#white trash apartment wife vibes
bad-moon--rising · 9 days
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Cinema History:
Opened in 1982 under the ownership of Mrs. Andrea Marsh, a Gifted Magick transplant from London.
Taken over by Mr. Godfrey and his late wife Beverly in 1987.
Aside from some revisions and repairs after various disasters, the theater hasn't had any major renovations since the Godfreys bought it.
Shows movies primarily from the 1930s-1950s (this will be subject to change when the theater is revamped later in.)
Theater Prices:
Adult Ticket: £8.00
Child Ticket: £5.00
Pride U Student Discount: £7.00
Other Discounts (military, senior, etc.) - £1.50 on price.
Business Hours: (will be subject to change/open on Sundays when the theater is updated later)
Thursday thru Saturday: 10:00am - 11:30pm
Tuesday & Wednesday: 11:00am - 10:30pm
Movie runtimes:
Thursday thru Saturday: 11:00am - 10:30pm
Tuesday & Wednesday: 12:00pm - 10:00pm
Job Info/Employee Info
Cinema NPC Info
Cinema Pinterest Inspo Board
Cinema HCs
Overall the place has that old movie theater vibe; the red carpet, red chairs, brown tile floors. But one distinction is how, while the exterior of the building is concrete/brick the interior walls are wood paneling and the lights are track lighting so it does give a bit more of an older, glamorous look to the place. The appearance has been well maintained, it just isn't very modern.
The building has two floors, it's not a multiplex but it is a large space; the first floor is the business itself, upstairs is a large unused space and the apartment the Godfreys built there, now occupied by Lucky and Scott.
Honestly the place seems bigger on the inside than it should be for the space but people don't question it much and when they do nobody gets a real answer.
There is an ancient, huge popcorn machine that doesn't work but has been around so long nobody wants to get rid of it. So it just takes up a corner of the concessions area and everyone calls it a decorative piece. (It can be fixed but we haven't gotten that far yet.)
Employees have noticed on occasion when they lock up the lobby for the night if they happen to miss one of the doors and go back to check they're always locked. And oddly some have said when they've accidentally let the backdoor shut behind them taking out the trash it seems to stick for some reason so they can get back in.
Sometimes lights around the screening rooms and lobby will turn off when an employee is closing up before they can get around to it. Everyone who has been around a while jokes that it's just Mrs. Godfrey looking after the place.
Event Information
The cinema will host events on occasion; interested parties are encouraged to contact the manager to set up a time to discuss plans. These events can be as small as birthday parties to larger town events because the lobby space is large enough to accommodate fairly well. (please give events to host at the cinema, thanks)
Event coordinating should be handled at least a month before the event. Use of screening rooms, the kitchen/concessions area and the overall lobby space is open to plans. (IC note: if you want to have something small like a birthday just give me a heads-up, bigger events please DM just to sort out the hosting situation/that's the only part I'll be involved really unless you want more involvement from the cinema staff)
Technically since the second floor has a large amount of open space events are possible there too, if you want to plan something large.
Concessions Info
I just took most of these prices from a few current cinemas in the UK and purposely made them lower because Mr. Godfrey hasn't updated things in years.
Popcorn (sm/med/lrg) £4.00/4.50/5.00
Typical movie popcorn w/butter, in paper cartons or standard white and red striped refillable plastic versions.
Sodas (fountain drinks) (sm/med/lrg) £2.00/2.50/3.00
Again, just typical in either disposable waxed paper cups or plastics refillable. Behind the counter, employee-served.
Sodas (bottled) £2.00
Kept in a standing glass cooler next to the counter, self-serve.
Water (bottled) £2.00
Kept in the standing cooler with the bottles of sodas.
Candy (Pre-packaged) £3.50
Kept behind the glass counter, various prices, various types because I'm not going to list all of them.
Ice Cream (Pre-packaged) £2.50
Small standing freezer by the counter, various types, self-serve.
Ice Cream (Machine) £3.00
Cones or bowls, not particularly exciting (vanilla or chocolate) with toppings of various candy, chocolate sauce or caramel.
Nachos £4.00
Basic nachos with the option of jalapenos or not.
Pizza £4.50
Cheese, veggie or pepperoni, those single serve microwave frozen type.
Pretzels £4.00
Large soft pretzels that come frozen and are kept in a warmer in the kitchen, comes with butter or cheese. Also not overly exciting.
Town Disaster Protocol
Whenever safe to do so, evacuation of the cinema to nearby safe spaces is encouraged, this includes both customers and staff. The cinema is not a magic warded safe house currently. When possible staff should lock up before evacuation but if it's a question of safety this isn't an issue; it's always better to leave things unlocked and evacuate from a dangerous situation.
When evacuation is impossible or not advised shelter in place; screening rooms one and two are used for this purpose as they have direct access to restrooms but are still a contained space away from windows, but do include exterior exits if needed.
In case of flooding or other issues where higher ground is safer, evacuation to the second level of the theater will be open to everyone; emergency supplies are stored both there and the first level to shelter in place for extended amounts of time. (But you're going to be eating a lot of candy and popcorn.)
During a shelter in place situation if staff isn't on hand emergency supplies (bottled water, first aid supplies, nonperishable food, blankets, flashlights) are stored in the staff break room, kitchen, and upstairs; notices that explain these locations are posted in the kitchen and break room.
Cinema Floorplan (ignore my awful scaling here):
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Ground Floor:
1. Ticket Booth
Standard front window enclosed booth with registers and information about movie times on the back wall.
2. Concessions Area
Tile countertops and glass front cases with prepackaged candy and snacks, equipment on the back counter includes a sink, popcorn poppers, soda machines and a heating case for warm food. The kitchen to the right is fully functional for heating/preparing food.
The kitchen also holds first aid supplies.
3. Staff Break Room
Has tables and a couch, a staff fridge and access to the kitchen if the staff wants to use it. Not anything overly unusual about the space, just a place for breaks/meals.
4. Main Lobby/Event Space
Open space most of the time but it's large enough to host events and does from time to time.
5. Back Restrooms
Basically just what it says. Male/female/gender inclusive areas.
6. Front Restrooms
Same as the above, with the addition of a family/accessibility inclusive restroom.
7. Screening Room One
Smallest of the screening room; 30 seats total in the space.
8. Screening Room Two
Slightly larger screening room; 50 seats total.
9. Screening Room Three
Largest screening room in the cinema; 110 total seats.
10. Screening Room Four
Standard screening room, 90 seats total.
11. Screening Room Five
Standard screening room, 90 seats total.
12. Projector Booths
Situated in the back of each theater and accessible by the staircase in the hallways between rooms for the larger screening rooms and directly in the back of the smaller ones, overlooking the screening room itself and where the projectors are kept and run.
13. Cinema Office
Mr. Godfrey's office next to the back stairwell upstairs.
Upper Floor
1. Upstairs Apartment
Accessible via the stairwells inside the theater. Was formally the living space of the Godfrey family since buying the theater but now Lucky and Scott live there since Mr. Godfrey has moved to Castle Suites. Most people (for plot sake this means anybody not specifically told) aren't aware the apartment is there and just think it's a separate storage area. Although it is listed as a residential area with the town board like the other business-linked apartments in town.
2. Storage Area
Mostly general storage for the theater, also where film reels are kept between seasonal runs.
3. Storage/Open Space/Future Plot Things
Yup. Potentially a business collab space after the theater is revamped.
4. Storage/Open Space/Future Plot Things
Once again these are future plot points. (But pls offer suggestions if you have an idea!)
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draganasimpsforjeff · 3 years
Hunting Dogs (proxies x reader) Chapter Three
"Yes, mom. Yes, I know. I'm aware..." You repeated the same lines over and over in  a different way each time, hoping that would tell your mom "I fucking get it" but nope she went on until you nearly shouted, "Fuck! I'm gonna be late, call you later, love you bye!" you said in all one breath, pressing the end call button and tossed your phone onto your bed.
In reality, you had plenty of time; roughly 40ish mins until you had to clock in. The events that were held last night replayed in your mind as you brushed your teeth. You began to question if it was real or maybe it was the stress of life getting to you. But you didn't think you could crack that easily from pressure, especially with as dramatic has being a witness to a innocent old man getting killed or three masked men chasing you to your home.
"Damn cold weather." you groaned, noticing a small trail of blood leaving your nose and onto your pajama shirt. You leaned forward, grabbing some toilet paper and try to stop the bleeding while searching through your closet for appropriate clothing for work. The only uniform you would have to wear was a name tag and apron.
Plugging your phone in for another few minutes as you had forgotten to charge it the night before. The current battery level was at 34%. You didn't know how long you were going to be at work and if you were gonna be granted a break or not so, it was best to charge it so you didn't die of boredom.
After a few minutes your bleeding nose cleared up and you threw away the red stained tissue into the trash, fixing your appearance in the mirror before grabbing your phone and tossing the cord away. You walk through the small hallway and downstairs to where you were able to leave your apartment. Opening the door, you peaked your head out of the room trying to see if there was anyone in the hallway.
You weren't paranoid, you just didn't really like your neighbors as they were really loud or there was a few that liked to get in your business, but it wasn't necessarily a bad type of nosy, it was more so that you were new and young in a bustling city with no family members to support you if needed.
You locked your door with your keys before stuffing them into your pocket, debating whether or not to keep them out somewhat so if something happened again it would be easier access, but there was also a chance of them falling out. Sighing, you just tucked them safely deeper into your pocket, walking down the long hallway.
Rain was drizzling down onto the sidewalks as you opened the iron gate and your shoes hit the damp concrete. You didn't know whether to be relieved or slightly bugged as a rainy day meant very slow business and you could catch up on other work, but slow day also meant having nothing to absolutely fucking do and- and that meant you were gonna be somewhat wet and cold as you walk to work and possibly from.
"Ah, the only reason why I give you business Mr. Baldwin- Y/N!" Mr. Saka gave you a frantic wave and you chuckle, giving him a slight wave. "Morning, Mr. Saka. If I didn't know any better I would say you have a crush on me." Mr. Saka howled in laughter. You weren't the type to say stuff like that to older men, but you and him had a different relationship where it was just strictly playful words and nothing else. He had no feelings for you and vice versa, you both enjoyed each other's personality and company. He wasn't a creep either, so there were no red flags either. Plus, you had to admit you were kind of scared of his wife, Catherine. Though, she was rarely joined with her husband the moment you see her you don't know how to form sentences or know if you're doing your job right. She was just a customer but she definitely gave off heavy vibes of taking charge and just seemed like that even if she was in a very good mood.
He open his mouth about to speak before the door made a jingle sound and a girl with auburn hair that looked messy, but like in a fashionable way? She quickly fixes her shirt, brushing off the nonexistent fuzz on her shirt and looks around before spotting you. "Oh! You must be Y/N! Mr. Baldwin said to talk to you when I first get here-" she grabs your hand, shaking it while remaining an intense stare into your eyes. She was smaller than you but a bit scared of how someone could have energy like this it in the morning. "Did he? Well, I don't think I caught your name. " you said, not recalling your boss mentioning her name the night previous. "It's Kristine, nice to meet you." she smiles brightly and you couldn't help but return a smile as well. Damn, she's contagious.
"Right, well, let's show you the basics around here and I'm sure Mr. Baldwin will give you a uniform and start training you. " You said and excuse yourself from the conversation you and Mr. Saka were having.
It took roughly twenty minutes showing where equipment were at the store, briefly explaining their use, where to clock in, areas around the restaurant where she would most likely be, introducing her to the other workers (which honestly she mostly did herself before you could open your mouth) where the schedule was located and explaining the cut off date for paydays and such as well as the best time to request a day off if needed. "I can take it from here, Y/N. " Mr. Baldwin said, smiling softly and you nod, walking away and breathing out a sigh of relief. It wasn't much of a chore, but you were afraid of leaving out information as that was your first time having someone go to you first and having to take on a role, plus she was very bubbly for like 8:15 a.m....without coffee or some stimulant.
Reaching the front of the store, you turned on the coffee makers and look over at Mr. Saka who was looking outside as it began to rain even harder. You sigh through your nose, grabbing a mug and pour coffee into it and grab three packets of sugar, handing it over to him. "On the house." you say and he smiles slightly, nodding in 'thanks' before tilting the cup to his mouth.
The morning process was pretty tedious and you never really liked it as you had quickly caught on when your boss first trained you. Not much was expected from you, not in a bad way, just mostly people came here for the food and no one really came in during the mornings unless for coffee or light breakfast. As of right now, there was only Mr. Saka.
Yep. Today was definitely going to be slow. You walk towards the booths and tables, pulling chairs down and cleaning the tables off a bit, hearing the door open again and three men came in, wiping their faces from water droplets. They didn't look familiar at all, but one of them seem to have notice you as the man with brown hair that was long enough to cover some of his view from you if he didn't flip his bangs away from his eyes nudges the guy next to him. You had to admit, he was sort of buff looking and had great sideburns. He looks up at the other man, glaring daggers until the third man with a stubble and very short brown hair took notice of you.
You didn't like the vibe you got from them, but you just shook it off as they were just new and you didn't know what to expect from them. You look down, avoiding their eyes before they went up to the bar, sitting down on the stools across from Mr. Saka. You stopped your progress with the tables and walk over to them. "Anything I can get for you this morning?" you ask politely, eyeing the coffee pots as they finally fill up to the white line.
"Two black coffees and-"
"Caramel frappe, extra whip cream-" The two older men look at the one who ordered the frappe with a annoyed look. "Yeah, sure, coming up." you say and went over, grabbing two of the smaller mugs for nonspecial coffee and poured the coffee into it, giving it to the two men before walking over and started making the caramel frappe. "You guys new here? I didn't recognize you." you started the conversation, hoping to confirm why you felt off with them but try your best to keep your cool.
One of them had cleared their throat before speaking, "Yeah, we moved in last night." You nod, adding the whip cream onto the coffee and caramel drizzle.  Mr Saka took his chance to speak, taking in the rain and then at the men, "I hope you didn't have to go far to get here considering the type of weather we're having today." he sighs and takes another sip of his coffee.
The man with sideburns answers him, "We live just around the corner." Your body grew goosebumps and you nearly let out a gasp, replaying the scene in your head from last night. Were they aware of what happened last night? But nonetheless, you had a feeling that a question like that shouldn't be the one you need to focus on.
Three men last night had chased you from around the corner,
three men came in and said they moved in last night and live around the corner!
You swallowed thickly, grabbing the cup and hand it over to the other man who took it almost instantly and started slurping the coffee. His eyes widen at the taste and he smiles. "This is pretty good." he says and you smile a bit more at the comment. "How convenient." Mr. Saka said to the side-burn man. You snorted at what you had named him and the four men look at you and you wave it off, "It's nothing, just thinking."
Mr. Saka chuckles, nodding his head and continues to talk to the other men. You went back to the tables and make sure everything looks good before hearing your name being called. "Y/N!" you groan, walking to the back room. "Yes, Mr. Baldwin?" you peek your head in, groaning as you had seen what he wanted from you. Piles upon piles of empty boxes needed to be taken out, luckily they were already broken down, but you didn't exactly want to get wet and cold from going outside.
But either, you walk over and mutter to yourself and took as many boxes you could with one hand, using the other to push open the back door immediately your hair blocks your few and is soaked. You ran to the dumpster, quickly throwing the boxes but something caught your attention.
You walk over to it, kneeling down and grab it, minding the needle at the end. It was the syringe from last night with a purple liquid dripping out, making you drop it. You hadn't touched whatever was inside, but the thought that you probably had touched the edge of the broken pieces made you think that that was bad enough. You swallow, staring down at it for a moment and noted your foot placement. You stood in the same spot a man had died last night.
Speaking of which; Where is the body? Did someone call 911 and they took care of it?  More disturbing thoughts came in roll as your way of thinking changed, Did stray dogs or cats start get a head-start? No, there was no way. Did...did the men come back after chasing you and hide his body? "Y/N I'm not paying you to just look down at the ground, C'mon. " your boss said and you sigh, walking away from the syringe and back instead. The apron had protected most of your clothes and just seems like your hair had been the victim of the rain as you got back inside. "I'll get the boxes later, Y/N you just go back to the front. " he says and you nod, not wanting to argue with him as you were still disturbed from what you found.  When you came back, the three men were gone but a small note was left.
"What's this?" you ask out loud and Mr. Saka shrugs with a smile on his face, "Maybe one of the gentlemen's number, aye? A social life wouldn't hurt." he says and you reach from the folded note, expecting what the old man said, but what you saw on it confused you until you caught on.
3rd up
5th left
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buckevantommy · 4 years
'(Un)Happiest Season' review
Simply put, it wasn't enjoyable as a romance or a comedy or a Christmas flick. It failed on many fronts, but this reviewer from Salon.com puts the thing into words for Happiest Season's main failings: 
What's bad: There were two main criticisms of "Happiest Season." The first being: Can't LGBTQ audiences have a holiday movie where the main plot isn't about mining the anxiety and trauma associated with coming out, being closeted and casual homophobia? Then there's the fact that Harper really is just kind of the worst. After pushing Abby back in the closet, Harper ditches her in a town where she doesn't know anyone to go drink with her ex-boyfriend until two in the morning, then proceeds to call Abby "suffocating" when called on it. It's a pattern of s**ty behavior that is pervasive and present throughout the movie, so her redemption arc doesn't feel super genuine. 
Why can't we have main queer characters in Christmas movies without their presence being all about their queerness? We want fluffy festiveness, dammit! They could've made Harper less selfish and more attentive while still playing into the *I'm not out yet Because Reasons so we need to hide our gay relationship* trope, but they didn't. Who knows why, but what a waste. 🎄👩‍❤️‍👩☃️
^ Look at that trailer and tell me you don't expect Misunderstandings with fun and tropey antics + Domestic Christmas Shenanigans + Comfort for Hurt! You will be sorely disappointed. 😞 
NOTE: The flick does have a few good moments. And it's probably worth the watch just to see what's missing/mishandled when it comes to queer characters and queer romances in mainstream movies. 
But it's not really fun or funny or heart-warming - where are the snowball fights? Insightful conversations? Christmas elements like eggnog/spiced wine, candycanes, mistletoe? Where are the many colourful side characters and the hungover brunches? We get one scene of ice-skating for a few minutes and it's wasted on sibling rivalry bs rather than, say.. Abby and Harper skating together but not being aloud to touch—omg the tension!! 😍 
There's just not enough comfort for the hurt Abby (Kstew) goes through; the film wholly lacks those warm-n-fuzzy Christmas vibes; there's just way more wrong with it than is right with it - which sucks, because this had the potential to be such a great movie if only Harper was written as less ignorant/selfish and we'd gotten more enjoyable family interactions and more festive fun - like a celebration in town. Instead we get a few limited shots of the adorable town, a crappy bar, and an OTT fancy Christmas party for performative rich white folk on a career path for power and "perfection" (ie. wholesome family values). 
The story they went with was definitely better suited for a dramatic film, so in a romcom setting it really didn't work. Plus the side-characters were flat; we needed more depth from the supporting characters, more meaningful interactions. 
^ Look at those intro credits!! Look at all the domestic happy moments and tell me you don't want to see a movie filled with such fluffy festive goodness!! Well, if you don't want to see such moments, don't worry because you won't. I naturally thought we were going to get this kind of romantic-and-non-romantic happiness dispersed throughout the entire film, but no. Not a one. There's 5 minutes of Happy Couple at the start, and that's it 📸☹️ (unless you count a photo collage of the happy ending and year that follows stuffed into the end credits). 
BTW: That intro song is the most Christmasy song in the whole movie. The soundtrack features modern pop songs which 1) don't help set the festive vibe and 2) are really fucking annoying; the song choices are grating, not pleasant, not enjoyable, and they overpower the scenes with a whole lotta noise. I really wish we'd gotten more tunes like the one above. 🎶 
About the image below—Abby is actually miserable the entire time, getting worse by the day, barely a smile seen on her.. while Harper is the one schmoozing her family and contacts with teeth bared, so.. this image isn't what you'll get, just fyi:
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(also: the only POC actors they had were the perfectionist-stone-faced-bitch's husband and his girlfriend - wife + hubby being secretly separated.) 
The things that the Salon reviewer liked are the same things I did (see below), but imho even those elements weren't enough to save this film from being: 
an infuriating 102 minute-comedy of errors buoyed by a healthy dose of gaslighting 
More cons of the flick are pointed out by denofgeek.com: 
Some of its issues come from the structure of the film, which shoehorns very real queer struggles into wacky rom-com tropes too fluffy to contain the stakes at hand. Meanwhile the choice to have one half of the lead couple be so aggressively and repeatedly cruel—while her high school ex Riley, played by the ever-perfect Aubrey Plaza was standing right there having all the chemistry in the world with the other romantic lead—was a fatal one.
It really was a dramatic plot idea crammed into a fluffy narrative. You can see the conflicting genres fighting to stay alive and they both die a slow, agonisingly dull death throughout the film. The whole *Abby being converted to loving Christmas by Harper inviting her to spend the holidays with her family* thing, only to have Harper force their relationship + Abby into the closet. Straight conversion much? I'm 100% sick of heteronormative bs in my queer Christmas films. 
For the most part, when you're not feeling for Abby's harsh treatment by her would-be fiance and everyone but Riley ignoring her completely, you will be bored af from the lack of festive cheer - not just twinkle lights and boisterous seasonal music, but those good ol' homey family Christmas vibes. With the Harper house + family members, everything's a performance, so that lack of sincerity and warmth makes for a depressing viewing experience: 
^ Jane (one of Harper's 2 sisters) is the only character allowed to be consistently genuine in the narrative (aside from John, but he's restricted mostly to phonecalls, and Riley - but even she's keeping Harper's secrets). Jane is the only character who is naturally vibrant and reminds us of some of the reasons we get excited about Christmas movies: to feel joy and to enjoy the company around us during the holiday season! 🎄☃️🥳 But rather than give us a fun day out with Jane + Abby, we get Abby + the second sister (i don't even remember her name, just BitchFace) which leads to more bad treatment of Abby - this time by two spoiled af no-smile rich kids. *le sigh* Jane carries the spark of honest joy for the entire Harper clan and that is TOO MUCH to expect of one character, let alone a side-character. 😪 
There are so many ways the story could've been tweaked to make more sense and be somewhat enjoyable, including: 
The orphan!Abby thing is just bad. Rather than give Abby a voice, chances to let her personality shine, almost everyone interacts with her to merely briefly express their condolences for her long-dead parents 🙄 
Abby is a pet-minder, ie. she's an animal lover, yet at no point do we see her interact with animals! Not a dog or cat or hamster, no reindeer at the petting zoo, nothing. 🐕🐈🦎🦜🐠
Riley + Abby getting together (even just a kiss) 👄 
Abby + Harper separating so Harper can get her shit together - and then we get several flashforward shots of them separately living their lives (Harper especially), and then meeting back up again - maybe the next holiday season, after some much-needed time apart 🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️ 
side characters who engage with Abby in a sincere, meaningful way instead of ignoring her (again, we got Riley, but she was outside of the family dynamic) 😊 
MORE FESTIVE CHEER! where were all the staple Christmassy passtimes, the smile-inducing season-specific experiences??? 🎉 
More from denofgeek: 
Where the script gets into trouble is that it doesn’t distinguish between Harper being closeted and her poor treatment of Abby. The two are separate issues and treating them as one does no favors to Harper, nor others struggling with the closet. As Dan Levy’s beautiful monologue late in the movie alludes to, the closet is a safety mechanism—but it’s not a free pass to treat people like garbage. [...] 😟🏳️‍🌈
Even a brief conversation teasing out that being in the closet doesn’t justify how Harper acted, and that plenty of people in the closet don’t treat others like trash, would have been important. Instead once Harper is out (which the movie takes pains to make clear only happened because Harper’s sister Sloane outed her), and a gesture so small it could never credibly be called grand is made, all bad behavior is washed away. [...] 😤🙅‍♀️ 
The jarring underlying issue is that 'Happiest Season' attempts to apply the standard rom-com and made-for-TV-holiday-movie tropes to queer life. So Abby having to go back into the closet isn’t framed as a painful regression or being forced to deny an essential part of herself, but rather a fun twist, in the vein of “but the guy she insulted on the plane is the owner of the ornament factory she has to impress to win the Christmas contest!”🚪😒 
All of Harper’s behavior adds up to making her feel like something the audience wants Abby to be free of, not someone Abby should be fighting for. Once Riley tells Abby about Harper’s cruelty in high school, where Harper outed Riley and mocked her rather than standing up for her or finding an excuse that protected them both, it becomes incredibly difficult to root for the lead couple to get back together, or for Harper at all. 👏💃 
With this information, Harper’s other transgressions go from frustrating to part of a larger pattern. Sadly, it’s a pattern Harper repeats when her sister outs her and she throws Abby under the (lesbian) bus. 🤬 
all interactions between John (Dan Levy) + Abby (he's witty, honest, and 100% the most entertaining element of the entire film; i wish we'd gotten more of him) 😆 
Riley (Aubrey Plaza, Harper's ex) + Abby's scenes together because CHEMISTRY, both between the characters and the actors 👩‍❤️‍👩
Notable between Abby + Riley scenes include 3 instances of Riley comforting Abby's hurt: outside at the fancy party (Abby feeling excluded/ignored/not worth anyone's time due to the way they treat her even though they don't know she's gay), at a gay bar in town (sandwiched by scenes where Abby's made to feel like crap by Harper), and at the fancy home Christmas party where Riley gets Abby something stronger to drink after hearing Abby was going to propose to Harper (but it's been a helluva shitty week and those plans are dead) 👭 
Every scene with Riley was blessed relief from the hurt and discomfort and boredom of the rest of the time with Harper's family. 🤩 
Sister Jane, for being a genuinely fun character 🤗 who was written starkly different to her family and treated somewhat like an outcast 
Aubrey + Kstew killin it in various pantsuits 👀 
In contrast, Riley connects Abby to queerness, bringing her to an LGBTQ bar to decompress and enjoy a Christmas-themed drag performance. It’s the most relaxed and comfortable Abby is on screen since the opening scenes, a chance to glimpse Abby’s authentic self before Harper summons her back to heterosexuality, and where she once again ignores and disappoints her. Riley actually talks to Abby at the various holiday parties whereas Harper keeps leaving her to please her family, especially her father. It’s not hard for the natural chemistry between Plaza and Stewart to take over
I wouldn't watch this film again. For a hopeful Christmasy love story I'd just watch all Abby + Riley's scenes: 
In closing, here's a batshit article title from observer.com that just makes you go, huh? 🧐:
‘Happiest Season’ Isn’t Happy, But That Doesn’t Make It a Bad Rom-Com
Um.. yes, yes it does. 
Rom-Coms are supposed to be fun, light-hearted stories about love even when the plot deals with lying - The Proposal, Sweet Home Alabama - so a movie that leaves you hurting more than comforted in sympathy with one of the main characters because the (apparent) love of their life is treating them like shit, then it doesn't deserve to be in the genre of Rom-Com. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💞🎬
In summary, Abby and Harper got 5 minutes of happiness in the beginning, and an eventual happy ending after a super rocky middle. The journey was painful and unenjoyable, and it made their happy ending unbelievable and, for Harper, undeserved because of her behaviour through 90% of the story. 
In short: it was not, in fact, the happiest season. 😕👎
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thefakejeffreyazoff · 4 years
‘He’s our Satan’: Mega music manager Irving Azoff, still feared, still fighting
(x)PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. —  
This is not Irving Azoff’s house. Irving and his wife Shelli own houses all over, from Beverly Hills to Cabo San Lucas, but right now in the last week of October it’s too cold at the ranch in Idaho and too hot at the spread in La Quinta, so he’s renting this place — a modest midcentury six-bedroom that sold for $5 million back in 2016.
From the front door you can see all the way out, to where Arrowhead Point juts like the tail of a comma into the calm afternoon waters of Carmel Bay. More importantly, the house is literally across the street from the Pebble Beach Golf Links, where Azoff likes to play with his college buddy John Baruck, who started out in the music business around the same time Azoff did, in the late ’60s, and just retired after managing Journey through 20 years and two or three lead singers, depending how you count.
(Via LA Times) 
Azoff is 72, and this weekend he’ll be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame alongside Bruce Springsteen’s longtime manager Jon Landau. Beatles manager Brian Epstein and Rolling Stones manager Andrew Loog Oldham are already in, but Azoff and Landau are the first living managers thus honored. Azoff is not only alive — he’s still managing. As a partner in Full Stop Management — alongside Jeffrey Azoff, his oldest son and the third of his four children — he steers the careers of clients like the Eagles, Steely Dan, Bon Jovi and comedian Chelsea Handler, and consults when needed on the business of Harry Styles, Lizzo, John Mayer, Roddy Ricch, Anderson .Paak and Maroon 5. Azoff has Zoom calls at 7, 8 and 9 tomorrow morning, and only after that will he squeeze in a round.
The work never stops when you view the job the way Azoff does, as falling somewhere between consigliere and concierge. “My calls can be everything from ‘My knee buckled, I need a doctor’ to ‘My kid’s in jail,’” Azoff says. “I mean, you have no idea. The ‘My kid’s in jail’ one was a funny one, because the artist then said to me, ‘Y’know, I’ve thought about this. Maybe we should leave him there for a while.’”
Golf entered Azoff’s life the way a lot of things have — via the Eagles, whom Azoff has managed since the early ’70s. Specifically, Azoff took up golf in the company of the late Glenn Frey, the jockiest Eagle, the one the other Eagles used to call “Sportacus.” By the time the Eagles returned to the road in the ’90s they’d left their debauched ’70s lifestyles largely behind, but Azoff and Frey got hooked on the little white ball.
“Frey would insist on booking the tour around where he wanted to play golf,” Azoff says. “We made Henley crazy. Henley would call me in my room and he’d go, ‘Why the f— are we in a hotel in Hilton Head North Carolina and starting a tour in Charlotte? Is this a f— golf tour?’”
Trailed by Larry Solters, the Eagles’ preternaturally dour minister of information, Azoff makes his way down the hill from the house for dinner at the golf club’s restaurant. He’s only 5 feet, 3 inches, a diminutive Sydney Pollack in jeans and a zip-up sweater. In photos from the ’70s — when he was considerably less professorial in comportment, a hipster exec with a spring-loaded middle finger — he sports a beard and a helmet of curly hair and mischievous eyes behind his shades, and looks a little like a Muppet who might scream at Kermit over Dr. Teeth’s appearance fee.
His father was a pharmacist and his mother was a bookkeeper. He grew up in Danville, Ill., booked his first shows in high school to pay for college, dropped out of college to run a small Midwestern concert-booking empire and manage local acts such as folk singer Dan Fogelberg and heartland rock band REO Speedwagon. Los Angeles soon beckoned. He met the Eagles while working for David Geffen and Elliot Roberts’ management company and followed the band out the door when they left the Geffen fold; they became the cornerstone of his empire. “I got my swagger from Glenn Frey and Don Henley,” he says. “No doubt about it.”
Azoff never took to pot or coke. The Eagles lived life in the fast lane; he was the designated driver. “Artists,” he once observed, “like knowing the guy flying the plane is sober.” This didn’t stop him from trashing his share of hotel rooms, frequently with guitarist Joe Walsh — whose solo career Azoff shepherded before Walsh joined the Eagles, and who was very much not sober at this time — as an accomplice.
“This was a different age,” Walsh says of his time as the band’s premier lodging-deconstructionist. “We could do anything we wanted, so we did. And Irving’s role was to keep us out of prison, basically.” He recalls a pleasant evening in Chicago in the company of John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd, which culminated in Walsh laying waste to a suite at the Astor Towers hotel that turned out to be the owner’s private apartment. “We had to check out with a lawyer and a construction foreman,” Walsh remembers. “But Irving took care of it. Without Irving, I’d still be in Chicago.”
Azoff became even more infamous for the pit bull brio he brought to business negotiations on behalf of the Eagles and others, including Stevie Nicks and Boz Scaggs. He didn’t seem to care if people liked him, and his artists loved him for that. Steely Dan co-founder Walter Becker said they’d hired Azoff because he “impressed us with his taste for the jugular … and his bizarre spirit.” Jimmy Buffett’s wife grabbed him outside a show at Madison Square Garden, pushed him into the back of a limo and said, You have to manage Jimmy, although Buffett already had a manager at the time.
His outsized reputation as an advocate not just willing but eager to scorch earth on behalf of his clients became an advertisement for his services, a phenomenon that continues to this day. In August 2018, Azoff’s then-client Travis Scott released “Astroworld,” which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart, and occupied that slot again the following week, causing Nicki Minaj’s album “Queen” to debut at No. 2. On her Beats One show “Queen Radio,” Minaj accused Scott of gaming Billboard’s chart methodology to keep her out of the top slot and singled his manager out by name: “C—sucker of the Day award,” she said, “goes to Irving Azoff.” Azoff says he reacted as only Azoff would: “I said, ‘I’m really unhappy about that. I want to be c—sucker of the year.’” In 2019, Minaj hired Azoff as her new manager.
Most of the best things anyone’s ever said about Azoff are statements a man of less-bizarre spirit would take as an insult. When the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted the Eagles in 1998, Don Henley stood onstage and said of Azoff, “He may be Satan, but he’s our Satan.”
An N95-masked Azoff takes a seat on a patio with a view of hallowed ground — the first hole of the Pebble Beach course, a dogleg-right par 4 with a priceless view of the bay. He cheerfully admits that he and his partners at Full Stop are “obviously, as a management business, kind of losing our ass” this year due to COVID-19. In another reality, the Eagles would have played Wembley Stadium in August before heading off to Australia or the Far East. Styles would have just finished 34 dates in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. As it stands Azoff is hearing encouraging things about treatments and vaccines and new testing machines, and is reasonably confident that technology will soon make it possible for certified-COVID-free fans to again enjoy carefree evenings of live music together; he doesn’t expect much to happen in the meantime.
“What are you gonna do,” Azoff says, “take an act that used to sell 15,000 seats and tell them to play to 4,000 in the [same] arena? The vibe would be horrible, and production costs will stay the same.”
He knows of at least six companies trying to monetize new concert-esque experiences — pay-per-view shows from houses and soundstages, drive-in events and so on. But he’s not convinced anybody wants to sit in their parked car to watch a band play. More to the point, he’s not convinced it’s rock ’n’ roll.
“Fallon and Kimmel, all these virtual performances — people are sick of that,” he says. “Your production values from home aren’t that good. And they’re destroying the mystique. I mean, Justin Bieber jumping around on ‘Saturday Night Live’ the other night without a band, and then he had Chance the Rapper come out? It made him look to me, mortal. I didn’t feel any magic. So we’ve kinda been turning that stuff down to just wait it out.”
In the meantime, he says, Full Stop is picking up new clients during the pandemic. Artists with time on their hands, he believes, “have taken a hard look at their careers— so we’ve grown. No revenues,” he adds with a chuckle, “but people are saying, ‘We need you, we need to plan our lives.’”
“IN HIGH SCHOOL,” Jeffrey Azoff says, “I wanted to be a professional golfer, which has obviously eluded me.” He never expected to take up his father’s profession. “But my dad has always loved his job so much. There’s no way that doesn’t rub off on you.”
The younger Azoff got his first industry job at 21, as a “glorified intern” working for Maroon 5’s then-manager Jordan Feldstein. After a week of filing and fetching coffee, he called his father and complained that he was bored. According to Jeffrey, Irving responded, “Listen carefully, because I’m going to say this one time. You have a phone and you have my last name. If you can’t figure it out, you’re not my son.”
“Direct quote,” Jeffrey says. “It’s one of my favorite things he’s ever said to me. And it’s the spirit of the music business, by the way. There are no rules to this. Just figure it out.”
Over dinner I keep asking Irving how he got the temerity, as a kid barely out of college, to plunge into the shark-infested waters of the ‘70s record industry in Los Angeles. He just shrugs.
“I never felt the music business was that competitive,” he says. “It’s just not that f—ing hard. I don’t think there’s that many smart people in our business.”
It’s been written, I say, that once you landed in California and sized up the competition, you called John Baruck back in Illinois and said —
“We can take this town,” Azoff says, finishing the sentence. “Where’d you get that? John told that story to [Apple senior vice president] Eddy Cue on the golf course three days ago. It’s true. I called John up and said, ‘OK, get your ass out here. We can take this town.’”
In the ensuing years, Azoff has occupied nearly every high-level position the music industry has to offer, surfing waves of industry consolidation. He’s been the president of a major label, MCA; the CEO of Ticketmaster; and executive chairman of Live Nation Entertainment, the behemoth formed from Ticketmaster’s merger with Live Nation. In 2013 he and Cablevision Systems Corp. CEO and New York Knicks owner James Dolan formed a partnership, Azoff MSG Entertainment; Azoff ran the Forum in Inglewood for Dolan after MSG purchased it in 2012.
Earlier this year Dolan sold the Forum for $400 million to former Microsoft CEO and Clippers owner Steve Ballmer, who’s since announced plans to build a new stadium on a site just one mile away. Despite the apocalyptic parking scenario that looms for the area — two stadiums and a concert arena on a one-mile stretch of South Prairie Boulevard — Azoff is confident that the Forum will live on as a live-music venue. “People are going, ‘They’re going to tear it down’ — they’re not going to tear it down,” Azoff says. “It’s going to be in great hands. I have many of the artists we represent booked in the Forum, waiting for the restart based on COVID.”
The holdings of the Azoff Co. — formed when Dolan sold his interest in Azoff MSG back to Azoff two years ago — include Full Stop, the performance-rights organization Global Music Rights and the Oak View Group, which is developing arenas in Seattle and Belmont, N.Y., and a 15,000-seat venue on the University of Texas campus in Austin. Azoff describes himself as increasingly focused on “diversification, and building assets for the family that aren’t just dependent on commissions, shall we say.”
But as both a manager and a co-founder of a lobbying group, the Music Artists Coalition, he’s also devoting more time and energy to a broad range of artists’-rights issues, from health insurance to royalty rates to copyright reversion to this year’s Assembly Bill 5, which threatened musicians’ independent-contractor status until it was amended in September. (“That was us,” Azoff says, somewhat grandly. “I got to the governor, the governor signed it — Newsom was great on it.”) He describes his advocacy for artists — even those he doesn’t manage — as a “war on all fronts,” and estimates there are 21 major issues on which “we’ve sort of appointed ourselves as guardians.”
He does not continue to manage artists because he needs the money, he says. (As the singer-songwriter and Azoff client J.D. Souther famously put it, “Irving’s 15% of everybody turned out to be more than everyone’s 85% of themselves.”) Everything he’s doing now — building clout through the Azoff Co., even accepting the Hall of Fame honor — is ultimately about positioning himself to better fight these fights. “I’d rather work on [these things] than anything else,” he says. “But if I didn’t have the power base in the management business, I couldn’t be effective.”
The recorded music industry, having fully transitioned to a digital-first business, is once again making money hand over fist, he points out, but even less of that money is trickling down to artists. That imbalance long predates Big Tech’s involvement in the field, but the failure of music-driven tech companies to properly compensate musicians is clearly the largest burr under Azoff’s saddle.
“These people, when they start out — whether it’s Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, whatever — they resist paying for music until you go beat the f— out of them. And then of course, none of them pay fair market value and they get away with it. Your company’s worth $30 billion and you can’t spend 20 grand for a song that becomes a phenomenon on your channel? Even when they pay, artists don’t get enough. Writers don’t get enough. Music, as a commodity, is more important than it’s ever been, and more unfairly monetized for the creators. And that’s what creates an opportunity for people like me.”
AZOFF’S FIRM NO longer handles Travis Scott, by the way. “Travis is unmanageable,” Azoff says, nonchalantly and without rancor. “We’re involved in his touring as an advisor to Live Nation, but he’s calling his own shots these days.”
I ask if, in the age of the viral hit and the bedroom producer, he finds himself running into more artists who assume they don’t need a manager. Ehh, Azoff says, like it’s always been that way. “There’s a lot of headstrong artists,” he says. “I haven’t seen one that’s better off without a manager than with,” he says, and laughs a little Dennis the Menace laugh.
We’re back at the house. Azoff takes a seat on the living-room couch; Larry Solters sits across from him, his back to the sea. Azoff recalls another big client. Declines to name him. Says he was never happy, even after Azoff and his people got him everything on his wish list. “He hit me with a couple bad emails. Just really disrespectful s—. I sent him an email back that said, ‘Lucky for me, you need me more than I need you. Goodbye.’”
He will confirm having resigned the accounts of noted divas Mariah Carey and Axl Rose. Reports that he once attempted to manage Kanye West have been greatly exaggerated, he says, although they’ve spoken about business. “Robert [Kardashian] was a good friend of mine. The kids all went to school together,” Azoff says. “What I always said to Kanye was, you’re unmanageable, but we can give you advice.
“A lot of people could have made a dynasty on the people we used to manage,” Azoff says, “let alone the ones we kept.”
But he still works with many artists who joined him in the ’70s — with Henley, with Steely Dan’s Donald Fagen and with Joe Walsh. Walsh has been sober for more than 25 years; it was Azoff, along with Henley and Frey, who talked him into rehab before the Eagles’ 1994 reunion tour. “Irving never passed judgment on me,” Walsh says. “And from that meeting on, he made sure I had what I needed to stay sober.” If he hadn’t, Walsh says, there’s no chance we’d be having this conversation. “All the guys I ran with are dead. Keith Moon’s dead. John Entwistle’s dead. Everybody’s dead, and I’m here. That’s profound to me.”
The first client Azoff lost was Minnie Riperton — in 1979, to breast cancer when she was only 31. Then Warren Zevon, to cancer, in 2003. Fogelberg, to cancer, four years later.
“And then Glenn,” says Azoff, referring to the Eagles co-founder who died in 2016. “I miss Glenn a lot. And now Eddie.”
Van Halen, that is. I ask Azoff if he can tell me a story that sums up what kind of guy Eddie Van Halen was; he tells me a beautiful one, then says he’d prefer not to see it in print. It makes perfect Azoffian sense — profane trash talk on the record, tenderness on background.
I ask if he’s been moved to contemplate his own mortality, as his boomer-aged clients approach an actuarial event horizon. Of course the answer turns out to involve keeping pace with an Eagle.
“Henley and I are having a race,” he says. “Neither one of us has given in. Neither one of us is going to retire.”
Henley was born in July 1947; Azoff came along that December. Does Don plan to keep going, I ask, until the wheels fall off?
“I don’t know,” Azoff says.
Do you ever talk about it?
“Yeah! He’ll call me up and he’ll go, ‘I really feel s— today.’ And I say, ‘Well, you should, Grandpa. You’re an old man. You ready to throw in the towel? Nope? OK.’”
Azoff says, “I contend that what keeps us all young is staying in the business. I’ve had more people tell me, ‘My father, he quit working, and then his health started failing,’ and all that. Every single — I mean, every single rock star I know is basically doing it to try and stay young. And I think it works. I really think it works.
“I have this friend,” Azoff says. “Calls me once a week, he’s sending me tapes, it’s his next big record. Paul Anka! He’s 80 years old. OK? And my other friend, Frankie Valli …”
“Do you know how old Frankie Valli is?” Solters says. “Eighty-six. And he still performs.”
“Not during COVID,” Azoff says. “I told the motherf—, ‘You’re not going out.’”
16 notes · View notes
nofacenocaseblog · 4 years
𝗗𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 #3:  NARCOPISOS Inc. /Barcelona narcopisos, a necessary evil
The 3rd episode of Dope Stories is the most in-depth investigation of the series, so much that it took me nearly 3 years to gain the trust and respect of my contacts and more importantly, to get relevant insights about the local drug market and its players to show, under a different angle than mainstream media, what’s happening behind the closed doors of the Ciutat Veilla’s narrow streets.
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Playground 1 - Raval, Barcelona / 2018 / iPhone 
“Drugs are ruining our neighborhood! “,  “Narcopisos are disrupting the real estate market!” ,  “ We don’t feel safe!”… 
Those are the slogans or headlines you see in the media or written on banners hanging from people’s balconies.  
“Narcopisos are filthy and dangerous!”
But are they though?
Before getting started, I wanted to write a few words about Barcelona. After living more than a decade in New York, my wife and I moved to Catalan capital for about 4 years.  After reading this article you might think that I m not particularly fond of the town and its inhabitants.  I won’t lie, we didn’t receive the warmest welcome, especially from Catalans. This said, the town and its vibe are unique and galvanizing.  Very much like Marseille (my hometown), Barcelona is an harbor city with the port/marina right in the center, meaning: lots of traffics, smuggling, immigration, corruption, drugs etc… There is always “something going on”, if you catch my drift.  Shady, nasty, funny, ugly, beautiful, vulgar,  the cast of “pirate-like” characters gravitating around the city center is fascinating.
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Occupied - Raval, Barcelona / 2017 / Nikon 3200
As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been drawn toward the forbidden,  the danger, the illicit, the hidden, the bad...  To my eyes, “ugly” has always been more interesting than “beautiful”.  Barcelona is not a dangerous city but you need to keep your guard up: pick pockets roaming the subway,  gypsies asking for money on La Rambla (the city’s most touristic avenue) while releasing your back pocket from your wallet, junkies selling stolen goods or begging for change for their next fix #nextfixandchill , black people selling fake airmax on the Barcelonetta marina, drunken street fights in the early hours of the morning... Tragicomic scenes are unravelling before your eyes in an surreal backdrop: Gaudi’s most beautiful “psychedelic” buildings (Sagrafa Familia, casa pedrera, Palau Guell...) in a jungle of gothic buildings ending on a fisherman village overseeing a beautiful beachfront promenade ending with the native “star’chitect” Bofill’s famous W... 
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Poolside - Barcelonetta, Barcelona / 2018 / iPhone
Ok, enough with the touristic tour, time to get real!
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Stairway to Hell - Raval, Barcelona / 2017 / iPhone
Embark on a descend to the heroin inferno that became Raval.  From the fields of Afghanistan to the bloodstreams of Spain...
La Ruta [Spanish for “the route”]
19,414 Pakistanis live in Barcelona, 6,600 of them are established in the neighborhood: El Raval (1) meaning more than 30% of the total community.  El Raval has always been my favorite barrio in town.  With 47% of immigrants (2) , the mosaic of faces, cultures and shops you encounter is dazzling .  Going back to the Pakistani population, I used the word “established” for a specific reason: they actually own many of the businesses in Raval: barbershop, cheap bars and restaurants, wholesale shops, import/export businesses, money transfer services (Western Union, Moneygram), food and grocery shops... I’m not accusing here the Pakistani business owners of backing the drug traffic but they basically created a web of small businesses in a tight net community with their own language, making it hard for the authorities to see through this social fabric potentially sheltering illegal activities. 
Why the Pakistani population is subject to speculation and doubt from the local authorities?  The answer is simple: Afghanistan.  Afghanistan  is by far the biggest producer of opium in the world. According to the US military, 90% of the world's heroin is made from opium grown in Afghanistan. It makes up 95% of the market in Europe (3).  The country has been the leader in opium poppy production since 2001.  Based on the 2014 report from the UNODC (United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime), Afghanistan not only grow opium but also process heroin in several laboratory as well as morphine (easier to produce from raw opium by adding calcium oxide and ammonium chloride).  From Afghanistan, several routes are used to smuggle their prime commodities: the Balkan route has been the primary route but things are changing and the Southern route has become more and more used.  Afghanistan share 2,400km of border with Pakistan and over 50% of illicit afghan opiates are trafficked through Pakistan which enjoys a a strategic location making it a perfect dispatch zone with readily accessible by land, sea (Gwadar and Karachi seaport) and air ways .  
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The same UNODC report also indicates that the majority (37%) of the heroin seized in Pakistan was en-route for Europe..
*** Read and/or download the full report here ***
By the way, let’s not forget that Barcelona is also one of the Camorra’s stronghold.  And with Russians and Albanian mafias also present on the territory, Spain -where no powerful local crime syndicate operates and laws on prostitution and gambling are “blurred” to say the least-  has become one of organize crime’s favorite playgrounds for money laundering, drug smuggling, human trafficking, gambling and prostitution... Nothing really happens here without their “green light”, but that’s another story (5)
Back to our Southern route, once the product reaches Barcelona, it becomes very hard to pin point. Narcotics coming through the Balkan route also ends up in Barcelona but in different “retailers”’ hands:  Romanian family-based clans, based mostly in Besos (a run-down project in the heart of Poblenou) and  occupying one single narcopisos in Raval (they have moved 3 times over the 4-year period of my “investigation”) but known to have the purest and most processed Caballo sold in town. 
El Caballo [Spanish for “the horse”, street name of heroin ]
[WARNING]  Most of the photographs of this post are uncensored, quite graphic and… of poor quality…. my bad, I took them.  But I had circumstances: hidden cellphone, no flash, illegal activities going on, indoor, with very little to no light…  Shots are not the best (no pun intended) but you’ll step right into the infamous narcopisos you’ve heard of or read about. And not once they’ve been searched and trashed by the police like you’ve seen in the press but while they are in full operation. Raw, those images might be quite shocking to some of the readers, but take the emotion out of he equation and you’ll come to realized that, for lack a better choice, narcopisos are a necessary evil.   My intention here is not to start a polemic nor come out as a provocateur but to shed light on a real issue, still happening, involving real people, slowly dying, failed by a syste unable -or unwilling- to help them.
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Gears - Raval, Barcelona / 2017 / iPhone
El Raval
1989,  US superstar Keith Harring is in Barcelona for his exhibition on La Rambla.  After speaking with an old friend of him from New York living here for awhile, he decided to paint a mural, his way to to show his love for and connection with the town. The next day, Harring chose the wall in Plaça de Salvador Segui in Raval.  He was warned that the area was one of the most dangerous areas in town. Back then, in the 80’s the Spanish government had the genius idea to decriminalize the use, but not the supply, of hard drugs and did not implement any proper treatments to sustain this measure...  Spaniards have ignored the issue and it sparked a heroin addiction epidemic that saw HIV rates soar (2a).The artist was attracted to the neighborhood and decided it would offer the perfect canvas for his message about the dangers of drugs and AIDS. At first it was supposed to be a temporary mural but in the end, up to this day, you can still enjoy Harring’s mural behind the MACBA museum. Below is a photograph I took of what became now hot-spot for skateboarder and cool bars
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Tricks - Raval, Barcelona / 2016 / Nikon 3200
Beside its bad reputation, Raval has always been a magnet for artists and “cool kids”, misfits and outcasts but more recently the new kid on the block is named gentrification… in other word: Fun is over.   Well… not quite yet.  In Barcelona, everything moves slowly, gentrification included. The result is a mix of fancy hotels, art galleries, designer boutiques... mixed with prostitutes and their lovely clientele, dealers, junkies, businessmen, families of tourists wandering the streets… a fascinating mix of characters with theatrical scenes playing before your eyes: hustlers trying to rip off tourists, white collars finding themselves buying bad cocaine from a kid in a narrow, sketchy alley… the show is in the street, but not only. 
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The Narrows - Raval, Barcelona / 2016 / Nikon 3200
What businesses, in Barcelona, are open 24/7, have no vacancy, a steady stream of customers and a product that sells itself? The answer: Narcopisos Inc.
The phenomenon of the Narcopisos emerged in 2016 (a year after I moved to Barcelona) following Spain’s property crash.  Foreclosed or unsold apartments, owned by banks and investment funds were left emptied, abandoned, in a country in full housing crisis...  It wasn’t long before the vacant spaces started being squatted: some by respectable families, in need of a place to live, some by drug dealers using them as selling point and shooting gallery.  A place where you can get a cheap fix in a relatively clean room.
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Ritual - Raval, Barcelona / 2017 / iPhone
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Helped - Raval, Barcelona / 2017 / iPhone
Thanks to my various contacts, I had access to different types of narcopisos, but from crack to dope houses, most of them were operating the same way: - a cctv video surveillance in place at the street level or someone looking out for the cops. - a room with junkies to confuse police upon arrival and make it look like they are actually squatting the place - 1 to 3 dealers serving customers one a the time. - An exit back door (if available) in case the police knocks on the front door. - One or two rooms for users. - Hourly cleaning of the premises to make the place look “decent” and “squatted” in case of a bust - Little quantity of drugs at the time, no more than 10 grams of each. - Open 24/7 - Re-up every hour or so - Single use paraphernalia available to the users - In some cases, Narcan at hand (medicine used to reverse the effect of an OD).
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Cleaning Session - Career d’en Road 22, Raval, Barcelona / 2016 / iPhone
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My connections in the Pakistani community took time to build but  strengthen throughout the years to reached a level of trust where we came to split the bread at several occasions… no seriously, we actually got invited in their Halal “canteen” in Raval where only Pakistanis could enjoy their local cuisine, a unique experience… They also gave me access to two of their stash houses: located in legit apartments, in proper buildings, on the outskirt of Raval, close to Sant-Antoni, less prone to police check.  No users there, only wholesalers, dispatching heroin to “representatives” of each narcopisos at below retail-price: between 20 and 40 euros the gram depending on the quantity purchased. 
Going back to the narcopisos, some were run by junkies (where the product was often cut from the bash they were getting from the stash houses), some by pakistani or afghan immigrants, with decent quality product, some by Catalan families, living there for decades under stabilized rent and with their own connection and product of fluctuant quality.  Last but not least, one narcopiso was occupied by the Romanian clan mentioned earlier.  Below are some photos of one of their spot at 22 Carrer d’en Roig, later busted and walled by the Mossos d’esquadra (Catalan police)
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Romanian at work - Career d’en Road 22, Raval, Barcelona / 2016 / iPhone
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Boss - Career d’en Road 22, Raval, Barcelona / 2016 / iPhone
If narcopisos was selling both crack and heroin, two rooms were at the disposal of users, one for smoking their bottles or pipes and the other room to shoot up or smoke heroin on tiny pieces of foil.
Sterile hospital-like garbage disposal were available for discarding the used paraphernalia.
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Bloodstream Hunt - Raval, Barcelona / 2017 / iPhone
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#NextFixandChill - Raval, Barcelona / 2017 / iPhone
Everything is provided to avoid the spread of disease and the use of the drug in plain sight in the street therefore reduce public disorder.
Not that dealers became humanitarian all of a sudden, but kicking customers with their (illegal) purchase out in the street expose them to being ratted on or worst, having an overdose in plain sight attracting the police and paramedics... either way, it’s not good for business so narcopisos’ “managers” rather keep their clientele indoor until they’re done using and good to do.
Now, there is another type of business in Barcelona dealing with drug users and addiction: it’s called Centre de Dispensació de Metadona - Centre d'Atenció Primària Casc Antic (the methadone clinic in short....). 
* They’re not open 24/7 but rather in the morning only * It can take up to 2 weeks to see a doctor in order to enroll in a Methadone Maintenance Treatment -MMT (true story...when a single day can be the last one for a heroin addict living in the street) * Last but not least, since the doctors and nurses’ work schedule is way more important tthan their patients’ care, some centers give up 3 to 4 days worth of supply of methadone at once to heroin users so the health workers can have their days and weekends off. The result of this amazing system: the methadone is sold in the street by users so they can buy their heroin and/or in certain case, the methadone is saved up (for rainy days) and the patient keeps using heroin instead.  Yes, the patient: let’s not forget that those “filthy junkies” actually are patients (even if they’re hardly seen as such in those centers),  suffering from a disease called addiction, or substance abuse disorder if you prefer the american way of calling it, and in need of medical care but what can I say... old habits die hard (both way...). 
Patients taking methadone to treat opioid dependance must receive the medication under the supervision of a practitioner. After a period of stability (based on progress and proven, consistent compliance with the medication dosage) and only then, patients may be allowed to take methadone at home between program visits... but not in Barcelona.
Methadone substitution as a treatment of opioid addiction does not function as much to curb addiction as to redirect it and maintain dependency on legal channels. Methadone has been designed that way, as a lifetime treatment whereas alternative palliatives such as Buprenorphine are not even considered by doctors when those therapies would be more efficient in certain cases: with users who do not shoot the drug for example, or with users wishing to quiet and get sober... but let's be honest here, sobriety has never been the objective of those methadone programs.  The real goal of this public service is not to cure addiction, but to make sure junkies don’t use, steal, rob and/or commit act of violence in the streets to feed their habits
The patient here is not the users but the society.   Those centers aren’t trying to help the user quit his habit, but to make sure the society doesn’t suffer from it.  Good or bad, Narcopisos are curbing down the spread of diseases, cleaning up the streets from users as they offering temporary shelter to their customers and operate around the clock..  It seems to me that their function is almost... complementary if not necessary.
So before eradicating narcopisos from the face of Raval, let’s pause and look at the alternative: junkies buying and using drugs in the streets of the city center, in the worst sanitary condition possible with no regard for the residents around.
So what’s next? Keeping those illegal activities going on? Certainly not.
But before jumping the gun and closing it all at once, better get ready for the alternative because drug addiction will not disappear with the narcopisos. In my last article, I speak about users stigmatization and how society still struggles to see addiction as a disease and not a will power issue, turning the blind eye to a sheer amount of studies and discoveries explaining how heroin addiction, over time, modify the pathway of your brain frontal lobe and affect your decisional power, making it hard -to not say impossible- to say “no”. 
Don’t take me wrong.  It would be naïve to think all users roaming the streets are here trying to quit and become their better self. Most of them have no intention to do so. I’m not here to judge nor take side.  But in order to find a solution to the narcopiso situation, I would like to introduce Barcelona to his neighbor: Portugal.
Portugal had one of the worst heroin epidemic in Europe back in the 90′s and after the failed many “US war on drug”-type of approaches. They finally shift approach and started treated drug addicts as patients who needed help, not as criminals” says Goulao, the architect of Portugal drug policy.  After the decriminalization and treatments, they planned to open “supervised drug consumption facilities” Naina Bajekal says in her 2018 article in the Time “where drug users can consume drugs in safer conditions with the assistance of trained staff. Such facilities have been running in Europe since 1986, when the first was opened in Berne, Switzerland.”(5)
The result? Evidence (6) shows these these type of sites save lives, reduce public disorder, and curb the spread of diseases.
Does that sound familiar? Yes, that's right, the first of the two businesses we spoke about: Narcopisos Inc.
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Purgatory - Carrer d’en Roig 22, Raval, Barcelona / 2017 / iPhone
For No Face No Case: Dope Stories chapter 4, we’re going to Italy.  Don’t worry, it won’t be another mafia-related article explaining how the N’Drangheta and Camorra became the most powerful crime syndicates in the world, you can watch that on TV.  Called “Il Racconto dei Racconti”  (Tales of Tales in english), the article will keep it real, street style: short stories from North to South: Torino, Milano, Genoa, Roma, Napoli... Stay tuned for some dope stories on how drugs are sold, used and abused in the Renaissance country 
References (1) https://www.barcelona-metropolitan.com/featuresx/report-barcelona-pakistani-community/ (2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Raval (3) https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47861444 (4)https://english.elpais.com/elpais/2018/12/07/inenglish/1544171107_204329.html (5) https://time.com/longform/portugal-drug-use-decriminalization/ (6) https://www.cbc.ca/news2/interactives/portugal-heroin-decriminalization/
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redgillan · 6 years
Missed Chances - part 6
Steve Rogers x Reader [// Bucky Barnes x Reader for now]
Summary: 13 Going on 30!AU - Steve Rogers is crazy about you, but he’s afraid his feelings are only one sided and being one of your best friends, he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship… On his 13th birthday, he makes a wish and wakes up in the body of his 30 year old self. The problem is, you’re no longer a part of his life.
Word Count: 3,623
Warnings: Drinking and stuff
A/N: Again, read it and you’ll understand why it took so long. It’s confrontation time! Some questions are answered yay! That said, I’m sorry it took so long. Also spot the quotes from the movie ;) 
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The following Saturday, Steve woke up at dawn and started cleaning up everything in sight. It was new to him. From a young age, he had to help with chores in any way he could.
Chores became a daily part of his life; setting the table, doing the dishes, throwing out the trash and cleaning his own bedroom, but he had never scrubbed the toilet before.
Once he was done, he took a step back and smiled. The sight of the spotless apartment gave him a deep sense of satisfaction. Then he went grocery shopping and bought all kinds of candy, drinks, chips and salsas.
At home, he tore open the bags of candy and emptied their contents into the large porcelain bowls he had found in the cupboard. The candy bars were laid out on a long silver platter while the crystal wine pitchers were filled with orange juice or soda.
It was nearly seven when F.R.I.D.A.Y. told him that his guests were in the elevator. Steve rushed over to the front door and glanced through the peephole. He smiled when he saw you exit the elevator, Bucky following closely behind.
You were arguing; you because Bucky had refused to wear a tie and Bucky because he didn’t want to be here.
Steve still had mixed feelings about your upcoming wedding. He was still in love with you, nothing had changed. He was just a thirteen-year-old boy trapped in the body of a thirty-year-old man. And it hurt to know you had chosen Bucky.
Steve was furious because Bucky knew how much Steve loved you. He knew, and yet he asked you to marry him. Betrayal wasn't a big enough word.
Revenge, on the other hand, sounded just about right and Steve started thinking of ways to hurt Bucky. Obviously, he could have tried to seduce you, but Steve doubted he could pull it off. He was good-looking, sure, but he lacked the skills to carry it off.
But he reminded himself that you had never loved him, that you had run away from his birthday party when Brock told you that Steve wanted to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with you.
No, he couldn’t do that to Bucky. He knew first-hand how cruel and painful was. His own father had abandoned his family for a pretty twentysomething. And even though he had promised himself that he wouldn’t end up like his father, he slowly did.
Like father, like son.
But it wasn’t too late to make things right. Somehow you had agreed to come to his apartment, and Bucky was there, too.  
A knock at the door pulled him out of his reverie. He took a deep breath and opened the door.
“Welcome,” he said with a big smile before he nodded towards Bucky’s old Henley. “Thanks for dressing up, by the way.”
He was happy to see he still was pretty decent at making passive-aggressive comments. That was more his thing than adultery anyway.
Bucky didn’t reply. He turned his head in your direction and cast an exasperated look at you that spoke volumes. You gave him a reassuring smile.
“C’mon in, I’ll give you a tour of the apartment,” Steve continued, undeterred.
Steve gave you and Bucky the grand tour of the house which included the four guest rooms, the pool, the training room, the library, his own walk-in closet and finally his bedroom. Each time you walked into a room, it felt like you were rediscovering the meaning of the word sophisticated.
Everything was either beige, white or taupe, which didn’t give off a very friendly vibe. It was gorgeous, but it lacked a homey feeling.
“It’s beautiful, Steve,” you said as you entered his bedroom.
Bucky dug his elbow into your side and when you met his eyes, he nodded toward the ceiling. You both held back a snicker, but it still caught Steve’s attention. You pulled yourself together and cleared your throat before you gestured toward the mirror above the bed.
“Nice mirror,” you said with a knowing grin.
Steve sat on the bed and looked up at the mirror with a puppy-like confused look on his face. “Yeah, that’s unusual.”
You shared an amused look with Bucky, knowing full well a mirror on the ceiling meant sex and narcissism. Steve seemed oblivious to your little teasing and, instead, ushered you into the living room. The view was breath-taking and he couldn’t wait to see your reaction.
You faltered in your steps as you looked around the living room. It was set up in a huge open floor plan with minimalist décor and neutral colour scheme. It was all about comfort and convenience.
The floor-to-ceiling windows offered a panoramic view of the city, but what really caught your attention were the window seats that ran all around the room. You could see yourself sitting there with a good book and a cup of something warm, enjoying the impressive view.
Even Bucky who had done his best to look nonchalant was looking around with wide eyes.
“Pretty good, uh?” Steve asked with a large smile. He then moved closer to the sofas and gestured at the food on the coffee table. “I took your favorite.”
You turned around and saw the plethora of food Steve had bought for the party. A giggle escaped your lips when you saw that he had poured what looked like soda in a crystal wine pitcher.
“You didn’t have to buy all this,” you said, taking a seat on the sofa. “Oh, razzles! I haven’t had razzles in years.”
Steve’s face lit up as he sat next to you. “Remember, they're both a candy and a gum.”
“That’s incredible,” you said, your voice teasing.
Bucky watched as you and Steve laughed together as if the last 17 years never happened. When he saw you lay your hand on Steve’s arm, he grew more agitated and quickly tried to create a diversion.
He took one of the glasses on the table and waved it under Steve’s nose. Steve froze mid-laugh and looked up at him. “I’ll take some wine,” Bucky said with a faux friendly smile. “If you don’t mind.”
“Sure,” Steve replied. He wiped his hands on his jeans and got to his feet. “We’re adults now, we can drink alcohol.”
There was a trap door in the kitchen that led to a wine cellar. Not knowing how many bottles he’d need, he grabbed the first four and an electric corkscrew before he headed back to the living room.
Bucky was now sitting next to you, forcing Steve to take a seat on the opposite sofa. He took the bottle Steve handed him and audibly gasped as he read the label. It was a ’90 Romanée-Conti, and the sommelier at his restaurant would later confirm that it was a $15,000 bottle of wine.
Bucky opened the bottle hoping Steve wouldn’t realize what he’d given him. You shook your head when Bucky asked if you wanted a glass, but he insisted that you should try it. Steve didn’t want wine, said it smelled like rotten fruit and that he’d rather drink soda.
After that, a long silence stretched between the three of you. Knowing the evening would be awkward and long, you had prepared beforehand, choosing a few topics to talk about but Steve broke the silence first.
“How long have you guys been engaged?” he asked, popping a few M&Ms into his mouth.
“Three years,” you replied.
Steve’s eyes widened for a second. He didn’t know anything about marriage or relationships, but it seemed a little long.
“We were trying to save money,” you explained, “but New York’s expensive.”
Steve nodded in agreement even though he only had a vague idea of what it was like.
“We’re selling your mom’s house,” Bucky chimed in. He drained the last of his wine and reached for the bottle before he spoke again. “It could have helped us financially, but no one’s interested.”
Steve had that kicked puppy look on his face again. “You’re selling my house?”
You knew that after what Steve had done to his mom he didn’t deserve your sympathy, but that look on his face made your heart soft. You sent Bucky a glare for bringing it up, but he was too busy finishing his second glass of wine to notice you.
“When your mom died, she gave us her house. She put in her will that we should sell it and buy our own place. That’s what we’ve been trying to do, but the house is in pretty bad shape.”
Your explanation eased Steve somewhat. He looked down at his hands in his lap and nodded his head distractedly. You mentally patted yourself on the back for defusing the situation when Bucky opened his mouth.
“But then again, you never cared about your mom.”
He turned to you, his eyes a little glassy. “What? It’s true. He never visited her when she was sick, he never sent flowers, or called. Hell, he didn’t even show up at the funeral. He was partying in St Barts with his side chick.”
“Bucky, STOP!” you shouted.
Bucky poured himself another glass of wine, his hands shaking with rage. “Whatever.”
Steve blanched at Bucky’s words. He had abandoned his mother when she needed him most. Besides, Peggy must have been pregnant with Carol when his mother died. He had cheated on his pregnant wife. He hated himself so much.
He turned to look at you, his heart breaking when he saw the anger and sadness on your face. You just wanted to make peace with your friend.
Steve cleared his throat. “I know I wasn’t the best son, or friend. I hurt you both and I’ll never apologize enough. I wish I had done things differently, I wish my mom was still here. She’d send me to bed without dessert for the rest of my life,” he said with a watery smile. “I’m going to change.”
He looked up to meet your eyes and relief washed over him when you smiled at him. Bucky rolled his eyes. This was just another empty promise made by a junkie, a cheater, a jerk. Empty words, just like last time.
“Cheers,” he said with a snarl, downing his third or fourth glass of wine.
You turned the conversation away from his mom, hoping to clear the air of the obvious tension. You asked Steve what it was like to live in a gigantic apartment and you both laughed quietly as he answered.
From there, the conversation flowed easily. Steve asked you why you had chosen to work as an editor and you asked about his job. He tried his best not to look clueless.
After a moment, you turned back to Bucky, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, and realized he had fallen asleep on the sofa. He was still clutching his empty glass.
“How much wine did you have?” you asked Steve as you looked over at the two empty bottles of wine sitting on the floor.
“Um, none,” he cocked a brow at you, “why?”
You took the glass from Bucky’s hand and placed it on the table. “I haven’t touched my glass.”
“He drank two bottles?!” Steve gasped. “Is he gonna be okay? Should we take him to the hospital?”
He watched you run your fingers through Bucky’s long hair, combing the locks away from his face with a pained, yet tender, look in your eyes.
“He’s going to have a killer headache in the morning, but he’ll be all right.” Bucky looked peaceful, his chest rising and falling to the rhythm of his breathing. You took a deep breath. “It’s my fault. He was nervous, he didn’t want to come here, but I told him it was time to make peace with you.”
“That’s what I want too,” Steve replied quietly.
The room fell silent, the two of you were lost in your own thoughts. You both knew the party was over.
“I think we should go home,” you said.
Sighing forcefully, you buried your face in your hands and remained motionless for a couple of seconds. You had no idea how you were going to carry a semi-conscious Bucky down to the lobby, into an Uber and up the stairs to your apartment.
“You can stay here tonight,” Steve told you, seemingly reading your thoughts. “You can stay in the guest room. To be honest, I was kinda hoping you guys would stay.”
You knew you should have refused, but it seemed like the best thing to do. Steve had four guest rooms and they all looked incredibly comfortable.
“Yeah, okay,” you said with a small smile. “Thank you, I promise we’ll be out of your hair tomorrow morning.”
“It’s no trouble.” Steve shrugged.
He snaked his arm around Bucky’s shoulders, holding him in place as he hoisted him against his side. Bucky walked like a puppet, blindly following Steve into the guest room. You had to admit that it was a bit embarrassing to watch your drunk fiancé stagger across the living room.
Once Steve placed Bucky on the bed, you removed his shoes and decided to let him keep his jeans on. Bucky grunted in protest and curled himself up in the foetal position. You picked up a blanket and draped it over him.
Steve walked into the master bathroom and came back with a glass of water and two pills. He left the glass and the pills on the nightstand and followed you out of the room.
“Thanks, Steve,” you whispered. “I don’t think I could have carried him myself.”
He smiled at you. “It’s usually the other way around. It’s nice to know I can help my best friend for a change.”
His words made you think. Steve used to pick up fights with pretty much anyone, but as a sickly, skinny kid, he got his ass handed to him more than once. Bucky finished Steve’s fights, though he wasn’t much of a fighter, he did it to help his best friend.
It wasn’t unusual to see them walking home from school with a black eye or a busted lip.
But his words surprised you because he made it sound like they were still friends, like the last seventeen years had never happened. It put a smile on your face. Maybe Steve wasn’t so bad after all.
You sat on the sofa and poured yourself a glass of orange juice in a wine glass. Steve sat next to you and took his glass of orange soda.
“Thanks for letting us stay, Steve. And thanks for the invite. All these snacks and drinks, they would have made 13-year-old us scream like lunatics.”
“Yeah,” he replied with a smile. “Remember when we used to have sleepovers? We pretended we were roommates. To be honest, I’m disappointed. I thought things would be different. Being an adult isn’t that great.”
You gave him a tight-lipped smile and raised your glass in a silent toast. He lifted his glass and you both slowly sipped your drinks.
“How’s the wedding planning coming along?” Steve asked. He wasn’t even sure why he’d asked.
The question caught you by surprise and your fingers started fiddling with the stem of your wine glass. “Oh, uh, fine. We agreed on a non-religious ceremony and Natasha’s pretty excited because it means we’ll have to come up with our own wedding script. She’s a little too excited about this, but I guess it’s a good thing.”
“She’s basically your wedding planner.”
“Yeah, and she can be a real pain in the ass. She knows someone who works at the Plaza, says there’s an opening for us in November, but we want to do this in George and Winnie’s backyard.” Upon seeing Steve’s wide-eyed reaction you let out an embarrassed laugh. “I know we’re all going to freeze to death but I don’t care. Our first kiss was on that old wooden table they keep in their backyard.”
It dawned on Steve that he had no idea how you two became more than friends. He wasn't sure if he was ready to hear your answer, but he had to know.
“How did you become a couple?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. It came pretty naturally.”
Steve listened carefully while you told him your story.
After college, Bucky spent a year abroad in Switzerland. He was the second roast cook at some popular restaurant. You, on the other hand, had decided to move to Manhattan where you found a job as a waitress until you finally landed that job at Honeysuckle.
Bucky and his girlfriend, Dot, didn’t believe in long distance relationships but she had been Bucky’s first real girlfriend and their breakup had affected him deeply. Eventually, he returned home. He loved Switzerland but he missed his friends and family.
The year he came back, he invited you over for Thanksgiving along with Sarah who had not heard from her son since he graduated high school. You and Bucky kissed for the first time that night, it was shy and awkward but it felt like the beginning of something great.
Steve nodded slowly, processing what you were telling him. “And we never saw each other? Not even once?”
You shook your head. “Not after Jack Rollins’ graduation party.”
“I don’t even know him,” he mumbled to himself.
“What? You don’t remember Rollins?” you let out a startled laugh. “Tall dude, kinda looked like Brock, followed you like your shadow,” you pressed, trying to jog his memory.
“Wait, why was he following me around?”
“Because you were the most popular guy in school,” you said with a frown. How could he not remember this? “He was an ass. Actually, all your friends were jerks but, at least you got your wish: you were Brock Rumlow’s best friend. Still are, apparently.”
Steve wasn’t sure what to think. If his friends were jerks then why did he hang out with them? Sure he wanted to be cool and loved, but he wouldn’t have sacrificed his best friends to join Brock’s crew. Right?
“I really don’t understand why you’re still friends with him. Do you remember the promise you made me that night?” you continued, your laugh full of amused bitterness. “No, of course you don’t.”
“I wish I could.”
“Oh, please.” A puff of air escaped your lips as you rolled your eyes.
“What happened that night?”
“Never mind.”
“No, I want to know.”
“Just drop it.”
“C’mon, tell me,” he whined.
Then he started poking your shoulder repeatedly. He used to do that when you were kids and it always made your teeth grind. You swatted his hand away and turned to him.
“WE KISSED,” you barked. “There, you happy?”
The look on Steve’s face might have been comical in some other circumstances. He was staring at you wide-eyed, his mouth partially open.
He looked genuinely surprised and it didn’t make any sense to you. Granted, you had both had a couple of beers and that kiss happened over a decade ago, but still...how could he have forgotten about this?
“We kissed,” he repeated, needing confirmation.
“Steve!” You glared at him.
“Sorry,” he said with a little grin. But then it dawned on him he couldn’t remember that kiss at all and his smile fell.
“It wasn’t just the kiss, Steve. That night I told you what happened the day of your thirteenth birthday party. When Brock and his friends crashed your party and you went downstairs with a pack of beer, remember that?”
“I remember it like it was-” last month “-yesterday.”
“Yeah, well, while you were all downstairs, Brock came back and cornered me in the kitchen. He asked if I was still a virgin and if I wanted him to take care of it. I was 13, I was terrified. I didn’t feel safe at your house so I left. And then you started ignoring me.”
All colour drained from his face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I thought – I mean I assumed-”
“Yeah, I know,” you cut him off. “You already told me. You were waiting for me in the closet. You were playing that game, Seven Minutes in Heaven, and when I left, Brock told you I didn’t like you back. And that’s fine, it’s just a misunderstanding, but you let things escalate. You just stopped being my friend and you never spoke to me again after that.”
“And what did I say?” Steve asked. “When you told me all this, what did I do?”
“You said you were going to ruin Brock’s life, make him pay.” You paused, then heaved a sad sigh before you continued, “But he’s part-owner of your brand, he makes millions of dollars,” you shrugged. “You did nothing. He has a pretty good life.”
Steve hesitated before he took your hand in his. “There’s a lot of things I don’t remember. It’d take too long to explain and you might not even believe me, but I swear I wish I could remember that night. I’ll make things right. I promise.”
You had heard that exact same promise before, but this time you weren’t a naïve high schooler. People rarely keep their promises. C’est la vie.
“It doesn’t matter,” you shrugged, “it was a long time ago.”
“It matters to me.”
You looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “I should go check on Bucky.”
Steve let go of your hand. He had been so stunned he had almost forgotten Bucky. He needed time to process what he was feeling, what he should do.
“Thanks again for tonight,” you said as you pushed yourself off the sofa. “Goodnight, Steve.”
I’ll add the tags soon, I haven’t dealt with them yet.
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
Love Of My Life - Part 3
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(hi babes, this is prob really long im sorry lol i had so much i needed to add to the story and didn’t wanna make it 2 seperate parts. i hope you like it <3 sorry sorry sorry sorry also deacy in this gif gives me major wedding vibes and idk why maybe its the white blazer but they're so cute ugh)
Word Count: 2,078
Who would’ve known that the two kids who met on a rainy Sunday afternoon would have fallen in love in one night. Who would’ve known that the shy boy would ask the shy girl to be his girlfriend. Who would’ve known that he would eventually plan a huge engagement surprise and ask her to be his wife. Who would’ve known that she would say yes. Who would’ve known that today would be their wedding. Who would’ve known that he would be your soulmate?
You did.
You’re stood in the church’s back room, admiring yourself in a long mirror on the wall. You were in your beautiful dream wedding dress and you were about to marry the love of your life. You fix your veil and add more lip gloss as the door to your room opens up. In walks your mother and grandma. You turn around as they both smile to you. Tears well up in your mother’s eyes as she walks up to you.
“My baby…” she whispers as she engulfs you in a big hug.
You smile and hug her back. You look over to your grandma and she looks so proud. You walk over to her and hug her as well.
“You look like something straight out of a fairy tale.” she says, looking at your dress.
“I feel like I’m in a fairy tale.” you say back.
She grabs your hand and squeezes.
“That’s because you finally found your prince.” she whispers.
You feel tears sting in your eyes as you think about John. Thinking about him standing in the front if the church in a tux while waiting for you. Thinking about you walking down the aisle and him seeing you for the first time. Thinking about your vows and the two little words that mean so much. Your stomach begins to turn as you get lost in thought. Your heart races as a slight panic sets in. You begin thinking everything at once and it’s almost too much. Your face turns white as your grandma asks if you’re alright. You lay your hand over your stomach and feel nauseous. The room feels like it’s closing in on you. You nod fast and walk towards the room.
“I’ll be right back.” you say as you walk out, ignoring their voices that are telling you no.
You walk past a room, not realizing Roger was inside. He watches you rush by with a worried look on your face. He fixes his tie and peeks his head out of the room and watches you enter another one. You step inside and close your eyes as you take in a deep breath. You jump back startled when there’s a slight knock on the door. You turn around fast and watch as Roger looks at you worried.
“Hey,” he says quietly. “You okay?”
You attempt to smile, but fail. All you can do is shake your head no. Roger walks towards you worried.
“What’s wrong? Are you getting cold feet?” he asks nervously.
You shake your head fast.
“No, no! It’s just… What if it doesn’t work out?” you ask him. “What if we don’t work out. What if one day he wakes up and he decides he doesn't want me anymore. I’ve seen that happen to too many people I love and I can’t do that-” you mumble on and on.
“Hey!” he says, making you pause.
Roger walks up and grabs your hand. You relax against his touch. He half smiles and looks in your eyes. He’s amazed by how beautiful you look in this moment, all dressed up.
“You two are going to be fine. That’s not John. Do you have any idea how much this man loves you?” he asks, making you smile. “I’ve never seen him love something so much before. He’s not gonna do that. You make him so happy and I know he does you too.”
You look down and smile, feeling your worries begin to wash away. Roger watches you and can’t help but run his thumb over your hand.
“He’s so lucky to have you, y/n.” he says. “Anyone would be.”
You look up to Roger and he has a serious look on his face. Your heart melts at his words and you smile to him. You giggle at yourself and wipe away a fallen tear.
“Thanks, Rog.” you say. “I was being silly.”
He shakes his head and smiles back.
“You’re getting married! You have every right to be nervous!” he says. “You feel better, yeah?” he asks.
You nod and half laugh.
“Alright,” he says grinning. “Let’s go get you married.”
He takes your hand again and leads you back to the room. You and your bridesmaids are all ready as you walk to the double doors that lead to John. You suddenly realize you have nobody to walk you down the aisle and your heart breaks. You had asked your father if he could, but he turned it down. He was too busy with his new family. Roger watches as you stare at the empty space next to you. You quickly look up to him and smile.
“Rog?” you ask.
He walks up quickly to you.
“Do you think… Do you think you could walk me down the aisle?” you ask.
Roger had never been so happy in his life.
“It would be an honor.” he says as you slide your arm under his.
The double doors swing open and the music begins playing. There at the end of the aisle is your soon-to-be husband. He watches as you slowly walk towards him. Tears run down his face as he quietly sobs at the sight of you, causing you to cry as well. You were so madly in love with this man. Roger was wrong. You were the lucky one.
You get to John and he’s beaming like a mad man. He’s so excited to marry you. You look to Roger, waiting for him to give you away. He looks at you and smiles, although his eyes are sad. He leans forward and kisses your cheek. He looks to John and nods his head to him. He looks back at you once more before making his way behind John to stand. You had no idea, but that was Roger officially letting you go.
You were now officially Mrs. John Deacon. Your wedding was the most beautiful thing you had ever witnessed. You married your best friend and things couldn’t have gone any better. You and John had decided to buy your own house and it was another dream come true. He had made sure to give you anything and everything your heart desired. 
Your first year of marriage was amazing. You had never been happier. You got to fall asleep and wake up to the love of your life every day. Every morning you had a routine where John would make the coffee and you would cook breakfast. Music would play in the background as the two of you would laugh and joke.
Your nighttime routine was just as fun. That consisted of showering together, laughing, getting dressed, getting in bed, getting undressed and making love. Life was worth living having John apart of it. You never thought it could get better, until one day.
“We should have a baby.”
You were in the middle of making dinner as John spoke. You freeze in front of the stove and slowly turn around to face him. He’s watching you closely. You shake your head and half laugh.
“What?” you ask, not sure if you heard him correctly.
He walks towards you and smiles.
“I think we should try for a baby. I think we’re ready. You would be such an amazing mother and could you imagine a little us running around?” he asks, grabbing your hands.
You couldn’t believe he was the one saying this. You thought for sure it would be you trying to convince him for one. You smile widely and nod your head fast.
“Yes,” you whisper. “Yes! Let’s have a baby!”
John smiled widely and hugs you. He spins you around and you laugh. He places you down and kisses you deeply while cupping your face. He leans his forehead against yours and smirks.
“Should we try right now?” he asks.
You kiss him quickly and begin walking to the bedroom. You slip your shirt off and toss it to the floor. You reach your bedroom door and turn to look at him with a smirk as you enter inside. John watches you in shock and smiles to himself.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
You’re sat in the bathroom with a pregnancy test lying on the sink. John is sat next to you on the floor as you both wait for the results. You prayed and prayed that it would be positive. You look at your watch and realize you can check it. You look over to John and sadly smile at him. He squeezes your thigh trying to comfort you. You stand up quickly and walk over. You close your eyes and take a deep breath before turning it over. You freeze. You slowly turn to face John and he looks nervous. You shake your head no. His heart breaks once more. He stands up fast and walks to you.
“It’s okay,” he says. “We’ll just keep trying.”
You exhale and toss the test in the trash.
“John, we’ve been trying for two years.” you sadly say.
He watches as tears form in your eyes. He wipes them away and leans forward to kiss your forehead.
“I know, baby.” he whispers. “Let's go to our doctor and get checked out, yeah? There’s probably something they can do to help us move this along. People do it all the time.”
You think about it for a moment and agree. You wanted to know what was going on. You wanted so badly to start a family with John.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Deacon,” says the doctor. “You can’t have children.”
Your hearts broke at the doctor’s words. John stares at the man and his face has gone white. You look over to him as the image of holding John’s baby fades from your mind. You reach over and grab his hand, causing him to look at you. You smile to him, telling him that it’s okay, but he can’t return one. He feels guilty. He feels like he’s just destroyed your dreams. Like he’s just ruined your life.
The two of you make it back to your home and it’s eerily quiet. You place your coat on the back of the couch and turn to face John.
“I’m sorry.” he whispers.
You stare at him and shake your head fast.
“No, don’t-”
“I’m sorry that I can’t give you kids. I’m sorry for ruining that dream of yours. If you don’t want to be with me anymore, I’ll understand.”
You rush up to him and cup his face in your hands. You couldn’t believe he was saying this.
“I’m in love with you. I was in love with you before finding this out, and I’ll be in love with you until the day I die. I’m not going anywhere and you can try to get rid of me, Mr. Deacon, but good luck.”
He smiles and nuzzles his head against your hand. This suffocating weight had been almost lifted from his shoulders. He just wanted to make you happy. That’s all he ever wanted.
“Happy four year anniversary, Mr. Deacon.” you say cheerfully as you kiss him.
He smiles against you and kisses you back.
“Happy anniversary, Mrs. Deacon.” he says.
“What should we do today?” you ask, running your hand through his hair.
He’s standing up with you in his arms as he thinks for a moment. You watch him and realize his face was beginning to go white. John spaces out as you say his name to get his attention.
“John?” you ask, your arms still around him.
He says nothing. Suddenly, his legs go out as he falls. You try to hold him up, but it’s no use. He’s too heavy as you fall down with him.
“Baby!?” you scream. “John!?”
You sob loudly as you try to wake him up, but it’s no use. You shake profusely as you rush to find your phone. For some reason, the first person you thought of to call was Roger.
Tag List: @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @queen-bunnyears @queengavemeasheerheartattack @dianamarie-has-a-blog @fatbottomedboi
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polygamyff · 5 years
19. Part 2
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This is such a surprise to me, I didn’t even know what to wear so I only have this brown dress and sneakers. I have put the bare minimum make up on so shades it is, let’s get this over with. Leon ain’t shit, he is just happy to do some shopping for himself and it’s on Maurice. I bet Nalah did drag that card from him, closing my bedroom door “I don’t have much to wear, I just found this but let’s go” placing my phone in my bag “you look good though, you are naturally beautiful, I mean once I take this face off it’s crazy. You’ll see my uneven skin tone and freckles, just like Maurice but you look so good” Nalah complimented me “thank you so much and don’t put yourself down, you look bomb, I be jealous of your diamonds” placing my bag on the table “that going to be you next, trust me” she got up from the couch “let’s go and cute apartment, cute friend too. He’s funny” Leon is something else “she called me funny” he said to me “she did stupid, but thanks. You want me to drive? Or do you?” I asked “SUV boo, it’s outside” picking my bag up from the table, this is going to be different. It’s going to be eventful, I get to know his sister but I am shocked. Tiffany said she is a bitch but look at her, she wants to shop with us.
Nalah sat right next to me in the back, not saying it’s bad but it’s a little close “oh yeah, my brother told me to say hi to Bonita, the one in her stomach which I won’t attempt but just thought I would say it” my heart literally missed a beat hearing those words, I feel a little emotional. Swallowing hard “thank you” smiling wide “he would be talking to my stomach saying that, he embarrasses me. He does it in public too” I giggled saying, my eyes are all teary now “seriously? What a weirdo, I can never imagine him like that. Honestly, this is different to hear” Nalah must see a different side to him “he is really like that, at my work. He would be like you saved a life today? And I was like yeah, the guy is alive, he just started praising our daughter saying look at how clever you are baby, saving lives already. I was like stop it, we are in the middle of the hospital” shaking my head laughing, both Leon and Nalah are laughing but it’s funny cute “wow, that is different. I don’t see my brother like that, he would never do such a thing. Look stupid, but I guess that is what happens when you are in love, and he’s deeply in there. I really want to see that you know, awww he’s such a loser” Maurice won’t be amused I told her this but I find it adorable, my man being the cutest “I think of my brother as he wears his heart on his sleeve but he hid that away, I know he did that because dad never allowed him to show feelings. It’s the work he’s in, you have to be hard faced. He’s actually a mommy’ boy too, my mom is always like my baby, look at him and then me it’s like hi Nalah but I can honestly say Maurice has showed me care just we wasn’t allowed to be together as siblings and be there for each other, it was always Maurice has to be away with dad” Maurice really got secluded from his siblings.
Sitting down in this cafe on Melrose “drink?” Nalah pointed at me asking “just water” can’t be having coffee now “no cake? You have to have cake, I will get you something and Leon” I do want cake but I don’t want to be a fat bitch anymore “a large Latte please” Leon is loving life “Nalah!” I shouted “yes boo?” It’s wrong she is paying “let me pay for this, please” getting up from the chair “why? I ain’t paying either, Maurice is” she cackled walking off “I fucking love her” Leon said as I sat back down “that she is spending my man’ money?” Leon gasped “ok bitch, she just gives me that bad bitch vibe. She is the bomb, if I saw her on the streets I wouldn’t want to approach her but she is actually nice” my smile grew, he is right “I wonder why she came and not Maurice?” Pouting my lips out “she did say she wants to get to know me, not a bad thing right?” Looking that over at Leon “she wants to be involved in that baby’ life, not a bad thing at all. So the interview? Did you get wet just watching him?” Leon is nasty “maybe” I said with a smirk “I can tell you got so angry though, when he said wife. But he honestly looked so uncomfortable, you the only wife for him so stop it” Nodding my head Leon is right, I have to stop these thoughts and think of it as he wants me which he does want me.
Nalah placed my water down on the and then some beautiful piece of cake “that looks so moist!” I had to say it, cravings are kicking in bad “best cakes they make, I love a good coffee and cake before I shop. You see me, I ain’t skinny, I love my fat ass and eating cake” Nalah is funny, she is making me laugh “but you’re not huge, you have a good ass on you” which she does “thank you but eat up, I wish I was pregnant so I could eat doubles” Nalah shuffled her chair in “I feel the baby is already huge so no, I cannot be doing that. I feel like I am with my stomach poked out already, I don’t know but I am trying to not be double. I eat a lot at night, I have a feeling that this baby is awake at night because I eat so much, the baby I can feel move more. I hope Maurice is ready, he can stay awake” all of a sudden I’m her fried, she got me cake. I feel like a fat bitch for this “I believe in you Robyn, he will do it. He adores you so much” it’s weird to hear it from someone else.
I think I just orgasmed eating that cake, I never come here but I will be now “but seriously, how did you get Maurice’ card? I can’t imagine him letting it go that easily?” Leon asked “I just said to him, ok I may have told a lie but he knows me. I said it’s for the baby” she used my baby already “he believed me it’s fine, he did say. Not a lie, get Robyn something from me so I need to choose it, sorry. Don’t be feeling shy with me now” I am not like that, I just feel like this is not real “I won’t girl, where have you been all my life!” Leon is a such a bitch “don’t forget me ok?” I pointed at myself “you don’t get friends in the life I live, you get fake friends that want to use you. It makes me sad because I can’t find a man, they say it’s me I am a bitch but it’s not. They can’t handle that I don’t need them, all I want is love and they cannot give me that because they just want to use me for my money, well mostly name. This one guy I thought we was getting on, I would take him shopping and then Malik kept on saying he is using you and then he just upped and left, then I found out it was because my brothers threatened him and he just went because they said you either marry my sister or don’t be with her at all, he wasn’t real. So yeah” that is horrible “why are people like that?” I’m asking like she knows “people are cruel girl” she’s not wrong, I need to hook her up with a man. That is on my list.
I feel annoyed at myself, I don’t feel I made the effort at all, I am a mess “shall we see if DASH got anything nice, those Kardashians can’t dress for shit but will look in there” never been here “or maybe not” Nalah said as she stopped abruptly “what is it?” I asked “actually screw them, come” Nalah continued to walk inside “it’s just some trash I have seen” Nalah said ever so loud as she walked inside I soon realised what she meant, imagine that. Seeing the two bitches that tried to harm me, I have the right mind to beat their ass. I felt the anger enter me, walking off towards them “no, fuck them” Tiffany stared at me, taking my shades off “come, you have more class Robyn” Leon held onto my arm “Bianca!! Girl, this is my. Robyn, come here! Don’t pay them no mind” Nalah waved me over, I am so angry I want to scream why. I cannot believe she tried that’s shit with me “so anyways, this is Robyn. We came out here to get some things. Bitch you need to show me the new shit in the back” I want to kill Tiffany and it’s not because of me but she tried to harm my baby.
I am so not in in the mood to shop now after that bullshit with Tiffany and Deja, now they best friends, they didn’t even like each other and Deja bitched about Tiffany, bitches ain’t fucking shit in this lifetime at all. I wanted to fight Tiffany, why didn’t I do it and now I’m angry at myself for this “we are in Fendi and you’re angry?” Leon said into my ear in a whisper “I am angry at the fact I did not fight her, she was there. She tried to hurt my baby and I feel like I let it happen. I am so stressed Leon, I feel like I didn’t do anything” Leon rolled his eyes at me “listen to me woman! You are pregnant, you can’t do shit. So please” Leon is so sick of me “buy anyways, you like this top?” Leon is already getting things “look at what auntie Nalah has got her” looking away from Leon and seeing this pink and white baby grow “awwww my, look at that. That is so adorable” touching the arms “maybe that’s too tiny, get a bigger size. I am guessing that this baby might be big. That is so sweet Nalah, actually the first piece of clothing you know” my daughter going to have some pretty ass dresses “I won’t buy anything more, Maurice said to buy you things. Not the baby so I will stop” Nalah is going to spoil this girl “pick something now Robyn” she walked off, the store assistant followed her, she is known.
I really didn’t want to buy things, the jacket alone is like two thousand pounds but Nalah will not drop it so I got a jacket and bag. That alone was terribly expensive “y’all have Instagram?” Nalah said as the bags got loaded into the SUV “yes I do, I mean I kind of use it” Nalah spun around with the camera facing us “oh no sweetie, I don’t look good” turning around hitting into Leon “oh stop it girl, we shopping bitch!” Leon cheesed turning me back around “serve face, come on. You look like a hard faced bitch with those shades on anyways, come on” Nalah took the picture, I just didn’t smile “ok, I am not here for this I don’t look good bullshit. You are actually very pretty” seeing Victoria Secrets “I want to go there” I pointed out changing the subject, I am feeling very horny and to make him stay in one place I can use myself for this.
Maybe I shouldn’t bring his sister with me but she is here now “I noticed how I can make him stay in one place” looking through the line “sex” I will work this “well the power of a woman is their vagina, you go girl. I mean that will really work but honestly, my brother would stay with you either way. He does adore you” I am sure he does “this should work” holding up this red burlesque style lingerie with a split in the middle of the lace top which exposes my stomach, matching thong too “you will look bomb in that, you need to wear those red heels!” Leon spat, he is right. My red heels “I need to lure him back to LA” I found something so perfect “he should be here for the scan, like we was trying to come up with a plan to get him here but he will, you don’t need to lure him” Nalah is really all for her brother in this, I miss him anyways and I just want to hug him.
I can only imagine how much Nalah is paying for this meal, this food is nice but the portion sizes is not good I want more, I am eating for two here “do you hate my brother for lying to you? Not being around for you?” Nalah asked me, I paused taking a long deep breath “I don’t hate him, hand on my heart I do not. I just want to hold him close and protect him, it makes me so sad how everything is, how he grew up. How your dad makes him feel. The issue of him not being around it upsets me, it makes me feel lonely I would say. I don’t get enough of him, just to wake up to him. Spend a few days, you know. I don’t know, I can’t explain it. I saw him, I saw her there on that stage. I saw the people shout about it, gushing over it. I felt bad, I felt like the woman that is on the side but I am that, I am fine with being a secret because I don’t want to deal with this heir business, I am not about that. The world knows he is married and then it’s me, I will be made out to be the bad person. Then he is a flirt, it could be that stupid old woman that kept touching him on his birthday. God, she just touched him non-stop and he was still a flirt with that but I know he loves me and that is why I back down but I don’t like it but it’s something I am in because I want to see your brother succeed, to see him flourish” that sounded like a rant to me “oh Tina” Nalah chuckled “she is an old woman that wants Maurice, she has too much money. She is a designer, when she has her shows she uses our hotels. I mean I get it, he is the way he is and I don’t think he will change that but Robyn, a man will cheat if he is unhappy. He is not that with you, I can see it. He has changed, I mean with him being married I wish that never happened. It was a stressful time, I am honestly happy that he is happy because it’s his time to be that. What I need to know is that you will ride this out with him” that is a big question to ask, so bluntly too.
“Yes but I just get tired, it’s like us time is him checking his phone and then jumping out of bed. Then the time I am like great, silence we are in bed then I get called in. I get I have been demanding but I just thought tame the beast early but it’s hard, like what am I to him?” I shrugged shaking my head “you have tamed the beast enough to make him move from Texas to LA, to have him travelling like a mad man. You’re his girlfriend Robyn and the only advice I can give you, just stand by him. He is battling a lot of people on the other side, he doesn’t want to upset you and then have my dad start thinking what is he doing and then to clock onto you. I am going to help my brother as much as I can, and honestly the boy loves you so much. Saying all these stupid names, texting me saying don’t get baby things, I am doing it. I will do it, I am coming. I am like who is this man, he has testing times coming up Robyn and it will be when that hotel open in Dubai, he was already saying that is my hotel. I want my daughter there, I said it may not be logical to do but you never know. You don’t think about things like heir but that little girl holds a lot, and especially when Maurice has already decided to give his Bonita whatever the rights. I just feel like with the both of you, you are both so good together. I want for him to make time for you, I can see his schedule now. It’s looking like he can come, as long as things are running fine then he is yours. My brother is sensitive, and I don’t want him to lose his happiness which is you” that is a lot to take in “so what is Noami to him?” I had to ask “his wife which the world knows but nothing, my dad pushes her in his face. I think honestly, they could have worked but it was too much with lies, I do hope this makes you comfortable with me and also shows you that my brother is serious, this ain’t no phase in his life. Like, make sure you buy Robyn something please. That nigga ain’t ever say please to me unless he wants me to make him some damn food” my smile grew, to hear such things, I mean his sister is seeing the difference in him and that is because of me.
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That interview was the most pointless shit, I just exposed what we are planning but why should people know that. Picking my suit jacket up from the chair, I just want to go now “you really just going to start your own real estate?” Naomi asked in annoyance “well why not, I need to make sure we the best. Thanks for the tips” winking at her “fuck you” turning around “what did you mean when you’re married it is just on paper?” my dad would bring it up “you should know what that means now, I am only doing what you told me to do. So please, are we done?” eyeballing my dad “you coming London with me” that sounded like a demand “mhmmmm no” walking around him “I am out of here, you want to go so much so you go. I am done, Malik come” I need to finish off a few things here and then I can actually make it for the scan.
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comebeonetwothree · 3 years
Blog #6: Coast to Coast
The homeland of the rich, the famous, and the homeless junkies of Los Angeles, California will always have my heart.
With my first near death experience, I have come to see life in a new light… YOLO!
Remember that term? Yah, it was one of those fads that had meaning to it but no longer holds a place in fashion... thank god.
Everything on this coast is slow, even the way people talk is dragged out. No one J-walks here. They seriously wait for that little white man to pop up on the cross walks before walking, even if there is not a car in sight.
Yet everyone here has a serious addition to coffee.
Hangovers are even more dragged because everyone is so uber healthy here, they straight up do not have greasy food.
I made the mistake of ordering an egg and cheese, knowing it’ll only be a disappointment compared to a New York BEC. It was beyond disappointing, especially being hungover as fuck.
Everyone here is stoned all the time and have been for years. I truly believe the whole city moves so slow because everyone is high all the time.
No wonder they can survive with the shitty food- they are too high to realize.
They do have some fire weed here, so it makes sense, but damn… they are so slow and ditsy.
There is so much art here, from music, to painting, to theater, to creativity, everyone comes here with a dream. Some make their dreams come true, others end up addicted to crack, but everyone originally came here in hopes of making something of themselves.
That energy runs through the streets, it is so lively and so filled with hope. It is truly an inspiring place to live.
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Who have you become…
The people on the west coast are just genuinely nicer. We had a conversation that consisted of outrageous hand gestures with a random man in his car.
He had blocked an intersection accidently so I couldn’t make a left turn, where he then proceeded to see me raging about it and trying to mouth to us how sorry he was. We straight up had a conversation with this guy and were joking around while waiting for the light. We left mouthing, “We are from New Yorkk, move outta the way” as a joke, and he just understood and left us with a peace sign.
There is a surplus of homelessness here, and it is sad to see but also so interesting to watch them set up communities on the sides of highways and all along the beach.
There is never just one homeless dude posted up under a cardboard box. It’s always 15+ people posting up together in nice ass tents they probably stole or making cardboard houses with tarps for extra coverage.
They get super creative with their homelessness; it is fascinating to watch.
This one guy was zipping down the road in what looked like a decked-out bike, with high handlebars and a motor. He was moving with traffic and was looking cool while doing it.
As he got closer, we realized his get-up was made from an ironing board he bent into a seat, a plastic crate holding up the ironing board to a lime scooter he probably stole a month prior. Topping it off, he added tall handlebars for that 70s badass look. That man mastered one man’s trash, into another man’s treasure.
The saddest part is knowing majority of them came out here looking for their big break and got so hooked on drugs, they could never make it farther then that last $10 in their pocket for drugs.
On the other hand, some of these people have money to their names, but choose this lifestyle.
They really enjoy the life of nothing. This one woman was offered a job and a home, and she politely turned it down because this was her home. She loved the community around her and wouldn’t trade it for any material. What a way of life.
My family was so generous to let us three, stay with them here in Venice Beach. My Uncle Greg is my mom’s brother. He moved out here with his family to further his comedic career. Unfortunately, that meant I couldn’t see my cousins often.
My cousin Owen is a year younger than me and in the same grade as my brother. My other cousin Jojo is four years younger but grew up so fast. I always said the water in California was cracked out, because she always appeared older than my brother and I.
Since COVID I hadn’t been able to see them in two years, so I was so excited to hang out with them.
Jojo just graduated high school, so she is finally old enough to do drugs with!!
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We also got to meet up with our friend Izzy from Oneonta. She is living out here for the summer with her sister. What a life.
Izzy is thriving here with her job at this night club and is living in her sister’s cute ass apartment in Echo Park. She has the total LA vibe and even knows all the local spots to hang. Shout out to you for sneaking us into a random hotel’s rooftop pool! Confidence never gets questioned.
We love meeting up with friends from school, it makes the trip feel more homie.
What’s hanging dude…
Joshua Tree National Park was something out of another planet. It seriously looked like Jurassic Park and a dinosaur should be appearing at any second.
It was very different from anything we had ever seen before, but it was still a desert and was hot as fuck.
We did some gorgeous hikes through all the massively large, rounded rocks that somehow were placed on top of each other ages ago.
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The trees that are all around are Joshua Trees, also considered Trees of Life.
This means they produce a way of life for other creatures at all stages of its growing/dying process.
While in beginning stages of its life, Yucca moths use the trees pollen to lay their eggs in and produce pollen scatter, creating more trees. When the trees are gown, the caterpillars use the tree for habitats and provides food sourcing for a lot of other desert species. When the tree dies, the bark is used to create habitats for humans and used to wove baskets and other materials.
These trees look like a palm tree and a cactus went to TOWN together.
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Los Angeles is the other city of dreams. It is not comparable to New York City besides the homelessness and the traffic.
The Ocean really makes the whole city’s surfer aesthetic. Everyone, even the rich and famous, dress like they are in last weeks outfit.
The style is so different from New York. People really don’t dress to impress but spend half their life savings on their wardrobe.
Visiting my family here has always been the ideal way to do this city, since they take us to all the local shops, and we do fun activities like surfing. It’s not just another tour bus showing us where Kurt Cobain shot up some heroin for the first time.
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They also show us the best food joints. We got these sushi balls, and it was the greatest -post beach snack- imaginable. A little hit of the wax pen and a bite of this ball is comparable to an orgasm.
Where are all the famous people…
Joshua Tree was so beautiful, it is a place I will be re-visiting, considering we were only there for one night.
Los Angeles is where I have always wanted to live, ever since a young girl. Whenever we would come out here to visit my uncle, he would take us to the coolest places, and we would meet the coolest people.
One year I was here on my birthday, and his buddy stopped over to say hi, when I came downstairs in was Zach Galifianakis chilling there with a $20 bill and my name on it as a birthday gift.
You could imagine my teenage self shitting a tiny bit in my pants as he handed me $20… However, in my head I was thinking, “I know you’re rich, give me more you cheap fuck.”
This year for graduation I only got a phone call from him… how rude.
My Uncle is a popular comedian, if you know him you know him, but if you don’t, he is very irrelevant to you.
When we arrived, he took us out to a show he was preforming at in West Hollywood, featuring other comedians you might know or might also be very irrelevant, including Bill Burr, Anthony Jeselnik, Pete Holmes and Beth Stelling.
It was a cool venue, and a fun time. My favorite part was being called out for attempted DUI’s in every state we have been in due to my funneling addiction, thanks Uncle Greg, that was supposed to be a secret.
After the show he dropped us off at this bar that his friends said was the “it” spot. When we walked in, the bar itself was perfect, expect it was populated by older rich men trying to find their next sugar baby.
We had some contenders, but they were asking for too much… No, I don’t want to go back to your house and sneak past your wife and kids as we dart to your hot tub.
When will we leave…
When we first got to LA we had full intensions of staying only four nights and getting out of my family’s hair, but then plans fell through.
Because I love it here so much, we decided to stay!!
Just kidding, I wish we could stay longer… One day I’ll move out here though.
COVID restrictions are back at it again, ruining our plans of going Yosemite. They are the only National Park that requires a whole ass separate pass just to enter the park, on top of the $30 day pass we already have.
The only reason our route was heading inland California was to see that park. So, we did a little digging and decided to just send it up all the way up the coast and do the legendary Pacific Coast Highway.
This is what we originally wanted to do before we found out about Yosemite. Guess we will have to come back to see the park, aw shucks!
Why can’t I afford this…
California is fucking expensive; I can see why the population of homelessness is so high… Even gas is $1.00 more than it is back in New York.
And for Why? They are on a coast, it’s not like the desert where there is a gas station every 100 miles.
They know people here have the money, so they overprice literally everything. A fucking water bottle is $7.00. Sorry didn’t realize paying for survival would be this expensive.
The older man at the bar loved to throw the fact he had money around (as do most people with money around here). He kept saying he works on wall street, but wall street is literally a street in New York City.
He just wanted to flex he works in finances and has a hot tub, okay we get it you have a small dick.
How we almost died…
This is my favorite part of the last week, but also the most traumatizing.
So, have you ever heard of cowboy camping?
Well, neither had we until our friend that had just camped in Joshua Tree told us about it and how legendary it was in that specific spot.
Cowboy camping: you don’t pitch your tent, you just post up with your sleeping bags under the stars.
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Since Joshua Tree is known for their stars, we thought fuck it, we are here for less than 12 hours, the weather is perfect let’s do it.
That night was a full moon, and it was a killer sunset (all pun intended). We cooked up a nice rice bowl for dinner and then laid in our sleeping bags watching the stars.
The moon was almost too bright, it was taking away from the illumination of the stars, but it was legendary because I’ve never seen such a big and bright moon before.
But you know what they say about the full moons, it brings out the crazies. And in our case, coyote crazies.
After drifting off to sleep under the peaceful star and moon lit sky, I was rudely woken up to really loud growling and whimpering.
It was not something that was off in the distance, it was right next to us… barebone in the wild.
I quickly and quietly turned over to grab my bear spray that I keep next to me when camping. I started thinking, “Alright this is the only thing keeping me from getting mauled by whatever the fuck is next to me.”
Not knowing what we were dealing with, I slowly popped my head up hoping the animal didn’t catch my movement… I saw about 5 feet in front of us was a pack of about 10 coyotes, running around chasing animals.
We happen to be the center of their circle and were surrounded by their pack. Thankfully their attention was diverted to our asshole neighbor’s whose food was left out. Thanks for that.
We just laid their paralyzed in fear of death. As we laid there, I saw two shooting stars and wished for life… Shoutout to those shooting stars.
We tried to stay as quiet as possible, so we didn’t become their next victim. Maya was not having it though and couldn’t stop shaking. There was a moment when her shaking was so loud, and I could see a coyote right next to us, so I had to hold her body so it would stop moving.
We laid there for about 20 minutes until the noises stopped… then we booked it for the car. We slept in the car until the sun rose.
As the sun was rising all the coyotes simultaneously howled for the rest of the pack to meet up and disappear before daylight. That was one of those, “holy shit that was the coolest most terrifying moments of my life”, moments.
We left the next morning as fast as possible, running on no sleep and fear… we headed for the city. I had never been more grateful to be in a city.
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kazosa · 7 years
Second Chances - Jeff x Reader: Chapter 13
Summary: Reader and Jeff work a project and become fast friends. The project ends and they go their separate ways, neither forgetting the other. With Hollywood being a small community, you two bump into one another either at events or projects, but there is always something keeping you apart. Will the obstacles ever end? Chapter 13 Summary: Motorcycles, 1st day on Gilmore Girls, old friend, and an unexpected visitor Warnings: language (probably), confrontation A/N: Please leave comments or let me know if you want to be tagged, etc. Please remember it’s fiction and I get to take certain liberties. Word count: 1900(ish) Catch up here: Masterlist Tags: @jml509 @jasoncrouse @yellatthetopofyourlungs  @bookchic20       @prettyepiic    @rizflo-blog     @curious-sub7      @backseat-negan
     You pulled up to a modest, but nice house. Jeff parked his truck inside the garage. When the garage door had rolled open, you could see one side was the space for his toys like his motorcycle and the other side was for his truck. He told you not to worry about your bags that he’d get them for you later, and to hop out now because he wanted to show you around.      You pulled the lever on the truck door and slid out. You were about to close the door, but Bisou was following you.      “Hey darlin’, you comin’ with me?” you said and watched as the big dog jumped down after you. She walked with you as Jeff led you inside his house to show you around.      When you stepped inside, you were completely unsurprised by the decorations. It was Jeff. The furniture was large and overstuffed, dark colors, plush, comfortable and perfectly suited to him. Everywhere you looked, you saw places you wanted to curl up and read a book or do nothing at all. The rest of his place had a sort of urban cabin feel to it. It was hard to explain, but whatever this style was, it was Jeff. You stopped in a spot that was somewhat in the center of the house, a space that looked into the living room, dining room and kitchen all at once, did a slow spin taking it all in. You felt like you were surrounded by him and you immediately felt like you were home.      “Whadya think, sweetheart? Think you can tolerate it?” he asked.      “I think you’re gonna have to kick me out to go back to Philly,” you said still in awe. “I love it.”
     You’d barely gotten to his place and he was already wanting to take you places and do fun things with you before you had to go to work in a few days. He made sure he took you to his favorite motorcycle shop first to get a helmet. Jeff knows everyone and has to talk to them so, while the floor people were getting you set up with a helmet and some boots and a jacket you liked, Jeff was schmoozing the store owner to let him borrow a bike to take you out for a little spin. The owner pulled out a 2003 Harley Fatboy for you and Jeff to take a ride. You put on your new helmet and Jeff took you for a short ride.
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     Since Jeff is a brave kind of guy, he decided that you needed to learn how to ride a bike.      “Babe, I already know how to ride a bike,” you told him.      He snickered, “Not a pedal bike. Motorcycle.”      “Are you fucking nuts? I can’t do that!” you told him.      “You can drive a manual transmission in a car, you can do a motorcycle. It’s easy,” he said, not taking no for an answer.      It didn’t take much convincing for you to let him teach you, especially when, the next day, a truck from the bike shop you’d been to showed up at his house with the Fatboy you’d ridden.      “I take it back, you’re insane,” you told him grinning.      He grinned back at you with that gorgeous smile of his, “Tell me you don’t like it.”      “Nope, can’t do that,” you answered quickly, unsure if he meant the insane part or the motorcycle part. It didn’t matter, him buying something that made him that happy and you got to reap the sexy biker vibe benefits, couldn’t be all bad. And the man looked hot as hell on a motorcycle.      Bisou sat by your feet leaning on your leg. You sat down on the grass with your arm over her watching your sexy boyfriend help the guys from the shop unload his new bike.      When it was unloaded and the truck was pulling away, he came up to you and said, “You ready to go?”      “Now?!”      “Fuck yeah, now. Let’s roll!” he said excited. He held out his hands to you to help you up off the grass. You brushed off your backside and went to go inside.      Smack! Suddenly your ass cheek stung. You threw a look back over your shoulder.      “Missed a spot,” he winked then grinned at you again. “Bisou, inside.”      Bisou came bounding after you and followed you into the house. You quickly grabbed your helmet out of the front closet and locked Bisou inside. Jeff was chomping at the bit to go. He’d started the bike and was already getting his helmet on and tight. You were doing the same standing beside him. He revved the engine sending vibrations rumbling through your body.      “C’mon, sweetheart, swing that sexy leg over,” he said over the engine.      You barely had your feet on the pegs and Jeff had you clinging to his back as you hurtled down the street. You were pretty sure you felt him chuckling. You understood why he loved it so much and why he wanted to include you. It was so peaceful being out there like that, just you and your thoughts. It was so freeing and thrilling, too. He wanted you to like it as much as him and since he knew how you liked to be out in the open and away from people, being on a bike was the perfect solution.      Only a little while later, Jeff pulled back into the driveway and explained that new engines needed to be broken in by doing short mileage, low speed runs. You got off the bike and took off your helmet, tucking it under your arm. He was still sitting on the bike, taking off his helmet, his hair all messy and his sunglasses…      “Okay, you can teach me,” you told him.      “Fuckin’ A,” he said, clearly happy.      Jeff had an old Norton in his garage that he said you could learn on and use while you were in California. The first week of work, the studio was going to be sending a car for you and Jeff would teach you when you got home and had days off.
MONDAY MORNING 0430      You groaned and kicked your feet out of bed, suddenly questioning your career choices. The last few days with Jeff had been incredible, but he was wearing you out! You got up and got ready as quickly as you could. You never thought you were spoiled working on “Hack” but your apartment in Philly was only a five-minute drive from the studio. Jeff’s house to the studio in Burbank could take a half hour in the morning, you weren’t sure how long the night drive would take.      When you were about ready to go, you went back into the bedroom to kiss Jeff goodbye.      “I love you, see you later,” you kissed him on the forehead. “I’ll call you when I’m on the way home.”      “Okay,” you heard him say. “Kick ass, babe.”      The driver knocked on the door at 0515 to pick you up.
     Since you were the new person on set, you got the grunt duty. You were put in charge of making sure the talent was where they were supposed to be, when they were supposed to be there. Which was fine, you were used to that sort of work. Most people were really good about it. Some went diva on you, but they knew you were just doing your job, too. On this set, you were charged with wrangling an enormous man-child puppy.      “Jared, seriously, stop, you need to be on set 5 minutes ago,” you begged.      “(Y|N), seriously, they can wait, I need to do this,” he said finishing a level on the game he was playing.      “Holy shit. You’re gonna get me fired, and I’ve never been fired before,” you said stepping into his trailer. “Gimme that,” you said taking the controller from him.      “Hey,” he was about to protest, but he saw you were completing the level. “Woah, how’d you…”      Level Complete showed on the screen.      “Can we go now?” you asked.      “But… how’d you…” you were pulling him to the door, but he still couldn’t figure out how you beat the level.      “Jared, you’re a smart guy, you woulda got it…eventually,” you teased. “Please, help me not get fired.”      “Sure, as long as you show me how you did that,” he said walking with you.      “Okay, buddy, will do,” you said taking him to set.
     When you got your break for lunch, you went to the catering tent and asked for your favorite sandwich with your particular extras that made it stand out. Whenever you placed that order, people always gave you the weirdest looks.      They did numbers at this production, so when they called your number and picked up your container, you noticed there was writing on the top. It said, “Small town, (Y|N).”      “What the?” you knew that handwriting, “Jules?! Is that you!?”      The old man emerged from the back wearing a beautiful powder blue pantsuit and white vinyl shoes. Some things never change and that includes Julius’ fashion. Julius was the caterer on the very first job in “Hollywood” that you had. When the job wrapped, you remembered thinking that you would never see him again, but he’d told you it was a small town. Seeing him again brought back fond memories of him and the last time you saw him.      “That boy is sweet on you…” he’d said.      “Julius!” you said, genuinely pleased to see him.      “I knew it had to be you. No one else would order that sandwich,” he said. “Stuck it out, huh, kid?”      “Yes sir, doing work here as a side job,” you told him.      “You and that boy doin’ good?” he asked. “Don’t look at me like that. You two weren’t good at hiding your feelings. He divorced yet?”      You were completely taken aback by him, as usual. “Um, not yet. The wife is being difficult.”      “Hmm,” he murmured. “You take care now. Don’t blame me when that sandwich kills you.”      You took your sandwich and found a spot near the trash bins, but not too close, to eat your sandwich. Your new shadow, Jared, spied you and swooped in to eat with you.      “You saving that for later?” you asked indicating his three food containers.      “What? No, one is a salad, one is appetizers, one has chicken and fish in it,” he said.      “Does that mean you’re going to eat it all now?” you asked him.      “Yeah, I’m hungry and they have really good food,” he explained.      “I hope you don’t have any kissing scenes today,” you mused looking at the heaps of food he swore he would eat in one sitting.      He chuckled, “HAAA, no, I don’t think so.” He paused, “So tell me how you beat that level.”
     It was after 7PM and you were dead tired. Your driver was guiding you to his car. You were functioning on muscle memory at this point. He opened the door for you and held it so you could slip into the back seat. You thought that a nap on the way home sounded like a damn fine idea.      You swung your feet in and didn’t realize anything was off until the door closed and you heard the power locks activate.      “You like fucking my husband?”
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astranxmica · 8 years
300 follower bias list!
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Okay people let me start by saying how much i love this fandom, and how blessed Sara and I feel to be a part of such exceptional writers and such kind human beings. Know that each and every one of you who show up on my dash make my day that much better-- even if we don’t interact, even if I just watch you all from afar-- even if we do and I ( being dumb ) forgot to mention you in the below. I LOVE YOU ALL. OUR FANDOM IS ACE PRIME <3. 
the super white atom family [ my husband & wife ]
@atomiism there are not enough words of love and affection in my soul to convey the depths of my feelings for you, sweet mare. every morning I wake up, you are there to fill me with all sorts of joy. i love how even though we are like thousands of miles apart we still watch movies together and are just as invested in each other ooc as sara and ray are ic ( which is insane... they are like character soul mates despite canon being dumb and refusing their glory ) we all know i could go on forever, writing you the longest love letter ever, so i will cut myself off here-- just know you are my soulmate as ray is sara’s <3 
@nationalcityy my lovely and beautiful emma. sara is so attached to your kara-- like across verses and realities and giving the finger to canon. you are such a lovely human being, and literally make my days better by being there. i love how we get each other! <3 how we are always vibing angst and how you led me straight down into supercanary hell and now i am just such trash for it. *snuggles intensely*  
bros and chicks of my heart [ follow forevers ]
@ofanescapist  Sara’s Michael and my Miles <3 Such a gorgeous person to write with and such a lovely muse to interact with... I mean-- he kills Sara with feels most of the time, and has her on a yo-yo of a romance, but Sara’s so freaking in love with Michael I can’t even-- not to mention this Michael is so on point that I’m constantly just like floored. So sensitive, but yet determined, so strong, but yet so tortured. I love it. <3 
@black-bird-canary My LAUREL! MY SISTER (irl and ooc)! June, you are such a precious smol bean of kindness and love. You give me the best lance sisters action ever and also tolerate my crazy sara-ness (irl and ooc *sigh* ) Thank you so much for existing and tolerating me and loving sara and I! <3 we will forever defend you until our dying breaths!
@lifefcrdeath So I don’t know how this happened so quickly, but Sara and Darren just like clicked. ( also, Trevor being a doll wooed my heart ) Not to mention so well written! Sara is entirely smitten with a weird craziness, and they are total trash, and I love it. <3 *snugs tightly* 
@icecoldsnxrt darling leonard and precious lilly. you write my salty cold so well! and i just find it a joy to thread with you, and i love them all. Know things have been difficult for your recently but know you’re in our thoughts and Sara and I can’t wait for you to come back!
@bethewhitecanary oh my sweet Christina! <3 you are the best. You fill my dash with so much love and light! Not to mention we are that #canarysquad for life! I love our twins, i love our ooc conversation, i love it all. <3 thank you for being such a cute doll. 
i see you there baby shaking that ass [ yeah im stalking ]
( and would love to do some stuff with all of you presh gems! )
@timewantstohappen / @catchingsmoak / @a-flick-of-a-wrist / @e1mayarah / @biologicalengineer / @lianyusurvivor / @im-a-hawker / @pyrofriend / @undefinable-like-fire-and-heat / @drcwningvoices / @sncrt / @shirtclad / @doctoredmorals / @flumeheart  / @onyafevayuj / @atmrobber / @ofcanaryisms / @offershope / && prolly i am forgetting a ton of people here and ily and im sorry! <3 
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mari-annawheelan · 8 years
why you should watch The Uncanny Upshurs
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The Uncanny Upshurs in a new urban fantasy web series from @parafable, and it has quickly become one of my new favorite things, so I thought I’d make a post about it to spread the word about it :)
So what’s the show about?
The Uncanny Upshurs is about Agatha and Wally Upshur, British twins who are living apart for the first time in there lives, as Wally has moved to America to go to collage. To help keep in touch (bc Wally is shit at answering his phone omg get it together Walter), they set up a YouTube channel where they post vlogs every week. However, strange things start happening to/around the twins, including mysterious videos being uploaded to their channel of situations where there seemed to be no camera. So the first few episodes are the twins (and their friends who are The Best) trying to figure out what’s going on.
The urban fantasy aspect is one of my favorite things about the series, and I love how many fantasy characters/creatures are thrown into the mix (witches, fairies, sirens, vampires, etc.). Speaking of things I love...
Reasons Why The Uncanny Upshurs Is Wonderful
Reason #1: This Show Is Incredibly Diverse
Pretty much every single character in the show is LGBT+, including the titular twins (Agatha is a lesbian trans woman, and Wally is bisexual). There isn’t any drama over how A w F u L it is being gay, and all of the characters are pretty confident and comfortable with there sexualities.* (the episode where Jake figures out he’s attracted to guys is so adorable)
Along with LGBT+ characters, the show has a lot of awesome characters of color. As a white person I feel a bit less qualified to talk about POC representation, so here are some gif/pictures as examples
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Now that I think about it Uncanny Upshurs also has a mostly female cast hell yeah
Reason #2: The Aforementioned Urban Fantasy Stuff
So I will be the first to admit that I’m always a slut for urban fantasy, so I was probably going to love Uncanny Upshurs no matter what, but the fantasy stuff they’ve set up so far is really cool. I don’t want to spoil to much, but there’s story lines about fairy kingdoms, forest witches, and a lady in the lake (no not that one) being established and I’m really excited to see where they go.
Reason #3: Every Episode Has Closed Captioning
This is a smaller detail, but it makes me really happy and I know I have some hoh followers so I thought I’d mention it. It sometimes takes the channel a few days to add captioning to the episodes, but every episode does eventually get captions.
Reason #4: The Characters Are All Really Great
I’m surprised this show hasn’t gotten more popular on here because these characters are all adorable omg. Like this section isn’t going to have any analysis I’m just gonna fangirl over these nerds.
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Agatha is so adorable and sarcastic like she can be so deadpan its gr8 also shes meme trash and I love her
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Wally is a fucking n e r d okay hes so awkward and I relate. Also his roommate Jake is one of my favorite characters he just rolls with all the weird shit going on like a pro.
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I can’t decide if Gemma is life goals or wife goals so I’m going with both
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I know I said I wouldn’t spoil a lot but Lennon is an aro ace siren and it’s really important to me that you know that bc I love her
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This is Alistair he’s a fuckboy but we love him anyway
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Actual Princess Daphne MacCrae
Reason #5: It’s Just Fun To Watch
Media can be sad. Like, really fucking sad. A big part of why I enjoy The Uncanny Upshurs is because it just puts me in a good mood whenever I watch it. That doesn’t mean the show is all brightness and positiveness 100% of the time, the latest episodes have had some more serious/emotional moments, but even after watching those episodes I’m always in better mood because this show has such a great vibe to it.
*I understand that there is absolutely a place for media depicting the struggles that often come with being LGBT+, but it’s nice to have shows that have happy, openly LGBT+ characters who aren’t defined by their orientations.
In Conclusion
The Uncanny Upshurs is a really fun, diverse web series that deserves more love and attention. Each episode is less than 10 minutes, and you can find them all on YouTube here. (I’ll admit the first few aren’t great but it gets better as it goes on).
If you do end up watching the show (or you’re already a fan of it), message me so we can talk about it! The fandom is currently pretty small and I’d love to see more people talking about this show!
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ghaw2007 · 5 years
WritersCafe: Lyrics
WritersCafe: Lyrics
And The Stars Go With You http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742391 Cunt http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422427 The Good Wife http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1594284 Pride http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1600607 Wickedly Perfect http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1652256 Dear Leader http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468861 Out of Time http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1702488 I’ve Heard http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1594277 Outrage http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1594265 The Black Parade http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1708803 The Wire http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468943 We http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1708827 Astray http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1720498 Big Love http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1724192 Vibes http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730110 The Young And The Restless http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730126 One of The Many http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730141 End of The Road http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730165 Start Breaking My Heart http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1732487 Oceans Will Rise http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1777588 The Ladder http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1603285 Further http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1824746 Confessions On A Dance Floor http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835236 Our Brand Is Crisis http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835251 Surfacing http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835260 We Are http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730180 Brown http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1408657 We’ll Laugh Again http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742384 King of America http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742430 Get In Where You Fit In http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742425 If I Could Make A Living http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/743727 Politicians, Partisans, And Parasites http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/743758 Who We Are Instead http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/743788 Move Along http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1418306 Babel http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1595227 White Love http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835238 Oh Hell No! http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1600614 Eyes Wide Shut http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1603288 The One That Got Away http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1702492 Edge of Nowhere http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1720513 Unmasked http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1724169 Man (Just Do It) http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1724185 Away http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1714748 Reveal http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1166453 Third Eye Open http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1166457 The Fiction We Live http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1265281 The Name of The Game http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407402 Construct http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407404 Heart of Men http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407550 Unbearable http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407552 Little Barrie http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407850 This Is Love, This Is Murderous http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407960 I Will Bear Witness http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1408639 A Thousand Benjamins http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1408648 Many Thousands Gone http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409066 Murder of Angels http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409542 Hurt http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410011 Eyes http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410027 A Good House http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1417797 I Can Hear You http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1417800 The Coast Is Never Clear http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1418256 Whatever You Want http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1418273 Let Me Go http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1418283 You Are Not The One http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1418295 Born To Be Blue http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1418314 Journey http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422057 Simple Pleasures http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422379 Flesh And Bone http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422394 Believe http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422410 Unshackled! http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422413 Legacy http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423303 Things Fall Apart http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423318 Something New http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423385 We Are Men http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423737 The Terminator http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423743 Accelerate http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423834 Offspring http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423843 Breaking News http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423850 Close To The Knives http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423861 A Bed of Red Flowers http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423877 Lover Come Back http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1424796 A Place of Acceptance http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1424838 Nothing New For Trash Like You http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1426784 Destroy What Destroys You http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1439933 Jeff http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1439944 Weightlifting http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1439974 The Kick Inside http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1440005 Thinking Room http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1440013 Modernistic http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1440051 Finding Ben http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1440056 Hold Me While I’m Naked http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1441110 I Like To Play Games http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1441113 Constant Hunger http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1441157 The Man That Got Away http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1441169 A Woman http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1442481 Faggots http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1442489 All of Who You Are http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1442497 Journey To Bliss http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1442508 Take Me To The Disco http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1442512 Orange Juice http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1442854 The Richest Man In Babylon http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1442861 Close The Door http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1442874 Teenage Wasteland http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1442878 Another Day of Life http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1442885 Still Single http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1443854 I Love The Illusion http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1445310 Wind, Sand And Stars http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1445314 Light And Shadows http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1445785 Passion http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1446092 Meaningless http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1452697 Adore http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1453296 You’re A Woman, I’m A Machine http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1454794 Mass Romantic http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1454945 Don’t Come Knocking http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1454949 Kingdom of Ten Thousand Things http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1457088 Get Away From Me http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468882 The Ocean At The End of The Lane http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468979 Life As We Know It http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1665285 The Bold And The Beautiful http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835267 Hello Hum http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835277 Avalanche http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1457574 Castle http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1648087 Where The Humans Eat http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1457583 American Life http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1457948 So Much For The City http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1457967 Linger Awhile http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1458063 Take London http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1458106 Be Very Careful http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1458531 The Myth of Solid Ground http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1471634 The Wound And The Bow http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1510960 Call The Names http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1511147 Ticket To Ride http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1592339 Money Where Your Mouth Is http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1592347 Savage Garden http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1592363 Waiting For Superman http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1594271 Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1594282 Let Go http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422409 Colour Is Size http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1661034 Addicted to lemons http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1664441 Close your eyes http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1692825 Typical Journeys http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1702481 Without Sympathies http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1720504 If it’s beautiful http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1849810 What is your religion http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1899193 Reject control http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1899614 When you have nothing http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423729 Don’t step outside the box http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468483 I’m A Blast From The Past http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468499 Think the same way http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468867 You need to control http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468984 Deliver it to me http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1469421 They crossed the oceans http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1510965 Out With The Old http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1592334 Jesus Loves All http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1592372 We Want Freedom http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1412689
Crash http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113208 The Sweetest Lemon http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113226 Patterns http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2112000 Super Secret Seriousness http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113223 Looking For Something More http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2112033 Continuous http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2111997 Everything Is Everything http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123609 Rock, Rock, Rock! http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123590 Green Like That http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123584 Living Colour http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2112040 Hot Fuss http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2111993 Moving Up http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2112015 The Captain http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2118275 Jagged Little Pill http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123613 A Stranger http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123618 The City of The Future http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113213 More Than My Body http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113228 Cake And Pie http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113204 Mo'gelin Wit U http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2126436 The Star of Downtown http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2126427 This Is Acting http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123600 Everything Now http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123591 This Is Hazelville http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123601
Chosen http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407415 Expecting More http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411802 A Place To Stand http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1458526 Before You Sleep http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1459322 After The Fall http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1459904 Shadows And Light http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1459910 I Wanna Be A Soap Star http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1460460 No Logo http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1460727 All of Me http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1462470 Time To Say Goodbye http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1467403 Don’t Say A Word http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468423 Faces Down http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1470524 Let ‘Em Burn http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1470575 You’re flaky http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423418 I’m not a slut http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423212 Unmade Bed http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422064 Meet the new boss http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409519 Anything http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422398 Into My Heart http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1420988 Love Lifted Me http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1420495 Dangerous Touch http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411041 Unison http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411812 Here to play games http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423886 Tomorrow Will Come http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411821 Spiritchaser http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1416337 Cold Heart http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1413205 Together Again http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411863 Mouthful of Love http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410966 Different Cars And Trains http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410636 To Get To You http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410548 With Secrets To Keep http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410538 These Days http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410480 No Retreat, No Surrender http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409490 Drowning Cupid http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409469 The Love Season http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407531 Together We’re Heavy http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1265287 Singles Going Steady http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1166460 Sonny, Please http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742434 Commit This To Memory http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742414 Lying http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485503 Immortal Memory http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410044 Come In And Burn http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485578 The Deeper Wound http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485579 Leaving Through The Window http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485502 I Need You Now http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485580 Ask Me No Questions http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485584 Fireflies http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1440068 Believe In Yourself http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2118280 Iceman http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2126415
http://musicbanter.com/song-writing-lyrics-poetry/79770-ghaw2007s-lyrics-collection.html http://futureproducers.com/forums/production-techniques/songwriting-and-lyricism/ghaw2007s-lyrics-523656 http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/topic/55799-ghaw2007s-lyrics http://musesongwriters.com/forums/index.php?/topic/65827-ghaw2007s-lyrics http://justusboys.com/forum/threads/435561-ghaw2007-s-Lyrics http://gayheaven.org/showthread.php?t=536605
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surrendertodaniel · 7 years
Surrender To Daniel’s Top 250 Tracks Of 2017ish (Just The List, Please)
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It’s a busy world out there and you could do with a version of this list without all the jackass commentary. Below are my Top 250 Tracks of 2017ish in countdown form. Thanks for hanging out. I look forward to listening to your list.
250. Kelly Clarkson - Love So Soft (Cash Cash Remix)
249. Trinidad Cardona - Jennifer
248. Arcade Fire - Electric Blue
247. Valerie June - Shakedown
246. Rozwell Fitzroy - Block Game
245. Fickle Friends - Hard To Be Myself
244. Katy Perry featuring Migos - Bon Appetit
243. Chip - Snap Snap
242. Borussia - Kinda Love
241. Lady Gaga - The Cure
240. Sonamoo - I (Knew It)
239. Taylor Swift - …Ready For It
238. Joyride - Aunty Tracey’s Cookies
237. Carly Pearce - Every Little Thing
236. Eves Karydas - There For You
235. Vic Mensa featuring Pusha T - OMG
234. Tigertown - Warriors (St. Lucia Remix)
233. Lady Leshurr - Juice
232. Frank Ocean - Chanel
231. DYGL - Let It Out
230. Old Dominion - No Such Thing As A Broken Heart
229. Super Junior - Black Suit
228. Barenaked Ladies & The Persuasions - The Old Apartment
227. Ayo & Teo - Lit Right Now
226. LCD Soundsystem - Tonite
225. Pip Blom - Babies Are A Lie
224. Shay Lia - What’s Your Problem
223. Lauren Alaina - Doin’ Fine
222. Jachary - Yellow Vision
221. Cende - Bed
220. Waju featuring Phantom Thrett - If U Wanna
219. AOBeats & Annabel Jones - Strangers
218. CupcakKe - Barcodes
217. Aly & AJ - Take Me
216. Tyler, The Creator featuring A$AP Rocky - Who Dat Boy
215. Joe Goddard - Music Is The Answer
214. Gabrielle - Nye Joggesko
213. Amber Coffman - No Coffee
212. Diamond Platnumz, Harmonize, Rich Mavoko & Rayvanny – Zilipendwa
211. Ugly God - Fuck Ugly God
210. Royal Canoe featuring Begonia - Fussin’
209. Ah Mer Ah Su - Meg Ryan
208. Wesley Gonzalez - Piece of Mind
207. Smino - Anita
206. Hannah Jane Lewis - Raincheck
205. Mollie King - Hair Down
204. Ten Fé - Twist Your Arm
203. Charlie Worsham - Cut Your Groove
202. iLoveMakonnen featuring Rae Sremmurd - Love
201. Allison Crutchfield - I Don’t Ever Wanna Leave California
200. Drezus - Get Up
199. Aimee Mann - Patient Zero
198. Fekky x Ghetts - Call Me Again
197. Slow Dancer - Don’t Believe
196. Kiesza - Dearly Beloved
195. Cam’ron - 10,000 Miles
194. Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott - I Gotta Praise
193. THANKS featuring Sam Sparro - Your Man
192. Desiigner- Outlet
191. Maya Killtron - Whiplash
190. Maty Noyes - Say It To My Face
189. Tee Grizzley featuring Lil’ Yachty - From The D To The A
188. Bhad Bhabie - These Heaux
187. Sean Nicolas Savage - Opposing Truths
186. 2 Chainz - Trap Check
185. Evening Glow - Love Tonight
184. Liv Dawson - Searching
183. Bruno Mars - Versace On The Floor
182. Paramore - Hard Times
181. Ghost Twin - Plastic Ghost
180. Lao Ra featuring Konshens - Boby Bounce
179. SOB X RBE - Lane Changing
178. PIXEY - Hometown
177. Feltworth - Forget This Feeling
176. Twice - Likey
175. Craig Finn - God In Chicago
174. Axolotes Mexicanos - Trececatorce
173. Charli XCX - Boys
172. Lil Uzi Vert - XO Tour Llif3
171. Steven Wilson - Permanating
170. Promiseland - Take Down The House
169. Estrons - Strobe Lights
168. Future Islands - Ran
167. Shamir - Straight Boy
166. St. Vincent - Los Ageless
165. Maluma - Felices los 4
164. John Maus - Touchdown
163. Sharon Needles - Battle Axe
162. Stormzy - 4PM In London
161. Adult Mom - Full Screen
160. Luke Combs - When It Rains
159. HAIM - Want You Back
158. RVIVR - The Tide
157. Torres - Helen In The Woods
156. Partner - Play The Field
155. Manuel Turizo - Una Lady Como Tú
154. The Moonlandingz featuring Rebecca Lucy Taylor - The Strangle Of Anna
153. April - Mayday
152. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie - Drowning
151. Cassius - Ibifornia (Myd Remix)
150. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Harajuku Iyahoi
149. Goodbye Honolulu - Typical
148. Electric Six - I’ll Be In Touch
147. DJ Khaled featuring Beyoncé and Jay-Z - Shining
146. Sløtface - Empire Records
145. Tank - When We
144. Jerry Williams - I’m Not In Love With You
143. Gothic Tropic - How Life Works
142. Girl Ray - Don’t Go Back To Ten
141. Ski Mask The Slump God - Babywipe
140. Mike WiLL Made-It featuring Big Sean - On The Come Up
139. Pkew Pkew Pkew - Before We Go Out Drinking
138. Brockhampton - Star
137. The Perfect Kiss - Broadcast (From You To Me)
136. Fishbach - Un Autre Que Moi
135. Surfbort - Back To Reaction
134. Highlight - Can Be Better
133. Dagny - Wearing Nothing
132. First Hate - The One
131. Sorority Noise - No Halo
130. Playboi Carti - Magnolia
129. Alex Cameron & Angel Olsen - Stranger’s Kiss
128. Real Numbers - Frank Infatuation
127. Rejjie Snow featuring Pell - Virgo
126. YoungBoy Never Broke Again - Untouchable
125. Kesha - Learn To Let Go
124. LOONA Odd Eye Circle - Girl Front
123. Middle Kids - Never Start
122. Kelela - LMK
121. Hey Violet - Break My Heart
120. Sean Paul featuring Dua Lipa - No Lie
119. Papooz - Trampoline
118. Lab Coast - Back To Your Future
117. Mise en Scene - Waster
116. Weaves - Walkaway
115. Aymee Nuviola - Rumba de la Buena
114. Plaitum - Ovation
113. New Swears - Dance With The Devil
112. The Regrettes - Seashore
111. Kane Strang - My Smile Is Extinct
110. Red Velvet - Red Flavor
109. Lovely Bad Things - Hiding to Nothing
108. Century Palm - King of John Street
107. Jessie Reyez - Gatekeeper
106. Jay Som - Baybee
105. YBN Nahmir - Rubbin’ Off The Paint
104. Milk Teeth - Owning Your Okayness
103. Bakermat featuring Kiesza - Don’t Want You Back
102. Jimmie Allen - Blue Jean Baby
101. FAUX - Take Back Time
100. Joey Bada$$ - Land of the Free
99. Tove Styrke - Mistakes
98. A$AP Ferg - Plain Jane
97. Astrid S - Such A Boy
96. Wax Idols - Everybody Gets What They Want
95. DeJ Loaf - No Fear
94. Hamell On Trial - Safe
93. Tay-K - The Race
92. Fazerdaze - Lucky
91. Jax Jones featuring Demi Lovato & Stefflon Don - Instruction
90. Jon Pardi - Heartache on the Dancefloor
89. Heart Attack Man - Taking Sides
88. RaeLynn - Lonely Call
87. Young Guv - Traumatic
86. Baka Not Nice - Live Up To My Name
85. John Moreland - It Don’t Suit Me (Like Before)
84. Lil Yachty - Bring It Back
83. The Drums - Blood Under My Belt
82. Amaal Mallik - Maine Tujhko Dekha
81. Jillian Jacqueline - Hate Me
80. Lizzo - Water Me
79. Joy Again - Kim
78. Yaeji - Last Breath
77. Daniela Spalla - Prometí
76. Peach Pit - Seventeen
75. Baio - Man of the World
74. Rostam - Bike Dream
73. Juiceboxxx - Freaking Out
72. Mabel - Begging
71. Bleachers - I Miss Those Days
70. The Killers - The Man
69. Dude York - Love Is
68. Pale Waves - There’s A Honey
67. TYSM - Honeymoon Phase
66. Artificial Pleasure - All I Got
65. Tei Shi - Keep Running
64. vivienxo - TTYN
63. Lanikai - Motor Inn
62. Midland - Drinkin’ Problem
61. Sam Coffey & The Iron Lungs - Talk 2 Her
60. Thundercat featuring Michael McDonald & Kenny Loggins - Show You The Way
59. Rozwell Kid - Wendy’s Trash Can
58. Jazz Cartier - Tempted
57. BØRNS - Faded Heart
56. Sigrid - Don’t Kill My Vibe
55. Leikeli47 - 2nd Fiddle
54. QTY - Rodeo
53. The Big Moon - Formidable
52. Kenshi Yonezu - Peace Sign
51. Ski Mask The Slump God - Catch Me Outside
50. Sampha - (No One Knows Me) Like The Piano
49. Danny L Harle - 1UL
48. Sälen - Heartbreak Diet
47. Iron Chic - My Best Friend (Is A Nihilist)
46. Phoenix - J Boy
45. Carly Rae Jepsen - Cut To The Feeling
44. Mozart’s Sister - Moment 2 Moment
43. Peter Perrett - An Epic Story
42. Miguel featuring Travis Scott - Sky Walker
41. Demi Lovato - Sorry Not Sorry
40. Cathedrals - Try to Fight
39. Janitor Scum & The Scums - Shopping Cart
38. ARY - Childhood Dreams
37. HMLTD - To The Door
36. KWAYE - Little Ones
35. Fitness Forever - Canadian Ranger
34. The Cornshed Sisters - The Message
33. BETSY - Little White Lies
32. Rae Morris - Do It
31. The Steves - I Feel Like Dying
30. Future featuring Kendrick Lamar - Mask Off (Remix)
29. Rita Ora - Anywhere
28. Needles//Pins - Miracle
27. Dream Wife - Fire
26. Ralph - Tease** **
25. Hall N Nash - Machine Gun Black
24. Pixx - I Bow Down
23. Starley - Call On Me (Ryan Riback Remix)
22. Dave x J Hus - Samantha
21. Charlotte OC - Shell
20. Slow Leaves - Enough About Me
19. PRETTYMUCH - Would You Mind
18. Kendrick Lamar - Humble
17. Amber Mark featuring Mia Mark - Monsoon
16. Denzel Curry - This Life
15. Breakfast Muff - RU a Feminist
14. Deem Spencer - Soap
13. ionnalee - Samaritan
12. Pristin - Wee Woo
11. Quay Dash - Decline Him
10. Confidence Man - Boyfriend (Repeat)
9. Dance Movie - Penny
8. Clairmont The Second - The Ave In You
7. MUNA - I Know A Place
6. Tierra Whack - Mumbo Jumbo
5. IU - Last Night Story
4. Tove Lo - Disco Tits
3. IU featuring G-Dragon - Palette
2. Dua Lipa - New Rules
1. Lorde - Green Light
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ghaw2007 · 5 years
WritersCafe: Lyrics
WritersCafe: Lyrics
And The Stars Go With You http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742391 Cunt http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422427 The Good Wife http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1594284 Pride http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1600607 The Ladder http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1603285 Castle http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1648087 Wickedly Perfect http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1652256 Dear Leader http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468861 Out of Time http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1702488 The Black Parade http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1708803 We http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1708827 Away http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1714748 Astray http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1720498 Edge of Nowhere http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1720513 Unmasked http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1724169 Man (Just Do It) http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1724185 Big Love http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1724192 Vibes http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730110 The Young And The Restless http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730126 One of The Many http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730141 End of The Road http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730165 Start Breaking My Heart http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1732487 Oceans Will Rise http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1777588 Further http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1824746 Confessions On A Dance Floor http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835236 Our Brand Is Crisis http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835251 Surfacing http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835260 Life As We Know It http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1665285 The Bold And The Beautiful http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835267 Hello Hum http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835277 We Are http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730180 Brown http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1408657 We’ll Laugh Again http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742384 King of America http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742430 Get In Where You Fit In http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742425 If I Could Make A Living http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/743727 Politicians, Partisans, And Parasites http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/743758 Who We Are Instead http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/743788 Babel http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1595227 White Love http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835238 Oh Hell No! http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1600614 Eyes Wide Shut http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1603288 The One That Got Away http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1702492 Reveal http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1166453 Third Eye Open http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1166457 The Fiction We Live http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1265281 The Name of The Game http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407402 Construct http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407404 Heart of Men http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407550 Unbearable http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407552 Little Barrie http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407850 This Is Love, This Is Murderous http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407960 I Will Bear Witness http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1408639 A Thousand Benjamins http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1408648 Many Thousands Gone http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409066 Murder of Angels http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409542 Hurt http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410011 Eyes http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410027 A Good House http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1417797 I Can Hear You http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1417800 The Coast Is Never Clear http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1418256 Whatever You Want http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1418273 Let Me Go http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1418283 You Are Not The One http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1418295 Move Along http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1418306 Born To Be Blue http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1418314 Journey 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http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1592363 Outrage http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1594265 Waiting For Superman http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1594271 I’ve Heard http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1594277 Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1594282 Let Go http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422409 Colour Is Size http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1661034 Addicted to lemons http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1664441 Close your eyes http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1692825 Typical Journeys http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1702481 Without Sympathies http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1720504 If it’s beautiful http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1849810 What is your religion http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1899193 Reject control http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1899614 When you have nothing http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423729 Don’t step outside the box http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468483 I’m a blast from the past http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468499 Think the same way http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468867 You need to control http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468984 Deliver it to me http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1469421 They crossed the oceans http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1510965 Out With The Old http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1592334 Jesus Loves All http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1592372 We Want Freedom http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1412689
Crash http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113208 The Sweetest Lemon http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113226 Patterns http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2112000 Super Secret Seriousness http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113223 Looking For Something More http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2112033 Continuous http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2111997 Everything Is Everything http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123609 Rock, Rock, Rock! http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123590 Green Like That http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123584 Living Colour http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2112040 Hot Fuss http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2111993 Moving Up http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2112015 The Captain http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2118275 Jagged Little Pill http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123613 A Stranger http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123618 The City of The Future http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113213 More Than My Body http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113228 Cake And Pie http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113204 Mo'gelin Wit U http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2126436 The Star of Downtown http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2126427 This Is Acting http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123600 Everything Now http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123591 This Is Hazelville http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123601
Chosen http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407415 Expecting More http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411802 A Place To Stand http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1458526 Before You Sleep http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1459322 After The Fall http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1459904 Shadows And Light http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1459910 I Wanna Be A Soap Star http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1460460 No Logo http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1460727 All of Me http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1462470 Time To Say Goodbye http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1467403 Don’t Say A Word http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468423 Faces Down http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1470524 Let ‘Em Burn http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1470575 You’re flaky http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423418 I’m not a slut http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423212 Unmade Bed http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422064 Meet the new boss http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409519 Anything http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422398 Into My Heart http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1420988 Love Lifted Me http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1420495 Dangerous Touch http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411041 Unison http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411812 Here to play games http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423886 Tomorrow Will Come http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411821 Spiritchaser http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1416337 Cold Heart http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1413205 Together Again http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411863 Mouthful of Love http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410966 Different Cars And Trains http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410636 To Get To You http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410548 With Secrets To Keep http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410538 These Days http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410480 No Retreat, No Surrender http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409490 Drowning Cupid http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409469 The Love Season http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407531 Together We’re Heavy http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1265287 Singles Going Steady http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1166460 Sonny, Please http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742434 Commit This To Memory http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742414 Lying http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485503 Immortal Memory http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410044 Come In And Burn http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485578 The Deeper Wound http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485579 Leaving Through The Window http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485502 I Need You Now http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485580 Ask Me No Questions http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485584 Fireflies http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1440068 Believe In Yourself http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2118280 Iceman http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2126415
http://musicbanter.com/song-writing-lyrics-poetry/79770-ghaw2007s-lyrics-collection.html http://futureproducers.com/forums/production-techniques/songwriting-and-lyricism/ghaw2007s-lyrics-523656 http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/topic/55799-ghaw2007s-lyrics http://musesongwriters.com/forums/index.php?/topic/65827-ghaw2007s-lyrics http://writerscafe.org/ghaw/writing http://justusboys.com/forum/threads/435561-ghaw2007-s-Lyrics http://gayheaven.org/showthread.php?t=536605
0 notes
ghaw2007 · 5 years
WritersCafe: Lyrics
WritersCafe: Lyrics
And The Stars Go With You http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742391 Cunt http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422427 The Good Wife http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1594284 Pride http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1600607 The Ladder http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1603285 Castle http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1648087 Wickedly Perfect http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1652256 Dear Leader http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468861 Out of Time http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1702488 The Black Parade http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1708803 We http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1708827 Away http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1714748 Astray http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1720498 Edge of Nowhere http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1720513 Unmasked http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1724169 Man (Just Do It) http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1724185 Big Love http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1724192 Vibes http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730110 The Young And The Restless http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730126 One of The Many http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730141 End of The Road http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730165 Start Breaking My Heart http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1732487 Oceans Will Rise http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1777588 Further http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1824746 Confessions On A Dance Floor http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835236 Our Brand Is Crisis http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835251 Surfacing http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835260 Life As We Know It http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1665285 The Bold And The Beautiful http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835267 Hello Hum http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835277 We Are http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1730180 We’ll Laugh Again http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742384 King of America http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742430 Get In Where You Fit In http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742425 If I Could Make A Living http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/743727 Politicians, Partisans, And Parasites http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/743758 Who We Are Instead http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/743788 Babel http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1595227 White Love http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1835238 Oh Hell No! http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1600614 Eyes Wide Shut http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1603288 The One That Got Away http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1702492 Reveal http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1166453 Third Eye Open http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1166457 The Fiction We Live http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1265281 The Name of The Game http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407402 Construct http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407404 Heart of Men http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407550 Unbearable http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407552 Little Barrie http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407850 This Is Love, This Is Murderous 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past http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468499 Think the same way http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468867 You need to control http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468984 Deliver it to me http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1469421 They crossed the oceans http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1510965 Out with the old http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1592334 Jesus Loves All http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1592372 We Want Freedom http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1412689
Crash http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113208 The Sweetest Lemon http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113226 Patterns http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2112000 Super Secret Seriousness http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113223 Looking For Something More http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2112033 Continuous http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2111997 Rock, Rock, Rock! http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123590 Living Colour http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2112040 Hot Fuss http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2111993 Moving Up http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2112015 Green Like That http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123584 Everything Is Everything http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123609 Jagged Little Pill http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123613 The Captain http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2118275 The City of The Future http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113213 More Than My Body http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113228 A Stranger http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123618 Cake And Pie http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2113204 This Is Hazelville http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123601 Everything Now http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123591 This Is Acting http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/2123600
Chosen http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407415 Expecting More http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411802 A Place To Stand http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1458526 Before You Sleep http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1459322 After The Fall http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1459904 Shadows And Light http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1459910 I Wanna Be A Soap Star http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1460460 No Logo http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1460727 All of Me http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1462470 Time To Say Goodbye http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1467403 Don’t Say A Word http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1468423 Faces Down http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1470524 Let ‘Em Burn http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1470575 You’re flaky http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423418 I’m not a slut http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423212 Unmade Bed http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422064 Meet the new boss http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409519 Anything http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1422398 Into My Heart http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1420988 Love Lifted Me http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1420495 Dangerous Touch http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411041 Unison http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411812 Here to play games http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1423886 Tomorrow Will Come http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411821 Spiritchaser http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1416337 Cold Heart http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1413205 Together Again http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1411863 Mouthful of Love http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410966 Different Cars And Trains http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410636 To Get To You http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410548 With Secrets To Keep http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410538 These Days http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410480 No Retreat, No Surrender http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409490 Drowning Cupid http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1409469 The Love Season http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1407531 Together We’re Heavy http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1265287 Singles Going Steady http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1166460 Sonny, Please http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742434 Commit This To Memory http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/742414 Lying http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485503 Immortal Memory http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/1410044 Come In And Burn http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485578 The Deeper Wound http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485579 Leaving Through The Window http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485502 I Need You Now http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485580 Ask Me No Questions http://writerscafe.org/writing/ghaw/485584
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