#whoever the fuck Maya is <3
miradanii · 1 month
Beast Wars First Watch - Complete
I almost teared up at the end. 52 episodes of a old ass Transformers show. For a primitive CGI show about toys beating each other up from 1996 it holds up like REALLY. The issue is that we're in the year 2024 and it's very understandable that it wouldn't be easy to go and watch janky polygons for 52 episodes. So if anyone was interested in Beast Wars but couldn't go past the first episode because how weird everything looks, here's what helped me:
This is the second CGI tv show ever to air on TV, so give it a break.
1996...Beast Wars was animated by Mainframe. And their first CGI show in 1994 was called Reboot the first ever CGI show ever made. Sure when Toy Story came out and changed the game in 1995, they worked within their limitations. All the toys were plastic for a reason. They were very simple. Beast Wars said fuck that and in each 20 minute episodes contain characters with various textures, performing complex animations during whatever tv schedule they were on. If you ever spotted a character's face or body sliding when it's not supposed to, they were probably running out of time or there's an error that just couldn't be fixed as easily as it could now. I studied Maya in college years ago and I'm telling you rendering was a bitch if your sequence was long. Keeping in mind with what the team had to work with or possibly even invent on their own was just enough for me to be massively impressed. Our standards for CGI in TV have risen over the course of the years. We had Transformers Prime in 2010, 2015 Miraculous Ladybug premiered, CGI films became experimental such as Spiderverse and Puss in Boots. So think of Beast Wars as an early part of history in animation. It's nice to see how far we've come.
If you crave a silly time, this is for you. Whatever choices the animator's made were really funny (not the ones they had no control over), or just bizarre. When you get used to the style, over the course of the series the animation of the characters start becoming more expressive. Season 2 I think Megatron got increasingly expressive with his body movements. Whoever was animating him, they were having a lot of fun (at leas that's what it seems like). Inferno is a character to keep an eye on because he does a lot of fun motions with his body too. I kept losing my shit on the choices on how they animated in certain scenes. Kept me entertained until the very end.
2. Banger Voice Acting
The voice acting is one of the standouts from this show. Though the animation may not hold up well, the voice acting does. Garry Chalk is such a sassy young Optimus. A bit more fun than the young Optimus Prime that David Kaye (oh shit I just realized he's Megatron in Beast Wars...wow yeah this guy has range) plays in Transformers Animated if you were looking for anything similar like that. You'll still get some goofy 90's voice acting though like with Dinobot and Terrorsaur, even Rattrap but I think it's part of it's charm. I once again bring up Megatron as a reason to watch this show. The way this man delivers his lines is just *chef's kiss*
3. Fun and Weirdly Dark...
After finishing the series holy shit. I cannot fathom how you have a show with a rollerblading t-rex AND a decent onscreen death count. Hanna-Barbara cartoon noises alongside characters being constantly impaled and ripped apart (sometimes its for a teehee haha but then spin it around adding in some tension and that sweet composition and suddenly its not so funny anymore). Shakespeare. I don't know if it was just me but I couldn't predict most of what would happen next. Because being a high budget show to sell toys...knowing the 1986 movie...these characters aren't safe. I lost my shit, multiple times. More than I thought it would. Before finishing this show I did sneak a peek at what other people had said about Beast Wars and what was constantly being said was that nearly every episode was important to the over all plot of the series. And it's true! You miss an episode and you might be a little confused. I wanna know how kids who were first tuning into the show after a couple characters die and what their thoughts were...cause it's not like Batman Animated where you could watch the show in any order and be fine. Even before the box sets were released too.
Overall in the year 2024, I love Beast Wars. Obviously it's a product of it's time and no doubt has its flaws. But, that's what happens with a lot of beloved older series. Out of all the Transformers stories I've been watching/reading the past few months, Beast Wars got the biggest reactions out of me. It's also the one I had a lot of fun with because it's so unhinged and goofy/bizarre. I cannot stress that enough. Because Transformers is already bizarre enough and Beast Wars shot past it for me. How is Beast Machines gonna go after it???
I dunno. It's next on my list.
Even more thoughts and spoilers (end of the show spoilers) below:
I...yeah Beast Machines is next for me. I am gonna miss the silly polygons of the original Beast Wars crew. NGL I thought I had one more episode since the youtube playlist said 53. There must have been a double episode or something. I am aware that Beast Wars had complications later on in its run. Similar to TFP so it's obvious to say that I think they needed at least like two max three more episodes for certain plot points and just...character life span. No shit I would have wanted one more season. The lil ol 12 episodes and a 45 minute special at least. Dude...Dinobot 2...when that clone came back for a while, I really didn't think they were gonna do anything with him. There weren't any reactions to Dinobot coming back from the Maximals other than...a Pred...always a Pred...so I'm like okay Dinobot 2...different character...I don't need to think about it. Thanks for pulling my heartstrings show...really gotta push me off the ledge when I'm not looking huh? Man finds his honor, do his good deed after being released from the grasp of Megatron's control....looks at Optimus to fully remember himself and FUCKING DIES IN THE END...AGAIN???? That's so cruel. owie.
Tigerhawk after over 20 episodes an INSANE character reveal and clever way of bring back two characters for the price of one (because they can only afford so many voice actors and animate so many characters). This was a good concept. I would have loved to see it be explored...IF THEY DIDN'T DIE...AGAIN. Especially Airazor can't catch a break...this poor woman.
Okay bye Death Charge. You got what you wanted. At least he technically didn't die in vain? The shock that Rampage just let it happen...yeah those two are a character study.
dsafghjghtrjy yeah give Waspinator what he wants. The potentially immortal robot a good ending. At least he's not evil anymore????? Man does not care his former coworker's body parts are used as musical instruments and cooking ware.
This show has a higher onscreen character death than Transformers Prime (Vehicons don't count). Sheesh. Transformers die...a lot. However, Beast Wars surprised me the most with it. I noted from above that these characters get shot, torn apart, flattened?, and beaten senselessly throughout the show. So when a character dies for good its somewhat shocking in my opinion.
All the love for Blackarachnia. I was in constant fear about her character because I couldn't tell what was going to happen. There was a good chance she would either die or disappoint and become Megatron's goon again. The best version is her Transmetal upgrade and recognizing the design as inspiration for Blackarachnia in Transformers Animated. I screamed when I saw her design. I was so happy. I love her and Silverbolt. What a healthy relationship.
This is a show I do want to rewatch it at some point and even just...be one of those people that make a 45 minute video essay some day. I want physical copies but the site where they supposedly sold it is...not there last time I checked? Which is odd because I had a paper ad for it on the TFP blue-rays I got for my birthday.
Also...I do like this series better than Transformers Prime...not because it's better overall, like if you seen it, you know. Also just rewatching Prime simultaneously cemented my feelings about it. I still love both though. Prime is close to my heart since it's what I grew up with, but Beast Wars has a Dino on rollerskates and Optimus Prime as a blue gorilla riding a hoverboard...like...idk man. I just think it's neat.
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chvoswxtch · 11 months
I sincerely hope whoever’s behind echo is also working on born again bc THIS is how it should be
ugh maya baby i’m so ready for you <3
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heyitschartic · 1 year
The Goddess Did Nothing Wrong Essay
Goddess is one of the most mistreated characters in Ward, by the fandom and by the author. Check the comments under any of the chapters with her in it and you'll see exactly what I mean. It's a fucking shame because Bianca just doesn't get talked about or appreciated enough. Understandably I guess, she isn't a main character or anything, but she's easily one of the most interesting characters in Ward to poke at, tear apart, and piece back together. And despite what the people crying in the Ward comments say, Goddess didn't do anything wrong.
This is going to involve Ward spoilers just FYI, so I'll keep the rest below the line.
Alright, let's talk about Goddess.
It still shocks me that she's around for only like an arc, she's easily one of the best characters in Ward, from her swag to her powers, to the play she makes almost immediately. It feels like she should have been around much longer. When she died I got so mad that I dropped Ward for like a month. Better people than I have discussed her similarities to Vicky, but I think what interests me more are some things that are solely hers. Things that never really even get talked about in the story.
We don't know Bianca's trigger event and I really doubt Wildbow is ever going to tell us. Hell, he didn't bother to give her a sixth power, so I'm not holding my breath. But, we can look at her powers and sort of work back from there. (All of this was done by my great friend Maya, so thank you so much to her <3)
Human master that only affects capes, part influencer part control, with heavy doses of putting herself first, authority figures, and loyalty sprinkled through the themes her power works with. Her trigger was probably betrayal by an authority figure, likelya cape, that upended her entire world. Someone she implicitly trusted to do the right thing. Someone with power over her that she sought out for help.
Secondaries rely more on the person than the trigger, so they can help flesh out who she was. A danger sense that lets her know when things are happening, feel the impact of them, but she can't see coming or stop. A trump boost, something that could reflect a need to do or be better in critical moments. A trump defense that works best with long term trauma and pain, but struggles with sudden reveals or reversals. And finally a shaker effect, fractal telekinesis, reflecting a messy environment that she can't hold or control because of its complexity.
Whoever Goddess was before her powers, it was someone weak and without any control over her life. Someone hurting and powerless who didn't see this betrayal coming, didn't see how much danger she was in, until it already too late.
I think her master power is the most important thing to understand about her because of what it represents. It paints all of her actions in a very different light. Her most fundamental trauma was a betrayal by authority. Afterwards, she likely didn't feel safe around others, especially not those in power, didn't trust them to run things because she'd been betrayed by people promising these same things. Her taking over Shin may have been like Taylor going after the bay, convinced she was the only one who could fix it.
And a lot of the fucked-up dynamic with her cluster probably played into this. We know Goddess and Bill were the problems in the cluster, but I find it interesting Bill is noted as the monster, not her. In March's interlude, Megan paints a really fucked abusive view of how their cluster was working, getting hurt by someone and then hurting them back worse in turn as things began to spiral until Goddess took Bill's day. And from there everything exploded and she found herself on Shin.
I'm not really going to defend what she did on Shin. It might be a surprise in the Goddess Defense Essay, but obviously a seventeen year old (I believe that's approximately how old she was at the time) isn't going to make the best choices when put in charge of a planet. There's plenty of stuff to point at and go "that sucks" like the universal english thing (though I think that may have been a byproduct of needing to know she wasn't being lied to, again her trauma at play.)
Instead, I want to talk about why she was sent there. Again, speculation cause none of this ever got explained, but Wildbow had early issues of Worm that took place on Shin, where the Parahumans formed mainly hostile groups attacking larger power structures and enacting control over governments where they could. If this was true for Shin in Ward, Cauldron might sent Goddess there as a stabilizing force (something we know they did). Someone to corral the capes under her banner and allow them to use the world as a research ground for parahumans. Again, all conjecture on my part, but it would make sense why Ziz would pop open another portal there. Like she did with Madison and the Cauldron base, Goddess' absence likely led to some wild problems that tore apart crucial research they were on the cusp of finishing.
Her being forced to another world is another interesting part for me. This woman is a master, someone who takes complete control of others, but again and again she finds herself pushed from one point to the next without agency.
Speaking of which, then Gold Morning happens. She's torn away from the planet she controls, loses her cluster mates, and then...does nothing for two years. Honestly, this might be more character defining than anything else. She doesn't try to build back power, doesn't storm Shin intent on reclaiming everything, she sits on her hands. I don't care if the Wardens were watching her, if she really was as big a megalomaniac as people claim, she would have pushed to retake her world.
But she didn't. She stepped back. And I wonder if that wasn't something she wanted. The chance to step away, to not feel like she's always being pushed, always hounded by a danger sense warning of lurking dark clouds on the horizon. A trauma about needing to be in control over everything. A chance for her to finally be able to make her own decisions and not be wrapped up by the strings of others machinations or expectations.
And then Teacher came. Goddess makes it clear how relentless he was, trying to get her stuck in a position where he could kidnap her. I’ve heard the argument made she should have just gone to the Wardens, but let’s be real, what could they have possibly done to help her? They wouldn’t trust her enough to house her in the Wardens base so then what, drop her off in some corner world until Teacher found her again? Leave her with Ciara to watch over? Station guards on her twenty-four seven? They’d want concessions too, things that would hamper her if she really did run out of other options.
And, again, her trigger was very likely about a betrayal by authority figures. Going to the Wardens to plead for help would hit at her trauma in all the worst ways. To her, there probably wasn’t any other clear choice forward but using her powers on the prison. Of course that’s what she went for.
I think everyone knows what happened from there.
I've seen her relationship with Amy framed as the reason she gets so much hate, and yes that certainly played a role with the fanbase, but I think it's more than that. I think a lot of people saw her use her powers on the protagonist and just would not give her a single inch afterwards. Everything she did had to be wrong, she's forcing people to fight for her, she's being mean to the characters, she's stressed and angry and such a bitch. It’s probably part of the reason she gets killed off, and god that was the worst way to handle it. If the reflections of Vicky in Goddess were intentional, having Amy betray her might have been intended as a reflection of the way she betrayed Vicky. I hope not. It's a horrible way to end things.
Goddess' story isn’t one of a tyrant getting what she deserves. It’s a tragedy. It’s a woman who controls others but is all the while still not truly in control of her own fate. It was a woman pulled from one spot to another: by her cluster, by Cauldron, by her expectations, by Taylor, by Teacher. And in the end, it finished as it began. Betrayed by someone she trusted intimately.
Only this time, she dies for it.
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ultraviolet-ink · 2 months
1, 13, and 19 for the violence asks!
ooohhh some very interesting questions!! 1- the character everyone gets wrong Sherlock Holmes, but like in the general consciousness!! He may be blunt, but he's not an asshole, and when he realizes he's fucked up (see SIGN when he was deducing about Watson's alcoholic dead brother), he PROFUSELY apologizes! The man is very passionate in his feelings, he has an annoying high pitched dolphin laugh, he plays practical jokes, he sits like a maniac all day every day, and while he doesn't necessarily TRUST women (he doesn't necessarily trust men, other than Watson and his own brother), after SCAN, he DOES respect women (hell, most of his clients WERE women because the police didn't take THEM seriously) He may be socially awkward, but he's never malicious about it, he doesn't insult people, unless they really deserve it, and sometimes he's just like "lol, this person was an asshole, don't blame whoever shot them for shooting them"
13- worst blorboficiation Probably Phoenix lol. sometimes I see jokey "wrong quotes" or textposts and I would think "he would never say that, you could not torture that information out of him!". I think a lot of people don't realize that Phoenix is really cagey about information regarding himself, even to his own friends (ie him going super emo and silent at the SLIGHTEST implication of Edgeworth, and eventually snapping at Maya). Yeah, he's a dork, but he's also a SECRETIVE dork
19- you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like… TBH, I have no shame, John Waters has freed me from the shackles of cringe <3 Life's too short to be embarrassed about the things that make you happy!! Tho maybe I am a bit mad about fulfilling the "AP lit student only reads the classics" stereotype..... tho in my defense, I also try to seek out obscure stuff!! XD
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bonegrieve-arc · 6 months
Bix && Slate PLAYLIST; False-Sheep @eldritchborn 1. Gaya Gaya, Puto Maya - DASU Lazy king, blinded by your own proverbs Drowned by red tears Idle with time, eyes glued on the mirror That is named after me Whos the hero? Who's the show off? We don't know anything, we don't know anything Right? Like a fucking joke, piercingly smiling Are you forcing yourself to become me? Who's the false sheep between us? You're more well-suited as a slave.
2. Goddess - Cephid Welcome us with your light Grace the morning sky Comfort Luna, as she wanes through Terra's might Veiled in amber haze, fueled by violent rage Dancing, discordant; spinning in retrograde Born from the sea and the waves From a cosmic array, of the colors in space Nothingness errased
3. The World Revolving; Deltarune Instrumental, also a remix HERE
4. Honey I'm Home - Ghost; Covered by Umbra John 3:33 Whoever has acepted it has certified that God is truthful God returned with a moth chained to his hand "There's so many things that you'll never understand So come to me, we can change night into day You'll hold my hand so you never go astray."
5. Angry Too - Lola Blanc Does it get your blood boiling? Does it make you see red? Do you wanna destroy it? Does it get in your head? 'Cause it gets my blood boiling And I'm coming unglued It would hit you like poison If you knew what I knew You would be angry too
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xuune · 1 year
Hi! I've been following you for a while (don't really remember why or when) and I love your art! I just wanted to ask:
What's your favorite and least favorite part of animation?
oh cool! thanks for sticking around for so long :) honestly, if you've been following me for some time now it might've been either bc of my fanart, oc art, or both haha
thats a big question which prompts for a big answer so here's me rambling about it below B)
when asking fave/least fave things abt animation, its hard to answer without getting in depth on a variety of things LOL. animation, as a medium and field, is very nuanced with its own concentrations so its kind of a disservice to not recognize those areas esp when the skills u learn have a lot of overlap on how it improves other areas of study
i had practice in some 2D/3D ani, storyboarding, visdev, 3D modelling. here's my general experience with all of those:
fave: figuring out how movement is created, rough animation stage, analyzing and figuring out timing/spacing, esp love the fact that you are creating motion, not pretty illustrations to gawk at, seeing the entire ani come together at the end feels very rewarding
least: cleanup and colors lol, feels very time consuming. if im gonna spend time making lines clean, id rather do that with an illustration piece
3D (in maya)
fave: can rely on the program to do the heavy lifting while you do the keys and adjustments, doing 3d actually enhanced my understanding of how the body moves in motion and space and where drag, follow thru, overshoot could be applied in both 2d/3d
least: i dont get to draw :( majority of my experience in the adjustment process is looking at a mass nebula of graphs and figuring out where i fucked up or smoothing out areas and fixing it. prefer 2d since i can just redraw what looks wrong vs scavenging thru multiple graphs. also modelling the key poses can feel like it takes forever vs drawing it
fave: creating strong, key story beats, keeping drawings rough when possible, shorthanding drawings, researching reference for shot compositions + studying them
least: can be very hard figuring out how to fill in the gaps between certain beats, easy to become uninspired/uncertain abt a sequence drawn
fave: seeing the final piece come together, figuring out composition, blocking in values/shapes, character design, research phase/looking for references and creating moodboards
least: i hate doing backgrounds lol. complexity affects how much i'll end up dreading it. personally not a fan of working on pieces for very long. im also not a fan of constantly doing paintings/bgs as a job
3d modelling (in maya)
fave: painting the model and texturing it, uv mapping and arranging it
least: the modelling part. fuck up 1 part and you fuck up the rest, you'd have to restart from square 1 or be lucky enough that you had a previous save before the fuck up. a proper process matters a lot in saving yourself the pain and headache from fixing everything (i redid a model that i worked on for 3 wks 4 times bc of my fuck ups)
overall, as a field of study
fave: its fun getting surrounded by others who can talk the same language as you do. ive always wanted to be around people who can get as hyped up and excited over discussing and analyzing story and animation, since i didnt have that with some of my other friends or family members. i've also been able to build proficiency in variety of programs too, which is useful. working in a team project is fun if you've got the right kind of ppl and that makes the experience fun when you the project finished. i've worked on various short films for rough animation, and i always love seeing the final film/composited shot and going "i worked on that part!! look at how nice it turned out with the rest of it! whoever did the [cleans/colors/compositing] did so good!!" i think my biggest satisfaction in this field is understanding the why and how something works (i.e. why/how does this animation effectively sell its movement? what makes these boards convey strong story moments? what about this composition is so appealing? why does this story beat matter to the rest of it? why do i/what makes me care about these characters?) it can easily deter people, but this field's a huge time commitment and youre constantly evolving your own craft. it doesnt come easy to everyone, but when you start seeing your own mileage, it feels very rewarding and pays off
least: industry's hard to get into lol, its kinda like that no matter where you go and once youre graduated, the time you spend in limbo is primarily working on your portfolio and catering to studios you wanna get into. its also easy to get the impression that being a "somebody" and maintaining a reputation matters to just increase your chances and connections of getting a job. that shits hard to deal with when youre not the most extroverted person on the planet, and even if your classmates do know you, are you gonna be the one that they end up talking about constantly or regarded highly a lot? names spread within circles, and it can feel like a competition to just get yourself known. its very easy to beat yourself up over seeing other people's work too. we're desperate, we're starving, we want our work to be acknowledged and validated, we want a job that satisfies our creative needs.
this field is incredibly demanding and its more than just having fun and drawing pretty pictures when much of it is a collaborative effort for a project. the disciplines you learn will majority of the time, without a doubt, will be applied for a larger team. at the same time, what you learn has overlap into other areas too which is always fun when you have this moment of "holy shit, i get it now"
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kudzucataclysm · 1 year
tysmmmm :3
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Desmond has a rival!…sort of. it’s mostly one sided, but he has a rivalry with his classmate Sophia Wexler who’s super jealous of him cuz SHE wanted to be Maya’s protégé for the longest time and then all of a sudden he showed up and took that away. which makes Dez feel guilty about the whole thing so he goes along with whatever she ends up getting him to do in order to prove whoever’s intellectually superior or wtv
Francis has a one-sided rivalry as well eventually with her twin, Oz, cuz Ozzie wants to retain his place as dad’s #1 so to speak- Francis could honestly give absolutely zero fucks about impressing Azelfafage tho so :/ poor Oz ig
Maya’s rivalry is with Carson and it’s super homoerotic and kinda childish tbh like ladies, LADIES. you’re BOTH horrible people lol
Carmine’s rivalry is purely with the other members of the League cuz nobody there thinks he should have ANY power over the criminal underworld tbh. but no one is really gonna stop him from getting what he wants
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Desmond farms goldfish! or at least he used to…now he’s trying to find something new to get into! Sophia accidentally gets him into trading card games, and eventually he starts collecting figurines
Francis believe it or not likes to draw! it’s usually scribbles and doodles tho, a lot of it is just drawing dicks on the side of buildings and whatnot but if she can manage to get herself into a good headspace she can churn out some pretty decent art
Maya loves dancing. going out to nightclubs. gambling. hitting on and showing off to women at the roulette wheel. anything that has to do with luck and showing off, etc. other than that, cooking!- which she doesn’t really often bother to do but she does enjoy it when she can
Carmine genuinely loves bowling actually. like he wouldn’t have chosen it as a front if he didn’t love it, he spends more time at CHL than his own nightclub tbh…but other than bowling, he likes card games and golf. you know, old man shit
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getmemymicroscope · 2 years
Tumblr media
Just... no. Like, what the fuck? No. No.
"The con of the century" is referring to either a con most of the movie focuses on - a con that never really takes place - or to a con that is planned up and executed in the final 20 minutes, because the movie has to end. Neither is the con of the day, let alone of any period of time beyond that.
I love Vikrant Massey, don't get me wrong, but his character here is a total ass of a person. Which, fine, he's clearly meant to be more of an anti-hero protagonist (well, I guess, more like shades of gray). Which he does well, as the controlling, possessive guy. But, like, also - he keeps sending his GF out to be the "sexy lady" that hooks in targets and then when she eventually happens to fall in love with someone that actually treats her like a person (while our protagonist continues to ignore everything she says), he gets jealous? Like, maybe don't be an ass? But, no, he decides to be greedy, and it costs him.
The rest of the cast is just meh: maybe Maya is a bit more than that, but beyond them, it's mostly just ear-grating voices and ear-grating dialogues and ear-grating characters (especially this other guy's ... ex, I guess? ... and her friend) and eye-burning plot points and brain-killing story.
He's engaged to a rich girl who wants him to give up racing, which he's already given up apparently because of some crash, but he can't fully leave it behind. And he also can't help but cheat on her with the first cute girl to look at him. Then this girl betrays him, but its alright because it's actually her BFs plan all along. So then, when shit hits the fan, he goes and chloroforms his now ex-fiance, steals all the money in her vault, and then ... somehow! ... gets her to agree to the plan of faking a robbery of her vault so he can take this money and run away with his new GF. What!?
Why the fuck would she agree to that, ever? You literally cheated on her with this girl, then came up with the brilliant plan to rob her vault and chloroform her in the process. ... Also, whoever came up with this plot - there is no way in hell that you call an insurance company and say "I was robbed of over $10 million" and then come and are like "yep" and then give you $10 million immediately without some investigation. Especially not when, just minutes later, they're going to find the guy you blamed dead - without that money. ... Also, where the hell did that much fake money come from? And the bomb in the car?
Twice, towards the end of the movie, our new (and equally unlikable) protagonist talks about a 'switch,' clearly just to incorporate the movie's title into the movie dialogue. It's forced, it's flimsy, and it ... like the rest of the dialogue (see the first scene with new protagonist's ex-fiance) and rest of the plot ... is utter nonsense.
Even if you buy the whole "Maya falls in love with him" thing - which, sure, but like ... it happens after like 2 meetings and one time of him taking her to his bachelor pad and offering to make eggs or pancakes ... the rest of the plot just suffers from being ... blah.
Before that final 'robbery' of her vault, he comes to her house and is like "can I have something to drink?". Most people in that situation would go and get like water. She returns with either soda or wine - probably soda, judging by the glass - or maybe pomegranate juice: none of which make any sense in that situation. I know she's super-rich (hell, her first scene involves her treating her best friend like a servant, so that is how spoiled she is), but like ... I don't get it. You almost feel bad for her, spoiled bitch part aside, especially when she gets dumped for a girl he's known all of like 3 days (and one night, if you catch my drift), but then she helps him with this stupidity at the end and you don't even like her anymore.
I guess the only real con in the movie is the one he pulls over on Vikrant Massey and his friend - which, like, congrats? You got them killed and you got the money and girl and got your ex to help you run away with $10 million because apparently they're insured by the worst insurance company in the world. Still not 'con of the century' level stuff. But then, judging by the plot, it doesn't seem like anyone really paid any attention to much of anything. They just had money to burn, and burn it they did.
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albedobeheading · 2 years
the shareholder meeting can actually be something so personal
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
GOD 🦆anon You are Talented!!
Legit gave me chills-
They sould only sputter as wild theories became reality before the small grey screen, the only point of interest being their avatar for the game.
He was sentient. They all were.
No wonder the story would completely derail off the few times they used a walkthrough, how all the start of chapter cutscenes seemed to be so censored. No wonder there were more chapters than what they were told in game - they were told there was 5 maximum per game, not 10. No wonder character dialogue would be so... off, out of character almost, eerie and almost directed towards them.
...rationality decided to pop its head back into their mind, bordering a state of panic from confusion, commenting that maybe they were just seeing things.
It was late at night after all. Trial 10 was taking its sweet time with the pre trial segment with miles and maya seeming to always vy for phoenix's(...? They couldn't decide. Was it for him or them?) Attention.
...right, they'd get through this and save.
It was just another part of the game. The supernatural didnt exist - otherwise it'd just be natural.
"Alright... talk... there's no dialogue options though." They glanced down to where the bottom screen emulator would be.
"Oh no, just use your mic, S/O."
The abrupt text change made them jump. The supposedly "unique" sprite to phoenix's avatar in their game portrayed a gentle look to the side (coincedentlsly staring directly at heir Point of view)
...were they being hacked?
Through an emulator of all things? Using phoenix wright: ace attorney sprites?
No, no...
"You Look worried. Are you alright?"
The air went cold as S/O's hand retreated back from theur pondering, a slow burning whithin not pleasant with the icy air felt as if their emotions were a fever "...You can see through my camera?"
"Of course. Your dressing gown really suits you."
They scrambled to the drawer in their desk with tape in it and tore a piece of paper, quickly sticking it over their laptop's camera.
"What do you want?!" They nearly screamed, but it was hoarse, a whisper.
"Whoa, hey, its alright. I'm no hacker! I wouldn't ever do anything like what you're thinking!"
The sprite took on the iconic shocked expression, as if he had any justification to feel that way.
"Then..." their throat was burning. "What are you, if not a hacker?" Because what or who else could do this? It didn't make sense.
Again, eliminate the impossible whatever remains is only the truth, the very last "normal" case in their playthrough had said.
"Oh, S/O..."
He was looking again. It felt like a reassurance initially when it first came up in 1-3, like things were only going to get better from there, but that sprite seemed to have the opposite effect on that late night.
"You've played enough of the game. You should know."
"The theories in my head are more than impossible right now. You- You're not real. You're just a character."
"Ouch... what about edgeworth and maya?"
"Also characters! What the fuck, just-just explain this already!" They leaned into the computer, slamming their palms down as they took of the paper guard. phoenix -or whatever (...whoever?) That was, shook his head.
"Well, since you've done that... i might aswell state the obvious."
S/O leaned back with a hitched breath and frozen fingertips, awaiting anything but the truth.
"We're all living beings beyond your screen, S/O. Not hackers, nor ghosts. We're alive. And theres a whole world in here."
He was smiling again. S/O was not. Frozen in place, any heat drained from their body led them only to feel the radiation off their laptop.
"I'll keep in touch, hell if I don't-I won't, S/O. I won't."
S/O stayed silent, just taking it all in.
"And hey, maybe one day we could even meet face to face - no more pixels..."
How would that be possible? Something felt wrong just begond the light as the side glancing smile seemed to grow more earnest, but even more so creepy.
"how would that sound? Again, I'll keep in touch. Talk to you later. It's late after all. You really ought to take care of yourself..."
"but I don't mind. I can do it for you if need be."
(Whoops i didnt mean to write this much but uh... heck. I guess i have brainrot. Sorry mod miles /lh i took some of the ideas this au has slowly gathered and just slammed it together.)
🌌Anon this is amazing!!! The way you've taken some of the ideas we've all shared and run on your own to make this is marvellous. I can really feel S/O's fear right here, plus the horror vibe this is giving is beautiful yandere content.
I uh-
Phoenix can take care of me if he wants to 😂😂😂😂😂 also I would be happy for Edgeworth to vie for my attention at any and all times of the day.
Honestly, everything that you anons have sent me is so brilliant and now this has been made from all of the amazing ideas and this is amazing and every single one of you guys are just so amazing.
Am I crying because of the community spirit on this blog? Yes!!!
Do not apologise to me ever for sending in such beautiful writing, I would genuinely pay good money to read this.
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deishiro · 3 years
Everything about that last episode had me s c r e a m i n g like, just wow.
Yelena and Kate bantering and fighting and bantering some more and complimenting each other ? Hit me up, love
Also I love Kazi and Maya's relationship, always here for some platonic deep bonds between people and i feel like that's what mostly happened here, no sappy romance, just real, right bonds, like Nat and Clint, or Kate and Clint, or again, Kazi and Maya (even if Kazi is, well, him)
LAURA BARTON WHAT ARE YOU HIDING I'm still thinking about that scene in Age of Ultron where Tony is like 'This is an agent of some kind..' and fuck, c'mon, SHIELD backstory!!! Probably why she was all chill about Fury hanging out with their tractors so he could speak with Tony
ALSO PYM AND STARK TECH FOR THE TRICK ARROWS LIKE WOW and the whole, Clint making his own arrows and being ✨smart✨ despite being low-key and underestimated is my favorite fanfiction trope anyways
Ah and shout-out to the Rogers Musical for casting a blood tall ass guy for Hawkeye, i love Renner to the moon and back but it was a nice reminder that Clint is a 6"4 or 6"3 blue-eyed blonde idiot, although there wasn't one episode where both Hawkeyes weren't sporting bandages, bruises or bandaids so really, it's cool
I fucking love Maya, I've said it before and I'll say it again, i feel for her and i can't wait to see more of her, and I'm sure Kingpin isn't dead so really, there might be more of her
Jack ? With his sword ? Man i love him it was hilarious, just happily hitting people with his little sword like he's saving the day
THE LARP TEAM FOR GOD'S SAKE I'M IN LOVE Grills you have my heart my soul and everything else
Back to Yelena, i feel for her, i cried when she was talking with Clint, and i was so hoping for a hug of some kind, i hope we get some ressemblance of a friendship between them? Like talking about Natasha and how they both knew her and everything
Detail but I love the little coin trick that Clint taught Kate was useful for her against Fisk, i was waiting for it to arrive and bam, flawless
No boomerang arrow but I'll let it slide, Clint got caught in a giant Christmas Tree and spoke to a little owl, which is such a Clint thing to do
And I've seen Renner in a suit before, but it'll never get old, he looks BADASS Jason Bourne levels badass obviously
I was squealing and begging for Clint to take Kate and Lucky home with him and the noise i made when they did appear I'm, I'm not even ashamed
'i'll have to ask Scott about it' the chaotic potential of their friendship is HIGH man, i want more
Kate's face when Clint called them partners and when he said he was proud of her, or whenever he did something she thought cool, even after six episodes she keeps being in awe and yes, gurl, i feel ya, but like, the whole 'never meet your heroes' here is bullshit, because he's done everything he could to keep her safe and make sure he came out if it all alive and unharmed, father instincts and all i suppose, I'm soft wow
Eleanor talking about consequences and actions and responsibilities while blaming Kate for getting her arrested? Yeah sure okay shut up and stop finding excuses for your behaviour
Lucky. Just, Lucky.
Yelena's hairstyle btw, or her style in general is absolutely stunning, and once again, i love aro/ace representation as platonic relationships being just as strong as romantic ones and this show was all about it so yeah
OH CLINT SAYING HE BROUGHT HOME STRAYS that's my favorite headcanon, Clint randomly picking up strays because he was a stray too, Natasha, Kate, Lucky, whoever neighbors he has in BedStuy in the comics, and like, 'you step out that door, you're an Avenger' bit with Wanda/Pietro, yeah that's my shit, more headcanons I've read with Bucky, or Scott, or i even read some with Wade Wilson, so really, hell to the yeah
Clint is so in love with his family it's painfully wholesome
I'm probably gonna rewatch the finale, or the entire really, and I'll come cry some more about it
I'm in absolute love with this show, i was scared of being disappointed because I had high expectations, but, apart from no background story for Clint, like the Circus and everything which would've been nice but really the show was about Kate so i can't blame anybody, i loved it. Now go get Aja and Fraction some credits because it's all thanks to them, this version of Hawkeye, and
Ima hyperventilate in my bed with my Ronin!Clint Funkopop, anybody wanna join?
Peace ✌️
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Saturday, 11:26 - Ping Pong
Translation under the cut!
Basically, the clip starts with everyone teasing each other about how much they suck at ping pong.
Jo is about to serve.
Tiff: All of France is watching you
Jo (to Bilal): This is for you, babe
Tiff and Jo lose the point
Tiff: Jo, what the hell...
Jo: Seriously? He distracted me, I mean...
Tiff: You were getting too comfortable...(pointing at Redouane) I mean you have a bigger racket, that's why...Your racket is as big as your head
Redouane: No, no excuses,
Jo: I saw him put a magnet inside the ball earlier
Redouane: NO EXCUSES! Just kidding
Bilal: Chill, Tiff, I might have to card you
Redouane: It's like 19-0 for us, right?
Jo: It's a tie!
Bilal: It's 3-0 to them (Redouane and Max). What we can do, is just have a winning ball.
Redouane:...I don't want to serve
Jo: Alright, I'll serve, give it to me
Redouane: Too much pressure
Jo: He won't even get to touch the ball
Bilal: Golden ball, golden ball
Jo: Meaning?
Bilal: Whoever wins, wins the whole game
Jo: OK
Tiff: The Rafael Nadal of ping pong
Jo & Tiff win
Redouane: Oh no...please
Jo: He didn't even lift his racket!
Redouane: You're not gonna let me do this, right? This is a joke...?
Jo: Yeah, Redou, that's just the game. You lost, you have a penalty, that's all.
Redouane: I'm the worst person for this, I know nothing...I'll show up like "Maya..."
Jo: Yeah, well, no one knows any better! The thing is, right now Lola is super mad at her. Usually she's the one to give in and come back, but this time she won't.
Tiff: I mean, isn't it better to wait until she tells us about it rather than force her hand like this?
Redouane: Yes
Bilal: I agree, team Tiff on this one
Tiff: Thanks
Max: Do you guys have nothing to do until 2032 or what?
Redouane: Guys, you're too much...she'll just tell me to fuck off, that's for sure.
Bilal: Redouane, stop worrying, just be simple.
They start going on about how Redouane is the definition of simplicity, simple is his thing.
Redouane: Perfect, I'll be like "Maya, I have to talk to you". Looking her in the eye, or it won't work. "Maya, love is like...like a field of reeds in an ocean of waves..."
Jo: That's beautiful
Maya comes in
Maya: Can someone help?
Jo: Yeah, Redouane will help
Redouane: I don't know if I'll say that...
Tiff & Jo: Yeah, yeah, do say that
Redouane: Hey Maya, how are you?
Maya: Fine, you?
Redouane: Great. Uh...see, I don't want to hurt you, so tell me if I'm overstepping...
Maya: Here, I'd like it if you carried this bag
Redouane: As I was saying, tell me if I'm overstepping, but...
Maya: What is it?
Redouane: You...Did you take the dinosaur-shaped cakes? You have them?
Maya: Well...yeah
Redouane: Right, there they are
Maya: Did you really think I'd forget?
Redouane: No, never. (He looks back at the rest) Sorry...
Tiff: OK, you know what, if you lose, it's your turn to do it, alright? Let's go
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tvdoriginal · 3 years
4x09: I Can't Be The One To Stop You
Happy mid-season finale baby!
I must say, the opening scene of Jed, Kaleb and whoever the corpse is reminded me of TVD. Like I literally thought it was am Damon scene from season 7.
Lizzie found "Hope". She greeted her with her full name which I know will produce more fan parallels and edits since this is not the first time she's done that.
MG calls a Super Squad meeting that currently only has two other members - Cleo and Ethan. However, Jed does show up with the burnt body and tells them that there's a monster problem (aka Kaleb). Finch interrupts Josie trying to write a letter of goodbye to her dad to tell her about the monster problem.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of tired of seeing Ted, Ric, and Landon. They're still trying to escape and it looks like they're going to need a lot more than just a coin to do so.
Super Squad places the burnt body in the cage in the gym and want to wait to see who the guy is. MG and Cleo go out to find Kaleb (who according to Jed is not himself) while Jed and Ethan stay back with the mystery man.
Aurora proves to Lizzie that she is not Hope and takes her to the home she was staying at. She shows Lizzie an object that is supposed to be powerful enough to contain a tribrid. Allegedly, if they get Hope in there, the next step would be dumping it into the ocean where Hope will die and come back to life on a repeating loop. Sound familiar? Reference season 5 Stefan Salvatore. Lizzie doesn't agree with Aurora's form of revenge to which Aurora says no one will get in the way of her fun.
"Who you are to each other is special." - MG
Ooh! Josette Saltzman's jacket is really cute. Her and Finch are gathering ingredients for a healing potion. Finch knows something is up with Josie and wants to know what it is. Josie promises to tell her soon, but her bus ticket falls out of her journal.
Lizzie calls Hope and asks her for help with her dad if she switches the bodies back. She traps Aurora in what was meant for Hope but is not fast enough to think of a plan for when Hope arrives.
I THINK THE FUCK NOT! Josie asked Finch to join her in leaving.
MG and Cleo find Kaleb stabbed in the woods. Kaleb explains that his monster side was taking over and the burnt body was the reason he was going out of control. He tells the pair that is was kind of a bad idea that they brought it to the school since he is not the only one who is half monster.
LIZZIE TOLD HOPE SHE HATES HER FOR MAKING HER LOVE HER! And shut the fuck up - her humanity is back.
I love this, I truly do because Josie thought she could reach Hope's good side and I know Hosie shippers wanted to be the case. Nothing against Hosie, I just like this turn of events.
uwu - hope said 'panda promise'. <3
NVM FUCK THIS SHIT. A sliver in me was like 'hmmm maybe Hope is faking it' but then majority of me was like 'they need to wrap up no humanity Hope' and that side won at the time. Hope kills Lizzie but obviously there's more to it. Either this isn't real, Lizzie used a protection spell, or somehow somewhere she drank vampire blood and will become a heretic. Here's hoping it's the last option.
Not this. Not a LOVE TRIANGLE. Ethan tells MG the truth about the day he "went on a walk" with Lizzie. He says that he thought being the hero meant making hard decisions and in that moment with her, he would've done anything because he wants her to pick him. MG tells Ethan that he doesn't deserve to be here [at the school] and leaves.
Josie and Finch are at the bus stop and Josie can sense that something is off. She thought that Lizzie would be back in time to say goodbye. Finch tells Josie that she cannot come with her because the pack needs help due to Jed's injuries.
"Boundaries can feel like betrayals." - Maya
Landon has gathered more coins than Ted but refuses to leave until they can leave together. Alaric is determined that they find a different way out.
Lizzie finds a way to reach Josie and reassures her that they're both going to be okay.
"Remind yourself that you are loved. No matter what." - Lizzie
And yup! It's official. Elizabeth Saltzman is a HERETIC BABIES!!!
I will see all of you beauties next year xx
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popchoc · 3 years
yeah totally I agree. Maya really didn't bash on monogamy, or she wouldn't have said the last sentence after it, at the moment she didn't feel dedicated to be in a serious relationship, and that's totally ok. She maybe just needed to find that person to be very very dedicated with. Since she found that person she started changing too, you could see it, Carina was different, she was drawn to her, the scene when Carina visited her at the office after hooking up for what? once, twice?! that throw her off, kind of freaked her out, but as soon as she saw Carina leaving pissed, she didn't let her go away, she went after her and stopped her, with other people in the past?! like her 'wednesday one night stands' I believe she wouldn't have done that, she would have let whoever that was go. Maybe she wasn't totally aware that Carina was gonna be THAT important but she was willing to try it with her, and that's dedication. And she didn't really do a 180, it took 4 season and a Jack to get here, she found Carina in season 3.
Exactly! She actually almost kicked her Wednesdays out as soon as it was Thursday, like we saw with Dearborn in s1 (damn that was one hot scene though - hahaha).
That scene were Carina visited her might be my favorite one. Maya went through so many emotions there and Danielle was able to show us all of them, just by the look on her face. I don't think I'll ever get over that one look she gives Carina after the "I understand", followed by the both subtile and perfect change of expression on Carina's face. And by that "fuck it, there's no resisting this woman"-sigh (which is a fact).
It's this moment that defined them. These women who were doing fine on their own. Who didn't need follow ups. Who stayed away from fixing people. They could have ignored it, or even fought it, all they wanted, but the fact is they never stood a chance. There was simply no way back.
I fully agree with you that they couldn't foresee they were gonna get this serious. Hell, I'm not even gonna claim that this ended up to be the perfect relationship - we've all seen that it's not. But that doesn't mean they're not made for each other, and that fact alone is indeed enough for all the dedication they need to want to make it work.
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iseultandtristan · 4 years
an episode review
I watched A Christmas Maya (that’s the episode title right?) and I have so many feelings. Honestly, it reminded me what I loved about the show. 
-There were lines that literally made me burst out laughing, e.g. after Maya is like “of course you carry glitter around in your pocket” and Riley responded “it used to be butterflies...” and then buries her head in her hands, plus Cory’s face when she said that was too funny
-Sabrina is so talented. Can I just say that? Like she moves so seamlessly between comedy and drama. In one line she can make me go from teary eyed to laughing. 
-the story Maya tells us about her Christmas pasts with her mum was both hilarious and awful. A tragicomedy. With that said, my heart ached for her ESPECIALLY because my babygirl is so afraid that she is the problem. Like she didn’t want to go home because she was sure she would ruin her new fragile happiness and ugh Maya Hart when will you stop breaking my heart?? (on that note, Maya is such a devastating character in season 3, now that I’ve actually watched I Do and this episode there is literally no denying that the identity crisis fucked her up big time)
-The gift giving scene was brilliant. I love how absolutely terrible everybody’s gifts seemed on the surface level but all the meanings behind them were just *tries not to cry* beautiful
-on that note, it is a literal CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY that we didn’t see Maya’s gift for Lucas, like wbk the writers hate lucaya but damn! the writers really hate that ship don’t they?
-ZAY BABINEAUX (that’s it, that’s the tweet)
-But on a more serious note, Zay is an icon and a legend and I loved the gift he got for Smackle and I equally loved how Farkle basically straight up said to him here’s this game that takes 17 years to play, that’s how long we wanna be in your life for 
-Also, I think I understood the Riarkle shippers for the first time. Like I’ve never been against y’all but I always thought they had a platonic energy (even though I think they are definitely one of the best written, layered dynamics on the show) but that gulp after she pours her heart out to him did things to my shipper heart
-I saw someone once say Riley is at her best in this episode and YES Riley is at her BEST in this episode. That selfless love, that patience, that ready willingness to accept her friends in whatever form, to give up her happiness for them. That’s Riley at her best. And I’d like to believe that if we got the full story (bc we know s3 was not meant to be the end) we would have seen a lot more of this Riley
-that line to Farkle about not trying to change him and wanting to know him “whoever you are” made me scream at my laptop because why couldn’t you have that energy towards Maya at the start of the season babe?!
-My one qualm with the episode is that I wasn’t particularly fond of the Matthews (+Ava) acting out Maya and Katy’s (and Shawn’s) lives, it just felt a bit like mockery to me and made me cringe when Topanga was doing her impression of Katy working as a waitress
-Last but not least, Ava’s line “there are plot holes man!” was GMW meta at its finest
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gamegameygames · 3 years
Answering the questions we have: Chelsa Lauderdale; Senior Writer & Creative Lead - Maya; Book Lead - Amanda; Art Producer - Danielle; Art Lead
Q.1 - What was the inspiration for the creation of the series?
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CHELSA {Irrelevant side thought, but cool name. Never seen it before.}: I've been asking to do a book like this for a while. So, I'm really glad that that finally happened. {Glad they finally applied 'messy' to a book correctly for once 🙂 and it's on purpose too!} It's a genre {Not sure what genre that is but I'd call it 'Mean Girls'} that I've kind of been obsessed with probably, at least, in part with because I'm low-key obsessed with fashion and glamour. {then please explain why some of the diamond hair styles are like that and incompatible to most of the faces 🥲 There's no most to least liked, its least ugly to most ugly} What I love most, um, and was most excited to do with this book was make something funny and relatable, um, even if the character lived in a world that's so different from anything I've personally experienced.
Q.2 - What was the process of getting the dialogue just right? Were you guys just sitting in a room and channeling Regina George at each other all day?
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CHELSA: Uh, the short answer is yes. Um, but, right from the beginning I knew I wanted this book to be as funny and contemporary and subversive {uh, I guess, having a female student make a male professor uncomfortable (or making constant advances as PB would label it) is kinda subversive (in a fucked up way) of the usual set up of the trope??? Cause its super rare for it to be the other way around? At least in the media I've consumed??? (I'm either blessed or sheltered for that) as we could possible make it. I think it was important to me that the characters felt real, um, and to me that means having them speak like people I know or been around. Um, we also spent a lot of time getting the main character's inner dialogue just right so that it really felt like what someone would think to themselves in this absolutely bonkers setting, but never say out loud. {Damn, then I hope whoever was in charge of Baby Bump's inner dialogue learns a thing or two from you(r team). I prefer funny (whether it delivers or not) over 24/7 fetus obsession}
Q.3 How did you come up with the nicknames of the characters on The T?
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CHELSA: So, all these nicknames have to do with a story from their history or specific role at Belvoir, like for example Michael "Tarzan" Spoors {You mean 'Carter' 👀}, um, got the nickname, in my mind, from breaking his leg after swinging on a frat house chandelier during a party. Um, as for other characters nicknames that we maybe haven't explained yet, um, maybe learn more about in book two {Cool, cool! 😃} or maybe it will forever be a mystery. {Not cool! 😥} or maybe you can make up a backstop yourself. {Got enough work making stuff up for y'all discontinued works and rushed plotting already 🥲 #NeverForgetNeverForgive}
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