#who am i to complain i couldn't make it look better either
random-knowone · 1 day
Hi! I'm glad you're posting so much about Harris. Almost no one I follow/am mutuals with has been talking about the election at all even though it's so close, even though they were doing so much back in 2020. Do you have any thoughts on that sort of situation? Maybe it's that they're tired of talking about it, but it's just really concerning. It's like the election doesn't even exist to them, and they stopped talking about it once they couldn't complain about it. (First they complained they didn't like Biden because of his support for Israel. Then he dropped out and Harris took over and they complained about her being a cop and supporting Israel. Then there were a few posts explaining that she was a prosecutor and actually did a lot to help people, and also that she also supports Palestine and wants a ceasefire. After that, it's been absolutely nothing from any of them for weeks. Many of them are Americans living in the US, too. (Though it's more understandable for someone outside the US to not want to bother, even mutuals and people I follow who live in other countries had been extremely vocal about US politics in the recent past, so it still feels strange for them to also be saying nothing about it now.)
Hey there, thanks for reaching out! I think it's a shame that I lot of folks aren't talking much about this election when so much is on the line.
I think a lot of people either don't realize how much is on the line, don't like Kamala for whatever reason they may have, or see it as "obvious" to vote for Kamala and don't bother talking about it because they assume that everyone already will.
My advice would be to talk about it yourself, make and reblog posts about it, be the change you wish to see. And hopefully, your mutuals will see those and reblog them, spreading the word. Especially posts about Kamala's plans for office, and her past record throughout her career, to help the folks who don't know enough about her to make up their minds.
A lot of people seem to have this idea that both parties are the same, or that Democrats never get anything done. I think a lot of this stems from people just not paying close attention to what goes on in politics, which is understandable. The main reason Democrats don't get as much done as they say they will is that they get blocked all the time by Republicans in the House and Senate, which the majority of people seem to forget about.
Many leftists on here don't like Kamala because she worked with Biden, or because of the ongoing issues with the war in Gaza, or because they just don't think she's left-wing enough. The best way to address these types is to remind them that even if they don't like Kamala, she's better than Trump. And one of them is going to be our next president, no matter what. An election isn't about picking the person who matches your values to a T, it's about choosing which of two options you prefer, even if neither are perfect.
In the case of people you're close with, you can talk to them about their views on this election, and answer any questions they might have, or address disinformation they heard.
The most important thing is to be kind and understanding, because at their hearts, everyone wants what's best for our country, and for their loved ones. We just don't always agree on what that looks like. The best way to convince people is to figure out what issues are important to them, and explain how Kamala is the best candidate for them.
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visro · 4 months
i love how the general opinion about natla is just "hm."
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melminli · 9 months
teachers pet - by melanie martinez
pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem. reader
summery - if i'm so special, why am i secret?
word count: 2k+
contains: student coryo (academy is basically a uni), teacher reader, age gap (coryo is in his early twenties while the reader is somewhere in her thirties), teacher x student relationships, dark themes, cheating (reader is married), mommy issues, manipulating, blackmailing
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The life of a nerd didn't look as bad as it was portrayed in movies or books. However, it must be said that Coriolanus Snow had neither the stereotypical look nor behavior of a nerd, which may have been the reason why he was hardly treated like one. He had only the best, the good grades of a model student, the popularity of a popular student, and the good looks of a young man his age.
Cute girls queued up to get a chance with him since he seemed like a dream. In a world full of boys, he was a gentleman, a young man with a secure future. Some of his classmates would joke that he would be the future president of Panem, although they always had a slightly confident undertone while saying that. To be honest, no one would be surprised if he would be someday.
"Come on, Coriolanus! Let's go for a drink, you're never coming with us!" Complained the voice of some side character. "I'm sure you have a good chance with most of the girls in the bar - or boys. Whatever you like, I don't judge." He joked, and Clemensia hit him on the shoulder with her fist to warn him to take it down a notch.
She spoke in his place. "Leave him be. He's not into that sort of thing. I'm sure he'd rather spend his time doing more productive things." A slight grin stretched across her features. "Maybe you should try that sometime. Perhaps then you wouldn't fail half the subjects."
Festus interrupted the conversation as he walked past the group. "Come on, Clemmie. Leave the poor guy alone. We're students. It's normal to go partying every now and then." His eyes looked somewhat defiantly at Coriolanus. "You only live once. There's no need to waste it."
Alcoholics and drug addicts use the same excuse, stupid idiot. Coriolanus had enough of this whole interaction. It was time to wrap it up. "Of course, and everyone is free to live this life the way they want." He said with a falsely charming smile when he finally got a chance to speak. "I'm afraid I don't have much time either, I'm already in demand elsewhere."
Unfortunately for him, Arachne couldn't hold her tongue and had to carry on the conversation. "And so late on a Wednesday, too? Don't tell me our teacher's pet is in trouble. Has Mrs. Lola finally realized that you're just trying to get better grades with your flirting, and she doesn't actually have a chance with the pretty boy?" She joked as she mentioned the older woman who was getting closer to retirement with each passing year.
But her comment didn't make the intended person bitter, but Festus, who had to grit his teeth in annoyance. "Can't believe that shit works. I complimented her the other day, and she gave me a look like she was cursing me and the rest of my bloodline." He sighed. "I don't even want kids."
Coriolanus was getting impatient. If at least Sejanus was here, he could cover for him enough to leave, but no, they didn't share every damn course there was. He couldn't believe that this bothered him somehow. "No. Actually, I have asked to speak with Mrs. Rosey regarding her assigned homework." He announced, mentioning your name.
His pretty literature teacher. The only woman he wanted.
The eyes of the person who had started the whole thing in the first place lit up briefly. Coriolanus didn't bother to remember his name. "Oh, she's that one young teacher, isn't she?" He asked. The title wasn't really that hard to get since most of the teachers at the academy were dinosaurs. "She's pretty hot, I regret dropping literature man, but at the end of the day it's just an unnecessary course that requires extra work."
Okay, now Coriolanus was not only annoyed but also angry and had to stop himself from looking too passionate. "Right, see you tomorrow." He quickly said goodbye and paid no further attention to what the others were saying as he made his way to the teachers' lounge. He quickly fixed his tie and hair before knocking on the door. Fortunately, he didn't meet anyone else in the corridors who wasted his time unnecessarily. His patience was getting thin, and he didn't think he had enough of it to make him exchange more false smiles and words.
"Come in..." He heard your muffled voice call through the door before he slowly opened it, and his eyes immediately turned to your table. You, too, looked up from the papers in front of you and met his figure as you turned your chair to the side. "Mr. Snow, you said you had a question about the assignment I gave you."
There was a step between you two, but your voice still felt close. Maybe it was because you two were the only ones in the room since it was pretty late. Now that Coriolanus was looking down at your figure, you looked quite exhausted and seemed barely able to keep your eyes open. Judging by your desk, you were in the middle of correcting last week's quiz, but he doubted that was the only thing you were working on. Your usually well-groomed appearance was a little more disheveled. There were strands of hair peeking out from various places, and the first few buttons of your shirt were undone. "You never called me." Was all he said as he watched you avoid his gaze.
Your tongue licked over your dry lips as you searched for the right words. "I don't think that has anything to do with the assignment." You replied. Maybe my mistake was, hoping he had a question in the first place. "I'm not going to talk about other matters, I'm busy." You tried to explain to him.
Coriolanus laughed in disbelief. He placed his coat and bag on the chair next to him before leaning back against your table. "Oh, please. I can understand you wanting to keep our special time a secret, but don't try to deny it." He spat out, placing his hand on the papers to stop you from continuing to work on it. "Do you regret the things we shared, huh? Don't lie to me."
You met his gaze after you sighed. "Look, Mr. Snow. I'm sure you'll understand me when I tell you that you should rather concentrate on your studies, don't you think?"
His jaw tightened further as you continued to skillfully evade his questions. As if you didn't care at all, as if you didn't care about him. He was fully aware that what he was getting into was something short-term, but he still wouldn't allow you to throw him away as easily as trash. "Oh, so it's Mr. Snow now? What happened to Coryo."
You stood up so you could speak to him at eye level. Coriolanus has always been a bit more clingy with you. You expected no less, and yet it didn't make this whole procedure any less difficult. "Look, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I'm married, and you know that." You tried to work through the situation. You grabbed his arms to comfort him with your touch. "There are so many young girls out there who want you. I'm so much older than you, and I'm also your teacher. From the beginning, this was something that wouldn't last."
He shook his head. "I don't care about them. It's you I want, please. Only you." He begged, and this time, he was the one who grabbed your arms to stop you from leaving, from leaving him. Coriolanus could see in your eyes how his desperation couldn't convince you, and he wished it would. Not only because he wanted to, but also so that he wouldn't have to resort to other methods, but you left him no other choice. "It would be a scandal if the whole thing came out, don't you think?"
You just sighed tiredly when he didn't let you go. "Sweetie..."
He softened a little at the pet name, but that didn't stop him. "No, you can't just use me until you're satisfied and then dispose of me. I will tell everyone and you know that as a teacher you will be in a position where people will accuse you of taking advantage of me." He explained as he pushed you between him and the desk while he watched the look of irritation on your face. His one hand came up to gently stroke your cheek, but his true intentions were visible through the strong grip on your arm. "And of course, you can try to tell the truth or try to defend yourself, but you know who they're more likely to believe."
He hadn't only pushed your body in a corner anymore. "So what? We're going to keep doing this until you're satisfied and let me go." You asked, seeing no long-lasting result.
That was your mistake. It hadn't been long since you'd been married, so Coriolanus was aware that you hadn't changed your surname. He liked that about you. He liked the sound of Rosey, and he too wanted to hold you like a little pretty rose in his grasp. "Yes. Except I won't let you go. Ever." he said with a slightly dreamy look.
You dared to disagree. "Mr. Snow - " you began, but changed your tone when you saw him grimace angrily and tighten his grip on your arm. " - Coryo, look. You're a smart boy, and yes, I enjoyed our time together, but it's not right that - "
" - I love you, and if it's wrong, then I don't want to be right. Why can't you understand that already? I know I'm young, but I'm not naive, so don't talk to me like I am." He spat out in annoyance and finally reached the end of his patience. His eyes glanced briefly next to you at the table where the sheets of paper were now messely scattered around. It seemed you were in the process of correcting his. how convenient. his hand grabbed it and held it in front of you. "Let's play a little game. If I pass this quiz, you'll give me something I want."
Your eyes didn't move from his. You knew you had to play along whether you wanted to or not, and you didn't seem to get far with values and morals. You doubted you would do it at all with him. "And what do you want?" You asked him simply.
He leaned closer to you. "A kiss."
You met his eyes and took the paper from his hand without even glancing at it. "You passed." You confirmed and pulled him into a soft kiss.
This is how he liked you. When you touched him tenderly like now and stroked his hair lovingly. Coriolanus only felt like this with you. Do you think he wouldn't have tried to get away from you? He did, first with several girls who just wanted him to give and give and he hated that they just took from him and thought it was enough if they just stood pretty next to him or leaned back and spread their legs. Hated them, and so he tried women who were older than him and then women who had the same color eyes as you, some who smiled like you and then some whose voice was similar to yours. He liked those the most because with them, he could just close his eyes and imagine it was you.
Then he finally got tired of just imagining it, and once he had a taste of what might be, there was no going back to his old ways.
"I love you." He finally said as you ended the kiss and he leaned his forehead against yours while his hands wrapped around yours. "Don't ever think about leaving me again and don't make me out to be crazy for wanting you."
What am I supposed to do with you, little snowflake, now that you don't melt away? "All right, Coryo, I won't." You just replied and saw no point in arguing with him anymore. You knew him well enough to know how possessive and dominant he could get. However, you liked him more when he was dependent on you and sought your approval. "But be good and a little nicer to me, will you?" You said and squeezed his hands. "Because if I wanted some stupid man who was full of himself, I'd go to my husband."
He nodded quickly, giving in easily now that it was clear that he had you. "Of course, anything you want. I'll do anything you want." He spoke and took your hand in his up to place a kiss on it. "All you have to do is ask for it."
Coriolanus would take care of your useless husband. You wouldn't need him when you were going to marry him soon.
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charlotteking23 · 5 months
Would you be willing to do an Eric Coulter arranged marriage AU one shot where Eric and reader are put into an arranged marriage to further unite Erudite and Dauntless, or a soulmate AU one shot where the reader is originally from Erudite and switched to dauntless, she works as a doctor and they meet after Eric ends up in the infirmary for some reason. In either case, the reader is early 20’s and Eric is around 26, and everyone is older when the choosing ceremony takes place instead of being teenagers.
Cara Mia
Eric Coulter x fem reader (Jeanine's daughter)
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"What the fuck, you put me in an arranged marriage", Eric yelled angrily toward Max.
yes, but it's beneficial because the girl you are marrying is Jeanine's daughter and is to further unite Erudite and Dauntless", Max said walking up to Eric and handing him a picture of you.
It was a picture of you in blue clothes with your hair down smiling in the photo. Eric had to admit you were beautiful, but it didn't matter, he wasn't the type to settle down.
"When do I meet her?", Eric said stuffing the photo in his back pocket.
What, No mom I refused to get married to a guy I don't even know", You complained to your mom. You always knew this would happen, your mother using you for her own personal gain but you wished it wasn't today.
"It doesn't matter you will get married whether you like it or not. He's a Dauntless leader one of the youngest and was originally from Erudite himself". Jeanine finishes with no emotion on her stone-cold face.
She made it sound so easy to get married to a complete stranger but you had to do you had no other choice. She gave you a picture of the Dauntless leader, he looked scary with his piercings and tattoos. Blond hair and all-black outfits showing off his arms, no smile but his blue eyes were the most beautiful of his features.
"When do I meet him?-"
I couldn't sleep at all, thinking about my future husband. What if he hates me? What if ignores me? so many scenarios coming to my head. I was too nervous to sleep waiting anxiously to meet my future husband.
I woke early the next morning trying to figure out what to wear.
"Good, you look presentable", my mother said before leaving out the door towards the car. I followed her waiting anxiously till we arrived.
Two Dauntless guards escorted us out of the car to the head of the leader of the Dauntless office.
I saw the guy in the photo looking displeased at everything, I could tell he wasn't so thrilled about the engagement.
"Eric this is my daughter", Jeanine introduced us to each other.
"we will leave you alone to get to know each other better", Max said before walking out with my mother closing the door.
"Look we both know we are not happy about this engagement but we should make the most of it right", I said but in return, I only heard a scoff.
"It doesn't matter but you should be happy to marry a dauntless leader like me, Cara Mia", Eric said in a cocky tone stepping closer to me.
Blushing I replied, "Why don't we try to get to each other, I'm Y/n, I am 20 years old, and my favorite color is (whatever you want)."
"Eric a Dauntless leader, 26, and Black"
"Isn't that just a fitting color for", I said gesturing to his clothes. For the first time, I saw him smile since I came here, which was beautiful.
We continued to talk and laugh, getting to know each other and surprisingly we had a lot in common. It wasn't until Eric had pointed out the time, we had been talking for two hours.
Time skip Eric P.O.V
"where the fuck is she?" Eric mumbled in annoyance entering the cafeteria, his eyes landed on Four, who was seated by the table alone. Somehow you and Four became best friends forcing him to tolerate Four.
Huffing, Eric approached the table Four was seated at. "what do you want Eric? I thought you were tired of me after you kicked me out of the training session earlier."
"That's because you disobeyed my orders by interrupting my session, with that being said have you seen my wife", Eric said barely looking at Four.
It's weird how fast Eric's life changed since he got married. He never imagined getting married but never thought he could enjoy being someone's husband. He usually calls you by your name but for some reason, the word wife feels good to say especially if it's you. There was no doubt in his mind that you were the best thing to ever happen to him, his everything.
"no, I haven't seen Y/n", Four said in a neutral voice.
Eric left after Four's reply stomping out of the canteen, making sure to brush a few weak initiates out of his way.
Eric thought not only were born with a sharp Erudite mind but a witty tongue, but you were also beautiful.
With steady steps, Eric quickly made his way down the corridors, a hard look on his face trying to remember where you were. With a slight grin, he thought back to last night when you two shared a steamy shower under the moonlight.
Eric was truly happy to see your face every morning when waking up. He was lucky to be your husband, to have in-depth conversations with you about whatever, to please you in every way possible, to read to you every night in bed, and then talk about the book.
Then he hurriedly walked towards the library, Eric could not help but smile when seeing your figure which appeared in the doorway of the library, your nose stuck in the book.
Eric stood in the shadows, watching your figure walk right past him. He looks at you for a second before looking down at the book, smiling slightly as he sees you are reading one of his favorite books " The Tale of Two Cities". Dauntless people did not read, especially not good novels but back in Erudite, he was aware this book was popular.
Emerging slowly out of the shadows, Eric firmly gripped your waist from behind, gently kissing your cheek. Before he knew a book came crashing down on his cheek, hard. As you swung around getting ready to punch doing the exact thing Eric had trained you to do.
"Eric Coulter, you dummy", you shouted at him before letting out a giggle as you noticed his faint red color cheek.
Meeting your eyes, Eric let out a laugh while rubbing his cheek. "I have been looking everywhere for you Cara Mia, I didn't think you were here after you completely emptied to library yesterday.
"well I was looking for this book, so I came back", You told him kissing red cheek. When you married Eric it was like a dream, already been a year. Even though it was an arranged marriage it was purely all love.
His lips gently brushed against yours, memorizing the feeling of your lips against his before he let go," You're my wife, my everything. My world, I don't know what I'd do without you. Let me show how much I appreciate you, Cara Mia".
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truefant4sy · 4 months
Sum smutty goodness with Tama Tonga plz
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gif credit: @ohhtani
I GOT YOU BAE enjoy<3
warnings: unprotected sex, choking, daddy kink, spitting and squirting
"again" "one more" round after round he finally pulled out leaving a very tired and limp Honesty laying in the middle of the bed still on her stomach from their last position.
"Tama I'm so serious this time no more" honesty complained into the pillow "didn't you say that like 3 rounds ago?" he asked playfully "I did, and I mean it now" honesty told him trying her best to speak with a sore throat "yeah alright" he spoke sarcastically.
"Yeah, okay forget that could you like roll me over I can't breathe like this" she spoke, her body so limp and sore that she couldn't even build up the willpower to roll over to lay on her back "yeah I gotchu" his strong hands went under her stomach as he rolled her over to her back making her sigh in relief in finally being able to breathe.
He always got like this when he came back from his tight wrestling schedule.
"Better?" he asked her staring at her puffy brown face that now had the ruminates of her makeup that she had on when the first arrived home "what does it look like?" she asked him side eyeing him "who you talking to like that?" he asked her propping up on his elbow and giving her playfully mean stare.
"you." she replied smartly "alright again." he stated wasting no time sliding on top of her "I was kiddinggg I didn't mean it" she whined trying to move him, she didn't know if she would even be able to cum again "nah fuck that you already pissed me off" his hand wrapped around her throat tightly as he practically shoved his tongue in her mouth for her to suck on making her shiver.
As they kissed, she could feel him moving his hand away from her throat and underneath her legs to lift them up and put either leg on both sides of his broad brown shoulders,once he had her legs right where he wanted them.
He reached down to her puffy swollen clit and began rubbing at it making her pull away from the mean kisses and moan "shittt, i s-said no more" she tried her hardest to scold him, but it only fell on deaf ears "I'm tired of you thinking you just talk shit and get away with it mama" he replied deeply as the other hand groped at her hard nipples.
"m'sorry" she apologized but only got ignored as he slid two of his thick fingers inside her tired tight pussy making her squirm "stop all that moving" he slapped her clit as a warning to stop making her jump and moan "m'kay" her legs twitched as his fingers only went quicker and deeper into her bringing her right there to the edge.
then he stopped making her pout, but she knew if she complained it would be worse. the hand that had been playing with her pussy reached down to grab to his dick so he could spread his precum up and down it.
"shittt mama tell me you want this dick" he told her in that voice that always made her fold "I want it so bad daddy I need it now" she moaned bucking her hips down, once she felt his fat tip rubbing at her folds she shivered again "just put it in" she whined rubbing up and down his chest with her pretty long nails that were previously gripping at their black silk sheets.
"Shh Honesty jus wait" he cooed her before pushing the tip in making them both shake, once he fully put it all in her pussy was already squeezing around him his thrust went from slow to fast and powerful "oh my goddd you always fuck me so good daddy" her hands placed on his back as it flexed with every stroke "yeah baby? I know" he groaned at her dirty words and the sight of her titties bouncing with every thrust "you like when I fuck this pussy up huh? you a nasty lil bitch aint you?" and when she didn't answer question his large hand was wrapped around her throat again.
"fuckk yesyesyes I am daddy" she managed to get out before letting out another loud moan "open yo mouth I got something for you" he told her and of course she opened her mouth letting his spit fall into her mouth and on her tongue "sallow that shit" he demanded her his thrust never faltering once she swallowed it the hand around her throat tightened.
"you always talking shit look at yo ass now you know you wanted this dick again mama you know you did" she only nodded in agreement with his words "aw fuckkk i love this dick so much daddy I promise you I do" her eyes closed tightly as her stomach clenched up signaling her soon release "I know mama you take it like a good bitch" he groaned at the feeling of her gripping his dick so hard.
his hand reached down to start rubbing at her clit making her scream "fuckfuckfuck daddy no more no more please" her legs shook as her hands left his back and were clawing at the pillow her head laid on his hand gripped the back of her head pulling at her pretty lace front, she got done yesterday. which made her thank God her stylist uses a strong glue for her.
"Cum on this dick right fuckin now" he slapped her clit in between rubs she could feel her eyes cross as she squirted on him "oh my god daddy I'm fucking cumming shit shit shit" her moans loud which mixed in with the loud gushing of her pussy that sprayed down his dick and lower abdomen.
"Wet this dick up baby I'm boutta bust all up in this shit fuck" he groaned feeling his balls clench up hard "yes daddy cum in my fucking pussy it's all yours" she whined excited to feel the feeling of him feelings her up "fuckkk" she shouted as he busted into her pussy filling her up so much that it started to drip out and mix with the puddle she left underneath them.
once he pulled out, he slumped next to her.
"Again?" he asked her with that stupid smirk on his face.
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ranhaitanisgf · 8 months
could i request headcanons for rindou looking after a fem reader who is recovering from getting sick (ie: more tired than normal, kinda grumpy, still dealing w headaches/congestion or more generic symptoms) ? i am recovering from COVID and i need rindou to look after me so bad LOLL
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sickness begone!!
synopsis: how would rindou act with an s/o recovering from sickness?
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☆ a/n ˎˊ˗ hiii thank you for requesting!! :3 i was wanting to make this a bit longer but i couldn't think of anything else D: i hope it's alright and that everyone enjoys !! xoxo [just as a note, i unintentionally didn't end up using any gendered specifications, so this is gender neutral! i hope you dont mind ╥﹏╥]
☆ characters ˎˊ˗ rindou haitani x g/n!reader
☆ wc ˎˊ˗ 1.4k+
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❥ rindou is the number one complainer. he isn’t complaining about having to take care of you, no, he’s complaining about how stupid you are for getting sick. it’s an extremely annoying thing to hear when you’re already not feeling well, but it’s his own way of showing that he cares about you!
“how did you even get this sick? you need to take better care of yourself.”  “how ‘m i supposed to know…” “you need to be more careful.” “yep.”  “are you listening to me?” “just give me the damn glass of water.”
❥ he’s actually quite unsure of how to take care of someone who is ill, so he ends up calling his brother for help, asking what he’s supposed to do, (‘aniki, they're burning up, what do i do?’ ‘you don’t know what to do when someone’s sick? you don’t know anything at all?’ ‘i’m hanging up.’ ‘no, no, ‘m sorry, i’ll help you.’). 
❥ when he gets the basic rundown from ran and gets all the supplies he needs, he does his best to try and make you feel better! he doesn’t really say anything the whole time, just squinting at the directions on all the little packages, muttering about how ‘these words are too damn small…’. 
❥ he’s surprisingly soft though, his worry for you taking over his usual snarkiness. he’ll gently brush your hair out of your face and will periodically wipe any sweat away from your face with a damp cloth, his eyebrows furrowed with worry. he’ll stay by your bedside for almost the whole time you are there, watching over you and making sure that everything is alright, (he also insists on helping you walking to the bathroom or kitchen even if you can walk completely fine). 
❥ does not care if you bitch and moan about the bitter taste of the medicine. you will be taking it, no matter what. 
❥ he makes sure to check your temperature regularly, letting out an annoys tsk when he notices that your temperature is still high, (might curse out whatever virus that is tormenting your body at the moment).
❥ his snarkiness immediately comes back when you start to get better, though it comes in the form of nagging like an old grandma. 
“hey, why’re you going out?”  “‘m going to get decongestant.”  “stupid, don’t go by yourself. stay here, i’ll go.” 
❥ he just does it because he cares, so don’t get too annoyed with him!
❥ he secretly compares you to a lazy cat when he sees you lounging around your apartment, sprawled out all over the sofa or even just on the floor, (of course, he will never voice this, but he thinks it's rather cute). sometimes if you’ve ended up falling asleep there, he will snap a few pictures because he thinks you’re absolutely adorable!
❥ i think that rindou knows what it’s like to get bad headaches since having bad vision can sometimes cause them, so he understands what you’re going through when you complain of having a pounding pain in your temples. without any sort of explanation, he’ll tell you to lay down with him in bed or on your couch and he’ll gently massage your temples, doing his best to help ease your pain, (if you try to tease him or bring it up later, he will pretend like he has no idea what you’re talking about). 
❥ when you snap at him while you’re recovering, he’ll either completely ignore you or will call you an idiot and then will continue whatever he was doing. either way, he won’t ever get upset with you and he won’t snap back either since he knows that you’re not really in your right mind. 
❥ rindou likes to sleep, (not as much as ran) but he will stay up for however long you can’t sleep for whatever reason there may be, whether it’s congestion, a headache, or any other pains in your body. he’ll carefully smooth his hand over your forehead to get rid of any sweat and will hold you close to him for comfort, gently rubbing his hand in circles on your back until you fall asleep, (if you say a word about it, he will once again pretend like it didn’t happen. he is the biggest tsundere). 
❥ he does not know how to cook, but he will try his damndest to make you some good meals so that you don’t have to cook. every time you try to help him he will roll his eyes and tell you to go back to bed, ‘don’t worry, i’ve got this’, (he does not got this). he’s on the phone with ran the whole time, which is odd because he doesn’t know how to cook either. 
“oh…wow! it looks great!” “why did you pause?”  “uh, no reason…!” 
❥ it’s the thought that counts…?
❥ you guys end up ordering takeout, and you have to comfort rindou for the whole night that you were very appreciative that he tried to cook for you, (he’s not outwardly upset, but it’s easy to tell that he’s sulking). 
❥ you know those people who tell you to drink water whenever you complain about something? that’s rindou while you’re recovering. your head hurts? did you drink water? your stomach is achey? did you drink water? you’re really dizzy? did you drink water? it’s not even like he knows that water will fix any of those things, he just read an article on how sick people should have a lot of fluids, so he’s constantly shoving water and electrolyte drinks in your face. 
❥ binge watching is the number one activity to do while you’re sick, so rindou will watch any show you want to watch with you. he doesn’t exactly say why, but it’s because he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s leaving you alone, especially while you’re sick, (it doesn’t really make sense to anybody but him). 
“wait, hold on. so mary was dating mark but then she cheated on him with kendall?”  “right?! it’s so crazy!!” 
❥ he somehow gets into the crazy reality tv shows you watched because of your boredom. 
❥ going back to this note, he’s not just by your side 24/7 while you’re sick, but also while you’re recovering. it’s completely irrational, but he has this fear that you’re suddenly going to collapse and get even sicker than you were before if he’s not there, so he will not let you leave his sight, (unless he’s going to the store to get something for you). 
❥ if you want something, while you’re recovering is the time to ask for it! rindou is especially weak to your requests, and even more so when you’re feeling unwell, so if you ask him to buy you five pints of ice cream, he’ll end up buying ten, (he enjoys seeing the grin on your face, so he thinks it’s worth it). 
❥ he does not care if you’re sick or still recovering, he will keep kissing you, and no, he doesn’t care if he gets sick. why should he let some stupid virus dictate whether or not he can kiss you? he might not seem like it, but he lives off of the affection that he gets from you, so he can’t even imagine not being able to kiss you. 
❥ no matter the length of your hair, he will braid it. it’s a strange thing, and he doesn’t have an answer for you when you ask him what he’s doing. all he says is, ‘...keeps it out of your face…’, (he only knows how to braid because of ran). 
❥ will walk by and toss a blanket on you if you don’t have one on already. it’s almost like he’s attacking you with blankets, but he just says that ‘you need to stay warm’. 
❥ when you finally get better, he’s so relieved! he will only admit it to you, (and he will only say it once) but he was actually really worried about you. he’s not ever worried about your safety when you’re with him and his brother because he knows that they can fight off anybody who tries to hurt you, but sickness isn’t something that he can fight, so he wasn’t exactly sure what to do with himself. all he could do was hope and pray that you would get better, and he absolutely hated it. 
❥ he takes you out to your favorite restaurant and spoils you rotten when you’re back to your normal self <3
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manlywitch · 1 year
Hi! Could I make a request? Monoma x Male reader smut.
Where Monoma is jealous seeing that her boyfriend spends more time with class 1-A? The rest I would like to leave to your imagination!
I am so sorry if my request is not understandable, English is not my main language. If you don't find this request comfortable, you can ignore it if you like! Thank you!
Sure thing dude ^^
Also, we don't judge English here. It's not my main language either /srs(  ̄▽ ̄).
I've been noticing a pattern where I only have written for blonde guys rn.. (excluding Alastor)
<🏵Type- Smut {🔞}
<🏵 NSFW -16 dni
<🏵reader- Male!reader.
<🏵character(s)- Monoma Neito.
<🏵warnings/TW- degration, NSFW content, suggested humiliation?
<🏵proofread?- ❌️ (I was too tired..)
Fem aligned dni
◇ °▪︎¸,ø¤º°ᴹᵃⁿˡʸʷiᵗᶜʰ °º¤ø,¸▪︎° ◇
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ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃 ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ `✦
Monoma clenched his fists in anger as he stared at his boyfriend, who was happily talking to some morons from class 1-A.
He was grumbling and cursing under his breath as he complained about it to Kendo, who just ate her lunch trying to ignore the blondes childish antics.
"I will not tolerate him talking to those freaks..." he said to the red-head who wanted to leave this idiot alone but couldn't since she cared too much about him.
『⋇⊶⊰time skip⊱⊷⋇』
And here you laid you're ass being rammed up by Neito's dick as you couldn't make any noises since he gagged you with a piece of cloth.
You're body was littered with freshly made hickeys and other marks that made everyone know you were 'claimed' by someone.
You were laying on the carpet a pillow under you're bottom so Neito had better access to you're ass. Also...You were laying infront of a mirror.
Neito smirked as he sped up, muffled moans coming out of you're mouth as his dick hit you're prostate.
He was squeezing and rubbing you're balls as he also had put a cock ring around you're dick not letting you have you're release.
He groaned as you tightened around his cock making him almost cum.
He groaned and put both his hands on you're hips as he came inside you.
Muffled whines and moans escaped you're mouth as he started stroking you're cock with one hand, the other hand on you're hip.
He pushed his cock in deeper his balls slapping against you're ass as he sped up even more making you feel overstimulated.
He loosened his grip on you're hips when he was done cumming.
He came down from his high.
He pulled out and looked as his white seed dripped out of you're ass.
He smirked and sat you down on his lap looking at you.
He grabbed his phone and started making pictures of you're lewd expression.
He smirked and let go of you making you fall weakily onto his chest.
He removed the cock ring and smirked as you came instantly you're white seed squirting onto his stomach and you're thighs in long ropes.
He stroked you're thighs as he whispered.
"Such a little slut.." he said as he stroked some of the hickeys on you're thighs muffled whimpers coming out of you're mouth.
He put you down onto his bed and looked at the pictures he took.
"Look at how much of a whore you look here.." he said as he scrolled through the pictures.
He noticed you fell asleep and decided you didn't deserve cuddles since you were such a whore, oh, and the fact you talked to Class-1a still bothered him.
He slept on the couch in his room that night.
『⋇⊶⊰time skip⊱⊷⋇』
The next morning he woke up noticing you were gone, probably back to you're dorm room.
He put on some clothes and walked out the door.
He went to the common room with the elevator.
He then saw Vlad king and principal Nezu standing there...With the entire class around them.
He walked to the group wanting to know what was going on.
Nezu started talking about how they think there might be a spy at UA and said that he and Vlad king were gonna check everyone's phone for evidence.
"And we'll start with photos and videos" Nezu said.
"First of, Monoma.." Vlad king said as he signed Monoma over to give him his phone.
Let's just say....
You and Monoma had a nice time explaining stuff to the both of them.
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I always love new requests, so absolutely send them in when you get an idea!!🌻
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photogirl894 · 6 months
Ok my dear Morgan!!!! Congrats on the followers!!!!!
Bestie I'm throwing a few at you just because I can.
Hehehehehe some of these might look familiar ;D *insert Yoda laugh*
Do Fluff 1. "Do not go far from me."/"I won't." but with a twist? Maybe it's said another time in the story with "And if I do?" instead of "I won't" at a certain point. And Angst 4. and 12 “Do you know what it would do to me if I lost you?” “I need to keep you safe.”/”Then who will keep you safe?”
Angst 24 “Keep your eyes on me. Only me.” and physical affection 1. forhead touches and 19. lifting someone into the air and spinning them.
Do I even need to say his name? The beautiful one with the pretty eyes? ;D
Can't wait to see what you come up with. Will be spectacular as always!
Oh bestie, I love all of this so much!! 😍🥰
I'm gonna do two separate posts for both requests since I really like them both and want to do both 😉 though I'm actually gonna start with #2 cuz I thought of an idea for that one immediately! 😆
And ohhhh yes, I know which beautiful Clone with the pretty eyes you are referring to 😍😍
"Two Left Feet"
24. "Keep your eyes on me. Only me."
1. Forehead touches
19. Lifting someone into the air and spinning them
Pairing: Hunter x fem reader
Going undercover at a Republic ball was not something you were looking forward to...especially because you were being expected to dance.
There was just one problem with that...
You couldn't dance!
When you tried to dance, you were like a Gungan with two left feet. You had good rhythm, at least, but not the moves. It was embarrassing.
What was even more embarrassing was you were being paired with Sergeant Hunter of Clone Force 99, someone you'd had your eyes on for a while and you'd flirted with from time to time. You had to try and dance in front of him and you were mortified.
You were an analyst for the Republic and you were needed on this mission to analyze certain data the Bad Batch were trying to retrieve. This wasn't your first time working with them either. There had been reports of a spy in the Republic Senate who was going to be making secret deals with the Separatists during the ball and you and the Clones were being sent in undercover to intercept the rogue Senator. Which meant being dressed up all nice, which you didn't mind as much. That and it meant seeing Hunter in nice, formal wear, as well...which you definitely didn't mind either.
At the ball, you and Hunter lounging around on the side of the ballroom while Crosshair kept watch on the opposite end. The rest of the squad were in other parts of the building.
"Why am I one of the ones that has to be here?" Crosshair complained over comms.
"Because Wrecker sticks out too much and Tech and Echo are needed to keep watch on the cameras," Hunter answered.
The both of you heard Crosshair groan in response.
"Hey, I don't want to be here either, Crosshair, so suck it up," you scolded him on your comm.
As you put it back in a sleeve of your dress, Hunter asked you, "What? You mean you don't want to be here with me?" He grinned teasingly at you.
You could feel your cheeks flashing hot at his remark and even more so at the way he was smirking at you. It made you want to hide your face. Just as you were going to answer, the music started playing louder and people were moving onto the dance floor. The moment you dreaded the most.
"Well, guess we'd better go, too," said Hunter, offering his arm to you.
With a nervous gulp, you looped your arm through his and he led you to the dance floor with everyone else. You tried to hide your growing nerves, but to your dismay, you had forgotten Hunter had enhanced senses and could tell something was up.
"What's wrong?" he asked you.
"I...I can't dance," you anxiously admitted and then you started just rambling without thinking. "I'm going to embarrass you and draw attention to us, which could compromise the mission, and then we're gonna be--"
Hunter came up and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you against him and he took hold of your other hand as the dancing began. "You worry too much," he said in a soft voice, "and you won't embarrass me. Just look at me and everything will be fine."
As the music started and the two of you began to move, he stepped to the left and you immediately tripped over your own feet, apologizing right after. The two of you kept going with the dance and you stepped either on his foot or were stumbling over your dress; nothing was working. You clenched your teeth in frustration and shame, feeling everyone's eyes on you.
Then Hunter stopped and said your name. When you looked up at him, he told you, using a firm tone yet still with a gentle voice, "Keep your eyes on me. Only me. Don't think; just trust me and let me lead you."
Something about gazing into Hunter's eyes just made you forget about all of the judgmental stares surrounding you or even your own humiliation at your inability to dance. There was calm, safety and warmth in his eyes that seemed to ease your fears and anxiety.
As you both moved, he quickly explained the steps of the dance and kept you close so you could move with him easier. You let him just pull you with him, your bodies pressed closely against each other, and your gaze never left his. The eye contact you maintained was intense and electrifying, which made your heart race increasingly. Just as you came to that realization, Hunter grinned at you again, which most likely meant he could sense your rapid heartbeat, too. You became lost in his gaze that you almost forgot you were even dancing in the first place.
"I love your eyes," you stated, realizing too late that you'd said that out loud.
Hunter let out a pleased chuckle. "Your eyes are much lovelier to look at than mine," he replied.
Before you could react, he suddenly pulled a move that you didn't expect: he gripped you underneath your arms and lifted you effortlessly into the air, spinning you in a circle. You let out a small laugh of delight and smiled down at him, which made him smile up at you in return. As he slowly lowered you down, your body sliding down against his own, the music slowed down and came to an end, the crowd of onlookers watching all the dancers applauding as the music stopped. The applause was just distant noise as you couldn't pull yourself away from Hunter's gaze, the two of you staying in each other's arms. The rest of the room seemed to fade away, leaving the two of you alone. His lips parted and his breathing grew heavy along with your own as an unknown force seemed to draw you two in and you touched your foreheads together.
You wanted everything else to just cease around you and to live in this moment alone with Hunter.
Unfortunately, Crosshair's voice speaking in both your ear comms broke you out of the moment as he said, "The Senator's on the move. We need to go."
Both you and Hunter snapped out of the moment and back into reality, stepping apart and you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly, feeling the heat returning to your cheeks.
"You'd better get going," you told him.
"There's one thing I need to do first," he responded. Then he pulled you back to him and you found your lips meeting his in a deep and powerful kiss that nearly made you go weak at the knees. Then when he pulled away, he had a confident smirk on his face. "Now, I'm ready to catch a Senator," he declared before running away.
Your fingers came up to your lips and you smiled. Seems like this mission hadn't turned out to be a bad thing after all...and you couldn't wait for this ball to be done.
Photogirl894's Angst prompts
Photogirl894's Physical Affection prompts
Photogirl894's 1,300 Followers fics
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AITA for ignoring my mom's bf?
Okay so this happened a while ago and my mom has since broken up with the guy so it's super low stakes but it was brought up recently and I was rethinking how I behaved in the situation.
To clarify, my father had been dead for over five years at the time of this story. Ages are at the time of this all happening, I'm now in my 20s.
My mom (46F) met her bf (probably around 46M) when I (16F) was just about 14. I met him, found him to be kind of quiet, and did not have an opinion of him besides being happy to see my mom happy. Two years later, it was decided that he would stay with us in the US long-term. Again, I had only met him once briefly. My sister (18F) was the same, but I think had a slightly worse first impression. She's always been a better judge of character than me.
It immediately didn't go great, my mom was on some trip when he arrived, and so my sister and I were hosting him for about a week before mom came home. We tried to introduce ourselves, give him a tour of the house, etc, but he didn't really interact with us at all. My friend, who is much more charismatic and outgoing than I am, couldn't even get an introduction out of him. All one word responses. Okay, so he doesn't want to be bothered. We lived in a big house, we didn't need to cross paths all that much. It was fine.
Then, my mom came home. And suddenly my sister was the devil's spawn -- it was ridiculous how late she was out, that she was drinking, that she was wearing shorts. My mom and sister didn't have the best relationship, but it had never gotten to the point where they could barely be in a room together before this. (In my mom's home country drinking from a young age is very normal, and my sister was never stupid about her drinking or let her partying affect her school work, if that seems relevant.)
It was obvious that the bf was the one complaining to my mom, who was then going to my sister about it -- he had even yelled at my sister for "dressing inappropriately" directly (it was summer and about 90 degrees, and in the comfort of our own home. She was wearing shorts and a tee shirt that wouldn't even get her dress coded at school. He thought she was "too seductive"). Whenever they fought, he would sleep with my mom. Loudly. My sister's room was right below them, so it was not fun for her.
I was on my sister's side in all this, and my opinion was known but really didn't help much. Most of the arguments seemed to be over normal "rebellious teenage behavior".
(To defend my mom though, she never actually saw her bf treating either of us badly -- besides once and she physically pushed him away from me and seemed ready to hurt him if he didn't leave -- and my sister did have a habit of making shit up to start drama. When she did break up with him later down the line it was for trying to keep her from comforting my sister through a rough patch. It was apparently all very loud and dramatic and she abandoned him in a foreign country in the middle of the night. I already had my own place by then, so I unfortunately missed it.)
Come the end of summer, my sister went off to college and the house was quiet. My mom and I have always gotten along quite well, and in highschool I was always very diligent in informing my mom where I was and when I'd be home, etc. This isn't to say I was a perfect child and my sister was the demon in the house, just that it would be fairly in character for my sister to go out of her way to piss off my moms bf and straight up out of character for me.
So I didn't. I didn't interact or acknowledge him at all. I didn't make eye contact, I "looked through" him if I happened to look in his direction. It was obvious that he didn't like anything my sister did and so I would do nothing. At all.
He started complaining to my mom that I was treating him like a ghost. I reminded my mom that I was not like my sister, and I wouldn't hold a grudge or anything like that. I was just treating him as he treated me. (He also tried the "sleeping loudly" trick on me, as I moved into my sister's room after she moved out. After I also complained, my mom realized that my sister had not been lying about being able to hear it and stopped letting him get away with that. They were still sleeping together, just not Loudly Right Above Me.)
It obviously stressed him out. I don't know the psychology behind it or anything, but I think living in a house with someone who seemingly can't see or hear you must be really awful, because he started to yell at me about anything. (Since I literally wasn't doing anything, he did not manage to get my mom to turn against me like he did to my sister.) I was childish for making food in the kitchen, apparently*. If I needed to use the bathroom at night I was waking him up on purpose (he didn't have a job or any reason to wake up early, like I did with school and my hour walk bc he didn't think my mom should have to wake up to drive me). My panic attacks, obviously, were a direct insult to him specifically.
*I know this seems like I'm not including context, but I literally just made myself a quesadilla, cleaned up, sat down to eat, and he came in to yell at me for being childish. My best guess is I woke him up with the noise? But it was lunch time, so.
I just would continue to ignore him, even while he yelled. Admittedly, if he went on long enough, I would eventually just stare at him, which is what I usually do if someone is angry at me and I don't know what to say.
He eventually left our house because he "felt unwelcome". Good riddance. He did continue to date my mom, but he never visited again while I was there.
I still think that he was "the asshole", and that my mom wasn't great either for staying with him so long despite my sister and I complaining. However, my ignoring him stressed him out in a way that I've never seen someone stressed before or since. I think I was probably escalating it, at least. Tbf though, he never once tried to actually sit down and have a conversation with me. I wouldn't have ignored him if he had.
What are these acronyms?
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riddler-green · 1 year
Tea for three. Prologue
Summary: You have been a patient/prisoner of Arkham for several months since you were charged with a crime you did not commit. But what happens when you meet Batman's latest enemy? the man of the hour? In which you help Batman on his cases, you're Edward's new favorite person, and Jonathan is part of your past that you want so badly to return to.
Edward Nashton x reader, Bruce Wayne x reader, Jonathan Crane x reader.
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A/n: Holaaa everyone! here I am posting another story that I thought of in a sleepless night, I think it's one of my most ambitious fics that I've been planning but that makes it cooler! I should clarify that this fanfic is mixed with the 2022 movie with the Nolan saga (but in such a minuscule way that it's barely imperceivable). I'm back from my vacation so I'll update my other work soon! ♡
I also want to clarify that English is not my first language, so an apologize for the spelling mistakes. ✧˖°. (My English is rusty :´p).
(Also this fanfic is published on AO3) ✿
Warning: Fluff and angst, Obsessive Behavior, Canon Compliant (the flood occurred, sorry) Movie spoiler (Batman 2022) if there is another warning I did not put, please let me know.
Words: 5,400
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You stroll as two guards lead you to a room, you don't know where they are taking you but it's not like you could complain either. The guards behind you ignored you all the way chatting with each other as if they were not watching an Arkham patient, they let you into the individual visiting room. Still, you nicknamed it the interrogation room because you only come here when that person requests your presence.
You sit down without a problem in the stiff metal chair, the approving noise of the iron partition sounds throughout the place, and you hear one of the guards closing the door leaving you alone with him.
At first, it was tedious, even traumatic in a way to come to this room to talk to the person who captured you and brought you to Arkham without hesitation. You couldn't refuse to see him, not when the caped man is a colleague of an important commissioner. No matter how many times you told him, how many times you yelled at him that you were innocent, he either didn't believe you or just wouldn't listen. You got tired of telling everyone around you that it wasn't your fault, none of them listened to you.
The metal partition rises completely, and little by little you see the almost imperceptible figure of the knight of the night. He kept silent without sitting down, standing in front of you analyzing you as everyone does nowadays, but you no longer care what he thinks of you, you are practically a hopeless case for him.
"Hello?" your greeting sounded confusing, you were not expecting a visit from him, but you have an idea why he comes to you, on certain occasions he shows you cases of different indoles, also that he has found some clue of the…
"I'm looking for the Riddler" He doesn't greet you and moves closer to the glass that separates them, you can take a better look at him, he's still the same since the last time you saw him, his attire nor his face have changed at all, but you notice something different in his voice, is it tiredness you hear?
"The Riddler?" you look at him unclear as to what he means "Who is that?".
"A serial killer" he informs you, you often hear those terrible words from him, how often does Batman chase killers like that, it's like there's one every week, it's cruel but it's the truth, Gotham is the cradle of evil, hell on earth, some would say.
"And what have I got to do with him?" you ask hesitantly.
Batman leaves a gray folder in the crack that connects the two rooms as if it were a mailbox "I need to know your perspective".
For a moment you thought about rejecting whatever is in that folder, but your curiosity won you over, you slowly grabbed the folder somewhat heavy because of the many sheets stored, on the cover of the folder you can see a CLASSIFIED in capital letters, that fuels your interest even more and you open the folder.
It's a lot to take in at once, you open your eyes from the initial shock, you haven't seen so much blood since your clinical internship days, you close the folder for a few seconds to recover, and you look Batman in the eye with a frown, he didn't even warn you how grotesque the case could be. 
Batman looks back at you completely seriously, he looks immutable and silent. You open the folder again and are greeted by the same disturbing images "Wow, it's something " you comment uneasily.
You see the evidence, black and white photos of the murders stapled to the autopsy reports, it is amazing how this man can have such information. the more time you spend reading the events and the evidence the more disturbed you become. 
Mayor Don Mitchell Jr, mayor of Gotham for several years, you saw him once at a social event done by Gotham University, he was happy and smiling maybe because of the excess alcohol in his veins. but now you look at the crime scene, his face completely wrapped in duct tape.
"No more lies..." you whisper reading the message on the corpse of the mayor, then that was with an already established motive, to give a statement.
On the other hand, Commissioner Savage's body is barely recognizable, the cage on his head says it all.
This is no ordinary killer.
What have you gotten yourself into, batman?
"why are you showing me this?" you manage to ask him even with the murders fresh in your mind, you don't think you will sleep tonight.
The already-seated masked man repeats to you "I need to know your perspective".
"As a patient or as a psychologist?" technically you can no longer practice your career since they took away your degree, but he doesn't correct you, you peruse everything that was offered, the riddles, the pictures of all the letters he has left for Batman, descriptions of the crime scene, write-ups of the witnesses who found the bodies.
"Both" he declares.
The handcuffs on your wrists do not give you much freedom to move your arms but do not prevent you from handling the documents in the folder, if Batman thought this might interest you he was right, for better or worse you did not stop seeing file after file.
"How extravagant," you say your first impressions "Brusque with his victims, he really is angry" You turn the page to see the pictures of his riddles "But he is also ingenious, this is not prepared from one day to another, he has been planning this for a long time, I would say years".
"Angry at who?" the man in front of you asks but you don't answer him instantly, you take your time carefully reading all the research, it's a lot for only one killer and few victims, but it's nothing that can be used to find him.
"With the world" you turn the page to see Commissioner Savage's crime scene photo "The pattern is evident, the mayor...the commissioner...does not kill ordinary civilians." 
"Do you think it's political?".
You barely smile at the mere idea that this is just politics "No, this is too intimate for him, riddles are an essential part of his life that he knows how to use to his advantage...and I only come to one conclusion..." you shut up and rearrange the documents to close the folder. 
"What is it?" batman questions you with intrigue in his voice.
You see him again, he must be desperate somehow to find this Riddler who asks for the opinions of third parties, of "crazy" people like you, something he dislikes, he prefers to work alone, that's his emblem. Deep down it angers you to no end, he hasn't caught your living nightmare and he's already looking for another asshole.
"That" you passed him the folder through the crack in the partition between rooms, and he retrieves it in his hands "Is revenge, Batman, and a very wicked one."
"Give me a diagnosis" he speaks faster, and the anger starts to seep into his face and it satisfies you to sometimes see him like this, frustrated Batman...yeah that's a first.
you smile and relax in your stiff metal seat "You should ask Dr. Crane for that, he's more prepared than I am, don't you think?".
"He refused" You'd know he'd turn it down, he's not like Batman or you, he doesn't even like to play Clue.
"yeah, he doesn't have the hobby of playing detective" you shrug your shoulders "I can't give you a diagnosis because it's little, he has left only what he wants us to know, maybe he includes you in this because he admires you or because he wants to kill you, who knows" you blurt out everything you think without any shame, in your mind you are already putting together a criminal profile with only what he gave you, but you won't tell him that, he doesn't deserve your help.
The masked man's posture tenses and he begins to clench his fists, your smile grows. 
"all that, all those little clues he leaves you make me think this is all a big riddle on his part" You pointed to the folder held by one of his gloved hands.
"I don't think he's going to stop until he sees everyone on his list dead."
What you told him seemed to affect him, because he suddenly gets up and goes to the door without looking at you, and he found no news "I can't waste time" he whispers with disdain, he leaves the room and you stand watching the door where he left.
So it's a riddle against the clock, huh? you think.
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The sky in Gotham looks like a landscape worthy to take a picture of, from here you can see the buildings of different heights, the traffic between highways, and the bridges, even if you force your sight you can see people walking.
"Do you like the view?".
You continue to look through the window reinforced with bars and tempered glass, the bars cover part of the landscape but you can still admire the beautiful gray sky full of clouds ready to rain.
"yes..." you say putting your hands between the bars without stopping to think how happy you would be just to be out of this abyss. you didn't appreciate the beauty of the freedom you had before you were here.
"What do you like most about the view?".
You take a few seconds to respond, the handcuffs on your wrists started to itch on your skin, that itch so normalized on your skin that you don't do much to get rid of that itch, you didn't look away from the window, this simple reinforced window brought you comfort for all these months.
"You hear the voice of your therapist repeat your answer and nod, will your cafeteria still be open? The Gotham Library will have finally added new books? the university will have already changed that horrible lamp in one of your favorite classrooms? 
Batman already caught the Riddler?
"What a good answer actually, but I need you to sit down for a further conversation, soon the session will be over" The doctor's professional tone makes you tense up, you feel like you are not talking to a human but to a fucking robot, that's how you have thought them since you were imposed to this therapist.
You listen to what you say and sit in the other chair where you are supposed to be for the whole session, however, Mr. M has let you have the sessions while you watch from the only window, you are grateful for that, even if you didn't like him at all.
"I have been informed about your good behavior this week, if you continue like this you can be given more access through the hospital" Mr.M speaks calmly looking through several documents held by a wooden board.
Fuck you, you thought but didn't tell him, you don't have the luxury of being rude to him. you'll never get the same freedom you got when you were still an average citizen of Gotham and it saddens you, it makes your blood boil to remember every moment of your existence that you're here unjustly.
"Thank you" You speak as little as possible because you know you would break down in tears just remembering that you are another day of your life wasted locked up among so many criminals.
"But" Mr.M stops looking at his documents to turn to look at you "I was also told that you refuse to take your medication, why is that?".
"Why don't I need them" you speak cuttingly again, the itch in your wrists grows and you scratch with your fingernails without realizing it.
"you have to take his medicine...it will make your recovery process more enjoyable" he grabs his tablet with documents and writes again, Mr.M does not scold you but you perceive it like this, you want to go back to your cell, you feel so ashamed that your skin gets hot, how did you come to this? How did you fall so low that you are the one they have to medicate? 
"Fine" you lie to him, you dislike the taste of the medicine they force you to take, you know perfectly well what they prescribe you, you studied for it after all.
But everyone seems to forget that.
Only Batman can recognize your abilities, but he does not help you at all in your case.
And well, you paranoidly believe that Jonathan is only talking to you out of unconscious guilt.
"Okey" Mr. M gives a soft smile "Just one last question before our time is up" he checks the time on his wrist watch "Have you made a new friend? Have you managed to get along with anyone?".
You avoid the gaze of your therapist "No" you denied, another issue you don't want to address, your notorious loneliness in this hospital. If it weren't for your unique best friend who works here, you would be all alone.
You don't answer him, you also question the same thing, you haven't had an interest to socialize with the other patients since you arrived, and there are still things that are not clear to you.
Mr. M sighs dropping his papers in a file cabinet near him "Well, I'll leave it as homework for you to start seeing new people, making a friend sounds excellent."
"I'll try" You don't lie to him.
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It's been a day since Batman visited you and you had your weekly session with Mr.M, you haven't been able to sleep due to the tremendous curiosity of the new assassin the bat is looking for.
Just when you thought nothing could surprise you in this city since your accident, along comes a man with a question mark and puts the whole city in check, that's the city to him, a colossal chessboard, the DPGC, the Gotham elite, the citizens, they are all pieces in the game, and Batman and he are the only players.
Batman said he didn't have time, Does that mean that he has to catch him these days? how curious, with the Joker, it took months to find him, you were only intercepted in a couple of hours, and the Scarecrow...
no, you don't want to think about him.
You get distracted thinking about the Riddler again, you do your daily service arranging books in the small library of Arkham, your safe place where few or no people stop around these parts, here it is not necessary to use your wrist and neck cuffs, but your uniform is still on, and the plastic bracelet with your information identify you as a patient.
You yawn as you place a couple of worn-out books on the shelf, you felt like a bookstore worker, sometimes you usually fantasize that you are one to take away your boredom, but others usually burst your dreamy bubble.
Today, one of the guards decided to turn on the old-fashioned TV set in one of the upper corners of the library, you stand near a bookcase to see what channel they put on this time, usually they only put on the sports channel to watch the game of the moment.
But on this occasion, the guard put on the news channel, and you immediately put down the books you have to accommodate to concentrate on what is shown on TV.
The guard is still standing and so are you, both watching a live breaking news broadcast. The news anchor reports a new Riddler attack.
He bombed a prosecutor at the mayor's funeral.
The guard's face looked more and more frightened, you watched the news with morbid curiosity. Batman's new opponent seems more sadistic than you thought, that detailed report confirmed it.
But seeing their repeated acts on TV was shocking, you even heard the guard who put on the news say in a low voice " We are doomed. "
You silently agree with him, for the first time you are relieved to be locked away from all the chaos going on right now.
You saw how the explosion managed to reach Batman, surprising you as the guard, the man takes off his distinctive security guard hat when he sees the video, on the other hand, you are still stunned, not believing it, somehow you forgot that this man dressed in black and wearing a cape is still a human of flesh and blood, he simply can't die like that, not when he has things to save, people to capture.
He hasn't found your living nightmare yet.
Before you pull your hair out in frustration the news anchor states that Batman is still alive, the guard satisfied by the information puts his cap back on and returns to his guard position which is the entrance to the library.
You are still looking at the report, and suddenly the image of the man who calls himself the Riddler appears. You hadn't seen him in such detail until this moment, the photos in the Batman report were extremely blurry images, but this time he is in HD, he is completely wrapped in green clothes, and the only thing you can see of him, is his eyes. 
His voice is altered but you can notice that venomous tone of his he asked prosecutor Gil Colson some riddles, but in the end, he couldn't answer what Riddler wanted.
You sigh while grab another couple of books and start arranging them one by one. If Batman is still alive it means this isn't over.
"I knew I would find you here".
"It's not like I can go many places" You smile slightly turning to look at the man who spoke to you. 
Jonathan Crane, the living legend of the hospital, with tailored suits, no wrinkles in his coat, and a well-made tie that matches the sweater he wears under his coat. There isn't a single time you haven't seen Jonathan without his perfect appearance but maybe it's just you idealizing as usual. 
Jonathan gives you a polite smile "Right" Just by hearing that you know he won't stay to chat for long, he tends to contradict you most of the time just to annoy you and agree with you when he's busy.
"Are you coming to get a book?" you ask him the first thing that comes to mind.
"No, I wanted to talk to you before I left," he says adjusting his glasses "I'm going away for a couple of weeks to blüdhaven University to give lectures, it will be a simple thing" Your smile doesn't falter, you are touched that he lets you know when he won't be able to see you, and how he manages to keep the conversation so casual. 
As if they were still colleagues.
"Is that so? What will you talk about?".
"Childhood traumas" he reveals looking at you without any shyness, he has a barely perceptible smile but you notice it. 
"why am I not surprised?" you resume your work in arranging books "Although you know how to pick interesting topics, I wish I could attend" You recognize that Jonathan has been too devoted to his work and student life, he is that kind of strict professor who gives his students nightmares from the assignments and exams he gives. His lectures are fascinating, to say the least, you attended many.
"I'll tell you about it when I get back, in the meantime" From inside his suit he pulls out a  flyer in half "It's something extremely summarized but it'll do" You take the piece of paper and stuff it in one of your pockets. It's not the first time Jonathan smuggles things to you, god, you can even be sure he gives you something every time you see each other. 
"Thank you" you thanked looking at his face, he also remains silent looking at you, the eye contact between you is not something out of another world either, on your part, it's a habit that started when you were still studying, you can't help but want to observe everyone around you, analyze them somehow, see their behavior.
Jonathan does the same, but more rigorous and practical, he is direct and not afraid to say it, you see his hair combed to his liking, his glasses clean without any smudge, his eyes examining you. 
You leave your admiring mode when you diverted your gaze a little to the old TV that is still on, the news keeps showing the latest events of the hours, repeating the most recent crime of Riddler.
Your smile dims as you recall the video of the explosion, the prosecutor begging for mercy and the bomb stuck in his chest.
"Did you see what happened at the mayor's funeral?" you whisper to him in a low voice trying not to let anyone hear them, you look with your eyes for the guard on duty but you can't find him, Jonathan must have asked him for some privacy time, at times you forget the influence that the man in front of you has generated with years and effort.
He turns his head for a few seconds watching the news on TV and turns to look at you again with a sensible and neutral face. 
"yes, I saw it, I was there when it happened".
"What?" you utter with surprise "You were there?" there was no sign of a lie on his face to make you think he wasn't telling you the truth.
"Some teachers from the university we went to give condolences when the show happened" Jonathan clarifies simply, you approach him to talk closer, he doesn't seem upset "So it's true? Riddler attacked that prosecutor?".
"He killed him."
You shut up for a moment because of his statement, it's true, Riddler killed him, and almost Batman too.
"And Batman? Did you see him in action?" at this point you sound like first-rate gossip, but still Jonathan answers your questions, but is no longer as pleased doing so, the moment you mention Batman. 
"He arrived when most of the people had already been evacuated."
"Wow" you blurt out surprised, if you didn't know him better you would have been uneasy with his calmness when talking about the experience, he says it without any fear because that's exactly what's so special about Jonathan in your eyes, he's not afraid of anything.   
"Batman looked you up, didn't he?" Jonathan changes the subject quickly and you nod your head, you move away from his side to reach for a cart full of books to be arranged "He wanted my opinion on the riddler, can you believe it?" you laugh "I told him to look you up better, but you turned him down."
"That's right" he assures leaning on one of the bookcases for comfort, he looks at you picking up a book and you place it among several other books on another bookcase "I don't lend myself to that sort of thing".
"I know, killjoy Crane" you scoff boldly.
"Whatever you say" he sighs "I have to go, there will be a meeting at the university" Before you could say goodbye properly, he approaches you to give you an extremely momentary hug, it was so fast that you couldn't return the hug because he had already separated from you. You swore you could smell some of his cologne.
"uh yeah, see ya" You are barely able to utter the words without getting over the small contact they made, he has said goodbye to you like this, but you are still not used to it.
Jonathan smiles at you picking up his briefcase that you didn't see in the first place, walks to one of the tables where the TV control is, picks it up, and turns off the TV "I don't like you watching that" he tells you already heading for the exit where the guard re-enters the library.
You wrinkle your forehead due to irritation. Sometimes you don't understand Jonathan.
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You genuinely thought your head was going to explode from the pain. 
Being in Arkham meant being cut off from the outside, you had no idea of the chaos that erupted overnight, the perverse game of Batman and Riddler was so forceful, that Arkham unexpectedly came into the spotlight when the green-masked man was captured. An alert in your head went off when you heard from a very nervous guard. You thought it was almost impossible for Batman to catch Riddler, and that he's here being processed to this hospital gives a lot to suspect.
The report Batman showed you are not wrong, the madman of riddles is too elusive to be caught in such a short time.
Why? You ask yourself, why did he let himself be defeated?
The hospital was in chaos with the arrival of the new patient in the middle of the night, nurses running around, and security guards moving patients to different cells temporarily, you were taken out of your small cell to another one just as small and almost the same.
Even with suspicion in your being, you don't understand what all the fuss was about, not even when they paraded the Joker through the main hall in a straitjacket as if he were a villain from some movie did they get as upset as they are now with Riddler.  
You sat on your new bed just as hard as the one in your previous cell, not wanting to catch the social panic you try to meditate, Mr. M advised you to do so and since then you put it into practice.
Maintaining a state of relaxation is difficult but you have practiced it for months, you started the breathing exercises, and as you slowly inhale and exhale your thoughts begin to melt one after the other, calming you down, and making your anxiety about all the fuss disappear.
You exhale again and inhale hard again, you could be doing this all day, you have nothing to worry about, you're in your world, locked away from society, and must be recovering from whatever Riddler did as his closing snap.
You open your eyes and stop doing your breathing exercises, you hear a laugh. But not just any laughter, but a loud and annoying laughter, you instantly get up from your bed and run towards the door with a small glass window. The laughter was not your imagination, and you can recognize it now that you are closer to the door.
You don't see any guards guarding this section of cells, how strange. The laughter continues unabated. It must be some neighbor of your cell because of the proximity of the noise and you have an idea of who it might be but you ignore it for only a few minutes, you can't take it anymore and yell "Can you shut up for once?".
Your cell neighbor stops laughing and you can finally feel at peace, but instead starts a conversation.
"Scarecrow?" you close your eyes just hearing that horrible nickname he gave you at some point during his hospital stay. relatively the two have been in Arkham for a similar amount of time, both trapped by Batman and calling them the dark knight's worst enemies. 
But you could never compare yourself to someone like him Joker. 
You had a chance to get to know each other when you let him participate in common activities, you don't want to remember the first time you spoke to each other, it ended badly, period.
"Don't call me that, asshole" you insult him and he sounds pleased with your response.
"Ah! Are we sensitive today? It's a holiday! Let's celebrate!" 
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"our guest of honor has arrived, only his final trick is missing!" he continues to speak in that animated voice that irritates you.
When you talk to the Joker you get that feeling that he is speaking in another language, but he is not, you understand what you are saying but at the same time, you don't. You also realized that he knows too much to be just an Arkham patient. 
But everyone at the hospital can assure you that your neighbor is not an ordinary patient at all.
This time you managed to understand his words, Riddler still has an ace up his sleeve, how could the Joker find out about that?
"Did Batman interrogate you too?".
"Of course he did...I'm his favorite!" he replies in the same arrogant manner as always "but I don't forgive him for being so crude on our anniversary."
"So you saw it, huh? I don't think this is a coincidence" You suppose the Joker must have seen it too, of course, he may be reciprocally insupportable but he's not stupid.
The clown laughs, but you don't, you didn't say anything funny in your opinion.
"Poor little Riddler, he thinks he can be just like him."
You ponder what he says, returning to your bed as you sit up again, the sky begins to clear and you can see it through the tiny barred window.
What if this assassin wanted to imitate Batman in some way? 
"What a bizarre introjection you've made, Riddler" you whisper.
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First, there was an explosion.
You felt the whole cell rumble, you woke up instantly and got up from your bed to run to the door even with your eyes swollen from sleep, naively you thought it was some kind of earthquake. You stuck your face to the glass of the door in search of a guard or nurse, whatever it is that will help you get out of this cell, you don't want to die here.
However, the section was still empty, there was no one in the guards' small surveillance cubicle, and you could only perceive the monitors on, showing the news. 
You heard a completely strident noise, there was no earthquake. You turned slowly to the window, the color was changing from gray to orange.
It can't be.
you rush to see what's going on, you grab a piece of your bed to climb on it and reach the high window of the cell, you level yourself by holding your hands on the rusty metal bars, and you catch a glimpse of what caused such a noise. 
You saw the light of an explosion, the combination of yellow and red colors coloring the sky, the smoke, the fire. The explosion happened far away from Arkham, but you can still see it in detail, then the noise became present, and you grimace at the impact on the walls, but it was not over yet.
Explosion after explosion went off all over the city, from bridges to seawalls, a scene so hard to believe if you weren't watching it right now.
The sight takes your breath away, you are so stunned that you almost fall to the floor witnessing such an act, this is what the Joker is referring to? the Riddler's final trick?
not even the scarecrow did so much damage to this city, you underestimated the man with the riddles.
You could not take your eyes off the explosions, there were too many and well-armed to generate so much destruction. The second thing was the water, the waves and drains getting out of control and flooding several streets.
You grip the metal bars tighter, not believing this is real, but it is. Not just bombs but a flood, was that what he had under his mask? Is Gotham drowning with innocent people? 
It makes sense now, his cooperation when caught, the guards' restless attitude, and Batman's uneasiness.
Suddenly you focus on the bustle of what seems to be your cell neighbors, you didn't notice when they put the other patient in the cell next to yours. The noises came together to form a horrifying atmosphere. The laughter of the Joker, the excited laughter of your other neighbor, and the explosions that went on and on. Even with your breathing exercises, you could not relax in the face of this horrifying event.
Slowly you let go of the bars and stop looking in the window, slowly you understand one thing.
Someone beat Batman.
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Thank you very much for reading! And sorry for the mistakes!*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.
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ipkkndlovescenes · 3 months
Ye Ishq hai ya kuch aur hai
Arshi Poolside Moment
Epi 25
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"Sometimes reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey..."
A dreadful night drenching him completely with burning memories. A girl in red made him halt his tracks of life for the very first time, and his heart an unknown tune along with his heartbeat. He had no idea it was her heartbeat mixing with his own. She was unaware, too, along with him. But he was enraged over this, and not only that, but he was furious over saving her in the rain as well. 
Whose fault is that?
It was hers...His brain denied his heart, but his heart was pinching his brain constantly.
How dare she has this much power over him to make him restless?
Walking back and forth, he was immersed in her thoughts, in his own guilt for making her suffer this much, but his brain had this big NO written all over for the acceptance over anything, so he called La to get Khushi Kumari Gupta's number who was the reason of his restless state of mind.
Ye Ishq hai ya kuch aur hai
Yaa Bas Khali Khali shor hai
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Well, his ears got entangled with something very different.
Chalo Maiya ke Bhavan ...Bhavan
Ah, these suit Khushi's personality yet fit on him right now as he was proceeding towards her, and she was instigating his hopes by admitting falsely that " hum aap hi ke phone ka intezaar kar rahe thay..." I was waiting for your phone call.." Like, really, Khushi?
While he was adamant about making her life hell...
"ittni asaani se chain ki saans nahin laine doonga?
"I won't let you breathe peacefully...Khushi Kumari Gupta."
Was he complaining or stating his own state of mind?
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"Ji? Aap Kaun?"
Who are you?
How dare she? How dare she forget me that easily? The one who was the reason for my sleepless night? That nonchalant attitude of her enraged him a little more, and he demanded her to be awake along with him by assigning her overnight unnecessary work. It was pretty much obvious, and he wanted to see her, talk to her, yell at her and much much more but being a BOSS. Of course, he wouldn't accept her effect on him.
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"If your nonsense has reached its end, then do what I said...and tomorrow morning reach my home at 7 am sharp" Well, a man who didn't want to see her in his office was inviting her over to his home. Interesting...He couldn't sleep either. A silhouette in red was hovering over his brain while he was tossing and turning, even turning off the light wasn't helpful.
"Every man somewhere in the world has a woman who was created just for him. She is not better than the others, but she’s the only one he really needs. And every woman, too, has such a man; But very few lucky people meet each other."  ~Boris Akunin~
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The day reached with a revelation to Khushi that the fire and the water live under one roof. Anjali, such a sweet person, is living with that Alligator? Even HP couldn't resist denying that I guess.😆
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The second revelation was when she stumbled upon the beast's den, where he was busy nurturing and watering the plants so diligently. A true "What the!" moment for her.
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He stumbled while turning around, and she dropped the typewriter to save him. Well, he was saving her as well, you know.😆 They both claimed it after falling for each other or saving each other, and it is a really complicated issue, but not for Anjali, who hid her laugh.
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Well, she wasn't the only one who was stunned. He wasn't expecting her there either. He must be thinking of her coming into the living area where he could see her, yell at her, and say "Get out", but things got a bit daring here
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The second revelation was like a fire on ice when Anjali dropped a bomb on his ears, telling him that Khushi was also here in Shantivan.
What the hell? How dare she?
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An astonishing look followed by a killing and devilish stare at her like he was gauging her moves, thinking of her as a real culprit here, like a gold digger. He had no idea she was wondering too that Chote is the one who is allergic to sweets as well when she heard his name for the very first time from Nani. She didn't want to cross his line [ Arnav's rekha]  either.🤣 I mean his shadow, a venomous one whose hiss she could feel and hear from miles.
Anjali invites her over for breakfast and the very first blessing they both received together. "May God bless you both!"
God Bless dono ko!!!
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Nani picked the right vibes here. Were you getting wet in the rain like Chote, Khushi bitiya? 
Yes, Naniji, Bitwa and bitya are sailing in the same boat...
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They both were getting drenched again in the pool of that drenching night...or you can say that they had been inundated with complaints from their eyes.
Arshi poolside moments
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ganeshkfp · 9 days
To the anon that sent me an ask about asking my thoughts about the tv show, Im so sorry but something happened and I think it got deleted 😭 But dw I would still answer it here-
So this would be a critism post and I want to make it clear that everyone is free to reblog and comment their thoughts freely, while being kind. Critism is valid and its not rude, but any bad comments or hateful remarks to any actor, especially child actors, would be deleted. I dont like blocking so dont make me please!
Okay to start, I would be so honest and say I did not find the show successful and I did not like it. I would explain all the reasons, but did it make me feel nostalgia a bit? Yes it did. Did it make me cry at the end? Yes :) I would add pros at the end. But first:
Cgi was really bad, I mean that claiming scene would be a laughing stock in a few years. Chimera? Nope- Medusa's hair also looked better in that movie in 2010. Also they avoided showing Grover's legs so much, also didn't even show us riptide's change...They got 15M per episode and if these are the results, then it is a problem. Background of Percy and Ares's fight- so so greenscreen. I wish Disney can take things seriously.
Lighting was so dark, especially for the lighting thief. Which was such a humor filled book and it was way too colorful. Why make it all so dark and lifeless?
Also humor? Way too low for pjo. "But we are not reading Percy's mind!" Yet, there were so many jokes in the books that could have been add, but they didn't. Yes there are some good jokes (pinecone fate) but to the standart, I expected to laugh way more. Its pjo!
Changes? Well to be honest I am a person who keeps book and show separate, I dont think they are the same at all. So I dont complain about the changes at much. But most of the changes were pointless to me and so many things left unsaid. I wish they didn't make Gabe way too soft. Children's show, yes. But then again, what would you do for later seasons if they cant even show Crusty's dead. Sally's real reason to marry Gabe never get explained, why? 4 pearls, why? Missing deadline? Totally pointless. Not mentioning Riptide's name? Chiron might have say it. Love tunnel? Now its a long one. Rick explained they couldn't do spiders and its hilarious, you gotta do sea monsters man- And instead of a chance to see an actual comedy: live on Olympus and Annabeth losing her shit. We get to see such a early scene of Percabeth drama. Why changing one of the funniest scene in the books to drama? You needed more edits for view or smt? Hephaestus falling over to the speech of friendship was nothing but cringe to me. Moving on, Thalia's acting to Annabeth. Why she is not nice to her and Annabeth had to earn her love. The point was Thalia to remember Jason and taking Annabeth under her wings immediatly bcs of it. Medusa's scene- Instead of us laughing to trio's silly behaviours and falling to her trap like little kids would, we get to hear a monster-hero talk. Yay another speech! Ovid's side of the story also bothered me. Greek mythology, why adding Ovid? Just us to sympatize with Medusa. Lotus Casino scene- We could have watch them have fun and going crazy but noo- they had do add more drama with Hermes. Did not see the point of his appearing either. Why is he there? I wanted to see them being children...And wanted to see the magic of the place!
Now if I move to characters, Percy's I know it all side is just annoying and adds no suspense to the viewers. What's the point if he knows everything already? "But his mom taught him!" But guys, remember, the whole point of pjo was: us to learn with Percy! We were learning the Greek myths with Percy, who is new to the world. They go somewhere and Percy immediatly: "You are Crusty, my mom told stories about you!" 😑 What a relief then! You tell us. Percy's sudden bravery at the end? Dude, he has 5 books for that.
Annabeth turning to a stoic child soldier? Suddenly goody-two shoes? Where are her emotions? Her fears? Her flaws? Her fricking love of architecture? She doesnt need to know everything to be smart girl. She had ADHD, she is 12! Ofc she was supposed to fall in traps. We should have watch her blushing as Luke talks, getting all wet by Percy in the toilet, she was supposed to our little girl. She is not just a badass queen yet, please. Give her personality back. Why she only smiled once at the end of the series? And not having a childhood, not even watched a movie? You guys cant be serious- She grew up in chb! She picked up strawberries, she played games and she watched movies when she was little, remember? She was not in legion... She is one of the most emotional characters, should we remind this to Rick and writers? She cries, she has feeling! Dam she was crying when they left Cerberus! She was a trouble-maker, she stole clothes, remember? Her portrayal was awful...
And about the Gods- Just..."He is trying to make them look awful at the beginning" Then why the hell it was only Athena? Almost turning her to second Zeus- Are you kidding me? You make her suddenly a child killer, when in the books she was nothing like that. Why making her worse, when other gods(Poseidon, Hermes, Hephaestus,Dionysus,Ares,Hades) seem way more human and nicer? You cant tell me he tries to make them worse when they are portrayed like that! No sir- Hephaestus is nice enough to release Percy after a friendship speech. Poseidon is suddenly a perfect dad, he is not sorry that Percy is born. Ares is just a dumb twitter bully, where in the books he was threating them to no end. And fricking Hades?! I am sorry but Hades like that- He should have been scary. But no, he is just a lonely cool guy. I thought he softened after Nico. Cant wait for the development now...
Other than that, one of my most important things: vibe. Sorry...Like I said, it was way too boring for pjo. Even that horrible movies had more vibe! Gimme the vibe!
Pacing? Has a problem and I hope they fix it. Episodes being too short? Also another issue.
Now for the chb, I was hoping to see more activity. Why the camp is not full of noisy kids running around, playing hide and seek like in the books, training wild around the areas, camfire and silly songs? Where are our children screaming and being ADHD demigods? Instead they play chess in the cabin- Please, give more life to chb.
Finally, for the things I liked:
Riptide song!!! That song is my favourite thing in the whole show- Like its soo good.
Seeing Sally's struggle to raise Percy. Also a plus for me. Because I was curious. Also adding Poseidon to the scene was okay. I loved that parts.
Young Percy did awesome and he was such a good actor :)
Percy's dreams were good, I loved seeing them. Congrats! Andd, child accurate cast. It was important. But I wish they hurry so then we wont have it anymore 😭
That was it! Like I said, I find it a bad show, as a fan of 12 years. I waited this for so many years. I was dreaming this. But sorry, bad show is a bad show. At least it did give me some nostalgia and it did make me cry at the end :) I hope they improve because it would suck if they get a cancel before season 5. The bad thing is, I feel they knew we pjo fandom wanted a show for years. And they knew we would eat the crumbs. Its just not fair, you know. They would like it anyway, type. They are not taking it as seriously as they should. With that budget, look at other shows with that budget. I know, its still a kids' show. But I dont think its an excuse for them to upset the fans who waited this long...
Thanks for the ask anon! And like I said, feel free to add your thoughts :)
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emoani · 1 year
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Pairing: anakin!modern x f!reader warnings: mention of depression, emotional health, self-harm, antidepressants and other medications
n/a: I don't know if anyone will like this story, but I write it with a lot of affection and feeling since it's all very personal to me. in a way anakin/hayden also "saved" me like with reader, and has been saving me every day. just remembering that english is not my first language, so sorry for the mistakes. Good reading!
ps: can you imagine ani like in that factory girl movie, only older
Sea: Prologue
It was a Wednesday. The day was too cold for the season, and the icy wind ached against my body. Maybe that happened because my body was hurt and full of bruises... Which I made myself.
I was looking at the sea, and the waves that seemed to move kind of slowly. Maybe they weren't moving that slowly, it was just my brain messed up because I had taken more meds than my shrink ordered.
I wasn't sure what I wanted. I took the medicine hoping to get back to reality, just control myself and not get to where I am now.
I really didn't want to die, but I didn't know if I wanted to live either. I didn't want to live like this, always suffering.
I didn't know who I was anymore. What do I want to study? What do I want to work with? Do I like the way I look this way or should I make a radical change?
Thinking is exhausting. The thought of continuing here is exhausting. Sometimes memories are the worst kind of torture. That was why I found myself here on this beach, in a different country (which I had moved to study, but after so many absences I had to drop out of college).
Without looking at anything beyond that blue immensity, which seemed to be as big as my sadness, I started to take my first steps. I shivered with the icy water, and as soon as the first wave hit me, my tears began to fall out of control.
I didn't even know that from afar he saw everything. In a situation so different from mine, a little away in that calm and empty place, a celebrity trying to escape the hectic life and the paparazzi, smoked a cigarette while looking at the sea (until saw myself in that situation).
I only realized that I wasn't alone when I heard his footsteps in the water, catching up with me so fast that my weak, sad body couldn't even respond in time to pull away.
He grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me towards the sand.
- Who are you, you crazy? Let go of me - I screamed completely out of control feeling my body tremble.
- I'm just a guy trying to prevent a woman from doing something stupid! He answered me firmly, his eyes looked at me seriously as if he were a father scolding a daughter. And anyone looking from afar might even think it was, since he was certainly older than me. Older and very handsome too.
- Go mind your own business and let me go! – I complained.
But as soon as we got out of the water he let go of me and I ended up on the ground, looking at him indignantly because of his ignorance. But I couldn't complain, I had asked him to let me go. I straightened up still sitting and could observe him better: all in black, a cap hid his face.
- Are you a famous or a thug? – I grumbled loudly.
This situation was so stupid that it was funny. All this time I was here, I had only been able to see an artist if I paid for a show, like anywhere else in the world. But it was somewhat ironic, well now in this situation find a possible celebrity.
- Is this important now? – He asked looking troubled, as if I were, I don't know, a fan of his – Tell me, did you take any drugs?
- Yeah, I'm a drug addict. Can not you see? – I scoffed, as I got up and cleaned all that sand from my clothes. I hated the beach.
He took a few steps back, avoiding contact.
- I'm serious. I need to take you to the hospital. You can't even stand up straight.
He was right. I was high on drugs.
- What a fucking hospital – I denied it without bothering to show politeness – Do you see any injuries here? I don't have money to go to the hospital for anything.
- Yes, I do - he replied, looking me up and down. But not in a malicious way, he seemed to analyze me in a sinister way.
- And is? Where? – I asked, looking at my own body.
- You're very hurt... Inside.
next chapter: coming soon
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derekscorner · 5 months
Reloaded Rambling: Persona 3
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Broken Fulfillment
I finished Persona 3 Reloaded last night and ever since I've been torn between rambling about it and sobbing because the ending never fails to wound me.
I'm not exaggerating for narrative emphasis nor am I joking, I cried. I am a grown man and I cried just as much last night as I did when I beat Persona 3 Fes in the late 2000s to early 2010s.
I can not express in words to you just how much the ending hurts me nor can I express how much I love it. That's why I am broken but find fulfillment...which is as on point with the death theme as anything else.
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I even delayed finishing the game because I could feel the emotions and tears welling up as soon as the final month started. I even took a moment to note how ironic it was that the color palette literally grows gray throughout the month.
As 'The Fall' draws near and apathy syndrome grows the very world itself begins to white out yet I feel the story the strongest as it does.
Every interaction with Aigis is emotional pain because I knew what was coming. As she grew as a person, understood love, and found a reason in life I knew that she was about to have that ripped from her.
It wasn't just her either. P3 already had a lot of little moments in the final month as the cast finds their resolve and as you finish what social links you've started, everyone is finding a resolution, they're preparing for a battle they believe they may not win.
In fact, Reload improved on this more with it's link episodes. Everyone playing in the park, Ken's silly combat and coffee practice, the movies with Koromaru, Akihiko and Yukari, everything.
Several of these mini stories wrap up toward the end and it's only when you know about P3's ending that you realize why.
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Constant Improvement
I'd even argue that Persona 3 is one of the few stories to properly be remade in recent years. They only added small things to make the story better, updated gameplay, and just overall refined the package.
That's the kind of treatment a remake should be given rather than the laziness you see in movies today or the bait & switch SE pulled with FF7.
And it was only upon typing this that I realized that P3 has had this treatment from the start. P3 Fes only ever expanded the original hit game. Even though many fans didn't like 'The Answer' they at least loved everything added to the Journey.
P3 was then made a classic for a third time with P3 Portable. The PSP limited some things but it is loved for it's female MC and the story changes.
Persona 3 has always been given a positive treatment each time it's tackled and it's so rare.
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That cycles back into Reload. We fans had to beg and complain for years but they tackled the remake with every bit of love that you could've hoped for.
The only things they did to earn ere was not including 'The Answer' or the FeMC and as of the time I type this 'The Answer' will at least be added as DLC.
I don't intend to downplay the feelings of those who strongly desired the FeMC either, I am playing through P3P so I get it, I just want to point out that having so few complaints about a remake is so rare.
I went on this whole side tangent to emphasize how impressed I was with the things added. The episodes, a few scenes, it made the feelings that P3Fes gives me just as potent years later.
I'm an indifferent man, I rarely feel emotion let alone genuinely show it, but for years one thing that always broke me was P3's story. To see it remade so well meant a lot to me.
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Memento Mori
When I first played P3 I was actually looking for P4. A friend on a KH forum had suggested it as a fan but I couldn't find it on sale. P4 was at the height of its popularity so I couldn't find it at all.
Instead, I found P3 and bought it. My friend was a bit annoyed and said P4 was better but I played it anyway and by God it broke me.
At that time I had a depression problem. I have had one since 8th grade at that point in my life so P3's theme of death resonated with my core.
I had no spoilers for this story then, I thought we were defying fate like any other RPG and looking back I should've expected something. People died often in P3, even main cast, and the story put time into seeing the cast process that.
The single dungeon of the game is Tartarus but no, nothing clipped for me till that final scene.
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That final scene caused a whirlwind of emotion to hit me because I could sense something was wrong and your MC only gets weaker as Aigis affirms her feelings and goal in life and the music doesn't stop.
Just when the other SEES remember and rush to find you they arrive only to find you gone. That.Fucking.Broke.Me.
The credits then has the audacity to play an upbeat song as the credits roll. That was it, you died and the entire game clicked in my brain.
The entire game just hits me all at once. The MC's persona is Orpheus, you literally climb through Tartarus towards Nyx, death itself, and you do not come out of it unscathed.
The characters each dealt with death and found a reason to keep living while Aigis found humanity, in those tears I understood that the games message.
Death is not avoidable, even for your MC. His miracle came at a cost, his ultimate persona is the Messiah for a reason but that's not what truly important.
It's the journey to that ending. The MC helped everyone he had a bond with find a reason to live, the games story is a positive one not a sad one.
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I felt my brain rewire that day, aside from truly depressing events in my life, I have never truly been depressed again. Not permanently.
Even if I live a life like a hermit I'll never just give up on everything because this story broke me and rewired how I see things.
More importantly for this post, my initial breakdown of emotion always resurfaces when I play P3. I find myself attached to Aigis in particular due to her specific journey and her role in 'The Answer'.
So when I say this remake only added to the positive I meant it. (you probably thought I forgot about that and went on a seperate tangent didn't you~)
Every little scene new or expanded they put in this game makes it stronger. I did not want January to end but I was already a few days in and the game was breaking me.
Koromaru's new linked stories, Shinji, and Aigis in particular were wonderfully done. Everything just ties together in a way that I can't explain to you in a singular post.
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These things I've stated not only apply to added content but old as well. A complaint you'll see at times is how some Persona social links seem to contradict the casts main story progression or how some are weaker than others.
Persona 3, any version of Persona 3, does not have that issue. Whether you personally like them all my vary but they are all remarkably consistent with the Death theme, the theme of finding new direction or meaning in life, or they're harmless at worst.
A key part of the reason why is because the Fool & Judgement Social Links are tied to main story progression. The whole reason linked episodes were added was because the main SEES cast have character growth alongside those two arcana as the story progresses.
In P3Fes or P3Portable you could have friend/romance with some SEES based on MC chosen but their actual growth as a character is tied to the story. They grow with you.
And what you do learn on those friend/romance links doesn't contradict with that main story progression. You won't have a situation like in P5 where Ryugi feels like two different people between his personal social link and the main story.
No game is flawless mind you, all I mean to say is that P3 meshes better with it's links and main story. All those lives you help along the way just hit harder during the finale for it.
You can feel like it meant something.
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I can't wait for 'The Answer'
I have no decent transition here nor am I sure I conveyed my feelings/meaning as well as I had hoped above. So before these P3 images and OST make me cry again I'll talk about 'The Answer'.
If nothing else, I do hope I have explained how important the main story is to me and I hope that it makes sense to you that I do not consider P3 complete without this story addition.
It had issues in P3Fes, there is no way around that, but given how well they handled this remake I hope they can give 'The Answer' that same love.
Because it's very important to Aigis as a character as well as to the overall themes of life & death. If you have not seen the scenes of The Answer or played P3Fes yourself you may want to skip from here on out btw.
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You still there? Good because I need anyone reading to understand that 'The Answer' is key. It's key because it's about grief.
Many of the main cast had to deal with loss and grief in the main story so people find their relapse odd here but you have to remember that no one death is the same. You do not just become okay with important people dying.
You can always fall back on your sadness and that's what happens here. Aigis literally loses the will to live and becomes more machine like, Yukari quite frankly becomes bitchy, and the overall crew is somber.
They thought they had won, your MC lived till graduation. They had their best and worst times with him and he died for reasons that they do not understand.
'The Answer' is quite literally that answer. They learn why he died, Aigis finds her own answer to life, and I wish I could elaborate more but I'm torn between telling you and just hoping you play it.
It's an epilogue and one that I feel P3 needs to have to feel right. It makes your MC's sacrifice feel more worth while to know the cast will use his memory to live better rather than fall back into grief.
It does my soul better to know that Aigis won't give up on life.
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I'm spent
There's more I could've said but I'm quite frankly to emotional to add more. I struggled to even be coherent with this and I'm not sure I was.
I consider this the best Persona game yet and I'll always love 3 more than the others. I simply didn't feel attached to the scooby doo gang from P4 and I'm too old to care about the teen rebellion in P5...plus their mascot characters literally agitate me.
I hope you play this game or already have and I hope you're willing to give 'The Answer' a shot. Bye now~
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salllzy · 4 months
sal's snippets #14 part 2(hidden in shadows #6 part 2)
Her dad had done everything for her when they had lived on earth and he had never once complained about going without. Even when he had gone to bed hungry, she had never once forgotten the things that he had done for her. And now? Now it was her turn, her dad deserved to be spoiled, it was part of the reason why she did the things that she did, she never wanted her dad to worry about something as petty as money. If he wanted to go on holiday? Then she would fund it. His days of sacrificing things for her sake were over and she would make sure of that. Even now he was still protecting her, despite her reputation and she knew that he always would. He was her dad. But they were a team, she looked out for him and he looked out for her. It was how things had always been. Even more so in Hell, where status could change in a second and fighting over territory was a daily occurrence. Just as she was about to speak her phone rang, they pulled apart and she reached into her suit and pulled out a sleek black phone, it was clear to everyone that it wasn't a VoxTech model. It also wasn't any model from any of the other Rings either. "This had better be good." She bent down and picked up the cigarette off the carpet and stubbed it out in the ashtray, she began to scowl as she listened to what was being said. "I want whoever has fucked up in my office in the next hour or heads will roll. I want who was in charge of the operation in my office, if it was accidental then no one has anything to worry about. But if I find out that it was intentional? Then everyone will learn just how much like my father I am. Is that understood?" She snapped her phone shut and took a deep breath before slowly releasing it, she kissed her dad on the cheek. "Enjoy your present dad, there has been a fuck up at work and sadly I need to deal with it. It shouldn't take me too long." She gave him one last hug before she disappeared into the shadows, fully intent on dealing with the problem that had appeared. She sincerely hoped that it was accidental, for everyone's sake. She had recently hired some new agents and mistakes were bound to happen. But if it was done with malicious intent? Then she would deal with the problem. Permanently. ------ Alastor watched Sarah leave, it was always hard watching her walk away and knowing that she was putting herself in danger. But he also knew that she was capable of defending herself. So he would trust her, he would trust that she knew when to ask for help. His eyes moved to the radio, there were a few scratches on the front of it but nothing a good sanding and buffing couldn't fix, he was beyond touched that she had remembered such a thing. It had been so long ago after all.
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doueverwonder · 2 months
short fluffy IndiBama thing but I'm embarrassed about it under the cut (I use she/her for Indy cause I can)
Alabama had been tossing and turning for hours. He was used to humidity but it seemed worse tonight, not aided by the fact that it was still boiling even in the middle of the night, and no matter what he tried mosquitoes, flies, and heck even lightning bugs kept getting in. He had watched the minutes tick by on his alarm clock, not being able to get any sort of rest til almost two am. Even then it was barely sleep, more a weird in between, exhausted and conscious enough of the time he had to be up to 'sleep', but uncomfortable enough to stay asleep for more than a couple minutes.
Around three he sat bolt upright, the steps coming down the hallway at this hour initially scaring him. Alabama, along with the rest of the south, groaned realizing it was just Florida and Louisiana stumbling in like they did almost every weekend night. Those two really were the worst when it came to being quiet. Texas would grumble about how he was going to give them the what-for one day but it had yet to happen as he was the only one who could actually sleep through them coming in.
After ten minutes of trying to get back to sleep he finally gave up. He got up groping around in the dark before finding the basketball shorts and t-shirt he had initially gone to bed in. He put both back on, along with a pair of--probably mismatched--socks, usually he wouldn't bother but the floors of the upper floors were always so chilly even in summer. He also pulled a sweatshirt out of his closet, but tucked that under his arm, it wasn't for him. It was a peace offering for the person he was about to wake up.
He could teleport, but Gov always seemed to know when they did that and the last thing he felt like explaining was why he was up and about this late. So instead he climbed the two sets of stairs. The first landing he held his breath trying not to make any noise, not because the Northeast was easy to wake up but because New York didn't sleep. He made it past and up to the third floor, really why did the South have to be on the first floor? It just meant they had to climb more stairs than any other states.
As soon as Alabama stepped off the landing he felt better, it was still warm but less 90s and more low 70s. The humidity was bearable up here as well, still more than some places--he had got caught in Nebraska talking about how corn sweats or something like that to know why--but better then the majority of the South. He stuck his head down the hall that led to the kitchen and living room to make sure no one was up before tiptoeing down the hall where the bedrooms were.
Gladly the one he needed to get to was only the second door down the hall, he took a breath knocking lightly and praying no one else heard. He waited a long moment before knocking again, this time the door opening just a crack Indiana peering out;
"Hey sweetheart" he half whispered,
"'Bama?" she squinted, yawning "what are you doing up here?"
"I couldn't sleep, was wonderin' if I could crash here for the rest of the night" Indy very rarely got mad about much, but he had never woken her up at half past three am either. So he couldn't say he would be surprised if she told him no.
Lucky for him she just nodded, opening the door the rest of the way for him to come in. The door closed behind him, she sat down on the edge of her bed, rubbing her eyes. "why couldn't you sleep?"
"Too muggy in my room, and Florida and Loui woke me up" She nodded humming, wasn't the first time he had complained about those two waking him up. Alabama tossed Indiana the sweatshirt, not needing to tell her what it was for a look of pleasant surprise to cut through her still half asleep features as she pulled it on, putting the hood up immediately. He knew it would be months before he saw that sweatshirt again; Indy was the top sweatshirt thief in the statehouse, her most infamous one being a colts sweatshirt she stole from Maryland just a couple months before before actually stealing the colts all together.
She had climbed back under her quilt, patting the other side of the bed to tell him to hurry up. He pulled off his shirt, tossing it over the back of a chair and climbed in bed, turning off the lamp and flicking on the night light. The first couple times he had slept over he had thought it silly that she had a night light, the only answer he was able to get about why was a mumbled fun fact about being able to see the Chicago lights from the Indiana dunes 60 miles away. Now turning it on was basically muscle memory, even if she said he didn't have to turn it on if it bothered him.
They usually talked while falling asleep, he assumed not tonight with it being so late as is but as Indy settled into his arms she asked through another yawn "Are you doing anything tomorrow?"
Despite the fact that he could already feel himself finally relaxing he responded, "Just a meeting with Gov, what 'bout you sweetheart?"
"I have to sneak my boyfriend out before Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan wake up" Alabama tried not to laugh too loudly, even though he knew she was close to dead serious. They usually didn't mind him being there... as long as they knew beforehand.
"Best savor our time together then case we oversleep and I'm dead come mornin'' Indy just pressed herself closer to him, barely nodding more or less fast asleep again.
Alabama relaxed the west of the way, really he should have just come up when he first realized he wasn't going to be able to sleep in his room. He was warm again, but this time because he was under a pile of blankets with his girlfriend in his arms. This was definitely much better then the 98% humidity.
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