#while loki’s is reading their favorite book thor
seasicksilver · 10 months
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my brother, my keeper…
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fqreverwinter · 6 months
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relationship: loki x fem!reader
summary: you were loki’s teenage love, but he lost you too soon. in his quest to save the sacred timeline, he time-slips to you, not knowing that you are the one thing that could help him.
warnings: none! :)
word count: 2.6k
notes: i guess i’m back in my loki era! this contains some spoilers for season two, so please read with caution if you have not seen it yet!
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The pain was like no other; time-slipping felt like Loki was being torn into a million pieces while being squished into a small box at the same time. Light flashed around him, making him feel dizzy whilst experiencing the excruciating pain. After the blinding few seconds that the phenomenon lasted, Loki finally landed in whatever spot the force thought he needed to be in next.
At first, he was confused. He was surrounded by trees and mountains—no where he had ever teleported to before. Once he got his bearings, he realized where he was.
It was strange. Each time Loki time-slipped, it was to a place that he had unfinished business in, whether it was the TVA in the past or the McDonald's in the way past that Sylvie worked in. He thought he had no unfinished business in Asgard.
He groaned. Unless it was to deal with his brother or his father.
As Loki began to curse whatever force was behind his teleportation for bringing him here to deal with his family drama, he heard a voice off in the distance. He paused, trying to determine where he knew this voice from. Then he heard it again and his heart skipped a beat.
"It can't be," he whispered under his breath, peeking around the tree that he spawned behind. But it was true. There, you sat, the first and greatest love he ever had.
You were on a stone bench in the middle of one of the many gardens of Asgard. Your hair was blowing in the soft summer breeze as you read aloud—your favorite way to read—a Midgardian book. Loki watched as you smiled or frowned with each line you read, taking in all of the features of your face that he missed so dearly.
You and Loki had met when you were teenagers. You lived in a cottage near the palace with your parents, both prominent jewelers in the realm. He came to their store one day with his brother to pick out a pair of earrings for the queen's birthday. You just happened to be sitting behind the counter talking with your mother when they arrived.
As soon as Loki laid eyes on you, he knew he wanted to marry you. You were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. While Thor worked with your mother to find the gift for Frigga, he walked over to you and began a conversation.
Loki came to the shop almost every day for two weeks, asking about you every single time. You never really frequented the store, so most of the time, your parents would turn him away. After his thirteenth visit in fifteen days, your father had enough and finally took Loki back to your cottage, where you were baking, another favorite hobby of yours. Your father explained that this "obnoxious prince" had tormented the store for too long and just wanted the pain to be over, as Loki stood behind him with a sheepish grin. You laughed and invited Loki to sit with you.
The rest became history. You and Loki officially began dating after a few outings, mostly walks along the forest or snacking on fruit in the palace's courtyard. Loki was enamored with you, as you were enamored with him.
But the worst happened just seven months after your relationship began. Loki left the palace that morning with the intention of bringing you to the library within the palace, somewhere you had expressed interest in seeing but never had the chance to visit. He planned a whole day: explore the shelves, allow you to pick as many books as you wanted, then have dinner with him and his family so you could meet them properly.
As he approached your neighborhood, he noticed swarms of people standing outside the perimeters as guards blocked anyone from approaching. Curious, Loki walked up to one guard that he recognized and asked what had happened. The guard explained that last night, a group of bandits had broken into the home of a jeweler with the intent to steal some of the more precious jewelry that they kept there. The family woke up in the process and they slaughtered all three: a mother, a father, and a daughter.
The words struck Loki like a knife. His heart sank as he started to push past the guards, but they refused to budge.
"Your highness, we cannot let you through. They are removing the bodies."
"No! You must! That's my love!" he cried, still trying to push past. But it was no use. He peeked through the gaps between the guards to see if he could catch a glimpse of the scene. The only thing he was able to see was your hand, one that he recognized because of the gold ring you always wore. It was covered in blood.
Loki shook the flashbacks out of his head as he continued to watch you read on the bench. Quite honestly, he never got over that day. It sent him into a dark spiral, one that probably led him to making all the poor choices he did and landing in this godforsaken TVA in the first place. But then he wondered, why would the slipping bring him here?
He tried to move closer to you without being obvious, hoping that there was something in the surroundings that would explain his sudden landing here. As he tiptoed closer, however, he stepped on a branch, leading to a loud crack! Your head snapped up at the noise, and you made eye contact with him. Loki froze, unsure of what to do.
"Loki?" you asked. "Is that you?"
He hesitated before saying, "Uh—Yes. It's me."
You smiled softly. "What are you doing? Why are you hiding? Come here."
You shifted to the side as you closed your book and placed it on your lap. He took a breath before emerging from underneath the tree. He could see you clearly now, and your beautiful face made his heart began to race all over again
How could this be happening? he wondered. How could you be here?
"You look... different. What's with the outfit change? It's so strange," you said through a giggle.
Loki smiled at your laugh, something that he hadn't heard in so long but always brought him comfort. He cleared his throat and answered, "Um, I was trying something new. Do you not like it?"
You shrugged, "I wouldn't say it's my favorite look of yours, but I could get used to it. Come sit next to me. I missed you."
He took another deep breath before sitting beside you on the bench, moving so carefully in case you were to disappear at any sudden movement. You reached over and brushed a strand of his hair behind his ear, noticing a new scar on the side of his face.
"What happened, sweetheart?" you asked with a frown, tracing your finger over it. "How could this have happened since last night?"
"Uh, it didn't," he replied, panicking for a response.
You furrowed your brows. "Then how have I never noticed it before? And why do you look so... different?"
You leaned back and looked at him closely, noticing some key differences. He looked older than you were used to, so much taller and so much stronger. He looked exhausted and frustrated and anxious all at the same time. Something in you said that this was not the Loki you knew.
Loki sighed, deciding to come clean. He could tell you knew something was up. And of course you did; he was foolish to think that he could ever pull the wool over your eyes. You were never one to fall for his tricks.
"The truth is, I'm from the future. I'm stuck in this... bureaucracy that controls the timeline of the universe. Something happened and the timeline is falling apart, and I've been slipping in and out of different places in time as a consequence."
You looked shocked for a moment, then laughed. But when Loki's face didn't change, you stopped.
"You're serious?" you asked with a surprised expression.
"Unfortunately, I am," he replied, hanging his head. "For some reason, I spawned here. I have no idea why. You—You're dead. You died, darling. And I don't know if this is some sort of torture from the bastard at the end of time or if there is some other motive—but it's breaking my heart to see you."
You looked at Loki as he sat beside you, breathing heavily and shaking from the emotions coursing through him. His words sat in your thoughts—you die? Well, obviously, you die at some point, but you die young?
You had a million questions to ask him about this circumstance, but you knew that wasn't the reason he was here. You decided to focus on him instead.
"Loki," you began, placing your hand on his shoulder. He looked up at you with tears running down his face.
"Don't cry, my love. You were brought here for a reason, and I doubt it was torture. What are you trying to do with this timeline? Do you need to fix it?"
He nodded, "We have to stop it from branching or—or this dangerous man will escape and start a war."
"Right," you said with a nod, although the entire situation confused you. "So what is stopping you?"
Loki sighed and looked back down at his hands. "I—I keep doing this time-slipping, and I don't know why. I cannot figure out what I am supposed to do. I've been working at it for centuries at this point, and every time I get remotely close, something happens and it doesn't work. And there's one final option left—but I just can't bring myself to do it."
Your heart broke at his lament. You loved him so much, and you hated seeing him so beat down like this. Then, he froze before picking his head up and looking at you with that mischievous grin that you recognized.
"I know! I know why I was brought here! I'm meant to save you!" he claimed excitedly. "I-I can save you from your death, and that way none of this would have ever happened. I can correct the wrongs of the past and just be happy."
His smile dropped when he realized you didn't return his excitement. Instead, you placed your hand on his knee and gave him a sad smile.
"I don't think that's the solution, love."
"No! It is! It has to be! This is the only place that the time-slipping has taken me to that had nothing to do with the people I met at the TVA. Clearly, I'm meant to prevent your death so that we can live happily together and I never made the mistakes I did."
"Loki," you said with a sigh, taking both of his hands in yours. "You said you had a choice to make, that there was a final option. Why won't you do it?"
He looked at you right in your eyes, clearly confused as to why you wouldn't just accept the fact that he wanted to save you. "Um, well, it would mean I'd never get to see my friends again. Like, physically. I'd be able to see them but they'd never be able to see me. And ever since you have been gone, I have had the hardest time finding a group of people to accept me again. I am not willing to let that go quite yet."
"Love, have I ever told you the story about my old dog?" you asked.
Loki looked at you with a puzzled expression. "Uh, no, I don't think so."
"Well," you began with a smile. "Her name was Daisy. She was this gorgeous little retriever who could brighten anyone's day. I got her when I was just four years old, so we pretty much grew up together. She was my favorite thing in the whole wide world. Then, just a few years ago, Daisy started to slow down. She was tired all the time, and she wouldn't eat or play. So, we took her to the closest animal expert. He said that she was really sick. We had to make the decision to either try a medicine that might work but could leave her in pain for the rest of her life or let her go out on her own terms. Do you know what we did?"
He shook his head.
"My parents left the decision up to me because she was technically my dog. I decided to not try the medicine and let her die on her own. It was the hardest decision I ever had to make. I would have loved to have more years with my Daisy, but I knew that she would not be happy. In the end, I had to make the choice that I knew was right, even if it meant losing something I loved."
Loki looked at you with wide eyes, nearly on the verge of tears again. He leaned into your shoulder as you wrapped your arms around him. Somehow, you always knew just what to say to make him feel better.
"So, my love," you began again, holding him close to you. "Sometimes we have to make the hard choice. Sometimes you have to give up something you love. But in the end, it will be worth it."
You held him for a while, no words spoken between the two of you. You could tell that Loki needed this, he needed to just be around you for a little while longer.
Loki, now knowing what he had to do, just took in the moment for as long as he could. It had been years since he felt you. He memorized every curve of your body, every feeling he had touching you, the way you gently rubbed circles on his shoulder, the way you placed a soft kiss on his forehead every so often.
"Thank you," he finally muttered, sitting up and looking at your eyes again. "I just miss you so much."
"I know, sweetheart," you said. "But look at the life you have without me!"
Loki shook his head with a cynical laugh. "I tried to kill Thor, destroy Jotunheim, then take over Midgard until I was captured and forced into this bureaucracy. I have had no life without you, darling."
You looked at him in disbelief for a moment, trying to figure out what to say to all that. "Well, now you have the chance to make up for all that. Be a hero, my love. What's that thing you always say? Greater purpose?"
He laughed, "Glorious purpose, yes."
"Yeah, that! Do that, sweetheart. I'll love you forever, no matter what happens. You know that."
He nodded and stood up, finally feeling ready to take on his mission. As he rose, he noticed the world around you starting to turn into string. He could not bear seeing you disappear again like he saw all his friends. It would be too much, losing you twice. You looked around in confusion as well.
"What's going on?" you asked with a puzzled look.
"It's no matter. Just look at me," Loki replied. You turned to face him. He smiled, memorizing your face one last time.
"Thank you again, my darling. I love you more than you'll ever know."
You smiled at him one last time.
Somehow, Loki had figured out how to control his time-slipping. He felt it in his veins as he was able to spawn back in the TVA without any excruciating pain or blinding light. He looked around at all of his friends—all the people he met on this journey. He closed his eyes and pictured you, the beautiful you he saw sitting on the bench and reading your book. He took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and formulated his plan to save the world.
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ravenromanova · 10 months
I don’t like gifts
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Parings: Loki x Female reader
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE!!!! Master kink, Unprotected sex, Fingering, Oral (m and f), Squirting, Praise kink. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18+!!! Slight angst with happy ending, Fluffy Loki.
Kinkmas masterlist - Main masterlist - Send me requests!!!
~ You smiled as you put the finishing touches on the final gift for your team. This specific gift though you spent extra time in picking out and wrapping wanting to make sure it was perfect. Granted the person it was for didn’t like gifts and thought the whole holiday was stupid. But you ended up getting him some nonetheless because he deserves something nice.
Once you finished you put all the presents in a bag and headed to the living room. The sounds of christmas music and laughter filled your ears as you walked into the room. There sat your family, the people who you loved more than anything sitting around the fireplace. Smiles adorned everyone’s face as they exchanged gifts and shared stories. The only person you didn’t see though was Loki though which wasn’t surprising but still a little disappointing.
“Heya sunshine!” Steve beamed as he walked up and took the bag of presents from you to help you. “Are these for the whole team?” He asked a little shocked with how much you got everyone.
“Uh yea i might’ve gone a little overboard” You responded a little sheepishly. Steve sat the gifts next to the tree where Tony and Pepper handing out gifts to everyone.
“Might’ve is an understatement sunshine” Tony chimed in as you sat on the couch next to Wanda. You smiled shyly as Tony started handing out the gifts you got for everyone.
Bucky got two new knives and a book about astrology. Natasha received a new thigh holster and gun. Wanda got more of her favorite painting supplies. Vision got a book called “emotions for dummies” which everyone found hysterical. You got Clint new arrows to which he thanked you profusely since Kate lost all of his and you also gave him gifts for his family. Peter got new comic books. Steve got a new sketch pad and pencils. Kate got a new super suit and Lucky got a pizza toy. Yelena got three bottles of vodka and a knife. Tony and Pepper got an all expenses paid trip to cancun for a week. Morgan got endless barbie dolls and stuffed animals. Thor got ten big boxes of pop tarts. Bruce got a new lab coat and a bunch of sciencey books you didn’t understand. Pietro received three hoodies and new running shoes that he’d been wanting for a while. You also got the guardians and Carol gifts but they weren’t on earth right now so they get them when they came back. And last but not least you got Loki a first addition of pride and prejudice, two new knives with gold and green details engraved, a new journal with feather pens and a soft dark green blanket.
The reactions everyone gave to their gifts made your heart grow three sizes. Pretty much everyone gave you a hug… even the bionic staring machine which took you by surprise. And on the flip side you got more gifts than you thought possible.
Tony gave you five grand in cash. Pepper got you a huge basket of self care goodies. Morgan gave you multiple drawings of you and her doing her favorite things together. Nat and Wanda gave you a spa gift certificate claiming you need to relax more. Vision gave you the new pots and pans set you’d been wanting forever. Clint and Kate along with his family got you a puppy you named “Lucy” and some new hoodies. Bucky gave you a knife to which you both laughed. Bruce and Steve teamed up and got you atleast fifteen books. Thor gave you endless sweets and candy. Yelena gave you five bottles of your favorite liquor. Peter gave you a new supersuit that him and Tony designed specially for you. Pietro thoughtfully got you some soft throw blankets, slippers and a new stuffed unicorn.
Needless to say by the end of the gift exchange you never felt so loved by everyone. The night ended around one am when everyone decided to head to bed. But fortunately for you this was your time to give Loki his gifts. You knew he was more than likely hiding out in the library not wanting to deal with humans and their stupid holiday. So once everyone bid goodnight you gathered his gifts and headed to the library.
And of course when you entered the library there he was in all his glory. He was sitting in the bay window is the library reading a book with a slight smile on his face. The light of the moon hit his face lightly and made him look even more ethereal than normal.
“Hey Lo” You said softly as you approached him with all his gifts in hands.
“Hello” Was all he replied with making you frown a little.
“You weren’t at the gift exchange “ You stated with your brows furrowed causing him to look up at you.
“That is correct” His voice was gruff as he spoke making your knees a little weak and your heart sped up.
“Well i know you think this holiday is dumb but i still got you some gifts” Your words caused him to raise his eyebrows at you and scoff a little.
“I don’t like gifts” He said as he closed the book and turned to fully face you. The way his eyes bore into your soul made you even more nervous about giving him the gifts than before.
“Yeah well i still got you some so deal with it” The sassiness of your words surprised the both of you. He smirked and nodded his head a little telling you to hand him the gifts. You swallow your nerves and hand him the wrapped gifts with shaky hands.
Loki takes the gifts and starts unwrapping them one by one inspecting each of them as he goes. You watched as his eyes lit up as he ran his fingers across the lettering on the book, how he moved the new blades in between his fingertips, his fingers grasped the dark green fabric of the blanket and he smiled softly, and you swore he giggled a little at the new journal and pens.
“I take it back” He said suddenly as he looks at all the gifts. “I love gifts” The smile that adorned his face made your heart melt.
“You like them?” You asked nervously. Loki then stood up and took your hands into his and his blue green eyes stared into your soul.
“y/n i love them” He said honestly and you smiled brightly at his words. His hands moved up your arms and then cupped the sides of your face. “Tell me if you want me to stop” He whispered as he leaned in.
“Dont stop” You whispered back looking up at him. That was all it took for his lips to crash into yours and bring you in for a bruising and passionate kiss. The both of you simultaneously moaned at the taste of each other.
You were so caught up in the moment that you didn’t even notice that he teleported you two to his room. But eventually you had to come up for air which is when you finally realized.
“I like your room” The words were soft as they left your lips. Your eyes scanned his room and you took in the dark green couch, extremely soft looking bedding and the ancient paintings that adorned the walls. The room was decorated just like you thought it would be.
“I think you’ll like it a lot better on my bed” His boldness made you weak in the knees and arousal pool in between your thighs.
“I think i would too” You said with a smile as you climbed onto his bed. “Oh yea this is definitely better” Loki smiled as he watched you sprawl out on his bed.
“You most certainly belong there pet” His voice was low and his eyes darkened as he slowly crawled on top of you. “Such a pretty pet” He cooed rubbing his calloused fingers over your cheekbones.
“I need you” The pleading look in your eyes made his cock stir in his pants. He then flicked his wrist and suddenly you were fully naked underneath him.
“I’m going to ruin you for any other man” He husked in your ear causing a shiver to course through your body. His rough hands trailed up and down your body as he admired your beauty.
Loki slowly cupped your face again and brought you in for a much more passionate and loving kiss. He snaked his hand in between your thighs as he kissed you making you moan in his mouth.
“So wet for me” He kissed below your ear before he sat on his knees and looked at your pussy with desire. He smiled again before he decided to get comfortable in between your thighs.
Your brows furrowed in confusion . “W-What are you doing?” Your voice was laced in nervousness as you looked directly into his eyes.
“I need to taste your pet” And without any further explanation his tongue darted out and licked a bold strip asking your folds.
“Oh god!” The sensation of his warm mouth on you made your back arches off the bed and your eyes shut in pleasure.
“As much as i love hearing that title fall from your lips… it’s master to your pet” Your eyes snapped open at his words and you nodded your head in understanding. “Words pet or i wont touch you” He commanded bringing his free hand to grip your chin.
“Yes master” A smile quickly over to his face as you spoke and that was enough for him to dive back in. He spread your lips and started sucking on your clit like a man starved.
You threw your head back on the pillow feeling overwhelmed but in a good way. The sensation was something you’ve never felt before but welcomed it with open arms. The way his tongue lapped the bundle of nerves make you reel in pleasure.
“I-I’m gonna cum master” The words were broken as they fell past your lips.
“Cum for me pet be a good girl and cum” He commanded and before you even registered his words he was shoving two of his thick fingers in you.
“OH FUCK!!” Your hands flew to his raven locks and pulled for dear life at the intrusion. His fingers curled as he thrusted them into you and hit your g-spot deliciously. Before you could speak again your felt your orgasm rip through you and you came all over Loki’s face.
Loki smiled as he came up from between your thighs and he licked his fingers clean. “You taste as delicious as you look pet” His praises made your heart speed up again and another wave of arousal hit you.
“I wanna taste you master” You pleaded sitting up on your knees and moving your gave up and down his body. “Youre wearing too much clothing” You whined as your snaked your hand under his black t shirt.
“So eager to please” He smiled as he flicked his wrist again and he was naked in front of you. You couldn’t help but marvel at the god in front of you. His tanned skin, rippled abs, thick thighs, and not to mention his pretty cock. Never in your life did you ever find a man’s dick attractive but holy fuck his was perfect.
His hands on your cheeks brought you out of your trance. “Go ahead pet make your master feel good” His gruff voice was enough to send you over the edge again. You simply smiled at him and changed positions so he was laying against the pillows.
Once he was situated on the against the pillows you settled in between his thighs but not before kissing all over him first. Finally you got settled and sent him a devious smile. At first you started slow with some gentle kitten licks and kisses all up and down his shaft making sure to pay attention to the thick vein running from base to tip.
“Fuck” You heard him moan when you finally took him into your mouth. You bobbed your head up and down and luckily your gag reflex wasn’t a problem. “Just like that baby” He groaned and you hummed at the new nickname falling from his lips which in turn make his cock twitch.
You continued sucking him like a lollipop which caused a series of moans and profanities fall from his lips. Suddenly his hands were in your hair and he pulled your head up.
“As much as i’m loving this is much rather cum in you than your mouth my dear pet” He said softly rubbing his finger over toe bottom lip.
“Please” You begged him sitting back on your knees and then slowly crawled on top of his lap. His hands found home on your hips as he helped you straddle him.
“Gonna make you feel so good” Loki said with determination along with his signature smirk.
“Please master” Your begged again as you lined yourself up with his aching cock. That was all the go ahead he needed and before you knew it he was slamming himself into you.
“Oh gods” You moaned throwing your head back in pleasure. Loki gave you time to adjust to his size before he started thrusting into you.
“So fucking tight” He groaned squeezing your hips harder. Your hands flew to his chest and you held on tight as you rode him. Never in your life had you felt this full and satisfied. And now that you’ve had a taste of what being with him was like you knew you couldn’t be without him again.
“Fuck Loki i’m gonna cum!” The moan that escaped you was nothing short of sinful.
“Cum for me pet” He demanded as his thrusts became harder and rougher. It didn’t take much longer for you and him to cum with loud and pornographic moans. Loki came and filled you with every last drop of his seed till there was nothing left.
“Oh fuck” You said breathlessly as you collapsed onto his chest. “That was fucking amazing”
“Agreed” He said rubbing his hands up and down your back in a soothing manner.
“I dont want this to be a one time thing Loki” You admitted still laying on his chest not wanting to look him in the eye.
“Who said this was a one time thing darling? Who said i wasn’t planning on keeping you here forever?” He said as he brought his fingers up lightly from your chin and look up at him.
“Really?” The question came out more insecure than you wanted but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“Really” He brought his hands to your face again ava kissed you passionately. It was that moment you knew he was the one for you.
“I love you Loki” You smiled brightly as you held onto his face.
“I love you too darling” He responded with so much passion and love in his voice something you knew was only for your abs that made it that much better.
Shortly after the both of you fell into a blissful sleep wrapped around each other. Content smiles adorned both your faces as you two slept. Neither of you thought you end up here when you first walked into the library tonight but couldn’t be happier that it did.
~The end~ A/n: I GOT WAY TO CARRIED AWAY BUT OH WELL!! i hope you enjoyed by first loki story ;)
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ashdreams2023 · 2 years
Loki things
Loki is the type of lover to pick you up with one arm around you middle and place you to the side if you’re in his way
Loki also would start feeding you if you start getting frustrated or angry at something or someone
Loki likes cats and would take pictures of them and send them to you
Loki likes to be the center of attention but likes being the center of your attention more
Loki flies as a bird around the kingdom or New York whenever he’s bored
Loki scares the local convenience store cashier because he glares at them and never gives the right amount needed {he doesn’t understand how money works there yet}
Loki owns fingerless gloves and leather gloves
Loki reads a lot of mystery and horror books, and even write back to the authors if he thinks the book is worth it
Loki is allergic to mangoes
Loki almost burned down his chambers when he was given the title the god of mischief because everyone was excited and proud Thor while he was treated as if it was bad Luck
Loki knows how to heal deadly injuries but refuses to do it on wars unless it’s necessary because it takes a chunk of his power each time
Loki is the type of uncle to yell at you to get your homework done and tutor you but takes you on cool adventures during break
Loki loves his smile, it’s his favorite thing about himself, just beside his height
Loki is a daydreamer, if he can’t read he blocks everybody out and drift into a fantasy of his own mind
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(first one) jealous prompt & (second one) smutty prompt with loki 💚😏 romantic
“i don’t like how they keep staring at me.”
“Come sit on my lap.”
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Loki and The Librarian
Summary: Odin throws a ball in honor of you and Loki. You both take a much needed break from the festivities.
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x afab!Reader
Warnings: Uhm it's fluffy at the beginning and then complete filth at the end. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT 18+ ONLY!
Word count:4040
Masterlist M's Hundred Celly Masterlist
Loki and yourself had been in a relationship for many years now. Having met in the library of the castle. You were a newer librarian there as your predecessor had decided to retire. You were one of the few that saw him as someone other than one of the Princes of asgard. He would never tell anyone else but it was something he greatly cherished. You treated him so nicely not because you could gain something from being with him but because you treasured the person he truly was. 
You had been at the desk in the front of the library when Loki entered. He had looked at you curiously not knowing who you were. You hadn’t noticed him yet, being too immersed in the book you were reading. He walked up to the desk and cleared his throat causing you to let out a loud scream and throw your book clear up into the sky. He caught it with a smirk on his lips. His eyes scanned the cover surprised to find it was one of his favorites. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” His words were gentle as you closed your eyes, hand clutching your chest as you tried to even your breathing. 
“It’s alright, I should’ve been paying more attention.” your eyes fluttered open and your lips separated as you noticed who was standing in front of you. 
“Where is Estrid?” He was used to seeing the older woman here. He had grown fond of her over the years, she would let him wander the shelves and didn’t mind him staying in the library way past her leaving. He had even gotten in a habit of bringing her tea. Which he had in his hand that wasn’t holding your book. 
“Oh she retired a couple of days ago. I am her replacement, is there anything I can help you find?” You were still sitting in your seat with a gentle smile on your lips. 
“Do you like tea?” you nodded your head eagerly, he gave you a gentle smile back before setting the delicate tea cup down in front of you. 
“I brought it for Estrid, but since she isn’t here you can have it instead.” He set your book down next to the tea as well.
“Thank you, I really appreciate it. If you need anything feel free to shout for me.” Estrid had told you a little about Loki. She had told you that he was a gentle soul and that he used the Library to escape. She also told you that he didn’t like being called by any title while he was within the book filled space. You had made sure to take note of what she had said. You were glad that you did because he seemed to appreciate the casualness of the meeting. That day was only the start of a beautiful relationship. He would come into the library daily and bring you tea. Occasionally he would sit and talk with you. The talking turned into flirting and then you were barrelling head first into love. 
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Your relationship had however been kept a secret from the prying eyes of Asgard for a long time. Neither of you felt like being questioned and ridiculed by others. It also made the time spent together even more special. But when his father started talking about bringing in suitors from other realms for his youngest son his mother put a stop to it. She had been surprised he hadn’t been able to tell that Loki had already been in love and for quite some time now. Loki wished he could say he was surprised that his mother knew but he really wasn’t. She had always known things about people that they sometimes didn’t even know about themselves. 
“Loki, I have decided to start sending out proposals to other realms for suitors. Thor likes to play too much, but you have potential to settle down.” Loki sputtered on his water at his fathers words. Frigga looked at her husband bewildered.
“Odin, Loki already has a woman he loves dear.” Loki had looked at his mother with wide eyes. He was thankful that his brother wasn’t here because he would have enjoyed the awkwardness of this conversation way too much.
“What is this you speak of Frigga?” Odin looked utterly confused at his wife's words. 
“He has been with the new Librarian for years now.” She gave Loki a gentle smile, he relaxed at the action. Upon the revelation his father requested that they hold a ball in honor of your relationship. Loki had persisted that that wasn’t necessary and that it would actually be something that you would be against but his father persisted. 
You had in fact been reluctant for the occasion and had asked Loki if there was any way to get out of it and he had told you that unfortunately there wasn’t. His father truly loved any excuse to throw a party so there would be no changing his mind. 
“Good afternoon love.” You had greeted Loki as he entered the library. You glanced at his hands and noticed two cups of tea meaning he planned to join you for a while. You pulled a chair up for him, setting down your book on the desk in front of you. 
“I have news for you pet.” He gave you a grimace as he spoke nerves eating away at him. 
“What is it?” You asked him, chewing on your bottom lip. He sat in the chair next to you handing you your cup of tea. 
“Father would like to hold a ball in your honor in a fortnight.” Your mouth fell open as you gaped at him.
“What in the world are you talking about?” You asked him, setting the tea down beside your book, hands running through your hair. 
“He was talking about bringing in suitors from other realms for me to wed. But my mother informed him that I had already found someone. Upon hearing the news he decided he wanted to throw a party.” His hand held one of your own as his eyes looked upon your face. 
“Is there any way we can convince him otherwise?” You did not want to attend such a big event. Let alone one that was in your honor. 
“I’m afraid not, pet. He has his mind set on a ball.” He knew of your dislike for the public eye. He truly felt bad for dragging you into this mess. But you knew that eventually loving him would mean such things. 
You had asked Loki that night while you were laid in his bed if you could meet his parents more informally so it would be less awkward the day of the ball. His mother was already completely smitten with you, having seen and talked with you in the library on multiple occasions. Frigga had jumped at the opportunity to have a meal with you and had dragged his father along to the breakfast. She had asked you if she could help you find a dress and get you ready for the ball and you had hesitantly said yes. 
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That’s how you found yourself being swept across the dance floor in your lover's arms. You had both had a couple of classes of wine and had eaten healthily from the feast that was served. His father had announced your relationship and then nicely ordered you to dance. The dance was simple and one you and Loki had practiced many times in his large room after a night spent together. 
As the song came to an end he grabbed your hand and led you off the dance floor back to your seats as the crowd watching cheered loudly. You walked slowly to the head table. Frigga, Odin, Thor, Loki and Yourself all had seats at the large oak table. He pulled your chair out for you and made sure you were seated before he took his place next to you. At this point the dance floor was swarming with guests and Loki leaned over towards you.
“How are you doing, pet?” he whispered to you, noticing the way you were biting your lip nervously. 
“I don’t like the way they keep staring at me.” You told him looking into his eyes that were swimming with understanding. He knew how hesitant you were to step into the public eye. You had never desired to be someone that everyone would talk about. Now that everyone knew who you were to him it was likely that you would be gossiped about. 
“We can take a break whenever you feel like it.” He clasped your hand giving it a gentle squeeze as his eyes darted towards the exit. Most of the women had been looking at you with jealousy and disgust. Majority of the men had been undressing you with their eyes with every look they sent your way. 
“Won’t your father be upset if we leave our own party?” you asked him half jokingly. You were desperately wanting a break from the stuffy space but didn’t want to be rude. 
“I don’t think he’ll miss us much if we aren’t gone for long.” He reassured you, you seemed to be contemplating the idea of a break when Thor came over to you both. 
“May I have a dance?” he asked you, holding a hand your way. You locked eyes with Loki and he gave you a nod telling you it was alright. You pulled your hand out of his and grasped his brothers and were off to the dance floor.
Loki watched you dancing and laughing and felt warmth spread through him at the thought of being able to show you off. He loved having you to himself for so long but seeing how happy you were with his brother made him feel content. Like his two worlds could in fact collide magically. He watched as the song came to a close and you made your way back over to him, leaving Thor on the dance floor. 
“Come sit on my lap.” He said as you made your way to sit in your chair. You gave him a bewildered look, eyes darting around the room. 
“Loki.” you told him as a warning when he grabbed your wrist gently. The close contact would give you both some relief from your anxiety but it would certainly gain you more attention. 
“Please?” he gave you a pout, his eyes dancing with glee. You knew from all the nights you had spent together after a large occasion such as this that he hated being at these. All the people always stressed him out and he’d much rather be curled up in bed with you. You not so reluctantly sat down in his lap, thankful that your dress wasn’t one of the ballgown ones his mother had originally wanted you in. You had actually found one that was more form fitting in Loki's signature green and gold. 
He let out a large sigh of relief as you settled yourself upon his lap. You put one of your hands on the back of his neck under his hair, smoothing a thumb across the expanse of it. He drew a thumb across your back in circular motions as his other hand went to grab his goblet. He took a generous gulp of the wine within the cup before pressing it to your lips and allowing you to swallow some of it down as well. 
You adjusted yourself along his lap slightly crossing your ankles to seat yourself better. He hissed at the motion and the hand on your back came to squeeze your waist in a warning. You tilted your head as you questioned him with your eyes. His eyes were filled with a look that you were more than familiar with, lust. The thought of the people around you seemed to slip your mind as you ground your hips a couple of times. 
His other hand rested upon your knee that was exposed due to the slit in the skirt of the dress. His fingers were cold as they came into contact with your skin. The feeling caused a shiver to run through your body. He gave you a teasing smile, knowing how much you loved when he chilled his body. The feeling of the cold he could summon always had you writhing and whimpering for him. 
The both of you knew having you sat upon his lap was a dangerous game. It had proven to be so on many occasions. You would normally sit upon his lap while one of you read to the other in his chambers. The book would normally get lost somewhere within the room as you tangled yourself within one another on any surface you could find in his room. 
This time seemed to be no different. The closeness of the other had always been intoxicating and you could hardly think straight as he filled your senses. You could smell his scent of eucalyptus and sandalwood. You could feel his fingers upon your skin on your knee and his skin along your fingers where they sat on his neck. You heard his shaky breath as he took in the scent of you. He could tell you were aroused by the way you squeezed your legs together. 
“I am ready for a break pet.” He told you as he moved you off his lap. You took his hand in yours as an agreement and started to lead him out of the room. The thought of having him buried deep inside you had your footsteps quickening as you weaved through the familiar halls into the one that held his room. You had been there many times in your relationship so you knew exactly where to head to. 
Swinging his door open he had you against it  instantly. His hands came to cup your face as he kissed you roughly. Teeth clashing against teeth, tongues fighting each other for dominance. He let you win as he nudged a leg between your own. The slit in your dress making it easy for him to do so. You moaned against his mouth as his thigh met your clothed cunt. A wet patch had formed in your underwear and it started to seep onto the pants of his suit. 
“So wet for me already.” He said as he pulled away his hands falling towards your hips. Your hands made their way to his jacket and peeled it off of him, dropping it to the floor. He moved his leg again and it swept across your cunt once again. You threw your head against the door at the feeling. 
“Need more.” You told him breathlessly, he hummed in reply pulling away. His hand worked your zipper down your side and he pulled the straps down your arms. The dress hadn’t required a bra so you were left in just your underwear as the green material pooled around your feet. Then he was telling you to jump, slipping your feet out of your heels, you did as he ordered and wrapped your legs around him. He walked the both of you to the bed as your lips clashed once again. 
Your nipples hardened as they rubbed against the fabric of his shirt. He laid you down on the bed, the silk sheets surrounding you comfortably. You ground your hips along his in desperate need of friction. He tsked at you as he pulled his lips away from your own. Your eyes darted down to his mouth as he licked his kiss swollen lips. 
“Be patient pet and I will take care of you.” His voice was deep and sultry as he wiggled out of your legs. You groaned at the loss of contact with him. His fingers came down to your underwear and ripped them away from your body. 
“I didn’t have dessert yet. Do you think I can have some now?” he asked you while his fingers slipped through your folds. You whined out loudly, hands gripping the sheets, knuckles throbbing at your grip. He kneeled at the end of the bed, hands gripping your ankles. 
“Please, Loki.” your voice was already wrecked as you begged him. That was all he needed before he was pulling you to the end of the bed, throwing your legs over his shoulders and burying his head between your thighs. He licked and sucked and feasted upon your cunt. If you hadn't sat beside him at dinner you would have thought he hadn’t eaten in days with the way he ravished you. Your back arched as he slipped two fingers inside of you. He worked them in a come hither motion hitting that special spot inside of you over and over again. 
You were seeing white as he sucked your clit between his cold lips. Your orgasm ripped through you like a tidal wave. He continued to work you through your high. His hand that wasn’t buried within you held your hips down as they jerked sporadically. You whined his name like a prayer. Praising him for how well he had devoured you. 
He sucked his fingers into his mouth once he was sure he had licked you completely clean. You sat there naked on his bed, blinking as your vision came back to you. You looked upon his ceiling at the intricate designs and the mirror that he had installed. You saw the way his back muscles flexed against his shirt. 
“You have too many clothes on.” You spoke into the air, he chuckled at your words. You watched in the mirror as he snapped his fingers and his clothes disappeared. He worked his naked body up your own before he was completely encompassing you. One of his hands held him up as the other laid on your throat. He dragged cold fingers along your neck down to your breasts leaving goosebumps in their wake. He circled them around your nipples causing you to whimper as they hardened almost painfully. He shushed you with a kiss upon your lips. 
Your hand came between your bodies and sought out his cock. Once you found it you circled your thumb across the tip. He groaned into your lips as he jerked into your hand. You guided him between your lips and slid his tip up and down gathering the slick that had pooled there again. He bit your lip as you slipped the head into your entrance, grinding your hips to try and coax him to fully slip inside of you. He did just that, slowly sinking in until his balls were slapping against your ass. 
He sat there for a moment letting you adjust to his size. While he himself adjusted to the feeling of you wrapped around him so deliciously. He found one of your hands and slipped his fingers between your own, laying it beside your head. He slipped his tongue along yours before he started moving in and out of you. His thrusts were slow and precise. Delicately unraveling you once again, much different than the relentless pace he had set when he was eating you out moments ago. 
He moved the hand that had been playing with your nipples between your bodies. His thumb coming to rub against your clit. You gasped as your fingers tore down his back. He finally pulled away from your kiss, peppering his lips along your neck. One of your hands squeezed his bicep as you whined incoherently. He sucked at the spot below your ear and you could feel a second climax building up inside of you. 
He could feel it as well as he continued to thrust in and out of you, your walls squeezing against his cock. His tumb languidly circled your clit and you moaned as he bit down into the skin of your neck. His cold tongue worked the sore spot over. He moved his mouth down slightly before he bit down again. You screamed as you came this time, your fingers digging into the flesh of his arm harshly.
“Good job pet.” He whispered into your ear as his thrusts worked you through your climax. You preened at the praise he gave you. The both of you craved the words of encouragement in the bedroom and outside of it. 
“I want to swallow you my love.” You begged him as his hips began to stutter within you. 
“You want to swallow my cum like a good little pet?” He asked you as he paused his thrusts. You nodded at him pathetically and he laughed lightly, it always surprised him how much of a mess you became for him. 
“If that’s what you want then that is what you shall get.” He pulled out of you and sat against the headboard. You eagerly got on all fours and made your way between his legs. You grasped his length in your hand and started to twist your hand around it as you pumped up and down. Licking your lips you looked at him momentarily before you dipped your head down. You sucked his tip into your mouth twirling your tongue around it, the taste of his precum and your orgasm overwhelming your tastebuds. 
He buried one of his hands into your hair as the other came to sweep his own out of his face. He let out a muffled moan as your mouth slipped down around his cock. Your hand pumping what your mouth couldn’t fit. His tip hit the back of your throat causing you to gag. He had already been close to orgasm when he was buried inside your pussy so it didn’t take him long to feel his climax building up rapidly once again. 
You continued to move your hand and mouth simultaneously. His hand in your hair gripped it harshly as you deep throated him and took his balls in your free hand. He jerked his hips up into your mouth letting out a low curse of your name as you gently fondled his balls. Tears were forming in your eyes as you repeatedly buried his cock into your throat. 
He held your head still as he threw his head back, lips slipping open a moan getting caught in his throat as his cum shot down your throat. You desperately swallowed down every last drop. Moaning as the taste of it coated your tongue. You licked and sucked him clean before releasing him with a loud pop. He pulled your face to his and slammed his lips against yours. A moan leaving his lips at the taste of himself on you. 
“We need to get back to the party, Love.” you told him as you pulled away from him reluctantly. He groaned before he buried his head in your neck leaving a chaste kiss where your neck and shoulder met. 
“Can’t we just stay in here for a little while longer?” He asked you, your finger swept down his arm before gripping his hand. You brought it up to your lips giving the back of it a kiss. 
“We’ve been gone long enough my love. We can come back here after it is done. Your father and mother must be noticing our absence and I wouldn’t want to upset them.” You had always been a voice of reason for him. 
“Fine then.” he replied curtly, he snapped his fingers and you were both standing at the end of the bed dressed and hair fixed. His magic always surprised you and you gasped as you tried to steady yourself. He grabbed your arm rolling his eyes playfully, but he actually loved the way you got giddy no matter how many times you had seen him use his magic. 
With a twinkle in his eyes he snapped his fingers again and you stood outside the doors to the grand ballroom. The both of you slipped back into the room hand in hand, smiling like lovesick fools. You could feel the eyes of the Asgardians drilling into you but you did not care. As long as you could have Loki near your side you would endure the constant looks and gossip from the people surrounding you.
A/N: I love Loki so much and I want him to call me pet more than I want anything in the world.
Tags(open): @sylviebell @wkndwlff
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liminalpebble · 11 months
Stray (A Lokitty Tale): Part 3
Masterlist link
Stray: Part 3
Loki was beginning to fall into a pleasant sort of routine with the human. He enjoyed the soapy smell of your freshly showered skin as you cuddled him against yourself each morning before rushing out the door. No matter how tired or stressed or how much of a hurry you were in, you never failed to tell him good morning and hug him goodbye, and it thawed his icy heart. It seemed so strange to him; that a being would simply selflessly care for a creature who could offer nothing at all in return except companionship...and yet you did.
He noticed other things about you; that you had scuffed up one specific patch of the wall from grumpily kicking your shoes off each day (the closest to angry he ever saw you), that when you came home you always made a cup of coffee and curled up with a book, that you'd put a record on and hum along as you made dinner and did the dishes, that you especially liked The Velvet Underground, that you winced whenever the phone rang but, without fail, spoke so kindly to whoever was on the other side, that you'd go to see movies by yourself and stack the little ticket stub into a tidy collection as you gave him your film review. He learned that your favorite color was purple, that you would buy little bundles of fresh herbs and set them out in makeshift jam-jar vases just to smell them and enjoy the little pops of color in a gray world. All of these things gave him an irrepressible fizzle of warm feelings for you...feelings he couldn't quite define.
I'm...used to her? I find her pleasant? She...doesn't bother me...not like Thor and Odin do, anyway. He thought to himself, uncertain of how else to explain it.
On more than one occasion when you left for work, Loki would transform himself back into his smart black suit with the crisp white shirt. He would straighten his tie and check his slicked-back hair in the mirror as he summoned up the green glow of his magic, preparing to transport himself away to the next step of his fugitive journey. And yet...each time he stood there, staring at his perfectly polished shoes, simply unable to make the feet within them move. He couldn't leave when he thought of how sweet and sad and panicked you would be, calling his name over and over in vain, holding the little green makeshift collar, totally devastated. It wasn't like him to stagnate like this, and the fact that he was getting comfortable was...well...uncomfortable. Each time he was ready to go he would turn the little leather band in his large palm, reading his name in your handwriting over and over again. With a sigh of resignation, Loki would finally loosen his tie, sit back down, and settle into being your house guest for a little longer. Just a few more days, he kept telling himself.
Life sailed along this way until one day you seemed markedly...different. As your heels clicked down the hall and Loki transformed back into a cat, he happily anticipated curling up in your lap as you'd stroke his back aimlessly while reading. He wanted more than anything to enjoy your humming to your records and the savory smell your cooking, but today wouldn't go that way.
As you came in the door you slammed it shut behind you, and this time when you kick your shoes off you cursed loudly and etched a darker scuff in the wall. Loki's eyes wondered to your face and he was distressed to see your eyes wet and red-ringed. You had obviously been sobbing hard. You dropped your things and made your way straight for the couch, flopping down with the palms of your hands against your eyes, weeping inconsolably.
Loki was alarmed, having never seen you so upset. He was afraid to come near you in this unpredictable state, but he longed to be close to you so much more than he was afraid of you. Slinking carefully, he made his way to lay on your stomach. Gingerly settling and watching your face, he waited patiently for you to move your hands and meet his eyes. When you noticed him your angry demeanor immediately melted away as you gave him a pacifying stroke along his spine.
“Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry,” you said, gravely-voiced and sniffing. “I didn't mean to scare you,” you soothed. He purred, trying to let you know that he was fine and comfortable, as long as he was with you. You gave a comprehending wan smile, looking into the jewels of his irises as your fingertips combed through his fur. As your breath stilled you said, “Loki, you know, sometimes I think I'm going crazy because I could swear you understand me...that we're having conversations...that you follow along when I read to you. Insane, right? Totally insane.”
You chuckled, saddened yet amused by the absurdity of life and human emotions. Loki, however, was shocked at how close you came to the truth, and that you seemed to have connected more than he planned. He desperately wanted to know what was going on to upset his 'dear mortal' so much (this is how he designated you in his own mind) and it frustrated him more than ever that he couldn't simply talk to you and ask.
Loki had an idea. He could enchant you and use his power to see inside your mind for himself. You would be none the wiser, but he was still reluctant to invade your privacy. In the end, curiosity got the better of the cat and he gave in. Of course...curiosity...that's all it is, he told himself again.
He reached into your mind, traveling with you as you stepped into a large building with the sign saying Mullen Department Store. It was interesting to him, seeing what you did all day (endlessly stocking shelves, dealing with customers, cleaning the shop, preparing the products). He began to wonder if they ever let you sit down.
Around noon, a coworker approached you saying, “Hey, good luck with that interview with Mr. Mullen! This could be your big break!”. You thanked them and trudged up to the office on the top floor.
Before you knew it you were handing a paper to a balding man behind a large tacky desk. Loki felt his heart ache seeing that your hands were shaking. His darling mortal was so nervous! This must be important to her, he thought.
“...so as you can see here, Mr. Mullen. I have my Master's degree, fluency in three languages, and background in academic writing and journalism. I think I'd be a perfect writer and translator for the office team. I work very thoroughly and...”
The older man huffed, “Let me stop you right there, sweetheart. I'm sorry but we really don't need some dame doing that kind of work.”
“Excuse me?”
“Don't get me wrong, on paper you're impressive, but we have a...professional image...here. Our ladies in the workforce have to look the part.” He shrugged, “Now, if you worked on your appearance a little, maybe lost a few pounds or wore a bit more makeup you could be be Johnny's secretary. Do you make a good pot of coffee?” He said the last part with a chuckle, clearly pleased with the pitiful thing that passed for his sense of humor.
Your voice rose. “Excuse me, but I fail to see what my appearance has to do with my competence. You have plenty of men as writers on staff who were hired without being told to lose a few pounds first. This is absurd! It's 1971, Mr. Mullen, not 1950!”
He stared you down with his beady little eyes, “Now listen here, young lady, don't give me that feminist horse shit. You are very very lucky to have the job you do have with this company! I wouldn't expect you to understand the standards we have up here, and that just goes to show you're not what we're looking for.” He checked his watch with a sigh, “That's all the time I have today, and you need to be back on the sales floor.” He dismissed you, not even with a handshake, but by simply waving his hand toward the door and using his other one to crumple your resume and drop it in the trashcan.
You didn't say a word, too stunned and disappointed to react to this rejection. Loki felt the sting of your thoughts as they churned around in your head the rest of the day. I'm never going to go farther. This is my life now...my stupid fucking life....not even pretty enough to type or pour coffee for a living...Jesus Christ...I wanted so much more than this. I worked so hard to have more than this. I wanted to see the world. I wanted to learn so much. I barely even have friends.”
Loki thought to himself, and wished he could tell you, oh darling, how dare he make you feel this way! You're so clever and unique and kind....and beautiful. Sweet moral, I think you're the most beautiful creature I've ever met.
He floated back out of your mind then, shocked by the return to reality and to his sudden swell of feelings for you. The god of mischief realized in that moment that he wanted something he had never wanted for another person before. He wanted you to get all the good things you deserved even if he had to forgo some for himself. He wanted to avenge and defend you, putting the fear of God (or rather, a god) into the idiotic and insulting little man. Most of all, he just wanted you to be okay, and safe...and loved. Loved...he finally allowed himself to think the word.
He watched your lovely face as you began to nod off. Your wet lashes closed, and your brow furrowed with worry, even as you drifted off holding him against your heart. He could feel it pulsing in your chest, and sense the slowing of your breath. He finally dared to admit that he wanted to give you love...all the love everyone else wasn't giving you but you so sorely deserved. Loki darted out his little pink tongue to lick your arm where it rested around him. He tried to say, sweet dreams, little mortal. Just rest. We'll find a way. And though it only came out as a contented purr, he was surprised to hear you murmur “thank you,” in return, as you sank further into dreams.
@mischief2sarawr @ladyofthestayingpower @acidcasualties @unlucky-number-13 @goblingirlsarah @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokihiddleston @chokeanddagger @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @marcotheflychair @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @littlespaceyelf @little-wormwood @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @eleniblue @loz-3 @the-haven-of-fiction @sweetsigyn @muddyorbs @icytrickster17 @holdmytesseract @thenerdyoldersister @thedistractedagglomeration @sailorholly @peachyjinx @coldnique @sarahscribbles@peaches1958 @infinitystoner @mischiefmaker615 @jennyggggrrr @tripleyeeet @itsybitchylittlewitchy @mochie85 @huntress-artemiss @madi0987 @buttercupcookies-blog @annoyingsweetsstranger
P.S. Thank you all for reading and liking and sharing and requesting to be tagged. You're all so sweet and it means the world to me.
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ace-of-gay · 1 year
Little mouse in an ocean
Stucky x little reader
Word count: 1,803 words oops lol
Warnings: intense sensory overload that leads to a more internalized meltdown, loki shows up, sippy, caregiver names like daddy, and dada, little names like baby boy, and munch short ofr munchkin, fidget items, sound canceling headphones, chest binding, comfort items.
Edited to the best of my ability
Age regression is a coping mechanism, if your not knowledgeable and uncomfortable of the topic either read up on it or ignore please <3
Reader is a trans man, no weight, ethnicity or hair type mentioned, reader is at least slightly able bodied in this
Dont like it dont read it especially when theres warnings
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You’d been anticipating the event for a while so it didn't sneak up on you or anything but the Impending stress of having to mask for several hours and converse with people like it was on your everyday agenda, this was nothing of how you liked it, well beyond the several month warning, it gave you time to prepare both mentally and physically, gathering items you would need incase of a worst case scenario in a messenger bag, ranging from two different means of music, noise canceling headphones around the front part of the strap, Bluetooth earbuds fully charged and inside of the most front pouch accompanied by an infinity cube graced with rubber edges to not click like a normal cube, not wanting to bring attention to your discomfort in any situation.
Your favorite book, a couple small sweet and salty snacks depending on the situational needs, alongside a comfort snack , your smaller communication cards, a few more fidgets and essential items.
Bucky and Steve helped pack this bag for you, it being perfectly assembled for anything you could possibly need.
With that Bucky took you out to find a nice casual suit with fabrics that don’t irritate you.
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All the small things arranged, it had your mind settled enough not to stress through the remaining time.
That is until you got there, when walking into the event hall you tug on the bottom of the jacket to your suit, adjusting it, "do you even pass?", whether or not you’re shorter, curvier, if your voice is deep enough , or if your handshake was firm enough, what ever your though in comparison may have been the idea of not passing was terrifying, Steve walking on your left puts his right hand on your shoulder leaning in, "you look handsome, i promise you’re absolutely perfect" his whispers calmed the choppy waters in your mind from becoming rapids.
You worked with some of these people, you knew a good portion of faces, knew even more names, your social analyzing has you determining who is good to talk to and who isn’t purely based on how they carry themselves, the people they talk to and how people look when they walk away, all factors you use to keep you most comfortable.
The best places to be in situations are either outside separate from people or around the food table where most often people are too occupied with collecting snacks and other food items, keeping your talking to a minimum and keeping your social battery higher for longer.
You figured you’d head over that way if it felt dire but for now you stuck with Bucky and Steve.
Trailing through the large people filled room, your boyfriends on each side of you to keep unwanted physical touch to a minimum.
Director fury approaches you three, shaking each persons hands, you know fury pretty well, the conversation going quick and simple, just as easy as the night had gone so far until people started ushering Steve one way and Bucky the other, leaving you disoriented, not entirely sure who you should go with, the confused lapse in time has you loosing them in the crowd, that’s okay, you’re big right now, you can fend for yourself, maybe find Nat or Thor, maybe Thor forced Loki to come along with.
That would be nice, a silent companion to keep you company while sitting in a dark corner avoiding most interactions, actually corners probably have the most amount of echo, at least perspective wise that is, you'd be able to hear everyone and than being next to a corn means you’re closer to the sound reflection hearing it twice, that’s something that would absolutely irritate you, possibly even give you a splitting headache.
Being in this room no one by your side, having to navigate your way through a crowd of now unfamiliar faces, peoples conversations bouncing off of one another, high heels going in all directions, clicking like shark teeth in infested feeding water, social vampires, maybe not everyone but gods did it feel like everyone.
People feasting off of communication, jingling keys like lures, or maybe bells, like the service indication bell in your local comfort food restaurant, so many indications, so many people, all sounds equally intrusive you just want to shut it out but you cant until you’re in a place where no one will question why you have headphones on at a party.
A constantly shifting maze of people, hands patting your back as people pass through the crowd, a few people stopping you for conversations that you try to keep to a minimum saying you’re looking for Bucky or Steve.
Standing in such a room alone, you would be able to feel the air currents change but this room packed with more people than an official tony stark party, it felt like the air itself had stiffened and is on the brink of collapsing in your lungs, it felt suffocating to the point holding your breath would be a better means of keeping yourself together than breathing at all.
With everything swirling, people constantly touching you, talking to you, your mind slips fast, in moments like this you put on chapstick and pretend its superglue so not to make a cosmic fool of yourself if you could even manage to get words out.
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You finally make it out of the crowd only to realize most of the drinks are probably spiked, you refrain from drinking anything you don’t know, you make a b line to the patio door stepping out into the cool fresh air, the bite of cold in your lungs amongst a deep breath being the edge of the blade, it was soothing, so soothing that everything from inside broke loose, a quiet choked sob broke from your chest, if you were big right now you would know what to do but you feel so small, so very small, like a mouse in the ocean next to a baleen whale.
Your hands trembling as though electricity was pulsing through your veins, rapidly looking around, dazed vision making everything quite unclear, bumping into someone you begin to stumble back, just your luck, both big and small you know that waterfall of black locks anywhere, and he knew you.
Loki, one person who understood the entirety of the situation, carefully he leads you aside, "you’re okay, its going to be okay, we'll find Bucky and Steve" mumbling it out quietly, the first vast difference between him and the room, his voice like Bucky and Steve’s voices was safe.
He takes the headphones off the front strap of your messenger bag, helping you put them on over your ears, feeling the world go silent, sound has pressure so the lack of sound felt less like a kick drum in your ears and more like a deep breath in winter air.
Taking the communication cards out of your bag he finds two cards, showing each one, you look at him with big eyes, tears still threatening to spill you show him the mouse card.
He nods, handing you one of the small fidgets, closing your bag and taking your hand, into his cold delicate one.
He signals for you to take a few deep breaths with him and than you’re once again back into the warped room, warm of people, sharp of knowing all the sounds, he leads you through the very best route but even still people are bumping into your, patting your back when passing and trying to stop you in your tracks.
You can see Steve’s golden hair practically glowing, you let go of Loki’s hand trying to rush past people to your boyfriend but another sturdy intruding body gets in the way, bumping you causing you to drop your fidget, looking to the ground to find it.
A small mouse in the ocean amongst a group of narwhals in the eye of a thunderstorm.
Electricity raging in your hands, in your arms, in your chest and in a split second your dominant hand slams down hard onto your thigh three times just above your knee, grabbing your fidget, doing your best to hold back the electricity, you watch as Steve turns around.
Its as if he’s in slow motion, you cant get to him fast enough, you’re being held against his chest, holding tightly to his shirt fabric creasing in your grasp, he’s talking to Loki getting the most of what he can on what happened.
He has you turn around so you can walk but your eyes are closed he’s directing you through, making sure nothing touches you.
You feel the cool air touch your tear streaked cheeks cooling the tear trails.
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Sitting in the car you wait for Bucky, eating one of your snacks and drinking a water based drink Steve had poured into a spare sippy he kept in the car.
"I’m so sorry munch, i turned away and you were gone, we didn't mean to put you through that, I’m so proud of you for finding Loki and letting him help", you nuzzle further into his side, touch may be unsafe but theirs was magic.
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Bucky hops in the front seat turning to look at you and Stevie cuddled together in the back, reaching out for Bucky he takes your hand and holds it to his lips, he can tell just how small you are from how easy you are to maneuver. "Hi baby boy, daddy is here, lets go home now, is that okay?" You didn't respond, you were too busy feeling the metal plates of his hand.
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The drive home was quick, tucked into dada Steve’s side, feeling the thrum of his heart in his chest between each breath, now inside in comfortable clothes and out of your binder one of Steve’s hoodies on you with the sleeves rolled up so your hands could peek out, laying safely between both of your caregivers, the havoc of the day having tired you out.
Bucky gets a notification saying that the food he ordered was delivered, he leaves only to return with dinner and your stuffy he picked up from the living room on his way back.
Little jerks and jolts here and there from remnant electricity occasionally causing you to hold your breath only for one of your daddies to find a new way to remind you to breathe, this time dada Stevie tapped the tip of your nose causing you to quietly coo, breathing.
Words aren’t an expectation, neither are sounds, they just want you to feel better and if that means holding you safely tucked between them than so be it, they would do anything and everything to keep their boy safe.
Because they’re with you til the end of the line.
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This is twice as long as i meant for it to be but you absolutely deserve a longer fic, thank you so much for your patience and thank you for requesting <33 @valetim09
I had to fix the layout because for some odd reason it got all mixed up
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hi author-san, can I request ror gods reaction when they saw reader doing her school works just a while ago, and then later on they noticed reader was fast asleep on their shoulder. The gods are poseidon, hades, thor, loki, odin, heracles, hermes, buddha. And also can you add apollo if you cant its okay.
-It was the week before finals and you were fried, you’re pretty sure you were half coffee at this point, having ingested so many just so you can stay awake.
-You haven’t slept in what felt like days, your body was screaming for a break, but you had planned on sleeping for a whole week straight once your finals were done, you were so close you could taste it!
-Your family was supportive, knowing how important this was to you, but at the same time they couldn’t help but worry about you, mainly your physical and mental health.
-To remedy this, you all came to a compromise, you would take regular breaks, and they would take turns sitting with you and make sure you stayed awake and periodically feed you.
-You relaxed only a bit, holding your chem biology book in your lap, leaning against (God), reading quietly, occasionally highlighting a word or tagging a page to review again, but otherwise you were quiet and (God) was reading the newspaper.
-He turned the page and felt your head drop against his arm as you sagged lightly and he glanced down before doing a double-take, seeing you fast asleep.
-He smiled softly before grabbing his phone, setting a timer for a half an hour, knowing that you needed a break. He leaned his head down on yours, whispering softly, “I’m so proud of you.”
            -Hades, Hermes, and Buddha
-Hesitated for a few moments, he knew you wouldn’t want to take a break right now, but at the same time he could see how tired you were, knowing you needed the break. After flip flopping for a few moments, he decided to let you sleep, just for a bit, fifteen minutes or so.
            -Hercules and Thor
-Knew you were going to be upset with him, but dammit you needed a break longer than an hour. Was as quiet as possible and helped you lay down so your head was on his thigh before pulling a blanket over you. He silently guarded you for the next four hours, letting you sleep quietly. When you woke up, he was quick to offer you your favorite drink and pastry from your favorite café, having gotten someone else to go and get it, appeasing you instantly, and you had to admit that you did feel a bit better afterwards.
-Poseidon, Loki and Odin
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scumpennypress · 9 months
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Covenant by RobotSquid (Marvel ; Thor/Loki)
One of three binds I did in 2023 along with What Kacchan Wants by heartsinhay and an updated author's copy of Heartworms by geckocest. As I mentioned in my last post, 2023 saw me losing some of my passion for this hobby. WKW helped bring that passion back, as did this project.
I've been a Thorki fan for a long time. Like, a really long time. I've read a lot of fics over the years and Covenant is easily in my top 5. Re-reading it while working on this bind was a treat.
Usually, when I bind a book, I plan out the typeset first and then search for suitable bookcloth, cover papers, endpapers, etc. This time, I saw the Gold & Blue Kikkou papers and created the design around that. The design just screamed "Jotun royalty" to me.
This was also my first time using ribbon charms. I originally looked for one that would give a similar vibe to the hair brooch Thor gifted Loki in the story (one of my favorite scenes). Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything similar, so I opted for this aesthetic key instead.
I somehow forgot to take a pic of the endpapers, but they're these gorgeous gold Chiyogami papers from ChibiJayShop.
Covenant - Build Info
72,935 words / 272 pages
Bookcloth: BOOKCRAFTSUPPLYCO’s Neutrals Bundle
Cover paper: ChibiJayShop’s 0486 Gold & Blue Kikkou
Endpapers: ChibiJayShop's 0917 Gold Sayagata Design
Key charm from Amazon
Ribbon from JOANN Fabric and Crafts
Title font is Barosa by NREY
Body font is Garamond
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Mischief has received a tag!
@soliloquent-stark Tagged me to do this thing!
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
1. May: Part 5 of Frost & Forge-Fire: A Year of OTP 2023 Frostiron 12 Month Anthology of a Relationship
The first time Loki sent Tony flowers, he was off on a mission with Steve, Thor, and Natasha while the inventor stayed behind with the others to worry about their significant others.
2. A place where sinners fall in love
Loki stared at the wreckage around the entrance hall of the palace, vases and other statues overturned and shattered across the once clean and shining marble floor.
(Note: That is not the exact first line, but it's the first line that's not just Loki's inner thoughts.)
3. Dancing in my storm
“Is this something the Avengers can and, more importantly, will help us with?”
4. To be in love with the masterpiece
“Loki! Where’re you headed? The studio’s back that way,” Steve called out when he saw one of his friends booking it away from the art building. He was on his way to the art studio from the parking lot and caught the swish of a short black ponytail bouncing in the opposite direction.
(Note: Okay, you got me. It's more than just one line.)
5. Eden revives in the first kiss of love
When Logan woke up, it was to the caress of sunlight on his eyelids and the warm breath of a kiss on his lips.
6. Under blue moon, I saw you
“Oh sweet fucking Norns,” Loki exclaimed.
7. You are the ghost behind my eyes
Steve had returned all of the Infinity stones as per his last mission as Captain America.
8. Heartache to heartache, we stand
Thanos’ army arrived like a swarm, decimated the compound, and left the sky black as if they’d put out the sun.
9. Take me back to the night we met
Tony bent over his scratched and dented Iron Man helmet.
10. Half past four and shifting gear
“You hear about Loki?”
Holy crap! I have patterns! Ones that my college creative writing profs would be so proud of me for. At least in these 10 fics (and very likely the ones following those), I start my fics either with immediate action or dialogue (speaking = action). I do remember when I started writing back in the Middle Stone Ages that I thought I needed to always "set the scene," especially with long rolling descriptions so anyone reading could 'see' where they were. I think I still sometimes try to set the scene, but it was 'gently' recommended by two of the profs I admire the most to start with action, dialogue, and one of them especially loved starting a story In medias res, and with "Under blue moon, I saw you," that was the start I gave it.
Who'da thunk that at almost 51, I'd finally grasp all those things my favorite writing profs kept encouraging? Go me!
Anyone else pick up patterns I haven't mentioned (or noticed)?
Tagging: @scottxlogan @mcfiddlestan @endlesstwanted @kleenexwoman @kedreeva @mistressofmuses @song-witch @stormxpadme @securitybreach @loni4ever @chaoticgardenbread @holistic-alcoholic @renlybaratheon-tyrell and anyone else who wants to play!
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rukia-writes · 1 year
Please do a new Heracles x reader. Yours one shots of him are so great 😭❤️
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Thank you 😊 🤍 he’s my favorite 🤍 and thank you for requesting 🤍♥️
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Fighting along side one another.
Facing foes and being triumphant.
A power couple.
Nothing could be better.
Handsome, tall and strong with a passion for justice.
A dreamy god.
Smiling sweetly at the love his life as he wraps his arms around them in a loving and tight embrace, then placing his lips upon theirs as the heavens shine brightly upon them.
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Odin, king of the Norse gods was reading a book as the ravens were sleeping quietly beside him in a well cushioned straw basket. Like clock work, the doors to his study opened to reveal his daughter with bags under his eyes with a tired look upon her face and without looking up from his book the all father knew what it was about.
“Another dream, again?”
“About Hercules?”
“…Yes, father.”
Sighing in frustration as he closed his book and made tea for his daughter who had recently been having rather intense dreams steadily for the past month. Odin knew this would continue until his daughter faced her feelings, making tea wasn’t a problem but if this was going to become a forever thing Odin had thought of taking matters into his own hands.
“You should face your feelings.”
“That’s crazy! What if he says no.”
“Then you move on. Simple.”
Handing over the tea Odin gave his advice and sat back on his chair as (Name) became flustered at her fathers suggestion while feeling sad at the thought of Hercules rejecting her.
True, the two had been friends but something was stirring in (Name)’s heart and the feeling was becoming stronger each time she saw him.
The next morning, (Name) sought out someone who could help her problem.
There was only one person who could help.
“That’s easy. IGNORE HIM!”
In the gardens of Odin’s palace, Loki gave his words of wisdom, while it wasn’t the route (Name) was looking for she thought it was a good answer to her problem.
After all, Loki, her cousin, wouldn’t steer her wrong.
“Ignore …him?”
“That’s what I said.”
“But…how does that solve the problem?”
“Easy. You’re playing hard to get. You ignore him and he’ll come chasing after you.”
Loki clarified while floating mid air lazily as he did so (Name) found Loki’s advice to be helpful and so she decided she would ignore her love interest.
It beats confessing your heart out and then getting rejected.
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Test time.
A few weeks later, the gods were holding a meeting about the affairs of what was going in Valhalla. While walking to meeting Loki and ,his protege, (Name) walked and talked together.
When Loki saw the god of war and the Envoy of Justice walking and talking together heading towards the meeting infront of them, Loki gave (Name) the look, “This your chance. The test starts now.”
(Name) nodded her head convinced she was ready to ignore the handsome god.
“(Name)! You came! How’s it going?”
Hercules, ever observant, had noticed (Name) and smiled his famous smile followed by a little wave making (Name)’s heart skip a beat and her mind jumble up.
“Everything is going well! How are you? Are you drinking plenty of water? You look well.”
Loki watched his protege crumble by Hercules sweet smile, the plan to ignore Hercules was out the window making the trickster god pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration as he walked ahead leaving the two talking to one another.
“Girl is going to have more dreams.”
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“Had another dream?”
“…Yes, father.”
“About Hercules?”
Sighing Odin made his daughter tea and the two talked until the doors to his study opened to see Thor walk in.
“Had another dream about losing Mjnolir?”
“…Worse. I dreamed of fighting then it switched to (Name) marrying. Which was boring.”
While making one cup of tea and pouring his son a cup of mead Odin heard Thor’s dream and knew it wasn’t coincidence now.
“Marrying?! Who was it?! Was he tall? Red hair?! Did he say anything about justice?!”
Most people wouldn’t touch Thor much less shake him, but (Name) wasn’t scared of her brother and shook him for answers hoping it was Hercules she was marrying.
“I didn’t see what he looked like. I woke up from that boring dream.”
Thor calmly spoke as he sister shook him harsher now telling him, “Remember! Think back! Think hard! It could be a telling of the future.” Thor’s face never changed as his sister did so and he didn’t speak either.
Thor thought the dream was nonsense.
Zeus was enjoying the night sky while enjoying a nice cup of tea. The door to his study also opened to see a tired Ares and Hercules.
“Spiders and a romantic dream about (Name)?”
Both Ares and Hercules said in unison with bags under the eyes. Ares was having an awful dream about spiders and Hercules had another romantic dream about (Name).
Rather intense this time.
“Hermes, three cups of tea. Please.”
Quick as ever Hermes had a table ready with five cups of tea ready, Zeus asked why there was five cups only for Apollo to walk in with a cheerful smile.
“Did I hear someone was having troublesome dreams?”
As everyone sat down at the table Zeus explained that Hercules was having recurring dream about (Name), Zeus didn’t mention Ares dream about spiders. After hearing the romantic dream from Hercules, kindly laughing Apollo answered giving him a stunning prophecy.
“You’re both having these dreams because you’re going to be married soon. Simple.”
Taken back Hercules wasn’t expecting that answer at all.
“They are both having the same dreams? What great news, we should prepare for the wedding.”
“Wait a minute Hermes-“
“Yes, the sooner the better. We should invite everyone in Valhalla.”
“Wait a second, Apollo-“
“Where is that blasted phone when you need it? I must call Odin right away. We shall merge our pantheons at once!”
“Wait a minute now, Zeus-“
“Say less, I shall make sure we have the finest wine.”
“Oh no, Ares. We’ll let Dionysus take care of that. You make sure you look clean and cut. Now, we must inform Aphrodite.”
“Absolutely, Apollo. Not to mention lord Poseidon and Hades.”
Hercules watched as everyone was already starting to make plans for his supposed wedding. Everytime he tried to object his family interrupted with plans, Hercules was happy they were willing to plan everything.
“Excuse me! I would like to remind everyone I haven’t ..(Name) and I haven’t confessed our love yet.”
Apollo, Hermes, Ares, and Zeus stopped what they were doing and looked at a flustered Hercules as he had a dash of red on his face.
It was silent for awhile until Apollo spoke up.
“Well hurry up and confess already. What are you waiting for? I just told you your fate.”
“So, gold and white invitations?”
“Absolutely, Hermes. That’s in style.”
Apollo and Hermes went right back to planning Hercules wedding with Zeus and Ares agreeing or disagreeing with Apollo’s vision of what the wedding should look like.
Hercules didn’t say anything else and let his family at it as he sipped his tea. Thinking of how he would eventually, one day soon confess his feelings for (Name).
Then, he would think of how he would he propose.
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meowmeow-motherfucker · 11 months
Covenant- Chapter 1
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Summary: With the five year anniversary of the attack on New York approaching, Odin and Fury come to the agreement that an arranged marriage between Asgard and Earth would show good faith toward all future interactions. When Odin refuses Jane’s candidacy, Agent Coulson is tasked with finding a suitable wife for the prince of Asgard.
Pairing: Loki x OFC Claire
Rating: E
TW: sexist language and themes, Odin's A+ parenting, Loki being a dick, trauma, mentions of torture
Read on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51197938
New York
The shrill shriek of her ringtone ripped through Claire’s silent bedroom. Groaning, Claire rolled over and buried her head under the pillows. She was supposed to be off today. Whoever was calling could fuck off. If she was going to be forcibly out of the field, she was going to milk it. She ignored the sound, determined to remain in her dark, warm nest as long as she damn well pleased.
The phone stopped ringing and Claire breathed easily, her scrunched features relaxing as she started to drift back to sleep. She turned to her other side, settling into the valley between her pillows and beginning to sleepily plan her lazy day. She’d treat herself to breakfast at her favorite diner, take a walk in Central Park, and inevitably end up at the bookstore. Later she’d pick up ingredients for dinner from the nearby corner store and get wine drunk while she watched Bob’s Burgers and then fall asleep reading her new book.
The ringtone shrieked again, the vibration now rattling the headboard. Claire growled again, grunting when the phone’s vibration caused it to fall off the headboard and hit her directly in the face.
Not even bothering to open her eyes, Claire reached up from beneath the blankets to answer the incessant ringtone. It took a few tries to grab her phone, as it got lost in the shuffle of blankets as if to taunt her, but Claire finally managed to answer the call with a grumbled ‘hello?’
“We need you to come in.” Phil said without preamble. There was only one reason he’d be calling her.
“Now?” Claire sighed, already annoyed she was still dealing with this. She’d thought she’d sent the Asgardian emissary packing at field day. She clearly wasn’t princess material and in her mind, Njord must have gone scurrying back to Odin to report all the ways she sucked. ‘She’s a beast, my lord.’ The Njord in her head cried pathetically. ‘She used foul language! She dared to say marriage is stupid!’ “It’s not even 7 am.”
“The emissary called another meeting and you need to be here. Please Claire; this is really important and I want you to have a say in this.”
“’This’ meaning that stupid arranged marriage bullshit? I’m pretty sure I already told you no.”
“Claire, please,” Phil sighed. “Odin is insisting on moving forward with the marriage. You’re the only option we have and the emissary wants to sit down with you to discuss the treaty in depth.”
“…what?” Claire wasn’t sure how to process that. “He rejected everyone?”
“Apparently he was impressed by your performance at field day, although he did say you were rude,” Claire snickered as she recalled the shocked look on the man’s face when she’d told him ‘abso-fuckin-lutely not’ when he’d asked her to meet with him. “He also mentioned that whoever we send will be marrying Thor.” Phil added.
“Oh hell no!” Claire yelled, shooting up into a sitting position. “No way; I will NOT marry Thor! God that’s gross on so many-”
“If you don’t like it, then get down here and say something! The emissary looks like he’s fifteen for God’s sake; yell at him enough and he’ll cave.”
“And then Fury will yell at me for making a child cry! Remember, I had to go to that stupid seminar last time?” Claire huffed angrily. “This is why I said no; I don’t have the patience for this crap.”
“You honestly don’t care that we’re discussing your future?” Phil asked.
“Bold of you to assume I can’t just disappear if I want to.” Claire replied dryly.
“Just get here. NOW.” Phil hung up, leaving Claire in the silence of her apartment.
Claire arrived at Avengers tower in what seemed like the foulest mood of her life. Nerves were stewing in her belly, and she managed to propel herself forward by listing everything she currently hated. Stupid Fury. Stupid Odin. Stupid THOR- what self-respecting god of thunder let himself be pushed into a marriage? Her toe caught a chip in the sidewalk, tripping her up and making her scowl deepen. Stupid sidewalk. Stupid Uncle Phil for even getting her into this mess.
The receptionist greeted her from behind her little fortress as Claire made her way to the elevator and sighed as the doors slid closed.
“Mornin’ Claire,” Clint greeted her warmly as he dropped in from the ceiling. “How are you feeling today?”
“Hi Clint,” Claire said. “I have a meeting with Fury and some Asgardian dickwad to discuss-” she cringed. “Marriage. How do you think I’m feeling?”
“Yeah I heard.” Clint nodded, commiserating with her silently.
“Doing much eavesdropping lately?” Claire asked flatly. Clint shrugged. Claire figured the Avengers were privy to just about anything. “Why are you here anyway? Were you elevator surfing or something?”
“Nah. Saw you come in, thought I’d say hi.”
“Is this normal for you?” Claire asked as the elevator reached Fury’s level. “Y’know what; tell me later. I have to go make sure no one is pledging my immortal soul to Cthulhu or something equally archaic.”
“I’ve heard the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a forgiving master; in case you need a suggestion.” Clint offered. Claire snorted a laugh.
“Thanks Clint.”
“Anytime.” Claire stepped out of the elevator, turning back when she heard a clang. She saw the toe of Clint’s boot disappearing up into the ceiling of the elevator and rolled her eyes. Clint was nuts. The elevator doors closed and she started walking toward Fury’s office.
“Don’t tell me you started the meeting without me!” Claire called when Fury came into her line of vision. He was outside his office talking with her uncle, and both turned to greet her.
“We’ve been stalling,” Phil said to her relief. “Our friend is losing patience, so we should get to it.”
“Thank you for coming. I don’t want you to feel left out of this decision.” Fury offered her a tight grin.
“That’s why you already invited the guy, right Nick?”
“Odin sent him; I can’t just send him back without talking to him. You know the protocol, Agent.” Fury said sternly.
“Doesn’t mean I have to like it,” Claire snapped. “It’s 2017 and you two idiots thought it would be okay to make this decision for me.”
“Nothing is set in stone,” Fury replied calmly. “We only pitched our agents as options because Odin refused to allow Doctor Foster to take part in the alliance. We didn’t make him pick you.”
“Doesn’t matter! I never said a fucking word about being interested in this archaic bullshit and yet it’s now become a problem I have to deal with. I don’t get paid enough for this-”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Phil cut in. “We’re not going to talk about it anymore. You’re here; that means you go into that room with us and help us work out a deal that makes you happy,” At Claire’s droll look he frowned. “Happier than you are at the moment,” He hedged. “At least hear what he has to say.”
“Fine.” Claire grumped, following sulkily when Fury and Phil led her to the meeting room. Maria Hill sat inside at the long conference table, along with Thor and a young man wearing leather armor and a pouty look on his face.
“Gentlemen, thank you for waiting,” Fury said as they entered and took seats. Fury sat at the head of the table, and Claire sat next to Phil, opposite Thor and Pouty-Face. “This is Claire, one of my agents here at S.H.I.E.L.D.”
“Ah yes! She has agreed?” Pouty-Face asked doubtfully.
“I’m actually here to discuss some concerns with this treaty,” Claire replied diplomatically, trying to make a somewhat good impression. Pouty-Face made a motion for her to continue. For looking so young, he was perfectly coiffed and composed, looking down his nose at her. “I would like to read the proposal before we go any further please.”
“You are not aware of the offer?” Njord asked. “Perhaps you should have met with me when I asked.”
“I’m a firm believer in reading the fine print,” Claire said as Maria slid her a copy of the current proposal.“
“My king extends a most generous offer. Whomever we select will be given Idunn’s apples to extend their life span, receive a lavish lifestyle with anything and everything you could desire, servants, wealth…”
“Babies,” Claire stabbed a finger at a blurb of text. “Whoever goes would be required to have babies?”
“Children are an expected outcome of any union, Lady Claire.” Claire felt dread settle in her stomach like a stone. How in the hell would she navigate that? She’d never given any thought to having rugrats, and now the choice was being made for her? Fuck that.
“Okay, you know what? Shame on all of you. You and you-” she pointed at Njord and Thor in turn. “I can almost give a pass for this. You come from a different culture where women don’t seem to have much choice. But here we do. So the rest of you assholes who decided MY reproductive future can get fucked.”
“Fuck you, Nick! Forget about me- any woman should have the right to make this decision. What if I couldn’t have kids? What if I didn’t want them; too bad?”
“Are you unable to bear children?” Njord asked. “If you are that would disqualify you from participating.”
“I don’t know, I’ve never tried,” Claire scoffed. “I have a dangerous job. I’ve made every effort not to get knocked up.”
“We would need assurance that you are capable of producing children.” Njord said haughtily.
“Okay first of all, I have other things to offer besides my eggs-”
“Without children, the alliance would break down within a generation,” Njord argued. “This is not only for your people’s current population, but the population going forward. This is a great honor!”
“This is fucking dumb, is what it is. Seriously, arranged marriage is how we agree not to kill each other-”
“If you wish to mock our traditions, you may leave.”
“Why, so you can con some girl off the street into this?” Claire scoffed. “Oh wait, I forgot- you already rejected all the other options!”
“Why don’t all take some time to cool off and come back?” Fury suggested, cutting Claire off before she could dig herself a deeper hole.
“Indeed.” Njord said curtly. Claire shoved away from the table, breaking out into the hallway with an angry growl.
“So obviously that could have gone better-”
“Did you know whoever they picked was gonna have to have babies?” Claire rounded on Phil.
“Not fully-”
“But you had a better idea than I did! Are you kidding me with this shit?” Claire hissed. “It’s 2017, Phil, how in the fuck would you think it’s okay to force a woman to have babies!?”
“It’s shitty, I know,” Phil held up his hands in defense. “This is their culture you’re stepping into. It’s not as forward thinking as it is here; it’s going to be a shock. It’s going to be a challenge for you.”
“Why am I even here, Uncle Phil?” Claire asked. “I’m not this person. You know me. I’m not a timid little girl who’s going to be subservient and follow behind somebody for the rest of my life.”
“But you see the bigger picture. Think of the impact you could have there-”
“What impact?” Claire scoffed. “You heard the guy- the biggest impact I could have is by having a productive cooch.” She kicked a trashcan, sending the contents fluttering along the pristine floor. An agent walking down the hallway sneered at her, skittering away in fear when Claire hissed at him like a cat.
“Okay yes, it’s a downside. I know kids were never in your life plan. But there has to be more.”
“And what if there isn’t? What if I agree to this, and my shiny new life is a shit show?”
“It’s a big risk. But I know you’ve always wanted to help people. It’s part of why you joined S.H.I.E.L.D. in the first place. If you do this, and you go to Asgard, you could do a world of good for people there and here. Of course it’ll be different than you’re used to, but you would have power and influence you don’t and will never have here.”
“Yeah, but...is that worth what I’m giving up?”
“I can’t decide that for you,” Phil said sympathetically. “Take a couple minutes and think about it.” he patted her arm before leaving her alone in the hallway.
Claire stalked off in a huff, anger boiling in her veins. She wound up in a small break room that was mercifully empty. She sank into a chair with a sigh, trying to calm down enough to be logical.
Problem one: she had to have babies with whichever prince she married. Babies meant sex, which Claire was a fan of, but having babies often took more than one try. It wasn’t like Thor wasn’t nice to look at, but there was zero chemistry between them. They were friendly, but it was like a flat soda.
Claire wasn’t signing her life away for lackluster orgasms and no fizzle.
The door opened and Claire’s head shot up to see Thor. He offered a grim smile as he sat across from her at the table.
“Lady Claire I understand you have reservations about this,” he began. “But I give you my word- I would do everything in my power to make you happy.”
“I don’t doubt that,” Claire waved off his concern. “But tell me the truth. Would you want to have babies with me?”
“No,” Thor shook his head. “You are a fierce and skilled warrior, and I have no doubt you would be an excellent mother, but-”
“You don’t want to sleep with me.”
“I do not.” Thor said apologetically. Claire laughed at his stark reply.
“The feeling is mutual, dude,” she cackled. “I really don’t understand why your dad won’t accept Jane. It’s the obvious solution.”
“He feels that her background is not…” Thor paused, drumming his fingers on the formica tabletop. “Conducive to the hardship of ruling, is what he said.” he offered a sarcastic smile.
“That’s dumb. Jane is one of the smartest people in the world.” Thor brightened, his smile widening as he nodded. “So obviously, for me to take part in this, I couldn’t marry you. I may not know the two of you very well, but it’s clear that you care for each other, and I’m not in the business of busting up happy couples.”
“I thank you for your consideration. I fear it is something another person may not think of. This kind of offer...it tends to bring out the wolves.” Claire snorted. It was an incredible offer, and people could be greedy sons of bitches.
“I can imagine,” she said softly. “I’ll be upfront with you. I don’t think I’m the right person for this. Sure I have the ‘background’ that your dad wants, and I made an impression at field day,” Claire rolled her eyes. Thor grinned at her air quotes. “But I don’t think I’m cut out for it. I’m too loud and opinionated and I would probably get sent home for pissing off the nobles.” Thor chuckled.
“You and my brother would get on well.”
“Loki?” Claire asked. “You think so?” Thor nodded.
“I realize your people have a very colored opinion of him, and for good reason,” Thor held up a hand to stop her interrupting. “He is misguided, of that there is no doubt, but he has a good heart.”
“And you think he’d go for something like this?”
“I do not know,” Thor shook his head. “Loki has never had a high opinion of marriage, but if it offers him a chance to leave his cell…”
“Right,” Claire sighed heavily, leaning back in her chair. “He’s been locked up since New York. He’s probably losing his mind. No offense.”
“None taken,” Thor replied swiftly. “He is not himself and has not been for some time, but when we were children...I could not have asked for a better friend.”
“And you think getting out of prison would help him be like that again?”
“Possibly,” Thor shrugged. “I do not want to make false promises. But you would be protected.”
“He is pretty hot,” Claire remarked under her breath. “What? I have eyes.” she said defensively when Thor gawked at her. Thor held up his hands.
“So the thought of fulfilling marital duties with my brother isn’t as terrible as it is with me?”
“Much less,” Claire admitted, laughing when Thor gagged. “I will leave that to Jane.”
“If this is what you wish, I will help where I can. But Njord’s words about our traditions still stand- it is an ancient law of the land that the eldest child must wed before the younger siblings can be eligible. My father will have to be persuaded to allow this.”
“All I can do is try right?” Claire asked. “And if your dad says no, I’ll bow out.” Thor nodded in understanding before he pushed away from the table.
“I will give you some time to consider our discussion.” he got to his feet, treading toward the door with an air of resignation.
“Hey Thor?” she called after him. He turned on his heel, arm braced on the door frame as he looked back at her. “If I do this...what am I getting myself into?”
“My brother may be misguided, Lady Claire, but he would treat you with the honor you deserve. You would want for nothing.”
“That’s great and all, but what else? I have freedom here, Thor. I have a life. If I sign on the dotted line, am I giving all that up?”
“There is freedom in being a royal, but also significant cost. You will always have duties, responsibilities-”
“But is that all there is? Having babies and...being ornamental?” Thor’s mouth twisted as he considered his words, pounding on the door frame with his meaty fist.
“I do not know the extent of the rules ladies are bound by,” he said softly. “But my mother has always kept herself busy with things outside her familial duties,” he offered a tight smile. “I shall inform the others you need a few more moments.” he left her alone again and Claire embraced the silence the eldest Odinson left behind.
She wasn’t lying; she did find Loki attractive. Who wouldn’t? The man had a face made for sitting on. Tall, dark and lean, the second son of Asgard was far more her type than Thor. Even though his countenance was gaunt in all the surveillance she had seen, she could see the razor sharp cut of his cheekbones. The elegance in his strut. The long tapered fingers of his large hands.
Claire shoved back from the table, figuring it was better to strike while the pan was hot. She walked back slowly, listing the reasons a marriage to Loki could work better than a marriage to Thor. They did have commonalities: daddy issues, anger issues...they were both clear-cut Slytherins. Having sex with him would not be a hardship. She was still not fully sold on having babies with anyone, but Loki seemed a better prospect overall than Thor. Claire knew she’d be miserable with Thor.
At least with Loki there was hope.
“There you are!” Phil crowed as she came around the corner. Thor, Phil, Fury, Maria and Njord stood clustered in the hallway waiting for her return.
“May we continue?” Njord asked.
“Let’s hit it.” Claire agreed, walking back into the conference room.
“Have you had time to consider the offer?” Njord asked as they all returned to their seats.
“Just to be clear, the proposed alliance would be conditional upon my marriage to one of Odin’s sons; is that right?”
“You are correct Lady Claire, however the All-Father has decreed that the chosen Midgardian maiden would wed his eldest son, Prince Thor.” Pouty-Face gave a polite nod to Thor.
“Uh huh,” Claire nodded, scribbling Thor’s name from the paper and inking Loki’s name instead. “I’m not interested.”
“I’m afraid I don’t understand,” Pouty-Face replied, looking over at Thor nervously. “Prince Thor would make a fine husband- you would want for nothing-”
“Look, I know Thor. We’re friends,” Claire looked at Thor, who offered an encouraging smile. “But we’re not that close. And I can’t agree to marry him when he’s already involved with someone.” She added, glancing back over to Thor.
“I have also expressed my concerns about being forced into this marriage,” Thor said diplomatically. “I understand that my father is anxious to see this through but I cannot in good conscience abandon Jane to marry another.”
“It has already been decided!” Pouty-Face said crossly. “Lady Claire and Prince Thor will be married-”
“Listen, dude-”
“Whatever!” Claire huffed. “I’m not marrying Thor. The person who should be in here would be a far better candidate in my opinion-”
“Lady Jane was not selected by the Allfather. He feels that someone with your skills and experience working under Lord Fury, would be a more suitable companion for his son.”
“I’m NOT. MARRYING. THOR!” Claire enunciated angrily.
“Lady Claire,” Njord said with false patience. “As I said- per our traditions, the eldest son must marry first. Even if the Allfather were to allow Thor to not take part in the alliance, your only other option would be the war criminal Loki,” Njord counseled. Claire had expected to hear his name at some point, but the venom in Njord’s voice threw her off. “Knowing his past deeds, could you truly accept this arrangement with him?” he questioned doubtfully. Claire paused, tapping the pen on the tabletop as she thought. Loki was the far more attractive option to her, but Njord’s hostility just mentioning him made it obvious that people did not like him. Would they hate her for marrying him?
“Claire?” Phil nudged her from the side, drawing her from her thoughts.
“I want to circle back to the part about babies.” Njord looked like he wanted to reach across the table and shake her.
“While it is true there is a burden to produce heirs for the line of succession, Prince Loki is second in line for the throne and would only become eligible to rule if Prince Thor should abdicate or the Allfather were to become incapacitated.” he replied coolly.
“So is that a definite requirement?” Claire pressed. “You didn’t exactly answer my question.”
“Yes, Lady Claire, it is a requirement,” Njord sounded like a parent trying to explain to their destructive child why they couldn’t stick forks in a toaster. “Knowing this, do you consent to marry prince Loki and fulfill the provisions of the alliance?” Njord asked. Claire’s heart beat a wild rhythm and sweat made the pen in her hand slippery. Hekate help me. Please don’t let me be walking into a lifetime of misery.
“Yes,” Claire said softly, clearing her throat. “I consent.” She repeated loudly, making the tension in the room dissipate.
“And if my king is unconvinced?” Njord pressed.
“Look, he wanted to form an alliance with my planet by marrying one of his sons to someone who wasn’t Jane. I’m Claire; have we met?”
“I was simply asking-”
“He’s getting two out of his three terms. I know for a fact I’m your only option. You rejected everyone else. So if I walk, you have to repeat this circus all over again. Since he’s anxious to see this through and soon, I’d say that’s the best deal he’s going to get. He can take it or leave it.”
“Indeed,” Njord agreed. “Very well, I shall inform my king and he will come to a decision. We will have an answer for you in a fortnight.”
“Fantastic, can’t wait,” Claire replied, getting to her feet and stalking out of the room, Thor hot on her heels. Jane sat outside the conference room, wringing her hands anxiously as she waited for them. “Hey Jane.”
“Hi,” Jane sniffled, launching herself forward to wrap Thor in a hug as soon as he cleared the door. “What happened in there?” she asked, scanning each of their faces as the room emptied. Fury and Maria herded Njord toward the exit to see him off.
“I said I didn’t want to marry Thor.” Claire said, her eyes following the group as they walked down the long hallway.
“So does that mean you’ll be marrying Loki instead?” Jane asked with a mix of hope and concern. Claire didn’t fault the scientist for the hopeful look in her brown eyes.
“It’s too soon to say,” Phil replied for Claire. “We made our counter-offer; now we wait for Odin’s reply.”
“How long will that take?” Jane asked Thor.
“Father will give us a reply in two weeks’ time.” He answered worriedly. “Claire clearly stated she would prefer to marry Loki; we have to hope that Father will honor that.”
“But doesn’t Loki have to agree also?”
“If Odin offers him a way out of prison he’ll probably take it. I know I would.” She added at Thor’s nod. Jane frowned, clearly unconvinced.
“But if he doesn’t…”
“If he doesn’t, I’ll back out. I might be a dick, but I’m not going to split you guys up.” Claire said. Jane launched herself at Claire, pulling her into a tight hug.
“Thank you,” she said wetly. “This has been a nightmare. It helps to know we have someone else on our side.”
“No problem,” Claire said, patting the scientist on the back. She’d be a mess if she were in Jane’s shoes. “I should probably go. Maybe get a jump start on packing.”
“Oh sure,” Jane released her. “How are you feeling about all this? I mean...I’ve never met the guy but I can’t imagine what he’ll be like-”
“I’d rather not dwell on it until Odin accepts the offer,” Claire cut her off. “I’ll see you guys later.” She was getting so drunk tonight.
Njord made haste to the throne room as soon as he arrived back in Asgard. The events of the meeting with the Lady Claire churned in his mind as he crossed the bifrost and entered the city, winding through the curving streets toward the looming golden palace.
She had a keen mind, this Midgardian. While others had more pleasant manners, they lacked Lady Claire’s strength and cunning, which he’d seen in spades at S.H.I.E.L.D.’s so-called ‘field day’. Njord still did not understand why they called it that- they had not competed in a field at all! Instead they had played supposed war games with children’s toys on an open pitch, held foot races, and held contests to see who could jump the furthest or climb the fastest. It was a mockery of the arduous training Asgardian soldiers underwent.
His personal feelings aside, he could not overlook Lady Claire’s results. Consistently, she outshone her competitors. Manners could be assimilated. Her sharp tongue could be bridled. But her drive could not be taught. Therefore, as much as it pained him, she was the best candidate.
The Einherjar outside the throne room allowed him entry immediately, and Njord stepped inside to deliver his report.
“Ah Njord!” Odin called as he walked toward the dais. “What news do you bring from Midgard?” he asked.
“My King,” Njord knelt before the throne, placing his fist over his heart. “I have done as you asked. I have selected a maiden to join the royal family.”
“Excellent. Rise, and tell me what you have learned.”
“The negotiations with Midgard are going well, but the maiden S.H.I.E.L.D. is offering is…most unusual, if I may speak plainly.” He rose at Odin’s gesture.
“In what way?” Odin asked interestedly.
“She has consented to the treaty, but was quite adamant in her refusal to marry Prince Thor.”
“Did you explain her other option?”
“I did, Sire, but it did not sway her.” Njord shook his head. Odin pursed his lips in thought, settling back against his throne.
“And what of her carriage? Her mannerisms?”
“While I was selecting candidates, S.H.I.E.L.D. conducted what they call a ‘field day’, in which I witnessed the candidates compete against each other. The maiden I have selected bested all of her competitors. She is a commoner and would greatly benefit from lessons in deportment, but she seems sure of herself and she is a decent, if not aggressive, negotiator. Where Jane Foster is weak, she is…forceful. Strong-willed. She seems convinced you will allow her to wed prince Loki.”
“Why is that?”
“In her words, you are getting two of the three provisions your proposal contains and as you are eager to strike a bargain, you will be hard pressed to argue over which son she weds.” Njord responded, dreading his king’s reaction. The mortal woman couldn’t know this, but her rash words could cost the entire treaty if they offended the Allfather. To his surprise, Odin barked out a laugh.
“Such insight for a mere mortal. I daresay she will make an excellent match for Loki. Come,” Odin got to his feet. “You will accompany me to the dungeons- the prince will surely want to know about his future bride.”
The dungeons beneath the palace of Asgard were hidden away, desolate and deep underground. One had to traverse an intricate maze of corridors to even reach them- a defense mechanism in case of a prisoner escape. That alone used to be enough to prevent Odin from worrying- but with the imprisonment of the second prince, more security measures had been employed. Odin had woven his own magic into the construction of heavy doors- only those he allowed may gain entry and exit. Should the disgraced prince have been clever enough to escape his cell, he would not have been able to get far.
Odin had not seen the prince since he had been brought before him for sentencing. Loki had shown no remorse for his actions on Midgard; even daring to ask the queen if he’d made her proud.
His arrogance had radiated from him like poison, and so Odin had felt no remorse in sending him to the dungeons to while away his days.
Odin was wise to Frigga’s habit of sending a duplicate to see the prince, as well as books and whatever else she thought would appease him. Odin had no such compunctions. When a child misbehaved, you did not coddle the child. You corrected it.
Njord trailed after the Allfather as they descended beneath the palace, traversing the labyrinthine corridors to reach the prison. At last the entry point came into view, breaking up the monotony of the long, windowless corridors. Two guards stood sentry on each side of the heavy door, both men placing fists over their hearts in salute to their king as they approached.
The men opened the heavy door without question, allowing Odin and Njord to enter. A steep staircase led them deeper underground, where another pair of guards waited at the bottom. They too greeted their king with fists over hearts, one guard nodding reverently before turning on his heel to lead Odin to his destination.
After all, their was only one prisoner Odin would deign to visit himself.
Prisoners shout and jeer as Odin and Njord pass. Some throw themselves upon the effervescent walls, pounding upon it with their fists as they beg as for release, curse their existence, or both. One prisoner rips off his shoes and throws them, striking the wall directly where Odin’s head passed by.
“Something terrible must have happened to warrant a visit from you, Allfather,” Loki hissed as he spied Odin approaching his cell. “It’s been far too long, and yet, not long enough.”
“Your barbed words will not incense me, Loki. I come bearing an olive branch.” Odin said. Loki scoffed, snapping his book shut.
“What can you possibly have to offer me? If I was meant for the axe it would have been swung ages ago.”
“I am negotiating an alliance with Midgard’s forces. They have agreed to arrange a marriage per our traditions and I had originally planned for Thor-”
“Yes, Norns forbid Thor ever have to make a sacrifice,” Loki rolled his eyes as he set the book aside and pulled out a deck of cards. “So the golden son has refused…what of your treaty now?” he began to shuffle the deck, a disgusted sneer overtaking his features as he put two and two together. “This is why you’ve come- to entreat me to play husband!”
“Don’t flatter yourself so, Loki. Thor has accepted that he will wed the girl if I so decree. However…” Loki’s stomach turned sour as the Allfather trailed off. His grip on the cards tightened, the thin edge of the card slicing into the pad of his finger. “I have another idea entirely.”
“You would have me accept. Take part in your charade,” Loki dealt the cards, arranging them in piles and making an inverted triangle. “I still would prefer the axe.”
“I offer you a secondary proposition,” Odin held up his hand to silence his adopted son. “Accept your place in the alliance and I will release you from your prison. But your freedom will depend entirely upon the girl’s safety and wellbeing- should anything untoward happen to her, the alliance will be in ruins and you will return here for the remainder of your days.”
“That is hardly a choice,” Loki scoffed, turning away from Odin to begin his game. “Any fool would be inclined to do as you say for a chance at freedom.” he glances past Odin to the eavesdropping prisoner shouting he would do as Odin asked.
“But you are no fool, yes, I know,” Odin said flatly. “You would be restored to your title and place in our family as well.” Loki picked up a card and moved it to another stack, flipping the card beneath face up.
“How enticing.”
“Regardless of your feelings for me, I know you care for Frigga. She misses her son. Marry the girl and you would be free to see her as often as you wish.”
“You oversell yourself, Allfather,” Loki glared at him, bending the cards in his hand and flicking toward the barrier between them in anger. “You’re desperate to see this done.” he added accusingly.
“It is a small price to pay for the good of my kingdom,” Odin brushed off the insult. “And yes, I am. Think well on my offer, and make a decision quickly. I may not be so generous tomorrow.”
“And if I refuse?”
“I could announce a death sentence instead of a wedding, if that is truly your wish.”
“I would expect no less,” Loki smirked as he collected the cards he’d thrown from the floor of his cell. “And you, I suppose, are here to extoll my future bride’s virtues?”
“If my king wishes.” Njord replied.
“I do. I expect a decision by midday tomorrow.” Clapping Njord on the shoulder, Odin departed; leaving Njord under Loki’s hostile gaze. A haze of green surrounded the cards before they flew back into Loki’s outstretched hand.
“Well?” the fallen prince asked sharply, settling in to resume his game. “What of her? Is she stupid? Ugly? Disfigured? I imagine she isn’t much to look at if Thor refused her hand.”
“Neither, my lord. She is rather attractive…and carries herself well. She is a skilled warrior, though she does have a sharp tongue, and a bit of a temper.”
“And she refused Thor’s suit?” Njord hesitated- the Lady Claire had indeed refused Thor’s hand and forced the Allfather’s hand, but the official story was different.
“The Allfather thought His Majesty would serve better under the alliance,” Loki’s lip curled at the formal title. It only served to mock him in here. “The Lady Claire consented to the treaty, but argued that Lady Jane would be a far better candidate than herself. Perhaps she thought to spare them the pain of being separated.” Njord added nervously.
“Then she is a fool. Noble, but a fool nonetheless,” Loki sneered as he cleared a stack of cards and set them aside. He tapped a card on the table dismissively as he thought. “Or blind. I’ve never known a woman to refuse Thor. If that is the case, she must be damn near insufferable,” Loathe as he was to accept, Loki could admit that he was curious to meet the woman who rejected Thor. At the very least, she could be somewhat reliable for companionship. Norns knew it would be nice to be free of his wretched cell. To be in his own chambers again… “Leave me.”
“What shall I tell the Allfather?”
“He gave me until tomorrow to consider his inane suggestion, did he not? Tell him I am doing just that.” Loki spat, muttering darkly under his breath as he turned back to his game. Njord disappeared from his field of vision rather quickly, leaving Loki alone once again.
What in the nine was Odin thinking? Hadn’t arranged marriages fallen out of fashion eons ago? They still happened of course, but not nearly as often. So why this marriage, and why now?
Why him? Hadn’t he suffered enough in the name of his so-called family? He should refuse; Thor could bear the burden of responsibility for once.
The fact that this woman refused Thor however…it intrigued him. Did that mean she chose him over Thor? Loki could not remember anyone apart from Frigga actively choosing him for any reason. Perhaps it would be tolerable.
But he was loathe to agree, if only to spurn Odin. Five years he had languished in this damn cell without so much as a word and Odin expected him to jump at the first opportunity? Damn him.
New York
Claire was startled awake by the loud ringing of her phone. She groaned angrily and reached behind her to fumble on her night stand for the offending device. She’d learned not to put the phone on the headboard. Nabbing it with her fingers, she brought it in front of her face and swiped to answer the call.
“Hello.” She said, her voice thick with sleep.
“We need you to come in,” Phil said in lieu of greeting. “The emissary from Asgard is back.”
“Aw man, Pouty-Face is back already? I was hoping he’d come down with a case of space amnesia but whatever. Fine,” Claire grumped, grunting in surprise when her phone fell from her hand and landed on her face. “’M’kay I’m up.” She mumbled.
“I’ll let him know you’re on your way,” Phil replied. “Hurry please.”
“Okay!” Claire hissed, throwing off her blankets and storming to her closet. “I’ll be there in twenty.”
“I’ll send a car for you.” Phil ended the call and Claire tossed the phone on her bed. She rummaged through her clothes and threw on yesterday’s jeans with her Alice in Wonderland tee. She quickly brushed her hair and sprayed some perfume before grabbing her jacket and cane and heading downstairs to meet the car.
“Oh good, you’re finally here.” Phil said when she stepped out of the elevator.
“It hasn’t even been twenty minutes yet!” Claire protested as he grabbed her by the arm and steered her toward Fury’s office. He ushered her in and followed, closing the door behind them. Njord and Fury sat facing each other across his desk, papers strewn across the surface.
“Welcome back Agent,” Fury said as she sat in the chair to the far left, leaving Phil to sit between her and the emissary. “Njord and I were just discussing the final details of the treaty.”
“Super. What are they?”
“Firstly, it will please you to know that my king has agreed to your terms,” Njord said. “Prince Loki has agreed to the alliance as well.”
“I figured he would; everybody loves a get-out-of-jail-free card.” Njord looked at her quizzically.
“I don’t know what that means, my lady.” he said after a beat.
“Never mind,” Claire replied with a wave of her hand. “What else?”
“The Allfather has put forth a protection clause on your behalf, which we took the liberty of adding to the treaty. Prince Loki’s freedom will depend entirely upon your health and safety.”
“So if he puts hands to her, the alliance would be over?” Phil asked.
“The alliance would be ended and Prince Loki would return to prison for the remainder of his life.”
“Sounds easy enough,” Claire said. “I’m assuming that’s only in case of irreparable damage?”
“Claire!” Phil hissed.
“What? It’s a valid question,” Claire hissed back. “I just want clarification before I throw hands.”
“Don’t start please-”
“Do we need to work out a visitation clause or a schedule?” Fury asked, diverting attention from Claire’s ethical dilemma. “I’m sure Claire would want to come back and Phil would like to visit her in Asgard as well.”
“I don’t believe that is something the Allfather has considered,” Njord replied. “But this can easily be arranged, do not worry. Our seers have selected a date for the ceremony.”
“Already?” Phil asked. “When is it?”
“As Lady Claire will be permanently relocating to Asgard, the Allfather thought a fortnight would be enough time for her to pack her belongings.”
“Dude I’m right here; can you maybe not talk about me like I’m not?” Claire said combatively.
“My apologies, Lady Claire.”
“Sure. So when is the ceremony? Am I traveling to Asgard and then boom I’m married?”
“The ceremony itself will take place in six weeks. You will have two weeks to prepare your things for travel, and one month in Asgard to make all of your preparations and familiarize yourself with the palace and your duties.”
“And she’ll have her own room until the wedding?” Phil asked.
“Yes of course,” Njord nodded. “All the necessary arrangements shall be made for your accommodations, Lady Claire.”
“And what about Loki?” Claire blurted. “I get to meet him before the wedding, right?”
“You will get to meet your betrothed prior to the ceremony, Lady Claire. You will be chaperoned until afterward, upon which time the marriage will be consummated.”
“Right.” The tiny gouge in Fury's desk was suddenly very fascinating.
“It is tradition that the consummation is witnessed-”
“ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Claire shouted. “What is this, the Iron Age?!”
“Peace, Lady Claire. You will be pleased to know that the Allfather has agreed to forego the tradition. His Majesty Prince Loki shares your views on the practice.”
“Well thank god for small miracles,” Claire muttered angrily. “So now what?”
“I shall return in two weeks’ time to collect you and your things. I require your signature on this missive. This is not the treaty itself, but your pledge to fulfill the provisions which the Allfather and your government have agreed to.” Njord produced an honest-to-god scroll and handed it to her. Claire ran her thumb over the actual wax seal and unfurled it.
The writing was fancy, sloped cursive that Claire could barely read. Down at the bottom there was another wax seal and a scribble of ‘Odin Allfather’. Above that were two signature lines. One was blank and awaiting her signature. The other bore the scrawling, looping signature of her future husband.
Loki Odinson.
The scrape of glass caught Claire’s attention and she looked up from the scroll to see Njord had slid an inkwell over to her. He held out a quill for her to take. Claire stared at the quill for a moment before reaching out to take it. She dipped the quill into the ink and held it above the paper, unable to make herself sign it.
This shouldn’t be hard. She was getting what she wanted. Thor and Jane could have a happy life together now. She was marrying Thor’s hot, crazy brother.
This is what she wanted.
When Claire made a decision, she committed.
“Lady Claire?” Njord asked. A drop of ink had fallen onto the parchment and was beginning to dry. Claire took a deep breath, set the quill to parchment, and signed her name. She gave the quill and parchment back to Njord, watching as he sprinkled powder onto the scroll to dry the ink. The inkwell was capped and put away along with the quill. The scroll was rolled back up and vanished into the bag at Njord’s side.
“I do hate to rush off, but I must return to Asgard. There is much to be done before your arrival.”
“Okay,” Claire said quietly. Her entire body was trembling and a heavy pit of dread was roiling in her stomach. She had just signed away her entire life to make Jane and Thor happy; to keep her realm safe. She was trying desperately to focus on how satisfying it was to stick it to Njord and his smug stupid face, but she wanted to run out of the room and cry. “Great.”
“Excellent. I shall see you all in a fortnight.” Njord said cheerfully. He left quickly with Maria and Fury, leaving Claire alone with Phil.
“Are you okay?”
“Great.” Claire said hollowly, wrapping her arms around herself. Phil leaned over the table, putting a hand on her arm.
“I’ll help you pack. It’ll be alright.”
“FUCK!” Claire shouted after a moment; brutally, painfully aware of how drastically her life was about to change. “I’m such an idiot.”
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Asgardian Possession – Kinktober 14
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Summary: You are his.
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Kink: possessive behavior 
Rating: lightly explicit
Warnings: possessive behavior, light smut, protected sex, biting, forced voyeurism, Loki’s tricks
A/N: A short but naughty drabble.
A/N2: idea by anon
Words: 850+
Kinktober 2022
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“I bet he tried to kill her.”
You glare at Clint.
“Would shut up, Barton?”
“Not for a million bucks,” Clint smirks as you try to ignore the staring contest going on between Loki, his brother, and two over-protective super-soldiers.
“What did you do this time? Did you try to kill Lady Y/N? Yes or no.”
“I would never try to kill my favorite pet. She’s the only one getting my humor. Plus, she makes the best food. I can’t digest the food they offer me on Midgard. Y/N always takes good care of me.”
“That’s no excuse for locking her up in your room, Loki,” Thor’s voice booms through the room. “Brother, she’s not one of your servants. Lady Y/N is a good friend to the Avengers and me.”
“She’s like a sister to me,” Loki’s eyes darken as Steve dares to step closer to you. He grits his teeth while slowly sliding his daggers out of his sleeves to press the tip of one dagger into Steve’s chest and hold the other against the super-soldier’s throat.
“Hands off!! Y/N is my pet. No one can touch her but me,” Loki sneers as Bucky tries to step in front of you. “Last warning. Pet, come over here.”
“She’s not some animal,” Bucky grunts. “Stay away from Y/N, or you can have a taste of my fist.”
“Try me,” the raven-haired trickster gives Bucky a sinister smile. “I bet you can’t even throw a punch before you ended up losing your mind.”
“Brother, don’t,” Thor warns again. “No fighting and no illusions to mess with our allies’ minds. You promised to behave.”
“I promised not to kill them. I didn’t say a thing about keeping them from killing each other.”
Loki just loves semantics.
“Loki of Asgard. You will not use your powers on one of them,” the blonde Asgardian calls for his hammer. “If you don’t listen to me, I’ll send you to…”
“Guys, can you stop fighting,” you finally speak up. “I stayed at Loki’s room on free terms. He didn’t force me to stay. Uh-we read a few books, and talked about Midgard, Asgard, and stuff.”
“Stuff. Right.”
Clint doesn’t believe a single word leaving your lips. He can see it in your eyes. You are lying to all of them to protect Loki.
“You are hiding some things from us, young lady,” your roll your eyes. Entrance Tony Stark. Your self-declared father. Or big brother. Depends on his mood.
“ENOUGH!” Loki’s hands turn blue for a moment. “Get away from my pet. Everyone knows I laid claim on Y/N and her body.”
You sigh as said man wraps his arm possessively around your waistline. He glares at the men in the room to make sure you belong with him. “Darling. Let me tell them to back off.”
“I told you to stop acting like I’m your most prized possession. Stop calling me pet,” you mutter under your breath. It’s no use. Loki already made up his mind. He won’t back down now.
“I will lay claim on you whenever I want to. Pet, follow me to my chambers.”
“Room,” you correct.
You give up for now. “Fine. Bring me to your chamber…”
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“Mine. That’s what you are,” Loki is like a man possessed. You didn’t get far and ended up in the communal room. On the couch. “Look at you, filled with your God.”
“Loki, we should go to your room.”
He pins your hands above your head. “Loki,” you can only watch him move on top of you. He digs his knees into the couch, and gyrates his hips to hit that spot he always finds so easily. “Fuck.”
“Look at me,” holding his gaze you whimper. Loki looks like he’s about to eat you alive. “You’re mine. Say it.”
“’m yours…”
“Yes you are,” he growls. “Everyone will know it after tonight. Pet, be more vocal. I want you to be as loud as possible.”
You wrap your legs around his waistline and dig the soles of your feet into his ass. His pale skin seems to glow in shades of blue when he speeds up. You can already feel his cock twitch inside of you.
“I want you to cum for me,” you cry out in pleasured pain as it seems his cock just turned a little colder. “Now, pet.”
“FUCK! I … Loki! What are you doing?” arching your back you push your tits in his face. Loki greedily takes the chance to bite your tit again to leave yet another mark. “Cold!”
“YES! I will freeze your pussy if you don’t admit you are mine!”
You fear he’ll tear the condom with his powers.
“Sick bastard,” Steve still fights Loki’s influence. “Let us go or at least look away.”
“No,” Loki licks around your nipple. “I told you that Y/N is mine. You all disagreed so, here we are. Is my godlike cock inside of her cunt proof enough?”
“Brother, I’ll kill you…”
“Nah, you will watch me fuck my queen…”
Loki smirks as your eyes drift toward your friends frozen to the spot.
Loki will force them to watch you get devoured by the God of mischief.
Over, and over, and over again…
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thepilotanon · 2 years
Been a while since I’ve read some of your Loki headcaons so how about Loki with someone from a big family? You know they have many cousins and siblings and all find Loki fascinating especially the younger ones
I have been to Big Family functions, as a guest, and feel like it will be a crazy (but great) experience for Loki.
My favorite idea would have to be Loki meeting the "elders" of the family (grandparents, great-grandparents, great aunts/uncles), and being bombarded with the sudden feeling that he is meeting the hierarchy of your family calls for him to stiff up and worry about whatever questions they throw at him? Imagine Grandmama asking Loki how old he is, and he responds with the Earth number (around 1,400 years old, ma'am) he freaks when she screams-laughs all heartedly and tells you "I knew you'd take after your grandma, sweetie! Liking those older chaps with long legs and pretty hands does run in the family!" Loki is then proceeded being pampered by the elder ladies, complimenting them for having such wonderful stories of their lives; the elder men constantly try to arm-wrestle Loki and they discuss the whacky technology of Siri or Alexa haunting their homes.
Besides your parents (who whomever raised you), Loki is nervous about all your aunties and uncles with their judgement of him. He knows he made a big mess quite a few times during his visits on Earth, and he's working on redeeming that, thanks to the help of Thor and you. I would think it takes him a while, maybe while there's a sport playing on TV, and Loki asks the dynamics and functions of the sport that they notice that he's actually curious and wonders about Earth now, especially when they see him coming to you and ask what he should do during his visit to help. Your sport-crazy relatives would deck him in jerseys and boards about the games; the chefs in your family will be constantly feeding him with whatever they make and ask for his thoughts on it - and it never ends with the food - and he will sit there and dedicate himself to learn from the family.
Your siblings and cousins may be the easiest for Loki to befriend, especially if you are close to them and told them everything going on in your end with you and Loki's relationship. They tease you two, as close siblings/cousins do, but Loki realizes it's all in good fun and admires their creativity in the jokes (so long as they're respectful towards you. He's fine with being teased about being blue, a cocky god, and sexual jokes, but he wants you to be treated fairly). He'd let the video-game players of your family get a laugh out of him using AR headsets, jump at horror games, and the softer-toned ones will ask him to tell stories or share book interests or crafts.
I think it's important to take note for the younger ones, especially when they were too young/not born during his attempted attack in 2012. Loki notices their shyness and caution, and doesn't intrude himself in their space, but he will "casually" make little magic tricks to pique their interest until they are comfortable with him. He allows them to wrestle on him, play/do his hair for hours until their knock themselves out at night. He squats down to the littlest and youngest ones and listen to them babble nonstop and take it as a in depth conversation where they're in the right. Loki will play with the toy cars and dolls, allowing the kids take control of the narrative, only to retell it to the whole family with a great display, the kids sharing seats on his lap to let him pick them up and declare "The Chosen One of Fast Cars/Dollies/Etc!"
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mischiefprincess · 1 year
A rant about Loki - Where Mischief Lies
Loki - Where Mischief Lies is probably one of my favorite Loki contents, the book portrays this young Loki and a bit of his life in Odin’s court, it dives deep in his magic and how he feels growing up as a sorcerer in a warrior’s society, it also shows his relationship with Amora, who in the story is Karnilla’s apprentice and heir to the throne of Nornheim, Karnilla is the Norn Queen and Odin’s royal sorceress.
I think I love the book so much because Mackenzie Lee (the author) is not afraid to explain to the readers what’s going on inside Loki’s head. Sometimes I feel like I'm reading some meta analysis of the character (and I mean that as a compliment!), she really understands Loki, what his motivations are and portrays him as this charming young boy who’s so insecure about who he is but is so eager to please his father, to prove himself worthy of the title of prince of Asgard, to impress Amora, to be a good sorcerer, to be a good soldier, a good son, he is just desperate for someone to see his value, even though he doesn’t see any value in himself.
The book is supposed to show us who Loki was before he became the villain of the Avengers, before he embraced his role as a antagonist and in my opinion it does a really good job on that, we see how reluctant he is to accept that in the beginning of the story, but by the end he is sadly ready to take the mantle of The Villain and to become the awful man everyone around him assumes him to be.
Right at the beginning of the story we see a boy who lives under the pressure of being a son of Odin and a prince of Asgard, Loki says at some point:
“He wished he could afford not to care, not to feel like everything he did right or wrong was ticked off in a corresponding column and kept on file for the day Odin would name either him or Thor as the heir to the Asgardian crown.”.
Now, that is a lot of pressure for someone to grow up under, and this bit is specially heartbreaking to me because we as an audience know that Odin has no intents to put Loki in the throne of Asgard, but the boy feels like he has the responsibility to prove himself worthy of the throne, he feels like he is failing his father and his people and he is also so immensely alone, he has no friends in court until Amora arrives and no one in Asgard has a good opinion on her. Loki is very clearly in love with her, I find so sweet the way he describes how he feels when around her, he’s like this teen awkwardly in love for the first time, he sees her as a model of perfection, he wants to be like her, she is everything he ever dreamed to be: confident, skilled with magic, strong, witty and funny.
There's a few moments where he talks about himself and we can see that the self loathing is strong, he despises all the things that make him him and would gladly throw it all away if it meant he could become Asgard’s “ideal prince”, wich by the way is Thor, that’s it, in Loki’s opinion (and apparently in Asgard’s opinion) Thor is the perfect prince, he is blonde, muscular, strong, and an excellent warrior, Loki even says:
“The gods could not have handcrafted a more obvious model of kingship than Thor”.
Loki praises him (not out loud of course) for his appearance and describes himself as
“the scraps of (Thor’s) silhouette, the part that was discarded on the workshop floor to be swept up and tossed into the fire—thin and pale, with a hooked nose and black hair that hung flat to the nape of his neck, where it flipped into an unflattering curl. While Thor’s skin bronzed in the sun so that he seemed made of armor, Loki was pale as milk, and soured just as easily.”
It’s very clear Loki does not think much of himself, he hates pretty much everything that makes him unique and is very sad to see how desperate he is to fit in, to belong. We see his desperation when he talks about Amora arriving at court, he says he had never interacted with another sorcerer besides his mother and states that he thought of Amora as an equal, someone just like him. In his first conversation with her we can see clearly how unsure of himself he is, he wants to be more confident and open but fears she’ll not find him interesting enough to talk to him:
“He wanted to sit beside her, but somehow that felt too presumptuous, a bold assumption that he was interesting enough for her to want around.”
That almost seems like another character entirely, right? Imagine Loki from the MCU, that arrogant man who treated everyone else as being beneath him as a shy, insecure teenager who was scared the girl he had a crush on would not want to talk to him. That’s why I love that book so much, it shows who Loki really was before adopting the persona of the God of Mischief. The way he describes some of their interactions is literally so sweet and relatable, he really was just a boy in love with the new girl in town, there’s a bit where they’re in the gardens and this happens:
“Loki sank down beside her, close enough that their knees pressed together. Even through the hazy gloom lingering from his conversation with Thor, an electric shiver went through him when she didn’t pull away from his touch. No matter how small that touch was.”
This is so sweet, he is so in love with her, is so shy and insecure, he is always nervous when around her, always trying to hide things she would consider weaknesses, it’s clear he considers himself to be weak, as i said before he despises himself and all of his particularities.
He is also always seeing other people as being superior to him, is always looking down on himself and trying to be someone else, someone he thinks is who he should be. He wants to be accepted so bad, he wants to be loved, wants to know that he belongs in his family, wants to be just a good prince as Thor is, wants to feel seen by his father, this may sound silly but he just wants attention, he is tired of feeling inadequate, he is desperate for Odin to acknowledge his value and to consider him worthy of his attention.
Loki is almost obsessed with his father, everything he does he does to impress him, sadly he never succeeds, each time he creates a scheme to praise Odin he fails and his opinion on Loki only gets worse, Odin starts to see Loki as this corrupted man with darkness in his soul, with an evil and calculating nature and a danger to Asgard.
What he fails to realize is that Loki at his core is just (as Mobius himself put in the series) a scared little boy, he needs guidance and validation from the person he considers the most, he depends so much on Odin’s opinion of him, he lets it define who he is, he is not strong enough to stand up against this perception of himself, probably because he hasn’t got a single friend, no one he can be vulnerable with without fear of judgment, he bears his burden alone and is nearly falling apart under the weight of everything he has on his shoulders, he really needs someone he can be real with, but he probably will never feel comfortable enough with anyone to let his guard down.
He doesn’t even allow himself to be in love, when he realizes he’s starting to become too fond with people he immediately pushes them back, he puts on the act of the cold, bad guy, but at the same time he is desperate for connection, contradictory fellow innit?
Loki struggles with his need for love and acceptance and the fear of showing his true colors to people around him, he views himself as weak and he’s not willing to show weakness to anyone, he needs a friend he can be real with (and I feel the Loki series has hit the nail in the head with Mobius, he is exactly the kind of friend Loki needs), a friend who sees the man behind the mask of villainy and is willing to accept Loki for who he is.
I couldn’t help but feel impotent reading the book because at some parts you really wants to jump on the pages and hold him close to you, whilst telling him everything will be okay and that he is enough, that his worth is not tied to Odin perspective of him and that he is capable of doing everything he ever dreamed and more.
Well, that was quite a long post, sorry if I talked too much, this book is so important to me as a Loki fan, I could rant about it for hours!
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duckprintspress · 11 months
7 Stories for Genderfluid Visibility Week!
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This week is Genderfluid Visibility Week, so the Duck Prints Press rec list contributors present: 7 of our favorite stories with genderfluid characters! Note that, in a lot of settings, it wouldn’t make sense for these characters to label themselves with the words we use now, so it can be challenging to identify characters who are genderfluid. For several of the characters on this list, their gender identities are open to interpretation, and while the Press contributors who suggested these books have interpreted them as genderfluid, it would also be valid to interpret these characters as (for example) non-binary or trans. If you read these books and didn’t feel the character was genderfluid – we support you! But they spoke to us as examples of genderfluid characters, and so we’ve included them.
Dreams Bigger than Heartbreak by Charlie Jane Anders
They’ll do anything to be the people they were meant to be — even journey into the heart of evil.
Rachael Townsend is the first artist ever to leave Earth and journey out into the galaxy — but after an encounter with an alien artifact, she can’t make art at all.
Elza Monteiro is determined to be the first human to venture inside the Palace of Scented Tears and compete for the chance to become a princess — except that inside the palace, she finds the last person she ever wanted to see again.
Tina Mains is studying at the Royal Space Academy with her friends, but she’s not the badass space hero everyone was expecting.
Soon Rachael is journeying into a dark void, Elza is on a deadly spy mission, and Tina is facing an impossible choice that could change all her friends lives forever.
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
In Norse Mythology, Gaiman stays true to the myths in envisioning the major Norse pantheon: Odin, the highest of the high, wise, daring, and cunning; Thor, Odin’s son, incredibly strong yet not the wisest of gods; and Loki–son of a giant–blood brother to Odin and a trickster and unsurpassable manipulator.
Gaiman fashions these primeval stories into a novelistic arc that begins with the genesis of the legendary nine worlds and delves into the exploits of deities, dwarfs, and giants. Once, when Thor’s hammer is stolen, Thor must disguise himself as a woman–difficult with his beard and huge appetite–to steal it back. More poignant is the tale in which the blood of Kvasir – the most sagacious of gods – is turned into a mead that infuses drinkers with poetry. The work culminates in Ragnarok, the twilight of the gods and rebirth of a new time and people.
Through Gaiman’s deft and witty prose emerge these gods with their fiercely competitive natures, their susceptibility to being duped and to duping others, and their tendency to let passion ignite their actions, making these long-ago myths breathe pungent life again.
Heaven Official’s Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Born the crown prince of a prosperous kingdom, Xie Lian was renowned for his beauty, strength, and purity. His years of dedicated study and noble deeds allowed him to ascend to godhood. But those who rise may also fall, and fall he does–cast from the heavens and banished to the world below. 
Eight hundred years after his mortal life, Xie Lian has ascended to godhood for the third time, angering most of the gods in the process. To repay his debts, he is sent to the Mortal Realm to hunt down violent ghosts and troublemaking spirits who prey on the living. Along his travels, he meets the fascinating and brilliant San Lang, a young man with whom he feels an instant connection. Yet San Lang is clearly more than he appears… What mysteries lie behind that carefree smile?
She Wears the Midnight Crown, an anthology of sapphic masquerade stories, specifically “Are you in love with the squid?” by D. A. Hernández
She Wears the Midnight Crown features 17 stories of wlw characters exploring their relationships as they develop, grow, and change during (literal or figurative) masquerades! Our contributors have stretched their imaginations to present innovative stories exploring what a masquerade can be…and, of course, tell rich, engaging tales of wonderful queer folk finding love, companionship, acceptance, the queer platonic relationship of their dreams, or the found family they deserve. The collected works feature characters in all the colors of the Pride rainbow, queer and genderqueer, and these diverse individuals inhabit worlds ranging from science fiction settings where everyone must be masked to breathe, to fantasies where no one wears a literal mask but everyone shows the world a false guise, to iterations of the real world where some people lean into deception.
Rust in the Root by Justina Ireland
It is 1937, and Laura Ann Langston lives in an America divided—between those who work the mystical arts and those who do not. Ever since the Great Rust, a catastrophic event that blighted the arcane force called the Dynamism and threw America into disarray, the country has been rebuilding for a better future. And everyone knows the future is industry and technology—otherwise known as Mechomancy—not the traditional mystical arts.
Laura disagrees. A talented young mage from Pennsylvania, Laura hopped a portal to New York City on her seventeenth birthday with hopes of earning her mage’s license and becoming something more than a rootworker.
But four months later, she’s got little to show for it other than an empty pocket and broken dreams. With nowhere else to turn, Laura applies for a job with the Bureau of the Arcane’s Conservation Corps, a branch of the US government dedicated to repairing the Dynamism so that Mechomancy can thrive. There she meets the Skylark, a powerful mage with a mysterious past, who reluctantly takes Laura on as an apprentice.
As they’re sent off on their first mission together into the heart of the country’s oldest and most mysterious Blight, they discover the work of mages not encountered since the darkest period in America’s past, when Black mages were killed for their power—work that could threaten Laura’s and the Skylark’s lives, and everything they’ve worked for.
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
A lone human ambassador is sent to the icebound planet of Winter, a world without sexual prejudice, where the inhabitants’ gender is fluid. His goal is to facilitate Winter’s inclusion in a growing intergalactic civilization. But to do so he must bridge the gulf between his own views and those of the strange, intriguing culture he encounters…
Embracing the aspects of psychology, society, and human emotion on an alien world, The Left Hand of Darkness stands as a landmark achievement in the annals of intellectual science fiction.
Alanna: The First Adventure, by Tamora Pierce, as well as all the books in the Song of the Lioness series
From now on I’m Alan of Trebond, the younger twin. I’ll be a knight.
And so young Alanna of Trebond begins the journey to knighthood. Though a girl, Alanna has always craved the adventure and daring allowed only for boys; her twin brother, Thom, yearns to learn the art of magic. So one day they decide to switch places: Thom heads for the convent to learn magic; Alanna, pretending to be a boy, is on her way to the castle of King Roald to begin her training as a page. 
 But the road to knighthood is not an easy one. As Alanna masters the skills necessary for battle, she must also learn to control her heart and to discern her enemies from her allies.
We would love to read more stories with genderfluid representation – tell us about the ones you’ve read!
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