#whisky tasting sessions
cirrus-ghoulette · 1 year
Ghouls teethe.
It happens for about a month after being summoned.
They're summoned with all their teeth, but no fangs. Those have to grow in over the canines they already have.
This leads to some very pouty ghouls.
Sunshine, the latest summon, is exceptionally pouty about it.
She's very bouncy normally, and when a sibling of sin teaches her to cartwheel, she cartwheels almost everywhere. But this toothache has her curled up in the common room, pouting to herself, her hand over her mouth.
The ghouls try to help.
Mountain gives her his drumsticks to gnaw on (she snaps them almost instantly between her teeth and steals extras from his room when he's not looking).
Aether offers his quintessence, which helps a little. It doesn't seem to alleviate all her pain, however, and it makes her very drowsy.
Cumulus offers a cooling touch, which helps with some of the burn in her gums.
Copia helps in a slightly unorthodox way.
He sees her struggling one practice, constantly running her tongue over her teeth and cupping her hand over her mouth, which really doesn't help with her part as a backup singer.
He walks straight up to her, which is pretty fucking intimidating when you've only been on the earth for two weeks and the Satanic Pope is making a beeline for you.
He looks her over for a moment, then lifts her upper lip with a gloved thumb and tuts at how red and swollen her gums are.
"You are teething, huh?" He asks, to which she nods, her face flushed red in embarrassment. "I see. Join me in my offices after practice, I will help you."
When she joins him in his offices, he has her sit on his lap. For easy access to her mouth, obviously. With one hand, he pours a dram of whisky. With the other, he pets her hair, murmurs soothing words, says that all ghouls go through this and he knows how uncomfortable it must be.
He caps the whisky, then asks her if she's tasted it before. She shakes her head. She's tried beer, and spritzers, and cocktails that Swiss comes up with, but whisky is... Fancy stuff. The ministry is not wasting its alcohol budget in ghouls that have high alcohol tolerances.
He tells her about how this is his favourite, an Aberlour 12, imported from the north of Scotland. You just didn't get good whisky in the States. American whiskey tasted of dishwater to him.
He dips two of his still-gloved fingers in the crystal glass, coating them in a thin layer of the beautifully amber liquid.
Then, he lifts her lip with his thumb, just like he had done in the practice session. He takes his whisky-soaked index finger and slowly swipes it over her gums. The relief is almost instant.
It tingles for a moment, then her gums go numb, and Sunny's almost sobbing in relief. She holds his wrist with her hand, sucks his fingers into her mouth, lathes her tongue over his fingers, fasting the firey flavours mixed with the earthy leather, then begs for more.
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
No One Goes Hungry in this Mansion
Request from anon: Rossi x Daughter!Reader where she has been overworking herself and basically forgot to eat so she almost passes out and he cooks for her?🤍
David Rossi x daughter!reader
Summary: It's rare that anyone living in the Rossi household is hungry, but sometimes work gets in the way. When it does, your dad knows exactly how to fix it.
A/N: I have far too much fun writing rossi!daughter... even the slightly angsty ones are so nice and fluffy and sarcastic and I love it so much. I hope you love it too!
CW: reader forgets to eat, not a lot of Italian in this one (sorry), rossi being the best dad
You sat on the floor of your bedroom with your papers spread out in front of you. Next week there were final exams and to say that you were stressed was an understatement. You had only taken two classes this semester, but you were a TA for a professor that taught three classes and that was far more work. For weeks, you had been running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to keep up with studying and working at the same time.
“Mio passerotta!” You were so focused on organizing and planning the upcoming week that you hadn’t even heard the sound of the door as your dad enter the house. “I’m home!”
“Ciao, papa!” You called, continuing to work on organizing your notes for a study session you were hosting.
Rossi knocked on your door before entering. He looked around the room. “Why does it look like a tree was murdered?”
You rolled your eyes. “Well you can look around for a weapon or a signature but you won’t find one unless printer ink and pencil count.” You put aside the packet of requirements for the study guide you had to make and shoved another stack of notes- this one for your math final- in a different binder.
“Okay, well it’s already past midnight. You should really be asleep.”
With a furrowed brow you looked up at the clock on your wall- you hadn’t noticed how much time had passed.
“Why did you come home so late? Don’t you guys get off at six on Fridays?” You asked your dad.
“Aaron and I went out after work, just to have fun,” Rossi said.
“Let me guess, you went to a single-dads-in-suits meeting?” You smirked.
Rossi rolled his eyes dramatically. “Actually we were at the country club for their bi-annual whisky tasting night.”
“Ah, so an old and rich single-dads-in-suits meeting.”
Your dad sighed. He couldn’t say anything about your sense of humor- you got it from him after all. “Anyway, I just came to say goodnight.” He placed a gentle kiss on top of your head. “Buona notte.”
“Buona notte, papa,” you replied. He closed the door behind him as he left, allowing you to finish your work in silence.
You sighed and looked at all the things you still had to go through. Rossi was right- you did need sleep. But you also had to get this finished. “After I get this done I will go to bed,” you promised yourself. You also knew it wasn’t going to happen.
You woke up to a text from your dad: the team had a case and it looked like they would be gone for a few days. Normally you would be disappointed, seeing as Saturday morning frittata making wouldn’t be happening, but it meant that the mansion would be entirely quiet for 24 hours at the very least which gave you the perfect study environment.
After getting ready for the day, you set your materials up in the living room and got to work. You set off to work through your list one by one in order of priority. Hours into working you managed to put a dent in the tasks you had to do thanks to your dad’s premium coffee maker. You even thought about rewarding yourself with a break after finishing the next chapter in your textbook when you got a call from your friend.
She was in tears, unable to get through one of the problems on the study guide. It was nearly ten o’clock at night, but you agreed to meet her at the library anyway. By the time you left the library your friend was doing far better, though you were exhausted. You grabbed a water bottle and a candy bar from the vending machines, not bothering to look at your phone until you got to your car. It was almost 2 AM. Having put your phone on silent so you didn’t get yelled at by an angry old librarian, you’d missed a midnight text from your dad letting you know the case was going to keep them for at least another day. You sent him a quick text back, telling him to be safe, before driving home.
Not having the energy to walk up the stairs, you made yourself comfortable on the couch for the night. You had one more day of quiet before the week started and things got even more busy, so you decided to allow yourself to sleep a little later than planned- till 8 AM instead of 6 AM. As soon as your alarm was set you were out like a light.
The case didn’t close until Wednesday morning and due to the weather the jet didn’t land until it was dark outside. It had been a rough one- particularly for the parents on the team- and there was nothing more that David Rossi wanted than to hug his daughter. He was thankful to see your car in the driveway when he arrived home.
“(Y/N)!” he called out when he entered the foyer, dropping his go-bag on the floor.
“In here!” you called back.
“Where’s ‘here’?” He imagined you rolling your eyes at his response, but he knew your voice was coming from the dining room.
You were sitting at the head of the mahogany table, switching between writing something on paper and then going back to your laptop. There were textbooks and binders and papers scattered on the table. It was truly a mess.
“Hi, papa,” you greeted him. After what he’d been through the last five days, he was sure that he would look worse than you, but the bags under your eyes were clear evidence that you hadn’t gotten much sleep and the papers told him you were working far too hard. He didn’t need to be a profiler to determine that. “Sorry for the mess. How was the case?”
“I’m glad it’s over.” He put a hand on your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your temple. “Your finals should be over too. Weren’t they both on Monday?”
You sighed heavily. “Yes. I did well on both of them. The students in the class I TA for decided to leave all their questions until the last minute and a few people have questions about the classes I took last semester so I’m still working.”
Rossi looked at your weary eyes and pale complexion, then at the table. There wasn’t an empty glass or crumb-covered plate in sight. “Mio passerotta, when was the last time you ate something?”
“I’m not sure,” you admitted. “A few hours ago?” It was more of a question than an answer.
“Why don’t you take a break?” Rossi said. “I was really looking forward to trying a new recipe for our Sunday frittatas.”
You sighed. “Sounds good.” You rose to your feet, feeling dizzy and unsteady. Your face blanched and your dad caught you before you fell.
“Let’s go lay down,” he said quietly. He guided you to the living room and helped you lay down on the couch. “I’ll be right back. Don’t try to get up.”
All you could do was nod and mumble an “Okay” in response. He came back with a bottle of water and helped you take a sip. After a few minutes you were able to down about half the bottle and sit up, but you continued to rest your head against the couch cushions, still feeling ill.
“Are you okay if I go do something?” Rossi asked you.
“Yeah,” you replied, taking a heavy breath.
“I’ll just be in the kitchen. Just yell if you start to feel worse.”
You nodded and your dad left. You could hear him in the kitchen behind you, his shoes against the flooring as he moved around, the refrigerator door opening and closing, the sizzle of something hitting a hot pan on the stove.
You closed your eyes in an effort to get your head to stop spinning, taking a sip of water when you could manage it.
“Okay.” Your dad came back and sat on the edge of the couch, a plate in his hand. “It’s the new recipe, so I don’t know how good it will be.” He set the plate down on your lap. On it was a perfect frittata, complete with leafy greens and vegetables.
You took a small bite of the dish. Like everything your dad cooked, it tasted like something straight out of a five star restaurant in Italy. You sighed happily and took another bite.
“Good?” Rossi asked.
“So good,” you replied. Your dad began eating his own meal, reminding you to take a sip of water every once in a while.
You finished your dish. The color had come back to your face and you were more aware than before.
“Thanks, papa,” you said.
“Of course.” He smiled at you. “You need to stop working so hard.”
You smiled back at him. “I wonder where I got my work ethic from.”
Rossi sighed. “Well, you need to remember to eat something next time. There should be no such thing as hungry in this house.”
"I thought it was a mansion," you said.
"Then no one goes hungry in this mansion."
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idontknowreallywhy · 1 month
An Eyebrow-Razing Incident?
Part 3
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Virgil may have gone to the dark side…
Admittedly leaving the broken apart kiln open to the elements while he ran back to the villa to announce that The Barbecue would be today, at lunchtime and then not returning to it until after his flight to the mainland for urgent meat supplies was… a tactical error.
One of their frequent three-minute tropical rainstorms had dumped its load on the island in his absence. Perhaps he’d have made it back in time if he hadn’t made a detour to pick up a vat of heavy duty antihistamine cream for his itchy, well, Everything.
As it was, the beautiful black gold was more than a little dampened by the experience and for several minutes, so was its creator.
To add further insult, the devilish little creature, or creatures had even snacked on the skin beneath his eyebrows and ever since desperately rubbing the cream into those the hairs just weren’t lying flat as they should. And that made him itch almost as much as the bites did.
After precisely applying the Jeff Tracy fix to the errant pile of fuel and getting black dust all over his TBTwo-green bootlaces, Virgil got a grip of himself.
Even damp fuel could be persuaded into flame with enough accelerant. The show would go on and nobody need know.
He loaded up a sack of coal and hefted it to his shoulder like a particularly miserly Santa.
It had to be a food grade accelerant, though. Rocket fuel had a certain… tang…to it that even that spray on taste-bud torturer wouldn’t conceal. Grandma would be on to him quick as a flash.
No. He had to be cunning about this. What would Grandpa have done?
Ethanol was flammable…
At high enough concentration anyway, about 80% should do it. Pity none of them were habitual vodka drinkers. Well, maybe only for current purposes.
The craft beer wasn’t strong enough. And Virgil had plans for that which didn’t involve throwing it on a fire.
Gordon’s tropical-flavoured rum collection was more sugar and water than alcohol. Similar story re Alan’s alcopops.
Scott… Scott had whisky. Cask strength. Expensive.
Very expensive.
But also very flammable…
He deposited the sack next to the newly constructed, gas-free, poolside barbecue.
It was a terrible idea. Big brother would kill him if he found out.
But Grandma’s disappointed face would kill him more slowly and painfully.
His heart told him she would forgive him in time and that he should just come clean.
His itchy eyebrows said BURN IT ALL.
He scratched at them again. Three perfect dark hairs came off on his fingertips.
Horrified, he applied more cream then stashed the tub back in his pocket before strolling casually into the house, grabbed a large bottle of cola from the kitchen and sauntered past the rest of his beloved family who were huddled together in the lounge bickering over a notebook of some kind.
So focussed was Virgil on appearing natural he didn’t realise until after he was halfway up the stairs that Gordon had slammed the notebook closed as he’d entered, and had had a look of intense innocence on his face.
And Scott… his bestest big bro Scooter, who had been a fraction slower to achieve the nothing-to-see-here expression, had been clutching a fistful of hundred dollar bills.
Those only ever made an appearance for two reasons:
Either Virgil was missing an 11am poker session, or Gordon was taking bets on whether he was going to pull this off.
And Scott was betting against him.
Virgil wasn’t offended in the slightest. But his eyebrows screamed for vengeance.
Virgil waited for the bickering to recommence before quietly doubling back and sneaking his way into his way into Dad’s office. That was where Scott hid the really good stuff.
Sure enough, in a small cabinet in the corner were four beautifully sculpted glass bottles. Only the smallest amount missing from the first, it didn’t come out often, and so it wasn’t safe to take that one. Instead he eased the bottle from the very back and studied it. It whispered to him in numbers with too many zeros.
Pffft, Mr Billionaire of the Year could afford another when he eventually noticed.
But if Virgil walked past with the ornate bottle he’d notice rather too soon.
He had a plan for that though.
Unfortunately there was no sink in here so Virgil downed one and a half litres of sickly sweet caffeine before inflicting the last quarter on a slightly dry-looking pot plant.
The speed and steadiness with which he decanted the whisky would have earned him a surgical scholarship on the spot.
The glass bottle was returned to the cabinet. The cola bottle was stripped of its paper label and a new one proclaiming “Bessie’s Artisinal All-Natural BBQ lighter fluid” in a somewhat hurried calligraphic script was stuck in its place.
The Perfect Crime.
Next Step: The Perfect Barbecue.
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nightside-of-siberia · 4 months
Headcanons: Harkximoff
Agatha caught feelings first, but didn't act upon them;
Agatha's a lot more chill about their prospective relationship than Wanda initially is, and is willing to wait for Wanda to decide whether or not this is something she wants (see this post here for a general idea of my expanded thoughts on this);
Wanda adores the way that Agatha laughs, but loves the way that she (Agatha) blushes like a schoolgirl/gets all embarrassed afterwards even more;
it took a while for Wanda to notice that Agatha and Agnes has very different body types, and she ended up having to do damage control 'cause pointing this fact out made Agatha a tad insecure about her body;
("wouldn't you have preferred someone younger/skinnier/prettier?" "what?! no! why would you even say such a thing?!");
the first time Wanda sees Agatha without all of her glamours, her reactions is something along the lines of: 😱😍😋;
Agatha gets jealous over people currently trying to get Wanda's attention, while Wanda gets jealous over literally anyone (including people from Agatha's past who are long dead, and are, therefore, no longer a threat);
the closest thing Wanda gets to a sex education (i.e., the shit they made you sit through in school) is Agatha walking her through how to masturbate/use toys (on herself and others)/how sex works in the real world as opposed to her sitcoms (there are many, many demonstrations involved, of course);
Agatha's a night owl, while Wanda likes to get up to watch the sun rise (sometimes, Agatha's still awake from the night before, so they watch day break together before Agatha finally goes to bed);
unless something else has gotten in the way (i.e., a day out in nature, a cooking session, etc.), Agatha tends to smell like wet dirt after a rainstorm and old parchment, with a taste of aged whisky, blueberries and peppercorns, while Wanda tends to smell like a combination of freshly laundered sheets and whoever the fuck it is she's dating at the moment (so, in this relationship, Agatha), with a taste of coffee, cream/dairy as a whole, and strawberries or apples;
Wanda quickly comes to favour the things Agatha makes/grows over every other possible version of the same product (as in, 'made with love' actually has some sort of effect on how the thing tastes/feels, etc.);
they rarely fight, but when they do, it's very explosive;
Wanda loves that Agatha has to wear reading glasses, and this ends up being the reason why they start exploring the world of kink, roleplay and BDSM.
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argumentl · 2 years
Report from Tora no ana, Osaka (2023/03/10)
I had a decent ticket number, so was not so far from the front, I ordered a gari chuhai from Kaoru's special menu, and bought merch after getting inside. Everyone was given two sheets for submitting questions to Kaoru, but most seemed to be using one for submitting and one for keeping.
As far as I could see, I was the only non-asian person there, so possibly the only foreigner???
Kaoru came out at about 19:15 with Fujieda and Takabayashi. Short, black hair, hanging in his eyes a bit, wearing a loose, black, kind of shellsuit jacket, a white tshirt, and tracksuit pants/trousers.
The event was being recorded. From my seat I could clearly see the computer screen of the guy recording the event, so I saw lots of close ups of Kaoru via the screen, as well seeIng him in person.
Kaoru raised a toast to start...joining him for this was one of my life highlights. Audience members were ordering food and drinks for Kaoru and the managers throughout the event. They ended up with far more than they could actually drink. Some quite expensive things too, like Yamazaki whisky etc.
Kaoru said he has been bothered by hayfever. He said when he woke up on Friday morning, his eyes felt swollen.
Kaoru commented on the state of the street outside the venue, it filled up with dodgy looking types as soon as the sun went down. (*It really did*)
After getting settled, the talk got underway, and they started with a recap of the Dir activities of the last year. Starting with the Studio Coast live, and running through to the talk with Hazuki in Nagoya recently.
Fujieda was very enthusiastic talkIng about their visit to the Yamazaki whisky distillery.
Kaoru explained again about how difficult the anniversary tour was for him. He struggled trying to stop his old self emerging during that tour.
About the Hazuki talk, Kaoru had agreed to appear on Hazukitchen with Hazuki, but he said this time that he would not cook. He is happy to appear if all he has to do is eat what Hazuki makes.
The recap of last year lasted until almost 9pm, at which point Kaoru suggested a 10 min toilet break.
Getting back on stage, they got started with Q and A session. Despite having probably about 150 submissions, only a small handful were read out.
I have to start here by saying that MY QUESTION WAS CHOSEN! 🥴😱
I asked if Kaoru has been to see any of the other members' lives. Fujieda read out the question, and then also mentioned my name with it, so I was basically screaming in my head. Anyway, Kaoru answered that he has been to see Sukekiyo once, but thats it. Fujieda asked him if he wanted to see Decays and Seraph, and he replied 'Hmmm....' with an expression that said, 'NO' 🤣
Other questions were:
What type of curry do you like? - He likes many types. The fan who asked the question said she likes green curry. Kaoru likes this too, but said that there are a few members of the band who hate Thai food, which is tough when doing overseas tours, because Thai food is often suggested as an option by overseas staff.
Which Slam Dunk character would make the best lover? From a male viewpoint, and a female viewpoint - Kaoru said, Hanamichi for male, and Mitsu for female. Then he revealed that the white tshirt he was wearing was actually a Mitsui tshirt, he pulled back his jacket to reveal the shirt design underneath.
Which direction does you hair spiral at your crown? - Both managers got up to inspect the crown of Kaoru's head, but couldn't see much of a spiral. Kaoru said that since his hair tends to fall over his right eye, that probably influences which angle its growing from his crown.
What food reminds you of the taste of home? Kaoru says his mum always makes this dish using the fish buri during the first few days of the year.
How do you deal with creative slumps? - Kaoru basically said to embrace slumps as part of your life journey. They are what they are, and they will lead you to your next path eventually.
What is the best souvenir to get in Osaka? - Kaoru was very adamant about this, and his answer was kasu udon. The type that you can buy in a box from Shin Osaka station, and its very delicious apparently. He wouldn't hear of any other souvenir being suggested, is HAS to be this for him.
I think these are the only questions he answered, but the talk continued nevertheless. Other topics of conversation included:
The shops in the vicinity of Tokyo Garden Theatre. Fujieda is very impressed with the giant Daiso (100yen store) and the giant Mujirushi there. He mentioned a few things he likes to buy at Mujirushi, and then Kaoru says he gets his slippers at Mujirushi, especially slippers for summer time use. He gets a pair there every year without fail, and explained them as something fairly similar to this --> ルームサンダル・鼻緒 (google this product with 無印良品)
Kaoru also said he is planning another art exhibition hopefully in summer this year, but it will probably only be in Tokyo. He said he has just recently finished four or five pieces, and he hasnt been writing any new music at all these past few weeks.
Focus moves onto Takabayashi, as he has been fairly quiet. Kaoru says that Takabayashi is one of those people who knows something about everything. Wherever they go, he will be pointing out trivia and facts about everything they see.
Takabayashi said he is no good at talkIng at length, and this reminds them of that Youtube/TFOE combo that he MC'ed for remotely in 2020.
Kaoru said he wants to organise a trip for Tora no ana next year, but maybe somewhere where Dir have never played a live before. Suggestions included Wakayama, Saga, Shimane etc.
When talking about the photo exhibition, Kaoru said that the shot of him looking backwards which was used for that ticket/sticker was him turning to ask the staff, 'Shall we go get something to eat?', but the photographer got a quick shot at that moment.
Fujieda mentioned about Die surprising Shinya at the Seraph event, which Kaoru had no idea about! He asked Fujieda what the event itself was like, and Fujieda explained that Shinya talked a lot. After each song ended, he would say, 'Hai!/OK!' very swiftly, before going on to explain what the next song would be. This had Kaoru CRYING with laughter! He said 'Imagine Kyo screaming the end of a song, and then saying 'Hai!' each time. Kaoru said (while wiping copious tears from his eyes) he might think about going to a Seraph live, just to witness this!
Fujieda said he was having so much fun, he wants to do this kind of event every month. Talk began of how Toshiya is really the only member who doesnt really do this kind of thing, so Kaoru suggested Fujieda to persuade Toshiya to put an event on.
As this month is Toshiya's birthday, Kaoru raised a toast in celebration of Toshiya, and wished him a happy bithday.
A lot more chat about this and that went on in addition to the above, but the event lasted 4 happy hours, which for ¥3500, is not bad at all!
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clatterbane · 10 months
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Getting into the culturally mixed Christmas spirit here! About to put together a bourbon and julmust, because why not.
I pretty much burned myself out on bourbon (and whiskeys in general*) in my teens, after one too many ill-advised drinking sessions where I made myself violently sick off the stuff. But, heading into the holiday season this year, I got the urge to pick up a bottle primarily to use in some fairly traditional festive recipes like bourbon balls. So, we've got a "pint" bottle of some brand I've never tried before.
And now I'm about to try a tot of it in some extremely Swedish pop.
* I also live with a whisky enthusiast. Who has, much to his credit, never tried to get me to drink it with him. Other than taste testing a sip of a couple of liqueurs he made using some of his "good" stuff. (The verdict? Would have been great using something like brandy instead!) Probably also because he recognizes--quite rightly--that it would be wasted on Little Mx. Ghosts of Wild Turkey Poisoning Past here.
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Credit Sony Pictures Home Ent FR @SPHEFR Official Twitter Account. VOD publisher. TV series.
A dram with SH: 🥃 The Unfair Commercial Practices
When promoting (tasting), selling or supplying products in any country of the EU you must give enough accurate information to enable you to make an informed buying decision. If you fail to provide this information. You are in the category of unfair commercial practices: Misleading practices.
Misleading practices, either through action (giving false information) or omission (leaving out important information) such as not reporting that his whisky is not registered in the European Union because the trademark was rejected. In fact, there are obstacles that make it difficult to sell advertise or promote his products in the whole EU and actions contrary may be considered Unfair Commercial Practices.
In certain situations, it is acceptable to invite guests on stage to share their stories, and anecdotes, and engage in Q&A sessions. However, it is not fair to conduct tastings exclusively for average consumers under a rejected and non-registered name. This practice is considered unfair and therefore, it is prohibited in the EU.
Alcoholic beverage promotion in France is regulated by the Evin law. It prohibits promos that incite the public to consume them, and the most cherished dream of its fans is a dram with SH, who served as a waiter to a group of women, charging them €350 per person that included a generic Taylor Swift Friendship Bracelet for Fans, ( SH wore that bracelet during the convention) a little spices bag and a Sassenach dram 🥃 violating the European law 🇪🇺 and French law 🇫🇷 That Is Not a Good Idea!
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All promoting alcoholic beverages must include a preventive health message, regardless of the use: “L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la sant��” ("Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health")
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@25sandrine25 X
It is worrying what some women may think when they do not drink alcohol or do not know how to drink it properly, with a lack of sense of self. In this specific scenario, a fan who was undergoing cancer treatment was present. It is important to keep in mind that consuming alcohol during cancer treatment can have harmful effects and even reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. Additionally, research suggests that women who are long-term cancer survivors may have a higher risk of their cancer returning if they consume alcohol. Despite these risks, SH still encourages women to drink alcohol.
At Landon, some of his fans breached European law and violated the Evin law in France, where the promotion of alcoholic beverages is strictly regulated. They must be so proud, by €350 they allowed themselves to be used for a particular purpose. 🙄
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Posted 17th April 2024
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trustelplan · 2 years
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Meet Me In The Hallway ( Stay The Night )
charles x pierre ( nsfw )
when a simple dinner changes into something ... much different .
WARNINGS : SMUT SMUT SMUT , anal fingering, anal sex , gay sex, blowjob, handjob, d/s ish, gagging
an : based off of the piarles date photo .
𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 , a nice night out between friends. Pierre and Charles, chatting about everything as they ate. Charles wearing some black shirt he'd found after his training session, Pierre in his favorite button up, chest slightly exposed due to one of the buttons being undone. The check had been ordered and dinner payed for by the frenchman, despite Charles's complaining. The two moving to the car hand in hand as Pierre took to the wheel.
" you should have let me pay," Charles spoke after a moment, eyes on the blond. His lips turned downward in a small frown. Nose tinted red from the alcohol.
Pierre laughing, eyes not leaving the road until they came to a red light a moment later. They fell on Charles, filled with adoration for him.
" Don't worry about it chéri...", his words gentle and reassuring.
Pierre's crush on the Monegasque was undeniable, and maybe it was the blush, maybe it was the tight shirt but god he wanted to kiss him.
" if you'd like, theres a way you can make it up to me." his mouth moving before he could tell it to shut up. Hands gripped the wheel tighter, body tensing even though Charles didn't know what he meant, there was still time, he could play it off if he wanted to.
" Yeah?" Charles's gaze trained on Pierre , never moving. He held a feeling for his friend, it was a feeling he couldn't describe. He loved Pierre, but he didn't want to be his friend... he wanted something else, something more. He would never tell Pierre, it was just a stupid feeling. he looked away, waiting for the request. Oblivious to the pounding heart that ached for him and him alone.
' I want to kiss you'
' please kiss me '
' I want you Charles, I want you bad'
nothing sounded good enough, nothing sounded right. He was at a loss for words, and his heart refused to let him back down.
" Meet me in the hallway? Midnight, I'll tell you then." Pierre forced out, his voice calm, knuckles white from how they gripped the wheel. He relaxed only once he heard the soft ' okay' leave the brunette's lips .
The men left each other once they got to the hotel, doing as they wished until it was time. Charles stood outside Pierre's hotel room, waiting for Pierre to join him. This seemed ridiculous, some stupid favor for dinner leading to a meetup at a time when they should've been asleep. He focused on the watch on his wrist, he was on time, yet Pierre wasn't there.
it was 12:05 when Pierre finally made an appearance. Charles opening his mouth to speak, only to get cut off.
" I want to kiss you"
The words hanging in the air for a solid moment, tension palpable, wide hazel eyes staring up into blue ones.
Charles spoke first
" do it,"
a whisper, that was all it took before he felt them.
Pierre's lips on his, whisky flavored... addicting.
Flighting for control, lost in each others embrace. Hands gripping at each other, no care to keep their volume low. Parting only when the ice in their lungs became too much to bear
Pierre spoke first , in a low whisper
" stay the night" his words causing Charles to bite back a moan.
Handing Pierre the card for his room, the door right there. The taller of the two pulling them in. door slamming shut and Charles was pushed up against it. Lips caught in another kiss, their eyes shut. Charles tasted of vanilla and god it was irresistible. Pierre found the lock after a moment of fumbling and shut it, finally pulling away. His eyes traveling down his best friend's body.
" Pierrot, pear... pear please" the words came breathily and his eyes returned to Charles's face.
" I know chéri , I know, you've been waiting for me, right?" he smiled, thumb tracing Charles's swollen lips. Mouth parting as his finger was accepted into Charles's mouth, " So, needy calamar" Pierre pulled the hand off, being met with a whine. His cock twitching in his pants, and one look at Charles and he knew that the man felt the same way.
" Sit on the bed, " He said
Pierre stepped out of Charles's way, tugging him forward to get him to understand. Watching his best friend walk forward and sit down, Pierre followed, standing in front of him. He ran his hand through Charles's hair, tugging and forcing him to look up. " You okay to suck me off baby?" he spoke , chuckling as Charles's mouth opened, tongue out. He would, he'd do anything for his best friend... the man he secretly loved.
Pierre undid his belt, taking his shirt off too. Hands leaving Charles's head to unzip his jeans only to find Charles fumbling with them first, he watched in amusement as his jeans were pulled down. The smile was immediately replaced with a groan.
" fuck, Charles-"
his eyes met with the brunette mouthing at his clothed length. Pierre using his hair to tug him away again,  " 'M gonna cum if you keep doing that" he spoke, hearing a soft whimper from the man under him.
Pierre pushing his boxers down, letting his hard dick out, positioning it at Charles's mouth
" There you are chéri, easy" he spoke, droplets of precum dripping onto Charles's tongue as he led his mouth onto the cock. He let go of Charles, watching him trying to do as told... go slow. Taking him in all the way, feeling Pierre's tip hit the back of his throat, causing him to gag around the length. Pierre pulled his head back to make it easier, words of encouragement fell without a thought.
" Such a good boy for me Charles, so good" he groaned, wiping the tears off of Charles's face. The moan that left Charles caused him to groan, vibrations he felt up his whole body. Charles heard the groan and grew desperate, speeding up his movements, moaning helplessly every time he felt the cock hit the back of his throat. Pulling off only to jerk Pierre off, allowing the precum to drip onto his face.
Charles's movements sped up, " Come on Pear, come on, come on me" he spoke, holding his mouth open when he knew Pierre was reaching his peak. The cock being pushed into his mouth as Pierre came, Charles taking it happily. Gagging on the thick liquid that squeezed itself out of his mouth, on his lips and chin. His own dick straining against his pants , his face red and messy with spit, tears and cum.
" So good, so good fuck , " Pierre pushed him back making room to sit between his legs. Fingers wiping away his tears before Pierre leaned down and kissed him. Swallowing the loud moan that left Charles. The noise went right to his dick, starting to harden once more.
Charles kicking off the rest of his clothes as best he could. Pierre's hand wrapping around his leaking cock, pulling away only when he realized just how wet it was. Charles' hips bucked up into his hand, attempting to find some friction. That was until he felt a slap to his leg, " Bad boy, " the frenchman hissed.
" Pear I want , I want you please, I'll be a good boy" he cried out, sat back on his elbows. Looking at Pierre with a pleading expression. Eyes rolling back at the feeling of two wet fingers pushing into him. Pierre going slow until he was sure it wasn't hurting Charles, fingers wet enough to allow him to loosen him enough to fuck .
" I'm okay- please- god , fuck! fuck me!" wantonly moaning at the feeling of being fingered. A loud whine left Charles when the fingers were pulled away.
" Shh, baby stop, i'm going to fuck you now" Pierre spoke softly , running his fingers down Charles' jaw. " I'm going to fuck you.. lay back" he hushed, pushing Charles to the center of the bed. Laying his head on a pillow.
Pierre's cock slowly pressed past his ring of muscles , filling the younger man up. Charles' arms finding his biceps, holding on as a choked sob left him. " Putain- Pierre!" the Monegasque clawing at his arms.
" Shh, Charlo... we have to be quiet" Pierre spoke as he rocked his hips against Charles, pushing his fingers into his mouth. " unfortunately , no one else wants to hear you being a slut for me. " he pressed kisses to the bottom's jaw. It took a few minutes to escalate, Pierre fucking him down into the bed. Watching amusedly as Charles's eyes looked away dazed, drool covering his chin and cheeks. Lazily sucking on Pierre's fingers, the soft moans muffled by Pierre's fingers, further drowned out by the comments that were bitten into his skin.
Pierre chuckled as he wrapped his hand around Charles' hard dick, pumping him until he came. Charles shaking as cum spilling all over Pierre's hand. A choked moan of ' Pear' leaving him when his partner removed the fingers from his mouth.
A satisfied sigh escaped him when Pierre came into him, smiling at the groan he heard.
His fingers ran through the blond waves, pulling him down into a kiss,
" Stay the night?" he asked , twirling Pierre's hair between his fingers
" Of course."
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kimarisgundam · 5 months
I like watching my friend RP as Exec cos it's so funny 🤣
It's like watching someone who usually has a very hot-headed and out spoken personality type try to act like a stone cold professional corpo 🤣
When our party does something really dumb/frustrating (that's like 80% of our session), my friend always accidentally breaks character 🤣
So Exec can go from like:
"are you challenged me? *condescending look* *I'm better than you peasants look*"
"EVERYONE SHUT THE F### UP! I SAID SHUT YOUR HOE ASS MOUTH >:U *losing his crap* *about to get into a bar fight*"
My friend head canons Exec as this super intelligent, cunning, and refined corpo guy with good taste in suits and nicely styled hair that sits in a VIP lounge sipping expensive whisky
The rest of the party (and our DM 🤣) kinda head canons him as all of that ^
BUT only when he's working or in public 🤣
We like to think when he's not working, he's actually dishevelled, with a five o'clock shadow, wearing street clothes and drinking moonshine 🤣
And he isn't as refines as he likes to think he is cos you can take a street kid out of the streets, but you can't take the street out of a street kid 🤣
Unlike my Netrunner, Exec was from the streets. He clawed his way up Arasaka (I mean, he "quit" and is a fixer now) but he can't fully hide his past self 🤣
As my Netrunner, I love saying "careful, your inner street rat is showing" and watch my friend/Exec lose his cool 🤣
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charlesandmartine · 2 years
Thursday 2nd February 2023
We woke again to grey skies and precipitation like someone chucking buckets of water at the rolling ship. Ovation is now homeward bound for Sydney and somewhere in the Tasman Sea. The waiter said it's always like this right here. Exactly where 'right here' is seems to assume an accuracy not possible without some form of satellite assistance. However, the waiter clearly knows best and I must bow to this superior assessment. I would have thought the captain might look for a better route if this one is that predictable. I think he's spending too much time working out the playlists for the onboard music to worry too much about routes. Hey ho. They locked the upper deck doors this morning preventing any brave soul or looney from exercising on the running track. Quite right, you'd be shark fodder before you knew it, but didn't they also do that on Titanic? Martine had a swim even so, although the pool was swaying about so much she could have gone surfing. The water was swishing back and forth like panning for gold. I went to the gym essentially to go on the running machine but decided fast walking was preferable due to the need for desperate hanging onto the sides of the equipment. Then a hearty seafarers breakfast. Copious amounts of smoked salmon, bacon, fried eggs, tomato and roast potatoes. Quite modest compared to some I'd say. Well, we are back in Sydney on Saturday and we will be back on a very strict diet of rubbery chicken.
A sloppy day book reading and ice creams. Then another session in the gym this arvo. A day at sea is an interesting time as it is an opportunity to judge the way others are happy to spend prescious hours of their lives. So on board there was bingo, trivia quizzes, game show, whisky tasting, karaoke and LGBTQ meet and greet. (lovely). Hidi Hi.
The sea has calmed slightly although we are still swaying a fair bit. I didn't have the soup. The staff sensing there is little time remaining to push the guests over the line to score ten out of ten for service are now desperately telling us the correct answer to 'how would you rate the service on board?'
And so to the second and last formal dinner onboard in 'Silk' restaurant and our penultimate evening meal aboard. We have noticed that the numbers now wearing the full attire; long ball gown dresses and tuxedos, is very much in the decendence. With further travel post-cruise it was unrealistic for us to bring and wear the full kit and caboodle, but we did our best to look presentable. Martine looked very good in her frock, however I have to say some others could have made more effort. Then to the show which was a tribute to the Helen Reddy story and it was quite good, followed by a coffee in the Promenade Cafe at which the star of the show was a small child who threw up at the table next to us. The pizza he had been eating shared the top spot.
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zaynah-studies · 26 days
Adrenaline-Fueled Adventure: Bucks Party in Sydney
For those looking to kick off a bucks party in Sydney with a burst of excitement, an adrenaline-fueled adventure is the perfect choice. Sydney offers a plethora of heart-pounding activities that are sure to get everyone’s blood pumping. Start the day with a skydiving experience, where the groom and his mates can leap from a plane and take in breathtaking views of the city and coastline as they freefall towards the ground. For those who prefer to keep their feet on the ground, a high-speed jet boat ride around Sydney Harbour is an equally thrilling option. These boats reach incredible speeds, performing spins, slides, and power stops that will have everyone laughing and cheering. After the rush of the morning, the group can unwind with a leisurely lunch at one of Sydney’s waterfront restaurants, where they can recount the day’s adventures over delicious food and drinks. To keep the energy high, follow up with an afternoon of go-kart racing, where the group can indulge in some friendly competition as they zoom around the track. Finish the day with a sunset climb of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, offering the group a unique perspective of the city as the sun dips below the horizon.
Bucks Party in Sydney: A Whiskey Tasting Experience
A whiskey tasting experience adds a touch of sophistication to a bucks party in Sydney. Sydney boasts several venues where you can enjoy a guided tasting session, learning about the different types of whiskey, how they’re made, and the best ways to enjoy them. Some venues even offer private tasting rooms where your group can sample rare and exclusive whiskies in an intimate setting. Pair the tasting with a selection of gourmet snacks or a cigar lounge for an added layer of luxury. A whiskey tasting is a refined way to celebrate and bond during a bucks party in Sydney.
Private Poker Night for a Bucks Party in Sydney
A private poker night is a great way to bring some friendly competition to a bucks party in Sydney. Rent a luxury apartment or book a private room at a venue where you can set up a poker table, complete with professional dealers and all the necessary equipment. Provide drinks and snacks to keep the energy high as the group competes for bragging rights. Whether you’re seasoned players or beginners, a poker night offers a fun and engaging way to spend the evening, combining strategy, luck, and camaraderie during a bucks party in Sydney.
Bucks Party in Sydney: A Day at the Races
A day at the races is a classic way to celebrate a bucks party in Sydney, offering the thrill of horse racing combined with the opportunity to dress up and enjoy a day of luxury. Sydney’s racecourses, such as Royal Randwick, provide the perfect setting for a day out with the boys. Book a private box or a hospitality suite where you can enjoy gourmet food, drinks, and prime views of the track. Place your bets and cheer on your favorites as the excitement builds throughout the day. A day at the races adds a touch of elegance and excitement to any bucks party in Sydney.
Bucks Party in Sydney: Brewery Tour and Beer Tasting
For beer lovers, a brewery tour and beer tasting is a must-do activity for a bucks party in Sydney. Sydney is home to several craft breweries, each offering a unique selection of beers to sample. Arrange a guided tour where the group can learn about the brewing process, meet the brewers, and enjoy tasting sessions. Many breweries also offer food pairings, such as gourmet burgers or wood-fired pizzas, to complement the beers. A brewery tour is a relaxed and enjoyable way to spend the day, offering both education and indulgence during a bucks party in Sydney.
Planning a Surprise Bucks Party in Sydney
Organizing a surprise bucks party in Sydney adds an extra element of excitement and anticipation to the celebration. Start by secretly gathering information about the groom’s preferences and interests, then plan an itinerary that caters to his tastes. Whether it’s a day of adventure, a night of luxury, or a combination of both, the key to a successful surprise party is keeping the details under wraps until the big reveal. Coordinate with the rest of the group to ensure everything goes smoothly, and be prepared to capture the groom’s reaction when the surprise is finally unveiled during the bucks party in Sydney.
Bucks Party in Sydney: A Golfing Getaway
A golfing getaway is a sophisticated and enjoyable option for a bucks party in Sydney. Sydney and its surrounding areas offer several world-class golf courses, where the group can spend the day playing a few rounds in a beautiful setting. Some courses also offer packages that include golf carts, equipment rental, and post-game drinks or meals. For those who want to extend the celebration, consider booking a weekend stay at a golf resort, complete with spa treatments and fine dining. A golfing getaway provides a perfect balance of relaxation and sport, making it an ideal choice for a bucks party in Sydney.
Bucks Party in Sydney: The Art of Cocktail Making
Learning the art of cocktail making is a fun and interactive way to celebrate a bucks party in Sydney. Many of Sydney’s top bars and mixology schools offer private cocktail-making classes where the group can learn how to create classic and contemporary cocktails. Under the guidance of a professional mixologist, participants can experiment with different ingredients, techniques, and presentations, culminating in a friendly competition to see who can craft the best drink. This hands-on experience not only provides entertainment but also gives everyone a new skill to take home. A cocktail-making class adds a creative and stylish touch to any bucks party in Sydney.
When it comes to celebrating a bucks party in Sydney, the options are as varied as they are exciting. Whether your group prefers adrenaline-fueled adventures, laid-back relaxation, or a mix of both, Sydney provides the perfect setting for an unforgettable day. By selecting activities that reflect the groom’s personality and preferences, you can ensure a celebration that is truly special. The blend of Sydney’s natural beauty, world-class venues, and unique experiences makes it an ideal destination for a memorable bucks party. Whatever you choose, a bucks party in Sydney promises to be a day filled with fun, laughter, and lifelong memories.
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Adventure-Packed Bucks Party in Sydney: From Daylight Thrills to Nighttime Fun
For those who crave adventure, a bucks party in Sydney offers a perfect blend of excitement and entertainment. Start the day with a high-energy activity, like a morning of surfing at Bond i Beach or a thrilling jet boating experience on Sydney Harbour. These activities not only provide an adrenaline rush but also allow the group to enjoy some of Sydney’s most beautiful outdoor locations. If the groom is a fan of heights, consider adding a bridge climb or skydiving session to the itinerary, offering breathtaking views of the city and memories that will last a lifetime. After an action-packed day, transition into the evening with a more relaxed yet equally engaging activity. A brewery tour is an excellent way to unwind, giving the group a chance to taste some of Sydney’s finest craft beers while learning about the brewing process. As night falls, Sydney’s nightlife comes alive, providing endless options for continuing the celebration. Whether you opt for a laid-back evening at a rooftop bar with stunning views or dive into the heart of Sydney’s club scene, the night is yours to shape.
Skydiving Adventure for an Unforgettable Bucks Party in Sydney
For a truly unforgettable experience, start your bucks party in Sydney with a skydiving adventure. Take the plunge and enjoy breathtaking views of Sydney’s stunning landscapes as you freefall from the sky. This heart-pounding activity is sure to be a highlight of the day, providing a shared experience that the groom and his friends will never forget.
Comedy Club Night for a Hilarious Bucks Party in Sydney
If laughter is the best medicine, then a night at a comedy club is the perfect remedy for your bucks party in Sydney. Book a table at one of Sydney’s top comedy clubs, where you can enjoy a night of stand-up performances and hilarious acts. This option guarantees a fun-filled evening with plenty of laughs, making it an ideal choice for a light-hearted bucks party in Sydney.
Whisky Tasting for a Refined Bucks Party in Sydney
For a bucks party in Sydney with a touch of class, organize a whisky tasting session. Visit a premium bar or hire a whisky expert to guide the groom and his friends through a tasting of some of the finest whiskies available. Learn about the different types, flavors, and origins of whiskies while enjoying a sophisticated and relaxed atmosphere. This activity adds an element of refinement to your bucks party in Sydney.
Cigar Bar Experience for a Classic Bucks Party in Sydney
Step back in time with a classic cigar bar experience as part of your bucks party in Sydney. Sydney has several exclusive venues where you can enjoy a selection of premium cigars paired with fine spirits. This activity offers a laid-back and sophisticated setting, perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life. A cigar bar experience is an excellent way to add a touch of elegance to your bucks party in Sydney.
Beach Bonfire for a Laid-Back Bucks Party in Sydney
For a relaxed and intimate celebration, consider organizing a beach bonfire as part of your bucks party in Sydney. Choose one of Sydney’s beautiful beaches, where you can set up a bonfire, roast marshmallows, and enjoy drinks under the stars. This laid-back option is perfect for a group looking to unwind and enjoy each other’s company in a serene and natural setting, making it a memorable way to celebrate a bucks party in Sydney.
Cocktail Making Class for an Interactive Bucks Party in Sydney
Learn the art of mixology with a cocktail-making class as part of your bucks party in Sydney. This hands-on activity allows you and the groom’s friends to learn how to make and enjoy a variety of cocktails under the guidance of a professional mixologist. Not only is it fun and interactive, but it also gives you the chance to enjoy your creations afterward. A cocktail-making class adds a creative twist to your bucks party in Sydney.
Outdoor BBQ for a Casual Bucks Party in Sydney
A classic outdoor BBQ is a great way to celebrate a bucks party in Sydney. Choose a picturesque park or beach location where you can set up a grill, cook up some delicious food, and enjoy cold beers with the groom and his friends. This casual and relaxed option is perfect for a daytime celebration, offering a laid-back atmosphere where everyone can enjoy good food and great company as part of your bucks party in Sydney.
A bucks party in Sydney is more than just a night out; it’s an opportunity to celebrate friendship, create lasting memories, and honor the groom’s journey to marriage. From thrilling adventures to refined experiences, Sydney offers endless possibilities to craft the perfect celebration. By choosing activities that resonate with the groom’s interests and adding personal touches, you can ensure that this special occasion is not only enjoyable but also truly meaningful. Whatever the plan, a bucks party in Sydney is sure to be a highlight that everyone will remember fondly for years to come.
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spiritsrituals · 2 months
Whisky Ambassador of India
India's love for whisky is deep-rooted, with a rich history and a growing appreciation for fine spirits. At the heart of this whisky revolution stands Spirits and Rituals, the premier whisky ambassador of India, dedicated to promoting the culture, appreciation, and enjoyment of whisky across the nation.
The Role of Spirits and Rituals
Promoting Whisky Culture:
Spirits and Rituals is committed to fostering a deep appreciation for whisky in India. Through educational programs, tasting events, and cultural promotions, we aim to elevate the understanding and enjoyment of whisky among enthusiasts and novices alike.
Educational Initiatives:
Our educational initiatives include whisky tasting sessions, masterclasses, and workshops led by experts. These programs are designed to educate participants about the intricacies of whisky production, the art of tasting, and the history behind different whisky brands. By enhancing knowledge, we help whisky lovers appreciate the nuances and craftsmanship that go into every bottle.
Exclusive Events:
Spirits and Rituals organizes exclusive whisky events, bringing together connoisseurs and industry professionals. These events offer a unique opportunity to sample rare and premium whiskies, learn from master distillers, and engage in discussions about the future of whisky in India. Our events are tailored to create memorable experiences that celebrate the richness of whisky culture.
Brand Partnerships:
We collaborate with leading whisky brands from around the world to bring their finest offerings to the Indian market. Through strategic partnerships, we ensure that our audience has access to a diverse range of whiskies, from renowned Scotch whiskies to emerging Indian brands. Our goal is to introduce Indian consumers to the best the whisky world has to offer.
Marketing and Promotion:
As the whisky ambassador of India, Spirits and Rituals plays a crucial role in the marketing and promotion of whisky brands. Our marketing strategies are designed to highlight the unique qualities of each brand, creating compelling narratives that resonate with Indian consumers. From social media campaigns to influencer collaborations, we leverage various channels to build brand awareness and loyalty.
Our Impact on the Whisky Scene in India
Raising Standards: By promoting high-quality whiskies and educating consumers, Spirits and Rituals is raising the standards of whisky consumption in India. We advocate for responsible drinking and a sophisticated approach to enjoying whisky.
Expanding Horizons: Our efforts are not limited to traditional whisky markets. We aim to expand the reach of whisky culture to new regions and demographics, making fine whisky accessible to a broader audience.
Supporting Local Distilleries: While we bring international brands to India, we also support local distilleries by promoting their products and helping them gain recognition. Our platform provides a launchpad for Indian whisky brands to reach a wider audience.
Spirits and Rituals is more than just a whisky ambassador; we are the custodians of a growing whisky culture in India. Our dedication to education, promotion, and celebration of whisky has made us a trusted name among enthusiasts and industry professionals. Whether you are a seasoned connoisseur or a curious beginner, Spirits and Rituals invites you to join us in exploring the rich and diverse world of whisky. Together, we can raise a glass to the spirit of whisky in India.
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deandreraden · 6 months
Round off your trip with a visit to the world’s largest collection of Scotch whisky, housed in the museum’s impressive vaults, before indulging in a traditional Scottish whisky-tasting session. You can even take this idea on the road and look into ‘motorhome hire Edinburgh’ in your fave search engine, so you can travel freely to see all the distilleries around the Highlands.
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bentleighwinestore · 6 months
Uncorking Tradition: Exploring Bentleigh Wine Store
In the heart of Bentleigh East, Australia, lies a hidden gem cherished by locals and visitors alike - the Bentleigh Wine Store. Nestled within this suburban community, this family-owned liquor store stands as a testament to tradition, quality, and a passion for fine beverages. With its extensive collection of beer, wine, and spirits, Bentleigh Wine Store has become a beloved destination for connoisseurs and casual enthusiasts alike.
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A Family Legacy:
Bentleigh Wine Store is not just a business; it's a legacy that has been passed down through generations. Founded several decades ago by the passionate wine aficionado, Peter Smith, the store has remained in the family ever since. Today, Peter's son, David, along with his wife Sarah, manages the store, carrying forward the vision and dedication instilled by Peter.
Quality Selection:
Step inside Bentleigh Wine Store, and you'll be greeted by shelves adorned with an impressive array of beverages sourced from local and international producers. Whether you're in search of a robust red wine, a crisp craft beer, or a smooth whisky, this store has something to satisfy every palate.
Their wine selection is particularly noteworthy, boasting a curated assortment ranging from iconic Australian labels to rare finds from renowned vineyards across the globe. With the guidance of their knowledgeable staff, customers can explore new varietals or find the perfect accompaniment to any occasion.
Community Connection:
Beyond its role as a purveyor of fine beverages, Bentleigh Wine Store serves as a hub for community engagement. Regular tastings, events, and educational sessions are hosted to foster a sense of camaraderie among patrons and to share the love for all things wine, beer, and spirits. Whether it's a wine appreciation night or a whisky tasting workshop, these events provide an opportunity for enthusiasts to connect, learn, and celebrate their shared passion.
Moreover, the store actively supports local producers and suppliers, showcasing the rich diversity of Australia's beverage industry. By championing these artisans, Bentleigh Wine Store not only ensures a diverse selection for its customers but also contributes to the vitality of the local economy.
Commitment to Excellence:
At Bentleigh Wine Store, excellence is not just a goal; it's a way of life. From the meticulous curation of products to the personalized service offered to every customer, the commitment to quality permeates every aspect of the store's operations. Whether you're a seasoned sommelier or a novice enthusiast, you can expect nothing less than the finest experience when you walk through their doors.
Moreover, the dedication to excellence extends to sustainability and responsible consumption. The store actively seeks out environmentally conscious producers and practices, ensuring that every bottle sold upholds ethical and eco-friendly standards.
Contact - Website - https://bentleighwinestore.com.au/ Email - [email protected] Ph - 03 9579 4448
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sohannabarberaesque · 7 months
So a Brooklyn alley cat meets a Scottish such and--
Oh, for the nights in Hollywood's residential quarters, which may not seem as lively as around Hollywood and Vine (especially in her back alleys), when Fancy-Fancy, the Don Juan from Top Cat's clowder (and proud of it), can be out on his feline lovemaking rounds.
Which, this time, is on a somewhat rainy evening, explaining why the pavement was on the damp side of things and reflected as much via the streetlights, yet still Fancy-Fancy, rakish though he seemed, couldn't resist as unlikely a feline companion for the night as a Scottish fold somehow let out for the night all the more considering that the queen was on heat and needed to be kept out in the mind of its owner to avoid possible issues inside the house.
"And what have we here?" was Fancy-Fancy's remark in that Cary Grant goloss making his presence.
To which the queen, in a rather thick Glaswegian accent, responded, "And ye think we Scots lassies have it all easy--!!" Her scent of heat was enough to send Fancy-Fancy into a sort of feline heaven as arousal on his end became somewhat blatant.
"Ye ever hear o' haggis?" asked the queen.
"So, my gal," Fancy-Fancy observed, "what exactly IS haggis?"
"Oatmeal boiled in sheep guts. Traditional Scots dish." (Driving Our Bhoy a little bit repulsed and sick to his stomach for want of prior knowledge about haggis, to begin with.) "And they dinnae call me Haggis fae nothin'!"
"Is that really your name, my gal--Haggis?" asked Fancy-Fancy out of the inevitable curiosity.
"How many cats dae ye know of as have haggis as much as ye kind would ha' fish, almost as if it were Saint Andrew's Day?"
"Apologies, my gal, for throwing up just now when the intention was more or less making--"
"I knew ye were assuming love ... which, back in Scotland, can seem tae be about the best alternative tae drinkin' whisky or Irn-Bru all the dark and lonely night. Did ye know that up in the Highlands and Islands, winter nights can tend to start as early as 2:30 in tae afternoon?"
But at any rate, what passion could be found with a Brooklyn-bred alley cat in the throes of sexual curiosity with a Scottish fold of the Southern Californian persuasion in the depths of a misty SoCal evening ... and after about the third session in the evening, which saw Fancy-Fancy feeling a bit tired through relaxed--
"Wait here, ye sex-hungry lad ..."
And before long, Haggis brought out a couple cans of the auld Irn-Bru to wind down the whole. Prompting Fancy-Fancy to wonder whence came the name "Irn-Bru," to begin with, even if the taste was a little on the orange side ... and prompting Fancy-Fancy to recall his night of passion with a Maine Coon as ended with some Moxie, which had Haggis recoiling somewhat when Fancy-Fancy explained that some have compared Moxie's taste to cough syrup.
"And they still say Irn-Bru is an acquired taste!"
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