#who am I kidding I'm sorry to everyone who has to deal with my obsession with this but no it's not gonna stop
i-am-confusion-03 · 10 months
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i am so obsessed with how you write the poly relationship w wolverine and deadpool, i would love to see more!!!
"Come on Peanut, we're going out!" Wade declared, throwing him his jacket.
Logan groaned and took a drag off his cigar, exhaling slowly. He'd been looking forward to a night in. To some quiet. Wade had been going out with friends tonight, going to carouse and be obnoxious. Laura was busy. Altha was out... It was going to be bliss.
Absolute bliss.
And now that was shot to hell.
"Where are we going?"
"Karaoke," Wade said, "The sweet little angel baby who lives upstairs is going. And so are all her super hot friends."
"Christ," Logan groaned. Wade's sex drive made his look low. But. If you were going at least he'd have someone to talk to. You could talk intelligently about... a lot of shit. And your sense of humor was good.
"Just remember," Wade called over his shoulder, "No stabbing in front of the normies."
"Su-i-cide. Su-i-cide. Su-i-cide."
The crowd took up Wade's chant and you rolled your eyes.
"Good fucking luck, My brain is like 90% song lyrics," you caution, sipping from the pint you'd been nursing.
"That's the price you gotta pay, Angel," Wade teased, fluttering non existant lashes, "if you wanna save Logi-bear from having to sing you gotta take all the songs I want."
"You get 3-"
"7" he countered.
"5, asshole"
"Done!" he said, jumping off the stool and going to put your songs in.
Logan looked at you and shook his head. Your friends had left to go dancing and you bowed out. And for the last two hours you'd been... theirs. "You don't have to do that," he said.
"The mob has spoken. Also, even if I sound like shit they're all drunk so. It's fine. Pretty sure Wade doesn't want to humiliate me. He just wants me to sing something."
He nodded, "Probably." Wade definitely didn't want you humiliated. He wanted you in their bed- Logan was on the fence about it. Something was... wrong with you. Fragile. And he didn't know if you could handle it, honestly. Or if they could handle you.
Your name is announced along with the song and you roll your eyes. "He would. He fucking would. I mentioned this ONE TIME." But you go, Taking the mic and casually giving Wade the finger as you step up and take your first breath. Only to start 'Holding out for a Hero'.
The line up gave you a headache.
'Holding out for a Hero' 'Baby Got Back' 'I'm the Only One' 'Work it' And then to cap the whole thing off 'Lucky' Honestly, either Wade didn't know how old you were or forgot that music tended to stick around for a good long while. But You did all 5, Blind with no time to prep and did your best to kill it. And hell if you didn't need water when you were done.
"Dick," you tell him, without any actual heat, "I told you-"
"And I bow to the queen," he said. "Logan, I'm in love!"
Logan snorted. "She can do better."
"See," you tell Wade, taking the water he offered and a chair gratefully, "someone knows how to charm a girl."
Wade clutched his chest and took own seat, "Angel baby, I'm hurt. We're a package deal. And I'll have you know I can be VERY charming."
"Help me out here, Peanut-"
"Oh no, this is all you. You wanna fuck the girl, you gotta do the work."
You pause, drink half way to your mouth and clear your throat, setting it down, "Pardon me?" You'd been operating under the assumption that this was all just banter. Harmless fun. Wade and Logan were together. Wade flirted with EVERYONE. Logan was a grumbly old man but he was a softy when he wanted to be. You liked them. You knew they liked you. But you didn't know it was LIKE that. At least for Wade.
"Look at her," Wade said "She's precious-"
Logan cleared his throat. You didn't smell aroused. And he could hear your heart racing. "Sorry, kid," he said. "I thought-"
"I-uh... Excuse me for a second?" You hop off your stool and grab your bag, weaving your way through the room to the ladies room. Taking a second to take a breath. To think. You lean on the sink and wonder if you've had too much to drink. But you know you haven't. And you know no one's drugged you. Wade's beat the shit out of people for doing that- and Logan would never. They're good guys. Not creeps. Certified good guys, really. So why- this is wild.
And it doesn't happen to girls like you.
People don't want you like that. Unless it's a weird fetish thing. Or they're hobosexual. Or some other reason. But they don't want you for you. No one ever does, at least not for long. But you like them. They're friends. Will they stay friends if you say no? If you say yes what happens? Do you even want to say yes? What the fuck is happening? There are a lot of thoughts in your head. Too many.
And when you make your way out of the Bathroom, going to duck outside to get a breath of fresh air, an unfamiliar chest stops you. "You did Pretty good tonight," the oily voice said.
"Thanks, Randy," you tell him, stepping back. The Karaoke creep. You all laugh at him. He uses cash advances at strip clubs and tucks in his polos. The most divorced man to have ever lived.
"Suicides are hard. They're not for everyone," he said, picking his teeth with a coke nail. "But for a retar-"
"Hey fuckface," Wade said, "that's not a nice word." He inserted himself deftly between you and the other man and leaned on the bar, "Didn't you ever learn not to say fucking slurs?"
"Wade," you tell him, "It's just Randy it's not that-"
"She's retarded and you're fuck ug-" A crack and a clang made you help and this time it was Logan standing there as Randy crumbled to the floor.
"And he has bad hair plugs," Wade said. "Only one of us has a problem. And he paid for his."
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robby-bobby-tommy · 9 months
Okay, I'm obsessed with the lore.... So here's some of me theories/stuff I've noticed. It's gonna be rambling in it's worst, cuz I'm way too excited.
Firstly, let's welcome Madagio! I don't know what's up with him, but here's some info we know:
- he's from some island who is connected to Quesadilla through some system.
- he can travel through servers.
- cats are his eyes and ears.
So with this out of the way, here's some of my thoughts.
- Body language -
Honestly, it's not something important, but I really love how cc! Fit uses body language to convey his character. q! Fit doesn't sprint much, cuz he knows one misjudged step, one unnoticed trap and he's dead. He looks around, afraid of every lighting, every strange noise. He looks at cats cuz how are they even here, if not every person can survive here?
Madagio himself very reserved. He doesn't move much, showing us a difference between him and Fit.
- Roses -
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Boy oh boy, do I have something to say. Despite obvious connections to Pac, recently there was another moment with exactly this kind of roses. At Philza's stream on 29th of December, at one point Ramon came to Titan and started to give away these rose bushes to some eggs and Phil. It might be a stretch, but it was very strange. Ramon explained that he gave away the roses, cuz he saw one in Chayanne's arm. But with this added context, I think Ramon's admin kinda hinted at this rule. Like the rose bush is a symbol of connection and love/trust. Fit loves and trusts Pac, Ramon, Chay and Lullah, and Phil too. I might be insane, but I adore this kind of symbolism. The roses show us who he has connections to. And now we understand what's at stake for Fit.
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It's not only Ramon, who's in danger. Phil, his kids and Pac (probs Tubbo and Sunny too, but they didn't get roses) are also in the middle of crossfire. Madagio knew that it's in human nature for us to connect and getting attached to others even if told otherwise. Contractor knew that Fit won't be able to cheat or escape the deal, cuz he knew the veteran will have a lot at stake. He made this contract unavoidable. I love it sm.
- Music -
Since my post about Fit and his tragedy, I believe that a lot of decisions made about videos/lore streams are intentional. Like, back in a day, when we saw first dream, we heard "Étranger au Paradise" ("Stranger in Paradise "). And this song like fits Fit (pun not intended) like a friggin glove. Cuz even still, Fit feels like a stranger, undeserving this the heaven that is Quesadilla island. For example literally today he said smt along the lines of "What did I do to deserve a son like him[Ramon]?". He loves people around him, yet he can't show it, when everyone does it quite easily. I think Stranger in Paradise can be seen also in light of relationships. Like Fit considers Pac better, he loves him, but doesn't deserve his love. Agh
So why am I saying this? Well, you see. Cc! Fit uses a few songs to use before cinematic. And today he used "We'll meet again". And there's no connection, right? But what if it's a hint to contractor? Fit'll have to meet Madagio. Veteran has no idea when or where. But he knows they'll meet again some sunny day. Like, mb it's a stretch, but I really enjoy finding this connections. To this point cc! Fit was very intentional, so mb I have something here.
- Mon Dieu éternel, je te prie -
(sorry for probably butchering it, but anyway)
Well, now I have the most unimpressive and obvious theory, that leads to more interesting one.
During this stream it wasn't confirmed that contractor is a god, but there are a lot of hints. His name being an anagram to "I am a God" (Thank you, Tumblr user, who noticed it), he can't be hury, but is able to travel through the servers, and his first words to Fit are literally a rephrased "be not afraid", that is usually connected to angels.
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Also his unusual connection to cats, that are his "extensions" Doesn't seem humain at all. Yet it isn't confirmed so idk.
Now, Black Concrete is closely tied to Cucurevil and can have bad effect on a person. The only people, who interacted with it and weren't affected at all, were Fit and Philza. Why? What if it's because they're protected by Gods? Like, fitza have a lot parallels in their lore, and mb it also hints at devine nature of Madagio? Rose protects Phil and his close ones out of kindness (I guess) and sends birds to cheer up her protège or show her support. Madagio literally does the same thing. But he sends cats not to show support, but to remind that he is always there, he sees and hears everything. Does it prove my theory? No, I guess. But it gives smt to think about.
- End -
At the end we see Fit waking up (smt that we've never seen before) and sees a cat. They look each other in the eyes and veteran convulsively shakes his head, refusing to something implied. Now, I'll be honest, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, and I didn't really understand what he refused to? Was he saying he didn't need contractor's help? Idk. And this whole montage of moon, cat, and Madagio is very interesting, but I can't put my finger on it.
After browsing for a literal second, I have some ideas. Moon typically represents the rhythm of time, as it symbolizes the cycle. So maybe Contractor reminds Fit how little time he has. Like, time's running out. Cats, though, have a lot of different meanings, but I guess the most important to this case are freedom and mystery. Madagio is free and mysterious, so ig it fits.
- And just my thoughts ig -
God, i loved it so much. Fit's lore is subtle yet very important and interesting. It shows a character and builds on it so much, while explaining the world itself. Guuugh I love it so much.
And here's just some screens that shows how much Fit has grown.
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He is no longer doing everything for himself only. Now he cares for others, breaking a simple rule made by contractor.
P. S.
I feel like this picture rn
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oonajaeadira · 10 months
For the Love of Fic: November 20
Heyo! I've been just parking read fic here for a while and didn't realize how long it was getting! And then I used my wait times in Disney to read a bunch more.... anyway. I've got a long list of fun for you!
Also, I'm really sorry, this is the dumbest header I've ever made but it made me laugh so here we are.
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🪐 = Year of Themed Creation Fics!
Dieter, Dieter, Pumpkin Eater by @coulsons-fullmetal-cellist I can't decide what I love more: Dieter getting frisky in a bouncy castle or his gleeful exclamations when the goats take to him. I want this. I want all of it. Sign me up. Crocs and all.
Tip Your Server by @nothoughtsjustmeds I love love love this fic. I love Dieter needing to get reader all hot and bothered while wearing fancy clothes, I love the banter, I love the obvious love these two have, the cavalier throw-away of a precious object, every gesture of affection and its tie to absolute, loving sass. And the prose is so great. This is a masterclass fic.
Strong Enough To Stand by @the-blind-assassin-12 Oof. This both hurt and was satisfying. Joel has a habit of holding onto love and hurt. It's definitely detrimental at times. But damn if it doesn't illustrate how fiercely he loves. Alyssa's lead up story to this--It Pours From Your Eyes--nearly destroyed me, but this one thankfully helped to soothe.
Surrender Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 by @ezrasbirdie Birdie gave us a beautiful reunion and ending for Daisy and Joel and I'm just so proud of her for putting her heart into a wonderful OC. There's so much in this series about learning to love and--even more interesting--learning to BE loved, and both Joel and Daisy are wonderful for that. I know there's an epilogue coming and I will patiently wait for my desert while this meal of a fic settles in my heart.
Saying I love you through an accidental kiss by @songsformonkeys Listen. Joel Miller's got a lot going on today and it's chaotic and you made him food and took care of Sarah and you...you reached for him first. SOFT! CUTENESS!
Spend All Your Love Making Time by @haylzcyon Sub!Joel is my new favorite obsession. He's just so in LOVE with reader, so in thrall and this is hot hot hot.... Those baby browns are certainly made for puppydog wants....
Something Soft by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 Everyone knows what you do with dandelions, right? Until an apocalypse wipes off even the tiniest things from human culture. Then kids like Ellie may not understand the simple joy of making a wish on one. Good thing there's folks like Joel who remember and help her out.
Joel, Interrupted by @iamskyereads This is both melancholy and warm, and that is such a welcome taste. It is quiet and lovely and the last line gave me so many feelings. If Joel was a ghost in his own house, this is exactly how he'd be. <3
Not All Heroes Wear Capes by @all-the-things-2020 🪐 I love "fandom crossovers" as a year of tropes offering. ST:TNG was one of my big fandom obsessions, so it's nice to return to some of those characters. Putting a Pedro boy in there is inspired, and this was handled so well!!!
If It Wasn't For The Nights by @simpingcowboy 🪐 Marcus is just made for angst, isn't he. It's obvious how much he loved his wife and how much he loves their daughter. Going inside to examine that is just asking for a heart twist....
The Last Blockbuster: Bump in the Night by @blueeyesatnight I love these two slacker filmophiles and am always happy to see them return to my dash. This time it's a test of readers' spine, to see if she can handle the scary movies like she says she can. I appreciate the appearance of another movie memorabilia piece...🦇🦇🦇
IRL part 1 @ nickcage_numerouno and part 2: of festivals and food by @grogusmum I love that both these dopes are so insecure about meeting one another. Javi is sweet and wonderful like always, and it's nice to get his POV here and there as our plus-size reader deals with her own assumptions. But oh my gosh he's smitten and if there's gonna be a part 3 I'll lose my mind.
When it Comes to You... by @flightlessangelwings 🪐 I mean, if anyone's gonna get violently protective over his girl, it just might be Veracruz. I mean, to make you his priority during an ambush? To come back victorious and rail the crap out of you afterward? That's the dream....
First Kill by @hopeamarsu 🪐 Holy balls, this is a beautiful little character study on Dave. Hope goes inside his head during a therapists' session where he's asked about his first kill, and it is menacing AF. Take a look at this piece, because it is bomb.
Gravity by @insomniamamma 🪐 J has a way with Ezra that I'm just addicted to. I know she loves him deeply, always takes so much care with him, gets his soft side just right. She makes me yearn so very hard for this man...his physical gracelessness a grand contrast to the gracefulness of his devotion. My goodness, I love this fic.
untitled by @writeforfandoms Listen. It's a little mixed trope drabble about Pero as your bodyguard that might not mind being mistaken for your boyfriend and I could take 10K of this thanks.
Bangathon fics Cowgirl and Missionary by @prolix-yuy I may be a broken record, but I just cannot get enough of a solem and sour protector who only shows his vulnerability behind closed doors. I knew better than to read LJ's take on him and expect to remain unmelted.
Grumpy Pumpkin by @sirowsky This is just the very cutest. Of course Pero knows his way around knives, but pumpkin carving doesn't go exactly as you planned. In fact, it goes much sweeter.
Seed by @perotovar I love a Pero that is hot for his wife whether or not she can concieve. And that the want for a baby that hasn't come yet doesn't make them sad...it just makes them want to try harder! Soft and sweet and spicy all at once. Just like I like him.
Ring Toss by @morallyinept Look. It's a simple concept. Frankie brings you donuts because Frankie loves you. You're resisting because you're on some silly diet. Donuts have holes. Frankie's got something that will fit in that hole. One temptation is bad enough, but two sticky treats together? Resistance is futile.
Questions and Stories part 1 and part 2 by @never--doubt 🪐 I love this concept of Frankie and reader's daughter asking them how they met and functioned as soulmates, how love takes work, and the mechanic of not being able to see one particular color until your aoulmate finds you....
An Act of Kindness by @missredherring This is a very sweet intro to a really lovely dynamic between a vampire reader and a fledgling. Oh my balls, Eddie needs help and she's such a good teacher. And he's so smitten with her in the cutest way... And of course, Max being Max, which is to say, Max being a douche.
Summer Kiss Prompt - Apology Kiss by @something-tofightfor I cannot deal when strong men recognize thier trauma and try to do better. It's clear here that Javi hasn't learned how to let someone else take the lead with him yet, but the growth that's comes is beautiful.
Summer Kiss Prompt - Lazy Kiss by @something-tofightfor Rachael does slice of life so well. There's something very wonderful about Javi's focus on his work to the point where he forgets to take care of himself, and maybe even lovlier about the woman who makes sure he eats something and has himself a break now and then...
Rockford and Roan 4 by @littlemisspascal I am so in love with Rae's soft soulmate stories, she always knows how to warm my heart. This one has some darker elements what with Tim investigating crimes....BUT THERE'S ALSO A DOG THIS TIME.
Ambrosial by @spacecowboyhotch A soft and lovely story staring a black reader, wherein Din learns about the ritual and culture of her hair, how it links her to her family, how much a part of her it is...and therefore how much a part of himself. I just wanna curl up in this, it's so cozy.
A Different Way of Life by @ghostofskywalker 🪐 Yes. Yes this is what I want. To run away for adventure only to find I really ran away with the love of my life...who just happens to be a bounty hunter and a ton of fun.
Seasons of Love by @captainsophiestark 🪐 I don't know much about this character, but he seems very sweet and loving. A jump through time in a relationship involving ties to the Wayne family.
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
first cress thoughts!!! and reactions!!! and everything else!!!
i am so sorry that it's literally the first paragraph of the first page but "It was a prison that came with an endlessly breathtaking view" literally no view is breathtaking once you get used to it enough why would a CHILD be banished
omg this poor girl is named after the MOON?? the irony. she literally hides from the moon when she sees it. i would go on about the symbolism and stuff but i'm not going to because my brain is too tired to function rn
cress IS a shell. but then why isn't she dead?? they're meant to be killed. erland mentioned that he lost his daughter and would be about cinder's age, but did he actually SEE it happen?? if not then i reckon she's his daughter (again cause i'm braindead obsessed with ouat not because i'm serious. i'm only 25% sure of this). but i also reckon that she's VERY valuable if she HASN'T been killed. link it to rich people having one rule for themselves and one for everyone else. so either she's useful. or someone wants her alive and is bending the rules for her. otherwise they would not be going to ALL this effort of the satellite
looks like my spy theory in the eastern fed is null - but to be fair cress might just not know about it yet. it's not exactly like she would be trusted with all state secrets and what not
"felt almost like a mother's approval" metaphorically or is sybil ACTUALLY her mother???
i love that despite the stress of having to face off against the queen, figure out how to deal with genetically engineered soldiers and all the weight they have on their soldiers they're still able to act their age and tease each other - except poor cinder
omg does cress have a little crush on thorne??? she is LITERALLY the same as those braindead gen z's on tiktok that simp for killers and stuff
"Cress was convinced that she knew more about Carswell Thorne than anyone else alive" stalker alert!!! lines are blurred tho because this is literally war
oh no. scarlet has a french accent. jail. (but then is everyone speaking the same language?? or does everyone have a universal translator chip inserted???)
"said Cinder, and Scarlet could have kissed her" i KNOW it's figurative language but also i like diagnosing characters with bisexual/too damn hot disease so scarlet is now bi. if it was wolf that i called bi as well then they're bi4bi. but also i don't want to reread the entire first half of scarlet to try and remember which guy it was i decided was bi and for what reason
between cress playing like 10 different video games at once she's basically an ipad kid. her attention span has been fucked up by tiktok (just like me fr) she can't read or watch anything without subway surfers playing beneath it
also something i haven't said before now: i LOVE how all the girls of tlc have noun names. they're just like me fr. it's so gnc of them. i love their names SO much. it's giving nonbinary. evocative but like in a whimsical way~ it's somehow so fantasy but so futuristic at the same time and i live for it
DAMMIT I FUCKING DELETED AN ENTIRE PARAGRAPH OF THOUGHT. gonna paraphrase here cause i'm too lazy. i'm very curious that cress calls the people of the moon lunars, mainly because she's lunar herself. like imagine i pass by a car and unironically think "oh there go the humans". it's strange. maybe it's her separation?? or is she part human and thus doesn't see herself as fully lunar??? i don't think it's because she's a shell. since the whole shell eugenics thing is a stand in for the lunar equivalent of poc, people with disabilities, minority religions, queer people etc who are all STILL human beings, hence the shells are still LUNAR. i'm sticking with my partial human theory until proven otherwise.
how FUNNY would it be if cress was completely wrong about thorne and he was just a douchebag and he was just lying after all that for sympathy. however given the textual evidence from scarlet, it would completely explain how he was completely open minded and down to support a lunar cyborg. honestly it makes him a lot more three dimensional. that said cress is still delulu
YES after what happened in scarlet i'm GLAD to see scarlet's mixed feelings towards wolf and his place in what happened to granny. forgiveness doesn't come easy!! love is hard. and yes, he has a dark side!! and she's just a normal girl. she's having one of the most human reactions i've ever seen to that kind of thing in fiction. i would have lost so much respect for her if she just ran back into his arms after all that, even tho i don't fully blame him. thanks miss marissa meyer for not just writing idiot lovesick teenagers. i can't wait to see him earn that trust back
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
6 & 30 the writer’s asks
For 30 - who are your biggest writing influences?
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
My current one that I re-read the most is Chicken, by @bleachbleachbleach because I'm obsessed with it. It's a story about what it means to share your life with a person you love, good, bad, and smelling like a chicken coop, and it is very, very beautiful and I love it. (I re-read a lot of B3's other stories, too, but in a broader rotation)
I read all of @gizkasparadise 's Renruki stories habitually, but probably that which cannot be seen (Renji dies and Ichika looks for him) and Proposals and Paperwork (Renji wants to propose to Rukia but has to deal with Byakuya first) are my favorites.
I will also go diving thru @zabiume 's Works List whenever I want something nice to read, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I end up on she's not afraid more often than not (Renruki go on a date)
It's kind of an undertaking, but I have re-read the Roots of Heaven by paperiuni (rated M), um, a lot of times. Rukia gets lost in another dimension after the war and Renji and Ichigo track her down. It is a masterpiece, maybe one of the finest pieces of fanfic I have ever read.
It's even more of an undertaking, but A Thin Red Line, the biggest and best Hisana Lived! AU by @afinepiece is also worth an annual re-read.
Once We Closed that Distance by todaslasmadrugadas is a great story where Renji tries to step back and just be a good friend to Rukia because he thinks she's in love with Ichigo (he's an idiot). The writing style is fantastic, and it is at turns sweet and funny and emotionally devastating.
Let the Rain Kiss You by Jetamors. Kira invites everyone to his beach house (I think Kira should have a beach house) and kinda regrets it but also kinda doesn't.
Stay by eosdawnaurora. (rated M) It's just the platonic ideal of a certain kind of Renruki fic-- they're at a Kuchiki party and they have some tension and then they have sex, and it all wraps up in 7k words, what else could you want?
The Curse of the Zanpakutou by c2t2. (rated E) This is THE Bad Rukongai story and while I am not raw enough to write stuff like this, it lurks at the back of my consciousness whenever I am writing Inuzuri stuff.
13 by @mothmckrakken is a Renruki try to figure stuff out after the war fic that is just cute and fun and nice and I haven't re-read it in a while which probably means it's time again.
I think that's...enough? (I also have my favorite smuts, but that's embarassing)
For 30 - who are your biggest writing influences?
I think my single most obvious writing influence is Terry Pratchett, but here is a list of formative influences on my writing, which I decided to consider from all media categories. These are not necessarily endorsements, just things that rotted my brain into its current state, in rough order of appearance:
Sideways Stories from Wayside School, by Louis Sacher
E. B. White (I wouldn't have thought this until I re-read Trumpet of the Swan and Charlotte's Web to my kids and it was like...hmmmm)
The Prydain Chronicles, by Lloyd Alexander
Mercedes Lackey, particularly the Valdemar books (sorry to everyone who has to find this out, but my shinigami-zanpakutou relationship comes directly from the magical psychic horses. I hate this as much as you do)
Sierra On-Line point and click adventure games, incl. the Quest for Glory series and the Gabriel Knight games
The X-Man fanfiction community of the late 1990s
Grendel by John Gardner
Takahashi Rumiko's Ranma 1/2
Vision of Escaflowne
The melange of Neil Gaiman/Flash Girls/Emma Bull/Boiled in Lead/Tori Amos/Ellen Datlow Fantasy anthology all us 90s urban fantasy girlies were incredibly sauced on
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard
Princess Mononoke
The honors English 101 class I took on romantic novels
Angela Carter, whom I discovered through the above
Books of Magic, by John Ney Rieber
Ursula K. LeGuin, primarily the Earthsea books
Kishiro Yukito's Gunnm/Battle Angel Alita
The Japanese film course I took in college
Garth Nix's Old Kingdom novels
Naomi Novik
Bleach, obvs
Infinite Jest, by David Foster Wallace (don't at me I got real mixed feelings about him but I read it twice and it rearranged my brain)
The Haunting of Hill House and We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
N.K. Jemison, primarily the Broken Earth trilogy and the Hundred Thousand Kingdoms which I'm still not sure I liked, but I sure do think about a lot
Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer (book only, and only the 1st one)
Jane Austen (spent 40 years trying not to be a P&P girlie but turns out maybe I am a P&P girlie)
I'm sure there are others, but I think that list is long and embarrassing enough.
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amiharana · 1 year
CHILDHOOD CANON PLSPLSPLS ik childhood revalink isn't very popular but i am DESPARATE for that content 😭✋
(ask game from here)
more people should write revalink as little babies since we get like two sentences from mipha about what link was like as a toddler and pretty much nothing but inferences on revali's childhood based on how he acts. revalink community, i'm calling forth upon you to write more baby revalink ☝️👁️
👶 9. Childhood headcanon
i've talked a little bit here and there about my headcanons on both of revalink's childhoods, so i'm not gonna try to reiterate those here 😭 but i'll do a couple more little bullet-point hcs teehee
i just know link was a menace for his mother to deal with when he was growing up. climbing on trees, the houses, disappearing to climb the fucking mountains, just a little rabid animal for a child
once, he was hiding in the wheat fields or maybe pretended to be a scarecrow, and then he jumpscared one of the farmers, who nearly died from a heart attack 😭
link probably once tried to climb up to the spring of wisdom by himself to catch a glimpse of the great dragon naydra, only to pass out in the cold snow. something warm and blue takes him back home, and when link wakes he's at home in bed, like he never left. but he remembers seeing a bright gold eye in his dreams...
i bet you part of the reason why revali was so obsessed with perfecting his gale and being able to fly properly was because he couldn't even fucking glide as a kid. his little baby wings just couldn't catch the updrafts and he was left behind during flying lessons. completely stacked his resolve to be the only rito who could properly fly
rito village treated revali naruto-style. the elders and adults pity him for having lost his parents in such a tragic way, but the kids and teens tended to bully or ostracize revali for not having any parents. yeah.
sorry for only sad baby revali hcs omg ok the elder takes revali to the hebra plunge with him and the hunting squadron to catch fish for an upcoming festival and this is where revali learns to hunt fish for the first time! when he catches his first hearty salmon, he's so excited, and the elder and members of the hunt who watched are very proud of him! it's a huge fish, and they let him keep it and help him make his very first salmon meunière 🥺🤍 bb vali eats very well that night
baby revali stumbling upon the pocket of updrafts at dronoc's pass for the first time after getting left behind, and teaching himself how to glide there 🫣 it's difficult at first because he has no one to teach him how it's supposed to be done, but he gets a hang of it pretty quick after a while. i just know his dumbass kept falling into the water though LMAO but it's his special secret spot that he shares with No One else! and ofc when revali's older and has bested everyone with his superior archery skills, he has the flight range built there 😌
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
okay so: opinions on buddie having a confession similar to the jolink one at the end of 19x20?????
(I know jolink have more of a romantic/sexual past than buddie do currently, but when I first watched that scene all I could think about was buddie, because of the fact that the kids were included as part of the speech but not the main focus, and the whole 'I'm so in love with you. How do you not see that?' bit and so many more reasons that have escaped my brain right now)
(Also full disclosure: I'm not a fan of jolink as a couple, and wish they'd stayed as friends, but I do love the buddie parallels/vibes they give me 😅😅)
((Sorry this was long!!! 💚💚))
(just to get it out of the way, I was fighting and kicking and screaming at them putting jolink together because they had such a great friendship and damnit media needs more friendships between men and women who are straight but not trying to get with each other)
I'm kinda obsessed with the idea of getting something like that now that you mentioned lol. I mean, there would have to be some adjustments, I feel like a lot of it works the way it does because they slept together and decided to say it was just casual, with the way they explicitly draw the line and said "no we are just friends" and I feel like that wouldn't work as long term as they played it with jolink when applied to buddie (not unless they want to make us suffer more for a few seasons but if buddie sleeps together then wakes up and go nah we should just be friends is never gonna happen again, I'll burn something down), but I am legit obsessed with the idea of Buck hiding behind Chris for a change and just snapping, listing things about loving Eddie and Eddie is just staring at him with his exasperated husband face and going "you idiot I love you too". If they kiss in the rain too I would spontaneously combust (with the lightning and the well and every bad thing that happened to Buck involving water and the way the moment they start getting along involves literal fire, the symbolism behind them getting something good in the rain would be everything to me really)
But since we're talking Jo, I rewatched the perfect storm the other day, that's why I ended up making the parallel between April and Buck, and I keep thinking about a situation like when jolex gets together. The whole they have a huge fight, Jo tells Alex to stay away from her, then she shows up hurt, Alex gets all protective, he's about to say it, but then the tree falls into Alex living room, and they ignore it until Jo says she doesn't deserve it, that she'll ruin it and Alex is all you asked yesterday you wanted to hear it I'm gonna say it but them he freezes, and she's all i don't hear anything, and they banter a little bit before Alex finally says he loves her and they kiss. I feel like if we get a proper build up with buddie where everyone is aware of where they are going and they keep fighting against it until something snaps but right before they actually do something the universe intervenes, and have them dance around the fact that they almost said it dealing with an emergency, all while the tension between them keeps getting higher, until they finally get a moment alone and they can talk and Buck is all we should just forget it, you're my best friend, I'll mess it up, depending on the nature of the emergency that stopped them you can even add a line of like "that was a sign, the universe was stopping us from making a mistake" that Eddie could counter with his level is skepticism "I don't believe the universe speaks to anyone and you wanted to hear me saying it so I'm saying it" and then freezing and having them banter back and forth until one of them says I love you and the other goes in for the kiss, could work. And it would be one hell of a scene.
So the conclusion here is that Jo has very buddiecoded love confession since Alex and Link get the best friend place before things evolve and either one of them makes for a killer getting together scenario for buddie.
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gralunaisland · 2 years
I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve got a lot of gruviugh salt that needs to expressed lol. I have a friend who’s mother is Juviugh levels of obsessed with her father. And for everyone who thinks they’ll have a happy family together once Gray finally decides to start one with juviugh, I’ve got a big news flash that it won’t be happy. That juviugh would make it hell for her children, especially any girls. I’ve seen how that dunamic plays out in real life, I have seen the trauma. Pros are deluding themselves if they think it’s going to be a happily ever after
Hi Bonnielass23, I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to you! College has been putting me through the ringer.
But without further ado, I shall finally answer your ask.
Believe me, mon ami, I've got plenty of the gruviugh salt, so you and I are kindred spirits.
And oh... my goodness...
Without knowing too much detail about your friend's family, I am so sorry your friend's dad has to deal with someone who acts like juvia... Really no one deserves to be treated the way juvia treats people... I hadn't even thought about real world examples of juvia marrying Gray, but that is so chilling and saddening that your friend's mom inflicts trauma on her children as an offshoot of her obsession for her husband. My condolences go out to her children as well. I would assume the mom somehow treats her girl kids as rivals for her husband's attention?
How despicable.
People watching FT need to come to terms with how the gr///via dynamic would play out in real life before they start telling Anti-gr///vians that they're dumb and mean for being against this incredibly toxic ship.
I agree, Bonnie, certain Pros are continuously deluding themselves just like their mistress juvia does. It's the only way anyone could think that Gray and juvia together would allow anyone besides juvia a happy ending.... I'm glad you have so much empathy for your friend. You understand the implications and the abuse that occurs. You know what's just.
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s4kurah4run0 · 2 years
mrs. bitch x female reader | ass. class
author's note~
y/n = your name
l/n = last name
as usual, all characters are over 18.
also i genuinely am obsessed with mrs. bitch she is SOOOO underrated?? i genuinely never see anything about her so i thought this would be a great start. feedback is always appreciated ! <3
"You will be teaching in 3-E classroom."
3-E classroom, huh? I always heard stories about how all of the students in 3-E are dangerous individuals who are just too far gone that the system gave up on them. They said that the students up there were so dangerous that they secluded it up on the mountain, away from the usual school campus. I'm not worried, but I am shocked. Why would they need another teacher up there? Did something happen to the other one?
"Okay," I say.
"Miss Y/N L/N, do you understand the risks of this?" The board leader asked me.
"They're crystal clear, Sir." I tell him.
"Alright, Miss L/N, good luck."
I grab my bag and walk out of the meeting. As I walk down the hallway, I can already hear the gossip. "God bless that woman," I hear someone say. They're all doubting me, but I can do this, right?
Of course I can. After all, I am Y/N L/N. I've always been strong, capable, and I always excel at the expectations I'm given. Maybe these kids aren't nearly as bad as they're made out to be. Perhaps there's just too much stigma? Either way, I'm excited for what this can bring into my life.
I walk up the hill to a small, medium sized cabin. I make my way to the classroom, and it's nothing that I expected. I pictured it would be a mess, with kids being dangerous or unsupervised, but no. The atmosphere is surprisingly calm. I look over and see an...octopus? Oh! It's the teacher the board has been telling me about. "Everyone, say hi to Miss L/N!" He says. "L/N is a new teacher here!" I wave at everyone and walk near the chalkboard to write my name down. "What's your name?" I ask the teacher. "Koro-Sensei, the kids gave it to me, isn't it just so cute?" Koro-Sensei says. I smile subtly. This guy wants to blow up the earth by the end of the year, yet he seems to care about his students so much. "Yes, it is!" I respond, cheerfully. "Well, class, I know it's almost the end of the day and I'm sorry to be here so late, but-" I try to finish, but I'm interrupted by a strangely beautiful woman? She had long, thick blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a tall figure and wore a light blue vest with a short skirt the same color, and she was...just beautiful. We made eye contact for a few seconds before I returned to the chalkboard flustered. "Are you the new girl?" I hear a feminine voice say. It's probably her. I turn around and answer, "Yes, I'm Y/N L/N, nice to meet you." She smiles happily at me, "I'm Irina Jelavic! I'm also one of the teachers here."
"Jela-bitch.." a small voice says.
"Alright, who was that?" I say, angrily. "Who said bitch?"
Irina looks at me. "Oh, it's nothing, they usually say that."
"But why?" I ask. "I don't really know, but I don't mind it." She says.
Before I can say another word, the bell rings. "Have a good day, kids." I say. I see Irina slowly move to the door and lock it. I don't know why, but it doesn't seem like a big deal. "Just wait 'till all those brats are gone." Irina mutters. I can understand her frustration with them, especially seeing what they call her. "Um, do you need me for something, Miss Jelavic?" I ask. She looks at me. "Yes, I do!"
I quickly feel her pull me into a deep, long kiss. I don't know how long it lasted, but I enjoyed it for however long it was.
Before I can even react, she throws me on the desk, removing my shirt and pants without breaking the kiss. I feel her hand move my underwear to the ground and throw it across the room. Her hand touches my swollen, red clit, as I moan into her mouth. I want this, I really do. I've just met her and I've fallen in love with her. She swiftly breaks the kiss to take off her clothes, which leaves me looking a bit surprised. "Aw, is Miss needy?" She teases me. "Just, get the job done, please.." I say.
Our tits touch as my back is strictly on one of the desks and as we make out, her hand goes to my clit, making small but pleasurable circles. "F-fuck...Miss....J-" I whine. Her smirk is enough to make me orgasm, but I see her go down. "Do you want me to touch you, dollface?" I hear her say. "I guess you already know, but yes, please!" I whine. I grab a plush and put it in my mouth to muffle my moans while I feel my orgasm approach. Her mouth feels incredible on my clit, it's just a feeling I can't describe in words. She approaches two fingers to my opening and thrusts them. Her fingers go faster, and faster until I get my release and orgasm.
"You were lovely, dollface."
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hospitalterrorizer · 1 year
this is definitely a kind of milestone. 10 of these. that's nice. over a week of my life documented. it makes me happy i think. anyways. listening to poison hands by shearing pinx right now.
today i heard some fucked up stuff. a friend who is a substitute teacher had to deal with some kids showing some other kids stuff they should not, and no one on earth should be seeing.
i feel bad about knowing this kind of thing happens. i won't really go into the thing itself, but it gives me a sense that right now being a child is basically impossible. it was already impossible when i was a kid, i think. it was impossible for me at least, cuz at 10 i basically became familiar with how people could desire me, and even if only over webcams it's basically been a thing that's been inside me since forever. i don't think there's anything we can do. because of this sense that things are inhospitable and abuse is happening in ways we can't really understand, fags (e.g. me) will be blamed for creating some kind of modern gomorrah. everyone knows it's straight people and basically mostly, if not always (and it isn't always) men.
today i did record 1 more song, super screechy, and went into current single i'm trying to get out to redo some parts. i think it's basically 97% there for real now. i meant 98% but 97% seems maybe a little better.
i also wrote a new super short thing. exciting and fun, that one's probably going to go on the album. i wrote it while my gf was on the phone with her very annoying brother who i mostly feel bad for and i'm sure i'll talk about more. he's obsessed with christmas and having kids right now and i don't want him to have kids. he wants a son, his fantasy is to take his son to the bar when he turns 21. he doesn't think he'll live past 50. i think his life is going to be longer than he wants or expects.
when i was in highschool i thought i'd be dead by now.
i vced with my friends today. we talked about alien conspiracy and galactic federation shit. very sad people a lot of the time i think. i guess. i dunno. i want to write but i feel exhausted.
i really hate but am fascinated by all this content about how the internet right now is a pit full of groomers. it feels basically and profoundly reactionary, basically about how there's things happening right now at such a scale that we cannot know, and therefore, it's prevalent everywhere. but it probably isn't. a lot of people are basically normal. normal meaning a lot i guess.
it's too complex to put here and i just want to write it in fictions and poems (lyrics (i should get closer to thinking of them as poems, they sort of are because i just sort of write whatever and try to make it fit for the short songs)) where i can eviscerate and look at remains. here it's too. i dunno. i want to feel it in my teeth. i want to write. i am spent and tired. tomorrow i want to write but i will probably record.
i love my girlfriend of course. today i was thinking about how lucky i am to have met her. she has basically saved my life. that's insane to reflect on. without her i would be trapped at home still. we need other people, to motivate us towards something, people materially around us, to hold us by our hands, enough of us around one another, we can do anything i think.
i wrote something good that i am going to stick somewhere else. you won't see it unless it gets put somewhere you can see. sorry.
i wrote more, i think i'm happier now. i'm listening to the shame by the blood brothers. the writing is at least useful, it situates something for the 2nd part and makes the 3rd part easier maybe.
i love the blood brothers. i think they're a perfect band, every band after their first is perfect i think, excluding the last which is maybe just suffering from a couple songs with weak parts but not wholly weak. i love them so much. i love so much music.
i was thinking a lot today about how in highschool, discovering a lot of this kind of post-hardcore and hardcore, with high screams and less masculine voices, stranger music and stuff, really gave me something to attach to, it's like, real androgyne music to me. i dunno. the heat and flashing of these instants of pain, the screeching boys rendered into, i dunno, whatevers, ecstatic and sprinting from ideas, it's so perfect.
i keep saying that, sorry.
i need to read more soon. so much i need to do. oh, i cooked tonight, that was nice, and it was fun but i burnt the vegetables a little and my gf finished dinner which she usually doesn't do, actually, she's usually not that hungry ever so i get it but it does hurt my feelings because it makes me think it's me and nothing else. i'm a baby i guess. i'm too sensitive. everyone said that to me since i was a kid. honestly i wish i were more sensitive.
my friend saw that cover art i was making him finally, he likes it, that makes me really happy. my friend is me and my kidney, he makes cool dance music, this new record he's working on he's trying to go in a ymo direction sort of, as well as a bit of a weird midi-(ish) fusion thing. it doesn't really sound like midi, it's beefed up and has other samples, he wants something really organic but not actually like, really performed. not for conceptual reasons, he just loves synths, you know. we all do. or he and i do, and that's part of why we became friends in hs, cuz we liked weird synth stuff. i'm excited about what he is doing right now.
anyways i should try to relax now before sleeping. my face is washed and i did all my working out. #swaggy
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literatikoo · 3 years
Lane Kim deserved better
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I would only write Lane Kim meta when I am very very angry because I need to be powered by spite and petty energy to unravel exactly how much of a disservice this show was to Lane and by extension any Asian kid with a similar life. And, well, it's happening now, so buckle up kids, this is going to be a loooong ride because I have a lot to say.
Before we start on the negative aspects, the show got a lot of things about Lane right, which is why I care so much about her character. Yes, ASP obviously didn't know how to write a POC experience and it's seen in the way some very harmful stereotypes were propagated (the tiger mom trope, Mrs Kim's religious beliefs, the depiction of the Kim extended family etc) but at the same time Lane was beautifully written as a character, unlike her plot which left much to be desired. Lane Kim was an Asian girl with rock n roll dreams who had an extremely fraught relationship with her mother and had to fight for even a semblance of independence. And I hate to say it but a lot of daughters of Asian households are forced to hide a part of themselves from their families, so Lane's story was authentic.
Not only was Lane amazing as an individual, she was also a great friend. She was the only one who was really in Rory's corner; she never judged her and supported all of Rory's relationships (my favourite example of this is when she barely tolerated Jess in S2/3 and then did a complete 180 like 5 episodes later, all because Rory decided to finally accept she liked him). Lane never pointed out what Rory was doing wrong not because she was afraid of doing so but because the two of them had been friends for years and Lane believed that Rory would figure it out one day. Lane shows this unconditional kindness not only to Rory but to everyone. She takes in her Korean cousin and teaches her to have fun even when she's afraid that Mrs Kim has replaced her, she lets Gil be in the band because she empathises with him, she takes care of the band and prevents it from breaking up multiple times. And these are only a few examples of Lane being the kindest character on GG.
One of the best things in Gilmore Girls is that the most unproblematic, amazing guy is given to Lane. Dave Rygalski is the best love interest on the show hands down (Sorry to my boy Jess but Dave was LEAGUES ahead of him at 17) and Lane definitely deserved someone like that. Their story was adorable and I would have loved for them to be endgame. However, what grates me is that when I see people talking about Lane "deserving better," it's usually about Dave vs Zach. When Lane actually deserved better as a WHOLE and not only in terms of love interests. I always thought it made more sense for her to end up alone at the end of the og series. Because Lane was a person who craved independence and she was not going to get that while tied to some guy (even if that guy is boyfriend extraordinaire, Dave Rygalski). It's even worse when we see that Lane is the only female character on the show to be treated this way. Rory rejects marriage for her career while Lane ends up with marriage as her storyline. Lorelai and Luke get back together but their relationship is still left open ended, though arguably it would've made more sense if they got married when Lane and Zach did. Paris gets into Harvard Medical school and gets a great relationship, similarly Sookie gets the family she wanted and continues to be amazing at her job. But Lane... god Lane is the only one without an open ending, without any space for speculation of where her life might lead her. Not only did they marry her off, they also gave her a terrible first time and twins, effectively locking her to Stars Hollow. The show even cut down all hope of her being a rock n roll mom as one of her S7 storylines is choosing the kids over going on tour with Zach. She doesn't get to be her own person for more than ONE season; she's stuck with being a daughter and then a wife and then a mother.
Something else that angers me about Lane's storyline is that we never really get to see how badly her relationship with her mom affects her. Don't get me wrong, I adore Mrs Kim's redemption arc and I think it was beautifully juxtaposed to Lorelai and Rory's crumbling relationship, but having a mother like that is hard. Not only did Lane have to hide 90% of her personality from Mrs Kim but she also lived with the fact that one day she might have to choose between her dreams and her mother. In the end, Mrs Kim makes that choice for her and deals with it by kicking Lane out in S4, and yet we never really see how that negatively affects Lane. Hell, Jess acts like a broody teen for two seasons, Rory wastes six months of her life away at the DAR and they both come out of it successfully. Lane gets kicked out, figures out her own living conditions, gets a job, works insanely hard for her band and... ends up having to give her dreams up completely.
Lane and Paris shared a lot of similarities too, even if they both had different friendships with Rory. They both came from terrible families and looked to Lorelai as a mother figure, they both cared deeply for Rory, and they were both incredibly passionate about their careers. Paris made calendars and flashcards and went crazy studying for both pre med and pre law. Lane was a walking, talking music encyclopaedia, she bought CDs obsessively and organised them by genre under her floorboards, she taught herself to play the drums and then found a band to play for. And yet... only Paris becomes successful in the end, whereas Lane takes over Kim's antiques. Lane was still a musician in AYITL and she can be rock n roll even with kids but this is all hypothetical and we never see it on the show.
There is a lot of terrible, lazy writing on the show and a lot of characters get ruined because of it but with Lane, her character stays the same, they just ruin everything else for her. I think she'll be an amazing mom and will probably make her best out of doing music casually. But the writers also took something so special and destroyed it just because Lane stopped being as important to the plot as she was in seasons 1-3. Lane and Rory drifting a little after Rory leaves for Yale makes perfect sense, that's just how relationships are, always changing. And yet as Lane's importance to Rory decreased so did her importance to the writers.
Lane wasn't the kind of character that needed character development or a redeeming character arc- she was never a bad person and nothing about her had to be fixed, unlike Jess or even Paris. All she really needed was for her dreams to come true because for the first 4 seasons her dreams were the biggest fixture of her personality. Like how Jess needed to overcome his trauma and Rory needed to figure out where she fit in and Paris needed to become a girlboss, Lane needed to realise her dreams because that's where her arc was leading her. But it just didn't happen. Instead, Lane becomes 2-dimensional; a large part of her screentime is taken up by Zach problems, her dreams fall flat and she becomes tied to Stars Hollow for the rest of her life. Not to mention we see less of Lane in favour of Logan and the dickhead posse.
This is not me hating on all the other characters I've mentioned in this meta, I'm just pointing out the lack of respect the writers have for Lane in comparison to all these other people who fulfilled the role they were made for. Why would you write Lane to have all these dreams and make her struggle so hard for 4 seasons just to smash them to pieces? And why is it that one of the only POC characters on this show is treated like this?
And you can't tell me the writers didn't know what they were doing, not when this is a direct quote from Lane in S7:
"It was such a small window -- a peephole, really. For years, I was this repressed kid, and then there was the briefest of windows. And then -- slam. All of a sudden, I'm this overburdened mother. I barely got to do it, Zach. I barely got the chance to be a person."
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gildedmuse · 3 years
Hey, everyone.
So recently I've (predictably) very not well. Actually, whenever I don't post for long periods, just assume my body is trying to kill me. But I've gotten messages from three people asking if I. Okay, which is super sweet. I am actually trying to work on the next All Hearts, a really long ZoLaw post and two request fics, but mixing chronic kidney pain and capitalist society's mandate to work 40+ hours is not recommended.
But to prove I'm okay and still me, here is some Shanks antics with him being a total slut while Mihawk and Beckman just roll their eyes and go along with it. [Shout out to @jhaernyl who not only listens to me ramble about this stuff, but actively encourages it]. I also have many thoughts on the latest episodes and so many screenshots it's embarrassing. Hopefully, when I'm in less pain, I'll get around to actually posting those. Otherwise I just look like an insane person who literally takes by the second frame shots every time Zoro is on screen.
.... What is that? I look like that anyway? Fair.
Shanks Is A Bad Influence
It feels like Buggy and Shanks split up after Roger's death (the crew was told to, and they are the only ones who went to his execution) and I find it impossible to think Shanks didn't immediately set out and find a crew; like, pirating is the only thing this kid knows in life. This means two things:
He set out from East Blue. Also, he seemed at ease and familiar with the East so it's possible he spent like a year there getting everything together. Maybe he even played around in the other blues for a while before heading back to the Grand Line. I say this because his crew is from all over so either he found and recruited them in the Grand Line or visited various blues. Either way, I'm gonna say it took him about two years before getting a 'proper' start. In that case, he would have started out properly at the age of 17 and we know One Piece likes it's parallels.
That still puts Shanks at 17 to Benn Beckmen's 28. How the fuck did Shanks manage that? I'd call it grave robbing, but let's face it, the little tyke probably got up to some actual robbing of graves as well.
My point being everytime Shanks teases Mihawk about keeping this 19 year old kid on his personal island, mostly shirtless, Benn Beckmen just lifts an eyebrow.
Excuse me, captain, who had prefected the 'opps still don't have my sea legs' trip-and-fall into their first mates lap by the age of 17?
Shanks: Beckmen, you caught me! *Shamelessly nuzzles up* Thank goodness! I could be a devil's fruit user after all and - Ahh!
Benn: *Drops Shanks straight over the side of the ship into the water*
Shanks: *Sputtering* What what that!?
Benn: Checking to see if you had eaten a devil's fruit on us, Capatin.
Benn: You didn't.
Smart ass. But he can't resist Shanks forever. Shanks will wear him down eventually.
Next time Mihawk tracks him down for another match - because you know he gets bored way quicker than he'll ever admit and Shanks is at least amusing a challenge - Shanks makes a big deal out of how Mihawk follows him around, "accidentally" revealing they slept together, sighing about how it's so hard to resist him.
Benn Beckmen is just leaning against the side of the ship, sipping his booze.
Shanks: -and I can't stay for hours like last time!!
Mihawk: Are you quite done?
Shanks: *whispering* Does Benn look jealous?
Mihawk: He looks bored. Much like I am. Is this some strange attempt to get out of my challenge, Akagami?
Shanks: What? No, come on I told you I was game. But, hey, could you do me a favor? Maybe like try and kiss me or something? Like take a swing like your going to hit me but then stop shot and grab me by the waist instead.
Mihawk: .... Trickery is beneath you. Besides, you're absolute rubbish at it.
Shanks: Oh, come on, I would totally help you get laid if you asked!
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* I want a proper match afterwards.
Mihawk: *In a forced, monotone voice* After this I will take you to my lair and have my way with you, Akagami.
Mihawk: ... My lair? Really?
Shanks: *Holding up cue card with quickly scribbled line* What? That is how you talk.
Mihawk: I can't believe I wasted precious hours of light tracking you to this atrociously rural port.
Shanks: See? Now, read the next one.
Benn: Captain? If this is going to take all night, I am going to go join the rest of the men in the tavern.
Shanks: Huh? Wait! Benn! What if Miha really stabs me this time!?
Benn: *Salutes Shanks with his bottle* Sounds like that is his plan captain. Have a good 'challenge'.
Shanks: What? No... *Reaching out hand, like he might die if Benn leaves, looking completely devastated* Not even a little jealous...
Mihawk: You couldn't have thought that pantomime would actually work.
Shanks: Benny, don't leave me.... *Turns to Mihawk, immediately brightening* Oh, well, there's always tomorrow. Hey, Miha, guess whose free all night and horny as a pirate in the calm belt?
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* Very well.
Mihawk might as well get something for the trip he made. Although, he's reconsidering if the sex was actually worth the trouble after he ends up listening to Shanks worry half the night that Benn is shacking up with someone else (after a couple hours of rough and raw fucking, admittedly).
Is it the hat? He likes his captain's hat. Miha, you think his captain's hat is sexy, don't you?
Mihawk: It's utterly ridiculous.
Shanks: ....
Shanks: ....
Shanks: *Smile* Ahh, Miha, I knew you liked the hat!
Shanks: What do you old Northerns find sexy?
Mihawk: I am only four years older than you.
Mihawk: And silence.
Trying to convince Mihawk to go spy on Beckman for him. Shanks doesn't actually care if he does sleep with someone else, it's more that Beckman didn't immediately turn angry and jealous like Buggy would have that has him paranoid.
Mihawk is going to fuck this annoying red head again just to shut him up.
Mihawk: Maybe he doesn't like red haired boys who don't know when to be quiet?
The next morning Shanks is pacing among his poor crew that's gotten stuck listening to Shanks obsess about Beckman again. IS IT REALLY THE HAIR!?
It's not even a matter of Shanks's age (or obvious immaturity). I mean, Beckman got on board and stayed, didn't he? Beckman just enjoys watching Shanks try so hard to get his attention. Like Benn's attention isn't constantly on Shanks. He had to when his captain is always one step away from disaster.
He only left him with Mihawk because it was clear Dracule is not a real danger to Beckman's captain.
Except maybe insulting him to death. But Beckman is pretty sure Shanks can handle it. He's met Buggy. He's suspects Shanks LIKES it if anything.
It gets to the point where when they dock somewhere and see Mihawk waiting, or come back to the ship and spot his familiar silhouette, most of the crew goes off somewhere for another drink (sometimes the newer kids will stay to watch such an awesome fight, everyone else is like... Look, you'll have plenty of opportunities later. This is not a one off.)
Benn just takes a look around, nods to Mihawk (a silent signal for, "he's all yours, do with him as you please, if anything happens to him I will track you down and make sure your last few hours on this blue world are as painful as humanly possible") and heads off.
Oh, it's just the Hawk boy.
That's fine then.
Benn use to be a sailor on a trade ship between the North, East, West and Grand Line. He's seen it all.
They called him The Gun Slinger BEFORE he joined Shanks's crew and became a pirate.
So this young, broke ass kid from the streets of some near artic northern island trying to pass himself off as a Lower North rich type has a thing for his captain? Not really enough to keep Beckman up at night, no matter how good at swords he's supposed to be
Besides, he's pretty sure for the kid to keep tracking down Shanks, he must be bored out of his skull. He's not going to do anything to endanger their captain.
Not if Shanks is the only thing he can find to keep him entertained.
One day, Mihawk is going to be waiting on the dock when a bunch of Red Haired pirates are stumbling home, laughing and chattering amongst themselves (Shanks's crew always seems to be in a good mood). One of them will catch sight if Mihawk and walk by with a smile, patting him on the shoulder.
The captain's occupied. Seems likely he'll be 'occupied' for a good while, too.
Mihawk won't smile, but he will think "So you finally warmed him up to you, Akagami?" and snort lightly.
Poor Benn, though. Mihawk could never imagine being with someone so much younger than him. Shanks is only four years his junior and already it strains Mihawk to put up with his occasional moments of "youthful whimsy" (aka being an annoying, immature child)
"A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair"
Mihawk just putting that on his Not To Do List.
That lasted until Roronoa.
(Mihawk just looking at Zoro knowing this is bad news.)
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
*Cross out, scribbles*
*Hands back to Benn*
Do Not Do:
- A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair a silly hat, who is overly dramatic and in any way, shape or form related to Gol D Rogers.
Ace: Hey what's up?
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
Go ahead, Benn, laugh it up. Mihawk is aware he has a type. Young, pretty, and utterly insane.
After that night where Shanks was otherwise 'occupied', it's over six months before Mihawk sees his friend his rival again. He is, as expected, far too smug and proud looking.
Shanks: Oh, Miha, so sorry you came all this way, I'm-
Benn: Well, I'm off, captain.
Shanks: What!? But we, you, I... Benn, hessoeexyarentyouworriedforyourcaptain?
Benn: *patting Mihawk on the shoulder* Have fun with him. Don't forget to return him by noon tomorrow, we have a schedule. Oh, but if you can babysit him for at least four hours? That would be great.
Shanks: BABYSIT!?
Mihawk: I suppose I can be troubled to do so.
Shanks: TROUBLED!?
Benn: Thanks, Hawkeyes. I owe you.
Shanks: *Fake tears clinging to his lashes* You two are so mean!
No, don't feel bad for him. Shanks is just trying to guilt the two of them into bed at the same time, and they both know it.
Thanks no thanks, they're not into that. But Shanks can be pretty cute when he's trying so hard (Benn) and at least he's not as boring as everything else in this world (Mihawk) so they allow him to keep up the act
Shanks: *looking at Zoro's wanted poster over Mihawk's shoulder* But I feel like you'd gladly go to bed with him and his captain if he asked. That doesn't seem fair to me. You'd never go that far with me and Benn.
Mihawk: *Eyes Benn*
Mihawk: *DEAD. ONLY.*
Mihawk: I have my reasons.
They can and do agree on plenty of things, including reciprocally not being that attracted to each other.
Shanks: Sounds fake to me
Shanks: But guys!
Shanks: This isn't about you
He's gonna need you guys to drop the egos and focus on what HE wants. I.E., being in the middle of two sexy Northern men.
Honestly, so mean to poor Shanks!
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pentechnics · 2 years
Hello, my loves
Despite the unfinished WIPs and requests staring me in the face I am having the urge to write a Spy x Family AU for Din —
For folks not familiar with the amine or manga, the story revolves around three people who all have a secret, and come together to help their own special interests. Lots of potential for a slow burn, eventually becoming a real family sort of deal and I’ve been obsessed with this story for years, highly recommend it!!
Here’s a very rough idea. It’d probably be a collection of moments and such rather than a proper multi-chapter fic (since I’m still working through my others lol) but it’ll be a fun time regardless. And yes, the countries will have better names in the actual story lol. Please let me know what you think/if you’d read this!
(also, I promise I am working on all of those requests and wips even if i do decide to write this -- I'm sorry my progress is a bit slow lol!)
Two countries — East and West on the brink of war. Only one thing stands in between them and peace: the head of the West’s National Party. The government has assigned their best spy to the job of taking him out.
Din Djarin. Code name: Mando. A man who's made it his mission to erradicate as much evil from the world as possible, and has foregone any chance at a normal life in order to do so. Every assignment he is given is one step closer to a world in which no child has to suffer.
In order to accomplish this, he needs to have a child attend the most prestigious school in all the land, the same one that the Head’s child attends, in order to get him alone.
He goes to an orphanage and finds little Grogu: a four year old with ESP. And he’s been scared out of telling anyone about his ability. He reads Din’s mind and convinces him he’s the smartest kid of the lot. Din takes him. But Din will need someone to play the part of his mother in order to be accepted by the school.
Into the fray comes you: a young single woman who moonlights as an assassin in order to put food on the table. You raised your younger brother after your parents passed, who is now an accomplished civil servant, independent from you, and he’s worried about you still being single. In a world with increasing anxiety due to a potential war, anyone who doesn’t fit a certain social standard is suspect. They could be a spy for the other side, after all. And sadly, you fit that bill.
Do you think you need a man? Absolutely not. Do you care what others think of you? Not in the slightest. You’re a very forward-thinking woman living in a backwards society. But if your secret career’s going to stay that way, you need to decrease the attention you’re unintentionally bringing. You need to find a partner to get your brother — and everyone else in your life, for that matter — off your back.
The only one who knows Din’s and your true identity is little Grogu, who is constantly hearing every thought in both of your minds. He wants to do his best for Papa’s mission and keep his little family together as long as possible.
And that’s the basic idea! Now that I’m thinking about it, this AU works way too well with these characters and I am here for it lmao
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omegasamwilson · 3 years
I literally had a panic attack when I watched Ayo take off Bucky's arm. I was born without my left arm and see a lot of myself in Bucky. I have a prosthetic and had to stop the episode and watch it later. And it really hurt me to see your completely disregard that and say I have no right to be upset. It really pisses me off. I'm fully acknowledging that Bucky did a terrible thing, and he needed to be stopped. But she didn't have to remove his arm. He wouldn't have hurt her. To see you refer to his arm in the tags as a weapon further hurt me. It's not a fucking weapon, it's his fucking arm. You're trying to twist this into a race issue when it's about fucking ableism. I'm brown not black so I don't know if you'll accept my concerns with your post
Hi, one, I apologize for what is sure to be a very long and very frustrated statement. But I’m dealing with a lot of shit rn (actually related to race and ableism specifically) but I wanted to respond because my ADHD ass will forget otherwise.
Okay. One, you say “he wouldn’t have hurt her.”
We, the audience, knows that. Ayo did not. What she knows is that the man before her was an assassin and sniper, even before he was captured and forced to kill by HYDRA. He was a WWII sniper and seemed to be quite skilled (I’m going to assume that’s one of the reasons HYDRA tried to experiment on him and picked him to he the winter soldier.) In any case, this newly reformed (and at the time, just barely reformed. As in, he was healed a month, maybe two months before the events of infinity war. So he’s been healed for a whopping seven months.) This newly reformed assassin, who had been the victim of either chemical or otherwise mental subjugation freed a terrorist from prison.
Not only did he free a terrorist from prison, he freed a terrorist that was obsessed with HYDRA. If any terrorist knew a back door to unlock the winter soldier again, it would be Baron Zemo, who knew each and every one of HYDRA’s secrets.
While Shuri is definitely brilliant, it’s entirely possible that HYDRA buried a safety within their “asset” just in case he was able to break his programming. It’s entirely possible that it was so well buried amongst the labyrinth that is the brain that even Shuri couldn’t find it. After all, Shuri isn’t a neuroscientist, and the brain is largely regarded as the final frontier. So it’s entirely possible that she missed buried programming.
So, we have a person that got rid of HYDRA’s programming seven months ago that just freed one of the only people on the planet that could have the information that could potentially reactivate the winter soldier. And THEN, we have a video of this man “acting” as the winter soldier in madripoor. This was uploaded on the internet and I’m assuming that Ayo saw it.
What proof does Ayo have that he won’t hurt her? That she won’t weaponize his arm and hurt her? What proof does she have that he’s not under Zemo’s control, that Zemo can’t control him in a second. The only thing she knows are that Bucky Barnes freed a terrorist that had access to all of HYDRA’s information, the terrorist appeared to control the winter soldier in madripoor, and it is entirely possible that there is buried programming designed to deactivate the winter soldier.
She deactivates it, realizes he’s fully in control of himself and says, “bast damn you, James.” As in, “fuck you for freeing a terrorist and acting like it isn’t a big deal. You are clearly acting on your own accord in this.”
And yes, it’s different being Black vs. being Brown. It isn’t to say that racism and ableism don’t intersect with Brown folks because obviously it does.
But l specifically asked for Black opinions bc of the demonization of Black folks, especially the trope of “big scary Black women” or “big scary Black men.”
It’s ironic I see this today when I have a story that is so relevant and anger inducing.
I work with white parents of Black children, usually through adoption since I work primarily with lgbt parents, but I do have some cis het white parents raising Black biological kids. One of the parents and friends got into it today because her autistic Black child got into it with their sibling (also disabled). The sibling intentionally triggered their older sibling and punched them and it escalated to the point where the bigger sibling finally reacted and shoved the younger sibling. It broke the younger kid’s glasses. The youngest is legally blind and needs very expensive and specific prescription classes to even have 20/40 vision.
The mom called the police on her child and the kid was arrested and charged. She is 15. Mom described the kid as aggressive and awful and terrible and all sorts of names. A ww called the police on her Black 15 year old child having a meltdown. And she played into stereotypes that Black people, Black women, are aggressive/scary/angry. A ww could’ve gotten her child killed for having a meltdown because she broke a white child’s disability aid.)
A ww couldve gotten her child killed because she played into anti-Black stereotypes. That white people need protection from them. Even when the white child was initially the aggressor in the scenario.
Sure, it’s different, but it plays to the same stereotypes. Poor white disabled person needs protection from the aggressive scary Black person, and we’re just going to assume that the Black person was being unnecessarily aggressive because it plays into all of the stereotypes about Black people. No, there’s no way that this Black person was making a decision based on a series of evidence that could point to them genuinely being harmed.
(By the way, in the scenario of the two kids, I think they both needed help and support, and that the police shouldn’t have been called period.)
Nope, it’s just an aggressive Black person being ableist.
The same systems that have everyone seeing Bucky as a cute little uwu cinnamon roll in need of protection are what caused everyone to see Ayo as an aggressive ableist Black woman. White people usually get the benefit of the doubt. The best intentions are believed even when the evidence clearly says otherwise.
The evidence Ayo had indicated that she had no idea whether the winter soldier could’ve been reactivated and whether or not Bucky could’ve been under zemo’s control. She had no idea. None. She made a decision based off that information. And the fact that Bucky didn’t react strongly indicated that he was acting on his own accord.
Mayhaps, Ayo might even have been trying to trigger the winter soldier. I just thought of this but it makes sense. That the WS would react very defensively and even potentially deadly to that level of fighting, even if his previous orders were different.
In any case, this situation isn’t comparable to every day disabled people because our disability aids to not double as weapons. Most people can’t do more harm with a prosthetic limb than they can with a regular limb. Bucky can. Bucky’s arm is also a weapon and that fact complicates matters considerably. If bucky’s arm were simply a regular arm with typical strength, it’d be a no brainer situation. But it’s not. We don’t know the wakanda enhancements of his arms, but we know in the comics, he could kill with a single punch using his arm. He uses his arm tactically to map his surroundings. He uses his arm to send off EMPs that can disabled weaponry. It even has a retractable blade for close combat. It is a disability aid that it also a weapon. It was designed to be a weapon. The normal conversations around disability aids don’t fit it because no one today has a disability aid that could kill someone in seconds and even cause larger scale damage with a targeted EMP.
And finally, I want to say this, I am truly sorry that you had a panic attack while watching the episode. That is never fair and it’s never fun to be triggered by television shows.
I do hope this helped to better explain and clarify my perspective.
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lnkedmyheart · 3 years
Some minor thoughts on Devil is a part timer in general.
Sadao Maou was literally the funniest protagonist I have seen in a long time. Him being op actually worked really well with the tone of the anime. He felt really smart in some ways too, especially when he refused to entertain Chiho's advances. So much for that.
Emi Yusa genuinely deserved better than the bs she went through in the entire franchise and for what??? Seriously, she got lumped with all the responsibilities in the end after being the series' punching bag and having very justified reasons for being mean to and wary of Sadao and friends. I liked her development with Sadao quite a bit but yea I didn't really care for the shipping. It was cute though. Still not into the pair.
Chiho Sasaki started out adorable but imma be honest, she got irritating really fast. Not only am I constantly being told that "oh Chiho is super special and wonderful and absolutely gorgeous and unique" when she doesn't really do much to prove any of those descriptors, I am also being told that her particularly nasty moments are too out of character for her when she has consistently displayed hints of said behaviour since day 1. Like, there was legitimately no consistency with her actions and everyone's idea of her. It just got frustrating after a while. Also she's underage...in a cast full of what are presented as adults barring Emi but she was literally a warrior who was forced to grow up too soon, plus it's like the middle ages in Ente Isla so she probably was seen as an adult way before she hit 17 or some shit, she's a minor and she's the designated fanservice girl. She's a 16 year old trying to shove her gigantic tits into a 21 but actually 300 year old's face. I'm...just...
Lucifer, my child...you are somehow both irritating as fuck and have adorable. You didn't deserve to be the butt monkey along with Yusa but it did get some chuckles out of me. I'm sorry.
Alciel needs therapy. Poor guy is so stressed out I just feel sorry for him. He was probably my favorite character throughout.
Also about the end couple, I definitely feel like Emi/Sadao was technically and narratively far better than Chiho/Sadao. There was actual conflict and development there which is automatically a win for me. But if I'm being real I didn't quite want a romantic endgame for anyone in the series. But to find out that Sadao went for Chiho...bruh I liked you because you were vehemently AGAINST getting involved with a 16 year old kid 284 years your junior that was obsessively clingy and aggressive towards your female acquaintances for absolutely no reason. And no, just cause she liked him from the start is no reason to justify the endgame. Oh GOD.
Like seriously for some reason people in fandoms who are anti a particular mlm or wlw ship will latch onto the smallest hint of an age gap between consenting adults even to trash on it, men will mock twilight fangirls for reading about a 17 year old Bella with a 117 year old Edward but then male fans will turn around and insist that 16 year old Chiho with a 300 year old Sadao is acceptable because anime logic...
Oh and also, I don't care about the magical child Alas=Ramus bs. It was pointless to the end result, it was just a forced attempt at trying to bait Emi/Sadao shippers and the kid got dumped onto Emi while she's left with having to deal with the entire situation back home.
You wanna do an adopted child brings people closer trope, you've literally got kkm with Yuuri adopting Greta which leads to Wolfram, a previously anti human jerk, taking on the role of a parent with gusto and becoming deeply protective of her while also getting closer to Yuuri.
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