#to limit myself to 14 gifs
ennaih · 9 months
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Not Every Film I Watch In 2024
6. Persuasion (1995) -- eleventy-billionth rewatch
and bonus:
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keruimi · 8 months
Her Past with Him
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Tengen Uzui x ex wife!reader
Disclaimer: Angst. Yes another angst. A slight mention of abuse too.
Notes: I'm sorry if its cringey. I'll try to fix it after my exams 🥹 comment your thoughts, its appreciated.
Part 2
My first love was my first lesson that I was thankful for. Because of her, I manage to treat my next lover better.
It's been 7 years... Those entertaining years when I became an Oiran at such a young age.
After divorcing my husband at the age of 14.
"My Lady, we're finished" I heard one of the servant ladies as I took a tissue so I could avoid my lips from smudging more.
"I should entertain my loyal guests then" I said with a sweet smile on my lips before standing up with the help of one of the girls.
On my way to the room where my clients are waiting. I met Oiran Warabihime that made me greet her.
"Greetings to you, my fellow Oiran" I greeted her as she gave me those fake smiles that made me want to annoy her more.
"You still have clients? It seems like they never got tired of you" I spoke first.
She opened her eyes and I immediately saw the deadly glint on her eyes that made me send a sweet smile to her.
"Well, they can't resist me now? Some of them are my loyal customers. Most of them said that I'm still the favorite and the greatest one in this district." She uttered with a smile that made me open my fan to cover the lower part of my face.
"Is that so? I only see a woman who enjoys polyamory" my eyes close due to my smile but I felt her smile lowered a little.
"What an irony!" She laughed like I was telling a joke as she passed me and at the exact time, I felt a sharp pain in my arm.
"Aren't you the same?" She whispered to me as I remained calm but I wanted to glare at her so badly.
She ruined my clothes! Let's just say the sleeves but still.
She left without any other words that made me huff before ordering a servant to get me a sewing kit as I took my handkerchief to stop the bleeding.
But I saw a silk that looks like Oiran Warabihime sash. I smirk when I saw it before I grip on it and give it to one of the servants who was beside me.
"Burned it now"
"But my Lady..." She hesitated knowing it came from her but I just gave her a gentle smile. "I don't need it"
I heard the applause of my audience before I left the room knowing I earned a lot today.
As always...
Because of the work I choose, I manage to afford my materialistic desires.
But it was not enough.
I was quietly walking the hallways before I gasped when someone pulled me in a room.
I quickly took one of my hair pins and would turn to swing it on the person but my hands were pinned on the wall behind me as I familiarized the silhouette of a man in front of me, dangerously close to me.
"Tengen!" I gasped out as he stared at me in a serious gaze that made me wonder what I did wrong.
"I sense a faint aura of the demon on you" he exclaimed without wasting any time.
I went quiet at that time thinking of any encounters today with anyone. I didn't sense it.
But I hissed when a pain shot from my arm that made me snatch my hands from him that made me realize.
"Oh maybe I did..." I muttered before laughing quietly. I accidentally put myself in danger tonight.
I surprise him by pushing his body to the ground as I sat on his lap. "Thank you for informing me. Now I need you to stay with me tonight"
There was underlying fear in my tone and it seems like he can't help stare at my face.
"You did"
He stated the obvious before I traced his face with my finger as a small smile lifted from my lips.
"I kind of annoyed her so she might come for me" I explained as I took one of his arms before putting it around my waist.
"Please?" I begged him but he just sighed and removed his hand from my body but he still let me sit on him.
"I already have wives. You should know your limits, right?"
I felt my energy disappear as I nod my head before I removed my hands from the hem of his clothes.
"You're here for them right?" I exclaimed as I put a hand on my lips to hide how my teeth grit due to the anger building up inside me.
He focuses his gaze back at me with wide eyes, thinking I know where his wives are.
How can I forget?
I felt my eyes gloss before showing him my smile that held so much pain.
"I didn't know you had that in you. How come I never felt that?" I asked him and I saw his eyebrows knitted knowing where this conversation will end up.
"Don't go there" he warned, not wanting to dig up the past we both have.
But I took the most hit out of the both of us. If he already moved on, I can't
"I remember how you didn't even bother to save me from them"
"Stop please!" I exclaimed in pain as the Mistress kept slapping me in anger and even pulled my hair before smashing my head on the wall.
I felt blood trickle down my forehead as the only thing I can hear are the servants trying to calm her down as her hysteric cry echoes along the hallways of the manor.
"You killed my son! You murderer!" She called me the name I despised the most and I can't help but defend myself.
"He tried to take advantage of me! I didn't mean to kill him" I raised my bruised body from the wooden floor but I cried out in pain when she landed a kick on my stomach that made me hold on it.
"You went too far! I will not forgive you for this!"
"Mom, what happened?" I heard the voice of my husband as I finally let myself lay on the floor to ease the pain my whole body is going through.
I thought he would understand, but that event took a huge turn in my life.
Because the moment I opened my eyes, I could not see the worry nor concern on the gaze he gave me.
It was...blank
And I knew I needed to explain my side before he thought of the wrong thing.
"Tengen, I didn't mean to kill him. I panic and... And" I frantically explained as he put down the bowl of medicine at the side table and didn't bother giving me another glance.
"You could've told me"
"You were not there"
"Then just harm him. You don't need to take his life"
I felt my heart drop on his argument as I didn't bother to go further on my explanation.
Of course he would choose his brothers over me. I was just a woman arranged for him.
But my loyalty was unwavering. The fear that I am being touched by another man clouded my vision until I didn't know what I was doing anymore.
"I just protect myself" I whimpered out but he didn't speak anymore.
That side of him was so new that the next few days felt like winter.
He didn't dare speak on my presence and I let him, because I thought he was trying to give himself a space to think about the incident.
To make up to that sin I cause, I let them hurted me so I would at least feel less guilty. I never spoke about it because the atmosphere between the two of us still cold.
But that misunderstanding was never resolved when one dinner changed my whole perspective on him.
"Tengen is almost 15 years old. We need to look for 2 more suitable partners for him"
I felt my world turn black and white when I heard those words from the head of my family as I dropped the chopsticks I was holding.
I gave a side glance to my husband who silently continue eating his food that made my chest tighten in anger and pain.
The moment we stepped inside the bedroom, I didn't even get to utter a word when he decided to completely end a conversation that hadn't started.
"Y/n, let's not talk about this" he easily shrugged that but for me, it was a huge deal.
He was my husband, he was only supposed to be mine!
I can't help myself as tears build on my eyes before I walk towards him and deliver a harsh slap at him.
"How can you easily dismiss such issues like that? If you don't care well then I do!" I screamed as he decided to face me and I saw how his eyes softened from how I looked.
From the gaze I gave him.
I slowly started to love him because of how he respects me as a woman and how he cherishes life no matter who they are.
But how come it led to this?
"Tengen, I love you" I confessed as I hid my face using my hands before I slowly let my body fall on the ground as my sobs are the only thing we both can hear from the room.
"Y/n, I can't do anything about it. I'm completely powerless" he muttered as he crouched in front of me. I raised my head when I thought of an idea as I desperately grip on the clothes he was wearing.
"We can run away"
I lost my grip when he stood up from his position that made me look up at him who looked down at me in utter surprise.
"Tengen, don't you care for our well-being? You're clearly not happy here so why don't we run away?"
I suffered a lot too from this household. The times he was not here, I received nothing but abuse from the elders.
Because of that one incident.
If I stay longer, I would be close to my death.
"I can't"
I can't be with him...
I felt my tears stop as I was taken back at his choice. He wants to stay in this maniac family?
"You don't want to leave?" I whispered as he sighed before kneeling in front of me as he took a hold of both my arms.
"Y/n, just be patient"
I unknowingly tighten my grip on my dress as my gaze of shock turns into disbelief.
How long do I need to endure everything.
I decided to forget my growing feelings for him as I pushed him away from me.
What is he waiting for?
Was he waiting to realize how toxic the family he love? He is completely clueless on the thoughts running in their mind!
They are willing to kill each other and he is not, because I was aware on how much he love his siblings.
But that great that he is willing to marry another wife just because of the tradition?
How about me? How about the respect he had for me as his partner?
Y/n... You don't know him...
The room was silent as I found the strength to stood up from the ground.
My family sold me off here. I never felt important if it wasn't for him.
But I feel like it starts and ends there.
I leaned my back on the wall of the room before I raised my eyes to look at him who was watching my every move.
"Do you think my feelings are a joke?" I uttered breathlessly as he walked near me but I just slapped his hands away.
"I can't believe you" I uttered in disbelief as I chuckled. "Then go and wed with them"
"It's obvious that you never really cared for my well-being" I tiredly stated as I lost the will to continue fighting.
A tear slipped from my cheeks. As I hug myself to keep myself together.
"I can't believe I thought of you differently" I uttered weakly as I angrily wiped my tears.
"I want a divorce"
A tear fell unknowingly from my eyes as I was back to reality. "I suffered because my husband didn't give a damn to me"
"Y/n" he called but I just glared at him.
"I suffered so much when I became your wife, because I defend myself from the hands of your loved one for the sake of my respect to our marriage"
"You killed him. You ended a life, Y/n" He tried to contain his building anger as reasoned at me, my face shows my disbelief.
"Because I was protecting mine!" I argue back as he went quiet. My hands began to tremble.
"Because I was yours that time, Tengen. I am not theirs" I can't help but lean forward as I rest my forehead on his shoulder.
"Why can't you understand? I did that for myself. I did that for us. Because no matter if I injured or kill him, the outcome would be the same." I continued and uttered my thoughts the time I did that grave sin.
"In the end, I would still suffer in the hands of your family..." I sobbed out as I felt his hand on my back.
"I would fight for you" he breathlessly muttered at my chest tighten from his words.
"How would I know that when you treated me the same like the others? I never felt like I was your wife, someone special."
I thought of the wives he mentions now as tears continue to fall from my eyes.
"If you could have treated me the same way you did to them... I would have never left"
As I reunited with my three wives, I suddenly remembered the first woman who I took in.
Her life with me was still fresh on her mind that avoid her from moving on. The conversation we had, the pain was still evident from her tone and eyes.
Maybe, she indeed started to love me in just a short time than what I have thought before.
I can admit that I didn't treat her right.
She was the lesson I decided to learn. The mistake I tried to correct.
But our story has already ended 8 years ago. There is no use in going back to the past, when I have my present that would be with me in the future.
But that guilt was still present on my chest that I started to wish.
She could find a better man than me. Someone that would really treat her right compared to what I did.
I whimpered as my body was aching in every part as I looked at my surroundings.
It was dark...
The last thing I remember was the house collapsing.
The silence made me think of my decisions.
I made it harder for myself to move on when I started that conversation with him.
I shouldn't have...
He could never love me. I heard how he really cared for them compared to us when we were younger.
He grew up to be the person he wanted.
While I continue to live in the past I badly want to forget.
The pain was tolerable, it felt like going through hell again and it reminded me of my experience from the Uzui household.
I can handle it until they find me.
The question is...
Is anyone even looking for me?
I have no one that made me lose respect myself and become a toy to the men.
But if fate would give me another chance to try...
I felt the wooden piles on top of me being moved as I stayed still from my position.
Another chance...
A hole was finally given as I saw a man with yellow eye peek through it.
Confirming there is a person under the collapsed building, he wasted no time on removing the broken wood on top of me.
"Are you injured?" There is no worry nor care in his tone but at least he still asks me.
I tiredly shook my head as he pulled me out. The moment I did, I saw him walking away with the three girls who supported him.
The three girls that Tengen cared for.
If I could have... Care for him like they did.
Would I get a happy ending?
I felt my vision starting to turn black as the words of the man with me finally entered my ear.
"Oi, Oi"
"Try to stay conscious" I heard him as I indeed tried to keep my vision. I felt a warmth embrace me on the cold night as I was carried somewhere.
I look at the sky above me as I prayed again for a second chance.
For my next love, If I can try...
I hope it's a love that has no thorns...
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thedarkheretic156 · 4 months
IX Eternal Flame IX
❧ Warning!: Gore, violence, mentions of blood, loss, grief, mourning, ANGST.
❧ As the blood moon rises for the feast of manana, It's time Wei faces the greatest gamble of her life." ❧
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- -̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾The feast- part I. -̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾ -
Sesshomaru stared into the sky, the ghoulish moon would climb up over the horizon in a few hours. urgh. 
He could practically taste the strange magic in the air. It's ominous pull was making all kinds of ayakashi stir in their hiding. By nightfall, this place would be flooded with them. 
How inconvenient. 
It was only appropriate that he got rid of them, swiftly. That was one way of getting his mind of this ebbing anxiety. Something about this moon deeply unsettled him. 
He gritted his teeth, until they don't cross over the village, everything will be fine.  And he himself will be here when the dreadful moon is on their heads. 
maybe my death will teach you that. 
Something bitter curled in his mouth, why was he remembering her rambling all of a sudden? 
And why was he so bothered by it? 
Despite his anger, his mind recounted the memories of last night. He hated how she had said that, over the thick haze of the hot springs, he had expected her to be angry, fire flashing in her eyes. But she had sounded so... defeated. Like she was reciting something inevitable. 
His shoulders slumped, every day the mountain girl kept getting stranger and stranger. Death seemed to follow her like a plague, not a moment of peace since she had joined them. Why couldn't she just... sit quietly. Like Rin.
Why did she have to be always on the run, always itching to take action, always so eager to push the limits of her own mortality- 
He pressed his temple, how did a human like that rile him up so easily?  He tried to funnel his thoughts, killing ayakashi yes. 
Jaken jogged up behind him, the heads on his staff clattering their teeth. "I put down the runes as you asked my lord!" He said, "No yokai can cross over the boundary I set around them." 
"You drew it around the entire village as I asked you?" 
"Just as you asked my lord" He said bowing deeply, and to his surprise, sniffled, "Who would have thought lord Sesshomaru would grow to care so deeply abou-"
Sesshomaru slammed the hilt of bakusaiga on his head, making him stumble forward mid-sentence. 
"Keep up Jaken." he sneered out, kicking off into the air. Jaken yelped, scrambling up to cling to his Armor. He set loose a series of apologies but Sesshomaru drowned the sound out. His grip on Tenseiga tightened, Maybe my death will teach you that. 
Nothing would ever happen, not while he was around. But. If tragedy was to befall, if it truly was inevitable, his useless sword would finally come in handy. 
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My eyes felt like they had been sewen shut. Man, this was potentially the worst sleep I had ever gotten. My throat was dry and still kind of tasted like dirt, and my body ached like i had been thrown around until i was sore... which technically I was.
I tossed under the coarse bamboo mattress, the smell of the dying fire curling around the cottage. With the filtering sunlight, i could head the faint chirp of a morning bird outside. Everything about it was exactly like every other morning I had woken up to for the past 14 days. 
My chest tightened. My fingers reached for Mrutunjai's hilt, slipping over the cold metal. If I say I wasn't scared I'd be lying. The truth was that I just wanted to curl up under the mattress until the bad part was over. 
But i forced myself to move, Rin squirmed from the sudden movement.
One moment. I told myself. One chance. 
I wouldn't know when it would come, but death would dawn for me today and all i could do was wait for it. 
oh well.
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After last night's confrontation Sesshomaru and Jaken had both disappeared. 
I stretched my limbs out in the field, a stiff sort of pain ran along my muscles. To think what could be my last day would be more... 
But we had spent the morning lazily, sleeping in until it was too hot and we absolutely had to crawl out of the cottage.
Even now as Rin and I sprawled under the shade of the  grove, I felt lazy. My fingers reached for mrityunjay's hilt every few seconds. Just to remind myself that I was on a ticking clock. But the world around me was anything but anxious,  The air thick with the smell of ripe fruit, a lazy breeze played around us. The two of us had eaten the tangerines until we couldn't, and sunk down into the grass. 
Between the tangerine smell, i kept catching a whiff of a very strong odor. I groaned into my arm, "What the hell is that smell?" I asked, "Has the fruit gone bad?" 
Rin continued to peel another one beside me, her fingers sticky from the juice. "Its the smell of gosberries!" She babbled "Don't they smell amazing wei? now that its time for them to be ripe the entire forest would be full of them!" she said handing me a neatly peeled tangerine, 
The sickly sweet smell was making my head hurt, we didn't have gosberries in the east so i had no idea what that tasted like or what it was. But if they tasted anything like they smelled i was perfectly content never having any.  
"I see." I mumbled, 
"Can we go pick some?" she asked, 
"No!" I yelled. Rin's face fell and I instantly felt guilty for raising my voice, "I mean... I'm too full with all the tangerines," I managed, "we'll go get those gooberries later." 
I waved my hand, "Yes that." 
There was no way I was taking Rin anywhere near the forest. Not when I knew certain death was coming. The sun was still high in the sky, it encased me with some relief, I had until the moon climbed up. And I could only hope Sesshomaru would be back by then. 
I hadn't so much as seen Sesshomaru after last night. Not that I blamed him. He already had a horrible ego, and after last night, I had pretty much squashed out any chance of building anything with that mutt.
Rin continued to say something about gooberry stuffed fish and i lidded my eyes. The sun hot on my face. I knew If I sat up, the sweat would have drenched my entire back.
But the breeze that swept in now and then was pleasant enough to make me surprisingly comfortable. It was a good day for such a terrible prophecy. 
Closing my eyes I could pretend I was back in the eastern lands, spending another lazy summer laying down in the crocus fields. Before my aunt Hathor found me and dragged me back home by my ear. 
I felt the pang of pain on my knuckles as I remembered that old bat. She used to hack her demon bone whip on my knuckles for any misbehaviour, sometimes until the flesh would cleave and I could see the bone. 
It had left scars across my hands I still had. I absently ran a finger over my knuckles, realising they were all smooth now. 
I wondered how they would react to my death. Even if they did find my body, no one would recognise me. Not that they would mourn me if they did.  
As much as my clan loved victory, they loved a bloody death even more. They would sing of them, embellishing tragic ends like they were the greatest achievements of a hero. 
I was taught to yearn for a death like that. There was only one goal, chase glory all your life and never stop, but when death does stop you, make it so that they sing about it for eons. 
I remembered my uncle ashtur, bot bellied with a spotted bald head. Nostrils flaring while he sang in his loud awful voice, his fingers slamming the traditional drums completely out of tune as he bellowed out verse after verse. 
It was quiet the show if you were unlucky enough to witness it. After his 4th bottle of ashfire, the next thing he would reach for was the drums of some unfortunate court musician. It would send the younger ones giggling palms pressed to their ears. the court musicians who's drums he had confiscated, would line up behind him waiting dutifully. Their arms crossed eyes pinned to their feet because no one in their right mind tells Warlord Ashur, sea boiler, ocean churner that he can't sing.
And my uncle sang the death song of some long lost cousin. 
the guts spewed out and the young lords entrails
went glopping down the throat of the whale.
man, I wouldn't even get a song. All of my past felt like a stranger's memory now. Incidents lived in a different life. Places, people, names, nothing that I could actually go back to. Nothing I could do other than just remember.
All the more reason to stay alive. 
I pulled my eyes open, "hey Rin, have you ever heard about this whale yokai in the east?" 
The silence that met the end of my sentence made me arc my neck towards her. was she sad about the gooberries? 
"Rin?" I called out again. 
The tangerine peels were scattered where she was moments ago. I blinked, sitting up. The wind made waves in the grass, the world around me as unsuspecting as it had been all morning. The horrid gosberry smell wafted around me as i felt the panic curl in my gut. In a breath, I picked mrutyunjai off the ground and dashed towards the forest. 
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The forest grove was heavy with the smell of ripe fruit, the tall Gos fruit trees swaying in a lazy breeze. the fucking gosberries smelled so bad, overly sweet, littering the forest trail in ugly splashes of orange. The shrubs were heavy with them, so many had over-ripened and dropped to the ground, their fuzzy skin ripped open with decay. 
I ran through the striped barks as fast as I could, eyes scanning for even a glimpse of that child. The forest path was muddy, soft soil sinking under my feet.   She just had to run away now. My heart hammered, sides cramping but I dared not stop.
This was bad. This was very very very bad.
I ran further into the forest, the canopy getting thicker with every step.
When the fuck did Rin get this defiant? who taught her that? scratch that, How did she even run this fast? I must have missed her for only a few minutes, how did-
My eye finally caught sight of her ribbon, sticking out like a curious robin on a branch. Blood roared in my ears as I paused. Eyes stilling on the worn kimono, too big for her frame, yellow and brown checks in all that green. Stupid. I thundered towards the undergrowth, anger rising until I could taste it in my mouth. Naive, careless, STUPID child.
calm down. 
But my flaring anger drowned out any logical thought.  
She didn't know.
I yanked her up by the collar of her kimono, "Rin!" I cried out, anger raging forward, only flaring more as she turned towards me unsuspectingly. She dropped her basket in surprise, the murky orange gosberries spilling at our feet. I shook her by her shoulders,
"What were you thinking????" I yelled out.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" I demanded, my voice still high.
Rin's mouth sagged, genuine shock flashed in her eyes,
"i thought-m I though" she gulped in a breath, trying to talk. 
My legs felt like jelly as the adrenaline rush faded, i felt myself drop to my knees. It drained my anger, leaving behind relief and guilt. My fingers dug into her wiry arms, forcing her to look at me, "You must- never." I tried, my voice breaking as I steadied her, "No matter what, you cannot wander away like that Rin." I said, unable to keep my emotions at bay anymore. She had scared me. She had really, really scared me. "I might not be there next time-"
"Why do you talk like that?" she finally said, I watched her clench her fists as for the first time frustration pooled into her voice.
The reaction made me falter, Rin looked back with a stubbornness i hadn't seen before, "Why do you always talk like you're going to leave us again?"
Her words rang through the forest, stunning me into silence. My grip on her arms loosened, all I wanted was for her to not carry that weight. Wei's loss had gutted me when I had dozens of Ayakashi years on me. How do you weigh that loss in fleeting human years, gone in a blink? They must have to grieve all their lives.
I pursed my lips, "I'm sorry." I said finally. 
I put a hand on her shoulder, "let's just go back and-." 
There was a hiss, like fabric fizzing under acid. 
The arrow that sizzled past us, lodged itself in the gos tree bark. The sound of it cutting through the air still rang between us as the other one sliced through my wrist. 
The world around me slowed, I watched as Rin's eyes widened. Now slick with blood, my hand on her shoulder slipped and within a fraction of a second, both of us lurched backwards.
Everything slowed, growing hazy as if I was trying to remember a distant dream. I felt my breath grow hot under the sun, my heart hammering weakly in my chest.
Wait, wait. wait.
I watched Rin's face mirror mine as she spun to see what had happened. I tried to follow her gaze, my reaction painfully slow. Maybe it was just the realization that made me stumble. Maybe it was the poison-tipped arrow.
This wasn't promised. not now, please, not like this.
The sweet sap of the gosberies still waffled in the air.
"I told you not to shoot that close to the face didn't i?" a gruff voice called out.
He swatted the young boy holding the bow, "You'll fucking cost us 15 silvers on the price if you scar the face." He screeched at him. 
three men. 
one armed. One-
"WEI" Rin scream out as one of them dragged her back by her ankle. My vision hazed so badly that I could only piece together broken fragments. The colours of the forest bled into one another and i tried to reach out for her, but a strong grip yanked me back by my braid.
The sun was still high. The pain made me scream out. I was promised until the moon was out.
The one holding me up by the hair, was burly, with ugly stubby fingers, his grip painfully hard. And definitely illiterate enough to not know that you shouldn't go after someone who has a sword.
The burly one continued to yank up my hair, "how much would we get for this one? has a full set of teeth, that ought to be something-"
I pulled out Mrutunjai, spinning it up in a practiced arc. The swing wasn't powerful enough to gut him, but my sword sliced into his stomach. Not deadly enough to stop him, but it instantly loosened his grip on my hair. I pulled free of him and stumbled onto my feet. At once the world around me spun, my vision so blurry i could only make out silhouettes. This was too much. My body... this human body was shutting down. 
"fucking hell she stabbed me!" Grabbing the wound on his stomach, the burly man pulled out his own short-sword. My grip on Mrutyunjai's hilt felt weak.
I had put it through too much. It wanted the rest it was promised in 14 moons, but i couldn't. Not like this. The tendons in my arms felt as if they were about to snap, the blood-slick hilt of my sword slipping. I grit my teeth, legs shaking violently from the exhaustion, No. I will not allow myself that moment of weakness, I can't.
I was the demi-god of the east, i was born from hellfire, I had taken down armies I could h-
But I wasn't her... The realization struck me for the first time.
I wasn't some demi god with a great destiny. Not anymore. He charged angrily, he way he wielded his sword was too unsophisticated, amateurish. But i still wouldn't win. I pulled mrutunjai forward, the sword weighing me down. The tip of my sword hung low, and it was taking all of my strength to keep it from touching the ground. 
I was just Wei. Bony, ugly, mortal, weak. I thought, as i dodged through his haphazard attacks. The forgettable mountain girl that bleeds when she's cut and can't even lift up her own sword.
I had fought and fought and fought in this world like I still had my immortality. But I had finally worn it out. The man huffed angrily everytime he bought his sword down, my reactions were so sloppy that the ragged tip of his short sword kept snagging into my skin. I felt little bit like the boar i had killed.
Great beast slain in sport, great beast slain in leisure. Goddess of the moon, i prayed bitterly, is this your will?
This time when he raised the sword i saw the sunlight glow on the blade, in that moment i knew he wouldn't miss and I pulled up mrutyunjai with all my strength, the swords clanged together with a deafening sound, it rang through the grove, humming through my body and the forest around me fell completely silent.
The man's face was still contorted. Stuck mid-way in a scowl, the sword still raised in the air but unmoving. The moment that would have altered my destiny was as mundane as I was. No special power, no lighting falling from the heavens. There was nothing miraculous about the small opening in the undergrowth.
There it was, plain as day.
The chance mocked me so blatantly, that I could hardly believe it. This was the chance she gave me? The unyielding, all-powerful goddess of the moon, was asking me to run. A silent buzz rang in my ear,
if i take this chance... if i dash forward into the undergrowth...
They will not follow you, daughter of the hills, said the forest. 
Run now and break free, said the sky. 
the goddess herself granted you this.
choose it, said fate. 
Take it and you live, 
restored to your past glory, take it and you get your flames, 
take it -
"WEI!" The sound of Rin's cry cut through the strange magic. I spun around to find her as the buzzing stopped and time flowed around me again. The burly man's sword swished down inches from my body and i aimed mrutunjai for his gut again. The blood splurged out as i cut out the wound deeper. That should keep him down.
The man holding her was still up ahead. Rin tried ferociously to wring away from his grip but he held on to her fast.
-̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾Why did you do it Wei? I had asked her.-̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾
The moment stood there for a millisecond as i made up my mind, a flap of a butterfly's wing and it was gone, dooming me to the original end of Manana's prophecy.
I could almost hear the gears of time shifting, clicking as I dashed past the undergrowth. The original prophecy grounding itself, rearranging my stars.
Damn my flames. 
Damn my life. 
Damn the fucking chance to alter fate.
Nothing matters if she doesn't live.
-̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾ When you knew what you happen to you? -̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾
The one standing between me and Rin was the young boy. His skinny frame trembling as he tried to steady his bow and arrow. The arrow pointed at me as the burly one continued to howl with pain in the background. The smell of his blood and insides hung heavy with the gosberries. The bow string was drawn gaunt but the boy looked frozen with fear, wide eyes bewildered, still pinned on burly guy i had just cut open. 
"SHOOT HER YOU FUCKING IDIOT." The man holding Rin screamed,  The boy's jaw quivered as he shut his eyes. Oh no.
He jumped reactionarily, releasing the arrow while his eyes were still shut close. Thankfully, that's the only reason i managed to dodge it. 
My movement was still so slow that the side of the arrow grated my face, cutting open my cheek. To dodge it i had to drop mrutunjai, but it didn't fucking matter, not anymore. My sword was nothing but an albatross hanging around my neck right now. 
The boy barely registered the blow as i slammed into him, the arrows strapped to his back spilled out around us. 
The impact knocked him off his feet. I dove for an arrowhead as his fingers dug into my shin, trying to drag me back but I kicked him off. 
The man holding Rin was equally horrified, i pointed the arrowhead at him and arched it up like a knife. The sharp arrow tore through the flesh on his hand easily. He let out a harrowing scream as the blood splattered everywhere. It rained down on us, the splatter blinding me as well, but Rin managed to wring away from his grip. He howled out from the pain screaming profanities as he stumbled back, other hand pulling at the arrowhead lodged in his wrist. 
Rin slipped from his grasp and I grabbed her by the shoulders. Her face hazed in my vision, intelligent eyes wide from the shock. 
 "Run." I mouthed to her, a singular thought echoed between us, "find him. Get Sesshomaru." Her mouth opened to argue and i gave her a knowing smile, 
"I'll be right behind." 
The silent look of determination she gave me told me that she would make it, that she would run until the grove opened into the clear sky, not stopping until she did find him. 
But it would be too late by then.
The man's eyes widened, "No you don't!" he turned to sprint behind her but I dove forward again, pulling him back, with a chokehold, pinning him down into the earth. His grimy fingers tried to grab onto her collar, but slick from all the blood they slipped. 
The bamboo sandal flew in the air as she almost tripped trying to make the run. The soft earth sinking under her weight. time slowed again as i watched her dash. Maybe it was poison, or the prophecy finally coming to its end, but as she ran, I saw the trees around her contorted, pulling her farther and farther away with every moment. 
Pull them down, until the checked kimono is swallowed by the undergrowth. Hold the line, until I can't hear the hasty steps anymore. 
Rin's figure disappeared and my grip faltered. Before i could get back on my feet, one of themtossed me off like I weighted nothing. i heard the crunch as i landed on my side. I groaned into the soft earth, my hands shaking as i tried to lift up my torso. 
move. I told my body. 
But she was too tired. And now that the one thing that was keeping her standing was comfortably away... 
My palms skid on mud underneath them. 
-̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾Why did you run out there Wei ? I had asked her. Against a dying flame, within the walls of a moss covered shrine. -̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾
-̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾She had answered strangely, words in a language I knew, but their meaning completely alien. -̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾
"NO you idiot don't!" one of them yelled alarmingly, but I just couldn't tell who was who anymore. The world around me had continued to grow darker and just like that, the first blow cut through my shoulder. 
I knew by the touch of the blade that he had picked up my sword. 
when I realised what will happen to the child, it was like my body acted on its own.
I realised the goddess had indeed kept her word. I had begged her to make sure he wouldn't get my flames, to do anything so that he can't carve out my heart. And with her divine cruelty, the goddess of the moon made sure Mrutyunjai drove through my heart. 
-̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾ I'd do the same a hundred times over.-̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾
My sword was as ruthless as always. It dug through my skin, tearing through my flesh until the tip lodged into the bark of a tree behind me. I felt the bark of the tree press against my back, the warm blood dribbling down my chin, the bitter coldness of my sword as it charred into my heart. He tried to drive it out, tear it through me again, but mrutunjai was too stubborn. My heart clamped around the blade, pinning me to the tree.
"Where's the child?" someone cried out overhead. 
"Escaped." someone grumbled out. The voice came out grumbled until they drowned out completely.
-̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾ I'd have no regrets.-̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾
The voice blurred into the song of the forest spirits. For a moment I wished there was more pain, something so horrifying that it would have seared its memory into my soul. So that i could have carried the scars of my mortal life, the feeling of being alive, into the afterlife. But there was just... nothing. My breath just continued to sink lower and lower in my chest. The ancient voices of the strange forest spirit sang around me in the language of the old, greeting death like an old friend. 
The sun felt warm on my face, as i pulled my face up to look at the sunlight filtering through the canopy. 
I could have laughed at the realisation.  
I finally understand Wei, i thought. I finally do.
-̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾ -̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾ -̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾ -̶̨̛͍̣-̶͚̟̲̫̤̈̇̾
Sesshomaru smelled the blood before he saw the corpse.
Rin had looked hysterical, her checked kimono was soiled in blood. But none of it was her's. She pointed towards the grove haphazardly, tripping over her words. Jaken had run to her side at once, trying to coerce a straight answer. Sesshomaru felt the world around him slow. 
What in the world?
It smelled Sap sweet, curling around in the humid evening air. Human blood. There was so much he could taste it. He knew in that moment that she hadn't survived. 
He found her against the bark of a tree. The corpse was bathed in the evening sun, as it filtered through the canopy, washing her body in a pattern of leaves. The wind teased the strands of hair that had escaped her bun. Their lazy movement a contrast to the cold stillness of the body.
Sesshomaru found himself rooted to his spot. Behind him Jaken coaxed Rin's soft sobs.
There weren't many things that unnerved the daiyokai of the east. But this visual before him, chilled him to the bone. The girl wore a smile, kind and soft. Like she was smiling at him through her lidded eyes, as if they had shared a secret.
She had died.
Her own sword impaled through her chest, pinning her to the bark of the tree.
Like every human before her.
He had seen human's die before. He had greeted death in passing far too many times. But... this was...
It was all quiet, too quiet. The thump of her raging sword gone with her. 
Why was it so hard for him to turn away?
Tenseiga trembled in his hands, he gripped the hilt hard, fangs slipping out from the frustration. He couldn't understand why he was feeling this way. It wasn't rage, it wasn't sadness, just- this absence that threatened to bring him to his knees and scream.
"L-lord Sesshomaru." Rin stuttered. "please, please bring her back."
Sesshomaru pulled out tenseiga wordlessly, this curious mountain girl was always too much trouble. Then why does her lifeless corpse make something move inside you?
He growled at his own thoughts. Slender fingers coiling around the hilt of the sword, just wake up and let me see that gaze again, He thought. The anger, the grin of a woman that should have been born with fangs. He held the tip of the sword over her chest and waited.
There was a nervous stillness in him he had never felt before. He waited for the green yokai to appear and carry her soul. All he had to do was slice through the yokai and it would bring her back that easily. that was the one use of this pathetic sword, that was the one thing he could do. 
The Daiyokai of the west held the blade ready, pointed towards her body, waiting for the minions of the afterlife to show themselves.
But there was nothing.
The corpse looked hallowed out already, a broken shell no longer of any use. Empty like nothing ever lived through it. 
The tremble in Rin's voice, rang in his bones, "What's wrong?" she choked, "please.. p-please Lord S-Sesshomaru, just bring her back, you can bring her back, right?"
It was him, he was trembling.
it had failed him again. When it mattered the most it had failed. He had failed.
"how could this happen?" Jaken whispered out.
Rin dropped to her knees behind him, "i-if i hadn't run into the grove-" she sobbed out, her voice strained and tired, "if only i had-" she tried again but the words died in her mouth.
if only i had stayed.
what did it matter now? What he had feared had come true, the human girl had stayed too long and now after her death they were left gathering her bones. He was left alone, haunted by the life he so miserably couldn't protect. Wretched, cursed was this night of the blood moon.
Sesshomaru turned around, unable to keep his gaze on the corpse, "There's nothing to be done" He announced, "Let us leave then."
Jaken stilled, "B-but Lord Sesshomaru, we can't just-"
Sesshomaru bared his fangs and Jaken shut up at once. "We leave."
"no." Rin said, hurt flashing in her eyes. Jaken's jaw dropped. Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed, something like shock flooding his senses, this was the first time she had interjected him... ever.
"no?" he asked, venom slipping into his tone.
Rin's didn't falter one bit. "I want to give her a burial." She stated. Sesshomaru, stared at her defiance, unwavering, brazen and arrogant.
Looks like the mountain girl left her marks. The voice said. He growled at it's unwelcome comment. His amber eyes snapped back to Rin, "Do whatever you want." He said turning around, he stomped out of the grove, half hoping that Rin would apologise quickly and run after him. But he didn't hear a single footstep.
Now, you're bit of a fool aren't you, great daiyokai of the west? Sesshomaru pressed the budding voice in his mind. He didn't like the voices of the dead ringing in his head. But then again, the mountain girl was never the kind to shut up.
LORD this chapter was so heavy to write, smol pat on my back for powering through.
Ofcourse this isn't the end of the story, but i'm wonder what ya'll think will happen next heheh. I promise the next update will be quicker, I have already written most of it anyways. In the meantime THANKYOU FOR READING! XOXOXO
Tags @misspendragonsworld because you asked for the tag! <3333
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ladysarai · 2 months
Inception Olympics AU Fanwork Fest!
The other day I posted a little interest check, and it looks like there is some interest! So here we go!
Day 26 of @inception30daychallenge this year was "Which summer Olympic sport would each character compete in?" and the fandom answered with countless AMAZING ideas! Between that and the actual Summer Olympics happening in Paris, I went searching for Olympics AUs for Inception. I found some, but not nearly enough!
I am putting out the call to Inception fandom: Bring us Olympics AUs!
I've created a collection over at AO3: Inception Olympics AU Fanwork Fest | Archive of Our Own
The collection is unmoderated and open for posting! For fanworks that can't be posted to AO3 (or for those who don't have AO3 accounts), please post here on Tumblr and use the hashtag #inceptionolympicsAUfest.
As inspiration and a gift, I have found and bookmarked all of the existing Olympics AUs I could find on AO3, here! There are 14, 5 of which are part of a series! And, as per usual with this fandom, they are all of them EXCELLENT. Do yourself a favor and go enjoy them, then create some of your own!! (If I have missed a fic, please let me know!)
I figure this can run for the month of August. If you're inspired or have started something and haven't finished it by then, that's okay! The real goal of this fest is to create more fun AUs and amazing fanworks. So let's have some fun!
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FAQ and more info under the cut.
What can I work on for this fest?
This is meant to be a collection of fanworks, including:
fanfics (no word limits (min or max), no deadline or start date)
fan mixes
gif sets
a collection of prompts up for adoption
Rec lists
literally anything accepted...
Gen or ANY pairings
Anything goes!
Are there any prompts?
Not officially! But here are some ideas:
Men's gymnastics AU (I mean, look at this shit!)
Fencing AU!
Equestrian events! Any/all of them!
Wrestling/Boxing/Judo AU!
Swimming AU!
Diving AU!
Bicycling AU!
Shooting AUs--guns or archery!
Tennis AU! (Look. Dom and Arthur as a duo. Maybe up against Eames and Yusuf? GUARANTEED CHAOS.)
Rowing AU!
A full list of all Olympic sports to choose from!!
Competing coaches! Good coaches, bad coaches!
Are your faves on a team together?
Or do they compete against each other in the SAME SPORT?
Do they compete in DIFFERENT sports and support each other??
Are there career ending/threatening injuries leading to hurt/comfort??
Does everyone win a gold medal?
Does NO ONE win but get to go home with something better than a medal??
JUST THINK of all the shenanigans that can be got into in the Olympic Village!
PARALYMPICS!!! Why are they competing the paralympics?! Is it one character or several?!
What are the Rules?
Create a thing, post it to this collection! If you're on Tumblr, tag a post with #inceptionolympicsAUfest
Make sure the thing you make is for the Inception fandom.
Make sure the Olympics or Paralympics are somehow part of the story. (Even if the story is that they don't qualify for the Olympics!)
Be kind to each other.
Let your imagination run wild!
Have fun!
That's it.
Is there a deadline?
Currently I'm thinking this could work as a month of August 2024 thing, but obviously anything submitted at any time will be welcomed! And I can guarantee I'll want this again come the Winter Games. I know myself.
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icurushasfallen · 5 hours
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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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Introduction: This is my list for Kinktober 2024. I made this list myself, but feel free tk use whatever prompts you’d like.
Fandoms/Ships I write for: DeadPool Movie-verse mainly | Deadclaws (Poolverine) | DC Universe | SuperBats | SpideyPool |
Rules: No age play | Scat | P1ss Play | Non-con or R@pe | extreme cock and balls torture. | Foot Fetish | Underage. (This goes specifically for Spideypool. Peter will always be 21+ in my fics |
Genes (Inculding by not limited to) : Fluff | Smut (obv) | Angst | Hurt/Comfort | Hurt no Comfort | Fic-lect (Under one thousand words | Sometimes OOC | Plus some more.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
1. Mating Press
2. Titfucking
3. Hate Sex
4. Edging
5. Collaring I Muzzling
6. Fluff
7. Sex Toys
8. Breeding
9. Gore | Nothing Graphic |
10. Knife Kink
11. Sex Toys
12. Blow Jobs
13. Face Sitting
14. Omegaverse
15. Power Bottom
16. Service Top
17. Gags
18. Mirror Sex
19. Stripping
20. Scent Kink.
21. Teasing
22. Phone sex
23. Bite | Marks
24. Cross dressing.
25. Bare-Backing
26. Bondage
27. Spanking
28. Riding
29. Possessive
30. Fluff
31. Costumes.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Get your special sock out, nerds. Papa’s gonna be writing ✍️
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joyful-enchantress · 2 years
Love at First Bite (18+) | Adam (OLLA) x Fem!Reader
banner created by the amazing @springdandelixn
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A/N: You’ve been dating Adam for a while and this Valentine’s Day, you take a new step in your relationship. Written as part of the 14 Days of Valentines Collection curated by @muddyorbsblr ❤️ This is my first time writing for Adam. I hope you enjoy!
Genre/Warnings: Smut (18+), fluff too, angst (if you squint), established relationship, language, vampires, biting, mentions of blood, dom/sub dynamics, restraints
Word Count: 3.5k
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“It is too dangerous, darling. The answer is still no.”
At his steadfast declination, you turned your lips downward into your most convincing pout, your doe eyes adding to the air of innocence and longing. The demure look on your face was surely a stark contrast to your lascivious body, perched as it was, straddling Adam's lap and clad in nothing save for a pair of black lace panties and one of his tee shirts. “I only want it because I’m so sure you’d never hurt me, Adam.”
Your immortal lover brought his cool fingertips up from where they had been resting on your hip to brush softly against the column of your throat, his eyes meeting yours and swimming with a heady cocktail of solemnity, regret, and... was that desire? “We’re not talking about a hickey, love. I’d pierce your skin, drink your blood. By definition it would hurt you.”
You gave an exasperated sigh. “You know what I mean, Adam. I just know that I’d be safe with you. I trust you with my life.” An almost feline smirk stretched across your crimson lips. “And I can’t stop thinking about how hot it would be. Please, Adam. I want this.”
As you finished your plea, you began to kiss and suck on his neck, working your way from the corner of his chiseled jaw down to the notch between his collarbones, pulling a gravelly moan from his lips in response to your attention. You were fully aware that you were testing his resolve, fraying the edge of it, thread by thread. Hopefully, one day soon, it would finally snap, because you knew that deep down he, too, found the idea of drinking from you incredibly erotic.
He has actually admitted as much to you in the past. The two of you have discussed it before, almost too many times to count over the fourteen months that you've been seeing each other. Understandably, prior to dating Adam, your knowledge of vampires was limited. You'd thought that if he were to ever sink his fangs into you, that there were two options: dying or becoming a vampire yourself. It surprised you to learn that he could bite you, feed from you, without killing you and without turning you. From that moment on, the thought of him doing just that took up occupancy in a dark corner of your mind and never left.
“Darling…” Adam’s husky growl pulled you back to the present moment. “…look at me.”
You reluctantly pulled your lips away from his collarbone and met his gaze with your own.
He seemed to hesitate for just the briefest second, as if he was contemplating a change of heart, before he continued, “I can’t bring myself to do it, to mar this perfect skin…” as he said it, he brushed the pads of his fingers against your throat once again, touching you so gently, as if you were as delicate as a butterfly’s wing. “...you’re my lover, my partner. I love you, I cherish you, I respect you. You’re not a food source.”
You pondered his words for a moment before responding, absentmindedly tracing swirling patterns along the alabaster planes of his bare chest with your lithe fingertips.
“Adam, do we not have sex?”
He looked stunned at your question and scoffed as though it was the most ridiculous question he’d ever been asked. “Of course we do.”
“And is sex not a primal, almost animalistic desire?”
“I suppose so, but —”
You cut him off before he could continue. “So if you have no problem using my body to sate one primal hunger, why are you so morally opposed to using it to sate another?”
Adam's mouth opened as if he wanted to say something in response before it drew shut once more as he considered your words. Seizing the opportunity, you continued, leaning forward to rasp seductively in his ear, "We both already love it when I submit to you in the bedroom. Think of this as a natural extension of that submission... a way for me to yield even more control and power to you, Sir." You felt him shudder as the final word rolled off your tongue.
When you pulled yourself back to look at him once more, you noticed that Adam seemed flustered by your words; he broke eye contact and looked around like he was searching the room for a reply that kept evading him. And if vampires could blush, you thought to yourself, his neck and cheeks would be turning scarlet.
"Adam..." you whispered as you took his face between both of your hands and gently turned his head to look at you. There was a sadness in his eyes when they met yours again. He looked sorry. Guilty, even. "...we don't have to keep discussing this for now. It's okay. I can tell it is upsetting you, and that's not what I want. That's not what I ever want." As you breathed out your loving reassurance, you kissed him softly, willing all of your adoration to cascade over him in a soothing wave of warmth and devotion.
When you finally broke the kiss, Adam spoke again at last, his voice careful and deliberate, as if what he was saying might scare you away.
"Y/N, my love, I would be lying if I told you that your suggestion doesn't sound... divine. My reluctance to grant your request does not stem from a lack of desire, I assure you. In fact, it is just the opposite. I fear that I desire it too strongly -- that I'd enjoy it too much. That I'd be unable to control myself... unable to bring myself to stop."
You held your breath, completely captivated by his words; this was a new revelation -- he was being more honest with you than he'd ever been. If you were being truthful, it did scare you a little. But it didn't make the idea of Adam drinking from you any less arousing.
His eyes swam with unshed tears as he continued.
"I am ashamed, darling. Ashamed of how much I want it." He blinked and one of those tears broke free, toppling over the edge of his cheekbone and leaving a glistening trail down the side of his face. "And I know you trust me with your life, Y/N, but the trouble is, I don't trust myself..."
There was a pregnant pause -- Adam took a deep breath and he slowly swallowed, as if he was pushing down his own fear. What happened next sent a shiver down your spine and a jolt of arousal to your heated core.
His pupils dilated and his sapphire eyes darkened with lust before he continued, "...at least not yet."
More than six weeks had passed since that conversation with Adam; it was the last time the delicate subject of him biting you came up. Neither of you mentioned it again after Adam bared his soul to you the way he did and finally admitted the real reason he was so hesitant to grant your salacious wish.
Your thoughts drifted back to that night; after your conversation and Adam's confession, the two of you shared a night of passion that has been burned in your memory ever since. The ferocity, the possessiveness, the raw eroticism. The way he claimed you so roughly, so thoroughly, that you would never again doubt who you belonged to.
Something turned Adam completely feral that night -- the marks of ownership he left on your body lasted nearly a week and the echo of him chanting "Mine..." over and over again like a mantra rang in your ears long after the night ended.
A wave of hot, wet arousal pooled between your thighs at the vivid memory.
A ping from your phone delivered you from your reverie and brought your thoughts back to the present. It was a text from Adam.
Happy Valentine's Day, my love. I cannot wait to see you tonight. I have a surprise for you so don't be late. xx
The loving yet commanding tone of his text message, combined with the filthy images that had just been flashing through your mind, fanned the flames of your already sweltering desire. You hoped that whatever Adam had in store for you tonight would lead to the bedroom.
Glancing at the clock, you realized that you had just over an hour to get ready if you wanted to arrive on time. You'd better get to work.
After showering and ensuring you were properly groomed from head to toe, you slipped on Adam's favorite black mesh lingerie set. The sheer fabric left almost nothing to the imagination, and the strappy accents gave a subtle but sexy nod to the harnesses and cuffs he loved to use on you. You hoped he would use them tonight.
You chose a classic little black dress and leather jacket to wear over the lingerie. The look was complete with a touch of makeup, including blood red lips, and your black Doc Martens. With one last once-over in the mirror, you gave yourself a nod of approval and walked out the door.
When you pulled up to Adam's and approached the front door, you could hear him playing music inside, the vibrations from his amplifier rattling the old house. You pressed your palm lightly against the door, feeling as the wooden panels seemed to thrum with electricity under your touch. There was no need to ring the doorbell -- he'd barely be able to hear it, bathed as he was in his own symphony of sound. Plus, you knew he'd be able to pick up your scent and would come to greet you and welcome you inside.
Not even 30 seconds later, the music came to a stop and you could hear the faint creaking of the floorboards as Adam gracefully descended the staircase and strode towards the front door.
As he swung open the door, he stood before you, clad in faded black jeans and his favorite robe, tied sluttishly loose around his waist so that his bare chest was exposed to your roaming eyes. His own iridescent orbs peered out from behind curtains of jet-black hair and met yours with a simmering intensity that took your breath away. At your reaction, a self-satisfied smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth; no doubt he could hear your quickening heartbeat.
"Hello, darling. Right on time, I see. Good girl." He wrapped you in his arms, pulling you flush against his chest and nuzzling the top of your head. His praise turned you to a puddle for him and dammit, he knew it. Not that you were complaining.
"Hi Adam," you murmured softly, "Happy Valentine's Day."
"Happy Valentine's Day, indeed," he hummed, "Come inside, love, so we can begin celebrating."
You followed him inside, kicking off your shoes and hanging up your jacket in the foyer, and before you knew it, you found yourself in a familiar position -- straddling his lap as he sat on the couch, lips joined together in a passionate kiss. His cool digits danced up the length of your thighs, hiking up the skirt of your dress as they went. The chill of the air meeting your freshly exposed skin caused you to shiver, and Adam took advantage of your momentary distraction to break the kiss and move his attention to your neck, licking and sucking on your pulse point until you moaned for him.
"Adam..." you panted, "I thought you said you had a surprise for me?"
You could feel him smile against your neck, and he chuckled softly before he replied, "Don't worry, my love, you'll find out soon enough."
Your skirt was bunched around your waist at this point, and Adam brought one hand between your thighs and stroked a finger against your mesh-covered heat.
"Mmm... so wet for me already," he growled darkly, "And I see you wore my favorite. Such a good girl. My good girl."
When you let out a high-pitched whimper in response to his touch and his words, he recaptured your mouth with his, pushing his tongue past your teeth and stroking it languidly against your own. You followed his lead and returned the favor, pushing your tongue against his lips to ask for entry, which he easily granted.
As his teeth parted for you, however, you felt a strange movement within his mouth -- something new... something foreign. It felt like his teeth were...growing? In your confusion, you stilled your tongue against his teeth and realized that he was slowly, but surely, protracting his fangs.
He had never done this before. He'd never even let you see his fangs. Your heart pounded against your ribcage like a mallet on a drum and you pulled away so you could look him in the eyes. Instead of the familiar crystalline blue orbs, you were met with a warm reddish-gold. Equally as beautiful, but more menacing, more... hungry.
Did this mean...?
"Are you frightened, darling?" Adam eyed you warily, concern etched all over his devastatingly handsome face. Concern and...lust.
"Yes," you breathed out in a shaky response. "Yes... and no."
"Good..." he breathed in sharply through his nose and you swear you saw the color of his eyes intensify even more as he inhaled your scent. "I'd be worried if you weren't scared at all. A healthy dose of fear is completely normal in this situation and will likely even heighten the experience for you."
You gasped as his words sunk in. Was he finally ready?
“Adam,” you started. “Does this mean what I think it means?”
“I’m ready, Y/N. If this is something that you still want, I’m ready to give it to you.” He brought his hand up to stroke your face, thumb brushing gently across your cheekbone. “I want to drink from you. To taste you in a way I haven’t before.”
“Oh, please, Adam. Yes, I still want this,” you rasped. “I trust you completely.”
At your confirmation, he pressed his lips to yours once more, and stood from the couch, hands cupping your ass as he carried you towards the bedroom with purpose. You wrapped your legs around his waist and gave yourself into the kiss, your whole body humming with anticipation of what was about to happen.
Adam laid you down gently onto the bed and hovered over you, resting his weight on his sinewy forearms. He broke the kiss to give you a chance to catch your breath and when your eyes met his, you saw something else lurking beneath the reddish-gold blanket of hunger and lust. Reverence. He was in awe that you were willing to let him do this, to submit to him and give yourself to him in this way.
“Darling, before we go any further, I need you to know that I love you,” he proclaimed, his voice husky with desire. “I love you so much, and I promise to keep you safe.”
“I know, Adam, I love you too.”
“I’m going to time my bite so that it coincides with your release. That way, the surge of endorphins will help with the pain.”
“I’m not worried about the pain, Adam, I —“
He cut you off before you could finish. “I am. At least for this first time. There’s nothing I can do to stop it completely but if I can lessen the pain then I’m going to.”
There was no room for argument, so you simply nodded your understanding.
“There’s one other thing, my love…” Adam began, “…if it is alright with you, I think it might be better if I restrain you.”
“Restrain me?” A shudder ran through you, your natural sense of self-preservation kicking in. Despite your earlier hope that he would use cuffs and harnesses on you tonight, this didn’t feel like the time.
“I know what it sounds like, but it is actually to ensure your safety even more. I trust myself, but I do think that any sort of struggle might trigger my more… predatory instincts. I’m sure I can control them, but why test that theory? Again, at least for this first time.”
Your heart fluttered with excitement at the fact that not once, but twice now, he alluded to there being a next time.
“Okay then. Yeah, let’s take every precaution,” you breathed out with a heavy sigh. The weight of the situation was taking its toll on your energy level.
Adam worked quickly to remove your dress and all of his own clothing before he secured your wrists to the corners of the headboard with silken rope. You were quite literally spread out for him. Like a meal.
He began kissing you then, beginning with your lips and moving shortly to your neck, worshipping you like a goddess as he licked and sucked his way from your chin to your shoulder, pulling breathy moans from you as he went. Without interrupting his oral ministrations, he swiftly removed your panties with one hand. You lifted your hips and legs to help him pull them down and completely off your body.
That same hand of his came back up to cup your sex. He groaned as he dipped his fingers between your glistening folds, gathering up your slick wetness before moving his attention to your aching clit.
“Oh, Adam…” you whimpered desperately. “I want you. I need you. Please.”
“Shhh, sweet girl, I’ve got you.”
As he said the words, he lined himself up at your entrance and slowly thrust his rigid cock into your waiting pussy.
“Fuck —“ he gasped, “so fucking tight. I’ll never tire of claiming your perfect little cunt.”
You clenched around him, pulling a deep, guttural groan from his chest.
As he began rutting his hips, grinding against you and into you, you could tell that you were close. That familiar coil was tightening at the base of your abdomen and it wouldn’t take long at this rate for it to snap.
“Adam, I’m — ahh — I’m close!” You managed to piece together the words between pants.
“Are you ready?” He asked you soberly, one final check that he had your consent.
“Yes, Adam. Please drink from me.”
And that was all the confirmation he needed.
He reached between your bodies and moved his dexterous fingers against your clit once more, pulling you towards the precipice of pleasure and hurdling you over the edge.
At the same time that he felt you come, squeezing his cock like a vice, he brought his lips to the spot where your shoulder met your neck and bit down. Hard. Sinking his fangs into your supple flesh, savoring the blood that pooled on his tongue.
He found his release not long after, coating your walls in his seed.
Amidst the throes of your orgasm, you could feel the sharp pain when he bit you. The pain was worse than you thought it would be and for a moment you were frightened. Had you made a mistake?
But then, as quickly as it came, the pain faded away; it melted into ecstasy as he drank from you. You reveled in his moans of pleasure at the taste of you on his tongue.
After a few swallows, he pulled away from your neck and peered down at you; you watched as his fangs retracted and his eyes began to return to their usual shade of blue. A few drops of your blood still clung to his lips and you were somewhat surprised to realize that you found the sight to be one of the most erotic you’d ever seen.
Once he came back to himself, he scrambled to untie your wrists and wrapped your body, limp and spent as it was, in his arms.
“My sweet, darling girl…” he lovingly whispered. “You were so good for me. So brave. So selfless. And you taste even more divine than I had imagined. Thank you for trusting me. And thank you for being patient and waiting for me to be ready, even though you’ve wanted to try this for so long.”
“I love you, Adam,” were the only words you were able to form at the moment.
As you lay there, coming back down from your high and recovering your depleted energy, Adam tended to you. He massaged your wrists and shoulders to soothe any ache left behind from the restraints, and he lifted you and carried you into the en-suite bathroom where he lowered you into the tub that had already begun to fill with warm water.
The wound on your neck was not very deep. He cleaned it thoroughly and bandaged it up for you.
“Thank you Adam,” you finally managed to say.
He chuckled, “You’re welcome, darling. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but I had no doubt that I would enjoy it. Did you like it as much as you thought you would?”
You basked for a moment in how sated you felt physically and how closely, intimately, connected to him you felt emotionally.
Then you looked up at him and with a cheeky smile you replied, “It was love at first bite.”
Tagging some lovely people who might be interested. No pressure though if not! @lokisgoodgirl @give-me-a-moose @fictive-sl0th @thomase1 @coldnique @maple-seed @tallseaweed @cheekyscamp @simplyholl @sarahscribbles @loopsisloops @mochie85 @cake-writes @holymultiplefandomsbatman @springdandelixn @gigglingtigger @vbecker10 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @lokiprompts @mischief2sarawr @peachyjinx
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moononmyfloor · 2 months
Dashing Youth Ep 11-16 Commentary
Ep 1-10, Ep 17-21, Ep 22-25, Ep 26-32, Ep 33-35, Ep 36-40
Ep 11
More flirting
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We meet Xiao Se's nasty Emperor dad in his youth, played by the lovely Fan Jinwei, whose Prince Chong I loved in BoY. Not sure if I'm prepared to hate him this time. He looks good tho!
We also meet Wu Xin' mom, who looks like a fractured wistful early-morning dream which is about to float away and dissappear with the slightest breath, never to be found again.
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And Luo Qingyang, (not to be confused with everyone's favorite girl crush Mianmian from The Untamed), the angry repressed big finale martial artist from BoY
Ep 12
I love the super powerful but easily spooked wooden sword wielding Mt. Wangcheng disciple, kid you *really* don't need to try study under Master Li, just because he's "the" shifu doesn't mean he's better. He will teach you nothing and isn't batting an eye at his exam candidates dying right under his eyes. Srsly, Mt. Wangcheng, the Lei family and Changfeng's Medicine Shifu's Valley seem to be the only places suitable to bring up well-adjusted, grounded kids in this universe.
Dual cultivating right in front of future wife's salad
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Damn his gaze is somehow piercing but indifferent at the same time
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(He's gonna explode and die in the future isn't he) Also see, this is what I mean. Most of the shifus in this universe are no good at teaching and guidance. These kids in their youthful vigor and angst are extremely volatile and you all just let them run rampant. They are easily suspectible to being used by bad forces and eventually create massive tragedies for themselves and everyone else.
Well I suppose Dongjun's first shifu was a great guy but 1. He didn't have enough time 2. Even if he did he was dying and sustaining himself in a contained bubble and what he could teach Dongjun about the world was quite limited.
Ahaha I have the exact same pouch! It's a cheap Aliexpress delivery pouch I got a ring sent in
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Ep 13
Omg she's TOO CUTE! This young lady and Baba from JoL2 are the prettiet babies I've seen this year!
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Local playboy realises his boyfriend from alt universe is happily married and has chosen to live a stress free life, the new boyfriend has ditched him for his future child's mom, his old boyfriend is away in a Detox Vacation and realises his carefree childhood has come to its end 😔
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Also I'm actually kinda surprised to find myself shipping this tragic pair of Dingzhi/Wenjun, and shipping HARD at that. I don't know what I expected but by the the time of BoY, all that remains about their relationship is a sordid gossip but they actually turn out to be two broken lil kids🥺 They don't even have like, a hot and hormonal romance but a one built on sweet childhood promises of protecting his little meimei and caring for her Yun gege. Poor babies😭
Ep 14
Liu Yue thinks he hides it well behind his hat but dude is practically bursting at seams for having gotten a disciple, and he's basically teaching Yue Yao how to flex well and never embarrass herself, which in addition would embarrass himself lol. He also seems to be kinda lonely and bored despite his quirky lil maid and broody bf. It's like he was born to be a social butterfly but with his current social status he cannot.
Inaccurately accurate MTL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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(Also this is so funny to me with the context that I've read the "lifting the hijab" mtl line in lots of Chinese fics where the couple gets married and that red veil lifting thing happens on the marrige bed lol.)
Dingzhi's master seems to be just as traumatised by life as Dingzhi is. Huang Yi lasohi is actually so good in roles like this. Also can we have an applause for the first genderqueer character in the show woohoo
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And then the two shifus have a date about their duel, lol
Ep 15
Baili Dongjun gotta be the naivest ML I've encountered in a while, and by naive I mean beyond the levels of your average innocent, inexperienced teen full of sunlight and getting jaded overtime such as Fang Duobing, Wu Xie, Zhang Chulan etc.
Dongjun has grown up so sheltered and full of positivity, he doesn't seem to register the gravity of things even when they are right in front of his face almost to the point of stupidity.
He provides a stark contrast against his friends, Sikong Changfeng who's been the sweetest but also most down-to-earth kid to begin with and Ye Dingzhi who's been dealing with the weight of the whole world since childhood.
That part where Dongjun saw the arrest warrant for Dingzhi who also turned out to be his long lost bff, was told by his elders that they'll take care of the matter and will bring Dingzhi to him, Dongjun was just like "Ok cool! That's settled then! I'm gonna just chill and have a drink with my new girlfriend then!" was almost funny but sad because,
Kid, you are going to be in a WORLD of hurt VERY soon. You trust strangers way too much!
I mean in BoY you see how severely Dongjun has crashed to the point of wanting to create a broth of oblivion..... I can totally see how that happened.
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Also that poster is a severe injustice to Dingzhi's GORGEOUS face lmao
Ep 16
I mostly have opinions about Master Li in this ep, which I compiled in a seperate post linked above
Also my bb Changfeng is back! And straight away he also joined the baby making game, and Dongjun has no choice but to be a good wingman to his bros at this point lmao
Changfeng chose the most comparatively normal and mundane romance arc too. She's the top courtesan for sure but still, for many young gentry she wouldn't have been anymore worth than a fling, but Changfeng just went ahead and offered her the most genuine, authentic companionship ever without a second of hesitation. And walked out head held high, with ZERO idea about how suave and sexy it made him and I'm like:
5/5 Stars No Drama
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withlovewriting · 6 months
All I Ever Knew, Only You 14: Light 'Em Up
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Chapter Fourteen.
So bright, the flames burned in our hearts, That we found each other in the dark, Black beast, out in the wilderness, We are fighting to survive and convalesce, But we're gonna live, we're gonna live, at last, Then I heard the church bells from afar, But we found each other in the dark
Summary: Hawkins was your typical quaint, mid-western town where nothing ever happened. People were born here, lived their entire lives within the town limits, and eventually died here, peacefully in their sleep. But one cold November evening in 1983 would change everything.
Despite a child with psychokinetic abilities and ravenous monsters that lacked faces, stranger things had definitely happened in the small town in Indiana. One of them being your reluctant and slightly imposed friendship with Hawkins High’s own King Bee, Steve Harrington.
Characters: Steve Harrington x Non-descriptive F!Reader (eventual)
Words: 5,726
Chapter Warnings: Explicit language, mentions of injuries, fluff, Protective!Hopper here for duty, the death of dart that i am still not over, attempted suicide in the absolute most minimal way i promise (you'll understand when you read it i promise, everyone is good everything is fine i just don't know how else to label it), i am now totally unsure which one is the bigger idiot.
Series Warnings: Strong language, mentions of underage drinking, mentions of drug use, canon-typical violence, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of possible mental health disorders, child abuse, slow burn, kinda enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, I like to call it ‘two idiots who begrudgingly befriend each other only to realize… ‘wait a damn minute…’, eventual sexual content, no use of y/n, canon-typical time-period bullshit. 18+. Minors DNI.
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Next Chapter
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Chapter Fourteen: Light 'Em Up
The tires of the blue Camero groaned in discontent, screeching as the car finally came to a stop with half of Merrill’s pumpkin sign still attached to it.
Steve had progressively become more awake, and also more panicked during the ride, and despite the pain you’d be in any time you had to brace during Max’s overzealous drive, you couldn’t deny the fact that had any of the boys driven, you probably wouldn’t have made it out of the Byers’ driveway.
“Told you. Zoomer.” Max told them proudly before pushing open her door and allowing Mike to climb out, followed by Dustin as you and Steve were left to clamber — or in Steve’s case, fall — out of the too-small backseats.
You made your way around to the trunk, grabbing goggles as the kids tied their bandannas around their faces. You didn’t have much time to look for real supplies, and you just prayed that what you had would suffice.
Either way, it would have to do.
Steve groaned as he pulled himself up from the floor where he’d all but rolled to, his face beaten and swollen slightly as he stumbled for a moment whilst he tried to get his bearings.
“No… Guys. Hey, where do you think you’re going?” He questioned Mike as the younger boy strolled right past him, can of gasoline in hand, “What are you, deaf? Hello? We are not going down there right now. I made myself clear. There is no chance we’re going to the hole, all right?”
You passed Steve, too focused on the task at hand to bother yourself with his dramatics, and instead handed Mike a rope as the older boy continued to emphasize his argument. Walking back around to the trunk to grab your own gear, Steve’s hand shot out, the boy stumbling a little as he held on to you.
“This ends now!”
Shrugging his hand off, you sent him a sharp glare whilst Dustin finally responded, “Steve, you’re upset, I get it. But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance.”
Dustin stormed off, making his way toward the group as they began to lower items into the hole whilst Steve stood — still a little dazed — and inhaled deeply. You could tell he was frustrated, but at least he wasn’t yelling about it anymore.
“He’s not wrong.”
“You too? I thought we were on the same side here.” Steve sighed, his tired eyes roaming over your face. The boy had perfected the kicked puppy dog look.
Biting your bottom lip, you moved closer to the boy and placed your hand on his arm that was leaning against the open car door, “We are on the same side, okay? Look, these kids are gonna go down there whether we go with them or not. If you need to stay up here, that’s fine. I get it. But I’m not letting them go down there alone, especially not with those things running around.”
Steve sighed, tightly squeezing his eyes closed, “We said we’d keep them safe…”
Your hand moved from Steve’s forearm, hovering over his bruised knuckles for just a second before gently squeezing his hand, causing the boy’s eyes to pop open almost comically, “So let's keep them safe. You got this, Steve. We got this.”
Your left hand grabbed a backpack from the trunk containing a bandanna, goggles and Steve’s trusty nailed bat. You held it out to him with bated breath, waiting for his decision. After the relentless attack from Billy, you wouldn’t blame him if he decided he needed a time-out. Your own head was throbbing, you couldn’t begin to imagine how his felt.
Nor could you ignore the relief that flooded your bones when he took the bag from you, a simple nod from the boy before you began to pull on your own gear.
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In usual Steve fashion, the boy demanded he go first into the hole to check it out and make sure there wasn’t a pack of hungry Demo-dogs waiting underneath for you all to drop directly into their open mouths.
“Holy shit,” Steve gazed around the tunnel as the rest of you dropped down, Mike pulling out a map before setting off in the direction he believed would lead you all to the hive mind.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. I don’t think so. Any of you little shits die down here, we’re getting the blame. Got it, dipshit?” Steve grumbled, pushing past Mike, “From here on out, I’m leading the way. Come on, let's go.”
You all began to follow him, no questions asked as Steve led the group and you brought up the rear. By the time you were deep enough into the tunnels, you were ready to throw your flashlight at him. A little hustle this, and c’mon, pick up the pace that.
You’d almost forgotten that he was captain of both the basketball team and the swim team and was more than comfortable ordering people around.
Vines wrapped their way along the long floors, keeping you conscious of where you were stepping, as if they might leap out at you any second and dangle you upside down, and the particles of something floating in the air made you cautious that maybe the bandannas you all wore were not enough to keep your respiratory system safe and working.
You felt like your head was turning every few seconds, paranoia from the Demo-dogs, as well as uncharted tunnels, making you feel on edge and Dustin’s sudden screaming really didn’t discourage that.
Rushing toward the boy as he fell to the ground, his shouts desperate enough to rattle your bones, you grabbed at him as he flinched away, unaware of your presence until you managed to get him to look at you, the boy calling for his friends as the group quickly returned.
Slipping from your grasp as he continued to flail about, the group surrounded him, “What happened?”
“It’s in my mouth! Some got in my mouth! Shit!”
He began to hack up a cough as you pulled down your bandanna, trying to catch Dustin’s attention as you called his name, pulling his face into your hands, all but forcing the boy to look up at you,
“Dustin, relax!”
Gulping in a large breath of air, the boy finally settled, his blue eyes peering into yours, “I’m okay…”
“You serious?”
“Very funny, man. Nice. Very nice.”
The group continued on, murmuring under their breath as you helped pick the boy back up, a possibly too-hard whack to the back of his cap to send him on his way after you pulled up your own bandanna once more.
This was going to be a long night.
“Alright, Wheeler,” Steve sighed, flashlight pointed at the crossroad of tunnels surrounding you, “I think we found your hub.”
“Let’s drench it.”
And so you got to work, covering the walls and surrounding tunnel entrances in gasoline. Turning toward Steve, who was busy pouring out his own canister, you pulled your bandanna down once more,
“Are you sure you won’t, like… light up like a Christmas tree?”
Steve’s brow cocked, the only hint that he was silently questioning you.
“You know, with all that hairspray, are you sure you’re not flammable?”
Despite not being able to see his facial features, you felt it in your soul when Steve was glaring at you, causing a smirk to pull one side of your mouth upward.
“Ha ha, very funny,” the boy’s monotonous tone only caused your smile to broaden as he moved closer toward you, the tips of his sneakers knocking your own slightly as he reached forward with his free hand, rubber glove gently gripping the bandanna that now loosely hung around your neck and pulling it back over your nose, “And stop pulling this down. We don’t know what’s floating around down here.”
Rolling your eyes, you secured the cloth a little tighter around your face and wondered how ridiculous you all looked.
“You guys ready?” Steve asked once you were all standing at the entrance to the tunnel you came from.
“Light her up,” Dustin confirmed as Steve pulled out his lighter.
You felt his dark eyes peering up at you from where he knelt on the floor, “We are in such deep shit.”
You placed a hand over Max’s shoulder, pushing the girl in front of you as the tunnels lit up, an unbearable and unforgiving heat beating across your face as you watched the vines along the floor begin to dance along the embers. Everything really was connected, and you could only hope this didn’t hurt Will more than it had to.
“C’mon, go!” Steve pulled you along by the wrist, only letting go once he was certain your feet would follow, as he pushed his way to lead the group once more, “This way!”
Unfortunately for you, you were running just behind Mike when he took a tumble — a thick vine wrapping around his ankle and slowly dragging him across the floor — causing you to trip right over him, your own ankle rolling under your weight as you failed to catch yourself on the sharp walls of the tunnel.
Mike’s screaming caught the attention of the group as you tried to drag yourself toward the thick vine, unable to untangle it as it fought against you, only tightening its grip on the boy. Despite struggling to pull off your backpack, you finally managed to pull the ax that you were yet to return to Mrs. Byers and hobbled to your feet, balancing on your one good foot as you swung at the vine, cursing as you lost your balance and tumbled toward the wall.
A shrill screech seemed to emit from the vines as they curled up, releasing the boy's ankle as Steve’s bat connected with it once, twice, three times.
Lucas and Dustin pulled Mike up, a tight grip on their friend as they checked him over whilst Steve turned to you, eyes wide even under his goggles as he looked from your face to your ankle, and back again, noting your flamingo-like posture,
“You good?”
Before you could respond, a growl from behind the group stopped you all in your tracks.
A Demo-dog stood on all fours, large mouth opening, and closing as it continued its inhuman noises. Dustin watched for a moment, head cocked slightly to the right.
When the monster didn’t immediately attack, seemingly checking out the boy in front of him — friend or foe? Possibly even snack — Dustin stepped forward, despite everyone pleading for him to stay where he was.
“Shh, stop. Trust me, please.”
Dustin remained eerily calm as he slowly approached the dog, the monster taking a few cautionary steps closer too, meeting him near the middle of the tunnel.
“Hey, it’s me. It’s your friend, it’s Dustin,” the boy pulled down his bandanna before lifting his goggles in hopes the monster would recognize him, “It’s Dustin, all right? You remember me? Will you let us pass?”
The monster snarled at him, revealing far too many sharp teeth for your liking, but remained in place. If it wanted to, it easily could’ve ripped Dustin apart by now. You knew that as well as the boy did. But this… thing, something about this one was different. Maybe it really was Dart, and maybe, he and Dustin had formed some kind of weird, fucked up human/alternate-dimensional-creature bond in the few days it had taken Dart to sprout four legs and a mouth full of teeth.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?” Dustin reached into his backpack, pulling out what looked like a Three Musketeers bar, “I’ve got our favorite, see? Nougat.”
As Dustin opened the wrapper, the creature slowly padded toward him, much like a family dog might’ve. Once Dart began to eat, Dustin shooed the rest of you through, Steve holding you up as you hobbled alongside him.
Once everyone had passed, Dustin stood, pulling down his goggles as he moved past to follow the group, turning around as Dart did the same, “Goodbye, buddy.”
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As your group rushed back looking for where the rope to safety dangled, leading back up to the surface, the whole tunnel system seemed to shift, rumbling and sending you all in different directions.
“What was that?” Max asked, turning in the direction of… roaring?
“They’re coming. Run! Run!”
Steve lifted Max up first, the girl pulling herself up the rope with no problem, quickly followed by Lucas and then Mike. Dustin was halfway up the rope, clutching to his friend's hands when you saw the first shadow of a Demo-dog on the wall.
“Harrington,” you swallowed, heart pounding against your rib cage, eyes beginning to water as you realized your fate.
“I know, I know…” Steve panicked, gripping his bat in his hands as he shouldered Dustin a little further up, “Go, c’mon, get up-”
You both knew you didn’t have enough time for the two of you to get back out to safety and somehow, Steve had continuously surprised you in these life-and-death situations — especially when it was between his life and your death — constantly putting his safety on the line. Back last year with the Demogorgon, hell, even earlier that evening at the Junkyard.
This time… This time, it was your turn.
“We’re not gonna both make it up there in time. You need to go.”
His head swiveled around so quickly, you were sure he almost gave himself whiplash, but you didn’t give him enough time to disagree as you rearranged the ax in your grip, holding it high and standing your ground despite your shaking hands, “I’m not gonna get up there quickly, it’s pointless. Just go. Please.”
Ignoring the crack of your voice, and the shouting from the kids above you, Steve shook his head, eyes darting between yourself and the incoming monsters, their roaring getting closer and closer, “No, I-”
“Go, Steve!”
“Not without you.”
Snapping your own head toward the boy, you both stood silently as the few seconds that passed felt like hours, before finally accepting your fate.
The kids would be safe. But you were doing this. You and Steve would foolishly take on a pack of Demo-dogs.
Despite Steve’s eyes flicking back to the tunnel, yours remained on him as you tried to swallow down the fear that was crawling up your throat, clutching at your vocal cords and making it impossible to speak.
The first Demo-dog rushed around the corner, but you barely saw a flash of it as you were suddenly spinning around, Steve’s chest colliding with your back as he gripped you with one hand, turning your body behind his.
When the pained cries and shouting and screaming didn’t come, your eyes peeled open, watching as the dogs ran straight past you, entering a different tunnel and paying both you and Steve no mind.
Once the echoes of their rushed feet had disappeared, the tunnel remained silent, even the kids above were in shocked silence. Blood rushed in your ears, as your body shook, the ax falling from your grip and landing by your feet.
Steve’s labored breaths pushed his chest into your back repeatedly, and you weren’t quite sure if it was your heartbeat or his that you could feel.
His grip remained tight around your waist, rubber gloved fingers digging into your skin a little too tightly to be reassuring, yet you still leaned your weight against him, head bent backward at a mildly uncomfortably angle as you pulled down your bandanna and caught your breath, trying to work out if you were actually still alive.
It was only when he tilted his own head down, resting his chin on your shoulder that you flinched away — his panting a little too loud in your ear — the previous pain from earlier that evening finally ebbing its way back now that the adrenaline was finally dissipating from your veins.
“Eleven,” Mike shouted down, “She’s doing it, she’s closing the gate. Get out of there, now.”
Neither of you needed to be told twice, and once Steve had awkwardly lifted you halfway up the rope, allowing you to place your weight onto his shoulder as the other kids had helped you crawl out of the hole, he quickly followed after you just in time to watch the headlights beam on Billy’s car, momentarily blinding you all.
And, just as it had seemed last year…
It was over.
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Steve had managed to drive to Hopper’s cabin thanks to your directions as the kids huddled in the backseat. Nobody uttered a word, and the car radio remained off the entire drive. The only words you spoke were a mumbled thank you as he assisted you out of the car, tucking your arm over his shoulders, his own hand wrapping back around your waist as he helped you slowly hobble toward the cabin.
You could only pray that whatever had its hold over Will was gone, leaving the boy unscathed and that Eleven and Hopper were alive and safe.
Thankfully, you’d spotted Hopper’s Chevvy hidden where he usually parked it between the trees and found yourself all but rushing toward the safety of the cabin.
The commotion from the kids must have alerted everyone to your appearance as the group, bar Will and Eleven, stepped out onto the porch, eyebrows pinched together, confused at your sudden appearance. The plan was for you to stay at the Byers and wait. It was clear to everyone that somehow, for some reason, that plan had changed.
You felt a whimper force its way out of your lips before you even recognized the sound as your own when you caught Hopper’s gaze, the man pushing through the small crowd outside the front door, his long legs reaching you quickly.
Steve released you from his grip as soon as the larger man approached, brows still furrowed on his face as he pulled you into a tight hug,
“What the hell happened to you guys?”
It took Steve a second to realize that Hopper’s attention was now directed toward him, his dark blue eyes taking in his bruised face.
“Uh, something came up. We… We couldn’t stay at the Byers. I know we said… I promised we’d look after the kids, but-”
“Can we talk about it later?” You sighed, hoping Hopper would take pity on your tired eyes and pained limp, “Eleven and Will… are they okay?”
Hopper helped you up the porch steps, a sweet smile sent Joyce’s way as she took your face between her warm palms and placed a kiss on your forehead, “They’re fine. Exhausted but… Alive. Safe.”
It felt like a weight had been lifted from your chest, the ability to finally inhale deeply causing your vision to blur a little. The plan had worked, and most of you had survived. Mike had already made his way into the cabin, grabbing at both Eleven and Will and pulling them into a tight hug, quickly followed by the rest of the kids, bar Max who hung back a little.
Joyce, however, moved her attention to the young girl, pulling her into a motherly hug, “Whatever you kids did tonight… Thank you.”
“Can we, uh… Clean up a little?” you turned toward Hopper, nodding toward the bathroom, knowing there was a first aid kit stashed in the medicine cabinet.
Hopper’s gaze switched between you and Steve before sending the latter a slight glare, despite his nod, “Head on through, do you want me to-”
“It’s fine, Hop. We won’t be long,” you sighed, trying to put as little weight onto your ankle as possible as you shuffled Steve into the too-small bathroom.
Once the folding door was shut, shutting out the quiet mumbles from the group, you let out a long, exasperated sigh, leaning on the door whilst Steve was already looking through the cabinet, pulling out the small box.
“Do you want to-”
“No, no… You sit down, I don’t think that ankle is gonna handle any more pressure on it tonight.” Steve interrupted, motioning for you to sit on the closed toilet as he nosed through the first aid supplies.
Finding some ointment for bruising and a clean cloth, Steve ran the tap until the water was warm, ringing out the excess water before standing in front of you, hesitating.
“Do you, uh-”
“I can’t exactly see the back of my head, Harrington.”
Nodding, Steve placed the cloth against the back of your head, a mumbled apology falling from his lips when you hissed in pain.
“Billy, he uh… He didn’t-”
“Billy didn’t touch me,” you sighed, “not really, anyway. Shoved me away from Lucas and I hit my head on the counter.”
An unintelligible grumble fell from Steve’s lips, his eyebrows almost connecting as he frowned, only deepening as you continued to speak, “I must say though, Harrington. I’m pleasantly surprised. You got in, what? At least three hits before-”
“Before he blindsided me by hitting me in the head with a plate?” Steve huffed, pulling away the cloth and rinsing it when he found only dried blood. He took a second to look over the wound, unsure as to what he was really even looking for.
“I mean, it’s Billy. Do you really expect him to play fair?”
Shrugging his shoulders, Steve groaned slightly as he bent down, resting on his knees as he lifted your ankle. After taking off your sneakers and socks, then rolling up your jeans a little, he turned your ankle cautiously as he inspected it. The skin had already begun to swell, and a deep red bruise was blossoming along the outer side of your heel,
“You really need to ice and rest this,” Steve placed the cold cloth against the skin and held it there, continuing to scrutinize your injury.
A small huff fell from your lips as you sent the top of his head a smirk, “Where did you get your Ph.D. from again?”
“I play sports,” Steve’s eyes met yours, an annoyed, but innocuous glare settling across his face as he peered up at you, “I’ve rolled my ankle enough times in Basketball to know how to deal with it.”
A high, mocking tune rumbled in your throat as you cocked a brow, “My bad, Harrington. Didn’t know you liked to play Doctors and Nurses in your spare time.”
“Why do you do that?” He interrupted thumb subconsciously grazing the part of your skin that the cloth didn’t reach.
Your face scrunched slightly, feeling a little too defensive already, “Do what?”
His shoulders slumped as a long sigh escaped his nose, but his eyes remained focused on you, “You know, I think tonight, when you were convincing me to follow those little assholes into the pits of Hell… I think that was the first time I’ve heard you actually call me by my name.”
“I call you it all the time-”
“No,” he interrupted once more, the line between his brows emerging once again as he tried to stress his point, “You call me Harrington all the time. Normally with a glare, but still…”
You remained silent for a moment, wondering if you did, indeed, do that, “Does it matter?”
“I mean, it makes you sound like you’re always mad at me-”
“I am normally mad at you,” you joked, but your smile slipped from your face just as quickly as it had appeared when his expression didn’t change, “I don’t know why I do it, alright? I do it to everyone, I guess…”
“I just…” Steve sighed, the hand that was holding the cloth to your ankle moved to push his hair back from his forehead before quickly reattaching itself to you, as if he needed to anchor himself to something to get his thoughts out, “I like it when you call me Steve. Makes me feel like we’re, you know… Friends.”
You watched as he shrugged, his throat bobbing as he tore his eyes away from you in what you could only assume was embarrassment.
Because even after everything you went through together almost a year ago, even after he saved your life… you weren’t friends. But now?
“Seems like the universe is trying to tell us something.”
Steve’s eyes returned to yours, confusion etched on his face as you sighed and sat up straighter, your body a little closer to him, “We are friends. I mean, you saved my life twice in one year. It would be kinda rude not to be, right?”
A small puff of air forced itself from his chest as he sent you a small smile, “Third time’s the charm,”
“Oh my god, why would you even say that?” You laughed back, mouth agape in faux offense, “But, I suppose I could… try and reserve last names for when I’m actually mad-”
“It would save me a lot of confusion.”
You shared a small, almost silent laugh, his eyes boring into you, seeming much darker in Hopper's dodgy bathroom lightening, Steve’s thumb still subconsciously skimming over your ankle as you both reveled in the quiet, the voices in the lounge were low and muffled slightly, so when the folding door was swiftly yanked open, nearly sending the boy into your lap, you both jumped out of your skin, your wide eyes narrowing into a glower as you stared down the man on the other side of the door,
“You kids need some help in here? Been long enough I thought you’d got lost.”
Rolling your eyes, you settled back against the tank of the toilet with a sigh, “Waiting times in the ER are outrageous. I’ll tell my doctor to hurry it up.”
Steve cleared his throat, discomfort written on his face as he sent Hopper an almost pained smile, unable to keep eye contact for more than a few seconds, “Almost done. Promise.”
You watched Hopper as he watched Steve — the boy suddenly finding the bare wooden floorboards beneath him a little too fascinating — his eyes flitting to you for just a moment before settling back on the boy, “Yeah, well, speed it up, alright? I need to take a leak.”
“Hop,” you heard Joyce warn, pulling the man’s attention for just a moment. His tongue ran across his bottom lip as if he were deep in thought, before he finally conceded, pulling the door across once more, but not shutting it fully.
Steve quickly poured the Arnica ointment onto some toilet paper before gently dabbing it onto your ankle, brows furrowed in concentration “We really should speed things up.”
“Ignore him. He’s just… weird.”
Steve sent you a quirked brow, all too aware that you didn’t bother to lower your voice and that the possibility of Hopper hearing you was high.
“You’re pretty close, huh?”
“He, uh… He dated my Mom. Hung around for a while and never really left, even when they broke up.”
“That’s nice.”
Shrugging, you peered through the gap in the door, eyes finding the man across the room talking quietly with Joyce for a moment before disappearing from your obstructed view, “I guess so. I don’t really see eye to eye with my Mom. I mean, I know what people say about her, about my family, but Hopper, he just… He never cared about all that stuff. I, uh… I cried myself to sleep the night they broke up. I mean, I’d seen guys come and go for years, I was used to it, and I just kind of thought he’d disappear like everyone else. Cross the street when he saw me, duck his head when he saw me in the same aisle at Big Buy… But he just… didn’t, you know? It wouldn’t have ever lasted with my Mom, but he’s been there for me more than anyone. Especially my own dad. I owe him a lot.”
“I don’t think he sees it that way.”
Steve’s comment caught you off-guard slightly. You’d heard all the gross accusations that high schoolers had thrown your way. That Hopper had left your mother for you, that he was your real dad and everything in between. You had thought for so long that he had simply hung around because he felt guilty. Then, you’d heard that he had a daughter, Sara, who had passed away in New York, and you thought that maybe his protectiveness over you was down to grief. That he was trying to make you fit into a Sara-shaped hole.
But Hopper, despite all of his flaws — and he had plenty — was simply a good man.
Sending your sudden tension, Steve scrambled to continue, “I mean, I don’t think he thinks you owe him anything. He seems like a decent guy-”
“He is,” you cut Steve off. Your chest felt heavy and tight as if your body was desperate for the conversation to finish before you burst into tears and embarrassed the both of you.
“All done,” Steve smiled, placing the toilet paper into the sink to be flushed later. He placed your ankle gently on the floor after rolling back down your pant leg and pulling on your sock, “I wouldn’t even try the sneakers, but you do need to ice it.”
Holding out a hand, Steve pulled you up, your bodies a little too close in the cramped bathroom, “We should-”
“Sit your ass down, Steve,” you wanted to pat yourself on the back for remembering, “It’s your turn.”
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Eventually, you and Steve emerged from the bathroom, one arm slung over his shoulder as he guided you back into the lounge, Hopper quickly moved from where he was leaning against the wall next to the bathroom and took over, walking you back to his armchair whilst Steve quietly argued — and lost — with Joyce as she tried to give up her own chair, eventually reassuring him that she was going to check on Will, who was resting on Hopper’s fold up bed across the room.
When the once cold can of beer pressed against your ankle had warmed to room temperature, and the box of ‘Eggo’s’ Steve had held against his bruised face had turned soggy, the boy finally pushed himself up, clearing his throat, “I, uh… I should get going.”
You’d explained most of your evening to the group, leaving out that Hargrove had been the cause of your own injuries, and Hopper had told Steve that Billy would find himself on the receiving end of a few extra speeding tickets since the former didn’t want to press charges, and by now, everyone was visibly exhausted. It had been a very long weekend.
“Can I catch a ride?” You asked, already pushing yourself up off the armchair to follow.
Steve nodded and extended the offer, eventually driving you, Max, Lucas, and Dustin out of there. He’d have to drop Billy’s car back before anyone became suspicious, but he’d just waved a hand at you when you’d offered to drive the Camero back after picking up his own car, telling you he would simply walk home and collect it from the woods where he’d left it with yourself and Dustin at the beginning of your hunt for Dart.
Despite Hopper offering to stay at his for the night, you declined. You just wanted to crawl into your own bed and not emerge for a couple of days, despite knowing it was the beginning of another school week. So, after Jim had made you promise to radio him if there was any issue, he begrudgingly sent you off into the night with Steve.
The excitement seemed all too much for the kids, each one falling asleep before Steve had even passed back by Merrill’s farm. His voice was gentle as he woke them up, bar when he gave Dustin a shove, the boy snoring obnoxiously loud as he spread out across the backseat, the last to be dropped home.
Once the boy was safely inside his house, Steve sighed and pulled away, ready to make his way to your house. He could've easily dropped you home first and left Max to last, but the both of you remained quiet as he drove past the long, winding road that would've led to your street. His eyes were red-rimmed and heavy, and he cursed each time his hand subconsciously rubbed at them after he'd pulled over outside of your home.
You hesitated for a moment — your hand ready to open the door — unsure of what to say. So instead, you let out a long sigh and turned in the boy’s direction, “Get home safe, okay?”
Steve nodded, “Want me to walk you to the door? You really shouldn’t be putting weight on that-”
“-After everything that’s happened tonight, if I get murdered between this car, and my front door, then so be it,” you joked, a small smile on your face as Steve tiredly returned it.
Steve’s mouth opened, ready to retort, but instead remained hanging wide as you shuffled across the seat, pulling him into an awkward but quick one-armed hug, “Thanks again, Steve. And I’m sorry for, you know… dragging you along to the tunnels.”
Clearing his throat, Steve sent you a firm nod, “No, it’s… I get it, you know? I mean, either way, we kept the kids safe, right?”
“We make a pretty good team,” a puff of laughter fell from Steve’s lips. The irony wasn’t lost on the boy. 12 months ago, Steve wouldn’t have given you the time of day. You both knew that. Hell, you were certain he wouldn’t be able to pick you out from a lineup full of new students that he’d never met, despite the fact Hawkins only had one high school.
“Yeah, I guess we do. Goodnight, Steve.”
You shuffled out of the car ungracefully, and Steve watched with a wince, forcing himself to remain seated as you hobbled your way up the creaky, decayed porch steps and eventually into your home.
Only once you were tucked away safely in your house, bedroom light flicking on a moment later, did Steve finally drive away.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JM live 15 June 2023 20:46 or 8:46pm KST
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
*Disclaimer: I hate Tumblr and it's stupid ass image limit. My personal feeling about this post is that it's lacking, but I guess c'est la vie, did the best under the circumstances (at least that's what I'll keep telling myself).
Guess what?
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We already saw the pattern with JK, but is it possible that JM is joining in on the it? I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
I won't be talking about every single thing that came up in JM's 1 hr. and 20 min. live. What I will do is touch on a few of the interesting things that happened during the live (well, what I found interesting at least), and what followed the live as well. Because JM didn't just show and dip. He wanted to take up home in his pocket, although he did think that over 7 million at his place might be too much, maybe if it was half of that it would be ok, lol. But we know JM, for reals, he wouldn't do a live at home, so he did the second best thing, which was to come back to us with posts and comments on Weverse.
Anyways, what did we have in the live?
JM talked about the 10 year anniversary a bit. Telling us he's not really that excited, but the biggest emotion he's feeling is fun. I get the not feeling excited. He also explains why. I'm happy that he felt it fun, I can't help but think that it was a bit of a bitter sweet celebration for them. He touched, not touched on it, when he mentioned the two members in the army at the moment.
JM tells us what he's up to lately, his daily schedule, more or less.
He's asked if he's working on a song, and JM like JM answers this:
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He later gives us a little more detail: he's been working out and eating healthy and working on some music and living well. Once a week he allows himself to rest.
The question I ask is if JK allows him to rest too? Lol, nah. I guess that's the day they take off to visit Bammie. Ehm... we do have the scratch to prove it...
Jokes aside, JM talks about how it's good for him to have a set schedule and be at work. For him and JK both (that's me talking not JM). And seeing that RM kind of spilled the tea, we can guess that the workouts are probably, at least some of the time, together with JK.
At the 10:40 mark approx. Tae shows up in the comments.
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JM, the kind of sassy and a true Slytherin that he is tells Tae, he will if Tae continues to comment for the whole time.
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Well, I guess that was the end of it for Tae, lol.
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Fuck people for calling him chubby in the comments. I hate this obsession with his weight, but even more so I hate people sitting at home on their asses and calling this 1.73 meter tall man that weighs 62.5 kg after putting on over 4 kg to get there, chubby. Like wtf? Man is skinny. And minus those 4 kgs he was fucking too skinny. Do they want him to starve himself? Do they not remember the issues he had in the past with his weight (issues which always linger even if you are "eating healthy" as he put it)?
Ok, so at around 14:55 min. JM's asked for the first time about the rainy day fight. When watching live, I kind of thought he was evading the question, but him answering the question later on, I tend to believe that maybe he just misunderstood the question at that point.
JM talks about sleep and R.E.M and how when you dream your mind is active and you don't really get deep sleep, and watching a video about it. I find it kind of funny and coincidental - NOT - that JK seems to have said practically the same things using similar wording in his live as well.
But no, they definitely aren't spending time together.
JM tells us he went to sleep at 6 am, woke up at 12 pm, made himself some chicken breast to eat and went back to sleep. Sound familiar anyone?
Sleep patterns. Chicken breast for lunch.
But no, they definitley aren't spending time together.
JM is asked to do the live all night.
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He wants to sleep early.
Funny how that didn't work out for him... I guess someone was staying up to be able to speak with that very special person that happened to be in LA and would be waking up just as JM was supposed to go to sleep?
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Slept at 12 and woke up at 8, ate at 12 pm, rest and go to workout at 2:30 pm approx., start working at 5 pm, at night he studied English. Ehm...didn't somebody else just let us know, repeatedly, that he's working hard on his English?
From his 5 June live:
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Nah, I guess just another coincidence.
What I'm finding interesting is if JM is done with his promotions and it's off to the army any time now, why would he be working on his English?
Oh how I do hope that this is for something in the pipelines that involves the two of them TOGETHER!!!
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Well, it is hard to break a sleeping pattern that has been with you for years and years. We all know of JM and JK's late night/early morning escapades. All night buddies that they are.
Rainy day fight, JM's version:
So this time around JM understands the comment asking about the rainy day fight and gives us his version of it.
Of course we got JM's JK smile.
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He does tell us he's giving us an edited version of it. JK, on the other hand, edited without telling us, lol. Both said a lot about the what happened before and after, but magically didn't mention exactly what was said at the moment by JK to anger JM so so much for him to react the way he did.
Anyway, we got is the story from JM's pov. And yes, there are some differences, but I wouldn't expect otherwise. 2 people, 2 povs. No 2 stories would ever be exactly the same.
The main discrepancy I found was the timeline. JK's being when they were trainees, and JM's all over the place but still later on (2014-15). Idk, I'm gonna side with JK on this one, lol. Like I mentioned in the post about JK's live, I feel like this fight was way more impactful for JK than it was for JM. And as such it's more etched on his brain than it is for JM.
Something I found interesting was how each of them was keen to take responsibility for the fight. JK blaming himself for how he behaved and what he said, and JM the same.
What I also found interesting and very much not surprising is how this fandom roles. JK taking blame for the fight = "oh poor baby bunny JK, how big of him to take the blame"; JM taking blame fir the fight = "omg, how mean is JM picking on baby bunny JK, being so mean to him, ugh we hate JM."
Did I mention how there are some parts of this fandom that I absolutely despise?
One thing they both corroborated was the state of JK's eyes the morning after, lol.
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Both JM and JK were happy giggly while telling the story.
A fight that definitley left it's mark of them both but also something to reminisce back on fondly.
Something else we learnt from JM's live was that he most definitely watched JK's live. He watched JK tell us about the rainy day fight and he also found JK's impersonation of G-Dragon very funny.
When is your next album coming JM?
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Listening to army love letter
JM was truly moved by this.
Did JK cook Ramen for you?
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JM averting eyes away from camera and moving on at the speed of light to..."oh angel pt. 2 came out today..."
There are 1001 options to why not yet. I'm not going to even start going there, because it's irrelevant and unimportant.
What I do know is JM chose to answer that comment but a. unlike the other comments that had to do with JK which he did answer, this one answer didn't come with a JK or jungkookie attached to it. It was short and he was done with it, and b. the way he looked away from the camera while saying it and repeating it once before just changing the subject was just so sus and felt like overcompensating.
Of course there are those that jumped at it like the dead feeders that they are. This must mean that they haven't seen each other. That JM isn't important to JK, etc. etc.
Funny how JM and JK don't see each other but are eating the same things for lunch, like Chicken breast and rice… or how they aren't seeing each other but JM somehow, magically, adjusted JK's mood lamp at JK's place…telepathy and telekinesis I guess. Oh, and did we discuss the sleeping patterns yet or the fact that they both happened to bring up the science mambo jumbo about sleep and dreams, almost word for word? But nope. They definitley aren't seeing each other and definitley aren't close. Also, for someone that is distanced they sure seem to be keeping up with each others lives. JM must be really bored to be sitting down and watching JK's long ass lives.
Moving on.
JM, being the king of evading answering whatever he doesn't want to answer, reads out comments asking about travel and tattoos, and decides those are topics he does not deem answer worthy, lol.
Do I talk about the goldfish lips? Nah, I don't wanna. Go watch!
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And this is JK way back in 2015 already.
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JM assuming the position
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So after saying he should do the next live lying down, cheeky thing that he is decided he's taking JK's sleeping live and raising him one, by taking us all home with him in his pocket, lol.
Although he took it all back. Yeah yeah, excuses excuses. So he can't fit 7 million into his place. Boo hoo. 3.5 million he can but 7 he can't. I do not accept such a cop out.
And then he was done, well more or less. Hungry, asking us for recommendations for food, and tired, he says his goodbyes and turns the live off.
But that wasn't the end of it. Nope.
Remember JM said he'd update us when he got home?
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Well, he did. He came back to update us time after time after time.
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And a comment too
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Oh, and the next day as well.
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Also interesting how that 5 and 8 found their way time after time into JM's posts and/or comments. 58 that happens to represent JK time after time.
At the end of the day what did we get from the live?
We got the rainy day fight - JM's perspective (muddled up timeline though, but I forgive him, getting old does make you forgetful, lol).
We got JM tell us he has seen JK's live, the one with him telling us his side of the rainy day fight and doing his G-Dragon impersonation, and I think we can assume he saw the sleeping live too.
I can't help but wonder if JM was reprimanded for commenting on JKs previous lives (you know with the shrimp, not really shrimp, comment and let me tie your hair), or perhaps he's just laying there enjoying watching his bf crush on him live.
We had JM call army and their comments cute. Funny, huh? How JK did that too?
Kind of interesting how the two seem to be saying the same things (the cute and the sleep talk), acting the same way, eating the same things.
I was going to add a clip and link here to JK's chicken breast eating tales, him cooking chicken breast with rice, him talking about eating chicken breast for lunch. Him eating healthy now days. Sounds familiar does it? JM talking about eating chicken breast for lunch, about eating chicken breast with rice. About eating healthy lately...
But damn Tumblr won't allow me. So you guys will either have to take my word for it (please don't), or go looking. You will see I am right...
For fun I will just leave you here with this:
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Cause why not end this with an ear to ear smile on our faces?
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herprincess · 4 months
introduction post!
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hellooo! i realize i haven’t done a actual introduction post and only drop occasional lore about myself 😭it may be to late but oh well haha
well, hi again lol i’m herprincess but i go by mint on all my socials because of my ao3 user (which is mintcupcake010 if you want to check it out😎)
-i am going to be a freshman in august
-i am currently 14 (edit: this was such a lie😭i was 13 but im 14 as of june)
-i use she/her only
-i have bpd and adhd 
-my favorite colors are pink and orange🩷🧡
-i am a sideline cheerleader and dancer
-i actually really hate writing and will only do so if i have a manic writing episode😂
-i am only in the trolls fandom at the moment but i LOVE LOVE LOVEE greys anatomy
-i make all my art with my right index finger
-i love summer!
-i am strictly a cat person i am afraid of dogs😭
-i love working out and do a chloe ting one every night!
-i am 5’1 irl
-i draw velvet and veneer, but usually it’s my ocs melody and zephyr
-my pfp is close to how i look in real life, but my hair is a bit of a darker blonde
-i love all things perfume and lipgloss
-i am a ambivert leaning towards extrovert
-i love to get to know my mutuals!
-my favorite artists are but not limited to: @bon3tea @skydiverdrawings @spooky-pop and @ohposhers
i think that works lol i don’t really know how to do these but yeah! i hope you got to know me a teensy bit better.
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
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*the banner (& mastelist overall) is heavily influenced by my dearest @inklore 's kinktober masterlist and I urge everyone to go and check her deliciously smutty list out 💜
hi lovelies! my favorite time of the year has finally arrived-- under the cut you'll find all the things I've written for this years kinktober, the list will be updated as we go, enjoy 💜
(🖤) indicates dark content/check trigger warnings
i made a taglist for kinktober which you can join but if that's not your thing you can simply follow my library blog and turn on notifs!
before reading anything please thoroughly read the warnings since some of them include heavier kinky scenarios
i won't be listing the ones i plan on writing as to not limit myself to a list and so I can change characters/kinks as i please and without worry. the fics listed below have already been written and scheduled to post
main masterlist
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1 | me & mine: pero tovar x reader x ezra | double penetration
after coming to a new city, you find yourself in your hotel room with two unbelievably attractive men.
2 | marked man: pero tovar x reader | dry humping, squirting
despite the fact that you shouldn't, you can't help but continue to visit the prisoner that you still didn't know the name of. An unexpected visitor shows up.
3| daddy issues: matt murdock x reader | blood kink, boxer au
you're tired of seeing him getting purposefully beat up every night. matt tries to reason with you.
4| poison & wine: duke leto x reader x din djarin | spit roasting
the razor crest is low on fuel and din knows the perfect pit spot.
5| dear friend,: ezra x reader | phone sex, dirty talking
you've been friends with ezra for a while now. after talking on the phone and making plans to meet up tomorrow, ezra thinks he hung up. you can't help but listen in as he gives a woman you don't know the time of her life. 
6| save tonight: frankie morales x reader x santiago garcia | cuckolding, degradation
frankie comes with you with a proposal that you're eager to accept.
7| river: din djarin x reader | dacryphilia
din likes it when you cry for him.
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8| choke on flowers: dieter bravo x reader | cult, blackmail 🖤
dieter is a mess, but you enjoy being with him nonetheless. but things start to change when a friend of his comes for a visit.
9| careless: frankie morales x reader x jack daniels | lactation kink, titjob
you get hit with a drug that makes you lactate, frankie and jack are more than eager to help you out.
10| stupid for you: steven grant x reader | orgasm denial, brat taming, mirror sex
steven wants you to admit he's the best you ever had, as always you don't make it easy for him
11| one touch: javier peña x reader | somnophilia
you've been set on trying to convince javier to take what he wants, for him to let go and he finally does.
12| like that: modern!pero tovar x reader | knife play
there's a storm raging outside and you go down to the basement to look at a Pero's knife collection while he's gone.
13| loverboy: tom!peter parker x reader | choking, breathplay
you get trapped in your sweater, peter has a unique way of helping you out.
14| 3 AM: dbf!santiago garcia x reader | dry humping, quiet sex
santi comes to your room for a visit at 3 AM.
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15| hit the road: jack daniels x reader | consensual noncon
It's late when you leave the office, you feel a pair of familiar eyes watching you.
16| heat waves: dieter bravo x reader | temperature play, food play
dieter wants to try something new.
17| is forever for you?: jake lockley x reader | corruption kink, sex toys
jake is always eager to teach.
18| no brakes: din djarin x reader | hate fucking
you have a bounty on your head, din takes the job.
19| tag, you're it: frankie morales x reader | pray/predator kink, gun kink
once a month you and frankie play a game.
20| after hours: javier peña x steve murphy x reader x horacio carillo
after another day of being unsuccessful in catching escobar, you offer the boys another way of relief.
21| pumpkin seeds: poe dameron x reader | sex pollen, outdoors
you and poe fin yourself on a pumpkin infested planet, however the flowers that surround them seem to be poisonous.
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22| arise sun: william tell x reader | pussy slapping
William Tell is a dangerous man. You should’ve known better than to piss him off. 
23| one more hour: marcus pike x reader | monsterfucking
you and marcus are asked to investigate an old manor that might have stolen paintings. however, due to problems with your schedule, Marcus heads there before you, getting himself cursed while investigating. You find him, or at least something that you think is him, at the manor two days later.
24| home economics: javi g x reader | voyeurism
Javi sees you naked for the first time which should be a good thing, but you have idea that he can see you through the window.
584 notes · View notes
justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Lavender No Outbreak AU - Ch. 1
You and Joel have dinner. Chapter one of a No Outbreak AU of Lavender, found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: None really! Mentions of pregnancy. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only
Length: 4.5k
A/N: For those who aren't readers of Lavender, this is an AU of that fic. If you'd like to read it in context (or just want to go back and remember what happened!) Read chapters 1-6 of Lavender in their entirety. Then read through their text message conversation about halfway through chapter 7. Pick up here.
Love you!
Friday, October 17, 2003
You weren’t sure if the nausea was from nerves or from the morning sickness that had never actually limited itself to just the morning hours. 
It had been months since you’d last seen Joel. You remembered it so clearly. It’s not that you’d known he was going to break up with you a few weeks later, but you did know it would be a while before you saw him again. There hadn’t been a set plan, just vague discussion of getting together at Christmas - unsure if he would bring Sarah to you or if you would come down to him - and you wanted to make sure you held onto everything as tightly as you could. 
Joel never just dropped you off at the airport. He always parked the car, always walked you in and lifted your bag onto the scale at the check in counter like 35 pounds was just a bit too much for you to do on your own, always walked with you through the security line with his arm around your waist. He always stood there on the other side of the security area until you made it through the metal detectors and you always looked back at him when you did, holding his gaze for a moment with the ache of longing deep in your chest, the two of you raising a hand to each other. “Goodbye. See you soon. I’m leaving a part of myself with you, please take care of it.”
You hadn’t known you’d been taking a literal part of him inside you then. Though, if you were a betting woman, you’d put money on him getting you pregnant the morning you left town. You couldn’t know for sure - you’d been visiting for two weeks and you were pretty sure you hadn’t gone more than 14 hours without him inside you - but your birth control use was always a bit… spotty when you were traveling. You didn’t take it at the same time every day like you did at home, often sleeping in past the usual schedule. You’d forgotten it completely twice, once when you’d taken Sarah to Six Flags and you were in a rush to get out the door so she could get adequate roller coaster time and once when you were so hung over after going out with Cassie, Josh and some of Tommy’s friends the night before you’d barely eaten anything that day. 
You’d taken your pill the morning you left but things felt different. He had held you so tightly to him in the pool, been so deep inside you when he fell apart, you were sure that’s what had done it. 
And now you were trying to not panic about seeing Joel again. 
It had been so long since you’d seen him as a friend. Kind of a friend. Who knew what you were now. You weren’t sure how to occupy this space with him. 
On the plus side, you’d found a dress you actually liked. It hugged your chest and waist but concealed the small bump that you doubted anyone would notice but you didn’t want to take any chances. It had been a few months but Joel knew your body like no one else. If there was someone who would notice - at least once upon a time - it would have been him. You spent too much time curling your hair and doing your makeup and hoped he wouldn’t think you’d spent too much time doing your hair and your makeup. 
Fuck, you were going to throw up. Maybe not right that minute but you were. You put a travel bottle of Listerine in your purse.
“You can do this,” you said, whole body tense as your knuckles turned white around the steering wheel of your rental car. “You can do this.” 
It was strange, driving yourself around Austin now. It had been a few years since you lived here and when you visited, it’s not like you got a rental car. Joel almost always drove, except for the occasional day where it was just you and Sarah because he had to be at a job site. You’d drop him off in the morning so you could use the truck and always inevitably end up there for lunch and show up a bit early for evening pick up because you couldn’t stand to be away. You’d been tempted to take Joel up on his offer to pick you up for dinner but that felt a little too dangerous. A little too much like a date. And for this conversation, you wanted to have some control. To be able to jump in the car and leave if you wanted to. 
It had taken you a while to feel like you were even remotely ready to tell Joel that you were pregnant. 
You’d sat down and looked at everything you wanted to do for yourself and your career, how the timing would line up with the pregnancy and having a new baby at home, how much it would all cost and what you would do to support it. You wrote it all out clearly with dates and numbers. It was there in black and white, just how much you didn’t need his help with this. You were telling him because it was the right thing to do, not because you wanted anything from him. That was all. 
Even though it had been a while since you’d done much driving in Austin, the way to your favorite Mexican place was automatic. Joel’s truck was already in the lot, making your stomach tight. You were early. Joel never got anywhere early. You’d been counting on having some time to sit down and gather your thoughts, maybe read through your plan one last time. Not that you’d expected to have it memorized - it was folded up in your purse specifically so you could reference it when you needed to - but you didn’t want to just sit there and read it to him, either. 
You took a deep breath, trying to center yourself. 
It was just Joel. Just the love of your life who’d left you after he knocked you up - not that he knew about that last part. It wasn’t like he was going to bite you. 
The hostess knew exactly who you were looking for when you got inside and Joel stood up when you came over to the table. 
You hadn’t been prepared for what seeing him again would do to you. For a second, it was like nothing had changed. When he picked you up from the airport, you always hurled yourself at him and he had to catch you and you had to stop yourself from doing that now, keeping your feet firmly on the ground. 
But when he smiled at you, it was damn near gutting. The sudden realization that he wasn’t yours anymore, that you couldn’t just walk up and kiss him, fall into him, slip your hand below the hem of his shirt to the smooth skin of his back and feel him. 
You smiled back anyway.
“Hey,” you came to a stop in front of him, unsure whether you should hug him or not. Did you shake his hand? What do you do to greet the man you had been with for three years and were about to tell him that you were carrying his child? 
“Hey,” his smile got a little wider. The hostess walked away and he hesitantly put an arm around you, pulling you into his side. You looped your arm around his back and gave him a squeeze. He was warm and still smelled like pine sawdust, even through the smell of his soap.
“I’m surprised I beat you here,” you stepped away from him and sat down, smoothing your dress as you did. “I know how the end of the week can be, I hope you weren’t rushing…” 
“No,” he said quickly. “Just wanted to try ’n make sure you weren’t waitin’. Either on me or a table, you know how this place gets on Fridays…” 
“I appreciate it,” you smiled a little, picking up the menu. Your stomach was in knots. You still were eating almost exclusively Clif bars. 
“Surprised you even need to look at the menu,” he smiled a little from across the small table. 
“Hey, they might have changed something,” you smiled back a little. 
You settled on a quesadilla - it seemed like the thing you’d be least likely to throw back up at the table - and an iced tea. Joel frowned but waited for the waitress to leave. 
“Everything OK?” He asked. “Seems like New York might be changin’ your tastes a bit…” 
“Fine,” you said quickly. “Just… wasn’t feeling the enchiladas tonight. And I have to drive. So, how have you been?” 
He looked at you for a moment, like he wasn’t sure of your answer. 
“Been alright,” he shrugged after a moment. “More of the same. Job I’m doing right now is fuckin’ exhausting, most indecisive client I’ve ever seen.” 
“Oh that’s got to be a blast for you,” you smiled a little. “I know how much you love when people don’t know what they want…” 
He took a long drink of his beer and nodded and you laughed. 
“How’ve you been?” He asked, watching you, his eyes going up and down the parts of you not hidden below the table. 
You considered for half a second telling him then, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. You’d have dinner first. A last supper of sorts, where things were normal. You’d tell him after.
“Oh, you know,” you shrugged. “A lot of school. Go to work at a school, come home and do school, study for school on the weekends, do it all again on Monday.” 
“Well you were always real good at school,” he teased a little. You laughed. 
“You know what they say,” you smiled. “Those who cannot do…” 
“You can, though,” he said. “Think you could do just about anything.” 
You talked through dinner, you picking at the quesadilla more than anything else and having to excuse yourself to the bathroom to throw up after eating some of it, bringing your purse with the Listerine with you. 
And then dinner was over and you couldn’t put it off any longer. You were walking together to your separate cars and you were trying to get up the courage to blurt it out when Joel spoke first. 
“Wanted to ask ya,” he cupped the back of his neck awkwardly. “If you… had a date for Cass’ party.” 
“A date,” you raised your eyebrows at him, standing next to a curb in the parking lot. The crickets were loud, the moon bright. 
“Yeah,” he said. “Just… wasn’t sure…” 
“Who would I bring?” You laughed. “One of the guys from my vibrant college dating life?” 
“Wasn’t sure if…” he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked up a bit. “If you brought someone with you.” 
“Who I left in a crappy hotel room alone while I went to dinner with my ex?” You said skeptically. He laughed. 
“Guess when you put it like that,” he looked at you again. “I’d just… like to spend more time with ya while you’re here. And I always liked Cass, she’s a nice girl…. So I thought… I mean, if you’d want and it wouldn’t be too much trouble…” 
“Are you asking to be my date to Cass’ engagement party?” You asked, smiling a little. 
“Yeah,” he said. He sounded relieved. “If you don’t…” 
“That’d be great,” you said quickly. “It’ll be nice to have someone to talk to, Cass is going to be pretty damn busy.” 
“I’ll pick you up,” he smiled. 
“I’ll text you the information,” you smiled back. 
He hugged you goodbye - a real one this time, one where you could feel his whole body against yours - and pecked you on the cheek before making sure you made it into your car. 
You’d tell him tomorrow. 
Saturday, October 18, 2003 
There had been less planning with the outfit for Cassie’s party than there had been for the dinner with Joel. 
For one, you weren’t friends with a lot of Cassie’s other friends. You liked them well enough but they weren’t about to be paying you any mind while you were there. You’d see Cass for a few minutes of the party, help out where you could and that was that. Joel you desperately wanted to impress, even though you thought there was a good chance he’d never want to see you again after this weekend. That dress had been much more important. 
But the khakis you’d worn the week before to teach suddenly wouldn’t close. You stood profile in the full length mirror by the dresser of your hotel room, your hand covering the bump that had somehow doubled in size in the past week. It was still small, likely not noticeable to anyone but you, but it was just enough that the zipper wouldn’t come up all the way and the button was a fraction of an inch away from closing on the pants. 
“Shit,” you looked at your watch. You had a grand total of 15 minutes before Joel was supposed to pick you up and you didn’t have fucking pants. 
You rifled through your bag and found an extra hair tie, looping it around the button and through the button hole to help hold them closed. Thankfully, the sweater you’d brought for the party covered the top of the pants enough that no one should notice. You hoped. 
“Hey,” he smiled warmly, opening the door of the truck for you. It was a slightly less awkward greeting than the night before, a hug and a kiss on the cheek before you climbed in the truck and he closed the door behind you. 
“Thanks for driving,” you smiled. “I’m hoping I can remember quite how to get to Cassie’s parents’ place, I’ve only been there a few times…” 
“Well, you sent me the address, so…” He handed you a printout of Mapquest directions. “Figured I’d cover my bases.” 
“You’re the best,” you smiled a little. “I did not plan that far ahead…” 
“Always happy to come to your rescue,” he winked at you and headed off. 
It was nice, just being in the same space as Joel again. He was still warm and funny, you still wanted to lace your fingers through his as he drove or lean your head on his shoulder when at a stoplight. But you kept your hands to yourself. 
“So Cass’ OK with me comin’ right?” He asked as you pulled into Cassie’s parents’ neighborhood. “Doesn’t hate me or anything?” 
“Oh she definitely burned you in effigy a few months back but she’s moved on,” you teased. He half smiled. “No, she’s fine with you being there, I did ask.” 
Fine may have been a strong word for it. You texted her after you got back to your hotel the night before to make sure it was OK that you brought a date. 
“Who?” She texted back. 
“Just Joel,” you replied. 
She didn’t text back, she jumped straight to calling. 
“Are you FUCKING kidding me?” She yelled. 
“Hi Cassie, how are you?” You asked. “Ready for your party tomorrow?” 
“Joel?” She demanded. “Fucking JOEL? You haven’t even been in town a whole day and you’re already going to just, what, forgive him for dumping you over the phone after you were together for three fucking years?” She must have pulled the phone away from her face, her voice muffled. “No, Josh, I will NOT calm down…” 
“We had dinner,” you picked at a hole in the bedspread. “It was nice, he said he wants to see me more before I go…” 
“I swear if you just jump back in bed with that man…” she muttered. You sighed. 
“Do I need to text him and say never mind to the party?” You asked. “Because I definitely will, I don’t want to upset you, it’s your day.” 
“No,” she sighed. “You can bring Joel.” She said his name like it was a curse word. “At least this way I can keep an eye on you and make sure you’re not… I don’t know, falling back in love with the guy or something.” 
“Hard to do since I’m still in love with him,” you said wryly. 
“Yeah and maybe I’ll just shove him in the pool with some rocks in his pockets,” she muttered and then sighed again. “Look, I’ll be nice. Bring him if you want, of course you’re welcome to bring a date. If you want to be a masochist about it, I can’t stop you.” 
“Have been a bit worried that all your friends hate me,” he smiled a little, his head leaning on his hand that was propped up by the door. 
“Yes, my broad social reach is sure to cause you problems on the Austin scene,” you said knowingly. He smiled broader. 
Joel pulled up to the gate and you gave him the code from the invitation. He keyed it in and the gate opened. 
“Feelin’ a bit out of place,” he said as he drove in, looking at the mansions lining the road. 
“Yeah, tell me about it,” you said. “I’m pretty sure you could fit Nan’s house in one of these garages.” 
Cassie’s parents lived at the end of a cul de sac, their expansive home all brick and stone with lush gardens in front, the kind that required constant watering under the Texas sun. 
“Really hope she doesn’t want to kill me,” Joel said as you followed the signs down the path to the side of the house toward the back yard. “Feelin’ like they could get rid of whatever body they wanted to…” 
You giggled. 
You’d shown up a bit early to help Cass and her mom set up, handing the bottle of wine and engraved glasses you’d brought as a gift off to the guest of honor. 
“It’s so good to see you!” She shrieked, jumping as she hugged you. You grabbed her ring hand and she obliged, happily letting you turn her fingers in the light to see the diamond before she looked at Joel for a second, eyes narrowed. “Joel. Thanks for coming.” 
He glanced at you quickly before looking back at Cass. 
“Just let me know how I can help,” he said, standing close enough to you that his arm brushed against yours. 
“I think my mom and Josh need help moving some stuff over that way,” she gestured into the yard where there was a tent and tables. “Why don’t you go make yourself useful?” 
Cass didn’t wait for a response, she just looped her arm through yours and tugged you inside. You glanced over your shoulder and mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ but he just smiled and went where Cassie told him. 
“You said you’d be nice!” You said as she pulled you into the kitchen. 
“That was nice,” she shrugged. “I didn’t call him a douchebag once. Margarita?” 
“No thanks. I’m cutting back,” you said. She handed you a sparkling water and got a margarita for herself. “What else is there to get set up?” 
“Oh, basically nothing, the caterers have the rest,” she said, pulling you along to the picture windows that overlooked the backyard. “But now we have refreshments while we watch the men do strong man shit.” 
She tilted her glass toward you and you toasted her with a giggle, taking a drink of water. 
“So,” she said after a minute of watching Joel and Josh haul an oversized planter around the yard at Cass’ mom’s direction. “You told him yet?” 
“Told who what?” You frowned. 
“Told Joel that you’re knocked up,” she took a sip of her drink like she’d just noted the weather. 
“What?” You coughed, trying to keep the water from shooting out your nose. “I don’t…” 
“Please,” she rolled her eyes. “You look like you lost weight everywhere but your uterus, you’re not getting hammered on the free booze when you showed up with your ex… You’re not that hard to read, hon.” 
“You can’t say…” You began but she waved you off. 
“I’ll keep my mouth shut,” she said. “Really wish you’d have told me, though! It’s his I take it?” 
“Either that or I’m getting added to some religious texts,” you sighed, looking out the window. Joel had rolled up the sleeves of his button down. “I just didn’t want to tell you before I told him. That just… it felt weird.” 
“You’re telling him this trip, right?” She asked. “Because if you decide to come down in a few months it’s going to be less telling him and more him just observing you.” 
“I was going to tell him last night at dinner but I just kept putting it off and then he asked if he could come with me tonight and…”
“And you chickened out,” she nodded. “Did you fuck?” You shook your head. She nodded again. "Babe, you can’t sit here and cling to… whatever it is that you two are doing this weekend. He made his call, can’t change that. You’ve gotta bite that bullet.” 
“You’re right,” you sighed. “I’ll tell him after the party. I have to, right?” 
“Unless you were planning on hiding the baby forever,” she shrugged. “Think you have to.” 
The party was oddly fun. Maybe it was because you were dreading the end because that meant you’d have to actually tell Joel. Maybe it was because Cassie’s parents had spent a probably obscene amount of money on food and a band. Maybe it was because you hardly knew anyone and you basically just hung out on the edge of everything with Joel as Cassie and Josh made the rounds, the two of them only coming over when she wanted a break from dealing with her family to chat or roll her eyes about something. 
“I swear to God my mother thinks I’m marrying the future king of England or something,” she groaned, chugging a glass of Chardonnay. “She was just saying she’s got 250 people to invite. I don’t think I’ve ever MET 250 people let alone 250 people I want at my fucking wedding… Oh hi Aunt Barb!” She gave you a wide eyed, desperate look before going to talk to the person who waved her down. You giggled. 
“Never thought having no family and very few friends would be a perk,” you leaned against a table, glancing up at Joel. “But at least I know that I won’t have to worry about stuff like this if I ever get married.” 
“If?” He asked, taking a sip of beer. 
“I mean,” you shrugged. “It’s kind of ‘if’ until you actually get married, right? Not like it’s a guaranteed thing.” 
“S’pose that’s true,” he nodded. 
“And we’re gonna slow it down just a bit,” the lead singer crooned. You recognized the opening notes of Wonderful Tonight and you laughed a little before you groaned. 
“They were accepting tips, I made a request,” Joel shrugged and held out his hand. 
“No,” you laughed a little again. “Clapton? No way.” 
“C’mon,” he jerked his head to the dance floor. “Old time’s sake.” 
You sighed and put your hand in his. “For old time’s sake.” 
He smiled and led you to the dance floor, pulling you against his body, swaying in time to the music. His arm went around your waist, your hand in his held to his chest. Joel was humming the song to himself, so softly you doubted he even knew he was doing it. 
Wonderful Tonight was one of the first things Joel ever played for you on guitar. He’d put it on the stereo when Sarah was sleeping at a friend’s house after you’d had a few glasses of wine and he’d pull you into his arms to sway with you in the middle of the living room, dodging the coffee table and the couch and so full of love you thought you’d burst with it. 
“I’ve missed you,” he said quietly, his nose brushing along your temple. You could feel his heartbeat below your palm, the heat of his breath on your cheek. You swallowed past the knot in your throat. Your stomach got tight.  
“Missed you too,” you said. He held you a little closer, the hand that was against you slipping up, below your sweater so his fingertips were brushing the bare skin of your lower back. Your heart rate picked up. “I think in a different way, though…” 
“I hope not,” he whispered. 
The song wound down and his lips brushed against your temple, your cheek. 
“Joel,” you breathed. His hold on your hand tightened as he kissed you. 
It was gentle at first, soft and hesitant. Almost innocent, as though he’d never touched you before. But you felt the familiar heat gathering low inside you, the raw and needy ache of it. His lips grew firmer, more insistent and you pushed him back, stepping away from him just as the band was shifting to another song, the buzz in your head too loud to recognized what that song was. 
“I’m sorry,” you said, stomach turning. “I can’t do this.” 
You took off before he had a chance to stop you. You could feel the Clif bars you’d had for breakfast and lunch creeping back up and you tried to work your way through the people milling about the yard without being disruptive. Joel called your name and you ignored him, trying to find your way to a bathroom or at least a quiet corner…
You’d made it to the corner of the yard when Joel’s hand closed around your arm. 
“Please don’t just run off,” he said. 
“Joel,” you tried to pull away from him but he tugged you closer. 
“Don’t tell me that you didn’t want that, too,” he said, his eyes searching your face. “Baby…” 
“Don’t call me that,” you said. You were about to throw up, you could feel it coming, you were an expert at it now. “Joel, let me go….” 
“Let’s talk about this,” he said. 
“I can’t,” you tried to step away from him but he held onto you. Not hard, you could pull yourself away, but his eyes were begging you to stay. 
“Why can’t you?” He asked. “Please…” 
“Because I’m pregnant!” You all but yelled it at him. His eyes went wide, his hand still on your arm. You looked at him for a second longer before you doubled over and threw up on the ground next to his shoes. 
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darkleysgarden · 2 years
Hello can you post facts about Lucifer?
I'm gonna be honest, I really only do the Asmo one because I'm a huge fan of his and like to try and challenge myself to know more and more about him. But, ofc. For you I will. But, it won't be ongoing and it will be shorter. Also, for anyone else reading this, please don't flood my asks with every character. I don't plan and don't want to do everyone.
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Lucifer Facts
1. He frequently tells Diavolo all about his brothers. This even goes as far as Belphie's favorite napping spot from back in the Celestial Realm!
2. He's mostly left-handed as that is the hand he's shown writing with in multiple official arts. Though, he's also been seen using his right, proving he's ambidextrous.
3. Even if people consider him to be harsh or unjust, he really loves his brothers and is always there for him. He literally brought Satan back from a panic attack about their similarities, highlighting their differences.
4. Mammon is his favorite brother.
5. Diavolo likes to look back at the time they meant and recount it fondly. Lucifer hates it and gets embarrassed. He also gets embarrassed if Diavolo compliments him "in public".
6. Simeon says that Lucifer is the most comfortable he's ever seen him in the Devildom, specifically around Diavolo.
7. His June 6th birthday makes him a Gemini.
8. Lucifer attends most of Asmo's Asmo gatherings.
9. When he tore away his wings to create Satan, it was all six of them, not just two. Though, four grew back.
10. Lucifer is considered to be incredibly beautiful.
11. Lucifer has many fans, maybe even equal to Asmodeus. Though, they usually don't approach him or send as much fanmail out of fear. He still receives plenty fanmail anyway.
12. He doesn't like technopop music.
13. He prefers his tea strong.
14. Levi isn't the only one who rambles. Catch Lucifer after he watches a good play, and he will talk your ear off and constantly quote bits.
15. He can play multiple instruments. This includes violin, guitar, and piano.
16. When Lucifer admits to meeting Lilith's past lover, he is made fun of by his brothers for being overprotective. He is left a blushing, embarrassed mess afterwards.
17. He is the vice president of the student council.
18. Mammon's first car was actually bought with hard-earned money. Though Mammon couldn't get the car he wanted at first as it was only limited edition. Lucifer pulled some strings through Diavolo and was able to secretly help Mammon get it. Mammon didn't even know until Lucifer lost his memory in around lesson 30-40.
19. When Diavolo finds out about Christmas from MC, he wishes to go all out for the holiday. Lucifer gets incredibly mad at MC because that will only cause more work for him.
20. Lucifer acts extremely goofy when drunk. He frequently sends out drunk texts, usually there MC.
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liyawritesss · 8 months
ᖴᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗷᒪOOᗰ
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Hello lovelies! It’s been a while since we’ve had an event around these parts, so with the new year in commencement and with February coming up, I wanted to do something special to celebrate all the accomplishments I have achieved on this account with the lovely people who follow me! Therefore, to commemorate Valentines Day, Black History Month, and the milestone of reaching 3,000 followers, I have organized this event titled “Flowers in Bloom” to bring in the new year!
The event will have a total of three categories; Valentine Drabbles, Match-Making, & Love Letter Requests. These three categories will ensure that everyone gets the chance to read and/or request something they like, and I get to challenge myself writing wise and time-management wise!
Check out the categories, rules, and fandoms included in this event below!
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ᖇᑌᒪEᔕ & ᖴᗩᑎᗪOᗰᔕ
The general rules surrounding this event are as follows:
The Valentines Drabbles are specifically for black characters. These will be posted every day for the month of February, and will not be substituted. The Valentines Drabbles are 500-700 words each based on a prompt list provided, so you’ll have an idea of what will be written that day!
The Match-Making segment will span all the fandoms that I am in! How it will go is that you will send in a little entry about yourself, including whatever you want to include to describe yourself as best as possible so that I may give you the best match possible! These descriptors can include: your name, likes/dislikes, interests, etc.
Love Letter Requests are like any other request that one would submit to their favorite fanfic author; except these will be limited to 500 words for time and efficiency, but you will be able to ask for a character of your choice from the fandom list provided!
The Fandom List Includes:
My Hero Academia
Arcane: League of Legends
K/DA / True Damage
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Marvel’s Black Panther
Marvel’s Ironheart
Marvel’s Spiderman
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
Insomniac’s Spiderman (1, Miles Morales, & 2)
Mortal Kombat
Resident Evil (2-4 (Remakes Only), 5, 7-8)
Assassin’s Creed (All Main Titles)
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ᐯᗩᒪEᑎTIᑎE ᗪᖇᗩᗷᗷᒪEᔕ
The Valentine Drabbles will be the drabbles I post every day for the month of February, according to a prompt list I’ve formulated. The list of characters are all black characters from the variety of fandoms I write for, to center these black characters and their stories from their respective source of media. The said fandoms will include games, television series, anime, cartoons, and movies.
Prompt List:
Day 1 - Diamonds
Day 2 - Friendship
Day 3 - Flowers
Day 4 - Cheek Kisses
Day 5 - Secret Admirer
Day 6 - Acts of Service
Day 7 - Star Gazing
Day 8 - Chosen Soulmate
Day 9 - Promises
Day 10 - Gift Exchange
Day 11 - Chocolates
Day 12 - Devotion
Day 13 - Carnival Date
Day 14 - Secret Relationship
Day 15 - Love Letters
Day 16 - Situationship
Day 17 - Dinner Date
Day 18 - Gift Giving
Day 19 - At Home Date
Day 20 - Confessions
Day 21 - First Kiss
Day 22 - Music
Day 23 - Quality Time
Day 24 - Cuddles
Day 25 - Pictures
Day 26 - Notes
Day 27 - Matching Outfit
Day 28 - Soft Launch
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As stated above, the Match-Making section of this event is fairly simple: send me a brief description of yourself, including a name, likes/dislikes, interests, aesthetics, etc, so that I may pair you up with the best possible option for you! With the Match-Making, you will get a general synopsis of what I think you two will fit well together, and a few headcanons/scenarios that would describe the dynamic between the two of you! Who knows, maybe you might score a date with your lovely match!
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ᒪOᐯE ᒪETTEᖇᔕ
You can send in requests for the event like you would normally send in a request to any other author for your favorite character, and you will receive a cute love letter for said character! This will either be in the form of an actual love letter gifted to you from the character of your choice, or a brief storyline consisting of you and your chosen character. Both will be limited to 500 words, but you may also choose a prompt from the given prompt list in the Valentines Drabble section of this post if a scenario doesn’t come to mind for you!
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All things pertaining to this event will be tagged with #flowersinbloom🏵 so that it may be easier to find on my account. I hope everyone has fun here for the month of February, and remember; Black Lives Matter, black characters in entertainment media matter, love comes in all shapes and forms, YOU are loved, and that I am forever grateful to each and every one of you who make writing and fandom a comfort and loving experience for me.
Happy Black History Month and Happy Valentines Day folks! 
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milkchuu · 1 year
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𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔 | 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒕.
(personal post)
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1. i am always in childstate. i appreciate life to the smallest little piece of joy, and i am filled with childlike wonder and excitement at all times
2. i always get a confirmation of my universal purchase within 3 days
3. i do not doubt myself. ever.
4. i have a complete and utter trust in the law and in myself
5. what i want i get, end of. nothing is too big or too small for me to manifest. money nor means are a factor
6. all methods i try work for me perfectly, and i master all methods and states of consciousness effortlessly
7. everything will work out in my favor eventually, no matter the circumstances. i will have all i choose in due time
8. no limits, no struggles, everything comes naturally to me, because it is my birthright to have all i could ever want
9. my subliminal playlists always work, and i have no problem making an overwhelmingly powerful playlist and sticking to it
10. amy is a liar, and i do not even for a second believe what she says or hesitate to tell her off
11. i am the dearly beloved and overly spoiled child of the universe. i am safe, loved, protected, provided for and get all i want and need without having to lift a finger; i am the greatest benefactor of spiritual nepotism. what i say, goes
12. i easily abstain from engaging with doubts, negativity, ill will or any unproductive and unwanted influences, whether it be media, people, or my own thoughts. i can identify and discard them/cut them out effortlessly
13. i hyper-romanticise everything about me and my life. everything is perfect. i have no faults. i am the universal it girl, i embody my ideal (and highest) self. everything is beautiful, aesthetic, and lovely. my life is one huge feel-good movie, and i am the main lead
14. i am healthy, i am wealthy, i am happy, i am loved, i am beautiful, i am smart, i am mature, i am disciplined, i have great insight, i am accepted and well respected, i am fashionable, i am powerful, i am famous, i am all that and a milkshake, nobody and nothing can stop me
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DNI: terf/swerf, abdl/bdsm/nsfw blogs, pro-ed, anti-LGBTQ+/anti-MOGAI, pro-ship, pro-inc*st, anti-endo, (NO)MAP/PEAR/supporter, anti-agere, trump supporter, anti-feminist, anti-BLM/anti-ACAB, abrahamic religions (there's nothing wrong with this one, it's just a trigger for me), will add as i remember other nasty people
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cosmic-crybaby · 1 year
Blue Skies - Tommy Shelby
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Chapter 14: ‘Fade Into You’
Warnings In This Chapter: fluff,fluff,fluff. Some angst at the end (I can’t help myself, sorry)
Thomas Shelby rarely got a night off. 
Being a gangster came with the stress of the life they lived. Which also meant…
No time off. 
But when your kids were away you missed their feet padding around the house. Without the sound of them running about, taking the horses out on the field, and whole mess of the Shelby Company Limited the two of you finally had the chance to enjoy each other's company over some dinner. After a busy week at the bakery, you were happy that you got to be alone with the man you adored. Much to your dismay, running the bakery by yourself just got harder and harder as the weeks went by. Polly was right. 
Of course she was, she always was. 
Ever since the night of the dinner party, the family was more open to you stopping by to visit Thomas in the office or joining him to the pub. This, of course, meant you would often run into Lizzie Stark. You didn't say much than a small head nod of acknowledgment before you would enter Thomas' office. If only she knew. 
Thomas had a talk with you shortly after you had moved in, whether or not she should keep her position at the company. And being the forgiving and kind soul you were, you told him not to bother. 
'Let her stay, Thomas…Do not punish her for your mistakes…but if I find out she fucks up again, she is gone…no further questions,' You told him sternly. 
Plus Thomas knew better. 
He also knew better than to invite you to any and all family meetings. With the exception of one. You and Thomas had attended a dinner with the rest of the business, and when Arthur started talking to John, who talked to Ada, who then brought Polly into it. At one point you found yourself slipping deeper in the knowledge of the family business. Shortly after it started, only did you wish you had stepped out. The longer you stayed, the more you realized how often you were getting involved with helping Thomas make decisions, double checking the accounting books, and being around to hear the gruesome carnage they planned, the more you tried to push the lifestyle away. 
But you knew that was all inevitable. 
So instead, you focused on your time with Thomas. You had sat across from each other at the dining table, eating chicken and vegetables quietly as it was all you could manage without feeling sick to your stomach. 
“How was work?” You asked him, pushing the pieces of peas in a corner of your plate to eat the other, more desirable greens on your plate. Thomas takes a small sip of whiskey. 
“Work was…” He takes a heavy sigh. “Well, work was fuckin’ work,” He muttered, making an obvious stop to the conversation. His work-life was overwhelming, of course anyone would find stress in a business like that. He glanced up at you for a moment. He wasn’t partial in talking about work while eating, most of the time, so these answers were always anticipated. But you still managed to make sure to ask him anyways, show him you’re still interested in him and that you still care. 
He clears his throat before asking; “And you?” 
“Busy as always,” You nod once. You refrained from giving away the fact that you were working yourself to the bone. Thomas would have you homebound in an instant if that were the case. 
“You should look into hiring help, eh? We can get someone more than qualified…especially since you’re further along,” He arched a brow and motioned to your stomach. You chuckled dryly, putting a protective hand over the bump as your eyes shifted from your plate up to him. 
“Thank you, Sweetheart but I don’t need any help right now. I am more than capable of handling the work,” You smiled. 
“If I had anyone else behind that counter it would be like…” You paused. “Like an unwanted guest…It’s just tradition, love you know that all too well,” You shrug. He went quiet for a moment. You watched as he picked at the food on his plate. Sighing, you set your silverware down on the plate and stand up, pulling out the chair right beside him. 
“Look,” He set his silverware on the plate as you reached for his hand. 
“I know you are worried but I can handle this myself, I am not sayin’ I don’t appreciate your help, but all I want you to do is focus on the issue at hand…Stopping Luca Changretta, okay?” Your hands caressed his face as your thumbs brush over his cheek bones. His skin was warm as you glance at the freckles on his skin and the color regaining in his face. His eyes scan your face for a moment, a ghost of a smile causing the corner of his lips to turn up in the slightest. He reached his rough hands up to grab yours and bring them to intertwine with his. 
“(Y/n)…” He paused, swallowing quickly. He was at a loss for words. 
“Yes?” You peer through your long lashes. 
He stared at you. The way your eyes looked so big and bright, your skin was glowing. Your voice was like heaven to him. 
“Will you marry me?” The way his words casually flowed, as if he was having a perfectly normal conversation with you. Your eyes widened as your lips parted. Quickly leaning forwards to pull him into a hug. Your arms tightly wrapped around him as he gently kissed your temple and his hand rubbed your back. You held him close to you for a few silent moments, just trying to take in his proposal. You only let go and looked at him again when he whispered your name. Again you were at a loss for words as you looked up at him. 
“I…I’m not sure,” You whispered, slightly shaking your head. You took his silence as a que to continue. 
“I mean…If I say ‘yes’, God how can I say yes when we hardly know each other,” 
Thomas caressed your cheek with his hand, using his thumb to wipe the small tear from the corner of your eye before it could roll down your face. As if he told you that everything was going to be okay. 
“And how can I say ‘No’? I already love you so much,” Your voice cracked as you looked away, pressing your head to his chest as you listened to his heartbeat as it rapidly thumped against his chest. 
“I am apprehensive…that if I do agree to marry you I will never know if we actually got married out of necessity or out of love…If I decline then I’ll never know if I passed up the love of my life,” You spoke quietly, holding him tighter. After another moment of silence, just soaking everything in before he said: 
“I will never pressure you into giving me an answer…but know that I do love you, very very much and it would be an honor to marry you,” He said. 
“If you’ll have me?” He added at the end with a small smirk. You let go of him, your hands clasp around his own as they rested by your sides. 
“Yes…” You told him with a nod. 
“Was that a yes?” He asked with a smile. After you confirmed he pulled you into a kiss. 
“You thought I was gonna say no, eh?” You giggled. He exhaled in relief as he chuckled dryly. If he was being honest, he thought you were in fact going to say no. He pulls you into another deep kiss before reaching into his pocket to take out a small, velvet box. Opening it to reveal a ring. It had an oval ruby in the middle that laid on a golden floral bouquet design with small diamonds embedded, decorating the band. 
You gasped at its beauty. Sniffling as he slipped the ring on your finger.
It was a perfect fit. 
A few days later, you had stopped at the doctor's office for another check-up. With a clear head after learning your baby was perfectly healthy, you went home. You had gotten home a little later than usual but even at this time Thomas would usually be home by now, yet he was nowhere to be seen. You had waited up for hours, only to end the night eating dinner and going to bed disappointed. You were not aware what time it was when you stirred awake when you felt the mattress dip from his weight. He was exhausted and beyond aggravated as he let out a relaxed sigh after finally getting some kind of rest. He felt guilty for having drinks in his office rather than coming home sooner, unfortunately that’s expected when you live like a Shelby. 
Thomas had to have been in deep sleep by the time you fully woke up in the middle of the night. Groaning as you rest a hand on your stomach to sooth the frequent late-night kicking. With his back turned to you, his slow breathing was a clear indication that he was fast asleep. You attempt to press your body against his, cuddling close to him. Craving that much-needed comfort from him. The second he felt your hand on his bare shoulder he pushed himself away. 
Flinching your hand back, offended and confused, you sat yourself up. Hair a mess and eyes still dry and heavy with sleep. He grumbles groggily as you rubbed his arm with your hand. Testing to see if it was a genuine or involuntary reaction. 
“Thomas…” You whispered. “What’s wrong?”  
“I’m fuckin’ tired,” He mumbled, still facing away from you. You laid back down, making yourself comfortable again by propping all of the pillows around your stomach and between the two of you, giving him space as you laid awake staring into the back of his head. 
“Do you…do you not find me attractive anymore?” You asked him. 
You heard him let out a forced, heavy sigh before he shifted. 
“I am very attracted to you but I need to sleep,” He mumbled again. “Please do not trouble yourself with this, not again,” 
Rolling your eyes you laid on your back. 
“I’m not it’s just…just painful for me that you refuse to touch me,” You whispered, the hurt evident in your tone. If he was looking at you, if he had taken a moment to just look at your face…your eyes, he would know just how hurt you actually were. 
But instead all he said was: 
“I’m sorry that’s painful for you,” 
You fully turned to your side, your back facing him as well as you bit your lip as it trembled.
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