#who makes a bicorn or whatever that is look good
ennaih · 9 months
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Not Every Film I Watch In 2024
6. Persuasion (1995) -- eleventy-billionth rewatch
and bonus:
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pumpkin-bread · 10 months
Tipsy Lair Review for @dreamslayer-fr!
Thanks for tha CR. I'm always delighted to look at your lair.
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Accidentally posted a link but like, sure. Anyway. FUCK YEA. DOUBLE ELDRTICH GEN 1.
Everyone knows ol Kai loves g1s. I also love a dragon with a backstory, and Sana has a good one. Thief/merc with morals, who befriended a harpy. V nice. V nice.
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Ohh I love me a pretty tundra. Oh look, here's one! Honeydew petals is simply one of the best colour/gene combos out there, and it has been for... god, so many years. I have a honeydew petals tundra of my own actually! Because they deserve to be rainbow bicorns.
I started writing then realised that Bloom does NOT have a bio. WHOOPSY. Whatever. She's great.
To make up for that I'll throw out right here that I love your mooshroom tuntun man in the same lair. Precious.
...It's DEFINITELY cheating to pick dragons I made for sale but I will say it brings me much serotonin to see them so loved in your lair. Okay.
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She looks so cool! And she's named after one of my favourite animals in the world! I once more made an oopsy and thought I had a bio to go off of but I don't so instead I'm gonna say that the thought of a pirate captain who is also a deep sea eldritch monster fucks severely. That's what her amazing look inspired me to think of. Hell yea. Belladonna is so gorgeous too. Wait. Did we talk about them on discord? I think we did! Or I'm just drunk. Shit. Whatever, I love them.
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Wraith is so fucking handsome!! Look at him!! LOOK AT HIM. May your eyes be rended from your skull in flame like his. You will never see something more divine. Anyway I love g1s.
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I've seen this fella in your lair before but I'm gonna be honest. I NEVER notived he was a gen 1 before now. Fire/Fire/Metals? That's fuckin awesome. What a guy. I see he is also a cute lil owlman. Please tell me more.
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sxvxrxssnape · 4 years
Snolidays/Snapemas: Day 2
Chestnuts & Christmas Cards // pre-PS/the years between. Minerva & Severus friendship aka Minerva McGonagall’s personal mission to make Sev love Christmas part 2. 
Yesterday’s snowfall had turned to ice overnight. It crunched underneath their boots, leaving behind a trail of sunken footfalls as they crossed the stone bridge and moved towards the tall, wrought iron gates that secured the ancient school. 
The wind wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but Severus still took a moment to adjust his hat, pulling it down over his ears to keep his hair from flitting about in his face. Beside him, Minerva had her hands tucked into the pockets of her woolen cloak and together they made their way towards the waiting carriage that would take them into Hogsmeade. 
Hogsmeade was a special little town that sat nestled between crashing ocean waves and giant boulders, an endless expanse of pine trees, and the outline of an antiquated castle perched high above the cliff sides. It was home to a quaint collection of little shops and taverns, and judging by its newly renovated state, a smattering of wizards who seemed to love Christmas just as much as the deputy headmistress standing beside him. 
“December literally just started.” Severus groaned, as he stepped out of the carriage and looked around the main street that stretched out before them. 
Bundles of garland and red ribbon decorated every light post and rows of twinkling lights and colorful baubles hung from all the nearby trees. Even the air smelled festive and Severus’ lips thinned as he made out the scent of warm cinnamon and ginger - out of contempt or poorly hidden delight, he would never confirm.
Minerva chuckled softly beside him as he eyed the snow-covered rooftops with their dripping icicles that couldn’t be intentional - it was the weather’s doing, for Merlin’s sake - but still seemed intentional against the decorated storefronts that it made him think of gingerbread.
“You don’t have to look so put out,” Minerva teased, leading the way further into what he was now seriously debating was even Hogsmeade at all, “If you want, we can start decorating the castle as soon as we return. I’m sure Albus won’t mind.” 
Severus glared at her in return,
“I’ve changed my mind,” he decided, as they passed the stone statue of the town’s founder confirming this to, in fact, be Hogsmeade and not an asinine Christmas village Minerva had secretly tricked him into going to, “I can just owl-order the things I need, from the safety of the castle.”
Regardless, he continued towards the waiting apothecary because he could not - would not - owl order potion ingredients. He couldn’t trust the shopkeeper (or the blasted school owls for that matter) to fully understand why it was so important for his bicorn horns to be the exact shade of pale yellow he needed or the fragility of bursting mushrooms. 
And contrary to his current attitude, Severus Snape didn’t hate Christmas. He could appreciate a finely decorated tree and he found himself looking forward, and dare he say, a little excited about the upcoming staff holiday party. He wasn’t the bitter, old man inside that Minerva seemed to think he was, all bah-humbug and scowls when it came to anything remotely festive, he just didn’t understand the point of overdoing it and turning the whole town into a fragrant - wonderful smelling - gingerbread village two days into December. 
For Merlin’s sake, he was only twenty-five. That wasn’t enough time for him to turn resentful of the holidays, even if almost every single year had been...less than stellar, by all accounts. It wasn’t like he had never tried to have a good Christmas either, but after so many spectacularly failed attempts, he had decided he was better off not celebrating it at all. 
In fact, he had been quite content the last four Christmases working at Hogwarts and only acknowledging the aforementioned holiday party and maybe the changes to the menu, because yeah, he might feel a little indifferent towards the holiday but he also wasn’t a heathen who didn’t gladly indulge in rum-spiked eggnog and fresh baked gingersnaps. 
Severus shook his head, trying to dislodge the sudden influx of thoughts. His inner dialogue was beginning to sound a little bitter, even to himself.
“Coffee?” he asked loudly, speaking over the first syllable of whatever Minerva had been about to say, no doubt inferring something too close to accurate about his innermost thoughts from the look on her face, and stopping in front of the smiling wizard standing behind a market stall. 
“Afternoon,” the portly man tipped his head at the two, gesturing towards a charmed menu that was currently rewriting itself with the daily special. “What can I get you two?”
They ordered the special at Minerva’s insistence, and handed over a pair of sickles each before continuing on their quest. The coffee was strong and hot, tasting of dark chocolate and peppermint and Severus grimaced at the realization that she had inadvertently (advertently?) found another thing for him to like about Christmas. 
Minerva one, Severus zero. 
He shook his head again; he wasn’t trying to hate Christmas. He didn’t hate Christmas! He was just stubborn to a fault and after Min’s declaration that she would make this year the best yet, a small part of his mind was determined to rebel against it. 
Their time inside the apothecary was quick. The shopkeeper was used to Severus’ particularities and kept to herself as he sifted through bins of precariously piled ingredients and filled his basket with perfectly selected bicorn, jobberknoll feathers, and no less than thirteen jars of things he definitely hadn’t come here for. 
After he paid - and thank Merlin he had secured a position that provided room and board - Minerva led them into the paper and quill shop next door. She had a Hogwarts-sized order of parchment and spare quills to put in, so Severus went to browse the new display that had been erected in front of the store window. Red fabric was spread over the round table laden with gaudy, ribbon-trimmed quills and pots of glitter-infused calligraphy ink. He reached for one of the plastic-wrapped bundles stacked in the center, adorned with all sorts of festive symbolism and sighed as he realized what they were. 
“You should purchase some,” Minerva suggested, coming up behind him and making him jump. He hated when people snuck up behind him. It had once meant certain death and while the threat of an evil, megalomaniacal wizard behind his shoulder was no longer tangible, the sharp tendrils of fear that spiked into his chest had yet to go away. 
He forced himself to relax. 
“Christmas is all about spreading cheer, you know.” Minerva continued, thankfully ignoring the way his breath had seized, but clearly not unaware of it given the way she took a step back and appraised him carefully. “By making others happy, you make yourself happy. Perhaps you’ll benefit from it.”
Severus raised an eyebrow. “Are you implying that all my traumatic childhood Christmases can be attributed to the fact that I’ve never sent out Christmas cards?” he asked dryly. 
“Yes.” Minerva deadpanned. 
He blinked, taken aback by her frankness before he noticed the glint in her eye that indicated she was mostly joking. He looked down at the packages of cards and selected one with a more wintery scene - painted snowflakes and white-dusted evergreens over the eclectic mix of colorful baubles - with a look of feigned resignation, “I guess I’m sending Christmas cards this year.”
They left the stationary store after that and headed for the Three Broomsticks. It was a new part of their routine that Severus had found himself looking forward to - Hogsmeade trips used to be rather anxiety-inducing, lonely and quite dull affairs without anyone to quip with, but now they promised good company and a quiet meal away from the bustle of students. Part of it was due to the genuine friendship they were forming, but another part of it was self-serving - for both of them. 
They were both aware of it, they just elected not to mention their unique combination of post-war trauma and newly created grief that kept them confined to the safety of the castle and feeling more than a little discombobulated in the small town just outside of it. 
The Three Broomsticks was nestled in the midpoint of Hogsmeade, a cozy-looking tavern made from polished wood and frosted windows, that boasted a warm bed and a strong drink to any desiring witch or wizard. The inside was just as quaint and rustic looking, but now it displayed a cascade of twinkling lights and a modestly decorated tree next to the wiped down bar. 
“Afternoon, Rosmerta!” Minerva called out to the barmaid and landlady who was topping off a stein of butterbeer with a healthy splash of firewhiskey for a waiting gentleman. They took their seats at a small table in the corner that Severus had long since dubbed their table and shrugged out of their cloaks.
“Afternoon, you two.” Madam Rosmerta greeted them as she approached them. Her strawberry blonde curls were gathered at the top of her head in a loose bun pinned in place by her wand and Severus internalized a scowl at that. He had seen a few witches - and wizards - use their wand for a quick updo, but he had yet to figure out how it was done and he absolutely refused to ask for help. She was carrying two ceramic mugs filled to the brim with a deep burgundy drink.
“Mulled wine,” she announced, setting them down and Severus noted the orange slice and cinnamon stick steeping in the red wine. “Made it last night.” 
“I really do believe the drinks are the best part of the holiday season.” Severus mumbled, picking up the warm cup and taking a long sip. 
“Come now, they can’t be the best part.” Rosmerta scolded, summoning a menu from the bar and setting it down on the table. “There’s so much more to Christmas than just good wine!”
“Nothing worthwhile.” Severus said simply, picking up the menu and skimming it. He always ordered the same thing, found comfort in stability, but he also couldn’t resist holiday menus when the time arrived. 
Minerva looked apologetic as she ushered the barmaid away after a quick scan of the menu and turned to glare at the now scowling potions professor. “Severus!”
“So, do you have a list you’re working from?” Severus asked mildly, picking up his wine and focusing intently on the red-tinted pulp of the orange floating in his drink. “Or are you simply making things up on the spot?”
“Your mission to make this year the best Christmas ever.” he specified. “Are you working from a list? Is there a schedule we’re following and can I be made privy to it, so I can plan my potion brewing around it?” He picked up the package of cards. “Or are you just forcing me to take part in things as they come up?”
Minerva eyed him carefully, picking up her own cup. “A little bit of both.”
“Do I get to hear what you do have planned?”
“Some of the classic activities I suppose - decorating the tree, going to look at the lights, maybe visiting Christmastown, baking cookies, go caroling -”
“- maybe decorate a gingerbread house.”
Madam Rosmerta returned before Severus could say anything else, guiding bowls of butternut squash soup and a plate of cheese toasties onto the table with her wand. “There you go, dears.” she smiled, setting down a smaller plate piled with iced gingersnaps. “These are on the house - first bake of the holiday season. Should help get those spirits up.” She sent Severus a pointed look that he deftly ignored and Minerva glared at him again.
“If you’re going to glower at me every time we go out this month, I might just stop going out with you.” he bristled, picking up a toastie and dipping the corner into his soup. 
“Maybe you should stop being so bitter then.” Minerva returned.
“What, because it’s Christmas?” he asked, pausing to take a bite. “Oh, such a joyous time of year! Look how absolutely delighted I am to share a room with wine-drunk wizards,” he gestured a hand towards the bar, where a pair of cherry-faced dwellers were singing the words to A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love, “and a goddamn tree!”
“Severus!” Minerva admonished again and this time, Severus hunched his shoulders at the tone. He had gone too far, he could tell from the way her face had smoothed out entirely, giving her a look of cold indifference. 
“I’m sorry.” he muttered, swirling his spoon through his soup. 
Minerva didn’t say anything and they ate their food in awkward silence. At one point, a pitcher floated over to their table and refilled their mugs before making its way back to the bar. When they were done, Severus eyed the gingersnaps and wondered if it would be considered poor etiquette to reach over and help himself. The mood at the table didn’t feel particularly deserving of cookies. 
Then again, he had once attended dinners at the Malfoy’s with The Dark Lord sitting at the forefront and the ambience of those days didn’t stop anyone from helping themselves to an extra piece of focaccia bread. He winced; it felt wrong to compare past - genuinely traumatic - dinner events to the silence before him. Minerva wasn’t an enemy, he was simply a bastard. 
“I don’t hate Christmas,” he finally broke the silence. “I just find myself wondering over the point when every Christmas I’ve tried to celebrate properly has ended in disaster. I’m perfectly content with not bothering over it anymore. The lights are pretty and the food is good, and I look forward to watching Rolanda drink everyone under the table later this month, but I’ve stopped putting merit in the holidays. It’s less disappointing that way.”
Minerva pushed the plate of cookies towards him, like some sort of reward for  opening up. Which, he supposed, it sort of was. She picked one up and took a bite and only then did he grab one too.
“I don’t get why you’re so determined to fix that.” he added, shrugging. 
He bit into the cookie, savouring the meld of flavors - ginger, molasses, warm vanilla. He couldn’t imagine a more perfect gingersnap and he found himself raising the cookie in a gesture of appreciation as he made eye contact with Rosmerta. 
“Elphinstone loved Christmas.” she said simply, taking another bite of her cookie and shrugging as if she hadn’t just dropped a bombshell of emotional manipulation by invoking the name of her dead husband over a plate of cookies on what had started as a pleasant Monday afternoon of running errands after class. 
“I-” Severus began, but then stopped. 
“We weren’t married for long, I know, but I knew him for 23 years.” she continued, as if he hadn’t spoken. Her eyes seemed a little faraway now. “We would always make the most of his vacation days - see the lights, visit the Christmas market, decorate the tree, roast chestnuts and drink hot cocoa. He loved carolling, had a good voice for it.” 
Severus looked down at his cookie, scraping at the white icing with his thumbnail and effectively crumbling away the hand piped snowflake. 
“I’m not making you celebrate Christmas with me because I’m lonely.” she clarified, eyeing him sternly. “If you don’t want to do anything else on this list, I won’t make you. I just don’t want you going through life thinking it’s all bad and that good things can’t happen to you.”
“I don’t -” 
“Yes, you do.” Minerva scolded. “Don’t think I don’t see you wallowing every time you catch sight of yet another reminder that this is supposed to be the happiest time of the year. You don’t have to be the cheeriest person to ever walk the earth, for Merlin’s sake, Severus, but you’re letting bitterness take a hold of you and I won’t stand for it.” 
Severus tried to scowl back, but Minerva could see right through him. 
“Do you know why I accompany you to Hogsmeade?” she asked and Severus grimaced. They weren’t supposed to talk about it; this was one of those stones better left unturned things. 
“Don’t say it please.” he whispered, feeling dread curling in his stomach. He hated to think himself as weak and his inability to enter Hogsmeade alone - any bustling wizard town, at that - was only utter proof that he was. 
“Your paranoia is valid.” Minerva said quietly, saying as little as possible and yet too much at the same time. “Don’t be ashamed of having trauma, but don’t let it turn you into a bitter, shriveled up, old bastard either.”
“Are we still talking about Christmas?” he asked ruefully. 
“You know we aren’t.”
Their empty plates and half-filled mugs suddenly got up and floated away only to return as a pair of traveling paper cups topped with more wine and a splash of something stronger. They nodded their thanks at Rosmerta and shrugged back into their cloaks. They kept a tab at the Three Broomsticks, so paying wasn’t a concern as they exited the building and headed towards the castle in silent agreement to skip the carriage ride. 
“So, roasted chestnuts?” Severus brought up, as they crunched over the dirty ice that coated the path back home. “Like, in the song? That’s a thing?” 
Minerva nodded. 
“Can we do that, then?” he asked casually, trying to make amends. “I noticed the apothecary had a basket full of them. Perhaps we could return and pick some up.”
“Already taken care of.” Minerva replied, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small burlap sack bursting with its lumpy contents. “You were too busy holding jars of lacewing flies to the light you never even noticed.”
“Roasted chestnuts then.” Severus nodded, ignoring the jab towards his particularness. “And uh, thank you for accompanying me to Hogsmeade,” he added, trying to sound indifferent to it, like it wasn’t such a difficult thing to admit aloud. “I know it's hard for you too.” 
The witch smiled softly, as if being reminded of her - what, only three months now? - deceased husband and her old life living in the small town was a pleasant memory. And perhaps for her, it was. Perhaps he was letting grief turn him bitter. What did the deaths of his only friends and both his parents have to do with Christmas? Years had passed since both and yet the newly-created widow walking besides him was coping far better than he could ever hope to. 
“I think we should talk about Christmas present shopping.” 
“I was just going to -”
“And don’t say you were going to owl-order them.” Minerva interrupted, narrowing her eyes at him. “There’s nothing personal about circling a few things in a catalogue.”
“What do you propose then?”
“We’ll go gift shopping together. Tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow,” Minerva confirmed, taking a sip of her drink. “It’s too early in the month for most people, so Diagon Alley won’t be crowded at all, let alone on a Tuesday. Shouldn’t make you too uncomfortable, yes?”
Severus offered a smile at the unexpected accommodation and nodded. He cradled his paper cup of mulled wine close to his chest, feeling a warmth that came from more than just the hot drink. 
a/n: oops maybe got carried away with this one? it would mean the world to me if you told me what you think of this bc im v proud of it. 
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elena-reina · 6 years
Don’t Be Sorry, Pay Attention - Draco Malfoy x Reader
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Request: I’d like to request a Draco x slytherin reader fic where Draco is tutoring the reader (I’m thinking potions would be modt realistic) and at first he is his normal bratty self but over time grows to really like her, despite often getting frustrated because she is very scattered minded and has a hard time focusing (basically reader has ADD). one evening they’re walking back to the common room together after a session in the library and she notices he’s drifted off, his eyes stuck on her. She notices he’s drifted off, his eyes stuck on her, and she teases ”am I a bad influence on you, Draco?” he blinks out of it ”what?” she smiles ”you seem to have drifted off there mate” ”oh” and then that evening he kisses her which I suppose I’ll leave up to you as to leave _something_ up to you because I feel like I’ve been a bit too detailed... in my defense the rules did say to be specific! - Anon
Author’s Note: I did this to the best of my ability. I’m not sure the ADD may be up to par, but I went based off of what you said. And I added dyslexia to spice it up a bit.
Warnings: ADD/Dyslexia
Y/N: Your name
You’ve been struggling in a lot of your classes for a while. ADD had been ruining your life just due to the fact that you feel like no one takes you seriously. You look back on it and honestly cannot see one positive thing that has happened to you as a result of it. People always go on about how we ought to celebrate our differences, but you’re guessing theirs hasn’t led them down such awful paths as yours have. And to top it all off, not only did you have ADD, but you also had dyslexia. As if your life couldn’t get any worse.
The main class you were having trouble with was Potions directed by the famous Professor Snape. Perhaps it could have been because of how hard the class was. Or for the fact that you couldn’t focus on anything and the words would keep moving around on the paper. It’s gotten so bad that you were assigned a tutor.
Who might that be?
The one and only Draco Malfoy. He was really good at potions and Snape thought it’d be best if he were to pair the best and worst student together prior in the library before going to work on potions. 
You both were sitting at a lonely table in the back, with a bunch of books sprawled out across the table. Draco did not look like he wanted to be there, but at the same time he looked unbothered.
“How are we supposed to study if we don’t know which potion we are going to be working on?” you asked.
“That’s why we are going to go over all of them. What’s this potion?” he asked pointing to a picture in the book he was reviewing. You took a good look at the picture, but began to zone out while looking at it. 
He noticed the cloudiness in your eyes and cleared his throat, bringing your attention back to him.
“It’s uhm.. it’s...,” you stated, searching for the words, but didn’t remember what it was. He brought his finger to the bolded words right above the picture and you mentally face palmed. 
“It’s Leskel Gro,” you said. He looked at you perplexed.
“No, it’s Skele Gro. Have you been drinking? I’m not going to tutor you if you don’t take this seriously,” he stated firmly, growing frustrated with you.
“What, no. I don’t drink, I would never,” you defended.
“Mhm,” he mumbled not believing you and went back to studying with you.
Later in potions class, you were working on the Polyjuice Potion with Draco. Snape had given the entire period to the potion since he seemed rather busy and had to focus on something else.
Draco was reading the recipe for the potion and knew exactly what to do. As for you well, you were staring off to the side, not wanting to read. Through your blurred vision you saw a pale hand stretch out and snap its fingers in front of your face. You blinked and returned to reality. You turned to look at an annoyed Draco.
“How about you try reading if you’re not going to try and do some bloody work,” he snapped and dropped his book roughly in your hands. 
You groaned, barely catching the book, as he left to go get the ingredients. You sighed to yourself and lightly placed the book on the table in front of you. You hesitantly opened the book and flipped to the page.
“Okay, Polyjuice Potion,” you mumbled to yourself and began to read, “Designed to improve health... helps with dolcs..? No, colds.”
Draco returned with a few items in his hands and glanced over to what you were reading. He rolled his eyes and glared at you.
“Y/N,” he stated sternly. 
You jumped at his sudden outburst and looked at him with your curious eyes.
“What in Merlin are you doing? Why are you...”
You began to zone out, no longer paying attention. You were going to have lunch after this, but didn’t know what to eat. You knew you could eat at the Dining Hall, but you also could just to go Hagrid’s place and eat whatever he’s cooking up. You loved Hagrid, he never yelled at you and would introduce you to all his animals. And boy, did you love animals, such as his-
“Y/N!” Draco snapped.
“Yes!” you gasped being brought back into reality.
“Were you listening to a word I said?” he glared folding his arms over his chest. You vigorously nodded.
 “Okay, what did I just say then.”
You nibbled on the bottom of your lip thinking of what to say. What had he just been talking about? And then it hit you.
“The Polyjuice Potion,” you replied. He still didn’t look impressed.
“And what about it?”
“We’re going to make it,” you said.
“Pay attention!” he snapped irritated, “What were you doing on the Pepperup Potion page?”
“Pepperup Potion? What are you talking about?” you asked furrowing your eyebrows and looked back at the book. You were on the Pepperup Potion and not the Polyjuice. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he took the book from you and began flipping to the correct page.
“You can’t even do a simple task as reading,” he mumbled, frustrated. You shyly nodded and fiddled with your thumbs.
“Sorry,” you whispered, embarrassed.
A flash of remorse flowed through Draco, but he cleared his throat and stood up straight. 
“Don’t be sorry, pay attention.”
Soon enough, you guys started working on the potion and it was actually going really well. However every time Draco asked you to read an ingredient aloud, you struggled. 
“Okay uhm... you will need the... the.. Cironb Norh?”
“A what?” Draco asked.
“A Corbni Norh,” you repeated confidently.
“A what?” he asked again, lost more than before, “You didn’t even say the same thing. Let me see, point to it.”
You pointed to the word. He looked at the word for a moment and then back at you.
“Bicorn Horn,” he stated. You looked back at the word and made it out. Your cheeks began to turn pink and you lightly nodded, avoiding eye contact.
“Oh.. I’m sorry. I thought I saw- I just-”
“Switch spots with me. You mix the the ingredients and I’ll read. Deal?” he offered. You nodded and took his place. For a little bit, Draco stared at you with curiosity trying to figure you out. You looked at him, but back at the mix. 
“Okay next you are going to need the fluxweed and knotgrass,” he said going back to the potion and pointing to the appropriate jars. 
You grabbed them and put them into the mix. And for a while, Draco seemed to lighten up and even cracked a few jokes here and there. You occasionally would drift off, getting side tracked, but snapped back to reality by Draco. 
Since the potion was a long process, you had to wait a full 24 hours until you could proceed on the potion. You bid your farewells to Draco and headed off to lunch, skipping. Draco watched you with wonder and headed to his destination.
The next day, you walked to the same table you were at prior next to Draco. He was already mixing the potion and looking into its contents.
“Hiya, partner,” you cheered jumping next to him. Taken back by your presence, he jumped a bit, but composed himself afterwards.
“Y/N,” he replied, uninterested. You pursed your lips and distanced yourself. 
“And now for the final step, a piece of your hair,” he said sitting up straight and turning to you.
“Huh? Why mine, why can’t we use yours?” you retorted, playing with your hair. 
He rolled his eyes as if it was obvious. “I am one of a kind.”
One of a kind? You’ve got that right. Speaking of right, you noticed Pansy to the right of you eyeing you up and down angrily. Why was she so mad? You knew she has the biggest crush on Draco and wanted to be his partner, but it wasn’t your fault that he was assigned to be your tutor. It wasn’t your fault that you had ADD and dyslexia and had to be babied by someone. It wasn’t your fault that-
“Earth to Y/N,” he spoke snapping you out of your thoughts, “Give me a piece of your hair.”
“Fine,” you sighed and plucked one of your hairs. You placed it lightly in the pot as Draco mixed it and watched as its colors turn into a bright, luminescent gold. His eyebrows raised in amazement.
“What, why are you making that face?” you asked, getting on your tiptoes to look over at the pot and see its color.
“Nothing. Its taste and appearance depends on the person's good character that is being impersonated. Yours being gold must mean you are a pure person,” he stated.
“Oh,” you stated looking down. How pure could you be if you were so flawed. He noticed your change in mood but didn’t say anything. Instead he raised his hand to signal Snape over to check the potion. 
You both were in the clear and made the potion perfectly. Snape was impressed since you two were the only ones in the class to get it right, especially with you being the worst student. At first Snape was skeptical as to whether you did any work or not, but Draco cleared it up that you helped a lot. Snape then awarded ten points to Slytherin for the both of you, totaling up to a full twenty points for the both of you.
“Good job, Y/N,” Draco praised and left since class was dismissed.
Later in the evening after your study session in the library with Draco, you both made your way to the Slytherin common room together. You were a bit ahead of him since you tend to walk faster, but this time Draco was walking slower than usual. You slowed your pace and looked over your shoulder at him. His eyes were on you, but this time, he didn’t really look away. In fact, he seemed to look like he was in some sort of a trance.
”It appears to be that I am a bad influence on you, Draco?” you teased, walking next to him. Catching his attention this time, he blinked out of his trance and returned to reality.
“What?” he asked. You smiled lightly and looked at his confused face. 
“You seem to have drifted off a bit there,” you smiled.
“Oh- I did, but I mean-,” he garbled his words all at once, not knowing where to start. 
At this point, you both were already in the Slytherin common room and had sat down on the couches next to each other. It was late, so there wasn’t anyone else there present in the room except for you two. Oddly enough, Draco hadn’t left to his room yet.
“It’s fine, Draco. I’m just teasing,” you smiled. He turned to look at you and rested his head on his hand.
“Why is it you are the way you are?” he asked. You were taken back by his sudden question.
“Sorry?” you asked.
“I mean, why is it that you need tutoring? Do you not understand the material?” 
You licked your dry lips and shook your head. “I’m a mess, Draco,” you half chuckled, “I have these things wrong with me.”
Now this time, he was taken back by your statement. “What do you mean?”
“I have ADD which stands for attention deficit disorder. I can’t really focus on many things for too long, or if I do, I get easily sidetracked. I sometimes forget where I place my things or daydream a lot. And it’s not like I do it on purpose or anything, it’s because of my ADD,” you informed, “And I also have dyslexia. The words I read move themselves around and sometimes flip upside-down. That’s why I have difficulty reading and writing.”
Draco looked genuinely interested in what you were talking about. You looked down, fiddling with your thumbs embarrassed.
“That’s why I was shocked when you said I was a pure person, because I am anything but pure. I am so deeply flawed,” you frowned.
“Look at me,” he said entwining his fingers into yours, gently pulling you forward towards him. You looked into his eyes. “Your flaws are what make you whole. When you find yourself doubting your own worth, or caught in a cycle of self-blame or shame, remind yourself to look at your life with new, fresh eyes.“
“Draco, what I have is nothing to be proud of,” you scoffed, looking to the side, not believing a word he said.
“Maybe in your eyes, but in mine it’s what makes you you. Had I known sooner, I would have been easier on you,” he stated, “I’m fascinated by what you have since it’s something completely new to me.”
He brought his hand up and turned your face back to his. He leaned forward slowly as you felt his hot breath on your lip. You hesitantly connected your lips. They moved in sync. You both shared a hot kiss, as he pulled away.
You looked at him, unable to read his emotions and immediately regretted it.
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t know where that came from, I-”
He pressed his lips once more on yours to shut you up and you relaxed into the kiss. For once, it felt like everything was clear in your mind and the only thing on it was Draco.
“Don’t be sorry, pay attention,” he grinned. You laughed and collapsed into his arms, going into a tight embrace.
“Thank you for accepting me for who I am, Draco,” you smiled.
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lookbluesoup · 5 years
OC Interview Meme
Tagged by @tarberrymentats and @wastelandwandererstuff​ B)
SORRY IT TOOK ME A WHILE TO GET TO THIS GUYS spring break kept me busy xD But I AM BACK NOW AND READY TO ANSWER THESE TAGS THANK U ALL <33 It’s been a blast getting to read about everyone’s Fallout characters ;w; I’m trying to get braver about leaving comments/reblogs but in the meantime just know I SEE YOUR AWESOME CHARACTERS and I APPRECIATE THEM.
This was actually a challenge answering from Nate’s POV xD There’s stuff that I KNOW ABOUT HIM AND WANT TO SHARE but he wouldn’t volunteer or he wouldn’t view the same way so… take it for what it is! And feel free to ask questions! ;w;
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It is long. Long long long. Not sorry. 16, 19, 28, and 33 are my favorites c;
1. What is your name?
Oh. Wow. We’re starting this interview off with some tough ones, hunh? Uhh… hm. My name. My name… Let me think. (overly dramatic pause) Nathaniel Christian Ronan? Yeah. That sounds right.
2. Do you know why are you named that?
I was told my name means “God has given,” because my parents didn’t actually think they’d be able to have a second kid. That and Pops was an army chaplain - wanted me to have a name reflecting the faith. He was very literal in his approach. Ronan is an Irish surname, which seemed a lot more important 200 years ago than it does today. It means… uh, oh, shoot, I used to know… Don’t worry, it’ll come to me.
3. Are you single or taken?
(chuckles) Sorry folks, my roving days are over. Got a nosy reporter waiting for me back in Diamond City... whatever time I’ve got left I’m giving it to her.
4. Have any abilities or powers?
Powers? What, like, superpowers? That’d be awesome but, hah, no. Though I’ve been told my ability to talk myself out of trouble is uncanny. My martinis were legendary, and still would be if I find the ingredients for them in this apocalyptic wasteland. Friends say I’ve got a good ear for music… Oh, and ventriloquism. That’s always fun.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
I know you are but what am I?
6. What’s your eye color?
Blue, like my grandmother. (blinks dramatically several times for emphasis)
7. How about your hair color?
Coal back. (runs a hand through it almost nervously) And holding up better than the rest of me, considering the complete lack of well-deserved grey hair.
8. Have any family members?
I have a son, Shaun. Piper gave me roots, and Nat’s pretty much my little sister, too, at this point. The Railroad’s been more family to me than most of my own blood ever was.
9. Oh? How about pets?
Legs Washington, an orphaned radstag I brought to the Castle. He’s a bit of a mascot for the men, follows Shaun everywhere. Yeah, it’s adorable.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
You guess? Look, after this interview, I’m taking you to the Castle to meet them yourself. Your life will be changed. There’s plenty to dislike about the Commonwealth, enough to go mad over. It’s not exactly the charming old homestead of days gone by. But we’re making it better one day at a time.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Hah! “Duck and Cover” is a big one. Got me suspended from Railroad HQ once, though. I still say that was Deacon’s fault. I like long walks through the woods, playing baseball with Shaun, and a General’s work is never done but it does bring fulfillment. I like all those activities infinitely better when Piper’s around. Is that mushy? God, that sounds mushy. (smiles shamelessly)
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Yeah. Some deserved it… some I’m still trying to make up for.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
(stops smiling) Yeah. I have. You want a kill count? Six-word soundbites about all the blood and screams and the way men look when they realize they’re about to die? It’s not a fun fact. It’s not fun. Next question.
14. Name your worst habits?
I’m afraid that information’s classified. I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. OH! LITTLE SEAL. That’s what Ronan means! Yeah, you know, like, selkie babies.
15. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Aha… seriously? I’m Pipersexual, end of story. Unless you count the undying affection between my best mate Deacon, and me, which I’ve been told occasionally inspires jealousy. Honestly, I never gave putting a name to my romantic inclinations much thought. It’s always been women, but maybe I just never met the right man.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Piper, for sure. She’s - the way she sees the world? It gives me hope. She’s brave, brave enough to fight for what she believes in. No matter how bad it gets she always finds a light to hold onto, somehow, and keep going. And she’s genuine. I didn’t know what courage really was until I met her. Scribbles’ friendship is… a hell of a lot more than I deserve. I wouldn’t be the same without it. And, God, she’s funny. Sweet, and - a-ha, hm… we’d be here all day if I tried to list all the reasons why I love her.
I also have immense respect for Nick Valentine. He’s a good guy. Without ‘im, I might still be chasing my tail out in the woods somewhere. Or worse. Nick was a friend to me when I needed it most, put everything on the line to help me find my son - didn’t even hesitate. I’ll never be able to repay him for that.
17. What kind of animal are you?
One of a kind. (winks)
18. Do you go to school?
The Commonwealth has a way of schooling everyone, doesn’t it? I’m a bit too old for arithmetic and hall passes, but I never stop learning, if that’s what you mean.
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
I’-ve… been down that road before. (breaks eye contact abruptly) Times were uncertain enough when Shaun was born. Now? Scribbles and I roll the dice every day of our lives. Asking her to marry me – starting over – was the scariest thing I’ve ever done. A baby would be, uh, a really big change. (smiles briefly, uncertain) Maybe if – no, I don’t know. Piper’s never shown any desire for something like that. If she did – even if she did... (sighs) I – look. Let’s just move on, okay?
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Oh yeah, I have an ensemble of groupies that follow me around the wasteland with a pack brahmin and an eyebot.They pitch my tent for me and cook all my meals. I pay for services with my autograph instead of caps. (rolls eyes, but keeps a smile)
21. What are you most afraid of?
Losing someone I love. I know we don’t get any guarantees out here in the wasteland, but… loss never gets any easier. It makes it hard to open up, y’know? I spent a long time keeping folks who cared about me at arm’s length, and some days it’s still a challenge.
22. What do you usually wear?
What you see is what you get! Derbys, slacks, a shirt as white as I can get it in these conditions, and a black vest, because that never goes out of style. My favorite hat is - take a look at this. It’s a bicorne. Has anyone worn that since the French Revolution? It’s great. I love it. Piper doesn’t.
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
You know what I miss? Chocolate. I’d kill for chocolate. … kidding.
24. Am I annoying to you?
Hah! I married a journalist. This is just another Tuesday.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
Look, if I’m not back by seven…
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
I mean… it’s not like anyone’s ‘wealth’ compares to what it was like before the war. I’m not living off charred molerat, but I certainly won’t be moving into the Upper Stands anytime soon. Most of what I have, I made myself.
27. How many friends do you have?
More than I deserve. Piper and Deacon are probably my two best friends though. Nick, Preston, and Kent oughta be mentioned, too.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
You mean those damn perfectly preserved slices stuck in the Port-A-Diners? God, I’ve tried everything. I spent an entire afternoon trying to break in. What is the glass even made of? I couldn’t put a scratch on it. You have to just keep pushing the button. Over and over. I’m convinced it’s all some Vault-Tec conspiracy. There is no pie. The pie is a lie. Piper says she managed it once, but I don’t believe her.
29. Favorite drink?
Nuka cherry! No question.
30. What’s your favorite place?
There’s a spot up at the top of Diamond City. I mean the top top, even higher than the Stands. Clear night with a full moon? You can see for miles. Can’t be beat.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
You’ve - been listening, right? Aha, was I unclear about being madly in love?
32. That was a stupid question…
You’d be surprised how often it gets asked. (chuckles)
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Lake. Definitely. I’m marginally less likely to get eaten there. That being said, I was up in Maine once, went out to pick lure weed. You know, those radioactive yellow flowers that grow in muddy ponds? Bad idea.Terrible idea. Maine is a terrible place and I will not be building a summer home there e-ver.
34. What’s your type?
Kickass reporters with the brightest hazel eyes you’ve ever seen, hair like Aphrodite, and a smile to make you melt.
35. Any fetishes?
Look, you’re very nice. Really. And I appreciate the interest, but ah, this isn’t any of your business. Only one person gets to ask me about those and - you aren’t her.
36. Camping or outdoors?
Camping? Oh man, those were the days. An RV trip would be the bomb. It’s not much of an option these days. But I’m used to sleeping rough, and I gotta admit, it has its charm.
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cantolopejeevas · 6 years
your soulmate's name is on your wrist for merfae. I think it'd be super interesting for Sielya and Ilor (and anyone else!) to know that they're soulmates with a Very Important Princess and all of the hijinks that could ensue haha~
So! This turned out less hijinks-y, haha, but there’s still a little bit of Sielya being kinda sneaky, and I also added in a liiiiittle bonus! Just ‘cause I thought it would be fun, so hopefully you like that~
“We are not losing this kingdom to anymore creatures!”
It was a muffled yell, but it still caught little Sielya’s ear as they tiptoed through the corridors of the east wing. They were supposed to be taking etiquette lessons, but those were always confusing. Princes do this. Princesses do that. You should… Do both! Until the time comes for you to choose.
They peeked into the door to their mother’s study. She was working at her desk, quill in hand while their father stood off to the side, a deep scowl on his face.
“Soulmates cannot be kept from each other,” their mother said matter-of-factly. “And either way, it would be rude to ignore the correspondence from the Mermaid Kingdom. All I’m trying to do is answer their queries.”
“…Do not tell them the truth.”
“And why not?”
“Because we don’t even know for sure if it’s a match. For all we know, there’s a human Ilor out their, waiting for our child, while we’re offering their hand and their throne to these mermaids. Who knows what sort of power play this is…”
“Fine. I will simply say that we don’t want to reveal who their soulmate is. For their safety. And that there may be another Sielya out there for their daughter. We will see what happens. But I think this is quite unnecessary.”
“I’m just looking out for the best interests of the kingdom. We don’t need your mistakes impacting our people even more.”
“…Duly noted.”
A mermaid? Their soulmate was a mermaid? Sielya bounced off for the library, their little feet taking them as fast as they could go. They had to read as much as they could on mermaid culture!
After all, why would their soulmate be some boring human? No, they knew better. Looking at the name on their wrist left the slightest taste of sea salt in their mouth, and made them think of gold and red. Didn’t know why, but they knew it had to be something. Some sort of clue leading them to where they needed to go.
But they had to wonder… Why didn’t their parents ever talk about the other name on their wrist?
Gold and red.
He was special. Sielya could feel it in his presence. There was something more to the town’s paperboy than met the eye. And he was the key to finding Ilor. Even the second name on their wrist pulsed and grew hot when they made eye contact, and he raised an eyebrow up at them.
The guards were an issue. But with a polite smile and some puppy-dog eyes, they’d been convinced to turn away for just a few moments. And that was all Sielya needed to hurry over.
“Hello, Arden,” they slowly greeted, unsure.
“Why, hello, Princess,” he greeted while watching them carefully. “Have we met?”
“…Then how do you know my name?”
They simply shrugged. It would be a little weird to come out with the truth at first meeting, wouldn’t it? But thankfully, their guess had been right, and they were saved from immense awkwardness.
“Okay… Well, do you wanna buy a paper?”
“Not today, thank you,” they answered and stared him down, trying to pinpoint what exactly was drawing them to him. “Actually, I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner sometime?”
He almost reeled back. “Dinner?”
“I’m looking to make friends, and, well…” They smiled and let out a little giggle. “Something drew me to you!”
“Huh… And you’ll be paying?”
“Why, of course.”
“Alright, sounds good to me. What time?”
Sielya worked diligently in their notebook, the millionth in a series of drawings that they hoped to stop soon. The other princesses of Arden’s dragon hoard chattered about. A hand on their shoulder made them jump, but they eased when they realized it was just Arden.
“Drawing Ilor again?”
“I am,” they answered simply and went back to their speculative sketch. Long hair, that was calling to them. “Have you gotten any word from the Mermaid Kingdom?”
“Not yet,” he muttered with an annoyed huff. “I dropped your letter in the ocean, what? Four days ago?”
“Yes. But I’m not too worried about it.”
“Why not?”
They hummed and drew out the curves of their sketch’s body. “Fate still brought me to you, despite my parent’s efforts to contain me. It’ll do the same for Ilor.”
“…What’re you talking about?”
They brandished their arm and pulled up the sleeve of their glove, showing off the two names on their wrist. “Fate. You and Ilor are the two that I’m bound to. If I am led to one, I will be led to the other. I’m sure of it.”
“Uh, I only see Ilor on there.”
Blinking, they took in their soulmarkings once more. Sure, Arden’s name was less bold, a shade that was just a touch or two darker than their skin. But it was still there, still as prominent to them as Ilor had been.
“Hold out your wrist, please?”
Arden scoffed. “I don’t have a soulmate. There’s nothing there.”
Sielya almost pouted at him. “Just humor me?”
With a huff, he held out his arm for them and muttered, “You can’t pull that pout on me, it’s not fair…”
Gently, they took his arm and turned it over. And of course, there they were. Two names embedded into his skin. With a soft sigh, they said, “It’s fate. You have my name on you. And Ilor’s.”
Arden’s mouth screwed up to the side. “I don’t believe you.”
“Maybe this will change your mind.”
They pressed their thumb into their name, and in the very next second, he shivered like a wave of ice washed over him, and wrenched his arm from their hold. Eyes wide, as if he just realized something, he held his arm to his chest and stared down at them.
“What the hell was that?”
“Whenever you touch your name on my arm, it almost feels like I’m burning,” they answered cheerfully, happy to have been proven right. “So I figured the reverse would do something similar.”
“…So maybe you’re right,” he muttered after a long moment, and flipped his hair to try and save face. “But, you know, if we’re soul best friends or whatever, that means we should get matching jewelry or something.” A sly look took over his face, with an all too familiar gleam in his eye. “You know, like best friends do.”
They smiled to themself. “I’ll bring you something when I come visit tomorrow. When gem are you feeling?”
“Is she really in there?”
“Yeah. I flew her in myself and got achy arms for it…”
“I’m sorry about that, thank you so much for doing this. But oh, do I look presentable? Is my dress nice enough?”
“I dunno. She’s naked, so I think you’ll be fine.”
“But what about my hair? Should I-”
A quick push interrupted them, and they found themself making eye contact with their soulmate for the first time. A wave of cool washed over them, like a dip in a lake, but with a hint of salt in their lungs. And they immediately noticed gold and red.
“Stop staring and go talk to her!”
They looked back to see Arden shooing them, a frustrated look on his face.
Alright. They could do this.
After taking a deep breath, they stepped forward, notebook clutched tightly to their chest as a bloom of warmth spread across their cheeks. Sounding too eager, they greeted, “Hello! I’m-”
“Sielya?” Ilor asked, a sharp-toothed grin on her face as she cocked her head to the side. “Arden told me about you.”
“Did he now?” they asked quietly. “And… What did he say about me?”
“Not much,” she answered, her arms resting on the edge of the little pool she was in. “Just that you were real nice. And you like to draw?”
Sielya nodded, for once feeling flustered about their interests. “For my research. I… I like learning about the magical creatures of the world. I study them and take notes and do drawings when I need to.”
“That’s pretty interesting!” she said, her fin swaying behind her as stars lit up in her eyes. “Is that what’s in your book? How about you show me?”
“Oh! Why, yes, of course!”
They carefully sat near the pool, legs tucked underneath their body, and flipped through the pages of their notebook from the very beginning. They’d started with an interest in dragons, and relayed the many tales and stories they’d collected over the years, while of course mentioning the very human bias they all had. Then they moved onto other creatures- basilisks, manticores, bicorns, unicorns- everything they’d read about in a book but have yet to see up close. And Ilor listened intently, asking questions here or there that would get them onto another tangent.
Then Sielya almost exposed one of the many preemptive sketches they’ve done of her, and quickly shut their book. Not yet, she could learn about those later. When they weren’t trying to impress her.
“Anyway, what are your interests?” they quickly asked, praying to whatever powers there were that she didn’t see anything.
“I collect human armor,” she answered, her cheek resting in her hand. “And weapons. Whatever I can find in the ocean. I think they’re fascinating, but I don’t quite know what some of them are.” A smile graced her lips and Sielya felt like she could hear their heart racing. “Maybe you could visit sometime and explain them to me?”
“Why, it would be an honor.”
A visit to the Mermaid Kingdom. With the absolutely stunning Mermaid Princess, oh, it was like a dream come true!
“No, the honor would be all mine,” Ilor said. Then she reached down into the pool, and pulled out a little bangle with all sorts of beads and colors on it. Carefully, she took Sielya’s hand and slipped it onto their wrist. “I always knew my soulmate was an adorable princess. And I would love to finally be able to get to know you.”
They smiled, face warm and a pleasant feeling spreading through them. And once the butterflies in their stomach settled, they took her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “I would love that too.”
…Though they’d have to explain this to their parents. But that was a problem for another time.
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I was tagged by @bountyofthepast​. 
Rules: answer eleven questions, tag eleven people, ask eleven new questions. 
I might not tag eleven people but I’ll see what I can do. 
1. Which historical figure has been your greatest inspiration and why?
I don’t know if any have been an inspiration. I certainly find many people to be interesting and I’ve keenly researched them. But inspiration? I don’t think I’d use that word with any of them. I struggle with idolization of any kind, even the more benign models of it. Perhaps it’s my dislike of authority coming through, or my anxiety of never being able to live up to something so therefore I shall not place something upon a stool to live up to. I’ll just be myself, whatever flawed form that takes.
I admire specific achievements of people, certainly. But again, I wouldn’t hold any one person up as great inspiration to me.
 2. Favourite unique hobby? Oh I don’t know. I’ve limited hobbies – it’s mostly writing. I write constantly, voraciously, everywhere. Most of it is garbage, of course, but there are some gems in the rough. I find reading, or talking through, tarot cards to be relaxing. Mostly as a means to walk through whatever is on my mind at the moment. Not sure that is a unique hobby, but it’s one I don’t really talk about much.
 3. If you could write a book about anything in the world, what would it be? I’ve always wanted to write something about being an AA child. Growing up in and out of AA rooms and that culture. Maybe one day I will, at the moment I’m struggling with vulnerability in writing which to me is the most important thing. To be vulnerable. To speak some truth about yourself plainly without hiding it in fancy language – either too beautiful or too intellectual. I’m guilty of both. Sometimes at the same time.
Anyway, to write that book I’d have to be vulnerable; I’d have to be comfortable with my family reading it and letting me know their Views; I’d have to be comfortable with partially telling my mom’s story and I’m not sure I am since it’s hers. I’ve mined my grandmother’s life enough and god help me, she’s dead and so can’t complain. Does that make it right? There’s no answer to that.
 4. What’s something unique about you? I talk to myself all the time because I live alone? Constant conversation with myself; sometimes I pretend to be other people to shake it up. Now you all know way too much about me.
 5. Which achievement are you most proud of? I’m quite proud to have the job I currently do, it took some brutal work to get here but I’m pleased with it.
 6. If you were to purchase a horse, what would you name it? Sulla. Maybe Aristophanes or Cassius.
 7. If you could speak three languages fluently, which would they be? French, Romanian, Dutch or maybe Arabic.
 8. Bicorne hats, tricorne hats, or top hats? Tricorne always.
 9. What’s a flaw you wish you could change? Too many! I’ve too many! My fear of being vulnerable which comes from a fear of being hurt. I don’t like crying or being “weak” or being selfish, though I’m often quite selfish. I dislike that I tend to make things about myself and I wish I was better at not doing that, of making myself smaller. I worry my personality it too strong or brash or caustic. I’d like to be softer but I don’t know how, or even if I’ll ever be able to. I wish I was better at being generous – I have friends who are so good and remembering little things, picking up small gifts for people, thinking of others, and I admire that in them. I wish I was more like that.
 10. Where’s your favourite place in the world? My aunt’s house in Melbourne Village.
 11. List three interesting facts about the place you live. The Christie Pitt Riots happened in Toronto and it was when some Nazis unfurled a flag during a baseball game in Christie Pitt’s and then promptly had the shit beaten out of them during a riot led by Jewish and Black Canadians. So that’s great.
We call raccoons Trash Pandas and have a long, storied history of trying to keep them out of our green bins even to the point of having special green bins designed to deter them but uh, they don’t seem to work. Raccoons 1, Toronto Humans 0.
Toronto used to be called Muddy York because our city was a disgusting shit hole for most of its history. It’s still ugly, we got all the worst architectural trends of the 20th and 21st centuries. Not only did we get the worst trends, we got the worst products of those trends. Anthony Bourdain was right when he visited us.  "It's not a good-looking city. It's not a good-looking town. You've got all the worst architectural fads of the 20th century."
1. If you were trapped on an island for the rest of your life what are the three books you’d bring with you? 
2. Pick a television show or movie that you like but want to fix & how.
3. What is your ideal house or living situation? 
4. What is your favourite place you’ve visited? 
5. What is the top scandal that you follow and/or what is the one thing or person you keep tabs on? 
6. Who do you occasionally facebook/internet stalk? 
7. Frockcoat or banyan? 
8. Who do you find most interesting - can be a historical figure, a fictional character, someone still alive etc. 
9. What is your favourite trope or cliche in fiction? 
10. What’s the weirdest/craziest/you-can’t-make-this-up thing that’s happened in your life? Can be either to you or to a friend etc. 
11. What’s your current goal, the thing you’re working towards? 
And I tag: @squadron-of-damned @prudencepaccard @pipuhattar @yoyo-inspace @frederick-the-great @valinaraii @tatzelwyrm @becumsh @black-brunswickers @black-cat-aoife @thecoppercow
Obviously feel free to bow out. And if I didn’t tag you but you want to do it - go for it! 
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liray-stylespk · 4 years
Mens Stylish Clothing Secrets
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shitty parallel paradise translations ch 101-104
Shitty Parallel Paradise Translation Chapter 101 to Chapter 104
a duwang quality parallel paradise translation transcript draft from chapters 101 to the first few pages of chapter 105. My brother asked me to do it but I really can't put that much effort into something I don't really care. This was sitting on my computer so i thought I'd put it here even if it is half-assed but if this gets enough likes or reblogs or DM's I'll do it more seriously and give the translations to the group who's doing it (or whoever wants to clean this up and typeset this I can give u photoshop if u want). Scans are from rawdevart.com don't go to the other one because that one is full of ads. 
notes: I've never read parallel paradise so I don't know how the characters sound. It's a draft so there's lots of brainstorming words and sentences. 
Enjoy the duwang. Namazu out.
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 Chapter 101
The dreaming maidens target is…?
The dreaming maidens spearhead is aiming towards?
 I can't stay as a dreaming virgin?
 Peko is looking this way like she doesn't want to get along.
 You're here aren't you!!
 Come out here!
 Peko's stupid but she's skilled
 Accompany him to sandorio
 Go together with him until sandorio please.
 I think it would be enough with ruumi and amane though
 It probably is but…
 Even though peco has talent, she's not a guardian/has no guardian (?)
And therefore she doesn’t know the world outside/outside  world.
 Because of that I would like to use this chance to give her some experience.
About this world's absurdity (不条理)
 You can make her carry your stuff (make her a porter?/carrier?)
 Please bring her with you
 Carry your stuff!?
 Peko once you're ready we're moving out.
 Argh dammit
 I can't take this!/I can't do this
 Me as a stuff carrier you say!?/me carrying stuff you say!? This genius me!!
 For this ugly guy!!
 Yes yes ill do it ill do it I'll get ready!!
 It's misaki sama's orders so I'll obey it!
 But I definitely won’t listen to this guys orders you hear!1
 I can't believe this humiliation/disgrace!!
 On second thought, can I refuse/
Please can you do something about it…
 Well then we'll be going
 Yeah, be careful
 You'll overthrow the (deep jealousy god)(?),
And I believe you will erase the (hougetsu) from the humans
 Where's peco
She's waiting outside
 I see, peco's a unicorn huh
Kia, what happened to your face?
 I got kicked by a unicorn. It was a shock.
 Even though I've been taking care that much care of it all this time…
Unicorn's hate non-virgins so…
 I put a saddle on a bicorn.
 Arai 荒いrough rude wild
Kisei nature
 I am surprised that it was this easy to put a saddle on a bicorn despite such wild nature.
 Its because Bicorns like non-virgin girls
Once the battle is over, I want you to definitely come back.
 Because you want to copulate?
 Because I like you.
 I'll come back.
 For sure.
 This time, il come back to this city…
  Is When I've triumphantly return from  defeating the (god of deep jealousy ?)
 Well, let's go!!
 Too fast too fast!!
 Is it alright if we go this fast!?
 If we're going the same as a unicorn it's totally fine!
Let's set up tent here
 Wow we've progressed quite far in one day…
At this rate It might not even take 7 days to reach sandorio
 Peco how about you come here and eat together with us
 I'm good
 I am the sole luggage carrier here
 I very well can't partake/join in  with hero-sama and the guardian-dono
 I will go and patrol around the edge of the vicinity
 Everyone else please go ahead and go to bed before me.
 If something happens be sure to call me immediately!
 Don't make fun of me
 There's no way I would depend on someone like you ba-ka
 It’s dangerous alone!
Don't mind me
I have confidence in my skills so
 What the hell is up with her
 She was always a strange child but
 It seems like she got even more worse during the period we didn't meet.
 The human man that she admired turned out to be yota I wonder if she was greatly disillusioned…
 Shut up!
 Who was it, who was the one who said lets  set up the tent at a place like this!?
 Parallel paradise 102
 I want to penetrate! A maidens policy!
 Fufufuffu huhuhuhuh…
 It's one of me vs 9 of them huh
 It's definitely not enough you know
 Okay that’s 2
 From here on it's the debut of my specially made reverse KARU personal knife!  
That makes four
 Fufufu if I used this then the KARU are like walking tofu!
 Nope nope
 Your presence is totally not erased so
 Okay 7
Theres only you know
 What will it be?
 You can go and call your comrades if you want?
 Since im here anyways I'll exterminate all the KARU in the area
 Geez, misaki-sama too
 Whats up with the 'I want to show her the absurdity of this world"
 Even though I am so much stronger than it.
 For real?
 As I thought
The world is wide…
The probability of hitting its weak point is 1 out of 4…
  No good huh!
 Don't fuck with me!'
 What the hell is this
 Just by one punch I cant move my body anymore…
 "call me as soon as there's something!"
 If I call now,
 I wonder if that hero-dono will come and save me…
 There was no point in trying that hard to train in martial arts
 No matter how much you train the body it'll be the end if you get punched once.
I'll just be used for these guys sexual desires and die…
 To think that…
 I was this weak
 Save me…
 Pp chapter 103
   Looking down from above, a peeping danger!?
 s-save me…
 You're late to call
 You okay?
 Why did the KARU run away?
 I don't know the reason but
 For some reason when they hear my voice the KARU run away,
 Whats up with that
 That kind of thing is cheating right…
 That's why when you're with me you won't get attacked by the KARU
 As I thought… I hate you…
 Men… are too unfair…
 even though I couldn't defeat that stupidly big KARU no matter how hard I tried.
 You're right
 That's not true
 Ru-mi -sama
 If youta was bad man then I think he would've used his powers for his own self interest
 He is the only man in this world after all.
 And besides if you copulate with a man you won't die of moon destruction when you turn 20.
 If those are the circumstances then we definitely can't go against yota.
 In exchange for extending your life he could make all the women in this world do whatever he wants
 Every single day copulating with lots of women.
 I won't do that
 That's right, yota won't do those kinds of things
 Even though If he wanted to he could've done countless horrible things.
 Forget about trying to use us.
 He's putting his life fighting to free us from the destroy moon.
 It's very fortunate that this world's only man is yota Is what I think.
 It was written in a book in sindoria/
 That's unusual
 Amelia spoke
 3000 years ago the man who appeared…
 Brought this world into the brink of atrocity
 He did as he liked with all woman
And made them into toys to satisfy his urges
Took their value has humans
 he left them along the sidewalks 
Laugh at their pathetic forms.
 And brought a period of  treachery.
 Akugyaku no kiri wo tsukushita to
      See as I thought its good we got yota
 Was it truly like that
 Even I, if I stay in this world forever that could I also…
 So peko
 Don’t you have anything to say to the hero-sama that saved you?
 So the KARU will just run away when you use your vice,
 So just by using your voice you make the KARU run away, pretty nice position you got there that you can experience the glory of a hero so easily like that
 I hate you even more now.
 Lets go and sleep now
 What's wrong what's wrong?
 The unicorn!!
 The unicorn ran away!!
 Did you tie it up properly…
 I did… tie it up I think…
 It might have ran away from the giant karu's howl yesterday
 Can this bicorn ride 4 people?
 If it's this big then it should be fine, the problem now is…
 Peco, try and touch the bicorn
 As I thought it would not let a virgin ride it huh///
 Well… it cant be helped huh.
We can't just leave peco here and we can't just walk either.
 Peko take of your underwear and face your ass here
We're copulating
 If you're a non-virgin you can ride the bicorn
 Hurry up and take it off
 If you hate me that much then let's copulate in the agreed way and business like way
 Chapter 103
 I'll copulate with you
 I'll do it how you want it professionally
 Hurry up and take of your underwear and face your ass here
 Just with one prick you'll be able to ride a bicorn.
 Know your place
(mi no hodo wakimaenasai)
 (Peco, her only option left is)
 If I have to copulate with you then I'd rather die right here right now.
 In the first place I didn't have any business anyways, I'lll just go and head home alone.
 If I have three days then I can walk back to mi-su so don't mind me please go on ahead without me
 I've already learned plenty  how wide the world is.
 Even if I put in effort its useless
 To lose to a man just by way of him existing is
 No matter what dangers I face, it's better than procreating with a man who feels like a hero just for existing.
 You know what peco
 Then why is your pleasure fountain overflowing?
 I get it peco…
We also walked the same path so…
 You're getting excited imagining opulating with yota right?
  You're wro-!
You should just give up
 I know you know?
 That peco draws lots of naked
 It's famous.
 That there are lots of pictures of naked men hanging in the room
 Didn't you know?
 You're interested in men aren't you
 It can't be helped
 It's alright
 I'm sure it's the same for everyone so
 It's not something to be ashamed about
 You'll get it if you copulate with yota
 To be honest
 I am interested about copulating
 I thought that men would be more beautiful but…
 But… this…
 For them to be this rugged and bony and an ugly being like this is…
 Give it back…
 Give back the beautiful men that I imagined
 Give it back…
 I've been denied whole heartedly while in tears
 If you really don't want it, it can't be helped but…
 If you have even a little bit of interest in copulating then please
 I don't want to leave you here all alone.
 At least…
 Inside the tent please…
 Oh my oh my
 Hurry up and get it over with it already
 If you look at her closely even though she's cute what an amazing smell
 Well it's not like she's taken a bath yet
 Even though you look like you really hate it your pleasure fountains bursting you know
 Even though I haven't even touched you yet you're already really excited aren't you
 Shut up!  
What is this what is this?
 Good it's come out already the non-virgin mark
 With this it's settled then
 Let's ride the bicorn and head off to sandorio.
 But… if you want to apologise for all the rude things you did regarding me then I’ll continue copulating with you (?)
  What will you do
 She said lots of conceited things already…
 Let's mess with her a little
 Will she fall
 Or perhaps she'll endure it
Hero sama…
 For not knowing my place and all the incalculable rudeness
 I am sincerely very sorry
 Oh Please bless this wretched pervert with copulation…
 You didn't have to fall that far!
 What's with you
 I… I'm a pervert who loves men!
 I'm a pervert who always imagines copulating with men!!
 I didn't know!
 That men were such strong beings like this!!
 It's totally different
 Than women!!
 Thank you
 It's not something you have to say thanks for
 For saving me
 Even with for people riding it this bicorn seems to be totally fine
 Yeah! Because it's this big!
 They say the humans of this world came out from that castle right
 Everyone was born in the castle and leaves the castle to start living in their own cities/towns
 You leave the castle between when you become old enough to be self-aware or not so there are only hazy memories.
 In this world without men, girls being born from a castle…
 If you think about how it is, inside that castle it's like there's something pretty nasty about it inside…
 Who on earth lives in the castle
 The empress
 Nobody has seen her face though
 The empress has already lived for thousands of hears and protects this country
Isn't that?
 Could it possibly the witch?
 But here,
 Whether you can say bad things about the ruler of this land…
 Well then let's head off
 What a creepy forest
 The shortest course would be through here right
 We can't go fast here so it's also an opportunity to let the bircorn rest.
 Please save me!
 What are these guys?
 Kobold loves young girls and metal
 They're aiming for our weapons
 Small fry…
 As expected her martial arts is ruthless/can’t be excused
 Are you alright?
 b-big sister thank you…
 It was scary…
 She has an unexpectedly kind face huh
 Everything is alright now
 Peco had a little sister
 They were killed though
 Hey ru-mi sama
 I want to take this child all the way to the city
 That's impossible
 I mean that child can't ride a bicorn right?
 You planning on copulating with a child this young!?
 I wasn’t!
 Oh alright!! Then I'll walk and drop her home to the city myself!!
 You guys can go on ahead first!
 Like I said it's impossible peco
 You definitely can't walk in the outside world alone.
 Aren’t you underestimating me a bit too much?
 Just because I was saved once yesterday…
 It's alright
 There's an easy solution so
 I feel a bit sorry for them but this way it's settle
 Let's hurry and move on
 Peco look closely!
 That childs a ghoul
 Ghouls turn into people to let their guards down and then attack and eat them
 Even if you cut of their arms and legs they’ll regenerate but their stomach is their weak point.
 I'm sure it teamed up with the Cobolt to attack people.
 The Cobolt for the metal and the ghoul for the human meat
 How di did you know?
 Ghouls have a special smell
 The smell of human corpses
 The ghoul made you let your guard down So I apologise I ended up saying it in such a roundabout way
 But with this you understand now right?
 I understand you have confidence in your martial arts but you can't walk the worlds outside of the city with just that.
 I think that's why misaki wanted you gain experience.
 See, look peco
 Aren’t you glad you didn't have to go back to mi-su alone?
 If you didn't mate with me you would've been dead by now.
 Shut up
 Why don’t you go die instead!!
 Die you!!
 Pp 106
 The weather has been fine all the way…
 At this rate we should already be arriving at sondorio!!
 Just a bit ore nishina…
 I defeated garia and I obtained the card that will free you from the cold sleep./ that will release the cold sleep
 Once I get to sandorio I'll awaken nishina…
 And then…
 What on earth happened to her,
 Why did she become the "wtich of deep jealousy"
 Everything that I don’t know I'll hear from her!
 It's sandoria!
 What's the matter amane?
 What the? It's/something burning?
 You're wrong
 It's a beacon/signal fire right?
 Does that mean something happened in  sandoria?
 What, is that…?
 What on earth happened?
 We haven't met in the while huh
 Nakuta sama… what on earth does this mean?
 It's proof of my resoution
0 notes
writingfish · 7 years
Remembering Home
In which Severaas Strand remembers a past life and gets reluctantly gets involved with the Trio. 
This is a compilation of the au reincarnation snippets that have been written so far. Please let me know if you think I should put them on AO3. 
“No wonder the hat laughed when I said I wanted Gryffindor.”
Memory swirled in his mind, a deep pain threatening to drag him down into its depths.
I failed you, he thought. Oh, how I failed you.
“What,” three voices said and Severaas blinked.Memory whispered in his ear and he shoved it away. Now was not the time.
Potter and his friends looked between him and the petrified cat, opening their mouths to speak.
“Don’t worry, she’s only petrified. Its fixable.”
“I can’t believe we’re considering sticking a basilisk in the school,” Rowena snapped.
“At least it’s better than the dragon,” Helga muttered to Salazar as they watched their friends argue.
“There’s a basilisk in the school,” he whispered to himself, shoving the memory away. Later, he’d deal with it later.
“What,” the trio said and Severaas glanced around, stones warming at his feet.
“Never mind,” he said to them, grabbing Harry’s arm. “We can’t stay here. The feast will be over soon.”
Harry opened his mouth, then shut it as Severaas tugged at his arm.
“Come on,” he hissed and Harry’s eyes widened.
“How,” he began.
Severaas gritted his teeth.
“I’ll explain. I promise. But right now, we have to leave.”
He tugged harder on Harry’s arm and dragged him down the corridor and into an empty classroom. His friends hesitated in the doorway and Severaas groaned, grabbing the girl by the arm and tugging her in.
“Do you want answers or not?”
She scowled at him, but moved to stand beside Harry without protest. The redhead followed, opening his mouth to protest.
“Shhh, Ron,” the girl whispered and Severaas realized that he would have to remember their names if he was going to get involved. What a way to start the school year.
Severaas ran into Rowena just outside the library. They slammed together, going down in a tangle of black. He got to his feet first, holding out a hand and freezing.
She stared at him for a long moment before flinging herself at him. They went down in a tangle again. Thankfully the corridor was empty. Curfew had just ended and absolutely no student would be awake at such an hour.
“Salazar,” she gasped.
Blood dripped onto the rune in the middle of the circle, running down from his wrists. The wood of the door creaked as the pounding on its surface grew more intense. He muttered another word and the bottom half of the circle light up. The door splintered.
“You died,” Rowena was mumbling as the cold of the stone soaked into them both. “You died and we saw and I thought I was the only one who remembered!”
“Sorry,” Severaas said quietly. The pain was back, sinking its barbs into his lungs. The grief and hope of the memory still clouded his head and it took him a long time to realize that Rowena had gotten up and was holding out a hand.
“Thanks,” he said, taking it. He straightened out his robes and hesitated. He wasn’t due to meet Potter and the others until breakfast, so perhaps he could…
“Call me Ragna,” Rowena said, smiling at him. “That’s my name now.”
He smiled back, hope easing away the barbs. Maybe they could repair whatever had broken their relationship in the first place.
“Severaas,” he said, bowing. He only hoped that he could live up to his name.
In the present, Hogwart’s library was not the most welcoming place. In the past, there had been a steady whisper as students asked each other questions or read aloud from their textbooks. Now, under the cutting glare of Madam Pince, there was only the rustle of pages turning.
Severaas frowned at the book in front of him and made a sharp note on the piece of parchment by his right elbow. Ink splattered, obscuring most of what he had written. He growled and scratched it out. Hadn’t wizards ever heard of fountain pens? They were easy to use on both lined paper and parchment. His father loved them. He’d have to ask him to send some.
He made another note. In front of him, Potter shifted and opened his mouth, then closed it for the fifth time. Severaas sighed and looked up.
“Well?” he whispered.
Potter swallowed. “I want you to teach me Parseltongue.”
Severaas had to lean in close to hear him and Potter turned his head, glancing rapidly around.
“I was wondering when you were going to ask me.”
Severaas shut the book with a quiet puff of dust and rose from the table.
“Come on,” he said. “We’re certainly not doing it here.”
“Longbottom,” Sevevaas said, gesturing to the empty seat next to him, “ you’re with me today.”
It was only after a smile from Granger, that Longbottom sat next to him. Severaas gave her a nod and turned to Longbottom, attempting to give him a smile. Longbottom paled and he frowned. It looked like Godric might have been right about his smiles scaring the students.
The lesson passed quietly. As usual, Snape had written the ingredients and the potion name, nothing else. How had that man not been fired yet? They were only second years. In Salazar’s previous life, it was only the seventh years who brewed potions without instructions.
“Err Severaas,” Longbottom said, stretching the a like taffy and nearly cutting off the s, “your spoon is sparking.”
One of the silver sparks jumped from the spoon handle and landed on Severaas’ robe. Quickly, he snuffed it out and then glanced around the room. Snape was correcting Seamus and Dean’s potion and hadn’t appeared to notice them.
“Apologies,” he said and made the requisite number of stirs before adding in the powdered bicorn horn.
“Are you alright,” Longbottom asked, nearly tipping in the diced porcupine quills.
“I’ll be fine” - Severaas moved his hand away - ”It needs to sit for a moment before we add the quills in.”
“Sorry,” Longbottom said, before tipping the quills in at Severaas’ nod.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll go over the potion with you during our study session tonight.”
Longbottom blinked at him and Severaas grinned, the sharp smile that had sent chills down his father’s spine before his castle was razed to dust.
“I intend to help you pass Longbottom. You are going to show Snape that he cannot grind you into dust. That man is a terrible teacher and you are going to prove him wrong.”
Longbottom stared and for a moment Severaas thought he had lapsed into Parseltongue or Mercian, but Longbottom gave him a tentative smile. Well, it would be good to teach again.
Heike paused as Salazar walked into the kitchens. The steady sound of knives chopping onions behind her reminded her of where they were. Before, Salazar would never have been caught in the kitchens during the day.
She stepped forward, the eyes of the elves settling like bricks on her shoulders. Salazar flinched, glancing back at the door before stepping in.
“I thought I’d find you here.”
Heike snorted. How long had he spent lurking near the kitchens or had he gotten one of the elves to tell him when she appeared? The kitchens weren’t the only place she could be found.
“Here I am,” she said. “What do you want?”
“We have to let their families know where they are. They’re family!”
Helga glared at him, crossing her arms over her chest. Behind her one of the tapestries caught fire.
“That won’t matter to them,” Salazar said. “They’ll kill anyone who they think has magic!”
Heike shoved it away. She didn’t want to remember that now. That argument had only lead to their family breaking apart.
Salazar swallowed, then reached for his wand. Heike tensed, half-drawing her own out of her sleeve. His wand was whitish-brown, so different than the snakeskin patterned one he had last.
He took at step forward, wand pointing towards the floor. She drew her own out fully, pointing it at him.
“Stay back”
He ignored her, raising his wand and setting it upon a nearby counter. The knife, still chopping the onions, nearly sliced his fingers. He turned to face her.
“I’m sorry,” he said, letting her see the weariness that had sunken into his soul. “I wanted to let you know.”
He turned to leave, wand still on the counter.
“I’ll leave then,” Salazar snapped, turning his back on them and striding towards the open doors.
“Good,” Godric said, sword half-drawn. “Don’t come back”
“Godric, no,” Helga whispered, grabbing his arm. “You can’t-”
“It’s already done, Helga,” Godric snapped, yanking his arm away from her grasp. “If he wants to join his father, so be it.”
“Wait,” Rowena yelled, tripping over her robes before picking the up and running. Salazar hesitated, turning to look at them. Godric glared at him.
“We won’t have a dark lord in this castle.”
Helga never wanted to see that look on Salazar’s face again. Rowena reached out to grasp his arm, but he stepped back, through the doorway.
“Goodbye,” he said, turning his back on them again. He didn’t look back as he made his way to the gates.
“No,” Heike snapped, practically running to yank him back, away from the door. “You’re not leaving, not again. I don’t care about the argument. You left us!”
“I came back,” he protested.
“Only to die!”
She grabbed his shoulders and shook him lightly. Rowena should have been here; she was always better at talking Salazar into making promises.
“You’re never going to do that again. Promise me.”
He shook his head.
“I can’t. You know that.”
The hole that had been in her since she remembered widened. Would they be able to repair what they had?
She clenched her teeth, hissing out a breath before letting go and stepping back. She alone wouldn’t be able to break through Salazar’s stubbornness. She took a few breaths, sending calming smiles towards the house elves who were clustered together in a corner. The knives behind her never stopped their work.  
She took his wand from the counter and held it out.
“You nearly forgot this.”
She forced calmness into her voice and her posture.
“Helga, I -”
“Take it and go”
She turned her head, watching as a knife scraped cut onion into a large stove-pot.
He sighed, but took his wand and left. The chasm between them grew wider.
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