#demon birds
inverted-typo · 6 months
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Wish they’d have their own comic 😭
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dc-and-damirae · 1 year
john constantine: It has come to my attention that one of you bloody hell spawns is dating my kid. teen titans: *confused* YOU HAVE A CHILD! john: When I figure out who is dating my adorable gremlin. It is on fucking sight. damian: *to himself * shitshitshitimsofuckingdeadshitshitshit
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opheliawillowbrook · 2 months
Scene 1
Damian stared into his black coffee, the bottom of the cup reminding him of a shallow abyss he could drown in. Still, he could feel her sharp blue eyes on him, their glare like a blade to his throat. He hated when Rose stared at him like that. Like she knew the gut-wrenching turmoil that raged in his stomach—that he knew he fucked up, but she’d hold him accountable, anyway. The way his mother looked at him when she was disappointed, like a razor ready to lash across his jugular: how dare he fail ? How dare he nearly be human? 
“So you took out Markov and Zatara,” she said, as if his efforts weren’t nearly enough. Rose was the last person to scold him over spilled blood; her beef laid with him failing to save Raven. “Too bad you dragged your feet. Maybe if you’d gotten back sooner, we wouldn’t be sitting here.” Damian opened his mouth to speak, but she wouldn’t allow it. “Don’t even try to sell me some shit that your hands were tied. Do you have any idea what the last month has been like because you took a sledgehammer to that poor girl’s life? Then had the nerve to bail?”
“I didn’t mean--”
“I don’t care, Damian,” Rose grimaced. “I don’t care how long you were in that river, or held up in the cabin. And I don’t give a shit how many of your ribs are still broken. What I care about is that your choices got us here.”
He felt his chest fall with a heavy breath: she wasn’t wrong. “I know, and I will pay for that—I already am.”
“Raven dying isn’t good enough,” she scowled. “Not only is it not enough, but it’s not fair. It should be you in that box—in the ground… and don’t tell me it shouldn’t.”
“That’s not what I—”
“I DON’T CARE!” Rose blurted, catching the attention of the coffee shop goers. She quickly regretted her outburst, feeling the curious and annoyed set of eyes on them. Likely assuming the two were in the midst of a lovers’ quarrel, teetering on the brink of parting ways. If only it were that simple. “I don’t care,” she repeated, evening her tone. 
Damian said nothing and peered into his coffee again; his guilt was enough to devour him. The only thing keeping him from committing to joining her in that long sleep was avenging her. “So, how do you suppose I fix this?”
“You can’t,” Rose said flatly. “What’s done is done. There’s no undoing death. All you can do is end this.”
“And that’s exactly what I intend to do,” he assured, half at a loss. “But I can’t do it alone. I’ll need help.”
Rose looked back at him and leaned back in her chair, her eyes not leaving him. “Good thing I have a score to settle.”
“That makes two of us.”
“And so we join forces once more.”
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purp1e-ph0enix · 1 year
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this is so damirae
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nocturnalchaos · 1 year
Another one of my ideas for my abandoned DamiRae Pregnancy fanfic:
Raven is forced to put more effort into her attempts to master Arabic because Damian had taken to talking to the unborn baby in Arabic.
This was one of the scenes I was writing for this idea:
Raven sighed as she let the pencil drop into the open workbook on her desk. Leaning back, she stretched her back and neck in an effort to relax the muscles that had been locked into a hunched position.
Looking out of her bedroom window at Titans Tower, she admired the sunset’s light playing on the water. Leaning back in her chair, she absentmindedly strokes her growing belly.
Removing her hands from her belly, she closed the Arabic language workbook on the desk.
She loved Damian. Really, she did. But loving him took work and effort. Not just the obvious stuff. Like his anti-social hyper aggressive attitude and lack of social skills. Sure, in the beginning, her friendship with him had felt more like she was his therapist … or an animal rescue volunteer who was fostering and socializing a half-feral lion cub at times. And over the years, he had vastly improved and matured. Turning from a friend into a crush then into her life partner.
Since her first meeting the younger boy, Damian Wayne was someone who required a lot of learning on her part. Like studying psychology and Arabic culture.
Most people did not realize that, at the beginning of her time with the Teen Titans, she didn’t talk much because she didn’t quite have mastery over the English language. While not entirely fond of large groups of people, on Azarath she was not such a loner. English was only used at home with her mother. So, outside of the home, she rarely used it while she was in Azarath. This meant that her knowledge of the English language was small and limited to daily life vocabulary. When she initially came to Earth, it took her months to adjust to the English language and about a year before she could say she had some mastery of the language.
Then, for the sake of learning different magics, she reluctantly had to learn new languages.
Since learning about her pregnancy, in their quiet moments, Damian had taken to talking to the baby (while looking very intensely at her midsection) in Arabic. Before her pregnancy, she had already been in the middle of learning Arabic. However, her learning of the language had been something that she was doing at a casual and relaxed pace. To her, learning Arabic was a side-project among many side-projects. After all, Damian rarely used his mother tongue with her. They used English to communicate with each other. And had used that language since their first meeting. She only ever heard Dami speak in Arabic when he got upset about a topic, mumbled in his sleep, or … was being very passionate with her. Also, on some level, she secretly thought it was better that she was better off not to know what Damian was yelling at her when he was angry. To be fair, she tended to slip into Azarathian when she was upset with him as well.
For those curious, I’m currently writing a JayRae (Jason Todd & Raven) pregnancy fanfic. I’m new to the whole creative writing thing. So, constructive criticism is appreciated.
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alessandramora · 2 months
Por fin termine un capítulo :D
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djbunnie · 2 years
young justice AU study group
Damian and Raven helping Conner with history homework
Conner: “What year was the war of 1812?”
Raven: *💢slowly losing it💢* “the war…of 1812?”
Damian: *💢💢💢💢*  “I mean how many hints do you need?”
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koriyokai · 2 months
This is where I redrew my 2 characters from my project, I also plan because I have a lot of characters
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bluboothalassophile · 2 years
Could you please do a damirae new year’s kiss with them already being in a relationship happy holidays
So... this is late to the take, and there is no established relationship, but I hope you enjoy at least.
Neighbors AU
For Damian Wayne, he HATED New Years, he despised it, he despised the interruption to perfect lighting, he despised the rival sounds, and he hated his neighbor! The neighbor was incessant in her playing of the piano, which was a tolerable instrument, but what was not tolerable was her selection in genre.
He knew the daft woman was tasteless; having seen her a time or two in the bloody elevator, and collecting their mail. Flats, black coat, no distinct style beyond looking frumpy, and violet hair! VIOLET HAIR! Of all the ridiculous, degrading things to make matters worse.
And to make matters worse, Damian had purchased the penthouse suite with the knowledge he’d have no neighbors to interrupt his time; which he needed for his side profession; which he was beter known for; art. Jazz though, incessant Jazz! It was always, always, always, always Jazz playing through his bloody floorboards; and he wanted to kill his neighbor! Jazz that interrupted his concentration, his focus, his zen, his work, his passion; it was always blood JAZZ! He hated Jazz! It had no structure, set style, and worse, no complementary melodies; just playing a bloody instrument could be considered ‘Jazz’ and ‘art’ which was bloody bullshit. He would have respect for his downstair neighbor if she played classical consistently, but it was bloody Jazz! All The Bloody Time! And worse when her group was in, but tonight, tonight! Of all Bloody, Fucking Nights, she DARE to Throw a Party Below Him which had VIBRATED HIM Almost off his bloody balcony!
Damian Wayne was many, Many, MANY things but suicidal was not one of them, and tonight, he fully expected the wannabe musician to be OUT on the bloody town, not throwing a raging party in the building which seemed intent on testing building code regulations!
Storming down to the elevator, which rattled, from the raging party, and had him contemplating if he should lie down; in case the damn thing broke and went freefalling, or if he should just suck it up and take the risk. Displeased, but pleased not to die on his quest to yell at his senseless, tasteless, tactless neighbor, the elevator pinged open to a raging party in the hallway. Shoving his way through the mass of people; either making out, or pawing senselessly at each other, he shoved his way to the door, and pounded on it.
The door was yanked open, and he almost hit the woman who answered. He scowled at the violet haired offender; the woman was smiling brightly.
“Oh, heyya neighbor!” she chuckled. “Sorry about the noise, we were trying to be quiet, but my Zayde knows how to paaarrr-tae! And get booze… I’m drunk!” she whispered conspiratorially.
“I do not care about your personal follies,” he started; not permitting a true examination of her beauty off put him from what he had come here to do. For she was shockingly very stunning, and this lighting he resisted the urge to ask if he could use her as a model. She was a very striking woman, he would wager she was indigenous, or perhaps German; given her nose and eyes.
“Of course you don’t,” she slurred with a roll of her eyes. “Always judgy, and rude, you think yourself superior, right Mistah Wayne!”
He blinked blandly at her demanded.
“HA! Bet you didn’t fink I knew who you wuz…” she giggled as she swung around and skipped into the party.
“Get back here!”
“No!” she laughed as she appeared with a flute of something in her long, elegant fingers.
“I am attempting to be polite, this night, but between your abhorrent tastes in musical practices, and your ridiculous celebration of the New Year, I have come to demand you turn down this atrocious noise!”
“Noise!?” she snorted.
“NOISE!” he roared, and suddenly the room was silent.
“Mistah Wayne,” she giggled. And the music resumed much louder this time.“This noise is Zayde’s FAVORITE music, and I only get to see my Zayde a few times a year, so… fuck off, or I’ll kiss you if you’re standin’ here at midnight.”
“I’m not leaving until you turn off this bloody noise!”
Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six!
“Are you sure you’re not leaving?” she slurred with a baleful glare.
“Not until you put a cease to this noise,” he snarled.
“Very well, I’ve kissed worse,” she sighed drunkenedly as she knocked her flute of something back with the practice that accompanied a seasoned bourbon drinker or college shot taker. She made a face as she set the flute aside.
“I will not leave because you kiss me!”
“Oh, I don’t need you to leave,” she snorted. “I need you to Shut Up!”
“I beg your pardon!”
“No you don’t!”
“You are a very persnickety bastard when you open your mouth, which ruins the illusion your this hot, mysterious billionaire, and kissing you will get you to Shut Up! And Get Out!”
Damian didn’t get another word in as the cheers erupted, and horns blared, and the woman’s mouth crashed onto his with an enthusiastic kiss which tasted of champagne and fine red wine, he was too stunned not to accept the kiss. But damn the woman could kiss, she kissed with an unbridled passion and master which shook him to his core. He reacted on instinct, looping his arms around her as he stumbled back a few steps, falling onto her couch.
HAPPY NEW YEARS! Erupted everywhere, and she smiled as she pulled away.
“Finally, now stop complaining, I need to go say night to Zayde!” she was off him, leaving him baffled, stunned and confused as hell as he sat there befuddled at what had happened.
It was the next week he found out that his mysterious neighbor was the World Renown Concert Pianist Rachel Roth, who was the granddaughter of famous singer Lucifer Morningstar and renown violinist Alan Roth; both renown musicians in their own rights. Their children had married and produced Rachel.
Damian still could not figure out where between the kiss and the revelation that his neighbor was Rachel Roth when he had actually returned to his penthouse suite.
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inverted-typo · 1 year
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Just more birds 😊 I really can’t get enough of them
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dc-and-damirae · 1 year
raven, about damian: it’s not like him not to call
blue beetle: what do you mean? it’s totally like him not to call
raven: I mean for him to not call me
blue beetle: oh
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opheliawillowbrook · 2 years
Fuck This Cat
When Damian starts feeding the stray cat that lives outside Titans Tower
Raven: Damian? Why is there a brand-new case of Fancy Feast in the cupboard?
Damian: Because that ungrateful scoundrel doesn’t appreciate that I went out and bought it a brand-new bag of Meow Mix because -- apparently -- she doesn’t like that kind.
Raven: So you went back out to the store and bought it the wet food it likes?
Damian: *Opening a can of cat food* Yes! She won't eat anything else! I mean, we’re  in a worldwide recession right now, supply chains are strained beyond comprehension, and this fucking cat has the audacity to be ungrateful while people are starving! Stupid bitch--Hey sweetie, (*In high pitch voice*) how are you today? I’m sorry I called you an ungrateful bitch. You hungry? I hate this fucking cat.
Raven: Yeah?
Damian: Seriously, this cat is the worst (*still petting the cat.*) You know, she had the nerve to hiss at me when I tried to feed her dry food? Stupid, fucking, worthless flee bag--what’s that? You’re done. You want some more food? Now this fucking bitch wants seconds! I mean, people are struggling, and can barely get by, and this cat thinks she can just get wherever she wants because she's pretty! I’m giving her like a half a can, she doesn’t deserve any more than that.
Raven: Just when I thought you couldn’t be more pussy-whipped.
Damian: You wanna fight, Witch Girl?
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purp1e-ph0enix · 1 year
in JLDAW when Damian told his father to save her, Bruce wasn't even surprised of what he said or didn't look at Raven and exactly understood what Damian meant and FUCK I NEEDED THAT SCENE WHERE HE TELLS ABOUT HIS FEELINGS FOR RAVEN TO HIS FAMILY OR THEY FINDOUT HE HAD FEELINGS FOR HER THEMSELVES OR HOWEVER THE FUCK THEY FOUNDOUT!!! 😭😭😭
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ariadnesparacosm · 2 years
Demons Within: Chapter 6
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Finally, another new chapter! The story finally starts to earn its rating 😏
Ready to try a new approach to her situation, Raven goes looking for Damian and is not disappointed.
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nocturnalchaos · 1 year
More ideas for my abandoned DamiRae pregnancy fanfic:
Raven doesn’t want people to touch her belly. Damian takes it upon himself to prevent people from touching her belly… and is willing to defend her with katana.
Both Damian and Raven freak out over raising a kid. Damian copes by reading parenting books obsessively and being reassured by Raven. Raven copes by meditating and trying to consult with her mother’s spirit.
For readers who are curious, I am writing a JayRae pregnancy fanfic called “I Choose Us.” It is available on my Tumblr blog and Archive Of Our Own
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petrock-sketches · 1 year
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A project I am working on with one of my commisioners, featuring our two formerly human Goetia OCs (Rallax and Norteus) playing around in the bed of their patron (another Goetia OC named Count Ameus).
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