#whump escape
jordanstrophe · 1 year
Behave, 13: The Lab
CW: Whumper hospital, medical whump, collapse/comfort, extremally protective/possessive whumper turned caretaker, rescued whumpee
Whumpee could hear alarms screaming behind them; flashes of red reflected off the back of whumper’s jacket. They had an iron grip around their wrist pulling them deeper into the woods. Whumpee heard shouting and tried to look back at the hospital. 
“Don’t look back, keep moving.” Whumper tugged them forwards. 
Whumpee had already run out of energy, whumper slowed down when they heard them wheeze every other breath. Whumpee suddenly stumbled forwards and clung to whumper’s jacket. 
“Are you okay?” Whumper slowed to a stop. Whumpee tried to raise their head, the woods around them distorted and the alarms sounded further then they were. Whumper suddenly grabbed both their shoulders and pulled them closer. 
“Whumpee, are you okay?” They shook them a little and that was enough to buckle their knees as whumper caught them. 
“I-  I can’t breathe.” Whumpee grabbed their throat. Whumper ripped their hand away from their neck before they choked themselves. “Damn it... We can’t stay here.” They glanced between whumpee and the hospital with a sigh.
“Look at me, I need you to slow your breathing and take deep breaths. Don’t stop, okay?” 
Before they could respond, whumper pulled them by their arm over their shoulder and picked them off the ground. Normally, they would scream and retaliate, but anytime they moved their head felt like static. 
Whumper became worried when whumpee was deathly still. They were used to kicking or crying, and it wasn’t long before they realized that they had fallen completely unconscious. 
Worrying as that may be, perhaps it would make the trip a little easier.
Whumpee jolted awake in a smudged laboratory. It was similar to where they’ve been waking up to for the past month, but... This one was much different. 
They weren't restrained, for one. They were laying on a stained gurney that unstably rocked when they tried to sit up. It was dark and a single dim light kept the room luminated. They were wrapped in a blanket from the chest down and an IV pricked their arm. Someone had put a cold cloth behind their neck; it was still damp. 
Whumpee groaned and clutched their head trying to remember what had happened. Was the escape even real? They tried to sit up but knocked the IV stand over as it slammed to the ground. The sound was deafening; whumpee winced and covered their ears with a whimper. Even after the noise was gone they heard echoes of it ringing in their ears. 
“What happened?  Are you alright?”    They heard a drowning voice. 
They opened their eyes to whumper crouched in front of them gently touching their forehead.
“Wh-where are we?” Whumpee tried to brush their hand off. Whumper let them and set a glass of water down.
“One of our old abandoned labs. It used to belong to my company until one of the experiments went a little-...” They paused and looked at the ransacked state of the place. “-Out of control.” They sighed. “But, it’ll work as a hideout. Plus some of the equipment is still usable. Or at least repairable.” They coughed. “How are you feeling?” 
Whumpee’s eyes traced the room trying to put together exactly what happened. “I think I’m doing better... But you... Did you get us out?” They asked. Whumper nodded and adjusted the IV in whumpee’s arm and picked up the stand. 
“We still have a problem.” Whumper mumbled. “The plan's still the same. You’re sick and I’m curing you.” They started rummaging through old machinery and tossing out expired medical supplies. 
“Only if you tell me everything.” Whumpee spoke from behind. “Tell me everything about the sickness, why was that whole place dedicated to curing me? What would you, or anyone have to gain for that? I’m nobody...” Whumpee muttered. 
“No.” Whumper turned back and reached for their cheek. “You’re not nobody, whumpee. You’re everything.” They gently laid them back against the gurney and pulled the blanket up. “And everything I’ve put you through, I guess I owe you some answers.” 
“All of them.” Whumpee corrected. 
“Yes, yes fine!... All of them. What do you want next, some popcorn?” 
Whumpee gave them their signature sarcastic look. 
“Well at least sip your water while I talk. You were dehydrated and that’s why you collapsed in the woods. Good grief, the doctor took horrible care of you...” 
((Annnnd I’m going to have to cut this into a part 1/2 so to be continued, thank you all for your patience with the series. Next chapter will be out very soon!))
@serialobsesssor @fishtale88  @bluesoulpeace  roblingoblin285   @echo-of-umbra @whump-bunny  @pretty-little-whump @akaijisatsu  @whatiswhump @shannon-foraker  @whumpkitty @suspicious-whumping-egg @whatwhumpcomments  @whumpdreamz @elletheclover @whumpinhereyes  @veyroswin @dustypinetree  @anonintrovert  @cepheusgalaxy @cyborg0109 @whatwhumpcomments @whatiswhump​
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whumpitlikeyoumeanit · 9 months
whump prompt 107
Whumper allowing Whumpee to escape.
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lumpywhump · 3 months
mmmmm dont you love when an escape feels a bit too easy 🤭 (or a lot)
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whumporama · 28 days
A Whumper who is just doing a job. They tell Whumpee it's not personal. They are very professional about it all. Whumpee fights back? "It's okay, it makes sense you feel this way." Whumpee finally breaks? "There's no shame in it, everyone breaks." They say it as if it's simply a fact.
When they have the information they need, they're nicer to Whumpee. They feed them properly, give them a book to read, a pillow to sleep on. "You have given us what we need, there is no need to suffer more. It's not personal."
Finally, Whumpee escapes. Whumper is in their way. And as Whumpee drives the knive in Whumper's chest, they only have one thing to say to them. "It's not personal."
Whumper understands.
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egg-writes-whump · 3 months
A whumpee who (presumably after escaping whumper or just being missing for an extended period of time) gets home, greets everyone like they weren't ever gone, ignores their questions and just immediately goes to bed
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a disorientated whumpee at a party with whumper's hand uncomfortably wrapped around their collarbone. There's a spiraling fear that they can't quite name-- they're losing themself in this nightmare of insinuating whispers.
The music is pounding and Whumpee can feel it in their teeth.
Whumper pulls them into a dark corner to push a drink up to their lips. "Your friends are coming," Whumper's voice is low, it's calm, it's measured, and Whumpee's skin crawls. "You're going to tell them you want to stay with me."
"Or one of them will take your place."
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whumpypepsigal · 1 month
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@whumpgifathon | Day 10: “Blinded”
Deputy Gator Tillman in Fargo 5x10
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linecrosser · 11 months
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Whumptober 2023 - Day 24 - Failed Escape
(he was not fast enough)
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holidayinhell · 2 months
CWs: blood, captivity Whump, failed escape Whump.
“You ran.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t ask if you were fucking sorry.”
He grabbed Whumpee’s face.
“You. Ran.”
He smacked Whumpee across the cheek. Hard.
The man crashed backwards onto the concrete from the blow. Grime cut into the exposed flesh of his torso as he awkwardly shuffled along the bottom of the cement wall, he desperately inched deeper down the hallway in a useless attempt to flee from his deranged captor.
Whumpee's eyes flashed between the man skulking towards him and the stairway at the end of the narrow passage. It was fifteen, maybe ten feet away. Freedom was so close, he only needed to make it up the steps! But Whumpee could barely keep his head up, much less walk, not to mention the ropes binding his wrists together. There was no way he’d get out.
A shadow fell over Whumpee's form.
“Stopstop stop. I did-didn’t--”
Whumper dropped to his haunches, locking his penetrating gaze to the shattered man’s wide eyes. Whumper had bloodshed on the mind. The killer’s gaze fixated on Whumpee with a cold fascination of a predator rearing to devour its prey.
A powerful surge of adrenaline coursed through Whumpee’s veins, urging him to find the strength to flee. But he couldn’t. With nowhere to run, the cocktail of epinephrine and all-encompassing terror made him freeze in place, he began hyperventilating so quickly he thought he might pass out. The broken man’s eyes squeezed shut.
 “Please. Y—you’re scaring me.”
“Then you’re about to be fuckin’ terrified.”
Whumpee squirmed against the ropes behind him. His busy fingers traced the lines, desperately praying he could burrow into a weak spot to unfurl. But, as always, ropes around his wrists were knotted with expert precision.
“Why’d you do it?” He snarled, grasping a fistful of hair and pulling Whumpee’s eyes directly into his terrifying, animalistic gaze. “Why did you fucking do it, Whumpee?” His wicked eyes demanded an explanation.
“I didn’t think.” He responded weakly. “I wasn’t thinking, I--.”
Whumper wound his arm back and delivered another bone-shattering smack across Whumpee’s cheek.
“Maybe I'll just cut out your tongue.”
“N-no. Please!! I was starving," the thin man pled frantically. "I thought you’d forgotten about me so I—ah, AHHH!”
The metallic smell of blood filled the air as a stream of blood trickled the length of Whumpee’s arm. Fuck, fuck.
“PLEASE!” Whumpee wailed.
Lightly chuckling, Whumper pulled the box cutter from the wound he'd buried in Whumpee’s shoulder.
“Try again, Whumpee. Why'd you run?" the killer demanded.
Whumpee tucked his legs into his chest protectively. “It was a mistake. I'm scared, I don’t know! You’re k-killing more people.” Salty tears cut clean tracks through the grime on his round, filthy cheeks. "Th-those girls from last week. And Caretaker-hic- you killed him too, I, I--!"
Whumpee's head raced uncontrollably as he fought to steady his breath, struggling to calm his mind from this waking nightmare.
“You stopped feeding me. It's been, I think five days, or, no, a week. I don’t know how long it’s been.” He fought the sob aching in the back of his throat. “I don’t know how long it’s been, I'm so hungry, I just...”
The small man let out a heartbreaking yowl when the knife slashed into his shin.
"Don't do this!" Whumpee shrieked.
Whumper offered no words of comfort. He loved seeing Whumpee like this, raw and trembling and begging for mercy.
Stripping away the man's pride had been a painstaking process, it had taken months for Whumpee to understand his rightful place. And now, finally, Whumpee’s soul was laid bare for the killer to devour. Nothing brought him more pleasure than watching Whumpee unravel.
“I-I know my...my r-ransom date. Is coming. And I know my parents are gonna pay up soon.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that.” The killer said quickly.
Whumpee’s eyes peaked over his bleeding legs, heavy tears rolling down his cheeks. He was so fragile and pathetic it was almost heartbreaking.
Whumper smirked, shaking his head in mock sympathy.
“Oh Whumpee. Life’s just a living hell for you, ain’t it? Ya can't wave your money around and get what you want like you used to.”
“Please. I’m sorry.”
An uneasy silence settled between them as Whumper's gaze raked over Whumpee. A bizarre, cruel grin twisted on his lips.
Whumper let out a nightmarish cackle.
“I can’t blame ya for trying.” He smirked. God Whumpee was fun.
“I’m sorry.” Whumpee repeated earnestly, sniffling. He exhaled. “I won’t be a problem for you ever again.”
The promise hung heavy in the air.
“I know that.” Whumper responded, nodded somberly, his eyes darkening. He rocked back on his heels and stood, his looming figure cast a shadow over the broken man.
 “Cuz I'm gonna have to kill ya.”
The blood drained from Whumpee’s face. 
“What a waste, too.” Whumper sighed. “You ruined something that was goin’ well for ya. I trusted you, I thought you were one of the good ones.”
“No-no, I’m good. I’m still good, I’ll be good! I’ll do anything yo—.”
Whumper drove his heel into the side of Whumpee’s face, sending his head crashing into the unforgiving basement floor. Pain exploded through Whumpee’s body, the unforgiving surface scraping his skin raw.
He lay still for a moment, breathless and stunned. The cold, hard cement pressed uncomfortably against his cheek.
"Don't. Don't."
“I need you to understand something: you lost your privilege to live the second you opened that fucking door.”
Barely above a whisper, Whumpee pleaded again. “Don’t hurt me. Please.”
Whumper flicked the boxcutter open.
“I’m gonna do a hell of a lot more than just hurt you.”
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whumblr · 5 months
Find them!
Good whump words in all variants. So have some prompts you can hear :) from calm and collected to most desperate.
- Whumpee hiding in a darkened room. They hear the door open, hear multiple sets of footsteps enter, getting closer, walking past. Then a calm "Find them".
- Whumper bending over, picking up the remnants of cut rope. He straightens back up, looks around. A click of the tongue. This is an inconvenience.
- A blood trail leading to the woods (Whumper: calm, with a smile. Caretaker: a little less calm)
- The captives have escaped, but the building is sealed anyway.
- The (snow) storm is getting more extreme and Whumpee hasn’t come back yet. "We have to find them!"
- Whumper has been signalled nearby and Whumpee (oblivious) is out.
- Caretaker realising in the midst of chaos that Whumpee isn't among them anymore.
- Whumper who has just been shot (bonus if sniper) or punched to the ground screaming in rage, "Find them!"
- Caretaker crying, pleading with the rescue team.
- Whumper slamming the door to their office open. Surprise :) the precious thingamajig / important documents / hostages are missing.
- Whumper finding the cell empty. And the bigger badder Whumper is waiting for them.
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“As far as escape attempts go, that was one of your weakest.”
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whumpitlikeyoumeanit · 4 months
whump prompt 182
Getting out of the ropes just in time to hear Whumper coming back.
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defire · 2 months
Smart whumpee stuff (EQ and IQ)
(sadistic whumper ideas included)
They can tell when they're going to break.
Knowing their own pressure points, they make up fake ones that the whumper can then enjoy "breaking", and whumpee plays along
Whumpee pretending to be defiant so that whumper is more satisfied by their submissive act
Finding ways to restore their own spirit like mantras or plans
Watching and testing whumper for weak points that they can exploit as a distraction later
Knowing or quickly learning how to tend their own wounds
When they DO break, they spill everything they've been doing. With maniacal laughter, watching whumper's shock.
An autistic that knows the layout of the compound they're trapped in just from walking through it once.
An ADHDer that's so good at thinking on their feet that they can choose a moment of chaos to disappear.
IQ whumpee knows HOW to escape but also that it's logistically impossible
EQ whumpee doesn't care if it's impossible, they know if they don't try, they'll go insane from helplessness
Or EQ whumpee that knows that the constant failure will eat at them. So they resolve to try something they might succeed at, like convincing whumper to feed them
IQ whumpee blaming their lack of proper planning for a failed escape attempt
EQ whumpee wondering why their usual make-friends thing isn't working on whumper, perhaps blaming themselves
IQ whumpee trying to convince whumper of the impracticality of continued abuse
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lumpywhump · 3 months
Hidden Scars: Chapter 1 - Kane's
heyyyy! This is like really short but I wanted to get it out soon and like this was a really good place to stop. At the end I'm just gonna have some stuff about Kane to make up for this being short, enjoyyyyy!
Cw: Whump, injuries, mention of restraints, imprisoned. (Let me know if I missed any)
The prisoner cracked open his eyes. He could feel the crust sticking to the corners. He idly stared at the concrete ceiling in front of him before sitting up. The whole room was just gray, cracked concrete. He must have woken up late because breakfast was already left on the floor. "Oatmeal," Kane grimaced, "how tasty." He dragged himself to the bowl. He was no longer chained so the servants were no longer required to put the food within arms reach. He stirred the soggy mess and took a bite. Eating out of need was his only motivation. It was redundant. Scoop, bite, scoop, bite, scoop, bite. Kane looked up at the water damaged corner. Something green was growing on it and made the air musty. Kane just took what he could get. It had been so long since the boy had seen a plant, he had almost forgotten what they looked like. He leaned back against the wall and looked at the door, longing for it to release him. Something was wrong. The door was left cracked open. Kane knew there was no way someone would have left it open on accident. It must be a trap, right? Still, the boy rose on aching legs. It was probably a test. His captor probably wants to know what he would do. And yet, Kane gently pulled the door open. No one was waiting for him in the stone hall. Kane glanced at the cameras on the wall. No doubt someone was watching him. That means the boy had to get out of there quick. He ran up the stairs to the left. He knew he was underground so the only way out is up. Kane passed a landing and froze. On the wall was a fire exit map. That was convenient. The boy followed the colored line with his finger. He had to go up two more flights and there should be a door that leads directly to the outside. His legs were already tired by the time he got to the door. He pressed the door open, praying to any and every god that an alarm wouldn't blare. The only sound was the door creaking. Kane took in the view of the garden. Shrubs and flowers lined the stone pathways. There were stunning statues dotted around. He had been outside before, but always blindfolded. Kane took a step, expecting someone to call after him. When everything remained silent, he took another step, and another, and another until he was at a side door to the gate lining the garden. There wasn't any guards there. He must have caught them in between shifts. He had heard guards out here before. Kane passed through the surprisingly unlocked door and ran. The little prinxe pushed himself as fast as he could go. Wheezing in each breath as fast as he could. He could feel the squeaking in his lungs. He ignored it. He had to focus on his feet. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Le— a blinding white pain scorched through his foot. Before they were able to see what happened, his back hit the grass and he began rolling. He kept rolling and rolling, taking in a mouthful of grass and dirt with every turn. His hip clipped a rock and he finally hit flat ground. Kane opened his eyes, squinted at the high noon sun. A head blocked the light from his eyes. "Hey, are you okay?"
Random stuff about Kane!
Siblings in age order: Jenni, (this is where Kane is), Mila, Kon, Leam, Chime, Dorre
Kane has had a hidden relationship with Basil for years. He never told his parents bc they wouldn't be cool with it. (Basil's family treats Kane like their own)
fun fact! His mom isn't his bio mom. His siblings aren't related to her either and none of them have the same bio mom (except for Kon and Leam bc they're twins)
here's the next one:
Lmao I can not figure out how to do the thing where you click on the word... so this is what you get
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whumporama · 2 months
Caretaker has finally found Whumpee, but they're in a bad state. There is no time to take care of anything right now, and they have to move quietly to avoid being detected.
The whispered "can you walk?" and "lean on me" as Whumpee tries their best to be helpful, and Caretaker half-dragging them through the dark hallways. Whumpees injuries hurt them as they move, and they can't keep the sounds of pain in.
They hear someone coming, and Caretaker quickly pulls them to the side, hiding in a small closet. Whumpee squeezes their eyes closed as they fight the pain of the sudden movement, and Caretaker pushes their hand over Whumpees mouth, apologetic, but needing them to be quiet.
Whumpee leaning forward and dropping their head on Caretakers shoulder as they muffle their groans in their jacket.
Bonus points if Whumpee is usually stoic or closed-off, and Caretaker's heart breaking to see them like this.
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jordanstrophe · 10 months
Whumper cracked open the cell as the light revealed their captive on their knees. Their hands were bound behind their back and a chain bolted to the wall wrapped around their arms and chest.
The chain was nearly off, not enough they could get free but enough they clearly struggled for a long time. 
"Almost got it off, huh?" Whumper smirked, standing over them as whumpee looked up with an exhausted expression.
"No worries. I'll tighten it for next time..."
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