#while thor still looks like the day of his coronation is my personal headcanon and my own roman empire
seasicksilver · 10 months
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my brother, my keeper…
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
Non-Controversial Loki Headcanons for These Trying Times
1.) Loki has had dozens of Midgard-based aliases over the years, for no other reason than the fact that he was bored and it was funny. DB Cooper was one of them. Hank Williams was another. He may or may not have even pretended to be a vampire at some point.
2.) Loki can definitely sing. Not just in a funny ironic way, but like.. he actually enjoys singing. It shouldn’t even come as a surprise considering he’s such a fine arts nerd, but yeah. He plays the guitar too. Surprisingly folksy.
3.) Loki’s rooms in Asgard literally look like a witch’s lair. I mean straight up spooky. All dark earth tones, spellbooks strewn everywhere, runes drawn on the walls to keep certain big brothers from messing with things they have no business messing with, vials of poisonous stuff sitting on every available surface, shelves full of strange little trinkets and talismans, a dramatic ass medieval-looking bed, a whole ass cauldron… and then in the corner on a stand there’s his Hank Williams Guitar aasdfghhjkl-
4.) When people call Loki a witch, they’re not joking. He’s. Like. An actual stereotypical, like.. witch. He doesn’t just do finger wavy magic- he mixes potions, he does rune work, he recites spells, he has a cauldron.
5.) He also used to dress super witchy. Used to. Past tense. I’m talking black nail polish, lots of necklaces, rings, eyes makeup (ok maybe I wouldn’t go that far, but Loki in eyeliner would be pretty hot, right?), clothes that were like.. 15% scarier yet more fashionable than the ones he wears in canon. The only reason he toned it down was because someone whose opinion he cared about (it was Thor) made a joking comment about his appearance looking “wicked” or “evil” and it made him feel self conscious, so he changed how he dressed. :(
6.) He was rocking the whole short hair look years before Thor in Ragnarok. In fact, by pre-canon Loki’s standards, his hair in Thor 1 was even a bit too long. He did this because a.) he hates how his natural curls soften him and will do anything to get rid of them and b.) in Asgard short hair wasn’t really worn by noblemen because it symbolised servitude, so this was Loki’s subtle way of being defiant and deviating from the norm.
7.) As Frigga said in Endgame, Loki is very good at sneaking. Even when he’s not trying to. There have been many-an-accident in the Palace of Asgard because he unintentionally almost gave Thor a heart attack.
8.) Loki and Thor weren’t always at each other’s throats. They actually got along pretty well up until Odin started planning for the coronation. Loki was still jealous of the way Thor was treated compared to the way he was treated, but he knew that wasn’t Thor’s fault- not really. And Thor was still arrogant and entitled, but that was mostly directed at other people and not his own family, so while Loki knew about Thor’s character flaws, it didn’t really effect him personally. When the planning started, though, Thor gradually became even more superior and insufferable than normal, and Loki became even more bitter and unsettled, and their relationship just kind of went downhill from there.
9.) Loki absolutely joined the Mile High Club with that flight attendant from the first episode of the show. Her name was Florence and she was adorable, Loki thought so too.
10.) Loki’s the only person on Asgard who can beat Volstagg at an eating competition. He has a giant’s metabolism, after all. And, contrary to his elegant and refined tastes in most other areas, he’s actually a straight-up carnivore. I mean he eats other foods too, obviously, but meats are by far his favourites. Boar, fish, poultry, steak. Just meats. He doesn’t know it, but this is because frost giants are mostly carnivorous.
11.) His relationship with the Warriors 4 was always split down the middle. He and Sif always hated each other. Hogun never trusted him and Loki never had any interest in spending time with Hogun. Fandral and Volstagg, on the other hand, were always much nicer and Loki always sort of considered them his friends as well as Thor’s. This is why they were more reluctant to believe that he’d let the frost giants in in Thor 1.
12.) I refuse to believe Loki doesn’t have at least one tattoo somewhere. Probably more. Probably of a snake. The only parts of his body we didn’t see naked in Episode 1 were his thighs, lower back, knee area, pelvic region, and the back of his neck. So it’s gotta be in one of those places. (Might I suggest: snake thigh tattoo, tiny nape tat, goth tramp stamp lol, rune tat behind his ear, Norse mythos leg tat, badass above-dick tattoo).
13.) Loki’s prickly and insecure and has layers like an onion, but once you get to the point of actually being friends with him, he’s a total sweetheart. I mean a literal smol dork. A bit hyperactive and excitable, but still very very soft. It’s because he’s had so few actual friends in his life.
14.) Sometimes Loki only goes a few days before his gender changes, sometimes he stays one gender for years at a time. And he tends to shapeshift his body to match. That being said, one of his biggest pet peeves is how his other-gendered clothes get all dusty and musty when they have to stay in the closet for long stretches of time. So he’s taken to wearing luxurious gowns around the house when he’s in his male form. You know, just to air them out.
15.) Loki hates sleeping with people. Sex is fine, but he’s just so solitary and paranoid that he’s never been comfortable sleeping in a bed with another person. This may or may not have gotten him in trouble a few times when his partners woke up and found him gone lol.
16.) Laufey is actually incredibly similar to Loki, the way Odin is very similar to Thor. He prefers smaller blades (ice daggers), he’s very analytical and calculating, he’s very calm and non-confrontational even when he’s in a stressful situation, and tbh he seems like a better king than Odin- much like Loki probably would’ve been a better kind than Thor. (Whoopsie this one’s a bit controversial)
17.) Loki adores animals! …But he’s also a bit obsessive about keeping his environment clean. Not organised, per se, just clean. And animals tend to be hairy and slobbery and feathery and slimy and poopy and dirty, so he’s never been able to have a pet. He just takes a lot of nature walks to compensate :)
18.) All jotuns are naturally intersex, including Loki. This is a bit unusual for Asgardians, but because Loki is genderfluid and a natural-born shapeshifter- and has always had a tendency to change his body parts around as his gender changes (male, female, both, neither)- he’s never had a reason to find it very odd. In hindsight, that was one of the many eccentricities that should have made him realise something was a little fishy with his “asgardian” genetics.
19.) The snake + stabbing story from Ragnarok was nowhere near as nefarious as Thor made it seem. What actually happened was: Someone accidentally mixed a real knife in with the blunted practice knives. Thor and Loki didn’t know this, of course, and when they were playing a battle game, Loki ended up with the real knife. When Loki “won” and went to “vanquish his enemy” he ended up actually stabbing Thor for real. They were both hysterical and it took longer to calm Loki down than his brother. It ended up just being a flesh wound, though, so everything turned out fine.
20.) A lot of people think Loki discovered his “secret passageways between worlds” from TDW through some sort of inter-realm questing or magical study or something, but in reality, he discovered them when he was like 16 and desperately trying to find a way to sneak out of Asgard without Heimdall telling his parents.
Tagging @natures-marvel & @little-s-creampuff for expressing interest. Thx for listening to my mad ravings lmao <3
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lokislittlesigyn · 3 years
OG616 : Thor 1 - Pt.1 [The Coronation]
[My masterlist, where all parts of this and my other fics can be found]
Pairing: Loki / Sigyn (basically an oc based off the marvel/myth namesake)
Warnings: None! It’s all fluff for now.
Author’s Note: This will be an ongoing series - not sure how long it will last, but it is a Very long piece, going through each of the Thor movies, as well as some of the Avengers movies and times in-between, filling in the blanks much like the Thor: The Dark World Prelude comic and the like. I pull mostly from the MCU, with a dash of Norse myth and personal headcanons. There may be enough for a few months’ worth of content as I edit and post pieces!
If you’d like to be added for the taglist for this, please say so in the replies or message me separately, if you wish.
I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do - it’s been a personal journey for me, and I’m excited to share it. And if you don’t enjoy it? I wish you well all the same. <3
"Loki. Lokiii, wake up."
Sigyn was met with a mere grunt.
"Loki, darling. Wake up." She leaned closer, kissing her husband's cheek - he inhaled, eyes fluttering open.
"Why should I?" He murmured, rolling onto his side to face her, eyes still droopy with sleep. "I've got you."
Sigyn reached up to brush a wispy black hair from his face. Caressed his cheek. "But Thor’s coronation is today. We can’t exactly miss it.."
Loki smiled, though it was rather forced. "Yes.. Of course. How could I forget?"
"Well, it's alright if you forget sometimes. You have me." Another kiss, and Sigyn hopped out of bed. Their chambers were bathed in the golden light of morning, a fresh breeze drifting in from the balcony. She walked to their water basin, washing her face and hands, then patting it dry with the soft towel before dressing for the day. "I’d wager the feast will be wonderful," She glanced at him as he finally left the bed, "That is, if Volstagg leaves us any."
Loki chuckled. "That would certainly be wondrous." He too washed and dressed, though quicker with the help of magic, walking to the doorway to their balcony. Sunlight shone bright over the city... He took a deep breath, leaning against the threshold. "What time is it?" 
"Nearly midday, I would guess. You, my dear, are lazy." She teased, adjusting her clothes in a floor-length mirror: sleek and tailored, sapphire cloth mixed with dyed leathers. The colors contrasted with her skin - the same color as Loki’s, though her shoulder-length hair was a shade lighter. Deep brown, which matched her eyes. She brushed her hair back from her face.
"As I recall, you kept me up last night." He chuckled over his shoulder.
"I beg your pardon? You're the one who insisted on finishing just one more chapter of your book - no doubt a chapter that could have waited." Sigyn smiled.
"Now now, I- Not wearing your gown yet, darling?" He walked back to her, smoothing a hand over her shoulder.
"I was hoping to eat and visit the stables before I'm doted upon for hours.." She muttered, turning her attention to the gloves she was trying to pull on unassumingly.
"Nonsense, you should be doted upon promptly. Food can be brought to you." He kissed her forehead.
A huff. "All right, I was hoping to visit the stables."
"Mmn, as I suspected. I'm sorry, darling, but you'll do no such thing. Running off isn't permitted on such an important day." He smirked.
"I only wanted to see Villieldr."
"You'll see him tomorrow, dear one. Now, let's get you to the thralls, they'll need to start soon.."
Hours later, Sigyn was still in a dressing room of sorts, secluded from the rest of the palace. It was golden, like the rest of Valaskjalf, though it sported a long, padded bench for her to sit on as she was tended to. Thralls - servants of the royal family, who lived and worked in the palace - had brushed her hair, prepared her gown, shined her adornments. Now they split her brown locks into long, loose curls, pulling them back into braids.
She stayed quiet, letting them do their work. Years of experience had taught her to remain completely still - or else incite the hushed grumbling and frustrated glares of the experienced hairdressers, who despised fidgety clients.
After what felt like a millennium of waiting, sitting in nothing but her shoes and a satiny slip, Sigyn was finally given her gown: deep green, with a gold armored bodice. The emerald fabric draped off her shoulders, over her neck and behind her in a sort of cape. On each arm, a golden band - and golden bracelets, which matched the headpiece they placed around her head like a crown. Golden, with a sweeping wing on each side, it was delicate and thin, shining in the light. She gazed in the mirror, smiling in spite of herself. "I do hope Loki is pleased.." She murmured, brushing her fingertips along the golden headpiece.
One of the servants giggled. Vieta, Sigyn's personal favorite and close friend, a younger girl with fiery red hair who'd taken to the princess from the start. "Let us know how he reacts." She winked.
Sigyn shared a grin with her before leaving.
Sigyn walked past torch sconces and golden arches, carvings that had grown so familiar through the years. She smiled at memories of running between those same pillars, ducking behind them with her now-husband to avoid prying eyes. They had grown since then. She was no longer the shy, quiet girl who hid behind her father Vaskr, only speaking when spoken to. Loki, no longer the studious boy who desperately tried to impress her with spells. No, while Sigyn still had a quieter nature than most, and Loki still enjoyed his books and tomes, they were stronger together.
Now, there was no need to hide, or to feel out of place amidst the gilded walls. The palace had become her home.
"It's time." A familiar voice echoed.
"You go ahead," rumbled another.
Sigyn stepped out from behind the last pillar, smiling up at them - Thor, her brother, the crown prince, and Loki, who stood looking dumbfounded. She stopped in her tracks, gazing up at his freshly-polished armor, his sparkling eyes, his barely-parted lips that meant to speak, but simply couldn't... He looked positively gorgeous in the firelight. And by the pink of his cheeks, she figured he felt the same about her.
"You two act like a pair of newlyweds." Thor chuckled.
Sigyn snapped out of her stupor. Grinned, walked up to them both. "You know, Loki, I think Thor is jealous."
"Me? Jealous? Why-"
"Oh, yes," Loki piped up, taking Sigyn's hand and placing a firm kiss to her knuckles. "He's still single."
She giggled gently.
"Well then, brother. We’ll see you soon." Loki smirked, patted Thor on the back, and happily led Sigyn off, Thor chuckling as they left.
Loki, still holding Sigyn's hand, continued his smug strut all the way to the throne room.
Sigyn’s grip tightened when they neared the entrance.
"All right, love?" He looked at her.
She smiled gently. "Just a bit nervous."
He turned to face her, gazing down at her a moment in silence, before breaking it. "Sigyn, you're the princess. Everyone loves you. Me most of all," He smiled. "Calm down and walk with me. I can't go in without you."
She pursed her lips, nodding. Without another word, they entered the throne room - raucous applause greeted them. Loki lifted his head higher, somehow, cradling Sigyn's hand in his as they walked down the aisle. She grinned. The excitement and anticipation in the room was palpable.
Finally, the couple stopped. Loki released her, leaving her at the bottom step to take his place just between her and Frigga, the queen. She smiled down at Sigyn, who smiled back.
Across the way stood their friends - the Warriors Three, Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral, along with Lady Sif. Fandral winked at Sigyn, causing Loki to shift his weight, clearing his throat. Sif nudged him, exchanging a playful, knowing look with Sigyn. Fandral was a flirt - but he would never dare to try and steal any spoken-for woman. Well... No one who was spoken for by a prince, anyway.
But then the crowd grew louder still. Thor made his way down the aisle, working up the crowd as everyone knew he would. He was the eldest prince, after all. Proud and full of charisma, with a handsome, charming smile. He tossed Mjolnir into the air and caught it - the crowd roared yet again.
Sigyn smirked, watching her brother..
Her brother, whom she adored.
Her brother, who would now be king. She looked up at Odin. The king, the Allfather- no. Father. Her gaze turned to Frigga. Mother.
Finally, she looked to Loki.
Her heart fluttered, her cheeks feeling warm. She caught Loki's eye, and in an instant he turned to her, tilting his head slightly, his brows furrowed in worry. She gave him a warm smile and he, though despite clearly trying to withhold such a smile, returned it - his gaze lingering on her before turning to Thor who now knelt before the throne.
It was time.
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veliseraptor · 5 years
You might've answered this already but what are some of your favorite Loki quotes? Also, you are wonderful and don't let anyone make you think otherwise
I really thought I’d written one for this! But if I did I can’t find it. (Just a favorite scenes post, which, there will be some overlap.)
But sure, I’ll go for this one. As usual, I wrote an essay! What else do you expect from me, a person who does this on a regular basis.
1. “Satisfaction is not in my nature.”
I have talked before (a lot!) about how this is, to me, one of the most character defining quotes for Loki - because it is so much of his issue. Loki is someone who is always wanting, always hungry, and sometimes he doesn’t even really know what he wants. He doesn’t know what will make him happy, just that he’s unhappy. And even in a positive way, he’s never fully satisfied - driven, ambitious, curious. 
And also there’s the aspect of how even when he gets what he wants it’s very, very hard, if not impossible, to accept it, or believe in it. To trust that it’s real. Not to poke and prod and look for the holes and traps and deceptions in it. Never satisfied. Never settled.
Loki’s not someone who does stability very well, if at all. It’s all constant motion, constant change, constant seeking, never standing still.
2. “I never wanted the throne! I only wanted to be your equal.”
I wrote a little recently about how I think this line is not...untrue, but it’s qualified truth. And in this moment it’s very interesting - falling during the fight with Thor, where he is in a lot of ways trying to provoke Thor’s anger and force a fight. But here he is speaking something that on the face of it could be conciliatory - it’s explicitly saying ‘this isn’t about me usurping your rightful place, this isn’t about me wanting to be King, this is about me wanting to be your equal” - with the implication, never really addressed, that he isn’t. 
That Loki’s understanding of his standing is fundamentally as less than. As inferior. And while I understand why not, it is a little sad that no one says something to the effect of ‘you are.’ (Which, while there’s objections to be made about how that’s expressed, at least opens a conversation about those objections rather than just breezing on by them as though there’s no merit to that emotional response or assumption that, well, he’s just right. But anyway. Communication! This family ain’t good at it.)
This is definitely a line that gets lost a lot, I think, in peoples’ understanding of Loki - that his desire for power is only secondarily for its own sake, and first and foremost for a goal of meeting a standard (Thor) that he’s set himself. (And also as a means to safety, but that’s another thing.) 
But boy is it potent. And, like the satisfaction line, so central to an understanding of who Loki is, and why he does what he does.
3. “If I am for the axe, then for mercy’s sake, swing it. It’s not that I don’t love our little talks, it’s just…I don’t love them.”
I wrote some meta a while back about the opening scene between Loki and Odin in The Dark World that I found while looking for something else, here and also here, which doesn’t surprise me that I did that because I have a lot of feelings about that scene. Like, as many as I have about the Vault scene in the first movie, probably.
There’s just so much going on in the whole thing, but this line specifically has stuck with me, because it’s an instance of Loki being flippant while also…not being that at all.
I talk in the linked post about how Loki walks into this scene expecting this to be a death sentence. He’s pretty ready for that, and he’s just going to go out with a bang with the verbal equivalent of a backflip with two middle fingers in Odin’s direction. 
So here he’s basically like “if you’re going to bore me like this you might as well just kill me, because you’re boring me to death, get it, because you’re going to execute me eventually so let’s just get there already” which is just…yeah, it makes me feel things. 
4. “Are you mad?” “Possibly.”
I know I wrote about this at one point when I was talking about Loki’s relationship with his own sanity/instability, but I can’t find that post, so I’ll just have to talk about it again. Good thing I can do that.
Like, this is a flippant response to Thor, but on the other hand there’s an honesty to it (like his flippant response to Odin, above). Is he mad? Maybe. Hard to say, even for Loki - he thinks maybe he is, a lot of the time, and that’s something he’s just kind of rolling with right now. It also fits with Loki’s generally manic energy throughout the scene after Thor springs him from prison, which also gives me a lot of feelings - it’s like…oh, this is a terrible comparison, but it’s like when you have a dog with a lot of energy who has been inside all day and then you take them out and the reaction is like. Running in wild circles because oh finally finally finally. 
And that’s…I mean, ouch, works with my headcanons about how putting Loki in a space where he can’t do much but think is one of the worst things for him. 
I just generally have a weak spot, too, for Loki making jokes about things that really aren’t funny.
5. “You know, it all makes sense now, why you favored Thor all these years. Because no matter how much you claim to love me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!”
This whole scene is A Lot, and this whole exchange is A Lot, but I settled on this specific line, because woof there’s so much here. There’s the bit about favoring Thor, there’s ‘claim to love me’ (instantly, doubt of that love, it’s not real, none of this has ever been real, his entire identity is thrown into doubt and therefore everything else is too), there’s the feeling of ‘I’ve been set up to fail all along and you never meant me for anything else.’ And the implicit, in the idea of ‘could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne’ bit, affirmation of his worthlessness but also of his inferiority (monstrousness) on the basis solely of his origins.
I’ve talked before about how after this reveal Loki pins a lot of everything that’s gone wrong in his life, and everything that’s wrong with him, on his being a Frost Giant. That it becomes a focal point for all his self-hatred and self-doubt. (That’s here too - ‘it all makes sense now.’ This, this one truth about me, explains everything that’s bad about me and my life.’) That’s where the idea comes from that, well, if I can only wipe out this part of me, completely disown it, prove that it’s meaningless and I am a true son of Asgard...then everything will be fine. 
(Even while he knows, I’m sure, that isn’t true. He needs it to be true, because or else...well, we see what happens when he loses that lifeline.)
This line is very much...everything comes down to this. It is the essence of Loki’s breaking point, of what breaks Loki, where the downhill slide that began with the Frost Giant grabbing his arm on Jotunheim completes and he tips over the edge. This line, right here. And when Odin drops without responding...there’s no going back, because Loki’s is the last word.
6. “You’re my brother and my friend. Sometimes I’m envious, but never doubt that I love you.”
I feel like sometimes people read this line with the knowledge that Loki is literally setting Thor up to fail as he speaks and therefore it’s not true, or is somehow disingenuous, but I genuinely don’t think that’s the case. I think Loki does mean it. That he does love Thor, more deeply and intensely than basically anyone else.
I mean, I have talked before about how there is no contradiction in loving and hating your sibling, not really - and definitely no contradiction in loving your sibling so much and at the same time feeling a deep, burning resentment of their place in life and in the family. 
And to the question of Loki’s motivations - whether he does this initially because he genuinely believes Thor is going to be a disastrous ruler for Asgard or because he wants to ruin Thor’s coronation and take him down a few notches (though never, I think, intending to either a) actually reach Jotunheim or b) get Thor exiled), and I think my answer to that question, as with so many of Loki’s motivations, is ‘can’t it be both?’
But none of that negates how much Loki does care about Thor, in a desperate and often horrifyingly codependent way. And I think on some level Loki says this knowing he’s setting Thor up for a fall, because he’s doing that - because he wants Thor to know that, even when everything collapses around him (as it is going to do), Loki still cares about him. 
And also affirming it and reminding himself of that, too, as I figure he does when the envy and resentment gets too strong: remember you love him. Remember he’s your brother. Remember that makes it worth it. 
I read this as a very genuine moment, which also makes everything that comes after that much more painful.
7. “I didn’t do it for him.”
Mostly here it’s the contrast - at the end of Thor Loki’s last line is “I could have done it for you! For all of us,” spoken to Odin, before he attempts suicide. And here, before he (believes he) dies, he says this in answer to Thor’s saying he’ll tell Odin that Loki died with honor. 
He could mean either Frigga, or Thor - I lean toward Thor, in this case, because it was Thor’s life he sacrificed himself saving - but regardless, he doesn’t mean Odin. It’s a shifting of his priorities, and whose approval and/or love he cares about most. Odin is no longer the priority. 
And it just…hurts, too. This whole exchange does (I considered using ‘see you in Hel, monster’ because of what it says about Loki’s expectations about himself), but this line especially is…and also what a gut punch for Thor, too. Having this glimpse of the Loki he knew and loved only for him to be snatched away again.
8. “It hurts, doesn’t it? Being lied to. Being told you’re one thing and then learning it’s all a fiction.”
This is another line I’ve written about before because of the way it’s so double-edged and so very Loki. It is simultaneously pointed and mocking (”see how it feels now, huh? I did this years ago and you didn’t care then”) and also, tacitly (and especially as Loki goes on to offer Thor a way out), a kind of sympathy (”I know how this feels, I’ve been here”). And there’s a certain pleasure in being able to be that kind of magnanimous, and a certain pleasure in the spite as well.
It’s both, at the same time. The satisfaction and the compassion. And that’s what Loki is like, in a lot of ways: those contradictions, the push-pull of conflicting emotions and motivations, always in tension. Which is what makes him such a fascinating character, but is also part of what makes his life so hard. 
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spam-monster · 4 years
Helsaweek 2020 Day 1: Swap
(or tumblr’s apparently being a butt but idgaf i’mma post this and head out)
I’ve done things like power swaps or gender swaps or kingdom swaps before (at least in my head), and I wanted to do something different this time, sooooo...introducing amount-of-siblings swap!
In the beautiful kingdom of Arendelle, there were once thirteen fair princesses; although the kingdom had only ever seen two of them, for around the time the third was being carried the king and queen had suddenly closed the gates to the castle without warning. Stories were told, by the servants and traders who went in and out, of a group of perfectly normal, lovely girls. Yes, they all had their quirks, but none seemed to have any affliction that would justify hiding them away. Rumors were spread as well: questions of parentage, a hidden 14th child born with some terrible curse and locked away, a secret illness that affected only royalty…or perhaps something to do with the eldest child, Elsa, since she was almost never seen outside of her rooms.
But surely she was just engrossed in her studies, preparing herself to become the new queen after her parents had been lost. After all, the older townsfolk had met Elsa when she was younger, and she had been a perfectly normal, sweet young girl. Whatever had caused her parents cut themselves off from the kingdom, it surely had nothing to do with her…
“Alright, that’s enough! Dina, don’t play huntress with Frida’s Mr. Deer! Ingrid, stop trying to give Cathrine a makeover! Gunda, Hilda, stop fighting! Jorunn, we can go see the horses later! Klara, Linda…”
“You’re fine.” Brigitta says from behind her. “Now let’s all get ready for bed, we have a big day tomorrow.”
Anna sighs in relief, and mentally thanks Brigitta. At least one of her little sisters is acting responsible tonight.
“We want to make a good first impression on the peasants, after all.”
…Or maybe not.
“Yeah, c’mon. You don’t want them to get mad at us and rebel and drag us all to the guillotine.”
“Cathrine, no one is being guillotined tomorrow.”
“I’d like to see ‘em try!”
“Hilda, please don’t try to fight anyone.”
“…Will they even like us?”
“Linda, of course they will.”
“Why should we even care about Elsa’s coronation?”
Anna turned to Mathilde, the youngest of the thirteen sisters of Arendelle, slumped over on a couch looking bored. “Because she’s your big sister, and she’s going to be queen! We’ve all been waiting for this day for years, we need to support her-”
“Why should I care about someone I barely know?”
Anna flinched. “It’s true, that…Elsa hasn’t been around much lately…or spent much time with us…but I’m sure she’s just been…very busy! With…studying to be queen! And all!”
Mathilde glared. “That’s a lame excuse. She always ignores us.”
“She’s not…a bad person, really…”
“Yeah, I know, you always say you used to be “best friends” or whatever. But you’re the only one of us who’s ever seen her act like a real sister!”
Anna looked around, panicked, as most of the other girls began to nod and whisper in agreement.  
“She never talks to us.”
“She’s never played with us.”
“She rarely even comes down for dinner.”
“She left you alone.”
Anna turned to Klara, confused. “Left me alone?”
Klara looked at her sadly. “After mom and dad died. She left you to raise us all on your own.”
And Anna had no answer for that.
In the small kingdom known as the Southern Isles, there were once two princes. Although you might not have remembered at first, because the elder brother was so boisterous and dazzling that it was easy to forget the younger one even existed. Prince Torvald was remarkable; an accomplished hunter, a spectacular storyteller, able to charm even the most aloof noble, and sure he could be a bit boorish and egotistical at times, but he was a prince! It was to be expected, right?
“We should be grateful we even have a prince at all, let alone two.” People would whisper. “The poor queen had been trying for decades to bear the king a worthy heir, rest her soul.”
“Not sure the other one was worth her effort, though.” Others would grumble. “What’s his name…Hans? What has that one ever done that Prince Torvald didn’t do better? Well, at least we have a spare…”
“Is it not a fine day at sea, little brother? Clear skies, calm waters…and across the ocean, the quaint, little, unimportant country of Arendelle awaits the blessed presence of future King Torvald the Mighty!”
Hans tried very hard to suppress a sigh. *Arendelle is bigger than the Southern Isles* he grumbled under his breath.
“What was that?”
“If…Arendelle is so “unimportant”, as you say…why did you bother to come with me?”
“A King never passes up an opportunity to impress other rulers with his might! That’s a lesson you should remember…or not, I suppose.”
*Since I’ll never be a king, you mean*
“Also, I have heard tell that the future queen is quite beauteous. Perhaps she shall prove worthy of the honor of becoming my bride.”
*That was my plan, damn it!*
Torvald laughs obnoxiously and slaps Hans on the back, almost knocking him off his feet. “Fear not, little brother! I have also heard that she has many younger sisters! Perhaps one of them shall take pity on you!”
Sitron knickers at him in concern. Hans shakes it off. “Yes…perhaps. I – um, should go…check on the horses.”
Torvald laughs again and sends him off with another hearty slap. Hans sighs heavily as he tends to Sitron.
“I’m alright, boy.” He murmurs to the horse. “And who knows? Maybe the queen will be smart enough to see my brother for what he really is, and…who am I kidding? She’ll never look at me.”
 (I imagine how this goes is that:
- Hans still meets and bonds with Anna but Torvald swoops in and grabs her attention away since Elsa is ignoring him (and he’s jealous Hans is getting attention for once)
- Elsa still freaks out and runs, Anna still goes after her by herself and leaves Torvald and Hans in charge, Torvald spends most of the time posturing and giving grandiose speeches while Hans actually works to take care of the people and ends up bonding with the other princesses as well
- at the castle Torvald makes Hans go in first and he actually has a conversation with Elsa and bonds with her
- in the end Torvald talks Hans into killing Elsa (because he doesn’t want to dirty his hands, plus then he can make Hans take the blame if things go bad), but Hans hesitates so Torvald tries to do it himself but Anna stops him
- Torvald gets sent back but Hans decides to stay (and clean up his brother’s mess), the sisters all basically adopt him as their new unofficial big brother alongside Kristoff, the end)
 Might expand on this later (like designing the new siblings, or maybe WRITING SOME ACTUAL HELSA IN INSTEAD OF JUST HINTING AT IT.)
Bios for the au siblings under the cut:
I basically just ran down the list of Norwegian girl names for this one (one from each of the first 13 letters that aren’t “a” or “e”), so let me throw out some basic entomology/character stuff for the swap siblings:
Brigitta: 3rd child, in this ‘verse Idunn was probably pregnant with her when the accident happened. Goes between helping Anna keep the younger ones in line and causing problems herself. Has a bit of a superiority complex regarding her status as a princess - acts like she must be better than everyone outside the gates, but really it’s a coping mechanism to help her deal with the isolation she feels. Name means “resolute, strength”.
Cathrine: Name possibly derives from the goddess of witchcraft Hectate, so she’s the spooky, playfully morbid one. Level-headed when she’s not creeping the younger ones out by joking about death. Dina is her younger twin.
Dina: Name comes from the goddess Diana; Roman equivalent to Artemis, goddess of the moon and hunts. She picked up her love of hunting from the hunters who would come and sell fresh meat to the castle cooks, and spend her time stalking the other girls (and their stuffed animals) and sneak-attacking them with her toy bow and arrows.
Frida: Name means “peace”.  A quiet nature-lover who hates conflict, which is ironic because she’s one of a set of triplets and the other two are the most aggressive of the bunch. Ends up being the target of the more aggressive girls a lot because she doesn’t want to fight back, and she’d rather they pick on her than one of the younger girls.
Gunda and Hilda: Names mean “war” and “battle” respectively, and they live up to them. The typical red-headed identical twin duo that’s always causing trouble (except they’re triplets and the other one doesn’t want to play along). Dina can either be their ally or their rival depending on the situation.
Ingrid: Name means “beautiful”- basically she’s the one obsessed with fancy clothes and trying to do everyone’s makeup.
Jorunn: Name means “horse lover” …yeah. Obsessed with horses, spends way too much time in the stables and comes back kinda smelly, biggest dream is to ride freely through the fields of Arendelle, possibly has headcanons of what breed of horse each of her family members would be (with accompanying fanart).
Klara: Name means “clear, bright”. Intelligent and honest, sometimes to a fault. Although she doesn’t like upsetting people, she won’t shy away from telling hard truths. Linda is her twin.
Linda: The most gentle and sensitive of the girls, easily stressed and has a hard time objecting to others because she doesn’t want to hurt their feelings. Gets along best with Frida, who tries to protect her from the more rambunctious girls. Name means “soft, mild”.
Mathilde: The youngest of the bunch. Acts out a lot because she knows she can get away with it. Her name means “battle strength”, and she lives up to it by being the most strong-willed and stubborn of the bunch.
 As for Hans’ older brother, he had to be really obnoxious to make up for the fact that there’s only one of him instead of twelve. Torvald means “Thor’s ruler”, and I basically based him off Thor at the beginning of his first movie (minus any of the good traits) – he’s brash, egotistical, and takes his little brother for granted. Unlike Thor, he’s also an emotionally abusive dirty coward with no respect for women or anyone he deems “weaker” than himself (which is pretty much everyone except his father).
(Even though Hans stays in Arendelle in this ‘verse, I think he might end up going back and becoming king of the Southern Isles someday just because I can easily see the kingdom deciding its sick of Torvald’s shit and kicking him out. Maybe he and Elsa end up in a long-distance thing, or they unite their kingdoms or something idk how this works.)
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living-dead-parker · 6 years
Coronation - P.P
Summary: It’s coronation day for the two lovers. Part two to Wield It. 
Warnings: some cussing, some ooc stuff but this is my own personal headcanon (and idk man i’m sorry if it sucks, I didn’t think people would want a part two to Wield It lmao) probs some mistakes 
Word Count: 1.2k
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"So, is this really something you're okay with? I mean, we're not Asgardians." Peter asks, taking notice of his Asgardian attire clad body. They chose a red top with traditional black bottoms. A blue cape adorned the young man's shoulders. The colors, respectively, representing his Spider-Man suit colors. His hair is in its natural curls, and his warm brown eyes shine with an excitement that can only be described as child-like wonder.
"Wow, King of Asgard? More like king of my bedroom." you joke, adding a whistle as you step closer to the two men. Thor chuckles, walking up to you to fix the cape attached to the straps of your dress. Your h/c hair adorned with a rose gold brooch with a flower design. You sport a violet gown, a slit on the side of the right leg reaching to your knee, black velvet cape lying on your shoulders.
"Jokes aside, yes. If anything, I trust you two of all people." Thor speaks, his tone sincere. Thor grabs a box, holding two small gold bracelets. "It's a new thing I wanna try. We can stay connected, always know when Asgard is in need." Thor mentions, slowly pushing the box in front of the couple. The two look at each other with wide eyes, and even wider smiles.
"If I may interject," a familiar voice speaks as they enter the room. Heads snap, turning to the source of the voice, wide smiles spreading across their lips, looking over at the black and green-clad man.
"Loki!" Thor says excitedly, walking over to his brother. Admittedly, Thor and Loki have learned to truly get along now. Sure, Loki still tries to prank his brother all the time, but Thor doesn't get bothered too much by it. Well, at least when he isn't getting stabbed. Or shot. Or pushed from a building. Besides that, Loki is completely tolerable.
"May I ask what the point of this is?" Loki asks, eyeing the young couple. Peter stands up straight, swatting your hand away from his face as you try to poke his cheek.
"Lady Y/N and the young spider kid managed to lift Mjolnir and, we all know what that means," Thor speaks excitedly. Loki looks over at the young couple, eyeing them up and down. They're not Asgardians, how could they possibly lift the stupid thing? Inspecting the two, he seems more drawn to the girl, feeling like she's mature enough to rule.
"The girl, I trust. She seems a good fit. The boy," Loki says, pausing as he takes another look at the young man. He almost resembled a little kid and not an adult. "Not so much," Loki says. He turns back to his brother, noticing he's wearing his coronation garbs.
"Oh come on, the two are a perfect fit. We can bend the rules a little bit and allow you to lead with us. Come on, Loki." Thor begins. His tone is near convincing, but it doesn't quite reach to Loki. He walks to the window in the golden room, looking out into the land and taking in the beauty of his beloved planet.
"Mr. Loki-" Peter begins, but Y/N steps in and chimes in. It was obvious who was more like who.
"Look, Loki. We get that it's not ideal for you that we rule Asgard, and we see why we shouldn't. We're not even Asgardians, I can see your frustrations, but we're able to pick up Mjolnir. Now, bow down to your queen, Laufeyson." Y/N presses, looking at the taller man. His face is stone cold, but his eyes say it all. He really likes this woman.
"I beg your pardon?" Loki asks though he doesn't care. He will not be harassed by some Midgardian.
"I said," Y/N begins. What's the worst he can do? Kill her? "I get where you're coming from, but there's nothing you can do. Now join us, or bow down to your queen." Y/N says, looking over at Peter and Thor's amused faces. The only person to really put Loki in his place was Hela, but even then, she didn't do much to put him in his place.
"Very well then," Loki says, walking over to Thor and taking one of the two bracelets from his wrist. "If I can't beat you, then I'll be you. But all my communication will be through you, Lady Y/N. I can tolerate you." Loki says. A small smile spreads across the young woman's face. She joins the three men and looks at the men.
"Well, since I'm a ruler now, I declare you all exiled, Asgard will now be ruled by an all-female group. Thank you," you say, looking over at the men. Almost as if it happened in a heartbeat, Loki turned himself into a woman, offering you a shit eating grin.
"While that was so fucking cool," you begin, checking Loki out. She for sure could do some serious damage to an onlooker, because what an actual queen. "I was only joking. Though, I can get behind two women ruling Asgard together," you speak. Loki rolls his eyes, transforming into his male form. He shakes his head and walks off, though deep down, he became like the Grinch, his heart growing twenty fucking sizes bigger.
The four walk out of the room, Thor taking Mjolnir and Loki transporting himself to the center of the city. In the beginning, you used your powers to fly both you and Peter closer to the buildings in the city and once there, Peter decided to take you swinging.
"Can you believe this? We're in Asgard swinging to the center, ready for our coronation. This is wild." you giggle as you look around. Your arms are wrapped tightly around Peter, legs wrapped around his waist. He looks down at you briefly before making it into the crowd of people. Peter lands the two of you right next to Thor.
In the front row of the ceremony stands none other than Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. Next to them stand Natasha, Bruce, Brunnhilde, Wanda, Bucky, and Sam. Aunt May even showed up, which both shocked Peter, but it also did not shock him. It took some explaining, which Peter would not care to relive as it was tedious work to get it into her head. Eventually, she understood and decided to show up, taking the quinjet with the Avengers. May for sure doesn't know when her life was a superhero shit show, but she can't complain too much.
The ceremony came and went. The general public didn't mind that two Midgardians and Loki were ruling alongside Thor. In fact, they were ecstatic to find out what it would entail. Peter and Y/N gave speeches about how honored they were to be doing this and how they would never let the Asgardian people down. Once night fell and celebrations came to an end, the only ones remaining awake were the four rulers, as well as Tony, Steve, Aunt May, and Natasha. The setting was almost familiar before anyone could stop him, Tony was once again, trying his damn hardest to lift the stupid hammer.
With a chuckle, May tells Tony to step aside and let her try. Peter and Y/N watch with excitement while everybody else already knows she'll fail to lift it up. As her hands come in contact with the hammer, she pulls and the hammer goes up like a prop. Almost simultaneously, Tony, Thor, and Loki yell.
"What the fuck?"
Thor chuckles, his eyes wide as he rubs his temples. "What?'
A high-pitched cackle escapes Loki's lips as May joins in on laughing.
Tagging People who seemed to really like Wield It, I hope I haven’t failed you guys (feel free to let me know if you wanna be untagged): @spiderman-n @choke-me-sweet-pea @parkersvlog @totallytomholland @enigmaticallyme @dolansamorr @spider-el @sadbhabie2020 @beautiful-holland @da5haexowin @scottyisthatyou @nightwingbunny @bake-motherfucka-bake @thequeensardine @crazylittlewitch @melancholland
Please send in asks or requests. I’m always a slut for new friends!
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yankeeclapdoctor · 6 years
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That ScreenRant article came out and I’ve decided now is as good a time as any to pour my 7-year-old Loki headcanon analysis gasoline onto the discourse fire
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Seriously don’t keep reading this if you don’t want to be bombarded with pieces of what has been in my head for the past 7 years i’m not fucking messing around my friends don’t have a choice to be attacked with this shit when i start talking in person but it’s the internet so you do have a choice. but for the record: I don’t condone his attempts at genocide or other violent actions, and I know it’s bad writing, and i am also aware that it’s 2018 not 2013. But I still love him. Thank you good day
SO I went through and wrote all over the Marvel profile for Loki and here are some things I have to say that can actually be backed up by canon evidence (I have my other headcanons that are just mine that can only be expressed in angsty fanfic but this isn’t the place for that):
In Thor (2011), Loki brings the Frost Giants to infiltrate Asgard on Thor’s coronation day. He tells Laufey that it was “to ruin [his] brother’s big day,” but we also know from his argument with Sif and the Warriors Three that he didn’t believe Thor was ready to rule yet (and he was right! he didn’t go about any of what he did correctly at all but he was right that Thor wasn’t ready and if he hadn’t been right there wouldn’t have been a movie). He doesn’t ruin Thor’s coronation because he wants to be king, he ruins it both because he’s THE GOD OF MISCHIEF and because he thought he was doing what was best for Asgard (which comes from him just being an entitled little pompous bitch but we all knew that already). 
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After he finds out that he’s a Frost Giant, he loses his fucking mind and becomes desperate for Odin’s approval and to be “worthy,” especially after having felt overshadowed by Thor throughout his life. Finding out that he was a Frost Giant and that Odin took him hoping to “bring about permanent peace through [him]” made him feel even more used and inferior, driving him to (understandably) lose it and try to prove himself “worthy” of being both Odin’s son and an effective person who can be powerful on his own, not just a pawn as Odin first intended for him. 
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As he says to Thor, he “never wanted the throne. [He] only ever wanted to be [Thor’s] equal”—and this is true, both before he knows about his adoption and after: before, Loki felt overshadowed because Thor’s physical strength and status as the heir gave him more positive regard (fuck. look at me using my psychology terms), and afterwards he wants to be Thor’s “equal” just in being deemed “worthy” of Odin’s love and in being seen as a powerful independent person. When Thor asks him why he’s trying to commit genocide he answers, “To prove to father that I am a worthy son.” He thinks that the only way to prove to Odin that he is worthy is to prove that he should be a king, because Thor who has been deemed “worthy” by Odin (and by Mjolnir) is the heir, and therefore kings = “worthy” so Loki should become a king so he can be “worthy”!!! He’s fucked up!!! THIS IS NOT TO EXCUSE HIS ATTEMPT TO COMMIT GENOCIDE AGAINST THE FROST GIANTS. THAT WAS NOT OKAY. I am just deeply psychoanalyzing his motives because Tom Hiddleston played him with this amount of emotional depth and I will prove it by analyzing everything. 
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Look at his eyes. what the Fuck. He’s so broken and hurt and out of his fucking mind. He doesn’t know what to do because he’s so angry that he’s a Frost Giant and hates that part of himself and wants to destroy it so he kills his fucking biological father and then tries to kill all the Frost Giants, rejecting them in an attempt to endear himself to Odin and the Asgardians while also believing he’ll never be accepted by them, especially Thor after he saw Thor go berserk on the Frost Giants at the beginning of the movie. and hearing Thor say anything contrary to the fucked up stuff he’s convinced himself of makes him lose it even more. 
ANyway moving on. So Thor stops the genocide from happening which is great (would have been nice if he’d succeeded in stopping it in IW too but oh well bad writing), but after Odin says “no, Loki” instead of you know maybe helping his sons up onto solid ground before trying to have a conversation, Loki lets go and falls into the abyss, definitely believing that he’s gonna die. 
The Marvel profile thing says he “arrives at the Sanctuary” and “meets the Other,” but it was definitely more like he fucking crashed there and got captured by Chitauri, brought to the Other who interrogated him about where he came from, brought him to Thanos, who then tortured him more. 
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like...im sorry but this is not the face of a guy who was welcomed into Thanos’s creepy rock lair with open arms and martinis. He was fucking tortured. Not be be 2013 on main analyzing every frame to prove this again but I’m going to: he stumbles when he’s walking with Clint and Selvig to leave the big science room, and he has trouble getting into the truck thing because he’s INJURED from TORTURE see:
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[Not to mention all the dialogue in this scene that could be things he was told during his torture and brainwashing/manipulation that he’s repeating back as part of his mindfuckery, but I’m not gonna talk about it bc i know it’s also j*ss’s bad writing not knowing how to write Loki or anyone else and im not getting into that discourse right now. but also for my analytical purposes in my headcanon all of Loki’s dialogue in his first scene in Avengers (2012) is what Thanos told him during his torture]
ANYWAY my point is that Loki was not only influenced by the mind stone; thank you Marvel for finally acknowledging that that happened, but 
Loki was also tortured by Thanos and the Other prior to receiving the scepter
the Other threatens him with being tortured if he “fails” and “if the Tesseract is kept from us” and says “you think you know pain,” which could only refer either to him falling from the Bifrost and landing wherever the fuck he lands (whatever the fuck “The Sanctuary” is. Marvel you can’t just give things stupid cryptic names after the fact what the fuck that’s not fair), or to PREVIOUS TORTURE BY THANOS
the torture was physical as you can see from the everything about him in Avengers (2012), but also psychological as you can tell from his interactions with Thor throughout the movie. let’s take a look
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ok well that’s sorta accurate to the feelings he had in Thor (2011). No evidence of brainwashing torture there. carry on.
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See but that’s not right. Thor didn’t “toss” him, and while the influence of the mind stone could be warping his memory to make him think that, it would make more sense for Thanos to have used it or other torture to warp his memories to make him think that, to ensure that he would have this thought and this reasoning in his head before encountering his brother again [i know it’s really just bad writing shut up]. Thanos and the Other used Loki’s existing feelings of inferiority, thinking that ruling = worthiness, and resentment towards Thor to manipulate his memories, changing some of them with torture before giving him the scepter which then amplified those feelings and cognitive distortions (ha more psych terms) even more so he could carry out the plan to take over Earth. Playing on Loki’s existing resentment towards Thor made him willing to go after Earth, as he also pretty much says in this scene, so this all doesn’t excuse what he does. He isn’t being completely mind controlled. He’s been manipulated and tortured in a way that uses his existing negative feelings and tendency to create chaos as the GOD OF MISCHIEF to create violent action on behalf of a genocidal alien. Thor notices that when he asks this:
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He recognizes Loki’s anger and resentment and twisted ambition from their last fight, but also sees from Loki’s descriptions of the tesseract’s power that his brother’s feelings have been manipulated and amplified by someone’s (and something’s) influence. His later interaction with Loki during the attack on New York when he appeals to him to stop almost works, in that moment people always screenshot to show that Loki’s eyes were blue and therefore he’s controlled by the scepter too oooooOOOOoooOOo (no guys Tom Hiddleston’s eyes are blue and Loki wasn’t controlled by the scepter in the same way as Clint and Selvig). Thor gets Loki to look at the violence around them and asks “do you think this madness will end with your rule?” and this gets through to Loki because he knows he’s not good at establishing order—he creates chaos because he’s THE GOD OF MISCHIEF. His ability to create chaos has been used by Thanos in a ploy to get the Tesseract, the idea that Loki would rule Earth used as vengeful motivation stemming from Loki’s pre-existing feelings of animosity and his earlier need to prove himself “worthy” that have been amplified by both his torture and the influence of the scepter. 
IN CONCLUSION (for now): Loki can create chaos, not control or rule it (see: Thor 2011), but his breakdown in Thor (2011) made him desperate to prove that he can rule, that he can fix problems he creates: he ruins Thor’s coronation and it goes too far, getting Thor banished and nearly starting a war with Jotunheim. He tries to fix it in an attempt to prove himself “worthy” to Odin, but can’t fix it. Thanos uses this need he has to prove himself to make him wreak havoc on Earth to get the Tesseract, but the Avengers defeat him, and Thanos not stepping in to get the Tesseract then 
shows that none of his plan was actually about Earth beyond trying to get the Tesseract and he used Loki’s resentment towards Thor to get to Earth for it
Marvel is bad at setting up long-term villains like Thanos and they should have done Secret Invasion instead because after Avengers (2012) they just fucking forget about him. because they should have introduced the other infinity stones earlier on so that him showing up made more sense. but whatever
So in actual concise response to Marvel updating the thing to say that Loki was influenced by the scepter/mind stone in Avengers (2012): yes thank you for finally fucking saying it and addressing one aspect of your inconsistent writing. We been knew. Loki was influenced by the scepter after being tortured and psychologically manipulated by Thanos and the Other between his fall from the Bifrost and the start of Avengers (2012). This does not mean he was not responsible for his destructive and murderous actions on Earth—that was fucked up—and he still very much did try to commit genocide in Thor (2011). I am not excusing that. However, he is a fictional character and I love him.
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xmenthefanficseries · 7 years
Sigyn MCU Headcanon - Part Ten
This is a continuation of my personal canon-compliant Sigyn headcanon which I would like to write into a fan fiction but it would take way to long. So here are the highlights.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | TL;DR
Journey Into Mystery Season One Episode Three to Thirteen
 Okay, so the story goes on, they search for the hearthstones, battle amazing JiM creatures, visit amazing and fantastical places, it’s pretty awesome (which is why I want a JiM Netflix series so bad!!! Though legit I want a Jennifer Walters one just a tad bit more).
 Episode Six: There is some kind of explosion at the end of this episode that knocks out Sigyn, and possibly Darcy and Selvig.
 Episode Seven: The beginning of the episode is a flashback. Loki has short hair ala Thor and is shirtless (cause why haven’t we had that yet?) and looking like he’s getting dressed and ready to leave. Sigyn walks in, draped in nothing but his green cape.
 Loki: “I’m going to need that.” Sigyn: “Yes, because you’re leaving, already.” Loki: “Thor’s coronation is fast approaching. There are… details that need  sorting before then.” Sigyn: “You’re not going to do something stupid, are you? Like glue his helmet to the table… again.” Loki: “I make no promises.”
 This entire episode is interwoven with flashbacks of this scene as it progresses. I have to admit, I haven’t completely worked out the whole scene in my head, what exactly the dialogue is. I’m sure I will in a few weeks but I’m posting this headcanon now.
 Basically, this scene is a prologue to everything Loki does in Thor. It shows the undercurrent of self-loathing and depression Loki already has, and how discovering his Jotun heritage just fucks him up and leads him to do what he does. (Cool Motive. Still Murder.) And it shows the likely reason why Loki didn’t go to, or send for, Sigyn in Thor. It was the first reason, that she would stop him. But also, Loki thought she would reject him as well.
 (It will be hinted later on that the reason for him not contacting her after he became Oden was for the second, that she would help him. Sigyn basically can’t win here because she is Loki’s blindspot, he knows it, and so he purposefully avoided her.)
 That’s the B-plot of the episode. The A-plot is that Sigyn and possibly Darcy and/or Selvig are captured by the bad guys of the week and it’s made pretty clear that they plan on killing them and all that jazz once their boss gets there. It’s a very quick episode, takes place over maybe a day? Anyway, it’s an extremely psychological episode that involves a lot of Sigyn talking to the individual guards as they do things like bring food, check chains, swap watch duty, etc.
 Then at the end, when the boss is there, and the three are lined up for execution, and it’s clear Sif and Leah haven’t found them yet, Sigyn says only a few words and all hell breaks loose. The men proceed to slaughter each other, Sigyn and Co staying out of the way of the massacre. Sif and Leah get there just as everyone has died and the group is making their way from the carnage.
 Leah: “What did you do?” Sigyn: “I pulled at the strings. Molded their loyalities until they became like a snake eating its own tail.” Leah: “This isn’t at all like you, you would never have done this before. What changed?” Sigyn: “I didn’t change. My priorities simply shifted.”
 Alright, so, something went down while Sigyn was off screen between Thor and now… 0.o
 Episodes 7 through 12: Everything happens, hearthstones are found, Enchantress minions are battled, etc. There will be at least one bright point where Sigyn and Leah are reminded of the good times, share a pretty hot kiss. I want to continue the tradition of Loki in chains and somehow ending up on his back but not sure if I can work it in as Loki or Leah. This is the tail end of the fan fic, so I’m allowed to be a little less sure of the details.
 Episode 13: Leah is revealed as Loki, Sif is none too happy. Sure, they get all the hearthstones but it’s revealed that Loki was after something else, Enchantress related, and so yay, he wins. He would have liked to have gotten the hearthstones, and maybe one day he will, but for the moment, he takes what he can get. Sif is about to put the smack down on Loki but he’s saved by Sigyn who basically pulls the JiM equivalent of “bitch, get in the car if you want to live.”
 Everyone returns home, Asgard is returned-ish, I’m not 100% on this, again, it depends on what we find out about Asgardia in Infinity Wars. For all I know, they could do the whole Broxton, OK, thing which I really want them to do because I’m from Oklahoma and seriously that is awesome.
 Final scene, after all is said and done, is Sigyn and Loki walking through a fantastic forest into a clearing with a small but awesome looking house.
 Loki: “You sure this is safe, no one will find me here?” Sigyn: “It’s safe, it had to be.” -Sigyn grabs Loki’s arm and stops him, makes him look at her – Sigyn: “Loki, I need you to understand something. You put me in an impossible position. You died, twice. You tried to destroy worlds and subjugate a planet. You aligned yourself with the likes of Thanos and the Grandmaster. I know it was for survival, but you made enemies and I couldn’t risk it. I had some very difficult decisions to make. You know what you mean to me, Loki, but in the end, my priority was to them, to protect them, at any cost.” Loki: “What are you—” -off screen- “Mother’s home!” -Loki looks to see two children running forward from the house, Sigyn still continues to look straight at Loki- Sigyn: “Remember the last time we saw each other?” -Loki is speechless, imagine the scene from Ragnarok when Odin says he loves him, only like a zillion times more everything-
 Sigyn introduces Loki to his son’s, Narvi and Vali. Asgardians age differently, so they can be whatever age I want them to be, was thinking like maybe the same age as Thor and Loki were in Thor? I dunno, the point is, Sigyn had twins! But not exactly twins.
 Narvi takes more after Loki, and so when he kneels down and touches his face, the child starts to turn blue and that causes Loki’s hand to turn blue as well. It travels up his arm and half of his face turns Jotun. Vali is more Aesir, but Loki embraces them both, arms wrapped around them, holding them tight. One half of him Aesir, the other Jotun.
 It’s all EXTREMELY EMOTIONAL and everyone tells me they hate me as they ugly cry.
(that’s the dream, anyway).
 So… yeah, that is my Sigyn MCU Headcanon as to where she is and why we haven’t seen her. You can pry it from my cold dead hands. But I’ll gladly share it with any and all who want it.
  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | TL;DR
p.s. I also have, like, a dozen more plot bunnies, as to where it goes from here… things that I’m just waiting to see if I can turn into canon once the rest of these movies come out… someone please stop me, this is clearly a cry for help
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