#while vindemiator
soup-scope · 1 year
the constellation that vega’s namesake is apart of is Lyra the Harp
Said harp being the one Orpheus was gifted by Apollo
Now theorize.
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belovedbow · 1 year
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im still in imperium mode
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ryoko-san · 1 year
(cw: gendered listener - male! FL)
I'm not sure if I posted this before but
This was supposed to be my interpretation of the cataclysm ending but since everything didn't really went as I imagined– perhaps maybe this is just a timeline lol
(note, this was drawn BEFORE the ending of cataclysm so,,,,)
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@roryzz @annahope @cupid-moon @kitkatkoneko
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gingerbreadmonsters · 7 months
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sinnaminttoast · 4 months
“I’m glad I lived long enough to meet you. I’m glad I lived long enough to find peace within myself…because I never really managed to reach that while I was still human.”
And what if I jumped off rn? WHAT THEN?!
“I want a life spent with you. I don’t wanna squander a second of it. I want years and years with you.”
I now hate brown eyes. Therefore I will gouge out my own eyes because I have seen enough. SAMUEL COLLINS YOU DESERVED BETTER!
I could feel this conversation coming and I was never going to be ready. Like I can just see them leaning into each other after that heavy conversation while being showered in moonlight. It so reminds me of when Sam first told Darlin’ about his turning and they both just held each other. They were literally holding each other together I CANT
Also….tbh I don’t see Darlin’ turning. I’m happy with either choice but I don’t see it happening. Maybe it’ll just be one of those things that Erik will leave up to us to choose like with Vindemiator and Freelancer, since we still have no idea about their fate. After all, the choice doesn’t have to be now.
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capitalisticveins · 9 months
Gavin and Guy (separate) HCs!
Reward for @free-boundsoul winning. These are my first headcanons back (this is a lie I have Solaire clan hcs i just dont know when I wanna post them) after a while of not writing so I hope these are up to standards, enjoy!
Guy once BEGGED Honey to buy tickets to see Wicked. Their job pays better than his (like infinitely better) so he couldn’t afford them. After like a week or two they caved and bought a single ticket for him.
He complained about it saying he wanted his “honey bunny booboo bear” with him and after another week of whining they caved again and bought another.
Gavin can’t stand citrus fruit but makes sure to buy some whenever he goes grocery shopping because Freelancer likes them
Gavin prefers games that are either straightforward or rocky with the meaning being unclear, no inbetween at all.
Gavin can pole dance and unlike Damien it is for sexual intentions. Only reason Freelancer doesn’t know is because they don’t own a pole.
Guy has met every character in the cast with the only exception being Caelum, Scorpius, Cicirnus, and Quinn
Yes, even Brachium. He died for like a solid 5 minutes once.
Gavin was egotistical as FUCK when he first coalesced. He thought he was just automatically better than everyone else and that’s why his relationship with Ophiuchus is non-existent
Guy has a fanclub he doesn’t know about, and Honey is the vice president of it
Guy, Geordi, and Ollie are all online friends. Guy and Geordi do know each other irl but they haven’t met Ollie
Gavin used to be teased for his long name, it’s part of the reason his name is so short now
Guy and Gavin are THE most flexible characters in the cast no I will not take any criticism at this time
Contrary to popular belief, Guy isn’t a big fan of pizza. On the rare occasion he does eat pizza though it’s New York Style
Gavin spent at least 5 hours on the internet looking for the perfect name for him when he decided to change it.
One of the many reasons Gavin doesn’t like Ophiuchus is because they keep calling him “Vindemiator” despite him saying he goes by “Gavin” now.
Guy owns a Miku binder ironically
Guy used to have those little fuzzy mohawks as a kid until he decided to get a buzz cut when he was 13 and grew it out ever since
Guy had his first tooth kicked out in a McDonalds play place
Gavin is actually pretty good at “Golf With Your Friends” after Freelancer finally got him to sit down and pay attention.
Gavin owns THREE mermaid dresses 
Guy can play the drums…he just feels like a drum guy
Guy is like…..wayyyyy too interested in the Hunting Adeline and Haunting Adeline. He doesn’t LIKE the books but he just…can’t put them down.
Neither can Honey
Gavin unironically listens to CupcakKe
Due to….habits… and him being a demon, Gavin can fit 50 marshmallows in his mouth. He doesn’t know this but Huxley would be the reason he found this out
His name was supposed to be a joke his mom made but Guy’s dad misinterpreted her intentions and told the doctor they wanted Guy to be named “Guy” with no further questions. Guy is putting him in the nursing home for this.
He was bullied relentlessly* for this in elementary and middle school 
Gavin scams kids on roblox for fun
Guy was one of these “kids” (This happened last week he completely trusted Gavin because Gavin said “trust me”)
Both Gavin and Guy like to think they can win a staring contest by closing their eyes and not opening them because “technically it’s not blinking”
Freelancer likes to let Gavin thinks he won but Honey just slaps the shit out of Guy and says “YOU HAVE TO FUCKING STARE”
*by “bullied relentlessly” he means “being asked why he was named Guy every week" with no malicious intent whatsoever
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hammerhead-jpg · 11 months
Explaining popular redacted headcannons for those who don't get them
Angel and Guy being siblings
This headcannon exists because people often joke about how Guy and Honey are the inverse Angel and David, that Guy is a character version of Angel and Honey a listener version of David, so because of the similarities they headcannon them as siblings (or sometimes cousins)
Honey being a bear shifter
There's not much backing this up in the actual lore but people just headcannon them as a bear shifter as a joke on their pet name being "Honey"
Ollie being asexual
People headcannon that Ollie is asexual because despite him being one of the oldest characters (in term of posting order not actual age) he has no spicy audios
Caelum being aroace
He is a child and one of the few platonic characters so it only makes sense
Gavin being trans (ftm)
While Gavin being trans isn't canon it's clear that his character is supposed to be a kind of trans allegory, I mean he doesn't get along with other incubi/succubi because they expect him to ignore his true identity for other people's sake, he changed his name because "he (Vindemiator) isn't me" and as we know de(a)mons are named after stars or constellations and "Vindemiator" isn't a real star, but "Vindemiatrix" is, which is the female version in Latin, (translating to "vine harvestess") is
Also fun fact! In the (fanmade) fandom wiki his gender is listed as "trans (ftm)"
Trans isn't a gender. Who made this. Someone should really tidy up the fandom wiki
Guy and Geordi knowing eachother
Honestly idk
Scorpius and Gavin knowing eachother
Not all demons know eachother Steven
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thornofthelily · 1 year
Okay wait someone pointed out that the demons are all named after stars and constellations, right? But Vindemiator, Gavin's original name, isn't a real constellation... but Vindemiatrix IS.
Gavin is a metaphor for transness, we all agree right? Just like... the reverse. He gets dysphoric when challenged to change his form. He left home because he felt different from his kin. He abandoned his birth name behind and adopted one more fitting for himself. Being with Freelancer is his one time he's felt happy to be himself, be accepted for who he truly is.
Vindemiatrix would be the feminine form in Latin, if I'm not mistaken. The -or would be for a male. So while his namesake is female, his name is the male version.... the trans allegories abound
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starlitangels · 1 year
Maybe You’ll Find Them
Avior’s only three years older than Gavin and for some reason that’s disproportionately hilarious to me. 1.1k words
“Go away, Ophiuchus,” Vindemator snapped as a presence drifted up beside him.
The amusement that rolled over him didn’t feel like his steward’s. “Oh, trust me, if I were Ophiuchus, I wouldn’t be getting anywhere near you for the next three days—at least,” a voice said. Vindemiator turned. The astral demon beside him was definitely not like him. He didn’t feel like a Concubus. “I know when my student needs space from me.”
“And you are?” Vindemiator snipped.
“My name is Avior. I’m one of the Inchoate stewards.”
Vindemiator grunted acknowledgement.
“For the record, I always thought Ophiuchus was a pain,” Avior continued. “He’s not a bad steward; he’s just...” Avior’s Spellsong hummed lower. “Not open-minded enough. He hasn’t learned the thing I had to learn the hard way when I started.”
“Which is?” Vindemiator grumbled.
“It’s not our job as stewards to decide how demons are supposed to be. It’s our job to guide them to figure out what they want for themselves.”
“… Vindemiator.���
“My name. It’s Vindemiator.”
“Ah. Pleasure to meet you, Vindemiator.”
“You too. I guess.” Vindemiator studied this inchoate steward for a moment. What? No questions or snarky comments about how much of a mouthful my name is? Vindemiator thought, keeping it to himself rather than broadcasting it as a telepathic communication to Avior.
But Avior had no derision in his tone or his emotional aura.
The two were quiet for a moment. “Aria is beautiful, isn’t it?” Avior asked after a while.
“Yeah,” Vindemiator agreed.
“Elegy is too. But in a different way.”
Avior paused for a moment. “Come with me.”
“Elegy.” With a flick of magic, a rift tore open. The darkness of a nighttime on Elegy was visible through it. “There’s something you might like to see.”
“What is it?”
“You’ll see when we get there.”
Vindemiator followed Avior through the rift, both of their physical forms wrapping around them as they passed through the Meridian.
“I felt your emotions when you coalesced,” Avior said. “A free steward from each race was waiting at the Well to see who would be taking you on. Myself included. You were curious. Eager to learn. I’m sorry you ended up with Ophiuchus.” He stepped out of the rift and onto the pavement somewhere in Elegy. Vindemiator appeared just behind him. The rift closed.
“Where are we?” Vindemiator asked.
Avior pointed to a sign bolted to the side of a building. “Welcome to the Dahlia Academy for Magical Novices,” he said.
Vindemiator snorted. “D.A.M.N.? Really? That’s the place’s acronym?”
Avior shrugged. “Yes. But don’t let the stupid acronym fool you. This is one of the best magical academies on this plane. Honestly, it might even be better than the satellite campus we made in Aria. That’s probably debatable but I doubt you’re interested in that debate.”
“Not particularly.” Vindemiator looked around. “Humans, mostly.”
“Well, yes. It’s a human academy. But demons have their own school within the greater infrastructure. There’s a mostly-unspoken rule that demons and vampires aren’t to use the campus as a... well. The term they use is hunting ground but that’s more for lack of a better one. It’s a respect thing.”
“I get that. Why would you think I’d care about a place like this?”
Avior smirked, clearly used to attitude and not letting it phase him. “Like I said. I was there when you first coalesced. Your first emotion was eagerness. Curiosity. My first was curiosity. This is a place to learn. You and I both know Ophiuchus was a poor fit for you as a steward and I barely had a moment to check. Which means it’s obvious. So, maybe you’d consider going to school here. Learning more in your own way, without Ophiuchus.”
Vindemiator cast a glance at Avior. “Is that what this is about? Sticking it to my steward?”
Avior snorted sarcastically. “Of course not. Other stewards are not competition. Especially not stewards of other races. We all should share the same goal. Fostering our students’ natural proclivities as best we can. And any good steward ought to do whatever is in their power to further their student’s dreams. I’m sorry to Ophiuchus but he’s not getting the job done. So I thought I would do what a good steward should do and point you in the direction that might lead you to further your dreams.”
“And what are my dreams, Mr. Know-It-All Steward?”
Avior’s gold eyes glittered in the starlight. “Well, if you don’t already know, there’s nothing I can do for you.” He nodded toward the D.A.M.N. school sign. “But maybe you’ll find them here.”
Vindemiator scoffed. “Doubt it.”
“You never know.” With that, Avior ducked backward through a rift, leaving Vindemiator alone on the campus. He looked around. He’d only been coalesced for about a year. He doubted he was ready for a magical academy just yet, demon school in the infrastructure or not.
2021 - Thirty Years Later...
His deviant was all curled up and asleep in his arms, hair damp from their shower, and skin still warm from its lingering heat. Gavin trailed his fingers up and down their bare back. He’d told them he loves them—and they said it back.
That was last week.
He still wasn’t over it.
If Gavin was honest with himself, he wasn’t sure he would get over it any time soon.
He kissed their forehead. “I love you, my deviant,” he whispered. 
Their emotions were subdued with sleep, but they mumbled, “Love you, Gav,” quietly.
It was no small wonder they didn’t wake up from how his heart stuttered and then started pounding. Love you too. Love you too. Love you too.
How had this happened to him? How had he gotten so lucky? He’d never anticipated falling in love. It wasn’t usually a luxury afforded to incubi. In Gavin’s experience, the closest thing he got to love was sex.
This Freelancer, tucked safely in his arms, was the first person who treated him as more than that. Sure there had been attraction from the get-go—he was damn sexy and he knew it—but they had been kind. Wanted to get to know him as a person. Not just a body in their bed.
“Dream come true...” he whispered. “Dammit. Avior was right.”
He’d found his dreams because of that stupid D.A.M.N. campus.
Tag list: @zozo-01 @thegoldenlittlerose
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free-boundsoul · 21 days
What if prime Freelancer got isekai'd into Imp! Freelancer's body and they run into Vindemiator and they agree to go to DAMN with him because maybe the other guys are there and they realize just how fucked up this world. So of course they try to befriend Hux and Lasko to try and "help" them while trying to figure out how to get back to their universe?
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soup-scope · 1 year
hey y’all i’m pretty sure imp!Kody is dead 💀💀
i saw some people say he was alive and i rewatched the imperium (all the bits with kody/freelancer/gavin) to see if he really did die or not
yeah he’s dead. that’s the reason gavin didn’t kill lasko after he suffocated freelancer because he was still haunted by kody’s death
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belovedbow · 2 years
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imperium but freelancer and vindemiator remain on the run and the two have to come to learn to trust each other and more???
vindemiator wouldn’t get to feed much so he’d be tired a lot of the time and freelancer would keep a look out for any hunters while he rests
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ryoko-san · 2 years
Damn I'm actually doing the animatic–
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haradasaya · 2 years
What if instead of imperium!elegy collapsing into aria and being destroyed when the meridian falls, what if all the people from imperium!elegy fell through the mirror into our world
Imperium!Vincent and Lovely meeting normal Vince and Lovely and being horrified at how normal they are
Imp!Asher meeting himself and seeing David alive again and having a stroke
Lasko meeting Imp!Lasko and literally dying of shock/embarrassment | Hux meeting Imp!Huxley and hating who he had become while Imp!Hux looks down on normal Hux for being so soft | Imp!Damien and Angel realizing that they aren’t together in this world and not knowing how to handle that reality
Vindemiator and Imp!FL meeting Gavin and FL and crying, realizing there’s hope back for a better world where they can actually be together with no strings attached
Imp!Sam seeing how happy Sam and Darlin’ are and going crazy realizing how many he’d turned in pursuit of his massmaker title, knowing he’ll never have that for himself
It’s sad gorl hours over here
Feel free to contribute any theories you have about reactions of the characters or listeners
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
Imperium Fic idea I won’t be indulging in:
Freelancer and Vindemiator are exploring the world outside of Dahlia after running away together, the endless rain isn’t as much of a problem as before
They walk through a meadow before witnessing a portal open, and shortly after, a small empathy daemon is roughly tossed through it, crying, while the portal closes.
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top 5 redacted quotes
@halscafe has brilliant ideas, what can i say.... as always, open tags - but maybe a few no-pressure tags of the top of my head as well?? @autisticempathydaemon @thicchaco @lovelylonerliterature @romirola @starlitangels @glassbearclock - mind if i take a look inside your brain? 👀👀
under the cut because of a spoiler or two - if you haven’t finished imperium: cataclysm - especially ‘Tantum Tyrannus’ - then go and listen to that before you read!
‘Your Dom Incubus Confesses His Feelings For You’
“Being with you changes what home means. You make home feel like… what happy people mean when they use that word. Aria is a place that I come from. But you are a place where I feel… true.”
this one might not be familiar if you’ve never heard the whole of this audio - i was really surprised that the public release of this audio doesn’t have the ending attached! this audio doubles as gavin’s second BA, and at the end he says this to freelancer - honestly i think this is my favourite big confession audio we have, and i think this says it all 🥰🥰 nothing melts my heart like this audio, and this line in particular, especially because i have a massive thing about gavin and what it means for him to find a place where he belongs?? so this one means a lot to me 💕💕
‘Getting Closer to a Sadistic Demon’
“Do what all good pragmatists do, darling. Compromise. Meet me in the middle.”
VEGA!! oh there are SO many vega moments that could easily be here, but i think this one is my very favourite - i think you already know how much i love it when he calls warden ‘darling’, and the manipulation here is Right There but it’s so, SO good… i love the idea of a  vega and warden who actually get on quite well, and who have a nice bit of back-and-forth going on, so this is right up my street! i just really love vega, both prime and imperium, and i think he’s FASCINATING as both a standalone character and as a driving force in the narrative, so for him? i always have time for him hehe
‘Partying With the Werewolf Pack’
“Thank you for sharing this with me, sweetheart. Yeah, the party, but… I don’t know. Just… this, too. My life. Thank you for being a part of it.”
another disgustingly soft and gooey moment for my favourites list, and of course i can’t forget about lovely milo… his relationship with sweetheart is so wonderful to me, and the delivery on this line is absolutely perfect 🤩🤩🤩 genuine and precious and really, really heartfelt - i can think of nothing better! sweetheart and milo have been together for much longer than a lot of our other couples, so it’s really nice to hear milo having that moment of ‘you’re the person i want to share my life with, and i love that it’s you’ - i think it’s just magnificent 💖💖
‘Tantum Tyrannus’
“Oh, Alexis. You are going to look beautiful on my mantle.”
perhaps this is an… unexpected one? there are a LOT of lines i adore from the imperium - vega’s entire “You can’t. But I can.” and little monologue to lasko at the end of ‘What You Deserve’, vindemiator’s “I’ll find a way. Even if it’s just for a short, precious while. I will.” from ‘One Misery For Another’, etc, etc…  it’s imperium!vincent - and while i do prefer prime!vincent, i think this particular line is done so, so well that i just couldn’t NOT include it! if it wasn’t ridiculously obvious from blood sugar, baby!, i LOVE the imperium solaire clan, and the image alone of vincent holding alexis’ head and smiling as he speaks to it…. bloody, gory, monstrous perfection 😘😘
‘Cuddling Through a Storm With Your Incubus Boyfriend’
“Yes, I am bad. But I’m very good at it. And I’m yours, my love.”
this audio is a bit of a newer one, but honestly i think it’s one of the best gavin audios to date - the whole thing is so unbelievably soft and sweet, and it’s nice to finally have a proper solo gavin fluff audio after so long 🥳🥳 this line in particular has to be my favourite from that whole audio, partly because he is really very charming, and partly because it’s a lovely callback to gavin’s early personality and how he’s changed since meeting freelancer and the rest of the DAMN crew! the arrogant, irreverent incubus who we met so long ago certainly has his appeal, but the gavin we know now is much sweeter and more genuinely affectionate. his relationship with freelancer is still full of teasing and snark but also so much love and devotion - this line really brings that home for me, which is why i love it so much 💕💕💕
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