to be changed” he reminded him, and something like regret crossed Dean’s face.
“Yeah, I know.”
“Anyway, I trust you’ll find your way around. Good night.”
He closed the door with a little more than he needed to, angry at himself for caring so much that Dean should think he should be changed, that Dean wouldn’t accept him for who he was, even though that was perfectly normal when it came to him making new acquaintances.
Idiotic, that was what it was. Why should it matter what Dean thought of him? The truth was that it didn’t.
If only he could have convinced himself of that.
Well, at the very least, he could make sure that he was safe tonight, so that was something. He had long ago invested in an especially safe lock for his bedroom; and there were motion detectors the whereabouts of which only he knew, and which meant that Dean would not be able to leave his – the guest room without Crowley knowing about it.
 “So what do you want for breakfast?”
He opened his eyes to find Dean standing in front of him. “What?”
“What do you want for breakfast?” he repeated as if he hadn’t just passed by all his security measures.
“How did you get in here?”
“Oh, don’t worry I I know you don’t like me using your powers so I picked the lock.”
Two separate vendors had insisted that the lock was unpickable.
“And the motion detectors?”
“Oh you mean the beeping?” he asked innocently. “I was afraid you’d be woken up, so I hot-wired them.”
Just like that. “And you knew how to do that because…”
He shuffled is feet. “I like tinkering around with human inventions. It’s fun.”
Fun. God, if he were not crazy, the things they could do together…
He forced the thought away and instead focused on the fact that a man who was not quite as innocent as he appeared was in his bedroom.
What a pity he hadn’t invited him in.
He got out of bed and finally replied his question with, “I usually just have some tea and toast…”
Dean pouted once again. “But breakfast is the most important meal of the day!”
He wondered where he’d got that from. “If you say so –“
Sadly, he took that as encouragement. “I’ll make eggs!”
And he skipped away.
Crowley sighed and checked his phone, realizing that with everything that had been going on, he’d missed an email notification somewhat late last night.
He had to say, he had always known that Kevin Tran was nothing if not meticulous.
But even so, he could never have foreseen this.
A request to have his file updated to strike his lactose intolerance from it.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
It's a huge pain he gets hit all the time and he says really stupid stuff he won't leave my son alone and laundry does business it comes in and says stuff well he's bleeding out to bother our son Clinton has been doing it for years but a bunch of other people have been doing it so I figured he should do all of it and he's losing everything and you plan to do it and it's supposed to try and make it look like other people and it's not and there's no deception and we just hammering on him and he's asking for it all the time so it's not even 11:00 and he is lost probably another half of his personal fortune in Florida to people just taking it out of his account because they're tired of hearing him wine and threatening and he's trying to get all sorts of stuff in them to try and heal and he can't and he's bleeding now and someone called the ambulance and he's refusing and they said you can't refuse because you are gunshot and a suspect of being involved in a shootout cuz I heard it and see if it had a weapon and they called the police the police headed down there already and you missed it CAA AKA Zeus because you're busy in the bathroom and Hera is laughing he says this is the top notch agent and he said I'm like the Pink panther or Don Adams but I always be James Bond to you so she's laughing and smiling and all the same girl testing me I don't know who the hell you are. And really he had no clue she says. There's a welcome surprise and it saved his life she says and is true boy I would relief. And she continues and says John remillard is so ridiculous and there's a lot of people who can't figure it out and he's got this big huge massive a****** attitude and routine and nobody is stopping him and he's absolutely the worst person that she has ever met or heard from and Mac is like this normal person now trying to get by and has a decent attitude when this guy comes along it ruins everyone's day so they kind of happy what happened and it was Dan because Trump was trying to attack him and there's a witness too and they're going to testify and he's going to probably be in court today and in jail right now the cops arrived and they're holding him down and confident and they're addressing the bleeding and they're taking him to the prison hospital because he's an escape convict and the Dan is a fugitive and they are seeking him on the APB and he'll be apprehended too and he may not be responsible for the shooting but they have illegal weapons and that's another thing going on they're advertising that but wow what a pain in the ass
We are taking over more companies and they are big companies and they are and hero want to say something
Thor Freya we do thank you for your attention this is a hellish place for a son and our people and he knows it's an example and it's terrifying but that's what it's like
My husband is under severe duress but he is thinking of us and trying to invent things for us and he did he said there's an iron Man suit and there's a system you can use we put one arm in in hand and you and it's a light armor suit for motorcycles and then it was a hinged so it closes and it seals you have to clip all the sides but you can reach it all with the soonest someone flexible it has joints and it's fully armored and it's light armor it's about 1/8 of an inch titanium alloy and it works at 400 mph you can hit a guardrail not head on but you can glance off it without getting hurt at all a special foam in it and you put one arm in and you slide one boot on and the suit closes on a hinge on the rest of it and you snap it together with quick snaps and you're off and it is an awesome system it works very well and you can raise the helmet and face the face shield all the way up on the helmet but the helmet is a fixed and you snap the neck together and you snap the helmet and two places and it's really slick we worked on it for quite a while to get it right it took actually it took a week and we did it a while ago but this is out on the market and it's ours and it's by Bell and people think it's the greatest and people think all sorts of things apparently but it is Bell helmet that is putting it out and it's rated and approved and it is approved for racing and it's a proof the light cycle racing circuit so a ton of people will buy it if they have light cycles it's an intensive suit of armor and it works very very well and there's huge other applications for it too we can use it in construction of and yeah there's going to be some sirens down here apparently you can use in construction and you can use it in all sorts of rescue operations and they do tons of them and they do we do have a cooling system and fire rated system on the inside of many of them and it's much better in a suit believe us but people think it's colder and you're safer but no if you get a blast of fire you're going to cook as as opposed to not cooking it's a big difference and yeah insects can't get in and by the way it does have resistivity to most insects up to about 20 foot they can put you in their mouth or step on you and you won't break get the 34th in there heavy but they're mandibles can't do anything they're up to like 80 ft or 100 ft depending people don't know that.
And such a good time you know people come in with excuses and stuff so we are underway and selling them there's also another issue that we have and it's with the living condition and we want them out they are horrible horrible people and their mess and they bother people come up to you and try and touch things and Men it's gross but it's an advertisement about the clones and the clones are upset about it and they are going after them for it they're going after I'm pretty steadily too.
And see how they behave if they think he's occupied it's really rude and he's a bum this guy and I was going to try and do something so she is back again here we go this is what he has to do everyday is winners and really there's no laundry in here this is sticking your head in there it's a train say that she put stuff in there and is an a****** it's really he but I finally charges
We're following through and we're putting the charges in now
Thor Freya
And we're going to try to join the Lord and dan right now I'm going to the court and I put it in there. He said they had weapons they didn't but they grab them and tried to go back now they're going to be brought to trial today
Bitol and Goddess Wife
They're also going to be on trial for their shootout downtown is very illegal and they'll probably get convicted but we want to add this to it or a separate trial so there's two the first one lends to the second
It's good work it's excellent work and he's getting impatient because the idiots are still swarming around him and we have to send people in or assigning units and asking for volunteers on top of it and we need much more many more people for permanent duty here we have a big plan
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