thebiscuiteternal · 2 years
I am so fucking tired of Dad pretending he doesn't understand what I'm talking about and acting like I'm the unreasonable one for getting annoyed when he keeps doing it.
Yes, you pedantic annoying asshole, "dinner" is used for "mid-day meal" in some places of the South. But we have had this exact same conversation enough times that you damn well know that if I say "lunch or dinner," I am not saying the same time of day twice, I am using "dinner" to mean "evening meal" as a majority of people and most restaurants now do. Stop fucking trying to pull this shit on me!
And it's not even just this one thing, this is just the tiniest most petty example. He does this all the fucking time.
Edit: They're back from their post-lunch walk and Mama says when she pointed out Dad and I had this conversation repeatedly, he swears he didn't remember the other times.
Whether or not that's true is debatable, but his memory has been provably getting worse as of late.
Quoth Mama: "I know how frustrating it is not being able to tell whether he genuinely forgot or he's messing with you, but a little benefit of the doubt would help keep all our stress levels down."
So... fuck it, I'll try to not lose my temper.
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lafortis · 1 month
Ohhhh it's the same artist as last year... Which means same LD as last year, which means same nightmare as last year 😩
On the plus side, hopefully crowd will get so rowdy the venue shuts it down at like 0100 instead of 0300 like it's supposed to go till (the same as last year lol)
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tvmblrsillyman · 5 months
I'm so excited to have free time again
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Look at his lil feeties
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mister-julius · 1 year
I think I've really figured out one of the core issues that's affected my everything for so many years.
I don't have a frame of reference for what's "good enough"
Like, I took my driving test, and my instructor proudly says "You scored a 93!" and without missing a beat my knee-jerk response was "Is that good?" Of course it is! It's a solid A grade! But that didn't even go through my head, just "bet that's out of some weird scale that's different from the base 100 that regular school uses, better ask her how badly you failed"
Truth be told I feel embarrassed about most of the things I've posted here and on other social media sites. Be it my long blocks of text, most of which have been deleted, my game screenshots, my scans of things like the Galidor style guide and comics, all of it is embarrassing. Not because of some selfconscious bs regarding a 28 year old guy messing around with kids toys or anything like that, there's zero shame there. I just don't know if any of it is "good enough"
and that's just the stuff that I've bothered posting! The youtube videos I've been meaning to make for like 6 years? the like 6 projects I've dipped a toe into and seemingly abandoned? I'm at a roadblock because I don't know if any of my efforts are "good enough". Good enough for who? By what standard? Is anyone else judging your work the same as you? All questions unasked, just paralyzing fear.
I had told LDSO's TronFAQ, a dude I massively respect, that I'd get him some screenshots of Tron 2.0 textures that might benefit from AI upscaling. I went to go do that, and quickly froze. Did a ton of thinking, and preparation, and more thinking, and more prep, and more thinking, inadvertently ruined my install of the game a couple times, and it's been I don't even know how long and I don't even have one screenshot.
I feel really bad about this one especially. How hard is it to play through your favorite game and hit the screenshot hotkey a few times? Apparently really fucking hard when anxiety disorders play into an inferiority complex you didn't even fully realize you had until a few days ago!
It's so stupid.
I want to say "I'm so stupid" but no this isn't me. This is a product of a number of things that aren't me. It's like I'm stuck in an invisible prison preventing me from being me. I'm glad I have this much figured out now, just wish I didn't have to fight myself to be myself
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amrv-5 · 6 months
raining for FOUR days straight I am so sick of being cold and damp. pleaaase sunshine for a minute. pleaseeeee. It's nice to fall asleep to sound-wise and I know we need it generally but walk commuting miles a day means I am always arriving places cold + rain-soaked w wet shoes. There is only so much an umbrella can do against [location] wind and my rainboots suck. Pleaseeee
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mousegirlheart · 1 year
if you had more bones you could hypothetically have one sacrificial bone to absorb all the no good owie, then CUT IT OUT
if i could have one bone absorb all the pain i would have done it and ripped the fucker out by now
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ferretly · 2 years
;A; I haven’t been able to have myotherapy for 3 weeks now and I am FEELING it. really hope there aren’t more scheduling difficulties after the next appt, bc I can’t take another break like this in between appts.
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"Breaking news now from the southeast suburbs: new leads have turned up in the investigation of the death of an area man.
"Richard was found beaten to death inside his home with a small nonstick frying pan lodged in his skull. Forensics have indicated traces of butter and egg residue, as well as paper towel fibers; Oddly, however, not a single molecule of dish soap could be found on the entire cooking area. Police believe this information may be the key to deciphering the motive behind this strange crime of passion.
"While she is not believed to be armed nor dangerous, authorities are asking the public to be on the lookout for the man's wife and to call the local Crimestoppers hotline if you know anyone who has purchased a new Cuisinart nonstick ceramic egg pan within the last few weeks."
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respocked · 2 months
I posted a sad whinepost on reddit about being depressed and now I feel bad because people are giving me advice for someone worse off than I am... Someone said to get up everyday and read 5 pages from a book and maybe then I'll go to university. I read 100 pages every day and had 4.5 gpa I just also wanted to die the whole time
(getting up still hard tho)
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libertineangel · 2 months
Another whinepost and I know you've all heard this one before but like seriously it does not help the whole self-esteem thing that the only relationship of any sort I've ever had was with someone who began it explicitly against their own prior judgment, had previously often stated they fully intended not to pursue any kind of relationship and remained unsure of the concept even after it began, like yes the relationship did last like four and a half years* in the end but I've still never had the experience of someone wanting and pursuing me on purpose so I still feel like it only counts for so much
*Through at least two of which I did pretty much all the work of trying to maintain the relationship because they were - by their own admission, much later - complacent and too focused on their own issues to care
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thebiscuiteternal · 1 year
tfw you come across a post like "no one's writing (ship you've been 98% of the tag for months) at all! I guess I'll have to do it myself!"
like... thanks. really inspiring the drive to keep at those wip.
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chthonicgodling · 2 months
…..every time I reach a level of despondence enough to want to whinepost on the internet she reappears by the way. drama canceled
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piedbirb · 1 year
weekly whinepost about how i wish i was taller
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whispertells · 2 years
Dental work sucks and I'm sorry you have to go in again. My dentist also made some mistakes on my teeth once (not as severe as yours but still). I hope you don't have to pay them much extra to fix their own mistake though! It's expensive enough as is..
i’m sorry you had to go through a similar experience, getting stuff like that done means you’re putting a lot of faith/control in a person to do right by you as a doctor and then they just flub it... it sucks bc now i’m going to have a hard time trusting another place, as you might now.
he said he’ll bond the crack for free, which i would expect him to, and i wouldnt even be that mad if it was my back teeth. didn’t mean to sound so harsh/abrasive in my whinepost but damn lol, please man do your job right. i was very cordial with him over text tho bc i didn’t want to jeopardize the repair situation/didn’t know how it would go...
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hexjulia · 1 year
when the future seems like a big abyss
And the very worst is all there is
Remember this stupid rhyme
It's time to check the fucking time!
Still dunno which words rhyme with which
My pronunciation; so deeply amiss
But when your mind is one big whine
It's still time to check the fucking time!
If it's sometime after One
And you wish you had a gun
Instead just close your eyes and sleep
It's really not that fucking deep.
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pipisflytrap · 2 years
You ever get the mood where you're like: "my my would you look at the time. Time to be horrible to people just having fun,"
Cuz I get like that.
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