#*inserts me repeating the song 24/7 just to get an idea
ryoko-san · 2 years
Damn I'm actually doing the animatic–
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babyklovesmovies · 4 years
I’ve been curating this for a while but I figured I’d finally share it, here’s my Widojest musical theater playlist that gives me all the feels and I play on repeat until Critical Role comes back into my life.
1. “You Were Always a Better Dancer Than Me, Astrid” -Autumn Orange
Just a good one to start things off featuring a moment where we first got that glimpse into our smelly wizard boys feelings for a blue tiefling. 
2. “The Color of Your Eyes” -Daddy Long Legs
If you haven’t heard of the musical Daddy Long Legs, DEFINITELY check it out. I have a lot of songs from the musical on here because I get SUCH Caleb and Jester vibes from the two main characters. In this song I imagine Jester is writing in her journal to the Traveler and telling him all about the “blue eyed” wizard she just met.  
3. “The Man I’ll Never Be” -Daddy Long Legs
“If I tell you the truth at least, would I lose your esteemed affection. Would you hate me and curse my name? I'd only have myself to blame” Caleb has always been terrified of Jester finding out about the full extent of his past and the murder of his parents/man he used to be mostly because he would risk never having her see him the same way again.
4. “Charity” -Daddy Long Legs
With this song I constantly am reminded of the “I’m the transmutation wizard but you’re the one who changes people...” moment. I mean you can just hear it in the lyrics “How easier it is to give than to let yourself receive. For what you have given me came out of the blue. What you have done for me I never could do. Charity. Just who is helping who?”
5. “I’m A Beast (Reprise)” -Daddy Long Legs
If Jester ever does find out, I imagine our self deprecating wizard boy would say something along these lines.
6. “The Secret of Happiness” -Daddy Long Legs 
Just imagine this song paired with the Widogast’s Unicorn Hamster Amber moment and it will give you all the feels. “I've discovered, The secret of happiness is, All the stars that shine....That her happiness is more precious than mine...”
7. “Popular” -Wicked
Added for obvious Laura Bailey C2E2 2018 reasons ; ) Jester is giving our stinky wizard boy a makeover.
8. “Waving Through A Window” -Dear Evan Hanson 
Caleb closes himself off from the world and from other people because he’s so afraid of hurting them like he did his parent’s but ultimately he’s hurting himself. “Step out, step out of the sun. If you keep getting burned. Step out, step out of the sun. Because you've learned, because you've learned...”
9. “If I Could Tell Her” -Dear Evan Hanson
Caleb was one of the first members of the group to really see through Jester’s happy go lucky front and notice the feelings Jester keeps hidden deep down. Think especially the “I think it is an act. She is an amazing woman but talent is different then happiness” moment when Jester is dancing by herself. “And he wondered how you learned to dance. Like all the rest of the world isn't there But he kept it all inside his head. What he saw he left unsaid If I could tell her.”
10. “Suddenly Seymour” -Little Shop of Horrors 
Caleb has always been there for her waiting in the wings and I just also think of Jester with the “daddy left early, mama was poor” line. (Though on the contrary, The Ruby of the Sea is doing VERY well ;)
11. “I Know It’s Today” -Shrek the Musical
This is mostly a Jester song, Jester spent years shut up in her room like a blue Rapunzel. That can do a lot to a person.
12. “In My Own Little Corner” -Cinderella the Musical
Also another Jester song, while being shut up in her room, Jester’s imagination can still roam free. Who knew that her imagination would create a god? ;)
13. “Pulled” -Addams Family
Imagine Caleb singing this one, at the start of the campaign he was much more closed off but Jester’s perkiness can really rub off on a person and bring out the jokester underneath. Caleb is making more jokes and smiling more when Jester’s around. Though losing those defenses can be scary, especially when you have so much to protect with a past like Caleb’s.
14. “Who I’d Be” -Shrek the Musical
When I hear this song I immediately think of the moment when the others ask Caleb what he would have done after the Academy if he hadn’t met Trent and he wistfully mentioned how maybe he would have been a teacher with a lot of books and things to teach. But he doesn’t think he deserves such happiness. 
15. “I Think I Got You Beat” -Shrek the Musical
Think of early Jester and Caleb when they would argue about dirtiness or the differences in how they view money. Also keep in mind the hard pasts they both have had to overcome to get to where they are now and how they aren’t as different as they would think.
16. “Heaven’s Light” -Hunchback of Notre Dame
My poor boy Caleb is “uselessly in love” with Jester but he never believes that he deserves Jester’s light. “I knew I'd never know, That warm and loving glow Though I might wish with all my might, No face as hideous as my face, Was ever meant for Heaven's light..”
17. “Unworthy of Your Love” -Assassins 
Kind of in the same vein of the previous song, Caleb doesn’t believe he deserves someone as perfect and wonderful as Jester. Also, Jester as Squeaky Fromme pining after a cult leader like the Traveler seems pretty fitting ; )
18. “Evermore” -Beauty and the Beast 
“I'll never shake away the pain, I close my eyes but she's still there, I let her steal into my melancholy heart, It's more than I can bear”. Jester just has that effect on people. You can’t hide your heart forever Caleb.
19. “Being Alive” -Company
As Caleb starts opening up to the group more, he grows more confident and starts thinking maybe he does want people in his life. Maybe he does deserve love. Also, think of Yasha as the rest of the company urging him along like the classic “Do you love her?” scene. 
20. “That’s How You Know” -Enchanted 
Yasha and Nott being the unlikely matchmakers nudging Caleb along to open up more about his feelings always makes me smile, against Caleb’s classic pessimism. 
21. “Lost in the Woods” -Frozen 2 
Think Caleb and the group searching for Jester all that time after she was kidnapped. Maybe insert Frumpkin instead of Sven. ; )
22. “What Do You Know About Love?” -Frozen the Musical
Jester was cooped up for so long she has no idea what love is supposed to be besides what she reads about in her smut books. With this song, just think about the moment when Caleb and Jester were discussing Jester’s feelings for Fjord and what being in love is about.
23. “Inside Out” -Gentleman’s Guide to Love And Murder
Think the “Frumpkin is stored in my heart...then you must have a really big heart!” moment. Jester sees the good person within Caleb and his enormous heart. “An oyster shell itself is unassuming, But look inside, you'll find a pearl The man who otherwise is unpresuming, May share the same blood as an Earl.”
24. “Shall We Dance?” -King And I
The waltz scene. That’s all I gotta say.
25. “I Could Have Danced All Night” -My Fair Lady
Caleb could have danced forever with Jester. I was hoping they would have a reprise at the party but no such luck.
26. “I See The Light” -Tangled
Again, the Widogast Amber Lights moment gave me MAJOR floating lights in Tangled vibes and I was HERE FOR IT. 
Anyhoo, thank y’all for going on this musical journey with me. Word on the street is Critical Role might be coming back soon (but I hope they take the time they need to be as safe as possible). Until then I will continue to eat these small Widojest crumbs and play this song on repeat.
All credit for the cover art I referenced in the playlist goes completely to https://hla-rosa.tumblr.com/, please check them out!
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For fanfic writer questions: All. Of. Them. Alternatively: 15. 21 and 25
Lmao 😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm doing all of them.
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1. Phone, on Google docs. My phone is an absolute mess.
2. Fanfiction? About two years ago. Don't ask about original stuff. Oof
3. Loki fics, poems.
4. Both? Both. Both is good.
5. Terrible. Ok I'm kidding, I'd describe it as poetic, in a way? Overly poetic is good, ig. But it's also overly dramatic- something I hate seeing in people. Which makes me a hypocrite, ig. Lmao.
But in all honesty, I'm pretty flexible in my writing. Even while writing poems, I can easily shift from writing about EXTREMELY dark stuff (trust me, you don't wanna know) to something light and fluffy, which is a good thing, I guess? But it also feels a bit suffocating sometimes because I have a habit of reading my stuff from the POV of a reader, once I'm done with writing it. So I try to make it as bearable as possible. People nowadays don't always like intense stuff, and since I'm a freaky gal who started reading Shakespeare in third grade, it becomes difficult for me to give up my very intense style of writing. I probably don't make sense, but, uh. Whatever. Point is, I'm not perfect.
6. Random stuff. Seriously. My cupboard can set me off in a writing frenzy- most of the time,however, I don't even know what inspiration is. I meet her very infrequently- so infrequently that she's very forgettable :')
7. No? Sometimes? A couple of my fics were inspired by songs, I suppose. I also unpublished one, if I remember correctly.
8. The title. Oh god, that always makes me lose sleep. And also, the descriptions. Either I'm overly descriptive, or I end up writing a whole one shot in less than 300 words. Why Am I An Idiom is going to be the name of my autobiography, if I ever write one. (And yes, it's is Idiom. Long story.)
9. I don't really have any fixed place for writing. I've been known to write poems in the bathroom, so
10. Do I have a current WIP? I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with them. All I've been writing lately are one shots.
11. I don't count, but I have over 45 drafts
12. If you're talking about fics, then there's this fic I wrote, called Alien Ardour, a few months ago. I unpublished it due to several reasons, but I honestly love it. Also, I really like my one shots Scandalous and Silenced.
13. Like in total? What's 63+48+9? And it's ongoing.
14. Loki. Duh. And death. I love writing about death :')
15. OCs if it's multichapter, reader insert (NO Y/N, PLEASE, TAKE THAT AS FAR AWAY FROM ME AS POSSIBLE) if it's a one shot.
16. Repetitive question.
17. The Soul Trade. A few chapters were for aesthetics, but ok.
18. Loki. Only Loki. And uh.... Drarry. That's my fricking OTP.
19. @caffiend-queen. I love several other authors but she's always the first to come to my mind when I'm asked this question.
20. No
21. Coffee shop AU 😂 I don't even regret this
22. Idiots to lovers
23. 2 years. Fun fact: my first fic was a Drarry fic. I love it so much that it's still on Wattpad, even though I've not updated it in like a year.
24. Haven't we all?
25. Motivation? Who? What? Okay I'm kidding, I read fanfics. Seriously. Either I reread my own and edit them to sorta get back the feel of writing, or I end up reading a new fic. Smut who?
26. I was eight when I started writing, for heaven's sake. I don't remember.
27. If you're talking about fanfiction, then it's definitely @ohhhmyloki and @latent-thoughts (Tumblr won't let me tag y'all, for some reason). I used to write before I read their works but I quite literally began my journey with smut after reading their fics. And I don't think any of my fics written before that even exist anymore. But if we're talking about writing in general, then it's O Henry and Bernard Shaw. Maybe Gerald Durrell. Did I mention that I love Gerald Durrell?
28. Loki.
29. Idiotic. Messy. Freaky.
30. Um, I don't really wanna say this, but it's Just A Kiss Goodnight. It may be my most 'famous' fic, but it's definitely not the best. For one thing, I wrote it in less than a week, and I haven't edited it. And there's no fucking smut. I'm not saying that smut is necessary to make a fic good, but it doesn't have any intimacy in it. It's definitely not boring, I'll give it that, but it's childish.
31. Wtf is the difference
32. What kinda question is this
33. One shot? Depends. I can be freaky fast and write one in less than fifteen minutes, or I can take literal weeks to finish one.
34. Dude, what's the normal font in android? I have no idea. But one of my favourites is monotype corsiva, when I'm on my laptop.
35. Both.
36. I don't
37. All of my works, oof 😂 well, no. But there's this fic I've written, called Let's Get Drunk Together. And another. It's called Three Isn't A Crowd, After All. Cringy af
38. Smut. Dark poetry.
39. WHY ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS REPEATED? It's idiots to lovers, ffs
40. On Tumblr? Average is 60, I think.
41. Yes
42. Writing.
43. All the time
44. Yes
45. I can be as thirsty and smutty as I want without being judged, bless fanfiction.
47. I can do anything and everything I want. I can make a unicorn fuck a werewolf and nobody will judge me. Or maybe they will.
48. Yes- Wattpad and Ao3.
49. Google docs, word.
50. Fucking Y/N. Like, not literally fucking Y/N, but uh- I mean, I'd totally fuck my clone? But Y/N isn't me, I hate Y/N. And I hate people who just comment on your fic to promote their own fics. We write for your happiness, please at least do the courtesy of appreciating that and not disrespecting our efforts. Most of us spend nights lying awake to give you stuff to read. And also, people who just comment to say,"Update," two minutes after you've just updated. That's RUDE.
51. High school AU
52. Cock, pussy, salacious, sepulchral, pulchritudinous....... I don't have a one track mind I swear
53. Giggled. FUCKING GIGGLED. I don't understand WHY people have this tendency of writing,"she giggled," and,"he chuckled." I don't know why but GIGGLED sounds like something not EVEN a simpering schoolgirl would do. I don't giggle. Not once have I seen peeps who write GIGGLE associate GIGGLE with men, which is something that I find very disturbing and sexist. Call me biased, go on. But I might not even have been here now because I'm from THAT orthodox and sexist a family, and if they'd been any more sexist, I'd have been killed after birth, so don't even dare to come near me with a ten foot pole if you're sexist.
54. Well, yes, I think. I certainly don't hate it, or I wouldn't write.
Dang, I spent over half an hour writing that. Hope that made even an iota of sense.
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raku-fansubs · 6 years
hi raku! thanks for your hard work! i was wondering how you learned japanese/started doing translations, and if you can share some tips or advice for learning japanese!
Hey there! I’ve answered a similar ask previously so feel free to read that if you’d like to :) However, it’s an endless topic when it comes to learning Japanese so let me elaborate a little more here. 
Just to give a bit more insight to what I previously wrote, I first went for private Japanese tutoring classes when I was 12. It was after I started learning the language properly that I became more sensitive with what I was listening to in anime, and that slowly led to me developing a voice fetish and being extremely aware of the spoken speech. I found trailers especially intriguing, the way each line comes in together with the music and the scenes, I was fascinated at the flow of the composition, and how so much emotions and twists could unfold within such a short span of time, it’s able to make me so hyped for shows that I haven’t watched even though I’m not exactly able to understand what they were saying in it. So I really liked reenacting trailer scenes (quoting the lines and singing the insert song at the right timing), but in order to do that, I started a weird hobby of transcribing the lines in trailers: basically, I wrote the lines out in Japanese on a document so that I can “read” from that “script” and memorize them. Oddly enough, that’s how I used to practice the language in my own time. Listening >> Writing >> Learning the words >> Listen again >> Read them aloud >> Memorize it (heh, the last step isn’t needed, it’s just my obsession) 
Just “listening” and trying to understand is definitely not enough (in my opinion), there are times when your brain makes its own assumptions of converting words that you don’t know to words that you already know. It’s when I first tried to transcribe what they’re saying in words that allowed me to make new discoveries of varieties of sentence patterns, and I’ll notice how two phrases can sound similar yet their nuances are slightly different depending on the grammar pattern used. I also need to point up that Japanese is an extremely vague language, there are many times where they speak halfway and the other party has to “take the hint” to understand what they’re trying to say. And it’s also extremely delicate in the sense that subtle differences in their intonation make the same-sounding words mean completely different things. It’s a language that requires a lot of contextual understanding of the situation, which is why I think that listening to Kaji all day long may have helped me in my contextual understanding of the things going on around him. So even if he sometimes doesn’t finish his sentence or gets cut-off by someone else when he’s speaking halfway, I will have a rough idea of what he was trying to say (because he would have touched on the topic somewhere else) and still manage to translate what he’s saying in one way or another. 
Not to say that my translations are perfect, but I believe that this practice of stalking everything about Kaji and searching up even the most basic Japanese words that I hear may have helped me become less prone to common mistakes (count out my old subs pls). All in all, I believe that being in constant contact of the language is very important, I’m almost listening to Kaji’s radio 24/7 (still in the process of catching up to his 10 years worth of radio programs). I also tend to re-watch or re-listen to events/broadcasts/episodes multiple times, and surprisingly, just listening to the same thing repeatedly can give you an understanding of the word in Japanese without knowing how to write it out or even what it is in English. [However it’s not just about “re-watching,” I find myself repeating after them when they speak, just to confirm that I know what I’m listening to. Don’t get pulled back hearing this, but my expressions change according to whoever I’m translating when I do subbing, like if they’re frowning, I’ll frown too and repeat what they said in Japanese with the same tone, then try find an English equivalent and repeat it with the same tone and expression. But I swear I’m not the only one that mumbles to myself when translating. It’s a process of stepping into their shoes, thinking, does it make sense to say what I understood in this situation? If it doesn’t, I’m probably understanding it wrongly, then I’ll search up any word, even if it’s a simple word I thought I knew.]
Let me give you an example of a word I learnt through re-watching the same thing over and over again, it was a sound that sounded like the English alphabet “V”, they frequently say it when they use Dummy Head Mics, and they’d ask the audience which “V” they should speak from. I cracked my head for ages but could never spell the exact Japanese word, still, I roughly guessed from context that it meant something like “part/direction”, and it was only a few years later that I learnt that it was a terribly. simple. word. ー 部位 (bu’i), which did indeed mean “part.” So in cases like this, re-watching content is definitely good. Even if you don’t understand everything the first time you watch it, so long as you take note of the sounds you hear carefully, one day you’ll surely find out, and even while you don’t, you still sort of understand it. Did that example even make sense (-∧-;)
I’m panicking a little that I rambled this much but still haven’t answered your question on how I started doing translations…! Erm, lemme attempt a summary: 
I just wanted more friends that would talk to me about Kaji with ╮(╯∀╰)╭
It’s an honour that you’d be interested enough to ask about this but I highly doubt you’re THAT interested in “the story of how Raku became a fansubber” so I’ll keep my answer as short as that :’) 
PS. I’ve been putting off the asks in my inbox for months already so I figured I should get to them, but really, feel free to unfollow me this instant if my chunks of texts are annoying you (-人-) Although people may have gained nothing from my answers but I appreciate that they still bother to ask me things, so I’d like to take each ask as seriously as possible. This was kind of long though, I’m not in the mood to proofread so I apologize if some parts didn’t make sense (─∀─)ゞ
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Tumblr Writers Q&A
Thank you @keeper0fthestars for the tag!! I may be a little late, but I thought I’d answer during some free time today! I know I’ve gotten a few new followers so thank you guys, I promise I’m not always dead :)
1) How many complete fics/one shots do you have that you have not published (yet)? technically 3? one is a multi-parter that i wanted to have more for before i posted, the others are for someone i no longer write for
2) How many WIPS do you have right now? ....at least...um 17+5...22? that is uh, the number i could find. FUCK. okay no closer to 28. several are multichapter that have been started and not finished. i dont want to talk about it.
3) Do you take writing requests or write original ideas, or both? I have done both! original ideas i tend to be drawn to more because im automatically inspired by it, but i do have fun with requests (which are closed rn)
4) If you do take requests, how many do you currently have? currently have 14 requests and i said i would do that but lordie they have been sitting here so long i am sorry. (only some of these are included in the wip question above)
5) How many fandoms do you write for? rn just mandalorian and rdr2 are the main ones (there is another fandom i may start writing for...)
6) Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you no longer write for? star wars and marvel, though technically i still write for star wars just now specifically for mando
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or other? Reader inserts!
8) Niche fandoms/characters you write for? i feel like my blorbos are all pretty popular
9) Do you read fics as well as write them? hell yeah. i always try to comment but i’ve been in a bit of low mode at, im trying to get back up <3
10) What is your favorite genre to write for? angst to fluff i think? i tend to do that a lot
11) What is your favorite trope (to read/write)? i freaking love enemies to lovers. reading it for sure, writing i have stuff planned. but its gotta be done right: slow burn or no burn, i say
12) What do you do to get motivated to write? good question, good question. i just gotta sit and stare and think and listen to music and force myself to just put the words on the doc dammit. or ye good olde reliable-->get meg to yell at me
13) Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write? i was gonna say heavy angst but some might say i write that?
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested? maybe?
15) How long have you been writing fanfiction? i think i started...2017?
16) Did you read fan fiction before you started writing? oh for sure
17) Do you only post on Tumblr, or any other sites as well? i cross-post to ao3!
18) What do you personally consider the word counts of “Drabble”, “One shots” and “fics”? drabble less than 1k, oneshot between 1k and 15k (as long as the story told in one go, i’d say it counts), and i always thought ‘fics’ were all-encompassing of one shots and multichapter so...no limit
19) Which do you prefer to write more? HC, drabbles, oneshots/fics, multi chapter stories, other? i think i’d have to say oneshots/fics just bec thats all i’ve really been successful with. multichapter would be the dream but dear lord i don’t have the brain power. i still tryin tho
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why? I have some wips i planned that will go abandoned but nothing i have published is discontinued. might take me 10 years, but i want to finish them
21) What is one of your main “pet-peeves” as a writer on Tumblr? i think the main one is that for some reason ‘older fics’ eventually just get,,, lost or ignored. you can still interact with old fics.
22) Do you write at a particular time of day? lolololol. um. who knows. i have done a good bit past 1 AM tho
23) Do you listen to music, ambiance/noise, etc to write or do you need silence? depends on the fic? but i do like to do a song on repeat to keep the vibes for the scene
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing? if its a multichapter, i attempt an outline. otherwise, whatever happens happens my friend
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day? I have done both, depends on the hour its finished. if i finished at 4 am, i will not post at 4 am.
i shan’t tag anyone this time, but if you want to answer this or start a convo about writing pls do!! i am always interested
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daddiesmonsterboi · 7 years
Kinky Quiz
·         1:Kitchen Counter, Couch, on top of the dryer? All of the above – beds and floors and against walls.
·         2:Your last sexual encounter: Good or Bad and why: It was really good, and was with my mister! He touched me and pet me a lot.
·         3:A fictional person that you think would be good in bed: Ummm I think about this a ton – maybe Terry from Brooklyn 99 because he’s SO STRONG and also very gentle? Now I’m blanking on everything I’ve ever read or watched.
·         4:Something that never fails to make you horny: That Dom voice, or being told what’s going to happen, most power play stuff
·         5:Where is one place you would never have sex: the beach – even though I have I wouldn’t do it again. SAND, sand everywhere!
·         6:The most awkward moment during a sexual experience? I mean, I drew blood once? Not on purpose? Not in a kink situation, just like, vanilla, getting to know you sex. That was rough.
·         7:Weirdest thing that ever made you horny: OH MAN, I am the prince of weird boners. Ever since Scar and Hexus’s voice in their animated movies, to like a LITERAL SIDEWALK that had spray paint on it? There was green paint that said “hole” with an arrow, and I was like, “What if I was like, ON THIS SIDEWALK with this sign and exposed… and and…Essentially I am a mess.
·         8:What is the best way to sexually bind someone: Meh, anything that gets the job done. Rope, cuffs, chain, cage whatever you want.
·         9:What is the fastest way to make you horny: Add dirty talk/power play into the situation, mix and repeat.  
·         10:Top or bottom? I am currently mostly a bottom/sub, but have topped in the past. I think I’m 85% a bottom, with occasional mean top thoughts and impulses.
·         11: Ever get caught having sex? Yes, but like, just roommates coming home sort of thing. Also boarding school. That was worse.
·         12:Is one orgasm enough? Are multiple orgasms necessary?  I think it depends on the type of orgasm and the situation. Sometimes the first one feels like a warm up orgasm, and other times I would melt if I tried for another, so I guess? It depends?
·         13:Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find: Not much really, I guess my mister’s little blade for knife play, but I don’t really care.
·         14:Weirdest nickname a significant other has ever called you? Sir has a ton of nick names for me, riffing on my name, but none of them are really weird. An ex called me her muse a few times and that made me like, SO ILL.
·         15:Two things you like [or dislike] about oral sex: Like: when it’s paired with other stimulation. Dislike: I’m sometimes self-conscious about it, and it can sometimes be triggering
·         16:Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you: Like, sucking my toes? But that wasn’t really weird, it was just tickly.
·         17:Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?] Yup, kissing folks who have just gone down on me.
·         18:Is it ever okay to not use a condom: Sure, if your partner(s) consent to that and you both are aware of the potential risks, why not?
·         19:Who was the sexiest teacher you ever had? Okay, I get crushes on teachers like woah. I’ll say my high school’s bio teacher.
·         20:A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience: I’m not really into food during sex.
·         21:How big is too big: When it hurts?
·         22:One sexual thing you would never do: Not into scat or anything to do with actual animals or minors.  
·         23:Biggest turn on: These days, probably power and personality.
·         24:Three spots that drive you insane: My bum, collarbone, aaand back
·         25:Worst possible time to get horny: During a presentation? Yay discreet boners
·         26:Do you like it when your sexual partner moans: Yes please
·         27:Worst sexual idea you ever had: Bondage with shoelaces? Kids are dumb
·         28:How much fapping is too much fapping: When your hand starts to cramp
·         29:Best sexual complement you ever got: You’re my good boi.
·         30:Bald, landing strip, Jumanji: I don’t really care, as long as I can get all in there
·         31:Is it good sex if you don’t cum? It really can be
·         weird… where did 32 go? somewhere
·         33:What your favorite part of your body: huh… I don’t know. My lips maybe?
·         34:Favorite foreplay activities: General touching, telling me all the things you want to do, bondage,
·         35:Love (>,<, or =) Sex For those of us who don’t remember our math thats “greater than, less than, or equal to] Meh, I think they are different things entirely and can be joined or not.
·         36:What do you wear to bed? Sometimes jammies, but I mostly wrestle them off in my sleep so wake up NUDE
·         37:When was the last time you masturbated: A couple of days ago with my Sir
·         38:Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself? Yus
·         39:Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside? I totally would again, and the last time was in a tent in the woods!
·         40:Have/would you ever have sex outside? Yes I would!
·         41:Have/would you ever had a threesome? Yes please and often
·         42:What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate? Ummm, a pillow? Kind of boring.
·         43:Have/would you ever masturbate at work/school? I have, but then again I used to live at my school so…
·         44:Have/would you ever have sex on a plane? Probably not
·         45:What is one song you’d like to have sex to? Most things by Rhianna, thumping music with good bass and a sexy beat.
·         46:What is something nonsexual that makes you horny? The rumble of a bus, the power and vibration sometimes just get to me
·         47:Most attractive celebrity? I think Lucas from the Cliks is a stone fox
·         48:Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? why/why not? I have, more gay porn these days than lesbian. I like to switch up what I enjoy because my sexuality is all over the place.
·         49:If a child was born on the occasion of the last time you had sex, how old would that child be right now? A day old!
·         50:Has anyone ever posted nude pictures of you online? Yus, with my permission.
·         51:What is one thing that NEVER makes you horny? Apathy, bigotry
·         52:Do you have stretch marks? (How do you feel about them? Has anyone ever had a problem with them?) I think I might have a few, and I don’t mind them I guess. No one has ever really mentioned them.
·         53:Do you like giving head? (why/why not) I have to be in the right mood, but when it’s on, I really enjoy it.
·         54:How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in? I love them.
·         55:How would you feel about taking someones virginity? I’ve done it in the past – I would be pretty hesitant at this point in my life. But if we knew each other and they wanted that, I would work with them.
·         56:Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter? Most things – I don’t really mix food and sex.
·         57:Is there anything you do on Tumblr that you would not like your significant other to see? Nope
·         58:Do you own any sex toys? (what is it? (how long have you had it?) I have a bunch! Some straps and insertable toys, my plug and tail, my chest harness and some floggers and paddles and thwappy toys and thunky toys and our little blade and and and
·         59:Would you give your significant other unrestricted access to your Tumblr for a day? Sure
·         60:Would you be offended if your significant other suggested you get plastic surgery? Probably a lot
·         61:Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute? Hmmmm I think it would be good to mix the two and be a sex worker who made media and worked with people
·         62:Do you watch porn? Yup
·         63:How small is too small? No such thing
·         64:Have you ever been called a freak? Why? I don’t think so.
·         65:Who gave you your last kiss? My Sir this morning before work!
·         66:Would you switch phones with your significant other for one day? I guess so – it seems impractical
·         67:Do you feel comfortable going “commando”? Not so much
·         68:Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair? Nope
·         69:If you could give yourself head, would you? Probably not, I’ve got stuff to do
·         70:Booty or Boobs? Probably that booty
·         71:If you had a penis/vagina, what would you name it? DOOMBRINGER, or like, Cap’n Snugs
·         72:Have you ever been on an official date? Yeah! I like dates
·         73:Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?) Yes, for complicated reasons.
·         74:If you were a stripper, what would your name be? Jacque Coqlette
·         75:Have you ever had sex in your parents bed? (Would you?) NOPE
·         76:How would you react if you found out your parents had sex in your bed? I would be so confused 1) How are you in this state? 2) You’ve been divorced for 20 years 3) what the hell?
·         77:What was your reaction the first time you saw a penis/vagina? SO scared, SO intimidated, SO happy
·         78:If you had a penis/vagina for a day, what are five things you would do?  UM
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crowdvscritic · 5 years
round up // DECEMBER 19
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It’s movie season! Now just imagine me saying that with the energy of Bugs and Daffy shouting, “Duck season! Rabbit season!” back and forth, and you’ll have an idea of the pop culture binge December becomes for me every year:
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Between end-of-the-year Oscar contenders, Christmas classics, and time off that actually lets me do some reading, December turns into a glut of Crowd and Critic favorites. So here’s my gift to you…a full tree skirt’s worth of recommendations to stick under that brightly lit, fully-ornamented tree of yours in the order I experienced them.
December Crowd-Pleasers
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Season 2 of Jack Ryan
Because it’s Movie Season(! Rabbit Season!), I’ve been slow to watch new seasons of prestige shows that have dropped recently, but I wrapped up Jack Ryan’s latest adventure in Venezuela and its twists are filling the 24-shaped hole in my heart.
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Christmas Classics: It Happened on Fifth Avenue (1947) and Happy Holidays with Bing & Frank (1957)
In the ‘40s movie, A hobo takes up annual residence in a millionaire’s home every year at Christmas while he’s away—complications and hilarity ensue. In the ‘50s special episode of The Frank Sinatra Show, Bing Crosby shows up at Frank Sinatra’s TV set residence for a half hour of Christmas carols—crooning and playful razzing ensue. Neither are well-known, but they’re fun (and free on streaming) classics to add to your holiday rotation.
“Christmas Tree Farm” by Taylor Swift
The Christmas song she was born to write! On a stressful day, I just kept hitting repeat and singing to my steering wheel for instant holiday cheer.
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Brittany Runs a Marathon (2019)
A refreshing take on body image and Millennials trying to get their lives together. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10
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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Premiere Party!
I’ve only watched the first episode of season 3, but the true star of the evening was the premiere party my friend hosted, complete with Pyrexes, brisket, and a Jello mold. The only downside of dressing up as Susie? You might accidentally leave your plunger behind.
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Sugar & Booze by Ana Gasteyer
Not only is SNL alum Ana Gasteyer a funny lady, but she’s got a killer voice. Her Christmas album isn’t just a typical collection of standards, either. Is the best part when she adds the “Imperial March” from Star Wars into “You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch” or when she kicks everybody out of her house in “Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!”? Listen and decide for yourself!
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Spotify Wrapped
My brother and I love hashing out statistics and comparing playlists at the end of each year. Fun fact: 39% of my Top 100 was performed by Taylor Swift or a Jonas Brother this year.  (Insert emoji of embarrassed monkey covering its face here.) Find your own playlist here.
Threat Level Midnight
Christmas came early for fans of The Office with Michael’s full-length (25-minute) spy movie. We’re gonna need a clean up in Aisle 5!
Tenet trailer
New Christopher Nolan? With John David Washington? You know I’m in.
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Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Sure, this episode may be one big retcon, but any criticisms feel like quibbles because the action is stellar, the twists made my jaw drop, and we just got to spend 2+ hours with Adam Driver. Bonus: Enjoy this round up for the history of Star Wars at the Oscars. Crowd: 9.5/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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These Hot Takes
Okay, not exactly hot—the Rolling Stone article was published in 2015, but ranking Kenan Thompson so low still burns. (Once that’s addressed, we can discuss the low rankings of Norm Macdonald and Bobby Moynihan.) 
“Saturday Night Live: All 145 Cast Members Ranked” by Rob Sheffield (Rolling Stone)
While not all movies should be 97 minutes, I, like this writer from The Cut, wish more were.
“Movies Should be 97 Minutes Long” by Katie Heaney (The Cut)
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Homebody by Joanna Gaines
Christmas break is for binge reading books your mom keeps on the coffee table. Chip and Jo’s style isn’t mine (I crave color!), but I love her philosophy: Your home should tell the story of the people who live in it—and you don’t need to be afraid if it looks lived in. Look out, world—I have delusions of grandeur for storage organization in 2020!
December Critic Picks
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
I laughed a lot, I cried a little, I liked it so much I saw it twice. Currently in my top five of the year because not just any movie can show how fun hate can seem and how ugly it really is. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 9/10
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The Laundromat (2019)
Bizarre to be sure, but I admire its chutzpah. It makes complicated legal loopholes relate to the human experience—just don’t ask me to explain those loopholes back to you. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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TIME’s Person of the Year: Greta Thunberg
No matter what you think of Ms. Thunberg, I think we can all agree this piece on her activism as an example of youth movement is what long-form journalism is all about.
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Advent Reflections
Because the joy and cheer of Christmas comes from freedom from mourning.
“Want to Get in the Christmas Spirit? Face the Darkness” by Tish Harrison Warren (New York Times)
“The Subversive Hope of Advent” by Alia Joy
Bonus: Enjoy this collection of photos of Christmas around the world gathered in The Atlantic.
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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood (2019)
Some of Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt’s best work, though I wouldn’t be sad if Quentin Tarantino read that article about the 97 minutes and took it to heart. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9.5/10
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Little Women (2019)
I think I cried through more of Little Women than I didn’t. Nothing since Gilmore Girls has felt like this warm of a hug, and few stories understand sisters so well. Also in my top five of the year right now. Bonus: The Gospel Coalition summarized many things it did well in its review. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 10/10
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Parasite (2019)
Read my review for ZekeFilm. Crowd: 8.5/10 // 9.5/10
Also in December...
Kyla and I have been hiatus-ing for holidays on SO IT’S A SHOW?, but we’ve got a teaser for our next season dropping in January in our feed. Find us on your podcast app of choice on our Tumblr.
Until then, get a sneak peek on Letterboxd, and find more reviews and features at ZekeFilm...Best of 2019 and Best of the Decade pieces will be coming soon!
Photo credits: Ana Gasteyer, Spotify, Rolling Stone, TIME, Advent. Mrs. Maisel and Homebody my own. All others IMDb.com.
0 notes
jngukie · 7 years
i was tagged by @floofyeol! idk if this is a blessing or a curse let’s find out.
some of these fics have been in drafts for ages? so tbh i don’t even know if i will post them but hey we’ll see. (so assume for now that none of these will be posted—except when stated otherwise with an *)
the first couple will be ships. the later ones are reader-inserts. all are still protected by the Creative Commons license.
slide it up in here: chapter 10* pairing(s): jikook, namjin, yoonseok genre: humour, crack, drama, angst tags/warnings: texting, college au, slightly filthy, innuendoes, Awkward Jeon Jungkook™, slowburn, self-esteem issues, self-hatred, implied/referenced homophobia, everyone is a mess™
gguki: [image attached] gguki: what should i do with it chimothy: um chimothy: dude idk if i’m entitled to give you suggestions but chimothy: i mean you could always just stick it in the ass???????
or jungkook accidentally sends a stranger a picture of his roommate’s brand new dildo
the (9)7 wonders of the world
tol: ok here’s the plan dabs 24/7: yugyeom no offence but your plans kinda suck muscle pig: ^^ what bambam said muscle pig: i don’t trust you anymore tol: wow that hurt tol: but i promise you this one will be better dabs 24/7: don’t do it kook tol: it won’t backfire in any way
untilted vhope pairing(s): vhope, namjin genre: humour, fluff tags/warnings: college au, skype dates, profanity, neurobiology/pyschology major!namjoon, ra!jin, music major!yoongi (i think), some major!hoseok, and high schooler!tae, tbh idrk bc i haven’t finished writing it lmao
When Jung Hoseok signed up for college, he didn’t think he’d end up on academic probation so soon. Hell, he’d never guess he’d have friends who would use him as a fucking lab rat for their atrocious experiments. He definitely did not expect to fall in love with his resident advisor’s little brother—and then proceed to sneak into said resident advisor’s room and hack his computer just to have one more Skype date with the little brother. Without getting caught by said resident advisor. Yeah—he’s a little stressed, to say the least.
→ a continuation of It’s Burning Up in Here.
He didn’t sign up for this. He thought college would be a great idea—who would pass up the opportunity for ultimate freedom and youthful stupidity? No, he was ecstatic for college—but he definitely hadn’t signed up to be the fucking victim for his resident advisor’s boyfriend’s experiments.
“Hoseok-ssi, please stay still or otherwise this will hurt. A lot,” Namjoon begged as his friend Yoongi tried to hold him down on the fragile coffee table.
“That’s not what your needle’s saying! You said it was a harmless experiment! You said I’d be fine!”
“You will be! I just need practice drawing blood once—”
“You’ve never even done this before?” Hoseok shrieked, writhing some more. Yoongi growled in frustration and flung his entire weight onto Hoseok’s body—and thus effectively snapping the legs of the coffee table and sending them down towards the floor.
His advisor ran into the room then, eyes wide in alarm while holding a skillet filled with half-cooked meat, his creased white apron reading World’s Best Dad! in pretty cursive pink. “What the hell is going on here?”
untitled taekook* pairing(s): taekook, yoonjin genre: fluff, angst, humour, crack tags/warnings: restaurant au, running away, mentions of nudity, exhibitionism, does getting caught dancing naked in your room count as exhibitionism idek, mention of mpreg, but there’s no actual mpreg, i mean it’s the sims it’s not real, many many references to the male organ, but sorry folks no smut (A/N: this is literally what i have in my docs wow i’m such a nerd for preparing ao3 tags LMAO)
The last thing Jungkook expected after running away to Seoul is to score a private live viewing of Naked_Neighbour_Dancing_In_His_Bedroom.mov—and then proceed to bump into him when he’s not-so-naked. And then also manage to greet him with a slap. It also probably doesn’t help that Nude Neighbour is his new boss. All in all, Jungkook just maybe kinda wants to die. (But of course Seokjin isn’t gonna allow him, so he’s just going to suffer—for now.)
He sighs, turning his head to gaze out of the window, only to freeze when he realises his view isn’t exactly the most… decent.
Because across from his small studio apartment window is a perfect view of a larger apartment in the building across, and currently, the tenant (he hopes the boy’s the tenant) is enthusiastically dancing through his room completely naked, dinglehopper fully on display. He’s mouthing the words to some song, throwing a finger up in the air as he shuts his eyes and nods his head as though the music (Jungkook thinks there’s music) blasting in his room is speaking to him on a spiritual level.
Jungkook’s face is bright red when he finally breaks out of his trance, and he wishes he wasn’t so bad at reacting appropriately to inappropriate situations so he could at least have saved himself from adding a thirty-second clip of Nude Neighbour to his collection of non-digital memories. He rushes to the window and pulls the curtains close, fingers stiff as he tries to rid his brain of such scandalous images.
At least he was hot.
His face is redder now—if that’s even possible. “Fuck me,” he whispers, and then flushes even more. “Wait, no. Don’t fuck me. That’s not what—why am I even talking to myself. Agh.”
take these words out of my lungs (and set them free) pairing(s): vmin genre: angst, fluff tags/warnings: major character death, suicide attempt, depression, body image issues, depressed!jimin, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, ambiguous original character that appears for like five seconds, high school au
three pounds. that’s how much he’s gained since he last stepped on the scale, the dictator that rules over his life. he stares at the numbers again, frowning at the digits glaring up at him. perhaps there was a mistake; maybe the scale is rigged or jammed or simply broken. he couldn’t have possibly gained three pounds in a span of two days. hasn’t he been walking around his neighbourhood enough?
he sighs, stepping off the scale and turning around to flush the toilet before washing his hands. even the cold water burns his skin, and he wishes he could melt through the cracks on the floor. would he slim down then? would he finally be skinny enough?
“jimin!” he hears his mother call, and he forces his way from the sink, sneaking out his parent’s bathroom and into the living room outside. their apartment is small but cozy. jimin hates it.
untitled kim seokjin* pairing(s): platonic OT7 genre: fluff, angst tags/warnings: anxiety, depression, eating disorder, negative body image perception, lapslock (lower case)
honestly, he can’t remember what it’s like to live anymore.
breathe in. breathe out.
three lucky charms. four cereal pieces. seven bits down the drain.
he smiles, staring at the milk-stained sink as the spoon clatters against metal, bowl turned upside down. it’s ugly—white ink staining burnt grey like liquid cobwebs feeding on rust. it looks exactly as how he feels: dirty, wasted, trash. one-seventy-nine centimetres down the drain.
untitled kim taehyung pairing(s): Kim Taehyung/Reader genre: fluff, humour, probably angst bc knowing me tags/warnings: (sor far) nudity, profanity
Kim Taehyung has no regrets. Sure, he probably should’ve thought twice before he spent all of his money on BIGBANG merch just to show Jungkook that yes, he’s the bigger fanboy, and sure, he definitely should’ve listened to Jimin when he warned Taehyung that no, he shouldn’t eat three whole pizza pies by himself, but that doesn’t mean he regrets any of his decisions. Even though blowing all his earnings on people he’ll never meet did cause him to starve for a good or so month.
(Thank god for ramyeon.)
So, no, Jimin, he doesn’t regret running out of the shower butt naked when he heard her singing on her way to the second floor of their co-ed dorm, doesn’t regret shouting, “I love your voice!” before she screamed, “Oh my god, you’re naked!” And he definitely doesn’t regret yelling, “Oh, shit!” into Oblivion before sprinting back into the bathroom to resume the hot shower he abandoned.
“For fuck’s sake, Taehyung,” Jimin says to him once Taehyung’s finished recounting the story, the two of them lying side by side on Jimin’s bed. “You’re going to get us kicked out.”
“I should probably say hi,” Taehyung muses, blinking at the ceiling. “Do you think she remembers me?”
Jimin glances down, and snickers. “With how small your dick is, she probably does.”
untitled park jimin pairing(s): Park Jimin/Reader genre: fluff tags/warnings: (so far) blind!reader
He is an angel; and she doesn’t need to see to believe. She fathoms his widespread wings as he gently picks her up, worriedly and urgently asking for her health, voice so soft it touches her skin like silk on smooth glass. His eyes must be crinkled in the corners, a smile stuttering through apologies, heart too warm for the human hand to touch. She imagines what he looks like, faintly deciding through his rapid Korean that he must be chesnut if not vanilla, not in skin but in connotation because he sounds and smells and feels like home.
Her pause is a millennia long, and she hears him repeat himself again, the sound of melting marshmallow oozing out of beautiful lips: “Are you alright?”
She produces a smile, feathery and light, eyes glassy and the world continues to remain black. “I’m fine,” she replies, and her voice is cracked from its lack of use; she hasn’t met anyone worth talking to in what feels like a century. Another smile reappears, much strained than what she’s used to, and she picks herself up from where the concrete lay, the dust falling from her voile skirt. “No damage done.”
untitled kim taehyung #2* pairing(s): Kim Taehyung/Reader, platonic OT7 genre: fluff, angst tags/warnings: i think it’s schizophrenia?, mental illnesses, depression
There is a moment when time stands still. It’s fleeting, escaping the moment your fingers curl around it and pull. But it is during this moment happiness enraptures you with its warm hug as your heart thunders against your chest—the steady thump, thump, thump of a snare drum awakening. It is during this moment pain ceases to exist.
But after, everything will come rushing back.
i have more but these are the ones that are decent, at the very least.
to pass the torch on, i’ll tag @minmelly @kinky-koreans @pasteljeonggukk @haneulismykoreanname @rnjmnster and anyone else who wants to do it! (if you don’t, no pressure. good luck to you and your writing!)
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onyxlabyrinth · 5 years
Prompt List
1. these are just little quotes/prompts to use in the story if you wanted some ideas for a request you wanted but it just needed a little something to help boost it. 2. You can also request multiple prompts to be in a single story.
3. you should frequently check back to this list because I will continue updating it as I get more prompt Ideas.
4. don't forget that you can request for the actors as well instead of just the character or a cross over between supernatural-verse and our normal universe with Jensen and Jared, etc
5. Lastly, don't forget that you can request both the reader and the person of choice to be anything you want (demon, angel, witch, vampire, werewolf, etc.)
1. "You told me nothing but beautiful lies."
2. "How could you do this to me?"
3. "I never loved you." (this could also be used as a lie if you want.)
4. "I wish you would've just told me from the start."
5. "Don't leave, please. I need you."
6. "Why in the hell would you make a deal?"
7. "Get over here and make me."
8. "I thought you loved me. I guess I was wrong."
9. "You are stuck with me till we die. You better not die before me."
10. "All I wanted was to live that apple pie life, was that so much to ask for?"
11. "You promised you wouldn't leave me. You broke that promise."
12. "What did I do to make him/her leave"
13. "What is so wrong with me that makes everyone leave me."
14. "Why can't I be loved for a change?! Why can't I ever get a happy ending?!"
15. "You were my other half. Please come back to me."
16. "Everything's gonna be okay. I'm right here."
17. "You scratch Baby and that'll be the last thing you ever do."
18. "I can't believe he loves a car more than me"
19. "Request has been received and denied."
20. "I can't believe I fell for that shit again."
21. "You're a what?!"
22. "I can't do this anymore."
23. "I can't believe you didn't trust me enough to tell me something like this."
24. "If you walk out that door, we are over."
25. "I love you, so don't you ever think otherwise."
26. "I love you for who you are, so never think you have to change for me."
27. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me."
28. "How about you drop the (insert) and we talk this out?"
29. "You walked away from me, not the other way around. Don't get it twisted."
30. "I wanna come home."
31. "Are you....jealous?"
32. "I think it's time we had a talk."
33. "Just shut up and kiss me you dork."
34. "I see the way you look at me when you think I can't see you."
35. "I have a surprise for you!"
36. "I'm......pregnant."
37. "I swear it's not what it looks like."
38. "I'm not gonna repeat myself."
39. "I want you naked in the bed, on all fours by the time I get home."
40. "I can't even count on my hands and toes the amount of times you've seen me naked, so how are you still shy about it?"
41. "I love you more than I could ever love myself."
42. "Don't you ever tell me I can't love someone before loving myself! I fell in love with you didn't I, and I still hate myself with every fiber of my being."
43. "What in the hell were you thinking?!"
44. "I can't believe you sold your soul."
45. "How long _____?" (Fill in the blank: do you have left or has this been going on)
46. a song lyric from any song you choose (must tell me the lyric quote and the song) or just use multiple lines throughout the story
47. “I need reality. Everyone loves to live a beautiful lie, but I can’t sit around waiting for the ugly truth to reveal itself.”
48. “I hate to see you like this...”
49. “I want to hate you! I want to hate what you did! I want to be able to look you in the eye and tell you I never loved you! But.... I just can’t”
50. “What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?”
0 notes
iamthebestpotatp · 7 years
obv all huehuehuehue
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
I’d like to say yes, but clearly, I’m more into ~personality~
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
3. Are you a virgin?
i mean 
4. Are you in a relationship?
5. Are you in love?
6. Are you single this year?
7. Can you commit to one person?
sure, i guess 
8. Describe your crush
i need to have one to describe one 
9. Describe your perfect mate
mate like aussy mate? or mate like mate mate
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
i dont think so.. maybe, i mean, i once saw this really pretty girl on the subway…
11. Do you ever want to get married?
i guess it’d be nice 
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
no, i am v petty 
13. Do you get jealous easily?
kinda, i guess, depends on what it is 
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
again, nope
15. Do you have any piercings?
nope, still deciding 
16. Do you have any tattoos?
nope, one day 
17. Do you like kissing in public?
depends on the type of kiss 
20. Do you shower every day?
eh, kinda?
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
psh, i mean, im amazing, like, who wouldnt maybe, who knows 
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
it’d be nice 
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
who do you think i am?
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
i mean, i might not even graduate in 5 years so…
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
if it happens it’ll happen, not actively looking tho
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
yeah, oops 
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
i dont think so, i mean 
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
nope, well, i hope not 
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
nope, i no money
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
i mean 
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
i mean 
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
idk, no?
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
i guess 
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
i mean 
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
43. How long was your longest relationship?
year + 3 months (still remember LOL)
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
2, or 3, depending who u count 
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?
no one, wait, what grade was that? maybe one 
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
i mean 
47. How old are you?
too old/not old enough/waiting for death
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
id like to say, eyy nice, go get’em
id probably say, oh, ok, nice and never speak to them again 
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
hugs where i can lean my head on their shoulder 
a nice smell 
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
uh, no, no backsies 
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
most of my friends 
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
yup, not fighting against someone’s inability to control themselves
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
quoi, im fried, i dont understand the question 
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
everyone i care about 
55. Share a relationship story.
dated, happy, broke up, sad
56. State 8 facts about your body
too cold 
v broken/hurt 
has old lady problems
love milk, cannot drink it tho
57. Things you want to say to an ex
im sorry 
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
be nice to me 
be friends with me 
meme with me 
gimme attention 
play w my hair 
let me lean on u 
pls smell nice 
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
insert face
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
5 months LOL
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
height (i need to make sure i can fight u)
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
gimme attention 
63. What is your definition of “having sex”?
64. What is your definition of cheating?
p in v
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
nice walk outside 
68. What is your sexual orientation?
yo, idk, straight maybe 
69. What turns you off?
controlling, in the not nice way 
mean, not cute way 
70. What turns you on?
smell nice 
mean, cute way
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
care about moi
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
good looking 
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
be nice to me 
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
be nice to them
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
cannot fall into sibling dating age range (under 6 years older)
young peeps ok, as long as mature and looks my age???
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
shrug, i rewear sweaters and jeans more often than i should 
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
uh, idk 
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
generic white guy with dark hair and blue eyes 
generic white guy with blond hair 
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
idk if being pushed around is considered a hug, but parth?
real hug = jack l
83. Who was your first kiss with?
an excited doggo that likes to lick faces 
jack l
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
distance and realization that i was more in love with being loved/cared for 
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
sure, just dont be creepy 
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crystallized-iron · 8 years
Marvel fandom ask: 6, 7, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25, 32 Lost and Found, 34 Lost and Found, 38, 40, 41 Lost and Found, 44, 48 Lost and Found I love Lost and Found. Can't wait for the next update.
6. how did writing change you?I think writing mostly just gave me an outlet for my imagination. I daydream a lot, and writing stories allow me to actually share my thoughts with others. I never even really thought about it that much until 5th grade for Young Authors.
7. early influences on your writingHmmm, I think I would need to say my toy animals and Sailor Moon. Okay so, for Young Authors in 5th grade, I wrote a story based on I think the family of animals I made with “Kitty in my Pocket” toys; I had “Puppy in my Pocket” toys too, but wrote about a cat family (thank you google for helping me with the name! They were so cute!). So I guess earliest influences would have been toys. After that, it was anime, Sailor Moon specifically. I was really into the magical girl genre lol. I even remember in music class, I would constantly day dream about my own magical team, and opposite were a team of boys. Girls were cats, boys were dogs lol. Although that idea originated in elementary school also. So yeah, toys and cartoons!
10. how do you do your researches?This maaay sound bad; I don’t really do research. For the MCU, I may watch the movies over and over (speaking of, I need to rewatch The First Avenger, and Iron Man 1). For a vampire AU I’ve been working on, I’ve been going into google images to be sure the thing I’m thinking of is really that thing, because it does set kind of in a past setting. I’ve also been world-building for another AU, Tony centric, that my research is pretty much based on a massive roleplay I used to do with a spirit sister. I’ve been wanting to use the idea of one of the worlds for a while, but I realized that I don’t need to make that be the whole world, it can be a country. Also considering ideas for a maybe sequel if I like the first enough. If I want to be highly accurate for something, I go to google. Always google. Google is my buddy, my pal, my… you know what I mean. I tend to prefer fantasy settings though and for years I’ve been writing in the same universe. I wouldn’t even be writing for the MCU if it weren’t for my co-author @ladydarkphoenix-blog getting me to participate in her group after the premier of Captain America: Civil War (Lost and Found took off around when it was announced Captain America was HYDRA all along; we did a little thing in facebook comments because I couldn’t let that go so you have the very first scene of Lost and Found thanks to that).
I’m rambling, I am so sorry.
11. do you listen to music when writing?Always! Always. It helps me set the mood. For drabbles it’ll be one song on repeat (lately it’s either “Heathens” by 21 pilots, or “Toxic” by Britney Spears (like right now), or “I Don’t Want to Live Forever” by Taylor Swift). Lost and Found, I listen to… whatever lol. Sometimes nothing. If we’re both actively working on it, I might turn on the score from Dark Shadows (the movie with Johnny Depp, I haven’t seen the original). I also listen to the scores of Interview with the Vampire and Queen of the Damned.
17. favorite AU to writeFantasy or supernatural AU, although I don’t often write fanfiction. My original is definitely fantasy. And vampire. Vampire AUs, yes! I sort of want to try my hand at angels and demons sometime too, it just seems really interesting.
18. favorite pairing to write I love stucky.But lately I also love winteriron, winterironshield, (spoiler), (spoiler)I think I mostly love winterironshield and stucky lol
24. favorite scene you’ve ever writtenUhhh… I keep thinking of a scene I haven’t written yet lol.
But for now I think I’ll say… that whole drabble scene with Stef and Mia that I posted on here. It had a chain of 5 prompts to use I think? Pretty sure it’s in @lost-and-found-au
25.favorite line you’ve ever writtenSteve considered Tony’s words, before stepping up to the other man, holding Tony’s head in his hands and using as authoritative a voice as he could, gently said, “Like this, Tony?”
32. alternate title for (insert story title)Um, let’s see…
“If I Only Knew”
34. alternate pairing for (insert story title)Hmmm, winterhawk
38. do you reread your own stories? Hahaha, yes, all the time! Mine and @ladydarkphoenix-blog
40. which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/seriesOh dear… oh no… oh my…
Well, Lost and Found would make an… interesting choice, but with what we know so far (we’re hundreds of pages ahead of what is currently posted), I’m not sure… There’s a reason the rating is Explicit lol! Although it would really be cool.
I haven’t written enough of my two solo fics to really know for sure yet with them.
41.one song that captures (insert story title)Uh, gosh. I honestly don’t know.
“Alive” by Sia? :)
44.do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it?I usually make things up as I go.
For the Tony fic, I’ve been writing future scenes.
For Lost and Found, we’ve been planning here and there with the drabble prompts we challenge each other with lol.
48. three spoilers for (insert story title)Spoilers under the cut for those that don’t want them ;)
1. Brock Rumlow makes an appearance.
2. We are introduced to Mia’s family.
3. Tony makes Clint late. Very late.
It didn’t say how specific the spoilers had to be lol!
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Obscure asks
1.       What’s your favourite way to dress? Skinny jeans with a band shirt tucked in, with my docs or boots, flannelette if I feel fancy, lotta skull rings and heavy necklaces.
2.       If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I wonder this a lot, but in reality the things I would want to change, I really can’t…so I won’t dwell on it.
3.       What movie/game/etc. helps you calm down? Rocky Horror, as weird as it is.
4.       What does your room smell like? Incense, Cherry Vanilla or musk.
5.       Do you like to organize? Depends on what I’m organizing…
6.       What kind of music would you listen to if you could only choose one? Classic 80’s rock; Motley, Gunners, KISS, Bon Jovi, you know.
7.       What song is your aesthetic? Disposable teens Marilyn Manson XD
8.       What colour do you think goes best with your personality? My personality I guess is very warm, calm, but also bright, and happy, so Imma go with cherry red.
9.       Do you believe in auras? More a zodiac gal, auras are pretty interesting though.
10.   What do you wish you hated, but actually like? Glitter, I love sparkle, but like, I can’t wear it, it gets everywhere, it’s messy, but I love sparkly things.
11.   Vague about your crush(es) uh-oh…Uhm, kind, absolutely adorable, cheeky…ight, imma head out.
12.   Is there someone you have mixed feelings towards? Kat Von D. Her makeup in phenomenal, but also…vaccinate your kids dude…
13.   talk about an au or story you came up with I don’t really have one, I had an idea about Alice, if she had a little girl, and the little girl returns to Wonderland to help Alice, but nothing ever really started, it was just an  idea I never wrote.
14.   Do you like makeup? I love makeup, for me it’s therapeutic, and I really like the confidence it gives me, I know people who ate it, but it gives me an hour to calm down, and just relax, put some colour to my face.
15.   Do you prefer space or the ocean? SPACEEEEE
16.   If you could pick any planet besides earth, where would you live? Saturn, because it’s Capricorns planet, which is my sun sign. Yet I’m more like my moon sig
17.   What form of government do you like the most? (Capitalism, socialism, etc.) Punk Rock.
18.   What animal would you keep as a pet, if you could? An orangutan.
19.   What do you think our purpose is in the universe? Our purpose is to be there for each other, look after this floating ball we call earth, show respect, kindness, make music, art, create love. Accept others.
20.   Do you believe in god(s)? No, not really, there is probably something out there… i believe in the rock gods.  
21.   Is there a song you can’t handle listening to, even though you like it? Oof, I had to think about that… My Axe by ICP, Jessie’s girl, although I think everyone secretly listens to that song on repeat
22.   What ex do you miss the most, if you have one? Don’t have an ex. Fun fact…never had a relationship. Shocker I know XD
23.   Do you like soft, fluffy blankets or rough/smooth blankets? FLLUUFFYY BLANKKEETTSSS!!!!!
24.   What is your favourite thing to learn about? Psychology, or like serial killers and stuff…ooh!! And witchy stuff like tarot, and crystals, but alos rockstar and music!!
25.   What country’s history do you find the most interesting? I love the old European countries, Italy, France, Germany, Greece, I love al the art and music, its always really pretty.
26.   What do you think about genderbent ____ (insert someone here) Gender bending characters is EPIC! It’s so cool, and awesome for people to cosplay if they feel more comfortable in a genderbent character.
27.   What breakup was the hardest, if you had one? Probably like One Direction XD, No, I haven’t been through a breakup. So I’m good.
28.   Do you have someone where you can’t decide if you like them romantically or just as a friend? hmm
29.   What do you think about tumblr discourse? Dunno…
30.   What instrument do you wish you could master? Guitar or bass….im working on it, give me another century or two.
31.   How easy is it for you to be honest? Pretty damn honest…I mean, I can’t lie very good, and usually I don’t have a reason to lie.
32.   Do you have any strange interests? Serial killers…the psychology behind it is fascinating…
33.   Do you have any strange fears? I DESPISE Elevators….like I have panic attacks if I even think about them…
34.   What food do you binge on when you’re lazy? Chippies!! Salt n Vinegar chippies!!
35.   When you get angry, how do you show it? I get shaky when I get angry, I don’t like being mad so I usually don’t show it, I’ll just go somewhere alone and cry.
36.   Do you have any impulsive movements? (Twitches, ticks, flapping, etc.) No, not really, I don’t think so.
37.   What do you listen to music on? Spotify, Youtube, or classis CD’S and Vinyl.
38.   Are you left brained or right brained? More creative, so right brained…”I LIKE OREEOOOOSSS”
39.   Earbuds or headphones? Earbuds ma dudes.
40.   Do you like light blankets or heavy blankets?  Heavy blankets or no blankets at all!!!!
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you said you wanted to overshare so uh, 1 2 3 6 7 8 10 11 15 16 20 24 28 29 30 C:
1) If someone wanted to really understand you, what should they read, watch, and listen to. 
It terms of watching they should probably watch peanutbuttergamer (preferably some of his minecraft hardcores) since like, a good 25% of my personality is based on that. For listening they should listen to hawaii part ii, which is, such a huge mood and is also a big inspiration for me. (In terms of reading… i don't really read much anymore so idk)
2) Have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? If so, who?Hm, I don't know if it counts but when I read slaughterhouse 5 i was constantly thinking "oh, shit this is such a #mood" or "wow, this is exactly how i feel about the progression of time, i can't believe someone already had this idea and wrote a book before i was even born". I don't know if that counts since i've only read the one book by him, but from what i've heard kurt vonnegut is just Like That3) List of your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.For the sake of simplicity i'll only do the fandoms i feel like i'm actively in.Homestuck- dave and calliopeSteven universe- peridotMcu- bruce banner (interpret that as you will)TaZ balance- roswell and lucas (i just… really like him, i have no excuse) 6) Are you religious/spiritual?No. I wasn't raised religion so as a kid i didn't even know that religion was a thing that you're supposed to have thoughts on. It would take a long time to fully explain my thoughts on religion but I guess I'll just go for the oversimplified route and say I’m agnostic.7) Do you care about your ethnicity?Not really, all i know about my ethnicity is probably polish and [insert other european country here]8) What musical artists have you felt most connected to over your lifetime. Tally hall, (and all of the tall hall boys after they started doing their solo projects) have always been a big inspiration to me. More recently i've been listening to sufjan stevens, and his music is so relaxing and has such a good, consistent emotional quality to it. He writes the type of music i wish i knew how to make.10) Do you have a creed?Judging by the fact that i had to look up what creed means, i'm gonna say no11) Describe your ideal day.
I’m always terrible at answering this sort of question but I guess it would involve actually doing stuff that I enjoy, like drawing and cooking, and would definitely include time hanging out with my friends.15) Five most influential books over your lifetime.
Oo, this is a hard on because, like I said before, I don’t really read much at all.
I already mentioned slaughterhouse five. Part of my wants to say city of bones, since that’s one of the few books that I actually remember. I’m also giving an honorable mention to num8ers by rachel ward because that’s the first book I remember reading that had the fuck word in it. But I think I’m gonna have to end the list at three books because I honestly don’t remember any other book that’s I’ve read.
16) If you'd grown up in a different environment, do you think you'd have turned out the same?
Absolutely not. My personality is 100% the result of bad parenting and depression.
20) Would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
Hm, as much as I don’t care for harry potter anymore, I have to say the idea of going to hogwarts is still pretty fun.
24) Have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?
I wouldn’t say so, not that I can remember.
28) On a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
I’m assuming 1 is very difficult, and 10 is very easy.
I like to think that I’ve around a 3 or 4, but I’m probably somewhere closer to a 7. I’m honestly not sure because I don’t remember the last time someone has genuinely annoyed me. I guess that’s a advantage of staying inside all day and never talking to anyone.
29) Three songs that you connect with right now.
End on a Hai
Mystery of Love
(Also, I wouldn’t say I connect to the song but I feel the need to say that I’ve been listening to reaganomics on repeat for the last three days)
30) Pick one of your favorite quotes.
In terms of serious quotes probably something from taz like “When someone leaves your life, those exits are not made equal. Some are beautiful and poetic and satisfying. Others are abrupt and unfair. But most are just unremarkable, unintentional, and clumsy.”
In terms of silly quote I think I go with the classic line “If the zoo bans me for hollering at the animals i will face god and walk backwards into hell”
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