#who would’ve thunk it
upsidedownwithsteve · 3 months
feel free to not answer this if it is too personal but emmy i’m wondering how you met your boy and started dating? sincerely, someone who has no experience and is feeling kind of hopeless
unsure if i’ve told this story before, but!
we actually got set up on a blind date by friends. he was nineteen and I was seventeen, we went to the cinema and barely spoke haha. then we were dating for a month or so before he generously (🙄) asked me on my eighteenth if I would like a boyfriend for my birthday haha.
I think we were about seven months(?) into our relationship before we realised we’d actually met each other before. to give him his due, during our first date, he did say he recognised me but I brushed it off 🫣 we were looking through my high school year book one night when he pointed to a girl and told me he crashed her party, which I was very much at.
I then remembered that whilst I was very drunk and very angry at my then current boyfriend (a complete asshole), two guys dressed in weird hawaiian shirts crashed the place and the very pretty one spent the night flirting with me even though I was too raging to realise 🥹
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cokowiii · 8 months
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sizzy-ling · 1 month
dair was gg's bi4bi couple and you can fight me on this
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fizzytoo · 1 year
now that i’ve stopped biting my nails, my nails look so good omg
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jesssssah · 1 year
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Nas in Australia, posted to his Instagram Story
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daenerysies · 4 months
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‘crushed under the weight of the targ system’ do y’all ever just SHUT UP MY GOD
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geonij31 · 10 months
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Han has a rap sheet that could wrap around the Death Star twice- Leia is only just becoming bc familiar with the arm of the “law”
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I just realized I never posted this here I only posted it on Instagram what is wrong with me.
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handsome-kakigori · 1 year
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“Will you marry me?”
One of my illustrations for Goldenrod Tartali Anthology
Leftover sales are now open, don’t miss out on it!! I’ll put the link in the comments ^^
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robiinurheart33 · 1 month
Hear me out (clicks for Palestine)
John “I’m invisible” Mactavish
Simon “Everyone’s looking at me” Riley
First and foremost, Soap is a soldier. That’s what the army and everyone sees him as. He knows he’s expandable and easily replaced.
His personality isn’t to fault either. It’s not his fault that his personality would just be compatible with other soldiers. They’re all the same. Carbon copy. If you took a picture of Soap’s friends and another picture of a random group of soldiers all laughing together, it’s basically look the same but with a mohawk wielding idiot in the centre.
Soap’s dispensable as a fucking paper cup. If he died tomorrow Price would probably find another demolitions expert that doesn’t know how to shut his fucking hole the next day.
Soap doesn’t know if he’s grateful or annoyed that he’s so replaceable. It’s basically saying that his life doesn’t even matter in the face of everything. That no matter what, his death won’t leave a single mark in the army. Which, fair, they do have a lot of soldiers, but the parasites in soap beg to be special. It sickens him down to his core. He’s no better than any other pain in the ass, run of the mill ballsy solider. It’s demeaning, it makes him feel useless, like he doesn’t matter.
It’s horrible.
Ghost is special.
He’s, quite literally, one of a kind. He’s been to Tartarus and lived to see another day. Both a myth and a legend that’s whispered among the barracks.
If the demeaning skull mask didn’t make it clear enough, ghost was not made to be normal. It was etched into his bones and soaked into his skin.
He will never, ever in his life be normal.
It kills him, metaphorically.
For all the people that are stupid enough to approach him they’re lucky to not be thinking about him lurking in the darkness months from the encounter. He’s a big motherfucker, and he knows it. Always fills up a bit too much space in the room. He looms and sucks out the light out of everything like a screwed up version of a black hole. It draws people to him too, like he didn’t have enough problems to deal with on a day to day basis.
He wants it off. Most men with egos higher than their IQ would bask in the shine, but unfortunately Ghost is too self aware to find anything of the sort. If he had the ability to he would just rip his mask off and melt into the shadows but his face is even scarier than the mask. It’s more frustrating than anything, and on the bad days it bubbles and boils over, threatening to explode to any who still don’t know when to quit.
It’s horrible.
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k-i-ssmyash · 1 year
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Wanted to draw him for a while now! He’s too precious.
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rozugold · 6 months
The horrors…. They’re upon me… (I’ve gotta make character refs)
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 25 days
Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead? / The tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind, I regret you all the time / Still alive, killing time at the cemetery, never quite buried / Maybe it's the past that's talking, screaming from the crypt / It was unnecessary, should've let it stay buried / You are what you did and I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive
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skoulsons · 1 year
“That was not funny,” she says, baffled by the way Joel laughs at some really stupid joke with really dry delivery in the movie they’re watching.
“Oh, it was,” he says, a slight smile still on his face, looking at her.
“Come on! That delivery was fucking awful, are you kidding?”
“Psh, you wouldn’t know funny if it hit you in the face,” he remarks, eyes focused back on their movie.
“Oh, fuck-“ she says, hauling the pillow that’s folded in half under her into her arms, launching it at Joel, “-off!”
Her intention was his face, but she hits him more in the lower abdomen than anything. He laughs, grabbing hold of the pillow and resting it on his lap. “Good, now I can deflect any more thrown pillows,” he jokes, knowing there’s no more on her side of the living room.
“Ha-ha. Maybe if you didn’t hog all of them, I’d have more ammo.”
“Gotta throw some back at you, don’t I?”
She raises her eyebrows, trying to stifle her smile. “All of them?”
He jokingly contemplates, stifling his own. “Maybe.”
It’s easy, somehow. They’re working, but when their nights are like this, it’s easy. Their ability to fall back into old banter. Being in the same room and enjoying what they’re doing, even slightly. To have a good enough time with each other to the point where they’re stifling laughs or smiles because, in a way, this is new, and they’re not on good terms, so how much enjoyment is too much?
And when Ellie directs her attention back to the movie, Joel watches her. He watches the way she hugs her knees and rests her chin on them. The way her chest moves when she represses a laugh. How she tucks pieces of her hair away behind her ears or threads her fingers through her ponytail. The way she pulls at her fingers or picks at the fabric of her shirt or pants, especially after they say anything to each other. How she bites her fingernails or picks at her cuticles when she doesn’t seem to be focused on the movie.
He watches her and, despite any meticulous movement she does that he knows like the back of his hand, it’s more than those.
It’s that she’s there. They’re there, together, watching a movie and bantering back and forth like years of silence, cold words, and harsh actions never happened nor tore a rift in something that seemed unbreakable.
And those times away from movie nights or walks together to the stables. The times not spent passing each other in the street or asking if the other is eating. The times not spent being… okay. The times when their emotions get the best of them.
It’s when she raises her voice. It’s when she shouts, bringing the hospital back up. It’s when he says Ellie with every ounce of warning that his 25 years in the apocalypse gave him to make any unfortunate victim cough up what they knew. It’s when she shoves him, Joel always taking every ounce of physical anger she pours into him.
And, somehow, Joel loves her the same. He loves her more. A father at his core, the unconditional love for his daughter never faltering, not once. The part of him that trumps any anger or frustration he could ever hold towards her.
That’s how he looks at her. Gratitude, thankfulness, fondness, appreciation. Love. His eyes light up in the softest way as he watches her in the chair across from him. His eyebrows relax, the corners of his mouth upturning just so. Like she hand crafted and named every single star, hanging all of them carefully throughout the night sky. Like every beautiful, still blooming flower came from her creative mind. Like every mountaintop painted with snow came from her perfect image. Like every amount of laughter, sarcasm, affection, care, and kindness came from the depths of her good heart.
He watches her like every good thing has come from every good part of her.
Every good part of her worked to pulled his heart out of the blood-soaked dirt. She took his heart and held it against hers, giving it something to rely on for a while. And when her bubbly, exceptional laughter reverberated through her body and connected with his heart, it beat a little stronger. When she told her shitty puns and they brought a warmth to her heart, his heart caught that same warmth. And when she started to look at him and see more than just a smuggler or someone who was watching over her, his heart felt that, too.
That’s why he watches her.
And when she gawks at him and calls him names after he nails her in the face with a pillow as the movie ends, he’s reminded.
When she laughs as he walks past her, hitting her in the head with a different pillow, he’s reminded.
When she offers her help with anything he needs done, he’s reminded.
When she says goodnight, Joel and gives him a shy smile, he’s reminded.
I love you crosses his mind, but he can’t say it. He’s not sure he ever could. But with every small moment, every shy smile, every gentle tone, every tease, and every minuscule glance into how they used to be-
Oh, how true it is.
He loves again because of her. He loves her because of her.
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junrandot · 1 year
how are my babes? still alive after the sheer abs windowage we’ve just witnessed?
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booksandpaperss · 1 year
i can’t decide if I like prince Mike + bodyguard/mage Will or Prince Will + knight bodyguard Mike more so you guys are in luck bc I’ve started WIPs for both! Woo!
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bungletheglasscat · 1 year
Yesterday was not a great day. Why? Dunno. I didn’t do much, but I listened to an audio book, watched a movie, and made tremendous progress on my crochet project.
Today, I forced myself to shower. And then to hang the laundry to dry. And then to make my bed and then—because the rest of my room looked disastrous in comparison—to tidy up a bit. And by then I had worked up an appetite, so I had lunch (at a fairly reasonable hour, I might add. Not entirely typical for me). And you know what?
Today was a much better day.
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