#white hair also means stupid shithead
crushingjaws · 2 years
white haired pee pee poo poo boys 
reblog if agree
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kiruamon · 1 year
Prison AU 2
Like promised the second part of this au!:D
Let's start with Oz's first day in prison!
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"Hey dipshit! Listen carefully. From today, you are mine. I can do whatever I want with you. That means if I say jump, you jump. If I need a punching bag or a doormat, you'll gladly taking it. No complaints. Or else you'll be really sorry. Do you understand me?"
Too afraid to raise his voice, Oz just nodded as he silently hoped to survive the next 24 hours.
Well Oz survived his first days in prison, but things were still rough.
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"Out of my way diphead!"
Without further warning, Oz was pushed out of the way by Damien and landed face-first on the floor. So this was how the rest of his future would look during his stay here? … Great… He'd probably better get used to it quickly.
Aaaand a scenario I already mentioned in part 1!
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"So. Say. Why did they bust you here? Tax fraud? Pickpocketing? Run a red light?"
"… lack of a surname," Oz answered hesitantly, not daring to move even an inch as long as the demon was still resting his elbows on him.
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Silence followed his answer.
"Pfffh. Kekekekeke! You can't be fucking serious! That's the most idiotic thing I've heard since Dave from cell 7 tried to flush himself down the toilet to escape! Spoiler. It didn't work."
It is unavoidable that Oz encounters the other prisoners from time to time which aren't the nicest company there is. And in times like these, Oz is pretty thankful that Damien is keeping an eye on him.
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"W-why… did you… help me?"
"It's obvious, isn't it? If any of these shitheads mess with my property, I have to show them their place. Simple as that. Plus, I really can't stand those fuckers."
"O-Ooooh… "
"What's with the long face all of a sudden? Did you thought… Urgh! Whatever! Listen. If you don't want any trouble with the others, just stay close to me."
"O-okay… "
Over time Oz becomes a bit braver when interacting with a certain spicy red adult. Damien on the other hand is not sure what to think of that.
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"Hey! Hey! What are you doing? Stop touching me!"
It must had been ages since anyone had last touched him without the intention of ramming a fist into his face or stomach. Damien was almost about to push the guy away, but damn, feeling the cool hand gently stroking his forehead and head actually felt goo- no! No it didn't! Fuck was that irritating!
"Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to… ", Oz stammered, before withdrawing his hand in a hurry. "I… was… just wondering what… what kind of face you're making," but just touching Damien to brush the demon's hair aside without first asking him was - of course - going too far and… And… Damien looked less angry than he had expected. Rather confused than angry. And… why were both his cheeks and the tips of his ears so pink? How strange. Could it be tha-
But before Oz could finish his thought, Damien suddenly screamed so loudly that it made him jump. With noisy steps, the demon stomped away to the corner of the cell farthest from him, crouched down and scowled at him through his long hair. … okay, yeah, nevermind his stupid hunch, he would be dead by tomorrow for sure.
Oz suggests Damien to braid his hair. Damien can't bring himself to say no to him, even if he doesn't understand why. Could be because of the noob's stupid and all sparkly white eyes when Oz suggests his idea to him.
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"They're so long."
"Hadn't got much of a choice. The fuckers don't give me scissors or other sharp stuff. Otherwise I would have shortened it long ago."
"For real? … And yet you take such good care of it." Oz thought Damien's long hair looked lovely. But maybe he shouldn't say that out loud.
"Oh, shut up," Damien grumbled, before he muttered more quietly to himself: "… why do I even let you have your way with me?"
With Damien being the troublemaker that he is, and despite being a great brawler even the prince of hell sometimes gets into fights that are too much for him alone to handle. Also: Oz can be surprisingly protective when necessary.
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"Stay away! Not one step closer! This is your last warning."
"… very well… If this is your final decision, I won't hold back any longer."
After Damien was patched up Oz was more than a little relieved to see him back in their cell.
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"I-I… I'm so… so glad you're b-better again!" sobbed the giant noob in front of him so badly that Damien had a hard time understanding the exact words, while big tears rolled endlessly down his cellmate's cheeks.
What the fuck was going on? How was he supposed to deal with this? He wasn't used to someone bursting into fucking tears over him! At least not like this. Why… why did the noob even cared about him… ?
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"Stop whining already! It wasn't even that big of a deal." Seriously. A big guy like that, and then such a crybaby.
But maybe he deserved some praise. Just this once.
"You know. For being such a coward, you didn't fight too bad." Damn was it hard to reach for Oz's head! But with a little stretching Damien somehow managed to pat his head.
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"No need to look so surprised. If necessary, even I can express a little gratitude."
Let's say... after that they become more comefortable around each other.
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Yeah, not much to say about this sketch. Just some hand holding while sleeping.<3
Also, there was that weird day when Oz accidentally got some changing clothes in the wrong size and instead of walking around with a top that was too small to fit, he decided to shrink himself a bit.
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"Wait. What… no, wait… huh? What the heck is going on with you? Why are you suddenly so… so… small? Did they wash you too hot or…?" What kind of absurd game was being played here?
"Haha… haaaah… sorry... I probably should have mentioned it sooner. I guess you could say that I… that I can change my appearance? At least to some extent? Sort of. Oh my, this has gotten really weird… "
Oz loves Damien's fluffy hair. Very much.
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"Argh! I said you can touch it, not that you can use it as your fucking pillow!"
"Just one more minute, please! It's soooo soft~ " He could do that all day if Damien would let him!
It kind of became a habit. Which gradually lessened Damien's loud protests.
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Damien: *just thinking* //He is doing it again! I have to do something about this! Now! ... okay, maybe five more minutes. But then... then... urgh... When did the Noob become so bold? Or did I lost my spite? Nah, can't be.//
And there are these days when Damien just needs someone to listen to him and is very grateful for Oz being there.
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"I hate this place." "I hate not having a way out." "I hate all these stupid assholes who think they can do whatever they want to me." "I'm Damien fucking LaVey! Not some little gangster." "I hate that I've been stuck in this fucking shithole for two years without knowing how my dads are doing…. " "I hate that I can't stop wondering if they even remember me… "
"I'm sure they do," Oz replied more confidently than he perhaps should be. But after everything he'd already heard from Damien about his parents, it just had to be the case. For several days now, his mind had been rattling. Various ideas, which promised a chance of escape. For his new friend. There was no way he would leave Damien alone in this prison. Never.
Sometimes Oz will ask Damien for a little favor.
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"And it's truly no problem?"
"Nah. And at least like this, I get the chance to tower over you for a while."
What a relief. He just missed the contact with his friends. Hugging them or just sitting comfortably together with them. So he was glad that Damien understood and fulfilled his surely weird request without much questions. It simply felt good to be held in his arms. To feel some warmth. Oz was glad for having Damien by his side. And not simply as a substitute for his friends. Over time, he had really grown to like the arson-loving prince. A soft chuckle escaped his mind. "Yeah, right. Thanks Damien~"
"No more thanks. I get it. Sometimes you just need a little closeness."
Yeah, that was true.
Aaaand for the finish. Damien finally gets his revenge on Oz! Wait. What?
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"Hah! Take that! This is my revenge for all your cheeky moves! Quiet now, aren't you? And don't even think that I'm done with you yet. I told you on your first day, remember? You are mine. And what's once mine, I never give back."
Was it bad that he didn't minded Damien's so-called revenge? That the idea of more made his heart beat faster and faster? He could get used to this feeling.
Hope you had as much fun with this as I had!;)
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seakrisp · 2 years
Wednesday spoilers: even though what ill say has been said already but I need to finally let it out.
again these are just some of my personal thoughts and what I think!
I'm so happy alot of ppl agrees the the "two main possible male lOvE IntERest" had little to no chemistry with her.
but first,
I'll start with everything I like:
I love everything in the show except the "love triangel romance/ romance in general" that they pushed unto Wednesday. it doesn't rlly add anything. Tyler would have had more impact if he had been a platonic trustworthy friend.
i love the Christina ricci's character was the real villain. that's a really nice bow on everything.
I love we actually saw alot of The Addams Family Dynamic in the show! like in this rendition and universe ykyk. Also always great to have more Gomez and Tish and they're relations with the town and Nevermore.
ofc how could I forget, Jenna Ortega's performance was phenomenal. I really did like the casting.
ofc wendays and enid's dynamic was everything I expected and more. everything about them I loved.
I hope we get to see more bianca bcs I'm curious to her and wendays more chilled rivalry/frenemies dynamic will be like. now that bianca don't really give a shit about xiaver. (hopefully. yall are too good for that boy. that boy needs therapy.)
Enid is literally a Walking Queer Allegory. I said what I said.
wenday and Thing are everything to me. we day's friendship with Eugene to me as well.
oke. now my complainly part/things j wished that happened instead and parts that made me say "that could've been written, chosen better.."
I've TRIED to be unbiased while watching, mostly in the "romance aspect". and I think they should've really just focused on its being about Platonic relationships yk.. they like, they didn't even have a ball to drop Yk. Like you expect Me to believe these wet limp dick white boys are gonna be.. WEDNESDAY ADDAMS 'S.. Potential.. love interest..?? youre joking.
the most annoying part about this was both Xiaver and Tyler were so... fucking entitled. like, WOW. a Girl wasn't mean to you and spoke to you with very basic surface level human decency!
Xiaver, just has a Resting Bitch Face. He didn't do anything wrong but like he's still shithead. And was annoying. (to me)
Tyler, I really wanted him to be the MLM Best Friend :(
but nay, I was wronged ofc. Tyler at first didn't really bother me as much. first few episodes, HE'S JUST SOME WHITE GUY. then it progresses He Annoys Me With a Burning Passion.
my thoughts were like: there's no way. Wednesday liked this boy. she's be manipulated and gaslit.
And yeah Last few Episodes I was correct. it gave me more reason to hate Tyler's ass and I think he should've been brutally murder yk.
I love hunter doohan's performance though, thanks for taking one for the team King <3 He played the bland straight white boy monstour murder.
Now, Enid and Ajax. they were fine.. Ajax is the basic textbook goofy, nice guy who does weed, that just has madusa snake hair—
and omg I laughed so hard when he stoned himselfed like that, it's so perfect and stupid that a teenager with that ability would have the happen to them. it was so fucking funny to me.—
they're relationship is so shallow and mid to me idk. I mean, they do act like a typical teenage het couple.
it's just that, Enid liking a boy who she barely talks obsessesing over him but then also when she got stood up by him. Enid started liking another boy that she just talked to sharing same interests but mostly again just very bare minimum.
I'm not saying she's a shallow person, more say.. yk just a subconsciously finding and filling that, " you have to have a nice boyfriend bcs that's how the world is supposed to be " box...
in short yk, compulsory hetero normativity.
like cmon.. WHAT DO YOU MEAN UR MOM WANTS YOU TO GO TO "CONVERSION CAMP" ? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHEN YOU WANTED HER TO ACCEPT YOU AS YOU ARE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WOLFED OUT JUST IN TIME YOU WANTED TO SAVE WEDNESDAY? what do you mean you didn't run into ur bf's after something traumatic but instead run into ur roommates to give her a hug like she'll never let go?
yeah. basically most of my complaints are in the romance. it's Criminally hetero. and I've dealt with alot of hetero relationships endgame media that would have made more sense and thematical it was queer.. augh. I'm gonna watch warrior nun.
I genuinely hope they were very intentional with writing Enid and Wednesday literally the only one with romantic tension and queer subtext..
like, cmon. Wenclair has paralleled Gomez and Tish so much in this show. be for fucking real.
okay that's it. most of what I've said has been said. last thing I wanna say is thank you for your time and effort to read this and.. Wednesday is both queer coded and autism coded.
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marirph-arch · 2 years
taken straight from me and my friends’ personal discord server!    change any pronouns to your own liking!    ^____^    warning for violence,  death,  murder,  sexual themes,  nsfw themes,  and drug mentions.
did you just recite that from memory?
the white woman isn’t included.
can you lie?
you must feel so clever.
with the amount of times they say nobody in this game,  you could make a mitski song out of it.
sugar daddy left me a present.
you didn’t get any of that,  huh?
i’m trying my best.
i am making you the therapy friend.
my family knows how to handle the mary jane.
how am i supposed to act normal in public?
did someone say the door to darkness?
i gotta get out more.
you never heard [name] speak?
why do you want the stupid fucking rat so bad?!
his marriage failed.
that was his own fault.
it’s driving me insane.
i literally said this is some godzilla shit!
can you not expose my stupidity?
fuck off, i’m listening to the [name] soundtrack.
this is the most homophobic outcome!
let me explain.
i know there’s a tech person in here and i hope you are looking down on me in shame.
of course it’s fucking [name.]
can you die?
i’m joining even if you guys don’t want me.
kill yourself!  i mean that one hundred percent!  a thousand percent!
i think we got the right energy.
you are my boyfriend now.
that’s probably not a good idea.
italians were so right.
don’t say those words ever again.
that implies you’ve heard him moan before?
you live another day because of my good graces.
so that was a fucking lie.
why am i the scapegoat?
die then.
it’s just like eminem said.
i like beating people to death more.
i’m psychoanalyzing you.
he gives me hives.
the both of you make me sick.
l plus ratio plus you’re gay.
that’s why you gotta become the bitches you wanna see in the world.
you want me to leave that badly?
let me get undressed.
would be a thrill for [name] considering how much they like feet.
this is the most action the french have had in decades.
how do you fold that easily?
if it’s so good, why’s it called a blowjob, not a suckjob?
he could fix me.  i could bottom for him.
i can’t let him go.
let me mansplain.
where does america go to die?
tell me where the fuck [location] is on the map.
he’s gonna sleep with my mom.
you are evil and you need to be destroyed.
i’ll pay you to stop calling him babygirl.
i am never going to mentally recover from this.
i think they’re just jealous.
fuck 12, but like, fuck 12 am i right?
she’s still ugly, though.
men with glasses make my knees tremble.
hey, shitheads!
congratulations on your drip!  you’re dripping sweat!
you don’t even know how to swim.
damn, that sucks.  anyways, i’m going to meet up with your wife.
shut up!  get out of my head!
i have bad news for you.
that’s tough talk from someone who needs floaties to go into water.
can you stop bringing up french people?
i’m a communist.
of course you have blue hair and pronouns.
stop disrespecting my workers.  you’re getting blood on my floor.
he may not be his father but he could be the father to mine.
my grandma’s dead.
have you heard?
aw, you do care!
can [name] hurry their naked little ass up?
he has a minecraft torch in hand.
dominos is so good.  i wish italians were real.
my fists are my power.
i’m so good at spelling.
are you actually serious?
when have i ever ghosted you?
i wasn’t thinking about him.
mm.  i love asmr.
get your little ass in the bath.
you’ll never believe who i just killed.
look, he’s a vampire.  you love that shit.
this is the worst high of my life.
don’t offer me your crumbs in an attempt to appease me.
i smell weed.
who is smoking outside my window?
please, god.  just give me one good day.
i hope i am not just a mom friend to you, but also a milf.
i thought heterochromia was just another word for straight people.
is the [name] fucker going to talk to me about bad people?
that’s what i thought.
i got fucking news for you!
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alicemitch09writes · 3 years
you’re both so lame
Bakugou Katsuki was roughly 16 when he realized the stakes to be the best, the top, the number one hero. It was more than having a strong quirk, physical strength, keen observational skills, smarts, or being brave – it was all these things he realized that he lacked something more. He realized that you had to have heart, compassion, something he sorely lacked.
After all, what good is a hero working for himself and not for others?
Failing his Provisional License Exam made him realize that, putting up with shitty Half-and-Half.
He could be the hero he wanted to be, but that'd put him in leagues of Endeavor, and there was no way he wanted to wind up as shitty as that old fart.
He was lacking, but he just didn't know where. No, he knew where he lacked but just didn't know how to consider them.
He wanted to be more, bigger - become a better version of himself.
Considering his shitty self, however, that seemed like a laughable and farfetched idea.
“Are you stupid or something?”
He looked up at the figure who stopped in front of him under the pouring rain, meeting your gaze - surprised, annoyed, angry, and worried, all at once. Too lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t realized that it had rained and that he was soaking.
Grabbing his hand, you forced him to his feet. “Come on, get under here.” Once under the umbrella, you practically shove it in his hand, letting him hold because he was taller. Slipping your bag in front of you, you rummaged through your things for a handkerchief. Once finding it, you wiped his wet face, grumbling under your breath. “Seriously, if you want to be number one, we can’t have you getting sick on me.”
At the sound of your voice, your mothering, he slowly came to. “Sorry,” was the most intelligent thing he could think of saying to you. Going back on your words, he found his voice again. "you remembered."
Rolling your eyes, you poked between his brows. "How could I not? It was all you could talk about." Shaking your head, now that his face was dry, you began to walk, he followed. “So, where’re ya headed?”
“Really? School break?”
It still surprises him at how easy it is to speak to you now, even after everything. And he means everything. It amazes him how natural it was to talk to you, how at ease he feels.
“Something like that.”
Humming, the two of you make your way through the wet road, waiting by the crosswalk as cars pass by, the light overhead blaring red. “Well, you’re lucky I’m heading home. I’ll just drop you off first, okay?”
Once the light blinks green, the two of you began to walk with the crowd.
Shrugging, he adjusts his hold on the umbrella, slipping his free hand into his pocket. “Yeah, alright.”
You said nothing else, and walked on, the falling rain filling in the noise.
In turn, Bakugou had little else to say with his mind riddled with his thoughts filled with insecurities and fears regarding the path he wants for himself.
At 16, he realized now how quirks were nothing more than an added bonus, they could either make or break you, depending on its usage. Like you said in middle school, there’ll always be other quirks better than yours, and nobody would give a damn about how you well you did in junior high when you get to the real world. UA was such an eye-opener. That, and you and Deku.
Now, as he turned to you, watching you hum a tune under your breath as you skipped happily on the wet ground, carmine eyes softened as he realized just how much he wanted to be someone’s hero.
“For what it’s worth…I’m working my way to the top.”
Blinking, you turned to face him, the corners of your lips lifting. “Yeah?”
Nodding, he regarded you in kind regards, feeling the darkness seep away just by the curve of your lips, the warmth in your eyes. “Had a few speed bumps to get through, first.”
“And how’s that working out for you?”
Exhaling, sharply, he tilts a bit, careful to not bring the umbrella with him lest he gets you wet. “…exhausting, but no way am I fucking giving in that easy.”
“Glad to hear that then.”
At 16, he remembered that one thing he wished for the moment he got his quirk, the one person who mattered the most to him, the other person who helped propel him to the top, he finally remembered what he had to do.
Finally smiling, the best he could do anyway, you rolled your eyes at him, playfully punching his chest. “There’s the fucker, I know.”
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Being friends with someone like Midoriya Izuku is both a blessing and a curse – one, you have this sweet cinnamon roll, whose life goal was to be the best hero at his own pace whilst ensuring that people are safe and sound; then, there’s the fact that he’s disturbingly perceptive and dangerously analytical. For short, he can read you like a book.
Since you were younger, Izuku knew of your crush on Bakugou.
He was actually rooting for both of you to end up together, which was only solidified during the ‘proposal’. Dear God, that was so long ago!
Even when the blond boy turned out to be a shithead, lording over with his overgrown pride, Izuku was there to assure you that your crush is valid and that there's almost something good underneath Kacchan's pride. 
One Valentine’s day, sophomore year of middle school to be exact, with some push from your green-haired best friend, you were planning on giving Bakugou Katsuki Valentine’s chocolates. The idea intimidated you to no end, but it was a step. Your mother had helped you make them, all while teasing you throughout the process. Your dad had cried the whole time, whilst your grandparents drank tea to the tune of his wails.
You had given some pieces to Izuku, who enjoyed them much to your relief. So now, the only problem was actually giving them to the blond boy.
“B-Bakugou-kun!” a girly voiced called out, startled, you hid, back against the wall. “I-I made you chocolates! T-These are for you!”
It didn't help that you were not the only one who harbored a crush on him, in fact, half the population liked him, you had a lot of competition. Izuku would say that you had a leg against the rest, just because you were childhood friends. (To which you'd roll your eyes on because it was so fucking cliche)
"Um, um...I was hoping to give them to you! A-Also, I-I...like you! Please go out with me-"
"Like I'd go out with an extra like you," he cuts her off harshly, sadistically. "none of you are fit for someone like me." There was a whimper, followed by a dark chuckle. "And you have the gall to actually hand me these? You must be outta your mind. Double, if you think I'd ever want to be found dating an extra like you."
Though they weren't directed at you, every word said sent a painful jab to your heart, loosening the grip on your chocolates.
You should have known better that Bakugou wasn’t one for Valentine's Day, he’d either snub the gifts, burst them to bits, or pass them to his ‘friends’. Today was no different. Braving a look, you saw as he harshly took the chocolate off the girl's hands and blew them to bits, his 'friends' laughing behind him while the girl stared in horror before running off crying.
Had that been you, it could've been worst.
Bakugou Katsuki could care less about feelings or liking someone, he cared for nothing but himself.
So, instead, you gave them to Izuku, meaning he got two chocolates for Valentine’s Day.
"EH!? (Nickname), what happened!?" seeing the look in your eyes, Izuku was by your side.
“Sorry, Izuku, I couldn’t do it.” you murmur, defeatedly.
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?”
You could only exhale, limply leaning against him. Still worried, he wraps an around your shoulders, squeezing comfortably. Seeing the chocolate in your best friend's hands, you felt the burn in your eyes, the squeeze in your chest, remembering all that time you spent working on it only to go to waste. In a way, it was metaphorically like dealing with your feelings, this stupid one-sided crush.
“Honestly? I’m tired of this stupid crush.”
Numbness washed over you, crawling over your nerves.
Seeing the weariness in your eyes, Izuku relents his words and works on a smile. “I-I’ll give you double for White Day!”
Smiling weakly, you replied. “Thanks, Izuku, I look forward to it.”
(Unbeknownst to the both of you, a blond teen listened in, hands balled into fists, sparks going off, before stomping away angrily.)
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“Um, Aizawa-sensei, is there a reason why we’re doing night classes?”
Lazily glancing at Jirou, seeing her in gear like the rest of her classmates, who seemed tired and confused for being in the gym at 09:06 in the evening.
“Since you’ll be heroes soon, you have to keep in mind that you work around the clock. Meaning, there’s a chance that you’re more likely to work day shifts or night shifts.” His students shifted, reacting to his words.
“Well, that’s true.” Satou nods, arms crossed against his massive chest.
“Well, I work better at night, since I love to sleep in~” Kaminari says, grinning ear to ear.
“Tokoyami-chan, wouldn't you be better suited for the night?” Asui asked Tokoyami, who nodded once.
“Yes, as Dark Shadow and I have been making progress.”
“That being said, we’re only doing these night classes at random, to properly prepare yourselves. With that in mind, I’ve called for help with these classes.”
The class gasped in unison, half were excited, half were in awe. After all, it’s not every day you get outside help. Who knows who they'll meet?
As if being summoned, two figures appeared from the shadows, both sporting ninja-like costumes and donning masks - a sly kitsune on the small female, and a stoic angry-looking fox on the tall male. Together, the two bowed - holding their fists in their palms - at Aizawa, then at the class.
Standing straight, they began to take off their masks, lowering their hoods.
Midoriya and Bakugou gasped, immediately recognizing the two whose eyes glinting a dangerous yellow.
“They are from the Yoruichi dojo, they’re trained and proficient in combat, especially at night. We'll be under their care.”
"Hold up!"
“Isn’t that Midoriya and Bakugou’s childhood friend?”
You waved a two-fingered salute, rather nonchalantly. “Yo!”
“(Nickname)!” Izuku called to you, excitedly, his shock wearing off.
“What are you doing here?” Bakugou shouted, still in shock.
Tutting you folded your arms against your chest, fixing a dull look towards your childhood friends. “Weren’t you listening? Or were your explosions too loud that you’ve gone deaf?” those words were specifically directed towards Bakugou, who yelled incoherent words at you. Turning your head away, avoiding his yells, you stuck your tongue out childishly.
Beside you, your grandfather stoically took in the group before him, before his eyes fell on green and blond. “So, this is the two of you donning your heroics? Not too shabby.” Says your grandfather, the two boys stood straighter, much to the shock of their classmates, especially for Bakugou.
“Shihan!” Bakugou and Midoriya say in unison.
“Ah, the two of them straightened up!”
“Even Bakugou!”
“Just who is this old man?”
"He's the head of the Yuroichi clan," Aizawa said, hands still in his pocket. "a retired underground hero who's trained countless heroes, mastered the art of stealth and even earned the respect of several Yakuza clans for his many feats. He is simply called Shihan." Scratching at his cheek, he added. "Even I trained under him."
"That's an impressive track record," remarked Yaoyorozu, Todoroki nods beside her. "Countless heroes have been under his wing, he must be that impressive."
"Y-Yakuza clans!?" shrieked Urakaka.
"An experienced underground hero to help us further enhance our skills, as expected of UA!" Iida praised, hands moving animatedly, his classmates were careful not to get hit by them.
"He even trained Aizawa-sensei, that's so cool!" Kirishima comments, fists bumping producing a satisfying 'clack' sound.
“But, 'Shihan'? Isn’t that just a title?” Mashirao asked, confused. Beside him, Mezuo shrugged.
“Well, you get to know his name only if you’ve rightfully earned it.” You tell them, dangling against the banister, legs swinging.
“What the hell?”
“When did she get there!?”
Giggling, you drop to the ground soundlessly, landing next to Izuku to hug his arm. Shooting the blond a look, you playfully kicked his boots.
“Granddaughter,” called your old man, arms folded behind his back. “get over here.”
“Yes~” taking a step back from your friends, you flipped backward to your grandfather, landing easily into a seating pose, yellow eyes alight with mischief.
“W-Wait, sensei, you said that we’d have to train against them right?”
“Correct. The Yuroichi clan is the best martial artist you’ll find, but you won’t hear squat of them in the real world because of how good they keep their façade.” At that, you winked at your (still) gaping best friends. “That being said, within this class, you’ll see exactly how you’ll fare in the real world especially at night.”
Impassively staring out, your grandfather continued to stare down at the students of Class 2-A, his yellow eyes gleaning on each one of them whilst you rocked in place beside him.
“You may have had your work studies, internship, and last year's fiasco cut out for you, but that's still a fraction of what's to be expected of you as heroes." Some of the group fell silent at the mention of their freshmen year, a lot of things happened to them that forced them all to grow up too fast.
"Yuroichi,” Aizawa turns to you - cutting everyone's thought process, bringing them to now, you blink. “you can start out by picking the person you’d like to go against.”
Humming, you gave the class a good look, yellow eyes dancing from person to person. Izuku's detailed analysis flowed in your head, regarding each of his classmates.
Eventually, you chose Ochako, because you had been told that she’s one of the best combatants in class. Also, she had a rather interesting quirk you'd like to see with up close.
"I won't go easy on you, (Name)-chan!" the brunette says to you, fists clenched against her chest.
Nodding, the two of you walk forward to the mat, Class 2-A stood in line to watch from the side.
“Good luck, Ochako-chan! Gero~”
"Ochako-chan, let's go!!!"
“Go kick some butt, Uraraka!”
“This’ll be good! Some girl on girl action!” someone said, which was met with an angry bark and explosion soon after.
“Take your position,” says Aizawa. “everyone, keep your eyes on the two.” Lifting his hands in the air, readying. “Begin.”
Just as his hands slapped against each other, the slap resounding throughout the gym, you had Ochako pinned down to the ground, both her palms open and outstretched away from each other.
“What the hell?”
“She’s too fast!”
From his spot, your grandfather scoffed angrily, unimpressed. "Granddaughter, don't show off."
Smiling cheekily, you released the brunette and walked back to your position. "Yes, yes. Sorry~" came your breezy reply, to which he rolled his eyes at. Turning to Ochako, you offered a peace sign in apology. Rolling her shoulders, her eyes remained wide in confusion at how fast it all went down.
Aizawa, unfazed by how fast things were going, stood idle. "Alright, we'll try again. This time, play fair." He says to you, mostly. Eyes flashing red in warning, causing chills to run down your spine, your expression sours a bit.
This time though, as you both circled the training mat and settled into positions, you took a deep inhale, eyes closing. As you exhaled, your eyes slowly peeled open and revealed (e/c), much to the confusion of many - save for your grandfather, Aizawa, and your best friends.
Ochako struck first, coming at you with her hands open to take you down, but you managed to dodge easily in time, rolling on her back to land on your feet. Striking for her head, she easily deflected your attack and grabbed your arm. Anticipating this, you twisted your whole body, causing her to lose balance and trip. 
"That was so cool!"
While the class cheered, as the fight went on, two boys were especially keyed on the fight between the two females, taking note of your eyes.
Surging towards you, trying to get at you again, you stood your ground and waited. When she was within reach, you easily slipped your arm in hers and twirled around, as though you were doing the rodeo, and tossed her. Disoriented, she quickly got back to her wits, throwing punches your way, which you parried off quickly. And with your attacks, she easily dispatched your chances.
It was a rather even match.
"Wow, they're amazing..." commented Sato under his breath.
"I keep forgetting how good Uraraka is in terms of close combat." Sero seconds, just as Ochako aptly deflects your kicks.
"Yeah, but have you seen Yuroichi?" Throughout the fight, you ensured to knock away Ochako's hands - removing all chances of her using her quirk, cutting all her openings, and slipping through her defenses. "Damn, since's good."
Ochako grabbed hold of your arm, and you let her. Feeling weightless a playful smile plasters on your lips, much to her confusion, before you grabbed at her arms, throwing yourself back and using gravity to your advantage, maneuvering with her weight until you kicked her by the backs of her knees. Once again, the brunette found herself pinned to the ground. "And, dead."
"Alright, Yoruichi wins."
A series of cheers echoed behind you.
Grinning, you got off Ochako - who immediately released her quirk, and helped her up. "Thanks for the fight, Ochako~"
Despite being bruised all over, she mirrors your grin. "My pleasure, (Name)-chan! You're so cool!"
"Not as cool as you were!" you swayed a little, finding your footing. "Man, your quirk is no joke."
"Now, can anyone tell me what happened?" Aizawa turned to the class expectantly.
For a moment, there was silence, before Sero spoke up.
"Um, Yuroichi moved too fast?"
"She...well, she shifted her fighting style time to time." Mashirao added, his tail noticeable shaking excitedly.
"Oh yeah! That!" Kirishima blinked, like he had a light bulb moment, hammering a fist into his open palm. "It's like one of those characters in those fighting games!" Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari nodding in agreement.
"And because of Uraraka's fighting style, she had to be the antithesis of her to catch her off-guard." Todoroki supplemented.
Aizawa nodded - save for Kirishima's comment, at every comment. "Anything else to add?"
"She was studying Uraraka," muttered Katsuki, arms crossed against his chest. "from the moment she chose her to the moment she stepped in the mat."
"Also, with her quirk allowed her to predict exactly how she'll attack." Izuku seconds in, remembering your eyes flashing quickly from (e/c) to yellow. "However, she only used it when it suited her."
Narrowing your eyes at your childhood friends, you called out. "Hey, that's cheating! The two of you know too much!"
"No, that's true." Aizawa pointedly ignores your complaints, nodding at the two.
Grumbling under your breath, Ochako could only give you a laugh before handing you a towel. Nodding in thanks, you dropped to the ground, sitting.
"Alright, so now, you've just paid witness to what you're up against. Next, we're going to test the rest of you. Shihan," Aizawa turned to your grandfather "I believe you've made a decision?"
Your grandfather grunted. "Yes." he nods, turning to the shorter man, shoulders relaxing. "Standard Rabbit Hole exercise."
Pursuing your lips at your grandfather's words, eyes widening slightly, you hummed afterward. "Heh, okay~"
"What does that mean?" a confused Asui asked, poking at her cheek. "Gero?"
"I believe it's an exercise where a whole group is to capture one chosen person. It's a common stealth exercise that the military uses." Yaoyoruzu explained kindly.
"You heard him, your objective is to capture Yuroichi."
Half the class blinked in disbelief, eyes wide like saucers.
"Wait, all of us?"
"All of you." Shihan confirmed with a small smirk, one that sent chills down the students' spines. Aizawa mirrors his mentor's smirk, albeit it was a smaller and softer-looking one.
"The person to catch her gets a free lunch stub for a week."
Mirroring your grandfather's smirk, you hopped to your feet. "Well, this'll be fun."
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When you were younger and when your quirk first started to appear, it was rather unpleasant. Because first of all, you had your first period. You honestly thought you were going to die then and there had your mom and grandmother not been there to guide you. Second, straight after your period, you were overwhelmed by senses you started feeling - smell, sight, hearing, taste. It was all too much that you puked, nearly passing out on the spot.
It took you a while to get used to it, scared shitless at how much you could feel and sense things, and especially how more alert you these were happening at night.
At the time, Izuku was wildly concerned about how you've been losing sleep. You didn't have the heart to tell him about your quirk just yet, fearful of the power you had and how alienated Izuku would feel.
You were ever grateful to have such an amazing family to walk you through your quirk, the family's secretive history, and being a hero in your own way.
Since you were younger, you had joked that your family might have been descendants to ninjas, something your grandfather had yet to confirm or not. (Judging his dealings with Yakuza, you'd bet it was true)
Training hadn't been easy over the years since you were expected to master a great deal of martial arts. Some years later, you were forced to go through rigorous training to heighten your senses, learning when to turn them on or off. From your grandmother, you had learned to preserve energy and make use of them any time during day time, just remembering its drawback.
Quirks were always an added bonus, something that just made you special than the average man. Yet, quirks don't make you.
You learned that from your two best friends - Izuku, quirkless at birth, but proved that even without a quirk, you could still be a hero; and then Bakugou, though was gifted with an amazing quirk, if you had a shitty attitude, you were basically nothing without it.
Yellow eyes gleamed under the light, a glint of mischief playing through that mirrored the mask in your hand.
At the age of 14, you finally mastered your senses, allowing them to come on its full potential once it was dusk. Per family tradition, you were given a mask - one that helped protect you and leave enemies unaware of you using your quirk.
Now, at 17, you were seeing your quirk - quirks, as a whole - with a new set of eyes.
Donning the mask on, a loud blaring alarm rang out, signifying the start of the exercise.
The fox was ready to play.
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20 against 1 should be an intimidating feat, but you, it felt strangely exciting. That, or maybe it was the warrior in you. These kinds of things were exciting in a way. This play of cat and mouse - well, rabbit, the thrill of the chase, stealth, saboteur, ambush - you could feel your blood tingle in glee.
The object was simple: one of the twenty students had to find and capture you. Should be easy, considering they had really strong quirks and experience you sorely lacked.
But as a Yuroichi, you were always taught never to underestimate your enemy and to always make use of your environment as much as you should use your quirk, they always helped to your advantage.
5 minutes in and you were caught in what seemed to be a crossfire of students, all deadset on capturing you - for their grade or that week's worth of free lunch. Frankly, having everyone come at you all at once was adorable, yet, it was rather fool-hardy.
It made them all the more reckless.
Grunting, you felt the echolocation sound back to you, giving you an idea of the area around you and the number of students in the way. Mapping your way, you avoided grabbing hands (appendages, tapes, and acid, oh my), hopping from one's shoulder to one's head, until your foot met the wall. Kicking yourself off, you were sent back, hands grabbing a ledge before using your weight to drop the ladder a few inches.
Hanging upside down, you lazily eyed the two heroes before you who individually kinda reminded you of grapes and banana.
"We got her!"
"That lunch is mine!"
Carefully coursing through the two, whisking through the grape boy’s balls, until you were in front of them, hands moved at lightning speed striking their abdomen, sides, and inner biceps, leaving them paralyzed and down.
"I-I can't move...?" Satou flexed his fingers but to no avail.
"GAH! Bested!" Mineta's balls fall to the ground, no longer sticking and rolling off like a ball.
Sensing someone behind you, you threw yourself forward, ice barely kissing the tips of your sandaled feet, barreling on the ground before crouching.
"Mineta, Satou! Are you okay?"
"How and why are you down?"
"S-She did something to us...!"
Mismatched eyes watched you coolly, you didn't let up, stance readying. 
You felt a rush of lighting behind you, followed by iron-clad soles hopping wall to wall. Seeing the mismatched teen's shifted posture, you smirked beneath your mask. Just as hands touched your head, you grabbed hold of his wrist, striking your knuckled index finger on his arms, before tossing him to the mismatched teen, his eyes widening at the incoming body.
"(NAME)!" an explosion sounded off.
As smoke filled the area, you stilled a moment, grunting lowly before turning on your heel and rushing the opposite direction. Hopping off the ground, you leaped building to building, not stopping once even as heroes followed after your trail.
Turning on your heel, eyeing the remaining heroes, you gave a two-fingered salute before falling backward. In midair, you twirled around, dodging an incoming combo move by Ochako and Sero, using the latter's body to cushion your fall, Ochako knocked out next to him.
Suddenly, you found yourself in some open area, with the remaining class surrounding you. Beneath the mask, you were smiling - almost madly, like the fox.
Easing into a stance, you all but raised a hand, flexing your index forward as if to say, 'come at me'.
And then it all came in a blur.
Attacks came left and right, but you were in tune with your senses enough to avoid each hit that came. You moved like water, fluidly, unyielding, splashing coolly on to the other even though the hit wasn't yours.
With your whimsical and unpredictable fighting style, it made it difficult for the class to know how you'd approach each of them, using their confusion to your advantage. Moves quick as lightning struck through through the bodies, but not enough to kill just enough to bruise and leave a mark. Adrenaline spiked through your veins, making you feel alive as your body danced with quick, harried moves. Not a single wasted hit. Carefully dodged attacks. Perfectly executed moves.
You were listening. Listening to everything, commanded only by your drive to fight. It was in the family and your blood was singing with every move. Hearing. Reacting. As your grandfather had said, you had to be one with the creatures and dance the night away.
Despite being unable to use his other arm, Izuku readily deflected your attacks with Black Whip working on trying to catch you off your feet. What he forgot was how much you knew him, how much you had helped him with his Shoot Style, and just how much you had predicted his actions. Letting Black Whip capture you, you allowed yourself to be swung around. Reaching Izuku, you took advantage of the proximity and wrapped your legs around his torso, thumb, and index finger pressed together jabbed at his elbows. For extra measure, you pressed at his inner arms.
Swinging your form back, yellow eyes fell on mint and blond who were fast approaching, hopping off your now paralyzed best friend.
A great leap over, you appeared between the two powerhouses. Grabbing their wrists, you forcefully tugged, switching sides and throwing them off, before kicking down to their ankles up to their torsos. Angered, Katsuki lifted a hand, to blast you away. Apparently, Todoroki thought of the same thing. Thankfully you ducked in time, but not enough time for the boys to realize their actions, and a loud explosion sounded off. The two were incapacitated from the blast meter...and anyone caught near it.
You landed soundlessly in front of them all, a few scratches on your costume but your fox mask still smiling.
Thirty minutes later, twenty students were down, half were paralyzed, unable to move their limbs, and had to be helped up by a fellow classmate, and half had bruises on their bodies.  A smirking Shihan greeted them, next to an impassive Aizawa, eyes glinting with a strange glee. 
"All twenty of you failed to capture Yuroichi," it was a simple statement, but man did it hurt their ego. First day of sophomore year and already they failed. "I'm not going to mince on you one by one, we can do that tomorrow. For now, tell me where you went wrong."
Grunting, the group looked at each other before it was Jiro who spoke first. "W-We were caught off guard...?"
"Yuroichi was too skilled." Mezo added, holding on to one of his arms.
"That's debatable, as you all should be, too, considering what you've been through in your first year. Anything else?"
Whilst the class were discussing amongst themselves, you walked towards your grandfather, his eyes regarding you with a soft, praising mien. He didn't say it, but the look in his eyes was the highest form of praise you'll get from him. Also, he handed you a bottle of water. Gleefully, you took off your mask, grinning toothily to your old man. Rolling his eyes, he ruffled at your sweaty hair.
"She fought dirty," came Katsuki's loud statement, glaring daggers at your smiling form, a bottle of water halfway through your mouth. You offered a peace sign, chugging at your drink greedily. "she's well-adept in close-ranged combat, especially because she knows all forms of martial arts and used it to her advantage and throw the lot of us off."
Izuku turned to his friend, eyes shining, as though he took his analysis right off his head.
"Furthermore, she used the situation to her advantage." Tokoyami's voice was loud and clear, Dark Shadow - a little worst for wear, nodded beside him. 
"She's well acquainted with the night, similar to my quirk, to which she uses her full potential and take us out whilst we are unaware of her capabilities as a fighter."
"A bit of stretch, but more or less right on the money." says your grandfather, nodding at Tokoyami. "Though, a few of you did give her a run for her money."
About to protest, you recalled Todoroki's ice, Katsuki's forwardness, Izuku's many quirks with One for All, and even Hagakure and Uraraka's teamwork, shoulders shrugging as you nodded once.
"It just goes to show that some of you may have underestimated Yoruichi for the mere fact that she has a latent quirk, too bad. Lest you all forget what happened when you all dealt with Togata Mirio last year?"
Your ears perked at that, remembering Izuku talking a mile about this amazing senior of his.
"Just because someone lacks in one aspect, doesn't mean they can't compensate elsewhere. Today's exercise shows that some of you are still leagues away from fully realizing that, and some of you are yet to be a testament of being more than your quirks. You all failed today. But make no mistake, there'll be brighter days to come. Or evening."
Aizawa's roundabout way of comfort did its job, easing the moods of his students. It was easy to find how he's such an amazing father figure to the class and yourself.
"Yuroichi-san, you were so cool!"
"Ne, ne, can you tell us more of your quirk?"
“More importantly, what the hell did you do?”
"You're seriously like that one character in those video games!"
"Can you do other stuff, too?"
Suddenly, the class was on you, questions were thrown left and right - it was making you a bit dizzy. Despite their injuries, they never looked so alive. You take a cautionary step back.
“Yes, please! (Nickname), please tell us!” Izuku asked eyes lit with life, his fingers making writing gestures.
“Yeah, Mineta and Satou were fine moments ago, then they’re not!”
"Hey, don't forget about Aoyama and Kaminari!"
"Tokoyami, too! I thought they'd be toe-to-toe at least."
"Oi, give her some fucking room to breath, stupid extras!" yelled Bakugou, hands sparking in warning.
Finishing your drink, you smiled at your explosive friend in thanks. "Well, my quirk's called 'The Night One', which means that I have the senses and abilities of nocturnal animals." Some nod at that, some try to digest the information. Giggling, you continue. "It basically means that I can see like an owl, hear like a bat, move like a cat, smell like a raccoon, and the like. It's major drawback though is that I get really sleepy in the morning and dehydrated."
"Why dehydrated?"
"Well, nocturnal animals are known to move better because there's no sun and it's easier for water balance to keep the body going. In the morning, all my water reserve's used up and I constantly have to keep myself hydrated to move."
"That makes sense," comments Mezuo, Koda nodding next to him.
Somewhere, Kaminari's and Ashido's head were spinning from the mini-Biology session.
“And as for what I did to some of you lot, it’s called ‘Chi-blocking’,” you explained simply, earning mix reactions – some were intrigued, some were confused, and some seemed perplexed. “In simpler terms, hitting your pressure points." Bringing your hand up, balling them into fists but curling index finger inward exposing the second joint, your thumb then locked in behind it to support the new position. You strike at nothing, just showing how you did what you did. "Which means that by blocking these areas, I’m also blocking out your quirks. After all, my quirk’s not that great, so I’d have to compensate greatly in martial arts.”
“That was a mouthful, foolish girl.”
Rolling your eyes at your grandfather, you flipped back to return to his side.
"She's practically a ninja at this point," nods Mashirao.
"Right, right, right!?" Hagakure says excitedly, jumping up and down.
"Eh, maybe. But again, my quirk's not that impressive."
"Nonsense, your quirk's plenty amazing, (Nickname)!" says your best friend, ever so ready to assure you, eyes bright. "It's perfect for any stealth mission!"
Katsuki nods, shooting you a look. "What Deku said. Don't sell yourself short, (Name)."
Your best friends' words made you smile the most, you duck your head into your scarf-hood to hide a dopey grin. "Dorks."
"Alright, that concludes tonight's lesson. Your classes have been adjusted. Get some rest."
"Ah, geez! Would you look at the time!"
Time check: It was now 02:32 am. To you, that's practically noontime.
“Oh," you say mostly to yourself, catching the attention of your two best friends, who turned to you. "and this might be probably too late to tell you guys now, but I’ve been transferred to UA, specifically in the Heroics Department…specifically in 2-A. Your class.”
Your parents were pro-heroes alright but were good at keeping a low profile and keeping a front. Many of their friends - the Bakugous and Midoriyas, especially, were led to believe that your father worked as an IT specialist while your mother was a customer support supervisor. It was a good alibi, especially considering that they were night shift jobs.
You could understand why your grandfather, parents, and Aizawa-san, chose to remain under the spotlight to save lives. You realize that it was rather half-assed of you to throw away their legacy, despite the fact that they were okay with whatever you wanted to do with your life so long as you were happy.
But you wanted to do more. You wanted to make them proud.
"This was more or less a formal introduction."
Their eyes bulged as your words began to sink in.
"I'll be in your care now~"
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Name: (Name) Yuroichi
Quirk: The Night One | A quirk that grants the user the abilities and skills of every nocturnal creature, heightening their senses, abilities, and more but only at night. Because of its nocturnal nature, the user is rather restless and dehydrated during day time.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 5/5
Technique: 5/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Martial Arts: 10/5
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Life at UA was…interesting. Much more interesting than how Izuku put it.
As much as you hated to leave your old school, your club, and your grandfather, you knew that it wouldn’t be fair to just hide away forever. You wanted to make something of yourself, regardless if it meant a shitload of challenges.
Thankfully, you had your best friends to keep you on your toes, making your transition to UA quite smooth.
Oh, and there was also the class, who readily took you in.
You found yourself getting along with Tokoyami, because like you, he worked well at night, and Ojiro, because he was a martial artist like you. Shoji was also an interesting character, as was Todoroki. Koda was someone you adored because he could get all the animals - especially the nocturnal ones you've been so fond of. Mostly, you hung with the boys, never really getting over your boyishness. But, you did enjoy Ochako’s company. And then there was Jirou, whom you shared a similar interest in a certain music genre. Momo made you feel like a cheap peasant, undeserving of her presence and grace. The rest of the girls were too girly for your taste but were nice enough.
Hitoshi - who had been placed in Class 2-B, was someone you'd considered a good friend. After all, you did help train him. He seemed to see you in the same regard. At times, when both of you were free or there'd be joint classes, he'd spar with you.
The struggle though was keeping up, now that you’ve mastered the way to balance out your energy. With enough water intake, you were up and about, allowing you some rest at night. Still, it was difficult to stay awake during classes. Thankfully, your teachers understood and allowed you to sleep in, your classmates – Izuku, mostly – had notes ready for you when you woke up.
After years of public school, you felt rather out of place in a prestigious school such as UA. It had a sort of elitist feel to it, especially since practically everyone was working their way to be a hero. Or a side-kick. Or a something. But, then again, it was just like every high school. You were going to make the most out of it.
“Why’re you still working, anyway? Isn’t your family loaded or something?”  Katsuki asked with a frown, fingers wrapped around his drink.
(E/c) eyes narrowed down at the blond.
“What, so I’ll mooch off them like you? Fat chance.”
Summer break finally came, you miraculously survived a semester at UA and were allowed to go home for your short vacation.
But first, you had a shift to cover.
Your two friends decided to tag along since all three of you were going to spend your breaks at Mustafu anyway.
“But didn’t your parents leave you money?” Izuku's bright green eyes turned to you, head tilted slightly.
True. A fat sum of money was left under your name when your parents died, waiting for your perusal.
“Yeah. But I just want to work, yanno?”
Truth was, working was supposed to be a distraction to help you cope with your parents’ death. After all, you had lost your closest confidant - Izuku, busy with One for All, and Bakugou had been a dead fuck at the time, they were all you had. You may have your grandparents, but it was just different when it was your parents who knew you best and all. When they died, a part of you died as well. You were left hollow, numb.
But now, things were...things were great.
"And besides, I donated some cash to my old school, specifically my old club." It kinda hurt to mention your old club, because you really enjoyed your time there and everyone was welcoming and warm (even though some gave you the stink eye because you were your grandfather's granddaughter). "They need it more than I do. I just had to make it Anonymous though."
"I'm sorry you had to leave your old club, (Nickname)."
Waving it off, you replied. "Nah, they'll be fine. Besides, they've always been plenty strong on their own." Humming in though, you shrugged then. "It does suck that it means I won't have to spar much though."
"You spar plenty in UA anyway," Katsuki scoffed, running a hand through his hair. Izuku nods furiously at this.
"You'll give Gunhead a run for this money at this rate!"
Since your transfer you were fast becoming the top (female) combatant in the class - maybe even your whole year! It also included the fact that you've had martial arts awards under your name and a family name as a sort of branding.
"Well, yeah. That, and I don't have to pretend I'm quirkless anymore." 
Both your friends reacted to that, mulling at your words. The word 'quirkless' cutting deep for both of them - all three of you, but you're all way past it now considering the path you've all decided to walk on.
"But it is nice to know that I'm free to exercise what I can do to the best of my abilities." You flex out your hands, turn them up, and gazing at your open palm, closing them to a fist.
"That's the spirit, (Nickname)!"
"Just don't let it go to your head."
"What, like you?"
"At least I'm strong."
"Fuck you, I'm plenty strong on my own, too." Turning on your heel, intent on returning to the counter. "Don't forget who beat your ass without having to use their quirk, asshole."
Katsuki sputtered on his drink, its contents flying everything much to your chagrin and joy. You couldn't help snickering.
Izuku could only laugh at you both, hashing out words at each other - words that weren't full of venom of hate, all in good fun, and just full of youthful energy. Somewhere, your manager eyed the two of you worryingly, especially at the language spewing out of your mouths.
The two stayed until the end of your shift, the three of you walking home comfortably under the night sky. Just like old times.
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When you participated in your first Sports Festival, it was during a high time when you had mastered using half the energy reserve for the daytime. Coursing through so many obstacles was not an easy feat, especially when it was a hot morning and you were losing water in your system fast. Conserving energy for a nocturnal quirk user was not easy, after all.
Countless water bottles were finished in record time, boosting your system for the remaining games.
It was only during the semi-finals (yes, for some reason you made it that far) that your body finally gave out.
Slowly blinking your eyes open, only for them to snap shut at the bright fluorescent light above you, you groaned weakly. Fabric conditioner, soft pillows, fresh-smelling sheets, - you were at the clinic. The smell was almost too much. There was an aftertaste at the back of your mouth, but couldn't put a name on what it was exactly.
"Did I lose...?" you slurred, body heavy, your mind in a haze.
Trying to recall your fight, a slight frown fixed itself on your face. Everything that happened came out blank, your mind seemingly wanting you to shut down. Then, something soft nudged between your brows, as though to smooth it out. Blinking, you realized that it was someone's thumb. Once the frown eased off, the hand hung there, unsure what to do with it, before tucking strands of wayward hair away from your face.
Slowly, everything came into focus. "Katsuki..."
"That was quite the fight you had there," he comments, voice tight. You hum, things slowly returning to mind.
"He overloaded my senses," you remember, shuddering at the memory. You had been up against a Tech Support student, who was armed with all sorts of knick-knacks. "it was horrible."
"Yeah, it was." He grumbled in response.
The student you were up against armed himself with all sorts of knick-knacks to disarm anyone, and since your quirk gave you finely tuned senses, he thought you were the perfect candidate to test out his latest works. When it happened, small sparks were dangerously coming out of Katsuki's hands. He half-tempted to jump in then and there, but couldn't out of respect for you. Izuku had to hold him back, but even he was frustrated at how one-sided the fight had seemed. The memory of you falling on your knees, senses overstimulated by the Tech student who proudly advertised his knick-knacks to spectating companies, much like Hatsume Mei's a year back, sent him roiling. But then, you had used a tactic he and Izuku never saw you do before, you took off your jacket - to which, Mineta and Kaminari excitedly watched - and wrapped it around your head, leaving you blind. The Tech Support had tried to overstimulate your senses again, but with scaringly fast reflexes, you got to him, beat him to a pulp, and knocked him out for good. "But I'm proud of you for winning that bout."
Turning to your side, you worked on a smile. "Thanks," but did you really win? You did pass out after all. Maybe it ended in a draw? "where's Izuku?" you asked instead, in the end caring very little about your match.
"Probably preparing for his match," he replied, relaxing in his seat. "He's up against Monoma."
Ah, him.
"That would've been interesting to see."
"Like Deku would lose."
Yawning, you rubbed at your eyes, realizing just how heavy your body feels, how you felt tingly all over.
"How are you feeling?" the concern was thick in his voice.
"Heavy." You reply, nosing your pillow. "Tired. Weak. Irritable? Hungry."
Unable to help himself, he laughs. 
At the sound of his laugh, a sleepy smile broke into your face. Reaching out a hand, you took his hand in yours, giving it a small squeeze. 
Unsurprisingly, his hand was much larger than yours but ever so gentle and warm to the touch. Much to your surprise, however, his hand was actually softer than it looked - despite having to blow up every goddamn time. Also, it had a sweet scent coming off of it, like burnt sugar. Nitroglycerin sweat.
"'anks for checkin' up on me, for being here..."
As much as he can, Bakugou tried not to implode then and there. His chest though? It was pounding, madly.
So instead, he held your hand tighter.
The next few minutes were filled with a gentle rumble coming from the ongoing fight, both of you were wondering how it went because it's your broccoli boy, some yelling from outside (to which he had half a mind to yell to keep their voices down), their voices softly discussing each other's earlier matches, some pointers, and Bakugou's upcoming fight.
"...Do you know who you're up against?"
"Dunno, don't care."
"Liarrrrrrrrrrrr." you dug your thumb nail into his skin, teasingly.
He barely flinched, face smug. "So what? I'll win either way."
"You are so full of shit, you know that?" Gone was the animosity and venom in those words, enough to crack a grin on the blond's face.
"At least I didn't puke all over the stadium."
"Exaggerating my case makes you look bad, just so you know." With your free hand, you weakly punched him. He caught your hand and tucked it back to your side.
His other hand holding yours the whole time.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, the door creaked open to reveal your green-haired best friend, tired-looking yet standing tall. Victorious.
"Hey, 'zuku..." you called out weakly. "Congrats."
The green-haired teen offered a small smile in return. "Hey, (Nickname), how are you feeling?"
"Better now that my boys are here," you chuckle, feeling tiredness creeping. "didja win?"
Nodding, your friend turned to the blond. "Kacchan, it's time for you to prepare."
Bakugou blinked, eyes dropping. Smiling sleepily, you tug your joined hands, carmine meeting (e/c), a happy sigh leaving your lips. "Go win some...Katsuki...'kay?"
Exhaling softly, eyelids falling close with lashes kissing the tops of your cheeks, your hold loosening in his, carmine eyes took in your sleeping frame. He stayed a few minutes, just watching you sleep. Just as he stood, he remembered your joined hands.
Unable to help himself, he raised them to his lips, kissing the back of your hand, your knuckles, and fingers.
The door shut behind him as he walked on, his best friend walking behind him. If Izuku made mention of the fact that both of you held hands, realizing that it had been like that long before he came to fetch his best friend, or that he purposedly walked out when you fell into a slumber, he made no mention of it.
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In February, you got word of your grandmother had finally come home. Excitedly, as you were granted a leave, you merrily walked on the snowy streets, practically skipping out of UA.
"Where has she been all this time?" Katsuki asked next to you, hands in his pocket. He was insistent on walking you to the station. Izuku had "other things to do", the little sneaky shit.
"Things." You reply, cryptically.
"Things." He repeated, dumbly.
"Like I'd tell you, dork." you roll your eyes at him, the snow falling all around. "And don't worry, even Izuku has no idea where my granny's been."
Rolling his eyes good-naturedly, his eyes settled on you, his jacket - that he lent you a few days back, because you're so reckless under the snow and 'how could an idiot forget their own fucking jacket?' - dwarfing your frame. 
The relationship between the two of you was a hot topic amongst students in UA. Everyone knew that you were childhood friends who had a rift and rocky relationship growing up, but now, everyone saw that something had changed. Mostly, people noted how Bakugou was especially towards you.
There was no name, no label, no nothing yet - Izuku sometimes felt like knocking both your heads together in frustration - it felt rather nice to just be in his presence and bask in this wonderful feeling. And whenever he can, he'd purposedly leave you two when you were lounging, studying, or keep people away from intervening between your supposed moment.
"How long you gonna be out?"
"Hm, two days tops. Granny brought some treats with her and I've been meaning to spar with her." you continue trekking, humming happily under your breath.
"How come I've never seen her?"
"Oh, you have. Both of you. It's just that she likes to be in the background."
He tries to think back to his childhood, trying to remember the times he spent at your place, trying to remember, but the longer he tried to ransack his memory, the more he was left with nothing. And that led him to a snowball pelted to his face.
"OI!" your laugh resounds as his rage fuels up to melt the snow.
"Bet you were trying to nail down, weren't you?"
"I can't help it! I don't remember her!"
Scoffing, you throw another snowball, which he melts easily with his quirk. "It's okay. I mean, what's to remember about you anyway? You were loud, so full of shit, a tiny, whiny, demon. The complete opposite of sweet little Izuku- hey!"
Out of nowhere, snow pelts you in the head. Katsuki smirks at you, happy to get back at you.
"Katsuki, you fucking ass!"
He sneered, bending over to build snowball and throws them. With your quirk, you easily dodge. "Fucking cheat!"
"Don't be a sore loser, Katsuki!"
Squeals and laughter fill the sidewalk, passersby avoiding the mini-snowball war between two teens lest. 
"Alright, alright, I jest! Come on!"
Catching his breath, the blond wipes his mouth with the back of his gloves. "You fucking started it."
"Don't act like you didn't have fun, Katsuki."
He liked the way his name came out of your mouth. There was just something about it that made it more special, and really acknowledge that it was his name. It was different when his parents say it.
His name means ‘victory’ and it might as well be one whenever you say his name.
"By the way," you call, cutting him off his reverie. "don't forget to ring your parents time to time, yeah?"
"Where is this coming from?"
You shrug easily adjusting your backpack strap and shaking the snow off your hair, leaving it frazzled. "All this talk about my granny made me think of families, mine, Izuku, yours." Hastily, you run a hand through it.
"My folks are fine."
"True," the train station came to view, snow continuing to fall down the sleepy city "but that doesn't mean you should stop checking up on them."
His nose scrunches, uncomfortable with the topic of coddling. "Do you talk to them?"
"Duh, what do you think?" you gave him a look, almost offended. "I talk to Auntie Inko, too. Not just my grandpa, you know."
The fact that you take the time to talk to Izuku's mom and his parents spoke plenty, seeing how fond the adults were of you. He could imagine just how close the lot of you were, remembering the many dinners you three have had and the holiday visits. Also, there was the fact that you were an orphan. 
As much as he hated his old hag nagging at him, his father's needless coddling - he was lucky to have parents like them. You didn't have that anymore.
Grumbling, he complies. "Fucking fine."
Reaching a crosswalk, the two of you stop at red, cars whisking through. Despite being damp from the top up, his quirk helped warm him just a bit. He'd have to hurry back to the dorms lest he catches a cold. The fact that he was with you, however, that made him warm - fuzzy, annoyingly warm that he could feel from his head to his toes. When the light flashed green, the two of you walk.
"You've changed." you say, he turns to find you staring at him in awe, surprise, pride in your eyes. “What are you up to?”
He feels his blood rushing to his cheeks, feels something catch in his throat, feels a flutter in his belly.
“Small things. Little things. Anything for a chance at redemption.”
“…a chance at redemption.” you repeat, testing the words.
He sighed, eyes forward. “For you, Deku, and myself.”
Bakugou Katsuki truly has grown so much since you last saw him. It made you proud, so fucking proud.
Weirded out by your silence, he turns to you, about to berate, only to freeze at the way you were glowing at him, for him.
It was reminiscent of the one he remembered from his childhood. That silly girl with dirt on her hands and fingers, leaves on her (h/c) hair, holding his hand with a flower ring she made for him. It was the one smile he could never forget, treasured, and one he'd never thought to be at the receiving end ever again.
“You’re so lame, you know that?” Sputtering, you didn’t give him a chance to explain himself before tossing him something. “Here,”
Although caught off-guard, he catches it easily. Way too easily.
He didn’t have to ask to know what it was, cheeks warming and reddening.
“Happy Valentine’s Katsuki~” giving him a two-fingered salute, you walked into the train station, smiling silly to yourself.
Looking over your shoulder, (e/c) eyes blinking curiously at him, he could very well see your cheeks were just as red.
“…expect double- no, triple on White Day!”
Snorting, the silly smile returned, only, it was aimed at him. Surprised, but honored.
“Lame ass.”
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Izuku was in the common area, furiously checking up new hero updates on his phone, a bag of chocolates shaped like All Might you had given earlier half-finished, a cup of hot cocoa sitting next to it when the front door slammed open.
“Oi, Deku!”
“Ah? Kacchan?”
The blond teen walked towards him, noticeably wet and red in the face.
Once he stood in front of him, he seemed to deflate. Scratching the back of his neck, chin tucked in, his actions very uncharacteristic of the loudmouth he’s used to making the green-haired teen worry.
“…w-what does (Name) like?”
His eyes caught on something on Kacchan's pocket, chocolates. Not just any chocolates, those were your chocolates!
Unable to help himself, Izuku combusted then and there – finally, his ship was coming to life!
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
Big Brain Bitches Playlist ❣️
For the lovely @nataliahaslosthershit , thank you for always being so kind and being patient!!!
disclaimers: this is a fem!reader since it is a request, so if there’s any instances where those pronouns or the fact it’s a fem reader is alluded to that’s why!
warnings: Tsukishima, that’s the warning
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gif not mine, credit to owner
a/n: thank you for being so patient sweetie!! I really hope you like this and I did my best with the playlist to include a little bit of everything you like!!!
Relationship Headcannons
As much as Tsukishima would lowkey HATE the way you always wanna make friends (not really he just likes being a shithead) he also just finds it so cute??? Like he’s like 🙄✋🏼 must you talk to everyone?? But is also like :) shes so friendly and tries so hard to be nice :) how did I find someone like her :) but he keeps that on the lowkey a bit and GOD LET ANYONE BE RUDE TO YOU WHEN HE SEES YOU AS AN ABSOLUTE ANGEL‼️‼️‼️
Tsukishima is also focused on his studies and would appreciate you being focused as well, he would hate to see you over stressed from the importance your parents put on it, and he’d always be doing/saying things to get you to relax as best as he could
“You’ve gone over this 5 times, do you really think you’re that stupid that you have to go over it again?”
“We should take a break, let’s go take a walk to the corner store and find some good snacks. Studying is always more effective if you take breaks like that anyway.”
It is, but he’s more concerned with removing those frown lines from your forehead and warming your hand up with his
Sidenote - definitely the type to blow on your hands while their held in his to warm them up
Regardless, it’d become a habit for you two to always do your studying together since he wants to be sure you’re not overworking yourself.
Idk I can just see him always bringing a second bottle of water with him just in case you need it ??LMAO like y’all would be studying and you’d be like
“I’m a little thirsty, I’m gonna get-“
boom bottle of water on the table for you
PLS he won’t give it to you until you mention you’re thirsty tho, unless he feels like he hasn’t seen you drink enough water
I don’t see him as a big talker while he studies with you unless you’re helping each other out, he just kind of likes your presence while you guys are studying cause it feels like bonding and he just likes spending time with you :)
A bit off topic of study dates but you can’t tell me his love language ISNT quality time and he would never admit it but he’s definitely clingy lowkey LMAO
like he just wants to spend his free time with you even if it’s just being in the same room together but doing different things?? He thinks being able to be your own person while still enjoying each other is important in a relationship
So of course he’ll sit in a room with you and eavesdrop read a book while you gossip with your friends over the phone and then listen to you rant about it after
just like how he appreciates when you ask about his day while you cook dinner together and ask him all kinds of follow up questions, cause you actually care and want to know!!
Ok but ANYWAY back to study dates:
So like I was saying, not a big talker, but I feel like complete silence would freak him out?? This mf always got his headphones so one of you has got to be playing music while you’re studying, but do you know what this means?
This means that a song has definitely come on that he likes and he totally was humming or even quietly singing along to himself, not really thinking about the fact you were there and can definitely hear him, and as soon as he realizes he would just look at you and shut up SO fast LMAO
Like he’d just get wide eyed and breath in and stop singing and just kind of look up at you AND HIS EARS WOULD BE SO RED (he’s an ear blusher for sure) and he’d do that WHITE BOY SMILE THING WHERE HE HAS DEAD EYES AND HIS MOUTHS A THIN LINE but he’d look so shy and embarrassed plssss and he’d just look back down to his textbook and try not to think about it
And you’d just giggle and he could only groan and be like “let’s move on 😐” BUT YOURE DEFINITELY NOT FORGETTING THAT
But study dates?? Yeah they’re important to you two
Tsukishima would also be constantly making sure you’re taking care of yourself outside of studying, like making sure you’re needs are taken care of since you have a tendency to over look them in the favor of others (which I feel like would really drive him crazy cause you’re his baby!!! He can’t stand that thought !!!)
Like if he saw you offer a friend your last snack knowing you hadn’t eaten enough today he’s slapping a snack in your possession so fast like 😐 eat this, now.
ITS A LITTLE AGGRESSIVE IN THE CALMEST WAY but it’s just cause you’re important to him
The bullying??? Yes he’d love that cause he’s just like 😳‼️ you keep up with him and he’d just love the back and forth between you two so much
Queue the eye rolls and lopsided smirk while he’s grabbing your hand and kissing it telling you to shut up
Regarding your stims - he’d definitely take notice and probably do things like always holding your hand to make sure you aren’t hurting yourself too bad!
I know people have mentioned him not being that big on PDA but I feel like he’d take a neutral stance on it, like holding your hand is so innocent and if it helps you not pinch your wrists or picking at your nails of course he’s gonna do it!! It’s his way of showing you he notices and cares 🖤
Regarding your self confidence, he’d definitely still bully you cause cmon 🙄 this is your guys love language and he knows you know it’s harmless, and the last thing he’d want to do is make you feel like he’s coddling you and suffocating you by not being silly with you the way he normally would
If anyone else clowns on you whew please it is over for them
Like let’s say you meet the boys and you and hinata are clowning on each other?? Tsuki is NOT playing games LMAO like he’d definitely be like
😐😐 hinata I KNOW you’re not talking and you’d have to remind him in private that it’s ok he doesn’t care he will bully hinata any chance he gets
Okok real talk Tsukishima would think it’s so fucking cool you know how to speak more than one language!!! Not the type to necessarily be like let me hear it 🤠 but if you do speak another language around him he’s always like 🙂 wow, that was pretty cool
Ok also?? Both of you being introverts?? Tsuki is happy to the MAX
Like he just gets to come home to you and detox in his little home and sit with you on the couch and talk about your days and watch whatever you’re feeling and it’s just so recharging for him and he’s so grateful you’re perfectly ok with that :)
And finally, tell me he wouldn’t bully you for your height but also find it so so adorable 🙄‼️
Ahhhh!! Ok here is the acclaimed playlist I made for you!! I hope you enjoy it❣️
Ok I did my best to include your variety of music tastes in here!! But if there’s anything you’d like me to change please feel free to let me know and I will!!
Ahhhh I hope you like it, enjoy my descriptions below!
1. The Most Beautiful Thing - Bruno Major: ok so yes we’re starting this off with a dash of Tsuki angst, as much as I know he’d deny it he yearns for love. Like the idea of someone being so important they get his attention and devotion and they love him the same is sooo comforting to him! And sometimes he would daydream about it like :) I wonder when I’m gonna meet them, I wonder how, I can’t wait - but the way he would he embarrassed if anyone knew this - and when he DOES meet you it is not what he expected LMAO
2. 80’s makeout session - dacelynn:  OK SO HE MEETS YOU and is just like 👁👄👁 and it’s everything he dreamed of, if he was feeling irrational he might’ve even believed it was love at first sight but there’s one problem, the way Tsuki is be lowkey mad he wants your attention LMAO. Like you would meet and he would just look into your eyes and he feels his heart stop; and you’re so nice when you’re introducing yourself to him and your voice is so sweet and he can’t stop thinking about the way your curly hair is framing your face and he just oop 🤒 he got the love bug bad AND HED BE SO MAD cause like, he tries to only do things for himself! And that’s exactly why love was a daydream cause UGH HOW PATHETIC IS HE. He never tries impress anyone else cause he’s his biggest critic anyway, but suddenly he wants to be noticed by you and impress you and the way that would just irk him, but he cant help it 🤷‍♂️ sorry bout it Tsuki
3. IFHY (feat. Pharrell) - Tyler, The Creator: more on Tsuki being mad he likes you LMAO - I think what would push him to get over himself and how it’s kind of scary for him how much he likes you would be imagining what could happen if he DOESNT grow up and just let you know. The thought of you with somebody else? Yeah he don’t like that one bit and that’s when he knows he better suck it up and accept he’s got it for you hard
4. Make Me Your Queen - Declan McKenna: OK CALLING TSUKI SIMPS OUT- you’d want him so bad but he’s so bad at showing his interest!! So on your end it’d be soooo much pining and patience and a little bit desperate like PLS I jus wanna be your s/o man 😕 but don’t worry he likes you just as much, he’s just awful at showing that at first LMAO
5. Kiss Like A Woman - Mona: ok but once Tsuki accepts he’s got it bad, I don’t see him as someone who wastes time at. All. Like he’s like ok well she’s fucking great obviously if I like her cause I have great taste so it’s only a matter of time before someone else tries to get her attention, so I gotta act fast. However, he’s clueless so he’d think he’s being obvious but he’s not. Like he starts his habit of bringing you snacks and water on your study dates before they’re actually dates and you have no idea he likes you. And he thinks he’s being smooth like, how could you not know he likes you? But it’d be the end of your study session and you’re about to leave and he’s been wondering why it seems like maybe you’re not interested? He can’t tell so he’d just be like, “do you like me, too? Or am I making you uncomfortable? I’ve been waiting for you to let me know how you feel but you really haven’t said anything, so.” AND YOUD JUST BE LOOKING AT HIM LIKE 😳🧍🏻‍♀️ and you’re blushing hard so he’s like ok obviously she likes me? And he would kind of tilt his head in your direction and raise his eyebrows waiting for you to answer, cause he still wants to be sure. And you’d hold your books tighter to your chest and nod so fast. He’d walk over to you and kiss you on your cheek and be all, “see you tomorrow, idiot.” And walk off like a bad bitch, cause that was pretty smooth, but once his back is to you and his headphones are on while he’s walking away BOY IS BLUSHING HARDDDD CAUSE HE’S LIKE did I really just do that oh shit 🥴
6. A Sunday Kind Of Love - Etta James: when I mentioned Tsuki liked to think about love this is exactly what I mean. He just wants something so relaxed and devoted and when he gets that with you? WHEW he is not letting that go!!
7. Black Dog - Arlo Parks: ok so this song itself is more intense than for what I’m writing for it and what it inspired me BUT this is really how Tsuki feels when he sees you overworking yourself. He can’t stand to see you stress so much over something, especially if it’s school, and then see you push your own limits in the favor of others. It’d definitely be a day where you come to his house to study but when you guys get there instead of pulling out the stuff from his bag he just sets it down and walks over to you and pulls you into his chest. After holding you for a while, he pulls back and makes you look up at him with his hands on your cheeks and leans down to kiss your forehead. “Are you ok?” It’s such a simple question but it really hits home and it’s one of the first times you guys simultaneously realize how much you care for each other. And you’d just hug him tighter and he decides nap time holds a little priority over studying right now.
8. come out and play - Billie Eilish: as smooth as Tsukishima can be or as clueless as he is, he’s also a shy lover for sure. It will take him a while to be genuinely soft and let his walls down and be vulnerable and tell you how much he cares about you, he try’s to show it as best as he can cause it can be easier than looking into your pretty eyes that make him all nervous and choke on his words while he tries to tell you he loves you. So it’ll take some coaxing and you being patient, but he’ll get there eventually and become more confident with his declarations of love.
9. Pleaser - Wallows: more on Tsuki being shy LMAO he wants to tell you he loves you SO BAD but he just cannot make himself do it
10. I’m Glad There Is You - Julie London: ok you mentioned slow dancing in the kitchen type songs? Stop it this is the one - to me this is the introvert love anthem , perfect for you two right? Like you’d be playing music in the kitchen while you two are cooking and this song would come on and normally he’s not a person who shows his affection much but this song would just get to him? Like he almost wants to cry??? He just looks at you, and maybe you’re humming a little, he really can’t tell but he doesn’t care cause you’re just so bright and gorgeous and the more he hears the song, the more his heart is starting to swell thinking of you. And so he wouldn’t be able to help himself. He’d just come up behind you and lean down so his head his resting on top of yours and his arms are wrapped around you. He leans down a little farther and presses a soft but long kiss to your cheek and just whispers how he loves you and hugs you tight one more time before going back to his part of cooking dinner; as if that wasn’t the first time he was finally able to tell you that.
11. Linger In My Arms A Little Longer Baby - Peggy Lee: kitchen dancing music kitchen dancing music kitchen dancing music !! I feel like once Tsuki dances with you ONCE he’d be addicted 😶 like you just look so happy and it hits him in his gut in the best way and he’d kill to feel like that with you again 🖤
12. Sweet Creature - Harry Styles: stop I fucking love Harry styles when I say Tsuki sees you as his home I MEAN it, it doesn’t matter what happens between you two. Sure, like any couple you guys argue and it can be rough sometimes, problems can arise it’s natural. But Tsukishima would never be the type to say something he doesn’t mean or do anything to ruin the relationship, you’re his person and no matter how much you two argue he’d always be sure you know he loves you and you’re the most important thing to him, and you’re very aware of that.
13. I Think I Like It When It Rains - Willis: ok a little bit of angst! In those difficult moments, sure sometimes Tsuki does wish it was like how it was a while ago when the pining and awkwardness was still there and you would go home after studying and you’d both still be giddy and trying to calm yourselves down. Cause the pining and awkward feelings were easy to solve, but these problems are harder, they’re the ones you solve for the long haul. But once he takes a breather he knows this is so much more important and worth it, and he’s reminded of how much he really loves you.
14. I CHOOSE YOU - Adam Melchor: you really would be living in Tsukis mind rent free LMAO and while he was all grumpy at first at the fact he even wanted your attention he’s so happy now it’s so cute pls. He goes to the store and sees something you like?? Yeah he’s buying it. Hears a song you might like? He adds it to the playlist you guys share (yes you would have one from when you would study together all the time and you’ve just kept it and he always add songs to it still for you) all in all, you take up his mind 25/8 now and he’s accepted it with a smile on his face
15. this is how you fall in love - Jeremy Zucker, Chelsea Cutler: introvert love anthem #2, this is literally so cheesy and I hope it fits your taste but anyways!! Falling in love is just so easy for you guys, it’s the easiest thing Tsuki’s ever done, and he holds a lot of pride to that statement.
that’s it!!! That’s the thing!! Gosh I really hope you like it !! Thank you for being so patient and kind to me again, and don’t forget to message me if you need a change
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Nobody is You - Chapter 1 - Intro
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A/N: Hi guys! I realize that I haven’t finished my first Miche story (You Saved Me), but I started this second one and wanted to get it out before I completed You Saved Me. It’s a bit different in a lot of ways, but will still be a Miche x Fem!Reader story. Here is the first chapter! I hope you like it!
Overall Summary: Reader and Miche are both squad VPs working to make squad leader. They are friends but something that happened between them when they were younger keeps them from getting closer. Miche works to show Reader he isn’t the same person he used to be.
Chapter Summary: Reader is a squad VP in the survey corps and has her eyes set on becoming a squad leader.
Content: No warnings
Word Count: ~ 2,100
“Move over.” Miche playfully bumped Y/N’s hip and she nearly fell off the thick branch they were both balancing on. She turned and gave him a dirty look.
“What the hell!?” She yelled. He just shrugged, giving her that smug smile she hated so much. “I could have fallen, Miche.”
“Lighten up.” He laughed. “I would have caught you.”
“You’re such a dick sometimes.” She readjusted herself in the new spot she stood in.
He dropped himself down, sitting on the part of the branch closest to the trunk of the tree. The whole branch shook and she lost her balance. Her right leg slipping and her body following quickly behind. She yelped on her way down, clawing at the thick branch, trying to get any sort of grip before she reached for her 3DM gear to help her.
She was nearly fully off the branch before she was held steady, a large hand gripping the collar of her jacket and holding her in place. She looked up at him and he was smiling down at her dangling body.
“I hate you so much,” she grumbled as he pulled her up. She caught her leg on the branch and stabilized herself.
“You should be nicer to me,” he teased, “I just saved your life.”
“I would have figured it out.”
“I know you would have.” He sat back down on the branch, tugging at her to sit next to him. She held herself steady, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing she needed help. “But it’s nice to feel needed sometimes.”
“Oh please, everyone is always fighting for your attention.” She rolled her eyes and continued looking off into the distance. He tugged at her jacket again.
“Yeah, but there aren’t many willing to give me theirs.” He leaned back on his arms and she looked down at him. It was a strange juxtaposition, watching this giant man kicking his feet like a little kid over the edge of the tree branch.
They had been posted up in the trees to keep a lookout for the more veteran scouts on this mission. It had only been about an hour, but the sun was already starting to set. Miche leaned back farther, closing his eyes and enjoying the warmth of the sunshine. His blonde hair and lightly tanned skin were shimmering, an auburn glow radiating off of him. She hated that he always looked so good.
Summers within the walls were wonderful. These were some of the last days of heat they would be getting before the cold nights would come. First freezing the ground as the sun set and as the months pass, covering them with a layer of white, crystalline snow until spring came again.
Miche finally opened his eyes and looked up at her, watching as she focused on keeping watch. She was always so serious, never letting herself just relax and enjoy things. He was willing to admit that he should probably be keeping a closer eye on watching with her, but their post was one of the easiest out of all of them. It was almost expected that this position would just sit back and wait. They could let the others do the work while they rest, relaxing in the summer sun, like sucking honey from a spoon, enjoying the sweet taste without all the work.
“Are you going to sit down with me?” He asked, tugging on her jacket for the third time.
“Are you going to actually do your job?”
“If I can get you to relax and loosen up, I will gladly take some of the work.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “How does that sound?”
She looked back at the span of land in front of them and sighed, looking back to Miche and lowering herself to sit next to him.
“There we go.” He smiled and gave her a hand, helping her sit without sliding off the edge.
“I’m only sitting for a little bit.” She told him.
“Baby steps.”
He looked over at her, still not relaxing. Her back, stiff and straight, her hands crossed in her lap as she kept her eyes in front of her. He swung his leg, kicking her foot and waited to see if she would do anything. When she didn’t, he did it again and chuckled to himself.
“You are incredibly immature.”
“What are you talking about? I’m very mature.” He kicked her foot again, grinning when he saw her trying to hold back her smile.
She leaned back a little, propping herself up on her arms and he felt himself relax a little more as he saw her relaxing.
“So why are you working so hard on this mission?” Miche asked, kicking her leg again.
“You mean other than making sure people don’t die?” She looked over to him with raised eyebrows.
“Of course.” He shrugged and she turned back to look ahead of them.
She had her reasons, but she wasn’t sure he would understand. They had both joined the scouts when they were really young. This was the only life they knew. She was barely out of her teens but she had already set her sights on being squad leader. The chances of her getting squad leader weren’t that high considering there were those older than her and ones who’ve been a scout longer than her, but she had to try.
“I want to make squad leader,” she revealed. “There’s an opening coming up.”
“Ah, of course. I should have known. A power-hungry woman.” He sighed, slipping his foot under hers and lifting it up, bouncing it up and down with his leg.
“I’m not power hungry, I just know I have to work harder than a lot of you guys. Not all of us are naturally gifted.”
“You think I’m naturally gifted?” He smiled smugly at her as she rolled her eyes.
“Don’t go fishing for a compliment I already gave you.” She smiled at him, moving her foot from his control and lightly kicking him. Miche gave a hearty laugh and nudged her in the shoulder.
“I’m going to tell Hange and Erwin you said that. They work hard too.”
“I know they work hard,” she sighed, looking back at him, “but they’re also gifted in ways I’m not.”
“But they still work hard. Hange lives and breathes titan research—”
“You don’t need to tell me. As their roommate, I am very aware. They talk about it in their sleep.”
“Well, as Erwin’s roommate,” he started, “I can tell you, the guy doesn’t sleep. He is always making plans.”
“How would you even know? You barely sleep in your room,” she retorted, a little more abrasive than she intended. She looked back as the sun dropped further in the sky. Miche chuckled to himself, lifting his leg on the branch and bending it in front of him so he could face her.
“You know about the stables?”
“Of course, I know.” She turned to look at him. “We’re always having to come up with excuses for why you’re not in the mess hall for dinner or why you’re late for training.”
Miche was looking down, picking at the bark on the tree. For the first time since the start of the mission, he fell silent and she was trying to guess what he was thinking. She was very sure nearly everyone, at least any female scout over the age of eighteen, knew about the stables. His reaction to her comment confused her though. She definitely thought it was something he would be bragging about.
“I mean, you’re practically there every night.” She kicked the foot that was still dangling over the edge of the branch, trying to bring him back to his typical playful self.
“It’s not every night. Plus, I never sleep up there.” Miche laughed lightly to himself, hoping the heat in his cheeks wasn’t showing through.
He definitely wasn’t there every night, but he could see why Y/N would think that. Not to mention, he had sort of made it a point to keep his reputation where it was, which was making people think he was up there every night. But none of the women he took up there really mattered to him anyway.
“I didn’t even realize you knew about that.” He looked back up to Y/N and smiled, leaning back on his arms. “Sometimes I forget you’re not fifteen anymore.”
“Thanks for that.”
“What? It’s not like you let me forget I was a teenage shithead.”
“It’s because you were.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Miche! Y/N!” Erwin called from the ground and they both peeked over the edge of the tree. “Mission complete.”
“I bet you bathroom duty that Erwin is going to complain about how the mission went.” Miche stood up, offering his hand and pulling her up with him.
“That would be a stupid bet for me to take.” She laughed and they both jumped down.
“Was it a success?” She asked Erwin.
“If you can call it that,” he grumbled, “there shouldn’t be this many casualties. There is a much better way to handle these missions.”
Y/N brought her eyes to Miche, raising an eyebrow and he lightly punched her shoulder.
“Let’s go.” Miche wrapped his arms around Erwin and Y/N, ushering them back to the horses. “I’m starving.”
The mess hall was packed with people, slightly less than this morning before the mission. It was a harsh reality, but something they were all quite used to at this point.
“Is that guy going to be joining us?” Miche sat next to Y/N with his plate of food.
“What guy?” She brought a spoonful of stew to her mouth.
“The guy you always hang around.” He took a big bite of his bread and Y/N realized who he was speaking of.
“He has a name,” she scoffed, putting her spoon down and looking at him.
“I didn’t bother to learn it,” he sneered.
“That’s thoughtful of you. I was dating him for three months.” Y/N went back to her food.
“Yeah, but he was a loser and I knew it wouldn’t last.”
“Who’s a loser?” Erwin joined them at the table with his food, sitting across from Y/N.
“That guy. The one Y/N kept bringing.” Miche snuck a potato from her bowl and pulled his hand back quickly when she slapped it.
“Big loser.”
“Well thanks for telling me that.” She looked at the both of them. “It could have saved me three months.”
Hange sat down to join them, sitting across from Miche.
“I would like to point out,” Y/N began, “that you are not much better.”
“I don’t claim to make good decisions.” Miche smiled, popping the last bite of bread in his mouth.
“We can definitely agree on that.” Erwin lifted his cup and Y/N quickly tapped it with hers, Hange following after.
“I’m also not in a relationship with any of these women.” Miche sat back a little, watching Y/N. “I’m a lot more careful about who I give my heart to. You should be too.”
“Maybe she didn’t give her heart.” Hange joined in, then turned to look at Y/N. “You don’t seem very heartbroken.”
“Nope, he was a loser.” Y/N laughed with Hange. Miche smiled as she stuck her fork in a potato from his plate and ate it.
“Speaking of losers, Erwin—” Hange started, turning to face him.
“Nice!” Miche laughed and fist bumped them.
“—How is Marie?” Hange continued, turning to look at Erwin. “Did you give her that letter?”
“No, I think I’m going to cut it off before anything happens,” he admitted.
“What? No! You guys were my hope.” Y/N dropped her utensils and brought her hands to her cheeks.
“I just think I should focus on making rank. Squad leader is a big role,” he started.
“That’s how stupid you sound.” Miche leaned in and whispered to Y/N. She turned to slap him, but he dodged it, leaning away from her and grinning.
“I have some ideas I want to discuss with the commander,” Erwin continued “I have a meeting with him tomorrow afternoon.”
“With Commander Shadis?” Hange blushed.
“Well, if you don’t hold onto her, someone else will pick her up… for sure...” Miche’s voice trailed off as his eyes followed a woman who walked past them, her fingers lightly brushing over his shoulders. “Speaking of pick-me-up.”
He turned to Y/N, his eyes asking her the same question they always asked.
“I’ll take your plates. Just go.” She sighed. Miche thanked her and ran off with the woman. Y/N watched as the woman pulled him into the hallway and kissed him.
“Not every night, huh?” Y/N mumbled to herself, taking a bite of her bread and keeping her eyes fixed on him. She watched as Miche wrapped his arms around the woman, brushing a hair behind her ear. He glanced up at Y/N and gave her a thumbs up. She returned a snarky one and watched as the woman pulled him out of view before returning to the conversation with Erwin and Hange.
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Taglist: @luanabonn​
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prismatic-bell · 3 years
So are you ever going to acknowledge this racist lil tidbit here or even apologize for being a shithead?
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all because a black woman told you being jewish still means you're a fucking whitey
Jewish =/= white.
First of all, Jews exist on all seven continents. There are Black Jews, Asian Jews, Arabic Jews, Latine Jews. Yes, some Jews are white, through either conversion or forced assimilation, but far from all.
Second of all, Jews originate in the Levant. That's the area occupied by modern-day Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and parts of modern-day Syria and Egypt. I don't know if you're familiar with the people in that area, but they're not fucking white. The light skin of some Jews, the Jews we call Askhenazi (as opposed to Sephardi or Mizrahi), came about due to centuries of being forced to become Christian and marry whites, or just straight-up rape resulting in lighter babies. It's worth noting, by the way, that this latter reason is precisely why Judaism is conferred through the mother, not the father. Rape by outsiders was that much of a concern.
Third of all: even Jews with white skin only have what's called "conditional whiteness." I assure you, a Nazi would look at my blonde hair, green eyes, light skin, and say I'm not white (even though I am, in fact, a white convert). It's Schrodinger's Whiteness--Jews are white when it's politically convenient to our enemies, and not white when it's politically convenient to our enemies. Further, Jews who are light-skinned but not white are totally erased by the bigoted "well, you don't look Jewish" aggression.
Fourth of all, there is nothing racist about saying "I do not wish to work with an organization that thinks my people should be dead." Certainly I'd suggest that if I say "I am not working with a Black-led organization that wants my people dead, but will move my activism to a different Black-led organization that recognizes Jews are also an oppressed people and we can be a great force for equality together," only someone with the reading comprehension of an astigmatic donkey could take that as bigotry.
Any further stupid questions?
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v3nusaphr0d1t3 · 3 years
i know you want it in the worst way
crossposted on ao3: <3
rating: explicit
content warning: gay ass mfs, shameless porn, uhhhh impact play
dabi gets pegged by his roommate tomura / no quirk au / trans shiggy / camboy shiggy series
tomura had made an uncomfortable situation for himself. he currently sat at the kitchen table with his roommate, intent on devouring his half of the large pizza by himself in an unreasonable amount of time. dabi was intent on doing the same. but that wasn’t what was uncomfortable. it was the fact that recently, him and dabi had been getting cozy in between streams. it was new, and very strange.
going into this, tomura was honestly just excited for the views that he would get. but the amount of attention that he was getting because of his “chemistry” with dabi was insane. dabi would sleep in tomura’s bed most nights, or they would fall asleep on the couch together. dabi would make him coffee in the morning, or bring him chips on his way back from… whatever his job was. tomura tended to not get involved, because it wasn’t his business and frankly he didn’t care.
but he had begun to enjoy dabi’s presence in his room when he played games. his viewers had seen dabi plenty, and had taken to making fun of tomura in the stream chat. those that knew who dabi was were particularly relentless. and though tomura and dabi had been living together for nearly a year now, it felt like dabi had just recently begun making himself seen. like he had wiggled his way into tomura’s life, and slowly started to figure out his habits, breaking every wall tomura had up to keep people away from him.
hell, he started doing the chores more. it just seemed like he gave more of a shit. it gave tomura butterflies and also simultaneously made him nervous. it was one thing to fuck someone, but all this gushy shit was frightening. he hadn’t really let himself feel like that in a long time. especially since transitioning. but dabi seemed to take him seriously, and more so not really give a shit what tomura did. it was refreshing.
he hadn’t even really realized he had gotten stuck in his train of thought until dabi was waving a hand in front of his face.
“hello? creep? you with us?” dabi’s sarcasm shouldn’t have been an endearing as tomura found it.
tomura raised a non-existent eyebrow. “who’s ‘us’?” he asked, looking around to further the quip.
“me n’ the ghosts, fuck you mean?”
tomura chuckled, going back to his last bite of pizza, savoring it, and standing up to throw the box away. he set it next to the trash can and moved back to the table, sitting down with a satisfied stomach and a lingering question in his mind.
ever since dabi had made him cry on stream, he had revenge on his mind. he wanted to fuck this man into incoherency. and tomura had the advantage of being able to chose his dick size.
“hm?” dabi looked up from where he was staring off, holding his last slice of pizza.
“can i fuck you?” tomura asked in his plain, monotone voice.
“ain’t that what you were doin’?”
“no, i mean— i wanna fuck you. like, i top.” tomura explained as he set his head in his hands, grin splitting his face.
dabi raised his eyebrows, before matching tomura’s grin. “well, i’m not gonna say no to that. just know, you gotta live up to what i put down.”
“easy.” tomura’s competitive streak made it’s appearance. “be ready by tomorrow night, we’ve got a show to put on. you know what to do right?” tomura asked.
“yes, dumbass, i know what to do.”
“ok, ok. just wanted to hear you admit that you bottom.” tomura covered his grin with his hand, standing up and taking off, promptly ending the conversation.
the next time he saw dabi, he was at tomura’s door later that evening, just watching him play his games. this was part of a strange routine that they had developed, more time spent together recently than ever. tomura looked over and him, and nodded over to his bed, silently telling him to get comfortable. dabi did, faceplanting into tomura’s disheveled sheets and listening to the clicks of the mouse and tomura’s gamer rage.
it was nice, having company like this. it was quiet but it was nice.
and eventually, when tomura’s eyes got tired from staring at the screen, or when he got bored of the same strategies over and over again, he stood up from his chair, popping both of his knees in the process, and made his way to the bed. dabi still laid there, asleep. it was a strange and soft sight that tomura enjoyed. it made him queasy to know that he slept beside this man, completely vulnerable, but he did. he didn’t really know when it started, or what they were at this point, but a warm body was a warm body. and tomura crawled in next to him, feeling the sleeping man stir, only to sling his tattooed arm over tomura and pull them together. it was nice. this was nice.
and tomura woke up before dabi like he always did. it always confused him how dabi went to bed before him and woke up after him. he guessed some people just needed more sleep. he took a cigarette from dabi’s jacket at the end of the bed, making his way to the window to sit in the window sill, feet on the fire escape, as he lit it. he liked the watch the all the people, and his lack of sleep always fueled that interest. he only heard footsteps for a moment before dabi wrapped his arms around tomura’s waist mid-inhale, making him cough and struggle.
“you shithead! i should kill you,” tomura grumbled too loud for the morning air.
“mmm, shut it.” dabi’s morning voice was lovely, and it made the morning feel warm. no more words were said, but they were felt as dabi continued to hold tomura, stealing the cigarette from him. and when it went out, dabi entwined their hands and watched the street below with him.
it was nice, this was nice.
this type of intimacy was something that tomura wasn’t used to. but the other kind, the one they were gearing up for to stream to tomura’s viewers, tomura was very used to.
the heat in his gut flared up more as the day went on, when tomura showered, when dabi went on a run for his ‘job’, and when dabi went to go take a shower, tomura went to get ready himself. he pulled out his box from under his bed, pulling out his 8 incher. he wanted to ruin dabi and this bright pink instrument of doom would seem to do the trick. he found his harness and the lube, and laid them all on his desk as he made his bed and cleaned up his room. it was consistently a disaster, he just tried to avoid the mess making its way into his camera shot. by the time most of his shit was pushed out of view of the camera, he heard the shower turn off and dabi step out of it.
tomura sat back on his bed in his boxers and hoodie, materials in sight of the camera which was on and ready for him to press the “go live” button. his door opened, and there stood dabi in his t-shirt and boxers, looking domestic but sexy as all hell. he had a fire in his eyes as he usually did before the streams. he looked at the strap on tomura’s bed and immediately, his face was red and he was shifting where he stood.
“so— we really doin’ this, huh creep?” he murmured, eyes still glued to the toy.
“i mean— you can back out if you want, i haven’t started the stream—”
“no! no, i— i- uh. i wanna.” dabi cut tomura off, already stammering over his words.
and tomura was already obsessed with the shade of red dabi was turning. the white-haired man shuffled his way over to the laptop, making sure all of his settings were in check and all of his links worked, before looking back to dabi.
“ready?” tomura asked, and dabi nodded, sitting back on the bed.
tomura started the stream, waiting a few moments for the viewers to flood in.
“hi! welcome back, you guys are in for a treat this time. it’s my turn to fuck him stupid, as revenge.”
tomura would never get over the way he acted in front of a camera. it was so freeing, which was strange. he felt more natural in front of all these strangers than he did in public. it was absurd and he adored it.
>> hellz yeah!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>> Peg the cissie
tomura chuckled at that one. his viewers always entertained him, whether by being inconsolably horny or genuinely funny. either way, he turned back to dabi, grin splitting his face. there was a glint of excitement in the other mans eye, and he could tell this was going to be fun.
tomura made his first move soft, moving his hands up dabi’s tattooed legs to rub his thighs, leaning in for a kiss that was softer than the ones that they had shared before. he started everything off slow, making his way between dabi’s legs as they kissed. it was a push and pull, less biting, and less aggression. though, because it was them, playful nips were a given. tomura earned a nice breathy chuckle from dabi when he moved his hand up to grip the base of dabi’s head by his hair, carding his fingers through it.
when they had to pull away for air, tomura moved on to dabi’s neck, kissing along his jaw to suck a mark onto him, high up on his neck. practically impossible to hide. tomura liked that. dabi was still surefire, breathing only slightly sped up. tomura slid his thigh in between dabi’s to give him something to work his hips on, and he did. he grinded his hips against tomura’s thigh as tomura sucked more into his skin, biting onto the junction between dabi’s neck and his shoulder, making the aforementioned man whine almost pathetically.
“oh— you sound really pretty, dabi.” tomura was always a bit insecure of his voice, whiney and craggly, but dabi seemed to enjoy the sentiment. it made tomura’s gut clench, the way dabi’s breath caught.
“why don’t we open you up, huh? can i eat you out?” tomura wouldn’t be able to spew any filth like this if the camera wasn’t on. it was the false confidence, the performance. but the words were true, dabi really was gorgeous in this moment. tomura didn’t believe how he hadn’t seen it before.
“god— yes, yeah—” dabi’s reply was deep and gutteral, leaned back on his hands as he spread his legs. tomura took to getting dabi out of his pants, pulling his boxers down himself and pulling him by his thighs to lay spread open. tomura was on his stomach, level with dabi’s crotch as he let out little puffs of breath to watch dabi arch into nothing. it was insane how responsive the man was already, and tomura hadn’t even touched him. he had to do this more often.
“jesus— get on it with, will ya’?” dabi’s tone was laced with annoyance, looking down at tomura with a blush on his face and a glint in his eye. tomura’s grin was mischievous as he moved to kiss along dabi’s inner thigh.
“that’s no way to ask for something. you know what you want. ask for it.”
and this was where dabi’s stubbornness kicked in. his lips stayed sealed as he arched against nothing. tomura sat up, moving back from dabi and looking him in the eye. tomura took to running his fingers along the inside of dabi’s legs, up his torso, to his chest, over his nipples, and back down. feather light, only enough to make goosebumps erupt all over.
tomura could tell dabi was trying really hard not to give in. not to move. to do nothing.
“beg. i know you want to.” tomura being able to get away with being a shithead was gonna go to his head if it continued to feel this good. tomura leaned in, just over dabi’s ear, and dragged his nails over dabi’s outer thighs.
“good boys know how to beg, dabi.” his voice was still that monotone, with a hint of mockery. and dabi caved.
“please. please, please please—”
“better than that, i know you’re smarter than that, pretty boy.”
“i need you, tomura, give it to me, give me something, please—”
having dabi like this without even touching him was definitely getting to tomura’s head. but dabi had done good, so tomura moved down and licked a stripe over dabi’s hole. he heard him gasp, so without letting the other man get his bearings, he immediately began his assault, circling his rim with his tongue and running it up and over his taint to swirl the tip of his cock. he moved back down to push his tongue in with little flick, opening him up slightly with the glide of the wet muscle.
above him, dabi was trying to hold in his whimpers and moans, moving one of his hands to muffle himself before tomura, without discontinuing his attention to dabi’s hole, grabbed his arm and shoved it back to the bed. dabi’s next groan was fully exposed to the camera and was like music to tomura’s ears.
tomura knew dabi had a thing for the camera. he knew it from the second dabi asked to join him. so tomura made dabi the star this time. and by god was he doing it well. tomura pulled back and wiped his mouth with his hoodie sleeve.
“you sound really good,” tomura murmured, finally grabbing the lube and hearing dabi sigh in relief with the pop of the cap. he was rock hard and practically leaking against his stomach.
tomura poured some out on his fingers, trying to warm it in his hand but apparently failing if dabi’s hiss was any indication of temperature. he rubbed his fingertips along dabi’s hole, hearing dabi’s breathy whines speed up.
“what did we learn last time?” tomura asked leisurely, looking dabi right in his hazy eyes. he continued his ministrations, teasing but never fulfilling, just never enough to satisfy. he wanted to drive dabi insane, and patience was key. he wanted this boy to beg and pant for the camera, to scream out for him. he wanted dabi to fall apart like putty in his hands, and all he had to do was wait.
but he wouldn’t. yet again, he was denying tomura his sweet, wrecked words yet again. tomura wouldn’t have that. he removed his fingers from where they were running light little circles against dabi’s hole and used his non-lubed hand to run his fingers lightly across dabi’s inner thighs again. dabi groaned in frustration and dropped onto his elbows, giving tomura a death stare like no other. the fire in his eyes was bright, and tomura wanted to dive in and burn. he gave a lazy smirk as he dipped his hand into the crease between the other man’s thigh and his pelvis, running his finger down and avoiding the spot where dabi wanted him the most.
“fuck off,” dabi moaned these words despite their meaning, and tomura could tell that they were not meant to be taken literally.
“you’re such a mess already, and i haven’t even fucked you. come on, say what you gotta say. be good, for once.” tomura was spouting off, dripping wet in his boxers as he leaned in over dabi.
“make me, creep. make me, if you want it so fuckin’ bad.” dabi’s tone betrayed how fond he was of the situation he was in, though still whiny as all hell. tomura almost didn’t want to give him what he was so obviously baiting for. still, tomura would never pass an opportunity to whip the other man into shape.
he wasn’t the strongest, but dabi was in such a shaky state that he was able to manhandle him on his stomach with his ass up, face pressed into the pillow by virtue of tomura’s hand on the back of his head. and without hesitation, tomura laid down a smack hard enough to rattle his teeth on dabi’s ass. he saw the other man light up and he heard a groan loud enough to be loud through the pillow. tomura couldn’t imagine what the chat looked like right now. he didn’t care. they wanted authenticity, he would deliver.
tomura watched a print of his hand slowly appear on dabi’s right asscheek as dabi waggled his hips to try to entice tomura further. he decided to bite, laying another smack just as hard where his thigh met his ass, hearing a loud gasp as dabi drooled onto the pillow. and another, and another. he continued with a few more until dabi was whining into open air, little mewls and whimpers coming from where he had turned his head to the side to breathe better tomura’s hand sneaking its way into his hair and pulling occasionally.
tomura leaned over dabi, right up next to his ear, and murmured, “you wanna be a good boy now and beg for it? come on, i don’t have all day.” his fond little words combined with the stinging pain on dabi’s ass must have made the wall in his head break down.
“please, please gimme somethin’— i need it, c’mon, tomura,” dabi stretched out his lovers name like a prayer, clinging to every syllable like it would satisfy him in tomura’s absence.
either way, tomura finally spread dabi’s cheeks and slowly slid one finger in with surprising ease. he heard dabi whimper yet again, and knew he wouldn’t have to wait much longer to add a second. he did just that, working through whatever resistance the other man’s body posed him. dabi was already a puddle beneath him, little breaths driving tomura up the wall. he was about at the end of his rope here. he wasn’t a patient man, but something about dabi made him one. he couldn’t see himself spending this much time riling anyone else up, and it was strange to see this man make him so different.
he added another finger, watching with hungry eyes as his fingers were repeatedly engulfed. he curled them up against dabi’s walls and watched the man deflate. it was almost amusing.
still, he decided to finally take mercy on the poor thing and stood up to put on the harness. he heard dabi whine and turn over, hissing when his ass hit the bedsheets. tomura got his dick strapped into the harness and turned around with a half assed ‘ta-da’ gesture, smiling when dabi let out a husky little chuckle at the imagery of tomura’s bright pink strap against his black boxers.
he got up onto the bed, seeing now the product of his teasing in the way dabi leaned into his every touch. he lubed up and lined up with dabi’s hole, moving one of dabi’s legs to be on his shoulder. dabi was all limbs, so it was surprisingly easy. and for how leggy he was, he was unexpectedly flexible. tomura began to push in, making eye contact with dabi as he leaned over him, nearly folding the poor man in half as tomura laid one hand beside dabi’s head.
in this process, he had nearly all the way pushed into dabi, and the man below him was losing his mind.
“f- fuck i— i didn’ think it was that big—” dabi’s murmuring was more to himself, but the words went to tomura’s head for some reason. he was smirking as dabi tried to wiggle to get that last bit inside of him, groaning like he needed it.
“tomura, god, please,” the desperation in his voice was the straw that broke the camel’s back. tomura slammed the rest of the way in, and started a relentless pace. the impact of tomura’s clothed thighs against dabi’s raw skin was just another sensation that he could practically see the other man drowning in.
and tomura didn’t know what it was about him, his pretty eyes, his miles of tattooed skin, his long and clumsy limbs, his raspy voice and his overall demeanor, but the feelings that head built up for this man made it all the more breathtaking to watch him fall apart. and tomura couldn’t help but tell him, the camera made him more brave than he was.
“you’re pretty like this.”
“tomura, harder—”
“good boy,”
that little coo of two simple words made dabi keen, throwing his head back, long expanse of his neck exposed and just so gorgeous. tomura was going to lose it. tomura brought a hand up from dabi’s hips to his neck just to fit his hand around it. it felt dangerous, dabi so open and vulnerable for him here, opening up for tomura on film.
“you like that? you like being good for the camera? for me?”
dabi’s breathing was heavy staccato as he arched off the bed, and tomura took his over leg over his shoulder to fuck into him faster. tomura could tell he was nearing his end, hiccups of breath accentuating the way his eyes rolled back into his head at a particularly hard thrust, the drag and friction of the synthetic cock inside him too much for him to bear. he was flushed from his ears to his shoulders, a gorgeous color that tomura was currently particularly obsessed with.
“t- touch me tomura, please, i need to cum—”
“you wanna come? go on, convince me some more.”
“please, i’ll be so good tomura, give it to me, c’mon— i want it, can i? please,” he was repeating himself, so out of his own head to even produce a more intelligent answer. eventually his begging turned into these messy little moans that had tomura feening.
he sounded too pretty, and yet again tomura caved.
he swiped up some of the precum that had accumulated on dabi’s stomach (gross but effective) and started working dabi’s cock in time with his thrusts.
“cum for me, dabi, you’re allowed. you’ve been good for me, come on,” tomura coaxed the other man along as he finally reached his orgasm, spraying all over his own stomach and even managing to land some on tomura.
dabi took a while of deep breathing to finally calm down. in that time, tomura ended the stream with a warm goodbye and promise for more and went off to get tylenol, water and a rag.
wiping jizz off your fuckbuddie’s stomach wasn’t supposed to be particularly tender, but the way dabi’s eyelashes fluttered until the soft touch made tomura’s heart flutter. gross. dabi was a blushy mess, he presumed because of the other man’s prior begging and pleading for tomura’s dick.
“hey, tomu?” his words were barely above a murmur.
“you didn’t get off, did you?”
tomura had completely forgotten, so caught up in dabi’s pleasure and entertaining the viewers in the heat of the moment that the throbbing heat in his dick was slammed back into him at the mere mention of it.
“get yer’ ass over here,”
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missbakubitchh · 4 years
Of Mugs and Men
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Pairing: Denki Kaminari x Reader
Warnings: none! Denki bein a lil shithead. Its pretty fluffy
Summary: You can't find your favorite mug, and the culprit is being evasive. And a brat.
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: I saw a tiktok where you call your s/o by their government name instead of like a nickname and they get all upset and it inspired me :) it also had denki written all over it
"Hey Denki!" You call from the kitchen of your shared apartment, searching in vain for your favorite mug from the cabinet. You could have sworn you put it right here, in front of the others. Where in the hell could it have gone?
You've been looking for the damn mug all week, and it still hadn't turned up! Every room in the house had been searched, and you were convinced it had been stolen or broken or something. There was not a stone left unturned in this apartment and the mug was nowhere to be found. And if you didn't know what happened to it, that left one more culprit. Your boyfriend.
You wrinkle your nose as only silence meets your call, and you put your hands on your hips. You knew damn well he was home. He had gotten home a few hours ago, long day of being a pro hero leaving him absolutely spent. But he always came home to you with that dopey looking smile. Just like he had today.
"Denki! I know you can hear me!" You call a little louder, frowning when there was still no response. Hadn't you left him laying on the couch?
You wander out of the kitchen to your living room, and find the man himself laying on the couch all four limbs sprawled out to take up all the space. His hero uniform had been exchanged for a white t-shirt and black sweatpants, his hair swept back off his face. Then you got a good look at his face. He was pouting at you.
"Denki, what the hell?" You sigh, hands on your hips again. When you say his name he sours a little more, crossing his arms over his chest. Like a petulant child, you realize.
"What's got your panties in a twist, huh? You're giving me the cold shoulder." You observe, and he huffs loud and dramatic like. It took everything you had not to roll your eyes. Drama queen.
He grumbles something quietly, so quiet you really couldn't hear him. So you walk further into the living room, standing over him where he layed on the couch. Still pouting.
"What? Speak up, Denki, I can't hear you." You reply, a small laugh falling from your lips. You couldn't help it... the expression on his face was too funny.
"I said, that's not my name." He grumbles, puffing put his cheeks. You stare down at him, confusion written all over your features.
"What... what do you mean? I'm almost 100% certain that's your name." You reply, brow raised to the ceiling.
"Nope. It is not. I will not respond to that name." He insists, tilting his chin up stubbornly. You stare at him in bewilderment.
"That's your name though!" You protest, still not quite getting the picture. He sits up a little on his elbows, chest straining against the white t-shirt. God you loved those shirts.
He points to himself, eyes still locked on yours. Then, in all complete seriousness, he says:
"I'm baby. Not Denki."
You blink.
Waiting for him to start laughing falter in his pouty demeanor. But he doesn't... he means it wholeheartedly. When you don't say anything, he takes it upon himself to fill the silence and continue.
"I will also accept honey, sweetheart, my love, any of those really. I prefer baby, but I can be lenient." He states matter-of-factly, leveling his gaze with you. And you were trying very very hard not to start giggling.
"Baby, huh?" You drawl, stepping closer to the couch, arms crossed over your t-shirt clad chest. You had stolen one of his shirts before he got home, and it hung down to the middle of your thighs.
Denki huffs again, obviously being a stubborn brat about it. Sometimes you really thought having him as a boyfriend was like having a child. A whiny, needy, goofy troublemaking child.
"Yes. Baby. And you're lucky, I'll let you off with a warning this time. Just don't let it happen again." He grumbles, arms wrapping around your thighs when you get close enough. You try to swat his hands away, lighthearted giggles falling from your lips as he gives a firm pull, and you topple over onto his chest.
Warm hands skim up your thighs, rucking up the oversized t-shirt to your hips which he immediately covers with his large palms, kneading the flesh there. You hum slowly, your own hands flattening against his chest.
"You're so generous... baby." You snark, and he pinches your sides in retaliation, making you squeal.
"I know! Aren't you so lucky?" He retorts. "Now c'mere, baby deserves some sugar." He surges forward to capture your lips in a kiss, deep and breathtaking and still so sweet that you can't help but melt into it, into him, despite his entire headassery. You could feel the ghost of a smile on his own lips, and you knew that hearing you call him baby had solved the problem.
You pull away, pulling in soft panting breaths as his lips blaze a path along your jaw instead, busying his hands with rubbing patterns at your hips. He was getting awfully cheeky for someone who was oouting not even five minutes ago. You hum, head tilted, already more than willing to give in, but something was nagging at you.
"Baby..." you breathe, hand threading in that infamous yellow hair, giving a firm tug so he'd look at you. Which he does... but you almost wished you had let him be. The sight of him like that was enough to make you shiver.
His eyes were glazed over, half lidded and giddy with the feeling of your skin under his lips, which were kiss swollen and pink. He was looking at you like you hung the moon.
"Yeah, doll?" He mumbles, preening at the feeling of your hands in his hair, on his chest, anywhere.
"Do you know where my favorite mug went?"
He groans at your ruining the moment, head flopping back onto the pillows. "Is that all you wanted?" He whines, hands still tight around you to keep you in close despite you wanting to continue your search.
"Yes! It would have been simple if you'd have just answered me earlier instead of threw a fit like a brat." You quip, sitting uo just enough to poke him firmly in the chest.
"You called me Denki! And my name is baby!" He protests, still absolutely set on this, and you groan.
"I just wanted to make coffee!"
"Use another mug. I dunno where yours is." He says, trying to keep a poker face, but you could see right through his lies. He was an absolutely terrible liar. Your eyes narrow.
"Where is the mug, Kaminari?" You state slowly, and his brows raise at you in slight surprise.
"Now what did I say-" his sentence was cut short when you press your finger to his lips, shutting him up for a moment.
"Answer me. Where is my favorite mug?" You restate. He was fidgeting under your gaze, averting his eyes, the whole deal. You coukd easily tell he was the culprit, but you wanted to hear him say it. For closure purposes.
His lips part lightly and you remove your finger, face more than expectant of what he was going to say.
"Um so... I might have accidentally... broke it?" He squeaks.
Your face drops. Not in sadness, but in outrage.
"What?! That one was my favorite! I always keep it in the same place, I tell you all the time not to use it!" You protest, and he cringes at the confrontation.
"I didn't mean to! It was the only one left and you were at work, and I wanted hot chocolate so bad! But I didn't know you couldn't put that mug in the microwave and... it broke." He sputters out quickly, trying to stave off your anger. And you just stare at him for a moment.
The one thing that was most infuriating about Denki Kaminari was his ability to weasel his way out of trouble with you. All it took was those stupid puppy dog eyes and a little pout, and you were such a goner. You were pissed you couldn't stay mad at him.
"... you're lucky I love you." You grumble, and his face lights up like a Christmas tree when he sees you're not mad. Well, not super mad anyways. He wouldn't have to sleep on the couch!
"So..." he states slowly, biting his lip, "does this mean we're even?"
You look at him like he's the craziest son of a bitch in the world, and he's quick to explain himself.
"I mean! B-because you called me Denki! You call me by my government name, I break your mug and don't tell you for a week, we're even!"
You're up off his lap in seconds, much to his discontent.
"Hey, c'mon! Where are you going?" He whines, and you're reminded of a child once again, stubborn and always getting his way.
"To take a shower!" You call back, and when he goes to reply you're whick to talk over him. You already knew what he was going to ask.
"No! You're not invited!" The bathroom door closes and locks and he grumbles stubbornly to himself.
How could you do this to him? It was just a mug! Denying him the right to accompany you in the shower was just plain cruel.
His brooding thought are interrupted by the soumd of the lock clicking and the batbroom door opening, steam billowing from inside.
"Come on, sparky." You relent. He nearly trips over his feet he runs to the bathroom so fast.
Yeah... you weren't too mad.
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mrvdocks · 4 years
Is This Love?
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- It had to be that fateful day that you two stumbled into his spree. The day that would mentally fuck with you forever. - Spree AU
♫ - The thinking you’re the better man The danger I don't I understand
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Blood, language, some attraction to a serial murderer, standard final girl
pic credit: @pinkresources​
You don’t know where everything went wrong. Things just went downhill so fast that you barely had a chance to even blink.
Yet here you were, covered in who you thought was your best friend’s blood, a giddy Kurt, and a million people watching.
This couldn’t be the same sweet unassuming guy you’d met before, right?
Everything about him was off now. His tone, his style, his demeanor. Maybe you chose not to see the undertones of insanity to him. Because you were just as alone as he was in the end. 
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Looking back now, he was definitely stalking his prey. Whether that was you or her, whoever gave him the most leverage and made him a household name. A name to either be feared or admired.
It had to be that fateful day that you two stumbled into his spree. The day that would mentally fuck with you forever. 
It was supposed to be a normal day, just get your friend, in and out of some of her busiest and various interviews. You were her assistant, even if she tried to coin it some other term or just called you her friend, plain and simple.
Your pairing made you feel somewhat self conscious. Here she was, pretty, leggy, adored by fans online, the facade she had constructed for herself when in reality she was just manipulative and vindictive. This definitely wasn’t the crowd you wanted to work with, alas here you were.
“Remind me what we’re doing.” She said, eyes still completely glued to the phone. 
“Variety wanted that challenge video with you.” 
“Perfect, now,’ she took her eyes off of the screen and paused her typing. “Where’s the car?” 
“What car?” 
She rolled her eyes, “Those shitheads didn’t get me a car? How do they expect us to get there, walking?” 
Sometimes you wondered how she made it this far. Probably because everyone wanted to be used by her.
“Relax, I’ll just order a ride again.” You whipped out your phone, picking a red app out of the hundreds of others that caught your eye.
“Relax? Do you know how hard it is for me? I could be in the Maldives by now but no you told me to do this stupid interview because you’re poor.”
The insult didn’t exactly sting you as much as it would’ve a year ago. As a media graduate you thought you’d be working within the big leagues, not with a prissy and bitchy vlogger who wanted everything at the drop of a hat. 
Plus this interview came with some big bucks and if you could manage to nail this without fail, you could quit the very next day.
“Sorry, look, it’s just today and then tomorrow you can go out and do whatever you want.”
She whines, eyes back onto her phone and tweeting about her hardships. While the princess waited you kept an eye on passing cars, anything that would match the one on your screen. 
A car pulls up in front of you both, the windows of the passenger seat rolling down to greet you.
“Kurt, right?” 
He nods with a smirk, definitely inviting you in but also reminding you of someone. You make your way to the backseat, but are pushed aside as your friend takes her place in the middle of the row. You laugh nervously, glancing at Kurt as you take the passenger seat. 
“What’s with all these cameras? Are you like in a reality show?” Your friend blurts out, prompting Kurt to glance at her.
“It’s just for safety. Wait are you - oh my god you are!” Kurt gushes, making the connection of the celebrity in his backseat. 
Your friend flashes her pearly whites at Kurt, loving to be the center of attention. 
“No way. Bobby is not gonna believe this.” He beams.
You can feel it’s almost time to dissociate in order to get through this ride. 
Kurt turns his phone over to the right, capturing your friend’s image a little better. The comments pop one after the other at rapid speed. You can’t read it but you can tell by Kurt’s face whoever is commenting is in disbelief. 
“My friend Bobby is obsessed with you, he always says he would make a sex tape with you.” 
You cringe at the thought and at the sudden robot voice erupting from Kurt’s phone exclaiming that Julia take her top off. It doesn’t seem to faze her though, she lives for it.
“Hey has anyone told you, you look exactly like that guy from Stranger Things?” Julia laughs, You’re unsure if it’s supposed to be a jab or an actual compliment for Kurt.
Kurt’s smile drops, it’s something he got a lot as a tease from Bobby. How he looked like him but didn’t quite have his suave and lovable demeanor. If anything he was the complete opposite, pathetic.
“A bit.” He waves the thought away, and as soon as your friend begins to take pictures of herself, he begins speaking rapidly. 
“If you post anything, make sure to tag me I’m KurtsWorld 96. Follow for follow.” He beams, as if this is something he normally does.
Ohhhhhh boy. This is just a twitter bot in a boy’s body isn’t it. 
Your friend just giggles to herself, completely ignoring his plea for fame. 
“See, I would love to do that. But my friend has to do like some background check or whatever. No hard feelings though, ‘kay?” With that she’s back to her own bubble.
It’s you who’s on the spotlight now though and you mentally curse her out for it. 
“Really?” Kurt glances at you and you can read him just like all the other fans. The hopefulness in his eyes. 
“I mean if you need to check out my stuff I don’t mind at all. In fact, that’s why I have all these cameras set up.”
“I thought they were for protection.” 
Kurt chuckles, “That too, but I mean when stuff like this happens you have to document it, right? Gotta let everyone know what you’re doing all the time.” 
The extreme level of desperation from Kurt almost scares you. You’ve seen this before, you were this before. His problem is he doesn’t have a Julia. 
You nod, smiling easily. 
“After all, we’re only as good as our last performance.” Kurt says suddenly. 
You do a double take.
There’s a familiarity to what he says. You’ve seen or heard it somewhere before. Something only known to you in private. 
Your brows furrow as you both look at each other. There’s a certain tension between you now, you get goosebumps from the way he looks at you. The feeling in the pit of your stomach confuses you. 
The times he glances at you in silence just to raise his brows or to do some facial quirk to make you laugh feel pleasant.
You watch him intently, the way his fingers grip the wheel, the way his hair could use just a touch of hydration, the way the corners of his lips lift into a smirk.
Julia doesn’t notice the eye fucking at all, not surprising.
The later half of the ride consisted mostly of just Kurt talking about something he was planning and that if you two were interested he would love to have both of you back. 
Julia, though always eager to have a camera shoved in her face, surprisingly declines because Kurt just doesn’t seem like he’d suit her brand. You feel the embarrassment for him and want to get out of this situation as soon as possible.
Your prayers are answered and the minute you see Kurt brake, you rush out just as your friend holds up a finger for you to wait. Kurt offers her a water bottle which she takes happily because it’s “free”. You wait but he offers you none.
She takes small sips and then crams it into her bag. 
Kurt simpers, but you don’t know what exactly is in the bottle, yet. 
“Thanks, Kurt.” You can’t help but meet his gaze. It’s not desperate anymore, no. It’s almost.....darker.
“My pleasure.” 
You both rush into the building, Julia forgetting about him already. But he sits in your mind the entire time. 
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Julia cries as she doubles over in pain, her hand basically gripping yours for dear life as she coughs up blood. She had left the interview early due to a stomach ache but you’d never seen anything so severe.
“Julia, okay listen to me, we have to get you to the hospital.”
She shakes her head, hurling crimson onto your shirt and hands. 
“Julia! You need help, we need to go!” You yelled adamantly.
She wasn’t like this until the car ride with Kurt. 
You sprang into action, going back to your phone and putting in Kurt’s info to find where he was. The only perk about being an assistant to an influencer, is people will come when you call. And Kurt was sure to come.
You order a ride, and cover up Julia’s face which already is starting to look like something out of a zombie movie. Her face is swelling up and her lips are bleeding. 
You take her by the arm and lead her down to an awaiting Kurt, joining her in the backseat.
He looks different. More rugged and somewhat cleaner, he’s changed clothes since the few hours you saw him. Even the car is different, it wasn’t his Prius. 
He’s not even fazed by her sudden reaction to the water and instead, the moment you close the door he drives off in the opposite direction. 
“Kurt this isn’t the way to the hospital.”
“Oh I know, I’m taking you home.”
“I don’t live this way.” You were beginning to feel the panic rise in you.
He chuckles to himself as if he just made a killer joke. “No, no, my home.”
Your eyes widened. You scan the car filled with cameras. Certainly anyone watching would call the police. You can’t help but freeze, your shaky hands trying to grip Julia as she continues to hurl uncontrollably. 
You pass streets you don’t recognize and making contact with drivers is out of the question while you’re paralyzed. 
Kurt pulls onto a rocky road, a house completely devoid of light staring back at you. You wish you could scream once he gets out of the car but when he opens the door to your side and helps you with Julia into the house, you’re on autopilot.
“Honestly I’m surprised she made it this long. Everyone else lasted only a few seconds.” He guffaws, completely in awe as if this was some kind of achievement.
You stare at him, in deep thought of who else he’d done this to.  
“Why are you doing this? Why - why would you-” the sheer panic in your voice doesn’t seem to affect him.
He dumps Julia onto the couch mindlessly, as if he just came home from a long day of work. 
“Because I love you. And I’d do anything for you. And.....I didn’t like the way she was talking to you.” 
He faces you now, coming to hold your face in his hands. You don’t recoil yet but shiver at the way his oddly cold fingers feel against your warm flush face.
“How do you -” 
“We’re only as good as our last performance.” He echoes from earlier. 
It all clicks suddenly. The reason why he didn’t give you a bottle. The comments on her videos defending you. The anonymous messages between you two. It was him all along. 
To say that the now dead body next to you while he professed his love to you was very unsettling would be an understatement. Much less it being broadcast to millions of people watching. 
“If you loved me you wouldn’t be doing this,” You tried to reason, bringing his hands down to his side.
You liked Kurt. Even if you hadn’t known what his intentions were. But the messages made you feel like someone was on your side. Like he understood you. Now you weren’t sure if the past few weeks even meant anything to him or if he really was just using you to get to Julia. 
“You let her walk all over you the same way I let Bobby. But not anymore! You and me, we can be bigger than they ever were.”
“Kurt you’re insane! We have to go now.” 
You make a break for the front door, only to be pinned down by Kurt. You struggle but Kurt’s figure hovers over you. Your breath hitches at the sudden closeness of your faces and bodies.
“I’m sorry but I can’t let you do that.” He says grimly. 
“Kurt please, I won’t tell anyone. I promise. Look we can - we can leave and go somewhere they won’t find you.”
He scoffs. “Live in anonymity? You know I can’t do that.”
You know you’ve lost the battle right then and there. 
You have to appeal to his nature, his blood thirst. You’re quick on your feet because the stench of the blood on your hands is beginning to make your stomach churn. 
You crane your head to the side and lean into him, pressing your lips together. He’s frozen for a second, taken aback by your sudden change of heart. He pulls back and stands, leaving you on the floor still. 
He’s laughing now, almost manically. 
“You love me! See? With everything you and I know, we could be a power couple!”
You stand, watching him as he celebrates prematurely. 
The comments on the stream were going crazy. Most of them not believing that your friend or Bobby were dead now. A variety of sounds coming from the phone fill the room and muffle your quick breaths.
You take small strides to him slowly, keeping your eyes on the phone. “You’re right. No one can tell or make us do something we don’t want to anymore.”
He’s coming down from his high, raking his hands through his hair and muttering to himself. 
“We have to clean house.” He says, rushing to Julia’s body, grabbing her feet and dragging her to the garage. 
You take this moment when his back is to you to run to the door again, flipping the lock open and running as fast as you can out into the freezing air. The adrenaline fuels you. Kurt curses as he drops the body and runs after you. 
He lurches forward when he’s close enough, dropping the both of you onto the rocky dirt. You scramble to get up but he takes hold of your head by your hair and brings your head down onto the ground roughly. 
You’re disoriented for a moment, unable to see. 
“You’re making things harder than they need to be.” He sighs, flipping you over on your back and taking you into his arms in a bridal carry back to the house. 
“Please don’t kill me.” You manage out, feeling a stinging pain in your head.
He pouts. “I’m not gonna kill you. I need you.”
He sets you back down onto the pool table in the garage, going back to talk to the millions watching him and you now. 
You don’t see what he types but from the looks of it he disagrees severely. “No I’m not going to kill her! She’s the Bonnie to my Clyde.” 
If anything, this was going to be Romeo and Juliet. Only you weren’t dying for this.
You feel around for anything on the table with your limited view. A ball, a stick, anything. You grasp a hard triangular shape, gripping it with with the little strength and adrenaline you can muster. 
He’s too distracted by what everyone’s saying to notice you behind him, rack high in the air. You yell as you bring the rack down to the nape of his neck, he goes down hard and fast but you’re quicker. 
You pounce and straddle him, bringing the rack up again to gain more momentum and aim down at his face.
He’s cries out in pain, hands coming to shield his face. “What are you doing?! This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!” 
“Sorry babe. Change of plans.” You grit through deep and fast breaths. You get a few more hits in before he seemingly goes limp. 
Your chest heaves, trying to get back to normal as you wait with bated breath for any sign of movement from him. You make a move to climb off of him, seeing the phone thrown to the side, still documenting the entirety of what just happened. 
You toss aside the rack, crawling to the phone as you read the comments. Things calling for Bobby to come out, some asking if Julia was okay, others insulting Kurt and you. One catches your attention.
Watch out!
You turn in the nick of time, avoiding Kurt’s swing of the rack. You try to crawl away but he grasps your ankle and drags you back. You manage to get a kick in with your other foot, earning you a second or two. Kurt bellows out in pain.
He persists, climbing on top of you to grab your throat firmly. The action and pressure of it is enough for you to abandon the phone and try to pry him off. 
“We could’ve been great!” He yells, his bloody face painting yours. You cough roughly, trying to get some air back into your constricting lungs.
You can’t hold him off any longer, and if you don’t get any oxygen, he’ll win his twisted legacy.
Remembering the phone, you let go of his hands and feel around until you are able to grab it firmly and hit him in the eye with it. He falls back and screams in pain. 
You’re on top again, taking hold of the collar of his shirt to hold him as you attack with abandon.
“We’re.” Hit.
“Only.” Kurt groans.
 “As. Good.” Another dastardly good hit.
 “As. Our. Last.” He sputters, choking.
“Performance.” You let a guttural yell rip from your chest as you deliver the final blow. This time he stays down. 
The silence rings in your ear long enough to spur you out of the moment. You can hear sirens in the background, not long now. You glance back to your anonymous lover, your hand coming to lift the hair out of his bloody face. 
Your fingers linger on his face for a second. You bring the phone to your face and laugh mirthlessly, “Fuck you all.” 
You climb off of Kurt, heading to the welcoming breeze of the outside world. 
You sit on the porch chair, covered head to toe in a mixture of blood, eyes fluttering shut as the sirens get louder with each second. 
You smirk.
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omisbreakfast · 4 years
i rank every summer outfits from a3! because??
because i can. also fuck you.
the first version of this was deleted by tumblr in my drafts and now i have to re write it entirely and i fucking hate it here... anyways.
i’m biased as fuck
sorry it’s a long post
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harugumi :
itaru : yeah no actually it’s pretty fine. ngl itaru is kinda hot when he dress correctly so there’s that. also, he’s often in pink. it suits him, but i don’t like it. still.... cute. but it’s also itaru so not too much praises. 9/10
citron : why.......... the shoes.... what the fuck are those shoes.... where did you even find them..... do you wanna fight or something.... this fills me with rage... you’ve disappointed me, citron... also hate the shirt. 3/10
tsuzuru : casual, soft, classic boy... nothing much to say here. but WHY THE FUCKING HAT??? IT RUINS EVERYTHING...... at least wear it correctly PLEASE. YOU DUMABSS. and the shoes would have been better in another color. i just,,,,, why tsuzuru, why the hat... 4/10
sakuya : i can’t bring myself to say bad things about sakuya. (also the fact that i don’t remember what i wrote before the first version of this post got deleted in my drafts pisses me off) but like,,, he’s cute. i mean it’s a classic outfit. tho the choice of the shirt is questionable as fuck. also HES SO TINY BABY. 6/10
masumi : yeah no actually i like it. i really like the shirt for some reason, it suits him. BUT BUT BUT the pants looks weird as hell LMAO?? like... it makes him looks like a crotch less ken doll??? it’s,,, really weird. also the shoes are.... hmmm.... overall good balance but there’s some weird stuffs going on. 7/10
chikage : garbage boy stink man. fucking looks like a rich white boy coming home from tennis and i fucking hate it here ™ if i’m objective about this it’s actually NOT bad but it loses several points for the sole reason that it’s fucking chikage and i won’t take shit for it. 6/10
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natsugumi :
kazunari : why. why do you do this. why. why. how am i supposed to ever learn how to love when you backstab me like this, kaz ? what do we do now ? i trusted you and you betrayed me. i can never find love ever again............ yeah ok. pls let’s skip to the next one.... 2/10 (and two points is because it’s kaz and i just can’t bring myself to truly hate him.)
yuki : it’s not bad but i hate this dress. like. his outfits are usually ok but this? no. YOU LOOK LIKE A GOOD CHRISTIAN BOY, DAMN IT YUKI. are YOU GOING TO CHURCH TO PRAISE THE LORD TODAY TOO? also the colour of it... no. 4/10
tenma : congrats you rich boy you finally have a decent outfit ! though i don’t understand the concept of your zip being infront but ok. bet his stans like it smh. also i like the color of his jacket. very nice. 8/10
muku : baby i love u so much but u look like the pinterest girls who take aesthetic pictures in flowers fields and are smiling like the sun @ the camera.......... which is not per se but it’s a whole vibe. also stop wearing orange. it doesn’t go with your hair well........ ilu cutie. 8/10
misumi : my sweet boy. why are you wearing an hoodie with a jacket. why. it’s summer you idiot. you’ll get overheated. stop. but overall he looks very nice. idk i just think he’s neat......... i. i love u @ misumi. 9/10 (don’t look at me)
kumon : he... he looks like.... a j-j-j*ck..... which he is............... i just........... oh my god. i love kumon but he IS a jock i JUST ???? LALFKGKK. also his fucking shoes makes me lose my mind because this is so fucking bullshit ???? so ugly it hurts my eyes.... he’s lucky he’s a good boy. 4/10
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akigumi :
juza : nah he hot as hell in this pass on it. if you’re asking yourself why he looks so good, here’s your answer : his arms. his arms are great. i can excuse his sandales this time cuz IT IS summer but yeah. yeah no he’s cute and- yeah. ok. yeah. hm hm. 9.5/10
taichi : so the thing with taichi is that his style is NOT bad per se but like. he’s a skater boy. so my standards are already very low for him,,,, like no offence i love taichi so much but,,,, that’s how it be.... his shirts are usually so big he looks like a GOD DAMN FLAG i can’t with this. and i don’t like how baggy his pants are but yeah,,,, it’s just a whole look.... anyways................ 6/10
omi : in which yosei boys decided to fucking test my patience by putting on classic, good looking clothes and decided to absolutely ruin my entire hopes and dreams (if i’m being dramatic ? no i am not.) AND their WHOLE outfits adding an useless stupid fucking hat thay doesnt seems even to be worn properly. omi, tsuzuru, you’ll pay for this. 7/10
sakyo : (i’m tired as heck and i almost forgot about sakyo when he’s right in the middle) actually i like this. it’s color coordinated and i think that’s very nice. but i wish his pants would have been a little bit longer. yeah no that’s it for real. also idk what’s about this outfit but he really shows how skinny he really is LMAOOO. shithead sakyo. 8/10
azami : the thing about azami is that usually his upper half is pretty well dressed, or whatever, but when we look at his pants/shoes its where everything goes to shit. Like ???? what the fuck man you could have done so much better if you didn’t decide to put this gigantic pants who looks like you’re gonna fly with it or fucking whatever (i don’t need to make sense i’m TIRED) also his shoes bothers me. can’t believe he’s fucking 15 like shut up. 6/10
banri : ...... *inhales* FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUU. fuck you and your ugly ass little hat and your zombie like haircut i. fucking despise you. if he were standing right infront of me, no he wouldn’t be because he would deck him so hard. YOU HAVE THE MONEY TO BUY CLOTHES AND THE TIME TO TRY AND MAKE IT LOOK GOOD ?? SO WHY???? what’s going on in your ugly ass little head bitch. THANK YOU god he isn’t wearing any animal prints in this, thats one thing. imagine this awful outfit with the ugly shoes and stUPID FUCKING HAT that i hate, with a leopard print shirt.... yeah cursed. i know. sorry banri stans i cant hear you over the sound of your man fishing with joe and bertrand on a sunday morning at 6am. 3/10
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fuyugumi :
tasuku : ... idk man. he’s just there. why is... his shoes... so flashy........ bruh...... also he looks like a very straight man and idk how to feel about this. we know u gay bitch. 7/10
hisoka : except for the fucking weird ass pants it’s actually ok. he looks.... very comfy. 10/10 would CUDDLE...... pls hisoka.... i’m tired... fluffy boy..... ugh..... i don’t have much to say about this ok he just.... spare some cuddles. 7/10
actually i like it. well. there’s two things that bothers me. GREEN. DOESN’T. SUIT. HIM. PERIOD. if u think otherwise i’m sorry. it’s just awful with his purple hair (or whatever color it is) imo. and the second..... the square should have been a triangle. i won’t take no’s. 8.5/10
tsumugi : ngl tsumugi gives me little lost boy looking for his mommy vibes. at first i thought it was his outfits but no, it’s just his face. and this ? doesn’t make it better. idk how to explain but how he wears his shirt makes it look like he’s floating and it’s kinda cute in a... special way. he’s just a very sweet boy. 7/10
azuma : i can’t bring myself to even say bad things about azuma... it’s physical. i just can’t. i have a theory his power is that strong and therefore i cannot critizice this beauty. he just. is. ya know........ sigh...... 9/10
guy : if he dresses like this, that’s.... that’s not your man, ladies. that’s your loving, hardworking and dedicated husband who just went to pick some flowers in the prairies next to your little farm in the middle of the nowhere but who’s still paradise on earth cuz it’s the two of you and you couldn’t ask for anything more. deadass. fucking peasants. 4/10
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katsukithme · 4 years
Of Mugs and Men
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~moved from old account~
Pairing: Denki Kaminari x Reader
Warnings: none! Denki bein a lil shithead. It's pretty fluffy
Summary: You can't find your favorite mug, and the culprit is being evasive. And a brat.
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: I saw a tiktok where you call your s/o by their government name instead of like a nickname and they get all upset and it inspired me :) it also had denki written all over it
"Hey Denki!" You call from the kitchen of your shared apartment, searching in vain for your favorite mug from the cabinet. You could have sworn you put it right here, in front of the others. Where in the hell could it have gone?
You've been looking for the damn mug all week, and it still hadn't turned up! Every room in the house had been searched, and you were convinced it had been stolen or broken or something. There was not a stone left unturned in this apartment and the mug was nowhere to be found. And if you didn't know what happened to it, that left one more culprit. Your boyfriend.
You wrinkle your nose as only silence meets your call, and you put your hands on your hips. You knew damn well he was home. He had gotten home a few hours ago, long day of being a pro hero leaving him absolutely spent. But he always came home to you with that dopey looking smile. Just like he had today.
"Denki! I know you can hear me!" You call a little louder, frowning when there was still no response. Hadn't you left him laying on the couch?
You wander out of the kitchen to your living room, and find the man himself laying on the couch all four limbs sprawled out to take up all the space. His hero uniform had been exchanged for a white t-shirt and black sweatpants, his hair swept back off his face. Then you got a good look at his face. He was pouting at you.
"Denki, what the hell?" You sigh, hands on your hips again. When you say his name he sours a little more, crossing his arms over his chest. Like a petulant child, you realize.
"What's got your panties in a twist, huh? You're giving me the cold shoulder." You observe, and he huffs loud and dramatic like. It took everything you had not to roll your eyes. Drama queen.
He grumbles something quietly, so quiet you really couldn't hear him. So you walk further into the living room, standing over him where he layed on the couch. Still pouting.
"What? Speak up, Denki, I can't hear you." You reply, a small laugh falling from your lips. You couldn't help it... the expression on his face was too funny.
"I said, that's not my name." He grumbles, puffing put his cheeks. You stare down at him, confusion written all over your features.
"What... what do you mean? I'm almost 100% certain that's your name." You reply, brow raised to the ceiling.
"Nope. It is not. I will not respond to that name." He insists, tilting his chin up stubbornly. You stare at him in bewilderment.
"That's your name though!" You protest, still not quite getting the picture. He sits up a little on his elbows, chest straining against the white t-shirt. God you loved those shirts.
He points to himself, eyes still locked on yours. Then, in all complete seriousness, he says:
"I'm baby. Not Denki."
You blink.
Waiting for him to start laughing falter in his pouty demeanor. But he doesn't... he means it wholeheartedly. When you don't say anything, he takes it upon himself to fill the silence and continue.
"I will also accept honey, sweetheart, my love, any of those really. I prefer baby, but I can be lenient." He states matter-of-factly, leveling his gaze with you. And you were trying very very hard not to start giggling.
"Baby, huh?" You drawl, stepping closer to the couch, arms crossed over your t-shirt clad chest. You had stolen one of his shirts before he got home, and it hung down to the middle of your thighs.
Denki huffs again, obviously being a stubborn brat about it. Sometimes you really thought having him as a boyfriend was like having a child. A whiny, needy, goofy troublemaking child.
"Yes. Baby. And you're lucky, I'll let you off with a warning this time. Just don't let it happen again." He grumbles, arms wrapping around your thighs when you get close enough. You try to swat his hands away, lighthearted giggles falling from your lips as he gives a firm pull, and you topple over onto his chest.
Warm hands skim up your thighs, rucking up the oversized t-shirt to your hips which he immediately covers with his large palms, kneading the flesh there. You hum slowly, your own hands flattening against his chest.
"You're so generous... baby." You snark, and he pinches your sides in retaliation, making you squeal.
"I know! Aren't you so lucky?" He retorts. "Now c'mere, baby deserves some sugar." He surges forward to capture your lips in a kiss, deep and breathtaking and still so sweet that you can't help but melt into it, into him, despite his entire headassery. You could feel the ghost of a smile on his own lips, and you knew that hearing you call him baby had solved the problem.
You pull away, pulling in soft panting breaths as his lips blaze a path along your jaw instead, busying his hands with rubbing patterns at your hips. He was getting awfully cheeky for someone who was oouting not even five minutes ago. You hum, head tilted, already more than willing to give in, but something was nagging at you.
"Baby..." you breathe, hand threading in that infamous yellow hair, giving a firm tug so he'd look at you. Which he does... but you almost wished you had let him be. The sight of him like that was enough to make you shiver.
His eyes were glazed over, half lidded and giddy with the feeling of your skin under his lips, which were kiss swollen and pink. He was looking at you like you hung the moon.
"Yeah, doll?" He mumbles, preening at the feeling of your hands in his hair, on his chest, anywhere.
"Do you know where my favorite mug went?"
He groans at your ruining the moment, head flopping back onto the pillows. "Is that all you wanted?" He whines, hands still tight around you to keep you in close despite you wanting to continue your search.
"Yes! It would have been simple if you'd have just answered me earlier instead of threw a fit like a brat." You quip, sitting up just enough to poke him firmly in the chest.
"You called me Denki! And my name is baby!" He protests, still absolutely set on this, and you groan.
"I just wanted to make coffee!"
"Use another mug. I dunno where yours is." He says, trying to keep a poker face, but you could see right through his lies. He was an absolutely terrible liar. Your eyes narrow.
"Where is the mug, Kaminari?" You state slowly, and his brows raise at you in slight surprise.
"Now what did I say-" his sentence was cut short when hou press your finger to his lips, shutting him up for a moment.
"Answer me. Where is my favorite mug?" You restate. He was fidgeting under your gaze, averting his eyes, the whole deal. You coukd easily tell he was the culprit, but you wanted to hear him say it. For closure purposes.
His lips part lightly and you remove your finger, face more than expectant of what he was going to say.
"Um so... I might have accidentally... broke it?" He squeaks.
Your face drops. Not in sadness, but in outrage.
"What?! That one was my favorite! I always keep it in the same place, I tell you all the time not to use it!" You protest, and he cringes at the confrontation.
"I didn't mean to! It was the only one left and you were at work, and I wanted hot chocolate so bad! But I didn't know you couldn't put that mug in the microwave and... it broke." He sputters out quickly, trying to stave off your anger. And you just stare at him for a moment.
The one thing that was most infuriating about Denki Kaminari was his ability to weasel his way out of trouble with you. All it took was those stupid puppy dog eyes and a little pout, and you were such a goner. You were pissed you couldn't stay mad at him.
"... you're lucky I love you." You grumble, and his face lights up like a Christmas tree when he sees you're not mad. Well, not super mad anyways. He wouldn't have to sleep on the couch!
"So..." he states slowly, biting his lip, "does this mean we're even?"
You look at him like he's the craziest son of a bitch in the world, and he's quick to explain himself.
"I mean! B-because you called me Denki! You call me by my government name, I break your mug and don't tell you for a week, we're even!"
You're up off his lap in seconds, much to his discontent.
"Hey, c'mon! Where are you going?" He whines, and you're reminded of a child once again, stubborn and always getting his way.
"To take a shower!" You call back, and when he goes to reply you're whick to talk over him. You already knew what he was going to ask.
"No! You're not invited!" The bathroom door closes and locks and he grumbles stubbornly to himself.
How could you do this to him? It was just a mug! Denying him the right to accompany you in the shower was just plain cruel.
His brooding thoughts are interrupted by the soumd of the lock clicking and the batbroom door opening, steam billowing from inside.
"Come on, sparky." You relent. He nearly trips over his feet he runs to the bathroom so fast.
Yeah... you weren't too mad.
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eak8753 · 4 years
High School AU 
There were two people at Rebel High that you didn’t mess with. Damian Wayne and Raven Roth. Damian was the son of playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne. He was a violent little shit that got into fights just for the fun of it. He had been kicked out of numerous schools so his Father sent him to the only public school in town as punishment. He could hold himself in a fight and even if he couldn’t, he knew his Father would bail him out of anything.
Raven was a part of the demons, one of the deadliest gangs in America. She was born into it by her Father, as it was her birthright to be a part of it. She was the school's best known drug dealer and had spent the summer before junior year locked up. She had no quarrels with kicking someone’s ass if she needed to, but her preferred method of attack was verbal abuse. Both of them could cut you down to size with a single look and people were far too scared to get on their shit lists. That didn’t stop the rumours though.
“Todd, what are we doing here? I thought you were taking us to get food?” Damian asked his older brother, Jason. He had told their Father that he was grabbing a late lunch, when Alfred had insisted that he take Damian along. That had been thirty minutes ago and they still hadn’t gotten a single thing to eat. Instead they were at some trailer park on the opposite side of the city. The trailers were smaller than his room and it didn’t make sense why Todd would want to come here.
Ignoring his younger brother, Jason got out of the car, banging on one of the trailer's doors. Following his brother's actions -for what reason was beyond him- a man with two dyed white streaks in his primarily black hair, eyes the colour of ambers, covered in tattoos opened the door. looking Jason up and down he motioned for them to come in. Upon entering Damian noticed two things, it was bigger on the inside, and the place reeked of weed.
“I need papes*” Jason told the man once they walked in. “What happened to the ones I gave you?” the man questioned turning the T.V off. Damian always had to marvel at how differently they all handled their problems. Todd used drugs and alcohol, Drake would isolate himself, Grayson would throw himself into work, and Damian used violence. Sure they each tended to do what the others did -minus Damian and drugs- but they all seemed more prone to do one thing.
Damian was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a girl’s voice, one he had heard a couple of times before. “Hey fuckhead” the girl said, anger evident in her voice. Turning to the sound he looked at a form dressed in a white tank top, black sweatpants, and a bat in hand. Right in front of him was Rebel High’s most feared female; Raven Roth. “Shit” the man Jason had asked papes for pailed. “Rae…” he said trailing off as she went towards the television. She glared at the man, then proceeded to take the bat and swing it into the T.V. effectively rendering it useless. Glass shards fell to the ground, all the while the lavender haired girl never took her eyes off the man.
“What the fuck Raven” the man yelled at the young women, looking back from the shattered T.V. to her. “Remember this next time you wanna go through my shit” she said walking up to him, stopping only a few feet away, dropping the bat. “As your older brother I can go through your crap whenever I want to, and how else was I gonna find out that you’re fucking a thirty year old” the dark haired man replied, still in disbelief over the events that took place not even five minutes ago. “Simple, you don’t. Besides it’s not like it would be the first time” the girl replied with venom, clearly still angry, for what was lost to Damian.
The Roth siblings glared at each other, while the Wayne brothers -or the ones there at least- kept glancing at each other, in mild confusion and fear. She looked at him for a moment. Damian had never had a conversation with the young dealer. She rarely ever spoke unless it was to rip someone apart, disrespect someone -who more often than not deserved it- or was to talk about deals. Seeing as Damian and her didn’t run in the same crowd -that of which meant he was popular, thus meaning he sat with popular people and she was always by herself- and he didn’t have a purpose for drugs, they never spoke. Although they did have English together. Turning back to face her brother she flipped him off and walked out the door.
Damian briefly wondered if he had been possessed as he saw her walk out the door, slamming it. He didn’t want her to leave, which was unusual in itself since he wasn’t much of a people person. Looking at the two older men before him, Damian ran out of the trailer home, running up to the young girl, calling out her name.
Stopping a couple of meters in front of him she slowly turned around, her arms crossed in front of her, confusion visible on her face. “Wayne?” she questioned, raising an eyebrow as he ran the last few meters to her. “Hey, I um” he stammered, suddenly his mouth felt dry. Despite other’s beliefs, he had no clue how to talk to teenage girls, especially ones who were just as explosive as him. He knew he had to be cautious, not say or do anything that might make her upset.
“I didn’t know you had a brother” he said casually. “I have five more,” she said, never letting her defences down. Why was Damian Wayne talking to her? It didn’t make any sense, and honestly she couldn’t be bothered to figure out the truth at the moment. She hadn’t eaten yet and was fully aware of how violent and rude she could be if she didn’t eat. “Really? Where are they” he asked with genuine interest. He was observant and used that to his advantage, he pretty much had everyone at Rebel’s High story -or the basics of it- figured out, all’s except her’s.
“Prison” she answered sharply, turning on her heel, she started walking again. Then a hand reached out to latch on to her own, effectively stopping her. Spinning around to him, she looked at his hand on her arm, then at him. Did he have a death wish? Moving his hand from her after a moment -way to quickly, he noted- he went to speak, but was beaten to it. “Look Damian, if my brother asked you to check up on me-“ “Your brother didn’t tell me to do shit. I just wanted to make sure you were okay” he cut her off, nonchalantly.
She was suspicious, he could see that but she didn’t ask “why” which he was grateful for. Honestly Damian didn’t know why he did it, maybe it was because something about Raven had always intrigued him or that she had yet to throw herself at him but he did want to make sure she was okay. Plus if what her brother said about the thirty year old was true, he wanted that pedophile to get locked up.
“I’m guessing you’re one of the shithead brothers Jay is alway complaining about?” She asked him after a moment, still keeping her guards up. Raising his eyebrow slightly he crossed his arms. “He talks about you guys, so are you Kiss Up, Replacement or Demon Spawn?” the girl question. “Demon Spawn, definitely Demon Spawn” the boy answered, smirking.
Sure being called a demon spawn wasn’t something to be proud of, but honestly he couldn’t give two shits. When he first went to live with his Father seven years ago he purposefully was a disobedient, cruel, nasty child, something he undoubtedly would be punished for when he lived with his Mother and Grandfather. He also really liked the names for his other older brothers. Kiss Up had to be Grayson, Father was always comparing everything the others did to their eldest brother. Replacement must have been Drake then, which for Todd was fitting, considering he was adopted a few months after Father had sent Todd off to boarding school in London.
Tuning back into his conversation with Raven he asked “what does he say about us?” “53% of the time it's complaints, 17% is talking about how we should sell him a gun“ this shocked Damian for two reasons; why did Todd need a gun? And he didn’t know the Roths dealt them. Of course he wasn’t stupid and valued his life so he brushed it off as if he already knew these things. “What about the remaining 30%?” The young Wayne asked. At that Raven just grinned.
It was then that she came closer to him, he stood still, tensing up at the contact. He didn’t really like being around people, females no less. He had only really ever had two females close to him; his mother and ex girlfriend, both of which were no longer a part of his life. Raven, being completely oblivious to his uneasiness reached forward for the front of his jacket, playing with the unzipped sides before looking up at him. “Is that a Balmain Biker Jacket*” she questioned, still playing with the sides. “Yeah it is, how did you…” he trailed off, looking at her suspiciously. “Just because I can't afford it doesn’t mean I don't know what it is,” she smirked.
He looked at her a bit sheepishly, then she quickly pulled away from him. For some reason he liked having her close to him, but he brushed it off as wanting physical contact from a female -that he was comfortable with- after going months without it.
“I'm hungry” she stated, and started walking away. Before he could do anything she turned to him again with a raised brow. “Well, are you coming?” She asked. It took him a moment to realize what had happened. Raven Roth had just asked him if he was going to eat with her, it really wasn’t her style. He had rumours that she had slept with -or done something similar- with almost every guy at school. He didn’t think she did dates, then again this wasn’t a date. Did he want it to be a date? That was a question he didn’t need answered at the moment, running up to her he made sure to leave a good five inches of space between them.
Entering Big Belly Burger, they sat down at a booth, across from each other. “Need help deciding what you want,” Raven asked with an amusing smile, clearly teasing him. It wasn't a secret that Damian always had the best of everything; clothes, technology, and food. He knew that she thought that this was his first time coming to a Big Belly Burger, or any fast food place. Yes it was true he didn’t usually go to places that served food high in fat, but he did indulge once in a while, this being one of those times. “Nope” he answered, popping the P, as the waitress came over to them.
“What will it be?” The waitress asked, who Damian quickly realized was a new girl who went to their school, a sophomore he believed. “I'll have a grilled chicken burger and an ice tea, with a side of fries” Raven said, putting the menu down. “I'll have the same thing except for a surprise veg burger” Damian responded to the waitress. Looking up from her notepad, she looked both of them over, registering who exactly was in front of her.
“Holy shit, you’re Damian Wayne” it wasn’t really a question but he nodded anyways. Immediately she became much more cheery. She patted her uniform skirt down, fixed her hair slightly and put on a bright smile. “So what brings you here” she said, he cringed internally at the overused pickup line. He found it a little disrespectful that she would try and talk to him when he was clearly in the middle of something with another person. The complete disregard for Raven infuriated.
He gestured towards the purple haired girl in front of him, the waitress just scoffed. “You certainly are a cheap date” she said to Raven. “Didn’t know you were into rich boys, then again I wouldn’t put being a gold digger past you. Or is the trailer trash you’re used to just not cutting it anymore, you would sleep with anyone who wants it” she said with clear disgust, Raven for her part was keeping her cool, she didn’t even seem bothered by what this girl was insinuating. Damian knew the rumours, and what her brother said didn’t help her case, but she didn’t have to take this kind of treatment.
Looking away from Raven, the younger girl looked Damian, bright smile again. “You know you don’t have to go through the trouble of buying this skank lunch right? I mean you could do so much better-“ no doubt referring to herself, he thought “-and she never needed to be dined before. I heard that she” “I don’t give two shits what you heard about her. Now can you please go get us our fucking food” Damian snapped. The girl, slightly taken aback by his outrage, just nodded and left, all the while having Damian glare at her.
Looking back to Raven he saw her brow raised, something he noticed she did a lot. “You know you could report her right, get her fired. No doubt that she deserves it” he said, still not understanding how she managed not to be angry. “It’s not that big of a deal” she shrugged, playing with a ketchup packet. Not that big of a deal? She had just been disrespected and thinks it isn’t a big deal.
Then a thought struck him. “Does that happen often” he questioned, although deep down he already knew the answer. She pretended to think for a moment. “All the time” she answered, leaning back in her seat. “You don’t have to take it,” he said, placing his hands on the table leaning forward slightly. “Look, I'm a Roth” she sighed. “People are always gonna talk. If she wasn’t bitching about me being a slut, then it would about me being a dealer” she said, eyes pleading with him to just drop it.
“That's fucked up” he said, staring out the window. “I come from a pretty fucked up family” she responded with a smile in her voice. “Yeah, my family’s pretty shit too” he stated, still not looking at her. He was upset with his Father for not knowing about him until he was ten years old, he was upset with his Mother for not telling his Father about him, but more importantly he was upset that they both never treated him like a normal child, then again Damian wasn’t a normal child.
“Damian” Raven's voice snapped him from his thoughts, turning to look at her; she had an incredulity face. “From what I heard you have a pretty great family” she stated matter of factly. Seeing the look of confusion on his face she elaborated. “I know that your Father is sort of a distant asshole, but he also has a multibillion dollar company to run, so he can’t exactly be there for all of you. Clearly he shouldn’t have so many kids but you all turned out pretty fine. The worst of you being Jason, dubbed by the media, and all he really does is smoke weed” she gave her two cents. She wasn’t wrong, in fact she was completely on the nose. Damian understood why his Father was away all the time, but a part of him still wished he could see him after he came home from school like most kids.
“Still wish he’d be there for us sometimes though. We really only see him on Fridays for a mandatory family dinner” Damian said, a hint of bitterness in his voice. “Family dinner sounds nice, if my Father isn’t locked up then he’s doing something to get locked up” she responded as their food arrived, thankfully it was a different waitress this time. “How much time has he done?” The young man questioned, taking a sip of his ice tea. “30 years on and off” she answered, taking a bite of her fries.
“So, what’s your story?” She asked him after about three minutes of silence. It wasn’t an awkward silence though, and he actually quite enjoyed it. When he was with his -now ex- girlfriend she hated the silence and would talk for hours, which was fine with Damian if it meant he didn’t have to talk about himself. Obviously this tactic wasn’t going to work with Raven.
“I don’t have one” he simply answered, taking a bite from his burger. “Bullshit” she said, taking a sip of her drink. “Everyone's got a story, whether they acknowledge it or not” she stated. “If that’s true then you must have one” he countered, crossing his arms and leaning back into his seat. “Yeah I do, but I asked first” she shrugged, reaching over and grabbing one of his fries.
His eyes followed his fry in her hands, all the way to her mouth, looking up he realized she had been watching him the whole time, sighing he had no other choice but to answer the young woman. “I grew up with my Mother and Grandfather. They took care of me and taught me how to defend myself. After my Grandfather was killed my Mother had trouble taking care of us, so she brought me to my father.”
“Apparently he didn’t even know I was born and made me take a DNA test to determine if I was even his or not. Surprise surprise, I was. I’ve been living with him ever since, sometimes my Mother comes to visit but I wish she would just leave me alone” at her confused face he explained. “My mother was mentally abusive, and kept me isolated from most of the world. It wasn’t until I lived with my Father that I realized how shitty she was though” he finished, taking another bite from his burger.
They just sat there for a while, unmoving. That was until he reached out to take a sip of her drink, she followed the movements with a raised brow, at his smirk she slightly chuckled. “So...” he drawled out, indicating for her to finish, she sighed. “I lived with my mother up until I was eight” she started. “She was murdered and I was taken. Apparently my father didn’t take too kindly to her running off after they found out she was pregnant.”
”Of course I was beyond angry at him for what he did to my mother. Sure she was a bitch at times but she was the only person I had. He went to jail, for unrelated reasons, after that. My brothers were in and out of the house, so I enlisted in school and about four months later he was released. Forced me into the family business. High school kids are more prone to buy drugs than adults. Of course then the rumours came and he totally lost his shit. Went full on psycho, I had to leave for a while so I got my ass thrown in juvie. While I was locked up he got caught for some shit and now has to do 18 months with a chance of parole in 12” she replied in a monotone voice, not betraying how she actually felt.
“Why’d he go psycho” the youngest Wayne questioned, what rumours had her Father heard that would make her want to go to juvie. “That I was a slut” Damian couldn’t help but snort at that. “Yeah, he thought that I was doing it with everyone; high schoolers, felons, junkies, guys in their thirties” she gave him a small smile as she finished her burger. It was odd, he had never told anyone as much as he had told her. He believed that his mind was something for him and him alone, which drove everyone else crazy. But for some reason he was willing to tell her all of his inner thoughts. Then it struck him.
Thought? What do you mean he thought you did those things. No offence, but you have done those things” he told her with a face of confusion. She looked at him with dull eyes, and shook her head slightly. “I've only slept with one man, Damian, and it wasn’t even consensually” she said with the utmost seriousness, then again when wasn’t she serious? “What...what about the rumours?” he probed with a frown, he believed her, he was just taken aback that someone would spread such nasty lies about another person.
“A few weeks after I started school I was invited to this girl’s birthday party. There was this boy there and he tried to kiss me, I said no. Next thing I knew he told everyone that we had hooked up. Guess he got some of his friends into it too, because they made up shit as well” she shrugged, taking another one of his fries. “Why didn’t you deny it?” He asked. “I did it, but by then the damage was done. It only got worse when I became a freshmen” her eyes had clouded over, as if she was remembering something; something particularly painful.
“What about the guy your brother was talking about?” He inquired, looking her over. Snapping back into reality she answered. “My brother doesn’t know shit. I'm not sleeping with the guy, he's my Social Worker. I have to report to him every two weeks on how shit in my life’s going and based on that he deems whether I can continue living with my father or not” obviously she hadn’t told him the truth, or the entire truth at least. There was no way he would let her live with that maniac if he knew what really happened.
Her words bounced around in his mind. “I’ve only slept with one man, and it wasn’t even consensual. Wasn’t even consensual” she hadn’t given consent. “You were raped” he blurted out. she looked at him with a face of indifference. “Well I wouldn’t go so far to say that-“ “did you and this man have intercourse?” He cut her off. “Yes” she answered honestly, “did you give him consent” “No” she shook her head. “That means you were raped-“ she was about to protest but he continued “-he invaded your body without asking or having permission.”
“Even if you had given consent, that still makes him a pedophile, you have to report this” he couldn’t believe this. The girl everyone had belittled for being a slut was actually a rape victim. “I can't,” she whispered. “Why not” he raised his voice slightly, maybe she didn’t understand the magnitude of this situation, but he did. “Because in some fucked up way...I care about him” she laughed but there was no humour in it. Looking up at him he noticed the unshed tears in her eyes, and he knew that this was hurting her, breaking her. She was pleading with him to drop it. “Rae...” he trailed off, he was sorry for her, not in a pity kind of way, but in a you-don’t-deserve-this kind of way.
“Look,” she said, straightening up a bit. “It happened years ago, I have no way to prove that it even happened. The bastard is already in jail anyways” she said, reaching across the table to put her hand over his, not to take a fry. She smiled at him softly, he didn’t agree with her and was willing to take this to court, even pay for a lawyer, but there wasn’t much he could do if she didn’t want to. So, he just returned the smile.
It was weird, less than an hour ago he hadn’t spoken to her once, and now it felt like they knew each other better than anyone else. He had just thought of her as a skanky dealer, another criminal that should be locked up. It was true, what she had said, that everybody has a story. He silently vowed to never judge another person without truly knowing their story first. This may have been their first conversation, but something told him it wouldn’t be their last.
A/N: This came to me when I was watching Euphoria and Shameless videos :)
Papes - The paper you roll weed up in (I think, don’t know if that’s how you spell it)
Balmain Biker Jacket is this expensive leather jacket
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finitevoid · 4 years
Favourite headcanons for Jayvie? Favourite AU ideas for Rotten OT4? Rant about Marlos!! What kind of dates do you think Jal would go on? ♥♥
yesssss yes YESSS
favorite hcs for jayvie:
so a lot of people like to have evie be like, super involved in auradon politics and going to balls in fancy dresses and endearing the royals to her and then by extension the vks and like. mmm jay should go with her. like okay. jayvie in matching outfits being all beautiful and charming and endearing the auradonians to them... manipulating the royals into thinking that they’re nice, upstanding young people and just not mentioning all th e Crimes they used to commit... its perfection ajd I’ve wanted to write a fic about this for like. AGES
but also okay jay definitely models evies clothes for her and when she gets bigger and does things like have a business Instagram she’s always dressing him up in her clothes and doing his hair and taking pictures of him and like forcing everyone to look at her boyfriend :). she does it to mal and carlos too but they like don’t like they’re picture taken v much whereas jay lives for the attention like the king that he is so he’s ALWAYS happy to model for her
favorite au ideas for rotten ot4:
oh man oh MAN. okay uuuh lightning round
-way back I had this idea for a set of one shots where i retold the heroes’ stories but this time w the rotten 4 as the protagonists ie Snow White retold except evie is the princess and 101 dalmations retold except carlos is the protagonist etc and it never went anywhere but man I loved that idea
-I remember thinking of a heist movie au where evie and jay would dress up and be all fancy to Infiltrate The Enemy meanwhile carlos and mal would sit in the van. like carlos was the one Hacking The Mainframe and shit whereas mal would come in guns blazing if shit went sideways for jay and evie
-im a sucker for normal modern day highschool aus where like the 4 get sent to Auradon Boarding School and are like. H.
-urban fantasy starring djinn!jay, faerie!mal, witch!evie and of course, our favorite Normal Human Dude, carlos
-I had this one scifi au I concepted where jal were your classic space mercanaries, carlos was an escaped convict for space infractions and evie was the princess of a planet that she abandoned bc Grimhilde. I need to revisit that one
marlos. marlos. hnmtnrjewjakak i love them okay. like. the kabedon. we ALWAYS talk about the kabedon but let’s talk about the implications of the kabedon. mal is sitting there, fantasizing about what is, by every means, her ideal life. she’s trying to actively escape how she feels like she’s on the fresh layer of hell by fantasizing about her and rotten four starting shit and pranking people and causing mischief. and the first the FIRST thing she imagines is carlos in a funky ass leather jacket walking up to her and getting all up in her face slamming the lockers behind her head. dare I say horny? LISTENN. she is dating the king. and she’s sitting around like. imagining carlos pulling pranks with her. effervescent. ben needs to watch out. carlos doesn’t even have to do anything and she’s like fantasizing about him. fucking hilarious
(insert obligatory carlos is being mr-steal-your-girl joke here)
but like let’s talk let’s DISCUSS their actual dynamic shall we. so in d1 we can actually see a lot of them interacting but in like, subtle ways. mal is the leader of the gang, as we all know right so when carlos is scared or nervous he looks to mal for support, and in the second scene of d1 when maleficent is practically throwing mal around the room theres this Look between carlos and mal where they look at each other, terrified, and then carlos ducks behind his mother to avoid maleficent. and, of course, a moment in d1 that makes me go utterly batshit is when fairy godmother does like jazz hands when they exit the limo and mals first reaction is to shield carlos and jay with her arms. protective mal. PROTECTIVE MAL
but listen. my all time fav scene with them (other than girltalk obvs) is right before mal gives him the truth gummy in d2. she’s freaking out and hides out in the boys room when carlos is in it, read: she feels safe there. 2. when she’s romanticizing the isle, carlos is having absolutely none. of. it. nobody else really challenges the way she’s thinking like carlos is. carlos is like, reminding her that the isle was painful and traumatic for him, and for her, and she sort of wilts under that logic. (and even the part later on with the gummy holds a special place in my heart because when chad comes like waltzing in and mal is just sort of standing there looking annoyed and carlos is like. get out of my room chad. is peak marlos they’re so salty okay!) (also the fact that chad doesn’t question mals presence in carlos and jays room at all? lmfao? like I know you know we all know that boys and girls can hang out and have it not be romantic but chads an insufferable straight man so I find it amusing that he didn’t point that out)
dates jal would go on:
one of my weaknesses for the rotten ot4 is definitely all of them going to jay’s tourney games so DEFINITELY that and and oh my god I am WEAK for mal wearing jay’s jersey on game day tbh but but I loooove the idea of mal playing tourney too? thanks to @fuck-you-i-am-spiderman it’s all your fault. so them practicing together like YES (and evie and carlos wearing their jerseys on game day but shh shh that’s rotten ot4 we’re talking about JAL)
mal isnt super romantic or anything but jay definitely is and he’ll do shit like get her flowers just to make her blush and be like. you shithead this is stupid flowers are stupid. and jay’s like awww but i love u:( I’m just showing my affection babe. and she’s like SHOW IT LESS STUPID. but she secretly likes the romantic shit when it’s not tooooo extreme it makes her feel loved and thought of:)
but I wouldn’t say their dates are like ur average going to a restaurant type thing maaaaybe seeing a movie together but I think it’s more likely to be like. mal’s like jay come with me into the woods I’m looking for an herb evie needs for her potions. and jay’s like ok let’s go and then they end up racing through the forest and wrestling on the ground for a while (and then making out probably lol) before they go back. and then as soon as they’re in vicinity to anyone else mal pretends like she’s above playfighting like jay and carlos do. but jay knows.
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Jungkook- Shameless Tease
REQUEST FROM PROMPT LIST- RIGHT HERE!! (Psstt I also write for anime too wink wink)
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I like this request mostly because of the ‘uwu’ teehee. So lemme say I have an older brother so this is super awkward, so i’m sorry if this this doesn’t seem as good because I actually despise all of my brothers friends, but I won’t let that affect my writing i promise..
11- Do you not know what the word ‘mine’ means
21- Can’t you see that I...I..forget it
23- It was foolish of me to ever think you could want a relationship with me...forget it
32- Shhh, wouldn’t want the boys to hear us now would we?
70- You want me to name all the reason I love you? We’d be here forever.
Y/B/N= Your brothers name obviously.
You were excited! Your older brother was coming back from university! Six months without your hero there with you.
You had made all his favorite snacks and all his favorite foods. Your mom had told you to send her love from her. (She was on a business trip in Italy.)
“Hello!!!? Anybody home?!” You heard from the kitchen.
“Y/B/N!!” You yelled. You ran into the living room and now saw your big brother who now had dyed red hair and an eyebrow piercing. You ran into your brothers arms only to be lifted up and spun around.
“Is it me or did you get taller? You aren’t the same short geek I remember.” he joked.
“Stop it!” you poked his shoulder. “I missed you bro.” you hugged him again.
“I missed you too kiddo.”he chuckled.
“I’m not that younger than you!” you whined. 
‘I’m a senior in college, I automatically have the right to call you a child no matter how old you are.”
“Whatever.” you waved him off. 
“Wow, talk about a reunion.” another voice had interrupted you. “Hey Y/N.” 
You felt your face heat up violently, you could only hope Jungkook didn’t see it. He smirked as he threw Y/B/N’s suitcase down along with a duffel bag which you assumed was his. 
“Hm, you’re not the same cute little kid I met all those years ago.” he smirked.
“Uh..Hi J-jungkook.” you said shyly. You may or may not have had a crush on Jungkook since you graduated high school. You weren’t sure if he knew or not but you weren’t subtle about it either.
“Hope you don’t mind, kid. Jungkook is crashing here.”
“No, it’s fine.” you assured. “I guess.” you looked down.
“Something smells great.” your brother broke the tension which made you smile.
“Yeah! I made a lot of food!” you smiled, getting a little happy.
“Please tell me there’s spicy noodles involved.” he mumbled.
“Of course! It’s our thing!”
You and your brother had an obsession with trying different types of noodles, so when you found a recipe for super spicy noodles, you knew it would be perfect.
“I’m gonna go get the rest of my shit out the car, I have loads of stories to tell you kid.” your brother messed up your hair hair with his hand before bolting out the house. You were now left alone with Jungkook.
“You really did grow up.” he chuckled, which made you almost choke on...well oxygen. “You’re not that cute little kid anymore.”
“Y-yeah...I’ve blossomed!” you shrugged. Jungkook raised an eyebrow, looking slightly amused. “That sounded wrong!” you suddenly corrected yourself. “I didn’t mean it that way.” Great now you sounded like you were talking about lady bits
Jungkook chuckled at your attempts to try and fix what you said. You were so cute trying to cover up your words. He thought you little crush on his was adorable and frankly, it only made him want to protect you more from other shitheads. He even had a mind to say he liked you himself, only your brother would kill him on the spot.
Later on, you were clutching your sides when your brother had told you his other friend, Baekhyun had did a streak across the college campus.
“He didn’t get expelled?!?!” you asked in disbelief, trying to contain yourself.
“No! He didn’t even get caught!”
“No wa-” you were cut off by the door bell ringing. “...I wasn’t expecting anyone else.”
“That would be me. Hope you don’t mind kid, I invited some friends.” you bro nudged you. “I know you wanted to spend some time with me today but they insisted we hang out.”
“It’s okay.” you shook your head. “We still got a whole lot of time together.”
Jungkook got the door and two model-esque girls strode in.
“Y/B/N is this her?!?!” A girl in a rose pink skirt and white shirt. “She’s so adorable!” she ran over. “I’m Vera! Your brother had told me so many amazing things about you.”
“Hi Vera!” You were shocked. “My brother didn’t tell me he had a girlfriend.” you looked at your brother who was blushing deeply. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’ve been waiting to meet you for so long, I wanted to get you a gift but this one over here-” she pointed to the girl standing by the door. “She was way too impatient so..I’ll just have to take you shopping! My treat!” she gave you a hug, which took you by surprise.
“I like her.” you mouthed to your bro who mouthed back. “I like her too.”
You saw Jungkook walk over to the other girl who looked less than happy to be there. She begrudgingly walked over and crossed her arms. You were about to sit back down when she had made a beeline for your seat. 
“...Oh..I’m sorry were you sitting here?” she raised an eyebrow looking up.
“Lina, you saw Y/N about to sit there.” Jungkook sent a glance towards the girl.
“Oh, don’t worry...I can sit somewhere else.” you shook your head.
“The it’s settled! So..you’re Y/B/N’s kid sister?” she looked you up and down.
“I wouldn’t say I’m a kid, but yeah...I am his sister.” you looked down at your toes. “Lina was it?” you remembered Jungkook had said her name. “I’m Y/N...nice to meet you.” you trailed off.
“Hm, Jungkook was right. You are weirdly adorable in a geeky type of way.” 
Jungkook called you adorable...woah. “Really?” you asked taken aback.
“Yeah, he also said that he spends a lot of time around you.”
“Oh don’t worry about me.” you shook your head. “No really you shouldn’t.”
“Yeah don’t worry Lina, Y/N here is practically harmless.” Jungkook began. “Nothing more than a shameless schoolgirl crush, she can’t help that she’s like my biggest fan.” Jungkook pat the top of your head.
“What?” you said, your jaw and heart dropping.
“Yeah, she can’t stop thinking about me.” he laughed, which made your heart sink even more. “It’s cute how she thinks I don’t notice.”
“Lhm...well she’s sure not gonna get your attention dressing like a 4th grader.” she chuckled, crossing her arms. “I don’t think Jungkook likes girls who wear Attack On Titan T-shirts and who still use bendy straws.”
“Lina that’s enough.” your brother warned. “Vera convinced me to let you tag along but that doesn’t mean i can’t kick you out.”
Silence...that’s all that rang throughout the room.
You looked at your brother, your hands shaking. You stared at Jungkook, betrayed evident in your eyes.
“Um...Y/B/N...I’m kinda tired...I think I’m gonna turn in early.” you looked down at your toes. Who cared that it wasn’t even dark out yet, you just had to get out of there.
“Hey, Y/N I was only kidd-” Jungkook held out his hands but before he could say anything else, you had run off up the stairs. You ran into your room and slammed the door, sliding down the door. You buried your head in your hands and cried silently.
How embarrassing, How humiliating, how...ugh
It was now midnight and you hadn’t left your room, instead you opted for crying into your teddy bear and watching anime. You felt embarrassed, humiliated, another word to describe how you never wanted to show your face towards Jungkook again.
There was a quiet knock on your door, and instead of pretending to be asleep, you figured you’d open it. Maybe it was your brother.
You didn’t expect to see Jungkook standing in front of you,
“Nice pajamas.” he chuckled. Jungkook wore low hanging sweats and no shirt, It was sort of hard not to stare.
You looked down at your pink shorts with bunnies all over them and black tank top with another bunny on the front holding a cupcake. You thought it was pretty cute. Jungkook was chuckling.
“What do you want?” you crossed your arms, hugging your teddy bear plushie closer to your chest. 
“Can I come in? I don’t feel like standing in the hall.” 
You hesitated but eventually let him walk into your bedroom and close the door. You walked over and sat on your bed, Jungkook following in pursuit. 
“I came to apologize for making fun of you earlier.” he sighed. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”
“Whatever.” you said coldly. “Is that all?” You were genuinely hurt by what he said, especially after that stupid bitch of a ‘girlfriend’ of his disrespected you in your own house. If it weren’t for your brother stepping in and telling her to know her place, you probably would have been ridiculed more.
“Y/N...” he sighed. “I know what you’re thinking.”
“Do you?!?!” you stood up. “Oh I’m just Y/B/N’s nerdy little sister, I’m just your little follower, your little fan. Don’t mind me!” you shot, fighting back the tears threatening to fall. “How dare you look at me and think I wasn’t going to be upset by what you said!”you hugged your plushie tighter, almost wanting to cry and scream at him to get out.  “Get out...” you said.
“What?” he looked taken aback.
“You fucking heard me.” you snapped. “Get out of my way, Get Out Of My Room, GET OUT OF MY LIFE YOU-” you almost screamed.
You were cut off by Jungkook kissing you. Not a peck on the forehead or the cheek. He had held both your cheeks in his hands and slowly moved his lips against yours, causing your eyes to widen in shock. You knew part of the reason was to stop you from screaming even louder, but still.
“You’re so innocent Y/N...” he chuckled, almost pulling away from you. 
“...and that’s exactly the issue.” you spat, turning away from him. “Y/N the innocent little child-like emotional little sister that you love to tease and make fun of. I’m not that younger than you Jungkook!” you crossed your arms. “I’m not gonna be your little teasing monkey anymore either.” No matter how much you wanted him to kiss you again...
It was foolish of you to think that Jungkook could ever want a relationship with you...”Forget it.” You finally said. “Just go-”
“Are you going to let me have a chance to talk now?” he raised an eyebrow at you. “Before Lina cut me off, I was gonna say something else.” he sighed.
“I was going to say after I said that it was cute how you think I don’t notice, that it was also cute how you don’t know that I have some feelings of my own.” he chuckled.
“I’m sorry what?” you raised an eyebrow. “I’m confused.”
“Hm...then how about this. Do you not know what the word ‘mine” means?” he asked, smirking down at you. “Can’t you see that I...Hm..Forget it. I’ll show you instead of telling you.” He smirked again.
Jungkook leaned down and kissed you again, this time causing you to drop your teddy bear. Jungkook gently caressed your cheeks. He didn’t want fo force, or scare you. He had already kind of hurt your feelings earlier and didn’t want to risk anything. He had told your brother he was interested in you, which garnered multiple threats from your older sibling.
“If you hurt her I swear to god I’m gonna slam your head into the side of a fucking mountain then drop your body into shark infested waters, bro. Don’t fucking play with her feelings or you’ll regret it. We’re cool and all but I swear-.”
His exact words.
His fears were put aside when you had rested your palms over his hands. You had realized you needed to breathe and had yanked yourself away, inhaling sharply. Your first kiss with Jungkook wasn’t exactly how you imagined, actually you never really imagined a kiss with Jungkook...Until now!
“Hm, Breathe. Y/N...” he chuckled. He leaned down and kissed your against, this time wrapping his arms around your waist. Shyly, you wrapped your arms around his neck. You were hoisted off the ground and carried to your bed. Jungkook threw you on the bed and crawled over you. Your eyes studied his shirtless body. His body was incredible.
 “I know you didn’t picture our first time in the middle of the night in your bedroom, but I can’t wait anymore...can you?.”
Fuck no, you’d been waiting for this forever. As long as no one walked in, you didn’t care.
“I don’t have a condom yet...so we can’t do much.” he kissed you again, which made you smile shyly. Such a gentleman. “Plus your my best friend’s little sister, I want to take you somewhere special before we worry about doing that.” he trailed his fingers down your spine. “But I also want to make you feel good Y/N.” he bit his lip. 
“U-uh...I’ve never really...done anything with another guy before...mostly by myself if I’m honest.”
You stopped yourself from speaking...you just confessed to masturbating to possibly the love of your life...real smooth Y/N.
Jungkook look surprised. “Damn...I didn’t know you were such a wild girl.” he chuckled. “Do I have permission to go further?” he asked, his face becoming serious. “I need a verbal answer.”
“Y-yes.” you trailed off. Jungkook hovered over you. Even in the dark you could see and admire his pale face. You had no time to register Jungkook pulling at the hem of your cute bunny shorts, taking your panties with them, which surprisingly had no bunnies on them. Well at least to his surprise. He didn’t coin you as the type to wear thongs at all but it was a pleasant surprise.
You squeezed your thighs together, trying to stop the weird feeling from building up even more, even thought it was futile. Jungkook would make sure you were a panting mess. 
Teasingly, Jungkook brushed your slit. The pads of his fingers pressing down on your clit. The sudden feeling caused you to squeak out loud, making Jungkook laugh.
“Shh, wouldn’t want anyone to hear us now would we?” he cooed, pecking your lips again. “I wonder how you would react if...” he began rubbing your clitt faster, pressing down harder on the sensitive nub. “Listen to that sound.” he bit his lip, mentioning to squelching water sound that arose from you getting more and more turned on by the minute. “It’s so messy and wet down there Y/N.” he teased. “I love making you feel this way.” he expressed. “I love that face you make.” he mumbled again. “I love that you’re all mine, and no one else can steal you away from me.” he said, speeding up his fingers even more. “I would name all the other things I love about you...but we’d be here until the end of time, Y/N.”
Your arms, wrap around his neck kept you two close together. Despite it being cold in your room, you both were sweaty and trying to stay quiet. Mainly you. Jungkook grew impatient, he loved making you squirm and mewl for him, but he wanted to hear you say his name, moan his name, release for him.
Jungkook flipped you on your back, hovering over you again. With a silent laugh and a wink, he crawled down to where he was at eye level with your heat. 
“Keep quiet Y/N.” he kissed up your slit. “Though I’m sure it’ll be hard.” he delved his tongue between your folds. “Hm, as a matter of fact...maybe I’ll enjoy this more than you do.” His lips stuck to your clit, making an exaggerated sucking sound that caused your back to arch (also quite exaggeratedly). 
Jungkook held your thighs down, stopping you from moving around too much. You could only hyperventilate as his tongue lashed at your flesh. You knew if you made one loud sound, you’d be in trouble. 
It felt like a ton of bricks, crashing down on you. Jungkook muffled his moans of gratitude, mostly with groans and praise through kissing up the length of your body. 
“...You have to go back into the living room. If Y/B/N sees you in here-” you began to say
“I don’t care...I want you to be the first person I see when we wake up. Even if i have to sneak out.” he held you closer to him. “...and I’m taking you out tomorrow.” he mumbled, burying his head into your neck. You couldn’t answer because you had already felt yourself dozing off. “I don’t care fi your brother kicks my ass.”
You couldn’t want...for the date that is...
(This is very different than how I usually write, but I really wanted to capture the idea that Jungkook still cares about and respects you even as your bro’s little sis and wouldn’t do anything that could cause discomfort or scares despite being his flirty self. Bro I swear writing sex scenes makes me cringe into myself lol, but I do it for you guys.)
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